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Name: 20140326_Wed_Alex
Air Date: March 26, 2014
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
That's right, cheerleaders, your doctor and big brother.
We'll punch it up on screen here.
You can see what the drug reps are out there doing.
That's right, ladies and gentlemen.
Big Pharma infiltrating at every level.
Paying out the cash bonuses, the trips, and more.
And I'd say that's about what the drug rep I saw looked like.
People are watching on screen.
And she was wearing a short skirt, a whole nine yards.
Not quite that outfit, but it was extremely leading and obvious what was going on.
And then I was reminded, wait, I've read about this before, but then when you come face to face with it, it's crazy.
Weldon Henson's going to come in here in overdrive and talk about what Loyal Silver did for him, but you've been developing this already for years.
You let us private label it.
Tell us how you use and what the Lung Shield does.
More healthy lung function.
I mean, obviously, you know, like we talked about, we don't have that, but here's how you use it.
What you do is you take it in a spray bottle, which puts it in an aerosol, just like they're doing in the chemtrails, but this way you'll be able to absorb it really good.
And for adults, what I use is six sprays, just like this, and then take three quick breaths, like this.
And so you get some through your mouth and the rest of the lungs.
It's completely safe to use.
I've been using it for years.
This is so soothing when I had that chest cold.
We had this stuff before it came out.
Oh, it's great.
Soothing on the throat.
It's soothing in the lungs.
You know, there's other things that you could do.
Yeah, you could really feel that in the lungs.
Yeah, you want to support your lungs.
Of course, it is strong.
You know, that's going to be the peppermint and menthol, which actually breathe.
I didn't even know, but athletes are actually using it now and they're saying, because it opens up everything in the bronchioles and they're getting better times and they're, you know, when they're working out, athletes are working out that are using it.
But we all need, the bottom line is, we all need lung support.
And one of the reasons I'm working, you know, closely with you, Alex, is because
We need to get this information out there, and by people supporting and actually purchasing good products through InfoWars Life, I mean, that supports the organization.
I mean, that gives you the ability to get this information out to more people.
It's my dream to, I see every single day the sickness that people have, the contamination and the toxins that are being put in the food supply and sprayed in the air and being put upon people to cause disease.
You need to be able to support your lungs, and this is a good way to do it.
Now, other ways that you can do in your house, put some plants in your rooms of your house.
That's going to increase the oxygen levels.
Get rid of all the chemicals that you have inside your house that you're breathing in all the time.
You know, stop smoking.
Look at it.
Look at the ingredients on everything that, you know, if you paint your walls, make sure you use VOC-free paint.
Look, check your house for mold and mildew.
It's about taking away the things.
Don't go outside on the days or wear a mask when you go outside on the chemtrail days.
You know, do some things also to avoid taking those toxins and breathing those toxins in on a regular basis.
But I personally, and my kids have bottles of this next to their bed.
And they use it because they're exposed to all kinds of things.
All the kids that are in school these days are sick and they're all coughing and everything else because their immune system is so shut down because they were vaccinated.
But you have to... It's not if or when.
You are being attacked with your respiratory systems.
I mean... I agree.
Folks, and your purchase supports the broadcast.
Lung Cleanse, InfoWars, Life.com.
We try to bring you the very best supplements that have really done wonders for us in the testing phases to help fund the operation, but get you a high quality product at the same time.
And separately, you know, Shane Steiner, it was kind of his idea and Anthony's to try out.
He said, I'm probably not going to endorse it.
I'm sure I'll do something, but come on, it's herbs.
It's the real vitality.
You know, he was already a power lifter.
He came back pretty clear.
He said, this is miraculous mentally.
It's going to be so much smoother, happier.
What's in this?
Well, eight concentrated herbs.
And some people on InfoWars.com, you know, they make jokes.
We have the video report, eight herbs changed this man's life.
I mean, Shane literally is freaking out behind the scenes.
He literally wasn't a depressed person before, but he was kind of down during the winter and stuff.
And he just literally, now he does take a lot more than what you're supposed to, but the point is it's real.
And, and, I mean, herbs are powerful, folks.
And with all the estrogens and things out there, these aren't fake steroids.
These just allow your body to release the hormones they need and block the estrogen mimickers.
So first he got really big on it, then he wanted to rip up with it, which he's never been able to do.
He did that.
See the video at InfoWars.com, video report, 8 Herbs That Changed This Man's Life.
Stay with us, Dr. Group.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
By the way, we're a unique transmission.
We're not like NPR that's government funded but also begs for money every week.
Every few weeks I'll have a guest in where it's interesting info, but we also intersperse products we're selling that we believe are really high quality and help people.
And that's how we fund our operation through free association.
You check it out, you buy it, you test it.
If you like it, you buy more.
We have an incentive to have high quality products, so you come back and get it again.
I use all the products, whether it's the ProPure G2 system, water filters we sell, or whether it's all these products months ago.
When we had the testers and the lung cleanse was in testing, Weldon got the tester bottles because he's over the shopping cart and all that.
Weldon Henson, Air Force veteran, friend of mine, country music singer here, very successful.
We don't get too successful and leave us.
The point is, is that, I had the broken spoke last night, wish I could have come out.
The point is, is that
He just separately said, you know, this lung cleanse got me through the allergies like nothing before this year.
This stuff's real.
See, it's the testimonials of our own people, folks, and the testimonies you've heard from listeners about the nascent iodine that's proprietary, or the supravalent vitality, or the fluoride shield.
This is real stuff.
We've now got six products out at Infowarslife.com.
So the Lung Cleanse is here, but Weldon, I wanted you, well first I guess since you brought that up, tell us about the Lung Cleanse, what it did for you.
It just went on the shopping cart today, but you were using it months ago when we were approving it and everything, and it was in unlabeled bottles.
And then give us your take on the colloidal silver, because I was doing a gestalt of the story you told me the other day.
I didn't get it all entirely right about how you went into the VA and the antibiotics weren't helping, and then what you did and what works.
So tell that story.
Well, first off, you know, when we were first thinking about doing the lung cleanse, Dr. Group sent us some test bottles.
And then he said, you know, I told him about how the cedar gets me every year here in Austin.
He said, well, you know, you can use it as that, you know, for antihistamine as well.
So we did that.
And after five years of dealing with cedar allergies that got me through it every day, you know, just take five or six sprays.
Worked fine.
How much did it help you?
Well, I could breathe through my nose.
That was phenomenal.
But I mean, you said it helps you get through it.
I mean, was it a 20% better?
50% better?
Well, it was just a matter of, you know, usually during January with the Cedar allergies, I can't breathe through my nose at all and can't sleep.
And I just, I would say 80% better.
It was just as a routine daily thing to use.
Something good going in your lungs rather than that wicked cedar.
Yeah, yeah.
Now, tell us about the strip in your lungs that has killed members of my family, you name it, running rampant across Texas and the rest of the country, and the VA, all of it.
What did the silver do?
Tell that story.
Well, yeah, I mean, I didn't even tell Alex's story.
He actually walked in when me and Anthony were talking about it.
You know, I had come down with a little strep throat, you know, so I went to the VA and I had some antibiotics and that took forever, by the way, and just to get some antibiotics from them.
So I just started taking the colloidal silver.
We hadn't even had it for sale yet.
We did, you know, we had it all ready to go and I was just like, you know what?
Anthony was like, man, this will really help you out.
So I drank a bottle of it over about a day and a half, maybe two days.
I was wrong, it was a bottle.
Yeah, I drank a bottle.
Well, it was getting real bad, you know, I was just, you know, you know how it is when the strep throat's first hitting, you know, the bacteria, you just can't swallow and your throat just literally feels like it's... They're eating you!
Yeah, oh yeah, absolutely, so...
I was just like, man, you know, these antibiotics aren't working and the VA, you know, is not really helping me.
And Anthony was like, just drink some of this Cloto Silvers.
And I was like, all right, I'll give it a go.
Because you were telling me you went in first and the stuff they gave you didn't work.
Then you were waiting to get another appointment.
It was seven days, you were saying.
So you were off antibiotics, hadn't worked, the silver knocked it out.
What did the silver do?
I mean, what did it feel like?
Well, it just, uh... Because I've felt antibiotics when I've worked before, where you can actually, like, seven hours in, feel it start going away, but it burns worse at first.
Did it do like that, or was it different than antibiotics?
No, it was actually a little different.
I mean, I drank half the bottle the first day, and I would say within a couple hours, all of a sudden, I didn't have those symptoms as bad.
I mean, the symptoms were barely there that I had the strep throat, barely.
And then by the time I woke up the next day, I mean, I was still a little drained of energy, you know, because when you get strep throat, I mean, you feel bad.
But I mean, I felt good.
Dr. Group, what does silver do?
Well, silver is just a potent antimicrobial.
What it does is it just bonds on the certain receptor sites and kind of swallows out and it works on the respiratory system of the viruses and the bacteria and everything.
So basically they can't breathe.
They just go into asphyxiation and they can't take any nutrients in and they just can't survive.
So it just completely shuts them down.
That's what it does.
And so they die.
And this is layman terms, but I've heard the smaller it is, the better, because it can go right through their cell wall and really kill them.
I guess bacteria don't have a cell wall, cell membrane.
You know, every colloidal silver product out there is usually a certain type of nanometer size or on the atomic level.
It just depends on, you know, you might, if you can come in, if you can come in contact with a bacteria or a fungus or something like that directly with the silver, it's not that important on the size.
Of course, you do want a colloidal size, but
You know, there are certain ways in which you could even enhance the colloidal silver by even mixing a tiny bit of 3% food grade hydrogen, I mean, 3% hydrogen peroxide that's in distilled water, and that'll even cause the silver to become a smaller particle size.
Why are they backing off harassing colloidal silver?
Is it because I go to Walgreens or CVS and there's all these silver products now?
The hospitals are using it?
I mean, I guess we're starting to win with the fact, hey, the antibiotics ain't working.
You know, we need something different here.
I don't care.
The antibiotics work.
I'll take those.
That's why it's a good investment to stock up on physical silver because actually we are running out of the actual physical silver supply.
It is being accepted by the medical community more.
There's more studies that have come out on it and the pharmaceutical companies jumped on it with all the band-aids with silver.
There's silver in clothing now.
There's silver in mainline water filters.
The whole hospital system is taking it on now, and the American Medical Association is endorsing it, and it's being taught to doctors.
So now it's not as conspiratorial.
I was about to say, when I was in the hospital with my uncle, I was looking at the new gauze and the band-aids and things, you know, in the containers, and it had, you know, the names of such and such silver.
So I guess it's, we're winning.
Yeah, we won.
That's why they're not coming down on it as hard right now for people like us that are selling it, because it's already in the mainstream and the pharmaceutical companies are making money off of it now.
They saw it was good, they knew they could make a lot of money on it, and you're seeing that not only with silver, but the pharmaceutical companies are buying up all the
The herbal manufacturing companies right now, they know that we're making a transition into more natural medicine, and they're buying up all the big companies.
We get offers for our company, you know, seven times over gross income, five times over gross income a year from all these people on Wall Street that are represented, these brokers that are the representatives for pharmaceutical companies.
They know it's a big money-making thing.
Well, look at how they've come out with their own prescription fish oil.
It's three times more.
My dad sees those like in the Reader's Digest.
He goes, look son, it's the synthetic.
And then he'll pull up a study showing me the raw that's off the chart grade.
I mean, they still sell and promote the synthetic brand.
And they know that still 80% of the vitamins that are bought, probably even more than that, are bought through drugstores.
Wholesale stores, grocery stores, that means that like 80-90% of the people out there that are buying Flintstone vitamins and all these crappy, you know, over the, you know, these drugstore vitamins and everything, most of those are made by the pharmaceutical companies.
Well look, listen, if their drugs will work, I'm all for them.
My issue is, if the antibiotics are starting to not work, they better come up with something else.
And the question is, will the germs get immune to silver?
The germs will not, as far as, I don't know if they've bioengineered something.
I mean, I wouldn't put it past them, you know, with everything that they're doing.
But, as of today, I don't think that there's any bugs that are resistant to silver, and especially, I don't think they'll ever be resistant to a nascent iodine.
You know, years ago, when they weren't even using silver a lot, they would just give people about 100 milligrams of a nascent iodine or an iodine supplement, and that would completely wipe out any type of germs or infections.
Well, everybody knew that, like, so you wouldn't get blood poisoning.
In the old days, they put iodine on the top of it.
Here's my survival shield, nascent iodine, which is its own type that we have that's so popular.
That helps fund the operation.
And I'm just so glad people have used this and they've enjoyed it.
We've had such rave reviews because everything, Dr. Group's helped develop.
Has just done wonders.
I mean, I still am overweight and not as healthy as I used to be because I've just been treating myself like crud for years.
But everybody in person, but also someone on TV, can see the physical difference that I look a lot younger and I feel a lot better and I have to get less sleep now.
Look, I mean, you can go online and just look at a multitude of different nutraceutical products that are out there, and there's going to be one big difference between the standard nutraceuticals or the crappy stuff you get at drugstores and the stuff that you're selling.
You look at the product reviews.
You can't hide stuff online anymore.
People are going to write about it.
They're going to write about your customer service.
All we've gotten is positive reviews.
I've never heard of that.
That is unheard of in the nutraceutical industry.
Unheard of.
And this is stuff that actually works.
This is stuff that you're getting.
We get close to positive reviews, half of them, because those people write in making medical claims.
And the FDA and the government doesn't want people to find out about it.
Here's the deal.
We get those all the time, Alex.
Of course we do.
They hear them on the air.
Here's the difference, say, with Supermell Vitality or with the Fluoride Shield or with the Survival Shield.
We go and get the most expensive, best process, strongest concentrate.
We want to be the creme de la creme.
We want to be the Ferrari of supplements, but at a low price.
The Ferrari for the price of a Ford.
That's my goal.
And that's why Dr. Group and my dad working with us now, it all just merges.
And then again, Weldon's running around with rave reviews.
I mean, I remember him telling me, you got to get this stuff.
You got to put this out.
You got to get group to let you put it out.
This lung cleanse months ago, you were ranting at me about how good it was.
And I just kind of ignored you because I was busy.
Now it's finally here.
It's important for folks to know that these products, I mean, we're actually using them here in the office.
The employees are.
I mean, we're using them.
Everybody's feeling great.
Every product I develop, I use.
And my family uses.
Hey guys, you're going to be back later in retransmission, the third hour.
Thank you, Dr. Group.
Thank you, Weldon.
News is coming up in retransmission.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Oh, that music is so beautiful.
And as we wind on down the road, our shadows are taller than our souls.
That's poetry right there.
I can't help but crank it up.
And as we wind on down the road, our shadow's taller than our soul!
You know, this is real, folks.
This isn't a fake radio show.
And let me tell you, most of them are fake.
This is real.
I really believe the Globalists are thinking about setting off nukes.
Inside the United States, and I've been telling you that for a long time, to bring in Marshall Law.
Our shadows.
There was a lady.
I mean, what do we do?
What do we do?
As a society, as a civilization, as things just degenerate.
That's a big question.
And you know, covering this news every day does get to me.
Because of the seriousness of the entire situation.
And how delusional and mentally ill the general public is getting.
I'm seeing phenomenons that are just incredible.
Where people are breaking down completely and going off into their own fantasy lands now.
And not even aware of what's going on in their own lives.
They just believe everything's alright, or they believe because they're control freaks that that gives them power over everybody, or they believe it's okay to shoot a homeless man a bunch of times in the back and then say that it's okay because they said they're okay and no grand jury dare indict God government.
And they just say it's okay to throw nuclear reactors in the ocean.
I mean, we told you that radiation levels all over the West Coast are on average at least double what they should be according to background radiation.
And in some areas, 14 times higher.
And we went out with our reporters and made dinosaur media cover at the San Francisco Chronicle, the Sacramento Beeb, the other publications, San Jose Mercury News.
Here it is today.
This is out of Reuters.
Navy to test homes for radiation on San Francisco Island.
The U.S.
Navy plans to test hundreds of homes for radiation in a remote San Francisco neighborhood after an object containing radium was found beneath an unoccupied residence in the area last fall, city officials said Tuesday.
That is not what's causing radiation to be up all over the area, by the way, folks.
In the coming weeks, Navy officials, not servants, will begin surveying about 600 homes on Treasure Island, a man-made landmass in San Francisco Bay that once served as a naval base, said Bob Beck.
Director with the city's Treasure Island Development Authority.
A full plan for the survey is still being developed, but officials will likely use handheld scanning devices on the ground floors of homes to detect possible radioactivity underneath them.
In the event of a radiological survey of a housing unit reveals health concern, the Navy will take immediate action plans to protect the residents.
So, what do we do?
Everybody's asking about radiation being up all over the coastline of San Francisco.
What do we do?
Well, we just go find one hot spot and make it all about that.
That's what went on in the board meeting.
I'd say 98% chance.
That's the standard deal.
Standard scion.
Continuing, but we are forcing him to cover it, and I guess that's what matters.
Here it is.
NASA funded study.
Industrial civilization headed for irreversible collapse.
And there is another report out on that today.
NASA doesn't think the world is ending, and journalists should stop implying that, says the International Business Times, and they try to spin back the article.
Well, NASA and the British Ministry of Defense and the Defense Department said they believe there will be a massive reduction in standard of living and that, quote, we are unsustainable and industrial civilizations, we know, will collapse.
I don't know from looking at all the numbers if that's completely accurate, but it does lean that way, especially when Agenda 21 is modeling the world under UNESCO as the global treaty to implode economies, to make the population poor, to live off government handouts produced by the largesse of factory farming and factory production of baubles.
Which are then sold as the signets of success and societal wealth, not actual property and family and not being in debt.
They're getting rid of all the old symbols of true independence and replacing them with, well, I'm part of a group!
I'm, that's my value, or I'm part of a, you know, a club, or, or, or, or, I'm a trendy, or, or, or I get government handouts, I'm part of that group.
They're taking all the real rights and replacing them with faux rights.
That the trendies grovel like sycophantic baby birds as the poison is vomited into their filthy mouths.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Hi folks, Alex Jones here with some important information.
I want to tell you about Matt Redhawk and his team of Patriots over at MyPatriotSupply.
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That's 866-229-0927.
In the last 50 years, iodine has been phased out of our staple foods and replaced with the halogen bromine, a practice now banned in nations around the world.
Guess what else is in the halogen family?
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I'm a fire starter.
And that's my goal.
We have to want to get people out of their doldrum.
Out of their trance to realize that we're under attack.
And of all my foibles, the reason we've been successful is I do my research, I know what I'm talking about in the final equation, and I'm real, and I'm passionate, and I'm here to wake people up.
You can say what you want about our 19 years on air.
17 plus syndicated.
And if you talk to somebody about the New World Order out there, on average they will say, Alex Jones is the person that woke me up or got me thinking.
Even most of my detractors say that.
And I would just say, judge a tree by its fruits.
What have we done in the balance of our work?
It's wake people up.
And sometimes it's a train wreck, ladies and gentlemen.
But sometimes it takes a train wreck to get people out of their comas.
And the brainwaves are lowering, the IQs are lowering, people on average are in a highly suggestible near-trance state, medically on record.
Look it up.
Look it up, just type in brainwaves lowering, television makes people more suggestible.
You'll get BBC, you'll get MIT, you'll get University of Texas, DARPA, psychology department funded programs.
The system knows this because they're the authors of it.
And have you ever seen children watching television, after a few minutes they're drooling, their mouths are open, you're sitting there talking to them going, honey, honey, honey, it's lunch, it's lunch.
And like, you look at your wife and you go, we better not let them watch television.
But then you still want to take them to a movie, you still want to let them watch the Olympics or whatever.
And then there's all the social engineering during the commercials.
It's a mind fog, and the mind fog is increasing.
And so I can't get mad at people.
It's just extremely frustrating, ladies and gentlemen, to be crazed for liberty, and to be totally freaked out.
And I want people's prayers for America, for the world, and for sanity, and for myself to have sanity.
Because even in my private life over the years, I don't use a lot of profanity.
I have a large vocabulary and don't need to, but I've caught myself in private being more profane.
I've caught myself on air with mild stuff on air.
I should be more gentlemanly to control myself to not let, because we've all got to hold it together, folks.
I mean, the missing nuke story is real.
And you saw them then start firing the entire upper brass over the nukes and large swaths of the mid and low level, right down to launch officers.
And then announcing, you know, nukes are going to hit the East Coast right where we said they went.
I mean, that's scary, folks.
I woke up at about four in the morning last night, in the dark, with the French Bulldog snuggled up next to me.
And I literally got up and went in the kitchen and got a glass of filtered water.
And I just sat there in the dark, leaning over the kitchen sink, going, oh my heavenly father, this is all real.
It's all real.
My wildest analysis, my gut analysis of this all along has been right on.
I am exposing people that are smuggling nukes out of Dyess Air Force Base.
I'm exposing people that run child kidnapping rings worldwide.
They launder $500 billion a year.
in drug money in the U.S.
publicly in the big six banks and no one gets in trouble.
They own the Congress.
They own most of the police.
They own the FBI and the Justice Department.
The Justice Department got caught shipping guns into Mexico to false flag the Second Amendment.
The government got caught running Al-Qaeda in Egypt and Libya and Syria.
They're putting cancer viruses in vaccines.
Hepatitis in many of the vaccines.
They're creating the new flu the year before and it even comes out in the medical studies that they released the H1N1 a year before it came out five years ago.
And this stuff comes out and I've got medical doctors telling me it a year before it comes out in the news.
I mean imagine they know MSG brain damages children.
They know it rewires their brains and
We just let everybody eat it.
Now there's Forbes.
Scientists will create a new deadly flu strain just to prove they can.
No, that's not why they're doing it.
H1N1 was a simulant that they released the year before.
This came out in the EU.
This was declassified.
I had the head of the EU program on.
I had Steak Knife on.
And other British commandos who staged terror attacks to blame it on the IRA
And then one of them was killed the week after he was on.
I had the DC Madam on and they killed her right after it.
You know how many people I've had on they've killed?
I'm not sitting here saying, oh wow Alex, you're amazing.
That's not even what I'm saying.
I'm saying most people could not handle what I can handle.
And you know why I can handle it?
Because I was a maniac before I knew all this stuff.
And so I'm already crazy, folks.
So, you know, what are they going to do to me?
I get it.
The average... And by crazy, you know, I'm already wild-minded enough and primitive enough.
That I can handle this stuff.
The average person, I get it, cannot handle it.
And that's why evil worldwide always takes over.
Because the average person just wants to go home and eat dinner and hang out with their kids and watch a movie.
Or go out and tend their sheep if it was 5,000 years ago.
And they just want to go down and talk to the town elders and sit around and look at the sunset.
I get it.
You don't want to hear about what's happening off in Rome a thousand miles away.
If you, you know, lived up in Austria.
What's Austria today?
The Austria Goths.
But you better care, because they're going to come and take your family and make you slaves.
You know, if you go back 2,000 plus years ago.
2,060 years ago.
When Caesar's forces were taking over those areas.
And so I know what they're doing.
I sit here and I watch a real horror movie every day, a science fiction takeover with the robot cars and the robot aircraft and they're openly in all the publications saying, again I go back to one I've mentioned probably 500 times, Bill Joy, owner of Sun Microsystems, top engineer,
Says, I went to a globalist meeting with 200 and something top leaders and we made the decision to kill everybody.
You know, we could just let you have fun and play in the future, but that hurts the environment, so, you know, the consensus is we'll just get rid of humanity.
And he put that in Wired Magazine.
Back in, what was it, 2000, the April issue, and it's so frustrating.
I mean, it's so frustrating when it's just all a big game.
Like yesterday, I was driving home, and they had every trailer pulled over, almost causing wrecks everywhere, causing traffic in Austin, Texas.
And by the time I saw a fifth white trailer pulled over, and motorcycle cops running around like it was the end of the world, and almost getting run over, and walking out in traffic, and blocking people to chase down the next, yellow rider trucks, white moving trucks, U-Hauls, big double trailers, semis pulling trailers, and of course the cops were told, I'm sure, well we've got a Homeland Security tip, there could be a weapon.
I don't think it was a drug tip, because they were running around like they were saving the world.
And of course, they do that to get everybody used to just running random checkpoints.
It's a drill.
The cops don't even know it's a drill.
I can tell by looking them in the eyes.
In traffic watching these crazed police in their cruisers pulling people over and unmarks and just freaking out all over Austin.
Because I drove from work through it for like 45 minutes of traffic watching it and dodging police.
I personally saw them almost have two wrecks.
And you go, why are you even bringing that up?
It's just because I know how the programming works.
The Threat Fusion Center tells them, we think there could be a truck bomb.
I bet that's what it was.
Or they thought it was a really big bust.
Like, you're gonna be famous when you find it.
It's a hundred kilos of cocaine.
You know, that some cowboy got through the border and didn't pay their cut to El Jefe.
I mean, I don't know, but the way they were acting, they were told, we've got a terror threat.
Five thousand pounds of plastic explosive.
They're gonna blow the Capitol up.
I mean, I don't know, but the poli... In fact, can a cop call in?
This guy's your voice?
Maybe even tell the folks that answer the phone, if you want to go on air, what it was?
Maybe I want to put you on air because I can tell if it's a cop in Austin.
In fact, I wasn't going to open the phones up, but I do kind of want to know, can somebody in Austin tell me what that was yesterday?
It was like a, I don't know what you call it, it wasn't like a checkpoint where they shut the highway down.
It was police on exit roads and the highway running around, looking in the back, slamming it and running, and then pulling out in traffic and running to the next white trailer.
Do you know how many trailers there are?
And they obviously didn't have a license plate number.
They were pulling over orange ones, white ones, mainly white ones.
And it was just ridiculous.
Meanwhile, the government's run by people that put cancer viruses in almost all the vaccines on record.
I mean, we're being murdered in mass and Obama says a nuke is gonna go off in New York.
That's his number one fear.
There's missing nukes.
And when the years before they had the cruise missiles that came up missing, remember that?
Oh, I bet he's worried.
That would make his approval rating go from 30 points up to, you know, 99.
People would be so scared in militant enthusiasm, primitive psychology.
You get to attack the Russians or whoever you blame for it, the Iranians.
You get to take liberties.
You get to pose as a savior.
They'll have Obama out there, you know, on the blast zone edge saying, whoever did this is going to pay.
And people will say, Alex, we know you said this was coming, but shut up about this on air.
We're going to take you off the local stations.
But when they do that, it won't even be that.
When they set a nuke off, they'll just send a hit team over to kill me.
Oh, Alex Jones was found dead in his car.
He shot himself.
He'd been depressed.
Never, never will I kill myself.
Never, never, never, never.
I don't particularly want to go through a bunch of pain if I ever get cancer or really sick, but to get the word out, I will accept Darth Vader level medical care.
I will take maximum.
I will go the whole nine yards.
I want every bit of life kicking and screaming and clawing when you drag me out of this world.
Not because I even want to stay in this world, but because I want to stay in the fight, on top of a heap of enemies clubbing their heads in in the info war.
I am not going to bow down to these scum.
I'm going to give my whole person over to the fight.
And Lord knows it's ugly, but it's the best I can give.
It's all I can give.
And people need to find the animating contest of liberty.
They need to find their spirit and understand we're under attack and not want to be part of it anymore.
And to tell the system, we know what you're up to.
You're not protecting us.
You're feeding on us.
It's like a guy protects some pigs he's got, he's gonna slaughter at Christmas time.
You know, slaughter in the fall for Christmas hams.
You don't protect us, you squat on us.
And all of you that work for the system, 99.999999999.
The real number we've done of the elite versus the 7.5 billion was .00000890s and a .42 or something, I don't remember.
I mean, that's how many superclass there are in the globalist's own words.
The Kissinger Institute, the Kissinger Group, 6,000, openly say they own us and we're a bunch of cattle slobs.
Well, you're sure helping turn people into cattle, but let me tell you something, Jack.
I'm not cattle.
And I'm not here to be fed on by you people.
And by the way, I've looked at you and what the art you're into and what you elites are into.
You people are ugly.
You people are stunted.
You people are mentally ill.
You are certainly not meant to run the whole show.
And that's why you've got to do it from stealth, because you're the opposite of chivalry.
You're the opposite of honor.
You're the opposite of everything good.
You are coward, filthy, jealous, envious, grasping, selfish scum.
There are a lot of beautiful, good people out there and it makes me sick to see them in a trance.
A literal medical trance.
The general public are in medical trances.
I was watching ESPN this morning with the sound off
And they had some music video about basketball players, and it was them on the bus, everyone worshipping them, almost like in a martial law type deal, and then I was reading the closed captioning of the music, and how great they are, and everyone worshipping, signed my ticket, and it's meant for the fans to all watch that, and think this pumped up, arrogant, narcissist person, with this look of sublime pleasure, that they're being worshipped, that's totally abnormal.
Is then going into the basketball thing.
But the weak-minded sit there and watch that in a trance and believe that's God.
Believe that is unattainium.
They believe that is the ultimate in society and civilization.
So that their literal spirit is bound to worshipping rock stars, worshipping hip-hop people, worshipping sports people.
When, I mean, I worship the Creator, not the creation, but at least the ancients, you know, looked at the night sky, and comets, and the beauty, and the sound of a babbling brook, and the animist worshipped that.
They worshipped the woman's power to create a baby.
They worshipped life.
They worshipped male, virile power.
They worshipped being honorable and strong.
Not facsimile, mindless garbage designed to absolutely put a spell on people.
That's what it is.
I'll put a spell on you.
To where they don't even know that they're on a planet hurtling through deep space orbiting the sun.
They don't even know they're sitting on the ruins of fantastic life that came before us.
They don't even understand the mysteries of the universe and the time-space continuum and the interdimensional layers and just the trillions of galaxies and the untold incredible gift of consciousness.
They're dead already.
The system killed them from birth.
If they couldn't physically abort them, they set them in front of television to become Matrix Heads who plug in and interface with a false reality controlled by a bunch of sycophantic narcissists, psychopaths, eugenicists, control freaks who get to then sit there and take our species and literally sabotage it, vandalize it, mutate it, destroying our actual DNA.
Wrecking the global biosphere DNA in a giant act of mass sacrifice of the planet.
A huge planetary sacrifice is Satan's goal.
To destroy the planet after squeezing every ounce of torture and pain out of it.
On a mass scale, just as a Jeffrey Dahmer for days leans over their victim, chained down, torturing them, doing the most horrible things to them.
The devil takes thousands of years to slowly build a system to wreck everything and to feed and suck off the human suffering of the babies and the innocents and the women and the destroyed dreams.
And the wrecked civilizations and the sunken treasure of humanity never to be fully realized.
Sucking out the very essence of God's incredible creation made in His image.
Sacrificing God's creation in a vain attempt to pull down the mighty foundations of the Creator of all the four corners of the interdimensional universe!
I, imperfect as I am, stand against that, and I say join me in this quest!
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They're going to destroy us.
I mean, I look at how hardcore reality is, and I cannot even describe to you how much worse it is than I'm telling you.
Juxtaposed with all the beauty and blessings and goodness and creativity, it's just so wonderful!
And that's why I get so angry at tyrants.
I'm a very sweet, loving, compassionate person.
I just am so sick of watching evil people get away with all sorts of crap, excuse me, and then sit there and persecute good people saying we're bad.
I am tired of it!
And I have had enough of bullies and injustice and evil.
And that does not mean I'm up on some high horse.
The system teaches you having a beer is evil, or saying a cuss word is evil.
But if you want to launder 500 billion as the big banks, oh, don't mention that, Preacher Man says, because that's the government.
You leave them alone.
Hey, Preacher Man at the big megachurch, why don't you talk about cancer viruses and the vaccines?
Here it is in all these news articles.
Oh, we just want to save souls.
Oh, we don't want to warn the people about what's happening in the world.
The whole Bible is just about the prophets warning the people about the evil of the government, evil of the Pharisees and their dirty church up on the hill.
Making themselves God.
That's what it's all about.
Now there it is.
Merck developer admits vaccine contained hidden monkey viruses derived from diseased monkeys.
Just type that into a search engine.
You can see the PBS documentary.
And they laugh about it.
Yeah, it killed a lot of people.
A hundred million people got cancer at least from it in the video.
And the guy goes, the developer goes,
But see, it's all funny to them.
Hey, if you're going to be involved in stuff like that, why not laugh about it on PBS?
The people watching it aren't going to care.
They want to die.
What do I got coming up?
NASA-funded study.
Industrial civilization headed for irreversible collapse.
New article out on that yet again today.
And that's finally getting a lot of attention.
Scientists warn of the risk of growth hormone.
Oh yeah, my dad told family and people that we're looking into doing that.
Boy, you want to grow some cancer, take that.
Continuing, we're going to break down what's happening with Deutsche Banker.
Let the Suicide Note explain why he did it.
He was looking at criminal charges.
Homeland Security, fittingly, is moving into a giant former insane asylum.
That's their new headquarters.
I'm not kidding.
We're going to be breaking that down.
Reason says that's fitting.
I agree.
TSA wants armed TSA at checkpoints.
We're going to be breaking that down.
Professor warns 90% of news stories to be written by computers by 2030.
That's on the left-hand side of Drudge under Snapping Turtle's photo.
Michelle Obama looking at another snapping turtle.
She does look exactly like a snapping turtle in the photograph.
So, that's up on Infowars.com.
And now they've got Supreme Court justices coming out saying, don't like it?
Pay the tax!
But remember, there is no tax.
When Drudge talked about how as a private employer, he's going to just pay the tax, they said there is no tax.
Of course, there is a tax that starts this year for private employers, not for individuals, starts next year.
But there is no tax because they said so.
They control reality.
So that is all coming up.
We've got a bunch of news at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We're going to be breaking down former Blackwater mercenaries hired as political police, that's commissars, in eastern Ukraine.
It's a great headline by Kurt, but the public doesn't know what a political police are.
It's just too informed.
I might even say our smart listeners don't, but the general public doesn't know what political police are.
Former Blackwater mercenaries hired as free speech destroyers, or as thought police in eastern Ukraine.
That's something the public can understand.
Troops are storming Fort Lauderdale.
It's all coming up.
Stay with us.
It's on InfoWars.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We got Max Keiser on the transmission tomorrow.
We got Gerald Cilente with a big breaking trend with a bunch of stuff and intel on the dead bankers.
Joining us Friday with our incredible InfoWars team.
Some of the best team in media and research out there doing a great job and it is a war room.
We are literally here like Ender's Game attacking the New World Order's main planet.
And it is for real, ladies and gentlemen.
It is not a joke.
By the way, an excellent report by our own Jakari Jackson.
Jakari is just a great reporter.
And here is his report.
GoPro Superman will come back with a ton of breaking news after that.
Oh, Superman!
It's Nodder!
Looks pretty cool, doesn't it?
The things we can do with modern technology, such as the drone that made that viral YouTube video.
But just like much of our modern technologies, drones are ripe for abuse.
When is a drone picture
A benefit to society.
When does it become stalking?
When does it invade privacy?
How close to a home can a drone go?
I'm in my home and there's a demonstration out front and I go to peek out the window and there's a drone facing me.
Well, whoever was running it turned it around quickly and it crashed.
I'm not sure why anyone would want to peek in the window of Senator Feinstein, but regardless, I'm glad the Senator is at least speaking out about the issue of privacy.
She had previously said that it's okay to spy on U.S.
citizens and may now be rethinking her choice of words.
Don't get me wrong though, there are plenty of harmless uses for a drone, such as land surveying or making YouTube videos.
But when does that become a violation of someone's privacy?
For example, is it an illegal search and seizure if police fly a drone over someone's property?
The mayor of Seattle seems to think so, but there are plenty of other cities that would disagree.
Deputies can fly this 50-pound Shadowhawk unmanned helicopter.
A powerful camera on the front is controlled with this game-like console and the manufacturer says this one's even designed to carry weapons.
You have a stun baton where you can actually engage somebody at altitude with the aircraft.
A stun baton would essentially disable a suspect.
If one of these things, quote, malfunctions and hits an unintended target, who, if anyone, will be held accountable?
Not to mention the weirdos who use drones as high-tech peeping toms.
And now for the two big words.
Predator drones.
You will never see it coming.
We've seen how inaccurate lethal drones have been overseas.
They've even killed US citizens.
So why on earth would anyone want to bring these things to the states?
It is great to see American machines helping to promote peace abroad.
So then tell me, why can't we use these machines here at home?
Why is America so robophobic?
So in closing, if you're innocently filming a class project or trying to find the best place to install a pool on your land, then go ahead.
But remember, while we're busy watching YouTube videos, they're busy watching us.
You can find more reports at InfoWars.com.
And the big issue, the rest of the story is, it's about an autonomous army that the globalists control, cutting the general public and humanity out of the equation.
They've been trying for thousands of years to turn soldiers into robots.
Well now they're just getting rid of the soldiers and bringing in the robots, or putting chips in the brains of special forces.
They now admit that's going on, I told you.
Fifteen years ago I was told by
People in special forces that they were being inducted and offered programs for brain chips.
A lot of the troops have been given tracker chips already and that's finally come out in the news.
We're not in Kansas anymore.
Alright, huge breaking news, a ton of it coming up.
Then your phone calls, straight ahead.
We'll be back.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
It's the time of the season.
When love runs high.
In this time, give it to me easy.
And let me try with pleasured hands to take you in my arms.
That's the zombies we're gonna send.
In military route,
Russia seizes 51 Ukrainian ships in Crimea.
This is an escalation by the Russians.
So far they've been grabbing their own bases.
But now they're saying that ships that were docked in that area of the Ukraine are theirs.
And I guess that's part of the ongoing sanctions war.
Russian citizens are now boycotting U.S.
companies and E.U.
companies in their own boycott.
This is only going to hurt the people on both sides.
And they've kicked the Russians, obviously, two days ago out of the G8, which is a new Cold War kickoff for everybody to know.
In its invasion and annexation of Crimea, now Crimea voted, just like Scotland just did, to join Russia.
I'm just putting the facts out there, folks.
But this is the Kiev Post, so it's from their perspective.
In its invasion and annexation of Crimea...
Russia has seized 51 vessels belonging to the Ukrainian Navy.
According to information compiled by Dmitry Tomuchuk, Director of the Center for Military and Political Research in Kiev, among the Ukrainian vessels reportedly captured by the Russians are the submarines, a management ship, landing ship, and a whole bunch of other smaller ships.
Ukraine only has enough gas for a month, Zero Hedge reports, via RBC Ukraine.
Stocks of petroleum products in Ukraine will last 28-29 days, said at today's press conference, the Minister of Energy and Coal Industry.
Speaking on the situation with oil,
Then ensure there is a quiet stable.
That's quoted from them, so it sounds like Babel.
Translated into Egypt, into English.
Suddenly it's not English, it's Egypt.
Today oil reserves will last 28-29 days, he said.
At the same time, the minister noted the significant risk reduction in the supply and rising gas prices as of March 25, 2014 in Ukraine, underground gas storage facilities located only had 7 billion cubic meters of gas, which sounds like a lot, but it's not.
And again, this is translated from Ukrainian, folks, that's why it sounds like I'm reading this wrong, so I keep backing up thinking I'm reading it wrong, but it's just translated into English, so it doesn't sound right.
Up there can be about two billion, is not the quantity that scares experts.
It would be possible to hold only a week.
It all deepens on what kind of regime will be whether we can take 20 million cubic meters, meters of gas, to reserve and so on.
We have come to a planet to eat your women and children!
I could tell that was computer translated.
Ukrainian court bans Russian TV broadcast.
The majority of Ukrainian providers have stopped broadcasting four main Russian TV channels in a move that Russian Foreign Minister calls a violation of international obligations and an attack on media freedom.
It certainly can be considered only in terms of an attack on democratic freedoms and a violation of international obligations by Ukraine.
The Ministry's Commissioner on Human Rights told RIA Novostat.
And it goes on from there.
So there is some of the news on that front.
Another article out of the New Eastern Outlook
Linking through to Reuters and others deals with the recent attacks by Turkish Air Force on targets over the Syrian border to back up the terror groups they've been training in Turkey to infiltrate into the country.
Backing Al-Qaeda.
Tensions have risen once again along the Syrian-Turkish border as Turkey downs a Syrian warplane and terrorists backed by Turkish troops stormed across the border and down Syria's western coast into the province.
Turkey's renewed vigor appears to be part of a result of pressure placed on Turkey's Prime Minister by U.S.-backed mobs who have been taking to the streets for four months seeking his ouster.
Citing Reuters and AFP, RT's article, Turkey Downs Syrian
We're good to go.
Has been openly, on record, funding Al-Qaeda as the main force to blow up churches, kill people en masse.
It is a serious war crime.
By any Geneva Convention, common sense, Magna Carta, Bill of Rights, Constitution, Monroe Doctrine, any way you look at it, it is so evil that we are involved in this.
It is the absolute final signpost on a bankrupt
morally evil completely amoral out-of-control military policy of the globalists that run this country and are using our military and our lives and our money to carry out this type of evil garbage and I gotta say I commend our military from the grassroots enlisted to the non-commissioned to the officers right at the top they said we are not going to train anymore al-qaeda at these bases inside western iraq to infiltrate into
into Syria.
It had been mainly British and South African and other special forces and Qatari and Saudi Arabian training the Al Qaeda forces.
And the last straw was when they ordered U.S.
special forces.
This is about six months ago to go in and train them.
And I've confirmed this, but I also saw some inklings in the news.
There was basically a quiet stand down by the military because these Al-Qaeda people are so arrogant and so out of control.
They're basically like pirates that just want an excuse to rob and loot and kill.
They come from all over the world, but mainly Saudi Arabia is the center of it.
That they openly brag.
Remember on the BBC in the video when they were in Libya?
They had signs up, they'd taken Libya, they'd taken Tripoli, they'd killed Qaddafi supposedly, and they said,
They said, look!
They had signs, but were also saying in English, we have taken Tripoli today, tomorrow Damascus, the capital of Syria, and then next, America.
And they're now in the news, in the BBC, in Reuters, in AFP, saying we're going to attack Europe now with the weapons we've got in Syria, and the weapons we've got in Benghazi.
So finally our military, finally, that was just given so many illegal evil orders, they said no we're not going to train these guys because the word is, well they've bragged in the newspapers, that yes I am here killing Libyans and I'm killing Syrians but I want to kill Americans after and I will kill Americans after I'm done with Assad.
And the military sits there going, we're training and giving weapons to people that literally killed U.S.
soldiers in Iraq.
And again, it was bad that we were in Iraq to begin with, but the point is, we're now arming the people that were killing our troops in Iraq.
I mean, it's just so over the top, folks, that the military said no.
The evil of the globalists is going so far now that the military is saying no.
And it's very, very frustrating.
It's now admitted.
If you go back years ago, they would debate it.
It's now admitted that 60 plus percent of the main battle force is Al Qaeda.
And the Council on Foreign Relations wrote an article a few years ago saying, quote, why we need Al Qaeda in Syria.
And they are now the main force.
And so
Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, after myself and the Drudge Report and countless others, WorldNetDaily, documented that our government was running Al-Qaeda.
Then that gave the moral and research support to good Republicans, that are good, not the establishment ones, to go out and tell the truth so that we could get out of bed with these people.
And then we go further.
When the TSA, who today is calling to have armed agents at the airport now,
So I guess they can shoot you if you make a joke.
They already said they'll arrest you if you make a joke.
Well, I guess now, in this running man scenario, that we can tell them, hey, we're sick of being told that we're terrorists, and that we're all suspects in this country, when openly, you have been demonizing
Patriots and making us the new terror threat.
This is a fraud.
We reject it.
We're forcing a national debate about this, that you're switching from Al Qaeda to domestic groups and saying you believe domestic groups are about to blow up federal buildings, attack schools and shopping malls in all your drills, and they're going to link up with Muslim extremists.
That is asinine.
You're the ones linked up with Muslim extremists.
That's in the Army War College documents.
Look it up.
Type in Army trains to take on Tea Party.
You'll get Washington Times Forbes, who covered it after we got the documents.
And they say right there, the Tea Party links up with Muslim extremists.
Folks, the Tea Party's one sin, in my view, is that they are Islamophobic.
And I'm not saying Islam doesn't have some serious issues, that it's being radicalized across the board.
But, you know, it's wrong to say all Islam basically wants to kill Westerners and, you know, aren't tolerant.
Muslims are tolerant.
Most Muslim groups are tolerant worldwide.
But the problem is Saudi Arabia is honchoing the radical Muslims and our government's opening the door for them.
But separate from that, the reason I raise that, the Tea Party is not in bed with Al-Qaeda.
And everybody knows that's ridiculous.
And it's not gonna fly.
That dog is not gonna hunt.
And continuing with the dog analogies to the police and military, do you really have a dog in the fight with Homeland Security now saying domestic grips and political speech of the target?
You really want to sign on to this?
You really?
Because I mean that by every yardstick historically is becoming bad guys.
And I think the answer is the average cop I talk to is appalled and freaked out and knows we're in trouble.
So that's good.
So let's not let the globalists trick us into a fight with the police and military.
We've got to decry bad police and military activity while supporting good activity.
And the public's got to be moral as well.
The public on average are a bunch of demonic slobs.
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Welcome back.
I am your host Alex Jones.
Let's get into a bunch of news and then I'm gonna give the phone number out and take your calls for first-time callers on any subject you wish to discuss.
Fear, confusion, grip, Guiana as Ebola death toll rises.
It's now up to 63 dead and is reportedly spreading into nearby countries.
This is a big deal because Ebola is about the nastiest thing naturally occurring out there and many scientists think it was manufactured in a laboratory.
Ebola victims face a 90% death risk.
Drugs start to emerge, though, to treat it, and to give you some chance.
That is certainly good news.
Speaking of 90% kill rates, they've got different mouse boxes designed for humans that kill 98% in the university studies.
And guess what?
They published online eight years ago, it was about eight, nine years ago, it was a big controversy, how to re-create it.
So that any university-level laboratory could make it.
That's always a good idea, huh?
Well, Dr. Pianka at UT says the airborne Ebola will soon be released.
He works in the biology department and on his official website he talks about how he loves Lucifer in a druidic outfits.
I mean, a guy that loves Lucifer talks about the airborne Ebola killing everyone?
I pointed that out and the FBI did do their job and go visit him and he promised that he didn't mean that.
Two years ago.
You can look that up if you want.
I thought it was interesting, you know, he works with that stuff and he says 90% of us need to die.
I had his graduate students, who are doctors now, threaten me and we published some of their letters and linked to their graduate papers.
We went and did research on them where they said that they want to kill everyone.
And that he didn't go far enough that, Mr. Jones, you have to admit, they said in the email, one of them, that we are a disease and a parasite and we've got to be exterminated.
I mean, come on!
Everybody knows that!
So, pray for the folks out in Africa and Guyana dealing with that.
Chileans are worried over a string of 300 quakes in the north.
Gerald Cilente barely got out of a hotel, it was in a mega-quake.
He was there in that big one.
Well, the 300 earthquakes have shaken Chile's far northern coast this past week, keeping people on the edge.
As scientists say, there is no way to tell if the unusual string of tremors is a harbinger of impending disaster.
The unnerving activity began with a strong magnitude 6.7 quake on March 16th that caused more than 100,000 people to briefly evacuate low-lying areas, although no tsunami materialized and there was little physical damage from the shaking.
Here's another headline.
There's a lot of articles about superbugs now.
Why you're always sick?
We overuse the antibiotics.
And there's new superbugs, both viral and bacterial, because we're creating them.
Of course, they don't tell you that.
About a month ago, Sharon Gilbert was hit with a runny nose, sore throat, and a cough.
The whole snotty works.
A few weeks later, she thought she'd recovered.
Then her husband, Derek, got sick again.
Suddenly, she was sick as well.
That's partly because the common cold can last longer than many people think.
Up to two weeks from the primary symptoms, perhaps weeks through that.
No, folks, there's all these articles about why you're staying sick longer.
It's because we're unhealthy, folks.
And the GMO, it's been a long, cold winter.
I mean, back when we had a mini ice age in the 1600s in Europe, there were all sorts of plagues then, mini plagues.
Because it would stay cold right through into May.
Frozen sometimes.
And that's when the viruses and the bacteria just spread like wildfire.
In the closed quarters, people don't get vitamin D from sun.
You run out of that in two to three months without sun.
That's why people in Northern Clines have white skin and less melanin, because you need more of it.
Of course, Cass Sunstein, in his paper, said they want to outlaw conspiracy theories.
He said, number one, that humans need sun.
I'm not kidding.
He wants the regulations are, look it up, says that you should not be able to say that sun is needed.
It's universally known by all medical doctors that you need some sun.
The calculations vary for your type of skin.
But if you've got really sensitive skin, you then need to take vitamin D. But it doesn't matter to them.
Sunstein doesn't want you getting sun.
And it's true, the sun will kill you.
But not having it will kill you quicker.
Killing yourself to live.
I mean, if I'm down or tired, I just can go out and get some sun, even winter sun, I'm energized.
Because folks, plants aren't the only thing that need sun.
Understand that?
We need sun and more of it.
And I'll just say it right now, I love the sun.
And I love being sun-kissed.
There's no better feeling than swimming two miles on a hot sunny day in a lake and getting out with your back burned.
We're on the march.
The Empire.
Masses of news coming up.
Alex Jones in the GCN Radio 3.
I'm on the phones, let me come back.
I'll give the number and I'll come back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You've heard my ranting so far.
I've got a bunch of news I'm going to hit briefly and then go to your phone calls.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
First-time callers with good telephones, which is very rare nowadays.
Again, I think it bears more than just one day of talk.
Obama's number one threat
He says to America is a bomb going off in Manhattan, in the middle of New York City.
That would make Obama a dictator instantly.
So if that happens, and they've been making the preparation for a dictatorship of the bureaucracy, they may not want Obama to be that guy, it may be the next guy.
I mean, if a nuke went off in New York and Rand Paul wasn't involved, they could nuke and then have such a crisis going that Rand Paul would be impeached if he didn't come out and agree with the Pentagon and whoever they blamed.
And then he would be offered martial law powers to save America and he would be assassinated if he didn't agree to become dictator.
I'm not saying that's going to happen with Rand Paul, but he could end up being president if there's a good chance he'll end up being president.
In fact, there's a good chance he'll end up being the next president.
There's that much of a wave of libertarianism.
I'm saying the mind of the wicked New World Order is, they're not going to give up their main Hydra head, the U.S., that they've captured.
I mean, it's the big one taking down the world for them.
Because we had the moral high ground, we had the free market, we had the wealth, we had the fighters, we had the dedicated military people.
We were the best!
We were exceptional!
Putin says, you know, last year, stop saying you're exceptional so it's okay for you to do all this.
Well, we're still exceptional.
Exceptionally evil.
Exceptionally overrun with corrupt people.
Exceptionally decadent.
We drink more liquor, on average, than the Russians do now.
We're drinking ourselves to death.
And I'm not up on some high horse, folks!
Let's get all that straight, but I can recognize what's wrong with our society.
And half the time when I go off on some tangent, I don't even know where it started.
The point is, is I want to hear from you 800-259-9231.
And, you know, I wake up at three, four in the morning freaked out about the fact that if I was the New World Order, I'd set off a nuke in New York City.
And I've been saying that for about five years.
I don't know.
To be able to access that, and I'm able to access my subconscious by understanding the archetypes, but hardly anybody's in contact with their unconscious.
Only in a dream state do you access that.
But top cops throughout the ages who are known as great investigators can't tell you why they know who did it, and like every time are right.
And those guys come along through history.
They do not want those people now in law enforcement.
Those people are always out there naturally, and now they're phasing them out and going for folks with below 100 IQs.
Because smart people have empathy.
Smart people will buck orders that are obviously wrong.
Smart people don't want their kids growing up in a corrupt society, so they won't take the payoff.
More often.
Than people that have low IQs.
Smart people are more honorable, generally.
Because they have an idea of what's really valuable in this world.
But when you sit here and you look at how corrupt our society has become, it is just a nightmare situation.
And I naturally can study all the data, all the dots.
And then not even know why I go on air and say they might, in fact, I think they're thinking about nuking New York City so they can attack and blame the Iranians and the Russians while clamping down domestically and then now they're hyping it.
And some would say, no, they're getting talking points from you.
I've had people tell me that.
Stop the scenarios you come up with.
Oh, give me a break.
That's a no brainer because I can then say at a conscious level, I don't know why.
I'm saying that, but then I can walk it back.
Well, no, I know their history.
I know what they've done in the past.
I know what they've hyped.
I know what they've done.
I know what is ingrained in the archetypal fears from the Cold War, duck and cover.
I know about the missing nukes.
It only takes a small team to plant the bomb.
It's easily deniable.
Very small teams, very compartmentalized.
You can jacket it in whatever isotope you want to frame whoever you want.
And then just thousands of other points come in.
I could sit here for literally 12 hours with a tape recorder going.
The crew's seen this when we're doing stuff.
I could sit here for an hour and just spew the reasons.
That's the problem.
My conscious brain has to go to the next area and go, data retrieved.
Data retrieved.
Why do I think that?
Instead I can just go, they're going to nuke New York.
If I was them, I'd nuke New York.
That's like a detective hunch.
Because you just got all the data.
It's not a hunch.
You've already got all the data and you, bam, sandwich it in.
It's like top profilers that are able to actually, after tracking somebody for years, actually pick the next area they're going to kill and be waiting for them.
Because you get in the mind of the enemy.
And that's what's so horrible.
Is that I know what these people are thinking and it's horrible.
It's horrible.
And it just goes on and on and on and on.
And I don't know if they're going to set nukes off in New York.
They might hit Dallas.
They might hit Denver.
They might hit Cleveland.
And why do I say that?
One time, I saw Gary Hart and Warren Rubin about a year after 9-11.
On Hardball again, the same place they announced 9-11 in July of 2001, they announced the attack.
Somebody's got to dig the tape up.
They said things are about to change in America.
Of course, Chris Matthews is high-level, worked in multiple administrations, kind of a Karl Rove type for Democrats.
They got really excited.
It was, thank you, what is this announcement?
And it was all a tell to the establishment.
With very thinly veiled, heading up the Council on Foreign Relations reorganization plan, Hart-Rubin Commission, under the Rand Corporation directives, but prepared by Council on Foreign Relations to reorganize America into an authoritarian police state.
You can go read the report, issued 10 months before 9-11.
And Gary Hart, two days before 9-11, said, we're going to use this disaster to bring in a new world order, while chairing the Hart-Rubin Commission at the Council on Foreign Relations headquarters in New York City, at Pratt House.
It was on C-SPAN.
And they're on the show, and he says there's going to be big buildings, they're going to be coming down, there's going to be army on the streets, this is going to be the change, this is going to be the beginning.
And Rudman's looking at him like, oh man, this is hardcore, and they're very proud of themselves, because I guess their plan got adopted by the PNAC plan, they merged those two plans.
The Hart-Rubin Commission with the PNAC,
New American Century Plan, and they were just publicly announcing it to the establishment, and I went on air the next day and I said they're going to blow up the World Trade Center and blame it on their asset bin Laden.
Because I'd already seen all the pieces, and when they did that, I knew about globalist bragging.
I'd just learned about that after, I don't know, I'd already been on air six, seven years at that point.
Six, seven years.
So I clicked, and went with my gut on that, and then they did it, of course.
I didn't have enough power to stop them.
I said, call the White House, tell them to blow the World Trade Center up, and the rest of it.
That's all on record.
There's video of that, audio of that.
This time, I saw them about a year, maybe it was two years, it was 2003, and I saw the Hart-Rubin Commission on there again, and they said, the terrorists are going to nuke New York, Dallas, Cleveland, or Denver.
And of course, when they nuke those cities, no one is going to go back and say, why did those two guys say that on there?
Because that was a message to the establishment, get out of those cities.
Probably 10 years before they do it.
I guess it's 10 or 11 years now.
I mean, you start learning these are psychopath gang leaders, literally ringwraiths giving orders over television to each other.
That's why they have the Pentagon reading newspaper articles and op-ed pieces and ads for code words for crime groups and others.
That really goes on.
People pay to have things put in the newspaper because the operative doesn't even know who's hiring them.
And they'll have people working at a news agency, where the news agency doesn't even know they're an operative, writing an article to give orders.
The best place to give orders is in plain view.
And I sit here now, and I see them giving orders all the time.
I can't even watch the news when a Globalist is on.
Because a lot of times they start giving orders, and I'm trying to figure out exactly who the orders are to.
I mean, I cannot run a giant counterintelligence operation by myself, is what I'm saying.
I've come to that realization.
I literally have the mental tools to understand these people and fight them, but it's
No one could do this by themselves, and I'm not... It's just freaking me out.
I mean, I know this is real.
I wish it wasn't real.
I wish it wasn't happening.
But it is.
I told you they had hubs in all the buildings, all the telecommunications buildings in 1996, to grab all your data.
I didn't have a hunch on that.
I was pointed out by engineers what was in the Telecommunications Act.
And all I'm trying to tell new listeners is, this stuff is real.
The information unfolding is real.
And I can be wrong about little things here and there, and my interpretation might not be correct in the final equation.
All I know is, in the general direction I'm going, we're dead on.
And I know there are a lot of good people in the system.
But I don't know what to do, okay?
All I know is, I told you if they start hyping nukes going off in Manhattan, I probably said this 300 times the last five years, if they start saying get ready for nukes to go off, they're getting ready and are seriously thinking about doing it.
And the targets are Manhattan, Dallas, Cleveland, and Denver.
Now they may change and hit something else, but people that I saw publicly call the 9-11 attack said that.
And they did what they said they would do the first time.
Gary Hart wrote a letter to Ahmed Denegide.
Denijod, you can pull the letter up, he published it in the Huffington Post, saying our government staged Gulf of Tonkin, the USS Maine in 1898, and other events, Oklahoma City, I think he said in there, we will do that again and go to war with you.
Don't just think because 80 plus percent of Americans don't want war with you, that we won't attack you and blow your country off the face of the math if you don't do what you're told.
We Are Change reporters, this is all on video, you can type up We Are Change, talk to Gary Hart.
They talk to him and they go, what about your letter about false flags?
He goes, I never wrote such a letter.
They pull the letter out, he begins sweating and stuttering, because you're not supposed to know this stuff, you're like an animal.
He publishes a public letter called Unsolicited Advice to the Government of Iran, saying we will stage terror attacks and blame you in one of the biggest online newspapers in the world.
And when confronted by people wearing sunglasses like they live, he literally freaks out and starts gulping, and sweat starts coming out profusely, and he looks like a Skeksy that's had his cloak pulled off of him or something.
I mean, he looks completely whacked out of his mind and starts stuttering.
You know, they've got the video up on screen.
That guy's name's Matt Lipasek asking the questions.
And he denies it at first.
Just like they say, there's no penalty.
Well, the penalty's starting.
No, there's not, liar!
Hey, you said I could keep my doctor.
I never said that!
I'm gonna go to your phone calls.
I haven't got to the news.
I haven't plugged anything.
I'm not gonna be able to finance this place if I don't.
By the way, you heard me talk about superbugs.
I mean, that's what's so frustrating.
Pete denied he wrote a letter saying we staged terror attacks.
To us, because he thinks we're animals.
Hey, we're not animals, jerk!
We see you up there on television, going, heh, nukes are gonna go off in these cities, heh heh, we're gonna take over, heh heh.
That's how you conquer America.
You set one nuke off.
You set five nukes off.
Do you ever think of that as not just outside powers that might want to fully take over and become god kings?
Do you ever think it might be this dirtbag government?
You think it's fun getting on air and talking like this?
You think I like absolutely putting myself in the furnace, in the fiery furnace?
Because that's what I'm doing.
And I'm not a hero, folks.
I want to survive.
It's normal to want to fight tyranny.
You know there's superbugs going around, you know there's chest and bacterial pneumonia that people are getting four or five times over again when they use antibiotics.
The antibiotics are ceasing to work.
I've had a lot of family, I've had crew, Weldon Henson in our office, we should have him do a testimonial, I just thought of this.
He took multiple rounds of antibiotics from the VA, would not knock out his bacterial infection as long as, I don't think he was to pneumonia yet.
He drank, and I'm not saying do this, because it is toxic in large levels,
And we do not even recommend you take this on a regular basis like most of the little silver makers do because we made it so strong.
It's survival, super survival type silver.
It's the strongest we could get manufactured by the third largest laboratory in the United States.
The electrical process is patented and nobody has got silver this strong.
It took us six months to get it produced.
It's silver bullet and Weldon, I think he said he drank half a bottle over four days and it knocked it out.
Now, again, it's silver.
The pioneer people used to put silver dollars in their milk to keep it better longer.
And you'd put a silver dollar on a baby's belly when it was born.
Because it was known that it warded off germs.
They didn't know why.
They hadn't discovered microbes yet.
But the point is, is that, you know, I've had family to get rid of this pneumonia who they said, we're putting on what we call kidney tamers.
The antibiotics are so strong now they attack your kidneys.
So, in a spectrum of poison,
Colloidal silver, from my research, is a lot better than the antibiotics.
And it's worked for me, and this is something you need to store, but also have.
And talk to your physician first, because, you know, the bluebloods used to have this for thousands of years.
That was the joke, while they were blue, because their noses would turn blue, because they took a ton of silver during the Dark Ages to not die.
So, you take enough of this, you'll turn blue.
You look like a gamelon from, you know, Alpha Centauri's.
So, you know, that's if you drink, you know, I don't know, 50 bottles or whatever.
The point is, is that it's hardcore antibiotics, on record, topical, you name it.
It's available at Infowarslife.com.
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I go, dude, take it.
He goes back three weeks later, gets the whole case, says, I can't believe it, and now he says it's changed his life.
We've got a video of that coming up.
It's up on InfoWars.com right now.
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Okay, let's go to your phone calls and then I'll get into news like NSA.
We're not spying on Jimmy Carter.
Of course, they said they weren't spying, period, before.
Total lies by total liars.
Snowden welcomes Obama's plans for NSA reform as turning point.
I don't think so.
He's just trying to get the establishment to not arrest him.
Google Glasses aims to debunk rumors about features and privacy.
Yeah, right.
Can you hear me?
I want to talk to maybe the world about the King of Kings, you know?
Talking about Jesus Christ, yes.
What is your point, sir?
Well, my point is that the King of Kings that came on Earth and he spoke to the people through the Geneva, through United Nations, you know, his visits to America.
People should remember what he did for us.
I really, um, take a look, you know?
Americans need to remember, especially the older Americans, the older they get...
Alex, I recently joined up with a group called OAS, Operation American Spring, and they have a letter that they send out to congressmen, and you can add your own little bit to it.
It was sent to Representative Williams, Senator Cornyn, and Ted Cruz.
Now, I got a response from this letter
From Representative Williams and Ted Cruz, but I got none from Cornyn.
But if you like, I would like to read the letter, it's not real long, and then I'll read the response from, a very interesting response from Representative Cornyn.
Yeah, briefly tell folks what the American Spring is calling for, because I've heard of it.
Okay, it's, we're having a large demonstration in Washington, May 16th, and it's put on by Colonel Riley, who's a retired military man.
And there are a lot of patriots and... Okay, yeah, so we know what that is now.
What was the response from Cruz's office?
Go ahead.
Okay, now Cruz, all he said was, thanks for your letter.
We will get back to you.
Call me at this date.
Now the response I got from Roger Williams is very interesting.
I'll read that to you.
It's not long.
Listen, you told me it's not long.
Just get to it.
Okay, many of your neighbors have also written to me with their concerns of how this administration has handled several issues.
It's evident that there's been no shortage of controversy during President Obama's tenure.
Operation Passing Furious, Internal Revenue Service, the National Security Administration, and Benghazi, to name a few.
It is clear that this administration has made many questions at the leadership standards that are expected from the executive branch of the United States.
To impeach because the letter wanted to impeach Obama and many other leaders.
To impeach means to accuse of wrongdoing.
The Constitution allows the House of Representatives to impeach a president for treason, bribery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors.
This is a high standard that is not met by sharp disagreement on policy, no matter how deeply or sincerely felt.
You should know that if and when there is an appropriate time, Congress will act on that obligation.
No, I get it.
So they're talking about maybe they'll impeach him.
That's interesting.
You should publish the letter.
You should put it out publicly.
Thank you.
We're out of time.
We'll be right back with the next hour.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
That sounded like a really interesting letter if you heard the guy that called in earlier.
And that's what a lot of congressmen say.
They say they'll
Start impeachment if a movement starts to do that.
Well, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and others have basically said that if people get behind them, they will move for impeachment.
And it needs to happen.
And I know there's more people involved in B.A.D.
than just folks like
Obama, but you have to bring someone down on the government so the other ones don't think they can engage in criminal activity with impunity like Benghazi and Fast and Furious.
I mean, those two right there are hands down.
Hands down, shipping guns into Mexico.
Hands down, Benghazi, lying, stand down.
They've been caught lying, caught telling people not to speak to the press.
It's a big deal.
I think the phone system just went down.
We had loaded phone lines and then there was no calls and now it's loading up again.
So, I don't know.
Today is one of those gremlin days.
We'll see what happens.
Sometimes we'll have more problems in one day than we have in six months.
It's got to be on a day when I'm in a really, not even bad mood, but just in a vicious mood.
Devon in Washington, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
It's Bevan with the Beeb.
Okay, go ahead.
You're on the air.
You want to talk?
Yeah, phone system went down again.
I mean, this is just unbelievable.
I shouldn't even attempt phone calls.
I mean, I should literally just do YouTube, because I know how to upload to that myself with my iPhone.
And then I could just have a heavenly life and just talk to people that way, but then YouTube could censor me.
So, that's what's going on on that front.
What a day, man.
That's all I can tell you.
But a lot of other stuff going on behind the scenes.
Look at the NSA.
I already mentioned this, but it's so crazy.
NSA, we're not spying on Jimmy Carter.
Isn't that just sweet?
And they said so.
They said, we're not spying on you.
Folks, they admit they're grabbing all the phone call conversations, all the emails, all the faxes, everything.
But they're not spying on Jimmy Carter.
Because they don't call it spying when they grab your data.
It's all semantical.
We don't have chemtrails, we have geoengineering.
We don't double your prices.
In healthcare, we call it affordable.
We take all your rights, it's called the Patriot Act.
We drug half the kids in school, it's called New Freedom.
I mean, that's the way all this goes.
Let me just tell Genesis, we're done with calls for the day, thank you.
No more need for any of those.
Thank you so much.
Thank you, we're fine here.
What's your operating number?
Oh, very dangerous, large, large reactor leak.
I'm sending two squads.
I'm butchering Han Solo quotes here.
That one goes here, this one goes there.
Watch this.
Flips the switch, nothing happens.
Oh my goodness, what a day, what a day.
What a world, what a world, to quote the Wicked Witch of the West.
Or was it the Wicked Witch of the East?
I really don't remember anymore.
Alright, oh there you go.
That's what happens when you fly.
Thank God we've got air marshals to stop that type of stuff.
Remember folks, we have a TV version of the radio show, so you will hear me from time to time talking about things that are on the screen that are not happening in the dimensional world of audio.
Something I haven't gotten to either here today,
Is Rand Paul coming out and saying, why can't Obama unilaterally end spying?
That's right, he's unilaterally doing whatever else he wants illegally, and unlawfully.
Couldn't a president give the moral bully pulpit to get rid of something illegal that spies on Congress, who supposedly controls the NSA?
See, the bureaucracy has gone rogue.
The system is on its own, doing whatever it wants with a bunch of special interests, buying off different parts of the government.
And those special interests are a bunch of mega banks who are eugenicists and absolutely want to rid the world of the population they've already robbed blind.
We'll be right back.
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Renewed hostile actions against United States ships on the high seas and the Gulf of Tonkin have today required me
To order the military forces of the United States to take action and reply.
Dr. Martin Luther King, the apostle of nonviolence in the civil rights movement, has been shot to death in Memphis, Tennessee.
He still has the gun.
The gun is pointed at him at this moment.
Take a hold of this bomb and break it if you have to.
People calling themselves members of the Weather Underground last night planted bombs in federal office buildings in Washington and Oakland, California.
They took the babies out of incubators and left the children to die on the cold floor.
Survivors of the USS Liberty are demanding a congressional investigation into what happened and acknowledgment that the Israeli Air Force bombed a U.S.
intelligence base.
The death of bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat al-Qaeda.
The Taliban is taking responsibility for shooting down a U.S.
More than 30 people were killed in their operations.
There may be a false flag incident where some ship goes down and you can use for the excuse to accelerate the next war.
If there's one thing that has unified Democrats and Republicans, and everybody in between,
It's that we all hated the bank bailout.
The Department of Homeland Security is apparently on a huge ammo buying spree.
It comes out to like 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.
They estimated that they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these re-education centers.
And when I say eliminate, I mean kill.
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
It's not a game.
That's right.
That's right, ladies and gentlemen, and we're having a powerful transmission today exposing the globalists.
Obama has been warning, saying his biggest threat, his biggest concern is a mushroom cloud over New York City.
Someone's smuggling a nuke in, and that means the Russians or the Iranians.
What about the globalists that have captured the country?
Who've set up a police state and are preparing for a massive disaster to seize total control and shut down their political enemies once and for all and capture America.
Would someone attack their own power structure to seize total control and to basically become above the law?
That is the larger question.
And here is Obama again, a few days ago, talking about just this, entering the idea of just a phantom nuke threat.
Not even saying who's behind it.
But don't you worry, he's gonna protect you from it, A, by taking your rights away, and B, if it happens, well, you know, he's gonna have to really take everybody's rights to keep them safe next time.
And do whatever he wants, and take your pension funds, of course, as well.
So let's go ahead and go to that clip.
And so my response then continues to be what I believe today, which is Russia's actions are a problem.
They don't pose the number one national security threat to the United States.
I continue to be much more concerned when it comes to our security with the prospect of a nuclear weapon going off in Manhattan.
Which is part of the reason why the United States and that's at the Hague and he also said something true in that speech, which is very rare Very rare.
He said Russia is a regional power and Is being dealt major defeats?
Yes, NATO with
The EU went in when they wouldn't join the EU to be signed on to all their debts and looted, on record.
They went in and hired a bunch of thugs to overthrow the government, take 93% of the country, the Russians grabbed what was historically theirs, used to be part of Russia, and they were making deals, business deals, with Ukraine peaceably, and was really helping Russia.
Major defeat of Russia.
The media spins it, oh, Putin just got shown, yeah, or, you know, they spin it, Putin just showed Obama,
See, I have trouble even joking and telling a lie.
Because I meant to say, oh my gosh, Putin's really showing Obama, and I said, ooh, Putin's really getting shown, because Putin's really getting shown.
And it's not that I romanticize the Russians, it's that they're surrounded, the globalists are trying to bring them down.
And compared to the people running our country, and compared to the globalists, compared to the communist Chinese, I mean, Russia is very mild.
I've said on a scale of zero, being neutral to this country's well-being and our national security and the providence of our republic and the world, Russia's about a one threat.
China's about a seven.
The New World Order's an eleven.
They're a hundred and ten percent.
They are over the top.
And they're over the top with a wall of lies on purpose to condition you to accept lies.
We have a Harry Reid clip that's coming up.
Harry Reid, people aren't educated on how to use the internet.
The Democratic Senator, that's an oxymoron, said that healthcare.gov has never been broken, never had a problem, and Obamacare works great.
As Ellen DeGeneres said, it works wonderful, everyone loves it, we should be thankful to their leader.
Harry Reid, and they're grabbing the clip right now, Harry Reid said
That... Well, I mean, why quoting?
We actually have the clip!
There are some people who are not like my grandchildren who can handle everything so easily on the internet.
And these people need a little extra time.
It's not... The example they gave us, a 63-year-old woman came in to the store and said, I almost got it.
Every time I just about got there, it would cut me off.
We have a lot of people just like this, through no fault of the Internet, because people are not educated how to use the Internet.
So, this is not anything.
So, there you go.
We repeated that a couple of times.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is unprecedented.
It's not any fault of the Internet.
What does that even mean, the Internets?
It's tubes, grips of tubes!
It's not any fault of the Internets, as Rick Perry would call it or Bush would call it.
It's the fault, people don't know how to use it.
No, they went on the site that was meant to data mine them and have them waive their rights so the IRS can take their bank accounts.
And that's what it's for.
And that's it.
And all you Obama people, he'll be, you know, into the next election
The 2014 election, by the time the screwjob hits you.
So until then, they're telling you there is no $5,000 tax, even though it's in the law, and they hired the 17,000 agents, and it's going forward.
Now, shifting gears to some really exciting news.
Dr. Edward Group is our guest.
He's one of the top supplement developers in the country.
And he's also a very articulate, super uber-informed person.
And I won't go over all of his laurels.
But he's a doctor of chiropractic from Texas Chiropractic College, diplomat of the American Clinical Board of Nutrition, he's a nutritionist, diplomat of the American Board of Functional Medicine, diplomat of the Chiropractic Board of Clinical Nutrition, naturopathic physician, certified clinical nutritionist, holistic health practitioner, certified clinical herbalist, alternative medical practitioner, works in major hospitals, MD Anderson, you name it, down in Houston.
So he's a prestigious guy.
And, you know, my dad's an oral surgeon and a dentist and also has one of his degrees in biology.
And he's amazed at how much Group knows, because my dad now works with us.
He's developed stuff that's been approved by the FDA on the pharmacological side, but from herbs.
He's come to work with us at InfoWarsLife.com, and we will be talking about some InfoWarsLife products, probably five minutes in the next hour, because we're going 20 minutes into overdrive.
The main reason he's here is because he's so knowledgeable on just a host of issues.
And so this is the report he wrote.
I wrote a whole article for us about what he wants to cover today and I'm going to try to let him get into it all.
Geoengineering, covert bioengineering through the food supply, which is now admitted.
Toxins in the air, tobacco smoke, VOCs, mold, mildew, dust mites, and pet danners.
Some of the big killers out there.
And the reason the lung problems are going from, you know, number 10 in the cause of death to number 8, now to an even higher level.
We're going to get to that in a moment.
Shocking facts about toxic air.
We're going to get into just the whole laundry list.
I've been talking to him on the phone.
He said, let's just do a show about this.
Everybody I know is having respiratory problems.
And I have family dying from it.
Two people, my uncle and my cousin, who are very healthy.
My uncle especially.
Great health.
Better shape than I was at 68.
And I'm 40.
People I know that the hospitals are full of respiratory problems all over the country and the deaths and it's in the news that the drugs aren't working anymore.
The big pharma drugs aren't working.
And so obviously in the middle of that, Weldon Henson, we ought to later in the first 20 minutes of the next hour, drag Weldon if he'll do it in here and get him to tell me the story he told me last week.
This stuff hides in plain view, Dr. Group.
We're going to skip this network break.
Hides in plain view that Weldon's like, yeah, I went to the VA, put me on two different things, antibiotics.
I couldn't get rid of this, you know, this strep in my lungs.
That's what it is.
Killing everybody.
He said, I drank a half bottle of this.
And you were correcting me.
I just want to correct this before we get into the whole lung thing.
I'm just saying, we put him a bottle.
Nobody else has with cloyal silver.
We did.
We put on the bottle, do not use regularly.
Because, you know, it is basically like a, you know, a metal-based antibiotic.
Where they used to put it in the milk jugs for the babies.
They used to put it in the milk jugs, the pioneers, you know, the silver dollars.
They put it on the baby's stomach when they're born.
And the old timers just knew for thousands of years, silver is a way to not get infected and die.
They didn't know what was doing it.
They just knew it was doing something.
Now you go to hospitals, they're using this type of stuff.
We got the lab that is the strongest in the country, and they said this is the third biggest maker in the country.
We have a private label, what I labeled Silver Bullet, the M4sLife.com product.
And this is the strongest batch they've ever made, because we made a huge batch.
Well, it took a bunch of batches to make it, and it is as strong as it gets.
We've got all the numbers up on Infowarslife.com, but you were correcting me.
I mean, obviously, if you drink enough colloidal silver with the wrong stuff in it, it can precipitate out a little bit of blue in your nose and things, but you were explaining to me that is mass loads of it before that happens.
Obviously, if you're going to end up dying from not having the right antibiotics or being sick, anything's good, but silver.
We're going to skip this network break, network.
We're going to skip this network break.
Thank you.
But Dr. Group, explain to me colloidal silver and this particular type from Infowarslife.com.
Then I want to get into the geoengineering, the bioengineering, the toxins in the air, all of it.
Well, colloidal silver is an amazing antimicrobial compound.
It's been used for a long time, like you said.
And the difference is really on how you make the silver.
I mean, if you make it with tap water, let's say, or if there's any salts in the water, you can end up with silver nitrates or silver nitrates.
And that's the classic blue man that you see that was being interviewed all over the media and everything.
So it combines with things and creates like a rust.
Yeah, you would have to, if you do silver right, I mean, I've drank half a gallon of silver done, like a 10 parts per million silver for probably 10-15 days.
I mean, this is 30 parts per million.
Yeah, that's 30 parts per million.
So, I mean, now they have silver all the way up to 200 parts per million.
But really in the studies, they say that anywhere from 10 to 30 parts per million is going to be a really good amount to take.
You know, but how safe is silver?
I mean, it's great to use on skin.
Well, I mean, Henson went into the VA and it wasn't helping him.
Two different antibiotics and he drank a half bottle of this and knocked it out.
When we were seeing patients with all different types of, you know, microbial infestations and all different kinds of things, we would use silver and have them sometimes drink 16 ounces a day.
16 ounces a day for seven days and then back it off.
But that's under doctor's care.
That's under doctor's care, though.
We're not telling folks to do that.
That's under doctor's care.
I mean, that's, you know, obviously, in a situation, you want to get advice from your... So that wasn't even a lot, Weldon, drinking half a bottle?
What I'm saying is, if it's done correctly, it's completely safe to use.
I mean, and the guy actually has come out, and they've proved that he did that on purpose for media attention, and he turned himself blue, and he produced the silver the wrong way, and he drank, I think, 32 ounces to 64 ounces of the wrong type of silver every single day.
There's been a big push against silver, too, for years and years and years.
The government trying to shut down anybody that's producing silver because they know how effective it is.
Man with blue skin dies at 62.
His condition was responsible, L.A.
Yeah, I didn't even know he died, but it doesn't surprise me.
But anyway, it's completely safe to take.
It's one of the things that I highly recommend.
I mean, I've had it for years.
As a matter of fact, the FDA came in my office and raided my office years ago, and that's one of the things they made me get rid of.
And they literally told me, one of the reasons we raided your office is because you're selling and promoting colloidal silver.
I mean, it was one of the things that was targeted by the FDA because it was a threat to the pharmaceutical companies and the threat for doctors visits because it worked so good in the body.
Well, all I know is if the antibiotics stop working, I mean, what am I going to give my kids?
Right, that's why silver, iodine, I mean iodine is non-resistant.
You can take any virus, any bacteria, any organism that's harmful to the body and is non-resistant to iodine, it's non-resistant to silver too.
At least I've never heard of any organism being resistant, developing resistance to iodine.
How much colloidal silver do you take?
Uh, if I get sick, I'll take, I'll drink 16 ounces, either 8 to 16 ounces a day for at least the first three days.
But I'll tell you what else I do, if I have a respiratory problem... But that's at 10 parts per million?
That's at 10 parts per million, yes.
At 30 parts per million, then what would you do, 20 ounces?
10 ounces?
5 ounces?
Even 8 ounces.
Another good thing with silver is it's safe for children to take too.
A lot of times they put children on these antibiotics.
What we're going to be talking about today is the respiratory illnesses.
The fact that respiratory disease and respiratory death has gone from the 8th leading cause of death now to the 3rd leading cause of death.
Well I'm getting where I'm obsessed with this because it's killing people I know.
Everybody's sick with it.
The antibiotics aren't working.
Right, well because they're spraying all the stuff in the air, number one, and then people are living in toxic homes and they're working in toxic environments and their immune system is already overloaded with all the amount of toxins in the food and the drinks that they're taking.
You're just one breath away from having some sort of a respiratory illness.
But I was going to tell your listeners also that what I did used to do that works really good is also you can nebulize silver and actually breathe it right into the lungs and it's actually safe to do as well.
We have a sponsor, uh, the, um...
Folks that do that, the silver lungs, where the people inhale it.
Yeah, the silver lungs.
And of course we have one here at the office and I've got one at home, but Rob Doo just swears by it.
Yeah, I mean, right now with what they're putting in the air and when you look at the aluminum nanoparticles, they're aerolyzing all the stuff that's going in the chemtrails now, they're finding all different types of E. coli, they're finding blood cells in there, they're finding all different types of compounds.
Yeah, I've seen that in the news where they're finding that in the soils, getting to be heavy aluminum.
Yeah, listen to this.
200 species, living species right now, are going extinct every single day.
It's not in the news, nobody knows about it.
The only reason I know about it is because I work with, since we have an organic farm, we're losing trees everywhere, plants are dying everywhere.
Oh, I know.
200 species a day.
It's a 100,000% increase since they started geoengineering and weather modification and dumping aluminum.
And they admit they're doing it, just the details are classified.
And the general public, people say, hey, SportsCenter's on.
I'm like, there's a giant secret project spraying us.
All over the world.
I mean, look at the satellite maps.
You're seeing all these chemtrails being sprayed everywhere.
NASA admits the Earth is now, was 20, 30 percent darker from persistent contrails.
Well, you'll see one plane that isn't spraying doesn't stay.
One right by it leaves it.
It's being added to the jet fuel.
The companies don't even know.
It's literally being aerosolized out of the jet engines.
When you take in nanoparticles of aluminum and it was in an aerosol state in the air and you breathe it through your nose, it's been studied and documented that it goes along the olfactory nerve and it gets deposited in two parts of the brain, the memory part of the brain and the emotional part of the brain.
Now, if you take a child whose brain is just, you know, they don't have a lot of bones, they don't have a lot of the mucous membrane set up yet, and you put high levels of nanoparticles of aluminum and not only that barium and strontium and all the other crap that they're putting in, spraying on us,
What do you think happens to that child?
Well, if it goes into the memory part of the brain and the emotional part of the brain, it dumbs you down.
And not only that, guess what?
It goes to the emotional part of the brain, which gives you symptoms of ADD, ADHD, autism, depression, anxiety.
So they can then diagnose you with the psychotropic drugs that they're doing testing now on.
And by the way, even Time Magazine a month ago came out and admitted
That children are becoming brain damaged and lower IQs and they listed environmental toxins chief among them fluoride.
They admitted and had the Harvard study in time.
How did that get out?
Well, what happens is, you know, talking about us breathing all this stuff in, is what you mentioned, all this aluminum and all these particles are going onto the ground and killing all the plants, because plants have a mechanism, especially trees, where they protect their own DNA, so if they sense high levels of aluminum in the soil,
They will stop sucking up the nutrients.
They will literally kill themselves because they don't want to damage the whole history and the lineage.
Now, what they're doing is they're blaming all these tree deaths on the beetles and all that stuff.
Well, of course the beetles are going to attack the trees if the trees have no immune system left.
If the trees have an immune system, then they secrete natural compounds from the trees to prevent insect damage.
But, with all the GMOs, all the Roundup, all the other stuff, and all the chemicals, and the high levels of aluminum in the soil, the trees are creating self-death.
Well, that's like oak wilt all over Central Texas, killing the beautiful oaks.
That oak wilt's always been there.
It's killing everything now.
And people out, like in Fredericksburg, now all the trees are basically dying.
But in East Texas, the pine trees are dying in the middle of nowhere.
And all the farmers are like, the crops don't grow anymore.
But don't worry, Monsanto's coming out with aluminum-resistant crops.
There'll be no discussion of why is there more aluminum, no discussion of why is there more breast cancer.
We'll just find a treatment for breast cancer, or we'll find a crop that can grow in aluminum.
And all the mercury that's being released into the air, the mercury vapors and the mercury that's being coming over here from China.
That's right.
Our power plants don't release the mercury.
They're being shut down.
The jet stream directly from China dumps it over Texas.
That's right.
And when you mix mercury and aluminum together, it causes violent reactions in the brain.
So, I mean, it's just another reason why
That's another area that you need to look at is respiratory.
I mean, allergies are through the roof.
Asthma is through the roof.
My grandmother is from Texas, obviously, but lived in Austin, never had allergies, has horrible ones now.
Well, the thing is, too... You're not supposed to develop allergies when you're 89 years old.
No, and look at all the kids that have allergies and asthma.
I mean, kids are dying and people are dying because they're taking their... It's another reason why inhalers, they try to put inhalers on you, which have steroids in them, which automatically decrease your immune system by 50%.
But more people are dying now because
They don't have their inhalers with them.
10-year-old girls, 13-year-old girls, little kids, they're out in the, you know, at the mall somewhere, they forget the inhaler.
And no one's asking, why is everybody dying?
And why has it gone from number 8, cause of death, to number 3?
No discussion why breast cancer's up multi-thousand percentage points.
No discussion, because they're killing us, folks.
They're killing us by design.
And then meanwhile, don't want you to have colloidal silver.
And, you know, I'm sorry, folks.
I'm going to have colloidal silver.
I'm going to use it.
And we'll see if we can drag Weldon in here, but I want to get into your points.
You've got this big report here.
They don't know, you know, they don't want people to know how to protect their respiratory system.
I want to come back with Dr. Gribb and talk about bioengineering, not just geoengineering.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Again, we've come out with our own proprietary, state-of-the-art, produced in one of the best laboratories in the country, colloidal silver.
It's $19, very fairly priced, helps fund the operation.
But I'm not here to pitch a bunch of stuff today.
We're getting into a lot of key information.
And it's silver bullet colloidal silver.
Uh, 30 parts per million.
And, uh, again, we just put warnings on the bottle and stuff, even though Group doesn't think that's necessary, just to be totally covered.
Because nothing's perfect.
But I know it's better than the kidney failure people are getting with these new antibiotics.
I mean, my uncle, trying to keep him alive, they put him on antibiotics that shut his kidneys off.
Total kidney failure.
With the antibiotics the hospital put him on.
And the stuff they put my dad on to get rid of his, uh, pneumonia, and I told my dad, take the silver, take the silver.
He's now doing it and it's working.
Uh, they said, we call these kidney tamers.
And I know people that have been on multiple regimens and it's not helping them.
But you've agreed to tell your FDA story because you were explaining, I was like, during the break, I said, look, I go into CVS and they've got silver they're selling now for the mouth and topical and band-aids.
And I said, they didn't used to have that.
What happened?
And you said, well, no, the FDA tried to shut it down in 2002.
I remember the push.
I try to intimidate people because Big Pharma openly said do this.
They failed because I've been in hospitals now they're bringing the colloidal silver out.
They don't call it that.
They call it, you know, silver emulsions and silver IVs.
So that's good news that we're winning the fight on the silver front because we're running out of antibiotics.
And I'm not saying antibiotics were always bad.
They're obviously overused.
Recap what you told me.
Well, what I was telling you is I was one of the biggest suppliers of colloidal silver back in the early, you know, 2000, 1999, all the way up to 2002, whenever they did do that push, and my office actually got raided by the FDA, and I was told that one of the reasons they came in and raided me was because I was selling colloidal silver.
Now, I mean, we didn't really have, we didn't have any claims saying this cures this, this cures this, don't use this instead of an antibiotic or anything, but they just wanted to take away everybody out there.
There's a lot of information.
Silver works on a lot of other things.
I mean, eye infections, ear infections, I mean, there's a whole list of things Silver's been tested against.
You know, so I didn't even sell silver, and I had to take it down, and then I didn't even pop it back up until years later.
And still they come in my office, the FDA still comes in my office probably once or twice a year trying to harass me about different things.
And now what I do is I just, you know, at first I used to be scared about it, but now I've learned how to deal with the FDA, and we just immediately go get video cameras, take them back and sit them in a room back in the back, let them know they're being filmed, let them know they're taped.
And then just kind of, you know, ask them a bunch of questions.
Why are you here?
What are we doing wrong?
State for the camera this, that.
And usually they get flustered because they send a, you know, not a high level FDA personnel out there.
Maybe they'll send two.
And they're not as apt to, you know,
Be so aggressive with me anymore since I kind of take the first step.
Now they're sending them out in uniforms though, and sometimes people with guns.
That's under Obama, so they're really mad folks are learning about vitamin C, colloidal silver, herbs.
They're trying to shut down organic farms.
Look at what they've done out in California, harassing organic co-ops.
I mean, you'd think this stuff was PCP.
There's a naval program right now where they actually train naval officers in FDA, and the naval officers are now going out to inspect facilities and issue... The military.
Military, yes.
Totally illegal posse comatose.
Yes, that's what's happening right now.
Because we're the enemy.
Yeah, we're the enemy.
But think about this.
I mean, you know, how many times have we talked about all the toxins in the food and the beverages and all that stuff?
Well, they know that the body has a higher defense mechanism with the enzymes that we naturally secrete and the acid in the stomach to try to buffer some of these chemicals out.
But they also know
That the fastest way to get something into the body in the bloodstream is through you breathing because you take 35,000 breaths every single day and the oxygen content on the earth is declining and declining and declining and they're doing that on purpose through geoengineering is ripping holes in the ozone layer.
The ozone is just O3.
It's completely natural and safe.
In the 60s they detonated the Pentagon over a hundred high-altitude nukes quote this is even in
Mainline documentaries like Trinity, that's voiced over and hosted by William Shatner, trying to ignite the atmosphere or blow holes in it.
That's a great idea!
Let's get rid of the atmosphere!
It's not the CFCs that are the fluorocarbons that are destroying the ozone layer, it's the geoengineering and it's the... Why do they want to do it?
Well, weather modification started around World War II, so they're doing it for multiple reasons.
They're doing it for weather modification, number one, so they can control droughts.
They have the CME, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, which they hedge bets on the
On what's going to be produced, what's not going to be produced, as far as derivatives are concerned.
So that's another money-making scheme, which they use geoengineering for.
Population control is the other one, because the more people that are sick, they know these things are going to go straight into the bloodstream.
They know if you have, they know the pharmaceuticals are going to be able to get, sell you more asthma, allergy medications.
They know it's going to cause psychotic behavior, depression, anxiety, stress.
They can sell you more psychotropic drugs.
They know you're going to have more problems, so it's another way to control the population and bring money into the pharmaceutical conglomerate.
And then they want this to work into the Agenda 21 situation because they want people, they want to be able to
I think?
I don't know.
Yeah, here's another thing that's happening.
I mean, all the pilots and the... I have so many airline people that work for the airline, stewardesses and stuff like that, that are calling my office all the time and they're chronically sick.
As a matter of fact, there's one airline that contacted me that wanted me to help their employees because they're injured.
It's a major airline.
It's a major airline.
Probably the biggest.
Probably one of the biggest ones.
And their liability, their medical insurance expenses, in two years went from like 200 and something million all the way up to 800 million because all the airline personnel are getting sick.
Well we found out that, you know, what happens when you're flying, and even people that are frequent flyers are having the same problems, respiratory illnesses and stuff, because
50% of that air that they take in, that they put inside the cabin, comes from outside air.
So if you're taking in all the aluminum particles, and they're actually found, phthalates, which are endocrine disruptors too in chemtrails right now, and the strontium and the barium, and all these different disruptors,
Guess what?
If you fly, you're breathing that stuff in, those aluminum nanoparticles, as you fly.
And all the staff and the airline pilots now are coming down ill and they're coming down with psychological disorders.
And by the way, this isn't your opinion.
Respiratory deaths from number 8 to number 3rd cause of death.
Cancers in children are up 10,000%.
People can pull this up.
Diabetes, 3,000%.
Type 2.
Suddenly the hospitals are full.
of people that quote get sick children and then get type one and my dad was saying it's really a viral pancreatitis that a lot of times the the the the pancreas comes back but Dell Children's Center when my buddy's daughter got sick three years old took her in it was full the nurse said we've never been this full they're all coming down with type one they go it's genetic it's but the virus triggers it
What's going on there?
Because no one's making an issue about diabetes being connected to viruses attacking the pancreas.
And they don't even want you to know that it usually comes back, my dad was saying.
He was showing me medical literature online.
This has been well known for 50 years.
They just go, no, go on the insulin now, which then shuts down the pancreas.
It's diabolical.
But the doctors just do it.
They just do it.
It's like a long time ago, in order to diagnose somebody with high cholesterol, you had to take a blood reading one month, take one the next month, take one the next month, and average them all together over a three-month period of time, and then you would come up with a cholesterol level, which normal cholesterol used to be 200 plus your age, could be a normal cholesterol level.
But now, they keep lowering the level of cholesterol, and they put you on cholesterol medications after one
We're good to go.
If you have a strong immune system and your pH levels in your body are correct, disease can't manifest in your system.
You know, your body's own immune system will attack those viruses, will attack that extra bacteria and all that.
But when you get overloaded with all those bacterias, the fungus, which is another big huge problem right now,
Everybody has yeast and fungus and bacteria and microbes in their system that needs to be addressed.
And it goes back to the old saying, you know, you need to detoxify your body on a regular basis.
That's right.
Let me expand on this.
My grandmother, again, who's in pretty good health, 89 years old, still cognitively there, sharp, you name it.
My only grandparent that's alive.
She went into her doctor.
At the hospital.
She goes to see one that's, you know, at a hospital.
And he sends her over for a test.
And she says, oh, I forgot and ate sugar today.
I can't do the diabetes test.
She's never had diabetes.
Has good, you know, blood levels.
The test comes out and shows high sugar, even though she wasn't supposed to have had any sugar when she took the sugar.
You know, that test.
I forget the name of it.
My dad described it all to me.
He got real mad about it.
He even wrote an article for the website about it.
And he went and found out about it.
And they gave her a diabetes medication that day, super high-powered pill, where it put her almost into a coma for like a day because it knocked her blood sugar down to absolutely nothing.
She couldn't even basically talk.
My dad reverse-engineered the whole deal and went and looked at the law, the regulations, everything and said,
You're not supposed to do that until you've done other tests multiple times to put someone on diabetes medication so they can shut their pancreas down.
And he went and showed them the literature.
You're supposed to do this test where they slice up the red blood cells for a month and they take a blood draw.
It'll have a month of blood cells in it.
That's how long a blood cell lasts before it's cut into platelets.
They cut them up and then they get the average of it.
He told me the name of the test.
He wrote an article about it again for Infowars.com for folks that want technicals.
I forget the exact name of it, but the point is
Is that he went and had that done and she had actually low blood sugar and he's seriously thinking about suing the doctor.
But the doctor's defense was we go off these computers now and and the national system and Obamacare.
We go off
That system now and it tells us do this.
And my dad said you might as well just shoot old ladies in the head.
She doesn't have diabetes.
She doesn't have type 1.
She doesn't have type 2.
They literally
Knew that she'd eaten and shouldn't do the test.
They literally still did it and then put her on something that almost killed her.
That's America now, Dr. Group.
That's how crazy it is when you go to these hospitals.
That's the reason why medical mistakes are the number one leading cause of death, and they've been the number one leading cause of death.
But this wasn't even a mistake!
Big Pharma
They would classify it as a mistake, but I mean, no, that was not a mistake at all.
I was in a clinic picking up some medications, a clinic built onto a pharmacy that also has natural supplements at it, so I was picking some stuff up for family, and I saw this woman that looked like, you know, a beauty queen in a short skirt and the glasses on, and I said, who is that?
And they said, oh, that's the drug reps.
They're in here all the time.
And then they went on to tell me, because the guy knew me, he goes, listen, I'll let you in on the big secret.
They can't really give us trips and goods and Rolexes anymore, but if you buy their drugs, you get a date.
Big Pharma basically has hookers now, out as their reps.
Can you believe that?
Yeah, I can believe that, for sure.
I mean, is this not diabolical?
It is.
It is.
But I mean, it's just like... In fact, that came out in the news.
Guys search sales companies using women's sex to sell.
Or saleswomen using sex to sell.
Go ahead, I'm sorry.
No, I mean, I don't see, you know, why they wouldn't do that.
I mean, they pull out every string that they have.
When you look at the mechanism of causing disease, I mean, not only is it the chemtrails that were for the respiratory because they know how powerful that respiratory tract admission is.
I mean, they know that you're going to breathe it in and it's going to come right into your system.
But then you got all the other chemicals too.
I mean,
The smoking, I mean, now they have the e-cigarettes, which they put the propylene glycol in, which is just antifreeze.
So when you combine, let's say, what you're breathing in from chemtrails, then you combine all the household chemicals, the mold, the mildew, the dust mites, the dander, all the chemicals and heavy metals you're exposed to, the paint fumes.
Most people live in an extremely toxic house because everything is built green now and everything is so, you know, airtight that the inside air is ten times worse than the outside air.
When you're sitting in there, if you're sleeping on a memory foam mattress where you're breathing in fire retardants and VOCs and all this outgassing all day long with your toxic chemicals, the phthalates, you have smoke, you have mold and mildew, you have pet dander, you know, all this stuff combined is going into your bloodstream and all it's doing is just reducing your immune system even more.
And, you know, what I've found is that... Oh, look at it!
There it is!
Gimme and Rx cheerleaders pep up drug sales!
See, and I'm not saying she's a hooker.
That's a New York Times article.
She became a drug salesperson.
But I'm telling you, I've seen articles where some of the women... Anyways, I'm sorry, I'm interrupting.
Well, because they know that sex sells.
I mean, you know, and they have to... It's a game.
They want to get in there and sell their drugs so the doctors will prescribe more of them.
It's a money game.
I mean, they want to make more money.
So, of course, they're going to do whatever they want to do.
What I want people to understand is that there's ways to clean up your lungs and you have to protect your lungs.
Here it is, CBS News!
Pfizer sales reps discuss having sex with doctors.
I told you!
Literally, though, dude!
I mean, I know, like, you know, number 10 streetwalkers when I see them.
I mean, this country is unbelievable, man!
It is unbelievable.
I mean, it's...
We have people that are sick, that are dying every single day because... And we've got beautiful women selling Ritalin, making sure the doctors put the kids on Adderall.
That's right.
I mean, how do you stop a woman that looks like Marilyn Monroe from having the doctor want to meet that quota?
I mean, literally, that's like how the Nazis had both the Kennedy brothers having sex with this blonde bombshell Nazi operative.
That got declassified in World War II.
They had to actually send him overseas to get him away from her.
I mean, the drug reps are literally using sex operatives.
How do you deal with that kind of power?
They got the FDA coming after us.
It doesn't stop there because it also, you know, look, if you send out a bunch of prostitutes to sell your drugs and, you know, these guys are probably, you know, been married 20, 30 years, are probably in their 50s, then not only does it stop there, but then it breaks up the family.
Then both the parent, you know, breaks up the kids, the mother, the father, then they go through a divorce.
What happens then?
They both get stressed out.
They could put on psychotropic drugs.
It's not just one tiny thing.
I mean, it snowballs into this massive plan to, you know, and that's been documented, the plans for fertility and sterility.
But I mean, when you see it,
For yourself.
Yeah, I haven't seen it, but you have, so... No, no, no.
When I saw this, I'm not even gonna tell the whole story.
I was sitting there, waiting to get this prescription, watching this for like 10 minutes, and I was like, oh my gosh.
This woman.
I'm surprised you didn't say something.
Well, I just, I just stay there.
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No one knows what it's like to be the bad man, to be the sad man behind blue eyes.
No one knows what it's like to be hated, to be faded, to telling all
But Obama's dreams...
They're not as empty.
By the way, I mean, I remember hearing this, and I'd forgotten I'd even seen news articles years ago, but when you see it for yourself, the drug reps now, I've been told, are almost all super hot women.
And then the down and dirty is, is that a large percentage of them end up with the doctors that do the best.
Oh, there's a little, there's some dates on the side.
And again, ladies and gentlemen, that is so criminal to be doing that.
And it's just like the police are also taking sex for favors.
But here's the CBS News.
Pfizer sales reps discuss having sex with doctors.
Sales reps at Pfizer are using a Cafe Pharma bulletin board to discuss whether it is common for their colleagues to sleep with doctors when they are trying to persuade to write prescriptions.
And it goes on to say they brag about it.
But I'm telling you, the companies are doing it on purpose.
It's organized.
And they have articles, oh, it's just happening.
We just hire these beauty queens and pay them $200,000 a year to go hooking up and down the block with the doctors to put your kid on Adderall that basically kills them.
Now, you came here to unveil a new product today that you developed.
Years in development.
Lung cleanse with all this going on.
I've been using it.
We don't even have the ad cut for it.
It just went up on Infowarslife.com.
People want to be the first to get it.
Lung cleanse.
Totally organic, non-GMO.
We're going into overdrive to break down more of your regimen here of how to be healthy.
We've got Weldon Henson coming to talk about what Cloyl Silver did for him when the antibiotics weren't working with his strep in his lungs that's ravaging the country.
But tell us about the InfoWars Life Lung Cleanse and how you developed it, Dr. Group.
Well, it started probably about 10 years ago, and every year has been, I've been getting more and more and more phone calls with respiratory illnesses.
I mean, it seems like all year round.
It used to be during flu season or something, but I mean, chronic pneumonia to respiratory to sinuses.
I mean, you name it.
It's just, people have been begging me for a long time.
They're like, you gotta do something.
Like, you have to produce something that's gonna, that's not gonna be harmful.
I cannot find
Anti-histamine on the market out there, which is not chemicals.
I cannot find anything that I can take or squirt in my nose or put in my, you know, support my respiratory tract that's natural and that's safe.
I mean, a lot of it had to do with the chemtrails because there's a lot of people out there that were calling my office saying, you know, they are spraying this stuff everywhere and I can't even breathe.
You know, I'm wearing a mask three times a week.
So what can I do to support my lungs?
That's how I started getting into it because I started noticing them spraying too.
And I was like,
My kids started and my kids are all organic and you know I started having you know problems with my throats and I eat pretty much all raw foods and this is attacking everybody no matter how healthy you are how sick you are and so I was like well what can we do I mean what how can we combat this I mean obviously talking to
Our senators and legislators, I mean, no one's revealing what they're putting in the air.
I mean, this is all hush-hush.
Tell us what's in the new lung cleanse, or what we could have called, I guess, chemtrail detox.
What do these herbs, it's got a whole bunch of stuff in it, all organic, what does it do, concentrated?
So basically what I did was I chose a combination of herbs like osha root and peppermint, which is really good.
Eucalyptus, which is also good.
It's not only, it's for lung support and lung cleansing.
I mean, it helps reduce the irritation in the lungs.
It helps you breathe better.
What's lungwort?
Lungwort is actually an herb.
They call it lungwort because it's good for strengthening the lungs.
So this is something that you can keep your lungs... Organic oregano?
It's got plantain in it.
It's got a unique... Orange peel.
Orange peel.
It's actually got menthol crystals in there to help open up the bronchioles.
And it's got a spray top.
It's got a spray top so you inhale it.
Yeah, so here's how you use it right here.
We're going to go to Overdrive, m4wars.com, Portslife Show, to find the free feed.
This is revolutionary.
Available at m4warslife.com.
And your purchase, when we do these plugs every few months, helps fund the operation.
Stay with us.
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