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Name: 20140408_Tue_Alex
Air Date: April 8, 2014
2303 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various conspiracy theories such as Illuminati, forced medical treatment without consent, and globalist social engineers. He also talks about the lack of attention towards important news due to distractions caused by products and events. In his show, he criticizes measures like electronic gun-disabling systems and Taser Bracelets designed for hijackers. Jones warns against new technologies that aim at incapacitating terrorists without causing permanent injury, stating that it is a part of globalist elites' plan to control humanity. The show discusses topics such as schools using credit cards to teach financial literacy, government surveillance, and the need for filtering water to protect families from tap water contaminants. Alex Jones encourages listeners to become members of PrisonPlanet.tv and promotes InfoWars Life supplements for preparedness. He criticizes big businesses like Walmart and billionaires like Warren Buffett for being tax-exempt and argues that they should stop lobbying for higher taxes. Cynthia McKinney, a former Congresswoman, discusses her disagreement with the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security, Obamacare, and insurance companies while emphasizing the importance of defending ourselves against government encroachment and forming unity to say no to an illegitimate system. The interview covers topics such as political correctness, Martin Luther King Jr.'s teachings, Venezuela, drug operations, war games, loss of confidence in Congress, and town hall meetings.

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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, here we are already the eighth day of April 2014.
Next week, everybody gets to pay the private run-for-profit Federal Reserve via their collection agency, set up the same year in 1913, the Federal Reserve.
You get to pay your quote income tax, every red cent of it goes to national debt created by the globalist,
Not even paying off the debt.
This is how you take the greatest creditor nation and make it the greatest debtor nation in world history.
And I've got reports here today where most people that thought they would retire when they hit 65 aren't.
The new retirement age is going to be 77 years old, which also just so happens to be the average year you die.
So, you're not going to ever be getting that Social Security.
You're not going to get any of it.
Until we kick the globalists out.
Because they will create enough debt to always make the general public debtors.
It is a kleptocratic, anti-free market system.
We've got a big stack of news on that front.
I will be getting to.
Also, Paul Watson reported on this yesterday.
It's in the news.
Jay-Z's bling from Whites or Devils group addresses Illuminati and questions of other religions.
And of course they just do this to look mysterious and powerful and the rest of it.
The truth is the Illuminati was just a German death cult that was able to overthrow the French monarchs and set up the French Revolution.
Tried to take over our revolution but failed when George Washington blocked it.
And it's just standard, you know, establishment peons trying to look like they're part of, you know, the inner circle of the New World Order.
I will assure you...
That even groups like the Rolling Stones and the Beatles and certainly Jay-Z are not in the inner circle or even in the real Illuminati.
There are lots of fake kind of outside groups that... I mean, I see these articles all the time where guys tell women, I'm in the Illuminati, have sex with me and I'll let you into it.
In fact, that's a very popular pickup line that was reported on all over the press last year to tell women that you're
That you're part of a secret Illuminati society and that the only way to experience true Valhalla is to jump in the sack with them.
And it's basically more of that in a society where everybody wants to feel important and powerful.
And even much of the power structure itself is enamored, though, with Hollywood.
I'm not saying Hollywood music doesn't have power.
But when you look at a Bill Clinton or a George W. Bush
Clinton especially liked to hang around with Hollywood people.
Bill Clinton was only a mid-level minion of the globalists.
In fact, if you go to DrugsReport.com, you can see a photo up there of Bush and Clinton together.
They've got that big fraudulent charity together.
And they're up there with Jerry Jones.
And they're also up there with Laura Bush.
And you see all the other narcissists around them, so proud of the fact that they're sitting there
With two presidents and that they're all on TV.
Those smiles on all those people's faces is the look of total mental illness.
And being the parrot that's sitting at the top of the tree.
I would be embarrassed to be sitting there with those criminals, number one.
Even if I was sitting up there with famous people I admired, it would be embarrassing to be the center of attention.
The whole issue is sometimes you've got to be the center of the attention to get things done.
But as you develop, you're supposed to be narcissistic as a child to develop your own personality.
That's supposed to fall away later.
With the ruling establishment, they are a bunch of mindless
Narcissists themselves, until you get to the very, very technocratic top of people like Brzezinski and David Rockefeller and folks, they could care less about being in the limelight.
They want to creep around pulling the levers of social control.
That's what they crave, real power, not the reflection of it.
We'll be back.
The globalist social engineers are not just targeting us with propaganda.
They are manipulating our genetics.
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After consulting top doctors, nutritionists, pharmacists and others, we have developed what I believe is the ultimate non-GMO organic super male vitality formula sourced from powerful organic herbs and then concentrated for maximum
I'm good.
A chemical spill contaminating the water supply in nine West Virginia counties.
This year alone, over 300,000 people in West Virginia had their drinking water contaminated.
What are the health effects of having these drugs in our drinking water?
It's forced medical treatment without the consent of residents.
My friends, water filtration is one of the most basic actions you can take to protect you and your family from the harmful toxins and heavy metals in your tap water.
On average, the county says it sprays with the glyphosate at least once a week.
Fluoride is in tea, it's in coffee, it's in water, it's in bread, it's in toothpaste.
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From the water table, to our soils, to the atmosphere itself, our world is becoming more and more toxic each and every day.
But it's not just the air outside that's toxic.
Indoor air has been shown to have two to five times higher concentrations of pollutants than even outdoor air.
And most Americans spend 90% of their time inside using toxic chemicals within their homes.
There are more than 42 million smokers in the United States.
Well over a thousand types of mold and mildew linked to numerous conditions.
And don't forget the fact that six million Americans live with pets they're allergic to as well.
When I began to research these statistics it was clear to me it was time to start cleansing my lungs in order to combat the toxic environment that we cannot escape but that we can fight back against.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
We're here live, back Sundays, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central with the Sunday edition.
And don't forget weeknights, 7 o'clock Central.
InfoWars Nightly News with yours truly, Leanne McAdoo, Jakari Jackson, David Knight, and the rest of the amazing crew.
Before I get into all the news today, a former congresswoman, always informative, has a lot of courage.
That's why she's been demonized on so many fronts.
Cynthia McKinney will be joining us to talk about Russia, to talk about the economy, to talk about Obama.
And the real Cynthia McKinney is different than what the controlled right-wing press basically says about her.
Doesn't mean I agree with her on everything.
I agree with her on about 80% of things.
But I know she's a real person.
I've met her.
I got the Project Censure award years ago out in California, in San Francisco, and she was there also getting an award.
Had a chance to hang out with her and have dinner.
A real person.
Just like I don't totally agree with Jesse Ventura on every front, but I know he's a real person, so I admire that.
And I see how he's been demonized.
And so she's going to be joining us.
You can actually hear from Cynthia McKinney herself and why both the Democrat and Republican Party came after her.
She was replaced in her state of Georgia with the congressman that thinks that Guam and other islands are floating and that if you allow development and hotels on one side, it will cause the island to capsize.
You heard me right.
She was basically removed, and in the establishment both parties installed, with massive funding and promotion, a man who thinks islands are floating.
Doesn't know they're the tips of mountains.
I mean, I know we're in a country where the government teaches 2 plus 2 equals 5, but ladies and gentlemen, I'm here to tell you, continents and islands are not floating.
Now, the continents technically are floating on lava.
So I guess in a way they are floating.
Maybe he's right.
Maybe I'm wrong.
Maybe 2 plus 2 does equal 5 or 10 or whatever they say.
The point is we are live on this Tuesday, 8th day of April 2014.
And there is a huge amount of just incredibly important news from the economy to sagebrush rebellions blooming out in the West with new Ruby Ridge type situations that could unfold.
That's all up on InfoWars.com.
We're going to be breaking it all down today.
But first off, I just wanted to give thanks here on air today for a great crew, the best crew I've ever had that's getting better and better.
And I think overall I'm getting more focused and more professional.
And just the entire team we've got here is a blessing from God.
I want to thank God for that.
And I want to thank
My Heavenly Father, for our listeners and supporters that don't stand behind us, you stand right beside us and in front of us.
We're all in this together, and this is really an off-the-chart, important quest that we're all on together.
This is really a big deal.
And the fact that InfoWars is so prominent, and has been so ragtag, but has still had this big of an effect, is really awe-inspiring.
And that's why I'm so humbled, because I don't feel like I live up to the incredible office that God has put me in.
And I just see our influence increasing by the millisecond.
And quite frankly, it is a daunting task.
Quite frankly, it is the opposite of a narcissistic power trip to realize that the attacks will intensify, the COINTELPRO will intensify, the Cass Sunstein cognitive infiltration is going to intensify, the fraud is going to intensify by the enemies at the highest levels of the global crime syndicate right down to the grassroots because we are over the target.
And we're getting the major flack because we have analyzed the enemy attack profile correctly, we have documented their real program, their real system, their real philosophy, their modus operandi, and we are now decompartmentalizing the planet.
The planet's already gotten to the point of being ready to decompartmentalize, but like an enzyme, a tiny amount of enzyme can cause a chain reaction in an entire system.
InfoWars, I now recognize, is an absolutely key, key piece of data in the overall structure.
It is quite literally a key.
Everything we've done, the organic structure of this operation, the fact that other people are compartmentalized and don't understand the larger system, it's really a blessing.
To know that we do know the truth, we do know the enemy program, and the public more and more is prepared to listen to us and then see for themselves.
Because it's just like they live.
You take the glasses off, you don't see what's happening.
You put the glasses on, you see the world for what it really is.
Or the allegory of the Matrix.
You take the red pill, and the real world gets revealed.
You take the blue pill and you stay in Wonderland.
Well, people are going to be forced to take the red pill.
Because this is the cycle of decadence and corruption that we're going into.
And human survival is now on the line.
Our entire species' future is now on the line.
And everyone instinctively can feel that.
And the establishment tries to take all that instinctive anxiety that people are feeling.
And they try to put it into support of the system.
The system says, oh, you're having anxiety?
Here's pills.
Or you're having anxiety?
Go with the system.
Or you're having anxiety?
Buy into the system.
Or you're having anxiety?
Buy into these celebrities.
You're having anxiety?
Buy more into entertainment, more into decadence, more into being selfish, more into being a liar, more into being delusional.
There is a spirit of great delusion being poured out upon the land, but at the same time, for every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction, to quote Sir Isaac Newton, and then later, of course, the great physicist Einstein, Albert Einstein.
For this great reaction of evil, for this great mountain of evil rising up out of the sea, there is a huge counteraction happening.
And at the very highest levels of the system, in propaganda, entertainment, government, religion, people really are now seeing that goodness is the way to go.
It's only when evil completely starts to take over that people realize that goodness is like a warm birth in a ship in the middle of a frozen sea of death.
When things are good and society is virtuous, it can become its own tyranny to those that don't understand history.
And so the allure of rebellion and wickedness against good looks very sexy.
But once you're in the bondage of evil, then you look back and see that liberty is actually a free country.
Liberty is an oasis in a world of barbarism and dishonor.
Honor and truthfulness is the very blood of a free, safe, and happy civilization and society.
And I see the amount of dishonor growing
Or the amount of people just completely disconnected from reality and hooked into entertainment and mindlessness.
And I really am concerned for these people because they have no idea the type of world they're going into.
I see so many well-meaning yuppies, so many well-meaning professionals, so many overall good people who are freaked out, scared, and grasping at different societal
Frauds, different societal pipe dreams, believing it will fulfill them if they can just be a rock star, if they can just be a rap star, if they could just be a movie star, if they could just be a sports star, as if those were the only avenues to success in life.
Success in life is being fulfilled yourself in the act of creation, the act of literature, art, raising children, cooking a good meal, having good friends, having a good laugh, believing in yourself.
That is what is going to fulfill you.
Loving God, loving justice is what is going to fulfill you, not loving.
The completely narcissistic soulless, completely
Folks that are a bunch of haughty, pompous know-it-alls.
I mean, you run into the country club types who stick their nose up in the air to make you feel small so they feel good.
What incredible losers those people are.
Completely scared.
Completely freaked out about what's going on in the world.
I'm not saying everybody at a country club is like that, but you know the types I'm talking about.
The Judge Smails types from Caddyshack.
Who everyone really hates.
And who are too stupid to even know it.
Meanwhile, the real rich guy in the neighborhood doesn't even, you know, change his shirt but once a week.
And that's why that movie's so funny for people that have been around that type of stuff, because it's so archetypal, those type of individuals.
I grew up on a golf course around people like that in Dallas, Texas, seeing the exact same stuff going on that's in that movie.
Those are like real people in that movie, folks.
They're real people that actually wear captain hats when they take their boat out.
They're real people that actually are mean to waiters and mean to their neighbors and tell people their dress doesn't look good so they can feel big.
Those people are scum of the earth and they're the type of people that
want control and want power and we have a responsibility to stand up against them.
Now when we come back I'm getting right into the news.
Stocks slide as valuation worries grow.
That's exactly what Harry Dent and others have been saying, and Max Keiser, that by the middle of this year, all hell is going to break loose.
We're two months away from that.
It's already started.
We're going to get into Red Dawn supporters rally to defend family-facing showdown with the feds.
The feds are bringing in armored vehicles and assault rifles against unarmed groups, licking their lips to kill some Americans.
He says we want to explore gun tracking bracelets for all Americans who have guns.
That's all coming up.
And the Russians are starting to eye taking more of eastern Ukraine.
Jessica Armand here, creator of My Magic Mud, the all-natural teeth whitener and strengthening remedy that's getting rave reviews from GCN listeners.
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That's MyMagicMud.com.
We the people grow cotton, weave fabric, engrave ink, embed strips and fibers to protect from counterfeit, then carting to a private bank, having it led back at interest, forcing taxes to service debt.
This capitalism?
Or was Jefferson correct when stating a central bank issuing the public currency is a greater menace to the liberties of the people than a standing army?
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Hi folks, Alex Jones here with some important information.
I want to tell you about Matt Redhawk and his team of patriots over at MyPatriotSupply.
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I don't know.
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Alright ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here back live.
Let's get into the story from the Washington Free Beacon up on DrudgeReport.com and InfoWars.com.
Holder, we want to explore gun tracking bracelets.
DOJ requesting $2 million for gun safety technology grants.
We're going to play a clip of that in a moment and then dovetail it with another report.
They're dealing with Taser bracelets they want you to wear to be able to fly.
You heard me right.
Homeland Security is actually having meetings on that for at least two and a half years.
We broke the story back in 2012.
Coming next, TSA electric shock bracelets.
But remember, California just put out of business most gun manufacturers there because of micro-stamping on the firing pins, which basically makes them have to retool their entire factories.
And you're seeing the move towards biometric guns and systems that they can electronically knock out.
And then they're going to try to make all the other guns obsolete and illegal.
So this is just outrageous.
But you know Holder's goal is civilian disarmament.
Under the UNIDIR UN Treaty that says, quote, civilian ownership of firearms threatens the legitimate power monopoly of the state.
That statement is totally true, except for one word, legitimate.
There is nothing legitimate about a power monopoly of the state, unless you're Dennis Rodman hanging out with that narcissistic, degenerate, sycophant Kim Jong-un.
Kim Jong-un.
I mean, give me a break.
And again, you see the narcissistic photos of Kim Jong-un and the video of him with Dennis Rodman and all the crazy sycophants staring and smiling to be with him on TV at the basketball court.
You could not pay me a billion dollars to go over there and hang around with Kim Jong-un.
Actually, I would take the billion and try to use it to
Overthrow the North Korean government.
The point is, is that it's just ridiculous.
And folks, I've been there.
I've been there in the bleachers with the coolest people in America, and it's empty.
I just keep harping on that because even the dictator of North Korea is obsessed and so disconnected, he thinks the wash-up washed up a decade ago.
Dennis Rodman.
Who sounds like Soros talking.
I mean, he thinks that's cool, ladies and gentlemen.
I've hung out with Carmen Electra.
I guess that's a little bit cooler.
But that wasn't too cool.
She was nice.
The whole point is, ladies and gentlemen, is that who cares?
Who cares?
It's sick!
Now let's go to the guy that wants your guns.
Who wants to ban all the other guns and make you wear a biometric bracelet for your gun to work.
This is insane.
And they'll first make cops do it.
Just like they put GPS in the cop cars first, and it's going to be everybody.
They first abused the enforcers, then they abused everybody else.
Because, well, if I've got to do it, you've got to do it.
This is how they're coming after the guns, folks.
Regulatory, outside of law.
Here is the enemy of Fast and Furious, Benghazi cover-up, everything.
This is the false flag master who covered up Oklahoma City in federal court documents.
Here he is, wanting you to wear a bracelet.
I'm meeting with a group of technology people and talk about how guns can be made more safe by making them either through fingerprint identification, the gun talks to a bracelet or something that you might wear, how guns can be used only by the person who is lawfully in possession of the weapon.
Smart guns!
It's those kinds of things that I think we want to try to...
Smart meters and smart phones.
The whole, tie your gun into the NSA basically.
That's it.
Now, let's go to the company that has had meetings with Homeland Security.
Homeland Security said in briefings, we're linked to it in the article, that they would like to adopt this.
The Lampard Less Lethal Ink Taser Bracelet to fly.
By the way, I want to send man on the street out to ask people if they would wear a shock bracelet for everyone's safety for Obama.
I want to send the reporters out.
Send out McAdoo, send out maybe McBreen.
He's mainly the graphics guy.
He does incredible graphics, but maybe McBreen should go out and ask folks about the Taser Bracelet.
In fact, that's it.
Send McBreen out.
Now, let's go to part of this clip with the Taser Bracelet.
Here it is.
By further equipping each bracelet with EMD technology, the bracelets will allow crew members using radio frequency transmitters to quickly and effectively subdue hijackers.
The Electromuscular Disruption Signal overrides the attacker's central nervous system and will render even the most elite and aggressive terrorist completely immobile for several minutes.
This will allow the crew to subdue and handcuff that individual.
EMD technology is designed to incapacitate a target from a safe distance without causing permanent injury, which means these criminals will survive and go to trial.
The bracelet would only be armed by someone on board upon confirmation that a takeover situation exists.
To a businessman on his way home to be reunited with his family, or to a young family going south for a winter holiday, wearing an EMD safety bracelet... We're gonna go to break.
Come back.
This is not satire.
Why not wear exploding bracelets around your neck like the Running Man by Stephen King?
I mean, that's where it's going.
This is what they want.
Bunch of scum.
We're gonna talk about Al Sharpton too, coming up.
The Rat.
We're on the march.
The Empire... He says he's no rat.
He says he was fat.
I'm not kidding.
Like a Dr. Seuss book.
I'm no rat.
I was fat.
I'm a cat.
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Alex Jones here with a message to fellow freedom lovers.
The prognosis for the entire planetary economic system runs from bad to worse.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Land of the free, home of the brave, where you wear bracelets to activate your gun and wear taser bracelets to get on planes.
And Homeland Security, if they could, would have you wear taser bracelets.
That's why they're starting out at the airport.
Now with Trusted Traveler, they want you to wear a bracelet you're given when you get there.
Like a concentration camp victim.
That's where all this is going.
And it's all sold as safety.
Why, these smart meters on your house are great!
And the engineers at the time went public more than a decade ago in California when Enron was pushing it.
This was like 14 years ago.
And said, the plan is to tax you during peak times and to control your thermostat and other appliances.
These things are meant to dial in to the new smart appliances that are coming out in the next decade.
And then we told you, we warned you, they had national media say I was insane, there was no plan to tax you by the mile, there was no black boxes in the cars to tax you by the mile, there was no smart meters, there was no NSA, there was no warrantless wiretapping, there was no data mining, there was no cancer viruses in the vaccines, GMO wasn't killing rats, the government wasn't funding Al Qaeda, now it's all public.
I have news here where Western-funded and backed Al-Qaeda in Pakistan is killing people, and where the government is sentencing Christians to prison and all sorts of stuff.
Sentenced to death over texting and, you know, not buying into everything the government's pushing.
A Catholic priest being murdered and churches being blown up on a daily basis.
There's new articles on that today out of Syria.
Famed Jesuit priest abducted, beaten and executed in Syria.
That's Adam McClatchy.
This is a daily basis by Western-funded, U.S.
government-funded al-Qaeda.
And then they want you to wear a taser bracelet because you might be al-Qaeda.
Notice they said the terrorists attacked us because they hate our freedom.
That's actually true.
The globalists have funded radical Islam.
They have protected radical Islam.
They have done all of this.
So that they can take over countries that are westernizing and that are a threat to globalist hegemony, they can knock countries back to the Stone Age, they can destroy multicultural, multi-religious areas like Syria, Egypt, Libya, you name it, and put in Saudi Arabian psycho-jihadis.
And by the way, Paul Watts has been writing articles about how the feminist groups
are saying men shouldn't be able to be fathers and all sex is rape and saying the word bossy is evil and all this other stuff will not criticize Saudi Arabia where they execute women if they get caught driving basically.
And then I notice radical Muslims on Infowars.com saying, how dare you demonize Islam by reporting on this?
Listen, I'm not Islamophobic.
I don't hate Muslims.
I'm against all these illegal wars.
I'm against turning Al-Qaeda loose in all these countries and overthrowing them.
But Saudi Arabia is funding Hollywood, it's funding the media, it owns part of Fox News, the government of Saudi Arabia does.
Look it up.
They own part of CNN, the Chinese government's influence on our media.
No one will criticize Saudi Arabia, but they'll say, if I like to wear the pants around the house, I'm some kind of sexist pig.
Well, let me tell you something, women like you to wear the pants, men.
That's why most you men get thrown to the curb.
The truth is, everything they sell to women out there is meant to destroy women.
And if men would start wearing the pants again in this country, we wouldn't be slaves ruled by the government and the media and the propagandized, brainwashed population.
Men have absolutely turned the world over to the corrupt men that run the New World Order.
And believe me, it's a man's world.
There's articles out about the worst payment inequity between men and women in the White House ever.
Well, of course, who do you think runs the White House?
It's all a bunch of talk to get men and women fighting with each other down at the grassroots level.
Because there's a war on women, a war on men, a war on the family.
Last month we had the war on men, this month the magazine is the modern Maryland, the war on women.
Next month's issue is the war on children and the family.
And you take these three magazines together, you've got a 68-68-68
We're talking about almost a 200-page book.
A 200-page book!
of the war on humanity, scientifically big pharma.
This is like an alien species coming to the planet and putting clones down generationally to take over the government and now they're in control.
This is what an alien species would do if it wanted to quietly, without a bunch of fuss, exterminate humanity.
You would incrementally sterilize people, you would incrementally soft kill the population, you would dumb them down, you would destroy their values, you would domesticate, you would annihilate.
And I'm not saying it's space aliens, you know, the Watchers from the Kuiper belt.
All I'm saying is that it might as well be that.
That's the level of what you're facing.
And you're designed as a human to face threats.
You're designed as a human
To thrive when you're under attack and you recognize the enemy, it makes you stronger.
Nietzsche was right.
That which does not kill you only makes you stronger if you're aware of the attack and persevere through it.
But if you adapt to the attack and give in to it, there's a bad type of adaptation and you learn to live with the incremental slavery, you will finally fade away and be destroyed.
So imagine, in the land of the free, in the home of the brave, they want you to wear a bracelet to have a gun.
Your smart meter, put on forcibly by the state, gouges you and surveils everything you do in your home, on record, on record, along with everything else.
And then Homeland Security is still having meetings and are still studying making you wear a shock bracelet
When you fly, everyone, men, women and children, and I guarantee if they announce it, peer pressure, half the public will go, come on, the terrorists hit us on 9-11, let's do this, no more problem with hijacking.
Look at how we're held hostage by the fear and the trauma-based mind control of 9-11, when the very same criminal interests that staged 9-11 are running the Al-Qaeda operations today, and it's not even our government.
It is the criminal networks.
It's a fact.
It's now in the BBC.
Cy Hirst just came out in the New Yorker yesterday.
Weeks after we did, well, four or five months after we broke it all last year, but more of it happened two weeks ago.
Turkey staged terror attacks and was planning more terror attacks to be able to have a full military assault on Syria.
They're caught between Al-Qaeda forces coming out of Iraq, and then other jihadis they're bringing in and training right on the border, and the Russians are there in a proxy war, and again people say, well why are you siding with the Russians?
I'm not siding with the Russians.
I'm siding with We Don't Start Wars, against innocent countries that didn't do anything, with a proxy of Al-Qaeda.
It'd be bad enough if they were trying to start a war and overthrow Assad to actually put in liberty.
Our government hasn't tried to put in freedom-oriented regimes since the late 1950s.
Our government puts in dictatorships, folks.
Our government wants to bring down countries, just like the globalists want to bring us down.
Cy Hirsch, U.S.
intelligence feared Turkish-Syrian supply.
You can go to Infowars.com.
It's a new article.
And it links through to the New Yorker magazine where Kurt wrote an article about it yesterday.
Headline, Cy Hirsch, Turkey-Saudi Arabia staged nerve gas attack.
And then we're plotting for the new ones with the Defense Minister, recorded by the Russians.
They're jacking the phone lines as well.
And putting out their NSA stuff, saying, yeah, we can stage this, we can stage that.
Hey, let's not talk about this on the phone.
The Army General says we can stage stuff.
We're good at that.
Folks, part of war is staging stuff.
I hate to have to tell you that, but generally what you do is you send in an expeditionary force to draw out the enemy force to get intel, knowing the gambit of the pawn is going to be wiped out.
Seymour Hersh reveals Turks and Saudis worked together with al-Nusra in a stage attack.
So that's what's going on.
This is totally illegitimate.
And you know what?
I don't care if a TSA person's ignorant or a cop's ignorant at the airport and wants to come over and ask me where I'm going, what I'm doing, like I'm a terrorist.
You're setting up domestic internal checkpoints to overthrow our republic, and it's your family and your birthright as well.
This police state's being set up, police, because they're going to take everyone's pension funds, and they're going to devalue the stock market, and they're going to impoverish this country if they can get away with it.
If they study the tea leaves,
And all the data that they're aggregating in the data mining, and know that they won't be able to pull this off, they won't do it.
Exposing their plans, exposing their mega false flag nuke attack plans, which you now see Obama hyping as I told you he would do, that means they're actually thinking about doing it.
I've been telling you that for five, six years.
They start hyping nuke attacks on New York and not saying who's going to be behind it, look out.
Because that means they're looking at playing that card.
I'll guarantee you they got nukes already in place right now in most major cities.
And it isn't the Russians that have done it.
They've got some as well.
That's come out, actually, in their embassies and other facilities.
The word is they've been dismantled, though, under treaties, secret treaty.
The point is, is that all hell is going to break loose.
Government's not digging into bunkers and trying to take on gun owners for no reason.
They want to break this country once and for all.
They want to bring us down, the globalists.
They have a score to settle with America.
Let's go back to the taser bracelets that Homeland Security's looking at for you and your family to fly.
By further equipping each bracelet with EMD technology, the bracelets will allow crew members using radio frequency transmitters to quickly and effectively subdue hijackers.
The electro-muscular disruption signal overrides the attacker's central nervous system and will render even the most elite and aggressive terrorist completely immobile for several minutes.
A terrorist is someone who doesn't want to go to the camp.
...to subdue and handcuff that individual.
What a wimp culture, that they think we would accept this.
I mean, how pathetic.
They go to trial.
Safety Bracelet!
We feel if given the choice between taking a flight employing... I wonder when Ted Bundy used to strap young women down before torturing them?
...and taking a flight without the additional security... I wonder if he called it safety bracelets?
...most passengers would happily opt for the extra security of the EMD safety bracelet.
The last line of defense.
Well, there you go as we break down that incredible propaganda.
This is what they think of you.
This is how enslaved they think you are.
This is how dumb they think you are.
I'd like to hear from all of you out there on this subject.
When we go to your phone calls, the toll free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
And it's wide open phones for anybody that wants to call in.
But I'd like to talk about Obamacare now that it's setting in.
How do you like it now?
We have that song.
I forget who does it, but it's in the bumper music.
How you like me now?
How you like me now?
Yeah, the heavy.
Maybe we should come back with, how you like me now?
I got it.
And I'm super bad.
So we'll also get into what's happening with the stock market.
What's happening in eastern Ukraine.
Some of the articles up on InfoWars.com.
Russia says U.S.
mercenaries in eastern Ukraine.
Marriott confirms special event taking place on Bilderberg weekend.
So we think we've confirmed where it's at.
That's up on InfoWars.com.
A big story I'll get to at the bottom of the next hour after I take calls.
Red Dawn supporters rally to defend family facing showdown with feds.
They're not feds, they're mercenaries of the globalists who have out west over 80% of the land is federal.
So over 80 plus percent, 87, 88 in Nevada, the rest of it's basically state.
Everybody had, quote, grazing rights.
This guy goes back to 1870s and it's on.
They've got snipers, armored vehicles.
They want them.
They've trained.
Anybody wearing a cowboy hat and a work shirt is the enemy.
I've been to the Urban Warfare Drills.
I've made the films.
I've showed you the films.
Police State 2000, Police State 2 The Takeover, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
You've heard the military call in.
They train to take on a bunch of guys wearing cowboy hats and John Deere hats.
That's the terrorist.
They're gonna take everything under Gen 21.
From Africa to Asia to Latin America.
They're kicking people off their land is there as well.
You know over the last 30 years they kicked off almost all the Mexicans in Southern Mexico off their land and drove them up to Mexico City.
That's why Mexico City doubled in size as a staging ground of the Maquiladoras on the border with El Norte.
Same thing's gonna be done here.
It's forced relocation by economic proxy and by regulatory zoning.
China did this in the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution.
Look it up!
200 agents arming at a military compound.
Armored vehicles, drones, you name it.
Building up for one ranching family whose grandfathered under common law in court cases to be able to run their cattle.
They claim the cattle might hurt an endangered tortoise.
They've always got an excuse.
That's what this is all about, ladies and gentlemen.
Setting the precedent.
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How you like me now?
We're back live.
Alex Jones here.
Your call's coming up in the next hour.
Chris, Joshua, Dave, Ted, Joe.
We're gonna get to all of you.
Folks wanna talk about the taser bracelets.
I'll go to some calls here in just a minute.
Jakari brought this over earlier in the new X-Men movie coming out.
They describe it online.
They wear inhibitor collars so their mutant powers can't come out.
And they're told to show up and register with the government and then they put the collars on them.
So you see this in all the Hollywood movies.
I haven't seen Captain America yet.
But I intend to.
I mean, I hear it's all about false flags and government staging terror attacks as a pretext to take over society.
And again, I see that as positive.
People say that's predictive programming in the movies.
Maybe the higher level technocrats are letting these movies come out because they rationalize it and say it's predictive programming.
But I happen to know some of the producers of some of these big films.
They're putting this out because they're against what's going on in society.
But the technocrats could be right.
Maybe it does just acclimate us.
I don't know.
It's a sophisticated question.
Again, we're going to get into what in the world's happening with the NASDAQ and so much in the next hour.
And this new standoff going on out in Nevada.
Stocks are tumbling right now.
We're going to give you all those numbers.
If I go to CNBC for me, I want to see those current numbers on that.
But right now, let's go to Chris in New York.
Chris, are you an extremist?
You don't want to wear a shock bracelet when you fly to prove you're not a terrorist?
I mean, aren't you slave until proven slave?
Aren't you guilty until proven guilty?
I mean, in America, don't you wear Taser bracelets?
I mean, North Korea, if they could afford them, would do that too.
Why not?
Well, Alex, I just want to say that I do believe it does acclimate
And there's predictive programming.
Then again, the producers might be trying to warn you.
With the power grab that the police have, abusing their powers, people need to see just the first minute of the movie The Running Man, where they have that red screen with white letters.
I mean, we're living that almost right now.
I know, Jumbotron saying, remember kids, October is Bonus Recruitment Month.
Report a family member and receive a double bonus.
They actually teach in schools nationwide with little credit cards.
Taddle on your family and get the highest bonus.
Well, um, another thing.
The EMD technology app that you just ran speaks about bringing the suspect
To trial.
With the Patriot Act and the NDAA Act.
Basically nobody goes to trial.
What trial are they talking about?
No, I know!
And then it's like, oh, we are secretly spying on our political enemies, and the Associated Press, and Fox News, and Alex Jones, and Matt Drudge, and everybody else, and, you know, the TSA has dossiers on us because we dare criticize them.
These people are flaming authoritarian nobodies who couldn't run a business, couldn't get a normal job, they just create government jobs and make themselves God!
And then they work for the criminal banks and offshore corporations that launder the money and run the aircraft, all of it.
The rendition, everything.
It is a pack of crooks.
When we come back, I'm going to play a clip from The Running Man and actually read.
You just said the red on white screen.
We're going to come back in the next hour and cover that because it does describe what America's become.
Stay with us.
Follow us on Twitter at Real Alex Jones.
It's important.
I got to Twitter late, folks.
Our Twitter's not very big.
I want to get it up to a million.
A chemical spill contaminating the water supply in nine West Virginia counties.
This year alone, over 300,000 people in West Virginia had their drinking water contaminated.
What are the health effects of having these drugs in our drinking water?
It's forced medical treatment without the consent of residents.
My friends, water filtration is one of the most basic actions you can take to protect you and your family from the harmful toxins and heavy metals in your tap water.
On average, the county says it sprays with the glyphosate at least once a week.
Fluoride is in tea, it's in coffee, it's in water, it's in bread, it's in toothpaste.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Chris, the caller at the end of the last hour, brought up the beginning of Running Man, which is based on a short story by the great Stephen King.
And it became a movie, I think, in 1984, fittingly.
Or was it 85?
And in it, there's jumbotrons saying, report on your neighbors.
They now have those in Walmarts and on the streets.
There's checkpoints on the highways.
They produce fake newscasts blaming patriots for terror attacks the government's staging.
Now, how did King know how to write a short story about something that actually came true?
Because that's what other authoritarian governments do.
It's like if you see a bird up in a tree and you go, watch that bird, it's about to take off and fly.
Then it flies and someone goes, how did you know those can fly?
That's what they do.
That's where this goes.
It's not a, oh, I think it's going to be all right.
They've got secret death camps and secretly arrest people and have the NDAA and Patriot Act and everything.
Alex, come on.
Quit being such an extremist.
Sure, they're announcing they're getting ready to take the pension funds and change the laws.
Sure, they're sucking all these other countries dry.
Sure, they're training for war, whether it's saying George Washington's bad.
No, he is bad, Alex.
Al Sharpton is good.
After all, he's going to be the new Dr. Seuss.
He said, I'm a cat, not a rat, but I was fat.
Spying on the mafia that he hung around with for the FBI, reportedly.
They've got all the documents of the smoking gun.
I mean, it's just, of course, of course, of course, ladies and gentlemen.
Who do you think Hal Turner, the white supremacist, works for?
Look him up.
He worked for the FBI.
Who do you think Al Sharpton works for?
I've said that many times.
He's a government operative.
I would say above that, Ford Foundation.
But I guess just FBI.
But that was back when he was a young political race pimp.
I'll guarantee you he is on Ford Foundation or Carnegie and Foundation payroll getting directives.
He's way above FBI.
What a treasure this broadcast is that we are not part of the system and we don't work with the government and never have and never will.
Thank God!
I had so much family that worked in special operations, black ops, CIA, you name it, and that they told me how evil and bad it was.
Thank God, because obviously I was approached many times by establishment people and media heads and others to go into the system, and I said, go into a system that's going to destroy everybody's future?
Never, never, never.
But I know how this whole system works, ladies and gentlemen.
And it is disgusting.
It is totally disgusting.
These people have no honor.
They are anti-human trash who enjoy screwing things up.
Well, I don't like you, Al Sharpton.
You race pimp.
He's the equivalent of a black Grand Dragon.
It's all the same crud.
You know, he was forced in the knockout game to come out and say that was wrong because there are attacks on whites going on all over this country.
Poor, stupid, self-hating, guilt-ridden, trendy, wimpy, pathetic, limp-wristed, castrated,
White men all over this country that think that's cool to be metrosexual are easy targets for racist black thugs to beat the daylights out of them.
And I notice in all these videos they pick on hippies and they pick on trendies.
Because I guarantee you if they mess with some blue-collar worker or something, it's going to be a serious brawl.
Or you mess with some redneck, guns are going to get pulled out.
And it's just disgusting.
Meanwhile, the black people are being executed en masse by the globalists who they're all curled up to, the fake liberals.
And I don't want the black people to be exterminated and killed.
I want black people to be empowered as human beings as we all are.
I want humanity to win.
But I've got to sit there and look at racist representations of black people, like Al Sharpton, who's meant to create racial division in this country.
It's disgusting.
I'm a cat, not a rat, but I was fat.
Marvin K. Mooney, you must go now.
I don't care how.
It might be by crunk car.
It might be by boat.
It might be by jet boots.
It might be by...
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Hi folks, Alex Jones here with some important information.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, Ted Cruz, the senator, hailing from Texas, has told Jeb Bush, the neocon fake conservative,
That an act of love legalizing all the illegals because they're just trying to join their families will basically destroy this country and we have to have a rule of law.
I mean, what a no-brainer!
Nobody says you can have 30 million illegals and then legalize them and then not have their next wave legalized.
And I gotta be honest, if the illegals were voting and were hardcore libertarians and pro-gun,
I could care less that they got tans that are mainly from Mexico.
80% of the immigrants in this country are from Mexico.
I could care less.
Man, I tell you, I was thinking about this just yesterday.
I would elect an entire Congress of nothing but Mexicans right now if I could hit the button.
You know, in Fantasyland, and elect 500-and-something Ron Pauls that had last names like Laredo or Sanchez, I would do it!
I could care less!
It's the brains!
It's the ideology!
It'd be like Germany!
I mean, I'd take 80 million Germans, that's all there is in the world.
I'd take 80 million Germans right now.
Except the average German is socialist, so I don't think I want the socialist ones.
And what about in World War II?
Would you want 80 million?
Because they were 80 million then.
20 million Germans died in that little escapade.
How'd fascism work out for you there?
I sure wouldn't want them over here.
I mean, it's a fact, folks, that 90 plus percent of Chinese immigrants vote Democrat-Socialist to take guns.
It's a fact, 90 plus percent, pure research, of immigrants who become citizens, who are Hispanic, vote, hardcore, extreme Democratic Party line.
Man, it's game over, folks.
The Democratic Party now is beyond Stalin.
Your children belong to the state.
We will tell you what to eat.
We will tell you what to wear.
We will tell you how to talk.
I mean, if they could implement... I mean, you could say the word bossy in the Soviet Union.
They would laugh at you if you said, we're getting rid of the word bossy.
Because women don't like it.
They say wild, extreme things to see what they can get away with.
All over the country, at Mall of America, they have jumbotrons outside.
We've shown you video of this saying, report suspicious activity, report anyone with guns, report anyone with marijuana.
Hundreds of Walmarts have telescreens with the head of Homeland Security saying, Hi, I'm John Napolitano, and you're seeing Homeland Security.
That is the image of 1984, is outdoor telescreens and TVs that are two-way, tracking what you do and what you watch.
They now have those for at least a decade.
All the digital cable boxes, all the TVOs track what you do.
So a caller called in, and I'm going right back to your calls on this subject.
Ted, Joe, Joshua, Dane, Michael, we're going to get to all of you.
But now holders come out and says they want gun owners to wear bracelets and Homeland Security is having proposals for to make everybody wear shock bracelets.
The caller said the first part the scrolling screen like Star Wars at the beginning of Running Man written by
Stephen King, how did he write this in the late 70s and it was made into a movie in the mid 80s?
How did it all come true?
Because that's what other countries already did.
What we're doing is how, it's like, you know how you make pancakes?
You get the flour, you get the eggs, you get the butter, you mix it all together.
Or if it's buttermilk pancakes, you use buttermilk.
I mean, you know, it's like, how do you know you're frying eggs?
You crack an egg, you fry it.
How do you know a tyranny?
The police wear black uniforms.
There's surveillance everywhere.
There's a snitch society.
They're changing laws to take your bank accounts.
They're demonizing people that want checks and balances.
Let's go to the intro screen that I'll read for radio listeners from The Running Man.
Here it is.
And you guys back it up.
You can play it with the intro audio too.
Now again, folks, at the beginning of the movie, you see Mad Dog Ben Richards come in and stage a terror attack on the city.
But the truth is, the government staged the terror attack and blamed him.
And who did they set up?
A right-wing cop.
The Running Man.
By the year 2017, the world economy has collapsed.
We're right on line for that.
Food, natural resources, and oil are in short supply.
A police state divided into paramilitary zones rules with an iron hand.
FEMA Region 10, folks.
Ten regions.
I'm in six.
Television is controlled by the state.
And a sadistic game show called The Running Man has become the most popular program in history.
All art, music, and communications are controlled and censored.
No dissent is tolerated, yet a small resistance movement has managed to survive underground.
When high-tech gladiators are not enough to suppress the people's yearning for freedom, more direct methods become necessary.
Fool's Riot in progress.
Let's go to some more of this.
Schwarzenegger is the hero, when in truth he's a total fascist and supports all this.
What are your coordinates?
020, flight level 15, the above release point, Echo Bravo 1.
Move in and check it out.
Roger, moving in.
Food riot in progress.
Approximately 1,500 civilians.
No weapons evident.
Proceed with plan Alpha.
Eliminate anything moving.
I said the crowd is unarmed.
A lot of women and children down there.
All they want is food, for God's sake.
As you were, Richard.
Proceed with plan Alpha.
All rioters must be eliminated.
Delay that.
That's enough.
The whole point is they've already psychologically tested most of the police now where they will follow that order.
Paramilitary police, and by the way, they have a real plan the Marine Corps has in place that was declassified in 99, reclassified in 2000.
The Marines actually visited and demanded, before it got reclassified, the Sunshine Project, a proto-WikiLeaks UT, and threatened them to remove it.
But then were too dumb or lazy to not get it off the Google Archive.
It's still on there.
The plan with helicopters that are now drone in underground facilities, some of them are in above ground, that open up copters launch with nerve gas.
Now the part that got declassified was the opiate gas.
They plan to kill entire cities and that's what the drones are for.
I'm not joking around here with you, okay?
It's time for you to grow up.
Criminals have taken over, they're not going to give it up lightly.
Only realizing they've taken over will change it.
Most people in government are not bad, but they're compartmentalized.
Alright, I said I'd go to your phone calls, and I want to.
Ted in Tennessee, thanks for calling.
You're on the air.
You want to talk about the gun bracelets Holder wants you to wear, or is it the Taser bracelets that they wear in the Running Man around their neck?
Hey Alex, I have no real problem with having a bracelet.
What's the big deal?
It will make all guns made before that obsolete and they'll claim they have to be turned in because they're not safe.
It's a de facto ban of 400 million firearms made in the last 70 years that are in the United States alone and the biometric bracelet can be deactivated by the establishment as all new cars have kill switches already in their ignition to be activated by police cruiser or helicopter as of 2005.
So what's the big deal with the bracelets?
What I believe is people
Should be judged by their intelligence, not by how much money they have, not by the political party.
You get rid of all the people with IQs under 150, life would be wonderful.
You know, there are a lot of garbage IQ tests out there, and I love people that talk about how high their IQs are.
I know people that supposedly have 160 IQs that can't balance their checkbooks.
So a lot of it is, I think the IQ test is skewed because it doesn't get into street smarts, it doesn't get into common sense, it doesn't get into discernment, it doesn't get into sixth sense, it doesn't get into a lot of that.
And you just called in with a total eugenics statement, you're saying kill everybody with under 150 IQ.
We'd probably have like 2 million people left if we got rid of everybody with under 150 IQ in the US.
So you want to kill, you want to kill, you want to kill, if we only had 2 million people left in the United States, how many people would be left?
How many people would be killed for there to be 2 million people left in the country?
I figure 30,000 maybe.
Okay, you've got such a high IQ, you don't know there's 350 million people?
You'd have to kill 313 million people.
You don't sound like you have a very high IQ.
I've got a 190.
I've got a 500 if you've got a 190!
Did you get that out of a cracker box?
No, seven colleges.
Alright, uh-huh.
I got a hundred degrees.
I got five hundred.
No, I'm a high energy nuclear engineer.
Let me ask you this.
Should we ban the hydrogen monoxide?
Well, the hydrogen bomb is not a problem.
Sir, you're a moron.
The hydrogen monoxide is water.
No, no.
You are not an engineer.
I just understood you.
What about sodium chloride?
That's salt.
So maybe your IQ is above 70.
Whatever, man.
You're an idiot.
What else do you want to say?
I don't find there's anything wrong with getting rid of dumb people.
Well, I think you're dumb.
The dumb people... That mean I have a right to come over to your house and bash your brains out?
The butt of a rifle?
Well, do I- I'm allowed to defend myself?
Those- those 313 million people you say don't have a right to live?
I got news people that think they're part of the elite.
You're gonna have to kill us kicking and screaming, Jack.
So you try it.
You're the one calling for violence.
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That last caller saying he had seven degrees and was, you know, in Mensa and all that stuff was probably a real caller.
And that's what they teach at the government-funded universities, on average, is that you're geniuses, everyone else is scum, you're the elite, you have to run everybody's life.
And then they go get government jobs or academic jobs.
I mean, if you killed all the stupid people, where would the government be?
And at the bottom of the liberal ideology is an exterminist, ultra-Hitlerian, control freak cult.
In fact, when we come back in the next segment, can we play the Soylent Green piece?
You know, that ties it in with Pepsi, with its flavor testing being from dead babies, and the fact that many of the top cosmetics, fenced out of China into France and England, are made out of babies.
And there's a huge burgeoning global trade in baby flesh.
I mean, that's all in the news.
And I did that video and it got over 100,000 views.
Should have gotten 10 million views.
And people are in the comments going, where's the proof?
I don't believe people are eating babies.
I mean, it's like, where's the proof China sells organs?
It's just completely admitted in a thousand publications.
China publicly advertises they sell the organs of political dissidents.
The State Department 10 years ago criticized it.
Then like five years ago, they changed it and said, that's a myth.
Just total lies!
Yes, China still harvests organs from executed prisoners.
The Washington Post.
There's the mobile execution van.
I talk about that and people laugh at me.
I talk about geoengineering, they laugh.
Every time I talk about how the U.S.
government detonated over 100 hydrogen bombs in the atmosphere, trying to blow out the atmosphere, destroy the Van Allen radiation belt, or ignite the atmosphere, or cause an EMP, people go, oh, that's crazy!
Trinity, hosted by William Shatner, has got the high def footage of it.
You people, just because you're ignorant of something doesn't mean... Let me tell you, the elite, the guys building those nuclear weapons, have got 160, 170 IQs, for real.
But they're so crazy,
There's something about really high IQs that they found they're really stupid if it's a scientific type.
They're almost, like, autistic.
Like, I know some real geniuses.
I know one who's got over 170 IQ certified and who literally came up with all sorts of mathematic equations for computers and helped design fighter jets and everything else, and I'm not going to get into it.
And they're so smart, they can hardly talk to you.
Of course, I don't think that guy bumbling around was, you know, all he says he is.
It's a whole cult of people with their mail order, you know, diplomas saying how smart they are.
But when you get into that whole culture, the whole academic culture, it is just hate everyone else.
Oh, you're so elite.
And I'm overgeneralizing, but that's the mindset of people that would get on the news and say, your kids belong to the state.
We know better than you.
Well, look how you've been running society.
It's going to hell in a handbasket because you're swindling everything.
Let's go to Joe in California, then we'll go to Dane and others.
Go ahead, you're on the air, Joe.
Hello, Alex.
Well, I'm not going to make any claims about being a genius, but I do have a couple ideas.
First of all, I mean, if...
They have those bracelets they want everybody to wear, and if somebody's retarded enough to put one of those things on, are they all on the same frequency?
So if there is an issue, the guy comes out and hits the button.
No, there would obviously be massive malfunctions.
But the issue is, land of the free, home of the brave, wearing a Taser bracelet?
I mean, this is pathetic!
And then the government is running the terrorists, and they've been caught!
Where's my apology from all the Neocon talk show hosts?
Well, my other thought was, if they want to start putting bracelets on people, what they should do is make everybody who is in government wear one of those bracelets, and when their approval rating drops below 95%, they get stunned.
Yeah, that's an intriguing idea.
Well, that is an American pastime, that when their approval rating drops below, say, 50%, they get dropped into a vat of boiling tar.
Well, anyway, it was just an idea, so... Well, before they put fluoride in the water and gave us GMO that makes the rats fat and dumb and die, you know, people couldn't help it.
You pushed folks around, they would rebel.
But now, they've given us better living through chemicals.
Like the movie Serenity, where, you know, I don't want to give away the whole movie, but at the end they find out the government's been putting Prozac in the atmosphere and it's caused about 99% of people to basically just collapse and die because they just quit living.
But then 1% turn into total psychopathic murdering killers.
And I mean, that's basically what's happened.
There's even some studies out there where they admit that all this chemical stuff is actually giving rise to resistant humans.
But what do you think was gonna happen?
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Aborted babies incinerated to heat in UK hospitals.
Soylent Green, ladies and gentlemen, is made out of people.
But now, children are literally being passed through the furnace in order to fuel hospitals in the UK.
They're being sacrificed on the altar of efficiency and prosperity.
What is the secret of Soylent Green?
The powdered flesh from dead babies.
Some people believe they can cure disease.
Because of its enormous popularity, Soylent Green is in short supply.
Remember, Tuesday is Soylent Green Day.
The supply of Soylent Green has been exhausted.
You must evacuate the area.
The federal court ruled that the shareholders of PepsiCo, big Bilderberg Group company, are not allowed to know what they're using the baby parts for in the flavoring, but we already know.
So enjoy the flavor!
We're going to get the real solution, which is going to be a combination of death penalties and sales taxes.
I'm consistently pro-death.
I'm for assisted suicide.
I'm for regular suicide.
I'm for whatever gets the freeway moving.
...is spending a million dollars on that last three months of life for that patient, would it be better not to lay off those 10 teachers and to make that trade up in medical costs?
But that's called the death panel, and you're not supposed to have that discussion.
They told me to say that they were sorry, but that you had become unreliable.
Is this the kind of society that you want to live in?
Any kind of society that would do this to its children will do it to its senior citizens.
It will do it to its dissidents.
That kind of society will also eventually turn on its police, on its army, on its prison guards, on the quizlings and the collaborators who make that possible.
This is nothing but a suicide cult.
The scoops are on their way.
The scoops are on their way.
I repeat, the scoops are on their way.
You will find out why Soylent Green means life.
You will find out why Soylent Green means death.
We gotta stop them!
Come on!
That is the secret of Soylent Green.
Soylent Green is people!
Next thing they'll be breeding is like cattle.
For food.
You gotta tell him.
Give not your children to the fires of Moloch.
We can pull up Leviticus on screen for folks.
Leviticus 18.21.
Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Moloch.
For ye must not profane the name of the Lord your God.
That is the New International Version.
New Living Translation.
Do not permit any of your children to be offered as a sacrifice to Moloch.
Oh, you'll bring shame on the name of your God.
Where's the King James?
There it is.
And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of God.
That's pretty wild, that using the Lord's name in vain is like next to sacrificing your children.
But I guess it's about as common with 52 million, 54 million, whatever it is, abortions in this country.
You ever take a million or two?
It's like one man dies, it's a...
Tragedy, 10,000 died, it's a statistic.
We're going to cover that with a special report on do flags at half-mast, do flags at half-mast insult the troops?
I think it does.
And I'm going to explain why in just a moment.
I mean, when Whitney Houston died, they had the flags at half-mast nationally.
It's incredible.
We're going to be talking about that coming up because it just shows it's not about the flag being at half-mast.
It's about how sentimentality becomes the replacement for actual real freedom or taking care of the troops.
I'll explain that in a moment.
Dane in California, thanks for holding.
Thanks for calling.
Alex, how are you doing?
I'm doing all right, brother.
Well, I just want to switch it up real quick and say that
I'm a trendy, and I love the idea of a bracelet.
As long as they're yellow, purple, red, you know what, any color of a rainbow, I'm good with it.
You know why?
Because I'm trendy, I love Obama, and he's my savior.
And you like Obamacare prizes going up, and you like death panels.
I love Obamacare, Alex!
It's the greatest thing.
Everybody has healthcare for free, and I get to keep my doctor.
And Obama never lies about anything!
Because he is great, and he is just wonderful!
Well, I'm glad you're not racist and love him.
I'm sorry, I can't... I can't handle this guy anymore.
Is anybody not watching the television set and understanding this guy is a liar?
He lies, he lies, he lies.
He doesn't stop lying.
Yeah, you're right.
Alex, I'm not a racist.
I'm a trinity, okay?
And I love my Taser Bracelet because it makes me feel safe.
And it's wonderful.
I think all men should have to wear the Taser Bracelet and submit to their wives, but only men, to prove they're not sexist.
And then the wives sit there and zap it, but you won't wear the Taser Bracelet on your wrist.
Me and everybody else.
You'll wear it on your ankle.
My ankle, both my bracelets around my neck.
It'll make me feel good.
I don't know.
Well, that's what you do to prove you're not racist.
I love you, brother.
You know, I've been listening to you for years now, and I'm a first-time caller, and I just had to call in.
You know, you gotta have a little humor with this stuff, and it's just out of bounds.
I mean, it's just constant.
It never stops.
The lies never end.
It's a never-ending pit of lies and deceit and devil-worshipping and you name it.
These guys are criminals!
Well, that's what it is.
Evil is seizing all of the major institutions.
It happens in history.
It's repeating.
And telling us good is bad.
Freedom is bad.
The family's bad.
Men are bad.
Women are bad.
George Washington's bad.
I mean, these are obvious.
I mean, look at Al Sharpton.
Here's a photo of him on Drudge.
Details, Sharpton was FBI mob snitch.
I mean, look at him!
Who would associate with a degenerate, disgusting person with that much horrible taste?
I mean, look at that hair, folks.
I mean, if I was a Hollywood casting agent, I would hire him as, well, as the person to play the pedo bear.
And I'm not saying he's actually a pedo, I'm just saying he looks like
He looks like just the epitome of a joke, of a fraud, of a scamster, of a stinking pile of crap, of a race-baiting FBI COINTELPRO disinformation officer, just like Jesse Jackson, who on record brought out Martin Luther King to be shot and helped cover it up.
I mean, that's who these guys are.
The only reason they haven't been killed is because they're playing ball with the system.
It's absolutely disgusting, ladies and gentlemen.
Really weird statements out of him, though, though.
I'm a cat, not a rat, but I was fat.
Benny eggs, chin, fritzy, corky, and baldy dumb.
That's almost as important as topless woman ransacks McDonald's, steals ice cream.
Oh my goodness.
Here's some of the stories up on InfoWars.com.
And there are scores of them on the site.
Man, I tell you, there are new banker suicides and deaths and murders every day.
CEO of Lichtenstein Bank.
Oh, that's one of the big places that people park money.
Murdered in broad daylight.
I mean, it's getting bad.
Cops snatch his man's cell phone as he videos traffic stop.
Says it could be a firearm.
I'm going to play that later.
We have a riot in the Ukrainian parliament as they beat each other up.
I want to get to that.
Marriott, again, confirmed special event where Bilderberg's being held this year in Europe.
I'm going to send Watson bare minimum.
I might go.
Russia says U.S.
mercenaries in eastern Ukraine.
That's big.
I gotta cover this.
Red Dawn supporters rally to defend family facing showdown with the feds.
Flags at half-mast insults troops.
I want to play that video in a moment.
And Eric Holder wants gun owners to wear smart gun bracelets.
You know, you know what?
I don't think in casting I would cast him as
I would catch Al Sharpton as like a vampire that sucks children's hope out and destroys their future and then creates racial division.
I mean, now he looks like he's emaciated or something.
I shouldn't even be talking about Al Sharpton.
I mean, there's just no end to this guy reading off teleprompters.
There's a lawsuit out.
Nursing home routinely hired strippers for elderly residents.
Yeah, see, they love that kind of quote corruption.
They'll probably put all those people in jail or something.
Meanwhile, you know, if you're flying little kids out of Saudi Arabia, kidnapped out of their backyards, you get a medal.
Russia issues warning as Ukraine cracks down on protesters.
NATO warns against historic mistake.
Yeah, what's happening is they know, and I predicted that what will probably happen is Russia will end up taking more than just
Crimea, because the people are going to demand it and you're going to have a break now and ethnic cleansing on both sides will turn into a new Bosnia-Herzegovina.
And that's where all this is going.
And then they'll call it Russian aggression when the West started the fight over through the government and inflamed the sectarian divisions with at least five billion greenbacks.
Five million greenbacks.
Five billion greenbacks.
Hard to even get my mind around that number.
In the last four or five years to stir all this up over there.
That's on record.
Alright, I'm gonna go to Michael and Dustin and Mike and Sean and others here in a moment, but here is the report I mentioned.
Then we've got Leon McAdoo's report coming up as well on how big corporations are exempt from Obamacare, but you aren't.
Man on the street, very informative.
Very politically incorrect.
So let's go ahead and go to my report.
Alex Jones, flags at half-mast are insult to troops.
We need to probably add on the YouTube, are insult to troops.
Flags at half-mast, insult.
Because the headline on InfoWars was, flags at half-mast, insult troops.
Which I guess you can use, but I think we should say, flags at half-mast, insults, are an insult to troops.
But here is that report from the InfoWars Nightly News last night.
In the wake of the tragic shooting at Fort Hood, Texas last week, Governor Rick Perry did what I expected him to do.
He came out and ordered the flags in the state of Texas flown at half-mast.
Which, on the surface, seems like a nice thing to do.
But it was Joseph Stalin, one of history's greatest tyrants, that said, when one man dies, it's a tragedy.
When 10,000 die, it's a statistic.
22 veterans commit suicide every day.
Seven of them active duty.
That's a world record.
Even breaking the record that we saw at the end of Vietnam.
There's no discussion of that.
They just throw more psychotropic drugs at them, known to cause suicide.
They make them serve more and more deployments.
They treat them like crap.
A lot of them are going bankrupt.
They cut their pay.
They screw them over.
But it's okay, because Rick Perry put the flags at half-mast, and we all feel sorry for the dead.
The three dead, four of you count the shooter.
Sixteen wounded.
When we've got 22 people killing themselves, seven every single day who are active duty.
Think about that.
The flag makes us feel good, like we're doing something for the veterans.
It's sentimental.
It's totally on the surface.
Just like Obamacare.
They say it's free.
They say you can keep your doctor.
If you like your plan and your doctor, you can keep them.
You'll be able to keep your health care plan.
If you like your plan, you keep your plan.
If you like your doctor, you like your plan, you can keep your doctor.
You can keep your plan.
They say it's wonderful.
All of it's lies.
Raises payroll taxes on poor people.
Gets rid of your doctor.
Doubles or triples prices.
Written by the big insurance companies.
Lets them lower the standard of care.
Doesn't matter.
Obama loves you and wanted to give you something.
Like Perry gave us a flag at half-mast.
And I'm not just attacking Rick Perry.
He would be attacked if he didn't put the flag at half-mast.
What does that say about us?
We want to feel good about ourselves while not actually getting our hands dirty and finding out why the so-called volunteer army is killing itself.
The truth is, too many deployments, drugs known to cause suicide, sweeping it under the rug, veterans being treated like crap, all these Homeland Security reports saying veterans are the number one terror threat in the future, that the Tea Party's a threat, that evangelicals are a threat.
Simply put, the veterans are being treated like garbage, and that's why they're committing suicide.
And so we need to stop treating them like garbage.
Not just pat him on the head or give the dog a bone by flying the flag at half-mast.
It really is absurd, and it really illustrates how we've become a nation of BSers, run by a culture of PR pitchmen.
In fact, they're getting rid of the White House Press Corps now.
They're not even going to have regular press conferences.
And why should they?
They could just have PR flaks, put out the lies, and then the accomplice media, the lapdog press, will go along with it.
So that's why every time I saw the flags this last weekend at half-mast, it irritated me.
Because it reminded me of how
Not just the veterans, but foster children, anybody who's in government care, or in government clutches, is treated like absolute garbage.
And how, as the government and Obamacare and the school lunch program federalize everything, more and more, I am a slave of this system, just as you are, and I want off this plantation.
I don't want to see our veterans treated like crap.
I don't want to see the politicians exempt from all the things they do to us.
I want to see them out there fighting for this empire if they think it's so great.
But we know the rich kids of Congress almost never go to war.
Alex Jones signing off for InfoWars Nightly News and InfoWars.com.
Now back to InfoWars Nightly News.
And again, folks, I will be hosting the Nightly News at least three or four nights a week, most of it, and you'll have special reports and guests, and we're ready to move into the new studio and turn it all on.
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Al Sharpton, agent C-17 for the FBI.
His mission is to sow racial discord and divides in New York City.
Mission accomplished.
You're a faithful servant of evil, Al Sharpton.
You've been rewarded with a TV show on a collapsing television network.
We're going to go back to your phone calls and then I've got the Leanne McAdoo report coming up in the next segment with her going out and pointing out that big businesses are exempt from Obamacare, but mom and pops aren't.
The ultimate form of discrimination.
That's coming up.
The video's up on InfoWars.com.
Right now, Michael in Texas.
Thanks for calling.
You're on the air.
How are you, Alex?
Good, brother.
It's my first time calling here.
One thing I want to say, the guy with the IQ, I'm just now calming down on that guy.
That guy was a joke.
Another thing, here in East Texas, I tell these people, I've been listening to you for about a year, and I try to spread the word what goes on, you know.
I don't know if I told them about it.
They don't have a clue.
I mean, it's, uh, you know, the FEMA camp.
When I saw the FEMA camp, that's the one thing that got my blood going.
You know.
Well of course, they're secretly spying on us without warrants, they're secretly narcotics trafficking, they're engaging in criminal activity and saying it's national security.
Well it's not national security, it's national criminality run by offshore interest.
And under the Emergency Centers Establishment Act, and under the Civilian Inmate Labor Camp Program and RECS 84, anybody can look this up, declassified, they have a secret archipelago of camps for us and our family.
And these people mean business, and they're training Homeland Security as a national secret police force to stage terror attacks, blame it on us, and come after us.
They want to do this, folks.
People have to admit it.
Go ahead.
I tell them, you know.
I mean, I have a lot of guns myself.
I mean, whatever.
But anyways...
You know, a year ago, when all the ammo went up, everybody's freaking out.
Oh, it's just to boost their economy.
It's just blah blah blah.
They don't believe they bought 70 million rounds or whatever it was.
That was one purchase.
It's like 2.6 billion last time I checked.
Even mainline publications are saying, why is there a federal arms race?
All these agencies that were never armed are arming.
They're spending hundreds of millions per Social Security Administration on Blackwater-type mercenaries.
Why don't people believe this?
I mean, do they just watch CNN?
Is that the problem?
Well, the government can't believe the crimes it's gotten away with with the special interest.
So they're digging in.
I mean, they've already stolen trillions.
I mean, they've taken over and they're now going to steal everything.
And they've got a bunch of people that think they're do-gooders, you know, federal agents and people, that are going to start the Civil War.
And when the Feds blow stuff up and blame it on us, the average Fed's not going to know their bosses did it.
But because of Fast and Furious and Oklahoma City and Benghazi, people now know about false flags.
So it's not going to be a cakewalk this time.
I mean, back to just Obamacare.
I mean, my girl graduated a Master's.
She's self-employed.
She tried to get Obamacare.
She can't afford normal insurance.
And they wouldn't give it to her.
But they'll go give it to someone sitting at home with five kids that doesn't work.
Well, that's the goal.
And because those people can vote.
And then it's game over.
Now, once they put the authoritarianism in, all these people sitting on their butts
are going to be on TV in the work camps with people going, oh, look at those slobs.
You know, they'll have Friday night movies and rock bands will come play for them.
They advertise the camps in Germany and Russia as wonderful places.
And in the Emergency Centers Establishment Act, it talks about community groups and music and, you know, arts and crafts.
It's just if you cause a problem, you're going to be taken to a special area.
And of course, you're going to be reeducated, mainly men.
Because we need to be here for the ego trip of socialists to beat us up before they rape our wives.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
This is Alex Jones for InfoWarsLife.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
stocks rise after three-day loss.
Earnings ahead.
They've got all these reports on MSNBC, CNBC saying the stock market's not a hoax.
Everything's fine.
One big reason you see the stock market still going up is all that QE money and all that inflationary money is following it.
I want to show TV viewers a photo.
Radio listeners can just go to New York Daily News and see it.
Former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush spotted together at NCAA championship game.
Because they now call Clinton Bubba.
And brother, and he's a member of the family.
You know, I need to do a whole special report on this just to re-document it, because it's all there.
That when Bush was president, Herbert Walker, he met secretly 11 times with Bill Clinton a year into his term, a year and a half before Clinton was even really running.
I mean, he, Mena, Arkansas, the Bushes, total gangsters.
It is a sick joke.
Clinton was the
Really, fourth term of George Herbert Walker Bush.
Because Reagan got shot pretty quick, got given cold blood, got, you know, they would sleeping pill him up, then hype him back up to go out and give a speech.
So, I mean, most of Reagan's terms were George Herbert Walker Bush.
Mr. CFR, Trilateral Commission, Federal Reserve, CIA, all of it.
And then Clinton, they did that whole stage deal with Clinton.
They put Clinton in, and now they've got that scam charity together, where they spend the money on their private jets.
I mean, it's just a total joke.
That's just like Boehner, you know, won't repeal Obamacare, he'll just mess with it and act like he did something to confuse the public.
That's why we're in trouble.
Boehner plays golf with Obama?
And they hang out and scam everybody?
Clinton is CIA, and that even came out of him and Hillary when they were in England.
We even know the name of their section chief.
And it's just a total joke.
These are people that use the CIA to set up their own personal covert coup.
But they're smarter than, like, you know, folks in third world countries.
They don't just stay in power.
They rotate in amongst the little inner group.
And so Obama got brought forward by the Clintons, and now Hillary's back.
It's like North Korea.
You know, you got the grandpa, you got Kim Jong-il, you got Kim Jong-un.
And I guess they all like... You know, I guess they all like sports together.
Why not have Dennis Rodman there with them?
It's just as sick.
Clinton and Bush sat next to each other in the luxury box to the Dallas Cowboys owner, Jerry Jones, at AT&T Stadium Monday, laughing at their images were shown in the giant stadium view boards.
I mean, what a joke.
Former President Bill Clinton initially took a back seat to his successor during the National Anthem at the NCAA game.
But on the... It just goes on from there.
But once the game began, Clinton and former President Bush gathered in the same row and sat next to each other in a luxury box, belonging to Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, who gets the stadiums paid for by taxpayers.
Man, all these rich people, these billionaires, get their money off us!
And then they're the ones always lobbying for higher taxes.
Warren Buffett, Jerry Jones, all of you, I hate you.
You make me want to vomit.
I can't believe Jerry Jones has the same name my grandfather had.
It is just so obnoxious.
They all just want to preen and sit.
And, you know, watch a game and have everyone get into it and, oh my gosh, they're such big stars.
A bunch of thieving, taxpayer-sucking elites.
Jerry Jones, net worth $2.7 billion.
Yeah, it wouldn't be that if he paid for his billion and a half dollar stadium.
Or the stadium before that that was $800 million.
But no, the suckers all paid for it and guaranteed his investment.
So he can sit up there with those two criminals, George W. Bush and Clinton, William Jefferson Clinton, and literally suck off of us, because they're all tax-exempt.
You know when the taxes are going to get cut?
When the elites stop being tax-exempt.
That's the real discrimination.
Warren Buffet, all of them.
Cynthia McKinney's coming up to cover the waterfront with us.
Your phone calls as well.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
We are joined until 50 after today, then we'll come back and play Leanne McAdoo's special report.
We are joined by former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who's one of the most demonized people out there, because she upsets the entire political structure.
And she joins us now to discuss the Ukraine-Syria.
What's happening all over the world?
What's happening with Obamacare?
You know, as she has said many times, paraphrasing others, Obama isn't the lesser of two evils, he's the more effective of evils.
Can you imagine if Bush would have gotten a third term, would have tried this type of stuff?
The country to quote KRS-One on this broadcast was on the verge of revolution.
Put Bush in,
A third term, you would have had a revolution.
You put Obama in, everybody goes back to sleep.
And then he can launch wars, invade Africa with AFRICOM, which I said in the Obama deception six years ago.
We knew who his advisors were.
We knew who was financing him.
People say, well then, should we have voted for John McCain?
It's like a Don King match.
It's like, who do I bet on in this heavyweight championship?
He owns both the fighters!
You can bet your bottom dollar, it's rigged!
He was rigging bookmaking 50 years ago and beating people to death.
So the answer is you don't bet on either pony.
And it comes down to that.
It comes down to getting past the political labels and getting past the football issues
That they pass back and forth and getting down to the fact that we've been conquered by offshore mega banks that are engaging in divide and conquer and COINTELPRO and Cass Sunstein's cognitive infiltration to make us infight with each other, black, white, old, young, north, south, east, west, while the power structure sets up a paramilitary force to go after their domestic enemies.
And that's
gun owners and and libertarians and constitutionalist and people uh... you know anti-war folks the whole list is anybody who's politically aware has a conscience whatever name you call yourself if you're involved if you don't want the NSA spying on you they're now saying homeland security's for us this is a classical tyrannical takeover in slow motion but it's accelerating and the only way they could get it done is with Obama and so that's why I point out
That Obama has been so destructive because they can have people like, what was it, Agent C-17, Al Sharpton, who I know Cynthia McKinney knows.
I want to get her take on this.
We can have people like this gentleman, who it's now coming out supposedly, you know, this FBI informant and all the rest of it.
Well, look at what we heard about Jesse Jackson or any of, not just quote, black leaders, other people, this whole government system of infiltrating out there.
Cynthia, I've thrown out a shotgun effect of information.
Run, Cynthia, run.org.
Folks still want you to run for Congress again.
And we'll talk about that later as well.
Will you do it?
But I just threw all that out there.
What do you want to tackle first?
Well, the system of informants, let's deal with that one first.
Because we don't know, the Department of Homeland Security and you have reported this.
Has recruited people from neighborhoods, not just from organizations and from corporations, but from neighborhoods, average, ordinary folk, to serve as informants, to let, you know, this whole thing, if you see something, say something.
Well, it comes from someplace.
And what it comes from is having a whole new set of eyes.
That's your friends' eyes, your cohorts in your organizations, your social and community organizations, in your churches.
You don't know who is who anymore.
Because one of the ways that
The FBI used in COINTELPRO, the counterintelligence program, to disrupt organizations was through the cultivation of informants.
And eventually, as one friend of mine said in the Black Panther Party, there were more informants.
Then there were members.
And this is the embodiment of everything that we heard was happening in communist countries that the United States was supposedly against.
So, this whole informant cultivation, I was against.
It was a voice vote that was taken for the establishment.
Of the Department of Homeland Security and I, you know, I was by myself again, but I did my voice vote.
against the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security.
That was in the International Relations Committee.
The bottom line is that we don't need a Department of Homeland Security.
And I, you know, if I were back in Congress, maybe that's one of the first bills I introduced is to dismantle what has been constructed because
The only purpose of Homeland Security, it's not, they have tried to tell us that our fellow Americans are enemies.
So they're securing whom from whom.
That's the first thing.
Second thing, um, with respect to, um, President Obama, well, you mentioned Obamacare, which, you know, I just think is, um,
I had a friend over here on March 30th.
No, March 31st.
And so it was the last day, which of course they've extended, but it was the last day.
And we don't know, there hasn't been enough talk, in my opinion, on the IRS hammer that's going to come down on people who, for whatever reason,
Don't sign up.
But first of all, when you go through the process, you have to give the government so much of your information.
Now, you know, there was a time when I would have supported that.
And under different circumstances, I might support.
But under the current circumstances, where I'm not really even going to get health care.
What I'm going to get is health insurance.
The other thing is that people are saying, oh well, you know, my health insurance cost me zero.
That is not correct.
Because the subsidy is a government payment from the government of direct pipeline to the insurance companies.
Now, the insurance companies are part of the problem
They stepped in between the patient and the health care provider.
That's right.
They want to control the quality of care, cut it back, jack up the price.
They're the ones that wrote it.
That's why the Republican leadership won't kill it.
It's a big scam, just like Clinton and Bush together being best buddies.
That whole thing was staged.
That's come out, they're all in the CIA.
It's all a big scam.
The insurance companies wrote it to rip everybody off.
It's not even socialist health care.
It's fascist health care.
No, you're absolutely right.
And my position is Medicare for all.
Now, if I were going to get health care, that's one thing.
Oh, I gotta say, that would have been so easy.
You don't qualify, you're poor, you get Medicare.
No, no, no, no, no.
We got to give corporate welfare to the insurance companies that is just on its face 500 times worse than any limited solution of taking care of poor people.
It absolutely is 500 times worse.
You couldn't have said it better.
And then, this matter, getting back to Homeland Security and the cultivation of the informants, it appears that what's happening is through this Department of Homeland Security, we're reinstating
Uh, COINTELPRO, the counterintelligence program, which, when it became public, the excesses of the FBI and the activities of the CIA inside the United States, which was illegal, when that all became public, the public said, hey, no more!
And we had courageous members of Congress who served on the Frank Church Committee.
It was headed by Senator Frank Church.
Who exposed 90%, not all, but 90% of the cards.
And they talked about what COINTELPRO, what the FBI had done against Dr. King, what the FBI had done against the anti-war movement.
They talked about what they had done, what the CIA had done in targeted assassination.
All of the cards were laid out so that the American people would have an idea of what their government was doing.
Now we have the most secrecy, and this is coming from a president who said that there was going to be transparency introduced in government.
So, the whole thing is rotten.
Now, what is it that we have to do, Alex,
In order to cut out, we have to excise that part that's rotten and then try and rejuvenate it with healthy organisms.
The healthy organisms, that's us!
That's us!
And so the first thing that we have to do is defend ourselves and make sure that the government doesn't encroach on us any more than it already has.
I agree.
Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney's there and we'll put her Facebook up on screen.
What's the best way for people to find your Facebook?
Just type in Cynthia McKinney Facebook?
Cynthia McKinney official, because there's about six or seven... I understand, it's the one with the sunflowers on it.
That's right, the one with the sunflowers.
Alright, we'll be right back.
Folks, we've got to identify this system as illegitimate first, point out it's criminal, and then we've got to get together and start saying no and have unity.
That's what they're scared of.
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You know, if you watch CNN or Fox News, you wouldn't even know who Cindy McKinney was by the things they said about her, the way they twisted what she stood for.
It's like MSNBC saying that I said Obama sent a tornado to Oklahoma.
Said no such thing.
But they say I'm deeply racist, and they don't even show a clip of me saying anything deeply racist.
They show nothing.
That's what they would do with her, is just harass her, not let her in the Capitol, act like she did something wrong.
Just basic COINTELPRO garbage.
They will do stuff like, you know, go to people's preachers.
And most big preachers at megachurches are now FBI Infra-Guard assets.
I mean, on record.
They try to recruit every dentist my dad knows to spy on people and they tell them, you know, leave your husband or leave your wife if the person's politically active.
The preachers tell them that.
They've got most of the authority figures because the average authority figure gets approached by the FBI or the CIA and they go, I'm a secret agent, I get an Infra-Guard card, I get a Clergy Response Team card.
And then you tell people, hey, most of these big megachurch preachers are government agents now.
And people just don't even believe it.
Because, well, that's not a free country.
That's not happening.
Cynthia McKinney finishing up in this short segment, long segment coming up.
I want to get into what's happening around the world and where you see things going.
But finishing up with what you were getting to about how to stop this.
I mean, you're a go-getter.
I think we need courage.
Look what you did exposing the trillions missing at the Pentagon.
Look at what you did exposing the government pedophile rings.
Look at what you did exposing it all.
They didn't even deny it when you brought it all up, but they look scared.
And so they threw everything they had against you to kick you out of Congress to put a guy in there that thinks islands float.
You're so right!
It's true!
It is true!
It's surreal!
And the thing that I would ask people to do is just, please go to the polls and vote.
But before you press the button for that person, that candidate, please know something about that candidate.
And that is something that I believe too many people do.
They're committed to voting or either they don't vote.
And if they are committed to voting, then they don't know for whom to vote.
So we've got to do a better job of putting the word out and getting the message out and grilling these candidates, grilling these people.
We've got to test ourselves.
to become courageous.
And that means being fearless.
That means conquering our fear, not necessarily being fearless.
I won't say that, but conquering our fear.
So for example, Alex,
I have always been this, you know, sort of gun control type person until I saw the excesses and I said, okay, I'm not in favor of gun control anymore.
I believe in the Second Amendment.
You know, that took a lot of courage to do that, because that's totally new territory for somebody like me.
Oh, that's sacrilege for a true liberal, like Thomas Jefferson, a true Democrat.
But nowadays, I mean, that's a sacrament.
You don't say you're pro-gun, but you did that.
You had the courage.
That's right.
That's right.
And you know, I'm out here now.
I'm out here.
But I'm confident.
I believe in my stance.
And I know that the Founding Fathers put the Second Amendment in there for a reason.
And it's probably because of things like
The development of this InfraGard that you're talking about, and the Department of Homeland Security, and these purchases of ammunition, and on and on and on, the obliteration of the Bill of Rights, the Constitution doesn't even look like itself any longer.
And this is something that we've allowed to take place.
Well, Shed, this is a short segment, long segment coming up.
What do you want to get into first when we come back?
Obviously, geopolitically, where things are going, I want to get into Ukraine.
Your take on Venezuela.
You've traveled there, I know.
You've traveled to Libya.
I want to look back.
They now admit Libya is ten times worse than it was.
A total disaster, as you showed it would be.
But briefly, in one minute, what do you think Obama's legacy is going to be?
That's what I think.
Rubber stamp.
Rubber stamp.
A United States that has lost its way, without leadership, sort of a runaway lack of leadership, lack of personality, lack of being.
And I think people have to ask themselves, what does it mean to be a citizen of the United States now?
This is a question that we're going to have to answer for ourselves.
That's right.
In order to be able to chart a way forward.
That's right.
We've got to look in the mirror, like V from Vendetta says.
Cynthia McKinney, always a fireball of great ideas.
We'll be right back with her straight ahead.
She, this is Cynthia, they won't let you hear.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Generals gathered in their masses Just like witches at night He aligns himself with the truth.
It's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Sorcerer of death's construction In the fields the bodies burning
Poisoning their brainwashed minds.
Official Cynthia McKinney at Facebook.
And she's with us right now.
Holder claims vast amount of discretion in enforcing federal laws, and Obama more than ever is acting as an executive branch dictatorship, which they'll pass on to the Republicans.
That's why the Republicans haven't really been trying to shoot any of this power grab down, because the special interests that own both parties want authoritarianism.
Look at how the CIA, in every case, doesn't put in new good elected governments, they put in
Dictatorships, they put in Al Qaeda, they overthrow Ukraine, and then Russia grabs a tiny part of it, and they say Russia invaded.
I'm not romanticizing Russia.
It's just the facts, folks.
The U.S.
with NATO attacked Russia in 888 in Georgia, and CNN
That was a big learning experience for me that morning when I woke up.
My wife's like, look, Russia's attacked Georgia.
And I walk in at like 7.30 in the morning, turn on the TV, and CNN's reporting Russia has attacked Georgia.
And it took me two hours to look at foreign press, and they later admitted it, that they'd attacked Russian military bases on the border and killed everybody.
I mean, folks, that's dangerous media.
When they do stuff like that.
And I wanted to go back to Cynthia McKinney, because I know she's very well-traveled around the world.
We can pull up articles where they now admit in the Christian Science Monitor, you name it, that Libya is a hellhole compared to an oasis that it was for the development of Africa.
In the Kony 2012 scam, they're now invading eight different African countries for resources.
Afri-con is a con.
And look, you gotta have Obama as the front man to do it.
If Bush would have tried it, no one
Would have ever gone along with this.
Cynthia, I just threw out the waterfront on international situation.
What do you want to get into first?
Well, you know, Ukraine demonstrates the purposeful destabilization policy of the United States.
And so now, and you're right to point out that these things are being done by fiat, really.
You know, if you got fiat money, you can government by fiat as well.
But you've got the death penalty for U.S.
citizens by executive order.
And you also got the death penalty for entire countries.
That's what we are witnessing.
And so Ukraine might not ever be the same again.
Look at the destruction that's going on in Syria.
I was in Syria.
At the time that Assad granted the interview to Fox and Dennis Kucinich was there.
And, you know, there were bombs going off, but I got some experience in that.
But I noticed how some people were running and cringing and crouching.
And, you know, every time there was this big thunderous jolt
To the hotel that we were in.
But Syria is not going to be the same again for a very long time.
And so you can just go right down the line.
And you're pointing out that's the mission is destabilization.
It's wreck the country, break it in three parts, turn Al-Qaeda over to be in control, and then lecture us to give our rights up all day because Al-Qaeda is hiding under the desk.
Now, what I've done, you know that I've taken a break, a one hour break, just so I could talk to you, and then I'm going to turn immediately back to my PhD work.
And I'm working on Venezuela.
One of the things that came out of WikiLeaks, and I've gone through all of the documents, some 2200 documents,
On Hugo Chavez, greatly sanitized, I have to say.
But I'm happy that we at least have these documents to look at, whether they're sanitized or not, because they can't sanitize everything out of them.
And this organization from the Global Intelligence Files, which were the strat for, which is right there in Texas,
The Stratford Intelligence emails that were sent out.
You discover that there's this whole sort of backwash of U.S.
This is not anything new because it happened in the COINTELPRO program, but it seems now to have been outsourced.
To these various, you know, shadowy organizations, Blackwater or whatever, you know, and then they do the dirty work, but it's still at the end of the day paid for by us taxpayers.
So, um.
What I have discovered is that the Otpor that helped in the destabilization of Serbia, which led then to the downfall of Milosevic, and that's someone that I met.
I was on that congressional delegation that was led by, well, it was a delegation that had members of Congress on it that was led by Holbrooke.
And, um, so we sat there and I had a chance to meet Milosevic, and unfortunately, you know, this is the way our government seems to operate, is that you get these members of Congress who really don't know anything other than what they've been told by the very people who are creating the problem, and then they go in and spout the same stuff.
Without having done the background work.
Well, anyway, Milosevic is brought down.
This organization, Otpor, establishes a relationship.
The leadership of Otpor establishes a relationship with the folks at Stratfor.
And then before you know it, you've got the exact same thing happening.
Now it's happening in Venezuela.
So Otpor,
Has a playbook.
And if we look at the playbook, then we can see it happening.
We can see it being implemented in Ukraine and Iran.
...in Libya over and over and over again.
So, now, the question that the people of the United States have to ask themselves is, is this what we want our government to do?
Is this something that we are proud of as citizens of the United States?
Is our government acting with our values as it acts in our name?
And if the answer is no, then we have to do something about it.
We have to resist.
We have to find our courage.
We have to find that courage, overcome the fear once we've informed ourselves and say, okay, we're going to do something different.
And so that's why one of the things I really probably shouldn't say anything because I haven't
Yeah, but this is my idea.
My idea is they want us to maintain walls of separation among the people of the United States, among the people who are footing the bill.
No, no, they admit divide and conquer.
They admit divide and conquer.
So why not have some of us come together and go around the United States?
Let's have someone from the extreme, extreme far right.
They're telling me that the militia is my enemy.
I don't know that that militia is my enemy.
And I guarantee you, if I talk to people who are part of the militia, maybe we'll find out that there's at least some level at which we can work together.
Oh, Shantia, the real militia, guaranteed, listening to you right now, agrees with almost everything you're saying.
And again, that's what the issue is.
They want everybody scared to death.
There's the Ron Paul Realty Party that was bullhorning Republicans and Democrats.
Then the Republicans tried to take that over.
to get the Democrats to hate it, to create another divide and conquer.
That failed.
So now the Republican leadership with the Democrats is giving money to kill the Realty Party.
And then they don't want, quote, minorities to think they could be pro-gun or they could be pro-sovereignty.
This is how they've done a number on everybody.
And, but we have pro-gun marches that have got everybody out there and we love it and it scares the system.
Briefly getting back to Stratford.
We've been over there probably ten times in the last decade trying to get an interview from these people.
They always have their security guards throw us out.
In fact, we ought to show that sometime.
But the point is...
Is that
Trying to then say that I work for them.
So see, that's how sophisticated COINTELPRO is, is that when it came out they had operations to discredit us, immediately all these people started saying we were with them to smokescreen the fact that this CIA front group was coming after me.
See how sophisticated that is?
Well, it's very sophisticated, and that's why we have to be able to snuff it out and smell it out.
And the only way we can know what's in the playbook is to study what's been in the playbook in the past.
And this kind of, they call it bad jacketing, where
They put out a lie that, in fact, a member of the American Indian Movement, Anna Mae Piktu-Akwash, was murdered because they said that she wasn't an FBI informant and all she was was a very promising leader for the American Indian Movement.
Well, that's why Cass Sunstein at the White House said, create infighting.
And that's why anybody you see out there who isn't talking about issues, who isn't talking about freedom, who isn't talking about the basic Bill of Rights, but who's talking about infighting all day and attacking other people, you can bet your bottom dollar, they're the real operative.
They're the real informant.
Well now that's why I decided that once I finish with this very intense work that I'm doing right now, I would like to reach out to four or five folks and then we just travel all different political persuasions and we just travel around the country as a group and we have like town hall meetings where we talk.
And I think that just by doing that, we'll have an audience that is as diverse as the people who are on the panel.
And then we just sit down and talk and we let our hearts open.
So we're not concerned about, well, did I use the wrong word or did I say it the wrong way?
All of that political correctness stuff will be thrown out for the moment so that we can be
Honest with each other.
Sure, well that's all done to stifle real debate and to make everybody so scared of everybody.
A new political correctness, this modern thing, is to overwrite what Martin Luther King came out with and was saying was common sense.
Judge people on the character of their deeds, their content of what they do, who they stand for, for what's going on in their heart, soul, and mind, not off what religion or color they are.
Now they've taken a liberal movement, turned it on its head, and made it all about what group are you in?
So that you cease to be an individual, so you can't interface with other individuals, you've now got to operate as a group, and then you've got to operate with a leader telling you what to do.
That's exactly right.
And as long as things are that way, then the same old folks stay in charge.
There's one thing, Alex, that I've been immersed in Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, Wicked Leaks, Global Intelligence Files.
You know, I had another stalker.
And he was from Texas.
And I didn't know until I was into those global intelligence files that Stratford was in Texas.
I'm just wondering, I just, you know, I'm just wondering why is it that folk who come to me
In ways that are unwanted by me seem to come from Texas.
Well I can tell you Texas has been a just absolute hotbed of clandestine operations.
So has New Mexico and it's because a lot of the drugs are brought in here.
Look at Arkansas and MENA.
I mean that's one of the big issues.
Well, did you talk about, I know you talked about the Malaysian plane, but did you talk about the two sets of war games that were going on?
There was Cope Tiger and Cobra Gold.
Did you talk about them?
Yes, I know.
The whole thing's very suspicious and obviously there's a cover-up.
You've got a lot of sources.
What do you think happened?
Well I don't know what happened but I spoke to the former Chief of Staff to the former Prime Minister in Malaysia and this is what he said.
He said that instead of trying to figure out how this was done, he said, he's a lawyer as well, he said we need to focus on who
He said, who is the main question?
Who has the motive and the capability to disappear a plane?
He reminded me about the satellites, Diego Garcia, the NSA, and the improbability of losing an airplane when you've got war games going on in the region at the beginning, before the disappearance.
And then after the disappearance.
And, you know, there are not very many countries that do have that kind of a capability.
Now, what he likes to put forward is this notion that the intelligence war that's going on between East and West, between the United States and the Five Eyes,
And what China might have.
And that the poor people on the plane are being held in the middle of this now.
The families and the people on the plane are in the middle of this great intelligence war as to who has the capability and who's going to disclose the capability that they have.
That's his take on it.
That's right.
Who brought it down by remote control, which all these planes now have on board, and then it becomes a big blackmail by some party to reveal all this.
Plus you have a brain heist with all these top scientists on board.
Cynthia, we've only got a few minutes left.
It's always great to have you and I hope you'll come back more often.
We can take some calls next time.
Six percent approval rating for Congress in some polls, nine and ten in others.
Almost everybody I know doesn't laugh at me anymore.
They don't laugh at you.
They say, yeah, we're in trouble.
What do you do about it?
As there's a total loss of confidence in the system, I don't think the police state's going to be able to protect the establishment.
Um, I hope you're right.
I hope you're right.
And what it's going to take is us being together and being able to communicate with one another.
That's why your show is so important, because you have people on there from all walks of life.
And therefore, you are providing a service for us to be able to communicate, no matter what my background is, I feel the same as you on the Second Amendment.
I feel the same as you on the Bill of Rights.
I feel the same as you on the future of our country.
I feel the same as you on what our country is currently doing, domestically, as well as to the rest of the world.
So, how can we magnify what you are able to bring?
And what you've done.
Cynthia McKinney.
Folks can check out your Facebook.
Official Cynthia McKinney.
Thank you so much.
Look forward to talking to you again soon.
Thank you.
She's awesome.
Leanne McAdoo's report.
I promise you're going to get it.
Coming up.
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They railed against the crown, another ragtag band, declaring independence.
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The great reporters, myself, all of it.
Here's Leanne McAdoo's report on the streets of Austin, Texas yesterday.
She shot it yesterday.
It aired last night.
This is the type of reporting you see every night.
Sometimes taped to air, sometimes live, you know, playing the tape clips on the nightly news.
Of course, we have expanded live coverage during elections and things like that as well.
All the films are online and so much more.
And you're supporting the very tip of the spear in free independent media, PrisonPlanet.tv.
Here is Leanne McAdoo's report on Obamacare.
I'm standing on South Lamar in downtown Austin, right in front of P. Terry's Burger Stand.
P. Terry's is a very popular local business.
People come here, they flock here because they are hungry for the organic, locally sourced beef and produce.
It's non-GMO.
They've really become successful on this platform.
But in spite of all of that success, P. Terry's and other businesses across the nation are now facing a dilemma.
Will they comply with Obamacare, meaning they're going to have to pay these hefty new insurance rates for their employees and pass the cost on to consumers?
Or will they cut workers' hours so that they're only employing part-time workers?
Or will they pay hefty fines for just not providing insurance to their employees at all?
Meanwhile, right across the street, huge globalist corporations like McDonald's do not have to comply with the rules of Obamacare.
They can continue providing subpar insurance to their employees, and they won't have to pass the cost on to the consumer, meaning they can continue to sell you fake plastic hamburgers for a dollar.
You think a law is a law?
Like, if it's illegal for me to run a red light, shouldn't it be illegal for you to run a red light also?
So we're in consensus about that?
Well do you think it's right that Obamacare penalties don't apply to big corporations like McDonald's but across the street at P. Terry's they're gonna have to either pay hefty fines or cut back employee hours?
I think that's wrong.
No, that's horrible.
I didn't know that.
They don't have to comply with the law, meaning they can continue giving their employees really awful health insurance.
But ain't the law the law?
They have to apply?
What will happen if they don't apply?
What the law?
To them?
Well, nothing's gonna happen to them, because they've got their buddies in Washington.
It's the way it is these days, I guess, right?
What are you gonna do?
What are we gonna do?
And vote with your dollars.
Would you pay an extra dollar to eat at McDonald's if you knew that it meant that they were giving their employees better insurance?
I only eat there because it's a dollar.
The money that is spent here, for the most part, stays here with the local employees, unlike a company like, say, a Home Depot or a Walmart that collects funds, collects money from the local economy, and then sucks it out.
If you have enough money, you can pretty much get away with anything.
You have, that seems to be the rich and the big corporations are definitely getting away with not paying their fair share.
I mean, I've seen people that have a lot of money get away with murder.
The full report is going to be posted up on InfoWars.com.
And the issue here is that the big corporations are exempt while they lobby for higher taxes on us.
And they're going to keep doing that until we're all destitute if we don't make them go into the same loss.
It's real simple.
The full report is up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPanda.com.
There'll be more tonight, 7 o'clock central.
At InfoWars Nightly News, we'll be back tomorrow on the radio, Lord willing.
Pray for us, pray for America, pray for freedom.
Great job of the crew.
Thank you all for your support.
This is Alex Jones for InfoWarsLife.com.
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