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Name: 20140714_Mon_Alex
Air Date: July 14, 2014
2693 lines.

In his radio show on GCN Radio Network, Alex Jones discusses a range of topics including politics, health, and conspiracy theories. He covers issues such as the support of ISIS by Pentagon and CIA, border security in the US, globalist agendas, emergency preparedness, and using silver as a natural antibiotic. The show also promotes various products available on his website like soap, survival training, health supplements, food storage, silver solutions, and crystal-based iodine formulas. In this particular segment, he talks about HB Extract, an herbal supplement that promotes youthful vitality and healing in the body. He criticizes people who only focus on Israel's actions in Gaza while ignoring other conflicts in Syria, Iraq, and Ukraine. Lastly, he promotes InfoWars Life products like Lung Cleanse, Survival Shield X2, and Super Mill Vitality to combat environmental toxicity and support overall health.

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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Somehow, someway, I've got to cover all this news today.
There is just so much of it, that I can't even decide where to start.
I mean, look at this headline.
Pentagon and CIA want to keep ISIS tweeting, endless stream of brutal imagery required for war on terror propaganda, and that's ISIS executing men, women, and children, killing Christians en masse, you name it.
I've just got hundreds of off-the-charts news articles like this, and I don't even know where to start on this Monday, 14th day of July, 2014, worldwide transmission.
That headline says it all, and then there's all these quotes by the Pentagon and others openly admitting this.
But it's worse than that.
They've created and fostered and supported and aided and abetted and funded and shepherded
ISIS has come out in the London Guardian that British SAS is at the forefront of training and commanding them.
They've got satellite imagery, they've got everything.
They've got heat-seeking missiles, they've got it all.
And then it comes out, oh yeah, the Pentagon says don't turn off their tweet,
See, because everybody goes, hey, why do you let ISIS operate on YouTube and Twitter and Facebook, but you're always banning Alex Jones and other people?
You're always censoring WorldNetDaily.
You're always censoring Navy SEALs that just put out memes on Benghazi against Obama.
You know, just an image criticizing Obama.
But ISIS can operate?
So they go, oh, well, we need that.
You know, it's good to demonize them.
Which is actually true.
They help create them, then they use the threat of them to scare the public into the police state to take over.
The story's up on DrudgeReport.com on the left-hand side.
It's from Infowars.com.
And I meant to get to it yesterday.
It broke up at the weekend, but I never got to it on the Sunday show.
I'm going to cover it today.
Homeland Security feds swarm small town in bazaar.
Unannounced show of force.
And then the feds, of course, won't say why they did it.
This is back to the old black helicopter days, in the mid and late 90s, where they would just deny they'd been in San Antonio, or they'd deny they'd been in Houston.
Sometimes they'd crash into skyscrapers, helicopters blowing up in the city streets, and they would go on the news and say nothing crashed.
Conspiracy theorists, like Alex Jones, are making it up.
Soldier of Fortune would cover it and others, but they would not admit it was real.
Remember all that?
Well, that's what this is now.
Is just pure preparation, basically, for martial law, but instead of having the Army or the Marine Corps, or a bunch of Air Force MPs in your town, now it's just militarized scores of armored vehicles, multiple helicopters, armored trucks, vans,
And the public going, we appreciate them!
They let the kids go on the helicopters!
Yes, they're there acclimating the natives.
That's how they see it.
Charlton Heston narrated a Panama invasion.
Three hour documentary on History Channel that aired back in the 90s.
I forget the name of it, but somebody could find it.
Maybe just search Charlton Heston Panama documentary history channel.
It might have been Discovery Channel.
But in it, I remember seeing this documentary when all the black helicopters were descending in every major city and many small towns across the country.
And then I tuned in to see a replay of Charlton Heston in this documentary.
And he was singing in his great voiceover voice.
To acclimate and prepare the Panamanians so they wouldn't resist when the actual invasion came.
For months, helicopters and troops did touch and goes around the Panamanian military to acclimate them to the presence of U.S.
So that when the strike came, they would stand down and hesitate long enough to be completely destroyed.
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Alex Jones here for InfoWars.com.
In the month of July, we have got giant specials on everything at Madein1776.com.
The already discounted Made in 1776 t-shirts are only $17.76.
We're good to go.
Five months free right now when you get a membership at PrisonPlanet.tv for a limited time, only $39.95 a year.
That's more than five months free off the regular price.
Not just this July 4th weekend, but the entire month of July at MadeIn1776.com.
Molon Labe, you can take my gun from my cold, dead hands.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones!
Globalist think tank says a North American community will be forged in the fires of conflict.
And Obama is accelerating his plan to completely collapse our border.
The crisis has only begun.
There's a report small lifeless dead children found washed up along the riverbank of the Rio Grande.
Continuing, border control agent says diseases coming in we haven't seen in decades, like leprosy.
propaganda song discouraging death train tops the charts.
In Central America.
And that's just like they go in with the drug programs against drugs for kids in school, like the DARE program.
Every study shows it increases drug use.
It's the same thing.
You know, don't hop the death train.
And so people then who are desperate go and hop the death trains that Mexico has already signed a deal with the U.S.
and Guatemala on record, we're going to be covering that, to ship these people in here.
And they only charge a few dollars to do it.
It's organized, ladies and gentlemen, on record.
Here's the headline.
Mexico-Guatemala fast-track delivery of illegals into the United States.
That's from World Net Daily.
Border Patrol agents, 70% of agents being pulled off patrols for paperwork to legalize the illegals and to release them.
That is just some of what is coming up today on that front.
Border Patrol has captured over 27,000 illegal aliens this year alone in non-border Texas County.
Think about that.
A sign at the entrance to the checkpoint of the U.S.
Border Patrol proudly states the capture of 27,260 illegal aliens this year.
It is interesting to note that the checkpoint is located in Brooks County, Texas, which is not a border county.
It is located 80 miles from the Texas-Mexico border, and that Border Patrol agents managed to apprehend over 27,000 immigrants who have entered the country illegally.
That represents nearly 150 people every day this year.
I mean, that's how wild all of this is, ladies and gentlemen.
And now you drive through those checkpoints, and I've driven through that particular one, and I've driven through the Alpine checkpoint.
Instead of there being 50 border patrols standing around there, there was one, both times, in the last year.
And they just wave you through.
And again, it's not like we have some heavenly constellation of nations to our south.
Central and South America and Southern North America run from bad to worse.
And you need to think about the political elite and how out of control they are, ladies and gentlemen, that they would do something like this.
You think about that long and hard.
Now, separately, while we're looking at this crisis, when you enter one of these zones, one of these end-of-a-cycle periods in history, and then you overlay the coming singularity, the acceleration of technological development of information, the overall entertainment decadent society that the general public is basically under mind control, basically victims of,
You add all of these different factors together, and what you basically come to is a flashpoint.
And that's why you see ISIS running rampant all over North Africa, Central Africa, and all over the Middle East, into Asia, and the stands around Russia.
That's why you see the overthrow of Ukraine by the West and Russia openly preparing for air campaigns into Ukraine.
That's the huge announcement today.
Off the chart huge.
And we've got Al-Arabia and the rest of the Middle Eastern news basically saying how great it all is.
That's why you've got the border imploding right now.
That's why you've got the move away from the dollar right now.
That's why you've got Homeland Security openly announcing, hey, we're not for Al Qaeda, we're for the Tea Party.
Because this is the strange days.
Strange days have found us.
Strange days have come.
They're going to destroy us.
Strange days.
To quote Jim Morrison, we have now entered strange days.
And they're only going to get stranger.
It's up on InfoWars.com right now.
That TSA lets illegals fly without ID, but it integrates with the local newscasts, but they harass mothers who have milk for their baby.
You're a mother and a father, no criminal record.
You've got a baby, you're flying, they're gonna make you dump your milk out or drink it in front of them.
As an act of domination by the political class over you, the slaves.
This is the breaking of the American people.
They've already got the public schools in most areas operating as prison induction centers with the guards, the checkpoints, the frisking, the spies, the no free speech, the being arrested for drawing a picture of a gun.
Or you're kicked out of school because your neighbor saw you with a Nerf gun in your backyard.
There's no law against the Nerf gun in your backyard, but you're being kicked out of school.
It's about training you to live in a totalitarian system.
But, how do you train the adults to live under prison conditions?
You take the middle class who flies the most, and the business class, and you break their will.
When you show up to prison, or you're being interned for a longer period of time in jail, you get processed, you take your shoes off, and you get patted down, and you learn to be humiliated, and you get shot at.
This is 101 conditioning.
We're going to be getting to that newscast and breaking it down as well, but I first wanted to get to this report that's gone viral over the weekend from InfoWars.com.
Homeland Security feds swarm small town in bizarre unannounced show of force.
School field besieged by Blackhawk chopper, SWAT vehicles, other helicopters, armored vehicles.
Homeland Security agents backed by SWAT teams, armored vehicles, and Black Hawk helicopters staged a bizarre unannounced show of force in front of a school in a small town in Illinois.
Scenes which will exacerbate concerns about the increasing militarization of U.S.
law enforcement.
Residents of Livingston, Illinois, population 850, were shocked to see agents from Homeland Security, the U.S.
Customs and Border Patrol, local police agencies, swarm afield belonging to school-age children yesterday.
Just so happens that this is near the county where we interviewed an emergency manager and disguised his voice four years ago.
And it was later confirmed by documents in New York and other states that they were preparing mass graves.
They were preparing in this one county area of Illinois for one million dead from a bioweapon and telling them the bioweapon is coming, not a question of if but when.
Harden your facilities and prepare for the militia during the collapse to blow up your police station.
And those interviews were picked up.
It went nationwide.
People didn't believe it.
We were then contacted by the cemetery departments in Nevada, in Dallas, in Rochester, New York, a bunch of places, published those secret documents with the phone numbers of the three states where they had been prepared for millions of dead.
So it's a giant secret program.
Where they're preparing to release a bioweapon, or that might just be the cover, and then start a civil war.
I mean, you have to understand, the Feds are 24-7 training for this.
And saying the American gun owner is going to have a war with the Pentagon.
And since I broke all this, no brag, just fact, it's been in AP, Reuters, Stars and Stripes, Army Times, Washington Times, Forbes.
Pentagon prepares to fight their main enemy, the Tea Party.
I mean, go look it up!
And again, I just harp on this 24-7.
Because they've gone from this being secret to this now being operational at every major police department level, and now they're fanning out to small towns, giving them dossiers, names, who's to be hit.
And there's enough peer pressure in the military and police that there's a good chance they give the order, they're going to come down on the American people like a hammer.
And then all hell is going to break loose in this country.
And look, you've already seen our government start a war with Russia.
You've already seen them ship guns into Mexico.
You've already seen them stand down in Benghazi.
You've already seen them turn Al-Qaeda loose worldwide.
Publicly and not care.
And in the CFR website, say how good Al-Qaeda and ISIS are.
And now Al-Arabia is basically endorsing them.
So Al-Qaeda's good.
Illegal aliens can fly without IDs, but a mother with milk is bad.
A mother with milk is bad.
George Washington is bad.
Second Amendment is bad.
Private property is bad.
Freedom is bad.
If you want to know what's happening, ladies and gentlemen, it was in an episode of Sworn to Secrecy that first aired in 1998, July 13th, on the History Channel.
Sworn to Secrecy, Episode 65, The Invasion of Panama, narrated by Charlton Heston.
And in it, they talk about how the U.S.
acclimated the Panamanians to have helicopters landing and troops on the streets for six months before the actual invasion, so they stood down and their military stood down when they attacked.
And that's all this is.
...is acclimation.
Under the John Warner Defense Authorization Act, which transcends Obama from 2007, they state they're preparing to take out the state governors and the legislators.
And, I mean, they're public about it.
Northcom is public.
They are tracking and listening to all the state legislators, you name it.
I mean, this is pure treason.
And they're prepared to go to all their houses, line them up, and shoot them in the head.
So that's who runs this country.
You just need to know that.
We'll be right back.
Time and time again.
You need to come here and help us.
We need assistance.
Those we should be able to depend on let us down.
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Alex Jones here for InfoWars.com.
In the month of July, we have got giant specials on everything at MadeIn1776.com.
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This is more than a summer blowout special.
This is a new declaration of independence.
But to expand the info orb, we're offering the equivalent of more than five months free right now when you get a membership at PrisonPlanet.tv for a limited time, only $39.95 a year.
That's more than five months free off the regular price.
Not just this July 4th weekend, but the entire month of July at MadeIn1776.com.
Molon Labe, you can take my gun from my cold, dead hands.
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Long before they put troops on the streets after 9-11, in major cities like New York, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, Houston, they were having military drills everywhere.
In many cases, we were actually on the ground.
We would be tipped off by the Army or the Marines, who didn't like what was happening.
And we would show up, and the Marines or Army would show up.
I made four films on the subject, police state films.
Police State 2000, right through Police State 4, The Rise of FEMA.
So four films on it.
And they would have Marines actually start an army, actually go out on the highway and actually start pulling real people out of their cars.
Or they would covertly lease a building and then just blow it up next to a nursing home.
And then tell the public nothing happened.
And then I'd show up and they'd have, you know, guys run out in camo and stick guns to our chest and take our footage.
I mean, this was going on.
And then I'll interview police chiefs and emergency managers, and I mean major police chiefs, like the police chief of San Antonio.
This is in these films.
And the head emergency manager for Kingsville, Thomas Sanchez.
We ought to call and see if he's still alive.
I mean, he was only like 60-something, 16, 17 years ago.
I'm sure he's around.
Yeah, boy, he got threatened after he came on the show.
And he was in Vietnam.
He was in military intelligence.
And they'd run a takeover like this in Vietnam, so he knew what it was.
He was on my show.
And he said, Clinton is checking.
I was briefed on it by Delta Force.
They are preparing to see if a gun confiscation would be operable.
This is treason.
We did this in Vietnam.
This is Phoenix Project type stuff.
Imagine, I'm sitting there with police chiefs, like Ali Philippus, who was in Army Intelligence.
And so he knew what he was seeing and said, this is treason.
And I was talking to emergency, it was because the veterans knew what an authoritarian takeover looks like.
Because they'd been part of it in other countries.
They'd done it before, so they knew what was going on.
And we're like, you're not doing this in America.
But most people took the money.
That was under Clinton.
So the whole project continued under Bush, but in different ways.
As soon as Obama came back in with Eric Holder, who ran this back in the 90s, it was just right back on track, building that Clinton takeover dynasty that they call Clinton, Inc.
There's a new book out on it, basically.
And so when I harp on this 24-7,
It's because people say, oh, they won't get away with martial law.
They won't get away.
They're getting away with open borders.
They're getting away with funding ISIS.
That's Al Qaeda.
They just play a name change game with you.
They're getting away with everything.
And it's all about total domination.
And then you integrate it in with this that is so bombshell.
Over the weekend, hundreds of bombing raids with helicopters and fighter bombers were launched by the NATO-backed Ukrainian government against Russian ethnic groups in the east.
And the Ukrainian government says they killed a thousand, and now it's thousands more.
And there are major cities, large areas on fire right now.
This is major war.
And now, suddenly, Ukrainian helicopters and jets are being shot down.
Ukraine came out in Agency French Press, AFP, and said, Russia shot us down.
And guess what Russia responded with today in their main state-run media?
They said, yep, we're getting ready for targeted strikes.
We may send in fighter bombers of our own and helicopters.
Get ready.
This is full-on war.
And there's no discussion of it, it's all about Germany and Argentina.
And the 1-0 victory of Deutschland.
I was downtown last night eating with friends, and I like German folks, I like everybody, but apart from Germany, I like German culture and all.
But there was a couple Germans on the street real happy, and...
They were like, we are German, to us, and we're like, very nice, like they wanted us to know our team won.
I don't give a flying you know what.
Give me a break, man.
I'm worried about Russia and nuclear war.
I'm worried about dead babies washing up in the Rio Grande.
I'm worried about mass graves by the hundreds being found with thousands of people in them.
I'm worried about all hell breaking loose and the dollar dying.
I'm worried about 100 million people on welfare, 70 plus million on food stamps of one type or another, 50 million on federal, and this thing going sky high.
That's what I'm worried about right now.
I just cannot get into it when I'm at the gym and somebody goes, what'd you think about the World Cup?
It was very interesting.
Yeah, really?
Who'd you think was going to win?
Didn't you think it was going to be Argentina?
I'm like, you got me confused with somebody else.
I didn't... People want to argue with you that they're Team One.
Listen, listen, bud.
My team is Team Humanity, Team Survival, Team Renaissance, Team Destroy Tyranny.
I am not worried about New World Order-sponsored baby stuff, watching guys run up and down a field kicking a stupid soccer ball.
When all hell really breaks loose, you're gonna be worried about it, too.
When you're starving in the streets.
Cities are burning!
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
Building independent media operations.
You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Prime Directive.
Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
These people are assaulting us.
Targeting of patriots engaged.
They are never going to stop.
They're never going to deviate from their program until we stop them.
Block free iPhone app at Infowars.com.
Block free podcast and video feed.
Destroy Britain's Linux TV.
You gotta set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Intellectually, it's begun.
You can feel it.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Ukraine shells Russian city Rostov, killing civilians.
This just broke minutes ago at RT.
State-affiliated media in Russia.
The full article is going up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Right now we'll also tweet it at RealAlexJones and post the full article up on Facebook.
And this again happened yesterday, but it's just now breaking.
More of this is ongoing and happening.
One killed, two injured.
Russia vows response to Ukraine shelling Russian city.
And again, this is ongoing.
There's more reports coming out.
More of this stuff happened yesterday as well.
In fact, here it is today, July 14th.
Russia considering surgical strike on Ukraine report.
Our practice, our patience is not boundless.
Again, our patience is not boundless, Kremlin source says.
Russia vows tough response to Ukraine military's border shelling.
I mean, this is out of control.
And it's designed to start a new war.
And you look at who's behind the open borders and his Open Border Society.
George Soros publicly brags he's behind our open borders.
He bragged a few months ago he was behind the Ukraine situation with the State Department.
He is openly involved in the Arab Spring and the whole ISIS situation.
They are bringing in global turmoil, global destabilization.
This is out of ITAR-TASS News Agency, Russia.
Russia will give a tough response to the shelling of its territory by the Ukraine military in which civilians were killed.
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister said last night the incident occurred early on Sunday when a Ukrainian shell hit a private house in the town in the southern Russian region.
The incident is evidence of a profound escalation of danger for Russian citizens on the Russian territory, the diplomat said.
Naturally, this action will not be left without a corresponding reaction, he said.
The talk with the Ukrainian side on the issue is going to be serious and tough, he said in an interview with Russia's Moscow-speaking radio station.
Russia's speaking station.
Again, my friends, this is just all part of the out-of-control stuff that's going on.
And it could trigger all sorts of bigger crises at any time.
And you notice, this has been going on the last few days, and the average person in America can't even find Ukraine on the map, has no idea what's even going on.
Eyewitnesses report Kiev death squads going house to house executing all men under 35 on the spot, crucifying babies and forcing their mothers to watch unspeakable atrocities under a complete mainstream media blackout.
That is what RT is reporting with Francis Boyle, who worked at the highest levels of the globalist operations.
He's going to be joining us coming up as a protege of Henry Kissinger.
He's going to be joining us in the last 30 minutes of the broadcast today to discuss that.
And here's the big headline that really should concern everybody from AFP.
Moscow considering targeted strikes on Ukraine.
Moscow is considering targeted strikes against Ukraine after shelling crossed the border and killed a Russian civilian.
Citing a source close to the Kremlin.
The respected daily quoted source is saying that Moscow was considering possibility of targeting retaliatory strikes against Ukraine
We're escalating clashes, Ukraine says, has killed more than, quote, a thousand rebels.
Between pro-Moscow rebels and government troops, it's threatening to spiral into an all-out civil war over the weekend.
And again, our patience is not limitless.
It's not a civil war.
It's already a civil war.
It's not going to be a civil war.
It's going to be a regional war, and then you've got
Wars going on in the Middle East and Africa and everywhere else.
And again, who is behind it?
The globalists are triggering it all.
I want to hear from military and former military to get your analysis and your take on what you see unfolding geopolitically, how it all ties together.
Because every time I do this, we get a lot of interesting points and angles from contractors, military people, executives, you name it, that have been in Saudi Arabia and worked there, been in Iraq, been in Afghanistan, been in Ukraine, been in Russia, and know the parties and know what's happening.
But bottom line, Russia is being tied down and prepared for regional wars.
And they're also launching the ISIS-type Al-Qaeda people all over Chechnya and other areas to further destabilize Russia.
And Russia is going to end up responding.
militarily and may start bombardments of the capital Kiev and then NATO has said they will respond against Russian forces and then the Russians have said they'll use nuclear weapons in the region and you go in just a matter of minutes once all this starts once Russia starts hitting Kiev
Or other areas, other military bases in the nation, responding.
If Kiev escalates back, then in a matter of minutes you could go into a nuclear war situation.
And when I was walking back from the break room getting a cup of coffee,
Just six, seven minutes ago, I was thinking, my God, I live right in the middle of Texas, with all these military bases encircling me, and I just realized that if there's a nuclear war, there's probably, let's not exaggerate, I would guess a hundred cruise missiles are probably pointed at the area I'm at in Texas, probably dozens of ICBM Topol M's that can carry up to 20 warheads apiece.
I'm being targeted, you're being targeted, if you live near a military base, by scores of warheads right now.
And... I just hope it falls right on top of me then.
I mean, I don't hope that happens, but... I've studied the criminology of governments, of Hitler and Napoleon and so many others, and...
The elite running things, they're just out of control.
They just want to destroy everything.
They really do.
I mean, look at them.
They hate anything good.
They hate a breastfeeding mother, and searcher, and strip search babies, but didn't let illegal aliens fly without any IDs.
They let Saudi Arabians come in, and they don't have to go through the searches.
They get bypassed because the Saudi Arabian government demands it, but American citizens get our genitals grabbed.
It's all just a giant fraud, all of it.
And the American people, on average, are broken and are weak, and they want it.
They like it.
They say, hey buddy, comply.
Comply with total destruction of everything we hold dear.
And so, not admitting how evil things are, letting them by successive approximation, by titrating the dose,
Build up the level of cultural poisoning to where we'll put up with anything.
Oh, they'll never pass Obamacare with death panels and taxes on people making less than $15,000 a year and rationing of care.
This bill's so horrible, there's no way they'll pass it.
They passed it, didn't they?
And now the $5,000 fines are coming in.
And now you're getting cut from 40 hours to 25 hours.
And now you're going bankrupt.
And now you're... And guess what?
Nobody got in trouble, did they?
They're busting tens of thousands of illegals every week to major cities across the country.
Hundreds of thousands a month.
And it's going to become a giant crisis.
And then they're going to say, those of us that aren't for total legalization, we caused it, when total legalization will bring in the next crop for total legalization.
But because we say 2 plus 2 equals 4, they'll point at us and laugh at us, and you're now seeing that.
This is the madness of government.
The madness of Nero, the madness of Caligula, the madness of Montezuma.
The madness.
The madness.
This is what elites do.
They destroy everything at the end.
Because they've got a bunch of autocratic scum working for them, who are lazy, and basically allow the elite to do these type of things.
There's a lot of other factors.
The public is drunk on entertainment, raised in front of television sets, and has no idea what's even going on.
And then you've got a bunch of the other establishment people who are just all into different forms of weirdnesses.
It's the decline of a country.
It's the decline of an empire.
It's the decline of a world.
And you notice Homeland Security drills 24-7.
They're done with the primer of Al-Qaeda.
That was the excuse to set it all up to fight veterans, Christians, gun owners, libertarians, conservatives, constitutionalists.
Because they want total power to do whatever they want, and they know anyone who has even an inkling of justice in their heart and mind, who has even a sparkle of a desire to be free, must be eradicated.
And if they have their way, we will be.
And the nightmare will come true, because we let monsters run things.
And let monsters break our will.
I'd like to hear from you out there, military, police.
I don't need to hear from you to know the plan.
I know the plan.
The plan's public.
But it's accelerated and moved into such high gear.
Do you disagree with me that they're getting ready to stage a false flag?
Which might be an imploded economy, might be the tens of millions coming in over the border.
In fact, we know that's the false flag.
We know that's engineered.
But are there more false flags to come?
Is turning ISIS loose with Stinger missiles?
Tens of thousands of them.
Is that the false flag?
I think it's all the false flags.
I think it's a cluster of false flags.
A wave or waves of false flags.
A great global crisis.
Conveyor belt.
To bring in world government, you have to destroy the old order.
And the old order, as bad as it's been, has checks and balances.
And work was valued, and the family was valued, and self-defense was valued, and common sense had some value.
All of that is now being swept away.
And in place of it, raw, naked government power, run by eugenicists that have a deep, lustful hate for humanity.
And a lust to exercise raw, totalitarian, control freak power over us.
Every secret demon turned loose in the hearts of man.
Every profanity, every... perversion.
We're taught perversion is sexual.
Only in nature.
And that's another deception of the system to obsess on sex all day.
When the perversions of domination and corruption and psychopathic and sociopathic behavior, that's the real perversion.
And we have very perverse people in charge right now who lust to bring this country down.
Who want to dominate this nation.
And the world.
Everywhere they're in charge, they turn Al-Qaeda loose.
They just slaughter and slit the throats of every Christian man, woman, and child they get their dirty hands on.
And you won't hear a word about it from all these big glitter bug churches.
Alright, toll free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
Is this the megastorm?
Is this the beginning of the coming of the total world government built on the back of crises on the ashes of the old republics?
And the answer is, yes, the globalists are back in the news today saying this is part of a North American Union, this crisis.
As they said in 2006, now eight years ago,
In Vamp, Canada, they openly said there, we will use border crises to bring this in.
And I know that for many of you that are new listeners, I might as well be speaking in some verbalized hieroglyphical screed on ancient jungle-covered walls.
But for those that know history, this is written in a clear, bold hand that spells a great time of misfortune and doom.
And I'm not being a negative person.
I simply wish that we didn't have to go through this.
I wish by telling people what's happening that this didn't have to unfold.
A car pulled out in front of me yesterday, and I overcompensated and went up on the curb.
I was about 30 feet away from pedestrians walking, and I quickly went back onto the street and didn't run over them.
But it wasn't that I was being pessimistic when I moved out of the car's way, hit the curb, went up on it, and hadn't had a wreck in many years, thank God.
Saw there were people walking and hurriedly said, well I guess I gotta go back into that car.
Went back down off the curb, only got one tire up on it.
So even if I would have got to where the people were, I probably wouldn't have hit them because they were about six feet over.
It was a big sidewalk.
It was six feet over, about thirty feet down.
But I made the specific decision, I just gotta turn back into that car.
Didn't even look because I saw those people.
And by that time the car had swerved back out of the lane, so I was able to get back in without hitting them or the people.
And it was quick action that
Kept me from, you know, having the wrecker running over the people.
And I literally thank God that I didn't hurt somebody.
But the issue here is that if I'd have been in denial, if I'd have hesitated, something bad would have happened.
And so that's why I'm being so scary, because it is scary.
Russia says they may start bombarding Ukraine with fighter bombers.
NATO has said they will hit Russia.
Russia will then respond with nuclear weapons!
And a lot of people say, oh, it's all staged, that won't happen.
Bull, it's not all staged.
There are three power blocks.
There are the Chinese, the Russians, and then the United States, England, and the EU.
That's the big dominant group.
And the Chinese and the Russians use the globalist technologies of control.
They're just as bad in many respects.
But there are different power blocks, and they've all infiltrated each other as well, at the highest levels.
This is real.
And the fact that the public thinks nothing bad can happen, and our ruling class thinks nothing will happen, there's a reason NATO never did stuff like this with Russia before.
Because Russia will end up attacking.
And they tried this on 888, and Russia rolled nukes into Georgia and said, we're about to attack.
And NATO pulled back.
I don't know if they'll pull back now.
And you know, Russia's racist.
That's why they need to be nuked.
Obama is God.
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Day after day, alone on a hill.
The conspiracy theorist.
The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still.
But nobody wants to know him.
They can see that he's just a fool.
We're gonna go Shane, M.P., Scott, Ian, Adam.
We've got Navy, Nuke Techs, former U.S.
Army, Military, Police, parent U.S.
Folks calling in from the security industry and financial services.
We're going to get to all of you starting here in just a moment and right through into the next hour getting into all the other news as well.
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Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, if you just joined us, after I go to some of these calls, I'm going to recap the breaking news.
Moscow considering targeted strikes on Ukraine, attacking openly, because Ukraine is now bombing and killing thousands in their own words, right on the Russian border, and now attacking into Russia with shelling.
It's just, it's wild.
Meanwhile, our border is being collapsed by design.
The very same George Soros is on record.
He's bragged that he's behind the open borders here and Ukraine.
I need somebody, Paul Watson, Steve Watson, Kurt Nemo, Don Salazar, Kit Daniels, one of our writers, to write something about that.
About how Soros and the authoritarian left are behind global destabilization.
I mean, they are super villains from a James Bond movie.
All right, I said I'd shut up and go to your calls.
Go to Shane, MP, Scott, Ian, Adam.
This is a short segment.
I'll get to everybody that's on hold in the next segment for sure, but let's go to Shane right now.
Shane in Florida, U.S.
Am I right, do you think, to be concerned about the global escalation we're seeing?
It's obviously a global destabilization program.
What do you think the political class hope to gain out of this?
Well, you know, you're preaching to the choir, obviously.
I agree with you.
That's why I'm calling Dan.
I was thinking about yesterday you asked what do I think their goal is with some of this and let's just just specifically with the flood of illegals coming across the southwest border anytime that military is going to do anything or any any machine has to be tested you have to validate it.
Our FEMA cam started validated.
No, that's it.
I mean, they said in the eighties they would use opening the borders up to create a constitution suspending crisis to get emergency camps approved and primed.
And so, no, they're actually carrying out RECS 84.
That's another headline.
Obama is carrying out RECS 84 constitution suspension plan.
And we can reprint the Miami Herald articles from the eighties and show the plan.
You're right, they're doing it.
A co-opted political restoration would be
In order for them, they need to co-opt a political restoration and at the same time get Americans, including the people we think right now are patriots, to rationalize more of a papers-please mentality.
And voter ID laws.
Listen, I don't have any problems with voter ID.
Exactly, exactly.
And like Ron Paul said, the fence is for the American people, not for the illegals.
They'll claim they're going to put all this stuff in for the illegals now, and it won't be for them.
Look at how the TSA is ordered to let the illegals in, but not let citizens fly.
Well, and then the other thing too, I just want to let you know, you know, and I don't want to waste the time.
The one other good point I've got for you is, you know, I got out of the military a lot because of this stuff.
You know, what you're saying, what other guys are saying, like you.
I woke a lot of people up in my unit.
I've called you a couple times, you know, and I've had a little free time lately to call you, but I'm telling you right now, I mean, it's fire.
It's fire inside, at least my guys.
A lot of my guys touch other people.
A lot of former Special Forces guys were pilots with me.
I flew Apaches.
Um, they became pilots.
It's not like they don't talk to all their special ops guys.
Well, let me ask you this.
Are they aware of what's happening?
Yeah, yeah, they're absolutely aware.
I mean, it's on fire on social media and stuff.
No one, less and less people are afraid to be talking.
I was very alone in 2008-9, um, and I'm not so much alone anymore.
And so that's good.
That's a good thing.
So I just want to give a positive... No, no, I agree with you.
There's a huge awakening.
Most police I talk to are awake.
That's why we've got to be important.
You know, it's very important not to alienate the police, which the globalists want us to do.
They have the police do things that are bad and accentuate bad things they're doing to create an us-against-them mentality.
We need to reach out to the police.
We've done it to the military.
I'm just wondering how the establishment thinks they're going to get away with this, because I've looked at all the angles, Shane, and I don't see them at the end of the day getting away with this.
Get ready to feed your neighbor.
That would be the only way I can see.
I mean, the people down here in southern Florida, down around Fort Pierce, there's lots of local farmers markets, they're not going to let this happen.
They're gonna feed their neighbors.
Does that mean they're gonna let themselves get taken advantage of?
No, but I mean, there's a lot of people talking.
I've talked to local police, law enforcement.
No, if people aren't getting ready, they're nuts.
Alex Jones here for InfoWars.com.
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Molon Labe, you can take my gun from my cold, dead hands.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, the highest ranking NSA whistleblower to go public, Mr. Binning, told the London Guardian yesterday in a cover story that the NSA is set up to control and subvert the U.S.
population and to politically dominate and control and to understand future trends so that select intel can be given to select corporations to be able to undercut their domestic competition.
RECS 84, short for Readiness Exercise 84, was a classified scenario and drill developed by the United States Federal Government to suspend the United States Constitution, declare martial law, place military commanders in charge of the state and local governments, this is from the Miami Herald, and detain large numbers of American citizens who are deemed to be national security threats in the event that the President declares a state of national emergency.
The plan states, events causing such a declaration would be widespread.
opposition to a U.S.
military invasion abroad, such as the United States, was to directly invade Central America.
To combat what the government perceived as subversive activities, the plan also authorized the military to direct order movements of civilian populations at state and regional levels into work brigades.
And again, I'm reading from Wikipedia, which I don't go off of.
They can put false stuff in there, but usually it's accurate.
Where you go to it is in the bibliography, which is the Christian Science Monitor, University of Chicago Press, you know, major publications, Congressional Record, Miami Herald, things like that.
But I've already gone to the microfilm and actually pulled these articles myself, sydneymorningheraldhouse.gov, to make my police state films.
I'm going right to your calls now, Ian, MP, Scott, Adam, Greg, and others.
But the issue is, no one is saying this but us, and I don't like that.
No one is pointing out that Rex 84 was a plan to have the borders implode and use Central and South American influx through Mexico into the Southwest as a reason to suspend the Constitution.
And it all clicked a few weeks ago that yes, this is staged, and that yes, Obama is shipping them in, that's confirmed, and that
That's the goal that the next mega wave that comes in, tens of millions, that's going to break down every major city and county, it's going to be hellish, is going to let them bring in a giant industrial level martial law takeover.
Here's the headline.
Rex 84, Ronald Reagan's plan to declare martial law and imprison Americans.
You know, I'm not defending Ronald Reagan because he was pretty much a puppet, especially after he got shot, but technically if you study it, Reagan just was like, sure, national security, do whatever you need to, Pentagon.
It was a Pentagon, think tank, Rand Corporation plan.
Transcending Ronald Reagan.
And the point is, is it's been picked up by Obama.
It was Jimmy Carter who actually started it with FEMA in 79.
With who?
So again, I'm not even defending the Republicans.
They're into it to their eyeballs.
With Oliver North and the rest of it.
The point is, is the Democrats came up with this.
They're the dominant party, they run the show.
The Republicans just are basically Democrats that play the part of conservatives so they can keep taking over.
That's why they win.
It's loyal opposition.
Now, we're going to go to, as I said, Ian, Adam, Scott, MP, Greg and others.
I just want to reintroduce here, Moscow, considering targeted strikes, that's from French news agency, on Ukraine.
It's an ITAR toss, official Russian state-run media.
The Ukrainians bragged they've killed over a thousand people in air raids the last two days, and have now been caught shelling into Russian territory.
Not just Russian-held Ukraine.
A Russian-dominated Ukraine in the East.
This could turn into a large war at any time, obviously you know that.
It's a big deal.
Pentagon and CIA want to keep ISIS tweeting.
We're going to be breaking that down.
It's now mainstream news that ISIS is being commanded by Saudi Arabia and British, NATO, and U.S.
intelligence forces.
They're being given a top-down satellite look.
They've been given the equipment, everything.
This is high treason.
And it doesn't matter because, you know, the Tea Party's the terrorist.
You heard Holder over the weekend again said it's the Tea Party.
Keeps him up at night.
Have you figured this out yet?
You're living in a movie, folks.
They think you're that dumb that they would openly fund Al-Qaeda, take women's breast milk when they fly, and let illegal aliens fly without IDs.
That's in the news today.
We have a newscast coming up of it.
Ian in Florida, thanks for calling Nuketech Mission, and then we will go to, again, the others.
Go ahead, sir.
Yeah, well, I just wanted to start off by saying the whole thing about AFRICOM, right?
Yeah, I'm having trouble making a lot of what you're saying out.
Can you maybe get closer to your phone?
Sorry about that.
Yes, I'm close now.
No, I was just saying, uh, we, uh, as far as Africa goes, I mean, uh, 2011, we were off the coast of, uh, oh, I won't say the country name for OPSEC reasons, obviously.
Um, no, we, uh, we would go there, we'd datamine, check out what they were saying on the satellite phones we had, you know, interpreters on the boat, all that stuff.
I mean, we just, we, we just are such an imperialist nation now, we're just sticking our finger in everybody's pie.
And funding extremists everywhere so they can take our liberty.
It's immoral to overthrow Ukraine with George Soros, and then claim it was an election when the guy wasn't elected, and then to start killing ethnic Russians all over the country, and then to start a war with Russia.
And people say, well, why are you for Russia?
No, I'm for survival.
I'm for not starting fights.
And what does your gut tell you is going on here?
Uh, just more.
The more things change, the more they remain the same.
Don't even get me started on Storos.
I mean, he went and funded Nambla, for God's sake.
I mean, come on.
That's right, the UN doesn't just have him as an NGO.
The UN has them as a sponsored NGO, and now they've got a big judge in Australia saying pedophilia is okay, and that we're basically, uh, pedophobic.
So the new thing will be pedophiles coming out of the closet, and you know, you're hateful at the public schools if you don't want a pedophile, you know, having sex with your five-year-old.
I mean, that's where this is going.
Believe me, that scares me, because I've got a kid going through the public school system now.
I don't know.
And that's up in Rhode Island.
I'm down here in Florida.
I don't know what goes on.
What are other folks in the Navy saying about the stuff that's going on?
I mean, it's been a while since I've been with most of them that I'm firing listed now, but I can tell you, I know a couple of guys actually turned me on to listen to Ron Paul and listen to what he had to say, and then I learned about you actually through my girlfriend.
Well that's awesome Ian.
Do you agree, because I mean the default is if Russia attacks Ukraine, if Ukraine fights back with any type of heavy armaments, the Russians have said before they'll use nukes as policy.
Do you think that's rhetoric by the Russians, that they would use tactical nuclear weapons on Ukrainian armor?
It could be.
It could very well be.
I mean, at the same time, I'm pretty sure we've got at least five or six thugs sitting in the Caspian Sea right now pretty much telling us, go right ahead, go ahead and make our day, you know?
Oh, I know!
Yeah, they got missile cruisers there with nukes off the Russian coast.
It's incredible.
They've got their boats and their cruise missiles ready.
It is just a real disaster.
I appreciate your call.
But see, the caller said, we've got boats saying, make our day.
But we're attacking Russia.
George Soros brags he launched this.
This is immoral.
A Nazi collaborator, who's still alive, running the Democratic Party, trying to shut down free speech in America, admits they started the overthrow of Ukraine to put something even worse in.
I mean, it's just unbelievable.
Adam, you're on the air.
Then we'll go to, as I said, MPs Scott and Greg.
Go ahead, Adam.
Hi, Alex.
Yeah, I'm a computer security professional.
I work in the financial services industry.
I work a lot with the credit card networks and banks.
All over the United States, the Central and South America.
And I don't think that people really realize how dangerous bringing 30, 40, 50 million undocumented individuals into the United States really is from an economic standpoint.
Not only are they going to be sucking off of the government teeth and, you know, dwindling your resources that way, but they're also going to be sending all of their money home.
Well, to their real home, what they consider their home.
And I can tell you from the industry that I'm in that
You know, anybody over the age of 16 can walk into a corner store and get an international United States dollar prepaid Visa or MasterCard that they can then use to send money across international borders without any oversight from any of the financial institutions.
As long as it's under $1,000 a day, nobody pays any attention.
Well, if you've got, you know, 20 million mules sending $1,000 a day back to the drug cartels, that's a lot of money.
Well, you just hit the nail on the proverbial head there.
The Democrats, for a long time, Akron and others got caught doing it, used children and teenagers as criminal cutouts.
Criminal groups have always used teenagers as their operatives for a lot of reasons.
Not just child soldiers.
And that's what this is, is a total mafia takeover.
And the Democrats have been caught using, and the Republicans working with them to do it, illegal aliens' homes to launder money through and to get fake tax returns.
So yes, we have this total surveillance system for the American people, and mothers with milk can't fly, but illegals can walk right through, because they're the black market cutout used by the shadow government, not just by the drug cartels.
And these people are arriving in the United States without any real documentation.
They receive a consul matricula or an ID card from the American government.
And as soon as you get an American government ID card of any nature, you can go open a bank account.
Well, it's beyond that.
I mean, the banks are accepting consular matricula that comes from the Mexican consulate.
And they'll hand those out in crackerjack boxes.
You're absolutely right.
Great points.
Okay, MP, Scott, Jerry, Greg, stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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All right, let's race through your phone calls.
MP, Scott, Jerry, Greg, and others.
We're talking to the military and other experts out there to get their take on the escalation with Russia and what they think about what's happening to our border, what's happening with ISIS.
The globalists are triggering an acceleration in global chaos.
Order out of chaos.
Order out of chaos.
MP in Illinois, military, police, what's your breakdown on what's happening?
Alex, basically what I'm looking at here and stuff is through the border, bringing the illegal immigrants to the border is kind of a sideline, in a sense, a false flag, what I'd say, to keep our minds off what's really going to happen.
And basically what is really going to happen is that if you want to take out the declaration and everything and stuff, trust me, they're going to attack Washington, D.C., either by nuke or whatever is going to make it look like the Russians did it.
No, it's not going to be the Russians who did it.
It's going to be like 9-11, what we did.
No, no, I hear you.
In fact, they've transferred so much power to unelected bureaucracies that they could nuke the Congress during a State of the Union or something, I agree, and then bring in total martial law saying the government's been wiped out.
Got it, right there, you're on it.
I'm in, I still, I'm ex-Special Forces military, I've only been out a few years, but I keep in contact with a lot of people.
There's a rebellion going inside the military and the police right now.
They want to do what they're doing, they're being told.
They're, they're, they also just talk about Obama running third, uh, uh, uh, uh, term, making him a king later on with all the peoples coming to different nations.
But they destroy Washington, they take it out.
Which they plan on doing.
There'll be no social security checks.
There'll be no money.
No, no.
It's going to be chaos completely.
Martial law will already be set in.
But when they go to re-vote again, Obama's not going to be dead.
And he's not going to leave.
He's not going anywhere.
If they vote him back in, they'll vote him back in as king.
This is the most ambiguous, perplexing thing I've ever heard of in my life.
But I see it as true.
You know, I watched that movie you talked about, Dr. Strangelove.
Look at that, Alex.
You were right.
Man, if something like that's gonna happen...
Well, that's because Stanley Kubrick, and I actually know some of his family, but even given inside info that I'm not allowed to repeat, but the whole, which is incredible, because the family is so reclusive, and people tell me this incredible stuff and I can't repeat it.
It's very frustrating, but the point is, what I can say is, you notice they talk about the Bland Corporation, that's the Rand Corporation.
All those people in that movie were basically real people and real things that almost happened.
And so that was basically Stanley Kubrick with his own mind and his own understanding, but talking to experts, warning people.
And so they make a joke about fluoride in the water in the film, but it's actually real.
And so Kubrick was actually warning people.
It's very, very heavy.
And the good news is we can stop all this if there's an understanding of it.
But the political elite want total power, total control now.
If we don't back them off, they will go for it all.
I appreciate your call.
I appreciate all your concerns out there.
That's the point about false flags.
They've got Al-Qaeda running.
They've got a war with Russia that could be a real flag by a false flag.
You could hit D.C.
You could have the dollar die, which is starting to happen.
You've got the borders imploding.
They're just hitting us on every front.
Scott in Michigan, then Jerry, then Greg.
Scott, you're on the air.
You are the revolution, and you are definitely the tip of the spear.
I did have one problem with the story that Leanne McAdoo did on the Palestinian children.
I totally agree that the world doesn't care at all about Palestinian children.
They don't care at all about the Palestinian people.
But in her article, she said that the Israelites
Have a right to be scared.
And they don't.
They're the occupying invading force standing on Palestinian land while the Palestinians fire rockets from Gaza into Palestine.
They have no right to be scared.
You're an occupying invading force.
If Palestine was firing rockets from Palestine into Israel... Sir, sir, Scott, here's the deal.
We don't screen calls, and we should have a debate about the Israel-Palestinian crisis sometime.
It's a very complex issue from my perspective.
But we're specifically talking about false flags, the open border, the Ukraine escalation.
I want to hear from military.
Specifically with their take on what they think the globalist overall plan is to bring up different angles like that last caller did.
Because if I once a week say, hey I want people to call in on this subject, and then I let people call in on other subjects, no one will listen to me, and then we won't be on that subject.
So I'll tell you what I'll do.
I appreciate your call, Scott.
We'll go through these calls from Greg, Jerry, and Mike when we come back in three minutes, and take some more calls, get into some other news, and then the first 30 minutes of the next hour, ahead of Boyle coming on, we can open the phones up for a discussion of the Palestinian-Israel situation, and take calls on that subject.
But watch!
Folks will call in on every subject but that!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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And we are in the middle of an explosive awakening by the military, police, the bureaucracy.
I saw an article yesterday
Out of England, where there's a rebellion by the government class against the police state over there, people are really starting to understand the reason police states aren't good.
The reason tyrannies aren't good.
They destroy stability, they destroy prosperity, they're scary.
It's not Al Qaeda that's scary, that's Globalist Run.
It is the police state.
It is the New World Order.
It is the globalists that run our bank accounts, that run our lives, that control the nuclear weapons.
It's people like George Soros, a bizarre Nazi collaborator, running almost every aspect of our lives that are the enemy.
It's Bill and Melinda Gates openly funding the anti-gun groups, openly funding the open borders.
It's the same group, a few dozen people every time.
Let's go to Greg in Arizona.
Appreciate you calling.
Then we'll go to Jerry, David, and others.
You're on the air.
You say U.S.
Special Forces.
What is your take on all this?
Yes, former 18th Carolina Special Forces engineer.
I think that there's, you said it earlier, there's going to be a false flag with the economy.
We're going to have these pandemics because there's rampant disease coming across the border.
There's the plague in Colorado.
It's going to be a full-spectrum dominance, as you said.
And what do you think the endgame is?
What do you think the ruling establishment... How do you... What order do you think they'll roll all this out?
They've already rolled out a lot of it.
And what do you think the endgame is?
As far as the order, I mean, that's going to be a crap shoot.
It's hard to decipher what might be coming first.
Because there are so many things coming at us at once.
And that's, I think, meant to keep us off our toes.
Meant to keep us falling back.
Because you know this best.
We keep on having to react to this story about, you know, the government trying to
You know, take away our rights, and then this story about this other incident, and they keep on rolling it out, the zombies just won't, they just won't listen.
No matter how much news you throw at them, they're worried about sport, celebrity, and just useless stuff, and I think that is, uh,
It's pretty visual to them that they can keep on doing it because not enough people are waking up and standing up against this.
This really is a testament to mind control.
Mass social conditioning and engineering.
Great point, great call.
That's why I love to talk to military people because they really get it.
That's why in college they make fun of the military and, have you heard of the oxymoron, military intelligence?
When, in my experience, military veterans are about the only group that gets it.
And the globalists know that.
That's why you're the number one target.
When they're done using you, you're the enemy.
And it's like a science fiction book, except we're in 2014.
So I guess we are in science fiction land.
Where you've got such mind control, such entertainment, such diversions, that the public watches six, seven, eight hours of television and video games a day.
You go to restaurants, nobody's even talking, they're only on their smartphones.
Kids can hardly talk, the language is imploding, brainwaves are lower now.
Just look that up.
Alzheimer's and brain disorders are directly linked to television viewing.
Look that up.
The public has no idea even where Russia is.
Or that we're on the verge of war with them.
Or that our government publicly is funding ISIS to go and blow up every church and every minority Muslim, non-radical Muslim.
I mean, in Iraq right now, they come to your house and they catch you with daughters that aren't wearing hoods over their heads, or daughters that are going to college.
They take you outside and they kill you.
And then they say your daughters deserve to be raped and killed because they haven't been sexually mutilated.
I mean, you cannot make up the level of atrocities being committed.
300,000 conservatively killed the last four years in Syria by the CIA secret army.
Most of them Christians.
I mean, they go in Catholic churches, Orthodox churches, you name it, they take the priests, the nuns, the practitioners out, line them up and shoot them, and it's in the foreign news, and even the Vatican doesn't even say anything.
Because it's politically incorrect to complain about being persecuted.
I mean, if you want to know what the New World Order would like to do to us, Christians, and by the way,
These are real Christians living in these dirt churches in the Middle East and these ancient cultures.
These are devout Christians that have lived in peace for thousands of years there.
They're being wiped out in Africa.
They're being wiped out everywhere.
I'm not talking about the people that go to these big showboat churches and feel good and hear a motivational speaker for an hour who's really on homeland security payroll under clergy response teams spying on everybody and using psychological warfare and NLP on the practitioners.
With Prosperity Message Bull.
Can you imagine if these megachurches talked about the New World Order or abortion or the attack on our Second Amendment?
No, they're like, we don't worry about the world, we just want souls.
You're not getting souls up there watching some motivational speaker.
Talk about how God's going to supersize you and you're going to have all these blessings because you pray for money?
They're cults!
And they're so sophisticated with the programming that I can hardly even watch it and not go under their control.
It's very dangerous.
I'm going to go back to your calls.
David and Jerry and others will continue with current or former military to give your take on the crises 800-259-9231.
Let's go to Jerry in Georgia.
Former military, what's your take on this?
Alex, I would just ask your people to Google five words, Las Vegas illegal aliens dialysis, and it will show you where 80 illegal aliens have almost crushed the largest hospital in Las Vegas.
They don't have insurance, so they don't go for regular dialysis.
They wait until they're almost in renal failure, and they game the system and go to the emergency room.
Legally, you can't turn them away, and it's costing $18,000 a pop.
It's costing the hospital $24 million.
Yeah, I was aware of that.
We should do our own article off the Las Vegas Review-Journal story, and tie it into the thing so that we have our own version of that with some added information.
But yeah, I see the headline.
Put that back up on screen for me, guys.
Thank you.
Again, if you're a radio listener, we also simulcast TV.
It's important to mention that because sometimes I'll talk to folks on the street that are listeners, but they go, why are you always talking about put it on screen?
How does that work in radio?
So people still don't understand that we simulcast television at Infowarsnews.com.
And the headline is, Medicaid helps hospitals pay for illegal immigrants care.
And then we have another one out of the Las Vegas Review Journal that we'll put back on screen.
Dialysis care for poor illegal immigrants costly for many area hospitals.
Yeah, one South Texas town, McAllen, said they'd spent over $20 million on illegals last year.
In Marietta, California, $60 million.
And people show up, black, white, hispanic.
Every time I see the protesters or the buses in Marietta, it was only white people.
I don't know how the media did that.
Our cameras, it was black, hispanic, and white.
I didn't see any Asians out there.
Go ahead.
If they end up closing these hospitals, I want people to ask their liberal friends, how are you going to feel when you have to drive a half hour to take your daughter, your grandfather who's been hurt, your parent, somebody, your loved one, and you don't have a hospital near you any longer.
You don't, because they had to close.
They couldn't afford to stay open.
And that's, people need to have an intellectual conversation with these liberals and ask them, where are you going to go?
I mean, they aren't bringing healthy young men to work.
It's all kids.
Kids that need medical care.
And this is crushing us.
It's not going to be a false flag one event.
We're in the middle of it.
It's a slow collapse and it's been going on for years and we're reaching the tipping point.
Build-ups to the finales.
And the question is, what is the finale?
It may be a nuclear war.
It may be the globalists nuking D.C.
when it's in session.
I mean, there's just no telling with the globalists, but everything is on the table with these nutcases.
And it is the public's lack of understanding of how dire our straits are that is empowering this.
Again, the good news is the police and military are learning about this because they're being prepared for the collapse and they understand now, because of this show and Ron Paul and countless others warning them, plus they're smart, that this is being done by design.
It's not just like all this just got prepared this week, because we and others have been telling them, but great points.
Let's talk to David in Florida, says his brother works for TSA, has some info for us.
Again, the story's up on InfoWars.com.
You can't fly with breast milk and citizens get their...
Pants, you know, jacked with and hands down their pants.
But the illegals do not have to even have IDs, folks.
Forget having fake IDs.
They don't even need IDs.
That article's up on Infowars.com.
In fact, here's some of the headlines before I go to the caller.
Americans put on terror database for buying computers.
Waiting for relatives at train stations.
World War III alert.
Russia vows strikes in response to Ukrainian bombing of Russian town.
I think that headline should be shelling, but same thing, same difference.
Did Israel collude with ISIS to justify a Gaza attack?
Well, Israel has been, at least Netanyahu, has been endorsing ISIS.
And that's not an anti-Israel statement.
I mean, that's anti-everybody.
Muslim, Christian, Jew, you name it, to help ISIS.
And it's like, well, they'll help bring down Iran.
That's evil.
And our government, and what Netanyahu's doing, is bad.
Maybe we can hear from some Israelis and Palestinians in the next hour on that subject.
I mean, I don't like ISIS and I don't like what Israel's doing.
I mean, it's evil government, it's evil groups that say, oh, we'll have no morals.
I mean, where are the pro-Israel groups out there?
Where are you criticizing Israel for supporting Al-Qaeda?
Anyways, caller, sorry, go ahead.
He just dropped.
Okay, I was going to go to him, but then I... I wanted to hear the TSA info.
Keep a line open for him to call right back.
Caller 800-259-9231.
I just started mentioning the TSA, so I thought I'd cover that article.
Call back in.
I want to hear what you have to say about that.
Brett in Montana.
Former military.
Give us your take.
Then Rambo.
Go ahead.
Hey, thanks.
Yeah, you know, I completely agree with you, Alex, that it is a multi-pronged attack.
I don't think it's just one thing that's the plan.
It's not just going to be one thing.
And I think, to answer your question, what's going to be the final act that brings it all down is probably the collapse of the dollar.
And I personally think that the way it's going to go down
Is that, um, you've got a lot of talk about impeaching Obama right now, especially with the, uh, VA scandal, with the, um, uh, stuff that's going down with, uh, stuff at the border, illegals, and all of these things obviously have to be on purpose to stir up racial
hatred or anything that they can get out of it as a bonus and uh... once uh... once that we try to actually impeach Obama what's to say he's just not going to kick up his feet on the desk and say you know go fly a kite I haven't listened to you on anything else before why would I listen to you now and it's uh... you know the old blackmail
I think that's what the final thing is going to be.
And I tend to agree with you.
That's the plan.
I appreciate your call.
We're going to go to Rambo, and then when we come back, I'm going to play the clip from the local news that's in our story out of Illinois.
Homeland Security feds swarm small town in bizarre, unannounced show of force.
School field besieged by helicopters, SWAT vehicles, you name it.
And then they quote, let the kids climb around in the neighborhood on the helicopters and vehicles.
It's an acclamation.
It's a shy op on record.
Rambo of Air Force, go ahead.
Yeah, I was wondering, sir, if you thought that it's possible that they might come out and say that the space aliens are going to attack us again if we don't keep Obama in for a final and long-lasting life term.
What do you think about that?
Do you think they'll do that or maybe have Al Gore do it for us?
Well, you know, Obama is so unpopular now, again, I don't think he's going to be a permanent dictator.
He's acting as a dictator.
Even a bunch of members of Congress are now calling him a dictator, because that's what he is.
On every front, he just acts outside of Congress.
That's called a dictator.
They dictate.
They do what they want.
I don't see them keeping him in.
But you know what?
I've been wrong about a lot of stuff.
When it comes to Obama, he's much worse than I even possibly thought.
And so they may have a plan to keep him in and bring in so many foreigners, their clients of those groups, and basically stay in power.
Because there have been lots of people that become dictators who were elected who become unpopular but stay in power through the power of the secret police.
So I think that's a really good point.
I appreciate your call.
We'll go right back to Bill, who says he works for Homeland Security from Michigan, right on the other side of this break.
And again, I feel bad for that caller who I went to and then kept on hold for a minute, who said his brother worked for TSA.
I wanted to hear that info.
So if you can get back in, I'd like to hear from you.
And then, after we talk to a few more callers, I'm going to open the phones up from people in the Middle East.
If you can get through, I'd like to get your take on the crisis there.
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MyPatriotsupply.com Well, my early gut analysis of Bo Bergdahl has now been proven absolutely accurate.
He was totally sheep-deafed.
It was totally staged.
They claimed that he was, you know, had some mental problem and had been deep inside, you know, Al Qaeda Taliban's control for all these years and that nobody could talk to him.
And now he's back on active duty, totally fine as an army soldier.
Just totally staged.
We've got that report coming up.
I'm going to play a clip that's up on DrugsReport.com.
We just posted it at Infowars.com as well.
Black residents of Chicago slam Obama over preferential treatment for illegals.
We'll go down as worst president, they say.
But, again, they're expecting to get anything?
They're already here.
They're already prisoners of Chicagoland.
Blacks unemployment has doubled under Obama.
They're the worst hit.
They're done with you.
You were supposed to be aborted by the Democratic Party.
They wanted you dead before you were ever born.
They founded the Ku Klux Klan.
And they know how to put a black leader in to make sure they slit your throat good and you like it.
So get used to it.
You think you're going to get some free ride from an El Jefe?
They're only bringing in these illegals to exploit them as well.
Let's go to Bill in Michigan Works for Homeland Security, he says.
I'm going to go to Jason.
Bill, what's your take on all these crises?
Well, Alex, first thanks for taking my call and thanks for what you're doing.
You know, my take on all of these is I think that basically what they're going to end up doing is they're going to continue to paint the opposition and libertarians and constitutionalists as extremists.
And I think that they're going to eventually say that we are basically the largest threat to the homeland and that we need to be eliminated.
I don't know what they're going to do to do it.
I thought that Clive and Bunny's ranch could have been it.
But I think they're waiting for another circumstance like Clive and Bunny's ranch.
And I think they're going to have a false flag and they're going to fire a shot.
They're going to blame it on the Patriot.
And then that's what's basically going to start the takedown of the right wing.
I've been seeing a lot of stuff at work where they're basically painting us more and more as extremists.
I just saw a bulletin today that the right-wing extremists quote, like, both keepers and 3% are on a terrorism watch list.
And it was really scary because I fit all the parameters that they're talking about, and so do you.
So I think that's what they're doing.
That's what they're planning to do to us.
Well, that's an escalation to say on a terror watch list, that's actionable.
Man, if you could somehow snail mail us that or get us that info, that would be national news.
We've gotten similar info many times, but nothing to that level.
They actually said terrorism watch list.
It was a law enforcement sensitive terrorism alert newsletter and they specifically talked about Oath Keepers and 3% that showed up at Clyde and Bunny's Ranch and how we are getting more and more militant and more and more of a threat to law enforcement and the government and I can absolutely send that to you.
Oh well please, and if you've got a safe email to send it or something else as well, send it to ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com with the information, you know, in the byline.
And I really appreciate your call.
Anything else that you think is important to add?
You know, I just think that, you know, we've got to be careful with who we're associating with.
I believe that they have been putting plants into our groups.
Oh yeah, oh yeah.
Be careful what you say to people, and be careful to not say anything that could be used against you.
Because we all know that we want to restore the Constitution in a non-violent way.
We know that.
But they're trying to paint us as basically Al-Qaeda.
So just basically watch your backs, watch what you guys say.
Sure, sure, sure.
Let me ask you this.
I mean, is this propaganda having any reverse effect on people in there?
I mean, are folks inside Homeland Security realizing, like they are in the military that I talked to, that this is authoritarianism?
Yeah, a lot of people see it, Alex.
And to be quite honest with you, there's actually, I'm seeing more and more people, grunt workers within the agency, that are starting to wake up.
Hold on, hold on, I'm going to come back to you in 60 seconds.
Don't hang up, Bill.
This is an important phone call.
I'm going to go to Jason and others.
I've been like walked by federal buildings in Dallas and Austin.
People are like carrying me in their feds.
Alex Jones here for InfoWars.com.
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Waging War on Corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I'm going to finish up with Bill, a Homeland Security individual, and Jason.
Everybody else can call in now, if you're in the Middle East, if you're pro-Palestinian, pro-Israel.
If you see like I do, it's tribal warfare being manipulated by the globalists, and Israel's going nowhere.
They have nuclear weapons.
So, we need to figure out how to have peace, but the globalists don't want that.
I want to hear from you on the Palestinian issue.
We're going to shift gears into that and that only until constitutional lawyer Francis Boyle joins us.
So that's coming up.
The toll-free number to join us, just like we're talking about the globalists staging all these crises right now and where the military and Homeland Security people think it's going, we're going to then sheg way out of that and we're going to talk.
So don't screen your calls, but sometimes I say it's on a subject.
About the Middle East, and the bombing of Gaza, and all the deaths, and the rocket attacks, and where you see all this going.
But you can be in the U.S.
as well, and call in with your take and your view on this.
Bill in Michigan.
You're saying you work for Homeland Security and they've really ratcheted up the rhetoric against anybody right of Stalin.
That's publicly going on as well, but specifically saying they're terrorists, if you're in the Tea Party basically, that's Harry Reid driving that ship.
And that's the Southern Poverty Law Center, that if you're a pro-life group they call you terrorist.
The difference is they're now, as you said, moving Homeland Security from a mission of going after Al-Qaeda
To the American people.
Is that what you're getting at?
Yeah, that's really what I'm getting at.
And they're basically, they're trying to turn the rest of Homeland Security against American ideals.
And Alex, there's one thing I want to say about the Border Patrol, too.
I know the Border Patrol has done a lot of crappy things, but I just want to let you know that I have a lot of friends on the southwest border, and they are on our side 100%.
They feel like the government has abandoned them.
They feel like they are dying for nothing.
I want to be clear.
It's a constitutional federal agency.
It's one of the hardest working, best agencies out of a sea of problems.
They are night and day compared to, say, like the TSA.
And they just work really hard.
It's really rough.
I know that.
And I get critical when they're messing with citizens 80 miles into the country, and they're under attack, and the system's trying to demoralize them right now.
We need to support them.
I totally agree with you.
Yeah, you're absolutely right about that, Alex.
There are still some constitutional agencies that work under the enumerated powers, and my specific bureau of DHS has been around for about 200 years, so you can probably figure out why it works, but it is also an enumerated power.
Are you in the Navy?
Are you in the Coast Guard?
No, no.
It's with Homeland Security.
There you go.
You guessed it.
Yeah, I've been around since 1796.
When you said 200 years, I knew.
Yeah, no, I mean, listen, they put that mark on my deal in Houston to really search my stuff and tear it apart, and the people there just said, this is pure crap, we're not doing it.
I mean, in Houston, that's how crazy it is where they have robot machines now removing the people.
And then, they can just put me on a list and not even let me in the country in the future.
Can you believe that?
Yeah, I do, and you can also be put on a list, and you will never be told that you are on the list.
You could be searched every single time, and they will tell you that it was random, but in secret, you're on a list.
The system is called the Treasury Enforcement Communication System.
The acronym is TEX.
That's what they use for their silence on people, and I bet you you have one.
I would search you and look you up, but I guarantee you they'd find me.
Well, you're probably on there.
Um, and that's what they do, and it's unconstitutional to do that to a U.S.
citizen that, uh, was designed... Yeah, I mean, meanwhile, I have no criminal record, and I'm not doing anything illegal, and they all know that, and I'm watching illegals just walk right past me, and it's just pure bull, and this is, this is the authoritarianism, and it's just getting started.
Alright, we're gonna get to Jason, but then Derek, Andrew, Paul, and many others.
Stay with us.
We'll be back.
In the near future.
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And I'm going back to your calls.
Because, I mean, every month now, we're breaking big national or international news stories that then cause an entire debate
And that caused policy changes.
It is InfoWars that proved that Obama was purposefully shipping the illegals in and paying to deploy them.
Now Congress is talking about it.
Now they're moving to block it.
This is a big deal.
The Border Patrol said this was going on.
No one would listen to them.
So we went down there and confirmed it.
DrudgeReport.com linked to it.
And we were able to then see it really explode.
But all the time, we see the White House even respond to us on the Second Amendment, on energy, you name it.
And that means we're having a big effect here.
And one reason we've been successful is we understand how the world works.
We're not idiots.
We read establishment, internal publications, declassified documents.
We get an incredible amount of leaked information, a lot of which I can't even cover on air.
Because it's so classified and I just stick it in shredding machines.
I don't even want to know.
And people are like, well, bring this to us.
I'm not getting arrested, ladies and gentlemen.
The point is I already know what's going on without even getting documents.
It's just this just verifies it.
This is an evil takeover, okay?
This isn't just Democrat versus Republican.
These people are playing for keeps.
I mean, they're scary.
And I've been told one reason I'm allowed to live and be left on the air
Is they think you're cowards and they think I'm going to scare you by telling you how bad they are and that you're just going to cower.
I think they've miscalculated.
I mean, we're not the bad people.
We're not the ones that say the state owns the kids and are putting deadly stuff in vaccines and funding Al Qaeda and opening the borders.
We're not the ones attacking Russia.
I mean, I'm just a guy who doesn't want to be a slave.
Who wants to live in a free country?
I'm not bad.
And if they come after me or set me up or whatever, I mean, that's their issue.
I would be more scared of not resisting them and speaking out and just quietly shutting up and watching the whole country collapse.
I would be more concerned about that.
I mean, I just can't give up on humanity.
When people have an attitude that you can't change things, things only get worse.
And I've seen incredibly positive things happen.
And we're going to Jason, Rich, Derek, Andrew, Paul, and others.
I'm seeing a huge awakening happening.
And the old tricks the ruling class would use against people don't work anymore.
And our whole world's in danger right now.
A lot of people that work for the system at high level don't like what's happening either.
They just don't know how to fix it as well, because it isn't just the elite that's doing this.
Our own laziness, our own corruption, our own evil, and not recognizing evil has allowed this stuff to grow.
I mean, here's a headline right here.
Leaked data shows tenfold increase in Obama's asylum approvals.
Daily Caller.
And that's kind of a perennial article that comes out every week, but each week the news gets worse.
They went to 80% of people not being deported from 90% being deported a few years ago.
And now it's 99% don't get deported.
The number of foreigners who successfully filed asylum claims in the United States almost tripled from 2012 to 2013.
And that's just on asylum.
You can say, I'm leaving the horrible tyranny of Guatemala.
Yeah, to bring it here.
They want you here because you'll be happy to have a bowl of rice and live in a cardboard box.
And it's not that... I've studied economics and how societies operate, and the system knows this.
Ross Perot told us this.
We don't rise ourselves up bringing in giant groups of poor people.
In this economy and in this socialist system, it barely works if you have no welfare.
It's still a problem.
But if you've got welfare, man, you might as well burn your house down.
I don't need to go through the mathematics of this, do I?
That if you get more than 50% of people, which we now have on the dole, they become a political class that will enslave you to get more goodies, and then finally it collapses?
I mean, it's called game over.
Game over, man!
Game over!
So, we're at the edge of this thing.
If the FBI wants to sit there and read manuals that I'm a terrorist, you actually believe that, you actually think I'm the bad guy and Ron Paul's the bad guy, and that Al Gore and Obama and John Boehner are good, and ISIS is good, and the TSA's got to search old ladies but let the illegals in, then fine!
But I believe more in people that work for the system.
I know you're corrupt and out of control and under peer pressure, but I don't think you're suicidal.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jason in Florida, U.S.
Marine Corps, then we're going to get to some of these Palestinian-Israel calls about the crisis in Gaza going on with days of bombardment, and it's just a tragedy after rockets were fired into Israel.
Israel is responding and targeting
Well, first off, I'll put it to you like this.
I'd like to issue a warning to all the veterans that are out there, especially any that have been involved since 9-11.
I served in a rifle company, for example, and when I was in Iraq for the first time, they didn't mess with us, but then around 2007-2008, in southern Afghanistan, when we would
We're good to go.
And they're watching everywhere.
Obviously, I don't need to say that.
Now, where am I going to and where are we going with all this?
The way that they are highly successful over there is with shock.
Shock and awe.
That was their original system.
They go through.
They storm into your house and you see it on these movies and everybody gets all hyped up about it, but that's how they're training the guys to fight.
That's how we're training all of our allies.
That's how we're training the Iraqis.
That's how we're training the Afghanis.
We're teaching them these same tactics that will be used against Americans.
They're drawing down the U.S.
They're drawing down the Marine Corps.
They're drawing down the fighting-type infantry, basic man, boot-on-the-ground kicking doors.
They're going to use foreign troops.
Not a few months ago, I remember they had foreign troops that practiced invasion in Tampa, Florida, right here close to me.
Bring it home, that's it.
And by the way, I was told all this 20 years ago by retired military officers, colonels, generals, you name it.
And I would roll my eyes at them, because back then nobody was talking about this, so I got contacted by all these people.
I mean, I had like Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Moore on probably 10 times.
I mean, I talked to all these guys.
General Boykin knows what's going on.
He's been warning people.
I've had a cough all day.
Sorry, I keep getting stuff in my throat.
And, bottom line, keep going for a second, caller.
You know, I looked around and this was back before I was, you know, awake, so to speak, like you like to say.
I didn't even realize at that time because, you know, that was before everybody had a smartphone in their pocket.
That was before
You know, I realized that there was a surveillance grid really watching us.
That was before I knew that WWW didn't just mean, you know, it just wasn't a starting address to a website.
That that was actually a web, a worldwide web that you talk about.
And going back to those military officers, they said foreign troops will be used for the UN.
And we'd always roll our eyes at that.
But then they had NLE09 and others where they admitted troops from 15 nations practicing to, quote, take on American domestic extremists.
They really plan on doing this.
Working with contractors and collaborators, they're going to hunt down the veterans in this country.
And people say, well, they'll end up losing.
That's the plan.
They want to chew everybody up in this contrived crisis.
And by the way, your instincts are right.
MIT designed, with the computer companies, those systems where you take the digital photo and have the computer terminal and do that in Fallujah.
That is the model at the driver's license facilities now, integrated in with the face-scanning cameras that are going up everywhere, and they do have the veterans all in those databases.
But more importantly, they've got heat resonance off the top of your head and shoulders with a fingerprint, and that's how they're tracking you.
Uh, I appreciate your call.
Great points.
Okay, Derek, Andrew, Paul, Rich, your calls are coming up on the Middle East situation.
Stand by.
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Alright, I'll probably end up doing some overdrive to continue this discussion as Francis Boyle's coming up for 30 minutes to get into Ukraine, the Middle East, everything.
In fact, we'll probably take some calls for Francis Boyle with Derek, Andrew, Paul, Rich, Doug, and others.
In fact, I'm going to go to some of you right now.
Here's why I stand on what Israel's doing on the Gaza Strip, killing hundreds of people, some of them innocents, as they strike back because of Hamas and others.
Launching rockets into the country.
It always devolves into a discussion of should Israel exist or not.
The fact is it does exist and Israel has nuclear weapons.
So Israel's not going anywhere.
But no one in the cause celeb range is complaining about 300,000 dead Arabs and Christians, Arab Christians and others in Syria, or the people being slaughtered, the moderate Muslims and Christians in Iraq right now by Western-backed ISIS.
So people always, you know, send me emails and see comments, why aren't you covering Israel?
Why are you covering it up?
We have all these articles saying it's not good, talking about it, opening the phones up to talk about it.
It's like a one-up and, oh, you don't care about the AIDS issue, or you don't care about the Palestinians.
Meanwhile, the globalists are slaughtering Ukrainians, Muslims, Arabs, you name it.
So yes, I do care.
But my issue is, why is what Israel does the big issue and nothing else?
It becomes just a cop-out.
It's just as easy to go, ah, Israel did it all.
And that's where I stand on this.
It's much more sophisticated.
You want to be critical?
Be critical of Netanyahu coming out three weeks ago and saying, we need ISIS.
We need to back ISIS.
Because they're already backing them.
I mean, I want to hear from Jews that live in Israel, because I've had some folks call in from Israel and go, yeah, we are kind of backing it in Syria.
I think that's wrong.
Yeah, it's wrong.
I'm just against this whole reprobate system where you fund evil to attack your enemy, and then it attacks you, and then the governing class gets to take everybody's rights.
That's who wins.
And guess what, the governing class acts the same in Saudi Arabia, in Israel, in the U.S., everywhere.
And it's that governing class I'm against and the tricks they use.
And if you just get past Arab, Jew, German, Chinese, Mexican, American, whatever, then you can have a real debate about the tactics being used and not have it be a bunch of tribalism, are you for the Palestinians or for the Israelis?
When it's much more sophisticated than that.
Derek in California, you're on the air, what's your take on this?
I'm an Israelite in California, and I believe that the globalists are just using this war over there to bring about their New World Order.
Like Revelations 11-2 says the New World Order will last for 42 months.
And I learned all of this from Joseph Israel, that a true Israelite is someone who follows Jesus.
So using this political nation
Over there, as the chosen people, gives America a reason to send money and get all the Christian support.
But anyone who follows Jesus is a true Israelite, and Israelites are scattered all over the world.
And Joseph Israel's music and radio show really taught me this, that these political nations are not being directed by God, and that you're an Israelite if you follow Jesus.
And so Israel is really in the whole earth.
And the New World Order will rise and fall and only last 42 months according to Revelation 11 too.
Alright, I'm going to jump to another caller.
Very good points.
Whether you believe in God, the Bible or not, what the man is saying has a lot of bearing.
There's the Neutrocardi Jews, you know, who are Orthodox and who follow the ancient, they're acidic really.
And they're like, hey, the Bible clearly says, the Torah says, Israel can't have a government until the Messiah comes back.
So what is this government?
And then it just becomes this whole debate.
And then you get Christian Zionists who love the police state and love everything else, and then they just sit around going, oh, thank God, Israel's about to get blown up.
It means it's the end of the world.
I mean, it's just craziness, man, and I'm tired of it.
Let's go ahead and talk to Andrew in Minnesota.
You're on the air.
What's your take on all this?
Uh, actually my take is it's all intertwined with, you know, the rush on our southern border mixed in with ISIS, mixed in with what's going on in Gaza.
It's all a plan to just cripple and topple anything that we have tried to put forth with, you know, letting Israel and the Palestinians have their quote-unquote ceasefire.
No, no, I agree.
It is a globalist destabilization program worldwide.
The question is, what are they planning next?
Yeah, I agree with you.
You know, if we put so much effort out there trying to stabilize something that's not going to get stabilized, get our nose out of it, because we're going to crush our own economy trying to help out everybody.
Why do you think they're rushing on the southern border?
We give half the money we're giving to these Islamist states to our southern border and to our northern border.
We have the most prosperous continent in the world.
But the globalists don't want prosperity because it's a rigged system.
Excellent call.
More calls coming up.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
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Well, I won't go over his bio in the interest of time, but Professor Francis Anthony Boyle is a best-selling author.
He helped write the Biological Weapons Convention.
He served on the board of directors of Amnesty International, represented Bosnia and Herzegovina at the World Court.
He served as a legal advisor to the Palestinian delegation for the Middle East peace negotiations from 91 to 93.
In 2007, he delivered the Bertrand Russell Peace Lectures.
Professor Boyle teaches international law at the University of Illinois' Campaign
And the author of, and I'm not going to go over all the books he's written, you can just type in his name and find them, he has a PhD, magna cum laude, from Harvard University and more, and he basically took the somewhat secretive Harvard PhD that Kissinger and a few others have had, where they actually tell you how things really work.
That's what Carol Quigley's book was about, was to have a manual so people could understand, wait a minute, we fund the terrorists, then we fight the terrorists.
And so he's a unique individual to break down the full spectrum of what we face.
And for representing Muslims persecuted in this country, clearly you've done nothing.
He's been put on no-fly list, you name it.
So he's been through a lot.
He's been to the Middle East countless times.
He can break down what he thinks is happening.
But it's pretty obvious now.
You've got Netanyahu openly endorsing ISIS a few weeks ago.
You've got other countries endorsing it.
You've got Saudi Arabia helping fund it.
You've got NATO involved.
British Special Forces.
Even the London Guardian reports, as we told you years ago, training some of them.
I'm not saying they run them, but they're funding them and turning them loose.
Then you've got Russia saying they may start striking Ukraine any time because of shelling into their country.
Over a thousand dead in the last few days, according to the Ukrainians, bombing civilian areas.
And the Ukrainians are bragging about it.
You've got Soros behind that.
All hell's breaking loose with the border being opened by design.
That's now confirmed.
The elite are bringing in global crisis.
So I want to ask somebody who's been through a similar level of training but turned against them early on.
What he thinks the grand plan is.
Is this order out of chaos or do they just think it is?
Or has megalomania set in like Hitler and Napoleon with these adventures?
Who's running the show and where does he think it's all going?
If anybody can tell us, it's Francis Boyle.
Thanks for coming on, sir.
What do you think's going on?
Well, thank you very much for having me on, Alex, and my best to your audience.
Yes, when you mention what's going on, I think we have to go back to my teacher, mentor, and friend, the late, great Hans Morgenthau, who founded international political science.
And in fact, Kissinger revered Morgenthau.
And when he taught international relations at Harvard,
He used Morgenthau's casebook, Politics Among Nations.
And what is going on now, and if you do a Google search under my name, you'll see an essay by me entitled Unlimited Imperialism, which Morgenthau was writing about a phenomena
Which, for him, described Alexander, the Romans, Hitler, Napoleon, and others of this nature to distinguish it from ordinary imperialism.
Namely, they want to control and dominate the entire world.
And what I argued in my essay is taking Morgenthau's definition
of unlimited imperialism.
That is what we have seen the United States power elite, financial power elite, engage in since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.
They're going for broke, just like the Romans, or Alexander, Napoleon, or Hitler, and they will continue to go all out.
And the difference between Bush and Obama, it's Tweedledum versus Tweedledee.
I've been through all these elite programs at Chicago and Harvard.
Obama was behind me at Harvard Law School.
Romney and I actually took all of our first year law courses together at Harvard Law School.
So there's no real difference here.
As far as the elite sees it, they're going for broke.
And in the process, they realized to do this, they must establish a police state here at home.
And you and I have been through this before.
I believe I was in your documentary on this matter, so I'm not going to belabor it here.
But, you know, starting with the USA Patriot Act, the FISA Amendments Act,
The National Defense Authorization Act, which, by the way, Senator Levin said when they first drafted it, it did not apply to United States citizens.
And it was President Obama who insisted
That it applied to United States citizens so that the military could basically pick up and disappear any citizen they want to here in the United States for whatever reason.
Now we have the Obama drone campaign.
I'm not here to justify President Bush Jr.
But even President Bush Jr.
did not irrigate to himself the right to murder United States citizens, which Obama and his Attorney General Holder have done, and have made it quite clear, Holder and Brennan, the head of the CIA, that they're forced to do that here in the United States of America.
So there's an accelerated rotting.
Let me ask you this before you go into the big picture and talk about what's happening in the Middle East currently and where you see their next step being.
Again, Professor Francis Boyle joins us.
What I'm getting at is, it seems like a classical power grab on every front, but whereas Caesar and Alexander actually went out and led their forces,
I think?
You seem so dysfunctional and mentally ill looking at this as a student of history.
I don't see their plan succeeding.
I do see there being a chance of nuclear war and them destroying civilization.
I mean, that's what I'm getting at.
I mean, how dangerous are these people?
What is your gut gestalt on where we are when the history books are written later?
Well, on both the domestic and the international point, on the domestic point first, you're right about the financial lead in America.
All of a sudden, the National Defense Authorization Act came out of nowhere.
They were terrified by the occupied Wall Street movement taking off all over the country.
And that's what produced NDAA.
On the international arena, yes, of course, we could have a serious war at any time.
As you pointed out in Ukraine, where Obama and his neocons and his neolibs, there's not much difference, sponsored a neo-Nazi coup d'etat in Ukraine that overthrew a democratically elected government.
We've now had firing across the undemarcated border between Ukraine and Russia.
It appears they're trying to provoke Russia to invade Ukraine.
And then the trap will have been sprung, and you'll have their puppet there, Poroshenko,
Invoke Article 51, the right of collective self-defense, and you'll have NATO forces streaming into Ukraine for sure.
It's not exactly clear where they'll stop.
You remember in the Clinton administration, when they were bombing Serbia over Kosovo, General Wesley Clark ordered the NATO troops to take the Kosovo airport.
And fortunately, the British military commander, Mike Jackson, refused because it was occupied by Russian troops and said that he's not prepared to start World War III.
Well, who knows what will happen?
The current policy towards Russia is being orchestrated by Zbigniew Brzezinski.
I went through the same PhD program at Harvard that produced both Kissinger and Brzezinski before me.
Brzezinski is an expatriate Pole who hates the Russians, and he wants to see Russia broken up into a million pieces.
The top White House advisor at the National Security Council on Russia is a Brzezinski protege.
Obama's mentor at Columbia was Brzezinski, and Brzezinski ran his entire foreign affairs campaign in 2008.
So, this is an extremely dangerous situation in Ukraine.
Likewise in Syria and Iraq.
At any time, Obama could start bombing in Iraq.
And as you correctly pointed out in your introductory comments, ISIS was by us.
It started with the Obama administration.
Even Senator Rand Paul said this, and I'm a political independent, as you know, Alex.
But even Senator Rand Paul said, well yeah, we were arming ISIS, which is true.
That's where the Benghazi operation was all about.
Shipping Muslim fundamentalist weapons, equipment, and supplies into Syria.
This war against Syria is Obama's idea.
And he is armed, every, armed, equipped, supplied, and trained every jihadi they can find, including those they use to overthrow Qaddafi.
Sure, let me ask you this then.
Why is the ruling establishment doing things that they've never done so nakedly by an order of power?
Or correct me if you think that's a wrong statement.
I mean, they just seem to really have a
praised aura to them that just reeks of disaster.
I mean, they just don't seem to care and have any sanity.
And as you said, we came millimeters in Pristina and Kosovo from war with the Russians.
We came millimeters in Georgia.
And now it appears with Soros and the rest of them that even if the U.S.
policy doesn't go with this, there's other NATO forces and Soros forces
That are hell-bent on starting a war with Russia.
How do they think they're going?
Where do they want to go with this?
I mean, I don't see it being successful.
Well, and also with China, Alex, Obama's pivot to Asia, taken right out of Brzezinski's grand chessboard, and you have these little bitty pieces of rock, the Diaoyu Islands right off of Taiwan, that Japan stole from China in the 1895 War of Aggression against China, when it was weak.
And yet, after World War II, we refused to give it back to China, and now we, the United States, both Secretary of State Clinton and Secretary of Defense Hagel, have threatened to go to war so that Japan, the militarists in Japan, can hang on to these little pieces of rock
Uh, right there in the... And now the Chinese government, as you know, I've been telling my audience, in the last week, in their official dailies, have said, okay, they're prepared for a nuclear war with the U.S., they're going on maximum alert and build-up, and then the same elite have heavily invested in China.
I mean, I look at the globalists, this collection of neocons and liberalcons and all the rest of them, neolibs,
They really don't even have a formula at all.
It's just screw everyone, screw over civilization, screw over classical egalitarianism.
These people are the plague.
Well, you could read Machiavelli's The Prince or Thomas Hobbes' The Leviathan.
The Prince for foreign affairs and Leviathan for constructing a totalitarian dictatorship.
Because if you go through any of these elite programs, like at the University of Chicago... Let me read them.
By the way, that was my next point.
And again, of course, these are philosophers that people like Hitler loved.
For those that don't understand, Hillary, her favorite book is 1984 because she sees it as a beautiful world.
And when you're bringing up Kissinger, like the individual exposing the total empire, they see it as a model.
And so that's what you're getting at.
That's correct.
And Clinton went to Yale Law School.
I interviewed there for a job in 1977.
They're no different from Harvard Law School.
Bill Clinton went there too.
So again, what you have here is elitist training grounds to produce these imperial managers.
Whether Democrats or Republicans is pretty irrelevant.
It's all the same.
Uh, to rule the world.
Only now, as I said after September 11th, in the issue, I'm sure you've discussed the PNAC report, they're going for broke.
They're literally going to try to take over Russia and China.
And the Brzezinski Grand Chess Board lays it all out there if you want to read it.
It's madness, and they've been sticking with the same plan for 40 years, 60 years, depending on how you look at it.
How do you see an ending?
Because I know a lot of people in the establishment I talk to are pretty freaked out.
The military's freaked out, the police are waking up, Americans can see that cages are being built around us.
I mean, this isn't going to be like some British empire where we at least get some of the goods.
And I'm not endorsing the British Empire.
This is an empire that dominates humanity itself.
I mean, it's the job of every human on the planet to resist this empire, but what do we replace it with?
Well, you're correct, Alex, that if it keeps going the way it is, we're going to have another world war, either with Russia or China or both.
I don't know how much time we have.
And then the final consolidation of a police state here at home in order to run it.
It'll be just like 1984 by George Orwell.
We're coming very close to that.
Permanent war abroad and a police state at home.
Yes, we're close.
We don't have much time.
I don't know how much time we have.
Anything could go wrong.
Remember 100 years ago, there was this assassination in Sarajevo.
I visited that scene when I was Bosnia's lawyer.
The Crown Prince!
No one thought that would lead to a world war and yet 10 million people were dead.
Well, now we have nuclear weapons certainly in the hands of the United States, Russia, China, Israel, Pakistan.
Pakistan's another tender point.
It's very clear the neocons want to crack up Pakistan and neutralize the Pakistani nukes just as they've cracked up and destroyed Afghanistan, Iraq,
Libya, Sudan, and this goes back to the memoirs by General Wesley Clark where he admits after 9-11-2001 the neocons under Wolfowitz in the Pentagon came up with a plan to take out seven Arab and Muslim states and they're going right down that list.
And I was at the University of Chicago with Wolfowitz.
He was the head of me getting his PhD in political science and international relations while I was getting my undergrad in international relations with Hans Morgenthau.
He's part of this neocon cabal.
His mentor there was Albert Wohlstetter from the RAND Corporation.
Stay there, yeah, RAND Corporation, right at the center of the spotter web.
We're going to go into overdrive with a phone call.
Stay with us.
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Okay, we got five minutes left.
Mr. Boyle, Professor Boyle, I appreciate your time, your energy, and all the books you've written and what you've done.
To try to help this country and the world?
I do see a big awakening happening, but I see the political class organizing to try to crush peaceful political redress of grievances.
And as Jack Kennedy said, those that make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.
And the system really does plan for this big war with the American people.
You're closing comments on some way out of this without having a civil war here in the empire.
Well, you know, we still have our First Amendment rights, freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of religion, that we have to do everything to organize to stop these people.
We also have our Second Amendment rights.
We've discussed this before, Alex.
I'm not a gun person myself, but the Second Amendment does recognize now freedom to bear arms.
And even Justice Scalia, in his decision on the Heller case, said one of the purposes of the Second Amendment is to prevent a tyrannical government.
So, those are the directions we're moving in.
I'm not here to promote violence, but everyone has to do, I think, under these terrible circumstances, what his or her conscience tells them to do.
Because we could have a war very soon.
Congress goes out of session in August.
And that's always a bad time for imperial presidents to wait for because they know there is no congressional control upon them.
There is no prospect of anyone introducing a bill of impeachment.
Sure, Pat Buchanan's argument that Republicans can win brownie points by not doing it and letting it get worse.
It's like saying, you know, murderers should go free.
You then join with the immorality by not impeaching him.
And, you know, even Ron Paul said he's never seen anything like Obama.
And he's usually, no, let's don't impeach because they're all bad.
We should impeach them all.
But he said no.
Last Friday, he said this is a special viral growth of evil.
Let me just, in closing, say this and then get your take on it.
If you can do five more minutes in overdrive, I understand you probably can't but but professor sure used to soldiers fought used to Caesar fought some Alexander fought this is really in the last 50 to 100 years But but now it's really coming to a head where the soldiers don't fight its drone So I want to come back after one minute get your take.
We'll come back and more overdrive callers I promise I go to you at 8 after I want to ask you this key question.
What does it mean when humans are taken out of the equation?
And what does it say of an elite that are disconnected from the battlefields that people are dying on?
I mean, I think that adds to their delusion, even if they're intellectual about it.
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Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
We're in overdrive.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're back, folks, now into the third hour, fourth hour.
In the start of the next second, I'm going right to Paul and others that are patiently holding to talk about what's happening in the Middle East right now.
Professor Francis Boyle is our guest, best-selling author, researcher, political insider from his past research.
Look, it's been a sport of change and, quote, nobility, even above hunting.
Dangerous game to go out and be involved in combat.
And even though it was primitive and violent, you could at least have some respect for the fact that warrior kings would lead people into battle.
Compared to the elites we have, I mean Napoleon was a famous artillery officer and then led his forces, even though he was a terrible person in many respects.
Now, Hitler won the Iron Cross, the Congressional Medal of Honor, first class, the German equivalent.
So in the three or four minutes we have left, Francis Boyle, my issue is they're giving Purple Hearts to the equivalent medals to the drone pilots.
It's not just the elite separated from the human suffering that they're causing, and it just seems like nature is out of balance.
There's almost like a singularity of evil coming.
What's your thoughts in closing on that?
Well, I think it's here.
If you look at the neocon pedigree, it was all founded by Professor Leo Strauss at the University of Chicago.
I was educated in that system.
I studied with his right-hand man, Joseph Cropsey.
Strauss had just retired.
And Strauss' teacher, mentor, and sponsor in Germany was Professor Carl Schmitt.
And Carl Schmitt was the leading Nazi law professor of his era.
He justified every hideous atrocity
The Nazis inflicted on everyone, including the Jews.
And so you're right, Alex, what we've seen overtaking the country is this neo-Nazi mentality that is now possessed our power elite.
If you listen to Secretary Kerry, he sounds mentally deranged oftentimes when he's giving his prayer orations there on TV.
And many of the rest of them do, too.
So I think that this is what we've seen, and you're correct.
We're between a rock and a hard place because they're already set up and ready for an armed revolution.
They want to use that to bring in total tyranny.
But then they're attacking us under common law and common sense.
You know, I think this is where I'm going with this.
I think if everything does kick off and becomes violent, I just want to make sure that the people
that are calling the shots.
They want to be back in their armored fortresses and send the police out and the military out to do this.
And I think it's very important at the end of all this that they be brought to justice and that they be dealt with.
Because I think it's only that fear that will hold them back.
That's why we need to impeach Obama and not try to make political points, you know, for the Republicans who are just as big a problem.
I agree.
I agree with that and ultimately the question will be
Will common, ordinary, everyday U.S.
soldiers fire on U.S.
citizens when ordered to by the power elite?
I certainly hope they don't because the common, ordinary, everyday soldiers
Sure, just don't be a warmonger later!
But a generation later, they're sending young men and women from middle class, lower class, economically deprived areas of our country off to fight and die for oil and profits and glory.
And the question will be how much longer will the young men and women of our armed forces take being cannon fodder for the power elite?
I agree.
And will they obey orders to fire on their fellow American citizens?
Thank you, Professor.
Very well said.
Thank you.
We'll come back with calls.
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Fix bayonets.
We are now entering overdrive with your host, Alex Jones, broadcasting live from the front lines.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
A lot of people have been taught that the best course to take is just keep your head down, do what you're told.
Well, that is the road to absolute serfdom.
The road to slavery.
And I see these political elite who are incredibly soft people, like John Kerry, Obama, all of them.
Hillary making statements like, I came, I saw, he died.
Obama saying, I'm good at killing people.
And then you see just the same spirit.
I don't care if you're Obama or you're Netanyahu.
And people know I don't spend all my time, you know, going into the bashing of Israel.
I'm going to your calls right now.
Because people have tried to intimidate me and attack me over the years into attacking Israel all day.
That's the easy cause celeb, you know, thing to do.
And I'm like, no, it's terrible what's going on in Israel and what goes on in Palestine.
And, you know, it is also really terrible that you got about 20 times that being killed conservatively by Al-Qaeda forces run by our government in Syria.
And they're just like, shut up.
You work for Israel.
I'm like, no, actually Israel's with Saudi Arabia helping fund the groups doing this in Syria.
I don't like Israel doing that.
I don't like the political class being so evil they would openly fund Al Qaeda groups and then use the threat of that to take our rights.
They've taken the Israeli people's rights, you know, using the threat of terrorism.
This terrorism rubric is being used to take over society and I know you know that.
But if you just pick a side, Palestinian-Israeli, that's what the system wants you to do, instead of pulling back and going, who's behind all of this?
What's the big picture?
Al-Qaeda took the blame for 9-11, clearly only players in it.
The wrong country was attacked, Iraq.
Saudi Arabia sits back, says they're bolstering their border against ISIS, when they run the group.
That's just rhetoric.
Now, they double-cross each other, so they don't trust them either.
But this is the culture and the society we now live in.
And I'll say it again.
It is a total, complete, manifest fraud on every front.
That the war on terror is to keep us safe.
The war on terror, period, is about social control.
And it's not just social control so everybody's safe.
That's the nanny state lie.
It's social control to radically engineer society and fundamentally destroy the family, destroy justice, destroy our health.
And really put us into a scientific dictatorship known as the technocracy that is designed to finally end humanity as we know it, in the globalist own words.
And people say, well that's far out, that won't happen.
No, it's happening.
See, that's the thing.
If this was just some corruption, I would criticize it and everything, but I wouldn't risk my life fighting it.
Because corruption's always been endemic to civilization.
This stuff is pure satanic evil.
And you've got to make a decision against it.
You've got to say, I'm not going to be with this.
Let's go to your phone calls.
You've been holding long enough.
Paul, then we'll go to Rich, Doug, Nick, Mary, and others.
Paul, you're on the air.
Thank you for holding.
What's your take on the situation in the Middle East?
About 11 years, thank you.
I think this Israel issue ties directly to our border.
Israel's working with ISIS, we know that.
ISIS claimed to kill the Jewish kids that started all this, and now ISIS says they're not going to do anything to help the Palestinians.
And at the same time, we have South American fighters in Syria, we have the head of ISIS is from Chile, you know, and I think the same mentality of the Palestinians fighting against white Jews from Europe is the same mentality of, you know, they want to start their mythical homeland in South America.
No, no, no.
You just hit on it.
It's called Liberation Theology.
And they take real grievances, but then the Ford Foundation and Google publicly run the Palestinian groups.
They ran the Arab Spring.
It's so sophisticated.
How do you explain that to people?
People always ask how the U.S.
could fall.
We're seeing it.
We're seeing the beginning of it.
And again, it's such bold moves by the globalists on every front.
Hey Alex.
Hey, long time listener, second time caller.
Didn't finish writing.
Had to say last time I was on, but it was right at the end of the show I got cut off.
This whole thing is, um, it's all a bit of a sham with the Middle East, Netanyahu, all the world leaders, most of them anyways, are controlled by the banker elites and the money changers.
That's why they're all following the same script.
Right, right.
And what they're doing is, see, they turn the heat up all around us.
They keep all this turmoil going on all around the world so that the fear factor, the level of fear outside of our country, is far exceeds the level of fear inside our country, which allows them to turn up the temperature here,
And you know, incrementally increased deterrence day where it creates like a feedback loop.
They're going for a big feedback loop here that's going to amplify and increase it in an exaggerable rate to the point where when it does all come to pieces, they'll be able to roll it out exponentially as it all collapses.
They're always posing as the savior for the financial crisis, the border crisis, the Al Qaeda crisis, the ISIS crisis, the Russia crisis, and as long as they can get away with not getting the blame for being behind it, they'll continue to get more power out of the crisis they created.
It's very elementary.
And you said it.
That's it.
All right.
And what I was trying to say the last time I was on,
I don't know.
Because you could see the territories forming ahead of time.
And so they saw a problem there.
And so the Constitution was also a Trojan horse to bring in blank a tyranny or an authority that is above all the states so that that tyranny can go out.
Well, that's what the colonies in the states said for a decade of debate.
That's why they brought in in 1798 the Bill of Rights to be very clear about everything.
But you're right.
The lawyers did some fiddling in the Constitution, and it's not as good as the Declaration of Independence or Bill of Rights.
And people seem to conflate the three as one thing.
And I guess the Bill of Rights are amendments to the Constitution.
But, again, now the globalists want to get rid of it whole hog.
Appreciate your call.
Let's talk to Doug in Iowa.
Doug, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Oh, thank you.
If you look at what's going on in the Middle East, to me it's like a magician with his left hand.
He's got these little rockets flying in there.
So that all the news is focused in on Israel and the real thing is happening in the Ukraine where they're sticking a fork in the Russians trying to get them activated.
No, that's it.
This could cause World War III.
And I'm very sad for the Gazans dying and getting bombed.
And I'm sad for Israelis getting hit by rockets.
But that's all anyone knows how to talk about.
The liberal trendies and the rest of them.
And why aren't you going to Palestine?
You know, Koch Brothers, Work for Israel, you know, the same stuff that just gives them moral authority and is made up while we're criticizing Israel, funding Al-Qaeda, funding all these attacks.
But we're not doing it from a hate position.
We're just doing it from a reality position.
And then meanwhile, talk about Arabs getting killed, ISIS is just slaughtering people by the hundreds of thousands.
I mean, it's incredible.
And no one will talk about it.
It's just amazing.
Well, I looked at Revelation 18, Mystery Babylon.
At first it burns, and then it's cast into the sea.
And that seems to match those new $100 bills when they fold them.
You've got a high-rise with a nuclear bomb going off over it, and then it's got a tidal wave going off over it.
Now, the Russians, they can set off that Vallejo tidal wave and cover the whole East Coast, and a nuclear strike on the country first
Well, I know they got a lot of secret messages in the money, that's admitted.
It's pretty stunning when you look at it.
But, past all that...
Secretary of Defense Cohen admitted in Army Times back in 97 that indeed they do have earthquake and tsunami weapons and I have mainstream news saying that.
I mean, there's just no telling.
I mean, it's Buck Rogers, man.
That's why the elites act like we don't even exist or we're roaches.
We're going to skip this network break coming up so I can get to all your calls.
And we'll go to the bottom of the hour, but I'd go even further, but I'll get too exhausted.
I just can't do four or five hours anymore, and I want to shoot some stuff for the Nightly News.
Got a lot of other work to do as well, but I just hope everybody who's on the side of liberty works instead of just talking, and reaches out to other people, and hope everybody in the alternative media creates more content to overtake the dinosaur media, because people shouldn't take having the internet and freedom of speech for granted anymore.
I mean, it's all there moving on every front, people.
Let's go to Nick in Florida.
Nick, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Love your show.
Thank you, brother.
What's on your mind?
I got some questions.
If they use social control with social media in the Middle East the way they do on Facebook in America with false profits about
Just any kind of control with that over there too, because I personally witnessed some of that.
Well, undoubtedly, globalists are always targeting religious leaders.
A lot of the clergy here in this country, Catholic, Protestant, you name it, Buddhists, are on government payrolls.
I mean, it's on record that a bunch of these religious leaders are on CIA payroll, and that ISIS is a globalist creation.
The CIA is an alien group of basically British intelligence and the globalists.
They got a lot of compartmentalized people who think they fight for America inside of it.
And they couldn't get them to do as much evil stuff 50, 60 years ago.
They'll do anything now.
Or they've got contractors that'll do it.
And so, yeah, I mean, they're just playing us off against each other.
Have you heard of some of the Facebook groups that
I basically tell you to not listen to alternative media and, you know, just go with your government control.
Yeah, I really don't pay attention to that, but, I mean, the Pentagon is heavily involved, domestically now, it used to be illegal, in PSYOPs, in LICE, and, but it didn't work in, I mean, Congress has a 7% approval rating, and the military's waking up.
I mean, I think when they tell military bases, don't visit Infowars.com, that I don't think I know that makes them then visit Infowars.com.
So, these authoritarians had a big, powerful, rich country that became an empire, and had a lot of great inventions and technology at their hands, but the leveraging of Western civilization towards evil, I don't think the final equation is going to go the way they think it is.
Thanks for the call, Nick.
Mary in New Jersey, thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Oh, hello?
Hi, uh, Alex, I love your show.
Thank you.
Um, I'm newly retired, so I... For years I learned a lot on Glenn Beck and all that stuff, but I really put it together recently, a few months ago, and it scared me to death when I, you know... But anyhow, um, and now I pray a lot, basically.
But, um, concerning Israel.
Israel is...
It was occupied by Britain and then, for a long time, and then they had the Balfour Resolution in 1947, I believe.
And also, what was given to the people that were the Muslims, they did get their own country.
They got Jordan.
It was divided up and within a week after becoming a new country...
Of course, they were attacked by seven different Muslim countries.
So... Well, no, I mean, that's how Israel got the thing of the underdog and everybody's support was because Israel continually got attacked.
And again, the Palestinians try to overthrow every country they're in.
They're constantly trying to overthrow Lebanon.
They're constantly trying to overthrow, and I'm not demonizing, it was just a fact, Jordan.
I mean, look, David was fighting the Philistines thousands of years ago.
It's the same story.
You can pick a side.
Both sides have their reasons.
Both sides have their arguments.
My issue is the Rothschilds and the British
Created the state of Israel as like a floating command base for the Middle East.
And then they've set it up as this endless situation.
And the Palestinians live in horrible squalor.
I feel sorry for them on many, many fronts.
But they're used as a political football.
You notice Egypt borders Gaza.
And you notice Egypt won't let them in there.
But then will criticize Israel all day for not letting them in.
So, it's so complex I can barely even understand it.
And so I don't know how to properly explain it to people because you can't explain it.
It's a bunch of tribal weirdnesses.
And the only way you'd ever unify people would be if space aliens attacked.
That's why the elite are always saying that.
Plus, they don't want us unified.
They want to control us.
That's why they want to balkanize this country, and have the foreigners not take on the Americana culture.
You can say what you want about it, but owning property, being left alone, having low taxes, having the right to defend yourself, that's pretty good culture.
If you've been to other countries.
They're getting rid of that.
So, I mean, that's my main objection.
And Israel's very authoritarian.
You know, you can't proselytize Christianity in Israel.
Two Jews.
Israel has race-mixing laws.
And so my issue is, I don't hate Israel, and I understand what's going on in Israel.
But at the same time, all these Christian TV shows and stuff that just say, worship Israel, you're going to hell.
My God is not Israel.
And my God is not any of these countries or any of these men.
My God is God.
And, you know, no one wants to talk about the bad things that go on in Israel, and you've got a lot of Jews in Israel that don't like it.
And then,
Again, any mild criticism of Israel gets attacked by the Israeli lobby, and then there's all... Here's the deal.
I'm not against Israel, but I'm not for what a lot of things Israel does, and I'm not against the Palestinians.
I'm for them, but I feel sad for them, but I also don't want to endorse a lot of the bad stuff that some of the Palestinians are involved in, because it's two different sides, and there's problems with each group, is what I'm getting at.
The viciousness of the pro-Palestinian crowd, not even so much the Palestinians, but the white supremacists that support them and other groups, where it's just a one-trick pony, one-issue group, a very dishonest group of people.
The anti-Israel people are just incredible liars, in my experience, and just very vicious.
And a lot of them are losers, they're not successful, they hate anybody that doesn't basically endorse all their bizarre worldviews.
And so, I just don't want anything to do with any of it, really.
I mean, meanwhile, Al-Qaeda is running around slaughtering people everywhere, and I can't force Israeli Jews to criticize their government for openly being on the Jerusalem Post, saying, you know, should we work with ISIS?
When they're already doing it!
I mean, Israel loses any moral high ground it could have ever claimed doing that, and I'm forced to come out against Benjamin Netanyahu for stuff like that.
It's just disgusting, and it shows how reprobate our churches are, our libertarian and Christians are, that people just don't have enough geopolitical understanding, Mary.
To see what's happening.
I mean, you say you support Israel.
Okay, the existence of Israel.
Let's say you support that.
What do you think about Israel's government supporting ISIS?
I think it's bad, but I'll tell you what I think.
I think Netanyahu was being blackmailed.
Because months ago, Kerry was over there pressuring to break up Israel.
They wanted to break it up block by block.
I also listened to Aaron Klein, okay?
I know, but nobody, nobody can... Israel's got 800 nuclear weapons.
Two blocks, Israel.
Two blocks, Arabs.
It was a mishmash.
Well, there's no doubt that Israel is publicly endorsing ISIS now.
Not until months of pressure.
I know, I know, I know.
Here's my issue.
The world is so Machiavellian.
What happens when everybody starts cutting corners and everybody starts saying it doesn't matter if we side with this group today and that side tomorrow?
Look at how the Arabs live with that view of the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
I mean, that's just not how I do things.
And that's not how the West has operated until the last hundred years.
And it's just, it's a form of mental illness is what I'm saying.
I hear what you're talking about.
I don't obsess on Israel all day because it's never going away.
It's just a football issue.
It's like gay marriage.
It's just something they just keep going as a distraction from everything else going on in the world.
But I hear you.
I appreciate your call, Mary.
Let's talk to Israel in Massachusetts.
That's all we have time for.
I'm out of time with Shelley and Karen and Brian and everybody else.
Go ahead.
Is Israel, I think, or is it Israeli?
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I'm just going to give you as much as I can in this short time.
Number one, to be against Bibi Netanyahu does not make you anti-Israel or anti-Semitic.
Netanyahu is
He's nothing more than an elected leader.
He's not the spirit of the country.
He's not the Fuhrer of Israel, despite however he may act.
Well that's another point.
People say you either support him or you hate Israel.
That's not the case.
I don't support ISIS.
I mean, period.
Many Israelis do not support Netanyahu and they would gladly vote for someone else if there was anyone worth voting for.
Well, everybody's scared to run against him, right?
There's rumors.
There's rumors.
I don't want to get too much into it.
I'll tell you what, we'll continue the discussion tomorrow.
I apologize to the callers.
Interesting points, sir.
I want to hear from Israel and the Middle East tomorrow.
So we'll try to open the phones up tomorrow.
Sorry to the other callers.
Great job to the crew.
Retransmission starts now.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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