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Name: 20140615_Sun_Alex
Air Date: June 15, 2014
1449 lines.

This passage recounts Alex Jones' Father's Day worldwide transmission on June 15th, 2014, in which he discusses various topics related to fatherhood, liberty, human empowerment, and globalist agendas. He announces that he will be premiering a keynote speech given by himself, which has not yet been seen or heard by anyone else. Additionally, Jones interviews Mike Hammond, the Chief Legislative Counsel for Gun Owners of America, to discuss Obama's statements regarding gun control and Australia's ban on guns. In this discussion, they explore potential threats to the Second Amendment and express concern over increasing government intrusion into citizens' rights. Furthermore, they touch upon topics such as nutritional health, water filtration, toxic environments, lung cleansing products, iodine supplement purity, and water contamination with chemicals. The speaker warns about the dangers of globalist operatives who aim to adopt forms of tyranny and control human and market activities. Lastly, they discuss the importance of alternative media and fighting against collectivist agendas in order to take back control of one's life and future.

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Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
All right, you let it go.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
We see the earth from here.
You got it.
Crystal Method bringing us in.
Well folks, thank you for joining us on this special Father's Day worldwide transmission.
June 15th, 2014.
And I myself am a father of three.
And to be a father is to be a guardian of your children, and to be a guardian of your children is to be a guardian of the larger civilization and society, and to have fraternity between men and women, men and men, women and women, humanity as a family, trying to reach for our better angels, not fall to our more wicked ones.
To paraphrase some poet or laureate, we talked about men's better angels.
I don't remember who said that, or I would give them credit.
Perhaps the guys can look it up, because plagiarizing is not my conscious goal here.
Again, thank you for joining us on this worldwide transmission.
More and more, the Sunday Show is evolving, and I say that because I hear the rebroadcast sometimes, and I think it really is better.
And it's also growing an audience, so we thank you for joining us and being on this quest together.
Fellow travelers in liberty, not in communism and collectivism, this quest for human empowerment, true human consciousness, and a rejection of the globalist, synthetic, artificial consciousness and construct that we're being sold.
Now, on this Father's Day transmission, it's just jam-packed.
We couldn't get Larry Pratt on because he's out of town right now, but Mike Hammond, the lawyer and legal head analyst and counsel for Gun Owners of America, will be joining us coming up in the next segment to discuss the bone-chilling statements made last week by Obama on CBS News that, hey, we've got to do something.
Australia just banned the guns.
You know, we need something like that.
I mean, we're talking about everything down to
Some of the key statements of Dinesh D'Souza, the political prisoner for a while and now being persecuted facing 10 years in prison for doing something that I believe wasn't even illegal from looking at the campaign finance laws.
We're going to discuss the attack on free speech and play some clips from when he was on with us, I think it was last Monday.
Then we're going to premiere something that I think was pretty powerful, I do say so myself.
I gave a keynote speech
Actually right after their main speaker, T. Boone Pickens, spoke up in Dallas at the Stansbury Society, Stansbury Research event.
And it was a 22 minute speech or so, but we've cut it down to about 20 minutes for the segments.
And so my speech that folks in the office said,
They sent us a copy of this.
This hasn't aired yet anywhere.
You ought to air this.
And I go, I don't usually air my speeches.
And they said, no, it's really good.
And I sat down and watched it, and it was good.
And there was a little PowerPoint I put together with Buckley, my cousin, who works here in the office.
And so I don't usually do PowerPoints.
So it's also a PowerPoint.
So if you're a radio listener, you go to infowars.com forward slash show.
You can also see the PowerPoint slides that go along with the little speech.
So we're going to premiere that speech here.
It's not even on YouTube yet.
I think if I can get somebody on Sunday to post it, we've got folks working on Sunday, we'll put it on the front page of InfoWars.com by the end of the transmission this evening.
And then we'll also put what we're going to be premiering up on YouTube for everybody that's a radio listener, so you can actually see it, not just hear it, a Ron Paul interview that Kit Daniels, one of our great writers and also TV reporters, did with Ron Paul on
Common Core, the future of the world, a lot more.
And it's a very powerful interview.
I just can't let him talk.
So, how do I keep myself from interrupting?
I have other people interview people.
So, that's a little self-deprecation is always good.
That's coming up, a premiere of a Ron Paul interview.
Nobody's heard yet or seen yet.
And then something else special as well.
It's a big Father's Day present to myself and to you and to all of us.
It's a win-win, win-win-win.
That's the way Liberty works.
That's the way liberty works!
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You have the power.
Humanity has the power.
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Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm giving myself a Father's Day present here on the 15th day of June, 2014.
I am standing up for the Second Amendment, the right to self-defense that any free human has.
I'm standing up for my children.
That's the gift I want is my two daughters and my son to grow up in a country
Like I grew up in, where we have a right to keep and bear arms, unlike parts of the nation that aren't part of the U.S.
Chicago, New York, and D.C., they have the highest crime rates in the country, where they have an abolition of the citizens' right to keep and bear arms, despite the fact five years ago the Supreme Court in D.C.
v. Miller said, you've got to let people defend themselves.
Now joining us for this segment is the Chief Legislative Counsel for Gun Owners of America.
And you can always tell when the attack on the Second Amendment is heating up, because you'll suddenly start hearing NRA, GOA on every week.
You heard Larry Pratt, the head of Gun Owners, on last Sunday.
Well, now we've got their Chief Legislative Counsel, their lawyer, who's up on Capitol Hill here, to discuss a bunch of chilling statements we saw in the New York Times last week by the White House, saying, we're getting ready to use executive orders.
Then Obama talked to CBS News, and you can watch the full interview at InfoWars.com, or Reuters, RT also reported on it, and he basically said, look, we need to go ahead and do what Australia did.
Australia banned guns, everything but single shot.
It made you get a license for that and their muggings and crime rate went up.
Here's the RT headline.
Reuters had a similar headline.
Obama cites Australia's gun confiscation program as an example for US.
Remember, he promised.
During the campaign to not come after anybody's guns, and so did Joe Biden.
Here's part of that clip, and we'll find out how bad it is.
This is another attempt, like it did last year, to come after the Second Amendment.
Here's a clip from CBS News.
A couple of decades ago, Australia had a mass shooting, similar to Columbine or Newtown.
And Australia just said, well, that's it.
We're not seeing that again.
And basically imposed very severe, tough gun laws and they haven't had a mass shooting since.
Our levels of gun violence are off the charts.
There's no
Advanced, developed country on earth that would put up with this.
Total lies.
The US has one of the lowest crime rates in the industrialized world.
Justice Department's own numbers.
Overall shootings are down 52%.
Justice Department's own numbers from 92 to 2011.
Mass shootings are flat.
Most of them are gang-related.
Honeybees kill over 100 people more than mass shootings every year.
Even Esquire looked into that and did an article on it when I was in one of their articles last year and did find
There's a whole separate article from the interview with me going, yes, honeybees are more dangerous.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
And there isn't an epidemic, and Australia has had more mass shootings.
You're always going to have stuff like this, but enough of me breaking that down.
I wanted to get a quick update on this Sunday, on this Father's Day, from Mike Hammond with Gun Owners of America, GunOwners.org.
Are they warming up for another full-scale assault on the Second Amendment, this time extra-judicially?
He's already legalizing the illegals and telling them, you know, if you can get here, you're legal, and overflowing the military bases.
I mean, this seems to be rule by decree.
I think they have a name for that, don't they?
Yeah, it's basically ignorance of the Constitution, among other things, and perhaps also treason.
But the answer is yes.
I think we need to be concerned about what's happening.
Don't pop the cork until they bang the gavel.
And specifically, Harry Reid is now saying, and Dick Durbin, who's the number two guy in the Democratic leadership in the Senate, is now saying, well, maybe it's time to bring up Toomey Manchin.
You remember what that was?
You can't buy a gun in this country without going through a gun dealer.
Well, guess what they're trying to do at the same time as they're trying to require you to go through a gun dealer in order to buy a gun?
They're trying to shut down the gun dealers.
And they do that by what's called Operation Chokepoint and the Department of Justice, in which they have effectively
And for those who don't know,
That's already happening to gun dealers and gun shops everywhere being kicked out of their banks.
They're being listed as high-risk.
They're making us a criminal class outside of law.
But you see what the combination of those two things mean?
If you can't buy a gun without going through a gun dealer, and if there are no gun dealers within 200 miles of you, because Barack Obama has effectively shut all of them down, the Second Amendment is effectively dead to you.
And that is precisely what Barack Obama is intending to do right now.
It's incredible, but they've also talked about making us put biometrics on all the guns by executive order.
Holder did that a month ago in Congress, as you know.
And what about this bold statement about, you know, what Australia did was really great?
I mean, that's scary.
Well, it's sort of intriguing, isn't it, that the Bloombergs and the Obamas of the world say, oh no, we just want small, reasonable, common sense gun control, and then their people go to Albany and go to Hartford and cheer as legislation confiscating guns, legislation banning guns, legislation registering guns is passed, and then hop on Air Force One, and the next day in Washington they say, who said anything about confiscation?
There's one thing, there are very few advantages to being very old, but one is you see these things happening over and over and over again.
The 68 Act, the Brady Law, the Cole Amendment, the Lautenberg Amendment, all had a whole lot of things in common.
But one of the things they had in common is this.
People who had no intention of doing anything but banning every gun in America,
Nevertheless, came to us and said, well, if you trade off a little bit of your freedom, we'll give you safety.
Guess what happened in every case?
Killings went up, there was no safety, but the gun control, which some people foolishly allowed to be passed, served as a platform for the next ratchet up of more gun control.
Again, look at, you already mentioned Connecticut, where the gun confiscation is going on.
They're swatting people's houses.
California, Bloomberg headline, gun confiscation begins.
But they're even using extrajudicial, just saying, your neighbors saw you had a gun, we're just taking them, and then they have a government psychiatrist say you're mentally ill, with no, no judicial evidence.
I mean, it's really getting frightening
To now see when they basically banned and shut down manufacturing of miniguns in California last year, they're now back with a whole new flotilla of legislation.
I mean, the truth is... It did absolutely no good in Iowa Vista.
Except that it basically said to the shooter, you can go down the street and shoot, and we will guarantee you that there's no one around who's going to shoot back.
That's right, and then we saw someone with a concealed carry was the person shot at Walmart, other than the two police officers, was a concealed carry person that basically started firing on them and pinned them down for the police out in Las Vegas a few weeks ago.
And Harry Reid's trying to pin that, not just on me, not just the NRA, not just GOA, but even Ronald Reagan now, because some Facebook page the guy supposedly had had Ronald Reagan on it.
So now it's Ronald Reagan's fault.
Did you know that?
Well, uh, I don't believe that, but, uh, except to the extent that Ronald Reagan ultimately ended up supporting the Brady Law, so perhaps it is a little bit of his false broadcast.
But, you know, as I say, when I was a kid, I was in ROTC during the Vietnam War.
As a 14-year-old kid walked up and down our high school campus, in our ghetto high school, with an M1 semi-automatic rifle.
No one thought I was going to shoot up the place.
What happened in 1996, they passed federal legislation saying you can't have a gun in the school.
Almost immediately thereafter, there is a succession of copycat school shootings that has continued unabated.
And media hyping it and creating an irrational phobia of guns.
Sir, I want to do three more minutes with you on the other side.
I want to ask you, as one of the top experts in the country, up on the Hill, tracking what they're doing.
Other ways they're coming after the Second Amendment.
Because they've started beating the war drums, as you know, to come after it again.
Another big push.
What are they planning with Mike Hammond?
He is the top legal analyst there at GunOwners.org, the only no-compromise Second Amendment national group in the Republic of the United States.
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Hi folks, Alex Jones here with some important information.
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What do you think about the FBI saying that there was a terror alert on Monday about a potential forklift situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks, I'm being a sergeant!
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Coast to coast, direct from Austin, you're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the Resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
The persecuted filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza is coming up in a moment.
Excerpts of an interview I did earlier in the week.
It is extremely important for the First Amendment freedom across the board.
But finishing up with Mike Hammond, Chief Legal Analyst for Gun Owners of America.
In the two minutes we've got left, what are some of the other attacks that are extra judiciary, outside of law?
I mean, they admit they're going to use executive power to curtail our guns.
Last time I heard, the executive doesn't legislate.
Two things, one a minute.
First of all, the efforts of BATF to come into dealers in connection with their annual inspections and photocopy all of the gun records, that is all the .4473s, all the bound book records.
As an effort to effectively create a national gun registry.
Now, we thought that was illegal, but if they have all the 4473s in Arizona sitting in an office in Tucson, and all of those in Nevada sitting in an office in Las Vegas, and they can all be accessed from Washington D.C., guess what?
You have a national gun registry, which should be very scary to people at this point.
Secondly, import bans.
Barack Obama, as you know, basically recently moved, well, he tried to move to cut off the import of all shotguns on the basis that they had no sporting purpose.
I don't know what he thinks we do with them.
He also tried to ban the import of Russian ammunition, Al-Qaida ammunition, which is still in place unless we can get a Ted Cruz
Or a Rand Paul to offer an amendment to appropriations bill to stop that.
And finally, 80 House members wrote to Barack Obama and said, oh, if we weren't able to pass the semi-automatic ban, guess what?
You can do the same thing by banning the import of all semi-automatic firearms using your inherent executive authority.
So they're doing a de facto move to restrict the Second Amendment.
In the last 30 seconds, what message does it send to see rhinos being defeated in every major primary by people like David Bratt?
I hope it sends a message that 2014 is going to be a tsunami year, because unless we take over the Senate and the House with real conservatives, then Harry Reid is going to use his cheat scheme rules to pack the courts and to turn the Second Amendment into a, as far as the courts are concerned, a nullity.
This is life and death for this country.
George Washington launched the nation.
Obama is trying to kill it.
You cannot mince words.
It is too insane.
Thank you so much for your time, sir.
Alright folks, here is excerpts of the interview I did with award-winning filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza.
They're not just going after the Second Amendment, they're persecuting, with the IRS and other systems, the First Amendment as well.
Dinesh D'Souza is here, and in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth of the Revolutionary Act,
To quote another great thinker, Eric Blair, a.k.a.
George Orwell.
So Mr. D'Souza, thanks for making time to come on with us today.
It was one of the producers of Schindler's List, who I know you're working with.
I actually knew you were being indicted a day before through a mutual friend, but couldn't talk about it on air.
And they were all really freaked out.
And of course, he said that he's never been afraid to live in this country until now.
Matt Drudge has said everyone should have an exit strategy after what happened to you.
I mean, I think we need to recognize that you're being persecuted
Or it could happen to all of us.
What do you say on that front?
I know you're in court now.
What can you say about the case?
And we'll move on to your new film.
I exceeded the campaign finance limit by giving $20,000 to my longtime friend Wendy Long, who was running really an uphill, even an impossible campaign for the Senate.
I should have set up a PAC.
There are many different ways to do it.
So I made a mistake.
But I think what's shocking to me is the way in which I see, not just my case, if I look nationwide, the way in which the Obama administration is recklessly circumventing the law, from the Defense of Marriage Act on through immigration, turning the blind eye to guys on their own side who are doing shocking things.
I mean, here's Harry Reid diverting campaign finance funds to his daughter or granddaughter's wedding, and no investigation, no prosecution.
This is a case where Lady Justice in the Obama administration appears to have taken the blindfold off and is kind of winking at her pals and then kind of taken off after her enemies.
Very well said.
What can you say about your case, where it's going, the release date for the film?
I mean, I hope that this doesn't derail your film.
It absolutely won't do that.
I have to appear before a judge in September to decide my fate.
But the film comes out July 2nd.
We actually open in Houston and Atlanta June 27th.
That's kind of an early run.
But the week of July 4th, on Wednesday July 2nd, Lionsgate is releasing this film into over a thousand theaters nationwide.
So it's going to be a great 4th of July rocker.
But it's also a 4th of July slap in the face to the progressives because it's a way of looking at what they've been doing to America.
We normally expect anti-Americanism to come from the outside, from the Nazis or the Soviet Communists or maybe from some Iranian mullah.
But the most vehement takedown of America is now occurring within this country, and that's what this book and the film is intended to be an expose of.
They're scared of this film.
I mean, you're not tooting your horn to say that.
I think we're just saying prima facie facts here.
But from your inside perspective, sir, I mean, do you agree with that statement?
A. B. Why do you think they're so scared of it?
They should be scared.
And if they're not scared, they're gonna be.
2016 scared him a little bit because in 2016 I went sort of into the world of Obama.
I was at his family homestead.
I flushed his brother out of a degraded third world slum in Nairobi.
And that upset Obama.
We know this for a fact because Obama personally came out railing against 2016 on his website, barackobama.com.
Now, if they were scared of 2016, wait till they see America.
Because America is a much more explosive, more powerful film.
It brings the whole argument home.
It's not just about Obama.
Obama and Hillary are in the film.
But it's about this vast progressive movement which has, in a sense, made the long march through the institutions of elementary and secondary education,
Academia, Hollywood, the media, National Public Radio, the mainline churches.
So sometimes while the conservatives and Republicans are huddling and trying to figure out, gee, how do we take back the Senate?
These guys have basically taken over the commanding heights of our culture and they're conducting a relentless indoctrination campaign against our young people.
They're doctoring American history.
So the film blows the whistle on this whole menagerie.
And you were talking about persecution of others.
I mean, I've seen MSNBC, we've played the clips, say, good, arrest the Tea Party.
Good, don't let them be politically involved.
Fox News has reported on army memos at Fort Hood saying you could be court-martialed if you're part of the Tea Party or evangelical.
I mean, this is stuff beyond Cuba, and they're just doing it out in the open, calling it liberal.
I mean, I can't think of language strong enough to describe this group.
Other than authoritarians, I mean, how would you describe them?
I do think that Obama has an authoritarian streak.
I also think from what I now know about him, and I've talked to his relatives, that he's an incredibly mean-spirited and vindictive guy.
To give you a small example of how he is, when I was interviewing George Obama, I later talked to Obama's sister, and she goes, well, you know, we're having George followed.
The family is having one of its own siblings followed.
So there's a paranoid streak going on over there.
They look at critics not as well-meaning people who disagree with them, but as enemies who have to be, in some senses, put out of business.
And so I think this is a very dangerous mentality.
You know, we didn't see it with Clinton.
We wouldn't have seen it with Jimmy Carter.
Obama has, in a sense, represents a new low in American politics.
If we took the smartest and the best of the world, from all over the planet, from Japan to India, from Russia to Germany and Mexico... All right, folks, the full 30-minute long interview is up on InfoWars.com right now on this Sunday, if you want to go watch the full interview from earlier in the week.
We're going to come back and premiere, in total, my Stansbury Research speech in Dallas.
We're going to premiere that.
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Coast to coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
You want answers?
I think you can handle them.
You want the truth?
You can't handle the truth!
Well, I think you can handle the truth.
Thank you for joining us on this Sunday Worldwide Vader Day, Father's Day.
Thank you so much again for joining us.
I forget, is it Dutch or is it German that Vader is father?
Hence the Vader joke.
Here is large excerpts of the Stansbury research speech that I gave a few weekends ago in Dallas.
We're premiering it here.
It's not been released up until now.
Stansbury gave it to us.
Porter Stansbury introduced me.
Of course, T. Boone Pickens was there as a keynote speaker.
Spoke right before I did.
And it was a very informative conference.
And so we'll play a segment of it now and some more in the next segment.
Then in the next hour, Ron Paul.
Never before released interview we did a few weeks ago that Kit Daniels did on a host of issues and more in the second hour of this jam-packed
Father's Day edition, but here is part of the Stansbury Research Interview, and then the full interview will be posted by the end of the show in video at livingcoloratinfowars.com.
If folks out there want to catch that and share it with others, here it is.
Our next speaker really needs no introduction.
Alex Jones is one of the most controversial and polarizing figures in all of American media.
I got to know him as part of our End of America advertising campaign beginning in about 2010.
We were able to, he graciously let us use his voice, which is probably the most famous voice in any kind of financial marketing in history because something like 50 million people viewed our End of America documentary on YouTube.
And as you probably know, he has a big internet radio presence and broadcasts daily to millions of people around the world.
He has some very unique views and how he sees events around the world developing.
And rather than spoil all of his fun, I'd like to bring him out and let him tell you about it.
Thanks for having me.
All right, well I got about 19 minutes so I better get started here.
It's good to be here back in my hometown Dallas and I want to thank you all for coming out.
I really like the Stansbury Association Society and the speakers so far have been really thought-provoking and a lot of great guest ideas for my own radio show.
You know a lot of people are here, experts in energy, oil and gas, stocks, who know a thousand times more than I do about their specific fields.
I just wanted to speak today about the human condition and the fact that if we don't have a free society, we don't have prosperity, we don't have any future at all.
We don't even have an identity.
All the major psychological studies show, and I'm going to go over some of those, that people that live in really oppressive societies just aren't even really conscious or awake and have had their humanity driven out of them.
And we're now at a critical crossroads in this
...in this society where there are corporate special interests that are crony capitalists who are really involved in a revolution, almost a computerized overwrite of human civilization, the good, the bad, and the ugly.
They are trying to make the world in their image while masquerading as capitalist and they are openly in thousands of publications.
I mean I'm sure you've seen them, you've heard them from Ray Kurzweil right down the line to the folks at the United Nations saying we've decided what your future is and we decided humanity is ugly and bad and we're going to reduce the population down to almost nothing.
We're not going to move forward as other civilizations have done trying to
Build a better society and have progress.
We're going to try to invert that under what the United Nations calls Agenda 21, which is of course a global treaty from 1992, to shut down economies worldwide and only allow select crony operators to
Control the economy so they conquer the world through economic fraud and regulation The whole time posing and calling it capitalist globalism when it's really just organized organized crime with a very sophisticated PR system through the controlled state-run medias of the planet
And the major power blocks in the world, the Chinese, the Russians, the Brits, and the Anglo-American West, are competing with each other on many levels, but also are always competing to adopt forms of tyranny to suppress their own populations and consolidate control.
And it is because they're only looking out for their own corrupt interests that you almost see a blindness in the elite to the system they're creating.
Now, will there be a singularity by 2040 like Ray Kurzweil, the head of Google Future Technology says?
I don't know.
But undoubtedly, if the Gutenberg Press shook up the church, brought down the monarchies, created a renaissance, but also a lot of other...
Bad things, not just good things.
The type of changes we're seeing yearly dwarf the Gutenberg Press and it is compressing time together.
So now the opportunities in this great time of change are unlimited.
It's literally like a stairway to heaven or a stairway to hell.
And the globalist technocrats have decided to
For a move that creates a stairway to heaven, what they believe will be life extension technology, total control, a type of Elysium type world that they want to build, but a hell for us.
But in truth, if we point out that this great time of change can be a positive one, and not a dystopic future, if we're pro-human,
Then it can be basically a stairway to a much better world for everyone and the human condition.
But that's going to take libertarians, conservatives, the producers, to not just shrug like an atlas shrug and leave.
and turn the world over to the collectivist and the king rats, we're going to have to get really aggressive in the face of this anti-human, anti-progress movement and really raise our rhetoric and our radicalization up to the level to meet this radical threat.
We either do that or we will be conquered by the technocrats who are basically the most corrupt, anti-human, anti-free market people that anyone could imagine.
They crave control of the markets, not competition in the markets.
They crave an end to the markets.
And to people self-determining with the technology they develop, with the work they put in, with the literature and art they create, they want to control that process as all despots have done in the past.
And they hope that technology will be the empowering tool to bring that forward.
The problem for them is they thought they could control the narrative and could direct us where they wanted to go.
But the genie is truly out of the bottle and the clock is ticking.
Because if we do slouch towards Gomorrah, as one federal judge famously said, Bork, and just turn the world over to the technocrats like they know best because they're in charge, we will probably see the end of this species on this planet, or certainly a new dark age that rivals any dystopian sci-fi novel that you can imagine.
Now I'm sure many men in the room are tortured by this image.
Marilyn Monroe on screen there at her prime.
And I just wanted to illustrate here that
We're selling snow cones in hell.
We're not selling snow cones to the Eskimos, ladies and gentlemen.
Liberty is sexy.
Liberty is popular.
Liberty is truly liberal in the vein of Thomas Jefferson.
And the so-called liberals that we see operating worldwide today, when you even read their own publications and writings,
Are, again, the most anti-human, unhappy, and generally ugliest people, even physically, that you could imagine.
And they have a disdain, they have a disdain against those of us that love humanity, and believe in humanity, but also believe in our right to excel, and those of us that aren't guilty, if we're better at golf, or better at science, or better at hydrology, or better at petroleum geology, or better at mathematics.
Or better, as a talk show host.
We deserve to be free, to be self-determined, and to build our own personal worlds that we like, and to bring other people who we want to associate with into free association, to build cultures and civilizations that reflect our values.
That's true liberalism!
The opposite of Barack Obama!
And we must absolutely put our message out and show.
Collectivism creates North Korea.
Collectivism creates the failed Soviet Union.
It creates the hell that Venezuela now is.
It creates absolute nightmares of anti-human sorrow.
We'll be right back with more of the speech on this Father's Day transmission.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
Building independent media operations.
You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Crime Directive.
Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
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Coast to coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
And the trooper says, you fire musket, but I'll run you through.
And when you're waiting for the next attack, you better stand.
There's no turning back.
You know what that's really saying, right?
Newtonian physics, quantum mechanics, Max Planck.
For every action, there's an opposite and equal reaction.
There's a saying in Texas that puts it a little better.
That gun kicks as hard as it shoots.
You fire, musket bot, I'll run you through.
And that's what the tyrants need to know.
There are natural laws they're dealing with here.
And they're going up against better men when they try to bring in their systems of tyranny.
Here's more of my speech up in Dallas with Stansberry.
And we must absolutely put our message out and show.
Collectivism creates North Korea.
Collectivism creates the failed Soviet Union.
It creates the hell that Venezuela now is.
It creates absolute nightmares of anti-human sorrow.
And the free market and true laissez-faire liberty produces economies that look like Marilyn Monroe, ladies and gentlemen.
Need to put her back on screen.
No, seriously.
We just have to truly stop being intimidated and cowed by the collectivist and by the crony capitalist who are the richest people in the world.
They control trillions of dollars.
All the classic names.
David Rockefeller goes down the list.
They intimidate us, and they have Warren Buffett run around, the biggest recipient of the banker bailout of 2008, look it up, McClatchy, on every channel of news, underwriting the news, so he can be on CNN, MSNBC, and this week on ABC, go look it up, it's paid for by him, he's the main sponsor, to go, here's the angel that wants to give up all his money, when he's really in a tax-free foundation no one else is allowed to have.
With Bill Gates!
And all his profit is tax-free.
He's using it to leverage and take over the world while lobbying to raise taxes on people making $125,000 a year, creating class envy, trying to sick the giant populations that they've put on welfare and dumbed down and destroyed on their last opposition, the true trailblazers, the innovators of every race, color, and creed on this planet, the technocrats
Are literally coming after our free will.
They're coming after our free markets.
They are trying to usurp us and dominate us.
This is the great war that's going on right now by the crony capitalists that as they destroy the free market and capitalism are blaming the free market and capitalism for all of the hells that they have been the main drivers and authors of.
These people are the enemy.
You got a nice house?
You own some businesses?
You got 50, 60, 100 employees?
Somebody on welfare thinks you're Daddy Warbucks.
They have no idea you're paying 70% of what you make in one form or another.
And that most of it's siphoned off to banker bailouts to the globalists.
But slowly, even in publications like Rolling Stone, they have to admit that at the top, more and more, it's becoming rigged.
And that's the final revolution with all of these electronic systems that they're putting in to monitor even the smallest trader online is meant to be able to game the system even more.
And that's why we need to be firmly against any more regulation of the little guys.
What we need to see is a return to things like Glass-Steagall against the big, giant megabanks like Goldman Sachs.
Hands off the little guy.
And by little guy, I mean hands off somebody if they're worth a billion dollars running their own company.
Because it's the globalist operatives like Goldman Sachs who nine times out of ten is behind the gun control, the open borders, all of it.
These people literally have set up a system where they're exempt from all the regulations, and then they lobby for more regulations to be heaped on to the general public.
It's all a fraud, because they selectively enforce the regulations.
I say get rid of all of them!
That's what we're coming down to here.
I mean, if they're not going to enforce them on them, then get them off the rest of the population.
Again, if you read the Communist Manifesto, you look at the goals of
The Communist.
And then you find out that it was Wall Street interests in England and the United States who, on record, this is mainline history books, put the Bolsheviks into power in 1917.
You realize what they're trying to do here with the false Occupy movement and things.
Where they're trying to create a false revolution against all of their tyranny to fully take over the society.
Problem, reaction, solution.
And that's why we see more and more our governments are up for sale.
And then they use the exact same systems.
That they have put in place to then say, oh, let's not allow any political giving.
Let's arrest Dinesh D'Souza because he gave $30,000 or something, the filmmaker, to his friend who was running for the Senate.
Let's arrest him or let's arrest Martha Stewart for a crooked toenail or fingernail.
But again, let's let George Soros give hundreds of millions of dollars in the last decade to different politicians to vote to take our rights.
Incredible and a fraud.
Imagine if you went in a time machine back 30 years ago and imagined an American president saying, if you have a business, you didn't build that.
Or if we raise the debt limit, it doesn't raise the debt limit.
Or, you know, I never said you could keep your doctor, even though he did say you could keep your doctor.
Obama has the nerve to go to Africa and say, you can't have a car, you can't have electricity, because the earth will burn up.
Talk about fear-mongering.
What type of world are we in where this guy lands in a giant wide-body jet with red carpets at a cost of $5 million a day, and then tells people, you can't innovate, you can't have progress.
As if progress itself was dirty and bad when all the real studies show a truly industrialized society is cleaner than a pre-industrial society with these population loads.
And while they talk about new clean energy and new systems, they...
Block them, or only hand out little select contracts to their friends.
Again, more of the same crony capitalism.
While they shut down clean coal, they don't let T-Boone bring natural gas to California to bail the state out.
They're blocking everything that they don't control, and in the process, bringing us into a new dark age.
And again, I want to be clear.
I'm not being cynical.
When you go out with the bad news of what's happening, people say, man, you're being negative.
Don't be a cynic.
I'm not being a cynic.
A cynic thinks there's no hope.
A cynic thinks everybody's bad.
A cynic thinks humanity's done.
That's what the globalists say.
That's the idea they push.
That's why they teach Common Core, 2 plus 2 equals 5.
Because they want you to be dumbed down and cynical.
No, it's very positive to admit the problems we have, to truly identify it, and then go after them.
And I want to add to that, if it sounds like I'm being pessimistic saying we have these problems, all the major studies, there's literally thousands of them, I'm sure you've seen many of them, show that when you truly help others, teach them how to fish, don't give them fish, when you are positive, when you are focused, when you do want to know what reality is and be a realist versus a pessimist, you will live longer, you will be happy.
And there was just a new study came out, the National Post of Canada reported on it, scientific study, being a cynic linked to triple risk of developing dementia, Finland's study suggests, and that's just one of many.
Now again, the empire is going to strike back.
The good news is,
CNN's had a 44% drop in viewers in the last year.
They were already a shadow of themselves before that.
MSNBC, 24% drop in the last year, and that's on average every year.
They have less listeners and viewers on MSNBC than local Dallas primetime radio shows in the morning do.
They have about 100,000 viewers on their average show, half a million on their top shows.
That's why they've turned loose the CIA,
The elements of it controlled by the globalists at the top to engage in propaganda domestically.
And they're going, yeah, we lied to you.
What's the big deal?
So again, we've gone from them denying Bilderberg Group existed, crony capitalist, with government ministers making decisions, to them being all over the news and being exposed and criminal investigations being begun by multiple governments.
We've gone from them denying they're involved in domestic propaganda to throwing it in our face in the Washington Post foreign affairs publication.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, Obama's top foreign policy advisor, has come out and admitted they've got to shut down the alternative media.
It is exposing them on every front, and the fact that this government openly used al-Qaeda against Syria, Libya, Egypt, and others to destabilize the entire Middle East for Saudi Arabia.
Again, there's some of the numbers I was just going over with CNN.
Plunging with MSNBC dropping 24% and the plunge only accelerating.
You can see numbers there with Infowars.com and Breitbart.com.
Literally thousands of places online above MSNBC.com.
But MSNBC's gone up a little bit because as their TV completely collapses, they have gotten a slight dead cat bounce in their internet.
Literally, it is a dead cat bounce.
And that's the problem, is they're going to come after us now.
They're going to stage false flags to blame it on us.
They're going to demonize us.
They're going to call the Ron Paul-style Tea Party terrorists.
They're already doing it.
They're going to have the Republican leadership with John Boehner put more money into defeating Tea Party candidates than Democrats.
Because the establishment is now showing itself and uncloaking because we literally, ladies and gentlemen, have them on the ropes.
And that's why they're hiding in plain view, saying, your kids don't belong to you on MSNBC.
We're going to take your guns now.
We're going to bankrupt coal, even though it supplies half the country, 52% of its power.
I mean, this is treason openly being said, because they can't hide it anymore.
Now they want to, in a confidence game... We'll be back next hour, coming up.
Ladies and gentlemen, tell your friends and family to tune in.
Ron Paul's coming up.
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What do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential forklift situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks, I'm being a sergeant!
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
I love Baker Street.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us on Faja's Day.
I am your host Alex Jones, and I want to just take a moment out to thank the great crew.
They just, it's the best crew I've ever had, times five.
They just get better and better.
The whole crew, I hope to do a roundtable someday with them, discuss politics on air, and we'll maybe do it next week.
The Weekday Show, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Now here's the conclusion of the speech.
And if you want to see the speech in your radio listener, go to Infowars.com.
But here's the last three minutes of the speech I gave a few weeks ago that I think was one of my more concise, focused diatribes promoting the terroristic idea of human freedom.
Here it is.
I mean, this is treason openly being said because they can't hide it anymore.
Now they want to, in a confidence game, hide it in plain view.
If we all start speaking out, if all of you start a blog, all of you start a YouTube channel, it's so easy.
All of you call in to talk radio.
All of you go to the State House.
There are more of us than there are of them times a hundred.
And they will literally implode in on themselves right now, just like Ceausescu in Romania, just like so many other despots and dictators.
This society of people that don't like individuals and who get power out of groups and out of gangs and out of sucking off of people is coming to an end if we want it to.
The only question is how long will it take?
How much hell will we have to go through before we
We, as a people, worldwide, say no to the collectivist.
But how do individuals say no to collectivists?
Well, the lie of the collectivist is, we all collectivize and let central planners at the Politburo, at the UN, at UNESCO, tell us how to live in the Central Committee.
It's the opposite.
We are all individuals, but collectively, through our choices, and through the free market of ideas, finance,
Industry, agriculture can reverse this trend as simply as flicking a fly off of our knee if we realize the power we have and collectively make decisions that stand in the way of the tyrants.
If we are able to do this,
Our destiny is literally unlimited.
Humans are only happy when we're daring, when we're trailblazing, when we're inventing, when we're being challenged and challenging each other, and when we have the right of free expression and the right of free association.
And the technocrats want to control the future.
They want to control our development, selfishly for themselves, and are in a war against the individual, and in a war against what's left of the United States of America.
And that's why it's essential for everyone to realize that you are critical in this fight, and we are actually coming from behind, and now every metric shows are in the lead.
Because even though
The establishment has dumbed down the general public.
And even though half the public can't even tie their shoelaces, it doesn't matter.
Those poor zombies are out of the game.
What matters is that the vast majority of that other 50% are the producers.
And we run this country, and we run this world, and if we simply stop complying in little ways, it will bring this system down.
5% defeated the British that had never been defeated in their history.
We have way more than 5%.
I'd say close to 10% that are really figuring out what's happening.
We wake up another 10%, it's over.
We can have a new golden age of human liberty worldwide.
Thank you so much for coming out today.
I want to salute you all for your quest for freedom.
And there is my speech in Dallas.
And that's what a prepared speech looks like.
I rarely do those, but that was a prepared speech.
We're going to go to break.
I'm going to come back and cover a bunch of news on several key areas.
You can probably guess.
I'm going to get into the gun grabbing that's going on and the militarization of police tied into that that's even in mainstream news.
Then the exclusive premiere, just like that speech.
I want to make the Sunday show more like a magazine show where we just have just everything crammed into it.
A lot of premieres of interviews and other key things.
Ron Paul interviewed by Kit Daniels on Common Core and a host of issues.
That's coming up.
Another subject I'm going to get into in the last segment of the transmission as well at the end of this hour.
So please tell your friends and family and free association to join us in the Council of Liberty.
Against the Council of Tyranny.
Straight ahead on the other side, InfoWars.com!
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What's his name?
This is an emergency transmission.
This is an emergency transmission.
From FEMA Region 6 in Austin.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowar.
It is a bizarre feeling every day and every night to spend hours, three or four hours, five hours sometimes, studying news, video clips from Congress, global news,
And to just see stuff we talked about 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 years ago becoming passé.
It's mind-boggling that it's all really happening and unfolding, and that we were so accurate here at InfoWars, historically predicting where this would go as futurists.
And that's why the radio broadcast was exploded.
Again, I'm your host, Alex Jones, on this Sunday, June 15, Father's Day Worldwide Transmission.
Isn't Father's Day the exact middle of the year?
Isn't June 15 the middle of the year?
I mean, can you believe that we're already halfway into 2014?
That's mind-blowing.
Anyways, you're listening to and watching, if you're watching on PrisonPlanet.tv or the free video feeds at InfoWars.com forward slash show right now.
You're watching us here on Sunday.
And there's so much I want to get into.
We've got Ron Paul interviewed by our reporter from InfoWars Nightly News.
He's really a print writer, but Kit Daniels did an in-depth interview with Ron Paul.
We're premiering here coming up in the next two segments.
Then I've got other news in the final segment that I'll be
Hosting here today.
And I have a short report from Infowars Nightly News, Friday, that Jakari Jackson did that tied into the news on the open borders I'm about to cover.
But I tweeted on Friday morning, about six in the morning, I just got up and it hit me.
George Washington, more than anybody, launched this country.
And Barack Obama as the figurehead still deserves credit.
He is a great man.
Because he's America's Slayer.
For all intents and purposes, this country's gone, folks.
They've bankrupted it.
They've shut it down.
Obamacare's written to bankrupt poor people.
Seven taxes on the poorest people.
Written by foreign banks.
And they're loving it.
Some of the poor people.
Most of them have woke up.
But it doesn't matter.
The establishment's behind him, and he is the America's Slayer.
Heard of Dragon Slayers?
You've heard of whatever?
Obama is blowing the engine of this country.
In fact, I say he's blowing it.
He's already blown it.
I mean, no one's ever said 30 million illegals are legal.
If you can get here, we're going to give you free welfare.
We're going to stop deportations.
The Border Patrol is being totally overrun.
Hundreds of military bases are filled with thousands of children.
They're saying NPR has promos advertising give money to charities that pay for kids to get plane tickets here.
And then they give them lawyers when they get here, taxpayer paid for, and they like basically stay in government hotels, $250 a day at these bases, with like butlers.
While veterans are homeless.
I mean, it is just incredible how they use the freedom of our society to infiltrate it and take it over.
And of course they treat veterans horrible.
They're not, most of them, Democratic voters.
I've never been a Republican, but they're trying to extinct the Republican Party right now, as the Libertarians take it over, and every major neocon, every major rhino loses in the primaries.
In Texas, in Virginia, they're freaking out about David Brat, because there is a resistance forming, and their answer is, hey, we'll just bring in half of Latin America.
Hundreds of thousands of youth coming in every few months.
And they're talking about it being millions now.
They're calling it a natural disaster.
It's not natural.
Criminals in government are orchestrating it.
Issa says the floods going to the congressman mean kids are going to die trying to get here.
We had a lot of them are mules bringing drugs in.
Crisis leaves vast swaths of border unprotected, cartels in control, says head of the Border Patrol Union.
New dumping grounds.
Administration quietly redistributes illegal aliens throughout military bases as far north as Massachusetts.
Amnesty activist stormed Cantor's HQ after concession speech.
I mean, it's like an anti-American cult.
They've taught the large swaths of the minorities, or the majority already,
That it's all about black politics, hispanic politics, asian politics.
What about freedom?
Like, dollar rights, private property?
Man, let me tell you something, I'd care less if they were bringing in 30 million illegal aliens that went and got jobs and were pro-liberty and pro-gun.
I'd say, oh, we just beat all the globalists, now we're gonna have guns and private property.
I don't care if they had green skin.
I'll be honest, folks, if they had green skin coming in, it's mainly Latin Americans, they were pro-freedom, I'd be going, heheheheheheh.
But they're not.
It's socialism.
It's communism.
It's the end of... I mean, have you been to Latin America?
I've been there.
It's beautiful.
I've been to Central America, South America.
I've been to Mexico.
Man, I've been there my whole life.
It's a hellhole now.
The Caribbean used to be safe.
It's dangerous as hell now.
It's just failed corruption, and now it fits right into the Chicago crime machine.
And if we don't turn it around, this country is over.
Now, continuing here, ladies and gentlemen, there are several articles that I have, but there's videos up on InfoWars.com that break this down.
Last Thursday, we sent Joe Biggs and some of the other crew up to, or down to, San Antonio, down to the military base, the Air Force base, down there, and Lackland, and it was just thousands of illegals there just being pampered.
Adults, children, you name it.
And they wouldn't let him on the base.
They said, oh, no media is allowed to see this.
They had inside the base, another base with coverings.
But we got in, stuck a camera to the fence, got video of it.
It's up on Infowars.com.
They're advertising the world, dump your kids here.
It's incredible.
Meanwhile, Obama is in Reuters, RT, you name it.
CBS News, Obama cites Australia's gun confiscation program as an example for U.S.
and says he may sign an executive order to start gun confiscation.
Here's a London Guardian article, Pentagon preparing for mass civil breakdown, takeover of society.
Not just in the U.S., but worldwide.
Again, that's public.
I've told you what's going on, but the collapse is designed
Let's go to Jakari Jackson's report on Obama setting up illegal alien takeover bases where our military bases are now illegal alien staging grounds where they're just being released.
Plane loads get here, they're just released into the public.
That's in the El Paso Times.
Here it is.
In today's politically correct climate, where even a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is considered racist, it's no surprise that schools are teaching students to shun patriotism.
A Coney Island principal has banned her students from singing another, quote, USA song.
Another needs to be emphasized.
When asked about her decision, Principal Greta Hawkins reportedly said the teachers didn't ask permission to do it.
In California, a school banned students from wearing American flag t-shirts on Cinco de Mayo.
Some said the act was offensive to students of a different national origin.
With all that said, if American students are being discouraged from indulging in Americana, why are immigrant children being housed on the taxpayer's dime?
Children from South American countries are surrendering to American Border Patrol so they can be whisked away to American military bases that cater to their needs.
We're here at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, where one of the former basic training dorms has been reappropriated to house about 2,000 illegal immigrants.
We found the area where they're being housed.
It's barricaded with fences all around it with privacy screens to try to keep people from looking into it.
There's several port-a-potties in the area, one that even says restricted for youth only, indicating for the illegal children, illegal youth immigrants.
Also, we saw about two 18-wheeler trailers from HEB that are likely there providing food.
And for people who don't know, who aren't from Texas, HEB is a grocery store.
Go ahead, Kit.
Also, I got some footage of several loads of trash.
To back up, I talked to the Lackland Public Affairs.
They told me that they were not on the lead on this housing these immigrants.
Folks, the full video report is up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Go see the whole thing.
This is footage I don't want you to see.
It's on InfoWars.com.
We'll be right back with Congressman Ron Paul, the premier of an exclusive interview we did that Kit Daniels, you just heard, did a couple weeks ago.
We're going to premiere it here, InfoWars.com forward slash show for the free feeds.
A chemical spill contaminating the water supply in nine West Virginia counties.
This year alone, over 300,000 people in West Virginia had their drinking water contaminated.
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Hi folks, Alex Jones here with some important information.
I want to tell you about Matt Redhawk and his team of patriots over
Over at My Patriot Supply.
Several years ago, Matt was sitting in his two-bedroom apartment, frustrated with the direction this country was headed and the charlatans willing to sell us out for a quick buck.
Deciding to take action, a company run by Patriots for Patriots was born.
My Patriot Supply has never taken a loan or accepted outside funding.
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That's 866-229-0927.
We're good.
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Security alert.
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We let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Prime Directive.
Discredit Alex Jones.
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A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
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Intellectually, it's begun and you can feel it.
Man, when I get home from work, all Betty does is watch her reality TV and then she goes to sleep.
I can take her on romantic dates, I get her flowers, you name it.
She's just not the woman I married.
Oh, Ralph, that's just awful.
Does this seem familiar?
Are the honeymoon days of your relationship long gone?
If so, consider this.
The abundance of chemical additives, pesticides, BPA containers, contaminated tap water, and other toxic substances found in our environment.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Don't tread on me!
Love it or leave it.
Well, actually, if you're a socialist, or you'll vote for the Democrats over 90% of new illegal immigrants that get the fake IDs or get state IDs that vote, you look it up, vote, take our guns, vote with government.
Because it's the one buying them off with our tax money.
So, we've been breaking that down today, but there's another facet of this brainwashing.
It's that state-run media and state-run education through Common Core is now getting direct access to even private school children if you're, quote, an accredited school.
And so we had a chance to interview Ron Paul.
I usually interview Ron Paul.
I think he's on the show next week live with us.
But Kit Daniels for InfoWars Nightly News was able to interview Ron Paul on the subject of Common Core and a bunch of other issues.
And so I thought, why not just premiere this on the radio instead of the Nightly News show?
We're going to air it in this segment and the next, and then I'm going to come back
And get into some other news in the final segment on this Sunday edition.
But here is former Congressman Ron Paul, Dr. Paul, the omnibudsman of the Libertarian Revolution, speaking to Infowars when Kit asked him about Common Core.
Well, the whole thing is, Common Core is an example of how the federal government wants to take over, totally and completely, the educational system.
And they've been doing this for a long time.
I mean, for more than 50 years, they've encroached upon control of local schools with the federal government getting involved, back even into the 50s with the Department of Education, you know, HEW being established.
And the Common Core is really the last straw, and the people are very upset for it, because they want to set the standard for the curriculum for every single school, which means control, you know, over the individual education of all the children.
At the same time, we hear our president constantly saying, well, we've got to get the hell out of these kids sooner.
So it's not just grade school and high school and pre-k, you know, kindergarten.
It's pre-kindergarten down to three and four years old.
It's once again establishing and sticking to the principle that the children belong to the government, not to the parents.
And anybody who cares about, you know, truth in education and not a monolithic education by the central government, they have to be concerned about this.
And yet, unfortunately, it's marching right along and too many schools are going along with it.
So it is one common feature.
It's really upsetting a lot of people once they find out about it.
Of course, the people already who have been upset with education for many years who are already in private schools and homeschooling know about it.
There's a lot of people, you know, just don't have the opportunity or the knowledge on how to get out of the public school system.
So they're going to get exposed.
I think it's going to be devastating.
It's the wrong way to go.
Dr. Paul, do you feel that politicians can use Common Core in order to prey on the ignorance of the public?
Yeah, I think that's a good description about just about everything the government does.
You know, whether it's the education or whether it's keeping people from falling through the cracks, whether it's taking care of medical care.
It's everything that they are all wise and they will take care of us and people are stupid.
And they don't care, and they're not responsible, and that's why you have to have government to take care of everybody and protect them from themselves.
In this case, government argues that we have to do this to protect the children against the parents.
The parents are irresponsible.
So, yes, I think it is.
I believe those who think they're superior want the population, the populace, to be as obedient as possible in case they need to send them off to war, in case they want to have them work and pay taxes.
The whole thing is the state is sacred, and in order to have a state, the government, you know, continue to grow, it's always at the expense of liberty.
So it is the big challenge.
I think we're seeing a conflict between these two movements.
Governments have been around for as long as history's been around.
I think they've exhausted their experimentation.
And we've had some experiments with individual liberty.
One great experiment was here.
And I think right now we're seeing the fruitions of how we left that experiment in the last hundred years.
And it continues, and yet there's a spirit right now among the people and so many parents who are starting to realize that.
The unfortunate thing is that we're still in the minority, and the majority still feel that government has to take care of me, because there's too many people out there that say, well, you know, I have to do this, I have to vote for this person, because they believe government should take care of me.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Tell them as long as the people do what they're told to do then they believe they can get better treatment from the government.
Senator Harry Reid declared that Clevin Bundy's supporters were domestic terrorists and then today we find out that a White House counterterrorism chief suggested that
Do you feel that if your child is confrontational, he could be a terrorist?
Do you feel that this could tie into as government gets more and more involved with public education, we see more and more radical talking points from politicians?
Yes, and they have certainly, in the last 13 years, since 9-11, taken advantage of this whole thing of terrorism.
All they have to do is announce terrorism, terrorism, and people are supposed to roll over and sacrifice all their liberties.
And just think how much liberties we've given up in the last
13 years because we're always fighting terrorism.
Even in the recent history over in Ukraine, the Western Ukrainians were going in with their military to suppress the terrorists.
They'll use that term any time they can.
They went in and they were surprised that there weren't any terrorists there, and they actually backed down and didn't even want to fight their fellow Ukrainians, so the whole thing sort of fizzled.
But no, this is way overworked.
It has conditioned us, especially since the Bush administration, that we're in a perpetual war, and it's always against terrorism, and terrorists can be any place in the world.
The war never ends, and under war conditions, you have to sacrifice your liberties.
We're doing exactly what Bin Laden was fighting for, which is to bankrupt our country and destroy our constitutional rights here at home.
So Bin Laden, even from the grave, is still winning this fight.
And like you say, now they're even suggesting that whether you support landowners and individuals who are doing ranching or people going to private schools and challenging the government, he's a terrorist.
Let's back it up right there.
He's a terrorist.
We're going to come back with a conclusion of this exclusive interview with former Congressman Ron Paul, who I think is as close to George Washington as anything in modern age.
I mean, he really is a trailblazer coming from nowhere and revolutionizing things with the Liberty Movement.
That's why you see all these libertarians like David Bratton and others winning in the primaries, really scaring the Republican and Democratic Party leadership.
And notice it's in the news that Al-Qaeda is taking over Iraq now.
They were given a base three and a half years ago by Obama, on record, in western Iraq.
Real Al-Qaeda, with Saudi Arabian backing, to attack Syria.
Now they're using the weapons to take over Iraq, and Obama says, we've got to invade Iraq again to stop Al-Qaeda, and the public's so ignorant, they don't even know it's public that the Pentagon and NATO armed Al-Qaeda!
I mean, it's crazy, and then I'm treated like a terrorist, as a suspect at the airport, and you are too!
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Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
And my favorite pop singer, Billy Idol, bringing us in.
Well that's not a little angel.
Crank it up a little bit.
Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, we're here weekdays.
Back Sundays, 4 to 6, you're listening to the Father's Day Original Worldwide Transmission with myself, Porter Stansbury, the Chief Legal Counsel at Gun Owners America, Mike Hammond, Ron Paul, Dinesh D'Souza, Jakari Jackson, Kit Daniels, and so many others.
Some Sundays I end up taking calls.
Next Sunday, I'm going to try to commit to take a bunch of calls.
Next Sunday.
And of course, there's a weekday transmission.
All right.
I've gone long here, so we'll air most of the Ron Paul interview here, come back and play a few more minutes of the final segment, and then get into some other news I need to cover.
But wow, Ron Paul's saying yes, they're labeling libertarians, conservatives as terrorists.
They are!
That's an authoritarian government.
That's the threat to life, liberty, pursuit of happiness.
Historically, universities have studied it, University of Hawaii, government killed 262 million non-military combatants, people that weren't fighting back in the 20th century alone.
262 mil.
Terrorists, right-wing terrorists, according to the Justice Department, some numbers have killed 36 since 2001.
Honeybees kill almost 300 a year.
Land sharks are more dangerous.
Alright, let's... There's no such thing, folks, that's my point.
It's like leprechauns are more dangerous.
It's phantoms.
It's brainwashing.
It's hype.
Here is Ron Paul in this powerful interview that, by the way, we're going to post the video of it and all of it right now at InfoWars.com, but I wanted to premiere most of it here before we did that.
It's now up on InfoWars.com.
Here it is.
I don't know.
So that they don't fall to this baloney about, well the government is good, the government will take care of it, everybody else is a potential terrorist, and thank goodness the government can tax me and use the NSA and the military to suppress all threats of terrorism and we'll have perfect safety.
That is deeply flawed, but fortunately a lot of Americans are starting to wake up.
And do you have a response to Senator Reid?
Or suggesting that political activism is terrorism or even common behavior like that White House counterterrorism chief suggested could be terrorism.
Well, first off, people should probably just laugh at him, you know, because it's so ridiculous, and I would think that he's practicing, you know, a bit of terrorism on himself, you know, by making these threats and intimidations.
But people, the best way to answer to people like that is to refute them, either toe-ignore them, laugh at them, or refute them with a better idea.
I mean, they just throw these things out, and they have no meaning whatsoever.
And yet, unfortunately, the major media is always on their side, and they would never call them on this.
But somebody has to.
Unfortunately, we have alternative media now, and I think that's the reason that we're making some headway with our Internet and other methods of spreading a message.
Yes, and it's interesting that you mention the Internet, because back in the 1970s, Murray Rothbard pointed out the difference between former schooling and education, where education is a lifelong learning process.
Now, with the advent of the internet and your homeschool curriculum, we're seeing that education doesn't necessarily have to come out of government-run schools.
Do you think there's going to be a mass awakening in the future when a large degree of the population discovers the same thing?
Well, let's hope so, and I think that's the movement because the government schools are opposite of education.
I felt, many times after I got out of college, especially in social studies, sort of a relief because I was still
I had enough introduction to what world events were that my curiosity really struck me.
But even when I got out of college, we didn't have the Internet, but we had a few foundations, like the Foundation for Economic Education, where I was able to seek out this information.
That's when I got hold of Hayek and Mises, and then later on I got to be good friends with Murray Rothbard.
And that is when I discovered what education was all about.
Now, I think a lot more people are noticing this.
Not only is it the quality of education, that strikes some, but I think it's also the violence in schools.
You know, it just really frightens the parents.
And then when they put this together without getting an education, the one thing that is really neat about all this is the fact that our side of the argument is very appealing
to a broad base.
It isn't appealing to the very wealthy.
They're sort of on their own, you know.
They preach all this government control of schools, you know, like all the politicians in Washington.
But where do their kids go to school?
Their kids go to private schools.
But the middle class and many in a poorer class are recognizing, if they have any understanding, for their kids to get ahead.
They have to get a better education and the schools are not providing for this.
And right now you see the great transitions.
Colleges are going bankrupt.
People aren't applying as much.
A degree doesn't mean anything.
They have all this money and they can't get a job.
I mean, it is a disaster, and it's because government planning, economic planning fails, and government planning on education fails, and this is why Common Core is going to be a total failure.
It's going to make things so much worse.
It's just trying to make people obedient to the state and get only information.
It can't work.
There's too much availability of information outside.
So, as bad as it is, we have reason to be optimistic about some of the changes going on.
I've noticed that it seems like in the past century, Keynesian economics and the Federal Reserve has avoided blame for the damage that it has done to the economy, but it seems like now we're seeing
An explosion of interest in Austrian economics and I think a lot of it has to tie in the fact that students are going around former schooling and are self-educating and they're learning about Austrian economics in that way.
So do you feel that parallel institutions could be a great way to break the
The hold that the government has on society?
There's no doubt about it.
And there are two things going on.
The alternative sources for education is there, and we've talked about that.
You know, the internet and different vehicles.
But it's also something that we're witnessing is the failure of a system.
I thought the greatest event of the 20th century, politically speaking, was the failure of the Soviet system, the collapse and the breaking up of that, and the secession of 12, 13 republics from this domination of the Soviets.
Because it failed.
Communism failed.
Although, how many intellectuals in this country cheered it on?
They cheered on communism.
We're going to come back with a conclusion of the Ron Paul interview.
It's pretty powerful.
I've interviewed Ron Paul probably 50-something times or more.
This is one of the best interviews that Kit Daniels did.
He's on fire.
And our ideas are sweeping the country and the world.
We're having Tea Party takeovers in Europe, Tea Party takeovers in England, in local and international and EU elections, UKIP and others in France.
It's scaring the system.
In fact, we're going to get the head of the UKIP on in the next few weeks, Nigel Farage, the Ron Paul of Europe.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
By the way, Ron Paul,
A year ago he told me about his curriculum coming out, and in the last few months we've been working together, and he gave us a specific link where you can get the first five years of the Ron Paul homeschooling curriculum that promotes liberty, free market, but also basic reading, writing, and arithmetic.
It's really a great curriculum.
My kids use some of it.
Free, at a special link he gave us, schoolof1776.com.
School, one word, schoolof1776.com.
Schoolof1776.com takes you to the sub page of his curriculum site where you can enroll at the first five or really six grades if you count kindergarten free and then support free marketing at the rest right there and that supports our broadcast as well.
Schoolof1776.com, InfoWars and Ron Paul team up
And you can also go to InfoWars.com, the main front page.
Scroll to the bottom.
There's a permanent matter at the bottom that takes you to the sub-link where you can get the first five grades free at Schoolof1776.com or BottomofInfoWars.com.
The conclusion with Ron Paul straight ahead.
Hi folks, Alex Jones here with some important information.
I want to tell you about Matt Redhawk and his team of Patriots over at MyPatriotSupply.
Several years ago, Matt was sitting in his two-bedroom apartment, frustrated with the direction this country was headed and the Charlatans willing to sell us out for a quick buck.
Deciding to take action, a company run by Patriots for Patriots was born.
MyPatriotSupply has never taken a loan or accepted outside funding.
They now operate two distribution facilities and employ over 50 hard-working American men and women.
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A chemical spill contaminating the water supply in nine West Virginia counties.
This year alone, over 300,000 people in West Virginia had their drinking water contaminated.
What are the health effects of having these drugs in our drinking water?
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On average, the county says it sprays with glyphosate at least once a week.
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Man, when I get home from work, all Betty does is watch her reality TV and then she goes to sleep.
I can take her on romantic dates, I get her flowers, you name it.
She's just not the woman I married.
Oh, Ralph, that's just awful.
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Coast to coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Father's Day.
Where's my cake, Madelia?
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
Once it's everybody's responsibility and not just the households, then we start making better investments.
Well, when they say community, they mean the state-run system.
That's MSNBC promo.
Contrast that with Ron Paul.
I mean, most academics were communists.
But then they're financed by big mega bankers.
Why is that?
Because the big ultra-rich know they're exempt from it.
They're going to sit offshore while we're in this hell.
I'm pretty proud of this Sunday show we've done so far.
I like the magazine format we do every other week or so now.
I'm tempted to go pure magazine format where we just hardcore interviews, guest, you know, part of it live, part of it taped interviews because I'm getting a lot of great reviews off what we've been doing with the Sunday show.
Tell us what you think by tweeting back at me at RealAlexJones on Twitter.
Or at Infowars.
I'm going to just conclude with the last seven minutes of this Ron Paul interview with Kit Daniels, where they get into some more international issues, Ukraine and a lot more.
But before I go any further, you get a great curriculum, even to supplement private school or public school kids.
With a state-run education, getting the Ron Paul curriculum.
It covers liberty, responsibility, standards, self-discipline, success.
And you explain to your children the system doesn't want you to see this.
They want you to believe 2 plus 2 equals 5 and that Barack Obama is your daddy, not your daddy.
On this Father's Day, I want to declare our children are ours, not the state's.
I know that's radical.
This is as radical as saying women have breasts, you know, to breastfeed.
Everybody knows they're supposed to drink corn syrup and be brain damaged, you know, with the formula.
But being serious, you can go to schoolof1776.com
That's the direct sub-link that takes you right to Ron Paul's curriculum site, where you can read all about it and get the first five grades free, or sign up and get it all at one time.
And it's just revolutionary to take our children back, regardless if they say Michelle Obama tells our kids what to eat, and she says we can't say the word bossy, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that upset Hispanic children.
Whoever said that?
Well, the media did, to create division, to create infighting.
No, you decide how you want to raise your kids.
Whatever it is you want to teach them, you're their parents.
They are your genetic cross-clone with you and your wife, you and your husband, on this Father's Day.
I will declare heresy and say that humans are individuals and free, and fathers and mothers are the authors with God of the children, not the abominable state.
And I desecrate the God of the state.
I spit on the God of the state.
Quite frankly, I urinate on the God of the state.
I desecrate you.
I love the God of the universe, Jesus Christ, not the God of Hitler and Stalin and Mao and Genghis Khan and Julius Caesar.
As far as I'm concerned, the God of the state can go to hell.
We end this transmission with the conclusion of Ron Paul, but check out schoolof1776.com and deprogram your children today!
I thought the greatest event of the 20th century, politically speaking, was the failure of the Soviet system, the collapse and the breaking up of that, and the secession of 12, 13 republics from this domination of the Soviets.
And, uh, because it failed.
Communism failed.
Although, how many intellectuals in this country cheered it on?
They cheered on communism, and of course there were some that were cheering on fascism.
Fascism and communism.
And now, welfareism and Keynesianism that preaches spending is good, deficits don't matter, print the money when you need it, have central economic planning, have the government control our education, take over medical care.
It's not the old-fashioned type of socialism, but it's an interventionism that pretends it's a little bit freer than fascism.
But the failure always comes, and that's what we're witnessing right now.
So we have the vehicle to get the information out.
At the same time, everybody knows there's something seriously wrong, and people are very frightened and concerned.
So the job of us who believe in the alternative are obligated to prevent the alternative, because this system is going to collapse.
And we're witnessing that.
So what has to be done is they have to be offered an alternative, and fortunately it's a wonderful alternative, and that is the concept of liberty, which is progressing in understanding.
You mentioned the Federal Reserve.
In the monetary system today, we have a much better understanding of how a gold standard would work than we did in our early history because back then they had things like bimetallism and they allowed states still to expand credit.
So there's things that we're advancing on.
Even the concept of liberty has advanced.
You don't need governments to preach to individuals on how they want to spend their money.
And do you feel that the struggle between homeschoolers and proponents of government education is a microcosm of the struggle between individualism and collectivism?
There's no doubt about it because you have the collectivist notion about education and the individual notions about homeschooling.
One goal that I had on the homeschooling proposals that I have is the system I have is designed to understand liberty.
It's not a homeschooling program which is evangelical and directed to one place, but I'm not opposed to any of that.
But if people understand what I'm talking about, it legalizes and encourages all varieties of homeschooling.
So you might have a very secular, you might have a religious one, but mine is designed to say that what we need is liberty.
And then people will have more options.
But I think that it is a conflict between the two.
The state versus the volunteers.
And I think education is a perfect example.
You can find that in medicine as well, in spite of all that the government's done.
There are still private sources of medical care in this country that are delivering medical care very cheaply and with high quality.
So this is what's happening in education too because it's not like you have to be super wealthy to homeschool your kids.
I mean, the rich send their kids to very, very wealthy private schools, and of course that doesn't guarantee them a better education.
I think the people that go to, if they get in the right homeschooling program, they're going to get a better education than the very wealthy do by sending them to very rich private schools.
And lastly, could you describe your homeschool curriculum?
And also, at what point of your career did you decide to pursue your curriculum?
Well, I've thought about education as a goal for a long, long time.
And even the years I spent in government, I was never thinking first.
I always thought of myself as a physician that took a break to talk about things I thought were important.
Education was most important to me.
I don't believe the politicians have much control over anything.
Ideas have controls, and that is why I have my own free foundation, and that is why I support the Mises Institute, and education.
Nixon once said, well, we're all Keynesians now.
Well, I'd like to see the day when we say we're all Austrian economists now and understand it in a different factor.
So my motivation has always been there.
And of course, in talking with Gary North and Tom Woods, who are our principals in the homeschooling curriculum, they helped me design this and devise the courses.
And the whole goal is to teach the freedom philosophy, which is not available anyplace else.
And again, there's a couple minutes on the homeschooling.
There's actually like eight or nine minutes left on geopolitical.
We're just out of time.
The full video is up on InfoWars.com right now.
It just got posted where you can hear it.
And it is a revolution because homeschooling is either evangelical Christian or Christian or it's secular.
This is about, hey, liberty, freedom, libertarian ideas, and then you can do whatever you want.
And it really is.
The curriculum's amazing.
I've been into it even before it came out, because I got advanced copies of it.
It's very sophisticated, but also very simple at the same time.
That's what's hard, is to build something simple and elegant that really works well.
This is tailor-made to deprogram your children.
I've had so many cousins that were properly homeschooled, and they ended up getting better scholarships than everybody else and went to the finest schools.
Homeschooling's not for everybody, but this is certainly a supplement for anyone on top of the regular educational system.
That takes you to the direct subpage of Ron Paul's curriculum website, where you can get the discount, get the first five grades free.
Schoolof1776.com, or follow the link posted at the bottom of the front page of InfoWars.com.
That was a jam-packed transmission.
If you just tuned in to this Sunday radio show, it's also a TV show.
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I salute you.
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General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential forward situation?
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.