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Name: 20140328_Fri_Alex
Air Date: March 28, 2014
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Coast to coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex today, but he's going to be joining us at noon to talk about some amazing developments in the war between authentic media and mainstream phony media.
We're also going to be joined by Paul Joseph Watson and Gerald Salenti and Anthony Gucciardi.
We've got a heavy show today.
There's a lot of news.
Now, Paul Joseph Watson is going to be talking to us about what happened with this Turkish
You think?
The Turkish government's approach to that was the same as it was about a week ago when they took down all of Twitter access to Turkey.
They censored YouTube access to Turkey.
That was all the mainstream media talked about.
What they didn't talk about was the false flag.
They want to avoid talking about false flags at all costs.
And anybody who talks about a false flag is demonized.
But it's the way they operate.
It's the same way they operate when they come up with a Patriot Act.
That is, anything but Patriot, that spies on everyone.
Or the Affordable Care Act, which is anything but affordable.
It's one of their methods that they use over and over again.
And it's about time people started waking up and looking at this.
And of course, Turkey has a long history of being involved in NATO false flags.
As Cybill Edmonds pointed out, they were very much involved with Operation Gladio, even though that took place in Italy.
They used gangsters from Turkey.
People that she said were referred to in Turkey as Babas.
In other words, Godfathers.
You know, that's kind of the term for a paternal father there.
We've also got information about the Hobby Lobby case.
That is coming up for arguments in the Supreme Court.
They heard arguments a couple of days ago.
They're now considering that.
There were some amazing developments in that.
Amazing comments by some of the Supreme Court justices and we want to also take a look at some of the comments of people like Jon Stewart.
Where are they coming from?
And we want to look at what Hobby Lobby says themselves about that.
Also the Ukraine and the IMF.
The deal is now on the table.
But the Ukraine is not taking it.
Of course, the guy they put in charge, Yats, as Victoria Nuland likes to call him, Yatsenyuk, the guy that was the hand-picked guy for the IMF, for the globalists, for the moneyed bankers, he took the deal.
But the Parliament took a look at it and said, I don't know that we'd like an austerity program like Greece and like Spain.
So, maybe there's some hope there for self-government in the Ukraine as these people struggle like we all do.
Between these two rapacious gangs that are attacking us from each side.
But we're going to be talking about that.
Gerald Cilenti is going to have information about banker suicides, as well as he'll be wanting to talk to us about Russia and the Ukraine, the IMF.
We have Anthony Gucciardi covering some breaking health news, nuclear issues, as well as information about GMO.
You know, they like to demonize Vladimir Putin, but he came out and said, we're not going to let
GMO get to the Russian people.
The same day we saw the same thing coming from Brazil.
They're shutting down GMO for their people.
Just earlier this week, France made the same pronouncement.
They said we're not going to, there's one GMO corn strain that's authorized in the European Union and they're going to shut that down before planting season this year.
So we've got France, Brazil, Russia, people who are looking out for the interests of their people.
What's happening in America?
Well, in America they just keep dumping the fluoride into the water even though it's been outlawed in many European countries.
They keep on bringing in the GMO.
They're totally in control of the government.
These corporations like Monsanto and others is simply about profit.
We've got an article on InfoWars today about a young high school girl.
Who did a science project and took some seafood and measured it with Geiger counters.
And she found some amazing results that were many, many times higher than the safe level that the government had said was safe.
But of course, the Canadian government stopped looking at radiation and food quite some time ago.
So you've got a high school student science project that can do a better job than the FDA or the Canadian food safety inspectors.
That's pretty amazing.
But of course, according to Chuckie Schumer,
You as individuals, you as bloggers, you as a high school student, shouldn't be allowed to do these types of things.
You're not a real journalist.
You know, real journalists are people who offer us real information.
We're going to be right back.
Stay tuned.
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Welcome back to the Infowars radio program.
Alex Jones radio program.
He's going to be joining us at the top of the hour.
I was just handed a piece of paper from Kurt Nimmo.
I was talking in the first segment about how the Ukrainian parliament had rejected the IMF offer that was put on the table.
Now it appears that they have conceded to this and he correctly points out that it's
An IMF looting plan.
Now, let's get a little bit of background on this.
The last couple of days, it was on again and off again.
First, it was accepted by the Ukrainian Prime Minister, Yatsenyuk, who is a globalist puppet.
And he's the guy, remember, that Victoria Nuland was talking to?
The guy she likes to call Yats?
Uh, their man on the inside.
Of course he accepted the deal from the IMF, but the legislature balked initially, so they didn't want it.
But after they applied some pressure overnight, I guess they went for it.
This is the way Reuters reported on it the last couple days.
They say Ukraine wins an IMF lifeline as Russia faces a growth slump.
I would say it's more like a hangman's noose.
They said Ukraine won a $27 billion international financial lifeline on Thursday, rushed through in the wake of Russia's annexation of the Crimea.
Love how they love to keep calling it an annexation.
They seceded from Ukraine, which had seceded from Russia.
So if the Ukraine secession was not legitimate, or if it was legitimate, as we want to maintain it was, then of course the Crimean secession would be legitimate.
But anyway, they say that the
That the Russians are imploding, and this is the way it was reported by Reuters in another article.
They said the Ukraine's new leaders, in a step that ousted the government, that had balked at it, said Wednesday it would raise the price of gas for domestic consumers by more than 50 cents, 50 percent, I'm sorry, from May 1st, and would raise prices further under a fixed timetable to 2018.
So they're going to take control of the gas pipelines, they're going to raise the price of energy for the Ukrainians 50 percent,
And that's what they were rejecting.
They were rejecting that as well as other issues.
Way back a month or two ago, we had a report from Forbes.
They were quoting Vladimir Signorelli from Bretton Woods Research in New Jersey.
He said, Yatsenyuk is the kind of technocrat you want if you want austerity.
He's got a veneer of professionalism.
He's the kind of guy who can hobnob with the European elite, a Mario Monti type, unelected and willing to do the IMF's bidding.
And now we see that's what they've done.
Of course, the U.S.
Senate's been pushing this austerity package for the Ukrainian people, wanting to turn them into Greece and Spain.
And of course, Mario Monti, the guy they're talking about, that's the guy they put in charge in Italy.
And as Nigel Farage pointed out, he said, you're putting in Goldman Sachs bankers in charge of countries, and you're taking out democratically elected representatives, prime ministers.
And that's what it appears is going to be happening in the Ukraine as well.
We've got a busy show today.
We've got, as I said before, Alex Jones is going to be joining us at noon.
He's going to be talking about MSNBC getting really desperate.
Their ratings dropped 24% in the last measurement from Nielsen.
So they're basically going on the warpath.
They tried to justify
This state representative that Dan Bodondi asked a question about gun control.
He asked him whether or not it's constitutional.
You know, if you ask a Democrat there about gun control and he says, F you, I guess that's kind of like when they talked to Nancy Pelosi and they said, what's the constitutional justification for Obamacare?
And she kind of stopped and said, are you serious?
Yeah, you know we are serious.
We want to know, what's your authority to do this?
That's something, that's a discussion we ought to have, but of course MSNBC says that that was justified simply because Dan Badandi is the guy that went to the Boston bombing and confronted them about a false flag.
So you can't talk about false flags.
When we had news released just yesterday about a false flag in Turkey, the mainstream media didn't talk about that.
All they talked about was how Turkey censored the entire internet.
Sorry, not the entire internet, but the entire YouTube to keep that video from being taken down.
They did that to Twitter the week before.
They have these massive censorship things, but they don't talk about why they're censoring it.
It's the same sort of thing we see with leaks from WikiLeaks and from Snowden documents.
Instead of addressing the criminal activity that's being exposed by these whistleblowers, and that's what this video that was put up on YouTube, that's what it was.
It was exposure of these guys
Criminally plotting a false flag attack.
Attacking their own men with missiles.
Attacking their own territory with missiles.
And doing it so they could start a war.
This is a strategy that governments have continually used.
Paul Joseph Watson had an article on this yesterday.
He analyzed how the mainstream media reported this.
How they covered it up for Turkey.
And we're going to be talking about that.
We're going to be talking about Turkey's involvement with NATO.
How they've been involved in the past with NATO false flags.
How they're now apparently the best hope that NATO and the United States has for starting a war with Syria.
We know that they've been wanting to do that for quite some time.
We're also going to have Gerald Salenti on the show.
He's going to be talking about, I'm sure he'll want to talk about this IMF-Ukrainian situation.
He's also going to talk about the banker suicides.
A whole host of issues about the economy.
That's Gerald Salenti coming up.
We also have
Anthony Gucciardi is going to be talking to us about health issues.
But one of the stories that I wanted to cover in this sector is Hobby Lobby.
Now they've been having arguments before the Supreme Court this week.
And that's where they argue the side and the justices ask them questions.
It's pretty amazing to see some of the questions and it's pretty amazing to look at the media's response to this entire case.
We're going to take a look at Jon Stewart's response to that first.
We're going to look at what Slate is talking about.
They say, is the contraception mandate doomed?
They say it certainly looks that way, after the Hobby Lobby argument.
They're not very optimistic that they're going to get their way on this, but you know, if you've got a government that says you didn't build it, I guess that same government says you can't control it.
Now, what's at stake here, of course, is Hobby Lobby.
Most people know Hobby Lobby.
They're a very large company, but they started as a family business, and these people have grown it.
It's the same generation that started it.
But I guess they should lose their rights because they incorporated.
See, if they don't have First Amendment rights just because they started a business, then maybe they don't have Fourth Amendment rights, or Sixth Amendment rights.
Maybe, you know, the government can just barge in on any business and grab their records, or maybe they can spy on people, or maybe not give them due process.
Oh wait, that's right, we don't have those rights either, do we?
See, if they don't respect the First Amendment, they're not going to respect the rest of them.
If they can say that because of certain circumstances you can't speak, you don't have the right to have principles that you want to organize your business around, you don't have the right to make those decisions because the government owns it.
This is a fascism of the left.
And we see this coming out in spades.
Now the other company that's involved is Conestoga Wood.
It's a cabinet-making company that's run by a Mennonite family.
So you've got these Christian families who don't want to provide abortion coverage to their employees.
But Obama is mandating that.
And of course, Obama is our dictator.
He can tell us anything he wants.
And of course, he can change Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act, at will.
We've seen how many times he's changed the dates, how many times he's changed the terms of it.
And he just does it by executive order.
I don't know why he even needed the Congress in the first place.
They said they didn't know what was in it, they were going to pass it and find out later.
Well, it doesn't really matter what's in it because Obama's going to change it as he sees fit.
But listen to some of the comments when they argued this before the Supreme Court.
Now this is coming from
The women at the Supreme Court.
And that was the real gist of the story from Slate.
They said, it looks like we're not going to win in this Hobby Lobby case.
It looks like we're not going to be able to override the First Amendment.
But the good news is that we've got women appointed who are speaking out.
There's finally a women's team on the High Court.
And we can see that they're doing this because they're standing up for abortion.
No, they're not feminists.
They're just abortionists.
Let's look at some of these questions.
Justice Sotomayor and Justice Kagan ask, well because nobody is forcing Hobby Lobby or Conestoga to provide health insurance, they can simply pay the tax instead.
How does that help the people?
See, they're trying to make an argument.
Later on, the same Justice Kagan says that the employees are quite tangibly harmed by not having abortion coverage.
But then she says, hey, it's no problem if the company just wants to pay the tax.
That's not a problem.
So she doesn't have a problem with those employees being quite tangibly harmed.
They could just pay the tax.
But then later she says, that's a real injustice.
Now, they also said, what would happen if we allowed them to get away with this exemption?
See, this is the real concern of dictators.
And they said, this is a quote, everything would just be piecemeal.
Nothing would be uniform.
See, we need uniformity.
We need to be able to take their mandates.
But I guess the thing that bothered me even more than these justices' incredible comments and the arguments was Jon Stewart's reaction to this.
He parodied this.
And this is some of the stuff he said.
You may be thinking that a private corporation suing over its religious belief sounds asinine.
And Jon Stewart explained that last night as well.
Indeed, he couldn't believe that they would have a company that would be operating on biblical principles.
What kind of biblical principles could a corporation be operating on?
And he called it Jesus Christ Superstores, what he called Hobby Lobby.
Now, he says it's founded on biblical principles.
You know, they really are founded on biblical principles.
They really do have principles.
Whether or not they're biblical or not, whether or not he agrees with those principles, they have principles.
This is a guy who's facing one and a half million dollar a day fines.
And because he doesn't want to violate his conscience.
He's going to take this all the way to the Supreme Court.
He's put his business, everything he's worked for his entire life, everything he's built for his family, he's putting on the line because of his principles, because of what he believes.
Where is the sense of Voltaire in this?
Where is the sense that, I disagree with what you say, but I'm going to defend to the death your right to say it?
You don't see that from the fascist, sarcastic left.
This guy has put everything on the line at any point.
He could have caved to the government.
And he could have said, that's fine.
I'll just pay it.
I'll just provide the insurance.
It wouldn't have cost him that much in the insurance to put that in.
But he stuck to the line.
We don't have time for that quote.
I want to play a clip when we come back.
I want you to hear from the CEO of Hobby Lobby what this is really about.
This is not about making money.
And I feel sorry for people like Jon Stewart who are so devoid of any overriding principles in their life that they can dismiss it that easily.
We'll be right back.
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Do business
We're good to go.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex.
Alex will be joining us at the top of the hour and in the next segment we're going to be joined by Paul Joseph Watson.
He's going to talk about the amazing revelation of Turkey planning a false flag.
That was recorded, put up on YouTube, but of course the mainstream media is not talking about that.
They're talking about the fact that Turkey shut down the entire YouTube entirely for their country.
And that's all they're talking about.
They're not talking about the actual content.
But just before the break,
We were talking about what's going on.
Arguments were heard at the Supreme Court this last week about the Hobby Lobby case and another company who both object to Obamacare's requirements to carry abortifacients.
And Jon Stewart had a program about this, making fun of it, and this was reported by TheWire.com.
They said, this is what The Wire said, they said, the kicker about this whole case is that the government must accept Hobby Lobby's views on birth control at face value with no mind for accuracy.
See, who gets to decide what's accurate?
Well, in a fascist state, the government gets to make that decision.
But this is what Jon Stewart said.
Let me get this straight.
Corporations aren't just people, they're ill-informed people whose factually incorrect beliefs must be upheld because they sincerely believe them.
Yes, Jon, that's the definition of the First Amendment.
Thank you for clearly and succinctly stating the fascist intolerance of the left.
That because you don't agree with what somebody says, you can use the government to censor them, to shut them down, to dictate to them what they do or don't do in their business.
Because, of course, we know that Obama built their business.
They didn't build that business over a long time, but actually they did.
Listen to the CEO, Green, of Hobby Lobby.
This is what he said about his business and about this particular case.
Very first freedom was religious freedoms and that is really what's at stake here is do we as a family when we open a business lose the ability to have the religious freedoms that our founders gave us.
We have operated our business according to the principles that we hold dear.
And now the government's saying that because we're incorporated, we can't.
The mandate required us to provide abortifacients that violate our conscience and that we had to freely provide those.
And so that's one of those where that we really didn't feel like we had an option.
It's not something that we want to be a part of.
And so we just felt like our hands were tied and that the only option we had was to sue the government saying that this isn't fair, that you require us to do something that violates our conscience.
There are 20 required what they call contraceptions.
But we do not have a problem with contraceptives.
But it is those that are abortive in nature.
That is when it becomes a problem for us.
There are 20 that are required and 16 of them we provide.
So that is not the problem.
But there are 4 that can terminate life.
And those are the 4 that we cannot provide.
See, we should have a discussion as to why the government even gets to dictate, of course, health care to us.
There's nothing in the Constitution that gives them that authority.
But I want you to look at his principles and the fact that he's willing to put what he's built over his entire life on the line.
They're getting one and a half million dollar a day fines levied against them by Kathleen Sebelius and those people, those fascists who are trying to take
The Americans money and redistribute it, not from one class of Americans to the other, but to the one percent, to the insurance companies.
That's what this is about.
This is fascist America.
It really bothers me.
It really bothers me to see this intolerance of the left to say that they don't get to decide, they don't get to do this because they're wrong on this issue.
They lose their First Amendment rights because they're a corporation.
But look at their principles.
They put everything on the line
They could have, at any time, caved.
Contrast that to what's going on in California with one of the top Democrats in the California state.
This is a California state senator who was arrested for allegedly gun running.
But he was their biggest gun control advocate.
This guy, his name is Senator Leland Yee.
He's out of San Francisco.
He's had several gun control bills.
He's got one that's up right now, a couple of them actually.
Listen to this one.
It would expand California's ban on assault weapons to include semi-automatics, centerfire rifles, etc.
This guy was caught in an FBI sting, and he's trying to take bribes from people he thinks are the Chinese triads, that's the Chinese mafia, so that he can smuggle rocket launchers into Russia to Muslim separatists.
This is the scenario that the FBI gave him, and this Democrat senator is good with that.
Listen to what he said.
Do I think we can make some money?
I think we can make some money.
Do I think we can get the goods?
I think we can get the goods.
People want to get whatever they want to get.
Do I care?
No, I don't care.
People need certain things.
So, what kind of things is it going to provide?
Rocket launchers, guns, anything they want.
Now, people need certain things, like health care.
Can we make those decisions about that?
No, that's going to be made by the mafia in Washington.
This is the kind of principles that we're seeing from the Democrats, the people at the top of the Democrat Party.
Same thing in North Carolina.
We just had one of their rising stars there get taken down.
That was a mayor taken down with real estate corruption.
Of course, at the local level, at the mayoral level, it's real estate.
When you move up to the Senate level, it's all about drugs and guns.
And then when you go to Washington, it's not a retail guns and drugs.
It's actually doing the wholesale distribution lines.
We're going to be right back with Paul Joseph Watson.
Stay tuned.
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Hi folks, Alex Jones here with some important information.
I want to tell you about Matt Redhawk and his team of patriots
I don't know.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex.
Alex will be joining us at the top of the hour to talk about these recent media revelations about false flags and
What it shows us the way the mainstream media, specifically MSNBC, is reacting to some of this news.
I'm joined right now by Paul Joseph Watson in England, but I'm hesitating here a little bit.
I just got handed
A new breaking piece of news here.
There was this case, and you will not believe this verdict.
This is a case out of Washington D.C., and of course Washington D.C.
does everything they can to try to stop any kind of firearms ownership.
Even though they lost in Heller versus D.C.
five years ago, they're still going after people for any kind of paraphernalia even that looks like it's coming from guns.
Now this is a situation where
I don't
25 conical-shaped .45 caliber bullets made by him out of lead and copper.
They don't have primer, they don't have gunpowder, so they can't be propelled.
And they also found matching .50 caliber plastic sabotos that were also in the box for his muzzleloader.
Now, they have convicted him for violating their gun laws.
They're in violation of the Supreme Court.
Even though the Supreme Court said their gun laws are in violation of the Constitution, they ignore the Supreme Court, just like they ignore the Constitution.
And then they go and hang this guy because he's got some plastic cases that he can push bullets into a muzzleloader with.
Or he's got some bullets that don't have any propulsion attached to them.
Just having the lead.
Now, I don't know what they're going to do with him.
We just got this story here, so I guess it's going to break.
They may not have even sentenced him.
The UK is Paul Joseph Watson, and Paul I wanted to have on because he had an amazing story yesterday.
It's amazing, not only a revelation of a government getting caught red-handed plotting a false flag, but then also this is to start a war with Syria, which is apparently the number one goal of the New World Order and the globalists, McCain as well as Obama, they all want to start a war with Syria.
And the reaction that the press had to it, which all they did was cover the fact that YouTube was shut down in the country.
Now that's a big story when they shut down YouTube.
It was a big story when Turkey shut down Twitter.
But they didn't look at the content.
So joining us now is Paul Joseph Watson.
Welcome, Paul.
Hi, David.
Good to be back.
Amazing story that you had yesterday.
I couldn't believe it.
It was a super video that you did where you went one by one talking about the BBC and about CNN and how they completely glossed over what was revealed.
Well, at its root, it's censorship, David.
I've done an update article today which is, Scandal Mass Media Censors Shocking Admission of Turkish False Life.
And I basically list the quotes which came out of the leaked audio tape which emerged yesterday.
This was a bugged conversation between top Turkish military and political officials.
Wherein they basically discuss staging a false flag attack, a provocation which they would launch on themselves in order to have a pretext to invade Syria by means of blaming Al-Qaeda, which of course, as we know, has transferred with Syrian aid, with Turkish aid, sorry, from Turkey into Syria.
So, I mean, just look at some of the quotes that came out of this audio tape and then we can talk about how the media responded.
Quote, I'll make up a cause of war by ordering a missile attack on Turkey.
That's Hakan Fidan, the head of Turkish intelligence, saying that.
It's amazing.
Literally the head of their intelligence saying, I'm going to order an attack on ourselves in order to create a pretext for war.
Deputy Chief of Military Staff Yasser Gula, what we're going to do is a direct cause of war.
And then Fidan responds again, we can also prepare an attack on Suleiman Shah Tomb if necessary.
Now, Suleyman Shah Tomb is this site which is actually in northern Syria, but is considered Turkish territory.
It's defended by Turkish special forces.
So they're openly, brazenly caught red-handed planning an attack on their own military site in order to create a pretext to go into Syria.
And they use that word.
They say, if it's a pretext you need, I'll give you one.
Pretexts can be arranged.
It's pretty amazing, but you know,
This has been happening over and over again.
This is what we talk about, and it's not conspiracy theories, it's conspiracy fact.
These guys were conspiring to illegally attack their own troops.
So they could start a war.
Have we seen this before?
Many times.
We've seen this many times from the American government.
Look at Operation Northwoods, where you had
A conspiracy to essentially fly planes into buildings, remote control, to attack shopping malls, to do that so they could start a war with Cuba.
Sounds a lot like 9-11, doesn't it?
Well, exactly.
And remember, Turkey is a NATO member.
Of course, they were the original progenitors of Operation Gladio throughout the 60s, 70s and 80s, replete with acts of staged terror to demonize political enemies.
And then you look at the context of this, which is
Turkish elections coming up on the weekend.
Obviously we had the event a few days ago where Turkey shot down a Syrian warplane that was targeting al-Qaeda terrorists in Syrian territory and Turkey has provided air support, logistics and artillery for members of al-Nusra, the al-Qaeda terror group.
As they cross from Turkey into Syria.
So Turkey's been arming, defending, providing air cover for these terrorists, and now we have the open admission that they plan to attack a site in Syria in order to create the pretext for war.
And as you said, I mean literally these quotes are out of some kind of James Bond film.
The quote, listen, listen commander, if it's a pretext, we'll give you one.
I'll send over four men and have them fire eight rockets on an empty lot.
That's not the problem.
Pretext can be arranged.
And then Fidan again, the head of Turkish intelligence, states, if necessary, we'll mount an attack against that place, referring to Suleyman Shah Tomb.
We'll do the attack up front.
So, there's not even room for conjecture here.
According to the leaked tape, which Erdogan, the Turkish Prime Minister, has tacitly admitted is genuine because he complained about the fact that it was immoral and villainous to leak a tape out of a private security meeting.
But the translation is now confirmed, it's there.
Brazenly planning false flag attacks and now we can look at how the mainstream media reacted to this.
Yeah, I think, but let's look at his reaction initially, because that's the same reaction we see from WikiLeaks, about the WikiLeaks, about the Snowden documents, from people like John McCain, and the very people who are pushing for war in Syria are typically the same ones who want the NSA to be able to look at everything that we do to violate the Fourth Amendment, to violate everybody's privacy, and whenever their criminal actions are exposed, they always attack the whistleblower.
And that was exactly what the Turkish government did.
They attacked these people as being villainous and dishonest and yet they're the ones who are the villains of the guys who are plotting missile attacks on their own troops.
The dishonest ones are the ones who are covering that up.
That's the media.
Talk about the media's reaction to this.
Well, I mean, that's an excellent point, David.
I heard you talking about that on the nightly news last night and in fact stole it for a tweet that I made this morning.
But it's an excellent point.
Erdogan reacted almost exactly the same as the US establishment reacted to Snowden, which is chilling given the fact that Erdogan in recent months has moved closer and closer to acting like a complete dictator, of course, banning Twitter a few days ago.
And then today he said that the YouTube ban would be lifted.
We're good to go.
To me this represents brazen planning of treason, attacking your own country.
So all these individuals named should spend the rest of their lives rotting in a Midnight Express style Turkish dungeon and so should Erdogan because he's basically acting like a complete dictator but the mainstream media is not giving it the attention it deserves because he's part of the US, he's a client state.
Turkey's a client state of NATO.
So, if we can get into how the media responded to this, absolutely Georgia.
Before we get to that, let's talk about that.
Let's talk about the consequences of that.
Because you know when it came out about Operation Northwoods and the plots that were being suggested to the President, JFK turned it down.
He sent Limitzer, dismissed him from his position.
He then went to NATO.
And when he went to NATO, that's when the Gladio attacks began.
So here's this guy, he moves from one place to another, and that's when they start doing the false flag attacks.
And for people who don't know, Gladio was a case where they blamed it on the Communists, on the Red Brigades, but it was actually right-wing people, people who were working with NATO.
They had pre-positioned weapons to be
As a kind of a bulwark against a communist Russian invasion so that if they overran the country, if they overran Italy, they would have these weapon caches there and they could start an internal insurrection, a guerrilla war against the communist invasion.
Well, it wasn't just the Italians, it wasn't just Limitzer, it was also, as Cybele Edmonds points out, it was people from Turkey.
They got a lot of gangsters released out of Turkish prisons that they call Babas.
That's their kind of term for a godfather.
They were very much involved in Operation Gladio.
So you've got situations where they're, you know, shooting up public areas, bombs, shootings.
They're blaming it on the communists and they're doing it as a false flag so they can win elections.
Not necessarily start a war in that case, but they were just doing it so they could get the communists who were starting to win elections taken out.
But let's talk about what the media
has to say about this.
You had a great selection of quotes from the different big media.
BBC, CNN, the rest of them.
Go ahead, Paul.
I think, David, the most flagrant one is Reuters, which we just listed, we just reeled off the quotes where they say, you know, we can attack the Suleiman Shah tomb if we need a pretext, we will get it.
Quote, we'll mount an attack against that place, Suleiman Shah tomb.
Reuters reported this
They said that the conversation, quote, appeared to centre on a possible operation to secure the tomb of Suleiman Shah.
So the leaked conversation is actually them saying they're going to attack the tomb themselves in order to create a pretext for war.
Reuters says they're going to secure the tomb.
Just outright lying.
Completely outrageous, completely ludicrous censorship.
And then BBC said that the audio tape represented discussion of a possible military operation in Syria.
Again, completely omitting any actual detail.
CNN obsessed about how and why the audio tape actually got leaked.
They completely failed to mention anything that was actually in it.
And the LA Times, again, similar to the BBC, described it as a discussion about, quote, possible military intervention in Syria.
They quote some portions of the tape, the LA Times, but completely omit the key sections, which I just read out.
And then the Washington Post, again, they actually had the full transcript of the tape, but the actual report written by the Washington Post reporter
...said that it was about officials mulling, quote, whether to strike or use ground troops against the Islamic State of Iraq and Lebanon in Syria.
So the Washington Post characterized it as them merely discussing how they could attack al-Qaeda in Syria again.
Blacklisting the very core of the story, which is them brazenly planning false flag attacks.
They bury the transcription down there, and they know that people are just going to read that summary up at the top.
So they can basically spend that any way that they want to, and these others are not even putting it out there.
And even though we have the YouTube...
I don't
The governments have done over and over again.
That's why we keep talking about that.
But if you talk about a false flag attack, even though we can provide example after example after example throughout history, where our government has done it, where NATO has done it, you catch them red-handed in Turkey planning it, and people just dismiss you as a conspiracy theorist.
It's not a theory!
It's an exposition!
Well, I mean, the mainstream is desperate to keep this term false flag out of the general body politic.
They don't want people, let alone not discussing it, they don't even want them to grasp what it actually means.
There's an excellent article we posted out of Washington's blog today on Infowars.com, which lists both Gladio, the CIA in Iran-Israel, numerous other countries openly, brazenly caught committing false flag attacks throughout the last 50 years or so.
But the reaction that we saw, just even to me it was shocking.
I mean, I'm embedded in this every single day, and even to me, the level of censorship that they had to engage in in order to bury the actual meaning, the core of this story, was just ludicrous, even to my eyes.
USA Today, shockingly, the only mainstream news source that I found, they actually reported the story.
They said that
It represented top Turkey officials who were plotting to fake an attack against their own country as an excuse to wage war on Turkey.
That's a direct quote out of USA Today.
That's the first paragraph of their article.
So, I mean, God knows who was working for USA Today, but they didn't get the memo or the consensus that was handed down amongst all those other mainstream journalists.
They may not be working there tomorrow.
I think that's the key point that you pointed out.
How pervasive this is, how all the major news outlets, the BBC, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Reuters, AP, they all cover for this.
They all cover it up.
That's the amazing thing to me, is how pervasive it is, how sinister it is, when you look at the transcript and you look at the way they characterize it in their reports.
I mean, it's just simply a lie.
And they're all doing it.
All these mainstream media outlets are doing it.
Except, as you point out, maybe USA Today.
I ask the question, I mean, is this merely consensus that they're so ingrained in not asking questions, not acting in an adversarial role to the state, to NATO, that they just self-censor and not talk about the actual core of the story, or if some kind of memo got handed out.
The fact that all of them are doing it, apart from USA Today, I mean, I don't know, but
You know, BBC this morning, their top story was still about the missing Malaysia plane.
I mean, why on earth are people still... Why is that their top story?
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
It's ridiculous.
Well, it's sensational, but they do not want people looking closely at this.
I think a good example of this is the Chris Hayes report.
You know, we see that, as you pointed out yesterday, MSNBC is in freefall.
Their ratings are down 24% over the last measurement from Nielsen.
And it's all of the cable news channels are dropping.
Well, we had this report where Chris Hayes attacks Dan Bodondi.
You know, Dan Bodondi had this confrontation with a state representative about some gun control issues, and he asked him about the constitutionality of it, and the guy just said, F you.
And Chris Hayes says, well, that's justifiable because of who it is.
No, it's not justifiable.
He needs to provide an answer for the constitutionality of what he's doing.
But see, the F word that they're really afraid of
Oh, actually two of them.
False flag.
They won't use those words.
We're going to play that clip from MSNBC in the next segment because Alex is going to be coming on at the top of the hour and he wants to talk about that MSNBC segment with Chris Hayes.
But that's really, really the core.
That's really the F word that they're afraid of.
The two F words.
False flag.
They won't use that.
Rachel Maddow might talk about how the FBI's got a 150 to nothing record of investigating itself and never finding that they did anything wrong.
But she won't talk about false flags with the Boston bombing.
We'll be right back with Paul Joseph Watson and coming up is Alex Jones.
Stay tuned.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and I'm talking to Paul Joseph Watson about the amazing reaction of the mainstream media worldwide to this false flag leak on YouTube from the Turkish government where they're plotting an attack on their own forces in an area that they claim is theirs so they can start a war with Syria.
Now, of course, the term that cannot be brought up by the media under any circumstances is false flag.
And we've seen how even though Rachel Maddow, their ratings are in free fall.
She only gets a couple hundred thousand people watching her in prime time.
So they tried truth for a change.
They actually talked about the FBI sorry record of investigating itself.
150 times they've done investigations of shootings by the FBI.
We're good to go.
She will not look at the full events of the Boston bombing, because that would bring up this false flag, which the media is deathly afraid of.
Take a look at this report from Chris Hayes.
It is so rare when a politician just lets loose with absolutely justifiable profanity.
This is a guy from MSNBC, looks just like Rachel Maddow, it's unbelievable.
The Second Amendment shall not be infringed, you people need to understand that.
That's Dan Badandi.
Go f*** yourself.
After that clip got posted to the internet, RNC Communications Director Sean Spicer, who told us tonight that, quote, the idea of an elected official using language like that is unacceptable, plain and simple, well, he tweeted out a link about it.
A tweet that is still on his feed, which reads, whoa, Rhode Island State Senator, gun rights supporter, go F yourself!
Except Mr. Spicer really should have taken a moment before he sent out that link.
Because you know who Rhode Island State Senator Joshua Miller was telling to F himself?
He's this guy.
Remember last year when press conferences about the horrible Boston Marathon bombing tragedy kept getting interrupted by a conspiracy theorist yelling about a false flag?
That was the same guy.
Was you guys given any warning ahead of time of this taking place?
Why are you denying that there was bomb drills Monday morning?
We got photographs on Infowars.com, folks.
Why were loudspeakers telling people in the audience to be calm moments before the bomb went off?
Is this another false flag stage attack to take our civil liberties and put more homeland security sticking their hands down on the pants on the streets?
His name is Dan Badondi.
He's a reporter for the Alex Jones Conspiracy Theory website Infowars.
According to State Senator Miller, who has now apologized for his words out of respect for the decorum of the State House and his constituents, not only is Badondi known for his aggressive and intimidating manner, he had reportedly been antagonizing an elderly veteran before confronting Miller.
That's not true.
Later that day, police had to physically remove him from a committee room.
In fact, Badondi himself posted the moments leading up to that ejection when he wouldn't stop talking after his allotted time.
This woman is standing up and pointing at him saying, leave the room, leave the room.
She doesn't want to hear what Dan has to say.
There is something sort of clarifying when that guy, when InfoWars and the RNC are the one to punch defending the Second Amendment.
Yeah, you know, he says that's justifiable to say F you to Dan when he asked him a question about the constitutionality of their laws.
That's what it comes to.
And of course he dismisses InfoWars as being this internet conspiracy site.
It's got more news than MSNBC and it's got a lot more followers.
Take a look at some of these numbers.
Pull up there guys, the YouTube channel that MSNBC has.
They've been up since 2011 and they've got 142,000 views.
InfoWars has got 371 million since 2007.
See, they're dying.
Nobody's paying attention to them because it's false, it's phony, like these reports about what happened in Turkey.
Alex is going to be joining us to talk about this MSNBC hit piece and about the phony mainstream media.
So stay tuned.
Paul Joseph Watson is with us and he's going to be talking about it as well.
Stay tuned.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Radio Show.
I'm David Knight, and I've got Paul Joseph Watson on the line.
We're going to be joined in just a few moments by Alex Jones.
In the last segment, we played Chris Hayes of MSNBC's Attack on Dan Bodondi and on Infowars.
You know, it's reporters like Dan Bodondi who aren't afraid to ask the tough questions, who don't go along just to get access.
That's what people are looking for.
He may not have the perfect diction of Chris Hayes.
You know, he has a regional dialect, a regional accent.
So what?
I mean, the guy is hardcore.
I know him from when he worked here.
He's hardcore about this.
He's going to ask these questions.
He's not going to shut up just so he can
Get access just so people say nice things about Dan.
Dan is going to go for the truth.
That's exactly what we did not see when it was revealed on YouTube the Turkish government plotting to attack their own troops.
Paul, what do you think about that MSNBC clip that we just played with Chris Hedge going after Dan Badandi?
Well, the bottom line is Chris Hayes thinks it's quote, absolutely justifiable for elected representatives to tell their constituents to go F yourself.
I've got news for him, David.
Leaping to the defense of slimy politicians like Josh Miller is not going to win Chris Hayes or MSNBC back, their hemorrhaging audience.
They're insulting the American people with this kind of stuff.
So we'll continue to steal
What's left of their dwindling audience, so I'd like to personally thank Chris Hayes, and I encourage him to continue with that behavior.
Yeah, their audience is essentially non-existent, like I pointed out before.
Rachel Maddow gets about 200,000 views now, unless it's, I don't know if that was before, after the 24% drop in their ratings.
This radio program gets about 3 million views on a daily basis.
If you look at any metric, they try to dismiss InfoWars as a conspiracy website on the internet.
You know, we do have a big presence on the internet.
It's a much bigger presence than MSNBC if you look at the Alexa ratings, especially on an international basis.
You know, Alexa ranks the different websites, and we have a ranking of about 1,000.
They're about 2,000 globally.
But if you look at YouTube, nobody is watching them on YouTube either.
They're not watching them on cable, they're not watching them on YouTube.
As I pointed out just before the break, they've only had about 142,000 views since 2011 when they started the MSNBC channel on YouTube.
InfoWars has been up since 2011, and just on our main channel we got 371 million views.
We've got documentaries that have had 50, 60, 70 million views on other people's channels that are not even up on our channel.
That's just our news reports that are there.
And we've got multiple channels.
It's amazing how small MSNBC is.
It's amazing how small the impact is of these mainstream media places.
And it's getting smaller because of the way that they're skewing the news, as we just saw with this report on Turkey.
Well, I mean, why are they losing their audience?
Look at the people who they hire.
You know, Ronan Farrow, Hillary Clinton acolyte, Melissa Harris Perry, the state owns your children.
People don't want to hear that anymore.
There's a backlash against it.
And look at this guy, Chris Hayes, the ultimate Obama loyalist prestitute, a Democratic Party operative, posing as a journalist.
His brother was an Obama 2012 campaign director.
Hayes himself is a vehement ObamaCare supporter.
And he makes a living out of being a water carrier for the Obama administration.
He regurgitates their talking points.
That's his job.
So the very thought of an independent reporter like Dan Bodondi having the guts to act as real journalists are supposed to act in an adversarial manner against the state, that to Chris Hayes is a horrific notion.
It's an embarrassment to him.
Yeah, yeah.
Whenever you have somebody ask an honest question, it's a real big deal at a press conference.
You know, Jake Tapper asked an honest question.
Everybody kind of freaked out.
He had a Daily Caller intern named Finger.
He asked an honest question at a White House press conference, and everybody's like,
What's up with this?
This is absolutely inappropriate.
He violated decorum.
We're going to be right back.
Alex Jones is going to be joining us to weigh in on what the media's response is to false flags.
Yeah, that's right.
They're really true.
They really exist.
And they've been caught red-handed.
We'll be right back with Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex in the studio.
Alex is joining us on the phone now to comment about this MSNBC piece, and of course we also have Paul Joseph Watson, who we've been talking to about the exposure of a Turkish plot to start a war with Syria.
For NATO's purposes, for the U.S.'
's purposes, by staging a false flag attack, a missile attack on its own troops.
This has happened over and over again.
We've been telling you so many times throughout history about false flag attacks, and yet MSNBC wants to laugh about that, wants to laugh about Dan Bodondi.
Alex, you wanted to call in and talk about this?
Absolutely, and I just want to point out, David Knight, you are not filling in when you do the show.
You do it just as good a job as I do, and you're a great reporter and anchor for InfoWorks Nightly News with Jakari and Leigh Ann, and you're just doing a fabulous job.
And I'm calling in to report on how these two stories tie together.
You have the Turkish media, mainstream media, admitting that, yes, this is their defense minister talking about different terror attacks.
They can say, to blame,
The Syrians so they can attack them with heavy artillery and aircraft.
To try to start a new war and attack the Russian troops that are there.
This is the system trying to start World War III.
This is the globalist trying to start World War III.
It's a massive false flag news story that we risk our lives to bring, but we get death threats.
Overtaking this international news and putting it out in the U.S.
at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com because we have no future if we don't expose the false flag.
False flags are at least 3,000 years old, recorded.
Most big empire states false flags to start wars.
Hitler started Operation Himmler at Gleiwitz, attacking their own military bases and dressing up Polish concentration camp victims in Polish uniforms and shooting them.
And in German uniforms and shooting them for the newsreel.
So guarantee Sandy Hook has all the markings of a false flag.
And Operation Northwood talks about staging shootings at malls, movie theaters, and other places to bring in tyranny.
That's declassified.
ABC News back in 2001.
So, that's the reality.
So, Dan Bondy.
You know, the media likes to make fun of Dan because he's a real guy from Rhode Island, because he's not polished, just like I'm not polished.
No, we're popular in SMBC, and have probably five times the audience you have conservatively.
Just look at the Alexa ratings of our website versus their site.
We're like six times bigger.
We are more successful because we've got a real guy that has heart and has gut.
And there were hundreds of reporters threatened by the Secret Service that had no business there at the Boston bombing, exposing that they had a drill that we exposed that was later confirmed, exposing a false flag attack.
And that man, I should have been there, but I was busy covering it all.
I didn't realize how big it would get.
That man went to three press conferences and got threatened by FBI and Secret Service.
That man had the will to get up there and have half his family turn against him.
And literally, you know, do things like end up basically having his daughter's custody taken away from him.
And I don't mean to get into this kind of stuff, but he went through living hell in Rhode Island to go and do what he did nearby Boston.
And those cowards sitting there on national television sit there and make fun of a patriot who's got incredible courage and goes into committee hearings where they're trying to pass a law to ban semi-autos and complicate them.
And that man, that Paul Revere, marches in there for all of us.
And these scums have the nerve to make fun of him.
Make fun of him because he's got an East Coast accent.
Make fun of him because, you know, he's a quote, you know, dumb Italian in there if you do.
This is the type of garbage that we're dealing with in this country, and I'm sick of it.
He's there exposing false flags.
They're trying to take our liberty.
He's there exposing gun competition, and they make fun of him.
Here's the deal.
They are running scared of people coming into committee hearings and saying you will not take our gun.
They're running scared of me telling George Morgan the exact same message, putting him on notice.
That's what it takes, escalating the rhetoric up to the level of the enemy.
And that is what we are doing.
We are countering their fraud right now.
Here it comes down that our criminal, NATO, New World Order, banker-run government, through Turkey,
Where they've got the Al-Qaeda forces massing, are trying to stage terror attacks.
They've already been doing it.
We caught the Al-Qaeda forces out of Saudi Arabia three times launching chemical attacks.
We blew that wide open.
Now the UN admits it.
The truth is, we have the high ground.
We have justice on our side.
And the entire InfoWars operation goes through all sorts of stuff that people never even hear about and never even know about.
With our East Coast reporter, Dan Bodondi, who literally has gone through all sorts of living hell.
We're good to go.
We have the Turkish Defense Minister openly talking about staging terror attacks that will bring the United States into a full-on war up against Russian proxy troops in Syria.
This is dead serious, people, and it's time for the population out there to stop being violent and calm.
It's time for people to stand with folks like Dan Begondi and with myself and David Knight and the rest of the crew in the face of a tyrant.
We're sending Jakari Jackson and others to the Boston Marathon.
If I'm able to with my schedule and family issues, I will be going as well.
We need to be there to expose the one-year anniversary of that false flag, and expose the other false flags, and expose the tool of the false flag that's being used to take over our society.
David Knight in Austin, Texas.
Paul Watson in London.
Give me your take on that.
You're absolutely right, Alex.
He's been mocked.
He's been vilified.
He's paid a huge personal cost.
It always takes that.
That's what we were just talking about in the last hour.
Look at Hobby Lobby.
This guy is facing $1.5 million a day fines because he's going to stand on his personal beliefs and yet he gets mocked by Jon Stewart in a Jesus Christ Superstore piece.
You're always going to get mocked if you stand on your principles.
They're going to fight you if you stand on your principles.
That's the good news.
That's right.
They're a paper tiger of the Emperor's New Clothes.
No one is listening to them now.
They lost a quarter of their audience.
They just want to keep the facade up that they morally control everything and they have the high ground and they dictate to us.
No, we're the real liberals.
We believe in Hobby Lobby's right to not pay for all that garbage.
We believe in Chick-fil-A's right to do what they want.
And we believe in other people's right to do what they want.
That's what libertarianism is.
It's real freedom.
Not the authoritarianism of the left or the controlled right and we're waking up.
The question is, why do they recoil in horror at somebody like Dan Bedondis?
Because he's holding up a mirror to them.
He's showing them how to do their job.
He's a journalistic bulldog.
Yes, he might not be the most polished, but he's acting in that adversarial role that the mainstream media has completely abandoned, is being trashed for, and losing all their audience for.
That's why they're so threatened by a Dan Bodondi, by an Infowars.com, by an Alex Jones, because we're supplanting them.
We're stealing their audience.
We're pushing accurate, true narratives while they try and maintain this crumbling facade of the Obama administration and the US military-industrial complex.
They're scared to death.
They're filled with sheer terror that somebody, a journalist, could dare to ask real questions of public officials.
That's right, and that's why they want to ridicule it, that's why they want to attack it.
If you just joined us, the video's up on InfoWars.com, I know Paul's going to do an article about it.
The sniveling tyranny of him saying, you will not confiscate our guns, and the guy goes, go F yourself.
That's their plan.
And they're a bunch of thugs.
And, again, it blew up in their face, it made them look bad, so they're acting like it made us look bad.
Dan Bodondi is a hero.
Our entire crew of people are amazing folks, our listeners that support us are heroes.
I think so.
Come up to him on national TV and threaten him on both sides in FBI thugs from Obama.
Not your average FBI.
The internal political FBI.
The average FBI is pretty good.
Just sit there and get in his face and tell him not to ask questions about the drill that was in the Boston Globe.
We're going to blow Sandy Hook wide open, punk.
We're going to blow your next false flag open.
We are going to teach people about false flags.
You listen to those generals and defense ministers.
They're talking about false flags in Arabic.
Because that's the term the military uses, folks.
It's in Army manuals how to say false flags.
Grow up, America!
Stop being so naive, ladies and gentlemen.
All right, I'm going to turn the show back over to you guys.
I'll be calling in with more reports throughout the days on Sunday and Monday.
But I salute the entire team.
This is big news that the Turkish false flag is now in the BBC and other publications.
We forced it out.
Great job, Paul Watson.
The entire team, the writers,
Everybody, the customer service, the shipping department, our entire operation is absolutely getting on all cylinders.
And we are going in 110% and never backing off.
They tell us to be calm.
They tell us to shut up.
They tell us that's how we'll get things done politically.
That's how we've lost this country.
We are not going to be put in a box or labeled.
We want freedom.
We want it now.
1776 worldwide.
God bless you.
Exactly right, Alex.
You know, they picked a very bad day to scoff at the idea of false flags.
There's so much historical evidence.
We've got an article up yet again.
We keep putting this out every time this comes up.
The history of false flags.
Another article up today on InfoWars.
But to pick the very day that we've got a NATO false flag, a Turkish false flag being put out, and YouTube being turned off for an entire country to try to censor that, and all of the press censoring it, that's bad timing for Chris Hayes and MSNBC, isn't it Paul?
It's very bad timing, David.
I mean, it wasn't MSNBC who were the first to report on Czarnev being unarmed at the boat when they went on the manhunt for these alleged Boston bombers.
It was Infowars.com.
It wasn't MSNBC that reported on the fact that the whole narrative behind Czarnev's throat wound, again, was completely fabricated, a complete lie.
Another aspect to this is the fact that, again, Hayes describes the reaction, the State Senate's reaction, go F yourself to Dan Bodondi, as absolutely justifiable profanity.
He's saying it's justified.
This is why MSNBC is completely out of touch with the American people, because the backlash was so severe.
Miller, the state senator, was forced to terminate his entire Facebook page after issuing this public apology.
I mean, I was on it when it broke and it was going absolutely insane.
Again, the 250,000 views on the YouTube video, 700 respondents, vast majority of them slamming Miller over his profane-laden response.
I'm glad there was that kind of an approach, you know.
We didn't see that happen so much when Nancy Pelosi said, are you serious?
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex, and we've got Paul Joseph Watson on the line.
We've been talking about the false flag in Turkey, how the media has ignored it, how MSNBC has mocked Dan Badandi and InfoWars for covering the false flag that we believe happened last year at the Boston bombing.
Paul, you were talking about the effect that InfoWars had.
I remember when this was happening live, and as we were watching them
Show the tapes of these suspects when they finally identified the Sarnia brothers as being the suspects they were looking for.
Leanne McAdoo said, the backpacks are the wrong color.
One of them was white, and the backpacks had been shown as being these black backpacks.
So we reported that, and it was kind of surreal because it took about, in about 20 minutes, CNN lined up a guy who was an FBI consultant, and he comes out and he goes, well, this is what they could have done.
The guy with the white backpack, he could have had a black backpack inside of it, and he could have pulled it out, and then that would explain it.
But you know, to this day,
We have never seen any surveillance footage of them even sitting the backpacks down where they exploded.
Now, of course, the governor was told by the FBI that they had such footage, but then the governor, when questioned, said he had never seen that footage.
You know what?
We've never seen that footage either.
We also had the Southern Poverty Law Center that was pushing the idea that this was somehow related to Patriots, because this is around Patriots Day.
They kept pushing that and looked like they had a press conference that was set up to
Put that out and they said they had the suspects all there.
They had all the video footage.
Abruptly they just stopped it and delayed it for a full 24 hours.
So it was a very interesting time.
It was very interesting to be engaged in that, to watch these things unfolding in real time.
It was really kind of surreal.
I guess you probably were watching it in real time as well there in England, weren't you?
It was astounding, David.
I mean, Infowars.com was bigger than DrudgeReport.com for one day, which if you understand the magnitude of that, it's jaw-dropping.
You also had the incident where they arrested a naked individual during the manhunt, which was clearly the other brother, who later mysteriously was shot to death.
They had already arrested him earlier, he didn't resist, they put him in a paddy wagon and later it turns out he was shot dead.
All kinds of crazy things going down during the manhunt, which of course was a massive martial law promotional exercise.
But then, going back to MSNBC, again, you know, their slogan is lean forward.
I mean, as I write in the article, if hosts like Chris Hayes lean forward any further, they're going to plummet.
Into the same bottomless pit down which MSNBC's ratings have plunged.
Because they lost 50% of their audience between November 2012 and 2013.
50% of their audience gone.
And most of it was in the demographic of viewers aged between 25 to 54, the crucial demographic.
And you know, guess where a lot of those viewers have come to?
Not only to Infowars, but to many other alternative media platforms.
And I don't even like to use the term alternative media.
I like to use the term authentic media.
Because we're not perfect, but we're trying to cover this as we see it.
We're not trying to censor our news.
We're not trying to dance around the fact that a false flag's been exposed in Turkey.
If we see them plotting to fire missiles on their own people to start a war, we're going to report that.
Unlike the mainstream media.
Unlike MSNBC.
The keyword is adversarial.
That's what the media was always supposed to be about.
Now it's about regurgitating state propaganda.
MSNBC is no different from a White House press release.
They never challenge anything.
All they do is sit there all day and make jokes about
You know, Mitt Romney having a black baby in his family, Melissa Harris Perry saying the state owns all our children.
It's pathetic.
And the fact that it's on the decline is so encouraging.
And that's why we encourage them to continue with their talking points because they're completely failing on every front.
And I've tweeted Chris Hayes directly.
Let's see if he has any response.
Well, that'll be interesting.
I don't know if he will.
I'd love to see you on his program.
That would be an interesting back-and-forth.
Well, we're going to be having, in the next segment, we're going to have Anthony Gucciardi come on because, you know, the possibility was brought up yet again of a false flag when Obama brought up the possibility of the thing he's most concerned about is a nuclear bomb going off in New York.
Then, of course, Homeland Security, what do they do?
They pull back bomb detectors from New York City as he's saying that.
So, Anthony Gucciardi is going to talk to us about the possibility of that.
What does it look like if you prepare for yourself and you prepare for your family before that happens?
To think about the eventuality of that, because there's been so much information as we've reported here at InfoWars, the missing nukes from Dyess Air Force Base, that wasn't even supposed to have nuclear weapons there.
And Anthony's been on that story.
He's going to join us, he's going to talk to us about that, and of course we've had
A lot of breaking health news about Fukushima.
We have a high school student doing what the FDA would not do.
Paul, thank you so much for that article.
Thank you for joining us.
An amazing expose.
It really shows what they're up to.
Thanks, David.
Thank you.
We'll be right back with Anthony Gucciardi.
Stay tuned.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex, and I'm joined in the studio now with Anthony Gucciardi.
And of course, Anthony is following the issues of our toxic environment very closely, and a lot of information has just come out in the last couple of days about this.
We have a story where Vladimir Putin is saying Russia must protect its citizens from GMOs.
Also in Brazil, they're looking to ban Monsanto's Roundup.
And other toxicity risks.
We just reported last week that in France they're stopping BT corn.
That's genetically modified corn, the only one that's allowed in the EU.
Because they found out that, well, they know in France that they don't want their citizens having GMO.
They're trying to ban it before the planting season.
But the interesting thing about BT corn is that it rapidly went to about 75% of the corn in America.
And now it's no longer having the desired effect on the worms it was designed to kill.
That pesticide is systemic throughout the corn.
So now they're going to continue though to grow BT corn and they're just going to spray pesticides on the outside of it as well.
So you get it systemically distributed through there.
As well as sprayed on the outside.
And of course, they're pointing out in Brazil, one of the reasons that they're getting rid of Monsanto's Roundup and other things like that is because of a recent study that suggested that glyphosate, that's Roundup is the commercial name, glyphosate is the chemical name, they have linked that to a fatal kidney disease.
So the Brazilians, the French, the Russians, they're looking out for their citizens, but we're just doubling down.
And you know, we've got everybody selling vaccinations.
Guess what?
Autism has increased 30% in just two years.
Now it's 1 in 68.
Maybe that has something to do with the fact that everybody and their uncle is selling vaccinations.
What do you think?
Well, I think you hit the key point, is that the international community is fighting against Monsanto, fighting against GMOs, fighting against all of this.
Fighting even against the war on the Second Amendment, even though they don't have the same constitution that we do.
You know, but meanwhile, the criminal rogue elements in the United States government are doubling down.
You said it very well, they're doubling down.
And they're going after us, but I think they're desperate enough to go ahead and start issuing threats, like Obama said on air, that, you know, hey, you know, New York could be attacked with a nuclear weapon.
Yeah, pretty amazing.
I want to make sure we cover that and tie it into the key report, I think one of the most important things that I know I've ever covered, I think that InfoWars has ever covered at large, is the missing nuke scandal of 2013.
And specifically, what went on with Dyess Air Force Base, the nukes, we covered it, we broke it first, due to key military inside sources.
They weren't even supposed to have nuclear weapons at Dyess Air Force Base.
That's exactly right.
And that's one thing, though.
I want to get into the timeline of it as well, how Lindsey Graham the same day, hours later, after we broke the story, went ahead and said South Carolina could be nuked, which is where they were going to actually take the nuclear weapons from Dyess.
And then does this have any connection?
You know, because the inside source said, you know, it could be off the harbor somewhere around that entire area of New York, South Carolina, all of it.
So I want to get into that.
That concerns me.
But first and foremost, I think it's absolutely essential for everyone to realize something.
Think for a moment, visualize for a second that tomorrow morning you wake up.
And the elite hold good on their threats, and there is a suitcase nuke that goes off in a major city, right?
And rogue elements inside the government carry it out, or whoever does.
The point is... Whether it's terrorists or whether it's a rogue government, yeah.
Whether it's terrorists, whether they just let it happen, whether it is, you know, actual terrorists, it doesn't matter.
The point is, you wake up tomorrow, and that has happened.
Suddenly, your issues are reordered.
Suddenly, it doesn't really matter if you're going to get that little promotion at your work.
Suddenly, it doesn't really matter that something bad happened in your family 16 years ago, whatever.
The point is, all of us have issues in our lives and are struggling on a daily basis.
We have to understand and put ourselves in the ideology that if we don't stop and do something now, that very well could happen.
And if we don't start blowing the whistle, like what if we were just to ignore the sources that told us about those missing nukes?
I don't know what would have happened.
You know, because they were threatening them back then.
Oh, a nuke could go off in South Carolina and we might have to go to war with Iran and Syria.
You know, if we didn't put it out there in such a big way, who knows what could have happened?
And there's so many stories, you know, people around the world are doing such a good job with all of this.
Who knows what could have happened?
If we don't put ourselves in the mindset and go and say, hey, we're imperfect people.
Hey, we don't really know all the answers.
Hey, we've made mistakes in the past.
Hey, we don't really know what's going on fully, but we're going to do our best.
To actually try and help people, and actually try and inform people, and actually try and stop the real criminal elements driving all of this.
If we can do that as a whole, as a planet, we can protect and defend our planet from the GMOs, from the false flag attacks, from all of it.
But only if we do that.
Only if we decide today that we're not going to wait until there's a nuclear attack on our country or throughout the world.
And as Alex said yesterday, that will ultimately affect everyone.
Even if there's an attack in England or something, it will come here.
We will be affected.
The generations of our children will have diseases and cancer and die.
And that is the ultimate solution.
We have to put ourselves in that mindset now.
We have to feel that pain today so we don't experience it tomorrow.
And instead of saying, I don't want more burden on my shoulders, we say we want bigger shoulders to carry it.
That is the answer.
You know, I think back to what we saw this last week when we watched the Albuquerque police shoot that homeless man who was doing nothing.
He was camping out in an area outside the city.
How horrific that was to see them shoot him down in cold blood and yet we have in Turkey
We have a defense minister, their intelligence community, all these government officials plotting to shoot missiles at their own troops.
You know, as Stalin said, one person's death is a tragedy, a million people die is just a statistic, right?
We have to understand what these people are truly capable of.
These are people who want to start a war with Syria.
They've done everything they can to start a war with Syria.
They're trying to start a war with Russia.
And in the midst of all this, Obama says, well, what I'm really worried about is a nuclear bomb going off in New York City.
You know, I'm kind of telegraphing.
They always seem to have a compulsion, too.
This is another thing that concerns me.
I've noticed in my personal life, as well as in public life,
People who have something up their sleeve, something criminal, something they're going to do to you, they always telegraph it.
They always talk about it.
We bought a piano once.
Let me just tell you.
We bought a piano once and we didn't have a place of it.
We were moving.
We stored it at the piano warehouse.
The guy burned the piano warehouse down once before and hadn't been caught.
He was a store manager.
He was selling these pianos multiple times.
As we're leaving, he tells my wife and I, oh and don't worry about your piano.
If it catches fire, we got insurance.
And we're like, where'd that come from?
I mean just out of the clear blue.
A couple of months later we see on the television the warehouse is on fire and the guy's picture comes up and the police are looking for this guy.
I have had that happen to me so many times in my life when somebody is planning something criminal to do to me or something underhanded and they telegraph it ahead of time.
They're compelled to talk about that.
And so it's very concerning to me on that level when I see Obama start to talk about the suitcase nukes when we've had a lot of
I think so.
That's the way the game is played, and it means that we're actually making real strides and real success.
Because if we hit on these key issues, and everyone has, there's multiple layers to this.
There's the political news layer, where there's distractions and craziness and attacks, and Obama throwing that out there that New York City is going to be nuked amid all this Russian stuff, where you're called a Russian KGB agent supporter if you don't want World War III.
Which I think is a little bit insane myself.
And you notice the people that don't really get the situation are the ones saying that Russia is evil and everything like that.
And no one's really, you know, we're not taking sides.
We just don't want World War III.
I mean, it's pretty simple to me.
But anyway, so there's layers to this.
There's that geopolitical layer of the news media where they throw things out there and they're going to start talking about Al-Qaeda more to scare people to get them off the subject because they know that, you know,
Over and over, we're going to hit on these key points and get what we want.
But then there's also a societal level of distraction.
And that, of course, is the entertainment industry throwing out Kanye West and Kim Kardashian, right?
And if you're not submitting to that prototype, then you are not cool.
And what do they care about?
They don't care about anything in the world of geopolitical stuff, or they don't care about science or technology or anything.
They only care about looking and acting and feeling cool.
So when they walk around,
You think?
Looking at his 401ks and understanding IRAs and vanguards and stuff, and he doesn't get it and he has to support his family.
So there's a monetary aspect.
This is layers and layers and layers and layers of control.
And the key thing of the visualization that tomorrow you wake up and New York City has been blown up by a nuclear weapon and Obama's on the news announcing martial law, is to understand that none of that matters.
None of it actually matters.
If you visualize it and you realize none of it matters.
It's all distractionary.
I understand that, you know, we need to take care of our lives monetarily and everything, but none of that matters if the criminal elements in the government get away with what they want.
It doesn't matter.
You have to think about your lineage.
A hundred years from now, your children.
I mean, do you want them to be walking around with toad genetics in them from eating GMOs or, you know, half butterfly or something?
I mean, that's just one spectrum of this.
Or do you want them to even exist?
If we have World War III and we fuel this garbage in the media,
You know that, oh, we have to go after Putin, oh, John McCain's right, we have to go get those Russians.
They don't understand that they will be casualties in all of this.
And this is not for our benefit.
It is a complete scam system, multi-tiered, and the only way is to eject.
You're in a plane that's burning and the wings are falling off and it's going 900 miles an hour and it's jet-setting down to the ground.
You have an ejection button that you can press at any time.
Don't be afraid to press that injection button and realize that you have a parachute, you're sailing through the sky, and you can finally see everything for the way it is.
That is the answer.
That's right, and we have a way to reach people, too.
Looking at this story here that was on InfoWars today, a school science project reveals high levels of Fukushima nuclear radiation in
We're good to go.
That's not real journalism, however, according to Chuckie Schumer, okay?
You have to be somebody who makes a living doing that.
But the people who are making a living doing that are not doing that reporting.
Just like you can't be a reporter unless you work at CNN.
That's right.
Now, Seattle also said that they're not going to test any radiation because they don't care.
Even though the independent scientist, it was on Drudge a few weeks ago.
We actually talked about it last time I was on with you.
Um, they said that, yeah, there's Fukushima radiation coming over, we're concerned about it, we should begin testing.
And Seattle said, no, we're not going to do anything like that.
And California is shutting off the counters and everything like that.
So, that's good!
If people actually go out and do something, we congratulate them.
Good job for being an actual citizen who cares about not eating Fukushima radiation that we said in 2011 was coming over here and has already hit.
But they're just now pretending like it's a huge revelation that Fukushima might affect us in some way.
Well see, there's some breaking news out of Seattle.
You mentioned Seattle.
We have two possible sources of fumes have been identified for making 18 workers sick at the Hanford nuclear site.
Now this is one of the oldest nuclear sites in the country.
They've had numerous problems there.
And this really highlights
One of the key threats, I mean, now we could have a false flag attack, we could have a terrorist attack with a nuclear weapon, with a suitcase bomb, but the thing that's happening is we've got these aging nuclear power plants.
And the former head of the NRC, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, has said that, in the wake of Fukushima, he said that we need to shut down every one of our nuclear power plants in the U.S.
because they're fundamentally flawed, the design.
And that we could have the same type of problem that they have at Fukushima, and it's not just a meltdown of the reactor.
It can also be the stored waste that's there.
Now we're seeing at Fukushima what a problem stored waste is, and that's being done at all these various sites.
So these are all potentially much larger than a suitcase nuke that's going to go off.
Of course they're going to use a suitcase nuke to crack down on what's left of any civil liberties.
And what does Obama want to do?
He wants to build dozens of more nuclear power plants across the United States.
It's almost like everything that makes sense, the very opposite must be proposed by the United States government.
Every single thing that makes sense, you know, over and over again.
But yeah, also hundreds of them are leaking and everything like that.
I mean, it's a ticking time bomb.
There's no question.
And they're building along the coast.
And then they also have this weird doublespeak where they say, oh, climate change is going to ruin everything.
New York will be underwater.
We're all going to die.
Let's build more nuclear power plants along these very areas where we're, you know, claiming that climate change is going to ruin everything.
They don't even believe their own propaganda.
I mean, if they did, they'd have to do something about it, right?
But instead, they propose all these plans to build along these very areas they say are going to be underwater and sunken with tsunamis and tidal waves and everything.
That's another thing.
The nuclear plants, I mean, tomorrow there could be major issues with all these things.
All these things could go wrong at any point.
We have to live life with the understanding that we're here for a very limited time, we're here to protect our lineage, we're here to protect, you know, our future, and the only way we can do that is to really get focused and understand what matters.
Because, I mean, you could die tomorrow driving.
But the greater threat to humanity is this criminal element that does want nuclear attacks in New York to fuel what they ultimately want to accomplish.
That's right, you know, and I often hear from Christians who are very trusting in God.
It's like, you know, we just need to leave everything to God and just not worry about that.
But, you know, I think it's true in so many ways.
Somebody has said, you know, you believe as if everything is
...depends on God, but you act as if it depends on you.
That's right.
We need to take it as if everything depended on us.
We have been put here to be responsible for the things that have been put on our charge as stewards of our family, of our country, of our culture, of our environment.
And we need to do everything that we can to protect those things, and God will ultimately have the decision about what's going to happen.
Stand before God and say, I'm an imperfect person, I've made mistakes, I don't know everything, I don't know the answer to everything, but I'm willing to work for good before the Creator.
You know, just say, I'm ready to work for good, and it will come.
And we wanted to get into the timeline of the missing nukes, which I got off on a tangent on all this.
It's inspirational to me.
I wanted to talk about that.
I think we have a clip ready to queue up in a second as well, but specifically the timeline, and we have the articles as well to show on screen.
Basically, we received this high-level military intelligence that a nuclear transfer with no papers was going from Dyess Air Force Base in Texas to South Carolina.
Now, we were concerned about this and made the decision to go ahead and release it based on the fact that this was a super high-level military intelligence person.
And then we went out and we released it, and we weren't really sure what was going to go down because we just
Put it out there.
Senator Lindsey Graham came out and issued a warning.
We confirmed it actually happened and his staffers were like freaking out about it when I called them.
And that's recorded up there.
I don't think we have that queued up today because there's so much.
But ultimately, he was saying, yes, you know, I'm concerned about Syria.
You know, I'm concerned about Iran, all this stuff.
There could be a nuclear attack on South Carolina, Charleston Harbor, I believe it was, which is right exactly where we were told that these weapons were being transferred to.
Now, this was hours after we found out about this, so this was hours later.
And parallels exactly what Obama just said about New York, except this is Lindsey Graham talking about South Carolina, and we know that the nukes are headed toward South Carolina.
In the event that they were fully transferred, they are not rerouted.
They are already there, as of months ago, and they could have been rerouted anywhere.
So this is what concerns me.
Now, beyond all of that, we then, I called Dyess Air Force, and we'll play it when we come back, I guess, but I asked them, hey, can you tell me about the transfer, blah, blah, blah, and they said, well, we can't talk about the transfer of weapons.
Well, I didn't even mention the word weapons.
So we'll play that when we come back, then.
When we come back, we're going to have more from Anthony Gucciardi, and we're going to be talking to Gerald Salenti in the next hour.
We're going to be talking about the Ukraine, the IMF, and a lot of bankers who seem to be committing suicide.
What's up with that?
Stay tuned, we'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex.
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Anthony, we were talking just before the break about the interesting parallels of Lindsey Graham.
Being in South Carolina, talking about war that's about to break out, war with Syria and other issues, going up against the Russians at that time, because the Russians were essentially allies of Syria.
And just out of the clear blue sky, he brings up the prospect of a nuclear attack there in Charleston Harbor, and that same day, we had gotten intelligence that nuclear weapons were
On their way to South Carolina from a Air Force base that wasn't supposed to have nuclear weapons.
It seems to be straight out of their playbook, doesn't it?
When there's an issue with a foreign power that they want to engage with, they just say, well, there could be a nuclear attack.
And that's unsubstantiated until you look at the fact that they were transferring the nuclear warheads from Texas to South Carolina, which is concerning.
So I don't know what they're going to do.
All I know... Are they just fear-mongering or are they planning a false flag attack?
Because they have planned false flag attacks.
We've spent most of the last couple hours talking about the long history of false flag attacks in the wake of this one being exposed in Turkey to get a war started yet again with Syria.
World leaders love to at least think of that possibility.
I mean, it's happened for thousands of years.
It's nothing new.
It's not a conspiracy theory.
It's fact.
I mean, that's what you do.
You know, I mean, how many times on a smaller scale have you gone up to your friend and just jokingly, you know, patted him on the side and he thought it was one of your other buddies?
You know what I mean?
Just to joke around with them.
Well, this is a major scale.
It's human nature to essentially instigate things that you want done.
If you're evil, then, and a world leader, which many of them do get there by being psychopathic and evil,
A larger scale is to have a false flag attack.
And these people don't have morals, these people don't care about you, and they don't care about me.
And the very prospect of it is what's concerning, and that's why we need to treat it like a real threat, and treat it by exposing it and spreading the information.
Because otherwise we could be facing something very, very much, you know, real.
And it does seem, it's just like Syria, we managed to stop that.
I mean, that was a major, major, major victory.
Obama was pushing for that harder than I think he's ever pushed for anything.
They were trying to sell the narrative that the only way that the sarin nerve gas, the only place that it could have come from, was the Syrian government itself.
And yet, as we pointed out, and part of the ways that we're fighting back against that false narrative, the truth of the matter was that there had been sarin gas attacks previously, not that long ago.
They've been looked at by both UN inspectors, as well as Russian inspectors, as well as US intelligence, and they had all determined that the sarin gas at that time had
It wasn't of the refined quality that Syria would have.
And so, and then we had reports as well that there had been some gas that had been brought to that area from some Saudi intelligence.
So there were a lot of different things that pointed to the fact that it was not a foregone conclusion that that gas had come from Syria.
It actually made no sense at all for them to try to provoke an attack, considering the fact they were surrounded on all sides, everybody pointing their guns at them.
But it's an amazing thing to see this unfolding in real time, and any last words you want to make about the nuclear?
I just think we need to treat it as a realistic threat, and we need to expose it and get the information out, and envision this, and we can fight this, we can stop it all.
Anthony Gucciardi, thank you for joining us, thank you for pointing that out.
We're going to be back in the next hour with Gerald Salenti.
He's going to be talking about the Ukraine, what the IMF is up to there, and banker suicide.
Stay tuned.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex.
We're going to be joined in just a few minutes with Gerald Salenti.
He's going to be talking about the banker suicides.
He's going to be talking about the Ukraine, the IMF.
A lot of breaking news on that today.
I wanted to point out an article, however, from Reason Magazine.
This is written by Jim Epstein.
It's called, The Government's Appalling Campaign Against Small Bus Companies.
Now, we've been talking earlier in the program about what's going on with Hobby Lobby and another small business, Conestoga.
They were making some kind of wood stuff.
There was a Mennonite company.
These two companies did not want to be forced to pay for abortion coverage for their employees.
And they're fighting it all the way to the Supreme Court and being ridiculed every step of the way as, oh, you're corporations now, so you don't have any say-so over what goes on.
Well, take a look at what they do to small companies.
Now, this is a story of a small family business.
It didn't get as big as Hobby Lobby.
This is Jeff and Judy Rogers, a black couple in high school.
They started a charter bus company called Southeastern Tours 20 years ago in Greenville, North Carolina.
In 94, they partnered with her mother, took out a loan, built a garage, launched their business, and so far so good.
They're doing well, they've got employees, but then the government gets involved.
He says, this company was my livelihood, it's how I pay for my food and everything, but it's being shut down.
Because of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the FMCSA.
A federal agency that, quite frankly, I'd not heard of before, but it exhibits all of the characteristics that you typically see with these government agencies.
Flexing their muscle, growing their bureaucracy, and doing it as a perfect example of a government parasite.
What they did was,
They never had any serious accidents at this bus company, but they did a three-day audit, the FMCSA inspectors.
They found that drivers had filled out their logs incorrectly, that Rogers had failed to provide employees with educational materials, that they allowed a former driver to get back behind the wheel before waiting for the results of his alcohol and drug tests, which came back negative.
Because of that paperwork, it's kind of like what we saw the other day with the school that went into shutdown and the mom was arrested because her autistic child was having some kind of a seizure.
They called her, they knew her at the school, they buzzed her in, but because she didn't sign the paperwork, they put the whole school in lockdown and they arrested her.
They called the police, took her away in handcuffs.
These guys didn't fill out their logs, so what are they doing?
They're shutting down this family business that's been there for about 20 years.
Says when their troubles began in early August, they tried to do whatever they could to get back in the government's good graces, but unfortunately they couldn't.
The government was determined to turn them into a failed business.
Now after six months, they're just shutting it down.
They're being forced to dissolve their company.
Where was their jury trial?
Where was the legislation?
that gave this power.
What we see over and over again is that these bureaucracies are given power to make their rules, in other words, to write their legislation.
Then they have their police force that goes out, their own police force.
Then they're their own jury.
See, these people who created a company, a small business, shouldn't they at least have a day in court, like the Sixth Amendment says?
They're taking more than $25 from these people.
Where's their day in court?
Where do they have a jury of their peers saying that just because they didn't have the drivers sign the log in the proper way that they should have their entire business shut down?
They've never done anything to harm anybody.
They've been operating without any accidents for decades, but that's the way it happens.
They didn't build that.
The government built that, right?
He doesn't have a business.
It's all about the federal government.
Nobody else.
Now Gerald Cilenti is going to be joining us.
We're going to be talking about some banking issues.
This just came up today out of Bloomberg.
Citigroup fails the Fed's stress test as Bank of America gets a dividend boost.
Citigroup was one of among five large banks that failed the Federal Reserve's stress test.
And these are banks like, oh, look at this, HSBC.
Remember those guys?
Remember the whistleblower who pointed out that they were laundering money for drug cartels for terrorists?
But then Eric Holder said they're too big to jail.
We're going to give them a pat on the back and maybe a little bit of a slapping on the hand with a fine, but otherwise they're too big to jail.
We're not going to shut them down.
Stay tuned, we're going to be right back with Gerald Cilenti and we're going to talk about some other big banking scandals.
We'll be right back.
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It's always a tough vote because the average person thinks raising the debt ceiling must mean that we're running up our debt.
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It does not somehow promote propagacy.
All it does is it says, you've got to pay the bills that you've already racked up, Congress.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex, and I'm joined now by Gerald Salenti.
Now, he's no stranger to the show, you know him, but let me give you a little bit of background on TrendsResearch.com.
That's his website.
Gerald Salenti is an American trendsetter, a forecaster, a publisher of Trends Journal.
I've got a copy of that right here on my desk, and on the cover is the Ukraine riot.
That's a big trend that we want to talk to him about, what's going on, breaking news today in the Ukraine.
They're having the legislature there has accepted finally the terms of the IMF cramming austerity down the throats of the people there.
It's amazing.
I want to get Gerald's take on that.
He's described himself as a political atheist and a citizen of the world.
And so as a citizen of the world, Gerald, what do you make of what's going on the poor people of the Ukraine?
Well, as you mentioned, it's on the cover of the Trends Journal, and that was the winter edition, and that went to subscribers in the first week of February.
And we actually wrote the story in the middle of January.
It takes time to get published, and that's why we said there'd be a civil war there, and Ukraine was the major issue.
Well, as you mentioned, the austerity measures, number one, and as you
People have done so many times and being on top of the news and ahead of the trends.
You have those audio tapes and videotapes of our Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, and the ones where they're talking about the overthrow of
The democratically elected government of Ukraine, whether or not you like them or not, whether or not they were corrupt or not, because they've been corrupt since the breakup of the former Soviet Union, and probably before that.
And then there's the other videotape of her on December 13th.
This isn't ancient history.
And she's at the National Press Club.
And there she is, standing there, with a sign over her left shoulder that says Chevron.
And... She ought to wear it like the, uh, NASCAR race dryers.
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, they're pimping for, you know, who pays them.
So, anyway, in that talk, that's about eight and a half minutes.
It won't take much out of anyone's life to listen to.
She goes on to say that, which was news to me, that Ukrainians are Europeans.
I didn't know that all of them were, but she informed me that they were, and that they should join the European Union.
Remember that now, this is December of 2013, and to paraphrase, but almost identical to what she said,
The path for Ukrainians is to take the path set forth by the International Monetary Fund.
Or as it really is, it's the International Mafia Federation.
And really it is, because hey, you better pay us because we're going to steal everything from you.
And that's what all this is about.
It's about the privatization, and they're already starting to do that, of expensive public resources.
That's the white shoe boy name, by the way.
And that means selling it to your buddies at a really cheap price and getting a kickback from it.
And what they're also doing is they're putting the people into the slavery that they've done already in Spain, and in Greece, and in Ireland, and in Portugal.
I mean, look what's going on.
Why would anybody in their right mind want to join the EU?
And why would they want to accept austerity measures, which again is another white shoe boy word, for putting you into servitude for the rest of your life, because here's the deal.
As I said, you're going to sell off all your valuable public assets.
To our buddies.
We're going to bring in the multinational banks and the multinational corporations and we're going to rob everything that you have.
And those pensions you have, forget about them.
We're going to get those taken away from you too.
And we're also going to raise your taxes and it's going to cost you more to live.
Should I just be a good girl and boy and behave?
Because the International Mafia Federation has just taken over another chunk of the world.
You know, Reuters reported that as the IMF throwing the Ukraine a lifeline.
It's actually a hangman's noose, isn't it?
They're going to take the gas company, the big gas company that's there, as you mentioned, privatize that.
They're also going to go up 50% on the energy prices of the people in the Ukraine.
That's what they call an austerity program.
Yeah, and again, the whole thing is a sham.
I mean, look at the... It's an overthrow of a democratically elected government.
They got this little clown in their yachts.
They're rabid, you know?
That's what they call him, because he looks like one of these cartoon characters.
And who's fronting it?
She's out there again, that Timoshenko.
Now she's talking about running for prime minister.
And some of her lovely quotes, by the way.
The Princess Leia lookalike.
The one with the braided hair, right?
Time to grab guns and kill those damn Russians.
Talking about nuking them.
And another one, she said, Putin represents unfiltered fascism, which was even more dangerous than Hitler's National Socialism, because he camouflaged it with phrases about friendship between people.
And she said, Tymoshenko said that Putin wants to redraw the map of the world through wars, mass murder, and blood.
Could you imagine?
And all of the American senators, they all go there and take photographs with her, and she's in Germany with Merkel, and they're all bowing down to her.
By the way, I've come up with a campaign slogan for 2016, and she fits part of it.
You could do this in a country of your choice.
Charles Manson for president.
Enough of these psychopaths that are really psychopaths and they try to, it's really in the closet, and they try to behave like normal human beings when they're really psychopaths.
So I said, let's just put it out there so that we're not, you know, we don't have any illusions of who's running the show.
Because anybody that speaks these words is out of their mind.
And then, if you go, of course it's not in the U.S.
media, talking about psychopaths.
human rights record chastised in U.N.
Human Rights Committee raises concerns over U.S.
torture, drone strikes,
The death penalty and NSA data collection.
So why pretend that Obama and Bush and Clinton and Condoleezza Rice is out there shooting her mouth off again?
Why pretend that these are
Normal human beings when they're mentally deranged and they're psychopaths because they're in favor of killing other people under a camouflage of being normal.
So I say Charles Manson for 2016.
Well, you know, they're not calling them psychopaths.
They're calling them technocrats.
That's what they're referring to Yachts as.
Comparing him to Mario Monti, the guy that Nigel Farage said, you know, who are you to come into a country where they've got a democratically elected leadership?
Who are you to come in as a Goldman Sachs banker and start dictating terms to them?
But that's exactly what Yachts is going to do for the State Department, for the banks that run the State Department, for the banks that run the IMF.
They're doing it.
And they're doing it everywhere.
You mean three-card Monty, of course.
That's right.
And again, you know, the Italians had... That's a better name than Super Mario.
They called him Super Mario.
I like the three-card Monty.
That's much better.
The Italians had three new prime ministers.
None of them have been elected.
Monty Letta and now you got Renzi over there, Fonzie, the new joker over there.
And talking about psychopaths, I love this one.
Everybody loves Jimmy Carter, that nice peanut farmer, the deacon, you know, the man of God.
Listen to this.
This was from Al Jazeera three days ago.
He's talking about whether or not we should supply arms to Ukrainians.
He goes, I think Russia needs to be stopped at this point.
I don't think we need to equivocate about the prohibition against Putin's moving military forces into other parts of eastern Ukraine.
I had the same challenges to face when I was president.
Now, I am going to read you the words of a sociopath and a psychopath.
During Christmas week of 1979, the Soviets moved massive numbers of troops into Afghanistan.
And they occupied Afghanistan and...
Had to stop them from going further.
So I did everything I could.
I withdrew my ambassador from Moscow.
Not ours, my.
I declared a grain embargo against them.
I agreed with Congress and the American Olympic Committee not going to the 1980 Summer Olympics.
And I
began to give weapons, and check this out girls and boys, to the freedom fighters in Afghanistan.
And we used all Russian made weapons so that they couldn't accuse us of doing it.
This is a disgrace!
It is.
We're going to be right back.
Hang on, Gerald, we've got to take a break.
We're going to be right back with Gerald Cilenti.
I want to get your take, Gerald, on what's going on in Turkey, this false flag that was revealed and the media's reaction to it.
We'll be right back with Gerald Cilenti, talking about gold, the economy, and false flags.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex.
I've got Gerald Salenti on the line and we're talking about economic issues as well as global political issues.
Now Gerald, this just came out.
I'm seeing that...
The Japanese are really stepping up their purchases of gold.
One store has reported that their gold sales are up 500% this month.
One of the things they're speculating might be driving this is an increase in the Japanese sales tax.
And that's dropping household spending, household income, and people are now, instead of spending money, they're stocking up on gold.
What do you think about gold right now?
Well, I'm still, you know, long-term I'm bullish on gold.
You know, it's... Why is the market going up as we speak?
Because there's speculation that...
That the Chinese are going to be juicing more stimulus into their economy because it's going down, despite them saying that they weren't going to for the last six months.
And the same thing now with the ECB.
They're also talking about quantitative easing and more stimulus.
They're even talking of negative interest rates.
In other words, the big banks are going to have to pay the European Central Bank to hold their dough.
So they're bringing... that's how bad it all is.
But you know, David, I just want to finish with this Jimmy Carter moment.
He keeps using the word freedom fighters.
These were the Mujahideen, these were the Osama Bin Laden's, that we the people were giving money to, under a big lie.
As he pointed out, they did it in secret.
We bought Russian weapons to give to them so we couldn't be accused of interfering in Afghanistan.
This guy should be brought up on war crime charges, along with all of the rest of them.
Yes, it's a bipartisan thing, isn't it?
It's not just Jimmy Carter, it's also Ronald Reagan helping the Mujahideen, which then we now know as Al-Qaeda, giving them their start.
And they brag about it.
And every word, I kept reading all those I's.
I, I, I, I, I. And that's the way they all act.
Whether they're the President, or whether they're Kerry, talking to you like this.
That all we are are a bunch of serfs and slaves, and they are in charge of the whole show.
Like you, I was listening to what they did to that poor family that had that bus company.
And then you pick up the papers, Financial Times, headline,
Banks hit by 100 billion dollars in U.S.
legal settlements.
Since crisis.
A hundred billion dollars.
Last year, by the way, the six major banks, they got a profit of 76 billion.
But I digress.
Not one head rolls.
But you better fill out those logs and don't jaywalk.
You saw what they did to that girl down in your territory over there.
Oh yeah.
You know, stay in line.
For the minor offenses, they shut your businesses down, they beat you up on the streets, they shoot you on the streets for minor violations.
Look at the guy in Albuquerque.
What was he doing?
He was camping out.
That's a capital offense now because, you know, I don't understand what's going on, but they get increasingly draconian.
You're talking about how egotistical they are.
I think a good measure of that is the executive orders.
Look at how they've gone up exponentially under each president.
I know.
And again, I've said this in the beginning, when the first, it happened under Bush with, too big to fail.
In capitalism, there's no such thing as too big to fail.
You rise and fall on your own merits.
And I said at that time, people, and then when Obama came in, he's communist, he's Marxist.
No, it's fascist.
It's the merger of state and corporate powers.
You're seeing it over there right now in Ukraine.
It's fascism.
Fascism has taken over this country.
Oh, and by the way, did you see that reception that Obama got in Brussels after he was just over there?
And he talked about how the United States is really changing its NSA and spying.
And the room is filled with reporters.
Everybody should try to look at this one up.
It's a real good one.
Barely got an applause.
They're not buying it.
And the Europeans, and I remember when Obama got elected, and I getting interviewed all over the world, he was going to be the salvation.
That's right.
The savior.
Hang on, Gerald, we've got to take a break.
We're going to be right back with Gerald Cilenti.
He was talking about economic fascism.
You want to know what this looks like?
Take a look at this article from InfoWars.
Auto insurance company tracks drivers by GPS and charges per mile driven.
We're going to talk about that, the economic fascism that is rolling through America, and the corporatists and criminals running this government.
We'll be right back.
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It's Alex Jones!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex.
I've got Gerald Salenti on the phone.
We've been talking about false flags, about the IMF, the Ukraine, bankers.
We're going to talk to him about some other economic issues.
Before we get started, though, we were just talking earlier in the show about the attacks from MSNBC, Chris Hayes attacking Dan Bodondi, and a real journalist with real courage to get up and ask tough questions of the government.
We see now in an article up on InfoWars on the Daily Caller, a reporter has just been detained by Capitol Police for trying to ask the EPA chief a question.
How dare him ask the EPA chief a question?
Isn't that amazing?
It's a big issue.
If Jake Tapper or an intern from the Daily Caller named Finger asks a question, a real question, in a White House press conference now, if you go up and ask an EPA chief a question, you get arrested by the Capitol Police.
That's the state
Of where we are in this country.
And when they start talking about giving official journalists some kind of a shield, that's baloney.
They're using that to shut down everybody except their mouthpieces.
Now, I was just talking to Gerald Cilenti, and Gerald, you brought up the issue of corporate fascism, corporatism, crony capitalism, whatever you want to call it, it's corruption.
Listen to this story that Kit Daniels just put up on Infowars.com.
An auto insurance company in California is tracking drivers by GPS and charging them per mile driven.
Now we've talked a lot about taxes per mile driven and how as they've pushed people to become more and more fuel efficient with gasoline,
They're losing gasoline revenue, so they've got to keep those taxes on us.
So now they're going to start with the black boxes, seeing how many miles we drive and taxing us by the mile.
But they're not waiting for that.
In California, they had the insurance commissioner there, Steve Posner, green-lighted a per-mile insurance pricing way back in 2009.
Now it's happening.
Here we are, five years later.
We've got a California insurance company that is wirelessly sending mileage data to the insurance company that charges a base rate of two to five cents a mile.
There we go.
And can even record the route driven by the policyholder.
They'll probably look at your speed and write you up.
And increase your insurance rates based on the speed you're driving to.
Who knows what they can do?
Because these guys are acting like the government, aren't they, Gerald?
It's what we've seen with Obamacare.
Obamacare is nothing but corporate fascism written to transfer massive wealth transfer from the American people to these corporate fascist insurance companies who've been in bed with the government for the longest time.
We see it for the longest period of time in the automobile side, but now we're seeing it in healthcare, right?
Yes, and they're putting the small doctors out of business.
The conglomerates are all taking over, buying out doctors' businesses all over the country.
And you can no longer, just like there's no more retail stores virtually.
I think we lost 65,000 retail outlets, private small businesses, since 2008.
Everything's being consolidated into the hands of the few.
It's not that the government
The government is doing what the corporations want.
The corporations are the government.
All the gang of 535, the senators and congressmen are, they're just the wise guys for the corporations and the banks.
Everything has been consolidated.
It's slavelandia, that's all it is.
It bothers me a lot to...
Yeah, and Gerald, you know, it bothers me a lot to see this auto insurance situation here, because when they were talking about forcing people to buy health insurance from the government, you had the liberals say, well, we've been forcing people to buy automobile insurance for a long time.
What's the matter with that?
I said, yeah, we shouldn't be forcing people to buy automobile insurance.
Now they're charging people by the mile driven.
And they're going to basically put us out of our cars once they have self-drive cars.
They're going to raise your rates so high you won't be able to drive a car anymore.
You're going to have to buy one of their, if you want to afford the insurance, you're going to have to buy one of their self-drive cars.
Well, again, you know, it's the takeover.
As I said, when the bailouts first began, the too-big-to-fails, the headline that we wrote when this first happened on The Bush was,
Wall Street hijacks Washington.
That's all it is.
It's a hijack.
And all we are, are we're the slaves in Slavelandia to keep their trip going.
Look, when I was a young guy, there were no such thing as hedge funds.
There were no private equity groups.
There were no venture capitalists.
This is all being monopolized by the hands of a few.
Look at the numbers.
What do you have in the United States?
You have 400 people that are in control of 2 trillion dollars?
Oh yeah.
So, you know, we're just, we're just working, you know, we're just, this is better than a plantation economy because you don't even have to house or feed us.
That's right.
Look at the LIBOR scandal.
Look what these guys can get away with.
It's absolutely amazing.
As bad as TARP was, as bad as everything that happened in 2008-2009, they just keep piling on scandal after scandal.
When we see this kind of stuff, when we see these kind of astronomical numbers of billions of trillions of dollars involved in these LIBOR scandals, what do you make of these banker suicides, Gerald?
Well, you know, before we get on to that one, go on to the Forex.
This is the currency market.
Five, three trillion dollars a day traded.
And of course, there are those scandals going on as well.
And then, of course, before I get on to that, you asked me about gold before, and I talked about the stimulus that's going on now in China and the ECB.
The point that I want to make
David, that the more stimulus that they push in, the more they're going to be devaluing currencies.
The more they devalue currencies, the higher the price of gold is going to go.
So what's going on now is that China and the ECB are now fronting for the Fed.
So the Feds say we're tapering, while they're juicing on the other side.
You know, so watch the fingers, they never leave the hand, you know?
So the same thing is going on.
The banker suicides.
Wall Street Journal just came out with a story a couple of days ago, about one of the bankers that committed suicide in London, from Chicago originally.
And he was with Deutsche Bank.
These left multiple suicide notes.
They will not release them.
And in interviews by journalists, they're hearing that the guy was freaking out because of the pressure on him that was mounting about the scandals going on behind the scenes.
And again,
These aren't, it's not fiction, a hundred million dollars worth of fines.
These are criminal acts, but I got a better name for it.
We're going to call it misdeeds.
How about mis-selling?
How about misrepresented?
You know, so of course these guys, and that is the real- Mistakes were made, weren't they, Gerald?
Yeah, we're going to correct them.
And so these guys are under pressure, obviously, when you read a story like that.
But here's really the thing, David.
How many more fines have to be paid?
How many much more of this corruption has to be exposed?
So what?
Some more guys kill themselves?
There's no... It's there in front of everybody now.
The facts are in front of everyone now to see what a criminal operation they call the banking system is.
Oh yeah.
We've had a whistleblower from HSBC and of course they were caught laundering a great deal of money for the drug cartels as well as for groups that have been identified as terrorist organizations by the American government.
And they got the slap on the wrist and the Eric Holder Justice Department said, oh, we can't really shut them down.
They're too big, right?
They're too big to jail.
And at the same time they were doing that, they said, we're going to hire more people to watch these money transfers.
And the whistleblower that we had was one of the people that they hired.
And he said that they were putting stuff into their databases to make sure that certain keywords are not being flagged.
So they would basically put a space in a word that would be a keyword or they put a period in the word to make sure that didn't happen.
It was a joke.
They continued doing the same thing they've been doing.
Because they've never been punished for it.
Because Eric Holder is a joke.
Yes, yeah.
When he said, too big to jail.
You know, that if we clamp down on these big banks, it might destabilize the world economy, I tell you.
That's basically what he said.
So again, don't run a bus company with a family operation
Don't jaywalk.
Don't sp- The other night, we're out.
We're driving.
The cop, they pull us over.
The woman had a bright light on.
Oh yeah.
Yeah, we've just seen, just yesterday, we saw that the Republicans in the House started moving FISA reform to the Intelligence Committee away from the Judiciary Committee, because the Judiciary Committee's been concerned about these civil liberties abuses, so they move it over to the guys who've been the cheerleaders for this kind of action all along.
That's what we're seeing from the Republicans.
That's what we see from people like Mike Rogers, Michelle Bachmann, Boehner.
These are guys who are writing the laws.
These are guys who are aiding and abetting these criminals who are violating the Fourth Amendment for everybody.
For everyone.
Yeah, and again, look, I just read about Jimmy Carter.
We did it in secret.
Oh, they lied to us, right?
Is that what you're saying, Jimmy?
These guys, you know, they're always... Jesus Christ!
Oh, what a bunch of hypocrites!
What a hypocrite!
How about a mass murderer, Jimmy?
Could you handle that one?
That's right.
That's right.
It's very sad to see people who profess to be Christians so bloodthirsty.
I remember when Ron Paul went to the Republican Party and got booed because he quoted Jesus.
I mean, you know, these people wear their Christianity as a wolf wears sheep's clothing.
That's the way they're wearing it.
Yeah, so, as we're looking at what's going on, we're very concerned, of course, with Ukraine.
I mean, this thing is, it's these sanctions, as Ron Paul said, are in effect an act of war.
Because you're stopping people from doing business.
And they're building the acts of war.
And if it keeps going in this direction, I'm very concerned about, just as you were pointing out as we're making the news, about the overt that's come out now because it's on tape of Turkey's
False flag attempts to start a war with Syria.
Last week they shot down a Syrian jet over Syrian territory and said they went over into Turkish territory.
And now it's reported, as you have on your site,
That Turkish, it was a foreign minister, a defense minister talking about a false flag attack.
It seems like Turkey is the point of the spear now in trying to provoke this war with Syria that NATO and the U.S.
and all these globalists have wanted for several years.
And why?
Look what's going on in Syria with the Prime Minister Erdogan.
You know, there are demonstrations virtually every day.
The Turkish lira is at an all-time low.
The hot money that was flowing in with the tape when stimulus is all flowing out.
The economy is going down.
Mass demonstrations.
When all else fails, they take you to war.
And that's what I fear now.
They're taking us to war.
And again, when you look at what's going on, the anti-Russian sentiments that are building up in this country, we were writing about it as it was happening.
It started before the Sociolympics.
Hey, you know, they're killing all them stray dogs over there.
Don't drink the water, it's all yellow, all those homo...
Oh, the toothpaste bomb!
Don't get on a plane!
Go into Sochi!
From credible sources, we found out they have toothpaste bombs.
You can't make this crap up.
A toothpaste bomb?
I got a better one.
They also then came out with a credible source after that.
Shoe bombs.
How about Tampax missiles?
Well, you know, one of the things that this guy in Turkey said, this is actually a quote when he was exposed plotting a false flag attack on his own soldiers in his own territory in order to start a war with Syria and blame it on Syria.
He said, this incident reveals the level of cyber and electronic threats posed against our country.
Because they put it up on YouTube.
I know.
These rings of treason behind this act are enemies of our state and nation.
They've already shut down Twitter.
And they shut down YouTube.
Because that is a cyber threat to them.
When YouTube is a cyber threat to you, you've got problems in the government, don't you?
And what you're looking at, David, when you read the sickness of this guy's mind, this is going on around the world.
And this is very reminiscent of World War I, where you had deranged people, sick people, both in military and in government, that started a totally useless, needless war, that slaughtered millions, tens of millions, and destroyed Europe, just as it was growing culturally and scientifically, and in so many wonderful ways destroyed it, and set the stage for what's going on now.
And it's being repeated again.
Who in their right mind could listen to that little guy over there in France, Hollande?
You want to see a little geek?
You missed him?
Go over and watch Cameron.
I think he's one of those boys that got caught in those little boy schools over there with all the scandals going on.
Because look at this little loudmouth chicken hawk.
One after another.
Look at Congress.
Look at all the tough talk coming out from all these guys.
And not one man or woman among them.
It's like Carter.
I sent arms.
What do you mean, I?
You didn't do anything.
You sent somebody else to do your dirty work.
Look at these executive orders that Obama put out.
I mean, they look like the Alien and Sedition Acts of 2014, where he says, you criticize Ukraine, that I created, then I'm not going to let you enter the country.
You criticize Ukraine that I created, my State Department, Victoria Nuland created, I'm going to take your assets.
I'm going to take your assets.
These are his executive orders.
Where does he get that authority?
He claims that by the authority that he has invested in him by the Constitution.
Well, no.
If you violate the Constitution, you no longer have any authority if you violate what you swore an oath to uphold.
Oh, it's like Jimmy Carter.
God invested in him.
I'm telling you, we have psychopaths in charge, but there's closet psychopaths and sociopaths.
Again, this is why I'm saying...
Charles Manson, 2016.
Put a real psychopath in office, and forget these phonies, you know?
Psychopaths who want to be.
No, really, this is disgusting what's going on.
They're leading us to war.
The economy... Look, talking about Obama.
Go back to when he dumped in a trillion dollars, basically, of our dough in this phony bailout thing.
You remember the shovel-ready jobs.
By now, our economy was supposed to be growing at 4.2%.
Or was it coming in at 1.9?
Yeah, that's right.
Who can get away with this stuff?
Hang on, Gerald.
We're going to be right back with Gerald Cilenti right after the break.
Stay tuned.
We're going to get final words from Gerald as to where he sees things heading.
Trends forecast.
Be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex and I've got Gerald Salenti on the line.
We've been talking about what's going to happen economically in the world.
I don't want to get one more forecast from Gerald with TrendsResearch.com.
But before we do, remember earlier in the program we talked about this article from RT.
Brazil is going to ban Monsanto's Roundup.
They found that glyphosate
I think so.
Into your water, into your crops.
So it's up to you to do something about it.
Now, this hour has been brought to you by ProPure Filter.
You know, the new ProOne G2.0 elements are silver impregnated and they can filter glyphosate.
So you're not going to get the government to take it out, you're going to have to take it out yourself.
California even allows concentrations of up to a thousand parts per billion of glyphosate.
Go to Infowarshop.com, click on the ProPure water system, read the label,
And the informational sheet for yourself, it removes pesticides, herbicides, chloramines, hydrofluorosilic acid, and sodium hexafluorosilicate.
Okay, I got this.
Get the toxins and heavy metals out of your water today.
And get a 10% discount with Water 10.
That's right.
Those things that you can't pronounce, those things that I can't pronounce, you don't want to be eating those.
That's bad.
That's really bad.
If it's so long that you can't pronounce it, that I can't pronounce it, don't drink it.
Gerald, what do you want to tell us?
What do you think things are headed?
What do you think is going to happen with interest rates?
You think they're going to go up before the election, or are they going to spike them after the election?
What's your... Well, they have to go up.
They're going to go up.
And when interest rates go...
Well, if the economy goes down, it's as simple as that.
This was an interest rate recovery.
You see it already with housing sales.
The more the 30-year mark...
It goes up, the sales go.
It's as simple as that.
And it's the same thing with the autos and on and on and on.
It's the low interest rates.
When interest rates go up, the economy goes down.
And that's why I believe they're going to come out with another stimulus program.
Maybe they'll call it Yellonomics or something.
Under a new name.
And the things to watch, again, are what's going on around the world.
Not only, of course, in Ukraine.
It's not making the news.
Tens of thousands of Spanish students are out in the streets as we speak.
There's been protests last week.
Millions, millions throughout Spain protesting.
And in Portugal, not making the news at all.
You have youth unemployment around the world.
India crisis.
China, 25% of the college grads can't find jobs other than working in a slave factory.
So what we're seeing here is a buildup of pressure.
What will be the false flag that ignites it?
Oh, by the way, they had a run on a Chinese bank the other day.
And you have this Abe over there that keeps banging the war drum against China on the disputes in the South China Sea.
So these are the things to really be keyed into.
And I want to mention this.
We're coming out with the New Trends Journal in mid-April.
And one of the focuses that we're working on is we're starting an Occupy Peace movement.
It's going to be called OccupyPeace.US.
It's only for Americans.
Every country should have their own, and it's based on three simple words.
No foreign entanglements.
Yes, yes.
Boy, I second that.
That's Gerald Cilenti, TrendsResearch.com, and that magazine is Trends Journal.
Join us tonight for the nightly news.
Thank you, Gerald.
Thank you, David.
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