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Name: 20140423_Wed_Alex
Air Date: April 23, 2014
2590 lines.

This passage promotes InfoWarsNews.com and InfoWarsHealth.com, encouraging readers to sign up as members for valuable information about health and current events. It discusses how the United States spends a high percentage of its GDP on healthcare yet has high rates of disease and cancer due to contaminated water supplies and poor nutrition. The author promotes InfoWarsHealth.com for audio and video content from health professionals, urges readers to filter their drinking water to protect against toxins, and promotes InfoWarsThor.com for water filtration products with a discount code."

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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
My friends, it is Wednesday, the 23rd day of April, 2014.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to be here live, Lord willing, for the next three hours.
Doug and Joe Hagman
Father and son will be joining us from HomelandSecurityUS.com to break down what their latest analysis and intel is on the economy, the Russia situation, what's happening with the BLM, and more.
So that is all.
Coming up today, they will be joining us in the third hour.
I do want to work towards being calm today and covering as much news as I can and not being so preachy, but we'll see if that indeed happens.
Obviously, the Russia situation is deteriorating very, very quickly.
And really, the article that needs to be written
That needs to be gotten out to the people of the world, not just the US, is the timeline of the Ukraine crisis.
The State Department admittedly spending $5 billion to destabilize Russia, overthrowing the elected government, attacking the police and military, who were not doing anything, calling it a peace revolution, so that the EU can come in and suck the country dry.
And then Russia grabs its gas pipelines and military bases in the area traditionally part of Russia.
And then masses troops knowing that NATO's massing troops and mercenaries there.
We reported on that a month ago.
We reported on it days before it was in mainstream news.
The CIA director was in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
The media denied that.
They denied that there were US troops or mercenaries massing.
And then today it's like, oh by the way, we're moving into Poland and other surrounding areas, preparing to engage Russia.
And then you've got Lavrov, the foreign minister, and we're going to play this audio and video coming up, saying if you engage any of our troops, we're going to militarily respond.
I mean, this is beyond Cuban Missile Crisis type stuff.
And the average American, literally, has no idea even where Ukraine is, has no idea who the players are.
And again, I'm not saying Putin's an angel, all the Russians are good.
The fact is, the globalists are the ones starting the war in Syria, starting the overthrow in Libya, starting the overthrow in Egypt, starting the overthrow in Serbia, starting the overthrow, Ukraine, you name it, using Al-Qaeda.
And we just played video on Monday, and we're gonna play it again coming up, of real Al-Qaeda with their Al-Qaeda flags, launching high-tech, modern, surface-to-air
Surface-to-air missiles at helicopters and jet aircraft of the Assad regime.
And our media is acting like this is some type of wonderful deal.
Here's the Daily Mail, though, telling the truth about it today.
Benghazi attack could have been prevented if U.S.
hadn't switched sides in war on terror and allowed 500 million of weapons to reach al-Qaeda militants, reveals damning report.
And we're going to go over this report and the different CIA officers and others that have gone public.
They didn't switch sides.
Criminal elements that have hijacked the government have always been sock puppeting and funding and opening the door for and shepherding and giving aid and comfort to Al-Qaeda.
That's why I coined the term
Before 9-11, six months before, of Al-CIA-da.
And Al-CIA-da, the CIA's not American.
It's banker.
It's foreign bank.
It's British Empire.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
The globalists have controlled the mainstream media for a long time, but now they're expanding, making the weaponization even more vicious and deceptive.
All the major networks are state-run.
We are partnering this year with the NFL.
The NFL has become a political weapon against the Second Amendment, and pushes Obamacare.
MSNBC tells us that our children belong to the state.
We have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
It is more important than ever to realize that we are not the alternative media.
We are the true media.
The establishment dinosaur press is dying.
We are in an information war and we are losing that war.
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A chemical spill contaminating the water supply in nine West Virginia counties.
This year alone, over 300,000 people in West Virginia had their drinking water contaminated.
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I'll show you politics in America.
Here it is, right here.
I think the puppet on the right shares my beliefs.
I think the puppet on the left is more to my liking.
Hey, wait a minute!
There's one guy holding up both puppets!
Shut up!
Go back to bed, America.
Your government is in control.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
The political class needs crises to stay in power and expand their power.
Vladimir Putin and some of the hardliners in the Russian government will become more entrenched in Russia and more powerful because of other kleptocrats
In the West, George Soros and others heading up NATO, destabilizing Ukraine, overthrowing the elected Ukrainian government, and when Russia responds to secure its holdings in the East, only a small portion of the nation, when NATO is seized, over 90%, it is then billed as a Russian invasion, and a new Cold War has officially been launched.
troops, mercenaries, NATO troops have been in Ukraine the entire time.
They are now moving into Ukraine and Poland, and missile systems are being aggressively brought in to encircle Russia.
Extreme provocation.
I watched this morning, on television, on the Communist News Network, CNN, the three-star U.S.
general assigned to NATO
With U.S.
troops under NATO flag pouring off of transport aircraft in Poland.
Now, the Russians two weeks ago said the CIA director was there, they're getting ready to launch an offensive against us on our border.
Our controlled media said that wasn't true.
Then suddenly shootings began, bombings began, and it was confirmed the CIA director was there
to basically command the next phase of the operation to try to create provocations using low-intensity asymmetrical warfare to get the Russians to respond so that the media can say, oh my gosh, the Russians are attacking us.
I guess so some new physical theater war can start with the Russians.
I mean, I guess that's the real aim here.
The problem is the Russian government
is autocratic, corrupt, has a lot of serious problems, but compared to the globalists and the banksters that run Europe and the US, the Russians are promoting pro-family.
The Russians are promoting having children.
The Russians are promoting low taxes.
In fact, they have lower taxes than us on average now.
The Russians are trying to reform themselves, and by the West attacking them, it will now end those reforms as Russia becomes hardline.
They don't want a renaissance in Russia.
And that's what this is all about.
War is good for autocrats and insider traders and defense contractors and big banks.
The Rothschilds famously, in a series of European wars, over a 200 year period, from the 1700s right into 1900, famously would finance all sides of a war.
And sometimes you'd have up to four sides.
There wouldn't be just two sides.
They would finance all sides.
And they ended up ruling financially all of Europe, and still do to this day.
The UN, the carbon trading companies, the big investment banks, you name it, Rothschilds are at the center of every one of them.
So are the Rockefellers, the kings of the US oligarchs.
Every time Russia arrests an oligarch, they laugh at Putin and say, you can't get our holdings or our money, and it comes out in the London newspapers that indeed, it's a Rothschild's front company.
The Rothschilds sued over newspapers reporting on this and lost the lawsuit, and the judge said, this trial found that you are puppet masters.
This trial found that you are running front companies.
And it is the same story happening again.
And so the West gets to have more defense spending, more police state, now a new anti-Russian sentiment.
And the Russians, they don't have to worry about not having enough food or not having enough of an economy growing.
They can now say the West is causing it, which is actually true, but it will now kill reforms in Russia.
And so we march further into the dark ages here.
Here's the headlines.
Pentagon deploying troops to thwart Russia.
say today.
troops arrive in Poland for exercises across Eastern Europe amid Ukraine crisis.
Commanding General says that it's, quote, to send a message to Russia and to counter Russia.
moves troops to allies near Russia as tensions flare in Eastern Ukraine.
Wall Street Journal.
Kerry tells Russia of deep concern over Ukraine.
Pro-Russia insurgents hold U.S.
journalists captive.
So it's now accelerating.
The Russians will fight back.
And their Russian enclaves will start getting aggressive.
Yeah, holds journalists captive.
I bet they're journalists, all right.
Yeah, right.
Let's continue here, ladies and gentlemen.
Russia says conducting military drill, again, near Ukraine.
They've built up, they say 40,000, more like 200,000 troops from what I've seen, on the border.
Including rolling in on record new medium and long-range mobile ICBMs with MIRV tips.
Multiple re-entry devices, multiple warheads and dummy warheads to defeat space-based lasers and ground-based lasers and missile interceptors.
Here is NPR acting like Putin's running everything and isn't on the defense and isn't being defeated right now.
Putin's chess moves in Ukraine, brilliant tactics but bad strategy, question mark?
Let me explain who is on the offense here, ladies and gentlemen.
The big banks that conquered the United States and are taking all of our land and raising taxes until we go bankrupt.
We are under attack by the very same people attacking the Russians.
And the reason the globalists keep winning is their masters at playing us off against each other.
I keep saying I'm going to play this again.
Will you guys queue up the From Russia With Love, Siamese Fighting Fish piece.
I'm going to play that again.
Because that's what this is all about.
This explains everything.
This is the globalist system.
They sit above the nations, driving us into debt, playing us off against each other, when we should be in absolute collaboration with the Russians, with technological next-level systems of energy, space exploration, everything.
The United States is natural partners with the Russians.
We owe the Russians an absolute debt of apology.
For, with the British intelligence in 1917, declassified, this is mainstream news, look it up, $25 million in gold brought in by Joseph Stalin, the head bank robber and money collector for V.I.
And bringing in upwards of 100,000 U.S.
sheep-dipped soldiers who spoke Russian.
First and second generation Russian immigrants.
Out of New York City and other areas to invade Russia and overthrow it.
And then, why do you think the left in this country supported Lenin and Stalin?
Because they came from us, just like Hitler came from us.
Everything comes from England and the United States.
Look at England and the U.S.
It runs the world.
The language runs the world.
Haven't people figured that out?
I'm not demonizing England and the U.S.
England and the U.S.
are wondrous, rich cultures of good people.
But because we were smart, vicious, aggressive, the evil got control of us and has been using us to build their world government while they prepare us for destruction.
You don't just think they want to overthrow Assad and kill everybody, do you?
Because he's a industrialized area.
And because the women don't have to wear hoods over their heads.
They're wearing hoods on their heads now in Al-Qaeda held areas.
Here is the London Daily Mail.
Benghazi attack could have been prevented if the U.S.
hadn't switched sides in war on terror and allowed 500 million of weapons to reach Al-Qaeda militants, reveals damning report.
Yeah, we told you about that before it even happened.
But it was coming.
And now they admit Benghazi was a missile transfer.
Do you understand what a fraud this is, folks?
It's not U.S.
It's globalist support for Al-Qaeda, using the U.S.
as a membrane.
As a fence, as a foil, as a go-between.
We either learn how they're dominating us, the global technocrats, that are eugenicists.
That's their identity.
That's their ideology.
We either learn the real enemy's identity and how they're... It's like an alien... Might as well be aliens from another planet.
I'm not actually saying that's what it is.
I'm saying think of it like that.
The globalists... How would aliens take over the planet?
They would play us off against each other.
Let's explain
What the globals are doing playing us off against each other with this James Bond clip.
Here it is.
These fighting fish.
Fascinating creatures.
Brave, but on the whole stupid.
Yes, they're stupid.
Except for the occasional one such as we have here, who lets the other two fight.
He waits.
Waits until the survivor is so exhausted that he cannot defend himself.
And then, like Spectre, he strikes.
I find the parallel amusing.
Our organization did not arrange for you to come over from the Russians just for amusement, number three.
Come in, Gronsteen.
Sit down, number three, while we listen to what number five has devised for us.
All right, that's enough.
And the number five, the master world champion chess player in the movie, Russia with Love, from Russia with Love, explains, we're going to play the Russians and the Americans off against each other.
And that explains Spectre's plan.
The same thing is in Captain America.
Hydra is infiltrating both sides, playing them off against each other.
Ian Fleming was a top OSS
Commander who wrote these books they're telling you how they do it in these movies Okay, I want to explain that again.
Just like they want a civil war here between the American people and the feds That's meant to wipe both sides out We don't need to have that civil war we're gonna come back break down more from Russia and the latest range war now brewing in Texas
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A chemical spill contaminating the water supply in nine West Virginia counties.
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Alright folks, Alex Jones here, back live.
I just covered some of the Russia situation.
There is so much other news that we've got to get to today.
It is all...
More proof in a signpost that we are entering a contrived, orchestrated global crisis, but the Davos and Bilderberg Group, on record, plan to ride to world government and total control under a technocratic surveillance grid.
Coming up, Homeland Security to purchase 25 million more shotgun rounds on top of the 2.6 plus billion rounds that have been purchased the last four years.
We've also got Justice Scalia says court upholding traffic stop based on anonymous tip.
A freedom-destroying cocktail.
And two new stories that just went up on InfoWars.com that are off the chart insane.
Because it just shows you they're getting ready to go fully operational with Homeland Security as the domestic Stasi force that it was built to be.
They even hired the former head of the Stasi, Marcus Wolf, to consult for two years.
When I first heard that in 2003 on the radio from a guest host, or a guest I had on, I didn't believe it.
Al Martin was covering it.
Investigative journalist, and I went and looked it up and actually found a Homeland Security document and congressional links where they were funding hiring him as a consultant.
I mean, hire the former head of the Stasi to consult for two years?
He died after that.
Here's the headline.
Louisiana creates database of citizens who represent a risk to the state.
Texas tried to pass a database like this about four years ago that, quote, if you've been critical of the government, you'd be in a database when you were pulled over.
So there you go.
It admits they track everyone and watch everyone, especially with NSA software.
We're going to play that video coming up.
Here's another one that dovetails with that.
New York Homeland Security encourages businesses to snitch on preppers as terrorists.
Purchasing MREs, flashlights, or ammunition is suspicious activity.
That's why I've seen articles in mainstream news in New York State and New Jersey where, in one case, an old guy bought 500 rounds of 22.
That's what it comes in.
And the FBI came to his house to see why he got it.
And it's just to create the impression that that's illegal or terrorist and to get you used to men coming to your house.
You know, the government funds Al-Qaeda and opens the borders up and launders hundreds of billions a year in drug money publicly.
But if you buy MREs or candles or flashlights or whatever, we're going to come visit your house.
We're going to come ask you questions.
We're going to... Oh, you're buying guns.
We're going to come ask you why.
And they're just getting you accustomed to being in contact with the sacred police.
So that, you know, the third or fourth time they come to visit you, you don't resist when they put you in handcuffs and disappear you under NDAA.
This is part of domestication.
It's how you domesticate pigs, cows, sheep, geese.
They handle you first.
TSA is psychologically, you're used to being touched and then groped and then x-rayed.
By the way,
Under lawsuits and federal orders, they claim they stopped groping under 12-year-olds.
That's not true.
I've seen it myself.
They backed off a little bit.
Now they're back.
We have video of that coming up.
DrudgeReport.com has it linked.
It's at InfoWars.com.
Story, video, TSA agents pat down 2- and 6-year-old children.
Paul Joseph Watson article infants allegedly targeted because mother's name was on watch list and they made the watch list secret seven years ago but when they made it secret there was 2.2 million people on the list including my father who could barely fly who has no criminal record and hasn't had a speeding ticket in a decade
Or was it something like 20 members of Congress were on no-fly list and couldn't get off?
Oh, there's some secret group that says you can't fly.
Oh, there's some secret group that says you can't work.
You can't travel.
Your car won't turn on.
That's where the technocracy is going with the smart meters, the black boxes already in all the cars.
I told you when MIT talked about it 15 years ago, they would track you by the mile and tax you.
The boxes started going in.
They became law last year.
And now they're going, guess what?
We're going to start taxing you by the mile, Jack.
Lifetime, you got internet tracker boxes in your car, basically a cell phone, tracking you.
Under the car, in a hardened box.
That's wired into your ignition and everything else, where they can hit one button and turn your car off.
And see, cops are listening, going, you're not supposed to know that.
I knew that 15 years before you even knew it was being put in.
When, you know, cops would walk by me in Austin and go, are the black helicopters gonna get me?
Am I being listened to?
You don't laugh anymore, do you?
Because you're being tracked, too.
You're being watched, too.
Remember back just five years ago?
The NSA doesn't spout Americans.
That's a conspiracy theory.
Now they're like, we spout everything you do, and it's totally illegal, and you sit down and shut up.
We're putting you all on list.
We're buying millions of rounds of ammo, thousands of armored vehicles, and training to take on gun owners.
It's called treason.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential forfeiture situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks, I'm being assaulted!
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Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.
Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.
Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.
Too many kids are what's making the planet worse.
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Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatric.
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Fluoride in water is supposed to fight tooth decay, but could it also cause cancer?
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law, to conduct secret testing on the American public under specific conditions.
We have to work the dark side, or we're going to spend time in the shadows.
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Look how happy that little fish on my coffee got this as well.
Alright, getting serious here ladies and gentlemen.
I'm gonna mentally regroup and finish up with what's happening
In Ukraine, then I'm going to get into the incredibly insane news.
It's the company and the Republican congressman promoting it, going, yes, we've created a database and the state's signed on to it, where we watch everything every citizen does, and we make sure that you're loyal to the state and not a threat.
The video's up on Infowars.com.
It's a slow video, but it really builds up.
I'm debating whether I should play it or not on air.
New York Homeland Security encourages businesses to snitch on preppers as terrorists.
We have video of that.
Homeland Security to purchase 25 million more shotgun rounds.
More in the geopolitical news.
China challenges Obama's Asia pivot with rapid military buildup.
Mainstream media reports on criminal interest in the U.S.
arming al-Qaeda with missiles.
That's in the Daily Mail.
We've got TSA agents groping two and six-year-old children, even though they claim they've stopped that.
And speaking of that, Brian Singer, sex abuser, names three more Hollywood bigwigs in lawsuits.
We've got a special report coming up on that.
There's no doubt Hollywood is absolutely filled with sexual abusers.
of men, women, children, you name it.
I have been contacted over the years by some of the people that are now going public, and I'll just leave it at that.
And I don't have the lawyers or the time to prove what they're saying, and so I passed on breaking all this.
Not with this particular guy, but with some of the other people.
I'll just say this.
Some of the names listed in the John Bowne's report that's coming up are people that have contacted us.
And reportedly, they've been killing people that report on this.
And that's not why I haven't reported on it.
It's just that I can prove that the government's buying 2.6 billion rounds of ammo and thousands of armored vehicles, but the media says I'm lying.
I can prove under the Emergency Centers Establishment Act they built FEMA camps.
But the media says I'm lying, even though it's documented.
I can prove that they ordered a stand down in Benghazi, but the media says that didn't happen.
I can prove that there's a $5,000 fine per employee that you have in 2014 if you don't get insurance for your employees or lay them off or cut their hours.
But the media says that's not true, even though it's happening and in the bill.
I can prove there's death panels.
They say they don't exist.
I can prove under the Night Stalkers, Fort Campbell, Kentucky, and other secret FEMA programs, there are black helicopters that are radar resistant with a special paint.
That's been declassified for 20 years, but the media says it doesn't exist.
So, real stuff we can prove people aren't ready for.
So, I'm just going to be honest with you.
This is one of the things that, I mean, I remember, I remember it's got to be 10 years ago.
David Icke on the show, saying, I know BBC presenters that rape children and their dead bodies, and I know a member of Parliament who became Prime Minister who slits children's throats when this person delivers them, and this person hangs out with the royal family and brings them children.
And David was about to say their name on air, he told me off air, and later on his own website, said Savelle, Jimmy Savelle.
And I'm like, people heard these interviews, these interviews are online.
I'm like, uh-uh, no names, no, no.
Because, I mean, it just sounds insane.
All turned out to be true.
I mean he said Jimmy Savelle 10 years ago by name was having sex with kids, delivering them to the royal family, slitting their throats, on and on and on.
And now most of that has come out.
So I don't even know what to say anymore.
I have trouble wrapping my mind around all this.
So that's coming up as well.
And we've got Pentagon plans to replace flight crews with full-time robots.
That's a headline on the Washington Times.
DARPA said back in 2000 that by 2020 there will be no combat aircraft.
In the Air Force, the Army and Marine Corps will still have some ground attack aircraft that are human piloted, but that will be vestigial.
There will be no combat aircraft with humans flying them.
And the drones will be autonomous.
There will be no more medals for the drone pilots.
And so there's that article, and I got another one here.
Pentagon scientist shows off life-size robot with the sec-def Chuck Hagel first-hand look at the Terminator-style robot.
That's a quote from the Pentagon.
And again, that robot you're looking at is at least a 20-year-old design, just for all the boys and girls out there.
I was brought up to speed on these robots in 1999 by a Marine Corps officer.
And then later I was able to verify through open intelligence that what he told me was accurate.
And a lot of this is shy-ops, ladies and gentlemen.
They actually have robots that look like Terminator.
More like the one that you see in the last one, where it's a more primitive one marching down the street.
And they even have skull heads to terrify the public.
In fact, this one being rolled out...
Has more of a menacing face, but they're going to phase in for the public, now the skull faces and the rest of it, just to purely terrorize you and your family.
Japan's already deploying, six years ago, robots on the streets.
Now New York has announced they're deploying robots.
Little, little robots that look like, what's the Doctor Who things that say exterminate, exterminate?
The Daleks.
They look like Daleks.
That was in the news last week with their domes.
And they tattle on you and report on you and shout orders at you.
That's just preparing you with something non-threatening.
Till they put... Well, robots that look just like the combat robots they have in the latest RoboCop.
In fact, that's exactly what these big combat robots look like, is the robots out of RoboCop.
So we're going to be getting into that for you.
And again, they don't need you anymore.
As soon as the robots are brought online, you're not needed anymore.
And as soon as they have robots working on robots, which a bunch of companies already have, it's game over.
Because you're seen as an infestation on the earth.
You've been taught you're an ugly infestation.
So most people now want to die and believe it's good.
And have been taught how wonderful it's going to be when the humans are wiped out.
So you've been given a subconscious and conscious preparation for all this for you and your family.
Okay, so I said I wanted to get back into Ukraine.
I'll do that here in just a moment.
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Okay, enough plugging.
Just I never tend to plug in the first or second hour and then we're going to run out of gas here and crash basically if we don't do that.
Okay, I want to get into the police state news.
We'll do that in the next segment.
Then give the number out, cover other news, take your calls the next hour.
As we realize this panoptagonic system of surveillance is designed for us and to quash and shut down political speech.
But before we go any further,
This is Lavrov.
He is the Russian Foreign Minister, and really the right-hand man to Putin.
And he says Russia will respond if Eastern Ukraine is attacked.
And you have to understand, folks, the Rothschild-Rockefeller-run CIA, British Intel-run CIA, it's not American, that's had a shadow government in place since 1947 with the National Security Act, they are openly attacking
The paramilitary forces, the five or six Russian towns that are almost completely Russian, that have basically said, we don't want to be ethnically cleansed by the pure Ukrainians.
They've got a reason to not like Russians.
I mean, I'm not in the middle of this.
I'm not taking sides.
But the point is, the West is fomenting this.
And so the Russians are saying, you try to take our areas, we're going to fight back.
So this could explode any time.
This is a very serious situation.
I don't have to sit there and explain that to you.
And I told you how this would go, and it's starting to go that way.
This is a terrible situation and it's what you expect when the world's on the edge of international crises and financial collapse.
You'd expect the globalists to start a war.
That's what I and Gerald Cilente and Ron Paul and so many others have told you.
The globalists are pathological.
They do the same things over and over again.
The more criminal, the more mentally ill you are, the more you're set in a pattern.
Let's go ahead and go to the Russian Foreign Minister.
If we are attacked, we would certainly respond.
If our interests, legitimate interests, the interests of Russians, have been attacked directly, like they were in South Ossetia, for example, I don't see any other way but to respond in full accordance with international law.
Russian citizens being attacked is an attack against the Russian Federation.
The only thing I would like to highlight at this stage is that the Russian troops are on the Russian territory.
The requests for inspections under the so-called Vienna Document of 2011 and under the Treaty of the Open Sky, they all have been granted.
The inspectors visited the areas of deployment of the troops participating in the training exercises.
The planes overflight the areas of exercise, and no one who participated in the inspections, including the Americans, Ukrainians, and Europeans, ever brought up any fact which would indicate that Russia was engaged in some dangerous military activity.
Alright, and he said that in English as a message to the West.
George Soros and Hillary Clinton and John Kerry started this.
And so under common law, they're wrong.
And guess what?
They're running our country.
They're on the Russian border, stirring stuff up, trying to create a political crisis so they can get a big bailout of Europe out of the economic devastation that happens.
A new Marshall Plan.
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Alex Jones here back live.
Look, the establishment is engaged in social engineering.
Conditioning of the public.
Preparing you to accept checkpoints, black uniforms, helicopters, combat robots, total surveillance, and then telling you it's normal, and you're weird if you don't like it.
Oh, it's normal, we're gonna kick all the ranchers that have been on the land for over a hundred years off of it, claiming the feds own it.
Oh, it's normal.
But by us saying no, now you've got multiple U.S.
senators, including the Republican senator from Nevada, saying that these people are patriots.
You've got the Attorney General of Texas saying he's ready to go up and literally kick the feds off the rivers they're claiming they own now on the Texas-Oklahoma border where they're taking people's private property on both sides of it.
Headline exclusive Texas AG Abbott to BLM come and take it.
Republicans warn of BLM eyeing land grab along Texas-Oklahoma border.
You've got 50-plus legislators meeting last weekend in Salt Lake saying, let's move to take the federal land and give it to the states and the people.
It's happening!
We have the moral authority, not a bunch of foreign banks that run the federal government and then through that want to steal all the land.
We have to say no.
We have to stand up.
We have to be radical in the face of radicals because we're not radical.
Radicalism in defense of liberty is no vice.
Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice.
Barry Goldwater.
We're not the radicals.
But if they're radically attacking us, we have to radically stand up against them.
That's the measured response.
And call them out.
Stop letting them have the moral authority.
They're building a criminal grid with Republican and Democratic leadership to suppress political speech.
Free speech zones.
IRS shutting down pro-life groups and conservative groups.
This is oppression!
And if they get away with this, then it's NDAA.
Now, here's part of the video up on Infowars.com that is from the company itself, but folks online have added closed captions to it to describe the pitfalls.
Louisiana creates a database of citizens who represent a, quote, risk to the state.
Not that you've committed a crime or you say you're going to do something.
No, they're going to say, we're watching everything you do and seeing if you're a risk to the state.
See, now the government's about who's a risk to the state, not about who's a risk to our liberty.
And then New York Homeland Security encourages businesses to snitch on preppers as terrorists purchases of MREs, flashlights, ammunition as suspicious activity as Homeland Security buys 25 million more rounds of shotgun shells.
Let's go to this promo video where they're promoting what the state of Louisiana is rolling out.
Here it is.
When we built our system, we decided instead of providing an agency-specific solution, that we would instead create a centralized data warehouse, applying the SAS fraud framework there, and allow every agency within state government to operate like a hub-and-spoke type system, where they would all send in their data by the centralized data warehouse... Alright, hit pause.
...getting data... Back it up five seconds.
See, I'm gonna analyze this whole thing in the next hour after calls.
It's an arms race, a police state race, a control freak race, a pedophile race in the public schools and the system, a power grab race.
Now the states with the threat fusion centers are all having private companies directed by the government and InfraGard to deploy NSA grids to the ground and then give you access to it.
So see the way they make sure that you can never get rid of the surveillance state is they start handing it around to everybody.
But when you accept the system, you're now buying into it as well.
Let's go back to the piece.
Where they would all send in their data by the centralized data warehouse getting data from those multiple sources who would allow each participating agency who was seeking to detect fraud within their agency to create that comprehensive person profile and look for anomalies.
The beauty to me behind the solution that SAS provided was that they were able to take a state that was data rich and solution poor and compile, aggregate all of that data into a single location so that we could then have multiple applications.
We'll be right back, folks.
This is government making money.
Members of the legislature involved with the companies spying on everyone.
Next hour coming up, folks.
Stay with us.
We've got the pedophile reports out of Hollywood coming up.
We've got massive police state news.
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Our call toll free 888-253-3139 Waging war on corruption Alex Jones on the GCM radio network
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up, Scalia says court upholding traffic stops based on anonymous tip of freedom of throwing cocktail.
He also has attacked Sotomayor.
He faults her for doubly shameful suggestion that Michigan voters are racist for voting to end affirmative action.
IRS revokes conservative group's tax-exempt status over anti-Clinton statements, but Reverend Wright can have his tax exemptions.
Talk about banning the Second Amendment and GD-ing America and all the rest of it.
It's just incredible.
That is all coming up.
The latest on the Russian situation is U.S.
troops begin massing in and around Russia.
Dutch scramble fighter jets after Russian bombers approach.
AP, the Dutch Defense Department, says several NATO member countries scrambled jets today.
After a pair of Russian bomber planes approached the airspace over the North Sea, the Dutch Ministry identified the planes as two Russian Tu-95 Bears and said it had launched two F-16s and a Volkl airbase to intercept them.
The Russian jets were escorted by aircraft from the Netherlands, Britain and Denmark until they departed.
So that's the ongoing escalation, ladies and gentlemen.
Continuing here, we're going to get more N2 exclusive.
Texas A.G.
Abbott to BLM.
Come and take it.
That's from Breitbart, Republicans Warren, BLM eyeing land grab along Texas border.
We have the official letter up on Infowars.com from the Attorney General.
We ought to try to get him on the show.
I know he's been on years ago, back when he was a state rep.
So we've got that news.
Again, I just mentioned this, but I want to get your take.
Specifically on the Russia situation and the Ukraine situation, where do you think that's going?
How do you think we fix this and de-escalate it?
Because stage one is say they want a new Marshall Plan to prop up Ukraine after they overthrow it and destabilize it as a new banker bailout in Europe by another name.
And then it's also meant to destabilize Russia, put missiles on their borders, start a new Cold War.
What do you think about that?
I want to hear from military personnel, because when this all started in the last three months, we said, you know, Russia would take those areas on their border, then they would send in Ukrainians against them, pro-West Ukrainians, pro-Soros Ukrainians, and that that would then escalate, the Russians would start fighting back.
And then if the West got heavily involved with military action or advisors, the Russians may start launching attacks with their regular military.
And then all hell is going to break loose.
So this is a very volatile situation.
This is not Iraq or Libya, where the controlled U.S., the occupied U.S.
with the collaborators just
You know, goes into some third world country and puts Al-Qaeda on the ground and murders everybody.
And then the public's so dumb and disconnected from reality, you know, they think that the government's fighting Al-Qaeda.
This is the Russians, despite all their problems, they're a sophisticated civilization, have a lot of high-tech weapons, and will tend to fight back, which I know is the arch crime according to George Soros.
Folks didn't fight back too much when he was in Romania running the Nazi squads to hunt down Jews and steal their goods.
That's why he gets ADL awards.
If you're against that type of thing, you get attacked by the ADL.
I'm not even joking when I say that.
It's so bizarre how sick this society is.
And now Soros is backing Nazis again.
The main group leading the Ukrainian opposition to the Russians is a ultra-national-socialistic, our media calls them right-wing, Nazis, including the Vice President.
And it's not even in our news.
It's just... I saw a CNN article the other day about why the West is
...is trolling Al-Qaeda.
And the article's, we're working with them, because, you know, it's best to talk to them.
Yeah, we're using them against Syria, because, you know, they're kind of nice guys now.
Soon it'll be, you're a traitor for not supporting Al-Qaeda, Jones.
You piece of trash.
What's next?
You're not going to support the Communist Chinese?
What type of American are you, you filthy Texan?
What, you don't like the attack dogs and tasering men, women, and innocents out at the BLM?
You don't like free speech zones?
What type of sick freak are ya?
We're gonna give the number out and take your calls.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up, antibiotic-resistant MRSA superbug spreads into homes.
We're going to be getting into that report.
Fire hoses are turned on Obama supporters.
NBC News is reporting.
The Dutch have scrambled fighter jets after Russian bombers have approached their airspace, AP reports.
Putin is moving more troops up against the Ukrainian border as the Pentagon deploys troops to thwart Russia.
According to the Pentagon, moving him into Poland and other areas as the CIA and mercenaries help run attacks against Russian-held areas inside eastern Ukraine.
This is an incredible escalation.
Coming up, I want to get into Pentagon plans to replace flight crews with full-time robots.
That's the Washington Times.
China challenging Obama's Asia pivot with rapid military buildup.
An incredible story that I want to cover some in the next hour with the Hagmans from the Homeland Security Report when they come on with us.
Benghazi attack could have been prevented if U.S.
hadn't switched sides in the war on terror and allowed 500 million in weapons to be given to al-Qaeda militants, reveals damning new report.
That's the Daily Mail.
I know you've heard that a lot here, but now this is in big mainline publications.
And a video, an audio we're going to play, TSA's back at it, groping your two-year-old babies.
And at the bottom of the hour, after we take some phone calls, Bryan Singer sex abuse.
Accuser names three more Hollywood bigwigs in lawsuit.
John Bowne filed a report called Triple X X-Men.
For the nightly news last night, I want to air that here and give you my take on this situation.
And again, some of the big Hollywood people that have gone public saying this have contacted our office three years ago, two years ago.
But they didn't have proof.
And I'm not going to break allegations if there's not proof.
The police, though, won't do their job.
That's coming out.
The FBI and others show.
That's why it's hard to vet all this.
But when you find out that these guys are friends with admitted convicted pedophiles, it starts looking real bad.
Starts looking real bad.
You know, I've been at big Hollywood parties and things, that's why I've been out there in years and I won't go out there probably ever unless I've got to be in some big
You know, TV show or something I think is worthwhile.
But I mean, you've been at big parties and somebody's like, that guy's a total creep.
And like, what do you mean?
Just, oh man, he's, and when that guy, that guy likes kids and that guy likes kids.
And I'm like, I don't want to hear this.
I don't want to hear this.
And that's why I won't get anywhere near there, folks.
And it's, it's, it's sick.
And then you look at all the British ministers getting caught.
There's a reason all this is coming out now though, folks.
I believe, not the people bringing it out, I think they're good, but the reason it's being brought out right now is to blackmail and keep Hollywood on a short leash.
That's why they get these people to compromise themselves, Bohemian Grove, you name it, and the Jimmy Savelle in England, you know, David Icke was naming names 10 years ago on my show, and I said, do not name names!
Because even though the guy looked like the archetype of a pedophile, the archetype of a disgusting degenerate,
I don't know.
I want to hear from active duty, retired, contractors that have worked and lived in Ukraine.
Now that the Russian Foreign Minister is saying, if you attack any Russian-held cities that we say are ours, in Eastern Ukraine, we're going to respond with military action in Europe, just like we did in South Ossetia.
They rolled mobile ICBMs in, and he went on television with the chairman of their Joint Chiefs and said, we're going to start targeting NATO bases with nukes in one hour.
Pulled back, and NATO pulled back.
I mean, this is crazy!
And I'm not on the Russian side.
I'm not on the George Soros side.
I have nothing against the Western Ukrainians that have big beefs with Russia.
Or the Russian Ukrainians who have big beefs with the Western groups.
I'm not in the middle of this tribal warfare.
I don't have any Ukrainian blood in me.
I'd be happy to, they're really good looking people.
The point is, is that I just look at it objectively and geopolitically and say, is it a good idea to stir up this hornet's nest?
And who stands to gain?
Who's at the middle of it?
George fricking Soros again.
The same guy who wants my guns.
The same guy funding Media Matters that wants to shut down my free speech.
The same guy who was a Nazi collaborator, so he gets ADL awards.
I mean, I'm sick of the ADL, I'm sick of George Soros, I'm sick of authoritarians masquerading as humanitarians.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, all of it.
I want justice for Israel, I want justice for England, for Mexico, for South Africa, for everybody!
I just want freedom!
I'm sick of the crisis state.
I'm sick of globalists stirring up garbage and playing both sides off against each other.
I'm tired of it!
I'm tired of you people creating nanotech and GMO, ruining the biosphere on record, creating all sorts of crises, and imposing as environmental saviors.
I'm sick of you.
I want a future.
I want justice.
I'm sick of you saying how good you are all day, when you're so horrible.
You want to teach American kids 2 plus 2 equals 5.
I mean, you people are horrible.
And you've gotten away with everything.
You went for it all, you got it all.
And now you want to make sure we're all poor so you can feel sleep at night knowing we're poor and in the ditch.
Because you want us miserable.
You are scum.
Now, toll-free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
But I said I'd do this yesterday, I never did it.
I played a compilation of some of the clips, the 15 minutes.
I want to play five minutes of the intro of the demonization of Liberty Movement on MSNBC, where they call us insurgents, terrorists, you name it.
Demonize, there's even a press, because remember, we now have all these Clinton documents, where in 93 they were trying to shut down the Western Journalism Center and Media Bypass.
They are authoritarians.
They said, we can't have Americans having alternative information.
Now, is that liberal?
No, it's authoritarian.
And some of the best people in this country are liberals, who really mean well.
Just like some of the best people in this country are conservatives, who mean well, and you're led by two evil parties.
It's time to support the Bill of Rights, not a party name.
Let's go to the first five minutes of the report, because it's some of the most incendiary rhetoric ever out of the White House-run MSNBC.
Good evening from New York, I'm Chris Hayes.
The standoff between Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and the federal government is not over yet.
Bundy still refuses to pay the million dollars... You ran everybody out of business with those fees.
We're not going to negotiate with big government.
We're not going to negotiate with BLM.
We're only going to back up and strengthen our county sheriff and hope he does his job.
Keep in mind, the county sheriff's job, according to Cliven Bundy, involves disarming federal agents.
Yeah, they never let feds in before, 20 years ago.
I'm Friday, and I'm here to interview with Nevada State Assemblywoman Michelle Fiori, who was attending a celebratory barbecue near the Bundy Ranch, and who came on this show to express her solidarity with the Cliven Bundy family and his armed supporters.
Do you recognize the authority of the federal government?
Oh, I recognize the authority that they believe that they have.
I just question it.
Don't come here with guns and expect the American people not to fire back!
Well, it might not surprise you to hear that bad boy's talk from an evac...
It's not fair!
We come and taser people and point guns and say we're gonna kill them and beat people up and put them in free speech pens for no reason and act like goons in North Korea and they're saying they might stand up against us.
That's not right!
We're supposed to be able to do like we did in Russia and just walk around kicking everybody's brains out while they sit in the fetal position!
This isn't fair!
Why, I was trained by the CIA, like Rachel Maddow and Anderson Cooper, to run game on the slaves, but they're not listening to me.
I'm a chicken-necked little coward.
That's why I joined the CIA, he says.
Let's go back to him.
You probably never heard of, until Friday night, it's something of a game changer when Nevada Republican United States Senator starts chiming in.
That's right.
What Senator Reid may call domestic terrorists, I call patriots.
Nevada's Republican Senator Dean Heller believes the Bundy Ranch supporters are patriots.
He's talking about the hundreds of militia members and states' rights activists who stood with Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and against the federal government.
Heller says these men and women are patriots.
So does the website InfoWars, a paranoid online haven run by Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist whose stories often make their way from his website InfoWars, where on any day you can find headlines about vaccines, mass fluoridation, and the 9-11 cover-up.
Into the so-called mainstream GOP establishment.
Alex Jones was a champion of Clive and Bundy from the very beginning.
Because he's saying he'll do whatever he has to to not be, you know, have his grazing rights stolen.
Notice they're playing cuckoo bird music.
And it made its way onto Fox News' airwaves.
Next thing you know, so-called mainstream Republicans are calling people like this patriots.
What Senator Reid may call domestic terrorists, I call patriots.
But the Alex Jonesification of the GOP is much bigger than the Bundy Ranch.
Take Craig Brannan, Tea Party Republican candidate for Senate in North Carolina.
Look, look, the whole thing's up on InfoWars.com.
We're sick of being pushed around.
We're sick of being treated like slaves.
We don't want to live in North Korea.
We do not want to live in Uganda.
I mean, that's what all this looks like.
You ran everybody off.
Federal Judge Jones ruled last year the BLM's own goal, and this has come out in their memos, is to destroy all the ranchers.
They want everyone off the property.
And then they've got Rory Reid, whose law firm represents the Chinese company, go on TV and go, I want to be clear.
We're not involved with any Chinese company for this land with Bundy for solar farms.
No, you want it as an environmental easement listed in the BLM documents.
That's why you want to run everybody off Nevada land.
So you and your companies can be given it.
They were basically given the land that was worth, in the report I saw on AP, 50-something million for three million.
So you and your pig-like family can own and run everything, you scumbag!
And so you had a bunch of armed goons come out and point guns at people, and a bunch of Americans that are fed up showed up with guns!
And said, you want a revolution?
Let's get it started right now!
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F-16s confronted Russian nuke bombers today as US troops began massing in the region.
That's what we're taking your phone calls on right now, coming up at about 40 after I'll get into the latest pedophile scandal in Hollywood and then continue with your calls, but I'm going to tie that into the TSA.
Right now we're going to your phone calls, Robert, Woody, Dallas, Diane and others.
Robert's US Air Force active wants to comment on the Russia situation, calling in from Tennessee.
What's your take on this and what's the take generally of your colleagues in the armed services, sir?
Oh, I'd rather not speak on behalf of that, but I will say I've never seen such a complete, utter brainwashing take place in my lifetime.
Every other person I see is not capable of profound or abstract thinking, and it's just frightening to see what's taking place.
You know, the First Amendment, the right to due process, the right to search and seizure.
Every U.S.
Constitution amendment is being stripped right before our eyes, and what is it going to take to wake people up?
Well, that's the issue.
We had some wonderful government that was doing good and protecting our rights, and they said Russia was bad.
I'd be apt to believe them.
But the government just lies on every front.
It's illegitimate.
And now it's getting ready to start war with Russia.
Not a good idea.
And I've got friends that are like, Alex, I like your show, but Putin's bad.
And we've got to do something about him.
And it's like this primitive thing.
We've got to have a war.
We've got to have a war.
And I guess they think it's going to be like blowing up Iraq or something.
It'll be something you eat pizza and watch on television.
That's not going to be the case if we get into war with Russia.
And we're bankrupt.
Go ahead.
What's your take on the Russia situation?
Well, it's very profound.
I've been in Ukraine and I've traveled there, but to the extent that I'm not an expert matter to elaborate on that, I will say that Eastern Ukraine is very pro-Russia.
Of course, Western Ukraine is the complete contrary.
I haven't been in the region in about a year and a half, so... Well, I hear you and I appreciate your call.
Interesting points about folks being brainwashed.
Dallas in Oklahoma is calling.
Wants to talk about the armed forces and what's happening in Russia.
And he's a vet.
Give us your take on that.
Well, Alex, I just first would like to thank you for your efforts.
I hope everywhere else.
You're a voice for us, for the people, and people are waking up.
I see it around me.
I see it in my own family, and it gives me great hope for things to come.
This thing in Russia that we're speaking about was of course started by us, like most things are.
Back in 1964, I fought for my country back in Vietnam.
And, uh, you know, learned a lot of things there and had sense and, uh, have followed, uh, all the things that have happened, the Oklahoma City bombing, uh, and everything in between and got the facts and not the, uh, the lies.
But, uh, I guess the main thing I wanted to call about today is to, uh, to thank you for, for keep putting this out there for people, uh, because it's so important.
What you do is so important.
Thank you for it and there are people like me out here listening daily and we subscribe to your products and we try to help as we can.
We're just simple people who do the best we can and try to help as we can but the government still knows I think that we're out there and when this thing comes down we'll be there.
One thing I would like to ask you Alex about is that
I feel it's coming.
I'm afraid.
I hope not.
And I pray daily because the Lord's the only one who can save this country.
But I would like to know if there's some way that you and John McAfee, somebody like that, could get some way where, when they do cut this thing off, to where we can still get a hold of you, where we can still stay in touch with each other.
Well, we've talked a lot about alternative communications.
I'm on WWCR Global Shortwave.
We can do a phone line to them.
I've already covered every angle of what the Globalists are up to.
People should archive on hard drives everything we have.
They should have CD burner backups.
If the globalists stage a false flag and shut the internet off, people don't need to wait.
They need to all do print-ups, pointing out that it's a staged event, pointing out that giving up our liberty isn't the answer, and post them like the French Resistance everywhere, and just resist the enemy, the literal collaborator foreign banking cartel takeover.
They want us to be distracted by the Russians and people, while the globalists have done everything they can to shut this country down.
You're absolutely right.
They know we're beating them peacefully, politically.
And there is a huge awakening happening.
They're not going to let that happen.
They're going to stage stuff, paint us as the terrorists.
That's why I'm very glad that a shooting war didn't start in the Bundy situation.
But at the same time, we were clearly in the right there.
So if it's going to start, let it start somewhere real and not some stage deal like an Oklahoma City Part 2.
God bless you, sir.
Appreciate your call.
And I don't deserve the credit.
We're just fighting for freedom.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I pinch myself every day at how real the New World Order is, and how incredibly evil it is.
Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, we're here live, back weeknight, 7 o'clock Central, with the InfoWars Nightly News, that's condensed, professional, and focused with myself and the rest of the great team.
Speaking of the Nightly News, we're going to play a special report that John Ballin put together yesterday, that aired on the Nightly News, coming up at 40 after, and I'm going to dovetail it with some of the surrounding corollary news reports.
Dealing with the pedophile rings and the people getting killed trying to expose it.
But let's go quickly to your phone calls right now.
As U.S.
troops began massing in areas all around the Russian-controlled areas of eastern Ukraine.
They're massing in Poland.
In Ukraine, they're using mercenaries, CIA, that's not confirmed.
They're having firefights.
The Western Ukrainians are approaching Russian-held areas and opening fire on them on a daily basis.
And the Russians, foreign ministers come out and said that, we played it last hour, videos up on Infowars.com, he said in English, if attacks continue on Russian-held areas, Russia will respond militarily.
As we did in South Ossetia, and that will be a full invasion, and then rolling ICBMs on mobile launchers in, and there, he said we'll respond as we did in South Ossetia.
They responded there by rolling the missiles in, and saying we are targeting NATO bases with thermal nuclear weapons.
So it's a horrible situation, and I just don't want to see it happen.
It's like getting two tough guys, you know, out in the street, ready to kill each other.
What's the point?
And there's a little, little gremlin, the globalists, playing both sides off against each other.
How stupid do we have to be?
How many times do we have to play into this?
Do we have to have a civil war with the feds geared up and dressed up like the army, ready for war with us?
So the globalists can sit back and watch us tear the country apart?
Only way they're going to have this socialist conversion of the country.
Do we have to do this?
Let's go to your phone calls.
Woody in Washington, retired police and military family, your take on this?
Hi, Alex.
Well, I have three different angles that I'm looking at this.
The first angle is historical.
In fact, we've had two world wars.
In each war, the seeds were laid before the wars broke out.
And I particularly have to say, I have to say, you're having Joe Skousen on your show several times and listening to what he talked about on how the World War III scenario would unfold is pretty accurate.
And I think if you take a historical perspective now, I'm old enough to remember what the Cuban Missile Crisis was like.
I was seven years old and I remember everybody talking about, we're all going to die, the Russians are going to bomb us, and nuclear bombs are going to destroy cities and everything.
And imagine if we had who we have now, President, instead of John F. Kennedy.
What do you think would have happened?
Well, he blocked the Joint Chiefs, has been declassified, fired LL Eminencer, called the Russians and said, look, there's about to be a military coup.
If you don't back off, they're going to nuke you.
We'll pull our secret nukes out of Turkey.
Back off now.
And the Russians didn't want nuclear war, as evil as their government was.
They backed off.
The CIA called it treason and blew Kennedy's head off.
That pretty well sums it up.
So we need to be mustering the same type of willpower that we did to stop the Syria situation from going to a shooting war.
We need to be doing that right now.
We all need to be pulling our phones out of our back pockets and calling up our senators and our congressmen and demanding that we not be escalating the situation and we get out of the Ukraine like Ron Paul said.
I agree and the Russians need to show major restraint as well.
Overall they've been showing it and
Now the CIA is launching these paramilitary attacks on Russian-controlled police stations and things.
Just look at it in South Ossetia, and Lavrov came out today and said, basically, if that continues, we're going to attack you.
So, it's just total insanity, and I appreciate your call.
Great points.
Diane in Texas, you're on the air, a reporter, whistleblower on military and Ukraine, you say.
Go ahead, Diane.
Hi, Alex.
What I have to report on is I've been trying to get a hold of you.
Since I literally had to flee out of Las Vegas for my life, because I was all set to expose them on live TV, the city council, and their part in supplanting these unmarked military bases that are up there in Las Vegas.
Well, my issue is if somebody threatened me, I would just lock and load.
I've been threatened thousands of times, no exaggeration, hundreds of real threats.
Why did you leave Las Vegas when someone threatened you?
They had six cars that were like federal, they had federal numbers on the front, no license plate.
So I've been threatened by the feds?
Well, I was disguised myself to see if they were going to... Well, I'll tell you what you should do.
You should write this up in an email and send it to ShowTipsAndInfoWars.com with the proof of the bases or whatever you've got, and my reporters will look at it.
If they think there's anything there, they will call you back.
But, you know, there's so many federal cars and everything nowadays, or, you know, it could be meter maids or something.
I'm not saying you're paranoid, but, you know, you were about to expose all this stuff and you think people were coming after you.
The wicked flee when none pursue, and so many activists won't get involved because they're so scared to death.
We outnumber the bad guys.
Most feds are not evil people.
They have corrupt units and things, but my God, they haven't taken me out yet.
I don't think they're going to take you out for exposing corruption.
So what we need is to have courage.
Look, talk about taking people out.
I'm going to cover it right now.
I appreciate your call, Diane.
Now, I want to get into a report that John Bowne filed for the InfoWars Nightly News that airs weeknights, 7 o'clock Central, 8 o'clock Eastern, 5 o'clock Pacific, 6 o'clock Mountain, or Montana time.
I want to get into this, and I want people to understand that before I air his three-minute report, I want to just give you a small smattering off the top of my head
During a segment earlier, during a break, just to back up the rest of the story.
In about two minutes, I told them to pull these articles.
This is what I pulled in two minutes off the top of my head, just to add some other pieces here, so we're not talking about this in a vacuum.
The number one thing that cements the globalists together, when you get to the bottom line, is pedophilia.
I have seen, no exaggeration, in 19 years on air, thousands of news articles out of the Sunday Times of London and Le Figaro of France and Der Spiegel, where there'll be huge riots in different European countries, sometimes 2 million people on the streets in places like Denmark.
I mean, you look up the famous cases.
Where they'll find little kids in dungeons, a bunch of them dead, some of them alive, run by the national judges and the national police chief with snuff films and the Washington Times exposed the Finders case run by the CIA in DC with satellite uplinks and all the snuff films and dead little kids and the FBI came in and shut that down.
First, the FBI exposed it because they caught a van full of kids being transported to Florida.
The FBI raided it, and then the CIA came in with the FBI higher levels and shut it down.
I mean, this was in the Washington Times.
I interviewed the FBI agents involved, folks, that were in there.
They said it was just unbelievable.
And then they were under national security block from releasing... All they could talk about is what was first in the news.
So when I see a story about pedophilia in Hollywood,
Dealing with 10, 12, 14-year-old boys.
That's bad.
That's terrible.
That's horrible.
On the casting couch.
And that's why I won't allow my children to be involved in acting or show business.
It's just a horribly nasty, evil culture.
On average.
But when we start talking about all this breaking with Bryan Singer accuser names three more Hollywood insiders and new sex abuse case, you know, the former head of Disney, the list goes on and on.
We're about to go over all that in a moment.
Name names of who's alleged to be a pedophile and who's been admitted to be a pedophile.
The thing is, these guys associate with known pedophiles.
And you look at Jimmy Savelle and the rest of them and all the deaths surrounding him and the royal family.
I'm going to cover some of that and then get to Jon Bowne's article.
The point is it's not just children.
I remember in 2008 an article in the Sunday Times of London about Burgundy, France and a National Park castle.
It was a Rothschild former castle.
Where women escaped from a dungeon, who looked like concentration camp victims, went to the local regional police office, they raided it, found all the dead women and other women in cages at the castle.
People ought to look this up.
I'm just telling you just a few of the hundreds of cases of literally thousands of articles, and then it got declared national security and shut down.
I mean, when you see movies like Hostel and all this, that's what the globalists are really doing, folks.
They've got trillions of dollars stolen.
They were into evil and psychopathic and have no qualms about killing a million plus Iraqis just to get their oil and for weapons sales, or destroying Libya for Al-Qaeda, or destroying Syria and destabilizing the whole country.
It's not that they don't have qualms, they enjoy it.
So you have to understand, the entire system is filled with scum.
And it runs from yes-men and people that just serve authority, who are stupid, to mercenaries, control freaks, sickos, sadists, right up to the top, pedophiles, psychopaths, mass murderer types, until you reach the very top, and they are absolute worshippers of total death and destruction, nihilists, who want planetary extinction, when you read their poetry and writings.
I mean, the very top is just
Like the entity from the Fifth Element that just, you know, is working through Zorg and just wants to come destroy the Earth.
I mean, basically, that movie's telling you something.
And all you Zorg wannabes need to understand, what you're opening the gates to will destroy everything if it has its way.
Now, I want to be clear.
I always feel like I'm not doing something justice, because to come on the air and say pedophile rings run the planet sounds pretty wild, but you notice it just keeps continuing to come out.
And they infiltrate every institution.
The Catholic Church, Penn State.
Of course it turns out a bunch of the faculty was involved in a cover-up.
You don't think Sandusky was raping little kids in there in broad daylight.
At noon on a Saturday, and it wasn't authorized.
Sandusky, through his charity, was supplying small children who were troubled, so they could deny they had problems, to the elite.
You notice a bunch of Homeland Security people are involved.
You notice they keep getting busted with little kids.
And they'll burn a few just to scare their own people, or they'll burn innocent people occasionally.
This is how they operate.
Most of the Pentagon's had child porn loaded on its computers.
And they tell people, just do what you're told, you won't get in trouble.
But I didn't.
We'll look at the porn.
Doesn't matter.
We could jail you if you don't do what you are told.
I was told 15 years ago by former CIA commander and former Senator John DeCamp that Penn State and the Boys Town was a pedophile ring.
It later all came out.
Let's get Senator John DeCant back on, who exposed the Franklin cover-up.
My point is, is that I'm an expert on this.
And I can tell you, DynCorp runs child kidnapping worldwide.
It's come out in Congress.
And I was death-threatened when I was first breaking this eight years ago.
Very serious death threats.
They were giving me stuff on the phone and in parking lots, threatening me that they would only know if I was under surveillance.
And they said, we're going to kill you if you don't shut up.
Well, I doubled down.
DynCorp is the biggest CPS
Contractors in the country.
They run most of CPS in Texas.
Private contractors.
That's a fact.
Look it up.
So let me just show you a snapshot of what I had them print during a three-minute break earlier in the hour.
I threw off some names, said pull it up.
They pulled up what I said.
This is just a small smattering.
We're going to skip the network break.
It's too important.
Stuart Hall's sentence for sex attacks on girls is double to 30 months.
Court of Appeals rules former BBC broadcasters original 15-month jail term was inadequate.
Reportedly raping hundreds of girls.
Named by David Icke who worked at the BBC more than a decade ago.
Let's continue.
Experts, pedophiles in Hollywood, even bigger problem than in Corey Feldman's day.
Corey Feldman's gone public.
His friend was reportedly killed.
We've been contacted by Corey Feldman before his book even came out.
And we talked to him and I just said, look, bring your book out, then I might have you on.
And it's just because, I'm not doubting you, it's just that
I've got huge issues to cover, and I can't get destroyed for something that I can't prove.
Well, now he's come out and nobody's sued him over it, so we're ready to have Feldman on.
In fact, contact him.
He contacted us two years ago.
Let's get him on if he wants to come on.
Peach's Geldof faces police investigation after naming moms who allegedly offered babies for pedophile Rocker.
Well, now there's been convictions.
It's turned out it was true.
What happened to her?
Peaches, Geldof dead, post-mortem set for today, and unexplained and sudden death.
Go public?
You die.
She had a soul, though.
She's with God now.
You better believe it, folks.
Now in her, Bryan Singer, sex abuse accuser, names three more Hollywood bigwigs in lawsuits.
You look at the players, you look at their whole history, you gotta look at this guy's testimony, I believe he's telling the truth.
But I can't prove that, it's still alleged.
Except for some of the people connected are convicted pedos.
You take one look at them, they got that look in their eye.
Now before I get into that,
Look at this, right here.
You've got celebrity arrest could soar after horrified police discovered Jimmy Savelle's secret lair at record shop, a secret dungeon behind a fake wall.
Then they convicted his butler with this, his driver who then turned up dead when he was set to testify.
Against him.
Look at this.
Against others.
Savelle's convicted pedophile BBC driver found dead on day he was due to stand trial for sex crimes uncovered.
See all the deaths?
I could keep going.
I could keep going.
See, here's the problem with covering any issue.
People think, oh, that's just your opinion.
Pedophile rings run things.
They've continued to find dead babies of children.
Dead babies and children.
In and around Sonoma County at Bohemian Grove.
You know, I was there two years ago with the History Channel and Metzler's Decoder, I think it's called.
I was on a couple episodes.
I only watched one of them.
I'm on a whole bunch of those shows.
I don't watch hardly any of them.
And we're in a theater during the day and they've got the plastic original Alien, one of five, from the movie Alien.
1977 or whatever, 78, and then that's in there, and the place is really dark, has a horrible vibe, and the people that are working there go, we're lawyers for the locals, and we know who you are, and I'm in there, you know, with the Grove leadership, and I think you're the problem.
And I told them, I said, we're supposed to infiltrate today?
They already know everything.
They're gonna come after us.
I said, you're in a major nest here.
I go, look at all the satanic stuff in here.
I go, look at how they're looking at me.
They are mad you're in here interviewing me.
We weren't even talking about how we're about to infiltrate.
And the director was wearing a CIA hat and messing with me the whole time.
And we go down the river to infiltrate, and they were waiting for us when we got there.
And they all got arrested, and I said, I'm not going to jail.
I jumped in the river, got out of the kayak, swam underneath when the police cars were on the other side.
Holding my cell phone up the whole time so I could call Aaron Dykes to come pick me up on the side of the highway.
So, you know, I got away.
I didn't go to your stinkin' jail.
Anyways, long story short, they made him basically whitewash the whole piece so they wouldn't charge him with trespassing.
And I think that was all staged.
We were led right into it.
The point is, is that... Sounds crazy what I was describing.
It was a really dark place, man.
And most of the town is operating for them.
They're in Sonoma.
They're on the Russian River.
And it's the same deal.
And little kids get found dead all the time around there.
Some famous cases with Paula Closs and others.
And then you get the reports out of the Franklin cover-up of the snuff films.
I just can't handle it.
And you need to understand, folks, we're dealing with pure evil here.
And basically, when you're in the town right outside the Bohemian Grove there in Monterio, it's like you're in the little town below Dracula's castle.
But they've all been bitten, or most of them have.
I mean, I had a fire department, this is on video,
An expanded Bohemian Grove, uh, Order of Death we put out.
If you get the DVD at m4wars.com, it has both the original film and the new one on it.
And you see the fire department, they find out who we are and they bow up.
And it's the same deal.
I mean, you're in a restaurant and they go, you're Alex Jones!
And they go, we don't like you, we're not serving, you get out of here.
And we're like, well, our camera's in the car and I should have just confronted them.
I mean, if you go to that town, they work for the castle up on the hill.
And they know it.
And nobody wants to talk about the dead kids.
Nobody wants to talk about the satanic rituals.
Nobody wants to talk about it.
And then people make jokes about it and go, oh, there's nothing going on there.
Well, yeah, during the two weeks that it officially goes on, most of the people there aren't devil worshippers or pedophiles, but they get all the actors and directors and the people they're into to come there.
And they ship in male prostitutes and top gay porn stars.
That's in the news.
Watch my films and they do have gay sex there.
That's just the intro into it though.
And then they break off and go to other camps in the area.
And so that's the gateway into this whole situation.
And anybody that tries to expose it ends up dead.
And this is how this pedophile cult of devil worshippers... They're not just pedophiles, they're usually devil worshippers.
It's come out Savelle was, and others, with secret dungeons.
And they think this country is theirs.
And not all the CPS, most social workers are actually good people.
I've run into the people that help old folks and others, or social workers that help teenagers are usually pretty nice.
But statistically, in criminology handbooks, I'll admit this if you take criminology, people that try to work around kids have the highest instance of being pedos.
Because they're then in the system and know how to cover it up.
Truancy officers, CPS, you name it.
These are the people statistically, the ones that are in control of the kids, you gotta watch.
Now let's go to John Bowne's report, and we'll come back with your calls, Bob and Xander and Bob and
Kylene and others.
And then we've got the Northeast Intelligence Network coming on with some very important intel.
But right now, here is John Bowne's report.
This is the type of report you see back-to-back every night, seven o'clock central, at PrisonPlanet.tv.
If you're not a member, support the hardcore journalism here.
Now here's his report just on the Hollywood situation.
Here it is.
Four powerful Hollywood moguls were accused of committing the sexual abuse of teenage boys in 1999.
They include X-Men director Bryan Singer, former president of BBC Worldwide America and former head of programming for Fox, NBC, and the WB Garth Ancier.
Gary Goddard, the head of a Los Angeles design group,
And former president of Disney TV, David Newman.
Mr. Newman previously worked with the ringleader of the perversion, Mark Collins Rector.
Mr. Rector is a registered sex offender that pled guilty in 2004 to luring minors across state lines for sexual acts.
The accuser is Michael Egan, now 31 years old.
He claims that when he was a teenager, he was given money and threatened to keep quiet about the events that took place in Hawaii and Los Angeles, or he would be eliminated, along with his family.
However, Mr. Egan claims to have reported it to the police and subsequently the FBI in the year 2000, but no action was taken.
Mr. Egan's lawyer, Jeff Herman, has until April 24th, 2014, to file additional charges against additional alleged perps in the state of Hawaii.
Thursday, April 24th, is the cutoff date for past sexual abuse cases
To be filed under a two-year window, all of the sorted details will be coming out in a documentary by Oscar-nominated director Amy Berg, nominated for Deliver Us From Evil, her expose on sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.
The accusations have sent a shockwave of regret through Hollywood, as bigger names may be revealed for what they truly are.
Sexual abuse of minors by Hollywood big shots is nothing new.
The two Corys, Feldman and Haim, recounted how they were abused by executives.
Corey Feldman says it led to Corey Haim's untimely death.
Well-known actor Jeffrey Jones was arrested for possession of child pornography and accused of soliciting a 14-year-old boy to pose for pornographic photographs.
Oscar-winning director Roman Polanski was hunted for years for the rape of a 13-year-old girl, eventually ending up doing time in a Swiss prison.
The perversion in the British entertainment industry is just as flagrant.
BBC presenter Stuart Hall was jailed in 2013 for 14 counts of indecent assault against girls as young as nine.
BBC radio personality Freddie Zapp was accused of sexual assault
There are 1 million children exploited every year in the global sex trade
A 32 billion dollar industry that has ties to the highest levels of government.
The time has come to reclaim our dignity from the sick, elitist cancer that is rotting the very core of humanity.
That's John Bowne's report from InfoWars Nightly News last night.
If you are not a PrisonPlanet.tv member and are not supporting true, independent, hardcore, liberty-based media, you're insane.
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Your phone calls, then our guests, coming up.
Back in one minute, Bob, Bob, Bob, we got a bunch of Bobs on the line.
Xander, we're going to all of you.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Going right back to your phone calls, the final point I didn't make about the global pedophile Luciferian devil rings running the planet is that top psychologists have said this, you can pull up the news articles, that the TSA groping of children is pedophile training and should be illegal.
It is illegal.
State of Texas tried to enforce the law, the feds threatened to blockade the state and that's why this new video up on DrudgeReport.com from InfoWars.com
is so important, TSA agents pat down two and six-year-old children.
And it's continuing even though they said they've stopped.
So, there you go.
They kind of backed off for a while, they're back.
And I'm not saying the TSA people that do it are all pedophiles.
I'm saying the practice is a joke and a fraud when the government runs Al-Qaeda.
Here's the Daily Mail article.
Benghazi attack could have been prevented if U.S.
hadn't switched sides in the war on terror and allowed 500 million of weapons to reach Al-Qaeda militants.
The government arms Al-Qaeda but says your two-year-old's diaper has to be checked.
This is about training you that you're a prisoner, period.
And it's run, and it's a directive that comes from the pedo-run federal government.
This country's in deep trouble.
This world's in deep trouble.
But it's so horrifying and so evil, people come face-to-face with it, and we can't admit it.
Let's talk to Bob in Michigan.
Bob, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Retired military wants to give us your take on Ukraine.
Thank you for calling.
Ukraine is a big incident, certainly, but as you've brought up many times, they do one thing and distract you from something else.
I swore that oath to the Constitution, and they're looking, and I would really like all the shows, especially Shortwave and everything,
To watch constantly the assault on the Constitution.
They are looking, they have the number of states on board right now for a constitutional convention.
Which would put the entire Constitution up for revision.
And you've got the former Supreme Court Justice last week saying, time to get rid of it, it's outdated.
Well, what part is outdated?
The First Amendment?
Free speech?
What, the right of privacy?
The Fourth?
States' rights?
I mean, what's so bad in this Constitution that they're pushing a con-con?
And I get conservatives or libertarians using a con-con to try to reverse a bunch of bad stuff, but we already have the Constitution to block it, we're just not enforcing it.
I just want to keep this in front of your listeners that are very well educated and alert.
Do not let this proceed because what's going to happen is we're going to, all these things that the Bundys are using, the state's rights, the 10th Amendment, the 2nd Amendment, all the really important things here, they're all important.
That's my point.
And you're going to get a bunch of flaky people out there.
They're going to start telling you that this Constitution is, you know, a living document.
No, it's carved in stone, just like the scriptures.
That's where it is for me.
And I just, I don't, I just want to put that out there and let everybody hear this one more time because with all these things distracting us, let's not let the prize, the gem that we have
Sure, you're paraphrasing Thomas Jefferson.
Let no one approach the precious jewel of liberty, our Constitution, Bill of Rights.
Thank you so much for the call.
Great points.
Bob, we're going to go to break.
Come back with Bob, Xander, Kathleen, and Bob.
I pushed our guests back six, seven, eight minutes, so I can try to take more of your calls.
Then we'll continue with your calls.
I don't get to you, but the Constitution is biblical.
The Bill of Rights is biblical, not because it's biblical, but because it's based on biblical ideas.
And the 9th Amendment points out that the rights come from the people, the people are the boss, and the government cannot do anything to invent a tyranny upon the people.
It's a restatement of the Declaration of Independence.
And so, yes, the 10th and 9th Amendment point out that it's prima facie rights from the people.
The system says no.
Authority flows from the government, and that's who's ever seized control of it.
No, the people are the final check and balance.
They are the first and the last defenders of liberty.
And any organic view can tell you that this is an illegitimate, occupational government filled with collaborators.
What do you think about the FBI saying that there was a terror alert on Monday about a potential forfeiture situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks, I'm being assaulted!
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There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowar.
The folks from HomelandSecurityUS.com, a private investigator and a police advisor, Doug Hagman, and a lot of great works will be joining us with his son.
They host a popular online TV show every day.
We're going to be talking to them about their intel on what's happening, the move against the American people, attempts to start a civil war.
We're going to get into this incredible report that's published in the Daily Mail on our own government openly arming Al-Qaeda.
That is all coming up with our guest.
Also, there's a story up on CNBC.
It's in the middle column of DrudgeReport.com.
We're going to post it on Infowars.com.
And it's titled, The Growing Perils of a Cashless Future.
CNBC tells you, oh, it's so horrible.
It allows all your data to be stolen.
That's the point.
Keep using cash.
Don't let them get rid of it.
So many Fortune 500s, when I do shop with them, when I'm out of town and have to or whatever, they're so rude when you give them a $50 bill.
Well, first of all, I've worked in defense for many years.
I've been with military generals and presidents, current and retired.
And what you see here, it's fairly simple cut and dry.
It's very, very simple.
If you look at the situation here, if you go back to your Genes 21 to Depopulation Program, this is all part
I don't
You have us going as a bad cop, and then the good cop comes in, and Russia's coming to save the day.
We made deals with, through our... I agree with you that that's been done in the past, and that then, like, the secret deal between Hitler and Stalin to divide Poland, which is now on record, and was on record after World War II, that happened, and that is the pattern of history.
But what do you say about Georgia, then?
What do you say about the attempts by NATO to destabilize Russia itself and overthrow Putin?
Well yeah, at the very beginning we had cold wars and medium hot wars.
We're playing games with technological moving.
The thing is, there's this code name called Code of Death.
I mean, not Code of Death.
It's called Game of Death, where, in fact, Russia, we're monitoring Russia and their secret moving of atomic weapons.
Basically, it's a chessboard.
They're using these pawns, as they call them, moving atomic weapons in other countries, basically.
I can't really say the countries, but the countries that we've been invading.
So you're talking about secret, secret caches of weapons to be used by sleeper cells?
Um, that too, and basically it's used for, in our national defense structure, what we have is we have a countdown timer as defense retaliation, retaliatory offenses.
It's called secondary, second timings.
It's Russia's, say Russia has us on our clock, they have us on 15
I don't know.
We're good.
In order to destabilize these certain regions to keep this game of death, to shut down this game of death that's been going on for a long time.
Well, you should write an article about it under a gnome to bloom.
Send it to us, we'll look into it.
That all sounds accurate.
It's one level where they have fake diplomacy and then kind of wink-wink will allow this deal.
That's what Saddam Hussein was told on video by U.S.
Ambassador April Gillespie.
He'd been told wink-wink attack this country, wink-wink attack Iran.
He was told, okay, you owe us $35 billion, stop over-pumping, and lowering the price of oil, we'll let you take Kuwait.
And he said, I'm going to invade then.
And she goes, we will not get involved in their Arab affairs.
He smiled and said, thank you, and invaded Kuwait two weeks later.
I mean, he worked for the CIA.
They set him up.
So the problem is they could be telling Russia that, and telling Iran that, because I know there's double dealing going on, like Iran-Contra.
You're absolutely right.
It's just at the end of the day, it's not for the American people's interest.
It's dangerous, it will bankrupt us, and I'm against it.
Do you agree with that, Bob, or do you think that statement's incorrect?
Yeah, the thing is, you know, there's a group of individuals trying to actually globally crush the global economy right now, and it's sort of ironic that last year to the date I was on your show on April 22nd of last year, and I
We're good to go.
Well no, I mean that's agenda 21, and that's the Rural Affairs Commission at the Pentagon's over in Northcom, run by Obama.
The executive order he signed last year is to shut down the farms and ranches in America to make us dependent, and they're doing it.
And they're getting savage in their attacks.
The American people have to realize this is not our government.
This is a foreign, corporate, occupational system.
I appreciate your call, Bob.
We're going to go to Kalen, Bob, Xander, Joe, and others with our guest coming up.
If you want to hold callers, if you want to get off the line, I understand we'll open the phones up for other people.
But we're joined for the balance of the hour by Doug Hackman, who's been a frequent guest, and Joe Hackman, who works with him and his son, who's never been on the show before if I remember correctly, on LandSecurityUS.com.
And he's the founder and director of the Northeast Intelligence Network, CEO of Multi-State Licensed Private Investigative Agency.
He's serving Fortune 500 clients, he's a member of the International Counterterrorism Office Association, and has worked with DHS and FBI, and has given us a lot of good information, frequent guests on a lot of big shows, and has his own show.
You can find out more at his website, RightsForCanadianFreePress, InfoWars.com, you name it.
So, Mr. Hagman and Mr. Hagman, good to have you both on.
What do you want to tackle first?
I want to get into Russia.
I want to get into the latest info you've got on the public rollout declaring that gun owners and conservatives and libertarians are the new mission that's now official.
And I want to get into this new report put out by...
More than 50 former CIA and other folks saying that indeed Benghazi was a weapons transfer to Al-Qaeda and that our government's quote switched sides to fully work with Al-Qaeda publicly.
I'm now seeing articles in CNN, AP about how good Al-Qaeda is and we should have been nice to them all along and they're really going to help us and they're good guys now.
I mean this is how dumb the globalists think we are.
So guys good to have you on with us.
Alex, thanks so much for inviting us back, or inviting me back.
And of course, this is my son Joe.
We work together.
Thanks for having us.
But Benghazi, I think, is the key issue here because it does relate to Russia.
We've got a lot of information on that.
Yeah, my father here has been on top of the Benghazi situation since this happened in September.
Why are you un-American?
I mean, isn't fighting for Al Qaeda the American way now?
Wouldn't John Wayne support them?
Yeah, exactly.
You know, it seems that way.
Alex, if I remember correctly, right after I issued my initial report about Benghazi, you appeared on your show, you invited me on your show, and we talked about this very issue.
Everything that we talked about on your show back in, I don't know, late 2012, has come out in this investigative report.
The fact that this seditious, treasonous activity, the fact that we bankrolled the
I think?
The depth of this, not scandal, but crime.
For me, this kind of stuff has gone on for a long time behind the scenes.
Now they don't even care and do it nakedly.
Why are they so arrogant?
Well, because no one's questioning them.
And Joe and I talk about this all the time on our show.
No one is questioning this.
The media is compromised.
I mean, who in the media, aside from you and the new media, the alternative media, has even questioned this?
Only UK News and Drudge is linked to it right now.
That's it.
They've listed the alternative media as a... The Department of Homeland Security, in their 2009 extremist lexicon, listed the alternative media as a possible domestic extremist.
Is there anything that differs from the mainstream media that's promoted in the major six networks?
That's right.
We're going to go to break here in a moment, but I want to come back and I guess get into this report first.
Then I want to get your take on Ukraine.
I want to get your take on the open rollout.
I mean, what's it like, both Hagmans briefly, to see everything we've talked about now just open, just mainline?
It's incredible.
We talk about this all the time.
I mean, it's like living in a toilet.
Alex, you called it long ago.
Others called it long ago.
It's not surprising to me, because I've been listening to you for seven, eight years, and listening to my dad, and before we even got into this, seeing you roll out, and I was just understanding and seeing what research has been accomplished coming to fruition.
Why are the elites so confident?
I mean, I guess they don't control the media.
The alternative media is bigger than the dinosaur now.
I guess they're in make-believe land?
Neuro-linguistic programming.
Resistance is futile.
They want you to believe that you can't defeat City Hall.
You've talked about it.
Of course, that's why they're so confident.
It's a confidence game.
Let's come back, because we're calling them on their fraud.
Straight ahead, ladies and gentlemen, on the other side, we're going to break it all down.
I'm Alex Jones, and we are talking to two very informed gentlemen that have a lot of inside intel.
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You know, I'm gonna ask the Hagmans about the pedophile networks that seem to be running the planet.
You look at all the sexualization of children, you look at the attacks on children, look at the media, it's when you understand it's a pedophile network.
I covered that last hour with the John Bowne special report.
I'm just throwing that out now so the Hagmans don't forget to give me their take on that.
That's a question I've never asked them.
And the reason I like having the Hagmans on is that they really do have a lot of great sources.
They've given us a lot of intel that turned out to actually be accurate or came true.
So I want to get their take on what does it signify that the Daily Mail's reporting, quote, Benghazi attack could have been prevented if U.S.
had to switch sides in the war on terror and allowed
500 million of weapons to reach Al Qaeda militants reveals the damning report.
And again we got Doug and Joe Hagman on, both private investigators.
A Citizens Commission on Benghazi, a self-selected group of former top military officers, CIA insiders.
Think tankers declared last night in Washington at the press club that a seven-month review of the deadly 2012 terrorist attack has determined that it could have been prevented, well yeah they ran it, if the US hadn't been helping to arm Al Qaeda militants through Libya a year earlier.
And they go over to say our government's quote switched sides and openly working with Al Qaeda.
Now again, we already know this, but to have this at the press club, to have this on drudge, to have the American people come and Senator Paul say we're not on the side of Al Qaeda, we're not their air force, Senator Cruz said that as well, it really, now that this is being openly debated,
This is the, I remember four years ago, Bilderberg was throwing fits internally.
Back when Tucker was still alive and we had contacts.
We still have some, but they're on the outside.
That they brought this up at Bilderberg, the fact that we were exposing that the West runs Al Qaeda.
So gentlemen, break down how big this report is.
Well, Alex, I'll tell you, this report that was released by the Citizens Committee on Benghazi, there's nothing to this report that we have not already talked about, exposed.
There's nothing that they really added to this report.
It just confirms what we've talked about.
But here's how big this is, and people really need to understand this.
Gaddafi was cooperating.
Now, Gaddafi was not a great
Great guy.
But he was cooperating with us, with our intelligence agencies.
And this whole thing with Benghazi was intelligence-backed, Western intelligence-backed.
It was part of this planned American Spring.
People think American Spring was not planned.
It was planned.
But we took Spring.
That's now admitted by Bilderberg and Google at the hotel in Watford.
Right, exactly.
So the bottom line on this, really quick here, is the fact that Siemens came in, like, on the bow of the Titanic, you know, with a hundred or so assets, with CIA assets and operatives and that type of thing, into Libya, while Gaddafi was still alive, thinking that, in fact, that we could be very well cooperating with him.
Our intelligence agencies armed the very people that took him out.
He was taken out.
The whole process was to arm the Syrian anti-Assad rebels.
We talked about this on your show right after it happened.
To arm the anti-Assad Syrian rebels, including, by the way, with chemical weapons.
And of course, what happened was the Turkish ambassador was notified by the Russians.
The Russians notified the Turkish ambassador.
They said, hey, wait a minute.
You guys are trading with chemical weapons and munitions and such on our soil or on our border here.
You've got to stop that.
You've got to tell Stevens.
You've got to tell the Americans to stop that.
So the Turkish ambassador came to Benghazi to meet at the CIA compound.
It was never a consulate.
It was an embassy.
It was a CIA compound, an operations center, the biggest one in North Africa.
And told him, look, you guys, the Russians have satellite overheads.
Stop what you're doing.
All of these weapons coming into Libya.
It's like Michael Reagan said this in his report.
They hope you've been trailed across Northern Africa in building on the kernel of truth that appeared in the American thinker.
Exactly as it happened.
And of course, Gaddafi was taken out before that.
But the bottom line is, we are arming the Syrian rebels.
Think of Bay of Pigs.
Al Qaeda now runs Libya.
It's running Syria.
They destabilized the whole region in order to try to reorganize it under this order out of chaos.
And they've done a fantastic job.
That's right, they need them there so they can take our liberty.
Exactly, exactly.
And Ukraine, you mentioned Ukraine.
What's going on in Ukraine?
If people don't think that Putin knew exactly what was going on in Libya, of course he knew exactly what was going on.
And that's why Benghazi happened.
But his response, of course, was Benghazi.
We opened up another front against Syria, by the way.
Another front has been opened with ISIS.
And that name, Alex, ISIS, the Islamic Society of...
ISIS, the terrorist group ISIS.
People, obviously, you know the significance of ISIS, the name, and the Illuminati, but that said, another front in Syria was open, and of course, now Putin is reacting to what's going on in Syria.
So, this is a game at multiple levels between the Americans, the Russians, the West, and the Russians, but at the end of all of this, and people have to remember this, it's all orchestrated by the globalists, by the Illuminati.
That's right.
Stay there.
Both of you.
A long segment.
I'll give you the floor.
We're going to talk about where this goes from here now.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
It's the Grand Chess Board.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, let's go back to Doug and Joe Hagman of the Northeast Intelligence Network, HomelandSecurityUS.com.
I'm Alex Jones of Infowars.com.
I know we've got Kalen, and we've got Xander, and we've got Melvin, and Pam, and Joe, and others holding.
I will get to your calls.
Okay, but I want to try to get back to these guys, because your topics are on topics.
You can ask questions to them or make your statements.
But when we do go to your calls, we'll try to move through them quickly.
Looking at this whole grand chess board, and they admit it's a proxy war, Brzezinski does, against Russia.
China now challenges Obama's Asia pivot with rapid military buildup.
The conflict with China and Russia is real at one level.
But as you were saying in another, there are Illuminati, Globalist, Chaos Agents, Spectre Agents, Hydra Agents, you can call them whatever you want.
You see that out there in the culture.
The Illuminati is telling you how they really run things.
Evil agents within the systems, playing countries off against each other, creating crises, creating wars, creating evil trades, in the slave trade of children, you name it.
And then using the crises they create to set up police states to take our liberties, just like the drug war.
Where is it going next from your intel?
And as this huge awakening happens, and as the military does the right thing, and the police do the right thing, and come out with all this data, and as our military says no to an attack on Syria, and as the chemical attacks get exposed as being launched by Saudi Arabia and the globalists,
Everything they're doing is blowing up in their face.
So what are they doing?
Doubling down Ukraine?
What's the higher level to this?
I want to get Joe Hagman's take on this as well as Doug's, but Doug, first, break down your take on what I just said.
Yeah, first of all, and I think it's important to note that if anyone ever questions the fact that
You wrote about that six months ago.
Now Soros is saying Ukraine will kill the dollar and he's betting against it.
And that's the ultimate game, because what's the dollar backed by?
It's not backed by gold, silver.
It's backed by the promise of the free flow of energy from the West.
It's our military.
That's what it's backed by.
And our land.
Well, that's true.
It's collateralized by our land.
And this also connects to the Bundys, the Bundy land grab, too.
Joe, I've done a lot of research on cover, the fact that China's involved in this as well, the collateralization.
But the bottom line, to answer your specific question, is they're going to take down the United States dollar.
That's the ultimate objective.
Yeah, and they want to do so in order to bring complete destruction and lack of any type of authority, so that people are begging for the authority to be brought back in, to have order restored, so they can set up their endgame system, which is the microchipping, the electronic health information, data, electronic currency, medical records, everything on one chip.
You know, many of your guests have come on and talked about this is the end game.
Total control of all your resources, your habits, monitoring everything you do with one specific piece of technology.
Well, they admit that in Europe they want to collapse Europe, the big central banks do, and then have a Marshall Plan to fix it, and Ukraine's the cover for that.
But separately they want to force Europe to buy U.S.
gas, which would prop up the dollar.
How does that fit in?
Because that contradicts the move.
Like on one hand they're trying to kill the dollar with QE Unlimited, but on the other hand they're trying to prop it up.
What's happening there?
Well, think of it this way, Alex.
Think of it as the United States being the Titanic, or the U.S.
dollar being the Titanic.
They want the entire ship filled to capacity, and few lifeboats, no lifeboats.
They're going to send the Titanic out.
So what they're doing right now is they're attempting to get as many people on board this... Like the stock market?
Yeah, exactly.
Let's bring them in.
We're not done plundering you yet.
It's a Ponzi scheme.
It's a big game.
So the more that come in at the end, the more money that they can plunder, the more wealth they can take over.
And that's the problem.
And that's why Cloward and Piven, their admitted plan bankrupt us, to socialize us, and to condition us.
That's why they're running around like gremlins, like a pack of 85 trillion gremlins, shutting down and butchering every business they can, every farm, every ranch.
Every factory, every power plant, they are just shutting everything down.
Obamacare is meant to bankrupt all the small businesses, cut people down to 20 hours, death panels, absolutely, while they buy armored vehicles, tanks, weapons, and prepare for war with the veterans they know aren't going to go along with this.
Homeland Security has purchased another 25 million shotgun rounds.
You've got the Post Office buying bullets.
All these governmental agencies are buying ammunition and stockpiling them.
For what?
They obviously know that there's a purpose behind it.
They're not doing it to drive up the price of ammunition.
So we have to look at the deeper issue and say, why are they doing this?
Well, it's either for planning on using them against people, invaders.
Your dad said two years ago on the show, 2012, that your Homeland Security source said they would turn on the race war.
And they really did that since then.
It's very clear they're doing it.
What else should we look for, according to your own research and sources?
Because you've got, I know, some of the same sources we do.
How are things going for the globalists right now, though?
Because they are being exposed.
Well, one of the biggest setbacks for the globalists was the exposure of what happened in Benghazi.
They didn't win in Syria.
Now, that doesn't mean they didn't stop trying.
They're still trying in Syria.
And of course, that opened up Ukraine.
Uh, what they're doing is they're setting us up here for the, well, to answer your question, um, they're, they're, they're trying again in Syria.
They are now opening up different fronts.
The Ukraine, they are going after the dollar, but, but, but they've been kind of pushed back and we made a difference, Alex.
You made a difference.
Your exposure to Benghazi, our exposure to Benghazi, we made a difference in Syria.
And I think we can, we still need to keep the pressure on the line and keep pushing and keep it forming.
Because we can expose these people.
They're like cockroaches, as you pointed out before.
They don't like the light.
If we shine the light on them, I'm going to tell you, we can win some battles, of course.
Ultimately, we... They're never going to stop pushing for their overall agenda, but what we can do is always buy time.
And time can be a precious commodity, especially when we're so
I agree to recognize the threat and who it is.
Is Putin double dealing with the globalists?
They're now threatening to grab his Swiss bank accounts, they're saying.
I don't know if that story's a propaganda.
I think so.
Well, I'll tell you.
We were just talking about this yesterday.
My view real quick, and then I'll turn it to Joe, is this.
Putin is in partnership with Obama at a higher level.
Of course, at the lower level, we're seeing the circus play out.
And of course, Putin, don't forget, is a billionaire based on his oil holdings.
So whatever he has, certainly he's in good shape.
And he's KGB, and will always be KGB.
So we have to remember that.
The bigger question, I think, is who is Obama?
And I believe all these leaders are just basic puppet talking heads.
While each country, these elitists have no allegiance to any country whatsoever.
They use the countries as chess pieces on a chessboard.
As you said, the grand chessboard.
And what they're going to do is use Russia, they're going to use China, they're going to use whatever nations they can to destroy.
How do we get their admitted philosophy of playing all the sides off against each other where they sit on top of us?
How do we get that across to the police and military?
Because in the domestic operation it's been clear
For at least 15, 20 years they've been scripting civil war.
Obama's been scripted as the new Lincoln.
I don't think that's going to fly.
Who will, you know, crush the evil racist states.
None of that's working anymore.
But it doesn't matter.
They're still deploying the armored vehicles, the high-tech surveillance.
Now all the manuals come out on a weekly basis, not a monthly, where they're training to crush the Tea Party, veterans, gun owners.
I mean, I hope the military and police know
Even though they could certainly fight hard, they couldn't defeat the Iraqis, who were going to be nothing compared to the veterans of this country.
I've looked at it from every angle.
I've war-gamed it.
If 1% of the American people that are gun owners of, say, $170 million fight back,
And most of those are veterans.
That's 1.7 million combatants.
If you kill one government operative, that wipes them all out.
Military, police, everyone basically dead.
I mean, it's easy.
It's like moose hunting.
You'd have to have a lottery.
You couldn't even find someone to kill if you wanted to if people actually go out and start killing.
I don't want that to happen because the globalists want us to wipe them out.
It's public under the I-4 and under the NLE-09 through NLE-14.
Which they classified this year, but we still got some of it.
They openly are ready to then pour in foreign troops.
I mean, I hear the old-timers, the military men, go, they're planning to use Chinese troops.
I'm like, oh, shut up.
They actually talk about using Chinese troops to, quote, secure their national debt.
So, how do we stop the civil war?
Because, I mean, or are we all just going to like idiots march out and kill each other?
Well, unfortunately, the biggest question I have is what you asked there in the beginning is how do we bridge the gap between helping people understand who are politically ignorant right now and ignorant of what's going on.
How do we bridge the gap to help these people understand what is going on?
And, you know, there seems to be a few different types of people.
Some that take to it slowly, some that don't want to hear it, and some that will never understand it until there's that boot that kicks down their door.
See, and Alex, right before showtime, if I could just slip this in.
A very important piece of information I got.
There's a gentleman by the name, and I can verify this, and I've gotten the authority approval to use his name.
At the Bundy Ranch, a gentleman by the name of Jerry DeLemus is there.
They, and I'm not sure, we didn't catch the first part of your show.
We were in transit to the studio, but the fact of the matter is,
The information we have is that there is some sort of activity, perhaps some sort of service of legal process to be done against the Cliven Bundy and or his family, members of his family.
Jerry DeLibes wants, who's at the ranch right now, wants people to know
That they will not put up, obstruct in any way, shape or form, or in any way put up any force against any law enforcement officers who are right now or in the future intending to serve any lawful or legal service of process or warrant or whatever.
They will cooperate.
There's a propaganda war going on here.
The government is saying, look,
You know, these patrons out there with guns, they're going to shoot you if you go... That's right, they're using the loaded sovereign citizen term, nothing against sovereign citizens, but it's a Southern Poverty Law Center term, to say that they're going to kill any Fed they see.
When it was the Feds pointing the guns, not them, they've said, we will take the process.
Are you getting at they could false flag the servers?
Well, yeah, and that's exactly what's being set up here.
This is as much of an info war, propaganda war, as anything else.
We, the Second Amendment, constitutionalists, gun-toting, Bible-carrying people, we are being set up for the demonization.
Look what you did.
Oh no, I undoubtedly know that they can spin this against us if it goes sideways, and that's why Glenn Beck is now saying it has nothing to do with it.
My deal is, they're pointing guns, they're attacking people with dogs, they're out of control.
How can you put down people with their guns, with them at their sides, marching towards the feds?
You have to say these are honorable people.
At the same time, I don't want this to go physical, and I'm on record saying that.
But I think Reid and them have a big problem too, because if they do try to stage something,
It's not going to go the way they want.
I mean, I think the globalists... Do you think the globalists are ready for the Civil War to start?
Is that what you're saying?
Well, what I think is, the globalists have all their pieces in place, and they've had them in place for a while, from what I can tell.
And if they wanted to start something, if they wanted to actually start the Civil War, they could have done it, you know, five years ago.
But they haven't.
So the question is, why haven't they started?
Well, I think it's us.
I think it's the fact that the alternative real new media knows their game plan.
And just like the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman went to Obama the night before the attack on Syria, that's been confirmed and said the military will not stand for this.
I think the military and police, in fact, I know the military, my gosh, it's like 90% now are awake that I talk to.
I mean, they live in this.
They're not stupid.
What's your take on that, Doug?
Well, look, I think that the information penetration is getting out there.
I think that we are making a difference, Alex.
Let me go back to that taking down of the dollar, because once that happens, what will happen here?
There's going to be chaos, there's going to be... Look what happened to Walmart, you pointed out.
And they don't want to take the blame for the collapse, they'll start a civil war right as that happens, blaming the collapse on the civil war.
It wasn't us, you know, and that's the whole thing with G-Wiz.
It just had to happen.
It certainly wasn't us.
We didn't want this, but that's what they're counting on.
They're counting on people to believe.
You know what this is like, Doug?
This is like a car wreck.
Have you ever been in a car wreck and things go into slow motion?
It's like you can't believe a car just ran a red light and it's about to t-bone you.
And then it hits and you're in slow motion and you feel your, you know, leg breaking or whatever, your head slamming into the windshield.
I can't believe it's this crazy and history's about to repeat.
There's gotta be a way to stop this.
One thing we can do to mitigate and to help ourselves is to help each other and to reach out to our neighbors, to our families, and even if they don't believe us or think you're crazy, however the relationship is, just say, look, you know, if things go bad, this is the way it is.
Get extra food, extra preparations, be in a position to help people and bring them together so you can
Meanwhile, Homeland Security is saying if you've got food or guns, you're a terrorist.
We have that article on Infowars.com.
They're literally going to come to our houses and start stuff with us because we're not on the food lines, forcing us into combat with their people.
And you know, people listening to this right now might think, well, geez, we know all of this.
Well, you know, in a lot of ways, yeah, but you need to reinforce it as well, because the more that we talk about this, the more that this information gets out, the more that we expose it, and we've talked to our sources.
We've had meetings with our sources in Florida and D.C.
here in the last six months.
The more that this gets out,
The better chances we will have for survival.
And that's what it's all about.
Yeah, folks, this is life and death.
This is so real.
We're going to do this segment in a segment overdrive to take your calls.
Straight ahead, folks.
Stay there.
I'm Alex Jones of InfoWars.com.
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Alright, we're back in this segment and the next.
Going right to your phone calls.
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Also, if you look at DrudgeReport.com, there's a CBS News article out of Las Vegas.
Reid says something will happen to stop Nevada rancher Clive Bundy.
How cryptic, but most of the comments are calling Reid a traitor and pointing out that he indeed is in business with the Communist Chinese to take over the whole area.
Let's go ahead and go to the phone calls for our guests, Doug and Joe Hagman, and let's talk to Kalen in Florida.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
What's your take on this whole situation?
Hey, it's Doug and Joe, long-time listener, first-time caller.
My name's Kalen Fretz.
I ran for U.S.
Congress in 2012 as a libertarian to try and restore the values that made America great, and those values are now all but gone.
Your guest, I believe it was Doug, mentioned demonization.
Just look at what they're doing to the troops themselves.
If you look at, for example, the Free Cody Fretz campaign on Facebook and Twitter, I can give you a link to it at the end.
My brother Cody Fret and thousands or maybe even tens of thousands of other veterans like him are currently being persecuted by the Army.
It's been reported in the Army Times and elsewhere.
These guys served honorably in the front lines in Afghanistan.
War at point-blank range.
They came back, most of them, with PTSD and TBI.
Yeah, so they're being totally demonized.
That's why we hired Sergeant Joe Biggs.
He's now a reporter here full-time in Austin.
He's a great reporter, has a lot of courage, and, you know, is also a veteran.
And, of course, helped expose the murder of the Rolling Stone writer, his good friend, Mr. Hastings.
But I hear you, and I appreciate your call.
We've got to move quick.
What is your take on the open demonization of the veterans?
I mean, that ought to show everybody that works for the system how much these globalist cowards hate the people that have actually helped build their empire.
Well, research showed, as just done, just completed this week, look, they're making the military, first of all, they're taking away a lot of the troops.
We have to ask why.
I mean, they're cutting back on the troops.
They're cutting, obviously, you reported.
But not on the wasteful jets and stuff.
They're just getting rid of the troops, yeah.
Well, the Pentagon announces they're going to robots, but go ahead.
Well, yeah, there's that transhumanist aspect to this that you talked about as well.
But it's interesting because now we are wussifying, I don't know what other word to use, the military with the homosexual militant radical agenda against the military or with the military.
So what has happened over the last, what, 10 years?
The things you found were just absolutely astounding.
It's incredible.
The globalists are strip-dining the country.
They're using us like a toilet.
Zander in Minnesota, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, I just wanted to relay a little African proverb to you in regards to Ukraine.
The proverb goes that when two elephants fight, it's the grass that's trampled.
And I think that's what's in store for Ukraine, U.S.A.
That's right.
More wars, more conflicts, not good.
We want Ukrainian for the Ukrainians.
Get out Russia, get out NATO.
But NATO grabbed 90% of the country and acts like Russia started it.
That's why it's a fraud.
The shadow of history casts a long, or the history casts a long shadow into the future.
And I think we have to keep that in mind.
I think we have to look back.
I agree.
That was a great point by the caller.
Anything else, Sander?
Um, yeah.
Well, your guest was talking about something to, um, kind of help this situation.
And, uh, Perot said that it's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.
I think a lot of the brainwashed masses, um,
They have looked at the problem, but they really don't see it for what it is.
Tell us the problem.
Don't hang up.
We're back in 60 seconds with our guest.
Take a few more calls here for Joe and Melvin and Pam.
We're going to have a final comment from you, Xander.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I like to throw curveballs.
The Hagmans are going to host one segment of the show.
I've got to go to a meeting right when this break ends, this segment ends.
They're going to host the next 12-minute segment here.
So they can continue to take your calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Xander in Minnesota.
Xander, finishing up your point, you're saying people need to know what the problem is.
They don't know what they're seeing.
What is the problem?
Well, I think it stems mostly from this labeling society we've developed, Systemantics, where it's kind of... Do you remember that drunk Australian caller that called a couple weeks ago?
Do you remember him?
Yes, of course.
I think he was trying to articulate that systematic issue, which is where the powers that be now are just trying to put everything into nice and neat boxes to categorize everything.
Oh yeah, MSNBC just came out and said it's racist if you don't support carbon taxes.
I mean, it's like if you don't like the way your food tastes, it's racist.
It's just mindless buzzwords that create an emotion.
That's in 1984 with Ingsoc, where they reduced the language to where you can't even talk to people.
I agree that it's just a bunch of gibbering, childlike idiots.
Go ahead.
Yeah, and, you know, there's a certain point where people have to come to realize and accept that the way it is is the way it is.
And, you know, no matter how many ways you use your reason and rationale to bend and contort the fact, you know, when there's going to be a barrel pointing in front of your face, you're not going to be able to make it into a smiley face.
Well, that's right, and they've learned to just spin everything and call an occupation, you know, security when it's martial law.
Great points.
Let's get a take from the Hagmans on that before we go back to more calls.
They really are.
They've killed the language.
You know, I've heard you reference this several times.
If you look at an English test from the 1850s, and you try to give it to a graduate student in college today, that they would, you know, fail it miserably.
They've dumbed people down through, you know, the use of vocabulary, and now with the name-calling and labeling and marginalization, they've tribalized things, as you have put it.
Well, I mean, look at MSNBC.
They said, quote,
I influence the Boston bombings and I'm deeply racist and show no proof.
I mean if I said that somebody said something I would play it or I would show it.
I mean they just say he's racist and he's a bomber.
What's even worse is the majority of the viewers take that as basically the gospel.
Yeah, exactly.
And yet, Tom Collins, the Clark County Commissioner, has the audacity and apparently the immunity to make a terroristic threat against the patriots at the Bundy Ranch and suffer no consequences.
I mean, it's ridiculous at its face.
Oh yeah, no, I've had like ABC camera guys physically attack me and they don't get in trouble, but if I yell at them, I go to jail.
It's just this attitude of we're the system, we'll do whatever we want, and people don't get when there's no justice, everybody gets screwed.
Look at the prosperity going out the window right now as we go under tyranny.
All these minions of the system have got a rude awakening, gentlemen.
You mentioned Justice.
You know, I heard an attorney tell me the other day the reason Lady Justice is blindfolded is not because Justice is blind, it's because she's crying her eyes out.
Gentlemen, I want you to host the next 12-minute segment and go to Joe and go to Melvin and go to Pam, Mike, and Roger.
You'll have time to get to those calls and cover a few other topics.
I know you host your own show, so you'll do a great job here.
I've got to go directly to a meeting right now.
We're getting ready to launch the TV system and a bunch of other stuff.
I had a bunch of other stuff going on behind the scenes, but we're really appreciative of you.
So I look forward to having you back on the transmission soon, but we're still in overdrive, folks.
Coming back, InfoWars.com forward slash show for the free feeds.
A lot of stations carry this fourth hour as well.
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We'll be back with the Hagmans of HomelandSecurityUS.com hosting a segment of the transmission.
Callers, stay there.
General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there was a terror alert on Monday about a potential forfeiture situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
The last segment here, guest hosting with Doug and Joe Hagman here from HomelandSecurityUS.com.
We're going to be taking some calls and Infowars.com is the website.
And first we're going to hear the story here, Russia.
Yeah, before we take calls, Alex mentioned this before he left, the RAF, the Royal Air Force jet, chases Russian planes away from the UK.
Two Russian planes were turned back as they approached Scotland.
Hello guys!
I'm currently in Canada and I understand that, you know, eventually
Most of the players in this scenario seem to be from the big superpowers and eventually the corrupt underagents that operate
Behind the scenes and actually dictate and make the calls for for what happens and you know of course the the ruses that are put out to the general public to Mislead and to to guide them into the way that they would have us think things are going down what I really seem to notice here that I
I believe that Canada has a much bigger place and part in what's going on than actually is being noticed.
I believe that, you know, I mean...
We're a huge country.
We have incredible resource, which is being exploited from us, you know, at an incredible rate.
I mean, a pipeline that's twice as tall as I am, of water alone, that's being pumped to the states.
We built it.
We supply it.
We generate zero income from it.
I mean, there's all parts of it.
And Joe, of course, you're going to enjoy being part of the North American Union, which is going to be one of the trade zones of the New World Order, right?
Yeah, thanks for your call, Joe, and you're exactly right.
Canada and its middle class is now, you know, just as suffering as badly as the United States' middle class.
The economies are so intertwined.
Canada's going to be feeling the damage of whatever the U.S.
is feeling when the U.S.
is attacked financially or by other means.
Canada's going to be feeling the same effects we are.
And I just want to remind people, you didn't tune into the wrong station.
Doug and Joe Hagman temporarily taking the seat of Alex Jones.
For the last segment.
For the last portion of the show here.
Instead of spinning the top 40, let's go to Roger.
Roger, you're up on the Alex Jones Show.
Yeah, Mr. Hagman.
The way we beat the New World Order crowd, we had to do like what that movie, Freedom of Fashion with Aaron Russo, we had to quit funding these gangsters.
Because if people keep on funding the New World Order crowd, they use our money as a weapon.
So I encourage everybody, what we need to do is we need to quit funding the IRS, so that way they get the money to use against us in order to fund all their programs used against us.
Roger, you're exactly right.
Freedom to Fascism is a great documentary.
I urge everybody to check that out with the late Aaron Russo, who does an exemplary job of showing the holes of the IRS and the tax code and what people can do to get around that.
Anything else today, Roger, before I let you go?
That's about all I want to say, guys.
Keep up the good work, and God bless you guys.
I think that's the problem.
Yes, Doug and Joe, thanks for taking my call.
Several of us are noticing that there's been an increase in the number of elites and globalist leaders that are looking old and getting sick and tired and mentally starting to decay, even die.
We're starting to notice this with some of their family members.
Now, no names need to be said.
That's kind of below the belt here.
But what we're wondering is, and if Alex, we'd like to get this to his producers and him as well, so some of us might have to call back in.
We're wondering if this could be a little bit of divine intervention from up above here, where maybe the good Lord is starting to put the pressure on some of these folks that are doing the largest amount of evil.
This would be a bombshell, because as you would look at acts of God like storms and whatnot, this would be surgically starting to make a move, almost like in the scriptures with Passover, with the ten plagues.
Are you guys seeing any of that?
And that's the question for Alex.
We may have to call back in on it, but we're starting through the last few months.
I'd like to get your intake on this and see if anything can be tracked to see if that's in fact happening, because we don't have to do this alone.
Once the good Lord gets involved, we'll be along on the coattails.
He certainly knows good from evil.
And let's see if we've got another Noah or some kind of a situation like a Passover coming up.
I'd like to get your thoughts on it.
Thank you Melvin for bringing this up.
You're exactly right.
The Lord is separating His people into where He needs them and is putting the brakes, the oppression on the people who are bringing the oppression to us and giving us time.
And what we need to do is continue to pray and continue to seek the Lord and continue to seek His help.
In this fight, because without Him, all is lost.
You know, there's nothing that we can take away from this world.
We're essentially here in this time and place in history because the Lord wants us here for a reason.
And without Him, we have nothing.
And He is our only hope.
And we know that the battle's already won.
And without His intervention, I think we would have been toast a long time ago.
So we've got to keep praying.
We've got to keep the hope up.
And we've got to keep looking to the Lord as our solution.
And thank you for bringing that up, Melvin.
And thanks for your call.
Yeah, absolutely, my friend.
And I do believe that we do have some time here.
And we, you know, a good friend of mine, an intelligence insider, has always said, you know, a wise man sees trouble and gets out of
Mike, you're up next on
Info Wars, the Alex Jones Show.
Doug and Joe Hyman sitting in, relatively speaking.
Hey, Doug and Joe, thanks for taking my call.
You guys are doing just a phenomenal job.
I wanted to just speak on two main issues, basically Russia-Ukraine, and also seeing that our Lord and Savior, if that's what we have to call him now, has come out basically defending the Senkaku Islands that are held, I guess you could argue, by Japan.
I just see a lot of inflammatory comments being thrown out.
A lot of the actions by the U.S.
are disgusting me and the powers that be.
I want to just get your thoughts on the Japan-China situation.
I know our president is over there right now.
I also wanted to get your thoughts.
I don't know if you guys have followed the Export-Import Bank.
Uh, basically, it's corporate welfare at its finest, and just would like people to look into that issue.
Uh, it expires September 30th, don't know what they're gonna do with that, and again, just wanted you guys' view on that.
Mike, with respect to the Japan and China situation, think about it this way.
We talked earlier with Alex about what the endgame objective is, or at least one of the stages of the moments in history, and that's the take down of the U.S.
And the U.S.
dollar, of course, is backed by our ability to protect the
Free flow of oil to the western world.
Well, when we have to, for example, send naval assets, air assets, military assets to watch, to surveil, to watch over the Japan and China situation, Japan, the ally, of course, that spreads our resources very thin, and it weakens our ability to protect the dollar.
Also, we're seeing China maneuvering with Japan, seeing what they can get away with, what they can't get away with, gauging the reactions of other countries, NATO and their other countries and their allies as well, when they make these moves and seeing what will happen and what the rhetoric will be when they have these little disputes.
Mike, thanks for the call.
We're going to get one more call in before the break.
We've got Pam joining us next.
Pam, welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
Hi, this is retired Army Captain Pamela Burnett.
You had actually interviewed me regarding illegal destruction of Obama's mother's passport records.
I remember.
And my book, Obama Never Vetted the Unlawful President, The National Security Loopholes That Endanger America.
Pam, let me just say you're a wonderful patriot.
Thank you for your service.
The interview was great, by the way.
I want to talk to you some more, but I didn't mean to interrupt.
Go ahead.
Yes, it's nice to speak with you again, Mr. and Mr. Hagman.
I was calling today because I highly advocate that to stop World War III, which the globalists are pushing hard for right now, is that we have to... The puppet head of the criminal globalist snake, Obama, must be removed by impeachment from the Oval Office.
I believe we have to put
The goal was on the defense and diffuse the situation.
I agree with Mr. LaRouche.
LaRouche is the only organized body that's pushing for impeachment of Obama.
But Pam, impeachment requires, and we're getting short on time, but Pam, impeachment would require cooperation of the House and Senate, and I gotta tell ya, where have we seen any inkling of potential cooperation with them?
They're on the ball too, they're part of the mob!
What about a RICO action?
What about criminal charges?
We have that Benghazi report.
How about taking Obama and Hillary Clinton to the International Court?
And hey, why not that for the war crimes that they're responsible for?
Just a thought.
I totally agree with all that also.
The thing that all of us can agree on... We've got about 30 seconds, Pam.
Most of us can agree on, even some progressives and liberals can agree that Obama has done impeachable offenses.
And I'm just saying hit it hard.
Pick your impeachable offense and hit it hard.
Call your congressman every day.
See what they're doing to impeach Obama.
Great advice.
Folks, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show with your guest host Doug and Joe Hagman.
Pam, that was a great call.
Thank you.
Look forward to hearing from you again soon.
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