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Name: 20140612_Thu_Alex
Air Date: June 12, 2014
2472 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics such as drug cartels, open borders, mainstream media, criminal elements within government, mega-tyranny, water filtration products, J.R.R Tolkien audio recordings from 1950s about New World Order, Tisha Cassada's independent candidacy for Congress, immigration policies, border implosion between Mexico and the United States, military bases housing immigrant children, collapse of borders, dangers of globalist control, treatment of illegal immigrants compared to veterans, lowering borders as an invasion form, chemical spill in West Virginia contaminating water supplies, Infowars Life Lung Cleanse, Survival Shield X2 iodine supplements, Dan Bongino's election campaign, corrupt practices of Obama administration, whistleblowers within institutions like FBI and DOJ, political climate being "over the top", public pressure against government actions, false flag attacks blamed on Tea Party, media manipulation targeting patriots, independent media operations, dangers of contaminated water in West Virginia, globalist agenda promoting illegal immigration, raising taxes, gun confiscation programs, 60 Minutes interview where an individual admits to rounding up Jews during his time in Romania, natural disasters like tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding and droughts, cleansing lungs to combat toxic environment, importance of truth over censorship and surveillance systems, various health and wellness products, political landscape criticism, power of truth against censorship and surveillance

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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You get a mega-tyranny.
Historically, every time government and institutions are not held accountable.
Soon, at every level, criminals invade and take over the system and are, above the law, an absolute hell on earth then unfolds.
And we are beginning to see this.
You know, it clicked this morning for me when John Bowne, one of the news producers, said, Alex, you know there's all these reports for decades living here in Texas.
Arizona, California, you name it, that they use teenagers as mules to run the drugs back and forth.
And you always hear about teenage girls from Houston or Austin who are Hispanic going down to Mexico wanting to get rich, getting raped and killed, wanting to become mules.
And when Bowne said that, I'm like, you know, one of my border patrol sources actually sent me an email this morning saying, Alex, look into these people being mules.
And the major flood being a cover for the mules.
And look to see cocaine, heroin, you name it, flooding the streets.
And then John Bowne walks in here about 15 minutes ago and goes, Alex, they're mules.
We've got news reports about the drug cartels completely operating openly with their drug houses across the border, and now the Border Patrol's been told to stand down.
And we have the news report.
One of them out of Texas, another out of Arizona.
Cartel control.
House on the border of Nogales, Arizona.
CBS News.
The police, the sheriffs, the Border Patrol now say they've lost full control.
The globalists are gangsters, folks.
And they control Los Zetas and other major cartels.
That's come out in mainstream news.
The criminal elements of our government are literally testing to implode the country.
This isn't the full implosion, but this is the detonator.
The blasting cap is now detonating.
They are now, I have the all mainstream news, they are now publicly shipping illegals to bases all over the United States, in Massachusetts, in Washington,
In Tennessee, the New York Times is reporting that they're not letting any media in.
Well, guess what?
We just went on the base yesterday.
And I can't come up with a headline sensational enough to match reality, but here's the headline.
Immigration shelter photos that are new, we got.
Feds treat illegals better than veterans.
And it shows the HEB food trucks coming in, the
Workers there as butlers for the illegals that are complaining that their eggs aren't hot enough.
And the fact that the Latin American newspapers are saying, come to America, this is the time.
And then we've confirmed, and Kit Daniels, who was up all night already working, he's working on another story.
He went with Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs and Josh Owens down to the military base where they're keeping 2,000 illegals, just one of the scores.
But bases in San Antonio alone doing it.
They went down and went on the base.
The public information officer wouldn't let them on.
And so they just went on.
Like journalists are supposed to do.
And there's a base within a base where they have these privacy screens so you can't see the hordes of people.
But we just stuck our cameras through the holes.
Man, we need screenshots of all this.
I mean, I know a lot of this is, this is new HD.
Guys, get Josh to get screenshots right now and have the crew with captions, because I know they weren't able to add captions.
Something was wrong with the site this morning when he posted at 6 a.m.
I got up and saw it go live right at 6 a.m., called Kit, and I said, you just went there last night.
You're up right now?
He goes, yeah, I've been up all night.
I go, that is awesome, brother.
But he's doing it all himself.
We need to get those screenshots.
I know Josh stayed up late to get that video we just showed for TV viewers.
We need to get that A up on YouTube with a voiceover.
I'll do that live on air coming up.
And then we need to get this new video that's even more powerful than the still shots we've got up in the article because this story should go viral.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
They'd like to lock us up.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Thursday, the 12th day of June, 2014.
And to say we've entered the Twilight Zone squared is an understatement.
I'm going to attempt to cover all the news here today.
And we have the former top secret service agent running for Congress, Dan Bongino, popping in to give us his take on the lawlessness of the open border, the open funding of Al Qaeda and so much more, and of course the big wins all across the country of Tea Party candidates in primaries.
for Congress, governorships, you name it.
So he's going to be joining us.
And then you're going to hear never-before-heard J.R.R.
Tolkien audio talking about the New World Order from the 1950s.
So, that is coming up as well today.
We've been contacted by folks that have been sitting on the interview, filmmaker in Europe, since the mid-1950s.
In fact, guys, I had my data sheet when this broadcast started.
I can't find it here in the whirlwind of news that's come in since.
Please give me a reprint of that data sheet on Tolkien, but also the sheet you gave me.
Nico, thank you.
So, um...
Just part of this recording has made international news when reporters were allowed to hear some of it.
We're talking lost poems, everything.
This is going to be sensational.
And we're only going to play a little bit of it today.
They want to air more of it in the weeks to come here.
Premiering... I mean, Tolkien recordings are rare, folks.
There's not a lot of them.
This is Tolkien talking about who really runs the world.
This is amazing.
Tolkien explains Lord of the Rings in Legendary Recording, and it all starts here today.
Again, the Twilight Zone level just went up a couple more.
It's kind of like Spinal Tap.
They go, yeah, but this amplifier goes up to 11.
They go, why don't you just have it say 10?
But 11's higher.
Oh, the weirdness of it all.
More and more, I'm speechless.
I'm going to be frank with everybody.
It's not just everything the globalists are doing is over the top.
It's that the establishment, in plain view, engaged in a giant con artist game, sits up there
Inverting reality.
I was watching CNN, MSNBC this morning.
I was on an elliptical.
It gets me so angry I can go for like an hour fast watching it.
It's better than listening to rock and roll.
But it makes me angry.
I was real angry after I got off.
I think I shouldn't have watched it.
I realize I've been real angry lately because I've been watching The Enemy in the morning.
We're good to go.
I'm having flashbacks to this morning.
And they were going, ah, the Tea Party's discredited!
They're done, they're dead!
It's all over for them!
They, you know, just elected this new Tea Partier, or just, he just won the primary, David Bratt.
And Virginia, you know, bringing down Cantor.
Oh my gosh, can you believe how ridiculous all this is?
I mean, these people are real kooks.
Boy, this is going to discredit the Republicans forever.
When they're all in their eyes, scared to death.
This is exactly what the Republican and Democratic leadership have circled the wagons the last few years, giving more money collectively than Republicans and Democrats spend to fight each other, to kill the libertarian takeover of the Republican Party.
We've always said we need a third party, but as Ron Paul pointed out, the best strategy is to take over a major party.
And that's happening!
So there's a race to the finish here, and the system knows that, so they're busy
Auditing everybody in the Tea Party, harassing everyone, sending the FBI out of people's houses, arresting filmmakers, arresting governors for no reason, a reign of Soviet-style terror that makes Richard Nixon look like an angel.
All of this is going on.
And you've got the dinosaur media up there
Implying that...
The Tea Party is destroyed and discredited, and now they're having headlines like, well, we thought they were dead, but are they?
Again, the Tea Party is the hottest thing in the United States and worldwide.
They have Tea Party-style grips taking over areas of France, England, winning all the major local EU and countrywide elections, set within another election to take Europe and turn off the EU, set within another two-year cycle election to take the UK,
They have Tea Party style groups in Ireland, in Scotland, declaring independence.
They've got them in Reykjavik, Iceland, Spain, Greece, Italy, everywhere.
They've got Tea Party members of Parliament in Italy going to Bilderberg meetings and getting beaten up.
And then the state police respond by coming in and backing them up and letting them go in.
And threatening to start arresting people in the hotel, and then Bilderberg Group members the next morning on Saturday, never before helicopters were flying them out.
Because the police at the state level turned against them in Switzerland.
We were there.
I mean, we're getting close, ladies and gentlemen.
You know the story William Tell on the Swiss?
It's a true story.
The apple, the whole nine yards?
The Swiss are like the Texans of Europe.
And ladies and gentlemen, the police, two years ago, now three years ago in Switzerland, Paul Watson was there covering it in HD.
When the Bilderberg security beat up the member of the Italian Parliament who marched in there, the state police showed up and marched in and said, we'll start arresting you.
And said, you will talk to this delegation.
And we had a whole bunch of the canton leaders from all over the country, the state leaders, who actually run Switzerland.
Their federal government's weak.
States run it, the cantons.
Marched in, and the Bilderberg people started evacuating.
And it was so epic, it took me a few days to figure out what had just happened.
My point is, it can be like Ceausescu in Romania.
These people could fall in hours, if we want them to.
I'm not saying they're going to fall in hours today.
It's a figure of speech.
There will come times when tyrants fall in hours.
When Babylon the Great falls in an hour.
And the merchants of the earth who trafficked in men's souls will beat themselves on their breasts and say, Babylon, Babylon the Great has fallen in one hour.
These worldly people are the losers, ladies and gentlemen, not the winners.
It's easy to cheat and get ahead until the termites eat through the foundation and everything collapses.
It's easy for cancer to grow and take over the body and think it's winning until it kills the host.
So epic.
And it hit me like a ton of bricks today.
I mean, I know we've been saying it, but it hit me so strong.
It's real!
They are imploding the entire border and advertising in Mexican newspapers and on NPR.
We're doing a story on this right now.
NPR has had a show the last week they've been airing where they raise money to send money to think tanks in Mexico to give the kids money, plane tickets, and bags, and sack lunches.
To fly them to the United States and to bust them to the border and stage them where the illegals are just pouring across whole hog.
And effectively, like a blitzkrieg Nazi invasion of France, we are completely overrun.
I mean, we are witnessing
Dizzying treason.
I mean, treason isn't even a strong enough word.
And no one in history has had traitors inside their government do something like this.
There's never been a war like this.
This is so high-tech and sophisticated.
As the power plants are turned off, as the Obamacare shuts down the small businesses and bankrupts the blue-collar workers with payroll taxes increases, and it's all called liberal because it's a supposed black guy as the figurehead.
And Obama announces on CBS News, I just got chills two nights ago, that he wants to look at executive orders for Australian gun bans of everything down to single shot.
I mean, whoa, whoa, whoa.
And then they got the nerve to announce today, Boehner comes out and says, you're weak, Obama.
Iraq's going up in smoke and you're sleeping, close quote.
Obama's not sleeping.
There's the RT headline, Obama cites Australian gun confiscation program as example for US.
Red alert!
Red alert!
That's Reuters.
Red alert!
Red alert!
Red alert!
Red alert!
Red alert!
Red alert!
Red alert!
RT, Reuters, now reporting gun confiscation plan.
Red alert!
Red alert!
And then they publicly are funding Al-Qaeda to take over Iraq, while claiming they're fighting them.
Rad alert!
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I hear the train a-comin' It's rollin' around the bend And I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when I'm stuck in Folsom Prison And time keeps draggin' on Coming up in the next segment But that train keeps a-rollin'
Immigration shelter photos, feds treat illegal aliens in San Antonio Air Force Base better than veterans.
We're going to have Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs in studio who was down there with Kit Daniels who wrote this article and we're adding more HD video still shots to it.
Shot through the privacy fence, inside the base, they have this whole area with fences up and the press isn't allowed in.
Breitbart is at a mall in Houston at one of the major distribution centers around the country getting some photos out.
We went in and got some of the only other photos.
Mainstream media is basically engaged in a blackout of actual photos and real journalism.
They're just spinning it like, how sweet Obama is.
Taking care of the illegal kids, or the immigrant children.
And then NPR, we've got a report coming out on this this afternoon, has a promo going on all its shows to raise money, taxpayer-funded radio, to ship the kids from all over the world here as America implodes.
And veterans are living on the streets everywhere.
I'm talking about veterans that don't have drug problems.
That's going on.
But the illegals, the teenagers, are just pouring in.
And then Obama could say, they're children.
In fact, he came out and said, this is part of our new DREAM Act.
Come to El Norte.
No one has ever done this.
This is the federal government directly encouraging and helping ship in teenagers to be put directly on the federal welfare breast, the federal mammary gland, with taxpayer money to then be obedient servants to ban guns at the voting booth.
I mean, it's here.
And this is just the beginning.
So many tens of thousands are pouring across a day.
We've had Border Patrol agents send us reports that have been published that drudges carried and others.
That this is the beginning.
This is just the breakdown of the border.
Once it fully collapses, collapsed, failed Mexico can fully collapse the U.S.
Cloward and Piven, Agenda 21 will be complete.
Total bankruptcy of the U.S.
Driving down wages, taxes so high Blue Collar can't work, shutdown of everything.
But they've still got enough factory farms that will get government contracts and fiat money like H-E-B and Walmart.
So they'll make money feeding the mass as we go from 50 plus percent not working and being dependent to 70, 80 percent.
They will then vote to take the 20 percent middle class money, gone.
The ladder to wealth, gone.
The globalists will sit in Luxembourg and in London and in Vienna
And they will sit in the major cities of Switzerland, exempt from everything, laughing as this country and Europe go down.
Remember what Tony Blair got caught doing?
They would open the tunnel up, for years, the tunnel, let illegals in France, in a secret deal with France.
This came out, I don't remember reporting on this in the late 90s, but later years later it came out, it was a secret plan, Tony Blair's secret plan to bring in illegals.
To bring in illegals, by the millions.
Over his, what was it, eight, nine years of tenure.
And the French would stage it with the UN at the train stations, load the trains, and then the border patrol at the outside of the tunnel would turn their backs, videos of this, as the people yelling and celebrating as invading armies.
From Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, you name it, unskilled diseases, criminals, you name it, giant flotillas of Romanian gypsies, you name it, pouring in, en masse, and within years they are CPS workers and police.
And I've had members of the British Parliament on from the Liberal Party admitting that, not just UKIP.
When the CPS comes to a
UK person's house, they don't even speak English.
And they come from countries where they take kids.
You give them trouble, they whistle, and an armored vehicle pulls up, guys jump out with machine guns.
They're now arming the police.
Your kids are gone!
And I know Americans that have gone to England and had their teenage kids taken.
That's a big scandal.
You go to Britain, they may take your kids.
Folks, we're hitting red-level evil.
They do what they want, when they want.
And it's on.
It's on.
Veterans get death panels.
Veterans don't get surgery.
Veterans get put on a list and have their guns taken.
I mean, I run into veterans that are well-spoken and really nice people when I've been down shooting videos.
Super clean-cut, smart people, black, white, Hispanic, you name it.
And they all ride bikes, they live downtown, bicycles, and they're homeless.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential forklift situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
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You got a business.
You didn't build that.
Somebody else made that happen.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
America is being taught to have its will broken.
We're being demoralized right now.
Totally open borders.
You didn't build your business.
Raising the debt doesn't raise the debt.
The government publicly set up bases in Western Iraq in the last three years to run attacks into Syria.
That's on record.
Now Al-Qaeda is taking Fallujah to Crete.
And they're saying, oh, we may have to send back U.S.
troops to fight Al-Qaeda.
When Al-Qaeda was put there by NATO,
Oh, and our troops will fight and die, and the contractors will fight and die.
Real al-Qaeda.
They'll really be killing them.
But they're funded and trained, and the door is open by the criminals that run our government.
That's what I'm explaining to everybody, ladies and gentlemen.
There's the headline.
Iraq gives Obama green light to commence kinetic support against al-Qaeda.
And how do you explain to the public that it's on record that those bases were set up three plus years ago by three known actual Al-Qaeda groups?
One of them even calls themselves on their black flag the Bin Laden Brigade.
And they set up bases in Turkey for him as well.
And they launched chemical attacks to blame Assad and got caught.
And now it's mainstream news that large parts of Iraq are falling to them because the Iraqi government didn't go along after the quote liberation, ten plus years later, started doing things the way they wanted to.
Trying to set up a secular government again?
No, no you don't.
Saudi Arabia runs the Middle East.
They like Wahhabists.
They're going to put Al Qaeda in charge.
And then people go, well Alex, you don't want Iran taking over Iraq.
See how crazy that is?
Iran's taking over some western areas with their infiltrators, but that's... Why'd you get rid of Saddam?
So that would happen.
See, the globalists create the problem, and then they sit there and go, well, we gotta wink-wink put Al-Qaeda in, because they're fighting Iran.
And then the public doesn't even know the players?
And then,
It's in the news.
I checked.
These illegal aliens, when they get off these planes, don't even go through customs.
They're just taken directly by bus and given sack lunches to bases because they're honored guests.
I mean, the federal government through NPR, this is breaking today, runs a PR program to raise money to give the kids the plane tickets to come here.
I mean, this is incredible.
If you're an old person, an old lady, whatever, and you don't pay your property taxes, you don't pay the income taxes, they will come, and if you hold up in your house, they will send a SWAT team in to shoot you.
People, we gotta be loving, you let the kids come here, pay for it.
Oh really?
They'll kill Americans, I don't care what color you are, if you don't pay their fake taxes to pay for these illegals.
But then they use our big heart and say, come on, let's advertise that everybody in the world can come here.
Now they're going, legalize all the illegals and let them come in.
Or, more is just going to come illegally.
What do you think legalizing 30 million illegal aliens is going to do, ladies and gentlemen?
What do you think that's going to do when they say they can then bring their other family members here and they're an anchor to bring them in?
It's going to accelerate people pouring in and that's exactly what's happened since Obama stopped enforcing immigration law and started stopping the deporting of people.
Now there's an even bigger flood and it turns out the criminal
Occupied, mercilessly wicked federal government is orchestrating and running the whole thing and not letting the media in.
Well, our people went in.
Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs and others yesterday.
We have photos being added at InfoWars.com from the video still shots.
Updated immigration shelter photos.
Feds treat legal aliens better than veterans.
Headline should probably be reporters sneak in
To illegal alien takeover command base.
I mean, I've got the New York Times here admitting that they're deploying them to military bases from Massachusetts to Washington State.
I mean, they are flying them everywhere, and they're staying, they're getting lawyers, and everybody else that's coming, staying, until this country goes completely bankrupt, which is the official Cloward and Piven plan.
And they are going to be given driver's license, most of them are 16 or older, and they're going to vote, and they're going to take our guns.
And Obama is in Reuters and RT.
We wrote about this days ago when he first said it, Mikel Thelen did, and then RT and Reuters have picked it up.
Obama cites Australia's gun confiscation program as an example for the U.S.
Right here.
And then we played the clip.
I mean, this is here.
This is happening.
The time for denial is over, ladies and gentlemen.
This is an illegitimate government, and if they want to call me a terrorist for saying that, fine.
You people are violating every law, up one side and down the other.
I'm not funding Al-Qaeda.
I'm not paying to bring illegal aliens here and house them at bases to then be fenced out to the local La Raza groups.
I am not shipping narcotics in like this giant mule operation.
That's definitely what it is.
I mean, our country, folks, is being, it's called being overrun, to use a military term.
We are completely overrun.
And it's all over Latin America.
The planes are loading with the children.
I put a tweet out today on Real Alex Jones that I think says it all.
If you go to Real Alex Jones, scroll down for me guys, thank you.
I said, George Washington launched our republic and Obama's killing it.
We have come full circle.
Obama is a great man.
He is the America Slayer.
Although Stalin was a great man, great at being evil, but he was great.
Genghis Khan was great.
Adolf Hitler was great.
Great doesn't mean good.
Just means they were big.
They did it big.
Obama is a great man.
Because you can say whatever you want.
He was the figurehead when you can say they brought this country down.
I want to read the other little quote I came up with and put out.
Intercourse in Mexico leads to the birth of a new American citizen.
Intercourse in the United States leads to another abortion.
The state is God.
We're told our children born in this country are trash.
Yuppies are told, the middle class are told, kill that baby.
I mean, you think about what, I mean, the globalists hate this country.
I mean, we are being destroyed right now.
And guess what?
They get away with this, sky's the limit.
I keep saying it.
Notice each level gets ten times worse, and then it's going to get ten times worse, and ten times worse, and Obama, they're going to stage some mass shooting in a school, guaranteed, and they're going to announce, I'm sorry, I'm signing an executive order.
Effective immediately, all semi-autos will be turned in within one month to your local Homeland Security Center.
Those not complying will be arrested.
And they're going to send armored vehicles out, folks, and the Civil War is going to explode like a fiery mushroom cloud.
And then they're going to blame the people that don't turn their guns in, the 1776ers, for the Civil War these criminals have started.
And then they're going to use the illegal alien hordes fully, as Mexico collapses in a global depression, to just wash in by the tens of millions
And they've openly announced they're going to start arming them as the new national security force that'll be just as big and just as strong as our military.
Close quote.
In fact, Obama said just again yesterday, these new children will be our dreamers for our military.
And they're just taking them right in.
You're the new military.
I mean, this is so incredible.
Obama, our future rests on the success of dream kids.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, if I went to Mexico with my wife and said, I'm here, she's nine months pregnant, she just broke her water, pay for it, they would literally laugh at you.
Anyone else would in the world.
We are the biggest chumps that will put up with anything.
Not us, folks.
Thomas Jefferson said, the level of tyranny you will be under is the level you put up with.
There is no limit.
There is no limit when you get evil people in charge.
Because when you don't restrain evil, the very worst evil will take over in a survival of the fittest social Darwin system.
They will take over.
You will get the most vicious.
The worst king rat will rule.
They will gut everything because it's what they do.
They are exactly the kind of people we would want in this country.
They work hard.
They love their country.
They want to be school teachers.
They want to serve in the military.
They want to
Run businesses, they have innovative ideas.
They are the best that we have.
And the President's frustration with the fact that he couldn't get Congress to act on the DREAM Act just got to the point where he said, I'm going to have to do what I can do.
No, it's not a solution.
It's a stopgap measure.
They're not on a path to citizenship.
They can stay here.
Every two years they have to reapply.
So it's not the solution.
But you cannot look into the hearts of these young people and say there's nothing we can do when we actually did have the power to do something.
And that's who's running the federal government right there.
Valerie Jarrett.
I'm gonna go to Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs in a moment with a first-person report with video and still images for TV viewers.
Everybody else can go to InfoWars.com and see the article, Immigration Shelter Photos, Federalist Treat Legal Aliens Better Than Veterans.
This should go so viral.
Inside the red carpet treatment of the illegal invaders.
Inside the purposeful implosion of the Republic.
Before I go any further, I want to just remind you that
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Now, Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs is with us until five after next hour.
Immigration shelter photos, feds treat illegal aliens better than veterans.
Two billion dollars are being spent currently, just in the last two weeks, to fund the hundreds of thousands of illegal children that are filling up every major military base, air force, army, you name it, in the country.
Inside of them they put up these protective screens so you can't see what's happening.
Dinosaur media, new media, isn't allowed in.
So we sent our reporters onto the base yesterday.
The PAO said he wouldn't talk to us.
We still went on.
Got the footage, had to put cameras through holes in the fence.
They're trying to cover this up, and Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs is here to break this down.
But this is about imploding the border, overwhelming the Border Patrol, and they're reporting today that's exactly what's happening.
The head of the Border Patrol Union, Border Patrol agents that are sending us reports that have been published, are saying it is a total collapse.
Mules are pouring across with the drugs, the cartels are shooting and killing whoever they want.
The lawlessness of Mexico is being allowed to implode into the U.S.
Joe Biggs, you're a veteran.
What is it like for you to go to the VA and see how horrible folks are being treated?
You're bleeding in your lungs from being an APC that got blown up.
They told you July until you can even get looked at.
There's homeless veterans all over the streets of Austin.
20 plus commit suicide a day nationwide.
But they're advertising that illegal aliens and their kids can come here and will be allowed to stay.
I mean, I just, this is so off the charts.
Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs.
Well, they say it's this huge humanitarian crisis going on right now.
You know, we've got to feel bad for them.
I mean, there's a right way and a wrong way to go through the immigration process, and this is not the right way.
You know, like you said earlier, any other country we go to, we would be kicked out immediately.
You know, once our visas ran out, we would be kicked out immediately.
And yet we're just bringing all these guys, and we're spending $2 billion to feed them, to shelter them.
They've got soccer goals out there and balls.
H-E-B trucks, and if you're not from Texas, H-E-B is a grocery store.
And they had these huge refrigerated vans out there in a compound center with satellite dish on top, you know.
And yet we've got veterans right now, outside, we see them every day, that don't have anywhere to go.
You know, this money is not allotted to help these homeless veterans out.
If these kids can stay there, why can't they bring these homeless vets in and let them stay there, give them a cot?
You know, Senator Jim Einhoff, the ranking member of the Senate House Committee, thinks that this will only encourage more illegal immigrants to flood into the country and threaten our national security.
Well, I mean, it's like feeding pigeons in your backyard.
You're going to get more pigeons.
I mean, this is being done, not deporting anybody, letting felons go, rapist murderers, to advertise, come here, we don't want engineers, we don't want scientists, we don't want the entrepreneurs of Mexico, we want your poor kids, we want your criminals.
This is a time bomb to overwhelm the Border Patrol.
By Fiat, this is a false flag by the globalists to fully gut the border.
And that's what the Border Patrol union head is saying.
This is on purpose to implode the border.
So now we got Tony Benegas, he's the consul of Honduras and Arizona, and he said that the kids aren't happy with the burritos, they're getting their eggs are too cold and it makes them sick.
So now we've contracted out vendors to provide nutritional meals, recreational activities.
By the way, I've seen the food.
It's a lot better than what those public school kids get.
It looks like prisoner food.
Oh, I mean it's way better.
Well, these are Democrat voters, man!
Red carpet filet mignon!
I mean, they're bringing better stuff.
They got better food there than I have at my house right now, I'll tell you that.
I mean, that pisses me off and it should piss off a lot of people.
You know, we're wasting money.
This is like a Monty Python skit where you tell the world, come here and we'll give you everything free.
We're the only country that does this.
The only country.
But then, like you said, the media, gee, why is this happening?
It's a crisis.
Better pass the DREAM Act to legalize the kids.
That's how you fix it.
Let more come in.
That'll stop this flood, is to give them more money and more food.
That'll stop everybody.
Yeah, the dream is to have more voters go their way.
The dream is to get these kids to come in.
And again, they've got, you know, these feds going, oh, they're hard-working good people.
92% of the time they vote commie.
They vote to take my guns.
These people are an army using the loophole of our voting system to make me a slave.
Yesterday in El Paso, they got one of the illegal immigrants.
They released him.
He is a convicted sexual offender in Mexico.
They had to go back... No, no, no, no, no, no.
In the last two months, they released 63,000 aggravated felons, bro.
We're talking child rapists and arsonists.
And I go to the airport and act like I'm a terrorist.
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I'll tell you the bottom line, ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here back live.
About half the public on record is in a zombie-like, dream-like state from television.
They're in a near-dreaming state.
That's mainstream news.
Very suggestible.
And they just have no idea what planet they're on.
And we have very vicious criminal syndicates running the country that launder the drugs,
The money that run the major sex operations.
They're involved in hardcore crime globally.
It's the big mega banks.
And if they got us to sign on to 1.5 quadrillion of their debt, why shouldn't they overrun us with illegal aliens that will vote to take our guns and give them driver's license in 10 different states?
I mean, why shouldn't they?
Americans are chumps that will put up with anything, a large portion of them.
Those of us that are awake and going, man, this is crazy, we're actually pretty pathetic for putting up with it and not doing more, myself included.
We're jellyfish compared to our ancestors, but we are the terrorists, we are the enemy, Homeland Security's for us.
I just can't believe how far we've fallen, that they won't let any media on these bases,
So, we had to go on, even though the PAO refused to talk to us.
We were still able to get on the base, and great job Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs, everybody else.
If you go to the article up on Infowars.com, Immigration Shelter Photos, we've added more video still shots.
If you're a radio listener, and you can see through the cracks in the fence, you know, the kids, the catering, all the minders, it looks like a big, you know, camp or something.
Looks like they've set up a summer camp.
And no expenses being paid.
They're saying $250 plus a day per child.
When there's Americans out there living on $25 a day, a lot of them.
And again, it's not because they care about the illegals, folks.
They want to bankrupt everything.
These are precious voters.
And Staff Sergeant Biggs
We have some photos of homeless vets.
I've run into homeless vets in Austin who are not drunks, who are in great shape, but you can talk to them.
Obviously, they've got some PTSD or something.
You talk to them a lot, they go, yeah, I was in a lot of heavy, you know, combat.
So and such, nobody will hire me.
And I can't seem to get credit, but I'm working on it.
And I run into a lot of them.
And it usually seems to be like heavy combat vets, or they've had a slight brain injury or whatever.
And then now they've been listed by the Pentagon as having a problem, so no one will hire them.
And I just see them all over the place.
Nobody's given them a free place to stay, bro.
It's ridiculous.
I mean, these guys were hardworking.
They served their country.
They were promised benefits, and they're not getting them.
They're laying out there on the streets, but we're sheltering these kids.
It just blows my mind.
A government that fails to secure its borders is guilty of dereliction of duty.
A government that fails to take care of its men and women on the front lines is guilty of malpractice.
A government that puts the needs of illegal aliens above U.S.
veterans for political gain should be persecuted
Who said that?
But beyond that, see it doesn't border on treason.
When you lower your borders to foreign groups and pay them to come in to politically overthrow your enemies, that's called an invasion.
This is classical warfare.
I mean, right now we have troops from other countries in Canada and in Mexico.
We're this hand right here.
America is in the middle.
And we've got troops, Russian troops in Canada and Chinese in the bottom.
And there's closing in.
You know, we're letting our borders open right now.
No, this is the takedown of America.
And they admit the illegals are being allowed to do this to implode the border.
Well, that's what the Border Patrol agents have been saying.
There's all sorts of al-Qaeda, you name it, just pouring across the border.
We'll be right back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, we should add, too, this is Lackland Air Force Base that has at least 2,000 illegal alien children from Latin America there.
And New York Times admits they're moving them all over the country to cover it up.
Even the New York Times admits that.
And it's all because they do catch and release.
I mean, of course everybody's going to pour in.
When if you get here now, you're legal and you get welfare immediately.
You can sit on your butt for the rest of your life as long as you vote to take my guns.
Yeah, one of the things I noticed when we got to Lackland Air Force Base was the heightened security.
You know, usually, well, for the Air Force, they have what's called security forces versus MPs.
But these guys were strapping M4s over the chest.
You know, that's, usually you've got like a 9 or something like that, a Beretta on the side.
These guys, heightened security, M4s around the chest, ready to go.
You know, coming through.
I thought that was kind of odd.
Is that because they were guarding gods?
Yeah, they're guarding America's New Dreamers.
Other observations?
Well, it took a little bit to find it.
We stopped and talked to a few airmen, some contract workers, and found our way over there to the area.
And as we pulled in, it's actually right on the edge of one of the gates you go through.
And on the other side there was a hotel.
We actually went up on that hotel and got some of that inside footage in, looking in.
But they have these fences up all around it.
They've got contracted people there taking out trash.
They're buying really nice water, too.
It was a nice brand of water.
Not the cheap, you know, 50 cent bottles.
It's probably more of, you know, your $3 bottle of water.
But the military sat there for four days under orders at Katrina and didn't give water to people.
They were ordered to not give it out.
That came out in the news.
But the illegals, they get everything.
Oh, they get everything.
I mean, they're probably eating lobster tails right now, you know.
I mean, they were out there singing songs, playing soccer.
I mean, having a better time than I have.
I mean, it's just a misappropriation of funds.
We're spending all this money, and it shouldn't be going to them.
I mean, we've got people, we've got problems right here in America we can't even fix, and we're dumping all this money into that.
Well, these are the future voters!
I just don't get it.
We've got 529,000.
Can you imagine Mexico saying, get here, Americans, and you're legal, and we'll pay for everything?
I can't imagine that at all.
You know, right now we've got 529,000 to 840,000 veterans homeless right now, on a given day.
Without a place to stay, without anything at all.
And no one does anything for them.
Nothing at all.
Homeland Security says veterans are the number one terror threat.
They're the enemy.
You don't give the enemy any help.
Yeah, I just don't know what our government's coming to nowadays.
You know, like I said, when I joined, I joined with a pure thought that I was going to be serving my country, you know, and that I was going to get my college paid for and have these benefits when I got out.
You know, and then you get out and you realize it's just a big scam.
You know, we're dumping all this money and it looks like a FEMA can't proving ground.
Well that's the angle nobody's looked at yet.
They had a plan to legitimize FEMA camps and they said we'll use a wave of immigrants from Latin America as the pretext to roll out these bases and then during an economic collapse they'll already be there and the idea will be sold.
So see how we're kind of saying hey our vets need help like this.
That's actually kind of the plan.
Oh you will get the help now.
I mean, Fort A.P.
Hill's got that, you know, military base that's trained to fight people here.
And then you've got these camps.
I mean, it's all coming together full circle.
I've got the article here in my stack.
Let's see if I can find it where the New York Times admits today that they're flying the illegals in all over the country.
Here's Joe Biden.
needs consistent, unrelenting stream of immigrants.
Yeah, but not ones with leprosy or that have no job or bankrupt.
Homeland Security Chief Jeh Johnson admits for need for border reform, which means more open borders.
Border Sheriff likens influx of illegal immigrants to Hurricane Katrina.
And then here in one of my articles, I'm going to find it in just a second.
They literally has the New York Times admitting there's a cover-up of how many are here and where they're going and that the media is not allowed to go into it.
And meanwhile I have this article out of Reuters and also RT's reporting it.
Obama cites Australian gun confiscation program as example for US.
I mean, that should be heart attack level announcement.
He's saying I may use an executive order outside of law.
He's already doing this with the illegals!
We're going to have more on the nightly news tonight.
More of the HD footage up on InfoWars.com.
Good job.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption, crashing with the lies and disinformation.
Dan Bongino, who I would call a true patriot, Tea Party type candidate, not running from that label.
He is just absolutely 99 to 1 against his opponent and is barring any plane crashes or whatever.
And believe me, Obama doesn't like him, so that's a serious issue.
Dan Bongino's probably going to end up being in Congress.
And it's because he doesn't run from liberty and he doesn't sit there and mince his words that he's so popular.
And of course, he was the top Secret Service agent on the Foreign Details and was a rising star in the whole operation, but had to resign because he could not
He's told the story many times, so I'm just recapping it.
He can put it in his own words if he wants to.
He would not compromise.
And he said he was hearing things and seeing things working for Obama that were so immoral and so bad and so anti-American that he couldn't sleep at night.
Since he left a few years ago, he's been broken into his office, you name it.
His car's been messed with.
He's been harassed.
He's been threatened.
They might arrest him like Dinesh D'Souza.
They might arrest him like the governor, you know, former governor of Virginia.
I mean, folks, this isn't a game, okay?
You got a crooked toenail, they're gonna arrest you.
And I'm not going off on that angle here, you know, to try to be melodramatic.
This is happening, ladies and gentlemen.
And I'm not going to get into the stuff that goes on around here, but I mean, it's Creepville.
Feds going and talking to people that know me, family, you name it, trying to intimidate them, trying to freak them out.
Obama is doing things that have never been done.
I mean, it makes Nixon, who did, you know, had a list of a hundred people, just a list of their income tax, and he had to step down finally because of that.
We're talking about
Auditing and harassing the Tea Party, pro-life groups.
I mean, this is a criminal takeover.
And we've got Dan Bongino to the bottom of the hour, running for Congress, and he needs more support, because the electronic voting machines, you name it.
I've talked to all the electronic voting machine experts, like Bev Harris and others, who's got the HBO special, Hacking Democracy, and she said, it's landslides that the vote fraud people can't beat.
So Bongino should win with 90%, because the backlash is so big, he'll probably win with 60%.
So we've got to have like,
50 points on the board just to win the football game.
We've got to have 50 extra points because they're going to cheat so much.
You understand?
It's an uphill battle, but we can win it.
Sometimes it's easier to win an uphill battle than a downhill battle.
That's what makes us stronger, as Nietzsche said.
So I wanted to cover the waterfront.
With him, and as a former federal law enforcement officer, what does he make of telling illegals we're going to release you, even aggravated felons, child rapists, bank robbers, you name it, sixty-something thousand in the last two months, cutting almost all the deportations, red carpeting to hundreds of thousands of illegal kids, thousands per military base, the border has imploded, the head of the Border Patrol Union came out again today, it's on InfoWars.com, and said, this is designed to implode the border.
Well, of course it does!
It isn't a humanitarian crisis, it is a takeover.
And I want to see what Dan Bongino with his highly informed, former New York cop as well, former chemical secret service agent, what he sees from his perspective of what this is.
Because, shang, our military is under NATO.
Funding Al-Qaeda to attack Syria.
Now they're taking over Iraq with the weapons.
That's on record.
Fast and Furious, not getting in trouble for that.
I mean, I'm living in a twilight zone here.
What is happening, Dan?
Yeah, Alex, as I said in a previous interview I had done, I think it's worse than people really know.
Now, your audience is pretty informed.
I knock on a lot of doors, especially out in Western Maryland, you have a big support base out there.
A lot of folks know me from your show out there.
But, you know, not many are.
There are a lot of other folks out there that really don't understand the level of lawlessness going on.
It is absolutely unprecedented.
I mean, we have liberal, Jonathan Turley, a liberal professor who absolutely supports liberal priorities and legislation saying, you know, this is the president that Nixon always wanted to be.
You know, it's like there's so many leaks in the House.
You're running out of fingers to plug the leaks with and no one knows where to start.
It's so bad, Alex, that the two liberal senators here in Democratic, very blue Maryland, very liberal senators, Mikulski and Cardin,
They just had a statement, one of them I think was Cardin put out, where the citizens of Baltimore City, pretty liberal city by anyone's standard, came out and said, no, we can't take these illegals here.
They're trying to put them up in an empty building in Baltimore City, and they're saying, we can't even take care of our own city!
This isn't some kind of a hotel over here, folks.
We have to clean up our own neighborhoods first, take care of our own problems.
I mean, that's how out of control it is.
They're even losing, not just Democrats, they're even losing liberals!
I mean, if that doesn't speak to a level of unprecedented intentional legislative chaos, then I don't know what else does.
So, we're in a dangerous time.
And you're right, I'm glad you said this.
This isn't melodrama.
Because people want to be melodramatic.
No, no.
Be melodramatic, folks.
I'm telling you.
I saw a lot of this stuff on the inside.
The wheeling and dealing.
And both of these parties selling.
You know, one party's selling you out to big business.
The other one's selling you out to big government.
You know, it's like a horse trade, you know?
Who's going to cut us the bigger check when we vote this way?
I mean, it is really time to get out there at these voting booths and vote for Liberty candidates who walk the walk, and everybody talks the talk, but who actually get out there and walk the walk.
What does it say, though, to the establishment that everyone's running away from Obama, but at the same time he's doing everything he wants, acting as a dictator?
As many constitutional lawyers have said, I'm not saying again he's going to stay in office and that he will be a de facto dictator forever.
I'm saying the bureaucracy, the Democratic Party,
Is that true?
What do you think the battle plan is with Obama?
Because I've got to say this, he's much worse than I thought he would be.
And for the first time in my life, Mr. Bongino, I'm beyond scared.
I am more shell-shocked right now that this is so over-the-top.
I mean, I guess it's like finding out your neighbor's got 30 dead bodies in their backyard.
It's just, a normal person, I don't think...
I know why the public doesn't know what to do because I don't know what to do.
It's faced with this level of just foaming at the mouth criminality.
What do you think we should do?
And what are they thinking as there's a total resistance forming against them?
Well, listen, if I had a battle plan, and you're right, a lot of people don't know what to do with it.
It's no fault of theirs.
It's just that there's so much.
You're being hit on 30 different fronts, you know, to steal lines from the left.
They're 30-front war, and they do this intentionally.
You know, the Cloward-Piven model, just overload the system.
Here's what you do.
Number one, we have to build public pressure.
I say that a lot because I get the question all the time, you know, do you support Obama's impeachment?
I tell people, frankly, no, you haven't won the public case.
And people say, what do you think?
He hasn't broken laws?
No, that's not what I'm saying.
What I'm trying to tell you folks, we have not built the public case yet.
You are talking about a process, a legal process.
It's like an indictment.
That's what impeachment is.
It's like an indictment for the president.
You then have to try the case.
You don't indict a case, you're not going to win.
You don't.
We haven't built the public pressure.
That's number one.
How do we do that?
So here's the battle plan.
We have got to find more whistleblowers.
We have to find people on the inside, like me, willing to speak out and say, hey folks, this is not right.
And right now, what I don't understand, Alex, is where are the people in the DOJ?
Are the FBI agents within the DOJ administrative staff coming out and saying, hey, this IRS thing,
We were sending, you know, they were sending confidential voter, excuse me, donor information to the DOJ.
Where's the person saying, hey, I was the one who had sent, this isn't right, we gotta change it?
Where are the IRS agents speaking out saying, hey, I, you know, my, when I swore my oath, Alex, it was to the Constitution, not to anything else.
You know, where are these folks?
You know, and the third part of this process, so public pressure, you know, getting people on the inside to speak out, but the third part is we have to build an electoral presence, too.
It's not just good enough anymore to vote for Republicans.
Frankly, it's useless.
It's almost destroying the cause, because we get these squishes in there.
They don't do anything, and then they tarnish the brand to make it even worse.
It's time to start voting for liberty-oriented candidates.
You hold to account, don't make a golden calf out of anyone.
We hold to account, but you can at least trust that they can talk the talk and walk the walk.
You know, when they get out there and they shake your hand, they can look you in the eye and you believe these people.
They understand what's going on with the Fed.
They understand, you know, Cloward Pivot.
They understand what's going on with why the Constitution was written as a document of negative powers by the government, what they can't do to you.
Sure, sure.
Well, yeah.
I agree with you, and you're actually technically right, as you know, the House indicts the President, the Senate then tries him.
And so you've got to actually go after him with more than just a intern.
They wanted to go after him on the intern because it was isolated to just lying to a grand jury.
It was isolated to only one issue that protected the political class.
The truth is, if the Republican leadership wanted to go after him for Solyndra, or wanted to go after him for Benghazi, or Fast and Furious, or any of it, they could prove it and bring him down.
But there's not the moral will, because it's a bunch of establishment rhinos.
But as they get replaced, as we're about to see in this midterm election, as we just saw this amazing primary win by David Barrett,
I'd like you to speak to that because, bottom line, the Democrats are going for the full takeover right now.
A, what's your take on Bratt?
B, and Republicans winning primaries all over the place as well, what do you think the establishment's going to do to try to counter that?
Oh, let me tell you something.
Brad was a wake-up call, not just for our side, the grassroots liberty lovers out there, but you don't think they're going to take this lying down.
This is like a UFC match where you think you're going to kick the guy's butt, all of a sudden he wallops you in the face and you're like, oh boy, this isn't going to be as easy a fight as I thought.
The establishment, listen, I'm in D.C.
all the time, eating with grassroots warriors over there, doing God's work.
They know for a fact that the establishment is now rearming again.
They're not going to be, and let me give you a quote from one of them, they're not going to be surprised again.
So they are understanding that the people knocking on the doors and waving the signs are not with them.
So they're going to go out and they're going to try and do what they always do.
They're going to try to buy elections.
They're going to try and put people like me down.
They're going to try and put Chris McDaniel down.
Uh, you know, uh, visit John Carr, uh, in, in, in Tennessee.
They're gonna try and put folks down.
They're gonna try to suppress them because that's what they do.
That's all they can do.
Alex, they lost the people a long time ago.
You know, there's, there's an insurrection going on in the Republican Party right now.
And it's just hysterical, too, how, like, the left, you know, they just go along with their candidate randomly.
They can put a D in front of their name and, oh, it's all good.
They don't even matter what they stand for.
And the media is in such a tizzy because they can't believe the fact that there are liberty-loving folks out there that actually care about liberty.
They're like, what do you mean they didn't elect Eric Cantor?
That's a surprise.
He was their leader.
No, he ain't my leader.
I'm not.
I don't worship Golden Calf, okay?
He did not stand up for the people.
He was not out there shaking the hand.
He was not standing for the cause of liberty.
And people didn't get behind him.
I don't know why the media is so surprised.
I think they're surprised because they don't have the values we do.
And they don't understand that liberty actually matters because they believe in a redistributionist state run by the bureaucratic elite.
Well, that brings me to my next point.
We saw the tragic two police officers and a citizen killed.
And if you even believe the official story, because who knows with the establishment these days, you got a guy with crazy Joker videos that looks completely mentally ill, into death cults with his girlfriend, just like you've got these other kids stabbing, you know, little girls to death because, you know, there's another comic book character they like.
And they're trying to blame Ronald Reagan and Rand Paul and me and saying we're responsible when all I ever say is we don't want a violent revolution, we want a peaceful restoration.
And I'm really concerned that Obama came out, it was on CBS two days ago, but here's the headline, Obama cites Australia's gun confiscation program as example for US.
And now, now, now, if they actually try to have an executive order on some type of gun confiscation, say of Semianos, and if they try to send out armored vehicles like they're doing in California to confiscate guns,
I mean, this is a powder keg, and I think, if I was Obama, and I wanted to take over, I would try to stir up the libertarian constitutional movement, and try to push people into a corner.
I mean, we see these headlines about veterans are the number one terror threat, with no evidence of that, no crime statistics to show that.
What I'm getting at is, it looks like they're trying to start some type of civil war.
Well, remember, the only way to get you in America, which is generally a country of good people, generally, I mean, we've been the most philanthropic country in the history of Earth, you know, to really hate their neighbor and to vote against them is to demonize them and put them in the boxes.
Union, non-union, black, white, Hispanic, immigrant, man, woman, moron women.
That's what the left does.
Remember, the Republican Party generally, at least the good one,
They don't do that.
They run on, let's cut your taxes, let's defeat Obamacare, that kind of stuff.
The left doesn't do that.
The left runs on this agenda of, this guy's not you, therefore you should not like him.
Vote for me, I'll keep the not you away from him.
They vote on class warfare.
They vote on division.
They vote on racial strife.
They are not liberals.
I mean, I've got to say it.
I mean, the Democratic Party
Is a pack of mentally ill criminals.
Now, I'm not talking about their grassroots people.
A lot of them mean well.
But I've got to say, when you look at MSNBC and these people, they know exactly what they're doing.
Yeah, I'm glad you said it, because I knock on a lot of doors out there, and I knock on Democrats with high voter scores, people who show up.
And a lot, believe me, a lot of them are frustrated, too.
They're Democrats because their parents are.
I mean, my mother's a Democrat, and she'll never vote Democrat again.
She was the JFK Democrat.
You know, those days are over.
But, you know, you brought up an interesting point, too, about them, you know, pinpointing people like yourself and other talk radio, and, oh, look what you guys did.
But keep in mind, Alex, this is the hypocritical fraud these people in the media are.
They never mention Floyd Corkin.
You know, Floyd Corkins, who shot up the Family Research Council, and... And he said he did it because of the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Right, exactly!
I mean, it clearly did.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, the biggest, leftist crooks you've ever seen.
Who, if you say anything about, if you are pro-life, you're a hate group, according to these nuts,
This guy said, I read about the Family Research Council and their stance on gay marriage, and I didn't like, so he basically shot the place up.
The media almost completely ignores the story, and yet you get these two psychopaths in Nevada
Who apparently were even kicked off that ranch.
We were too nutty for the ranch out there, too.
And all of a sudden, every conservative who's ever preached liberty and low taxes is somehow related.
I mean, think about the utter stupidity of that.
But that's the media, and I'll tell you what, I just ignore it.
I know it's hard because they don't like you because you do something that scares them and that commands attention.
They don't want that.
See, the media wants to monopolize the megaphone, and you've got this guy coming up behind them saying, wait, I can do that too, and they don't like that.
So they have to say, oh, be careful, they're dangerous.
Don't look at these guys.
But they don't admit their own role with Corkin, you know, Jared Lee Loeffner, you know, even going back to Oswald.
Oswald was a leftist.
Well, I mean, Dan, they're even trying now in the news, like I'm looking for the article right here, to basically say that David Brat is weird because he says Hitler could happen again.
Well, I mean, of course tyranny can happen again.
It happens most of the time.
So, I mean, again,
It's like Obama saying, and Biden in all these speeches, and Kerry, come back to government.
Believe in it again like it's a religion.
Trust it.
It's the answer.
Don't listen to people that warn about tyranny.
Well, that's what America's all about!
Yeah, they'll pick Brad apart.
Anything he said, because they are so desperate to make this story go away, because what bothers them, Alex, more than anything, more than anything we've spoken about in this phone call, is a grassroots insurrection against big government Republicans and Democrats.
That drives them nuts, because the fact is, and you know this as well as I do, there's some people in the Republican Party that are friends with the big government Democrats.
They all sell out to the... John Boehner?
Yeah, these people are not leaders.
They just sell out to a different golden calf they kneel before.
Either way, you've sold out.
They're not bedrocked in real value.
The fact that a grassroots rebellion in Virginia 7...
You're going to
Remember the Democrats with Rand Paul when he won the primary?
They went out and dressed up as hayseeds and said racist things on TV and it turned out they actually work for the Democratic Party.
Oh, that's all they have though.
They don't have anything else.
You know what bothers him most about Brad?
He gets up there and he actually understands how the biggest form of taxation this country's ever seen is the Fed.
He goes up there and explains, hey folks, if you have a dollar and I tax you 25 cents, I've taken 25 cents, you have 75 cents left.
Well, Dan, I gotta say it.
I mean, you're super articulate.
You're a smart guy.
Your book's already a bestseller.
I mean, you would be perfect in Congress, and I don't want to have to knock on wood here, but I mean, you were telling me during the break when we first got you on that things are going really well, but they could pull a lot of tricks.
People need to get behind you in Maryland.
They need to get behind every other true liberty-based candidate, and people could just hear what you're speaking.
You're a whistleblower.
You exposed Obama.
I know you've gone through a lot of harassment.
People need to pray for you and your family.
Have you gotten any more harassment?
Yeah, it's always, you know, one of our security cameras.
It's always something.
Yeah, it's always there and I just roll with it.
You know, we often make sacrifices.
I'm a believer in the second creation and you pay your dues here.
So I'm not worried about it.
The fight's the fight.
No one's as powerful as George III, right?
So I'm not that worried about it.
I go through some harassment as well, and you'd like, I don't know what it is, you don't like to talk about it.
It's just kind of like, yeah, it's going on.
It's like you don't even want to give it attention that they're doing it, but it's important to show what scum these people are.
You know what, it is, and I don't want, because I think it incentivizes more of it, and I have two daughters, but secondly, you know, I'm 6'1", 215 pounds.
I grew up boxing and wrestling and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
I was fighting with the Gracies when no one knew who they were.
So I got a pretty thick skin.
I got the facial scars and broken nose to prove it.
So I'm not really worried about these bow tie wear and foie gras.
No, I get it, absolutely.
You're calling their bluff.
Dan Bongino, Bongino.com.
Folks can follow him on Facebook, going there and following it through.
Thank you for the time, and I can't wait to call you Congressman here on the broadcast and turn this country around.
Thank you so much for your courage.
Hey, God, Alex, thanks.
All right, I'm going to say it.
There goes Congressman Dan Bongino.
Folks, I'm telling you, they're going to try to pull a false flag and blame the Tea Party.
Get ready for that.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
You know, I tend to get almost hysterical on air.
And it's because I'm sitting here looking at what's happening, and it's not even my own analysis.
The globalists admit what they're doing.
They've done it in other countries before, but never as spectacular as they're doing it here.
They are telling illegal aliens to come here and they can just stay and be given free welfare.
And the border is just collapsing, and Border Patrol are on record saying they're collapsing it.
They're not letting the media in.
Obama is saying on CBS News, quote, Obama cites Australia's gun confiscation program as example for U.S., says he's preparing to act with executive order.
I mean, that is ominous off the chart.
I was talking about getting Larry Pratt back on this Sunday, because I'm always getting Larry Pratt on, it seems, on Sunday.
Maybe we should just get him on tomorrow.
Because that can't wait.
The head of Gun Owners of America.
I mean, this is just making me sick at my stomach.
I don't want to have to leave the U.S.
I don't want to be in the middle of a civil war.
I mean, are we really going to let them destroy our prosperity?
Raise taxes to the point everybody goes bankrupt?
I mean, really?
Kill the country?
Total NSA spying on the Liberty Movement.
Criminals run free.
Big banks launder the drug money.
The brainwashing of our children everywhere.
Social engineering.
A giant political class out of control.
Paramilitary police everywhere, pointed at the general public, working for the criminal class.
And remember, police and military, you are the ones that are going to enforce for this scum.
What a nightmare situation!
And I'm not being negative.
I'm trying to protect what's good in this world by being honest about what's happening.
And it's not just rhetoric.
It's not just we have a lot of proof.
It's now flagrantly obvious they're doing everything they can
To destroy this country out of pure hatred of what America once stood for.
Ideals... Is that what Napolitano was talking about years ago?
Ideals... That were never fully realized.
But ideals that scare them.
You can point all the problems of America.
The issue is the ideals were revolutionary.
The ideals were the Renaissance.
The ideals were human empowerment.
The ideals are dangerous to tyrants who want to run things through gangs and thugster gangsterism, not through the free market of having the better ideas, being the more talented, being the more interesting.
And you've had a lot of corruptions in the world, but that went on for a long time because the corrupt just wanted to run things, but they wanted prosperity because that gave them a bigger system to be proud of, a bigger cash cow that they liked because it was their system.
The globalists are the worst, folks.
They hate manly men.
On record, they hate feminine women.
They hate beauty.
They hate power.
They hate true honor.
They hate people that are innately strong because they're a bunch of creepy globalists that got into power by being spiders, folks, and they don't like those of us that aren't scum.
And they want to bring us down because they're scared of us, and they should be.
Because historically, ancestrally, it is the good guys that bring them down every time.
And they have a race memory to that.
The criminal, the control freak, and its genetic line that's in all races, colors, and creeds, has a memory.
It has an instinct of how to beat us.
And it thinks it can hide behind the complexity of the world, hide by the bigness of it.
And hide behind the vestigial prosperity that's left over from freedom.
And also they hide behind acting weak and liberal and, uh, supine and they want to help you and, uh, let's be friendly, you know, you should be guilty, you should prove you're nice, you should be altruistic, you should, you should pay for the tens of millions of illegals and give them free everything or you're not a good host!
They use our goodness against us.
And then you study the elite and the stuff they're into, it just runs from bad to worse.
And you realize they are just these incredibly evil people who are epically bad.
You look at Bill Clinton, epically bad.
Hillary Clinton, epically bad.
You look at the stuff the Rothschilds are into, epically bad.
You look at the Rockefellers, just talk about a demonic energy to do bad and to screw up societies and do horrible things.
They're involved in everything.
You look at George Soros and his life, and he is epically bad.
I mean, you actually marvel, like John on the Isle of Patmos marveling at the Antichrist.
You actually respect it and go, God, that's 80-something years of just, from 14 years old on, just wrecking and hurting and doing horrible things and just persecuting and overthrowing and being remorseless and proud of it.
Can you imagine going on 60 Minutes?
You can pull it up on YouTube, they're always expunging it, but folks are always re-uploading it.
Because somebody has it, send us to it.
I couldn't find it again about a month ago.
He did a 60 Minutes interview, I think in like, 99.
And he goes, yeah, I helped round up Jews all over Romania, and I'm not ashamed of it, I just did what I needed to do.
Yeah, big deal.
Leslie Stahl interviewed him.
And the reason I mention that is this is a guy coming after me.
His groups, he funds, are calling for me to be arrested or investigated.
I mean, it's like, how weird is that?
And I know I just keep bringing that up, it's just, it's so weird!
To have that sack of cr- ugh, man, I'll tell you.
Just, it's over the top!
That he could operate in this country.
That this slimeball isn't in a prison.
And he wants me destroyed, and you know what?
He might win, folks.
America might be that pathetic.
I just don't even know what to say anymore.
I mean, what have we become?
I should be positive that we see pro-Liberty, anti-Federal Reserve, Ron Paul types.
Like David Brett, winning primaries when his competitors spent millions and millions and he spent $150,000.
And you better believe the Justice Department is going over every donation.
If they find a nickel that was improperly given, he'll go to prison.
Even though he has no criminal record.
They don't care if you're as clean as a whistle, folks.
They'll find something.
And that's why we've now reached the point of anyone promoting liberty, if they haven't committed a crime against innocents, I don't care how much proof they've got, I'm done.
This is a lawless group of scum.
They are committing the crimes wholesale in front of everyone.
And I'm sticking together with Libertarians and Paleo-Conservatives and Constitutionalists because the Republican Party has been an evil anathema of blue blood scum just as bad as the Democrats for decades.
But under Obama and the Clintons, they're making their move to get rid of all checks and balances, all opposition.
So I would support an inanimate fire hydrant against the Democrats as the choice.
I think an awful lot of people think.
That we're less safe today than we were a week ago because these five guys are out.
These five guys are not a threat to the United States.
The point is, is that it was illegal what you did and that's admitted.
And so if you don't stop doing it or get in trouble, you're a dictator.
That's the whole point.
John, you popped in my ear earlier and I kind of missed what you were saying.
Yeah, I was just thinking back yesterday about how, when I was just a listener, you were talking to, I believe it was Lindsay Williams, about Napolitano, who had told her friend to prepare the next three years for a gigantic natural disaster.
Well, I think we're here.
I think this is it.
And that was in Arizona, and she said it'll hit Arizona, and none of us knew what it meant, and the natural disaster is the inflow, inviting Latin America up, and then going, we've gotta be sweet, it could be millions, not hundreds of thousands, and then the public's so dumbed down, they'll probably blame Rand Paul, or me, for the 15 million extra illegals, yeah.
You know, I was thinking, we've got to go get the Oliver North clips from the Rex 84 Iran-Contra hearings, because if you read the Miami Herald about Rex 84 at the time in 86, when they had those hearings in 87, it says they would use an immigrant inflow emergency to bring in martial law, and I never understood how they would do that, and now I think Obama has pulled Rex 84 off the shelf.
Of course, we've said a thousand times here, no exaggeration, that they would use the illegals to prime the pump of the FEMA camps first, mentioning RECS 84.
But no, I think you're right.
I think we're now seeing it.
Let's pull up the Napolitano article.
Outgoing DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano warns of serious cyber attack, unprecedented natural disaster.
And it was Lindsey Williams
Two years before she said that, she said that she met with a Congresswoman.
And I guess I've kind of given it away now.
I was saying the state.
I can't keep track of all this anymore.
Right, and they had lunch.
Yeah, they had lunch.
She said prepare.
Man, I'm just so sick of these people.
And again, all I want is to have a free country, due process, checks and balances, right to be a father, right to have my basic rights, right to private property, right to Second Amendment.
And I've got... You've got, that all the veterans have got.
I mean, let's talk about who they're targeting.
Returning veterans are the number one enemy, public.
And they're not running that in movies and sitcoms and dramas along with actual news for nothing.
They're planning to come after you.
And then they mention libertarians, constitutionalists, Christians.
And they don't mean establishment megachurch.
Glitterbug, Pharisee, cult Christians.
They mean real Christians who aren't going to put chips in their kids.
And by the way, that's all being announced like it's no big deal now.
That's another thing.
I tell people about plans to chip the public 18, 19 years ago and people thought I was nuts.
Now it's like, yeah, when will kids start getting chips to help them learn?
I mean, it's just, well, we're going to help the troops that are depressed with brain chips, AP.
There's just massive drug shootings, killings all over the border, 70 plus thousand dead in Mexico, thousands dead on the U.S.
But when, oh, but you know, when a couple of Border Patrol gets shot, it's just the back of the paper.
But then when some clowns reportedly go kill some people, oh my gosh, it's Alex Jones' fault.
He caused it because he says the Liberty Movement, don't go out and shoot cops offensively.
Try to wake them up.
Don't be part of this.
The media is pushing this narrative that the Liberty Movement is going to kill cops to hope that that gets in your mind as a way to resist.
You heard Bongino, former high-level Secret Service agent, say, yeah, I'm getting a lot of harassment, but
I think it encourages it to admit it's going on and validates it.
What was the term he used?
He said encouraged, but he said the equivalent of that.
He said it validates it.
And encourages it.
And that's 101.
I mean, you don't have sitcoms, dramas, cartoons, the Liberty Movement's gonna kill cops and drape them in flags, and then it magically happens.
And like I said, it was staged either by the media promoting it to create a copycat,
Off of a non-existent event, or it was staged.
And they cut that up to have me saying, it is totally staged by Harry Reid.
They'll probably play that clip.
Because they're running an enemy operation.
I mean, look, when they were given the authorization to come out and say that I was behind the Boston bombing, and that I quote, am deeply racist, close quote, in the same sentence, that was off a teleprompter, folks.
That was authorized by the highest levels of the White House.
They would never do that a year ago.
Two years ago.
Three years ago.
That means they're going all out.
They will do anything to start this civil war.
To shame the Tea Party.
A new Oklahoma City to say, oh my gosh, he was a listener of Alex Jones.
Remember McVeigh did it for Rush Limbaugh.
Remember that?
That was USA Today.
In New York Times, April 21st, 1995, I remember seeing it on the news, folks can look it up, Rush Limbaugh, the day after, that was in the paper the day after that, the day after Oklahoma City, Bill Clinton came out, there's audio of it, and said Rush Limbaugh and other talk radio.
No proof.
See how that works?
And they did it.
That's hands down.
No, no, no.
We know who put the bombs in the building.
So you better believe that I suspect this Justice Department now, run by the very same person who was really running it back then, Janet Reno, was such a drug addict when she was a prosecutor.
You can look up the Florida papers, and I'm not going to repeat all of it here.
If you want to look into Janet Reno, it's incredible.
Totally insane.
Child molester.
Oh, by the way,
Yeah, the Deputy Attorney General was running things, and that was the guy that was the Attorney General today, Eric Holder.
We are, our Las Vegas affiliate, other affiliates, are saying, yeah, we're getting clearly organized calls to take you off the air, but we've never had more listeners, more support.
We love you.
Of course we're not going to take you off.
But our affiliates are calling, going, we're getting organized calls to take you off the air.
Well, of course they are!
That's what they do!
They can't intimidate me, so they're gonna try to intimidate you!
But this show is getting more affiliates.
We just got another affiliate, 50,000 watt, in Boston.
It was in the Boston newspaper last week.
We're getting big affiliates all over the country every few days now.
They're freaking out.
And what are you going to do, put a bullet in me and make me a martyr, you scum?
Don't you get it?
I'm committed, I'm not afraid of you.
I'm going all the way to understand that.
And so is everybody else.
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General, what do you think about the FBI?
Saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential forfeiture situation.
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go folks, I'm being assaulted!
Whether it's the radio show, the news websites, documentary films, or the nightly news, InfoWars is the tip of the spear.
Is this another false flag stage attack to take our civil liberties and put more homeless security by sticking their hands down on the streets?
It's up to us to set brush fires in the minds of men and women everywhere.
And that's what PrisonPlanet.TV is designed to do.
If you watch, the Assad regime is going to be blamed or accused of using chemical weapons against the so-called rebels.
What we see now is a war against reality.
It's a war against the truth.
It's more vital than ever that supporters of freedom become members of PrisonPlanet.tv and share their membership with up to 11 friends and family.
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For whom the bell tolls.
Last time I was doing some business downtown.
There's a bell tower down by the river.
And it was striking.
Seven o'clock.
I sat there and listened to the ominous boom.
Man, I tell you, the folks that are going to get caught flat-footed by all this craziness, they have no idea what's about to hit this country.
People are like, about to hit?
We're already getting hit.
No, folks.
This is only the vanguard.
This is only the enemy scout operation.
When they drop the hammer, they're crazy enough to do it, too.
I know this though, the Secret Service, almost to a person, absolutely hates Obama.
Because they've seen all the stuff he's up to.
And I haven't been told, because I don't want to be killed.
And these guys are smart enough not to talk about it.
Bongino won't talk about it.
I've talked to other Secret Service, current ones, you name it.
And they just say there's never, they've never heard of anything like it, what's going on.
Because there's like a crazy psychopathic criminal thing going on where they, when psychos and criminals aren't getting caught or in trouble, they act out to try to get caught.
That's basic criminology and that's what they're doing.
Remember the FBI agent who they're now auditing and stuff?
I forget his name.
We've had him on the show years ago.
I want to get him back on.
The Western Journalism Center is supporting him.
Farrah talked about him.
He's got the Patrick Henry Center, I think is what it's called.
He got the photos out of the crack pipes and Mao Zedong
What type of mental patient gets off on defacing a Christmas tree, like, ooh, it's nasty, it's dirty, I put crack pipes on the Christmas tree, and communist leaders like Karl Marx and Mao Zedong?
These are mentally ill people, the type of folks that, you know, play with their crap.
I mean, I'm sorry to have to talk like that, but these are sick freaks, folks!
And the Secret Service and the FBI has to sit around... I mean, if Hillary Clinton was putting crack pipes on the Christmas tree in 1995, what do you think they're doing now?
I mean, the Christmas tree's pretty regardless.
What makes you want to go deface it?
They're sick freaks.
They want to rule us.
They want... Why does a psychopath want to grab a woman and tie her up in torture for a month?
Because they like to dominate people.
They're bad!
They're bad!
How else am I supposed to explain this to you?
They're evil!
Like the communists and the Nazis!
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Alright, ladies and gentlemen, I'm firing myself up for a news blitz.
I'm gonna give the number out and take a few of your phone calls.
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Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, there is part of a speech, part of an interview that J.R.R.
Tolkien gave that no one's heard.
We're going to air a few clips of it, and then it'll be doled out over the next few weeks, coming up in about 20 minutes.
And I actually have the quotes here of what he says, and it's extremely interesting.
He said, I look east and west, and I look north and south, and I do not see a Sauron.
But I see very many descendants of Saruman.
And I think we hobbits now have no magic weapons against them.
And yet, dear gentle hobbits, may I conclude by giving you this toast.
Very interesting.
And then there's more coming out.
That's a smart way to do it, so people get interested in it.
Because, you know, his speeches are pretty rare.
You know, likening the manipulators of society to Sauron.
So we'll learn more about this interview.
Tolkien explains Lord of the Rings in Legendary Recording.
And we're going to be getting into some of that.
Coming up with an interesting individual.
What do you think of Cantor being kicked out and the total hissy fit of the Democrats on scene in MSNBC going, Big defeat for Republicans!
The religious credit is out!
It'd be like if you won the lottery.
You're really discredited if you won the lottery.
Yeah, Ted Cruz is surging in the polls.
He's discredited.
Rand Paul, even number one front-runner of the Republicans.
Whatever you do, don't talk about Liberty and George Washington.
Alex Jones exploding in the ratings.
Loved all over the world.
He's discredited.
Our ratings are imploding, his are exploding!
He's discredited!
And they just sit there with these smiles, these com games.
Yeah, we're doing real good!
I mean, it's just, I'm so sick of looking at these people.
We're ruled by a bunch of just pathetic, camp-following, gibbering, sell-out, candy-butted
And I don't even mean that in the classical sense of a nerd that likes mathematics.
I mean, I admire real nerds.
I mean, a political class of mealy-mouthed, sneaky, scam artists that have preyed on good men and women for too long.
And America hasn't been perfect, but it has been exceptional because we didn't trust the system, we kept things local, we didn't bow to bureaucrats, so we had prosperity.
Everybody wanted to come here.
Now we act like everybody else, but we always do things bigger and better, so we're going to be the most disgusting, most out of control, most filthy, most degenerate system the world's ever seen.
We do things bigger here in America.
And I've never seen anything in history as crazy, as dysfunctional, as politically weird.
Because there is a eugenicist, anti-human, control freak system that they call liberal, that's the opposite of liberal.
That is the driving glue that holds all this together, these different special interest and combines.
That if they get control fully, it's like industrial level Jeffrey Dahmer or something.
I mean, if they get what they want, everywhere they've got a captive audience, they torture and kill people and just do unspeakable.
I mean, they are a wall of evil.
Psychopaths with sociopaths working for him and mercenaries.
And then wannabe warrior nerds who are waging war on patriots and who want overwhelming odds and stealth to defeat us like it's a game or something.
It's like World of Warcraft, but it's government against us and corporations.
Like, how many people can they screw over like that helps them somehow?
Even though it's destroying their own nest.
I mean, it's crazy.
These people have it out for us.
They really do.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
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General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential forfeiture situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks, I'm being a sergeant!
Whether it's the radio show, the news websites, documentary films, or the nightly news, InfoWars is the tip of the spear.
Is this another false flag stage attack to take our civil liberties and put more homeless in security by sticking our hands down on the streets?
It's up to us to set brush fires in the minds of men and women everywhere.
And that's what PrisonPlanet.TV is designed to do.
If you watch, the Assad regime is going to be blamed or accused of using chemical weapons against the so-called rebels.
What we see now is a war against reality.
It's a war against the truth.
It's more vital than ever that supporters of freedom become members of PrisonPlanet.tv and share their membership with up to 11 friends and family.
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There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak.
I think, just let me think.
I suspect even now, orders are being shouted into telephones and men with guns will soon be on their way.
It's Chancellor Sutler.
Damn it!
Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.
Words are for the means to meaning and for those who will listen.
The truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?
You decided, sir.
You wanted it foolproof.
You taught me every television in London!
Cruelty and injustice.
Intolerance and oppression.
And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and selecting your submission.
We need cameras.
How did this happen?
Who's to blame?
Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others.
They will be held accountable.
But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it.
I know you were afraid.
Who wouldn't be?
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler.
He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowar.
It's a very positive sign that David Brat just dominated in the primary against the number two Republican in the House of Representatives, the Majority Leader, Cantor.
Every time I saw him, I literally got angry at the slick, fake lawyer crud.
Let me tell you, we get Secret Service agents selected, doctors, engineers like Bratt, veterans.
Congress is like 80% lawyers, and I'm not against lawyers in general, but you know what?
We don't need 80% of them up there with all their baloney.
We need people that care about being honorable, and that's resonating with the people.
We're sick of fake lawyers.
So it's very positive that's happening.
And I told you, the longest serving Republican in modern House history just got kicked out in the primary in Texas.
It's happening.
I saw some of the numbers.
Over 90% of Republican incumbents are losing in primaries right now.
I'm talking across the board.
State House, Congress, people are done.
A Democrat should be throwing establishment Democrats out as well.
And it's landslides.
It's landslides, so the election fraud isn't working as well.
And that's good, and I'm going to tell you something, and I'm going to give the phone number out, the little phone, but let's take four or five calls before this guest comes on.
The establishment's not monolithic.
I've never said it's totally controlled, we don't have any hope, oh, everything's orchestrated, everything's a conspiracy.
The globalists are trying to build a world government.
They're trying to run everything.
They're trying to surveil everything.
They're trying to get rid of other elites.
There is no special interest for the middle class.
There's a special interest for the Second Amendment.
That's why we've still got it.
Because we got together on it.
Because there was a citizens' rights group that Christians started at the end of the Civil War in 1868.
Christians had gotten abolition passed.
It's mainline history.
And they said, and we need to train Northerners how to shoot.
And they said, we're going to arm the black people with the NRA.
And it's the reason it's one of the only
Special interest groups for Americans and Fox Sports and CNN and MSNBC say that it was founded by the Ku Klux Klan because they hate you and they think you're stupid.
Just like they tell your kids 2 plus 2 equals 5 in official common core.
They hate you.
They hate logic.
They hate truth.
They're not liberals, folks.
They're fascist scum.
Boehner is scum.
John McCain is scum.
Harry Reid is scum.
Of course Harry Reid's got people trying to harass the Las Vegas radio station we're on to take us off.
Our listeners all need to call up and support the sponsors and become sponsors.
We've talked to the station folks.
They love the show.
We're fine.
But they should be rewarded for being patriots.
You know how freaked out Harry Reid is sitting in Vegas when I blanket the city?
You think they like it that my show's on in Washington, D.C.
on AM?
You think they like that, ladies and gentlemen?
You think it makes them happy?
I want to take a few phone calls right now.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
But we need to see more.
We need to really see people get aggressive with the First Amendment.
And we need to see banners hung up all over the country like we did for Obama the Joker when they tried to ban that for First Amendment.
And like we saw in other cases with the flu shot thing that made so much sense.
We need to come up with banners that everybody hangs up in your area, in public commons areas, saying the Democrats are preparing to stage terror attacks.
Keep your eyes open.
Document everything in the area.
So they know we're watching them.
And when they attack me and say, oh, I'm crazy, I'll just show Glenn Beck reading Democrat memos where they say we're going to have a new Oklahoma City and blame it on Glenn Beck.
You know what they send, letters to the radio station Glenn Beck and I are on and others.
They say, when there's a new Oklahoma City, you're going to be blamed.
Better take them off.
Better take Alex Jones off.
And then the internal fundraising memos that are public, it's been on Fox News, they say, there's going to be a big attack.
Don't worry, fundraisers, keep giving us money.
You know, you're going to get money for, you know, you're going to get a good buy for giving us money.
Don't worry, we're going to get in.
Just because we're unpopular in the polls doesn't matter.
There's going to be a big terror attack.
I mean, these people think you're so stupid.
They're operating in plain view.
We've got to head them off at the pass.
Who stands to gain from a terror attack?
I mean, any moron out there knows this.
I want to ask the police this.
You're not morons.
On average, are you?
Who would stand to gain from a new Oklahoma City?
We need the Jeopardy music.
Well, the Democratic memos.
In the Financial Times of London, Shapiro, one of Obama's supporters, Robert Shapiro says, we need a new Oklahoma City to get our agenda through.
Or 9-11.
And that's telegraphing to people.
But see, the little baby birds of the Democratic Party are sitting there begging for some food.
Cheap, cheap.
Why aren't you false flagging?
Cheap, cheap.
We could be the heroes and evenize our enemies.
Cheap, cheap.
But mama doesn't, or daddy doesn't want to vomit all the aborted babies in, you know, to feed them, or whatever, that are in the tummy.
That's what they live off of, you know.
That's an allegory for the New York Times, for they say, I actually believe that.
Because they know we're all watching.
See, we caught them with the underwear bomber being drugged and put on the plane by the CIA and it later came out in Congress.
See, we exposed your staged chemical attack against Assad to blame on him.
We know your games, dummy.
We have your playbook now.
You want to go watch the video?
Glenn Beck says government will stage false flag terror attack to discredit opposition.
And you know what station owners have told us?
They're getting Democrat seminar callers calling them up saying, get Alex Jones off.
But they're having people call saying, Glenn Beck's criticizing Alex Jones, take him off.
Well, that's really weird, isn't it?
That's what the Vegas station told us.
I mean, does Glenn Beck not think, no, they're going to come after him after they get rid of me?
Scott in Wisconsin, what do you think about all this?
Very interesting, Scott.
Alright, I guess Scott isn't there.
Kelly in New York, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hi.
How you doing, Alex?
I'm calling your show today, and it may be off the subject matter, but I have listened to many of your shows.
In particular, I've seen many of your shows with Dr. John Hall, who is from San Antonio, Texas, regarding targeted individuals.
Sure, ma'am, ma'am, ma'am.
Listen, here's the deal.
I don't really screen calls.
But I said I wanted to hear from people about the shift in the country with the Tea Party.
I appreciate your call.
People walk all over this show because we don't screen calls like everybody else, and I'm not mad at you.
It's just it's gonna end now.
Let's talk to Terry in South Carolina.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, actually it's Trey, but it's alright.
What the hell?
I just said it, go ahead.
What you're talking about, I was actually tuning in at MSNBC, which I rarely do,
But I was listening to it, and what they were saying, I think it's the Edge Show, I don't ever watch it, but they were attacking you.
Yeah, it looks like a giant, fat, force-fed woodchuck.
Yeah, that's right, it does.
And the way they talk, it's crazy, you know, just over and over.
The same thing, repeatedly, and it's, it's, it is, it's an open attack on the Tea Party, but you can see across the... Yeah, well, I mean, that's actually run by the White House officially, so what were they saying?
He was talking about, there was a picture of you on the screen, and they put a tinfoil hat on you, talking about how, I can't remember, it was like a piece of his program, and you were the highlight of it.
But the way I look at it, Alex, it's like the girl said in Wolf of Wall Street, when he was getting angry about the Forbes article, she told him, there's no such thing as bad publicity, and that's the truth, you know?
I'm glad that they're doing that because now they're getting your name out there on mainstream news.
Here's the problem with it, they don't have a big audience.
So I agree with you, and their audience is so brainwashed and so stupid that they won't listen anyways.
I mean, they use their audience like a toilet.
I mean, they just give them the worst info around.
Total disinformation and lies.
But why it's dangerous is it signifies, because they're White House run on record.
They take direct media matters, talking points from the White House, load it in their teleprompters.
That it's kind of creepy to have Soran, aka Obama, with his red eye looking at me.
Do you see what I'm saying?
Oh yeah, definitely.
I mean, it's happening all across the board now, you know, and the worst part about it is...
Don't talk bad about the woodchuck.
I gotta go, brother.
Thank you.
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Alright, a few weeks ago we got contacted by a very interesting individual, John DiBartolome.
Who heads up the Middle Earth Network dot com.
I know it's very popular.
And I've read Lord of the Rings.
I like it.
I like the whole allegory.
And I've read some of the writings and interviews.
There's not a lot of them.
With J.R.R.
Saying that no, indeed, growing up in South Africa and then being a linguist and archetypal historian.
uh... on european cultures uh... and of course but i think it was in world war one wasn't it was a world war two that uh... that it was world war one that it was an allegory to a lot of the way politics in the world really worked he was obviously a really smart guy
I've forgotten quite a bit of it, you know, read the lore of it a lot of years ago, but clearly that's why it's powerful.
And then I was sent some of the quotes that haven't been released yet, but I guess we do an article about it.
We can break some of this down.
So some of this is quotes by Tolkien.
They're remastering the audio recorded in the 50s right now.
We do have some never before heard clips today, and then hopefully the next few weeks we can release the really juicy clip.
The cold-hearted wizards, in their quest for knowledge and power, were only good at destroying things.
In his final salute to the Assembly of Hobbit lovers, Tolkien said that Sauron is gone, but the descendants of the hateful, shire-polluting wizard Saruman are everywhere.
The hobbits of the world have no magic weapons left to fight them.
We have that quote.
But he adds with a robust and hopeful declaration, and yet, the gentle hobbits, may I conclude by giving you a toast, the hobbits and they may outlast all the wizards.
Tolkien never again attended anything like this in his honor.
So a pretty reclusive guy, and most of the audio and things have been sat on by the family, which is a fine, that's the family.
But this is an interesting little giblet for Tolkienites out there.
I wouldn't call myself one of those, but I find it interesting.
I like a lot of literature, both fiction and non-fiction, certainly well-written.
And I wouldn't call myself a crazed fan of it, but I like it.
The big thing is it can reach out to the hundreds of millions of Tolkien fans out there.
And it's very exciting.
So I'm glad that we're going to be able to break some of this down.
We have our guest on Skype.
We're going to get him back here in a moment and talk to him a little bit about it.
And we have some of that audio that we're going to play here today.
But just always interesting the type of stuff that comes through this radio broadcast.
And my association
With occasionally talking about the allegory of the New World Order, the all-seeing eye, the all-seeing eye of the Illuminati, the all-seeing eye on the dollar bill, the New World Order led us to Viggo Mortensen.
Who's a listener of the show and came on and is a frequent listener.
And the guy that plays Gimli, he's been on, he's a listener.
What's his name?
Famous actor.
He's been on the show through that.
And so John, I appreciate you coming on the broadcast.
John DiBortola, thank you so much.
This is a brief segment, long segment coming up.
And I hear they're smoking your hobbit pipe right now.
So tell us about how you came along into this and when we're going to get to hear the whole really cool final speech he gave.
Well, thank you, Alex.
Thank you for bringing me on.
It's a great honor to be on here today.
I really love that you played the Conan the Barbarian theme before the segment here and it made me get my sword in hand to wage war on the Orcs today.
So once again, thank you.
I really appreciate it.
That was a Texan came up with Conan, a champion boxer, and then his mother died.
She committed suicide.
Who was that?
Robert E. Howard, I think.
Robert E. Howard.
Very good.
Yes, absolutely.
A Texan.
So yeah, the tape.
Really, it's a miraculous story how this all came to be.
A fellow by the name of Rene van Rossenburg, a friend of ours, who runs the Tolkien Shop in Holland.
He was doing research for a white paper he was creating for the Tolkien Society.
Stay there, we're just whetting their appetite.
This is a really exciting story, folks, because the full interview, I mean, Tolkien was against the New World Order.
I think it's clear.
We'll be right back.
This is going to be newsworthy.
Stay with us.
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From the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
John DiBartolo is our guest at MiddleEarthNetwork.com.
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And when you study politics and the power behind the throne, the All-Seeing Eye of the Illuminati, clear archetypes.
So it was probably 15 years ago I started reading some of the books that had
Fragments of the Tolkien interviews and things where he did liken it to World War I, World War II, different powers, the way political systems work, tyranny versus liberty.
And you could clearly see that he knew a lot as a top linguist and more.
But our guest has done a lot of studying, helped ferret out folks that had, you know, this rare interview that's going to be doled out, I guess, over the next few months.
We're going to air a first little clip here today.
But John, break it down again, how you ran into this, and from your deep research, where J.R.R.
Tolkien stands from his political view way back when this was recorded.
In what year?
In 1950?
Uh, this, yeah, it was recorded, the, the public recording was made in 1958 at what was called a Hobbit's Dinner.
Uh, this was the first time, what's amazing about this tape, too, it's so many firsts.
This is the first time that Tolkien went out of the country for a quote-unquote fan dinner.
Uh, like this.
So, uh, so it's a first in many ways and it's a complete recording from beginning to end.
Uh, so out on the internet, you'll find like fragmentary recordings of Tolkien and interviews, but never have we heard him before in a natural setting where he's able to deliver a speech from beginning to end.
So that's what really makes this tape unique.
But my friend Renee von Rosenberg from Holland, and this will happen really through the Tolkien Society, the British Tolkien Society.
We're all friends together.
And René von Rassenburg was doing research for a white paper he was going to deliver at a celebration at the Tolkien Society.
He knew about this speech that Tolkien had delivered at this Hobbit's dinner in 1958 in Rotterdam.
So he went to Rotterdam to research the speech.
And in his research, interviewing people that were still surviving, that were at the dinner, he came across the family of the man who actually was a hobbyist, a tape hobbyist.
Remember, this is 1958.
Reel to reel is fairly new.
So this guy would record all the speeches at these events.
And the family said, oh, we've got this tape.
You can have it.
So as a Tolkien fan, Rene was literally beside himself.
He didn't know what was going to be on the tape.
Brings the tape back, plays it, and nearly falls on the floor because you've got this entire speech from J.R.R.
And in the speech, like I said before, we're hearing Tolkien like we've never heard him before.
He's emotional.
He's jovial.
He's joking.
But at the same time, he's very serious.
He's talking about the direct meaning of the Lord of the Rings in a way that we've never heard him say before, even in his letters, in such a definitive way.
And there's just priceless quotes.
Well, I would call myself a novice Tolkien fan, not like somebody who's really had the time to get into it deeply, but I've resonated with it.
You obviously have done a lot of research into this, heading up one of the big societies out there that's been very successful at digging out a lot of lore.
Tell us a little bit about this really interesting man, because the more I've read about him, he was really an interesting person.
Well, like you said earlier in the introduction, he fought in the trench warfare of World War I. Most of his friends, his school friends, his college friends, I think only one of his friends made it through World War I. And he himself was sick in the war, but he survived through.
And obviously, the trench warfare had an immense and great effect on Tolkien himself.
He wasn't writing direct allegory, and you'll hear many scholars say this, and Tolkien himself said it very many times, that he was not a great fan of direct allegory.
He would like the themes to be taken up in the story himself.
Someone like his friend C.S.
Lewis was very interested in direct allegory.
This is an indirect allegory.
It's not like the screw tape letters that's direct.
He would call it applicability.
He would say what he was writing, you could make it very applicable.
Specifically, the ring.
The ring would be a symbol for power.
And if you read through his letters, and I would highly recommend anybody who's interested in not only the Lord of the Rings and the fantasy stuff, but just Tolkien as a man and a lot of maybe his politics and his beliefs, to read his letters because most of his letters have been published
We're good to go.
Verbatim from him.
He says, the spirit of wickedness in high places is now so powerful and so many-headed in its incarnations, there seems nothing more to do personally than to refuse to worship any of the Hydra's heads.
The world, he thought, seemed little better than a new Tower of Babel, all noise and confusion.
So even back in 1969, and way before that, in the 30s and the 40s,
He was writing about the level of corruption that had reached what he would call, quote-unquote, the central planners.
And he just described the New World Order so eloquently.
Right, exactly.
And, you know, I think I've heard you say before, you know, these people who he would call whiskered men with bombs, they're playing multi-level chess, right?
And the public is barely playing checkers.
So, you know, so right, the level of corruption at many levels is that many-headed Hydra.
Listen, I have had billionaires and globalists literally up in the top of big buildings, just like Gandalf going into Dr. Saruman, literally say, you must join with the New World Order.
I mean, and that's why I went and saw the movie.
I'm like, I remember reading that book 20 years ago, and it's like, that's really how they act.
I've been given that speech.
And so I guess Tolkien, as a high-level professor and others, he'd run into that, surely.
I mean, they're literally selling you on how evil's the way to go.
And so, you know, he says it's not direct allegory.
And I'm not comparing myself to Gandalf.
I'm just saying, that's the speech they give you, is that, you know, I am Soruman of many colors.
Well, you have to have a balance.
Join with Lucifer.
Join with the Great Eye.
The power of Isengard is now at your command.
Right, exactly.
And, you know, I think the disconnect for the average person is, the average person
They see a person with a nice suit on, and they cannot ever even fathom that that person might actually be evil.
There's a great disconnect in modern society, and that's why Tolkien is so brilliant, because he shows in a fantasy novel how deep evil can go, and it can affect the smallest person as well as the highest person in the world.
Let me ask you a question.
Who came up with the battle armor of Sauron that was in the film that came out over a decade ago and then in the new one when he walks out of the flame interdimensionally at that fortress when he defeats Gandalf?
I mean, I know it's described in the book, but not that way.
Who came up with that battle armor?
Well, that would probably be one of the set designers or the armor designers.
There was a lot of great armor and weapons designers working on the film.
Well, no, it's just that archetypally, in a lot of Illuminati research, that's one of the highest level initiations.
That's how Lucifer is described when he manifests.
Well, there's definitely, definitely a great similarity between what I would call the Sauronic characters in Tolkien's Legendary.
Well, I mean, there's a god and there's these higher angels.
Sauron's one of those.
He defects, tries to destroy the creation in rebellion.
It is a Christian allegory, is it not?
Yeah, well, when you go deeper into the mythology and read the Silmarillion, which the Silmarillion is the back legends, the history, so to speak, that lays behind the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit.
It's actually Morgoth, or Melkor, who is the satanic figure behind Sauron.
So Sauron is not the ultimate evil figure in the mythology, it's actually Melkor who is controlling things from behind the scenes.
Well that's right, doesn't Melkor fall to earth and gets destroyed and then out of it, it's kind of a reincarnation of Sauron?
Right, exactly.
Melkor is chained behind the door of night and then the angels, the higher powers, they give him pardon and let him out again and once again he wreaks havoc.
He's not redeemable, there's no repentance for Morgoth.
He's an absolutely true
Evil character.
And that's what's so brilliant about Tolkien.
He represents evil in such a pure and well-described way.
And notice, just like the cell phones really track everybody, they give us the technology, but with the back doors in it they're giving us all the tech, but it's ruled by the One Ring.
I mean, he's telling you how the wizards run everything in the allegory.
Exactly, and Tolkien himself was, he was extremely frightened and discouraged really at the level that machinery itself was taking over the world.
He predicted little computer gadgets would dehumanize us, so talk about that.
As a matter of fact, another great quote from his letters.
And again, I would highly recommend people, everyone, you, Alex Jones, go and read Tolkien's letters.
It's an absolute lesson in this whole area.
There's a quote where he talks about the War of the Machines that has already begun.
It made me think of Terminator when I read this quote.
The War of the Machines.
And he says, well,
The First War of the Machines seems to be drawing to its final, inconclusive chapter.
Speaking about World War II, leaving alas everyone the poorer, many bereaved or maimed, millions dead, and only one thing triumphant, the machines.
As the servants of the machine are becoming a privileged class, the machines are going to be enormously more powerful.
What's their next move?
So, I mean, he's personifying the machine.
Tolkien was a total visionary.
Total visionary!
And that's part of my mission, and the Middle Earth Network's mission, is to make people see that it just wasn't about the story of the Lord of the Rings.
Now, a lot of this is tied up in the story of the Lord of the Rings, but this was a brilliant man.
And the Middle Earth Network is also one of the co-founders of the Mythgard Institute.
Which is the very first online college allowing a master's degree in what we call Tolkien Studies.
Studying all the peripheral stuff that Tolkien himself loved and studied and enriching people.
Well, you're a great interviewer.
I want to have you back for a full hour soon.
This is amazing.
I'm glad you contacted us.
I want to play one of these clips, and I know you're saying it has to be remastered, because it's like listening to LBJ tapes from the 60s.
Their loop sound.
Yeah, exactly.
And that's part of me coming on here today, is to let people know about this tape.
Uh, and that we're on a mission to get this thing restored.
I consider it a miracle that it even came to us.
See, the thing about the Middle Earth Network is we're a fan group.
We're a collection of fans.
We're a collection of people who love J.R.R.
And I thank God that this tape came to us and not some big corporation or maybe even a private investor who would have just bought it and buried it from the world because this is a really important
Listen, I know nothing about this compared to you, but what I've picked up trying to find out about Tolkien over the years is so much of his stuff has been held and sat on.
Is that gut level analysis correct or is it wrong?
A lot of it has been sat on.
Who knows how much is actually out there?
I mean, this tape was virtually unknown until my friend Rene discovered it in the early 90s, and he kept it just because he's just such an avid collector and wasn't really even sure what to do with it.
And really, it came to us through a mutual friend, a beautiful Tolkien artist, Jay Johnstone, brought it to our attention.
And really, they were happy to release it through us, a fan group, because they knew we would really respect
And be good stewards and wardens of the tape itself and not do it in an overly commercial way.
We're going to play this clip.
Now, how long is the total speech and when are we going to get to hear the whole thing?
Total speech is approximately 20 minutes long.
Right now we are in the process of restoring the tape.
We have done one level of restoration.
We got it as a WAV file originally.
So Rene still has the reel-to-reel, the physical reel-to-reel, but we actually do have
Uh, a notification that the BBC is very interested in restoring the actual reel-to-reel.
And that is kind of like a forensic process that they have to go through.
Baking the tape and all this stuff.
Sure, because for those that don't know, I mean if you don't, it literally has static...
It has a looping sound, and we were able with a computer just today to take some of the background hiss out of this particular clip.
And then when we come back from break, I want you to tell us some quotes, if you can, of some of the other stuff in context.
But describe this first virgin airing of a short clip of him talking about the wizards manipulating society.
He saw the wizards, really, as the masters of the machine.
And the machine, to him, was about coercive power, right?
Changing the natural world, changing natural abilities, and to coerce whole populations with power.
And that's why he makes reference to the wizards the way he does in this quote.
I'm actually going to set up the clip with a little bit that precedes the actual clip we're going to play, so it makes a little bit more sense.
He says towards the end of this 20 minute speech that he delivered to the Hobbit Center, he says, 20 years have flowed away.
Down the long river, but never in my life will return for me from the sea.
Ah, years in which looking far away I saw ages long past when still trees bloomed free in a wide country.
Alas, for now all begins to wither in the breath of cold-hearted wizards.
To no things they break them.
And their stern lordship they established through the fear of death.
And that's the preceding quote right before the clip we're going to play.
I mean, that is like poetry on the Illuminati on the New World Order.
To me, it's prophetic, really.
You know, Tolkien would probably laugh at my summation of that, but to me, it's just... To be writing this stuff in the 30s, 40s, and 50s, to me, is just amazing.
We're just talking about this stuff now.
Let's go ahead and roll the clip.
Here it is.
Well, I can't wait to hear the whole 20-minute speech and the parts that precede it and the parts that come, of course, in front of it.
What did he say after he finished the quote?
Alright, that was it.
That was the final toast that he gives.
And then the introducer, the host of the dinner, closes out.
And we do have that recorded as well, the closing comments of the host.
Your introing, it's even more powerful.
That's just amazing.
I look east and west, I look north and south, and I do not see a Sauron, but I see very many descendants of Sauromon, and I think we hobbits now have no magic weapons against them, and yet, dear general hobbits, may I conclude by giving you a toast to the hobbits.
I mean, they outlast all the wizards.
And the point is, the simple good people that are just as smart as the wizards, but don't want to dominate and control.
Simply amazing.
We're going to come back.
We're going to come back with a final segment with you and then get you back in the future when more clips come out for a full hour.
But certainly, in context with his other published stuff and the transcript of what you just read previously, it's clear he was a visionary.
All right, we'll be right back with our guest.
I'm Alex Jones of InfoWars.com.
You can check out John's site, MiddleEarthNetwork.com.
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John DiBartolo is our guest.
He heads up the MiddleEarthNetwork.com.
I am Alex Jones, your host.
And again, I always read a few quotes of Tolkien, read his books.
I think I read the Cimmerillion, I think I know I did, back in college, and I'm like, man, this guy really knew about how the world worked, but he never stated it outright.
He did it in kind of oblique allegories, but now we've got somebody on who's really researched it and brought up amazing quotes I've never heard and played that clip, but I can't wait to get the remastered
Previous clip to his final toast.
That was extremely powerful.
John, any other little tidbits you'd like to throw out there to the audience?
Yeah, I'd like to actually have a direct reply from Tolkien himself to your statement of allegory.
I think this is really cool.
Speaking about the ring, it's almost as if he was in the conversation with us.
He says,
You can make the ring an allegory of our own time, if you like.
An allegory of the inevitable fate that awaits all attempts to defeat evil, power by power.
But that is only because all magical power, or mechanical, does always so work.
So again, just absolutely brilliant summation of the corrupting power of the machine.
If the Soviets are staging terror attacks,
To mobilize their people.
You can't stage terror attacks on America to mobilize our people.
It always turns to evil.
You can't do evil things and have it turn into something good.
It always comes back to bite you in the butt.
And wisdom knows that.
Cold-blooded wizard knowledge would tell them they can get away with it.
And if I can, I'd like to read another quote.
The news today about atomic bombs, this is right after the Hiroshima thing, or right before Hiroshima.
The news today about atomic bombs is so horrifying, one is stunned.
The utter folly of these lunatic physicists to do such work for war purposes, calmly, calmly plotting the destruction of the world.
Such explosives in men's hands, while their moral and their intellectual status is declining, is about as useful as giving out firearms to all inmates of a prison and then saying, hope this will ensure peace.
But one good thing may arise out of it, I suppose, if the write-ups are not overheated.
Japan might cave in.
We're all in God's hands now, but He does not look kindly on the babble builders.
Yeah, and that's why I try to motivate people to read Tolkien's letters, because literally almost every letter is chock-full of quotes like this.
Just an absolutely brilliant man.
I personally, as a Tolkien fan, love his letters almost as much as I do his fiction.
Well, I was about to say I'm a fan, but I'm really a fan now.
I mean, I've read some of those letters online.
Where do you find all the letters?
I guess they sell books of them, or?
Yeah, you could buy the published letters of J.R.R.
It was a recently updated version a few years ago, and there's hundreds, hundreds of letters published, many that are still unpublished and show up once in a while through private collectors.
But I would highly recommend, it's called the Letters of J.R.R.
Tolkien, and I would highly recommend any fans or non-fans
You want to get into Tolkien?
Start with the letters.
It's just a wonderful way, as well as joining groups like the Tolkien Society.
You can go to TolkienSociety.org or the Middle Earth Network.
We have a great group of people.
We host a lot of artists.
That's another thing I wanted to mention is
Independent culture.
I remember you had an interview with Viggo Mortensen.
One of my favorite interviews that you did was Viggo Mortensen.
And he talked a lot about what he called independent culture.
And that's one of the ways... We have to make our own art outside of their paradigm like Tolkien did.
We have to culture jam by not putting out what they give us, but by creating our own systems.
That's the true peaceful revolution for the magic against the machines.
Right, the revolution, it's not to, uh, someone else said on one of your shows once, it's, we don't want to die for the revolution, we want to live for the revolution.
It's about living, it's about doing good things, creating a world that is beautiful.
And that's the way it's going to be done.
Amazing, sir.
I'm impressed.
Thank you so much.
Look forward to having you back on soon.
Nightly News tonight at 7.
I'll be back tomorrow, Lord willing.
Great job to the crew, Nico and all the folks getting this together.
Love the sword, brother.
That's a great interview.
That guy's awesome.
I want him back on.
All right.
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