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Name: 20140618_Wed_Alex
Air Date: June 18, 2014
2420 lines.

Alex Jones from InfoWars discusses a range of issues including terrorism, gun control laws, immigration policies, contaminated water supplies, and international relations between the US and other countries. He interviews former Secret Service employees about airport security scandals and promotes products from InfoWars Life. He also talks about DARPA brain chips, whistleblowing, and fake news while offering solutions for the current political climate.

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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
So we're here at the Sacred Heart Church, again the same church we were at yesterday.
We talked to one of the people who are working the scene here.
They said they were trying to help us out and see if they could get us an interview, so we'll just wait and see what happens.
What we have here is just, we're setting up an area where we can facilitate their sleeping quarters.
Right now they're on the floor, so what we did is we brought in a tent, a regional resource that we have in the area.
I'm being told they're coming from Central America.
A lot of them are Central America.
Younger kids with their moms for the most part.
And why Central America?
Why is that the popular destination?
I have no idea.
What happened today in particular is that the Border Patrol dropped off some, they call them detainees, but obviously they're not detained after they drop them off.
And normally they have tickets or arranged transportation to go somewhere in the interior.
Well today, apparently for some logistical reasons, some of them hadn't had transportation arranged or their transportation is tomorrow.
And so we're having to find places to shelter them for tonight.
So we've accessed some resources that we have.
We're going to shelter them here tonight.
So why is the Border Patrol bringing them here?
They're not bringing them here.
They're bringing them to our bus terminal because that's where the Border Patrol understands that they have transportation to go to the interior.
So they're dropping them off.
It's our understanding that they were dropped off with tickets or with vouchers for tickets.
Turns out some of them didn't tonight, didn't have their ticket, or didn't have their voucher, or like I said, their bus isn't till tomorrow.
So they've got nowhere to stay.
Our bus terminal by ours, I mean the City of McAllen, I mean the bus terminal is not a 24-7 operation.
So we've got to put them up somewhere else.
So for tonight, we're doing the best we can with this resource, which thankfully one of our neighboring cities made available to us, and we're going to put them up here.
Tomorrow we'll have a little chat with the Border Patrol and see what's going on.
No, I'm just curious as to what point these people come in contact with the Border Patrol.
Do you know?
You'd have to ask them, but I'm assuming it's coming across the border.
Coming across the border.
So as far as you know, they come across the border, they encounter the Border Patrol, and the Border Patrol brings them to a facility such as the bus station.
No, they don't bring them there.
They initially take them to the Border Patrol station.
And they detain them there and they process them there.
And then after they process them, the only ones that you'll see here are family units that are like a mom and a couple of kids that they have determined don't pose any sort of security risk and have a criminal background and they've got relatives or help somewhere in the interior.
So that category of people
It's all we're about, man.
It's all here.
They're all calling back home to me, you know, come on over.
All I know is that until today, 99% of them that got off the Border Patrol bus at our bus station had a ticket.
And so all the charitable organizations were doing was help feed them, give them some clothes, we provided showers and things like that, and then put them on the bus and off they go.
So tonight's the first time we really had this
The thing about it is,
We are just letting them go.
They're being given orders to appear in front of an immigration judge.
If they're going, I don't know.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The news has now reached red level.
Bedlam insanity.
It is off the chart.
We have the Attorney General, the President, and Hillary in the last two weeks saying they're getting ready with executive orders to basically ban all guns from sale that do not have biometrics on them.
They will then retroactively ban all the other guns.
She is saying the American people, and we have the clip, are not allowed to terrorize others owning guns when it's the controlled corporate press and the brainwashers to use the Attorney General's own words about brainwashing the public to fear guns.
They are the ones creating the perception and fear that there's an epidemic of gun violence when the proliferation of guns and the gun culture winning.
In most areas of the country, and gun ownership exploding by the Justice Department's own numbers since 1991, crime rates using guns have dropped 52%.
Some of the most accurate statistics out there are the FBI numbers.
When you go to statistician school, you can look this up, that's the world model.
In Russia, they study FBI statistics.
In Japan, they study it.
In Germany, they study it.
Because that's what J. Edgar Hoover was good at, was setting that up.
Because their local numbers, they're hard to fudge because they get compiled all over the country.
So even if one jurisdiction is manipulating numbers, like Chicago's been caught trying to keep numbers down and things, it doesn't matter.
Because overall, the general crime rate comes out and is matched with the court numbers.
And the conviction numbers, and the prosecutions.
Now, that said, when Hillary comes out and says, quote, we can't let gun control opponents hold an opinion that terrorizes America, you see the labeling of your values, of my values, of freedom's values, of common sense, self-defense, individual liberty, liberta, being demonized.
And that dovetails with Obama saying, look, Australia just had, you know, very harsh, very strict, yeah, total ban, except for single shot with a license.
Crime rate just exploded all over the country on record.
The muggings, the stabbings, the rapings.
You can look it up.
The major cities are beset.
with mainly immigrant crime waves that are protected and coddled by the social services system.
And again, this is how it's done.
This is how the government takes over and controls society.
The same model is being deployed here.
We're going to be breaking that down in a moment.
This morning I got up at about 6 a.m.
and at about 6.30 watched the video that is just now going up on InfoWars.com
And our reporters down there on the border are doing a bang-up job, but they just don't realize, most of the time, just how sensational the information is they're getting, and how dangerous it is to the globalists.
A week ago, a week and a half ago, we sent Joe Biggs and others down to the military bases in San Antonio, overrun with illegals, and
Fox News, everybody else was forced to run down there and cover it days after we did.
Then we sent reporters down to the Sacred Heart Church in McAllen, down on the border that was housing illegals that were bused right in to be deployed all over the country.
Now there's satellite farms of media out there.
Again, the globalists hire so-called journalists now that it's not just that they're controlled, they don't have any instinct for news.
And so what's happening is, everywhere my reporters now go, all over Texas, they're going to go to Houston next, next week, and then Dallas, and then we're probably going to send them to New York, and Virginia, where the liberals are saying, my God, it's overwhelming our social services, everything's collapsing.
I mean, in one town in New York, I've got the news today, there's more than 10,000 children that have shown up in a small town.
I mean, it's like a tsunami hit.
When Houston gets hit by hurricanes, one time I was in East Texas, 150 miles at our ranch, from the hurricane.
There were illegal aliens in tents on the side of the road on ranch roads that you may see one car every 30 minutes on.
There were just illegals everywhere, folks, because it flooded out South Texas that is basically Mexico and Latin America.
Flesh-eating bacteria, drug-resistant TB, amoebas.
And by the way, folks, I know the medical workers that are getting the drug-resistant TB from it.
I know the people that have been in jail that are getting it.
I know people that have the amoebas, okay?
Okay, this is going on.
It is a collapse.
So I get up this morning, and there's a headline up there, and then I watch the video, and I had the headline changed,
Border Patrol paying the ship illegals deep into the United States.
They go talk to the city officials, the same ones that are in the news.
Lawton Police.
Feds want cops to secure Fort Steele immigrant children.
The Feds are saying we're not even going to secure them, we're going to let them go.
The ICE agent who blew the whistle yesterday said they disgorge them at midnight.
Our reporters were there.
We'll see what happens when they come up at the bottom of the hour.
And we had city officials tell us on video, Border Patrol won't talk to us, that yes,
Because, you know, Jakari, we're going to play the video coming up, we just played part of it, it's like, why are there buses that pull right through the Border Patrol, they get on white vans and then drive in to the cities, the staging grounds, and buses pull up there, and the city official goes, well, it's all completely normal, we're not doing anything wrong, as he's out there at a tent city.
The Border Patrol gives us the voucher for Greyhound.
It just went up on Infowars.com.
And my point is, I go to InfoWars.com now and I get a headache as a news director because it's so good, it's so powerful, it's so strong, it's so cutting edge, it's so hardcore, it's breaking everything.
DARPA brain chips to implant false memories.
Officially declassified that we're going to have brain control chips to help us cope with daily lives and not be depressed and you'll get your welfare check if you take the brain chip.
Sci-fi is here, DrudgeReport.com, link to it.
Riot control drones to shoot pepper spray bullets at protesters.
Infowars.com breaking that.
Government contracts, it's being rolled out.
The control attack drones are here.
These are like flying Daleks from Doctor Who.
I mean, I've entered the Twilight Zone and so have you.
Again, we can't let gun control opponents hold an opinion that terrorizes America.
See, your view terrorizes people.
We have been banned at all major military bases, state guard bases, and on almost all libraries by Blue Coat, a globalist outfit that basically has NSA technology and works with the CIA and NSA.
They have blocked us to hundreds of millions of people.
We're literally getting screenshots of it from the Pentagon, Fort Hood.
Joint Task Force 6 in Texas, Camp Mabry, just all over the country.
But Texas is really flooding us.
Libraries, bus terminals in Europe, Wi-Fi systems.
So, this is what's going on.
They're moving on all fronts right now.
I mean, I don't even have words to describe the level of what's going on here.
And if you go to InfoWars.com, it just got updated, and it just went up.
The off-the-chart information.
And again, on my computer it hasn't even refreshed yet.
But you guys, it's refreshed on yours.
You put that headline on screen, you just put up, thank you so much.
There's no other radio, TV broadcast like this.
I'm not bragging.
It's just the guys are like octopuses in there trying to get all this stuff up as fast as I want them to.
Border Patrol paying to ship illegals deep into the U.S.
Border Patrol
Purchasing bus tickets, vouchers for illegal immigrants, while saddling border towns with a housing burden.
That's a Don Salazar and Jakari Jackson.
It's red-linked.
I want it moved to the top of Infowars.com.
And I want the video posted as a separate article with that similar headline.
And the reason I do that is it was up for a while with the headline, Ice Agent Blows the Whistle Illegals Receiving Costly Taxpayer Funded Medical Treatments.
But that's a big issue, but not the big, giant issue that the Border Patrol is being ordered to aid and abet.
It's obvious in the video that they followed over the weekend where the buses pull right through with the Mexican colors on the side of them, red, green, and
You know, the whole national colors.
And then the people get off, or the churches we went and talked to admit are illegals.
They get put on vans in front of the Border Patrol.
But we go up on top of the Border Patrol and they run up with machine guns.
Because that's for us.
Not for the new slaves coming in.
You know, slaves that have been here a while are seen with complete contempt.
But kind of like in the old cartoons where the cat sets up its mouth like a restaurant for the mouse and puts a sign and a neon sign saying, come in for dinner.
You know, they want the new fresh meat in.
They don't want to know they're walking right into the cat's mouth.
And so you've got the police, you've got the military, you've got the border patrol all there to aid the red carpet.
Directly in to get their voter cards, their ID cards, their driver's license.
Most states don't give you a legal driver's license.
They vote.
It's endgame.
It's here.
And again, they'll give you fake lesbian gay rights all day, and hype those up, and hype up, oh, we're banning the redskins, name it, the patent office.
That's a political stunt today.
While they take everybody's rights, gay, straight, it doesn't matter, old, young, black, white, Hispanic, total NSA spying, fluoride in the water, open borders, collapsing currency, funding Al Qaeda to attack Syria.
That's even mainstream news now, paying them to attack Iraq.
Just total bad lump.
By the way, the great crew and listeners sending us tips found three videos in the last two years where I said they're going to give Stinger missiles to Al Qaeda, they're going to invade all those countries, and they're going to use the threat of the Stinger missiles shooting down airliners to take our rights domestically.
They found the clips.
It's all coming up, word for word, my prediction becoming reality as usual.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Well, it's snowing in June, ladies and gentlemen.
Weather.com is reporting.
In Montana, Utah, and Wyoming, as summer approaches, record cold temperatures in many different regions of the world.
But that, they claim, is global heating.
And if you don't pay Al Gore the carbon tax, why?
It's all your fault.
While they genetically engineer the entire biosphere and engage in every form of environmental annihilation, you can imagine the very people destroying the Earth posing if we tax carbon dioxide, which is the main byproduct of human activity and part of the life cycle, why that will fix everything.
It is a total power grab.
Shifting gears back into the big issues here.
In front of everyone, Obama is honoring illegal alien children
That's the headline.
And the media is saying, wow, it's encouraging them.
And from Virginia to Michigan, from New York to California, Democrat cities, I have a stack of the articles here today, are screaming bloody murder.
Because, hey, you're a town of maybe 20,000 people?
How about 10,000 extra who don't have jobs and who are teenagers, mainly?
What do you think they're going to do?
Well, they're going to
Most of them will be nice, I'm sure, and go to the library.
But some are going to beat people up and they're going to rob stuff.
That would happen with any teenagers.
10,000 German homeless teenagers from Germany.
Do you think they're going to come from bad, broken families?
Do you think some of them are going to be criminals?
Yeah, a large percentage of them are.
A large minority are.
And so it's a crime wave, ladies and gentlemen.
And we already take all the MS-13, the drug dealers, the dregs of Latin America.
This is the happy hunting ground where you never get in trouble if you're an illegal, because the system has said hands off.
And Obama, this is only the beginning.
I predict now that the numbers will go from hundreds of thousands a month to 500,000 to a million a month, and this will be the false flag.
I've always said it would be a border crisis, and that would come into an economic collapse.
And then the feds will pose as the saviors, militarizing the border, to only conduit more illegals in faster.
And again, they will all be handed driver's license, they will all vote.
Game over.
Game over.
And you hear MSNBC announcing your children belong to them, and the Attorney General's coming out saying we're getting ready to sign executive orders to ban many types of guns.
That was a month ago.
Even Senator Cornyn, a rhino, warned of it.
You know it's serious.
Obama said last week in the New York Times that preparing executive orders, they are doing all sorts of stuff outside of law, extra-judicially, extra-legislatively.
And now, Hillary has come out.
And said it's terrorism.
Your rights terrorize people.
And people have a right to feel safe.
But you have a right to your delusions?
That in places like Chicago and New York you're safe because they ban the guns when you have the highest crime rates?
Like DC?
You have a delusion that because you're... So many liberals are just very soft, well-meaning, domesticated, foolish jellyfish that have their IT jobs or have their social worker jobs or have their state jobs, and they literally have no idea that technocratic fascists
Have set this up in high-tech algorithms and 50-year plans of Zbigniew Brzezinski.
On record, this might as well be an alien high-tech invasion to incrementally take over, shut off the farms, shut off the industry, break down the family, destroy humanity and the human family cell.
If I was an advanced alien intelligence, I would infiltrate with high intelligence biological androids that operate like these globalists and I could take over in 50 years.
I'm not saying they're an off-world intelligence.
They might as well be.
To understand the mechanized, scientific, dedicated, anti-human, commando, hyper-intelligent evil that we're dealing with.
You've got to understand, folks, this is world-ending as we know it.
The entire genetic code is being overwritten on the planet.
Humans will be completely infertile within another 40 years at current rates in all other mammal studies with the GMO.
We are dead already.
This is total hell on earth.
I'm putting on emergency transmissions now that hopefully will be saved in some format that their master computer systems can't delete throughout the cloud instantly.
That's the technology they admit they're going to.
I am simply putting out emergency transmissions that will be in your mind.
There won't be any proof of these transmissions, probably in the future, but you will be able to try to tell it to others if the total control grid goes into place.
It's just unspeakable.
It might as well be an alien takeover.
I mean, that's what we're facing.
And the globalists say they're a new species of super-homo-sapien-sapien, because they're so cold-blooded, survival of the fittest.
And so, for all intents and purposes, the globalists are an alien, off-world, breakaway civilization.
That's their plan.
They say, Ray Kurzweil, all of them, they're gonna break away with a breakaway civilization.
They say they're gods.
We are dead.
They live, we die.
We're on the march.
The empire's in the run.
Our reporters from the border are coming out.
Our reporters from the border are coming out with breaking news.
Man, when I get home from work, all Betty does is watch her reality TV and then she goes to sleep.
I can take her on romantic dates, I get her flowers, you name it.
She's just not the woman I married.
Oh, Ralph, that's just awful.
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In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
Building independent media operations.
You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Prime Directive.
Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
These people are a
You've got to set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out!
Intellectually, it's begun and you can feel it!
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, we're here live, and I'll be back this Sunday.
Promoting free market Americana and the expansion of liberty and prosperity, 4 to 6 p.m.
every Sunday, weeknight, 7 o'clock Central, InfoWars Nightly News.
The globalists use poverty as a weapon.
To control populations, and I have articles here.
Central American media promote illegal child immigrant tsunami, give tips.
Guatemala, Mexico, you name it.
La Pinza Libre, one of Guatemala's leading dailies, reports on how to get into the U.S.
and how they'll be helped by Obama to get into the nation.
Bills have been introduced at the federal level.
We're getting into that article coming up.
Where the illegals will instantly be able to vote.
So, it's going to all be out in the open.
This is economic checkmate, ladies and gentlemen, where they take taxpayer money and buy an invading group to politically dominate and control.
And if the American people put up with it, they deserve it.
That goes for every race, color, and creed.
You run from Guatemala and Mexico to get away from the total collapse
But then people still now adopt and keep the cultural ideals of the corrupt government and want to convert this to that.
I guess the saying, misery loves company, is certainly true.
So that is all coming up.
And again, the bombshell video.
ICE agent blows the whistle.
Illegals receiving costly, taxpayer-funded medical treatments.
Ron Paul, School of 1776 to counter Common Core indoctrination.
Riot control drone to shoot pepper spray bullets at protesters.
City official admits Border Patrol
Fronting cash to bus illegals into the United States.
Supreme Court agrees to rule on limiting First Amendment.
Hillary, we can't let gun control opponents hold an opinion that terrorizes America.
Web filtering company launches purge of libertarian conservative media.
And again, guys, can you hit refresh in there and show me where the article is that has the headline with the video that's on YouTube?
Because I don't see it, and this is before the show started, the one that had the, yeah, no, that's not it.
The headline is, I'm gonna show everybody this right now, okay?
I'm gonna show everybody this right now.
You go to the YouTube channel, for everybody that wants to see this, the Alex Jones Channel.
And it's U.S.
Border Patrol paying to ship illegals deep into the United States.
Now, that article, that video, will be posted topofinfowars.com.
Because it needs to go totally viral, and we're going to tweet that out to everybody.
And we're going to play that video and audio here for you with emergency managers of cities saying we're not doing anything wrong shipping the illegals in while the Border Patrol is paying for it with vouchers!
Now, we knew the Border Patrol was being ordered to stand down, but this is incredible that there's actual aiding and abetting of felonies to give them the vouchers to get deeper into the United States.
Now, I'm going to give Jakari Jackson the floor to break down where he's at, what he's seen, what unfolded last night, and to detail this right now.
So, Jakari Jackson, again, give us the details, where you're reporting from, where you've been the last 24 hours, and get into this bombshell video.
Yes, Alex, we're here in McAllen, Texas, right in front of the Sacred Heart Church.
Now, if the people haven't seen it, I do encourage you to go see the YouTube video we shot last night, where we talked to an emergency city manager here in McAllen, and he told us, yes, that as far as he knows, the Border Patrol is supplying some of the people housed in these facilities with vouchers, with tickets, to get further into the United States of America.
Yes, so the thing that people need to understand about this is this is the church we came to a few days ago, and we talked to some of the people here.
They said, well, nobody's available right now.
So we came back last night, and we found out that in our absence from our initial report to what we did last night, we found out that CNN has been here.
We found out that Good Morning America has been here.
So after we led the charge, we were the tip of the spear coming down here, investigating what's going on at the bus station just a few blocks away, going to a different church that was busing the people who sent us here to this church.
Now we've found out that after we've led the charge, other people have followed in our footsteps.
So, you know, they probably won't give us credit for that, but regardless, we're just happy that people are picking up on the story.
I'm sure they have a different slant on it.
But what happened last night is myself and the rest of the InfoWars crew, we came back to the church and we said, you know, is anybody available to talk to us now?
And they said, yeah, come on in.
The people were very polite to us.
We talked to the emergency city manager, as I already spoke about, and also the Mayor Pro Tem.
A young lady here and she said, yeah, the people are coming in and I said, well, do you know how they're getting here?
And she didn't know particulars about everybody, but she told me the people that she had spoken to personally had paid for their own tickets.
Some people had road buses from Central America driving up here and maybe had some transportation switches between then and by the time they got to the border.
So I just want to be very clear when I was speaking to these people last night.
And I said, well, you know, how are the people getting here?
And they gave me the story that I just mentioned.
And then they said after they encountered the Border Patrol, the people who are not deemed to be a threat, because we've had the reports talking about how some of these people coming from the Central American countries have gang affiliated tattoos.
Also, we talked to the ICE agent last night.
He told us that some of these people have various health concerns such as tuberculosis and they seem to treat the illegals at these facilities better than they do the veterans at the VA.
But regardless, they said after these people are deemed not to be a threat, they're released and they're giving a court order to appear on such and such date for the crime of crossing the border.
So after they are released from these facilities, these Border Patrol facilities, potentially ICE facilities, they're bused away, whether it's given a voucher from the Border Patrol, or they have families and friends who give them funds, and then they come to a city such as McAllen, and here they go from the bus station, they get...
I think so.
And by the way, this isn't the super hard-working guys in cowboy hats, you know, that are basically like Texans in many ways, that come into work and are honorable folks in my experience.
And in a lot of cases, really nice people.
This is literally the welfare class, the criminal class, women with three, four kids,
I mean, this is people coming here to get a free lunch.
This is outrageous.
And Jakari, we're going to play part of this video and then come back and talk to John Bowne and get his take on all this.
But the incredible video is now topofinfowars.com.
Caught red-handed.
Border Patrol paying to ship illegals deeper into the U.S.
You have the emergency manager of McAllen saying, hey, we're not hiding anything.
Come on into the church.
That's a staging ground.
On video, and then we get vouchers, which is for the tickets to get them out of here, deeper into the U.S.
And, I mean, this is unbelievable!
Meanwhile, you have the Border Patrol with M-16s run up and say, get away, when you're trying to walk up to their office in Brownsville.
You've got them refusing, you've got them following you, pulling over, following you when you're doing reports, because, well, and let's face it, you're a black guy.
Or if you're a white guy.
Or if you're a Hispanic who, you know, is an American.
You're done!
Because, I mean, it's just... If you were Al-Qaeda cutting Christians' heads off right now in Iraq, you would be given...
Stinger missiles.
But because you are a black guy with no criminal record, from a military family, from college in RTF, you are scum.
Because you have no criminal record, and you're plain clothes and clean cut, you're a bad person.
And so am I. We're all crap.
I mean, I don't know how you follow any laws now, when the government is a lawless group of criminals.
I mean, and I'm not even saying the Border Patrol are bad.
They've been complaining and blowing the whistle, Dosh.
And when you talked to the ICE agent yesterday, a Don Salazar did.
But, I mean, this is just ridiculous.
This is unbelievable.
Latin America is collapsing right now.
The Caribbean is collapsing.
The Border Patrol agents and also the ICE agents, they're saying they have real bad morale.
Because, you know, they think they have a job at securing the border, but they're not.
The only thing they do, they get paid their fee just to sit around in their car all day and then see Americans with Texas plates in the state of Texas.
Oh, we gotta go follow these guys.
Meanwhile, we see guys with plates from Mexico or other places, and they don't seem to be too concerned about what they're doing.
The big trick is, and I'm just gonna give this away to everybody, I know four people
That got sick of the system, middle class, who bought Mexican cars here in the US, nice cars, and they have Mexican plates that some of them have been out for five years, the tags.
They are God.
They are invisible to the police.
And I think I'm going to go buy a car legally in Mexico.
I'm going to drive that... I think I'm going to buy a BMW in Mexico and just sayonara to everybody.
And hell, I'll get a fake Mexican ID card and my name will be Pedro Jores or something.
I don't know, man.
I mean, I want God-level power!
I want to go to Bank of America and show an ID.
I want to be able to board airplanes and be left alone.
I want God-like power now!
Now, now, now, Jakari!
Yeah, that's what you're going to get if you do that, Alex, if you get those plates.
No, I'm serious!
I'm getting a Mexican car.
And I'm going to show the car.
I'm going to do it as a stunt.
I won't buy even a fancy one.
I'm going to buy a Toyota truck or something with like five years on it.
That's it.
Buckley, I know you speak great Spanish.
I want to go down to the border and I want to buy me a Mexican truck.
I'll go to a car dealership and buy one.
I'm done.
I want Mexican plates the whole nine yards.
Go ahead.
I have to go to Mexico to come back in here to be free.
Go ahead.
Yeah, that's exactly right.
We were joking, you know, maybe we should swim across the border and then come back and they would leave us alone.
They wouldn't harass us, they wouldn't follow us around.
We all know that's not true, though, because you're obviously, you know, American and it's over for you.
Yeah, I guess so.
If I don't speak the language delayed, the jig would be up for me.
No free bus fare, no hot showers.
You know, we had a hard time finding a hotel last night for some reason, because we don't know exactly what's going on.
We didn't know if media was coming here.
The city manager had mentioned that they've been spending funds to house people.
We don't know if that means in a hotel, but I definitely don't put it past them that possibly that is something that could happen.
Well, you know, they were getting food a lot better than the prison food Michelle orders our kids to eat.
They were complaining about the HEB hot meals.
They weren't good enough, so maybe it's caviar.
Well, you remember, Alex, that one of the first reports I did when I came to InfoWars was a school in Chicago.
They were feeding kids rat turds.
And the rats got in there, and they ate up all the food, and they left the droppings, and the kids got sick eating the stuff.
And, you know, that's one of those Michelle Obama things, that you have to eat this food.
They don't allow the kids to pretty much eat whatever they want to eat, so now they have to rely on the school system that may or may not be providing nutritious foods.
Well, we're going to come back with John Bowne and get his breakdown on this.
You guys are doing a great job.
And I guess the word is you're going to come back tonight?
Yeah, I'm going to try to get back tonight, hit a few things on the way heading back north.
Alright, good.
And then let's pick some places to go.
Maybe we should go to Virginia or New York in these Democrat towns.
I was reading about one with 10,000 kids in it, a town of 20,000.
The town is now collapsing.
And again, we're going to talk about, this is the false flag, one of the false flags.
Thank you, Jakari.
Now tell us about this report I'm about to air.
Caught red-handed, Border Patrol paying to ship illegals deep into the U.S., the church you were at, who you were talking to.
Yes, we came back here to McAllen, Texas.
People may remember this is where we began our start on day one.
We went to the bus stations, and we saw the church groups picking up people.
So we go to the church, we say, hey, are you housing the people here?
She said, no, we just pick them up, we bus them.
They're at the other church, which is the church behind me, the Sacred Heart.
They're getting hot meals, they're getting showers, and then they're getting...
Back on the buses and going to wherever they're going here in the United States.
And at the time we came originally, there was nobody available to talk.
So we came back last night trying to see, you know, what was going on and some new developments that happened.
And from the time we left, as I mentioned earlier, if you're just joining us, the major news networks, we were told were here, CNN, Good Morning America, they stopped by after.
We came here and broke the ground, and since we've come back, we found a tent outside the facility.
They said their facility was not big enough to house everybody, so they have the tent out here.
We talked to the emergency city manager, also a mayor pro tem.
They gave us pretty much all the information they had, and it's a good report.
You should watch it.
All right, and you talked to your head emergency manager, Kevin Pagan.
There in McAllen, who's very proud of all this.
We're going to go to part of that report, full video, up on InfoWars.com with video still shots as well.
This is just over the top.
Joke level.
Thank you, Jakar.
Then we'll come back from break and get Jon Bowne's take on this as well.
Reporting from McAllen, Texas, TheInfoWars.com.
Crew, I come to you from TheInfoWars.com News Center in Austin, Texas, formerly in Texas, now FEMA Region 6.
Let's go ahead and go to this clip.
So, as far as you know, they come across the border, they encounter the Border Patrol, and the Border Patrol brings them to a facility such as the bus station.
No, they don't bring them there.
They initially take them to the Border Patrol station.
And they detain them there and they process them there.
And then after they process them, the only ones that you'll see here are family units that are like a mom and a couple of kids that they have determined don't pose any sort of security risk.
And they have a criminal background.
It's all, it's all we're about.
It's all here.
All I know is that until today, 99% of them that got off the Border Patrol bus at our bus station had a ticket.
And so all the charitable organizations were doing... All right, let's stop right there.
Sensationally evil, sensational level tyranny, and treason.
Did you hear that?
The Border Patrol, they come to the border, they're loaded on buses, they're not even turned around or bussed back, they're taken to the Sacred Heart as a huge complex, they're fed, prepared, something I didn't get when I'd be put on a greyhound to be sent to family for two weeks in the summer, they're just red carpeted, then they're shipped into the interior, and 99% of them, or he said 90 plus percent, it was kind of garbled, already have a ticket when the Border Patrol drops them off.
I mean, that is just...
That will be a national news story today on Fox.
CNN will say it's a great thing.
MSNBC will say it's a great thing.
We will get no credit at InfoWars.com, but that doesn't matter.
Our credit is getting the truth out.
Our credit is trying to expose this takeover.
Our credit is trying to have something left of a free society.
This is the Cloward and Piven bankrupt America strategy.
And the Democrats in the big Democrat cities that are hosting this are freaking out right now as thousands of people show up in their small towns.
Tens of thousands in their cities.
I mean, this is just the beginning.
The flood is only beginning.
Obama's having TV shows honoring the illegal kids.
People see that worldwide.
That's on Latin American TV, Chinese TV, you name it.
The people are coming, folks.
And they're getting a free ride.
I mean, only in the bankrupted America.
This is a military-style invasion to bankrupt everything.
I feel sorry for the folks from Latin American countries that are in hell holes.
I don't blame them for wanting to come here, but it doesn't matter.
I'm not against water in a fire hose.
I like water.
I need water to live.
I'm a water guy.
I like to swim.
I like to fish.
I like water sports.
You name it.
I love jet skiing.
You name it.
Water volleyball, the whole nine yards.
But if somebody turns up water high enough, it'll cut through your flesh.
And they've got trillions of pounds of pressure, like they use a strip mine with fire hoses to cut down mountains.
Just cutting America in half, just like knife through butter.
Hot knife through butter.
I mean, this is only the beginning.
I mean, we're gonna have 20, 50 million.
It's over.
Total collapse of America.
The armored vehicles are standing by to confiscate our guns.
Hillary Clinton's coming up.
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I think so.
Coming to America, cause you hate it.
You're gonna vote to ban the guns.
And take the kids for the state.
That's right, coming to America.
To have the NSA!
That funds Al Qaeda!
Free tickets!
All the way!
Coming up, they found three clips.
Listeners did and sent it to us.
Three clips of me saying specifically they would give Stinger missiles to Al Qaeda, use it to take over the whole Middle East, and threaten to bring down the West.
So they had to take all our rights.
They found three specific clips with the dates.
Coming up, we're going to play.
Then we have multiple
Federal, Marshal, Air Marshal, whistleblowers coming on about 15 to the next hour that ties into how it's all fake.
Major whistleblowing information of national, international import coming up as the whistleblowers just reach out to us.
We do investigations and vet it.
John Bowne is now down on the border as well.
John, I mean, it is so off the chart to have the head emergency manager of McAllen, one of the biggest cities down there on the border, say the Border Patrol is providing them with tickets to go, quote, be with their families in the interior.
So they are deploying them, paying to penetrate all the way into the U.S.
and get signed up for welfare.
Sensational, sensational evil, John Bowne.
Yeah, and the interesting part of the video, one of the interesting parts was the invasion loophole.
The usage of Central Americans, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, because the loophole, if you come here from Mexico, they just take you to the border and send you back.
But the strategy of Cloward Piven to basically, as Richard Cloward said in the New York Times in 1970 following the Watts riots of 1965,
He said that the only way that poor people can advance, i.e.
socialism can advance, is for the rest of society to be afraid of them.
And so, here we are with this soft invasion, similar to the Nazis
The killing of all the Jews back in World War II and then now the soft invasion of killing us softly.
We have this soft invasion that the harder invasion harkens back to the Klan and the Democratic Party and the Liberal Party agenda that most people aren't aware of is the fact that the Democratic Party used the Klan against their enemies, the Republicans.
And then the Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act, so they switched and became the minority party.
But it's all racial-based politics, and that's exactly what's going on, driving down the wages.
They got the unions to vote for NAFTA and GATT, that slit their own throats as well.
That's the thing about, and the Republican leadership is part of this as well, but the fact that the Border Patrol
Is paying to ship them deep into the U.S.
That should be the top story in the country.
Where are you guys going next, John Bowne?
Yeah, that's completely treason to answer that.
We're going to the Border Patrol station next.
And we're going to take the iPad video and we're going to show them, we're going to get in their face and basically explain to them that they are committing treason.
That what they're doing is un-American.
That's right, that's right.
I would serve them a notice, type it up on a sheet.
And I go to the police department as well, and I'd say, we're reporting crimes, you're shipping them into the country, and show that as well.
Great job, John.
We'll talk to you more in the last 30 minutes of the show, if you're able.
Thank you.
All right, we're going to break, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll be right back after this break with the second hour.
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We'll be back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, John Brown reporting from the border.
Jakari Jackson there as well will pop in to give us his take on the next segment.
I'm going to get into Hillary saying they're coming after our guns, that owning guns is basically terrorism.
So that's coming up.
And then we've got Air Marshal whistleblowers that ties into this whole subject.
Going back to John Bowne, what happened when you got the ICE agent's tip that they released the illegals at night from the Border Patrol Station when no one's looking?
So I guess they just dump them on the street.
I guess others they just give tickets on Greyhound to.
We now have the Emergency Manager of McAllen saying that on Infowars.com.
Great job guys!
I mean you are really
This is Pulitzer Prize Peabody type stuff.
I know your dad won a Peabody.
Type real journalism that the horror-controlled media won't engage in.
But you know every day you're forcing dinosaur media to come follow you guys and then try to water down what you're saying.
So you're definitely leading the national news by just doing basic reporting right now, John Bowne.
Yeah, we've got a great crew.
These guys are great.
We've all been having a great time working on all of this, and it was very interesting last night.
We couldn't find a hotel room.
I know Jakari talked about this already, but there were journalists there where we ate, trying to find, at Denny's, trying to find a hotel room.
Now, that was after we came here.
It was undercover of darkness, city buses rolling up,
People being moved out to the bus station under cover of darkness because they know that this is illegal.
Were you able to catch it even though it was dark?
Yeah, I used a night vision camera.
We did catch a lot of stuff.
I know you're staying up all night to get the other videos out.
Can't wait to see that.
We have a lot more.
I mean, I did a little sombrero piece.
You can't find a sombrero down here because it's racist.
Anyway, uh, but yeah.
Everything is.
I mean, you have peanut butter and jelly in your cupboard, right?
Oh yeah, yeah.
So you're there at night.
Just, new people come in by day, they roll out by night.
This is a military operation with the military, the police, the border patrol, the churches, all in criminal action against this republic.
Just like the government ships the narcotics in.
It is a total criminal state.
It's a soft invasion, just like the soft kill strategy they're doing to us.
I don't even think it's a soft.
I mean, this thing's gone on high tilt now.
I mean, this is just insane.
Yep, but they're backdooring the whole operation.
If this was legal, they'd be doing it in front of God and everybody with the sun out right now.
The bus would be pulling up.
We'd all be celebrating, but it's not.
It's illegal, and they're doing it in the wee hours of the night, and there's a reason for that.
And again, it is...
The poorest people to go directly on welfare to bankrupt the country.
It'd be one thing if it was able-bodied men and we needed workers.
This is insane.
Let me get a final comment from Jakari.
I want to ask Jakari what he thought last night watching the invasion happen.
I mean, they want to keep this secret, Jakari, but Infowars is down there exposing it.
Yeah, it just clicked me when I was listening to John talk about that, because it reminded me of the first day.
And I didn't think much of it at the time, but the first day we got here, it was just starting to get dark.
And that's when the buses were rolling around.
And since we've come back, since that first day we're out here in broad daylight, I haven't seen any buses rolling around at the bus station.
So it just clicked me when he was saying that, yeah, they were doing this pretty much in the cover of darkness, or at least waiting until it got darker.
But you don't see any buses in the daytime.
We just rode by the bus station when we were coming up here.
We saw none of those church buses.
And you've been to multiple cities, and this invasion strategy is being deployed in each.
Yes, yes.
I guess everybody has their own way of doing it, but yeah, it's pretty much a cover of darkness type of op.
Literal op with the Border Patrol quarterbacking the entire operation.
Giant trains, cargo trains with illegals on the tops of them rolling up to the border.
Mainstream news.
This is off the chart.
We just showed photos and video of that.
I mean, this is incredible.
Latin America.
is literally about to be dumped on the United States and they love Obama and they will vote for the end of all our freedoms.
This is the end of America if it's not stopped immediately.
Thank you, Jakari Jackson.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
There's been a lot of headlines in the last few years about incredible corruption inside the Air Marshal Service.
Well, you're going to get the rest of the story coming up in the balance of the hour in the next segment with two different whistleblowers that'll be joining us with some powerful information.
And so that's coming up.
Aaron Klein, New York Times bestselling author, journalist, WorldNetDaily, WABC News radio host.
will be joining us.
They've documented that Al-Qaeda is ISIS and was trained by the US military under Obama in the last two years.
Now we reported this as well, but they have the actual sources and where it was done in Jordan.
So he's going to be with us for 20 minutes at the start of the next hour.
The news now that I've got is one of the top stories up on Infowars.com.
Hillary, we can't let gun control opponents hold an opinion that terrorizes America.
She went on an extraordinary anti-Second Amendment rant of biblical proportions, just like you've got the New York Times saying Obama's getting ready to use executive orders.
Just like you've got the Attorney General saying that they've got to brainwash the public and they're getting ready to ban guns that don't have biometrics on them.
And you've got Obama last week saying we need the type of Australian gun bans we've seen.
They're coming!
And we have the head of McAllen Emergency Management saying that the Border Patrol picks them up at the border, buses them into McAllen, puts them at the Sacred Heart.
They already have
Ninety-plus percent of them have tickets, bus vouchers, to go into the, quote, interior of the U.S.
Hundreds of dollars.
Far north is New York City or Chicago, Illinois.
And the Border Patrol's paying to ship them in.
I mean, that is so over-the-top video of it and the head of emergency management running the operation, admitting it.
I mean, that should be national news right now.
InfoWars.com, RedLink, we have an ice whistleblower confirming it as well.
He says it's all word of mouth.
This is all being done without written orders.
Just like they went after the IRS, you know, targeting media people and conservatives, libertarians.
That was done word of mouth.
This is a criminal op.
This is the total takeover of our republic at a level I have never even imagined moving this quick.
It's so naked.
It's so brazen.
Let's go to Hillary Clinton on CBS News, and it's been aired on other channels, saying that your right to own guns terrorizes people.
That a second amendment of freedom terrorizes people, like your first amendment has to be banned because it might hurt somebody's feelings.
This is the new right to have your kids taken by the state, to have your guns taken, your new right to pay for illegal aliens, your new right to be a slave in the communist system with the bankers offshore exempt above the law.
Here is that clip.
I'm well aware that this is a hot political subject.
And again, I will speak out no matter what role I find myself in.
But I believe that we need a more thoughtful conversation.
We cannot let a minority of people, and that's what it is, it is a minority of people, hold a viewpoint that terrorizes the majority of people.
And again, that was from CNN.
I'd seen the clip on CBS News.
So, our view terrorizes people because their followers are welfare heads and government worker types who literally live behind eight locks in major compact cities and think Chicago is freedom, highest crime rate in the world.
We're not allowed to terrorize them.
See, and the Tea Party's terrorists now, and gun owners are the new terrorists.
They're coming.
That they admit we're the terrorists.
The Second Amendment is terrorism.
Freedom is terrorism.
Here's Obama last week on national television, CBS News, saying that we need what Australia did.
A couple of decades ago, Australia had a mass shooting, similar to Columbine or Newtown.
And Australia just said, well, that's it.
We're not seeing that again.
And basically imposed very severe, tough gun laws and they haven't had a mass shooting since.
Our levels of gun violence are off the charts.
I'm not going to go back over this.
It's on record.
You can look it up.
Just type into a search engine.
Times had a great headline two years ago when the statistics first came out.
We actually got it first, looked at the statistics, broke it here, had our statistician look at it.
We actually have somebody that works here that has a degree in statistics and came up with the number of 52% and that was later picked up and that was true.
Times, the headline was, what was the exact headline?
It was, gun crime plummets, but public thinks it's an epidemic or something like that.
Gun crime goes down as public thinks it increases.
So even the L.A.
Times, who wants to have some journalistic credibility occasionally, had to admit that in the L.A.
Their crime rates exploded in Australia, so has England once they banned guns.
Remember, he said he'd never come after your guns.
I can play those clips, but you know he said it.
Not your shotgun, not your handgun, not your rifle, none of your guns.
And his preposterous to say, I would come after your guns.
And Joe Biden said the same thing.
Let me tell you, these talking points, they are preparing to announce the gun ban after they stage another mass shooting or promote one with all this copycat stuff with them hyping it.
Gun crime has plunged, but Americans think it's up, says study.
2013, May 7th.
Now... I'm not the type that ever has anxiety attacks, folks.
I haven't had what you'd call anxiety since, you know, before when a bully was saying he was going to meet me after school, who'd flunked three grades, when I was in the seventh grade and he was going to beat me up.
I would have butterflies because I couldn't sneak out the back of the school.
I wouldn't let myself do it.
So I'd march out and I was more afraid of what the police would do to me after I stood up to them.
And I haven't had those feelings since I was about 11 or 12 years old.
And I have that feeling now all the time.
I mean, I've got to make myself breathe.
I mean, I am just in total combat mode right now, at a biological level.
I mean, our country is falling.
We're going down right now.
The government is so evil, it publicly funded hardcore Nazis that actually hauled Hitler to overthrow, George Soros bragged about it a month ago, he admitted he did it, to overthrow the State Department and five billion Ukraine, try to start a war with Russia.
That backfired so much, they elected a new guy that is elected.
But Obama said the unelected people were duly elected.
They are proxy warring Libya, Syria, everybody else to get at Iran through Iraq.
They are putting Al Qaeda in to murder every Christian and every Shiite they come across.
Maliki, the Iraqi President, has come out against Iran saying, you're in a secret deal with the U.S.
to take a third of the country for a Shiite area.
Then you're going to break it up and give part of it to Saudi Arabia, the North, the Kurds.
He's being an Iraqi patriot.
I've got to say it, saying all Iraqis together against this breakup of Iraq.
That's what's happening right now, and I said this would happen back on December 6, 2012.
We have the video of that.
I draw a little image from here in the radio studio.
It was actually the TV studio of that.
On a piece of paper, and we're going to show that video, and then Alex blows the whistle on Benghazi Gate cover-up.
That was January 23rd, 2013.
So this is all about a year and a half ago.
And there's literally hundreds of these, but these are the... The guys dug up four of them.
Great job to the whole crew, and Lister sending us tips.
But you get sent a 30-minute show that's on YouTube, and you've got to watch it to find the clip.
So we've got four of these right now.
Here I am breaking down the grand strategy, okay?
You want to find it online on other people's channels, not even our channels, with the time stamp date.
Syria Ripe for False Flag.
It's a 9 minute, 16 second video.
We'll just play the short clip of it.
You want to watch the full thing in context.
Syria Ripe for False Flag is the name.
Second video, Alex Blows Benghazi Cover-Up.
Wide open.
That's a 34 minute video.
We're going to play just a few minutes of that.
So here I am, predicting it all.
Let's go to the first clip from December of 2012, over a year and a half ago.
These guys out of Saudi Arabia, who they brought into Libya, next to Egypt, are now going up here, just north of Israel and Lebanon.
They are now going into Syria, which is to get ready to go into Iran over here,
They are openly with signs on the BBC saying, we're done with Libya, we're going to Syria.
They do this.
50,000 at least.
They've been given, and here's the key, not 1,000, not 2,000, not 3,000, not 4,000, not 5,000, not 6,000, not 7,000, not 8,000, not 9,000, not 10,000, not 11,000, 20,000!
Surface-to-air, heat-seeking, and radar-guided SAM missiles.
And they are now saying that when... This is in the news.
This is L.A.
Times, McClatchy, you name it.
Our government gave it to them.
Our banker-run government.
You understand how big this is.
They are saying that they are going... Let me repeat this again.
To take over Libya, they did that.
Next, we're going to Syria.
Now they say, we're going
To Iran, which is Shiite, the Muslim minority.
They're going to go to Iran, and when they're done, they're going to USA.
And the Feds, which are Federal Reserve bankers, they are absolutely going to arm them to come to America, attack us, and then they're going to take all our liberties.
In the name of fighting Al-Qaeda that they run.
The bankers run Al-Qaeda to take over Libya, to take over Syria, to take over Iran, to take over Iraq previously, and now Al-Qaeda, run by British intelligence for a hundred years, is going to attack America and shoot down aircraft with heat-seeking and radar-guided missiles.
They stand two miles from... I'm like three miles from the airport.
I could see... These guys could sit there
And just wait till aircraft pull off, take off, blow them up, when they're coming in, blow them up.
And they will do it.
And the media thinks you're so dumb, they are going to do all this until you give your rights up because of Al Qaeda.
And it may not even be Al Qaeda, it may be other mercenaries doing it.
I mean, this is how you bring a country down.
If you're bankers, you've got terrorists, extremists, whoever, you use them to stage stuff to scare everybody to take over.
We'll be back.
We'll be back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Steve Theodoropoulos and Henry Preston are really huge whistleblowers.
And they're a lot of the reason that you have seen all these headlines that have been kind of whitewashed by the state-run dominant media.
Air Marshal's gone wild.
Tales of sexism, suicide, and bigotry.
Report on Federal Air Marshal Service paints an unflattering picture.
Head of Orlando Air Marshal's office to retire.
And then it gets into all the things that went on there.
I remember hearing about Homeland Security, where they'd make the men, you know, office out of the bathrooms.
Well, then they would have like, you know, men, white men being mean to minorities.
I mean, it's just whoever the clique is, they're being mean to people.
And we've got two major whistleblowers on with us.
We have a lot of courage.
So Steve and Henry Theodoropoulos and Henry Preston, thank you both for coming on.
This is only a six-minute segment.
An 18-minute segment's coming up.
Bottom line, I know the media tends to only focus on what they want to focus on.
Kind of tell us the breadth of what you're blowing the whistle on, and then we'll come back and get into specifics.
Because you're talking about gun running, you know, not just all the red meat, sexist stuff, which I want to get into as well, and racist stuff.
It just sounds like par for the course in the federal government.
Really bizarre culture, and I just don't understand it, so maybe you can explain it to us.
Well, when we dug into the recent report out of the Senate, we learned that Charlie Edwards was sanitizing that Secret Service report.
I don't know if you had a chance or an opportunity to read through that, but Charlie Edwards is key to the Air Marshal investigation that was conducted in 2010.
Because he was in charge of that investigation.
As you read through the investigation, you find that it wasn't widespread, they say.
That the retaliation and discrimination and the hostile working environment was so minor.
I mean, they downplayed everything.
But this is coming from a guy who's already testified to Congress.
That he cleaned up the other report.
So we're quite sure that the current report has been sanitized.
And we go one step further.
In July of 2010, the inspectors came in and spoke directly with Mr. Preston in regards to the original report that was done by TSA Inspections.
And will Mr. Preston tell them what they said?
They basically told me that my report wasn't in there.
My 18 page sworn statement that I gave to TSA was not included in their report and they were looking forward to meeting with me and copying my documentation for their report.
So that's how we knew, Alex, that there was a cover-up.
It was pretty clear right from the beginning that if you don't have the eyewitness who was in the training division observing these things daily, then you're obviously whitewashing everything from the very beginning.
Well, I've seen so many scandals.
You name it, there's been a scandal where they're supposed to fake profile people and create a certain number of people on a list that end up getting on a list maybe over food they ordered.
I remember seeing that years ago in Denver.
And then you read about, just you name it, it's going on in the air marshals.
You were both air marshals.
Describe briefly your careers, whoever wants to start first, and why you've decided to go public.
Well, we decided to go public because once I got, I mean, we heard about the scandals.
We heard about the discrimination.
We kind of witnessed it with individuals in the office that were going through this.
And then I got a promotion into the training division as a trainer, instructor.
And I've seen it firsthand.
There was a whiteboard hanging on the wall that was a Jeopardy-style board that they had a list of people that they, the employees by the way, the air marshals, that they were discriminating against.
And as you can see the whiteboard behind us here, it's a Jeopardy-style board.
And they would put you on the board depending upon what you did.
If they didn't like you because you were gay, you would be put in the Ellen DeGeneres category.
And they would continue doing this.
If you're Hispanic, you're in Geraldo Rivera.
And if they really wanted to ruin your career, they would put you in the Ted Bundy category.
And that would mean cut your legs off and rip your career apart.
That would definitely make you unemployable
Uh, even flipping hamburgers at McDonald's.
And this is, this was their culture because they didn't want their little country club that they were running disturbed in any way.
So as soon as you challenge them in any way about a policy or procedure, or like I said, they didn't like you because of your race, your color, your creed, you were put on this board.
And you're discriminated against until they terminate you.
We have, we have documentation, documentation on this with people who have been targeted, have been terminated or severely disciplined for minor, minor infractions or something that they might have
Not done, but they were just picked off.
Henry Preston, amazing.
Stay right there.
You were a trainer and saw all this.
Steve saw a lot of this stuff as well.
I want to go over this.
I mean, I just can't imagine running an operation like that.
I mean, I've run an operation off how good you perform, not what color you are.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Angel is for blowers.
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Former Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
We've got investigative journalist, best-selling author, WABC news host, Aaron Klein joining us from WorldNetDaily.
They have the sources in Jordan.
It's also confirmed, we covered this two years ago, that Al-Qaeda is running ISIS, I-S-I-S.
Saudi Arabia's funding it, that's now, the president of Iraq has said that.
And that it is a proxy war to bring down the whole region and make them do what they're told with oil prices, or they'll turn the whole country over to them.
And Maliki's not going along with it and is blowing the whistle.
And he's even saying Iran's involved with the deal with Obama to get one-third of the country.
So now we know the rest of the story, and he's even attacking the Shiites.
And that shows how incredibly corrupt those governments are.
I mean, just incredible levels of double and triple crossing going on.
And then our media's like, gee, why is Al-Qaeda with ISIS?
And why do they have cruise missiles?
Gee, we better give our rights up or we'll be hit by cruise missiles.
He's going to be joining us for 30 minutes at the start of the next hour.
Then Darren McBreen put together one of the most amazing video audio montages illustrating the tyranny in this country and the biggest wake-up call I've seen in a while.
That's at the bottom of the next hour.
Then I'm going to play more of the clips.
There's four of them where I predict the Stinger missiles in the hands of Al Qaeda threatening the West and calls for more tyranny, more police state to counter it.
But we're joined by these guests for the Balance of the Hour.
And before I go back to them, please don't forget this platform for whistleblowers.
You know, we don't just expose the illegals getting free tickets and brought into the country to get people's jobs and vote, you know, from a right-wing perspective.
We expose it because it's an injustice to everybody.
And then we expose when black people and gays and others are being discriminated against in the federal marshals.
We just stand for justice.
I mean, I don't want to be treated like that.
I've been discriminated against working on a golf course, because I was the only white guy working on it one summer.
It was paying ten bucks an hour.
That was better than other stuff when I was going to college, so I worked there.
And I worked there about three months before I went back to college, because the summer was over.
But I mean, it was just point blank, listen, whitey, you need to get the hell out of here before we kick your butt.
That was a terrible thing.
Well, just because other people act like that, I'm not going to act like that.
And most Hispanics I know are not racist and don't act like that.
But the whole point is that goes on and it just needs to be stopped.
I don't care who it is.
So we're going to be talking about that in a moment with our guests and just give them the floor to break down the things that are happening and where all this goes.
They've had a lot of courage to do it.
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Now, with that said, I want to go back to
Steve Theodoropoulos and Henry Preston, and I want to shut up and give them the floor to really testify here to the American people what's really going on in the air marshals that have just been in scandal after scandal after scandal.
Because you guys also say there's gun-running scandals.
There's one of you I know was a trainer for this behavioral profiling, and I've read books on that.
I know for archetypes you can pick up classical
You know, stuff that's suspicious, but when I fly, you know, they'll ask me where I'm going, what I'm doing, and the TSA even knows who I am, and they say, have a nice trip, Alex.
Heard your show yesterday, and they'll giggle at me, and they take an eight-hour course, I'm told, when what I've read is it takes years from what I've read, correct me if I'm wrong, to really learn how to do this.
So, you guys got the floor.
Cover the waterfront for us.
Again, two federal
Alex, you're absolutely right.
It takes a long time to
To become a behavioral detection officer.
You just, I mean, they throw people in these positions that they want to take off a flight status or something like that.
But the bottom line is it does take a long time and they just don't have the experience.
And that could show that in the stats that I had pulled off the Internet.
Um, where they spent $383 million on training and deployment of 3,000 BDOs.
This is on the internet from the, um, from the site, uh, the GIO report.
And the way, the way it runs here is that you had $127,666 they spent per BDO.
How many terrorists have they arrested?
Absolutely zero.
There was 1,083 arrests of these people.
Over 150,000 people stopped and questioned.
And the arrests were for a marijuana joint or carrying $5,000 in cash when you were supposed to declare it.
It's a ridiculous program.
The problem is, Alex, the reason we continue to speak out and continue to hit the pavement hard is no one should be targeted for these reasons, but it goes way beyond that.
Once we were drug into this exposure of the bad behavior, we learned about bribes, we learned about
We're good to go.
You're in danger.
You're in danger.
Just recently, the new director, Mr. Roderick Allison, had a meeting there in Baltimore, a town hall style meeting with the air marshals there, and they are looking at cutting the budget of the air marshals $208 million and they're not willing to cut the fact
Are you feeling comfortable
That those fat cat supervisors are sitting in their offices doing nothing and half the men and women who protect you are going to be removed from the service.
That's why we keep speaking out.
We keep speaking out because the Congress and the Senators can't seem to figure out what the problem is.
We have volunteered and I will say it here now.
Mr. Darrell, I say you have to go no further.
We're here.
I have the group of men and women who have been directly involved with this, and we can prove and show the evidence, things that we can't talk about on the show here that are procedural in nature, and we can get to the bottom of this real quick.
Why are we waiting and spinning the wheels with the Department of Homeland Security IG, Inspector General,
Who has continued to lie to the American public.
You saw Director Bray, Rod Allison, Novak, and I forget who the other guy was.
They lied directly to Congress.
This is not widespread.
This is not all over the board within the agency.
I talked to people all over this country that are air marshals.
DEA agents, FBI guys, and I am telling you, the government is on a bad situation here with this targeting of individuals.
Alex, the targeting goes, and they said it's not widespread, but here you go.
In a very short period of time, they have 280 EEOC complaints, 161 Merit System Protection Board cases, and 40 individual lawsuits in U.S.
District Courts.
It's they bury, they bury, they bury, and when they can't win, they'll seal the case and they'll pay the people off.
But where are we at?
Are we any better?
Senator Nelson even came out and said, the public is in danger.
He said it right on national news.
The public is in danger.
But what's been happening?
They can't seem to wrap their arms around the problems because TSA keeps saying, screw you!
We're not giving you any information.
And we've heard that.
I've been in Kathy Castor's office, Congressman Castor's office, Senator Nelson's office.
I've been in John Micah's office.
I've been in every congressman and senator's office that's here in Florida and talked to everyone.
And they all tell us the same thing.
TSA is the most
I mean, I want to ask you about this, and I know you can't talk about a lot of it because it's quote classified, but millions of people on the no-fly list or the watch list
Multiple members of Congress, movie stars with no criminal record, and then you're a congressman or woman with no criminal record, you're a movie star, a newscaster, or my dad, a doctor, and you go and you say, okay, here I am, I have no record, how do I get off this?
And they go, sorry, can't tell you.
That's directly out of 1984, where you don't know how you get on a list, you don't know how you get off a list, and then you go and literally the TSA
Some places is nice to people.
Other places is shouting at old ladies, ordering them to get out of walkers.
The daughter says she's got cancer.
She's going home to die.
I saw this happen in an airport.
And they're telling her, get up, get up, in the Houston airport.
And the woman couldn't get up.
So they're calling cops over to threaten a woman to get her mother up, and I literally started saying something.
I said, that lady was about to die!
She can't, she got oxygen tanks!
And they said, buddy, you better watch it or you're gonna miss your flight.
We'll have you arrested.
And I mean, repeatedly, I've gotten in arguments watching them harass people.
I've been with Jesse Ventura when he's gotten mad, literally when they were going in his, grabbing his genitals.
These people at the airport in
Atlanta, he blew up and left the country over it.
I mean, all I'm saying is, Jesse Ventura, the former Minnesota governor, they know who he is, going, hi governor, hi, I like your TV show, grabbing his testicles.
And he, I mean, and I even took photos of it.
We went and had food while we were waiting for our flight for his TV show, and he said, yeah, that's terrible, erase it, I don't want it to be seen.
But then he talked about it on air.
I mean, this,
How does grabbing Jesse Ventura's genitals or checking a baby's diaper keep us safe when people with turbans on their heads are walking right onto the plane?
Alex, I came from a state police agency prior to joining the Air Marshal Service, and I can tell you that the system at the Air Marshal Service and within TSA structure is broken.
And I also can tell you that we even had air marshals that were on the list.
So somebody has to explain it.
Why would you, and I've flown with this same individual that Mr. Preston flown with, and I've flown with him, and when you're paired up with these individuals who are on the no-fly list, air marshals by the way, you're flagged as well.
There is no way.
I mean, this guy that I worked with, he went to a supervisor.
He did repeatedly a paperwork to get off the list.
You can't get off the list.
So that just tells you it's not updated.
It's not current.
And, you know, early on, they were just throwing people on the list.
And they've never cleaned the process up.
They've never streamlined it.
And they've never really eliminated the real threats.
That's why we keep talking and pushing these things out there, because we're getting ready to get into the travel season of summer.
Holidays are right around the corner.
You've got all the problems and unrest in the Middle East.
Something has to be done.
But like we said, you know, that's why we keep doing it.
We've been at risk here the entire time from our Internet being tapped.
We've had people jump over our fences in the middle of night in dark clothing.
Notes left.
We've been followed.
The harassment and intimidation, I know that you spoke briefly with Dan Bongino about that last week.
Let me just tell you, he's not really telling you how bad it can get because you see these other documented cases like in Cincinnati, where the air marshals were being followed and all these different things.
It goes on and they don't, they're relentless.
They don't let up.
Yeah, you got air marshals' wives have been followed to malls.
And pictures, they walk right up to them and take pictures of them.
It's incredible.
And yet you have, yet you have, at 23 separate occasions, according to our reports, U.S.
intelligence agencies show at least 16 alleged terrorists have traveled through at least eight separate airports.
With the BDO program in place and would never stop.
And also with the no-fly list and was never stopped.
But yet, federal agents are on this no-fly list.
Doctors like you're a father.
Jesse Ventura, who else would you want on the airplane with you if there was a problem, right?
Okay, on the no-fly list.
Come on.
The system is broken.
We know that.
We have been trying to expose this for a long time.
We get places.
Congressman says, yeah, we're going to do something.
We met with congressional leaders.
We met with congressional attorneys.
They're gonna do it, nothing's done.
And the reason that we're pushing for the Congress is because we need a backdoor session with these guys and senators and let them know because there's problems with the instrumentation.
We can't go into that here because it's procedural and certainly they would flag us for that.
But there are a lot of things that the public's not aware of, and we need to be able to get somebody to test them.
Well, it's not just that.
I want to ask you guys about this, because you're such experts.
I mean, I could talk for five hours with you.
I hope you can go a little bit in the next hour, at least until five after, when Klein joins us, and come back for a full hour for a special report, uninterrupted, sometime in the nightly news, so we can tape it, and then add documentation, news articles, and video clips to back up what you're saying, congressional testimony, you name it.
But I want to understand how I've seen things like Wolverine security in San Francisco, you name it.
And this was years ago, but private security.
Literally searching World War II vets that were going to fly to Hawaii for a Arizona memorial, and these guys were on death's doorstep.
This was like six, seven years ago.
I bet they're all dead.
And being harassed by security that didn't even hardly speak English.
I mean, the stuff I see in airports is so bizarre, I can't even figure it out.
I mean, I don't even know what the point is.
I mean, where is this coming from?
You know, Alex, they go after the wrong people because they want sacks.
They're not trained enough, they're not educated enough, okay, to go after specific terrorists, okay?
They want sacks.
So what do they do?
I was there.
I've heard an audio tape.
Go after the blacks, okay?
But they're the ones who have the warrants.
But that's not the word they use.
They use the other word, okay?
Now here's the deal.
So really it's about general dragnet policing which violates the Fourth Amendment?
Absolutely, and not only that, but here's the deal.
They will go through to try to get stats.
Their main thing is to get stats.
I stopped 500 people today, okay?
It may be 500 old ladies, or a combination of veterans, or doctors, or Jesse Venturas, okay?
So they put down a staff, so again, they get more money in their budget.
Right, this is about the budget.
This isn't about protection of the public.
And I will tell you, I had an incident there at the Orlando Airport where I was on duty and someone ran through the checkpoint.
Now, TSA, they shut the train down so the individual couldn't make it to the other side where the gates were.
I'm identifying myself with my badge and my ID, and I'm attempting to get to the subject because I know that I'm the only police officer between the entrance point and the train.
And do you know that the TSA officials grabbed me and put their hands on me?
Now, they're not supposed to touch anybody or grab anybody, but yet they're preventing me, the only law enforcement officer,
That's what I was reading is that they tell the police what to do and the air marshals half the time and then I've seen the reports where where I mean they just do insane things so you're trying to chase the guy and they're stopping you.
They're stopping me and telling me I can't go any further.
They're not even police officers.
And yet that's the system that TSA, the non-police, that's what we call it, really, you're looking at the Federal Air Marshal Service, and I want people to understand, it's really a civilian entity running the police department.
Nowhere else does that happen, but within this government system, that's what's happening, and that's why they're tying their hands.
I remember sitting on an airplane with, then at that time, Senator John Kerry.
We're coming into Washington National, and he knew who I was, and we were talking, and he says, well, what do you think of the program?
And I said, Senator, by all due respect, in a nice way, this is about what I get to do as an air marshal.
You're tying my hands.
And let me just tell you, as a state police officer, I held my hands as far apart as I could.
That's what I was able to do.
They're tying the hands of the officers and making it very difficult for them to go after the true terrorists.
I mean, don't you think... Well, exactly.
Look at what they're arming ISIS and letting them go after Iraq and Syria and then acting like they don't know.
I mean, look, bottom line, the political class wants a police state.
They don't want criminals targeted.
They want the general public
taught to be processed like prisoners.
This is social engineering.
That's why none of it makes sense to peace officers like yourself that actually want to go after bad guys.
You're sheepdogs trying to go after wolves.
The truth is, they just want you to become wolves.
I mean, that's really what it comes down to.
Here's what the Alex Jones thing.
They want no cases, no problems.
This is a country club environment of retired Secret Service guys.
From the 1980s.
From the 1980s.
And you can look at, what's that book called?
Kessler's book of... Listen, listen guys, I'm going to give you the floor, but listen, I don't know the inside.
So tell me what you thought of my statement.
Is any of it accurate, but expanding?
You know, one of you fellas was kind of shaking his head, so I want to hear what you're saying.
You're just saying no.
It's beyond that.
It's total laziness.
Explain that to me, Steve.
And then back to Henry.
I mean, I was bringing up how the political class wants the police there to train the public to be slaves and to feel like perps, but doesn't want you to go after the real criminals.
I wanted you to comment on that, and then you brought up the fact that it's just a country club.
Go ahead.
It's smoke and mirrors in order to make the public feel safe after 9-11.
Then what they did is they set this whole false thing up to make you feel added security, added instrumentation that, by the way, in the majority of it doesn't work.
Letting the people and the public go, hey, we've got air marshals on the plane, but yet less than 1% of the airplanes are being covered.
Well, a great example of that was this incident where on Christmas Day, that 777, where the guy was attempting to blow the plane up.
At that time, Delta Airlines only had 11
Giant airplanes.
Are you telling me that the Federal Air Marshal Service can't cover those 11 airplanes and yet we didn't have anybody in place to cover those airplanes?
That's what we're talking about.
A false sense of security where the major targets aren't being covered.
So you're saying it's pure security theater and it's not even set up to go after a threat?
One hundred percent, sir.
One hundred percent.
It's a complete, absolute disgrace and failure, and the American public is being sold a bill of goods that is... that's all it is.
It's just a bill of goods, and you're paying for it.
Eight hundred million dollars at the last check for the current budget.
At one point it was 1.2 billion dollars.
Sure, sure.
Where's that money going?
I want to go back to Henry so you get his point, and then I want to ask you.
It's not just in the air marshals, obviously.
It's everywhere.
This culture is creeping into... it's in business, it's in life.
I mean, America
It's just really losing touch with reality.
I want to get your take on where it's all going, but what was the other point you wanted to make, Henry?
Well, I'll tell you what, here's supervision that wants to take flights, and this was, I guess, when I was there a couple years ago.
They would take flights just to go on little vacations, okay?
They would say, okay, we're going to try to cover this flight, whatever, go over to a golf course overseas, spend a few days there, come back and say they're working, they're covering a flight.
This has been going on for a long time.
It's just, it's a country club.
No cases, no problems.
And when the supervisors get caught or in a certain bind and they realize that they, like the one fellow was caught on the airplane sleeping, we expose that.
He's got a loaded weapon on the airplane.
What did they do?
They try to put a little pressure on him about the investigation.
Then he just resigns out.
He's able to keep his retirement and nothing ever happens.
And they're, well, we fixed the problem.
Well, you didn't fix the problem because it continues to go on and the public suffers.
We have another guy that's a supervisor that went over to another country and jumped inside of a manger scene to steal baby Jesus during Christmas, and nothing ever happened to him.
And here you go, what did he graduate from?
West Point.
West Point, graduate, and he became a supervisor.
Meanwhile, there's a phenomenon of TSA agents stripping down naked and declaring they're God.
Things like that are happening.
I mean, literally,
You're talking about the federal marshals, and obviously there's some issues there.
You're the experts.
But for me, the real craziness is the stealing.
And how many times I've had things stolen out of my bags.
Like a Tiffany baby rattle I bought for my daughter when I was in New York.
They just stole it.
Opened the box up and it was gone.
Everybody I know that has medication.
I'm not on any medication.
People I know that are on medication.
Sleeping pills.
Dr. Pachinik.
He's talked about it, you know, his sleeping pills have been stolen.
I mean, most people I know have been robbed by the TSA, and they're always getting caught.
I mean, what is going on?
Soft points in the security is what part of that problem is.
Some of those stories have been exposed nationwide in the local reports that are out there.
Air marshals are reporting this type of stuff where guys were getting in or security breaches, but it just doesn't seem to change.
You're just doing your job.
My supervisor told me, he said, what did you think when you came over here that you were going to do besides sit in a first class seat and look at the seat in front of you?
And I just, I was absolutely floored by this.
And this is a guy that came over from U.S.
He retired out of there and he ended up being my supervisor when the agency was ramping up back in 2002, 2003.
And I just, I was appalled by that.
I came over after 9-11 with a deep sense and love for my country to be able to serve the country and the people that are here.
Hold on, Steve.
Stay there.
Back in 70 seconds for the conclusion.
Third hour coming up.
Jam Pack, stay with us.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential forfeiture situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
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Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Steve Theodoropoulos and Henry Preston are our guests.
We got five minutes left gentlemen.
I want to give you the floor to any other key points you want to make and then invite you guys back on the nightly news to really do an in-depth investigation report so we can tape it and then edit in all the documentation.
But other points that you guys as former air marshals that have blown the whistle would like to make.
I mean it just seems like the sky's the limit.
What was the gun running point one of you mentioned before we went live?
The gun scandal, the current gun scandal with the director, Bray.
If you've read any of the documentation that's out there, they're going to let this guy off.
The director is going to escape any punishment, any disciplinary action.
And just so happens, the guy conducting the investigation, Roderick Allison, is going to be named as the new director.
So if you don't think there was a backdoor deal done there, it's pathetic.
But what we've said all along, the solution here, Alex, is this.
In order to save the money and save the agency and save the taxpayer, the solution is this.
Shut down the field offices.
The Air Marshals can operate electronically like they've been doing all along out of the main office out of Washington.
And move the agency over to the United States Marshal Service, which is already established with its buildings.
By doing that and cutting down the HR personnel and the supervisors who are absolutely doing nothing except collecting a second retirement,
The American public could save over $300 million instantly.
The program would not be affected one iota, no flights would be missed, and you would be able to keep intact the same air marshals that are out there doing their jobs day after day.
And that's part of the solution.
Anything you want to add to that?
I do.
Alex, you know, I know we got a short time here, but, you know, we had two suicides in the office over the retaliation and discrimination.
We'll get into that later on another segment, but I just wanted to bring that up.
Two good personal friends of mine, and I wanted to get... My gosh, two air marshals you knew were harassed so bad they killed themselves?
Yep, yeah.
Out of Orlando, that's correct.
14 that we know nationwide, and the majority of the stories that we've gotten into, the Air Marshall Supervisors refused to give them assistance.
Now, I mean, how do we know all 14 weren't, some of them weren't killed?
Because we know a lot of the Iraq suicides, it turned out, were people getting killed.
Yeah, and we don't.
We don't.
But a lot of them that we've dug into and talked to people in the other field offices, they asked for some help.
Recently, the one up in New York, where the Air Marshal was having some difficulties at home, tried to contact the supervisor.
They hung up on him.
He said, listen, I really have a situation at home.
I need to get home and take care of this situation.
I've never asked for anything before.
They basically turned their back on him.
He went out to the front of the hotel, put a gun in his head and killed himself.
Wow, so the guys flying desks are playing golf, partying all day, and if somebody after 10 years has an emergency, they don't get anything.
So it really sounds like a mess.
It is.
Oh, it is a mess.
I mean, you're talking about lost guns from SWAT, non-deployable SWAT teams.
You're talking about flights for fun, falsification of training records.
These people should never even be supervisors or police officers because they falsified their training reports.
Sure, my big deal is I could get that you could train somebody for years like an air marshal to have behavioral detection and that stuff's real.
I mean, there's a little body language.
I mean, I'm just a normal guy.
I can, you know, body language of a thug or whatever.
But, I mean, to have some TSA person ask you questions on a power trip like they can read your mind and, like, act like you're guilty, I mean, it's laughable.
It is.
It is.
And Henry was directly involved in that.
When you look at that list, and you try to analyze it down, you could make anybody guilty.
And that's the problem with it.
You know, as a state trooper, out alongside the road, and you're looking at situational awareness, and you're looking at things that you can detect on, those are skills that came over a period of time.
And you know what's right or wrong.
But when they give you a blanket list and go, hey, take anything off this list, I can find your grandmother, I can find a
Well sure, it's like all those terrorism lists that say wearing blue jeans or having a cell phone or taking photos of the Golden Gate Bridge.
There's a real issue and you lose the real point of it.
And the real point of it is to make America safer.
Guys, we're out of time.
We're going to have you back.
Thank you for your courage.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Now, coming up at the bottom of the hour, Darren McBreen has put together another video audio montage illustrating the crazy world we live in.
These are very popular.
It comes out about once a week.
We're a radio slash TV show, so there's a free video feed at InfoWars.com forward slash show or over at PrisonPlanet.com.
And I'll tweet here in about 10 minutes that link out.
At RealAlexJones on Twitter.
Be sure and follow us there so you can find that free link and retweet it on to others to see Darren McBreen's video report.
It'll be informative audio as well.
But in the meantime, Aaron Klein over at WorldNetDaily is a best-selling author, New York Times bestseller, WorldNetDaily investigative journalist.
He also hosts on one of the biggest radio stations in the country, WABC in New York.
And he has broken just so many huge stories at WorldNetDaily.com, WND.com, KleinOnline.com.
And his research is right on line with our research, that you've got Obama, especially the last six years, openly funding with Saudi Arabia and Qatar, hardcore jihadis, Al-Qaeda,
ISIS, you name it, to go after Libya, to go after Egypt, to go after Syria, to go after... And it's not that those were good countries either, but compared to Saudi Arabia and Al-Qaeda, I mean, for me, that's as bad as it gets.
I mean, they find Christians or Jews, they chop their heads off.
You're another Muslim minority, you're dead.
And, I mean, I'm never for military intervention, but when you've got five-mile convoys of these guys pouring in out of Syria,
And Obama's saying they can't stop them.
I mean, a couple A-10 warthogs, they'd all be dead.
Send up 30, you know, predators, they'd be dead.
But instead, oh, now we've got to re-invade and then give part of the country to them and partition it.
That's the MO that I've got.
But if you go back to December 6th of 2012, over a year and a half ago, we've got four of these clips.
They're going to be on the nightly news tonight and in an article tomorrow, but I'm just going to play one of them now and then go to our guest who just joined us.
If you look at it, I predicted exactly what would happen.
Now I'm not saying terrorism isn't real, I'm not saying Al-Qaeda isn't real.
They open the gate for them, they arm them, they let them build up, they give them new bases, so that then they can menace Europe and the United States, and so they can take our liberties.
While they shift and say Al-Qaeda isn't the reason for homeland security now, it's for the Tea Party, gun owners, conservatives, libertarians, and Hillary came out yesterday on CNN, we played the clip,
And said, it's terrorism that you have guns.
You're not allowed to terrorize us gun owners with the epidemic of gun violence, even though it's down by 52% in Justice Department's own numbers.
The branding of anybody who is a decent person as a terrorist is happening full swing right now.
The unthinkable is happening.
We're going to go to Aaron in a moment.
Here's a minute and a half clip from back in December of 2012, December 6, where I broke it all down and now it's happened just as I said it would.
Here it is.
These guys out of Saudi Arabia who they brought into Libya next to
Next to Egypt, are now going up here, just north of Israel and Lebanon.
They are now going into Syria, which is to get ready to go into Iran over here.
They are openly, with signs on the BBC saying, we're done with Libya, we're going to Syria.
They do this, 50,000 at least.
They've been given, and here's the key.
Not 1,000, not 2,000, not 3,000, not 4,000, not 5,000, not 6,000, not 7,000, not 8,000, not 9,000, not 10,000, not 11,000.
20,000 surface-to-air, heat-seeking, and radar-guided SAM missiles.
And they are now saying that when, this is in the news, this is L.A.
Times, McClatchy, you name it.
Our government gave it to them, our banker-run government.
You understand how big this is.
They are saying that they are going, let me repeat this again, to take over Libya, they did that.
Next we're going to Syria.
Now they say, we're going to Iran, which is Shiite, the Muslim minority.
They're gonna go to Iran, and when they're done,
They're going to U.S.A.
And you go to Iran and throw a rock.
And the Feds, which are Federal Reserve bankers, they are absolutely going to arm them to come to America, attack us, and then they're going to take all our liberties in the name of fighting Al-Qaeda that they run.
The bankers run Al-Qaeda to take over Libya,
To take over Syria, to take over Iran, to take over Iraq previously, and now Al-Qaeda, run by British intelligence for a hundred years, is going to attack America and shoot down aircraft with heat-seeking and radar-guided missiles.
They stand two miles from... I'm like three miles from the airport.
I could see... These guys could sit there...
And just wait till aircraft pull off, take off, blow them up, when they're coming in, blow them up.
And they will do it.
And the media thinks you're so dumb, they are going to do all this until you give your rights up because of Al-Qaeda.
And it may not even be Al-Qaeda, it may be other mercenaries.
That's good.
I don't want to waste our time.
We've only got 15 minutes now with our guest, Mr. Klein.
You just heard me from a year and a half ago breaking it down.
I know you guys have exclusive sources in Jordan confirming military training these guys.
What's the big picture?
What do you know?
Where is it all going?
Hey, thanks so much for having me.
Yeah, well if you want to get to the big picture, first we have the information that ISIS, ISIS, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, which of course is a front pretty much for Al Qaeda, how they were trained.
I actually first reported back in 2012
That the United States, the Americans, were running a training base with Turkey and with some other Arab countries in the Middle East.
It was at a secret base in Jordan to train at the time the rebels, the insurgents that were fighting Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria.
And then actually, this has since been confirmed by the UK Guardian, by Der Spiegel, by the, also Reuters has confirmed... No, that's right, we had you on at the time.
So again, WorldNetDaily, your sources, this was confirmed then, yes.
Yeah, so we were running a training base, in other words, for rebels that are highly connected to Al-Qaeda.
But at the time, the United States finally admitted that they were giving aid to rebels, but said that they were vetting the rebels, the extremists, let's say, for elements of connections to Al-Qaeda.
Well, now I have information that we were training
Not thousands of the ISIS members that are currently right now gaining major ground in Iraq.
We're talking here about dozens.
But the larger story actually goes to Benghazi.
Actually, this is a story that I'm going to be breaking a little bit later, but I will first reveal it on this radio show.
On Sunday, we arrested a guy named Ahmed Abu Qatala, who is a member of Ansar al-Sharia, a senior member of Ansar al-Sharia in Libya, wanted for the Benghazi attack.
Well, it's a little bit strange that out of nowhere, suddenly, we arrest this guy.
Because actually, last year, U.S.
Special Forces were tracking his every move.
We're good to go.
So, al-Libya is arrested in this public raid, and then this guy who was just arrested, Qatala, is suspected in the Benghazi attack.
He hears about it and he goes underground.
So all of a sudden, we now arrest him.
So I have information, actually, that Qatala, again, he's actually, as of his arrest, the most wanted jihadist.
For the Benghazi attack, the murder of four Americans, including a U.S.
Well, my information is that Qatala, also against the most wanted terrorist in Benghazi for the attack, he was working for a nexus that included the United States,
Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, the Arab countries, he was working before the Benghazi attack.
In other words, for the United States' efforts to arm the rebels.
So it's a larger story.
It goes all the way to Benghazi, to Syria and beyond, of the United States, for whatever reason, arming, training, funding rebels that absolutely included Al-Qaeda.
I am speechless right now because I know you've broken story after story.
You've got the sources in Jordan, the sources in Israel, the sources all over the Middle East, and you're saying your sources that have been accurate in the past, that they're actually burning their double or triple agents right now, obviously for PR to get heat off Obama on Benghazi?
I think it actually could be in this case that this individual, Qatala, and I'm sure the other terrorists, I don't think that they really know themselves who they're working for or that they're part of an ultimate coordination that includes the United States.
They're just interested in their short-term goal of jihad.
Exactly, because the money goes down through all these levels and is fenced through Saudi Arabia.
Yeah, but what's interesting in this case, what's going on right now, let's get to the current situation in Iraq.
I'm actually not so sure.
I think that there could actually be something else going on here, and that United States, Obama, carries out this reproachment with Iran.
Grand bargaining, grand deal, they signed an interim agreement trying to get a finalized agreement by
So what we have done, at least according to the Middle Eastern security officials here, and I'm actually coming to you right now live from Tel Aviv.
Here in the Middle East is that we've spurned now Saudi Arabia.
So the Saudis are really pissed.
In the past, according to my sources, it was of course the Saudis that were behind the funding of the rebels with the United States first in Libya and then in Syria.
All of a sudden, the Saudis are cut off.
They're in shock by the United States' rapprochement toward Iran.
So I think it could very well be that in this case
The ISIS fighting in Iraq is, and actually according to my sources, they are heavily, they're basically proxies for Saudi Arabia.
But I don't know if, in this case, the Saudis are coordinating with the United States and any other western country, or this is the Saudis backed into such a corner.
...by the United States with this reproachment toward Iran.
Well, stay there.
Explain it to us on the other side.
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Well, this is certainly the end for Iraq.
I see them breaking the country in multiple parts.
Maliki, the president, for those that don't know, we have a Zero Hedge article with his quotes up on Infowars.com, came out and said, Iran's involved in a triple cross against us.
They want part of the country.
And I'm not saying he's a saint, but he is elected and he is trying to be an Iraqi, not an Iranian, not a Saudi.
Undoubtedly, this is an organized army with Saudi Arabia admittedly behind it.
That's in the foreign news, just not here in the media.
Watching all the pundits play dumb is ridiculous.
Mr. Klein, Aaron Klein of KleinOnline.com and WorldNetDaily, he'll be on the nightly news tomorrow for an extended interview with the latest developments and more.
We've only got five minutes left with him.
So give us the big picture from your sources all over the Middle East that have been shown to be very accurate in the past about what's really going on here with Saudi Arabia in rampage mode.
Mr. Klein.
Yeah, you mentioned Maliki and his double-cross with Iran.
Actually, my information also, according to Middle Eastern security officials that I talked to, is that it was Obama that directly contacted, well, the Obama administration, that members of the White House, that directly contacted Maliki, the Iraqi Prime Minister, the Iraqi government,
And first requested that Iran, that they allow the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in last week.
So it was actually the United States that opened up the floodgates for now these various battalions of the Al-Quds wing of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards to enter Iraq.
So first of all, the larger question needs to be asked is this.
With whatever deal Obama has made the United States with
I don't think so.
The funding, the arming, the training of these Al-Qaeda linked insurgency rebels, the problem obviously, and it's obvious to you and I, I don't know if the Obama administration understands, I hope they don't understand this, because if they do it means they're doing it intentionally, is that if you're arming, and you're training, and you're funding jihadist Al-Qaeda looney toons who believe in this 5th century ideology,
Does anybody honestly believe at the end of the day that they're just going to give up their weapons after Libya?
No, of course not.
They didn't.
They went to Syria.
Are they going to give up their weapons after Syria?
Obviously not.
They're now in Iraq.
So we're creating, whether intentionally or not, an Al-Qaeda army.
And this is an Al-Qaeda army on steroids, because these organizations now
have manpads.
They have, first they have manpads from Libya because after the fall of Qaddafi, for whatever reason, NATO, the United States, did not protect Qaddafi's reserves of manpads.
We're talking tens of thousands, actually the largest manpad reserve in all of Africa.
You're talking about surface-to-air missiles?
I mean this is just totally off the charts, dwarfing what Reagan gave them in the eighties.
And what's
Maliki going to do?
Or I'm always pronouncing it wrong.
What is the president of Iraq going to do?
What are we going to do?
I mean, how does Obama do a deal with Iran, but then they're also funding the Al-Qaeda people?
I mean, is the plan just to destabilize Iraq?
And we know these weapons are going to end up getting into Lebanon and are going to attack Israel.
I mean, what is Al-Qaeda going to do with thousands of surface-to-air missiles in the region?
This is a disaster!
It's a disaster.
I don't think Maliki has much say, because it all depends on whether the Saudis, whoever it is, coordinating or not with the United States, whether they cut off the funding to the rebels in Iraq, which I highly doubt.
But the thing is, the rebels themselves are very little.
They have no long-term plan.
If you give them weapons, they're going to use them.
And we didn't just give them... We didn't just allow them, let's say, or we failed to protect the Manpads.
My information is that in Syria,
We, the United States, gave rebels other kinds of surface-to-air missiles and they were actually used against both Assad's air force and then also we saw them used in Syria.
Sure, there's videos of it.
So who's the main driver behind it?
What does Israel think about this?
Where do you see it all going?
You know, interestingly, I think in the beginning when this started with Libya and especially with Syria, Israel didn't mind the arming of the rebels because they saw Syria as a partner with Iran and they just wanted to get rid of them.
And actually, let's take it further.
Jordan not only didn't mind, Jordan allowed their country to be used for secret training bases and also to cross over into Iraq.
Well, now guess what?
The ISIS is threatening directly
The very ISAS that trained in Jordan is now threatening the Jordanian king to behead the Jordanian king.
The Al-Qaeda-linked rebels that Israel, by the way, unfortunately even gave aid to with medical aid, it's confirmed actually, senior rebel leaders,
We're good to go.
Zbigniew Brzezinski's strategy?
Or who's behind this crazy strategy of chaos?
And where do you see it going?
I mean, it's like putting the right-wing people in control of Ukraine.
This looks like a global destabilization program.
To what end?
We'll be right back.
We've got a special report with Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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It's Alex Jones.
We're joined by Aaron Klein, kleinonline.com, world.la.com.
He also is syndicated, not just WABC, by the Salem Radio Network, and he's on with us right now.
And I've got to tell you, his analysis is just not from some perspective, like a Republican analysis or a Democratic analysis or a Saudi Arabian analysis or a... I mean, it's just really from the research I've seen what's going on.
A very straight-up, um...
analysis of what's going on, not from any perspective at all, just of what's happening.
And he was telling me during the break, he thinks, bottom line, it is the Saudi Arabians going on their own because they're mad with Obama doing a deal with Iran.
Now the Iraqi Prime Minister, I keep calling him President, is just rejecting everyone, saying he's been triple-crossed.
This seems to be the new system.
It's always gone to a certain extent, but you lose any moral authority
When you're flip-flopping constantly, when you turn on your allies like Egypt, and turn the place over to people 50 times worse than the previous regime, who like start crucifying Christians and blowing up churches, our media, I mean I saw Fareed Zarkaria,
Yesterday morning on CNN, when I was on the elliptical, he was on it for 30 minutes, with a just evil look on his face going, Maliki deserves this, Iraq's bad, Saudi Arabia's doing a great job, and it'd be one thing if you cold-bloodedly endorsed a civil war to divide and conquer, which I think is immoral and bad, but to just, it's like Hillary, we came, we saw, he died, it's all these wimps.
Like bragging about what big killers they are, and how they flip-flop, and how they screw everybody.
We lose all of our credibility, all of our soft power.
And I just think at the end of the day, Obama's the worst president this country's ever had.
And I think they're so delusional, Aaron, that they think there's a strategy in all this.
And this is the same stuff I've studied history that I've seen other elites basically go insane.
And that's my gestalt of what I see happening.
Give me your take on that, and then you were giving me a lot of key stuff during the break.
Please share the big picture with folks, where it's going, what you see unfolding.
Yeah, I mean, they're so delusional that, as I was saying before, that Jordan was funding ISIS, now ISIS, which is al-Qaeda, is turning against Jordan.
And it's the same thing with the Saudis.
They're playing a very dangerous game here, because the very groups that they are now funding, I don't know that these al-Qaeda groups understand fully where the weapons and money for Iraq comes from, that it's coming from the Saudis.
They hate Saudi Arabia.
They see the Saudis as usurpers on Islamic land.
Also, before the break, you mentioned Brzezinski, so I want to remind everybody that tied into all of this, the military doctrine that was used originally to bomb Libya, it's also the military doctrine that Obama has cited if he would ever go to war in Syria, is something, I'm sure you've talked about it, it's called responsibility to protect.
Which I've done an enormous amount of research on.
Samantha Power on the board of the group that founded Responsibility to Protect.
Bottom line of it is that according to Responsibility to Protect, there is no nation state with a border.
Borders don't exist.
If any country is accused of war crimes or crimes against humanity,
The international community can come down a swoop and go to war, and even if later it's proven that there were no war crimes.
So I'm mentioning this because tied into all of this actually is that whole Access Brzezinski international responsibility to protect.
It was actually founded by an organization, or they're one of the founding members, it's called the International Crisis Group, which is where George Soros sits.
And another member, that's why I'm mentioning this, of the International Crisis Group, that again founded Responsibility to Protect.
Their president is one of the architects of it.
It happens to be that one of the main members is also a guy named Thomas Pickering, who was the lead investigator for the Benghazi attacks.
So, if you look at the weapons to the jihadist insurgents, it could be that Pickering, with the State Department review, came in to kind of whitewash all of that.
That's just a side note.
And then you've got George Soros floating around in the background, and they use destabilization as a political tool, but then they never even stabilize it.
I don't see their strategies, even from their sick perspective, working.
That's my point.
Unless the ultimate strategy is chaos, is for there to be no strategy, or at least for the strategy to be Operation Chaos.
Remember, actually, it's called the International Crisis Group.
They need a crisis in order to push whatever it is ultimately.
And I'm here in Israel, and originally, like I said, Israel had no problem with the rebels that were fighting in Syria or in Libya.
But now Israel understands, oops, these rebels now have taken over large swaths of territory in Israel's borders, and probably in the future in Jordan, probably in the future in Lebanon.
Right now they're fighting very close to the Syria border.
I could literally drive there in three hours from where I am right now.
So, this is incredibly dangerous for Israel, for Jordan, which really is a moderate Arab country.
The Jordanian king, extremely Western-oriented.
He might be overthrown.
And so the larger picture actually is the Seaward Caliphate.
I don't know if we're going there.
I don't know if... I certainly, like I said before, Al-Qaeda, these Islamic jihadist organizations, they have no long-term plan.
They have no long-term governing strategy.
So I don't know if it will really be achieved, but obviously their goal is no borders.
Let me ask you this.
What does Obama do when the European, Israeli, and U.S.
airliners start getting blown up?
I mean, I'm not going to drive up to checkpoints, you know, five miles from the airport where they're looking for stinger missiles in my car, when our own government gave it to them.
I mean, I'm really getting sick of this, and I want Obama and the State Department and all of them to know
We're going to make sure somebody gets prosecuted for this, because I don't see them getting away with it when Al Qaeda starts shooting stuff down.
And undoubtedly, you've got thousands of missing missiles, they're going to start shooting stuff down in my view, or is that wrong from your view?
I mean, they're anti-Western, they want to destroy the United States, number one.
Number two, they have anti-aircraft missiles.
So if they don't use them, it would make absolutely no strategic sense on their part.
You know, this is, this, the arming of the rebels, the giving to them in Syria of anti-aircraft missiles, this is
Iran-Contra times infinity.
At least with Iran-Contra, they were trading arms to at least try to get some hostages out.
In this case, it's for nothing.
And in this case, we're talking about extremely, extremely serious arms.
Ambassador Stevens... Yeah, Iran-Contra was anti-tank missiles, not anti-aircraft.
Yes, Ambassador Stevens, people always call him that, Ambassador Stevens, as if he had a political role.
But don't forget, he arrived on a boat, in the secret of the night, to serve as a conduit with the rebels, a.k.a.
the jihadists, a.k.a.
individuals connected to Al-Qaeda.
He wasn't just an ambassador, he was also kind of an arms dealer.
He was working with this whole nexus.
Our fate might really be that of Ambassador Chris Stevens.
This is what happens when you play with fire.
You're not only going to get burned, but Al-Qaeda could, as you just said, and I think it's really only a matter of time, shoot down passenger aircraft, whether here, there are plenty of U.S.
passenger aircraft that leave in the Middle East and North Africa.
Or ultimately in the United States.
Certainly another problem here I don't forget is a lot of foreigners from the United States, UK, Australia, they've all joined the rebels.
We're talking about hundreds of them just from Australia and Europe alone.
Who have passports.
Who have passports.
It's a disaster.
We'll continue to follow it.
Aaron, thank you so much for all the time today and we'll talk to you on the Nightly News tomorrow.
Thank you so much.
That's Aaron Klein.
I find no fault in what he says.
It's dead on.
Straight talk.
Shot us straight from Tel Aviv.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to go to this amazing piece that Derren McBreen put out.
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Here is Darren McBreen's simply amazing piece that he put together where he nexuses the film network with the current things that are happening.
Here it is.
Prepare yourself for a perfectly outrageous motion picture.
Howard Beale went up there last night and said what every American feels, and he's tired of all the bull- For the sakes, Diana, we're talking about putting a manifestly irresponsible man on national television.
1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!
There is no America.
There is no democracy.
There is only IBM and ITT.
And AT&T.
And DuPont.
Union Carbide.
And Exxon.
Those are the nations of the world today.
And you have meddled with the primal forces of nature!
And you will atone!
Am I getting through to you, Mr. Beale?
Why me?
It was your own television, dummy.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Network News Hour with Howard Beale!
I can't do it.
We'll do it live.
We'll do it live!
Do it live!
I'll write it and we'll do it live!
That thing sucks!
What the hell's going on?
I don't know, he just said he was gonna blow his brain out.
That's tomorrow and that is it for us today.
I'm Bill O'Reilly.
Thanks again for watching.
We'll leave you with Sting and a cut off his new album.
Take it away.
Congressman, let me interrupt you just for a moment.
We've got some breaking news out of Miami.
Stand by if you will.
Right now in Miami, Justin Bieber has been arrested on a number of charges.
The judge is reading the charges, including resisting arrest and driving under the influence.
He's appearing now before the judge for his bond hearing.
I want a show developed based on the activities of a terrorist group.
Well, I'm mad.
I'm gonna make a TV star out of you.
You're gonna be a household word.
Osama Bin Laden is just one person.
He is representative of networks of people.
Who absolutely have made their cause to defeat the freedoms that we take, that we understand.
And we will not allow them to do so.
The Taliban is taking responsibility for shooting down a U.S.
More than 30 people were killed and there are reports this morning that most of them are U.S.
Navy SEALs.
It is the international system of currency.
Which determines the totality of life on this planet.
NATO is in command of the entire U.S.
military publicly.
Homeland Security now says their mission has nothing to do with Al-Qaeda, our Muslim extremists.
It has to do with the Tea Party, who will launch police-killing terror attacks any minute.
With no evidence of that, now it's beginning.
The borders are completely wide open.
Tens of millions of people are flooding here as we speak.
Hundreds of thousands a month pouring over the borders, being given driver's license in California to pull the lever to ban guns.
We are in the middle of a globalist revolution against this country right now.
I don't have to tell you things are bad.
Everybody knows things are bad.
It's a depression.
Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job.
The dollar buys a nickel's worth.
Banks are going bust.
Shopkeepers keep a gun to the counter.
Punks are running wild in the street.
There's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do and there's no end to it.
We know.
The air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat.
We sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had 15 homicides and 63 violent crimes as if that's the way it's supposed to be.
We know things are bad, worse than bad.
They're crazy.
It's like everything everywhere is going crazy so we don't go out anymore.
We sit in the house and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller and all we say is, please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms.
Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radios and I won't say anything.
Just leave us alone.
Well, I'm not gonna leave you alone.
I want you to get mad!
Television will never be the same.
Get on the ground!
Get on the ground now!
Get on the ground!
Get on the ground!
So much.
The Department of Homeland Security is apparently on a huge ammo buying spree.
It comes out to like 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
Who are they going to fight a war against?
And just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
Multiple sources tell CNN as many as 40 veterans died while they were waiting for medical care at this VA facility.
Alex Jones may sound crazy, but still has 300 million YouTube... 700 million which?
Cringe, arch-conservative, deeply, I think, racist.
Challenge Alex Jones to a boxing match.
Show up with a semi-automatic that you got legally and pop on the court.
I'd love to see that.
In uniform.
These folks are getting paid to be racist.
Hey, listen, I'm here to warn people.
You keep telling me to shut up.
This isn't a game.
I want you to get up now.
I want all of you to get up out of your chairs.
I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell, I'M AS MAD AS HELL AND I'M NOT GONNA TAKE THIS ANYMORE!
I want you to get up right now, stick your head out of the window, open it, and stick your head out and keep yelling and yell, I'M AS MAD AS HELL, I'M NOT GONNA TAKE THIS ANYMORE!
Just get up from your chairs, right now, go to the window!
Where are you going?
I don't want to see anybody yelling!
Open it and stick your head out!
I'm mad as hell!
I'm not going to take this anymore!
I'm mad as hell!
I'm not going to take it anymore!
I'm mad as hell!
I'm not going to take it anymore!
I'm mad as hell!
I'm not going to take it anymore!
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
And instead of just sticking our heads out the window and saying we're mad as hell and identifying and connecting with each other, we've got to culturally, spiritually, economically, intellectually, societally,
Stand up and make a break with the current false system being imposed on us.
And stand up and talk to police officers, school teachers, to your wife, your husband.
Talk about freedom.
Talk about what you value.
Talk about what's wrong and what's right, and what you're going to defend and what you're going to fight.
And talk about all the illegal, crazy stuff that's going on.
And now we're letting a bunch of immoral, amoral, crazy people who think they're slick because they have no morals and play all sides.
That's called being dishonorable.
Honor builds incredible civilizations.
Dishonor builds hell holes!
We'll be right back!
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We're good.
Again, there's three other clips they found of me saying exactly what would happen with the stinger missiles.
And there's a larger plan of chaos by a political class that could care less about anybody and actually wants us poor.
What it is, we're just getting pure evil.
And that's the type of government we have.
And, you know, the good news is it's becoming game over intellectually for the establishment.
Because there's really not anyone anymore that disagrees with me on the street.
In libertarian and conservative thought, people just apologize profusely on a daily basis to me now.
Some on air, some off air.
And I'm not saying, aren't I a big man.
I'm saying, in the beginning a patriot's a scarce man hated and feared, but in time when his cause succeeds, the timid join him because then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
I understood history.
And I understood that evil men and tyrants flourish when good men and women do nothing.
To quote Thomas Jefferson.
I added the women part, he didn't say that.
He said men.
Evil men and tyrants flourish when good men do nothing.
And so, it doesn't mean I'm on some high horse or I'm perfect, but I've got good will towards people.
I don't care what color you are, where you're from.
If you want to have a good world and you want to build one, I want to work with you.
But I don't want to play guilt games.
I just love how the evil always guilt everyone they're attacking and wanting to go along with them.
I mean, it's just a fraud.
And I don't want to merge with failed states, like Mexico.
I don't want to merge with the New World Order.
I want to be free.
It doesn't mean America's perfect.
But the globalists spend all day demonizing the Republic because the ideas, even though never fully realized, are anathema to their tyranny.
And the further we get away from our Bill of Rights and Constitution, the further we get away, the worse things get.
So let's get back to what works, ladies and gentlemen.
Not that anything was ever perfect, but it's getting worse.
Headlines on Infowars.com.
I played this video earlier.
It's so bombshell.
Caught red-handed.
Border Patrol paying to ship illegals deep into the U.S.
I mean, this is red-handed.
The Border Patrol now is the illegal alien delivery system.
End of the quote, interior.
It's now a full-blown article, not just the video.
We've had folks add the transcript of what the head of emergency management said.
How 90 plus percent of the illegals arrive on the Border Patrol buses with their vouchers and be quote, sent to the interior.
To be released.
Wherever they ask to be released.
You just tell them I have family in Cincinnati, your bus to Cincinnati.
Doesn't matter if it costs $500 in bus tickets or $200 to get delivered up to Chicago or $100 to Dallas.
The real Benghazi story ignored as Clinton flip-flops on anti-Islam video.
Clinton's come out and said it's terrorism to have the view you can own guns.
I mean, it's just getting totally insane.
We have a graphic of that with her quote up on InfoWars.com.
DrudgeReport.com is linked to this article.
DARPA brain chips to implant false memories.
Technology has the potential to create fearless monsters.
That's what top technology experts are saying.
I mean, this is just the total Twilight Zone world.
And again, I would talk about DARPA and brain chips 15 years ago and they would have major publications say I was a barking at the moon lunatic because I would read public documents.
Look, man,
The majority of top robotics experts and others that are in the news today say there's a good chance the machines are going to kill everybody.
But that's not me saying that, okay?
I want to have a future.
I want space colonies.
I want freedom.
I want the incredible stuff God's got in store for us.
But we have to step to the plate and go to the next level to get that.
And I will assure you adopting the failed kleptocratic system of Latin America is not going to do that.
And adopting the banker, New World Order, European system of tyranny is not going to do that.
And adopting the communist system is not going to do that.
I mean, it's that simple.
You got a bunch of do-nothing scum, like Hillary Clinton, running our world, who have total hatred of independence, and anybody who's strong.
These people are demons.
All right, great job to the crew.
This is one of the best radio broadcasts we've ever done.
Tonight, 7 o'clock, the M4 Works 9-Way News.
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It was hell to build this.
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