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Name: 20140710_Thu_Alex
Air Date: July 10, 2014
3048 lines.

Alex Jones discusses Barack Obama's visit to Austin, Texas, criticizing him for not visiting the border and attending a fundraiser instead. He mentions Robert Rodriguez hosting the event and how his film franchise, Machete, promotes illegal immigration by demonizing those trying to tighten border control. Jones also criticizes President Obama for not addressing the crisis at the border and showing concern for the spread of contagious diseases among immigrants. Additionally, he talks about the destruction caused by ISIS in the Middle East and how Defense Secretary Hagel has claimed that every country is threatened by them. The speaker expresses frustration with Barack Obama's three-day visit to Austin and how the city was shut down because of Secret Service presence. He criticizes the Secret Service for behaving as if they are in a movie, pointing guns at innocent people. He also discusses how the political elite and Hollywood stars grovel to each other and how the public is made to feel powerless by these displays of prestige. Alex Jones promotes his product, Survival Seed Vault from mypatriotsupply.com, which he claims is 70% cheaper than competitors. He also mentions specials on Madein1776.com and PrisonPlanet.tv for July. The speaker discusses issues with the stock market, the middle class, the border crisis, and the manipulation of financial markets and economic figures. Jones warns that failed third world countries are colonizing the United States with the help of globalists. He mentions a report about super female vitality and Survival Shield X2, iodine products designed to help detoxify and protect the body. He also discusses Dr. Bob Bowman's revelations about secret space planes with DU-SABO decapitation weapons for taking out governments even under mountains. The Pentagon is now planning to put robot marines in space, revealing past plans that were declassified accidentally. The speaker discusses how liberalism and trendy ideologies have taken over society, turning people into mindless drones who blindly follow the Democratic Party and their beliefs. He criticizes the use of terms such as "racist," "homophobe," and "sexist" to silence any opposition or dissenting views, claiming that these words hold no real meaning anymore. The speaker argues that the liberal mindset lacks knowledge in various fields and is only focused on maintaining power through propaganda and manipulation. In this clip, Alex Jones discusses the arrogance of Karl Rove and the media in general. He criticizes them for being willing to report whatever Karl Rove says without question. Additionally, he talks about an incident where a pro-choice activist attacked peaceful pro-life protestors. Jones also promotes companies that align with his values such as MyPatriotSupply and Mountain House emergency food storage. The author received a product called "male vitality" and claims that it is an excellent supplement. They describe how they have consulted with numerous experts to create the perfect blend of natural ingredients, which has resulted in an incredibly potent formula. The male vitality supplement has improved their energy levels and overall wellbeing. In addition, they highly recommend visiting InfoWarsLife's website to explore other products that are just as remarkable. Alex Jones discusses the current state of Western society and politics. He argues that the West is degenerating into a totalitarian regime and that its population is not having children, while immigrants from third-world countries are having children in greater numbers. This demographic shift is being used by globalists to politically dominate what's left of Western values. Jones also mentions George Soros' involvement in funding open borders and immigration movements and claims that Soros is responsible for the coup and mass murder in Ukraine. He criticizes the Democratic Party for being paid to bring immigrants into their homes and accuses them of promoting a total racket and implosion. The speaker discusses the political and social issues surrounding race,

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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
My friends, I am totally wound up on this 10th day of July 2014 on this Thursday edition.
Obama is in town.
There are helicopters, army helicopters, black helicopters, police helicopters, secret service all over downtown.
I was down there this morning.
They were bugging their eyes out at people.
Anthony Gucciardi lives downtown and had them bugging their eyes out at him just driving down the street.
And I'm getting to the point where if Secret Service says that to me, I'm just going to pull over and get a camera out and say, this isn't North Korea.
You work for a total criminal who we wish no harm upon.
The whole country's a giant fraud now.
The borders are wide open.
Big banks shipping the narcotics.
Aren't you guys supposed to be looking for hookers and blow?
They shut down all of I-35 northbound this morning, and I was watching it on the news, an hour after he'd driven by to some fundraiser from downtown, they still had it shut down, and I was driving to work and saw all the motorcycle cops still blocking the roads.
Why not demolish the roads permanently?
Why not nuke each city he visits as a sign of respect?
As he gets off his helicopters and is saluted, a globalist publicly funding ISIS to carry out terror attacks.
And he was at Robert Rodriguez, the Grand Dragon of Mechel Araza's house last night, celebrating the destruction of America.
Here's Leanne McAdoo's report.
Well, Obama is in the neighborhood this week, and rather than visit the border to witness firsthand the crisis that is largely brought on by his failed policies, he is going to be partying it up with people who have paid anywhere from $10,000 to $35,000 to bask in his presence at one of his Democratic fundraisers.
Tonight, he is in Austin, Texas, visiting the home of
Austin-based filmmaker Robert Rodriguez, whose ultra-violent Machete franchise is very pro-illegal immigration.
But instead of portraying illegal immigration in a positive, good-for-the-economy sort of way, Rodriguez's film bolsters support by demonizing a Texas politician who's seeking to tighten border control, and also they portray a Minuteman-style American delighting in shooting a pregnant Mexican woman.
So it's hard to tell if it's a pro-amnesty message or a La Raza cattle call.
And of course, Jessica Alba is going to be one of the special guests at tonight's fundraiser.
Now, Robert Rodriguez has done a lot for the Latino community.
He's launched the careers of a lot of Latino actors, and as well as his movie, Spy Kids, was one of the first theatrical franchises to feature a Latino family playing superheroes.
They were the first Latinos featured in a heroic role, and Rodriguez did insist on that.
Also, Rodriguez is a member of the National
Council of La Raza.
He's a president's council donator to La Raza, who of course promotes the race over everything else.
And Rodriguez is one of the new minority owners of a television network.
His El Rey network is geared towards a Hispanic audience, and he admits that his network, he will use it if the president or the White House calls upon him to use the network to reach out to the Latino voters.
But of course, if the way Machete promotes illegal immigration is any indicator of how Robert Rodriguez is going to try and reach the Latino voters, well I guess we can expect to see more messages promoting racial division rather than bringing us all together.
Is who Obama is spending his evening with tonight, rather than visiting the border, rather than addressing the crisis, and actually acknowledging that this is a huge issue, and maybe just showing the American people, hey, I'm not afraid to go and be in these border facilities where there's all these contagious diseases running rampant.
I mean, even that, to just go and show that.
He's gonna go with people who are paying $35,000 to go party it up at Robert Rodriguez's house, because he's showing you this is the kind of president he is, and this is where he stands on this issue of illegal immigration.
All right, folks, we'll be right back.
That's from InfoWars Nightly News.
Last night, Lord Obama is still in town.
We'll be covering it.
Stay with us.
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Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
In the fields, the bodies burning.
Sorcerers of death's construction.
And over in the Middle East right now, the ISIS New World Order force.
...is engaged in massive destruction of Christian churches, minority Muslim mosque, and engaged in mass exterminations.
We're now several months into that.
Three plus years into 300 plus thousand murdered at the hands of Al-Qaeda and ISIS forces in Syria.
And Defense Secretary Hagel has come out saying every country in the world is threatened by ISIS.
Basically, give up all your rights or they'll kill you any minute.
When he literally is overseeing the transference of weapons to them.
And they are a Saudi Arabian army.
Simply amazing.
And that's even in major defense publications.
That's not even hidden or debated at an academic or military level.
The general public, though, is being told, we're going to take all your rights because of ISIS.
When it's publicly run by the criminals that sit upon our government.
I'm gonna get into Barack Obama and the fact that he's spending three days in Austin, three hellish days, I guess staying down at the W Hotel, with Secret Service crawling all over downtown, literally bugging their eyes out hatefully at men, women, and children, to let you know you are scum, you are a slave.
It's not about keeping the criminal puppet Obama safe.
It's all about dominating America.
Helicopters, checkpoints, I-35, the most busy highway in the country, the most busy stretch, is through Austin, that's on record, according to the National Transportation Bureau.
And openly, ladies and gentlemen, I-35 shut down for hours, for hours, southbound today.
And even after 45 minutes after Obama had left, I was watching the news, I said, I'll drive into the office now, I was up to go down I-35 partway.
I'm driving, and he's been gone for 45 minutes to an hour, and there's still the highway shut with more Austin police cars driving around.
And the headline is, from KVUE, Obama visit cost APD thousands.
How about hundreds of thousands?
I mean, I think I want to go find some Secret Service downtown and just go up to them and say, why are you in make-believe land bugging your eyes out at like families pushing baby strollers who don't even care that Obama's here?
We're here working and living, and then every time the emperor shows up, he could easily fly helicopters to nearby fields like he does in D.C.
and places they won't put up with it, and then get in a limo and drive a mile to these fundraisers
With all these different Democratic Mafia bosses in Austin, who've already destroyed California and now moved here.
Instead, they just want to shut everything down.
It really makes me want to throw up.
And I've talked to multiple people that have been downtown, who are just blocks and blocks away from where Obama is at, with the Secret Service just rolling around bugging their eyes out of people.
And I've had the Secret Service
And I've told this story many times.
At Bilderberg 2008, no one knew where Hillary and Obama were in Virginia.
They disappeared for over a day.
We were there.
The armored limousines came in with Hillary and Obama.
It later came out they were there years later.
And they would actually lift HK MP5s up and point them in our direction as we stood there with video cameras or with bullhorns.
Like, ooh, I'm intimidating you because you're out here reporting, as if that scares me.
If I want to go buy a dark suit and wear sunglasses, I can do it all day long.
And I'd watch Secret Service walk around with their little, you know, their little jackets talking into it like they're imagining they're in movies.
I mean, what a joke!
You're not Clint Eastwood, okay?
And again, I shouldn't even attack the Secret Service.
I know a lot of them, and I know some very close to the criminal operation, and they say it's worse than we know.
Not just Bongino on the air who was a senior Secret Service, but a lot of them.
But I think it's the mid and low-level ones that they have out far off that are just trying to play the part of a movie or something.
And, you know, I don't like going to really bad third-world countries, because the police act a little like that.
And I've been in England when the Prime Minister's right down the street and their people don't act like that.
I've been there when royalty's running around and they don't act like that.
I mean, this is the new royalty.
And Edward Bernays, the big psych warfare chief, Sigmund Freud's nephew who worked for the Department of War, the Department of Defense, the greatest PR propaganda master probably of all time, except for Joseph Goebbels, maybe.
Joseph Goebbels was so jealous of him it came out in the Nazi files.
They had an international hit out of a million US dollars on Edward Bernays.
That's how jealous they were of him.
But he was just as bad in many respects as the Nazis.
And of course he wrote three books bragging about how he mind-controlled the public for the globalists.
And Bernays got into the fact in the 20s.
He worked right up into the seventies when he was like ninety-something years old, that we've got to merge politics with Hollywood that was starting to burgeon at the time and just make it all about how they're the new royalty so it's not about their policies and so the public feel removed from the political elite and feel powerless.
And that's what the helicopters and the checkpoints and the TSA and the red carpets and the Air Force One and the
Hollywood dinners with Obama is all about is to make you think they're prestigious, and oh my gosh, like Hollywood people.
And then the political class grovels to Hollywood stars, and the Hollywood stars then grovel to the political class.
I've seen it.
I've seen it myself.
And it is so disgusting.
In fact, I want to find a clip from myriad old movies.
We've all seen old movies that have this, that are based on real things that happened where the natives are about to kill everybody, but the doctor throws some gunpowder in the fire and it explodes.
And they've never seen that before, so they start bowing down.
Or to use a Return of the Jedi cheesy analogy, the Ewoks start worshipping C-3PO, thinking he's a golden god.
Or to use Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark, they hold up the golden idol and they all bow down to it.
It's literally like natives that have never seen a firearm, and they're about to kill you, but you go, Hagookabatanga!
And you pull the trigger on the gun and fire it, and they all start groveling in fear.
That's what all the big government buildings, and the black uniforms, and the checkpoints, and the black masks, and the armored vehicles are.
So this is, this is what the system is.
And then everybody else doesn't actually produce literature, or art, or science, or trailblazing.
Everyone then becomes a wannabe establishment type, so you have all these subsections of fake country club people.
And fake trendies with their mismatched socks and big beards lecturing you, you know, that it's bad to be a white male, even though they're white males.
Or, you know, the feminist movement.
And then that's all it is, is these little empty, scared people who don't have success, who don't have an identity, other than what they've gone and basically picked off a store shelf that they've decided is their humanity.
And they're the intellectuals.
And no one else is an intellectual but them.
And they're going to tell you not to use the word bossy.
And they're going to tell you not to use the word illegal immigrant, and then immigrant.
And they're going to tell you what you can and can't do.
And they're going to control the language, and you're going to comply with them.
And it is all just a giant, giant, off-the-chart joke on every single level, and it's a fraud.
But imagine it, like,
7.30 this morning, I click on the local traffic news, knowing there'd be traffic jams everywhere, and I-35 is shut down during drive time.
And it already takes an hour to get anywhere in the city, because they didn't build roads like they should.
They wanted to build light rail, and it's all, again, globalist-controlled.
And then I decided to drive in at like 10 to 15.
I got ready at home because I had to go down an area of 35 that Obama had just gone on.
And again, it was almost an hour after he'd gone by.
And they had all of I-35 southbound.
You just come on air, Buckley?
Let's just shut everything down right now.
I have a maximum rule, three years in, that when you guys come on there, unless you tell me a guess or something's ready, that I want you to say it on air.
The listeners, just come on over to the mic.
Because we're going to break this habit right now.
Go ahead.
A friend of mine has been stuck in traffic almost two hours.
And he sent us a video.
It's just a real simple, quick video.
Well, I mean, this is an incredible scandal, because the photos you found, guys, and I shot some video on my phone this morning as well, are nothing compared to the overhead traffic cam shots they had of just 30 miles of I-35 stopped.
And then long after he went, it's like a revelry for the police under orders to just squat on the highway.
And just to keep it closed as an act of total domination as you're going bankrupt paying for the gas prices that they've engineered.
So, we're going to be breaking all of that down.
Luckily, I have a new code on my phone if you're having issues getting into it to get those videos.
Did you guys hear what I said?
Pretty good.
I'm going to reset.
I'm going to come back after the break.
And I'm going to get into all this.
But again, it's on purpose, folks.
Because Americans will put up with anything.
I mean, they have bigger ceremonies for the president than they do for the North Korean dictator.
This is so un-American, it's a joke.
George Washington wouldn't even allow parades for himself, because he was an American.
Now look what they've done, and this guy is trying to destroy the country, and everyone's saluting him.
They should be vomiting when they see him.
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We filed a petition yesterday, expanding on the one that our reporter Joe Biggs put up a few days ago.
And last time I checked it, it had one signature.
The article had almost a thousand comments, but one signature on the article saying that we want the illegals, the children, to be bused to the White House and to D.C.
to be put in the Democratic Party areas and to let the Democratic Party fundraisers
All the big rich billionaires who were tax exempt under Obama, the ones that got all the Obamacare waivers, that they should house them.
But even better, how about we go dump all the MS-13 kids and the rest of them, that's now being confirmed, off at the W downtown where the Lord and Savior is staying.
And by the way, Austin Media is basically covering up
The fact that Obama shut down I-35 for hours.
They're admitting there was some, quote, traffic problems, but they're not even admitting that there's still traffic jams ongoing while this happens.
Let's go back to the White House petition.
There on screen, there it is, that Kurt Nemo and I put up.
And you can go to InfoWars.com and find the article that's now scrolled off into the News Archive.
That's the Top Stories archive.
The featured news, Top Stories that roll off, will be in the Top Stories link at the topofinfowars.com.
And if you want to believe it, it only has 369 signatures now.
This morning it hadn't updated.
In the past it would update in real time, and we famously have had petitions that got half a million people signing them.
Now we get 369.
Do you think they're gaming it?
Do bears go potty in the woods?
Do fish swim in the sea?
Do ducks quack?
Does Obama lie?
So that's just some of the news on that front.
Now listen, I haven't even gotten into the big stack of border news that is exploding and our reporters that are still on the ground in Southern California where the feds are swearing with the sheriff to arrest anybody that dares try to block the precious buses
Where Homeland Security is human smuggling, violating federal law in front of everyone, to dump illegals at military bases across the country, and at churches across the country, to then be housed in public schools.
And then to be legalized, and then to be given voter ID cards.
And then to vote, like New York State, to ban guns, and we now have gun confiscation beginning in New York.
I mean, it's real simple.
It's a mafia takeover.
And Robert Rodriguez has his El Rey Hispanic Ku Klux Klan channel.
And he's a big part of Mecha and La Raza, for those inside the race, everything.
For those outside the race, nothing.
And it's openly funded by Obama.
I knew about this when it was secret, but decided not to even go there, because it would reveal sources.
But he's now giving interviews to Variety, you name it, saying, I will use my Spanish-speaking network to influence politics in America and open the border.
To unlimited South American, you name it, immigration.
And again, this is a reverse colonization, but we're being colonized by failed third world countries, with the globalists working with them in tandem.
And again, don't use the word bossy, don't call them aliens, don't call them illegal, because Michelle Obama said so, and my God, it would be so scary to tell her to go to hell.
It would be so scary to say no to these known criminals.
We've just got to do what they say, because they shut down roads when they come to town.
They have red carpets.
The Marines salute them.
They are God.
And so they will take your house if you don't pay the fake income tax, and they will give it to an illegal.
Who will just be exploited down the road.
So here's the headlines.
Gun confiscation begins in New York.
Nassau County man, state police just came to my home and took everything.
As the governor promised, the SWAT team raids are beginning.
Defense Secretary Hagel says ISIS is an imminent threat to every stabilized country on the earth.
I agree with that statement and the globalists that run it are the real imminent threat.
The globalists that run it.
The destabilization program.
Just like the open borders here.
High-level NSA official.
The NSA has become J. Edgar Hoover on super steroids, spying on everything.
Folks, it's well known.
Everything's listened to in live time.
Everything's tracked.
The local police all want to be federalized, because then they get led into the star chamber computer rooms, where they can just spy on everybody, keep files on their ex-wife, their husband.
It's just total beyond 1984.
Maximum criminal operation.
Money laundering, child kidnap running.
I mean, the government is 100% pure Satan.
Now, the average person, mid-level, doesn't even know that.
And the government has a lot of real functions, but at the top,
I mean, it might as well be Elzebub captaining it.
Let's continue.
Shock report!
70 million people would be starving in the streets without government welfare programs.
That's coming up.
Washington's arrogance will destroy its empire.
That's part of the plan.
They want the mega-empire to rise.
Chinese purchases of U.S.
real estate up 72% as the Bank of China facilitates money laundering.
They're learning from the New World Order.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
The Empire's on the run.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
The late former head of the Star Wars program, nuclear physicist and engineer,
Dr. Bob Bowman was the secret head of the Star Wars program that was later declassified.
He said by 1979, when the Star Wars program was already old under another name, the public was told about it in the 80s, there was a fleet of over a hundred space planes with DU-SABO decapitation weapons to take out governments, even under mountains.
And he can only talk about that because it had been accidentally declassified.
Well, here it is in The Week newspaper.
The Pentagon's plan to put robot marines in space.
And it breaks it down how they're launching robot drones in space.
Yeah, they're launching them in 2014.
I mean, basically 35 years ago, 36 years ago, there was already a fleet of these in orbit.
And you can bet whatever the public's going to be shown is going to be the super old models.
Like the ones we have on screen.
That is a 1970s model on screen.
And they're telling you about it in 2014.
Oh my gosh, what an incredible declassification!
That's how I told you how the NSA controlled everything with their hubs and all the telecommunications buildings, how they use keywords, and how they were building the systems and the compression to save everything in real time.
I told you that in 1997.
And again, I'm not bragging.
It's that you better listen to me now.
About what won't come out for 5-10 years.
Because they're not waiting 40 years, 35 years to bring stuff out now.
They're bringing it out every 5-10.
And let me give you the newsflash.
Remember while we're talking about open borders and all the corruption, the government funding ISIS and they don't care that you know?
It's because they think you're done.
They've already put stuff in the food and water supply that's way beyond even what I know.
They've already jacked
With basically the atmosphere, you name it, we're not in 2014, boys and girls.
And that's why they treat you like you're wild dogs or something.
They don't even treat us like we're natives, that they, you know, they're at the fort and they fire the shotgun to scare the natives off.
Or, you know, have a fancy Trojan horse
They treat us like wild dogs or like a lice or something.
They're just brushing off of us.
And that's the attitude.
And so they can engage in all their little weird fantasies of engaging in dehumanization, in mad scientist behavior on us, social engineering, to the point of saying you will not use the word bossy and you will say two plus two equals whatever we say.
Is that clear?
And we go, yes, I don't want to be racist.
There's a video that I'm going to play here in a few minutes before I get into all this news that's up on Infowars.com.
That is incredibly shocking.
Video crazed abortion advocate attacks peaceful pro-lifers.
And we have the unedited video with the goblin troll.
In fact, I told Watson to go with the headline this morning of goblin trolls attack pro-lifers, but he didn't think that was professional.
But I mean, when the shoe fits, actual goblin troll.
Literally doesn't need makeup to be in the next Lord of the Rings.
Cave troll.
Runs up and begins screaming at pro-lifers who are at a big city abortion clinic that on record mainly kills minority babies.
And begins screaming racist and begins attacking the pro-lifers and rips their sign down and stomps on it.
Because when they invoke the word race, it doesn't matter they can't tie their shoelaces.
It doesn't matter that this troll-like white woman... And I shouldn't even make fun of how she looks, but it just totally fits the bill.
This intellectually ugly person begins screaming, you anti-woman, anti-minority, you racist, and begins attacking him, hitting him.
And then invokes racists and then attacks racists!
So, you know, as Obama turns ISIS loose to murder Christians and Muslims all over the Middle East, blow up mosque churches, 300,000 dead in Syria, you know, as they break down the borders, as hundreds of thousands get killed in Mexico,
By the cartels, no one cares.
You just showed Don Johnson shooting a pregnant woman in a fictitious movie made by a literal Hispanic grand dragon of the Hispanic race nation that they're trying to make Hispanics join.
Instead of having basic liberty and freedom and joining the Liberty Nation, which I'm trying to get everybody to join.
They're at an abortion clinic where 80% of the abortions are minority babies.
That's CNS News.
And so if you don't want black and Hispanic babies literally chopped up and you're white, you're a racist.
And how many abortion clinic places, videos have you seen where you'll be white people trying to get them to not kill the black babies and they'll have a black person or an Asian doctor run out and say, no one wants the ugly, dumb black babies.
We've played those clips many times.
We've got a guest coming on about this later, so we'll play it then.
No one wants, and I've used to hear that myself, I have gone and protested and also covered protests where they were arresting pro-life protesters who weren't even on the abortion clinic property in Austin before, years ago, back in 96, 97.
And they would run up and push on me and say, nobody wants the black babies.
And it'd be like black people or white people doing it.
So I always say that to black preachers I have on about it, like Reverend Childress and others, a black genocide report.
And they go, of course that's what they say.
No, that's what they say.
So again, if you don't want to take a black baby, and I mean, chop it up.
You are a racist.
Yeah, there's the video headline.
Abortionist challenges protesters to adopt ugly black babies.
Not a word from the Democratic Party, who founded the Ku Klux Klan.
Because they've got literal morons with extremely IQs, extremely low IQs.
Then I shouldn't even attack, or be mean to, that we should feel sorry for.
I'm an intellectual!
I'm a trendy!
Just attacking people's free speech.
You don't want blacks to die!
You hate blacks!
You don't want Mexican drug cartels to kill 130,000 Mexicans!
You racist against Mexicans!
I mean, literally, that's all they've got is that they're Democrats.
And Republicans have got their problems, and identify with party as well, and defend Republicans when they're doing bad stuff.
It's disgusting.
But I've never seen anything like this dumbed-down television culture of nobodies, who have no jobs, no future, Obamacare written by hardcore globalists to bankrupt them.
On record!
And they don't care.
They're just dangerous masses of snot-nosed trolls who, ladies and gentlemen, you can bet money if they start putting patriots in FEMA camps and they just give people a pretext like some federal buildings being blown up and they say it's time to arrest these people, that's already being said.
Arrest the climate deniers, arrest Alex Jones, blah blah blah.
They will cheer, ladies and gentlemen, public executions.
That is my belief, that is my opinion.
And we have the Weatherman reports, the people that trained Obama, from Larry Grafwald and others, was confirmed in court, where they plan to put 50 million conservatives in forced labor camps.
They dream 300-400 pounders.
You know, 6X underwear wearing commandos to literally strut around in black uniforms at the FEMA camps.
They'll have real police and real, you know, quote, warriors, veterans in armored vehicles out rounding us up, having combat with the Patriots, dragging us back to pit dungeons where there'll be nothing but Janet Reno's and Rachel Maddow's and this troll woman in Ohio, Columbus, Ohio, will literally be in commando outfits, ruling
And you're like, why would you want to do that?
Well, you're not like them.
You don't understand.
They relish attacking, like, self-propelled slugs.
Anyone that doesn't submit to them.
It's all about, I am in charge!
And they have an inhuman, demonic, goblin strength.
Politically, to just force their will on everyone, and we bow, we say, yes, I will not say bossy.
2 plus 2 equals 5.
Yes, I didn't build my business.
Yes, I'll give my rights up even though you publicly run Al Qaeda.
Yes, yes, you can sign all the signing statements, arrest reporters everywhere, even though top journalism groups say Obama is basically banning the First Amendment.
That is liberal.
That is trendy.
That is acceptable.
I worship you.
It is so good.
Please ship all the jobs overseas.
Please flood every city with tens of thousands of illegals.
Please put them on welfare.
Openly vote to bankrupt everything and take my guns.
Thank you so much.
You are wonderful.
You buy all the propaganda and get Obama's emails every day and actually believe you're on the front lines.
As long as you can pronounce the word racist, you are God.
That's all they need.
They don't need to know who circumnavigated the globe, Magellan.
They don't need to know, you know, who proved that the Earth was round.
They don't need to know what Newtonian physics is.
They don't need to know how many states there are, or the three branches of government, or how insurance corporations operate, or what Lloyd's of London is, or the history of shipping, or the history of language, or the history of Egypt, or the history of anything.
They know how to say three words, homophobe, racist,
And that's what they've got!
As they gobble GMO all day, and support GMO, and support fluoride in the water, they'll go into a restaurant and say, was this fish treated nicely?
Did it have a name?
Was it properly worshipped?
And they all guilt each other at the table, and then guilt you as all part of their cult!
Your submission, your hospitality to pat them on the head is fuel to their satanic weakness.
These are weak scum who couldn't get a job, couldn't live, couldn't work, and they don't like you and your good-looking family.
They don't like your nice car.
They don't like your nice house.
They're going to take it!
And they're not gonna stop.
They're coming.
And the globalists are going to stage atrocities and blame it on us.
They've done it before.
They say it's about to happen again and you can bet your bottom dollar.
They're going to teach you to love those red carpets in Air Force One and men in black uniforms bugging out their eyes at you and your family like North Korea.
You're going to learn to worship Kim Jong Un.
You're going to learn to worship Barack Hussein Obama.
Wanna thank our Heavenly Father, our Lord and Savior, Barack Obama!
And he goes, Barack Obama!
Soul Train, baby!
You come up to Jamie Foxx, just on a mindless, primitive, racist power trip, and you say, hey Jamie Foxx, you know you're a part of social engineering, why don't you speak out against black babies being killed?
Shut up, crack of head!
You just mad we're taking over!
And our lord and savior, Barack Obama!
Barack Obama!
Y'all stand up right now, you gotta...
But first, he says in the clip, we just need to thank our Heavenly Father.
We need to thank our Creator, if my memory serves.
And then he goes, our Lord and Savior, Barack Obama.
It's even worse than that.
2 plus 2 equals 5.
Obama is God.
Secret Service are going to bug their eyes out at families of little kids walking down the street.
First of all, giving honor to God.
There it is.
And our Lord and Savior, Barack Obama.
Barack Obama!
Barack Obama!
And they just look at you all as idiots, because you are.
People that, I mean, this guy is a front man.
The branding for the total takeover for 21 new taxes, seven of them, on people at the poverty line or below.
I mean, it's bankrupting the whole country right now.
And if that won't do it, we'll ship in a couple more million every few months for little kids.
And then they'll tell you, you're not going to call these foreigners or illegals.
You're going to call them whatever we say.
That's going to change every day.
And remember, remember what Karl Rove said.
He said, we are history's actors now.
We control reality.
We will give you a new reality every day.
And then you will forget the old reality and accept the new reality.
He's literally saying what O'Brien is saying to Winston while he's torturing him in 1984.
Because that was based on real Soviet torture.
And the only reason you heard about that in the New York Times was because Karl Rove was so arrogant, and the reporters were arrogant, and didn't like him at a cocktail party at the Washington Post and the New York Times.
There was a bunch of them there going, you people are nothing.
You'll report whatever I say you will.
If I say the sun is purple, you'll do it.
If I say water is red, you'll do it.
And you know what?
They do do it.
Now they're just getting rid of the press corps entirely.
They're just going to have press releases put out.
And you're going to accept that too.
And most of you fake reporters that sold out, you'll never even admit you're a loser.
You'll never even turn around.
You'll keep groveling to the establishment as the whole thing goes under because you come from trash.
Your families were failures.
I've learned this.
Most of these people that serve evil, their whole family line is failures.
And criminals and scammers and frauds.
You're just being yourself, aren't you?
Sacks of steaming crap!
And now they've officially repealed the law against propaganda domestically.
So the Pentagon's involved.
PSYOPing every major city.
And the CIA.
Oh, and you hear guys bragging on the street.
Yeah, I'm part of PSYOP in Austin now.
I'll be in restaurants and bars, there's so many of them, and you just, everybody's just, that's just, they're just everywhere.
You're nobodies!
You're Benedict Arnolds, you're jokes!
The pro-choice crowd were looking for a poster child.
A woman in this clip certainly isn't it.
A video shows a crazed abortion advocate physically and verbally attacking peaceful pro-lifers in downtown Columbus, Ohio, screaming racist, racist, racist, because they didn't want black babies being chopped up like Benny Hanna.
Let's go to the clip.
This is absolutely f****** lying and f****** dips**t. That is not what a penis looks like, okay?
It's a clip of Selma 12 weeks.
It does not look like that!
It's a clip of mother******'s house!
No hands are shown for that time!
It's a white f****** print with racist f****** mail that doesn't stand for women's rights!
Get that camera out of my face!
I don't want to call the police.
Camera wasn't in her face, she attacked them.
She's going back to troll hole.
She's attacking their other sign.
That'll be a dungeon keeper, probably.
Let's come back with the rest of it.
The misogynists aren't the ones that put the chemical warfare in the plastics to do to that woman what's happened to her and most women in this country, or what's happened to men.
It's not the technocrats jacking the food supply and altering all species across the board.
No, no, no.
It's pro-lifers that go out and try to stop babies from being killed.
They're racist.
And you saw her arrogant power trip as she panics, running around punching and hitting and smashing and breathing like a wild bull that's had a lobotomy, foaming at the mouth, pawing the ground.
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Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m., we're here.
Back weeknight, 7 o'clock Central, InfoWars Nightly News.
You notice, most nights now, I am on the Nightly News with the other great reporters and anchors, and we're gonna try to make that a five-night-a-week event where good old Alejandro Jones is on the Nightly News, if not hosting it.
Ladies and gentlemen, I want to open the phones up.
In the next hour, for about 20-30 minutes, we're scheduled to have Dr. Alveda King on about her new book.
Priestsforlife.org is the website, and the new book is King's Rules.
She, of course, is the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King.
So that's coming up.
We'll open the phones up after that.
We're going to get Joe Biggs reporting from Southern California on the situation there.
We'll be popping in as well.
And then Abby Johnson from ATTWN.org will be coming on to talk about the bounties they have on minority children at Planned Parenthood and how they have people that give money directly to have them exterminated.
We're going to engage in some serious racism here, trying to save the majority babies.
They're not really minorities anymore.
We just try to save all the babies.
We don't really think about what color they are.
But they've dumbed down the masses so much under political correctness that... Remember the poor woman that got shot to death because they had an army checkpoint going and a martial law drill in D.C.
and they told her stop in a uniform.
She got scared and ran away from them.
And then she was driving in circles, so they shot her.
And then the Senators all came out and said what heroes the Capitol Police were and all the rest of it.
Like giving Purple Hearts to the drone pilots sitting in air-conditioned trailers.
And I just said this is terrible that they've killed this woman.
And that was during the whole Trayvon Martin things.
They were saying, how dare you?
I bet it's a white woman, that's why you care.
And then they noticed that I was reporting as it came out she was black, the same thing, and they're like, oh, you're not as bad now, Alex.
You care that a black woman was killed.
I didn't think what color is that woman.
Good looking lady, too.
Had no criminal record, had kids, she's dead now.
No charges for DC cops and moms killing.
You get scared at a checkpoint, you run away, you die.
Same thing in North Korea, it's for our safety.
You know, ISIS might get us.
There's one law enforcement publication that said, hey, as soon as ISIS hits, people won't be complaining about SWAT teams blowing babies' faces off, and the government publicly runs ISIS.
And our troops will publicly die battling them.
See, because the war's real on the ground, the globalists are above it, playing us off against each other.
Briefly, speaking of abortion, one way they've aborted a lot of kids in this country is they know full well, just search iodine birth defects.
And the iodine deficiencies in China, the US, you name it, are the biggest link to a bunch of birth defects, problems, serious issues.
And they won't tell you it's the good halogen and that it's just essential across the board.
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Thank you for listening to GCN.
We'll be back with the second hour.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, I could joke and say that an actual J.R.R.
Tolkien troll creature was sighted in Columbus, Ohio, but it's actually a Democratic Party voter, totally dumbed down, no future, had their hours cut by Obamacare, works at Burger King, she's in a Burger King uniform, probably a manager, and she just sees pro-lifers and starts assaulting them, hitting them, kicking over their signs, screaming that they're racist and don't like women.
Because they're at an abortuary that mainly, in that particular city they've got statistics, whacks blacks.
So, again, if you don't want to whack a black...
It's racist to use the word black.
You're supposed to use whatever new term they have in the media, not just a human being.
But there you go.
Let's play unedited, except for the beeping.
You can see the one with all the cuss words up on InfoWars.com, unedited.
The horror!
When a bottom-dwelling, culture-of-death-promoting troll, a chud, did they make a movie about that?
Came out of the sewer system, here it is.
By the way, that's not true.
Put it on screen.
It has a brain and all its fingers at that time.
What's feminist now are having babies without men, crossing two women?
How to cross her and Janet Reno?
We are calling the police, ma'am.
You are a f***ing white male privileged a**hole!
I'm calling the police right now.
What you are is a racist mother f***er as well!
How dare you f***ing do this kind of s***, a**hole!
That's the kind of woman at the gym tells you not to talk.
It's all about how she's in charge.
Go ahead!
She's not happy.
I just love real feminine women.
Oh, magical.
And powerful.
This woman is not powerful, ladies.
All you are, are just a bunch of assholes.
Are you calling the police?
Are you calling the police?
She's actually a total victim of television and brainwashing.
All you are are just a bunch of misogynist motherfuckers that take your male privilege somewhere else.
No uterus, no right to talk about it.
Understand me, motherfucker?
I'm listening to you.
No, I don't get it.
Freddie has no right.
Get the fuck out of my face now.
Your signs deserve to get fucked up.
All the cops, the cops go after her.
Anyways, I mean, she's actually a total victim.
I feel sorry for her.
Go ahead, take me.
Go ahead, take me.
Your male power.
It's globalist super males that engineered this whole deal.
They're taking on everybody else, you idiot.
Men and women are together under attack.
But it's okay, she'll say I'm stopping the racist.
The cop will probably come hang the guy by his feet or something.
I'm being sarcastic.
Oh my gosh, it is just so frightening to see creatures like that out there.
And... I'm not attacking her because of the way she looks.
Mexican train derails sending 1,300 migrants headed towards the U.S.
Oh my gosh!
One of the trains from Guatemala derailed, and I'm sure that's the fault of Don Johnson.
In fact, I bet Robert Rodriguez will make a movie where Don Johnson is not shooting pregnant Hispanic women, when it's really the cartels doing it.
No, no.
Mexico's failed because of white people.
They'll have Don Johnson, like Wally Coate with the detonator, plunging it and it blows up.
There you go, ladies and gentlemen.
Seriously, let's hope all these poor folks are okay.
But the trains, uh, has derailed.
Please print me that article.
We're gonna have to talk about that.
The trains are arriving each hour in Texas and California.
And the feds are there with the buses to bring them into your town.
You're gonna pay for it, racist.
Alex Jones here for InfoWars.com.
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Moe Enlabe, you can take my gun from my cold, dead hands.
General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential forfeiture situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks, I'm being assaulted!
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, I want to go over these headlines, and then I'm going to open the phones up for callers.
First-time callers on today's broadcast, a toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
800-259-9231, and we'll get you up and on the air.
Again, here are some of the headlines, some of the top stories.
I'll get into the other stacks I haven't covered yet.
Gun confiscation begins in New York.
That's on Infowars.com.
Door-to-door gun confiscation.
Defense Secretary Hagel says ISIS imminent threat to every stabilized country on earth.
Pentagon currently deciding how to respond to the new Islamic State that they created.
Doesn't mean they even run them.
They armed them and set them loose.
High-level NSA official.
The NSA has become J. Edgar Hoover on super steroids, spying on everything.
Blackmailing politicians, generals, judges, lawyers, and citizens.
That's what it's now all about.
You want to live in a third world country?
You do, officially.
Shock reports.
70 million people would be starving in the streets without government welfare programs.
That's again the false flag weapon, and they want even more.
The fundamental numbers, behind all the propaganda, tell a starkly different story.
I want to get to that and the new study that is out breaking that down.
Washington's arrogance will destroy its empire.
Washington reeks of the stench of evil.
Paul Craig Roberts' article.
That's the father of Reaganomics, former head of the Treasury.
Chinese purchases of U.S.
real estate jump 70% as the Bank of China facilitates money laundering.
American citizens already have a hard enough time affording a home.
UK Members of Parliament horrified by the government overriding Magna Carta by raiding private bank accounts without due process.
What happened in Cyprus is now beginning there.
Germany blesses bail-in deposit confiscation plan for failing EU banks.
We told you Cyprus was the test.
It's now starting in Germany and England.
Total, mega-level, red alert, zero hedge.
Up on InfoWars.com.
Crazed abortion advocate attacks peaceful pro-lifers.
I didn't know they were going to come out with Lord of the Rings Hobbit Part 3, the new smog movie, early, but they have, and this woman is directly out of that movie.
The video, unedited, is on Infowars.com.
Japan battered as tropical storm makes landfall.
Three dead as wrecked typhoon hits the island.
May affect Fukushima.
That is just some of the news, and in this report,
At a broadcast cable, journalists accuse White House of politically driven suppression of news.
Point to public information office controls of interviews.
Access being controlled at a level never seen in modern history.
Iraq tells UN terrorist group seized nuclear materials.
But it's ISIS so the UN says everything's okay.
British politicians are in a secret deal to allow mass surveillance of the public.
See, now that all the illegal spying's come out, they're doing secret laws to legalize it.
That's what criminals do.
To keep you safe from ISIS, of course, that they publicly fund, California proposes $500 a day fine for overwatering lawns, launch tattletale scams.
The video's up on InfoWars.com.
Alex Jones asks, is Michelle Obama a man?
And I'm actually just reporting on what Joan Rivers said, and looking at the fact that she's built like a linebacker, and, you know, if she was an Olympic athlete, they would order a blood test.
I mean, that's basically what I'm saying, and it's up on InfoWars.com.
So, that's just some of the InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com articles.
Let's move right along to some of the news we haven't gotten to yet.
Breaking in just the last few minutes.
Mexican train derails stranding 1,300 migrants headed towards the US.
The train is loaded in Guatemala and normally the government allows no one in who's illegal or you get six months to a year hard labor in prison.
But they allow you to get on the train if you don't get off.
And the Mexican military sells them meals and things on the way.
This is mainstream news.
They then arrive in McAllen, on the border, or they arrive by the border in San Diego, and they are disgorged.
This is one of dozens of trains, but it's known as the Beast.
A cargo train used by Mexicans and Central Americans to travel towards the U.S.
border, I mean they actually have official trains to do this, derailed in the southern Mexican state of Oaxacana today, or last night, stranding about, I guess today is the
The day it happened.
Since last October, more than 50,000, try about half a million, unaccompanied minors.
Oh look, Reuters uses the White House term.
The White House said you will use the term unaccompanied minors or children, and they did.
You use what, and again, 2 plus 2 equals 5, and you didn't build your business, and you can keep your doctor even though you can't.
You do what the Lord and Savior says.
So I like it.
Again, Jamie Foxx says he's Lord and Savior.
Since last October, you would have thought Christ came back today with all the highways shut down in Austin, letting little people know what trash they are.
Since last October, more than 50,000 unaccompanied minors, most from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, have been caught illegally crossing.
They've been advertised to come in.
99%, according to a leaked ICE memo, are made legal.
And then they're shipped deeper into the U.S.
in air-conditioned buses.
And the word is, if you can just get up there on the cargo train, and there's so many, they load the inside areas that are open, the open boxcars, they load the top, and then they have to hang on to the sides to get in.
Just so many piling on the trains so fast, tens of thousands a day.
Dozens of trains a day arrive, 1,300 per train.
I mean, look at some of those photos, just hundreds and thousands just piling in.
Free welfare, voter ID, driver's license, blah, blah, blah.
And again, they're just giant, poor, desperate, ignorant masses that don't know any better.
And I don't even blame them wanting to come here.
A lot of them amputees, diabetes, you name it, they can't be taken care of.
They're coming, they're coming, they're coming, they're coming.
And this is just the beginning.
But there's also gangs, MS-13, mules, narcotics traffickers, as the border completely collapses.
I mean, this just makes my head spin how epic this is.
Children say they're fleeing violence at home and hope they will be able to stay in the United States.
Several days of heavy rain in southern Mexico may have caused the train to derail, authorities said.
And AP and Reuters keep acting like no one knows why they're illegal or why they're showing up while Obama gives them weekly awards and says come on up and Biden says come on up and 99% it was 80% weren't being deported a few months ago 99% 99% 99 99 99 99 don't they have a song called 99 from the 60s?
And it just goes on and on.
I know they have a Misfits song that goes, we all want 38!
We all want 38!
We all want 38!
The point is, is that there's 700 plus million people down there.
The population is doubling every 23 years on average.
It is the conquering!
And the joke is, it's true!
You can say Europeans conquered things and built a lot of stuff.
Also engaged in atrocities.
The natives engaged in those as well.
I'm not excusing any of it.
It's just human activity.
And now we're this civilized, trendy culture that are taught, you know, how to wear unmatching socks and have big beards and be trendy all day and just 2 plus 2 equals 5.
And then now the Democrats are being paid to bring them into their houses.
It's a total racket!
A total implosion!
And you've got, by the way, I haven't even covered this yet, if you look it up, George Soros is behind the same Open Border Society that overthrew Ukraine, is behind this.
And I need to get our writers, if you just search George Soros behind immigrant wave, he's publicly behind it as usual.
You cannot get rid of him like cockroaches.
Or like the plague, or like death and taxes.
George Soros, when he was 14, 15, 16, 17, aided the Nazis in Romania and other areas, rounding up fellow Jews, and gave a 60 Minutes interview proud of it, so he gets ADL awards.
My grandfathers that fought the Nazis have been dead for a long time.
One of them for 10 years, one of them for more than 20.
They're dead in the ground, and George Soros, evergreen, has $10 billion plus, is tax-exempt, and is just overthrowing, funding Al-Qaeda groups, Arab Springs, Nazis overthrowing Ukraine, giant immigrant implosions, abortuaries, and he wants weed everywhere and legalize, so everybody's stoned out of their gourd.
Again, I'm against the drug war, but he's for legalization for the wrong reason.
And by the way, I've figured it out.
It's not legalization.
They make you waive your rights for medical marijuana and go into the social services, and it's even worse than it being illegal.
I mean, they just want a cut of it.
Soros admits responsibility for the coup and mass murder in Ukraine.
Go read the article.
He's proud of it, and of course, this human tick, this demon, this disease, this walking vampire,
There it is.
Soros and fellow billionaires for Open Borders lobbied GOP on amnesty last year.
But if you look at it, he is behind it all.
And Robert Rodriguez and their new race cult TV station.
And he's getting money from Obama under the table on that, the word is.
So, this is it.
We are being conquered, period, by absolute total criminal activity.
Look at this headline, Obama no interest in border photo op.
All he runs around getting money from rich Democrat billionaires that all have government contracts.
Democratic Rep says White House called me speaking out against the President saying he should be down on the border.
Pro-amnesty socialists flood Marietta City Hall.
Amnesty activists hold signs stating, Open the Borders, Freedom Socialist Party, and Immigrants Welcome Here.
Our reporters got video of this.
And ladies and gentlemen, they admit, no, we're going to flood the country and turn it socialist cloud and pivot.
So you're for cloud and pivot.
Yes, we are.
Yes, we're taking over.
They'll be in a FEMA camp soon enough.
Rise of the scum!
Rise of people that don't work!
Ruling everything!
And the SWAT teams and helicopters are ours!
America is ours!
You are now in the crosshairs.
The NSA and the FBI are treating you like a criminal and monitoring your every move.
Ron Paul said recently, the evidence of the totalitarian nature of this government is on display undeniably every day.
What's taking place right now is a coup and the destruction of the Constitution.
But a friend and patriot has discovered a loophole.
Find out about the NSA loophole before they shut it down at privacylockdown.com.
That's privacylockdown.com.
We the people grow cotton, weave fabric, engrave ink, embed strips and fibers to protect from counterfeit, then carting to a private bank, having it lent back at interest, forcing taxes to service debt.
This capitalism?
Or was Jefferson correct when stating a central bank issuing the public currency is a greater menace to the liberties of the people than a standing army?
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
The West is degenerating into a total tyranny.
The West is also not having children.
I don't care if it's Japan, Germany or the United States.
And the establishment has decided to tie the corporate globalism to giant immigrant movements in the third world that way outnumber what's left in the West as a way to politically totally dominate what's left of Western values.
It's that simple.
Quote Hispanics are having children, whites and blacks aren't.
So Hispanics have already basically inherited what's left of the West, if they want.
But the globalists don't want that.
But if you look at things from a racial perspective, the quote, Hispanics have won from the Robert Rodriguez race base.
And so that's why they go with it.
But they add, turn your guns in, have abortions, a world government, socialism, men are bad.
Why would Hispanics want to embrace something like that?
Well because it's dumbed down politically like everybody else and so it's kosher and acceptable to be racist if you're Hispanic and it's sold by the Spanish-speaking media so it's perfect that other Americans don't know what's going on and the Democrats are going back to their Klan policy that they left in the 60s of trying to get whites to be racist and be racially based.
Whites rejected it because of Christian movements mainly.
This is real sociology you're hearing.
The real history.
And so, the Democrats then went into race-based politics with minorities.
And now they've gotten the minority level up to majority, they go.
Part of being a minority is, you don't have a man in the house.
Part of being a minority is, you turn your guns in.
Part of being a minority is, you're on welfare.
That's how you beat what?
The whitey.
How do you beat a whitey if you're black?
Kill your baby.
So white people go to an abortuary and say, don't kill your black baby?
People come out and say, get out of here, racists, and attack them.
If you want to stick a suction needle in the back of a baby's head and suck its brains out, you'll be given literal awards.
You can go to Southern Poverty Law Center events, ADL events, Planned Parenthood events, they give each other awards at these things.
So, this is how it works.
Totally dumbed down, race-based system, total takeover of society.
A long segment's coming up.
When we come back, Eric, Mike, O.Z., Joe, Derek, and many others, we're going to go to all of you.
As you hear callers hang up, it's your chance to call in.
But finishing up with these headlines.
One of the dozens of trains that arrives every day derail the 1,300 illegal aliens from South America, Central America, allow to travel through Mexico to the U.S.
Again, Obama has no interest in border photo ops.
Pro-amnesty socialists.
This is the big article on Infowars.com that needs to go viral.
We have a video and photos.
Pro-amnesty socialists flood Marietta City Hall.
They only had one person there before who was pro-open border.
But now they've bused them in from L.A.
And it says immediate
Unconditional legalization.
And it has their phone number.
Immigrants, welcome here.
And then it just goes on.
I mean, it's literal communists who just want to sit around on their fat butts all day and just wreck countries.
And these immigrants from Central America have been primed to be communists.
And it's game over, folks!
Game over, man!
They cut the power!
Game over!
Can we pull that up, please, from aliens?
So, whatever.
You know, people that know how to produce and work will always be fine.
It's the middle class, the lower middle class, and the working class.
You're screwed.
And this is going to hurt nobody more than it's going to hurt Hispanic Americans, who are really the future of America.
And the globalists know that, and they want you under the wings of the New World Order.
Under the black wings of death and abortion, and you're going to be just like the black community now.
Let's put up unaccompanied illegals at the White House.
It's time Obama and Democrats take ownership of the problem.
Infowars.com, put that petition out.
Please go to Infowars.com and sign it.
Governor Rick Perry breaks promise not to shake Obama's hand during meeting.
Yeah, Perry always says the right thing and then does the wrong thing.
I wouldn't be surprised if him and Obama weren't going through the tunnel of love on those little paddle swans they have down on the lake down there.
Birds of a feather fly together.
They might have had Michael Obama there as well.
I'm sorry, I can't help it.
Obama's illegitimate son is Michael Obama.
Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen it.
Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.
The NSA is spying on everyone.
We'll launder so much money through these illegals, you chump Americans.
I'm a master gangster.
Now take your vaccines, drink your fluoride.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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It's Alex Jones!
Drudge has the most incredible photo of the death train, known as the Beast, with what looks like 5,000 or more illegals, not 1,300, coming into the United States.
And again, these death trains arrive, people die falling off of them, and I'm not laughing because they're dying, I'm laughing because this country is such a joke.
Let me hear Wylan Jennings for a minute.
It'll make me feel better.
Raise your flames and dice in her mind.
Just a touch of sadness.
Just a touch of sadness in her veins.
And thunder.
Thunder and lightning in her thighs.
And we're gonna ride.
Maybe I should just go to a music show.
Ride like the one-eyed jack of diamonds.
With the devil close behind.
I'm gonna go to your phone calls, that's enough of me.
Let me direct you though to Infowars.com.
Well first, let's just read those drudge headlines.
There's so many more coming out.
It's making my head spin at this point.
Death train derails in Mexico.
1,300 migrants headed towards U.S.
on one train alone.
Photos Obama laughs his way through border meeting.
Perry, I don't know if he heard me.
Houston Black Woman goes on epic rant about illegals.
We have that video coming up.
It's an awesome video.
I'll put that up for calls.
African-Americans confront immigrant supporters.
Amnesty disaster for black workers.
It's a disaster for Hispanic workers as well.
Except when you get a Spanish-speaking assembly line or restaurant or meatpacking.
When you go, it's on record.
It's taught in colleges now.
It's been going on so long.
Meatpacking restaurants, you name it.
If you don't speak Spanish, you can't work there.
Well, who does that hit?
It hits poor whites and poor blacks.
And that's just the way it is, folks.
So, get used to it.
And again, once America collapses, it's not going to help Central and South America that is in collapse right now.
Now, I noticed this this morning.
And Curt Nemo has documented it now at InfoWars.com.
We put the petition up at about 2 o'clock yesterday at the end of the show to have the illegals, and of course it's a joke petition to point out what a fraud this is, to Democratic Party leaders' houses, the White House and D.C.
have a Democratic Party with their billions of campaign contributions to pay for.
And we've had petitions that have gotten, again, a half million signatures to become national news that the White House has been forced to respond to.
We've had a bunch of them.
We hadn't done one in a while.
I get up this morning, about 6.37, I go in, there's one signatory, Alex Jones, when I set up the petition.
Biggs did one kind of like it, but I wanted to expand on it, so I did one with Kurt yesterday, and he wrote an article about it.
And I thought, man, I've never seen that happen before.
You usually get sign-ups immediately.
It wasn't until about an hour ago that they took the block off.
So, Alex Jones petition languages on White House website, inoperable for more than 12 hours.
That's a great headline, Kirby.
You might just say, White House blocks illegal alien petition or something.
Because, I mean, that's what they did.
And see, they know, they have algorithms.
If they block something right when it goes up, right when it goes on Facebook and Twitter, then people give up and leave.
So, even if they game this, we have to prove it's totally gamed with the petitions.
This is where they act like they're listening to you.
It has no effect anyways, except it publicly is a bully pulpit.
Go to InfoWars.com, go into the petition, and sign it.
Go into it and sign the petition.
That now has 496 signatures.
Does anyone believe that?
Does anyone believe that?
So, InfoWars.com, help us test this out.
Now before I go to your calls, I want to mention a few of the other headlines that are on the homepage of PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Ted Cruz, Democrats vote to ban books, repeal First Amendment,
That's what they're currently doing.
Do I get any apologies now that everything I said has come true?
It didn't come true, it was already there.
Don't people understand that?
A very important video I shot yesterday paralleling Obama to Nixon and the need for impeachment.
Obama must fall.
I put out my case that the Republicans need to be scared as well.
The system needs to be put in check.
Well, if we just let him be a big criminal, that'll make the Democrats unpopular.
No, it won't!
He'll ship 20 million illegal kids in who are 15 years old.
They'll be voting with fake IDs.
It's game over!
Game over, man!
That's what we're coming down to here.
And again, I warned you about Obamacare and the giant screw job that it is.
But people don't listen.
They're like, shut up, cracker head.
You just don't want people getting some free health care, you racist, lazy cracker butt.
I'm going to get me some free health care.
And yeah, they just watered down Medicare and Medicaid that was already there, down to almost nothing.
Do we have the clip of Obama where he said that he's intimately aware of everything going on on the border?
And that's actually true!
He's the one that basically ordered the whole thing open.
Let's go to that clip.
You know, Jeh Johnson has now visited, at my direction, the border five times.
He's going for a sixth.
Uh, this week.
To help order the standout?
He then comes back and reports to me extensively on everything that's taking place.
Uh, so there's nothing that is taking place down there that I am not intimately aware of and briefed on.
By the way, stop right there.
This isn't... When he goes places he changes his accent slightly and that's NLP type weird mumbo jumbo.
I don't think it's even real at that point.
That's like Hillary, when she goes to Kentucky, goes, How y'all doing down there?
Good to see you!
And then when she, literally, we can play the clip, then when she goes to New York, she's like, How you doing down here?
It's good to see you.
I talk like Bugs Bunny meets the Mafia.
We're doing real well.
Hey, hey, hey, Luigi over here.
What's going on, huh?
I mean, that's how fake it all is.
He might be an android.
In fact, I think he probably is actually a robot, and his wife is actually the Merman from He-Man.
I think it's official.
I'm being sarcastic, ladies and gentlemen.
Even though she didn't have to put on a Halloween costume, she is the Merman.
I wonder if she wears 6X underwear.
43,000 pairs of 6X underwear.
That's how many illegals are going to ship in.
They think they're going to have tens of thousands of people that you have to special order underwear for.
It's probably why the train derailed.
They put too many.
I'm sorry.
Folks, here's the deal.
Latin America is collapsing, and I'm just laughing, because all you idiot yuppies who can't get a job with all your fake, you know, garbage $300,000, $200,000 degrees that have been a fraud for 20 years, all you were taught in college was how to be brainwashed and be a liberal, trendy, mindless fascist who goes around henpecking everyone.
You're a joke!
You're a fraud!
You're a failure!
You're an idiot!
And only admitting that can turn this around, and we don't have long, dumb butt.
I'm talking to all of you out there that think you've arrived because you're part of a surly, peer-pressure gang mentality of snot-nosed behavior.
You people are jokes!
You've been promised you'll be the head of the new political class.
You're gonna be nothing!
I'm going to go back to your calls here, as I never have gone to the calls.
We're going to go to your calls here in just a moment, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm not going to be depressed about this, okay?
I tried to put the fire out as Rome burned, but if everybody wants to dance around and have fun, then more power to you.
But when this sucker goes belly up and you've got 101 million people that are on welfare, 70 plus million that would starve to death in a matter of weeks without it,
Game over.
Game over.
It is serious game over.
Can we just loop that for everybody?
Just loop it, please.
See, it's game over.
We can't even play game over here now, ladies and gentlemen.
We have a set of the loop.
I don't even care if it's a loop.
Just hit it over and over again.
I need to hear game over, game over, game over.
In fact, that could be the new American flag.
Game over.
And just everyone's an idiot but thinks they're a winner.
Game over, man.
Game over.
It's game over, man!
It's game over!
I love it!
All you fake government people think you're invincible.
You're nothing but a bunch of delusional narcissists imagining what big powerful winners you are when you're incredible failures and you know deep down you're a cowardly scum and everything you've got's gonna be sucked out of you by the criminal operation so you cower in fear to it.
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And again we have Infowarsstore.com with all the great books, videos, films, high quality water filters just kind of with promo code water.
All we can do is take control of our own lives, get prepared ourselves, and wake others up.
Because the whole world is going to go into crazy town from here on out.
And I've been telling you that for years, now it's here.
The beginning.
So, hey, at least we know what's going on, we're informed, and we're going to get to see the yuppies beg for mommy.
Which I don't get pleasure out of, except at one level.
Because the trendies and people, even though they've been brainwashed from birth, they've gone along with a lot of this, and they're not going to be smiling too much longer, are they?
So again, InfoWarsLive.com, InfoWarsShore.com, rated at 8, 2, 5, 3, 3, 1, 3, 9.
And with the iodine, with the super male, we have the super female that's getting even more rave reviews from women.
Women love the super male, but the super female, I'll tell you, it's good stuff.
I haven't been taking it, but I've been taking the super male.
I'm not wanting beer anymore either.
I just want this.
It's my little cocktail in the evening as well.
Super mail in the morning, super mail at the lunch time, super mail in the evening.
How's that song go?
Love you in the morning, love you in the evening, love you in the something time.
I don't know.
It doesn't matter.
Who knows?
This is the totally unencumbered, uninhibited Alex Jones.
I apologize.
Let's go to your phone calls.
Eric in Missouri!
Obama is intimately aware of his precious little zombie children coming up that will be rolled into the new super state.
What did you call about today, you evil person?
Alex, everything you just said was so racist, I just can't even believe it.
This is InfoWarrior calling from Missouri with some truth bombs for the public.
Everybody can look up Google.com and Google Costco, former CEO.
That's all you have to do.
And you'll get the backstory to this story.
No, no, no.
He ordered Dinesh D'Souza's book off the shelves, and I never even told this story.
I was trying to do a distributorship deal.
This is what the Democrats do.
About a year ago, and I was told in the meeting
We're never going to put your coffee on our store shelves because you've talked bad about Costco.
And I said, no, I haven't, I don't remember doing that, but, and they said the date and what I had said about the CEO and the magazine I read from Costco, the free magazine they give out, about how wonderful Obama is and how wonderful socialism is, and literally that's how controlled they are.
And that's the system they're going to have where you don't have a job unless you work for El Jefe.
I mean, that's pretty scary, isn't it?
It sure is.
Well, I emailed the current Costco CEO, and I'm not going to name him, because he actually replied to me.
I was shocked.
But I got their little PR release a few minutes ago, and it's basically a big, pathetic denial that they pulled it out of the car.
We stopped carrying his book because it didn't sell, even though it was a bestseller.
In the middle of it, it says Costco is not a bookstore.
Our bookshelf space is very limited.
We exercise discipline in the best utilization... We're actually psychopathic black-op commanders who put cancer viruses in the vaccine and our life extension program for the Alpha Centauri's launch is on schedule.
Oh, excuse me, I'm liberal.
Oh, give me everything or you're racist.
To political candidates or parties.
Left, center, right, or other, period.
Costco does not have a political action committee.
Meanwhile, Alex, the true info warriors, the guys with blood pounding through their eyeballs when they see this kind of bullcrap, the kind of people that- Racist!
Hold on, hold on.
Hold on, CJ wants to say something.
CJ said he went there and there was a giant pyramid of Hillary's book that isn't selling well, called I'm a Bloated Disease Maggot.
Go ahead.
Yeah, there was no copies of America, but Hillary's book was in a big old pile as big as Texas, untouched.
No fingerprints on the covers, nothing.
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh.
There's a group of trendies dancing around it, chanting.
You're kidding?
No, I'm kidding.
Oh, I'm sorry.
They were busy buying Albright.
Oh my gosh, anything else, Eric?
Yeah, I'll just say that as soon as I got the email, I just replied, Pathetic.
The guy wrote back.
Oh, thank you.
Sorry you feel that way and good luck.
No, he's like, sorry, G.I.
We just come in peace.
Lay down and take some shots.
Drink some water.
Feeling better now.
The glands are shutting down.
Your pancreatic cancer's going well.
We're liberals.
We're liberals.
We're not psychopathic eugenicists or anything.
I'm sorry, go ahead, sir.
I said, hey, forward my email to Jim Senegal, your former CEO, who at the Democratic National Convention Wednesday night, the co-founder and former CEO of Costco, plugged President Barack Obama's investment in education and affordable energy, as well as his immigration policies.
Barack Obama saved me!
Oh Barack Obama!
Thanks for raising taxes on poor people!
You're so nice!
Thanks for breaking all your promises!
I feel so trendy right now!
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Alex Jones here for InfoWars.com.
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Game over, man!
Game over!
Game over, man!
Game over!
Game over, man!
Game over!
Game over, man!
Game over!
Game over, man!
Game over!
That's what Obama thinks.
He thinks Americans are done, and they sure like to act like it.
Just like I told you, last year in Cyprus, they'd start taking everybody's bank accounts Europe-wide.
That's now beginning.
Germany and England.
The bureaucracy's doing it.
They don't care what the elected governments do.
Black ops squads are standing by.
This is a takeover.
George Soros is right up there at the top laughing the whole time.
And now they're going to collapse the whole Southwest and bring us into depression and pose as the saviors over that because they don't care.
And Obama doesn't care about being popular.
He cares about getting his job done.
We're going to your calls, but here's an article that was up on DrudgeReport.com.
It's from Infowars.com.
Texas town, no quarter for illegals.
They've passed a law saying they're not going to store them in government buildings there.
Well, the Justice Department says that's not allowed.
You will house them with your local tax money, and then the feds will give them the free welfare and the voting cards.
But here's one of the videos with Houston residents freaking out about what's happening.
Because Houston's probably already about 50% illegal.
20% Hispanic, 30% black, 10% white or something, I don't know.
Is that 110%?
I don't know.
Let's go ahead and something like that.
But let's go ahead and go to this clip.
These illegal immigrants don't have nowhere to go, so y'all gonna come over here to our neighborhood, open the stool up for them, really?
Is that right?
Now wait a minute.
Anybody think that's right?
To say Bernadette Lancelin is angry would be an understatement.
She's black though, she can't- I'm sorry that the parents are in poor living conditions or surroundings or whatever's going on out there.
I don't care.
Why does she support Don Johnson?
I care about what's going on right here in my own backyard, my neighborhood.
Lancelin says she's raised three children and six grandchildren in the Trinity Garden neighborhood around Terrell Middle School.
She made her feelings known as officials from FEMA, Health and Human Services, and the General Services Administration toured the building to determine whether it could be used as a temporary shelter for unaccompanied Central American children.
Then they're borrowing money to open it up.
Money that could be given to this school.
That's enough.
That's enough.
I said I got calls.
It's not fair.
It's not right.
Full video on InfoWars.com.
It's also on DrudgeReport.com.
There's a bunch of videos.
Listen, here's the deal, lady.
You paid your tax money for that school.
It isn't yours.
It's the North American Union's conference.
What's going to keep them from escaping here and just moving around?
They're going to be released, lady.
You didn't know that?
What's going to keep them behind these gates?
Security, really?
They can't even control the border.
Spoken like a true terrorist and a racist.
You say 2 plus 2 equals 4, you're a terrorist.
But there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
This is the total joke.
And notice the reporter calls them unaccompanied children.
Obama says, you will now call them unaccompanied children.
Everyone goes and salutes, yes sir!
I mean, you will not use the word bossy.
I will not use the word bossy.
I mean, it's a total joke.
Game over, man, it's game over.
Derek in Ohio, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yes, sir, go ahead.
Yes, I find it outrageous that abortion is somehow accepted as women's rights, and yet people who choose to home birth is condemned and the risk of CPS investigating them.
Well, because they don't want the kid born, but then if it's born, they want to take it away and get it in the hands of the state.
I mean, period.
Good parents are the number one target of CPS on record.
I mean, I see stories all the time where they know a kid's not getting fed, die, and they leave them there to die.
But if it's a good Christian family, SWAT teams are coming.
Anything else, sir?
Go ahead.
You've been holding.
Um, no, just, just really witnessing this moral decline in this country where people don't, so many people don't stand for anything.
Stay there, I'm gonna come back to you in one minute.
You're absolutely right, more calls coming up in the next hour.
It's more than moral decline.
The people are jellyfish.
They repeat what the national TV says, the local news repeats it.
I mean, they have a saying, two plus two equals five, folks.
This is a cult.
Alex Jones here for InfoWars.com.
In the month of July, we have got giant specials on everything at Madein1776.com.
The already discounted Made in 1776 t-shirts are only $17.76.
We have the new belt buckles that in only two weeks of sale are very close to selling out.
There's only 500 of each.
We're talking about Made in America, belt buckles, and nickel brass.
This is more than a summer blowout special.
This is a new declaration of independence.
But to expand the InfoWarb, we're offering the equivalent of more than
That's five months free right now when you get a membership at PrisonPlanet.tv for a limited time, only $39.95 a year.
That's more than five months free off the regular price.
Not just this July 4th weekend, but the entire month of July at MadeIn1776.com.
Molon Labe, you can take my gun from my cold, dead hands.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, I get really bummed out sometimes watching free society pouring to pieces, watching criminality grow.
Other times I get real cynical and sarcastic because I think about the morons that support all this corruption.
They have no idea what they're doing.
But the technocrats on top, dude, going back to Derrick in Ohio.
Yeah, Derrick, I mean, it is a moral decline.
And the big thing is the churches for 50 years have been state run.
The big churches, the Glitterbug churches.
The CIA, with the name it and claim it fake right-wing churches out of Texas that went nationwide in the 70s and 80s, teach this prosperity message, they break up families, you name it.
They're actually PSYOP officers, a lot of them.
That's actually come out in the news before.
But a lot of these big preachers in San Antonio and Houston are actually on the government payroll.
And if people didn't know that, you just search engine clergy response teams.
We broke it, but there's actually newscasts and it was declassified seven years ago.
In fact, not a lot of them, almost all of them are.
And they get off on power trips, they go to meetings, they have ranks, they salute.
The lower levels don't, they're just auxiliary spies.
And they're bringing the country down.
And that's why the Republicans won't do anything about the open border, because they're part of it as well.
There's a rebellion by the Tea Party to try to fix it, but that's why they're going to just DEFCON 1 and just lowering the border completely, putting out the call as dozens of trains a day with thousands arrive.
And they're going to bring them to every town and then create a whole crisis out of that, and then exploit those people as well.
So the poor people being brought in from the collapsed regimes are in the same boat as those of us here.
But it doesn't matter, they're still being used as a weapon.
It'd be kind of like in the Civil War, you know, you might be fighting your brother across the line.
Still, they're being ordered and commanded to do things that will bring the country down.
They are being politically programmed to vote to end the family, end the Second Amendment, end private property.
It's here.
They're going to take over.
And they're going to blow stuff up and blame it on the Tea Party and come after us.
I mean, that's what they're going to do.
Now, we've got the boldness to know the enemy's plan.
And it's so epic that we're aware of the enemy's operation, have accurately predicted their next moves, and now we can stop them.
But people every day see me on the street and they say, thank you, we're glad you're there for us.
Listen, brother, I'm here for me.
If you're going to be free, I'm going to be free.
Everything's connected.
And I'm doing this for the future and for justice.
And because I have fight and flight.
And I never really run.
I'm not very good at running.
I just tend to always go into fight.
And so I'm doing it for you too, but buddy, I'm doing it for all of us.
And I need you to get involved as well.
I don't care what it is, you better just get moving.
I mean, it's that simple.
This is a takeover.
And the globalists are organized, they got our tax money, and they've got their commanders in place.
I mean, Rodriguez is so arrogant on and off the air, where he admits he works for the government and will, you know, put out propaganda to open the borders and stuff.
He's probably got a rank as well.
I mean, they're trying to hire all the dentists I know, through my dad, to be in Homeland Security and spy on people, and not for terrorism.
I mean, this is a takeover, folks.
This is North Korea.
Derek, would you like to say anything about that, or you got anything else you'd like to comment on?
Well I'd like to say that my wife and I are having our first baby and we feel so blessed and we realize that there is nothing more important in our lives right now and I realize my time here...
It's only that.
It's not forever.
And we're only thinking of our children and our children's future and what kind of world that they're going to be brought up in and what's actually going to happen.
This is just so crucial and to see so many people that
They're not young people.
They're not interested in having families.
They're not interested in having children.
They just want to stay children themselves forever, it seems.
I'm not trying to generalize all people, of course, but it's really something that I notice, and God just help us all.
Well said, sir.
Very, very well said.
And just stick together.
I mean, they're trying to ban homeschooling in a whole bunch of states.
Saying you'll get a CPS visit.
I mean, it's just incredible.
Man, when I get home from work, all Betty does is watch her reality TV and then she goes to sleep.
I can take her on romantic dates, I get her flowers, you name it.
She's just not the woman I married.
Oh, Ralph, that's just awful.
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Okay, this is very tasty.
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Ladies and gentlemen, it's worse than I thought.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, Carmageddon was supposed to happen out in L.A.
a few years ago when they shut down one of the major highways for half a day to fix a bridge.
No, ladies and gentlemen, Carmageddon didn't happen.
In LA, it's happened here in Austin.
Obama has been here since yesterday and there has been non-stop traffic.
I-35 northbound, southbound blocked.
Southbound this morning, northbound now.
We had a guest that was gonna be coming into studio and then a landline and can't even probably come on air because they can't get out of downtown because Obama was there this morning.
The entire city is basically paralyzed with 20 miles of traffic backed up.
We have a local news report here where he's out in Manor from about an hour ago with it backed up 20 miles into Austin.
And by the way, this is right out by our office.
We gotta go shoot video of this.
20 miles of the traffic not moving.
Yeah, Alex, the b-roll that we're showing is
Traffic heading out of Boston towards Manor, a suburb that is nowhere near metropolitan area as far as any of his planned visits.
And look, the cops are all over.
I saw it this morning.
He'd already left town.
They were just randomly blocking mix masters and highways just as some act of power.
And that's what all of this is.
It's just a total domination of the American people.
Let's play the audio from some of that newscast.
And then I shot some video on my iPhone this morning of the traffic cams that they have
Where it just showed nothing moving on I-35 at 8 a.m.
through 9.30, southbound.
With them just blocking, waiting for him, and then when he goes through, like he's God, while he goes around fundraising.
And again, it gets worse and worse and worse, but he won't go to the border.
Let's go ahead and go to that report.
Welcome back to KXAN News at Noon.
We are taking a live picture of State Highway 71 and the Tollway 130 and the traffic back up there is a parking lot just outside of the airport near the Del Valle area.
We assume this is the direction of the presidential motorcade, President Obama.
And again, we've got a bunch of these videos.
We've got new ones.
We've got ones from when he was here a year ago, ladies and gentlemen.
But again, I want to show the ones that I shot on my iPhone today.
And again, we actually have video of that.
And again, they literally shut down the highways to do this.
Okay, let's go ahead now and go to Joe Biggs reporting from Marietta, Southern California with Kit Daniels on what transpired last night.
He got an interview.
The video's up on Infowars.com with the hundreds of quote socialists that arrived demanding open borders.
And again, we finally did get some shots up there showing the completely open highway for hours so that Obama could drive down.
And again, even after he was gone, even after he had left and wasn't even in the city anymore,
They still just kept it shut an hour later when I drove to work.
I think they should permanently just close the road because he drove on it.
I'm serious.
Like they should take the wives of Viking kings and their children and burn them on a ship with his body?
Why not blow the whole earth up just to honor Obama?
I'm serious.
How about some child sacrifice, like line the road with aborted babies?
And that's what they're into anyways.
I guess they already heat hospitals with dead babies' bodies and Pepsi's baby-flavored.
Why not?
See, the maximum satire I can come up with, they're involved in.
And then they have Democratic Party websites make fun of me for saying Caligula married his horse, and that elites become corrupt and decadent, knowing how ignorant their audience is, preying on the pseudo-fake bloated intellectuals who have five degrees and can't get jobs and are total failures and love it.
Okay, let's go ahead and go to Joe Biggs.
I'm in a crazed mood today, folks, because I'm just so sick of it all, trying to control myself here.
Trying to have gallows humor here as we watch the country hung until dead by the neck.
Hung by the neck until dead, or flayed alive, or...
Drawn and quartered.
I've had enough, I tell you.
Just having Obama and the globalists here in the city celebrating their destruction of Texas and America makes me want to throw up.
Joe Biggs reporting from Southern California.
What do you got for us?
All right, I'm Joe Biggs here in Marietta, California, in front of the Border Patrol station, where just seconds ago, federal agents were flying overhead in a helicopter, just watching these peaceful protesters.
They're circling around, trying to hassle us.
Meanwhile, behind me, over this way, Border Patrol agents have been coming up to everybody that steps outside of the free speech zones, and they kind of pushed them back in their place to make sure that they stay over there.
You know, this is complete tyranny at its best right now.
You know, they've given us a small area to stand in, and if you try to step outside of that, they threaten you to call the cops and all that.
What I saw last night was very interesting, though.
Pro-amnesty supporters calling themselves a freedom socialist party, you know, supporting Obama's socialist agenda.
Let's talk about the socialist Joe Biggs that you got an interview with.
Let's talk about that.
Yeah, they were all about leaving the borders completely open.
When I asked the lady, should we have borders?
She said, no.
It should just be one North American content completely.
We should just let everybody roam freely through and do whatever they want.
And then I asked her... Sure, Joe, we're going to have to abort this interview for a minute, uh, here, uh, because somebody's got a radio on, uh, or somebody's got another mic open there.
And so, uh, we'll move to another spot.
And then when we come back from break, uh, you can, uh,
I'm about to get kicked off right now.
This is going live.
Okay, good.
Well, let's talk to them then.
Okay, well, let's go ahead.
Oh, yeah, evil reporter terrorists aren't allowed to be in America, I guess.
Look at them.
Well, if you were an illegal alien, you'd be fine.
Go over and talk to them.
You want to come over?
Go talk to him.
Well, we'll talk.
No, that's fine, if you don't mind.
I'm Joe Biggs with InforWars.com.
How are you doing?
What's the problem?
I don't think there is a problem.
Well, I didn't know if there was something that you... Um, did the Border Patrol Agents mention anything about going inside these cones to you?
Um, yesterday the police came by, someone from your, uh, police department, and said that this was a public road and we could actually be over here.
I actually have that on tape.
Well, I'm asking you that because the Border Patrol Agents mentioned to me that they don't want you behind these cones.
I wasn't here yesterday, so I don't know.
But why are they allowed to be over this way?
I don't understand.
That's what I was saying.
Does Fox News pay them or something?
I don't know.
Let me talk to the Border Patrol guy, because obviously there's two.
Well, Fox has got to be paying them or something if they can be over here, because they're mainstream media and we can't be over there reporting for Americans.
Look, yeah, but I'm saying... No, exactly.
Fox News is allowed to be there, but the cop came over to try to run the enemy, you know, the independent press off.
And again, Joe, we're getting another audio feed from you.
It's not even background people talking.
And they told me yesterday, too, if I have a press pass, I could be over here.
Well, I mean, that's how this works.
It's whatever they say.
So, we're going to bust any legals, chip them in, we expose it, nobody gets in trouble, we're going to fund Al-Qaeda, we're going to ship narcotics in, we're going to launder drug money, we're going to buy armored vehicles, we're going to spy on you illegally, we're going to put microphones up all over the street corners and listen to you, we're going to take your money,
We're going to bankrupt the country.
We're going to ban your light bulbs.
We say your kids belong to us.
We say you didn't build your business.
We say Obamacare will lower your costs, even though it doubles it or triples it.
It's just a total system that's out of control.
And if they could get the cops to put us all in FEMA camps, they would.
The average cop's not even that bad.
But again, Joe, we're getting a double feed here.
That happens sometimes with lights.
It's not coming from there.
We have an internal mic set on.
We'll walk somewhere else and call you back.
I'm telling you this right now, I've personally spoken to them.
Somebody else's mic is going into yours, but you're not going wireless, are you?
Uh, yes, I'm wireless.
Yeah, we always go with a cord.
Number one rule is that we have a cord.
Wireless always does this.
It's a default position.
But I know you guys are new, you're doing a great job.
We're gonna go to cord, and then come back to you during the next break.
See folks, this is total transparency.
It's Mission Control.
I'm directing it.
You know, it's the whole deal.
I'm hearing the audio.
I'm having to figure out what's going on.
And so we'll figure that out and go to a corded mic.
Corded mic.
We ran into this down at the border last time in Texas.
But again, I could tell that was another broadcast.
But what it was, was Fox or somebody had them on in a channel.
Plus, they can jam those really easy.
So, I tell you, boy, there is no talk radio like this by any stretch of the imagination, I can tell you right now.
Also, I'll just talk about it during the break.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, I would have loved for all of you to really be able to hear what happened there with the cop, but we'll try to go back and talk to him again and see what's going on and see what's finding out, find out what we can.
Basically, they were like, you need to go ahead and move out of this area, but the corporate prostitutes could be there.
At least Fox News is there reporting on what's going on, period.
But again, we have the socialist video.
That is just absolutely essential up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
In fact, in order, we'll go to Oz, then we'll go to Ron, then we'll go to Stacey, Louis, and Tom.
And we will get to your calls.
And again, this is Dynamic Real Radio.
Some days it's a train wreck, because it's real.
Kind of like the train wrecked yesterday evening, coming up with 1,300, looked more like 5,000 in the photos I saw.
Men, women, children, you name it.
That we're not allowed to even call immigrants now, or migrants.
First, don't call them illegal aliens.
Then call them immigrants or migrants.
No, no, no.
They're all children.
They can be a 55-year-old, three-time murderer, convicted child molester.
You call them unaccompanied children, and the mainstream media jumps when they say do it.
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We're good to go.
Alright folks, that was deliberate jamming of our wireless signal.
That's why I don't like using wireless out at those events because they can get messed up and people can dial into them.
So we're going to get them hooked up with wires and go back to them coming up.
Right now, let's go to Oz in Georgia.
Oz, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling in.
Go ahead.
How are you Alex?
This is a red alert.
With your permission, I'd like to say a few words.
Yeah, you're on the air.
We don't really screen calls.
You're on the air right now.
All right, thank you.
Okay, well, the first thing I want to speak about is when Dinesh D'Souza said that Obama was really vindictive, he was not lying.
Obama is someone that if you were to do something to him, he's going to do it to you tenfold.
Now, I want to speak about the six American Islamist activists who work with the Obama administration that are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who enjoy strong influence over U.S.
That is what I want to speak about today.
Brother, listen, this is a phenomenon with the callers where everybody always says what they want to speak about.
You're on air now.
So, so, I'm not screening your call.
We're live right now.
Okay, then I want to know why nobody is doing anything about this.
One of their main compounds is in Houston, Texas.
And it is home to Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Al-Qaeda.
No, no, that's true.
They've got bases in California, Alabama, because the government runs Al-Qaeda.
It's all a joke.
It's all a scam.
Well, exactly, but we have these people, like Mohammed Ali Biari, who changed their accent up and sound just like a person from Houston, Texas, or from the South.
And I think this is the same thing that we see with Obama, where he's trying to change his accents to sound more Southern, more American.
I mean, he already has the cut-out family, cut-out wife.
No, I hear you.
I hear you.
You're making really great points.
And again, I mean, they're turning the whole Middle East and Africa over to the most radical, vicious extremists you can imagine, ISIS and Al-Qaeda, and then acting like they've got to take our rights away because it's happening.
It gets me so angry, I can hardly even do a radio show.
Alex, would you mind if I say one more thing?
Yeah, go ahead!
Okay, I really need to say this.
It seems like it's imaginary.
It seems like it's made up by the CIA, FBI, but the thing that's going on here is that a lot of the CIA, FBI, NSA, all these federal agencies, they're converting to Islam.
So not only are they hiring people from Hamas, people from these extremist groups,
And I can tell you who's doing this.
Janet Napolitano is hiring all these people.
Obama is hiring all these people.
And now they are enjoying influence over U.S.
Well, you know, I used to always hear that he was a secret Muslim and all that.
He went to Cairo and he spoke better Arabic, they said, than most Imams.
And I don't just sit there and hate Muslims just because they're Muslims.
There are super radical sects of it, and the globalists are the ones behind those, protecting them, arming them.
And he gave them the missiles, he gave them the weapons, he let them attack all these countries.
They tried to overthrow our ally, Egypt, and put the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda in charge.
And our media called them protesters and they were launching rockets at police stations and attacked the Egyptian military when they crushed them.
And then his brother is a Muslim, excuse me, his cousin Odinga, and Odinga got caught shipping all this money up to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and it's just a bunch of criminal groups and special interests
And it's true that there is a radical Islamic special interest group working with the Democratic Party.
And the Democrats, look what they're doing with LaRosa and Metsche.
It's just any group they can to leverage a takeover.
They'll work with Al-Qaeda, they'll work with big corporations, and the Republicans do it too.
This is just a criminal takeover.
Napoleon converted to Islam for a while.
And got a bunch of the folks to work with him.
I mean, this has happened before, and... Man, I just can't believe it.
I mean, it's... I have reached a point that... This is so serious, I try to not get angry on air.
So I try to be more cynical and make jokes out of this.
Because... It's either that or cry.
I mean, it's just... It's crazy!
It's crazy!
To then see Secret Service, when Obama's not even anywhere around, just driving around, bugging their eyes out at people in Austin, and acting rude to people.
Because that's their job!
Make us feel small!
Grab our genitals at the airport!
Treat us bad!
Tell us we're the terrorists!
I mean, they say Homeland Security is for gun owners, returning veterans, libertarians, conservatives.
And they mean it.
I mean, they're coming after us.
If you're Al Qaeda, you're okay.
If you have no job and you're from South America, come on in.
If you're a big banker, you're tax exempt.
We'll see if our guys got the audio fixed.
Doing a great job down there on the border.
Stay with us.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
The video is not that good for radio, but it's very powerful if you see the video.
It's in the featured news section of Infowars.com.
Pro-amnesty socialists flood Marietta City Hall.
Amnesty activists hold signs stating, Open the Borders, Freedom Socialist Party and Immigrants Welcome Here.
Again, to be voters who bring in pure socialism, aka Cloward and Piven.
And they admit that on tape.
So great job to Kit Daniels and Staff Sergeant...
Joe Biggs down there on the border in Marietta and they're coming back today or I guess in the morning and they've got a lot of HD footage that's now up on Infowars.com.
They're able to get more of it filed by the Nightly News 7 o'clock each night and again I thought it was just wireless chatter over the deal but it was actual broadcasting over the channel we were on out there
In Marietta.
So we've got him with a wired-in mic now.
There's a lot of bullhorning going on.
The police are there.
But Joe, I couldn't make it all out when you were talking to the senior police officer.
Was that a Marietta police officer or a county sheriff?
And it sounded to me like he said, get out of there.
But you said, hey, you know, you've got Fox News right there.
What are you saying?
Roger that.
It was a Murrieta Police Department officer.
And he came over and said, no, you can't be over here.
You're standing on the wrong side of the cones.
The Border Patrol asked you to leave.
But standing right behind me is Fox News.
I said, well, if Fox News can be over there, the mainstream media, the ones who don't even tell the truth, why can they be over there?
They must be paying off the Border Patrol.
They must be paying off the police.
I mean, just seconds ago after, I was told I couldn't be here.
A Fox News cameraman was standing right over here, outside of the cone area, where I was just told I could not be.
And the Border Patrol didn't even go over and say anything to him.
That's what's going on.
This is tyranny at its best.
Well, it's no longer the Border Patrol or ICE or Homeland Security.
It's the Department of Illegal Alien Importation.
And I'm seeing the photos and videos of these trains.
Most of these are adult men.
These are not children, but the media says you will call them unaccompanied children, and then all the prostitute media that works for the government, who's allowed to be there, but we aren't, they all dutifully do whatever the globalists tell them to do.
This is just amazing, Joe.
Yeah, it's crazy.
And last night, though, too, you know, with the whole, the pro-amnesty side, with the socialist flags flying and all that, they said everybody that was on our side over here, on the pro, you know, or the anti-illegal immigrant side, they were calling us all terrorists, bigots, that we were, uh...
Basically unwelcomed and we should not be out here doing this.
But they want the borders to be completely wide open and they just want to make one huge North American content with no borders whatsoever.
And by the way, that's the North American Union plan that Petraeus and Pelosi talked about.
We're still not going to be allowed into Mexico.
It's only we're open and then we've got to pay the bills.
You understand that?
Yes, I mean, what's going on out here is crazy.
But I mean, the positive side of this is, you know, we're standing out here waiting on a bus, a bus hasn't happened.
You know, what that tells me is a city like Murrieta stood up to the tyranny.
They stood up to the government said, no, you're not going to come in here.
And they scared these guys and they're not willing to come down here right now at all.
Well, it's amazing.
You know, that officer's body language was he didn't dislike you.
He was being ordered to come over and try to tell you to get out of that area because the quote Border Patrol wanted you to.
Yesterday the police department came over here directly in the spot where I'm standing and they said you can be here.
If you have press credentials you can be here and you can be across the street right over there where I was just standing.
They said that is a public area on the right side of the road.
The Border Patrol side is on the left side.
So the police department told us that.
So the Border Patrol, the government, is bullying the local police department and telling them how they can run their jurisdiction.
Well the truth is you should be able to be anywhere as long as it's not on private property and all those right-of-ways are public under common law.
First they say just get in these boxes, then phase two they say now get back in a smaller box, and finally they say leave.
They're training you to go under their control.
And again, I mean, if you want to, I think you should go over there and talk to them and say, is this public right-of-way?
Is this the county or city of Marietta?
Because I know the city has come out and said the feds aren't helping them.
They can't take all these illegals and the rest of it.
Well, I mean, right over here behind us was another area where they were allowing parking over here, and then they blocked it off and made
Yeah, well you do what you feel is best, but I personally would go and challenge it and walk around when they come over and flip out.
Committing federal crime.
We're here to expose this cover-up.
What do you expect us to do?
I notice Fox News is supposedly allowed to be on the other side of the street.
What do you want to do, Joe?
Okay, Joe Biggs.
I'm saying let's go do it.
Why not?
Oh, how dare an American walk where illegals are about to be bussed in.
Again, we're not against these kids.
I kind of agree with Glenn Beck that it is good to be nice to them, give them soccer balls, teddy bears, because they're leaving collapsed areas.
But they're being used as weaponized tools politically in the middle.
Do what?
You, sir.
That's fine.
Okay, how about you?
That's America right there.
Just walk on over there.
Okay, yeah, sure.
Please have somebody out here.
They're refusing to talk, they said they'll get someone else right now.
Where are they standing, Joe?
Where are they standing?
So why is it, I have a question, though.
Why could Fox News bring their cameras over here a minute ago for five minutes after I was told I couldn't be here?
Just walk up to them, Joe.
And not one of you guys walked over and told them to leave.
Close the distance before the cop gets there.
Do what?
I mean, that's not Mexico or Border Patrol, that's a county road.
I would just go talk to them.
That's a county road, that's all we were saying, is why was Fox News allowed to sit over there?
We were told we had to leave.
Well, no, why are citizens, period, why are citizens, period, treated like crap?
Tell them you want an air-conditioned bus to give you a ride back to Austin.
I want an air-conditioned box in there, I want some free food, can I get a healthcare?
I'm a veteran, I haven't been seen in five months.
Can you guys do anything for us, please?
That's right, he coughs up blood every day, but he can't get into the VA.
I can't get in the VA, but they're in there hanging out.
That's ridiculous.
Where does this country come to?
By the way, have they still canceled your VA check since you went on the base?
Yeah, I haven't gotten anything yet.
Okay, they're going to try to call the police again and do what they do because they're sheep.
Well, just listen.
That's a county road right there, right?
Go over and talk to them.
Yeah, it's a county road.
Go over and talk to them.
Again, live from Marietta, California with Joe Biggs.
This is not a public road.
Is this not a public road to walk on?
Yeah, we need to get the demonstrators over there to talk to everybody and just discuss this and not be put in smaller and smaller boxes.
Go talk to that border patrol.
Let's go find out what's going on.
That lady's talking to them.
Okay, but what's the problem though is what I don't understand.
I know, but that's a problem.
When you follow orders and you don't follow your heart, and you're not an American, and you don't go by that, then that's what tyranny takes over.
Ask him how long ago Obama ordered the stand-down.
Anybody can take orders.
Ask him how long ago Obama ordered the stand-down.
How long ago did Obama order the stand-down?
When did Obama order the stand-down?
No, no.
Talk to him.
Talk to him.
No, no.
Ask him if that's a county road or border patrol jurisdiction.
Can you hear him?
Go ahead.
They're only at the border.
They're just in a power grab, getting more parts of the country as an internal checkpoint.
Again, if you just joined us, our reporters are in Southern California in Marietta, and they're just... How far away are you from the border?
That's the fence right there, correct?
Oh, no, no, no.
We're pretty far away from the border.
This is maybe 120 miles.
Yeah, that's what I thought looking at the map, so I don't understand why the Border Patrol is there.
Well, they have a big fence.
If we have a fence across our border, it's racist.
But it's okay for them to have their fence.
It's okay for the White House to have a fence around that.
But wait a minute, wait a minute.
That's right.
I mean, they're dumping the people there in Marietta that's a ways from the border.
And then why is the Border Patrol there?
It just clicked.
Their Constitution-free zone is only 100 miles from the border.
I would go ask them, what are you doing away from the border stopping citizens from reporting on illegals being bused in?
They literally are the immigrant importation agency.
Why are you guys keeping us from doing our job to report on this?
All we're trying to do is get the facts.
Back out from Marietta so people can see the map.
This is unbelievable.
People don't, they don't care.
And the police are now pulling up.
There's two police SUVs coming.
Alright, we'll talk to them.
Ask them why the Border Patrol is 100 miles from the border telling you that the press can't walk around on the side of the road in a county.
Go up and see what they're talking about over there.
Let's go find out.
Go ask the cop what's going on.
It's alright, we have the right to record.
Sir, stay back behind us.
We have the right to record.
Stay back behind us.
But all I'm saying is there's been people walking over here and talking to you guys, so why can't we?
Because we're not on camera right now.
Stay back behind us.
Ask him why he's 100 miles from the border.
Why are you guys 100 miles from the border?
Is that a question you're asking us?
To protect illegals.
From my job.
It's called the First Amendment.
From Austin, Texas.
From InfoWars.com.
InfoWars.com is the first door of the border?
I don't understand what you're on about.
No, the thing is those people keep coming over and after you guys told us we had to move, Fox News moved their camera.
Listen, why is the Border Patrol 100 miles from the border shepherding illegals?
The police officers came over yesterday, that's all I was saying.
They're there to cover up a crime, bring that up.
Why is the Border Patrol 100 miles away... Impeding immigration!
Importing them!
You guys are impeding immigration!
We can't talk to the ICE at all, any ICE officials whatsoever.
You guys put him on burlap.
Tell him he's stonewalling while helping smuggle humans.
You guys are stonewalling while helping smuggle humans.
That guy has no jurisdiction.
Tell the cop to come over.
That guy, that Border Patrol is involved in treason.
Isn't this, isn't this public property over here?
Step back out of the roadway.
Go over to the sidewalk.
Go to the sidewalk.
The cops know it's all color law.
Go to the cops over there.
Go talk to that cop and ask why- Can I talk to you real quick, please, sir?
Look at this.
We're just trying to find out why yesterday we were told we could stand over here, and then today they're flipping out on us.
That's what we're trying to figure out.
We're just standing over here being nice- They can't control their property, sir.
I thought- We were told yesterday that- No, that's right away.
That is not their property.
Can you not put the camera on me?
God, they're all working for the system.
All the aid and abet shipping the illegals in.
It's not an interview, it's just a conversation.
Go to the sidewalk.
Go where they're at over there.
This is unbelievable.
And now they're wandering around.
Look at her, she's there aiding and abetting this.
Come on out of the public roadway, that way we can talk about it.
So we're just trying to figure out because we were given different information yesterday.
And that's what I've been trying to find out.
They just keep stonewalling me.
They won't answer my question.
Yesterday, an officer from your police, they came over here and stopped and talked to us and said, this was an open area.
You could be over here and sit down, have chairs and talk and interview and protest on this side of the road.
We have that on film.
Ask him why the Border Patrol's out of their jurisdiction harassing citizens.
Okay, why can't we be over here today when yesterday you said we could?
Well, I don't know what's changed.
So, all I'm asking you here today, while I'm here, is to please come out of the... Ask him why the Border Patrol... Of course.
...is policing citizens.
...private property rights or on the Border Patrol's area.
Why is the Border Patrol policing citizens?
That's your guys' job.
Why are the Border Patrol policing citizens?
Can I stand right here?
No, you're not.
You're violating our rights, lady.
But what I'm saying, why is Fox here?
Is Fox paying you guys?
Does Fox News pay all of you so they can use that?
Yeah, go over to Fox.
Go to the Fox satellite.
You're aiding and abetting the importation of illegals.
Go to the Fox satellite, that's fine.
We'll go to the Fox side, then.
We'll go over here with lamestream media.
No, no, not the other side.
Go where Fox is at with the satellite dish.
Because they'll have to make them move, too.
Again, folks, this is cops following criminal orders to violate the First Amendment to then aid and abet the fraud of bringing illegals over.
Yeah, exactly.
We're right here, outside the cones.
Now Fox will try to get you, if they follow the pattern, to have the cops throw you out of there as well.
Joe, I don't mean to be ranting here, but I mean, break down what just happened.
You're, you're, you're, you're... How many miles away from the border?
120 miles from the border.
And the Border Patrol is there to keep the press away from the illegals.
It's 10 times more guarded than our borders are.
Well, no, that's their job, is to guard the illegal transfer and the human trafficking.
It's government-sponsored human trafficking at its best.
Give us a report.
Talk about what just happened.
What happened was, is we walked and we stood and we're talking where we were told to yesterday by the local police.
And then Border Patrol came over and said, oh, you can't be here.
Well, that's not their jurisdiction.
This is the public property area.
This is the city's area right here.
Right away.
They're just trying to bully us around.
It's only a matter of seconds before the brown shirts will show up too, I'm sure.
Well yeah, and now the Border Patrol is fully converted to standing down on the border and then organizing bases inside the country to deploy illegals all over the nation.
I mean, everybody out here is watching this happen right now and filming because they see the tyranny happening right now.
They're seeing these puppets for the Obama administration just try to put a stranglehold on real Americans out here trying to speak the truth.
None of that altered
And I love how the cops are saying, just be nice, don't get upset, just basically you can't report because you're an American.
We're about to help the Border Patrol bring illegals in here, and you know, they're committing a major crime, so why are you upset?
You should just let us shove you out of here.
Yeah, I don't get why they... This is just crazy.
You know, it's... I can't believe what I'm seeing here right now.
You can't even come out here and talk on public property, and they have to, like, shuttle you off in some little small free speech zone box.
I bet they try to harass those patriots that have a, uh, Culpepper, don't tread on me flag.
I wouldn't doubt it.
They'll probably start running over and tackle him here at any minute.
Well, they're sitting over here, look at them, meeting over here, conspiring for what they're going to do next.
Well, I love how the cops walk up, not so much the woman, but the other guy walks over like, I can't believe you're filming me in a public place when all they do is film us and surveil us.
I can't believe you're concerned about the collapse of America and huge trains from Central and South America pouring in with criminals and you name it.
I can't believe you care.
How dare you, Joe?
Yeah, how dare me exercise my rights as an American?
Well, also, they were simply telling you don't block the road, which they'll try jurisdictionally to say you're blocking it and arrest you.
But you can go up to the edge of the sidewalk.
You can also use the road to go back and forth.
I would personally... Well, look down here.
Look at this.
All they said, this is a public area.
This road right here, this dirt, is public road.
Public access.
Yeah, it's a right of way.
It's a right of way.
It's a shoulder.
Now they're saying that that's border patrol property and we can no longer be there.
Yeah, that's a lie.
You can go to the maps, guaranteed it's not border patrol.
By the way, she said, don't you respect private property?
So now the feds call their land private property.
They want fences, they don't want to be surveilled, but they want to surveil us, because it is a government run by crooks, for crooks, by crooks, of the crooks.
We're going to go to break and come back to you.
Overdrive with calls.
We'll get to Ron in Hawaii, I promise.
We'll get to everybody else.
I mean, this is real radio.
I'm not putting on an act.
I'm angry.
This is sick.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
You have the globalists triggering a giant exodus of refugees from collapsing Latin America into the United States.
This is only the beginning.
And you can expect police and homeland security to bivouac hundreds of thousands per major city in your area as a new political force they control that will carry out political voting operations, rioting, you name it.
The Cubans were used for that in the 80s, very small numbers compared to this, in Florida for political control.
Because they brought in the dregs there as well when Castro dumped his criminals onto the United States.
And that's basically what's happening.
People that have disabilities, people that have criminal records, mothers that are poor with a bunch of kids.
It is party time and the cops are there.
How dare you be an American?
What the?
You're supposed to cower at home like that judge that went door-to-door in Dallas.
I don't know.
In the city, and the police, even though the mayor has said they don't want more of the illegals, and can't pay for it, $60 million already, in the last few years, the cops are taking the orders of the Border Patrol to not let you walk up and talk to them and stuff, because the prostitute media does what they're told, you don't.
Well, they're gonna make these people look like terrorists on their news websites.
They're gonna call them bigots and things like that.
That's pretty much what they usually always do.
But if you notice, since we've been here, look at all the amount of cops and stuff that have showed up.
When you're an American and you exercise your rights, they come out in full force.
I just think it's hilarious that we went over there and asked them a few questions, and now they brought out a couple of... Well, literally, the enemy showed up.
The enemy showed up.
Yeah, that's right.
When you're a liberty-loving American, you are a terrorist, an enemy to this government now.
They brought the K-9 units.
Yeah, they brought the K-9 units now.
Yeah, purely for intimidation.
Purely for intimidation to make sure they can commit those felonies and ship those illegals in as fast as they can.
Well, look at this.
Pan over here real quick.
Look at all these people over here.
I mean, does that look like people who are terrorists to you?
Everyone's sitting down waving American flags right now, having a good time, and they just don't want buses full of people coming into their town and making their city go bankrupt.
Well, it's undoubtedly.
Have you seen any, without saying names, any provocateurs trying to stir up trouble?
Oh yeah, there's one.
Well, listen, the issue here overall is that it's important that there not be any violence there.
It's important that we try to be as peaceful as possible, but we have to exercise
I'm still waiting for another helicopter to start flying over and having people rappel down right here in our location.
Well Joe, it's frustrating out there live on the street, but you've done an incredible job despite some technical issues.
You and Kit.
When are you guys coming back?
Tomorrow night.
All right, well, we're going to have more live reports with you.
Let's have a live report at like 1130, 30 minutes into the show central time tomorrow.
Get your reports filed.
Get those out to everybody that's out there.
And again, we just salute you and commend you and we'll be praying for you.
And it's just, I don't even think those cops are bad people, but
There they are aiding and abetting the Border Patrol that are so happy with their new job to follow orders to import people illegally while citizens are being treated like total slaves.
And it just proves Homeland Security, all of it, is about slavery and is about control.
More videos and articles from Kit Daniels and Joe Biggs at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I'm gonna do some overdrive now, back in one minute, going right to Ron in Hawaii and others.
Stay with us.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I apologize to the callers.
Just got stuck behind a bunch of important guests.
Ron in Hawaii, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alright, can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
I've been here since 1968.
I'm a born in the military, you know?
Army brat.
And these people are here in force.
Thousands of them.
And they got brand new SUVs, everything.
Then there's the other side, the gang guys.
They're everywhere.
And then all the cripples.
It's like, they just showed up.
Bam, the last two months.
So you're saying you're in Hawaii, and there's the gang contingents, the folks that we're sorry for but are disabled, and then kids are in Hawaii?
They've got brand new SUVs.
They can't even drive.
I ain't kidding.
I know.
I've been seeing that around Austin.
What do you think the cover is here?
We know there's money laundering, drug dealing, mules.
I mean, what else do you think is behind this total takeover?
They're trying to ruin us, just like you said.
I never had the internet before.
I knew it was bad, but I didn't know it was this bad, see?
And my daughter just hooked me up with this, and her show.
And I knew it was bad, but this is crazy.
And these people over here, they got bugs all over them.
I can see it crawling.
I don't even like to ride the bus no more.
People, the locals don't like riding the bus no more here.
There's thousands.
Man, it's crazy.
No, I hear you.
I mean, Latin America's poor and has a lot of bad things about it, but it's not that bad in many areas.
It's that they're sending the most, you know, absolutely destitute and
That's a poem about send me your poor, send me your unwashed or whatever.
But that's not really what's going on here.
I mean, that's not what built this country.
And it's Cloward and Piven.
That's why the socialists showed up in Marietta and said, we want Cloward and Piven.
We have the video.
I mean, they know what they're doing.
And it's just game over, man, game over!
If America doesn't turn the corner, and I see those Border Patrol, they're bossing citizens around to bring the illegals in.
Now the Border Patrol literally has been fully converted to butlers for the illegals.
And again, I'm not even demonizing the illegals themselves.
They're just a tool, a weapon.
But in the hands of the globalists, they are a weapon.
Stacey in California, thanks for holding.
Hi, how are you?
I'm all right.
Thanks for calling.
Thank you.
Yes, I am from Murrieta, and I have been out at the protest every day, mostly doing night shift, and since before the first buses arrived.
And I realize that you guys are having problems with the Border Patrol right now and the police department on the street there.
I'm on my way there after this phone call, but
Just know that when there's no cameras around, the Border Patrol agents and the police department are completely on our side.
They do nothing but thank us.
I know.
I know they know they're committing crimes.
I mean, I'm sorry.
The Border Patrol, I don't care if they know it's wrong.
It is a crime under federal law to sit... I mean, I can't send my kids randomly to some other country.
That's child endangerment.
And all I'm saying is...
But you're right, we don't want to turn this into an anti-Border Patrol, anti-police thing.
Go ahead.
What my point is, is that they have officially been placed on a gag order and they cannot speak to anyone about anything anymore because too much information has been getting out.
But they have told us and they have told their commanding officers that if they're told to march on us or arrest us, they will stand down.
Well, it's clear that that's what they've already decided.
That's why they keep backing off.
Usually the cops will just attack you.
But they realize they are so in the wrong here that people are just ready for something to kick off, which I do not want.
So, I agree with you.
I'm going to do some more overdrive, Stacey.
I want to hear more from you on the other side.
Then we're going to go to Louis.
Then we're going to go to Mike.
And Duke and Carolyn.
More Overdrive coming up.
Stay with us.
This is beyond radio.
I mean, this is so real, folks.
I just... I just am so angry.
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Fix bayonets.
We are now entering overdrive with your host, Alex Jones, broadcasting live from the front lines.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
I just try to do too much.
When I start getting in these whiny moves on air, it's because it just gives me a headache.
Because you see all the stuff the globalists are doing, all the crimes they're committing, how they're eroding our freedoms, how they're establishing open tyrannies against us, and shutting up homeland security for the American people while aiding Al-Qaeda.
And then I don't like having to sit here and, you know, cold-bloodedly say, we can't take all these illegals.
Because as humans, I feel sorry for them.
But it's a globalist plan to manipulate those feelings in me and to bring down the country.
And then I see the Border Patrol saying, get back, get back, so they can bring the buses in.
And I don't want to hate them or the cops that try to aggressively come over and say, get back, just because we're trying to be on the sidewalk.
And, you know, I know the police and the Border Patrol, because we've talked to them, are really freaked out about what's happening.
They know this means the country is collapsing.
You've got the head of the Bar Patrol Union, the deputy head, saying they're under a gag order, says no agents, securing border.
They were ordered to stand down three and a half months ago.
I mean, that is sin-sational!
And still, we can't get it out in the news, other than Infowars.com, DrudgeReport.com, OrlandDaily.com, maybe the WashingtonTimes.com.
And then when we reported, okay, New York Times goes, yeah, we're busting them all over the country.
And then now, they're building up so much in these cities, from Michigan to Texas, from California to New York, from Alabama to Washington State, that even Democrat cities are freaking out.
People are going, man, there's 10,000 kids here, and a bunch of men.
I mean, I went down to the hike and bike trail in the middle of nowhere, where there's never people, to take the dog.
Last weekend.
And I've been to Guatemala, and I have family that live there, so I have a lot of Guatemalan, you know, machete and Guatemalan bags and stuff, and I said, I said, I've seen that before.
And I walked over and talked to the people, and I said, you from Guatemala?
And they were like, see, Guatemala.
And it was like a grandma in the water with a tin can and like woven string fishing.
And they had bags.
And I saw where there'd been a fire and I was like, my God, there's people from Guatemala living on the hike and bike trail.
And again, I don't dislike them as people.
I have someone on my iPhone, actually.
But I realize this is an unlimited stream, a weapon.
Because they'll end up, after a while, getting on the welfare rolls, getting into the system, and politically doing whatever the Democratic Party tells them to do.
And this is the Republican Party helping kill the country.
If you don't get it, folks, you use a tin can with a string tied to it, and then you can roll it, see?
And that's a real... That's a rod and reel with just the can.
And again, this is a family of like five kids and grandma that fled Guatemala.
And I totally get why they want to be here.
But I guess they haven't paid the coyotes or whatever enough here in Austin that run the Democratic Party.
Because if you don't pay them a bunch of money, they'll beat you over the head with a baseball bat or kill you and bury you in their backyard.
I mean, they just dig them up everywhere with the Democratic Party people's houses and just get swept under the rug because they're really exploiting these people.
You want to be honest about it.
And then I kind of clicked this morning.
Maybe Glenn Beck's right.
Maybe we do bring him soccer balls and teddy bears.
But then, that takes the moral high ground away from the Democrats that are causing all this.
And then we point out, why is Latin America so corrupt?
Why can't they be helped?
And then point out what the Democrats are planning to do.
I mean, maybe I'm wrong to say that's just a sick ploy.
Or a stunt.
But UC professor says immigration influx is about re-education of society and a permanent subservient class.
And that's it.
Who are under government control so they're not independent.
Stacey, you're saying you live there in Marietta, you're about to get off work and go down there.
And you're saying you've talked to the Border Patrol and police down there.
We've talked to them too.
In other areas of Texas and ICE agents and emergency managers.
What you're saying is true.
But nevertheless, they're following the orders.
Again, we don't have long to stop this collapse.
I don't know how long we've got, but the trains are more full now.
There's more of them.
And Homeland Security is now the collapse system.
And this is clearly what Obama's planning to collapse the country, amongst other things.
There's no doubt the Socialists showed up with the Democratic Party and admitted that yesterday.
In Marietta, we have the video, and it's just mind-blowing.
It is mind-blowing.
And to see this happening, and to realize it's happening, and to realize it's not going to help the people once the U.S.
collapses, there'll be nowhere to run.
Anyways, Stacey, anything else?
Well, I just wanted to say that after Tuesday, when we had turned the buses around successfully, I did go down to San Diego because I heard that's where our buses were being diverted.
So I went to San Diego and I went to a few Border Patrol stations down there to try to find out where they were going, because I knew they're not being sent back to Texas.
But I had found out that they were, after being spread around all of San Diego County, they had been now collected into one particular facility in Chula Vista at 311 Athees Street.
They are being housed there, and this area is right on the border of Tijuana and San Diego.
It's a very dangerous neighborhood.
If you wave the American flag, it's like waving a target, so they know there will be no protest of anyone stopping buses from entering that facility.
However, the disease and contamination that is spreading and is rampant is why they've had to be condensed to one location.
Wow, and they're not letting congressmen into these facilities.
I mean, this is just so illegal.
Where's the child welfare?
I mean, they're taking homeschoolers' kids because they make nothing but A's, and then you've got these kids being exploited.
Can you imagine what they're doing to these kids?
Well, that's the other thing, is that after I followed them there, and after I was at Border Patrol, and I drove across, I was driving along the border looking and watching these people, I drove to ICE headquarters in downtown San Diego in Front Street.
And I sat out there by myself protesting, and as ICE agents came up to me and asked what I was doing there, some people, men in their mid-twenties, walked up and asked the ICE officers for directions to the trolley station.
And as the ICE officers were trying to give them directions, the men started laughing and saying, ah, we just got released, ha ha, we're so happy, in broken English.
And the ICE agents put their hand up and said, I can't talk to you, and turned around and walked away.
And I said, are you kidding me?
I said, why aren't you arresting them?
I said, you know what?
The trolley station is around the corner.
You take the southbound line all the way until it stops.
No, no, no.
I mean, they release them publicly.
You've got to tell that testimony.
Go out there and tell Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs and Kit Daniels.
Tell them everything that you just told us.
It's very powerful.
God bless you.
They're going to be out there all day and they come back tomorrow night.
Thank you, Stacey.
Lewis in South Carolina.
Go ahead.
Oh yes, Alex.
I wanted to say thanks for taking my call.
I wanted to speak directly regarding the problem with Rhode Island using DNA against
With school children.
That's right.
Now states like Rhode Island are passing laws that take DNA from everybody.
First they denied they were doing this with babies at birth.
Now they say in the bill it will re-legalize that.
Right, and I wanted to speak directly to your previous caller who's an expected parent.
Everyone out there who's an expected parent, they need to stand up to this and politely let me talk to the provider and tell them, I know, I understand the value of the Gut-Reef Test, the Heal-Prick Test that harvests this information.
It's a useful prophylactic to test for things like Tay-Pak and other congenital diseases.
I understand the value of it.
They say, make your intentions known.
They will not have this test on religious grounds.
They will turn this test down unless they get a written assertion to do this test in a private facility.
Yeah, that's right.
Because they'll say we're going to do blood tests, but it doesn't even really get done.
They send it to the health department and the feds.
I first, we first broke that a long time ago.
And now it's mainstream news that, oh, we got to get the blood again for our secret database.
And again, just government does whatever it wants.
And it wants to collapse the country.
That's what this is all a plan for.
And it's totally disgusting.
We're going to skip this network break and go to the bottom of the hour.
Mike in Toronto, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey Alex, how are you?
I'm just, sometimes I get exhausted.
It's just too crazy.
Listen, I just wanted to get your take on this and see what it means.
Basically, if you remember 14 years ago, there was the whole case with Elian Gonzalez.
One kid that was sent here, his mother died on the way over from Cuba, but he was sent here.
There was a custody case where his father wanted to bring him back to Cuba.
You just mentioned a while ago there are a thousand kids or thousands of kids that are being sent across the border.
And I'm just wondering how the government would react.
Oh yeah, the government grabbed him away from his family, sent him back, child welfare, SWAT teams, because they care.
The truth is, they don't care.
The globalists can care less.
In fact, they hate basically everybody but themselves.
It's just, it's just, they suspend whatever laws they want, whenever they want.
And again, they're encouraging the whole thing and busing them in.
It's all planned.
How would they possibly know what the status of every child is if they're just busting them and can't process them and let them go?
No, no, I hear you.
Listen, it's a plan by design.
On record.
I appreciate your call.
Duke in Oklahoma, thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
Well, you know, Merrick Fallon is allowing 1,100 of them, they say, you know, here in Oklahoma.
And, you know, that's just a door open is all that is.
By the way, that's a total psy-op.
They always say in the first announcement, oh, there'll be 1,100 at this school.
That's 10,000 per town when they're done, OK?
It's to collapse the country.
And so, again, there's already, they say it's 5 million illegals, it's 30 million.
I mean, that's a conservative number that are already here.
I mean, it's always 10, 20, 30 times what they say.
Same time, they're shutting down, starting to shut down roadways, and they're doing a lot more bags where they'll just shut the road down if they see a couple backpacks or something like that.
And they'll shut the road down.
They're getting people ready for something.
Yeah, we need to be talking about what they're going to do when the collapse accelerates.
That's what we should be focusing on.
What comes next?
The waves are getting bigger.
How big will they get?
Because there's a depression all over the Caribbean and Central and South America.
Mexico has failed.
I mean, that's a fact.
And now the federal government has decided to allow collapsing countries to collapse into ours, which is an act of political war.
I mean, refugees can wreck a country.
That's well known.
And they have done this now, and... I mean, this is just over the top.
And then if you don't accept the collapse, Robert Rodriguez and Obama will say you're a racist, pushing race war.
And then when the collapse happens, and the welfare checks don't get there, or the dollar's devalued and it won't buy enough, the entire country's gonna burn.
And that's the plan.
And then, they'll say, we're gonna restore order, and just like out here, the cops will come after anybody that didn't like it.
I mean, that's the plan.
That's pretty much it.
I know you are too, brother.
So, let's just keep fighting.
Well, what else do you think they're gonna pull?
Because this is important.
We should be discussing it.
Well, you know, their preparedness right now, if you just look around at what they're doing, you can kind of get an idea, a glimpse of what they're trying to set up or stage.
And you can watch the news all you want, or you can pay attention to what's going on in your town, but it's great that we're all connected.
We're able to talk to each other by using your program to communicate these things and get them out there.
We should have had more cameras down there in California whenever they went up to Biggs.
We should have had three or four other people videotaping those camera guys.
That way we can expose this stuff for what it really is.
We've got to have backup.
I hear you.
God bless you.
I mean, I'm reading the headlines at InfoWars.com and DrugsReport.com, El Paso Times.
Another plane lands in El Paso carrying more undocumented immigrants.
The official who spoke on the background said the Border Patrol has been getting family groups and processing them before turning them over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement, who then ships them deeper into the U.S.
I mean, the word's out.
You get here, you're legal.
But me, as a citizen, I can hardly get back in the country.
Death train derails in Mexico.
Magazine reports, amnesty disaster for black workers.
It's a disaster for everybody.
Administration turns to churches to avoid clashes.
Volunteers work to identify bodies of dead children.
Muslim prayer rug found on Arizona border.
More military bases asked to open facilities.
Homeland closing roads to keep reporters out.
I mean, this is just, this is just insane.
And then you go to Infowars.com, they just posted a bunch of amazing videos with the headline, Special Report, Protestors Arrive Outside Border Patrol Station in Marietta.
I mean, this has been going on for weeks.
More people are arriving.
I think I'm going to change the headline to, uh...
You know, to one of these other issues, I'm going to watch some of these videos and change that headline, because it's a whole bunch of videos boiling all this down.
And so, I think the headline should be, Border Patrol operates outside their jurisdiction, tries to keep reporters away from buses.
I mean, Border Patrol tries to keep press away from buses in Marietta.
You know, that's it.
There's your headline.
So, that's a very important article up on InfoWars.com.
That's just some of the news we've got up there.
Caroline in New York, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex, good to talk to you.
I'm up here in upstate New York and I called my congressman, who is Tom Reed, and this little trendy answered the phone like always.
And I said, well, how many unaccompanied illegal aliens are being shipped into New York?
And he didn't know.
And I'm like, well, what are you answering the phone for if you don't know how many are being shipped in here?
So I'm being given the runaround.
Every time I call his office to ask him a question, it's just a runaround.
They don't know how many, and I said, well, what are you doing about it?
And they said, oh, well, we're looking into it.
It's just crazy!
And remember, though, they have federally funded checkpoints where they take blood without warrants now, intimidating people, and surveillance and cameras everywhere.
We just had a checkpoint the other week.
I was driving to work and there was a sign on the side of the road that said, slow down checkpoint.
I mean, it was early in the morning, so it wasn't set up yet.
And I'm thinking, what the heck is this all about?
So, I mean, it's, it's just crazy up here.
We have so much, so many drug addicts and people on Medicare and disability.
They just shut down the, you know, they want to shut down our, um,
Handicapped workshop and just release all these people onto the street with nowhere to go.
Oh yeah, that's it.
They're getting rid of the mental health.
They're getting rid of the workshops for poor people.
They're cutting all the social networks that would help black, white, Hispanic, poor people and just dumping more in.
This is the planned collapse.
The question is, what are they planning to pull during it?
I mean, I am so on the edge of my seat right now because we're not going to have to wait to see what's going to happen now.
It's all about to get crazy.
I told him too.
I said, look up Cloward and Piven.
I said, you'll learn a lot.
I said, and this is, this is a controlled collapse and it's going to lower wages here.
I said, and also your future is doomed.
I said, these illegal aliens are being given in-state tuition, any state they want to go to school in.
I said, how about you?
Are you being given in-state tuition?
No, you're being made a debt slave.
And these guys get a free ride.
Again, they're being used because they're so pliable.
They will do whatever the government tells them, aka the Democratic Party, and they only need a few more percentage points to ban guns in Texas and in New York and California.
In fact, California's already got the votes, New York hasn't, and they're taking the guns.
And so that's why they're doing it.
I mean, this is to turn the whole country blue.
The Republican leadership's going along with it, and, I mean, it's on.
I appreciate your call.
Great points, Caroline in New York.
Thanks for holding.
Look at this InfoWars.com posted article by Max Labo.
You know what, at the fan report, shock report, 70 million people would be starving in the streets without government welfare programs.
The fundamental numbers behind all the propaganda tell a starkly different story.
101 million are on welfare, 70 plus million are on total welfare.
That's a weapon.
Because these aren't just like cows you quit feeding and they jump the fence and go somewhere else or die.
These are human beings that will burn, destroy, kill.
But they won't have to do that.
They just gotta politically get in line and they'll get their freebies.
I mean, it's a total plan.
You wonder how America will be conquered?
This is it.
And it's not 20 years from now like they said 20 years ago.
It's now.
It's just about to start.
As I keep telling you, it's gonna get crazier and crazier and crazier.
And all of you that have played along with it are literally digging your own graves.
Last caller I have time for, I apologize to the others.
Ray in Florida, you're on the air.
You'll be on Tail Gunner.
Tail Gunner, I like that.
Am I on now?
You are, brother.
Okay, good.
I wanted to talk to you about the chemtrails.
I was working on a roof recently and I'm seeing them spray usually populated areas.
Am I correct in saying that?
Well, they're doing atmospheric manipulations in a lot of them.
They've also got lower sprays.
We don't know.
There's a lot of declassified stuff.
It's a giant program.
We're not sure what's going on.
Okay, well, usually classified materials are nine times out of ten weapons-based.
So, I stumbled on Mazer technology recently on the internet with, you know, World War II when they were practicing on the Japanese POWs and microwaving them to death.
And I noticed that they had said something, if they can get something inside your body and... Oh yeah, no, I mean that's a big part of the aluminum dioxide and other barium salts and things is to resonate with the maser technology and slow fry you so they can actuary out when you'll die.
Oh yeah, that's a big part of the frequency pollution program we're under.
Yeah, so I was looking at my microwave door and I noticed that the microwave door, if you can go ahead and get something to stop the maser technology from getting to your body, is it possible to stop?
The, uh, the Nasr, uh, technology... Well, sir, I just think you should drink fluoride, take all the shots, and eat the GMO, and corn syrup, and just worship government.
I mean, don't be extreme, and don't say the word bossy.
Michelle Obama said not to, and she's the boss, okay?
Alright, that's not bossy for her to say don't be bossy.
I mean, it's totally normal.
Great job to the crew.
I want to thank all our affiliates.
Pray for an awakening.
We've already hit the rocks.
Now will we break up?
Alex Jones here for InfoWars.com