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Name: 20140327_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 27, 2014
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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is going to be an extremely powerful worldwide transmission today.
Max Geiser is coming on to talk about all the deaths of the bankers, what's happening in the markets, geopolitical developments as well.
But the first thing...
That we need to go over obviously here today is the situation with Russia.
Poland is calling up its armed reserves saying the world stands on the brink of conflict.
That's the president.
Western governments see continuing Russian buildup on Ukraine border.
That's Reuters.
Study even a small nuclear war would destroy the world.
That's in CBS News.
Russian officials dump iPads over spy fears because they're basically designed for spying.
Ted Cruz says the Russians are openly laughing at Obama.
I don't agree with that.
And Ted Cruz is kind of just going along with the establishment line on Russia to sound strong and presidential.
Because, again, NATO just took 93% of Ukraine, and the Russians grabbed their pipelines.
That's it.
The Russians have been absolutely defeated, and now they're rolling Western weapons into Ukraine.
And that's why the Russians are massing troops, because their back is against the wall.
Russia is a collapsing civilization, just like we are, but they're more advanced.
Just as the NASA study came out and said, irreversible societal collapse.
By design, though, they don't tell you that.
It is reversible.
And now they're saying, is Vladimir Putin coming from the North Pole next?
Because there's been a decade-long dispute over those areas as they begin to drill for natural gas and oil.
And obviously, Russia has a claim on part of the North Pole, of the Arctic.
But if they claim anything by their evil and want to kill everybody,
And again, folks, it's not that I romanticize Russia.
It's that I want to build a civilization based on technology and chivalry.
Based on being honorable and based on real science and the love of exploration.
I want to work with the Chinese, the Russians, the Germans, the Arabs, the Latin Americans.
I want a goal-based civilization.
I want to survive and thrive.
I am sick of the models of conflict and war and governments that want to keep war going because it allows them to organize society around conflict instead of around exploration, innovation.
And I know that's not an original thought.
It's what anyone who loves their children wants.
Now that doesn't mean we don't have a defense.
It doesn't mean we don't have personal weapons.
It doesn't mean we're not personally warriors.
There will always be bad people that want to make you their slave.
That's why you've got to be trained in the arts of war and ready to defend yourself.
But you don't run around the world starting wars and turning al-Qaeda loose in scores of nations.
Our country has lost all its moral high ground and is overrun by the most sickening practitioners of anti-human systems the world's ever seen.
And the people running our country are not America.
Let's just get that straight.
The people running conflict with Russia are our enemies.
They want to destroy us.
They want to abort our children before they're born.
They want to give us GMO garbage.
They hate Americans.
The globalists hate Americans ten times more than they hate the Russians.
They hate the Russians because they've been independent, nationalistic, and a male-driven society.
A primitive, dark age, but strong society.
An orthodox Christian society.
It's to be destroyed.
And the globalists, with 80 plus years of communist rule, did a really good job.
Our filthy, degenerate banker government put the Bolsheviks in there.
And I'm sick of it!
And by the way, starting a war with Russia, even a Cold War, allows the worst elements to take control there.
But see, that's how the evil works.
The globalists don't want real peace.
I do.
I know you do.
We've got some good news coming up.
In the last 50 years, iodine has been phased out of our staple foods and replaced with the halogen bromine, a practice now banned in nations around the world.
Guess what else is in the halogen family?
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here.
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Zack, this is Crystal Palace.
NORAD has declared DEFCON 3.
Scramble all alert aircraft.
I repeat, scramble all alert aircraft.
The bomber spends all its time thinking about World War 3.
Target selection complete.
Time on target sequence complete.
22 Typhoon-class submarines departing Petropavlovsk, turning south out of Nordkapp, bearing 095 degrees.
Radar reports two unknown tracks are penetrating the Alaskan Air Defense Front.
From the front lines of the Information War... Flush the bombers, get the subs in launch mode.
We are at DEFCON 1.
Are you prepared to destroy the enemy?
You bet!
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
We'll keep control, but we'll keep it here at the top where it belongs.
3... 2... 1... Impact!
Shall we play a game?
Call it down.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
All units confirm weapons targeted and ready.
Awaiting launch codes.
We are on a launch mode.
Do you really believe that the enemy would attack without provocation?
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We're in!
Russians are still denying everything, sir.
We have Soviet submarine launch detection.
I wish I didn't know about any of this.
I wish I was like everybody else.
The only way to win the game is not to play.
Ladies and gentlemen, the globalist...
Want to use nuclear weapons.
They've had the RAND Corporation, the Pentagon, the last decade put out reports claiming limited nuclear wars are sustainable and reasonable and no big deal.
They're basically like a walk in the park.
And they've been selling that idea.
And they've been moving nuclear weapons, tactical, medium range, in and around the Russian borders.
They have been arming Al Qaeda to attack Russia publicly.
They have been trying to destabilize Russia domestically with left-wing socialist anti-family cults.
They have been overthrowing Syria, Libya, Egypt with Al-Qaeda forces.
This is not our government that's doing this.
This is insane central banks, the same people that brought you Obamacare, the same people that finance all the anti-gun groups, the same people that finance the open borders, the same people that finance and all the universities anti-father initiatives.
They want to break society.
Because tyranny never ends up working.
So they think, well, tyranny isn't broken.
No, it's that humanity isn't complying with it, so we're just going to neuter humanity.
And in the process, destroy the vigor of the species.
Let me just give you a smattering here of the headlines I have.
I have some incredibly good news that I'm going to be getting to at the bottom of the hour that is just so delightful.
MSNBC loses another quarter of its viewers in the last year and is already imploded and collapsed.
I just want to announce that here now.
They've been collapsed for years.
It is literally a facade.
And it doesn't matter they have anti-gun CIA spokesman front men on
Rachel Maddow Show and all these petty movie stars like Aflac and the rest of them, they are a complete joke and legends in their own mind.
And they're only there so they don't have to announce they've already collapsed.
They are complete fraud, facade, garbage.
And will destroy the preservation of you and your family if they have their way.
They are the enemy.
And just recognizing that is the beginning of survival of the species.
Finding your human common sense, your vigor, your aggression, your focus, your dedication to humanity.
Good people have a hundred times the power of evil people.
We're more vicious, we're smarter.
On every front we will stomp the enemy into the ground.
In the info war, physically, whatever it takes.
But you've got to step into your power.
Let me continue with more unbelievably good news here, ladies and gentlemen.
Again, we're going to be covering this at the bottom of the hour.
The FBI has severed ties with the Southern Poverty Law Center and removed them from their websites and are removing them from recommended law enforcement training.
I'm going to say that again.
The FBI is removing its connections from the SPLC.
The SPLC is a publicly sworn group to attack the Second Amendment, every basic liberty there is, fatherhood, the family, and any independent media, and they get their talking points directly from the central banks and the Communist Party.
And they now, ladies and gentlemen, are on the rocks.
We're going to be getting into all that.
The enemy is on the rocks if you attack them in the info war.
And don't apologize, because the minute we recognize them as the enemy, it doesn't matter if the globalists blow up more federal buildings.
Southern Poverty Law Center had their informants in control of the white supremacist Elohim City Command Center.
It doesn't matter how many nukes the globalists set off in U.S.
cities and blame the Russians and claim they're working with U.S.
right wing and try to arrest us in martial law.
That dog doesn't hunt isn't going to work.
We saw your plan blew out of the water over a decade ago.
Now everybody sees you trying to run that play.
They see what you're doing.
You understand we're engaging you.
We're not laying down.
We're better than you.
We're smarter than you.
We're stronger than you.
We're honorable.
We're not cowards.
We were born to go up against scum like you.
You people think all your black uniforms in your FEMA camp scare us?
You think all this garbage really scares Americans?
Americans have been brought up in front of a television set, mesmerized.
They've been sleeping.
The minute you start the fight, you begin to lose it!
The minute you start the fight, you awaken the giant!
The minute you keep pushing us is the minute you go down!
You got that, scum?! !
So I'm going to be talking about that at the bottom of the hour.
And I'm telling you what's going on right now is the people know we're all in danger.
The people look at their kids.
I don't care if they're a cop or a bureaucrat or even a social worker or an FBI agent or a Secret Service agent.
People in the system, they look at their children and they know they're flushing them down the toilet working for this New World Order.
This new world order is illegitimate and has hijacked this country.
Everybody knows it in their gut.
Everybody knows it intellectually.
There's no more debate.
You either stand up against it, or you roll over.
You either decide to choose humanity and 1776 and our forebearers, who sure weren't perfect, but compared to these people running things, they're night and day.
The honor, the courage, the dedication, the strength, the male power!
That's what the New World Order totally fears is men!
Men who care about building a civilization.
Men who want prosperity.
Men who want to build bridges and buildings and spacecraft and have a future.
Men who love poetry.
Men who love combat.
Men who love their families and their wives.
Men who are strong.
Men are the answer.
With God's light to change this world and fix this planet.
And it's time for men to stop being little boys for their whole lives.
And to stand up and become men.
I'm already getting into this.
The point is the enemy is weak.
They're weak spiritually.
They're weak physically.
They're cowards who crave narcissistic delight.
Why look down into the water at your own reflection when you can look up at the stars?
Why look into your own eyes in a mirror when you can look into your woman's eyes?
Why love yourself and your petty power trip when you could love seeing your sons and daughters become strong and see them delight in creativity and discovery?
We're gonna be breaking all that down today.
Max Keiser is coming on.
Now coming up, the UK government threatened to shut down the Guardian for printing Snowden leaks.
That's why they stopped releasing them.
We're going to get into the latest on Obamacare.
Every state has been caught hiring, through the federal government, criminals to run the Navigator systems.
Convicted swindlers, money launderers, identity thieves.
Who do you think, as Kit Daniels wrote months before it went into effect this year, last year, months before it went into effect,
We said it'll be acorn-type groups, and it wasn't just acorn-like.
It was acorn groups that have changed their name from New York to Nevada, coming up and saying, you give me your social security numbers right now, old lady.
And you know what?
They give it to them, and you know what happens.
And it's in the news.
Gonna be covering that.
This is a criminal takeover.
But it's my government.
I mean, they're the authority.
No, they're not when they're mad dog criminals.
And you're insane to keep cowering to these people.
That is what's going to let them win.
It's not courage to fight these people.
It's self-preservation.
It's blind, stupid courage to roll over to these people.
Because that's what you better fear.
You better fear not facing the full truth.
You better fear not making preparation for it.
You better fear not taking the opportunity we've got because of checks and balances that have been overrun but still are there to a certain degree that we can use to pivot on and restore the republic.
We have the moral high ground.
We have self-preservation on our side, the survival instinct that they've worked so hard to nihilistically destroy.
We want to restore the Republic.
We want to restore justice.
We want to restore our institutions that were never perfect, but have been totally brought down.
And we can do it.
The world's worth fighting for.
People say, well, just leave it to God.
God helps those who help themselves.
The old Bedouin saying, trust in God, but tie up your camel.
I'm just going to leave my horse untied.
I trust in God.
God sees that and sees a fool.
Tie up your horse, do your best, and God will carry you through to the next step.
But you've got to take that first step.
You've got to ask God to empower you as a vessel, as a soldier, in the fight against the destroyer.
We'll be back with the latest on Russia.
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Do business
You take a mortal man And put him in control Watch Obama become a god
Watch people's liberties and freedoms be destroyed.
Just like the Pied Piper let Al-Qaeda in.
Then you call the Pied Piper to get Al-Qaeda out.
But then later, Pied Piper comes for your children.
And now he's in control of the system.
He actin' like a robot.
Your metal brain corrodes.
It's metal.
Brain corrodes.
Dave Mustaine bringing us in.
The great Dave Mustaine.
What a great guy.
You try to take us boss.
Totally real.
Before the head explodes.
Before the head explodes.
If you were the globalists, who would you attack?
If you were the globalists, what would you do to your enemy?
You'd put poison in their water to dumb them down and lower their IQ and give them cancer.
You'd destroy their culture.
You'd destroy their families.
You'd take the greatest creditor nation and make them the greatest debtor nation.
He'd attack the churches, he'd attack morality.
He would do exactly what the globalists in Hollywood have done to this country, and what they're trying to do to Russia.
Everybody else is, they play our countries off against each other.
Just like Ian from Russia Would Love, the James Bond movie written by the MI6 spy Ian Fleming.
The two Chinese fighting fish, one kills the other, the other's weak, then the third smarter one comes in for the kill.
That's what the New World Order does, up above us, playing us off against each other.
Study, small nuclear war would destroy the world.
That's in CBS News, in amongst the news and sports.
With an estimated 17,000 nuclear weapons in the world, we have the power to exterminate humanity many times over.
But it wouldn't take a full-scale nuclear war to make Earth uninhabitable, reports Live Science.
Even a relatively small regional nuclear war, like a conflict between India and Pakistan, could spark a global environmental catastrophe, says a new study.
Yes, in a cascading new dark age is what the study gets into.
Let's click on that Live Science report there in the blue link.
Most people would be surprised to know that even a very small regional nuclear war on the other side of the planet could disrupt global climate for at least a decade.
That's actually true.
It would throw up incredible dust in the atmosphere and wipe out the ozone layer for a decade, said lead author Michael Mills, an atmospheric scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado.
And do you know why they note that?
Because not the Russians, not the Chinese,
No, do you know who detonated over a hundred hydrogen bombs in the upper atmosphere?
Do you know who did that?
Our government did in the 60s.
Quote, trying to quote, blow a hole in the Van Allen radiation belt.
That made it worse.
On record, more radioactive.
That was first, blow a hole in the Van Allen radiation belt.
Then they wanted to see if they could ignite the atmosphere on a planetary scale.
This is all publicly classified.
Let's just see if we can burn the Earth up.
Sure, let's go ahead and do that.
And then they wanted to see if they could blow holes in the ozone layer.
And do you know they were successful doing that?
These people aren't insane.
They're not guided by Satan.
And you're right, atheists, there's no devil.
Well, you know what?
I'm being sarcastic.
Even if there isn't a physical, spiritual, dimensional devil, which obviously I believe there is, the evidence is overwhelming, of an evil force throughout history that is bigger than just individual people guiding it, a force, a spirit.
If that isn't a devil, it is.
The devil exists archetypally, whether you think it exists or not.
That's the devil.
Trying to ignite the atmosphere.
Trying to create mass power outages worldwide in a test.
That was the fourth thing they were doing.
Excuse me.
These people are out of their minds.
And now they're chemtrailing us since the early 90s.
With barium, salts, aluminum dioxide, strontium.
And, you know, they're crazy!
They want to bang heads with humanity.
And that's what they've done.
And, uh, it's hard to create, folks.
It's easy to destroy.
And I don't even see any creativity in their destruction.
I don't see creative destruction here.
I see just destruction.
Stinking, ugly destruction.
We'll be right back with the latest on Russia.
Stay with us.
Haven't gotten to that yet.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alex Jones here with a message to fellow freedom lovers.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
I'm gonna now try to hurry through the news as quickly as possible ahead of opening the phones up, then our guest is joining us.
Max Keiser, always informative.
We are back live, my friends.
Getting back to the Russia situation, it is extremely reckless to be mashing nuclear weapons and military force and missile shoot-down systems to stop a Russian counter-attack on the borders with Russia.
If our government was truly moral, truly supporting liberty worldwide, and trying to liberate Russia from some North Korean-style tyranny,
It would still be something that should be up for debate for the public to decide if we wanted to risk nuclear war to free Russia.
Russia, compared to the globalists, is not as mentally ill and insane and anti-human.
Probably because they just went through 80 years, 80 plus years of globalist communism, financed out of New York and London,
With the Bolshevik overthrow in 1917.
The same banks that run the Federal Reserve, publicly, JP Morgan, you name it, on record funded the Bolsheviks.
Look it up.
25 million train of gold, Stalin sent in to aid Lenin.
Hundreds of thousands of people from England and the U.S.
sent over as the Bolshevik Army.
The Bolshevik Army was foreign Westerners who spoke Russian, who didn't immigrate into the United States, who overthrew Russia.
I mean, this is so insane, ladies and gentlemen.
And by the way, the Russians, this is known by the Russians, and it's in Shultz and Eaton's books, and it's been written about.
But they don't put it on Russian TV because there's still a lot of old Russians and people that like communism and buy into it all and buy the propaganda.
Because Stalin did kind of double-cross that neocon group and then they came back over here.
But the point is that the American people and the British people, the UK people, British at the time, literally financed
50, 60 million Russians killed.
Just like our government helped put Mao Zedong in, that's now declassified.
What the John Birch Society said in the 50s, why they created the John Birch Society, was it was discovered that, and they said it for decades and then it's been declassified now in the last decade, but they've been saying it since the 50s, declassified in 2004, that indeed,
The CIA put Mao Zedong in power and double-crossed Chiang Kai-shek and killed U.S.
personnel that had gone native, OSS people who refused to aid the Communists, and they lined up U.S., British, you name it, soldiers and killed them.
Our CIA.
Because there were a bunch of military people that stayed behind and said, we are not going to turn this over to the communists.
And you know what happened?
They got killed.
Just remember that.
Because this is not our government that runs things, ladies and gentlemen.
This is a criminal group.
Look at the New York Times whitewashing it.
CIA papers lend insight on China under Mao.
In the New York Times, when Mao died, David Rockefeller wrote an op-ed piece literally worshipping him, saying, who can deny he did a great job and is a model for us?
I mean, disgusting!
Even before it was fully declassified, I remember in 1999, watching History Channel with the CIA section chief over Asia.
And he was laughing about how they put Mao Zedong in.
And bragging on History Channel.
And of course, I knew all the names.
I'd read the John Birch publications.
I knew all about it.
John Birch is named after a guy that stayed behind, who they killed.
Tortured, of course, first.
And it lets you know that this has been known forever.
And that's the only reason we knew about the New World Order plan in the 50s and 60s is because a bunch of people inside the CIA, inside the FBI, gave all their intel to Welsh, the man that spent his whole fortunes trying to resist it, because they couldn't believe the level of treason.
And I'm just digressing here.
I just marvel at the fact that the people that own the Federal Reserve, the globalists, the big six megabanks, British royalty, you name it, funding it, would overthrow Russia and put in a group of eugenicists, anti-family, anti-God exterminators, and kill 50-plus million Russians, 10 million Ukrainians, millions of Poles.
Millions of others in Eastern Europe.
A reign of hellish terror and social engineering.
And that the same globalist literally butchered China.
And have visited upon China 80 plus million dead.
That's China's number.
CIA says 65 million or 66 million.
And of course, then you realize, oh my gosh, they want to do that here.
They really will try that here.
They really want to break America and re-educate us once and for all, and the only way they do that is starting a global war that they can also tie into domestic groups, and the only way to do that is to set off a nuke.
And then type it off the signatures, the jacketing isotopes,
Fingerprint it and frame the Russians or the Iranians, and then tie it into domestic grips, and launch a full-bore takeover.
And they really might go ahead and pull the trigger, because let me tell you, they're going to lose if they don't.
We have them.
They think they're choking us, folks?
We're like a giant boa constrictor that's got a little piglet wrapped up in it, and we're just starting to squeeze, and they're just starting to figure out that humanity wants to be free.
It's just a natural instinct.
It's not any organized, coordinated thing.
It's just a mass, we don't want to be part of this.
From factory workers, to farmers, to ranchers, to school teachers, to government agents,
The power trip's wearing off, folks.
People are really sitting there thinking about their families, thinking about their future, thinking about history, and really going ahead with all this.
Where Homeland Security openly trains to take on gun owners, veterans, you name it.
Obama's disapproval rating hits an all-time high.
Look at this headline.
Humans to be kept alive between life and death in first suspended animation trials.
And they are able to do it with dogs and stuff already, folks.
That sounds like, uh, what is the name of it?
I haven't read it in probably 15, 20 years.
A Philip K. Dick, um, novel.
Where they, uh, where they freeze you.
But, but keep your brain somewhat alive and people can come and talk to you.
You can live hundreds of years that way?
Already got it.
Now you freeze somebody hard, when the cells get thawed out, they burst.
That's why meat doesn't taste good when it's been frozen.
So that's the only problem they've got to get around, but they're getting close.
So they bring you near death, maybe a heartbeat a minute or so,
And so 10 years is only like two weeks and then they can keep you alive directly out of the mind of Philip K. Dick.
By the way, I happen to know the inside baseball on Philip K. Dick and I'm not at liberty to talk about it.
Sure wish I could tell you about it.
Let's just say a lot of interesting stuff was going on in the 60s in San Francisco.
You know, I don't know why I learn all this stuff and get it directly from... Oh, I'm giving all this information that I'm not allowed to tell you.
I always love that part.
I can only tell you all the things I've been told, all the things I've learned.
I just don't get why all these famous people
Tell me all this information and then I'm not allowed to tell you.
They just want me to know and confirm what I'm saying.
And then these people let the media project who they are, who their husband was.
Who their son was, who their daughter was, who their father was.
When they could tell the world who they really were and what really happened.
But they're scared and they know how the media spins things and how it will attack them.
But the good news is the liberty is here.
The old system's going down.
No one cares what it says anymore.
So now it's time for all of you to go public.
It's time for John Lennon's family to go public.
It's time for the Philip K. Dick daughters to go public.
It's time for all of you to start telling the world what you've been through.
Instead... This has come out once, so I can say one part of it that's already public.
You know Dick got visited repeatedly by the government asking how he knew all this stuff.
I'm just gonna leave it at that.
More human than human, that's our goal here at Tyrell Corporation.
And are you really the un-teleported man?
Anyways, ladies and gentlemen, ah, the world, we're living in a science fiction phantasm, ladies and gentlemen.
And we care about people like Ben Affleck, or whatever his name is, on Rachel Maddow with no viewers, and we're letting the globalists try to start a war with the Russians when the whole universe is there before us, and we're busy fighting over primitive accumulation with each other?
It's pointless!
Let me get to the good news, because I said I'd get to that, and then I'll get into the economic news.
There's a bunch of... I've got to get to this petty corruption news, how the media always focuses on petty corruption garbage instead of focusing on the big corruption, and that's a tool they use to give you the little stuff.
And I know everybody knows that, but it's important to refocus on that.
Let me give you first, though, the good news.
And again, we already knew this because we tracked the Nielsen ratings, which MSNBC and others got caught years ago, paying to have Nielsen put out fake ratings for them.
See, you have to understand, these are fake numbers, okay?
But it's still that facade for the business owners that put MSNBC and CNN on in their restaurants and bars.
Or in the airports, or in the government buildings, it's still the facade that A, these are liberals when they are flaming fascist control freak demons, the worst of humanity, not fit to lead a dead dog into a ditch.
MSNBC loses another quarter of its viewers in the last year.
And then soon it's another quarter of that diminished amount.
Listen, their biggest shows have half a million viewers.
Ladies and gentlemen, talk about Emperor's new clothes.
I don't have to give you the numbers that Rush Limbaugh has over 10 million listeners a day, that Michael Savage has about 8-9 million a day, that Sean Hannity has about 5-6 million a day, that Glenn Beck has 5-6-7-8 million a day, that I have 3 million a day, that Coast to Coast AM has about 9 million a day, 16 million a week.
You go, why isn't it every day that many?
It builds up to... No, because a lot of people listen every day.
The point is, and that's just terrestrial radio.
We've got 500, 600, 700 million views on YouTube.
We can't even count them all.
We've got 3 million terrestrial listeners a day.
A million people visiting the websites a day.
3 million followers on our different Facebooks.
I'm not bragging, I'm telling you, these people sit up there pontificating, and they have Ben Affleck on or whatever, to sit there, every movie comes out glorifying the CIA, it's a joke!
I mentioned that because I just keep seeing the image of Ben Affleck in the article, you know, with that narcissistic, self-important look.
You don't like the TSA groping you?
Well, go to hell, he said, close quote.
Turns out that guy only flies on private jets while making fun of groups that didn't want to be groped at the airport and go through naked body scanners.
Hey, punk!
You're a punk!
You're sniveling and I look at you, he's so stupid when you look in his eyes.
I'm so sick of these nobodies being propped up over us to sit there and these nobody joke actors that we're all supposed to fall down in front of and worship all day.
I am totally sick of it.
The Nielsen Media Research data
That the biggest decline came in MSNBC, which lost nearly a quarter, 24% of its primetime audience.
CNN, under new management, ended its fourth year in third place with a 13% decline in primetime.
In total, the combined viewership of all three major cable networks, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, dropped 11% to its smallest audience since 2007.
Not by coincidence, the disapproval rating of Lord Obama, for whom the likes of CNMSNBC have been dutiful water carriers in the midst of numerous scandals, hit a new record high this week of disapproval, 59% gallop, and that's a total whitewash.
It's much worse than that.
And it just goes on.
Now let me give you more good news here.
And this one's really juicy.
Southern Poverty Law Center, DailyCaller.com,
Up on Infowars.com, FBI severs ties with liberal domestic terrorism-inspiring Southern Poverty Law Center.
This is the group with the ADL that writes the...
Mynack reports, Myack reports, Homeland Security reports, it's all written by them, it's even the same graphics, they admit that, about how the founders are bad and gun owners are bad and men are bad and borders are bad and, you know, not wanting five-year-olds to learn how to, you know, put a condom on a banana is bad and Jocelyn Elders is going to save us and Alex Jones is evil and blah blah blah.
And Morris Sleaze heading it up, and the same group that was running the Elohim City Command Center that federal whistleblowers exposed and got arrested.
I mean, they are a really dangerous group, ladies and gentlemen.
They advise the police.
They give police chiefs awards.
The ADL does the same, basically the same organization, just two different heads.
And the FBI is now delisting them on their website and saying they're not a source for FBI agents.
Because most of what they have on there is a fiction.
They'll have some toothless grand dragon on there, you know, some cousin of Senator Byrd, Democrat, and then they'll put him next to Lou Dobbs and myself.
It just doesn't hold water.
And the fact that the FBI is delisting them shows a major, major victory.
And we're going to continue to hammer the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center.
I mean, the ADL got convicted and caught
And they've lost in civil court as well with police files and going after people for no reason and tracking citizens domestically and secretly infiltrating police departments.
And then they go around with these anti-gun initiatives and say you're anti-semitic if you don't turn your guns in.
I mean, it's just, it's total socialist garbage.
Using race card to attack people.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation revoked and removed its links to the Southern Poverty Law Center from the Civil Rights Division website last week, breaking ties with the group that inspired a would-be mass shooter in a hate map attack.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Freedom came my way one day.
Sheriff John Brown.
And if they start the Civil War, you know what's gonna happen.
We got Max Keiser coming up in the next hour.
And then, we're gonna take your calls for him, and then I will take nothing but calls in the third hour.
Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye.
I am Alex Jones, your host.
Thank you for joining us.
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And also, folks, I've gotten nothing in the staff, because this just came out yesterday and started shipping today, nothing but rave reviews from Buckley Hammond, my cousin, that's now come to work with us after working with me the first three years of launching Infowars in 1995.
In fact, he was involved in Infowars before it existed.
In 1993-94, when I was first in college, he was in college.
He's about six months younger than me.
He was going to southwest Texas, south of Austin.
And he actually helped me put out my first radio tapes and things and get some of my first jobs.
And he's been working in TV and network news.
So I finally twisted his arm into coming down here to Texas, back home to InfoWars.
Of course, it was just his dad, my uncle, that died this year.
And so he said it was time to come home and be closer to his mother back in Texas.
So he's here with us.
I don't know why I got off into that story.
The point is to say he's part of the team again.
You notice his name on films like Masters of Terror.
Uh, the Bohemian Grove film.
He's in the credits.
You'll see his name on my first film, America's Troy by Design.
He shot the video on that on the nationwide trip and helped me make that film.
His name, of course, is in the music and the editing and so much more in Road to Tyranny.
Edited that in my living room, in my living room office, in my little two-bedroom house.
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I got tons of news coming up.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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In the last 50 years, iodine has been phased out of our staple foods and replaced with the halogen bromine, a practice now banned in nations around the world.
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We're good.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Max Keiser is going to join us on the economy, geopolitics and more.
I want to give you some of the news that's up on Infowars.com right now.
And then we will also
Take your phone calls.
Probably when Kaiser's on, but definitely, definitely in the third hour coming up today.
Here's some of the news on Drudge I'm going to be getting to.
Rand Paul announces 50-state network, taps 200 people for team.
He is the Republican frontrunner in all the polls once he's CPAC'd.
We could really end up with President Rand Paul.
But that is only the beginning of the war.
That is not winning the war.
It is winning a major battle.
And we don't need to start celebrating yet, but this definitely shows how popular Liberty is.
Continuing, Godfather, as he's known, of Chicago, is now saying he had contrary views on Obamacare and doesn't like it, basically.
So the rats are leaving the sinking ship Rahm Emanuel.
Hospitals plot the end of insurance companies, and GOP economic growth, half of what President said his policies would deliver, and that's with QE Unlimited.
Senator Cornyn says SHIELD law bill is government licensing of news media.
That's what I said it was day one, that's what Matt Drudge said it was, and you notice people are now reading it going, wait a minute, you're calling it the Patriot Act, it butchers the Bill of Rights.
You're calling it the Affordable Care Act, it increases the prices, it lowers the quality, and brings in death panels.
This thing actually waters down court rulings and precedents in media for mainstream dinosaur media and then takes away any shields for independent journalists that are now the real media.
And Cornyn, who I'm not a big fan of, kind of a neocon fake, you know, blue blood, but it's the truth.
So that's very exciting to see that bill in trouble.
You know, they say they've got the votes to pass it out of the Senate, but that's Chuckie Schumer saying that.
Harry Reid, just give me a break.
And Dianne Feinstein, I mean, it just never ends.
These people cannot control the narrative, so they're panicking right now.
And you know, they've been real arrogant for a long time, MSNBC, CNN, all of them, Michael Moore.
Now they get they're in trouble.
Hillary said three years ago they're losing the info war.
But they still have the hubris.
And that's what always brings them down.
Now they realize they're wide open.
That's why Obama is saying, in a message to Russia, you know, I'm really worried a nuke might go off and then Russia don't want to have to have a problem with you.
The message is, I'll set a nuke off, Rusker.
I'm crazy.
I will blow you up, Mr. Red.
That's Russian.
Settled by the Vikings, the Rus in the West.
Listen, listen, listen Reds, I will blow you off the map!
That's the message, Mr. Ruski.
But if we expose what they're up to, they're not going to be able to do it.
Again, you're like, well, why don't you want them to blow the Russians up?
Don't we get something if we have a nuclear war?
Aren't you a right-wing patriot?
Don't you hate Russians?
I mean, this is all pure bull.
The bankers put the Russians in, the commies in, gave them the nuclear weapons, the whole nine yards to build up a police state here to counter their police state.
And now, they don't want Russia to re-industrialize.
And so, what they're doing is trying to start a new Cold War.
I know that's elementary.
Everyone understands that.
Well, if you understand that, folks, and I know you do, you know more than I do, many of you, especially the veterans I hear that call, and they got all the angles, you better tell some people right now.
Who's the threat?
The Russians or Obama?
Who's taking your rights?
The Russians or this criminal government?
Who's walking all over you, raising your taxes while the Russians cut their taxes?
This government.
The Russians do one thing against my interest and my family.
I will spit on them.
They've done nothing to us.
And I will not be part of this garbage.
Now when we come back, Max Keiser joins us.
Pope tells Obama of concern for religious freedom in the U.S.
While Obama meets with him, they've shut down the Vatican consulate that the U.S.
had there.
So weird stuff going on, folks.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
For the balance of the hour, Max Kaiser, host of RT's international news program, Syndicated Radio host.
I don't know where to start first.
Not because of lack of news, but because there's too much of it.
Here's some of the headlines up on InfoWars.com.
Justices, Supreme Court, companies can pay penalty if they object to Obamacare birth control.
And that broke yesterday, but Curt Nemo breaks down more facets of it.
And Obama's been denying there's a penalty, even though there is a penalty, and now there's this bizarre thing where
They have media pundits saying there's no penalty or the penalty kicks in later when it's kicking in now for businesses.
Justice Kagan argued religious views might be used to violate other federal laws.
Well, that's the whole point.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
I mean, look at Elena Kagan, ladies and gentlemen.
A bad clone copy of Rachel Maddow meets Janet Reno meets Dung Beetle Napolitano.
I mean, this woman is a political, socialist, progressive, anti-gun, anti-man joke.
This is a revolution of weakness and scum over everyone.
What a degenerate fraud to be ruled over by the likes of her and people like Harry Reid.
I mean, what a infamia.
Here's another one.
Anti-NSA reps
Are being intentionally cut out of debate on surveillance bill.
They're using the committees to do that.
That's on InfoWars.com.
World leaders wear bizarre Illuminati pyramid at nuclear summit.
Later, I'm going to play this the next hour and show TV viewers this, but you got to go see it up on InfoWars.com.
We have images and video of it.
I mean, stuff's really getting weird.
Russia may face Islamic terrorism in Crimea.
Yeah, the neocons and the Obamanoids are activating those guys.
I think that's a great article by Kurt, but it should just read, West prepares to activate Muslim terror cells in war against Russia.
That's really what's going on.
MSNBC loses another quarter of its viewers, along with other dinosaur media outlets that have already collapsed.
They just keep the facade going.
Report, Poland calls up army reserves as the world stands on the brink of conflict.
Vatican astronomers ramp up their search for brother extraterrestrials.
Idaho family terrorized by midnight paramilitary raid.
That's up on PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.com.
On Drudge,
Rand Paul announces 50-state network, taps 200 people for team, is the frontrunner in every major national poll for the Republican ticket.
I can't think of another better gentleman, who's a true patriot, who I've known for 16, 17 years.
I've known him since 1996.
I've known him 18 years.
The real deal.
I remember calling up to get him on, and you'd hear babies in the background.
I mean, I knew him before he had babies.
Well, I'm just proud of the fact that I know Rand Paul's real.
Doesn't mean he's perfect, doesn't mean he won't have to play some footsie to not get assassinated, but he's had a real chance at being president.
We'll talk about that after Max Keiser leaves us.
Really big news, Senator Cornyn's told the truth.
It's up on DrudgeReport.com and says, shield law bill is government licensing of news media.
Yeah, that's what it is, as a shield for media.
It's like, you know, I'm going to give you the fountain of youth and shoot you in the head five times.
I mean, it's Patriot Act, again, it's unpatriotic.
New Freedom Initiative, drugs half the kids, destroys their freedom.
All these initiatives have these Orwellian names that are the opposite.
Ministry of Truth, Ministry of Lies.
You know, give Obama a Peace Prize, launches all these wars.
Alright, we are joined now by Max Keiser of MaxKeiser.com.
And I appreciate him coming on.
He's also a filmmaker.
We had George Galloway on last week, who he's doing two films with.
I'm going to get him on when they come here to the U.S., when we get both men in studio.
But Max, so much is happening.
I want to get into the developments in the economy.
I want to get into the suicide bankers.
I mean, the numbers are so high now, I can't even keep track of it.
I know it's over 20 for a while.
And finally, Bloomberg saying coroners are now looking into it.
But before we do that, what is front and center on your radar screen?
Hi, Alex.
Do you want the bombshell now or later?
Just give me the bombshell now.
Oh, OK.
You know, I've been tracking this work of the 9-11 insider trading for quite a number of years.
And last time I was on your show, I told you there was a book coming out that would confirm that the CIA knew about insider trading and leading up to the 9-11.
That book is now going to be available for the public on April 3rd.
The book is called The Death of Money.
And chapter one explains and explores the CIA completely aware of insider trading in the days leading up to the 9-11 attacks.
I had the author on my show.
My show will be broadcast in a few days.
And we also revealed a bombshell that the brokers at Cantor Fitzgerald were trading on insider information on the attacks on themselves.
That's now been confirmed.
It's discussed on my show.
It'll be aired on Kaiser Report in a few days.
And this book called The Death of Money by Jim Rickards explains in great detail as an eyewitness
Who was there in the room while the CIA was monitoring insider trading on the airline options leading up to the days leading up to 9-11.
I'm here to confirm that the CIA was trading on insider information against the deaths of many Americans on that day.
And I'm here to confirm that Cantor Fitzgerald was also trading on those options against themselves.
To talk about suicide bankers, Alex, these bankers were trading on their own death.
So is it any surprise now that so many bankers are committing suicide?
They're psychopaths.
We saw it on 9-11.
We see it on every day on Wall Street.
Bankers committing financial terrorism.
They trade on their own death.
They trade on other brokers' death.
Max Keiser, I've got to stop you.
This is bombshell.
I didn't know that you would break this here today.
I want to just stop you.
We're going to have to do a nightly news piece on this tonight and pull out all the original articles because I covered it at the time.
It came out in the major German papers and British papers in the week after 9-11 that Buzzy Krongard, executive director of the CIA, I guess that was number three at the CIA,
An administrative position overseeing the agency itself.
He was involved in the insider trading and we know it was tied to counter Fitzgerald back then, but then it got shut down.
Record put options, not against the airline industry, but against United and American specifically, and that that was then covered up and may have run into the billions.
But that got shut down very quickly.
If you have an eyewitness inside there that actually saw it happening, it proves prior knowledge.
And it is the smoking gun of 9-11.
Jim Rickards, who writes this book, The Death of Money, which you can order it now, it's a follow-up to his international bestseller, Currency Wars.
He's with the intelligence services.
No, I know who he is.
I want you to get him on the show.
I've asked you to get him on.
I want him on.
Yeah, he will.
So he's in the room.
He provides eyewitness account of the 9-11 options trading and he explains all the dimensions that are associated with that 9-11 insider trading.
My contribution to the story is, and I've hinted at it before, sensational.
But this book that's come out, I can say now, because I have some support with this book, is that I was talking to Cantor Fitzgerald brokers on the days leading up to 9-11.
No, no, you sold them the virtual trading software.
Yes, they bought my company and I was talking to them directly and they were saying, they were talking about trading on this information about these explosions and airplanes and hitting New York City.
And now we've got confirmation.
So some of those people died trading against themselves.
Some of those people are trading on their own deaths.
And they're now dead.
Well, let's break this down.
When does your RT show airs on Friday, right?
April 3rd, I believe that show is aired.
Well, I know it re-airs because I get confused on the dates.
I want to get you on as soon as that airs so we can actually air that interview here and get follow-up analysis.
But break down what a put option is for folks that aren't in the stock market or don't study it and why this is such a big deal.
The stocks are trade on the New York Stock Exchange and stocks trade on companies like airlines and in this case you're talking about United Airlines and American Airlines.
At the same time in Chicago there's an options exchange and an option allows you to put up for a very little amount of money an option to buy or sell that stock at some point in the future.
And the reason why the option market is interesting, and I traded options on Wall Street for years.
I was the, I think, number two or number three highest producing options broker within the Scherz and Lehman Hutton system.
I did over a million dollars in gross commissions in options in 1988, just trading options.
And I was in their very select group of... No, no, you were even on things like Nightline and stuff back in the 80s.
We found those clips.
It's pretty funny.
I think so.
Because the people that were trading them in the days leading up to the event knew about what was coming, and they were trading on inside information.
And so the options market is like a litmus test, where it gives you a photo of what the insiders are doing.
And Jim Rickards in his book talks about how he built a system called MarkEnt.
That's M-A-R-K-I-N-T, short for Market Intelligence, which was based on creating an options detection program for the CIA to track terrorism and other activities using the options market, which is based on my technology, the virtual specials technology, going back to the mid-90s.
Also remember John Poindexter created the PAM, which is the Policy Analysis Market.
It was an attempt to create a terror futures market to try to figure out where terrorism would hit next.
That's also based on my technology.
So here you have the options trading.
I was talking to the Canna Broker.
In the days leading up to this event, because they had just bought my company, they moved it to the top floor of the World Trade Center, and they're buying these options and trading.
I then talked to my friends at Alex Brown, where I also worked as a broker.
I worked under Buzzy Krongard.
They also heard the story coming out of New York.
They were also buying these options.
Stay there, stay there.
I want to come back and get to that day.
And again, it came out in the German papers.
We're going to put all the articles up on screen.
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We're good to go.
You just type in Insider Trading 9 slash 11.
You'll get the Asia Times, the New York Times, German newspapers.
The best site is 911research.wtc7.net
They've got a whole compendium, USA Today, clippings, profit from loss, stocks of United American Airlines fell sharply following the September 11th attacks, which had used hijacked jets from two airlines, but unknown investors made a bundle.
Using a financial derivative that increased the value when a stock went down.
And there is the map.
Source, Yahoo Finance, also USA Today.
They have some of those graphs on there.
You can read literally dozens of newspapers about this.
But when it came out that it was the executive director of the CIA, through the company that Max Keiser was working for,
And of course Max has been talking about it since it happened.
And then now he's got an insider who says he was there witnessing it.
Again, I know who the gentleman is you're talking about.
Max Keiser, investigative journalist now.
Tell us about the gentleman and exactly what he said and what's coming out on your next special report on RT.
This is huge because we know this all went on.
They got caught.
Nobody got in trouble.
There was some other insider trading by people, but they ended up going to jail, but never in a question of how did they know that was going to happen in New York.
That was to shut people up, but the CIA folks were allowed to profit from this.
I mean, this shows absolute prior knowledge, bare minimum, that they all lied to Congress.
Go ahead, Max Keiser.
All right, so the book is called Death of Money.
The author is Jim Rickards.
He wrote the Currency Wars book, which is a bestseller, and he's very closely associated with the CIA.
He runs war games for the CIA where they play currency war games.
Where they use financial derivatives to fight each other in the futures markets.
So China, Russia, America, Iran, they're equipped with financial futures and they try to destabilize each other's economy in the financial markets.
It's financial war.
And he's very close in advising the Pentagon and the CIA.
And he's our main go-to guy.
He was also negotiated a hostage release out of Iran back when there was, during the 79 crisis.
He's also been involved in the bailout of long-term capital management.
I don't think so.
Not a lot of meat to that bone.
He says that's completely false.
He was there and he saw the information, eyewitness, and he gives you an eyewitness account of insider trading.
He says there was unquestionably insider trading.
He, himself, distances the idea of the CIA trading on this information.
My addition to this conversation is to tell you that based on my having worked with Buzzy Kroengaard at Alex Brown and having talked to the brokers at Cantor Fitzgerald and the brokers at Alex Brown leading up to this event that they were trading on this inside information.
So those are my conversations that I had.
Now there was five million dollars left in the Alex Brown account that was never collected.
From brokers and bankers who were trading on this information who died on the event.
So instead of escaping, instead of leaving the building and saving their lives, they stayed behind to trade options on airlines.
And they died, but they died with $5 million left in those accounts.
That money was never collected.
That gives you an insight into the mindset of the average stockbroker on Wall Street.
They're pathologically ill, they'll trade options until they kill themselves, and of course they kill a lot of people that day, and they contributed mightily to the events leading up to those events.
And so this book coming out,
It's coming.
I think it's hitting the stands for sale a week from today, April 3rd, I believe.
Very exciting.
We're going to get him on and give us the contact info if you want to help us expedite that, Max.
I want to get you on together, maybe have him on for 30 minutes, then have it lap over with you, overlap, so we can get some deep analysis on this.
But this is something I've studied deeply, and so I know how true everything you're saying is, plus we're putting mainstream news articles on screen while you're saying it.
People say something like 9-11, if it was an inside job, it would come out.
It has come out.
Cybele Edmonds, the NSA translator for the FBI, all these other witnesses, six of the ten 9-11 commissioners, say the whole thing's a fraud, that the official report wasn't even written by them.
It is just a giant, stinking pile of lies.
It's now come out on Zero Hedge, more video of the rebels bragging they staged false flags against Assad.
The UN even now admits that.
Let's point out a couple of things.
The trading on the 9-11 events, in my view, were done by insiders.
They weren't necessarily responsible for those events, but they could have stopped them.
They knew about it.
They could have stopped it.
They knew about it in time to have stopped those events.
Well, that makes you an accomplice.
If I know my neighbor is going to kill his wife and I don't do anything, I'm an accomplice.
I agree.
Hold on.
Stay there, Max.
I'm going to give you the floor.
We're going to come back.
Signal amplification.
Yeah, stay there.
Skype works like that.
When we're sending him audio, he can't hear me, so that's why sometimes guests don't hear me talking.
We're going to go to break.
We're going to be right back, ladies and gentlemen, with Max Geiser.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is incredible.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Your calls are coming up too, folks.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're gonna get into Ukraine as well.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, the ultra hardcore, true cutting edge, desperate transmissions that you hear here.
We are desperate.
I mean, we're up against a serious enemy.
Only desperate men can defeat it.
I forget who it was, the top samurai, one of the top samurai in history said that the way of the samurai is desperate.
A desperate man can defeat ten or more men.
Guys, pull up that quote for me, The Way of the Samurai is Desperate, and it'll give who said it.
The point is that
We're not going to beat these people being calm.
They always tell us be calm, be nice, go along with the process, just, you know, comply.
Comply with globalists that want to butcher our country, want to destroy our liberties, that are involved in insider trading on 9-11, that are using 9-11 regardless to take our liberties and freedoms.
It's incredible.
So remember, when you spread the word about this broadcast,
You are making it possible to wake up more people.
When you spread the links to the free podcast from the listen page of InfoWars.com, when you post on Facebook or Twitter or talk about on your own YouTube channel or at work, InfoWars.com, when you subscribe, and by subscribe you can buy them in bulk at cost, the InfoWars magazine, big glossy magazine, for a dollar a piece when you buy them in bulk, you can hand them out to friends and family, leave them at the barbershop, leave them at church.
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It means come and take it.
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We're just rediscovering what liberty is all about.
Come and take our liberties.
Come and take our guns.
Come and take our children.
We aren't complying anymore.
We're going to stand.
We're going to fight.
300 against 100,000.
How do you do it?
Well, you find the proper spot where they've got to go through you in a narrow gap, and you don't give up.
You fight to the death, giving people enough time to save your entire country.
That is the way of liberty.
Did we find out who did the quote?
We'll throw it on screen, and I'll try to read that to people here on air, and then we'll go back to Max Keiser.
How do you pronounce that?
Tsunetomo Yamamoto shed the way of the
Samurai is desperate.
He is best known for his saying, the way of the samurai, is... Desperateness.
And then it goes on to say, ten men or more cannot kill such a man.
There is the proper quote.
And that's absolutely true.
You fight better fighting 10 people than you do fighting one person.
You fight better when you're outnumbered and surrounded.
Who was the Marine Corps General in Korea where they were surrounded at least 10 to 1?
And they said, sir, we're completely surrounded.
And he goes, good, we can attack on all fronts.
And they won, too, because they were outnumbered 10 to 1 and they were surrounded.
Then there was no more games.
There was no more, there was attack or die.
And the truth is, we actually outnumber the globalists, but they've got us surrounded and are attacking us, and it's like a one-inch maggot directing the Colossus of Roads.
It's a joke.
I want to go back to Max Keiser.
I'm ranting.
The point is, infowarestore.com, get your pro-gun t-shirts.
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Look at all the people's news we carry, all the people we have on the show, all the other activists that we are promoting to try to spread the word of liberty.
And our talking points, MSNBC bemoans this, are now getting out to everybody.
I remember Max Keiser was saying this to me like four or five years ago, and I thought he was blowing smoke at me, you know, about how, man, your show all over the world is affecting change big time.
And then I go to Europe, and I'm even bigger than I am here.
And I'm not bragging, ooh, I'm big.
Believe me, I'm not a narcissist, but I am excited as an indicator of how awake people are that when I was at Bilderberg, almost all the police said they agreed with us, and a bunch of them were listeners.
It was unbelievable.
And they got that the Bilderberg Group was in there screwing them.
Max Keiser, your comments on that.
We're going to have you back on soon about the insider trading and where this is going, and then the whole world markets, what's coming in the future, the Syria situation, the Ukraine situation.
I want to get your take on it all, so walk through it.
But what do you think about the global awakening we're seeing?
I mean, you really were rating it more accurately than I was five years ago.
Well, as you know, we are coming to see you in Austin, Alex, myself, George Galloway.
We're traveling to Austin.
We're going to come and see you because we're making this film, making a couple of films.
One film we're making right now that you're in is called Bailout 2, which is the sequel to Bailout.
So, I'm doing a crowdfunding campaign on Max, my new crowdfunding site called StartJoin.
I sent you over the page, and we're going to raise £150,000 for this project over the next couple of months, and we're going to shoot this all over Europe, which is the sequel to Bail Out, the first film that did very, very well.
Sean Fahey is the director.
And as part of this project, George Galloway, myself, a few others, we're all, Roseanne Barr is in this project also.
We're all going to travel to Austin this summer to be on your show live.
But as we get into that, I want to get your, hopefully, your listeners to participate in this crowdfunding effort.
I don't know, I don't think you've done a crowdfunded film ever over there on InfoWars, so I'm hoping that you, this will be the first time.
No, what I really want to see get made is the Where's Kenny boy, because we know he's still alive.
Yeah, well the second, when we get to Austin, we're going to launch Where's Kenny Boy, which is another film, right in your studio.
Because we're going to go right from your studio down to Paraguay to begin principal photography on Where's Kenny Boy.
But before that film begins, the lead-up to that film is this film called Bail Out 2 that you're featuring in.
The director should show up soon to get some preliminary footage from you.
They said he's coming to Austin, yeah.
Yeah, I want to get your listeners to participate in this crowdfunding effort.
And I'm hoping you will also.
And as I said, I don't think you've done a crowdfunding film before, but it is a revolutionary way to raise money for projects.
We've also going to what I believe is going to be a game changer for the global freedom movement, if you want to call it.
And that is with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, like my own currency, Maxcoin.
There is just a mass exodus away from the system and people in the system I'm seeing are waking up even faster than the public.
When you combine crowdfunding with cryptocurrencies, like we're doing with StartJoin and we're doing with Bailout2, which is crowdfunding and you can also use Bitcoin as soon as it reaches 100% of its budget, you're introducing ways for the world to create their own economic reality completely outside of the central banks, completely outside of the state, completely outside of the banksters on Wall Street, the people who bet on their own death!
You don't want to be in bed with people betting on their own death.
That's not the way to build an economic sustainable economy.
Well Max, that's my next point.
50 to 1, 40 to 1 bets with John Corzine gets away with it.
It is these crazy Wall Street banksters who are the opposite of free market because they have us bailing them out over and over again.
So their losses are protected.
They're the ones running the war against Russia.
I want to get, because I know you're close to this, you're in Europe.
What do you think about the Ukraine situation and what's unfolding there?
Well, just quickly, let me give you another example of options in 9-11.
After the 9-11 attacks, the stock market crashed, and then companies like Apple and Steve Jobs were resetting his corporate stock options at the lower price, so that he would be able to cash in.
On the victims of 9-11.
And a lot of technology companies did exactly that.
They stretched, if not broke, securities laws by repricing options so they could make hundreds of millions of dollars again on that tragedy.
So you had CIA trading on inside information leading up to the tragedy.
Then you had people like Steve Jobs and Alpen Computer and insiders resetting options contracts after the tragedy.
So those people, those poor people, those poor 3,000 people, they were raped, murdered, and bludgeoned by their own citizens in the financial markets.
It's even before the planes showed up.
They had already been raped horribly by the CIA.
You know, that's the tragedy of it all.
They got raped twice that day.
Once by the CIA and then once by the hijackers.
But if you want to talk about the Ukraine situation, what you have, and I think
One of your guests who expresses this brilliantly is Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
As he says, there are three countries right now that are outside of the Federal Reserve Banking System.
China, Russia, Iran.
And what we see now is the endgame for American empire.
The American dollar as world reserve currency, the game plan has been to invade lots of countries and fail.
And as you fail, you simply double down by printing more money.
In betting circles in the Las Vegas, this would be called the Martingale betting system.
And you can look this up online if you type in Martingale Betting System.
It's a way that gamblers attempt to beat the house by doubling down on losing bets.
If you're at the roulette wheel and you bet red, it comes up black.
You keep betting red until eventually you either A, run out of money or B, you win.
Americans Foreign Policy is a Martingale betting system of foreign policy.
They failed in Iraq, they failed in Afghanistan, they failed in Libya.
So they're going to use this failing strategy now to try to go into Ukraine.
Remember, it's America and NATO trying to get into Ukraine, and by putting in that puppet regime of neo-Nazis, that sparked the Crimean people to seek self-determination.
And of course, they held a referendum, and they voted to be self-determinant, and Russia said, yeah, fine, whatever, here's some passports, you can be part of Russia.
Now the U.S.
is facing a conundrum because if Russia is not going to fold like a house of cards like Libya did or like Iraq did and they're actually going to put up an economic firewall against this unbelievably corrupt U.S.
dollar hegemony,
Then the U.S.
dollar is at risk of collapsing unbelievably, and the gold and silver, of course, as we've been saying for a number of years, is the currency that Russia and China have been accumulating by thousands and thousands and thousands of tons over the past five to ten years, waiting for this very moment.
So now we're at the final OK Corral showdown.
Gold versus the dollar.
And you saw last week the dollar was very weak, then the U.S.
Started their anti-Russia propaganda campaign to try to get people to buy the dollars again.
I think they're just not going to work this time.
And gold is going to do very well.
Bitcoin, of course, is emerging in the crypto space.
Maxcoin, which is my currency, has got a lot of traction right now.
It's worth $3 million.
It's going to be worth $20 million here in the next few weeks.
You combine crypto with crowdfunding, you've got an alternate financial
Platform that people can finally escape the nightmare that is the command and control system of central banks like Federal Reserve, Bank of England, ECB, Bank of Japan.
So we're at the inflection point.
We're coming to Texas to do this film with you, Alex Jones.
And I encourage everyone listening to help with... No, I understand.
We're going to do that.
Now listen, Max, let me back up here and break down Bitcoin since you bring it up.
I know you've been a supporter of that for the last three or four years.
I get cryptocurrencies.
I understand it can bring down the private central bank, money monopoly, the money power.
My issue is, from the beginning, I believe they're going to try to infiltrate and destroy and set up whatever the first big currency is, and I've had a bad feeling.
I do think it's great that all these other countries are coming up with their own physical and with their own metals backed and their own crypto systems, more diversity.
That's the way to go.
My issue here with all of this is, is that you take somebody
Like some of the guests we had on last week, like Harry Dent, who is right on so many fronts about the bubble and about generational issues.
And then I do see them doing a depressionary system in the economy to try to suck out the pressure from the inflationary QE Unlimited that they're starting to taper.
But still, that's not going to stop overall inflation.
I think you're going to see something that
Economists have said it's impossible.
Hyperstag inflation is what I've dubbed it.
And a lot of people like Dr. Paul Greg Roberts, who's a top economist, he agrees, you know, some with that statement that that is where this could go.
I do see gold and silver going up, or at least keeping its value, even as other things retrograde, because there's still so many fake derivatives out there.
And dollars and other inflated currencies that I don't care how much depression you've got, it's not going to be able to depress that inflationary curve.
So how do those two lines go together?
Because people say, well, why do you have Dent on, you know, who's bearish on gold?
Well, I have people hear other perspectives.
I want to hear other perspectives.
I don't know what's going to happen.
My gut tells me hold on to gold and silver more now than ever.
Max Keiser, take that complex question and try to flesh it out.
Well, okay, so you're adding in, as we pointed out, this geopolitical situation where the U.S., it's based on the U.S.
dollars, world reserve currency, and people essentially boils down to buy our bonds.
Or we bomb you.
That's the U.S.
Bonds being U.S.
And this has been going on for 50 years.
And as a result, the U.S.
has printed, now has a debt of $17 trillion on the books and another $50 trillion off the books.
And it's got so much debt.
And they're paying, I think, upwards of 20 percent of the income that comes in through taxes now to the federal government is just to pay the interest on America's debt.
And so that number is exploding at
Thank you.
And you make a good point in that in the case of Bitcoin itself, if you have problems with the origin of Bitcoin, there are 100 different alternative cryptocurrencies and they have slightly different technological profiles.
And for example, MaxCoin, which is my coin, has, I think, better technology than Bitcoin in many respects.
And a lot of people are flocking to MaxCoin as a result.
And it does offer, though, folks who might,
We're good.
It's simply impractical.
But you can convert it to a cryptocurrency, put it on a thumb drive, or memorize the password, cross over to a new border, go back into the system, can open up that account, get your bitcoins, Well, there's also bubble jumping.
I mean, cryptocurrencies could become bubble cycles, which they already are.
And then people like crossing a river on stones can hop from them with the passcodes memorized.
And then it's almost like a torrent.
Of bubble-based currencies, which could counter the globalist centralized bubble with decentralized bubbles.
I want to get your take on a decentralized bubble theory that I just developed on air.
And we're going to talk about the decentralized bubble counter to the master bubble.
Do you use a weapon against a weapon?
A bullet against a bullet?
Is the bubble our answer?
Straight ahead with Max Keiser.
We'll see if he'll go into a little bit of extra time with us in the next hour to take your phone calls.
I'm Alex Jones.
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The only way to counter a globalist frontal attack is a frontal attack.
It's time to bang heads, ladies and gentlemen.
Your questions for Max.
That means we're not going to take calls on other issues.
You can talk about Ukraine, Bitcoin, Insider Trading 9-11, Russia, Obama's approval rating, but it's questions for Max Keiser.
Now, Max, finishing up though, what do you see in the political future of this country?
I see the Republican leadership and the Democratic leadership and all the big Republican industry groups and the national associations pushing to kill the Tea Party.
The Ron Paul Tea Party, the Rand Paul Tea Party.
Which, again, isn't perfect, but the Republicans couldn't co-opt it, so now they're trying to destroy it.
So, that tells me that's the good guys.
Again, I know you're more of a classical liberal, I see myself as a classical liberal, but obviously you hoped Obama would be good, you've admitted he's been horrible, you did that quite early, a few months after he was elected.
But the point is, I'm not putting all my hope in a Rand Paul or somebody.
I just have known the guy since 1996.
I personally on the phone privately said, look, you're going to end up winning and you're going to end up being president.
And he said that on air.
I'm not trying to brag.
And I don't really even get it.
I can still get him on the show if I want to cause a big controversy with the neocons.
I just don't do it.
It's really not that big of a deal.
He will come on when he's president, though.
The point is, is that
I don't know what your answer is going to be.
I just tried to sugar you up a little bit there, butter you up.
What do you think of the Tea Party?
Because undoubtedly the establishment's scared of it.
When they leak Biden speeches to high-level Democrats, they're scared of the Tea Party.
When they leak high-level Republican speeches, they're scared of the Tea Party.
Because it's not that it's perfect.
The system's so unpopular, a ham sandwich could beat the Democrats and Republicans.
They see that as the only area right now they don't control.
Do you agree with that analysis?
Well, I can tell you one thing.
I don't recall in my life ever having the Secretary of State, in this case John Kerry, being openly laughed at by just everyone in the world.
Every country in the world sees John Kerry as a complete joke.
He's the U.S.'
's representative in these crises, so-called, that are happening.
And what people understand is that the War on Terror was a hoax.
The bad guys with beards and swords that were coming to kill Americans in their beds, that was just a hoax.
People understand that was a hoax.
The current confrontation with Russia now, Cold War II, came right out of Hollywood, and it'll be hot for a couple of months, and then people will forget about that.
And then we'll be on to something else.
Maybe they'll go after and try and bomb Iran again or something, or China.
But this is just another Hollywood episode that'll last a couple of months.
And the world, since I live in London and I've lived outside of the United States for, you know, almost two decades, I'm pretty sensitive to what other people around the world are thinking and talking about.
And more and more people watch news from different countries, because all these different countries have news in English now.
China, Iran,
I mean, they all have the same news, the same global news, it's all in English, and people can just see where, who's joking, who's serious, who's not serious.
And right now, nobody takes John Kerry seriously, no one takes Obama seriously, no one takes U.S.
foreign policy seriously.
So you say, well dig down a little deeper what's happening with the Democrats versus Republicans or the Tea Party.
It just gets absurdly down to the minutiae.
Either the U.S.
influence around the world is dropping like a stone.
The competitiveness in the U.S.
is dropping like a stone.
The U.S.
dollar as a world reserve currency was 80% at one point after World War II.
Now it's less than 60%.
It's heading to 30%.
Everything's moving east.
The gold's moving east.
The influence is moving east.
The power's moving east.
And the U.S.
is being left behind.
Stay there.
Stay there.
Back in 60, Max.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Max Keiser is our guest.
Let's go ahead and talk to Carl in Washington.
First caller out of the gates for Max.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
All right.
I just saw a deal last night where IRS says that they're going to be able to retro-tax on Bitcoin.
I just wondered what Max thought about that, or if that's going to be possible.
Go ahead, sir.
I saw a deal on IRS talking about being able to retro-tax on Bitcoin.
I just wondered what your thoughts were on that.
Oh yeah, I've always had a bad feeling about Bitcoin.
Not about cryptocurrencies, but just the whole Bitcoin thing and I go with my gut.
Max Keiser, I appreciate your call, Carl.
Yeah, the IRS has come out with their ruling on Bitcoin.
They treat it as a property, not currency, which is great news now for a lot of reasons because institutional money can start to come into Bitcoin because the IRS has a ruling on it.
If you are in the space of trading and owning assets and trading assets, you can then pair your Bitcoin gains or losses
Well, I mean, that's only...
Yeah, but that's only in the U.S.
I mean, in other countries, it's traded differently, and going forward... No, no, I get that, but I get your point now.
That cuts out all the currency regulations for them to just say it's a novelty property.
Well, I mean, it's not a novelty in the sense that your house is not a novelty, it's property.
It's property, that's the way they're treating it in the tax for the IRS.
Now, those are the U.S.
rules, and it's opening up a whole new... What do you think is going to happen to Bitcoin?
What do you mean?
Just what's your gut tell you its future is?
Well, there's two main stories for Bitcoin.
Number one, as a way to send money from point A to point B, it's going to put Western Union out of business, and it's going to put all these foreign exchange traders out of business, like Western Union.
A company like BitPay, which is in the business of merchant processing, is going to be a billion dollar company plus, and there's going to be many Bitcoin related companies that will be listed and become multi-billion dollar.
It's a multi-billion dollar industry, just as the utility value of Bitcoin.
Now as a currency value, as a trading instrument, where is the value going to go?
I agree with
My Swedish friend up at the Swedish Pirate Party in Stockholm, Rick Falkvina, who wrote a brilliant analysis who thinks that Bitcoin can capture between 1 and 10% of the foreign exchange market, which has an implied price of between $100,000 and $1 million per Bitcoin.
And I firmly believe this is where the price is going.
But in the meantime, as a way to transfer money over the web at a 99% cheaper than any other way to do so, it's capturing huge market share.
It's putting companies like Western Union out of business.
As a remittance business, all those people who work overseas in Africa and Asia need to send money back to their homes.
Western Union, for a transfer of $100, will charge them $7.
If you use Bitcoin, you'll be charged 3 cents.
That's amazing.
No, no, that's why cryptocurrencies will empower us.
I'm just talking about the foundation of that particular platform.
It will be the first thing if it was to be attacked by the empire.
It will take the main brunt
And if it's not a strong foundation, it could discredit the cryptocurrency idea for a long time.
But this thing's exploding so fast, the genie's out of the bottle.
They might not be able to stop it.
Max Keiser, stay there.
We're going to talk to Stephen, Jeremy, Brian, Bill, and Nathan coming up.
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Dinosaur Media's numbers are plunging.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
It's the time of the season.
I am enchanted by this song.
Hadn't heard it in years.
Till I heard the shipping department.
The shipping department ought to run their own radio station.
This is the most eclectic stuff they listen to.
One day it's death metal, next it's Beethoven, then it's the zombies.
Crack it up for a minute.
What's your name?
Who's your daddy?
You know what real wealth is?
It's being honorable, and it's knowing what freedom is, and it's being informed about the world.
And Americans, by every metric, don't know where their capitals are, don't know the branches of government, don't have passports on average.
The only other people that don't have passports like us are basically third world people that are totally poor, or folks in North Korea.
And I'm not saying all Americans.
We still have some of the smartest, best people in the world.
But what Max was saying earlier about our society collapsing, I want to go right back to your phone calls after he comments on this.
Do we counter their control bubbles that they ride up and ride down with insider trading?
Do we counter them by developing these crypto bubbles and things where even if they go up and go down or partially implode, everyone's informed about that and so we just create our own systems regardless because it takes the power away from the establishment.
And I think really that is the idea of freedom.
So what did you think of my idea of the bubble hopping with the cryptocurrencies?
If they're imploding everything to consolidate control, we've got to create whatever we can, even if it doesn't work or isn't perfect.
Through the experiment, I think you're saying, Max, we will find Valhalla?
Well, why don't you take Bitcoin at InfoWars?
Your consumers will save a lot of money.
Overstock.com is a company that just started taking Bitcoin and they generated a million dollars in sales that they project over the next few months.
They did 200,000 in sales.
No, no, I could have got into Bitcoin three years ago.
I get all that because... But you know what I'm saying?
You can accept it.
Accept it.
Just accept it.
Because it will be selectively enforced on me and I will have the dirt...
Max, you asked me a question.
Max, you asked me a question.
And you can convert it to dollars instantaneously.
So you're not taking any Bitcoin risk.
You're not holding Bitcoin.
Max, when you yell too loud, it overdrives your mic.
Let me listen.
You asked me a question.
Okay, I get it.
You're an acolyte of Bitcoin.
I get it.
The whole point is, I'm saying I pick my battles.
I pay all the private taxes of the Federal Reserve to the IRS.
I follow all the fake illegal laws and rules.
So if they ever come in here, which they've done before,
We can be white glove inspected.
Same thing with the FDA, all of it.
Because I choose my battles.
I want to be able to get up here and say, the insider stage 9-11, they're putting cancer virus in your vaccines, because I want to assault them with the truth.
I sit there and don't give them any excuses to come after me.
If they ever do, it's made up.
Yeah, his audio's low, guys.
Can you do something with it?
Go ahead, Max.
Can you hear me?
Yeah, go ahead.
Okay, Alex, the IRS just ruled, gave a ruling on Bitcoin.
So if you want to stay with the White Glove IRS compliance, you now have the open road to do so.
Tell your accountant to read the IRS guidelines that were just published this week.
You would now like to start accepting Bitcoin per the IRS stated guidance.
And you can open up the sluice gate of sales coming into your establishment to help you continue to do what you do in producing shows and movies by accepting this Bitcoin currency.
People can use it to buy your stuff.
I don't know.
I got to think about it.
I understand that.
I saw that in the Associated Press.
Yesterday, and I understand all that, my gut, why does my gut make me leery of LordCoin or XCoin or whatever it's called?
Talk to your accountant.
Say, look, I'm thinking about doing this because people have been demanding it.
There's a lot, there's billions of dollars.
No, I know if all the big, if the big overstock and all them are taking it.
I get it's semi-legitimate.
My whole issue is I've always been against bubbles.
But then I started thinking, what if we were public about these bubbles being dangerous, but explained at least it's not the Federal Reserve's bubble.
I'm saying maybe bubbles are good.
I'm saying that you don't need to necessarily... you're not part of the bubble.
You're just saying that if somebody has Bitcoin in their possession, they can use it to buy a t-shirt on InfoWars and you can convert it to dollars instantaneously and all you're doing is allowing somebody to use their Bitcoin.
That's all we're saying.
And people engaged in commerce gives it the value as the accepted coin of the realm.
I get it.
It's perception.
Now, secondarily, your point is, to fight the banksters, should we engage in our own parallel financial system and accept that it's going to have bubbles and accept that our bubbles are basically going to be ours versus participating in a system where clearly everything on their side is theirs?
Yes, I would agree with that, of course.
The system that
I think so.
Mr. Jones, thank you for having me on.
I was wondering before I talk, before my question for Max, if I could thank you.
Years ago, I ordered a DVD from you and got lost in the mail somehow.
But I emailed you and everything.
You ended up sending me a couple of DVDs, autograph book, bumper stickers, all kinds of stuff.
And you were like apologizing.
Well, we try our best to have good customer service.
It's gotten better and better over the years.
That must have been about seven years ago, I think.
I've been listening to you for a while.
One question I had for Max was about this, was it Mt.
Gox, the exchange, where the stuff just vanished?
And he says that Bitcoin is finite, but isn't it still like fiat currency?
I mean, I went and opened up a wallet and they said, do not leave this number or your Bitcoins disappear.
If you forget your passcode or whatever, how can it just vanish into air?
Because that's the security of it.
If you don't have that, then that's your ownership of it.
It's like, don't lose this ring.
Your wedding ring.
If you drop it into a chasm, you've lost the ring, Max.
That's exactly right.
It's currency, and if you lose it, if you lose it in the wallet, it's just like you lost your $5 bill in your pants pocket and, you know, you threw it away in the laundry service or something.
You lost it.
And Mt.
Gox is a technology that is probably not... Everyone knew that.
That was a problem, and nobody stored their Bitcoin at Mt.
Gox was a place to swap dollars for Bitcoin and other currencies, but people have been saying for years now, once you make that swap, once you transfer from dollars to Bitcoin, then you put it into a wallet or a cold storage situation where it's completely safe.
There are ways to completely
Have Bitcoin safely.
It requires a little bit of research.
It's not as easy as just going to the ATM and getting a $20 bill.
But this is an emerging technology.
And I have my own story about InfoWars.
I ordered a t-shirt from you guys a couple of years ago.
And to my surprise, I didn't get the t-shirt, but I got a one pound brick of cents a million per grade Hawaiian pot.
Okay, a Max Keiser joke, folks.
We didn't ship him any Maui Wowie.
Thank you, caller.
Let's go ahead and talk to Bill in Wisconsin.
He's been smoking too much Maui Wowie.
Crazy man.
Bill, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Max, I'm a...
Info Warrior for quite a number of years.
I was sick a lot of years ago and I listened to Alex and he said, if you want to change this thing, look in the mirror.
So I ran for town chairman.
I ran for county supervisor, been elected many, many times.
I get all kinds of resolutions passed.
We send it to these globalists and Obama, the puppet.
And we're in their face, and I'm enjoying that.
But what my idea of wealth is, Max, it's a lot different from yours and maybe, you know, some of the other high finance people.
I have a wife I've been married to for 46 years.
I have nine children.
I have 38 grandkids.
I have a farm and I raise my own beef.
I have an organic garden and I'm going to die someday here, but I'm going to face the Lord and I'm going to tell Him it's the best job I ever did.
Oh, that's a beautiful story.
That is true wealth.
Friends and family and being honorable is worth more than all the gold in the hills.
And again, I've actually seen some of the stuff you've done in your county.
I think people sent me news clippings before about the work you've done.
And so many people we've inspired, by the grace of God, to run for office have really held back the enemy.
And that's why it's so important for people to do that, Bill.
Thank you so much for that testimony.
I mean, that is true wealth.
Max Keiser, we're going to do one more segment with you and take some more calls.
Until 30 after, we'll let you go.
But what is true wealth?
Sum it up.
What floats Max Keiser's Das Boot?
Look, the caller, you know, makes a good point about values and, you know, somebody once said that it's important not to know the price of everything and the value of nothing, which is what a lot of people get confused about, price and value.
But the problem is that when you live in, like, say, the United States or some of these other countries, the government is putting you in debt without, you know, telling you
How much debt they're putting you in.
So if your value is wife and family, you still live in a country that's accumulating hundreds of billions and trillions of dollars and hundreds of trillions of dollars of debt.
So unfortunately, that's a financial war.
So you need to protect yourself with some kind of financial weapons.
And that's where cryptocurrency, I think, comes in.
That's right.
We want to stay on our farms.
Stay there, Max.
One more segment.
Max is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
We want to be on our farms.
Just like George Washington did.
But we have to go kick red coat butt first to be able to do it.
We have to be wealthy and successful to defend ourselves.
The good, the just, have to be strong to displace the evil.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
You want answers?
So do we.
Talk to them.
All right, let's go back to Max Keiser and jam in some final phone calls.
And I got a bunch of news in the next segment and more of your calls coming up.
Max has got to leave here in about six minutes.
Jeremy and Max, you want to go back to the 9-11 insider trading breaking news that Max was talking about.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, I produced a film called Black 9-11 based on Mark Gaffney's book.
It's been reposted under the title 9-11 Conspiracy Solved.
It basically views 9-11 as a massive financial crime rather than a terrorist attack and goes into a lot of different details on whistleblowers like Richard Andrew Grove.
No, no, I've seen it.
It's excellent.
Doesn't it have millions of views total?
It's about 850,000 on one repost that I saw.
It's almost up to a million now.
And yeah, talk about Richard Grove and the SilverStream.
They basically had this Promise software which was installed.
They had back doors inside all these computers for Fortune 500 companies and accounting systems that they could have basically looted and stolen all the money during the attacks and they found evidence of it on the hard drives.
No, that's right.
Then you blow up the towers to cover up the swindle.
And again, they didn't just do 9-11 for that.
They liked to get hundreds of things done under each event.
And so they just nest those like Russian dolls as kind of a little goody good snack.
Yeah, it's a much larger umbrella of things that happened simultaneously, especially with the secondary explosions in Building 6, which targeted the El Dorado Task Force offices that would have been redirected to investigate terrorist financing.
And then they moved all the other investigations of the Clintons and everybody into Building 7 and blew that up.
Now it's all on record.
Oh, absolutely.
Another thing I wanted to mention about all that was the details about AIG.
I'll tell you what, I'm going to come back to you after Max goes, because you're a smart guy.
I want you to finish your points.
Filmmaker there calling in of Black 9-11.
Rachel Maddow will say we're being racist, but we're trying to just stop the murderers.
Max, your comments on the caller.
Yeah, I'm aware of the work and Deutsche Bank, which bought Alex Brown, was part of a film that I was advising a couple years ago and kind of adding a lot of the pieces to that puzzle.
I think what we're saying here today is that we've got an insider, Jim Rickards, who
All right!
Let's talk to Nathan in California.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Oh yeah, hey Alex, Max.
Quick question for you, Max.
Last year you said that you were thinking that Japan was going to be the epicenter of this massive collapse.
Are you still thinking that's going to be the case?
And if so, I know that Deutsche Bank has an ETF for that.
Do you think that they're reliable?
Okay, well, a couple questions there.
So, Japan right now, I was just looking at this, their debt to GDP is approaching 300%.
It's clearly the most indebted of all the countries.
They're the source of all the cheap money that fuels all the speculation around the world because their interest rates have been zero for the longest period of time.
The economy still could be the trigger point that sets off a wave of collapse and currency problems.
So, I would say the answer is yes.
As far as ETFs go,
I can't give individual investment advice because I don't know you per se.
I'm not licensed to give advice per se, so I'm not going to give you advice.
But if the question is broadly, can you trust an ETF?
Uh, it depends what your risk tolerance is.
Obviously, there's some risk involved.
So, it depends what your tolerance of risk is.
Since I don't, you know what I'm saying?
Alright, well listen, Collar, I appreciate your call.
Let me shift gears to the time we have left here, Max.
Specifically, you're bearish on the West, because it's aging and all the rest of it, and very corrupt.
The East is super corrupt, and teetering on collapse.
Look at China.
I think it's the ultimate time bomb.
Are you bullish on China?
Well, I'm bullish on gold as it moves east.
And these countries are accumulating a huge position in gold right now.
And going forward, the currency that seems to be in the crosshairs of this global shift east would be the U.S.
So on a relative basis, the U.S.
dollar takes most of the brunt of this reconfiguration.
And so, relatively speaking, these other currencies are going to do better against it.
But, obviously, they've got this debt bomb, which is affecting all these countries.
And that's why, at the end of the day, I've been saying on your show for years, and even with the current two-year move... Oh, that's right.
The West created the derivatives.
We're in deep trouble.
Max Keiser, thank you so much.
I look forward to you coming to Austin here in the near future.
We'll come back with more of your calls and a bunch of breaking news.
And I want to comment on the mudslide and the missing plane.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I'll tell you what, let's just get to your phone calls, even though Max is gone.
We get your comments.
You can ask me your questions or make your statements.
And then I want to talk about some breaking Obamacare news.
Nevada's criminal navigators...
But now that ties in to what I call petty corruption reports that the media steadily gives us, distracting from the real, real situation.
We've got some pro-life news as well.
University of Michigan exhibit celebrates abortion as life-sustaining act.
They will call death life and life death.
But right now, let's go to Chris in Texas.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, my question was for Mr. Kaiser, but I know he's gone.
I don't know if he can help me or not.
I'm interested in using some of his services like MaxCoinSpin.com and his start-up, PlayStartJoin.
I was wondering if you could tell me how to transfer my fiat money into MaxCoin.
Well, I'm sure it explains all that on there.
You know, again, I like Max.
He's very eccentric, has invented stuff before.
Maybe I don't like all these cryptocurrencies because
I can't physically hold it.
I mean, I don't like the fact that you've got money in the bank that you pay payroll with and it's just digital.
You know, it's just too much like the globalist fiat system.
I get that it's in our hands.
But I appreciate your call.
Sorry he's gone.
We can't answer that for you.
Kat in New York, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
Hey, Alex.
How are you?
I'm good.
Thanks for calling.
I just have three quick comments, less than 30 seconds.
As far as the Bitcoin goes, I just feel that it's like a tool to bridge the gap between cash and the coming chip.
So I think
I mean, I think that's what scares most people is because it's a way to move away from cash and we all know that that is their goal.
My second idea was if you could come up with something with the Bill of Rights on one side and the Constitution on the other.
I don't know if it would be like kind of like a transcript that we can all carry around in our pocket or a flag or a banner or a t-shirt.
And my third idea for you is, since the super male vitality works so well for women, why change it at all?
Just change the name to super human vitality.
That's all I wanted to say.
Hey, that's a really good idea.
It's just weird.
People want to buy a pink bottle or a blue bottle of something.
And Dr. Group says we could tweak a few herbs to make it even more powerful for women that you don't want to give men.
And so that's the reason we're going to come out with a female vitality one.
It's probably going to have a couple extra things in it.
That you don't want to give men, generally.
But yeah, why mess with something that works so well?
And it really does work, folks.
You've heard the reviews.
I mean, it's just powerful concentrated herbs.
We put it out.
Our bodies are so inundated with all these fake estrogens and everything.
Messes up women.
Messes up men.
That when your body gets something real, it's explosive.
And that's why it's so exciting, because it also helps fund our operation.
But going back to your point about cash.
Less than 3% of the dollars that are out there are actually physical, they're digital.
And you've got the M1, the M2 money supplies and other things that are out there to basically break it down.
But yes, we need to keep cash, we need to keep barter, we need to keep the lemonade stands, the farmers markets, we need to expand that.
The system wants that outlawed.
They have billboards everywhere saying cash is dirty.
You know, oh, we're going to track your cash.
Corporations treat you bad if you have cash.
And that's not just because they don't want to handle it and mess with it.
It's because they want everything in a digital technocracy so they can penalize and shut down all their competition.
It is a monopolistic takeover.
And these guys all get together, it's public, in these big global symposiums, and agree on, a decade before it comes out, what standardized direction they're going to go in.
So, cash is king.
We need to keep cash.
We need to try to use cash more.
It's a very, very simple thing to do, so that they can't extinct cash.
Silver is even better than gold, in my view.
I've got more silver in the aggregate than I have gold.
And I think it's a great point, Kat.
Thank you so much for the call.
Let's talk to Jeremy in Mass.
Jeremy, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
I was just on with you before.
I just wanted to mention... Oh, that's right.
I totally forgot and I apologize.
I said I was going to hold you over.
You're the filmmaker.
Describe the film again and then make your points about the insider trading on 9-11.
I didn't even go into the chapter on insider trading in Mark Gaffney's book, which was the first chapter in his book.
I didn't even get into all that information in that film.
I actually maybe want to produce another film that's more comprehensive and complete with even more information because there is just so much.
Once you start learning and knowing where to dig.
Also, Cryptomia last month, I think February 25th, just released a declassified from the Port Authority of New York, New Jersey, the complete World Trade Center tenants list from 1976 to 2001.
So they have all the dates.
Let me just stop you because you didn't describe who you were again and you didn't say the name of the film for folks that want to go see it.
It's called Black 9-11 and my name's Jeremy.
I have a YouTube channel called Warcrime 9-11 where all my 9-11 videos are on.
I also have another channel, Alien Scientists, which a lot of people are familiar with.
I talk about science stuff.
I've been an info warrior for eight years now.
I've been in the trenches, I'd say, fighting a lot of the scientific debates on the 9-11 issues and making a lot of videos that have shut debunkers down and really destroyed a lot of their arguments.
We debunked Popular Mechanics, National Geographic, a whole bunch of other guys, and basically destroyed all their arguments.
They won't even air half the debunked pieces that they made before because of the work we've done.
And we're really winning the info war on a lot of levels with the scientific debates and everything on 9-11.
And then what was the film reposted as you were saying, because I'm going to put it on screen for folks, where it has the 900,000 views.
What was the name of that?
I'm going to put it on screen for folks.
It's called 9-11 Conspiracy Solved.
That's right.
9-11 Solved on YouTube.
It's like one of the first ones that comes up.
And yeah, I'd really like to see that.
I've got it.
I've got it on screen.
We can punch it up right here, guys.
It's got 850,000 and I'd really like to see it jump up over a million and that would be great.
But yeah, I talked about a lot of different things in that film, viewing 9-11 from the perspective of a financial crime rather than a terrorist attack.
And looking at the fact that with all these software, particularly the PROMIS software, P-R-O-M-I-S, they could have done a lot of the 9-11
Logistics using computers and especially with the insider trading and all the money that was... Well, that's the thing about the technocracy.
Once everything's automated by quote smart grids and the military's ground air and sea drones, which is the conversion will be done in the next 10 years, they can just do whatever they want.
Shut the power off the whole regions, put viruses in, shut off grids, blow things up and say terrorists did it, put out fake computer generated videos or holograms showing people saying they did it.
I mean, decades ago they could shoot video of you and then create a 3D model people couldn't tell was the difference.
They could show Forrest Gump, you know, shaking hands with Kennedy.
They can do whatever they want.
The only way you counter them is knowing nothing they tell you is true.
Even when the truth would help them, they lie because they're of their father, the devil, the father of lies.
They want to lie to confuse you and hurt you, and so that's why they just lie, lie, lie, lie.
Maybe we should come back in with the ministry song we've got where it's like, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies.
And then we cut it in with,
You know, that came out like in 2006, based on Loose Change, that ministry music.
And then we edited it back into the late 1980s, early 1990s, New World Order ministry.
So we've got that.
I want to play that, come into the next segment, if we can pull it up on the computer in there.
But go ahead, Jeremy, make some other points.
I want to make one more quick point about 9-11 and the issue of compartmentalization that it would have taken a very small number of people working in key positions inside of the World Trade Centers and inside different various agencies to really pull this off.
And I think that they knew that
Large-scale industries and large-scale economic entities like the oil industry and the military-industrial complex would both benefit so greatly from 9-11 and the resulting wars that it's almost like they knew that no matter what, the state and everything else would have to go along with the attacks, that they would be forced into sort of going along with the events, especially with the National Security Agency.
They would never want to admit that 9-11 was staged by people inside.
They'd lose all credibility as a government.
A very small group did it, but because they were at the level of controllers and managers of agencies, they just misdirected people with an official story, compartmentalized everybody, but it didn't work because it's still, all of it's come out.
Even though all these people were involved, like, even though it only took a select number of people involved, like, see, I say that, you know, the people on General Dynamics or Northrop Grumman, the CEOs of those companies, weren't necessarily involved with the attacks, but because they're selling so much more tanks and jets and missiles, because of 9-11 and the wars and everything, you really think that they're gonna speak out or go against it or try to explain it?
Oh, hey, did you ever hear...
It came out, like, in 2007.
It was recorded by, I think, a Time Magazine reporter, if memory serves.
Guys, type in, uh, audio, um, Rumsfeld with Generals.
Talks about new 9-11.
Or, Rumsfeld talks about new 9-11 with Generals.
And it is a Bible-page-thin level of not coming out and just saying, we staged 9-11.
And he's talking to all the top generals that are correspondents, former generals, still generals, in PSYOPs, at CNN, Fox, ABC News, all of it.
He's talking to, I think it's six, six Nazgul, six former generals.
And it's like a 20-minute tape.
That was leaked.
And they're going, man, I tell you, 9-11 sure helped us, sir.
And we're not going to be able to take out this entire operation and the PNAC plan unless we get the new 9-11.
You know we need it right now.
He was like, I know it's hard, but we just, we're trying our best.
We just don't know if that's going to be happening again.
They're like, sir, we need the attack.
We need more.
America doesn't get it.
They need it.
And I aired that a few times on air.
It's powerful audio.
Just bring me my phone.
I'm going to call Watson.
He'll be able to find it.
In fact, you guys are great at finding stuff.
I just get so obsessed with information that I start freaking out and wanting it.
Caller, you made a great film.
I watched it a while back.
9-11 solved.
You need to get that Rumsfeld tape.
That's the problem.
There's so much evidence that it's like trying to haul the diamonds out of Alibaba's tomb or whatever.
I mean, there's just no way to get all the proof out because there's too much of it.
Do you see what I'm saying?
Were you aware of that Rumsfeld tape?
No, I've never heard of that before, and thank you for mentioning it.
I'll have to go look it up.
Yeah, I'm gonna look it up right now.
Keep talking.
The point I was making is that those generals that are with him, those six Nazgul, as you mentioned, that they weren't necessarily involved directly in the attacks of 9-11, but because they benefited so greatly from them, of course they're going to go along with it.
And that's basically the whole structure of the bureaucracy which allows this inside job to
And keep the cover-up going, you know what I mean?
That's the bureaucracy which keeps it in place, is that there's so much money being made to the oil companies and the military-industrial complex, that all these people sit on the board of directors for these companies half the time.
I found it!
I found it!
Guys, punch my screen up, please.
You just type in Rumsfeld Tape talking to generals.
It's Global Research 2008, and a newly released tape of a 2006 Neocon luncheon meeting featuring former Wall Street
Secretary, uh, War Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and then they talk about the false multiplier propaganda shills, and then we're gonna find the audio, but I've errored that audio.
Oh, there it is right there.
Guys, get me that audio, please.
Just go to Rumsfeld, one another 9-11, there's the audio right there.
I'd like to revisit, and again, I keep interrupting you, sir, because I'm jumping back and forth here.
Please continue.
See, I start talking about 9-11, and it just starts, all the memories of it start popping up.
Go ahead.
Right, exactly, and there is so much information that it's really hard when you're trying to make documentary films about 9-11 to really decide what to include and what not to include.
What sort of is the more hardcore evidence and what's the arguments that sort of lead away and everything.
But I thank you for having me on and giving me a chance to talk to you, Alex, and I'd like to maybe get on your show some other time.
We can have a whole hour to talk about all kinds of things.
Well, I love it when we go to the calls and, you know, a real jewel pops up like you, talking about the great work you've done.
Yeah, give us your number and your info right now and maybe get you on the nightly news.
You can put together some special video for us or something and come on and present it, because I saw your film a while back and just thought it was excellent, your analysis, very straightforward, very calm.
You know, it takes different strokes for different folks to get the job done, and I like what you've done, so God bless you.
Give us Jeremy's number, John.
Please get that and send it on over via the IM to Nico.
All right.
Very interesting information.
Yeah, just type in Rumsfeld.
Why not another 9-11?
And then you can go hear the audio taped at the private luncheon where, I mean, it's unbelievable.
They're clearly talking about what they staged.
It's the same deal over and over again, like the PNAC document written a year before 9-11 by Dick Cheney.
It says, without a Pearl Harbor catalyzing giant event, 3,000 dead, which is bizarre, Pearl Harbor killed 3,000, this killed 3,000, we're not going to be able to do this.
Take over the world and dominate America.
It's a lot bigger than Republicans and Democrats, ladies and gentlemen.
So, we're going to be playing that, maybe tonight on the Nightly News, as a flashback for folks, because that's a big deal.
Let's go ahead and talk to Maximum Yield.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex Jones, how you doing?
I'm doing alright, brother.
Hey, thanks for your call.
This is Maximum Yield.
I'm calling from NCX Now trading site.
We're currently trading cryptos and currently the safest trading site on the net.
I'm calling in regards to... You're calling to plug your crypto side, but that's okay as long as it doesn't turn into my show being a swap meet channel.
But what's on your mind, sir?
I want to know your view on... Well, I know you're all about decentralized banking, correct?
Yes, I am for it, but it just doesn't mean that I embrace everything that comes down the pike.
I understand that.
And do you see crypto as a huge
Of course, just like all the different systems on the internet are.
Yes, I want legitimate cryptos to succeed, so that's why we have to research everything, we have to talk about it, we have to learn how it all works, something I've been doing, and then we have to have the courage to criticize things that don't look
I'm totally about that, and I'm excited because I'm just a small trader.
I just learned how to do it.
I only have $20 total in crypto, but I made my way up from $6 within a couple days.
No, it's an exciting thing and I'm taking it.
I'm investing a couple coins for activism purposes and for good causes, such as MazaCoin or Dogecoin recently built a well in Africa for other people in need.
No, it's beautiful.
That's just like crowdsourcing ideas or films.
That's how we destroy the dinosaur media forever and put a stake through its heart.
Because it is a zombie dinosaur.
It's dead, but it's still lumbering along acting like it's the authority.
And so I hear you and I appreciate your call.
Now I got more calls here.
Senator busted by FBI selling to China mafia.
Another senator got caught reportedly selling weapons to Al-Qaeda type folks in California.
We've known about that for years.
And that's my next stack.
Petty corruption versus real corruption.
I'm going to cover that straight ahead and some Obamacare news on the other side.
Maybe do some overdrive and take calls.
We'll see what happens.
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We're going to do a bit of overdrive to come in with that ministry and continue to take your phone calls here.
Words for Obama are lies.
I'm going to harden my heart.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
The political class has betrayed and robbed us.
And now they think their black uniforms are going to scare us into going down the rat hole with them.
Now is the time to wake up and say no to the New World Order.
Okay, continuing here with the news, I'm just going to read these headlines and then give you my take on it.
Postal service employees use travel cards to gamble, pay bills, and go bowling.
Oh my gosh, it's so horrible.
Though, if they caught you doing that in the private sector, they would throw you in prison.
Let's move on to the next thing.
Secret Service incident in Netherlands was on heels of car wreck during Obama's Miami trip.
The Washington Post says a Secret Service agent on his off hours got drunk and fell down.
Which isn't a good thing, but oh my goodness!
A bunch of former military people that become Secret Service agents drink!
Oh my goodness!
Humans have only done that forever.
It's so evil.
Here's a new one.
Amid new rules and security, Secret Service confronts agents' conduct.
And here's another one.
to require casinos to vet high-rollers' funds and sources so there's no money laundering while the banks launder hundreds of billions in front of us publicly.
No, no, no.
This is all just petty examples of where they're going to selectively enforce this to make it look like the media and the government are cracking down on corruption.
They call it snacks.
And they use it to keep the low-level people all scared so that they'll follow orders and be part of bigger corrupt operations.
Okay, you're supposed to go after high-level corruption and stuff that hurts innocent people.
Not sit there and nickel-and-dime people over getting drunk.
And I'm not saying that's good.
It's that the media makes it like it's this big deal.
Meanwhile, we do have a big deal.
I've known about this for years.
Terrorist training camps all over the hills of Central and Northern California, openly protected by the government.
But then if the California government in the area wants your house, they'll come shoot you.
Literally in a drug raid.
There's a lot of famous cases of that.
Just kill you as a hit team, saying you pulled a gun on them even though you don't own a gun and plant one.
Because they're gangsters.
I'm not saying all California departments are, but a lot of them are.
California State Senator Leland Yee indicted for arms trafficking and for supporting assault weapons ban.
The FBI claims, and I believe it, because I don't know any of these Democrats aren't involved in gun running, quite frankly, or narcotics trafficking.
I mean, I've covered Democrats before, man, and I've never seen such criminal activity.
I mean, they are a criminal group.
Republicans, it's more institutional.
I gotta say, most Republicans I know are not involved in criminal activity.
The Democrats are a criminal group.
That's well known, folks, anybody that studies stuff.
I mean, the Republicans will just publicly pass a law to make it a hellish police state or, you know, launch an evil war.
The Democrats are a bunch of gangsters.
Uh, but, uh, transferring weapons to terrorist training camps in California, and it's the terrorist training camps that have been on the news for years, and this guy's giving them weapons.
Foreigners that aren't even U.S.
citizens and can't get weapons, this guy that wants to ban your guns is doing that.
That's a real corruption point.
The only reason he got busted is he was just so public about it.
I mean, the TSA wants to search my kids and put me in a naked body scanner?
But the Democrats are arming terrorist training camps.
Real terrorist training camps.
I mean, allegedly, he's been indicted.
So that's an example of how they divert us off on all this petty stuff while real stuff's going on.
We're going to come back in overdrive.
4 slash show if your station doesn't carry it.
Nightly news tonight, 7 o'clock.
InfoWars.com, baby!
The facts are in.
The studies are legion.
Sodium fluoride and other toxic members of the fluoride family are devastating the health and cognitive ability of the American people.
So why are the social engineers adding it to the water?
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
A new world order.
A new world order.
My gorilla antics are to get you back to being a human, folks.
That's where you gotta find your main, innate will to survive, and then channel that into the intellect and the will to culturally throw off the globalist culture of death.
I'm gonna be on Savage's show today or tomorrow, I'm not sure yet, for his 20 years of broadcast.
That should be interesting.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jeff in Connecticut.
Thank you for holding, sir.
Hey Alex, how are you?
Thank you for holding during my gorilla activity.
No problem.
I'm just calling to let you know about the activity ramping up here in FEMA Region 1, formerly Connecticut.
About two weeks ago, they started a massive chemtrail campaign.
I mean, I've seen it before, but they used to try to hide it.
Now, they just don't care.
They'll turn it on and off, they'll do loops and circles and grids.
Oh no, they publicly admit they're geoengineering.
Bill Gates is involved, he gets paid to do it.
But we say, what are you spraying?
And they just say, go to hell.
Roll over and die and enjoy some aluminum.
How's everybody dying of lung illnesses doing for everybody, you know?
Yeah, without a doubt.
And yesterday we saw, you know, they just started, well we've seen it before in the past couple weeks, military jet flying over the house, kind of doing loops around, because I live about 15 miles away from Bradley International Airport, kind of like the Doomsday Jet.
So I know the difference between a military plane... Oh yeah, the Doomsday Jet was flying around Austin again yesterday.
Yeah, well that's what two and two got put together because I had seen the evening news and then I kind of figured out what it was.
But one of my questions to you is, I'm about 125 miles from New York City and they're just really doing this stuff out in the open now.
The chemtrails, the planes, my buddy got woke up by black helicopters the other night flying over town.
Now do you really think that they're going to, they probably will nuke New York, huh?
They probably will say it and nuke it.
Yeah, of course.
People will love it.
They'll be our saviors, of course.
Again, if you're the globalist, what do you do?
You attack yourself to take over.
Elementary, my dear Watson!
And people need to get that through their schnoggin.
And then they think they'll get the military to go along with it.
The issue is the military are our main listeners, and they know what's going on now.
And so I just would challenge the globalist to back off now.
You know, we need the military on our side.
Well, I mean, it's their country, too.
It's the police.
It's their country, too.
I appreciate your call.
God bless you.
Let's talk to Dylan in North Dakota, here on the air worldwide.
All righty, so we got Barack Obama coming out and saying that his biggest fear is a nuke going off in New York City.
All right, we've got two missing nukes, okay?
Russia confirmed that one of those was detonated in the southern Atlantic, I believe.
And we've also got the most recent Batman movie, which we know is one of those trigger movies, okay?
What happened?
A nuke, okay?
We got money in America, okay?
The dollar bills, the $20 bill, when you fold it, you know, you get the Twin Towers or the Pentagon.
Well, the new $100 bill, there's a video on YouTube, shows the guy debunking it and showing a nuclear sunrise and a tidal wave taking over what?
New York City, okay?
Well, all I know is they put a lot of deep masonic stuff into the dollars.
That's admitted.
There's major power in commerce and passing hands.
They want to speak it into existence.
They follow principles of magic.
Doesn't mean I believe it.
The elite believe it.
And they believe they're speaking into existence when they publicly admit what they're going to do.
Beforehand, it's like the Native Americans counting coup.
They go up and hit you with a ceremonial club three or four times saying, see, I could have already killed you three times before they actually kill you.
And so, no, I hear you.
I mean, I think there's a very good chance our Lord and Savior, as Jamie Foxx says, Barack Obama.
Barack Obama!
You can't just say the name once.
You will make him the Savior.
He will save us.
He will save us.
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