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Name: 20140725_Fri_Alex
Air Date: July 25, 2014
2300 lines.

On this radio broadcast, Alex Jones and David Knight discuss various conspiracy theories and current events. Topics covered include the resignation of Ukraine's Prime Minister, government cover-ups, the ongoing border crisis in the U.S., robots being deployed to assist children, the shift towards BRICS as an alternative to the U.S. dollar, and Paul Craig Roberts' analysis on the orchestrated Ukrainian crisis. They also mention a CNN poll showing that 10% of people are ready to go to war with Russia over the downing of a Malaysian airliner. Other topics include illegal alien gang members being arrested for murder in Maryland, Central and South American presidents meeting with Obama to discuss importing children from Honduras, a German family forced to homeschool their children due to religious reasons, and the government cracking down on small businesses and small farms. The show also covers cases of individuals challenging the government, such as John Corbett with the TSA and Mark Baker with his free-range hogs in Michigan. The discussion then moves to a story about undocumented immigrants being charged with first-degree murder for killing a homeless man. The caller discusses the overload of undocumented immigrants and how it can be used for nefarious purposes, such as creating a dependency on government support. They also relate an experience in which they had CPS visit them due to someone reporting them for speaking against the government, vaccines, education system, and living conditions. The show emphasizes taking strategic fights to create change and provides resources for listeners on constitutional rights and education through NationalLibertyAlliance.org.

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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I'll be your host today on the show, and we're going to have Paul Craig Roberts joining us in the second hour.
We're going to be talking about some recent developments in the Ukraine, and in case you haven't heard, the Ukrainian Prime Minister has resigned, along with most of his supporting crew there.
That raises some interesting questions.
When governments are in a lot of trouble, as they obviously were because their coalition fell apart, what would a government in trouble resort to?
Well, we're going to talk to Paul Craig Roberts.
He has an idea about what they might do.
I have an idea.
I think maybe you have an idea as well.
We're going to explore that.
Of course, there's ongoing information about the escalating border crisis.
Of course,
Obama's not content with just incentivizing people to recklessly endanger their children and bring them here or send them here.
But he is now talking to leaders from Central American countries and there is, it's being reported from the Daily Mail as well as the Washington Post, many other sources, that he is considering that we're going to go down to Honduras and we're going to start
Processing children there and shipping them into the United States because they can't get the kids in quickly enough.
And of course there's some other information about parenting and how the government views parents and how they would like to replace parents.
You know, we have a brave new world coming up.
We have a government that is
funding research to essentially put robots with children because you know they need their own personal trainers.
They need these robots deployed.
That's their terminology from a Yale study that they're going to put in there.
Of course, they're saying they're not going to replace humans.
No, they're not, right?
That's not the goal.
That's always been the goal of governments, to replace parents.
They try to do it as much as they can in as many ways as they can.
Of course, going back to Aristotle and Plato, they wanted to make sure that children didn't even know who their parents were.
So the kids' only loyalty was to the state.
And of course, one of the things that they want to have these robots help their children with is teaching them English as a second language.
That kind of tips their hand a little bit, doesn't it?
I've been saying all along that a large part of why they want to bring younger children in is because they want to make sure that if they don't have any parents, truly don't have any parents, or if they've only got a single mother, that the government is going to be the main influence on them.
They're going to treat them very well initially.
They're going to provide them lavishly with schools, or I should say
You and I will provide them with that.
We already see in New York, they say that 10% of the schools now have jumped up to being illegal immigrants.
How are the local governments going to be able to pay for the increased schools?
And that's as far north as New York.
Of course, it is much worse in areas that are closer to the border.
So who's going to pay for all this?
Well, it turns out that we're looking to see the BRICS.
We had a report last night on the nightly news that one fellow believes that one of the reasons they were spying on Germany was because they were concerned that Germany is now going to join the BRICS.
That's Brazil, Russia, India, China.
And South America, they're setting up their own IMF fund, they're setting up their own banking system, their own currency.
They want to remove themselves from the dollar dominance, from the petrodollar, from everything being priced in the dollar.
Once that happens, once people start moving out of our currency, it's going to create a crushing economic depression.
That's another thing we'll talk to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts about.
Mainly want to talk to him about the Ukraine, but I want to get his take on that as well.
The move to BRICS and what that spells for the American economy.
And of course they're going to double down with this massive expansion of the entitlement state.
And so we've also got some reports from
We've got some reports from Joe Biggs that's down at the border.
A lot of things coming up today.
We've got news on many different fronts.
So check back with us.
We'll be right back after this break.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
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Security alert.
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Not just this July 4th weekend, but the entire
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
On this Friday, July 25, 2014, we've got a lot of news to cover today.
We've got Paul Craig Roberts going to be joining us in the second hour.
He's got an article up on Infowars.com.
Washington is escalating the orchestrated Ukrainian crisis to a war.
Of course, they keep talking about Russian aggression.
Just keep repeating that phrase over and over again until everybody wants to go to war.
And of course, the CNN poll that was released earlier this week shows that already,
CNN, the mainstream media, and the Washington drumbeat has gotten 10% of the people saying they're ready to go to war with Russia.
Over what?
Over the accidental shooting of a airliner going down.
Of course, that's happened before.
Ukraine actually shot down a Russian jetliner back in 2001.
You may not have noticed that because it happened right after everything that happened September 11th.
It was just in October the following month that they accidentally shot down a Russian passenger plane.
Commercial airliner and it took them a long time to admit that they had actually done it But of course that's happened in the past.
We've done it in the past The US Navy accidentally shot down an Iranian passenger airliner so that sort of thing can happen It can also be a false flag and today we learn
That the Ukrainian Prime Minister, as well as most of his cabinet, has resigned.
Their coalition fell apart.
They were in trouble economically, politically, militarily in that very area.
If they're in trouble militarily, if they're losing in that area, if they're having their planes shot down and they're getting reversed in that area, what would a government
That is falling apart, resort to?
The young woman got angry and left, and then came back with several of her friends who, now it turns out, were MS-13 gang members.
Now, this female that he got into the argument with was actually 17 years old.
So, according to NPR and according to the narrative that the administration is putting out there, she was actually an unaccompanied child.
Even though these people are part of MS-13.
Of course, we reported last week that there was a group of baby Zetas that were picked up that were in Central America still.
This was on a Spanish language feed.
The head of this gang of 10 baby Zetas was 16 years old.
His girlfriend ran it with him.
She was 13 years old.
So these 10 baby Zetas, people like these MS-13 gang members who just beat this homeless man to death,
These are the unaccompanied minors.
And of course, they're the kind of minors who could make that trip across Central America unaccompanied.
I don't think there's very many children in diapers who are capable of doing that.
Not any real children as you and I would think of them, elementary school aged children that are making that journey unaccompanied.
There's something else going on with this narrative, but of course we keep hearing over and over again that it is strictly children, that that's the only
We're good to go.
You know, there's two types of people.
There's the people who break everybody into two types of people and those who don't.
Well, her two types of people were, they were either migrants who were coming here to be reunited with their family.
Of course, their family isn't citizens, then they're still illegal aliens.
But then the other thing she said was they're refugees from violence.
What she did not talk about was people who are actually coming here and bringing violence in, who are bringing in these young gang members.
We've talked about that over and over again.
Of course, the media tries to avoid that as much as possible.
And as Adan pointed out in this article,
You had to watch the video to even know that these people that beat this homeless man to death, you had to watch the video to know that they were illegal immigrants.
They put it nowhere in the article.
They basically hit it, just mentioned it very quickly that they were illegal immigrants.
Now when I mentioned about that group of 10 baby Zetas, where the leader was 16 years old and his girlfriend who co-led with him was 13 years old,
What they were doing was kidnapping people.
They would then videotape them being tortured, and in the cases, even after the people paid the ransom, they videotaped themselves torturing, mutilating, and killing these people, and not turning them over to the people who had paid the ransom.
These are the kinds of hardened criminals that are being imported into this country, and of course now Obama is meeting with Central and South American presidents.
They're looking at having
The American government go down to Honduras and essentially vet children there, essentially import them into this country, so they don't have to make this dangerous journey.
This is a, always you see the government doubling down, certainly under Obama.
Rather than correcting the problem, he's going to go down there, they built this narrative saying, this is simply children who need to get out of violence.
This is the narrative that they've been repeating over and over and over again.
And when we have people like Glenn Beck go to the border and hand out teddy bears, he's reinforcing that narrative that it is simply children and we just need to open our hearts and open our hands to them.
If you want to help them, fine.
Do it privately.
Don't blow your horn and trumpet your good works in front of everybody.
Because when you do that, all you're doing is feeding this phony narrative that it's only children who are coming in.
Now, of course, Obama is incentivizing it.
He's creating anchor babies.
Well, anchor babies have already been here.
He's created anchor teens, essentially, but he's creating actually anchor fetuses.
We were told and reported just last week that Border Patrol agents have been told that they are not to
Turn away any women who say that they are pregnant.
If they merely assert that they're pregnant, they get a free pass into the country.
And of course they have no way to determine if they're pregnant or not.
Now, to contrast that to an amazing...
Difference in the way that Americans are treated.
Take a look at this journalist who went on a family vacation to Canada.
This is a journalist from Reason Magazine.
His name is Roger Van Bakel of Reason.com.
He went up into Canada after a vacation in Maine, and as they were looking at his passports, they asked him if he had a letter of permission for his children, who also had passports, to travel with him.
Now, from what I'm looking at this, the first thing I remember was I had gone to Canada as a child.
I never had a passport.
And we didn't need passports to go back and forth on that border.
I remember in 2002, after everybody started to get paranoid about everything, after September 11th, they started stepping up security, obviously.
We still were able to take our children.
We had passports at the time.
Our children had passports at the time because we had gone abroad, but we didn't take them with us.
We didn't really think we needed them to go into Canada.
And the Canadian government didn't require it.
We were able to pass into Canada and just show them our driver's license and they looked at us and said, fine, you can go.
When we came back, however, we were treated like terrorist suspects.
We got the going over just like this guy did.
They almost didn't let us back in.
I didn't know at that point that they were requiring passports, but this guy
Has been asked by the Border Patrol agents if he's got permission to travel and he kind of pushed back on that question and then they got angry.
He said, I realized then that just a little bit of pushback was all these guys needed to get them going.
They got him out of the car, they got very aggressive with him, started searching his car and he says, all right, I'm going to videotape this for my own protection when he did that.
They physically took it out of his hand and got very aggressive with him.
He says, wait a minute.
As a journalist, I can tell the world in writing whatever questions you're asking.
And he says, in the U.S., anybody has that right.
It's certainly not against the law.
What's the difference between that and recording the conversation?
Now, notice what the guy did.
First of all, he made him delete it, or he wasn't going to let him go.
But once he did delete the conversation, he told him he could go.
We've seen that over and over and over again.
If the government is doing something that they don't have any legal authority to do, if they're doing it under cover of law, and you challenge them...
Time and again, they will let you go.
I want to point out, many of you might have remembered the Rameke family.
That's the German family who came here and got asylum in the United States because they were fleeing the German homeschooling laws.
You see, in Germany, they still have the anti-homeschooling laws that Adolf Hitler wrote.
Adolf Hitler wrote the first laws to criminalize education, especially for parents to educate their own children.
Those laws are still on the books, and they're very rough with parents who want to
We're good to go.
Put the children in government school and the government still would not return custody of their children to the family.
So this family immigrated to the United States.
They sought asylum.
They were granted asylum by an immigration judge.
And everything seemed to be okay.
They said they were fleeing religious persecution.
They were homeschooling for religious reasons.
And then Eric Holder got involved.
And Eric Holder tried to overturn that immigration judge's asylum order.
They took it all the way to the Supreme Court.
They decided they were going to fight, and Homeschool Legal Defense Association represented them, as they do most homeschoolers.
If you homeschool, you really need to be a member of this organization.
They took it all the way to the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court said they weren't going to hear it, and the next day, Homeland Security said, that's okay, we're going to give you permission to stay here.
Not any other German
I don't know.
You can't have either of those if you don't have freedom of education.
We're going to be right back because I want you to understand how this applies.
This has happened over and over and over again.
If you fight them, they might let you go, but they're not going to change the law.
They will stop it before it gets to that point.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight, and we were talking just before the break about this family that went into Canada, and when they came back they were asked, they had their passports, but they were asked if they had permission to take their children with them.
And the guy who was actually a reporter for a reason said, uh, do I need to have permission for my children?
And at that point they got kind of horsey with him, they started to inspect their car, and he says, alright, I'm going to record this for my own protection,
That then turned them violent.
And so they seized his phone.
They demanded that they were going to delete the tape of the incident.
But he said, hey, I have the freedom to do this.
I can write about this.
I'm a journalist.
I can write about anything you say or do.
And it's the same principle.
Of course, it's been upheld over and over again that we do have a right to record.
This is
Under color of law, illegal actions and intimidation by government agents.
And we see this over and over again.
And we see that when you push back against them, they let you go.
I was just talking about how the German family, of course, this highlights also the hypocrisy of what they're doing, saying that they're trying to reunite immigrant children with their parents who are in the States, and yet they were going to send this
Family who is homeschooling for religious reasons back to Germany where the government was going to take the children away from the parents as they've done in the past as they fought it all the way the Supreme Court even when the Supreme Court said we're not going to hear it then they said all right you can you can keep them we've seen this happen over and over again look at John Corbett who challenged the TSA
And then he got a pass to get on planes after that, after he sued them multiple times.
We've got Mark Baker, Baker's Green Acres in Michigan.
He had all of his hogs taken away.
They said, your hogs because you are free-range raising your hogs outside and they then grow hair.
He said,
These are feral hogs, so we're going to take these away.
They don't look like the pigs that we have in the factory pork system, so we're going to take them away.
He fought them for years, and he would have been bankrupted, except that he got contributions from other people.
But they took those breeds of pigs away from all of the other Michigan farmers.
But they eventually caved at the last minute.
After fighting him for three years, after coming very close to bankrupting him for this legal fight, they eventually at the last minute just backed off and said, okay, you're not going to be subject to these regulations, but everybody else is.
So they leave the illegal law there.
They stop it at the court system.
They don't want it to go through.
They don't want to set a precedent.
They don't want to have the law overturned.
They just make exceptions for people who fight them.
We saw the same thing at the Bundy Ranch.
The BLM had already driven all of the other ranchers out of business, just like the Michigan Department of Agriculture had driven out all these other free-range hog producers out of business.
And yet, what do they do?
They just come back and say, for you, we'll make an exception, but not for anybody else.
We're going to leave our illegal actions in place.
Now, Obama, if you haven't heard, is meeting with
Heads of Central American States, and they are now looking at having children brought into this country.
We, the American public, the American government, will fly children in from Honduras, giving them refugee status.
But they will not give refugee status to a single family that comes here because they're going to have their children taken away from them if they educate them at home.
That's the kind of dichotomy we see.
We see that the government does not want people to have control over their children.
To that end, they have come up with an idea.
They're actually giving $10 million to Yale University to fund personal robot trainers for children.
And listen to the way they talk about this.
They talk about deploying these robots into homes.
That's actually their phrase.
I was up on the Drudge Report.
He highlighted that.
They're going to deploy these robots into homes and they're going to teach them English as a second language.
See, that's a large part of why they want to import these young children.
They want to get them and they want to control them.
The government wants to get rid of parents.
I think?
We want the robots to be able to guide the children toward a behavior that we desire.
Who would that we be?
Is that the parents or is that going to be the government setting those priorities?
He says, the need for this technology is driven by critical societal problems that require sustained personalized support.
To supplement the efforts of educators, parents, and clinicians.
See, they kind of put the parents in there, in the middle, in between the educators and the psychologists.
You know, Melissa Harris-Perry said, you got to get over this idea that you own your own children.
No, you don't.
You know, so what role do they see for parents?
I don't know, because they're saying that they want these robots to help them learn better eating habits, social cognitive skills.
So what is it that parents are supposed to do?
I don't know.
Maybe they tuck them in at night.
It's not really clear.
But what is clear is they want to build a healthy relationship, he says, of trust and respect between the child and the robot.
Not between the child and the parent.
What would Sarah Connor do?
We're gonna be right back.
Stay with us.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to be taking your calls.
The number is 800-259-9231.
That's 800-259-9231.
Call us and let us know what you think about what's going on in the Ukraine, what's going on at our border.
What's going on in your life?
What are you concerned about?
What is the thing that you're most concerned about?
As you see, the American economy, the American rule of law being attacked on multiple fronts.
That's coming up.
We're going to have Paul Craig Roberts joining us at the next hour.
We're going to be talking about what's going on in Ukraine.
And of course, he was an economist in the Reagan administration.
We'll be talking to him about the economic challenges that we're up against as well.
You know, it's been two years since I came to InfoWars, and it's amazing to me to see how much it has changed.
How many reporters we've hired, things like the new studio, we're trying to get the nightly news syndicated out to multiple television stations.
The ability to be able to go out and cover things like the Bundy Ranch, like the Asymmetric Warfare Center.
We've got reporters right now down at the border covering that, showing you what the border looks like.
From both the air, going through the border, taking a video camera, walking through the border.
That's the sort of thing that we can only do with your help, with your support.
And you've been very good about doing that.
What we have decided to do here is, of course, we don't depend
On the government to give us funding.
What we've decided to do is to offer you primarily health products.
Because we know that there's a war on your health as well.
So Alex has come up with a line of health products.
We have subscriptions to the PrisonPlanet.tv.
You can support us with that operation.
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Now as we were just talking before the break about
The government doing things under the color of law that they don't really have the authority to do.
This story out of a website called the organicprepper.ca.
This is the Michigan Department of Agriculture.
And again, I mentioned that how they came down on the hog farmers, put all of them but one out of business.
He fought them for years and nearly bankrupt him.
And finally, they say, all right, you can keep them, but nobody else can have that particular type of pig.
And of course they maintained that they were a feral specie because they had hair on them.
Well, they had hair on them because he was looking for that kind of specie because he had them free-range instead of packing them into a small factory environment.
But look what they did now to this food co-op.
Michigan Department of Agriculture forces a farmer to dump 248 gallons of organic milk
And break 1,200 free-range eggs.
Now, it's not just busting the eggs.
They watched them as they broke each individual egg.
That's 100 dozen eggs.
And they watched them break every single egg.
And then they made them take this organic milk
And spray it.
And they watched that.
They witnessed it to make sure that they were spraying it.
They also destroyed an undisclosed amount of fresh cream, butter, and cheese.
This is something we're seeing over and over again.
And of course, what they said was, you don't have a license to sell this food.
And they said, well, we're not selling it.
We're not retailing it.
We're a co-op.
And they said, well, we don't like your paperwork.
They ask, why is it that when they make real food on a real farm, why is that a crime?
Why is fresh food being treated like it was crystal meth?
That's the point they made.
And of course, the reality is that just like raw milk, why they crack down on raw milk, it was to protect the factory milk producers, Big Agra.
They didn't want the competition of fresh organic milk, and so they started coming after them primarily in the states like Wisconsin, where they had a big dairy industry, but it's not just that.
They don't want us to own anything.
The large corporations don't want any competition.
And one of the ways that you make sure you don't have any competition is to make sure that nobody else actually owns anything, has any property, has any businesses.
We know how this has worked out when it's done to the extreme.
Look at Hugo Chavez's socialist paradise of Venezuela.
Bloomberg has pointed out multiple times and bragged about what a good investment Venezuela is for bondholders.
How they've gotten nearly 700 percent, I think it was 681 percent, nearly 700 percent return on their investments.
And you have bankers saying, this is great, they understand where their first priority is.
Their first priority is their sovereign debt.
Meanwhile, in the same article, they're pointing out that the people are having to go to other countries in order to get water.
in order to get medicine because they have taken everything from they've destroyed all private property that's what socialism does communism and socialism on the bottom but on the top it's crony capitalism that's what we're getting here we're seeing small
Businesses, small farms being driven out of business so that the big agri, big corporations, big banks have a total monopoly on what's going on.
And it's not just there where they're going after illegal goods.
You know, there's also an article that comes out of truthandaction.org.
Department of Homeland Security will pay you $500 to rat out your fellow citizens who are buying legal goods.
Legal goods.
They're not even trying to say that they are illegal.
They're saying that these are things like they could use for survival.
Things like ammunition.
MREs, that's meals ready to eat, flashlights, match containers, gas masks, and other things that they think might be something a prepper would use.
So, if you see somebody doing that, if you see something like that, you need to say something about that.
You need to report people like that.
You need to snitch on them.
Here's the thing.
When I was researching the Asymmetric Warfare Center before Joe Biggs and I went there, I saw these people talking about the asymmetric warfare that they were conducting in Iraq at the time, and talking about many different places where they had gone in.
They said, the way that you tell, and these are people, these are the generals who had fought there, they said, the way that you tell whether a government is legitimate or not is based on the amount of force it needs to apply in order to stay in power.
I think that applies here.
We see that being escalated so much more as our government starts to get into so many different areas where they have no legitimate authority.
And also, I think you could extend that and say that as the government becomes increasingly paranoid about its own citizens,
It's up to something.
It's not only not legitimate when it needs a lot of force to keep people in line, but when it is building force, you know that they've got something illegitimate down the pike that they're getting ready to do.
So another story, we covered the one from Adon Salazar that was linked to on the Drudge Report about these illegal alien gang members arrested for murder of a homeless man earlier.
I want to play you the clip that was on the radio program.
As we pointed out,
In the article, they didn't say that these were illegal aliens.
They only mention it very quickly in the clip, and you have to listen carefully for it because they don't use those terms, illegal aliens.
They use the preferred term of the government, of the mainstream media, and that is undocumented immigrants.
Here's that clip.
92-year-old Margie Hargrove says her heart has been broken by the murder of her grandson.
A beautiful boy.
He wouldn't bother nobody.
Yet these six young people, ranging in age from 17 to 23, several of the members of the notorious MS-13 gang, killed Jones early Tuesday morning along this stretch of Huron Avenue in Suitland.
Investigators believe Jones said something offensive to the 17-year-old girl, and she went to her fellow gang members for help.
Bottom line is, it's 6-0-1, yes.
And we ultimately learned, after autopsy, that he was stabbed several times in the upper body, which caused his death.
The six young people, all undocumented immigrants, are charged with first-degree murder.
The end result of a fight Margie Hargrove says Amos Jones wouldn't have started.
He never tried to pick a fight.
He never bothered people enough for them to kill him.
Well, the six young people charged in this case are all being held without bond.
In Prince George's County, Brad Bell, ABC7 News.
The six young people who did that, of course, one of them, the lady who began the argument with the 56-year-old homeless man that was beaten to death, was, as I reported earlier, 17 years old.
That means that she is one of those children.
Yeah, I got a lot to say.
You know, I think if people took a big step back and looked at the whole big picture, we are being infiltrated.
And it's not just a matter of bringing in immigrants.
These people that they're bringing in are eventually going to be used against us to tear the infrastructure of the country down from within.
They're going to be catered to.
I mean, average American citizens now, we're, I mean, you might as well call an American citizen an illegal alien, because we're treated worse
Then, they are.
Oh, absolutely.
Over and over again, we point that out.
Look at what happened to that journalist, who had, he had, he wasn't an undocumented immigrant, he wasn't an undocumented traveler, he had a passport for himself, for his family, and then they hassle him a little bit more.
Well, do you have permission to travel with your children?
And that's the kind of games that they play.
But this is a strategy to take down the country.
As we pointed out, they strategized about this back in the 1960s.
Cloward and Piven, two socialists, wrote that what they needed to do in order to remake the country into their socialist paradise was they needed to destroy the economy to take it down first and then they could rebuild it.
You see that?
Over and over again.
That is always talked about.
They even put that in the Captain America movie.
That you have to destroy the country before you can rebuild it.
Well, the way they wanted to destroy the country was to overload the entitlement system.
The welfare system.
And that's what we're seeing right now.
That's what this is all about.
That whole system's going to implode on itself, and the very people that are going to be getting those freebies are going to become slaves to that system, in my opinion, and they're just going to do whatever they're told.
And to a free-thinking individual, I mean, this is like textbook 1984.
Wars aren't meant to be won, they're just meant to be continued.
And it's global, it's in every country, and I think if we all just took back, I mean, the information is right there in front of us.
It's all over the place, and the average person, I call them veg-heads, because they haven't got a clue, because they just like their stuff.
Oh, absolutely.
Thank you, Joe.
Let's go to Carl in Texas.
Hi, David.
Thanks for having me on.
I couldn't agree more.
It's definitely a calculated takedown going by stealth.
In the past few years I've taken some steps to kind of counter it using similar tactics in terms of stealth.
A lot of the times when I engage people talking about these issues, immigration and a lot of the other things, the gun confiscation, I use the term thought exercise because I'm trying to engage what's left of people's critical sense and kind of make it as if it's their idea.
And give them, like, you know, the hypothetical and then bring it into reality for them.
Or at least try to, you know, give them a little bit of fuel for the fires that I'm trying to start in their minds.
So what do you think, Carl, about this situation of Obama going down to Honduras and he's going to essentially identify children that he wants to bring back in the United States and then ship them back in so they don't have to make the dangerous journey?
What about the danger to our children when we bring in
People allow MS-13 gang members to come to the border when we allow this violent drug war that we've created actually.
We created this in Central and South America with our war on drugs and now we're bringing that violence into our country because we're allowing the borders to be wide open and bring in these, let these gang members come in and even give them special benefits.
Of course these MS-13
Minors who are under a certain age, they're going to be able to go to any university that they want to.
Anywhere in the country.
Get in-state tuition or a full free ride.
That'll be a great place for them to start their drug war.
Start a new turf war with existing drugs.
They can go into the universities and they're going to, as students, have access to other students to sell them drugs.
Yeah, it's a, you know, who's, who's he, is he president of Honduras?
Is he president of Central America?
I mean, it just is, it's like I said, it's too much of an overload to be coincidence.
That's, you know, it would be one thing if you could trust these people to be doing things out of the kindness of the heart.
They're not.
That's a carefully orchestrated plan.
It's been going on for a long time now.
And I mean, you know, we're aware of it, but they've been, they've been sneaking things in.
I'm trying right now actually to at least counter them culturally.
I've been brushing up on my Spanish and I'm trying to engage a lot of these, a lot of people that are here, a lot of people that have been coming here, and trying to at least bring them around to the classic Americana and the reasons why we have what's left of our stability.
Well, that's great.
That's what we need to do.
But see, when they bring in children so that they get a first crack at them for a number of years before they turn them out, when they bring in children who don't speak English, it makes it all that more difficult for us to have an impact on them.
And that's by design.
That's why they want to do it that way.
That's why they're funding these programs to put robots in homes, because they don't want you, even at home, having any influence on your children.
Thank you so much, Carl.
Let's go to Lance in Washington.
It's an honor to speak with you.
Thanks for taking my call.
Oh, thank you for calling.
I wanted to reiterate how important it is to do it from the grassroots.
I carry open up here in Washington State and my neighbors and I have gotten two drug houses shut down through the city and one house that was a old coach's house on a property of the school board.
We got it bulldozed and it only took like three months from the get-go of starting it up.
So, go to city council meetings, get to know your neighbors.
That's a good point.
I think that is really the key.
We cannot, we cannot count on our elected representatives to stand up for us.
They've shown over and over again that they will not do that.
We can't elect somebody as president.
That's not going, that's going to solve the problems.
We have to take responsibility just like you're saying, Lance, and we have to do that
At home, in our community, if we will stand up and do that, that's when it'll get done.
If we go to, if we take our notice of jury trial, we go there as an informed juror and we stand up for the rights of our fellow citizen, that's going to be far more effective to nullify bad laws than it is going to be to try to get anyone elected.
We see over and over again how spineless they are.
We just had a case, this is Representative Ryan, who went before the Federal Election Commission, asked
For permission to promote his political book as a fundraiser and essentially has changed what was a fundamental free speech right into a government-granted privilege with restrictions.
And we're going to talk about that coming up after the break.
Thank you so much Lance in Washington.
We're going to be right back with your calls and more news.
Stay with us.
Paul Craig Roberts at the top of the hour.
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He's gone
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're taking your calls this segment.
In the next hour, we're going to be talking to Paul Craig Roberts, economist, author, and he's got a lot to say about what's going on in Ukraine.
Right now, in the last segment, we talked to someone, Lance of Washington.
He was talking about how he was taking control, changing things at a local level.
That's really where it's going to happen.
Of course, we've heard it many times.
Think globally, act locally.
That's the people who are trying to set up a global regime.
We need to, if we want to think about liberty, we need to act locally.
Not try to create a new world order by acting locally, but let's try to create a climate of freedom.
One of the ways we do that, of course, one of the most powerful things we can do is inform ourselves and others about our rights and duties as jurors.
We have to understand that we're there not just to judge the facts of the case, but to judge the law as well.
That's one of the most effective ways that we can shut down this tyranny.
One of the things that illustrates why we can't depend on our elected representatives, I think, is what happened with the FEC this week.
Now, we had Congressman Paul Ryan, one of the leaders of the GOP,
Who wrote a book.
This is part of his re-election campaign.
That's what politicians do.
They write these little boilerplate books and they sell them or they have people buy them and that's the way they pass money into their campaign.
He wanted to buy his own books and hand them out to supporters.
They've been doing this all along.
He decided, though, that he was going to ask permission from the FEC to exercise his First Amendment rights.
And, of course, the FEC is the Federal Elections Commission.
And so, back on July the 3rd, he asked them for an advisory opinion.
Well, they got the opinion this week.
One of the commissioners is very upset.
That's Chairman Lee Goodman, a Republican, said that by failing to affirm his constitutional right, his statutory right, to disseminate a political book free from FEC conditions and regulations, we have effectively asserted regulatory jurisdiction over a book publisher.
They changed the First Amendment right into a government-granted privilege with restrictions.
Now, understand the background of this.
They wanted the FEC to affirm that the book and its publisher were exempt from the kind of federal regulations, what's called the media exemption.
And what that does is that allows us in the media to interview a candidate and to talk about different things in editorials and television channels, other outlets, say whatever we want to about political figures without having to worry about campaign finance regulations.
That is very, very important.
That is going to have really major repercussions if they were able to shut that down.
And so, it's really sad to see that the Republicans would turn this fundamental right into a privilege by the FEC.
...cowering before them because, of course, they're afraid of their power.
And, of course, because the Congress has abdicated its authority to write the laws of this country to these bureaucracies like the FEC, like the IRS, like the BLM, you name it, the EPA.
They write their own laws.
Not our elected representatives.
We now have legislation without representation and even our elected representatives cower before these bureaucracies and so did this chairman who basically had a problem with this and yet he voted along with everybody else.
The election committee, the FEC
Approved this regulation by six to nothing.
That means that the guy who's criticizing it voted for it.
You understand?
He voted for it.
Listen to this.
They, what they said, they ruled that while he can have his campaign and his PAC can buy books and give them out, the promotion on his website has to be limited to just two sentences.
Just two sentences.
Of course, they didn't put those kind of limitations on Hillary Clinton or on her book.
And the two sentences is totally arbitrary.
As a story here on Communities Digital News had those quotes from Paul Ryan and from the Commissioner.
This is how democracy dies.
We have spineless leaders doing this type of thing.
It's why you have to work locally, why you can't count on these people to stand up for your freedoms.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host on this Friday, July 25th, 2014.
Now, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is going to be our guest in the rest of the hour, beginning with the next segment.
Of course, he's an American economist, columnist.
He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during the Reagan administration.
We're going to be talking to him about the situation in the Ukraine, primarily.
We've been talking about a lot of different subjects in the last hour and wanted to take some of your calls.
One of the things we talked about was how differently
The administration treated homeschoolers, a homeschooling family, who came here as refugees.
We hear that they have to go now to Honduras and send refugees from the violence.
Violence that I would argue we have created with our war on drugs in Central and South America.
Now the children are being brought into America, the borders are being opened up for those violent multinational gangs to come in.
But it's all about compassion for the children, we're told, and yet there was no such compassion for this family who came here, was granted asylum by an immigration judge, and then hounded by Eric Holder and the Department of Justice all the way to the Supreme Court.
And as they continued to fight, as it looked like they were going to lose, they basically just...
Put up their hands and let them go.
And as I mentioned, we've seen this over and over and over again.
When they're doing something under color of law that they know that they're going to lose the case, they basically give that individual a free pass and say, that's all right.
You're making a problem.
We're going to let you go, but we're going to come after everybody else.
And I want to take some of your calls here in the few minutes that we've got in this segment before we go to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
Let's go to Lorene in Ohio.
You said you wanted to talk about homeschooling.
Go ahead, Lorene.
Hey, I just wanted to give you an example of how this works.
I had CPS show up in my driveway.
Somebody had reported me.
They said, we hear you're talking bad about the government, that you're talking against
We're good to go.
This is a corporate government.
This is not even a democracy.
It never was a democracy.
It was a republic where all people were equal under the law.
But there are two forms of government running in the administrative jurisdiction that most people as US citizens find themselves in.
Are subject to the rules, codes, regulations, and statutes that are written by the corporate government.
They have a right to tell their slaves what to do.
And that's why in the 14th Amendment it says all persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof.
That's because there are some people that are not subject to the jurisdiction thereof.
Those are the free men.
When this country was established, the Constitution was written as a body of negative law to control the maids and the butlers.
They're the ones who have the rules.
We, the men, will free kings.
After the war of aggression of the corporations against the several states, which they called the Civil War, it wasn't a civil war.
It was the corporations wanting to use the southern land for collateral.
And when they said no, they brought the force.
But the point is, they flipped it at that point.
At that point they said, all you U.S.
citizens, remember they freed
Exactly, Lauren, and you know what they're doing is, over and over again, and they're getting even more obvious about it, whenever they do something under color of law, if they can intimidate you to do it, if they can intimidate you to follow them, they will use that threat of force.
Many times they will use force, and they've used it over and over again.
Of course, they're using it more frequently, they're building for it, they're building a crisis, and they're going to use that as an opportunity.
They will use force against you, but they will also try to intimidate you.
That's why it's so important for you to know your rights, to know that you have a right to film them, to know that you have all these other rights.
We're going to be taking your calls later in the third hour.
Coming up after the break, we're going to be talking to Paul Craig Roberts, of course, the former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, about what's going on in Ukraine, as well as what's going on in our economy.
So stay with us, we'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, live in the studio this Friday, July 25th, 2014.
My guest coming up in this segment is Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, American economist, columnist.
He's former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during the Reagan administration.
He's also famous as the co-founder of Reaganomics, and we want to talk to him about what's going on in Ukraine.
Get his take on it.
We have a story up on Infowars.com today.
Washington is escalating the orchestrated Ukrainian crisis, quote-unquote, into a war.
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Let's go to Dr. Roberts on the line.
Dr. Roberts, thank you for joining us.
That's my pleasure, David.
I wanted to talk to you about this crisis.
We have another article with a headline that was written by Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Institute.
General Breedlove or Dr. Strangelove?
I mean it is like they are pushing this like we have never seen before.
Trying to push us not only into a revived Cold War but actually into a nuclear war.
Trying to push for war with Russia and of course CNN was
Happy about the fact that in their recent survey they found that they've already got 10% of the Americans who want to go to war with Russia over an airliner that was shot down.
Shot down most likely by the United States controlled puppet government in Kiev.
Yes, yes, yes.
And what would they have to gain from this?
I mean, we just learned within the last 24 hours that the Prime Minister in Ukraine, most of his cabinet, has resigned.
Their coalition has fallen apart.
They were losing militarily in that area.
So what would...
What possible motive could they have to stage a false flag attack or to try to profit from this and make what may have been, either it was a false flag or it was a tragic accident, try to turn that into a stage for a war, another Lusitania or another Maine or something?
Well, I don't think the Kiev government has anything to gain by it.
But it's not an independent government, it's a creation of Washington.
You have to remember the government resulted from the Washington orchestrated coup against the existing government that was overseen by Victoria Nuland.
And the people who took power from the formerly elected government that was overthrown, they were Washington's selection.
They were chosen by Victoria Nuland.
So it's a puppet government, and you can understand that if Washington is trying to cause strategic problems for Russia, and if Washington is trying to break off Russian economic and political relationships with Europe, which have been growing, much to Washington's unease, then
Having an airliner come down with civilians and blaming Russia and demonizing Russia, that gives Washington pressure to apply to the European countries that are unwilling at this time to follow Washington's policy of imposing sanctions
On Russia that would break up the European Russian economic relationships.
So clearly Washington would have a motive.
Now, of course, we don't know that Washington is any more responsible than the Russians.
It may have been some form of accident or miscalculation.
We do know that the Ukrainian government, though, was split.
You know, you had the American stooges that were groomed to look publicly acceptable, and then you had the extreme right-wing elements that have roots back to the Nazis.
And those parts of the government apparently are in disagreement because the reason the government failed was the right-wing elements pulled out.
If the reports I've seen are correct, you never know.
And so you have the conflict within the puppet government and then you have Washington's management of this conflict.
We know that Washington does have
The Russians have released their satellite photos.
And the only real evidence we have are those photos because Washington so far refuses to release its satellite photos.
Yeah, there's been amazing back and forth going on between the press.
Matt Lee going after the State Department spokesman and saying,
Release your information.
Are you seriously saying that the only thing that you have to go on to pin this on the Russians is social media?
And we've already seen yesterday it surfaced that there was a month-old video.
If they're going to just go with social media, there's a month-old video from YouTube that had somebody saying a month ago that they were concerned because the plane that they were in was being tailed by
Ukrainian fighters and that they dropped some bombs and then pulled away and said, hey, they could set us up, get us shot down doing something like that.
So if we're just going to have social media as our only standard, that is something people need to weigh that against.
But people just don't find that credible that the American government would have no satellite pictures that they're willing to share of this.
And of course, the Ukrainian government has
Well, what we know is, whatever it was, the calls of the airline are coming down.
What has now happened is, even though Obama had to permit U.S.
intelligence to issue a statement to reporters that there was no evidence directly connecting Russia to the downing of the airliner,
This is already now buried under the assertions and reassertions of Russian aggression, Russian aggression.
So we have two things going on that really point toward a major war.
One is Breedlove.
He's a four-star general and NATO commander, American.
And he has a plan that he is presenting at the NATO Summit in September that requires enormous buildup of military stockpiles equipment on the Russian border such that troops could instantly attack Russia in mass.
So he is mobilizing his plan is to
Uh, provide the provisions of supplies necessary for a massive response to Russia.
Of course, the excuse is it will be to forestall or deal with a Russian incursion from Russian aggression.
But we don't have any evidence of any Russian war plans to attack Europe.
We don't see any statements of Russian expansionism.
We don't see
Any statements that the Russians see themselves as exceptional and indispensable people.
And you know, in light of that, Dr. Roberts, it's even worse than the Cuban Missile Crisis.
I mean, we were aggressively trying to expand things at the time, and yet, you know, when the Soviet Union starts moving missiles right up to our country, right there in Cuba,
It got pushed back.
We're now doing the same thing, even with less reason than the Russians had initially to put missiles in Cuba.
We're doing that to the Russians now.
And of course, when a journalist told Vladimir Putin in a press conference that, of course, we're not amassing these forces on your border, it doesn't have anything to do with you, he laughed at her.
He knows what this is about.
Yeah, I hope so.
So, we have that.
And then we have the Senate Bill 2277, I think is the number.
And this bill is co-sponsored so far by 22 U.S.
And it says that, well, what it's about, it's got three titles.
I describe it in my column.
But it's about equipping NATO, beeping up American military presence on Russian borders, supporting the American financed NGOs inside Russia, you know, putting more money so that they can be used as fifth columns in the way that they were used in Kiev against the elected government.
It's about upping the propaganda.
About Russia, piping more propaganda into the Russian Federation, and preparing for war.
It's essentially about preparing for war.
So it matches the breed love suggestion.
Now, why is this happening?
Well, we have information that among policy circles in Washington,
There is the belief that at this time the United States has such a strategic superiority over Russia that the United States can win a nuclear war.
And that this strategic superiority is not permanent because Russia is making a comeback under Putin and they're rapidly improving their military and that should we use this superiority now?
That is really key, Dr. Roberts.
We want to continue on that.
The fact that they believe that they've got a window of opportunity here to win a nuclear war.
We're talking to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury and the Reagan Administration.
We're going to be right back.
Looks like they think they can win a nuclear war, so they're pushing for it.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Iden in studio and I have on the line Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, American economist and columnist and former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during the Reagan administration and co-founder of Reaganomics.
Dr. Roberts, just before we went to break you had a bombshell statement.
I want you to repeat that again.
We're talking about General Breedlove and you were saying that
You believe that they think they've got a window of opportunity to win a nuclear war here with Russia, that this isn't just about reviving the Cold War for the military-industrial complex's profits, but they actually want to push into a confrontation that certainly looks like that.
But go ahead, I want you to continue with that.
If you could restate that, because that's very important.
This isn't new or anything.
In fact, one of the articles is available
It's in the Foreign Affairs, the publication of the Council on Foreign Relations, which is one of the main vehicles where U.S.
foreign policy is discussed and worked out.
And there's an article there, it's several years old, I don't really remember, in which it explicitly makes clear
That the United States has this advantage, that there's a window of opportunity, that the advantage is so great that the United States can initiate war with Russia, win, and be rid of the threat of another global power coming on the scene that could block American hegemony in the world.
David, you may know that the Brzezinski Doctrine and the Wolfowitz Doctrine both say that it's imperative on American foreign policy and military strategy to prevent the rise of any other global power.
This is the goal and that's what
That's what the Ukraine works into.
And these sorts of things are discussed in Washington, and the same sort of alleged wind of opportunity existed during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff pressured President John F. Kennedy to allow them to initiate a first strike on Russia.
On the Soviet Union.
And the reason given was that they don't yet have delivery capabilities for their hydrogen bombs that can penetrate our airspace.
And so we have a chance now to knock them out.
Well Kennedy went berserk.
He said, you people are crazy.
And so on.
It's one of the reasons people who have spent their life studying the Kennedy assassination believe that the Joint Chiefs and the CIA were involved.
Now we have, though, a president who, very much unlike John F. Kennedy, wants to take advantage of these windows of opportunity.
It's not just
Pressing this doctrine to win a nuclear war with their quote-unquote window of opportunity.
But they've got a window of opportunity to completely remake the American economy.
They've been talking about the Cloward and Piven strategy since the 1960s as well.
And now they have an opportunity to implode the economy with a massive expansion of the entitlement state.
And now they're looking to press what they think is their window of opportunity here with the nuclear weapons.
Well, David, you can't overlook the fact that I'm sure Obama's being told, look, we missed the chance under Kennedy, we mustn't miss it again.
Yeah, exactly.
It's like, there's not any, everything that we consider to be a crisis, and they have created multiple crises throughout the world and in our country, they view every one of those crises, I think, as an opportunity, don't they, Dr. Roberts?
That's why they created them.
Yeah, that's right.
Now, what I think has happened in the Ukraine, and this is important, Putin saw what the American plot was, and he understands that the ability of the United States to act unilaterally in the world really depends on the support Washington has from Europe.
And therefore,
When he is faced with this sort of provocative militarism in Ukraine, he backed off of replying in any military way.
He asked the Duma to rescind his authority to use Russian forces in Ukraine.
And his bet was that by being unprovocative, by being very reasonable, very diplomatic,
He might can break off Europe from the United States or some major country in the in the EU and that this would be the beginning of the unraveling of NATO and thereby prevent this drive toward nuclear war.
So that's
Putin's bet.
That's why there's been no Russian military response to the slaughter of the Russian populations in Eastern and Southern Ukraine.
We have to go to a break right now, Dr. Roberts.
I want to pick up on that because we had an article touching on that yesterday talking about the relationship between Germany and Putin.
And where that might happen with the BRICS, and whether Germany might be pushed into that, or if that might be even what's behind the NSA surveillance of Germany.
We're going to be back with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight in Austin, and I have on the line Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during the Reagan administration.
We've been talking about what's going on in the Ukraine, how General Breedlove and those in the Senate, the now 22 co-sponsors of a Senate bill, all about Russian aggression.
And of course they're pushing on that.
I want to continue with Dr. Roberts, but I want to let you know that
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I want to go back to Dr. Roberts.
We were talking just before the break about really kind of the asymmetric warfare that's going on between Russia and the United States.
The United States believes that they can win a nuclear exchange with Russia.
They believe that they have
We're good.
It looks as though they're going to be very aggressive in terms of economic changes.
That's really where his strength is, isn't it, Dr. Roberts?
With the BRICS.
We just had an article yesterday where financial analyst Jim Willey said that he believes that Germany is secretly planning to join the BRICS.
That would be Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.
Trying to set up an alternative to the unipolar system of the dollar.
What is that going to do to us as Americans, Dr. Roberts, if they're successful in doing that?
You know, in my book I wrote the failure of laissez-faire capitalism and economic dissolution of the West.
It came out in English last year.
It came out in German the year before.
And in the book I point out to German, because it was published in Germany,
That they stand to gain most by being economically allied with Russia.
And of course the book's been read in Germany and discussed.
So this may actually be in their mind, or at least they are aware that they have an alternative to being tied down in the EU by the European Central Bank, by the European Parliament, and by Washington.
But I don't think it's likely that we'll see Germany join the BRICS.
This might happen some years from now as more countries
Do what the BRICS are doing, which essentially amounts to settling their international trade relations with one another in their own currencies without the use of the US dollar.
So it is an abandonment by those five countries of using the dollar as a world reserve currency.
Now, this is likely to spread because there's no need any longer
In my opinion, for a world reserve currency.
This was a role necessary after World War II, when every other economy was destroyed.
No one had an economy except the United States.
And therefore, it had the only currency that was backed by the production of real goods and services.
Russia was in ruins, Germany is in ruins, England, France.
Japan was in ruins.
China was still a third world backwater.
And so...
It was only the dollar that could provide that role, but today you see there are many economies that are doing well, whose own currencies are valuable and are backed by the output of goods and services, and in most cases by a sounder monetary and fiscal policy.
Certainly the case of Germany, right?
Well, Germany no longer has its own currency.
It got tricked into giving up the mark for the euro.
But it could go back.
And so countries can now resolve their trade in their own currencies and of course it's cheaper because if you're using the dollar it means first of all you have to pay a foreign exchange transaction to convert your currency into dollars and then you use the dollars for payment and then the country who receives the dollars then it has to pay a foreign currency transaction to convert the dollars into its currency.
So it greatly lowers cost of settling international accounts to deal in your own currencies and to avoid the dollar.
Happen, it may come about.
And of course, if the dollar loses its role, it means demand for dollars collapses, and so would the exchange value of the dollar.
So the United States would become much poorer.
People would experience dramatic domestic inflation from the rising price of imports.
And Washington would no longer be able to pay its bills by printing money.
So the BRICS in this sense represent a major threat and that would be another reason Washington might want to take out Russia because Russia is one of the two foundations of the BRICS along with China.
And as this article, I want to point out, as this article said earlier this month, the BRICS announced the creation of a new $100 billion anti-dollar alternative IMF bank that's going to be based in Shanghai and it will be chaired by Moscow.
Yes, they'll eventually have 100 million.
You see, the IMF is used to loot countries for Western banks.
And finally, the Russians and the Chinese and the Indians have caught on.
They're going to set up their own looting regime, right, to do that.
Yeah, we've been living off of this credit card economy ever since we were able to do that after World War II.
As you point out, so many other countries actually have a much sounder economy than we do.
So what happens?
You said it's going to be massive inflation.
We all know that.
I mean, just how bad do you think it's going to be?
Is it going to be kind of a hyperinflation once the world goes off of the American dollar?
I can't predict, but I can predict U.S.
living standards will take a big hit.
But this could be long in coming.
It doesn't mean it's going to happen this year or next.
It could be long in coming.
I think that Willis, you know, he sees the direction of things and of course I see the same directions.
But I think he's a little bit premature in the actual happening.
But of course it could happen quickly.
One of the things that he mentioned that I thought was interesting was he thought that
The NSA spying on Germany was largely out of a paranoia that they might be trying to make some financial move.
Now whether or not that's true, certainly what we have done, what's come to light with the NSA spying has prepared the German public to want to essentially distance themselves from us.
And of course we dictate sanctions to them, tell them they have to join with us on our foreign policy.
I would imagine that a lot of countries, not just Germany, are getting pretty sick and tired of that.
Well, they may be.
Actually, one of the main parts, one of the titles of Senate 2277, the bill, is to ensure our integration of the German military into the American military.
So clearly there is the intent.
To put Germany in a position that its military is dependent on American operational procedures and technology and cannot act independently.
You know, that's what Washington uses NATO to do.
It incorporates the militaries of the other countries into it in a way that they are dependent on the communications system controlled by Washington.
I don't
We'll pan out for him.
Instead, what's happening is there's slaughter of these Russian-speaking people who are living in territories that formerly were part of Russia itself.
Territories that were attached to the Ukraine by various Soviet Communist Party leaders.
And this, of course, if it continues and these people continue to be slaughtered the way the Palestinians are being slaughtered in Gaza by the Israeli military, it will tend to turn against Putin inside Russia.
Right now he has very high standing, but at some point he needs to take action to stop the slaughter of these
People who are formally Russian citizens.
And if he waits too long it becomes more difficult because we've seen the announcement that the United States is now sending military advisors to Ukraine.
Now this is the beginning then of U.S.
direct involvement in the conflict.
If we follow the Vietnam pattern, next they'll be fighting.
And so then this makes it harder for Russia to deal with the situation in a decisive way without encountering U.S.
Whereas, if Putin had accepted the request for reunification
From the Ukrainian provinces the way he did from Crimea, the whole thing would be over with by now.
Because Ukraine has no capability.
Of engaging Russian military forces.
And Washington would not have had the time to build up all the propaganda against Russia.
It would have shown Europe a very clear, decisive action by Russia.
They would see that they don't want part of any American plan that puts them into conflict with such decisive decision making.
And this would have been the end of the crisis.
So I think that Putin
He made a reasonable and responsible bet.
It hasn't worked.
What do you make of the resignation of the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Yatsenyuk, and his cabinet and that coalition falling apart?
Do you think that that's going to be a move towards pro-Russian forces or is that just sweeping out these guys to get somebody in that's going to be more amenable to George Soros and company and State Department?
Yes, I don't think Soros has anything to do with it.
It's the United States government.
Look, we don't know what happened.
It could just be a tactic, because the Parliament did not sign off on two of the IMF austerity demands.
And what happened, from my understanding, though we don't have any good reports, my understanding is that the right-wing parties in the coalition pulled out
That collapsed the government and then that led to the resignation of the cabinet and the prime minister.
So I think that the initiating factor may have been the withdrawal of the two right-wing parties, the two parties that are usually said to be neo-Nazi.
That seemed to have been the collapse and it seemed to have been disagreement
Over the austerity that the IMF intended to impose on Ukrainians.
Now how this will come out, I don't know.
The ministers that resigned are in favor of the austerity.
And they are the ones that the United States is backing.
Well now of course they're also going to have elections at this point.
Maybe that's another way for them to establish more firmly their control is to actually have elections for the first time.
We hear the press over here always talking about how the self-appointed separatists in Crimea are there but of course these guys are also just as self-appointed and if they have the right and the ability to remove themselves from
Russia, then, of course, that means that a subsection of their country also has the same human right to secede as self-government and that sort of thing.
But we see that there's very little coverage, I think, actually, of what's going on, even the fact that there has been a collapse of the Ukrainian government.
That's not really covered much in the news here, even though it's just happened once before.
Well, yesterday, when I heard about it,
I heard about it from the man who runs Global Research.
I quickly went to the news.
There was nothing in the New York Times, nothing on CNN.
That's right.
Nothing on BBC.
Now I've since heard that last night the BBC had a program on it, but it was nothing on their website and it had already occurred.
So it may be that everybody was waiting to get Washington's spin on it before they reported it.
That's probably what happened.
It could also be, what's happened David, is that
The puppet government there, which is inconvenienced by the right-wing elements to some extent.
May have decided that the Ukrainians have had enough of those people and therefore to collapse the government and have elections might get rid of them.
On the other hand, it is these right-wing elements that have the armed militias that were the first to attack the so-called separatists in eastern and southern Ukraine.
So it looks like they are a fairly well-organized
Group and so I don't know whether they can be got rid of or not it might it might work the other way It's interesting to see how differently they covered it versus the plane crash immediately CNN was showing pictures they knew exactly what missile it was and they were they had graphics showing it looked like they had a tank with these book missiles on it right in the studio because they'd superimposed that they were the green screen and and
So they were immediately on all of this and immediately had identified that it was Vladimir Putin essentially that was doing this.
But they were very quiet about the fact that the Ukraine government has essentially collapsed in its coalition.
I guess they don't want a narrative that's going to make the Ukrainian government look weak or illegitimate.
They want to make it look as legitimate as possible.
Well, I think the media is just waiting for Washington's spin.
And as you said, they're all ready.
They were completely ready.
It won't queue to blame Russia about the airline.
And that makes it look orchestrated.
Yes, absolutely.
Well, thank you so much, Dr. Roberts.
Again, this is Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, American economist, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.
His website is paulcraigroberts.org.
And his most recent book is entitled, How America Was Lost.
His article is up on Infowars.com, talking about the so-called crisis that has been orchestrated.
Now, an opportunity to escalate the tensions between the West and Russia for many reasons.
Thank you so much for joining us, Dr. Roberts.
Thank you.
We'll be right back with more of your calls.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
We're going to go back to taking your calls.
We just had Dr. Paul Craig Roberts with us, talking about the Ukraine situation.
Our number here is 800-259-9231.
That's 800-259-9231.
We've got some people that are still on hold from before Dr. Roberts joined us.
I want to go to them now, but before we do, I just want to point out this article that's up on InfoWars.com today.
Over a third of Americans want Obama impeached.
That's even one in five Democrats favor impeaching president.
This is 33% said they want Obama impeached, 57% of Republicans, 45% of people say that Obama has sought to expand the power of the presidency too far.
Maybe that's why they want to get him out of there.
And of course,
What will they do about it?
We've seen a lot of Republicans pushing back in the last couple weeks saying, oh, we don't want to do impeachment.
We've seen op-ed pieces.
We've seen spokesmen for the Republican Party saying, this is a losing strategy.
We don't want to do this.
They need to do it, I believe, because it's the right thing to do.
If you don't push back, you're essentially saying you agree with what he's done.
You essentially say it's okay for a president to ignore the law, to ignore Congress, to ignore Supreme Court decisions, and do whatever it is that they wish.
It's wrong to not oppose this kind of activity.
If you lose, you lose, but you have to have the backbone to stand up.
That's what we were talking about with Paul Ryan when he went before the FEC and begged them for an exemption to do what politicians have essentially been doing, and that is
Using books that they write to raise money, and of course Hillary Clinton didn't go to them and ask for an exemption.
Now, not that she would really care what the law is or what the regulations are, but we have certain rights, and one of those rights is free speech, and that's especially about political speech.
It's not just there about artistic freedom.
Certainly that is part of free speech, but the First Amendment is there primarily to protect
I don't know.
They slapped down Paul Ryan, yet he asked permission from them to exercise his First Amendment rights.
So, when the Republicans say they don't want to go to the bat and they don't want to vote to impeach or try to impeach Obama because they can't win it...
They just don't have the backbone to stand up for principle, is all I believe that's behind this.
The American people are getting tired of this.
I'm very tired of it.
I'm sure you are, if you're listening to this program.
Let's go to Paul in Canada.
Paul, you've got some solutions, you said, on your notes here.
Go ahead, Paul.
Hello, man.
Hey, what's your solution?
I'm glad to get through finally.
I'm a long-time listener.
First time caller.
Actually, not first time caller.
I'll try to get through before, but I'm glad to get through to you.
Um, I just want to, I got, I got a few things I wrote down.
I was going to shoot through them real quick and whatever one you want to touch on there, remember, that's great.
You can, you can give me a reply.
Here's the first one.
Alex is always talking about dead kids.
I just want to say that that probably makes a lot of people uncomfortable and it turns a few people off.
It's not so much me, but there's probably a good percentage of people that as soon as he starts talking too blatantly about... There's not so much roasting black kids on the White House lawn, okay?
We all understand the analogy behind that.
But when he says grinding them up in knee cleavers and he starts going on about rape and all that stuff, that probably makes a lot of people really uncomfortable.
And whether he's trying to get
So you don't think we should speak out against abortion?
No, absolutely speak out against it, but there's ways to word it that's not so... I mean, no, no, I'm not... Yeah, it's very offensive, you know, when anti-abortion protesters go places and show pictures of what they do to the children during the process of abortion.
People get very offended by that.
They should be offended by it, about it.
Anybody with a moral sense should be offended by that, but not at the messenger.
Hang on, I'll let you make your other points right after the break.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we've just been talking to callers in the last segment.
We had Paul from Canada.
He's offering some solutions.
Paul, I want to get back to you.
One of the things that you were saying was you thought that it turned people off a lot when Alex talks about babies being fed through a meat grinder.
And yet, you know, so many times we see, for instance, Obama's drone strikes.
We're told how the military goes in and surgically strikes into these
Areas and it makes it sound like it's such a clean thing and yet as we're seeing in Gaza There are real human consequences people are blown to pieces children are blown to pieces and there are real consequences For abortion we have children who are ripped to pieces and those pictures are so graphic
That they are censored for the most part.
They're censored in any media.
They're censored even in most demonstrations.
They won't allow you to show that because it is offensive.
We should be offended by that and we should try to wake people up with that and that's what Alex is trying to do.
He's trying to appeal to people's emotional compass to try to get them to understand what's really going on here.
It is not some antiseptic little surgical thing that's going on here any more than these drone strikes are.
But I said I'd give you a chance to give us your other solutions.
Go ahead.
Thanks David, I appreciate it.
I have to say, I do agree with you guys, and I don't want to take up too much time on the subject, but I do agree with you guys.
I think he sometimes goes over a little bit too much, and I agree to disagree.
I'm still 100% in support of you guys.
Number two, one of the big things that woke me up when listening to you guys, every time
He used to say, uh, they had a pharmaceutical willingly put the SV40 virus into the vaccine back in 19- whatever it was.
If I was wrong about that, they'd sue me!
That was a huge, huge thing when he said, if I'm wrong about that, I would get sued.
If you guys just mention that line anytime it pops in your head, you'll have new listeners.
Because I was, I was arguing with my brother about it yesterday.
I worked him about that same exact thing, and I said, if he was wrong about this, he'd be sued for defamation automatically.
Let me interject something there, too, and that is, it's a known fact, especially with cats, that it's a very frequent phenomenon that they will develop a tumor and cancer at the site of their vaccines.
Now, that should tell us something, because our animals have a much faster metabolism, have a shorter lifespan than we do,
They are essentially the canaries in the coal mine.
When we see our pets developing cancer from vaccines, that ought to tell us something.
But go ahead.
I'll let you finish your other points.
I just had to interject that.
Go ahead.
No, thanks, Dave.
I appreciate it.
I really agree.
Just to mention, we'd be sued, Morris.
If I was wrong about this fact, I'd get sued.
Just, boom, right there.
It's automatic default.
They have to believe it.
I mean, they don't have to believe it.
They're going to know.
It can't be a lie.
You can't just come up in the air and make up absolute false lies.
We're good to go.
It's called Soil.
There's two takes on it.
I don't know.
There's two takes.
He lumps in together a bunch of real stuff, like the border crisis, and he lumps in together other stuff that's real, like the NSA spying, with absolutely ridiculous stuff.
Aliens cutting your head off and getting shot.
He lumps it in with some crazy stuff, like Far Past David Icke, with some real stuff.
And then he says, oh, there's a big conspiracy, and he gets jogged off.
Now, there's two takes on it.
I'd love to know what you guys think about it.
You can tell the top word after, though.
Well, it's kind of a you could kind of take it one of two ways, you know, I mean at first he's doing some looks like he's making fun of Alex or you know, the the truth or movement or whatever and but then the very end they do actually haul him off.
So, you know, it's like are you paranoid if it if they really are watching you?
Are you paranoid if they really are pulling you away?
So yeah, you can take that one of two ways and I think he intentionally left it ambiguous because I don't think he wants to go down on one side or the other.
He's just an entertainer, but go ahead.
Did you have any other point you want to make?
Uh, yeah, number four, MP3's sometimes on your site.
It drives me nuts, because I'm a prison player, remember?
And sometimes, I download daily, and I need to listen.
I don't need to listen, but I listen to it at work, while I'm working.
So I need the MP3.
And sometimes it's not there, so if you guys, whoever's doing that, you're going to leave one of us alone.
We'll pass that along.
Thank you for being a subscriber.
I really appreciate your support.
Thank you for your call.
We're going to be right back with some more of your calls, as well as some more news.
Stay with us.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host in the studio today.
Now, we've been taking some callers.
I want to go over a little bit of news.
Now, it came out yesterday on Infowars.com that Joe Biden went to the NAACP earlier this week, as well as to other places.
And of course, Joe Biden and Eric Holder's Justice Department.
This administration says that it is racist
If you want to fill in the blank.
No, in this case, it's ask for voter ID.
Now, of course, the government is all about checking our ID everywhere.
They're coming up to people and asking them for ID on the street.
They stop people 100 miles inside from the border and want to know if you're an American citizen.
Show me your ID.
Show me your identity papers, please.
Just like in Nazi Germany.
They want voter ID.
They're looking at us all the time, trying to get biometric identification.
They're always looking at our faces, scanning for faces, doing everything.
If you want to walk into a bar and buy a drink, unless you're as old as me or John McCain, they're going to ask you for identification.
You have to have identification to drive a car everywhere, but not for voter ID according to Joe Biden and other people.
He says that any attempt to do this is an attempt to restrict voting rights.
He says we're trying to repress minority voting and they're masquerading it as an attempt to end corruption.
He goes on to say that
When he made this speech at the NAACP, he said, well, there's been no cases of this reported.
Let me tell you something.
Not everybody reports this when it happens.
I have second-hand knowledge of this happening back in North Carolina.
A friend of my brother-in-law's told him in this last election, when he went in to, actually it was in 2012, when he went in to vote,
He was told that he had already voted.
And so had his deceased mother.
Because you see, in North Carolina, you only need to give them a name and address.
You can go into the phone book and pick that up.
And you could vote the phone book because you've got a lot of time to do it.
So let me tell you something.
Anybody that's using this as a beard, they've got a different agenda.
They're bringing in a lot of illegal aliens.
They're even going to go into the countries now.
We see that Obama is going to start flying children in.
From Honduras, so they don't have to make the journey themselves.
We don't want them, you know, these young children, we're told that elementary school children now are making this 1,500 mile journey that takes about 35 hours if you do it by car, but of course they're too young to drive a car, so I'm sure they can just walk it themselves, right?
No, I don't think that's happening.
I think they are being accompanied by someone.
I think they're using these children as anchors to bring the rest of the family in, but he wants those people to be brought in.
He wants them to be able to
No, I don't.
Of course, you even have to have voter ID if you're going to get Obamacare.
That's right.
But the GAO, the Government Accountability Office, which is a non-partisan organization, they went out and did a sting operation on people who were getting their Obamacare subsidies.
They did 11, 18 attempts.
And in 11 of those 18 attempts, they found that they were able to get through.
So I guess Obamacare, even though it asks for your ID, it's not really racist because they're not really checking your ID, right?
But it is racist, they tell us, if it's being done in these other states.
And there's a lot of states who are now putting in regulations to require voter ID.
The Washington Post poll last year showed, and this is according to the National Review,
That 65% of blacks and 64% of Latinos supported voter ID.
And also the constitutionality of it is not in question either.
The Supreme Court upheld the fact that Indiana had a voter ID law.
It's really just going into states like North Carolina or Texas because those are former states that were part of the Confederacy.
They want to try to push this racist agenda.
They don't want people
Having voter IDs or photo IDs to vote.
They don't want to establish the legitimacy of the voters anywhere, but of course they can do it there by raising the racist card.
So we see this happening over and over again.
Of course the Eric Holder Justice Department doesn't really care.
about what the Constitution says.
It doesn't care about the Supreme Court's decisions.
Immediately, and neither do the Democrats, immediately after this decision with Hobby Lobby, where they got the religious exemption recognized by the Supreme Court, immediately after that, Democrats in the Senate as well as in Congress put together a bill in the House of Representatives and in the Senate to essentially write another law that would take away that exemption
We're good.
Saying that you had to buy or provide certain types of insurance if that conflicted with somebody's religious freedoms, then it rightfully should be struck down yet again by the Supreme Court.
Let's go back to your calls.
Let's go to Mark in California.
Mark, what's on your mind?
They should take my call.
At least for your hard work as well.
Thank you.
I just was really wondering why no one's ever mentioned regarding the lost drives for the IRS that we can just go to the NSA for all that information.
Oh yeah, I've heard some people mention that.
Actually, there was a story in the news today.
I was just going through it as you were talking.
Tale of the Tapes.
This is from Fox News.
They say that the IRS head is now confirming that investigators have found backup tapes of Lois Lerner's emails.
Actually, they're putting them on tape?
I wrote this down and I said, are they really still using tape?
I mean, maybe they're even going back and using paper tape, you know, like the old PDP-8s from DEC.
I can't believe that they're putting this stuff on tape, but of course, as we pointed out, the chances of hers and several other people's disk drives failing simultaneously was astronomically small, especially when you multiply the probability of a chance.
Typically, hard disk drives have a mean time between failure of about five years, so when you multiply that out by all these people that supposedly failed at exactly the same time, there's not a chance that that happened.
But of course, as Alex has pointed out, as we've pointed out, they weren't just keeping them on their hard drives.
They are backing them up.
You've got companies that were bragging about the fact they provided backup for the IRS.
So whether or not they're still putting this out on tape, I don't know.
I'm surprised that anybody is backing stuff up on tape.
Maybe they are.
Maybe they've got enough stuff that they can do it.
It'd take a long time to back up very much information on tape, however.
But, yeah, what do you think is going on?
You think they've got the IRS emails, don't you?
You know, I think what's going on in an upside-down world.
Yeah, well, you know, I think what really offends me, though, seriously, is the fact that the IRS, which always comes to you, like every other agency now is doing that, presuming that you are guilty, and then you have to go to them and prove that you're innocent.
And you have to do that by keeping these records.
And yet they say they don't have to keep the records, even though they have their company policy that says that they have to keep the records for a number of years and that they have to treat electronic records the same way that they do paper records.
So in spite of all of that, they're given a pass.
They don't have to.
And basically, if you go in and you've had a lot of tax protesters who have said that they don't want to.
We had there was one case a number of years ago.
I remember it was an airline pilot.
And he did not want to sign his tax return.
Because essentially, you're incriminating yourself.
You're opening up yourself to a lot of different things.
When you say, everything in my tax statement is correct, that opens you up to a lot of persecution.
Well, he had a very simple tax return.
He was going to establish that they couldn't make you violate the Fifth Amendment of self-incrimination.
And he just simply was an airline pilot with no investments, no business, nothing that would complicate it.
It was simply a W-2.
He refused to sign it.
They prosecuted him.
They sent him to jail because you have juries who will rubber stamp whatever the government tells them to do.
But he was trying to establish his Fifth Amendment protections.
And so here you have the Lewis Lerner go before Congress and claim the Fifth and didn't even do it the right way.
They say that they don't have to keep records, but you have to keep records.
They exempt themselves from all of the laws that we have.
And of course, if they destroyed records and we treated them the same way they treat us, then they would be going to jail because it would be a presumption of criminal actions.
And of course, they would not be innocent until proven guilty.
Thank you so much, Mark in California.
Let's go to George in Connecticut.
Hi there, I had a suggestion that we should probably get somebody on there that knows the law really well and maybe we can find out a way to have some form
process that we do in each state and sue our representatives when they break the law, whether they're fluoriding us or breaking the law, and basically go after them for embezzlement, because every time they basically supposedly act in our interest and really are against our interest, and usually the general public, not just our individual interests I'm talking about, then why should we be able to sue them for the salary they're collecting?
That's like embezzlement!
Oh, absolutely.
It's not, you know, what'll happen in most cases, the courts, I believe, will say, you don't have standing.
We've seen this happen over and over again, even with lawsuits against the TSA.
They pretty much have a way to control the legal system.
I think the best way that you can go after them in the legal system is to educate people about the purposes of juries.
I keep repeating this.
I mentioned this in the last hour.
We had a divided powers by intention in this in this government when they set it up.
They didn't just divide powers between the branches of the centralized federal government.
They also divided power between the federal government, between the states, and between the people.
Now, the people don't just have an election box, of course.
It's not just the ballot box, as we famously heard.
It's also the cartridge box, the Second Amendment, but it is also the jury box.
That's one of the ways that you can stop injustices from being done to your fellow man.
That's the way we roll back and void these laws.
It's a very easy way to do it.
It only takes one person on a jury of 12 to hang the whole system and to shut down these laws.
We can do that for each other, but we have to educate each other.
We'll be right back with your calls.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
We're taking your calls at 800-259-9231.
That's 800-259-9231.
Before I go back to the calls, I just want to point out this article that was on New American today.
ATF says guns are the problem and in this article what he points out is that there's essentially been a change in strategy in terms of shutting down the Second Amendment from the ATF.
He points out that in George Bush's last year, 2008, there were just over 5,000 gun violation cases.
Under Obama in 2013 there was a decline, I'm sorry, under Bush it was 6,700.
Under Obama, it was just over 5,000.
It was a decline of 25%.
So he says, it looks like even though they're talking about how they want to get guns under control, that they really aren't doing those kind of prosecutions, but it's not that simple.
He points out that what they're doing now is they're actually taking a different strategy.
They're actually going to an obscure part of the 1934 National Firearms Act that allows the agency to go after violations that they perceive to be in the making, shipping, buying, and selling of firearms.
So that's really where they're focusing on that.
And they point out that these are very arcane, difficult rules to follow.
So they like to entrap people with these types of regulations.
But the key thing out of this article that I thought was interesting was the attitude of the ATF supervisor that was reported in USA Today.
They quoted him by saying, do you want the police to solve crimes, or do you want them to go out and prevent crimes that haven't occurred yet?
Well, I think I want them to prevent, to solve crimes that have happened.
I don't want them arresting people for things they haven't done.
I mean, that goes way beyond the innocent until proven guilty idea.
Okay, remember that?
That antiquated idea that goes back to
The Magna Carta, you know, that's been part of English common law for centuries, for millennia.
You know, the idea that you have a jury trial, that you're innocent until proven guilty.
How about we don't arrest people until there's actually even a crime that they're suspected of committing?
But see, that's the attitude of the ATF.
See, just having a gun makes you a criminal.
Well, not exactly true.
And they point out, they say, are we supposed to wait for him to commit a murder before we target him as a bad guy?
Are we going to sit back and say, well, this guy doesn't have a bad record.
Okay, so you know, throw him back out there, let him kill somebody.
Then when he gets a bad record, then we're going to put him in jail?
See, that's Minority Report pre-crime, but that's the attitude of our government.
They believe that we're all criminals.
They treat us like criminals because they believe we're all criminals.
And they're willing to shut people down before they have committed a crime.
They manufacture evidence.
They manufacture charges trying to get people to not go through a jury trial even so that they put a whole bunch of bogus charges on people when they arrest them try to intimidate them and say oh we'll pull off some of these bogus charges if you'll cop a plea to this lesser thing.
Just as we mentioned at the beginning of the program.
Over and over again, we see that when people stand up to the government as individuals, the government will back off from these things that they try to put on us under color of law.
Whether that's somebody having their hog production shut down, whether it's the Bundys, whoever it is, if you stand up and you say, you're not going to do that to us, or you stand up to them as in the case of the Bundy Ranch especially, they said, we're not going to stand by while you wrestle, or throw to the ground rather,
Uh, an elderly lady from behind, somebody who's recovering from cancer.
We're not going to stand by while you do that type of thing here.
Over and over again, we report that kind of brutality, but I was heartened to see people in that community, when they saw it happening in their community, they stood up and said,
That's enough.
We're not going to take that.
All it takes is for you to stand up, for you to push back against this.
They will, right now, what they'll do is give you a pass.
They'll say, okay, well then you can do it, but we're not going to let anybody else raise those kind of pigs.
But we have to stand up and push them in court.
Let's go to your calls right now.
Let's go to John in California.
Hello, John.
Okay, sorry.
I think he's dropped off here.
Let's go to Jim in Connecticut.
Hey, David.
How you doing today?
Doing good.
How are you?
Not bad, thank you.
I'm with We Are Change Connecticut out in Connecticut.
And I think what we really need to start doing is everybody, everybody and their mother needs to start calling their local radio shows.
Like I, for instance, call my local AM radio.
And I bring up topics that they're not going to bring up on the radio show.
Everybody needs to start confronting their politicians in an ambushed form.
We just need everybody.
Everybody needs to get out there and start acting like a journalist.
That's really what we're going to have to start doing to ensure the information can get out there.
That's a kind of guerrilla marketing, isn't it?
To interject topics that the media doesn't want to talk about because they've got some very specific things that they want to talk about and a lot of things that they aren't going to go anywhere near.
We're going to be right back with your calls.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back after the break.
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It's Alex Jones!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
We've just been taking your calls.
We're going to take some more of those at 800-259-9231.
That's 800-259-9231.
Tell us what you're concerned about.
We were just talking to a caller in the last segment and he was saying that he thought one of the best ways that we could affect change is to, one of the things he does, is to call up
Talk radio and interject topics that they're not talking about.
Just standard talk radio.
Things that typically not be on mainstream radio.
That's what we're trying to do here.
You know, one of the ways that I really found InfoWars was when Drudge started picking up a lot of TSA stories because that really, really outraged me.
And the only people covering it was Alex Jones and InfoWars.
He's been doing this for 19 years and we're really starting to have an effect now and it's because of your help.
You've built this.
You've made it possible for Alex to reinvest the money in terms of hiring reporters that we can send to locations, in terms of building studios, to put this out on multiple platforms.
It's your support that makes that happen.
And one of the things that Alex decided a long time ago was that he was going to offer products that were going to help you fight the assaults on your health, primarily.
We also have other products that can help you to
Advertise the issues, t-shirts, belt buckles, that sort of thing.
But primarily, it's been focusing on things to help you take control of your health, of your life, so that you can fight back against this.
And so we've got some great specials up right now at InfoWarsLife.com.
We've got, through the end of the month, we've got a Fluoride Shield Special.
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Of course, you can find that at Infowarslife.com.
We've also got Silver Bullet that is back in stock.
We were out of that for about two and a half months, but at the rate that it's going, we're going to be out of that in probably about a week.
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We still have some available there right now.
It's $19.95, so great price on that.
And of course, Super Male and Female Vitality.
We've been getting rave reviews on that.
All of that stuff you can find at Infowarslife.com.
The number is 888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Well, let's go back to your calls.
Let's go to Jay in North Carolina.
Jay, what's on your mind?
Hey, David, you're a great addition to the show.
Thank you.
You keep talking about during nullification, we've created a website to educate the American people on their power and authority under the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.
It's NationalLibertyAlliance.org.
Okay, good.
And we found a case where it's the U.S.
versus Williams, where Scalia goes on a rant
On the power and authority of the people's jury.
And even in the Prince versus Mack case for Sheriff Mack, Scalia says the people are the sovereigns, the sovereigns are the kings, the government cannot tell the people what to do.
And we're trying to take back the juries right now by educating people and making a jury list of educated people.
Well, that's really important.
I know that they've got something that I believe is going to be on the ballot in North Carolina.
I'm not in North Carolina now, I haven't been there for a while, but I believe they've got something on the ballot where people would essentially surrender their rights to a jury trial and make that okay unless it was something like a capital offense or something.
Do you know about that possible ballot access issue?
No, I don't know anything about that.
I'm a truck driver, so I'm hardly ever back in North Carolina.
Oh, okay.
A lot of things go on I don't know about.
But we're trying to reconstitute the Kamala Grand Jury, and we're actually over half of the states right now have signed on to this.
In New York State, they've got almost all of the judges, including Puente, under indictment right now because we're demanding access to our courtroom.
This is the People's Court.
That's our brick and mortar building.
So, everybody should go to this website.
It's NationalLibertyAlliance.org.
There's two eight-hour Constitution courses.
There's common law courses.
There's the Federalist Papers, the Anti-Federalist Papers.
There's hundreds of Supreme Court case rulings.
Well, you know, it really is an education war.
It's an information war.
People have to understand first, you know, we get criticized all the time saying, you know, you're trying to scare people, not offer them any solutions.
People have to understand what is actually happening to us, number one.
Number two, they have to understand what their power is.
That's what you're talking about with your website.
They have to understand what they can do and the powers that they have essentially given over.
That's right.
Thank you, sir.
Yes, I was calling
Basically, what the Connecticut caller was talking about, controversial subjects which are banned, basically.
One in particular that's important to me is 80% plus of Iowans, you know, conserved Iowans are at least in favor of medicinal marijuana, and that's something that is obviously, I can't seem to get on the air hardly ever about it.
And the other thing,
More personally I wanted to mention was that I, again I don't mean to seem paranoid, but I had a speeding ticket and I jumped through the hoops and went and talked to the prosecutor and they told me it was dismissed.
Then I got
Well, I can't give you a legal advice.
I'm not a lawyer.
I don't know.
I know here in Texas that you can actually opt for a jury trial if you get a traffic violation.
There's actually a little box that you can check on there.
I don't think they have that in many states.
They certainly don't make that as an obvious choice.
So if you have the ability to do that, because in so many cases they set up these courts, like traffic court, so many of them are just kangaroo courts that they set up.
We see that these bureaucracies, like the EPA for example, or the IRS, they set up their own courts, they write their own regulations, which is essentially writing their law, so they have their own
We're good to go.
Asserted jurisdiction over waters that were crossing borders that were public waters now They were going to go after this guy who had water that he just collected in this hole that he had dug out It was on his own private property.
It wasn't going on to his property from somewhere else It wasn't going off of his property to somewhere else, but they came after him with $80,000 a day fines and then just a week or so ago they came out and said
We're going to now seize that money directly out of your account, just as if we were the IRS.
So that's the way they creep with this authority, and it's getting truly amazing.
So I can't really help you with your traffic thing there, but it is amazing, and we do have to stand up for our day in court.
And one of the ways that you do that is demanding that you get a day in court.
Many times you're not going to have a lawyer who is going to put his law license on the line by standing up and talking about jury nullification.
I covered, while I was here, for one of the first couple months that I was here, there was a guy called the New Jersey Weed Man, and he represented himself because he couldn't get a lawyer that was going to
Invoke jury nullification.
And he actually had the New Jersey Constitution that said that jurors had a right to judge the law, not just the facts of the case.
The first judge said, you can't show that to them.
But he had already done it.
And he got 7 out of the 12 jurors to acquit him.
The prosecutor came after him a second time.
The second time, he got a judge that allowed him to leave that sign up.
And then he was acquitted 12-0.
At that point, they can't come after you again.
Typically, they can only do like three strikes at you, but they can't come after you after you've gotten a complete acquittal, 12-0.
And that's what he got, but he had to do it himself.
Other people aren't going to do it for you.
The lawyers, in most cases, do not want to go up against a judge and fight the judges when the judges are telling you, you have to do what I say.
Let's go to, thank you Ronnie in Texas, let's go to Kathy in Michigan.
Is Kathy gone?
Let's go to... Oh, I'm here.
Oh, okay.
Go ahead, Kathy.
Oh, hi.
I love to show a first-time caller.
Yeah, I was just wondering how far you think this is going to go with the illegals coming in before the government decides to get off their ducks and do something?
Well, that's a good question.
I don't know.
I mean, I don't see any sign that anybody is really getting ready to do anything.
I mean, the most that anyone has done is Rick Perry, who said that he's going to activate the National Guard.
But of course, from what I saw, and maybe I'm wrong, but the reports that I saw said they weren't actually going to deploy them.
They were getting them ready.
They weren't not going to deploy them for like another 30 days.
Another 30 days.
Do they take that long to deploy the National Guard if there's a hurricane?
I don't think so.
So I don't know what they're going to do when they go down there.
They've been, he's been questioned like, do they have arrest authority?
He wouldn't say that they did, but now I just saw an article saying that someone has speculated that they may be given arrest authority.
So I don't know, but that's the most that we've seen anyone do with that.
I don't think that
The Republicans want to do anything.
It's just like the impeachment of Obama.
They don't want to stand up and take the hit for doing this.
And they're concerned, I think, that the fix is in, that they're going to be perceived as being racist if they try to stop immigration that's illegal, if they try to stop the takedown of this country.
I don't know.
What I would like to see happen is I would like to see the incentives removed.
And of course, removing the incentives means removing the entitlement, welfare state.
Now, you can start by removing the incentive and the entitlements of people who come here as illegal aliens, people who get citizenship given to them because they're under a certain age, the Dream Act, those types of entitlements.
You can at least remove those.
Open borders, open immigration.
As much as I don't want to see the government erecting a Berlin Wall at the border, I know that we cannot have open immigration and an expanded welfare state at the same time.
That is going to destroy the country.
That was designed to destroy the country.
That was actually a strategy put forward back in the 1960s.
We mentioned this over and over again.
Cloward and Piven look it up.
They've been wargaming this for a long time.
Finally, they've got somebody who's going to do it.
And I don't know, Kathy.
I mean, all I've heard from Republicans is like, well, seal the border and then we'll have immigration reform.
Well, immigration reform doesn't mean amnesty.
It means do something to enforce the laws that we currently have.
Send the people back.
Give them a meal and send them on their way if they're children.
What do you think should be done?
Well, basically, I agree with you.
You know, to me, open up the border is like Niagara Falls.
At least you can shut the Falls off.
Well, it brings up the problem, of course, you know, there is the issue of compassion.
And I think a lot of Christians have a misguided compassion to this.
We see Nancy Pelosi going to the border two days before she supported forcing people to pay for abortions through Obamacare.
Two days before that she's standing with Catholic priests, Catholic nuns, talking about how these children have the light of God in them.
She does that on a Saturday, then on Monday she says,
What about the religious freedoms of the people who want to have abortions?
I mean, it's like it's some kind of a religious right to her.
And then she says this last week, she talks about these children are like baby Jesus, so they're confusing a lot of people on the compassion side of this, but the reality of it is, when she said that she wished she could take all of them home with her, there's a reason that even she can't do that.
It's because we don't have the resources to provide
We're good to go.
That's one of the things that is making it so violent in these countries and of course the IMF has gone in there and exploited those places for decades.
Going back to Robert McNamara, they were accused of rent-seeking because the IMF stopped financing right in the wake of World War II.
They came in to finance infrastructure improvements, roads and bridges and that sort of thing.
Then under Robert McNamara, they went in and started
Extending loans for these countries to then turn over into the welfare entitlement programs.
And that just made them go farther and farther into debt just as it's doing to us.
And so all the things that we've seen them do to collapse Central and South America and other countries around the world, the bankers are doing that to us now.
That's what's really behind this.
It isn't practical for us to be able to extend welfare to everyone and yet we see Obama
Hi, David.
Hi, David.
I just want to say, first off, those two years that you've done, you fit in really well, and I have to say, when I first started listening to you, you sound way more comfortable, and it's really nice to hear your voice, actually.
Well, thank you.
Actually, when I came here, I was more experienced behind the camera than I was in front of it, so it's taken a while, but I was always politically active, and I always worked, you know, in politics, so... But, yes, you had a question.
I got a quick question and a very quick comment.
So, the quick question is this.
Testimony released about Steve Pechenik in Italy, and within that document, the prosecutor asked Pechenik about the interviews and TV shows that he does.
His response in this article was that when he goes on TV shows and interviews, it's fiction, and that it's a part of a misinformation.
Now, this is in Italian.
The website is actually called Corriere della Sera.
Which I guess is Courier in the Evening.
The comment that I'll make, and then I'll kind of listen to you off the air, the comment I wanted to make was this, is the best radio brand for awards is when you're being challenged.
Thank Youger, Piers Morgan, those are some of the best interviews I've seen Alex do.
All I'll say to you is, it is nice to preach the choir, but we already know the tune.
We need to find the people that don't know the tune, and the only way to do that is by bringing in their masters.
Yes, that's true.
Well, as far as Steve Pcheneg, as to whether or not what he's saying is true, it's always difficult.
It's always difficult, especially when you're talking about intelligence matters to determine whether somebody is telling you a piece of fiction or whether it's the truth.
I will say this, that he did come out and say very early on that what was going on in Benghazi was essentially internecine fighting within the CIA, that they were shipping these weapons to terrorists that were going to be used in Syria and elsewhere.
And that eventually did come out.
So I think, you know, he has given us some good intel.
We need to always vet everyone's sources.
We're going to be right back.
Final segment with more of your calls.
Stay with us.
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Moe Enlambe.
You can take my gun from my cold, dead hands.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight taking your calls and we've got a few more people on the line that I'll be able to get in.
I think we're gonna do one segment of overdrive because we've got so many callers that have been waiting for a while here.
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Let's go back to your calls, Craig in Wisconsin.
Go ahead, Craig.
Yes, the power elites are causing many of the crimes today, with the Cloward and Piven, nuclear madness, the Balkanization, the Divide and Conquer.
So, just like with the Minority Report pre-crime, you know, we all still have a choice, even up to that
Uh, moment that the power elite are forcing, uh, all of earth humanity into these, uh, you know, terrible, you know, worse and worse choices.
You look at what's happening in Ukraine.
You look at what's happening in Israel and Gaza.
And I guess one of the things that bothers me so much about it is the pervasive snitch society that they're trying to force on people.
This is a story that we had up on Drudge Report today from Paul Joseph Watson on Infowars about the feds urging paramedics and firefighters to help them to turn into extremists.
So they say, you know, I want you to vet these people and if you think that they've got an injury that might be due to suspicious activity, I want you to turn them into Homeland Security.
That's the kind
of East German surveillance snitch state that they're trying to build.
Are you talking about turning people against each other?
I mean, it's not just pitting ethnic groups against each other, it's pitting each and every one of us against the other person, trying to make us afraid of each other.
Go ahead.
And that's why the info war is so important to use the information that we have because the truth is on our side.
And it's going to be just a small group of people who are able to stand up.
To these power elite, just like the tank men.
Yes, that's true.
That's true.
In China.
And just like the people, I gotta say, that was one of the most amazing experiences that I've had, certainly in the political arena, being at the Bundy Ranch and basically seeing these honest, decent people who have just had enough of having sniper rifles pointed at them for over a week, having an agent come up and grab from behind a lady and throw her to the ground.
Hey, how you doing?
Doing good, how are you?
I think you're doing a great job, David.
Thank you.
I have one comment about the border crisis.
First of all, I think it's crazy how they're able to spin the situation into something that isn't more of a humanitarian thing.
Without borders, you don't have a country.
Oh, absolutely.
Hang on, I'm gonna come back to you right after the break in Overdrive.
That's it for the regular news.
Go check out the nightly news tonight.
It'll be 7 Central, 8 p.m.
Of course, we'll be back on Sunday at 4 p.m.
We'll be right back with some more of your calls in Overdrive.
Stay with us and we'll complete this call, Sean, in Pennsylvania.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we're going to try to get through Paul in New Jersey, Tom in Maryland, and Todd in Montana in this segment of Overdrive.
But we were just talking to Sean in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, Sean.
I want to get back to you and let you finish your point.
Hi, David.
Thank you very much.
Yeah, I just wanted to make the point that, I mean, it's my personal opinion and I think the...
The border crisis, first of all, was definitely created.
I mean, it was made to be this intense.
It was incentivized, yes.
It was a situation all at once, you know, part of Clark, Devon, and stuff like that.
But my point was that I believe that it is the implementation of the North American Union that was signed under Bush, I believe.
Oh, yes.
They made it quite clear.
Yeah, we played that clip.
You know, Pelosi, one of the things she said when she went down there for a press conference is, we happen to have two people just, and there's just a
A border that runs through it.
It's nothing, really.
And, of course, Petraeus is saying, you know, what comes after America?
Well, that's simple.
North America.
They see this as an accomplished fact.
They see it as a law that was passed 20 years ago.
And even Petraeus said that when he mentioned that.
He said, you know, we passed this 20 years ago.
Now they are making it an accomplished fact.
You know, we just had this story up on InfoWars.
Obama calls for a collectivized
New World Order.
This is from Paul Joseph Watson.
Listen to this quote from Obama.
He said, Well, actually, it's a quite old set of principles.
You know, there's always been this tension between
Dictatorships and liberty, individual liberty, and of course it is now turning to a different set of principles here in America.
A set of principles that is abandoning the rule of law and abandoning individual liberty.
Let's go to Paul in New Jersey.
Good afternoon, David.
I'll go quickly.
You've got to realize, we've been under communism since 1913.
Yes, oh absolutely.
Did you know that?
Oh yeah, absolutely.
We've got communism on the bottom and we've got fascism on the top, don't we?
We've got a multi-level strategy there.
The income tax, it's a complete fraud, it's unlawful, and you're entrapped by the universal commercial code.
Yes, I agree.
All taxing and financial
Transactions are under the Universal Commercial Code and you do not have to pay that tax if you use it right.
I agree.
We all have to pick our fights.
I mean, I'd still, you know, I pay my income tax because we have to pick where we're going to fight them and how we're going to fight them.
And of course, there's been a lot of people that have pushed on that.
And again, going back to what we were saying before, I think your best
I don't think so.
I'll talk quickly, Mr. Knight.
Thank you for taking my call in overdrive.
I appreciate you taking that extra time.
It's probably why you've got me hooked on the evening news.
You and your colleagues are constantly professional.
You push the envelope and you just don't see that with other newscasts.
Well, thank you for supporting us.
I couldn't do it without you.
Go ahead.
Listen, you put out a product that you don't find elsewhere.
Uh, who spoke about, uh, individuals filing lawsuits.
Now, you correctly noted that one of the tricks used by the courts to suppress and oppress individuals was to simply tell them that they don't have standing.
Now, I strongly disagree with that.
However, um, I do have to, um, respectfully disagree with you relative to your thoughts on not utilizing the courts as a primary
Oh no, I don't want to give that impression.
I think it's very important to fight them everywhere.
And I think you can have legal victories.
I was very happy to see, for instance, Hobby Lobby take it all the way to the Supreme Court and win.
They had everything on the line.
I just understand that everywhere, even in the electoral system, it's a rigged game, but you need to play that game.
Thanks for calling.
We'll be back on Sunday, 4 o'clock.
Be with us then.
In the US, one in every 50 homes will have a break-in this year.
Burglars call it smash