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Name: 20140429_Tue_Alex
Air Date: April 29, 2014
2790 lines.

In this InfoWars broadcast, Alex Jones covers a variety of topics including epigenetics, mainstream media manipulation, Chinese-style ID systems for internet users in America, water filtration products, Congress being exempt from laws they pass, race relations in America, political correctness, the economy, and health products. He discusses how social engineers use fear and anger to control people's minds through the media and encourages listeners to focus on globalist plans instead of fighting amongst themselves over smaller issues. The host promotes various products available on his website and talks about their benefits."

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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
My friends, here we are, live, broadcasting worldwide.
It is already Tuesday, the 29th day of April 2014.
We have a professor of behavioral psychology joining us to give us her take on the larger study of epigenetics, because I saw her give an interesting interview on it, and she's one of the first people we're going to interview on the subject of instincts.
Because understanding our instincts and what they really are, how they're being programmed by the establishment, is absolutely key to becoming truly free, and the discussion of, are we just biological robots?
Or do we have free will?
Well, it clearly shows we have more than free will.
We have the will of our ancestors and more than just basic instincts in us.
We really have ingrained in us the knowledge and the triumphs and the tribulations of
Our ancestors.
I'm going to spend about 30-40 minutes with her at the start of the next hour.
Then he's always informative.
He's got a bunch of breaking news he's going to have with us.
Dr. Edward Grubbs is going to be in studio with us.
Obviously, we're going to cover the latest developments in Ukraine, and then tie it in to what's happening here domestically with political correctness, where if one old
Rich guy, welfare queen, who gets his sports stadiums built by L.A.
taxpayers, some old billionaire, says some racist stuff, we're all supposed to continue to have some national discussion about it, and then look for ways to prove we're not racist or bad.
And then every major minority group out there is allowed to spew whatever anti-white garbage they want 24-7.
That's what this whole atmosphere is about, is Balkanization.
I'm going to break that down coming up today.
That's the racial politics of the Democratic Party.
We talked about it with Joseph Farris yesterday, but Dartmouth has banned the word Fiesta from Fiesta parties because there's not enough Mexicans, that's a quote,
That are going to be attending the party.
I mean, imagine you say we're going to have a fiesta-style party tonight.
I've probably been to 25, 30 fiesta parties in my life where people say, hey, come over, we're going to have a fiesta.
And then you go over and drink margaritas and eat Mexican food, and that's nothing to do with putting down Mexicans.
It'd be like saying we're going to have a toga party in college.
I mean, is that something against the Greeks?
I mean, I just, this is ridiculous.
This is ridiculous.
I saw those Colorado colleges this year that were last year saying Halloween don't come as a cowboy or a Native American.
Don't come as a geisha girl.
I mean, imagine going to a costume shop for Halloween and going, oh, I better not be a cowboy.
That's racist.
Or I better not be a samurai.
That's racist.
I mean, they're now teaching that.
Well, I've told the story, I was at Martin Springs last year and
There were two Hispanic guys and a white guy, and they're all swimming.
They were obviously stoned out of their mind.
You can tell they've been smoking pot.
They were laughing, giggling.
And the guy goes, man, I'm really hungry.
Let's go.
Let's split and go get Chinese food.
And one Hispanic and white guy say to the other Hispanic guy, they go, shh, that's racist, man.
Just the words are now racist.
Fiesta just means party in Spanish.
What if somebody says in English, let's have a party?
Are you gonna say, I mean, Fiesta, Texas?
You know, you're gonna ban that park?
I mean, it just means the party place.
Is Siesta still good, Alex?
I don't know.
I took a siesta this weekend for an hour.
Oh boy.
I did it because I was racist.
I actually said...
We were down at the pool with some of my buddies, and I said, uh, I said, hey, I'm gonna go take a siesta.
You know why I did that?
Not because I live in Texas and have adopted a lot of Spanish words.
It was because it was a racist code word.
And I need to go to re-education training.
The globalists have controlled the mainstream media for a long time, but now they're expanding, making the weaponization even more vicious and deceptive.
All the major networks are state-run.
We are partnering this year with the NFL.
The NFL has become a political weapon against the Second Amendment, and pushes Obamacare.
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A chemical spill contaminating the water supply in nine West Virginia counties.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Waging war on corruption, crashing the lies and disinformation.
Thank you so much for joining us on this Tuesday Worldwide Edition.
Really for me, the top story of everything that's happening out there and all the different diversions, like the Clippers, racist owner and the missing Malaysian aircraft, is White House wants Chinese-style ID system for Internet users.
The National Strategy for Trusted Identities in the Cyberspace is the Chinese-style net ID to track attacks and also ban anyone who, quote, gets three strikes doing something wrong on the Internet, quote, downloading illegal music, you name it.
There'll be no proof.
It's just the web bots will claim that you have got three strikes and you're out, like being banned from YouTube.
This is the strategy already used all over the world, places like Communist China, and now they're moving forward to do it here.
This is a big deal.
The story is up on InfoWars.com.
Testing is set to begin next month on a pilot program that will lead to the introduction of a Chinese-style ID system for Internet users, an identity ecosystem.
See, as long as it's an ecosystem, it's okay.
That sounds like it's good for the environment.
And of course, all the new Microsoft operating systems the last five years, all their new systems have Internet ID thumbprint biometrics built into them.
So they're already standardizing and rolling out that you thumbprint for your iPhone to work.
Right now it's something that you can choose to do or not to do, but in the future you will do it.
This is how they're going to, quote, fix all the internet fraud and all the commerce fraud.
That's why the NSA released the codes for the encryption of financial transactions.
And now it's come out they're the ones that were behind it.
And that the FBI has hackers write most of the big bugs to infect the internet.
Because they are the ones running the backdoor systems into your computers.
But to have plausible deniability, they release it themselves.
The White House's National Security Strategy for Trusted Internet Identities in Cyberspace, again the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace, would replace the current system of using passwords to access sensitive online accounts with something akin to a biometric ID card.
That would link one's individual to all their government services, such as food stamps, welfare, and all other a myriad of things like mortgage applications and applications for licenses.
I'm gonna stop right there.
The story's up on Infowars.com with video.
But remember that ICE is just releasing the illegals, not doing deportations.
Remember the big banks bragged in
The Wall Street Journal years ago, we've covered the article just a few weeks ago again, that they let illegals with no IDs get housing loans.
But citizens can.
I'm not harping on the illegals.
The point is the globalists want the illegals here, so they subsidize it and don't enforce the law on them.
But it's just like the Clippers owner gets his sports stadium paid for for $400 million by taxpayers.
Or Jerry Jones, $1.2 billion.
That's how this works, ladies and gentlemen.
That's how these systems operate.
Just like General Electric and Google don't pay any taxes, and they're allowed to run factories with forced abortions, forced sterilization, forced drugging, and suicide nets, something beyond THX 1138.
Shaved heads,
Coffin dormitories.
By the way, I've got to send my reporters out.
They're taking the old Holly Street, Art Deco, classical power plant in downtown Austin on Lake Austin and are turning it into 200 square foot coffin apartments that they're putting in in San Francisco that they're putting in in places like
New York, where they can charge you higher rents, get higher property taxes, and take more of what you make, and get you used to living in a 200.
I was reading that in the paper last week, I meant to cover it here.
They're talking about putting upwards, get ready for this ladies and gentlemen, of a thousand rooms in.
In a building that's not that big.
And it's basically a prison.
They admit, well, it's going to be low-income people in the richest area of Austin, so we'll have extra police and security and security getting out.
They're going to stick all the workers for the rich people downtown in literal coffin boxes and rip them off for the prices.
And it's all subsidized and a private company set to make the money.
I mean, what a filthy, corrupt, degenerate, evil city council.
I was talking to one of my buddies who lives downtown.
He basically saw the shooting off his balcony at 2 o'clock in the morning this weekend.
And because it happened down on 2nd Street, right by the W, they didn't want anybody to know that.
So they announced the next day on the news that the double shooting happened at 11th Street and 35 over in what was formerly the ghetto.
No it didn't.
It happened right in front, right beside the City Hall and the W. Two people gunned down.
My buddy hears all this screaming, goes to look out his window.
And literally, here's the gunshots and the women and people screaming.
And cops speed down, as he said, over 100 miles an hour down Congress, weaving between cars, pulling up, running around in the woods.
Whoever did it got away.
It doesn't matter.
They'll just tell Austin it happened at East 11th.
Hell, why not tell them it happened in North Korea or Chicago, huh?
I'm just digressing off into the total deception
Oh, now they've moved it to 12th Street and 15th.
Why don't they move it north to Waco?
Did you hear that double shooting downtown this weekend?
It happened in Waco.
Waco, Austin.
Or, no, no, no, Dallas.
The shooting in downtown Austin happened in Dallas.
Oh, what a country.
What a country.
Or, the only way that police aren't lying is that there was another shooting.
But see, now they're going to build right by that, right by the City Hall, they're going to build a giant coffin facility, so they can charge people maximum amounts for the least amount, because that's the trendy thing to do, that's the cool thing to do.
I was picking my children up at a camp, exercise camp, dance camp, and I sat there listening to two women a few weeks ago,
Talk about how great dumpster diving is.
It's the new thing.
And for the environment, how they're going to start dumpster diving and taking their children in.
And they're just into being poor.
Into having nothing, into paying everything in taxes.
They are into embracing the Green Police, all of it.
Nothing has anything to do with Green Police.
But how did I even get into this train of thought?
Because there's so much to cover.
So much to go over.
Oh yes, the internet plantation.
White House wants Chinese-style ID system for internet users.
Then I was talking about how the Foxconn workers actually live in coffin-size tubes you get in that they then inject you into the wall.
In Japan they have TVs and other stuff that are a little bit nicer and claustrophobic.
This is now going to come here.
Pretty soon it'll be, oh, you live in a 200 square foot?
My gosh, I live in a 20 square foot.
They'll be like, that's nothing.
Why, my girlfriend, she's really rich, she lives in a 100 square foot jail cell, and you'll go through police checkpoints and biometric IDs, and this is the new smart city, so the big rent seekers, they can live up above you, you know, in their 5,000 square foot penthouses,
And then you will live down in a coffin, and you will thank them for it, and then if you ever say anything bad about Big Brother online, you won't just be kicked off like they do off Facebook.
If you expose Benghazi, or if you expose SolyndraGate, or if you expose NSA, or if you have a pro-Second Amendment site, they kick you off on record, because Zuckerberg calls you dumb effers.
No, you'll be kicked off the internet, period.
No judge, no jury.
Three strikes, you're out.
That's the official Internet2 global treaty that got leaked.
That's the plan.
They're going to try to do it.
What's their answer to the dinosaur media dying?
What's their answer to the rise of Infowars.com?
What's their answer to Congress having the lowest approval rating in history, 6%?
Poll, young people, historic low level of trust in government?
That's a story out of Business Insider.
What's their answer going to be?
Their answer, ladies and gentlemen, is going to be to try to shut us up and shut us down.
That simple.
That's their answer.
That's where they're going with all this.
Well, they're obviously extremists.
Obviously the millennials will start trusting the government again if we just shut off their internet freedom and only let them visit CNN, MSNBC.
That'll get the ratings back up, right?
Or they can watch entertainment, Jimmy Kimmel, or any other comedy show and see Obama on there every week.
Or ESPN and see Obama on there every week.
This is what they're setting up, ladies and gentlemen.
A kleptocracy.
For the entire social system, the government, social engineering is designed around protecting the ruling class, living a more wealthy and rich, over-the-top, conspicuous consumption lifestyle.
While you live in coffin boxes, paying 90% of what you earn to the ultra-rich through corporate welfare and subsidies, while they lecture you on how you need to pay more taxes.
The ultimate form of discrimination.
And that's why they bring in the Sterling story, and the Clippers, and now they, oh, let's have an all-black league with nothing but black coaches and black folks.
Well, that's where it's going anyways.
I don't care.
Imagine if you tried to have an all-white league again.
See, everything flips in the end.
And an all-black league won't be racist.
Being white in and of itself will be evil.
All because we can point at some big, fat, rich guy who's tax-exempt and gets everything paid for for him.
All because he sits there making weird statements because he hates his players.
I have to do whatever the government says and accept Obamacare and turn my guns in or I'm a racist.
Well, you know what?
I reject your political correctness.
They say you can't even say the word Fiesta now.
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A chemical spill contaminating the water supply in nine West Virginia counties.
This year alone, over 300,000 people in West Virginia had their drinking water contaminated.
What are the health effects of having these drugs in our drinking water?
It's forced medical treatment without the consent of residents.
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Good enough for me and my Bobby
So, ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here back live.
Where have we gotten to in this society?
We don't care if the ultra-rich are basically tax-exempt and mainly make their money off of government welfare, corporate welfare, and government contracts, while those very ultra-rich, Warren Buffett and others, lobby to destroy the middle class and any new wealth who is not basically tax-exempt like they are.
How do they keep a population at each other's throats?
How do they keep a population unaware of how they're being collectively robbed as they design the society to raise taxes and energy prices to the point of making you poor unless you're part of the ruling class who has special rules and exemptions?
How do you balkanize the public so they don't unify around the fact that Obamacare was written by foreign bank-owned insurance companies to double and triple your prices and lower the quality of care and set up death panels and social engineer?
You take every racial insensitive comment, you blow it out of proportion, you make people feel inadequate, and you collectively act like
What the Clippers owner says is projected onto every white person in America.
And you have Spike Lee come out and say, the white players need to speak out.
And you have famous basketball players, and I've got to hear my stat come out and say, let's have an all-black league.
I thought the old white leagues were racist.
Fine, have it!
My whole issue is that's where all this is going, is actually making everyone racist and everyone racially obsessed.
But the new systems won't be called racism.
Democrats are organizing their quote minority groups into tribal groups.
Making sure they're quote, strong culturally, but not really their own culture, a plastic globalist culture that is injected in by MTV and by the social engineers.
And then meanwhile, you better go along with what we want you to do politically on guns, or Obamacare, or whatever the case is, or you're racist!
And it doesn't matter if it's not connected to any reality.
Doesn't matter.
Because it's a mere threat of being called racist.
You say, okay, I'll do what you say.
two different universities in Colorado this year and last year said you can't have parties, costume parties, at Halloween or any other time where you're a cowboy, where you are a geisha girl, where you're a Native American.
I had a listener send me a beautiful Indian headdress.
I need to thank him on air.
I keep forgetting to do that.
And I mean, if I ever wore that on air, would it be racist?
If I go eat German food, is it against Germans?
And you think I'm joking?
This is where it's all going.
The Daily Caller has the headline, it's official at Dartmouth, the word Fiesta is racist and white people can't use it.
The local campus paper reports that Pi Delta Alpha fraternity cannot have fiesta parties.
And next, they're not going to be able to have Greek parties as well.
Toga parties are obviously to insult Greek people, ladies and gentlemen.
Another ridiculous politically correct ruhoh has broke out at Dartmouth College, America's most hopelessly and disturbingly fragile Ivy League school.
And it goes on to say that they cannot have it, A, because the fraternity there locally only has one Hispanic person that would be going to the party.
So to say it's Fiesta-style, well that's it, you gotta change the name of Fiesta, Texas, because white people might be going there.
This is to get everybody totally uncomfortable on eggshells, not worried about all the real discrimination going on by the globalists against us all.
That's how they divide and conquer us.
And I know you know that, but we've got to get that message out.
While the system's trying to get us at each other's throats, the Congress has a 6% approval rating, whether they're black or white, Hispanic, Asian, it doesn't matter.
They work for the globalists.
They have been made exempt from insider trading laws.
They've been made exempt from Social Security.
Did you know Congress is exempt from almost all the laws they pass?
They actually put in the bills that they're exempt?
That is the heart of tyranny.
The heart of discrimination.
Where the royalty is above the law, Kim Jong-un can do it, but you can't do it as a commoner in North Korea.
Sterling at the Clippers got his building paid for is an abomination!
Robbing all of us.
I'm gonna give the number out when we come back.
I want to hear specifically from black folks.
I guess that is discriminatory to everybody else, but I want to hear from you.
Am I wrong?
Straight ahead.
On the other side, I'm gonna give the number out.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Days grow shorter and the nights are getting longer.
Feels like we're running out of time.
Every day it seems much harder to tell it right from wrong.
You've got to read between the lines.
Gotta fight the good fight, ladies and gentlemen.
Monday through Friday, from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m., we're here live.
Back weeknight, 7 o'clock Central, InfoWars Nightly News.
The reason I'm opening the phones up right now, specifically on the whole Clippers situation is, it's designed to rub salt in the wounds.
The fact that the media always obsesses on this and then they dangle it out there.
What's going to happen to him?
Great, boycott him, run him out of the business with the free market.
The issue here, though, is the way people transcend things is getting thick skins and not caring and not letting people control you by racial politics and programming.
The system wants to keep it going.
The Democratic Party, and I'm not defending the Republicans, it's just a fact, they couldn't win elections anymore by the mid-sixties.
Not all the Democratic Party, but a large part of it, in the South definitely, was the party of the Klan, was the racist party.
And they openly said, we will then engage in racial politics, but with the minorities, and that's how we'll dominate the future.
And they've now basically done it.
So they need the racism to stimulate the minorities to be racially based themselves, so that you will do whatever they say, turn your guns in, support high taxes, torture wars, as long as you get fed racial, cultural, tribalism, that you're a protected group, that you've been wronged.
As long as you get patted on the head, you don't care if the system slits your throat.
They are playing everybody off against each other.
And I know you know that.
I know that.
And there's all sorts of racist crud going on on every side.
There's elitism, folks, where if you go in the wrong bar, the wrong biker bar, they'll say, hey, you're not part of the Skulls or whatever.
Or you're not part of the Mongols, or you're not part of the Bandidos.
It's not even about race, it's that you're not part of their group.
Humans like to organize themselves into, I'm a member of this country club, and you're not welcome here.
People love exclusivity, and race and religion becomes the ultimate exclusivity.
That's why there's 10,000 plus Christian denominations or more
Because everybody loves to be exclusive.
They've got over a million gods, it's estimated, in India because people like to create something new and have exclusivity.
That's a normal human trait.
Well, I belong to the Renaissance exclusivity group that's inclusive.
I belong to the human empowerment
Crew, or gang, or tribe.
I belong to the group that wants to accelerate human development, expand liberty, expand human endeavors and development.
And only by unifying around basic human liberty, basic human determination and freedom
And basic individualism, judging someone as an individual, not as the race they identify with.
That is so incredibly important.
That doesn't mean there might not be a whole group of racists in some group that doesn't like you, and you've got to deal with them, and they're your enemy.
But you realize they're programmed by tribalism.
They're coming after you because they're primitive.
Now, there are people on the other side of that who are not primitive.
Al Sharpton is not primitive.
Jesse Jackson is not primitive.
Rachel Maddow is not primitive.
The race baiters on MSNBC, they're using the claim of trying to end racism as a way to keep it going and expanding, race pimping it.
But there are people that are ignorant that buy into it and play into the whole race religion.
From the perspective of those fighting against it.
Then there are those who aren't really racist, but use racism as a cultural tool from other sides.
White racist groups, you name it.
But you'll also find those groups are very exclusive, separately to other groups.
The Klan routinely attacks somebody that moves in from another county, who's white.
It's an excuse to prey on you.
It's an excuse to break in your house.
It's an excuse to take your job.
It's an excuse because why?
You're from outside this area.
And so by understanding how the human psychology works, we are able to transcend it.
But it doesn't mean we don't still have to deal with it because it's going to be going on.
But MSNBC is supporting funding Al-Qaeda attacking all these different countries, murdering Christians, Muslim minorities en masse.
They don't want to talk about that.
They want to talk about how somebody, you know, some rich billionaire's taxes, well, they're automatically tax exempt.
I want to talk about that.
They're talking about how he said something racist secretly.
I mean, who cares?
Everybody then piles onto it to be politically correct because it's the easy thing to do.
And I agree with Mark Cuban that it's disgusting and despicable, but still, why doesn't Mark Cuban add it's wrong that the ultra-rich are basically playing by different rules and somewhat tax-exempt?
Mark Cuban's not part of the Insider Club.
I've witnessed that in the news.
But listen, there's no point in talking about this unless we really talk about where it all comes from.
So I'd like to hear from callers out there, from a black perspective.
There's no way for me to be politically correct.
I mean, even the word Fiesta is racist now.
Black folks have said they wanted to be called colored, negro, African-American, now people say don't call folks that.
I'll just call you, people call folks white folks, I'll call you black folks.
See, because we have to use these words, we have to use language or the globalists are going to restrict us so much that we can't even communicate and talk to ever even
Get down to the bottom line of we're all just human beings and then deal with the real discrimination of hydrofluorosilicic acid put in the water to lower the IQs of Anglos around 10 points after six years of use.
Do you know what hydrofluorosilicic acid does to the average black person?
For whatever reason, it hurts blacks even worse.
You can type into a search engine, fluoride hurts blacks worse than whites.
But hey,
Is that fun and sexy to complain about?
That water has stuff added to it to brain damage you and your family?
Or the fact that 52% of blacks are aborted?
See, if I really didn't like you, I'd get up here and talk about how much I love you all day, and how much welfare is good for you, and how great it is to not have men in the house, and how great violent hip-hop is, and you know how great Planned Parenthood is, and how great your right to choice is, and how great inoculations are, and how great that city water is.
You see, this is the reality.
There's the headline, 50% of all African-American pregnancies end in abortion.
But that's okay!
That's okay.
That's a good liberal thing.
Chopping up babies is A-okay.
But the mere fact that I'm white, see, I'm suspect.
Well, that's the racism, not even reverse racism, it's the racism and the stereotypes that are ubiquitous in a dumbed-down society.
New Yorkers that I know are great people, but they move down here and they go, man, I thought you people rode horses to work.
We thought Texans were dumb.
Well, yeah, you can certainly go to rural areas and find some really dumbed-down people.
There's all the smart folks moving to the city.
There are a lot of smart people still in the countryside.
You can find some of the dumbest black people in the countryside.
You can also find some of the smartest black people in the countryside.
So, again, that's a stereotype.
That's why you've got to get down to actually going off of what people stand for.
Take the sexism of family law in the U.S.
where it's just taken as a default that women get possession of the children.
That's all changing now as men realize they're being discriminated against and come together.
Not against women!
Not that women are bad.
It's that the system has been set up to say men shouldn't have their kids.
That system is discriminatory.
Men need to come together and reclaim our rights and our liberty and our freedom.
We need to all come together and say, we have a right to not be secretly medically experimented on with syphilis in the vaccines.
Oh, you heard of that?
The same government that did that now wants to give you a free abortion because they love you so much, black people.
Or the White House Science Czar's own book, Ecoscience, with the fluoride in the water.
We've got to come together and realize the big issue here.
The big issue here is that we're being socially engineered because the globalists have a 6% approval rating.
And if we ever figure out that they're attacking us, that they're eugenicists, going after all of us, playing Catholic off against Orthodox in Ukraine,
Playing Black Tribe off against Black Tribe in Nigeria.
Playing North off against South here in the U.S.
I watch grown adults argue with each other about, I'm for the Spurs, well I'm for the Mavericks, you better watch it!
Again, more mindless tribalism.
You care more about who wins your sports team.
If your team loses, you go out and riot.
You won't riot when foreign banks steal tens of trillions of dollars from you and your taxes go up.
You're not worried about that.
You know, they've tried to sell a train, a so-called bullet train, from San Antonio to Austin for 20 years.
Republicans don't want it.
Democrats don't want it.
It's over 80% unpopular in polls.
Now it's suddenly popular because they're saying, sports fans get to the Spurs game quicker from Austin.
Georgetown and Round Rock, and suddenly they're going, yeah!
Yeah, if it's a sports boondoggle, I'm for it!
Let's build a $5 billion train that you gotta drive in cars to a parking lot, go through German Shepherd checkpoints, get on the stupid train that still takes 45 minutes to get to San Antonio, then get in trains and go to the stupid basketball game.
I don't wanna pay!
For your train.
Your dungeon.
I don't want to be part of your police state.
I'm so angry.
I'm so sick of it.
I'm so tired of it.
I'm so tired of red carpets and helicopters and Air Force One for all these royalty and the government.
I'm so sick of old ladies and people having their houses taken when they don't pay their taxes so the rich elite can suck off everybody and then tell us we're not paying our fair share while they've got a giant throng of welfare queens and people that are dependent on the system.
So if they'll vote to take my freedom so they keep getting handouts from the government,
People are slaves on the welfare plantations today.
It doesn't endorse the old slavery to say that you're a slave today.
At least people 170, 180 years ago knew they were slaves, and knew people didn't want them having their families together.
Now people don't even know that!
Because they brought in high-tech slavery, on record and get it, and they love it.
And now they've got psychological slavery over people.
I want to hear from black folks.
We're going to discriminate here, black folks only.
I want to get your take on this.
Am I wrong or am I right?
And how do we break this system of control where they can't say you're racist if you're against Obamacare?
Now I want to play a clip of Elizabeth Warren, the senator.
We're going to go to break, come back and start taking your phone calls.
Can we push the professor, instead of having her on the first 40 minutes, can we push the professor to like 15 after?
Yeah, yeah.
I really want her on.
I saw you testing her Skype.
Really look forward to that on Epigenetics to get into how the elite are controlling us.
But I want to get to Elizabeth Warren, who I don't agree with on some things, but I think she comes off as a genuine person.
And she's on Jon Stewart's show talking about how the game is rigged and how the elite have everything rigged.
But he says, but it's always been that way.
Well, his brother's the head of the New York Stock Exchange.
So he's there kind of whitewashing things.
She says, no, it's more rigged now than ever.
So here she is telling you what I'm telling you.
The ultimate discrimination is that we lived in a rigged economy where the winners have already been chosen.
They've got you convinced that the winners are white people.
White people haven't been perfect, folks, but they got a little bit of independence.
We're able to build up families and some wealth.
So now the elite want that gone so everybody's poor.
So there's no ladder up, ladies and gentlemen.
Everything they've done to black folks, they're now doing to everybody.
The society's all collapsing.
Black folks are just falling the fastest.
You're skydiving without a parachute.
Don't worry, white folks are 100 feet above you without a parachute as well.
We need to figure out how to have a soft landing here.
And realize the real enemies are engaged in divide and conquer.
Let's go ahead and go to Elizabeth Warren.
Very powerful clip from the Daily Show.
And what happened?
This government came back and it bailed out those big financial institutions.
Today those big financial institutions are 38% bigger than they were in 2008 when we said they were too big to fail.
They still break the law and nobody goes to jail.
I don't know about you but I think that's wrong.
Too much of the rules and the regulations are written by the lobbyists.
No, yeah.
And so they, it's not an over, under, it's a wrong.
It's that they keep tilting the playing field to make it work better for the biggest corporations and for billionaires.
And every time that happens, it works less and less well for families.
It really is a rigged game.
And it's set up now, over and over.
And it's probably always been.
Well, not like this.
It's set up over and over and over that the rich get richer and the powerful get more powerful.
They've got all the advantages of concentrated money and concentrated power.
All we got on the other side is we got our voices and we got our votes.
And if we get out there and make something out of them, that's how we make a difference.
Every time you tell me that things can't change, I'll just say back to you, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau,
The bank said, we will kill her.
Alright, let's stop right there.
And she's been calling for some pretty good reforms.
The problem is, the Democrats' answer was, occupy Wall Street, that's just socialism, and raise taxes on middle class.
Do what Kennedy did, cut the middle class tax rate by 50%.
Do you know what happened the next year?
Tax receipts doubled.
I want to explain that again.
Tax receipts doubled.
Double the money came in.
But the government is run by corporations that don't want that, because they're not paying taxes.
They don't want their competition to have the money.
That's you and me!
With our industrial base, folks, we should be working two days a week, conservatively.
The studies are legion.
We could all be living like kings right now.
Better forms of energy, everything.
It's all being suppressed.
We're being put into a new dark age.
While the elite are moving forward with everything, and they're on a power trip, setting up a police state in case we try to stop them.
It's rigged, folks.
We've got to start admitting that.
And now they want to rig the internet to shut down free speech.
Your calls are coming up.
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Hi folks, Alex Jones here with some important information.
I want to tell you about Matt Redhawk and his team of Patriots over at MyPatriotSupply.
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Bottom line, the system is training us all to look at each other.
That's why we're getting behind.
Men against women, women against men, on and on and on.
Instead of looking at how the establishment is building an artificial system.
Here's a CNS News article.
Men work full-time, earn less than 40 years ago.
And then it just goes up from there.
They claim, oh, women have, you know, less of an income gap, but it's still not as good.
Well, that's because statistically women want to take off more and have children.
But again, ladies and gentlemen, that's not the reason we're all behind.
We're behind because they're building an artificial system to make us poor.
We've got news on
Huge developments in Ukraine coming up and a huge Benghazi report.
Emails have now been released that the White House did know, Hillary did know, and they were involved, quote, getting together their talking points.
Of course they lied.
Of course they ordered a stand down.
The question is why.
That's big news, that's coming up.
Right now, let's go to Mankind in Arizona.
What is your perspective on the whole Clippers thing?
I mean, I think it's distasteful, but why is the media hyping it so much?
Meanwhile, when they blew up Gaddafi's regime, all of Africa started collapsing.
Uh, Alex, can you hear me okay?
Yes, I can.
All right.
Yeah, no, I mean, this is starting to become so obvious now, and I'm actually sick of it as well, as far as for how they're basically using the black culture to mislead our own black youth.
I mean, nobody really cares about this racism stuff anymore.
I care about drone strikes being ordered on Clive and Bundy.
That's news to me.
That's newsworthy.
I'm sick of all of this racism that they put in the news because the only thing that that does is
Corrupt our own youth, not even just black youth, but youth period.
They act like that's what's good news.
People wouldn't even be thinking about this.
I mean, I'm 40, but I'm still pretty young.
I didn't grow up hearing racist stuff.
And new young people now are all talking about it because they just keep hyping it.
And it's actually, in a way, I've seen it bringing it back.
I'm hearing under Obama more racist stuff from both sides than I've ever heard.
Exactly, exactly.
And especially from, once again, from the young black community perspective, I'm also starting to teach, you know, the black youth, because I'm actually the same age, I'm about 38, but I've seen my own black community from my parents
Which, back then, the black community was very, very, very prosperous.
Nobody was walking around with their pants sagging.
Nobody was walking around with guttural slang, like that's what it was to be black.
Because I'm not!
Well yeah, when I was a kid in Dallas, the black people all dressed nice, and then the white people all dressed okay.
But again, it was the cultural difference that the media has now sold through MTV and the rest of it on purpose as a test to say, can we wreck a community in the name of political correctness?
And they've done it.
I mean, it is a great case of mind control.
It really is, but I'll tell you like this, the more that we keep talking about this stuff and stuff like that, the more we keep, because I'm starting to notice that a lot more young people are starting to listen to this show.
They're actually starting to listen to my shows and things that I have to say, because they actually are starting to be able to see, you know,
The mainstream media is not necessarily telling them the truth anymore.
Exactly, that's exciting.
Everybody should get a show online on things like Blog Talk Radio or do a YouTube show.
Everyone should have their voice heard and out of it we'll show that the establishment doesn't speak for us, we speak for ourselves.
Tell folks about your show.
What's the name of it?
Um, my website is actually prosthetic.com, and that's spelled P-R-O-P-H-E, T as in Tom, C as in Cat, and I basically do the same thing.
You know, I talk about... Listen, we're out of time.
That's exciting.
Good to hear from you.
God bless.
We're going to come right back and talk to P, Daryl, Hollins, E-Live.
I'm reading that right over there.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've got a professor coming up in about 20 minutes to give us some key intel on epigenetics.
Right now we're taking your phone calls.
I want the perspective of black folks out there, whether you agree with me or disagree with me, that the way they're hyping this whole Clippers deal is meant to create more division.
While the banks rob us blind and are tax-exempt.
And while these sports owners are tax-exempt.
I mean, I hate Sterling.
I hate Jerry Jones.
I hate Ecclestein with the Formula One track.
I mean, they have robbed me with state and local taxes to pay for their multi-billion dollar facilities.
They robbed you.
Nothing makes me madder than some rich guy who's tax exempt.
Who, by the way, lectures me that I gotta raise my taxes to pay them.
That's the discrimination.
And it makes me want to throw up.
I don't care if a team owner is black or white.
I don't like them if I'm having to pay for their sports stadium.
But if they get everybody racially obsessed, they can say, hey, you want guns?
You're racist.
You don't like Obamacare?
It's because you don't like Obama.
No, I don't like Obamacare because it's a big screw job because I studied the bill.
But I don't get into this racial division stuff.
I do cover it, though, so people understand what's happening.
Maybe folks disagree.
We're going to talk to P, Daryl Hollins, and Eli.
P, you're on the air.
Welcome from Florida.
What's your take on this?
Well, you know, I'm African-American.
I'm black as well.
I'm here.
I'm with my girlfriend.
We've been watching the show.
She watches every day.
And she told me to call in because I'm not really a watcher that much.
I don't really got time for this.
No, no, I understand.
You're giving us your real take on it.
Go ahead.
Yeah, my take is basically that this dude right here with the yelling about the black people, I think he needs to watch his mouth, you know what I'm saying?
Because that's kind of disrespectful.
Well no kidding, the guy's obviously out of his mind, completely delusional.
Most of his team's black and he's friends with these people on the surface and then meanwhile
Talking trash about... I mean, I think the main thing is he's mad that she's running around on him, but what does he expect?
The guy's just an idiot!
My point is, do you get the fact that they're hyping it to create a diversion from how we're all being robbed?
Well I see what you're saying about how I'm being robbed because when I went to the mall I went to go buy a pair of Jordans and the price was like $135 and I only make $275 per week.
So I'm trying to figure out why would I buy these sneakers at so much money, you know what I'm saying?
Exactly, exactly.
And they sell it as culture so you'll pay more for it when it was actually made by Chinese slaves.
And it's just incredible.
Really good points.
Appreciate your call.
Eli in New York.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Yeah, I too am African-American, black, you know, whatever the million different kinds of names they put to anyone who has a little melanin in their skin.
But, you know, I completely agree.
These racially divisive tactics have
Completely put a smoke screen up and most people are plugged into the matrix of the news and sports and get sucked into the you know, these these ridiculous debates while these snakes Strangle us all and it's ridiculous and I try as much the best I can, you know living in Harlem there There are two groups, you know, they're there are the more, you know, politically aware older groups and you know more politically unaware younger groups and
We, you know, it's really tough to, you know, try to get this through to people that Donald, I mean, this is known.
Donald Sterling has been known to be a racist.
This is not the first thing he's said.
These things come up at the most ridiculous times when, you know, World War III might start in Ukraine while these banks rob us until there's nothing left, you know?
It just, it pisses me off.
Like, just like the war on poverty, the war on racism, as if it's going to disappear one day.
It's ridiculous.
Great points.
Anything else?
No, I mean, I just want to tell you to keep doing what you're doing.
Your message is getting through to all cultures, all races.
It's about humanity.
It's not about skin color or religion.
Hey, we're all getting chemtrails.
They're putting stuff in all the vaccines.
They're coming after everybody.
And that's my point.
That's why they want us fighting with each other.
More calls coming up.
Stay with us.
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Hi folks, Alex Jones here with some important information.
I want to tell you about Matt Redhawk and his team of patriots
Over at My Patriot Supply.
Several years ago, Matt was sitting in his two-bedroom apartment, frustrated with the direction this country was headed and the charlatans willing to sell us out for a quick buck.
Deciding to take action, a company run by Patriots for Patriots was born.
My Patriot Supply has never taken a loan or accepted outside funding.
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That's 866-229-0927.
Do business.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Seems like everybody I know knows someone who's dying of brain cancer from ages 25 or so up to 60, 70.
And I love to just invite Dr. Group here every month or so and let him bring whatever topic is that he wants to cover.
And today he gave me some of the points he wants to go over.
The studies, I've got a stack of news on this, about what smart meters, Wi-Fi, but especially cell phones are doing to your brain.
It's a death sentence.
And I see people with phones up to their heads, and I just go over and say something to them, and then even I lose my hands free or my headset and do it myself sometimes.
We've got, if you've got cell phones, folks, you've got, because with microwave radiation, it reduces in power every distance, I've talked to engineers, out from the length of the antenna, basically, or the wave, and how the antenna's cut.
But basically, when you've got it right up against your brain, it's full power shooting right through your skull, only about a quarter inch into your brain.
That's where these tumors are coming up.
A lot of scientists have been going public.
Top doctors.
They had studies back in the 60s on this.
70s, 80s.
We're going to talk about that and more with him in the third hour today.
But you can just pull up Mainline, CNN, BBC, you name it.
But the big lobby is trying to act like it's no big deal.
And sure, it's not good for you when it's a foot away from your head.
But if you look at 12 inches away, or 24 inches away, if it's sitting in the driver's side seat, you got a wire going to your head, or if you're using a hands-free, then it's just a radio connection, it's literally hundreds of times not as strong.
So, if you're going to use these devices,
It's like they finally told cops about a decade ago, don't sit in your car with the radar gun between your legs.
Because even when you're not pulling the trigger, it's generating RF.
And the cops were all getting huge increases in testicular cancer.
Just like TSA has huge cancer clusters.
You sit around x-ray machines all day.
And they go, oh, well, they're shielded by some lead.
That doesn't block all of it.
It shoots out the front and the back.
Now they've added more scanners in.
It's a death sentence!
Look at the inventor of x-rays.
You know, she died of cancer.
So we're going to be talking about that.
We've got another professor coming on about epigenetics.
Really fascinating stuff here in a few minutes.
I haven't gotten to all the other news that I've got here in front of me before I go back to your calls.
All over the country, they're coming in with zoning laws to only let coffin apartments be built.
They're 200 square feet.
Austin's now doing it.
Show they can charge you more per unit and get more property tax.
How do you get more taxes?
You lower standard of living.
And that's out of Fox News.
Stackable container homes tested in New York City.
And the argument is, oh, it's for poor people.
No, it's not.
It's being rolled out to lower the standards.
It's Agenda 21.
Get the book, Behind the Green Mask, available at Infowarsstore.com.
Read it and understand it.
Or my book that predicted it all, my film that predicted it all, Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement, made eight years ago, that says they're going to build coffin houses.
Because they said they would.
And they say it's for control and surveillance.
And they're going to raise the taxes and stuff until they run everybody out of the country.
That's why we've got to run to the country now, as many of us as we can, to build communities where we only buy from each other.
I don't care what color you are, we discriminate against the big major corporations, the New World Order.
We don't do business with them, except when we absolutely have to.
We go to mom and pops.
We go to farmers markets.
We support people.
We hire veterans.
We hire people that, because of whatever culture they come out of, they've been discriminated against.
If they show they've got what it takes.
Oh, you're a veteran they claim has all this stuff wrong with you?
We're gonna hire you.
We don't believe the stereotype.
So, you see, that's how we defeat the classism that isn't even just classism of rich people not liking poor people.
It's ultra-technocracy eugenicist playing God over everyone.
Like mad scientists, they're the enemy.
And I don't care what race or creed you are, we better come together against this and not let them win, because they're coming down on everybody.
Now, I said I wanted to talk to black folks about their take on the Clippers deal.
Am I wrong that this is being hyped for a diversion?
This is not endorsing what the Clipper guy said, it's over the top.
But some rich 80-year-old guy who's known to be an elitist racist?
I'll guarantee you that guy hates everybody.
He's a hypocrite too.
He's dating a lady that's like part black, hispanic.
I think a couple of... I mean, big deal.
He's out of his mind.
He's a hypocrite.
As I've read a statistic years ago that the number one area for interracial porn is the deep south.
I mean, it's the same deal.
Here's this guy doesn't like quote minorities and then he's dating his girlfriend that she looks like she's black and Asian to me.
The whole point, it's just a bunch of, it's ridiculous ladies and gentlemen.
It's absolutely ridiculous.
And I've already said it over and over again, let's just go to your phone calls.
Daryl in Virginia, what is your take on this?
Yes sir, this is Krypton Paul.
I definitely want to get to that Snoop Dogg and Michael Jordan topic in just one second.
But yeah, the distraction was going on.
They're going to pass some crazy bill while, you know, the rest of America is being distracted by entertainment.
Now we have to understand that yes, ignorance and racism still exist in all races, but why are we not out there bashing the real racist people like Eric Holder, Barack Obama,
Ben Bernanke, Hillary Clinton, the real elitist that's actually killing people out there.
Now when it comes to the Snoop situation, didn't you go positive with the Snoop lying thing?
What happened to the peaceful Snoop?
All of a sudden you're back bashing white people over a
That's disgusting.
You promote ignorance in your music.
He's the reason why I started gangbanging years ago, but I woke up due to the ideologies of Ron Paul and listened to people like you and your show.
We've got to stop brainwashing the black community.
Abortion has killed more people than the KKK.
There's more black murders in the urban community than
We're good to go.
You're charging people $250 in the ghetto, but people spend their last bit of money where they don't even buy the kids food because they're trying to stay fresh.
They're buying in to Michael Jordan, who I know reportedly behind the scenes is a real jerk.
He reportedly acts just like Lance Armstrong.
He thinks he's God, everybody else is trash.
You know, his girlfriend gets cancer.
I'm done with you.
He's like a Newt Gingrich.
I mean, these guys are the scum of the earth.
I don't care what color they are.
And what you're saying is absolutely on target.
The way the gangster culture, you know, the $300 tennis shoe culture, and people think they've got status because they have that bling.
And it's socially designed to absolutely annihilate the black community.
And it's done it.
I mean, look, Christ said you judge a tree by its fruits.
And look at what modern liberalism and so-called multiculturalism has done.
We are more divided.
The communities are falling apart.
But don't worry.
They're not just done with the black people.
They're going to do it to everybody.
And it's so sick to sit here and to see it and to see people totally captured by it.
Anything else?
Yeah, man.
We gotta wake people up, man.
If we don't unite now, it's going to be a leg for the elitists to take over and it's going to be us left behind.
So, yeah, that's it, brother.
Chris Ron Paul, check me out on my YouTube.
Alright, thank you so much.
And, yeah, the globalists do want to have a race war.
Look how they're doing race war or religious war in Crimea, other areas.
Look at using one Muslim group against another in Syria.
The globalists divide and conquer the great games of Bigni Brzezinski.
Divide and conquer is the name of the game.
It's the only way this tiny global elite can dominate the planet is divide and conquer.
It's the only way they can do it.
And I know you know that.
We've got to get that message out to people that we've got to stand on morals, family, private property, a new renaissance, becoming informed.
Buying into the modern, fake, liberal culture of death that the Republican Party is just another arm of.
And we're going to go to break and come back with this amazing professor that I saw on Stefan Molyneux's show.
Because I'm wanting to get a bunch of professors on of epigenetics.
She's not a professor of that.
She's a behavioral science and psychology.
But it all ties in together.
But just the way she was quantifying and getting into some of the important points of it.
So I'm going to get a bunch of people on that I heard her talk about.
Because I've done research on this years ago, but more and more, the field is really describing what's happening.
So we're going to go to her.
If you want to hold, because I want to talk to you after she's gone, I believe that's Hollis, and then Rennell, Chris, and Chris, we will get to all of you after she leaves us.
And then Dr. Edward Group is going to be
Uh, here in studio to talk about what the cell phones are doing.
See, I don't care who you are, what color you are, the cell phones are killing us deader than a hammer.
It's kind of like the Gardasil shots in their own trials eight years ago were sterilizing people, giving them autoimmune diseases and killing some.
Now they're making it mandatory for all little girls in Mexico.
You're not going to hear at La Raza, that means the race by the way, very racist group, warning Hispanics not to take the shot.
They're just going to talk about how gringos are racist all day.
See how the real social engineers have to act like they're fighting racism because in the truth they're selling the cultural engineering and control that's meant to play us all off against each other?
We're going to go to break.
When we come back, we're going to go to the professor, who I really appreciate joining us.
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What do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential forfeiture situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go folks, I'm being assaulted!
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Darsha Narvaez is a professor, PhD at Notre Dame University.
You can check her out at www.nd.edu forward slash, I guess, tilde D. Narvaez.
And we really appreciate her coming on with us because I watched an hour-long program she was on over the weekend on Stefan Molyneux's TV show up in Canada.
She's with us throughout the hour that I promise if you guys hold, I'll go to you.
But I wanted to get her on because she was talking about just child development and how children are not doing as well in Western society as they were in the past.
I mean, every metric shows that.
But she was also getting into epigenetics, which she's not a professor of, but she studied.
I'm going to get a bunch of professors of it on.
Because I personally, you know, have had experiences growing up, whatever you want to call them, of what I would call hyper instincts.
I mean, I was almost like an old man when I was a kid, in ways.
But so are young girls, other young boys.
I have two daughters.
And they'll just out of the blue, even though they're a little bitty, just say incredibly profound things I know they've never heard before.
So what is that?
Well, it's the innate programming of humans, folks.
We are all our ancestors.
And they've proven the DNA is basically a record of things, and it just gets deeper and deeper.
But this is a short segment, long segment coming up.
I'm giving you my layman view of it, but I think this is the key to understanding so much.
She joins us today, and I appreciate her coming on, and we'll go over her bio more in the next segment, but how would you quantify what's happening to the youth and how that ties into epigenetics?
Well, good to talk with you Alex.
Good to have you.
Thanks for having me on.
I see that we have been mis-developing or mis-raising kids for some time now and that affects their own expression of genes they inherit, their DNA, but it also then affects the subsequent generations.
We know that they're
epigenetic inheritance effects now, so that if your grandparents went through a famine, when either your mother has an egg or the sperm of the grandfather was affected, then you're going to be affected as a grandchild, your health, for example.
And what I'm doing is I'm expanding and pulling together information about how that affects our social capacities and our moral capacities.
Describe for folks more of the definition of epigenetics.
Epigenetics, well it's kind of a little, the broad understanding of it is how as you are growing there are sensitive periods for genes to be turned on or off is the easy way to say it or expressed is more formal way to say it so that you might have a gene for example they've done studies on a family in Europe where they have a particular M
I don't know.
But it turns out that that's not enough.
It's not enough just to have the gene.
You have to have an environment of abuse that actually makes that gene get expressed in a particular way or leads to aggressive behavior.
Well, exactly.
Here's an example.
I started getting beat up a lot when I was 10 or 11 years old.
I was the sweetest kid ever, but then I turned into a just absolutely vicious person.
I mean, I'm nice today, but it developed and expressed, you know, barbarian-type traits.
And so there's different sensitive periods for genes to be expressed in a more or less permanent way.
And the first few years of life are one of those time periods.
Early adolescence is another.
So those experiences you have at that time of support for what you need or not are going to influence how your genes are functioning, essentially.
Some people say, really, genes don't really matter much.
It's all epigenetics.
So genes are just a blueprint, and they're innate.
They're, I'm sorry, they're inanimate.
They don't function unless experience turns them on or off.
So they're basically like switches.
Well, it's a blueprint, and you got, the environment is the switch.
Oh, I see.
So it's the blueprint, and then the environment is the switch.
I get it.
And of course, the establishment has known this for a long time, and I think that's why it's important for the public to understand this, because if I look at the social engineering going on, they are clearly trying to make people be like jellyfish or something.
Yeah, well when you undermine baby's needs, which I argue about and write about a lot in study, you are developing a person that's stress reactive.
So what happens is the part of the brain, the more executive functions aren't established well to control those fear or anger reactions.
Uh, because that has to happen those first years of life.
Those are when the switches are being formed from experience of care.
And when they're not established well, then you end up with a person that easily gets stressed out.
Very profound.
Stay there.
I'm gonna give you the floor when we come back to talk about the young that you are such an expert at.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential forklift situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go folks, I'm being assaulted!
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Professor Darsha Narvaez is our guest and she is a prominent behavioral psychologist at the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, and she has developed several theories, adaptive, ethical,
Well, we're going to go over all of her theories with her so that I don't butcher them here, but she deals with basically neurobiology, clinical development, education sciences in her developed projects and research about moral development.
I don't need to be a rocket scientist
To know that if people don't hold their babies and take them places with them, and teach them how to cook, and teach them how to sweep, and teach them how to fish, and teach them how to hunt, and teach them how to communicate, and teach them how to be charming, and teach them how to sew, and teach them how to play football.
That people don't develop.
There's less language now.
I've seen the studies out about the different types of formula.
The brains don't develop.
They don't even weigh as much as our ancestors.
And then you look at the social engineers on record wanting a manageable population.
We're raised by television.
Our bones are much smaller.
I've got a BBC article out.
Dealing with that today, just because we watch so much television, and I'll show TV viewers that article in a moment.
Here's one out of the Daily Mail.
How modern humans have become weaklings compared with our ancient ancestors who could outrun and outlive today's top athletes.
Just a regular person that they dug up out of a field in Cambridge, England.
Could just absolutely pull the arm out of the socket of the current Cambridge University students.
We are degenerating, ladies and gentlemen.
And a lot of it's social engineering, a lot of it's just the modern world.
But certainly the political classes have been accentuating this.
We've had a lot of white papers on air we've covered.
I'm not saying that's the professor's views.
We'll get our views.
Professor, I'm going to give you the floor.
I'll just run wild with this.
But please, Professor,
When I watched you with Stefan Molyneux, you broke down what the studies show with epigenetics not being triggered, or the good genes not being triggered, or the other genes being triggered, the genes that are more associated with not being successful, I guess, to boil it down, when we don't spend proper time with our babies.
And so you've got the floor to break this down for people.
Okay, thanks.
Well, we're studying right now the effects of parenting in the context of early life.
on early child development.
So we're looking at a set of practices that evolved 30 million years ago with the social mammals, and that humans only intensified further because as we evolved to walk on two legs instead of four limbs, our pelvises had to shrink in order to enable that, and so the babies had to be born a little more helpless.
And so we're born with only 25% of the brain in place, and most of that grows in the first five years of life.
It doesn't finish until the third decade, like age 25.
Some people say 35 now.
So that's all the good thinking and planning and foresight stuff.
But in those first years then, babies are born, when we compare to other animals, 9 to 18 months early.
Which means those months, really babies should be treated almost like they're still in the womb.
So you want to keep them not getting distressed.
Because during that time, the stress response systems of various kinds are being established.
If you distress the baby frequently, the thresholds and the set points for those systems are going to be at a very hyperactive state.
Which means, what happens when the stress response kicks in is that it draws blood away
From your higher order thinking skills, away from your orientation to other people, your compassion, and mobilizes you for action.
Either to fight, to run away, or to just freeze if you can't do those things, or even faint away.
So it makes you very self-focused.
And you get personally distressed easily.
So we're looking at the parenting practices and how they affect then that brain development.
And when you don't get touched, like you were saying, pretty much constantly in the first year of life,
That's when all the stuff is being established to be good and it will work well.
Then you can actually develop a more hyperactive reaction to life and new situations.
We know from the rat studies that Michael Meany and his lab has done and we might get him on.
I don't know.
In particular, and they find that if you have a low nurturing mother during that time, that means you're not getting licked if you're a rat.
But if you're a human, it would be held.
And if you don't have a high nurturing mother at that time, those genes never get turned on properly.
So for the rest of your life, you're going to be anxious with new things.
So these genes need touch to be turned on to control anxiety.
If you don't get that, you're going to be an anxious rat.
But they've also then transferred this to looking at the same processes, the neurobiological processes in humans and find similar things happening.
So that's just touch.
Then there's breast milk, you mentioned that.
Breast milk has thousands of ingredients and it builds a good brain with a lot of serotonin receptors, which are linked to not getting depressed.
It has all the things you need to build your immune system.
And so what we do is we use, so I'm jumping around a little bit, but I'm going to tell you about these practices.
And the way we know
That humans have actually followed these practices as we looked at anthropology research.
And there's small band hunter-gatherers.
These are little societies of nomadic foragers.
They have no possessions, essentially, and they migrate to food areas.
They really represent our 99% of human history were in these kinds of societies.
And in those societies, they do these parenting practices that I'm going to tell you about.
And it turns out they're really kind of smart and intelligent and more perceptive.
They see better, hear better.
It's just kind of amazing.
And they have much more peaceful personalities as well.
They don't get so easily distressed.
When you do that, you probably perish out there in the forest or jungle.
You couldn't control yourself.
So what are these practices?
So these practices that we see in these small band hunter-gatherers are the ones that we're examining in my laboratory and we're finding they're related to child development.
Their intelligence, their
Empathy, their conscience, their self-regulation, whether they're depressed or aggressive, they're all related to these practices.
So they are touch, as I mentioned, pretty constantly and available hugging affection in early life.
Responsiveness to the needs of the baby, so you don't let them cry.
Crying babies are killing synapses.
It's undermining developments.
Touch is another one.
I should just say that when a baby is not touched, they will stop growing.
You can see this in severe neglect cases, but it means the DNA synthesis starts to slow down.
So if you want a nice healthy baby, you've got to carry them around until they want to walk around themselves.
And then we have free play.
So babies are ready to play from birth.
You can see this in videos that Colin Trevarthan has captured.
They're ready to communicate back and forth and they want to spend their life doing that.
So that builds the brain.
It builds a very smart, intelligent, socially skilled person.
Multiple adult caregivers.
Babies need lots of care.
This is not enough.
One person is not enough.
One mom, one dad, and mom.
Two people, not enough.
You need the village.
And we've kind of undermined that in our society at the moment.
Also soothing perinatal experiences, so no separating the mom and baby at birth.
No inducement of pain that is remembered in the brain.
The baby's first impressions of life are going to be forever stamped in their personal memory.
And then, correct me if I'm wrong, it then accesses all of the racial memories of pain and starts putting them on that path.
So they get more self-protected.
So what happens is the brain sort of shuts itself down.
It starts to filter life according to those threatening things.
And that's what makes you less intelligent.
It makes you less flexible.
It makes you less... And then you can be in a nanny state that programs you with the fake fears it puts out.
You're more susceptible to all that.
Well, please continue.
Please continue.
Right, so what happens is you build a, you kind of, when your parents or your caregivers don't attend to you as the baby, you know, and say hi, you know, and interact with you, you kind of learn, and they send you off to your crib by yourself, pry it out, you learn that, you know, the world is not a safe place, so you're going to just trust everything that's sort of basic in your personality, and you're also going to learn that, you know, you don't get much pleasure from being with other people, so you're going to do your own thing, which, you know, can also
Sometimes that's okay, but sometimes it's very destructive.
People, you know, very detached from relationships.
Sure, bottom line, what you break down in your writings is, because I've read some of them now, and you see it as common sense, it's prima facie what you're saying, that people are not talking as much, their IQs are going down, the vocabulary is going down, we're not as healthy, we're more stressed out.
This modern system is basically killing us.
And let me clarify on the IQ thing.
IQ scores over the 20th century in the USA went up.
And that's called the Flynn Effect.
And Flynn wrote a book about this in 2007.
And he says, well, let's look at that.
What is it that changed over time?
What did people get better at?
It's answering hypothetical questions.
Scientific kind of thinking.
Detached from
You're, you know, what's going on now, detached from your emotions.
So we've been increasing that kind of IQ, while emotional IQ, the ability to be flexible and socially responsive in the moment, has been plummeting.
And so you can see now, I see in my students, they prefer to text, rather than the face-to-face, you know, eye contact, back-and-forth stuff.
Oh, people sit at tables and text each other now?
Yeah, I know, it's crazy.
So yeah, IQ.
So I think we're getting less intelligent in comparison to our small band hunter gatherers.
All the stories, you know, Jared Diamond has written a book about what we can learn from ancient societies.
And one of his earlier books, he said,
You know, then he thought the Papua New Guineans, who he studied extensively, were much smarter than we were.
But they didn't have all the social supports to keep people alive were not that smart.
Sure, sure.
Well, I haven't quantified this in any type of scientific way.
I can just kind of generally look at a lot of the different research trains of thought and compare them to what I see as just a person who's gone to the College of Hard Knocks in the streets and just business in the world.
If you look at Carl Jung and archetypes and all that, well those are basically stamped on us genetically.
That's why they do have that power.
And then you take it to the next level of epigenetics, when you look at ancient rituals and things that are rites of passage for men and women, that when you do those rites of passage, it's like areas of your brain turned on.
And my whole life it was like, wow!
For whatever reason, this ritual I was just part of, or this archetype, I didn't even know those terms when I was younger.
It was like suddenly a world would open up to me.
And it was like doorways or chapters in a book you go through in your development, in your hierarchy of development, and then I see other people
Never really going into their hierarchy of development, as you said, just scientifically studying one business, one area, getting really good at that, not having general knowledge until it's almost like they're biological androids that are programmed by the system and aren't even real.
Do you see what I'm saying, Professor?
Yeah, I think one of the things we're undermining by not caring for babies in the way they're intended to be cared for is in receptive intelligence.
So if you look at indigenous folks, traditional societies, they're much more tuned into communications from the natural world.
But in the West, the natural world we've decided is dead, and we're the only people that are alive, only humans are alive.
And so we don't hear the water, we don't hear the trees.
I know it sounds a little wacky to us, right?
But this is worldwide, traditional societies, they have much more awareness of how the whole Earth is sort of communicating.
And we've lost that and we think, you know, that it's just us that matter.
And that human superiority thing over us, so I'm pushing the envelope here and being bold.
The human superiority idea is really what's leading to our crisis, I think, in sustainability.
We're destroying the earth because we don't think it matters.
It's just us, right?
We're going to figure it out and we're cool and we're smart.
But we're not getting very smart anymore.
Get the idea of reincarnation, not that we're really being reincarnated, but they just feel like they've been here before, because we're living in a civilization like a coral reef built by our ancestors, and there's archetypal relics of them, societal, cultural bones all around us, and that it actually triggers in us, in our genetics, racial memories.
I mean, how deep does it go?
Yeah, you know, I can't speak to that, but I could tell you a little bit more about the indigenous worldview.
In one striking book you might have Dan Everett on.
He wrote a book called Don't Sleep, There Are Snakes.
That's what people in the Paraha society say to each other at night when they go to bed.
And he was a missionary there for 23 years and wrote their language down and then translated the Book of Mark.
And he had one of them record into a tape recorder at the time the Book of Mark and had a group of them listen.
And at the end of listening to the Book of Mark, they said, Do you know this Jesus?
And he said, No.
Well, then why should we believe anything he says?
Because they only believe in eyewitnesses.
So they don't do this hypothetical thinking thing.
If you ask them, you know, what should Heinz do to save the life of his wife, they'll say, who's Heinz?
I don't know Heinz.
So they don't trust this hypothetical stuff.
But then he said, well, but Jesus reading the book of Mark really helped me because my mother committed suicide when I was an adolescent.
And they said, suicide?
What's that?
And then when he told them, they laughed.
Well, talk about a cliffhanger.
Her Skype just cut out right as she said that.
And again, ladies and gentlemen, even if you don't believe in evolution and all that, I'm not getting into that.
The issue is these genetic memories are there.
The globalists are aware of this.
They're programming them.
And they're programming them to make us weak and dumb and fearful and stupid.
And so I'm saying that's why we have to get back to our original cultures.
That's why the globalists want to overwrite synthetically all original culture.
I don't care what your culture is, it's better than the New World Order's culture.
And so, for me, it's important to get back to primitive ideas and primitive cultures, because that is the originator of humans to basically be able to then understand what's happening currently.
Because we're losing our humanities, is what I'm saying.
We're losing it.
We've got to rediscover it.
You got cut off there when they were saying, suicide, what's that?
And then they laughed and said,
Yeah, sorry.
So they laughed and thought that was the craziest thing they'd ever heard of.
You still hear me?
Yes, ma'am.
Because for them, life is a matter of death and transformation.
When you die, you're going to be part of the tree or the mountain, or it's all life.
There's no other place to go.
There's no heaven or hell.
They don't have any conception of that.
So you're part of the world, and this is Mother Earth, or Gaia, or the Great Spirit, and you don't have to worry about going anywhere, or leaving.
It's just here, now.
They were so happy, he decided that he had nothing to teach them, and he actually lost his faith, and then became a linguist, a professor.
Well, regardless, the point is that they are incredibly comfortable in their skin.
They've not been made modern and totally uncomfortable.
So, scientifically, what's the difference between those people and what we've become today?
Because I believe looking back at what humans were previously is the answer of how to not lose our humanity now.
I want to come back in a final segment.
Obviously, have you back soon with the professor.
Regardless, folks, of what you think about what she's saying, the epigenetics is a key thing.
What is it really?
We'll be right back.
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We're going to finish up with Professor Darsha Narvaez here in just a moment.
Very intriguing.
We'll put her website on screen as well for folks.
But what we know, bottom line, is this.
We're not taking care of kids.
You heard her.
She said, you know, two parents there.
That's what it's designed to do.
Not attacking single parent families or anybody.
The point is, is that we're losing our humanity.
And across the board, people, children don't know how to cook.
They don't know how to do anything.
I mean, my grandfathers could fix anything.
My dad could fix a lot of stuff.
I can fix hardly anything myself.
And my dad was a good dad compared to most.
We are becoming children of the Matrix, is how I would describe it.
So I wanted to let her have final comments on that, and people can learn more on her website that we'll put up on screen and also give out on air, on the radio.
But we know this, warehousing the kids, feeding them all the GMO,
It's having just disastrous effects.
I mean I talk to people's children now on average and I'm not bragging about my children.
It's just that a lot of them are really obviously look unhealthy and are showing signs of all sorts of disorders and we see those on the increase.
Bottom line what's happening professor?
Well, I think our baselines for what we think is normal has shifted.
We think the way we're caring for kids is normal.
This is a thing that happens all over in scholarship and human life.
We think whatever we were raised with is normal.
The animal studies show that if you have a low-nurturing mother, the daughter is even worse the next generation.
So I think we have a spiraling of worsening conditions for kids, and we don't really realize that.
Adults then have been raised not so well and so they're a little more numb.
They're a little more less perceptive and not paying attention really.
And we adults are very distracted themselves.
They're not really emotionally present.
So what happens when you don't raise babies well is you can't be in the present moment.
You're very preoccupied with the things you didn't get.
Emotionally or cognitively.
And so it's really hard to just be in the moment.
And so in my book that's coming out this summer on the neurobiology of human morality, I have a whole big long chapter about what to do if you didn't get raised well.
And there are many things.
So one is to learn to be in the present moment, to meditate, breathe deeply, learn to be not self-preoccupied, and there's a bunch of things to do about that.
If you're a parent, what you want to do is play.
Get your kid out there playing outside as much as possible.
We have parents who are afraid to let their kids outside because they think they're going to get kidnapped.
And the crime rate is the same as 1970.
So it's kind of craziness.
It's the stress reactivity of the parents that's causing them to... It's like people not swimming in the ocean because of great whites when they kill five people a year.
Yeah, right.
So they get very hyper reactive.
So play with your kids, let them go outside, get them out there in the wilderness and enjoy and connect to nature.
That's how we're going to save nature or ourselves.
So you've got to feel connected to it.
Thank you so much.
The thing is, is you can't let yourself get stress-reacted because that keeps it from growing.
So you have to get ways of, you know, being silly or playful or dancing, learning to dance or art.
That stuff grows your creative side, which is going to make it easier for you to be in the present moment with your kids and to be more connected and more fortunate.
All right.
Well, I want to have you back out when the book comes out.
I promise you'll come on.
All right, thank you.
Thank you so much, Professor.
Really powerful information.
And again, it's just another perspective out there.
Regardless, our children are becoming like programmable zombies, and we've got to reverse it somehow.
And it's just absolutely essential to run around and chase your kids around the house and the yard and act stupid.
I mean, it's just essential just to have fun.
And I could do that two more myself.
I get so serious.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I apologize as always.
I end up taking calls one hour, and then running out of time, then having a guest on for an hour, and then people are holding, and then another guest coming up.
But I appreciate folks holding to give their perspective on this whole Clippers thing and how it's being, I think, used as a distraction.
And we've been taking some really interesting calls.
Hollis, thanks for holding so long from Washington.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
Hollis from Washington, D.C.
Okay, so you're in Washington, D.C.
As you said, Washington.
Thanks for calling.
Thanks for having me on the show.
So, first things first, I wish you would just stop talking about that basketball owner.
It's just a distraction because there's more important news that we could be talking about.
It's like a disjustice to me and all the rest of your fans.
And I'm a black guy.
No, no, I hear you.
But, I mean, we have to talk about it, how it is a distraction, so people that aren't informed like you understand that.
There's a lot of people that don't know that.
Yeah, it's almost like beating a dead horse and it's kind of just like, it's old.
But what I wanted to talk about is, um, you had mentioned something about the 300 pound black women ruling over us a couple of months ago.
I was talking about Gone with the Wind with the 300 pound black woman being the boss there and I'm saying that's an archetype that was promoted by the Romans where they would have the women, it was mainly white women, they would have the women inside the house and they would keep the men out in the fields and wouldn't let them read or write.
That was translated into French
And I forget who wrote it.
It was like, one of those black professors wrote an article.
I read the newspaper and I went and looked it up.
It was like 15 years ago.
Was it Walter Williams?
I forget.
Wrote a whole article about it, but I don't remember exactly where.
Well, what I was going to say on that is, that's pretty much what's going on today, especially in D.C., where I live at.
You pretty much see these grown men walking around here with these two or three hundred pound women, but you know I get in Section 8 and benefit.
And they're basically just look like they're the mothers of the men.
The men aren't even men no more.
They look like grown boys.
Can't do anything.
And I kind of want to agree with you on that.
I mean you kind of hit the nail on the head with that one.
I kind of fell out my chair when I heard you say that.
Well I learned it, I think it was Walter Williams.
I don't remember, it was Walter Williams or one of those famous black conservative professors.
I read an article about it, I went and looked it up and it was true.
And I'm like, I didn't know all this, and it made perfect sense, but it was a translation of a Caribbean
Sugar cane plantation owner on how to control the slaves that they translated from Latin from the Romans that was then translated into English for plantations in the South.
And somebody's got to find that and mail it to me or send it to me.
Because I've searched again and I can't find it.
Well, it goes on every day as we speak.
And also, as far as the chemtrails, I live here in D.C., and I mean, you see chemtrails every day or every other day.
But you got the Congress, the Senate, the President, and all kinds of diplomats here.
I mean, how do they think they're going to avoid the chemtrails that's killing us, that's going to kill them also?
Well, the answer is most of the Senators are minions and aren't even in on it.
That's how low level they are.
The national security state, since 1947, has operated with unlimited money in secret.
And the elites, a lot of them say, humanity is so evil and this project is so important, we're going to go ahead and be hurt by it.
We don't care, plus they believe they have advanced technologies to chelate all this stuff out.
In fact, I'll ask Dr. Edward Group that, whose dad was an elite chemist and part of the elite.
I'm gonna ask him what he thinks about your question when we come back, alright?
Yes, sir.
Thank you, great points.
Yeah, if I could only find that article, that I think was in the Chicago Sun, like in 99, and folks, you know my memory's good, but it gets foggy, and I think it was Walter Williams,
Or it might have been somebody else.
The point is, is that I read the whole article on air, and then I went and researched some of it and found some of it, and then I tried to find it again and I couldn't find it.
But listen, I couldn't find the article where the illegals get bank accounts with no IDs, and then CJ, or actually Chris Jordan just found it.
So maybe, maybe you can find it.
Send it to ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com.
I'll re-read the article on air.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, for the balance of the hour, Dr. Ed Group is our guest.
I know that we have Ronell and Chris and Chris and Brian and Albert.
Calling in, we'll get to you coming up here.
It'll kind of mix topics together, but I also want to get your take on the whole Clippers thing and how they're trying to use racial diversion to divide and conquer, obviously, while they're attacking all of us with this whole globalist takeover.
But I promise, callers, we're going to get to you.
I appreciate you holding.
We just had guests scheduled today, and so I'm kind of meshing the two together.
So much is happening.
I'd like to invite you here at least once a month.
I appreciate you coming up from South Texas to do it.
Dr. Ed Gribb, obviously from the Global Healing Center.com, author, researcher, drug developer, also supplement developer.
But I'd like him to wildcard me and just show whatever he wants to talk about.
So here it is.
Personal surveillance.
RLF radio microwave.
Metal braces transmit frequencies into the head.
LTE stands for long-term evolution.
All species can no longer produce.
And again, I'm not getting into a Christian debate about evolution one way or the other.
I'm a Christian.
I believe in God.
They got modern preachers the last 150 years that create all these debates.
I don't believe mainline science's version of the earth.
That's all been disproven with the animals and everything.
We know species jump.
My point is cars evolve.
Tyranny is evolving.
The Nazi Party evolved into something horrible.
The government's evolving into something evil.
Evolution just means changing.
Okay, so we know things change, and so I'm not sure what all of this is going to be about, how it's all going to tie in, but it's always very interesting to have a wild card guest come in, because I trust Dr. Grip to come in and talk about what he wants to.
What does all this quantify here today?
Like 6,000 studies on dangers of smart meter, RF and EMF, Wi-Fi in schools, magnetic fields and measured in milli...
How do you say that, Mila?
Yes, milawatts.
And then it says one million watts.
And then for safety, the EPA recommends you limit your magnetic field exposure to 0.5 mg to 2.5 mg.
But they admit this is all higher than that.
And then we have a big stack of mainline news admitting that the cell phones are giving us cancer.
And it's only intensifying.
People are running to rural communities now to get away from it.
What's happening, Dr. Grubb?
What do all these terms you sent me stand for?
Well, those are just talking points, but really, in reality, it's the global elite agenda to create an environment of electromagnetic frequencies.
I mean, our body is an electrical system.
Our body is an antenna.
And when you combine all these microwave waves,
Through smart meters, through cell phones, through many different methods, the whole design, which is really scary, which you were talking about earlier, is so that all species can no longer produce.
And that's what we're coming to, because we produce 3,000 miles of DNA every single day, and these frequencies that we're being bombarded with are changing and altering the DNA.
And it's causing sterility, it's causing changes to the ovaries, it's causing changes to the testes, and that's not... And they're telling us we have bad genetics, but as that mainline professor just said, the genetics, everybody has those, it's what flips the switches on.
We're all getting super sick and they're telling us our genes are bad because they're putting things in the environment that are flipping the switch.
When you put metals in the environment, too, and then you add electromagnetic frequencies or radio frequencies or microwave frequencies, then you're... But I shouldn't worry about that.
I should worry about fighting with black people.
Right, because the global elite already has the solutions to all this.
They have special paint that they paint their walls with to reduce the frequencies coming in.
They have solutions... They're building all these elite hotels for rich people that don't have Wi-Fi?
They have retreats they run to.
Yeah, look at the underground facilities and how many of those have been built.
So, I mean, they have the solutions, but they want to create a whole world where, I'm not talking about humans even, I'm talking about animals, too.
I mean, trees next to cell phone towers are dying.
I mean, the cells are being... Monsanto said, I think, 10 years ago, or no, it was 14 years ago now, because I read it on air over and over again, in National Geographic, they admitted, yeah, no, we want to take over, have everything GMO, so you'll need us just to have trees and grass.
Nothing else will live.
They kill everything, and then only their Franken-life lives.
Radiation-proof plants, probably.
By that time, you know, who knows what's going to happen.
But the fact of the matter is, the new thing now, I mean, I know you've talked about it, and people are aware of it, is the smart meter situation, and the smart meter putting out over 190,000 pulses of
You know, radiation throughout your whole house, and all the kids now that are getting sick, and not only getting sick in the homes, but in the parents too, for that matter.
But we shouldn't worry about that.
We should worry about men and women fighting with each other.
Well, it's all a diversion.
Like you were saying, you know, the media is going to divert you over here so you think about this, you know, racial stuff or this, you know, little, you know, all these shootings or something here when the big picture is they're poisoning the food, the air, the water, and now they're radiating you.
And so that is
Affecting the health and also with the smart meters you're talking about privacy issues.
I mean literally they can, with a smart meter, they can see exactly what time you get up.
They can say... They now say they can read keystrokes.
They can read everything and they can look inside your home with the smart meters and say oh he gets up in the middle of night to go urinate and they sell that information to the insurance carrier and when you come down with prostate cancer and the insurance carrier says
Well, according to our records, you know, you were getting up in the middle of the night.
You didn't go in to your doctor to get checked out.
So, you know, we're not going to cover you anymore.
I mean, basically every single thing that you're doing can be monitored by these smart meters that not only are putting high levels of radiation into your home, but also used for security and
So they can, you know, watch every single thing that you're doing all the time.
So, I mean, that's a pretty severe situation going on, and that's why they're trying to push for all these smart appliances, too.
I mean, the smart meter... Well, the smart meter dials into those, and it's the main surveillance hub.
Right, and it's a threat to the House, too, because now you're having fires all over the country with people installing these smart meters.
I remember reading, even to their credit, a CNN article a few years ago on the air, where it admitted that
We probably pull the headline up that cell phone radiation, quote, rattles and breaks DNA and that that's why the brain tumors are increasing.
It literally just breaks up your DNA, then the mutations start.
Explain to people, you know, what that means.
Well, there's been pictures and videos online of someone taking with a tree next to a smart meter and there's some aphids on a leaf and every time the smart meter pulses you can see the aphids actually shake.
So what happens is this microwave radiation, it's the same stuff that your microwave oven cooks food in, it's just not as strong and what it does is it can literally, those pulses of
That's right.
Into a 60 Hertz grid, so it can cause headaches, it can cause memory loss, memory fatigue, it can cause thyroid disruption, it can cause many many many bone muscle pain, it can initiate cancer.
World Health Organization came out in 2011 and said that radiofrequency microwave energy causes classified it as a two carcinogen.
So I mean all of this
On top of every single thing else that people are doing, not eating healthy, you know, using VOCs in their house, drinking the fluoridated tap water.
I mean, it's a combination of things, but when you're stuck in a radio frequency grid and you can't get out of it, all that's going to do is just initiate disease even more.
But I remember in the 90s, there were literally, because I read the news every day, thousands of news articles, hundreds a year, mainline going, no, cell phones do cause brain cancer.
And then I've talked to brain surgeons, and they go, no, we're seeing a ton of them.
Right on the side, you hold the cell phone to.
All these rare brain tumors are off the charts.
I'll be sitting at dinner, wherever people are like, yeah, Bob's got brain cancer.
I go, how old's Bob?
Oh, he's 40.
I mean, it is just epidemic.
Right, 60% increase in brain cancer since cell phones came out.
And if you read the fine print on an iPhone, it actually says, in article whatever, in the agreement that you signed, that it needs to be held five-eighths of an inch away from your head.
Now children's skulls are a lot thinner, so children are going to be affected, you know, exponentially worse than adults are, especially being sensitive.
And that brings up a whole other subject, which we're talking about all the Wi-Fi routers that are in all the public schools and all the children now that are being mislabeled.
See, instead of the doctor saying, let me look at your diet, let me look at what you're exposed to in your environment to figure out what's causing your health problems.
Well, you go into your doctor and you come up with all these symptoms and then they diagnose you with ADD.
They're not looking at, oh yes, you're hypersensitive to microwave frequencies.
You shouldn't be eating five candy bars a day.
You shouldn't be drinking Coca-Cola all day.
You're having sugar spikes, you're hypoglycemic.
There's a hundred things.
And that's what I harp on.
There's a multi-thousand percent increase in breast cancer in the last 50 years.
The U.S.
leads the world next to England.
They go to third world countries, no one's getting breast cancer.
I mean, literally, it just doesn't exist.
And there we gotta find a cure.
No one asks, why is it exploding?
Why are the brain tumors exploding?
Why is cancer in kids exploding more than 10,000%?
There's no discussion.
It's like, oh, we're gonna get a treatment for that.
No, what's causing it?
Exactly, that's my whole point.
What's the root cause of disease?
The true doctor is going to find out what the root cause of that individual's disease is and then address it.
And, you know, like we used to do.
We used to go into the individual patient's house and say, okay, you need to throw out all this stuff.
Look at these chemicals.
Educate the patient on what all is causing disease.
These artificial dyes are causing this.
These MSG and all this other stuff are excitotoxins in your brain.
This stuff, the artificial sweeteners are contributing to this.
You know, here you're sleeping with your laptop on your lap at night.
You know, you have chemicals, toxic chemicals that you're cleaning with.
You know, all these things are contributing to disease and it's very simple.
Eliminate this stuff from your life or replace it with non-toxic stuff and then the disease goes away and your body can heal itself because we all have a self-healing mechanism.
It's like breast cancer.
Okay, what's causing breast cancer?
Too much estrogen,
Not enough testosterone, iodine deficiency, and women wearing bras and putting their cell phones right in their bras.
Oh yeah, have you noticed women put their cell phones in their bras?
I see it all the time, they walk around with their cell phones.
For those that don't know, cell phones are always on, sending data back and forth.
That's right, and smart meters are too.
They say that smart meters only pulse a couple times a day, but they're on all day long, pulsing.
I mean, they're relaying information to other smart meters.
And now they're talking about putting Wi-Fi, you know... Stay there, stay there.
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A chemical spill contaminating the water supply in nine West Virginia counties.
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Day after day.
Alone on the hill.
Alone on the hill.
A man with a foolish grin.
A man with a foolish grin is keeping perfectly still.
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They can see that he's just a fool.
And he never gives an answer But the fool on the hill sees the sun going down And the eyes in his head see the world spin round
I think that says it all.
Dr. Everett Groves, our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're gonna go to Ronell and Chris and Chris and Ryan and Albert before we get back into the Smart Meter News.
I appreciate you guys holding.
It's perfect timing you guys held because they just announced minutes ago
It's up on Infowars.com, DrudgeReport.com, CBS Los Angeles, we'll put that article up on screen.
NBA suspends Clippers owner Donald Sterling and poses a $2.5 million fine.
Folks, if people want to boycott and run the team out of business, and then he has to sell it for nothing and loses his money, that's how you punish him.
They set the president over free speech.
How do you expel someone who owns the team?
That'd be like if a player had a $20 million contract and said something racist.
I mean, can you fire him?
Is it in the contract?
Well, Sterling doesn't, I don't think, have a contract.
He's going to have antitrust suits big time over this.
It's going to turn into a huge mess.
And if it prevails, this is a major blow against free speech.
So, I don't know where this is going.
I mean, I'm not sad for him personally, but I'm sad for the First Amendment.
Ronnell in New York, thanks for holding your awesome for doing that.
What's your take on this whole thing?
Hi, Alex.
Yes, sir.
I think it really is a distraction so that they can come up with what is the next thing that they're going to stage.
Well, I think the next thing is, uh, you can't say the word fiesta.
That's not racist.
Like you say, let's have a fiesta party.
And then you, uh, you know, for your kid, I've had parties for my kids that were fiesta birthday parties where you had piñatas.
I didn't know that was racist.
I thought kids had fun beating, beating.
Dr. Group, have your kids ever had a piñata?
And that was because you were deeply against Hispanics?
No, just because they wanted to have a piñata.
And then when you go to a Mexican food restaurant, though, it's because you don't like Mexicans, right?
No, it's because I like Mexican food.
But this is where it's going.
I think that's where it's going.
They'll use a few old fossils like Sterling to like demonize the First Amendment.
But I mean, you held a long time.
What's your take on this?
I think it's time to turn off the NBA.
It's time to turn off MSNBC.
I hear you.
I hear you.
Something else.
Go ahead.
Make and force them to focus on the real news, like Congress being exempt from all the laws they pass.
That's the real discrimination.
Great point, Ronnell.
Chris in Minnesota, thanks for holding her on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
Hey, thanks for taking my call.
Yeah, absolutely Alex, this is a distraction.
I love your show and I love how you're exposing that the Democratic Party is the racist party.
They are the ones who hate black people.
Well, the Republicans aren't perfect either.
It's just the Democrats really are the Klan.
I mean, it's a big joke.
You know, if you use a Star Wars analogy, the Democrats are the Separatists, and the Republicans are the Republic, who are compromising with, anyway, that's a whole other analogy.
No, but it's a good analogy, and then the Emperor's staging the terror attacks, and acting like he's the guy fighting racism when he's the ultimate racist.
Sir, that's racist.
If you don't want to kill black people, you're racist.
Well, you know, they can't pull that on me, man.
I have some black collars today, right?
They can't pull that on me.
And so it is a distraction.
They don't want people to grow up.
And so keep fighting this fight, man.
I'm raging with you, like I said, on our YouTube channel.
And check out the abolitionist movement.
That's a great name.
All hands on deck.
God bless you.
Chris in Michigan.
We're moving fast now.
Thanks for holding.
You're on the air with Dr. Group.
Hey, I'm Milano from the Metro Detroit area.
I'm going to start this off with a powerful quote from Malcolm X. Nobody can give you freedom.
Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything.
If you're a man, you take it.
But now, it's time for the African American communities to mobilize to take that freedom back.
There's no black role models.
There's no Alex Joneses or modern MLKs.
I was about to say, I want to get a bunch of black Alex Joneses on here.
We got Jakari Jackson, he's probably better than me in many ways.
But the whole point is I want freedom, and notice they won't give anybody leaders.
They don't have any white leaders that the media pushes that are like us.
Stay there.
I'm going to come back to you, let you finish.
We're going to get Dr. Group's take on this.
We're going to do some overdrive with Dr. Group today.
Can you do it?
Overdrive coming up.
We'll do 30 minutes of it.
I want to get deep into this medical stuff with Dr. Group and the next level of the smart meters.
He's got the documentation.
It's all coming up.
I mean, what do we do?
We're killing ourselves to live.
This is the system we live in, but it's killing us with the Wi-Fi.
We'll be right back.
Stay there, Chris.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
A chemical spill contaminating the water supply in nine West Virginia counties.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
Well, Dartmouth has announced that you're not to use the word fiesta if you're going to have a party.
Because it's racist to say let's have a fiesta party.
And you remember Washington State in Seattle was saying last year
That the word brown bag is banned from the city buildings.
Because brown bag is obviously meant to bad mouth brown people.
Folks, no one, and we looked it up, and even the media had to admit, mainstream media, no one ever anywhere had any slang or connection to a brown bag.
It has no connection to anything.
It's like, I'll say on air, you know, things that have never had but a tenuous connection to something racist, like calling the CIA spooks or something.
People go, oh my God, that's a racist word.
Or, I mean, this is mind control, folks.
We have massive globalists above the law, tax exempt, radiating us, GMO, chemtrailing us.
All these billionaires are essentially tax exempt.
All this is happening.
And they're saying don't use the word brown bag.
Then you get a Donald Sterling who is just, he's more than a racist.
He is a flaming, hypocrite, two-faced, fake piece of crap.
Because he's making money off these athletes.
He's renting them houses and apartments.
He's a big mogul.
He's doing all, he hangs out with them, plays golf with them, and then behind their back,
He is calling them horrible names and saying they're like dogs and that he doesn't want his girlfriend to be seen with black people.
I mean, if I don't like somebody, I'll tell them to their face.
So we've spent a lot of time on this.
I'm not going to get into this the next few days.
He's been fined $2.5 million, kicked out for life.
Maybe it's because it's a franchise.
Maybe his contract says that.
You know, like if you owned a Burger King or something and it says you can't serve, you know, bad food or something, you violate the franchise or you can't be a criminal or, you know, say bad things.
I mean, I don't know.
I don't know exactly what's going on, but it's a diversion, but it's also not a diversion.
So let's go back to your calls, Chris and then Brian, then we'll get back into the medical stuff with Dr. Group.
Chris, you were making some really good points.
What were they?
Yeah, that there's no modern leadership that anyone can relate to.
The top influential black people in America are entertainers, sports players, rapper clowns who only fuel stereotypes and they call each other niggas.
We have more blacks behind steel right now in jail than they did working in the field during slavery.
People are fed up and on May 1st in Detroit, they're continuing the mobilization against oppression.
Detroit has the largest community of African Americans in America, but ironically our border rights have been taken away.
Emergency Manager Kevin Orr and Federal Judge Stephen Rhodes are in cahoots with big banksters and actually plan to make city residents pay for the bankers' criminal action.
We're good to go.
Yeah, everyone can go to moratorium-mi.org.
It's got all the information there, and basically, you know,
No, it doesn't seem like the country cares that someone was just put into power.
That is not democracy.
By the way, they had a robo-cop back in the 80s where Detroit gets turned over to a private corporation basically under default just like that.
Talk about predictive programming.
I appreciate your call and the fact that you held so long.
Brian in Colorado, you're on the air.
What's your take on all this?
Well, just two quick things, Alex.
The first is, okay, Donald Sterl is a racist.
So what?
I mean, people like Donald Sterling, the Ku Klux Klan, and those types of people, those are not the ones I'm concerned about.
I'm concerned about those like wild Billy Clinton, who doesn't speak what's really in his heart, which means he's probably a bigot, and those who will ostracize, not just African Americans, women, Chinese, whoever, behind closed doors by smiling in their face.
I love to know
My enemy.
I love to know who I'm dealing with.
So I don't necessarily have a problem with Donald Sterling.
However, you know, he has to go through whatever he has to go through.
And those, you know, black NBA players that are like LeBron James, who are, you know, saying all this stuff.
I got one question to ask them.
What have you done in the community besides sell $400 pair of sneakers to our people?
And the second thing is, is I'll... No, shut up.
I'm a preacher.
I don't want to get on a roll here.
I like it.
But this is the deal.
We, as a people, have run from Jim Crow segregations right into the arms of Bishop and community leader J.E.
Nothing has damaged our community.
As much as the entitlement mentality reinforced by yahoos like Sharpton, Jackson, Cornel West, Spike Lee, and the king of them, in my opinion, who is Farrakhan, these people are not uplifters of our community.
They are killing our community through being nothing more than black muppets, or bluppets is what I call them.
Why aren't they marching against the hugest genocide in the history of this country, which is sisters killing babies?
No, they want to talk about Planned Parenthood and these other people who are performing it.
Well, Planned Parenthood wouldn't be in business if sisters and others didn't show up to murder their babies.
Well, that's right.
Oh, no, that's true.
And Margaret Singer said, we've got to oppose as liberals, buy off the black leadership, so we can do this.
And that's my whole point, is they use somebody like Sterling as a distraction so the actual eugenicist can act like they're not racist and evil.
And the people at MSNBC, I'm not saying they're all in on this,
But they should now know the history, and that now they are in on it, if they don't speak out against it.
And somebody like Al Sharpton, the FBI informant, you know, cocaine dealer, and all of his race pimping, I mean, these people are monsters.
And that's what it comes down to, and that's why something like the Sterling situation is so disgusting, is because it gives the system the distraction they need to look like the good guys.
Great points, thank you so much, Brian.
Alright, that's it for calls on that subject, and I appreciate all those guys holding a lot of good points.
Your points on this, then we're going to move back into the medical news.
My points are exactly the same.
I mean, when you look at the big picture of things and you see the diversion, it takes people's attention away from the chemtrails.
It takes people's attention away from NSA spying plan, which is to keep you sick, to keep your brain in a foggy area, to, you know, create sterility in males, to lower sperm count, to create disease in the body, to fund the pharmaceutical
Uh, the oil and gas industry, when we've had free energy forever, Tesla's technology, you know, and now you have the destruction of the planet because of all the fracking and the drilling and all the other stuff.
So basically you have this, you know, the agenda, Agenda 21 and other things which are
Going on all around us, which should be on every single news and every single newspaper and all the media should be talking about it.
But no, they don't want all that information out there.
They don't want people to wake up to the truth.
So they divert them with these little things here and these little shootings here and all this other stuff.
And they're also trying to divide people.
I mean, it's been going on for a long time.
They're trying to split up marriages.
They're trying to, you know, create racism, to divide the masses because they know, in my opinion, that people are finding out about these things and people are making the stand.
I mean, with smart meters, with fluoride, I mean, you have action groups now that are...
There's no doubt if they hadn't been poisoning us both chemically, biologically, radiologically, and culturally, they would already be defeated.
I think the time's running out and they know that, and it's just, you know, right now, as you've seen in the last two years alone, it's kind of like an exponential
Uh, coming together of people because of all the lies and people finding out all the truth.
And not only that, but people going to their doctor and people being sick and watching their kids become sick and having all these health issues and finally coming up to the wall and saying, what do I need to do?
I need to get, I need to look somewhere else.
Mainstream media is obviously not telling me the truth.
They're obviously lying.
Here's the bottom line.
I want you to expand on it.
Because it just hit me.
We need to study the globalist plan, realize they're enemy number one, they're anti-human, they want us dead.
I mean, that's public.
They want world population reduction.
And we need to focus on that, learn their plan, and whatever their plan is, go against it.
And then later, if we want to kill each other, fine.
But I mean, they are the big enemy.
They're the ones pushing all this race stuff, and all this religious fighting stuff, because it's how they manage us.
And I know I just keep repeating that, but the general public doesn't know that.
They just buy into whatever the narrative is, and I'm sick of it!
Look at all the anger that this has created.
I mean, just the fact of the NBA and Donald Sterling situation.
Well, it is over the top.
I mean, the guy makes hundreds of millions of dollars off black people, and then he's sitting there saying how much he hates them.
It's really sick.
It is, it is.
But think of all the disease and everything that that's caused and all the people that are becoming depressed and everything because they sit around and watch the news all the time and just think about the negative, not only that, but just think about the news in general.
It's negative.
What's happening is they're creating a situation which we didn't even talk about with the frequencies that keep your body in a sympathetic state.
Sympathetic state is a fight-or-flight response.
When you're in a fight-or-flight response in your system,
Your adrenal glands become overworked.
You produce adrenaline.
Your immune system drops 50%.
Your body is in a state where you're ready to just go and get away from that area.
They know that the body cannot be in a sympathetic state for too long.
It starts to break down.
People are, you know, and emotions, you know, causing an emotional... Number one, breathe.
Number one, well, taking nine deep breaths is the fastest way to get yourself in a parasympathetic state.
What I recommend everybody do, especially before you eat, because when you eat in a sympathetic state, which means when you eat watching TV... You eat more.
When you eat driving, when you eat when you're upset, when you're, you know, you come home from work all stressed out and you eat right away and you don't calm yourself down and relax, you're not going, it's a proven, you do not digest the food, you don't utilize your nutrients properly, you don't secrete the enzymes that you need to break the foods down, basically your body will attack those foods.
What about the scientists we had on the PhD from Notre Dame about how not holding the babies and giving them formulas turned us into jellyfish?
I mean, it's real simple.
And that was all planned by the social engineers.
Moms, don't hold your baby.
Let him cry.
Give him this formula.
I mean, this is insane!
The soy formula, the GMO formula, which burns holes in their guts and then leaks nutrients in... And you wonder why they cry when they get... Exactly, and all the kids have allergies, and then when it comes out it causes rashes all over them, eczema... The truth is, they've got control of the black community, so they can kill over half of them before they're born.
They only get to kill 20-something percent of the whites and Hispanics, but it doesn't matter, they're still going to kill that baby's brain, they're going to kill their guts, they're going to give them fluoride so they never even become conscious.
That's the truth.
You got a bunch of walking dead out here.
Can you reverse the walking dead?
Because they're even telling us subconsciously you're zombies.
The Marine Corps trains to, quote, shoot zombies because they got caught training to kill Americans, mainly rural people.
So they went, oh, it's a zombie shooting drill now.
So they're already telling us they're zombies.
Can you reverse zombiosis?
The good thing is you can reverse anything in the body and the first thing is becoming aware of it like your listeners are and like more people are becoming aware of it.
You know, yes, you avoid the things, you understand what they're using and then you avoid and you come up with a solution or a plan to... I can't avoid the aluminum dioxide being sprayed in the air.
Well, you can't, well here's the thing, when you sleep at night, eight hours, this is one of the most important things I tell people.
You need to get eight hours of sleep at night, and you need to take all your electromagnetic stuff out of your bedroom, look and see if the smart meter, if you have a smart meter, and if it's right outside your bedroom or your kid's bedrooms, and do something about it.
They have shields now that are available, you can put over them, you can opt out.
Or, you know, there's other methods that you can, you know, get your smart meter changed up back to an analog meter again.
But the first thing you do is look where you sleep.
That's the first thing you change.
Put some live plants in your bedroom.
Don't sleep on those memory foam mattresses that are produced, you know, you're breathing fire retardants and VOCs all night long.
Don't have clock radios next to your bed.
Don't sleep with your cell phone plugged in.
You know, if you had created... I noticed I would have my cell phone plugged in and get news alerts and then it would
I would feel it and wake up, but every time I got a ping of GPS location, or data, or a tweet would come in, it would wake me up.
Well, because it increases your heart rate automatically whenever you get pinged like that.
So, I mean, not everybody.
I mean, some people are more sensitive than other people.
Well, for those who don't know, your heart is more electrochemical than your brain in the areas of the nerve ganglia that control it.
There are a massive amount of people that are having high blood pressure right now that are going into their doctor and the doctor is putting them on high blood pressure medication and when it's really being caused by electromagnetic frequency or microwave frequency stimulation.
And, you know, the reason I say, you know, you have to take baby steps because a lot of people aren't going to automatically switch to an organic diet.
I mean, you switch to an organic diet and then you're automatically avoiding the GMOs and the pesticides and the insecticides and all the other contaminants in the food.
You know, you look at your beverages that you're consuming, you know, you get off of all your diet sodas, get off of, you know, everything.
Really, the only thing the body needs and wants after you're done breastfeeding is
Water, you know, and that's why I recommend everybody drink water with organic apple cider vinegar in it because that way it changes your body fluids more to an alkaline state than an acidic state and disease lives.
And by the way, you can't find bubblegum at the store that doesn't have aspartame or its derivatives in it.
For those that don't know, tell them what that is.
Aspartame is actually genetically modified and it's a toxin to the body and it's in practically everything and it's hidden under, you know, different types of flavoring and artificial sweeteners but what it does is it actually converts to formaldehyde at certain temperatures.
So it literally... 87 degrees.
87 degrees, yeah.
So what it does is just basically... formaldehyde is a toxic ingredient that your body can't react to and it's actually a carcinogen.
That sounds kind of racist.
Well, I mean, you can look at everything as being racist.
Why are you against formaldehyde?
Because it preserves you from the inside out.
Well, sure, you put it in dead people, but what's wrong with that?
What's wrong with that is there's one more thing on the list of 80,000 plus chemicals that are cancer-causing agents that are allowed by our government to control and to keep us sick and to keep us brain dead and, you know, to
You know, we end up paying for all this.
That's the sad part about it.
Well, it's even worse than that.
You know, we just get comfortable with all this and clearly the numbers show it.
They're just killing us.
Look, Obama to make Wi-Fi in schools like it is in coffee shops.
And that's crazy.
I mean, there's already some countries that have done the testing on it and outlawed Wi-Fi in schools.
But I mean, again, you know, it's like they put cell towers on top schools till the kids on that floor were getting brain cancer.
I mean, look, it's happening.
There's a reason the TSA are getting cancer.
Yeah, and there's ways to protect yourself against that.
I mean, you know, turn your cell phone off, you know, use it far away on speakerphone.
But we sell those lined bags that block it, except when you don't want to use it, and they can't spy on you that way and track you.
Right, right.
And then, you know, there is paints available out there that you can paint inside your house, which will block any... It's like a Faraday cage.
It makes it like a Faraday cage, yeah.
We've got to fight back.
That's what they're scared of.
We've got more coming up.
Stay with us.
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We're going to do at least 20 minutes of overdrive in the next hour with Dr. Edward Group.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
He gave me a very nice gift as well, something I've always wanted, never told anybody.
But he basically gave me that gift, so he's a really classy guy.
I'll show TV viewers and tell radio listeners the next hour what that is.
Some stations don't carry the fourth hour.
You can find the free audio feeds and video feeds at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Briefly, we are Lister Supported and Dr. Group in the last year, almost a year, we had him on years ago, but in the last year has helped us develop five products.
And the newest one is the Lung Cleanse.
Tell people briefly at m4slife.com what's in this and why it works so well with my allergies or when I have a sore throat.
You take three shots in your mouth and then inhale.
You don't inhale as you take the squirts.
And what these essential oils and non-GMO organic compounds are doing that are in your lung cleanses in a spray bottle.
Well, you know, talking about solutions for everything, I mean, how many people do you know that are walking around with chronic respiratory conditions and chronic sinus conditions because of all the chemtrails that they're spraying, where all the allergies that they have because their immune system is suppressed.
So what I was asked to do and what I, you know, set out to do is because I know what's happening and what's coming down in the air is something that's going to support and cleanse the lungs.
So I had to look all over the world to determine what are going to be the best
Herbs that are going to, let's say, reduce any swelling, open up the bronchial passageways, let you breathe better.
You know, and now I'm thinking about making a sinus formula too, but... I was about to say, I've gotten other herbal sprays at Whole Foods for allergies, and I'm not just knocking the competition.
They didn't do as much, and they didn't taste as good.
This is awesome.
But it's also a thick oil.
I mean, this is not weak.
This costs a lot to produce.
It's available at Infowarslife.com.
Briefly, the fluoride shield has the nascent iodine and five other compounds in it to chelate and detoxify, correct?
Yes, another thing to combat what's going on.
You know, the fluoride shield was developed to extract or at least immobilize any excess fluoride built up.
And, you know, as I talked about before on your show, one of my main concerns that's not talked about a lot
...is the fact that fluoride calcifies the pineal gland.
And in order for us to really wake up and use our powers and everything, we need a clear pineal gland.
Absolutely, to use our gifts.
And then, of course, the classic survival shield.
We've got $5 off the first sale of this.
We've got plenty of it in now, finally.
And we've kind of stockpiled it.
Survival Shield Special Nascent Iodine, available at Infowarslife.com, $24.95, and your purchase supports the broadcast.
Infowarslife.com, or you can call toll-free, 888-253-3139.
And then, of course, we also have the Supermail Vitality, which is becoming our bestseller.
As people discover, it's no brag, just fact.
It really does work.
But it really, for me, is a natural stimulant, and quite frankly, it's an aphrodisiac.
We didn't promote it as that, but everybody obviously now knows the secret.
Why is your formula so incredibly powerful?
Again, at InfoWarsTore.com.
Well, it's not like a normal, you know, none of these are normal tinctures that you're going to find at any type of natural health food stores.
It's all in the processing and the care of the herbs.
It goes back to the old alchemy days in the 1500s and 1600s with Paracelsus.
There's certain ways to pick the herbs.
Certain cycles, astrological cycles, where the highest concentration of the active ingredients are in the herbs.
And so, you know, you can even test, and you've seen these and people have seen these, where they take two plants and they talk to both plants every single day.
And one plant they say, I hate you, you know, you're not going to grow.
And the other plant they say, I love you, you're going to grow and you're going to be, you know, the perfect plant.
Well, this one grows and it's perfect and this one doesn't.
It starts from the seed all the way up through the growing conditions and we have to find those and that's one of the hardest things is searching all over the world and talking to these growers to make sure.
That's why we can't get a lot of this sometimes because you're obsessing over getting the very best.
Then you concentrate it in these processes.
Then we have a special concentration process that we invented using old technology.
Tell me more about it, then we'll get into the other news straight ahead in Overdrive.
Your support in the very tip of the spear in the InfoWar.
By the way, Glenn Beck kind of apologized today, I've been told, by affiliates, and said he doesn't want to fight anymore.
So that's good, Glenn.
We want to be friends.
General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there was a terror alert on Monday about a potential forfeiture situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks, I'm being assaulted!
Whether it's the radio show, the news websites, documentary films, or the nightly news, InfoWars is the tip of the spears.
Is this another false flag stage attack to take our civil liberties and put more homeless security by sticking their hands down on the streets?
It's up to us to set brush fires in the minds of men and women everywhere.
And that's what PrisonPlanet.TV is designed to do.
If you watch, the Assad regime is going to be blamed or accused of using chemical weapons against the so-called rebels.
What we see now is a war against reality.
It's a war against the truth.
It's more vital than ever that supporters of freedom become members of PrisonPlanet.TV and share their membership with up to 11 friends and family.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, we're doing at least 30 minutes of overdrive here today, and Dr. Group was like, why don't we just open the phones up for questions about the products, or comments about the products, unscreened.
If you don't like the products, you can call in.
If you love them, you can call in.
It's how we fund our operation.
I believe in it.
I take it in the morning, noon, and night.
Or two o'clock, whenever I get around to it.
And for me, the highest point stress in my life...
You know, when it's all said and done later, I can tell everybody about the stuff that's been going on the last four or five months, but it's been a crazy time, but I'm more alive and better than ever, and it's by praying and my family and also taking these products.
I mean, Dr. Group, I was already a fan of your products, but these that you developed for us are just groundbreaking.
Your questions, your comments about the products or about electromagnetic radiation, the other topics he was covering when we get into RFID, and what the smart readers are doing in the next segment, 800-259-9231, 800-259-9231.
And Dr. Gripa, I've been running over you the last hour, go ahead.
Well, no, it's just, it was, we were talking about solutions because so many times people say, well, what am I supposed to do about all this?
What am I supposed to do about, you know, what are the solutions?
And I started talking about, it's so important to reduce your stress levels.
And what I tell people to do when they're having dinner with their family, sit down in the evening and then everybody take nine deep breaths.
And that is one of the fastest ways proven to put your body back in the parasympathetic state.
As a matter of fact, you should do it before you eat every single time, because we have people that are literally deprived of nutrition out there that are eating all day long, and they're nutritionally deprived because they're not getting the nutrition into their body that they need.
Everybody knows if you're really upset, you say, I can't eat.
Or somebody's mom just dies, they'll eat, maybe throw up.
I mean, you need to be in a good, relaxed thing to eat food and enjoy it.
We're good to go.
Everybody's in a rush and so they just, you know, go get some fast food real fast in the car and they slam it down and, you know, half of it's not even chewed up and then the body has to work.
You know, you start running out of enzymes by the time you're... What they're finding is there people are running out of digestive enzymes by the time they're 28 years old right now.
And that means digestive enzymes are what you need to break the food down into the particles that you can... And they say that's what kills most old people, you know, why they get other diseases is
I've heard the name of that syndrome, but more and more I was reading, like, major sign of publication, I forget, last year, that exactly their stomachs don't work anymore.
They're just not absorbing the nutrients.
Right, I mean a lot of that also has to do with the genetically modified foods and the glyphosate and the bacillus thuringiensis bacteria that's burning holes into the gut and causing leaky gut syndrome and then those food particles and other toxic particles are leaking into the bloodstream and not being broken down and then once they get in the bloodstream the body dumps them wherever.
You know, is a weak link inside the system.
Well, again, I saw a study recently in Mainline Science.
That guy's trying to pull it up that they've now proven that GMO food is getting into the blood and jumping into our cells.
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, you know, this whole social and genetic experiment is just... See, every generation, it gets worse and worse and worse.
Like some of the studies they did on rats, after the seventh generation, they weren't even able to have any babies anymore.
So, I mean, we're coming up probably on like the fourth or fifth or sixth generation here pretty soon, and like we were talking about earlier, at the beginning of the show when you were talking about long-term evolution, that wasn't talking about evolution.
That's what that LTE stands for on your cell phone when you look at it and it says LTE, like Light Network.
That stands for long-term evolution, where you could think into that and say, okay,
You know, what is this long-term evolution that they're planning for us with, you know, all this radiation?
They're playing God!
In fact, that should be the name of this segment.
We put it on PrisonBlonde.tv as we are all part of a secret experiment.
We are all in a giant experiment.
We are in the matrix.
There's this huge giant experiment going on right now and the solution to all that is what we're talking about.
You know, clean up your air quality in your house, especially when you sleep for eight hours a night, breathe clean air.
You know, avoid the fluoride, the tap water, or really it comes down to this.
All the chemicals, all the exposure to everything, avoid it and keep your body clean.
We've got to make a break with the system.
It's killing us.
We'll be back.
General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential forfeiture situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks, I'm being assaulted!
Whether it's the radio show, the news websites, documentary films, or the nightly news, InfoWars is the tip of the spear.
Is this another false flag stage attack to take our civil liberties and put more homeless security by sticking their hands down on the streets?
It's up to us to set brush fires in the minds of men and women everywhere.
And that's what PrisonPlanet.TV is designed to do.
If you watch, the Assad regime is going to be blamed or accused of using chemical weapons against the so-called rebels.
What we see now is a war against reality.
It's a war against the truth.
It's more vital than ever that supporters of freedom become members of PrisonPlanet.tv and share their membership with up to 11 friends and family.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
By the way, Dr. Groob's a really classy guy.
I'll show people this on TV, I'll describe it for radio listeners, and we're going to your phone calls here in overdrive today.
I've always wanted a George Washington letter or something.
I'm not a collector.
I don't really collect anything except maybe books I like.
But at the same time, I really like George Washington.
And so one time I looked up George Washington memorabilia and found out it's the most expensive memorabilia in the world and his signature is the most expensive signature in the world.
To show you how really cool George Washington is.
You know, collectors tend to be pretty smart folks.
And the King of England, whenever George Washington refused to be king, when they offered it to him, said George Washington is the greatest man alive in the world.
Because nobody ever turned down power like that before.
And that's why they don't tell the true story of George Washington, because he wasn't such an interesting person.
He wasn't perfect, but he was a man who lived at his age and his time.
It's easy to look back and say he did this and that, but he was certainly a man's man.
Dr. Group gave me, all certified from the big official certification place,
Uh, from one of his, uh, many letters.
Uh, and of course this probably wasn't that much.
I'm sure it was very expensive, nice gift, but nothing compared to his signature, which you can't even get, uh, basically.
No one will sell the ones they've got.
President George Washington, father of our nation, his actual handwriting, the word is flat.
From one of his letters, and he also gave me a piece of the original Washington Monument.
So that is a uber, uber classy gift, Dr. Group.
And I really want to thank you for giving it to me, and all the other stuff you do.
You've given me so many other things, detox, and given me great advice, and we just really do appreciate this gift.
What made you think of giving this to me?
Well, because I have a dream that we'll go back to a Constitution, you know, and an environment like the Founding Fathers.
You know, like everything's supposed to be, where we actually have a Constitution that is, uh...
I don't know if I should hang this in my house or if I should hang it here at the office.
Well, it's pretty neat.
You know, actually, my family goes all the way back to the Constitution, because who originally wrote the Constitution was a guy named Pelletiah Webster.
And then that's a direct lineage into my family.
So really, my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-whatever-grandfather was the one who wrote the U.S.
And I have all that documentation.
And then also in the lineage is... The Websters seem to have almost written everything.
Webster, the one that wrote the Webster's Dictionary, is my great-great-great-great-great-grandfather.
Unfortunately, he also wrote the Masonic Code, the hidden code in the dictionary.
But, you know, so I come from a family that, you know, has, you know, the lineage all the way back to the writer of the Constitution, and so... You're saying there's a secret code in the dictionary?
Yes, there is.
Yeah, there's a secret code in the dictionary.
I can tell you, I mean, not right here, but I have the documentation that I can show you that you can actually see the hidden code within the Webster's Dictionary.
Now, have the Masons always been run by the Illuminati and Infiltrator, or do they start out good?
Yeah, I don't know for sure.
I think they started out good.
I mean, as you know, there's just a select group of elites that, you know, have the agenda and that run the world.
I mean, like you were saying earlier, you know, when the guy was asking the question about the chemtrails,
They don't know.
I mean, you know, you're so far down on the list as a congressman or a senator or something like that, they don't even really care about you.
I mean, those congressmen and there's so much secrecy between them and so many levels up to the whatever it is, you know, just a few elite that actually run everything that they don't care about.
They don't care what happens to them and what they get poisoned with and stuff like that.
So if they find out too much, then they just kill him off as a suicide.
Um, you know, I think that... Well, it's like your dad helped develop some of the bisphenol A, and you said as soon as he started getting upset about it, he just died.
Yeah, he was dead within two weeks.
I mean, and I just, I just not recently, probably about six months ago, found the article that he was about to publish saying that he was wrong, that all the plastics and everything are cancer-causing and they should be eliminated.
And then he was dead within two weeks.
He had throat cancer and it went down his back.
It was a strange form of cancer.
And then, you know, he was in the hospital and he was gone.
And then right after he died, I remember going to my mom's house.
And there was a group, probably 10 or 15 people there from Exxon with a stack of paperwork that was, you know, probably a few days after my dad had died.
And I think they gave her $200,000 or something like that.
And basically, she had to sign this big, you know, non-release stuff.
And, you know, they just paid her off, basically.
I didn't understand what was going on back then.
You know, now I understand as I'm looking back, because I know he was working during the Reagan administration on a product he was doing research with, because cocaine was getting really big back then.
And I know they contracted him on some, you know, situation or some top secret thing to where he was going to put a chemical in the processing material to where if you snorted cocaine after that it would make you really sick.
And it did, actually, for a while, slow the cocaine trade down.
And I don't know, that's just one thing that I found.
They're going to have the chemical companies add a buffer in so that their products can be used in the production.
That's done with a lot of stuff.
Folks don't even know that most chemicals that were originally used in different products, they can't even do that now.
They have to ship to the factories.
Well, it's like you trying to get pure iodine.
I mean, the hell you've got to go through to get the iodine crystals, because they can use it for methamphetamine.
Yeah, and by the way, the iodine that we use is a deep earth source, and it comes from 7,000 feet deep in the earth.
I mean, there's a lot of concern out there right now, obviously, because of Fukushima, and a lot of people, a lot of the iodine suppliers out there are extracting the iodine from a seaweed source.
Or, you know, a sea vegetable source.
Now, you know, I don't think any of it is contaminated, because you have to take
Those sea vegetables and everything and run them through a pretty significant processing to isolate a USP-grade iodine, which is going to be 99.6 or 99.7.
But our iodine is actually 99.9% pure and is from a source, an undisclosed source, from deep in the earth.
So you're getting... Is that alluvial or strata?
I don't know.
I'm not exactly sure.
But it's mineral based.
There's a couple deposits, I think, earth deposits, and this one is in the United States, but I know it's 7,000 feet deep, so I don't know what layers.
Well, it's amazing when you see the actual, it's a purple crystal.
And I'm not attacking our competition, but their stuff turns black on paper, yours turns blue, because I guess it's the real iodine.
I mean, that's why it's different.
And I know soon you're going to come out with something even more powerful.
Yes, I am.
It's highly regulated, too, by the DEA, actually, because iodine is used as one of the processor elements.
I'm going to skip this break, because we've got to go to the calls, but I don't want to even get into that.
We need the DEA to get this stuff.
The point is, it's available at InfoWarsTore.com, InfoWarsLife.com.
That's how we fund the operation.
Supermail Vitality is great as well, but try the Survival Shield, and I don't think you'll be surprised or disappointed.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mama in Oregon.
You're talking to Dr. Grip.
Go ahead.
Hey, thanks for holding.
Alex, I really want to ask you to do your master article.
I really think we need that out there.
You mean a master article describing the whole New World Order and how it works in like 20 pages?
Everybody's names, their lineage, their associations, their education, their dealings, everything.
You need it all laid out.
I know, there's a lot of stuff I need to do.
Right, I know, I know, and I'm right there.
I will help you.
And I also need you guys to feel how special
Yes, I do.
I'm with you.
I have the same dream.
We can do this.
We can turn this around.
We don't need Obamacare.
We need to start
Healing people, getting people, getting their body healed so that they can wake up their spirits to what is going on.
Because we are in a war.
Somebody said, I was watching a video, we are born into a war and you're stupid if you don't realize that.
And that really hit me, really struck me.
And healing people is exactly what we need to be doing.
I agree with everything Dr. Group is doing.
We need to keep healing the people.
Max Gerson has a treatment center for cancer.
He does live, clean food, detox.
I know there's a lot of great people out there.
We're almost out of time.
I want to get to the calls.
Thank you so much for your kind words, Mama in Oregon.
Let's go ahead.
Who's up next there?
All right, Marianne in Nevada.
Thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Dr. Group.
Hi, Alex.
I've been watching you for years and I want to just tell you a little bit about myself.
I have my daughter.
We came out here from Long Island, New York, near Plum Island.
And we came out to Nevada so that my daughter could teach in the schools that are very, very poverty stricken and all.
And I'm keeping up with the Bundy
It's terrible what they're doing to us all.
And I don't think people realize that they're going to take his property, but we as homeowners...
Don't think that they're going to take our property.
You know, nobody wants to identify themselves with a situation.
But what I want to say is I've been following, her name is Hulda Clark.
She was a physicist and it was cure for cancer.
And what she did was she came out with a book.
She was in Chula Vista, California.
And she then had to open a clinic in Mexico.
Yeah, Hilda Clark was a wonderful woman, and she's one of the pioneers also, you know, with Renee Casey, with the SCAC, and all of the cancer doctors that had to run out of the United States.
Because a lot of those cancer doctors, and she came out with a book, The Cure for All Diseases, which is a great book, a lot of those cancer doctors, you know, same with me, we had a cancer and degenerative disease clinic, they get run out, they get death threats, and a lot of them actually have been killed.
And those resources are available to people online to just type in.
Notice how the cancer just keeps going up and up and up.
Right, yeah.
And notice how they keep finagling people with, you know, the NFL doing the pink days and all these people that are donating money to all these cancer societies to fight against this cancer, to fight against that cancer.
And the cancer gets worse.
When it's just going right back into the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies.
I mean, until you address the root cause... Absolutely.
...of why you have cancer, or the root cause of why you have diabetes, or why you have any disease for that matter, you're not going to get anywhere.
Ma'am, I saw that you had a comment on the iodine on screen.
Did you like it or did you not like it?
Well, I have been taking Lugo's iodine as per hold the clock.
Six drops in a glass of water.
It's going to go back 20 years ago when she wrote her book, Cure for All Cancers, and I followed her protocol.
And so I just want to know the difference between Lugos, which I know are two compounds that have to be mixed together, and that first year medical students are taught that, but they, you know, going back to when I lived in Brooklyn, they used to mix it right there when you went to the pharmacy.
Sure, sure.
I mean, they used to know everybody needed iodine, and now they say you don't need it.
They took it out of the salt.
What's the difference between M4's life iodine and the Lugol's?
Which is good to have, better than nothing.
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, Lugol's has helped many, many people.
It's just, it's more of a, the Lugol's actually has potassium iodide in it.
And so it's not a true nascent form of iodine, and it's also in an alcohol base.
I mean, it's not a bad product.
I mean, if you don't have any iodine, it's great to take.
But it'd be the difference between like a Tricycle and a Bentley.
You know, the nascent iodine and the vegetable glycerin base is going to be in the form that goes and is utilized directly by the body.
All I know is it's blown my socks off.
And everybody that I've talked to, and you know, I used to take Lugol's too, years ago.
And I used to recommend it.
But technology has changed and there's ways for processing now to where you can actually, the body doesn't have to break it down and use the energy.
Lugol's hurts my stomach.
Yes, it does.
Well, it's because of the potassium iodide.
It's just like if you're in an emergency situation and you're being, you know, in a nuclear situation where you're being bombarded with iodine-131, radioactive iodine, and you have potassium iodide tablets there, well, you know,
That's great.
They're not going to hurt you, but long-term use, which people do need, you know, it's safer and more effective to take iodine in the nascent form.
Ma'am, I hope that answers your question.
Let's talk to Norm in California.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead, Norm.
Hi, Alex and Dr. Group.
Hey, buddy.
Hi, Norm.
I have two quick questions.
I just got my first bottle of Super Male Vitality, and I'm wondering if you can dilute the product in water or juice, or should I just chug it?
You can dilute it if you want, if it's too strong for you, if it doesn't taste that good.
I, you know, usually... Yeah, we'll be honest, it doesn't taste good.
But it's not supposed to, it's real.
Right, I mean, the more powerful you get and the herbs that you have, usually the things that are the most powerful don't taste as good, but...
You know, I would recommend anywhere from, what's really working good is anywhere from two to four dropper fulls twice a day and you can mix it in a little water but do not mix it in tap water.
Make sure you mix it in distilled water or some sort of organic juice.
It's always best for super male though to take it on an empty stomach and just take it by itself.
Usually people would put the droppers in their mouth and then just swig a little water behind it, some purified water or distilled water.
One other quick question.
Would the lung cleanse spray be good for somebody that's been using marijuana for a long time?
Yes, it would, actually.
I mean, if you live in an area, you know, if you have a chronic cough or you just have chronic irritation, I mean, depending on how you're doing that, whether you're vaporizing it or depending, you know, would depend on how much tar that you get into your lungs.
You know, it does work as an expectorant, so if you breathe it in the correct way, then it should help with cleansing your lungs.
Look, just try it, and bottom line, you funded the show, but we really believe in this stuff.
It's worked for me, and it's a great product.
Thank you so much for your support, Norm.
Couldn't do any of this without you.
Let's talk to Michael in Texas.
You're on the air.
Hey, thanks for taking the call.
Thank you, brother.
So, Dr. Group, real quick, I'll tell you about my results with the products.
I take the big three, the fly shield, the survival shield, and then the male vitality.
Well, being a 50-year-old male, you go in to see a typical general practitioner, and they tell you, well, the symptoms you're having, you know, loss of a zest for life, and a little bit of weight gain around the middle, maybe your hair is getting a little thinner, all those things they say are normal.
I told him, I said, I don't want to be normal.
I want to feel the way I did when I was 25 or 30 again.
So I started a couple years ago doing some research for myself and I read up a lot on some of the experts, Dr. Hertoghe.
In Belgium, he's one of the top anti-aging medicine doctors who recommends iodine.
I was actually on armored thyroid for a while for a very, very horrible hypothyroid issue and I began getting tests and intermittently, months after starting to take the survival shield,
I was getting symptoms of hyperthyroid and it turned out that I could lower and actually get off of my dose of armored thyroid because my thyroid, I guess, was starting to get what it needed from the survival shield.
It had the food that it needed to operate and it started producing good levels of thyroid again.
Well, that's why I warn people, check with your physician or healthcare provider.
This super meal isn't games.
I can't even take the regular dose, okay?
I mean, it's real.
Let me tell you, I've had a lot of results.
And it's the same thing with the iodine.
He said, look out, you may get sick the next month because you're pretty toxic, Alex.
And I started getting, you know, sick.
Then after it went away, it was like brain fog lifted, more energy, lost a lot of weight.
I'm still a little bit overweight, but it's, you know, it's a process.
These are real products.
So what would you now say about the nascent iodine that we put out?
Oh, I think it's completely re-jump-started that part of my system and as a segue into the super male vitality, I also had a baseline of tests done on my total testosterone, my free testosterone, my
We're good to go.
And I'm telling you, for a 50-year-old guy, I'm so much leaner now and so much healthier, I have so much more zest for life.
I mean, you know, you guys don't screen these calls.
I mean, this is, you know, this is the result that you get from giving your body the things that it needs to activate its own systems.
I mean... Sure, well, as Dr. Group pointed out when he was developing this and said, do you want to put out, you know, this brand of it,
And I was trying the stuff he was developing.
I said, wow, this is really powerful.
He said, look, you've got so much estrogen mimickers in you, this is what you'd normally be like.
This is what it's normal to be a male.
All this does is help block them and help your glands produce.
Shane Steiner's a huge weightlifter, been into it forever.
Had hit a brick wall, was like depressed last year.
He was laughing at us about the superman.
I said, go take this.
He literally cannot believe it, has lost like 25 pounds, ripped muscle, can work out harder than he could when he was 20.
And he just literally is on cloud nine about it.
Dr. Group, and I really appreciate your testimony.
Thank you so much, Michael.
Why is it so powerful?
Because, I mean, we've got leading competitors that put out something similar, but it's dry herbs.
It costs $100.
This costs $50.
Well, I mean, how can you, A, do it for half the price, and B, why is it so much better?
Because he tried all the supplements.
Yeah, I love it myself.
I take it, too.
I mean, the fact of the matter is, any male, and women for that matter, too, over the age of 30, your DHEA levels are going to go down, your growth hormone levels are going to go down, your testosterone.
Naturally, there's nothing you can do about it.
There are a million different male enhancement products out there.
I mean, this wasn't designed for male enhancement.
There's a million, you know, testosterone clinics out there that guys are going to.
But this is, you know, it's totally different because we're not injecting testosterone in you, which can be dangerous and can have side effects.
This was developed to choose a specific combination of herbs and the components.
One herb alone might have 20 different components in it that, you know, make a change in your body.
And synergistically combining those together to help balance and help your own body.
And concentrating.
Sorry to other callers.
Call us back.
We'll do it again.
I apologize.
We're out of time.
Try the products.
They're godsend.
Thank you so much, Dr. Group.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.