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Name: 20140718_Fri_Alex
Air Date: July 18, 2014
2979 lines.

In this segment from Alex Jones' radio show, he discusses the dangers posed by government surveillance techniques that monitor people and control behavior. He highlights the importance of encryption as a way to protect oneself from snooping. The speaker warns about the manipulation of public opinion and efforts to create absolute tyranny through surveillance. Issues such as giving away privacy through GPS coordinates, RFID technology tracking physical objects, and sharing information freely while protecting personal data are also discussed.

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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this live Friday edition.
It is the 18th day already, ladies and gentlemen, of July.
If major escalations in the ongoing Crimean War intensify Saturday, I will come in and do an emergency live report over the audio and video streams on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and stations will be welcome to tune to our internet feed or to play any clips on their news if they want our analysis.
And I'll be live with the main radio show this Sunday in studio 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
We're gonna be here for three hours today.
You know, I feel bad for...
Kevin Sorbo and the director of a new film that were scheduled to be on the show today were having to move them because obviously this could trigger a much larger war and this mirrors the things that brought us into conflicts like World War I and World War II.
We've been talking the last few years about the build-up towards a world war and the Rand Corporation basically called for one three years ago to bring in the world government
Most mainline historians, every week there's national, international headlines about the world lining up for a new world war and that that being in the air and this being the season.
The season, ladies and gentlemen, it's not the season of love, it is the season of global crises to destroy the old systems and on the ashes of it build a planetary tyranny.
Paul Watson is joining us coming up the next segment with analysis.
Obama and neocons get ball rolling on World War III.
Video, did Ukraine fabricate evidence to frame Russia for MH17 shoot down, killing over 300 people?
Was flight MH17 diverted over restricted airspace as zero hedge?
Was the shoot down of the passenger jet over Ukraine a false flag?
Obama visits burger joint after Malaysian Airlines jet shot down, says he's starving.
Pentagon official says Russians likely responsible for shooting down Malaysian plane.
And yes, it takes a more powerful missile, but dozens and dozens of countries have missiles that go above 33,000 feet.
It was the M-PADS, around 15,000 of them that only go up to about 15,000 feet, that Al-Qaeda's been given.
They're perfect for shooting down passenger liners as they come in to cities or go out of cities.
Most aircraft don't get above 10,000 feet before they even get out of a city.
Or you can just sit out a mile from the airport and the plane's at 3,000 feet and blow it out of the air.
In fact, that's what you want to do because then it doesn't have time to recover if one of its engines gets blown
If they're up higher, sometimes they can recover and land from just one missile.
The point is that NATO has been caught staging false flags in Syria.
Sy Hersh has come out and talked about how that was clearly staged as well, months after we documented it, but he's a very respected two-time Pulitzer Prize winner.
So my issue is, this could be a false flag.
The way the Russians are acting, though, and putting out disinformation and things, makes me begin to lead towards something even more complex.
Now again, mainstream media wants to dominate speculation.
Everybody loves a good mystery, especially if it could cause World War III.
They've got articles in the Daily Mail, they've got articles in the Boston Globe, they've got them everywhere, criticizing myself and others for simply saying, who could be behind this?
That's heresy to have your own speculation.
You're supposed to just listen to them and listen to them speculate.
But when I come back, I'm going to tell you where the evidence is leaning right now in my view.
In my view.
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So we have Ian right there.
What's his name?
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowar.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is the 18th day of July 2014 on this Friday Worldwide Edition.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours.
I will be live this Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
The news is so hardcore and so over-the-top
That you'll need to be watching InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com over the weekend for continued breaking video and text reports detailing what's happening worldwide, from Gaza to Ukraine and the Crimea, right through the rest of the Middle East, financially here in the U.S.
and worldwide.
The globalists are triggering and moving on all fronts right now.
And this swarm effect
Is only engaged in before major world wars begin.
And that's why every major historian, worth their salt, the vast majority, are in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, London Guardian, Financial Times of London, this broadcast, Drudge Report, everywhere.
Analysts are saying major global crises, major war, major currency collapse, major.
And we've been telling you this for the last few years, and you can feel the buildup right now.
I've got goosebumps on my face right now.
I'm getting chills right now when I get up here and talk about how grave and how dire the situation is.
And I'm not being melodramatic.
If we don't get upset about all this right now, if we don't
Get concerned about this and really get involved and try to de-escalate things.
The globalists are going to flog this into a war.
Now here's what I know about MH17, the Malaysian airliner that blew up right after 1400 GMT, 50 miles from the Russian border over Crimea.
Here's what I know.
The globalists stand to gain from all of this.
It comes on the cusp of Israel completely destroying Gaza.
Israel, 14 minutes.
In fact, I have an article right here.
I noticed this this morning.
I went and looked it up and others had pointed it out.
14 minutes after the plane had been hit by the missile, right as it was breaking in the news, Israel was lined up and launched a giant offensive into Gaza.
And no, I'm not saying Israel was involved.
I'm saying they were given word by NATO and others, as their offensive lined up, wait.
Because it becomes a big distraction from what's happening there.
And more importantly from what ISIS is doing, advancing all over the Middle East, in Africa, in Iraq, in Syria, with Western forces, special forces confirmed, even London Guardian reports, in there with them right now, with medium weapons and high-tech weapons like Stinger missiles that bring down aircraft.
So what I know is this.
This is extremely fortuitous and comes right at the perfect time for the globalists.
John McCain has come out in just hyper-extreme rhetoric and said that there'll be hell to pay for the Russians.
That's a U.S.
Senator on the Defense Committee, talking like a third world dictator, trying to escalate the war rhetoric.
Putin has blamed Ukraine for loss of flight MH17 with 298 innocent souls, but doesn't deny Russian separatists shot it down with missile.
As McCain warns, there will be hell to pay.
Also, you add the bizarreness that it's the same make and model of the other missing Malaysian plane.
Yeah, that's really weird.
Around 100 attendees heading to Australian AIDS conference among victims of downed Malaysian airline flight.
We're looking into this top AIDS conference, and I've seen intel that they were looking at AIDS being man-made, which Nobel laureates have already come out and said.
A bioweapon.
A race-specific bioweapon developed for South Africa.
Who we know is working on it.
That's declassified.
They just didn't call it AIDS.
Look it up!
That's mainstream Times of London from the 80s that South Africa got caught working on autoimmune viruses that target Africans.
By the way, it's very hard for Northern Europeans to get AIDS.
They don't have the receptor sites in their T-lymphocytes.
They can still get it if they've destroyed their immune system, but it is designed to whack black people.
And again, if the New York Times or the Daily Mail or
The Boston Globe, who've all got articles going, look at the conspiracy theorist saying it's a false flag and then quoting me yesterday saying, we'll look at it and see if it's a false flag, I don't know.
That is the dinosaur media attempting to say they have a monopoly on speculation when no one knows, except whoever did this, exactly who's behind it.
And I said yesterday it could be the Russians, it could be the separatists, it could be a friendly fire that happens in war.
But you look at everything else happening, and everything else going on, and who launched the war in Ukraine months ago?
George Soros, the State Department of Albright, they did it.
Five billion dollars, overthrowing the government, the elected government, putting in new people.
Trying to start a war with Russia.
The globalists are on the offensive.
They're the ones turning Al-Qaeda and ISIS loose.
They're the ones overthrowing Libya and all these other countries and invading Iraq.
They're the ones handing out the heat-seeking missiles.
They're the ones coming after our guns with executive orders.
They're the ones training for gun confiscation and buying thousands of armored vehicles and, no hesitation, sites, you know, targets of little kids and women.
They're the ones with Obama announcing Monday.
They're preparing the EAS alert takeover system to take over the whole media and the internet kill switch is now operable.
That was announced on Monday.
And I said, folks, they don't announce it unless they're thinking about using it.
And I got chills on Monday.
I used to get chills maybe once a year talking about something.
I'm getting them every minute now.
Again, my instincts and my intellectual understanding is just burning.
With, we're all in danger.
My children are in danger.
Your children are in danger.
The culture is in danger.
Society is in danger.
The globalists have the hardened bunkers.
They have the COG, Continuity of Government.
They believe a world government will bring them into total power.
They want a crisis.
To end the status quo of due process and freedom.
Paul Watson's coming up for the balance of the hour after the break, but here's what I said yesterday, and Zero Hedge is reporting on it today, this morning, and then CBS News and the San Francisco Chronicle and others came out in just the last hour and acted like rational human beings.
And of course, maybe they'll have the New York Times call them conspiracy theorists.
Because they ask real questions, they'll call it a theory.
No, there's no theory that this is a war zone.
There's no theory that it's a provocation and we're sad that 302 people or whatever it was, 298, now it's 300 and something are dead.
But do you want that to be the pretext of a war that could kill millions or billions?
The Russians have no motive to want to shoot down a third-party 777 jumbo jet.
The globalists stand to gain.
So I look at this, and then I see this headline, Zero Hedge, InfoWars.com.
We can put the graphic up on screen for TV viewers.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
Was flight MH17 diverted over restricted airspace?
I love how they call zero heads that are run by insider billionaire folks who will not go named in Wall Street who don't like the new world order and who don't like nuclear war.
They said that early this morning at about 4 a.m.
when I woke up.
That article was out on InfoWars.com because Watson, six hours ahead in England, had already posted it.
They said it.
Then hours later, Captain Schellenberger, big question, CBS News, is why plane was flying over war zone and why the European FAA, FAA's over there as well, and why the EU air traffic system didn't announce months ago a warning and a no-fly through that
Crimea Corridor.
Now, we're being attacked and Zero Hedge is being attacked.
I've got articles right here, already today, saying that we claim they flew it over a war zone.
No, we didn't claim Jack Squat.
And the controlled corporate press, the state-run media, doesn't control reality anymore like Karl Rove bragged you did back in 2005 in the New York Times.
Okay, that is a war zone.
The plane flew over an area where they have been restricting flights in Ukraine and not letting them fly over it.
They were supposed to fly 60 miles to the south.
And instead they flew right over the war zone.
They were directed by Ukrainian air traffic control to fly over that.
And again, I don't have a dog in this fight.
I care about the Catholic Ukrainians in the West, and who've got real beefs with Russia.
I care about the Russian Slavic Ukrainians in the East, who've got real beefs with what the Western Ukrainians did with the Nazis.
It's tribal warfare crud.
And I don't want it to cause World War III for a bunch of globalists.
So, that's the bottom line.
It's a war zone, it's a casualty of war, collateral damage.
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Coming up in the next segment, we're going to go over some of the articles where it was admitted a month ago that no one was supposed to fly over that airspace because it was a registered war zone in Europe.
So actually, Europe had said, do not fly over that area.
No one had been flying over that area.
There were scores of flights just that day that were routed around that.
Only that flight was sent into the war zone.
Now, continuing, ladies and gentlemen, with the information that we're breaking down, no one stands to gain from this but the globalists.
It is entirely possible that Russian-backed rebels, who have been given the SAM-type missiles that can shoot down high-flying aircraft, mistakened it and did shoot it down.
That could be true.
The issue here is that they, within minutes of the plane being shot down, it was already being announced by members of the State Department and their alumni like Strobe Talbot
And Hillary Clinton and others that Russia was clearly behind it, that the rebels had done it, and look, here's a tweet they deleted.
These are famous liars, so I don't by default just believe whatever they say.
Here is Boston.com, the Boston Globe, the weirdest conspiracy theories surrounding the Malaysian Airlines flight MH17, and they mix legitimate questioning
Is it a false flag?
Did the Russians do it?
Is it connected to the other missing Malaysian flight?
Is it connected to the AIDS scientist?
That's what you do.
That's what police do in an investigation.
When they come to a murder scene, they start looking and speculating and war-gaming info.
That's normal investigation.
That's normal thought process.
And they say, no, that's un-kosher, that's insane, you're nuts, Alex Jones, look what people say on his website.
And they show people in the comment section saying things and imply I said it.
So again, that's the attempt to control reality.
Look at DrugsReport.com.
It has an image right now of Vladimir Putin on it.
And it says, who shot it down?
That's a normal question to ask, and that's what you should be asking.
Well, only the Boston Globe, only the New York Times can ask who shot it down.
And it is a link to the New York Times.
See, Drudge is so smart, he knows at first, dare not even question who shot it down, because only, again, mainstream media is proper and kosher
And I'm being a little bit tongue-in-cheek here, but the point is, the New York Times
is allowed to say who shot it down, but we said yesterday who shot it down.
Let's look at different angles of it.
That's not allowed, according to the Daily Mail, and according to the Boston Globe, and according to a bunch of other publications, Time Magazine, you name it.
There are people all over radio right now today, I'm getting the emails and the clips are being sent to us, saying that I said the U.S.
government did this, or I said NATO did this, when all I said is NATO stands to gain from this.
And they're known liars who staged false flags and who staged chemical attacks this year and last year with Saudi Arabia against Syria to then blame Assad.
They even attacked Assad's own people.
But still tried to blame it on Assad.
And I'm not lionizing Assad.
Assad didn't do it.
And it came out even in the BBC, and the Turkish papers had to admit that it was staged.
So if they will stage chemical attacks killing hundreds, would they do this?
Or do stuff like...
Put a transponder coating in on the Malaysian aircraft, designate it in that airspace as a Ukrainian military aircraft, or undesignate it as a civilian aircraft, so the Russians would then say, okay, they've been using bombers to bomb people, killing thousands in the last few weeks.
That's the Ukrainian government's own statement.
The Russians said they'd strike back, so maybe they coded it.
The Ukrainians or NATO, who control the air traffic control in that area, maybe they coded it as a Ukrainian or NATO bomber, and the Russians shot it down.
That's classic false flag, folks.
You go commit atrocity, blame somebody else, or you mark your ship like another country, and then have it attacked, and then bring another country into the war.
This is what governments do.
This is how they operate.
This is what they've done for thousands of years, and I'm simply saying, if we have known governments that do this more than anybody I've ever heard of, should we look at it as a false flag?
Paul Watson's coming up, David Knight in studio to give us his breakdown, straight ahead.
But this is a big deal.
This only hurts the Russians and only hurts Putin.
And I'm not siding with the Russians or siding with them.
I'm simply trying to stop World War III.
I simply want stability, not a new war that brings in a world government.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Alex Jones here for InfoWars.com.
In the month of July, we have got giant specials on everything at Madein1776.com.
The already discounted Made in 1776 t-shirts are only $17.76.
I think?
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Molon Labe, you can take my gun from my cold, dead hands.
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Renewed hostile actions against United States ships on the high seas in the Gulf of Tonkin have today required me
To order the military forces of the United States to take action and reply.
Dr. Martin Luther King, the apostle of non-violence in the civil rights movement, has been shot to death in Memphis, Tennessee.
Senator Kennedy has been shot.
He still has the gun.
The gun is pointed at him at this moment.
Take a hold of this bomb and break it if you have to.
People calling themselves members of the Weather Underground last night planted bombs in federal office buildings in Washington and Oakland, California.
They took the babies out of incubators and left the children to die on the cold floor.
Survivors of the USS Liberty are demanding a congressional investigation into what happened and acknowledgment that the Israeli Air Force bombed a U.S.
intelligence Navy ship.
The death of Bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat Al Qaeda.
The Taliban is taking responsibility for shooting down a U.S.
More than 30 people were killed and there are reports this morning that most of them are U.S.
Navy SEALs.
There may be a false flag incident where a ship goes down and you use it to accelerate the next war.
If there's one thing that has unified Democrats and Republicans, and everybody in between,
It's that we all hated the bank bailout.
The Department of Homeland Security is apparently on a huge ammo buying spree.
It comes out to like 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.
They estimated that they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these re-education centers.
And when I say eliminate, I mean kill.
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
And ladies and gentlemen, we seek the truth here on this broadcast.
David Knight, with his analysis, host of InfoWars Nightly News, is with us.
Paul Watson joins us from London, England.
He's been following this throughout the night and this morning, not even sleeping.
It was first basically pointed out by German media, then picked up by Zero Hedge, and now CBS News is saying, why was plane flying over war zone when all other air traffic for months has been directed out of the area?
This was the sole plane directed on its flight plan, the Malaysian doomed flight.
So the big issue, and it's finally starting to get some traction, which is good, it can stop a larger war.
is why was it directed over the war zone.
It isn't even about who shot it down.
And then there's this kind of rah-rah, Ford versus Chevy, Coke versus Pepsi, Redskins versus the Cowboys idea that I see in the comments on YouTube and Infowars.com going, come on, traders, get behind a war!
Let's have war with Russia!
Let's have a war!
Hey, they got nuclear weapons, folks.
All these Arab countries, whether you love Israel or hate Israel, or are neutral, that say we're going to push you into the sea and blow you up.
Israel's got 800 nuclear weapons, you're not going to do anything!
Same thing with Russia!
You know what my interests are?
The truth, and my kids not being in a nuclear war.
Or gas prices not being $5 a gallon, they're racing up right now.
Or Christians and innocent Muslims being murdered by Al Qaeda and ISIS everywhere.
Or, Saudi Arabia caught red-handed launching chemical attacks on Assad to blame it on him.
That came out mainstream news after we broke it, and WorldNetDaily broke it, and DrugsReport.com carried our stories.
It came out later, months later, that that indeed happened.
But no one remembers it because the admission is in the back of the paper.
Oh, BBC!
Yeah, that was... Saudi Arabia and Turkey and NATO staged three chemical attacks.
The UN even admitted it.
I mean, that's bombshell.
So of course I look at this and say, is NATO involved?
But I gotta tell you, NATO may not have been involved in the way we think.
It's kind of like telling a two-year-old, go play in traffic.
Did you kill the two-year-old?
No, you told him.
It's like a Yosemite Sam episode that's politically incorrect, so it's been banned off TV.
Used to be on YouTube, where he goes and marries a rich widow, but he doesn't know she's got this giant son who he's got to take care of and carry around on his back.
It's called X marks the spot.
And he sits there and goes, now go play fetch!
And he throws the ball out in the street, you know, so the giant two-year-old can go out and get run over.
But instead, it's Yosemite Sam that gets run over, and he has him, you know, jump in a pool full of alligators.
He'll go swimming.
Okay, Daddy!
And that's basically it.
They know the Malaysian airline doesn't know.
It just gets directed by the NATO-run FAA system.
FAA's over there over NATO.
And they just run him right into there.
Or they could have changed the transponder, anything.
Bottom line, what do police look at in all criminology developed in England 300 years ago?
Scotland Yard, the model of modern policing.
You look at who stands to gain the motive, then you look at the means, you look at the capacity to be able to actually carry it out, then you look for the evidence of who the most likely suspect is, and surprise, surprise, to quote Gomer Pyle to Sarge, nine times out of ten, it's who has the motive.
That's all I'm saying.
And there's a good chance the Russians actually shot this down.
Because they said a week ago, alright, you killed thousands of people last week.
Ukraine brags they did it.
You're blowing up whole cities.
You're bombing schoolyards.
You're blowing up churches.
We're going to have targeted responses to it.
And they went, really?
We're going to start directing airlines right over the zone.
Who is to blame?
And again, if Russia, it turns out premeditatedly, wanted to shoot down a jet airliner, so that Putin looked really bad, and so Russia got sanctions put on them, so that they can have World War III, I will decry Russia.
But you're like, that doesn't make any sense.
Why would they?
Exactly, ladies and gentlemen.
They don't have a motive.
Now, in the next hour, we do have Sorbo coming on in for 10 minutes to talk about his film, which is very interesting.
You know, he was the guy that played Hercules and the rest of it.
Very interesting new Liberty film he's in.
But then after that, it's going to be open phones.
Open phones right through that hour to give us your take on this.
And then Katherine Albrecht is set to be in studio with us.
We'll cover the waterfront with her.
But David Knight, we're going to go to you in a moment.
With the proof of what I was just saying, with the FAA announcements directing U.S.
aircraft not to go anywhere in the Crimea, but we also have a European advisory from over a month ago, so we're not just going to say that, we're going to prove it!
Because even CBS is like, why were they flying there?
No, no, no, no, that's not, that's part of the question.
The big enchilada is why were they told to fly over it when the directive to everyone else was, for months, don't do it.
See, they don't want you looking at that.
And I'll get the emails and the comments.
Why do you like Putin?
Never been to Russia.
I don't have any Slavic blood.
I'd be proud of it if I was.
Very smart, you know, engineers, smart people.
Great classical music.
Very interesting culture.
I don't have any Slavic blood in me that I know of.
Okay, folks?
But here's the deal.
I don't want to have World War III with them.
I just don't know how to explain that to you.
I guess it's I'm an extremist.
I'm a bad person.
I don't like George Soros bragging a month ago that he ran the whole operation.
And putting Nazis in to overthrow things.
So people are like, but Putin's bad.
I'm sure Gaddafi wasn't good either.
Is Al Qaeda better?
No, they're ten times worse.
The globalists are the ones on the march, folks, so I'm on the march trying to foil destabilization of our world.
Because I want prosperity!
I don't want Cloward and Piven!
I don't want agenda 21!
I'm sorry.
I called the guys in and I'm ranting.
Paul Watson joining us from England.
I know you're going to be writing an article soon that no one's picked up on that David Knight pointed out.
Ukraine already shot down a passenger liner, but none of this has gotten any coverage.
It was years ago, but when they did it, it didn't try to start World War III.
And back then it was a Western-backed government.
But Paul Watson, what do you have for us, joining us from London?
Well, that's right, Alex.
I mean, you look at the history.
2001, Ukraine admitted it shot down a Russian airliner, killed 78 people.
But, you know, you can go back even further.
I mean, which country has planned to shoot down commercial airliners to blame on other countries to start wars?
1962 Operation Northwoods quote,
And as he said, 2001, Ukraine admitted that it shot down this Russian airliner.
So the history proves that the only people who have actually plotted to do this, as a casus belli, as a false flag to start a war, is the United States and NATO.
As he was talking about before,
July 8th, ten days ago, Ukraine's state aviation service banned all flights over this very same region, rerouted them around the region.
In the previous ten days to this incident, Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 avoided this very area.
The one day it didn't was yesterday, and the maps are in the video that's on Infowars.com that I put out this morning.
Oh my gosh, print that!
I had forgotten about the 2006 February 2nd article where Bush and Blair plan to get a US aircraft or UN aircraft shot down to blame Saddam or to blame others.
I mean, they've done this over and over again.
Bush-Blair 2003 Iraq memo.
They wanted to get, again, a U-2 spy plane shot down in U.N.
colors as a pretext for invasion.
We've got to go with the headline, U.S.
plan to use aircraft shoot-down to start war.
I mean, they just do it over and over again, Paul.
But we're not, according to the Boston Globe, we're not supposed to question anything.
We're just supposed to believe whatever they say.
Well, they always try and seize the narrative immediately, the mainstream media, and then anybody else that has any speculation whatsoever, they're bad, they're evil.
Another aspect which is interesting is there were panicked tweets from this civil aviation, this air controller who was in the tower at Kiev-Borispil airport when this incident went down.
And he claimed, again this is not confirmed, but he said three minutes before the radar tower lost contact with the Malaysian Airlines plane, it had Ukrainian fighter jets surrounding it.
He says that Kiev shot it down.
He said there were people
Kiev authorities immediately rushed up to the control tower, basically threatened them all, told them to shut up.
He was panicking, tweeting all this out.
Of course, his Twitter account's been shut down.
But he was in the actual control tower saying, this is Kiev that shot the plane down, they're threatening us, they're threatening us, and then he went and tweeted it out.
And who controls Twitter but the CIA and the State Department on record with the Library of Congress?
And notice they were in the headline Monday
Saying we don't want to let ISIS be kicked off Twitter, let them recruit on there.
So ISIS, with all these heat-seeking missiles, is allowed to be on Twitter, but the people in Ukraine who are reporting what happened, they're not allowed to be.
And the other issue, Alex, is USA's evidence points to pro-Russia separatists in destruction of Malaysian plane.
It's New York Times headline.
So now they're saying that these rebels had access to the Buk missile system, which is the only missile system in that region that could have shot down this plane.
That's not what Ukraine's prosecutor general said immediately after the incident, according to the BBC.
The military, the Ukrainian military, told the President after the passenger plane had been shot down that the terrorists did not possess our bulk missile systems.
So this whole premise is based around the notion that these separatists had access to this sophisticated radar missile system.
Ukraine's own Prosecutor General said today the military told the President, the Ukrainian President, the separatists did not have access to this missile system.
And let's expand on that.
Only the Russian government had it and the Ukraine government had it back when they were Russian allies.
But similar surface-to-air SAMs that go above 30,000 feet have been around since the 50s and in the US and in Russia.
And it's just a fact.
That our fighter pilots in Vietnam dealt with this from 64 on, and that these weapon systems have been sold to everybody.
I mean, every major state has these.
So to claim that only Russia had this, and so it must be Russia, is just pure bull.
The fact that Russia has had a denial, but I don't think a strong enough denial, makes me think they might have been fooled into shooting it down.
I'm not saying that.
Because I don't think we know enough yet, but the fact that they were not allowed to fly through that area under European FAA and EU controls, and now this lone aircraft did, and this comes on the heels of the escalation, I think it's very suspicious.
I'm going to come back to you, Paul Watson.
I know you've got more, but this is really big.
Let's detail the actual sources on this from the EU and the FAA on the bans that took place in the last few months in that sector where this plane was directed to fly.
Alex, the FAA put out a statement, a press release today, reminding people that back on April 3rd, and we covered this last night in the nightly news, I mean, we already knew this, we covered it last night, but they reinforced it today saying, back on April 3rd, the FAA issued a notice to airmen.
And what that notice is, I've got the notice right here, it is a special federal aviation regulation prohibiting
All aircraft, U.S.
aircraft, U.S.
commercial operators from entering that space, anybody that has a certificate issued by the FAA, and all operators of any U.S.
registered aircraft.
The only exceptions they give, of course, are to U.S.
government-sponsored operations and activities.
But basically, this is a blanket prohibition, and at the same time,
The U.N.
did the same thing through the International Civil Aviation Organization.
On April 3rd, they also warned all airlines to avoid that area.
Now, we covered this last night, and one of the things, as you guys were just talking about, the Buk missile... By the way, it was an order.
I mean, you lose your license if you fly over where they say.
I mean, my dad's a pilot.
I mean, we'd be coming up against huge, deadly storms.
He'd have to land at some airfield because he couldn't go around the storm and couldn't fly over a military base.
I mean, you don't fly over these designated areas.
That's right.
It's a regulation, it's a prohibition.
Now one of the things we're talking about this missile system, remember that back in October 2001 when the Ukrainian government actually did shoot down an airliner, they said it was by mistake because they were having naval operations very similar actually to TWA flight 800 what people believe happened with that and even though
We covered this last night, even though there were over 750 eyewitnesses to that attack, including pilots, people on the ground, said they saw a missile.
The CIA and the FBI went around and confiscated all that information.
Well, it was about a year ago that this all surfaced on the news because that documentary came out about that.
And actually, Anderson Cooper on CNN had said, you know, this is the one year, this is the anniversary.
It's actually, it was in 1996, but it was on July 17th that the TWA Flight 800 was shot down.
He said that, and then he had to do a retraction, so we played that retraction.
No, no, no, I didn't mean to say it was shot down.
Actually, the fuel tank blew up and that caused it to blow up in midair.
And by the way, Mainline Reporter snuck in, tested it, it was hit by continuous rod warhead as General Parton, who developed the weapon, sat on my show back at the time.
Oh yeah.
And it's well known that that aircraft was blown up during a naval drill.
And they had over a thousand men and women on helicopters and ships who they had to gag in the military.
It was a multi, it wasn't just Navy involved, who saw multiple missile trails.
Yes, yes.
I mean, they blew the plane up in front of thousands.
And you've got national traffic safety investigators said that they were lied to by the FBI.
You've got others who said that they got evidence that there were... But you're not supposed to question that.
I mean, it doesn't matter if the people on the ships and the helicopters all saw it.
It doesn't matter if General Partin said that, you know, they saw the photos of the reconstructed plane.
He could see where the missile hit.
But that was done with a different kind of missile.
They don't need to have a Buk missile.
That was done with an SS-20.
No, no, no.
Only Buk missiles.
Only Buk missiles.
Last night it was all about that on CNN.
They kept showing all the stats about it.
Only Russia can shoot down aircraft.
That's right.
No one else.
No one.
Not England, not France, not the U.S., not Japan, not China, not South Africa, not Al-Qaeda.
Only Russia can shoot down aircraft or you're a traitor, David Knight.
We'll be right back.
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We're live as the world goes into deepening globalist orchestrated crises.
Under international law and common law, western-backed globalists overthrew Ukraine, triggering this crisis, and are behind the shoot-down of the aircraft one way or another because it wasn't a war zone, and they directed the aircraft into the area.
That's just a fact.
Those of you that want to blame Russia, who's not the aggressor in all of this, didn't start the fight, you are fools being played by George Soros, Obama, the globalist, the UN.
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Now, I want to go to this clip before we go back to Paul Watson.
And David Knight, this is John Busey today on Fox News from the Wall Street Journal Managing Editor on Fox saying Americans will thank the NSA now because they record all the phone calls.
I thought that wasn't the case.
And they'll find out who really did this.
You mean plant whatever they want?
I mean, they plant DNA on people all the time.
DNA isn't proof of jack diddly squat.
That's the latest data points.
At the end of the day,
This is a time where the citizens around the world are going to be very happy for the NSA because they're going to be scarfing up these telephone calls.
They're going to be able to analyze this data.
They'll be able to determine, most likely, some of the communications that went on after the crash happened, which will probably clarify the picture in the days to come.
They're going to be scarfing it up.
How do they do that?
No, no, no.
They record it live.
Basically everything.
All right, let's just get that straight.
Paul Watson, other points.
We've got one more segment with you and David Knight coming up, but other points you haven't gotten to yet with your cutting-edge analysis at PrisonPlanet.com.
Well, just to put it into context, this incident occurred literally two days after Putin and the rest of the BRICS countries announced basically the birth of this alternative to the IMF and the World Bank, this anti-dollar alliance, which directly threatens the unipolar world led by the US and NATO, the New World Order.
It also arrives
A day after, literally 24 hours after the Ukrainian forces in that very region were absolutely getting their hind end kicked by these separatist rebels, suffering huge heavy casualties, then they have this convenient incident.
And of course the sanctions against Russia have been a complete failure.
The Russian stock market has skyrocketed in recent weeks as the US stock market has tailed off.
In terms of Qui Bono, I mean, all the motivation, all the momentum was going towards Russia getting the upper hand, the separatists getting the upper hand in this conflict with Ukraine, and then this happens.
And for those that don't know Latin, Qui Bono means, who stands to gain motive.
Absolutely key.
David Nye, I don't even have other points.
What's coming up in the next segment?
Well, Alex, I was really amazed at how the mainstream media was pushing these conspiracy theories immediately.
Immediately, they knew... Within minutes, the Russians did it!
They knew the missile.
They knew that only the, uh... We're gonna come right back and talk about it.
Stay with us.
These are key times, folks.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, if I sound excited, it's because I am.
As Paul Watson just devastatingly put it, and we need to go with those headlines, explain it to people, because nobody else will, it seems.
Days after the world moves away from the dollar, predictively, just like they attacked Iraq when they tried to leave the dollar, they have sent this airliner right to the war zone, it's been shot down, and within minutes, we're saying the Russians were behind it.
State Department officials,
And again, it's a tragedy any way you slice it, but the Russians don't have the motive, the key bono.
Who benefits?
I want to get David Knight's take on that and more from Paul Watson.
David Knight?
Well, that's it exactly, Alex.
It looks so much to me like what happened just a year ago when they were pushing for a war with Syria.
They said that they immediately knew when that gas attack occurred, they immediately knew it's sarin, only Assad has sarin, therefore he did the attack, we need to go after him now.
And it turned out that wasn't true.
It turned out that... Putin needs to come out and say, you guys pulled false flags all over the world, have a list with a big blow-up deal on a screen, and do a newscast, and it will defeat the globalists.
I mean, again, people don't... Governments think the public's too ignorant for this.
No, they're not too ignorant.
Russia either shows all the cards or this could start World War III.
Don't you agree?
Shouldn't Putin just come out and just say, look, knock it off?
And if they trick the Russians into shooting it down, the Russians need to come out and say that.
Well, you know, they immediately had this surface-to-air missile system, the Buk system.
And as Watson pointed out, in 2001, October 2001, the Ukraine had already shot down a passenger airline.
They said it was by mistake, but it was a different missile.
And what they were pushing on CNN especially, they were saying, well, the rebels have this Buk missile system.
They stole it from the Ukrainian government.
So therefore, they're the ones who shot it down.
It's like, well, if they stole it from the Ukrainian government, obviously the Ukrainian government has other ones.
What's ridiculous is, I saw that too yesterday here around the office.
They just kept saying, here's the missile, here's the missile, like the public's dumb.
Look, it's a missile!
Look, it's what did... You see it?
See it?
Russians have them!
It's like saying, look, here's this photo of Alex with a gun, you know, in the shooting range.
He might have killed people!
That's right, and we should remember what happened last year with the sarin gas.
What eventually turned out, we pointed out that previously, a few months earlier, the UN and the Russian government had done an investigation saying that the sarin gas, there was a form of homemade sarin gas that had been used by the rebels.
So it wasn't something that only the Assad government had.
It could have been done by either side, so it wasn't a smoking gun.
And then, as that started to get coverage,
The U.S.
government released its own analysis and that's when it ended it.
And that's exactly what Putin should do.
He should release the information.
It turned out at what stage?
Saudi Arabia.
And then Turkey was involved.
Alright, Paul Watson, we've got a minute and a half left.
I know you're working on a lot of big stories right now at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
What else is coming up?
Well, another major issue is the fact that
Within an hour of this shoot-down taking place, Ukraine came out and said, we've got bombshell evidence that implicates the Russian government.
And so people were asking, OK, what have you got?
You know, radar recordings, satellite imagery.
Turns out, they've got a YouTube video, which is this alleged separatist commander speaking with a leader of the Russian Armed Forces, basically admitting that they shot down the airliner.
Problem is, the Ukrainians had already intercepted communications from the same people, allegedly,
Over a month before.
So they knew that the communications were intercepted.
The Russians, the separatists, made no effort to encrypt the communications.
And this is the same globalist, remember?
The same globalist that had Syrian Danny.
Remember him?
Yeah, but the big aspect of this is you actually download the video and look at the video encode timestamp, and this is not like Facebook pages that can be created before renamed later.
This is the actual time the video was created in the file, and it was the 16th.
It was the day before the airline was even shut down.
Oh, they had it all ready and prepared.
It was all ready to roll.
Oh, well, don't question it.
Only do what the New York Times says.
They say it's Putin.
It's all his fault.
We need nuclear war.
Remember, they also told us Saddam had atomic bombs and a yellow cake from Niger.
And so, of course, it was all lies, but we're not going to question it, folks.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
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Molon Labe, you can take my gun from my cold, dead hands.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up, starting in the next segment, we're going to look at who may have been behind the shoot-down of the ill-fated Malaysian airliner that reportedly over 300 people, now been confirmed dead.
And now even mainstream media is asking the question we've been asking since last night.
Why was it directed through an area where aircraft were banned by the EU and the FAA from flying through?
And did you know the Ukraine shut down a Russian airliner back in 2001?
They weren't on the edge of World War III.
Because of it, this is a huge political distraction from the open borders, the dollar being in trouble, and so much more that's coming up.
Kevin Sorbo, though...
He's just a great guy.
I'm a fan of some of the Christian movies he's produced and been involved in.
The kind of stuff I can show my kids.
And of course, everybody knows him from Hercules and a lot of other big TV shows and movies.
And he's in a new libertarian freedom-promoting film, Alongside Night Movie dot com.
And, of course, the author is Neil Shulman, who we're going to get on coming up in a few weeks because all the breaking news.
We're moving him, obviously, with the Russian crisis.
But alongside Night is the new film in theaters and many other places coming out.
So we want this libertarian-style, freedom-based film to be successful.
Kevin Sorbo, thanks for coming on with us.
Hey, good to be here.
Good to see you.
Wow, a lot happening.
Before we get into the film, what do you think about how crazy the world's gotten and the open borders and Obama and the anti-gun executive orders and everything else.
What's your take on that?
Well, the movie kind of feeds into that, actually.
This book was written back in 1979 by Neil Schulman, and it pretty much predicted everything that's going on in the world right now with the economy, with Americans losing their independence, losing their freedom of speech, losing their freedoms as a whole, and everything.
It's amazing how accurate this book has predicted what's going on right now.
It's crazy.
I mean, I don't know what's going to happen with this whole Putin thing.
I mean, has Russia even changed, really?
I mean, they make... KGB's just a different name, you know?
So it's... I've been to Russia recently.
I actually went over in January.
And I'm telling you right now, I wouldn't move there.
So, you know, people still... When they're in trouble, who do they come to?
They come to America first, don't they?
Even though they've been bashing us for the last dozen years, they still come here first whenever there's a problem.
Well, I totally agree that America is a lot better than Russia.
What's left, the Bill of Rights, Constitution, due process, and I don't, as Ron Paul has said, you know, say Putin's an angel.
My issue is George Soros has been intimately involved in the whole Ukraine thing, so I think both sides are bad, manipulating the Ukrainians against each other.
I just hope this plane shoot-down doesn't escalate some type of conflict with Russia.
Yeah, it's pretty scary.
It's just sad, and it's pathetic, and it's, uh... I mean, I think with all the evidence mounting already, just within 24 hours, they're going to be able to find the guy who actually pressed the button.
So it's, um... It's pretty insane.
I mean, look what's going on.
I mean, you go back to Watergate.
You go back to all the attacks on Nixon during that time.
Good Lord!
In the last six years, we've had far more mini-scandals that have been much, much bigger.
But look where we are.
We're not doing anything about them.
It just shows you where the moral curve has gone in this country.
In the world where everything now is everything's okay and we're such an apathetic country right now that people don't seem to care that this country is skidding down into a third world nation.
Kevin Sorboes, Hercules is with us.
Man, I'm familiar with Liberty Films, fiction, non-fiction, with Christian films, because that's what I let my children watch.
You're prolific, you know, in your big niche, but for folks that I guess, you know, only tune into a lot of dominant mainstream media, you know, you're still involved with that some, but not as much as everything you're doing.
Talk about some of the projects you've been involved in.
This project because the fact that Christian media, freedom-based media is growing so fast and supplanting the old Hollywood structure.
I think this is one of the most important revolutions happening right now.
Well, the independent world has really picked up in the movie making.
We're still dependent to some degree to get the studios to pick up our movies and get them out there distribution-wise.
But God's Not Dead went a whole different route.
You know, I've done five movies with these guys.
Pure Flix out of Arizona, the largest distributor of family and faith-based movies.
And God's Not Dead was a little $2 million movie.
And it was really, Pure Flix was very smart in getting it out to all the churches around the country.
And promoting it and having pastors and priests look at this movie and tell their congregation to go.
Well, this $2 million movie made $62 million and stayed in theaters for 30 months, which is unheard of.
And it's still opening in 33 more countries around the world.
It has a very good chance to reach $90 million, even $100 million on a $2 million budget.
Well, I'd love to get you on for a longer period just about God's Not Dead, but that film's been launched now.
And again, I have no stake in these films.
I was promoting a film yesterday, you know, about the fake utopia of Obama that I'm not involved in, because this is how we're going to win the culture war.
Tell us about the new film that's coming out soon.
You know, I kind of touched on it a little bit already.
It really deals with what's happening in America today.
I play a Nobel Prize winning economist and I'm on the lam because I'm calling out the government for what they are.
But freedom of speech has pretty much been taken away.
The dollar is worth nothing.
Only gold is worth something now, and you're kind of seeing that happen in real life.
Obama has kept, I think, I tell people at the stock market, I say the stock market is like the dot-com industry back in the late 90s, where it's all a bunch of ghost money.
We've been printing so much money over the last six years to try to keep the country afloat.
But I mean, look how much more in debt we are since Obama took over in the last six years.
It points to where we're losing all of our rights as Americans.
I fake my own death, and really the movie is driven by my son in the movie.
I'm literally only in the movie like five or six scenes, so I can't say it's my movie.
I mean, really, it's driven by the kid playing my son that is trying to figure out a way to really get us out of the country.
Yeah, I am familiar with the novel.
I haven't read it yet, but I know it kind of ties in just to the whole fact that we as a society will lose our freedoms and we will live in a tyranny if we're not involved, but now we're here and that's why these films are resonating with folks so much because it's not
Alex Jones, or Matt Drudge, or WorldNet Daily warning people 20 years ago, it's now here.
Do you think we'll turn the corner, or where does your gut, Kevin Sorbo, tell you we're going?
I don't know.
I'm looking to New Zealand.
I'm telling you.
I lived over seven years with Hercules, and it was a pretty nice country.
For a socialist country, it's pretty capitalistic.
I mean, this country is so large, and we've got such a large population.
I'm all for helping people in need of help, so don't get me wrong.
I don't want more hate mail and email.
You're going to get those anyway from everybody.
I don't know.
He cracked a whip, you know.
I call his hand soft thunder, you know.
But he got mad, boy, he got mad.
And he said, you learn to take care of yourself.
And that's one thing that I'm passing on to my kids.
And unfortunately, half this country doesn't see it that way and they don't seem to care.
So how do we turn that boat?
Because I feel like we're past that tipping point.
There comes a public education, but who's controlling public education?
Let's dive into everything the government runs.
Post office, IRS, just a bunch of bullies.
You got the public education.
None of these things work.
Everything is broken that the government puts a hand on.
This country was built on individuals.
It was always built on individuals.
It was built on, you know, the Bill Gates of the world and the Fords of the world and all that.
I mean, that's where it came from.
Those are the guys who create true wealth and true employment.
But unfortunately,
I don't understand why the mass media and our government feels they can do a better job because they don't and they never have.
Well again, it's not that this film is going to save the world or your other films will or my films will.
All of them together will give us a shot at turning this around and that's why the collectivists, the progressives, the authoritarian left
But the system is in a race to shut us down, and I think it's important to call out Obama.
You know, Pat Buchanan, who I've known for many years and who I like, Kevin Sorbo joining us first, we just tuned in, he says don't impeach Obama, let all his bad stuff get Republicans elected.
Well, my issue is, you've got to prosecute him, or nobody's scared in government of getting in trouble.
I think we become aids to the evil if we don't say no to it.
Oh, I'm in total agreement.
And on top of that, I'm a big firm believer in term limits.
Why can't we get that?
Why can't we, 315 million people, say no more 40-year terms for these Congress people?
I don't care on both sides of the political aisle.
They get six years max, that's it.
If a president gets eight years max, Congress gets six.
That means they get in there, they get their job done,
And then we've got people like Obama, when something huge happens like this, like yesterday, this crash and this huge border crisis, he's going out and just trying to raise money for the Democratic Party.
It's pathetic.
It's ridiculous.
They've got to raise tens of millions of dollars for a job that pays 200 grand.
So what's going on?
We'll tweet it out at RealAlexJones right now.
Another independent film exposing tyranny.
Now that you can find out about theaters in your area.
And then if people come see the first few theaters and support it, it'll spread all over the world.
Like God's Not Dead and other films that Kevin Sorbo is involved in.
Kevin, we got 45 seconds.
Closing comment.
Um, you know, people gotta wake up.
I mean, the trouble is, so many people don't pay attention to what's going on in the world, and they don't care.
And we need to do something to wake up that populace.
We need to do something to change our public education, because we need people out there to teach kids in schools the way they should be taught, not being brainwashed what our government's doing to them.
And go watch Long Side Night, and also God's Not Dead comes out August 5th on DVD.
August 5th.
Thank you.
We want to have you back on.
Thanks for spending time with us.
Thanks a lot.
You bet.
There goes Kevin Sorbo.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're going back into the border crisis.
Back into the latest with Ukraine and the shot down airliner.
Back on the latest on the NSA and so much more.
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There must be some kind of way out of here.
Said the joker to the thief.
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There's too much confusion.
There's too much confusion.
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I can't get no relief.
Businessmen here, drink my wine.
Climb and dig my earth.
None will level on the
You want to talk about what you think is going on with the Malaysian airliner?
I know you do.
I know listeners want to hear what you have to say.
For the open borders or other issues, the phones are wide open.
Let's take three or four calls right now in this short second.
Let's just do it.
Brian in Georgia.
You're on the air on the missing airplane.
Well, I don't think it's missing.
It's on the ground.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
Oh, hey, Alex.
Hey, go ahead.
I was listening to you on the internet.
Yeah, my thought was, remember that missing plane from Malaysia?
I think it kind of ties in.
It was weird.
My wife and I were driving back from Orlando.
We heard it on the news, and we look at each other, and she doesn't like your news like I do, but it was just very ironic that it's a Malaysia airplane
Once again.
Well, I've got to say that that whole thing was very suspicious and doesn't add up, but we're supposed to not question that or we're bad.
We're not supposed to question Obamacare doubling, crippling prices or we're bad.
We're not supposed to question that all the taxes in it or we're bad.
We're just supposed to do what we're told.
That's what a good citizen does is get screwed over.
And yeah, it's the same make and model and the same airline.
And then Operation Northwood said they would have one airplane launch with the CIA on board
It would land, have another identical airplane get blown up, and that's how Northwood said they would blame the Russians and the Cubans for shooting down an airline.
That's Operation Northwood's ABC News.
But when I mention that, they'll have the Boston Globe say I made it up, and then I'm insane, and have Rydel Yankovic make a joke video like they've done, because they just think they control reality and questioning is insane.
If I walk out and say the sky is blue, I'm a bad person, unless Obama says it's okay for me to say that.
And, uh, yes, I agree with you, uh, that the whole thing's very weird.
They've had a hundred attendees heading to Australian AIDS conference.
I mean, who knows if any of this is even true?
Uh, it's all very, very bizarre.
Uh, but Operation Northwood's called for doing something just like this, and then...
A little bit more recently, in 2003, it was declassified in 2006, that Bush and Blair wanted to paint up a plane like a UN plane, shoot it down, and blame it on their enemies to start war.
Saddam in that case.
So thank you, Brian.
Good points.
But again, questioning is bad.
And so we're going to do it again.
I think John from Texas is thinking and looking at things, trying to figure out what's happening.
If you watch a mystery movie,
That's a thought crime.
If you play Clue, it's a thought crime.
You do not think or question when people don't know what's going on.
You receive what the loving government says.
John, you're not about to ask questions here, are you?
I want to ask questions about Vladimir Putin, Alex.
Okay, go ahead.
I see the pictures on the internet that he's in church and he's praying and meeting with church leaders.
But let's face it, to get up high in the KGB, you almost have to be a hardcore communist.
And I still see the Soviet emblems on all the vehicles.
I still see Red Square still named Red Square.
When the Russian troops marched through there, they still got red flags.
And then there's the Comer River Truck Factory.
It was built by, financed by David Rockefeller and built by the Ford Motor Company.
A truck factory that's 36 miles long, capable of building... That was used to arm the North, that was used to give trucks to the North Vietnamese for the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
It's capable of building 250,000 military vehicles a year.
I know.
Now where's all this stuff going?
I mean, is this just an illusion to put us to sleep?
And like the Soviet defectors said, they came over here in the mid-80s and warned us that they were going to put this big illusion up and when we're back, they're going to smash us with their steel fish, you know?
But it's more sophisticated than that.
Our government, the globalists, the John D. Rockefeller, the Rothschilds, on record,
Put the Bolsheviks in in 1917 and aided them the whole time and gave $25 million to Stalin, who was the main henchman of Lenin.
And our government declassified in 2004, look it up, that our government put Mao Zedong into power.
So, yes, is there big remnants of the Russians and the KGB and all that?
Do I trust Putin?
The point is, is that, I'm going to come back and break this down briefly and then let you get a comment, John.
The issue is, the globalists took down the czars to put an evil in, used the Soviet empire to take over parts of the world, then built a police state here to counter it that was also used to take over parts of the world.
I'm gonna explain full spectrum dominance when we come back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, I'm going to go to a lot of calls, so I'm not going to belabor this point.
But let me explain full-spectrum dominance as simply as I can.
But it's full-spectrum, so it's very complex, but also very simple.
If you are global financial combines that for 500 years on record are longer with the black nobility of Venice, the Venetians,
This is on record mainline history.
What I'm telling you is known by historical and economic scholars.
This is not my view of things.
This is prima facie admitted.
Transferred their system to England in the last 500 years.
Napoleon was a competing faction of the very same group.
Out of Corsica.
Out of Italy.
He wasn't even French.
And that was a battle between the two Venetian systems, the two Italian systems, that had the Roman technology of governing and manipulation, between the Britannic forces and the Napoleonic forces.
I'm simplifying this as much as I can.
There's Knights Templar stuff, Merovingian stuff tied into it, a lot of different philosophies, but the main banking, shipping, combine, British East India, Dutch East India operation.
Model that is globalism and modern mercantilism today.
They created Hitler on record.
Didn't run him.
Didn't control him.
Found him, trained him, set him up, pointed him at Europe to blow everything up, as Napoleon Part II, to bring in a new global Britannic model based on the United States.
That doesn't mean Hitler was good, that he was set up.
Just like ISIS is being set up and Al-Qaeda.
They're horrible.
They're real.
They're killing people.
But they're being funded and protected and turned loose by the same Britannic model.
Doesn't mean British people.
It's a model.
It's a system.
It's a game plan.
And other countries and groups do it as well, but they try to mimic that model.
The only way to beat that model is truth going over the top and circumventing the whole thing and pulling back and exposing the hat trick.
You don't beat it with the Ring of Sauron.
You become it.
But everyone tries to adopt it to defeat it.
I'm going to stop right there.
The Russians were set up because the Czars weren't part of the European or British group.
They were cousins to the British and were a German bloodline and had been quietly off and on working with the Germans, not in World War I, but were getting back in bed with them at the end of that, so they had to be taken out.
And the British put this in the newspapers at the time in World War I. They called it the German problem.
That they were out producing science and technology and dominating through soft power and not through Britannic power.
So they had to be destroyed.
So they destabilized them, had assassinations, got the Austrian-Hungarian Empire to get into a fight with them.
And it was their cousins they were fighting with.
It was German Transylvanians in Russia, Germany, and England running the whole show.
But they had adopted Machiavellian technologies, which themselves were Venetian black nobility programs.
Okay, so those are the different pieces of the puzzle.
So when I sit here and say the globalists are trying to overthrow Russia,
Russia took the money of the Rothschilds, stabbed the globalists in the back, double-crossed them.
Putin double-crossed a bunch of them.
He double-deals with them as well.
Putin's been poisoning and killing some of them.
There's a real war going on here.
They're really trying to do their own New World Order right now.
Doesn't mean it's good.
Doesn't mean I trust them.
There's a certain KGB group that doesn't want to kill all the Russians and that are nationalistic.
And they met with Sholts and Eatson.
He decided to leave the U.S.
He went back.
Putin was a secret acolyte of Sholts and Eatson later.
Was reportedly there when he died.
I mean, I've done the research on all this, okay?
And they've made the decision not to put cancer viruses in all their shots and kill all the Russians.
They've decided to not go with the full eugenics model and go with a Russian bear, new nationalistic takeover system.
And if the old guard likes red stars on things, they'll go with it.
But they're going with more of a strongman El Jefe model.
I don't endorse it.
They're trying to survive, though.
The globalists are trying to bring them down, folks, just like they're trying to bring down our country, bring down our borders, bring down our standard of living, take our guns, break the patriarch, break the male.
Not to empower women.
This is a scientific... It's like space aliens landed.
The globalists are that advanced with their technotronic, over-the-horizon, Google future predicting system.
And an old mafia of the Russians does not want to go under it.
You understand that?
That's what it is.
And so, it's Russia that had Ukraine on its border overthrown by the West.
It's Russia with Al-Qaeda attacking it.
It's Russia being destabilized.
It's Russia with... The Russians are not lobbying to take my guns.
Russians are not lobbying to take my private property.
Russians are not lobbying that I can't have any kids.
They're lobbying people to have kids over there.
And I don't lionize them.
I know who their faction is.
And it's infiltrated by globalists as well.
The globalists have the Asian, the Russian, the US and European power blocs playing us off against each other, but only to kill humanity, only to make us bankrupt, only to transfer power to the national security states.
Which are models that the technocracy needs.
They need us fighting with each other to build the technotronic towers.
Because only technotronic towers can battle a technotronic system.
But, once we've built the technotronic system for them, then the technocracy of the West, that's much more advanced, believes it can then take over
In a Judgment Day Skynet scenario, the systems and circumvent humans, merge with the machines, and then kill everybody on the planet.
Now, that is the Google plan.
Bill Joy told the world about it.
That is the Microsoft program.
And if you can't handle it, you can't handle the truth, folks.
This is, in all their major publications, that they're going to get rid of everybody.
And that the singularity will come.
But they need global adoption of centralized systems for it to integrate with when they release the AI force.
You notice the robots are rolling out, the tanks are rolling out, the armored vehicles, the self-driving cars, the factories are replacing humans everywhere.
It's here!
You can party a while, play with your iPhone, take drugs if you want, be a nihilist, eat, drink and be merry, or you can decide to be part of the future and try to defeat this.
And so our future progeny and ourselves can enjoy the life extension, enjoy all these great things that are happening.
But people are too primitive,
To understand that they're manipulating us all, that Palestinian, Israeli, Russian, Dutch, Hispanic, white, black, white, Catholic, Protestant, male, female, and the globalists have told me!
I mean, I've met with billionaires and elites and people said, why don't you talk about it?
Because it was, you know, meetings and confidence.
And they said, look, the public doesn't want to live and they don't understand what you understand.
You are one of us.
By extension, you want to survive.
Now join me.
You people have no idea what's going on and how much danger you're in.
I mean, FBI guys in suits trying to impress people, coming up and intimidating folks in black glasses.
Give me a break!
You're all full of cancer viruses.
You're all being microwaved every day.
Your kids are walking dead, just like everybody else's.
You gotta circumvent the whole fake matrix, get outside of it, and go read books by Bill Joy, and books by Ray Kurzweil, and the Russian scientists are in their own race with this thing, and have public symposiums.
Whether it's realizable or not, it's the architecture that the elite are pushing and promoting.
It's full spectrum dominance towards the end of not blasting space colonies into space to ensure our species and empower humanity, but to end us.
The decision has been made to transcend humanity and the elite's view.
You go, oh, that's movie Transcendence, where the good machine takes over and puts nanotech into everything to make sure we're good.
And a good human is a dead human.
The elite in all their publications, just type, elite believe they're another species, you'll have Times of London, AP, Reuters, it's in all the, they're telling you that they believe they're superior and are going to merge with machines.
And have copies of themselves and they're not going to let you or I have access to that without a fight.
If you even want access to it.
So, that transcends red stars on Russian tanks.
I will assure you, ladies and gentlemen.
John, does that answer your question?
Yeah, it does, and I really want to believe in Vladimir Putin.
I really hope he is a Christian, you know, I really hope that he turned against us.
I don't think you should believe in Vladimir Putin, brother.
You should pull outside the spectrum.
And can you see the pieces on the map?
I'm going to keep both eyes open.
I'm not a blind follower.
I mean, I want to, but I'm still looking at the fact that the globalists, when they sent Trotsky and Lenin in there, it was a launching pad to take over the world in a socialist system, and so I've got to keep both eyes open as far as making sure he's not still secretly part of this, you know?
Oh, I'm sure he's all... Did you just hear... I mean, we know who Putin's part of.
The reorganized, collapsed Soviet Union that's decided to go with the nationalist model because now they understand through Shultz and Easton and others and through me.
I don't even talk to them, but they listen.
I'm not bragging, folks.
I mean, the Russian government listens to this show, quotes it, it's on record.
That's what's got the CIA so upset.
I'm here giving them... I mean, they're smart enough to get Britannic intel.
The Russians are smart enough to understand this and to get past
The full spectrum false field, false narrative that's been put up?
The Russians are understanding that they're slated for total destruction.
So that's making them transcend their communism into more of a El Jefe-ism of the chief, which is what the globalists knew in 1900.
When H.G.
Wells wrote Things to Come, they knew that would be what they would face in the future.
Do you see what I'm saying?
It's not that China's good or Russia's good.
They're different sub-blocks within a contrived battle, economically and militarily, for global supremacy to build
Yes, but that was laid out publicly.
Brzezinski's written five books on it.
I didn't come up with this.
They've all written books of the... They say they're going to do all this.
And like, no one will talk about it.
Except them, and then their own people, and then they say, well, look how dumb the public is.
See, they don't even care.
I appreciate your call.
God bless you, sir.
Oh, God help us.
I just don't know how to explain this to people.
I just... Toby in Oregon, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
The plane is a distraction.
The real deal is the Western Front, and I think the only way that we can stop this invasion from the South American continent is by spreading the Republic and starting a 51st state movement like Baja and get them to join the Union and to
No, I agree.
Mexico has failed and collapsed, and you don't stay the same.
I mean, you don't have, in the universe, where something sits there.
It either degrades or it excels and moves forward.
And ABA would be
A nice slice and is it one of the safer, better areas of Mexico?
And it also would secure Mexico's flank if you cut it off and built a fence there up by where the peninsula is.
And I think you're probably right.
The problem is the globalists already foresaw that.
That's why annexation of Mexico into the North American Union is their plan out of the crisis they created.
They already are one step ahead with the logic
To sell the absorption of Mexico as a way to fix the problem, but they won't fix the problem with the absorption of Mexico.
So you just hit full spectrum dominance again and the high-level intelligence we're facing.
If we could translate your small booklet that you hand out with all the orders into Spanish and spread that, you know, the yellow rights is something that all southern
Exactly, exactly, exactly.
They just see it the way it's been sold that they're not welcome here when they're leaving the hell of stuff.
And then it's sold that you can only join the communists, socialists, if you want to have freedom.
It's a total fraud.
We do need to spread 1776 worldwide, and not just annex things.
We could literally have the ideas, if they were properly taught, expand and would turn those places into Edens.
The problem is the globalists have been in Latin America for 60 years with the Ford Foundation, teaching communism as the only way to resist.
I've worked with many of these laborers.
They're hardworking.
They want to be American.
They want to blend in.
It's not their fault that people are handing them all these goodies.
So I want to... Oh, I know, I know, I know.
And they've set up an economy where you can't even survive as a working class person without handouts.
I mean, they admit that's the plan.
I mean, it's not just the Hispanics from Latin America that are getting the freebies on top of working.
Most Walmart workers are on welfare on top of it.
Most blue-collar workers, they tell city and state workers now, oh, you're so low-paid, go get welfare.
Go get food stamps.
I mean, it's disgusting.
I appreciate your call.
Great points, Tubby.
Yeah, it's messages like that that are going to save humanity.
We're all in this together, folks.
It's full spectrum dominance.
Ugh, let's just talk to Glenn in Ohio.
Glenn, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for holding.
Hello, Alex.
Can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
Hey, Alex.
I have some really important information here.
I'm not sure if you mentioned this to your listeners or not, but this is from history.
Do you recall Iran Air Flight 655?
Yes, and then right after they had that, they had Operation Praying Mantis and blew up the Persian Gulf fleet of the Iranians.
Well, the point here being is that the United States government, especially Obama and the globalists,
We have no business pointing fingers at either Russia or the separatists when we ourselves destroyed 209 people on board that flight, including 66 children and 16 crew died that day.
Well, it happens in war zones and it's terrible.
The Ukrainians in 2001 blew up a Russian airliner.
So, was there World War III over that?
There it is, Ukraine admits it shot down a Russian airliner.
Killing 78 passengers.
So, why was it not a big deal then?
Because you don't start wars over things like this.
No governments!
Here's the thing about the Russians.
They don't have a motive to blow the aircraft up.
They didn't do it premeditatedly.
It's a bad move.
It's like forfeiting the queen in a chess game for no reason.
You see what I'm saying?
I guess the point here, being just really quick here, is that, again, we really need to stress, hey, look, U.S., you did the same thing.
You have no business pointing fingers at anyone else.
So just be quiet.
And settle down.
Well, bottom line, it's George Soros trying to start a war with the Russians.
So they got such a big crisis, Obama can come on TV, announce a war started with the Russians.
I mean, all I know is, man, the globalists are driving this pony, and it isn't a good situation.
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That's 888-507-8789.
Infowars.com has been up and down some today.
And we have backup websites like PrisonPlanet.com and we're looking into this being an attack on the site.
Those routinely happen and we're working on mitigating that, but we're going out on AM and FM stations all over the world, YouTube, thousands of other platforms, Global Shortwave, and the fact that we're seeing more and more censorship the last week where suddenly web filters all over the world, not just here in the United States,
have been saying, don't go to our websites, they're not safe.
And again, they've done that to Drudge, WorldNetDaily, you name it before.
This is an attempt to make sure that the fact that we're questioning the narrative does not get out.
Up on Drudge right now, it's got the Sun headline, Putin's missile.
See, Putin did it now.
And it's just like babies in incubators.
It's like claiming that there's babies that Saddam was stomping the brains out of.
It was a PR firm, all fake, none of it true.
To start the first Iraq war.
Or that our ships were attacked in the Vietnam harbor.
Didn't happen.
That's declassified.
Again, in the mid-2000s.
And so now, you know, it's the sun in England.
Flight MH17 shot out of the sky.
Putin's missile.
Well, there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
He is convicted, ladies and gentlemen.
Open and shut case.
And so the answer is, I guess, let NATO and the EU take over and kick all the Russians that are about half the population of Ukraine out and maybe just bomb Russia.
I mean, I've got headlines up on Infowars.com until the site went down with all these top government officials, McCain, you name it, saying there will be hell to pay and others saying let's go toe-to-toe with the Russians.
The site's again up and down.
It's up right now.
But this is what they're saying.
This is what they want.
And they don't want people going to Infowars.com and noticing that the Ukraine video was uploaded to YouTube, timestamped on YouTube.
The day before the plane was shot down yesterday.
So on Wednesday, this YouTube video showing a supposed Russian separatist dressed up standing by a Russian officer by one of these missile launchers that they admit the Ukraine government has.
They claim separatists stole it.
I mean, I could dress up like a TSA person and go do stuff right now and people think TSA did it.
Or impersonate a cop.
I mean, you know, you could do that.
This is what goes on.
And this is how wars start.
And I'm sad for everybody in Ukraine, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm glad the Georgia war got stopped in 2008.
We're going to go to your calls in the next segment for Tim.
And Nathan and others that are patiently holding.
But before we go any further, please remember that we're under attack as well.
They don't want us getting this info out because they don't want to have a real debate.
They want to start a new war like the Spanish-American War that was based on blowing up the Main.
They want to do this.
Globalist criminal interest.
The same one shutting down our borders right now.
They're attacking everybody.
The globalists are launching their wars and operations everywhere right now.
All over the Middle East.
Al Qaeda's launching attacks.
NATO's launching attacks.
Israel's launching attacks.
The globalists are lowering our borders, launching attacks.
These are the times they drop the hammer.
This is when everything accelerates.
So, spread the word about the broadcast, the free podcast, the free audio feeds, the video feeds.
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Shop with the good guys.
We'll be back in 70 seconds.
The third hour is coming up.
Short second with your calls.
Kathryn Albrecht in studio.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Separatists most likely fired missiles, CNN is saying.
Analysts at CNN, same folks that told you about Saddam's missiles that were coming in, and his secret death ray weapons, they're saying most likely Russian made.
CNN says so, and they don't lie.
I mean, you saw Anderson Cooper, who's admittedly CIA, his nose disappear from the studios at Sandy Hook in a blue screen.
So, I mean, I don't know what the truth is from Known Liars.
I just know Russia doesn't stand a gain from this.
Let's talk to Tim in Ohio.
Go ahead, Tim.
Thanks for calling.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Hey, I'm the guy that found the Obama phone lady for you up here in Ohio.
Oh, good job.
Hey, um, since we're in an information war, you wanted to have that Jeopardy show.
Um, I think you should call it Yupperty.
Okay, tell me about it.
And you can have really stupid questions about what color is Jennifer Aniston's hair, and horrible bosses, but then ask them about things that matter, like the first three of the Bill of Rights, stuff like that?
Well, isn't it sad how back when our founding fathers had the revolution, they were upset over a 3% tax sending it overseas to a king, but yet Washington, D.C.
is not one of the 50 states
And we send all of our money there.
No different.
That's right, brother.
You're absolutely right.
Good points.
Thanks for the call.
And by the way, Nico, you should have an update on the Obama phone lady.
Are we able to get her to town?
It's close.
Okay, good.
I want to get her take on Obama now.
Let's talk to Nathan from Texas.
You're on the air, Extremist.
Go ahead.
Are you looking for Nathan or Jason?
Uh, Nathan, bro?
I said my name was Jason.
Oh, okay.
We just got the name wrong.
Just, I'm sorry.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
That's okay.
I just wanted to talk about the, uh, the border.
I've just spent the last week in El Paso and I crossed over into Juarez twice.
And each time coming back, I was wearing blades on my sides and nothing was said from the customs or the border patrol.
And all I went across with was my birth certificate and my driver's license.
And, uh, I'm a U.S.
Army veteran.
And the week we spent in El Paso, we had constant flybys over the hotel we were in.
And they were low enough I could almost see the pilot's face.
And they were running about every 50 to 75 minutes.
I don't know what they were looking for.
I don't know if you knew about that or not.
But then when we were coming home,
We hit the Border Patrol checkpoint about a hundred miles east of El Paso.
And the only thing they did was said, is everybody on board a U.S.
I said, yes.
They said, all right, go ahead.
And you know, what cartel member is going to tell the truth?
No, I'm not a U.S.
I got a truckload of coke back here.
You know, that's how low that they've gotten.
Our government has opened our borders by design.
And I'm having to convince callers why we don't want war with Russia.
I mean, the traitors run the country.
But see, people at a primitive level, even if they're smart, get behind the country when there's a foreign enemy.
But we're not a country.
We're under FEMA regions.
We'll only get the country back admitting that.
So, absolutely, sir.
Any other points?
Well, the Malaysian airliner.
I told my family last night, I said, I guarantee you, tomorrow Putin's going to be blamed with that airliner coming down.
So we've got too many interests in Ukraine that they're not going to just let go of easy.
And by interests, we mean globalist interests.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
The oil, the gas, the whole nine yards.
Listen, there's U.S.
studies out, as long as Russian studies, that the sanctions are hurting Europeans and Americans worse than Russians.
In power prices, you name it.
I mean, but the globalists don't care if it hurts us.
They love that.
Everything they do is to bankrupt us and to control us.
Kathryn Albright's going to be in studio with us, coming up here.
And then we'll continue with some calls.
We'll cover the latest NSA, the police state, their take on the Russia situation.
We'll cover the waterfront.
Straight ahead, I'm Alex Jones.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we are back and I am here, as the music runs out, just trying to get the documents and articles straight.
You can go to the London Guardian from 2006 and you can see the headline that Bush Blair in 2003 had a plan to get a U.S.
Shot down, painted up like a U.N.
plane to then blame it on Saddam Hussein.
But they figured out other ways to stage that war then.
There's the headline, Blair Bush deal before Iraq war revealed in secret memo.
PM promised to be solidly behind U.S.
invasion with or without U.N.
And here's the headlines today.
Out of the Daily Mail, Putin blames Ukraine for loss of the flight, saying it was a war zone.
Why were aircraft being routed through there?
But John McCain responds and says, they'll be hell to pay.
Putin responds by saying, let's have a ceasefire after the plane attack, where they've had a bunch of Ukrainian aircraft bombing people.
And the response out of that was by
The neocons and Bolton to come out in the news, John Bolton, and he said let's go toe-to-toe with the Rooskies right out of the 1964 Dr. Strangelove movie where Slim Pickens rides down the hydrogen bomb starting the end of the world.
Maybe a new Cuban Missile Crisis will play out this time.
Maybe this is how they'll get their total power, ladies and gentlemen.
So, Putin says, let's have peace, and the answer is no, how dare you?
They're calling it Putin's missile.
But when the Ukrainians shot down a Russian passenger liner in 2001, the Russians didn't talk about any military action, because they're the bad guys.
And we're the good guys, because we fund Al-Qaeda, killing Christians all over the Middle East.
And give ISIS heat-seeking missiles.
Again, I'm not for Russia here.
This is the globalists above our countries playing us off against each other.
But George Soros a month ago told the New York Times that he was the main person behind the overthrow of the elected Ukrainian government.
The West started this and then somebody routed that aircraft through that airspace where for months no one's been allowed to fly.
And that's in the news, but it's in CBS News and a few others, but kind of like, yeah, okay, and that's important, but not that big of a deal.
No, it's a big deal.
You don't avenge 300 people killed accidentally, even if the Russians did it.
That's questionable, by starting a larger war.
Well, you know what?
Dr. Catherine Albrecht is right here, in studio with us, and Spyships.com, CatherineAlbrecht.com, A-L-B-R-E-C-H-T.com.
We had Kevin Sorbo on earlier talking about a libertarian film that he stars in.
There's a lot of great people out there promoting freedom.
That's how we're taking the world back.
Sorbo's new film has already made, in just a few months, 69 million dollars.
And he's got another one coming out now.
I have no financial connection to it.
I'm just promoting it because this is how we bring them down.
Our films, our culture, it's superior.
And we set it up against them.
People support it.
People support InfoWars.com.
You promote the show.
You buy our products.
You give them to other people.
That will build a culture of freedom.
Voting with your dollars.
That's why they want to end the free market.
Catherine is the host of Syndicated Program.
She'll be hosting it today out of my studios.
The Dr. Kathryn Albright Show.
And again, she's right here with us, campaigning as usual to expose the whole Technotronic NSA spy chips grid.
And she's here with us in studio and traveling with her lovely friend,
Who's running for, I guess, State Senate, so we'll talk about that some with you as well.
Okay, you can tell I'm wound up, so I'm going to have to sit back here and just get your take on things and catch my breath, but thanks for coming to Texas.
Tell us why you came to Texas and what's coming up, and then let's get into the big picture with you of, wow, everything you talked about, everything I talked about, from light bulbs that are spying on you that people didn't believe to
Smart meters outside your house with microphones listening to you.
I mean, it's all just coming out.
It's a coming out.
They're like, of course we listen to everything you do.
Let's play that Fox News clip with the Wall Street Journal editor saying, we record everything so we'll know who shot down the plane.
This is wonderful!
But except who runs the system.
So we're going to talk about all that and more.
Thanks for coming in.
Hey, thanks Alex and you know one of the things you and I of course knew these things were coming years and years ago and it's only been I think really in the last year or so that people, regular people, people who don't listen to the Alex Jones Show, don't listen to my show have figured it out.
I think a lot of it because of Ed Snowden revealing what's going on.
In a way that even people who want to deny it can't deny it.
They have to say, wow, this really is happening.
Yeah, yeah.
First, they weren't spying on anything.
It was all conspiracies, even though we already had all the other whistleblowers of a decade ago.
William Benny, super high level.
Wayne Madsen.
But just, no, it doesn't exist.
Yeah, and I think what we're undergoing now is sort of a psychological shift to get people into a mindset of accepting and even embracing the very change that they want to put into our lives.
The best example I think right now people can understand is the use of cell phones, right?
Everybody's carrying around a 24-7 tracking device that even 15 years ago... Calling it a phone is a misnomer.
That's one function.
Of a globalist design, total takeover.
I mean, Bill Gates admitted about four or five years ago, he goes, I want Kinect to be like cell phones.
I want to take your life over.
No, it's not a phone.
And I think what we're going to start seeing more and more is these things trying to tentacle into other parts of our lives.
The one that has me probably the most concern right now is our homes, because we've kind of gotten used to, I think we shouldn't have, but we've gotten used to being surveilled in the public sphere.
You walk down the street, there's surveillance cameras, there's
Heat recognition tracking and thermal tracking.
There's all sorts of things going on.
We're tracked from the sky.
They have photographs of the front of our homes, but they don't know what's going on inside of our homes.
And I think that's a big part of what we need to stand up in resistance against.
Well, they don't admit they do, but Google's on record.
The cameras, the microphones, it's all in Lifetime.
But they're trying to sell it to us as something that we will pay for.
This is really the difference between 20th century tyranny and 21st century tyranny, is in the 20th century you use guns and tanks to get your way.
They're still doing a bit of that, but I think they've figured out through all of the psychology that the 20th century contributed and understanding of how people think.
And that's what your doctorate says, you can speak to that.
It is, yes.
I actually have a doctorate in human development and psychology from Harvard University.
Harvard's where they actually teach a lot of the technocrats how to do this.
That's probably true.
At their higher level PhDs, I just had one of those PhDs on Francis Boyle, and he's breaking down, and I've also had other political scientists on who also went there, and at the higher level, they don't even mince words about this.
Well, it's really about understanding what makes people tick.
And I guess like anything else, you can use it for good, you can use it for bad, but it seems like it's being used for bad.
And you look at the recent Facebook scandal, where university professors, people doing psychological research, were able to figure out that if they fed people that negative news, that they would become negative, that these emotions were contagious.
Figuring out how to manipulate people, and then of course what emerges is that... Yeah, Facebook's a lifetime study, just like Disney World admits, on how to control you.
That's right.
So the very professor who was involved in that study, of course, as you know, was also involved with the Defense Department doing research on how to quell dissent, how to make sure that when governments do certain things that people don't rise up or become ruffled or upset.
So the very same professor who's doing that research with the Defense Department is doing this research with Facebook.
And then, right on the heels of that, we find out from Ed Snowden that the intelligence agencies of the U.S.
and Great Britain have been manipulating public opinion.
And the key thing, I think, to understand is that, as individuals, we look to other people to know what to do.
And probably the best example, if you and I were sitting in a theater and we smelled smoke, we might look around and say, is there a fire?
I don't know.
And if everybody else just kind of went,
Whatever, and kept eating their popcorn, we might do the same thing.
But if we smelled smoke and looked around and everybody was running for the exits, we'd get up and run for the exits.
And it's not because we're stupid, it's because we look to other people to figure out what to do.
Now your listeners, my listeners, are a slightly different ilk.
They're programming herd mentality.
Well, they're taking advantage of something that's already in us, which is that we look to other people to see if something is dangerous or not.
That's how they get us eating all of this horrible food, because everybody else is eating it, so it can't be that bad.
But that's also, I think, how they get us to embrace these things.
The cell phone?
Well, everybody's got one.
It can't be bad to be tracked 24-7.
The GPS tracking?
Everybody's got it.
Things on the side of your home that are using RFID to track your electricity usage.
Everybody else is doing it.
So I think that's really where this is going, is figuring out how to make the internet look like nobody cares.
Like NSA revelations.
You do polls on this.
Well, it came out this week, what we already knew, because we're under attack by it, exactly.
They have all these fake bots to drive trends and make it look like freedom isn't popular.
To make it look like it's not popular, and it's just like the smelling smoke.
People think, are we becoming less free, or is there tyranny afoot?
Well let's look around, let me look on the internet.
Oh no, it looks like everything's fine, so I'll just go back to sleep.
Well that's like weird Al Yankovic came out and attacked us this week, and it's got millions of views, and he mixes in kooky stuff with real stuff that's going on.
If you believe the government's done anything wrong, you're a nut with a tinfoil hat.
I mean literally a guy I never even disliked guaranteed got recruited to promote that and put that out for social control.
And the documents keep coming out, but I can just look at it and tell how the script was written.
Because it's a standard deal, and it's so painful to see how they get so many people to join the takedown of our civilization.
Because if you look at what the globalists are planning, that's what's so scary.
They're not bringing in this total social grid to bring peace and tranquility.
It is consciously to bring in a hellish world government that's anti-human.
Well, I think the real goal is that the people at the top, and I call them pond scum, they like to think they're the cream at the top of the milk, but they're really the scum that's risen to the top of the pond to choke out all the oxygen for the rest of us.
And I live in New Hampshire where we have to scrape that stuff off periodically to get some life back into the pond.
And those people at the top, they want us around to clean the streets and take out the garbage, but they really don't want us making major change.
And now they've got the robots coming along, and on record they say, look, just go have fun and play and party.
Humans won't work anymore.
But when you read the more internal documents, they openly say, we just need to get rid of everybody.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Alex Jones.
Catherine Albrecht is our guest in studio.
We'll be right back on the other side of this quick break.
And your phone calls are coming up as well.
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The future has been charted by the technocrats.
They've written books on it.
It's not a very pretty place they're taking us.
When they mean business.
We have to decide that we can take control of our own destiny.
And promote individualism.
People aren't going to want to join the New World Order.
So they need to socially control us.
But it's illegitimate for them to say that we basically have to do what they want.
It's a fraud.
It's called slavery.
So how do we decide to build a future for humans that's better and more civilized and happier, rather than a future that doesn't have humans?
As Bill Joy wrote, Why the Future Doesn't Need Us for Wired Magazine, now 15 years ago, and said, the elite have pretty much decided to kill everybody.
And that's what you're getting at, is that the robots are here.
It is the rise of the machines.
Catherine, break that down.
Well, so it's funny, even as I'm getting on the airplane to come here, I'm flying United, and instead of the gate agent taking my ticket and putting it on the scanner, there's now a machine.
And I'm thinking, well, why pay a human if you can put in a machine?
I mean, that's going to be the attitude on everything they can automate, they will.
We would see the same thing in all the cash registers if we hadn't said, what's this self-checkout garbage?
I don't want that.
So they really are moving towards replacing humans with machines.
And I had an interesting experience recently in Waltham, Massachusetts.
I was actually there for a big engineering conference and...
One thing led to another.
The guy who drove me to a television appearance, I asked him, who's the most famous person you've ever driven?
And he says, well, the CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt.
He was sitting right here where I'm sitting.
He's like, yeah.
And I said, what in the world was Eric Schmidt doing in Massachusetts?
He said, well, he was going to see Boston Dynamics, where they make the robots.
And I said, you're kidding me.
He said, yeah, no, in fact, it's right next to your hotel, literally next door to my hotel.
So I was sleeping in a hotel within a half a block of Big Dog and all of its companions.
So I just cruised on over and introduced myself and walked in the door.
And there literally standing there was a whole array in their reception area of the Big Dog robots.
And what they envision, of course, is this company's now been bought by Google.
And you have to ask yourself, what in the world is Google buying military robots that were developed by the Defense Department?
Why does a search engine need that kind of stuff?
You know, these things can run through the woods, they can hunt people down, it's kind of crazy.
So I think it's sort of a one-two punch.
There's the military sort of robot control aspect on the one side where they rule you through technological power and surveillance.
But I think the other side people need to think a little bit more about is that they're getting us to voluntarily pay for the privilege of being tracked.
So 20th century tyranny.
It was Pol Pot killing a quarter of Cambodia in five years.
It was Mao Tse-Tung killing 200 million Chinese.
It was Joseph Stalin killing 60 million of his own citizens and ruling by terror.
So everybody in those countries was afraid.
But there's a little bit of a problem.
When you have people afraid, they want to take you down.
They want to depose you.
They want to get rid of you.
And so they've figured out a new way in the 21st century, which is to make us look to them for protection, look to them to save us, and then get us to voluntarily, instead of at a point of a gun, say you have to carry a tracking device 24-7, they say here, pay us six, seven, eight hundred bucks and we'll give you a tracking device that has music and games and all this addictive stuff on it.
It's total social programming, premeditated, on record.
And again, it's not that we're having automation because it's good.
It's being done to replace us so that humans aren't making decisions at the micro level.
It's all centralized.
That's the problem.
Right, and what's going to come next, see, because they're trying to figure out how do we get into people's homes?
How do we get, see, the invisible thing that they can't track and surveil is what you say to your spouse over breakfast.
Well, that's what Gates said.
It's Kinect that can look through your walls, listens to you, knows your face scan.
Right, so both Apple right now and Google are in an arms race to figure out which one is going to be the first to automate your home.
And if you ever watch Star Trek, the original, you know, the computer's there and they would say, hey computer, plot a course for Orion 7.
And the computer was always listening.
And then the computer would say, you know, yes, Captain, blah, blah, blah.
They want to do that in your home.
And instead of making it seem that they're watching, tracking, surveilling, camera monitoring you, they instead want to make it seem like you're going to have all this new control over your home.
But the reality, if you put cameras into your home, then they're going to use that the same way they've used everything else they've used to track us.
It's like your house being run off a smartphone.
It's literally like making your house glass.
And they're advertising it everywhere.
Even for poor people, put your house on this, and if you go look at new houses in Austin, they've all got smart systems.
And it's like, it's a $20,000 system, part of the price, don't you want it?
Yeah, Austin is a testbed for this information.
One of the reasons I came to Austin is because Austin is a testbed.
Those remote controllable thermostats that were put in here, what, five, seven years ago?
It's been a long time.
That started right here in Austin.
So, this is really an epicenter, I think, of both sides.
That's the smart meter going from the outside of your house into your house now.
Well, they can even remotely turn off your air conditioning if you sign up for their system.
And that's going to happen to everybody's home, if we allow it to.
And then, back when we would tell them before this went in, six, seven years ago, they were doing it, people would say, Austin's not putting in thermostats that they control.
Yeah, well... And then, it's here.
It's just this culture of... And they boast about it.
They get you to pay for it.
It's a cool thing.
Sign up.
But remember, just a few years ago, it didn't exist.
Again, this is a Decepticon-type system.
We're on the march.
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It's Alex Jones!
You know, I like humanity.
I like our music.
I like our culture.
I like the good things we produce.
I don't want to be overwritten by the technocrats that say I'm junk.
But even if I was junk, do other humans have a right to just set up a total tyranny and take all my freedoms?
I mean, if you try to stick a camera in a government building, they'll arrest you for espionage.
But then...
They're putting in the local churches here in Austin, Texas, all the big mega churches, federal grants under faith-based initiatives to put Kinects in all the Sunday school classes and the kids play Microsoft video games.
And if you go to the preacher and say this is a bad idea...
They say if you stir up trouble, the police officer will take you out for even talking to them.
And that's at megachurches.
I'm going to do an investigation on it soon.
And that's because they're not preachers.
They're actual technocrats of social control under clergy response teams.
We're not just facing machines.
We're facing HUMET.
Human traitors with the elite, who have been told, prepare for stabilization during collapse, and they've recruited them under InfraGard, under Clergy Response, and the rest of it, as actual spies.
Almost every dentist and medical doctor my dad knows has been approached by Homeland Security to be secret agents.
And they're doing it across the board, folks.
They're fully converting us to an absolute tyranny, to the point of opening the border to collapse the country.
So that's how serious this is.
I wanted to get Catherine Albrecht's take on this.
I wanted to play this clip from Fox News today with John Busse, the Wall Street Journal assistant managing editor, telling Fox, we need the NSA to spy on everything, and we're going to learn who did this missile because they are going to, quote, pull all this.
Well, they already recorded it.
So they've gone from, doesn't exist, no man behind the curtain, to, well here's the problem, they can plant stuff in there as well.
So let's go ahead and go to that clip.
That's the latest data points.
At the end of the day, this is a time where the citizens around the world are going to be very happy for the NSA because they're going to be scarfing up these telephone calls.
It's global.
They're going to be able to analyze this data.
They'll be able to determine, most likely.
I see they need an excuse.
Some of the communications that went on after the crash happened, which will probably clarify the picture in the days to come.
See, because the truth is, they set it up decades ago.
It goes back with Europe 50-something years, England back to World War II.
Everything's being listened to.
But the British papers would say we're listening to no phone calls, and it came out the Nazis believed that.
And the argument is, well, listening to all the phone calls in England, they InfraGard got all the operators to do it, gave them a little extra money,
Well, we beat the Nazis, so it must be okay.
But see, then it never went away.
It was used by another political group to take control.
Your take on that?
Well, how do you get people to agree to allow you to take away their freedoms?
You scare them.
People are afraid.
And plus, now, after the NSA, after what Ed Snowden's told us, there's a big question of, well, why don't we shut these systems down?
And, of course, if they can show that the systems are protecting you and keeping terrorists from blowing you up and a terrorist under every rock from killing you and your kids, then, yeah, you say, oh, thank you, instead of thank you for all the surveillance, instead of what the heck is up with all this unconstitutional surveillance?
So it's really, it's a way of shifting public opinion.
And I think it was very disturbing when we discovered that the intelligence agencies of the U.S.
government in Britain were intentionally manipulating public opinion.
So that we're all saying, oh, how frightening, how frightening, we really need help.
And then they say, well, that's why we're doing the surveillance that you say you don't like.
Better start liking it, because we're keeping you alive.
And they're funding and creating al Qaeda and ISIS groups and giving them weapons to attack us.
I mean, this is a really evil criminal group running things.
Well, you need enemies.
Every group that wants to take power needs an enemy, because otherwise there's no justification.
But think about that.
Our government has opened the borders and is funding Al-Qaeda to kill every Christian they come across.
Well, you even look at Saddam Hussein.
Christians lived in Iraq peaceably under Saddam Hussein and even had guns.
And now that Saddam Hussein is deposed, now we have a whole other government and nobody's armed.
Women can't go to college, they wear burqas, and they get sexually mutilated, and they can't have guns.
That's what our government wants to put in.
Yeah, so you can say Saddam Hussein, maybe he was bad, maybe he was good, I don't know, but when you look at, well he wasn't good, but... Well he was from an older, he was CIA, he was trained in 1958, he was a CIA officer, not just an asset, he was set up.
But he was the old CIA when they actually had movie theaters and swimming pools and wanted stability.
I mean the old CIA was bad, but compared to these people?
There's so much evidence.
And the real reason was we wanted to be in the Middle East.
We wanted to have a justification to establish a base in the Middle East.
And not only that, but it was Iraq.
It was the Iraqi population that was used to test out all of the iris scanning technology, all of the portable fingerprinting, all of the checkpoints.
And as I said way back then, ten years ago, I said, Mark, my words, they're going to test this out over there, and then they're going to bring it home, and they're going to start deploying it in the U.S., and they are.
But we better have checkpoints on the highway, Catherine, or Al-Qaeda might... ISIS might shoot down airplanes.
Yeah, well, again, it's... And who gave them the missiles?
Keep you afraid.
And then if you say, I think all this surveillance is bad, then your mother-in-law, your brother, your co-worker says, what are you talking about?
There's enemies out there.
The reality, if there were enemies out there, we would have every bridge, every subway, every power station in this country blown up.
And thank God we haven't.
Well, the government wouldn't be opening the border completely.
Yeah, well, that's a whole other...
That's all other topic, yes.
I want to go to some phone calls, but tell us about Brave New Books.
You've got an event coming up there.
Everybody should come out to it and support you and support them, the great work they do here in Austin, Texas.
Tell us about that.
Tell us about some of the other projects you're working on as you travel all over the country fighting, you know, these face scanning in schools and thumb printing and biometrics and everything else.
Yeah, so I actually got my start on radio seven years ago on 90.1 FM right here in Austin, Texas.
They've had some extensively legal expenses.
For those that don't know, let me explain this.
It's a micro that doesn't interfere.
People would call it a pirate.
And it's been on forever and it's gone to the Supreme Court and stuff with the FCC.
And they've been battling them, so you're here to help them.
Yeah, so the thing about the FCC, they have the authority for anything that travels over state lines, but that radio station in no stretch comes even near a state line.
And so the real debate has been, does the federal government even have authority to look at broadcasting that doesn't go over state lines?
So, they have been truly wonderful to me over the last seven years, so I've flown out to support them.
They're doing a fundraiser at txlr.net, where people can contribute to keep them on the air.
And tomorrow night at Brave New Books, 7.30 p.m., I'm going to be giving a talk.
We're going to be giving away door prizes, including StartMail accounts, one-year StartMail PGP encrypted accounts, talking about StartPage and all the other things that I'm working on.
So that'll be tomorrow night, 7.30.
That is Saturday at Brave New Books across the street from UT Austin, the campus there.
Well, to be clear about this, Micro-FM and AM was always supposed to be part of the FCC.
They never allowed it, never did it.
And now they've given away the whole digital spectrum, the big monster stations, not even the licensed mom and pops.
And our country's collapsing.
And if you've got people in their houses that have been putting this show out, your show out, others across the country, battling multiple fines, you name it, making no money, just because they want to warn people, there's fluoride in the water, the borders are down.
I mean, this is the resistance.
Back before the CIA was totally New World Order at every level, they would pay in the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s.
in authoritarian communist regimes to get micro-FM systems in.
I happen to know for a fact some of the first micro-FM systems that were run here in Austin, Texas, but I have no idea who, were actual leftover units from the 80s that had been sold as surplus because they were trying to keep them from being sold here in the U.S.
and had actually been used in Eastern Europe to battle communism.
So people I know took systems that battled communists and put them up against people trying to take farmers' land outside this town.
So, I mean these people are patriots and so I just salute what you're doing and I salute what they've done.
Yeah, well thank you and I also wanted to mention I have a new column on technology and privacy in the internet at ehow.com along with my Spy Chips co-author Liz McIntyre.
So after many years of a hiatus we're back together writing again on privacy topics.
Our latest ehow column is on encryption, ways you can get more encryption, the fact that basically the
Only way that you can defeat the NSA right now on the internet is through encryption.
Ed Snowden verified that.
He said encryption works.
It's pretty much the only thing that does.
So at ehow.com we've got a new column up there.
We have a new column every week.
We've got another one coming out on Monday teaching people how to take the GPS coordinates out of their phones and out of their photos.
So people don't realize, when you take a photograph, if someone were to take a photograph right here in your studio, Alex, and post it up on the internet, incorporated in there is EXIF data in the photograph that anyone can see that would pinpoint the precise GPS coordinates that we are standing in right now.
That is true if you take a photo in a home, that's true if you take a photo of your kids playing in the pool, that's true of, in fact,
And by the way, for those who don't know, it's a secret global project for at least 30, 40 years.
All the printer ink and all the big printer companies print secret codes in the ink.
They do.
The monies, they know when you're going through the airport what you got.
I'd tell folks that 15 years ago, they'd laugh at me.
If you take a blue light and you shine it on a printer, a printout out of your printer, you can actually see tiny yellow dots and they actually form a specific pattern that identifies the printer and the serial number of the printer that printed them.
So it's really about finding multiple ways to track things back and doing it in a way that's secretive that people don't know is happening.
And it's all because, quote, the Secret Service said, we don't want money counterfeiting.
Meanwhile, they're the biggest counterfeiters out there at the Federal Reserve.
It's not even a US dollar.
Everything's a fraud and a fraud as they devalue the money.
And then, of course, it turns out that's not really what it's for.
It's for total, full-spectrum dominance.
Yeah, and as far as the tracking of money, I've still yet to find evidence that they're able to do it, but there are anecdotal stories of people saying, I don't know, I was driving through whatever highway and I got pulled over and they seemed to know I had a lot of cash in my car.
Catherine, I've talked to, let me just tell you, I'm from a whistleblower, over ten years ago, that the filament line in them can be energized.
And I was told by the same people that all the major computer chips that were standardized, even if you were unplugged from the internet,
Uh, they can energize the chips and they're actually wireless and then... That is true, yes.
We're on record breaking it a decade before it was admitted this year.
That's right.
So the issue is they have an energized system, I don't know how to explain it, that picks it up and then it reflects it off.
Just like RFID.
But expanding on all of that,
Is the fact, well, it's just this, this is here, it's happening now.
So, the Internet of Things, we talked about it, speaking of 10 years ago, when you and I were first talking about this, you had me on the show, I don't know, 10, 12 years ago, talking about RFID and this upcoming Internet of Things.
And now, rather than, once again, rather than resisting it as we should, people are embracing it.
Oh, the Internet of Things, every physical object on the planet, every cup of coffee,
Every refrigerator is going to broadcast its contents.
We're going to know it's in people's medicine cabinets.
It's going to be great.
And there are actually huge conferences.
I just got invited to speak at a big conference in Rome on the Internet of Things.
And they want to fly me out.
Because I'm the only voice out of like 40 people that are going to be there that says maybe it's not such a good idea.
So this idea of embedding everything with trackability.
Smart dust.
And it's about making every physical object on the earth, everything we do, surveillable.
So you can't... Searchable like the Internet.
Yes, searchable like the internet.
So you want to say, what's in Alex's pocket right now?
And you look at the most recent doorway you walked through, and be able to know that.
And then now they announce, oh, the police are giving the codes to kill switch all the cell phones in the city.
Oh, we put microphones up to listen to you.
And if you look at that,
What they're doing with all of these different surveillance grids is they're using them to also now financially shut down their competition.
All this massive data is only given to select groups to then be able to predict the future.
Yeah, so when we're giving all this information about ourselves, the first thing I would say to people
And I'm sure you've said this over many years, turn off the mainstream media because it's feeding you misinformation.
We now know that from Ed Snowden, we know that from multiple sources, that the people who watch a lot of that kind of television have the wrong idea of what's going on because it's manipulating people.
And the next thing, don't post your every thought on Facebook.
Don't post all of your connections on Facebook.
Don't write your personal emails when you're planning a get-together to talk about these things.
Don't do it through Gmail, where they read every single email that you send and receive.
People don't realize this, but if you have a Gmail account, and you have an attachment on the account, or a Yahoo account, or a Hotmail account,
If you have an attachment and it's, let's say, your resume, or let's say it's something more important like your recent tax return, when it goes into their system, they literally strip it off, they open it up, they make a copy of everything in there, they know your social security number, your accountant's name, your deductions, your income, and all of this, we are contributing to it.
See, that's the reason why I have been working for the last three years to create StartMail, so that we've got an alternative, so that there's a way that regular people can start using encryption and get off of these other systems.
So, simple things people can do to start getting off, not just off the grid, the physical grid, but getting off the information grid.
And that's why, you know, if you're going to go to a website, I had somebody ask me the other day, if I want to go to DARPA, should I just link directly?
And I'm thinking, I wouldn't link directly to DARPA, but at Startpage.com, we've got a thing where if you look up DARPA, it says, View by Ixquik Proxy.
And what happens, we'll go to DARPA for you, make a copy of their website, put it on our servers, and then DARPA never connects with you.
And you can see information on the internet privately, it's a proxy.
So, these are free tools that you should be using.
Well, I think that's a great idea.
There are two different views of this, and I think both are appliable, because they sell this idea and culture that's either one or the other.
There's ten different systems.
You can only pick one or two.
Generally, in all different forms of thought, you can find things that are usable.
It's good to choose to keep your stuff private because you want to.
And because it's being stolen, and because they're using it against humanity in general.
It's not that you have something to hide.
But then it's important to operate in full view of the enemy when you're engaged in political speech and to not be chilled.
It's not like, oh they're after me, they're listening, I better shut up.
They win that way.
Make your private stuff hard to get, but then be very vocal in public, wide open, sharing everything on
Thank you.
Every race, color, creed, religion, to understand they don't want InfoWars.com information out.
They don't want us on Facebook and YouTube.
People say, well, why are you on there?
Because that's where the war is.
That's why you've got to go to our Facebooks.
You've got to go to our YouTube.
You've got to go to our Twitters.
You've got to go to all our systems.
And you have to send it out to everyone.
You have to send the memes out.
We're the tip of the spear here.
And we've already had a gigantic effect, thanks to all your prayers and work and drudge and
So many Eminem affiliates carrying the show, but we're all in this together.
That's why I spend the whole show magnifying other talk show hosts who are doing a good job and who aren't.
HUMET for the establishment with cognitive infiltration.
You see a lot of infighting, stirring up, that's literally government agents, folks.
When you see that, people that go around stirring stuff up all day, that is HUMET.
Bad HUMET engaged in that.
You've got to go out, reach people, you've got to speak out, you've got to be involved, you've got to understand the more visible you are, the more we'll show we're the majority, that this system's a fraud, and we'll defeat it.
They're in trouble right now.
And that's why they're accelerating their program.
Catherine, I'm going to come back
We're going to take some phone calls.
But do you briefly agree that humanity's on the march and we're starting to see the warm turn?
So here's the thing, there's freedom in numbers, there's strength in numbers.
And this is the reason why they're manipulating what you see on the internet, manipulating the polls, so you think the numbers are on the other side.
So we, you're absolutely right, you absolutely nailed it.
We have got to be very visible, very vocal, show our numbers, and show that we're not, you know, that there's doctors and lawyers and people with doctorates from Harvard who are saying these things, so that there is strength in numbers.
But when it comes to your personal information- We have to go to break.
Make it private.
Do that.
Personal stuff, make it private.
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We're gonna take a few phone calls in this segment and the next.
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Catherine, I want to jam in a few calls because these folks have been holding a while, some of them.
But briefly, we're going to do some overdrive coming up.
What are some of the things you want to point out when we do overdrive?
Well, I definitely want to encourage all the listeners to be making smart changes.
I was part of the initiative, or supported the initiative at Reset the Net, which was about getting people to switch over to encryption on the internet.
So what we're really doing, we're keeping the internet, we're building an encrypted layer on top of it.
And that's startpage.com, which people should be using instead of Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
That's Startmail, which has a two-minute video.
I encourage people to go to startmail.com.
Check out the video there and sign up to pre-register or pre-reserve an account when that comes out.
That's coming out soon.
We have 50,000 beta testers.
We thought we'd get 1,000.
I said, let's beta test it.
We open it up.
We have 50,000 people.
We had to shut it down when we had so many people.
Yeah, that's exciting.
Well, tell me when you're ready to launch it.
We'll certainly want to have you back for that.
Let's go to Greg in California.
Greg, thanks for holding her on the air.
Yes, Alex Jones.
I'm glad to finally be able to get a hold of you.
I was calling basically to say hi to Catherine.
I think you said her name's Catherine?
Right here.
Anyway, I agree with some of the things she said about the smart, not phones, but the homes.
I don't agree with that stuff because I don't want the government tracking my every move.
Well, sir, I mean, it's 100% on record to dominate you, control everything you do.
That's the problem.
I mean, they admit that.
I mean, yes, you're right.
So, a couple of products you want to avoid.
One of them is Google Nest.
Don't put a Nest thermostat in your home because it's kind of the thin and... Anything smart.
Smart means slavery.
Sir, you said you disagree with something.
Go ahead.
You disagree?
No, I agree with what you're saying that we don't need this tracking in our systems.
It's just too much espionage and spying on our own people and I think it's unconstitutional and I'm also a veteran.
Of the military.
I retired in 2008, and I was stationed at Dyess Air Force Base in Abilene, and I want to mention that I remember when I worked there, I worked in the WSA weapons storage area, and I remember seeing radioactive symbols, so to know that in our own heart, in our own country, that they stole nukes from there is a bad thing.
So, I agree with you guys, and that's why I listen to you every day, and I spread the word to all my friends that I know, and family.
I tell them, start listening to your show.
I tell them to get involved.
I even called the city council and told them I found out they're putting a floor in the water over here, and the guy didn't want to do anything about it.
I'm going to keep doing what I've got to do.
I'm even growing my own vegetables.
I'm not buying a lot of them in the stores anymore.
But my thing is, seeing what I've seen, I've been to Central America, I've been to Panama, I've been all around the world.
I was in Germany in 1989 before the Berlin Walls came down.
And when I came home, I told everybody before it even hit the media that it was going to happen.
Let me throw this at you.
We're going to do 20 minutes of overdrive with Catherine, so I may hold you over.
There weren't supposed to even be nukes at Dias, but you're saying you saw them there.
See, just confirming.
Our source said they weren't supposed to even be there.
They pulled them out, shipped them out.
Some stations carry it, some don't.
Infowars.com forward slash show to find the free feeds out there, folks.
They'll be back this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
on the Live Sunday Show.
Stay with us.
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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're in overdrive talking to Greg in California.
You saw a lot.
That's why vets are the easiest to wake up because they know we're not making stuff up.
They've already been into one level of the secrecy or even deeper.
But finishing, he started with a key term.
He goes, I don't think we need this type of espionage against our own people.
See, we're so tribal.
He's a smart guy.
And I'm this way too.
I keep saying we, we, we, we shouldn't be doing this in Ukraine.
Or we shouldn't be spying on our own people.
With these government systems and the smart meters and the rest of it.
The globalists have had a technotronic, technocratic coup in their own words over the infrastructure.
That's why they want centralization that even bypasses government.
And they use perception management, where the Border Patrol told us four months ago, we've been ordered to stand down.
No one would confirm it or make a big deal out of it.
I finally said, let's go to the border and show this.
Because the whistleblower calls and says, I'm with ICE.
They bring them in on buses.
We're forced to load them and take them and dump them off.
It became national news, all because
We were here, which scares me because I'm ragtag, folks.
I can't even respond to 10% of what's coming in.
I mean, the stuff that's coming in is just crazy, but it shows what you could do out there.
Mainline talk show host, get a camera, get a crew, put videos on YouTube, part of your radio show, be the media.
It's a vacuum, but call her.
This is a short segment, long segment coming up with Catherine here with us in the studio, but Greg,
Other points or any comments you've got off what he said, Catherine?
Yes, there's something else I wanted to say too.
My wife went to a clinic to get her checkup and she's Russian and she heard in Russian they were asking, these are doctors at the counter or the clerks, asking if they own weapons and that to me shouldn't even be going on either and I've witnessed it and my wife told me about this.
So people going to clinics
Being asked these questions about whether they own guns is unconstitutional, and I've witnessed it myself.
Oh, it's in Obamacare.
It's in Obamacare.
This is it, folks.
They are, look, this is it.
They're dropping the hammer.
Catherine, you agree with that statement?
Yeah, and when you mention Obamacare, I just have to point out that I'm one of the people who completely lost my health coverage.
I am no longer able to receive the treatment that I received for the breast cancer that I'm going to be in treatment for for the rest of my life.
I literally had it taken away from me by Obamacare.
In the state of New Hampshire, now, I'm not allowed to leave the state.
They turned our state into the reservation, basically.
I can't even go over the border into Massachusetts, where I was treated.
So, Obamacare, nightmare, top to bottom.
And I think as they give us an extension, but as that runs out at the end of the year, I think you're going to see a huge amount of backlash, as all of the people who had their care taken away from them are going to be starting to... But by then, the World War III would have started, and the collapsed borders.
See, that's why they keep pushing it off.
Because they know everybody's going to get mad.
Well, it's you push off the resistance so that you can get it in place and then it becomes entrenched.
And then when the resistance comes up, there's really nothing you can do about it.
So I think that's why on Obamacare they've just given us these extensions.
But the idea of asking people if they have firearms, it's not really unconstitutional.
It's unconstitutional for the government to tell doctors to do that and report back.
But here's the thing.
What you choose to voluntarily do to a doctor or a company or to the police or to the doctors, these authority figures,
When a cop asks me at a checkpoint to search my car, I say, are you looking for somebody?
Do I match the description?
They go, hey, buddy.
I go, hey, I care about you and your family.
You know this is a bunch of bull.
Now, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
You want to get a dog in here and make a big issue out of this?
You know the government ships narcotics in, and the cop always goes, just get out of here.
Or they say, no, I know you're right.
You can go.
They're just following orders.
They're having their own future destroyed, Catherine.
Start saying no!
Doctor asked me that, I'm just like, none of your business, bro.
So, we need to learn how to say no to data requests.
Somebody asked for your age of birth, your date of birth.
Oh yeah, oh yeah.
Just phone them or say no.
I just say no, thank you.
Oh, they do it everywhere.
It's incredible.
And they also like you to beep at the gate to act like you're bad.
Like, I was at this place the other day buying stuff, and I said, I want you to scan all this so it doesn't beep.
And when it beeped, and they ran up to me, I said, this is it.
Get your manager.
I made a huge scene.
I said, this is social engineering.
You don't even know it.
More calls coming up.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
If you look at the crazed people running the State Department and caught running false flags, you name it.
They're in control of DARPA, they're in control of Google, Microsoft, it's all a combine.
And they believe they're invincible, ladies and gentlemen, but they're not if we just admit that they have bad will towards us.
And people within their own system, you don't have to do a bunch of heroic stuff, it's just decisions you make every day.
Where you spend your money, where you go, what you do, what you leak, will bring them down in the end.
Because they're just people like us.
Only our goodwill and our naivete has allowed it to go this far.
Let's race through your calls now.
Kathryn Albright is our guest here.
Kathryn Albright.
I'm always saying names wrong on air.
Well, don't connect me with Madeline Albright.
I know, I know, I know.
What kind of Albright?
I know, I know, Albright.
I know, I can hardly say my own name right.
Hey, when you've been on air already three plus hours, I just get punch drunk.
Well, I love the overdrive, because I think the true Alex really comes out by now.
The true Alex!
Next caller!
Paul in New Jersey, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey, good afternoon folks.
You're talking about something, you can stop this stuff right now with the income tax.
It's a fraud, it's under the UCC, and you can get two guys out of jail by using the UCC.
Next Congressman George Hanson and Erwin Schiff.
Is this Erwin Schiff?
No, I'm not Erwin Schiff, but Erwin Schiff's in jail.
Yes, you are.
You don't want to get in trouble calling out of jail.
No, I'm not Erwin Schiff.
I'm Paul.
Buddy, I know Erwin Schiff, Peter Schiff's father, who's in federal prison for writing a book about the IRS.
And you sound just like him.
Well, I want to say something.
Look, I fought these people, and I found out about the UCC, how they entrap you.
See, all financial taxing transactions are done under the UCC.
And that's how they entrap you.
Once you accept that 1040 form, you're dead in the water.
Erwin, how did you get to a telephone?
You're not supposed to sign on a penalty of perjury that you owe the money, and they don't do it.
If you're not Erwin Schiff, I mean, you know your voice is almost identical to him, right?
Well, I don't know.
You're the ones telling me that.
But I called you before, Alex.
But I need to talk about this.
You could get these guys out of jail if you get enough people behind it.
See, you're under the UCC, they can trap you.
Now listen, it's the Federal Reserve.
It's private, the income tax, it's all a fraud.
That's on record.
And it does show we're under financial bondage.
That's how they're able to do all this.
And Erwin Schiff literally wrote a book exposing it, and the judge said, don't publish it anymore.
And they put him in prison for a book.
And they tried to put a former Treasury agent who quit over all this, Joe Bannister, in jail, but the jury found him not guilty.
That's how scary this country is.
They wanted to arrest him for giving speeches.
They claimed that he was aiding and abetting people in fraud to tell them that it was all actually private.
But it is on record.
Do you believe that, Catherine?
Well, anytime your own government is telling you you can't speak, I mean, the whole thing about free speech, if they had a problem with it, then they should say why it's wrong, but not arrest people.
Yeah, I mean, Erwin Schiff's been in jail, it's gotta be like 15 years, and I interviewed him many times.
He used to be on this radio network.
And of course, his brother, I mean, his son, Peter Schiff's very successful, manages I think like $5 billion.
But it just shows how crazy this government is.
Thank you, Paul, good point.
Mike in California, you're on the air.
Hello Alex, Dr. Albrecht, you're both truly great Americans and thanks for keeping up the good work.
I know you feel like you're banging your head against the wall sometimes, but let me tell you, we're waking up out here.
Hey Alex, former Marine, former Deputy Sheriff, I'd love to be one of your correspondents out here if you ever need it.
On another note, I have a theory about what's going on at the border and I haven't heard anybody talking about it.
Thousands of these people coming across the border are age 15 to 17 years old.
What's to say, so one of these terrorist organizations down south, South America, Honduras, aren't training these people to come up here and they're waiting until they have just enough, enough
Of a group up here to do one great thing.
Well, sure, sure.
Of course.
No, no, no.
We've been saying that.
You must have missed it.
It's not.
Your theory is correct.
It's not a theory.
They're bringing radical Islamists across the border.
They found the literature of the prayer cloths.
They've apprehended them.
And then they're quietly shipping them out when they do.
Local police and others.
And when the Border Patrol can.
And they're using these kids by the hundreds of thousands as mules with fake IDs and fake names to launder money.
Which we know the Democrats and others are heavily involved in money laundering.
So, so absolutely, I mean, look, it just shows how out of control the system is.
You're absolutely correct and we're in dangerous times now and people need to wake up and people need to start paying attention and keep their head on a 360 and make sure that they're covering themselves.
Just because the Border Patrol has been ordered to stand down now publicly doesn't mean that sheriff's deputies can't stop criminals or police can't or citizens.
And I gotta say I've been critical of Rick Perry but I learned that he very quietly and secretly through the state police
...sent thousands of state police down there in the last few months, and they've been apprehending and running the records of these people that are felons, they're at least in the system, and are taking them to Mexico basically themselves, and Mexico's refusing them, so the next big crisis is all these illegal felons building up that Obama's about to release again.
But I'm surprised Rick Perry and the state police even did something good!
That's good!
I mean, Catherine?
Boy, that's probably not a topic I can say much about.
I live up in New Hampshire, where we don't have the border problems of people coming down from Canada, but I know certainly it's a big deal down here, and it's a big deal for the whole country.
Well, yeah, I mean, Latin America's collapsing.
I mean, Mexico is a failed state.
And it's now failing into us.
You know, I actually lived in Mexico for a year when I was 15.
I was a co-host on a Mexican television show and I'm fluent in Spanish.
So back in that era, Mexico was a very different place.
And now I wouldn't go back even on vacation because it's been totally overrun by the drug lords.
And it's the corruption with the police who are part of that.
And the drug war did it.
It is, yeah.
We know the drug culture is bad.
I'm not endorsing it.
At the top, they run the drug war so they can launder the money.
And then it creates a criminal culture.
And I'm not saying legalization of hard drugs is good either, but it's better than prohibition.
Well, it's where the money is.
And so, the power will always go where the money is.
And if they can make it illegal so that they can make more money off of it, then, you know, that's... Oh yeah, no, no.
I've been involved in documentaries where the drug lords admit... Yeah, you follow the money.
...that they want it illegal.
I mean, the prison companies lobby to keep it illegal.
So, what do you think, what do you make of George Soros spending $80 million to legalize marijuana now?
That's one of the only good things he's ever done, and that's a... Well, let me just finish.
That's a... On the surface, that's a PR stunt.
Total PR stunt.
To look like he, but the real reason is they're not really decriminalizing it.
You waive your rights in these states like Michigan and Colorado and California and get put on a list and now they come to your house whenever they want.
Now they take your kids.
It's a trapped institutionalized medical marijuana users and as a way with this new super weed to basically turn people into zombies.
That's the thing.
That's what I think is going on.
Because George Soros himself has said that he doesn't approve of pot smoking.
He doesn't want his family smoking pot.
He himself doesn't smoke pot.
But he wants you and your family smoking pot.
Because the eight hours a day they want you cleaning up the roads and driving the buses and keeping the system going.
But in your off time they want you to play in World of Warcraft like a zombie.
I agree, but you don't throw somebody in prison for it though.
Yeah, well, it's been, obviously, that's been a very powerful way to do asset forfeiture.
Here's the deal, here's the deal.
If people want to drink Drano and kill themselves... I'm with you.
I'm a libertarian.
I totally believe that you should have... Let me tell you, I've seen the new medical marijuana wreck people.
I mean, I've known beautiful, smart women who are like wrecked zombies now.
I've known really smart businessmen who are zombies now.
Well, here's the thing.
What does marijuana do?
It mellows you out.
It makes you mellow.
There's a reason why we have this sort of stereotype of the laid-back pothead, because they're not the kind of people who are going to take a picket sign and go and actually make some change.
They're not the kind of people who are going to... I mean, some of them do, don't get me wrong, but as a whole, if you took the entire American population,
And had them all smoking pot every night, it would be like Soma from Brave New World.
It just mellows people out.
Well, here's the deal.
They're coming out.
I'm confirmed.
It's the big story we're working on.
They've already got the GMO strains.
They're being privately done in labs.
That's going to be scary.
This is not marijuana.
This is not marijuana.
The genome of it, absolutely.
And the second piece of that is all the video games that are so incredibly addictive.
They've actually taken psychological insights that have been developed over decades and incorporated them of addiction.
Who's that expert lady on you have?
I want to tell the guys her name.
I want to get her on the one about the addiction.
I've had a couple on talking about it.
I know so many women who are leaving their husbands because they just want to play video games a lot.
Yeah, yeah.
And they'll always say, like somebody you know that's a video game head, they'll go, hey it's my life!
Not a problem with it!
And I'm like, hey I'm just telling you it was developed by DARPA to literally turn you into a zombie.
Yeah, so, okay.
Well, and what happens is that, you know, you look at all the mass shooters, and they were all heavy video game players, because you're developing a skill.
And when you develop a skill, I mean, if I were taking guitar lessons, I'd want to get up on a stage and play guitar.
So, if I'm playing these games all day long and learning how to kill, at some point, that's a skill you've developed, and there's a certain percentage of people that go, why am I just wasting my time practicing this skill here when I can go out and actually do it?
And so I... Yeah, it's like Dad giving you a Playboy when you're 14.
Well, I don't know about that.
There's studies out there that death education in schools cause more suicide.
Like, don't commit suicide, here's how to do it.
2020 even admitted a doubling and tripling of suicide.
The D.A.R.E.
program taught kids how to use drugs.
Yeah, no, it's the focus on this stuff.
How many ways can they get us to zone out?
They don't care if you're angry.
They don't care if you know.
They care if you do something about it.
That's really the key.
And so people need to understand you can be as informed as you want, but if you're sitting around, you know, like a stoner talking to your buddies over, you know, over a beer instead of actually signing petitions and making changes and going out there... Well, that's what I tell my crew.
They're incredibly active.
They do a great job.
We can all do better, myself included.
I'll hear these great discussions of story ideas and things that are going on in the coffee room or in
But 90% of the time it's between them and never goes anywhere.
And I'm like, hey, the universe is out there.
We've got to get this going outside of here.
We've got to have a public discussion about this and then put it into action.
Yeah, that's why I'm not a big fan of pot smoking.
I think it should be legal because I'm a libertarian and I don't think the government should use guns and tanks to tell you what to do.
I agree.
But as a personal choice, it's probably not the best one if you want to actually have an impact on the world around you.
But see, it's a cult too.
Because then, I've been in all these films about decriminalization and stuff, and then people go, man, why don't you think it's a good culture then?
$80 million that George Soros spent to fund the grassroots organizations to build up this kind of motion around it, this kind of... And by the way, let's talk about who he is.
He's really a Rothschild front on record.
That's even come out in the British news.
The Rothschilds sued over it, lost the lawsuit.
And the judge said, wow, this lawsuit basically proves you're like evil masterminds.
And Soros is their front man.
A Nazi collaborator they hired for bizarre reasons to run things.
He's given DARPA intel.
Everything he does is key.
Arab Spring.
He's behind the open borders right now to collapse things.
He brags he's behind the Ukraine takeover.
I mean, this guy is literally like a James Bond supervillain.
So you're right.
Why is he behind legalizing the weed?
$80 million.
Think about how much money that is.
What could you do with $80 million to make the country a better place?
No, no, no.
They promote it, make it acceptable to get more people on it, make it more available,
So, I was for decriminalization, now I realize, with their HUMET super-science systems, they went above that and are making an institutional, with weapons-grade pot, to then make it acceptable, put it in stores everywhere, and literally zombo everybody.
We're good to go.
How do we win with that?
How do we win?
And again, that doesn't mean there aren't people, like George Washington, they called it toothache weed or stomachache weed, because most of it was hemp.
You know, they called that like shale or rope hemp.
But they had the toothache hemp.
They call it weed.
And the apothecaries would say, for your stomach, take this.
You know, for your tooth hurting, smoke this.
So, but that was probably 50 times not as strong.
And when you GMO modify this stuff, there's no telling what they could do to it.
I mean, you could smoke this stuff and never come back.
I don't know.
I don't know what's coming.
Well, see, that's why they're promoting it now.
And so we have to understand the old police state model's bad, but the new model's bad too.
And see, people think, no, it's one or the other.
Alex, why are you against marijuana?
You police state thug.
What is your problem?
I'm like, I'm not for Putin and I'm not for Obama.
No, you're for Putin or you're for Obama.
You've got to choose a side.
You've got to see all of it.
It's dichotomy.
It's artificial.
It's like the Republican or Democrat.
And the reality is neither side is your friend.
They're both going to take away your freedoms.
There is no left and right, there's just freedom and control, and those guys are on the control side.
Think about Republican Democrat.
Who came up with the idea that it is okay to kill a baby, but not okay to go to war?
Listen, here's an example.
It's okay to go to war, but you can't kill a baby.
I mean, it's not okay to kill, period.
I'm not up for that.
Well, it's not good to murder in cold blood.
It's good to defend yourself.
Expanding on that, and then we'll take a few final calls.
I'm sorry folks, this is an interesting conversation.
I'm literally like police that they have go smoke marijuana to see what it's really like so they can recognize it.
I will smoke it maybe once a year.
And it's also varied.
Sometimes I've smoked medical-grade marijuana that actually hypes you up and you can really think well, but only a few times.
Almost all of what's out there, because I'll be at a park and 20-year-olds are smoking pot and I'll say, let me have a hit off that just randomly once a year.
I've smoked pot that teenagers are smoking on the street and literally can't think a day later off one hit.
That's how strong this stuff is.
And I mean hating it.
Hating it the next day that I can't think.
I mean, it's powerful.
So you take your population and you make sure that 9 to 5, they sweep the roads.
Make sure that 9 to 5, they do the basic things to keep a nice world for the pond scum to live in.
But then you want them knocked out.
You want them out of the game for the rest of the time.
So, I don't know, your mileage may vary.
I say everybody do your own thing.
Not really my business, but take a look at the people you know who are heavy pot smokers, and chances are pretty good that they're not out there making social change in the world.
Well, some people can smoke a little bit of it who are high strung from what I've read and talked to folks, and they're moderate about it.
It's not that bad.
You know, just let people have a few glasses of wine.
It's like a video game.
If you're playing World of Warcraft 16 hours a day for 7 days a week, then you're going to lose your marriage, you're going to lose your job, you're going to lose everything, and you're going to be living in your mother's basement, you know, weighing 300 pounds.
But if you can play a video game a couple hours a week, it's not a big deal.
Hey, listen, in my house, I have one of those master consoles that cost a couple thousand bucks.
It has like 30 old-fashioned video games on it.
And maybe when friends come over once a month,
We'll go up for 30 minutes and just as a nostalgia, you know, it's more of a novelty.
Like, you have time to play video games, Alex, seriously.
Well, it's good to have a distraction sometimes, yeah.
Absolutely, and we only... Play Missile Command, play Pac-Man.
But don't take a break by shooting heroin.
Don't take a break with things that we know are addictive, that are specifically developed to be maximally addictive.
They took research from looking at gamblers in Vegas, which they used to make things more addictive to you, and they incorporated all of those things into these video games.
And into fast food?
And people that are, the chemicals, people that are enslaved to this, literally will think we're telling them what to do.
But hey, I eat too much.
You know, there's been times when I've drank too much, whatever.
I mean, we all need to help each other.
But no, when you're being manipulated into thinking that you're getting something wonderful, thinking that you're getting more freedom, like the cell phone, and instead be getting less freedom.
Because it's no longer the guns and tanks pointed at you, forcing you to do these things.
Now they get you to think that it was your idea in the first place.
I lost my cell phone three days ago.
And I gotta tell you, I'm not missing it.
I gotta go get it turned off or something, but... I got a backup over there, but... I mean, I know it's an enemy weapon.
A Trojan horse given to me.
I use it for YouTube videos and things, but I don't... It's just like the video games.
Use it in moderation.
Use it... Well, I only use it because it's a powerful weapon, and I... and I... Literally, when I want to have a private conversation, it goes out of the room.
Uh, let's go to Chris.
Chris in Nevada, I apologize, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Oh, not a problem, Alex.
What a phone-tastic pleasure to be on with two of the top truth advocates on GCN Live Broadcasting Truth and the Empire of Lies.
Wow, that guy's doing a liner for us.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Oh, well, it is a distinct pleasure.
You know, Catherine, you being from Harvard, you probably are familiar with the Joseph Gerbel and Edwin Bernays tell a lie often enough and they'll begin to believe it's the truth.
It works, and even if you don't believe it, tell people that everybody else believes it, and then you'll think that resistance is futile and there's no point fighting back, which is why the Defense Department is involved in that kind of research to make sure that they can manipulate the Internet so you believe you're alone.
It's all part of the... But I'll tell you, I've seen PSYOP meetings on C-SPAN where they have the PSYOP's division and they're on television saying they're going to stop lying to us.
Everybody looked completely depressed and freaked out, because it was the public rollout... It was the public rollout
Of total lying.
Them saying, we're going to be in your neighborhood now, we promise to stop lying.
It was, we admit that you don't trust us, now you can trust us, just so you lower your shield and they can stab you.
No, I, anytime their lips are moving, I'm, I'm suspicious.
Well, God bless you, sir.
I'm going to try to jam in one more.
Jam anything else, Chris?
Well, I did want to say that Stalin always says that the best way to control the opposition is to be the opposition, and I think that's precisely what we're seeing with this Ukraine thing, and also with the over-the-border thing with the organizer-in-chief.
Absolutely, they create the crisis, offer the solution.
Great points.
Let's go ahead and talk to Clinton, Michigan.
Go ahead, thanks for calling.
Hey, thanks Alex for having me.
You bet, brother.
I just wanted to say, you know,
I have a smartphone, I have a computer and stuff, but I look at all this stuff out there and it scares me, the new technology, all the stuff they can do.
I'm a store manager for a convenience store and I got all these people coming in and you wouldn't believe how many people on a daily basis.
As they're stumbling around for their credit cards or their keys, they're like, man, I wish I just had a barcode on my arm that I could just scan.
I know, that's something, I hear it in line all the time now, and I meant to do a video about it, I always want to catch it on video, you know, with my little smart devil that I'm carrying, but never can, where it's like, I just wish I had a chip.
I just wish I had something in me.
I just don't want to do anything.
And, you know, don't worry, the big Omni computer will run your whole life.
So you can just wander around the store.
Even the Bible says that people are going to, when the beast comes, they're going to say, oh, how fabulous.
This is amazing.
They'll be putting brain chips in people at the church.
They'll be going for this.
They'll be seeking it out.
It's not going to come in with guns and tanks.
Believe me, they will come in with guns and tanks for those of us who resist it, but that's going to be a very, very small margin.
We're in the final phase.
Well, no, I mean, Kurzweil and all of them have said, you're like a bug, we'll just sit on you.
Like, first you'll be in reservations for not taking the chips, and then we're going to come into those reservations, those ghettos.
Sir, anything else about hearing folks say they want a bar cub?
I just want to say too that my wife was battling with maybe having possible breast cancer.
She had a tumor and she too lost her insurance.
Alex Jones here for InfoWars.com.
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