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Name: 20140425_Fri_Alex
Air Date: April 25, 2014
2574 lines.

In this monologue, Alex Jones talks about the ongoing struggle against evil and injustice, praising Joseph Farah as a fellow fighter for liberty. He emphasizes the importance of supporting those who stand up against injustice and encourages listeners to spread the word about the battle for truth and justice. The podcast includes news reports and discussions related to politics, globalism, and conspiracy theories. Jones promotes various products on his website, InfowarsStore.com, and talks about news headlines such as the banning of employees from talking to the media in intelligence agencies, police recruitment videos showing cops in military-style ghillie suits, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership talks for global internet censorship. He concludes by discussing the "mind control zone" and the importance of awareness in recognizing potential threats.

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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, the Russia situation just went from orange to red.
It is now, in my mind, at a critical juncture.
I want to get Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst, on very soon to talk about this.
I want to get Colonel Schaefer on to give us his take on it.
But quite frankly, I've been studying it very deeply, and we've been predicting where this would go.
And unfortunately, it's going that direction.
Because the globalists want it to go in that direction and it's a very serious situation.
To say the least, we're going to be breaking that down today.
Ukrainian helicopter hit by grenade taking off.
Ukraine helicopter has been crippled in a grenade attack in Kiev.
Warns Moscow is engineering a third world war.
That's the London Telegraph headline.
Did you hear that?
Third World War.
That is the Ukraine Foreign Minister that's saying that, by the way, and also their Vice El Presidente.
Ukraine Foreign Minister ready to fight Russia is the headline from the Associated Press.
Kerry warns Russia of expensive new sanctions.
Putin warns of consequences as Ukraine steps up offensive.
Russia wants to start World War III, Ukrainian Prime Minister.
That's in CNBC.
I mean, I'm reading mainline headlines here.
Remember I told you a month ago this could turn into World War III?
Oh, Alex, don't be a fear monger.
What, do the ICBMs have to come into orbit, back into orbit, or back into the atmosphere and then come in and detonate over cities and airbursts for us to be concerned?
How traders can prepare for a worsening Ukraine crisis.
Russia, now downgraded by S&P, proposes scorched earth retaliation against NATO countries economically.
Pentagon, Russian spy ship Tug operating near US.
More Big Bear nuke bombers caught trying to go into British and European airspace.
I mean, this is bad.
And it's what you expect when the globalists want to bring in a new global crisis so that we're all distracted by their activities.
And it is thoroughly disgusting that this is happening.
The West went in three months ago when Ukraine voted to not join with the EU and to be sucked dry by that spider.
And instead tried to stay somewhat neutral.
I don't want Ukraine sucked dry by the Russian spider or the globalist spider.
But the globalist spider is about, let's not exaggerate, about 10 times bigger, fatter, older, more evil, and more anti-human.
I mean, the Russian spider is just happy to be in power and control of its own population.
It's trying to breed a larger Ruski population because it realizes that its own system is collapsing.
The globalist spider is a transhumanist, power-tripping spider that believes it's God and is attacking anything decent.
So, that's what we're dealing with here.
I mean, this is a big deal.
I've got masses of incredible news here.
And I don't know
How I even get into the other news on the stock market and the police state and attacks on internet freedom, which we will cover, while we've got this Ukraine situation going on.
But really, we've stated the facts, the facts are there, and it's deteriorating very quickly.
When we come back, I'm going to try to very calmly
Walk through the scenario so far, and then where the scenario will go in the future.
Or could go in the future.
And it's going the very worst way.
So that is all coming up today.
But we've always known that a large global war is what's supposed to bring in the final world government.
That's what the globalists have said themselves.
And now it looks like they're trying to do it.
They may have some backroom deal with Putin, and this may be staged.
My gut tells me it's not.
And that we're in a world of hurt.
It's truly out of control.
The globalists aren't going to let their system collapse without starting a world war.
They're going to double down every time they're in a corner.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Straight ahead, big Bundy news as well.
It's all coming up today.
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What do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential forfeiture situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks, I'm being assaulted!
Whether it's the radio show, the news websites, documentary films, or the nightly news, InfoWars is the tip of the spear.
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You watch the Assad regime is going to be blamed or accused of using chemical weapons against the so-called rebels.
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In the councils of government,
We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.
It's a military mission in North St.
Heavily armored vehicles are rolling into town and don't be alarmed if you see those over the next seven days rolling through your neighborhood.
If you see military helicopters flying low over Minneapolis, do not be alarmed.
Guns will be taken.
No one will be able to be armed.
We will take all weapons.
Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in.
Just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
The Department of Homeland Security is apparently on a huge ammo buying spree.
It comes out to like 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
NSKS Late News 12's Jeff Ferrell discovered that clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem, us.
So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
If you've got a business, you didn't build that.
Somebody else made that happen.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatrics.
Blackhawk choppers soaring through the night sky, but this is only a drill.
Heavily armed officers in Watertown search for the suspect, house to house.
It's a joint military training exercise involving local police, also military.
I am in my apartment, sir.
Go back inside right now!
I am inside.
I have two words for you.
Predator clones.
You will never see it coming.
The dramatic scene played out in front of our cameras.
Parents grabbing their children and running after spending the night hunkering in their houses and then finding themselves face-to-face with the muzzle of a SWAT officer's rifle.
They let them in the area, they told them they could come in, and now they're coming in like they're trespassers, punching and shoving people.
We're not turning our guns in, and we're not running, and we're not backing down!
If you want them, come and take them!
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
This is the heart of 1776!
Thank you, President Eisenhower, for warning us of the dangerous rise of the military-industrial complex, and later in the speech, controlled by a technological...
That is what we're facing, is a technocracy in the Bilderberg, in Davos Group's own words.
I am your host, Alex Jones, just someone who wants freedom, who's upset and angry, but also focused and mobilized in the face of this tyranny.
And we have reached out to you, you have reached out to us, we've reached out to millions of others across the world, and we're having a real effect.
That's why we're being attacked by all the White House mouthpieces, the globalist mouthpieces,
And collaborators in the so-called Liberty Movement, Benedict Arnold, to try to bring us down.
And we are being prepared to be set up right now.
That is clear that they don't like the message we're putting out and the fact that it's resonating and being duplicated and being augmented and expanded.
And so there's going to be some more demonization campaigns out there.
Now I'm going to get into the off-the-chart news in Russia.
Off-the-chart news on the attack on free speech coming up in a moment.
David Knight has been down here for over a year, one of our great reporters and co-host of this radio show and also the Nightly News.
It's very hard to get a house here, buy a house here, because it has the biggest housing shortage in the country.
Austin is the major boom city nationwide as people escape California and other areas destroyed by big government.
And they come here and vote to take our freedom, but hopefully folks from North Carolina and Kansas and Tennessee and a lot of other more libertarian areas will offset the socialists that are moving here.
A lot of good Californians are moving here as well to escape it, but a lot of them are coming here to bring in their tyranny.
But he's been off the last few days moving.
And I guess out of one apartment into a house while they still try to buy a house.
And so he's been listening to talk radio.
He was listening to our local affiliate at 590 AM last night because his brother-in-law out of North Carolina called him and said, you better go listen to Glenn Beck.
Well, it re-airs here locally.
And so he tuned in last night while packing the U-Haul and he said, you know, we got to go into Glenn Beck's archive and find it.
But he said, this is really bad.
We have to do something about this.
And I said, what did he say?
He said, well, I'll just come in and tell you.
But he told me over the phone right before broadcast.
He's driving up here right now to be on the next segment or at the bottom of the hour.
Beck said that we want violent overthrow of the U.S.
Infowars, by name.
And that we tried to cover up the Bundy supposed racist comments, and that we were there, and that basically that was our video.
Or that we knew and tried to cover it up.
Our people were there a week and a half ago.
This was said last weekend.
None of my reporters were there.
We covered it yesterday.
When we saw it in the morning, when it had been out less than 12 hours, we got Bundy on.
And I said the way they edited his comments, I think sounded, you know, very offensive and racist, but that I understood where he was coming from.
And he said, no, I meant they traded out one form of slavery for the other.
But to basically say we're racist and we want violence.
I mean, Beck, there's a reason you're getting sued right now, okay?
And I don't think you're gonna win.
And I don't intend anything like that, but look, what you're doing is torturous interference.
I know you're obsessed with my show.
I know you watch it for years and take our guests and spend it.
I don't care, that's fine.
I just want to defeat tyranny.
But what I'm trying to get at here is
That he's putting out the exact talking points of media matters that on record is the White House.
Is the White House.
Direct conduit from the White House telling them what to do and say.
MSNBC, CNN, I understand saying I'm behind the Boston bombing and I'm deeply racist and you know all the rest of it.
To have Glenn Beck doing it, and I know what this is.
He knows we're getting on affiliates all over the country.
The show's exploding right now.
Most of the stations we're on carry Glenn Beck.
And he knows, because I've talked to some program directors, that there's little comments and things going on from the people in his office, not even his syndicator, Premier, about me and how I'm a bad show to have.
And this has been going on behind the scenes.
And then a lot of times I'm on live and Glenn Beck's on at night.
He doesn't like that.
He's an egomaniac.
My show ends up getting picked up on Sunday live.
While we do that show, people get a taste of it.
Then they put us on at night and then invariably we end up going on live.
And I mean, they literally replaced Rush Limbaugh with us in areas of the country and get better ratings.
And I'm not, I never had this slot to go up against Rush Limbaugh.
I didn't want this slot.
I had a nighttime show that GCN made me 17 years ago change to a daytime slot.
And I said, I think it's a horrible idea.
I don't want to go up against Rush Limbaugh.
I need to go out for stations at night.
There's no way stations are going to dump Limbaugh for me.
And they said, you're so good.
His name was Michael Trudeau, and Ted Anderson still runs the network, but Michael Trudeau was like, I'm gonna put Sean up against him, you're gonna take over.
Well, I guess he was about 15 years, you know, early on that, but the point is that I want Rush Limbaugh to be on every TV station in the country, because his ideas are a lot better than what the control left puts out.
I want Glenn Beck to have 50 million listeners.
I want Glenn Beck to sell 100 million books.
I want Glenn Beck to have long days, pleasant nights.
Because I agree with most of what he has to say, but man, you know, it's a big deal when somebody says you're a racist with no proof.
It's a big deal.
When they say that you want to overthrow the U.S.
government and have violence to, you know, 5, 6, 7, 8 million people a day, I mean, that's really meant to hurt me.
I mean, I don't care when MSNBC says it with half a million viewers, and people know they're a pack of liars.
That's a big deal when Glenn Beck does that to me.
And I don't know what he thinks I'm going to do.
I mean, I'm not going to take that line down.
So, I just, we've got such bigger issues with Russia, huge issues with Obama trying to get the guns, trying to bust the borders, overrunning the Constitution, that I'll probably just let him walk all over me.
But at a certain level, man, when people don't want you to be on the air, and they want to get you off stations, and they'll lie about you to do it,
And I'm not even in competition with him.
And Rush Limbaugh has done nothing bad to me.
He's said snide things about me a few times when he didn't agree with something somebody wrote on my website, and that's fine.
I don't agree with everything on there, but a lot of times he covers our stories, doesn't really give us credit.
But I know from behind the scenes some folks that play golf with him that he actually agrees with us more than he disagrees and listens to the show sometimes.
Limbaugh, we're in competition with Rush Limbaugh, directly up against him.
And he doesn't do this kind of crap.
I mean, this is dangerous, folks, to have somebody on the air saying that you want to overthrow, the government want a violent overthrow.
We already played clips like that two weeks ago.
So, I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this today.
But, I dare somebody like Glenn Beck to say that to my face.
That's all I've got to say.
Because I've got a family.
And I've already put myself in the crosshairs, and this is Benedict Arnold type stuff, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, this is textbook Benedict Arnold crap.
And our affiliates out there who listen, the program directors and owners, they know what I say on air, and they're standing beside us and supporting us and not dumping our show, Beck.
Go make your movies, go write your books, do whatever you're going to do, man.
I'm not jealous or envious of you.
I understand until 10 years ago, or 12 years ago, you were a shock jock that did shock, trash, you know, type radio.
Howard Stern wannabe stuff.
I don't care.
I understand you picked up my show and duplicated it and made it more palatable.
I understand that you're obsessed with me.
I understand that.
I get it, okay?
But listen, I'm happy for you to imitate me and to take my knowledge.
That's the whole point of this show.
I want to beat the globalists, so I'm going to tell you again.
Stop now.
Stop trying to set me up with Rachel Maddow in the White House.
You may work with me.
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A chemical spill contaminating the water supply in nine West Virginia counties.
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The truth is, the globalists are gearing up for a civil war in this country.
They're going to start.
And a lot of libertarian and conservative talk show hosts are scared.
And they're going to join with the globalists in the takeover of this country.
And they're going to demonize anybody who stands up for freedom in the Constitution.
And they're going to salute the black uniforms as I and others like Ron Paul are hauled off to prison.
And as Rand Paul is discredited and destroyed.
I don't think it's going to get to that because the American people aren't going to be intimidated and called racist and called terrorist.
That's not going to work.
You know, calling anybody that supports land rights or anybody that doesn't want free speech zones or snipers pointing guns at peaceful protesters with tasers and police dogs.
If you don't like that, you're a domestic terrorist.
You're an insurgent.
You're an extremist.
And yes, you're a racist if they can find anybody involved who talks in a hillbilly dialect.
That's how all this propaganda works.
And a lot of people get scared by it.
And a lot of Republican leadership wants to continue the land grabs, they want to continue the bid rigging, they want to continue the no-bid contracts, they want to continue business as usual.
Well, business as usual is collapsing this country.
And we either change course now, or we go off the edge into oblivion.
Now, I'm going to talk with Knight briefly about what he heard Beck say last night, and I guess we're going to dig through the video and audio files of it yesterday and post it just to document what we're saying, but it doesn't matter.
A lot of you probably heard it, saying that we want violence and that we're basically covering up the racism of Bundy and that we were out there at the ranch two weeks ago when he said all this, when we all now know this was taped Saturday and not by our reporters.
And of course, we reported on it.
I mean, it's one thing to say Bundy could be a hillbilly or maybe racist.
I don't think that's the case.
He's certainly a fossil, though.
And I think some of the stuff he said could be taken as offensive.
I mean, like, there's black people out here.
I'll bring one in the house and got them around here.
I mean, it's just literally out in the middle of nowhere.
It'd be like, I brought a Yankee in here.
I saw one of them.
City slicker.
I mean, these are folks in the desert, seven generations.
So, I mean, I think the Bundys are good people overall, and I think he just says what he's thinking.
But compared to aborting 52% of black people, compared to all the other evil that's going on around here, we're letting him change the subject off of what almost became a new Tiananmen Square out there in the desert onto a statement.
And by the way, we have the unedited statements of Cliven Bundy up on Infowars.com where he said everything he said about, I want to help black folks in the Spanish.
Nobody, you know, I don't want to hear they don't pay taxes and work hard.
You know, it's wrong.
They need their liberty and we don't need to reverse the changes that were made during the 60s for liberty.
We don't need to go back and that's what this big government's doing.
We've got the full video up on InfoWars.com and the transcript, so now I see what he's saying about it being out of context.
Because when I had him on yesterday, because we were trying to cover it up, you know,
That's why we're the first to recover and get a response from him.
The first.
The first that we know of.
I think it was one of the radio show had him on before us that's on drugs.
The second, the point is within hours of this breaking in the New York Times, the day it broke, we have him on and are sitting there saying we don't agree with the way this had been spun and making sure this wasn't what he really stood for and then we've already got MSNBC, CNN and Glenn Beck and Media Matters and Vanity Fair saying that I'm with this guy and that I want violent overthrow
That's not what Bundy wants, and that I'm a racist.
I mean, it's just really, really creepy to have this type of stuff going on.
And now it turns out he was telling the truth.
People go, well, he did make the cotton picking point.
He was saying that that was not in the context of the quote.
And now we have the full quote, and it turns out he was telling the truth.
So now that you see it in full context,
Clearly, this is like my great-grandfathers.
I talked to my parents about this last night, did not talk like this.
But I've always run into hillbillies in the middle of nowhere that do talk like this.
And they're actually not racist.
They are literally out of the time machine.
But there's bad things if you go back in a time machine.
There's also good things.
They're saying no to the Feds and no to Tiananmen Square because they're so old-fashioned.
That's the good part of their old-fashionedness, is to be straight shooting and to stand up against tyranny.
But then, it's like talking to somebody who got off a time machine from 150 years ago.
It sounds really weird to modern trendies and metrosexuals and everybody else.
And quite frankly, myself included.
Because he's such a straight shooter.
And tells you exactly what he's thinking.
No political correctness.
But wouldn't you rather that than the new religion of political correctness?
Now when we come back, the really big news that this is distracting from.
This Bundy thing's becoming like the Malaysian airliner.
Russia wants to start World War III.
Ukrainian Prime Minister.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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The supply of Soylent Green has been exhausted.
You must evacuate the area.
The federal court ruled that the shareholders of PepsiCo, Big Bilderberg Group Company, are not allowed to know what they're using the baby parts for in the flavoring, but we already know.
So enjoy the flavor!
We're going to get the real solution, which is going to be a combination of death penalties and sales taxes.
I'm consistently pro-death.
I'm for assisted suicide.
I'm for regular suicide.
I'm for whatever gets the freeway moving.
He is spending a million dollars on that last three months of life for that patient.
Would it be better not to lay off those 10 teachers and to make that trade up in medical costs?
But that's called the death panel, and you're not supposed to have that discussion.
They told me to say that they were sorry, but that you had become unreliable.
Is this the kind of society that you want to live in?
Any kind of society that would do this to its children will do it to its senior citizens.
It will do it to its dissidents.
That kind of society will also eventually turn on its police, on its army, on its prison guards, on the quizlings and the collaborators who make that possible.
This is nothing but a suicide cult.
The scoops are on their way.
The scoops are on their way.
I repeat, the scoops are on their way.
You will find out why Soylent Green means life.
You will find out why Soylent Green means death.
We gotta stop them!
Come on!
What is the secret of Soylent Green?
Soylent Green is people!
Science fiction becomes reality.
Thank you, Charlton Heston.
You know, we reported about a month ago, and people didn't even believe the story, that UK hospitals were burning the bodies of aborted babies to heat the hospitals.
Well, LifeSite News
Breitbart and the Examiner, Drudge has it, DrudgeReport.com, are all reporting Oregon energy plant burns aborted babies to generate electricity for the state.
And now the state is saying that they're going to halt that.
Oregon County put stop to incinerating aborted babies for electricity.
Quote, we are outraged.
They didn't even know that was going on.
And meanwhile, speaking of Oregon,
Cover Oregon Health Exchange website to shut down.
I mean, that's how fraudulent all of this garbage is via Obamacare.
Now, here's the big news today, and it ties in to the attack on free speech as well.
There's just a war on every front and a bunch of key economic news.
This news is so big that, quite frankly, I shouldn't cover anything but this.
But what I'm going to do is
At the start of the next hour, I will focus as professionally as I can and muster all of my oratory skills and try to break down what's happened in Ukraine and where I believe it's going.
Now you know so far I've predicted what was going to happen and it's starting to happen.
It's not hard to predict.
This is a globalist plan.
So I'm really looking at what they're doing, what they've done in the past in their programs of destabilization, and so it's not really even predicting, except this is Russia and the outcomes are so horrible that I can't believe this is happening.
And if I was a coward, or even if I had more self-preservation instincts, I would be getting my family out of the United States right now.
And I'm not saying that that means we're going to have a nuclear war.
But if there was, say, a 10% chance that there was going to be a nuclear war, would you get your family out of major target sites, like the middle of Texas?
Or if there was a 10% chance robbers were coming to kill you, would you get out of your house that night?
I'd say there's a 10% chance, probably higher, that we're going to have a full-out nuclear war.
And people have heard my show.
For 19 years, some of you have been listening that long in Austin, been syndicated for almost 18.
You know I've never talked like that.
Usually nuclear war threats are just stuff the government uses to hype.
This is a really bad situation.
It's so horrible.
That it's beyond having a nasty feeling in my mind and in my chest and my stomach.
It's more just a feeling of unbelief, disbelief.
Let me just read you these headlines, okay?
And then I'm going to get to this at the start of the next hour.
Russia wants to start World War III Ukrainian Prime Minister.
That's CNBC.
That's not Alex Jones.
Here's AP.
Ukraine Foreign Minister ready to fight Russia.
London Telegraph.
Ukraine helicopter hit by grenade taking off.
A Ukraine helicopter has been crippled in a grenade attack as Kiev warns Moscow is engineering a third world war.
Third world war.
Did you hear that?
Putin warns of consequences as Ukraine steps up offensive.
Kerry warns Russia of expensive new sanctions.
On the heels of that, S&P downgrades Russia.
Russia threatens scorched earth retaliation against NATO countries.
That's ZeroHedge up on Infowars.com.
Washington Free Beacon.
Pentagon, Russia's spy ship, tug operations near U.S.
Ships near nuclear submarine base in Kings Bay, Georgia.
They're surveilling and obviously getting ready for submarine-launched cruise missile attacks on the U.S.
Can't stop those cruise missiles, folks.
So the Russians have moved cruise missiles into the coast.
They don't need Cuba anymore.
Thanks a lot, New World Order.
How traitors are preparing for a worsening Ukraine crisis.
We have the twin dangers of the Ukraine crisis, an article by Newt Gingrich that basically tells the truth other than demonizing Russia and admits it caused World War III.
That's CNN.
What's the issue here?
This was triggered when Ukraine didn't vote three and a half months ago to go under EU
Spinnerettes and be rolled up and put in the web to be sucked dry.
They didn't want to jump in the spiderweb, so they activated the paramilitary groups to blow up government buildings and firebomb everything.
Open Nazis hiling Hitler.
I mean, you can't make this stuff up.
And then to take over the country.
And I'm not saying that a lot of Ukrainians don't have beast with Russia and that Russia isn't another tyranny.
The point is
That the West started this.
And I said, the Russians are going to grab certain areas that they control and need, and then the other Russians in the East are going to want to join Russia.
They're going to stand up themselves.
They're not going to want to be ethnically cleansed.
A civil war is going to break out.
They're going to send in the Ukrainian military, NATO, CIA backed.
The Russians are going to fight back.
The Russians are going to roll armor in.
If NATO responds militarily, boom, nuclear war.
I mean, that's the scenario next hour I'm going to walk through with you.
My gut tells me this is not some higher level deal with Putin, where they're going to just divide the two countries and act like that it was a fight.
And the decision has been made to cut the country in two, and Russia gets to suck eastern Ukraine dry, and NATO and the EU get to suck the other side dry like the Hitler-Stalin pact with Poland.
Now I think that's in the cards and being discussed.
Diplomatically they always have multiple game plans, but that's not where this is going.
And the hardening of structures, the digging in, the bunkers here, the bunkers in Russia, the global financial crisis, Rand Corporation two years ago saying they want a major theater war, maybe a third world war, to bring in the world government.
This could be it.
Five years before Joel Skousen says it's coming.
And I think Joel's a smart guy, but... And we'll get him on, you know, maybe next week, maybe Sunday, I'll be live this Sunday.
I will be in studio live this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
We've had family stuff come up, and then I've had stuff happen, you know, like Easter.
So I've missed a few of the Sunday shows.
And my grandmother, I don't want to get into it, she's 89, and she had a fall about a month ago, and we've been taking care of her.
I don't want to get off into all that, but she's stabilized now.
So that's why I've been missing some time.
When it rains, it pours.
I had a bunch of other family stuff going on, so that's... but I'm here.
I want to take a few days off here and there.
I'll probably take more time off.
It's just, when it rains, it pours.
A lot of other family stuff I'll tell you about later, but very soon.
But the point is, is that all hell's been breaking loose around here.
But I'll be live this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m., Lord willing.
Now, here's the issue.
There are times in history when more happens in a year than happened in the previous 50.
Many historians have said that.
We're entering that key flux period right now.
Where, on every front, technological development, cultural changes, demographic changes, military operations, awakenings, decadence, the good, the bad, and the ugly, you're going to see a lot of things happen.
And you're also, during crises, going to find out who's who.
Benedict Arnold was probably the third or after George Washington, General Green, maybe the second greatest general of the six, seven year war from 1775, officially 1776.
That went on for the next six years or so.
But it turned out the last two years he thought we were going to lose.
And he'd been British the whole time.
Most people fighting were British.
They were tired of having their rights taken.
They'd both have been redcoats.
There was Washington, all of them.
And so he was a double agent the whole time.
The last two years at least.
Because he thought he was going with the winners.
He didn't all in for what he thought was right.
He was a pragmatist, a sociopath.
I can officially say, after five years, six years of Glenn Beck lying about me and attacking me, that he is a Benedict Arnold.
There's no doubt, that's who he is.
For whatever reason, he may have always been a globalist, he may have always been bad news.
I don't attack him when he said horrible lies about me.
I mean, God, he said I have sex with Charlie Sheen in showers, folks.
I knew Charlie Sheen very well before he got back on drugs and melted down.
I met him through his brother, who's been a long-time listener, Emilio Estevez, and his dad.
I'll leave it at that.
The family were listeners before Charlie Sheen.
And I've spent a lot of time at Martin Sheen's house.
He's not the big liberal people think he is.
They kind of manipulate the media who he really is.
They're really smart people.
His mother's an amazing lady.
But that's the kind of stuff, and I ignore stuff like that.
You know, you can say that's a joke.
But then, when he's always implying that I want civil war, I want to kill police, and that I'm covering up racism, and that the Alex Jones side wants violence, as he said a week and a half ago, enough is enough.
You know when he says any civil disobedience like we saw at the Bundy Ranch is bad and he's against it and he's really showing you who he is when he said three years ago on Fox
That, we played this last week, that the government's going to stage terror attacks and blame the Liberty Movement for it.
Well, he had their memos.
He's right.
He was listening to me then.
He was, I guess, having a moment of thinking, oh, I'm scared they're going to set me up and blame me.
I'll expose it.
Well, now he's scared and doesn't want to go the route of telling the truth.
Benedict Arnold, who was a great general, who we wish would have stayed true to the cause, has cowarded out and decided to fully join the system.
And he doesn't like the fact that we're in a lot of the same affiliates as him.
And so, I'm not against those affiliates.
I think it's a good show for you to carry.
But don't penalize me, because Glenn Beck's talking bad about me every day now, basically.
Okay, I'm not attacking anybody in the conservative or liberty movement.
I'm trying to stop Obama and the globalists who use the race card.
And now Beck, and I didn't hear it, but my reporter heard it and wrote down notes.
And I just gotta go to the subscription thing to get it, but somebody will put it on YouTube.
Then we can play it for documentation here, but Knight wrote notes.
He's got notes right there.
His brother-in-law called him and heard it in the morning, so it rears on our local affiliate 590, so he tuned in last night while he was moving in the U-Haul and listened to it and wrote notes.
And it was the classic stuff I've heard.
What's that site, that crazy guy?
I don't know, Infowars?
Yeah, that nut, yeah.
Guy that wants to overthrow the U.S.
government, wants violence?
Yeah, well he knew about the Bundy stuff, tried to cover it up, yet he had to cover up the racism.
Man, that is real defamation, okay?
We had nothing.
We didn't.
Absolutely no such thing at any level.
And so, this isn't about Beck.
It's about what's going to happen when the globalists blow up a new Oklahoma City and try to blame us.
What's going to happen when they start a new war?
What's going to happen when they come after domestic groups and the guns?
A lot of big hosts are going to say, well, go ahead and do it.
And, well, Alex Jones has been arrested and Ron Paul just died of a stroke.
Wink, wink.
Well, I think it's normal he died of a stroke.
He was old and, yeah, Ron Paul just was in a car wreck.
His back's broken.
Alex Jones, you know, tried to shoot out with cops and they took him out.
Or he got caught with a bunch of drugs with a, you know, whatever.
That's the kind of stuff they do.
I want you to know that when that happens, folks, you're looking at an enemy operative.
Because now he's crossed the Rubicon with me.
David Knight, you heard this last night, and again, it's bigger than Beck.
It shows that he's scared.
He's decided to throw in with the Southern Property Law Center the exact talking points of the White House-run Media Matters.
Michael Savage isn't doing this.
He's getting more hardcore.
We salute him.
He's not a coward.
Sean Hannity's not being a coward.
Rush Limbaugh's not being a coward.
Glenn Beck has shown himself to be a really dangerous person.
And I don't do this on air.
I have to to protect myself and the Liberty Movement.
David, what did you hear last night?
Well, Alex, it was really, it really got me upset.
As you point out, they were saying, pretending that they didn't know what InfoWars was, or that they'd never heard of InfoWars.
But what he's doing is, he's playing a very dangerous game, and he's totally mischaracterizing what happened there on Saturday the 12th.
When this thing came out yesterday with the New York Times, he's essentially doing the Al Sharpton Southern Poverty Law Center talking points, the way the New York Times edited and distorted and spun Bundy's comments, and he's doubling down on it, taking their talking points.
But what was also bad was the way he was portraying Bundy, the people with him, and even us as being the aggressors, as being the people who are threatening.
He's trying to pretend that he's Gandhi.
He's not Gandhi.
He's a Quisling.
What happened there?
You told me, quote, you said he said the InfoWars group wants the violent overthrow.
What he was saying was, he said, they're pushing for this.
He goes, when I heard that it was, I knew from the beginning that I didn't want to, I wanted to be on the other side of the story because InfoWars made this a national story.
He goes, that should be a red flag.
Not a false flag, ha ha ha, but a red flag.
I'm not blaming Drudge, I'm giving him the credit.
Drudge made it a national story.
We broke it, he made it national.
It is a big story.
And he's saying that, you know, we're constantly pushing for revolution.
I think that's not true.
What happened there is exactly what Glenn Beck claims he wants to see happen, and that is people peacefully standing up with loaded guns in their face like Tiananmen Square.
Now, some people, I didn't see anybody down there with a gun on them, but there were, well, actually there was a couple of guys that were holding rifles, but nobody was pointing anything.
But there were a few back up there.
There was one guy on the bridge.
They keep showing that picture from multiple angles, okay?
The point is that now it's been projected onto us, and now we weren't there this weekend when he made the black comments, and then you said he said basically we were involved in that.
He said, these guys are embedded there, they're everywhere.
He goes, they know that he was making those comments last Saturday.
Well, that was not even the same Saturday.
He's totally out of the scene.
He's not wrong.
I know his insider people.
He's got at least four FBI agents with him at all times.
So-called retired.
This is the FBI.
Just like Al Sharpton's FBI, I will bet my right arm the FBI is feeding all this to Glenn Beck.
Glenn Beck is the FBI.
So of course they're attacking us.
This is the FBI.
The Obama FBI.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
By the way, a lot of this has come out in the news that Beck has up to 20 security people at his house and office, and goes around with an entourage as many as 35, but he admittedly has, quote, retired FBI agents.
The number I was given was over six, but four at any one time, that live at his house and stuff.
And when you look at the talking points, these are White House.
This is Eric Holder's Justice Department, Harry Reid talking points.
And I started seeing that two weeks ago and got really freaked out, David Knight.
And I said, man, and he was just waiting the whole time.
To then open up an attack, and now I was sent by one of our affiliates the clip, we're getting it queued up.
In fact, it's ready right now.
Part of this diatribe you heard, saying we want revolution, we want violence.
They're positioning him as a Judas goat to lead the Liberty Movement.
It all just clicked.
He is actually Benedict Arnold.
He actually works for Obama.
And I'm sorry I have to say that.
He really does.
They wasted no time at all.
The day... Well no, he was the leader even before the Southern Barbary Law Center.
Oh yeah.
He's been carrying the ball.
He was putting the talking points out before the White House Media Matters.
He had seven talking points the day after the shootout.
It was the number one story, and when I googled Cliven Bundy, that's why I read his story.
Our story was number one because of Drudge.
That's right, but after the standoff, what he did was, he had a story out there with seven talking points, basically saying there's no connection to Harry Reid, the BLM acted perfectly reasonably, there's no problem with the Desert Tortoise, I mean, ignoring Agenda 21.
It's Sovereign Citizen.
Using the Southern Poverty Law Center catchphrase, the White House catchphrase.
This is John P. Holdren!
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, John P. Holdren, Eric Holdren.
Well, they had the article on Sunday, after the Saturday showdown, and then on Monday, he had Cliven Bundy on, and they tried to hang, put words in his mouth, and hang the label of Sovereign Citizen Movement.
By the way, has there not been a directive the full year you're here to not attack Glenn Beck and not talk about him?
That's right.
Have there been any other directives about anything else?
Just tell the truth.
It was very hard to do that.
And don't infight and keep the eyes on stopping the globalists.
That's right.
That's right.
And how many attacks did we ignore?
A lot.
And you know... But I am not going to hear that I want a violent revolution so when the feds blow up another Oklahoma City I get to blame.
And this guy handled by... I'm telling you it all just clicked just like I knew Reid was involved and they're scared.
This guy probably actually meets with Obama.
Yeah, it's not just Cass Sunstein saying he's going to pit one group of alternative media against another.
He said he's going to infiltrate it and lead it away, like you talked about at Judascope.
Well, I'm telling you folks, if something happens to me or Drudge or WorldNetDaily, Joseph Farah, it's now been declassified, was on the Clinton hit list.
And he's coming on the third hour today.
And now you've got all this internet censorship stuff coming up in the next hour.
They're moving right now.
Let me tell you who's real.
WorldNetDaily, Drudge, InfoWars.
People have shown who's on the right side, even though he said he didn't like these comments, which I agree with the way they're taken.
Sean Hannity.
I'm not saying he's perfect.
The point is, we're really finding out who's who, man.
Let's go to this clip one of our affiliates sent us of what you said you heard last night.
Here's back.
Quite honestly, some of the people from, uh, what's that stupid website's name?
Uh, are you talking about the crazy conspiracy info wars?
Info wars.
Because these guys were so deeply embedded with the Bundys, we thought there's something wrong.
Because if you're a spiritual person and you don't see these guys a mile away... That's a red flag right there.
That's a real red flag and it's not a false flag.
These guys are dangerous.
They are looking for revolution.
They're looking for a fight.
And you just keep those guys a million miles away from you.
And anybody with any spiritual radar should see that one coming.
That's right.
If you have spiritual radar...
You know that his lie that we want violence is true.
Now we're defensive saying we just want private property, our families, Second Amendment.
We just want states' rights.
We just want freedom.
We don't want agenda 21.
We just want liberty.
And then the other clips are we're racist too.
You know, he keeps talking about Ghani, he keeps talking about peaceful, non-violent resistance, that's exactly what we did.
The fact that you've got somebody with a six-shooter in his holster, walking up to somebody that's got an AR-15 trained on him, hiding behind shields, barking over the loudspeaker that they're going to shoot, that is peaceful non- Look, you know when Obama makes his move,
Back's gonna support it.
Oh yeah.
In fact, something just clicked.
He talked about how if they ever had courts, I would want to put him in a FEMA camp.
I just realized something.
He looks forward to them arresting him.
Man, that's, he projected on me.
He wants to arrest me.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, some stations join us in the second and third hour.
Ultra-important Ukraine news.
Headline out of CNBC, Russia wants to start World War III.
I mean, this is getting crazy.
So, I'm gonna break that down, take your calls coming up.
But, we wouldn't just cover this if it was Glenn Beck just saying this, but he's saying it off White House talking points, Media Matters talking points, that he originated.
So for anybody that's trained in tracking psyops and stuff, now it all clicked for me.
Why he says I want him arrested and put in a camp, he said that a week and a half ago.
We played the bizarre clip.
Why he says I want violence, why he says Infowars wants violence, is covering up the racism of Clive and Bundy that we were there and knew about this.
Within hours of us seeing it, we had him on and covered it and said, the way it was spun is terrible.
We're all about fighting racism here.
Real, real racism.
You know, divide and conquer.
And to have him do this, David, bottom line, what's your analysis on this?
Because this is really dangerous.
Well, the bottom line is the best thing you can say about Glenn Beck is that he just doesn't know what's going on.
He's totally uninformed and doesn't care.
He's spinning things.
I don't think that's what's happening.
Russia's talked about the drive-by media.
We saw that happen out there.
I would say that Glenn Beck is the comfy couch media.
You know, at best case, if you're listening to him, you don't think that he's an FBI shill.
The best you can say about him is that he's... An Obama FBI show!
That's right.
The best you can say is he's sending half a continent away, he doesn't have any reporters out there, he's not reading any of the facts, he's totally misconstruing everything.
I don't think that's what's happening.
The day after this happened he had seven talking points going in and defending Harry Reid, defending the BLM, ignoring the fact that they were pointing snipers at unarmed people all week.
And tasering and police dogging and saying we'll shoot you, and Americans finally stood up
And peacefully stood against it.
But we didn't even have any guns.
A few people did.
And now we're leading it.
I mean, I was there saying no violence, no violence over the radio.
You were there covering it.
And now he's lying about me.
So they shut me up.
People go, well, he got what he deserved.
Yeah, he's used everything he can to assassinate the character of Clive and Bundy, and assassinate our character.
And as Jesse Ventura said, I don't know if it was his original expression or not, first they assassinate your character, then they assassinate you.
That was Gandhi, it was Gandhi.
Okay, that's what Gandhi said, okay.
But that's the technique that they use.
He wants to compare himself to Gandhi.
He's really a quizling.
He is really selling out.
He's not, he's totally handled.
Yeah, oh absolutely.
What he is, he's a sociopath.
He thinks, like, doing whatever he wants makes him a winner.
Not in God's eyes.
That's right.
If he had even read his book on Agenda 21, I'm sure he had somebody ghostwrite it for him, he would have understood what was going on there as part of many different aspects.
There's a lot of different aspects.
There's crony capitalism, there's corruption, there's Agenda 21, there's an out-of-control police state.
He has ignored and talked against all those as if he were the New York Times, or as if he were the Southern Poverty Law.
Well, it's in the BLM documents that they wanted Bundy's land for the environmental easement.
Yes, yes.
Where they say, we can build on this and we have this as an easement.
And they go, oh, we're lying.
And we said we lied about the bullets.
Well, he laughed at Bundy on the Monday Night Show and said, oh, you're going back to the 1860s to try to support your argument.
When the BLM confiscated land in Texas, confiscated that farmer's land, they went back to the 1803 Louisiana Purchase.
What Bundy is doing is he's going back to the Constitution.
The oldest thing in land is the most powerful.
Rick Perry says he'll go kick the feds off if they're trying to grab land.
What, is Rick Perry an extremist now?
Of course, they did the same thing in Nevada to a man who's part of the Shoshone Indian tribe.
You know, and as Russell Means pointed out, he said, every treaty we've had with the U.S.
government, they've broken.
Your treaty with the U.S.
government is the Constitution, and they're breaking it now, as this book, Where White Men Fear to Tread.
That's exactly what's going on here.
What they've done to the Indians and the reservations is what they want to do to everyone.
And that video's called, Welcome to the Reservation.
If you guys can find that, it's like an hour long.
He died last year, an amazing individual.
Again, you meet him, he's totally different than what the media said he was.
It's incredible how they distort who people are.
And that's what I realize.
They're distorting who I am.
MSNBC says I'm deeply racist.
Beck says that now.
With no proof.
Because they want people that don't know who I am to think, oh, I don't listen to him, he's deeply racist.
They always play the racist and the terrorist card.
And the first person to play the terrorist card was Glenn Beck.
He played it three days before Harry Reid said it.
Well, no, that's the thing.
With people like Glenn Beck on the supposed patriot movement, who needs the liberals?
I mean, he literally is becoming Obama.
Glenn Beck becomes Obama.
The globalists have controlled the mainstream media for a long time, but now they're expanding, making the weaponization even more vicious and deceptive.
All the major networks are state-run.
We are partnering this year with the NFL.
The NFL has become a political weapon against the Second Amendment, and pushes Obamacare.
MSNBC tells us that our children belong to the state.
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It is more important than ever to realize that we are not the alternative media.
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A chemical spill contaminating the water supply in nine West Virginia counties.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, we're here discussing history, discussing the present, the future, looking at legislation, looking at global trends, giving you the good news, the bad news, and the, quite frankly, over-the-top, insane, sensational news that only reality can bring you.
I have been radicalized by reality.
I have been radicalized
By first being on the air in 1995, when almost no one was really using the internet, and covering government documents dealing with Pentagon bases in upstate New York where they were producing goats that were part spider to create Spider-Man-like body armor out of their milk.
And I would cover it off of scientific journals, and I would get at the library, and people would say I was a liar.
And then suddenly scientists and journalists and engineers would hear my show and send me trade journals and things of even more insane things.
Now by 96, 97 the internet got bigger, more stuff was on it.
But I got frustrated by the fact that things like that and hundreds of other things were real, but people thought I was a crazy conspiracy theorist for talking about it.
Now everyone knows about goats that are part spider.
There's been thousands of news articles about it.
I mean, I've been at dinner parties and told people that 15, 20 years ago you could buy in Hong Kong glowing rhesus monkeys that glow in the dark.
Because I was sent trade publications on that.
Back then they cost a half million dollars, now they cost $5,000, last time I saw.
I'm tempted to buy one, but that gives money to the abusive practice of cross-species engineering.
Do you know what the genetic engineers have said on my broadcast about this?
At any time this is going to give rise to superbugs, it may have already done it, and cause zoological diseases to jump into humans, and is so deadly dangerous it'll make your head spin.
And I'm only telling you about one, one
Let's be conservative.
100,000th of what's going on.
The pharmacological crops.
I remember reading an AP article back in 2002 about protegen in Texas with open-air crops in Kansas and other areas that had live HIV growing in the corn.
And I read it and said, is it that frightening?
It could jump into humans?
It could become airborne?
And they had people in spacesuits out after I reported off the AP, because I said this could be dangerous, out burning it all over Kansas and Texas and one other state.
And it was in the news, local news, that guys in spacesuits were out burning it from the federal government.
Actual government helicopters landed and burned it.
So I gotta say, the government actually does good sometimes.
I pointed out that Dr. Pianka was at a presentation
One of the heads of the biology department at UT, and said he wants airborne Ebola to be released to kill 90% of us, and that he and his family are ready to die.
And I pointed out that he and his undergraduates were working on stuff like that.
And I quoted some of his undergraduates that have become PhDs, doctors, them saying we need to get rid of all humans.
The FBI visited him!
That was in the Austin American Statesman.
So I don't think the government's our enemy.
It's just a complex system that has corporate and other interests controlling it.
We need to get control of it.
Now there it is.
Dr. Doom, Eric Bianca, received standing ovation from Texas Academy of Science and then gets a visit from the FBI.
And I said the FBI should visit him.
The FBI did.
The FBI is a diverse organization run by
Eric Holder right now, so that's why you see them demonizing gun owners and shipping guns into Mexico with the ATF to win the Second Amendment.
But I'm going to get into the Ukraine situation.
It's just that I don't make stuff up, is my point.
Every once in a while I get things wrong, and I admit when I get things wrong.
I wish I was wrong about all this.
It's not fun to have White House-run CNN, MSNBC, Media Matters, saying I'm deeply racist with no proof, and that I'm violent, and I want to kill cops, and I want war.
They're saying that so cops start thinking I'm a bad guy, so when they set me up, nobody comes to my aid.
I'm being set up.
But that's part of the mission.
I mean, look, I'll say it again.
One of my grandfathers was a fighter pilot, crashed, landed, almost died in World War II.
My other grandfather flew B-17s.
Before that, he flew Liberator flying coffins out of North Africa.
Once they got him into Italy, he was in B-17s.
He got sunstroke in a mission, and then the next mission, or two missions later, his whole crew got blown up and died, to give you an example of how I barely survived.
And my point of using that analogy is, they knew when they were flying into flak clouds, that was the factories they had to bomb.
I know when I get enemy attacks that I'm over the target.
So if I get killed or set up, let's just get one thing straight.
You didn't have a victory over me, New World Order.
I knew what I was climbing into.
I knew the cockpit I was getting into.
I am steering into the flak.
The more I get, the more I know I'm on target.
So I just want everybody to understand that, that I'm in this to win it.
I'm not in this because I'm a narcissist.
I'm not in this because I want a big name for myself.
I am in an absolute war that I know is real.
I've committed my full life to it.
And I feel like I'm not doing a good enough job to fight these tyrants.
I believe in humanity and I'm committed.
And I want to believe in other libertarian talk show hosts.
I want to believe in you.
I want to beat these people.
I want a better world.
I want to uphold my family name.
I want to be honorable.
I want to look at the facts and try to give you the most reasoned, historical, morally-based analysis I can.
And I'm in pure myself.
I'm worldly myself.
I'm not perfect, folks.
I'm not on some high horse.
I'm not here lecturing you.
I know we're on the edge of World War III.
I know the globalists are doing reckless things on every front.
And I think the hand of God, in fact I know, is the only reason we haven't already had a nuclear war or a huge bioweapons release.
And I pray every day that we not totally collapse.
Because history shows elites become arrogant, they become megalomaniacal, and they destroy civilizations.
Before they didn't have thermal nuclear weapons and bioweapons.
I mean the Huns thousands of years ago were catapulting plague-ridden black plague bodies over Chinese fortress walls.
So I guess bioweapons are ancient and aren't new, but I mean more sophisticated ones.
I just want everybody out there to have a good life and to have a chance to be empowered.
I'm not anybody's enemy.
I don't want a war with the occupied federal government, because I know that's part of the plan.
I don't want any cops to be killed, and everybody knows I say that every day.
I'm trying to stop a staged civil war.
And so the response is by the Southern Property Law Center, ADL, Media Matters, CNN, MSNBC, and Glenn Beck, is that I want a bloody civil war and I'm a racist.
And that's because, ladies and gentlemen, they don't like the fact that I know who they are.
They don't like the fact that I see right through their baloney.
Now, do you agree with me that we're on the edge on so many fronts, economic, spiritual, cultural, biological?
That we're not on the edge of a crisis.
We're already going down into the valley.
We're going into the valley of crises.
Into the pit.
We're marching into hell.
And I just want to turn this around.
You know, these government-run churches tell you it's foregone conclusion that everything has been predestined.
Well then, why is so many times in the Bible do the prophets go and tell the people repent and turn back and they do and they get a hundred-year reprieve like none of them?
Or God sent Moses to free the Israelites, I mean, or 1776.
I mean, do we just have to give in to evil and say the world's over and this is the way it is?
I mean, maybe it is, but I don't like people saying we can't do anything.
Or every time someone stands up and says, let's try to be good, everyone says, oh, you can't do that.
There's no such thing.
I'm just one little guy who had dyslexia and a learning disability, he could hardly spell,
Who pretty much by myself built a giant independent media operation that reaches conservatively 15 million people, probably 20 million a week.
I know the power of taking action.
I know the power of good people.
I know the power of free association and what you've done helping us to spread the word and what we've done for you together.
As brothers and sisters in liberty, I don't care what color you are, or where you come from, or what religion.
I want you to have a future.
I want justice.
Cliven Bundy spoke out against blacks killing most of their babies.
In his speech, the full, unedited speech is on InfoWars.
Is he racist?
For using the term Negro, United Negro College Fund, the Negro League.
I mean, for old-timers, folks, that's the term blacks wanted to be known as.
Is he insensitive?
No, he's a fossil.
Pointing out the new slavery of the old, but MSNBC knows for modern yuppies, ignorant, they don't know that.
They play on your ignorance.
Unedited video shows Bundy making pro-black, pro-Mexican comments.
Go read it for yourself.
It actually sounds like Jeb Bush talking about Mexicans.
But it doesn't matter, by the end of the day they'll say he hates Mexicans.
Because they are the real race pimps creating Divide and Conquer.
Is Cliven Bundy an FBI asset?
Al Sharpton is.
Does Cliven Bundy have a bunch of FBI on his staff?
Glenn Beck does.
And I just got done telling you, the FBI, when I said on air, this guy needs to be questioned, they went and questioned the guy that wants the Ebola to be released.
I'm not saying the whole FBI is bad.
In fact, I've known FBI agents growing up.
They've been really, Boy Scout, really good people.
The issue is, they are compartmentalized.
I've had family in the CIA.
Boy Scouts.
You know.
Track stars.
The quarterback.
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A chemical spill contaminating the water supply in nine West Virginia counties.
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We are marching, my friends, towards what all analysts openly say, all analysts I've seen on television or read, across the political spectrum, say could easily lead to thermal nuclear war.
Russian submarines carrying supersonic hydrogen bomb-tipped cruise missiles are now popping up off the coast of the United States, clearly to launch attacks, if given the go-ahead codes, against U.S.
East Coast subbases and aircraft carrier bases.
Russia is openly saying that they are prepared for nuclear war if any of the globalist forces in Ukraine launch attacks on Russian interest.
This is being done, my friends.
So that they can bring Europe into a greater crisis and keep the EU from collapsing and suck tens of trillions more out of taxpayers to inject it into the globalist derivatives crime syndicate.
And Soros has openly said that they need this crisis to bring in a new Marshall Plan.
This is epic, and I want to now go to the current things that are happening, then to the past, and then to the future of the different scenarios that we face, ladies and gentlemen.
This is out of CNBC.
Russia wants to start World War III.
Ukrainian Prime Minister, whose Deputy Prime Minister openly does Hitler salutes and wears swastikas.
Again, this is all over the top.
That's mainstream news.
This is who Obama and the Globalists put in power.
When Ukraine wouldn't vote.
Three and a half months ago to join the EU.
I almost wish they would have!
So this wasn't happening.
Ukraine's always been part of Russia in the East.
Russia's grabbing its gas lines.
The NATO General said yesterday, we are there to cut off their gas to Europe.
To teach Russia a lesson.
That's all Russia's got is its gas money, its oil money.
They're trying to collapse Russia.
They've got all these different groups like Pussy Riot and the rest of them in there trying to foment the overthrow of that government, really trying to push the Russians into confrontation.
And again, I'm not a fan of the Russian leadership, but they're not starting it.
They're not expanding.
They're hanging on by their toenails.
Russia wants to start World War III.
These are the headlines.
CNBC, AP, Ukraine Foreign Minister, ready to fight Russia!
Calls on the West for more troops that are landing in Ukraine and Poland, with special forces and CIA.
Hind helicopters that the Russians gave the Ukrainians, now under Western control, and tanks and armor, burning buildings, smoke, cities being invaded that are Russian enclaves, ethnic enclaves.
And Lavrov said three days ago, on Monday, or on Wednesday, I guess it was, Tuesday, three days ago, it's Friday now, time just flies, that if you keep attacking Russian interests, we'll attack you.
And what did Putin come out and say?
He said Bloomberg, last night, warns of consequences as Ukraine steps up offensive.
Bloomberg, Ukraine steps up offensive.
We told you dozens and dozens of times when this all started in the last few months that they'll go in, they'll take over, then they'll start persecuting the Russian held areas.
The Russian areas will declare independence.
Then the West will call them terrorists, not freedom fighters, when they just called the Western groups freedom fighters.
They will go in with military and attack them, and the Russians will come into the Russian
I think so.
I said Russia will act the same as Georgia.
Said that a month ago.
Now Lavrov said three days ago.
He said we will act just as we did in Georgia.
I watch their press conferences.
And here's the deal about the Russians.
They actually don't lie that much.
They just send the tax police to your house to break your nose if you don't pay.
They don't make stuff up.
Do you understand that?
They didn't make it up with Napoleon or Hitler.
They're not gonna make it up now.
You come up against their borders, they'll attack you.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential forfeiture situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks, I'm being assaulted!
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SAC, this is Crystal Palace.
NORAD has declared DEFCON 3.
Scramble all alert aircraft.
I repeat, scramble all alert aircraft.
The Whopper spends all its time thinking about World War III.
Target selection complete.
Time-on-target sequence complete.
22 Typhoon-class submarines departing Petropavlovsk, turning southbound at North Cap, bearing 095 degrees.
Radar reports two unknown tracks are penetrating the Alaskan Air Defense Zone.
From the front lines of the Information War... Flush the bombers, get the subs in launch mode.
We are at DEFCON 1.
Are you prepared to destroy the enemy?
You bet!
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
We'll keep control, but we'll keep it here at the top where it belongs.
3... 2... 1... Impact!
Shall we play a game?
How about...
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
All units confirm weapons targeted and ready.
Awaiting launch codes.
We are on a launch mode.
Do you really believe that the enemy would attack without provocation?
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We're in!
Russians are still denying everything, sir.
We have Soviet submarine launch detection.
I wish I didn't know about any of this.
I wish I was like everybody else.
Strange end.
The only winning goal is not to play.
Alright folks, we are back.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Continuing with the Russia situation.
It's very simple.
They're openly bringing in U.S.
Special Forces, NATO Special Forces into the area.
They're moving into Russian ethnic areas that are clearly going to become autonomous and want to join Russia.
That's the natural course.
Russia will then be drawn into this and if the West decides to asymmetrically attack the Russians, they will asymmetrically attack it first to test.
Then if major armor or aircraft are brought in against Russian forces,
Or against Russian populations in Eastern Ukraine, Russia will probably attack those forces with nuclear weapons.
That's what Russia says they'll do.
There you are.
Now, I don't know if that's going to happen.
I'd give it a 10% chance.
Maybe 15.
But that's a real possibility right now.
And that's not just me saying it.
Here are the headlines.
Russia wants to start World War III.
Ukrainian Prime Minister, as they started.
Ukraine Foreign Minister ready to fight Russia.
They've been calling for attacks the entire time.
So, that's what's going on here.
Here's another one.
Ukraine helicopter hit by grenade taking off.
A Ukrainian helicopter is crippled by a grenade attack as Kiev warns Moscow is engineering a third world war.
You hear that?
Putin warns of consequences as Ukraine steps up offensive.
Will you guys cue up Lavrov again, please?
Kerry warns Russia of new sanctions.
And then they hit them with new sanctions via S&P, downgrading Russia today.
Russia proposes scorched earth retaliation economically.
Russian spy ship Tug operating near U.S.
Ships near nuclear submarine base at Kings Bay, Georgia.
Those submarines and those Russian intelligence ships guaranteed carry cruise missiles.
That's what they're going to use.
How traders can prepare for worsening Ukraine crisis.
CNBC, yeah, how to make money off World War III.
The image of Mil Mi-8 Russian attack helicopters that the Ukrainians have flying around burning buildings.
I mean, this is out of control and now you're going to have Russian
Cheap-dipped Ukrainian military are going to be attacking those.
And if it doesn't stay a proxy war, all hell is going to break loose.
So that's the bottom line.
And it's important to realize, folks, America isn't America anymore.
America is sieged by the military-industrial complex.
It's self-run by predominantly foreign-offer banks, the same ones that got Obamacare passed, bipartisanly.
You've got a minority of Republican libertarians who are growing, who are sane, who want to fix things, so they're being attacked by the Republican leadership, the Democratic leadership.
You've now got Glenn Beck, if you just joined us, and it's not about him attacking me, it's about a sea change.
He had the Southern Poverty Law Center, White House, Media Matters, Talking Points for anyone else almost two weeks ago saying, sovereign citizen, it's going to get violent, Alex Jones wants violence, now I'm racist, you played the clip last hour, I want violence, you don't want to be with me.
None of that's true.
Our affiliates are calling us multiple, it's freaking out saying, we hear your show, we can't believe you're saying this, we carry him too.
But it doesn't matter.
They're not worried about the general audience.
They want it on record when all hell breaks loose that I'm the reason the Civil War started, not Obama, not Glenn Beck, not the globalists.
And they're going to go after all liberty-based cribs.
He wants to be left standing as the new vestigial leader of what's left of libertarians.
And, you know, I just said here in the office, earlier on air, I said, you know, he brags he's got all these FBI agents that work for him, former FBI, that, you know, he's got all these people.
I've talked to people that worked there years ago about how they watch everything we do, and they're supposed to be us, but then demonize us, and I was told that by high-level people.
I mean, repeatedly, it's not even that big of a deal.
I'd be going into Fox Studios to do another show.
They'd say, Glenn Beck is freaking out, climbing walls.
You can't come on now.
And I'd be like, that's fine.
I'm going over to The View and going over to do, you know, CNN.
I mean, it's not that big of a deal, but, you know, Glenn Beck and his, quote, people don't, you know, don't want you in here.
They're throwing fits.
And, you know, they've got pull in the government.
And I'm like, what do you mean?
And he goes, man, the guy's the government.
Glenn Beck is the government.
And, you know, I could name names, but I'm not going to name names, folks, okay?
And then I was told by someone else, high level, these are people's names you'd know, okay?
About Glenn Beck, and that the FBI is there, a section of it from the Justice Department, and I go, but wait, he's going after Van Jones, he's going after Obama.
They're like, that's all fake.
And the guys are like, Alex, is that really true?
And I said, of course it's true.
Look into him and the FBI.
So they started search engineering.
And guess what they found from the blaze?
Hiding this in plain view.
And again, how do I go from Ukraine to this?
Because it's the whole government is just a bunch of special interests, CIA, NSA, FBI, corporate groups, building their own private kingdoms.
Basically, Glenn Beck is like a private CIA takeover of Clear Channel, is basically what's happening.
And then no one else can make money at Clear Channel, but Glenn Beck, and at Premier, and no one else gets paid money, because all the former executives went over there, and it's all FBI and CIA run, and here they are openly hiding it in plain view.
This is from allaccess.com.
Ten questions for Buck Sexton.
I never even knew who this guy was when I saw him, but I said, that guy is a government agent.
The secure look, the satisfied look, these are kind of coward-like guys that think because they're part of the system and information warfare, they're above the law.
I mean, just look at that guy.
I mean, I've seen that look so many times growing up, going to family reunions with people that were CIA and stuff.
I mean, Dallas is a CIA command base.
That's the reason Vic Lindbeck moved to Dallas.
How do I know all these people?
Because I've grown up around this, folks.
Now, let's continue.
It says, brief career synopsis, CIA, Council on Foreign Relations, TheBlaze.com, Radio Network.
This is Buck Sexton, host, National Security Editor.
This is from the Blaze, bragging about who they're... This is from their bio.
This is them telling you this.
CIA, Council on Foreign Relations, he adds up the radio network.
How did you get into radio, TV, and commentary from the CIA?
How did you make that transition?
See, I was just saying all this, the crew, I don't think, believe me, they went and looked it up.
Six years as an intelligence analyst, I was weeks away from starting my full MBA, probably headed to Wall Street.
They go on, who else helps you run the Blaze?
Betsy Morgan, President and Chief Strategy Officer of the Blaze, formerly CEO of the Huffington Post.
They are the Justice Department.
They are Obama.
And I'll just go ahead, and we're going to put reports together.
Glenn Beck, you want it, buddy?
Maybe I'll name names, son.
You want it?
You're going to get it.
You want it?
You're going to get it.
Because I gave you the benefit of the doubt, and I knew you were after me, and I said, leave me alone.
What, you think the fact that you're Benedict Arnold gonna come out?
You were spouting White House talking points three days before, word for word, it came out of Media Matters.
You got the memo before they did, bud.
We got your ass.
You want more?
We're gonna compile a dossier on all your people now, and we're gonna put it out for folks.
We're gonna realize your little base over there is a CIA-FBI substation.
You understand?
This is what we're talking about.
You want to say I want violent revolution?
You want to say I want to lock you up in jail when that's what you want?
Without a trial?
You want to say I'm a racist?
We're gonna show this is directly out of the Justice Department what's happening.
Right here.
Your people hide this stuff in plain stinking view.
I wonder what Anonymous is gonna do about this.
Are you going to let them bring me down?
I'm for real.
I need the grassroots to come to my aid right now.
I can tell the enemy is rolling the Death Star around and is going to be clear to fire in five minutes.
What are you going to do?
I need you to help me.
I'm for real.
These people want to bring me down.
And if they can bring me down, they can bring you down, they can bring Drudge down, they can bring WorldNetDaily down, they can bring the real liberal media down.
The libertarian Thomas Jefferson media down.
As if he's not going to get hung out to dry later when they fully take over.
If he wasn't always a spook, he was brought in by them in the last four years.
Roger Ailes was an intelligence to set up Fox News.
That's on record.
And they broke away from him to start their own operation.
And the word is, because Roger Ailes is too patriotic and wouldn't work with Obama.
Oh, you want all of it?
I think I'm going to go ahead and load torpedoes.
You know, I am so focused on the New World Order and everything else, but I've got to deal with their attack vessel they've got right in front of me.
I got so much to do around here, but I can go get all the stuff I've already researched, load it up, and I'm gonna... I think I'm gonna do it.
In fact, now that I've announced it, I have to.
I think I'm gonna drop everything on your ass.
And excuse my French, ladies and gentlemen.
You want it, little boy, who thinks he's so tough and sends threatening letters to everybody?
You think a bunch of spooks at your operation scare me?
You think as you surround yourself with a bunch of government people, you're safe from the truth?
I don't work for the CIA or the FBI.
I work for my conscience.
Now, that's the problem with our country, is you've got all these people working in government who want to go take over divisions of the economy and run their own operations, and they don't like the fact that everybody knows I'm for real, who's got a gut,
And who's got instincts and common sense and a track record and they want to destroy me.
With the false flag that's coming very soon that's going to be blamed on the Liberty Movement to kill the Tea Party.
Well, I'm not going to sell out and mediate what I'm saying.
I'm not going to back off.
I want to end abortion.
I want to end open borders.
I want to end the attack on the Second Amendment.
I want liberty.
That's what I want.
Not helicopters, not jets, not lounging around in couches with FBI agents all day.
I'm done.
But here they are, folks, all of them in your face, a nest of globalists spouting Obama lines.
So there you go.
A bunch of guys that think they can play you and your family.
A bunch of guys that think they can create some cult leader that you're gonna follow so they can control and lead the Liberty Movement right into the Judas Goat shoots.
You know what a Judas Goat is?
It's a goat train that doesn't get slaughtered every year, that is the leader of the goats, the leader of the sheep, that leads them into the slaughter.
I am not a Judas Goat.
So there you go.
I mean, the Huffington Post runs.
I mean, and you look into this woman.
I mean, my God, does he have to have Obama as his co-host or something for you to figure this out?
And again, if you're an affiliate or a new listener, I don't infight, I don't talk about anybody in the so-called libertarian or conservative media.
But when they're lying about me, doing things like this, trying to destroy me, the meme needs to go out with people like Glenn Beck who needs Obama.
And why does he have so many Obama people working for him and so many Justice Department people working for him?
And why is he spouting Justice Department lines and propaganda?
Now Hal Turner was an FBI asset and I told you he was, and Anonymous got into his email and you know what happened to him.
I'm going to say a prayer.
God, I recognize that this is a key juncture point that the enemy realizes that we're growing exponentially as they come after us with their operatives.
Please, I've been a humble servant and tried to be the best I can.
And please, please protect us and please help us expose the enemies within, foreign and domestic.
And please allow me to continue on in my work so that I can do a better job and continue to wake others up.
Or if it is your will that they destroy me,
Please let it be an edifying message to all, so that we can learn from it, and in the end, defeat these enemies within.
These Benedict Arnolds.
In the name of your son, Jesus Christ, Amen.
And I just ask you all to pray for this broadcast, and to pray that all be revealed, and that all the veils be torn back,
From the would-be religious cult leader that is the CIA frontman, the FBI frontman, the Justice Department Obama frontman that is Glenn Beck.
And I just pray that that happens.
And if it's God's will, it will.
He likes to invoke God all day.
When I invoke God, I do it very humbly in God's presence.
And I pray
That all of you will pray with me that justice be brought against MSNBC, Obama, Eric Holder, Glenn Beck, and the rest of these people.
He's now using the race card.
Edits Bundy praised black folks and Hispanics and said they're good hard-working people that pay their taxes and that it's a new form of slavery.
We have the full video on Infowars and they knew this was all coming out and they put this out.
Now they claim that we were involved, that we're racist, and that we want violent overthrow of America so that when the staged attack comes, we'll be blamed.
I am not going to be part of this, and Joseph Farah is going to be joining us to talk about the real attacks on the media and the government documents that have come out, and I'm going to cover that in the next segment.
Very briefly, I've done almost two hours here and have not plugged any sponsors or anything, like other talks I host through every segment.
We're funded by you.
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But most importantly, pray for us.
Because I don't get scared seeing all this, but I get scared that I haven't done enough, I haven't been pure enough, I haven't worked hard enough while the sun still shined, and I think the sun's starting to set on everything, and I just am really upset about what's coming.
But in the end, the wicked will be punished, and will be judged, and my conscience is clean, I know my heart's right with God.
So I'm ready to take my licks.
This is bigger than Glenn Beck.
The fact that they're doing this shows they're getting ready to move against us.
So pray for us.
We'll be right back.
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Before you slip into unconsciousness, I'd like to have another kiss.
I've always told you when the globalists get ready to drop the hammer here domestically, their operatives in the Liberty Movement are going to activate and show who they are.
And say, do what the government says, go along with the takeover.
This will be extremely destructive.
All the things Beck's been doing.
If you look at the comments on his website, they're like 90 plus percent negative.
People are deserting him in droves.
But it's just like MSNBC.
They don't care if it kills their ratings.
It's a mission.
They've been ordered to do it.
So he's, you know, Bundy's a racist, a horrible person, out of context.
Alex Jones is a racist.
Alex Jones wants violence.
It doesn't matter if it's not true.
They have to do it.
And the fact that he would do it at this point means that they intend to drop the hammer on the Liberty Movement very, very soon.
And if we go along with this and are cowards and change what we're saying so they'll be nice to us, they win.
They know we've got the power.
They want to intimidate us just because they've got FBI or CIA in front of their name.
I happen to know a lot of people in the government that are liberty lovers and don't like what's happening.
And so it doesn't matter, but you're not magic and have magic powers.
It's like at Bilderberg covering Hillary and Obama there in 2008.
In my film, The Obama Deception, the prostitute media wouldn't cover it.
The drive-by media wouldn't cover it.
The lapdog media wouldn't cover it.
We were calling them, saying they're here, they're here.
Secret Service would like take MP5s out and aim them at us.
They'd have State Department security marines flipping us off and threatening us.
And they were doing it under orders.
Later I had some of them apologize to me.
But it was just like little kids talking in their sleeve.
I can wear a black suit and a black tie if I want to.
I mean, just because you've got some alphabet agency in front of your name, it's like saying you work for Coca-Cola.
I mean, there are so many CIA people and defense intelligence people in Dallas, it'll make your head spin.
I grew up there.
And it's just so disgusting to know every move these people are going to make and then to see them make the move.
But the reason they make moves that look stupid if you're awake is they're targeting a dumbed-down public.
They're counting on you not being informed.
Why would they say there's no bullets being bought or armored vehicles?
Why would they say there's not a police state being set up when it is?
Why would they say there's no drones?
Why would they say there's no $5,000 fee on small businesses on each employee if you don't get Obamacare or cut them down to 30 hours?
Or less.
And that's in the law, it's happening.
Why do they say it's not true?
Because they think you're that dumb.
So they tell you, I want to kill cops.
They'll probably take that out and play that clip.
They tell you Alex Jones wants war.
Alex Jones wants civil war.
When I say every day, I don't want civil war, it turns into, he wants civil war.
Well play the clip then, where I want civil war.
I'm so tired of the betrayal and the treason.
I'm so tired of the dishonor.
I want to think more of people.
I want to believe that everything I was told about people wasn't true, even though it's been proven to be right.
There's no FEMA camps.
Ron Paul has a thing called a money bomb to blow up the government.
He said that when the first... It's like... Money bombs have been going on for six months back when he said that six, seven years ago.
The army needs to be used against these people.
That was the Southern Poverty Law Center Media Matters line then.
I kept saying these are government lines.
These are hardcore inside lines first, not later.
He doesn't repeat the lines later.
He progenerates.
He gives birth.
He coins them.
He gets the memo first, folks.
And I say he works for Obama.
It's above that.
And then I think about, how did I get into such a hardcore game?
How am I some guy from Dallas, Texas, in the middle of this, ladies and gentlemen?
There's no secret room telling me what to do.
I don't have any advisors.
I'm just here, real, going up against these people.
That's why I need your prayers.
Because these are wicked, wicked people, folks.
And I can tell you, they're moving against America, not just me, right now.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones, on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Joseph Farah was on the White House enemies list by 1993 and targeted, in fact you guys pulled me the document.
I know we printed it the other day.
I want to show that on air.
I'll just show the news articles and print me all the articles from Breitbart and the rest of it about targeting the media that ties into that.
But pull me the document right now.
I need it as soon as Farah comes on.
It's linked in the Breitbart article.
This is really, again, a Rosetta Stone document, because it says, we will tell the controlled media to call everyone that disagrees with this conspiracy theorist.
This is how we'll shut down information and stop the public from learning what we're doing.
It's a 300-page document, only, I think, 29, 30 pages.
Counting the cover sheet came out.
And it just, it's everything you see MSNBC do, you see Media Matters do.
People say, why do you give Media Matters attention?
They don't have much traffic.
It is the White House
It's Obama.
So when they talk, it's the Democratic Party and the Clintons.
And it's everything they do and say now from that original memo 1993.
1994, there's another one.
And so, you know, this is people actually fighting the tyranny versus those that pose as liberty lovers.
And I don't usually... Farrah agreed to come on today on the phone and talk about this.
He's in studio next Monday.
He's here separately shooting film.
By the way, I told the folks making the film, if they want to use our new studio, it's got all the maps on the wall and stuff, we haven't shown it yet.
If they want to use that studio in there before he's on with us, they're welcome to.
And then they said yes, they want to use it, so maybe have Nico call them.
Call the filmmakers, because I don't want to bug Farrah.
And have them use that.
And I've been to Farah's offices in Virginia, and it's not a government operation.
It's a real journalist, and they're doing real research, asking real questions.
But then you look at other operations, you can tell when they're basically government operations, and when they're spouting White House propaganda.
And I just don't know why it didn't ever fully click until today, looking at all the pieces, that it was worse than I thought.
It's beyond being an opportunist when we speak about Becky Pooh.
I'm being shut up, we're all being shut up.
They're getting ready to drop the hammer.
The guns, your kids, they're going to take everything.
And he wants to survive that, so he's joined with Sauron.
We must join with Sauron.
Well, no, I don't think we're going to be doing that.
And it'll all come out in the wash.
If good men do the right thing, good women do the right thing, evil will not triumph.
I know that.
And we're given providence.
We're given discernment to be able to defeat the enemy.
No weapon formed against us will prosper unless it's part of God's plan.
So God's in control.
I'm not worried about it.
It's just very sickening to see all of this going on.
But the headline in Breitbart was, three years before Drudge changed the internet media landscape, you know, White House was worried about internet, was basically the headline.
I need that one too.
So, continuing, we are going to
Read this headline out of the Statesman Journal.
That is a nightmare.
Supreme Court.
State can immunize children in its custody.
So now, when they CPS your kids, they're not just going to put them on four or five or six or seven psychotropics.
They're now going to shoot them up with the hundred plus shots that government wants your kids to have.
And when they have convulsions and stuff, it'll be no big deal.
We'll just blame the parents.
The Department of Human Services can order children in its custody to immunize, even if the child is temporarily in custody, and even if the parents object to immunizations on principle, according to an Oregon Supreme Court ruling issued Thursday.
Yeah, what's MSNBC say?
Your kids belong to the state.
That is an unbelievable, unbelievable, off-the-charts headline, ladies and gentlemen.
And so we're going to be breaking
All of that down.
And we're going to be dovetailing the attempt to censor the internet and free speech back in 1993-94 against the Western Journalism Center, targeted by the White House, and how they understand the real media operates versus the fake media, with the attempts to shut down the internet freedom as we know it today.
So a 30-minute interview with Joseph Ferris straight ahead, then he's in studio for a full hour next week.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I want to talk about the open discussion of World War III in Ukraine as the street battles now turn into full-on combat battles with tanks and helicopters with Joseph Farah.
We're going to, also after he leaves us at the bottom of the hour, open the phones up
But I cannot build up our next guest enough, ladies and gentlemen.
He really is the progenitor of what you can call the true alternative media that has become the new dominant media by all metrics.
MSNBC has a half million viewers average show.
We have conservatively three million.
That just gives you an example.
We have millions of visitors a day.
World Net Daily has millions of visitors a day.
Drudge has 15 million a day.
But they call themselves the authority at MSNBC and CNN when their audiences go down by about a quarter every year.
How are they going to counter us?
Well, here is the New York Times.
FCC and SHIFT backs fast lanes for web traffic.
That means the end of net neutrality, shutting down the old web, only letting you get establishment news.
That's internet too.
proposes pay
Four priority internet standards.
What did the Boston Herald come out yesterday and say?
That there's a total takeover with this new office in the federal government to quote, look for hate crimes in media.
They called it chilling and shocking.
AFP, goodbye, net neutrality, FCC's new internet rules, create incentives for discrimination.
AFP, propose U.S.
rules, leave open internet, fast lane.
See, that's how they're spinning it.
Okay, now.
This attack on free speech is happening because the old dinosaur media, the state-run media, is in free fall.
We have a perfect storm of state-run media and government wanting to control information.
The Pentagon announced last year that because of the Drudge Report and other alternative media, they can't lie anymore.
Remember that press conference by the Undersecretary of Defense?
We played it here on air.
Headline was, Pentagon says they can't lie anymore because of Drudge.
Very important article, it was a cover article in our magazine.
Now, only got him to the bottom of the hour, maybe a little bit longer, but I wanted to build up the backdrop of Chinese-style net censorship that's now being announced.
They're coming.
The crooks that have taken over the special interest and their minions, the socialist, progressive social engineers who will carry out any form of evil because they want control of our lives.
They're announcing in Oregon they'll inoculate your kids without permission today.
Their Supreme Court just ruled that.
It's all happening.
And you're going to have a lot of conservatives and libertarians that get scared by this now, when they try to use Homeland Security against the Liberty Movement, as they're now announcing, will join with the system.
Not Joseph Farah.
1995 was also one of 93 memo.
Clinton administration feared Internet's ability to democratize news three years before a drudge bombshell.
That's an article out of Breitbart.
Released Clinton files on media enemies, WND.com.
Learn what Hillary meant by vast right-wing conspiracy.
Let's move on.
I already covered this days ago, so I'm going to paraphrase it, but go read the memo.
It says, the new media is here, we've got to control info, we can't let the public have access, these are quotes, to free information, we've got to have the media call anyone that questions us conspiracy theorists, and any media that's not the Washington Post or New York Times is a conspiracy theory.
Conspiracy theory, Monica Lewinsky.
Conspiracy theory, uh, that they ship guns into Mexico to blame the Second Amendment.
All confirmed.
Conspiracy theory, they stood down in Benghazi.
And who is enemy number one in here?
Joseph Farah, Western Journalism Center.
They founded WorldNetDaily that year.
And they go back to talking about him in 93 and how they were exposing the Vince Foster thing and other things and how they had to be targeted.
So this shows the power of the real media.
Now what must they be doing?
He'll be in studio with us next week to talk more about this.
He's coming to town for filmmaking in a separate film.
But Joseph Farah, who literally has gone through everything.
The audits, the harassment, the death threats, the drone over his house in the Virginia countryside.
The all sorts of dirty tricks.
That's how you know somebody's real.
And I'm not lionizing him, just understand he's real.
And he said before, he said, oh vote for anybody but McCain or Obama, none of the above.
He wrote a best-selling book about it.
He said, I was wrong during the election.
He said, if Obama gets in, they're coming after everyone.
Now they're announcing, if you're a libertarian, you're a terrorist.
If you're a veteran, you're a terrorist.
And they've got mainline conservatives agreeing with it now because they've been told, the hammer's dropping, you better get with the right side.
If we stand against them, they implode.
I'm going to give you the floor here, so don't pause or I'll perseverate.
Joseph Farah, WND.com.
We've got to all stick together or hang separate.
As you've been saying, as I've been saying,
What the control left is good at, but when people fully flip to Benedict Arnold, we have no other choice but to defend ourselves, like I did last hour, which I hated doing, folks.
It's really sad to see this, and I'm not going to get into it with you, but break down what these memos mean, how big a deal it is, and where we're going from here and what your gut tells you, Joseph Farah.
Well, I hate to interrupt you, Alex, because I never got a build-up like that from anybody, so I appreciate it very much.
But, you know, one of the interesting things about this report, this communication stream of conspiracy commerce that you were referencing, and it illustrates how, you know, you've outlined the problem we're facing right now beautifully.
I mean, they are coming after us.
They are intending to dismantle the communications
We're good to go.
Before there was a Drudge, before there was a World Bad Daily, before there was InfoWars, we were working in newsletters back then, okay?
Printed newsletters.
And we had the Clinton administration so upset and so worried because the internet had just been invented.
Maybe there were a million people.
Total, around the world on the internet back then, and they were already panicked.
Hillary Clinton was already talking about the fact that, oh my gosh, there are no gatekeepers.
That's the term she used.
There are no gatekeepers on the internet.
And that's what they want, okay?
That's who the big media are.
And by the way, just to interrupt, if you're a new listener, this is not our opinion or a conspiracy theory like Hillary puts in your mind.
This is a denial button people can push.
They release this on the Clinton
Yeah, by the way, they released only part of it.
I'm on my desk, as I'm talking to you right now, I have a 331-page report.
Wait a minute, you got the secret one?
They only released 30 pages.
Oh yeah, yeah, no, I have the whole thing.
In fact, we're trying to figure out how to
Republish it.
The problem with that is, there are so many news articles and things like that in this report, we gotta go and get reprint permission.
You know, I think it's fair use because it's a government document that's attacking free speech.
Yeah, tell my lawyers.
Give it to me, I'll publish it right now.
Alex, you know how it is.
I mean, the laws are there to protect some people, not all the people.
And, you know, if I do something and you do something that Media Matters does, suddenly there's a new standard.
Well, yeah, they show exhibits of news articles they want shut down.
The answer is black out 90% of each news article and then release it.
That should satisfy the lawyers.
So, you know, the point I'm trying to make here is that they knew what the Internet meant for them.
And they were conspiring like the Soviet Union to kill it in its crib.
That's right.
To give you another illustration, we founded World Net Daily in 1997, May of 1997.
At that time,
MSNBC.com was far and away the biggest website of any kind in the world.
Okay, I remember looking at that and I remember saying to myself and my wife, I didn't tell anybody publicly, but I said, we're going to pass those guys someday.
And within a couple of years, if that, MSNBC imploded, and rightfully so because of the direction they took, which was, you know, forget about reporting the news, you know, let's indoctrinate the public into a statist mentality, virtually a Stalinist mentality, if you want to, you know, get more specific here, and look at the ratings.
This is a combination of Microsoft,
And NBC, two gigantic, you know, multinational corporations, and look what they've done.
They start with the number one website in the world, and look at where they've gone now.
They're down hundreds and hundreds of positions over that time.
So, you know, what you're saying is exactly right, but I want people to understand, you know, this has been going on for a long time.
And by the way, you know, when we first started WND, you know, I realized, oh my gosh, these people are coming after us, right?
But we're still here, what is it, you know, 17 years?
But do you agree now that the ultimate counterattack, like we're the Battle of the Bulls, we're the Allies, and the Nazis are about to launch their main assault?
Oh yeah, we haven't seen anything like this before.
I mean, the forces are converging on us in such a symmetrical pattern.
They've been planning this, you know, and we've fought them back, there's been setbacks in their plans over the years, but they never give up!
That's the thing about the left.
The Stalinists left, they're in this for the long haul.
And you might win a battle here and there, but they just keep coming.
And that's what we gotta be prepared for all the time.
We gotta continue that way too.
And we have to unite!
Harry Reid said something, I thought, with regard to this Bundy situation in Las Vegas that was very revealing yesterday.
I don't know if you caught it.
He said, what we need to go up against this little
You know, rancher in Nevada is we need a united front.
You know that terminology, right?
They're unified in their will to take over this country.
That's why I've tried to be unified as well.
But what do you do when our supposed own allies turn against us?
Yeah, but I'd like all your listeners to do right now is go Google the term United Front and see what that means.
Those are code words!
Okay, he's telling the goose-stepping troops out there that this is a battle that we have to win against Cliven Bundy!
You know, and the key was that New York Times article where they labeled him unfairly, unjustly, as a racist, took his words out of context, because that's how they get us.
Okay, that's how they step, that's how they make sure Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck are not going to support Clive and Bundy.
That's right.
They're not going to oppose it when they steamroll over Liberty proponents like Clive and Bundy.
And that's how all hell breaks loose.
And by the way, I want to just back you up.
Let's put up the definition of the United Front.
That's a V.I.
Lenin coin term used by the Bolsheviks in 1917, 1918.
We'll put it back on screen for TV viewers.
Yeah, it's not a coincidence.
He didn't pull that term out of thin air.
That has to be ingrained in you.
You know, I used to be one of them.
I used to be, you know, a young kid, but a commie.
I knew all of this terminology.
I knew what this was about.
And, you know, it helps to have that kind of historical perspective when we look at what's going on today.
Meanwhile, it's a bunch of rich insiders using communism as a way to enslave us while they exempt themselves from all the taxes.
But people are pointing out how Harry Reid's getting so rich off of all the different things he's running.
And so what you're saying is a lot of these so-called conservatives get intimidated by what they see happening and then they let the left dictate things to them.
I think that's part of it.
But also, I think it's the fact that they know that there's going to be staged events in this country, like Oklahoma City, that are going to be blamed on the Liberty Movement.
And we just have to be ready for that.
I mean, these people are not going to stop.
We have to expose Joseph Farah, just how evil they are.
So that when they do stuff, people understand that this is a criminal group.
And I was ignorant until just the last seven, eight years myself.
I thought it was more of a corruption and a corporate New World Order and the rest of it.
But now I really realize the left, socialist, communist are the core of the political ideology that dominates this.
And there may be big banks and things funding it because they'll politically take over.
But at the end of the day, my enemy really is the grassroots collectivist that hates my guts.
Yeah, and don't, you know, you're still absolutely right about the New World Order and all those things as well.
That's a reality.
And ultimately, that's their goal.
But, you know, they try to put it in terms that appeal to the average person.
So they attack racism.
Do you think they really care about that Cliven Bundy's a racist?
I mean, would it be news if he were?
No, the point is to not smear Cliven Bundy.
They really care about him.
What they care about are the people who might line up in support of him.
They want to make sure that Rand Paul has to think twice about standing up for Cliven Bundy.
That Glenn Beck has to do that.
That Sean Hannity.
That's what worries them when Alex Jones and Farah and Drudge and all these people out there who have some platform.
Uh, actually say, wait a minute, why are you mobilizing this military campaign against this rancher from Nevada?
And so what they do is, if there's one degree of separation between you and Clive and Bundy, Sunday, you're on the defensive about standing up and saying, hey, what are you guys doing with 200 armed troops in the middle of nowhere?
Well, let's expand on that.
We have the full video at InfoWars.com.
Unedited video shows Bundy making pro-black, pro-Mexican comments and basically saying what I knew he was going to say when I called him yesterday.
That no, they left one form of slavery for another, but he's saying it sarcastically to get people to talk about it, because he's a straight shooter, and then they spin the whole deal, and again, as if the only thing that matters, even if he was a quote racist, they want to paint all property rights, or anybody standing up against Tiananmen Square style oppression, as a racist.
Why don't we just say the tank man from Tiananmen Square, just say, I heard he was a racist, so let's run him over with a tank.
That is in essence what they are saying.
A perfect analogy.
And we have to realize, wait a minute, we're being manipulated here!
But they're trying to take the focus off of what the government is doing to this guy as if they were going after him because he was a racist, you know?
I mean, come on!
And so, you know, what they want to do is they want to plant this seed of doubt.
Wait a minute, should I really be getting involved with this?
That's what Harry Reid wants.
They want to set the Overton window.
They want to set the parameters of debate where only what MSNBC says or CNN says with White House talking points is the acceptable political discussion.
They want to demonize him ahead of going after him and then stamp everyone else with the Cliven Bundy seal.
When they go after the next person.
The reason it's such a big deal though, these 95 Clinton memos, is that it shows the authoritarian nature of how they wanted to shut you guys down and not let you be known, that they were so threatened by not controlling everything.
I mean, this sounds like something the Soviets would come up with.
Yeah, it really was, and it continues today.
The only difference is that from back then, we got this paper trail.
We don't have the paper trail yet.
That's what they're trying to hide, for instance, with the abuse of the IRS.
Which is something really extraordinary now.
And it's funny to me because at this point, you know, the media sort of backed off this thing, even though there's been this email chain that's been leaked out in the congressional investigation, which virtually is the paper trail that shows, wait a minute, this wasn't just some rogue agents, you know, in Cincinnati who were doing this.
This was coming from the top!
And we've got more on that on WND today.
But you know, sometimes you have to bring this home, personalize it a little bit.
Do you know who Gary Aldrich is?
Okay, you know what?
He's the head of the Patrick Henry Center.
Been around for a long time.
He's a former FBI agent in the White House.
He's the guy that saw them with crack pipes and Mal and Lennon on the Christmas tree.
I've interviewed him.
That's right.
And he's got the Patrick Henry Center for Individual Freedom.
Been operating for like 15 years or something.
You know, they took his tax-exempt status away.
And listen to the rationale here that the IRS says this is the reason.
Repeated statements supporting or opposing various candidates by expressing its opinion of the respective candidate's character and qualifications.
Now here's a 501c3 organization.
By the way, the specifics they cite was a 2004 column
By Gary Aldrich, that was unflattering toward John Kerry, and another one, a fundraising letter, where he criticized Hillary in 2005.
For those that don't know, folks, with this tax exemption, they buy off speech, saying you can't ever have a view, you can't have an anti-abortion group that criticizes a pro-abortion politician.
That's asinine.
And so the answer is, people need to support liberty organizations.
We don't take your money at gunpoint like MSNBC with stimulus money or NPR.
We don't take it like Obama doesn't use it against you.
We need you to buy our books, our videos, our products to literally fund us while we're under hellish attack.
It really comes down to that, folks.
We are the tip of the spear.
WorldNetDaily, InfoWars, Drudge.
Let's list some other people.
Patrick Henry Center.
Who are some of the others people should support, Joseph?
Well, the Western Journalism Center, which I founded, you know, way back before WND is still around, under new leadership.
Floyd Brown, who, by the way, you'll find his fingerprints all over this communications stream of conspiracy commerce, too, because of the things he was doing back then.
And what was it?
What were we doing back then?
We were trying to find out the truth about the corruption in federal government and the Clinton administration.
That was our sin.
That was what, you know, put us in the spotlight.
That's what put us under the microscope.
You'd run some of the biggest newspapers in the country, and how dare you try to bring back old-fashioned journalism?
No, they say, they say in there, oh my gosh, he's investigating Vince Foster.
This is, they should be an FBI investigation of this memo.
It looks like a criminal, uh, racketeering meeting.
You know, the federal government itself conducted three investigations of Vincent Foster as a result of what we had raised.
I don't think they ever got to the bottom of it, but the point is, if there wasn't anything worth investigating, why did they have three separate investigations of his death?
So, you know, I mean, it's absolutely crazy.
History is repeating itself right now.
You know, the advantage to being as old as I am is there's nothing new under the sun.
We just keep seeing the same tactics wheeled out time and time again.
I know you got to go, but I want to do three minutes on the other side, because I've got one big question for you, and I'm going to ask it now, Joseph Farah.
We're going to go to break, and I want you to come back and answer it.
Myself, you, people that have been in this a long time, you longer than I, we get so used to the evil, we almost become acclimated, staring into the abyss, as Nietzsche said.
The danger is not realizing how epic what you've done is, or what Drudge has done, how epic what InfoWars has done, and that we really are the only ones standing up against this pure evil.
This is David against Goliath, and people need to energize us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Alex Jones here back live.
A few more minutes with our guests and I'm gonna give the number out and take your calls on the Russia situation.
Which is off the charts.
I'll be back this Sunday, Lord willing, 4 to 6 p.m.
live with the Sunday transmission.
There's a clip from Conan the Barbarian written by Oliver Stone.
The second one's really cheesy, the first one's really good.
Where Tholse of Doom is going around doing all these bad things and a local king, played by Max von Sydow, calls in Conan and he says, there comes a time in your life you don't care about money, you don't care about power anymore, all you care about is justice and the future of your children.
Here's everything I've got, just go kill Tholse of Doom.
And my whole life, I didn't like bullies.
I'm not some hero, folks, but I mean, I grew up going to public school and watched, you know, my sixth grade, kids three years older than I was beating up kids, and I'd stand up for them, and I got beat up a lot, but then I learned how to fight back, and just from, you know, just sheer attrition.
And, I mean, I take it personal they say my kids belong to them on MSNBC.
And they say they're coming with forced inoculations in the news today.
I take it personal they're setting up world government.
I take it personal they want to teach kids 2 plus 2 equals 5.
That's evil!
That's all I want!
I'd do anything to not have the mainline neocons attack me.
I'd do anything to not have the MSNBC people be so evil and lie to their viewers.
And Al Sharpton, the FBI operative.
But notice there's good FBI guys exposing evil, there's bad ones.
It's all good and bad, good and evil.
And Joseph Farah, in the final equation, I was talking to her in the break and I realized this lately, the problem with Ron Paul, the problem with WorldNetDaily, Matt Drudge, Infowars, WorldNetDaily, any of us is, we're not narcissists.
We really do want to fight the evil.
We're not perfect, but we really want justice and a future.
That's what matters.
We're really creeped out and freaked out by it.
I know you are.
I've met you in person.
But then we never point out how big we are, or how epic it is, or that we are literally up against this evil takeover.
I get chills.
I can't believe I'm in this position.
My show's unlistenable half the time.
I mean, literally, it's like, why me?
And I know you probably, do you ever think that?
But at the same time, we just gotta be honest with listeners and say, listen, we're in the ring, ladies and gentlemen, with some evil.
You better financially support us and spread the word about us, because as Jim Garrison said in the JFK investigation, why was he still alive when 200 were killed?
He said, because I stay in the spotlight.
What is your comment on that?
And I mean, how epic this is?
I mean, when I'm saying these things to you, I want the audience to know how real this is.
Do you disagree with what I'm saying, or are you getting chills like I am?
I'm getting chills.
I'm getting chills.
And here, you know, look, you know, I don't want to talk about, you know, my character.
My motivations are the same as yours.
Do I want to get rich and get out and live in a castle and isolate myself as the world goes down the tubes?
I've had that opportunity, Alex.
I've had that opportunity and said no to it.
What I want to do is I want to save this country.
I want to promote liberty.
I want to get us back to the principles that
You know, where this country was founded upon.
That's real.
That's what I want to do.
And, you know, I guess I'll never be able to retire.
I guess I'll never be able to sit back and just, you know, take it easy and enjoy the fruits of all the hard labor that I've put in.
I'm not whining here.
I'm telling you, and I know that you share these motivations with me.
You can tell who does and who doesn't very easily.
I won't go into the criteria you used.
But, look, why do I come on the air and stand up for Gary Oldridge, who right now, you know, it looks to me like conservatives out there are running as far away from this guy because he lost his tax exemption.
Or Dinesh D'Souza, you stood.
None of them stand up for D'Souza.
It's the same thing.
They want to pick us off one at a time, Alec.
That's the way they operate.
That's the way the Stalinists left
That's why they use the IRS to go after people.
The most feared agency that can stop... Everyone should stand up and say, try to audit me, instead of like we're gazelles and a lion just grabbed Gary Aldrich, so we just let him eat him.
I mean, you know, I've known Gary Aldrich a long time.
He's not like a buddy I go out to dinner with, but when I see him under attack,
I say, well, that could just as easily be me.
And that could just as easily be, you know, Alex Jones or Matt Drudge.
If they want to get you, they can get you.
And that's what they know and that we need to understand.
And what we want to do is we want to level the playing field.
You know, they talk about equality.
That's what we want.
We want to be treated the same, equally.
Not to have different standards for left-wingers and right-wingers.
And if we collapse in fear now, which you've not done and others haven't done, they get everybody.
Don't folks get, when you give in to evil and bullies and tyrants, then they get everyone?
You get prosperity by standing against them.
A nation of sheep will be ruled by wolves.
Thomas Jefferson, I can't wait to have you in studio.
Next week, Joseph Farah, final mini-question.
I know you've got another meeting to go to.
What does your gut tell you?
My gut tells me, and also the political evidence shows, if they were scared of you 20 years ago, and now look what we've done.
It's a battle.
We're holding them back on so many fronts.
We're getting ready to beat them, not by tyranny, but by sheer cultural truth.
We have our own cultural revolution against their maliced one.
They know we're beating them.
That's why they're coming in with the Empire Strikes Back endgame.
So we've got to have maximum courage, maximum honor, and let the audience know, like the Alamo falling, that defeat became the big victory for Texas.
Just like a lot of defeats for George Washington became victories because they persevered.
We've got to have folks ready to know
That we're in the game big time, and we're starting to win, that's why they're doing this.
Do you agree with that statement?
Totally agree.
Couldn't agree more.
And Alex, you know, for a long time, when I started World Net Oil, for years, I thought to myself, you know, I wonder why nobody else is doing this.
I wonder why nobody else is saying, hey, we're having a modest degree of success here.
Why isn't anybody joining the Prick?
Finally, after, you know, many years, there have been InfoWars, there's the Breitbart, there's the Daily Callers, you know, Glenn Beck, you know, now we have some other folks out there joining us.
And we've got to make sure that we don't split hairs with them.
The other side wants to have a united front.
Where's our united front?
I totally agree.
We talk about this every time on the phone or on air, and Savage is doing that.
Good for him.
I mean, the attacks, and I'm not going to bring it up, it's just Beck saying that, quote, I want a violent revolution and a civil war, when I say the opposite, that I'm a racist covering up for Bundy.
I mean, maybe you're right.
Maybe he's just doing it out of fear, but it doesn't matter.
I'm being thrown under the bus here, and it's very creepy, and I'm just glad that you're an honorable person, Joseph Farah.
Look forward to seeing you next week, and I'm glad you're not a coward.
All right, man.
God bless.
Thank you.
There goes Joseph Farah of WND.com.
We already had him coming on about these Clinton files.
You know, target him, destroy him, bring him down.
And, you know, it's come out a few years ago that I'm on the enemy's list.
And, man, they've done stuff to me I'm not even going to get into.
It's just like, you two back.
It's like Caesar with Brutus.
You two?
You two?
I mean, I don't deserve this.
And I expect it from Rachel Maddow.
You know?
And I'm sick of it!
I mean, these people are evil!
Evil, evil!
We cannot compromise with them.
We cannot negotiate with them.
Because it's all done in bad faith.
And the mainline liberals out there are good people.
I'm not saying go follow George Bush and Dick Cheney.
I'm saying the Democratic Party right now with Obama is taking over everything and trying to end the Republican Party.
If the Democratic Party
Was being extincted, I would be against it.
We need three parties, four parties, not one.
If Bush would have had his Justice Department arrest Michael Moore, even though I don't like Moore, who's anti-gun, I would have run around like a chicken with my head cut off, like I did with Dinesh D'Souza.
When the left is persecuted, I stand up against it.
Because I'm not about left and right, folks.
I'm about Constitution, common sense.
And because I'm real, organically, and the system knows I'm real, they got everything tapped, they are scared of me.
Look, man, I'm just scared you guys are going to win and destroy everything.
I don't want to fight with the New World Order.
I've got to fight you, though, because I cannot join with evil.
I physically can't do it.
I physically
When somebody's choking, I go help them.
We got a report we're going to go into overdrive and play that hadn't even aired on the Nightly News yet, where John Bowne saw a naked guy running down the road on his Prozac or whatever and helped him.
People thought that was weird.
They tried to help him.
He saw a lady's car on fire.
She was standing right next to it.
He pulled over and said, get away from your car.
People called him a control freak.
It's the new virtues caring about nobody.
Well, I don't want to live in a family like that.
I don't want to be around people like that.
I don't understand all this.
I don't understand dishonorable people.
I saw a video in New York with a bunch of black folks on a bus.
I'm about to do a piece on it.
My buddy Pat sent it to me.
It's on my phone, guys.
I want you to get it.
And this thug is starting to harass two old black people on canes, a man and his wife in suits and a nice dress, on the bus.
And this big, big guy is like threatening them for no reason.
And then a little black guy gets up, and he's about two-thirds the guy's side, and it looks like he's about 45 years old, and beats up this young thug.
As soon as he pushes the old man, this guy gets up and goes up and beats him up.
And I just love that video.
Not the beating up part, but how just the good guy absolutely stomps that thug's butt into the ground.
And that's the spirit that's going to save our society.
Because if I see somebody pushing an old man for no reason, I'm going to stomp their head in the ground.
And when I'm in the right, nobody can, it's very hard to beat me.
And it's the same thing for you out there who are good.
You see somebody, I don't want to get in a fight, but I see somebody trying to beat up an old man or an old lady, every punch I throw is going to knock your teeth out and break your nose.
Because I'm in the right.
The few fights I wasn't 100% in the right, I couldn't even fight.
And got my butt kicked.
But every time I was in the right, I was unstoppable.
And I'm not going to get into stories, but it's pretty off the chart.
And that's what I'm telling you folks, what the founder of the Texas Rangers said.
No man, no man who's wrong can stand up against a man who's in the right who keeps on coming.
And I'm going to keep on coming to the end.
I'm not going to stop ever.
You've got my commitment.
I am never backing down.
I am committed.
I cannot stop.
I'm going into this thing.
No matter what happens to my family, no matter what happens to me, no matter what happens, I'm never selling out.
I'm never giving in.
I'm never backing down.
Because these people we're facing are the ultimate evil.
Let's go to this clip I was talking about with Max von Sydow from Conan the Barbarian.
Here it is.
When the jewels cease to sparkle.
When the gold loses its luster.
When the throne room becomes a prison.
And all that is left is a father's love for his child.
And that's the short clip.
It builds up there where he's talking about, you know, is there a dagger such as this for me?
I mean, it's just the betrayal, the culture of scum, the culture of weasels.
I mean, get me away from this!
That's what it comes down to.
The big, epic battle is here, ladies and gentlemen.
And again, I'll say it, as a listener of this broadcast that spreads the word, that's supportive, that's involved, we influence Congress.
That's all over the news.
They're totally freaked out.
They call it the Alex Jonesification.
They're like, oh, you're discredited if you're with him, because they know, folks, it's a black arrow what's on this show to the New World Order, to smog.
The spirit of this broadcast and what we do here
Not fearlessness, but a desire to engage the enemy.
A desire to never back down.
And it's a train wreck a lot of days, folks, but it's real.
The enemy knows it's real.
The spirit of this transmission, if duplicated, if transferred like fire, will burn down the New World Order.
And restore the Republic.
We've got John Bowne's report actually coming up in the next segment.
With the naked guy running down the road, we'll premiere it here.
In Austin on, it turned out he was on meds.
You go off your serotonin reuptake inhibitors, this is what you do.
Luckily he just ran around naked, he didn't, you know, hurt anybody.
Uh, I haven't seen this video, I saw it raw, I hope he's blurred this out.
Oh, okay, alright.
It's done tastefully, okay good, cause I, he was running around, I was laughing around.
Anyways, the whole point is that, um,
I heard what Ferris said, man.
I want to see Spain.
I want to see Greece.
I want to see Portugal.
I want to see Italy.
I want to see Bora Bora.
I want to go to Hawaii.
I mean, I just want to spend time with my kids.
I just like... But all I do is fight these people, and I'm exhausted a lot of times, so I'm not even that good at it.
I'm like in the arena constantly, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm like stumbling around.
And just more gladiators just keep coming out of the pit.
And, I mean, I don't know.
All I know is, is that they don't like what we're doing.
I mean, if you've studied history or even what they say, these globalists are bad.
These globalists are evil.
I said I'd take calls, but I won't.
I'm out of time.
It's so creepy to be targeted by the White House.
The average person is scared of what their neighbor thinks of them.
Every once in a while, I'll be in a restaurant or walking down the street, or in a store, and some socialist, globalist will come over and go, Ha ha, Alex Jones, you're a kooky idiot, and I hate you, I'd like to kick your butt, or, Black Helicopter's kook, man, or, Boo!
They'll come over to my table, that's happened a few times.
I guess it's some liberal thing they do.
They'll go, Boo!
Shame on you!
And it just means nothing to me.
I was over to Buddy's once, at his local community pool hot tub, and these trendies come over and they go, Alex Jones, I think you're a disgrace and a kookser.
They all started going, ah ha ha ha, ah ha ha ha!
That was a couple months ago.
Weldon was there, he was over there with me.
Ah ha ha ha!
We had a few beers, and I just looked at them, and I just kept talking to them, and they laughed, because my buddies laughed, because it meant nothing to me.
Those guys thought them laughing at me would upset me?
Laughing at me when the globalists run child kidnapping rings where they make snuff films of little kids?
I'm fighting people that kidnap little kids and make snuff films.
You think some trendy who thinks all day how they dress and how they look and cares what people think of them, you think I'm scared of you?
You think I'm scared of being laughed at?
You people might as well be from another planet!
The New World Order could put a gun to my head and say, join us or die.
And I'd say, go ahead and pull that trigger.
I will join the New World Order when hell freezes over, solid, from the top to bottom, end to end.
When pigs fly.
You people are governed by what people think about you.
Because you haven't tuned into the universe.
You've tuned into your own little narcissistic self, looking at your own reflection, instead of seeing the reflection of God's face in the heavens.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
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In other news, Intelligence head who led to Congress bans employees from talking to media.
Our intelligence head who lied to Congress bans employees from talking to the media.
Police recruitment video shows cops in military-style ghillie suits.
Cher says Tea Party plague on mankind ends tweet with F-bomb.
Unedited video shows Bundy making pro-black, pro-Mexican comments.
Trans-Pacific Partnership talks begin for global internet censorship plan.
That's a Red Alert article right there.
For progressives, thought crime is worse than mass murder.
Yeah, Obama bombing Africa is fine.
Just don't say that blacks are under a new form of slavery.
The Marks.
Scientists claim human microchip implants will become not optional.
That's just some of the news up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And pray for peace in the Ukraine situation.
That's escalating into what they're calling World War III possibilities in mainstream news.
Here is John Bowne's report.
What's the title of this report we posted to YouTube for folks?
The Apathy Zone.
The Apathy Zone.
Not the Twilight Zone.
The Apathy Zone.
This is John Bowne's report.
This highway leads to the tip of reality.
You're on a through route to the land of the different.
The bizarre.
The unexplained.
Go as far as you want on this road.
Its limits are only those of the mind.
Ladies and gentlemen, you're entering a wondrous dimension of mind control.
Next stop, the apathy zone.
Case in point, a naked man runs down the side of a busy highway.
Why don't you have any clothes on?
Yet most people remain oblivious.
Put some clothes on!
You're on the side of the road, you're gonna get hurt!
Why you gotta be naked?
Why you gotta be naked right now?
Were you in a wreck or something?
What's going on?
Get out of the road!
Get out of the road!
Just another day in the land of apathy.
Slowing down reality, we can peer into the lives of Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Public as they remain aloof to the clear and present dangers all around them.
He could possibly be completely crazy, or he could have been involved in something we know nothing about.
Car accident.
He could have been thrown out of his house.
Who knows?
Oh, you talked to him?
Oh yeah.
When he got over?
What did he do when he got over here?
Did he just sit down?
Nah, he was paranoid, man.
Okay, did he try to go inside?
Yeah, he went inside.
I was inside when he got here.
Do you think he's maybe schizophrenic?
Schizo or on drugs.
Either or.
He's the same.
He wasn't saying he was escaping a situation or anything.
He just... No.
Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the rights, the dignity, the worth of man, that state is obsolete.
No, you're gonna be alright, man.
You're gonna be alright.
There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man.
It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity.
It is the middle ground between fight or flight.
Between stupidity and genius.
And it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge.
This is the dimension of mind control.
It is an area which we call the apathy zone.
And if you are aware of the mind control, you can beat it.
It's the only way.
7 o'clock tonight, InfoWars Nightly News will post that video up on InfoWars.com.
It's not up yet.
It'll be up there in the next hour if you want to see the mind control zone.
All right.
Great job, crew.
Globalist social engineers are not just targeting us with propaganda.
They are manipulating our genetics.
We are being targeted at every level by estrogen mimickers that lower our testosterone and other harmful