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Name: 20140325_Tue_Alex
Air Date: March 25, 2014
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From Austin, you're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Folks, Obama just gave a speech in The Hague.
That's why I was almost late coming on air right now.
We were able to tape it off of C-SPAN, and we are finding the time code where he said it.
We should have it the next, what, 10 minutes or so?
Nobody's got it yet.
I mean, Drudge has Obama top worry, nuke bombing New York City.
We'll put that up on screen.
This is a big deal, folks, because when they start hyping nukes going off,
In North Carolina or in Georgia or in New York City, remember what happened earlier this year.
Remember the Dyess Air Force Base and the report of the missing nukes that got dug up that they never denied.
And that the same day, hours after we released that, Senator Lindsey Graham gave a speech saying nukes were on the West Coast or that we could see a mushroom cloud if we didn't attack Iran.
And now they're saying their number one worry is basically Iran nuking Manhattan.
That's what Obama just said at The Hague when they threw Russia out of the G8.
The United States and its closest allies today, last night, cast Russia out of the group of G8 industrialized democracies, their most exclusive club, to punish, quote, Vladimir Putin.
This is the beginning of a new Cold War.
You see the world financial implosion accelerating and with that will come military conflict undoubtedly.
The question is, will it just be regional or proxy or will it be larger?
And with it you will see police state unfold worldwide.
This is just a historical cycle that we're dealing with here.
And the question is, how serious will it be?
But I do not have words to describe what a big deal this is that Obama
Just said his number one worry is a nuke, a suitcase nuke, basically, smuggled into New York City.
I've told you over and over again, ad nauseam, including yesterday, that if I was the globalist, and I look at what they've set up, the FEMA camps, the training, the demonization of liberty movement gun owners, I would set off a nuke if I was the globalist.
I would never do this, of course.
and blame it on political enemies and try to connect the liberty movement with radical Islam which I've been seeing in Pentagon public training manuals more and more.
It doesn't matter if it's asinine.
It doesn't matter if it's ridiculous.
It doesn't matter if it doesn't make sense.
It doesn't matter if it's not based in reality.
I war game this stuff as any person throughout history would do that's concerned with these issues and I can look through the enemy's eyes and look at their strategies and
And so my response then
Continues to be what I believe today, which is Russia's actions are a problem.
They don't pose the number one national security threat to the United States.
I continue to be much more concerned when it comes to our security with the prospect of a nuclear weapon going off in Manhattan.
Which is part of the reason why the United States, showing its continued international leadership, has organized a forum over the last... Alright, listen, guys, we're gonna go to break.
Grab that 30-second clip, put it in our news format, give it to the guys immediately.
No one's got this video.
Just, just, you know, Obama...
Top Worry Nuke Bombing New York City.
The Drudge Headline.
I want that on YouTube instantly.
Just ship it over to Rob Do.
Let's post it on the Alex Jones Channel pronto.
And then I want to put annotations to the end of it to our nuke warnings of nukes going off in Manhattan from three months ago.
Obviously this is Red Level information.
He wants to be able to say he warned us when the nuke goes off.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, if you just joined us, we played the clip in the last segment.
Obama said his top worry is, quote, not Russia,
But that his top worry is a nuke being smuggled into New York City and destroying Manhattan.
And you've got all of this endless hype going on.
All of this endless promotion of nuclear weapons that are supposedly missing.
They could use this to completely take over.
Now, folks, you have to look at this in the backdrop of the fact that we saw missing nuclear weapons from Minot, North Dakota, down to Louisiana.
Alternative media broke that story.
A bunch of people at the base were then killed, disappeared, suicided in a week.
And then the mainstream media had to admit that missing nuclear weapons had indeed happened.
Cruise missiles, by the way.
Long-range, advanced cruise missiles.
You can fire from thousands of miles away.
That happened under Dick Cheney, what, back in 2007.
Then, we broke, earlier this year, back in January, a report of nukes that weren't supposed to be at Dyess Air Force Base in West Texas being dug up, a total freak-out at the base, the base police, who are civilian, not allowing it to leave, and being ordered by the commander of the base, in person, to allow the trucks to leave to the East Coast.
So, we have that information.
Taking place.
And if you look at it, the way they've set up continual government, which is really a martial law takeover system, if you look at the Homeland Security Preparations, the Threat Fusion Centers, the training, it's all about taking on the American people during a martial law event.
We talked about this ad nauseum yesterday, and I said my number one concern is criminal globalists, criminal networks inside global governance,
Inside the megabanks that run the planet, detonating a nuclear weapon, even a small one, in somewhere like New York City, as a pretext to bring in total martial law.
Now I've seen their preparation, I've seen their propaganda, and I've said over and over again, when they start saying, look for nukes to go off,
In New York City or D.C., that means that they are seriously preparing to either A. allow someone, some radical group, who they've given a weapon to, through a third party to attack, or do it themselves.
Now that does not mean the guy from the post office is involved, or your average FBI agent is involved, or even the average person in the Defense Department.
It means a very small criminal network.
A nuke is perfect because two or three people
Can be given it by their clandestine controllers, and then they can roll it out, put it in the basement of a house, and then detonate it by remote control, via satellite or however, radio, or via timer, and have absolute plausible deniability, jack at the weapon, in isotopes that will then finger it to a Russian, or South African, or Iranian, or North Korean providence.
Once that happens, they get to strike their enemies overseas.
They get to start a war that will get people to domestically line up in a primitive, militant enthusiasm system of basic animal psychology behind their leader, Obama.
Then domestically, they will be able to strike out at their enemies and pass through their entire agenda.
If I was them, I would simultaneously carry out mass shootings at shopping malls, schools, and government facilities that have already been hardened to roll out the next phase of the attack, claiming that domestic groups using the nuke attack, angry about martial law, struck out at the government.
And that leads us, before we play this clip of Obama again, to the report, still at DrugsReport.com, on the right-hand side of the screen, also in the Featured News Top Story Archive, right-hand side of InfoWars.com, halfway down.
You can see this article from yesterday, with the 100-plus page, leaked, confirmed, we called the numbers on it, folks.
It's Homeland Security, it's FEMA.
Where they train to quote, take on online dissent and those criticizing three things.
Quote, socialism, tyranny, and martial law.
Those criticizing socialism and tyranny under martial law are to be targeted during the military takeover.
Now that's the thing about something this big.
People say we'd find out about it.
We'd know.
They had National Level Exercise NLE09.
This is NLE14.
The last time it was declassified was 2011.
And it said, troops from 15 nations in tabletop exercises with their commanders prepared to aid NORTHCOM in suppression of civil unrest and quote, domestic terrorism.
That was on FEMA.gov.
Remember that?
Well, this is NLEO 14 that says it's not even to be given to people in the FBI and Homeland Security unless they're at the highest command level.
Let's put it back up on screen.
This is given to Oath Keepers, confirmed, and given to us.
NLE National Level Exercise 2014 linked in the story that is up on DrudgeReport.com.
So what you do is you go to Drudge on the right hand side and then inside of that article
You can click on the NLE 2014 document and you can see that for yourself.
There it is.
Homeland Security exercise targets online dissent.
You just click that.
And then when you go to that story, you can go through and you can read the document for yourself, ladies and gentlemen, that is there in the article.
And actually, I have a printout of it that I had yesterday on the other side of the building doing a story on it with Rob Dew.
Will you guys bring me that printout over here to the side of the building?
Thank you very much.
I know they're listening over there on the TV side of the building.
So you can go see that for yourself.
So the, you can see the PDF there, right there at the top of the third, there it is, right there at the top of the third paragraph.
DHS FEMA National Level Program Capstone Exercise 2014 Scenario Ground Truth.
And after we put that out, now it's been picked up by Scribd.
So it's up there for everybody on record who would like to be able to go and go through that document and read it for yourself.
And who do they train to battle
Well, they train to battle online, but also physically.
This document deals with online.
Those who they see as terrorists who are going to criticize martial law and the implementation of a, quote, socialist tyranny.
I want to explain something here that is absolutely fundamental and at the heart of everything we face.
In the last 20 years, mainstream state-run media has completely discredited itself and destroyed itself.
When I was a child, mainline news would report on government drug dealing, torture rings, corruption.
The government couldn't get away with one-tenth of what they do now.
Because the establishment was scared of tyranny, and even though they were running things and corrupt, they didn't want a total tyranny to come in, because that would upset the entire system and would endanger their positions.
Liberty produces prosperity.
So the elite wanted to skim off the top.
They were smart.
I'm not endorsing what they did, but they were not one-tenth as bad as this current elite that wants it all, wants it now, like Hitler and Napoleon.
They're going for broke.
They want to dominate their opposition.
It's about dominating their opposition, not about even being in power.
Bad for business.
I'm going to tell you here is the big enchilada, folks.
When you look at this, they got the mainstream media to totally whore themselves out and destroy themselves on every single front.
And now you notice CNN, MSNBC are just going to cooking shows.
The system's done with them.
They're not even needed anymore.
Now they're moving on to entertainment to put propaganda out there.
They've always done that, but now it's intensifying and becoming more naked.
When they're done with you, they throw you away.
They destroy the media institution while they're pouring it out.
And the same thing goes for the police.
As you're federalized, as you're trained and given the power to kill whoever you want and get away with it, as you're corrupted, that's done so your institutions, that were never perfect but were a lot better in the past undoubtedly by every metric, can be discredited and destroyed to have a night of the long knives and get rid of the S.A.
and bring in the S.S.
later, to use a Nazi German analogy from 1933-1934.
This is the pattern.
Humans do the same thing over and over again.
This is the logic of globalist controllers.
This is the logic of tyranny.
This is the logic of these systems.
The dark logic.
The wicked logic.
It's their signature.
Their modus operandi in criminology.
They do the same thing basically over and over again.
That's how I know them.
I know what they're going to do before they do it because I've studied them.
I know what's in their hand.
I know the cards they've got.
And they're looking at the ace of spades that is setting a nuke off in this country and having COG totally take over and the average coward line up behind them and do whatever they say.
If everyone goes along with this, if we don't signal that we're aware of what they're planning and what they're doing and that Obama is putting this out to basically telegraph to the Russians, hey, we'll set a nuke off and start World War III with you.
That's what he did in that statement.
So internationally he's signaling what could be the beginning of World War III, kicking Russia out of the G8, huge development, and domestically they're lining up and going, gun owners and veterans are the enemy and those that don't want socialist tyranny.
They're preparing to secure their homeland during their giant global war, Pax Americana.
And of course, many of you are freaking out right now, because you should be.
We've talked about this ad nauseum, and now it's happening.
This means they're looking at actually engaging this.
Now, when we come back, we are going to play you the clip of Obama, just 30 minutes ago, saying his number one threat is a nuke going off in Manhattan.
We'll be right back.
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But he can play the guitar just like he's ringing a bell.
Ladies and gentlemen, Obama, we've got the clip, saying the number one threat is a nuke, going off in New York.
We have the CBS News article that came out hours after we broke the story with Senator Lindsey Graham, saying that if we don't attack Iran, remember back during the whole Syria thing three months ago, that nukes would go off in New York or in the Carolinas.
Charleston to be specific.
Senator Graham warns of nuke strike after missing warheads report.
Senator warns South Carolina
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm telling you, the big move, the coup d'etat in this country, the number one weapon they've got is a nuke going off.
That has been jacketed in a isotope to fingerprint it to a foreign power.
You blackmail the foreign power you want to attack, just like they did Iraq with 9-11, when it was out of Saudi Arabia, clearly.
And you go after whoever you want.
And they've just kicked Russia out of the G8.
That is a big deal.
I told you last year that my Spidey Sense was off the chart, and now this year it's beyond off the chart.
But you don't need Spidey Sense, ladies and gentlemen, to know this is serious.
And all I want is prosperity, all I want is free process, all I want is a future.
I don't want the globalists who are hell-bent to get our guns, break this country, and turn us into their military arm completely, and to finally capture the U.S.
The globalists just don't want to capture Russia.
They've already got the U.S.
partially captured.
But they want it fully captured.
They want to secure their rearguard homeland.
And the globalists want to punish their political enemies.
And they're training the military and the police secretly.
But we've blown it wide open, so now it's public, to take us on.
That's treason!
George Soros is financing banning guns here.
He's financing attacking Russia over there.
Bill Clinton's pushing, attacking Russia over there.
Pushing, taking our guns and our kids here.
MSNBC's pushing, attacking Russia over there.
They're pushing, taking our kids and our guns here.
They sow division.
They sow racism.
They sow control.
Look at them!
Turn them on!
It's an enemy, globalist, banker, propaganda channel, like Dilligan... Radigan told you.
And I'm sitting here saying all this.
I can't believe I'm saying it.
It's totally true.
It's totally public.
And I wish it was a lie.
I wish it wasn't this crazy.
Here's the Department of Homeland Security.
I'll show you a document we can't shop.
Federal Emergency Management Agency National Exercise Program.
Capstone Exercise 2014 Scenario Ground Truth.
Cyberattacks are expected throughout the exercise by members of anti-government organizations, such as Free Americans Against Socialist Tyranny and individuals sympathetic to their cause.
And then it goes on for page after page how they're going to take on the people that are against the tyranny during martial law.
Uses the words martial law in here.
This is what they train for.
Martial law.
And who do they go after?
The people that are aware of their operation.
I mean, we're living in a V for V for Vendetta movie, ladies and gentlemen.
But it's not a movie.
Let's go to
The Lord and Savior, and He will be our Lord and Savior when the nuke goes off.
It'll turn him into Kim Jong-un.
He will be our Savior when the nuke goes off.
I just can't believe it.
The fact that they're pushing all this right now means they're seriously thinking about either letting somebody do it or doing it themselves.
And it's so easy with a nuke because you can only use a very small number of people, who of course are gotten rid of later.
Let's go ahead and go to that tape.
Uh, continues to be what I believe today, which is Russia's actions are a problem.
They don't pose the number one national security threat to the United States.
I continue to be much more concerned when it comes to our security with the prospect of a nuclear weapon going off in Manhattan.
All right, so they're at The Hague, the seat of global governance.
Global government, and they're announcing the new move against Russia and the American patriots.
It's not that Russia's perfect, it's not that the American patriots are perfect.
It's just that we are not part of the new world order.
So they're coming after us.
We're going to come back and continue to break this down, ladies and gentlemen, but I hope we can get the word out and stop this.
We stopped the Syrian.
We're on the march.
With God's help.
The empire's on the run.
With your prayers.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Oh yeah, they are on the run doing this.
They're fleeing forward.
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We're good.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
So beautiful.
I swear before Almighty God, on the souls of my children, even though you're not supposed to do that, I commit my entire being to this statement.
That everything I tell you here on this broadcast, I 100% believe it, and I know it to be the greatest truth I have ever discovered.
Does that mean I'm infallible?
But on my soul, and on everything I will ever be in my family name, I believe the globalists are seriously considering setting nuclear weapons off in this country, and blaming it on foreign enemies and domestic enemies, and doing a total sweep.
I've told you this year after year, and you see them now pushing it, and saying domestic groups are connected to the foreigners.
Just as I told you, I know the enemy's mind.
It's simple strategy.
I would do the same thing if I was animated by their force.
I am able, as anyone is that focuses and studies something long enough, to predict
what they're going to do because I know them and I watch their propaganda and there's so many data points that I cannot even begin to tell you how much grave danger we're in.
Now for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction as I perseverate.
Quoting the physicist Einstein, Albert Einstein.
But that goes back to even Newton, but Einstein repeated it in larger equations.
But Newtonian physics are clear.
And if there's any laws in this universe, at this level of consciousness, we know these are laws.
And the fact that they're considering doing this and bringing in full martial law, that's their emergency backup.
They don't want to do that.
The fact that they're looking at this and now testing it with trial balloons, beta testing with the public, means they are in deep trouble on every single front.
99% of people in the FBI are not part of this.
99% of people in the CIA are not part of this.
99% of people in your local state police are not part of this.
A lot of them may be part of other corruptions, but very few, I'd say 99.99999, are not involved in plans to set off thermonuclear weapons in this country, or an atomic bomb they built to make it look like it came from the Iranian mullahs.
Or the Russians?
I told you Stuxnet day one was the Israelis.
Turned out it was.
I've told you over and over again.
I told you Piers Morgan would get a once a month magazine show with famous people like Frost.
That's what he got.
How do I know this?
Not because I'm even that smart.
As a hunter.
As a Jaeger, as a man, I can watch what different creatures, different animals, different people, different weather systems do.
And they do the same thing over and over again in similar patterns.
So I know what the enemy that I hunt does.
I live studying the enemy.
I am the enemy.
I have studied the enemy so long, I am the enemy.
You understand that?
I am what I hunt.
Call me the Hunter!
That's my name!
And you too, ladies and gentlemen, can learn how the enemy operates.
And let me tell you, if you learn how they operate, you're now going to be wearing the sunglasses, just like Rowdy Rowdy Piper.
And they live, listener of the show.
And he said, the real world's just like that movie.
You put on the glasses, there ain't no going back.
And what does Rowdy Piper have to do to his friend to make him put the glasses on?
He's gotta get in a serious battle with him and both of them have to get hurt really bad before they learn the truth.
And that's the analogy or the allegory of how you have to go through hell to learn things.
Don't you wish you'd just put the glasses on or start eating concrete?
Put these glasses on or you're going to start eating concrete.
And I'm going to do this to you because I love you.
You think it's fun to get up here and talk about these people that may set nukes off in the country?
I'm only alive because my grandmother's praying for me, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm only alive because if they destroy me, it'll turn me into a martyr.
But they'll probably figure something out.
And that's why I get so upset and so angry when I'm on air, folks, because I literally realize I am putting myself in the arena with vicious, evil people, and my family is being put in the arena like chips, all in on a poker table.
And I don't like it, but I gotta do it.
And that's why the adrenaline starts flowing.
The chills start going up down my spine because I see the enemy.
I got the glasses on.
And I just wish the public could see it for themselves.
Our country has been captured.
Our country has been overrun.
Get that special report on the cops killing the homeless guy ready for me.
I'm going to have to go to that for a while because it's so important.
The full report is up on InfoWars.com.
And then I'll come back and get into all this with Greg Palast and more.
It's just that everything is set up for them to stage stuff and pose as the saviors.
And the nuke's the way to go to start the foreign war, cover up the derivative scam, and clamp down domestically.
And I'm telling you, I know what they got in their hand.
I know where the ace card's at.
Because I saw them tip their hand earlier and they got their finger on the ace card, looking me in the eyes, looking you in the eyes, getting ready to play it.
They are really considering playing the ace of spades.
It's the only god they need.
It's stage terror.
The only way you beat them is exposing their secret weapon.
Exposing their deus ex.
Exposing their god.
Of stage, problem, reaction, solution, Hegelian dialectic.
You gotta be blind to not see open tyranny being set up around us in a criminal takeover of the Republic.
And the big story about these police that killed this poor man is that I had only seen Sunday when my buddy Shane Steiner sent me a clip of it, the Albuquerque News, where they start shooting him and then they cut right when they pull the trigger.
I said to the guys yesterday before the show, I said, you know, I bet there's a raw version put out by
Uh, you know, the court, they found it online, folks.
And the story isn't that they shot the guy for no reason, he didn't have knives in his hands like they said, we blew up the video.
It's that they flash-bang him, let a dog attack him, he turns to run, and then they shoot him in the back and you can hear him on the audio.
I don't know how it translates over AM radio, but you can hear him going, I can't move!
They shot him right in the back, he's paralyzed.
And then they start shooting him more, and step on him, and then put him in handcuffs as he dies.
And they're clearly getting off on it.
Like wolves, they've just taken down a bear.
And it's just some homeless guy.
Now they show up with, I mean, usually it's one cop with a homeless person, and, or, come on down here.
And you wait a few hours, and they don't come down or whatever, because you don't want to kill them.
But they're hiring people, and we know 10, 15, 20% of the military, historically, are psychopathic killers who want to get in because they want to kill people legally.
Most get in because of family reasons or because they're honorable.
Because as men, they need to go out and be in combat.
Because it's genetically there.
They're very honorable, good people.
But the police departments are recruiting people who, and this is what they want, who really want to hurt and kill people.
I mean, I gotta say, the Austin Police Department, for all its problems, is not trying to recruit people that just want to kill people.
And you know, if you really want to kill people, why don't you be a man about it and go join the military and try to get into special forces and actually go fight real people that shoot back, not homeless people.
It is the most dishonorable, weak thing to find some naked, homeless 14-year-old, who clearly is autistic, looking at their hands, and you see these squad car videos where they beat him to death.
Oh, you didn't follow my order?
Taser ya!
Oh, you're flopping around?
I'm gonna beat ya!
I mean, who wants to beat an autistic person to death?
Or throw someone out of a wheelchair?
An animal.
That's it.
And I want to explain something to the police.
We're going to skip this network break and play this.
I want to explain something to the police as they hear this.
I'm playing this so you can kick these type of people out of your ranks, so we can get rid of these bad department heads.
Albuquerque's legendary for tasering women in the you-know-what and eight anal exams, you know, people at a traffic stop and torturing people to death.
I mean, it's a very evil department.
Boss Hogg on steroids runs it.
And you either change this and decide which side you're on, or you discredit yourself, your family, prosperity, all this type of stuff.
It's unnatural to let the system do things like this, and we will turn into a total tyranny under this, and then you will lose everything as well.
So let's go to this report.
We have the unedited audio and video.
Warning, the dog is biting him after he's already been shot repeatedly.
with real bullets and beanbags and uh... i mean uh... and the cops are hyperventilating like they're actually scared and it turns out this guy wasn't feared and didn't have any you know violent record or anything and uh... it's just they went up there playing soldier you know i saw on my phone this morning i i i screenshotted it uh... i saw on youtube somebody explain it all absolutely perfectly off the video i put out last night on the nightly news
Let me see if I screenshotted that.
I did screenshot that.
Michael Gorman said, Well, you pump up low IQ goons, that's who they try to hire now under 100 IQ, arm them with high-tech weapons and tell them they are saviors, put them in roaming packs so they affirm each other's power.
You're asking for brutality and mayhem.
What a murderous bunch of thugs these guys are.
That's it.
It's mob psychology.
Let's go ahead and go to this special report because remember, this is what the globalists have put in across the country under the threat fusion centers and the training while they prepare to stage the false flag to totally take over.
And then cops, you're not going to get away with this in the civil war.
You're meant to be destroyed in the civil war.
So hopefully you have some self-preservation instincts in you because you will be destroyed in this war.
Let's go ahead and go to this video.
James M. Boyd is dead.
His crime?
Sleeping behind a line of boulders at a state park outside Albuquerque, New Mexico.
A group of heavily armed police with a German Shepherd attack dog came upon him and ordered him to walk down the hill.
When he began to come down the hill, and we're going to go through the unedited footage, they released the police dog on him, throw a flashbang grenade at him, he turns to run, pulls something out of his pockets, and they shoot him in the back.
Get on the ground!
Get on the ground now!
Get on the ground!
Get on the ground!
Now we paused the video there where the suspect, James Boyd, appears to be turning away from officers.
Now, that's all the public has seen up until that point.
The mainstream media stops the video right there when they pull the trigger and shoot him in the back.
What comes next is the true horror.
They allow the dog to chew and continue to bite on him.
They step on his arms.
They shoot him more with the beanbag guns, and it looks like they shoot him with a real firearm at least one more time.
They then handcuff his dead body and hyperventilate, acting like they're scared of him, and so it's okay what they've done.
When you look at this in context, it's bad enough.
But when you see all the other things they've done in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and gotten away with, like pepper spraying a woman's genitalia to, quote, punish her, or giving a man eight anal probes and enemas looking for illegal drugs they never found from a routine traffic stop, you realize what a dangerous place Albuquerque is to visit.
And then you find out there is a long train
We're good to go.
Watching the footage is extremely disturbing and we're going to play it all unedited from end to end for you right now.
This was shot from a gun camera that one of the police officers has.
And when you see this man talking to them calmly and seconds later he's dead, you realize how dangerous this militarization of police has become.
The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, they've all reported now on what I began warning you about 19 years ago.
The federalization and the militarization of police under the RAND Corporation National Stability Police Force Plan, which is designed to turn our country into a martial law system.
If you were down at a bar or a bus stop, I have the right to kill you right now because you're trying to take me over.
We're not going to get stupid.
You said we were walking out of here and now you're bringing up assault and everybody's going to get hurt again?
Alright, don't change up your agreement.
I'm going to try to walk with you.
I love both of you.
Don't try to harm me.
If you were, I can keep you safe.
Don't worry about safety.
I'm not a fucking murderer.
Don't try.
Don't try to harm me.
I'm not going to harm you.
Get on the ground!
Get on the ground now!
Get on the ground!
Get on the ground!
Move it!
Move it!
Move it up!
Moving up!
He's still got the knives in his hands!
He's still got the knives in his hands!
Now they're releasing the dog on the guy who was shot in the back.
He's not moving.
Get your hands out!
Drop the knife!
Hear him say, I can't move?
He's paralyzed.
Put your hands out to your side and drop the knife!
Get your hands up!
We only shot you in the back.
So they shoot him a bunch.
The 12-gauge beanbag at about 15 feet away that'll kill you.
And that does kill him.
Negative effect.
That's three times on the spine with a beanbag gun?
I don't want that knife in his head.
Yeah, we just killed somebody.
He's still alive, though.
Let the dog bite him some.
Come on, let the dog have a little fun, too.
There you go.
Bite his leg.
Step on that right hand real hard.
Step on that right hand real hard.
You got a knife in each hand?
Knife in each hand.
Knife in each hand?
There's blood on the rock where his face bashed.
I got left.
They treat him like an animal?
They'll be treated like that.
I'm gonna switch you.
Just put him in handcuffs.
You got lethal right there?
I have lethal.
These guys are all real excited right now.
They're all gonna have bad car wrecks.
Their kids are gonna get cancer.
This is how it works.
I've seen it.
I know those cops are gonna watch this later and laugh.
You'll be laughing later.
Cause you know who you gotta deal with?
Heard that Johnny Cash song?
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Sooner or later.
These are all wannabe soldiers.
Because it's unedited tape, but we cut off some of the firsts.
He goes on and on.
They're like, hey, we're going to, you know, shoot you if you don't come down.
He's like, hey, nobody needs to get hurt.
I'm fine.
Blah, blah, blah.
I'm going to come down.
And they were so scared of him.
There's his evil camp.
Oh my gosh, this is so evil.
A homeless guy.
Let's tear through his belongings.
We're already taking his life.
Let's try to find something so we can incriminate him.
Oh, too bad they didn't find anything.
That letter came out and they dig through it.
He won't need that anymore.
Got his bottled water.
Just a little man out there with the rattlesnakes.
Looks like about three miles from any houses.
Our country is converting to tyranny.
The police are being given the power of judge, jury, and executioner.
We've seen cases where the police shoot the young black man in the back while he's handcuffed for no reason.
The bullet bounces back up into his heart, shooting him twice.
And we see so many other cases where the police execute people.
We know in the military most people join because of family or because of patriotism and a desire to serve.
But we know a minority, criminology states about 15%, get in because they legally want to kill people in a psychopathic fashion, simply to kill people.
Police forces are the exact same thing.
And once you get psychopaths in them, they begin recruiting others and you get a culture of psychopaths.
Now, these police are either psychopaths or, this is more common, they are so scared and taught instinctive shooting that it's all about a cult of their safety so they will shoot first and ask questions later.
You see them attacking homeless people, shooting autistic children, attacking old people, folks in wheelchairs, just a crazed attitude of, you will do what I say, you will respect my authority.
You see the dog gnawing on this guy.
You see the police dog biting on him after he's been shot repeatedly.
You see them stepping on him and then handcuffing him after he's clearly been killed.
And finally, you see the police chief defending it, saying they did a great job.
Actually, if you watch the videotape, all the less than lethal devices were in fact deployed.
The public knows, and everyone can watch the footage, that this is the extermination of a man
Who's homeless, camping behind a rock.
More and more Americans are going homeless.
More and more people are going bankrupt.
And it is frightening to see this man and others, like in the case of Kelly Thomas, being tortured to death by police for the crime of sleeping outside at night.
He's on something.
I got this.
Even the most ignorant of the American people know that we're becoming an authoritarian police state.
That the checks and balances are being removed.
We all know North Korea is a horrible authoritarian dictatorship based on a police state.
We know Mexico is.
We know Nigeria is.
We know Saudi Arabia is.
But our government won't even criticize those regimes anymore, like Saudi Arabia.
Because tyranny is now the policy worldwide.
Europe's converting to tyranny.
England's converting to it.
We're converting to it.
It's happening all over the world.
And it is the most dangerous threat to humanity.
Governments killed 262 million people in the 20th century.
The number one cause of death is government.
Our founders said that it is the number one danger.
George Washington said government is like fire, a dangerous servant, a fearful master.
It's time to rediscover that common sense and to get the police and the government and the system and the bureaucrats back under control.
The only reason the police are being given this much power and allowed to get away with what I believe is clearly cold-blooded execution is because the power structure wants to have this paramilitary force in place to oppress the people.
And that's on record.
The drones, the NSA, the taser drones, the citizen spies.
This is not what a free society is about.
Liberty brings prosperity.
Tyranny is going to bring bondage and poverty.
It's not too late to start valuing human life again.
It's not too late to say no to the New World Order.
It's not too late to rediscover the Renaissance, the Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and Western Civilization.
I'm Alex Jones, signing off for InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, and InfoWars Nightly News.
Back to David Knight.
Seven o'clock weeknights and we are only able to bring you this hardcore, beyond cutting edge, battering ram of liberty information because of all your support over the years.
And I appreciate your prayers.
I appreciate your support.
And I appreciate the good police.
FBI, federal marshals, state police, local police around the country that have given us so much accurate intel.
In fact, it's almost everything I've ever been given by our sources has turned out to be real.
Been accurate.
There's not even that many bad people in the system.
It's that the bad is generally close to the top and is allowed to operate with impunity because all the good men do nothing.
All the good women do nothing.
As our founder said.
We need to change this hunter-killer, seek-and-destroy policy of if some guy turns to run away, you shoot him and kill him and then let a police dog bite him and then get off on it because these guys have played too much Call of Duty.
Before I end this hour, speaking of supporting the broadcast, you can get 11 memberships for $5.95 a month and share them to see the nightly news.
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Stay with us, second hour coming up.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I love how Donald Rumsfeld is giving Obama right cover when Obama's basically continuing the globalist neocon policies that they adopted from Zbigniew Brzezinski and the Democrats.
That's if you know history.
Seeing it as news, Rumsfeld, US ties with Karzai gone downhill like a toboggan under Obama.
He goes on to say a trained ape.
Could do a better job at war than Obama.
Can you imagine if somebody else other than Rumsfeld said that they would say that they're claiming that it's racist?
Truth is, that's a classic saying regardless of race to say, you know, a trained monkey could do a better job.
But the whole point is that that's not even true.
Obama just helped the EU and NATO take 93% of Ukraine, fomenting a revolution of ultra-Hitlerian right-wing to overthrow the elected government.
Russia seized its military bases and pipelines and has been dealt a huge defeat.
And weapons systems are being run right up to their border now.
They've been kicked out of the G8.
And they spin this like all that matters is America's winning.
So, politically, oh, Obama's losing.
Oh, look, he didn't do a good job.
Oh, look, Karzai's talking bad about him.
Oh, look, he's an idiot.
Which then makes the left come and defend Obama and go, oh, see, the right wing's attacking him.
This is literal
Good cop, bad cop, garbage.
And again, they want to condense it down to Coke versus Pepsi, Chevy versus Ford.
I'm sick of it.
I'm tired of this mindlessness.
It's either, you're for America or you're for Russia.
No, I'm against the EU and George Soros destabilizing the whole region and starting a new Cold War.
I don't endorse the stuff the Russian government's up to.
But you know what?
They're not in my life.
They're not trying to take my guns.
Georgie boy is.
Georgie Boy is trying to kill the dollar.
Georgie Boy is funding anti-family movements.
Georgie Boy... I wonder why he was behind drug decriminalization, and I've now discovered the reason.
I don't know everything, folks.
Far from it.
I watch.
I research.
I figure things out.
Now I know.
I've been looking at these state laws on the medical marijuana.
You waive your rights and become a ward of the state, basically, and become basically a new criminal or welfare class when you go on.
Even if you pay for it, they are inducting you into a system as a drug head and taking your kids and taking your guns and harassing you.
And so, I mean, I say just keep the things illegal and, you know, they've reduced the sentences down to almost nothing.
I mean, just...
I mean, if I had glaucoma, or I had a stomach problem and had to smoke it, I don't like pot, folks, I'm on record.
I mean, I've smoked, but didn't inhale, like Bill Clinton.
I'm joking, come on.
No, I've inhaled, let me tell you.
And I don't like it.
I don't like stimulants either, unless it's like coffee.
I like mild stimulants, I like alcohol, I like tobacco.
That's the pantheon of my drug-taking world.
It's unbelievable how slick these people are.
They can take anything and turn it into a screw job.
And, you know, Obama's been trying to keep mandatory sentences in for Pott, while acting like he's pro-marijuana legalization, when they've tripled the raids on the states where they don't make you a ward of the state.
Oregon and California don't make you wards of the state.
And so they're SWAT teaming them until they pass laws the feds like that just turn you into an invalid of the state.
Like Michigan and others.
And the Colorado law is so confusing I can't even understand it.
And believe me folks, if I can't read a law and understand it and have to go to a lawyer to understand it, we've got a problem.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, we're going to be right back with Greg Pallast.
They get into, what's going on with all these bankers' suicides?
Will you guys re-pull me that Bloomberg from yesterday?
Oh, but I want to say something here on air.
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We're good.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
There's no secret realm of other patriots out there to fight this tyranny.
We're it.
This broadcast.
You out there.
All the other patriots that love liberty and love justice.
All the other real media out there that's fighting for freedom.
We're being hit by a very sophisticated globalist takeover, but once people are aware of the attack profile, we're able to turn it back around.
Unprecedented, folks, to have Obama, if you just joined us, I'm going to play this for Greg Palast coming up and get his take on it, saying his number one threat is a terrorist nuke going off in New York.
That'd be the perfect way to take control of this country and start a war with Russia, and he said it in the same line talking about Russia.
And here's the headline, Russia is ousted from Group of Eight by U.S.
and allies.
Russia has been trying to reform.
Putin, obviously, is a quasi-dictator.
He gets elected, but it's kind of like Bloomberg because he controls the situation.
But the point is Russia was not expanding.
Russia was not starting a bunch of wars.
I'm not romanticizing them.
I'm not saying they're an angel.
But trying to do all this over a small annexation when the EU and the bankers just took over 93% of the country.
Financing a coup d'etat with Soros and others involved.
And the Russians kind of grabbed their area.
I'm surprised the Russians didn't grab half the country.
And I'm not defending what the Russians are doing.
It's just this is what happens.
Stalin grabs half of Poland.
Hitler grabs the other half.
Or vice versa.
History repeats.
And you just, you see Spain going for independence, areas of Spain, Catalonia, you see Venice voting 87% for splitting off, you see all these other countries, you see Scotland voting to get out of the UK.
Are we talking about sending battleships or aircraft carriers there?
Missile cruisers?
And the government they've put in, people use the term Nazi too much, but the Ukrainians in the Western side were pro-Nazi in World War II.
And they really have put people in, as the Vice President and the rest of it, who actually are on video highling Hitler and stuff.
We've shown you that.
So, I mean, it is a horrible situation.
Why are they kicking off a new Cold War?
Why is Bloomberg reporting, like we've been reporting for a year, that bankers' deaths shine light on stress in industry?
They've changed the headline.
Guys, pull it out of the stack from yesterday.
In yesterday's stack we have the Bloomberg headline where it says, Coroners looking into deaths.
And now they've memory hold that and changed it to they're looking at stress in the industry.
Very, very interesting that they've done that.
Because it is the same article.
And it's a lot of people jumping out of buildings or being found dead.
I think some of them are being killed.
In the next hour or 50 minutes that we've got left with Greg Pallast, investigative journalist par excellence, I want to get his take on the waterfront and the anniversary of the Exxon Valdez.
I want to get his take on other investigations that he is part of.
That is just some of what we're going to be breaking down with him.
But clearly they're turning the fear meter up as Obama's approval rating goes down, run by the same special interests that run the Republican leadership.
Clearly they're starting a new Cold War now with kicking the Russians out of the G8.
That'll only hurt the people of the EU, the US, and Russia.
And just allow more inside groups to kleptocratically control where trade is allowed.
It's really simply amazing to have this going on.
GregPowless.com is his website.
He's a New York Times bestselling author.
He's an investigative journalist and he writes for Vice Magazine, The Observer.
And, of course, he's no stranger to this broadcast.
He's been coming on for about 15 years.
And he, of course, is host of Newsnight, one of the biggest shows over in England, and the BBC as well.
But he has to come on shows like mine here in the U.S.
because there's such a wall of censorship and dinosaur media.
But I wanted to get his take as a geopolitical traveler, not just as a former top federal fraud investigator with the Justice Department.
On what we're seeing happen in the different power blocks because this is a big deal what I see happening this new violent reset with Russia and I want to see from his study the players involved if he agrees or if he can augment or disagree with the gestalt I threw out about the new geopolitical
Reset that's happening towards a new cold war and where he sees this going and tying it into the banker deaths then we'll look At a bunch of other issues and his latest book that's out Greg.
Thank you for coming on today
Glad to be with you, Alex.
Good points to be making.
It's worth the discussion.
And we're on the investigation.
I have to say, one of our team just came back from the Ukraine, Zach Roberts, and one of the members of our team is Ukrainian, and I can't use his name.
So we are covering the Ukrainian story, as well as, obviously, I'm on because it's the 25th anniversary of the Exxon Valdez and other investigations.
They're not completely separated.
Because we're talking about oil and banking.
And that's when Ukraine comes out.
You're either talking about oil or banks.
That's about the end of the discussion on the geopolitical front.
In the Ukraine, in fact, if you want me to throw in my two cents of where our investigation's gone so far, I'm happy to do that.
Yes, sir.
Okay, well on the Ukraine...
Understand that this started when the Ukrainian government under Yanukovych, who's an ethnic Russian, as are a little more than half the people there, he was faced
With basically a demand for a takeover, a hostage taking by the banks of the West.
The World Bank and the IMF said if you want to join the European Trade Pact, here's what you have to do.
You have to sell us cheap gas trans-shipped from Russia.
You have to privatize, that is, turn over all your industry.
You have to go through a massive austerity program which is going to triple unemployment.
Basically they wanted to do the Greece job
On Ukraine, they're going to turn into another Greece.
And if you want to trade with Europe, here's the price.
And the reason they want to open to Europe is that they're hoping that maybe some people are hoping eventually they join the EU, which would allow them to leave Ukraine and then, you know, move to Germany and England.
That was the hook.
But if you want to connect to Europe, to Western Europe, basically you have to turn over your industries,
You know, throw another million people out of work minimum.
Literally, you know, they're going to literally, deliberately crank up massive unemployment.
So Putin, not being a bad chess player, said, oh, well, since they're putting the squeeze on Ukraine, I'll make them a counteroffer.
Here's $15 billion and cheap heating gas for your people.
No strings attached.
Except that you join our trade pact, not the IMF, the European World Trade Organization pact.
And so obviously, the one which was punishment and the other which was 15 billion free money, Yanukovych took the free money from Russia.
That led to the West engineering a putsch, coup d'etat against the elected president.
You know, we're supposed to be afraid.
It's the weirdest thing.
People are talking about supported democracy in Ukraine.
They overthrew an elected president.
This new game that people go on the streets and overthrow elected presidents.
We saw this in Thailand.
We're seeing this in Venezuela, where the 1% is going out on the street and trying to overturn elections.
That's what happened in Ukraine.
And I gotta tell you, Zak came back from Kiev.
Two weeks ago with pictures from the demonstrations.
And like you say, not everyone's a Nazi, not everyone's a fascist.
But we have pictures of the pretend stormtroopers, the swastikas.
It's not very pretty.
It looks like 1933.
Well, your analysis is exactly like mine, because we're not reading from the same sheet of music.
That's what's going on.
But then you turn on the news, wonderful freedom fighters, and they're burning buildings, and burning police, and shooting police that have done nothing, overthrowing the government, and then Russia, and I'm not romanticizing Russia, but they grab an area that's always been part of Russia in the past, where they've had a bunch of wars, the Crimean War, they grab their military bases, their naval base, their gas pipelines,
And you would think they'd started World War III.
Now they're kicking him out of the G8.
Obama's worried about nukes going off.
This sounds like they're trying to start a new Cold War.
Yeah, I mean, obviously you gotta keep... The Cold War is very effective in controlling the American people, and our leaders and the elite really miss it.
You know, like, the banks can't impose, they can't terrorize you into giving up your rights.
They need some type of boogeyman out there, and Putin looks like a hitman from Central Casting.
And he, believe me, he kind of is.
He's no sweetheart.
But Crimea's Russian.
You know, if we believe that the Ukraine had the right
To vote to free itself from the Soviet Union.
Then how come the same right isn't afforded the Crimea?
In fact, we've demanded that Russia and Russia's agreed to hold a referendum nearby in Chechnya.
We're good to go.
And they, by the way, they get a nice deal out of it because they get better pensions by becoming Russians, you know, again.
You know, suddenly that's anti-democratic.
Now, which is it?
We just supported the creation of South Sudan, which is already, didn't even take one year for that to turn into a cannibalistic war.
You know, so, it's, you know, but again, I agree, this is part of the creation of a new Cold War, because now we need, you know, we don't have communists there, now we have Putin, and then, you know, so we have to create the Russian bear again, is threatening New York.
Well, I'm here in New York, I've looked down 2nd Avenue, and I haven't seen Red Army tanks rolling down the street.
What I see is a lot of unemployed people who are hoping to, are begging the bankers walking by for extra quarters.
Well, that's right.
I want to come back and get into the latest banker escapades.
And then I want to shift gears in 25 years, Exxon Valdez, how that ties to BP.
Your breaking news on that front.
And I want to ask you about the banker suicides when we come back.
So we're going to come back to Greg Pallast right after this quick break.
Here is the headline out of Bloomberg before they changed it.
Banker deaths leave industry concerned as coroners probe.
And they've now changed it today to this.
We'll show folks a document cam of that when we come back or during the break, but there it is.
Good job, guys.
Johnny on the spot.
Bankers' deaths shine light on stress of industry tunnel vision.
The same article yesterday was that the coroners were probing.
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There's a man going around taking names.
There's a man going around taking names.
And he decides who to free and who to blame.
Everybody won't be treated all the same.
There'll be a golden ladder reaching down when the man comes around.
When are you going to become a man out there, folks?
I know a lot of you have.
But when are some of you out there going to take action?
Greg Pallast is our guest.
There's so much crazy news up at InfoWars.com.
I'll get to some of it when we come back in the next segment and get Greg's take on it.
But Ukraine's down to the long knives.
Kurt Nimmo, student suspended for shaving head in support of cancer patient.
Man, the attack on free speech in this country.
DOD military training to quote, scare the crap out of people in Florida.
State Senator's response to Second Amendment concerns, go F yourselves, that's going super viral.
They're already all over the mainstream news criticizing him for saying it, so that's broken big time with our reporter Dan Bodondi in Rhode Island.
Uncensored video, police execute homeless man for camping.
It's unbelievable.
Ukraine leader leaked recording 8 million Russians in Ukraine must be killed with nuclear weapons.
That's just some of the reports up on Infowars.com and it's shocking and sensational because reality is sensational.
We need to stop filtering what's really going on.
And a sensational reporter breaking so many huge stories is Greg Palast.
What do you know?
I know no one who's got more investigative connections than you.
And the numbers of bankers and comp trollers and key management people that would be involved in cover-ups, these are key risk analysis certifiers.
As a top fraud investigator, do you think this is all suicides or could there be foul play?
I'm not going to say a word, Alex.
I'm in the middle of an investigation.
I'm an investigative reporter, so until the investigation's done, I can't report.
Just remember, we have a trillion dollar fraud that was uncovered, the LIBOR fraud.
When you get your adjustable rate mortgages, when you get anything that's involved with an adjustable rate, that involves what's called the London Interbank Overnight Rate.
That's behind all the interest rates, and that's set by a private group of bankers.
It's not some type of government agency.
It's not a computer algorithm.
It's about eight guys who get together in a room and say what our interest rates will be tomorrow morning.
And that's what I'm looking at.
And where I've gotten with it, I can't say because I haven't gotten far enough yet.
But when I report it, you'll be the first to know.
Wow, so you are hot on the trail, Greg Pallast, right now of this.
Do we have any number on how many it is?
It's in the dozens and dozens now.
And one of the problems, statistically, is that, you know, people do kill themselves.
And people do get knocked off for all kinds of reasons.
But there's certainly a big uptick right now.
So even if they're not being murdered, what are they depressed about?
Well, that's what we're trying to investigate.
That's where we have to go.
We've got so many investigations going on now, it's one of the trails we're trying to pick up.
So, like I said, I have so many stories to report, I'm always afraid to talk about anything in the middle of an investigation where I don't have all the facts in front of me.
You know me, I'm Mr. Here's the documents guy.
So, I'm going to stick with those right now.
I want to come back and get in 25 years after Exxon Valdez, but the three minutes we've got in this short segment, long one coming up, Greg Pallast,
What's the biggest banker story right now?
I mean, they're doing so much.
Well, I would say that right now, the big bank story is really going back to the foreclosure crisis.
We had a bunch of banks who were selling predatory mortgages.
You know, the line that's being used in the media is that 4 million people who lost their homes.
Oh, they got those loans and they couldn't afford them.
Well, they could afford them when they got them at 4%.
Somehow, as interest rates are dropping, people's adjustable rate mortgages, and many people listening to this will recognize this in their own bills that they're getting monthly, somehow are going from 4% to 11%.
Their monthly payments are doubling and tripling.
Now, I don't care who you are.
The average American, if your payment for your home triples, you are going to lose your home.
And in places like Detroit, where the industry, like the auto industry, collapsed, you're going to lose your home.
But the problem was, these were predatory mortgages, these subprime mortgages, and anyone who tried to attack this system, these were given out by Bank of America's Countrywide Unit.
In fact, the head of the Countrywide Unit, this guy Mazzillo, who became Bank of America's Unit, and he was the show for them, the guy earned $600 million.
Now, I want to say, not his company, he personally
Selling these criminal mortgages earned $600 million.
He didn't spend an afternoon in prison.
JP Morgan issued billions of dollars in predatory mortgages.
That's a crime under federal law.
And all I know is that instead of jail time, Jamie Dimon has been to the White House about 90 times to talk to Mr. Obama, who calls Jamie Dimon his favorite banker.
Stay there.
I want to hear about that because you were reporting on this first.
Now it's just confirmed they all committed crimes.
No one's got in trouble.
MF Global, John Corzine.
I want to look at it all, then get into the latest breaking news you've got.
And Exxon Valdez, new breaking news there on the anniversary.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central back weeknight 7 o'clock Central InfoWars News back Sundays 4 to 6 p.m.
Central with the Sunday edition of the InfoWars News Transmission.
We're going back to Greg Palast in a moment to get into all.
He's always got a bunch of breaking news at gregpalast.com and tie it into the 25th anniversary of Exxon Valdez, the BP spill, and other stories he's hot on the trail of.
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So whether it's a Super Mel Vitality, Fluoride Shield, Survival Shield, Silver Bullet,
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I mean, if this was a football game, Team Humanity versus Team Kleptocrat, where are we?
And then I want to tie it into things like the Exxon Valdez, which ties into things like nuclear disasters, like Chernobyl that got covered up, and now the situation with Fukushima.
There's this corporate culture of just thinking they can suspend the rules of reality, and who cares what happens to everybody, including their children.
Well, you got it, Alex.
First of all, I'm not too worried.
You're here.
I'm here.
You're keeping your eye out.
And, you know, the world hasn't changed.
You know, we've been, this has been going on since Rome.
You know, the fight over who controls the coinage.
So, you know, banks, resources.
Hell, we had fights over whale oil.
A century and a half ago.
So, you know, it's back and, you know, it's always going to be back and forth.
It's always going to be, you know, patriots and people fighting for liberty versus the guys with, you know, with the big rocks are going to try to break your skull.
And that's a general view.
But let me go back.
Actually, let's put a couple of things together.
We're talking just before about the bankers.
We have a trillion-dollar, trillion-dollar fraud.
Trillion-dollar fraud.
And again, I say this as a fraud expert, you know, that's what my job was with the Justice Department.
Now I'm out as an investigative reporter for the Guardian BBC.
We got trillion-dollar fraud in the London Interboro Bank rape scandal, which
We're good to go.
At the center of it, one of the big centers of it is J.P.
As I said, Obama calls the head of J.P.
Morgan, Jamie Dimon.
In fact, when America, when you and I as taxpayers gave $20 billion to J.P.
Morgan in a bailout, and then Dimon paid himself a big fax bonus.
And everyone screamed.
Obama said, oh, why is everyone upset with Jamie Dimon?
Why should he be punished?
The answer, Mr. President, if you don't know why Jamie Dimon should be punished, then you should get out of the Oval Office.
Here's the problem.
I'm going to tell you about the Exxon Valdez, I'm going to tell you about the Deepwater Horizon, and that goes directly to J.P.
Morgan and the Oval Office.
Last week, the Obama administration said that BP, which had destroyed the Gulf of Mexico, operated like a rogue pirate operation.
Killed 11 men, incinerated them on the Deepwater Horizon.
The Obama Administration has now said that they can drill in the Gulf, and in fact they gave them a new tract to drill in the Gulf, right near the Macondo Well, where the Deepwater Horizon sank.
Now, why would they do that?
Who owns British Petroleum?
The answer is J.P.
So if we're going to bail out JPMorgan, if JPMorgan is our president's favorite banker, as he calls them, then you can't sink BP because that sinks JPMorgan.
So, you know, people are shocked at BP.
I mean, if you dropped oil and burnt down your apartment and a building, do you think you'd get a new lease?
That's what they're doing here.
Now, let me go back 25 years to the Exxon Valdez.
If you watch CNN tonight, they're going to give you a story about how they're going to have Captain Hazelwood on.
Now, those who remember 25 years ago today that the Exxon Valdez struck a reef in Alaska.
It was all blamed on a drunken skipper named Captain Hazelwood.
And he's going to get out tonight and he's going to apologize again.
Well, I directed, I directed the fraud investigation in that case for the owners of the shoreline, the Chugach Natives.
I have a six-volume report that took me three years of undercover investigation to do.
I presented it to the courts.
Now, here's the thing.
It wasn't the drunken skipper hitting a reef.
And even though Exxon's name was on the ship, and I'm not going to let them off the hook, the real culprit in the Exxon Valdez disaster that destroyed a thousand miles of Alaska coastline, the real culprit was British Petroleum, BP.
You say, well what does that have to do with it?
It's the Exxon Valdez.
The answer is,
And we just saw this in Galveston Bay yesterday.
When a tanker hits reefs, they go aground.
Oil rigs leak, catch fire.
Pipes break.
And you suck the stuff out with something called skimmers.
Look at those pictures in Galveston.
When that tanker just hit, they put out 69,000 feet of rubber boom around that thing.
They sent 29 ships in to skim the oil.
When they build a new building on the edge of a river or a lake, like in Lake Austin here in Texas, they put rubber booms out around the construction site on the ground and in the water to stop the runoff.
Right, so here's what's supposed to happen.
Now let me tell you, here's the story that you'll love or hate, but this is a story you didn't get about the Exxon Valdez.
Forget the drunken skipper fairy tale.
Okay, because first of all, Hazelwood wasn't at the helm.
He wasn't like some drunk who ran into a rock.
He was asleep below decks, okay?
The third mate, by the way, Exxon is to blame for another reason.
Not because of the drunk.
Because the Raycast radar system had been shut off.
In other words, the radar was off.
It's like a GPS, like a Garmin GPS.
But in those days it wasn't 200 bucks for one, it was 2 million dollars for one.
And Exxon didn't want to train people, didn't want to maintain it, so they shut it off.
The guy would just look, trying to drive a tanker, like Christopher Columbus looking out the window.
So Exxon had turned off the Raycast radar.
So he didn't have navigation.
He's going through these narrow straits.
Literally, dead reckoning, a giant ship.
Dead reckoning.
That's what he's using.
Dead reckoning, the third mate.
And so he slammed into the rocks.
Now, immediately, now the thing is, is that if you looked on paper, there was supposed to be, right at Bly Reef, exactly where the tanker hit, a whole supply of that rubber boom to put around the ship in case of a disaster.
There was supposed to be a containment vessel with the skimmers
Right where the ship struck.
There was supposed to be a 24-hour trained emergency crew right at Bly Island, right where the ship struck.
In other words, it's almost as if someone started a fire in front of a fire station.
It should be boom!
It's out in a minute.
But what happened?
Had all that equipment, the crews, the ships, the skimmers, the containment boom.
It was all there on paper, under oath, in writing, and it was a lie.
It was a phantom.
It was nonsense.
It was a con.
It was a fraud.
In other words, they said it was out there, and they figured, well, who's going to check out in the middle of Prince William Sound in Alaska?
The only people out there, you just got a bunch of Alaskan natives.
Who's going to listen to them?
Who cares?
So that when the ship hit, it was literally hitting at the exact place where they're supposed to have a pilot station?
Which would have worn them off.
They're supposed to have all the equipment, but none of it was there.
None of it.
And it was illegal.
They signed in writing because they'd been caught before without having the emergency vessel.
It's like, look, every city has a fire department.
You have fire trucks and you have firemen and you have hoses.
And that's exactly what a containment ship is.
It's like firemen for an oil spill, a fire truck for an oil spill.
And it's supposed to be right exactly where the ship is.
It wasn't there because they lied.
And they lied for a simple reason, to save money.
And they lied, and they lied, and they lied again.
And here's the real tragedy, Alex.
When that ship was heading towards the reef...
The natives of Titlik Island were standing on their beach, it was at midnight, watching this tanker come toward their village at Bly Reef, at Bly Island.
They're watching that tanker come in and saying, what the heck is going on here?
And those natives could have prevented the disaster because they were the ones who were hired by British Petroleum.
As, and they were trained by British Petroleum, given the expertise, they were given the special Mustang suits so they could drop out of helicopters into the water, lay the boom, they were all ready to go.
But British Petroleum had fired them.
Originally, they were hired for one reason.
The natives owned the Port of Valdez land.
And they said, if you give us the Port of Valdez land for $1, $1!
You give us the land for $1, we'll give you all these jobs!
And the natives fell for the con once again.
They gave up the Port of Valdez, they got the jobs, and as soon as no one was looking, they waited a couple years, then they fired them all, took away their equipment, and so they were watching helpless as the tanker came in.
And this is how they take over cities, counties, all these corporations do the same thing.
They have a good deal for you, then they cheat you.
But expanding on that, fast forward to the BP disaster in the Gulf.
Their own engineers said that we can't dump water in the hole.
It's going to blow up.
So they put more engineers in who would follow the orders.
It just shows a totally delusional attitude by British Petroleum.
So how long until they do it again?
Well, right away.
Let me tell you something, Alex.
In fact, right now at my site, there's a 95-second trailer of my new film, Vultures and Vote Rustlers, which is my investigation of BP around the world and the Deepwater Horizon.
When you look at those films of the Deepwater Horizon on fire, you won't see one inch of boom going around that stricken oil rig.
You know, there's no reason why all that oil had to hit the Gulf Shores, but it was just like Alaska.
They lied about it.
Here in Galveston, a much, much, much smaller spill in Texas.
Today, you have all this rubber boom around this stuff.
You have all these ships.
None of that was there in the Gulf.
Once again, BP had lied in Alaska.
They got away with it, so they figured they'd lie again in the Gulf.
So when the Deepwater Horizon
When the pipe cracked and was spewing into the Gulf.
By the way, they lied about it and they lied about the amount.
Right now, despite the fact that Mr. Obama has allowed them to drill again in the Gulf, David Rainey, the guy who was in charge of BPE Gulf, David Rainey is under a federal indictment for obstruction of Congress for lying.
By the way, he'll get off.
Watch, mark it down, write down, Greg Powell said, the guy's walking.
The guy will walk, okay?
You know, you had a couple of enthusiastic prosecutors who actually grabbed the BP executive.
That ain't gonna fly, man.
Believe me, Jamie Dimon will get him off.
That's Jamie Dimon's company from JP Morgan.
That guy's as good as home free.
Now, so what happened in Alaska, BP, when we brought the case,
We actually did draft the federal fraud case.
Fraud and racketeering against British Patrolling, the Exxon Valdez case.
But they said if you bring that case, we'll never pay you a penny.
So it was agreed because we had desperate people up in Alaska.
So we agreed to take $125 million from BP's insurance fund.
BP did not pay a single penny for the damage it created.
Not one penny.
So we took the $125 million because we had no choice, because people were desperate.
But they said, oh hey, it didn't cost us anything in Alaska to lie about the equipment, so we can lie in the Gulf too.
There was no emergency equipment.
In fact, BP and the oil companies just put out a big full-page ad
In the New York Times and a lot of papers around the country saying, look at our spill response system we have.
We have all these ships and we've got all this equipment.
Hey guys, you promised that before the Deepwater Horizon explosion.
You promised it in writing.
You promised it under oath.
And you lied.
And you lied.
So what happened is because BP got away with it in Alaska, home free, they did the same in the Gulf.
I was about to say it's bigger than BP or even Goldman Sachs or JP Morgan.
It's this culture of even 30 years ago, I've looked at the numbers, they would try to keep reactors from blowing up, nuclear reactors, now they just let them all leak!
90 plus percent, they just... Am I correct in saying, we're going to break, Greg, that the elite are becoming more reckless and insane?
Yeah, because there's no cost anymore.
They used to have to at least pay a penalty, pretend that there was a price.
There's not a price anymore, Alex, that's the problem.
So government and corporations have merged and they're above the law?
It's gotten worse than I've ever seen.
That's why I left of government because there's no more prosecutions of the racketeers.
Forget it.
The corporate fraudsters... I want to ask you historically, then you're a smart cookie.
What comes next in history when major corporations and government are above the law?
What comes next?
We're going to ask Greg Palast at gregpalast.com.
That, just saw the trailer for his new film.
Check it out.
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Welcome to your life.
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This is it.
A lot of beautiful, great things in this world.
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But... The world moved on.
There's so much complexity in the world that it allows corruption to hide behind it in legalese.
And there's always going to be problems, but there is a systemic attitude.
And I talk to people in media, corporations, you name it.
Not just in government and high-level corporations, but in some of the public.
So just not care anymore and basically dump your motor oil down this kitchen sink.
Basically let your kids watch TV all day and eat GMO.
Basically drink a bottle of vodka every night if you want to and not worry about your kidneys or liver.
There is a nihilistic attitude but when you get it with military and you get it with a high-level government and you get big banks that are engaged in total insider trading, total fraud, who want to shut down all the other corporations they don't control.
It's a new dark age we face.
That's my view on where we're going if we don't turn this around.
You know, the good news is government has low approval rating, corporations have low approval rating.
They wanted war in Syria, but the world said no.
They wanted to expand that war.
I see a lot of positive things happening, but I see the establishment
Coming down with both feet, worldwide, leaning towards more authoritarianism in an attempt to secure their ill-gotten gains.
We got four minutes.
Greg Pallast, where do you see the world going?
Well, I think that unfortunately this lockup between corporations and government, the official term for it, is fascism.
And one of the big problems is that there's just no penalties.
They used to at least pretend to grab a couple guys, like I remember the guy that put together the big electricity monopoly in Seoul was thrown in jail by the antitrust guys under Franklin Roosevelt.
Those days are gone.
There's not even a pretext.
They used to throw some, you know, a couple corporate guys to the wolves, but that doesn't happen anymore.
The greed factor is completely out of control.
Oh, for example, let's go back to this BP business.
Did you know, and you'll see this in my films, go to gregpalast.com, which is that before, 17 months before the Deepwater Horizon blew up, remember the cement burst out of the, blew out.
They used this quick dry cement process and the cement gave out, the Deepwater Horizon.
And they all were shocked!
What do you mean you're shocked?
17 months before the Deepwater Horizon, you had the same exact blowout in the Caspian Sea.
The same exact blowout in a rig, a BP trans-ocean rig in the Caspian Sea had the same exact failure, but they covered up.
They covered up through bribes, through beatings.
And they covered it up.
Now, how did I know about that?
I went to Azerbaijan.
I actually got arrested there in the, what I call the Islamic State of BP, because they control everything.
And I was thrown out.
I got filmed out because I had one of those little pen cameras, Alex, and I got my material out.
But ultimately, I got the evidence of the prior blowout from the United States State Department, not willingly.
It was in the WikiLeaks documents.
Our own government knew about the blowout in the Caspian Sea.
And they did not warn the workers in the Gulf not to use that process, that it had blown out.
They kept the secret.
They kept BP secret.
And because, why?
Because it was not only BP, it was the junior partners in the Caspian were Chevron and Exxon, and they used the same process, which was deadly in the Caspian Sea, and 17 months later, the same exact thing happens in the Gulf.
They go, oh, we're surprised!
How could this have happened?
Well, it just happened just before, and you covered it up, and the government covered it up, and the State Department covered it up.
And then, you know, you get a guy like, you know, like Manning, Private Manning, who runs out and says, here's what they're doing to you, and he is the person we're supposed to be scared of.
The anti-terrorism laws have put him away for the rest of his life.
Well, he's not the terrorist.
He didn't kill those guys in the Gulf.
He gave us the information that could have saved those guys.
He exposed criminal activity.
Greg Pallas, can't wait to see your film.
Thank you so much for visiting with us.
Thanks, Alex.
Keep up the good work.
We'll try, brother.
You too.
We'll be back with the next hour.
Wait till you hear this news coming up.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I haven't gotten to this yet, but I will in the next segment.
The article's up on InfoWars.com.
Well, these two dovetail together.
New Jersey lawmaker rips gun magazine band to shreds.
But then you conversely, also on the East Coast, have a Rhode Island senator to InfoWars reporter Dan Badondi.
Tell him that you can go F yourself concerning the Second Amendment.
That story's now getting picked up by Rhode Island newspapers and TV stations.
That story and that video is up on Infowars.com.
And you look at the state senator and his thug enforcer guy, I mean, they look like central casting out of a... If I was making a movie and wanted to get thugs for a movie, I'd hire these two.
I mean, they're what casting directors, you know, look for, but really can't find the essence of.
And money on it, both these guys own guns, of course.
They just don't want you having them.
I love how they bug their eyes out of people.
These guys, like, they're all so tough.
People think if they get into government, or have any type of uniform, they just, like, bug their eyes out and have this crazed, narcissistic look that they're just, they're so much better than you, and they all just listen to joke.
Who would want to hang around with these two guys?
And both of them, tell the reporter, go F yourself.
Look at the look in those guys' eyes.
They look like Michelle Obama, both of them.
They look like snapping turtles.
I'm beginning to think maybe David Icke's right.
There's a race of snapping turtles and cloaking devices, but the cloaking devices don't quite work to kind of contour the snapping turtle's face.
I mean, come on, look at the state senator.
I mean, does he not look like a snapping turtle?
Or like a buzzard.
You know the Looney Tunes buzzards that go, which way do they go?
Oh, hey, look, uh, hey, we need to disarm the slaves and then we can do whatever we want, do whatever we want.
Look at this guy next to him.
Hey, he's got, you know, tattoos up to his sleeves.
Are you real scared of me, hey?
I think I can poke my eyes out at you.
Does that make you scared?
Does that make you quake?
That's it now, we're in the government, we go in the capital.
We do whatever we want and we're gonna take your guns.
And then once we take your guns, we're gonna take everything else you got.
Does that sound good to you?
Good, huh?
Listen here!
You wanna ask me a question?
You wanna talk to me?
How about you go F yourself?
Hi, I'm Zuckerberg.
You know our users trust us to save their information and not share it or abuse it.
They're dumb F'ers.
Dumb mother F'ers.
I never seen somebody so stupid in all my life.
But who's this?
We got bodyguards?
And we take all your guns!
And then when we want to send in some killers with badges, we do it!
And there's nothing you're going to do about it.
You salute the flag, it's ours, we captured it.
And you salute my office, and you appreciate it, and you respect it.
Because I deserve your respect while I walk all over
Your rights like a doormat because you people, excuse me, you people are captured by us because you do whatever we say and you're going to go on doing whatever we say.
Is that clear?
Because you're cowards and we bugged our eyes out at you and you groveled on the ground to us.
You like how that sounds now?
We're gonna have the guns.
We're the ones who do the hanging around here, not you, cowboy.
Is that clear?
I'm glad that that's clear to you because we don't want to have to, you know,
Get to see my shoes out.
Ain't, uh... You scared of me now?
He's good.
And by the way, MSNBC's right.
Your kids belong to us now, too.
You belong to us.
You understand that, slave?
Now salute me!
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
A smooth rollin' music right here.
Attorney Todd Allen is going to be joining us at the bottom of the hour.
I'm about to cover a ton of news.
But to let you know what good work this guy is doing, they are trying all over the country to not let you put in your own solar systems, powered systems, even in rural areas.
They're showing up with code enforcers and going, we do, under Agenda 21, global standards, we do not let you put that in.
You have to wire it into the major power grid so you're not independent.
He is involved pro bono in a lawsuit to fight that.
He's a good lawyer.
A few years ago, he's the guy that got a judge to rule against Bank of America and repossess the bank because they wrongfully taken people's home that they never even had a deed to and that was paid off.
And I had Bank of America do this to me.
You say, well, why do you have a merger with Bank of America?
This is years ago.
This is about 10 years ago.
They sold my mortgage six times at that point and Bank of America bought it.
And I saw like every few months I was getting a new place to send my check or a new place to sign up for wiring it in, automatic transfer for my mortgage.
And they said, oh, and there's no escrow.
I go, well, I have the documents.
We paid escrow a year ago when I got this house.
They said, sorry, you owe us, you know, $3,000, wherever it was, and started letters they were going to foreclose.
I had to go get a lawyer, threaten to sue them.
They go, oh, we checked our records, you're correct.
Well, the average old lady or the average working person, they don't know.
They don't know how to deal with that, or they don't get a good lawyer.
I mean, this happened to me with Bank of America.
And it just shows a pure attitude by the big six banks, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America.
The big six, really five, you can count Goldman Sachs, but it's a brokerage bank, investment bank.
They do whatever they want.
And they control the stock market, and they fund the big oil companies, and they fund the carbon taxes, and they fund the anti-gun movements, and they fund the open borders.
I mean, they're the ones that run the parties.
And it's all big joke to them.
Let's go ahead and go to this report.
This is something the lawyer did years ago.
I just want to mention it because he's on a new case now.
Here it is.
This is about a family who fought back and won.
Their foreclosure nightmare started when they bought a house in the Golden Gate Estates owned by Bank of America.
Like you said, they paid cash, so they never had a mortgage.
Well, Bank of America fouled it up somewhere along the lines and actually tried to foreclose on the family.
What happened today, you're just going to have to see to believe.
Movers, a truck, and an armed deputy, all while a nervous homeowner stands by and waits.
This is normally what you'd see when a person's being foreclosed on and their property seized by a bank.
But today, it's the other way around.
They've ignored our calls, ignored our letters.
Legally, this is the next step to get my client's compensation.
A Collier County judge said Bank of America had to pay Maureen Nairjez and her husband's legal fees after the bank tried to foreclose on their Golden Gate Estates property, but they paid cash.
The courts agreed they never had a mortgage to begin with.
After more than five months, the bank still hadn't paid up.
So, the homeowner's attorney did just what the bank would do to get their money, seize their assets.
I instructed the deputy to go in and take desks, computers, copiers, filing cabinets, including cash in the drawers.
Outside the bank, several deputies stood by with movers ready to start hauling out the bank's office supplies and furniture.
Inside, the homeowner's attorney was locked out of the bank manager's office by deputies while the bank manager tried to figure out what to do.
He was visibly shaken.
You know, having two sheriff's deputies sitting across your desk and a lawyer standing up behind them.
Demanding whatever assets are in the bank can be intimidating.
But so is having your home foreclosed on when it wasn't right.
After about an hour, the bank finally cut a check.
As a foreclosure defense attorney, this is sweet justice.
Because this is a symptom of a larger problem.
Alright, again, that audio is a little bit blown out.
That's from 2011.
That's on W-I-N-K.
CNN also picked it up.
I'd seen that report and played it here.
But the point is, that's government doing its job.
That's sheriff's deputies doing their job protecting property and life.
And enforcing the real law.
And the bank was just going to take the house.
And most of the time, the courts go along with this.
But now, it's known they go and lie in court.
It's known it's fraud.
It's known they never even had a connection to their mortgage.
And it just shows you the hoax level that we're dealing with here.
And why shouldn't they go after a million people's houses every year, or more, just with Bank of America?
Who's got something like a 20% or more, last time I saw the number, they've got a huge percentage of the mortgages in the country.
Why shouldn't they?
Because a lot of people don't know how to defend themselves.
A lot of people just freak out and roll over when they get sued.
And again, I'm not saying the average Bank of America teller is a bad person or a regional manager.
It's the people heading it up that Greg Palast talked about last hour.
The head of Bank of America making $600 million in one year off of rip-off mortgages.
Where they were selling some mortgages 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 times to investors.
So a million dollar house is worth 5 million, 10 million.
You sell it over and over again, no one gets in trouble.
And by the way, they've only increased the amount of fraudulent derivatives they're putting out.
And guess who in 2008, on October 3rd, they got Congress under the threat of martial law.
Look that up.
Congress threatened with martial law over banker bailout.
They signed into law there perpetually that that debt is ours.
So they're creating all this imaginary debt.
I mean, let's say I'm the globalist.
Can you guys give me a document cam shot, please?
And I just want to make up all the money I want in the world.
In the past, if you're watching me on TV, I'll write this on a piece of paper.
In the past, they would take one dollar and they could loan out
Ten dollars.
That's fractional reserve banking.
The global average was that.
And the banks, that would create capital and liquidity.
And that could be abused.
Now with derivatives, they can take one house and turn it into ten houses.
The equivalent of 10 houses and take that money then and put that into more derivatives and keep it going until you've got leveraging to a thousand to one in some cases.
That's like having one drop of oil in a barrel of water and saying the whole barrel is oil.
No, you put it in your car, your car is going to seize up, it's going to ruin the engine.
So, that's why they've been able to take over, folks.
That's why they buy the police, everything.
They run everything, because they've got this fraud.
To the point of, hey, uh, look, I got an idea.
Let's just take houses that are totally paid for, that never had a mortgage.
Hey, that sounds like a good plan.
There's World Net Daily reporting on the congressman we had on.
We actually had Brad Sherman on and broke that.
Bailout push included threat of martial law.
During deliberations over the $700 billion federal bailout banks and financial institutions, by the way, that was the first payment that was an open window, they threatened martial law in closed session.
In fact, there's the video, fear-mongering exposed by Mr. Sherman.
That's when he said it on the floor of the House.
He also said it on this show.
And by the way, when I was first reporting on that, had him on, people didn't, he was on my show first, people didn't believe
That it was actually a congressman, and he said that.
Because, see, martial law doesn't exist.
Really, that's what we're going under.
I have the article right here, it's up on DrudgeReport.com on the right hand side, last time I checked, where Homeland Security exercise targets, quote, free speech against socialist tyranny, under martial law, and the whole NLE, National Level Exercise, is not for the Russians attacking, or Al-Qaeda, or other groups.
It is
Patriot Libertarians Fighting Martial Law!
What the government's doing.
Because the government is run by foreign banks.
I can have congressmen on, I can have former congressmen on, I can have former top federal fraud investigators, top professors, Nobel Prize winners like Joseph Stiklitz for economics two times.
I've had them all on, okay, and they all agree.
Global megabanks above the law, diplomatic immunity robbing everyone, setting up a police state so you can't ever get control of your government.
I'm going to say this again.
I'm not going to beat you over the head with it if you're a new listener, but not my opinion, not my opinion, not my opinion.
And it's getting worse by the minute.
And we need good judges, we need good courts, we need good police, but we need, more importantly, good people.
Because if the people will stop being so lazy and so disconnected and so uninvolved, and will stop laying down to everything, a nation of sheep will be ruled by what?
If the people will start acting more independent, and more aggressive, and more liberty-loving, and more defensive about their freedoms and their space, we will be known as what?
Liberty-loving, free, aggressive, independent people again, that everyone was scared of.
There's a reason organized crime never expanded good until just the recent last decades in Bible-belt southern areas.
And it wasn't because the people were wimps, ladies and gentlemen.
It was because they would kill anyone that tried to abuse or dominate them.
Hundreds of cases of people in the West and the South overthrowing bad police departments, sheriff's departments.
In the old days, if the police shot some kid in the street in the back, the people would go burn down the police station.
And then the state police would do nothing because they couldn't.
Because if they tried anything, they'd get attacked.
I'm not saying that's what we need now, but the point is, is that everyone acts like a bunch of immigrants from third world countries who... Third world countries are slaves, folks, as the people lay down to it.
And because there's a culture of corruption.
We are now becoming that.
We are now a banana republic to every extent.
And I want to reverse that before it's too late.
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If you leave me, I won't miss you.
And I won't ever take you back.
Girl, your memory.
Girl, your memory.
Won't ever haunt me.
Cause I don't love you.
Now you'll buy that.
I got some Porsche front property and I
If you'll buy that, I'll throw Obamacare in free.
Did you hear that?
If you'll buy that, I'll throw Obamacare in free.
And we'll take your guns for your safety.
And the moon is made of strawberry shortcake.
Thank you for joining us.
We have a special guest coming up, that lawyer involved in that case, repossessing Bank of America.
As the people strike back, but here's a stack of news breaking.
Venezuela arrests three generals for alleged coup plot.
So that place is descending into a nightmare.
And again, I don't like the West trying to overthrow the country, but the people are angry.
The communists have set up fake elections and they're even worse.
I mean, there's a few countries worse than
Than the regular cancer of the Western government, but I mean North Korea and Venezuela are two of them.
Let's go ahead and go to the next one.
Pacific Commander, US lacks ability to conduct successful amphibious assaults.
That's in the Washington Times, that's just the Navy trying to get more funding.
Continuing, open the floodgates, Indiana becomes first state to scrap Common Core.
Fox News reports Indiana has become the first of 45 states.
To opt out of the national education standard known as Common Core, and critics of the controversial K-12 program say the move could open the floodgates for others to follow.
Well, I mean, here's the debate.
2 plus 2 equals 5 is what it teaches officially.
Do we keep it?
Case closed.
Thank you.
Common Core says the kids belong to the state.
Do we keep it?
It teaches you that Heather has two mommies.
Do we keep it?
It teaches you just total mentally ill garbage.
NATO's Turkey providing air support for Al-Qaeda in northern Syria.
And the article from Land Destroyer is excellent and breaks down how they're pumping Al-Qaeda terrorists in out of the Turkish border on record.
And when the Syrians dare fight back against Al-Qaeda, the Turks shell and send in jets to attack.
That's pretty amazing stuff on that front.
Here's another article out of National Journal.
This is what I've been asking.
Who gets sued when your robot car crashes?
Autonomous vehicles will save thousands of lives.
See, that's already begun.
They're safer than people.
Listen, we've got to start saying humans.
This is a world for humans, by humans, of humans.
And of humans, for humans, by humans.
We are keeping humans around.
We are not going to let the computers replace us with an anti-state.
That's what this is all about, folks.
And it's coming.
It's here.
Look at this MIT article.
Or article out of UPI.
MIT engineers create manufactured materials, half inanimate, half alive.
Engineers at MIT have created living materials, that sounds like zombie materials, combining the advantages of living cells with the functionality of non-living materials.
I'm sure there's no way this will get out and cause a problem, even though the top scientists say it'll probably end up ending life.
I'd say that's probably a top story today for the nightly news, something like that.
That is a big deal.
Ukraine's parliament has ousted the defense minister.
They've dismissed Acting Defense Minister over his handling of the crisis in Crimea following Russia's annexation of the Black Sea Peninsula.
So that's just some of the news on the military front.
Here's another one.
Rumsfeld, a trained ape, could manage war better than Obama.
Folks, Obama has been doing exactly what the neocons wanted and more, giving them left-wing cover.
And that's all that is right there.
Speaking of Russia, I've already mentioned this, but this is a big deal right here.
New York Times.
Russia is ousted from Group of Eight by U.S.
and allies.
It was the G8 that voted, as you know, along with the Security Council and the U.N., its counterpart, to not... It was the Chinese-Russian veto that stopped the Syria war, along with public support against it here.
So now they'll just kick them out.
So a new Cold War is starting.
The United States, occupied by globalists I should add, and its closest allies on Monday cast Russia out of the group of eight industrialized democracies, their most exclusive club, to punish President Vladimir V. Putin, as Bush calls him, for his lightning annexation of Crimea.
Like, Blitzkrieg folks, the Russians were dealt a huge defeat when they were pretty much controlling Ukraine, and it just got taken away from them.
It should be Russia killed 7% of the country in a devastating blow to Russia.
Instead it's like, oh my gosh, those warmongers!
Alex, use the support in nuking them!
And that's what the Ukrainian parliament's calling for.
Nuclear war.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
And if you're not for nuclear war, you're racist.
Alex Jones.
Obama says so.
I agree with him.
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So why are the social engineers adding it to the water?
Dumb down the host population that the parasitic technocracy is feeding on.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Yeah, that's some creepy music.
That's the music they play whenever the snapping turtle comes out at night and goes around Washington D.C.
looking for liberties to eat.
Imagine the snapping turtle, Michelle Obama.
All right, I'm screwing around.
I've noticed that seems to happen at 1.33 every day.
By this point in the show, I think I'm overloaded with all this news.
And I just want to screw around at that point.
I mean, Obama's saying nukes are the number one threat and all this.
Will you cue that up, please?
And just all of what that means makes my head spin.
Doesn't it, you?
We ought to play the thing where I did Cobra Commander, too.
I'd forgotten I did that.
That's a pretty funny video.
Where I endorse Cobra Commander for President.
Because everything Cobra Commander stands for is what our government now stands for, so why not just endorse Cobra Commander?
And people on the YouTube video keep asking, who is he interviewing?
Who plays Cobra Commander?
It's me!
I am Cobra Commander!
I am the leader!
Also the voice of Starscream.
I am the leader, Megatron!
So having a little bit of fun here on the broadcast, ladies and gentlemen.
They are chasing the lawyer around the office to get him on to talk about the fact that he's now representing a lady who is trying to be able to have her own off-the-grid system, but the courts are trying to say, oh no, you have to be hooked in the power system.
So while that's being
Lined up, look at this article out of thedailycaller.com upon infowars.com.
Media matters inexplicably attacks Fox News for using the term homosexual.
Well, yeah.
I mean, Michelle Obama and others say you don't use the word bossy, because they're bossy.
They're bossing you around.
They're in control of reality, the snapping turtle.
And you're going to do what they say, or you're racist, or you're anti-woman.
I mean, are we not sick of these people with the fake moral high ground constantly, continually lecturing us?
I mean, these are not liberals.
I know I beat that dead horse to death, but I mean this is ridiculous.
I mean, anyone goes around telling me what to do and telling me they control reality and I'm bad, those people are out of my life in about two seconds.
And the problem is with this government, these corporations, I cannot get them out of my life.
They are just constantly grabbing more power.
Media Matters, the website,
Of choice for Fox News haters everywhere attacked the cable news network on Monday using the term homosexual in a programming, advancing their particular argument that the scientific term was pejorative.
Yeah, you get arrested in England, BBC reporter Robin Page, we had him on the show, got arrested, and he by the way isn't even really a conservative, when he said rural communities deserve the same rights as Muslims and homosexuals.
Folks, heterosexual, homosexual, those are just names for sexual persuasion.
You know, if you say that
A woman is heterosexual, that means that she is for the opposite sex.
If you say that she is homosexual, that means that she's, I guess, homogeneous or to her own group.
I mean, that's why people think the word Caucasian is racist now, or Negro.
I actually have been in a bar years ago, like 15 years ago, when someone ordered a Negro Modelo.
And someone actually said, what did you just say?
Negro just means black in Spanish, folks, I promise you.
It has nothing to do with black people.
The beer is like Guinness, it's dark.
That's why you call a light beer blonde, because in German that means light.
I promise you!
I promise you the word bossy, it just means anyone being bossy.
It doesn't mean putting down women.
And they all know that, but if they can set the precedent to shut things down like that, they can do anything.
Now, we do have our guest on the line.
And I'm very excited to get him on.
We played earlier, the local newscast, it was also on CNN a few years ago, where he successfully got a court to foreclose on Bank of America because they took a million dollar house that they had never even had a note on that was paid for in cash.
Showing the fraud, and usually judges and lawyers aren't able to get justice, but this happened in his case where they had to pay for the lawyer fees and more, and they refused to pay, so they went in and started taking it out of the cash register with the deputies.
And that's how the courts are supposed to work for the people.
That is justice, and if we had more justice, you couldn't have that in this country.
Now our guest is back.
Talk about a superman lawyer.
Attorney Todd Allen of GAD-Law.com.
Here's the article from Infowars.com.
Woman fights for sovereignty after judge declares living off grid illegal.
And more and more under zoning, even if you live in a rural area, they say you've got to be hooked in to the power grid, or they send out the little inspectors.
They want to keep you dependent.
So he joins us now, right now.
Todd Allen, thank you for coming on.
Tell me the latest on the banks first, because I know you're fighting in Florida and other areas successfully against that tyranny.
And then shift gears into the latest, the war on putting in your own off-the-grid power.
Thanks for having me.
So, you know, we've been fighting the banks quite a bit here in Florida.
The foreclosure nightmare's been crazy here, running all over the courts and the rule of law.
So I think we've finally got that under wraps, and now I'm excited to be representing Robin in this current case.
Break it down, because I see this even in Texas in more, quote, what you call liberal areas, but it's also in conservative areas, where they won't give you the zoning permit, and if they see solar power or a windmill, even on your rural area, inspectors will show up in some cases.
Some counties aren't like that.
Tell us about this case.
This is frightening.
Yeah, this one's particularly disturbing because the city of Cape Coral doesn't have any code restrictions against solar power.
They're requiring her to be hooked up to the grid in addition to having solar panels.
So it's a redundant system that the city is requiring.
It's requiring her to be hooked up.
To the grid without even if she does have solar power, there are a number of other issues whether or not she can use rainwater or be hooked up to the city sewer.
So we're fighting the city really on a 3 to individual arguments addressing sewer, water and power.
We prevailed on sewer and power, just fighting the water issue now.
Well, I looked up this particular city and it turns out they even had debates years ago in their city council about Agenda 21, which is globally written corporate standardized policies that are designed to make people be in the grid on the system.
And so it's basically rent seekers trying to force people into their compact cities.
I mean, I know that you're just specifically dealing with the private property issue, but I thought we all need to be sustainable.
What do you think's really behind this?
This is, you know, the old saying, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
This is hell hath no fury like a city scorned.
What happened is the city got embarrassed.
Their code enforcement department got caught flat on their feet and they're embarrassed.
Now they're pulling in all the stops to ruin this woman's ability to live the life that she wants to live.
So we're really fighting the city on a number of different fronts, not just because she wants to live her particular way.
The city is
Trying to control how she lives and is trying to enforce the code restrictions that are inherently conflicting with each other.
What else are you seeing with the code enforcers gone wild?
We see cases now where they don't want people to have gardens in their backyards, don't want garden boxes in their windows.
We're not talking about folks that are opted into some, you know, homeowners association.
We're talking about cities are annexing rural areas, telling farms they can't have chickens.
I mean, this is out of control.
What do you think's behind it?
A power grab?
It's a power grab and it's trying to, you know, sit down and
Uh, the city's trying to control how the people live their lives and really intrude on private property rights, dictate how you run your household, how it looks on the outside and how it's run on the inside.
It takes more government control.
It's something our founding fathers fought against.
Oh, you just said founding fathers.
Guys, delete that FCC violation.
Sir, that's part of the seven deadly words.
You can't say freedom, can't say father, can't say founding fathers.
That's like, oh, sorry.
Did you guys delay that?
I'm sorry.
I keep forgetting those are now not authorized.
Have you heard Michelle Obama says you can't use the word bossy?
I've heard that.
Which is funny because I have to call that as a lawyer.
Okay, Todd, promise you're not going to use that word, okay?
Yeah, yeah, it's out of my vocabulary now.
I think you can even use the word bossy in North Korea.
Hey, what ever happened with that case with Bank of America where you foreclosed on them?
They ran away pretty quick.
Ran to the table after we showed up at their branch with the booking truck and the sheriff.
They came calling pretty quick.
They actually assigned a lawyer in Washington, D.C.
Do you need anything?
I think America does anything.
Call this guy before you do anything.
So, fortunately, I've been able to save a lot of homeowners a lot of unnecessary court time by using this avenue.
It's just sad that it gets to a point where a corporation can't manage its policies and procedures internally and has to resort to something this drastic.
Well, I was about to say, I'm not absolving Bank of America for doing bad things, but it's the same thing with, like, YouTube or Google.
I fought them so much, they finally said, here's this contact, high-level, any problems, call them.
And then you start to learn that these big institutions aren't even, a lot of times, inherently bad.
They have bad operators in subsections getting away with everything, and then we are passive as a public, and so it sets a precedent.
And that's why it's important to be aggressive.
Go ahead.
Well, they expect us to roll over.
You know, if you call a Bank of America toll-free number and ask to get some help, if you don't get the answer you want, they expect you to just roll over and drop the issue.
It's only when you make noise and when you, you know, demand attention and demand them to do what's right that you'll get some response from the bank.
It just happened to be in my case that I had to speak really loud and have lots of cameras before they responded.
Tell us about your client, Robin.
Tell us about how this fight started and their arrogance and where it's all going in that city in Florida.
Yeah, Robin's a really nice lady.
Very community-oriented, very spiritual, and she decided after a while that she was going to adopt this lifestyle because she thought it was healthy for her and it matched the direction she wanted to choose.
So she lived this off-the-grid lifestyle for a while, and her story was brought to the attention of a local media crew who did a story on it.
Just on living off the grid, the benefits of, you know, doing it how somebody could do it, you know, stuff like that.
Unfortunately, there happened to be a code enforcement officer who was watching the show and decided to make it his own personal vendetta to ruin this woman's life.
And so, it started off with an eviction notice saying that the home was inhabitable.
And that she needed to vacate it.
That's when I got involved.
So they're trying to throw her completely out of her house and make her homeless.
I mean, this is a serious siege-level assault.
Yeah, the specific notice said, do not occupy this property under penalty of trespass.
Criminal trespass.
Commit a crime by trespassing.
Or vacate the unit and become homeless.
And so that's when I got involved and insisted that we send that notice.
And then they were sending it, sent a five-page amended violation that included everything.
You know, in a code book they could throw at her.
And then eventually we got most of those beat in the court hearing.
And by the way, that's why worldwide governments are using code enforcement as the new tyranny, because
You know, you'd get a jury, you'd get a trial, you'd get a... I mean, to take your house, you'd have to really do something bad.
I mean, this is a big deal, but oh, it's just a code!
No judge, no jury.
Here's your letter.
We found in Austin 15 years ago, old people, there's more than 15, like 16, 17 years ago, including my grandparents, would get letters saying $2,000 a day fines, remove weeds and objectionable material, and you already have $2,000 as of this notice.
And then I would go over and my grandfather mowed the yard and trimmed it.
The yard was spotless.
And so I called them and they laughed at me and said, we're not going to tell you what's objectionable.
And I said, well, I have a TV show and radio show.
And then I found out when I covered it that it was happening to everybody else, but they were targeting old people because they would just get scared and pay it.
And it just shows how predatory.
And then I had some police who were upset about what was happening point out where city council people live for me.
Where they had holes in their roofs, big weeds, I went and showed that, and then how they were taking old ladies' houses, so the city backed off.
But, I mean, this is just outrageous, this tyranny of the code enforcers.
Well, this is how the city supplements its income, by these code violations, these fines, the levy, and by the way they designed the code.
The code requires you to consume their water, regardless if you have a private water system, which the code provides for a private water system.
They still require you to consume their water, consume their electricity.
And if you're living off the grid and not consuming these things, well, you're not a profit center for the city.
So, how do you fix that?
Well, you make a requirement to consume their product and pay them for the product.
That's how you supplement their income.
Well, I just commend you for taking this case pro bono and so many others.
You're a real counselor, a true attorney, a true advisor.
I mean, you are.
You're the type of people, like my lawyer, who beat the city on something similar, famously, with code enforcers.
One of my great lawyers, Eric Taub, fights the same kind of cases here in Austin because they're very rapacious.
And I'm not saying all code enforcers are, but now they're wearing uniforms.
I've had them yell at me when I'm videotaping them.
They were next to my parents' house.
It's incredible.
And again, this is government not wanting you to be independent, trying to make you buy their overpriced services.
We should want people to be on well water.
We should want people to have their own solar power.
We should want people to have a garden.
This is a healthy society.
Closing comments.
Well, it's really a battle of your individual rights and your freedom to choose the lifestyle you want.
And that's, we're on the front lines here, fighting a city who's trying to force Robin to live the way that they see she should live, regardless of her own opinion.
So, it's really a constitutional battle on its purest form.
All right, glad-law.com.
Todd Allen, thank you so much for what you and your law firm are doing.
And if folks are in Florida and need a good lawyer, there he is.
Thank you so much, sir.
Thank you, sir.
Take care.
All right, we'll be right back, folks.
That's how we're going to win.
That guy's had a lot of victories, not just the ones I mentioned.
And he's pro bono standing up for that lady on his own time.
That's what men are supposed to do.
We'll be back with more news.
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You're the pretender!
What if I say I will never surrender?
What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another guard at your place?
You're the pretender!
By the way, folks, we knew it was coming.
China is so polluted, they've now come out with bottled air, Daily Mail.
China sells bottled air to tourists as schmog.
Described as environmental crisis.
So they now have bottled air.
Talk about fiction becoming reality.
We take you now live to China with translated English of the Chinese president denying bottled air.
Here is the clip.
As president of Planet Spaceball, I can assure both you and your viewers that there's absolutely no air shortage whatsoever.
Yes, of course.
I've heard the same rumor myself.
Yes, thanks for calling and not reversing the charges yet.
He opens the bottled Perrier air.
He's snorting it.
This is literally starting to happen in China.
He's just denied to the media.
That's actually from Spaceballs, ladies and gentlemen.
It's funny, but it's sad.
There you go, China sells bottled air to tourists as smog described as environmental crisis.
You really cannot make this stuff up anymore.
And now media matters in the White House are telling us we can't use the word bossy or homosexual.
I mean, these people are outrageous control freak demons.
And we've got to stop letting them call themselves liberal.
They are progressive like cancer.
We've got to take over the Republican Party and we have to reverse these people's march or they will destroy everything.
NATO's concerned over boosting of Russia's military presence near Ukrainian borders.
Well, Russia's concerned about the West boosting their military presence on the borders.
And again, I'm not defending Russia here.
It's the West starting the fight.
Here's another one.
DOD military training to scare the quote crap out of people in Florida is the headline.
Broward County residents complain about low-flying helicopters, explosions, shots, you name it.
It's all part of the ongoing conditioning of the military, the public, the police, everybody, for the merger of military and police publicly.
Meanwhile, Poland, back to Eastern Europe, is quietly mobilizing its army reserves.
Polish Prime Minister is warning that the world stands on the brink of conflict.
I mean, that's their words and the...
You know, the whole Crimea situation and the Ukrainian president's calling for nuking and war.
I mean, this is not a good situation.
Hopefully it'll settle down.
Here's another headline out of Reuters.
Hundreds rush to rural Chinese bank after solvency rumors.
More bank runs going on there.
Also, report U.S.
nuclear fort Knott's compromised.
Multiple system failures and troubling ineptitude.
That's being reported on by Harvard University that the nuke plants are just melting down and the facilities just, no one cares anymore about nuclear weapons protection or their maintenance or reactors.
It's just, who cares?
Just wave a wand.
It's okay to have Obama running the military and saying NATO's his boss, not Congress.
It's okay to let them devalue the dollar.
It's okay to have GMO in all the food even though it kills the rats.
It's okay, it's killing the honeybees.
It's okay if fluoride gives us brain cancer.
The mayor of Austin, where I live, just laughs at people on TV.
Here we brought a scientist from Harvard, or a scientist from Stanford, about the brain cancer, and here's all the documents, and here it is in Reuters.
You know my answer?
Mayor Lee Leffingwell literally flipped the audience off and laughed at them.
And it's not even news.
I'm sure the statesman's like, well it's good the mayor flipped those crazy people off.
I mean, we're crazy.
We think Fukushima's an issue.
I know people, immigrants to this country, young people.
We're 35 years old.
You name it.
They've had like multiple, I know one person's had like five cancers because they were a kid in Poland with the Ukrainian explosion of Chernobyl.
But now it's just, oh shut up racist!
If you're against radiation, you're racist and don't say the word bossy or snapping turtle, the demonic demon will get mad at you and you don't want, you want her approval!
You want her approval!
Big news tonight, 7 o'clock.
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