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Name: 20140417_Thu_Alex
Air Date: April 17, 2014
2365 lines.

"Alex Jones discusses various topics such as NSA spying on citizens during flights, Heartbleed bug, Iranian Marine recruited by CIA to make video games, aborted babies being incinerated to heat UK hospitals, and InfoWars Life Silver Bullet Colloidal Silver. He warns against Obama issuing an executive order requiring new guns with biometric technology and critiques mainstream media for being controlled by globalists. Jones promotes preparedness through purchasing emergency food supplies from various websites, encourages filtering water and discussing corruption within the government and medical system. He discusses Naomi Prince's book "All the President's Bankers" and VAE's Google Glass spy app development. Finally, he urges prayers for peace and non-offensive violence in the country."

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Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hacking is bad.
Unless, of course, you're doing it for the U.S.
When you go to the airport, reports show that the NSA gets info from your online searches during your flight.
It's been reported that GoGo, one of the main Wi-Fi suppliers to U.S.
airplanes, supplies data to U.S.
Outside of airlines, we've seen companies such as Microsoft, which makes the Xbox, implicated in the PRISM scandal.
But if you hack a company that makes video games, get ready for a visit from the FBI.
And if you expose the PRISM system in general, get ready to seek asylum and be labeled an enemy of the state.
And if the Feds just so happen to find another way into your device, such as the Heartbleed bug, they say that it's no big deal.
70% of all computers use a program that has had a major flaw for over two years.
And this flaw allows hackers to get in and read encrypted mail, encrypted communications of all kinds, without our knowledge.
Now, keep in mind, this has been going on for two years and we just now discovered it.
I think it's one of the problems with American corporations.
They've become lazy.
Rather than building things in the proper way, they rely on open source, which is free, and everybody goes, oh, this is great.
This is good stuff.
But this is what happens.
So 70% of all computers in the world have been compromised by this bug, which is two years old.
But back to video games.
It's been reported that an Iranian Marine was recruited by the CIA to make video games that make players sympathetic to US foreign policy.
Finally, it has also come out that the Feds are posing as online gamers in order to track the habits of players.
They say it's so terrorists can't exchange information in online games, but I think it's the FBI wanting to know just as much about your fantasy life as they do about your real life.
You can find more reports at InfoWars.com.
Aborted babies incinerated to heat the UK hospitals.
Soylent Green, ladies and gentlemen, is made out of people.
But now, children are literally being passed through the furnace in order to fuel hospitals in the UK.
They're being sacrificed on the altar of efficiency and prosperity.
That is the secret of Soylent Green.
The powdered flesh from dead babies.
Some people believe they can cure disease.
Because of its enormous popularity, Soylent Green is in short supply.
Remember, Tuesday is Soylent Green Day.
The supply of Soylent Green has been exhausted.
You must evacuate the area.
The federal court ruled that the shareholders of PepsiCo, big Bilderberg Group company, are not allowed to know what they're using the baby parts for in the flavoring, but we already know.
So enjoy the flavor!
We're going to get the real solution, which is going to be a combination of death panels and sales taxes.
I'm consistently pro-death.
I'm for assisted suicide.
I'm for regular suicide.
I'm for whatever gets the freeway moving.
He is spending a million dollars on that last three months of life for that patient.
Would it be better not to lay off those 10 teachers and to make that trade up in medical costs?
But that's called the death panel, and you're not supposed to have that discussion.
They told me to say that they were sorry, but that you had become unreliable.
Is this the kind of society that you want to live in?
Any kind of society that would do this to its children will do it to its senior citizens.
It will do it to its dissidents.
That kind of society will also eventually turn on its police, on its army, on its prison guards, on the quizlings and the collaborators who make that possible.
This is nothing but a suicide cult.
The scoops are on their way!
The scoops are on their way!
This is Alex Jones for InfoWarsLife.com.
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The globalists have controlled the mainstream media for a long time, but now they're expanding, making the weaponization even more vicious and deceptive.
All the major networks are state-run.
We are partnering this year with the NFL.
The NFL has become a political weapon against the Second Amendment, and pushes Obamacare.
MSNBC tells us that our children belong to the state.
We have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
It is more important than ever to realize that we are not the alternative media.
We are the true media.
The establishment dinosaur press is dying.
We are in an information war and we are losing that war.
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Alex Jones here to tell you about how you can help spread liberty worldwide, also enjoying what I have found to be the best tasting 100% organic coffee on the planet.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is already the 17th day
of April 2014.
I am your host, Alex Jones, and we are broadcasting worldwide.
What an amazing broadcast we have lined up for you today.
Look at the global financial meltdown crisis with the stock market and derivatives that's been unfolding.
We're going to have Nomi Prins on in the third hour today, former managing director at Goldman Sachs.
And best-selling author.
She is going to be joining us coming up some in the third hour today.
I do intend to open the phones up for first-time callers to talk about any issue you wish to discuss from the Bundy Ranch situation to the new attacks on the Second Amendment.
to the
NATO troops reportedly being deployed into the area.
A very serious situation on that front.
And then domestically we've got news like this.
GOP fears executive order on biometric guns.
Senator John Cornyn is warning that Obama administration to not issue an executive order requiring that all new guns be made with biometric technology such as a fingerprint recognition or bracelets that the Attorney General said last week they're looking into.
Cornyn raised the issue in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder who in testimony earlier this month highlighted biometric bracelets and fingerprint identification as a
Safety issue that they are looking at trying to require.
And the great Der Leader, Obama, has said over and over again in the last six years, you know, I can't act outside the Constitution.
I've got to have Congress.
You know, I wish I could act.
And then over the first few years, you know, I kind of need to act.
I sure want to, but can I?
Should I?
I'll act whenever I need to do what's right for this country.
So selling the idea that, come on Obama, you'll give us all the free welfare and all the free health care and all the free chicken in every pot.
You know, if you just took the power and you won't take the power while he's taking the power and becoming the most dictatorial president this country has seen since Lincoln.
Hands down.
Hands down.
FDR did some dictatorial things during World War II, but those were temporary and had a lot of public support.
And I'm not saying public support alone authorizes someone to act dictatorially, but the point is that nothing that I've studied in history is anywhere near what Obama's doing.
And here's the big issue.
It's being done
With very little fanfare until the last two weeks where Republicans like Gohmert and others, Issa and even Boehner, have said we're seeing lawlessness, we're seeing above the law, the President is stonewalling, the Attorney General really should probably be in jail for ignoring all these subpoenas.
Anyone else would.
And so finally people are calling it what it is.
And when you enter into a great tyranny,
You will not be able to defeat it unless you admit it.
It'd be like if you got diagnosed with lung cancer, the most virulent, aggressive, metastasizing form, and they said, you know, you've got a 20% chance to live if we cut it out right now, if it hasn't totally metastasized yet, but you have no chance, 100% death, if you don't cut this out of your lung.
And you're like, oh, that's kind of scary.
I don't want to admit that I've got lung cancer.
That's kind of scary.
I don't want to admit this has happened.
It's like if you break your leg and a bone's sticking out of the side of it.
That's happened to me.
And you're sitting there looking at it and you go, wow, my leg's really broken.
It's really bleeding.
This really hurts.
I didn't say to myself, oh, no, my leg's not broken.
I'm not going to be an extremist.
This is an extreme act that just happened.
No, no, it happened.
It's like you see a car wreck and people flying out of the car dying.
And then you pull over to try to help them and blood's spraying everywhere.
Out of people's necks and stuff.
You know, that just happened.
That was real.
When I was a kid visiting a pool party at my dad's dental office party at his office manager's house, they had the old-fashioned plate glass windows from the 50s, 60s, whatever it was.
And I left my water gun outside.
My dad goes, come on, we're leaving.
He goes, run in and get your water gun.
And they just closed the door and I ran right through it.
Right through it, just slicing down to the bone of my arm and leg, blood spraying all over the walls.
You know what?
That was an extreme event.
It happened.
And they didn't say, oh, son, you're fine.
It's a mere flesh wound.
We don't need to go to the hospital.
No, they put pressure on it.
They got me in the car.
They drove me to the hospital.
They said, do we call an ambulance?
No, that takes more time.
They're slow.
Let's go.
Where's the quickest hospital?
Well, this one's right here, but it's probably not as good right now.
This other one's cleaner, has better staff, generally.
Yes, I do a lot of work there, wiring jaws from car wrecks.
Let's get there.
You know, just, they got it done.
They got me to the hospital.
This country is bleeding out in front of us right now.
And before I get into all this news, I want to say something to Rachel Maddow and Glenn Beck and all the Democratic Party websites and a bunch of Republican Party websites, Breitbart and others that are attacking us, saying there's no Chinese deal with energy companies and that none of it exists when it's in the BLM documents, confusing people and manipulating them on the Bundy Ranch situation.
There's a 129-mile system
of planned power stations and planned cables.
This is CBS News.
You can just pull up, uh, you know, Harry Reid, uh, solar panel plan.
You'll get Reuters, AP, CBS News from 2012, when people were saying it looked corrupt because his son was involved, Rory.
And when people were pointing out, is it right to have China coming in getting government stimulus money,
But Solyndra broke then, so it messed up the deal for that period, just to basically get the money to build it.
It's not even if it works or, you know, is it feasible, like the windmills in Spain that are a total failure.
It's the building of the boondoggle that is the money.
That's what a boondoggle is.
So, now you're to believe that didn't even happen.
Because they go, look, this is a hundred miles away where these solar panels are at.
That's right.
And then the cables go right by the Bundy Ranch and they say we have to have this entire corridor as an environmental easement set aside because we're going to build on this.
The Bundy Ranch is the set aside.
Now, that's in the BLM documents.
And these Democratic Party sites, it's a confidence game.
They link to Infowars.com and our article that shows the BLM documents.
That they've since removed off their website, and then even off the Google cache, but everybody saved them.
All of that's going on.
All of that's happening.
All of that is unfolding.
And they're sitting over there, acting like none of it's even going on, and linking to my site like it discredits me going to the proof.
See, they think you're so dumb.
This is a technique.
They think you're so ignorant.
That because they link to it and say it's debunked, that you won't even go read it, you'll just maybe glance at it or see the link and think, oh my gosh, it's debunked.
It was a scandal in 2012, just type in Harry Reid, Nevada Solar Farm, and you will get hundreds, in fact, do it guys, Harry Reid, China Solar.
And then click web, because it's two years old, and you will see hundreds and hundreds of articles.
There's Reuters.
Senator Harry Reid.
Scroll back up for me.
Scroll back up for me.
Senator Reid, son combined for China's firm's desert plan 2012.
And then there were articles in the Wall Street Journal everywhere saying, is this right?
Is this a scandal?
Because he controls the BLM with his chief of staff, who's the head of it.
That had just happened.
And his son's getting money from this.
And they're all involved.
And they're going to get government stimulus money and government money to build this.
And, you know, is this right?
Well, of course it's wrong.
It's like saying, is it wrong that Congress insider trades three years ago?
And Congress just passed a law saying, retroactively, we make it legal to insider trade now.
There it is, Harry Reid's son representing Chinese solar panel plant, Breitbart.
Harry Reid bolsters son's interest in China firm.
I mean, folks, then Breitbart writes an article saying there's no China, there's no deal, there's no nothing.
Look, the solar thing is 100 miles away from Bundy's ranch.
There's a bunch of solar plans on there.
It runs right by his ranch where the cables are at, and it lists Bundy, Cliven Bundy, by name, and says we've got to get him off, he's the last family we haven't gotten off.
I'm going to repeat that for everybody.
This is how they operate, ladies and gentlemen.
This is what's so frustrating.
There's no drones, there's no NSA surveillance, there's no bullets, there's no tyranny.
We're sick of government lying to us, we're sick of media lying, we're sick
We're good to go.
We're going to walk up against your guns who threaten to shoot us.
They're incredible heroes.
And all these cowardly neocons that want a seat at the table at the butchering of America want to sit there and act like we're liars, we're cowards, we're bad, or we want violence.
We don't want violence.
But kissing up to the system has gotten us where we're at.
They're coming after us one way or another.
You understand that, cowards?
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Alex Jones here, back live.
I'm right here on GCN.
You know, what the general public is starting to figure out right now, and what the political class is figuring out, is that the globalists have planned a civil war in this country for a long, long time.
And that homeland security is the stake to be driven through this republic's heart by the new world order.
And that that entire apparatus
is basically a guillotine to chop this country's political head off as homeland security and the bureaucracy absorbs what's left of the old republic.
The old republic is being eroded away at a faster and faster pace.
And then as the public desperately realizes, oh my gosh, they're getting rid of the republic and replacing it with a nightmarish, control freak, wonderland technocracy for psychopaths to feed on us, a charnel house that would make Hannibal Lecter blush.
Governments killed 262 million non-military individuals by hand.
According to the University of Hawaii's conservative analysis of the numbers, it's probably much higher in the 20th century.
And I am desperately afraid of it.
Afraid of not taking action against it.
Afraid of not defeating it.
It's more than fear.
It's a instinct.
It's a will.
It's a spirit of resistance against this evil.
Every time I see people's children, or I see innocents, or I see innocent women and men having mindless conversations, I get very sad for them.
They have no idea they're under scientific attack on record.
And the psychiatric system has been taught, you know, there's no NSA spying, there's no government corruption, nobody has it out for you in the political system.
That's the ravings of a lunatic.
It doesn't matter if I have eco-science written by the White House science czar saying put stuff in the water to lower your IQ and your fertility.
It doesn't matter if the Harvard study says it lowers IQ 10 points just drinking fluoridated water for a few years as a juvenile.
It doesn't matter if it gives you seven-fold increase in bone cancer.
It doesn't matter if it gives you all sorts of other cancer in your bladder and you name it and brain cancer.
It doesn't matter
It doesn't matter if the big measles outbreaks in California later came out this year were from the measles shot.
CBS News buried it.
That it was in there.
Look it up.
Just type in.
Measles outbreak was caused by a vaccinated person.
My dad's a dentist and oral surgeon and he's recently retired because of Obamacare and
Every time someone would come in as patients of many years with shingles, they would tell them, you know, I think it's the vaccine.
They convinced me up at Walgreens to get it, and I got shingles the week after.
I've never had them.
He just, hundreds of people, you know, just absolute fact.
You know, it's like, oh, come on, that's not a scientific study.
It's like if a rattlesnake bites you and you go, I need a scientific study to know that, you know, my leg just swole up and I've, you know, got a fever and I'm about to die because that long thing that doesn't have legs came out of a hole and bit me.
My grandmother's best friend is an RN going all the way back to World War II.
That's old, she is, 90 years old.
And she's a smart old bird, but she trusts the system.
And she took a shingles shot two years ago and almost killed her.
You gave her the shingles.
And that's the type of woman, when my kids were born, came down to Austin and brought them like little eagles and American flags.
I mean, these are people that believe in America.
And I'm telling you, if they told this lady, go run off a cliff for America, she would do it.
If they told her, jump into a meat grinder, she would do it.
It's dog-like.
It's total loyalty to the state, believing it is America, because they grew up in World War II.
That's one reason we got here, because we were the good guys, and the Nazis were the bad guys, so the government's good, do whatever it says.
Well, the government was a lot better compared to the Nazis or the Soviets, but it still had a lot of problems and was corrupt, and then it got taken over by eugenicists that were like rock stars from the 1860s right through to today.
They just changed the name.
Hitler got everything from the U.S.
and England.
That's why they got 30 plus thousand top Nazi scientists, not just in rocketry folks, not just in weapons, but in biology, and in psychology, and in psychiatric systems, and they brought them over here and they were put as the heads of every major department at almost every university.
Germans, German officers were put in the entire bureaucracy.
Hail Hydra!
And then people will say, oh, you're saying the Germans, oh, the Germans.
Well, it's weird.
No, being German isn't evil.
I'm like half German.
I'm more German than anything else, probably.
The whole point is, is that Germany was a test
...of the eugenics takeover, but they plan to destroy them and set them up.
This has all been declassified.
Lord Milner, by the 20s, was saying, we gotta put a dictator in Germany, build them up, make them really mad, and then have them destroy Europe, and then we'll take over.
I mean, these people are smart, folks.
Read the Lord Milner quotes at the Milner Group.
Look them up.
They're published.
They created Adolf A. Louis Hitler.
So, Hydra doesn't come from Germany.
Hydra comes from London.
Hail Hydra!
And they just tell you everything in movies like Captain America.
And Hydra is S.H.I.E.L.D., ladies and gentlemen.
You understand that?
You go see that movie.
That's real.
They have real space planes with decapitation weapons right now.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
I think I listened to this song like three times this morning.
I was in the shower.
Kept sticking my arm out and hitting the button.
Well, a new listener tunes in, they must think this is a crazy town, this show.
But you know, I'm on record for eight years.
Since I was given the classified information that was leaked publicly, so I was allowed to cover it, by Dr. Bob Bowman, the physicist, the nuclear physicist and the former head of the Star Wars program, Colonel Bowman.
He was only allowed to reveal the information because it had leaked in C-SPAN debates when he was debating the
His replacement at Star Wars.
And he said, no, by the late 70s, they had a fleet of robot spacecraft, basically what looked like stealth bombers, but small ones, with DU shabo rounds.
And people are going, Alex, we've heard this hundreds of times.
Why are you saying it again?
Because if I say the movie Captain America Winter Soldier has a lot of real stuff in it,
I don't want people thinking I'm just saying, oh look, that movie, that's real.
When you know about the plan, and then you're sitting there seeing it on the big screen, a shadow rogue government, run by eugenicist scientists, that plans a mass world culling, first taking out the world leaders that they oppose, with high energy weapons.
Kinetic space meteor guns.
Right out of The Last Starfighter.
Which is based, I later learned, on another book.
From the seventies, that was written by another army colonel, forget his name, I did research on it, where in The Last Starfighter, he goes and plays the video game, and he's really being surveilled to see who can pilot the ship, and then the aliens come and get him and take him up, and then you see Ender's Game, you know, as the same story.
Well, it's not aliens, folks, it's globalists.
You've got everybody in these combat simulators being desensitized for war, being conditioned for killing, being normalized.
And then it turns out, oh, the Pentagon in the 50s began funding secret research that in the 60s was deployed to some of the first ground combat simulators for troops, and they found in Vietnam it made people go from 50% of the time not killing somebody up close, to 90 plus percent of the time killing somebody.
Because if you don't have a killer instinct, you'll be dead marine, to quote Full Metal Jacket.
We're in combat murder simulators, and you tell people that are addicted to them, hey, you know that's a combat murder simulator, and they go, hey, don't talk about my video games, Alex!
You stay out of it!
You stay out of it right now!
That's my games!
Nothing wrong with it!
Nothing wrong with it!
I mean, I've seen grown adults.
Some of the famous people, I'm not going to say their names, go, you know that's a combat simulator.
Well, I don't have any problem with it.
No, no, no.
For most people, it's an arrested development to keep men from launching till age 28 now is the average age, you look at the university studies, for men now to launch and to try to get their own house and a woman.
I launched at age 12, ladies and gentlemen.
I launched and started acting like a man, getting in serious fistfights, going after 16-year-old girls when I was 12, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm not saying I'm some super male or anything, but I mean, I launched at 12.
I was out of the house at 17.
I was dating girls in college when I was 15 years old.
I see the average men around, and they are literally little boys.
But then they act like men and act like thugs.
Being a man now is acting like a thug, the media has put out.
And women think somebody acting like a thug is a man.
A man is somebody that shows up...
To work on time.
A man's somebody that gets up at 3 a.m.
and goes and helps their friend spin a car wreck.
A man's somebody that doesn't back down from tyranny.
A man's somebody that has a serious mind and is focused and is aggressive.
Not what we see here today.
And I'm going off the deep end here, talking about a bunch of issues of mind control.
But television, the culture, all of it is mind control.
And I've been talking to a lot of top people.
Why in all these movies now is it anti-New World Order, anti-government?
Because they know in the polls
Congress has a 6% approval rating.
They know by the NSA spying and the big aggregate computer systems that feed all intel in to the supercomputers on record.
They can predict the future now.
They can predict mass movements.
They are trying to give you a simulated fake revolution in cyberspace and in Hollywood and a revelation of the method externalization of the hierarchy.
To give you the archetypes of the Herculean hero of a thousand faces so that you can believe that the evil has been defeated as the real evil accelerates.
And of course, even most of the writers and producers of these films, I've been able to talk to some of them over the years, they're allowed to put it out.
They're even good people.
And they don't even know why they're being allowed to put all this out.
They're being allowed to put all this out because it's a simulated victory you're supposed to have, not a real one.
I mean, I saw some ad on one of my YouTube videos today that was for a Star Wars game about, create your command base.
Create your fortress.
Pick the carpet and the fixtures.
And this is where for men and women to go and imagine their imaginary world, ladies and gentlemen, instead of really building a real one.
They don't want you on the game board in reality.
They want you in fantasy land, ladies and gentlemen.
So that they can tell you, well, you know, Alex Jones is discredited.
There's no Chinese involvement.
There's no Harry Reid involvement.
There's no Solar Farm.
It was a hundred miles away.
It had nothing to do with it.
Even though the power lines are right there.
Even though it starts right there.
Even though there's multiple power stations listed.
They just point at one of them and play games with your mind.
It's an environmental easement that they can build it right here and then his land is the agreed upon under UNESCO executive order and it's in the Bureau of Land Management documents and they link to them saying we're discredited.
See that con game?
They say in hundreds of public, thousands actually, because when AP comes out it's in thousands of newspapers.
In one day I was in over a thousand news articles when they came out two years ago and said Curt Demme and InfoWars.com and DrudgeReport.com are lying to you.
There are no bullets.
I mean there are 20 million here, 100 million there, but not 1.6 billion.
Now it's over 2.6 billion last time.
And it doesn't matter that you see every federal agency arming.
It doesn't matter if y'all will purchase orders.
They go and play the same game.
Of look, there's a solar farm here, it's not down there.
Even though there's a whole bunch of solar farms on the map.
They play that game.
Obama, you know, you'll keep your doctor.
And then, I never said you could keep your doctor.
And I'm not coming after any guns.
Later, I never said I wouldn't come after your guns.
And in private recordings, he says, we're going to get these better clingers.
They're clinging their bibles and their guns.
I mean, they're in their private meetings.
They're talking about us.
We're the enemy.
And they're already banning importation of most ammo, rifles.
They're harassing gun shops.
They're putting micro-stamp laws in.
They're suing all the gun makers.
I mean, almost all the big ones.
It is going on.
And now, Obama's moving with an executive order, the word is, they've already signaled it, The Hill newspaper reports, for bracelets and biometrics that will render all the other guns illegal.
That's the battle plan, and I've told you that forever, and so has Larry Pratt.
They're coming.
They're coming.
Drums, drums in the deep.
And anybody who lives in denial is a fool.
And then, I mean, again, I'll be honest with you.
If it was just some type of Terry Truman crook who just wanted to get bid rigging on roads and give some money to their families and make money off of the largess, I would criticize him.
I'd be against it.
But at least that's building something and skimming off the top of it.
The globalists want to deconstruct civilization as we know it as a total act of will and power and a hate letter
A defiling, mass exterminist vandalism of the entire biosphere code of the planet.
They're coming out with GMOs, making plants unable to reproduce in grasses, trees.
They're GMO-ing all the major food animals, all the major fish.
They're releasing them open air.
Spider goats, insect-crossed salmon.
With eight other things than the one they released.
I mean, just total hell on earth!
And you've got the environmental heroes...
That are out there, you know, battling overfishing and, oh, battling global warming.
Folks, global warming, overfishing, overfishing's an issue, but it's nothing compared to open-air release of nanotech that's already going on.
I mean, we are not in 2014, boys and girls.
The technology on the government reservations is at least 35 years advanced, they admit that.
So we're really in what's 14 and 30 plus.
Yeah, 44, 45 years.
We're 2045.
And that's why I shouldn't even be up here worried about Glenn Beck attacking me.
I shouldn't even be worried about Rachel Maddow attacking me again last night, and all of them basically saying I'm calling for violence and trying to frame me.
If the FBI and the government really wants to frame me or kill me, I don't want to die, but just do it.
Because you're cutting your own throat.
I mean, this is real.
What we're going to see happen is over-the-top insane.
We are living in a science fiction movie, ladies and gentlemen.
And they are changing the entire genetic code of the basic plankton and the basic diatoms and the basic microorganisms in the ocean.
They have got thousands of admitted tests going on of just one type of bacteria in the ocean.
They are already changing flora across the board.
They are probably going to kill everybody.
And they've got the FBI running around all the gun shops to demonize gun owners, saying, are people talking bad about the government?
Let me give the FBI a little newsflash.
I'd say about 90% of the people in the gun shops are buying guns because of the government.
They know crooks when they see it.
And you already know that.
So it's all just a demonization game, and, you know, maybe you will find some unstable schizophrenic or something that's mad that's going to do something, and then you'll be a big hero and get a promotion.
But none of it means anything when they're meshing with the plankton.
Do you know what happens if they flip the plankton or do something to them?
It won't just be like Monsanto killing most our soil in the U.S.
on purpose.
Coming out with new seeds that can grow in their toxic waste.
And admitting that's their plan to their shareholders.
Total takeover.
Total rewrite.
Total genetic Armageddon.
And the rest of the world, even the kleptocratic Russians, are looking at the Chinese just doing every form of testing and not caring, even outdoing the United States.
And other countries are just totally freaked out.
And world leaders, by the way, I know folks that know a lot of world leaders, and I personally, off-air, you know, talk to senators and congresspeople that you've not even heard on this show.
And they're scared, too.
Do you two think I'm the only smart person around?
They just can't act like me.
They can't get up and jump up and down like a chicken with their head cut off, even though they want to, because they know the media will probably destroy them.
But a time is coming when that will not destroy you.
Because stuff's gonna get so bad.
We go ahead and tell the truth now, or it's all over.
Do you want me to apologize to you, Rachel Maddow and Glenn Beck?
Because you're up on air and your other hosts are saying that I want to lock up Glenn Beck's people in a forced labor camp.
He said that I'm the type of person, we're the type of group, we played the clip yesterday, that would not give them a trial and arrest them for their speech.
What the hell is that?
Never said any such thing.
And that I'm the group that wants violence and I'm the bad guy.
Alex Jones, don't go with that group, they want violence.
Why do you think the power structure is doing that?
Because they're scared of us, ladies and gentlemen.
They know I'm real.
They know I'm committed.
To this fight.
And they know if you get this message, and verify it for yourself, and look at the data, you're gonna make a decision.
Because that's what I'm good at, is getting people to make decisions.
What I'm good at is talking straight to people.
Right to their gut, right to their soul.
I'm a straight shooter and everybody knows it.
And I'm telling you folks, I don't have words to describe how much danger we're in on the genetic engineering front, the chemical weapons front, the bio-warfare front, the nuclear war front, the kleptocrat front.
The elites throughout history go insane with the megalomaniacal power.
They're going insane right now, and they think they're going to merge with machines, and they don't even care there's a nuclear war.
They think their super deep bunkers are going to protect them under the Rockies.
And they're not going to.
And you have to understand, folks, that the evil mindset, the evil energy that they've tuned into wants to destroy things.
Wants death.
Wants murder.
Wants mayhem.
Wants disintegration.
And no one can deny that.
Look at what world leaders do.
Look at what crazy emperors do.
Look at Vlad the Impaler.
Look at Caligula and Nero.
Look at Adolf Hitler.
Look at Stalin.
Look at Lenin.
Look at Mao Zedong.
Do you know the admitted habits of Mao Zedong?
Do you know what's happening in Japan?
Where kids are continuing to have convulsions all over the country, and cancer rates are off the chart, and total mental illness is setting in?
Because an honorable people have been turned into dishonor by the New World Order?
The adult diapers are outselling baby diapers, and not just because they're an aging population, the new fad, because the Japanese are so into cleanliness, is for people to poop on themselves.
You see, people that were so obsessed with cleanliness, and taking hot baths every day, and so into beauty, now are into ugliness.
Call it satanic cult, whatever you want, it is what it is.
And it's spreading everywhere, ladies and gentlemen.
A spirit of evil.
Now, you take people wanting to poop on themselves, I'm sorry to talk like that, but that's what's going on, and you take it to the New World Order level, what's really sick?
Destroy the planet.
Kill everyone.
But do it slowly.
Kill the babies, mutate the humans, mutate the animals, pour out all the genetic garbage.
Create total disease, break up the family, and then, only then, when you destroy the soul of humanity, turn us into a technocracy, only then do you destroy the entire planet as an act of willing.
And I'm paraphrasing some poetry by a top transhumanist, I forget his name, it's in Endgame.
One of the top people that advises Google and Kurzweil and everybody was, our nihilistic program of willing will go on and we may just destroy the planet as an act of supreme willingness and our total will for the black power!
I mean, you know, it's just, just, just, and you're just like reading this and it's just like, wow!
What a commitment to darkness!
What a commitment!
I think there's a song that describes it.
Will you guys find Danzig's The Stalker?
If you find it during the break, we'll play it coming back in.
That's what I think of when I think of Obama and the BLM and all these evil people crouching how they're good and they want to help you and they want to be nice and they care about the kids.
They want to slit your throat ear to ear.
People like Rachel Maddow just like being in power and think she's in charge and has her fake liberal template programming obsessed with, you know, gender.
She's just a bot.
But the people above her, they are literal.
Ringwraiths is the way to describe them.
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I dedicate this song to the New World Order.
No one knows my name.
Where I come from.
No one sees my face and sees me coming.
You can never hide if I want you.
You can't even try, keep from crying.
Monday through Friday, from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, we're here.
Back weeknight, 7 o'clock Central, with InfoWars Nightly News.
Back Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
with The Sunday Transmission.
No one sees the New World Order's face in the darkness.
No one sees their shape.
Play a little bit more of it.
And I'll tell you the other news that's coming up.
You hear that spirit?
That's the New World Order.
Crouching in the dark.
That YouTube version's a little distorted, but the song's distorted on purpose.
Oh, I can see it, the blackness.
I can feel it when it's talking.
A lot of people get excited by that.
Alright, folks.
Let me tell you what's coming up.
I'm gonna try to open the phones up.
It's just so upsetting to see how we've been overrun at Waco, overrun at Ruby Ridge, overrun thousands of times.
They're training the police and military to fight the American people openly.
It's total treason.
They're gutting the country, shutting down our industries, bankrupting everything the globalists don't own.
A total ruthless siege.
And then finally, a vestigial remnant of people act a little bit like our forebearers did, and get beat up and attacked, so more people show up, and they get beat up and attacked, so more show up, and say, alright, we're marching in, you say you're gonna shoot us, go ahead and do it.
And that is incredible.
They would say, come across that line, we're going to shoot you.
I mean, they were so cowardly.
They were so scared of citizens that instead of even talking to them, they were saying, we're going to shoot you.
And then once they walked up to them, then they talked to them and they blinked and they backed off and it shows they're afraid.
That's why they dress up like Cobra commander to try to scare us.
Well, let me tell you something, dressing up like Cobra commander and driving around in black armored vehicles does not scare me.
It scares me that I'm not doing enough to fight you.
It scares me that I'm a coward and that I'm not doing enough.
And, you know, you got people saying that I'm calling for violence.
I'm not.
The globalists are coming down on us with violent taxation.
The power to tax is the power to destroy.
The globalists are coming down on our families.
They're coming down on us medically.
Obama carries the biggest screwjob ever meant to bankrupt this country on record.
And the guy that helped write it, Ezekiel Emanuel, admits it's meant to destroy the system.
That is a criminal conspiracy.
The federal judge said of the BLM this year in a ruling,
And last year, it was last year, actually it was in December, we read part of the ruling yesterday that the BLM is part of a criminal conspiracy to bankrupt ranchers.
Hey, pay your fair share, freeloading, lazy, seventh-generation rancher in the desert!
When they've run everybody out of business and it's all a fraud.
You can have a coal power plant, we're just gonna bankrupt you.
Don't you people get it?
You're under attack!
I don't know what we should do, but admit you're under attack!
Admit this government's a foreign occupation force!
Absolutely fact!
No debate!
Sucking us dry!
In the dark!
Sucking our blood!
To hell with Nosferatu!
To hell with the New World Order!
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The minions of the system are now figuring out how expendable they are.
They're now being threatened at the highest levels that if they don't get in line, they'll be blamed for the terror attacks that are coming.
And so their response is, get ready to blame Alex Jones.
I guess I'm not gonna sell out.
I can't.
Don't know how.
Don't know how.
Can't sell out.
Can't sell out to death.
Can't sell out to betrayal and treason.
Can't sell out to cowardice.
Just can't do it.
Not a question of courage, it's I just can't do it.
I can't lie to you in the face of madness.
And if you hear me and it sounds mad, it is mad.
I am a tortured soul.
Infuriated by the insanity and evil of the world and you see in my eyes the reflection of what I'm looking at.
What's that quote?
I sent it out on Twitter about a month ago.
That madness is seeing a world full of just total fraud and
I don't know, it was a tweet.
Go into my Twitter, RealAlexJones, and just CTRL-F or do a RealAlexJones NSA Google search.
That's what it is, NSA interface.
Do a Google NSA interface with the term.
We've changed the language, folks, to be honest.
It's not a defense department.
It's a Global Extermination Eugenics Hydro Program.
Specter, whatever cartoon term you want to call it.
The average troops are good people, but it's captured and run by the New World Order.
Do a search, just put in Real Alex Jones Twitter into the Google search and then put Madness and it'll bring up the tweet.
That's all you do.
I get obsessed with being able to use an NSA interface because the NSA is the internet.
DARPA is the internet, folks.
We need to get down to that point.
I'm going to come back and get all the news on Snowden and give the number out and take your calls and everything.
But I'm going to go ahead and pull this up.
There it is.
What's madness, that was quick guys, good job.
What's madness but nobility of soul at odds with circumstances, the days on fire.
And that was Theodore, how do you pronounce that?
How do you say that?
Rothke, Theodore Rothke.
What's madness but nobility of the soul at odds with circumstance, the days on fire.
And they tell you if your life's on fire, if you paint beautiful paintings, if you write incredible poetry, if you run around and dip your head in ice water when you're deaf and stay up for three days without stimulants, writing Beethoven symphonies.
That's schizophrenia.
That's mental illness.
That's bipolar.
That's a disease.
Beethoven needed to be in a mental institution.
He didn't commit crimes.
He was a loving person that took care of people in his church.
He was a great man in the community.
He was bad.
And let me tell you something, folks.
You know who else is bad?
He's bad.
Seven generations with the fake grazing fees that just started, running everybody out of business, claiming they don't have any right to the land with the globalists and their paramilitary out there killing people.
Rachel Maddow is right and so is Glenn Beck.
They should stand down and we should let government do whatever it wants on every front.
In fact, we should have forced abortions and one-child policy in this country because the people that run our government fund that worldwide.
You want to know
You want to know what the new order has in store for us?
Look what they do where they have helpless people, like Africa or China, where the globalists are running something, where they can do what they want, they create Soylent Green.
Foster children, 70% now, well 68, 70% nationally, look it up, are on psychotropic drugs, and an average of 7 of them.
IRS confirms abortions are eligible for tax deduction.
Hey, but don't worry ladies and gentlemen,
You're gonna have to pay through Obamacare for other people's abortions.
And if you live in Travis County, where Austin's at, you pay for people's abortions as well.
Why not?
You should have to pay to kill babies.
This is Alex Jones for InfoWarsLife.com.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Transmitting globally from Austin, Texas in FEMA Region 6.
That sounds incredibly creepy, but it's true.
A giant paramilitary army that works for foreign banks has just put in the biggest tax increase in world history, known as Obamacare, to be paid directly to offshore banks that own the insurance companies.
So we've always been paying taxes since 1913 directly to the private run-for-profit Federal Reserve.
And they call this Obamacare, federal care.
It's not.
It's total fascism.
And real liberals like Cynthia McKinney comes on and says, I'm now pro-gun and Obamacare is fascism.
Because anybody who's truthful looks at it, it is.
I don't look at Obama and say, I don't like that black guy.
In fact, I am so politically correct and so weak-minded, and everybody heard this during the election, and I hated McCain so much, because he's such a snake, that I said, Obama's bad, his advisors are bad, but maybe the elite don't want revolution, and, you know, maybe... I'm just so stupid.
Maybe this will create more racial reconciliation.
That's how dumb I was seven, eight years ago.
And we've all been naive, but as smart as I was and informed,
I had no idea how evil Obama was and the people behind him.
I mean, he's the closer.
The race-baiting of MSNBC, the division.
Just the over-the-top of the political system pulling out all the stops.
I mean, it's so naked.
And I didn't support Obama for president, neither did Joseph Farah.
He wrote none of the above.
He wrote a best-selling book and said it's time to not support either party until the Republicans get reformed.
And in a way that was true because you've seen a real Tea Party now.
If you don't try to take it over, if you don't try to destroy it, demonize it, whatever.
But you're seeing a libertarian constitutionalist movement grow out of the fact that we didn't support the Republicans, and Obama went in, and he's been so horrible that people are running back over to the Republicans.
But that'll be total disaster if we don't overthrow the Republican Party.
And get people in there that love their grandkids and their children.
I mean, folks, we're going down, okay?
I mean, this country's going the Soviet Union route on steroids with a high-tech integration.
I mean, I've never even dreamed of anything in science fiction like we're facing because reality is so much thicker and so much more complex and real.
And you've got the elite going megalomaniac right now?
It's unbelievable.
I mean, I get chills just thinking about the global meltdown, the derivatives, the Ukraine situation.
We told you three years ago with Gerald Cilente and Ron Paul and others, watch, they'll start a big war when the derivatives start unraveling, and the stock market will start going up and down, and it's all rigged.
And now even Rolling Stone says the stock market's totally rigged, the insurance is totally rigged, the interest rates are rigged.
It's all rigged.
The gold price is rigged.
But how long can they rig everything and tell us everything's wonderful and tell us everything's pumpkin pie when it's a rotten, dead dog?
Yeah, there's the Rolling Stone headline.
Everything's rigged.
The biggest price-fixing scandal ever.
I don't agree it's the biggest ever, but LIBOR, all of it, everything Bob Chapman told you here 16 years ago, God rest his soul.
Everything we told you, everything!
And let me explain why.
Government and tyranny is pathological.
They do the same thing over and over again.
Except you look at the new models of technology and the pre-singularities that are happening, the proto-singularities that are smaller models of greater singularities, and it is going to be spectacular.
I'm not a thrill seeker for thrills, but once I'm in a fight, I don't mind one.
And I gotta be honest with you, if there weren't innocents being destroyed in all this, I'm not afraid.
I just don't like watching innocents destroyed by this, and I don't like watching my children live in it, but I still doubled down and had children as a commitment into the world to put everything in for life.
And I intend to have more children.
I'm going to have children, and I'm going to have my children, and I'm going to put them in God's hands.
And I'm going to fight that much harder.
I'm not going to give up.
They tell me, give up.
They tell you, give up.
They tell you humans are ugly and bad and are worthless, so that you will believe that you should just lay down and die in a ditch.
We can't let these evil people... You love the earth?
You love God's creation?
Or you don't believe in God?
You love the creation?
Hey, I love it too.
I think it's beautiful.
It's wonderful.
It's a great work of art.
A living, breathing work of art.
The globalists are killing the planet.
For real.
And while you're worried about carbon dioxide the plants breathe, at one of the lowest levels in history,
According to the ice samples and the mud samples, that's a fact.
Did you know that CO2 has been 14, 15 times higher than it is now?
It's a trace gas that the plants live off of.
And we're losing atmosphere into space.
The oxygen and carbon dioxide level is dropping overall, if you look at the last 100,000 years.
We don't really know how old this planet is.
We don't really know what's going on.
We don't know the true history, and I don't pretend to know it.
But I know this, the great quickening is here.
This is an incredible time to be alive.
And quite frankly, I don't like being out at a restaurant that's mainly white people.
And then to see black folks at the restaurant having a good time, and you can tell that they feel insecure, if you even look at them.
And that's the culture, that's MSNBC, that's all this race baiting.
And I was just thinking of petty things that don't matter, it's stuff like that.
Well, the whole earth's being killed by an absolutely satanic evil.
Even if we believe in God, it doesn't matter.
The archetype.
We are worried about what color somebody's skin is.
We are worried about, you know, did we use the word bossy, because women are being told they should feel insulted if they hear the word bossy.
You're being told to be upset about things that don't matter, and to have thin skins with each other, and to be all divided, and only thinking about surface issues, so you're all stereotypical mindless idiots, while the globalists are literally assaulting everything.
I mean, think about what an abomination it is.
Every time you go into a store and they say, hey, would you like to give a dollar or ten dollars for breast cancer research?
And I say, no thank you.
I'd like to know why the breast cancer is massively increasing.
Shouldn't we be looking at that?
It'd be like, wouldn't you like to give a donation for this flooded town that hasn't flooded yet?
Because they're going to blow the dam up next week and flood the town?
Would you like to give a donation to rebuild the town?
No, why are you going to blow the dam up?
See, it's the elephant in the room, ladies and gentlemen, that the government is completely insane, completely out of control, captained by a bunch of competing criminals who've bought into a transhumanist eugenicist fairytale pipe dream that they're going to live forever and be gods.
And they're openly telling everyone this, that we'll just squash you like a bug, and the general public doesn't count, and you will be assimilated, or it doesn't matter.
I mean, these are quotes by Google representatives.
Not just on TV.
When we went down to South by Southwest, they had them walking around by the hundreds.
An invasion force, saying, it is inevitable, you cannot stop it, the cars will drive themselves and be safer, and you will merge with machines, or you won't even be able to communicate with anyone.
We will have intelligence that is much more advanced.
You don't have the intelligence to know the technology is being forged in anti-human corruption and exterminism?
You don't have the intelligence to know it's being built as a human wrecking machine, and the fruits of it are pure stinking death?
And you want to tell me with your bright-eyed cult look in your eyes, that Nelly look that all these program men have, that Jezebel spirit?
You want to look me in the eye and tell me it's inevitable?
You want to sit there and roll over dead in front of me and tell me to crawl in the ditch with you and die?
I'm not gonna do it!
I'm not suicidal.
I love life.
I want life so much I'm ready to go up against evil 100% because there isn't a choice.
It isn't some heroic thing to fight these people.
These people are committed to 100% evil.
And do you know why?
Because when you start giving into evil, ladies and gentlemen, you give into the next level, and the next level, and the next level, until the very worst in the society is the leader.
And they then set the precedent, and a new evil evolves that replaces them that's even worse.
That's social Darwinism in the culture of evil.
And I don't compare myself to somebody like Saul of Tarsus or Paul,
Who murdered people, and persecuted people, and hunted down Christians, and then got knocked from his horse, and you know, literally set straight and became one of the greatest leaders in the Bible, and is a real historical figure.
He's in the Roman histories.
But I will tell you that in my mind, in my heart, I was a very loving, good child.
But when I became a teenager, even into young adulthood, I had a struggle between good and evil.
And I know the ideas and the dreams of the enemy.
That's why I'm here.
I don't know why I got close to evil.
But I did, and I know now that's part of the larger plan of experience in life, in God's plan.
The universe is planned, however you see it, that there's a reason I know the enemy.
There's a reason that in my experience all these things happened.
And it was so I could today, in my development, in your development, life's not a destination, it is the adventure.
And I know the enemy.
I know what they stand for.
I know I'm right.
And it's all manifest now out in the open.
If you work for the system and you're on a power trip because you felt weak in your life and you joined evil and you joined corruption and you lied to yourself thinking you're tired of losing, you wanted to get ahead, you will lose everything joining this.
You will lose your honor, your children, your future.
It's all coming to a head.
It's judgment.
Judgment day is coming.
We're all being judged every day.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Monday through Friday, we're here.
11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Yeah, the globalists are the hunters.
They're hunting humans.
They are predators.
And their world, their system, is about dumbing you down, capturing you, and using you up.
But now they believe the computers and the robots, their age is here.
And it's the end of man.
The end of free will.
The end of humanity.
The rise of the technotronic technocracy.
Now I would talk about that 19 years ago, and people would think I was insane.
Now you turn on CNN, Fox, any movie, hear Ray Kurzweil on TV, all these movies coming out, Transcendent, that's what they're telling you.
And they're telling you that that's the future and that's it.
And so everything else is window dressing.
Everything else is just the incremental rollout of this.
But there are seven and a half billion of us
And if we decide to not just be programmed by their stimuli and do what they want, if we start acting on our own, building our own systems, creating our own terms, our own renaissance, our own literature, our own art, if we all just start creating art...
Little stick figure drawings and putting it on the refrigerator saying a political message.
That will shake them to their core.
E-mailing friends, going out to a demonstration, praying to God for guidance, repenting, loving each other, being honorable.
I mean it is so fulfilling to be honorable.
It is so fulfilling to be good.
It is so fulfilling to not be treacherous.
It is so fulfilling to have friends and people I know I can trust.
And to see that look in their eye for me and a look in my eye for them.
That is a kinship that I have with men and women.
And people spirits that I know.
That is so important.
And you're not going to take that away from me.
I don't want your computers.
I don't want it.
I've got the sunset.
I will use these systems and I don't think they're inherently evil.
How they've been designed and deployed is evil, just like a gun.
But the autonomous robots, they've already created, the drones, a drone is a robot, is a robot brain, the robot tanks, all of it, that are going to be set loose on us, are designed to wage war against humanity.
And if you look at everything the globalists produce, it has a profane word that describes it that I will not say here.
There it is.
Robot Swarm.
A flock of drones that fly autonomously.
We told you about that 15 years ago.
I was told by a Marine Corps colonel about all of this 14, 15... Gosh, time flies.
15 years ago.
15 years ago.
And, uh...
Again, I was given information by Navy SEALs, I've been given information by Army people, I don't even know who they were, and let me tell you folks, the way they looked at me, the way the people talked to me, they were scared and they were concerned and they were good people.
And the average person that doesn't have discernment goes, how do you look at someone and tell if they're for real or not?
Well, you go with your gut, you go with the history, you go with people you've known,
There are very few people that can lie and get away with it, and it's folks like Bill Clinton.
That's about it.
Obama's not even as good as Clinton.
He just gets away with more lies.
I know folks that know Bill Clinton, who are conservatives, libertarians, and they say he's so charming in person, even though they're not into stars or famous people.
They're not in reflected glory, you know, liking him just because he's a celebrity.
When Bill Clinton starts talking to you and everything, he's like a snake from the Jungle Book.
With its eyes like pinwheels, and that it's very hard when Bill Clinton says, like Count Dracula to Van Helsing, come here!
Come here!
You have a strong will for one who's only lived one life.
To quote, Bela Lugosi.
Bill Clinton.
Bill Clinton.
The Charmer.
Now look at him.
Sucked dry.
Looks like his soul's gone.
What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?
Better question, would you give up your eyes for a million dollars?
I think almost all of you would say no.
Isn't that beautiful, that guitarist right there?
Oh, man.
I'll be right back.
I'm gonna knock it off.
I'm in preacher mode today, ladies and gentlemen.
I need another vacation, I think.
I tell you, this stuff's really getting crazy.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, here's what I want to do.
I want to open the phones up on any subject you want to discuss.
First-time callers, 800-259-9231. 800.
259-9231 is the toll-free number to join us on any subject we should discuss.
Let me go over a ton of news.
The video's up on DrudgeReport.com.
It's very interesting.
I'm going to play it later in the next hour and get Nomi Prenz's take on it with Vladimir Putin being interviewed by Snowden.
And Snowden quizzing him about Russian spying.
So see, Putin's going with the trust angle.
And I'm certainly not romanticizing him, but they're smart.
They've already gone through the disinfo cycle of the Soviets, where you just lie about everything.
And it shows the arrogance of the globalists.
They've decided to try to just overthrow reality.
The Russians are deciding to try to hide it and blame you.
So we've got that up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Tenth-grader suspended over yellow water pistol.
Again, teaching folks that it's okay to play violent video games all day and all the violence on TV, but then if you have a water pistol to have fun with, that's bad.
That's like the character Colonel Kurtz in Apocalypse Now.
He says, we have our pilots drop napalm on children
But then we court-martial them when they write cuss words on the side of their airplanes.
That's what all these fake churches do.
They'll tell you because you had to drink, you're evil, or because you thought a woman was beautiful, you were bad.
Because they know you're a good person.
They want you to feel guilty.
And these devil churches, they don't want to talk about the big evils going on in the world.
The starving people, the poor, the disintegration of the family, the abortions, the wars.
No, no, these establishment churches, they want you to think about how you're either evil and they can fix you, or you're special and you're wonderful and you're perfect and you can do no wrong.
But don't get politically involved, because, you know, we just need to come into the church and give our money to the little twinkle-toes glitterbug preacher and his blonde trophy wife, who are the fakest people on earth.
I want to throw up all over them.
You can tell a real preacher real quick.
I was with one last night at dinner.
Once on my buddy Shane Steiner.
He hadn't been singing in years.
He had a couple of number two, number three hits on the country charts.
And man, he was, he wrote some stuff.
It's good songs to have big hits, you know, for commercial success, but just hearing him do covers, he's just an incredible singer.
In fact, that's how we're going to sell Super Mel Vitality is I'm going to get Shane to sing some of his songs and let's have an ad at the end of it.
I tell you, it was first class.
And Weldon is great at playing all the old country songs, and his own, he's kind of like a Dwight Yoakam meets Waylon Jennings.
So many talented people.
You know, everybody says, I'm talented, I'm talented, or my friend's talented.
Weldon's talented, and Shane Steiner's talented.
And Shane has gone.
Ten years ago is when he quit.
Got tired of being on the road and all the rest of it.
And wanted to start a family, and he has.
He's got two great daughters.
But he's just a good friend of mine.
Went to high school with him.
You know, one of the guys that plays keyboard in the band is a really good keyboard player.
And that was the story I was telling, because he's, there was quite a few black folks actually out there, but I was telling the story about, you know, his keyboard player is a black guy, and it's just so sad from the media that you can just always tell when you're sitting around a fire, but it was already gone, it was closed, and everybody's sitting there that
That like white people, black people, once they start talking to each other, then people aren't even uncomfortable.
You pick up that little bit of uncomfortableness, and that's the media trying to do that.
And I'm so sick of it.
That's exactly what I'm talking about, is that they want us all to have chips on our shoulders against each other.
And just today I'm being more reflective, folks.
I'm just all over the map, wandering around like Bundy's cattle out there on 600,000 acres of desert.
I mean, I'm just telling you what's going on inside my head.
Because I've got all this news, and I want to give the number out and take your calls, and I haven't plugged anything yet, and that's how we fund ourselves, plus it's all great products.
The sale will end tomorrow.
And it's 25% off the Traveler ProPure with the G2 filters that cut out the glyphosates, the fluoride, everything.
The G2.0.
And we already have the lowest prices, and it's a great company, but they do complain sometimes that their other distributors, I'm the biggest, are like, man, you always have us 10% off, out of the gates, and we know we let you do that in a contract, but boy, it really, you know, upsets folks.
Well, the other people should lower prices as well.
You know, people shouldn't be greedy.
The owners aren't, they're great folks.
Well, they came to us and said, alright buddy, you want 25% off on the Traveler?
Other competing brands are $200 for something similar that doesn't even have these good of a filters.
That's why we sell it.
25% off on the ProPure Traveler.
It annihilates the competition.
Side-by-side comparisons.
It's got a stainless steel spigot.
The competition doesn't have that.
And again, I'd carry the competition.
I'd just carry everything at the lowest prices, but there's just nothing really that good compared to this system.
It's just so much better that
It'd be like, do I want a brand new Japanese car?
Or do I want a 1974 Gremlin?
And I just don't want to pay more for a Gremlin, but I can get a brand new Acura.
I mean, it's just not happening.
I've had an Acura for 10 years, that the office uses, that we don't even hardly service.
And the thing just doesn't ever have problems.
It's unbelievable.
The point is, ladies and gentlemen, is that it's the Acura, I would say, compared to the Ford Pintos that are out there.
Who made the Gremlin?
But it's funny that didn't gremlins blow up and stuff?
That was the pinto.
Why would you name something a gremlin when gremlins annihilate machinery and working parts?
They thought it was cute.
They thought it was cute.
But here's the thing, New York Times, I don't believe in gremlins.
Even though I saw a couple last night.
Looking at me through my window.
I'm joking.
Whenever I see, I gotta be honest, whenever I see Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama on stage, I think, you know, that they literally look like gremlins.
I gotta be, I mean, they talk about how beautiful Michelle Obama is.
That woman looks like a monster or something.
I mean, she looks like a snaggletooth snapping turtle.
The public buys it.
The public likes it.
We should do a, we should put a snapping turtle.
Does it not look like Michelle Obama or am I lying?
That's, oh my gosh, that's, oh my gosh!
Michelle Obama looks like a gremlin from Gremlins!
And then Hillary looks like Stripe or Mohawk, who's the one?
Look up Stripe from... Alright folks, I'm out of control, oh my gosh!
A female, oh my, that's her!
I do not believe it!
Give that to the graphics department and have them say, Michelle Obama releases new official photo and tweet it.
I can't help it.
Oh my gosh, I do want a Hillary too.
Oh my gosh, you gotta stop it.
You gotta stop it.
Oh my gosh.
Oh wait, that one with purple lips looks like Hillary.
Go back to those.
We also have a TV show, folks, for people that are listening on the radio.
Now that kind of looks like, uh... Who does that look like I know?
Alright, that's enough, that's enough, that's enough.
Pull up an image of gremlins and I'll pick the ones I think, the one for Hillary.
You've got the one I want to send out as Michelle Obama, but together with it, the same graphic, I want Hillary, Hillary and
Hillary and Michelle Obama issue new official photos.
And then I want the two as the graphic by each other with that under it.
One is Hillary, one is... Just pull up gremlins and put them on screen.
I'll pick one right now.
I don't know.
See, the little furry one looks like Bill Clinton, but it's actually the most vicious.
That looks like... What does that look like around the office?
Guys, be honest.
Be honest, who that looks like.
Alright, scroll down, scroll down, I'll pick one.
Scroll down.
I gotta pick one quick because folks don't want to hear this.
They can't see what I'm talking about unless they're watching on TV.
I don't know.
Hillary looks more like a critter.
From Critters.
Pull up the Critters.
Because that's what Hillary kind of looks like.
Alright, that's enough.
I'm telling you.
There you go.
That's Hillary's official new photo.
And then we've got Michelle Obama.
And then we've got the BLM agents right above her.
The BLM agents like roll everywhere they go, just like the critters.
Alright, that's enough, ladies and gentlemen.
Shut it down.
In other news, Ron Paul says Bitcoin is not true money.
Court declares that yes, bloggers are the media.
A few years ago we heard about the efforts by Dianne Feinstein and others to not have media protections for bloggers.
But now you can read it, TechNerd.
That it's been found in court that indeed bloggers do have the same protections as the regular press, the old-fashioned dinosaur press that's been captured and taken over and discredited.
That's out of the courthouse news service and tech dirt.
A good article by Kurt Nemo, Baghdad Paradigm of Globalist Creative Destruction, where they destroy countries so they can't compete.
Then that increases the value of the investments, say, in Jordan or Turkey or Israel right next door.
And they put Al-Qaeda in charge because they'll destroy the country the best and bring them back to the Stone Age.
And then it gives Al-Qaeda a new base, since they got rid of Afghanistan for them, to run operations so they can then use the Al-Qaeda threat to take our rights.
I mean, it's very elementary.
Again, GOP fears executive order on biometric guns.
Senator Cornyn is warning the Obama administration that it's openly saying they may take action with making you wear a bracelet or putting biometrics on the guns, banning previously manufactured guns from sale.
That's the way to do it.
And Obama's claiming he has that power to do that.
That's a pretty big emergency situation.
That's out of the Hill newspaper.
Report FBI visiting gun shops to investigate people talking about big government.
That's still on DrudgeReport.com, the middle column last time I checked.
86 million full-time private sector workers sustain 148 million benefit takers, CNS News.
That's the Congressional Budget Office.
I mentioned this yesterday, but that's such a big deal.
Maybe some of you want to call in about that.
Oh my goodness, look at this article that's
What is this out of?
Is this out of AP?
Heroin, a growing threat across USA.
Police say, oh my goodness, that is so scary.
AP out of USA Today.
Oh my goodness, the government is telling us about what comes off the C-130s that land at the Air Force bases.
Oh my goodness, did you hear that?
Did you hear that
That there's heroin just flooding the world?
Oh my goodness, maybe we should set up a checkpoint randomly and search some cars to find out if people have been caught in the government trap, the big banking trap, to use the product that they push on everyone.
I mean, I see people all over the place that are clearly on heroin.
And I'll ask them, I'll go, are you on pills or heroin?
And look, man, if you want tattoos, that's cool.
I'm not against anybody with tattoos.
But, I mean, the whole thing, get some tattoos, get on heroin, that's not a cool life decision.
Look at all the actors dying from heroin.
And it's because they're flooding it.
They're dumping it.
They're dumping it on the school ground.
And I've got to sit there and see cops look at me.
Like, I might be doing something wrong when every cop you talk to knows full well most of the drugs are brought in and laundered in the big banks.
And they go, I know, I know, but you know the drug culture's bad.
It's bad because you make it illegal and then the criminals gravitate into that.
They'd be doing something criminal regardless.
But don't treat me like a suspect when the banks that run this country run Al Qaeda and run the smack.
Didn't everyone call smack?
It's so cool.
Oh, heroin!
Oh, man!
I mean, that's why I've broken my leg, hurt my Achilles, you name it.
The doctor's like, want pain pills?
You got strep throat, want pain pills?
And I'm like, no, I don't want pain pills.
I want all of my endorphins.
I know those block my regular receptors.
And so I want all of my natural heroin.
You understand that?
It's a perfect high.
I don't need the drugs.
I can go watch a sunset.
I can go work out.
I can go to an art gallery.
I can go hang out with my friends.
I can buy people gifts.
I can have passionate love.
That's my drugs.
Sure, I take caffeine, too, and Supramel Vitality.
That's natural herbs.
I tell you, I've been taking my Supramel Vitality, and the problem is that I want to stay up late.
It definitely is a stimulant.
But, you know, Group says it's completely safe, and I haven't really plugged that either today.
I haven't taken my Supramel Vitality today.
Let me take, guys, I can't reach the floor.
I'd show you bring it to me.
Thank you.
And I'm going to your calls here.
I really apologize, folks.
I'm out of control today.
I didn't get a lot of sleep last night.
And sometimes when I work really late, I was out.
I did do some work even after that and have business meetings, you know, work and play all go together that I got like five hours sleep and I just, I feel pretty good.
But I'm just more of my jovial self here.
It's kind of hard to focus in on all this tyranny.
I just want to give some fair air time to everybody.
I think everybody should take the vaccines, trust the government, eat all the GMO.
I think it's great their paramilitary police are expanding and they've got billions of bullets and drones that are spying on us illegally and I totally trust the IRS.
And I'm glad the IRS is now taking money from people.
If their dad got too big a Social Security payment in 1960,
That was reported on last week in mainstream news, that they come back with penalties and interest out of your bank account.
I think that's wonderful.
And I think it's wonderful that they're going to take money out of your bank account under Obamacare.
Actually, they admit they're doing it, but do I go with the government media admitting it when they're doing it?
Or when they say it doesn't exist and Drudge and others are lying, saying that there's a $5,000 penalty that starts for small businesses this year.
Because, I mean, the penalty is there, but
Sometimes mainstream media says it's there, sometimes they say it's not.
So let me just err on the side of safety and just totally grovel.
There is no move to take our guns.
There is no move to shut down the energy systems in the country.
There is no move to get us on welfare.
There is no move to bring in tyranny.
And there is no tax in Obamacare, and it's totally free, and it fell out of the sky, and thousand-dollar bills grow on trees.
I guess if you work for the Federal Reserve, they do.
If you're one of the banks that owns it, well, I guess that is kind of true for the elite.
I guess a trillion-dollar notes grow on trees.
See, I'm learning 2 plus 2 equals 5 Common Core Education.
Super militality.
And then we've got, uh, Survival Shield here, ladies and gentlemen.
The nascent eye, and I'm gonna take my daily dose of that.
Survival Shield.
And now some Fluoride Shield.
Ah, look at that.
Look at that black elixir.
A little bit of detox.
It's off to the races!
Anyways, ladies and gentlemen, InfoWars.com, InfoWarsLife.com.
All right, I apologize to Chris, Chris, Carl, Nick, John, Chris, Chris, a lot of Chrises today.
We're going to go to break, come back, we'll get Prins on at 15 averse, I can go to these calls.
She's got a lot to say, former Goldman Sachs managing director, quit and blew the whistle on massive corruptions, written three or four best-selling books.
She's going to come on about what's happening in the stock market lately and where she sees things going coming up.
Hey, look at this.
Alleged Jewish community.
There's no alleged.
He said he did it.
Sinner killer was a guest lecturer at Missouri State.
Why aren't Jewish sinners armed?
I mean, if somebody wants to come have a mass shooting here, I think half the office can still carry packs.
And I've got a gun in my office and a gun right here.
It's like I've got a toothbrush in my bathroom.
I mean, it's just a tool.
You come around here, you're going to die.
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We the people grow cotton, weave fabric, engrave ink, embed strips and fibers to protect from counterfeit, then carting to a private bank, having it lent back at interest, forcing taxes to service debt.
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All the leaves are brown And the sky is gray
Alright, I do kind of perseverate.
I want to go to your phone calls.
Chris and Mass on taxes that we pay to the private Federal Reserve.
Go ahead, what's your take on that on this edition of the transmission?
Well, my angle is a little different from other people's.
Basically, if people are not happy paying taxes, they need to stand up and say something about it because it's kind of a
It's kind of a... Taxes are just what people get for not speaking out.
I read an article on your site that linked to another article that had, what was it, 97 taxes that US citizens have to pay.
And the reason that politicians keep passing taxes and we have to keep paying them,
And I know this full well with Romneycare in Massachusetts is because we're not standing up, we're not speaking out, or we're not saying anything, and they're just going to keep doing it to us.
I agree, but do you want me to tell you how to kill the fraudulent tax system?
Number one, we can't go the anarchic capitalist way right away.
It would take a long time to phase this out.
I mean, we've been taught to be domesticated.
So there's a process in getting out of that.
The insiders exempt themselves from every major tax.
And so that's how you kill all their taxes, is it's the rich, the kleptocratic arm of the rich,
The very top who are waging war against the middle class on record as their ancestral enemy and they want to extinct us and they exempt themselves from their own taxes as a form of economic warfare.
That's a fact!
And so, when Google-affiliated groups are pushing for Obamacare and new taxes, point out, Google gets out of most taxes.
When Warren Buffett is pushing for more taxes, point out that he actually exempts himself.
They are total criminals!
It is criminal, in my view, to lobby for higher taxes to extinct the middle class when you lobby to exempt yourself.
That is tyrannical, aggressive.
Again, it's meant to wreck us.
52 families gone from the new rules and fake taxes, so Bundy didn't do it.
I mean, look, when a tax kills you, it's not a suicide pact.
You cannot follow it when it's unjust, and it is.
Obamacare gives waivers to thousands of major corporations.
On its face, it's a fraud.
You know, if a cop says, all these people are allowed to speed for no reason, but you are going to go to jail for it, is that a fraud or is that not a fraud?
Oh, it's a fraud.
And one last thing, if you don't mind, do you mind if I quickly plug my YouTube channel?
Oh, absolutely.
Come on, I'm at work.
I can't get as upset as I want.
It's youtube.com slash Church of Iron.
Listen, I was not making fun of your voice.
I don't think your voice is... I think you have a very nice voice.
Thank you.
I was actually very soothed by it and I was getting into an exquisite mood just relaxing here on the transmission.
Yes, John Harmon, come on air and tell him the kind of stuff I do in the background.
Go ahead and make the noises.
Let's bring John Harmon on right now.
It's time for All Secrets Full Disclosure.
Thank you.
That's what we do behind this.
When he comes on in the morning, he's up in Minnesota, we greet each other with, Ah!
John Hyman!
So, that's what's going on here.
Thanks, Alex.
YouTube.com slash Church of Iron.
I need as much support as I can get.
All right.
All right.
Sure, it's a good website.
Who knows?
Might be like Gremlins or something.
I'm actually very exhausted, I realize.
That's why I'm kind of dingy.
I just cannot go out and stay out late at night anymore.
I didn't really stay out that late.
I mean, one o'clock in the morning is late for Mr. Jones.
Because regardless, like at 6 a.m., I just wake up before the sun comes up, and that's just what I do.
I'd go to calls right now, but I can't.
Chris, Carl, Nick, and John, I'm going to you straight ahead.
I'm going to continue.
I'm pushing Nomi Prenn's back like five minutes, you know, so I can get to all of you.
There's just so much other news I haven't gotten to yet, but I meant to come in all day and talk about why aren't these Jewish sinners
Why aren't these Jewish sinners armed?
I mean, they're major targets of scumbags.
And you know, even if you don't like the policies in Israel and stuff, Jews are a very diverse group of people.
I am so sick of racist Klan murderers.
It's like I'm sick of all the other racist idiots that aren't actually involved in the human mind.
They're involved claiming they're in the elite group.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Let's go to Chris in New York, ahead of Naomi Brens joining us.
Go ahead sir, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Thank you, Alex.
It's liberal.
Never mind the tanks.
Never mind the surveillance.
We're liberal.
Black op command CIA train.
Move in the forces.
Put the poison in the water.
My socks don't match.
Savage murder program.
Total takeover.
Genetic engineering.
I'm sorry.
Go ahead.
I'm not without Alex Jones.
I'm a rancher and a Texan now.
My name's Glenn Beck, and I don't like Alex.
Alex, as a Texan, get out of here!
Sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, um, yesterday I think you were talking to somebody about what is a federal government.
That it's supposed to be a limited government.
But right now, with this, all these executive orders, and all the power grab, it's looking more like a federal monarchy.
No, that's racist to say.
Why are you being... You're calling for violence?
You're not supposed to be with the government, or with the Alex Jones murderers.
You're supposed to be with me.
Me, Glenn Beck.
Another thing, do you believe... And my other effeminate friends.
Sorry, go ahead.
Do you believe in the electoral system?
Yes, I do believe in the electoral system, but it's been corrupted as well.
But a pure democracy, if they bring in just the total vote, all the big states are going to be able to dominate the low population states.
That's why we have that.
Because California will be able to vote to tell you what to do in Idaho.
Can you imagine the nightmare?
No escaping California.
California will vote with New York to probably castrate all men or something.
Well, what I'm trying to
My point here is this is, you know, it's getting too out of control.
Report to be constructed.
We're here with a murderer, Alex Jones.
And the electoral system, you know, seems somehow to be corrupted.
If people wake up, they will be more open to a secession.
That sounds pretty racist.
By the way, will you guys do me a favor?
Good point, sir.
Will you print me the Declaration of Independence?
Oh my God.
The world is so insane.
Great points.
Thank you for the call sir.
I'm sorry you got me and I was a little bit dingy today.
Let's talk to, that's what my dad calls it when he gets goofy, dingy.
I'm a little dingy.
Carl in Washington.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Alex, it's great to talk with you.
I just loved your Piers Morgan interview.
He didn't know what to do with you.
Did somebody just dare say you're an enemy agent or take my guns?
Stop acting like you're trying to be reasonable?
You're a frickin' foreign agent, you piece of crap!
Go ahead, sorry.
Yeah, that was just absolutely wonderful.
He had no comebacks, no nothing.
Anyhow, I want to get on to a couple of other items.
Let's get on to the racism.
Yeah, let's, you know, I just love, I really do love Obama.
In jail, wherever he needs to be.
Maybe in an EMAT camp might be a good place for Obama.
Well, I think after he has a good jury trial of a jury of his peers, that then we should all exile him to the Phantom Zone.
Be a good place for them.
I've got a couple items for you.
One is, I'd like to have some people that have some backbone sign on to the re-establishment of the U.S.
Constitution and Bill of Rights.
I knew you'd get around to racism.
Sir, FCC doesn't allow the dirty word, the C-word on air.
I'm gonna have to let you go.
Thank you, Carl.
What an extremist.
I apologize for that call, folks.
We'll be right back.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're taking your phone calls right now.
Nomi Prince, former Managing Director of Goldman Sachs with the inside scoop on what she sees happening in the economy and the stock market coming up here in just a few minutes.
We're going to go ahead now and go back to your phone calls.
We're going to talk to John in Oklahoma.
You're on the air, sir.
What's on your mind on this Thursday edition?
Hello, Mr. Jones.
So since I did a trendy voice last hour, everybody's going to do that?
You want me to talk in an NPR voice to you?
Oh, hello, John in Oklahoma.
How are you doing?
We're non-threatening.
Lay down your firearms.
We're the authority.
Go to sleep.
Let us run everything.
The system's in charge.
We just want to help.
Go ahead.
Just telling you how I spread the word.
I get a bunch of confetti together.
Write little weird little messages on, little designs, you know.
Like one of them I'll put the word U.S.
Constitution on one side and on the other I'll just put Read Me.
I'll put a little picture of the Info War plane coming over the head, dropping the Info Bombs.
I do that all over the place.
That's a genius idea and that's why InfoWars continues to grow and we had to recode the whole site.
I finally got the design I want.
It looks good.
It looks kind of like the old site but clean and has the bigger article pages and you know kind of looks like the other big news sites.
It'll be done soon.
We've gone through two different changes and then I decided to recode the site another way and it's almost done.
But thank you for spreading the word about InfoWars, brother.
What else is on your mind today?
Hey, you know, everybody get out there.
Go to the county meetings.
Go to the, you know, the city hall meetings.
Let your voice be heard.
Tell the truth.
I don't know.
That sounds kind of violent.
That sounds kind of racist.
I appreciate your call.
Your phone's breaking up a little bit there.
Thank you for all you do, sir.
That's what MSNBC and other people, I hate to keep mentioning, just because I don't want to fight with them because they do a lot of good work.
Are saying that I am calling for violence, and that WorldNetDaily is, and that Drudge is.
I forgot that.
In the new articles, and I mean there's literally hundreds of them.
I don't have time to read them all.
There's just scores of them.
And I go spot check him, and it's like, we expect Drudge and WorldNetDaily and the crazy nutbag Alex Jones to, you know, be supporting violence out there and this rebellion out west, but now Fox News?
So they'll put the lies just in there as a factoid.
Like, we expect them, of course, to want all the violence.
But, I mean, Fox News, Sean Hannity... Sean Hannity's on the right side of this.
I guess he was a blue-collar worker and gets it.
And then other people aren't on it.
This lawless moocher on government land.
It's not government land.
It was his great, great, great, great, seven generations grandfather.
Fifty-something Mormon families going to the middle of the desert so they could be left alone.
And they literally built the little towns that are there.
And then, yeah, Grandpa, back in World War II and America's Perfect now, all right, I'll pay grazing fees.
Well, it's only a cent an acre.
Well, I got the rights, but I guess you're going to help us manage it and stuff.
All right, I'll sign on to that.
And then they raise the fees where everybody goes out of business, you know, speed up to the 1990s.
And Bobney goes, listen, I don't, I've looked at the law, I'm not paying this.
You lazy moocher!
If you was having an anchor baby up in Vegas or, you know, getting your college paid for while they're taking old ladies' houses for unpaid property tax, that'd be alright!
But you dirty moocher on land from 1877!
And then you got the nerve, you coward, to walk straight up to feds with guns saying, we're gonna shoot if you cross that fence.
And you cross that fence like something out of a hero Hollywood John Wayne movie.
I've never seen something as bad!
That Alex Jones is a violent killer!
And by the way, there's no Chinese government with the reeds.
There's only hundreds of AP Reuters, Fox News, CNN, Wall Street Journal admitting it was a scandal two years ago.
And that the Bundy's land is listed.
They just go, oh no, the silver farm's over here.
It's only 100 million, but it's not 1.6.
Because they go show you one purchase of bullets and don't show you all the others.
They play these frickin' games with people and I am sick of it!
I am tired of it!
I feel like I missed out on the birth of another child not being able to go to that.
I had no idea that was going to blow up like that.
I thought they'd beat up a bunch of people and they'd stand down.
And I'd have my reporters there to show it.
We'd go the Mahatma Gandhi route of showing civil disobedience.
And by the way, this was civil disobedience.
Our Second Amendment, let me... Are you getting nummy friends on?
I'm sorry, she's having to hear me on a day where I've not had a lot of sleep and I'm... But, you know, I'm just being honest with people.
We should be mad about all this.
We should be upset about all this.
I'm gonna go to her, and I really appreciate her joining me.
First, I wanted to read the Declaration of Independence.
The Boston Globe asked two years ago, is it terrorist, was the headline.
Is the Declaration of Independence terrorist?
And you know what the majority of lawyers found?
Yes, saying you have a right to overthrow a corrupt government is terrorism.
These are terrorists against, this is the founding kickoff, 1776, July 4th.
That's what July 4th is, this.
This right here!
It says it is not just our right, it is our duty to throw off such an oppressive government and to set up new forms to protect our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
Read it!
What the Bundys did and everybody was 100% Boston Tea Party, except they didn't damage any property.
The Feds did that.
Had no court order to destroy the water tanks and shoot the cattle, prize bulls, we've now learned.
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness.
Prejudice indeed!
And prudence, indeed, will indicate and will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes.
And accordingly, all experience has shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, invents a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security.
Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies and such is now necessarily with constraints them
To alter their former system of government.
See, it necessarily constrains them.
That's a key word.
They're bound to throw off the absolute tyranny.
The history of the King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states.
To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.
And what do we do every day?
I've written a new Declaration of Independence that got widely circulated and hailed by constitutional lawyers and picked up by major news sites.
Showing the long train of abuses.
You should write your Declaration of Independence.
It was just another bill of particulars they had for a decade before, listing the crimes of the illegitimate paramilitary force perched on top of the 13 colonies.
Using the power of tax to destroy their competition.
Did you know the landed lords were exempt from most of the taxes and so no one could do competition with them and George Washington had to go and basically be screwed over by them over and over again?
That's why they were ready to fight because they were exempt like Warren Buffett from the taxes they were putting on our forebears.
It's the same
New World Order, same crew, we're fighting today.
Nomi Prins, ladies and gentlemen, is our guest, and I'm going to settle down now a little bit.
It's just being called a traitor, being called a despot, being called dangerous because I'm not even calling for violence, but because I hail what the Bundys did.
How could you not admire them?
How could you not, when all we do is lay down, when all we do is put up with anything?
We're a joke around the world now.
Land of the free, home of the brave!
And you've got the conservative media calling Bundy a moocher.
While his family is under attack and that pig's son, Rory Reid, is set to make money and works for the Chinese company!
Alright, her website is nomyprince.com.
NomiPrince.com, all the president's bankers, she's got a new novel out, she's written non-fiction books as well.
Nomi, we're going to break in a moment, and I apologize for getting you on late, but we're going to go over the current, what's happening in the economy, and your take on it and everything.
What else do you think we should know?
What else is coming up?
Well, there's a lot.
My new book is out last week, All the President's Bankers, A Hidden Alliance to Drive American Power, and that power manifests domestically, internationally, from the standpoint of what happens with the Fed, from the standpoint of what happens to the international entities like the World Bank and IMF.
It was probably the hardest book I've written.
There's 70 pages of footnotes in it, and some of them I got right near Austin when I was at the LBJ Library, through the other libraries as well, and there's a lot of really good history, starting from Teddy Roosevelt through Obama and the relationships of the presidents to all the specific bankers of their time, the personal relationships, the social connections, and why those manifested in policies for us.
All right, we'll break it all down on the other side with Nomi Prins, nomiprins.com.
Her new book, All the President's Bankers.
Thank you so much, Nomi.
And again, the reason I get upset talking about the Bundy situation is I know all the facts, or more than most people, the basic facts.
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I want to get into your book later, but you were a managing director at Goldman Sachs, blew the whistle on a lot of stuff, done a great job.
Tell us what you think about the stock market derivatives, the state of the world economy right now.
Well, the state of where we are right now is this conglomeration and concentration of more power and wealth in the hands of a smaller group of individuals and institutions than ever in the history of our country.
And, for example, right now the big six banks in the United States control, and this is a big number, 84% of our insured deposits, 96% of the derivatives in the United States, and 45% of the derivatives in the world.
So what does that mean?
They have the largest pool ever and the most concentrated pool, the most monopolistic pool ever of our deposits, leveraged into speculative trading that enables them to have the largest proportion ever of dangerous derivatives in our history.
And right now, having gone through the 2008 crisis, we're at a point where our bigger banks are bigger than before.
They have been allowed to be sold, subsidized by that for
We're good to go.
And 1.6 trillion of them are on the books of the Fed.
And almost $3 trillion worth of other types of debt securities, Treasury securities, are also on the books of the Fed.
That means we are funding the additional speculation of these more concentrated, more powerful banks in a manner that has never been seen before in our history, that is more dangerous than ever before.
And in addition we have had the longest period of zero interest rate policy with the Fed giving money effectively freely in addition to all of this other help in all of our deposits to these institutions and that is a policy that is longer and has been going on for more years than ever before and that includes during wars, after wars, in any form.
In the Fed's history as well.
So that's where we're at today.
That's a really dangerous position.
And it's not just that concentration of speculation and wealth and capital.
It's the concentration of political and financial power that's behind having all of that concentrated wealth and leveraged capital power.
And that's really where we're standing today.
It's a very, very precarious place.
And now they want to use the Ukraine crisis they helped create, regardless of which side people are on, to create a Marshall Plan for all of Europe, claiming that the crisis they have engineered on record is going to bring down all of Europe if they don't get hundreds of billions of dollars to keep propping up their scam.
Do you agree with that analysis?
I'm so glad you brought up the point of the scam aspect of that and the Marshall Plan because there is such a connection and I went through a lot of Truman's records and his relationships with John McCloy and various bankers at the time that the World Bank was being established and that we're in a period of the post-war into the Cold War.
And at that time, the idea was that there had to be an expansion of the U.S.
as a political superpower and also of the banks as a financial component of that superpower.
And they mutually reinforced each other.
So this idea of fighting the Cold War was also about expanding this financial influence globally.
And the World Bank, in fact, John McCloy, who later became the chairman of Chase,
Had asked Truman, when he was offered the presidency of the World Bank, he said, I will only take that position if you let me trade those bonds through Wall Street, where his friends were and where he ultimately wound up and where he came from.
And that gave the financial interests at the time a start of their ability to dictate where funds went.
And they went, and I'm getting to the Ukraine because there's a really interesting through line here, in the fifties they went into Cuba, which of course Fidel Castro ultimately nationalized the banks in 1959, but in the mid-fifties they went to Cuba because that was the alignment of military and financial presence, in Beirut as well because that was where bankers wanted to go to have access to the Middle East initially in the fifties, and there was a rise in there in 1958 which Eisenhower sent troops, and that was just the beginning of this connection.
You fast forward that through line to the Ukraine today and there's the same form of what was established back then of propping up this idea of this sort of ideological war because that plays well in terms of rhetoric on both sides.
And then they call stopping the war and rebuilding Ukraine a new Marshall Plan when all it is is another well transfer right to George Soros who's calling for it.
Stay there Nomi Prince.
I want to come back.
Get your take on all the corruption that's coming out with the banks, the stock market.
As a real, you know, futurist when it comes to money, as a top analyst, we want your perspectives on what's coming up.
Get ahead with Nomi Prins.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
All right, Nomi Prins is our guest.
Former Goldman Sachs Managing Director.
Nomi, what are the major players?
A, who are they?
I mean, I know who they are, but I want to get your take on it.
And I want you to tell the listeners, what is their current posture?
How would you describe what's happening in the stock market?
Is it going to be deflationary, or is it going to be inflationary, or could we see a new form of stagflation?
What should folks expect out there with the 1.5 quadrillion, with all the new debts, with acceleration of derivatives since 2008, with all the same players insulated above the law?
It looks to me like imploding things on purpose to consolidate them, a scorched earth, creative destruction approach.
What's the weather report financially?
Yeah, I mean, certainly that consolidation of wealth and that power and that capital, that leveraged capital, which is what is meant by all those derivatives, has been such a problem before the 2008 crisis.
And it's always debt.
It's always been this idea that if you push too much debt, whether it's the form of loans like they used to be back a hundred years ago, whether it's in the form of complex derivative securities that aren't regulated, that aren't
parent that are off book, that even when we talk about the assets of a bank, we don't really know where all the little ties to all the offshore bank accounts are because they're not really consolidated into the books that we are actually supporting at the end of the day with our deposits and with the FDIC insurance and all the government subsidies that go to these banks.
So that's where we're at.
And one of the reasons that currently the stock market is so high is not because the general American is feeling like they've had this
A hundred-plus percent return on their personal life and their personal finances and their personal salaries.
No, it's because there's this additional influx of cheap money, of subsidies for debt that has been engineered by the Federal Reserve through these large banks, of which, of course, A.P.
Morgan Chase is the largest bank.
It's the most politically and financially connected bank, and it has been throughout history for the last hundred years.
What this enables
Um, to happen is the stock market rise, which is pumped up by this sort of artificial euphoria, which is based on zero interest rate money to the large players.
We don't get zero interest rate money.
They do.
And they have the ability to leverage it, whether it is through derivatives, through ETFs, through various bets in the stock market, through time in the stock market.
They're buying back their own shares through all sorts of different mechanisms that have had the effect
of creating this big stock market bubble.
We've seen it in the past.
It's just not really been as dangerous as it is today because there is such a lack of understanding or restraint from the powers that be in Washington from a regulatory perspective, from a policy perspective.
This is continuing.
And what's happening now is because there's no accountability, no one's gone to jail, the fines that the Department of Justice has levied and the SEC has levied on these institutions are tiny.
They're less than a half of a percent.
Thank you.
I've said this before, I don't think, this is obviously not stable, good economic or financial policy, what's been going on since the crisis and into the crisis.
It is not sustainable.
But there is such a force of this bad policy and unsustainable policy that's had the effect of boostering the market, whereas I believe that we're going to be headed for a major crash because you cannot continue a policy of inflating a market with nothing real.
And that is what we are visioning right now.
Now, I think it's going to take a little bit of time.
People ask me, is it going to be a year from now, a half year?
I don't really know.
I'll say this.
It should have not gotten this high, and I believe it should have crashed sooner since it started moving after the 2009 influx of cheap money and of debt buying from the financial institutions.
It should have happened sooner.
Thank you.
I look at this being a period of volatility right now.
In other words, it's going to go up and down like we've been seeing for a little while with a tendency to go up because of this artificial support and ultimately a very steep decline on the other side because there's nothing real sustaining this support.
And I think that's in a couple years.
I think it could happen sooner if there's a major derivatives transaction or something that unwinds that all the banks are involved in.
It's usually about credit or currency.
So it might be related to the Ukraine.
It might be related to somewhere in Latin America.
There's a lot of chance that there are interdependencies and derivatives positions that these banks are intertwined in, as we see every time there's a crash that is going on right now.
And so there could be an external instigator.
But right now there's a tremendous amount of artificial stimulus
Going into this financial globalization, markets, into the banks, into the stocks, and into the derivatives.
Nomi, you worked around these people.
You worked for, you know, the head of Goldman Sachs reported into him in his office at the time.
We see how John Corzine is above the law with the stuff he did with Goldman Sachs and then MF Global.
Is there any way to get through to these people?
Because I know they've scientifically set up their systems of control, they have their political hatchet men, their spin doctors, their formulas.
But history shows that they always believe their formulas, and then they start smoking their own propaganda, and you get World War II, you get World War I, you get Roman collapse, you get famines, you get serious disconnect, Marie Antoinette type, French Revolution stuff, and
Is there any way, knowing how these guys act, knowing how arrogant they are, and they make the Wolf of Wall Street pale in significance with their bravado, or chutzpah, or whatever you call it, is there any way to get through to these loons?
Because anyone can look at where the world's going and tell, they're not going to get out of this, and neither are we.
Can they stop themselves?
Is there some way to get these people to act in a more sane way?
I mean, why would they want to get rid of checks and balances for the people and then make themselves above the law?
That sounds like a horrible world.
Tyranny's not safe for anybody.
Well, they have been rewarded for bad behavior, and that's the problem we have right now.
Historically, there have been periods, for example, after the crash in 1929, where the bankers that were total scam artists, they were tax evading, they were creating little companies named after family members, they were hiding shares, they were telling the public to buy shares while they were shorting shares.
All this stuff has gone on.
The difference is some of those guys got ejected,
And new people came into place.
And some of those guys got fined, and new people came into place.
And there was a stability.
It wasn't perfect.
A lot of things went wrong between, say, the 30s and the 70s.
But there was more of a stability because there was an accountability on the side of some of these individuals who realized they had come to the abyss.
And yes, they wanted and needed and got government support to get them out.
But they also took a step back of their own sort of accord or fear or whatever it was.
And what we've seen more recently, though, is is a much more dangerous use of the capital that they control.
Jamie Dimon, you know, last week was all contrite about how he was sorry.
You know, maybe he he, you know, underestimated things.
But this is after JPMorgan chased the bank, has paid all these fines, which to the public look like a lot, but to them are absolutely nothing.
It was probably after some like media
That's all just words.
Yeah, the behavior hasn't changed.
The bets internally haven't changed.
The structure of the banks haven't changed.
They've been rewarded by, JP Morgan Chase in particular, has been rewarded by allowing itself to buy Bear Stearns, Washington Mutual, having the government support, having the federal connections, and it continues on.
So what needs to happen for these guys to wake up?
They buy their own
We're good to go.
These particular individuals have absolutely no reason to look within their banks and be worried because even if positions are going sour every single day, even if there's billions of dollars of losses accumulating on their books every single day, they know, they've been shown that these things will get bailed out, that they will be covered.
So what it requires, unfortunately, and this is a really bad situation that we're in right now because so much has been covered up, we will see a bigger crisis.
There will be a situation in the near future where these banks will have another bout of significant losses, where we're going to talk about too big to fail again and wonder why we made these big banks bigger, where we're going to wonder why we propped up.
When I say we, I mean most of the media propped up these individuals as somehow being great navigators of this situation, of the crisis, of Obama and Tim Geithner and Jack Lew, all having dodged this bullet.
And the reality is there's been nothing
That has fundamentally changed.
So I can only see...
Change coming from a bigger crisis, and that either comes from within the financial markets themselves, and the banks themselves, and positions themselves that implode, and we have this whole other round of crisis management, or it comes from individuals who say, look, this is too much.
We don't believe that things have changed.
We think things have been whitewashed.
We need to do something about this because our economy, our houses, our savings, our pensions, our deposits are at risk otherwise.
I've been asking a lot of questions, and I want to get into your book here, because sometimes you can't reach the public through a novel, a historical novel, instead of just, you know, cold hard facts now.
But in your gut, what else are you concerned about?
And then is there any positive news you've got for people?
Honestly, the positive news that I have, and I do talk in all the President's Bankers about this, and that is the non-fiction book I just came out with, is that there was a time where
There was a kind of solidarity of what people needed for the economy to grow, and what the government was willing to provide, and what they were willing to do to keep bankers accountable.
There's always been close personal ties, personal connections, you know, same schools, same clubs, intermarriages, friendships, protege mentorship relationships between the White House and Wall Street.
But there was a time in our past, and I think the hope is to look into it, between the 30s and the 70s, where at least
Even though everyone, all the people in that equation wanted power, whether it was American power globally, politically, whether it was financial power globally from an economic and trade standpoint, they still were able to see the public good.
They were still able to sort of walk into gum and see a public interest that could only be served
If there was some restraint, if people went to jail if they committed fraud or crimes, if banks were made smaller or at least divided from the risks they could take, if they took too much risk and the government or society was on the hook for it.
So there was a time when things were more stable, there was growth in the country for individuals, and these people still are able to make money.
So the kind of hope lies in the past.
The unfortunate thing is that, you know, from the 70s and 80s and certainly through on today, no matter who was in government, whether it was
You know, Republican, Democrat, you know, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, doesn't matter because those alliances with Wall Street have really been working towards the detriment of not just us, but also the world.
And so we need to dial that back.
There is an answer in our past, but there's also a very, very strong possibility if we don't look at that, if we don't try to be better than our past, not even like that aspect of our past because it had problems, that we are going to suffer wider consequences.
There's some hope in that, but there's also a warning in that.
Again, I've been asking the questions.
What else is on your radar?
You know, the worrisome thing, and we talked a little bit about it, you did ask this, so I'll just answer it again, is the Ukraine situation, only because it's being perceived as more of an ideological fight, a new Cold War and so forth, when in fact it is really a financial fight.
It's a globalization of financial fight, and it's who gets the calling rights to that particular part of the world.
You know, Russia's been moving its banks into the Ukraine.
European and American banks have kind of retreaded after the 2008 crash, and they're looking to come back into that area because it's a very good outpost to Eastern Europe.
And so there's a lot of problems that could result in that.
There's also problems that could result in what's happening in Asia with respect to additional speculation, and not so much China's growth or not growth and all the things that are headlined in the media, but what happens with the real speculation, where China's trying to really
We're good.
Sure, that's right.
You know, New York wants to be London, and then you've got Germany wanting to get, you know, to be the new London, and then just, it's like, who can whore themselves out the best, who can devalue the currency the fastest, while actuarying, shutting down all your competition and small business, so you can pump up your fraudulent ballot sheet.
I mean, it is a race to the bottom, as Ross Perot said.
And that's really the main worry, that this race to the bottom, this idea of plundering commodities or different types of local establishments as banks grow, has been something that has been intrinsic, particularly since what I call the age of
Financial Capitalism, which I think started a hundred years ago with JPMorgan and the Fed, and sort of this idea that they would be backing to bad bets.
And that idea has been really solid through all of what we've seen, all the negatives that we've seen, with concentrated banks becoming bigger, with smaller banks getting eaten up, with concentrated businesses becoming bigger and smaller businesses getting eaten up, or
Or dying in the process.
And the funds, the liquidity, the money that goes into these larger institutions gives them a bigger benefit as well.
Because if you're getting, for example, 0% money, then, you know, you can do a lot of damage if you have no accountability to even the money that you're getting.
And then when they lose that money, it just gets bailed out on top of it.
Well, exactly.
I mean, the fact that the Federal Reserve has a 4.2 trillion dollar balance sheet, there is no, we are not in a time of war.
We're not really in a time of any sort of, you know, physical violent danger, for example, on our country.
And yet the financial danger is so big that this is the largest amount of subsidies that the Federal Reserve has ever provided the largest banks in the history of its existence.
Well, look, this is done by design.
It's the Japan route.
Japan, as you know, was the test.
20 years of recession, depression.
And they're doing all this on purpose, in my view.
And there's a method to their madness I think is going to blow out of control and cause war and famine and revolution.
They think they can ride that to even more police state, use the revolutions they caused as a way to have civil wars or internal police actions.
I mean, I think that's the master plan.
I want to ask you about that and talk some about your new book on the other side with Nomi Prince.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com
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If you leave me, I won't miss you, and I won't ever take you back.
Girl, your memory won't ever haunt me.
In the case of the Federal Reserve, I wish they'd leave.
Got some oceanfront property.
That's what derivatives are.
They're just totally fraudulent, made up, sell the house a hundred times, fractional reserve banking, loan out ten dollars for a dollar.
That was the beginning of this, you know, thousands of years ago.
The goldsmiths, people who want to carry their gold around, so you'd go in and they'd give you receipts that were good for business around the town that you could go redeem so you didn't get robbed.
And then they would have your name and everything and it really stopped criminals from knocking you over the head.
But pretty soon, the goldsmiths started loaning out a lot more paper than they actually had gold.
And that's where the Rothschilds came in and took over Europe.
And it's the same story over and over again.
People that can create fraudulent instruments can buy the courts, buy the police, and then pretty soon they take over everything.
Nomi Prince, tell us about your book.
I haven't read it yet.
I've read two of your other non-fiction books.
Tell us about your book and how folks get it.
It's called All the President's Bankers, The Hidden Alliances That Drive American Power.
It's on Amazon.
You can also get some more information and excerpts on it on my website.
I have excerpts about the IMF and the World Bank evolution and how that impacts today.
So this is a non-fiction.
Didn't you just write a novel too?
Yeah, I'm just pumping them out, Alex.
Now, I want to read this book.
Tell me about it.
Well, actually, no.
The thing is, this nonfiction came out of a scene in my novel, Black Tuesday, that was out a couple years ago.
And there was a scene in it where the six bankers in 1929 got together at the Morgan Bank and figured out how to save themselves.
And it didn't work so well.
But all of those banks still exist today.
So at the end of the day, we had a Great Depression.
These banks survived, became bigger, and they are what they are today.
JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, and so forth.
It kind of started with a novel, but All the President's Bankers is really my, it was my way to use that little kernel and examine all of the relationships throughout all of the presidential libraries in the country over the presidents that have been presidents over the last hundred years.
And the relationships with the six main bankers of the time.
And look at how they coordinated what they wanted and needed from each other and were the sort of mutually interdependent entities in Wall Street and Washington.
There's no division.
They're the same, you know, components of the same political financial power structure and how they operated.
So there's a lot of documents in there that I examined through different archives.
I didn't want anyone to say, oh, you know, you're just talking about these people.
It's a conspiracy.
It's not.
I have all of the information.
It's well documented in the book.
There's 70 pages of footnotes that were kind of a real pain to put together.
Footnotes are always the hardest part, and there's a lot of them, but it's really to show people there's real meat here.
We're not just talking about this stuff.
There's real... This isn't our opinion.
You know what's interesting?
Exactly, Alex.
That's exactly right.
I get real busy and thought this was a novel, and I had just said, please get Nomi Prince on about all the crises, but now that I know about this book, send me a copy, and come back on in like two weeks, and let's go over this book.
This sounds powerful.
Nomi Prince, thank you so much for the time.
Thank you so much, Alex.
Take care.
Thank you.
Wow, great lady.
Just a great whistleblower.
I mean, she was at the top of her game, going up in the company at the very top, and she said, I'm not going to be part of this.
This is evil.
One of the first people warning of the derivatives from the inside back in 2003, was it, she left?
So, great lady.
Now, I'll be back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m., and I'll be well-rested.
I stayed up too late last night, and I was a little goofy today.
I apologize for that.
That happens occasionally.
Sometimes there's good radio.
There's just so much insane, important news.
It's up on InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
BAE's developing Google Glass spy app for spies.
Of course they are.
And a lot more.
But the Nightly News is tonight at 7 o'clock.
Great job, crew.
I want to thank all of you out there that listen and our sponsors.
God bless you all.
Pray for peace in this country.
Pray for non-offensive violence.
Pray we don't have to defend ourselves, though, because we have a right and we will.
Alex Jones here to tell you about how you can help spread liberty worldwide, also enjoying what I have found to be the best tasting, 100% organic coffee on the planet.
For more than a decade, my favorite coffee has come from the high mountain.