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Name: 20140713_Sun_Alex
Air Date: July 13, 2014
1967 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics such as the toxicity of indoor air, the importance of using organic herbs to cleanse the body, and the products available at InfoWarsLife.com. He promotes Survival Shield X2, a strong nascent iodine that delivers 650 micrograms per drop and promises to shield your family. He also sells ProPure G2.0 filtration system that can remove added substances like fluoride, chlorine, glyphosate from tap water, making the taste of the water much cleaner and fresher. Promotion codes for saving 10% off on these products are available at InfoWarsStore.com or by calling toll-free 888-253-3139.

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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Well, they've entered the second half, Argentina and Germany, and the 2014 World Cup.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
They're scoreless right now.
It'll likely go into overtime.
This is history happening right now.
We won't cover a top NSA whistleblower saying it's about social control and a total takeover of society.
We won't cover the end of America and our border being dissolved.
We won't cover Homeland Security publicly training for national gun confiscation that'll cause a civil war or over a thousand dead in just the last two days in Ukraine as fighter bombers attack major cities and Russian troops mass on the border.
We won't cover Al-Qaeda, ISIS, slaughtering every Christian they can get their hands on in multiple countries.
No, ladies and gentlemen, there has been no goal!
Sunday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
We are here, ladies and gentlemen.
And then we come back Sundays live.
We are L.I.V.E.
on 713 at 401 and 2 minutes exactly.
Central Standard Time.
Hey, forget about the shadow of atomic fear.
Will we win the fight for peace or will we disappear?
Because none of that matters.
All that matters today is Deutschland and Argentina in a major battle for the World Cup 2014.
And we've got record ratings worldwide on ESPN and Telemundo!
I think that's really what matters right now.
So, I want to apologize and open the phones up for the full broadcast to discuss the World Cup, ladies and gentlemen.
That's all we'll be discussing today.
Is all the people of the world losing their basic liberties, losing their freedoms, under total social engineering, watching simulated combat.
Ritualized male combat on the soccer field.
Only places allowed for male combat is in simulated sports, simulated gladiatorial events, bread and circus, while the real game of life goes on all around us.
And Eric Holder, the mafia chief,
Openly declares his main enemy to be domestic Tea Party groups who he says are planning major attacks and Obama says it may even be nuclear.
Now how do you think Obama would ever get total control?
What would you do if you were Obama?
I'm going to have to leave office in about a year and a half.
Would you steal everything, shut off the power plants, open the borders, try to bankrupt the country, sign us onto more derivatives, devalue the dollar, fund Al-Qaeda worldwide?
Yeah, you'd do all that.
But you'd also stage terror attacks, which they now say are imminent by the Tea Party.
They train the Pentagon that we're about to attack.
We've never attacked.
And then, magically, they say it's about to happen.
And when it happens, all the reporters are going to be so upset on the news about whatever daycare center at a federal facility, the feds bomb again, like in 95.
It's like a dog to vomit.
These criminals do the same thing over and over again.
So that's what I'm thinking about today.
Even though, I gotta be honest with you, I grew up playing golf a little bit, and I grew up playing soccer, so I'm gonna play football too.
But I like sports that are on in the background, so you're not watching it.
I like football, but it's just every play and every, it just dominates the part of your conversation.
It's kind of fun to have golf in the background, you know, because you wait a few minutes, somebody hits, and then you see the hole in one or whatever, or see the bogey, or see whatever's going on, or somebody chip from the sandbox.
And then soccer I kind of like.
It's the song in the background.
Kind of the roar of the crowds.
Kind of soothing like the ocean.
Kind of a white noise sound.
And then, oh, goal, goal.
So I kind of like World Cup.
Maybe I've been wrong.
Maybe I shouldn't care about freedom.
Just watch that.
From the water table, to our soils, to the atmosphere itself.
Our world is becoming more and more toxic each and every day.
But it's not just the air outside that's toxic.
Indoor air has been shown to have two to five times higher concentrations of pollutants than even outdoor air.
And most Americans spend 90% of their time inside using toxic chemicals within their homes.
There are more than 42 million smokers in the United States.
Well over a thousand types of mold and mildew linked to numerous conditions.
And don't forget the fact that 6 million Americans live with pets they're allergic to as well.
When I began to research these statistics, it was clear to me it was time to start cleansing my lungs in order to combat the toxic environment that we cannot escape but that we can fight back against.
Made with organic and wild cultivated herbs,
Renewed hostile actions against United States ships on the high seas in the Gulf of Tonkin have today required me
...to order the military forces of the United States to take action and reply.
Dr. Martin Luther King, the apostle of non-violence in the civil rights movement, has been shot to death in Memphis, Tennessee.
He still has the gun.
The gun is pointed at him at this moment.
We're live the 13th day of July.
2014, it's Sunday.
Strap yourselves in.
And they're now in the White House.
They took the babies out of the incubators and left the children in the airport.
The next time they plant the bombs, they'll blame it on us.
Both flying.
The death of Bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat al Qaeda.
Tell us about Santa Claus next.
The Navy SEAL spoke out.
That it was fake.
It's that we all hated the bank.
That's why you voted for it.
The Department of Homeland Security is apparently on a huge ammo buying spree.
It comes out to like 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
It's now about 3 billion.
It is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.
They estimated that they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these re-education centers.
And when I say eliminate, I mean kill.
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
This is not a game.
Thank you for joining us on the July 13, 2014, live, worldwide broadcast.
I am your host, Alex Jones, and we will open the phones up at the bottom of the hour, and then for the balance of the transmission.
We're here every Sunday.
Syndicated across the land and we return weekdays with a syndicated broadcast 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
The news websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Well, where to begin today?
Where to start?
Our own David Knight has interviewed him.
Our own Darren McBrain has interviewed him.
I think I should interview him.
And of course he's William Binney, who was basically fourth in command of the National Security Agency.
And he quietly quit a decade ago because of the focus on the general public and the total dragnet.
He has told a conference in London, and he's in the front page of London Guardian this Sunday, that the ultimate goal of the NSA is total population control.
And that when he was at the NSA a decade ago, 80% of all calls were recorded.
He estimates now everything is recorded with the computing power.
And I've interviewed many other top whistleblowers, like one of the guys that headed up an entire division of NSA internal security.
And it's, by the way, I want to get, I want to get Wayne Madsen on this week.
It's been too long.
He had me on probably three months.
That's why I knew about all this.
I mean, I just get on air and say everything's being listened to illegally.
They're paying billions a year to telecoms to do it in a big boondoggle.
I didn't just come up with that.
I've been on the air almost 20 years.
I didn't just come up with that.
I had the whistleblowers who were talking to Congress on C-SPAN, and I would just tell my producer, hey, call up and set them up for the show.
This stuff is all on C-SPAN.
It's all in different political publications that are more technical.
But the general public gets their news from CNN, MSNBC, and folks, you're not going to be told about this on these channels.
The Guardian was about to go bankrupt two years ago until the NSA story broke.
Now they basically read like Infowars.com every day.
They have narrowed their loss and are about to go profitable.
That's a nice little story for the rest of the dying mainstream media.
If you weren't such lapdogs to the establishment, so happy to cover anything and everything up, people would read your publications, they would subscribe, they would support you.
But, the New York Times has been bankrupt for about five years on record, and Carlos Slim, the big Mexican mob boss, owns it now.
And it's just a joke.
The establishment still pays to keep MSNBC and the New York Times going and CNN going even though they're totally bankrupt on record.
All three institutions are in the red for many years running because it's just there to act like everything's still okay.
I mean, they all know they're collapsed.
They all know it's over.
Matt Drudge, back in 1999, gave a speech at the Press Club that I want to air in full next week.
I had that a few months ago and never did it.
I want to write a note.
I want to get that thing off the C-SPAN archives, and I want to augment it.
I want to add headlines to the 20-minute speech or so, showing everything he said coming true, so it's not just him at the Press Club.
I want to give that to McBreen Monday, maybe have it by next Thursday or Friday.
And again, what we do is we kind of war game here on air with the producers and the crews.
That's why everything you end up hearing later is discussed here on the broadcast.
But I really, please put a note, because I already had that idea a few months ago.
We didn't do it.
I want to make sure that happens.
And I want to get William Binning on.
Because I know he's been interviewed by other reporters, but not by me.
And it's just, he's really making some hardcore statements now.
And he's been persecuted, by the way, for it.
So we're going to be getting him back on the broadcast.
So that's story number one.
We have a document cam shot.
Today's not a low news day, but I only did about an hour of preparation today.
About the customary four or five hours.
So there's probably only 60, 70 news articles here.
But let me just read you some headlines.
Before I get into the top story in the next segment, the end of America.
It's like the country had a heart attack.
The heart's not beating.
We've got five minutes for a defibrillator to get the heart going.
Five minutes politically is about a year.
And we're already so screwed up.
I don't know if the country can be revived, but it's going to be worse if we don't politically try to change things.
It's kind of like, we're going to crash.
It's not kind of like it is.
We're crash landing.
Can we get the landing gear down?
Can we try to slow the aircraft down and get the tail down instead of the nose?
It's kind of down to that point.
And you've all been conditioned to live in denial and just say conspiracy theory.
No corruption in government, that's a conspiracy theory.
No danger in powerful elites, that's a conspiracy theory.
No tyranny in government's ever happened.
As Obama said, don't listen to people.
He said back in January of this year that talk about always having tyranny around the corner, that's just a lie.
Government's a force of good.
Well, we bought into that and now our goose is pretty much cooked.
And I'm not very happy about the fact that I've been proven correct in spades.
It's bittersweet.
Because people aren't laughing anymore.
Really, nobody laughs anymore.
They just say, well why don't you tell us how to fix it?
Hey man, I'm trying to just cover what the enemy's doing.
I'm here as a wartime reporter showing how the whole world's being conquered by criminal, con artist interests that own the media and own the federal law enforcement worldwide.
And I know a lot of ways to fix things, but it's a process.
And it's about you getting angry, you getting upset, you not complying, you getting involved, and most importantly, it's about people in the system realizing they've been compartmentalized, they've been lied to, and that this system is going to destroy them as well.
Because I'd be for the status quo if things weren't that bad.
The status quo, generally, historically, is better than change because you can get a violent revolution and it tends to be worse in almost every case.
But the globalist political system is a revolution against decency, against stability.
It's very paradical.
It's viral.
It's cancerous.
And it grows.
It gets worse.
It progresses.
It doesn't get better.
It gets worse.
So, you can debate with me all day if I'm right about this or right about that.
The point is, our house is burning down collectively.
And all hands need to be on deck.
We need to get serious and realize it's not like people 10 years ago, 20 years ago saying, if we don't turn things around, it's going to hurt our children.
It's 20 years later.
It's now our children.
It's here.
It's Judgment Day.
Ron Paul's up on Infowars.com.
Globally, the libertarian leader recognized worldwide an icon.
I interviewed him for 30 minutes Friday and he said the collapse is close.
It's imminent.
We're already deep into it, but it's about to get more serious.
Every major country is leaving the dollar right now.
Wars are starting everywhere.
Everything you expect during what leads into the greatest crisis humanity's ever seen.
And if we don't survive this crisis,
We'll have thermal nuclear war bare minimum, global depression and meltdown, and most of us won't live.
Stay with us.
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City of Austin tap water versus filtered City of Austin tap water.
I didn't, I taste dirt in it.
God knows what's in this.
These people just sampled City of Austin tap water straight from the faucet.
Next, we had them try a sample of tap water filtered with a ProPure G2.0 filtration system.
That one is better.
Tastes like nothing.
Yep, I know what good water tastes like.
It's good water.
Most tap water contains added substances like fluoride, chlorine, glyphosate, and many others.
Studies prove that these substances are linked to an assortment of major health issues, including tooth decay, lowered IQ, and even cancer.
It tastes like you're drinking out of the lake when you're drinking tap water.
The ProPure® G2.0 filtration system removes these deadly substances, leaving only fresh-tasting, deliciously clean water.
Okay, this is very tasty.
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It's good!
Man, when I get home from work, all Betty does is watch her reality TV and then she goes to sleep.
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She's just not the woman I married.
Oh, Ralph, that's just awful.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Hello, this is Hank Hill, and I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide.
By the way, it's Alex Jones.
That is not a good impersonator of Mike Judge.
That's Mike Judge doing that.
We're good buddies.
Another fellow Austinite.
Ol' Mike Judge has been a... I'm not dropping names, it's an interesting factoid.
He's been a listener and a viewer since 1996.
And he said in that one interview we did with him, it's an hour long on Infowars.com, it's a TV interview, video interview, at his house here in Austin, that I didn't even know this until he said it in the interview.
I mean, I'd heard a little bit about it from Rick Linklater a long time ago, but I was like, oh yeah, right.
You know, Hank Hill's a little bit of me, but so is Gribble, the conspiracy theorist.
And then he goes, no, you are a composite in multiple characters in that show.
So that shows how, even when I was on AXS television,
Back in like 95, 96, 97, I was influencing the world.
There's the headline.
Animator Mike Judge.
Idiocracy is happening now.
Beavis and Butt-head save the world is the name of the documentary.
If you want to go watch it.
I think we aired that last year here.
I'm going to get Mike back on.
He said he'll come back on, but he's always out in Hollywood now, working on his hit show on HBO.
Silicon Valley, which I don't watch a lot of TV, but I do watch some HBO.
That's a great show, hilarious.
Pretty racy, though, not a family show.
I didn't mean to go off into a name-dropping issue.
Quite frankly, they were airing a fun intro, and I was getting mad.
I was like, no, we need serious intros.
This is the most serious issues we could be discussing, and that it's just surreal to hear Beavis, you know, the voice of Beavis saying, yeah, InfoWars.com, yeah.
First time I played those liners, people were on YouTube when the video went out a day later going, I can do a better one than whoever's doing that.
Like, you can't do better than the original.
Because the original is the original.
It's kind of like, even if you did something better, some other character, it's still not better than the person that did the original.
I don't know how to explain that to people.
But it's that simple.
It's that simple.
Okay, uh, side issue.
It would be a viral video, but I can't release the videos I have of me and Mike shooting .50 caliber rifles and stuff out at his ranch, but that's another side issue.
You know, I'm doing what I do so often.
I am procrastinating.
So you smart, huh?
Thought your head would be bigger.
You look like a peanut.
You know, a pimp's love is different than the love of a square.
Alright, I'm going to stop quoting idiocracy right now.
Most people don't even know what I'm talking about.
We're going to do a review of Idiocracy soon.
Because it is an evergreen film.
And should Mike Judge make an Idiocracy 2?
I don't know.
Who knows?
Maybe it's being discussed.
I'm not sure.
But President Camacho will step down in the future and it will be me.
We'll play the President.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, that's enough.
Yes, there is the FDA-approved Pyramid of Food.
Brando is the top five slots.
And then Carl's Jr.'
's Extra Big Butt Fries.
And then the other part of it is a Flatcherin.
And, of course, the futuristic coffee place, Starbucks.
All right, that's enough.
I'm already 23 minutes into this transmission, 24 minutes now, and I'm not being serious, and I should be serious.
It's not a good thing that I'm joking around today.
But that tends to happen.
Let me just read some of these headlines.
Let's just see if I can do it once in my life.
Feds ask churches to house migrant families.
Daily Caller, they're already paying the churches to do it in a criminal conspiracy and that is now going public so they're acting like they just now announced it.
This is a plan to collapse the border.
Illegals released in the U.S.
given three years until court date according to the Border Patrol.
Basically fiat legalization.
McLaughlin Group says Rick Perry handling a border crisis bolsters 2016 chances.
Caller Brian Harry Reid comes out and says that
He says that, well just, he said that five white men, racially, anti-feminine movement, engaged in the Hobby Lobby ruling, but it wasn't five white men, one of them was black, Clarence Thomas.
Top Virginia official, illegals have more privacy than Americans under Obama.
Yeah, congressmen can't even get in to inspect and senators can't.
What's going on with these kids?
Here's some of the other news.
Mexico and Guatemala fast-track delivery of illegals to Mexico.
New regional visitor card grants permission to travel to Rio Grande.
That's right, Mexico issues a regional traveler card as long as you only stay on the train to the United States.
That's from World Net Daily with Dr. Corsi.
Continuing, CNN report only cost $1.30 to do that.
Border Patrol agents, 70% of agents being pulled off patrols for paperwork.
We're going to get to that clip in a minute.
Holder says, yes, the immigration laws are being enforced.
They've just decided to legalize everybody.
So that's just some of the news we have on that front.
Let's get to those clips.
Let's get to those clips right now, because that's really important.
This is Border Patrol Agent Hector Garza.
First, let's play the clip from earlier in the week, not the new clip, where he says what I've been saying for a month since we broke the video of the feds giving them vouchers at the border on Greyhound to go anywhere they want.
Just anybody.
You get an old man, young person, murderer, criminal, child.
The child thinks a red herring.
That's only one small portion of this.
Uh, well, the senior Border Patrol agent, we've talked to the head of the union as well, concurring, uh, says that it's basically an ordered stand down and that the Border Patrol now is the immigrant, illegal immigrant importation agency.
It's harder for a citizen to get back into the U.S.
than for an illegal alien.
So, this is lawlessness by government.
Here's that clip.
When you say that the federal government's aiding and abetting, um, it sounds like they're supposed to be protecting this border.
You mean aiding and abetting.
What do you mean specifically?
Actually, what's happening is that the federal government is actually completing the smuggling cycle.
By having a parent sending their child to the U.S.
border and having them smuggled, that is only part of the smuggling cycle.
Then the federal government steps in, we apprehend them, we process these illegal aiders, and then we release them to their family members in the U.S.
We just completed that smuggling cycle.
Alright, let's go to his next clip.
Just yesterday, where he talks about, this is all just a fact.
I mean, I don't just believe him.
He's an honorable person going under a lot of heat to tell the truth.
We've talked to the President, the Vice President of the Border Patrol Union, now they've been giving gag orders.
Let's talk to them privately.
You've heard them a lot on the show, now you don't, because there's a federal gag order.
But a gag order doesn't stand, you know, a gag order so somebody can child molest, or a gag order so somebody can ship narcotics into school grounds.
I mean,
Obama and Holder's gag orders, they can do you-know-what with them.
They can stick them where the sun doesn't shine.
And I don't mean to use so much French these days, but I mean, when your border's collapsing, it's the proper term to use.
This is treason.
Ploward and Piven bankrupt the country, and thousands of socialists are now descending on Southern California, where the border's open.
We had a video of it last week, where our reporters were down there, openly saying, no, this is Ploward and Piven, we're collapsing the border.
The immigrants vote socialist, we're gonna get your guns.
I mean, they're not even hiding it.
Let's go to this clip as we go to break.
Here's the same Border Patrol agent talking about 70% of Border Patrol is doing paperwork now.
Border Patrol agents are not actually patrolling the border right now, that they're actually dealing with the crisis of handling the concerns tied to those children.
Approximately 70% of the Border Patrol agents have been reassigned for administrative duties, and those duties include the processing of aliens, caring for aliens.
We're going to break.
Legalizing them.
So the Border Patrol is now the border importation agency.
The dregs of the world.
Criminals, people that have disabilities, children, you name it.
Well, I won't back down.
No, I won't back down.
You can stand me up at the gates of hell, but I won't back down.
Gonna stand my ground.
Won't be...
Baby, there ain't no easy way out Hey, I will stand my ground And I won't back down Well, I know what's right
I got just one life in a world that keeps on pushing me around.
But I stand my ground and I won't back down.
Hey baby, there ain't no easy way out.
We'll stand my ground.
And I won't back down.
No, I won't back down.
Get out!
Easy legs!
That's straight from the prison planet!
I don't know.
No one's gonna take me alive.
The time has come to make things right.
You and I must fight for our rights.
You and I must fight to survive.
Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Let's make this a year of action.
That's what most Americans want.
Raising the debt ceiling does not increase our debt.
Nobody is listening to your telephone calls.
The debate is settled.
Climate change is a fact.
And if people can't trust not only the executive branch, but also don't trust Congress and don't trust federal judges, then we're going to have some problems here.
What difference at this point does it make?
I love it too, man.
I love that Obamacare has 21 taxes, seven on them on poor people.
That's not counting other hidden taxes like making them cut people from full-time to part-time to avoid Obamacare.
Yeah, stalling the country out, shipping in unlimited illegal aliens, making them legal instantly for three years.
I mean, it is just awesome to have people that hate the average American worker so much running the country.
And what's incredible about it is it's really happening.
We really have a government that ships the illegals in, has a deal with Mexico to legalize the Guatemalans and other Central and South Americans to then conduit them up on big trains to our border where they're loaded by the tens of thousands per day onto buses and shipped under any name they want around the country.
And then it was even in
Mainstream news on Friday.
I couldn't believe it when the TSA admitted we've been told to let illegals fly without IDs.
You know, I've seen that many times where I'm being groped and children are being groped and there's naked body scanners and we're all suspects while the government funds Al Qaeda and ISIS worldwide.
It's all about training us for slaves, but I've seen illegals with no ID.
They don't even call somebody over to speak Spanish.
They just let them through to fly.
Breitbart, exclusive, TSA allowing illegals to fly without verifiable ID, says Border Patrol Union.
Yeah, I've seen that myself and talked about it for years because it's all a hoax.
It's an out-of-control government and bureaucracy and corporate interests that are anti-free market monopolists that control it, that want us to learn to be prisoners.
And as the number four former head of the NSA,
William Binney has now told the London Guardian the ultimate goal of the NSA is total population control.
They know what you're buying, what you're doing.
And you're like, well, I don't care.
They use that info to game the markets.
And they give that info to select interest who can then corner the market.
It's like high frequency trading with Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan plugged into the stock market, gaming it.
It's like a casino.
But people think, oh, I'll win in the system.
No, you won't.
Not unless you're one of the gamers.
In other news, bloggers, surveillance, and Obama's Orwellian state.
Obama's Orwellian state.
No, it's the political class's Orwellian state.
Don't just blame Obama, he's bad enough.
But this is whistleblower, NSA stores 80% of all phone calls, not just metadata.
Pentagon correspondent for the New York Times refers to Americans as children.
The New York Times says the media and government work together to keep the truth from us, and he goes on to describe us.
It's a disgusting article.
Tom Shanker, working with the NSA and CIA, as the relationship between the government and media is like a marriage.
It is dysfunctional, to be sure, but we stay together for the kids.
Jeffrey Dahmer did what he did for the kids as well.
He grabbed him off the street and you know what he did for the children.
And now we've got to legalize all these people because they're only advertising the teenagers that are the future Democratic voting group.
And again, I'm not even a Republican, but I'm sitting here watching the Republican Party.
We need a third and fourth party.
But I'm watching the only other party that the Libertarians are trying to take over commit suicide because its leadership has been bought off, Boehner, you name it.
And it's just insane.
It's insane.
Political correctness is a suicide pact.
Obama calls GOP lawsuit over executive outreach.
I want to cue that up and play it.
A political stunt.
Obama unloaded on House Republicans in a plan to sue him for executive outreach.
This has been going on for a while, but it's back in the news today.
And Al Gore wants it criminalized to disagree with him that, you know, we should basically pay him to breathe.
Let's go ahead and go to that clip of
Well you notice that he didn't specifically say what exactly he was objecting to.
I'm not going to apologize for trying to do something while they're doing nothing.
Even if you get sued?
You know, the suit is a stunt.
Here he is talking to Stephanopoulos, a literal Clinton crime family operative.
And the Clintons run Obama.
He's their, he's their, they have a word for it, it begins with a B. He is their baa, b-b-b-b-b-b, you know what they call it, it's the name of a female dog.
Obama is their B, just like we all are, basically.
And the Clintons, El Jefe Clinton and his wife,
Clinton's had so many heart attacks and so coked out of his mind on record, and so many rape cases pending in court.
He's not really running things.
But Hillary, the Clinton crime machine, the files they have, everything they've done, is basically in charge of all this.
And Obama says, I don't know what Congress is upset about.
Okay, let me tell you.
You became the head of the UN Security Council, violating Article 1, Section 9.
No president ever did that, to be a sitting sworn head of the UN.
Totally illegal.
You put our military in three separate commands, and in letters to Congress without authorization, over our military.
NATO over our military.
That's worse than you being a dictator.
You said you got your authorization from NATO to do all these different things in Libya, Syria, you name it.
Let's just keep going here.
You gave billions of dollars to energy companies without congressional approval to your political friends that didn't even build anything.
You staged shipping guns into Mexico in your own memos that CBS News got to blame the Second Amendment and the false flag to frame gun owners.
You, should I keep going, ordered the Border Patrol to stand down four months ago on record and to stop apprehending illegals and instead do their paperwork to make them legal with the former head of the Ford Foundation now heading up the Immigration Department to openly legalize all these people.
You openly passed Obamacare, there's 21 taxes, most of them on poor people, to transfer money offshore at double and triple prices.
You did not faithfully defend and execute the Constitution, the Bill of Rights.
You have openly said if Congress won't do what you want, that's gridlock.
No, that's another branch of government not agreeing with you.
And that you will act alone whenever you want on guns, you name it, an abandoned importation of guns, use the EPA to shut down every bullet manufacturer in the country.
The last one closed in January.
The last smelters of lead, that is.
And now you're trying to block Chinese lead coming in.
You, on every front,
are butchering the country and involved in a revolution against this republic and you say you don't know why people are upset and then he gave a speech in Austin two speeches in Austin and in both speeches they were televised he said he said why they won't do anything I'll act remember the first few years well I can't be a dictator I can't just act alone
In every speech he gave, so they would beg, no, act alone!
Act alone!
Well, I can't do that.
I would give you free everything, but I just can't.
Now he's going, no, I'll act alone.
I'll act alone.
I remember saying years ago on air, you said it as well, all you out there were freaked out about it, that he was priming the pump.
Gee, if I was a dictator, it'd be a heck of a lot easier.
Remember, Bush said that too.
You know, but gee, jeepers, creepers.
And now they're doing it.
And now Obama says he will act alone on immigration when it's Congress that makes the immigration laws.
It's Congress that coins the money and orders the money and levies the taxes.
But he's acting alone on EPA regulations.
Coal power plants, on record, put out less carbon dioxide and less water vapor and all the rest of it than gasoline or natural gas.
But Obama wants them all banned to jack up your power prices.
Because his buddy's on the alternative.
If shutting off our power without congressional approval isn't an act of a dictator, I don't know what is.
And I've told Congress privately, a lot of people I've talked to off air, you need to call him a dictator.
And they've been doing that.
That's good, because when you're faced with tyranny, you gotta admit it's tyranny.
I'm gonna come back, give you the number, get into a ton of other news, and then take your calls.
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Molon Labe, you can take my gun from my cold, dead hands.
Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
On this live Sunday, July 13th, 2014, global transmission, we're gonna have open phones and a ton of news and audio and video clips throughout the second hour.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539.
International callers can call Country Access Code 512-646-1776.
512-646-1776, or the toll-free line here in the United States and Canada, 877-789-2539.
Wild card line.
We don't have one of those that we should.
You gotta love this deep purple.
I can't deny it.
It's not the kill.
It's the thrill of the chase.
And we're here Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Knockin' at the back door.
There's no denying.
Alright, I'm gonna stop it.
I should start a radio show where I play annoying music for some people.
Hey, what's going on with the World Cup?
Germany versus Poland.
I'm trying to make all the soccer fans upset that I don't know that it's Germany versus Argentina.
What is going on with that right now?
Because, you know, our borders are falling.
They've changed laws to take our bank accounts.
Europe is now following suit, as we said they would last year when they tested out in Portugal.
Deutschland is one, Argentina is zero.
You know, England could never defeat the Germans.
Of course, I'm Welsh myself, so I'm not an anti-Anglophile, but I'm not a Deutschophile as well.
I don't worship either group.
But England on record had the German question in World War I and World War II.
Their answer in World War I to overthrow the Austrian-Hungarian Empire was to kill a bunch of royalty and make them mad and start a war.
And in World War II, they just put Hitler in
He started funding him 20 years before to take over the country and it's been declassified.
He was basically a British agent.
Didn't mean he worked for them, they just helped get him in.
Kind of like the West, Britain started this about 114 years ago in 1900 in Saudi Arabia, what's Saudi Arabia today?
Funding radical Islam.
Radicalism's real, but the West is funding it and using it as a pretext to destabilize the Middle East.
And that's actually in the news today.
That's coming up in the next hour.
But again, toll-free number to join us, 877-789-2539.
All I ask is that if you don't have a good phone, don't call in.
It's like my cell phone always sounds terrible when I call in, so I don't usually do that.
Unless it's an emergency when I've got a fill-in host or somebody.
So just please have a good phone.
If you disagree with me, it's even better.
That tends to wake me up a little bit.
But we'd love to hear from you out there.
Not that I'm not awake.
So, call's coming up in the next hour.
Here's the big news.
He said this a month ago, but he said it again.
The story's the top story on InfoWars.com and also DrudgeReport.com is where we got it.
Weekly Standard.
Holder, homegrown violent extremist, keep me up at night.
And of course the Justice Department's own numbers say that the smallest criminal group out there is homegrown extremist.
They believe that about one cop gets killed a year.
It's been like 14 or something since 2000.
And, I mean, honeybees kill 200-something, wasps 300-something, deer 200-something.
I mean, it's just, but he just keeps them up at night.
And Obama concurs and says extremists with nukes are going to blow up New York City.
Should I play the Obama clip for you where he said that he doesn't know who's going to do it, but they're going to blow up New York with a nuke?
And then the Pentagon trains to fight the Tea Party?
I'm going to explain something to you.
The Pentagon doesn't train to fight somebody unless that's their next enemy.
So when you see in the Army Times and Stars and Stripes and Forbes and Reuters and AP that they believe gun-owning veteran Tea Party Christians and conservatives and libertarians are going to attack police stations and blow things up, they're going to do it and blame it on us.
Any moron can figure that out.
You got groups doing nothing, and they say we're gonna do all this, and they're a bunch of criminals taking over.
How did Hitler attack Poland?
He blew up his own military base and blamed it on them.
I mean, this is the oldest trick in the book.
And you can see it coming from a trillion miles away, boys and girls.
So when you open the phones up later, maybe you want to comment on that.
Because what is the next move for... I shouldn't call him a bozo.
It's his followers that are bozos.
And again, Obama himself is a puppet, but he loves it, and he's the front man.
And so we talk about Obama.
He's the packaging... He's the paint on the monster truck that's running over us.
He's the front man, the figurehead of all this happening.
All I know is Homeland Security is a giant stinking fraud from pillar to post.
I flew back in a few weeks ago from a vacation for six days doing some great diving and stuff in Grand Cayman.
And they had a computer there when I flew in, and it, out of like hundreds of people, put a black X on me and said, search me, put me into immigration control, basically proctology exam.
It's a little gift from the globalists.
But see, HUMETS involves human intelligence, and so I get up there, and the guy's a listener, and he goes, I can't believe this, and he started cussing.
You said I listened to your show.
You've been rebroadcast last week.
Or you've had David Knight on the show.
He goes, my God.
He goes, you ought to see it.
He goes, Republican, you know, congressmen come through here and this happens to them.
But illegals, we're just told to let them walk right through.
Which is in the news this week.
The literal illegals with no documentation just fly into Houston.
They're just right through.
A well-known talk show host with no criminal record.
And I was literally slated to be drug off, folks.
And then just torn through.
And he just started cussing and said, this is BS, these computers are taking over, I'm not doing it.
Bam, stamps it and sends me through.
But see, soon humans will be out of the decision-making process.
I mean, knock on wood, I don't think I've had a speeding ticket in about eight years.
Five, six, seven years, I don't know.
But I couldn't get into the United States.
He saw that and he was like, my kid, he checked me, yeah, there's nothing here.
And the guy just sat up and started cussing.
He had told me he was a listener to that point.
I mean, he was professional about his cussing under his breath.
He was like, I can't believe how screwed up this country is.
Let me tell you something.
He started telling me all about it.
People were getting mad and lying about 10 minutes later, just telling me how it's all a fraud and how he has to let people in with no IDs.
I mean, what a screwed up country, man.
What a screw... and there it is, Breitbart.
Border Patrol admits TSA allowing illegals to fly without IDs.
That is how screwed up this is, folks.
Let's play those Holder clips since I mentioned it.
We have the one where he says the border's under control.
That's like Obama saying he knows virtually everything.
Let's play that one and then the one where he says he loses sleep at night worried about the Patriots.
And of course he does!
We know who he is!
Of course criminals are up at night worried about people that aren't evil.
Here we go.
Yes, the immigration laws are being enforced, though we are faced with an extraordinary situation where thousands of people, young people especially, are fleeing Central America for economic reasons to get away from really endemic violence in their countries.
The president has put together a proposal to Congress asking for almost four billion dollars.
We are surging immigration judges to the point of process.
Oh, that's enough.
This is how, yeah, to process and legalize them and let them in.
This is how dumb they think you are.
Give us $3.6 billion and we'll fix it.
Having the Border Patrol now be a red carpet conveyor belt into the country.
And I don't blame the public.
You're busy.
You're working.
You got a life.
You know, you hear, oh, there's a crisis on the border.
They created it.
They advertised it.
They made deals with Guatemala.
Obama and Biden met with them.
It's on record.
To make a deal with Mexico that had controlled its border.
To let unlimited people, including felons.
You thought the Cuban boat lift was bad?
In the 80s?
Criminals from Cuba?
That was a few hundred thousand.
This is millions, folks.
And this is only the first wave.
It's going to get a hundred times worse.
And I mean a hundred times.
It'll be a million a month.
It's already filling up the sports stadiums, you name it.
And then it'll be this new political class that they control, they exploit.
This is the wages of bondage.
This is a government that got away with so much.
The sky's the limit.
Congressmen can't fly back in the U.S.
I can't fly back in.
Illegals need no ID.
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Second Hour coming up.
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General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential foreclosure situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks, I'm being a sergeant!
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I'll tell you this, these aren't going to be boring times we're living in.
At the start of the next segment, I'm going to make the absolutely key point, so just stay tuned for that.
Right now, let's go right to your phone calls.
Carl, Karen, Frank, Andrew, Joe, Mark, Randy, Rick, CyberBully, Ironhead, BB, and somebody else there, we don't have their name yet.
Carl in Washington, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, I got a comment, can you hear me?
Yes sir.
I've got a comment and then I've got something I've got to tell you.
Go ahead.
First comment, I don't understand with things as they're going, almost any dummy can see what's going on, but I don't understand why, I'll say the Tea Party, some of the conservative Republicans, we're going to lose it all and there's nothing to stick around for if this happens.
Why don't these guys become more
Local and active.
I don't understand.
I'll tell you why.
Because a bunch of lawyers came on the scene and they taught people how to compromise.
The problem is, though, we always compromise.
The political system doesn't.
And the globalists want authoritarianism now.
They don't want prosperity.
Even though it creates incredible wealth, they want control.
And the decision has been made to end this country and turn us into a third world nation.
Because the elite have put the police state in place so they can live in big armored compounds.
And I guess the rest of us just are out here outside of it.
It's a very evil, short-sighted outlook, but it's the way that every major empire is going.
And we don't have to repeat history because it's a modern age, things are more compressed now, things happen quicker.
So that means bad things can be worse, but they can also be better.
There's a lot of wild cards involved.
And I mean, really, at the end of the day, the people running things are deviants.
And by deviant, I don't mean the way the church teaches.
You know, establishment church, if you like good-looking women, you're a deviant.
No, I mean, deviant is creating derivatives that screw the next generation and cheat everybody and destroy the economy.
Deviance is creating GMO that sterilizes all the rats that eat it and feeding it to humans.
I mean, there's things on an order of scale that are billions of times more evil
Then what we're taught, you know, oh, not opening the door for a girl, that's evil.
But, you know, creating, you know, all these weapons isn't.
So, I mean, you're asking me the question, what do you think?
Because you're right.
I mean, we're at the end of an age, basically, at the bottom of a cycle.
And I think it's because a lot of the people that have money are so compartmentalized in their wealth that they don't see the effects of what they're doing.
Well, I'm positive about the evil, but I just don't know how people can separate themselves from or exclude themselves from what's happening because
Unless you're part of the elite, you're going down with everybody else.
So, I don't understand that part of it.
Well, you just hit the nail on the head.
If you've studied history, elites never get out of what they're setting up right now.
And they tend to think with all the high-tech gadgetry and over-the-horizon predictive systems that they're going to get out of something.
But if you go to the higher-level elites, they go, oh no, it's going to be a giant disastrous black nightmare.
And that's what we're looking for.
To them, it's more of the adventure of the attempted takeover and to dominate good.
You know, when you realize it's a death battle by evil against good,
Then it all makes sense.
But it's not just choose good or evil.
You've got to choose the right good.
You see, that's the deception is that it's hard to find the real thing and not the counterfeit.
But it's a good question.
I appreciate you, Carl.
And hey, just be glad you care.
Be glad that you're even involved and want to fix it.
Most people don't even know there's a big war going on.
There's a war on, folks, for your mind, for your heart, for your soul, for your seed.
Did you know it was happening?
Karen, Frank, and others, your calls are 60 seconds away.
Stay with us on this live Sunday transmission.
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Hitler took the guns.
Stalin took the guns.
Mao took the guns.
Fidel Castro took the guns.
Hugo Chavez took the guns.
1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!
The Republic will rise again when you attempt to take our guns.
Open the gate.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Alright, we're taking your phone calls.
Be ready.
Karen, Frank, Andrew, Joe, Mark, Randy, Rich, Shane, CyberBully, Ironhead, BB.
I'm gonna try to shut up and listen to you.
We'll take your call, go to the next person.
Then, Time Magazine celebrates.
42% of millennials, that's people I guess under 30, say they're socialist.
Only 16% know what that means.
We're getting into bizarre homeland security.
Feds swarm small town in bizarre unannounced show of force.
That story's up on DrudgeReport.com from Infowars.com.
Ukraine launches air offensive, kills 1,000 rebels.
This is a major war.
Israel launches ground operation in Gaza.
Former head of Al-Qaeda says it's all run by the CIA.
That's all coming up.
Indiana stores baby's DNA.
They've been doing it secretly without parental consent since 1991.
Lawsuit shows by RT.
No, it's been going on for 42 years globally in every western country.
I got the secret documents in 1997 on record.
I've been telling you that since 1997.
They take everything they want.
They do what they want.
They secretly test on you when they want.
Grow up.
Learn about eugenicists.
Learn about the technocracy.
Learn about the scientific dictatorship.
Stop living like children that only care about football and the World Cup.
Germany is one versus Argentina right now.
This is absolutely key information.
Let's go to your phone calls.
Karen in Arizona, thank you for calling on this Sunday edition.
You're on the air.
Thank you for taking my call.
I've got just two things to mention and then I'll hang up.
I get an email from Alipac and William Gaines.
Yeah, we need to get the head of Alipac on this week.
Go ahead.
On July 15th through the 17th, they're going to bring a bunch of illegals in Oracle, Arizona.
So, they're calling up people to go to Oracle, Arizona on the 15th.
And also, I think it was on your program, I remember listening to YouTube of Catherine Westman.
From Austria, and she went with Ronald Reagan in 1985, and she was dressed up like a hippie, and she saw this barrage of people in the background, and they said they're from Mexico, and they plan on taking all the portion of Arizona, you name it, and hand it back to Mexico.
Yeah, ma'am, that's called Azadlan, or Aslan, and that's Texas to California, Colorado, you name it, it's part of a mythical
Uh, racially based state.
Like if the Klan declared they control the Southwest, we're gonna break it away.
But that wouldn't happen if the Klan are a bunch of toothless idiots.
The, the, the Mecha Group is funded by the Ford Foundation.
It's openly funded by Bill and Melinda Gates.
That was in the news on Friday.
The big elite plan on breaking this country up.
It's all part of the North American Union.
So, good points.
I appreciate your call.
Frank, in North Carolina, you're on the air.
Yeah, what the hell is going on?
I've been trying to reach you on the telephone, and don't give me none of that fancy stuff.
This is a good prank call.
I appreciate your call, Frank.
I can tell a prank call a mile away.
Andrew in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, this whole thing about illegal immigration brings up a very important question involving basic human rights, and that is, when does the right to liberty, right to locomotion, right to travel, give someone the right to cross borders without any sort of government permission or paperwork filing?
Well, look, here's the deal.
I'm a libertarian, but I'm not a suicidal libertarian.
It takes a process.
You can't have failed Latin America, 700 million people, failed Mexico, 130,000 dead the last seven years, coming here to be signed up by the Democratic Party with voter ID cards and free welfare, and bypass everything, and as a citizen, they want to stick my hands down the pants, put me in a naked body scanner, and not let me in the country.
So, we have to have nations as long... I mean, we're not bordering Switzerland.
We're not bordering Luxembourg.
We're not bordering a successful system.
And so, the political class is suspending laws and bringing in political... I mean, I had a major top global professor, UC professor, immigration influx is about re-education of society.
As Professor Hamamoto warns, amnesty will lead to creation of subservient underclass.
He was part of the Rockefeller Foundation.
He's the head of Asian Studies at UC Davis.
Saying what I'm saying.
This is not my opinion.
So, you know, can I go to Mexico and have a baby for free at their hospital?
Can I immigrate to Mexico?
So you can't have open borders as long as there's a welfare class.
You understand that?
Yeah, I do.
And I fully understand the government conspiracy behind it.
Yeah, no, it's not a conspiracy.
It is a public plan to legalize all these illegals and bankrupt the country.
Yeah, it is.
Cloward and Pippen, as you talk about.
Andrew, anything else for Pennsylvania?
How many millions do you think will be showing up a month versus hundreds of thousands a week if this continues?
I mean, they have dozens of trains a day with illegals loaded on them on the top, bottom, and inside, paying the Mexican government to roll in.
It's in the news today.
Mexico, Guatemala, fast-track delivery of illegals to U.S.
in a deal, WorldNet Daily.
Well, I don't want to be saying they took my job, and I don't think the rest of the American people do either.
I hear you, man.
And it's not even against these poor immigrants.
They're just being used as cannon fodder.
But, I mean, it's the end, folks.
And all you people who think this is funny, you're going to be laughing real hard as this gets worse.
Joe in Atlanta, Georgia.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Howdy, Alex.
Thanks for having me on.
I got two quick points.
First, I'd like to stay on the World Cup.
You know, sports, video games, movies, all these things are just distractions.
Granted, they can be experiences that enrich our lives, but... No, no, no, you can get into any of them and get your life enriched, exactly.
It's just when your house is burning down, you better deal with that first.
Go ahead.
I got a saying for that.
When your house is on fire, you don't sit there and read a book.
Put the damn book down and deal with what you gotta do, and that's your burning house.
Yeah, I mean, a Hemingway book is great, but if my house is on fire, I'm not gonna sit there and finish the book.
I agree.
And secondly, I'd like to say, as far as the open borders go, you know, I feel for these people.
They are coming from what we would consider a hellish nightmare, you know, compared to how we live.
But obviously, these people have done nothing to stop their much more openly tyrannical government
Remember, they take thousands of houses a week, the IRS does, with trumped up garbage, no real courts, no due process.
Total mafia.
They take the diamond rings off grandmothers fingers.
And then go, well, you didn't pay your fair share.
Who has sympathy for the Americans?
Black, white, Hispanic, I don't care.
Who has sympathy for us?
This is a cold-blooded political takeover just opening our borders to the North American Union.
General Petraeus and Pelosi have both said it.
Let's talk to Randy in Oklahoma.
Thanks, Joe.
Randy, you're on the air.
You've got a minute 15.
I can't hear you, go ahead.
...in a primary in northern Oklahoma, Republican primary.
The winning candidate, he was a country Republican with 54% of the vote.
Oh yeah, they're happy.
They've all got their legs spread wide as they can get it for the New World Order.
They just want to get a little something right now.
They could care less about having a future.
They're called traitors.
Yeah, it was pretty sad.
I watched the dominant elite here in the local party side up with a 28-year-old kid who had no background, no activism in politics against a Marine veteran.
I'm an intelligence officer, so... But he knew how to get on his knees to the New World Order, though, right?
Well, I want to hear about this when we come back.
Stay there.
Randy, then Mark, Rich, Shane, CyberBully, Ironhead, BB.
We got some lines open now.
Toll-free number.
We're going to open the phone system up again.
We'll be back.
More of your calls.
Get ready.
You'll finish your point about what you saw up there in Oklahoma.
And then we will continue with the phone calls.
I'm Alex Jones.
I didn't, I taste dirt in it.
God knows what's in there.
These people just sampled city of Austin tap water straight from the faucet.
Next, we had them try a sample of tap water filtered with a ProPure G2.0 filtration system.
That one is better.
Tastes like nothing.
Yep, I know what good water tastes like.
Good water.
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Alex Jones here for InfoWars.com.
In the month of July, we have got giant specials on everything at Madein1776.com.
The already discounted Made in 1776 t-shirts are only $17.76.
We have the new belt buckles that in only two weeks of sale are very close to selling out.
There's only 500 of each.
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This is more than a summer blowout special.
This is a new declaration of independence.
But to expand the info orb, we're offering the equivalent of more than five months free right now when you get a membership at PrisonPlanet.tv for a limited time, only $39.95 a year.
That's more than five months free off the regular price.
Not just this July 4th weekend, but the entire month of July at MadeIn1776.com.
Molon Labe, you can take my gun from my cold, dead hands.
Man, when I get home from work, all Betty does is watch her reality TV and then she goes to sleep.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, we're here live.
Back Sundays, live, 4 to 6 p.m.
We're talking to Randy, then we'll go to Rich, Shane, CyberBully, Ironhead, BB, Dennis, Joe, Mike, Carl, and many others.
Briefly, earlier I said that I would break down the key point of today's broadcast, and it's this.
What do you think is coming if the establishment's preparing for martial law, civil emergency, gun confiscation, you name it?
I've been telling you about that for a long time.
Now it's in the news.
Just type into the search engine, Pentagon prepares for national collapse, civil unrest, says their enemy is the Tea Party.
That's because the Tea Party is the only opposition to this takeover.
You've got big hedge funds and big banks that are trying to shut down all their competition, don't want to compare them to local banks, who openly have created $1,500 plus trillion in fake money.
And they want government to enforce the value of that money at our expense.
So, understand, this is all on record.
It's not like I'm up here giving you my opinion, even though it sounds crazy.
The establishment is crazy, not me.
I've gone a little crazy knowing about it for so long.
When you know this stuff, it's all on record and it's very frustrating.
When you love a country, family's been here for 400 years before it was even a country,
You've been to the rest of the world, you know it's not that good as well, and you see America falling apart.
And you see us being merged with Latin America, for God's sakes.
It's very frustrating.
Randy in Oklahoma, finishing up your point about seeing the Republican establishment run a snot-nosed, greenhorned establishment person against you, and I guess one, they're trying to kill patriots running for office, but you took action, you educated people, that's what mattered.
What's your closing comments?
Well, right, and we're going to continue with what the solution that I proposed.
I said, I said this to David Knight, by the way, that electoral politics are not enough.
I said my solution would require that I needed to have a common law grand jury in three counties in order for me to serve if I was going to do it effectively.
No, I remember your phone call one time when I was gone, David Knight was sitting in, and you talked about how a real state rep or a congressman would work and empower the grand juries in tandem to go after the criminals.
Yeah, absolutely.
I'm posting a website on my campaign website, if I could plug it.
It's RandyBarnettHD10.com.
And I'll be posting a solution.
There's two things that were provided in the Bill of Rights, two instrumentalities that are provided, and I'll leave it to the audience if they can guess.
Two things were provided to us, and it's our last best hope of civil restoration.
Sure, you've got voting in the grand jury and other jury systems, and then you've got the cartridge box.
I appreciate your call.
And listen, folks, here's the bad news.
The criminals that hijack the government are bipartisan.
Obama, of course, is the red leader driving the whole train, the most virulent form of the cancer.
But they intend to have a civil war with American gun owners.
And because they're all going to be in Switzerland and Luxembourg and London and Madrid and Paris and Berlin while the police and the military try to carry this out.
It's like two guys sitting there and pointing guns at each other and shooting each other in the face for no reason.
And if we're dumb enough to go along with this, we deserve it.
It's incredible.
We legalized abortion in this country!
I mean, we deserve it all!
We're just idiots!
And I don't say that to put us down, folks.
We've got to admit how far we've fallen, if we're ever going to turn this around.
Rich in Atlanta, thanks for holding her on the air.
Rich, long-time listener and Prison Planet member.
Thank you.
Great product, and let me tell you, we had three branch separation of powers.
I cannot believe that nothing has been done all this time to have stopped Obama for what he's doing.
And I'm just really, really upset about that.
We've been saying all along the last six years, no power grab has ever been like this in U.S.
Hands down.
All the constitutional lawyers, Turley on the left.
People like fine on the right.
There's no debate.
This is the greatest executive power grab ever.
It's totally unconstitutional.
And where's the Republican leadership?
Boehner says he doesn't want to impeach.
Holder's criticizing Sarah Palin for calling for impeachment.
I get that Republicans are gaining political support by Obama's out of control behavior.
But there may not be a country left in two years, and if you set a precedent to not prosecute crime, what does that make you?
It makes you a criminal as well.
For that, I think we need to have the Obamacare mascot come back again.
Hey, you know, we've got that little electronic bunny around here somewhere that you can say stuff to and it repeats it.
So I promise you this, if they remind me tomorrow,
We will bring back double-double-dumbass tomorrow.
If I'm reminded by the crew, it's on you guys, okay?
But I want him mic'd up with a microphone and everything.
And I will do an interview with an Obama supporter.
And whatever you tell the bunny, it repeats back.
So I'll say, Obamacare cuts your health costs in half.
You can keep your doctor.
I pledge to not come after any of your guns.
Not your rifle, not your handgun, not your shotgun.
I pledged to hire no lobbyists.
I pledged to have no signing statements.
He broke all records in lobbyists, all records in signing statements, all records in executive orders.
I mean, that's the thing about Obama, like Ron Paul said on Friday here.
It's the arrogance.
There's never been anything like it.
Cyberbully in Florida.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, to stay on topic with my comment, I think the dreamers are going to flip out when their dream turns into a nightmare and when they all get stuck inside America when it collapses.
Oh, I agree.
It's just like everybody that goes and gets all these college degrees that 90 plus percent become worthless.
All they got was brainwashing for political correctness.
Oh, no, these are total victims coming into the country.
They're there to be Democratic Party groups and to be fed on by the local Chicano mafia.
Go ahead.
Yeah, and they get away with this because of perception management.
And you do a really good job at calling it out with really good satire.
I was hoping you could actually bring back that InfoWars Jeopardy, because that was a really good way, and if you could launch that on the nightly news, have callers call in, possibly win, like, stickers and stuff.
You know, you could dominate and take over with just the... I know, I know.
I need writers, because here's the problem.
I write everything in my head.
You know, like, the news is the news, but when I say jokes, or whatever, or I do that jeopardy, that was impromptu.
So, I need writers, and I need capital to do that.
But yes, we need to do more comedy, more satire, that is a winning way to take action.
Tell us which president openly wrote in the Harvard Law Review that he shared that he was from Kenya.
For $100, who is Trader-in-Chief?
Who is President Barack Obama?
Or is that in the form of the question?
I don't even know the game, see?
I have to actually study it and test it out.
Which major vaccine does the Centers for Disease Control admit made over 100 million Americans contract viral cancer and die?
What is... Simian virus 40 added to the polio vaccine?
For the Daily Double, there's the Globeless.
I see a mountain, I chop it down with the edge of my hand.
That's what Obama just did to the border.
We'll be back with your phone calls.
Straight Ahead, Ironheads up next.
I'm Alex Jones.
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City of Austin tap water versus filtered City of Austin tap water.
I didn't, I taste dirt in it.
God knows what's in this.
These people just sampled City of Austin tap water straight from the faucet.
Next, we had them try a sample of tap water filtered with a ProPure G2.0 filtration system.
That one is better.
Tastes like nothing.
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Alex Jones here for InfoWars.com.
In the month of July, we have got giant specials on everything at MadeIn1776.com.
The already discounted Made in 1776 t-shirts are only $17.76.
I think?
Five months free right now when you get a membership at PrisonPlanet.tv for a limited time, only $39.95 a year.
That's more than five months free off the regular price.
Not just this July 4th weekend, but the entire month of July at MadeIn1776.com.
Molon Labe, you can take my gun from my cold, dead hands.
Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
There is no turning back, my friends, on the road.
Robert Plant, bringing us in.
All right, I want to race back to your phone calls here.
And then I'm going to hit the final segment with some other news I haven't gotten to yet.
Briefly here, I want to remind listeners that in the month of July, we are offering 5.3.
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Mola and Lambe.
Okay, let's go back to the calls here on the Sunday edition.
Ironhead in Washington.
Thanks for calling and holding.
You're on the air.
Hey there, Kemosabe.
Ever wake up feeling like you've taken a bad drug and wound up on the ship of fools?
I do feel like that.
That's another great Robert Plant song, Ship of Fools.
But, I mean, where do you think all this is going?
The madness we're witnessing.
What did you call in about?
Well, to answer your question, that's exactly what your question was.
I'm going to answer the question with a somewhat rhetorical question, but you'll know where I'm going when I lay it out.
What do you do?
How do we identify when we've reached the bifurcation point, the tipping point, all the times in history where everybody could have done, would have done, should have done, didn't do, wound up looking in the rearview mirror saying, ah, this is really ugly.
What do you do beforehand?
How do you identify it?
And then what is the reaction point at which you do some things in a very orchestrated manner?
And if you want to answer that, I'll give you my solution set.
Yeah, let me give you my take on that, Ironhead.
For those that don't travel a lot outside the U.S., most countries are hellish.
In Asia, Africa, Latin America.
They're just hellish.
The only good places in the world are like Japan, Russia to some extent, and it's pretty bad.
Western Europe.
Some of the Mediterranean, South Africa, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.
And that's only about a billion of the people in the world.
Another six billion plus live in hell.
And the political class has decided to checkmate the democratic class here in the West by just bringing in people that don't know any better and will be political pawns to vote however they're told.
And we have an insane elite.
That's why we're in so much trouble.
It's like Hitler attacking all those countries when he had Germany and Germany was doing great.
It was a power trip.
Why'd he do it?
He was nuts.
Why'd the communists do what they did?
They were a criminal elite.
The globalists have primed everything where when the violence starts, they'll blame it on us.
That's why they always stage it themselves to blame us.
So, we don't want violence to break out.
There does come a point where they're coming to take you to the re-education center, which the Democratic Party and Clintons and the Weathermen openly called for.
And they're gearing up for that.
That's how nuts they are.
But the longer we can stay out of that, the more we're winning.
Congress has a 7% approval rating.
The political class is absolutely hated.
Obama is hated.
Republican leadership's teamed up with Obama to try to block the libertarian movement and the Tea Party.
There's a real battle going on.
We're winning on a bunch of fronts.
They haven't run a bunch of false flags yet because every time they do, our people are watching and we blow their operation.
So we've really got them intimidated.
They're pretty freaked out right now.
And most people that work in the FBI, CIA, police department, bureaucracy are not even bad.
In fact, most of them have decompartmentalized because stuff's gotten so obvious.
This show has helped.
Others have helped.
We deserve a lot of the credit, which I don't want.
It's kind of dangerous.
But in the vein of honesty, I'll tell you, we've hit the zeitgeist in a very vicious way against the elite.
And the eye of Sauron is upon this broadcast.
They do not like us.
So that mere fact shows the power of the people.
Because I'm really nothing special at the end of the day, except for the fact that I don't want to be a slave and I've studied the establishment.
Anyone can do that.
Once you start studying reality, instead of World Cup and dancing with the stars and how to act cool, you become a member of the elite.
Because it's only been the elite that study that, and usually it's corrupt elites.
The average person working for the system doesn't want to destroy their life or future.
But the elite's corruption was so bad, people didn't want to believe it because it was over the top.
They judged the world by how they thought, and by what they stood for.
And so there was no way the elite was that bad.
But now it's admitted.
Now we're kind of the deer in the headlights moment.
But we're not a deer.
We're humans.
If we get out of the headlights, adjust to what's happening, adapt, overcome, improvise, and say no to this system,
This counterfeit, fraudulent, con-artist system where things are based on fraud, not on reality.
If we overthrow intellectually this system, tyranny will vanish like evil spirits at dawn, to quote Thomas Jefferson.
So it is an inside job.
The world changes individual by individual.
And the system thinks we're so dumb they openly fund Al Qaeda worldwide.
They openly fund tyranny.
They openly are trying to attack Christians worldwide.
People are already rejecting this.
We're all just atomized individuals.
We have to realize we are together.
We have to identify with each other.
We need to stop infighting with each other about what race we are.
We need to come together around a Bill of Rights and Constitution and realize that globalists are dominating us via balkanization.
So that's the short answer to your very important question.
And like Thoreau said, each man is a light unto himself, and if he gives up his own light, then we all go blinking out into Never Never Land, when we all come together and bring it forth as one unified whole.
I mean, the enemy is taking over right now, and is so naked out of weakness.
They're attempting a total finishing act right now, because they're on fire.
We are blowing the daylights out of them.
I'm not just saying that, we are kicking their ass.
I'm sorry, go ahead and finish up.
No, you hit the nail on the head.
There is a collective unified consciousness.
I am in the Father as the Father is in me as I am in you.
Or if you don't like the Father, I am in the field as the field is in me as I am in you.
There is a unified whole coming together and that is the light.
No, no, that's it, exactly.
Self-preservation is the most powerful instinct in the universe.
And everyone working for the system knows they're screwing themselves.
So there's a major rebellion.
It's here.
The globalists think they're going to ride that into some socialist thing, where they're going to take our rebellion and feed it off into a fake socialist revolution?
It ain't going to happen.
People want freedom.
And people like men that lead.
They like women that lead.
They like strength.
They like honor.
And we will have it.
Humanity will survive.
We will not fall.
The eye has not seen, ear has not heard what God has in store for us.
I'm on a rampage through Bebe's call, Dennis, Joe, Mike, Carl, Susan, George, Mark.
Be ready, I'm going to all of you!
Straight ahead, final segment!
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I can, like, taste dirt in it.
God knows what's in there.
These people just sampled City of Austin tap water straight from the faucet.
Next, we had them try a sample of tap water filtered with a ProPure G2.0 filtration system.
That one is better.
Tastes like nothing.
Yep, I know what good water tastes like.
Good water.
Most tap water contains added substances, like fluoride, chlorine, glyphosate, and many others.
Studies prove that these substances are linked to an assortment of major health issues, including tooth decay, lowered IQ, and even cancer.
It tastes like you're drinking out of the lake when you're doing tap water.
The ProPure® G2.0 filtration system removes these deadly substances, leaving only fresh-tasting, deliciously clean water.
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Alex Jones here for InfoWars.com.
In the month of July, we have got giant specials on everything at Madein1776.com.
The already discounted Made in 1776 t-shirts are only $17.76.
We have the new belt buckles that in only two weeks of sale are very close to selling out.
There's only 500 of each.
We're talking about Made in America belt buckles in nickel brass.
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Molon Labe, you can take my gun from my cold, dead hands.
Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Smoke on the water, fire in the sky.
Brain bringing us in.
BB in Texas, then Dennis.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hi Alex, it's a pleasure to speak with you again.
I love your Sunday show.
I love that you allow for more open lines.
And let me preface, you know, no one has screened me or scanned me before I called in today.
Nope, nobody really screens the calls unless we're on a special topic and then we'll say only call in on certain issues.
So what's on your mind?
I turned a couple friends of mine on to you because you and I have spoken before and I really believe that you are telling the truth as you may see it.
It may be the right truth, it may be the wrong truth, but I believe that it is your personal truth that you are giving us here with all of your might.
So, I was scrolling through my Facebook post today, and this friend that I turned on to you had a very disparaging article from one of your detractors.
And I'm going to refrain from using his name, because I don't want to give him any privacy.
I don't even know.
I get attacked by the White House, for heaven's sakes.
I get attacked by Time Magazine.
I'm not even worried about it.
I mean, look, listen, no one has to go off
What I say, they can go look at what I'm saying at the actual information.
You don't have to trust what I'm saying.
You can go, you know, when I say former head of Al Qaeda says CIA runs group, that's in major newspapers in the Middle East going public, admitting that ISIS is Western-run.
But I mean, I'm just covering that.
When I say there's drones operating, I'm just covering it.
When my reporters go down and show that the Border Patrol is busting the illegals in, three weeks later the Border Patrol is admitting it.
It's not about Alex Jones.
It's much bigger than me.
But go ahead.
I agree with that.
I hate to almost mention this for fear I'm apprehensive that your head is going to blow up.
No, but I don't even care, ma'am.
It's like I knew where you were going when you said, no one screened my call and everyone says the calls are fake to your show.
Who cares what detractors say?
I know, who cares?
They're totally not.
I mean, who cares?
Hey, Alex, how's it going?
Just a comment I want to make is that, you know, people, you know, my mentor taught me that people of America should fight for what they believe in, and every other country should fight for what they believe in.
Really, it is a factor.
Well, I mean, we need to fight for basic property rights, family rights, right to defense, local control.
We're a conquered nation.
That's why the system is undermining every check and balance.
It's why the prosperity is disappearing.
That's exactly true, and I mean, I live in Colorado, and I watch these cops pull over illegals.
They walk up, see they're illegal, and walk away.
But boy, you're right.
That's because, exactly.
No, no, it's admitted.
Because they want the illegals here.
We are the target.
We are the chumps that comply.
Stop complying.
The system is alien.
The government is a fraud.
I'm not saying the average cop is bad, but they work for a power structure that is here to destroy this country.
It's totally illegitimate.
I get checked by the Border Patrol, illegals don't.
Great point.
And I tell them what?
Whenever I get pulled over, I got pulled over for an expired tag and I said, you know, don't you got more things to do like get the illegals?
They didn't have nothing to say.
Yeah, the cops back off real quick because they all know it's a fraud.
They're freaked out as well.
I mean, I've talked to the prosecutors in Austin.
They've come to my studios privately.
We've talked.
I'm not going to say names, but high-level prosecutors in Travis County.
They go, no, it's all true.
We are to legalize them all.
They're to learn how to drink and drive, have illegal guns.
They're above the law.
I mean, they let rapists go, folks.
I mean, this is the end of the country.
Because they've got to incentivize everybody coming here to bankrupt it.
It's just incredible.
Thank you so much, Dennis.
Joe in Texas, go ahead.
Alex, you're right about the fraud, and one of the frauds that just won't go away is this ignorant carbon tax controls and mitigation.
You hosted one of my articles five years ago, Hoax of the Century.
I've written about a hundred articles at dozens and dozens of websites.
I went to the Heartland Conference in Las Vegas, and James Dillingpole was there, and he was very interested in doing a Texas tour.
He said, I just don't know how to set one up.
I said, let me call my good friend Alex.
Yeah, we'll call Dillingpole.
We'd love to have him in studio here.
Get a multi-city tour so that people can talk to him in person and maybe do some panel discussion on this.
For those that don't know, it's a big private banker tax on all human activity.
They're exempt.
It's a carbon tax, literally owned by Obama, George Soros, Al Gore, the Queen of England, and others.
I'm not kidding, folks.
Google Queen of England carbon tax, Soros carbon tax.
Anything I said, look it up.
Lundengardian, the Rothschilds own it.
Under the carbon tax that's already been put in, outside of law, through a lot of our regulations, Al Gore gets your money.
I mean, what a scam.
I appreciate your call, brother.
Good points.
Mike in Texas, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Thanks for calling.
I'm hell-bent to take all these calls.
Go ahead.
Okay, look, we're trying to organize what I call a meeting at the mansion.
We're trying to organize getting together to go down to the governor's mansion in Austin.
You know, they're at 1010 Colorado.
Oh yeah, Rick Perry should be mobilizing the state guard.
He should be calling out Obama for purposely shipping the illegals in.
Instead, he's not doing any of that.
Well, we're trying to organize a meeting at the mansion.
It's at 1010 Colorado.
We're trying to do this for Thursday.
People can go to my website, TAS4A.org, or take a stand for America on Facebook, and that'll give you a link to sign up.
We need everybody we can get out there to show up on Perry's front lawn to get him to do something about this problem at the border.
Does he live in the mansion now, though, or does he still live out in Westlake?
I'm not sure.
Listen, I'll put you on hold, and I'll get your name and number, but you're absolutely right.
We should be all over Perry, who the neocons are praising.
Look how he put down Obama.
He's winning.
He's like, gee, Obama, you're trying, but you don't know the border like I do.
We got a problem down here.
A problem?
They're engineering opening the border.
The Border Patrol now is the illegal immigrant importation agency.
On record, that's not just me saying it, it's now the Border Patrol saying it.
And Rick Perry needs to be on that.
But he won't do it.
He wants the North American Union as well.
Don't forget all the stuff Perry did.
And I'm believing, I want Perry to do the right thing.
It's just that it's incredible.
Carl in Washington, go ahead.
Can you hear me?
I can, go ahead.
Sorry, I'm calling back because I had to get this to you, but we took a camping trip just last week and we were in what's called Okanagan.
It runs up into Canada.
It's one of the most sparsely populated areas of the country.
Sure, what happened?
Lake Bonaparte.
We were camped there and about a mile and a half up the lake is a Boy Scout camp.
I would say there was probably 200 kids up there.
Sure, what happened?
What'd you see?
Uh, it's what I heard from there.
And it was chants and stuff that, uh, I've been around Boy Scouts and this has never, never been part of the program.
And it was, uh... Sure, was it like Socialists or Communists?
Yes, and it was, uh, they did it three times a day.
Right after Reveille, they had a regular, uh, trumpet that you could hear.
What would they say?
I couldn't tell because it was so loud and blended, but it wasn't...
I've only heard Ted Cruz talk about repealing the 17th Amendment, and I think that's really important.
Yeah, senators should be appointed by the legislatures to make increases in the state.
That's right, we don't have states without the senators being appointed by the legislature.
And then we can keep the president accountable also, you know, by extension.
Senators are their own little imperial criminals, and the states are supposed to be co-equal.
Great point.
And the second point is that I'd like to send a message to all our elected public servants that all the U.S.
Senators and Representatives and Mayors of large cities, the Governors,
Uh, that Obama and Hillary Clinton don't care about you, and they will throw you out with the trash.
Oh, they know that.
The average person, though, has never been through any type of serious crisis, so they're just, they're just unconscious.
They're just a bunch of go-along, get-along cowards.
But, but don't worry.
I mean, the main event's coming up.
Their medal will be tested.
Sorry to all the other callers.
George and Mark and Mike, I'm out of time.
Tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Central, Lord willing, I'll be live.
Great job to the crew.
I want to thank all our affiliates and sponsors, and the good Lord above, and you.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Well, they've entered the second half.
Argentina and Germany.
And the 2014 World Cup.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
They're scoreless right now.
They'll likely go into overtime.
This is history happening right now.
We won't cover a top NSA whistleblower saying it's about social control and a total takeover of society.
We won't cover the end of America and our border being dissolved.
We won't cover Homeland Security publicly training for national gun confiscation that'll cause a civil war or over a thousand dead in just the last two days in Ukraine as fighter bombers attack major cities and Russian troops mass on the border.
We won't cover Al-Qaeda, ISIS, slaughtering every Christian they can get their hands on in multiple countries.
No, ladies and gentlemen, there has been no goal!
Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
We are here, ladies and gentlemen.
And then we come back Sundays live.
We are L-I-V-E on 713 at 401 and 2 minutes exactly.
Central Standard Time.
Hey, forget about the shadow of atomic fear.
Will we win the fight for peace or will we disappear?
Because none of that matters.
All that matters today is Deutschland and Argentina in a major battle for the World Cup 2014.
And we've got record ratings worldwide on ESPN and Telemundo!
I think that's really what matters right now.
So, I want to apologize and open the phones up for the full broadcast to discuss the World Cup, ladies and gentlemen.
That's all we'll be discussing today.
Is all the people of the world losing their basic liberties, losing their freedoms, under total social engineering, watching simulated combat.
Ritualized male combat on the soccer field.
Only places allowed for male combat is in simulated sports, simulated gladiatorial events, bread and circus, while the real game of life goes on all around us, and Eric Holder, the mafia chief,
Openly declares his main enemy to be domestic Tea Party groups who he says are planning major attacks and Obama says it may even be nuclear.
Now how do you think Obama would ever get total control?
What would you do if you were Obama?
I'm going to have to leave office in about a year and a half.
Would you steal everything, shut off the power plants, open the borders, try to bankrupt the country, sign us onto more derivatives, devalue the dollar, fund Al-Qaeda worldwide?
Yeah, you'd do all that.
But you'd also stage terror attacks, which they now say are imminent by the Tea Party.
They train the Pentagon that we're about to attack.
We've never attacked.
And then, magically, they say it's about to happen.
And when it happens, all the reporters are going to be so upset on the news about whatever daycare center at a federal facility, the feds bomb again, like in 95.
It's like a dog to vomit.
These criminals do the same thing over and over again.
So that's what I'm thinking about today.
Even though, I gotta be honest with you, I grew up playing golf a little bit, and I grew up playing soccer, so I'm gonna play football too.
But I like sports that are on in the background, so you're not watching it.
I like football, but it's just every play and every, it just dominates the part of your conversation.
It's kind of fun to have golf in the background, you know, because you wait a few minutes, somebody hits, and then you see the hole in one or whatever, or see the bogey, or see whatever's going on, or somebody chip from the sandbox.
And then soccer I kind of like.
It's the song in the background.
Kind of the roar of the crowds.
Kind of soothing like the ocean.
Kind of a white noise sound.
And then, ah!
So I kind of like World Cup.
Maybe I've been wrong.
Maybe I shouldn't care about freedom.
Just watch that.
From the water table, to our soils, to the atmosphere itself.
Our world is becoming more and more toxic each and every day.
But it's not just the air outside that's toxic.
Indoor air has been shown to have two to five times higher concentrations of pollutants than even outdoor air.
And most Americans spend 90% of their time inside using toxic chemicals within their homes.
There are more than 42 million smokers in the United States.
Well over a thousand types of mold and mildew linked to numerous conditions.
And don't forget the fact that 6 million Americans live with pets they're allergic to as well.
When I began to research these statistics, it was clear to me it was time to start cleansing my lungs in order to combat the toxic environment that we cannot escape but that we can fight back against.
Made with organic and wild cultivated herbs,
Renewed hostile actions against United States ships on the high seas in the Gulf of Tonkin have today required me
...to order the military forces of the United States to take action and reply.
Dr. Martin Luther King, the apostle of nonviolence in the civil rights movement, has been shot to death in Memphis, Tennessee.
He still has the gun.
The gun is pointed at him at this moment.
Take a hold of this bomb and break it if you can!
The 13th day of July, 2014.
It's Sunday.
Strap yourselves in.
And they're now in the White House.
They took the babies out of incubators.
The next time they plant the bombs, they'll blame it on us.
False flag.
The death of Bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat Al Qaeda.
Tell us about Santa Claus next.
For shooting down a U.S.
More than 30 people were killed.
The Navy SEALs spoke out.
Most of them are U.S.
Navy SEALs.
That it was fake.
There may be a false flag incident where some ship goes down and used for the excuse to accelerate the next war.
If there's one thing that has unified Democrats and Republicans, and everybody in between,
It's that we all hated the bank.
That's why you voted for it.
The Department of Homeland Security is apparently on a huge ammo buying spree.
It comes out to like 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition a day.
It's down about 3 billion.
It is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.
They estimated that they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these re-education centers.
And when I say eliminate, I mean kill.
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
This is not a game.
Thank you for joining us on this July 13, 2014, live, worldwide broadcast.
I am your host, Alex Jones, and we will open the phones up at the bottom of the hour and then for the balance of the transmission.
We're here every Sunday.
Syndicated across the land and we return weekdays with a syndicated broadcast 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
The news websites are infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
Well, where to begin today?
Where to start?
Our own David Knight has interviewed him.
Our own Darren McBrain has interviewed him.
I think I should interview him.
And of course he's William Binney, who was basically fourth in command of the National Security Agency, and he quietly quit a decade ago because of the focus on the general public and the total dragnet.
He has told a conference in London, and he's in the front page of London Guardian this Sunday, that the ultimate goal of the NSA is total population control.
And that when he was at the NSA a decade ago, 80% of all calls were recorded.
He estimates now everything is recorded with the computing power.
And I've interviewed many other top whistleblowers, like one of the guys that headed up an entire division of NSA internal security.
And it's, by the way, I want to get... I want to get Wayne Madsen on this week.
It's been too long.
He had me on probably three months.
That's why I knew about all this.
I mean, I didn't just get on air and say everything's being listened to illegally.
They're paying billions a year to telecoms to do it in a big boondoggle.
I didn't just come up with that.
I've been on the air almost 20 years.
I didn't just come up with that.
I had the whistleblowers who were talking to Congress on C-SPAN, and I would just tell my producer, hey, call up and set them up for the show.
This stuff is all on C-SPAN.
It's all in different political publications that are more technical.
But the general public gets their news from CNN, MSNBC, and folks, you're not going to be told about this on these channels.
The Guardian was about to go bankrupt two years ago until the NSA story broke.
Now they basically read like Infowars.com every day.
They have narrowed their loss and are about to go profitable.
That's a nice little story for the rest of the dying mainstream media.
If you weren't such lapdogs of the establishment, so happy to cover anything and everything up, people would read your publications, they would subscribe, they would support you.
But, the New York Times has been bankrupt for about five years on record, and Carlos Slim, the big Mexican mob boss, owns it now.
And it's just a joke.
The establishment still pays to keep MSNBC and the New York Times going and CNN going even though they're totally bankrupt on record.
All three institutions are in the red for many years running because it's just there to act like everything's still okay.
I mean, they all know they're collapsed.
They all know it's over.
Matt Drudge, back in 1999, gave a speech at the Press Club that I want to air in full next week.
I had that a few months ago and never did it.
I want to write a note.
I want to get that thing off the C-SPAN archives, and I want to augment it.
I want to add headlines to the 20-minute speech or so, showing everything he said coming true, so it's not just him at the Press Club.
I want to give that to McBreen Monday.
Maybe have it by next Thursday or Friday.
And again, what we do is we kind of war game here on air with the producers and the crews.
That's why everything you end up hearing later is discussed here on the broadcast.
But I really, please put a note, because I already had that idea a few months ago.
We didn't do it.
I want to make sure that happens.
And I want to get William Binning on.
Because I know he's been interviewed by other reporters, but not by me.
And it's just he's really making some hardcore statements now.
And he's been persecuted, by the way, for it.
So we're going to be getting him back on the broadcast.
So that's story number one.
We have a document cam shot.
Today's not a low news day, but only at about an hour of preparation today.
About the customary four or five hours.
So there's probably only 60, 70 news articles here.
But let me just read you some headlines.
Before I get into the top story in the next segment, the end of America.
It's like the country had a heart attack.
The heart's not beating.
We've got five minutes for a defibrillator to get the heart going.
Five minutes politically is about a year.
And we're already so screwed up.
I don't know if the country can be revived, but it's going to be worse if we don't politically try to change things.
It's kind of like, we're going to crash.
It's not kind of like it is.
We're crash landing.
Can we get the landing gear down?
Can we try to slow the aircraft down and get the tail down instead of the nose?
It's kind of down to that point.
And you've all been conditioned to live in denial and just say conspiracy theory.
No corruption in government, that's a conspiracy theory.
No danger in powerful elites, that's a conspiracy theory.
No tyranny in government's ever happened.
As Obama said, don't listen to people.
He said back in January of this year that talk about always having tyranny around the corner, that's just a lie.
Government's a force of good.
Well, we bought into that and now our goose is pretty much cooked.
And I'm not very happy about the fact that I've been proven correct in spades.
It's bittersweet.
Because people aren't laughing anymore.
Really, nobody laughs anymore.
They just say, well, why don't you tell us how to fix it?
Hey, man, I'm trying to just cover what the enemy's doing.
I'm here as a wartime reporter showing how the whole world's being conquered by criminal con artist interests that own the media and own the federal law enforcement worldwide.
And I know a lot of ways to fix things, but it's a process.
And it's about you getting angry, you getting upset, you not complying, you getting involved, and most importantly, it's about people in the system realizing they've been compartmentalized, they've been lied to, and that this system is going to destroy them as well.
Because I'd be for the status quo if things weren't that bad.
The status quo, generally, historically, is better than change because you can get a violent revolution and it tends to be worse in almost every case.
But the globalist political system is a revolution against decency, against stability.
It's very paradical.
It's viral.
It's cancerous.
And it grows.
It gets worse.
It progresses.
It doesn't get better.
It gets worse.
So you can debate with me all day if I'm right about this or right about that.
The point is, our house is burning down collectively.
And all hands need to be on deck.
We need to get serious and realize it's not like people 10 years ago, 20 years ago saying, if we don't turn things around, it's going to hurt our children.
It's 20 years later.
It's now our children.
It's here.
It's Judgment Day.
Ron Paul's up on Infowars.com.
Globally, the libertarian leader, recognized worldwide an icon.
I interviewed him for 30 minutes Friday and he said the collapse is close.
It's imminent.
We're already deep into it, but it's about to get more serious.
Every major country is leaving the dollar right now.
Wars are starting everywhere.
Everything you expect during what leads into the greatest crisis humanity's ever seen.
And if we don't survive this crisis,
We'll have thermonuclear war bare minimum, global depression and meltdown, and most of us won't live.
Stay with us.
Hi, I'm Dr. Edward Group.
It took me 20 years of searching the globe to find the deposit of the highest purity iodine available.
The new Survival Shield X2 is mined from 7,000 to 10,000 feet below the Earth in pristine, environmentally clean conditions.
The iodine crystals we use are extracted from an ancient 300 million plus year old deposit