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Name: 20140514_Wed_Alex
Air Date: May 14, 2014
2753 lines.

Alex Jones discusses military occupation training in a 300-acre mock U.S city located in Virginia, expressing concerns about its purpose and implications for civil liberties. He also talks about the Asymmetric Warfare Group's focus on political and economic grievances, control points over transportation systems, SARS outbreaks, and the need for a ready military force in case of pandemics or emergencies. Jones emphasizes staying informed and advocating for individual rights and freedoms. The speaker then discusses immigration, highlighting the release of 36,000 aggravated felons into the United States due to improper deportation procedures. They argue that many immigrants tend to vote for policies that increase taxes on American citizens while exempting wealthier individuals and discuss demographic challenges in Germany.

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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Man, there is a lot of news today.
Unbelievable amounts of it, and as usual I'll try to babble through most of it.
David Knight and Joe Biggs are in Virginia right now, and we are going to have a live report from them on the ground.
Remember back in February we reported on the giant fake city built in the wooded hills of Virginia?
Where they are basically trying to occupy U.S.
Well, we have put in scores of phone calls and emails and requests to be given an interview.
And to be able to look at the base and go in and get a basic citizen inspection of it.
It's got models of what look like Baptist churches, you name it.
The street signs are marked for the U.S., marked DC subway.
And we know it's all part of the giant urban warfare training program and overall PSYOP to condition the public.
But they have not responded to us and have ignored us and refused our request, haven't even talked to us.
No, because we have millions of listeners and millions of viewers and 400 million views on one YouTube channel.
We don't exist.
We're just U.S.
citizens and, well, they're training the U.S.
military in there for treason.
The Army Times, Stars and Stripes all push the idea of brigade homeland and troops on the streets.
Something that was denied for 15 plus years when I was exposing it, but the last five or six years has been admitted.
So we're going to go to a live report with them outside the base, coming up in the next segment, and then they're going to try to go on the base and talk to the colonel
Who we've been in contact with and who will not give us a response about our request for an interview to be able to find out exactly what's going on.
Now, it's a military base inside of a military base.
And Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs is now a full-time InfoWars reporter and moved down here from North Carolina.
He's a famous soldier.
They had a big Esquire article about him three or four years ago when he was in Afghanistan and Iraq.
And they had embedded reporters, Michael Hastings, inside some of the heaviest battles
That they've seen in recent times in those areas, especially Afghanistan.
And then of course he helped expose the clear evidence that looks like Hastings was murdered.
So that's the kind of reporter we want.
He's down there as well to communicate in the Army parlance there at the training center where they admit they're merging the FBI, the local police, everyone into this giant FEMA center.
And they, a lot of times, double these training centers as emergency relocation centers.
And from what Biggs has seen, it does look like it's set up to be basically a giant FEMA camp.
It's got the sports stadiums, the whole nine yards, and it is to train the troops to basically storm and occupy and hold U.S.
cities, take control of communications, you name it.
And you're seeing Army.mil footage that they shot.
They haven't let any other media
On the base, they did talk to one reporter and allow him to do an interview.
That reporter was scared to talk to us in person, but said he would talk to David Knight over the phone.
So that interview, I'm told, was to be conducted about an hour ago.
I haven't talked to our reporters yet.
We're connecting them right now.
So we'll spend some time on that live as this unfolds, coming up in the next segment with our live audio video feeds.
The headline, if you want to refresh yourself, for the original article from February is, U.S.
Army builds fake city in Virginia to practice military occupation of the U.S., martial law training, 300-acre town includes sports stadium, school, churches, underground subway, you name it.
So, I said we'd send reporters out there, and after, I don't know, four months of stonewalling, or I guess about three, four months of stonewalling, we have sent our reporters to Virginia.
And so, we're going to be talking to them.
Now, obviously, the big news, and I meant to cover this yesterday, I'm glad DrudgeReport.com reminded me, because there's all the links, it's developed more, that Obama's releasing hundreds of thousands of violent illegals, 30 plus thousand of them aggravated felons.
We're talking rape, we're talking armed assault, we're talking armed robbery, and Lamar Smith, the congressman, has called it a government-sanctioned prison break, and that's what it is.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
My friends, it's Wednesday, the 14th day of May 2014.
We are going to be going live to outside Bowling Green, Virginia at a U.S.
Army base that within it has a training camp with mock churches, public schools, and a D.C.
The military admittedly has been training to take on the Tea Party and American gun owners.
That's even in Foreign Affairs publication.
That's in the Washington Post, Forbes, the Washington Times.
We broke all that information.
But now it's confirmed.
And the reason the military is waking up right now is that they're being trained to carry this out.
Now certainly this base has dual usage.
But the military has been so trained that reporters are bad.
That we're going to see what happens when our reporters, who are a few minutes outside the base, I'm going to give you the name of the base and all the details, try to go in and talk to the public information officer and the colonel that we've been talking to for three-plus months since February, who refused to answer any questions or give us an interview.
We've been stonewalled, so we've sent our reporters there the headline, U.S.
Army Builds Fake City.
Uh, to shoot at during training.
That's the London Telegraph.
We gave a deep analysis of it.
Army builds fake city in Virginia to practice military occupation of America.
So, that is coming up in a moment.
Then, huge Second Amendment news on multiple fronts.
Court upholds warrantless entry, seizure of gun rights.
That's in Florida.
In Illinois, Second Amendment, clear and present danger.
That's a quote.
We're going to be breaking that down, talking about clear and present danger.
Hundreds of thousands of illegals that are felons have been released in the last six years under Obama.
Just released.
Now 36,000 aggravated
Felons, or people awaiting trial or deportation for aggravated crimes, were just released on the streets.
Now again, they've got to grope your sons and your daughters and your wife and your husband to make sure they're not Al-Qaeda, even though the government openly funds Al-Qaeda, publicly.
But, they will release 36,000 felons and criminals in just one release this week.
And now people are telling it like it is.
Congressman Lamar Smith of South Texas has come out and said that the release is the equivalent of criminal immigrants a government-sanctioned prison break.
That's the headline.
Lamar Smith calls ICE release of 36,000 criminal immigrants
A presidentially sanctioned prison break.
Yes, that's what it is.
Here's another one.
Feds release hundreds of immigrant murderers, drunk drivers, sex crime convicts.
We're talking child rapists, folks.
Release of 36,000 criminal illegals, impeachable offense.
Ask WorldNetDaily.
I don't know, is Jeffrey Dahmer, should he be in prison?
I mean, this is the type of total criminal activity that's going on.
By fiat, they've more than tripled the amount of people not even getting a hearing on deportation.
They just release you.
We're talking about above the law.
And criminals from Mexico, the drug dealers, the cartels, are just running rampant.
193 people with homicide convictions were just released.
426 sexual assault convictions released.
This is just in one group.
303 kidnapping convictions.
303 kidnappers.
100, 1,075 aggravated assault convictions.
That means with a weapon.
1,160 stolen vehicle convictions.
9,187 dangerous drug convictions.
16,070 drunk or drug driving convictions.
303 flight escape convictions.
The government is lawless, ladies and gentlemen.
Meanwhile, the military, the army, the marines, they're not training to take on criminals overflowing our borders, which is constitutional.
The military could be there.
No, no.
They're there trying to introduce drugs and things that aren't being laundered to the right banks.
They're busy in the army times
And Stars and Stripes, this is all public under NORTHCOM, training to take on returning veterans, number one, gun owners, libertarians, constitutionalists, and even mainline conservatives and Christians.
Remember even Fox News a few months ago had the headline, Army soldiers told at Fort Hood they can't be part of Evangelical Church or the Tea Party, they may be court-martialed.
That's like saying you'll be court-martialed if we find out you're part of the PTA or something, you're part of a Rotary Club.
Does ARMY consider Christian Tea Party a terror threat?
Fox News.
Then you read the article, it says you will be court-martialed.
Folks, this is the chilling effect where they are indicting and going after pro-life groups.
They are arresting filmmakers.
They are arresting governors for crooked toenails that are Republicans.
The Democrats are involved in a takeover right now.
And again, I'm not glorifying the Republicans.
They have been part of it.
But the Democrats are making a power move right now to take this country over.
And once they've done that, they're going to screw the average Democratic voter as well.
Look what Obamacare does.
And I'm not saying the Republicans are going to save us either, but the Republican and Democratic leadership are all targeting.
They're all targeting.
Any opposition to this globalist takeover.
And the Republican leadership is going after the Tea Party as well.
I know I harp on that.
So that's all coming up today as well.
Huge Russia news.
Huge NSA news.
I'm going to cover it all.
Huge fear-mongering that if we don't pay carbon taxes in 500 days, the Earth's dead.
That's French main minister.
Saying that, I mean, it's just CNN says NASA says that the Antarctic's gonna melt, we're gonna flood.
It's all lies.
Paul Watson has an article on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com about that.
Russian Foreign Minister demands know what's going on with mercenaries in Ukraine.
The Russians are kicking the US off the International Space Station.
Huge news.
I mean, it is just so amazing all the stuff that's happening.
Russia moves to de-dollarize all their petro sales.
That's a big deal.
But the globalists don't care if it runs America or Russia in the ground.
They're making money from both ends.
Now, we take you to rural Virginia, outside Bowling Green, Virginia, where there is a major U.S.
Army base.
And within that base, there is another 300-acre base with a mock U.S.
And every time we've tried to go, even at the G-20, to a U.S.
military base, that time of National Guard Armory, we'd called ahead, they told us the name of the public information officer, we showed up, camera rolling, and they said, you've got bombs and are here to blow the base up.
Everybody heard that, saw that video.
And then they had the police come after our guys, and our guys laughed at the police.
I got the cops on air, on the radio.
That's on YouTube now, save from four years ago.
Rob Doo was there.
And they then backed off, and I laughed at the cop.
And I said, so I'm supposed to, like, believe this mind control now that we're terrorists, and then we all act scared, and then you actually try to set somebody up.
I said, you're setting people up, and you're engaging in criminal actions.
And he said, look, we're dropping the whole thing.
Have a nice day.
I mean, it was just all this mind game.
So, we're going to see if American reporters for a major independent news organization with 3 million radio listeners a day, over a million people that watch us one way or another via video every day, that's a very conservative number, like 9 million viewers a week on our YouTube channel now.
We're sending our reporters there, Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs, highly decorated Army soldier from Iraq and Afghanistan, and engineer and reporter right there, David Knight.
We're going to skip this network break, this is so important.
Guys, you're only a few minutes away from this.
Tell us where you are, the name of the base for folks, where it's located, and why we're here.
Because they're there training openly to take on the American people.
We have to draw attention to this.
They want to hide it in plain view.
A giant threat fusion center with the FBI, the local police.
They're building these all over.
This is a federal takeover command base in my view.
Probably a FEMA camp will get Biggs' take on the fences within the fences, the concertina wire.
But gentlemen, tell folks what's going on.
Well Alex, we're right here at the base.
We stopped at the guard shack to have an entry point within the
Fort, AP Hill, there's a separate area here for the Asymmetric Warfare Group.
We stopped there and we showed them the request that we had sent multiple times to talk to the lady who shot the video.
They have now let us, they're going to let us drive through the area.
So if you want us to take video, we can show you what we're seeing right now as we're driving through here.
Oh good, so they did the smart thing and are going to let you now do an inspection instead of doing what the Army did last time, claiming we wanted to blow the base up.
Well, I asked the lady, I was like, since I'm a retired Army, I should have access to all this stuff.
And she, after I gave her my ID and all that, she just kind of, they opened the gates and said we could go through.
Okay, good, good, good.
Well, before they throw you out then, I want you to get HD shots of the church, the US signs, the subway stuff, and then go find that colonel, or whoever their public information person is, and see if you can get a tour then.
Well, we're going through right now.
They're letting us go in, take a look at the place, and it's not looking like it's very well focused here on the camera.
That's right.
If you just touch the screen, it'll focus for you.
Yep, it's not doing that.
You know, folks, try to grab your cameras like they did at the NSA when I sent Anthony Gucciardi and Josh Owens up there.
But continue to give us your take on this base.
Let's get Biggs' take on the base when you guys scouted it out from the outside yesterday.
Like I said, we're going to skip this network break.
All right.
Go ahead.
Can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
The weird thing is, you know, I've been in a lot of Army bases and how they have
A fence set up with Constantino wire around a piece of property within the base.
The only place I've ever seen...
We're getting some Skype break-up.
Let's reconnect with them.
That's a directive.
Reconnect with the Skype.
And then we will try to do a Ustream, see if that gets a better pickup.
But just, main thing is I want HD shot of it and I want to go, again, get footage of the churches and the sports stadiums and all the rest of it inside of where they're training for this.
But this is good.
And then he was going to, he already told me it looks like a FEMA camp, how they have a base, and then Constantino wire around the internal 300 acre training facility show.
Again, this is basically a FEMA training center hiding in plain view.
We know that the military trains with the FBI and local police at that facility.
And the issue is, yes, the police should get military training, but the problem is they're integrating the forces together.
Under secret DOD directives that we were able to get and leak back in 1998, which have subsequently been declassified under the assistance program, as the Army calls it.
Okay, Alex, this looks really good.
Okay, we do have high def now.
Good job guys, please continue.
Alright, yeah, this is the first time I've ever been inside an Army base where they actually have a fence around
A piece of property within the base.
The only time I've ever seen that at is at the Delta Force Compound.
Right now we're passing a train station that they have built up, and as you can see, it's pretty detailed and realistic looking.
We're going to start making our way around towards the Embassy Center and the apartment complex that they have in here.
Now, I'll repeat what you told me this morning about what you saw from the outside.
I mean, why would they want to have a base inside of the Constantinoire around it?
Well, it's weird.
They don't mind you seeing it, but it looks like once you get in, they don't want you to get out.
Yeah, this is very interesting.
Again, only the Army has released footage of this so far, and now you're inside of it.
Why wouldn't the rest of the media want to know what's being trained for in here?
Well, from what the reporter we talked to today, he said that no one's been here since this has been built, since that original opening, so it looks like we're going to be the first people to come through here.
Yeah, we asked him.
If he had been back, or anybody else had gone back, because we were concerned about the connections that he mentioned between the FBI and law enforcement.
When we spoke to him, he said that DEA also has been... Hang on, we're going to get... Here's a fire station over here, as you can see.
And he said there was an embassy building that might be... I don't know, maybe this is the embassy building here.
You can see here...
And there you go.
BB&T 24 hours.
I guess they've got branches in Iraq as well.
I don't know.
Here's the apartment building with actual chairs and all that stuff you can see.
Well sure, I mean obviously this all has dual use as well.
It's admitted the military is training to take on the American people.
We can put up the headline, you know, Army Trains for Tea Party Insurrection, Forbes Magazine.
Now let's go inspect that church.
I want you guys to get out at the church please.
Army Trains to Take on the Tea Party and then again you can actually click
Similar headline to Forbes covering that so folks can see Forbes for themselves.
Again, this is a big deal when we have the biggest military in the world, half the military expenditure in the world, of all the other countries, and more and more it's being focused on us.
And the media and the sitcoms and the dramas are predictive programming that the war is going to be with gun owners.
How the US military would crush a Tea Party rebellion, Forbes.
I mean, this is going on.
And again, I've been obsessed with this ever since I learned about it under Bill Clinton.
He was training them for gun confiscation.
It's been a slow attempt to change the culture of the military.
And I think it's backfired.
You're walking up to the church, but I want to get Bigg's take on that.
Bigg's, do you think this is why the military is waking up, or do you agree that a lot of the enlisted people and non-commissioned are aware of the police state?
I think some of them are starting to, but I think this right here is going to be a stained glass.
I just, it went blank.
No, you guys are doing great.
Keep going, Biggs.
The door's locked and we can't see through the window.
The door's locked and the window panes are, uh, you can't see the stained glasses.
You can't see through.
But I mean, I think after this video today, it's going to wake up a lot of people in the military.
Like, you know, why are we doing this?
I mean, to see this kind of detail that we're out here right now.
And look, those are crosses.
It's got a steeple and crosses on the windows.
That is a Christian church.
Oh yeah.
I've never seen a First Baptist in Syria, Alex, or Iraq or Afghanistan, so what they're training for, I don't know.
Alright, now Joe Biggs is again reporting from the military base there in Virginia.
What does your gut tell you this base is really for?
I mean, we have a good idea and we had requests that never responded to us.
What does your gut tell you and your training and your experience?
Well, I mean, they're definitely up to no good.
I mean, my gut doesn't feel anything.
I mean, I had goosebumps coming in here yesterday when we first came out here and approached it and looked around.
I mean, when you try to, as a civilian, if you were to come on base from the outside road, you can't really see it.
You can only see kind of the top of maybe a building or so.
But once you get down here, I mean, if I was actually still in the Army and they brought me out here to train, I mean, I would be scared for what it is they're trying to do.
I mean, what are they trying to get us ready for?
Hopefully enough soldiers are awake and know that, uh,
Really, nothing can good come from this.
I mean...
I just, I have goosebumps right now.
Well, they're having all these giant urban warfare training drills in major cities and they admit it's a psy-op to acclimate the general public for war.
But again, it'd be one thing if we had a collapse or a meteorite or a bunch of reactors blow up.
We'd need the military on the streets.
But no, the globalists are engineering a societal collapse, pushing race war and all these other balkanization tactics to then bring in the military as the savior and set
Uh, the precedent.
What do you think about that analysis?
Yeah, I agree with you there, Alex.
A hundred and ten percent.
That's incredible.
We need to find the entrance into the subway area.
There's a mosque over there as well.
Well, I heard there's an underground part under this mosque that has interconnecting tunnels between all the buildings is what I found out.
So they said that's supposed to be the part that makes it a little bit more realistic how the Taliban burrowed tunnels underground to go from building to building, and that's how they are able to evade the military.
In Iraq, they did a lot of stuff like that.
They would burrow tunnels from building to building.
But when I'm up here, I don't feel like I'm in Iraq or Afghanistan.
I feel like I'm in
You know, D.C.
or something like that.
The reporter we talked to earlier, Alex, was saying that they didn't let them out when they took the tour here.
They only let them out in the subway area.
And the subway area, he said, was very detailed.
He said everything was in there.
Well, we saw it.
It's modeled after D.C.
They admit that.
That's right.
I've watched a lot of videos from the Asymmetric Warfare Group from 2006, and what they're saying is that they're concerned about not Muslims, but about people who have political and economic grievances.
That's why they're focused on the Tea Party.
They say that in these countries that they've gone to, it isn't the religious extremists he said they use the religion as a framework, as a foundation for what they want to do, but it's people who feel like they no longer have any self-determination.
We're good.
That's what they're planning to do here, but they're kind of doing it in a different order.
They're setting up gradually these kind of control points over transportation, like you see at the airports, and they're rolling this tyranny out in slow motion.
Instead of coming in and destroying the country first, they're putting in all the control grid first.
And again, mainstream publications admit this.
It's not even being hidden anymore because they have to mainline it before they actually try to roll it out.
During an economic collapse, a new world war, a SARS outbreak, 22 people have been sent home fearing they may have SARS.
Two more hospital workers in the US have gotten SARS.
I mean, there are real reasons to need the military to be ready.
Yeah, and one of the videos that I saw from a conference again that I mentioned back in 2006 that they put up on their own website
A Marine Colonel who's retired said that the true believers, whether they're Muslims, Christians, or even Marines, are the ones who have to be eliminated.
You can't deal with them.
That's another reason why they're coming after Christians.
They don't want people who have a strong foundation, who know what they believe,
People who are awake, who are aware, who are seeing things that are going on.
They want jellyfish that can be given a new worldview every five minutes.
And what was the big Pentagon report came out just a few months ago?
It said they're worried about highly motivated individuals and dynamic individuals who just self-determined.
They're afraid of freedom and humanity.
They're afraid of normal competition.
Yes, that's what they were saying.
They said they did a study of a survey of a billion Muslims and the ones that they found were potentially radical.
Tell you what, stay there, David.
Your audio's cutting out.
We're gonna come right back to David Knight and Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs.
They're at the military base.
The big training camp.
Looks like it operates as a FEMA center as well.
And I saw those underground subways.
They look like they're connected to something real.
There's something else going on here, folks.
I can smell it.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I bet it's an underground base hub.
I bet money it is.
Just like that Ozarks base.
This is Alex Jones for InfoWarsLife.com.
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You are a programmable guy that goes and watches Olympus is Falling, and believes all this, and really thinks you're a hero.
Joe, Great American Hero!
Yo, Joe!
You don't work for Joe!
Joe got taken over!
The G.I.
Joe Command Base is run by Cobra!
You understand that?
And I use a child analogy to get through to you because that's your main programming template in North America.
They're on record with that.
That was all Pentagon directed.
You understand you work for Cobra.
You dress like Cobra.
You have the tactics of Cobra.
You are Cobra.
Hail Cobra!
You wanna be little boys?
Or do you wanna really join the Republic?
They know what's going on at the Bundy Ranch, and they won't even let a police information officer give us any information.
That's a bunch of bullsh**.
It's all these stupid G.I.
Joe movies and stuff, where the White House is attacked.
The White House is run by Cobra!
When I went through the process of becoming press secretary, one of the things, one of the first things they told me was, you're not even to acknowledge the drone program.
You're not even to discuss that it exists.
It's run by chaos.
It's run by Spectre.
Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, Extortion.
They run little kids, they run the snuff films, they run the drugs, they run it all.
And because you act like a bunch of naive chumps, this whole thing's gonna come down on us!
Very much concerns me, considering that they have all this bulk ammunition that they're shooting targets of children.
Would you like to tell me who it is that is doing this?
It is the Department of Homeland Security, sir.
Oh, thank you for calling.
To every police officer in this country, to every FBI agent, to every Secret Service agent, you work for Spectre.
You work for chaos.
You work for Cobra.
How do they get power?
They stage a terror attack using Spectre, using Cobra.
Who is Cobra?
Arms dealing, drug dealing, money laundering group, wearing masks.
They wear masks, ladies and gentlemen, because they're the corporate CEOs.
And they're manipulating the governments against each other.
Cobra runs the Muslims.
Cobra runs the CIA.
Cobra runs it all.
Cobra is real.
You can call it whatever you want.
Cobra is in control of America.
And Cobra says the veterans and the gun owners, they're saying that we're the bad guys.
Most people who hold themselves down to be patriots are not.
They're nothing more than domestic terrorists.
That's what Cobra would say.
That's what Specter would say.
Go f*** yourself.
I'm sorry, thank you.
That's what Goldfinger would say, because that's who those people are.
I am Supreme Cobra Commander!
You call your petty bureaucrats officials and authorities?
You will kneel before Cobra or face my wrath!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, I gotta tell you, amazing job putting that together by Jakari Jackson.
He's not just an InfoWars Nightly News anchor, he also is a great video editor, pointing out that our government's been taken over by shadow criminal operations that are now fully abolishing the Old Republic.
And it's just a fact.
Now, again, recap the military base, where you're located, what's happening, Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs and David Knight, both InfoWars Nightly News reporters,
Gentlemen, break down what you've now been witnessing there at the base with the churches.
They have a mosque as well.
They're training with the FBI, the police.
We're the first independent journalist to be inside this base.
David Knight, recap where you are.
Coming up, Alex, we want to get inside the mosque here.
Right now, we are in the mosque.
We opened up the area here, as you can see on the sketch.
Show them the courtyard here.
There's a courtyard out here in front of the mosque, and the door is actually open, so we want to walk into this and see what it looks like inside the mosque.
I've never been in a mosque before, but, well, let's see.
Just a concrete wall.
Get them reconnected, tell them shoot high-def inside.
Then I want them to go back.
Those look like jail cells across the way.
Let's see if there's locks on those doors that look like they're prison-grade.
I'm telling you folks, this place looks like a FEMA camp masquerading as a trading center because the globalists love to have multi-functions.
And then you've got the underground railway system that we saw that looked like it was full-blown, not mock.
That's what we need.
We need to get into the subterranean areas.
I can't believe they're inside there right now.
Hey guys, I'm telling you, I think this place is doubling as a prison.
What do you see directly in front of you at 12 o'clock?
Well, what I see here is this is a courtyard and it's just cinder block.
It's not finished.
But they've got a lot of compartments around there.
I don't know if that's typical for a mosque or whatever.
We just went inside the front door.
Turn around here, Joe, and get a picture of the front door.
We just went inside the front door there.
And there was more cinder blocks, but there was an area on the inside that had a rounded recessed area, alcove, that looked like it would be modeled after a mosque.
So it looked like it was a mosque there.
We didn't see, we didn't look too closely inside there because we lost connection with Skype once we went inside.
I understand.
I want you to get a hi-def later and go back, but let's go look at those doors over there.
That looks like an interrogation facility where you keep people.
Those look like jail cells to me.
Those are like, uh, that would be the prayer area, and then possibly like a wash area where they could go in and maybe wash their hands, but... So that looks like what you saw in Iraq and Afghanistan?
No, I'm just speculating, that's what it could be, but definitely, I mean, I mean, that part right there that you see the gravel part with the steps going up, that would be like a prayer area where everyone would be in mass and saying their prayer.
Do they typically have rooms?
Not like that, no.
Let's go over there and look at that.
That looks suspicious.
And I want to find the subterranean entrance.
Again, they let you on the base.
I'm sure they're watching this right now.
It's a smart move by them to not freak out and act like we were doing something wrong.
When the NSA did that, it became a big national news story.
So they're watching right now, make no mistake.
It's kind of like a movie where you go into Dracula's castle and he's nowhere to be found, but you know he's watching you.
It's kind of strange to be in this large...
This large area that's totally empty, and we know that they're training.
That is not a jail cell.
That is a light lock.
That's what I wanted to check.
So it's just storage?
Yeah, it's a storage area.
Now, we've got a satellite overhead of the base.
We might want to show that.
Where are you in the 300 acres right now, Staff Sergeant Biggs?
How is it shaped?
It's almost like a squared shape.
It looks like an axe head.
We're like at the bottom corner right now, the furthest away you could be from the road to see from the main road.
Let's zoom in on that overhead.
Right where we're at, right to the left where the mosque is, on the other side over here, this wall that we're in, inside the compound, soccer field with a track around it, and then we could see some more overpasses.
Let's walk over there.
And that map is of course before they built.
Yeah, we've got a Google map.
The latest is before they built it.
Well, the most, this has been updated since the opening.
This isn't quite as, it looks like they've probably done some more recent renovations since the original cutting of the rope.
And no one has approached you?
Not yet.
I mean, the lady, I showed her the email saying that we tried to contact to get in and I gave her my retirement card and I said, you know, I was like, I have access to this.
I was like, I should be able to go in there.
And she goes,
Okay, just go, I guess.
Well, that's good.
Okay, Staff Sergeant, let's go over there and continue to just... Don't listen to me.
Just go and check everything out.
Go wherever you want to go next.
Let's try to find the entrance to the subway.
Because when I saw that footage that the Pentagon released, the Army released, that looked like a real subway to me.
And I want to see what's going on.
You know, that's supposed to be one of the most detailed parts of this whole thing.
And there's underground tunnels in this whole area, so that's gonna be the trick right there.
We gotta find that entrance to see how we can get down in there.
It's gotta be in one of these places, probably like that bank or something.
Well, that's a huge road.
I mean, that looks like a major highway there almost.
Yeah, that's... yeah.
I mean, you can see they got actual traffic lights and all that.
It's an actual supposed to be like a highway.
I'm still trying to find the overpass.
There's supposed to be a bridge around here somewhere that
Uh, so we've checked out the Baptist Church, we've checked out the mosque.
Any idea... And here's the soccer field.
The soccer field's right here.
This is the soccer field.
Did that reporter tell you where the entrance to the subway is?
No, he didn't.
He said he got dropped off.
They took them in a bus, and only let them see that.
They got the ride through, but they were not allowed to get out.
He said all they were allowed to do was get out of the bus right there at the entrance, and then they pushed them inside, and that's where they were able to see.
And again, you're going up to what looks like a dwelling, what would be a home or is that a business?
Oh, that's a bus over there.
A bus just pulled up.
Oh, good, good, good, good.
Check that out and then go check out the bus.
I think it's good to check out the bus.
If you guys just joined us, we've got... No, well, somebody just pulled in.
It looks like they're... these are like offices or whatever.
That looks like an interrogation room.
It does?
Yeah, this does.
I mean, it's got two chairs set up with a desk.
See if you can put the camera up against it, it may be able to get through.
Yeah, there it is.
Here's a map.
Does look like an interrogation area.
Let's go back to that.
Well, that looks like a re-education camp to me, the way it's set up with the sports stadium and everything.
And then there's a medical, like, it looks like a table over here where they
Alright, now there's a train station.
Strap a body down.
There's a table to strap a body down?
Let me see that.
Let's pan towards that.
Yeah, I mean, it's hard to see.
I'm seeing if I can block the light.
But it looks like... Well, you know they've got black sites all over the world from Jordan to Romania for torturing people.
So, you've been in Iraq, you've been in Afghanistan, multiple terrorists.
You're saying right now that looks like some type of
Interrogation area.
Let's go back and get more footage of that.
That's a big deal.
Let's try to get some HD of that.
Oh man, I tell you, it's so good to have the resources to have reporters to be able to send them out and do this.
So you guys were over by the mosque in the church.
So I guess you're in the UKN building?
You're in the UKN building, I guess, that's right by the mosque.
Then I want you to go check out the school and then loop back around to the metro.
Can you see the table now?
Guys, go back to the shot of them.
Yes, I see it.
It looks like a medical exam table.
Actually, it looks like a torture table.
Go back.
That is incredible.
Are you getting HD of this?
Yeah, that's what it looks like to me.
All right, I'm telling you folks, this place is creepy.
Why do you think they haven't come up to you yet?
All right, feed cut.
Call them back, guys.
Now we just have to keep resetting the feed.
Great job with the crew on the ground and here.
Kennedy just joined us there outside Bowling Green, Virginia, at a U.S.
military base that no one's been allowed into, and we just drove right in.
And are now getting the story.
That's how Bohemian Grove was.
That's how everything is.
People can't believe we ever do this stuff.
It's not that big of a deal.
You just go do it.
But you have to actually go do it.
Just like the Bundy Ranch or any of these situations.
And Obama knows that.
He's just legalizing the felons and the illegal aliens and the murderers.
He's just turning off your power plants.
Well, we're just marching in and getting footage.
I mean, it's... What it comes down to is that all that evil men and tyrants need to flourish is that good men and women do nothing.
I've got so much news we're going to get to after we cover this live, but I'm not just going to, you know, have some spooky, weird FEMA camp thing with churches and a model of D.C.
and not send reporters to that.
And so they're there.
Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs and David Knight are both on the ground.
Okay, gentlemen, continue since your feed cut.
Are there any other windows to look into in that building?
Yeah, there's one more window.
Do you guys have the map of the facility?
Yeah, I've got one on my phone somewhere.
Because it looks like if you turn around towards the gate, and go out the gate and take a left, and then go on straight back towards the soccer field, back around to the right, at the right-hand side of the soccer field is... That's not underground.
Pardon me?
What is that about underground?
They're frozen.
Looks like a hatch or something inside there.
Folks, I'm not sure exactly what's going on at this base, but I guarantee it's CIA.
And of course the FBI is involved, that's been confirmed.
So this is probably a black site.
And they literally just wandered in there.
Look at this.
It's an underground hatch.
That's what I thought you said.
This door is locked and we can't go in.
Now you know they're going to say that's for training, but it's perfect to hide clandestine torture center there.
You know they've got torture centers all over the world.
Well, that's like a sweat box, a spot they just put you in and make you suffer for a while.
If you don't cooperate, they'll put you down in that box.
Were you ever a witness to any of that when you were in the Army?
Uh, well, when I was in Afghanistan, they usually kept us outside these buildings.
And the other government agency guys, probably like DEA, uh, CIA and all that, they would go into these kind of rooms like that, exactly.
And they would be, uh, torturing people from in there.
In fact, you told me privately, can I, can I say what you told me privately?
Or is that about how you deliver people to them?
Yeah, they would have us go grab people and then we would actually escort them in there.
And then once we got there, the, uh,
The agents, whoever they were, usually they had thick beards and we couldn't ever take pictures of their face but they would go in and then torture whoever it was and we could just hear screams coming from that building and I still hear those screams at night.
It's a horrible scream to hear a grown person like that being tortured.
That's pretty serious stuff.
But of course only the bad guys torture, right folks?
Wow, well you've seen this facility and it sounds like you're saying this looks like a torture center to you?
That does right here, this part we're in right now does, yes.
And on the map, on the map they call it, we put the overhead back up, of the official map that the Army put out, they have an acronym for that, they call it the UKN.
What does that sound like?
Unified... What does UKN sound like, Biggs?
Uh, I've never heard that term.
But it, to me it looks like, uh, well, probably what the UN's gonna do to the people eventually, torture them and try to take over the world.
All right, which direction you want to go?
You want to go check out the embassy and then go around by the soccer field and try to find an entrance to the subways?
Or do we have any ideas where that entrance is?
There's a mock train center and above ground center that we saw right as we were pulling up.
I don't know if you guys could see that right as we were driving up.
But, uh, looks like there's some parts to go around if we got back in the car that drive around to go over.
There's supposed to be an overpass over this way.
Now, here's the question.
Are there any real railways around that base?
It looks like there are.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, and that's kind of an area.
That's a very... Wait a minute, wait a minute.
They've got real railways running in there?
Are you talking about... Oh, outside the base, you mean?
I believe we saw a couple, didn't we, on the way up here?
I don't know, we could take a look.
Yeah, make sure to look for that.
Again, I'm throwing out my points.
What do you guys think you should do next?
Well, I'm kind of curious as to what this building is to my left right here.
It's very small windows and only a couple entrances.
Well, tell you what, we're gonna go to break, keep going out on the Ustream to back you up in case they show up.
That looks like a
Looks like a jail.
Alright, we're gonna go to break and come back with a live feed from Virginia.
And again, give folks the designation of the base again.
Yes, it's right around Bowling Green, Virginia.
It's called Fort Brady.
Fort Brady, yeah.
Fort AP Hill.
Fort AP Hill.
Fort AP Hill.
We'll be right back.
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Alex Jones here, back live from Austin, Texas.
Our reporters are at the AP Hill Base, Army Base, and what looks like FEMA camp.
Where they have a mock U.S.
city in Bowling Green, Virginia, outside Bowling Green.
Look, the globalists want to build this police state, InfraGard, clergy response team, secret police, Obama globalist army, whose main enemy is the American people, in silence.
They want to just build it with no debate, deny it's there, the Emergency Centers Establishment Act, the civilian inmate labor camp program.
All of this is real and public now.
They just don't give you the details and the specifics of each facility.
And I knew this one was special, so the guys have confidently wandered right in, and we may have snuck underneath the Giants' nose.
My gut tells me they're watching the live feed obviously right now.
Has even admitted the White House tunes into the show.
Foreign governments do.
And they're leaving you alone because they realize making a scene and arresting you and making stuff up will only draw attention to the facility.
So they are making the right move in their PSYOP.
That's what the Deputy Secretary of the Defense said a few months ago.
They said we've got to stop lying and be more... Oh my gosh, there's the entrance it looks like to the underground facility.
Okay, let's go to Biggs right now.
Biggs, go ahead.
Alright, we just walked over the overpass.
As you can see, there's a train track right here, and it's starting to lead into an underground area, so we're going to try to approach this and see what we can see from there.
Yeah, that looks, uh... Well, I don't really know how to describe it until we know exactly what's going on.
It is very dark, and it goes deep down in here, so we're going to walk under here real quick and see what we can... We'll probably lose our feet, but we'll try.
This looks like the beginning of a zombie movie.
You're about to find a bunch of canisters in there with a bunch of Hillary Clinton clones.
God, I hope not.
I don't know if I can handle that today.
Here we go.
They're about to go into the subterranean area.
We don't know.
That looks like a real train track that they've directed in there, but it looks like they've cut some of the tracks and they just run into a wall.
Yeah, look down.
I mean, this has got an actual
This is real.
I mean, this is legit.
This is an actual switchboards and everything on here to be able to maneuver the train.
And is that tunnel open?
Yeah, it's wide open.
I'm gonna walk in here.
As long as I can hear you guys talking, I know you'll be able to see everything, so we're gonna go as far as we can.
All right, well, you guys do whatever you think's best, if it disconnects, but just go ahead and go down into that tunnel and find out what's there.
They could be walking directly into an underground base right now, ladies and gentlemen.
There goes Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs with David Knight in down the tunnel.
It smells like gasoline.
Alright, well don't worry if it cuts out about coming back out.
Go in and find out what's in there.
Get HD video, we'll find out.
Alright, their feed cut.
We'll come back to them in the next hour.
That's pretty good radio, huh?
And again, I'm going to get even more great reporters like this that aren't cowards, and then we're going to go out and just start covering everything, folks.
Our team is awesome.
Thank God for them.
Thank you.
And thank you all for your support.
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We'll be right back with more from our guys on the front lines.
And pray for those guys inside of Fort 18 Hill.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
If you just joined us, some stations carry the second and third hour on this live Wednesday edition.
We are about to crash the servers at infowars.com forward slash show.
And we're going to attempt to put this out on Ustream and other areas, maybe doppelgang the feed so that it doesn't bring down our servers so many people.
Are logging in right now to the audio feeds, but the main video feeds are maxing out at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
If you are a PrisonPlanet.tv member, we have those other servers and you can continue to get the feeds from there, but
Fort AP Hill outside Bowling Green, Virginia.
You can pull up the articles from February.
Army builds fake city in Virginia to practice military occupation, martial law training.
300-acre town includes sports stadium, school, underground subway.
And our guys...
Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs and David Knight just marched into an underground tunnel.
And obviously their internet feed cut out.
So they are out of video, audio, contact going into the underground base.
And so many times, like Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones, that have been infiltrated by myself and others, in the case of Bohemian Grove, and military operations I would cover,
Delta Force operations, you name it, it's in my police state films.
People could not believe it, like the military could not believe that I went and got footage of Delta Force in South Texas and that I had the tips to get it.
And then one time they had guys with guns put the guns to our chest and take our footage away, but that was back when the system would get away with all this.
They know now that blows up in their face.
Plus the military understands that this is treason that's going on.
I think that's a big part of why we're being left alone right now, because they don't want to have a scene.
They will not respond to us about the base.
They will not talk to us.
We've called the base commander or colonel.
We have called their assistants.
We have sent them emails, letters.
Over the last four months, we've been stonewalled.
So now our reporters have just waltzed right in.
And that's what I, again, people don't get it.
People think when I snuck into Bohemian Grove,
That must have been fake because CBS reporters, Vanity Fair reporters, I mean, it's got to be more than 20 reporters have been arrested.
Well, yeah, they go in and start asking people questions with a pad and paper.
I snuck in and then hid in the woods until night came and filmed the ritual.
That is the only reason I got in and was successful with Mike Hanson.
And once I got in, I got on the pay phone.
I don't know.
And we had an insider inside the Grove that gave us code words.
And again, I can talk about that 14 years later.
That was in July of 2000.
Hail Fellowship's eternal flame!
Once again, Midsommar sets us free!
Anyways, long story short, it's so easy to fight tyranny.
What do you think is going to happen if there's a real civil war?
People don't buy the propaganda that John Wayne's a terrorist, and Ron Paul's a terrorist, and Alex Jones is a terrorist, and David Knight's a terrorist, and anybody that wants guns is a terrorist, anybody that's libertarian is a terrorist.
It's not going to fly, folks, and people will be looking for targets of opportunity in a physical war.
The globalists will be hiding in armored bases trying to send out helicopter groups to go grab people in the night to kill the leadership of the resistance.
There is no leadership.
We're headless.
We literally love freedom and we're not going to go along with tyranny and we counter your legions tenfold ten.
We'll be right back to see our crews out of the tunnel.
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General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there was a terror alert on Monday about a potential forklift situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks, I'm being a sergeant!
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Our reporters David Knight and Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs are outside Bowling Green, Virginia at A.P.
Hill, Fort A.P.
Hill, which is a 300-acre facility with razor wire around it.
Inside of another facility, Sergeant Biggs says he's not seen except in prison-type facilities and bases in Afghanistan and Iraq, he saw, where he personally brought scores of people to be tortured.
And anybody that doubts Joe Biggs' credentials, he's had major Esquire pieces done on him with embedded reporters.
Some of the heaviest fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq as well in a piece worked on for over a year with the late Michael Hastings of Rolling Stone before that Vanity Fair.
And he's a very credible witness.
And he's saying it looked like a torture facility to him.
They've now come out of the tunnel where we lost video audio feeds.
What did you find down the railway tunnel, Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs?
It's a pretty in-depth subway station.
As you can tell in the little window, we had to do some climbing to get in through there.
It smells like pure gasoline, but we actually got in under the subway car itself.
And you can see the map, and it is actually Washington, D.C.
I mean, they have
It is in depth.
It's pretty crazy the amount of money you can tell they spent on this and they definitely put it to use.
Right over here though, what I noticed before we were walking down here, there's some helicopter landing zones so they have LZ pads set up too as well.
Now again, you were just here calmly talking with you, a witness to torture in Afghanistan and Iraq, and then now we're just here and you're saying, yeah, looks like an interrogation area, looks like a torture box.
Explain to people, from your expert view, what this place looks like.
It definitely doesn't look too good for America.
I mean, you can see Homeland Security is buying this two billion rounds.
I mean, they definitely
Have a reason to use those and buying up all those extra rounds and destroying them.
That's shady.
I mean, seeing a place like this, I mean, it just gives me the worst gut feeling in the world.
I don't think anything good can come from this, no matter how they word this and say that they're doing joint operations with whoever to help them out.
It just doesn't look and feel right at all.
And the one building over there, though, I mean, to the T looks like an interrogation room that we had helped build in Afghanistan where we would bring in
You know, crop owners, people who had opium fields, things like that.
And these guys would talk to them.
And I guess that's where they would try to find out whether or not they're going to cooperate with the U.S.
government and or not.
And then we would go destroy those opium fields.
So if they didn't play ball, the fields were destroyed.
What happened if they played ball?
Then those fields would be watched from time to time to make sure that no one else did destroy them.
Whoever that farmer's competition may be, whether it be Taliban or other farmers who are trying to sell and make that money over here in the U.S.
So, government helping produce the opium, government torturing, just because it's such an important topic now that we brought it out, since you're talking about it on air, describe the type of people you'd bring to the facilities that you're saying this looks like for torture, in your words, earlier last hour.
I mean, a lot of the times they look like regular farmers, you know.
I mean, sometimes all this kind of questioning why it is we're grabbing these guys.
Abner definitely didn't look like bad Taliban people, but these guys...
We just lost his feed.
I think the mic got unplugged for you guys.
So we're going to check that mic feed.
I want you to recap what you just said.
And then I want to continue on and check out some of the other buildings.
And then I'm going to let you guys go, but with the feed still going in case something happens, we'll have the feed.
It just won't be on air.
And I want to get high def of everything you can.
And then I want to try to go out to the main base that that base is inside of and
We'll first get your raw footage out of there and hide it someplace, and then get lunch or something, and then I want you to go back to the military base and actually talk to the people that are there at the base watching us right now.
So I guess in a couple hours they should know you're going to be coming there.
Does that sound like a good plan, guys?
Okay, we're fixing their audio feed.
I can tell what it was, guys.
The external mic plug must have come out, and then we went to just the general mic on the phone.
So that's what happened there.
So we're going to get the technology back up and working.
Best stuff out there is just off the shelf, and then to be able to bring you this information.
First time we did live feeds with a laptop was back in 1988.
No, we did it before that in New York, but at the DNC.
And we're really able to get a lot of information that way when stuff was happening.
In fact, that video saved me when they said that I was saying, kill Michelle Malkin.
And it was people that were with her, crouching down behind me, screaming it.
And then they had national news saying I had said kill a woman in one hour.
It was all over national television.
And that was an attempt to destroy me, but because we had that feed archived, we had them doing it from behind, showing it.
And that's how the system works, folks.
So just remember, they can pull any type of hoax at any time.
Were we able to get reconnected with those guys?
Not yet.
Well, we can go to phone, too, or we don't need that good an audio.
We can go off the actual internal microphone if you want.
Were we able to get them the message that it was a... Yes, yes, we did.
...mic issue?
They're checking the mic on the... Alright, whatever.
Doesn't matter.
I've run off with a couple of the company phones using them for stuff.
I need to bring those back so they have backup.
I know they have two phones, but that's not enough.
All right, continuing here, ladies and gentlemen, there's a lot of other news we haven't gotten to yet, but this is the type of on-the-ground reporting that we bring you, and this is just amazing news that is unfolding right now, because Biggs has told me privately about stuff, lots of it's come out in the news, about all the people they would go grab and take them to be tortured, and the screaming, and the rest of it, and the bloody rags that would come out when they were done with them.
Sometimes they're just put on helicopters and disappeared.
And people just need to stop being naive and understand, this is going on everywhere.
And it wasn't about defeating Al-Qaeda or the Taliban.
It was about controlling hundreds of billions a year of opium coming out of Afghanistan.
And it was producing about 7% of world supply in 2001.
It's now producing 93%, according to Interpol, of world opium that's turned into heroin.
And the heroin is just everywhere now, on the streets, all over the place.
I go on the hike and bike trail.
Never saw this before.
There's just needles all over the place.
People are just on heroin all over the place.
And because it's so cheap, it's just pouring out on the streets.
And just like Vietnam, you know who's bringing it in.
The big banks using the military, compartmentalized, to guard the opium fields or burn the ones that, you know, they don't control.
And it's...
Pretty outrageous to see all this unfolding and to see all of this going on in this country.
Now, while we're figuring out what's going on with that, guys, just give me a status update.
Status update.
Just come on the mic.
Yeah, we're getting them on the phone.
You're on air right now, right?
Yeah, they're coming on the air here in a second.
We'll get them on the phone.
Here we go.
Okay, great, so we do have them.
Okay, guys, I'm sorry, Biggs, finish up your point about taking people to be tortured in Afghanistan, and then what years that was going on, and then continue to give us your take on what you're seeing at this AP Hill facility in Virginia, and I want to get David Knight's breakdown.
Yeah, what I was talking about with that is we would have these agency representatives, whoever they were,
They typically don't look like your normal soldier, you know, the big long dark beard, the hat brimmed down to the bridge of their nose, you can't see their face that well.
They would come out on missions that we were told not to ask any questions.
They have a specific mission, aside from what it was that we were doing.
And what they would do is, I guess during that time when we were out doing art,
You know, our magic trick, you know, with the hands clapping up here, and there really is something going on underneath the table.
You know, we're giving out free food to the locals, and these guys are out picking out their next, uh, you know, mark.
And then we would take the guy, ask us to bring him in, and we'd take him into this makeshift facility.
It looked a lot like what we just looked at in there.
With tables and chairs like that.
And we would stand outside the door, and you would hear screaming.
Alright, give us your take, and we've got video established, so we'll show some video shots, but have audio on the phone.
Again, you said you saw what looked like a medical table in an interrogation area with a sensory deprivation or sweat box?
Yeah, there was some kind of box over those wires, and then there was a table that had wheels on the bottom.
It definitely looked like a medical table.
They would strap a body down to it, and then there were two chairs facing the table.
Well, you know our so-called U.S.
government's been caught with black sites in Germany, Romania, Poland, Georgia... Fort A.P.
Yeah, Fort A.P.
I mean, obviously it's got multi-uses, but down the road, I'm told they already have the FBI and others there.
This looks like a big threat fusion center to me.
Roger that, it definitely does.
Right now, I'm getting ready to walk over to a landing zone for a helicopter, so I'm looking around right there.
That's where the main four-lane interstate mock area comes to an end, and there's a helicopter landing zone.
It says Helopad 306, and it's right at the edge of the soccer field.
Be sure and get footage of the Constantino wire, because we're showing photos in Poland of a real CIA torture base, and it looks just like the internal base that you're on, similar to Camp X-Ray that is within the larger Guantanamo Bay facility.
Yeah, you can see the C wire that kind of goes around on the edge of the soccer field.
I mean, I don't know a place where I'd want to play soccer at, Alex.
A big fence with concertina wire.
That is like a happy place to be all around.
Well, let's get HD footage of the Constantinoire and continue to go through the area.
I'm going to get some comments from David Knight in the next segment, but you guys just get all the HD you can.
And then just for your own safety, let's get that video re-established with the internal audio.
That's all we have now.
And let's just try to get footage, live feeds to protect you guys as much as we can.
Because undoubtedly they're watching right now.
And then like I said, go get lunch.
Yeah, I'm going to go in there and talk to the guys, but I don't know if I'm going to mention the women in this area.
The lady at the gate didn't seem like she knew her job too well, and I've got a feeling that she might have messed up on this part.
Oh, they're watching.
Don't worry.
I already talked to that reporter.
First thing I did was call him.
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We're good to go.
Alright folks, we're going to cover a giant plethora of incredibly important news on immigration, the second amendment, it's all coming up in the next segment.
We got the video and audio re-established with our reporters Joe Biggs and David Knight and they're going to continue to inspect the facility.
It's inside a military base, they're going to go to the greater military base.
And try to talk to the people that have been stonewalling us.
I suggest you get your stuff back to the hotel or wherever first before you go back there, though, because they may not even know you're in there.
They may freak out.
That's just from experience before.
So, Biggs, closing comments from you on this right now.
We'll continue with the live feed in the background without audio off and on for your safety.
And then I want to get David Knight's quick take on this as well.
So far, like I said, we've seen a lot of detailed structures out here, from the inside and from the out.
You know, the interesting part is those chambers over there, where the medical tables were as well, and that underground part that led to some kind of holding area under that building.
That's a bit eerie.
We walked into the metro subway area.
That was very detailed, way deep down underground too.
And, uh, you can definitely see that, uh, the map of all the D.C.
About 20 minutes ago that bus pulled in.
Are you going to go over and see if anybody's in that?
Yeah, we're going to walk up to it right now.
Another training police nationwide to drive buses during emergencies.
David Knight?
I hear more vehicles right now.
Oh, you hear more vehicles.
Oh, so... Yeah, that might be on the outside road, though, because we're getting close to the corner of the place.
I'm not sure if that bus was here or not.
We're not sure about that.
But, you know, the bottom line, Alex, is that
When they did the tour and they showed the video, they said there was a mosque, all they showed was the church.
I was really questioning whether there was even a mosque.
It turns out they do have a mosque, but they're not talking about having the church.
They don't want people to realize...
That they perceive the American people as the enemy.
You can look at this town.
This is very much an American town.
Scroll around here and look at this.
We've got a crosswalk sign over here.
That's a stop sign, BB&T.
We've got traffic lights there.
We've got a phone booth.
I guess they got that cheap because they don't use those anymore.
Looks like even a newspaper stand, a mailbox out there.
We've got street signs.
They've gone to a lot of detail.
And so the question is, why is an asymmetric
Warfare group training for insurgency here.
I've watched their stuff over and over again.
As we all know, they're going to train as close to the scenario that they plan to be operating in as possible.
But this is very close to an American city.
Very close.
And in the past, what they've done is they've erected these building shells.
And a lot of these buildings, even though they're finished to some detail, most of them are unfinished cinder block.
But they do have windows, they've got doors, locks, that sort of thing.
They do have this finished up like a regular city.
This is not a bombed-out city like they typically train in in the desert for urban warfare.
As Joe, we were talking about this before, they typically put that out in the desert.
They've just got shells of buildings because they've already gone in with airstrikes.
This is a different kind of war they're anticipating.
This is a war where they're going to be occupying a country for a long time.
So the question is, why are they making this so detailed about America?
Well said, David Knight.
What are you planning on doing now?
Well, I'd like to go back and take some shots of the mosque.
We lost reception when we went in there, so we couldn't... We had to go back outside again, so I'd like to take some HD footage of that.
Just want to get some more HD footage.
I think we've gotten into all the places that are open, so...
Yeah, we'll try the fire department.
Let me put the overhead back up and I'll mention all the buildings and see if you've been to them.
Let's put that map back up if we can and I'll mention them.
You've been to the soccer area?
Have you been to the school?
Uh, the school?
The school's across from the mosque, right by the soccer field.
They didn't really have it well.
Okay, what they're calling the school then is that building.
That was the building we called the Torture Center.
I don't know.
Well, you got the UKN.
Have you been to that?
You've got the church.
You've been there.
There's another UKN.
Well, there is a there is a cinder block building that we couldn't get into that's next to the soccer.
That is a couple of stories high.
We did not go into that one.
That's probably why they're talking about school.
And then this is the embassy right here.
The gate is open there.
We can go up and see if we can see anything through the windows of that.
I guess UKN means unknown.
And then you've got, we need to find out what all those UKNs are.
Have you been to the hotel?
Have you been to the one right across the street from the embassy?
Yeah, that's what looks like kind of like an apartment complex.
That's right there.
Yeah, that's the hotel, I guess.
They call that a hotel.
And I don't know, what do they call this over here with the BB, right across the street from it?
Is that a bank or something?
They call it, yeah, UK unknown.
Well, I've got an ATM machine.
And you've been inside the Underground Metro Station?
Alright, well, again, you're at Fort AP Hill in Virginia, and they did not respond to our calls and our letters and our emails, so we're there, and we've got a financial expert, Harry Dent, joining us for the first 30 minutes of the next hour, but I'll come back to you guys
I guess when you go live into the actual military base, where the officers are at, that's going to be coming up.
But continue.
A lot of these windows, again, are totally blacked out and chromed out, where you can't find out what's inside of them.
Wouldn't we like to find out what's going on inside these buildings?
Yeah, find out.
Great job, guys.
We'll continue with your live feed.
Popping in with the video feeds and describing it for radio listeners.
Big news blitz coming up straight ahead.
But we're just investigating.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Investigating black sites.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Alex Jones for InfoWarsLife.com.
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You are either with the Republic or against it.
Our reporters are on the ground outside Bowling Green, Virginia at Fort AP Hill that no other media has been allowed into.
The Pentagon put out some video, did a tour, kept people in their vehicles.
We are going through every building that's open.
And it looks like it is a training facility jointly for torture overseas but could be used as a facility to torture people as well.
We know there's a lot of black sites just like it and looks to me like there's more going on than meets the eye underneath the facility.
Virginia's just riddled with underground railways and other systems.
That's on record.
The Briar Green Hotel is very famous in Virginia.
About three miles from where I sit out by the airport, they've got the Hilton that's a round hotel.
It's the former SAC command base for this sector, about a third of the country, and it's got an underground base under it.
And railways out to Fort Hood and the nuclear weapon bunkers under it.
I know that because I had family that lived here during the fifties and sixties and it was a SAC base officially.
I've talked to military, there's a military base out there right now, National Guard, but it's more than that.
And they're like, yeah, you know about that?
We're not supposed to talk about it.
There's all these snorkels sticking up on the side of the road to bring air down into the underground bases.
So this looks to me like that Ozarks mansion that
The multi-billionaire, former NSA official who, you know, got paid all this government money.
He then built his own armored castle out there.
And they've had, you know, dump trucks for three years coming in and out of giant subterranean, you know, vaults underneath it.
It's definitely, even mainstream news has said it's a secret government base.
And they're just digging in for collapse of civilization, putting these facilities in all over the place.
And just doing all sorts of weird illegal surveillance, narcotics trafficking, torture training.
It really is a nightmare scenario.
I mean, bigs, you know.
Talking about delivering people for torture.
Farmers and people.
That's a standard procedure for folks that were in the Army.
And almost all the rest of my family that's been in the Army, going back to the 50s and 60s and 70s and 80s and 90s, just goes, oh yeah.
Oh sure, torture, narcotics trafficking, murder, murder in the U.S.
I mean it's just the public is so naive about what really goes on.
And meanwhile they'll throw you in jail claiming you didn't pay your income tax, but Obama can make all his friends basically tax-exempt and outside of Obamacare.
Now again we're still showing feeds, that's good, we'll be archiving that and having more on the Nightly News tonight.
We'll go back to them as things unfold.
But it's kind of ghostly
To have our reporters up there at Fort AP Hill, and there are hundreds of thousands of people watching this on different video streams, millions of people on the radio hearing it described.
It'll be archived tonight.
We'll put it out to YouTube for everybody.
It's just incredible.
And before I get into all the news, I hope listeners realize
I'm not complaining.
It's very animating, it's very exciting to do what I do.
It's also very exhausting to know we're right, and to know the big picture, and to just sit here and watch it in slow motion, the tyranny unfold.
But we're so blessed to be here and be able to run this operation.
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The site's been around, I don't know, more than 12 years.
PrisonPlanet.tv is now a first-rate site.
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And we're going to be launching in the next few days what I believe is the first version of the new redesign.
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I know folks have wanted that.
I've wanted that as well.
It's still a great site.
It would look wonderful eight years ago when Curt Nemo redesigned it.
He's been helping with the new redesign.
And again, we're going to do it in phases because folks don't like it changing.
This will be the first phase of change.
In a few months from now, we'll change a little bit more, a little bit more.
But the point is it's kind of like eBay.
People like the yellow color of eBay.
When they went to white, people got mad.
They lost like a third of their traffic.
So they slowly, over a year, changed it from yellow down to white and changed the format.
So we're just tweaking it, what works best, but we're going to do that and then with the rest of the sites and launch a bunch of new stuff.
But that's exciting to have that done.
Hopefully done.
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Our YouTube channel follows the most standard rules of all of the systems.
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We show anything, we have a copyright strike right now, we're fighting.
We could lose that channel with 400 million views.
We've got a bunch of other channels total, 600 million views, not counting other people's channels.
And again, we lose that archive.
Folks should be downloading all your favorite informative videos off of that and reposting it to other video sites.
I mean, we are under... I don't get into it, but I spend a good two hours a day messing with the different globalist harassments, the different fake things that go on, the slap suits, the rest of it.
And we defeated all by the grace of God, knock on wood, repeatedly.
Trust in God, but tie up your camel, as they say.
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And we all got a sale going on Survival Shield right now, ladies and gentlemen.
All right.
That said, let me control myself now and as best I can get into all these different audio and video reports and news that I have to cover.
Because I can't decide what's the most important news, I will start on the right hand side and move to the left.
releases satellite images of Russian forces near Ukraine.
Of course, Russia has always had some of its biggest military bases on the border with Ukraine.
They fought most of their wars in that area, including Hitler.
Not defending the Russians.
The point is, the globalists, the EU, are even worse than the Russian government.
It's very simple.
Russia to ban U.S.
from using space station over Ukraine sanctions.
That's London Telegraph.
Stuff is just getting crazier and crazier.
In retaliation for imposing sanctions, Russia will also bar its rocket engines from launching U.S.
military satellites.
We were ordered in the 70s to destroy the Saturn rocket diagrams that Wernher von Braun created, and they say they can't even recreate them and don't have a heavy lifter.
Do you believe any of this bull?
So this is escalating very, very quickly.
marked helicopter used by Kiev against militias sparked scandal.
They have big hind helicopters painted up with U.N.
The U.N.
admits it and they're very upset that the U.N.'
's been caught.
I guarantee you they're part of it, doing that.
De-dollarization, Russia, it's like using medical helicopters to attack people with Red Cross on it.
Think the Red Cross would like that?
Russia is on the verge of dealing a massive blow to the petrodollar, dumping the dollar for any purchases of oil or natural gas from the mineral-rich mega-nation.
One of the biggest countries in the world geographically and mineral-wise.
And just like Africa, the globalists want to take it over and get it for themselves.
Continuing here, ladies and gentlemen, two stories, actually more than that, on the Second Amendment front.
Court upholds warrantless entry, seizure of gun rights activists for an emergency medical evaluation and literally kidnapping a woman and then taking her firearms.
The woman ended up suing, only to have a U.S.
District Judge
Stottmiller, I believe is how you pronounce it, dismissed the case.
Sutterfield has since appealed.
Pretty amazing, the emergency aid doctrine, where you don't have any proof somebody's crazy, but the police just show up and drag you off and then take your guns.
And that dovetails that rundown line story on InfoWars.com with this Curt Nemo story up on InfoWars.com.
It's very important.
Second Amendment is a clear and present danger, says Illinois.
Concealed carry law allows doctors to make call on gun ownership.
We were sent this, and I looked at it online, since confirmed it's a state version of a federally issued public document, the IDHS.
Illinois Department of Homeland Security firearms ownership identification FOID mental health reporting system and they say if you're basically having any type of problem or stress or anything your gun should be taken and they inform doctors, health care providers, everybody to spy on you and report that on you and to get to get your guns.
Here's another Second Amendment article Florida lawmakers aim
To restore children's right to open carry pop-tart guns on campus.
That's right, people have been getting expelled, arrested, you name it, for just drawing an image of a gun, or writing about a gun in a story for English class, or if the pop-tart looks like a gun to somebody, the police come.
Total mental illness.
It's like saying you can't say the word bossy, or you can't have tacos, or it's racist.
I just thought it was tasty.
You've got that type.
Just be hypersensitive about stuff that isn't going on, but then ignore all of the real tyranny.
I have a clip coming up.
I'm not going to play it now, but transhumanist superhuman powers and live assistive technologies will allow us to become like God, says top transhumanist.
We're going to play a clip of that audio and video.
Coming up here, but let's shift gears into the really bombshell news that I mentioned earlier, but it's so incredible.
You can see all these stories at DrudgeReport.com.
We've got some of them at InfoWars.com, but this really is the ultra lawlessness of, well, we gotta take you to jail.
You didn't pay, you know, for that speeding ticket.
You know, oh, we gotta take you to jail.
You weren't wearing your seatbelt.
They do that now all over the country.
Oh, we gotta do that.
Oh, we gotta, we gotta, you know, check your baby's diaper at the airport and put them in a naked body scanner.
They're back to doing that now.
The TSA's right back to it because, you know, you might be a terrorist, even though the government publicly runs Al-Qaeda now.
No one denies that.
Here it is, Breitbart, Lamar Smith calls ICE release of 36,000 criminal immigrants a presidentially sanctioned prison break.
Yes, turn the rhetoric up to the level of reality.
I mean, when you're getting overrun by criminal activity, rapists, murderers, bank robbers, this is just the latest release, 36,000, it's hundreds of thousands.
I'm telling you folks, illegal alien criminals, not the hard-working illegals that you see, you know, working in the fields, restaurants, you name it, who in my experience are really moral, nice, hard-working people.
But then you've got the criminals of Mexico who come here, and this is the happy hunting ground.
One guy, they say, killed 20-something women, that railway serial killer, and they just couldn't stop him, couldn't get him.
He got arrested over and over again, drunk, stumbling around, but no one knew who he was.
I mean, they're literally ghosts, folks.
And they're building a national ID system, saying it's for the illegals, but exempting them, and really using it on citizens.
Like Ron Paul said, don't build a border fence, it'll be used to keep us in.
And now they're admitting that!
In fact, there's video of that Lamar Smith, isn't there?
We do have a clip of Lamar Smith?
No, we have a clip from Mark Levin's show with Chris Crane, the Ice Union president.
That's right.
Saying that basically La Raza, which means the race, runs them.
Let's play that clip right now.
The other three Republicans, have you asked to meet with them?
And you don't get a response?
No response at all.
That's absolutely unbelievable.
Meanwhile, they'll meet with the National Council of La Raza, English, the race, won't they?
In fact, those groups are now running our agency.
Those groups are now running the agency.
How about that?
That's why we're arresting people.
That's why we can't do it.
By the way, that's not a joke.
I forget all the names, but I've seen it in the news over the years, where the entire directorship, almost the entire directorship, is former La Raza or Ford Foundation.
Yeah, that's what he says here in the clip.
Oh, he says that in the clip?
I haven't even heard the clip.
Oh, he goes on and says that?
And running our agency.
Well, they're embedded in the White House.
I think Obama's top appointee to handle this stuff comes out of one of these groups, doesn't she?
Yes, Cecilia Munoz, yes.
See, I haven't even heard the clip, but I know what they're going to say because it's the truth.
I mean, and again, nothing against Latin Americans, folks, but that's failed countries down there.
It's really hellish.
And literally, it's game over.
The government's bringing them in and even legalizing bank robbers and child molesters.
Child rapists are being released by the thousands.
You cannot make this up.
I remember the first time I saw this going on under Bush.
They reported 200-something thousand released.
The Houston Chronicle did, and it was like thousands of arsonists.
And I went, there's thousands of arsonists?
Thousands of rapists, hundreds of child molesters, child kidnappers.
I mean...
Under the Bush plan that was the Democrat plan, it's the same plan now that they won't let people see.
They make it secret.
But Senator Sessions keeps releasing it and they threaten to censure him.
Supposed to like, well don't see the bill until the day we vote.
You swear at the ICE meeting that you won't be a criminal anymore.
And that, uh, and then you're just released.
Well, I mean, it's like, I just killed somebody, but I swear I'm not gonna do it.
Meanwhile, we have the biggest prison population in the world of pot smokers.
They now got debtor prisons.
Judges in Illinois and other places have thrown people in jail for not paying credit cards.
Even though there's no law that you've got to do that, debtor prisons were outlawed hundreds of years ago in this country.
Only about a hundred years ago in England.
I mean, it's on, folks.
I mean, they don't want real criminals in the jails.
The globalists are criminals.
They love criminals.
They'll probably make them police.
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You know, I feel like I should be doing more to fight this evil takeover.
I'm in this cockpit, this media system reaching millions.
I want to really affect change.
I want to really communicate with people.
But I guess we're doing it.
I guess we're doing it.
There's a lot of other stories up on the site.
I want to get back into the immigration thing and then some other really important news here on
Mears and so many other serious issues.
Student fights back after suspension over pro-gun t-shirt.
You gotta fight back when they restrict your First Amendment.
That's how you keep it alive.
Russian Foreign Minister demands Obama reply to claim U.S.
mercenaries in Ukraine.
Second Amendment, clear and present danger.
MSM pushes doomsday Arctic ice sheet propaganda.
Total lie.
Court upholds warrantless entry, seizure of gun rights, activists just mentioned that.
Transhumanist superhuman powers and life extension tech will allow us to become godlike.
I'm going to play a clip of that coming up.
That's just some of the news up on InfoWars.com.
They're now coming out with anti-surveillance masks that you wear so that you can walk around and not be tracked everywhere you go.
Of course, they'll just program the computers where the cops come after whoever does an ID.
They are building this grid.
And speaking of that, I have an article on that front that I want to hit right now out of CBS News.
I-Team Texas.
Texas firm tracking your car with license plate cameras.
It says they have more than a thousand.
Yeah, you want to bet.
They're networking the police cameras in with these companies, folks.
They have partnerships.
And selling the data.
And it says there's a 100% chance if you live in a major city or have ever gone to a shopping mall that you're being tracked by a company over the past six years.
DRN has accumulated a network of more than 1,000 license plate readers located across the country.
Often thought of as just a tool for law enforcement to track down stolen vehicles, DRN is using automobile license plate readers to revolutionize the repossession industry.
You see?
AI technology in the hands of the corporations.
And again, everyone's being recorded, even if your car's paid for, to just see if, you know, you might be someone who hasn't paid their bill.
And kill switches are in all the new cars, taxing boxes are in all the new cars, and now they're announcing, oh, we're gonna start taxing you by the mile!
Remember, I was the conspiracy theorist warning you about this?
Stop living in denial, folks.
It's all happening.
You have a clip of what?
Oh, sure, let's see that clip.
...places the eyeballs of those people that were hanging their heads out the windows.
If they're not asking my permission, I have a problem with it.
Kurt Swartz is a Dallas attorney.
He says he worries about the number of license plate readers.
I don't expect to be driving around in secret.
On the other hand, I also don't expect to be followed everywhere.
That's right.
With a network of thousands of cameras.
Stop right there.
Folks, it's an integrated master DARPA plan on record to control all reality and track everything with digital systems to have reality be searchable, not just the Internet.
The Internet is a neural network AI system interfacing with Homo Sapien Sapien and other new computer systems and artificially intelligent systems they believe are coming online, probably already have, to then put out the
Smart Dusk RFID face scan infrared digital template to literally track reality to then be able to program and control reality.
And I've been saying that for 15 years now it's mainline news.
That is the plan.
And by the way it's not nice people that run it.
It's an artificial system like
Fractional reserve banking and derivatives and high-frequency trading meant to scam you and end the free market as we know it and create a monopoly.
One system, one unified, hellish collective with engineered food, water, everything.
I mean, it's just a whole new world.
The globalists want to be God.
They want to control the universe.
And they are engaged in GMO, genetic engineering, superbugs, you name it, they're doing it.
We live in a science fiction movie.
Third Hour, coming up.
Third Hour.
More news in the next segment.
This is GPS, the Tennessee Communications Radio Network.
The globalists have controlled the mainstream media for a long time, but now they're expanding, making the weaponization even more vicious and deceptive.
All the major networks are state-run.
We are partnering this year with the NFL.
The NFL has become a political weapon against the Second Amendment, and pushes Obamacare.
MSNBC tells us that our children belong to the state.
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It is more important than ever to realize that we are not the alternative media.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I'm going to play this again after our guest leaves us at about 45 after, and give you more of my take on it.
We've got a lot of important subjects that I want to get into.
Human cloning researcher Richard Seed, he says, when the shift hits the fan, I will be God.
And that's what Ray Kurzweil, all of them say.
We're doing this, you're not going to stop us, and we're basically, you're going to become one of us if we even let you, or we'll sit on you like a bug.
Here he is saying, I will be God.
I will be God.
We are going to become gods.
If you don't like it, get off.
You don't have to contribute.
You don't have to participate.
But if you're going to interfere with me becoming God, then you're going to have big trouble.
Then we'll have warfare.
I mean, this is who these people are.
You interfere with me becoming God, you're going to have big problems.
You're going to have warfare.
You know, people on like Major General Stubbleby, former head of special forces and you name it.
And he's like, no, the elite are obsessed with life extension.
Of course they are.
And they believe they've got to build this to get it.
And the point is, we aren't in the equation to get the resources.
You're not going to get the life extension.
But look at Obamacare.
You're going to get a cane instead of a knee surgery.
Yeah, you get free health care.
Here are some glasses.
You don't get eye surgery.
This is you pay more for less.
You pay more and live in a 200 square foot coffin apartment.
They can take 99% of what you get and let you live in a shoebox.
You see how that works?
And that's progressive.
That's trendy.
That's good for the earth.
While the globalists are killing the earth, bringing in this tyranny.
Look at this.
This is out of Reuters.
Two U.S.
health workers ill after MERS exposure.
World Health Body meets in Geneva.
It's now spread out in the Middle East.
They've sent 22 or 20 healthcare workers home thinking they may have it.
If that's happened, it's going to start spreading.
Two healthcare workers at Florida Hospital exposed to a patient with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome that kills 30% of people who come in contact have begun showing flu-like symptoms, raising concerns about the ability of global health authorities to contain the mysterious and deadly virus.
Could this be the crisis?
I mean, this is really serious.
I'm watching this very closely.
The World Health Organization convened an emergency meeting in Geneva on Tuesday to decide whether the rising rate of confirmed cases, most of them in Saudi Arabia, constitutes a public health emergency or international concern.
Man, they could have mirrors killing 10 million people.
They'd open the borders up, I'm telling you.
It's just sick.
And again, there's so much designer stuff.
SARS, MERS, all of it.
There's been some mystery thing killing people all over the U.S.
Killing two of my family members in the last six months.
We are not in Kansas anymore, ladies and gentlemen.
And I'm not trying to be negative here.
I just want people to know what we're facing, what's going on.
It's best to know
That when you're walking around at night, you know, and you step in a hole and tear your Achilles tendon, it'd be nice to know that hole was there.
I always use that analogy of stepping in a hole at night, and I've actually done it.
Climbing around like an idiot at night.
And it's just the type of things that go on.
And here we are as a society with an elite so disconnected and so hateful of this republic that they are building an open control grid
To dominate good people while legalizing, in one swath, 36,000 illegals who are aggravated felons.
I mean, rapists, arsonists, child rapists, bank robbers.
I mean, it's just like, if you're a bank robber, you're fine.
It's like the Jacobins in the French Revolution.
The French government, the French royalty was bad, but it was just replaced with something even more diabolical, and people just committed to mayhem and death.
Just lawless crazy town.
And it's a mass narcissism.
I'm seeing people get record numbers, get delusional on power trips, think they're invincible, and just ruin their lives.
I know you're seeing it too, and I don't know what's going on, but man, society from television, everything is really screwed up right now.
And we are sitting on top of a giant time bomb.
We're going to talk about it with Harry Dent straight ahead.
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From the water table, to our soils, to the atmosphere itself, our world is becoming more and more toxic each and every day.
But it's not just the air outside that's toxic.
Indoor air has been shown to have two to five times higher concentrations of pollutants than even outdoor air.
And most Americans spend 90% of their time inside using toxic chemicals within their homes.
There are more than 42 million smokers in the United States.
Well over a thousand types of mold and mildew linked to numerous conditions.
And don't forget the fact that 6 million Americans live with pets they're allergic to as well.
When I began to research these statistics, it was clear to me it was time to start cleansing my lungs in order to combat the toxic environment that we cannot escape, but that we can
Hi, I'm Janet Napolitano, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.
Homeland security begins with hometown security.
It seems apparent that our citizens are staying off the streets, which may make scoring particularly difficult, even with this year's rule changes.
To recap those revisions, women
...are still worth 10 points more than men in all age brackets.
But teenagers now rack up 40 points, and toddlers under 12 now rate a big 70 points.
The big score, anyone, any sex, over 75 years old, has been upped to 100 points.
As always, how fast you move determines how long you live.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
We stand for the opposite of collectivism.
We stand for individualism and human empowerment.
That always gives you the great literature, the music, the wealth.
The exploration, the renaissance, the trailblazing, collectivism is always festooned with surveillance and black uniforms and nighttime rallies and cult gangs that wreck civilizations.
And we see the very same corrupt manifestation today, but with giant armies of decadent mobs demanding their free welfare, demanding their free goodies.
I cannot think of a more insane example of the criminal activity that's going on that 36,000 illegal aliens who are aggravated felons
Hundreds of thousands are being released every year, but aggravated felons.
They're not even really doing deportations anymore.
The judges are being ordered at these courts just to let them go.
And again, I don't even dislike the immigrants that are in this country, most of them.
You know, we've aborted most our kids, 53 million.
We have 1.3 kids on average, you know.
The whole West is dying from Japan to the U.S., so we gotta have somebody to work, to pay the Social Security.
The issue is, is that we're telling the world, send your criminals, and your unskilled, and your socialist, and they get here, and then they vote for whoever will give them the most handouts as the country goes completely bankrupt.
What happens when it goes bankrupt?
Well, it looks like the Democratic Party is going to try to stage a race war and then use that to bring in tyranny.
I mean, that's really the blueprint I see.
Lamar Smith calls ICE's release of 36,000 criminal immigrants a presidential-sanctioned prison break.
Is it impeachable?
WorldNetDaily asks.
Does a bear crap in the woods?
And we've got so many serious issues going on, ladies and gentlemen.
That it is just outrageous that they've got Boehner pushing again for quote, immigration reform.
We're the most wide open country in the world.
You can't go anywhere and have your baby paid for.
You can come here, get off an airplane, have a baby, it's a citizen, everything's paid for.
We're a joke, people!
And the political correctness isn't going to work on me now.
Harry Dent joins us until about 45 after.
We appreciate him having time to come on.
He is the founder of Dent Research, an economic forecasting firm specializing in demographic trends.
His mission is helping people understand change using exciting new research developed from years of hands-on business experience.
Mr. Dent offers tools for seeking key economic trends that will affect every aspect of your life.
He's a best-selling author of The Great Boom Ahead in 92, which did happen.
He also successfully predicted what happened in 2008.
He's got a new book out, The Demographic Cliff.
He continues to educate audiences about the predictions for the next Great Depression, especially between 2014-2019, which the Pentagon says they think is going to happen, but the mainstream media says everything is going to be wonderful.
Uh, and he's the author of Survive Prosper Newsletter and has created his HN's Dent Financial Advisor Network.
Before that, he had his MBA from Harvard Business School and worked at Bain Company as a top strategist consultant for Fortune 100 companies.
He has also been the CEO of several entrepreneurial growth companies, uh, harrydent.com.
You heard me just rant about
The illegals.
I wouldn't have an issue with Latin American immigrants, that's 90% of them, 80% of that's Mexico, if they weren't 90 plus percent voting to take my guns, to raise taxes on me, while Warren Buffett's exempt for most of the taxes, but then puts them on nouveau riche type operations, like myself, that actually employ people.
So I want you to talk about that first, because I want to understand that demographically.
Is it good or bad?
And then I want to get into what triggers will cause the crash you're predicting.
Following real estate and how people can protect themselves.
Harry, thanks so much for coming on.
Nice to be back, Alex.
You know, first of all, I mean, demographics is what we look at.
And as bad as I'm forecasting for the United States after this massive baby boom generation, which was augmented by a very large immigrant generation, as much as our demographics point down, they're much worse in Europe.
Australia doesn't let people run across the border at random.
You have to qualify there.
They get more immigrants than we do per capita, but higher educated, less people on welfare rolls, so it's a more productive system.
We're the greatest country in the world, and we've always attracted immigrants.
We were an immigrant country from the beginning, but we have no rules for it until maybe recently.
We're just starting to think about it.
It's just not good policy, but
The fact that we've had such strong immigration, especially over the last few decades, makes us look a lot better than Europe.
One of the predictions I'm making, Alex, is not only are we going to go off a demographic cliff, Germany and much of Europe is going to go off a steeper demographic cliff than anybody thinks, especially Germany, because Germany is getting old really, really fast.
I totally agree with you.
I get why Rand Paul says, give me a real immigration plan and I'll be for amnesty, but it has to be reasonable.
We can't let all the felons go free.
And then he gets attacked as being racist.
I mean, obviously we need the demographics, but there's so many good immigrants from Latin America or Eastern Europe or wherever, but instead we literally get the dregs.
And so politically, how will that affect us?
That's what I'm asking you.
That so many of these immigrants believe in communism and socialism, and politically, I understand the economic demographics are overall good, except the welfare state.
What about that?
Well, you know, I'm like you.
I'm very mixed.
I see a lot.
I used to lecture mostly to CEOs of small businesses through Tech and Vistage and YPO, Young Presidents Organization.
And I found like the penniless immigrants were the strongest entrepreneurs.
They had been poor.
They'd come out of a poor culture.
They would do anything to get ahead.
And they were very Republican in their values.
They were very different.
So I think you get a whole array there.
It's just like you say, if you're going to attract immigrants, have a policy.
Who do you want to attract?
Um, how do they get in?
And then, then how do you, what happens when they get in?
As long as it's clear, it can work.
Our system's been totally unclear for decades.
We say it's illegal to come in, but we turn our head the other way.
And then when they come in, it's kind of wishy-washy.
Do they qualify for this or that?
And of course they're going to end up in your hospitals if they have a problem and stuff.
I don't blame the immigrants.
If I was in Mexico, I'd want to come over here, except for in recent years.
And by the way, after the Great Recession in 2008 and 2009, we actually had as many Mexican immigrants going back across the border to Mexico as coming over here.
And we've been predicting for 20 years that our birth rates would drop further in this downturn, this slow period from 2008 to 2023, which is a simple demographic prediction I can go over.
And immigration would fall.
Immigration rates are already falling.
In an upturn, they're tolerated.
In a downturn, they're not because people say, wait a minute, we can't afford to be giving away jobs when we're losing them.
There's just got to be some way to counter the Democrats trying to radicalize all these people.
Yeah, again, I just say be clear.
Rules for getting in, I wouldn't go send everybody back across the border.
If you look the other way and didn't enforce it, then you're not really taking the law seriously.
And I wouldn't want to disrupt families over here.
And the second generation immigrants,
They all speak English, and they tend to have, you know, more often than not, a strong work ethic.
I find that immigrants demographically come in lower income in education, but they rise faster than the average American.
So overall, we come on this side.
How do you stop that scenario that a free country makes you wealthy and then your kids and grandkids become lazy slobs?
How do we stop that?
Because that's the paradox of freedom.
It creates so much wealth that then it creates pig-like grandchildren.
Yeah, it's the same thing.
They say by three generations you get entrepreneurs that start fortunes and create wealth.
And then the next generation is highly educated and they become Harvard MBAs like me or lawyers and stuff and they do pretty good.
And then by the third generation, they're just partying.
And that is human nature.
It's the same thing.
We get in bubbles like this, and we get in a long boom from 1983 to 2007, which I predicted a long time ago with demographic trends, back to starting in 1988.
People get more and more complacent, and they think, well, you know, we should get more, and it should be easy.
And then bubbles come along, and they say, oh, now we're getting something for nothing, and we don't want the bubbles to ever end.
Bubbles always end.
And bubbles come when people think things can't go down.
You don't have to invest anymore for long-term wealth.
You don't have to work for it.
It should just happen spontaneously because you exist.
And that's what we've been in since the mid-90s.
Bubble after bubble.
And I tell people if it looks like a bubble, quacks like a bubble, walks like a bubble, it's a bubble.
And every economist and analyst is coming on
On CNBC and the financial channels and say, oh, this isn't a bubble.
I've compared this in my book in Chapter 5, in my recent newsletter.
Every bubble in history, they all look exactly like.
In fact, they look just like the Masters and Johnson's orgasm chart.
When you just go up, it gets intense, extreme, and then it just crashes.
I mean, you don't even need a trigger.
So we're in a dangerous time and my biggest message, you know, whether you're a penniless immigrant or you're worth zillions of dollars from this great bubble and all the financial assets bubbling up and the ultra low rent interest rates would have been manipulated by the government, which never turns out well.
Protect your wealth, you know, keep your job, work harder than ever.
Protect your wealth in this bubble.
Get out of inflated real estate and stocks that I think are very near a peak, as I said last time I was on it.
Stay there.
I want to get your real forecast that unfortunately looks like it's going to come true.
HarryDent.com will tell us about his new book as well.
Give us a sneak peek into that and talk about how we protect ourselves, what he thinks is going to happen.
Uh, in this country.
And then you've got the situations with the wars and energy and all the rest of it.
And then when he leaves us at about 45 after, I'm gonna get into a bunch of other breaking news.
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All right, we've got one of the top analysts, HarryDent.com, joining us.
And you see him on CNBC, CNN, all of them, breaking down what he thinks is going to happen.
And I've looked back at his predictions.
They've been very accurate.
But anyone could see this, though, the big demographic cliffs.
What's going to happen?
Is the power structure going to start wars?
His new book is The Demographic Cliff.
Harry S. Dent, Jr.
You can also go to his site and subscribe to his newsletter there.
My only issue is every time we see things happen like this in history, big wars start, there's all sorts of crisis.
What do you see happening and what do you think the triggers could be for this?
Will it be an instant trigger or will it be gradual or we don't know?
Well, you know, bubbles, when they don't correct or go down slowly, they burst when they burst.
And we've had bubble after bubble.
And we've had, you know, real estate bubbles starting in Japan and then crashing and then the U.S.
and Spain and Ireland.
And we're going to see China's the greatest bubble in history.
I go into that in the book.
It's beyond comparison because it's been so government driven.
People say to me, oh, well, you know, in Dubai or when I'm in China, they'll say, oh, well, ours, the government won't let this burst.
When a government's behind a bubble, it's going to be more extreme.
The free market system can get out of whack now and then through greed, but when governments are pushing stuff, there's no end to it.
So the China bubble is going to be the biggest trigger.
There's already cracks in that.
We've seen many things going wrong in China.
Developers failing, developers discounting condos for the first time.
People in China save tons of money.
The fluent people just invest in empty condos, don't even try to rent them out.
And then they get really mad when developers have to discount from overbuilding.
And the government encourages this.
So China, I could spend an hour on this, Alex.
I'm not.
China is the greatest bubble in history.
I tell people, if that bubble doesn't burst in the next several years, I'm going to quit my profession, move to Australia and be a limo driver.
I mean, I've never seen anything like this, you know.
Germany, as I said earlier, when I was in late 89, I was the only guy in the world that predicted Japan was going to collapse in the 90s, while the US and Europe had their greatest boom ever, just on demographics.
Everybody else thought Japan was going to take over the world.
Well, Germany, I'm looking at Germany's
And it runs Europe!
Not going to happen in Italy, in France, and other countries.
Everybody in Europe follows.
Europe hasn't even gone off the clip.
One of the points of the book, Alex, is that Japan went off this baby boom slowdown and spending first.
Yeah, 15 years ago, yeah.
Yeah, then the U.S., which we predicted over 20 years ago, starting in 2008, which was right on cue.
And we don't always look to be that accurate.
We just tell people, look, this is coming.
And now Europe is next and the rest of East Asia.
So demographics at work.
I want to look at one chart I've got here.
It says four primary cycles over 30 years.
I've developed four key cycles globally that make a difference and we can project long term.
The first is this demographic boom-bust cycle, the blue line at the top.
That turned down in the U.S.
in late 2007.
The second, the red line, is a geopolitical cycle.
You talk about wars and conflicts in the world.
1983 to 2000, 18 years this cycle is up, nothing went wrong in the world.
Falling inflation,
No major wars.
We had a tiny war with Iraq, the first war, and we were in and out in 100 hours.
Kick Saddam Hussein's ass and then go back home.
But 2001, the tech correction turned into a great crash.
9-11 hit and then the first Iraq war, then the Afghanistan war, now we got Syria, the Arab Spring.
Russia and Ukraine.
This cycle points down to 2019 along with the demographic cycle.
The black line, the third one down there, is a 30-year commodity cycle.
This is important because it affects emerging countries.
They are commodity producers and exporters.
Their stock markets, people aren't aware of this, most emerging countries that do have good demographics, unlike the US and Europe,
Have been going down because commodity prices are going down.
That hurts them.
This cycle points down for the next decade.
And finally, we have a very important boom-bust-crash cycle about every 10 years.
It actually revolves around sunspot cycles.
I've been able to refine this in recent years with a lot of work.
And this cycle is the last and most sharply to point down from 2014 to 2019.
The point, Alex... Do you have any idea why the sunspots are correlated?
Yeah, well, you know, people tell me who work in emergency rooms and police departments, just a full moon, you'll get three times as many accidents and murders and crimes.
This is the sun.
This cycle turns up.
Solar radiation actually goes up pretty consistently for four to five years and then comes down for five to six years.
Almost every great bull market and bubble has come in this up cycle and almost every serious crisis or crash or depression has come in this down cycle.
No, that's it.
It's literally the cosmic rays affecting us.
We're like plants.
Intriguing, sir.
Long segment coming up.
Stay there.
Top analyst joins us right now.
Ladies and gentlemen, harrydent.com.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
We're going to talk about where this is all going.
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InfoWars building independent media operations.
You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Prime Directive.
Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
I don't know what he is, except a conspiracy theorist.
Intellectually, it's begun and you can feel it!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Harry Dent's our guest.
Top forecaster and analyst, formerly with Bain Capital.
One of their top guys there.
Been running his own operation for many years.
Best-selling author.
And you can now get his new book that's linked up on his site.
We'll be talking about that here in a moment.
There's no doubt that this is about demographics.
And there's no doubt that the 10-year sun cycle, sometimes 11 years,
Drives the weather, drives the climate, drives human activity.
And the ancients knew about these cycles.
And this is literally affecting our minds.
It's like the moon affects the tide, affects women going into labor.
This is not disputed.
But the UN, five years ago, when the Copenhagen World Tax stuff leaked, they voted and said, we don't care what others decide to say.
The sun does not affect climate.
We would be at absolute zero.
No life on this planet if the sun wasn't there.
In fact, there wouldn't be a gravitational pull.
We'd be floating around.
I mean, we're a product of the sun's creation.
And I can't believe I have to state these simple things to, you know, establishment listeners.
I know most of you know all this.
It's just so frustrating that big analysts, there was a big article out yesterday, I guess it was in Wired, about, you know, brain scientists, you know, working for the big Fortune 500 to manipulate people.
Of course, I mean, that's what's going on.
And the public's been taught, no, there's nothing happening, there's no manipulation.
There's no solar radiation affecting human activity.
Oh, it doesn't affect the weather.
Everybody knows when there's a big sunspot that hits your region.
Real weather forecasters we've had on, physicists.
Come on!
And say, no, there's a big sunspot today, so it'll probably rain real hard.
And then that comes in and forms the ionization that forms nuclei.
In a clear blue sky, you have thunderheads the next day and rain.
And I'm already burning up time we've got with our guest.
It's just that it's so interesting how, as a top analyst, he brings up sunspots, which you can see on there.
So explain to us, this sounds to me like a super storm.
Of demographics, and of resources, and commodities, and sunspots, and population, and... I mean, as a lay person listening to you, sir, it sounds to me like we better strap ourselves in, that we got front row seats to crazy town.
Yeah, it's true Alex.
When I look at these four cycles that I've refined over 30 years, and you can't look at everything, that's how economists get so confused.
You have to find out what really matters, what really calls turning point.
These are the four cycles and they're all pointing down at the same time for the next six years.
The only time that's happened in the last century and a half was 1930 to 34 when we had the Great Depression.
The worst crash, the worst bubble burst, everything I'm talking about.
And people on the mainstream media look at me like I'm crazy.
I'm not crazy.
This is reality.
So we do need to prepare.
People need to be extra cautious.
I'll show you the next chart I have, real simple.
It's called a megaphone chart.
Each bubble we've had in stocks, the one that peaked in 2000, well then we had a crash.
Then we went to slight new highs in this chart we show.
2007, well it went to new lows in its crash.
Well now we're going to slight new highs, around $17,000 in the Dow.
And I'm simply predicting by this obvious pattern, the next crash, when all this
Fake stimulus fails again, or China blows up.
It's going to take us to new lows around 5,000 to 6,000 just in the next few years.
And we don't bottom out in these cycles until about 2019 or 20.
So we'll be lower than that.
People could see their entire retirement, life savings, and real estate.
And we're talking about real estate going down like in 2008.
Commodities, stocks, global.
Emerging markets, everything.
It's a great reset, we call it.
It only comes once in a lifetime, like the 1930s or the 1870s with the railroad bus before that.
So nobody understands the bubbles, nobody understands the burst, and the media doesn't want to see it coming because they want to keep everybody just happy and don't want anybody to panic.
You need to protect yourself now, your business, and your investments.
We have a chapter in the book, Chapter 7, for investments, whole strategies, and a whole chapter on business, Chapter 8, a whole chapter on government strategies for restructuring this debt and getting rid of this insanity rather than encouraging it with more and more QE and fake money.
And that's the demographic, Cliff, your new book that I've been reading.
It's excellent.
Now, expanding on this, let me bring in some new factors.
Government, the British Ministry of Defense, the Department of Defense here, we've covered the reports here.
They said back in 2007, both groups issued it saying, between the dates, you're saying all hell's gonna break loose.
And saying basically exactly what you're saying, but acting like they don't know why it's gonna happen.
So they're getting ready, digging in, buying armored vehicles everywhere, you know, just digging in like it's Armageddon against the people.
And then, separately, you've got high-frequency trading, algorithms.
Well, we heard a decade or so before the 2008 plunge that, oh, these big scientists have computers.
They can, you know, keep it from happening.
My question is, can they pull high-tech rabbits out of their hats with how rigged much of the markets are, in my view?
Correct me if you think I'm wrong.
Uh, and, and keep the bubbles going, or, like, have a recession or depression in the real economy, but inflate the fiat areas, you know, two separate economies, a fake economy versus a real economy, a partition system, because we've entered such la-la land as a layman, I'm just saying, do they have any rabbits in their hat to, to continue this on and change the chart?
Well, you know, they have quantitative easing.
Now, that's not what they've done in the past.
Past crises in the 70s and stuff, or 30s, they would lower interest rates to make borrowing easy, cushion things.
They wouldn't literally just throw money into the economy, like dropping it from helicopters, as they say.
This is new.
This is extreme.
It is like taking a financial drug.
It only makes your addiction worse.
We've been running up debts and deficits since the early 70s.
For 40 years now we have the greatest debt bubble, the highest debt ratios in more and more countries around the world, the biggest demographic surge and now the biggest demographic drop.
There's no way this cannot end badly.
What they're doing is just putting more financial
Stimulus in the economy to keep it going a little longer, but this is an artificial recovery.
Real people with real mortgages aren't buying houses.
Speculators are.
High-frequency trading, hedge funds, 30 to 50 times leverage are largely driving up this market by low government interest rate.
If you make the interest rates artificially low, you will get a casino.
So the risk of quantitative easing is not rising inflation because all this debt, the leverages causes deflation.
I've shown that clearly throughout history.
The risk is that you create even bigger bubbles that have to burst, and then you go down harder.
And that's what I'm saying.
Each bubble, as I showed in that last chart, gets higher and more extreme, and then when they burst, it gets more extreme, and things go bad.
And at some point,
The China bubble and some of these bigger trends burst.
China is the biggest bubble in the world.
It's the second largest country in the world.
They're the ones still buying real estate in major cities driving up.
When the China bubble bursts, we're going to go down much harder than 2008 and 2009.
That I see very clearly.
It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when.
The best cycles I study, and that's only guessing the short term, say we're peaking here between April and June and we're going to start to see a major crash into the summer and it's going to take years to work out.
My fear is, is that they'll just give trillions more to the big hedge funds and the derivatives people to bail them out, raise a bunch of taxes.
I mean, we know what they'll do.
California's their model, and so I predict that they'll just continue with everything they're doing.
They will.
You're right, Al.
And that's what they have been doing.
But at some point, when something goes wrong, the subprime crisis, that was just four states in the U.S., California, Arizona, Nevada, Florida, four states in the United States, set off a worldwide crash and recession, many real estate crashes.
Well, that wasn't just because of that.
It was because the system was so stretched.
All it takes is something to go wrong and the whole thing blows up.
Governments have stretched this so far by trying to put off this crisis and put it on the next administration or the next central banker that when it does blow, it's going to blow harder than anybody thinks and they're not going to be able to stop it when it blows at first.
So that's what I say.
What does your gut, not a prediction, what does your gut tell you the trigger might be or what it might look like?
I mean, it could be this Ukraine situation.
It could be civil war in Saudi Arabia.
It could be China threatening to attack Japan, I guess to get militant enthusiasm going, to have them support the tottering regime.
I mean, who knows what's going to blow?
Well, remember, the geopolitical cycle is exactly what you're saying.
That's been getting worse since 9-11.
It will get worse ahead.
So you're going to see more problems in the Middle East and China and all these areas.
But the biggest thing that central bankers would not be able to fight in Europe and the United States is the China real estate bubble burst and wealth by the wealthiest Chinese that control 60% of their spending, 60% of their income, 50% of their spending, 85% of their real estate.
That vaporizes.
They would stop spinning in China.
China would collapse.
They would stop investing around the world like the Japanese did when their bubble didn't burst in the early 90s.
And we would have a worldwide collapse that quantitative easing could not counter.
So that's worse than a war, a worsening war in Egypt or Syria or Ukraine.
That's that's what I say.
I say China bubble bursting is going to be what people look back in history and said, oh, that's what really
I agree with you, but I think they'll try to start a fight with Japan first.
Everybody will do that.
It does make sense to try to start military conflicts when your economy's going to be bad.
I mean, ask Hitler.
That's what he did in the 30s.
Yeah, I guess humans, we live a life cycle.
We live 75 years.
We act just the same over and over again.
This time we've got nuclear weapons.
And you've got very unsettled regions.
Again, you talk about geopolitical conflicts.
Europe and the United States are older.
It's the younger countries.
It is the Middle East.
You know, it is parts of Asia.
That's where you're going to get more of this.
Older people don't go to war as easily as younger countries.
I'm much more worried about the Middle East and North Africa.
I want you to take five minutes, because I've been asking a lot of the questions, to cover any points you want, instead of me just throwing stuff out there.
Well, you know, the most important thing, Alex, for me, because I study history and human nature, like you say, there's great things about us, we're the smartest species on the planet, we've done great things, but we're just totally stupid about other things, and we have endless conflicts and stuff.
The thing I see throughout history is people just are blind to bubbles.
I mean, I was over in Australia in February of this year.
For almost a whole month, they got one of the most obvious real estate bubbles in the world.
And everybody over there has 10 reasons why their bubble is special and it won't burst.
And I'm like, oh, you mean like the Japanese bubble was special and it wouldn't burst?
And the U.S.
bubble and the Spain bubble and on and on and on.
People don't get it.
And we've seen now multiple bubbles, and things will crash, and then the government will come up with some artificial stimulus program, and people will run back and say, well, it's okay now.
And then people will come on the news.
I mean, I like you, Alex, because you tell the truth.
That's what we do at Dent Research.
I just say, look,
We do a lot of unique things, but the biggest thing about us, we just look at reality and tell the truth.
Growth is exponential, but it's also cyclical.
And when you get bubbles, they burst, and they go back to where they started or lower, and everybody has, again, a million reasons why this isn't a bubble and governments won't let it happen.
As I said before, when governments get involved, like in Dubai, I was in Dubai,
In late 2006 and 2007, speaking at international conferences there, and I said, this is a worse bubble than Miami and California.
It's going to burst.
And everybody said, no, the government won't let it.
I'm like, now you're really in trouble.
The next year, first drop in Dubai was 40% in one year in real estate.
And real estate doesn't crash nearly as much as stocks.
So, so just
Wake up, listen to the people who are telling the truth here, because this is serious.
This is not another 20% or 30% correction, or even a 40% or 50% that we're going to see new highs.
My prediction, very clearly in the book, that this bubble really would have peaked naturally in late 2007.
It has been extended one more time.
When it crashes the next time, we're not going to get back to $17,000 on the Dow.
You'd be lucky to get $10,000 on the Dow after we go to $3,000, $4,000, $5,000, $6,000.
And we will not turn around for a long time.
So the key is to preserve what you have.
If you have a good job, then kiss your boss's ass and keep it.
Maybe start something on the side.
Make money on the side.
There's many ways to do it.
But don't leave your job here.
If you've got assets that have bubbled up in real estate or stock, take those gains and lock them in and be safe.
And then when we get another crash, which we will because we've had one every six, seven years like a clock, then you buy.
Stop at 20, 30 cents on the dollar.
And that's how you make
And that's all common sense.
And what I don't get is, if people just want to buy in early in a bubble and they know it's a bubble, then fine, that's your issue.
It's that people, most of them,
Well, they get mad at me just for predicting it's a bubble.
People act like you're crazy.
How could you be saying this?
And I'm like, we've already seen two bubbles burst in stocks alone in the United States in the last decade, not to count every other bubble and gold.
Undoubtedly 2008 was worse than 2001.
How bad is the next bubble going to be?
It's always going to be worse.
Again, we're saying just in the first decline in the next couple of years, the Dow is going to go from around 17,000 to at least 6,000.
That's a 65% decline, much worse than the last crash.
Ultimately, I think the Dow is going to go to 3,000 to 4,000, maybe lower by 2020.
We're talking about, and this is typical of depressions that follow debt bubbles and bubbles crashing.
Stock markets go down about 80%.
They went down 89% in the Great Depression.
82% in the Japan crash in the 90s and in early 2000.
This is typical and people just act like, well, I know it's crazy, but that can't happen to us, not to the United States or not in this new world.
No, it's even worse.
Our governments are making, I can't even compare this bubble to the roaring twenties bubble or the 18 seventies bubble or the 18 thirties bubble in the past because governments have pushed them and we have been able to borrow so much more money.
And like you say, on top of all that geopolitically, we have nuclear weapons now.
In closing, let's say a good scenario, the bubble pops, but it's not that drastic.
Let's say it's like 2008 or something.
They'll just try something new.
But if things really break down, a lot of people are already on the edge of bankruptcy.
I mean, the economy in reality is really bad, in my view.
I don't think we ever really had a recovery.
Yeah, 80% of people in surveys say, you know, we never had a recovery.
The top 20%, the more affluent with college degrees, low unemployment, and who own most these financial assets, quantitative easing actually did not help the everyday person much.
It helped the affluent people and kept the bubble going.
And that's their only strategy.
They said, look, we created this bubble.
Now we have to keep it going forever.
That's like keeping an orgasm going forever.
I don't know if anybody out there can do it.
I can't do it.
Well, that's what I'm saying is they're creating a total two-party system where the establishment, it's all protected, its investments are protected, and then as the real economy dies, it's creating like a new dark age or something.
How bad could the collapse get?
Well, you know, we have 25% unemployment.
Right now, if you count the people who have left the workforce and just given up working, it's really at 11 to 12%.
It'll probably double that.
Right now, the official unemployment rate, 7% or so.
It'll probably end up at 15%, but it's really going to be more like that, 25%.
A lot of businesses are going to go under.
A lot of banks are going to go under.
That's good in a lot of ways, because businesses get more efficient and consolidate.
A lot of debt gets written off.
The best thing that could happen to the average family is get their mortgage written back down to what their damn houses were.
The government should have required gifty benefits to the everyday household.
Instead they gave the money to the bank.
Quantitative easing went to the banks to keep them alive when they should have gone under and the average person should have gotten mortgage relief.
Exactly, and people don't understand that simple, simple fact that you've got to have that jubilee sometime.
Instead, they give the gamblers at the hedge funds and everybody... Exactly.
Total carte blanche.
We give the hen house to the wolves, is what they did.
The people who created the bubble are getting all the benefits because they can't afford the bubble to burst.
So, you know, that's...
That's clear to me.
I think this is going to be clear in the future.
The key difference is I think the stimulus is failing.
Our real estate recovery is failing because it wasn't real.
China is showing real cracks and I'm monitoring China weekly.
The sunspot cycle looks like it actually finally peaked later than usual in February.
So that means a crash sooner than later.
And I just advise people, keep in touch with us.
We're telling the truth.
We got a free newsletter at harrydent.com.
We have other newsletters.
Harry, thank you so much.
Folks should get it.
Thank you.
I want you back soon.
We'll be right back.
Final segment.
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General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there was a terror alert on Monday about a potential forward situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks, I'm being assaulted!
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There's a man going around taking names.
And he decides who to free and who to blame.
Everybody won't be treated all the same.
But the man, there'll be a golden ladder reaching down when the man comes around.
When the man comes around.
Look at this story from the Washington Examiner.
It's up on InfoWars.com and DrugsReport.com also has it.
Jay Carney, Joe Biden's son, accepted position with the Ukrainian gas company as private citizen.
And his dad does not endorse it.
I mean, this is just so outrageous that the globalists are involved overthrowing Ukraine, and then they would put his son in as one of the top executives to rake in just unbelievable amounts of money.
And then they criticize Putin for being involved in the government investments.
Yeah, it's wrong.
And it's just openly done.
And now we just accept the governing class will own the state-controlled blocks and make billions of dollars and just laugh at us.
And that's not an economy based on products or on innovation.
It's based on Joe Biden's smiley face son.
I mean, I look at him and he makes me sick.
And communism doesn't exist, folks.
It's just a thug system where you tell the general public, oh, you're going to share all the things and we're going to get the rich people.
And they go rob the nouveau riche, they go rob the real producers, who I'm sure aren't perfect in most countries, and they replace it with something a hundred times worse.
You know, just because they're replacing something doesn't mean it's great.
Look at all this other news I've got.
Intensive mobile phone users are at higher risk of brain cancer study fines.
People who use mobile phones, London Guardian, intensely appear to have higher risk of developing certain types of brain cancer.
Well, let's give kids cell phones.
French scientists have said, reviving questions about phones.
They always say there's questions.
They knew 30 years ago in rat studies.
It's a microwave system.
And up against your head, it says on the contract, hold it back six inches.
Don't put it up against your head!
The radiation loses its power
For however long the antenna is, every length out from that.
So, move it around.
Fry different parts of your body.
It's certainly not good for you.
But you put it right up against your head, folks.
It's a microwave oven.
It vibrates the cells and breaks the DNA on record.
On record!
On record!
And I see my dad, my mom, everybody on cell phones with up their head.
I do it myself!
I forget the hands-free and don't do it.
No more!
No more!
Do not!
Do not!
Have a cell phone up against your head.
Do not give them to children.
It really attacks fast-growing cells.
I've talked to medical doctors.
Brain cancers are just off the chart, right up against where you hold the phone.
The doctor will say, which side do you hold the phone up to?
Your right side?
Yeah, you got a brain tumor right there.
And we never used to see these.
We see them all the time.
I mean, am I trying to give you bad news?
It's good news to know that it's killing you.
I got a bunch of other news I haven't gotten to, so I'll have to do some overdrive here.
It's just too important.
So that's going to be coming up.
Briefly, you know, we have these great guests on to support what they're doing.
We have all these different people on.
We need your support.
You can see the nightly news.
We're going to be launching the new studio next week.
So that's done.
Next Monday, new studio, done.
We're launching it.
I mean, it's about a year behind because of me.
I've had so much stuff going on.
The crew's done a great job.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, it might be good if you get rid of cell phones entirely, but they're little handheld computers.
They just joined us.
We were breaking down.
The fact that it's causing massive increases in brain tumors.
Here's some of the other news.
Over 5 billion and counting for Obamacare website.
See, Solyndra they got in trouble for 500 mil.
But see, if it's a quote website to his buddies and former members of the administration, why 5 billion can be spent on something that doesn't work and that you could build for $100,000.
I mean, it's just everything is a scam.
Everything is a robbery.
And that's why the only thing that has real inflation is luxury items.
Because you got all these government and corporate people that have stolen most of their wealth.
Not to be confused with the rest of the corporate and business world that develops stuff.
Two different groups.
I don't
This is a scam.
It's not a screw-up.
Of course it's not meant to work.
And from the beginning, they wanted to be able to deny that.
I've always said that.
That's been confirmed.
That, oh, you know, it's not that Obamacare is a scam.
It's the website doesn't work.
But it was another scam to make five billion, buh, buh, billion.
Five, buh, buh, billion.
I know that's obnoxious, but has anyone ever heard of a five billion dollar
I mean, it just hit me how these people are gang raping us.
I mean, I have never even imagined.
I've got such future shock at this, where now bad stuff happens in the future, I'm just ready for it.
I am an idiot.
I mean, I just looked at this headline, I saw it this morning, and it didn't click, and then I looked at it and went, when it was a billion dollars six months ago, it was a big deal.
At this rate, in a year, it'll be 10-15 billion dollars!
What, how about a trillion?
Hell, if you'll pay 15 billion for a website or 5 billion, why not 15 trillion?
How about 89 quadrillion?
How about ziggle-zabble-snibble-snibble-gulag-wagabloggy?
And they got numbers that sound like that.
How about we put 87,000,000,000,000 zeros on the end of it?
How about we give everything in the world to the makers of the website?
Because no one seems to care that the people involved in it work for Obama and it's a giant scam robbing the hell out of us.
I cannot believe that just hit me!
I mean five billion dollars!
They are taking people's houses, poor people everywhere that can't pay all the taxes, and the IRS, and the property taxes, while saying, give the illegals, you know, free health care, because they're God.
I'm not even mad at the illegals.
Hell, they're getting it.
What about this?
What about that?
I mean, it's just scams, on top of scams, on top of scams, on top of scams, on top of scams, with a bunch of smiley faces saying they're trendy.
Look, Hillary's a woman, so it's okay if she screws you and is a total criminal that wants to disarm us and enslave us.
Obama's black, so he can do whatever he wants.
I could care less what color he is!
I hate him!
A total con man!
And all the big bankers above him and everything.
Let me tell you something.
This has gotten out of control.
It's not even an elite controlling a lot of this now.
It is a bunch of criminals at every level, looting the hell out of everything.
That's why they don't even care about me.
Because why even care?
No one cares!
It's all a big joke, you know?
Five billion dollars!
Folks, they've spent five- it was less than a billion to build it, I remember that.
So now how long has it been screwed up?
Six months or something?
I don't know.
Obama administration is still silent on 37 billion Obamacare tax.
Endangering Medicare plans, oh yeah, it's meant to wreck the whole thing.
And these people never get held accountable, so they go, gee, let's wreck stuff more and get more power out of it!
Let's screw up Katrina and double the budget of FEMA!
I need to settle down, I just genuinely got mad.
I've gotten good at not getting mad, I just, it's just, I realize we're all being titrated.
That's why they give you a little bit of snake poison, they build it up where you can drink gallons of it, you know.
They, you know, they are just totally screwing us.
I want my reporters to write about this.
I mean, this is a Solyndra scam.
It's a bunch of the White House scum running it.
Arrest them.
Joe Biden's son.
All of them.
General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there is a terror alert on Monday about a potential Fort Hood situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks, I'm being assaulted!
Whether it's the radio show, the news websites, documentary films, or the nightly news, InfoWars is the tip of the spear.
Is this another Fort's fight?
What I believe is the ultimate non-GMO.