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Name: 20140619_Thu_Alex
Air Date: June 19, 2014
2577 lines.

In this broadcast, Alex Jones discusses the mass migration of immigrants into the United States, claiming that over 90% are provided with tickets and accommodations by the Border Patrol. He argues that these immigrants will become wards of the state for generations, leading to an increased burden on American taxpayers. He also talks about a chemical spill contaminating water supplies in West Virginia, air pollution and its effects on health, censorship of his show, InfoWars.com, and PrisonPlanet.com being blocked by the U.S. military at terminals and computers across the world, and various products available at InfoWarsLife.com. The text presents a critical perspective on current issues and promotes specific solutions and actions to address them.

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Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Oh man, I've been sitting here ready to go live, but as we were going live,
I was just fumbling through all these stacks of incredible news, trying to think, what is the top story?
What is most important?
And I really come to the same conclusion every time I have that thought.
It's the entire mass of news together that really shows us how truly insane society and civilization is going.
Here's one thing.
I thought it was pretty incredible yesterday when we broke the story with the video from McAllen, Texas on the Mexican border.
But the head of emergency management said that over 90% of the illegals that show up bust in by the Border Patrol to McAllen to be staged at churches, already have tickets provided to them to go wherever they want in the United States, quote, in the interior.
And that nothing is being done.
They're just being paid to get into the U.S.
When they could take them in a bus and drive them back over and throw them back into Mexico, they don't even do that.
They drive them into the U.S.
and that video is up on Infowars.com.
No one picked it up.
No one covered it.
As of my search, about an hour before broadcast time today, and then I had missed it in the stack as I was going through it.
Caught red-handed, Border Patrol paying to ship illegals deeper into the U.S.
The Daily Mail that I know follows Infoworks.com closely and they actually give us credit a lot of times.
I got to give them credit.
Every week or so they give us credit for stories we've broken.
I was reading through this one and didn't see us credited but
They broke this yesterday evening.
We broke this really in the evening before yesterday, but I broke it big time here on the air.
And I'm not into who breaks things first.
It's just, I'm trying to get this story out.
So it's interesting to track it and learn how the media works.
Hundreds of illegal immigrant children are being handed to relatives who are in the U.S.
illegally too.
Well yeah, that's what the DREAM Act does.
As HHS admits, it makes no effort to find out their immigration status.
Now when they say handed to, you mean paid to get to, whether it's Chicago, Illinois or Austin, Texas.
Whether it's Seattle, Washington or Minneapolis, St.
Paul, Minnesota.
So, at least the Daily Mail covered it.
And they made some phone calls and talked to all the human services people who admitted that's going on.
They don't even try to check that they have, quote, verified sponsors.
It's just, you get here, you're legal, the government's going to pay for it, and then you're going to get put on welfare as soon as you get to the, quote, immigrant, illegal immigrant family.
And then they bring in the next wave.
I mean, this is...
This is mind-boggling, and folks, when you look at who's coming here, it is the poorest of the slums of Mexico, of Guatemala, of Nicaragua, El Salvador, Paraguay, Uruguay, Honduras, Belize,
The Caribbean nations, by the way, the Caribbean, you can look this up, has descended into total bedlam the last few years.
Most areas are just war zones now.
The Bahamas is the most dangerous place other than Mexico.
People still go there constantly.
But the issue here is that the United States in these pockets
Areas of Arizona, you name it, are becoming lawless as well.
And you look at the truly poor, destitute people with no education.
I mean, they're going to be wards of the state for generations now.
You think government's taking the black community and wrecked people?
My God, they're going to have a heyday with the poorest people in Latin America who will never work another day in their lives now.
They're going directly on the Democratic Party's mammoth land, which is your money, to the Dutch.
A chemical spill contaminating the water supply in nine West Virginia counties.
This year alone, over 300,000 people in West Virginia had their drinking water contaminated.
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It's forced medical treatment without the consent of residents.
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From the water table, to our soils, to the atmosphere itself, our world is becoming more and more toxic each and every day.
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There are more than 42 million smokers in the United States.
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I began to get into iodine a few years ago because it was helping me and my family so much get healthy and detoxify.
Most people know that iodine deficiency has been a crisis around the world.
Iodine is key to so many of the body's functions, especially the thyroid.
I discovered a product being developed by Dr. Group.
You now know it as Survival Shield True Nascent Iodine that your body can really absorb.
Then, about a year ago, he said, listen, if you think this is powerful, I'm going to come out with rare earth, deep earth crystals.
And the results that I personally have had have been life-changing.
Nobody else has got iodine based on these pure crystals, ladies and gentlemen.
This is innovating.
And the best part is it helps fund InfoWars.com, the radio show, the TV show, the whole media operation promoting true libertarian ideas.
For a limited time, experience the ancient power of Survival Shield X2.
Take advantage of this unprecedented 30% off super detox special at InfoWarsLive.com.
We're good.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this worldwide transmission.
Thursday, the 19th day already of June 2014.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
The news websites are PrisonPlanet.com and of course InfoWars.com.
The U.S.
military officially throughout the Pentagon, and the letters are flooding us by the hundreds with photocopies and digital photos that the military personnel are taking for us, are stamping for us.
We've been hit by a tsunami of documentation that at military terminals and computers across the world, InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are being blocked.
That's why we have Facebook, that's why we have Twitter, that's why we have YouTube and a bunch of other platforms because it's a whack-a-mole type situation for years where we get censored at libraries, at colleges, you name it.
We are listed as hate and violence as well as racism and we're seeing censorship happen to InfoWars not just on the internet but concerted efforts
They do absolutely nothing, by the way, of calling up our AM and FM affiliates with Democratic Party seminar callers.
They're trained in seminars to call up and threaten them that they better take my show off the air.
And several affiliates, I'm going to get some of them on as guests to talk about it, have just said, you know what, we have him on at night rebroadcast, we're just going to go ahead and put him on live.
How's that sound?
Because we listen to Alex and we know he's not preaching hate or racism or violence.
On the opposite, it's you people trying to destroy free speech in this country.
And if you can shut Alex Jones off the air, you can shut everybody off the air.
So, we're getting a lot of new affiliates all over the United States right now.
The system is upset by that and they don't like it.
And by the way, the biggest boost we ever got
On the roadmap to Infowars growing and reaching more and more people was when I put out Police State 2000 in 1999 and authorized folks to make copies of the VHS and the DVD.
It was a bestseller for me at the time.
It allowed me to hire some crew members, build a better studio and a lot of stuff.
That film became a hit.
That the Marines, who featured largely in the film, running checkpoints, preparing for urban warfare, gun confiscation, the Marines were upset by the fact that they were being trained for gun confiscation.
They watched the film.
It caused a huge debate and the Marines were told, in briefings all over the United States, came down from Clinton, came down from the high brass, do not watch Alex Jones, do not listen to him.
Well, most of them didn't know who I was, so it made that film a super, hot, cause-celeb documentary that was passed out on military basis.
Then it became popular in the Army.
They would run the Marines, run the Army, give them PT duty, write them up, you name it, chew them out.
Some commanders would call them in and say, you know, I trust you guys.
This is America.
It's the First Amendment.
We shouldn't be training to confiscate guns.
I want you to watch this film.
So their attempt to do that totally backfired.
And that's what's happening here.
And I saw some of the comments on Infowars.com by the hired paid trolls on record.
It's on record they have literally sock puppets is what they call these computer programs that a person loads in the responses but then the sock puppets go out and auto post with bots to the comment sections.
And they basically caused the Streisand Effect before the Streisand Effect was even known to exist in 2003.
The Streisand Effect is a phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, using... facilitated by the Internet.
...usually facilitated.
It's named after American entertainer Barbra Streisand, who attempted in 2003, four years after this happened to me, to suppress photographs of her residence in Malibu, California, inadvertently generating further publicity.
Similar attempts have been made, for example, in cease and desist letters to suppress...
Numbers, files and websites.
Instead of being suppressed, the information receives extensive publicity and media extensions such as videos and spoof songs often being widely mirrored across the internet or distributed on file sharing networks.
Now the system is not stupid up at the top.
But they have an authoritarian streak to want to just shut me up.
And shut you up.
The problem is, we're so prolific, and we're on so many platforms, growing under the censorship.
See, when they would hack and attack one website or ban it, I would just start four or five.
Remember, I used to have all those other websites.
Infowars.net, still up.
We don't really update.
We're going to do something big with it soon.
Because they were always hitting my sites and attacking them, every time we were attacked or censored, we would launch a new website.
That was a primitive form of social network, or a primitive form of distributing yourself.
As the MySpace and Facebooks came along, we multi-distributed over to those.
But we're going to launch more shopping carts.
We're going to launch more websites.
We're going to subscribe into more podcast services for you.
Roku, Boxee, we're already on that for years.
PrisonPlanet.tv is our own video audio platform to fight censorship.
Just like in studies, if a plant
Doesn't get wind, doesn't get rain, just gets barely watered, it's weak.
But if it grows under rain and under sleet and under wind, if it survives, it's stronger.
And that's the same thing happening here today.
We expect to be attacked.
We expect to then each time analyze what the establishment's doing and then grow stronger against that.
To use an alien analogy, like the new movie that I think is pretty good and I should do a review of, Edge of Tomorrow, where the aliens that invade control time, and so they just continue to reset the day over and over again, so that the humans can't defeat them.
But as soon as the humans discover that, well, they start time-traveling as well.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
I'm not going to give the plot completely away.
But the globalists use supercomputers and their systems of control to not reset the day, but always relaunch.
It's kind of like every major city votes down light rail boondoggle scams 5, 10, 15 times.
They just keep coming back, keep coming back till they finally get it.
Or just do it without a vote.
See, we win victories all the time, but then think, oh, I'm not going to go fight it again.
The whole war is about realizing that you've got to continue to engage over and over and over and over again, and that's what makes you stronger each time.
It's called the animating contest of liberty, aka, to quote Thomas Jefferson.
So, you're not animated when you don't care about anybody or yourself or geopolitics or the world.
You're one of these statistically in studies, totally unhappy, self-centered, narcissistic bots that isn't even human, that just runs around regurgitating what mainstream media dumped into their head.
I mean, we all know these people that are fad-driven.
They literally aren't real people.
They just regurgitate television.
Mainstream garbage.
They're unsuccessful, pathetic people.
No one wants to be around them, except other trendies who all just sit around insecurely, bleeding like parrots.
So, you can go see the letters issued to the military, access denied, NetWarCom policy, Department of Defense, issued yesterday, InfoWars.com banned, and you are not to visit it.
Now, the only way this will work is if they censor us and others and no one comes to our aid and there isn't a Streisand effect, and then it sets the precedent they'll start censoring everybody.
So we hang together or we hang separate.
But people are getting upset about this.
Blue Coat, this is separate from Blue Coat, big billion dollar private NSA tech firm that sells spy technology to companies basically to spy on their employees and others.
They have limitedly removed us from most of the public databases, but still have us in the governmental databases.
But this is separately a Pentagon directive that you can't get to InfoWars.com.
But the machines and the people that set this up are so lazy and so dumb, they haven't hit our mirror, PrisonPlanet.com.
And the fact is, literally, no exaggeration,
Let's not exaggerate.
Tens of thousands of websites and blogs a day repost our articles.
In fact, that's not even accurate.
We have articles on Facebook alone that get reposted probably 50,000 times a day.
So, I guess it is hundreds of thousands of times a day each article gets redistributed.
So, we're kind of ahead of the curve from your enemy operations hitting us so long ago.
We kind of already made the jumps and are at another level.
And we know you'll get more sophisticated, but that's the whole point.
We're aware of the attack.
You're human just like us.
We're human just like you, but we love liberty.
Liberty's sexy.
People want it.
I want it.
We're selling snow cones in hell.
You're selling, you know, Tabasco to be shot up people's noses.
Nobody wants your tyranny.
We're selling Marilyn Monroe, you're selling Janet Reno.
Who do the guys want?
Marilyn Monroe.
Bedtime eyes.
Whole nine yards.
What are you selling?
A giant, child-molesting, ugly, goblin-like demon.
People are going to choose Marilyn Monroe, not the child-molesting goblin demon.
Oh, you didn't know Janet Reno was a child-molester?
She got caught with kids.
She was a prostitute.
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Alright, I mentioned how we're being censored.
And folks who try to argue, well, let the military censor, you know, do experiments on the troops, they have no rights.
Anybody that says the military has no rights hasn't read the law, doesn't understand the precedent.
They can't give you experimental drugs in the military without your consent.
They can't order you to do it.
They can't make you take experimental vaccines.
They cannot keep you when you're off duty from being able to visit.
American news websites by listing them as terrorists.
Just like public schools now, we have another article or blocking NRA websites, Infowars.com, you name it, but letting you go to Democratic Party websites and communist websites.
High school blocks access to conservative pro-gun, but not liberal websites, Infowars.com.
This is the truest form of tyranny when they try to censor people like this.
And if they're successful, it's all over.
The good news is Gallup poll now shows the lowest approval rating ever recorded, with a 7% approval rating.
I've actually seen one as low as 6 in Gallup, but before the previous low they claimed was 9.
It's now a 7.
He's absolutely ignoring the Constitution.
Republican representative says there's probably enough votes in the House to impeach Obama.
We're going to be breaking that down.
Also, shock photos.
Media gets a disappointing look at Texas and Arizona illegal immigrant detention centers.
We've been trying to get in, but finally the mainstream media has gotten in.
AP, the establishment, thought they would write a good whitewash.
If you go to the front page of DrugsReport.com, which will punch up for TV viewers, you can see the people coming in with diseases, tuberculosis, measles, mumps, rubella, with leprosy.
I mean, it is on.
The absolute total dregs of collapsing Caribbean and Latin America are surging in right now.
And we have breaking videos and exclusives up on InfoWars.com chronicling that.
The hard drives have been destroyed now.
Congress was told that the emails had been deleted.
With Obama and the head of the IRS and the hundreds of meetings they were having.
Now we learn when Congress said, fine, give us the hard drives to restore them.
Oh, the hard drives were destroyed.
I know nothing, nothing to quote Sergeant Schultz from Hogan's Heroes, but this is no slapstick comedy.
IRS lowest learner emails likely gone forever.
ISSA says emails don't just disappear.
Ladies and gentlemen,
It's all saved by the NSA.
And I talked about this years ago, now it's happening.
People are trying to subpoena NSA records to show that they were on the phone at this time, or that they were at this place this time, and they're declaring national security.
So even though these systems can prove you're innocent, it's only going to be used to frame you, or set you up, or track you, or to predict the future of mass movements.
To then game the entire system.
It is not going to be used to empower humanity.
Understand that.
Pelosi says she's unconcerned about the missing emails.
And the Wall Street Journal says the obvious.
No, they didn't say the sky was blue.
It's more obvious than that.
They say it's worse than Watergate.
You think it's worse than Watergate?
It's about a thousand times worse.
The government shipped guns into Mexico to kill people to blame the Second Amendment.
The government is funding Al-Qaeda publicly worldwide.
Let's look at some of the InfoWars.com stories.
I'm going to get into the really hardcore news when we come back.
Gallup, again I mentioned this.
Congress approval rating sinks to new historic low.
Steve Watson.
Are you a dumbass or mad as hell?
Very important video to help wake people up.
Up at InfoWars.com.
Americans on average sleep twice as many hours as they work.
Google the new bank rollover Bitcoin and banks.
It's Internet revolution.
And the article I agree with says it isn't Bitcoin.
It's going to be Google Wallet, folks, that dominates.
But the age of digital currency is here.
Look out for a global tax on it, like Tobin.
Megan Kelly confronts Dick Cheney.
History has proven you were wrong on Iraq.
We're going to play that video.
25 shocking facts about the Earth's dwindling water resources.
That's surface water, not deep earth water, but we're gonna get into that.
So that's just some of the news up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Now this is a very important article that ties into immigration and it ties into the Texas situation with two men arrested in Texas on terrorism charges in Austin.
In North Austin.
And I'm gonna tie that in to some other key intel.
Straight ahead.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential forfeiture situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
So going back to what I was talking about earlier, the globalist attempt to suppress information, if we respond to it, almost always blows up in their face.
All their attempts over the years to discredit Matt Drudge and DrudgeReport.com has made it the number one news aggregate site in the world.
The Pentagon under Clinton's attempt to ban InfoWars.com and my films back in 1999 literally tripled my audience overnight by word of mouth and sales of the film exploded and we noticed almost every order was Marines and Army people or their families ordering the film that they were told they couldn't see.
Literally, I can track what put us financially on the map to expand from it being just myself and Buckley Hammond, my cousin, part-time helping me, along with Mike Hanson, my cameraman, part-time helping me, in 1999 to 50-plus crew members reaching 20 million people a day.
It was the Pentagon trying to censor us.
And now they're doing it again and we're seeing surges of traffic.
Because when people can't get on something, they want on it.
And people ask the question, well then why do they do that?
Because the control freaks always think they can dominate everybody.
But what happens when you try to put a beach ball on the bottom of the pool?
You might be able to fight to get it down to the bottom.
But what happens once you get it six, seven feet under the water and then let it go?
It explodes upward.
That's why good men and women have to fight tyranny, is to create the magical animating contest.
It is in the contest that we grow stronger, that we learn the enemy, that we show people the example of choice.
Good people have laid down for so long and done whatever the corrupt social engineers have said, that the public didn't even know that there were options.
But military personnel warned me about urban warfare drills for gun confiscation.
I went out, videotaped it, exposed it.
The Marines then, along with Clinton, got me fired.
But I'd already started a syndicated radio show out of my house.
Oh, I forgot the rest of the story.
When that blew up in their face, they called me into the general manager's office at the FM, where I was number one in town, and they said, we don't care if you're bringing a lot of money here, we don't care if you're bringing in top ratings.
We've been told from the national level, the owners of Shamrock Communication, that political strings have been pulled, and they're getting a lot of heat.
And this company doesn't want to be audited.
And he said, by the way, I'm a Marine, former Marine as well.
I'd like you to talk about my Marines.
And I said, I'm not talking about your Marines.
The Marines shouldn't be trying to confiscate guns.
And they then called in the head GM of the whole company that owned newspapers, TV stations, and radio stations all over the country about a month later.
And they said, listen, we're going to fire you.
Do you understand if you don't shut up about Bill Clinton and about the military and what they're doing?
And I didn't BS him, but I just went, well, I'll try to cut back on that.
I didn't.
And boy, they called me in about a month later and they said, you get your stuff and you get out of here.
And the guy wanted me to get in a fight with him.
I just laughed at him.
And the guy went, you're not on any radio stations, by the way.
Your career's over.
Quit lying and saying you're on over 10 stations from your house.
Because I'd been syndicated a couple of years out of my house on little bitty networks.
And I just said, okay.
I had my films going out virally that people could make copies of.
I had my news website already for three years at that time that was more like a bulletin board, like Drudge Report, where I could just put links to things I was proving or photos I'd taken.
So I couldn't pay for the bandwidth of actually posting articles or videos.
But sometimes I could post photos and get huge bills, which forced me to want to make money just to pay the bandwidth bill.
I never even dreamed we would grow to this size.
But, you know, it didn't matter, folks.
I didn't feel sorry for myself and go quit and, you know, go open a bottle of Jack Daniels because I got fired from my top radio show in Austin.
I had already known that job wasn't safe.
I had already made preparations years before.
And again, I'm not talking about myself here, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm talking about what you can do.
Don't take the fact that this show's here for granted.
Don't take any freedom you've got for granted.
Don't take that your bank account is there today for granted.
Don't take that you've got your job today for granted.
Don't take you've got your health today for granted.
The globalists are usurping everything we've got.
They're stealing everything we've got to dominate and control us.
And all I want to do is live in a free society.
Doesn't mean you've got to agree with me, but we know we're going in the opposite direction of a free society.
And my message to you is, you have power!
Start a YouTube channel.
Start a local online podcast.
Start a local newsletter or newspaper.
Start a local radio show.
Start a local access show.
Doesn't matter if you don't have all the answers.
Doesn't matter if you don't want to be famous.
You're the type of people we need who are in this for the right reasons to go out there and take action and not get caught up in the FBI-funded COINTELPRO cognitive infiltration infighting.
The reason I've been successful is I don't infight.
I move forward.
Most people get caught up in that.
He said, she said, name-calling.
It's all by design.
Move forward against the globalists, we will win.
Now, I want to get into all this news.
I'm going to tie together two men arrested in Texas on terrorism charges, trying to aid the Syrian rebels.
That's one hand not knowing what the other hand's doing.
Terrorist supporter Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Terrorists in Iraq, have partnered with Saddam Hussein's old party.
That is total twisting.
We're going to explain that.
Oh, the ISIS groups with Saddam.
I didn't know it was being funded by Obama.
And how that ties together with former teacher charged with sexual assault, released on bail, admits he raped a six-year-old girl and has been released from jail on a tiny bond, paid $5,000 on the $50,000 bond, that's what you get out on, or 10%.
And he has basically admitted to a bunch of other stuff with little girls.
How does this tie into all this?
I'm going to explain in a moment, but first off,
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Not just the promo video, but Dr. Group's interviews he's done here, breaking it down.
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And finally, please support our local AM and FM affiliates.
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InfoWars, Life.com, InfoWarsStore.com, or the local station you're listening to today.
It is essential to support them, to fund them, and to sponsor them, and to spread the word, as I said.
Now, this is how my brain works.
I'm driving into work this morning, and I hear 590, our local affiliate, AM, talking about a elementary school first grade teacher, Alfredo Gaitan, charged with sexual assault, released on bail for $5,000.
He posted a $50,000 bond, paid $5,000.
He can pay 10% and get out.
And he has admitted to police he did it.
And now they're saying it's a bunch of other little girls that he would hold whoever he wanted back during recess.
I mean, I don't want to shoot my mouth off, but if some man did that to my six-year-old daughter, I have a six-year-old daughter.
Just as a matter of course, I'm coming after you.
I'm not even calling the police.
And in the old days, that's how it was.
So people didn't do stuff like this.
Now this happened in North Austin.
Brown Rock arrested him.
Basically a suburb of Austin.
Austin Independent School District.
It happened in Austin, but I guess Austin wouldn't do anything, so I guess they had Brown Rock do it.
And I'm not bashing Austin.
The point is that we're getting to the point now where no one will even stop these people.
And I heard all of this outrage going on about it's so terrible that this admitted child rapist... I mean, take one look at this guy if you're watching us on TV.
These guys, I don't care what color they are, they all have the same wimpy look on their face.
I mean, what kind of person wants to go after a little girl?
I want to say violent things.
I'm not going to say it right now.
And I'm not just trying to act tough.
I mean, I'm just being honest.
I wear my emotions on my sleeve.
So I understand everybody's mad, but everybody's been trained to not be mad about this next story.
According to jail records, a former teacher arrested for sexually assaulting a six-year-old
has uh... been bonded out of jail alfredo guy tan was arrested on friday after police say he confessed to the assault he accused he's accused of holding a girl back after recess at riley elementary last week and forcing her to perform sexual acts on him i'll perform an act on his head with a baseball bat it was my daughter police charged uh... him with aggravated sexual assault and since his arrest
Four more students within the Austin Independent School District have come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct.
Man, you hear about this stuff all the time.
And now, here's the rest of the story.
Here's the rest of the story.
Remember this out of WorldNet Daily a few weeks ago?
Release of 36,000 criminal aliens, impeachable offense, 36,000 with aggravated assault records including sexual assault, rape of children, indecency with children, bank robbery, arson,
And they're just released.
Remember the railway killer who killed 20 plus people and they kept arresting him and releasing him because he was an illegal alien and had fake names?
I mean, if you're running from the law from Latin America, 800 million people are down there.
You just come here and you're above the law.
And the border's just wide open.
So see, when I see an article like this, it makes me think about how America is now a criminal playground for people from Latin America
To just come here and do whatever they want, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's not that people, I guess, are criminals in Latin America on average, even though it's a very kleptocratic society.
People have just given up on corruption, let the criminals run wild at every level.
It's that statistically the criminals are coming here and America is a big joke.
Now, let's shift gears back into Austin again.
This is how my brain works.
I saw this article this morning and instantly thought,
You've got the FBI doing their job with one hand, and then with the other hand, you've got Obama, the Pentagon, and NATO arming the ISI and the Al-Qaeda on record for three and a half years against Libya, Syria, and now Iraq.
Two men arrested in Texas on terrorism charges.
The two men, and we've got photos of these morons.
One of them's named Khan, the other's Wolf.
Two men in Central Texas have been arrested on charges of trying to provide material support to terrorists, with one of the pair speaking to aid extremist groups fighting in Syria.
prosecutors said yesterday, Rattal Askemi Khan, 23, was arrested at his home in Austin suburb of Round Rock and charged with terrorist activities, including committing violent jihad, according to court documents unsealed yesterday.
Wolf was arrested at Bush Air National Airport in Houston on Thursday.
Attempting to provide material support, I guess they're going to join the terrorists.
How are they arresting these guys when they're trying to go join the group our government gave stinger missiles to?
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By the way, I was conflating the Round Rock arrest of the reported terrorist trying to support Obama's forces and the Saudi Arabian forces in Iraq and Syria.
And the admitted confessed child pervert, child rapist.
Austin did arrest this guy in North Austin, and so good job Austin.
But now the court has just let him go for $5,000 after being in jail three days.
And then I was dovetailing that with two men arrested in Texas on the terrorism charges up in Round Rock, north of Austin, and the fact that they were arrested were trying to raise money or get weapons or plan to go to Syria to join the groups who are being openly given a green light and weapons by our government.
So that just shows how uncoordinated and out of control the compartmentalization is.
Whereas you've got FBI and people following the law, arresting people that give aid to known terrorist organizations, while at the top, Obama gives Stinger missiles to them.
And by the way, before I get to all these video clips...
And our guest that's joining us, we've got a special report with David Knight, not a chance that IRS officials are telling the truth about missing emails.
It's a very good report.
Fox and Friends has a report detailing that Health and Human Services is just giving illegal alien children to their extended families in the U.S.
Well, it's beyond that.
They're taking adults and doing it too.
We broke that yesterday.
No one's picked it up.
It's so sensational.
It's so off the chart that no one's picking it up.
Even though, if it gets picked up, it could put a stop to it.
But no one can believe the Border Patrol, under orders, loads them up at the border and ships them into the country.
Wait a minute, Drudge just did.
Drudge just went with a red link.
DrudgeReport.com comes to the rescue, claim Homeland Security paying free legals to be escorted into the United States.
And then we have DHS to pay for illegal immigrants to be escorted into the United States, minors up to the age of 17 to be brought in with dignity and respect at taxpayer expense.
That's a Paul Joseph Watson article, and it goes over the solicitation, but that's just a blurb Watson put out.
We've got to add to this right now.
Jakari Jackson's video.
We're the head of emergency management.
Can you call Kit Daniels in here, please?
See, I've noticed news this big and this bombshell, it's like so over the top, people don't even know how to deal with it.
It's like the government funding Al-Qaeda.
It's just hard for people to believe.
I'm going to talk to him on air.
Hey, Kit, come in.
You did a great job yesterday just taking the video and just adding the transcript of the McAllen emergency manager to it.
I want to add to Watson just that transcript about, you know, in a separate story, confirming this because this is going to be attacked and denied because it's so hardcore.
The emergency manager said they arrived with their tickets given to them by the Border Patrol to be shipped, quote, into the interior.
And we have the video of it.
Just basically take that article and add it under Watson's that has the government solicitation at fbo.gov where they're admitting it here.
So really, the government is admitting it here.
It's already going on, they're just getting ready to mainline it.
And so I guess Drudge is careful about only reporting accurate stuff, so he waited until even more proof came out to link to this.
But this is huge.
Because if we force this out, that's why I was running around on Kachigou with my head cut off yesterday, if we force this out, it is going to be a big, big, big, big deal.
Uh, because we have them red-handed.
The buses come in, the Border Patrol lets them in, the Border Patrol gives them the vouchers.
So just take your article, your transcript, add it to the bottom of Watson's.
Uh, just as if it's the article.
And say, confirming this, here's the video, and then, you know, just break it down, okay?
We need this to go mega-viral right now.
Good job, Watson, finding that.
Uh, so that's all coming up.
Uh, alright.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll be back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Top story on DrugsReport.com.
Homeland Security paying for illegals to be escorted into the United States.
And that is an Infowars.com story.
DHS to pay for illegal immigrants to be escorted into the U.S.
Minors up to age 17 to be brought in with dignity and respect at taxpayer expense.
And again, that's from the federal government and a Department of ICE, Immigration and Customs
Okay, so I want everybody to understand that's from FBO.gov.
In fact, in case they pull it, guys, I want a screenshot of that, add it to the article.
We are going to blow their operation wide open, force a public debate about the mega treason with Obama giving press conferences saying, come to America and honoring illegal alien children that got here illegally.
This is all designed to cause a catastrophe, and then no one will get in trouble when the border completely collapses.
I mean, already in New York and in Virginia, in Democrat-held cities, they are flipping out as tens of thousands show up.
It's like a bomb going off, ladies and gentlemen.
Austin didn't get a lot of the Katrina refugees, but we got some.
Not as much as Houston or San Antonio or Dallas.
Crime exploded.
There were people all over the streets.
And, I mean, it's just a fact, folks.
The New Orleans Ward folks are really violent.
And really, on average, a very criminal culture.
Probably one of the most criminal in the country.
And, I mean, it's not a fun situation.
For anybody that had, you know, the New Orleans sixth-generation, you know, in some case, welfare folks dumped in your city, it's not pretty.
Well, now that's happening.
Where Castro took a huge giant steaming you-know-what on Florida with the dregs of his presence in the 80s repeatedly with the Cuban boat lifts.
Now this is every Latin American country in the Caribbean with a pipeline like a giant toilet with the dregs of society directly into this country.
And I don't want to hear it from people that haven't been to Latin America.
My cousin Buckley grew up in Guatemala
And they were at the market and saw people blown up with a hand grenade.
He was what?
He was kidnapped once.
And they finally left the country.
So, I mean, I don't want to live like that, being kidnapped and having dirt floors and chickens running around the street.
And you know what?
It's coming.
It's coming.
I mean, there are large areas of Florida that look like Haiti now, with broken sewage pipes.
And, uh, have you been to Haiti, folks?
Probably the biggest hellhole on Earth.
And there's no helping these third world countries unless you try to export freedom to them.
You don't then create a conduit to this nation.
That's coming up.
We're going to be breaking that down.
I want to come back from break and just get a hit of smattering of news I haven't hit yet ahead of our former State Department official guest who's a very articulate and elegant speaker on the subject of Iraq and what's currently happening there as Obama is set to speak and announce that a bunch of U.S.
Special Forces are going to be sent
To supposedly attack ISIS, who has been given US weapons and NATO weapons and Qatari and Saudi Arabian weapons.
Saudi Arabia is behind this.
We have our Israeli sources, US sources, Pentagon sources.
They all concur with what Aaron Klein said yesterday from Tel Aviv, that Saudi Arabia
He claims they're going rogue, but that's with Obama backing as a double game.
Probably to suck Iran in, who they claim they made a deal with.
I believe it's a quadruple cross, not a triple cross.
At least a quadruple cross.
And by the time you get to triple crosses, it's just pure evil.
And the evil mind thinks that in dishonor, they are winning because they don't play by rules.
The truth is, they're just destroying civilization.
So this is a quadruple cross.
That's coming up.
Stay with us.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
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You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
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Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
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Ladies and gentlemen, massive breaking news as we speak.
Finally, it's going viral, thank God.
It got a lot of attention on Infowars.com yesterday.
The Daily Mail mentioned it today in an article, but DrudgeReport.com has it red-linked.
We need this to go totally viral, red-linked.
DrudgeReport.com claim
But it's directly to the federal government's own purchase website for bids.
Homeland paying for illegals to be escorted into the U.S.
And then we have video of the head of emergency management, not just the document, in McAllen, Texas, major city on the border, saying, no, 90 plus percent of the illegals that show up are given bus voucher tickets to go, quote, into the interior of the country to their families.
You don't go through immigration, you don't go through customs.
If I fly out of the country to cover something, when I come back, I'm asked, am I a terrorist?
Do I have drugs?
Why is your passport a few years old?
You know, and they want to look you up and down and let you know you're a piece of filth.
But if I'm an illegal alien, they go, here's a free ticket, I don't even want to know your name.
We're not going to take your fingerprints.
By the way, they're moving to fingerprint citizens when we fly, period.
I'm sure you know that they're doing those tests in airports where you will biometrically retina and thumbprint to fly from Dallas to New York.
Because it's only used to control us, the schmucks, the suckers, the joke, the marks, the food.
We are the right whale.
Why was the right whale called the right whale?
There were hundreds of thousands of them estimated and there was only a few dozen left when they stopped whaling them by the 1920s.
Because the right whale will come over and nudge your boat and will play with you and is real sweet and won't run when you come and harpoon it and it's got more oil than a sperm whale that will try to kill you.
Or other whales for that matter.
They're nice, they're sweet.
Divers now, that's one of the most elite things to do, because there's still not a lot of them, even though their numbers have gone into the tens of thousands.
You have to go find them.
Divers get in with them and pet them, and they come over to you.
It's illegal in the U.S.
to pet whales and approach marine mammals, but it's not in other countries.
And they're just a sweet whale.
Gullible and mindless.
They're like a five-year-old that gets in a car, you know, with a guy driving a white van.
Because he says he has candy and a puppy.
And it's the same deal.
No one on earth would say, come here, you'll be instantly legalized, put on welfare, given bus tickets, come on.
And I'm predicting.
Wasn't hard to predict.
2 plus 2 equals 4, like I did last year.
That Obama saying we're going to stop deportations was going to cause a massive surge.
The massive surge has come.
They're rolling out an even bigger red carpet.
Now the super surge and then the total surge.
We're getting tens of thousands a week, hundreds of thousands every few months.
It will then be millions per month and then tens of millions a year.
And it will be the collapse of civilization.
The giant FEMA camps will be open to hold the third world population.
A civil emergency will be declared.
And I didn't just think that up myself.
Colonel Oliver North headed up REX 84 for the continuity of government COG for the National Security Council.
And when Republicans and Democrats found out about it, they blew the whistle on Iran-Contra, and the program got suspended.
And they were planning to cause a collapse in Mexico, which they may have done, actually, decades later, to cause a collapse influx, and to use that as the cover for martial law.
Now it looks like Obama dusted off Rex 84.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
I mean, these globalists, man, they just do the same thing over and over and over again.
By the way, none of this is my opinion.
Rex 84 was in the Miami Herald.
There were congressional hearings.
What you're hearing here is not my opinion.
People need to start learning that, ladies and gentlemen.
This is not my opinion.
It is a fact.
And we're just going to add the video and the article, Watson's link to it, that it subsequently emerged that the U.S.
Customs and Border Patrol
Was paying for bus tickets and vouchers in order to help the illegals be transported into the country.
And we have the quotes.
We're just going to beef up the article, add those, and add the video so that no one can be in denial about this.
But this can stop them now before the full collapse.
And guys, mark down this prediction.
We need to mark down the dates of specific predictions so we can go back.
Okay, so it is 1213 Central Time.
We did this show live on the 19th day of June 2014.
And we'll be here in six months with five million extra illegals and crime waves and collapses and everything else.
I'd say five to eight months is my dead reckoning electrochemical computer analysis, which is rarely wrong.
Unless we stop this now.
My only predictions that don't come true, I'm sure you've noticed, are when we're able to make the prediction literally like the edge of tomorrow and people listen so we're able to do something preemptively by starting the clock back before it happens.
And God has always given us that chance with the minds he gave us to understand that those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
Now I want to go into a constellation of clips before our guest joins us on the new giant war that's about to take place in Iraq that Obama will use as a distraction in having a fake fight with the people they've helped armed to the teeth.
So we'll get a former State Department and Iraq experts take on this coming up.
But here he is, my son, over a year ago did
Terrorism 101, this piece, and he actually listens to the show.
He's that smart.
He was 10 then.
He's 11 now.
When he was 10 years old, he wrote this and shot it in two takes in the conference room here.
People ask, why was he wearing a Guy Fawkes mask?
Because, and I think it's reasonable, my wife doesn't want his face on TV, and Guy Fawkes was British, so he can do accents as well.
But the issue isn't that it's my son doing the piece, I'm just letting you know who the person was who wrote and put out Terrorism 101 by the mini-me of Alex Jones.
Here it is.
Hello, your friendly neighborhood patriot here for an episode of How Terrorism Really Works.
First off, our terrorist group needs a scary name.
Can you say, L.C.I.A.A.D.A.?
Let's try again.
Ah, it does roll off the tongue.
It's a perfect name.
Now let's say the green piece here represents the terrorists.
The terrorists then move into Pakistan or Afghanistan or whateverstan is not under banker control.
The media then joins in to hype up the terror threat.
Once the terror threat is established, the banksters, puppets, send in the troops to take out the terrorists they put in there in the first place.
Then the bankers install their own dictator to take control of the resources and oppress the people.
As a bonus, the banks, via the black ops and intelligence agencies, will then ship the drugs back into the host country so they can imprison their own citizens for using the drugs, make huge profits selling the drugs which finance other terror operations around the globe, and the cherry on the top is billions upon billions made on money laundering operations for the bankers.
In a sense, you're watching as this opium is being grown.
I know it grinds at your gut.
How do you deal with it?
What are you doing about it?
Well, frankly, this is part of their culture.
So, while it might grind in my gut, it's what they do.
And if the citizens of the host country get wise to these schemes or get uppity, the banks via media will hype a nuclear terror threat, or an underwear bomber, or a Christmas tree bomber.
Any excuse to take the American people's rights.
Well, that just about wraps it up for Terrorism 101, How Terrorism Really Works.
I'm your friendly neighborhood patriot.
And now remember what Big Brother and other authoritarians say.
Whatever you do, don't visit Infowars.com.
Oh no, the control freaks don't like it.
You have done well, my apprentice.
So that's my son a year ago, Terrorism 101.
So this is Terrorism 101, 2014.
And hopefully we'll take this live breakdown and re-airing of that video and repost it, maybe as an article tomorrow morning.
Going over Terrorism 101 so people can understand what's really happening.
The next clip I want to play is Megyn Kelly telling Dick Cheney yesterday that he's been discredited on Iraq.
I tell you, if Fox keeps doing that, I'm going to become a fan of Fox News.
They're also exposing that the government is shipping in the illegals, not just letting them be here, but aiding and abetting it.
So that's now breaking on Fox as well.
Let's go ahead and go to Megyn Kelly talking to old Dick Cheney.
Mr. President, let me start with this.
This is from one item in the Washington Post posted by Paul Waldman today.
There is not a single person in America who has been more wrong and more shamelessly dishonest on the topic of Iraq than Dick Cheney.
And now, as the cascade of misery and death and chaos he did so much to unleash rages anew, Mr. Cheney has the unadulterated gall to come before the country and tell us that it's all someone else's fault.
The suggestion, then, is that you caused this mess, Mr. Vice President.
What say you?
Well, obviously, I disagree.
I think we went into Iraq for very good reasons.
Alright, look.
Look, everybody knows I was against the war and I didn't like Bush.
But good job asking that real question and quoting that statement.
That's good.
But still, Democrats and Republicans blaming each other is a distraction.
He funded ISIS with NATO to take over Syria, now they're doing this.
That's the issue.
Has nothing to do with Bush.
So this, he did it, they did it, thing is a distraction.
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A couple hours ago they announced Obama was going to give a press conference on Iraq.
At 12.30 Eastern.
Well that would have been almost an hour ago.
Because it's 1.24 Eastern.
And I guess they do this to build up the suspense as if he's really running something, not the national security state.
All the special interests.
But I study geopolitics.
I study that region.
I have top experts on from around the world, whether it's General Hamid Gul, the former head of Pakistani intelligence, or Ray McGovern, the CIA morning briefer to George Bush Sr.
and Ronald Reagan, to folks like Colonel Schaefer that ran Stratus Ivy, the group that was not authorized to kill bin Laden, even though they were able to twice.
I have a lot of sources, and I have sources in Israel.
We had them on yesterday.
High-level sources.
And they say this is a triple, quadruple cross, Saudi Arabia going in alone, but that's only cover, so that any outcome can be declared a victory by Obama and the globalists.
The neocons are involved in this as well.
Zbigniew Brzezinski is involved.
The Wolfowitz Doctrine and the Brzezinski Doctrine are almost identical.
There are two different power groups, but they intersect at many levels.
Iran's involved, but the president of Iraq has said that they're double-crossing them as well and wanted to take about a third of the country as a new Shiite state.
You've got a Sunni group that wants to create a new country out of part of Syria and Western Central Iraq.
You've got Saudi Arabia that said they want part of Iraq.
You've got a lot of weirdness going on here, but it's a mess.
But no one can deny that Stinger missiles and other MPADs were given to these different jihadi groups, Sunni groups out of Saudi Arabia, and that Saudi Arabia is deeply involved in this.
It is quite a spaghetti bucket to really try to figure out.
But I think in the final equation, the establishment... See, con artists and authoritarians think that full spectrum dominance, in my experience...
It's really sophisticated.
The truth is, it always unravels, it's dishonorable.
Corrupt authoritarian brains always think their subterfuge is ensnaring everybody else, but in the end it's the pit they fall into.
That's my view.
Short segment, long segment coming up.
Peter Van Buren, WeMeantWell.com.
He's an author now, he's a major whistleblower, 22 year veteran of the State Department, spent a lot of time in Iraq, was part of a lot of the major PSYOP operations there, and then he's gone public and currently works to represent a group working with Edward Snowden and trying to get his information out.
And again, he resigned honorably because he was basically a conscientious objector and did not want to be involved in the immoral things he saw happening.
We've only got three minutes.
I appreciate you coming on.
Give me your bottom line take, and we're going to come back on what's going on.
I just stated the bizarre gestalt.
What's your expert take?
I absolutely agree with that.
Many people in the United States imagine this all as a chess game, where there's our side and their side, and we make a move and they make a move.
In fact, it's completely chaotic.
There are so many different players, so many different levels of war, that it's absolutely inconceivable that the United States intervention, whether it's 100 special forces or 10,000 regular troops, is going to make any significant difference, other than to draw us back into the same quagmire I thought we walked out of three years ago.
What we have in Iraq now is inevitable.
It is the inevitable outcome of the 2003 invasion.
In 1991, the first Gulf War, the first President Bush understood that he was resetting a balance of power in the Middle East.
It was messy, it was uncomfortable, but it was in balance.
And so after clearing the Iraqis out of Kuwait, the United States did not
Invade Iraq in 1991.
And that was with the support of then Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney, who had his pre-Voldemort days.
In 2003, the invasion of Iraq destroyed that balance of power.
It ended civil society in Iraq and it set loose the forces that had been kept on at least a dull simmer.
Suddenly, Sunnis, Shias, Kurds were at the loose, and that brought in the wolves.
The Iranians came in on the Shia side, the Saudis and the Kuwaitis went in on the Sunni side.
The Kurds were settling scores with the Turks and with the Iranians, and the United States was bumbling in the middle of all this.
Trying to break up a fight with five pitbulls.
If you stand in the middle of five pitbulls, there's a real good chance that you're not sure who's going to win, but you do know who's going to lose.
And in this case, I'm afraid it was the United States who has made a terrible mistake by getting into Iraq, and is continuing to dig that hole deeper by reinserting themselves into Iraq, as we understand President Obama plans to announce.
Man, I think Peter Van Buren is about the most articulate person we know on the subject of Iraq.
I guess he's been there in the middle of it.
I want to see where he thinks this is all going.
Straight ahead.
We're going to break it all down.
Stay with us.
I'm out with Jones.
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They took my saddle in Houston.
Broke my leg in Santa Fe.
Lost my wife and a girlfriend.
In defense of human liberty, Alex Jones.
Amarillo by morning.
But will it be Baghdad by morning, the giant
7 billion, 10 billion, there's different estimate, dollar, biggest U.S.
embassy in the world, the middle of Baghdad, the green zone, already 200 plus troops sent to guard it.
You've got ISIS, admittedly filled with Al-Qaeda people and worse, running around, chopping the Iraqi military and police heads off, murdering Christians.
And then I see Fareed Zarkaria on CNN endorsing it two mornings ago, saying how bad the President of Iraq is because he's with the Iranians.
And then I see the Prime Minister, I call him President, criticizing Iran, claiming they're involved in a double deal, wanting a war.
And then I see the weapons that were sent there,
To that region right across the border to Syria in the last three years.
Clearly the blame is with the power structure.
The blame is with Bush Jr.
and Cheney going in there in 2003 on lies.
But it continues with the same warmongering system that they've, through proxies, taken down Libya, trying to take down Syria, and are now acting like they have no idea what's going on with ISIS.
But then you see the power structure in the US.
Different groups endorsing different sides.
Obama making a deal with Iran.
That reportedly made Saudi Arabia mad.
And so Saudi Arabia has launched this rogue attack.
I want to dissect it and then ask you where it's all really going because you just broke down.
what happened previously in some of the history of it.
Peter Van Buren, WeMeantWell.com, State Department 24-year veteran who blew the whistle.
He's got his new book, Ghost of Tom Jode, who we will do an interview with in the near future, I promise, on that book specifically.
We'll talk about that some today as well, but that's on another subject.
But continuing here, Peter, you've got the floor.
Break down then
More of the history, where we currently are, and who you think is really behind the ISIS invasion and where you think that's going.
Iraq right now is like a very, very large bucket of manure.
You know, every time you take a handful out, all that's underneath that is more manure.
Let's take a look back in history.
In 2003, the Middle East was a difficult, messy, but somewhat stable situation.
Saddam, for all his terrible, terrible things that he did as a dictator, was holding the disparate elements of Iraq together.
Broadly, Sunnis, Shias and Kurds, but of course within each of those groups there are many subgroups and splinter groups and people with very different opinions.
When we went in in 2003 and got rid of Saddam, a regime change very similar to the regime change that the Obama administration is now starting to bleed about with Maliki, getting him out of there.
When we did that regime change in 2003, there was nothing to replace it.
I was there for a big piece of that reconstruction, working for the State Department.
In fact, that's the whole theme of my first book, We Meant Well, how I helped lose the war.
And it was the whistleblowing in that book that got me run out of the State Department.
We failed to re-establish either a strong central government or a basis of power that Iraq and the greater Middle East could live with.
Instead, we flirted with one side or the other, particularly bouncing between the Sunnis and the Shias to see which one we were going to support.
But ultimately, the bulk of American support came down behind Maliki.
In 2006, we assisted him, if not appointed him,
In taking over as Prime Minister, we watched as the bombing of the Shia Mosque in Samarra triggered off the insurgency slash civil war that we're seeing continuing now.
We then continue to support Maliki despite his clear ties to Iran.
Trading what we thought was the long-term empowerment of Iran throughout the Middle East for some short-term gains and stability that would allow us to find an exit strategy in Iraq.
And if these things sound complicated, they actually are.
And one of the reasons we're seeing the chaos in Iraq right now, and we're going to see it continue, there's no question about that, is because these issues are complex and are not good things to solve or resolve, perhaps is a better word, with simple answers.
The United States tried those simple answers for nine years of occupation.
We spent
$2 trillion.
We spent $42 billion training the Iraqi Army, which outdid the French recently in terms of throwing down their weapons and running away.
And we sacrificed 4,500 American lives.
If all of that
Was too simple an answer.
And it was.
It's very unlikely that the United States is going to be able to do anything to kind of settle this problem now.
What I'd like to do is talk about why what we're going to be doing will only make things worse.
But I'll stop for a moment, Alex, to see if you have a different direction you wanted me to take it.
Well, no, I mean, I totally agree with you, just as a layman trying to research this from the outside and reporting on it for almost 20 years on air, it just seems to be a black hole that the military-industrial complex keeps stirred up
So there's people in the State Department, there's military personnel, there's even people in the CIA, who genuinely want to stabilize and have a good civilization, and who want to promote peace and prosperity.
But at the higher levels, you've got an establishment that wants chaos, and makes money off no-bid contracts, and it looks to me like they know.
A Wahhabist running around killing Shiites to get it going.
So at one level it is mismanagement and funding all sides.
But when you get down to brass tacks, that's what they tell people that are moral.
And so to us it looks like it's just a big screw-up.
I mean, isn't this really at a certain level premeditated?
That there are those that are milking the chaos?
Certainly there are those who are milking the chaos.
To say it's premeditated almost gives these folks more credit than they deserve.
If it was premeditated, that at least is a plan.
An evil, sad plan, but a plan nonetheless.
My belief is certainly there are people who take advantage of chaos or who seek to get these things for their own advantage, and the defense contractors and people like Blackwater are way at the front of that list.
Instead, my experience, both in 24 years at the State Department and in the time I was actually physically in Iraq negotiating with Sunnis and Shias, was that what America did for those nine years was chase a series of ever-changing short-term goals.
The surge is a perfect example of a short-term goal.
The idea was to figure out a way to put the Sunnis out of the fight, at least temporarily, and what we did is we went in and we basically paid them extraordinary amounts of money to stop fighting.
At the same time, we allowed them to either settle scores amongst themselves or, using US Special Forces, to pick off a few bad guys that they didn't like
Within their own ranks.
All a Sunni sheik had to do really was say, that guy over there is Al-Qaeda and a night raid would take place and that guy would disappear.
Whether he was Al-Qaeda or somebody who owed the sheik money or someone who had a family debt going back 200 years was irrelevant.
The thing about paying protection money, as anyone who has ever watched a mafia movie knows, is that as soon as you stop paying it, the problem starts again.
I sat down with a Sunni sheikh who had been paid off by the United States, who was more than happy to tell me that one of the reasons that we passed through his checkpoints, in fact I was sitting in his living room alive, was because America had paid him to assume this new role, and he was actually fairly comfortable with the idea.
But he warned me that the money was stopping.
The transition to the Maliki government was also supposed to include this transition of payoffs, and that wasn't happening.
And while he certainly was going to be a polite host and allow myself and my team to leave peaceably that day, he really couldn't assure us that it would go on
By no coincidence, about three weeks later, there were seven people shot in the back of the head, not too far from where this guy works, certainly in his area of control.
They turned out to be Shia leaders that had been rounded up somewhere and brought for execution.
Anyone who says that what's happening in Iraq right now is a surprise or unpredictable, or anything along those lines, is a liar or a fool.
I'll challenge readers to go to my blog, WeMetWell.com, go take a look at my blog post from 2011, predicting all of these things very accurately, and then ask yourself the question of who's working at the State Department now?
The people who made the mistakes in 2011 that brought us to today?
Or the people that blew the whistle on it and got kicked out?
And the answer is it's the same people that helped create the mess, correct?
Absolutely, yes.
The cast of characters has not changed at all.
Tom Ricks has a column where he's got a gentleman named Ali Qadiri explaining what to do next in Iraq.
Qadiri was the longest continuously serving American in the Iraq War.
He never left.
Currently, the State Department's point man on Iraq, who's in Iraq right now, is a guy named Brett McGurk, who was the senior advisor to three or four American ambassadors, and almost was ambassador to Iraq, until my blog outed him for some naughty sexual excapades on the roof of the embassy that were too embarrassing even for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to overlook.
That said, they pushed him into a non-political position and he's running the show.
It's the same people.
It's difficult to imagine why we won't have the same results.
Expanding on that, how do you assess the ISIS folks, and where do you see this going from your expert perspective and life history?
What does your gut tell you is going to happen in Iraq now, and what do you think Obama is going to do in the long term?
Because he's going to announce a bunch of special forces today, obviously, but do you see this escalating into Iraq number three?
A couple of good questions there.
We'll start with ISIS.
ISIS is almost a little bit of a microcosm, a way to look at this problem in one little piece.
The key issue is that in Syria, as you mentioned at the top of the interview, the United States strongly supports ISIS.
We arm them, we give them money, we train them, we have our own sneaky peeps on the ground there helping them out.
There are guys in Syria against the Assad regime.
Over, of course, in Iraq, they're now our enemies, and we're preparing to at least unleash special forces on them, if not airstrikes.
Whereas the United States sees some kind of line, or a border, or imagines kind of a Berlin Wall with checkpoints between Syria and Iraq, there is none.
It's open desert.
Anyone who wanted to wander back and forth across that area is welcome to do so.
And seeing these problems as national state problems, here's Syria, here's Iraq, here's Iran, is one of the huge failures of American foreign policy.
They cross borders that don't really exist.
As far as what's going to happen next, I think it's going to be only a question of whether the dissolution of Iraq occurs hyper-violently, a little bit violently, or only somewhat violently.
It's impossible at this point to imagine any kind of realistic political reconciliation.
Maliki has had almost seven, eight years to pull that off.
It's very doubtful at this time with troops in the field that that's going to happen.
The winner in all this is very easy to see, and that is Iran.
Iran, thanks to the United States, had its most significant enemies, the Iraqis on the west, the Taliban on the east eliminated, courtesy of the United
And Iran has moved into Iraq in a huge way.
They brokered the 2010 election.
They put Maliki in power when the United States had to step back, powerless to do that.
They have their own special forces, the Quds Force, on the ground in Iraq.
And they own Maliki.
Maliki spent the Saddam years in Iran, in exile, and understands where his debts lie, whatever he happens to be mouthing bad about the Iranians these days for the United States to click their tongue at.
So you say that's him, he really works for them totally, that's all just window dressing.
I believe so, yes.
I believe so.
He's trying to get the United States to do some of his dirty work.
You know, that's a curious, curious issue because I'm not saying Iran is run by Western groups, but certainly the Shah was double-crossed at certain levels in 79.
They allowed the Ayatollah Khomeini to fly in on Paris.
We know they did the Iran-Contra deal with them.
And then the day Jimmy Carter was, you know, defeated, then
They released the hostages.
Again, I mean, I'm a political Democrat-Republican, because you have one group of Republicans leave and another group of Democrats come in.
It's basically the same ideas, same systems, just different labels.
But what is Iran's role in all this saber rattling back and forth?
I mean, I know Dick Cheney
Would talk bad about Iran all day, and then separately had deals where Halliburton, when he was vice president, he was making money off this in his blind trust, was the only company that could sell oil-filled equipment to him.
Or he'd try to get, according to Cy Hirsch, Navy SEALs to attack a US ship to blame Iran, but then he'd also be doing deals to protect him.
I mean, when you get down to brass tacks, there doesn't seem to be any policy at all, only a bunch of special interest
Making money off of the chaos.
I keep coming back to that.
I mean, Dick Cheney is someone who we really should stop listening to at this point.
I think he's pretty much displayed his lack of credibility, his lack of prescience, and his utter lack of intelligence on any of these issues.
The fact that he was more interested in making money for himself and his old cronies than saving American lives kind of tells the name of that tale.
Iran is the winner in all this.
And what will happen with Iran is Iran will continue to bolster its position as a regional power.
Iran is going to secure its western border.
It may push its western border de facto further towards Baghdad.
I mean, they're never going to fly flags or anything like that, but they're going to control territory that they didn't control before.
Yeah, let's not forget there was an eight-year war between Saddam Hussein and Iran in the 80s, so they're getting politically and with a covert military police force what they couldn't get in an overt war that killed millions.
Courtesy of the United States and the 4,500 young men and women we sacrificed there.
At the same time, Shias all over the Middle East are now seeing Iran as a major player for their safety, their security, and as a political force.
That's something again that Iran would have had a very, very hard time doing.
Why would Israel then tacitly support funding Sunni groups trying to take over Syria, knowing that they would then pour in and take over Iraq later?
This is what happens when, like the United States, you pursue a policy of a long series of short-term goals.
You're saying it's one-dimensional.
They don't think a few plays down.
They only think, I don't like Assad.
Take him out.
They don't think we're going to put a giant Saudi Arabian system in control of this country that's clearly going to end up trying to come in and take over.
This is it.
If the chessboard analogy I offered has any validity, it's if it's three-dimensional chess, if not four-dimensional chess, or something even more complex.
Once you kind of take a deep breath and start in on this, it's hard to get it all out in one exhale.
You've got three different groups in Iraq that are supported
By half a dozen countries outside of Iraq, each of those entities has splinter groups and separatists with inside of them.
Stay there, stay there.
Let's find out where all this is going straight ahead with our guest.
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Does the establishment think they've got a plan and that they're in control?
Because clearly the Middle East is deteriorating.
I know Google knew that the Arab Spring was coming and basically tried to ride
What they already knew was coming because food prices went up, like they're now going up here.
So again, I'm not saying the establishment orchestrated the Arab Spring, but they now admittedly predicted it and tried to steer it.
But it just doesn't ever seem to work, or the State Department supporting right-wing Nazis in Ukraine who literally hiled Hitler to try to start a new war with Russia.
Again, in my view, it's not that Russia is some angel, it's just that America is so bad now.
Is it ineptness, or what's happening in the minds of the people running things?
I mean, do they think they're doing a good job?
My own experience is, whenever you're not sure, go with inept.
It's the Occam's Razor thing.
The simplest answer is often the correct one, and my experience has been ineptness has ruled the day.
Let's throw some predictions out there about Iraq, because as the President has told us, we need to look forward, not backward.
And a lot of the commentary I'm reading, Dick Cheney and others,
It's looking backward.
Let's find someone to blame.
Whether it's Obama, if you're from that part of the spectrum, or it's Bush from another.
Those things happen, for sure.
And history will sort those out.
But let's look forward.
I think the situation in Iraq is very similar to the end of apartheid in South Africa.
Everybody knows it's going to fall apart.
Everyone knows it's an unsustainable system.
The question is, how will it fall apart?
And particularly, how violently will it fall apart?
I think in Iraq there's no question that you're going to have three separate entities.
I hate to use the word state because it implies a government who makes postage stamps and picks up the trash and things like that.
So it'll be like warlord run sectors?
Let's say sectors.
That's a good, that's an excellent word for that.
The Kurds, by the way, who rarely come up in these discussions, have been keeping on keeping on for a very long time.
They carved out their own de facto state early on in this game in 2003, and sit quietly back watching the rest of it happen behind their own walls with their own military.
So, other than a little score settling and some adjusting of borders, we'll leave the Kurds aside for a second.
The Shias, I think, will hold Baghdad and they'll hold the areas south of Baghdad.
Those are traditional areas.
I doubt that a Sunni military, army, mob, tribal organization or whatever really has the muscle.
So they'll get the West?
The Sunnis will continue to hold the West, and Bar and Western Iraq have been under de facto Sunni control for some time.
What we're going to be fussing over is in the middle, and I suspect that the worst outcome will be continued violence, and that certainly will be what sending more U.S.
fight into the thing will do, is just stir it up.
What does Saudi Arabia think it's getting by doing this?
At least Iran doesn't get the whole country now?
It puts themselves in a position to push back against Iran whenever they want to do that.
It puts themselves into a much weakened Iraq as a national state.
Don't forget Iraq basically invaded Kuwait and a good chunk of northern Saudi Arabia, though we don't like to talk about that too much.
The Saudis have a state now that will not threaten them as a state acting independently.
Sure, sure.
I'm not defending Maliki in closing, but
Uh, you know, he basically is saying what you just said.
He said all these interests want to break the country up.
I don't want that.
I guess from his own self-serving interest of Prime Minister, wanting to be in control?
Or is that more talk?
Yeah, absolutely.
He doesn't want to run off to South America with as much gold bullion as he carries and spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder.
But that indeed is going to be what happens.
So you're saying Iraq used to be in three parts.
It needs to be in three parts?
Needs to or will be are two different words, but it certainly will end up that way.
Alright, thank you so much.
Peter Van Buren, WeMeantWell.com, thank you for joining us.
We'll talk to you soon, thank you.
We'll be right back, folks.
Third hour, your phone calls, ton of news.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Lately I've not been getting into the stacks a lot on air.
I want to attempt a smattering of important news stories I want to cover that I haven't gotten to.
Like Nielsen ratings in a new scandal with fixed ratings.
That's like a fish swimming in the ocean.
I'm so shocked right now that the rating system is fixed.
They have to.
They basically have almost no viewers, except for passive ones that come across it occasionally.
So they have to do this.
In Arbitron, it came out, the Spanish radio stations.
You wonder why so much stuff went Spanish the last 15 years?
That was all rigged.
That came out years ago.
Because the establishment wanted that.
And now they've been caught with Univision rigging everything.
That's in the LA Times.
You heard all the news I've thrown out the last two hours.
Many of you have been listening.
Or if you just joined us.
Top story on drudge.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Obama's dumping of illegals, is intentional.
Again, that's like saying that the sky is blue.
But it's important to restate the simple.
See, a lot of us that know how all this works, we think everybody else knows.
No, everybody else does not know.
We need to keep restating the simple, the basics, and then adding the detail to it.
Is running around and saying the administration's own making of this disaster.
Well yeah, they don't care if Obama gets blamed.
He'll get pardoned, he's leaving office.
This is about future Democratic voters.
Shock photo, tin foil blankets as hundreds of illegals arrive an hour.
Scabies, chicken pox, cholera, drug-resistant TB.
I'm telling you, we need to headline drug-resistant TB.
That's what the ice whistleblower told us.
And that's in our video.
Perry, no room left for homeless Texans.
Yeah, I drive by Home Depot all the time, and I used to see 15 illegals out front.
I can send my crew in the morning to any Home Depot in Austin, but the one off 35 and 290.
And I mean, there's like a hundred illegals standing out there.
And that's at any one time, because they can't even get jobs now.
I mean, Mexico's collapsed worse than us.
We're in a depression.
Food prices are set to double.
How long did I tell you we're going into inflation?
When they did QE Unlimited, ladies and gentlemen, they printed tens of trillions digitally for the megabanks of dollars.
They didn't print, but a few hundred billion for the general public.
Doesn't matter.
The elites had a plan to control inflation to only give it to themselves, so luxury items doubled and tripled.
A BMW that was $60,000 five years ago is $120,000 now.
A Porsche that was $60,000 is $160,000.
Rolexes that were $3,000 or $10,000.
That's all happened.
Real estate for the elite's gone up.
But only the elite, the rest of the country, the poor, the working class, the middle class, have been eaten to the bone.
In this entire process, and it's only getting worse.
And it only will cause more crime and societal breakdown.
And what's the answer?
Oh, don't try to fix Latin America.
Don't try to build it up.
No, no, no.
If they ever try to get any good leaders, overthrow them, put in leftists.
Or if they get a good leftist leader, overthrow them, put in bad right-wing people.
Because there's a good right-wing guy that's moral but didn't run by the West, they overthrow them.
If there's a leftist who's good, they throw them out.
And put in a bad one.
I mean, it just, that's what Carol Quigley, Bill Clinton's mentor, head of Georgetown Political Science, wrote in his 1100 page book, Tragedy and Hope, that's back in print, that we sell at InfowarsStore.com.
You should go read it, but even if you don't, it's good to have as a collector's item to show people the quotes in it.
You find the quotes online, find the page number and go find them in there, where they admit the whole plan.
How do I know how stuff works?
Because only a thousand of those were printed for high-level CIA and State Department officials in the mid-1960s.
Then the plates got out, and thousands more got printed.
They were unable to pull them back, and folks just print them as part of public interest, and I've read it.
And it was meant so the State Department could understand the four-dimensional checks.
Man, when I get home from work, all Betty does is watch her reality TV and then she goes to sleep.
I can take her on romantic dates, I get her flowers, you name it.
She's just not the woman I married.
Oh, Ralph, that's just awful.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
So, two men have been arrested north of Austin in Round Rock.
They're trying to get money, weapons, allegedly, to Syrian rebels fighting Bashar al-Assad.
That's what the indictment says.
One of them was arrested in Round Rock, the other in Houston, trying to get on an airplane just to go over there and fight.
Our government's been funding these groups to attack Assad, giving them Stinger missiles, and then they arrest the Al-Qaeda affiliated nutballs, which they should be arresting the Al-Qaeda affiliated nutballs for trying to do this if it's true, which it probably is.
Instead of trying to grab my genitals at the airport or check baby diapers.
And I had two former air marshals on yesterday, senior air marshals, who are causing the big firestorm nationwide, talking about what's going on.
Gun running, total corruption, putting people on no-fly list for no reason.
Just a federal government out of control.
Remember all the Justice Department people and Homeland Security people that had to resign last year?
They settled the lawsuits, which means they didn't want to fight them.
That women would dress up, basically, in dominatrix outfits and make the men grovel to them.
And would make them office out of the bathrooms.
Senior Homeland Security people.
We're talking about deputy heads and people.
Because in my experience, folks,
Studying history, how things work.
Most of these short-haired, you know, commando woman, lesbian types, really aren't even lesbians.
I would, and I'm not knocking women out there, I'm not attacking you for your sexual issues.
I'm talking about the type like Janet Reno, or Big Sis.
It's about outmanning men.
And then when they get in power positions, they want, A, to have sex with the men,
And B, to dominate them.
And that's what was alleged, and that's what they settled over.
And then you got all these other Homeland Security people caught trying to fly and meet people that have babies they can rape.
That comes out every month or so, and senators are constantly getting caught with underage boys and not getting in trouble.
I mean, it's just crazy land, folks.
And then you've got Mexico, where they're finding new mass graves.
They found new mass graves today over the Texas border with dead men, women, and children, where the Mexican cartels are robbing and killing and raping the poor people trying to get up here.
It's just lawlessness!
And then if I'm against total collapse, you libertarians go, Alex, you say you're libertarian, you should be for no borders.
Mexico is a failed, collapsed state.
The government's offering them free welfare.
How is that free market to bring them here, they're above the law, and then... See, because the law's still there, and they still get the welfare.
We're not in some libertarian state where you don't get any free handouts, then no one would want to come here but people that wanted opportunity.
Switzerland doesn't just take you if you have money.
I mean, if you've got like a hundred million dollars, it'll take you.
But if you've only got a few million dollars, believe me, I've looked into it, and you want to move to Switzerland, you better have skills.
If you're an inventor, if you're a scientist, if you're a Nobel laureate, if you're a Pulitzer Prize winner, if you're a journalist, if you are someone who's got something to offer, then you can come to Switzerland, even if you don't have a lot of money.
And it is a wonderland of low crime and culture and quality.
Look at the United States under collectivism.
It is rotting to the core.
See, I don't like rigged games.
People say, why are you criticizing Walmart?
They're a free market.
Really, I've read probably five books on Walmart.
No people that have worked there, mid-level and high-level, have researched their business practices and who they give money to and what they do.
Their family's got more than $200 billion.
They've gotten the tax laws written where they pay almost no tax, but then they give money to candidates that are promoting banker bailouts to take my money and give it to big banks they're invested in.
Wal-Mart would do things in the last 20 years.
Now when Walton ran it, it wasn't like this.
When the old guy ran it, it wasn't like this.
It had a lot of made-in-America stuff.
When I was a kid, and I've gone back and researched it, they had a lot of made-in-America.
And it had stuff people wanted.
And Wal-Mart became popular in the South, and in Texas, and in places like Arkansas, where it came from.
Because it was a different animal.
But the last 20 plus years, Walmart, here's just an example of crony capitalism, will come in and will tell 10 egg producers in a county around the Walmart, take out loans, do all this, to give us, you know, 10,000 eggs a week, and we'll sign a year contract with you.
But they just told 10 groups to do it.
Well, let's say 8 of the producers upgrade.
Now there's a glut of eggs.
So what happens?
They come to you and they say, okay, we will now basically pay you at cost what it is.
And they trick you to sign a new contract.
Then they come back and they go, sorry, you got a contract to deliver eggs, even though so many other places opened up, now you're losing money.
And they don't care, because then a bunch of them go out of business, but now all their competition is already out of business, because the eggs were one-third the cost at Walmart.
That they were at any other competitor.
That's called a monopolistic practice.
John D. Rockefeller competition is a sin.
And Walmart has done that on every front till they're the only producer.
And then soon they say, we're not going to sell ammo and guns anymore.
There was such a backlash and you boycotted them.
So they said, okay, we'll sell guns again.
But the minute they can shut everybody down, they're not going to sell guns anymore.
So, that's my issue with Walmart.
Now, again, I'm kind of on a jag here just on random subjects that pop in my mind.
I'm going to give the number out and go to your calls for the balance of the hour and intersperse a bunch of news.
I'll play a David Knight report here in a moment.
But, just like Walmart set up slave factories in China to get stuff produced,
Five, six, seven, eight times cheaper than anybody else could.
It didn't promote any Chinese good jobs or money.
It didn't build a civilization to trade with.
It de-industrialized America.
It got rid of all the good jobs, created service jobs, but now even service jobs are contracting, and the name of the game is control.
And Walmart strategically did this with the globalists, and that's come out on record as well.
So same thing with Mexico.
It's not free market to buy from Walmart because it's rigged and you destroy yourself in the process.
And other big retailers play the same game.
Costco and others.
And then Costco gives money to anti-gun groups.
And again, there's groups even worse than Walmart, folks.
Target's involved in a bunch of this stuff.
It's all about manipulating markets.
But then finally Walmart's profits plunging because now they're into the endgame and they've so screwed up the country and de-industrialized it to shut down their competition that now they don't even have people that have money to come by at Walmart so Walmart starts lobbying to get the illegals legalized so they can all get welfare checks and come spend the welfare checks at Walmart but now it's with devalued dollars so the meat prices double over the last three years.
See how it doesn't work?
You know, corruption only works so long.
Mexico is a lawless state in almost every area of the country.
It's a failed, collapsed country.
And then we're told, hey, be compassionate, help these women and children that are coming here.
Unlimited numbers that we'll pay for while
Old people that I know lose their houses because they can't pay the property taxes.
Or if you don't pay the so-called income tax, no judge, no jury, they come and pull the wedding ring off your finger's wife.
Where's the compassion there for the people?
You know the IRS admits they target blue-collar mainly now.
Because, see, once you force the blue-collar to stop working, it's game over.
Full collapse.
And you go, why would the system want that?
Because then they get full control.
And it's not like we're just surmising this.
They put it down in documents like Cloward and Piven, Agenda 21, and others.
So, that's the reality here, and that's why you're not gonna help the immigrants coming from their collapsed societies, God bless them, by just bringing unlimited numbers here, because there's no free market left for them to come to.
The country's already shot.
The question is, how dead are we gonna be?
And can we ever rise from the ashes?
And the globalists want to make sure we can't do that.
And so they're flooding the nation with the most unskilled, dumbed-down, hopeless people who believe that Obama and the Democratic Party are their God for giving them a free bus ticket and welfare and three hots and a cut.
And it's the analogy of the lifeboat.
If a lifeboat can carry 20 people,
And the water's already up to the edge of the gunnels and you're about to swamp the whole boat in the North Atlantic and everybody's going to die of hypothermia in five minutes.
If there are a bunch of kids floating up to you, and there's been famous cases of this in the old days, men were so chivalrous that men would get off and jump into the water so that sharks could eat them or so they could freeze to death, and children would be put into the lifeboats.
So, folks need to understand that, that America's already starting to take on water and sink.
And if we were taking on inventors and entrepreneurs and free market people, it would actually help us.
If it was a limited core groups of highly skilled people.
I mean, when we got immigrants from all over the world in the last 200 years, folks, they were paying to come here, and paying to be indentured servants, and paying to go from one tyranny to a lesser tyranny, and they were ready to work.
They were ready to open the best clothiers, the best, you know, shoe shops, the best eateries, the best... All that great culture came to America because these were people who'd been in cash systems
Like Germany, and Italy, and you name it, and Russia, who wanted to have freedom.
And there was no free deal when they got here.
So they built an amazing country.
It's the opposite now.
It's the opposite.
It's failed kleptocratic countries, people getting here for a free handout.
I'll get the number out when I come back.
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Man, when I get home from work, all Betty does is watch her reality TV and then she goes to sleep.
I can take her on romantic dates, I get her flowers, you name it.
She's just not the woman I married.
Oh, Ralph, that's just awful.
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Come on, come on, come on, baby.
Come on, come on, come on.
It's time to get Ted Nugent back on the show.
I know he's called in a few times before, too.
Calling to go, this is Ted Nugent!
Let me hear him during the break.
Is this you, Ted?
Yeah, it's me.
Get him back on the show.
Come on, come on, come on, baby.
Come on, come on, come on!
Look at this headline up on Infowars.com.
By the way, it's on Houston television.
This is not breaking at Infowars.com even though Kit did an article on it.
It's not broken nationally.
I bet drugs links to the Houston story.
Jackson told to remove American flag because it's a threat to Muslims.
Apartment management suggests removing flag will help provide for safety of all residents.
And the apartment manager actually talked
to KHOU television and admitted it and said, yeah, the American flag, it's like a gang sign.
I told you.
See, this is political correctness, folks.
Every group can keep their identity.
But if you're white or if it's the American flag or if you're a conservative or if you're a gun owner or if you're anti-abortion, you're a terrorist.
Oh, it's already linked up there from KHOU.
Look at that.
See, I just could guess because that's so newsworthy.
We have our own article up on InfoWars.com.
Good job, Kit.
And I think Kit's going to add some links to the article, too, to past examples and cases.
You know, you can't wear the American flag anywhere now.
In public school, they say peanut butter and jelly sandwiches can't be on menus because it's hurtful to Hispanics.
I didn't know Hispanics didn't like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
As if what type of food you eat is some type of issue.
I mean, I eat everything.
I like everything.
From southern cooking to some of that Arabic, North African cooking, to Mexican food, Chinese food.
And of course, the system knows that.
They just want you to talk, to just say nothing.
It's authoritarianism.
Military, on most bases, is banned in 4Wars.com.
That's official.
The article's up on 4Wars.com, if you can still get there.
Is saying we're a hate site, we're a racist site.
I want to hear from you on all these issues.
What do you think of the now confirmed, we broke this yesterday.
We broke it yesterday with the McAllen Emergency Manager saying the feds pay to ship the illegals into the interior of the country, bring them in, illegals, and send them to their family members who are illegals.
Well, now we found a federal government press release for bids for people to help ship the kids into the country, and that story's up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and is red-linked on Drudge as well.
The story is up there on the site and it makes my head spin.
DHS to pay for illegal immigrants to be escorted into the U.S.
Minors up to the age of 17 to be brought in with, quote, dignity and respect to taxpayers' expense.
Brought in.
They pull in in buses.
We have the whole chain of investigation.
Greyhound pulls in.
Border Patrol waves them in.
They drive up.
Church buses, government-funded and 501c3.
They're not even churches.
They're government state-run systems.
Load them up.
They're brought in.
They're fed.
They're watered.
They're then sent on to the interior.
They're signed up with voter registration cards and welfare checks.
And then now they're advertising the full flood.
Absolutely insane to see this type of thing going on.
Here's the toll-free number, 800-259-9231.
I'm gonna come back and go right to your calls on this and ISIS and Obama and the missing emails.
I'm gonna take a bunch of calls and I'm gonna play David Knight's report on the missing emails and more.
Just be ready, because I'm going to try to go to each person and at least get 10 calls in or so.
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General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential forfeiture situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go folks, I'm being assaulted.
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There have been times, my friends, that I've looked in the mirror.
All these lines in my face can implore.
The past is gone.
You are the resistance.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I like this rendition.
I like my lines.
I like it ignored.
I like watching my children grow up and know they'll have children.
Because, for sure, you live forever.
As long as the human species goes on.
You win by surviving and being honorable.
Well, I know...
You've got to lose to know how to win.
Monday through Friday, we're here, 11am to 2pm Central.
Back, I'll be live this Sunday, 4 to 6pm, live in studio.
Alright, I want to go to your phone calls, but Obama's speech has concluded his long press conference, and usually he puts our military under NATO command.
And doesn't consult Congress, but I guess he's felt so much heat and Congressman Walter Jones has a bill that if he does one more military operation without congressional approval, impeachment will basically start.
And the Daily Mail's reporting that they've got the votes in the House to impeach Obama for violating the Constitution.
Again, this is an illegitimate government with now a 7% approval rating, Gallup Post shows.
Just 4% have a great deal of confidence.
Only 3% say they have quite a lot of confidence in the federal government.
That's a Infowars.com article that Steve Watson did, but it links to Gallup.
So before we go to your phone calls, just briefly, here's Obama saying something sensible until you realize they triggered and armed the Al Qaeda forces.
I've really been mulling this over for a long time to figure out the strategy and also reading the establishment's white papers.
It clicked earlier that I know what they're doing.
They have made a deal with Iran and Saudi Arabia and others to split the country in three parts, as I know they proposed earlier, and to leave the central area controlled by contractors and the West in Baghdad to manage it.
So it's the globalist model.
They come into a country, break it up into sectors, and have a command base in the middle, like an alien mothership that's landed to run the planet or the country.
And then it runs the torture bases and other central hubs in that command district, just like D.C.
is the equivalent of an alien fortress, or the city of London within London is.
All these elites always create a city that is above the law within.
The Vatican's got the same thing.
That's what's going on here.
And Iraq is a model for the rest of the world.
They get rid of nation states into larger sectors.
But then break those larger sectors into sub-sectors.
Balkanization in the name of unity.
With no human representation, only elite control.
The only political system will be the infighting of the proletariat against each other.
Or the great game of divide and conquer.
All right, enough of that.
Let's go to Lord Obama, sounding very reasonable until you look deeper into the Sith Lord's operation.
Because of our increased intelligence resources, we're developing more information about potential targets associated with ISIL.
And going forward, we will be prepared to take targeted and precise military action if and when we determine that the situation on the ground requires it.
If we do, I will consult closely with Congress and leaders in Iraq and in the region.
I want to emphasize, though, that the best and most effective response to a threat like ISIL will ultimately involve partnerships where local forces like Iraqis take the lead.
Now, it's not the place for the United States to choose Iraq's leaders.
It is clear though that only leaders that can govern with an inclusive agenda are going to be able to truly bring the Iraqi people together and help them through this crisis.
Meanwhile, the United States will not pursue military options to support one sect inside of Iraq at the expense of another.
By the way, when he got sworn in both times, he messed up on the parts about God and other things.
So, he's a lawyer, they do that on purpose.
Racing ISIL when it's ISIS.
I mean, it's all just lawyer games, folks.
It's all pure bull.
It's all about confusion.
It's about frying your brain.
It's about full-spectrum dominance.
Ozzy, in the great state of Georgia, you are on the air.
Thanks for calling in today.
How are you, Alex?
I'm calling in from FEMA Region 4.
That's right, formerly Georgia.
I want to let your viewers know that they are the resistance.
I am pretty shooken up.
I've witnessed mobilization of U.N.
armored trucks here from Alabama to Georgia.
That's what I wanted to speak on, first of all, and I also want to speak on the illegal immigrants that are here to replace us, not here to, they're also here to suck off
Well, I mean, they're here to bankrupt things from collapsed Latin American countries that the globalists helped collapse.
I feel sorry for them.
A lot of them will work hard.
But the system wants totally destitute teenagers that they can force into their system and program.
I mean, the system bemoans that a lot of illegals won't go on welfare.
They advertise every day, locally, for illegals to go get welfare, but the illegals don't trust the system.
But that's why they want the destitute and are advertising, come here for a free deal.
Now tell me about, you saw armored UN vehicles.
Tell me exactly what you saw.
Okay, well first what I saw was a few months ago, and it actually surprised me.
First, it wasn't the UN vehicles, it was tanks.
And they were on a train and they were being transported here to Georgia.
Well now what I'm seeing is that UN vehicles, white armored trucks, there's videos of this and everything, are being transported here to Georgia.
And what I believe is going on is that the military, the police, they don't want a single part to do with this.
They do not want to disarm the American people.
So I think they will bring in the UN to do it.
Well, I used to hear militia people and folks like 19 years ago, like Mark Kornke, who I respect and like, but he would say things like, you know, they're going to use U.N.
troops and I-4 troops.
And I just thought Americans would fight them.
And I just thought, you know, he's going too far.
And then now, since NLE-09 and stuff, well, even before that, FEMA admitted in public documents they were training troops from 14 nations.
We're good to go.
I went to urban warfare drills in 2000.
So like, you know, back in 96, 97, I would hear on shortwave, you know, oh, UN troops, I'd be like, come on, that's not going to happen, or Chinese troops in Mexico, until I was told that by colonels in the Marine Corps and stuff, and was shown videos and things.
And now it's mainstream news.
So yes, America is a joke to the world.
I mean, it's all being pre-deployed, total treason.
And I don't know if any of it will ever be pulled.
I don't know if they're going to actually do it, but it's going on.
And I've seen the videos of the UN vehicles and armored vehicles and helicopters being deployed around the country.
Jim Keith, who they murdered, wrote Black Helicopters Over America.
And I read that like in 96, and I read it and thought, this is crazy.
And within five years, I thought, this guy's really smart.
And within about 15 years, this guy's a genius.
You know, 19 years later, he's a total genius.
Because everything... I mean, he was the guy saying they're spraying microplasms in the chemtrails before the chemtrails even started.
And then they killed him.
I've talked to people that know him, and they murdered him.
He was like 45 years old or whatever.
And that guy just was amazing.
And he was reporting on the UN caches of helicopters in old military bases that are kept service, even the company names.
I mean, he was a real journalist who got into all this stuff.
And when we'd have a segment at least every week where we remembered someone persecuted or murdered by the New World Order, like Congressman Larry McDonald, Dr. McDonald, people almost killed like Congressman Hanson.
Jim Keith.
I mean, there have been so many folks that we need to remember what they've gone through and what happened to them.
But yeah, did you shoot video of this?
Because I've seen some of the video of the UN vehicles.
Because if you ever see that, sir, you need to shoot video of it.
Because just because you know about it, other people need to see it.
Did you video it or did you just see the video online?
Of the UN trucks, I saw the videos online because the guy was from Louisiana, not Louisiana, Alabama.
And he was saying that they're coming towards Georgia, towards FEMA Region 6.
But also something that I wanted to add is that my belief is that
Our president, which I don't call him my president, I think he's waging a jihad on our people.
On our American people.
Well, there's no doubt that they are bringing in radical Muslims to cause a cultural clash.
And that when you go to the airport, black, white, Hispanic, Arab, old, young, it doesn't matter.
If you're Americanized, you're getting a proctology exam.
If you've got a giant turban on your head, talking about bin Laden, you're going to be worshipped.
So, I appreciate your call.
Let's go to Ian in New York.
Ian, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
What's up Alex Jones, how you doing?
Good, go ahead.
Anyway, you were bringing up Walmart earlier on before you went to the break.
I just wanted you to know, I worked at a Walmart up here in the Catskills when I was in my 20s, and I started to see the downfall of it back then.
Because back when I started, you used to be able to get paid what you were worth.
Well, now they broke down the pay raises by departments back then.
And what they did was, is if you were in the lowest department, which I was in, which was car pushing, you could only make up to $14 an hour in your actual department if you got to the highest, and that was the highest.
And as soon as, and if you want to make more money, you had to move up with the company.
But with that many people in one store, how can so many people move up with the company?
Well, that's it.
But it's not even what they're paying, because in a free market, people need to be paid because there's going to be competition for good people.
Walmart designs an economic model to destroy everything else in the community.
And so that's why Walmart is such an issue, because they create these deserts out there in the culture.
And they sell Chinese slave goods, but it doesn't matter because they have giant American flags hanging up that says, Made in America.
I appreciate your call.
Great point.
Will, in FEMA Region 5, what former state are you in now under FEMA control?
Hello, sir.
How are you doing today?
I'm good.
What former state are you calling from?
Oh, they've certainly done a nice job there.
NASDAQ turned out real good, huh?
Yeah, and even though I know you like to, and kind of talking on Walmart, because I had to buy some stuff for some camping and family whole goodness that was needed, because I take my family out camping.
So there are FCC rules against profanity.
Families are hateful and hurt people's feelings that don't have families.
Do not wear American flags.
Do not say the word family.
Thank you.
Well, in any case, when I was checking out and that, I seen a guy buying some ammo and he thought all the ammo reason it was hard to get 22 and other forms of ammo was everybody was hoarding them.
He never heard of Homeland Security doing the bullet buys.
Or shutting down the gold smelting facility, the last one in the country this year.
Or doing importation bans or trying to buy up all the small calibers.
Of course, also on another note, and it's one that's a, if you want to call it a minor economic fight, here in this region, there's a, what you could call a minor version of Walmart, called Meyers, that pulls about the same level of bull in this region, and it does the same, and it only, and even though some of their stores are Union, which you know where the money from the former
Union dues on that goes, but yeah, it's crazy all over.
And the unions are promoting illegal aliens coming here to drive down their wages and take their jobs.
What a great plan.
Good points.
Good to hear from you, Will.
Let's talk to Merle in Oklahoma.
You're on the air.
I know another Merle from Oklahoma, Merle Haggard.
Go ahead.
All right now, Alex.
How are you today, sir?
Thank you for having me on your show.
You bet.
Good to have you here, sir.
Yes, like on these armored vehicles, they kind of quit saying anything about them.
We know the news was put on there that Coffeyville, Kansas has received one, and the Cherokee Nation, they have given one to the Cherokee Nation.
So that might be a whole new turn to Cowboys and Indians.
On this issue with the immigrants, the illegals, I called my congressman, Mark Wayne Mullen, and Lankford is running for Coburn's office.
And first they started lying to me about, oh those are just little kids.
I said we have the documentation, I didn't tell them where it came from, that mothers and they're letting gang members into this.
What's going on?
Well, we don't know.
We can't control that.
That's Obama's executive order.
And I said, well, can't somebody go up there and get a straight jacket and put on his butt?
They told me they finally said that they didn't want to hear it when I caught them in their lies.
That they didn't want to hear it, and it wasn't their business, and hung up on me.
So any of you Obamas that's listening on these elections that's going on, you can count these boys down in the government office.
Because they're in on the bad stuff.
But I just thank you for your time, Alex.
God bless what your whole crew does, man.
We really enjoy it.
Thank you so much, brother.
Yeah, they got Boehner and others out saying, see, we need to legalize the illegals to fix the problem.
That's like Obama saying, come, come, that'll fix the problem.
It'd be like if your boat had a hole in it and you went, let me fix that.
So you shot 85 more holes in it, grabbed a hatchet, started hacking holes in the bottom of the boat.
The country is going into depression, the meat prices are doubling, the fuel prices are increasing, the money machine printing is up on high, the elite is all dancing around, while the rest of the country falls apart.
You have to build up the United States to build up the countries around it.
You don't... David Knight had the analogy of the oxygen mask.
They tell you in a plane if you're with your children and the oxygen...
Pressure gets lost and the oxygen masks drop.
You only got like 20-30 seconds to get it on before you pass out.
Get it on yourself, get it working, then get it on your kids.
Because if you wait and try to get it on your kids, you're going to pass out.
They're not going to be able to get it on you.
I mean, I really want prosperity in Latin America.
But I don't want to live in Guatemala.
That's the second largest immigrant group.
Guatemala is as close to living hell as you can get.
I have family that live down there.
I've been down there.
It's scary, folks.
Let me tell you, I've been down there one time, and I ain't going back.
The whole place is one giant open-sur of crime and evil and poverty.
It's ultra-beautiful.
Volcanoes, jungles, but it is hell.
And those people have no idea what freedom is.
By the way, we have a double link on Drudge, this new article.
Border agents quitting over catch and release of known gang members, MS-13.
Desperate agents police for help ignored as DHS bankrolls invasion.
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Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
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You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we
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Prime Director didn't credit Alex Jones.
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David Knight is going to get on the Nightly News tonight, breaking down some incredible information.
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A big deal in the London Telegraph and several other publications.
Tell us about what's coming up on the nightly news tonight.
Well, Alex, it was actually kind of ironic that at this Margaret Thatcher conference, you've got these people who are pushing NAFTA, they're pushing the European Union.
She helped kill the takeover of England for a while.
Exactly, exactly.
And after she spoke out at Bilderberg, she was thrown out.
But of course, David Petraeus has been there now for two years in a row.
And he was at this conference, we're going to talk about this tonight in the nightly news, and he answered the question in his conference, after America
What next?
And he talked about America Plus.
And he said, well, what's coming after America is North America.
Highly integrated forces of Canada, the U.S., and Mexico.
And of course, he says NAFTA.
That's what this is really about.
When people don't understand what's going on with immigration, they don't understand... It's the collapse of all three countries into total slavery.
With Mexico and North Korea and China as the model.
We'll cover that tonight at 7 o'clock in detail.
The article's Margaret Thatcher, Conference on Liberty.
As it happened, London Telegraph, and she fought what they're now shelling.
Let's go to your report, David Knight.
The House of Representatives has been investigating the IRS to see if they singled out Tea Party groups for political persecution.
A large part of that investigation are incriminating emails that the IRS is now saying have disappeared.
Is it credible that Lois Lerner and now six other IRS officials would lose all of their emails due to a computer disk crash?
Now, some people might find that credible because that's happened to them with their personal computers, but we're not talking about personal computers.
You found one?
Did I?
It looks like this one is deducting for medical payments covered by insurance.
This, we suspect, is how a great many people think of ADP.
Automatic Data Processing.
The newest tax tool of the Internal Revenue Service and a new dimension in tax administration.
The IRS has policies, procedures, and technology that you don't have on your personal computer.
We're told that the electronic records weren't archived for very long, but the IRS's own record-keeping requirements for us treats electronic records the same as paper records, and requires that we keep records for three to seven years, indefinitely, if fraud is suspected.
But IRS policy says that official e-mails are federal records.
And they're required to be printed and stored separately and permanently.
And the e-mails don't just reside on a hard disk.
These e-mails pass through servers.
And the IRS has a huge IT department to ensure that data is backed up and preserved.
And reporter Cheryl Atkinson reports that an IRS official told her that e-mail is backed up with something called a RAID.
Arrayed is a redundant array of independent disks.
In other words, two physical hard drives are put together in one enclosure.
Information written to one is also written to another.
Now what that means is that although a single hard drive might have a mean time between failure of five years, that would give you a probability of about 1 in 78,000 that this would fail.
When you put them together in a raid configuration that's mirrored for security, you wind up with a mean time between failure of 500 years.
In billions.
In other words, it's not credible, even if they weren't mirrored, that all seven of these would fail and lose the most critical time period that they're looking for.
I say the IRS officials need to be held to the same standard that they hold the rest of America to.
For example, they should be guilty until they can prove that they're innocent.
They should be required to retain data for seven years, just as we are.
We'll be back in overdrive with more.
Stay with us in 4Wars.com, Ford's last show for the free video feeds.
More calls coming up.
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Coast to Coast Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Let's jam in as many calls as we can right now in overdrive.
Shane in Florida, thanks for holding.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Hey, how's it going, Mr. Jones?
Shane Hess here.
I called you a couple years ago when I was still in the military.
I was an Apache driver at the time.
I want to let you know that there is something you can find online called CMOS, which is a common missile warning system.
All aircraft in the U.S.
military are retrofitted with this technology, which basically renders any portable surface-to-air missile device virtually irrelevant.
Is that where it fires out all the flares?
Yeah, that's what it is.
And something that, you know, we should be putting out there because let's think about this.
If we end up having an event which we know could be used as a false flag or whatever you want to call it, they're going to end up retrofitting every civilian airline with this anyway.
So if this is the threat and they're admitting it, then they should go ahead and just start retrofitting these things now to prevent it from ever happening.
That's just my one point there.
And then the one other thing I want to let you know is
We are still talking to the military every single day.
I'm not in my unit anymore, but I have a former lieutenant who's now a company commander, and she just put together a memo on 31
March of 2014, and bullet 3 says to facilitate the soldiers and officers of this command faithfully upholding their oath, each member of Delta Company will be required to sign for and maintain a copy of the U.S.
Constitution issued to them upon arrival to the company.
Um, I'm not going to give any specific information about who my former lieutenant was, but I can certainly, uh, for you, uh, what this memo looks like.
And there, there's real stuff happening in the command structure at the low level, um, to, to basically awaken people to their constitutional oath.
What we have seen happen the last 19 years on air is that when they try to get the military at the low and mid-level to do bad things, it actually causes a big awakening and a constitutional rebellion against that tyranny.
Please send that to ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com.
Just give us the details.
We'll cover up the names to protect everybody.
That the military is rebelling in a legal and lawful way.
By promoting the Bill of Rights and Constitution, and reminding people what their real oaths are.
And that's the last thing the establishment wants, so that's a beautiful thing.
And I am aware of that happening and going on, and it's very exciting.
That's why it's key for veterans to reach out to their friends that are still in, and to let them know that we're awake, that they're waking up, and that we can save this country.
That's why the globalists are desperately opening the borders up right now.
We appreciate it.
A lot of us know who you are.
We appreciate what you're doing, sir.
And we're not going to let this happen.
The big thing is, are we going to unify around some basic principles of being good people?
And so that's why a lot of the rhetoric that we need to have just needs to unify people.
Our biggest enemy right now is apathy.
People are ready to do something, but they're not exactly sure what to do.
People need to know they have power.
And just speaking out against evil is good.
And picking things to do locally is good.
That's why we have a chance to win and why the system is so scared, because there is a big awakening happening.
It really is happening, folks.
Who's up next here?
Hubo in Wisconsin, and then I'm out of time.
I'm sorry, the other callers.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex Jones.
Thank you for this opportunity.
In any case, you know, I believe that you are singularly
The person who's speaking out from the highest rampart against this whole Iraq story that is being fed by the mainstream media, you are a cogent, stentorian,
And kudos to you.
You know, I listened to your previous guest, whose website is We Meant Well, and I don't know what to think of it.
And he's not here to defend himself, so I'm not going to lambaste him.
I'll tell you what, we'll just keep doing more Overdrive.
We'll do one more segment.
We'll talk to Brian, Anthony, and Mark.
Stay there.
You've called before.
How do you pronounce your name?
Okay, I'll get it right.
Alright, I can hardly speak English much less get other names right.
It's a cool name.
I just can't, you know, hardly say my name correctly myself.
So, Haboo, stay there.
We'll come back to you, let you finish your point.
Then Mark, Ryan, and Anthony, straight ahead in Overdrive.
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Alright, we're in overdrive right now for one more segment.
Haboo in Wisconsin.
You were bringing up the State Department whistleblower that we had on earlier.
Peter Van Buren, go ahead and make your point.
Yeah, I won't go over too much of what he said, but he sounded a lot like the clueless
I think?
Uh... matter was, you know, in bad shape for the Assad government.
They were saying, oh, it should be divided into this and the other.
You know, these people have no clue, respectfully, about what is going on there.
And it is for the indigenous peoples to decide.
And I think this is what we want from the globalist perspective, as you say, to divide it into these Bantu stands so that they can't, you know, work together and provide
You know, their own sovereignty and resistance... That's what's going on, is a destabilization program, and Brzezinski admits that.
And then you've got somebody from the State Department, like Van Buren, who's a smart guy, but from his perspective it's inept.
But we have all the quotes, it's not inept, it's order out of chaos, it's milking chaos, and it is the plan to de-industrialize and reduce the population of Iraq.
Look, they had a stable government before they had Saddam Hussein overthrow it in 79.
Then they overthrew him, who was stable compared to what was there.
And then they talk about how screwed up it is, and their answer is break it in more parts.
And it's just going to continue on forever.
This is their model, and that's their program.
You're absolutely correct, and you've been saying this for a long time, whether it was Syria or Libya or Iraq before that.
So, and you singly... Oh, please don't praise me, brother.
We're all in this together.
It's pretty simple to see once you've studied it.
But at least you are saying it and others aren't, so that's the difference.
In any case, you know, I also have a problem with his website, that Van Buren, that we meant well.
We meant well ever since 91, when we, you know, the Highway of Death and all the continuous bombing in the 90s, and then, you know, even Bill Clinton before that, and the, you know, it was worth the price.
We never meant well.
Well, I think he means that he meant well.
And again, at the compartmentalized mid-level he was at, they really believe the mission, but they're told the mission is A when the mission is really Q. And so, their following on this mission doesn't make sense because they're compartmentalized.
I mean, I don't think he's a bad guy.
I agree totally with his analysis on the situation.
Ukraine, he was just involved in Iraq, so I think that's where you get what I would call a distortion in that point he was making.
But as far as the facts he was giving, I think they're pretty accurate, but how do you think Iraq's going to end up?
You know, I hate to say this, I think Iran is going to play a bigger and bigger role, and to the detriment of the Iraqi people,
And not that I don't like Iran or anything like this, but you know, if I'm for sovereignty against U.S.
interference, I'm also for sovereignty against Iranian and other interference.
And you know, the poor people of Iraq have suffered for four decades now, and you know, if anything good can come out of this to answer your question, I hope there is a final convulsion which will finally kind of
Bring this together.
The people have had enough, but they want to be Iraqis.
No, I hear you.
I'll say this.
I'll say this, and I appreciate your call.
I've got to move on to others, but our government in 1979 put Saddam Hussein in power.
He was CIA.
He was trained.
Then they tell him to attack Iran.
Then they tell him, oh, go ahead and invade Kuwait.
Then they set him up.
Then they kill over a million people with sanctions and war over the next couple decades.
And then now they're invading it with al-Qaeda, who was armed.
The globalists don't want any strong, quasi-secular, first world nations.
That was Saddam's crime, was swimming pools, 60% of girls going to college, and having high IQs.
And now they've been totally wrecked and ruined.
And it's the model of what the globalists push.
And Saudi Arabia, who's a big partner in this, wants a weak neighbor to the north.
And it's just a barrel of snakes, is all I can say.
You know, it's easy to have this subterfuge Machiavellian mind.
The Arabs have had that forever.
Look what it's done to them.
You've just got to be honorable.
And when I say Arabs, I'm not saying they're dishonorable.
I'm saying the Arab elites, you know, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Well, not necessarily if they're your enemy already.
I mean, it's, you know, I mean, if Jeffrey Dahmer didn't like some rock band that I like, doesn't mean Jeffrey Dahmer's good.
Doesn't mean I throw in with Jeffrey Dahmer.
It's just... These people that look at it and angle expediently for themselves.
Oh, this will work good for my aims today.
That is knowledge, not wisdom.
Let's talk to Mark in Illinois.
Mark, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
How you doing?
I'm doing alright, brother.
It's good to be alive and above ground.
Any day above ground is a good day.
Any day above the flowers is a good day.
I'll tell you what, Alex.
You got a live one here.
This whole immigration thing, the way it's going, and the destabilization of this country, and the demoralization of this country, I see it all around me.
I mean, I see it every day.
There aren't any jobs here anymore for the most part.
I see this country going to heck.
I'm going to try to stay on topic here.
I could talk about a lot of things.
We're good to go.
You know, any type of stronghold anywhere is because you can't bring in a one world currency.
You know what I'm saying?
When any country or any organization or any people have a stronghold anywhere, you just can't do that.
That's right.
It's about a lowering of everybody but the elite who are exempt from all their own regulations.
Cloward and Piven, agenda 21, that is the plan.
And Petraeus said, what comes after the immigration?
North American Union.
They're going to get rid of all the countries.
One huge mega sector and then have subdivisions, just like we were talking about Iraq, playing us off against each other.
It is total abject treason.
At the Banff Canada 2007 meeting that we got the documents out of through Judicial Watch, they said we will use immigration crisis, flu crisis, and terror crisis to get rid of all the regulations on us and to put regulations on the public.
And it was government there and corporations planning our future.
Great points.
The good news is the people are starting to figure that out.
I mean, we have two articles linked on DrudgeReport.com right now, the biggest news site in the world, with government officials admitting the government is shipping the illegals in.
Not just letting them be here, they're shipping them in.
This is total treason.
This is, oh, you won't do blanket legalization?
We'll do it by fiat and say no more deportations.
People go, no more deportations?
Yeah, well then they show up, and by the way, we're going to pay to get you in.
See, the sky's the limit, folks!
The sky's the limit!
Brian in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Thank you.
I'm calling because Pennsylvania is being a tyrant over its citizens by not respecting their constitutional rights.
Well, that's part of it.
It's a lawless government.
Yeah, and I'm fighting it.
I don't care.
I'm taking it to the U.S.
Supreme Court because I found all the case law that I need to fight.
Listen, you can fight them in court.
That ties them up.
Even if you don't win, you can also just stop complying and act like an illegal alien.
And more and more, that's what we have to do is just stop complying at any level.
Don't shop with the big corporations.
And any law that's unconstitutional, I personally am done.
I'm just done with it all.
Yeah, and uh... I was saying for the New World Order, piss up or rub.
Go ahead.
They robbed us of our financial freedom when Ed Rendell was the governor.
He sued with 11 other states, the tobacco company, for 2.2 trillion dollars.
And then I happened to catch it on the Pennsylvania government channel.
That's the only place he made the announcement that he said
I can order legislation to end poverty right here and now, but I'm not going to do it.
Instead, I'm going to fix the sewer system in the Susquehanna River Valley, and it's going to cost $11 billion, which was his first installment from the settlement.
So I thought he committed treason right then and there when he felt, because we're a commonwealth state, that he should have ended poverty first.
You end poverty by creating a moral culture and creating an equitable culture without monopolies.
But I hear you and I appreciate your call.
We're moving quick here.
Government is getting away with whatever it wants.
Corporations that run it are.
And so the sky's the limit.
You're going to see crazier and crazier stuff, folks.
Because they don't get in trouble, why shouldn't they?
Last caller.
Sorry to Robert and Francis.
We're talking to Anthony in Florida.
Go ahead and be our tail gunner here today, brother.
Oh, yeah.
I like to, I agree that I like to talk about the immigration, the immigrant situation.
Brother, we're not screwing your call.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
This is definitely a conspiracy by the government to completely collapse us and turn us into a total socialist welfare nanny state.
And then, you know, if you don't agree with it, you're racist.
It's 2 plus 2 equals 4.
It's being done on purpose to bankrupt the country and bring in socialists.
They don't even want hard-working immigrants from Latin America.
They want teenage kids that will grow up literally hanging from Michelle Obama's breast.
I mean literally.
But it's not her breast, it's our money.
So actually it's Michelle Obama attaching them like ticks to our rear ends.
Go ahead.
I've got a question, too.
Is it possible I could speak with you off-air at some point?
Because I'd like to speak with you.
Is there a way I could get a hold of you?
You know, the woods are lovely, dark, and deep.
I have miles to go before I sleep.
I've got to go.
Just do a whole bunch of stuff, shoot a bunch of video, work on a film right now.
Send me a letter with whatever the information is, and maybe I can talk to you.
But who knows?
Please don't be insulted if I don't, because all I do is work, okay?
And I need to take some time off or I'm gonna burn out.
Great job with the fruit.
Nightly News tonight.
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Are you happy washing your hands with stinking fragrances that gives your skin rashes?
Are you happy paying new, higher prices