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Name: 20140320_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 20, 2014
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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, Mike Adams wrote this for NaturalNews.com over a week ago.
We posted it at InfoWars.com.
We got attacked by the London Telegraph, you name it, for simply pointing out that it could be a black hole that swallowed up the missing Malaysian aircraft.
And, of course, Mike was saying that he didn't believe that.
He was just looking at every option.
Though, however impossible, it could be kind of a Bermuda Triangle thing.
Was it swallowed into deep space?
Or has it been hijacked by some paramilitary group to be used as a giant flying cruise missile with a nuclear weapon in it?
I mean, we've just looked at every possible angle.
And now, well, now CNN is saying that, is it preposterous to think that a black hole caused Flight 370 to go missing?
How many weeks are we into this thing?
It is a giant diversion.
And I believe that, and the evidence is actually coming out, that governments know where it went, and this is some type of authorized drill or setup where people thought they were part of a drill, that there was a stage hijacking, and Lord even knows what is going on.
With this, but it really doesn't matter.
I mean, I'm sad for people that are on the plane.
We don't know where they are, but some people email me and I see comments, hey Alex, cover the Malaysian flight more.
You've got 20 channels of fake news covering it on television.
You've got all the newspapers covering it daily.
And we just have so much serious stuff to cover that even though it's a very interesting mystery, I'm not allotting much time to it.
Now what do we have that's really important coming up?
I think on the nightly news tonight we'll do an hour instead of 30 minutes for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers because I want to re-air the entire 30 minute speech that Senator Rand Paul gave at Berkeley and got a standing ovation from the people there showing how
A true libertarian constitutional candidate, as he's going to be for president obviously, could unify true liberals with true conservatives and constitutionalists to try to save this country.
And that's why the system has been trying to destroy Rand Paul.
He's moderated a little bit with the establishment so that they wouldn't destroy him out of hand, but he really is a statesman and a born leader.
The more I watch what he does, we're just very blessed to have him.
And he really has an incredible learning curve with what he's doing, and I know he listens to the show, and I know that they're, I've told Ron Paul this on air and off air, and I know that they're listening.
And of course, they don't need to hear from me, they're smart guys, but they need to radicalize their message, because the globalists are so radical, they need to meet the globalist threat with a response that's actually to the point of the enemy.
We need to address the fact that a criminal shadow government is taking over and is intimidating and blackmailing Congress and the Supreme Court and that it's illegitimate.
This is how every other country ends up getting taken over.
Look at third world countries where the military-industrial complex ends up taking over with the special interests that control it.
That's what's going on here.
And so when we come back from break, I'm going to err here on the transmission.
I don't know, ten minutes of the historic speech.
The first ten minutes is the most powerful, and then we're going to be breaking that down, because that's the top story.
That's what's really important because if people start going, oh, there really are FEMA camps, they really are buying billions of rounds of ammo, they really are spying on us illegally, they really are incarcerating people for no reason, they really are setting up this anti-liberty grid and trying to suppress the press, we could have an open debate about how authoritarian we're becoming and the fact that the globalists are involved in a revolution to try to convert us into pure tyranny.
But it could backfire on them.
If we politically and economically and culturally resist,
Then speak out against it.
We can use their offensive as a way to rally humanity, and it will blow up in their face.
I'm gonna explain this when we come back, but this is the heart of victory.
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In the last 50 years, iodine has been phased out of our staple foods and replaced with the halogen bromine, a practice now banned in nations around the world.
Guess what else is in the halogen family?
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here.
In 1924, the federal government did the right thing and encouraged salt producers to add iodine.
It's the good halogen on the periodic table, and the results are on record.
Reports documented.
We're good.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
We're not going to take being enslaved.
We're not going to be usurped.
And the first thing we need to do to reverse the criminal authoritarian tide globally
Is to recognize liberty versus tyranny.
Authoritarianism versus libertarianism.
Is to recognize renaissance versus dark age.
Gang run government versus the independent animating contest of liberty.
Free association.
Free will.
Not being put in a box.
Not being labeled.
Being complex people.
True diversity.
Not the fake kleptocratic diversity that actually robs individualism that is political correctness.
This is so essential that we identify the globalists as the criminals, that we identify their form of government as a central banking, derivatives, fractional reserve fraud, where a handful of elite families and corporations are able to issue the currency and credit and dominate the globe, who then predatorily target their political and economic cultural competition
With systems of de-industrialization dumbing down.
We have a giant criminal shadow government.
There is unified policy, uniformity of agenda worldwide under the global corporate model.
Whether it's Australia, Germany or the US, the UK or Mexico.
The same corporate governance systems that are authoritarian, global corporate governance is being put in.
With ubiquitous spying, ubiquitous surveillance, ubiquitous police state, ubiquitous attacks on any form of individualism and true diversity.
And if we're ever going to have a chance to beat this, we have to fully recognize that we've been incrementally brought into this.
Rand Paul has done that.
Ted Cruz is beginning to do that.
We're going into a dictatorship.
The government's scary.
Congress is being blackmailed and threatened.
People are scared in Congress.
We're being spied on.
That's what's going on with MI6 and MI5 against the British Parliament.
That's what's going on in Germany.
That's what's happening with the EU bureaucracy.
That's what's happening here.
They're using this to stop whistleblowers.
They're using this to intimidate people.
And Rand Paul knows a lot more than he says in this
He says it seems like they're scared.
I don't have any proof of that because he knows he can't come out and say they're scared because he's saying it in confidence.
Of course they're being spied on.
It's come out.
Of course they're being blackmailed.
Of course they're being threatened.
Do you have any idea of the level of dirty tricks I go through?
The level of COINTELPRO and cognitive infiltration, Cass Sunstein garbage, that's great!
I steer into that because that's how I know I'm over the target like a bomber pilot.
This New World Order, folks, is not all-powerful and can be defeated.
That's why they want to tell you all day, there's no billions of bullets being bought, there's no FEMA camps, there's no NSA spying, there's no shadow government.
None of this is happening.
The Federal Reserve's why federal?
It's not private.
When it is, of course, private.
Because if the truth ever comes out, and we have a debate about who really runs the world, and how the planet's being stolen by fraudsters, it's over for the globalists.
And if we point out that they're the authors of our discontent, and the authors of our societal injustice, that they are the prime movers.
They're not the authors of all of it, but they're the authors of much of it.
And they use the weakness of society control.
If statesmen like Rand Paul continue to talk like this and others pick up the drumbeat, it's over for the New World Order.
If we address them head on.
Ten years ago, it sounded radical when I said there was a shadow government setting up a total police state, surveilling everyone with plans to put troops on the streets.
I had all the RAND Corporation documents.
I've been to all the urban warfare drills 18 years ago.
I knew the plan.
They'd written it.
I was reading it.
It wasn't my opinion.
But people said, can't be true.
I'm not going to look at it.
Had footage of Marines training to confiscate firearms all over the country and admitting it was for America.
I got a couple of responses.
You're anti-Marine, anti-military traitor.
No, I'm anti the Marines being given illegal orders.
Or that's fake video.
That's not real.
Even though I had news articles about what I had just filmed.
Or, oh my gosh, this is horrible, what are we going to do about it?
But again, the mainstream media would never admit it was all real, so that we could never have the debate.
That's why that congressman told Jesse Ventura in the FEMA camp special, there's no FEMA camps, there's no emergency centers established for night, no there's not.
He goes, are space aliens going to come down out of the sky, Governor?
And Ventura goes, here's the bill, you authored it, you sponsored it.
And he went, uh, uh, uh, oh, I do remember that bill.
And started laughing.
And when that all happened, they had Time Warner shut that show down and never air it again, and erase it off the TiVo and the digital cable, and tried to get Time Warner to cancel the show.
And instead they said, no, we'll just turn it into Chupacabras and discredit it.
And humanities and stuff.
So, believe me folks, they don't want to have a real debate.
They want to just keep denying.
It's all going on, and oh, it's so radical.
Rand Paul says there's a shadow government that's arrogant and taking over.
Of course there is, and it's public!
We force the debate.
We are the media.
The state-run media is discredited.
The system's hoping to sell tyranny as trendy.
That's why Obama is on Ellen and is on SportsCenter and is on all the entertainment shows about how cool he is.
They want to make it fun being screwed by the new world order.
So let's go to the first five, six minutes in this segment.
We'll come back in the next segment.
I want to play the first 10, 12 minutes of Rand Paul's historic speech.
We had the text yesterday.
We broke the story before he gave a speech.
Now it's big national news and people are resonating with it across the political spectrum for liberty, for freedom, regardless of race, color, creed, political persuasion.
This is statesmanship.
This is Veritas.
This is the blood of courage, the blood of victory.
And we have to tell it like it is.
Sure it sounds radical to get up here and say this stuff, because it is radical.
If I was a small-town police chief that lived down a mountain by a dam, and we got an emergency call by radio that the dam had broken, and that
Millions of gallons of water were coming 20 feet deep.
We're going to wipe out the town in 10 minutes.
I would run around on the loudspeakers yelling, get out of your houses, go to high ground now, now, now.
Go, go, go, go.
And it wouldn't be firing a theater because there is firing a theater.
There is water coming down the mountain.
You understand that?
Oh, hey man, that's a little radical.
Don't be running around like a chicken with your head cut off.
Don't yell fire in a theater.
Well, if you're in a theater and there's a fire, folks, in the old days it was cellulose and they would explode in flame.
It was explosive.
What the film was made out of, they were built in like oven boxes in case there was a fire so it wouldn't burn everybody up in there.
And if you yelled fire in a theater, there were so many theater fires, people would run screaming and trample each other.
But if there is a fire in the theater, you better yell there's fire in the theater.
They want to just tell you it's indoor heating and, you know, never mind that orange flame.
It's gonna, you know, make you live forever.
No, it's not.
It's gonna burn our society down.
Let's start going to the intro of his speech.
We're gonna hear quite a bit of this and then get into all the other news.
Here it is.
Great to be here at Berkeley.
Thank you.
Thank you to the Berkeley Forum for inviting me.
Now, you may be a Republican, or a Democrat, or a Libertarian.
I'm not here to tell you what to be.
I am here to tell you, though, that your rights, especially your right to privacy, is under assault.
I'm here to tell you that if you own a cell phone, you're under surveillance.
I'm here to tell you that the NSA believes that equal protection means that Americans should be spied upon equally, including Congress.
Instead of equal protection to them, it's equal disdain.
They don't care if you're white or black or brown, they care only that everyone must submit to the state.
Senator Sanders, and I don't agree on everything, he's an independent from Vermont, but he asked, he asked the NSA, he says, are you collecting records on Congress?
And in characteristic arrogance, you know what the NSA said?
They said, Congress is getting the same treatment everybody else is.
In other words, yes, yes, and again yes, they're spying on Congress.
They're collecting our data as well.
Digest exactly what that means.
If Congress is spied upon without their permission, who exactly is in charge of your government?
Last week we learned something new.
Your Senator's in the middle of this.
We learned that the CIA is illegally searching the computers of the Senate Intelligence Committee.
They're the ones supposed to be overseeing the CIA.
I don't know about you, but that worries me.
If the CIA is spying on Congress, who exactly can or will stop them?
I look into the eyes of senators and I think I see real fear.
Maybe it's just my imagination, but I think I perceive fear of an intelligence community that's drunk with power, unrepentant, and uninclined to relinquish power.
I'm honestly worried and concerned about who is truly in charge of our government.
Now, most of you have read the dystopian nightmares, the dystopian novels, and maybe you're like me and say, ah, you know, that could never happen in America.
And yet...
If you have a cell phone, you are under surveillance.
Last week, a new revelation came out.
The NSA uses an automated system called Turbine.
They've hacked into millions of computers.
The NSA has even posed as a fake Facebook server.
You may have seen Zuckerberg complaining to the President about this.
To infect computers.
If you have a computer... We're gonna go to break.
And then we're going to come back and continue with the speech.
And again, a lot of you will be like, well that's not that radical.
We hear more than that every day here.
The point is that it's going mainline.
People are getting it.
Who is this breakaway group that spies on everybody and does whatever they want and uses it against the press?
They're called criminals.
They're called enemies.
They're called foreign banks.
You understand that?
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Alex Jones here back live.
Ellen sucks up to Obama.
Obamacare is doing very, very well.
I think everyone's very grateful you did this.
That is the essence of state-run media and mind control.
Everyone loves it!
And we thank you, our dear Kim Jong-un.
This is literal North Korea level BS.
And it's, I'm telling you folks, I don't even watch television.
Every time I walk by a TV now, Obama is on an entertainment show.
In a full court press, degenerate propaganda fest.
Here's another one.
Reporter, White House Press Secretary gets questions from reporters before press briefing.
That's been going on for at least five years.
And again, that's why they're going to get rid of press conferences altogether.
You people already became puppets.
Just get rid of the facade!
They're getting rid of mainline news, folks.
Then they're going to have a war against alternative media that is the new media that's been announced, run by the Pentagon four months ago, announcing, quote, because of drudge.
That was the archetype example that they're going to stop lying but engage with us domestically and work with us and reach out now that they've been authorized to engage in domestic propaganda.
Do you see the mind control there?
No one believes us.
Pentagon propaganda is not working domestically.
It's been illegal until now, though we've been doing it, so now we're going to up our game while saying, don't run, we are your friends.
In fact, if you put the article back up on screen, I'll give it out and folks can see the Pentagon press briefing with the Undersecretary of Defense.
Government promises to stop lying because of Drudge Report Spotlight.
I told you that's a big deal.
And folks, they're activating the FBI informants, the military people.
You're going to see every dirty trick you could ever imagine come out of the woodwork.
Because this is a full-on war.
I'm going to come back in the next segment and get to more of the Rand Paul speech.
The point is, this is a full-on war.
And if they can target the Fox News and Drudge Report and InfoWars and this is who they're targeting and Associated Press and Greenwald at The Guardian with the NSA and with government analysts of the Pentagon watching us, which we told you years ago and is now confirmed in four-year documents last week dealing with Drudge, if they
Can't shut down the alternative media, they will lose, folks, because they're killing the old dinosaur media right now and just making all the White House officials the anchors.
Why not?
They're all a bunch of egomaniacs, narcissists to begin with.
So, I am almost speechless right now by the historic point that we've reached as a culture and as a society.
In fact, guys, will you grab the video of
Ellen and the audio because I want to play that later.
We have it.
Let's go ahead and play literal North Korean level BS.
While I have you, I think it's only fair we should talk about Obamacare.
And that rhymed.
You know, we've got about two weeks left till March 31st for people to sign up.
If you don't have health insurance right now, you should go on healthcare.gov.
And especially all the moms out there who may have young people, 26, 27, don't have health insurance, but they think they're invincible and nothing's ever going to happen to them.
You know, what we've said is you never know what life is going to throw at you.
You can at this point get health insurance for a hundred dollars a month or less.
In some cases less than your cell phone bill or your cable bill.
And it gives you some financial security.
It gives moms
Some mental security that their kids are going to have decent care.
She's getting the women to go out and ruin the country.
Particularly at this moment when a lot of young people as they come out and they're getting their first or second jobs, they don't necessarily get a benefit on the job.
Now's the time to take a look at it.
But the website is now working.
Healthcare.gov actually works the way it's supposed to and I hope that people take advantage because if you don't,
Sign up before March 31st, then you won't be able to sign up again until November.
And I want to make sure that everybody has this opportunity now.
You're doing very, very well.
I think everybody's very grateful you did this.
So now we get our health care from our dear leader and it doubles, triples, quadruples in price, puts people on to part-time, raises payroll wages, taxes on poor people.
This is state-run media.
And we have this bobblehead up there, and it's supposedly all trendy and cute.
And women, go out and make your kids sign up for this.
Women, throw your kids into volcanoes.
I mean, it's the same thing.
Sacrifice your children to Molag.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You got a business.
You didn't build that.
Somebody else made that happen.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Obama's job is to come out with his surrogates and say your children don't belong to you, the state is God, there is no tyranny in government, government is the answer, you didn't build your business, turn in your guns.
Welcome to Costco.
I love you, basically.
Right out of the idiocracy.
And he's there to walk all over everyone.
They're there to just train us that we're doormats and that anything goes.
You can keep your doctor.
I never said you could keep your doctor.
I'll never come after any of your guns.
Not your handgun, your rifle, your shotgun.
I, firm pledge, I'm coming after your guns.
I'm going to ban them.
I'm not going to hire any lobbyists.
Hire more than anybody ever did.
I'm a peace prize winner.
Launch all these wars.
Patriot Act.
I'm going to repeal it.
Expands it.
Puts the NDAA in to secretly disappear American citizens.
On and on and on and on and on and on.
By design psychological warfare on record.
To totally condition you to put up with anything.
And then Rand Paul comes out and says, we've got a really scary government.
That special interest and intelligence agencies that are spying on Congress, and we're scared.
And it doesn't matter if you're black, white, old, young, libertarian, conservative, liberal.
We're all together under attack.
Let's come together and say no to this and take our country back.
Total common sense.
I just got chills.
Literally, I have goosebumps right now.
And people say, well, why?
That's just common sense.
Because it's being said.
And in a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
We can stop all the abortion and the demographic plunge in this country.
You know, we need 56 million people to keep the economy going into the next generation.
It's funny, they killed 54 million.
I mean, folks know that, right?
For every two parents, you need 2.1 children, or you demographically implode.
We could reverse everything.
We have an engine of liberty, an engine of wealth, an engine of developing new technologies and innovation.
We can do anything, but the globalists on record are deploying the ratified UN Treaty, Agenda 21 from 1992, written by the Club of Rome in the late 1960s, for a post-industrial, post-Renaissance world.
Neo-feudalism, in their words,
I call it neo-feudalistic fascism.
They call it neo-feudalism.
A neo-feudalist system is in Agenda 21.
Go read it.
Quote, post-industrial world.
But not even a post-industrial world to have local sustainable communities.
If communities chose that, that would be their issue.
Maybe I want to live in a post-industrial area.
But you better understand something.
The globalists aren't going to be post-industrial.
They're going to Alpha Centauri.
They're going into the depths of the human mind and exploration.
They're going into life extension area.
And they want you and I and our progeny to not share in the fields, the golden fields, the green fields, the pellinar fields of Elysium.
If you're a new listener, please don't send me an email saying Elysium is a movie.
I know that.
Elysium is a Greek demigod heaven of great mortals who become sub-gods and transcend death because the gods admired them.
That's what Elysium is.
So when I talk about Elysium, I don't mean it as a real place for the New York Times as an article.
It's an idea, and the elite believe they are building Elysium for themselves.
I want access to Elysium!
And I've been telling you for 18 years, I want access to Elysium!
And I want you to have access to Elysium!
And I want those of us that are harder working and smarter, the artists, the creators, the musicians, the scientists, through free will, to attain even greater success, to pull up humanity, not to allow a tiny elite to shutter humanity so they can control us.
And I know I repeat that like an emergency lighthouse beacon.
Because I'm telling you the main prime engine driver, the prime core directive of the eugenicist based planetary regime is what you're being told here.
It is not disputed.
It is in thousands of publications, books and magazines.
It is the religion publicly operating by the elite in their global technotronic era takeover.
And I do not like the people running it, A. B, something that's centralized will magnify their mistakes and their errors, and it shutters humanity.
It is an absolute abomination, what is being constructed with our energy, our will, our spirit, our creativity, to be put into this grid they're building.
And once this grid is built, ladies and gentlemen, it is like the ring of Mordor.
The essence of humanity is being forged into this grid.
And if the ring is completed, if the technotronic system, the future predicting, future controlling, mega-grid is completed, and is forged in hate and in malice and in evil with the spirit of this world in it,
Humanity will have to be thrown into the flame to purge the system.
You understand that?
No flesh would be spared.
And that's why God may have to intervene.
But we have to do the right thing in the final equation against this system.
And God will take us the rest of the way.
But these are the times that try men's souls.
You can say, well, what's the religious connotation?
Why are you bringing that up?
Because the elite are on a religious quest to become gods.
Ray Kurzweil, I don't believe in God yet.
I will become God.
I will resurrect my father.
We will step on those of you that do not join with us like a bug.
And even if you try to join with us,
You may not have access to the technology.
We may not let you have it.
I mean, these are quotes I'm giving you, paraphrase quotes, of thousands by these people.
You go, well, that's just Ray Kurzweil.
Yeah, the inventor of so many different computer systems, the scanner, the list goes on and on.
The head technology director of future projects at Google.
The decision's already been made.
Now, people ask me, want to come over and watch the football game or watch a basketball game?
Hey, sure, I can come over and have a barbecue with a baseball game on in the background.
But I sit there and see the propaganda.
I sit there and see the manipulation.
I sit there and watch, you know, the kids walk by with their iPads or whatever, already plugged into the Matrix.
And I'm not judging anybody.
I just see us losing our humanity.
And the people driving this evolution, as they call it, are the equivalent of technotronic vampires, and have great ill will towards humanity.
This is not some ring of power being forged to empower humanity, and the human will towards good.
Like the Green Lantern Ring, to use archetypal lore.
This is a ring of evil.
A ring of betrayal.
A ring of death.
A ring of destruction.
A ring of darkness.
Let's go back to the Senator's speech at Berkeley.
Senator Rand Paul's historic speech.
Saying we're all in this together, we're all under attack.
Even the Congress is spied on illegally.
Those that are supposedly controlling the CIA.
Ladies and gentlemen, the CIA was funded by British intelligence out of OSS in 1945 at the end of World War II.
The CIA is a eugenics body.
And has always been a eugenics body.
And has had many good people that have worked for it compartmentalized believing they were doing a great work.
But the CIA and the 1947 National Security Act is the coup against legitimate government.
And the fact that Rand Paul in 2014 is now pointing out the dragon in the living room is the beginning of the end of this system.
And for those that are on power trips that work for the FBI, Defense Intelligence, CIA, NSA, NORTHCOM, Space Command, all of it, you go home and see your sick kids.
You know your families die and you know there's a lot of diseases.
You know you're being targeted too.
You didn't get a memo.
You didn't get protected.
You're not getting the ticket into Elysium.
The truth is nobody's getting a ticket if these people win.
They're being set up.
You know this is destructive.
I see a lot of government agents who are on power trips and feel like they've really arrived because they're a federal agent or a corporate agent.
They have all this satisfaction, you know, that they're somebody and you're not somebody.
That's all dress-up play, like when you were five years old dressed up like Superman.
You know deep down you're a slave.
You know deep down you're on a collision course.
You know deep down that it's an evil system and you think you're going to do good for your family going along with it.
No, you're going to betray incrementally and destroy your family and in your gut you know that.
So you have to make the decision as a citizen or as a school teacher or as a police officer or an auto mechanic or a rancher or a farmer or a factory worker or a window washer.
Or as a poet, or as a radio talk show host, or a writer, or a filmmaker, especially the artist.
You have to make the decision on whether you're going to fight and struggle, or whether you're going to be nihilistic and say, I don't care, it's always been bad, there's nothing I can do, I'm just going to have a good time.
And go quietly into the night.
Giving up your humanity, giving up the animating contest.
You will find fulfillment
You will find your instincts kicking in.
You will find true humanity when you join the fight for life.
When you taste it.
When you feel it.
When you love it.
When you commit to it.
All the doors will open.
All those evil doors will begin to close.
And you will find
True fulfillment.
The choice is up to you out there.
Everyone knows the course we're on is one of rack and ruin.
Let's go back to the Senator's speech.
The full speech is on InfoWars.com in the most popular section.
On the right-hand side, Rand Paul concerned about who is truly in charge of our government.
And that question will expose the usurpers, the occupiers, and their collaborators.
And that will be the beginning of the end.
Because when that simple realization is had, no amount of technocracy, no amount of propaganda, no amount of entertainment shows with the President will reverse the destruction of the New World Order.
Let's go back to the Senator.
Last week, a new revelation came out.
The NSA uses an automated system called Turbine.
They've hacked into millions of computers.
The NSA has even posed as a fake Facebook server.
You may have seen Zuckerberg complaining to the President about this.
To infect computers.
If you have a computer, you may well be under surveillance.
Who knows?
They won't tell you.
Your government collects information from every one of your phone calls.
It's all under surveillance.
That's what they're maintaining.
Remember the warrant that Snowden revealed?
Every phone call from Verizon was on the list.
Your government stores your email so it can access it without a warrant.
Your government claims the right to look at your every purchase online.
Your government actually claims that none of your digital records are protected by the Fourth Amendment.
Listen very carefully to that.
They say they'll protect them, but they say none of your records are protected by the Fourth Amendment.
This is something we're going to fight in court.
If you own a cell phone, you are under surveillance.
I believe what you do on your cell phone is none of their damn business.
That's right.
Call for their arrest.
High treason.
In the opening pages of Fahrenheit 451, the protagonist Guy Montag asks, wasn't there a time when firemen used to put out fires?
They laugh and rebuke him and say, everybody knows that firemen start fires.
Montag knows this.
His father and grandfather had been firemen.
It had been his duty for many years to burn books.
He knew it was his duty, but this day would be different.
Montag arrives on the scene to do his job, but he finds a woman who won't leave.
She stands on her porch as they pile the books about her, but she won't leave.
Undeterred, Montag proceeds with the other firemen to douse her and her books with kerosene.
The woman shouts out and goads them.
She is indignant that they would touch her books.
She refuses to leave the port.
She says to them, Play the man, Master Ridley.
Today we will light such a candle by God's grace in England that it won't be soon forgotten.
They keep dousing her with kerosene, and she says it again.
Play the man, Master Ridley.
We will light such a candle.
In the book, the reference is lost to the firemen, as they simply do their job.
The reference is to the 16th century figure Hugh Latimer, who literally became a human candle.
He was burned at the stake in 1555 for heresy.
His crime?
He wanted to promote the idea that the Bible could be translated into English, which the state forbade.
In the U.S.
today, we're not yet burning people at the stake, nor are we burning books.
But your government is interested in what you're reading.
They're interested in what you say on your phone calls.
They're interested in what you write in your emails.
Or even if they say they're not interested, they say the Fourth Amendment doesn't protect any of these records.
They're persecuting the press!
The NSA is collecting the records of every American.
A year before Snowden's revelations, before Snowden had his leaks, I had heard that this was happening.
I had talked with Ron Wyden, I'd seen some of the releases, and I'd heard that they were collecting an unprecedented amount of records.
They're building giant NSA centers.
I was allowed to reveal the number because they say it's a secret.
Why the numbers are secret, I don't know.
This is criminal.
I announced that a gazillion records were being collected, because I knew that was a fake number.
They can't put me in jail for making up a number.
But I wanted to emphasize, by using this fictitious number, a gazillion, I wanted the American public to know that the actual number of communications being collected by the federal government... That's right, we'll be right back.
It's all about walking all over us, folks.
They want to walk all over us.
It's time we stand up.
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Alright folks, Alex Jones here, back live.
We're going to have open phones and a ton of news in the next hour.
We got Riley Martin coming on you know they have Howard Stern has two channels on XM Howard 100 and Howard 100 wine and I've done a lot of international TV BBC Japanese television CNN Fox I've been on basically everything Discovery Channel History Channel I got a huge response going on Howard Stern show people can say wow that's a you know
Very evil, worldly show, whatever.
I'm not comparing myself to Christ, but Christ went out and went to where the worldly people were to talk to him.
So I'll address any crowd.
Doesn't mean I agree with everything they're doing or saying, but the point is they were very nice to me on the show and they play clips now routinely on the show, a lot of it friendly, and they also have me on their news.
with their news program that is heard by millions and millions of people.
That's great!
It's wonderful.
Just like Joe Rogan, you know, talks about me and plays clips on his show and he reaches millions every day with his podcast that's, again, a model of the new media.
But Riley Martin is just so entertaining and funny.
But then I was on one of the news shows with him a couple weeks ago and his analysis
of what was happening in Ukraine was pretty accurate.
He was smart.
And I had never really heard that side of him on air, more of a comedy side.
And so we're going to get Riley Martin on the show for like 30-40 minutes at the start of the third hour today, just to have some fun.
Because I've told you, we're going to start having, a couple times a week, some entertainment, some fun, to tie it into news, to get people that aren't into politics to watch and listen to the radio show.
We can sit here and talk about hardcore technicals about FEMA camps and about GMO and glyphosates all day, and we will!
But we're going to do some comedy.
We're going to have some fun people on.
The big star of Resident Evil and Fifth Element, Mila Jolovich, I don't know what she looks like.
I forget how to pronounce her name.
She's been retweeting our stuff and our videos and things.
We're going to get her on the show.
I mean, that's what it's all about.
When we get her on the show, then all of her millions of fans will start listening.
This is what it's all about.
Working with people who love liberty.
There's no labels here except, I want freedom and I want you to have freedom.
And we have to be ready to win, folks.
Most people don't want to be spied on.
Most people don't want cancer viruses in the vaccines.
Most people don't want GMO.
And if I can go on Howard Stern and not be censored and talk about the New World Order to, you know, four or five million people a day, I will do it!
I'm ready to win!
I'm ready to sell liberty and defeat tyranny.
That's what I do.
That's what it's all about, ladies and gentlemen.
Is that we have the culture of victory.
We have what's sexy.
We have what's exciting.
We have what is successful.
It's like giving a man in the desert a glass of ice water.
Let's start acting like it.
Their only hope at the Cass Sunstein operation is to spread mass mental illness, infighting, COINTELPRO garbage.
That's all they've got is Cass Sunstein, cognitive infiltration, infiltrate the alternative media that's taking over and destroy us as the Pentagon said they would do.
They're going to go after WorldNetDaily.
They're going to go after InfoWars.
They're going to go after Drudge.
They're going to go after your operation when you start a YouTube channel or something so that they can get you off kilter responding to their lies, responding to their propaganda, so you can't move forward and become a leader.
So the first time you start a YouTube channel or podcast, whatever, and they come and try to mess with you, don't even respond.
I'll quote Darth Vader on this one.
When they're flying the trench in episode 3.
Was it episode 4?
Star Wars, the first one.
Stay in attack formation.
I'm on the leader.
That's what you gotta do.
Not let the enemy get us off balance, but move forward, and the more flak comes at us, the more they open up those turbo lasers, the better.
Because that means I'm going right in to the reactor shaft, and you know what we're gonna do.
We're gonna blow this New World Order sky high.
We are on the march.
We have the initiative.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Hour 2, coming up.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, the next segment, I'm giving the phone number out.
We're gonna get into all the news right now, but...
There are a lot of good people in the mainstream media, a lot of good people in government, good people in academia.
You're a good person out there listening.
You know you're good.
You know your heart's right.
Be a leader.
Speak out.
You know, go put little cards out at the store in the candy aisle with the aspartame gum, telling folks it's poisonous.
Start a local newsletter.
Start a YouTube channel.
Start a podcast.
And engage the New World Order.
Warn people about fluoride.
Warrant people about open borders, about gun control, about the Globalist Real Agenda, about the Agenda 21 to shut off our infrastructure.
Stay on the issue.
Stay on the target.
Stay in attack formation.
All the globalists can hope is a divide and conquer on race, religion, infighting, stirring up crud.
That's the official White House plan, and the official announced Pentagon plan, and now legalized starting 2014, where they're already doing it, to turn Pentagon psyops loose on the American people.
They were making the announcement in that 45-minute press conference last year.
I played it here on air.
I mean the PSYOP people were sitting with their mouths hanging open and looked like they had all basically been told they were given death sentences.
And then there was the PSYOP of we're going to stop lying by engaging in everyone and blah blah blah and here's your handout packets and they're all... Because those people don't want to destroy America.
Those people don't want to put out lies.
Those people don't want to be ordered to go cause infighting and disinformation.
They don't want to do what the FBI
PsyOps people been doing, their national security state operatives like Al Turner and others, who will be hung out to dry by their own masters.
People are crazy working for that system.
I work for the organic human potential.
I work for a future.
I work for Team Humanity.
I work for my children and grandchildren and future progeny's future.
I work for a dream of an uplifted, empowered humanity, given the blessings that God has promised.
Look at what we've already achieved.
I believe in humanity and empowering it.
I know our potential.
I see our beauty.
I respect it.
I believe in it.
And I want it!
I want my birthright, and I want it now!
Just like the President Jimmy Carter says, to quote Tony Montana.
I mean, that's what it comes down to.
But to get that birthright, you've got to become it.
You've got to want it.
You've got to own it.
You've got to be it.
You've got to step into it, and you've got to get in there and never quit.
Because you know what the great Vince Lombardi said?
Winners never quit.
And quitters never win.
Or he can flip it.
I've seen it both ways.
Quitters never win, and winners never quit.
Let's get the quote right.
Pull up the Vince Lombardi quote.
I want to get it the right way.
And that's what it comes down to.
I look at the childlike, arrested development of the high school mentality, junior high mentality of even adults.
With the ninnying, and the delusional garbage, and the pettiness.
And I feel sorry for people.
It's winners never quit, and quitters never win.
I got it right the first time.
But you gotta know the game you're playing first, and that's what Rand Paul did in his historic speech that's up on Infowars.com.
We've had it moved back to the top of the page.
Rand Paul concerned about who is truly in charge of our government.
How many words is that?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Nine words that could bring down the New World Order.
Who runs my life?
Who's behind these agencies?
Why do all the street signs look the same and the power lines?
Where do they go?
Who sets all this up?
Who decides?
Who master builds?
Who plans?
It's not the Congress.
Who is it?
Well, we know.
It's a shadow government, British Intelligence.
And it's not even the British.
It's that system.
They set up the CIA.
They reconquered us by 1947.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
Oh, by the way, their plan is eugenics, mass extermination.
Hitler just kind of stole it from them a little bit early.
Why does the United States spend the largest percentage of GDP in the world on healthcare?
Why do we have the highest cancer rates on the planet?
The highest rates of diabetes, autism, and every other major disease.
It all comes down to one thing.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Bring down the globalists, expose them as Senator Rand Paul has said.
We have a shadow government that's hijacked control of the nation.
We are occupied by criminal elements, offshore banks that have passed Obamacare.
But that's okay because Obama is on HBO, CNN.
He's on Funny or Die.
He's on all the different comedy shows.
He is on Ellen.
We played this last hour saying quote, Obamacare is doing very very well and I think everybody
Everyone's very grateful you did this.
Oh, Kim Jong-un and your father and his great father, thank you for making the sun come up.
Oh, we're also thankful for North Korea.
Oh, we're so thankful for your giant screw job.
North Korea level total baloney.
And it's so pathetic looking at these sniveling traitors in their sniveling narcissistic teleprompter world
Up there, just pitching the same line, Obama with a straight face going, the deadline's here, better do it or we're going to take your wages.
IRS is coming, and moms out there, you need to make your 20-something sign up.
Moms, we're counting on you as the house slave.
It's all about how moms run everything.
And it was like that in Rome.
You don't just think that in slavery in the Caribbean and North America,
That it was the women running things for the slave masters.
You think that was just invented 500 years ago in the transatlantic slave trade?
Or in the slave trade run by the Arabs?
That goes back to the time of Egypt.
From the time of Egypt, they set women up above the men.
Read the Old Testament.
Only in the slave pens.
Not actually in the free people.
And the women are told, we're not going to kill your men if you keep track of them and spy on them and tell them what to do.
And now, cue up the Ellen DeGeneres clip again, or whatever her name is, from the start.
I want to play that before I give the number out, because she goes to him and he says, women, it's up to you to get your kids to do this.
He doesn't say men.
And then they admit, the White House has TV ads showing bossy mothers
40, 50, 60-year-old women making their 25, 30-year-old children do it, and it's all about how they're then trendy and do what mom says, and how she makes the husband do it.
And the woman is so delusional, thinking, yes, I want to be boss, I want to be in charge, that they watch ads where they're in charge, and then run and screw their whole family over.
You ever seen Gone with the Wind?
You know, you got the black mammy?
Who's running the plantation and why she's going to protect master from anybody.
Well, it's the same deal.
That's all it is.
In fact, we have the article.
It's up on DrudgeReport.com.
10 ways real feminism is being attacked with all the documents, how the CIA runs modern fake feminism to destroy women on record.
Just like I said, declassified.
They put out degenerate art to try to lower standards.
And again, you want to put degenerate art out, more power to you.
My point is that they make things that are degenerate and ugly beautiful and hold it up.
I was talking to a high-level record executive, high-level, as high-level as it gets, because I'd heard this before about Sumner Redstone and Viacom and MTV, and I was talking to this super high-level, one of the top three or four record executives in the country.
A household name for anybody in the real music industry.
And I said, you know, I heard that things in the mid-90s, that radical gangster rap wasn't even popular, and it was force-fed via MTV.
And I also heard that things like Marilyn Manson that wasn't popular, about murdering children and devil worship and all this mindless stuff, you know, was force-fed him vomiting on stage and cutting himself to screw up the white kids.
And I said, is it true that MTV ran that for years and people rejected both gangster rap and that, but that it was a directive of Sumner Redstone to put that out?
And he said, yes.
And by the way, how do you even know about that?
I mean, guys, search engines, CIA put out degenerate art.
Or declassified, CIA put out ugly art.
And starting in the 60s, and you go, why?
Why put out something ugly?
To say that a Rembrandt isn't good, or a Picasso, or a Leonardo da Vinci, Beethoven's not beautiful.
Even though it's transcendental.
Marilyn Manson vomiting and saying smells like children and singing about kidnapping kids out of backyards.
How about I sing about clubbing your head in?
Have you ever seen it in my backyard?
The point is, how about that?
How about if you were a real tough guy?
Oh, you're tough.
You don't sing about grabbing kids.
How about you sing about getting in the ring with me?
You can have a baseball bat and I get one too.
You're so, such a killer.
You're so powerful.
Wouldn't be too powerful with my hands wrapped around your little chicken neck.
The whole point is that they are psychically attacking us.
Here, let me see if I can search it and find it because I get obsessed with it.
Google, go to the NSA search engine, and I'm going to say CIA art.
That should bring it up.
Promoted ugly.
I think that was what it was.
Okay, go ahead and punch my computer up.
Got it right here for you.
How the CIA secretly funded abstract expressionism during the Cold War.
But if you read, it was actually ugly art to confuse people, not just abstract expressionism.
So even this is a PSYOP.
And again, that was to get people
Away from old pro-cultural art into having no set values or no set standard for what was the highest levels of beauty.
And there's Gloria Steinem when you type in CI promoted ugly art.
Look, there's Gloria Steinem right there.
Talk about ugly art.
Talk about taking a nobody, who is a CIA operative, and putting them up there to sell a culture of filthy death on everyone, and abortion.
And that ugly hag wears, you know, all these shirts saying, I had an abortion.
And some of the feminists talk about how it's like a sacrifice to feminism to kill your kid.
I'm not going to sit here and judge people that, you know, do stuff in whatever situation.
I'm against abortion, that's well known.
But when you start celebrating it as a sacrament, you're only joining every other culture that killed their kids.
And that's all we're doing.
We're telling kids, go sign up for Obamacare.
Mama says we're going to raise your payroll taxes.
Mama says we're going to cut your hours.
Mama says we're going to raise all these other taxes and double and triple your prices and give you death panels.
Mama says, but Gloria Steinem, she's going to have a whole bunch of kids and she's going to walk behind her man and she's going to dress in fifties dresses when you see her.
Because she knows what it's really all about.
But she's going to teach your daughter to never have kids because she doesn't want your daughter having kids.
She wants the future for her and her pig family!
Because she's a selfish, bloated whore of the New World Order.
A cultural technician.
A cultural mechanic to murder our families psychologically.
That's how the gods kill.
And they think they're gods.
They want to play gods on every front.
And that's why you're so miserable, you maggots.
I can see you right there, you ugly hag.
Your soul is a thousand times more ugly than you are.
The portrait of Mr. Gray doesn't do justice.
All the evil, none of it enough for you!
Force feeding the deadly vaccines into the children, giving them the cancer, all of your crimes, all of your evil.
I see you.
I see you.
I see you.
I see your dead shark eyes and your little Illuminati pyramid.
I had an abortion and she makes an Illuminati pyramid above her head that she's all seeing and she did it for the gods.
Are you a god?
That's the question.
And then Gloria Steinem says, well, no.
And then you know what ends up happening in Ghostbusters.
Oh, man, I got to tell you, these people make me want to throw up.
Let me throw out some of the headlines we've got that are up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Second Amendment advocates fear gun ban.
Second Amendment advocates fear U.N.
could ban gun websites.
Well, that's the official plan.
That's up on InfoWars.com.
Obamacare provider knows when clients visit the bathroom.
That's right, telemedicine now under Obamacare is that there'll be chips in all the pills and your toilet will literally watch you and your car will have a scanner that watches you.
And we have that from Fox 13 reporting it up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I'm going to play that later after I take some calls.
Another one, new report reveals how American neocons, in their own words, stage attacks against alternative media, RT.
We actually proved this.
You know that reporter who ended up quitting and claiming RT's propaganda?
It's propaganda?
We didn't know that?
It was basically a deep cover neocon state department operative and it was all a staged deal to discredit RT.
And that's what they do.
They approach reporters or infiltrate reporters into what is seen as non-Anglo-American establishment media.
And then, they don't even hide the fact that she's tied into it and just did it as a stunt.
Trying to sell the globalist overthrow of Ukraine.
And again, there's no pure party in any of this.
The fact is, it was a stunt.
And that's the kind of stuff they do.
But no one believes any of the stunts now.
None of it works anymore.
So there's that report.
That's all coming up.
But again, Ellen sucking up to Obama.
Obamacare is doing very, very well.
It's, of course, totally disintegrating.
I think everyone's very grateful you did this.
I mean, that is directly out of the old Soviet Union and North Korea.
I mean, that is 1984.
Big Brother loves you.
Just unbelievable.
And, of course, it's now come out.
Reporters have to give their questions to the press secretary before and then have staged press briefings.
It's all fake.
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You know, I love award-winning illustrator, artist Anthony Frida.
He's been in studio with us before.
Contributes a lot to InfoWars Magazine and InfoWars.com, but one of his best posters ever just went live up at InfoWars.com, and it's, They Hate Our Freedom, to quote George W. Bush.
It's the Statue of Liberty with her arm cut off, with a camera sticking out instead of the torch.
And the Bible or book that she's holding is actually an iPad with earpieces in, and instead of the head of Liberty, it's the head of a sheep.
And it basically has the image of not listening to anything, not aware of what's going on, plugged into the Matrix.
Very powerful image up on InfoWars.com right now.
In the next segment, we're going to your phone calls.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
We'll get you up and on the air about Ellen DeGeneres saying, Obamacare is quote, doing very, very well.
I think everybody's very grateful you did this.
And I said I was going to replay that.
I never played it.
Here she is.
And then you go to Obama.
And he says, we need to get the mothers to make their children get signed up to this.
I mean, it is a monumental screwjob from every angle, not debated.
80 plus percent of the country want it repealed.
And they're just there with a confidence game.
It's wonderful!
Everyone loves it!
Look, LeBron James loves it!
Ellen Degenerate loves it!
I mean, it's so much fun!
You know?
Imagine Ellen Degenerate saying, everyone loves jumping into a shark tank with great white sharks and cutting themselves with razor blades.
And Obama goes, yeah, we need mothers to take their children and then lacerate them with razor blades and throw them into a Brazilian river full of piranhas.
Everyone loves being thrown into a fat of piranhas.
And then Ellen goes, no, I tell you what's even better.
It's better to go up to the top of the...
Empire State's building can jump off.
Mothers should throw their children off of it.
It's so trendy!
And he sits there with a straight face.
But more and more they look like they know everyone hates them.
They know Congress has a 6% approval rating.
They know almost 90% are against ObozoCare.
But they just sit there with this facade on every entertainment show.
Everything is fine.
Everything is wonderful.
Everything is good.
Can we come in with the Lego intro?
Start of the next segment.
33 after, thank you.
And don't listen to people that claim their special interests running the government that want to cheat you.
Those voices are bad people.
Be trusting of the system.
That always works real well.
Give up all your freedom, trust us, we'll take good care of you.
Here she is, and I want to get your take on this.
And anything else you want to talk about, 800-259-9231.
Here is
This is happening on every channel.
Throwing your children into wood chippers.
Here it is.
You know, we've got about two weeks left till March 31st for people to sign up.
If you don't have health insurance right now, you should go on healthcare.gov.
And especially all the moms out there who may have young people, 26, 27, don't have health insurance, but they think they're invincible and nothing's ever going to happen to them.
You know, what we've said is you never know what life is going to throw at you.
You can at this point get health insurance for a hundred dollars a month or less, in some cases less than your cell phone bill or your cable bill, and it gives you some financial security, it gives moms some mental security.
He just repeats that line over and over again.
And you know, particularly at this moment,
Hey moms, move to North Korea, they'll give you total security.
They're young, they're dumb, you're gonna laugh at them.
That's not true.
A lot of people that have signed up, so it's successful.
And why is there a deadline?
Why is there not just an open-ended... Yeah, queue, fake can, clapping.
And a lot of people think, oh, I'll be fine.
And like you said, you never know what's going to happen.
And then she says they should be thankful.
That's enough.
We're gonna blow the planet up!
Foreign Banks wrote it to screw everybody!
Everything is awesome when you're part of a cult.
Everything is awesome when you're a total chump.
Everything is awesome!
Obamacare is going to have chips in the pills.
That's mainstream news.
And your toilet is going to watch you.
I'm not kidding.
We have Fox News reporting.
It's very exciting.
We're going to come back with your phone calls, that and a lot more.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Let's make this a year of action.
That's what most Americans want.
Raising the debt ceiling does not increase our debt.
Nobody is listening to your telephone calls.
The debate is settled.
Climate change is a fact.
And if people can't trust not only the executive branch, but also don't trust Congress and don't trust federal judges, then we're going to have some problems.
What difference at this point does it make?
That's right.
Ellen DeGeneres says, quote, we're doing very, very well.
I think everybody's very grateful you did this, Obama.
Kim Jong-un, baby.
Let's put Kim Jong-un on screen.
Kim Jong-un, I wanna... Everything's awesome in North Korea, too.
Of course, they're building re-education camps as well, on record.
That's in the official army manuals.
Training for gun confiscation.
Their main enemy, gun owners.
That's not a traitor government.
No, no, good people are running things, folks.
We've got to do everything Kim Jong-un says.
By the way, if you just joined us, you are listening to the Alex Jones Show, broadcasting worldwide.
They really are building FEMA camps.
They call them Emergency Centers Establishment Act.
They call them emergency centers, but it's the Emergency Centers Establishment Act, Civilian Inmate Labor Camp Program, RECS 84, Operation Cable Splicer, Miami Herald Associated Press, Reuters, I just gave you all the real names.
And then they sit around going, there's no FEMA camps, because they're not called FEMA camps, and there's no chemtrailing, I keep hearing about.
Is there geoengineering, Senator?
I can't talk about classified programs with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Is there a Rex 84 Continuity of Government, COG, National Stabilization Force program through NORTHCOM and Fort Benning, Georgia and others for mass gun confiscation under the Emergency Centers Establishment Act?
That is a classified... See, it's not called a FEMA camp.
They play these lawyer games.
It's like coming up to
Alibaba's cave and saying, open Goblin Belly.
Open Sesa-you.
Open Sesa-them.
No, no, no.
Open Sesa-me.
Open Sesa-me.
They play all these little games while they're building Hellforce against us.
Training of armored vehicles 24-7.
All the training manuals, public, leaked to us.
Back, we used to get them when they were secret.
Now it's just public.
Yeah, the main enemy is the Tea Party.
We're trying to put them in re-education centers.
Get the brigades ready.
Troops, you will be facing the Tea Party and the Christian Evangelicals.
They may have to be dealt with and you're going to have to pull triggers if things go south.
We will be confiscating their firearms.
I mean, you know, this is what's going on, as they mass the illegal, evil, paramilitary domestic force.
But I'm not trying to scare people before I go to your phone calls, because the good news is, the globalists are smart, but they miscalculate.
Just because they've got war games and all these sophisticated systems doesn't mean that they can understand it, or doesn't mean that the elite pulling the trigger and calling the shots are following a program that would win.
Because when you expand on all of this, and when you look at this, what do you think it does when you march the military in, and tell them George Washington's bad, and wouldn't be welcome in today's army that he founded, and bad mouth guys in John Deere caps in training drills, and literally tell them the Tea Party are terrorists, and Christians are terrorists.
I mean, that's mainstream news.
What do you think the military does?
They go, oh my gosh, Alex Jones was right.
I mean, the ultimate PSYOP is the truth.
The ultimate psychological warfare, the Ace of Spades, is the truth.
And we have the weapon.
We have the truth.
We don't have to spin, or lie, or deceive to beat these people.
We just gotta tell the truth.
But in a world of universal deceit, that is a revolutionary act, to quote George Orwell.
And that's what Rand Paul did yesterday at Berkeley that's getting so much attention.
He said, we have a shadow government running everything.
Who watches the Watchers is totally illegal.
We've caught them lying over and over again.
And they are setting brush fires in the mines of liberty that will burn down their New World Order.
And it's none of their damn business to spy on our cell phones.
It's illegal!
And you know what?
That's the type of language you should use.
I'm not a very profane person.
And I shouldn't be, because I've got a repertoire of semantical dialect that will allow me to create a full spectrum palette of verbal utterances that can transfer any sophisticated understanding that I wish to a greater public.
As an orator.
Animated by Liberty.
But sometimes you gotta say, get out of our bleepin' business.
At a certain point, this is out of control.
At a certain point, you gotta turn it back.
And all they're doing is racing headlong over, hoping they can take over.
Hoping they can race to the finish line before we wake everybody up.
Think about how radical my show was 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 years ago, five years ago.
Two years ago it was still seen as incredibly radical.
It's not seen that radical.
We got big stations all over the country.
50,000 watt AMs, 100,000 watt FMs turning us on all over the place.
Our numbers across the web just continue to surge and grow and explode and people are like, man, I bet he's on a power trip.
No, it's the opposite.
It's like flying in over a German industrial site in a B-17, and you're flying over the biggest flat cloud you've ever seen.
But I gotta tell you, with pleasure I stare into it.
I love it!
I'm ready!
I'm going in!
And if it's God's will I go in, through, and beyond, then good!
To quote Maximilian Schell from The Black Hole, we are going in, through, and beyond!
And that's what life's all about.
Whether you like it or not, you're going in.
Birth unifies us all.
Death unifies us all.
None of you will escape it.
Not Ray Kurzweil.
Not Dianne Feinstein.
Not Barack Obama.
No one.
Not Jay Carney.
All you little guys that think you're smart for cheating and lying and stealing and manipulating.
You think that's how you win.
You win in the end by being honorable.
You win in the end by doing what you say you're going to do.
You win in the end by being chivalrous.
I've done an hour and 40 minutes of global transmission.
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Enough from me.
Let's go to your phone calls.
Let's talk to Truth in Oregon.
You're on the air.
Good morning, Alex.
Thank you for having me on the show.
I have two things to talk with you today about.
According to the Ellen DeGeneres situation there, this is a siam against what is the most populous gender in our country.
Well, women of course.
So they're obviously targeting women.
Because they're the ones that are going to be the most to sign up for this Obamacare.
No, they're the most pliable and sweet and manipulative, I mean, the global supreme of women and children.
Like all villains do.
That's the plan.
Let's talk about liberty.
What is liberty, Alex?
Liberty is a pseudonym, a maritime amnesty law term for limited, controlled, granted privilege.
Listen, I don't agree with... I mean, I like some of the folks out there that have put out that idea, but I've actually looked into it deeply.
I don't agree with people that claim liberty and admiralty on ships is that you're given liberty to go because you can do whatever you want during that period.
But in the Bible, it says where there is the spirit of the Lord, there is liberty.
Liberty, and guys, give me the full quote on liberty.
Pull up Webster's for folks.
I don't agree with that particular view of Jordan Maxwell.
He is the progenitor of that idea, and I'm not trying to disagree with you, sir, but I just do not agree.
You can call it freedom.
You can call it justice.
You can call it being a free man.
Call it whatever you want.
Names are just names.
The globalists have taken every term and perverted it.
You know, every symbol and perverted it.
The state or condition of people who are able to act and speak freely.
The power to do or choose what you want.
A political right.
The quality or state of being free.
But go ahead and make your point, I won't interrupt anymore.
Well, that's what I've seen.
I served a little bit of time in the military, and it's consistent, it goes along with that.
That's because you don't have liberty in the military, because you've waived your rights to a certain extent, so you're given the liberty.
So yes, military admiralty liberty is limited, you are correct.
But I want freedom.
Outright freedom.
And that's what everyone should want.
And that's what you should want.
And that's what I stand for.
And I spread the message every day to get us moving towards freedom.
And that's all I've got to say on that.
That's my take on that, sir.
Well, God bless you.
What do you think of Ellen DeGeneres?
And he's suddenly on every entertainment show out there.
And just saying, Obamacare, Obamacare.
It's so great, it cuts your prices.
Well, that's a lie.
And her saying, everyone loves it.
And we have to thank you, Kim Jong-un.
I mean, Adolf.
I mean, Staline.
I mean, you have made the birds tweet.
I mean, this is a sycophantic display.
Well, they're going after the youth of America because, you know, young people in the particular group that they're looking at, somewhere between 15 and 30, are most impressionable.
So naturally they're going to go after the most populous gender in the country because, you know, they outnumber males 3 to 1.
So, obviously, those are the ones that they want to target because, you know, they're the greatest populace.
Well, 51 to 52 percent of the births are female.
That's a mammalian system, mammal-wide.
It's a good thing for the species to have more women than, you know, the males because it ups the population numbers.
And then, of course, women live on average about five years longer than men in the United States.
So I think the total population of women, last time I checked, is 56% of the North American or U.S.
Very interesting point, sir.
I appreciate your call.
Justin in Florida.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
I just wanted to bring up a recent death of an individual by the name of Michael Cravey.
Very suspect, in my opinion.
He was shot and killed by police two, three weeks ago.
It was on March 3rd in Gainesville, Florida.
He was very big into investigating
The Aurora incident had a YouTube channel.
His alias was Michael... Let me see who that was.
Michael Brinkley.
Yeah, you know, I don't really screen calls and I'm glad you called in, but what you should do is send me an email or something because I just, it's like, it's total Greek to me.
I'm hearing different names, different things, and I'm hearing about aliases.
I appreciate your call.
Just sometimes I just, I can't, I don't understand.
So send me some info and then maybe I'll cover it.
Let's talk to Zach in Louisiana.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
Three days ago, in Louisiana, I caught a SWAT team officer, just outside of business, I'll say, and I asked him, have you been briefed on the image and audio collection capabilities of the HD display screen?
And he said, oh, it's more than you think.
I said, yeah, what's that?
He said, in two weeks, we're going real time live with it.
And I said,
Oh, I bet not too many people have asked you that question, have they?
And you said yes.
Not too many people know about it.
Yeah, most of the new TVs have cameras and microphones in them, and there are patents that they're able...
With some of the screens, through data over Powerline or over their digital connection, that the screen itself is a composite eye, similar to a dragonfly's eye, but digital.
Elaborate on that for folks that don't know.
The light bulbs are coming out that actually watch you as well.
They have a composite eye as well.
That's correct.
Steve Jobs advertised before he died that he was going to take the dot off the computer screen and just make the screen itself the camera.
And people freaked about it because, oh, I can't put black tape over the whole screen.
So they didn't say.
But anything over 64-bit is HD and is two-way communication and video.
Yeah, most police haven't been briefed on that yet.
The Threat Fusion Centers are the federalization areas where they incrementally show them.
The governor, at the time, this is in 2003, it's in my film Matrix of Evil, in Wisconsin, was giving a briefing at a Green Bay Threat Fusion Center, and he went, and look, I can punch up where my wife's at, you know, just with her number, I can listen to her or track her.
And the reporters were all freaked out about it, and the feds were there, and they're like, governor, please don't.
Oh, no, the NSA's not watching you!
Everything is awesome when you're part of a slave team.
Take your vaccines and die.
It's for the children.
GMO kills the rats, but it's good for you.
Honeybee Z didn't die, but it's good for you.
You like your IQ dropping?
You like to die.
Government loves you.
Drink your fluoride.
Man, I ought to be a rapper.
Total OG roller.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
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Hi folks, Alex Jones here with some important information.
I want to tell you about Matt Redhawk and his team of patriots over at MyPatriotSupply.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
It's kind of relaxing.
It'd be fun to be, like, in a jazz lounge, sitting back with some friends, listening to music like that.
You know, there's so much good in the world, that's why we're ravenous against corruption.
Because, look, it's taken over.
We want our security back.
And security comes from having a government on a short leash, not the people on a short leash.
Let's talk to John in California.
I didn't see that he disagreed, or I would have gone to you up front.
Sorry, I wasn't reading the screen right, John.
Go ahead, John, in California.
That's okay, Alex.
Point number one, Rand Paul.
You did read his op-ed piece in Time, but were you saber-rattling for the bankers?
You know, I've seen some of his quotes where he's met with some of the neocons and said stuff like his father said, you know, if we're attacked, we'll defend ourselves and we're for a defense, but we need to cut defense spending and we need to cut all foreign aid.
And so he has played some politics with the Israel lobbying people so that he can get lined up to run for president.
But I mean, he's the guy that shot down the gunman.
I mean, on so many fronts.
And he's an example to a whole new crop of libertarians to take over the Republican Party.
So, but no, I didn't read his whole piece in Time or Newsweek or whatever it was.
I did see some excerpts of it.
Give us your take on it.
Okay, well, I did read it and he left himself a little out, like he condemns Russia, but we shouldn't get involved, okay?
But, you know what, we gotta hold their feet to the fire because the reason why he's popular with the people, not with the bankers, is because he's speaking the truth, when he speaks the truth.
And he claims that the Russians invaded the Ukraine, which is patently false.
They didn't invade the Ukraine.
They were already in the Crimea, which was formally a part of the Ukraine.
Let me stop you.
Here's the deal.
Everybody's spinning it that Putin's had a big victory.
He's not.
He's had a defeat.
Okay, the West just took 90 plus percent of the country, it's like 93 percent, and is turning it over to the EU, and they're going to loot the country.
And the Russians have always basically had Crimea, right?
It was part of Russia for hundreds of years.
I get all that.
And I didn't read his piece in there about that.
He knows the public can't even find Ukraine on the map.
So he's like, I get that it's not good Russia came in there, but we don't need to do anything.
Because he's not going to have him in the presidential run saying he works for the Russkies or something.
They're already saying that about his dad.
So, no, I didn't see his statements on that.
I know he said we shouldn't be Al-Qaeda's air force.
I know he was against Syria.
I mean, look, he's good.
So, my issue is, I know Rand Paul.
I've been interviewing Rand Paul since his dad ran for Congress again in 1996.
And they would say, hey, you just had, you know, Ron Paul on.
Well, you have Rand Paul on.
Days before the election, because I was in their district.
His district used to come up into South Austin.
And I was on a big FM, you know, back then, only on one station in 96, that went into his whole district.
They like coming on my show.
I mean, nobody knew who Ron Paul was hardly then.
He'd run for President once as Libertarian, but he was 1-10th, 1-100th, probably, of what he is now.
And, you know, I'm proud of the fact that I've been with Ron Paul since day one back in Congress in 1996, and I've been supportive of Rand Paul.
I can get the Senator on, but I said, look, no thanks.
Last time he came on, he called me to come on, because it creates such a national firestorm, and I want him to have better stuff for the presidential run.
And so, you know, fine.
Don't come on my show.
So, I guess you could say I'm playing politics there as well.
But I'm not mincing words.
I'm kind of the attack dog that'll say it all.
And then I make a wedge and open it up for people like the Senator to then almost say everything I'm saying.
I mean, you get what I'm saying.
Who do you like better, Rand Paul or Dianne Feinstein?
Rand Paul, can you hold me over?
I got two more points.
You know,
Yeah, you can finish your point, but then I gotta get to everybody else.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The reason Rand Paul's speech has been so well-received at Berkeley was because he had a lot of basic truths in it.
And it was a high-brow speech compared to something Obama would give, where like, you get free health care, you slit wrists, and then you get cheap health care, and then you get your mommy make you.
But still, compared to what's really going on, it was like a Mr. Rogers speech he gave.
About their shadow government scare Congress,
They spy and blackmail us.
We need you to come together to help us get country free again.
So of course he goes, Russia not perfect and take over Ukraine.
We not need fight with Russia though.
Because you have to understand, he understands the general public literally cannot tie their shoelaces.
And so that was a highbrow speech.
I mean, in the future, if stuff continues, being able to tie your shoelaces will be a sign of being the smartest man in the world.
President Camacho.
Eight-time Smackdown champion.
International porn superstar.
And President of the United States.
To quote Idiocracy.
That's getting pretty close to that NFL announcer, huh?
Known as the Voice of God.
If you're a new listener, I'm not saying I'm the Voice of God, that's what they call that announcer's voice.
Let's go ahead and go to John in California.
Go ahead, John, make your point.
I want to verify that those conspiracy theory episodes were erased.
I didn't get to see the one on fluoride and another one.
They were completely erased from my DVR.
Point number three, an idea for raising funds.
How about having Leigh-Anne pose with Bette Barrett in a bikini or something like that and sell the posters.
She can make some money and you guys can make some money.
Sir, please, please, please.
Just an idea.
She's a very lovely young woman.
Sir, that is an outrageous idea.
Actually, we've had the idea to get women, maybe in like 50s style dresses, because I think that's really cool.
That's in style right now too.
I don't follow fads unless I agree with a fad.
I think that's a permanent fad.
We need to recreate the 50s dress.
I like it.
And have a bunch of women in
Like in classic fifties kitchens and stuff, or like, you know, out fishing in like fifties outfit or whatever, you know, at the campsite with a gun.
And so we are actually talking about that.
We saw that gun rally.
I saw on the Skype it looked like she'd be a fifties pent-up.
We need to call her up.
We need to get like 12 women and come up with a 2015 pro-gun calendar.
Because that is how we sell liberty, is showing a real powerful woman armed.
That actually freaks out Gloria Steinem.
Thank you, John.
Get your mind out of the clouds.
Let's talk to Shawna in Kentucky.
Welcome to the Airwaves.
Hey Alex, how are you?
I'm pretty good.
I wanted to see you real quick, okay?
And then I want to tell you something really cool.
We've got the right to choose.
And there ain't no way we'll lose it.
This is our life.
This is our song.
We'll fight the powers that be.
Just don't go pick our destiny.
You don't know us.
You don't belong.
And Alex, that's the truth.
They don't know us.
They're not
Like us, they're not U.S.
citizens, they don't belong here, and that's why they don't understand that we don't put our power in one position.
We divide it evenly among us, and that's why they're going to lose.
Well, you know, I agree with you that people can knock America all day, but we were one of the freest countries in the world, and that's why we still dominate, because we have the wealth and the ideas, compared to the squalor that is so many other corrupt, delusional societies.
You know, I've got Riley Martin coming up, and I want you to be able to finish up, so let me talk to him about ten minutes, then we'll intersperse some phone calls while Riley is on with us.
Riley is one of the hosts on the Howard Stern Show, and I like listening to his voice.
That's the main reason he's going to be here with us today.
Again, I'll explain why this is coming up on the other side.
We gotta have some fun.
Hi folks, Alex Jones here with some important information.
I want to tell you about Matt Redhawk and his team of Patriots over at MyPatriotSupply.
Several years ago, Matt was sitting in his two-bedroom apartment, frustrated with the direction this country was headed and the Charlatans willing to sell us out for a quick buck.
Deciding to take action, a company run by Patriots for Patriots was born.
MyPatriotSupply has never taken a loan or accepted outside funding.
They now operate two distribution facilities and employ over 50 hard-working American men and women.
It is rare to find companies who practice what they preach.
And that's why I stock my pantry with high-quality storable foods from MyPatriotSupply.
Go to MyPatriotSupply.com forward slash Alex today for special offers on emergency food storage or call their preparedness specialist at 866-229-0927.
That's 866-229-0927.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Yeah, we bat for freedom.
That's our bias.
We love freedom.
We love liberty and everything that comes with it.
All the prosperity.
Now, we've got Riley Martin coming up here in a few minutes.
He'll be with us for about 40 minutes, then I'll continue with calls and news.
We're going to be taking calls while he's on with us.
You know, I like to pay it back when I'm on big shows like Coast to Coast AM, or, well, I've been on pretty much almost everything.
Michael Savage plays clips of the show and has had our reporters on, so I play clips of Michael Savage here and he's been on the show.
But Riley Martin, I like to have some fun sometimes.
And he's a very interesting fella.
I like listening to him when he's doing his own show on the Howard Stern Channel.
And I like going on Howard Stern because, I tell you, you can tell when a show's big and when it's not.
I get a huge response when I go on Howard Stern's show or the Howard Stern Channel.
People say, well, that's got a lot of sex and crazy stuff on it.
Look, folks, when I'm on there, I'm talking about the New World Order, global government, GMO, fluoride in the water.
And they're receptive and it's having a big effect.
And I can't tell you how many movie stars and people I've had call and go, I knew who you were and liked your show, but it's great to hear you on Stern.
It's seen as the fact that our information is going mainline.
And it shows that on the NSA, all of it, we're starting to win.
To go on these shows and not just have it be a joke.
To go on these shows and have people go, you know, that makes sense.
That's how you culturally turn the tide.
We don't want to just stay in the basement
And, you know, be the outsiders.
We want to get people elected.
We want to take America back to its greatness and expand it.
We want jobs.
We want transparency.
We want due process.
We want justice.
And we're going to demand it.
So we're going to talk to him in just a moment.
Really huge story.
Reporters rehearsing questions with the White House and DrudgeReport.com has been hammering that.
We've been hammering it as well.
They've been scripting this for a long time.
It's come out.
But now it's confirmed.
AP reporters are going public.
Jay Carney makes them give them the questions beforehand.
They must stand instead of sitting.
All these little rules.
Now they're talking about getting rid of the press conferences altogether.
That's the only reason they're talking about how staged it is.
That's what's going on here.
So continuing, Carney is denying knowing questions in advance.
He's lying, of course.
And it's a flashback.
Obama takes a range query from HuffPost during press conference.
Remember, he got caught doing it before.
The White House asked for emails to participate in Michelle O's China trip.
Fear of coverage was the quote.
Ellen DeGeneres with Obama says everyone's very grateful for Obamacare.
Everyone loves it.
Let me give you the exact quote here.
I've got the article right here in front of me.
Let me find that article.
I mean, this is the stuff of North Korea.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
And you know I was a big critic of Bush, folks.
I mean, I've never seen such cult-like devotion.
We played the video last hour.
Quote, Obamacare's doing very, very well.
I think everybody's very grateful you did this.
Everyone is!
You heard it.
She said so.
And they're shifting from news propaganda to just blanketing entertainment with the bilge.
By the way, we told you they were going to launch domestic drones.
Here it is being announced.
Pentagon moving ahead with X-51 hypersonic strike vehicle.
New drone steals info straight from smartphones.
They're going to launch autonomous blimps and drones that steal your data 24-7.
And that are solar powered and can stay up for six months.
Told you that 15 years ago.
It's now mainstream news.
That is just some of what we're going to be breaking down.
Now, we're going to be covering more of all of this, but speaking of Obamacare, that is foreign banker takeover of the economy care, this article is up on InfoWars.com.
And guys, make me play this.
Get the video of this.
I mean, I know we have it, but people aren't going to believe it until I play it.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
Obamacare provider knows when clients visit the bathroom.
That's even more than Santa Claus knows.
He knows when you've been bad, he knows when you've been good, or however the song goes.
So we're going to be playing that after our guest leaves us.
Telemedicine sensors are revolutionized medicine, and to be in the toilet watching everything you do.
So we're going to be talking about that.
I mean, Big Brother, in 1984, the bathroom, he at least thought, didn't have cameras in it.
But, I mean, 1984 was a libertarian wonderland compared to this dystopic nightmare they're building.
Now, Riley Martin, I think, can describe himself better than I can.
He's a frequent guest over the years on Coast2CoastAM.com.
And he has his own show on XM 101 on Mondays.
The time may have changed, but I tune in here when they re-air it sometimes.
Sometimes I'm on the shows and I don't get to be here.
The last time I was on was with him during the Howard Stern News segment.
And I was surprised because I'd heard him mainly talk about
Well it's good to be here, Alex.
Yeah, okay, tell them that my show is now on.
7 o'clock tonight, that's on Thursdays.
7 p.m.
on Thursdays, 101.
You know, on the Sirius XM radio.
Alright, tell us about yourself.
I was, as I told you before, I was born in the South.
My family moved out of the state of Mississippi into Arkansas when I was just an infant.
But there in 1953, as I've told you, I saw lights above the river for three nights in a row.
And on the third night, I heard a voice telling me, get up, Trent Martin, and come out.
We have need to speak with you.
And was Obama there laying golden eggs?
Uh, no, not at the time.
Nonetheless, uh, I had two brothers that slept in the same big room, uh, that I was sleeping in.
But they, I could not awaken them for some reason.
And I got up and went out to, uh, to go to this light down by the river.
As I came to the river, came out of a cane break down on the river in a big circle, I saw this ship.
I can feel it.
You know, static electricity and all that.
And my dog, Brown Boy, had went with me.
Presently, the dome of the ship, with the saucer, the dome of it, cleared up and I saw two people, little people, standing there looking down at me.
And I said to myself, hey, I better get out of here.
And when I said that, before I could make a move, I was hit with a blue-white light.
Now, are you sure they weren't CPS workers?
Well, they might be now, but they weren't then.
Presently, there was a light beam down from the bottom of the ship, and I saw two small beings.
I learned later that his name is Okwa Tengenwan.
I called him Ten, and the female who was with him was called Onisewan, but I called her Nella.
And, uh, they pick me up and say, my dog, Brown Boy, one of the most noble dogs in the world, he decided that he did not want to get involved.
So I looked back and I saw him, his ears flapping as he went back up the hill.
And, uh, the bastard left me.
Excuse my language.
Listen, sir, sir, listen, I don't deny that you'd say this story happened to you, and we don't really do UFOs on the show, but I do like listening to you.
I think everybody knows why.
You're a very interesting person, but now you have your show over the years for quite a while on the Howard Stern Network, and what I always do is when people have me on, I end up having them on, or have their people on.
Howard says he will come on sometime when he's got the time, but regardless,
Give me your view now, because that's what you're known for, is your UFO experiences.
Your view, just because you're kind of a sample, or a focus group person to have on.
I'd like to talk to somebody outside the box.
What is your view of geopolitics, of Obama, of what's happening in the Ukraine?
Well, the Ukraine, many of the people in southeastern Ukraine,
Ah, of Russian extraction, so to speak.
However, now in the north-western part, and in the north-central part of it, are more or less leaning towards the west.
Europe and what have you.
And so, if they wanted to detach themselves from the east, and go with Russia, or what have you,
Then I suppose, according to the laws of averages, they have the, you know, ability to do so.
Whether it was a good move or not remains to be seen.
However, when you cook it and boil it all down, America and the rest of Europe does not basically care too much about how the people and the Crimea is treated.
But that the oil flow that comes across their territory does not get disrupted by the Russians.
And by the way, you said this three weeks ago when it wasn't even really in the news, when it was first breaking and you were informed.
I like that.
So you're like this informed, smart guy on so many topics, but you say you were taken on a spaceship.
My whole issue is I've never seen anything like that.
I know some of the
Astronauts say they saw flying saucers out at the moon and stuff.
It's very interesting.
But I do know that my uncle, my dad's brother, the one that's still alive, one time he was running from one house to the other to get more dominoes, because they were having domino games when he was about 12, you know, the adults were, and he saw three flying saucers that were like rainbow-colored right above the trees.
And he doesn't make stuff up, so who knows, but maybe that was our freedom flying away.
Riley Martin.
Yeah, well, I mean, I don't think you have anything to fear from the people in the sky, but you do have something to fear from on Capitol Hill and the Kremlin and other places.
Alright, we're going to come back and talk about Obama.
Is he a space alien?
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Update, Al-Qaeda magazine, their official magazine, calls for car bombings in New York City, D.C., L.A., and Chicago.
And the three leaders of Al-Qaeda that are in the magazine are being funded by NATO and the U.S.
government to continue the three-plus-year attack on Syria.
They've even used the weapons to take part of Iraq back from the Iraqi government.
I mean, I'm just so sick of it when I'm a suspect as a terrorist as every other American is.
And I'm told I've got to give my liberty up and criminal elements of the government are openly funding the threat so they can take my freedom.
It's so elementary.
And I'm sick of it.
In the next segment we're going to go to Shauna and Rick.
And Edward and Lucas and John with Riley Martin.
And I didn't get Riley Martin on to make fun of him.
He may be telling the truth this happened to him.
I don't get into these subjects.
I just think it's interesting he's got a big show on XM with Howard Stern.
And I hear him talk about politics and stuff.
He's pretty informed.
I agree with him on quite a bit.
And then he goes off with Sam when he was a kid.
He was basically picked up by aliens.
It's just crazy.
So I just thought it'd be fun to get him on the show.
Well, I think that the urge
In particular, all over this world right now there are wars and rumors of wars, takeovers, and terrorist groups and things of this nature.
In this country, and when we take in the factory and say the Koch brothers, the Koch brothers, the pharmaceutical companies, and Wall Street, and what have you, our politicians especially, on the Republican side, has been bought, paid, and sold, and owned,
A hardened soul and what have you.
It is far easier to lie a politician.
That it is to do the right thing.
Sure, but Riley, Riley, you're informed.
I mean, quite frankly, that's a whole leftist deal to claim that the Koch brothers run everything.
The Koch brothers finance Bill Clinton.
They fund both sides.
I don't think they're good guys either.
Yes, certainly.
I'm just saying, this is the thing.
It is easy to buy politicians than it is to
No, I know, but do you agree with Ellen DeGeneres that everybody loves Obamacare and we should thank Obama?
Only those with really money could get quality health care.
He is trying to, even though the Republicans are all against him, he is trying to bring this thing to an even Steven wherein, regardless of your economical prosperity, everyone has access
Affordable access to health care.
I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
Well, I mean, otherwise, there are many up there on Capitol Hill who are involved in a lot of nasty stuff.
I mention the Koch brothers only because they are the foremost.
Among the big handers, so to speak.
Well, okay.
Now, you know, I am certainly not as far up
Upon the conspiracies and things like that, as you are.
Nonetheless, I'm saying that when I'm thinking of representation whatsoever, the little that we have left, is that I'm pretty much on Obama's side.
I can think of nobody else, certainly not Donald Trump or any of the rest of them,
Well, I guess Obama makes us feel good while we're having our throats slit.
I hear what you're saying.
I want to come back and take some calls.
I want you to elaborate on that.
And I have another question, and I'm somewhat serious about this.
What is the healthcare like on the spaceship that you were taking up on?
Because I'm serious.
I mean, maybe like the free healthcare, maybe the flying saucers exist as well.
Because the free healthcare doesn't exist, folks.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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It's a fitting song for Riley Martin being on.
Take me to the center.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Again, having Ronnie Martin on is
An experiment where maybe once a week, once every two weeks, we'll do something fun.
Just to shake the show up.
We're doing a lot of things.
You know, getting the reporters, having special reports we air here.
Had another talk show host on.
I just don't want to do standard talk radio here.
And I don't want to get in a fight with Riley.
I want to reach out to him and, you know, talk to somebody that is an Obama supporter.
In fact, I'm remembering why I wanted to get him on a few weeks ago now.
It was how he was informed on a bunch of subjects we were talking about on the news, on the Howard Stern Show channel, but that then he would be an Obama supporter.
And I wanted to ask him about Obamacare and things like that.
And you're hearing it.
He's buying what Obama's saying.
And look, it doesn't mean then that we go vote for George Bush again.
The Republicans helped write Obamacare.
It's raising payroll taxes.
It's doing all these things.
And I want to go to a bunch of calls for you now, Riley.
They'll be all over the map, but you can comment on what they say.
And then I want to talk about your book briefly.
But, I mean, really, you're obviously a smart guy.
And I'm trying to understand why you think Obamacare is a good deal.
Because if you actually read the bill, it's a nightmare.
It's a giant
Wealth transfer, social engineering, government corporate takeover of healthcare from an already screwed up system.
I'm not debating that.
I mean, you think Obama's got your best interest at heart?
For the most part, I think he has my best interest at heart.
But the man is swimming against the current with all of the dissension on Capitol Hill against him in the form of the Republicans and what have you.
But he's doing the best he can, utilizing what he has access to, to do.
Okay, now how many times have you been around aliens?
Uh, I have, I've been, uh, had four face-to-face meetings over the years.
Over the years.
Now, if you read my book, The Coming of Tan, uh, you will find that all of these things that are coming about today, I have spoken of and warned of, uh, over the last 40, 50 years.
And what have you.
But you have to use your own judgment on that.
We are not alone, good man.
Well, listen, I just wanted to get an average Obama supporter on here and, you know, get your, I wouldn't say your average, but you know, kind of an interesting fella, to tell us, I'm going to be honest with you, I think Obama, people don't really know his providence or where he came from.
Is he really from Kenya?
Is he really from Hawaii?
All of that.
I don't give a damn if he came from St.
I was going to ask you, did Obama really come from a pod?
No, I don't think so.
You know, he's human like you and me.
They haven't spoke bad against him or anything of that nature.
Well, I think they like him.
They do, they do.
Should we create alien transgender bathrooms?
What was it, Facebook just put out like 50 new sexual genres and you're racist if you're against them.
Should we create special bathrooms for transvestite aliens?
Yeah, well, my goodness.
As with any cognizant species, there are various different cross-gender and every other thing that is among them as well as among humans.
Well, if the aliens are real, then should we create alien bathrooms?
Because I'd feel more comfortable.
Well, I mean, otherwise, they have bathrooms and they work very well.
Oh, tell me about Alien Healthcare.
Did you ever... Did they give you any medical exams?
Well, the aliens have been here since pre-biblical times.
Back during the time of this fabled Atlantis, Sumeria, and up through history.
They have visited various different people, cultures, and places all over the world.
I was told that Rachel Maddow is actually an alien, and that is a wig.
She's actually a grey alien, and that that is a wig on her head.
Well, I wouldn't know about that.
Or his head.
What is the proper... What is the name of the aliens you know again?
Is Rachel Maddow a biobian?
Biobians come in all skin colors, from oddly black to chalk white, and all the colors in between.
Much like the human race, human species.
I hear you.
I just am blown away right now.
Are there any aliens in the U.S.
I am sure that since they were the ones who turned man from a hunter-gatherer, almost sapient biped, into what we call humans over time, that the bloodline of those aliens are in every race, creed, and color of mankind.
I mean, oh, so we're part alien.
Well, every one of us is part alien.
There's 80% of your DNA.
We do not know what it is.
Yet, anyway.
Well, that's true.
Let me ask you a question.
Well, just never mind.
I just don't know what to say anymore.
So, I'm actually an alien is what you're saying.
We're all part.
Uh, some fractional part of alien.
Let me ask you a question.
What do you think of David Icke?
David Icke?
Uh, well, I mean, I'm not very familiar with his, what does he do?
Are there any aliens that aren't friendly?
Or are those just Republicans?
Uh, well, uh, well, actually, uh, our, we, we need not worry about the intentions of the aliens, cause we have nothing that they really want.
Other than our,
Being creativity and we are on the way to ultimately.
He said if I did not visit you, you would surely someday visit me.
And therefore I gotta keep an eye on you in so many words and what have you.
Uh, but uh, but uh, man is getting along.
He's no slouch.
He's back engineered.
Much of the things that he's found that the aliens have lost.
All right, well, we got Riley Martin on the Howard Stern Network here with us, and I just thought it'd be weird to get him on, and it's been interesting.
Let's take a few phone calls.
You know, I know about aliens abducting people, but I know the CPS is doing it, and Shawna from Kentucky called in about that.
You called in a few months ago, and they were trying to take your child, because I guess they said that you didn't have a big enough refrigerator or something.
How's that going now, Shawna?
You're on the air with Riley Martin.
Well, Alex, I'm going to tell you really quick, and I actually have something to say to him if I can, once I tell you this, if that's okay.
Yeah, go ahead.
First, I want to let you know that Kentucky tonight, on April 21st, I'm going to be debating Matt Bevin, and then on October the, well, let me see the date here.
What are you running for office?
Are you running for office?
Oh yes, oh Alex.
October 13th I'll be debating the, um, Allison Luderman Grimes.
Alex, they tried to keep me from running.
They came after my daughter.
Well listen, the best way for you to run for office and expose what the CPS is doing is announce what you're running for and where, or it does nothing.
Well, once I announced on your show that I was going to kick some butt, they came after me.
I had to keep quiet.
The day that I went to file, I was just praying that they wouldn't come target me again.
And I left home early, I filed, and literally within an hour after the reporters all interviewed me, the lady called me frantic to get a hold of me so she could close my case.
Yeah, no, that's right.
Standing up against them, at first they'll threaten you, but if you keep persevering 99% of the time, in my experience, if you stay cool, they will run because they've got more kids to grab.
And so, they've got more families to ruin.
And so, they're going to want to move on to easier targets.
So that's good news.
I appreciate you.
I'm going to move on now.
What do you think of the state grabbing children?
You know, Native Americans, by the millions, had their children grabbed and sent to re-education centers in the 1880s and 90s.
That was the first eugenics program here.
Why do you think that loving government ever changed Riley Martin to a loving helper?
Oh, well, my goodness, I do not, uh, trust those in power under any circumstances.
Uh, I know that they are up to skullduggery.
Anyhow, nonetheless, I do not think that the trouble that besets this world is from anywhere other than this world.
My goodness, uh, anybody listening to you now who is, uh, 60 years old or less,
Tell me, have they ever seen a winter like this ever before?
I haven't, and I'm 67.
Well, there's a lot of geoengineering going on, and they say it's one of the coldest years in about 120 years, but, you know, the Earth used to be colder in the cycle, now it got a little bit warmer, now it's getting colder again.
Do you think we should pay Al Gore carbon tax?
Will that fix it?
Well, I mean, otherwise.
We are putting millions of tons of hydrocarbons and various other carcinogens.
But you know that a volcano, one big volcano, puts out more than all humans do in a year.
Well, my goodness.
Oh, yeah, perhaps so.
Nonetheless, we are adding to the situation of the decline of the planet Earth.
I mean, I don't deny that.
Yeah, yeah, we are.
But I mean, paying carbon taxes and shutting down our clean coal power plants when all the dirty ones are in China, that makes things worse, not better.
Well, of course.
However... What do you think of Al Gore?
Do you believe it may be true that he's part man, part bear, part pig?
Half bear, half man, half pig.
Well, I don't know.
I'm pretty sure Rush Limbaugh is half pig.
So Riley, when it comes down to it, you're on the Democratic team and... No, I'm on the team of doing the right thing for the American people whatsoever.
Well, I don't want to fight with you about it.
Let's take another call.
Rick in Oregon, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, thanks Alex.
I'm a new listener.
I just recently woke up and I'm still kind of
Ignorant to what's going on, but I'm kind of slowly picking up on it, and I'm kind of tortured every day about the thought of my son's future.
I have a 15-month-old son, and I'm really scared about the way things are going, and... Well, that's a normal instinct to be having.
I'm losing hope, but... No, no.
Don't lose hope.
Get involved in the fight.
Start fighting tyranny in your area, and then that's what'll put you on the road to victory.
I kind of lost hope when I saw last year, or the year before, Ron Paul was coming out of the run for president, but now we got Rand Paul.
So I'm really happy that, you know, I like his policies, I like what he's doing.
And I was just wondering, like Riley had said earlier, you know, politicians are easily
You don't put all your hope in Rand Paul.
He is just an expression of a libertarian takeover of the Republicans and someone who will help recruit other people for the cause of true free market systems.
And so the fact that Ron Paul didn't win twice, he built a movement, we built a movement, we invested in opposition.
Wars aren't won even in a decade.
The act of resistance is the answer, Rick, so I want you to be more positive.
I appreciate your call.
Riley, I guess you don't like Rand Paul or Ron Paul, huh?
Well, not particularly, no.
Very few politicians do I like.
You like Obama, though?
Well, I mean, I like him better than any other alternative I can think of at the present time.
What did you think about Jamie Foxx saying that Obama was our Lord and Savior?
Well, I don't keep up with all the B-movie makers and things about nature.
It's basically, their opinions are basically immaterial to me.
I know that I'm sitting here in New Jersey freezing my ass off, when ordinarily it wouldn't be that way.
And it's never been that way before.
That's right.
Let me read you an article on RT, which is why I like them.
They cover stuff that our media won't.
By the way, we broke that story about the ATF violating the federal order and raiding that receiver manufacturer.
That was on Fox yesterday.
Here's RT.
Four-year-old Texas girl taken from parents and heavily drugged by Child Protective Services.
The parents of a four-year-old girl are outraged.
A sweet little girl after their daughter was placed under the care of Child Protective Services and then heavily medicated with psychotropic drugs.
Well, you must bear in mind that there are some mommies and daddies
Who are not worthy to have those kids.
I know, but statistically, Riley... Somebody's got to do something.
I'm not saying that the child care people are perfect.
Oh, yeah.
But if you add it up, pound for pound, then it's probably best that they took her instead of leaving her in the situation she was in.
But you just randomly don't even know about the case and you're just saying, pound for pound, pound for pound, you're seven times more likely to be abused in CPS custody than you are anywhere else.
It's the most dangerous place.
I mean, what do you think of the average CPS child being on 7 psychotropic drugs?
Should we be drugging 2, 3, and 4 year olds?
May suffer psychosomatic problems and things of that nature.
And, uh, now, it could probably be better done instead of drugs if they were raised in the right way.
And get the proper nurse.
Riley, they warehouse the children like it's a giant alien spaceship with a bunch of captured goodies on board.
I mean, otherwise, do you have to take me to the warehouse, son?
Uh, I'm not, uh,
The state-run orphanages are famous for their... I'm not an enemy of those who, for the most part, mean well towards the children.
I don't think that they just automatically take them to torture and things of this nature.
No, I don't.
Well, the Food and Drug Administration, it says, even said she shouldn't be given the drugs, but they do it.
Three-year-olds given psychotropic and anti-psychotic drugs where there's no reason for it.
Well, okay, maybe there isn't any reason in some cases here and there.
ABC News reports in Texas.
On and all together, the child care people are well-meaning and takes care of the kids.
Oh, they do.
Let me tell you.
They take really good care.
Let me read this.
In Texas, foster children are 53 more times likely to be prescribed five or more psychiatric medications at the same time than non-foster children.
ABC News reveals.
Well, yeah, no doubt.
That is so.
However, the average child does not need them because they don't have various psychosomatic problems and things of that nature.
Well, the state board said they have bad gene pools, which is eugenics.
But listen, Riley Martin, RileyMartin.com, your book's there.
And I really appreciate you coming on, and I do like hearing you talk about stuff, and I just wanted to have you on.
So thank you for all the time today, sir.
Hey, take care.
He's a gentleman, he's a nice guy, folks, and I appreciate him coming on.
But he is totally trusting of the system.
And of the aliens he thinks he's hanging out with.
So there you go.
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What's the old saying?
As you can see, here's one here.
Ernestine Marshall can't even... There's one in my bedroom.
...go to the bathroom... Every time I flush.
...without someone knowing.
I didn't know how closely they were watching me until I received a phone call.
Like, whoa!
The 60-year-old diabetic and MS patient's home is outfitted by insurer Humana with sensors that keep track of when she opens her medicine cabinet, her fridge, sleeps, walks, and uses the bathroom.
A break in routine is an early sign of trouble.
And if it becomes unusual, I would get a
Phone call.
Marsha, are you alright?
Do we need to call your sister?
The censors are monitored by workers at a Humana building in Carillon in Pinellas County.
But she also gets a monthly visit from a field agent.
The censors allow her to live in her own apartment instead of at an assisted living facility.
Well, it made me feel wonderful to be one of those, especially living alone.
Tallahassee is debating rules for all kinds of telemedicine.
How much can remote doctors charge?
When should a webcam exam be allowed?
How will Medicaid reimbursement work?
As technology becomes easier and cuts costs, our Dr. Joe cautions.
I really think it's going to revolutionize medicine in so many ways.
But again, I think that there's nothing that is going to replace the face-to-face.
In this case, Marshall says that knowing that she's being watched helps her feel calm, which she hopes will lead to an even longer life.
If your mind is clear, eventually you're going to feel a little bit healthier.
The bills have been hotly debated in Tallahassee.
Alright, I told you about this, I'm not bragging, I don't know, about a decade ago.
Under the smart grid global takeover, everything you do will be watched.
You won't be able to get a house under agenda 21 rules unless it's under surveillance.
You will pay for it all.
And it's already going in all the appliances.
Remember the CIA director Petraeus a couple years ago said your toaster is watching you?
So it's not just old people that opt into this.
And Watson's article explains, it's up on Infowars.com, that you have to do this under Obamacare.
This is what the insurance companies are going to force.
And it gets rid of family.
It gets rid of the idea of your neighbors coming and checking on the nice old lady.
Oh, don't worry, the government's doing it.
And then they can decide, oh, you're too old now or you've run out of money.
Now we can basically take you to the death panel and euthanize you.
And again, it has good uses on the surface, except the system is evil, and has been using it to control people, and that's what I'm getting at.
Obamacare provider knows when clients visit the bathroom.
And you know, I didn't mean to be mean to Riley Martin, but when I got him on, I mean, just the, you know, the guy is just totally believing in Obama, and believing in the CPS, and believing in the system when history shows that it's the opposite.
Finally, ladies and gentlemen, the nightly news is coming up tonight.
They're going to be covering this.
police, all cars, are under criminal investigation as part of license plate reading surveillance.
So when it was pointed out that they're illegally tracking everybody everywhere they go, that's happening nationwide, by the way, not just L.A., they went, okay, you're all under suspicion.
No judge, no jury.
You're all slaves until proven slaves.
You're all guilty until proven sucked dry by the system.
But the government itself in California is exempt from the readers, I should add.
Oh, by the way, this hour was brought to you by MyPatriotSupply.com forward slash Alex to find the great specials, non-GMO, high quality, great customer service, the storable foods company that I've chosen to be our sponsor because they're such high quality and have such great prices.
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Great job to the crew at the main transmission.
I'm coming back with Overdrive and your phone calls.
Edward, you're up next.
Edward and Lucas and Abe and Silly Rabbit.
And John.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, folks, let's move quick to your phone calls.
Edward in New York, thanks for holding her on the air.
All right, hello, Mr. Alex Jones.
Hey, buddy.
I wish to discuss a rather disturbing and rarely mentioned aspect of Obamacare since we're on the topic today.
Wait a minute, everybody loves it, Ellen DeGeneres said so.
Yeah, well we should thank her for this one too though.
Thank Obama for this.
What it concerns is the right to trial by jury.
As a prelude, I've often told people that when the right to trial by jury, so long as it remains intact, that people really have no one else but themselves to blame for tyrannical and abusive government.
As Thomas Jefferson said, I consider trial by jury the only anchor yet imagined by man by which a government can be held to the principles of the Constitution.
No, you're right.
It turns into administrative, waives a lot of the juries, allows them to use your data.
It is a giant gang rape.
But according to Riley Martin, who believes in flying saucers, it's wonderful.
Well, it's unbelievable, as you said, how this man trusts the system so well, when the entire
The entire theme of the Enlightenment is not to trust the government.
It's to keep yourself free from government abuse and tyranny.
That's what the whole Constitution... Well, exactly.
People go, why don't you trust the system?
That's crazy.
It's like, why don't you want to pour gasoline on yourself and light it?
I mean, it is so crazy.
Go ahead.
Alright, so I just want to talk about trial by jury in Obamacare.
When the Supreme Court redefined the Obamacare penalty as a tax, which placed it under the jurisdiction of the taxing authorities of the tax courts, that redefinition automatically voided our right to trial by jury if we're being penalized under the Obamacare tax.
And what I find even more disturbing is that this precedent, it establishes a platform from which the authoritarian left and right
Can build and strengthen their unlawful empire.
All they need to do now is attach fiscal penalties as long as they're absent of jail time or any other type of punishments.
And they can subvert the jury system and just persecute everybody who refuses to conform right into submission.
That's what Obamacare is.
It's a total social engineering takeover.
It makes your medical records totally public.
They can swap all your data like baseball cards.
The bill has got 13,000 pages of writers and addendums to it.
And it's so horrible, I can't even believe it's law.
But it doesn't matter.
The average gullible Democrat literally will buy into anything.
Well, another thing on top of Obamacare, I just wanted to talk about that real quick, but that's one of the most disturbing implications, is that there's a lot of Democrats now that are being
They don't report this in mainstream media, of course, but I know from people at work who used to be Democrats or still identify as Democrats, many of us, because I work at Catering Hall, we were cut back to 30 hours already.
I have been mobbed by people apologizing to me in Austin, saying they just got cut to 30 or less hours and just saw their payroll tax go up and they're going bankrupt because of it.
People now, for instance, at my Catering Hall, we used to work
Yeah, but Riley says Obama's nice.
So, you know, everything's fine.
We got overtime.
We made extra money in tips.
Now we're back to 30 hours.
Now many of us have to go find a second job.
It was written to impoverish the working class, period, and make you give up and go on welfare.
I mean, they admit that.
That's not debatable.
They admit it's meant to wreck health care and impoverish the working class and wreck a social safety net of a free market.
Go ahead.
Alright, uh, anything more I want to talk about, trial or jury, let me think.
Well, no, listen, I appreciate... No, I think that... Okay, good, good.
Listen, I'm gonna do even more overdrive, because I'm gonna get to Lucas and Abe and Silly Rabbit.
If you got a caller called Silly Rabbit, you gotta go into overdrive and talk to Silly Rabbit.
No, I mean, Democrats sit there, I'm not even a Republican, though I agree with more of what the libertarian side of that's doing.
I mean, it's not my opinion.
It was written by vicious, hardcore banks that go into places like Africa and murder whole villages for their property.
I mean, the globalists put dictatorships in all of the world.
They are criminal scum.
They're spying on everything.
We're all in great danger.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're in overdrive right now for another 15 minutes or so.
We're taking your phone calls on a host of issues on this Thursday Worldwide Transmission.
Lucas in Arizona, thanks for holding.
You want to talk about Rand Paul.
Go ahead.
Hi, thank you.
Nice to finally talk to you, Alex.
I have three things to say.
The first one was, I think I can understand
Why you're confused about the Ellen DeGeneres thing?
And it's because Ellen doesn't view poor people or sick people, people with pre-existing conditions, as people.
So that's why she knows that everyone is thankful that Obama brought in Obamacare.
See, I think that's where we're not getting it, you know?
To Ellen, everyone that matters
Look at her Twitter pic!
Let's say people of color are in that famous Twitter pic.
I mean, I think we know where she hangs out and who she hangs out with.
I mean, my issue is how do you call yourself liberal and raise payroll taxes on poor people and increase the prices and do all the horrible things Obamacare does and then sit there and parade around like you're wonderful people and then the con game works so well that poor Democrats, as they go bankrupt, believe it!
Well, yeah, that's the Stockholm Syndrome.
That's exactly the Stockholm Syndrome that you're speaking of.
They have to keep it up.
If they stop now, the prisoners might start getting restless.
So, they'll never give up the tagline.
They'll never, ever stop because to do so, even though they know this is failing, it is just going to... They don't know where to go.
They have nowhere else to go.
Nowhere to back down to.
My second point was kind of about Rand Paul.
Uh, and I wanted to say that I like Riley Martin.
I thought he was very interesting, even the talk about the aliens.
A more realistic, I guess we could say, idea of the alien is of course John Carpenter's The Thing, which you have spoken about before, and how it goes around and it becomes what we are in order to basically eat us.
And it takes over the entire infrastructure so that it becomes the reality.
It's like a thing that becomes the entire world an artificial habitat so we don't know any better.
It's more advanced than John Carpenter's thing.
Can be taken over, it can be amalgamated into the system.
So, that gentleman that called earlier who was talking about the op-ed that Rand Paul wrote in Time, I read it, you know, and I read the whole thing, and it's a little worrisome.
It's not just, you know, America good, Russia bad.
It's things like, I would do what Obama's doing only harder, stronger, and like a man.
And, you know, there's a number of different articles on InfoWars.com that anyone can look up that show that economically, that's not going to work!
Well, I'll say this, that's also diametrically opposed to what his father is saying.
And I know he's his own man, but his father's certainly correct about what he's saying.
I didn't see that.
I'll have to read it.
I've seen some quotes out of it.
That is disturbing.
And that's more than just, you know, politically not fighting with people on the military issue.
That's giving into it all.
And that's certainly positioning for the presidential run.
And the argument is, well, that's how he gets in.
And then, you know, that's what the liberals would do, that's what the socialists would do, is they would say they were anti-war and then be pro-war.
He would say he's pro-war and then be anti-war.
I'll have to go read the full quotes and to get into that.
Thank you, I'll check it out.
And I sure hope, look, his advisors do know how politically ignorant the average American is.
And that, if a new Cold War is starting,
You know, he said, hey, I don't want wars from what I heard.
I mean, I haven't read it yet.
I've seen his other quotes.
I don't want to have a war with them, but Russia shouldn't be doing this.
Russia didn't do this.
And again, it's not siding with Russia.
It's like if the sun came up in the morning and I said, there's the sun.
It's not siding with the sun.
The sun is there.
I'm not endorsing Russia.
I'm not talking about them being better than us.
I'm saying NATO and the EU went and started this with Soros and overthrew the country and took over 90% of it and are acting like it's a victory for Putin grabbing some of their military bases on the border and some naval bases.
I mean, it's a defeat for Russia.
Russia was starting to dominate Ukraine politically.
And so the argument is, hey, we don't want Russia to start expanding again.
The West helped fund Russia's expansion under the Soviet.
It helped put the Bolsheviks in in 1917.
That's why none of that holds water when, you know, different neocons come out and say, Alex Jones and Ron Paul worked for the Russians because they're a... I mean, what?
The Trotskyites that you work for came out of Russia.
And they are the neocons.
Let's talk to John, but I mean, basically that's what Rand Paul's afraid of.
He wants to be positioned to not be his pop and to say, I'm tough on Russia.
It's pure politics.
And the danger is you start playing politics, you will become what you're posing as.
So, whatever.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in Carolina.
Go ahead, North Carolina.
Hi, John.
I just wanted to comment on the former Naval Intelligence Officer that you had in on Sunday, this past Sunday.
Yeah, he said he was, and I think he was telling the truth.
He sounded very informed.
On prior Army intelligence, I did my training in Fort Worth, Arizona, and I wanted to speak, you know, geopolitically on the same kind of topic.
If you look recently, you know, they had articles about how they're trying to expedite the permits for natural gas export to Europe.
Absolutely, we should be loading those super tankers up with gas and shipping it to Russia, and if they can cut off those pipelines, it would actually make my family money, because my family's not in oil, but I do have family that has little gas wells and stuff that are all over Texas, and you basically don't even get any money from them.
Your taxes go up on the property and you barely make any money.
So I would actually make money off shutting down those Russian gas lines, or my family would.
But I'm still against it.
But yes, it would be a boom for the gas industry.
There's also anti-oil, I should add, because they're in competition with it, and coal.
I would make money, or my family would, if we shut coal down.
Because every time I'm pro-coal, just because it's half our power and cheap and clean now with the new scrubbers, it's like, you must be in coal.
I don't own one coal stock.
None of my family does.
But I will disclose that I've got most of my family in East Texas has got a few gas wells on their property.
You know, you make like a thousand dollars a month off of them or something, but then turn back around, your property taxes go up, you know, 10,000, $20,000 a year.
It's literally breakeven.
It's incredible.
But I'm sorry.
I digress.
Go ahead.
Um, but my point is that, you know, Russia, when you look at the pipelines, I lived in Daqing, Heilongjiang Province, which is the northeast province of China.
And, you know, that's the province where Japan first invaded.
They went through Harbin, which is about two hours from Daqing.
And Daqing's oil fields are the third largest in the world.
A lot of people don't know that.
And they have huge pipelines from Daqing to Russia, because, you know, Daqing is, you know, right by the Siberian High.
It's about four hours by flight, I'd say, to the Russian border.
And then, so you take that, that's the, you know, the right leg of the tripod, okay, of Russia, as far as pipeline.
So the middle tripod is the Middle East, subsequently Syria and Russia and China.
The reason we didn't go into Syria is because, you know, they have Russia and China have huge oil contracts with Syria.
So, there was lots of pressure on America from Russia and China because they didn't want those contracts basically to be seized, because if we would have invaded Syria, we basically would have taken their oil.
Okay, so that's the middle part of the tripod, okay?
And it's interesting that right after this Ukraine thing, Israel bombs Syria, right?
It's kind of like, okay, this is the next, you know, leg that we're going after.
And I'm not anti-Israel, I'm not, you know,
Yeah, no, no, you shouldn't have to preface it to point out Israel's grand strategy that fits into the larger global Anglo-American strategy.
It's a fact.
It's stated.
Wesley Clark's given speeches about it, all the countries that are going to be invaded.
They've got to take out Syria, then take out Iran.
It's just a fact.
And again, it's not that Syria's good or Iran's good.
It's that the West is doing this offensively to control the resources, not even to give them to the American people.
That'd be bad enough.
We are all being preyed on, just like the Syrians, just like the Iranians.
Israel uses endless war to be able to take Israelis' liberty.
Our government uses endless war to take our liberty.
The German government uses the terror threat to take liberty.
It's all a giant power grab excuse.
Yeah, and so basically what you know, so Ukraine, sorry, I'm trying to stay focused.
What's the bottom line geopolitically?
How are things going for the New World Order?
The bottom line geopolitically is the European Union and Soros, they've already gotten Ukraine.
They've got 90% of Ukraine.
So that peg of the leg has been taken.
Yeah, that was a huge, huge, it was a huge victory.
It was a huge victory.
So what this does is it may make the corporations money, but what it does
Is it?
We're good to go.
I do, because if you put pressure on Russia, they have to raise their prices of their oil.
No, I understand.
They're taking out Russia's dominance in Central Asia and into Western Europe, Eastern Europe, in petroleum goods, and that's exactly the Grand Chess Board, and that's the grand strategy, 1997.
It's the Wigner-Brzezinski Grand Chess Board.
Really great points.
Skipping this network break, going to the bottom of the hour here.
Alright, so let's go to the next caller here.
Abe in California.
Go ahead.
Peace be upon you Earthlings!
I am a Jedi and I bring a message of pure light and I just want to give some insight into our universal destination.
Um, about the whole thing that he was talking about, oh, I like Obama, all that stuff, I think he might be kind of basing that on a recent channeling that was talking about Obama being a worker of light.
I have no idea whether that's true or not, and God only knows if that's true.
When I see Obama throwing everybody out of his administration and then, you know, whatever, this guy's got to prove something to prove that.
But that's not why I'm calling, okay?
What I'm calling is, is I want to give insight into the master's master.
You know, we see what's going on geopolitically, we see what their agendas are.
Now, why do they do it?
What's the motive here?
Who the heck in their right mind would want to do such things to anybody?
Well, I'll tell you.
These people are empty, okay?
These people serve the Strip Lords.
Let's just use the Jedi ideology because it's the easiest, okay?
The ships are empty, okay?
They're empty beings.
Their souls have no charge anymore, okay?
They are empty beings, meaning they are deviated far from zero.
They're in the negative, okay?
They need suffering, anger, jealousy, all these things.
They need them to fill an empty void that they have accumulated doing all the evil things that they've done, okay?
You are born in the positive, just above... Alright, well listen, I gotta jump because I promise to get to all these callers by the end of this segment, but I hear you.
It's very interesting.
Let's talk to Silly Rabbit and Lori and others.
Silly Rabbit in Wisconsin, you're on the air, go ahead.
Uh, what's up, Doc?
I got a question for you, kind of as a devil's advocate question.
Uh, is there any justification you could give, let's say, where the Earth would hang in balance, or, you know, uh, imminent invasion or conquest by trans-dimensional creatures that would warrant this Orwellian... We have been invaded by trans-dimensional creatures, and then they're led by Janet Napolitano.
You don't think that's an actual human, do you?
No, I definitely do not.
I definitely do not.
It's the trans-dimensional creatures that want the global government to conquer us, and they pose as Hillary Clinton, and as Janet Napolitano, and as Janet Reno, and as Rachel Maddow.
And the reason, again, is they don't have a lot of different Earth suit outfits.
They only have a few that they vary a little bit.
That's why they all look so similar.
Madeleine Albright.
Sir, goblins are real.
Sir, goblins are real.
You know, I think you're being sarcastic, so that's why I was being sarcastic back.
I'm going to tell the New York Times, I do not actually believe that
That Janet Napolitano is a alien.
Though I think her spirit is very alien to humanity.
I do believe Michelle Obama is a giant stamping turtle.
So I wanted to be clear about all that.
Look, I've been on air a little bit too long and a little bit dingy here.
But caller...
Of course there's ways to unify humanity.
Of course there's ways to have a global federation and to have humanity work together.
The problem is the global government they're bringing in is designed to bring in eugenics and dominate and reduce population forcibly.
And so, that's why I'm against it.
If you had some global federation where you couldn't give up your sovereignty, but countries and people, if they wanted to, could vote to aid each other in larger projects, that's wonderful.
And that's how they sell global governance, is this Kumbaya deal.
That's not what's going on.
Pardon me?
I totally agree with you.
Okay, good, good, good, because your audio was faded down.
I'm sorry, yeah, I agree with you.
And I somewhat agree with Riley, what Holly was saying with aliens.
And I know you don't believe the whole length of geopolitics, but I'm sure you're pretty aware that the New World Order and all those 1%ers, they're very much so into their cult.
And now in the age where we're living, where the occult, these alien and transdimensional creature stories
And science are merging together with quantum sciences.
Well, listen, I gotta jump.
Let me just say this, okay?
I kind of had Riley on as a joke, and then now it's people are talking about aliens.
That was a joke, folks.
And look, regardless, there are people that steal what they've got and get in gangs and con people and produce BS and lies to make themselves the heroes.
You see it in losers everywhere.
Then there's people that actually build things, or are super good looking, or great poets, or great musicians, or great mathematicians, or great artisans, who become successful because they have great minds, and they join with others to build a better civilization.
That's the kind of people I'm looking for.
That's the kind of people that we build a free will society based on honor and individualism, or we build a collective society built on nightmares.
That's the two different types of civilizations.
And there's variants of both, and all civilizations a mix.
But I can't just give somebody a throwaway line that saves the whole world, like they say in Kaddyshack, Oonga Galoonga.
Oh, Jim, she's been on.
I made my way over to Tibet.
I don't know.
I don't know.
So, I'm on the first tee.
What am I giving the driver?
He hauls off and whacks one big hair.
The lamb.
Into a 10,000 foot crevice right at the base of this glacier.
Do you know what the lamb says?
So I got that going for me.
So we finish 18.
That's good.
Somebody shot that off of television.
I think somebody's playing ping pong in the background, but other than that, good to shot.
Good job finding that clip so quickly there.
Not a good shot for the Dalai Lama, though.
Let's talk to Lori in Texas, just signed up for Obamacare at the Obamacare website.
How'd that go for you?
It didn't go well at all, sir.
Can you hear me?
Yeah, I was busy sneezing.
I can hear you loud and clear.
Roger, Lori.
Can you hear me?
All right, well, I must say, my warning goes out to all the people that do not know the truth.
And Alex Jones spreads the truth.
Now, I will say that the reason I got weak, Alex Jones, I'm going to tell you the truth.
I'm broken weak, and I signed up for medical because I needed medical.
And I felt like, you know what?
Everybody's telling you this stuff.
Let's go on and do it.
You know what?
I went on that site.
I went on the website and on the telephone with operators.
Every system broke down.
Every single system broke down.
But you know what's really scary to me right now, Mr. Alex Jones, is the fact that they not only have my social security number, all of my information, they have my boyfriend's information who lives with me.
They have my birth date.
It's basically a giant data dump to get you to waive your rights to find out who isn't insured and who has waived their rights into a court proceeding to now have the IRS come after you.
I mean, they're going to try to institutionalize you, basically, and by institutionalize, suck you into the wormhole.
Listen, guys, type into the search engine of the NSA hub, tunnel spider or spiderweb, because, I mean, that's what it is.
It's a spiderweb.
Come get your free goodies.
You know, you need it.
And then you go in and, you know, it's not what Ellen DeGeneres said it would be.
No, it's not at all.
And every person that I talked to, I talked to five different people, and every five people wanted my social security number.
Every five person.
And every five times that I went through the system, every time they said my computer crashed on the Obama, the healthcare.gov system.
So please, my message is, listen, I should have listened to you, Alex Jones.
I really should have.
Well, ma'am, you're sweet, but let me just say this, Lori.
We have up on screen for TV viewers an actual shot of the Obamacare phone center, and when you call that number, they've got really nice people that are there to help you.
Just walk on into the dark, go right down that hallway, and there's somebody, you can see somebody being served by one of the Obamacare representatives right there.
And look, it looks like they're having a good time.
Man, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
But now, Mr. Jones, my question to you, as just somebody, I'm just a constituent, I'm just a person on the street.
I don't know you.
You know more than me.
Now, they have all of my information, sir.
Well, ma'am, they already had it.
They needed you to waive your rights and then be filed into their system so they could later try to garnish your wages.
Like, look, if I had depression 10 years ago, which I did, they're going to hold that against me, ain't they?
They're going to hold everything against me.
Well, ma'am, I mean, they want you dead.
I mean, they want to actually kill everybody in the final equation.
This is just part of getting rid of our health care system so they can carry it out.
You're going to be fine.
We're going to shoot this law down.
It's going to blow up in their face.
We're exposing it.
We're going to defeat it.
So, don't worry.
They've got millions... When they start calling you and threatening you and all that, politically, we're going to defeat them.
Great job to the crew.
See you back tonight, 7 o'clock, Nightly News.
Presently on LGBT.
We're on the march... You're a little dingy in the last 30 minutes here while I do overdrives.
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That's why we've assembled the most