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Name: 20140528_Wed_Alex
Air Date: May 28, 2014
2699 lines.

In this episode, Alex Jones discusses topics such as government cover-ups, mainstream media manipulation, and upcoming guests including Paul Joseph Watson from Copenhagen, Denmark. He also mentions the Bilderberg Group meeting and its agenda to control the world's future. Jones introduces various products available for purchase on Infowars.com, including heirloom tomato seeds, water filters, gold IRAs, and a fluoride-free whitener. The episode also covers Edward Snowden's claims on NBC News regarding his involvement with the CIA and NSA, as well as attempts to cover the secretive Bilderberg conference.

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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this 28th day of May 2014 on this Wednesday edition.
We've got Paul Joseph Watson from Copenhagen, Denmark with big breaking news on the Global Elite meeting to continue to plan our future and steal our collective destinies.
He's going to be joining us in T-minus 30 minutes.
We've got David Knight, who's now in-country as well.
They're reporting he'll be joining us for 30 minutes at the start of the third hour, and Dr. Edward Group, one of my favorite guests, is going to be in studio on a host of issues in the second hour today.
Dr. Steve Pachanek, who co-wrote a bunch of books with Tom Clancy and was the head of psychological operations with the State Department and who did head up the Camp David Accords and a lot more,
Who did break down how Bin Laden was dead back in 2002.
They had his body frozen to be rolled out later.
He's been proven right on a lot of stuff.
We have the tape where he said back in this February that Snowden is actually a spy.
And that he was not just an analyst or not just a tech guy.
Now Snowden's come out and said that.
So we will definitely play that clip from when he said it earlier this year.
And I want to get him back on it.
Maybe tomorrow, maybe Friday, maybe the Sunday show.
We'll see what happens with Dr. Steve Pchenik.
And Pchenik's also saying that it's a false flag out in California, out in Santa Barbara.
And he's a medical doctor and a psychiatrist.
And he's saying it's a staged event.
They're blaming all white males right now, even though this guy wasn't even, quote, pure white.
And even though he targeted, quote, blonde women.
It should be blonde women targeted in a racial attack.
But somehow it's probably blonde women's fault at the end of the day here.
So we're going to be looking at that coming up.
And we're also going to get into, as I said, Bilderberg, more on that.
We have video up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Reporters arrested as cloak of secrecy descends.
Paul Watson was there to witness it happening.
I told Watson, I said, they're not going after you because you look like you're Danish.
You look like a Northern European.
You know, 6'3", 6'4".
High cheekbones.
Wearing a sports jacket.
Guaranteed, folks, when other reporters from the U.S.
showed up, you know, with beards and stuff, I mean, it was a rest time.
Paul could have just absolutely, probably even stayed in there until they closed it.
But that went on.
It's all profiling.
We've now got David Knight in there.
And we've also got Josh
Owen's there, and someone else.
We always like to have a little ace in the hole, a little secret that nobody knows.
So, we've got other operatives of the Infowar.
They're on the ground, and it should be interesting and, as I said, quite informative today.
The poet, Maya Angelou, is dead at 86.
Goldman President warns trading environment abnormal.
Well, you have the high-frequency trading scam.
I mean, what do you mean?
I mean, it's not your abnormal scam?
Also, new fun stars write junk bonds at the top.
Oh yeah, the derivative scandal's bigger than it's ever been.
Google us, self-driving cars that has no steering wheel or brakes.
That's all up on DrudgeReport.com.
We'll tell you what's on InfoWars.com when we come back.
FBI agent says synthetic biology could reduce our population and more.
I'm Alex Jones coming to you from deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, formerly Texas.
I don't know what it is.
Ralph just won't pay any attention to me.
When he comes home from work, all he ever does is play video games and go to sleep.
It's like I don't even exist.
Oh Betty, that's just awful.
Does this seem familiar?
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Because there is a war over your mind.
Metropolis has nothing but this.
You breathing in fumes, I taste when we kiss.
Down to what you really are, ladies and gentlemen.
We are live, ladies and gentlemen, on this Wednesday, the 28th day already.
Of May 2014, Paul Watson joins us from Copenhagen, Denmark at the bottom of the hour to break down big developments there with Bilderberg Group and really the future destiny of our world being continued to be steered.
We also are going to have David Knight and Josh Owens pop in as well later in the transmission.
There is so much dealing with the stock market with Edward Snowden.
With so many other issues that we're going to be breaking down in great detail today.
But first off, I had arguments with Curt Nemo and with Steve Pchenik separately.
Friendly arguments.
When they were both saying they thought Snowden was some type of globalist double agent operative to actually roll out limited hangout, only some of the NSA spying, because it could no longer be covered up anymore.
And Pchenik said this last year, he said it in February of this year on this show.
We have a clip of that we're going to play later.
Well, now Snowden comes out and says, I'm a real spy on a low level.
I work for the CIA and the NSA.
Now, that isn't an admission that he's a double agent working to sell NSA spying because he's been critical of it.
And he's been critical of Putin.
Maybe he's just saying, hey, you know, you guys know that I was more
Uh, than just a administrative, uh, technical person who had access to a bunch of data.
I'm more than that.
There's a lot of different corporate interests, though, that are transnational and are more entrenched than even just one nation against another.
It's very cloak and dagger.
I don't know.
But Schenick says that it's a coming out operation for the NSA and that Snowden works for the NSA.
And this is them preparing to bring him back to the U.S.
so he can now be the leader of the anti-surveillance movement and then betray it.
And at that point, it just gets so cloak and dagger, it gives me a headache.
But Pucinich did say that, and now much of it's come true.
And Nemo!
Has been very suspicious of him and written articles showing a bunch of connections to where they leaked the info and how they leaked it to the NSA, the British intelligence as well, and the CIA.
And I told Kurt, I said, look, you can write these articles because I don't get involved a lot with what my writers write.
I mean, I know they're already smart guys that care about freedom.
We all differ a little bit on our views.
That's normal.
I don't run a Kim Jong-un police state around here.
But I think things are shifting more towards the Kurt Nemo, Steve Pchenik camp right now.
And it gives me a headache.
Trying to see all the angles here.
I guess Nemo's probably right though.
You go off how he leaked it, who he did it through, how the telecoms want to actually cut the NSA out.
Of controlling the architecture they built that is far surpassed the NSA.
And I think therein lies the area that Snowden may work if he is a triple or double agent for a deeply aligned movement of corporations where they want to control the opposition.
But that itself could be a way to cause a distraction and infighting and a diversion and then change the story off of the NSA spying and the surveillance ubiquitous Big Brother grid onto Snowden and is he a globalist agent?
But I think in this age of paranoia, in this age of deceit, in this age of betrayal, I think it's to be expected that people don't trust anyone.
That's why you've got to have a long track record.
You've got to see consistently where people stand.
I know the Russians really tried to get rid of Snowden.
They didn't want him there.
And no one would take him anywhere else.
They couldn't get rid of him.
And now they've basically just parked him working at a website that Russians have.
So now the media is kind of acting like maybe Snowden's not so bad bringing back
I think time will tell.
I think time will tell.
I want to play a report that we shot last Friday before David Knight left town that we're going to premiere here that they just finished yesterday that deals with the history of Bilderberg in just four short minutes to kind of re-prime folks for why Bilderberg is so important and why we're covering it.
It's not the apex of the world government.
It's not the paramount.
of the world government.
It's one of the unsubmerged tips of an iceberg showing larger structures under it.
And it's a major window into how the world really works and into globalization and the technocratic age that Brzezinski wrote about.
So it's an entrance into Mordor.
Something they denied ever existed.
So, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado,
Let's go ahead and go to this piece.
The Bilderberg Overlords with David Knight put together by Darren McBrain.
Last week, elections in the UK saw a huge defection from Conservative and Labour parties.
UKIP, a party opposed to the European Union, surged from just two seats to more than 150 seats.
Now, of course, the mainstream media glibly dismissed them as, wait for it, racists.
But actually, they're just opposed to globalist control.
And that doesn't make them xenophobes or racists.
Now, one mainstream media, The Economist, got it right.
They said, throughout Europe, broadly anti-EU parties are rising as an indictment of the European Union.
A project that millions of voters have come to associate with hardship and failure.
They said, this is an issue of democracy, not of economics.
Voters are not impressed when they toss out an incumbent government only to be told by the EU that its replacement must stick to the same fiscal rules and economic policies.
And we've seen that happen in Greece and in Italy, where an Italian member of the European Parliament, Borgheseo, pointed out Mario Monti, and he's the Goldman Sachs banker who replaced a democratically elected Prime Minister, and Italian Minister Letta are members of Bilderberg, and Rienzi, the current Prime Minister, is their puppet.
That's right, Bilderberg.
It's not just where European political puppets go to get their job, but it's also where American presidential hopefuls go to audition for their job.
Bilderberg always insists on a media blackout.
By June of 2008, we had already figured out that Barack Obama was the elite's puppet of choice.
The national media claimed that during the weekend the Bilderberg group was scheduled to meet, that Obama had speaking engagements set for Chicago and the Midwest.
We knew better.
In a classic bait-and-switch, the Obama campaign told the press corps to get on Obama's campaign plane and that Obama would join them on the flight to Chicago.
Campaign staff then slammed the door shut.
The fawning press had been shanghaied as Obama's campaign aircraft lifted off without Obama.
The Bilderberg Group sits at the top of the world power structure.
125 of the richest and most influential individuals on the globe make up its membership.
But the European Union itself, as well as a unified currency of the euro, were planned in the 1950s at Bilderberg.
As the chairman of Bilderberg, Devin Yon, bragged about in 2009, that's why the Italian MEP Borgheseo called Bilderberg the root of all evil.
And other prominent Italians have called for a criminal investigation of Bilderberg.
Well, as bad as the EU has been for Europe, Bilderberg has plans for America as well.
That's what TAFTA, the Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement, as well as TPP, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, will do to America.
Now, one will unite us to Europe, the other will unite us to Asia.
Both of them will destroy our economy as well as our sovereignty, putting us under the rule of globalist corporations and bankers.
But of course the mainstream media has for decades pretended that Bilderberg doesn't even exist.
They've ridiculed Jim Tucker, Daniel Estelin, Alex Jones and others who reported on Bilderberg.
Even last year Alex Jones was ridiculed as an idiot and a conspiracy theorist on the BBC for his coverage of last year's Bilderberg meeting in the UK.
There may be a conspiracy, but it's not a theory.
As Paul Joseph Watson reported just last week, a Berlin-based magazine, Cicero, quoted a Bilderberg member as saying, those sentences which really matter are being spoken at Bilderberg.
You learn an incredible amount.
Davos, in comparison, is pure PR talk.
Now, of course, the mainstream media will be all over the economic summit at Davos, but the question is, will they even show up to the Bilderberg meeting?
We want to bring them out of the shadows.
We want to shine the light on them.
That's why when they meet this week in Copenhagen, the InfoWars team will be there.
Paul Joseph Watson, Josh Owens and I will be giving you coverage there.
Join us!
Help us bring this into the light and expose what's being done in secret as the most powerful politicians and corporate leaders meet to plan a global agenda.
Great job, David Knight and crew.
We're doing something epic here together, folks.
We're exposing that it isn't foreign governments trying to take us over, it's foreign corporate conglomerates that have already taken us over.
Once everybody knows that, politically, they're done.
That's why they've tried to deny this forever, because it will be the end of them.
We will win.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Paul Watson's coming up in the next segment to talk about Bilderberg.
I'm going to get his take on Snowden as well.
We have that clip in February of Pucinich saying that Snowden's an operative.
I didn't really shut him down, but I just, at that point, I just didn't see proof.
And now Snowden's come out saying he was really an operative of the CIA, and NSA, and that he's a patriot, and everything he did was, quote, for America.
That has, like, a double meaning.
So we're gonna get Pachinik on to break that down.
I'm not throwing Snowden under the bus right now, or the Guardian, or any of these groups,
He's saying it's a false flag.
Pchenik is as well, out in Santa Barbara.
You know, it's hard to say a little skinny nerd could kill three people with a knife without them being able to fight back.
But, I mean, have you ever seen a mentally ill person, how hard it is to control them?
I don't know.
I just know white people are being blamed for this.
He targeted the most white of white, so it's white people's fault.
I mean, it just...
I slipped on a banana pill last week.
And did you know it was because of white people?
I want to go to this clip.
This full video is up on InfoWars.com.
Reporters arrested as cloak of secrecy begins.
Agenda for Bilderberg Confab illustrates global elite in a panic.
And one of our great writers here should do a whole story on
Daniel Lesteland yesterday and the fact that in 2006 he said Bilderberg was going to implode the housing market in 2008.
Indeed, that happened from his sources.
I happen to know who one of his sources is.
In fact, the only reason I can talk about it is some of it actually came out in the newspaper years after that
I'm not even going to say it.
You know what, even though it's public and hiding in plain view, I'm not going to say who the source is.
The point is, Estlin has real sources.
And he gave nine points yesterday to the real agenda.
That's the real agenda that was sent weeks ago to one of the members, who doesn't like the agenda.
So they're not all bad in there.
A lot of them are there because they're at the top of their field.
And again, they're all key managers off for other sectors and other combines.
And it is a consensus, but they're already in the consensus because they were already in another consensus.
Then they just have fine-tuning of the consensus.
And again, they didn't want this to be known that it existed.
It's over for the system.
I know I keep saying this because it's so important.
It's like having the plans of the Death Star, folks.
If you have the plans, you can blow it up politically.
That it's an illegitimate corporate takeover that seeks to end free market, end the family, end humanity as we know it, in a technological, technocratic takeover for a tiny elite.
It's bad for 99.999999999.
We've done the math before.
There's 6,000
Superclass in the Kissinger-Gribson analysis, which I agree with, 6,000 super gophers, less than 20 families that own pretty much everything.
So a few hundred people that own it, 6,000 that serve them, 6,000 people in the super control class.
You divide that into 7,300,000,000, it's .00000023, I think?
So when they say it's the 1%, it's the enemy.
No, no, the globalists are going after the 1% because they're the middle class wealth.
Some guy that makes a million dollars a year, folks, is in the 1%.
You ought to be kissing their booty.
They are the ones that buy the sports cars and come to your restaurant and get their hair done and their...
You know, their wife divorces them and the lawyers get the money and their kids go to private school.
They are the economy.
The globalists have said this.
You get rid of the nouveau riche upper end of the middle class, the new rich, you shut down most of the economy.
And you shut down the ladders up.
How many of you out there work for somebody who's nouveau riche, wealthy, has a big house, nice cars?
And you charge them a bunch of money to do stuff on their house and do things.
How would you do if they were gone?
Well, there you go.
You'd be in a third world country.
Let's go to the clip of the arrest going on there at the hotel.
You cannot touch my camera and you cannot touch me.
If you touch me, if you touch me, I will press the button.
I will ask you first to delete.
You can ask me anything you want.
You can ask me to go to the moon.
It doesn't mean I can get to the moon.
We're walking out of here.
We wish to leave your premises immediately.
We haven't done anything wrong.
We're in a public common area.
We use your business.
And you cannot take my private property away.
This is my equipment.
This is my video footage.
You are very nice.
Thank you.
I appreciate that.
What's your name?
My name's Luke.
Alright, this goes on for like 10 minutes.
Full video up at InfoWars.com.
We're taking you live to Copenhagen, in Europe, straight ahead, where Paul Joseph Watson will join us from the Shadowy Bilderberg Group.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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I don't know what it is.
Ralph just won't pay any attention to me.
When he comes home from work, all he ever does is play video games and go to sleep.
It's like I don't even exist.
Oh Betty, that's just awful.
Does this seem familiar?
If the answer to this question is yes, then listen carefully.
Toxic pesticides, GMO foods and additives, BPA plastics, contaminated water supplies, many of these toxic additives are deliberately engineered to attack and weaken human masculinity.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
There are some rivetingly interesting, intriguing articles up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
FBI agents' synthetic biology could reduce our population.
I'm going to be breaking that down.
Snowden is a national security state asset.
Kurt Nemo.
And I have to say, Kurt's instincts are starting to look like they may be correct with Snowden basically admitting as much.
Bilderberg 2014, reporters arrested as Cloak of Secrecy descends.
There's no footage of the actual arrest because Watson, who shot most of it, was able to creep off.
We have him on the line.
They seized Radowski's camera and drug him off.
Continuing InfoWars reports on-site.
There's video of that.
Atlanta Mayor Reed to participate in an annual Bilderberg meeting.
They usually have a mayor of a prominent city there to push globalization because they can get mayors to do in-runs around state and federal government.
Look at Austin, that's a model UN city.
We've also got an overview of our overlords, Bilderberg 2014, that video report we just premiered here on the radio.
It's now up on InfoWars.com if you'd like to see it as a radio listener.
We have the Bilderberg official agenda that's now been released.
We have VA cops stomped on veteran's head, killing him, and more whistleblower news on that front.
And a lot of other important news up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Also, trouble adjusting to sexual assault may be
Getting people booted out of the military.
You know, it's funny that whenever something corrupts going on in the system, that's okay.
But then if someone even claims that, out in quote civilian life, you're going to jail for a very long time.
I tell you, the government is just so abusive across the board.
There's a culture of just getting away with all sorts of hardcore abuse.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, the Bilderberg meeting officially kicks off tomorrow in Copenhagen, Denmark.
It meets every year, three years in a row in Europe, and then every fourth year in the United States, generally in Virginia.
And because they've got a special relationship with the head of Marriott, it's generally at a Marriott five-star resort.
Surrounded on multiple sides by water.
And that's what they've done in the government district of the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen.
They have done that yet again.
We got the list.
We were able to publish it yesterday.
DrudgeReport.com carried it.
And we're still not seeing any mainstream U.S.
media covering it.
We are seeing London Guardian cover it.
We are seeing some German and other papers covering it.
But no U.S.
media covering it.
Joining us to describe the arrest he witnessed yesterday and the fence they've put up and they've now shut the hotel down, throwing people out that had reservations right through to today, including Paul Watson, is our own Paul Watson.
Then our other reporters that haven't yet been thrown out by security, which is under common law and we've checked the EU law,
They'll be able to be told to get off before they get arrested.
So we'll have David Knight and Josh Owens try to go in later today, via live video and audio feeds.
We'll see if they can get a live Skype feed there on the ground.
That's coming up in about an hour.
But Paul Watson, a lot is unfolding, a lot is going on.
We also have Estellant with a major
Yeah, if you want to pick up from last night, which is when I was last on the show.
Basically, we gathered in the lobby just about an hour after I got off your show, probably.
And there were obviously more Bilderberg organisers milling around.
There was a plan to go to dinner and kind of earwig on some of them, but mainly they're speaking in Dutch.
And so, while we were there, obviously, we were checked in.
That all went smoothly.
I checked into the room.
We were due to stay there that night.
Luke Radowski and Dan Dix were also there, obviously, and they decided to go ahead and confront the Bilderberg organisers straight up, so they just walked up to them with the camera, started asking them questions about Bilderberg.
At first, they pretended not to know anything about it, then it became obvious that they did, and the security was called within about two minutes.
And the issue was they demanded we delete every photo or video that we'd already taken, which is pretty stupid in the days of live streaming and incident uploads to Twitter.
So they went around demanding we all delete our footage.
Obviously, my plan was to stay in the hotel and gather some intel, so I didn't want to get kicked out.
Yeah, that was a great plan, but that's not going to happen now.
Please continue.
So, um, obviously Luke and Dan refused to delete their footage, they said.
We just want to leave, we're leaving the hotel.
Started to walk out the door, um, we all basically got out of the hotel, but Dan was still in there, they grabbed him by the arm, they physically restrained him.
At that point we left, um, Luke was still there with Dan, and they called the police and ended up being arrested for, initially they said they had drugs on them, which was completely made up,
Well, let's get technical.
We were in there three days before it even started and went in to get dinner.
And they all surround us and go, Mr. Jones, you've got to leave.
And I said, I'm a guest.
I hadn't checked in yet.
I wanted to snoop around before I even let them throw me out.
I remember we just kept eating and drinking with the security guys all standing around like matter of matter.
That was fun.
Well, this time around, I mean, I posted the image on Twitter, they roped off the stairs from the lobby going up to the second floor, because Bilderberg has taken over the entire second floor of that hotel.
Actually, I went up the staff, the emergency back stairs, which are only used by the staff, and you could get to every level apart from two.
They completely sealed off the entrance to level two via the back stairs as if it never existed, which was probably some kind of fire hazard or something, but
And then if you got out on the lift at the second floor, there were people there immediately, you know, ushering you back in.
So that's on lockdown.
They got people patrolling the bridges around.
They're telling ice cream sellers a mile away to look out for suspicious people.
If you so much as have a camera anywhere near the hotel, they come and harass you.
Today we met with the police liaison and they've given us a spot right as the cars come in, so we'll be right up against the cars inside the hotel grounds as they come in.
As media, that's a different spot from where all the protesters will be, so they're going to allow a limited amount of media, up to 20 people they said, in that area to take footage live streaming as Bilderberg members are driving in.
So, we met with the Dialogue Police, is what they're called today.
He walked us to the site and pointed out where they'd graciously allow us to stand and take footage.
It was made very clear that we couldn't express any kind of opinion or protest, that it was simply for observation and documentation purposes.
But, you know, it's certainly a lot better spot than it was last year in Watford.
Well, Paul, I see you're tweeting at your Twitter and that's great.
Please put them out on the Alex Jones Channel so a larger audience can see them.
Maybe put an article together with some of the photos because I want people to be able to see them.
And I know you're about to have a camera crew there so they can get more out, but people are really ready to see you do some live feeds as well.
I'd like you to cover our reporters as they try to go in with a live Ustream feed so that we have multiple angles on that today.
That would be excellent.
How's your internet working there?
It's not great in the hotel, to be honest.
I mean, it's a four-star hotel, but the internet is not great here.
In terms of the area around the hotel, there should be a full cell phone signal.
Well, let's get some live feeds going for all the folks out there.
Quarterbacking this from remote, I know we saw as many as 4,000 at any one time at Watford, biggest crowd ever protesting in England, north of London.
What do you expect this year?
I know it's more remote, it's more costly in that area.
I tried to meet a few years ago, I guess three years ago, up on top of Swiss Mountain when you were there.
And that became an international debacle, but still hundreds of protesters showed up there.
How many do you expect to show up tomorrow?
Well, obviously you don't have the big Alex Jones, David Icke draw, so there certainly won't be anywhere near like there was last year.
The organisers were talking about 1,000, but I think that's optimistic.
I mean, there's nobody there now.
There are no protesters at all.
It's completely vacant.
Obviously, they'll start to turn up tomorrow, so I would imagine probably 200 or 300 on each day would be a fair guess.
Now, Estillon broke down some of the things on their agenda.
Stop the rise of nationalist movements that can block globalization, the bankruptcy of Europe.
People really know the EU is unelected, tyrannical now.
They talked about their plan to try to block Russian gas supplies.
Their plan to, you know, bring in more and more web censorship.
From our sources, Paul, there.
I know you're developing sources on the ground as well.
Other intel you've got on their agenda?
Well obviously, the presence of the Supreme Allied Commander of Europe, Philip Breedlove, in addition to Anders Rasmussen, the NATO Secretary General.
Remember that every single NATO Secretary General has also been a Bilderberg member.
Their presence obviously underlines what we revealed a few days ago beforehand, which was that Ukraine and the collapse of this unipolar agenda is going to be at the head of the table in terms of discussion.
And we were actually talking to some US Army who were staying in the hotel as personal protection for the Supreme Allied Commander of Europe, Philip Breedlove.
They basically go around the world as his personal protection, so...
That is going to be a major topic of discussion.
Obviously, you've got Christine Lagarde there, who oversaw the stripping and looting of Ukraine with the IMF loans.
And you've got the mayor of Atlanta, Kazim Reed.
We know that Bill Clinton attended in 1991 as a little-known governor of Arkansas.
Then he was elected president, so he looks like... Same thing with Tony Blair.
When they get a mayor or a governor or a senator at the meeting, it means they're being looked at as presidential material.
Exactly and then the future of democracy in the middle class trap and then they're talking about is the economic recovery sustainable which again you go back to 2006 they were positioning themselves for the financial collapse so the fact that they're putting doubt as to whether the so-called economic recovery which of course is nothing of the sort but the fact that they're talking about that again is ominous.
Does privacy exist which is you know
Closer to should privacy exist in their eyes with bombshell Greenwald Snowden revelations to come.
We know that the biggest of those revelations are yet to come, which is basically what we already know, that they're recording not only metadata, they're recording actual conversations of people within the United States.
That's why they have these huge storage facilities.
If it was only the metadata, they wouldn't need storage facilities that big.
Of course, they're tracking it all in real time.
That's on record.
You know, the top psych warfare expert, Dr. Steve Pchenik, said he didn't think, he says he knows Alexander, he knows Clapper, and he said this last year, and he said it again in February, he said, look, this is all coming out, Snowden works for us, and he wanted to come on air and talk about that.
I just said, you know what?
I said, that might be a psyop from you to then discredit him.
He goes, no, this is a coming out of it.
This is so they can control the debate and limit what really comes out.
And now Snowden came out, as folks know, on NBC News and basically said, look, I'm CIA, NSA, you know, high-level operative, and I did what I did for America.
So you got to let me come back to America.
And the media is now lightening up on him.
Paul, what does your gut tell you on that front?
I haven't read that article, Alex.
All I know is that I've repeatedly tried to get Glenn Greenwald to come on your show and at first he says he might do it and then you just never hear from him again.
Well, I mean, I've had people on the show before, and Assange is in the background, like Jones, Dr. Yarrow, the Member of Parliament, and he's there in the room, and then during the break, we talk to him, and he goes, oh, I'm a big listener, but, you know, I can come on later.
And then all these people listen to the show, and I mean, nothing that big a deal even getting them on, it's just that, yeah, it's, well, Nemo's done the articles showing their connection to all these different spook organizations.
Go ahead.
I haven't seen the NBC interview, so I don't know what Snowden said.
He said, I was trained as a spy and did operations for the NSA and CIA all over Europe in deep cover.
Which is exactly, which is exactly what, what Pchenik said.
He's one of our operatives, Alex.
He's doing an under-authorization.
I expect the Russians to kick him out later, which they're trying to do.
Alex, everything's going to be fine, Alex.
I know he's listening to the show right now.
A pretty good imitation of Chenek, right?
What do you think?
What do you think?
I mean, it was known that he worked for the CIA.
I don't think that's a big admission that he's some undercover operative.
No, no, no, no, no.
He worked putting in equipment systems, so they claimed he had administrative access over a bunch of stuff.
Now he's going, look.
No, I was deep cover in Europe's CIA NSA on operations.
Well, if you read Greenwald's new book, then it's clear that Snowden tried to approach the Washington Post with all this information and they basically weren't interested, so... And the New York Times.
And the New York Times.
Yeah, so, I hear that all the time, that Snowden's a double agent.
Personally, I don't really buy it.
Well, the reason we've had private discussions about this, and the reason I agree with you overall, is he can be manipulated by the system, but they don't like this coming out.
If this is full disclosure, and it's hurting them, and it is, why would they trigger it?
Or does he represent a subgroup, the big telecoms, that are in a fight with NSA over total information dominance, and they want the crystal ball Palantir controls.
They don't want government with Palantir.
I don't know, Alex, because there's a tendency to try and strip down anybody who speaks out.
I mean, people do it to you all the time.
They say, and I know full well I'm not an operative.
Exactly, yeah.
So, there's always suspicion generated against anybody who's that public and it comes to the point where, you know, everything's fake, staged events, they never happened, this person's an inside job, that person's a double agent.
There are some people who actually just speak out based on their own conscience and stuff.
No, no, we have whistleblowers all the time that are for real and it shakes the system to its core.
I mean, I have to know the state police guy that first gave me a document on my act got demoted because of it.
And a federal marshal gave me info.
They didn't figure out who he was because he slipped it to me by hand.
I mean, that's why Matt Drudge said, if you've got a whistleblower, you've got to meet in a parking garage.
I mean, you really do, folks.
Uh, and of course, they've always known that.
Anytime I've gotten really good intel, the best stuff, where people don't get burned... Well, a preacher gave me the Clergy Response Team documents four years before it was in the news.
FEMA visited him a week later.
He went to a grocery store and faxed it to us, and they went and pulled the data, and went and found out who he was.
Can you believe that?
That's how surveilled stuff is.
But they haven't gotten the FBI, the military, and the federal marshals that have given us stuff, because they give it to me by hand, Paul.
No, exactly.
The thing with Snowden, though, is, you know, there's this infighting between Wikileaks and Greenwald because there's this criticism that they don't release it all in one go, they don't dump the data, but I don't think that makes sense if you're in the position of Greenwald.
You want to dole it out and keep it in the media, not just for a week or two, for a year, as he's done.
So, a lot of the criticism's directed towards Greenwald and Snowden, even though I don't particularly have any affinity with them, because they tend to ignore us, but
The criticisms don't make much sense, which is why I'm kind of shying away from it.
Alright, alright, but I think it's fair to look at it in the light of the new news.
Stay there.
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All right, it's February 14th of this year, Valentine's Day.
Steve Pucinich saying Snowden's an operative and doing all this under full authorization.
And more than meets the eye, here it is.
Well, I will tell you very simply.
I started to think of Snowden a long time ago, as I was saying.
I thought he was, and analyzing him, not as an American, but as a count intelligence operative, or somebody who's had experience in count intelligence, I thought Snowden was very much what I called the manufactured avatar of the American intelligence community.
What do I mean by that?
I started looking at tapes of Edward Snowden when he was giving these bombastic interviews, self-aggrandizing interviews to the German press and other presses.
But in the recent press, in a recent interview, he very clearly stated to the Germans,
Yes, I was in the Special Forces, but I broke my ankle.
Now, that was not credible, because if you're in the Special Forces, you don't just break your ankle and you don't leave.
But he went on to explain that the Special Forces was something that was a noble endeavor on his part, and he saw it as a magnifier of military power.
In other words, he gave me an explanation that was inconsistent with being a subcontractor.
Then he went on to really indict himself by saying in the interview, I'm a CIA operative.
I was recruited by the CIA and then the NSA.
So what I'm getting at very quickly was...
Snowden is very typical of what we in the intelligence community would want to do, and that is to create an avatar or an image of a person who may be a traitor or a whistleblower, so that we allow the American public to play off either part of two figures that the intelligence community creates.
On the one hand, the intelligence community creates this incredible massive surveillance
Where at the same time, they want to make sure that they are not acquitted, that they're not judged harshly, so that they make sure they can control the narrative.
That's right, it's already starting to come out, so they have a limited hangout and dole out the information, and then later they can have him come out dressed up in a dress, like David Shaler of MI5, or Bradley Manning coming out in a dress.
They found that's the best way to discredit something, make him an icon, and then Snowden comes out in a big red dress.
Chelsea Manning, excuse me.
And I'm not kidding that we may have just blown their operation right there.
When will Snowden show up in a pink tutu is the question, Paul Watson.
I honestly don't know, Alex, but yeah, there are enough really bad things going on that we can prove, so I try not to get into speculation too much about Snowden, because I know a lot of people get obsessed with that kind of stuff.
But you know the Manning stuff and Shaler?
I mean, how many whistleblowers have to come out dressed like a woman?
I mean, you know that's staged.
Well, I met Shayla with you back in 2005 and he was completely the most down-to-earth person you would ever want to meet.
No, no, we had drinks with him for about five hours.
That was pretty odd.
I think he did have a mental breakdown, but whether that was tied into something else, I don't know.
It was definitely odd.
No, that was all him blowing his whole operation at the end of it.
That's classic, man.
I'm telling you, I think Pchenik's got something here.
I'm not sure he's right.
It may be his training makes you a little too paranoid.
But it's good to be too paranoid than not enough paranoid.
Watson, you're going to be there.
The big day starts tomorrow.
We're going to have more coverage with you, aren't we?
There, Bilderberg, we're going to have more coverage tomorrow with you.
And lastly, Paul, in one hour, I want you to give them live feed coverage as they approach the hotel and the rest of it, so we can get that all on tape.
Okay, bud?
Will do.
So the guys are there now.
Suit up, get ready.
One hour from now, we will approach everybody live, bare minimum, shoot video, and get it out for everybody.
Okay, Paul?
Great job, Watson.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, David Knight and Josh Owens and our other reporter, that will go unnamed because obviously Bilderberg Group's watching the show.
We like to have a little ace in the hole, a little secret nobody knows, to quote the immortal George Strait.
Their plane got in the lake because of big storms in Texas, so they got in a day late.
Then they wouldn't give them their rent car, their luggage disappeared.
And this has happened to me before.
I'm surprised they even got through customs, but they don't want to have the big event of reporters being stopped at customs.
They're smart about it.
So, David just got arrested a few weeks ago, a week and a half ago, in Virginia at Fort AP Hill, covering the FEMA camp there.
So, they're going to be getting there in the next hour.
We're going to do a live feed from there with Paul Watson and crew.
And then just, we have reservations there today.
We're going to politely
Walk up to the front and then have them say, no, you can't come in.
It's Bilderberg and see what happens and get some live feeds out there and some HD feeds that could be on the nightly news tonight of that.
And then tomorrow we'll have all the globalists arriving.
We'll find out who's arriving, who's not part of the list, because that's who they're really trying to hide.
British royalty, Rothschilds.
Sometimes you'll get the person who they're about to run for president, they're sneaking in.
I've been there when they snuck Hillary and Obama in.
I was there when they snuck Hillary in, in a U.S.
State Department armored limo in 2006, when she was a senator.
And they backed it in and had the American flags on it.
I later got photos of Hillary in there.
And then Richard Holbrook was going to come up and talk to us later, I learned.
He was like, I'm sick of these people.
But then I started screaming, Holbrook, we know who you are!
And he goes, ah, and turned around and walked away.
So nobody can ever second guess any of the reporters on the ground because you do the best job you can in a fluid situation.
And it's pretty easy to be Monday morning quarterbacking folks, but that's all coming up.
And again, I know for the audience here, most of the old time audience and steadfast audience, this is old hat for you, Bilderberg.
But you gotta remember, we have over 170 A&M & FM affiliates across the country on the weekday transmission.
And a lot of people, you know, have heard of it, heard it made fun of.
Now the fact that it's being admitted to is a big deal.
And I gotta give credit where credit's due.
InfoWars.com, WorldNetDaily.com, DrudgeReport.com, and now even The Guardian.
Have been at the absolute tip of the spear the last six, seven years, making all the other media that refuses to cover it look bad.
And it's important.
That's why CNN lost 44% of its audience last year alone.
Of the already small audience they had.
I mean, that's implosion level.
MSNBC only lost 24% of their audience last year.
But they'd already been losing that almost every year.
I mean, it's, it's still, you start losing a smaller and smaller percentage of a smaller and smaller.
It's like having a swimming pool size audience 15 years ago on CNN and now having a teacup full of, you know, listeners and viewers.
I mean, I harp on that because they really are the mouse that roared.
I mean, they really are the emperor's new clothes.
It's narcissism television for women, and MSNBC is race-baiting targeting blacks, but I've seen a demographic with blacks that's not even high.
I mean, it's literally a bunch of people that all have their own narcissistic jobs as managers and as the heads of it, as the anchors, most of them political retreads from the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, who just keep milking the industries and corporations they work for and the advertisers.
And I've talked to some of the executives, I've seen them in trade publications admit, oh, it's all going to implode in the next few years.
It's already really imploded, but we're just going to keep riding the gravy train as long as possible.
So let me announce to you, the mainstream media is dead.
The mainstream media is dead.
Nietzsche said God is dead, which was delusional.
The mainstream media is dead, and that's why they want to kill the new media, because we really show that.
But you can't put the genie back in the bottle.
You can't put Humpty Dumpty back together again.
That train already left the station.
This is Alex Jones for InfoWarsLife.com.
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General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential foreclosure situation?
The police are shoving people.
Shoving Alex.
Shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks!
I'm being assaulted!
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
I'm really glad he's here in studio with us.
Dr. Edward Group is our guest, the Global Healing Center.
Look at this headline, FBI agents, synthetic biology could reduce our population.
The New York Times reported, this is on Infowars.com.
The FBI agent warns of synthetic biology can reduce our population by significant percentages.
The New York Times reported earlier this month on a conference held at MIT on May 1st that discussed synthetic biology.
The conference gathered an increasing group of scientists and Homeland Security representatives who themselves admitted that this could end humanity as we know it.
Quote the FBI agent Carmine Negro
He was quoted as saying, these technologies do not just pose a risk to individual buildings or cities, but if cleverly deployed, can reduce our population by significant percentages.
And it goes on.
And it's the globalists that are open-air planting synthetic biology.
Plants are the easiest thing, from the scientists we've had on, to reprogram, to grow live viruses, whatever you want in them.
They call it pharmacological crops, and it's already having repercussions.
I mean, just look at the glyphosate, a chemical in the water, creating the epidemic of breast cancer every country where it's used.
I mean, it on record grows breast tumors.
It's estrogen-dependent tumors.
That's not even this new form of genetic engineering that's self-replicating.
It's genetic nanotech.
And we're all part of the experiment, so that's some of what's coming up with Dr. Edward Group.
There's so much I want to get him on about today.
Pregnant women should take iodine supplements, Dox, that's Newsmax, just yesterday.
Pregnant women should take an iodine supplement to protect brain development of their babies, according to leading US group of pediatricians.
Oh, who's been saying that forever, Dr. Group?
Iodine, which the body can get from iodide, is needed to make the thyroid hormones, it literally is the building block, folks, that are required for children's brain development before and after birth.
And then it goes into the studies.
Women and children of childbearing age need to pay attention to this topic as well, because about half the pregnancies in the US are unplanned.
Dr. Jerome Paulson said,
Women in the early part of their pregnancy may not realize they're pregnant, and then it gets into the different disorders you can get.
But no one will tell you this.
Now again, the Feds, back when they weren't pure evil, when the eugenicists were just taking over in the 20s, they did positive eugenics, not negative like we're seeing now, and said, wait a minute, we're having mental retardation, all these disorders.
We know in animal studies, if you don't have iodine, then your thyroid can't put out the different
Directives for other glands to regulate the hormones you need and you're going to really not develop mentally.
You're going to have all sorts of problems.
You're going to have all sorts of behavioral problems.
You're going to have all sorts of medical problems.
And so they said we want iodine put in all the salt.
Now that's forced medication, they shouldn't have done it, but it was the right thing to do.
It's on record that it was a miracle of medical health, and paved the way for other forced medications like fluoride, because folks had seen how well that had worked.
Fluoride replaces to the same molecule chain, the same area of the periodic table, blocks that.
So not only are our kids not getting the iodine they need, this is the iodine conspiracy.
Ladies and gentlemen,
They are now getting the bromine and bromide and iodine.
This is all mainline medical science.
I'm begging you to understand that it's the iodine conspiracy.
Iodine slash fluoride conspiracy.
Now, he came up here on something completely different today.
I wanted to go off on this jag.
We'll do that at about 40 after.
We have a big announcement in the field of iodine.
This is a decade in development.
He was going to have this out a year ago and said, look, we can put out the survival shield now.
It's great.
It's something kids can take because it's not as strong as it tastes like rocket fuel.
It's real iodine.
It turns, you know, black on the paper.
When it's bound, you know, it turns electric blue.
You notice ours, like the crystals, 8,000 feet under the ground.
But he said, I've been working on a new one.
I wish you'd wait.
That is gonna be unlike anything ever imagined.
And let me tell you, I've been on it for over a month.
And if you thought Survival Shield was powerful, it's still great folks.
There's a lot of people can't handle the detox effect even a bit.
So you need to really check with your physician or healthcare provider.
We are gonna make an announcement at about 40 after or so of the new breaking iodine information.
And when I say revolutionary,
I mean, this is so powerful.
And there's, it is totally new and from a source that no one else has.
And I'm just so lucky and blessed to be part of this.
And God just keeps coming through for us to, you know, work with the group over the last four or five years as a guest and things.
But then to just, the things he's developed, we've got medical doctors involved, others, they just keep saying, yes, yes, yes.
Trailblazing a bunch of other products he's developing with some chemists we know and some medical doctors.
Who's our science is all just meshing together, dealing with mitochondrial DNA, so much more.
It's very exciting.
But this is really elementary.
It's really pathetic, folks.
You have to have iodine to produce your hormones.
And they just put other stuff in there that totally screws you up.
And that's why people are so zombie-like.
So we're going to get into that.
But he wanted to come on a few weeks ago.
I wanted to get him in here.
Because we did a whole special on the war on men a few months ago.
Well, we're mainly a male audience, probably 70% male.
That was what was in development already.
And quite frankly, it works great with women.
But no, GRIP said, no, no, we can do something even better for women.
I've tested this with five women I know.
Four of them are bouncing off the walls with energy, libido, you name it.
One of them says it's made her tired.
We're just going to be honest about the response.
She's only been on it three days, though.
We're going to investigate what's happening with that.
So, you know, the results vary.
But, I'm talking bouncing off the walls for some women.
Well, four out of five.
Dr. Edward Group is here to make two big announcements.
We have Super Female Vitality now available in the shopping cart today.
You not only get a great product, they'll splock all the garbage they put in the food and water.
You support the tip of the spear in the info war.
We have live reportage from going into the Bilderberg Hotel next hour with David Knight and others.
And we're announcing the iodine coming up as well at 40 after.
But Dr. Group, I've done a long intro there.
We'll have you until 15 after next hour when David Knight joins us.
But you've heard me break down this win-win-win-win-win situation.
You've got a lot of points there.
Estrogen dominance decreases, B-Zinc, Mg, DHEA, Serotonin.
Bill Gates, history of estrogen dominance, eugenics, estrogen mimickers, what it does in women, not just men, social engineering, pesticides, BPA, soy, GMOs, plastics, birth control, Eber Bernays, alcohol, it all starts in the gut.
You've got the floor.
Drumroll, please.
There is a solution to this.
It's diet, it's exercise, it's purified water, and then it's the nitrous oxide of race car driving.
It is a super feminine vitality.
Well, it all started years ago when the globalists wanted to figure out ways to sterilize the population and to control the birth rates.
And at that time, Margaret Sanger, who actually worked with Bill Gates' dad, was the one that wanted to create a birth control pill.
And then she worked with a scientist called Pinkett.
That's right, his dad was top army intelligence under the Rockefellers and with Margaret Sanger.
And he's still alive running offs today.
He actually runs the foundation.
He runs the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Right, and then that all, you know, that translates into many other things, and it ties to Monsanto and everything else for the whole sterility thing, but she's the one that really pushed the birth control pills.
And so that was a way because they knew that, by the way, estrogen blocks the absorption of iodine.
They know that there's a link between estrogen and iodine.
So now, because of the birth control pills and the propaganda and the feminization of females that was done by Edward Bernays, the king of propaganda,
Who not only convinced everybody that fluoride was safe, he was the one that was also hired to create the feminization because they knew that.
And to get women to smoke cigarettes.
And cigarettes was the big campaign too, that he convinced the whole public.
And then he was ultimately hired on as the mastermind of manipulation of the population.
They knew that they were only getting 50% of the tax money also by males working, so his job was to get females out of the house and get them into the workplace so the government could collect 100% of the taxes from everybody.
And have the state raise the kids.
Yeah, and the state raise the kids.
By the way, he wrote three books bragging about this.
Anybody out there can read by him saying this.
But one of the key points I wanted to mention, how that all ties together in the estrogen conspiracy and the war on women is the fact that part of the way to get women out of the household was to create canned food and boxed foods and processed foods and the microwave which came into existence too.
So if women didn't have to cook anymore, they could go to work.
They didn't just give us washing machines and all this.
They wanted to change the culture.
They wanted to end humans being primitive, being self-sufficient.
Yeah, that's right, and also... It's a technocracy, and I'm not bashing the conveniences.
It's just that they gave us these tools of the gods, the fire Prometheus, to end us.
And therefore, we have the creation of the estrogen compounds and the estrogen mimickers, starting with BPA.
And all the BPA that's sprayed in the cans because canned foods, everybody wanted to have the easy dinner at night and the microwave foods were... The male used to bring the worms to the nest.
The female ran the nest, not because she was weak, she was more important.
Now we don't bring worms.
The HEB does.
Safeway does.
And it's bisphenol A worms to our babies.
That's right.
I mean, so what you have is you have estrogen dominance in males and you have estrogen dominance in females and it's it's coming from every single direction and that's why females are suffering from extra weight gain, low thyroid because they can't absorb iodine.
Breast cysts.
Breast, any type of glandular problem, any type of cyst in any gland directly related to an iodine deficiency.
We're going to skip this network break.
It's too important.
Keep going.
Women and men, for that matter, have their hormones completely whacked out, especially when you add soy and personal care products, which most people don't talk about with women.
They slather all these parabens and all these... By the way, last week they came out in AP, guys, reprinted, and admitted what you've been saying forever, that guess what?
Those plastics and the stuff in the hair care products, guess what?
It destroys your fertility.
Yeah, oopsie.
Estrogen just modifies the growth of cells.
When you have cancer cells in a petri dish and you put a drop, like a trillionth of what you would get in a couple cans or heating something in the microwave, you see those cancer cells immediately just start to replicate at a very fast speed.
So it's a cancer adjuvant?
It's a cancer adjuvant and that's why we have so much breast cancer and everything else.
But iodine is there to protect people and women from that.
So it's racist?
Iodine is racist.
Well, if you look at it from the globalist point of view... Well, I mean, anything free or good is called racist, so it's bad.
Right, because they know that if they mess up the hormones in everybody, it can cause just a world of other problems within the system.
So, what you have to look at is women avoiding or going with all natural personal care products.
And then another big problem that no one's talking about is the atrazine and the pesticides that are being sprayed everywhere, because
The Roundup, Atrazine is in the water supply, tested in every water supply pretty much in the country.
Those are also estrogen mimickers and it's hard to avoid because what else they have inside those pesticides, which they don't even have to list on the label, they have other chemicals in there as well that help them bind and stick to the foods, and it goes down into the soil so the plant actually sucks it up inside.
Yeah, bioaccumulates.
So, it can really affect the fetus in the womb, because if the mother is taking in all these estrogen mimickers, it can create the brain of a female, but the genitalia of a male.
Or it can have the genitalia of a male and the brain of a female.
And they admitted that in the 60s.
Dr. Michael Kaufman said that in Endgame 2.0.
He was reading the documents on air.
How the sexual revolution was so we wouldn't stay together and take care of kids if the state could raise them, but next phase was to chemicalize to where males and females were indistinguishable.
They would make the age of puberty earlier, just like in Brave New World, which Huxley admitted was a fictional account of what they really planned to do, and he said that in Brave New World Revisited.
Right, I mean just the atrocine levels in lakes and ponds and the pesticide levels in there are actually having, and they've done studies on frogs, they actually have frogs that have male genitalia but turn over for other males because their brain... And when I cover this, Huffington Post says that we're anti-gay.
The frogs are dying, the animals are dying, they're doing this on purpose.
We should just accept this and go for it.
That's the gender-bending chemicals, and it's another reason why they planted so much soy.
They knew that soy was going to be extremely toxic.
It takes a lot.
Well, you factor in... Henry Ford, the Nazi, the eugenicist, was obsessed with that.
Right, and then Monsanto genetically modifying all the soy.
Well, not only is it genetically modified, but it's also Roundup-resistant, and then Roundup in itself is an endocrine-disrupting chemical, or an estrogen mimicker, so that causes a problem with the hormones, and it's soaked up inside the source.
So not only are you getting the phytoestrogens in soy, but you're also getting the endocrine-disrupting chemicals and the estrogen-disrupting... And then the printer ink has it in it, everything, and I was reading, talking to chemists, and your dad was a top chemist,
They don't even need to go with this recipe, but they got all the big printer companies to go with it, and it's on the money too.
They're just sterilizing us at every level.
They're disrupting our hormones so we can't think properly, we can't function properly, it creates separation in the homes.
The male doesn't feel confident anymore because he's estrogen.
The male starts getting a belly around himself.
He starts growing man boobs.
His butt starts to get a little bit bigger.
Because one of the things with estrogen dominance in women is it lowers their libido.
Number two, it increases the fat around their butt, and it increases the fat around their breast tissue too, but also around the stomach.
So, you know, and it lowers their thyroid, and the list goes on and on and on and on.
I mean, they have problems with cysts, they have premenstrual syndrome, their menstrual cycles are irregular, they're not able to get rid of their toxins on a regular basis.
So all that... CNN will just say you're against women for warning them.
Well, I mean, that's... I mean, if you... They need to just die for the Earth.
Isn't it better?
They shouldn't take iodine.
They shouldn't learn about this.
They shouldn't take it when they're pregnant, even though there's a bunch of admitted disorders from iodine deficiency in the fetus, correct?
Right, and that's why there's also such a big push for flu shots on pregnant women right now from all the OBGYNs, which I personally don't understand.
And by the way, until five years ago, all medical people were told, nurses, you name it, never give a pregnant woman a vaccine.
They knew it caused deformities.
They knew it caused disorders, autoimmune and spontaneous miscarriages.
Now they say pregnant women need extra.
They do, which is just causing more problems with the kids, because whenever you put any type of chemical like that into the body, it does cross the placenta now, some of these things, and it does affect the kid.
I mean, and not only, you could think that you're not exposing yourself to estrogen, but there's
So many women on birth control pills that 85% of the estrogen gets peed out by the woman.
And that goes into our water system.
So if you're drinking tap water... And now in Austin they're going to give us toilet to tap that doesn't even want to move it.
So now if you drink Austin water or other cities that have it, it is a death sentence.
All of the Prozac, all the Ritalin, everything just annihilating you.
Right, and it's like homeopathic.
You don't need it in large doses to make a difference in the body.
I mean, all a homeopathic is, is just water with an energy signature in it.
But fluoride, you know, and I've had medical doctors on, like Blaylock, is the total turboadjuvant to turbo.
Once you have fluoride, the other drugs are in there, it turbocharges them.
Yeah, that's why they put fluoride.
Makes them electrical.
Fluoride's in anti-malarials, anti-inflammatories, anti-arthritis, a bunch of the antibiotics.
It's in antidepressants.
And it's not just fluoride.
Hydrofluorosilicic acid has been electrolyzed.
And aluminum.
They add aluminum in there to take it up into the brain tissue and to calcify the pineal gland and to calcify, you know, because the pineal gland... And then they write books how they're doing it, like eco-science, but still we're conspiracy theorists.
Right, right, right.
I mean, the thing is, everything's in plain day.
I mean, they know how important the pineal gland is.
That's why the Pope has a pinecone-looking shape on his cone over there.
And there's pinecones, if you look at everywhere around the Vatican, they tell you straight up, this is a representation of the pineal gland.
If you look at the eye of Horus in the Egyptian sculptures,
I mean, they knew how important the pineal gland was, too.
And I know we're getting off subject, but the pineal gland is the seat of the soul.
And it's everywhere.
And you cut it out, those higher level brainwaves just don't happen.
Well, the pineal gland is made, if you cut it open, it's made of rods and cones, exactly like what's in your eye.
That's why they call it the third eye.
Why are you going to have something in the middle of your brain that's made of the exact same thing your eye is made of?
Rods and cones.
The only reason you have rods and cones is to see things.
Rods and cones pick up color and pick up light.
That's right.
So, if you can see things, obviously, and the Egyptians knew about it, of course... It's picking up all what they now know.
All different particles that are coming through out of space.
And the particles coming up out of the Earth, magnetic fields, the same way they've proven fish and birds can navigate.
It's now been proven by Scientific American.
Just last year they've gone, no it's true, humans have these cells in the pineal, the same ones fish and other animals have, to feel magnetic lines, and some people have it stronger than others.
That's why they know that the endocrine disrupting chemicals, the estrogen mimickers, the phthalates, the pesticides, all of the stuff that they're spraying and putting in the air and the food and the water disrupts the glandular system of the body.
You know, the glandular system... They're attacking our most important eyeball!
The pineal gland, the adrenal glands, you know, all of the glands in the system, they know that the glands are what runs the body.
You destroy the glands, you destroy the consciousness, you dumb people down, you make them non-aggressive, you make them non-motivated, you alter their hormone levels and then they become...
Nothing more than an easily manipulated, easily controlled, sterilized population.
I agree.
Every time we get here, start telling us what Super Female Vitality does.
How it's different than Super Male.
Well, you know, Super Female Vitality was developed because we had such good success with Super Male Vitality and it's all about taking action.
You know, here's the problem, let's come up with a solution.
That's why we came up with Super Male.
Now, we've had so many requests by women saying, hey, what can I do?
You know, I want to
I don't want to go through PMS symptoms and all that stuff.
I mean, half the time I'm going through mood swings, blah, blah, blah.
My libido is low.
Now my husband is all over me.
You know, when are you going to come out with something for women?
So what we did is I tweaked the formula a little bit and the Super Female Vitality is designed to help naturally increase the body's own production of testosterone and to help the woman balance out
Some of these hormones that her body is naturally trying to fight because if she's taking in, if she's lathering herself with all this lotion which is decreasing her estrogen or mimicking estrogen, she needs something to help balance that out.
So that's why Super Female Vitality was developed so it gives the body a chance.
Available at Infowarslife.com.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I don't know what it is.
Ralph just won't pay any attention to me.
When he comes home from work, all he ever does is play video games and go to sleep.
It's like I don't even exist.
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But Super Female Vitality, quite frankly, you know, groups like, well, this works for most women.
You've heard women's testimonials here on the air.
But he said, I could tweak some stuff to make it even better for women.
And we've had it a few months here.
The beta batches of it.
And then we have to pull the trigger.
I have to decide to get it.
Okay, let's go with it.
Then we get the raw herbs in.
Leading competitors have similar things for about twice the price.
And it's dry herbs and it's not as concentrated.
That's why
You get such a bigger response and this stuff doesn't mimic your hormones, it gets your body to produce them.
And I want, I want Dr. Group to describe how this works, some of the things that are in the super female vitality.
And then folks can know also, you know, get a bottle, try it.
If it doesn't work great for you, you're going to be in the great minority.
And it doesn't matter, you've supported the broadcast.
But it's the real deal.
And why so many people I know are cynical about
Female or male vitality exercise libido formulas, clarity formulas, because they've gotten a small response or maybe side effects.
I've never seen such positive responses with what you've come out with here.
Why is it so different?
What is in the super female vitality that folks can get at InfoWarsLife.com?
Most of the stuff that's out there is bought from cheap Chinese herbs or they get it from India and most of it's just designed to try to sell you a lot of product for a high price.
I mean, if you look in the muscle building magazines and you look at most of the vitamin stores that are out there, it's not really focused on adjusting the root cause of the problem.
You know, they might use a high level of standard, standardized herbs.
Most likely those were powdered.
The source of the herbs, they might contain metals or contaminants, or maybe they're not mixed.
I mean, when I look at the majority of healthcare products out there on the market,
And call the companies and say, who formulated this?
These herbs don't even work together.
I mean, I could take guaranteed 90, probably 99% of the supplements out there on the market and find a problem with each one of them.
Either they have magnesium stearate in it, they have some toxic compound in it, or they're using two herbs that block each other, the action.
So these formulators really don't know what they're doing.
You know, our R&D process is,
We look at all different things, especially when you're dealing with a hormone product, and you have to look at what the effect is going to be on DHEA, what the effect is going to be on estrogen, what the effect is going to be on progesterone, what the effect is going to be on testosterone.
Um, melatonin, serotonin, I mean, there's so many hormones that you have to cross-reference.
One might decrease testosterone, one might increase testosterone.
And then you have companies out there that are putting both of those, both of those herbs in one formula, so they're canceling each other out.
There's a lot of research that goes behind it, and actually, the majority of companies' formulators don't even have any type of scientific degree.
Well, I mean, I've talked to a lot of the companies looking into this over the last few years, and they just say,
We just throw as many things as we can because people like to see a bunch of stuff on the label.
But it's like bad drug interactions, I guess, would be a similar analogy, where the doctors just throw people on all these prescriptions.
I've literally talked to formulators because I call them up on the phone and I'm like, so tell me, why'd you put that in there?
And then they say, one guy said, well to be honest with you,
When I formulated the product, I just typed in, uh, male hormone product in Google, and I just copied, took, like, the top two herbs that were in 20 different formulas, or 10 different formulas that were popular out there, and they just take the top two and put it in their formula, and then they say that... Well, that's the thing, I played football and stuff, so I didn't do any, like, illegal drugs or anything, but I would take Yohemi Bark.
And I would be able to work out harder, but feel crazy, swell up and have headaches.
I was on it a week, got off of it.
So many other supplements make me feel bad.
That's why I don't do them.
These make me feel incredibly good.
Well, it has to do with the processing, too, and it has to do with choosing the herb.
I mean, you might be able to get one specific herb from 20 different places.
That, you know, this place over here might be, you know, six months old and it might be cut and sifted.
This place over here might be powdered and they're importing it from China and it sat in a 200 degree warehouse in China for 10 years.
This place over here might have, you know, sourcing it from India.
The problem is, when people look at formulating a product, other companies, they look for the least expensive herb available.
So if they're looking for maca root, let's say, which is a good hormone regulator, their purchaser that's going to purchase it, because it gets handed off to a purchaser, I personally handle that myself, because I know how important it is.
But no other company does, because they don't have time to do that.
They hand it off to a purchaser, they find all the different companies, they find the cheapest one.
Now if they're gonna buy a ton, a thousand kilos, they're gonna say, uh, I don't care if the best one, the organic one over here, is a hundred dollars a kilo.
We gotta make some money!
I'm gonna buy this one from China that's been sitting up and it's on sale because they're trying to get rid of it.
And by the way, looking into this, I mean, I've talked to big formulators and they go, oh, our whole bottle cost us $2, and they laugh at us that we actually get the organic, wet herbs and get it all certified and it costs, you know, $16 a bottle or something.
I mean, they just think that's ridiculous.
They'd rather sell it for more than we do.
With the cost of a fraction of the price, I want to get good karma.
I mean, I don't mean that.
I'm not a Buddhist.
I don't actually believe, but you know, you reap what you sow.
I want to have the best product.
I want to feel good about what I'm selling.
I want people to reorder it because it's so good.
On top of it, you get more success out of giving them a good product.
Well, you know, the oath that medical doctors take is, first, do no harm.
Democratic oath.
They don't even give that anymore.
You know what I mean?
So, that's the way I look at it.
First, do no harm.
I mean, I know because I've studied all the other companies and what they do, and a lot of those products are harmful to the body.
So that's the first step.
And then the second step is make sure that it's processed correctly.
There's people that process their herbs in aluminum batches.
Or they hot process.
You cold press.
And that denatures.
Or they use alcohol, which you're only able to extract, you know, 40% of the herbs constituents from it.
And by the way, alcohol is an endocrine disruptor too.
So why am I going to put an herb
You know, make an herbal formula that's supposed to help support normal hormones.
That's why you go with glycerin-based.
And put an endocrine disruptor and add that corn.
And your glycerin is from German certified organic corn.
My vegetable glycerin comes from different sources, but the one I use, and the one I like to use, is from Palm, actually.
I just know one of the purchase orders I saw was a German, German corn.
People can argue, well there's no such thing as organic corn.
No, Germany's got it certified.
Well, you know, if it's organic, it's fine.
I mean, there's a shortage right now of vegetable glycerin, but people are trying to do the same thing.
I was about to say, we've caused doing this.
And it's funny, because then everybody starts doing what we're doing, and then they get mad at us.
Like, we create the market, and then they're like, mad.
You need to now go die somewhere, because you made iodine so popular.
Well, think about this.
I personally believe that, you know, because there's 200 plant species or just any living species going extinct practically every day right now, one of the reasons why there are so many pesticides and insecticides sprayed and the genetically modified and with the chemtrails is that the perennial herbs are highly sensitive to soil conditions, especially acidic soil.
So when you spray
Aluminum nanoparticles all over the ground.
We're losing a lot of the medicinal herbs.
Oh yeah, only the GMO that they've stacked in the Monsanto products aluminum resistance.
So only their stuff can grow.
So why do you think that they have a seed vault with thousands of medicinal herbs when medicinal herbs are the direct competition to population control eugenics and direct competition to the pharmaceutical industry?
I was about to say, they have 14
Rockefeller-inspired U.N.
seed vaults.
And they have zoological vaults.
So what happens if they kill off all the medicinal herbs?
Only they then have it.
To bring it back.
And there's no more supplements for people to take that they can use.
Instead, they're forced into taking pharmaceuticals.
It's simply incredible, and it helps fund our operation as well.
Super Feminine Vitality.
Tell folks about some of the things that are in it.
It's available at Infowarslife.com or by calling 888-253-3139.
And again, this is how we help fund the operation as well.
We do these little promos once a month or so with Dr. Groob, but mainly get into the news here with him.
Tell folks how this is different than the Super Male Vitality Formula.
Well, it's just a lot of the same herbs are in there.
The only difference is we added one herb in there that really works good for female libido, which is epididium.
And it's another name for it is horny goat weed.
And what makes it so special is women, especially women in their 40s, you know, when they're estrogen dominant,
Uh, they lose a lot of self-confidence because they start gaining that extra weight, they don't feel sexy anymore, and it's very important for a woman, obviously, to feel like she's sexy and that she can look in the mirror and she's self-confident and she likes herself.
You know, that actually... That's what sexy is, a woman that thinks she's sexy.
Well, that is what helps produce the pheromones, and the pheromones are the attractive hormones for men and women.
So, you know, if a woman is not feeling good about herself, she thinks she's, you know, unhealthy, she's fat, you know, blah, blah, blah, then, you know, and the fact that she has low energy levels, you know, she's deficient in iodine, I mean, all those things go hand in hand.
What this is designed to do is bring them back to where they were when they were 18.
Of course, I highly recommend that you, all the women, look online for endocrine-disrupting chemicals, estrogen-mimicking chemicals, and start avoiding all those because if you really want to bring yourself back... Exactly, even more important than taking this is purify the water, get away from the stuff that has it in there by design.
I mean that's the real public service announcement and then support the info we're getting this product and and and you know seeing what it does for you.
Check with your health care provider.
Now let's shift gears to the really big announcement here today.
We're going to have Bilderberg coverage in the next hour but I want to get back into your big list of how they're targeting women.
Let's talk about Survival Shield X2 ladies and gentlemen and look.
You'll notice I have an X2 that's already been tapped into here.
I've been taking it for over a month.
And I've also been working on some of the other new stuff we've got as well.
Listen, we're going to keep selling the Survival Shield.
It's excellent.
The regular.
And it's great for kids and things.
It's not as strong as this.
And I've got to be honest, folks.
We can't even keep enough of this in.
And like you said, there's shortages in the palm oil and things.
So I went out and looked at other iodines.
They did things like, you know, burn my gut.
I learned other people were getting ulcers from it.
It has the alcohol.
Iodine does something weird to iodine.
There's some formulas out there that I think are okay.
I'm not knocking it.
You need it regardless.
It's just that in this glycerin base and the type of iodine it is, where it comes from, there's nothing like it.
But he came out with X2 that's even stronger.
It's bright red.
I've never seen iodine that's either black, brown, turns black and brown.
Or it's blue, uh, blue-yellow.
This is bright red, like blood, and turns bright blue on paper, like the actual crystal, that if you had a crystal of it, this is where this comes from, it would, like alien blood, eat through three or four floors.
Okay, unless it was in ceramics.
This is explosive stuff.
And just to let you know, a lot of hoops had to be gone through to get this type of iodine.
It's super controlled.
The group's been in business forever and is able to get it, okay?
There's like wars going on, you know, for companies to even get this iodine of this quality.
Dr. Group, we're not playing games.
I don't want to go into all the inside baseball.
But iodine is heavily controlled.
Tell people why and tell them what X2 is, because this is special.
When I was looking at developing a higher potency iodine, one of the questions that we were getting from a lot of people was, why is all the iodine sourced from seaweed, especially with Fukushima being, you know, with all the radiation going on, you know, how do we know that iodine is safe?
So that led me on a journey to try to find, is there any other sources of pure raw material of iodine?
Iodine, like you said, is very heavily regulated by the DEA because
It's used to make methamphetamine.
So, what I ended up tracking down, and I actually had to fly out to different places, but there was a, and this is, not too many people know this, there's actually a deposit which is 7,000 to 10,000 feet deep inside the earth from millions of years ago.
It's a salt deposit which is very, very high in iodine.
There's a company that actually drilled all the way down and has.
I actually flew out and met with the company and I have the rights to get.
I want to send crew out there with you, but I don't want to say where it's at obviously, but it's so amazing.
You've actually got the purple crystals.
No one's got this.
The highest purity iodine crystals in the world.
A USP grade only has to be 99.6, 99.7.
I have 99.99.
This iodine is five to ten times more expensive, too, per kilogram, but we're not even, we didn't even raise our price by five times.
I mean, you know.
Same price.
It's the same price.
I mean, so we're really, this is a, this is a
This is a project for humanity.
Listen, it's unbelievable.
It's unbelievable what this does.
It's unbelievable.
You can use it for skin.
You can use it for so many different things.
And I don't want to make a bunch of claims, but the process that we had to go through to secure this and to get this is amazing.
Throughout 20 years of doing research, I've never been the type of doctor that said, you need to be on 30 different nutraceuticals, you need to be taking all these vitamins and all this stuff every day, because we figured out how easy it is to bring the body back to health and to reactivate the body.
And the globalists know they target iodine.
Yeah, exactly.
But then even when people get us the cruddy forms, this is it.
That's why they're trying to suppress iodine.
They're trying to take it off the market, probably, from what I hear.
I mean... Well, I got into iodine because years ago I started taking the monofilament seaweed that we sell, and it really helped me.
So then I started taking other iodines.
They would make me kind of feel bad, but overall better.
It would hurt my stomach.
Then I found your iodine.
And then, I mean, it's just, it's a totally different iodine.
It's a huge process that this goes through.
It takes hours upon, it takes days and weeks to do this.
By the time you get the pure iodine in, you get it in processing, you stabilize it into the glycerin, you bottle it.
I mean, it's a... Stay there.
I want to hear about the process.
It's proprietary.
It's X2.
It's funding the Infowar.
It's incredible.
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All I can say about X2 is boom bop-a-boom.
Now we got Amy Steiner on.
Shane Steiner's lovely wife.
I wish we had a picture of her.
But she heard that we were talking about super feminine vitality and she got a bottle of it about a month ago and then one of her kids knocked it off the table and it broke and
Shane came up here a few weeks ago when this had already come in.
We were waiting to promote it until we got even more in.
And that is an issue.
We have a limited supply.
It will sell out.
That's how hard it is to get these herbs.
You've seen that happen for real.
If you want to get the super feminine vitality, you better do it today.
The X2 is a limited supply.
We still have the great survival shield.
It's great for kids in my view.
We're going to continue a little bit in the next hour on the X2 and how it's mined from 7,000 to 12,000 feet, explaining what the crystals do, more of how they're targeting women.
But since Amy Steiner, married to my good high school buddy, called in, again, I'm going to be honest.
Five women that I know personally of different ages took it.
Four of them said incredible energy, libido, harder workouts, gimme more.
One of them's only been on it three days.
She says that it's made her want to take a nap.
And you're going to talk to her and find out what else she's doing.
Briefly, what could that be, Dr. Group?
Well, that's exactly what you have to do.
You have to figure out what she has, what her diet's like, what she's exposing herself to.
You know, there's obviously some... It might actually take longer than three days.
I mean, I've had, with our results, up to ten days.
Well, you warned within two weeks to four weeks I would get sick on Survival Shield when I detox.
That indeed happened for about a week, and then it was like going through a wall.
I felt great after it.
Right, when all the chlorine and the fluoride and the bromine and all that other stuff is coming out of your system.
So, I mean, it could be anything.
I mean, I would definitely not make any type of generalization until they've been on it for seven to ten days.
I mean... Yeah, consult your health care provider as well.
Let's go to Amy Steiner.
Amy, literally, I didn't even know you got a bottle of this, that Shane took some a month and a half ago.
I learned about it last week that you were bouncing off the walls from it, from what I heard.
Tell us, and I appreciate you giving us a review, what happened now that you've been on the Super Feminine Vitality?
Well, my husband started taking it and I was super impressed with the effects that it had on him.
You're talking about the male vitality?
The male vitality.
Yeah, the male vitality.
So, I took, actually I took the male vitality a couple of times and I had energy and everything, but when he brought me home, the bottle was super female.
I mean, after about three or four days, I mean, I wasn't
I'm normally a pretty groggy person, so I don't drink a bunch of coffee and stuff like that, but I had tons of energy, tons of motivation, a lot of drive, you know, at the gym.
I think, well, my husband thinks I've been in a better mood.
And he says you've been chasing him around the house?
I mean, to make him do chores, I mean.
Oh yeah!
No, honestly though, my, you know, my libido has skyrocketed.
Honestly, it's pretty crazy.
The super male didn't do that to me, but the super female, there's something different about that.
Our relationship, all I can say is it's a lot better now.
And again, Shane ended up, you know, testing it out, because he's like, oh yeah, supplements, right.
You know, I've tried all the male supplements.
We're like, here, just take a couple bottles.
He comes back weeks later, I've got to have more of that.
You know, now my dad's doing it, blah, blah, blah.
What's in that?
You know, his trainer loves it.
And then, I guess he got some of the tester bottles that I was giving to women I know.
You know, like, let's see how good this really is, you know, because I test everything.
And Shane's like, I need more of that.
So, Amy, what would you say, just in one sentence, about Super Feminine Vitality?
I would say...
I'm so glad that you guys made this for women.
It's really helped me, you know, around the house, taking care of my kids.
I'm in the best shape of my life.
You know, I've just got tons of energy and I just feel great.
And I'm really glad you guys made it for women.
Well, you're awesome, and I appreciate you doing this impromptu endorsement.
Maybe if Shane gives us a few photos, we can show people what we're talking about here.
But, Amy, you sure are a sweetheart.
Always enjoy seeing you and Shane and the kids.
I gotta come over with the kids soon.
Thank you for that testimony.
Thank you.
She's such a sweetheart.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
The Extravaganza Conspiracy in Bilderberg.
It's all coming up.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Dr. Groot leaves us in about 15 minutes.
We're going to have live coverage from Bilderberg.
The reporter's trying to go back in on video feeds and audio feeds.
But finishing up on the super female vitality and the list of things of how they're targeting women.
And I want to get back briefly into X2 because where it comes from, why it's so special.
I mean, I really get excited about this.
It doesn't just fund our operation, which gets the word out on all the fronts.
They really know iodine's key to produce all our hormones.
They've been blocking it.
And as the word about this gets out, I mean, this is serious blow against the globalists.
Especially with Fukushima and everything like that, too.
When I looked at all the minerals, like I said, I believe that everybody has a self-healing mechanism and all you have to do is clean your body.
And that's really the secret to having perfect health, is just your body being clean.
But when I started unfolding this whole iodine conspiracy, and the fact that every single cell in your body needs iodine, and you need 20 to, let's say, 50 milligrams, which is 20,000 micrograms to 50,000 micrograms of iodine a day, and that everything depends on it,
All your glandular system, everything, and then you start looking at the whole estrogen and all the other chemicals that are destroying the body at the same time and how it all works together.
That's really one of the first things that I came out with is saying, hey, listen, this is so important that everybody needs it.
It's not like, hey, go take calcium, you know, half the people need it, half the people don't need it, or go take B vitamins or any type of those other minerals.
It's something that every single person needs and if you're deficient in it, look at the children.
You were talking about pregnancy and women.
Women that are deficient in iodine during pregnancy, what causes
What are the symptoms?
What happens to that baby?
Mental retardation!
I mean, they're attacking the brain and everything.
Spinal bifida.
Mental retardation, lower IQ.
I was reading it causes spinal development problems.
Well, of course, because iodine is needed in all of the reproductive systems.
They don't tell women you need flu shots.
Well, yeah, I mean, of course they're not going to tell you that you need iodine, but out of every single thing out there, I mean, look it, if you look at iodine, you can just automatically tell that there's a conspiracy going on because of the fact that, look at the other halogens, fluoride, chlorine, and bromide, or bromine.
They're assaulting us with stuff that's poisonous, while removing the good.
They assault us with chlorine, they assault us with fluorine or fluoride or compounds, and they assault us with bromine or bromide everywhere you turn.
So those will still block the absorption of iodine in the body, and estrogen dominance blocks the absorption of iodine in the body.
And getting back to the super female vitality,
Oh my gosh, I've got guys calling me up and they're like, this stuff is amazing!
My wife is calm.
I don't have getting fights with her anymore.
Her libido is through the roof.
You know, think about how many marriages, you know, you might save.
I mean, I had one guy talking about, hey, my wife was reading that Fifty Shades book and all that stuff.
And my marriage is better now than it has been in the last 15, 15 years, you know, with me taking the super male and her taking the, the super female vitality.
The fact is when you can, you know, the global is trying to break everybody apart.
So the solution is avoid all the things that they're doing and get your body back into shape and start balancing out everything.
They say get fluoride, don't get iodine.
We want iodine.
Whatever they say, they say turn your guns in, we get guns.
Yeah, no, it's real simple.
So by taking a supplement, you know, ultimately in eliminating all these sources and doing your own research and educating yourself, you know, hey, that's going to
I mean, listen, the products you develop for Infowarslife.com are revolutionary.
I mean, they just blow anything I've taken away.
And I still look like hell, but I look a lot better than I looked just six months ago.
And I'm working harder and playing harder than I ever have.
And I'm telling you, when I need energy, when I need focus, it is Superville Vitality Survival Shield.
Now I've got X2 Survival Shield.
I want to come back and finish up with how you produce X2, the latest product from Infowarslife.com.
Then live reports from Bilderberg 2014.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Here's the Newsmax article from a couple days ago.
Pregnant women should take iodine supplements, but not all iodine supplements are equal.
We have had the best, the Survival Shield.
We're going to keep selling it.
It's excellent.
It comes from the same great source, but now we have it even stronger in a new process that, if you like the old Survival Shield, still available at m4warslife.com.
You're going to love the new Survival Shield X2.
And it can all work together with the fluoride shield that has the niacin iodine and five other chelating properties, not just for fluoride detox, but other toxins.
And then you're finding the very tip of the spear in the info war.
Be sure and support our local AM and FM affiliates and their sponsors as well.
Dr. Gribbs, we've only got five minutes left with us, then we're gonna go to...
Copenhagen, Denmark with our reporters about to try to go into the Bilderberg Hotel where the Globalists are meeting.
Going back to Dr. Edward Group, finishing up with how you produced the new X2 and why it's so much more powerful than the last one.
Well, it is, you know, like you said, it is all about supporting the Patriot Movement and, you know, these are the people that are aware of the need for iodine.
And so, the X2, the reason why it's different from the standard survival shield is it's almost double the strength.
It's actually 650 micrograms per drop.
So it gives you a lot more bang for your buck.
And it's actually, you know, right at the same price.
When we get the crystals from deep in the earth, it goes through a process that takes about probably a week to two weeks, and that purification process purifies the crystals to 99.99% pure.
That is unheard of.
Then we get the crystals in our facility and they go through a process of stabilizing the crystals and actually infusing them into a vegetable glycerin matrix in a nascent form, which means they're active or they're monatomic.
They're in atomic iodine form and it actually becomes stabilized in that form.
That's the difference.
It's so bioavailable it goes right in the blood.
Because all I know is, with the alcohol base, these other systems, we've called the companies, they go, oh, we just dump regular old iodine in this and just stir it with a spoon.
Yeah, well, you know what?
Iodine is very caustic, too, so you have to have all glass equipment, or it has to be silicone, platinum tubing.
I mean, the equipment involved alone, to keep it all non-toxic, a lot of companies out there aren't going to put that much money into their equipment and their supplies, and they're going to run it through stainless steel, or they're going to run it through
How long do you think the new X2 will last?
The X2, I don't know because we just came up with it.
Like you said, like a fine wine, I've noticed the super male and stuff seems to get better with time.
But if this has a charge, does it get least good with time?
Well, iodine is, there's no way to stop iodine, no matter what kind of iodine product you have, from gassing out.
I mean, that's just the way it is.
I mean, we try to do it the best to where
You know, any other product out there that's in an alcohol base or anything like that, probably after two years, you're gonna lose half the strength.
We haven't tested the X2 yet, obviously, because it just came out, but...
Um, it's always best to take iodine, you know, since you need it really every day or every other day.
You know, I would, I take it pretty much every single day.
I give it to my kids.
I give it to, I mean, I just know the importance of it.
And you can pull up tons of research and videos online on YouTube and on Google about the importance of iodine.
You know, that's why they took it out of the food supply.
And right now, really, the only pure grade and the highest grade source is the X2.
You cannot find anywhere in the world, there is no other place that's producing or that's going to even take the time and the effort to produce a high quality iodine like this is right here.
It's coming right out of the ancient deposits.
Do we know, getting at 7,000, 12,000 feet, do the geologists think they know how it got deposited?
Was it volcanic?
Was it oceans?
It was an ocean.
It's a salt ocean deposit from millions and millions and millions of years ago.
So it's an alluvial plume.
It's an alluvial plume.
It's the highest concentration, and it's actually located in the United States, so, uh, fairly in the middle of the United States, so it's really... So that ancient sea.
You know, back then, when it was just pure.
Now, all the other iodine companies out there are getting their sources from, actually, China and Japan.
Well, and we're not knocking the other competitions, it's just that this is so good, and you're really getting something... How old do they think it is?
What, the deposit?
Millions of years.
Like 200 million, 300 million years old.
Something like that.
And so here you have, but think about all the, yeah, I'm not knocking other iodine products.
You know, look, a tricycle will get you to where you want to go, but so will a Bentley, you know?
You know, this is the difference between something that is extremely good for you and something that might, you know, still put iodine in your system,
But it's all about the best is the best, you know, and that's what I'm all about.
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And this product is a lower price than the other leading competitors, and there's just no comparison.
Oh, there's no way you can get this.
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There is no nascent iodine.
Formula on the market that goes over 500 micrograms per drop.
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The Global Healing Center.
This is all available at Infowarslife.com.
I hope you'll go tape some more informative pieces for folks as well.
We can dole out over the next week or so.
Thank you, Dr. Group.
Thanks for having me on.
Simply amazing.
There goes Dr. Edward Group.
Two new products and this is a big deal, folks.
We are not like NPR.
As I say ad nauseum, we do not get 400 plus million dollars a year in taxpayer money.
And then still beg for money every day like they do.
We do not get billions of dollars like NBC and MSNBC have gotten over the years in stimulus money and bailouts.
We just sell high quality products and if you think they're interesting and want to buy them, get them.
That funds our operations so we can send reporters to FEMA camps in Virginia and to go out and expose the radiation on the West Coast that then made the Navy and mainstream news cover it and they had to admit it was increasing.
We send reporters to Copenhagen, Denmark to cover the Bilderberg Group meeting so it gets international attention.
We cover real news.
We go out and cover the Bundy Ranch standoff and show the Fed stand down with the only HD footage that went out of that.
I mean, that's why we're needed.
And so, that's why we sell books and videos and t-shirts and supplements.
Whatever we think is good and people want, we will sell it to fund this operation.
We're good old-fashioned Americana, making money the old-fashioned way, earning it, promoting high-quality products.
And we're proud of the products, and we're proud of the family we've built, and we're proud of what we do here.
So thank you all for your support.
All of you that buy the great products at Infowarslife.com.
There's also some other great supplements we have from Longevity at InfoWarsHealth.com.
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But that's the Longevity family of products.
Purchasing it there gets you discounts and supports the transmission as well.
Now, I take you now, we take you now,
To the Globalist Confab where they've already arrested reporters and thrown people out.
Watson witnessed that and got out yesterday.
Now David Knight and others, Josh Owens, have arrived.
We're going to talk to him for a few minutes here, go to break, and then have them march up.
But Paul Watson is there with David Knight and Josh Owens, and our other reporter we're keeping in reserve in case folks get arrested.
David, I know you had trouble getting there.
I know that your bags disappeared.
They wouldn't give you a rent car.
Looks like classic manipulation.
We've seen this ourselves.
But you're there.
David, tell us about your first approximation and what you're about to do.
Well, it's been quite a trip, Alex.
We had our flights cancelled because of bad weather, and then we were delayed over three hours going out of Washington because of weather.
That caused us to miss our London flight.
Our luggage got messed up.
So we've only been here just a couple of minutes.
As soon as we were able to get our rental car, because that got cancelled from the States, they said, somehow, so that took a little bit longer.
Once we got that, we just drove straight out here, and we've been
Standing on the street corner about two blocks away from the Marriott right now waiting to get on air.
Well, we're gonna go to break in about a minute and I want you to just start walking on down towards there and I want you to get arrested, do whatever you feel is best.
I want you to get arrested like you did for three hours at the military base two weeks ago or a week and a half ago.
Can I show you this?
This is the Daily Mail.
We were stuck in London for a while.
See that guy with the tears in his eyes?
That's the guy who was debating Nigel Farage on joining the European Union for Britain to join.
And the headline is, obliterated in Europe facing mutiny in his party and polls show Clegg will lose his seat in general election.
The Libertarian Tea Party is taking over Europe.
Isn't it beautiful?
That's right.
And that's a rejection of what Bilderberg created here, almost 60 years ago.
The first meeting was 60 years ago, and on the second meeting, that was when they bragged that they created the European Union and the EU.
Now, the people here in Denmark were one of the first countries to join the European Union, the first Scandinavian country, but they rejected
Very well said.
Show us that newspaper one more time.
He's literally crying on the cover of the Daily Mail newspaper and it says, the face of a leader at bay.
They lost every one of their seats going to the European Parliament, and they did a poll and they said that if they had an election today, he would lose his seat in the House of Commons.
This is a guy who, a couple of years ago, they had the Conservatives and the Labour Party.
Of course, they're like Republican Democrats in the U.S.
They don't let anybody else into the debates.
They let him in the debates.
We found out later why, because he was the biggest cheerleader for the EU.
Oh, exactly, which is dictatorial and unelected and has brought England under it.
Let's be clear who they lost their seats to.
UKIP, folks, that's like Ron Paul.
We are literally the resistance.
We'll be right back from Bilderberg.
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All right, David Knight's still got about a block and a half to walk until he gets up to the perimeter of the hotel with the Bilderberg Group.
He's already kicked everybody out.
Arrested reporters yesterday.
We have video of that at Infowars.com.
Then in the next long segment, he's gonna march right up with live feed with Josh Owens, Paul Watson at a distance in case they grab him to go up and just say, we have reservations here.
Why can't we come in?
Well, why all the secrecy?
I mean, I thought Bilderberg didn't exist or a bunch of world leaders meeting in secret.
What's the big deal?
So that's coming up.
David, I want to give you the floor in this short six-minute segment to keep making the point you were making about their open agenda of authoritarianism and the fact that all over France and Germany and the EU-wide and England, people are rejecting one of the longest-serving Republicans in Congress, which was defeated in the primary.
to a Tea Partier yesterday here in Texas.
I mean, worldwide, we've got this from inside sources, Bilderberg is scared to death of the Libertarian movement.
Even the Financial Times of London said that a month ago.
Yeah, absolutely, Alex.
You know what they do is they use the same kind of smear tactics over here in Europe that they do in America.
They're calling Nigel Farage racist, you know, xenophobic, anti-immigrant party.
But, you know, they really took a shlacking and here's a picture of Nigel Farage.
He's celebrating.
They had a huge victory in the European Parliament and of course many people, we've had Nigel Farage on InfoWars many times, you've talked to him and everybody knows the videos where he's kind of harangued Herman Von Rompuy and called him somebody with the demeanor of a third-rate bank clerk.
But also he criticized them for deposing democratically elected people in Italy and in Greece and then putting in bankers, technocrats.
These are the people, this is the
Even the terminology that Bilderberg came up with saying that we're going to get rid of politicians and we're going to get rid of Democrats.
We're going to put in technocrats.
We're going to put our own people in and we've had David Rockefeller talking about how he wanted a supranational elite.
Who are going to join with bankers to essentially control the governments of the world, a one world government.
That's their language and we've seen that happening in Europe and people now are rejecting that by large margins, especially in England.
By the way, David Knight, reporting from Copenhagen, Denmark, Bilderberg 2014, you just joined us.
I'm Alex Jones.
Are you in the Omega Man or the I Am Legend or Last Man on Earth with Vincent Price?
You've been on street after street.
I've seen no cars, no people in the government sector of Copenhagen, Denmark.
What is going on?
Well, this is about 7 p.m., a little after 7 p.m.
It's a very, very empty city right now at this point.
Nobody's here.
I don't know if everybody's gone home for the day, if this is the government sector, like you said, and everybody closed at 5 o'clock.
But, yeah, we are sticking out like sore thumbs, because we're the only people out here.
It's almost as deserted as the fake city back in A.P.
That's right.
I wonder, what do you think is going to happen as you get ready to march up there during the break?
Now, don't go up until we get back on air next segment, but what does your gut tell you is going to happen when you march up there, and did you get any questions at customs?
No, nothing at customs.
But while we were standing on the street corner, we had a guy come up.
He paused for a while and then he backed into the space, left his car lights on and his engine running for quite a while, about two or three spaces down from where we were at the corner up there.
He's still in the car.
He did not get out.
He's rolled his window down and then we had some marked police car came up
I finally see a few people down there.
I guess on that main street you're about to be on.
So, how far away are you from the hotel right now?
It's just down at the end of the street down here.
You want us to walk down there?
Yeah, let's get you to go ahead and start walking that way a little bit and then pause, and then we're going to have you walk across the street and go up and try to talk to them once you get there.
You know, like I said, when they act all like you're a criminal, just say, hey, I have a reservation here, I want to cover the Bilderberg, and we have a right to know what goes on at these meetings, and point out that in England it's illegal to set policy with government officials in a secret meeting, ask them if they have laws like that in Copenhagen.
And then when the local security threatens to arrest you, you say, well, I'd like to talk to the police, and just don't, you know, don't push past them, and just, you know, just illustrate everything for folks, and then maybe we'll get more of a tour of the waterfront and stuff.
Again, if you're a radio listener, we have free video feeds at InfoWars.com forward slash show, or you can be a PrisonPlanet.tv subscriber and get the HD version of the nightly news and so much more.
Go ahead, David, what were you saying?
If you see this right here, according to the shots that Watson had, I believe this is the staging area where they have, uh, that they've set aside directly across from... Yeah, that's the free speech zone.
Yeah, that's the free speech zone, exactly.
And I don't know, all I see is a bunch of red and blue signs with X's on them, so I don't know what that's saying because it's not in English.
Well, they've got the trash cans ready and everything.
No, Watson said that's the free speech zone.
We've got a report on that on InfoWars.com.
Keep getting photos.
We'll put it out on the Real Alex Jones on Twitter as well.
Live feed from Europe, Copenhagen, Bilderberg 2014.
We're going in next.
Stay with us.
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It's Alex Jones.
The system wants to know everything about us, but they want to be secretive.
They want to spy on us with all their NSA grids.
Tell us we have no rights, put us in free speech zones.
And tell us there's no world government, there's no man behind the curtain.
There's no special interest.
But we got news for them.
We are.
Exposing the Bilderberg Group 2014 that they said didn't exist.
And it is now mainstream news because of the work of the real media.
If CNN and MSNBC want to know why they're imploding, look in the mirror.
We're exploding, they're imploding, because we think people want to know about 150 world leaders and royalty meeting in secret.
But folks don't want to know about Kim Kardashian's baby.
Yeah, maybe idiots that are unsuccessful want to know about that, about somebody else's life, somebody else's baby.
We want to know about how the world really works.
We don't want special interests trying to set up a nightmare planet for us, for their power at our expense.
We want to control our own destiny, day to night.
Josh Owens on camera and Paul Watson, who I've told to loiter back in case they nab our people, and another auxiliary reporter, are there right now in Copenhagen, Denmark, at the free speech zones, about to march over to the side of Bilderberg where they've already taken over and arrested people yesterday and thrown folks out.
David Knight, go ahead and take over the live feed and just go up and talk to them.
You've got the control tower here.
Go ahead.
Well, you know, Alex, as you were just saying, they want to know everything about us, but we're not allowed to know anything about them.
They meet in secret, they violate ethics and sunshine laws that governments all over the world have.
And this is another picture here.
Take a look at, you talked about this free speech zone that they've created here.
It's like a prison.
So we get behind bars, we get in our cages, and if we're lucky we can look across the street at the luxurious hotel where the royalty and the international elite are meeting to
Plan the future of world government.
That's what's going on here.
And, I mean, it's a pretty powerful image when you look at this large parking lot they've created here with temporary supports down here at the bottom.
And then they've got these cages up here.
So they're going to put us all in a giant free speech cage.
It's what they do everywhere.
It's what they did out in Nevada.
They created a free speech area.
And a First Amendment area.
That's one of the first things that the bureaucracy was inclined to do.
And they had, it was very small compared to this, but exactly the same sort of thing.
Somebody went by there and they put up a handwritten sign that said the First Amendment is not an area.
And that's their instinct.
They always want to shut down free speech, and they want to know everything about us, but we're not allowed to know anything about them.
Now we're trying to find a place to cross over.
And David, notice it's a continuity of agenda worldwide.
The same laws, the same free speech zones, the same uniforms.
This is global continuity of agenda standardization.
Yes, exactly.
And I haven't seen the complete, because we were in Plains, I haven't been able to get the full Bilderberg attendees list, but I believe that Palantir is there again this year.
They had a lot of computer people there last year.
Oh yeah, they've got all the Snoopies.
They've got all the Snoop people there, yeah.
That's right.
I'm sure it's going to be on the agenda.
to uh... you know how they're going to handle all these NSA leaks uh... and I'm sure that they want to talk to Keith Alexander who's going to be there now of course he went there even when he was head of the NSA he was going to Bilderberg this agency that before Snowden was so secretive that everybody was joking that NSA meant no such agency and even though they were saying that was going to compromise US
Security for him to even acknowledge the existence of this agency.
He was going to Bilderberg and meeting with them privately.
So, you know, how do they justify that sort of thing?
I hear you.
When you get there, they've got barricades and fences put up now.
Take a rest for a minute or two so you're not winded once you get up to their main entrance.
Well, they've got it completely blocked off so that we can't get in.
They put barricades up and you can see right now they're putting barricades.
No, no.
Go down to the end of the barricade.
Sure, sure.
Go down to the end of the barricade.
Go down to the end of the barricade.
Find where the police checkpoint is and talk to them.
Or do whatever you think is best.
What do you want to do, David?
Yeah, we'll go down this way, but let's get back over the median.
Because we've got to go around this truck anyway.
And don't get run over.
So as you can see here with this truck, they're setting these concrete barricades down right now.
And completely barricading it off, because they'll be arriving tomorrow.
Bilderberg Group.
Then I guess they want to have you across the street where you can't even, across four lanes of traffic, where you can't get a good shot of who's in the cars when they come in.
That's right.
It'll be four lanes of traffic.
They've got concrete barricades on the free speech zone side, and then concrete barricades over here.
But of course, this is nothing that anybody should be concerned about, right?
Guaranteed it's paid for by taxpayers, just like England.
Alright, you can still get in though.
There you go, there's the entrance right there.
The entrance to Mordor.
You'll find David Rockefeller in there.
Yep, that's Marriott.
There's a guy there in a suit.
He's walking around.
I think he's gonna... Good.
...come over to us.
Now again, in a free society, it'd be totally normal to want to know what's going on with this.
I mean, this is more important than Davos in their own words.
And here we go.
Can you get a shot over there?
Yeah, take your time.
Stop and get some shots before they throw you out of there.
Take a look at that.
That's what it... So this... Yeah.
This is the Bilderberg eye view.
This is what they're going to be seeing of us, I guess, with the people over there.
Yeah, so it looks like the free speech zone is a good 100 yards away?
Oh, yeah.
It's across a four-lane highway, and then they've got a very large parking lot with wires around it.
I think that modern architecture is so ugly.
Okay, we're going to go through the revolving door here.
Alright, now take it easy, because if the signal cuts... I want you to come back out of the signal cuts, I'm going to tell you, so they can come out.
I don't want... Okay, here we go.
Good job.
We've got reservations here.
Do we have to go to a metal detector to get in?
Only if you have a card like this, you can.
How do we get a reservation?
I mean, how do we check in?
You have to press from the hotel.
I can't.
Oh, we're live on the air.
We're on a radio station.
Yeah, we're on a radio station.
We had reservations.
We were delayed, so we didn't get in last night.
We don't have reservations.
This is a private... You had reservations for Monday and for Tuesday.
Yeah, I suggest you call the other stuff.
The best you can do.
Ask them for their press representative.
Do you have a press representative here?
The hotel has.
How do I get in touch with the hotel?
I mean, I'm at the hotel.
Hi, how are you doing?
David Knight.
We have a reservation here for Monday night and Tuesday night.
We were delayed with weather, so we didn't get in until today.
So I was wondering, how do we check in?
Well, you cannot check in because the hotel is closed now, so you need to call the hotel on the phone and then tell them what kind of message you have.
Okay, all right, so they cancelled our reservation for Tuesday, I guess?
Ask him how long Bilderberg's gonna be there.
Private event, so I don't have anything to do, so you have to call.
Okay, so do you know how long Bilderberg's gonna be here, or you don't know?
Are you guys, are you private or security, or are you this?
We're private.
Okay, all right.
So I have to say that you need to call Marriott Hotel by the phone and ask them about your reservation.
Ask him his name.
Could I get your name?
All right.
He doesn't want to give me his name.
All right.
Try to look at his badge.
Thank you for stopping by.
Thank you.
Thank you.
His badge, it says Copenhagen 2014.
So... Ask him what the metal detector's for.
Is there an airport in there?
Tell him we're gonna leave.
Tell him you're gonna leave.
Just a few more questions.
Go ahead and go.
He asked you to leave.
Don't thank him.
Thank you.
He thanked us for stopping by.
Oh, boy.
You saw the metal detector, the whole bit.
Well, again, the whole point, the reason we're doing this... It is completely cordoned off.
I mean, you walk in and it is like a Danish TSA.
Actually, these guys look much better than TSA.
Well, listen, David, again, for new listeners, the reason we're covering this is they said this didn't exist for decades.
They made fun of it.
Now they're in the news admitting they run things, but we're kooks to not like it.
The EU's imploding.
No one wants to be part of it, so they're starting wars in places like Ukraine to try to keep it expanding.
This is the tyrants.
These are the people taking our liberties.
Why don't you march down and try to go to the waterfront now and give us a view of the back?
And then if they come over and tell you to leave again, say, oh we left the inside, do you want us to leave the grounds entirely?
And then say yes and then leave.
But I think they're going to be nice to you as long as you're gentlemanly.
Our goal is to not get you arrested.
Or David, take whatever initiative you want.
What do you want to do next?
What do you want to do next, David?
Metal barricades on top of the concrete where you used to be able to walk out and see the water here They've got that all barricaded off.
So that's all barricaded all the way down there.
They've made it like a prison here truly amazing here Let's walk down to the end there.
Yeah so
Yeah, he had on his badge, there's no names on the badges, everybody's in very nice suits, and it just said Copenhagen 2014, so maybe they're Bilderberg's private security, I wonder.
Uh, how much is being paid for by Bilderberg and how much is being paid for by the people of Copenhagen.
Let's go out on that pier.
Because I'm tell- if it's walkable, or is that a dam?
No, that's a pier.
I'm telling you- They got that blocked off.
They got that blocked off from the Bilderberg side.
You see right here?
They put concrete barrier- uh, barricades here.
And they put a- they've really barricaded this place.
Look at this.
It looks like that's public.
But you'll have to go out and go around it then.
That's outrageous.
Well, David, you're there.
What do you make of all this?
Yeah, well, we lost his feed.
Let's go ahead and reconnect with those guys.
Good job, crew.
And again, folks, for you that know all about this, you're like, OK, yeah, we're there.
We have to go show the public this is real.
And we've been doing that, and they were freaking out, and we had like 4,000 people at one time, 3-4,000, to hear me speak there at Bilderberg last year in England, in Watford.
The police were on our side.
They were angry about what's going on.
People know they're being screwed over.
This is the group.
And you can send your suggestions to ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com.
I plan, if we can continue to be able to capitalize our operation and have money,
I plan on getting probably six more reporters to where I will always have reporters six, seven days a week.
We'll be somewhere in the U.S.
or in the world bringing you U.N.
meetings, bringing you globalist operations, bringing you resistance movements.
I'm even hiring folks like Joe Biggs and people, Staff Sergeant, who are ready to go to war zones.
Is that military?
Is that police?
Look at that.
Is that a cop?
David, tell us what you're seeing.
Uh, looks like there's somebody, I don't, we're trying to, I can't see from here if that's police or if it's a police boat or if that's just an individual out there.
I think that's a police boat.
Yeah, they're driving like it is.
They slowed down.
Take a look at this.
Uh, they've got everything barricaded with concrete and metal fences up above that.
It's pretty amazing around here.
Across the way here, it's very beautiful.
There's a lot of older buildings.
And of course on this side, we've got the glass structure.
Oh, look at the chef up there with his big hat.
They're preparing the
Find food for the build-a-burger.
Yo, stop.
Let's get some footage of that chef.
Go over to the glass.
Yeah, put it right up against the window.
Put it against the window.
Right against the glass.
Yeah, yeah.
The chef's up above.
She's smiling.
Yeah, put it right against the glass.
Yeah, the chef's up there.
Maybe back up 20 feet where you were at.
You can get a shot.
There you go.
Can you guys see him?
Yeah, so again, they don't want us looking in.
We're looking in.
We're investigating like media's supposed to do.
Let's see if we can see something in some of these other windows a little bit further down here.
This area.
And again, folks, this is what your PrisonPlanet.tv subscriptions are paying for.
We can go stick cameras in the windows.
That's a guy doing bookkeeping.
Hey, I bet that guy's got badges and stuff and names itinerary.
You ought to go back and stick a camera in there.
Good to see you.
Well, we're just joined by Paul Joseph Watson.
You feeling that?
We're just, uh, no.
Yeah, we went in the front, yeah.
Who else is with, who else is with Watson?
Give us a pan of the crew.
Sorry, what?
Who else is with you?
How are you guys doing?
Some of the other folks.
Hi, I'm Julia.
Hi, this is Julia with this and Paul Joseph Watson.
Hey Watson!
So you were inside the... Give us your take on what's going on, yeah.
Yeah, give us your take on what's going on.
Erm, I can't hear what he's saying but yeah, we just came up here to meet David for the first time and erm...
There are some people across the other side of the street getting harassed by police because they were filming but we've probably seen at least a dozen people just walking back and forth filming which is strange because yesterday even if you weren't filming if you just were carrying a camera in the vicinity they would come up and harass you and chase you off basically but it seems to have changed now because now there are a dozen or so people walking around it seems to be
Well, when we walked in the main lobby, they've now got it set up like you're going into an airport.
So they've got metal detectors and the whole thing barricaded off.
And we said, well, we got reservations here.
We're like, how do we get in touch with anybody?
You have to call the hotel.
This is a private party now.
I'm surprised it's not completely blocked off because obviously we were due to stay there last night.
They kicked us out before that.
So I thought they would seal it off this morning when all the other guests checked out.
Obviously they've relented again because of their stupid mistake of causing incidents that blow up in their faces like the arrest incident last night.
They always seem to change tack when the light of publicity has shined on them.
Watson, who are the FROI lines that you're with?
Are they locals?
I want to get their take on Bilderberg.
I think their video froze again.
Ask them who some of the activists are they've run into and see if those young ladies want to say a word or two about what they think that's going on.
Again, Skype is breaking up.
Hey, that's the technology, ladies and gentlemen.
Tell us what happened with your experience when you were harassed for the first time.
As soon as I set foot in here, you want to meet somebody.
I just sat outside of the hotel and... Yeah.
Do we need permission to film?
Tell him you're just on the waterfront.
Why is he filming you?
Are you here?
Are you staying in the hotel?
We were staying there last night.
You've been here?
Last night?
Last night, yeah.
Tell him you already talked to... Skip the break.
Look at this guy.
We went in to try and get reservations tonight.
And who are you?
I'm the service here.
Tell him you already talked to the real security up front.
We just went in and talked to the people up front where they've got the airport security.
He interrupted your interview.
We're skipping the break.
We just wanted to see what it looks like back here.
Okay, so I will inform them.
Yeah, go inform them.
Look at that little police state guy.
And I guarantee you that guy comes from a third world country.
Okay, this is like a hotel.
Has anybody ever filmed the back side of this?
I mean, I imagine a lot of people have filmed this area.
No, no, everyone's evil that films.
Ask him where he's from.
Ask him where he's from.
Yeah, so where are you from?
I'm from a hotel.
No, no, what country?
What country are you from?
Oh, here in Denmark?
Yeah, he says he's here.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Look at him, total power trip.
Notice how the real Bilderberg security were like being gentlemanly.
They didn't want to seem.
That guy wants to act like a secret police agent.
Anyways, finish our interview with the woman.
Let her finish.
I didn't have a cap off.
I had my camera in my hands.
I had it like this, sitting down, just looking around.
Someone came up to me immediately and said, what are you doing here?
Meeting a friend.
What's your friend's name?
Except a fake first name.
What's her last name?
Like, why are you talking to me?
You're not allowed to film here.
I'm not filming here.
Everyone's taking my camera.
You're not allowed to be here.
Excuse me.
I mean, I look very threatening, obviously.
No, no, no.
Secret police is about making you feel bad.
Yeah, it is threatening for them to get their picture taken.
They, you know, they're supposed to be completely anonymous, completely private, but they're supposed to know everything about us.
As soon as they see any camera, I guess.
I wasn't even holding my hand.
Like, why do you have a camera?
I like to take pictures, actually.
Pictures are pretty, aren't they?
I think this is more security out here.
Is that more security?
Can you tell?
Interview the other activist lady.
Interview the other lady and find out what happened to her.
Well, this other lady right here is Karen.
It's interesting, before you came up and went in to talk to the people in the Marriott, there were two gentlemen across the street, and they were filming and talking about it, and the police came, and the local police came, and got their addresses and all their vital information, so I was assuming you would be stuck with that same situation.
Yeah, I don't know what's going on.
I mean, we've kind of gotten the pass so far, but I guess that guy's gonna be coming back.
He wants us to stay here.
It's because you look distinguished.
I'm telling you, it's Europe, man.
I guess we should just go on.
I don't know.
That's newsworthy that they're putting up... Bilderberg is blacking out windows to stop the press.
That is important.
Yeah, yeah, that's what they're putting.
So it's kind of a blurring film.
It's transparent, but it's blurring it.
It's kind of a clean film.
Oh, they're not hiding anything inside, folks.
Yeah, that's right, that's right.
Is Josh shooting this in HD?
Are you shooting this in HD?
No, we're just streaming it right now.
Make sure we get HD of all this stuff as well.
Yeah, we will.
It's just that we were racing to try to get here.
No, no, you're doing a great job.
You're doing a great job.
You're not going to get this after tonight.
I mean, they're shutting it down right now.
That barricade will probably be closed in about 20 minutes.
Yeah, so they're putting film up so people can't get any shots, I guess, from a distance, even though... Can anybody get up there on those walkways over there?
Okay, so I guess that's what they're afraid of.
I guess they're afraid somebody's gonna walk out there on those walkways there with a long lens and and get a glimpse.
Hey guys, I'm telling you right now...
You need to get some high-def shots of them putting that film up.
That is newsworthy.
But they're blacking the windows out for Bilderberg.
I mean, a picture tells a thousand words.
Can you get some high-def shots of them putting this stuff up?
This is sensational.
That needs to go up on YouTube.
That's newsworthy right now.
And then you guys need to go ahead and get out of there before they... I mean, that truck was almost done, closing it down, and I think you should get out of there in the next five minutes or so, because we're going to be ending this.
Yeah, uh, who's getting the HD right now?
Uh, right now... I'm sorry, what's your name?
Julia from Brave the World.
Julia's getting some HD.
Are you getting stills or are you getting a video?
Just video.
Um, it's... I mean... I'm just saying, our crew, we have a rig that shoots HD and video.
I'm pointing my camera at it and you can't really see through it.
It's too reflective anyway.
So they're going to quite an extent to make it less...
Yeah, that's her point is that they've already got a pretty reflective window here.
Just have Watson shoot HD video with his iPhone.
It's like I'm directing this from the US.
Yeah, we're getting it with the iPhone as well.
It's sensational.
I want to get that out on YouTube right now.
In fact, I want you guys to stop for a minute, shoot a report talking about that, David, with the live stream on you and with Watson getting it.
Start a new video, shoot a report about him literally blacking out the truth, blacking out the windows, talk about meeting in a dark room.
This is it, the global government meeting, the criminal EU meeting.
We're on the march, they're on the run.
Give us a report, David Knight.
Can we do it right now?
You want us to break off the broadcast?
No, no.
I want to get it all right now.
That's why we're there, is to get this.
That's a big deal, them doing that.
Well, here we are.
We're back in the back of the Marriott here in Copenhagen, where they're going to have a Bilderberg meeting beginning tomorrow.
And in preparation for what they're doing, you can see the guy behind us.
He's putting up a translucent film to further obscure what's going on inside.
They've already got a reflective glass backing here.
But they don't want anybody.
They're so paranoid that people are going to get a glimpse of who is attending.
They're going to put out an attendees list.
We don't know if that's a real list or not.
They could be telling us that people are coming who aren't coming.
There's certainly going to be people that are going to be coming that they're not going to tell us about.
And they don't want us to see any of this.
So they're putting up temporary window films, as well as blocking the place off with concrete barriers, with metal barriers.
Essentially, they're afraid of everything.
What did you say, Paul?
Yeah, it's an improvement on last year though because they built a wall entirely around the entire Grove Hotel and then we were kept over a mile away from that, so.
And of course there was the anti-terror zone around the whole area which gave them, in their own mind, complete right to completely violate everything that freedom's supposed to stand for.
But it's not as paranoid now as it was last night.
Last night, it was like a feeding frenzy.
They were just on everybody, even carrying a camera, anywhere near the hotel, so.
Compared to last night, it's not as bad.
Well, I guess they looked at some of the press and decided maybe they wouldn't do that a second time.
Sure, well here's the bottom line.
First, they didn't exist.
We prove it exists.
And now it's no big deal.
They're not trying to hide anything.
They are trying to hide stuff, because there's illegal stuff going on.
It's illegal in the U.S.
under multiple federal laws.
It's illegal under British laws, the stuff that's going on there.
It's illegal under EU laws.
It's a big, criminal, globalist, confab meeting.
These are the people pushing to take our guns.
These are the people trying to break our families up.
These are the people who put the floor on the water.
I'm going to overdrive, David.
You guys get out of there.
So we're going to go to a one minute break on iPhones, shoot HD, of them blacking out the windows.
Then I'm going to come back live with you so you can get out of there under cover of live transmission.
Overdrive at Infowars.com forward slash show.
Some stations don't carry this.
Live from Bilderberg 2014.
Our crews did a great job.
We'll be right back.
This is Alex Jones for InfoWarsLife.com.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I just want to say, Paul Watson, David Knight, his wife, who's there with him, doing a great job.
Josh Owens doing a fabulous job.
I sound frustrated sometimes.
It's just I'm here, like, you know, giving orders from a drone camera into a distant information warfare battlefield and wishing I was there.
And I've got to sit here with all the balls in the air.
But it's just great to see you guys doing what you're doing.
Get more HD, get a report out.
I know you're tired.
Oh, let's go to him.
Here we go.
Here's the security.
Oh, we're on.
Then, please don't film me, but you need to interact with the audience.
We're leaving.
I didn't even know that happens.
That just started happening.
They looked pretty mad when they came over, huh?
Have a good day.
Have a good day, too, General.
You know, those guys are taking down your future, too, you know.
They're gonna own the world, you know.
They're gonna put us in free speech zones over there, but they're gonna play your future right there tomorrow.
Yeah, stay there.
Don't walk off the property lines there.
Go back and talk to them.
Yeah, they got really good plans for you, let me tell you.
Yeah, he hopes they plan it really good.
He has no idea what they got planned.
Okay, so you guys were already starting to leave and then those guys ran out to confront you?
They were like, oh, oh, who are you?
You need to get out of here.
All right, David, great job, as I was saying, to try to get more HD of everything.
And I'd get an HD report out or a clip of them not letting you in, showing the barriers, showing them blacking out the windows.
It's newsworthy that Bilderberg blacks out windows of hotel to stop press.
That's the headline.
That illustrates everything right there.
All right, we'll get that out.
Yeah, it's pretty amazing.
They've really locked this place down.
As Paul said, though, it's kind of a ghost town.
Compared to yesterday, I guess.
We were delayed getting here, so we missed seeing all the action that happened yesterday.
I'm having flashbacks of last year, hanging out with Watson and McAdoo, Leanne.
Hey, Watson.
Look at these guys.
Follow them over.
Want more?
Oh yeah, putting the fish up.
Putting some more up.
They've already got a fence.
There's a second fence.
I'm gonna let you guys go, get HD of all of it, get a report out.
I know you're exhausted.
So do it tonight or tomorrow, whenever you want.
And we'll have you back on live tomorrow at 1130.
So great job to the whole crew out there.
All right.
Thanks, Alex.
All right.
Great job.
Pray for those folks.
So there we are.
Exposing them, putting up gates and wire and fences and free speech zones and
Police and blacking out the windows.
Bilderberg 2014, it kicks off tomorrow and I'm just so blessed that we have this media operation.
I'm so blessed that TheMightyDrugsReport.com links to our stories on this to help break the controlled media paradigm.
And we're going to get HD of all of this and get a report out that will go mega viral of the Bilderberg group putting up fences and blacking out the windows to stop the press.
Bilderberg blocks out windows of hotel to stop press from finding out who the attendees are.
Because they're meeting, we're exposing their global government, and then we'll expose all their policies, and that they're the authors of our discontent, of our Agenda 21 shutdown, of our cultural decline.
They are the main progenitors, the main propulsion drivers.
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