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Name: 20140407_Mon_Alex
Air Date: April 7, 2014
2400 lines.

In this show, Alex Jones covers various topics including contamination in West Virginia's water supply, personal preparedness, alternative media support, criticism of Republican and Democratic leadership, globalist schemes, insider trading allegations related to 9-11, healthcare industry manipulation, military suicides, armed federal agents preparing for a Nevada cattle rancher showdown, trend analyst predictions of riots in major cities, promoting supplements and cleansing products, sponsorship support, and discussing military personnel issues such as mental health, misuse of psychotropic drugs, veterans being demonized by Homeland Security, aging military force, robotic warfare, poor medical care due to Obamacare implementation, government control over property rights, and Blue Cross and Blue Shield's rationing system.

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Coast-to-coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, here we are, my friends.
The seventh day already.
of April 2014.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours and we have several guests joining us to break down some very important issues.
I'll tell you about those guests coming up in the next segment.
There's a lot of confusion out there and that's the name of the game.
That was the plan about exactly what the Republicans are doing with Obama to quote fix Obamacare.
Well, you fix it by getting rid of the tar baby fraud that is designed to be basically a dictatorial edict to allow the federal government and the private banks that own it and run it to get their hands into anything and everything they want as an open mandate.
Forget mission creep, this is far beyond that.
And that's how they wrote the bill was to be a nation-wrecking machine that gives them unlimited power to take tax money from citizens via levies, that's what it is, a letter of mark piracy and transfer it to the globalists, the same people that own the Federal Reserve.
That's about as federal as Federal Express or Federal Plumbing.
And then, once everything's getting screwed up, they say, oh my gosh, let Obama operate as a dictator, and then we'll go to him and secure things from him to fix it.
And Boehner, the Speaker of the House, is running around saying, we didn't expand Obamacare, as the people that are researching it have documented, with this new agreement with Nero, I mean, Hitler, I mean, dear leader Kim Jong-il II.
We didn't expand it why we got him to fix it.
Team Boehner to Drudge.
We didn't expand Obamacare.
We repealed a piece.
And so that's how this is being spun as they openly set
The President's, in fact print me that article guys, thank you.
As they openly set the precedent to just do whatever they want.
Which is what the heads of the committees want.
They want to be little dictators or ringwraiths under Soran that is Obama.
And they want that precedent set now where they pass monstrosity legislation.
And then as it dawns on the public that it's a giant screw job, the answer is, well, we'll selectively enforce this, we'll selectively enforce that, which is the essence of a tyranny.
Because the whole thing is illegitimate and a fraud, because it's discriminatory, because it's not equally apportioned, it's not equally applied.
I don't care what the blackmailed Supreme Court had to say about, well, the government has the power to tax, not an unlimited power.
And so we're allowed to make you buy this from these companies.
But it's unconstitutional.
It is liquid, 200-proof tyranny on every front, every angle.
It is the motherlode of fraud written by lawyers as a system.
Just like they want to put poison in the food and water to make you sick so you never get out of the medical system.
Not even saying the doctors are bad, it's just on record that this is done to create another system of dependency.
It's slavery.
Obamacare is written to take everything over in the process of imploding the country and consolidating it and making the insiders exempt.
And I know I just keep harping on that, but I told you he would become a dictator to quote, fix certain parts of it.
I told you that the website wouldn't work.
Because I know all their tricks, folks.
It's meant to create a process of, boy, isn't that screwed up?
Well, they're working on fixing it.
You know, the Republicans would just get out of the way, it would work.
The Democrats would just back off, it'd work, when they're all on the same team at the top.
And we have to recognize the criminal program
And get outside of the fake debate to realize what this system is and we're gonna beat it.
That's coming up and a lot more.
Wait to hear what Jeb Bush said about immigration.
Stay with us.
A chemical spill contaminating the water supply in nine West Virginia counties.
This year alone, over 300,000 people in West Virginia had their drinking water contaminated.
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A chemical spill contaminating the water supply in nine West Virginia counties.
This year alone, over 300,000 people in West Virginia had their drinking water contaminated.
What are the health effects of having these drugs in our drinking water?
It's forced medical treatment without the consent of residents.
My friends, water filtration is one of the most basic actions you can take to protect you and your family from the harmful toxins and heavy metals in your tap water.
On average, the county says it sprays with the glyphosate at least once a week.
Fluoride is in tea, it's in coffee, it's in water, it's in bread, it's in toothpaste.
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We're getting prepared.
Are you?
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, Mickey Rooney dead at 93.
Rob Lowe has come out in the New York Times and said, I want the government out of almost everything.
That is the sentiment across the world.
Libertarianism is rising.
At least people identifying as libertarians globally now is a majority in most countries, according to the Financial Times of London.
But do people actually make those choices then in their lives?
Let other people have freedom, even if you disagree with what they're doing.
That's really what it's going to take to be free.
And all of us are hypocrites to one extent or another.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this Monday, the seventh day of April 2014.
Max Keiser is going to be popping in for 30 minutes, as he did last week for two hours, dealing with the breaking intel from an insider who witnessed it of insider trading on 9-11.
That interview has now aired on RT.
We're going to hear excerpts of it and have Max Keiser popping in at the start of the next hour.
Then we will continue with your phone calls.
Then Dr. John Liebert is going to be coming on for 30 minutes to give us his breakdown on what's happening at the VA and why we're seeing a massive increase, record increase, in mass suicides in the military.
And he, of course, served as a flight surgeon in Vietnam and chief resident in psychiatry at Seattle VA Hospital.
And he's done a lot more than just that since then.
He's going to be joining us, Wounded Minds, Understanding and Solving the Growing Menace of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
This is a big deal.
You know, I meant to shoot a video of it this weekend, but with my children at the beach,
Spending some time with them.
I just didn't get around to it.
But we should probably send one of the reporter crews out to show all the flags at half-mast over four dead people, including the shooter at Fort Hood.
And they seem to lower flags now anytime the media reports on a dead soldier.
But when you get 22 soldiers committing suicide a day and growing,
And being used like toilet paper in 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or more tours, which is like putting 5 million miles on a pair of tires, they will blow out.
In 90 plus percent of the public, I mean, they are just shredding these people.
And they say, oh, well, they volunteered.
Actually, it's a scam in most cases where there's an automatic re-up and they force them back in.
An automatic re-up.
But the issue is that they can't get jobs once they get out in most cases, because of the economy and the rest of it, and a stigma against veterans, and so they're basically slaves.
So, this is the type of garbage that we're facing, and there's a video up on InfoWars.com that is very, very important.
Titled, Secret of Military Suicides Exposed, and it's the video slash audio report that I shot Friday that aired on the Sunday radio show when David Knight sat in for me.
And it's a very, very important eight-minute video that boils everything down so people can understand the reason they're committing suicide has been solved.
You make them serve too many tours in a questionable war.
All the psychology shows that's bad for people's minds, even if it's one tour, and they later think the war was wrong or questionable.
So you have them being used and abused, rode hard and put away wet over and over again.
You have them trained to kill, and then you put them on a cocktail of drugs, even before they get out of the military.
What do you expect is going to happen?
Well, they want to wreck them.
They want to ruin them.
The globalists have stated that the military, retiring veterans, returning veterans, are the number one terror threat and the enemy.
We first broke this six years ago.
It was so incredible when we first got the secret documents from federal marshals and then confirmed them through state police, state versions, that Ron Paul, his office called me and said, is that really real, Mr. Jones?
Because we know you're a credible person, but you're kidding.
Returning veterans and Ron Paul are terrorists.
And I said, listen, call the phone number on it.
The FBI is going to flip out.
It's real.
It's real.
And the FBI wanted to come to my house when I called them.
The other reporters were intimidated at that time, you know, wouldn't call phone numbers on government documents.
I do.
And we got those documents a few weeks ago where they were saying that they're training to take on web dissent during martial law and to quote, take out constitutionalists to quote, against socialist tyranny.
That's a close quote.
Against socialist tyranny.
And I, people said, is it real?
Is it real?
And I said, yeah, it looks real.
Looks like ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center.
Call the phone numbers.
Oh, I just, I got in here, picked the phone up, started calling those phone numbers, and they were flipping out.
Like, I ought to call those numbers back and record them.
That's even better.
Just to illustrate what's going on.
The point is, people said veterans are the terror threat, and who Homeland Security's for?
Of course you are.
It's a criminal foreign takeover.
Just like in Nazi Germany, just like anywhere else, you get special interests that take over, it's happening here.
And admitting how much trouble we're in is the only hope we have of reversing this.
Now the good news is, in popular culture across the board, whether it's Man of Steel or the new Captain America, it's about secret government groups staging false flag terror to bring in martial law.
It's about eugenics.
It's about tyranny.
It's about being dishonorable and how horrible that is.
I see more and more positive movies out of Hollywood.
Movies like Up.
More and more I see horrible anti-human garbage out of television.
It's run by the old commanders of Hollywood.
That's where the real money's at, by the way.
They can make a hundred million dollars a year profit off one hit TV show or more.
In fact, some of them made a hundred million in a month, like Seinfeld made almost a hundred million in one month.
It's last season.
And then into syndication.
The point is, is that the old guard is absolutely human exterminus pure evil.
But there is a total rebellion across Hollywood that I keep telling you about that is indicative of what's about to happen when Sumner Redstone and others die.
That almost everyone in Hollywood, and I mean lawyers, producers, I mean even people that are 55, 60 years old, you'd think they'd be in control?
No, they're under the control of 85, 95 year old men, and they absolutely hate it.
And it is cult level on fire, I mean that in a good way, like, you know, fans of cult this, cult that, like cult film, cult cinema, like Road Warrior is a cult classic.
Liberty is on fire in Hollywood.
I know almost no one in Hollywood, I know a lot of people, who isn't a closet anti-New World Order conspiracy theorist.
That just means you question the official narrative of the establishment.
Rob Lowe has come out and said, quote, I want the government out of almost everything, close quote.
And says he's sick of the entire rotten system and it's totally corrupt and going down.
You see what I'm talking about?
Bruce Willis has said the same thing in Vanity Fair.
I could go on for hours.
And my point is, people say, well, why do we care about Hollywood?
It's been the cultural dominant system to make people comply and say, I'm anti-gun, I'm anti-family, I'm a liberal.
That's not liberal, that's authoritarian.
That whole system is coming down.
And don't think the power structure doesn't know it.
There's probably six or seven guys that run Hollywood up at the top of the big production companies.
And when anybody puts out any type of message of liberty, they call them up and threaten them and threaten to blackball them.
Happened to Mark Cuban.
I witnessed it.
Later came out in the New York Times.
And the reason I get back to this Hollywood thing is...
The whole house of cards is coming down.
That's why the system wants to bring in authoritarianism.
Ninety percent of warfare is psychological.
Hollywood is the tip of the spear for the New World Order.
And if they lose their own people, it's over.
That's why they want to just skip all that, bring in authoritarianism now, where they can actually disappear you or arrest you.
Because threatening everyone doesn't work anymore.
Because what happens when
Everybody starts speaking out.
What happens when no one's intimidated anymore?
You can't stop everybody.
Unless you already had a total tyranny in.
So we're in a race to the finish line with the tyrants.
I mean, I'll give you an example.
Willie Nelson about eight years ago came to one of my film premieres for Endgame and showed up and came around the counter.
I was signing DVDs afterwards and, you know, hey, give me your number.
I'm going to call you.
I really like what you do.
I listen to your show almost every day.
And I'm like, well, thank you, Willie.
I heard you were here and didn't believe it.
And then he left.
So I got to know Willie Nelson, started playing chess with him, hanging out with him, you know, here and there, eating dinner here and there.
And people started death-threatening him.
We're going to kill you if you don't say you're... He started saying he was pro-gun, that 9-11 was an inside job, that eugenics was the threat.
And he was about 72 years old then.
He's 80.
He wasn't
He was still super sharp.
He's still somewhat sharp, but not at 80.
And not as sharp as he used to be.
The point is, I mean, who would be?
The point is, is that, I mean, I watched that where they literally death-threaded him, and then he had Ventura and I to speak at some deal, and
They were threatening to blow the place up.
Nobody ever even knew about this.
I didn't talk about it.
And he said, OK, you guys can still speak.
Ventura said, we don't care.
Go have a good time, Willie.
We're here to watch the show, as if Ventura cares about speaking to 4,000, 5,000 people, as if I care.
I can go flip a switch and talk to 3 million every day.
But the issue is, is that's the type of stuff that goes on.
The establishment is there trying to keep everybody on the reservation.
And there is a major pushback.
Where do you think the biggest pushback is going to be?
Inside Hollywood.
People are sick of it.
The Republican Tea Party is sick of the Republican leadership trying to prop up Obamacare and trying to prop up open borders and trying to prop up gun control.
It's an establishment working together to suppress real change.
And we ever shatter that with the incredible allure, the sexiness of freedom, true freedom, true Americana, it's over.
People are buying what we're selling, freedom.
People are not buying what the establishment is selling.
They're a bunch of gangster bullies, intimidating everyone.
And then your local talk show hosts and local reporters, they all comply with whatever the party line is, because the word's out, you do what the establishment says, you repeat what the national talk show host says, and you'll go far in life.
No, you'll go nowhere.
So there's a total revolution in understanding happening right now, and the battle is joined.
We're gonna come right back with big breaking news on Obamacare.
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That's Johnny Cash bringing us in.
Don't send your kin folks.
I'll be gone.
Money through Friday.
From 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m., we're here.
By the way, we have a scheduling issue with Kaiser.
He's coming on later in the week with that breaking news.
So we're just going to have that one guest on.
Army psychiatrist who headed up major bases to break down the inside scoop on the increase in suicides.
So we'll have a lot of time to take calls today.
First off, Jeb Bush.
Illegal immigration, an act of love.
Yes, they broke the law, but it's not a felony.
And they did it to get back with their family.
Yeah, so we let another 30 million in, and then all their families have to come in.
And then just so happens, Jeb, they vote Democrat about 90% of the time, which you love, because the Republicans back during Barry Goldwater's era weren't as bad as they are now.
And so the Bushes, basically, with the neocons, took over the Republican Party.
They are the Democrats.
They are the Democrats' right wing.
And they share power with the Clintons, who are protégés of CIA officer George Herbert Walker Bush.
And you know that's all come out.
It's all completely staged, all a giant joke to them.
And I told you you'd see Boehner and the Republicans try to prop up Obamacare and keep the law in place with a couple of cosmetic changes that actually don't change anything.
On the most criminal, out-of-control law in history.
It is so fraudulent, so ridiculous, so insane.
But here is Jeb Bush.
Yes, they broke the law, but it's not a felony.
It's an act of love.
It's an act of love, ladies and gentlemen.
Can I go to Mexico and have my baby paid for when it's born and then say, my family, I need my family from El Norte to come down here with me, come on!
You would be laughed at and beaten up in the parking lot.
Probably thrown in jail.
Mexico has some of the most draconian anti-immigration laws in the world.
Look it up.
Six months to a year hard labor if they catch you in the country illegally.
Work camps for the Guatemalans.
But Americans, oh, oh, Jeb Bush, just like he was for NAFTA and GATT, and just like they were for the police state and the drug war, and Obamacare, Jeb Bush, Republican leadership helped write Obamacare for the big insurance companies, openly owned by people like Warren Buffett, who's such a nice old man.
He's a nice old man with his big banks laundering all that money on record.
Just a friendly old man!
Friendly old man got some candy in that van.
Kids, get in!
Everybody knows all old men wearing suits and ties are nice.
I mean, this is so ridiculous to hear this out of him.
And now GOP seeks coverage choices in health law they hate.
That's how AP wrote it.
AP should have.
GOP works with Obama behind the scenes to stop revolution against Obamacare and its repeal.
Or, headline, GOP seeks to cover Obama and the Democratic Party from total political annihilation and seek to protect the party who passed the bill Republicans wrote.
That should be the headline.
You know, with Ezekiel Emanuel and the eugenicists, the death panel, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sponsoring it,
Along with Mitt Romney in Massachusetts, where the pilot state, what, 15 years ago, and they passed the core of what became law.
I mean, it wasn't as bad as what the Democrats added onto it, but it was really bad.
Basically insurance companies making you buy their product where they can charge whatever they want and lower the quality of the product and have the government set the standards of what type of tests and surgeries you can get.
What do you think is going to happen?
Prices are going to go up and you're going to get less.
What would you do if you were an offshore mega corporation that owns insurance companies?
Well, every time they can, they finance dictators in third world countries.
See, the globalists finance pure evil.
You are nothing but dead meat to them.
And when you act so naive and ignorant, folks, they say that's a self-fulfilling prophecy that you deserve to be run over by the system.
That you deserve to be crushed by the establishment.
And so they make it a partisan issue.
Oh look, the Republicans don't want you to have this.
So please don't throw me in the briar patch.
Will you guys print me the story of Briar Rabbit just to boil down of it?
I think I need to read that on air to people.
Briar Rabbit wants to be thrown in the briar patch.
That's where he's safe.
He goes, whatever you do, don't throw me in the briar patch.
Here's the Republicans.
Oh my gosh, whatever you do, don't pass Obamacare.
We're so upset by it.
Oh, it's so horrible.
Democrats, well we're going to get it and nothing you're going to do is going to stop us.
Al Sharpton says you're racist if you don't support Obamacare.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
We're here Monday through Friday 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central live broadcasting worldwide back weeknight 7 o'clock Central InfoWars Nightly News back Sundays 4 to 6 p.m.
with a live Sunday transmission.
I am your host Alex Jones.
Let me boil down and quantify Obamacare here very simply and succinctly.
You have a constellation of special interest and at the top of that you have the big five to six global mega banks that control the derivatives, the fractional reserve banking, basically unlimited counterfeit paper instruments.
And they've been able to dominate most of the world, take over the resources of the planet with all that fiat garbage currency that they've gotten Western governments to sign on to and guarantee as their debts, turning us into financial slaves in the act of bailing them out.
A giant ball and chain with a greater financial weight than the sun itself.
Imagine that.
A thousand Thor's hammers tied to our legs.
That's the type of weight we're talking about here.
Financially, culturally, all a giant fraud intertwined into all the pensions, intertwined into the culture, intertwined into the investments, to where the cancer has become the body itself.
And that's not enough for them.
They have Agenda 21 globally to create neo-feudalism, to cut off resources, to make the public right at starvation level, so that politically you will jump through any hoop for resources.
So there's an artificial scarcity.
And at the top of the pyramid, you have the large central banks that are in control.
And then they've got other groups that are intertwined and interconnected as well that are a big part of that.
And they're the big lobbying groups, they're the political class, they are the select healthcare groups that are insiders who were exempt from the main Obamacare system who got their two cents in to have the legislation written to shut down their competition and to create unfair trade advantages.
You've got the lobbyists that help write it to be 13,000 pages of addendums, show that it's always creating new crises, always creating new problems, always creating the equivalent of a contested divorce at every level.
So that all the bureaucrats and consultants and lobbyists can just endlessly feed off of new laws and addendums and executive orders to the giant metastasizing blob that is Obamacare.
And that's why it was written to absolutely destroy the country.
So that they can piecemeal then be the saviors applying or
Backing off of certain areas of the main law.
To where then they create the problem, they can offer the solution.
Just like they helped get government involved in healthcare to begin with, driving up prices, bringing in political corruption, giving the political class power over healthcare.
Just like they've done with the drug war.
Just like they've done with the prisons.
Just like they've done with everything else.
This is done over and over and over again.
With Obamacare, the journey is the destination.
That's the most important thing to understand here.
And they have tricks they play.
They don't want all of it to go in at once.
They don't want you to know the reason your health care is doubling or tripling is because it was written in the bill.
They don't want you to know the reason your payroll went up was because of the bill, your payroll tax.
They don't want you to know the reason the IRS is going to garnish your wages and take your bank account.
Is because of the bill.
They want you to think it's all screwed up and broken.
And that's why it's happening.
And oh, a million signed up the first day.
I told you that's people that think they signed up.
And then it turned out a month later, no one had signed up.
And then they said 3 million had signed up, and it turned out it was 100,000.
Who had to do it by phone.
And then all they got handed over to was an insurance company to screw them and double charge them bare minimum.
People that never had insurance, didn't know how to do it, going into the most predatory hands.
Then you've got other layers of the political organizer, community affairs type, where you get the navigators.
The ACORN 2.0 running around getting social security numbers, getting political data, getting people for political enrollment, getting people into your political organizations, just good old-fashioned fraud, good old-fashioned money laundering, that's all coming out in every major state.
This is a criminal enterprise.
This is a giant criminal feeding frenzy like a group of 30 dolphins spending two hours surrounding and corralling a group of fish until they get them into a tight ball than having a feeding frenzy.
You are being fed on by a predator system that has designed the breakdown of the system so that they can reap incredible profits and control out of it with the larger social engineering plan
of finally wrecking the civilization.
Because the globalists are exempt from it all in their governmental corporate reservations above the law with diplomatic corporate immunity.
So you have the banks, you have the insurance companies, you have the lobbyists, you have the navigators, you have the sickening degenerate insider trading political class.
Remember six years ago, seven years ago, it came out that
Congress was insider trading into the billions, and people were going to Congress worth a million and getting out worth 800 million, not to mention their trust funds with billions, and the CBS headline was, insider trading legal for Congress.
Put that into the search engine.
Let's show the TV viewers.
Radio listeners, put it in.
Insider trading legal for Congress, or Congress allowed insider trade, because they said so.
Just like the police now say, we can come in your house without warrants because we say so.
We can set up checkpoints on the highway because we say so.
We can listen to your phone calls without warrants.
Local police all over the country, it's now being announced, because we say so.
And we can force-inoculate your kids because we say so.
And we can put fluoride in your water because we say so.
And we can put cancer viruses in your vaccines because we say so.
And we can set up death panels and make jokes about it because we say so.
They're CNBC.
Insider trading in D.C.
just got easier.
Yeah, that was last year when they passed a law legalizing their insider trading.
For years they had said it was illegal, but they hadn't really done it.
Then they came out and said, no.
No, no, no.
We're just allowed to.
There it is.
Congress insiders above the law.
CBS News.
The point is, is that
This is the event horizon of tyranny.
They pass the point that we've now gotten to, they get away with the point they've now brought us to.
Katie, bar the door.
Because people are like, oh, all the corruption's coming out, isn't this great?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
If it all comes out, and nobody gets in trouble, and we don't reverse them, the dam breaks.
And everything is fair game.
And then people will get so desperate and scared, they're going to start shooting the enforcers, and then the Civil War starts.
Just as sure as grandma would put an apple pie out on the window ledge to cool it, this is going to happen.
Just as sure as the sun came up this morning.
Just as sure as birds wake up in the morning tweeting.
This is going to unfold, ladies and gentlemen.
This is a total criminal mash.
And the Tea Party are a bunch of moral, on average, people that really are pro-gun, really are pro-family, who really do value freedom, and who are really upset they're not perfect.
Republicans tried to co-opt them the last six, seven years.
That failed.
And so now, ladies and gentlemen, the Republican and Democratic leadership are trying to gut the Tea Party.
And they've circled the wagons.
And the reason the Tea Party's enemy, number one, is because they're informed.
They know about the UN.
They know about world government.
They know that you cut taxes, government revenue increases.
They know the system wants to stall the country and bankrupt the general public to complete our journey into serfdom and dependency.
They know, they know, and they're learning quickly.
My information, the information we've broken down here,
By the grace of God, our real power, your real power, because you are the power of this broadcast, has now made it safe for the other big talk show host across the board to tell the truth.
Because their constituents, their listeners, now know the truth.
So even if some of those big national hosts had been sellouts before, it was mainly because they were scared.
It was mainly because they were on a short leash.
When more people speak out, we normalize telling the truth.
It makes it safe for right-wing talk show hosts, libertarian talk show hosts, for liberals in Hollywood, who are real liberals,
In the vein of Thomas Jefferson.
This is the reality.
And we are now at this absolutely critical crossroads.
We are now there in a cultural revolution.
They have their cultural revolution of socialism, of tyranny, of domestication that they brand as liberal and happy and empowering when the fruits of it are total enslavement, lies, fraud, poverty.
So we are now at that point.
Where we have to go, no, we're the revolutionaries.
We're the people bringing the renaissance.
We're the people bringing liberty.
We're the people that are liberals.
We're the people that are for human empowerment.
We're the people that have the plan that's been proven to work over and over again.
Tyranny's been tried a hundred times more than liberty.
And it always leads to the same place.
It's horrible.
Let's not go down this road.
Let's be virtuous.
Let's turn back now.
Even if people like John Boehner wanted to do the right thing, he can't.
Because he wouldn't have been allowed to be the speaker.
If they didn't have enough dirt on him to hang him high.
That's why if somebody does the right thing, and then it comes out that they've got a mistress, or it comes out that 20 years ago they took some money they shouldn't have or whatever, we've got to leave them alone and realize that's political dirty tricks.
But until the public gets angry enough to get behind champions,
And to get, I mean, I'm sure there's no dirt on Rand Paul.
They would have already brought it out, but they've sure tried to manufacture it.
If we ask Rand Paul to run, or Ted Cruz, and then a couple skeletons come out of the closet, folks, you've got to understand that if the establishment is bringing out the skeletons, A, it's probably a lie, or exaggerated, and it doesn't matter, because it's the enemy trying to take down somebody that's good.
It's very, very simple.
We hang together, we hang separate.
And I'm not glorifying Rand Paul or Ted Cruz, but I'll tell you this, the system doesn't like them and wants to destroy them.
And they're an example to all these millions of people that are looking for a change, looking for an alternative.
And the Republican leadership is offering more country club, Republican establishment corruption, and more socialism, and corporate bailouts, and wars, and surveillance, and police state, and drug war.
And the Democrats are offering more of the same, but with some cultural pandering of, oh, we care about the minorities that are really the majority now.
Oh, and we care about women, and you know, you're on our winning team.
I mean, it's literally rah-rah, Coke versus Pepsi, Chevy versus Ford.
It means nothing.
And that's why the Republicans have put into a bill
For Lord Obama to sign to allow a little more choice for small businesses.
Because tens of millions are being kicked off their insurance.
Some of the numbers are over 10 million.
At least 7 million.
And then, oh, Obama goes, 6 million have signed up for Obamacare.
That's not even true!
It's not even 2 million now!
And it does increase payroll taxes on poor people.
If you're making $18,000 a year, your payroll tax went up.
That is incredible.
You can't live on that nowadays.
If you've got kids, forget it.
And every business I know is laying people off or cutting their hours because most businesses, the owners are getting maybe 5% profit.
And then half that goes in taxes or more.
What's the point?
There are so many well-to-do, upper-middle class people that are just selling their businesses or shutting down because they can retire now.
Why should they keep a business going when all they get is grief and hell and bureaucrats because they are not exempt from Obamacare?
Let's say you own P. Terry's Hamburger Chain that's just in Austin, Texas.
Been around for maybe 10 years.
Very popular.
I looked it up.
They didn't get an Obamacare exemption.
McDonald's right across the street on South Lamar.
South Lamar and the river.
Right across the street.
We should do a report on that.
How P. Terry's on this side of the street doesn't get an Obamacare exemption, but the McDonald's across the street does.
McDonald's can keep its workers at 40 hours a week.
But Pete Jerry's has got to cut them down by 10-15 hours or they've got to pay the Obamacare and they can't afford it or their hamburger's going to be $10!
Doesn't matter their hamburger's organic, doesn't matter it's flame broiled, doesn't matter it tastes a hundred times better than the plastic food across the street that literally has plastic in it.
They can't compete with Subway across the street and McDonald's across the street who are exempt.
That's discrimination.
While they're screaming black, black, white, white, race, race, male, female, north, south, blah, blah, blah, they're trying to scream about those differences to make us all fight about those because if we ever got together and went, man, I own an auto parts place and I'm not exempt, but that big national chain is.
Let me tell you, that's a lawsuit!
That's discriminatory!
This law is a fraud!
Repeal it!
And it's over 80% now, in major polls, are against Obamacare.
And as it kicks in, people are against it.
And what does the establishment do?
Oh, there's no fines, there's no penalties.
My CPA tells me, most people are on salary around here, but if it's the equivalent, we're going to have to lay people off or cut their hours, at least a few people.
Or, or,
I guess I'll just have to sit there and have more advertising just to pay more taxes.
It's a losing battle.
I'm being told, get ready to pay the penalty.
And then if I say I'm getting ready to pay penalties, the media says, liar, it doesn't exist when it exists on record!
Because only about 10% of the public now actually has employees.
They know 90% of you don't know and literally think we're lying to you.
That's how evil these people are.
The unions are exempt.
All of them are exempt, but me and you.
That's discriminatory.
I don't care what color you are, what religion you are, you're not part of the insider club, you're going to get screwed.
And now the Republicans have passed some legislation where some medium-sized corporations might be able to have a little more choice in joining larger health groups.
And again, that's the Republicans messing with Obamacare instead of repealing it when they could literally blow on it and it would fall over.
It's a house made of straw.
They don't have to huff or puff or anything.
You just literally poke it, it falls over.
Universally unpopular, growing more unpopular by the day.
The 20% of morons out there that still suck their thumbs and think Obama loves them haven't figured out it's a giant screwjob yet.
They're about to wake up.
We can't repeal something this evil, this discriminatory.
No, we can't!
Because the Republican leadership are degenerate, filthy criminals!
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We the people grow cotton, weave fabric, engrave ink, embed strips and fibers to protect from counterfeit, then carting to a private bank, having it led back at interest, forcing taxes to service debt.
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As a nation, we don't really have morals in government anymore.
It's entirely piratical, and as the resources begin to run down under tyranny, it will become more piratical, more rapacious, more abusive.
I mean, look at these headlines.
IRS agent testimony.
No progressive groups were targeted by IRS.
Only libertarian, conservative, Christian or pro-life or veterans groups critical of the VA.
Basically anyone standing up for themselves.
Any special interest by the American people must be destroyed, must be dismantled.
There's the testimony.
But they've already given testimony that they never persecuted anyone.
DOJ refuses to appoint special prosecutor.
Remember that?
And who wants to live in a country or a world where they can politically persecute people, get caught, and not get in trouble?
Richard Nixon got caught and had to step down.
Because everyone understood, man, this is dangerous.
But not now, because they're doing the Lord's work.
I was back there during the break getting a cup of coffee.
And Al Sharpton was on saying, we've got to continue to fight against racism and the new racism is voting rights.
We've got to let Americans vote.
We've got to give driver's license to the illegals, basically is what he was saying.
Yeah, let's bring in foreign groups who will vote for welfare and vote to take your guns and vote to make you a slave of the governing class that's screwing all the poor people over.
Amazing to live under this magnitude of evil.
Now I'm going to start the next hour and get into a series of small quakes.
Rock, Oklahoma.
We're going to get into Molly suspects first Ebola cases as regional death toll tops 90.
Five signs the global economy recovery may be an illusion.
London Guardian.
Wow, some reality out of the Guardian.
We're going to get more into Obamacare and Jeb Bush saying that it's loving to have open borders.
We're also going to get into
The latest on the Fort Hood situation and some breaking news there.
Also, Eastern Ukraine is moving to join Russia.
That's a big deal, up on Infowars.com.
Jeb Bush, again I already mentioned this, illegal immigration is an act of love.
Bilderberg is trying to disguise location of 2014 meeting.
We've also got a special report I filed, secret of military suicides exposed.
It's very important to get out to folks.
We're going to tweet that at Twitter as well, at RealAlexJones.
Armed feds prepare for showdown with Nevada cattle rancher.
Trend Analyst says yes, there will be riots in major cities.
The government's gearing up for that.
That is just some of the news up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com that we're going to be getting to today.
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Next hour coming up.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM radio network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us.
We're now into the second hour here today and I want to open the phones up again for first-time callers.
We'll do that at the start of the next segment to talk about Obamacare.
Is your small business getting an exemption from Obamacare when thousands of major corporations are?
Do you like the fact that the Republican leadership led by John Boehner, Mr. Boehner,
A boner by any other name is still a boner.
I mean, I'm sorry, his name is Boner.
Nothing against the name Boner.
Be proud of his German name.
The fact is, it's not Boehner.
He made a big deal about making it Boner.
From Boehner to Boner.
Boner to Boehner.
And I'm just done with him.
I'm done with him.
He's like, oh, we fixed it so small businesses could get a little bit bigger choice in the exchange program.
No, no, no.
And then when Drudge dared talk about it, Team Boehner to Drudge, we didn't expand Obamacare, we repealed a piece of it.
Hours after the Drudge Report suggested on Sunday the Republicans expanded Obamacare and the headline from the site, lead story and alert from the office of House Speaker John Boehner, Republican of Ohio, countered that they had actually chipped away another piece of the law that you guys have not repealed yet.
I know the House has voted to repeal it.
Put the pressure on the Senate.
Get those Democrats and Republicans out of the Senate who won't repeal it.
Repeal it!
It's unpopular, it's illegal, it's criminal.
Repeal it!
We do not want you to polish this globalist dropping.
The recent change eliminated a cap on deductibles for small group policies offered inside law's health care exchange as well as outside, the AP explained.
Successfully repealing Obamacare provision is just one part of Republicans' larger effort to repeal the law and replace it with better solutions focusing on lowering health care costs for families and small businesses.
The Republican leadership helped write this with Ezekiel Emanuel and the Democrats 15 years ago on record.
Just like it was a bipartisan, Ken Lay, George W. Bush, Al Gore, corporate meetings screwjob with the big energy companies, and Schwarzenegger was in on those meetings as well, to create carbon taxes and carbon credits.
That screwjob, they gave the political class, Republicans and Democrats, the Democrats are the main honchos,
There's stock in the Chicago and London mercantiles where you will literally pay the pig class of degenerate, filthy, Republican and Democratic leaders your money when you do any human activity.
From buying wood, to buying kerosene, to buying gasoline, to buying oil, to buying plastic, and tracking and surveilling everything in the name of saving the earth when these degenerate, mobster, scum-sucking, filthy maggot
Just viperous scum!
I mean, I don't have words to describe how larcenous and over-the-top it is, what criminal filth these people are.
And you gotta hand it to them, though.
These scams are galactic in size, and they're getting away with it!
Because of the complexity.
The average man watches SportsCenter all day and thinks they're so impressive and so cool that they know everything about their favorite sport or sports.
About NHL.
About NFL.
About Major League Baseball.
About basketball.
About all of it.
On and on and on.
What the player's favorite colors are.
What their favorite food is.
Hey, moron!
You're supposed to use that brain and all those factoids to figure out how the world works!
To be successful!
To not be a slave!
It's not that you're stupid.
It's that you were raised on your granddaddy's knee, who was probably a nice person, thinking Americana was taking you out to the ballpark.
And you know what?
As the world got more and more corrupt, I totally get going out to the ballpark.
But the fact is, it's sick now.
It's sick!
It's disgusting!
They want you playing games like children, and watching games even worse.
Playing them's great.
Instead of in the arena in a real eugenics, World War III, New World Order, sci-fi, Blade Runner, hardcore genetic engineering overwrite, science fiction extravaganza!
Globalist social engineers are not just targeting us with propaganda.
They are manipulating our genetics.
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After consulting top doctors, nutritionists, pharmacists and others, we have developed what I believe is the ultimate non-GMO organic super male vitality formula sourced from powerful organic herbs and then concentrated for maximum
I'm good.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
The name of the game is controlled by the corporate governing ruling class.
They want to be able to make all the decisions for you, tell you where to live, tell you what to eat, how to live your lives, whose products to buy.
That's what Obamacare is about, is shutting down their competition, shutting down companies that aren't affiliated with the globalist.
The major unions are exempt.
Multi-thousand major companies like McDonald's, Subway and others were given exemptions last year to the Obamacare Act.
They wrote the loopholes to where they can keep their employees for 40 hours, but you, you have to cut them to 30 hours or less, or
It kicks in, you have to pay for the Obamacare, which many businesses just can't do.
Especially now, as making you buy a product is making the price go up.
So I've asked Leanne McAdoo to go out for the nightly news tonight.
And to go to the corner of South Lamar, right where it hits Barton Springs, and you can point right across the street to a McDonald's that was given health care waivers, and to a Texas-based hamburger company that was not given waivers, P. Terry's.
And there's the example.
Now what does that do?
It allows them to pass on the savings they have with the Monsanto, Bill Gates-controlled McDonald's.
into the cost of their food, so that it's a lot less expensive, so that people will choose to eat there and not at P. Terry's, even though P. Terry's is edible, compared to McDonald's, where literally, as Supersize Me shows, the food does not rot, and basically lives in your colon.
And they literally have federal regulations written where they can have ingredients that are in plastic, that are in silicone, in the Chicken McNuggets.
Just like Subway has plastic in their brand.
They claim they're going to take it out, but we haven't seen that happen yet.
This shows who these corporations are.
That's what Obamacare is all about.
Why do you think the big associations were for Obamacare?
Why do you think the Republican leadership helped write it?
Because it's written as a way to shut down all their competition.
But they say a picture tells a thousand words.
What does video do?
With Leanne McAdoo out there.
Illustrating, here I am at P. Terry's, which did not get an Obamacare waiver.
You can look up the list of Obamacare waivers online.
It's over 3,000 last time I checked.
3,000 companies.
Now, the unions have gotten them.
That's tens of millions of people.
Exempted 1,200 plus groups, including Congress.
And that article asks, did they?
And then they spin it, well, they've got to opt into another group.
You know, they play all these games like, it's not illegal when Congress
Has insider trading, like I talked about last hour, because we say so.
It's not illegal when the NSA spies on you, even though it's, on record, it's illegal.
And speaking of that, I want to go to Judge Andrew Napolitano's piece he did from last Friday, and air that in a moment.
But before I do that...
I want to get your take on this, because this is the real form of discrimination.
It's not, oh, I think somebody didn't serve me quick because I'm black, or I think somebody, you know, didn't serve me quick because I'm white, or, you know, you're not for open borders so you're racist.
The very same globalist interests that want open borders that gave us NAFTA and GATT and CAFTA and all the rest of the stuff, the same Jeb Bush now wants open borders.
Because it's good for the globalists, not good for us.
What about the real discrimination of us having to pay trillions in banker bailouts to banks that created fraudulent derivatives?
And they now say that's our debt, your debt, my debt, your children's debt.
That's the total discrimination.
The discrimination of Obamacare.
The discrimination of government.
You try to spy on government, you go to prison for espionage.
But they spy on you illegally, and oh, it's okay.
We're the government.
We're here to help you.
This is a fraud.
This is a scam.
And, quite frankly,
Congress has a 6% approval rating.
More and more of Hollywood is speaking out and going public.
Liberal darling Rob Lowe has gone public saying, I want government out of almost every area of my life.
People are waking up and saying no.
We've just got to have the courage to tell it like it is.
We've just got to have the courage to speak out now and give other people political cover so they can speak out so the system can't persecute and can't prosecute and can't chill and can't hurt and can't demonize all of us.
We all start going public.
We all start speaking out.
We all start doing the right thing.
We all stop being intimidated.
And the whole system of tyranny will come down like a house of cards.
Some people say, yeah, but then that might bring down the whole system itself.
The globalists have codified their system of tyranny in Agenda 21, so that when they implode things, they rationalize that as a political system of domestication and dependency.
Cloward and Pivot, Agenda 21.
This is a real strategy, and you can see it taking place, so we don't have a choice!
We're cornered, they're turning off our life support, they're shutting down our society, they want to have a game of chicken, let's have it!
Because they've got a score to settle with America.
The globalists hate this country more than they hate anybody else.
They want to have their way with us.
That's the main goal is running our lives.
I mean, what's wrong with this headline?
Look at this headline.
Students fed up with Michelle Obama's school lunch overhaul.
Menu item.
Snapshots spell out why.
And we'll show you some of those snapshots from the blaze.
And it goes through the fact that a million public school students said no way to their cafeteria menus after Michelle Obama's anti-obesity campaign led to anger and frustration over food that apparently many American kids didn't want.
But for those without other options, all that's left is the power of social media and cell phone cameras when they simply can't take another bite.
Folks, this is worse than prison food, and school food's never been perfect, but this is worse than prison food.
Because the parents put up with it, ladies and gentlemen.
The parents put up with it.
When I was a child, it was pretty good school lunch at public school.
When my mother was a child, it was like a nice restaurant.
The chicken fried steaks, the fish, because the parents locally ran the school, they paid for it, and it was high quality.
You let government get involved, you let the federal government get involved, it has gotten worse and worse until now.
School lunch food is literally hell on earth.
My children are homeschooled, but they went to a homeschool academy a few years ago.
Very nice school, nice people.
Three days a week.
And they brought me the literature home, and I went to the school, and I saw what was at lunch, if you didn't pack a lunch, which we did.
And it was Michelle Obama, every week, lecturing them on what to eat in handouts, because the school was accredited.
To be accredited, you have to have this.
And it was saying, what is healthy?
A bunch of MSG-laden dead meat.
And other crud.
And GMO.
See, it's not... It's have low calories.
Eat GMO, have aspartame.
It's not don't eat poison.
It's, oh, we're all sick because we have too many calories.
And it's literally worse than the food that I've seen in documentaries in maximum security prisons.
Prisons actually have pretty good food in a lot of cases.
Your children are fed worse than what prisoners are, because the same companies that run the prison food a lot of times run the school programs, and prisoners will riot over food.
Kids won't.
And so it goes down, down, down in quality, but if you're not for it, you're a racist, because Michelle Obama... What's wrong with the picture of not just having the federal government run the food, but to have a woman lecturing and telling kids what they're going to eat, not the parents, and now in Colorado?
Texas, Illinois, New York State, Florida, we have confirmed mainstream reports where you are not allowed to pack your child a school lunch.
And the arguments are, there might be peanuts in it and it kills everybody.
Since when is everybody dying for peanuts?
Since we eat GMO and develop other autoimmune disorders.
They've always got an excuse, ladies and gentlemen.
They've always got a reason that we live in a bubble.
Everything is a prison.
Everything is getting us into cages like chickens or something in a factory farm.
That's the whole goal of this system.
Feds order school to ban packed lunches without doctor's note.
We live in a country where the federal government is going to say what you're going to eat, who you're going to buy it from.
Which is another insider giant scam.
It ties into the Obamacare.
It ties into all of it, ladies and gentlemen, where they tell your doctor what care they can give via a computer.
And if your doctor doesn't follow what that computer says, they come in with a SWAT team and arrest them.
All over the country, folks.
My dad was in healthcare management.
He retired early.
He had another 5 years, 10 years left, hitting the top of his profession.
And he just said, I can't do this anymore, and has phased out 95%.
Works one day a week in it now, and is tying up loose ends.
And battling the legislature.
Just because it's the right thing to do, not even being paid to do it.
He's testifying in the legislature in like a week.
The whole point is, this is the type of stuff, ladies and gentlemen, that is going on, okay?
And it's designed to make the doctors quit and leave.
It's designed to wreck the quality of care.
These are criminals, ladies and gentlemen.
Oh, a shot claim!
Al Sharpton was an FBI mole rat!
A smoking gun!
Of course he was!
You're not allowed to call for the murder of people, and the killing of people, and riots, and everything if you're not... Of course he was tied in, Al Sharpton, to the FBI and the Mafia.
I mean, what do you think, ladies and gentlemen?
Anyone who gets away with calling for violence is an FBI informant, bare minimum.
We'll cover that report after I take your calls.
I want to hear from you, ladies and gentlemen.
We will get you up and on the air.
All I ask is, in this first hour when we take your calls, first-time caller, we'll have open phones the next hour, after the guest is on for 30 minutes.
But I really want to hear from you on this subject.
Of Obamacare, of the scam job, and about the government running what our kids eat.
I mean, this is literally, even in the old Soviet Union, the central government didn't tell people what to eat in far-flung cities for their school lunches.
I mean, this is total control, ladies and gentlemen.
No one would put up with this.
No one.
...would put up with the government telling you what to eat.
The same government that puts aspartame in most of the food by regulations and authorizing it, and all these hundreds of additives, and the fluoride, and the GMO, and all the rest of it, who absolutely... We have the highest cancer rate in the world, folks, because the government is involved in our food.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
Your phone calls are straight ahead.
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This is not America.
We die for the system.
This song's gotta be 30 years old.
We die for the system.
Simply amazing that they now admit the death panels, they admit it all.
Your calls are coming up right at the start of the next segment.
I wanted to go to this Andrew Napolitano clip with the judge telling it like it is about the fact that the head of cyber security who's been caught launching their own attacks is a false flag.
Clapper, when he said we don't spy on you, now they admit they spy on you, without warrants, 100% illegal, 100% evil, not to protect you from terrorists, the same criminals that run our government, run Al Qaeda worldwide, on record, from fantastical when I first exposed it, to now mainstream news.
Let's go to this clip.
There are cases where they could inadvertently perhaps collect but not not wittingly.
Now why do you say he was lying there?
Because the letter that he sent to Congress to which you referred a few minutes ago which was dated March 28th and released yesterday admitted that they roam through the content of phone calls and the content of emails and the content of text messages without a warrant in direct contradiction to what he said to that
Uh, Senate Committee.
That was Senator Wyden interrogated.
Senator Wyden knew that the answer was a lie at the time he gave it.
Because Senator Wyden had been briefed in secret and in private by Director Clapper and his staff.
He gave Director Clapper an opportunity to change his testimony publicly in writing or under oath, and the Director declined to do so.
Yesterday, when that letter was released, he actually sent the letter last week.
He either directly or inadvertently acknowledged that that testimony that you just ran was a lie.
For that, he should be prosecuted.
The government prosecuted Roger Clemens for allegedly lying about the contents of his urine before a House committee, and they're not going to prosecute this guy about allegedly lying over the most massive government-orchestrated violation of the Fourth Amendment in the history of the United States.
What are we supposed to do about this?
We have known for years now that they troll our emails, that they troll our phone calls.
They have apparently... That's the issue.
It is just criminally out in the open getting away with whatever they want.
And then you find out the government's involved in sex trafficking worldwide.
Then you find out they're laundering almost all the drug money.
The whole drug war is to shut down any competition that isn't paying the big guys.
You find out our society is run by total criminals who want to end the family, who want to incarcerate half the population, basically.
We already have the largest prison population in the world.
Bigger than China.
Bigger than China, Russia, and India combined, ladies and gentlemen.
That's well over 2.5 billion people.
There's 7.5 billion people in the world, and the United States has more people with 315 million in prison.
Our nation's 315 million people.
We have more people in prison than China,
Russia, India, and a whole bunch of other countries combined.
I've seen magazines break down the numbers.
We have the largest prison population.
We have the equivalent prison population of what you'd expect of a country that had two and a half billion people in it.
The United States is the world's leading jailer.
Prisoners per 100,000.
We're showing some numbers from 2008.
It's actually much higher than that because a bunch of programs they don't categorize as prison.
And all these work release programs and the rest of it.
This is how they get your rights, is they criminalize everything while letting the big banks launder the money, while letting the big corporations commit any crimes they want, while letting Congress be exempt and insider trade, while they commit every crime you can imagine.
And now the government's gearing up for physical war with the American people.
In fact, I saw a mainstream news article today.
It's here in one of my stacks.
I don't see it in front of me right now.
About how the United States is involved in the biggest arms race domestically ever with every state and federal agency that can.
Arming to the teeth with armored vehicles, automatic weapons, training, and they're training to fight real Americans.
If you know what America is supposed to be about, watchdog.org, under attack, depth of federal arms race should surprise shock citizenry.
There's the headline.
Good job, guys, pulling up so quick.
We're going to come back and go right to your calls.
Mike, Louis, Jessica, Patrick, Adam, and many others.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, PrisonPlanet.com.
Follow us on Twitter at RealAlexJones.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Alex Jones for InfoWarsLife.com.
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It is only fitting that a free screen should sound the alarm against those who would destroy freedom.
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Alex Jones here, back live.
It is the globalists that have seized control for decades.
Mainstream television, print media, and Hollywood.
We, the people, are seizing control back.
Just producing our own media, with our own perspective, with serious bias towards truth and liberty.
And we have built it.
They have come.
And I would suggest to all of you out there, don't think you're going to be perfect out of the gates.
I certainly am still not.
Far from it.
But start your own YouTube channel.
Start your own access show.
Start your own local radio show.
Start your own web blog.
Go to city council.
Pick an issue.
Speak about it.
Get involved.
Get in the process.
Together we will defeat the tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson said that all that evil men and tyrants need to flourish is that good men and women do nothing.
Well, let's stop doing nothing.
Let's take action.
I want to go to your phone calls now, ahead of some other important audio clips and video clips and news I want to break down here today.
We're going to get into some very important information on the economic front, also with what's happening in the Middle East, as well as Ukraine, and some new information on good old Al Sharpton.
The Smoking Gun is saying that he was really a
Informant against the mafia and against other groups for the FBI.
I mean, Al Sharpton has always been a bloated, disgusting, pig-like, just wannabe tough guy.
I mean, the guy is a complete joke.
He is a race pimp and just a complete fraud.
And again, I'm not demonizing somebody for being an informant against the mob.
It's just so perfect.
That they're reporting this about him because I'll guarantee you he was reporting on black people.
I will guarantee you he wasn't allowed to pull the shenanigans he pulled and create the political diversions where he was acting like he was fighting the political establishment in New York without some serious backing.
Because if I said the kind of things he said, I'd be in jail.
I learned this a long time ago when I said Hal Turner is an FBI informant.
Bare minimum.
Came out in federal court.
National security level clearance in an unnamed agency for the FBI.
Did that stop them from putting him in jail for threatening federal judges and state judges?
When they were ready to destroy him, they destroyed him.
Because hackers got into his email and showed that he was an FBI informant trying to stir up
Riots in the country so they could demonize libertarians and people.
Let me tell you something.
If somebody attacks me every week on the radio and says I'm a Fed and says I need to be dealt with and stuff and then also calls for violence against other people, you can guarantee they're a Fed, ladies and gentlemen.
100% Cass Sunstein-style garbage.
Mike, in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Alex Jones, how are you?
I'm all right, brother.
How may I serve you?
Well, I have a comment and I have a question for you.
I guess the first comment, Obamacare, all open eyes.
I mean, and this is for the people that are dumbed down, don't understand anything, don't want to take the time to look into anything.
People are lied to openly and they still, they still just don't think, well, wait, you know, maybe there's something more to this.
I try to talk to people, you know, to get them to look a little bit deeper, but nobody wants to take the time.
And I've got to be honest with you, these things that they're putting in our food and our water are working.
And, wow, you know, how do you... It's very difficult to try to avoid these things nowadays, you know?
We try to do so much, but in reality, I think it's the smaller percentage in the world that's going to be the savior.
Oh, I agree with you.
And look, it's never been a majority that changes things for the side of good or evil.
So we know that we've got to be a vocal, animated minority that leads the rest of the sheep out of bondage.
That's what's going to have to happen.
I mean, look at Al Sharpton.
Reverend was wired, paid to snitch, account of Sharpton's secret life as CI-17, based on hundreds of pages of confidential FBI affidavits and documents.
Of course, most of these black leaders, including Jesse Jackson that came out, were federal informants.
And of course, Jesse Jackson was there to lead Martin Luther King out on the balcony and then to put out the official story.
I've got a question for you, if I could.
Go ahead.
Uh, do you plan on doing this calendar?
I think it's a great idea.
Oh, you'd like to see, you'd like to see, uh, McAdoo in a bikini, huh?
I'd like to see my wife in a bikini on the calendar.
Well, listen, a lot of talk shows have put out calendars with women with guns, and I'm all for it.
I'm not for putting one out with men on it.
I'm just going to be honest.
Again, I'm discriminating here.
I'm being sarcastic.
The point is that it is a good idea.
People have had the idea, but I'd like to do it with real women.
And then really shake up the feminists.
Maybe not have them in bikinis or something, but maybe dressed up in dresses, you know, in the kitchen with the cherry pattern on the wallpaper, with maybe a little black Scotty Dog looking up at them lovingly, holding, say, Barrett 50 gals.
I think something tasteful within a little bit of Second Amendment lore and quotes about the Second Amendment on one side of it.
How does that sound?
Would everybody like to hang that calendar up?
Only if my face isn't on it.
We can put my face on McAdoo's body.
How does that sound?
You don't need a bikini to make the woman sexy with guns, that's for sure.
That's right.
That's right.
Alright, you have a good day, sir.
Alright, alright.
No, it's a great idea to promote the Second Amendment.
I just, I got bigger fish to fry than chasing around.
You know, the leads, putting the ads out, finding, you know, the women to do it.
But, I mean, I've been to gun rallies and seen a lot of beautiful women, so I was dead serious the other day.
They were having a Skype feed, and I said, those are some lovely ladies.
That one right there could be in the calendar.
You know, we have to actually get 12 women for this calendar.
You know, and then I have to sit there and do the shoot, and mess with it, and it would raise some money for the operation, and would help promote the Second Amendment, so I don't know.
We gotta get cracking on it if we are, and I've got a film to finish that's behind, I've got the TV system to launch.
I don't know if we're gonna have a calendar this year.
You know, maybe next year.
Patrick in Oregon.
Patrick, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alex, can you hear me?
Yes sir, go ahead.
Oh, hey Alex.
I just wanted to share my story real quick.
I had a sports injury and I was faced with the decision to either walk or have a surgery again, as it was off-season of my seasonal job.
I decided to go ahead with the surgery.
I had saved up a bunch of money, so I paid for all my CAT scans, x-rays, doctor visits, and cash.
And anyway, so the day before the surgery, I go and I try to sign up.
I don't actually try to sign up for a bond care, they push it on me.
And they're like, we'll pay for your surgery, we'll pay for your pre-existing, everything that you paid for, and everything in the future.
And who was they, the hospital?
The hospital that I went to, yeah, yeah.
So up until the day of my surgery, I had paid for everything in cash.
I understand, so tell us what happened.
So anyway, I go through with the surgery and in order to get the benefits of Obamacare, I had to give them all of my personal information, my social security number, they wanted to know
What job I was going to have, when I was going to start, how much money I made, how much money I had in the bank.
I was about to say, because they're going to come after your wages later.
It's actually in the legislation.
They're going to claw the money back, just like in England.
But now the government gets it instead of the corporations, and then they pass the money through to them.
So I believe you were given a line of bull.
Did you go to a city hospital?
I went to a private hospital.
All right, so how did this end?
So, I went through with the surgery, that came out fine.
I'm going to be capable of walking, which is wonderful, but that didn't really have anything to do with the Obamacare, though, because in order to get the benefits that I needed to
No, I get it.
Now they make you go through the federal government to get the charity care that was already there.
I appreciate your call.
Yeah, that's a big facet of it.
Folks, most hospitals, even if they're private or charities, they're tax-exempt.
And they're supposed to give about a third or half, depending on their charter, of their care for free.
And then corporations donate money and things to pay for prosthesis or stuff like that.
Then if you are sick, then you can go get charity care.
Obamacare begins to phase that out.
But that's after they bankrupt the healthcare system.
Then people think who are poor, they're getting free healthcare because of Obamacare, when they would have already gotten it.
And then one characteristic of it is it begins to phase out the actual free care you would have gotten.
No more knee surgery, just here's a cane.
Adam in Iowa.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Adam.
Yes, sir.
Can you hear me all right?
All right.
My wife currently got on the affordable care joke.
It works.
I can tell you that.
They actually do pay for things.
It did raise her premium.
It doubled it.
But see, you're paying for it.
That's what I'm saying.
All it does is send you to select inside corporations who then jack up the price.
It's kicked 10 million people off their health care.
I mean, it's a total fraud.
Yeah, they canceled our old plan and we had to get on a new one through our employment plan.
And it's gone up.
So, would you have done this before if you had a choice?
But isn't it a great deal?
I mean, Ellen DeGeneres says everyone quote loves it.
It's a great success.
We should all thank Obama.
Would you like to thank Obama right now?
No, thank you.
So, what are your other points on the subject?
Well, it raises your premium.
She's got a $2,500 deductible that has to be met before the insurance is any good at all.
So, if you go to the doctor, I mean, you get the bill from the doctor.
And then I actually have a question for you, also, after we're done with Obamacare here.
Because I keep up with world events, I keep up with the stock market, I owned a gun shop, and that's not good.
Hey, when I turned in my FFL, my federal firearms license, they took my 4473s, which I'm supposed to keep for 20 years, as you know,
So, if you think you haven't registered your gun, you haven't.
That's right.
For those that don't know, the yellow forms, supposedly by law, are supposed to be kept on site, but not given to the government.
They've caught them over and over again.
Most gun shops now have them digitally.
It ends up going to the ATF.
Describe what happened when you went in to get rid of your FFL, I guess it's shut down your gun shop.
Describe what happened.
Well, actually, they came to my house.
So they came to your house, and what, the ATF took the forms?
They took the forms, my acquisitions, dispositions book, my FFL.
They took pretty much everything, all the information on all the customers, everything.
I want you to start over.
Tell us the general area you live in, what type of gun dealer you were, and explain the FFL, and explain how big a deal this is, because what the ATF is doing is illegal, but they've been caught doing it over and over again.
I mean, did you ask them at the time, hey, you're not supposed to do this?
Well, yeah.
Okay, well tell the story.
Well, I was a pawn shop here in Iowa.
I'm in the central part of Iowa.
Well, pal, I'm in Belle Point, Iowa.
I mean, they're listening to my conversation anyway, so, you know, they know where I'm at.
It was a little pawn shop down here that I accepted guns.
And then, you know, resold them.
And then you write it down in the Acquisitions and Dispositions book.
When you acquire the gun, you write it down in the Acquisitions part, where you put it, where you acquired it from.
In the Dispositions, you write down where the gun went.
To the person it went to.
Not only, now they took the acquisitions book and dispositions book and they took the form 4473.
Okay, which I am supposed to keep for 20 years.
On site.
For 20 years I'm supposed to hold on to this form.
Okay, and that didn't happen.
They came to the house here when I called them and told them I was closing down, turning in my federal firearms license.
That I was, you know, closing because of this crazy insurance shit.
They, excuse my language,
They came and got the 4473s, acquisitions and dispositions books, so they have all the records of everybody that I ever sold a gun to.
And that is illegal.
They're not supposed to do that.
That's right.
The law says that they're never to save it or keep it.
They're allowed to go in for specific investigations with warrants.
And check on the specific form, by the alphabet, in your files.
And there have been major lawsuits, they've been caught doing it, there's been congressional investigations.
And I've been told by other gun dealers, this has been in the news as well, they come in and threaten them.
And say we're going to find some reason in a white glove inspection to basically indict you unless you just give us everybody's names and unless you violate the law.
And so that's a giant organized criminal conspiracy against the law just like the NSA is and against the people by this criminal government.
And your testimony is very important.
What we're going to do is we're going to take this clip.
I told them that I was supposed to hang on to it for 20 years.
For the tracking purposes of guns, where, you know, they contact me if the gun has gone missing or something like this or used in a crime.
And he said we will handle the tracking from now on.
And that was pretty much the end of the conversation.
He took the box.
That was it, right there.
I told him that I was supposed to keep them for 20 years.
Apparently, he disagreed with me.
Oh, you never know.
They may come and indict you later, claiming you didn't keep the records.
I mean, that's how criminal the ATF is.
They will take somebody who bought an M4 at a store that's semi-auto, and then they will take the gun and mess with it and say they were able to fire it full-auto and put you in jail.
Doctors, lawyers, veterans, the better a person you are, the more they hate you.
They have a total criminal instinct.
I mean, they bombed Oklahoma City for heaven's sakes.
I mean, we know the ATF people that were involved.
It's unbelievable.
And now they're doing everything digitally.
So I had to convert over to digital to where the form 4473 is now done online.
So, and your acquisitions and dispositions is also done online, so when they do this, it's just automatically sent to them.
Yeah, the answer is get your guns in private sales, folks.
People say, well, I don't have them to hide.
They're coming for them.
I mean, this is a larcenous group that conquered the country through crime.
They've built organized crime armies of paramilitary who are training for all-out war with us.
It's treason.
God bless you, sir.
Appreciate your testimony.
Adam in Iowa.
We'll get that video up.
ATF criminally takes gun records.
That's what they're doing.
ATF is keeping illegal database of gun owners.
Because it's on record they're doing that.
You just, when you hear it from the person, it's amazing to realize the criminal nature of these people.
We'll be right back.
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I'm going right back to your calls in this segment.
The next, we got a guest popping in who's an expert on suicides in the military.
I never finished my point when it was the Fort Hood shooting last week until last night.
All the flags were at half-mast.
Oh, and 22 veterans commit suicide every day.
There's nobody putting flags at half-mast.
And they've got at least seven of those are active duty.
Of the 22 is the average.
You can pull up the numbers.
So seven people on average every day commit suicide or active duty.
That's more than died at Fort Hood.
Three people died that weren't the shooter.
Again, the media tells you when to care.
As Stalin said, one man dies is a tragedy.
Ten thousand dies is a statistic.
I think I'm going to shoot a special video report on that for the nightly news tonight.
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Hey Alex Jones, I've been listening to you for about, like, two years and what I've noticed consistently is that, like, a lot of the things you say, right, like, they come out in, like, Fox News, like, six to eight months later because, like, last week
O'Reilly and Kallheimer, they basically just admitted that it doesn't really matter how many people sign up, that it's all meant to blow the system, to blow the engine up.
That all of it is a ruse.
Which is a criminal conspiracy.
And again, they say it publicly so people don't realize how criminal it is, because they're worried they've done this, they might get caught.
So they have Ezekiel Emanuel and others go, we plan to wreck the system!
We're taking over!
Like it's a good thing.
I mean, isn't that diabolical?
Yes, yes.
Can I make another point?
Yes, sir.
Related to Obamacare?
Yes, sir.
Yeah, you saw how last week the CEO of Mozilla had to resign over some controversy that he donated a couple of thousand dollars to some campaign against marriage equality or whatever, but it seems to be the norm that now if you don't support gay marriage, like
You're persecuting, we're...
Back in one minute, folks.
Third hour coming up.
I'm gonna finish up with Louis, then Jessica, Sandy, Sherry, Andrew, and others.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We have a leading expert on suicides in the military joining us in the next segment.
And we'll continue with your calls at the bottom of the hour.
Let's go back to Lewis in New York.
Lewis, you brought up the Mozilla CEO being made to resign because he gave some money to a defensive marriage group.
I mean, this is like a new...
Dark Age or something with the persecution or the inquisition that's going on.
And it's never been a subject I've gotten into, this whole, you know, gay straight thing.
But I mean, at a certain point, we've got to realize that the gay mafia, as it's been called, run by the Democratic Party, basically attach the whole socialist, globalist agenda to what they do.
And if you don't support that, you're some type of bigot.
It's all about being a victim, a victim, and I'm sick of it.
What's your take on that?
Oh no, yeah, that's my point.
I mean, it's getting kind of scary because you're persecuted with a vengeance.
If you dare to say loudly that you're against gay marriage, should Obama be impeached?
Because he was against gay marriage a couple of years ago.
Should he be impeached for that?
That's a good point.
I saw an article saying that.
No, no, you're right.
It just shows how it's an all-out push.
And it's not going to stop there.
They want to set the precedent to basically, in Europe, arrest people.
Thank you for having me.
I just have three different comments that I want to bring up and I think the last one no one's really talked about.
First of all, I wanted to say that the comments that Harry Reid made are totally untrue.
My mother lost her insurance about the end of 2013.
He says no one has lost it and you don't know how to use a computer.
That is completely untrue.
My mother received a letter late 2013 saying that she was going to lose her health insurance through her job.
It's also doubled her premiums and she didn't get to keep her doctor either.
So it's not been affordable for her?
No, sir.
Not at all.
But it's called the Affordable Care Act.
Right, but you know they like to propose bills or laws and they mean exactly the opposite.
No, no, I agree.
I'm being sarcastic.
It is a total, total hoax.
My second point I wanted to bring up is also with Obamacare.
My son's father, he was working full-time at a local movie theater.
I'm in St.
Louis, Missouri, and he also got his hours cut from full-time, about 45, down to about 29.
And he's lucky.
A lot of city people that are not official, you know, workers or contractors, but are really full-time employees, is technically not.
They've been cut down to 20 or less.
Martin Springs, I had a whole bunch of the lifeguards there last year come to me and apologize.
Said, we thought you were wrong about Obamacare, but we all got cut from 40 hours down to like 20, 25.
That's what I'm telling people.
It's so evil.
You are absolutely right.
And my last point that I wanted to bring up that I don't think anyone's talked about, I am a single mother of three and I just had a baby almost about two years ago and I received a letter from her insurance stating she was up for her 12-month shots.
Now I didn't wake up until, I'm only 27, so I didn't wake up until the government shut down.
It just blew my mind, like how could a government that I grew up all my life thinking was, you know, how could they just shut down?
So, I received a letter in the mail a couple months ago stating that if I did not get my daughter her 12-month shot, her insurance would be canceled and has been canceled.
Yeah, well that's totally discriminatory.
You need to get a lawyer.
You need to send them letters back or get somebody else.
They're looking for excuses to kick anybody off because they want you to re-up and it's more expensive.
It's a statutory issue.
But you have to tell them, we have an exemption.
You can always find a doctor in your area.
They'll give you a medical exemption or we have a religious exemption.
We're not vaccinating.
And that's your choice.
And so it's a total fraud.
Send me a copy of that letter with the names whited out or blacked out.
Because that's newsworthy.
Insurance companies kicking people off who don't vaccinate.
I wasn't aware of that.
I'm sure it's true.
I just need to see proof.
All right.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
More calls are coming up.
Sandy, Sherry and others.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
And what are you, the resistance?
Well, I'm the resistance against tyranny.
I want due process, Bill of Rights, Constitution.
I don't want the NSA warrantlessly spying on me and giving me data to select groups to corner the market and control society.
I don't want my job shipped overseas in one-sided trade deals.
I don't want the police being trained to be a paramilitary force to oppress the people.
By the way, we have two breaking articles up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, and we're going to our guests until about 40 after, and then right back to your calls, Sandy Sherry, Andrew, Truth Raider, Marion, and many others.
Federal snipers train guns on family for filming cattle.
You see this all the time now.
Man arrested for expressing free speech outside of designated free speech area.
That's red-linked up on InfoWars.com.
And here's another one that dovetails with it by Kit Daniels, up on InfoWars.com.
Just broke.
Boston Transit Police, under federal edict, conduct warrantless searches of all bus subway riders.
Those who refuse will be arrested, that's a quote, for trespassing in a public area.
I mean, this country, folks, is really going to hell in a handbasket.
They do it in select places, New York, Boston, L.A., where they've got incredibly pliable populations.
You've seen the man on the streets in Austin, in the trendy areas, the man on the streets in L.A., where 90-plus percent say, yes, put all gun owners in FEMA camps.
For Obama.
I mean, we're not editing these tapes.
They are saying this.
And as long as you say it's trendy, as long as you say it's loving,
No, they're for it.
Meanwhile, they have troops serve 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 tours, put them on psychotropic drugs that says in the inserts can make you go over the deep end with trained killers, and you wonder why almost every one of these shooters that crack ups on drugs.
And I'm not just saying it's the drugs, it's the tours, it's the culture, it's the whole nine yards.
And in my search to, you know, really try to put a spotlight on this and find out exactly what's happening,
We've got Dr. John Liebert on with us.
I'm not going to go over his whole extensive bio.
He's an MD.
He's also a practicing psychiatrist specializing in complex neuropsychiatric diagnosis.
He served as flight surgeon in Vietnam, just like Ron Paul, and then chief resident in the psychiatry unit at Seattle Virginia Hospital.
Or Seattle VA Hospital.
And he's lectured and testified, you name it, across the board on post-traumatic stress disorder since 1969.
He's got the new book out, Wounded Minds, Understanding and Solving the Growing Menace of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
And I'm no psychiatrist or psychologist, but I just think that, you know, it becomes kind of a catch-all term, post-traumatic stress disorder.
And I've got a cousin who's served 30
Years in the U.S.
Army, non-commissioned officers, as high as you can get as a non-commissioned officer, basically.
And he's been at least 20 of those years in combat.
He just loves it.
He's addicted to it.
And, you know, special operations, the whole nine yards.
51 years old.
And of the 30 years, about to be 31 years.
Well, I'm digressing.
Some people can handle it.
There's no way I can handle it.
Years of not knowing if your next step is a landmine, or the next kid that walks by is going to throw a hand grenade at you, or you shoot up a car and it's full of kids, and kids are flopping around with their intestines hanging out.
I mean, this is something that the strongest men can't handle.
I knew a lot of World War II vets, like my grandfathers.
I knew a lot of World War II vets I would go hunting with as a kid, and they were all really nice guys, but, you know, they didn't like violent movies, and people didn't mess with them, because they would snap.
And, you know, my grandfather, my dad's dad, did not like violence in movies.
And he'd been a boxer before, a statewide, you know, top boxer.
He'd been in a military academy when he was a kid because he got in so many fights.
He was a tough guy.
And he went to World War II, folks, and he didn't like violence because he'd seen a bunch of it.
And it just shows how traumatic this is.
That was just a couple ters.
Can you imagine?
Some of these guys, ten ters.
My cousin is a ridiculous example.
But I digress.
Dr. John Liebert, thank you so much for coming on.
You sent us a lot of really interesting points you'd like to go over.
We've got like six, seven minutes until the break.
Why don't you boil it all down for us in your great knowledge.
I mean, you probably have more knowledge than almost any other psychiatrist out there looking at your bio.
I mean, you've seen so much of this from on the ground to in the VA.
What is going on?
What is causing record suicides?
Well, first of all, thank you for having me on the program.
I'm not sure what those bullet points were, but
You know, I think what you mentioned before is certainly a major issue, the multiple deployments.
You know, we have probably well over a million returning soldiers and veterans who have had multiple tours of duty.
This is a real switch in this volunteer army from the Vietnam draft, where
You went for one year with few exceptions.
And you didn't have to go back.
So anybody could take anything for one year.
We had that wrong.
So we went to this, an all-volunteer army, and recurrent tours of duty.
The body burns out, the mind burns out, and unfortunately the weapons burn out too.
And I heard a marine psychiatrist
Expendable Soldiers!
I mean, I've studied U.S.
military history a bit as a novice.
I don't think I've ever thought of any period in any army, even the Roman Centurions, they'd let them go after 10 years.
I just can't believe that they're keeping people in this long and doing automatic re-ups and a lot of people don't have jobs to go back to or they're so traumatized, correct me if I'm wrong, that a lot of them don't know anything but the military.
They're almost institutionalized like prisoners.
Well, they do hold him on basis, and that is a suspicious aspect of what happened at Fort Hood.
That guy probably should not have been kept in the military, but then they run into the problem of how do we discharge him?
Um, and so they don't make the decision and I'm afraid this guy just got shipped down the road from El Paso up the road to Killeen, Texas.
Well that was one of your points, is to ask the question, is Fort Hood a dump site for problem soldiers and why was Lopez sent there?
Well, that is a key question.
I mean, that's like looking for the Malaysian Airliner 370.
Don't look in the Arctic Ocean.
Look in the Indian Ocean.
Let's find out what was going on at Fort Bliss.
This guy wasn't in Fort Hood very long.
I don't think they knew him very well.
But they know him at Fort Bliss and El Paso.
If he was under this assessment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury, why would they send him at this time?
He's a truck driver.
He's a truck driver at Fort Hood?
So, I don't know.
But the reason for that transfer should be explained?
Just like it should have been explained, what was the reason for the transfer of Major Hassan?
to Fort Hood.
I fear that they didn't know very much about him when he got there.
Reportedly the CIA didn't give the Pentagon the reports Congress reported a few years ago that for two years they were tracking Hassan talking to Al Qaeda about things he was planning.
And it just looks like a whole process of passing the buck is going on with just all sorts of people that are disturbed.
Unfortunately, the system is overwhelmed and oftentimes, in my experience, they just really don't know what to do with some of these problem people and this was one of those problem people.
He didn't just get refused to leave and get, you know,
Well, sure.
I mean, look at how he was begging for help.
They're now having to admit all over the place and wasn't even really getting it.
Well, it's worse than that.
They're not even acknowledging that he was in combat.
And here's a Facebook posting two years ago celebrating life.
It has been exactly one year and two days since I left Iraq.
Seeing in Fallujah the most brutal explosion, I was left paralyzed and started the discussion over the radio.
I was only focused on breathing deeply so that I don't lose focus and continue the mission.
For hours of agony, waiting for an attack by the insurgency, but we were able to exit Fallujah all alive.
I was in vehicle number six.
The worst was that number five was a diesel truck, the perfect target, and I was only thinking about getting back with my family.
You know, this is a posting two years ago.
Now, was he lying?
It sounds pretty detailed to me, but at the bottom it says, you know, General Commander of the Post said Lopez did not experience direct combat in Iraq.
That sounds to me like direct combat.
Well, they always want to act like anybody that goes off the deep end, you know, was never a combat soldier because, you know, those guys are all angels.
Look at Sergeant Bales killing the 18 people.
Remember that?
I sure do.
That's in my book.
And he was not fit for duty.
He had a half a foot.
Let's talk about him when we come back.
Amazing book.
I want to get into the book.
I haven't read it yet.
Wounded Minds.
And we've got a guy who's been in the VA the whole nine yards.
Top MD psychiatrist who's worked with these people forever and of course been in combat himself and is breaking it down for us.
We'll be right back.
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Dr. John Liebert is our guest, a veteran working in the VA and the psychiatry department heading it up in major hospitals, and we were getting into the fact that all-time record suicides, dwarfing any period ever, outpacing combat deaths.
They had all these flags at half-mast around the country for three dead, four dead including the shooter, which I guess is fine, but what about the seven vets that are in the military that die every day?
Of the 22 that are veterans.
22 a day total.
Seven of them was the average CNN had, if that's accurate, that are active duty.
Where's the half mass for them?
I mean, the half mass would be every day.
So we were getting into Sergeant Bales.
For those that don't know about that, sir, tell people about that.
Well, while Sergeant Bales had already served three tours, there were really no alleged problems other than the fact that he had his foot amputated.
He was left with a half a foot, which would have rendered him on the fitness for duty profile unqualified for deployment.
He was not fit for duty just because of his foot.
He also had a head injury.
In Iraq, he was in some of the fiercest combat in Iraq, and he also had a head injury, you know, on base on an automobile accident.
He apparently had a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder, but that's not clear.
You know, he was deployed against his wishes and he probably had more common sense than anybody who deployed him because he really, I don't think he was fit for duty.
I'd like to see his fitness for duty profile.
I mean, it's on his record.
Well, it's ridiculous.
He had a fake foot, and the day before he went and flipped out, he said, didn't remember who he was and all the drugs, his buddy almost got killed and some other friends got killed in an IED attack.
He saw that happen.
I'm going from memory here.
You've got the files there, obviously, in front of you.
And then they just keep deploying, keep making him go out.
And he says, look, I don't want to go back out.
And they made him.
And then they put him on a bunch of medication.
How does the medication feed into this?
Well, I don't think he was on psychotropic medication, but there is a controversy about his being on an anti-malarial drug, which has just inhibited people and caused violence in soldiers.
I don't think that's ever been established.
I don't believe he was on psychotropic medications.
He was apparently drinking.
But the point is that they not only deployed him, but they deployed him to what appeared to be a remote and rather dangerous special forces outpost to protect the special forces.
So it sounds to me like he was sent on kind of a suicide mission.
Yes, you know, he probably had lost enough of his buddies and these IEDs are just absolutely so dangerous and so devastating.
He probably just had one too many of those and buried one too many of his friends and
He went off and, to tell you the truth, I don't think he ever planned to come back to the United States.
I think he was probably suicidal, my speculation.
The way he was behaving, and when they say he doesn't remember, I tend to believe him, although I did not examine him.
But instead, we put him in prison, and I'm not saying what he did was good, it was horrible, but how do you put a man through this stuff and not expect a large percentage of him to blow?
Well, that of course is the important question and I don't think that it's being addressed at the levels where it should be addressed.
I don't believe that, you know, just running this volunteer army over and over and over again
In order to solve the problems of the Vietnam draft is the solution.
I think the Vietnam draft is a failure.
I think this all-volunteer army is a failure.
It's not the soldiers.
It's not the units.
You know, the Vietnam army was one of the best ever fielded and they just got thrown into the garbage can.
This army is an excellent army.
It's also going to probably be trashed too as they downsize.
I don't think the policy is right.
The draft didn't work.
The volunteer army didn't work.
I think we need to go to universal military service.
Everybody graduates from high school, goes into the military.
Dr. Liebert, stay right there.
I want to come back and hear more of your solutions and debate back and forth the pros and cons of universal service or a new draft.
Of course, you know all the congressional kids are going to be exempt.
We're on the march.
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It's Alex Jones.
Empires have always had a problem.
After big wars, what do they do with all the veterans?
It's generally veterans at the end of World War I, World War II, you name it, that stir up trouble.
It was the veterans that mainly pushed for the civil rights reforms at the end of World War II.
If we're supposed to be the good guys, what's going on here?
And I'm oversimplifying it, but there is social engineering going on.
Sergeant Biggs, who does reporting for us time to time, is going to be a full-time reporter with us soon.
He was in four tours of combat duty.
I've been surfing with him and seen with his shirt off, bullet holes all over him, shrapnel wounds all over his head.
Of course, he's the guy that exposed the fact that they probably whacked Hastings there with the Rolling Stones magazine.
He said that they were giving them on their duty in Afghanistan opiates and ordering them to take them.
They'd have the Russians come in with the helicopters and just deliver just tons of it to the troops as a way to addict them, a way to control them.
And I talked to other troops and they give them speed, they give them all sorts of amnesiacs, they give special forces amnesiacs in these tests.
You can read about that in the Marshall Plan.
That was the name of the article in Wired Magazine about the Army Futurist.
Now I'm throwing this out at
Psychiatrist, MD, Dr. John Lieber, who's served and headed up the major Seattle VAs and other facilities and written the book, Wounded Minds, and I totally agree with him on the points he's raising so far.
As for universal service, it's kind of like the death penalty.
You know, I'm for the death penalty, but I don't trust our government to implement it.
It's the same thing with universal service.
I mean, I don't want my kids in all these big giant wars endlessly.
And of course, I see how they treat troops no matter what, like garbage.
I remember asking my dad when I was a kid, why they have atomic soldiers?
Aren't monkeys cheaper?
He said, no, son.
When I was working at MD Anderson, I asked them that same question, and they said, animals are cheaper than humans.
And so there is this attitude by the technocracy, and people like, you know, John, I think he's probably a good guy.
So people that are nice and have good intentions, they compartmentalize.
I'm not saying he's naive, he's been dealing with this for 40 years or more.
You know, I think there is a predatory attitude, period, against veterans.
So I don't know about universal service.
Comment on that, and then you can hear my more, what you might call, paranoid rants
You know, I'm sure you heard the fluoride ad, you know, doctored about fluoride as a social tool.
I have eco-science written by the current White House science czar, where they talk about social engineering us with sterilants in the water and behavioral modifiers that are now proposing lithium in the water in Japan because of increased suicide over there, instead of addressing the cultural situation.
I know that's a long gestalt introducing you, but what do you say to all that?
I believe that, and in my book I make a very strong point of this, that everybody who graduates from high school goes into the military or
goes to jail and everybody goes into the military with a high school degree or goes to jail.
Um, and in, there are no deferments other than conscientious objectors, but they don't get off the hook because, um, they have to do something else.
They have to be firemen, uh, for two years or go with the Peace Corps or do, do something else.
But there are no, there are no deferments except for, you know, very extreme,
Issues such as severe extreme juvenile delinquency or severe medical disability.
This is nothing new.
This is what Eisenhower said in 1966 when he was complaining about how unfair the draft is.
The all-volunteer army is also discriminatory, too, in a different way.
Because it selects from more rural areas where kids are dead-ended and offers them an opportunity to, you know, get out of Dodge and get a life.
Yeah, it's targeting poor people.
It is, but it's a different class of poor people than the Vietnam draft.
You know,
Which was mostly inter-city kids.
A lot of these kids are, you know, young people are from, you know, some of them aren't even Americans.
I saw Jamaicans, you know, this individual was from Puerto Rico.
Of course, that's a national U.S.
Some of the biggest recruiting centers are like Mexico City now, yeah.
I wouldn't be surprised.
But in any case, in answer to your question, you know, what would be the ramifications of that?
I think if we had universal military service and everybody was in, there would be more transparency.
We wouldn't have the kinds of, you know, managed news and, you know, kind of sequitur.
Uh, official sequestration of the facts in this matter that, oh, this was just a little incident between a guy and the guy went off.
Um, you know, we're not, I mean, who's going to believe that?
I hope not too many people.
Uh, but in any case, um, you know, I, I think that, that, you know, if everybody's in,
We're gonna have less of this kind of thing, and, you know, it's not gonna be that easy, you know, to ship 500,000 people off to, you know, to Asia.
No, I agree with you that the fact that it's all volunteer allows them to abuse these people, and then nobody has skin in the game, so it actually contributes to more wars, because we just ship off all the rural, conservative kids to die.
It's the foreign, it's, you know, we got, we got our, we got our, we got a foreign legion here.
You're right.
What percentage of it is not even U.S.
I saw a number of them.
A high percentage, but they're there.
I saw them, and they're there.
And these are mercenaries.
It's not in a large percentage, but we do have the makings of a foreign legion, and I just happen to be in... I happen to have arrived in France
When de Gaulle signed that Algerian peace treaty and there were gendarmes on every corner waiting for the foreign legion to come in and do a parachute drop on Paris and take it over.
They were so betrayed.
Weren't they involved hiring the Jackals to try to kill de Gaulle?
I wouldn't doubt it, but I'll tell you that I had no idea what was going on.
I was just a tourist and I arrived there and I was just kind of
Dumbfounded at what was going on, but they were really afraid that their own army was going to come at them.
Well that's because they had.
Have you seen the movie The Jackal?
It's an accurate history of what happened.
They have the one attempt by the French Foreign Legion to kill de Gaulle.
And then they send in the Jackal, but he gets killed.
That's actually a true story.
Pretty amazing the types of things that go on there.
Again, governments fearing veterans.
Look at the French and Indian War.
That's who the British regulars started to fight with the veterans back in 1775.
Have you seen this demonization in the news by Homeland Security saying veterans are the number one threat for terrorism?
Have you seen that?
I have not seen that.
We do know that gangs have either been created in the military or have infiltrated the military to get military training.
There have been some of them picked up and, you know, that's an internal threat.
Or sleeping pills that are really, I guess, hypnotics like the Ambien.
We keep seeing it pop up as well.
I mean, do the drugs concern you?
The drugs concern me in that we know that psychotropic drugs are inadequately prescribed
By most practitioners and or a significant number of practitioners.
Including psychiatrists.
So when they talk about this guy getting prescriptions, having worked in the military, you don't know how this guy got prescriptions.
They do have little baggies.
The medics have little baggies, you know, in the combat zones.
And it includes, you know, Ambien, and it includes medications to help, you know, people sleep, etc.
Yes, this is a problem.
I don't think that the psychotropic medications are prescribed as well as they should be because, you know, the military does not have, I mean, there's a portrait here that, you know, there are all these military psychiatrists at Fort Hood and Fort Bliss who were doing it.
I've worked in an outpatient clinic
At one of the largest military facilities in the world, in 2008, there wasn't one military psychiatrist in that clinic.
They were on the grounds, but they weren't in the clinic.
I was about to say, in the fifties and sixties, I was reading the ratios, there was a lot more of them, it seems like now the military particularly just wants to ignore that all this is going on.
Well, sure they do, because, you know,
They don't have the personnel to deal with it.
Now, I guarantee you that all of us in psychiatry are going to start getting emails, you know, to go to Fort Hood, you know, the pay is pretty good, you know, and be a psychiatrist there on a temporary basis and all that kind of thing, you know.
And, you know, a lot of these facilities, you know, what's called the quotes, the behavioral health clinics quotes,
You know, if there's a psychiatrist there, you know, it's probably, you know, kind of unique.
These are, you know, like, physician's assistants, nurse practitioners.
Sure, sure, and they're the ones handing out the pills that know what they're doing.
A lot of them, you know, we don't know.
We don't know if this guy ever saw a psychiatrist.
Well, they also said he had a brain injury, but then they want to just deny that.
Final question here.
He had a neurological evaluation, or he should have had one.
And according to his posting on Facebook, he was in a blast injury.
Let me ask you this final question, and folks can read the book Wounded Minds by Dr. John Liebert.
Where do you think it's all going to end in your gut?
They're not going to do the national conscription or whatever, or national service for a long time.
And again, I wouldn't be against that except for who's running it.
I mean, Rahm Emanuel was for that, for heaven's sakes, folks.
That's not coming for a long time, if ever.
What do you expect to happen then as they have an aging military where there's like people in there that are 65 in combat, guys with legs blown off to the knee, with prosthesis still fighting?
I mean, this is like a joke, if it wasn't real.
Well, I go back to what Calvin Coolidge, President Calvin Coolidge, said.
The nation that forgets its defenders itself will be forgotten.
And I think we're on that track and heading off of it.
Well, thank you.
Hopefully we can get you to pop in on subjects from time to time.
Thank you, Doctor.
Thank you.
Very interesting interview, folks.
I think he's a well-meaning guy and has a lot of great points.
I don't know if I agree with National Compulsory Service because it's all going to be socialist.
But you look at how screwed up kids are and how disconnected from reality, sometimes I think it'd be good for them, but you just can't.
It's slavery.
You can't trust the state.
It's just too corrupt.
You can't have it.
The answer is not to have all these wars.
I get where the doctor's coming from, that you will have less wars if everybody's kids are in it.
But you know all the politicians.
Their kids are going to be in the Air National Guard.
Their kids are not going to be out there in the combat.
And it's got to end, ladies and gentlemen.
And it is going to end.
Let me answer my question for him.
They're rolling out with autonomous drones, land, air, sea, ground.
And by land, you're going to have cars, you're going to have ground troops, you're going to have land vehicles that are robots.
Basically, it's like a Ford truck souped up like a Ford Raptor with
Missiles, machine guns, hand grenades, whole nine yards.
That's a robot.
We think of robots as Robbie the Robot coming to kill you.
No, an 18-wheeler pulls up at your house and ten combat robots roll out the back with drones above to give them a bird's-eye view, and they come in your house and they kill you.
And that's what they've got right now.
The robots they show you on TV are nothing, ladies and gentlemen.
They had robots 15 years ago, more advanced than what you see on the news.
That's highly classified.
Like I told you back then, they have autonomous drones.
They just told you last year that they've been operating for a long time.
They make the decisions, ladies and gentlemen.
That's their answer to humans breaking down and not wanting to carry out immoral operations.
All right, Sandy, Sherry and others, thanks for holding.
Sorry I had to hold a while.
We ran into that guest being on from when you called in.
Sandy, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thank you.
Yes, calling about Obamacare?
Yes, ma'am.
Okay, um, I have two short hospital horror stories for you and a question, if that's alright.
Yeah, go ahead.
Okay, a friend of mine's mother got ill.
She was in her, like, 77 years old.
This was about a month ago.
She went into the hospital.
She was having kidney problems.
They kept her in there for a couple weeks.
She finally died.
Well, when the family talked to her afterwards, they told her that dialysis
Could have saved her life, but she wasn't qualified for it.
No, that's right.
That's right.
They're cutting almost all the life-saving events.
Most of the time, if people, you know, are having kidney failure, I learned about this from my uncle, it comes back.
A lot of people in the hospital who are sick on all these drugs, the kidneys fail, but a lot of times they come back.
They will now just not do the dialysis and not even tell the family if you don't ask the questions, and they will kill you.
Well, that's what happened.
And another friend of mine, she tore a ligament in her knee.
She couldn't even walk.
I took her to the hospital in Greensburg, Pennsylvania.
Westmoreland Hospital.
I took her up there.
There were no doctors to be found.
All there were were PAs and nurse practitioners.
When they asked where a doctor was, they said doctors are only called in case of emergency.
Well, they gave her a crutch.
She's hobbling around on a crutch with a torn ligament.
She still has to have an MRI, which I know is going to lead to surgery and God knows how long that'll take.
The hospitals that have fully rolled over to Obamacare now, a computer tells the doctor what to do.
And real doctors just will not follow this.
They're getting rid of them.
They're going to have a nurse practitioner in there.
That's why you hear there's a nurse shortage.
A nurse practitioner basically is a doctor who isn't a doctor.
I'm not knocking nurse practitioners.
There's a lot of great ones out there who do know as much as the doctors or more.
The fact is they're just downgrading our health care.
Now my question is this.
Why can't we as a nation have a massive recall and call all these guys back before the elections?
I agree, we have to have the will, because the Republican leadership is in bed with the Democrats on Obamacare and everything else.
That's the problem.
God bless you.
We're going to go to break.
You have one other point?
She's gone.
I'm going to come back and write to Sherry, and I'm going to hurry to Andrew.
And Truth Raider and Marion, and that's it.
We'll do five minutes of overdrive because I've got to get over there and shoot some special reports for the Nightly News tonight and a whole bunch of other important stuff around here.
But it's just incredible to know what a screwjob Obamacare is and then to have Al Sharpton go, you're just a racist.
MSNBC, Alex Jones deeply racist.
And they don't show where I'm deeply racist.
It's like saying Alex Jones has green skin and then I don't.
They just lie.
They do whatever they want.
Preying on you.
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By the way, our story that is just insane that will be covered on the Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock central, is up on DrudgeReport.com on the right-hand side.
Federal snipers train guns on family for filming cattle.
Man arrested for expressing free speech outside of designated free speech area.
No, this isn't some dystopic novel.
This is America.
Federal snipers with the Bureau of Land Management trained guns on members of a family yesterday after they dared to stop to take video footage
We're good to go.
I think?
Like 8% or 7% last time I checked, private land.
And now there's people that own houses and property in the middle of national parks everywhere and outside areas.
And they're coming and saying, you can't have access to your home anymore.
You can't have water.
It's kick us off the land.
Government is out of control.
And then it goes through them pointing guns at them and the Fed said they're going to have a SWAT raid on him and all the rest of it.
I mean, they're probably going to kill him, folks.
Another Ruby Ridge in the making.
We're watching it.
It's just a bunch of guys dressed up like soldiers.
We follow our orders.
And they want a war, folks.
They want a war.
I've seen the FEMA training videos where they badmouth the founders.
These people are nuts.
And it's going to end up happening.
It may not be this case, but it's going to happen.
Somebody's going to shoot somebody's kid in the back.
I just can't handle it anymore.
It's just like V for Vendetta, folks.
Why do we have to let criminals run everything?
It's not my opinion.
Criminals run the government now.
Sherri in Missouri, thanks for holding her on the air.
Just before I begin about Obamacare, just because you're a union does not mean that you vote Democrat.
I know, it just means that they take your dues and give it to the Democrats.
Well, let me just say what Blue Cross and Blue Shield defines as medical necessity.
And the plan only pays for services that are medically necessary which are defined as a service or supply essential to an eligible person's health that is appropriate and necessary
Consistent with acceptable medical practices, according to the medical policy established by the National Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.
That's right, that's the bioethics board that basically designs the rationing.
And Blue Cross Blue Shield, the biggest insurance company in the world, tied in with Warren Buffet and everybody else.
They helped ride Obamacare as a giant rape.
And the Democrats think, oh we're getting a free goody.
No you're not.
Go ahead.
Well, let me finish this definition.
Not primarily for the convenience of the eligible person, his family, physician, or other provider.
Consistent with attaining reasonably achievable outcomes and reasonably calculated to result in the improvement of the covered person's psychological or physiological benefit.
The fact that a physician prescribes services or supplies does not automatically mean the services or supplies are medically necessary.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Obamacare was written by the insurance companies, amongst other things, but chiefly to make you buy it and then to let them cut the quality of care.
Let me say that our plan changed as of January 1st of 2012.
Everybody's complaining about what happened this year.
Our plan changed two years ago.
Yes ma'am, that's when they passed Obamacare.
Even before it was, quote, implemented into the general public two years ago, they began the screw job.
It's a phased-in screw job, so people don't know what's hitting them.
And the media sits around going, we don't know what's going on!
We don't know what's going on!
We don't, you know, Republicans, we don't know, we don't like it, but we can't repeal it!
Because the lobbyists paid them off.
Great points, great calls, Sherry.
We're going to come back in overdrive with more calls.
This is Alex Jones for InfoWarsLife.com.
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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, final segment.
Customary, a little bit of overdrive to get the folks that are holding.
Andrew in New Jersey.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey, good afternoon, Alex.
You're talking about Obamacare.
Well, it's an income tax.
Did you know that?
No, no.
That's what it is, except two private offshore banks.
Of course.
Well, see, an income tax is the same thing.
We've been taking over a hundred years ago with the Federal Reserve, the income tax, inheritance taxes, real estate taxes, and you don't own your own property.
And we put up with it, so why not?
We put up with it, so why not?
Now there's paramilitary marching around ready for war with us.
So that way you stop paying your tax.
You don't have to accept that tax.
No, I know it's a total fraud.
They'll still try to put you in jail, but... What is it?
60 million people aren't paying it now.
They can't make everybody do it, can they?
Well, you can stop them under the UCC.
Every financial tax and transaction is under the UCC.
An income tax is illegal under the Constitution.
But where did they get it from?
Oh, I forgot.
The Communist Manifesto
In 18-whatever, 1870-something, pull it up, of the ten planks, progressive income tax.
And what do we have?
What do we have, Andrew?
Oh, oh yeah, we've got a progressive income tax.
See, the Constitution was set aside in 1935, and they set up the U.S.
Well, yeah, 1933, War Powers Act, you're absolutely right.
They set up the state police that are really federal police.
Yeah, the average state police guy doesn't even know that.
Your local policemen and law enforcement officers are under the U.N.
We're under the U.N.
We're under 7277.
We are officially under 7277.
State Department memorandum 7277.
Yes sir, you got that right.
I know, and you tell the average person this, they're just like, uh-huh.
I mean, I have the White House science czar talking about putting stuff in the water to mind control us.
And I tell a psychiatrist from the Army that, and he obviously, you know, didn't believe it.
That's how screwed we are, because the enemy's takeover is so over-the-top, no one knows how to deal with it.
Because it is so over-the-top.
I appreciate your call.
I have a cousin in the Army 30 years.
20 of them at least, combat.
No one's.
That is just off the charts.
Guys with their legs blown off are being forced back into combat.
Now my cousin hadn't been forced back in.
Hello, Alex.
I've been on the internet checking out how Obamacare is being used, training for a total collapse.
And now the police are targeting me with electronic warfare from these drones.
It causes shortness of breath and confusion.
Well, sir, you may just be having anxiety and associating it with drones and things, but I will tell you this, that we're all under frequency pollution.
All the studies show that.
And so I really feel sorry for people that... I appreciate your call.
I really feel sorry for people that already have a predisposition because of heavy metals or whatever to be paranoid.
I would try a good detox, sir.
And whether you're being targeted or not, having a healthier body than with the other load of stuff will probably help you.
That's what I've done.
Truthreader, I'm out of time.
Truthreader, you've got 30 seconds.
Go ahead.
Hello, brother.
Thank you for squeezing me in.
What should I tell the representative that's helping my stepmom?
The San Marino County government, the corrupt bureaucrats are trying to take her property.
What should I tell her really quick?
Real fast?
Well, I don't know how they're trying to take it.
They're claiming three-inch grass, so fines and stuff.
That guy that you helped out in Austin back in 99, 2000.
Yeah, same criminal op.
You just start personally suing them.
That'll get their attention.
They'll move on to other targets.
You also point out that they're trying to get around our homestead to take it.
And you just point out that it's purely predatory and go speak at city council.
She has a representative, a sovereign representative, that's trying to help her out with that.
So I'll pass the... I'll send an email to him about it.
I mean, there's... just look.
These governments are predatory dirtbags in many cases.
And, you know, it's time to find out where these city council people go to have drinks and go get in their face.
I mean, it's time to get serious.
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