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Name: 20140317_Mon_Alex
Air Date: March 17, 2014
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Coast to coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, here we are.
Another Monday.
The 17th day already of March 2014.
And here's what I'm going to do today.
We don't have any guests.
I have cleared the slate of guests because I want to take your phone calls.
I want to cover the news.
There is a transference to private corporates, Davos-type interest of the Internet.
We're going to be looking at that today and tying it into the technocracy that these scallywags run and operate and are building in to the technological system.
We're going to look at the huge developments obviously in Europe and the Ukraine and what that means to the Russian, U.S.
and the rest of the world economy.
And we're going to get into a plethora of news that's breaking and that I haven't gotten to yet.
I literally have one of the largest arrays of stacks of news I think I've ever had in all of it.
Is incredibly important.
So what I'm going to do best I can is come back in the next segment and just read some headlines out to give you an idea of what's coming up and then I'm gonna open the phones up.
We took military calls, active duty and retired yesterday on Ukraine.
It was so informative.
People that had been over there in there in the Cold War, folks that live in Ukraine for a decade, people who work there.
One guy called in, he was retired, out of a Naval Intelligence recently, just incredibly informative.
I'm sure a lot of you heard that phone call.
We should probably give YouTube videos like that, names like, you know, Naval Intelligence insider speaks out on Ukraine.
It was just, it's just incredibly informative because
I study this stuff in depth.
You can tell when somebody knows what they're talking about and then takes it to a whole other level of, oh, this is all a war game to put pressure on Russia so they can take Syria, and that's exactly what it is, and then, of course, move on to Iran.
And it's not that I'm some fan of Syria or Iran.
It's just that the globalists are running America and Europe, and it is just a bad situation any way you slice it.
And, you know, the numbers I've got are there are 200,000 trips
On the Russian border with Crimea, 60,000 are already in there.
And you've got one of the largest standing armies, though it's primitive, they have armored vehicles, tanks and artillery.
Close to a million people in the Ukrainian military, but really only a few hundred thousand they can muster up.
But they are massing those near the Crimea.
We heard all these threats last week.
I think the big story is that people like
John Kerry and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Dempsey, had all sorts of rhetoric about how there might even be military action and you've got McCain running around calling for military action.
And military aid, if the Russians didn't pull out of Crimea, well, Crimea just voted 90 plus percent.
95 plus percent, actually.
The last number I saw with the votes in was 97 percent.
I found that hard to believe, but they had Western exit pollers picking that up.
I mean, that is a massive number.
75 percent ethnic Russian, but still, I guess the Ukrainians in that area do not want to go, those that aren't even Russian, with the EU.
And look, Ukraine's got a lot of serious beefs with Russia, and I'm not painting Russia as angels here, as Ron Paul has said.
It's just the West started this over through the government, and it's trying to start a new Cold War to get rid of national sovereignty.
They're going to use the crisis of a new Cold War with Russia as a police state excuse to militarize the EU via Germany at its heart.
That's why Russia is criticizing Germany right now.
The Russians are not stupid.
They know who's running and quarterbacking this, and it's Deutschland-Uberallis at the heart of Europe, with the same financial interests pulling the strings here in the United States and England.
And Israel wants it as well, because they want to be able to take out Iran's allies.
So it's the stars aligning for war.
Economic war, bare minimum.
Cold war and hot war is on the horizon and could approach any time.
We're going to come back, break down a spectrum of news, and then give out the phone number to take your phone call.
Stay with us.
Hi folks, Alex Jones here with some important information.
I want to tell you about Matt Redhawk and his team of Patriots over at MyPatriotSupply.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Gonna make you burn!
Thermal nuclear warfare!
So don't you fool around!
Pull the trigger!
Shoot the thrill!
Way to kill!
Too many women and too many pills!
Folks, the problem that we have is not old-fashioned type trouble, but just corrupt boss hogs running around.
You know, we have globalists that want world domination, who've got their fingers
On the nuclear launch triggers, and they want to pull the trigger!
And that's the big issue here, ladies and gentlemen.
They've now had the big state-run TV darling of Vladimir Putiput, as George W. Bush would call him, on state-run television, says Russia could turn U.S.
into radioactive ash.
By the way, I've been invited on that show.
And, uh, on other shows on Russian state-run television.
I'm not bragging, I'm just giving you an interesting factoid here, because I'm against war with Russia, uh, and, you know, against turning Ukraine over to the EU, and against George Soros starting with the State Department, McCain, five billion dollars of funding to overthrow the elected government.
Uh, but I will not go on state-run Russian television.
At the same time, I will not cross the line because Russia is going to end up getting involved in its own rhetoric and its own escalations that are going to end up being bad for this country.
You see, I look for an American interest in my individual interest in my children's interest.
And I've described this over and over again on a scale of
One to ten, zero being a country not being bad for U.S.
interest, which means the interest of the American people, and due process, and private property, and family, and the right to self-defense, and having a good, truly sustainable future.
So I look at a country as being, say, neutral at zero, and being hell-bent to destroy us at ten.
Russia's about a one.
Despite all the things the globalists have done to Russia in our name, with our money and our military, in the last 20 years, since 1991, all the West has done is try to destabilize and bring Russia down and loot it with outside banks the entire time.
And our government, in 1917, at the end of World War I, on record, funded 100,000 New Yorkers
Mainly East Coasters, mainly New Yorkers who were Russian immigrants in the last two generations to go back to Russia with 25 million in gold delivered by Stalin to V.I.
This is all mainline history books by the way.
So we owe the Russians along with the British, you let British intelligence be involved, they were honchoing the whole deal with U.S.
The U.S.
and British citizens owe the Russians a gigantic apology for dumping V.I.
Lenin and Joseph Stalin to lead an army of 100,000 Americans, Russian-Americans, to do that to them.
People don't know all this stuff.
We literally took down Russia.
And kick the czars out and put the Bolsheviks in, boys and girls.
The Bolsheviks.
I'm gonna say that again.
The Bolsheviks.
The most nasty, filthy scum you could imagine.
And then when Stalin finally, decades later, kicked the Trotskyites out, do you know where they came?
Back to New York City.
And then they got kicked out of New York City, so they went down to Mexico City.
And then they creeped back in the 60s and took over the Republican Party via National Review.
And now run the Republican Party.
Actual Trotskyite Bolsheviks.
That's a... If you're a new listener, you're going, man, that sounds crazy.
That is 100% mainline fact in the New York Times.
The Washington Post even admits it.
You understand that?
You understand the geopolitics here?
We're dealing with a global crime syndicate that will use Al-Qaeda to take down Syria, that will use Mutham Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda to destabilize Egypt, that will use Al-Qaeda to take down Libya and destabilize all of Africa.
They admit it's a total hellhole now, many times worse than it was under Qaddafi.
Qaddafi was actually, out of arrogance or whatever you want to say, building up all of Africa.
With tens of billions of dollars of oil money a year, no strings attached.
Literally, the only person building up Africa.
And I'm not romanticizing Muammar Gaddafi.
But compared to the Al-Qaeda people, he is a little angel.
And that's what we're getting down to here.
I mean, that's how serious all of this is.
And when you look at the whole history of it, the globalist British intelligence would use a bunch of Russian emigres
To go into Tsarist Russia and take it down and kill 30-something million people over the next four decades.
That's in Russia, 30 million.
10 million in Ukraine.
Millions in Poland.
Hundreds of thousands in the Czech areas, other areas they took over.
I mean, the numbers are just staggering, and the globalists would like to do that here, as Larry Grathwald, who died last year.
Former Green Beret of Vietnam infiltrated the Weather Underground, sent him to prison.
They were in the meetings.
It all came out in court and was confirmed.
How they were going to have a Bolshevik takeover here.
And how they were going to put 50 million Americans in death camps and kill at least 25 million of us.
Well, I'm going to explain something to you, okay?
The goal of Obama and all of his czars, if they could have everything they wanted,
would be to put 50 million people in torture camps.
This isn't rhetoric.
This is what they'd like to do.
And if they can get a war going with Russia, a regional war, a conventional war, a proxy war, and then they'll start this new thing up that they're spies or stage some terror attacks and say Russia did it, they're gonna come out and try to bring in martial law.
They're not gonna call it that.
And they want a war just like Hitler started war so he could take over domestically.
Governments do the same thing over and over again.
Julius Caesar would start outside wars so he could seize power in Rome.
It's the same story, folks.
It's like third world dictators.
They'll claim there's some threat, you know, Bolivia will claim there's a threat from their neighbor and then declare martial law or civil emergency and take over.
Or Honduras will do it, or Nicaragua, or El Salvador, or
The list goes on and on.
They have martial law basically in Nigeria now because of a Muslim threat in the north.
Cobra's killed more people every year, the numbers I've seen in Nigeria, than Muslims do.
And I'm not saying there isn't a Muslim extremist issue there.
It's total hype.
And war is the health of the state.
And the state's a giant cancer growing out of control.
And I just know the history of Russia.
I know what's going on there.
I know what's happening there.
They're reforming a nationalist, neo-Tsar confederation that scares the you-know-whats.
Out of the George Soros types who want to run the world.
And by the way, put something in Russia that looks like Neo-Bolshevism.
With a bunch of foreign banks administering it, sucking the country dry, having everybody line up to get their government rationed, to get their government welfare checked.
Then the economy collapses and you get a pittance from what you got before.
But that's the plan.
That's cloward and pivot.
Look it up!
This is what they're doing!
And here's the problem, historically.
People will be faced by an evil, and they just can't believe it's happening to them again, and so they get run over by it.
Well, I'm a history buff, and I know who runs the country.
It's a bunch of super-rich, ultra-elites who want a form of socialism slash communism at the grassroots.
With a fascism sitting above it that administers it, that's above the law.
Tax example, diplomatic immunity.
A U.N., Davos, carbon tax, world government.
It's all being announced, by the way.
The Internet's being handed over to the U.N.
It's all happening right now.
All the stops are being pulled out right now.
Again, I do not romanticize Vladimir Putin.
I mean, you talk about creepy folks.
I'd go to New York for events and stuff and other places and I mean, you know, these women with their handlers would not even, like, Vladimir Putin is a patriot and Russia likes you.
Do you like her?
Will you be friends with Russia?
I'm looking at a woman who looks like Marilyn Monroe and I'm like, uh, no, I, uh, I just, uh, I don't want to have war with Russia, but I'm not, uh, this is long before all this stuff's cranked up, folks.
I was writing into this.
Can you imagine how infiltrated our decadent country is with Russian spies?
How penetrated it is?
If the Russians were after me, like, eight years ago?
Before any of this, these politics were even going on?
Putin did not blow up towers in Russia in 99, like you say.
Putin is good!
Okay, uh, we do not like your film saying he bomb building.
Muslims working for government of your government did it.
I mean, it's just like, okay, whatever.
You know, that's how far-seeing the Russians are, despite all their corruption and medieval-ness, is that nine years ago, eight years ago, you know, I go to an event in D.C., New York, Florida, Russian operatives, folks.
This country is so infiltrated.
You want to start a war with them?
Is that what you want to do?
With our corrupt, decadent, scumbag government?
It's starting to start all these wars.
I mean, and I'm not telling you these stories to sit here and like, you know, oh my gosh, James Bond stuff.
It's not James Bond stuff.
The Russians, it's crude right up front, man.
And you heard those calls yesterday.
I mean, it is just so horrible.
And I'm going to get into the Russia and then I'll just go over a bunch of news headlines.
And then I promise I'm going to get to U.S.
to relinquish remaining control over the Internet.
And then this article in Washington Post says, but no one knows who.
That's what they do when they don't want to tell you.
I'm going to tell you who they're handing it over to coming up.
Probably yes.
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Hi folks, Alex Jones here with some important information.
I want to tell you about Matt Redhawk.
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11am to 2pm Central.
We're here blasting out Worldwine.
Alright, let me get serious here, folks.
I never finish my analogies.
I rarely do.
The point I was getting at that's key here is, let's say zero is a country's neutral with us, like Switzerland.
And being neutral actually means very positive.
Then it's just free will back and forth.
Free association.
You get so much wealth, you know, can you handle it?
Like the Swiss, you know, most people can't.
They create a corrupt system, everybody ends up robbing each other and everything collapses and you become Venezuela.
Or you become America.
With a gang that follows a leader and then get free handouts.
But soon there's no handouts anymore.
Soon there's only uniforms and guns and trudgeons.
Soon the language falls apart.
Soon all the chivalry is gone.
And the elegant weapons for a more civilized time are replaced with the brute black helicopters.
But here's the analogy, and it's more than an analogy.
I mean, it's really just a fact.
It's more than just a way to gauge it.
Let's say Switzerland's a zero, and ten is total oppression, our total enemy.
Russia is about a one, and now because it's doing counter-sanctions, maybe a two to U.S.
The globalists of Russia are a pain, trying to bring down Russia, offensively all over their borders, funding Muslim extremists to attack them, trying to bomb the Olympics, openly threatening them, starting wars in Georgia, starting wars, overthrows in Crimea, using public ignorance about the facts, to go, oh, they're democracy, non-violent protesters shooting police, with John McCain, the guy that six months ago was, you know, leading Al-Qaeda, literally, in Syria,
Trying to take over, blowing up all the churches.
This guy is the enemy, not Russia, is my point.
So, Switzerland's about a zero.
Russia's about a two against U.S.
Real independent interests of the American people.
China's a six or a seven, as I said last night, influencing our media, buying our debt to control us, backing up the bankers to keep that scam going, in turn for our jobs and industry, buying up all the rare earth minerals, getting all the deep water ports, infiltrating with spies, and over 10,000 known front companies operating, and then engaging in money laundering operations to destabilize the economy long term.
I mean, it is a total takeover by the Chinese.
They're about a seven against us.
They're a real threat.
Blue Water Navy, giant arms buildup, Russia's just trying to survive, and then you've got China's about a 7, and then who's a 10?
Well I'm going to tell you, you're saying the New World Order's a 10?
No they're not, they're an 11.
They're going a hundred and ten percent out, so hardcore against this country, against our physical well-being with fluoride in the water, the GMO, and then they write textbooks, eco-science, right there on my desk.
The White House science are about putting poison in the water to make you more passive and reduce your fertility.
It's all very funny to them.
And they write books about it, doesn't matter if Harvard comes out and admits lowering IQ in kids, doesn't matter if they admit seven-fold increase in bone cancer, pancreatic cancer,
I mean, go read literally thousands of studies, and it's all hands down known.
And so we're run by the eugenicists, they're playing all the countries off against each other, and they are on 11.
So, that's why I'm against this war.
That's why Ron Paul's against it.
Because he's smart.
He's informed.
And he knows that Russia had a very measured response, only taking Crimea.
NATO and the EU just took 90% of the country.
They just took it over through proxies and now George Soros is going to suck it dry like a giant vampire that he is.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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You want to stop tyranny?
Obama doesn't like that.
He built it.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The globalists literally think they own us.
They treat us like a natural resource to be extracted.
A renewable resource.
A human resource, as they call us.
Did you know that the health departments set up in England in the 1890s, 1901, 1910 in New York, different permutations of it across the country, literally list us as human resources to be culled and controlled officially?
The family courts, all of it, are an expression of eugenics law, the new system of government adopted officially by the 1860s by the Britannic Empire.
And now the standard world language is Imperial English, and the standard world government edict and directive and prime operational system is global technocratic eugenics-based world government.
The elite know everything is in the genetics.
They seek to become God, to repair their own inbred genetics, and to suppress and supplant the rest of humanity.
They are creating a genetic dictatorship worldwide.
They are assaulting us through transmutagenic GMO systems now being added to the crops.
There's an article on Infowars.com about it that is absolutely incredible.
And when you know eugenics, folks, you know everything about these people.
And then you go look up the people that had Monsanto, and GlaxoSmithKline, and Bayer, and Goldman Sachs, and JPMorgan.
Thank all of them.
They go to eugenics conferences, they go to sub-eugenics conferences, they go to groups that were called eugenics organizations, the Eugenical Society until the 40s and Hitler made them look bad, and they literally rule the planet.
Except for the Russians, they haven't mopped up yet.
And the Iranians.
And it doesn't mean the Russians or Iranians are good.
It means the Global Borg are bringing them down.
In fact, they just put the headline up from Infowars.com today, Daniel Taylor.
New form of GMOs sneaking into food supply this year.
Technological elite engage in mission to attain full spectrum dominance over life.
And that's their words.
We are under
This is total assault, and the only way to get around this is admitting it.
You can't just play patty cake with this.
We're not going to sit here with half measures and get out of this.
I want to explain this again.
Russia has been supine in the last 20 years, since 1991.
So, how many years is that?
20 plus?
I guess under Common Core it could be 100 years, because 2 plus 2 could equal anything.
I know it's 23, but, you know, the point is it could be anything they say.
Like, randomly, I could just randomly dial numbers on a phone, I might as well just... It should work!
I mean, Obama said so!
These are the age of total mental illness and total fraud, with a public that's been brought up in front of television sets, and so people don't understand that the website was not meant to work, so they can make it about the broken website.
People don't understand the scams.
I do.
I know what they're going to do before they do it.
It's very nightmarish, by the way.
It's nightmarish to not be arrogant and to be able to sit down with major CEOs of major companies who get a lot of it and say, you'll never stop it, you might as well just join with it.
Or to talk to major people that are very successful and billionaires and people and they don't even understand it all.
They know their business and that's it.
I mean, it's very lonely.
Sitting here, watching it all in white papers and all public, taking place in front of me, and people have lived their lives in it, so they're comfortable with it, and they've adapted to it in a bad way.
And that was the great epiphany I was given by the head of a major U.S.
bank off record on that first-class American Airlines flight to be on The View.
He was on the plane.
In his perfect suit, unwrinkled, and when he got up from it and put on his overcoat, he looked like something out of a, you know, Nordstrom's catalog.
And he looked at me and he laughed at me and he said, they will adapt to whatever we do.
Don't you understand, not all adaptation is good.
And he laughed at me and said, we win, you lose.
And at that point, with the demonic power he had, he had twice the male vigor that I had.
In his focused evil, you could tell the guy didn't use drugs, didn't drink, didn't eat fattening food, nothing.
He just looked at me, after three hours talking on the plane, and he finally quit the nice guy act and says, we're getting up, and he goes, you really want to know?
They're all gonna adapt to what we do.
They'll muddle through everything and there's no way out of it.
He got up and put his coat on like a Darth Vader stormtrooper and marched off that plane.
And I look at the public who are like mindless children who have no idea what they're facing.
These people put poison in your water and laugh at you.
They put poison in my water, and I don't do enough to filter the water I bathe in, even though I give people the advice to do it here.
The filter breaks, I turn it off, never get the people to come replace it, and I've been six months without a filter.
I mean, I am pathetic, ladies and gentlemen.
I have adapted to bathing in poison.
I have adapted to using a smartphone, even though it radiates me and tracks everything I do.
I have adapted to not getting enough sleep and not taking care of myself.
I have adapted.
The world goes on.
And we're going to adapt to half the public dying of cancer by 2025 in major government numbers.
Pull it up.
Half the public's going to have or be dying of cancer by 2025.
In the West.
You go to the third world, middle of nowhere, nobody's dying of cancer.
And I'm not trying to get negative here, folks.
It's already going on.
You might as well know what's happening.
You might as well be aware of what's happening.
The level of mind control, the Stockholm Syndrome of loving your abuser is so great.
95% of black people in this country vote for the Democratic Party whose sworn goal under Margaret Sanger and the Great Society is to exterminate every one of you off the face of the earth.
And then to give you the hip-hop gangster culture on record in the 90s to weaponize you to act like gangsters so the police can be trained.
So you wear your gangster tough guy uniform, the police are then trained you're a thug and are trained to put you in jail.
And you literally go out and wear the uniform of a prisoner with your pants hanging down over your butt and everything else.
And Hollywood says it's cool so everyone gets behind it to convert the culture to that.
And the police, like attack dogs,
Like a foxhound is trained to kill foxes?
The police are trained to go after gangbangers, and then you go dress like a gangbanger and try to act hard.
I don't care what color you are, but it started with the black folks.
And then they put you in a prison where you go to jail for petty reasons when you're in juvenile, and then the gangs induct you.
If you're lucky, they don't binge over and give you HIV.
And when you get out of juvie, well now you've gone to school to be a prisoner, to be institutionalized, and now you're put out on the street, and they choose a few dozen of you, out of tens of millions of wannabe gangsters, and they let you sit there rapping with a big fat belly hanging out, and throw some women up there with you, and then the kids think that's how they get ahead, when really you're being inducted directly into the prisons on record, where they get state laws passed all over the country, where they gotta have 90% occupancy in the Wackenhut,
You know, type industrial prisons.
You can walk over and talk to one of these kids, one of these white, black, it doesn't matter, who's into that whole gangster culture.
They don't know what planet they're on.
I was in a gas station the other day and they had one of those coffee machines where you put the coffee in and pick the one you want, hit the button.
There was a group of these trendies, hip-hop people in there, and they didn't know how to use it, folks.
You could tell they grew up in their diapers, getting their diapers changed every two days.
Uh, you know, my mom goes out with these loaves and fishes and she does Meals on Wheels too and she says, I need to go with her, I haven't gone since I was a teenager.
And she goes into East Austin and these kids see him and run up and they'll have like a sandwich and some chips or whatever and they give him and the kids sit there and just beg him and thank him and gobble it up and haven't, you know, sometimes seen their parents in days.
No CPS is coming to take those kids.
The CPS is only coming if you've got a healthy child they can adopt out or maybe they take a fancy to wanting to bend them over and rape them.
So, that's how this country really works.
I mean, let's stop being naive about all this.
Let's stop being fools.
I literally watched the thug culture of everyone trying to walk around acting tough.
It's a fake alpha male act.
And the women are so lost.
The women are so desperately destroyed that because MTV said so, they actually believe they're going to be successful attaching themselves to some 20-year-old, 10-year-old who literally thinks acting like a wannabe gangster is tough.
That's weaponized culture.
Just like they had the feminists, they couldn't get half the population to smoke, women wouldn't smoke.
Seen as unladylike, so they had feminists go around and smoke cigarettes and say, show your man in the newspapers.
Show him you're independent, smoke cigarettes.
And of course now women lead the United States in lung cancer.
It's sexy to get your lungs chopped out.
You didn't know that?
Sure killed my grandmother.
She was a lot tougher than a man.
Women are tougher than men.
They chopped her lung out first and a bunch of other stuff.
It took them 10 years to kill her.
My grandfather, well, he died of lung cancer in just a few months.
Jerry Jones wasn't as tough as Patty Jones.
And then there's all my family that's died of Agent Orange.
Just all the loving gifts of the New World Order.
I'm very thankful for all of them.
Aren't you?
You know who I'm worried about, Bill?
Those Russians.
Those bad Russians.
You're not patriotic if you don't get behind George Soros, the Nazi collaborator.
I mean, he fought the Russians in World War II.
Of course he fights them now, he's a patriot.
He gets ADL awards, just like Schwarzenegger.
Your dad's in the SS, you're a product of an SS marriage, you dress up in Hitler outfits and tell Rolling Stone you love Hitler, you get an ADL award.
You fight Nazism, you get attacked by the ADL.
I was downtown yesterday doing some business and walked out of a restaurant and they went, excuse me sir, would you like to sign our petition to fight the KKK?
And I already knew about the petition.
It was a banned free speech in Texas.
And we've already done reports on it.
They're all over the place.
And I turned to the guy and went, you're Alex Jones.
He goes, I'm actually a fan.
It was a guy and a girl.
And I went, buddy, the ADL is basically run by the New World Order and the government.
Excuse me, I had a Freudian slip.
The Southern Poverty Law Center basically, I said, you know, basically is run by the same people that run the Klan.
As a culture clash, just like radical Islam is being funded by the West.
He started laughing at that, you know, he must not be too big of a fan if he hadn't done his research and gone and found out that was all true.
You know, I said I'd get to all this news, and I haven't done it, have I?
Boy, there's a lot of it.
Let me do this, because I said I would cover news.
Let me do that, and then I'll take some of your phone calls in the whole next hour, interspersed with things like out of the literally 300 articles here or more.
I bet you could count these.
I bet there's 300 of them here.
Bill Maher, God, a psychotic mass murderer.
Can you guys queue that up?
The Washington Times has the video clip, but Bill Maher got a psychotic mass murderer who drowns babies.
That's what he said to get attention last Friday with his show, with a dwindling audience.
Here is the clip where he said he likes to promote death so there's less people so he has more.
Because he's a eugenicist.
Bill Maher knows what team he's for.
He is a anti-human, ultra-fascist, Hitlerian.
People go, well, he's Jewish.
How can he be Hitlerian?
Doesn't matter.
I mean, you could have Hitler-like ideas and be... See, because you want to kill people, and there's too many people, and you want more for you, and you just have everybody subhuman.
Kill more people, but don't kill me.
I'm Bill Maher, who has writers that make me sound witty, who can't even sell out 1,000-person arenas when he travels.
I mean, I can sell out 1,000-person arenas endlessly.
Bill Maher's a nobody, but a punk.
A coward.
An anti-gun sniveling rat bastard!
That's not fair to bastards.
There's a lot of great men that didn't have a daddy at home.
I apologize to all the bastards out there.
I mean it.
Here's Bill Maher talking about how we need to kill more people.
Pretend when he wants to ban your guns or...
Wants to talk about God being a murderer.
No, no.
People like you have death in their heart.
People like you like to see death.
People like you like to exercise raw power.
You've said it yourself.
Don't blame God because you were given free will, you sniveling maggot.
Let's go to the Eugenicist Bill Maher.
Alright, wait, wait.
Too crowded.
So, the planet is too crowded and we need to promote death.
When I look at the Venn diagram of people who are pro-death penalty and pro-choice.
Let's stop right there.
Oh yeah, they're inconsistent.
Those that are pro-death penalty on average are anti-abortion.
That's because it's an innocent baby.
These people act like they're intellectuals.
They are literally stupid.
But they know how to cling to the dark side, cling to the evil, and get off on the power trip.
So he loves death.
And then he says God is a psychotic mass murderer who drowns babies and basically wants to kill people.
So you're God, Bill Maher?
Because that sounds like you.
That sounds a lot like you.
Bill Maher, god of psychotic mass murder, who drowns babies.
I'm so sick of the public being so dumb and letting scum like Bill Maher sit there and lecture you and lie to you all day long.
I mean, he is a predator.
He is an uncool, anti-human, sniveling piece of trash.
And we need to recognize him as the enemy.
You need to recognize Barack Obama as an enemy.
Believe me, they're your enemy.
And if they ever get their way, folks, they're gonna... You think we have the biggest prison population now?
It's gonna be ten times that.
These are dungeon keepers.
These are just words cannot describe what vile scum they are.
And they tell us submit to them and we'll have freedom?
No, we'll have slavery and death.
I'll never submit to the New World Order.
Stay with us.
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Is it getting better?
Or do you feel the same?
Will it make it easier on you now?
You got someone to blame, got someone to blame You said one love, one life When it's one need in the night, in the night
You know, Bill Maher sits up there and he says, get the traffic moving, kill people.
But God's a mass murderer.
It's disgusting, and of course I want to explain this, it's like coral reefs.
You can go to the Caribbean and drive in a boat for an hour and never see a coral reef and not see much life, and you come up on a coral reef that's teeming with life.
The cities, people move to the cities because there's jobs.
People move to the cities because there's opportunity, there's excitement.
But yes, that means there's then lines, like going to a good movie, there's going to be big lines.
Or going to a really good play, there's going to be big lines.
The play that's not any good is not going to have any lines.
And it's not going to be out on the street very long, because no one's going to come to it.
If we don't have 2.1 children, no one's going to be there to take care of the old people.
And by the way, they don't intend that.
They're going to euthanize you, yuppies.
They're teaching you how to be alone, be friends with your smartphone, and teaching you how sexy euthanasia is, because that's the plan for the baby boomers, and then that's the plan for the Generation Xers,
And that's the plan for the precious millennials and everyone else.
What am I?
I'm 40.
Is that a Gen Xer?
I'm not supposed to be successful.
I'm a nobody.
Because the old folks told me so.
Now I'm old.
I'm not as trendy.
I'm joking.
The point is, ladies and gentlemen, this has all been actuaried out and is on record.
They are going to kill everybody!
And they're going to do it in a very orderly fashion, and you've got Case for Killing Granny, and How Wonderful It Is to Commit Suicide, and How Great It Is to Kill People, and blah blah blah.
Trying to turn off your life force, so the globalists can have all the resources.
NASA's out today, it's up on Infowars.com, the London Guardian story, saying society's probably going to collapse, and that it's unsustainable.
And that, you know, they need emergency global measures to stabilize it.
They create artificial scarcity.
They begin to collapse the world economy, agenda 21, on record, and then think we're so dumb we don't read their own white papers from Club of Rome 1967 with this current battle plan of neo-feudalistic serfdom.
They are cutting off the resources and are going to tax you to the level where you live
They're shutting off everything.
They are putting us under siege.
We are becoming literal slaves.
Wake up!
I'm gonna come back with a phone number out, get into all the news, and I will get into the internet takeover.
It's exhausting to read all this news and then try to go on air and cover it again, I gotta be honest.
Because I read all this stuff and then it's like, it's like I've already seen the movies.
It's like, ugh.
Every one of these articles is like, ugh.
But it's good to get the poison out.
It's good to break it all down, so I'm gonna do it.
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In the last 50 years, iodine has been phased out of our staple foods and replaced with the halogen bromine, a practice now banned in nations around the world.
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Reports documented a 15-point IQ
We're good.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, we are now into hour number two.
And I have been basically gibbering about what I'm thinking about.
Because all the other stuff is just window dressing.
All the other articles, all the other factoids.
I mean, you see the stuff going on around you.
It's all just little particles in the sandstorm that is the disintegration of humanity by design.
And again, I want to explain this like a sandblaster.
The globalists don't even have to create the sandstorm itself.
That engine's already driving.
They just direct it, wherever they want, and kind of ride the wave.
They surf the crises.
They feed off all the different sides, all the different angles, and that itself is a natural, symbiotic thing to do, except that they're actually fomenting the crises.
I mean, obviously you take whatever crisis there is and you try to do as best you can to survive it, but you don't accentuate it and try to not let people know what's going on so they fall down so you can then feed on them.
And that's really what this predatory system comes down to, where the public is like Helen Keller.
And that's what gives me faith.
Helen Keller, of course.
Will you guys print me the Helen Keller biography?
Thank you, because I don't want to butcher it.
But I'll come back and then maybe read from that.
But the point is, she was, as they called it at the time, deaf, dumb, and blind.
She couldn't see, couldn't hear, but was trained to be able to end up, to be able to write, to be able to talk, to be able to basically do everything.
And that's a testament to the human spirit.
Versus people that have eyes to see and ears to hear but cannot see, to quote the Bible.
Is it subconsciously, like Job chapter 3, that it's so horrible people choose to deny it because deep down they know the true horror?
I think that's part of it.
Maybe I am the bad man.
Maybe it's bad to not want to brain damage babies and give them 75% high fructose corn syrup in the average formula that will totally brain damage them on record.
Maybe it's wrong to not want to give small children shots of vaccines with cancer viruses in them that'll implant themselves in the DNA with the RNA to kill them a decade, 15 years later, after the doctors chop the cancers out of them for 10 years of excruciating pain, or 5 years, whatever it is.
Maybe it's wrong to know they're giving people viral type 1 diabetes with a virus that attacks the pancreas.
Viral pancreatitis.
No one will tell the people why it's happening, why it's unfolding.
Maybe I am the bad one.
Maybe it's good to give the troops DU, that's a death sentence when they use it, kidney failure, because it precipitates out in the kidneys.
Maybe it's wrong to not want to put fluoride in the water and watch IQs drop and see people die of cancer.
Let's play Devil's Advocate.
Maybe for the next two hours, I'll play Devil's Advocate today.
Be like Bill Maher.
I have the moral high ground because I hate people and want to kill everybody.
And want death everywhere.
I want abortion.
I'm so trendy.
I'm so loving.
I'm so good.
Because I'm arrogant and put on a confidence act.
And everyone worships me.
I can just go through life totally empty.
Hating everyone.
Maybe that's fulfillment.
Is it nobler to suffer the slings and arrow of outrageous fortune?
To be or not to be?
To be conscious and loving and good?
Or to be a vampire scumbag?
That is the question.
We'll be right back.
Alex Jones here with a message to fellow freedom lovers.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You know, while everybody is obsessing over this missing Malaysian flight that has been a hijacking from the beginning, that's what I said.
That's what I still believe it is.
That's what everything points at right now.
While we're all busy obsessing over that, there's major wars over the planetary currency.
There's troops massing on both sides in and around Ukraine and Crimea.
Crimea just voted 90 plus percent to join Russia.
You've got Obama announcing new sanctions.
I saw him this morning.
I just happened to be in a restaurant and catch part of the press conference and he was sitting there saying, you know, you just can't go around into countries and invade places and there's going to be consequences for your actions.
And this is a guy funding Al-Qaeda to attack Syria, to attack all these other countries, and then Russia played the part of the good guys fighting against Al-Qaeda.
Our own military said no, so now they've moved to a proxy war right up against Russia.
Crimea has been part of Russia for hundreds of years.
But this is escalating very, very quickly, and now the Russians are announcing a whole bunch of new sanctions they're going to pull.
against the United States, which is only going to hurt the average American.
It's going to hurt people in the Euro.
They've got articles out today in mainstream news saying how bad this will hurt the average European especially.
It'll hurt the Russian people too, but it'll sure help the globalists.
They always get to, you know, come in when countries go bankrupt and take over.
It was 96.77 percent, I kept saying 90 plus percent, 96.77 percent voted to join with Russia.
And of course, oh this is outrageous, the globalists just overthrew the country and their elected government three weeks ago.
And called it a democracy uprising.
And I'm sure they have some real beefs, and there's different factions, they're not all Nazis, but the main government is Nazis.
That's the shake-up in World War II.
Ukraine was run by the Nazis, the Russians kicked them out, purged them, and now they're getting revenge.
And I'm not saying the Russians haven't done horrible things in the past.
You know, it's kind of like stuff the U.S.
has done to Mexico.
Okay, well Mexico's really bad too and does horrible things.
You know, just because the U.S.
has been bad to Mexico doesn't mean Mexico hasn't mass-murdered over the years hundreds of thousands of Guatemalans in wars with them.
Guatemala used to be part of Mexico.
The point is these countries all act the same, ladies and gentlemen.
They do the same thing over and over again.
And what do you think the Malaysian flight is diverting from, folks?
Because the way they're covering it... I mean, they've had other planes that go missing in the Mediterranean, big passenger liners and other places, and French airlines that have been missing for weeks, they can't find them.
This is just an absolute diversion.
Like the Zimmerman thing was a diversion from all the stuff that was going on.
I mean, this is definitely a diversion now.
I'm going to open the phones up.
Long-time callers, first-time callers.
You agree, disagree.
I want to hear from folks.
You know what?
I'm going to do this first.
Then I'll have open phones for everybody.
I want to attempt to get calls from Russia.
Maybe we should open up our international line for folks with a dollar country code who can call into us.
Then I can go to them quickly.
Can we turn on our international line, John Harmon?
And that'd be 651-695-7755.
Bring it up.
It's on the wall.
I just want to make sure I'm giving the right one out.
Or if you can get through, just call 800-259-9231.
Dial your country code and get through that way.
Because a lot of folks overseas have computer phones.
So they can call toll-free.
If you're in Russia, if you're in Ukraine.
How about this too?
If you disagree with me,
on Ukraine and you think it's great what happened all I want to say is if we had so-called protesters out shooting police
I mean, if the cops start shooting people, for no reason, I think the public should defend themselves.
1776, you shoot us, try and take our guns, civil war's gonna start, but you don't go out and just start shooting the police, and then our media calls them freedom fighters.
Oh, look, the freedom fighters, the riot police weren't doing anything, and they threw Molotov cocktails at them and killed a bunch of them.
Oh, they threw Molotov cocktails at a police vehicle and burned them up.
They're wonderful people, John McCain said six months ago.
It was Al-Qaeda's wonderful.
It just doesn't hold water.
Maybe you disagree with me.
Someone open the phones up.
800-259-9231 for people that disagree.
You go to the head of the line if you disagree.
I mean, I'd like to hear.
I mean, that's a question.
And we will start going to some of your phone calls.
John, did you find the international line?
Are you on air right now?
I want you to start coming on air.
When you talk to me.
I'm currently now on air.
John, say hi to everybody.
Hello everyone.
The international number is 651-695-7777.
John Harmon, how long have we been working together?
Oh gosh, I think I started working at Genesis when I was about 19 years old.
So, I pretty much grew up listening to your show.
So yeah, it's been a while.
What, 10-11 years?
By the way, guys, he's up in Minnesota right now.
See how you can really hear him?
I want our mics to sound like that.
Am I coming in loud enough?
You sound loud and clear.
I like that.
That's good.
And I want my guys, when they talk to me, unless they're correcting something I've done wrong, no, no, or at least they're telling me somebody's arrived or something, I want the guys to just come on air.
Okay, Senator Drudge Plump.
Senator Drudge Plump.
You don't give out the code words on air.
Oh, sorry.
What are you doing?
TSA poli- uh, Police's St.
Patrick's Day Parade.
Hi, Mom.
Alright, there you go.
Well, thank God they're there.
I mean, what will we do without people to fondle us?
TSA polices St.
Patrick's Day Parade.
Mammoth Federal Agency continues unchallenged invasion of non-transportation related events.
Yeah, first it was the buses and the trains, and now it is the highways, the schools, the proms.
John Harmon, you know, you remember 12 years ago then, when I saw the TSA being formed on C-SPAN, I said they're going to be on the highways, they're going to be at checkpoints, they're going to be everywhere as a national police force, because I saw them say that.
And of course now, John Harmon, is it happening?
I mean, it's one of those things that it wasn't something that you predicted and you looked into your crystal ball.
You could see it happening.
That's just the way the future is going with all the technology and everything.
Checkpoints on when you go to the mall, you're going to get searched everywhere.
Alex is absolutely right.
That's the way things are heading.
Well, they said they were going to do that.
And here it is.
It's happening.
It's getting rolled out slowly.
If they just announced it, hey folks, we're going to start doing this now, people of course would go up in arms and say absolutely not.
This is ridiculous.
It's the slowly turning up the pressure cooker and eventually people just accept it.
It's just another thing.
It's boiling the frog in the hot water analogy.
Why are you being racist right now?
You know, because I am white, and I am sorry.
I love Obama.
I apologize.
That's better.
I mean, if you have an opinion on the flavor of ice cream you want, it's racist.
If you don't like turning your guns in, you're racist.
If you don't pay for the Obamacare ripoff, you're a racist.
You do what you're told, and nobody's going to call you a racist.
Don't give up on me.
I am learning.
Yeah, I mean, used to, governments had to smack you around to make you do what they said.
Now they just threaten you with not being trendy.
Yep, that's the way things are going.
They politically can assassinate your character so that when you have an opinion people can say, oh it's that guy saying that.
Well exactly, but I mean more than that, it's even more of a hoax because the system has almost no power and it's discredited and so many people hate the system that for them to attack you, you actually become popular.
Oh they know that.
And desperate.
But the trendies still think that if the system's attacking you, it means you're discredited.
That's because they're on the winning team.
They're, you know, if even though they're going down, they look bad, they have to keep rooting for that winning team because their whole life is being, they bought into this.
Their whole life is about being in the facade.
It's just like what Stefan Molydew was saying the other day, people that live on the surface.
It's all about that whole thing.
I mean, we all, you know, those yuppies that you talk about, they're all living on the surface.
They're not living in the barbarian beauty area.
They're not really living.
It's all about their BMW and their bank account.
They have to protect that.
Sean, they're not seething with the animating contest at Liberty.
Their minds are not on fire.
They just don't have that right mindset.
Something eventually will come along and kind of
You know, a cop pulling them over and, you know, kind of abusing their rights, something like that.
Well, I told everybody, because Toyota said it like 15 years ago, and then they announced it, they're going to have cameras in all the cars that watch you to make sure you're not upset, that then live time back to the police.
See, you know, if they said they're secretly watching you, everyone would get upset.
But now it's not secretly watching you, it's, oh, in case there's road rage, and in the article I'm going to get to later, it shows the face of the guy with road rage.
And all he's doing is kind of frowning.
I frown when I'm having my most delicious moments, listening to music, or thinking about something, or thinking about victories against tyranny I've had.
I mean, I literally, my brain just goes, good, good, good, more endorphins for you.
You're a big red-blooded barbarian who loves freedom.
Oh, you love humanity.
My brain says good.
You love beauty.
You love people being successful.
You love being honorable.
Here, more endorphins, more power, more energy.
God loves you.
Oh, you're dreaming of giant, you know, space-based civilizations and humanity and empowering people.
You're dreaming of empowering your children.
You're dreaming of green fields, of Elysium.
Oh my gosh, you're so good.
Meanwhile, all these evil people are totally unhappy because they don't know what it's all about.
Just go back to being a man.
Go back to being a woman.
Women, you're not feeling good about yourself?
Be super feminine.
Put on a polka dot dress.
Go cook some food in the kitchen.
You know, have men, you know, talking to you.
Think you're beautiful again.
I know television tells you you're not beautiful.
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm out of control today.
This is what happens when I get three hours sleep.
I was doing some deep research last night.
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Hi folks, Alex Jones here with some important information.
I want to tell you about Matt Redhawk and his team of patriots over at My Patriot Supply.
Several years ago, Matt was sitting in his two-bedroom apartment, frustrated with the direction this country was headed and the charlatans willing to sell us out for a quick buck.
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We're good.
Way up top!
I've got so much news, and I am not a lazy creature.
It's more of torture some days.
Most days I want to cover news, some days I get in there and look at it all and it's just like, this is off the charts.
But I've got to get to the UN news.
I've got to get to just all this other incredibleness.
But right now, let's go to the Hubo.
Am I pronouncing that right?
And then we're going to go to Robert, God and Country, Alyssa and Bob.
And we've got some folks that disagree.
So let's go to Habu first because he disagrees from Wisconsin.
OK, you're first up.
What do you disagree with me about with the Ukraine situation, sir?
I dare not disagree with you, although it's a minor point.
Let me just say, you've been spot on in your analysis, and you've said it in such a stentorian way, I respect you.
I disagree with the notion that this may, well, that thermonuclear war is, well, while it is possible, I don't think the West will go that way, of course, unless it's forced into it, and of course Russia has been very measured
And sober about this.
I'll tell you why the West won't do it.
Because it has got too much to lose.
It's got this rigged game and they don't want to lose it.
I mean, just think of Exxon and all these big companies.
They won't be able to do business.
So they've got just too much to lose to go that direction.
Let me just tell you what I think this whole thing is about.
This thing is to cut off, to create this scenario, to cut off gas coming into Europe.
As somebody said yesterday, they would blow up a pipeline.
And you know, it is to make Americans think, oh, we're in another Cold War again.
Let's give in to fracking.
You know, so then we don't need, we don't need the gas here.
We have enough gas, but it's to then send it down to Europe.
And so to make people agree to give up their rights on fracking.
Well, I think that is, energy fits into it, and then getting Europe off of Russian gas, that is actually part of it, and I think different forms of, newer forms of exploration for natural resources is in that equation, that you're absolutely right.
That's why they want a new proxy war with Russia, is because it lines up with so many interests.
The EU wants control, Germany wants control, the British always want to bring down Russia, the Israelis want to go after Iran, they've got to get rid of Syria, Russia's protecting Syria,
But again, Israel loses the moral high ground, supporting, along with our government, Al-Qaeda forces, blowing up all the churches and stuff.
I mean, you don't get rid of Assad and put Al-Qaeda in, who's literally... I keep saying ten times worse.
They've got to be a hundred times worse.
Get some of the oldest Jewish and Christian communities in the world in Syria, that live in total peace and are now being blown up.
They blew up something like 200 churches in the month of December last year.
You know, Alex, not that I'm an apologist for Russia, but I believe that Russia is the repository of Christianity, and it's the alt-right, but it is the repository of Christianity more so than anywhere in the world.
It is the ancient orthodox Christianity, and it is true that it is taking over Russia right now.
They're having a revival over there, and the establishment does not like it.
You know what you're talking about, Habbo.
It's so good to talk to informed callers.
I gotta give this to somebody else.
Thank you so much, sir.
Robert in Illinois, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
Thank you very much.
I'd just like to point out that if we are being eavesdropped upon via our cell phones, audio and video,
Who's to say that the NSA doesn't already know or knows what's going on on that missing plane if all their phones are still active?
Maybe they've already painted a picture of what's going on and...
Then governments are involved, and they can't let the rat know that it's being chased back to its den, so that's why there's no new updates.
Same old, same old on the air.
Yeah, no, they could know who really got it, and it's behind-the-scenes diplomatic stuff with the North Koreans and the Chinese.
Or, it could have been an NSA, CIA-style deal, where in Operation Northwoods, they said they would land the plane and claim it crashed, or claim it disappeared, and then have the people on board be government folks,
Or corporate, you know, sheep-dipped, covert, deep cover operatives who then all stage their death and then get new names.
Which is a routine operation.
I mean, I know people and have had... I'm just going to leave it at that.
Let's just say this, a lot of people go into the military and then they stage their death and then they get a new identity.
Uh, so that type of stuff does go on.
I mean, myself, I'm Bill Hicks.
I mean, I'm not joking, folks.
It's a sarcastic joke on the internet.
Uh, but, uh, not funny to the family.
I apologize.
Uh, but, uh, getting serious, uh, any other points?
He dropped on it.
We're gonna, uh, come right back.
No, no, but seriously, uh, there is a program, a large program called Sheep Dipping.
And that's how they create secret armies.
I mean, brigade level of basically ghost soldiers that don't even exist on paper.
And the Russians are big into that too.
And our country is just full of Russian operatives.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hi folks, Alex Jones here with some important information.
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We are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy to get people actually to love their servitude.
People can be made to enjoy a state of affairs which, by any decent standard, they ought not to enjoy.
Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.
Too many kids are what's making planet worse.
A lot of these kids come from bad gene pools.
They don't have stable parents making good decisions.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatric.
These new studies suggest that the opposite, that the preservatives may actually be associated with improved behavior and mental performance.
Fluoride in water is supposed to fight tooth decay, but could it also cause cancer?
Turns out the government had the right, under U.S.
law, to conduct secret testing on the American public under specific conditions.
We have to work the dark side, or we're going to spend time in the shadows.
Any attempt to achieve world order must be the work of the devil.
Well, join me.
I'm glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan.
There's a need for a new world order.
Someday, in the next few years, a solution will emerge.
You're listening to InfoWars Worldwide.
I am your host, Alex Jones, and we're here Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Back weeknight, 7 o'clock Central.
InfoWars Nightly News.
You hear the war drums?
I'm awake!
I'm not a slave!
I see the globalists.
I know what they're doing.
And I don't like it.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Okay, let me do this.
I'm going to take about 10 phone calls and then I will get into the news.
I will get into this.
There's just so much I've got to do it.
But the callers are the news.
They bring up so much important stuff.
All right, we got a caller, God and Country from UK, lived in Russia, on topic, wants to give us their take on what's happening over in Russia.
Then Alyssa wants to talk about Trendy's, says that she disagrees.
And then Bob in Wisconsin, on the topic of Russia, we're going to get to you.
God and country, you're on the air.
Hello Mr. Jones, can you hear me?
I can, go ahead.
Alright, first of all, God bless, and God bless our country.
I'm really happy to talk to you.
I wanted to say quickly, there's a lot to cover, but I'll try to be as quick as possible.
First of all, from all of us, and from the whole world, and the military,
You're the biggest here in the world.
You're a brother in arms and a modern age prophet sounding the horn for those that will listen.
I just want to start that off.
Don't build me up like that.
So what's your nationality?
You're saying our country.
My country's humanity, but I'm an American.
You're in the UK?
Are you Russian?
Are you Ukrainian?
What are you?
A bunch of things.
First of all, I was born in the United States.
I'm from San Francisco, California.
But, um, my parents are Russian, and they ran away from, uh, you could say they ran away from the, uh, communist, uh, communist 70-year, 70-year communist takeover.
The communist disease that our government literally defecated onto you?
Oh yeah, which is now pushing it on, uh, the United States and trying to make it a world policy now.
Uh, but, uh, so, so I had the, I had the opportunity to understand from my father and my mother what, uh, how bad things were.
And I understood that that was a big experiment.
That was actually a big, huge experiment on the Russian people.
I believe it was about 100 million Russians that died.
The official numbers are 66 million.
We're not talking about World War II deaths.
World War II deaths was another manipulated war.
Yeah, they've actually brought the Russian population down.
They brought in eugenics.
They broke up the families.
They put people in the big dormitories.
Everything we're going to go through, the globalists have visited upon Russia.
Oh yeah, oh yeah.
They had abortions, everything, before any other country had it.
They were experimenting with it for a long time.
They were actually the... Eugenics, secret testing, breaking down the family, every nastiness, yes.
Pure hell on earth.
And the country, because I lived there for about three years, now it's going to be four.
I'm in the UK just visiting my grandparents.
I'm trying to help them, which is, actually, it's another terrible tyranny.
The UK, it's unbelievable.
They give you hell just trying to get in.
I mean, you're an American, they give you hell, but every other, you know, foreigner, someone else, they just, you know, please come on right in, you know, ruin the country further.
But that's another story.
And, you know, I don't want to go too far into this, but even the UK government took the pensions of my grandparents, and we're here trying to fight it.
We're good to go.
Literally are setting up re-education camps, but they do it like it's no big deal, like, we're gonna come take your kids!
It's loving!
And it's sick.
So what's your point on Russia and the situation right now with Ukraine?
Alright, yeah, I'll get to Russia.
Okay, first of all, I'm there for three years, and what we've seen is that
First of all, Putin is 100% NWO.
Just get that out of the way.
Putin is 100% with the New World Order and Medvedev.
The thing is, he has to play the role because the majority of the population still are good people.
They're down to earth.
There's an expression, a Russian soul.
The UK, the New World Order, has really tried to destroy the Russian people, the Russian nation, because they're really the outside threat, the unseen, the joker in a deck.
They don't know, you know, because these people have survived for thousands of years and they never were really completely under control.
And communism really gave a terrible hit to the country.
I mean, you have run down buildings all over the country still, even though it's one of the richest countries in the world now.
Which is one of the reasons why my family was actually forced to leave the United States because we're trying to run a business, trying to do some business.
We actually had to go to Russia to just basically survive, just economically, besides from all the terrible tyranny back at home, you know, especially California.
It's pretty insane there.
I still have my sister and mother there.
I'm going to try to get them out of there.
What's your bottom line on Ukraine?
Very interesting.
Bottom line in Ukraine, I mean, it's a huge conspiracy.
What I want about Ukraine, the Ukraine, they wanted to join NATO, number one, but they can't let Ukraine join NATO with a Russian base attached to it.
It's politically unfeasible.
No, that's right, and that's all public.
And see, this is all public.
And the average American is against the war in polls, but still the minority, 20% that are for it, they can't even find it on a map.
They just go, yeah, Russians, kill them!
I mean, it's just the most mindlessness.
Go ahead.
Yes, and so in the Crimea,
They used to belong to Russia for ages, for hundreds of years.
And they basically use that as a sideshow while they're taking over the Ukrainian government.
I mean, do you remember, Mr. Jones, when the Polish plane with the entire Polish government got wiped out?
Over Russian territory?
That's exactly the same thing that's happening in the Ukraine now.
That's exactly the same.
They replaced the government with a new New World Order government.
They're going to join the, at least the NATO.
They might not join the EU just yet, but they're going to join the NATO, that's for sure.
So you think NATO blew up the Polish President?
I don't know about NATO, who did it?
It doesn't matter who did it, does it?
It's the New Orleans that blew them up, because they weren't going to join the EU.
That's right, it's above every country, that's right.
Yeah, yeah, so they just wiped out the Russians, the Russian government is with them.
I mean, ever since communism fell,
The, it's an actual CIA, it was a CIA plan.
Sure, sure, well what you're saying is actually very sophisticated and just like Stalin and Hitler divided Poland before they turned on each other, before Hitler turned on him, you're saying that this is a backroom deal to divide up Ukraine amongst themselves, let Putin secure his foothold.
We're good
The globalists do not completely control Russia.
Obviously, Putin's got his billions in offshore bank accounts.
They've been bought off to a certain extent, but he did kick out a bunch of oligarchs and arrest a bunch of Rothschild fronts.
That all came out in the news and in court trials.
I mean, how do you reckon for that?
Yeah, that's what actually confuses even me sometimes, even us sometimes, because sometimes he pushes buttons that make it really look like he's anti-New World Order.
But the direction the country is going, I mean, the education system, the society, the cultural collapse, the music industry, they're pushing homosexuality purposefully on the children.
The Olympics was just a huge, huge show just to pressure with the rainbow flags all over the place.
The entire St.
Petersburg had rainbow flags all over it.
Putin dressed up, you know, supposedly Putin was anti-gay, right?
But then he goes on to a Russian TV show, puts on a purple shirt, talks to Elton John, while the society locally is very against it.
See, I don't get all this code stuff.
I had someone one time wearing purple in here, and she's a lesbian, and she said, you know, oh, you know, I wore purple today, because I'm just like, what does that mean?
I mean, I wear purple shirts sometimes, and so I just want to... I mean, I'm wearing a blue shirt right now.
That doesn't mean I'm...
I don't know who's got a blue flag, Russian or something, but I hear you.
It's all very interesting.
Look, they just use this whole stuff as a football issue back and forth.
And it's the same thing.
Even if Putin isn't completely in bed with the New World Order, there are special interests that overlap.
That's undoubted.
That's just how it works.
And Putin
represents a lot of the old line groups that didn't want to just have a bunch of oligarchs running on everything.
They want to be their own Russian oligarchs, not offshore oligarchs.
So, obviously, there's systemic corruption in Russia.
That's one of the problems, even though they have a smart population, they can't ever, you know, totally get themselves together.
I mean, they can build spaceships and fighter aircraft and come up with mathematical equations and, you know, like nobody else, but then they can't get over the corruption.
And most countries can.
I'm not picking on the Russians.
I mean, look at the rest of the world.
They're smart people in Latin America.
They're not stupid.
They just cannot get over their corruption.
They're smart people in Africa, folks, but they just can't get over the corruption.
Smart people all over Asia.
Most of Asia is hyper-corrupt.
And Japan's run by the mafia, basically, but they keep it so controlled that it doesn't go systemic.
I need to stop talking and go to calls.
Alicia, in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
You disagree about something.
Please tell me what it is.
It's not so much of a disagreement, but as far as the people we mock, the people we try to wake up, whether people aren't awake or not, I kind of want to start this little rant off with a personal story.
Everything that they've been doing to us with the fluoride, with the toxins, with the chemtrails, with whatever you want to call it, we have all suffered so much because of that.
And I think whether we're trendy, whether we're Democrat completely brainwashed, whether we're sheeple,
Everyone is going to wake up soon.
I'm 28.
I've had four years of my life just, like, completely taken away from me.
Cancer at 24, completely related to all that crap that, you know, I was brought up drinking, eating, whatever.
Went through their chemotherapy, their radiation and everything, only to discover thyroid cancer right in the middle of my radiation treatment.
Thyroid removed.
So now I'm on the fake Synthroid replacement for that.
And that was really my wake-up call to everything, and that's when I opened my eyes to a lot more.
And we have all, in America, watched uncles, grandparents, even parents, whatever, die of cancer, die of these horrible things that shouldn't be happening.
I have a mother to this day that cries and blames herself for a daughter that can't have kids and for a daughter who had to go through all that.
And whether it's cancer, whether it's... I haven't been able to find a job in four months.
I was laid off after Obamacare.
Well, you might not want to say that, but um...
Yeah, if you don't thank them for giving you cancer and the vaccines on record, and the cancers are up 10,000% in children on average, that's racist.
You need to let them kill you or you're racist.
But to not be sarcastic, we lead the world in cancer, they are killing us on purpose, and it's on record.
The glyphosates, all of it, are meant to grow cancers in women.
And it's abominable.
It's happening.
It's the real deal.
And I agree.
People have been mind-controlled from birth.
And we shouldn't make fun of them.
I do it because
Just, you know, at a certain human level, it becomes ridiculous.
And I kind of get the same disdain for the public the elite has, and that's wrong and that's evil.
And thank you for correcting me.
You're right.
We shouldn't get so mad at the public.
We shouldn't get mad when they laugh at us.
We shouldn't get mad at how stupid they are.
We should realize they're victims.
And, I mean, cancer in women is off the charts.
I know tons of young women.
That's right.
It's a serious situation.
And I think what you've said is very poignant.
And I'm sorry that you can't have children.
And I'm sorry that... I mean, the Gardasil shot does, and in the trials, does destroy the ovaries.
And it's now confirmed.
It's a soft kill sterilant.
It will not sterilize everybody.
It will cause major reproductive tract problems and autoimmune disorders and all sorts of problems.
And those are all epidemic.
And, uh, you know, I know parents whose kids die at the doctor's office when they take the shot.
They don't just have convulsions in the car home.
They die.
And then we sit here, instead of the Nazis lining folks up and shooting them, they just soft kill where it's like a lottery.
And, oh, Junior's got cancer.
Oh, your kid can't talk.
Oh, neighbor's got cancer.
Oh, our kid's got cancer.
Oh, everybody's got allergies now.
Oh, everybody's got bowel disorders.
Oh, everybody's got neurological disorders.
Oh, everybody's got skin disorders.
Oh, everybody's got mental disorders.
Oh, what's going on there?
We're being murdered by a giant, secret, biological, chemical, radiological weapons program
That is only barely beneath the surface.
A lot of it's submerged in public.
Closing comments, ma'am.
My main point, I think everything that they've done to us is going to backfire.
My personal experience is Alex, they have, I can't thank them, but they have turned me into steel and I read a quote somewhere that stuck with me ever since I was sick.
There's nothing more powerful than the human soul on fire and we all have a breaking point whether we're awake or not and they're on the cusp of doing that to us.
I agree with you.
I agree.
I can feel your power.
I can feel the fire of liberty burning in you.
And where there is the spirit of the Lord, there is liberty.
Anything else?
We will fight.
Just give them hell.
Expose them.
Get in their face.
Warn others.
Free the zombies.
We can do it together.
Life will defeat death with Christ's aid.
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The facts are in.
The studies are legion.
Sodium fluoride and other toxic members of the fluoride family are devastating the health and cognitive ability of the American people.
So why are the social engineers adding it to the water?
Dumb down the host population that the parasitic technocracy is feeding on.
We may not have been able to get fluoride out of the water supply yet, but we can help to get it out of our bodies.
I am extremely excited to announce the exclusive InfoWars Life Fluoride Shield Formulation.
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Let's take a stand against the Globalists by blocking their poisons with Fluoride Shield.
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Let's start cleansing our bodies now and support the Info War at the same time.
That's InfoWarsLife.com.
I would stand in line for this.
There's always time in line for this.
But then it all fell apart.
Beautiful song.
You guys ever put me to Helen Keller right now?
I bet you did.
Alright, I'm going to continue with your phone calls right now, and then I'm going to get into the EU's stunning hypocrisy on Crimea.
4.4 earthquake near L.A., could be aftershock for bigger shake, big quake fear over there right now.
The EU and takeover of the internet, we're going to break it all down.
SOPA dead in Congress, alive in Trans-Pacific Partnership.
We're going to give you the rest of the story.
As Paul Harvey would say, good day.
So that's coming up.
Talking about glyphosate, I try to sell things here
That I personally buy, that I personally use, that I personally believe in.
Because I don't want anything I do to come back on me.
And it's not even magical thinking.
I don't like doing things bad to other people.
I like inviting friends over and cooking them the most delicious meal possible.
Just because I enjoy hospitality and see people have a good time.
I love taking my friends out shooting.
I love having fun with my buddies and telling jokes.
And I know you're like that too.
But the globalists aren't, folks.
They would rather cheat somebody or screw somebody over.
My point is, we only sell products that I believe are really awesome.
And I say I believe, even when you're trying to get the very best products and trying to do the perfect job, nothing's absolutely perfect.
But whether it's the InfoWars Life Supplements, the Super Metal Vitality that we're going to get some more of in a couple weeks.
It is back order right now.
It did sell out, but if you get your order in, you'll get it first.
They say the trucks will leave sometime this week.
The truck.
So the point is that
That's at Infowarslife.com.
That supports the broadcast.
Super Metal Vitality, Survival Shield, Nascent Iodine.
And we have a new product, but we only have a limited amount of these.
It's called Silver Bullet.
We've got the write-up on it, but it is the strongest colloidal silver that we could find anywhere.
It is the strongest colloidal silver that we could find anywhere.
And we've got all the specs up at Infowarslife.com.
It's called Silver Bullet.
I can't believe nobody else has had a Loyal Silver called Silver Bullet.
I mean, that is a no-brainer.
But it's there.
Unfortunately, it's really hard to get Loyal Silver.
And we got a very limited supply.
This is not hype.
At $19, this double strength, it's beyond double strength, will sell out.
You can get as low as $15 a bottle.
It will sell out in a matter of days because we didn't get very much.
That's really the problem with selling high-quality products is the supply chain.
Is that, I mean, we could put crud out all day long.
We're very neurotic about only putting out the best qualities.
We have a very limited supply of this.
It is the Silver Bullet, InfoWars, Life's fourth product.
Fourth supplement, Survival Shield, Fluoride Shield, Supramel Vitality, and now Silver Bullet.
And I guess InfoWars Life also puts the coffee out, but that's not really a supplement.
That's just organic coffee.
And so I haven't plugged in two hours.
I'm plugging here, mid-air refueling.
This is how we fund our operation, bringing you stuff that I use, that I believe in, and you've heard the right reviews.
I am not going to put something out.
I mean, I've even got to say with Supramel Vitality, that it makes everybody else calm and feel really good and has a
Obviously an aphrodisiac effect, that's not why we sell it.
It's about general male vitality and blocking estrogen mimicers.
With me, I take half a dosh because I have had problems with anger my entire life, obviously.
And it just does not... I'm the only person I know this with, so...
I'm just saying, see how it works for you.
Everybody else says it mellows them out and smooths them out.
But it does that for me some too, but it's just, I've noticed a difference.
Alright, Infowarslife.com, and get the glyphosates out of your water.
Get a Pro-Pure, promo code WATER to get 10% off.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
The facts are in.
The studies are legion.
Sodium fluoride and other toxic members of the fluoride family are devastating the health and cognitive ability of the American people.
So why are the social engineers adding it to the water?
Dumb down the host population that the parasitic technocracy is feeding on.
We may not have been able to get fluoride out of the water supply yet, but we can help to get it out of our bodies.
I am extremely excited to announce the exclusive InfoWars Life Fluoride Shield Formulation, fusing six of the best documented ingredients from around the world to help the body remove not just toxic fluoride residues from the body, but a whole host of toxic substances.
Let's take a stand against the globalists.
By blocking their poisons with Fluoride Shield.
I use Fluoride Shield every day.
Secure your Fluoride Shield and other pioneering formulations at InfoWarsLife.com today.
Let's start cleansing our bodies now and support the Info War at the same time.
That's InfoWarsLife.com.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
It's an honor.
I'll start off by saying that I'm 57 years old, and I found the fundamentals of your worldview back in the late 70s.
I was turned on to a, none dare call it a conspiracy, from a Vietnam veteran that I met out in Boulder, Colorado.
I was kind of tramping around the United States, staying at a hippie sloth house, and I ran into this guy, and we'd go to the library during the day, and he turned me on to all these books.
So I've been pretty wide awake there, you know, since then, and I've watched all of this unfold for the last 40 years.
Boy, I'll tell you, Gary Johnson, who's
Who wrote Nun-Dare-Call-A-Conspiracy?
Gary Allen.
Gary Allen.
Gary Johnson's the... There was another guy with him, though, too.
Yeah, that was Abraham.
Yeah, I've had his son on.
Yeah, no, I was conflating him with the Republican governor of New Mexico, former governor.
Yeah, Gary Allen, can you believe his son runs Politico and serves the New World Order and makes fun of us when we cover Bilderberg?
And his father literally wrote a book that predicted the future and may actually save us because it woke up so many people, 10 million copies in print.
I mean, can you believe, can you imagine your son betraying you like that?
I just, I just, that was, I know Gary Allen's dead, but I just couldn't imagine being a great journalist like Gary Allen and writing that book that he put out at cost, so 10 million copies got out.
We sell it, by the way, today and back in print.
Written in what, 1972?
71 or 72, yeah.
Matter of fact, I got you the newsprint I got, I got from Nipple Wars.
It's unbelievable.
It's unbelievable.
I mean, I don't want to digress, but can you imagine if you were such a patriot and your son, like, literally joined the Emperor?
Imagine if you were Darth Vader's father.
That's what it's basically like.
Go ahead, sorry.
No, I couldn't imagine that because I have three boys and they're in their adult age now.
I've been married 39 years.
And they're in their 30s.
And, you know, I gave them the information that I got out of that book.
And what's funny about it is that, you know, I was warning everybody for years and being ridiculed and what have you.
And when 9-11 happened, it got by me.
And, you know, my oldest boy was telling me, look Dad, it was an inside job.
This was probably around 2006.
He was telling me, look Dad, it was an inside job.
Here's the proof, blah, blah, blah.
And I said, you know, look, this government's got some messed up people in it, but it ain't that bad.
And they turned me on to a couple more books.
And I said, oh, the son did.
And he turned me on to you.
And I said, oh, my God.
It's all happened.
Just like my worst fears.
And I appreciate what you're doing.
Because for years, I knew what you knew.
And I didn't do nothing about it.
Well, brother, you did.
You had three great sons and educated them, and then you got busy with life, and then they came back and woke you back up again.
That's how it works.
And in Gary Allen's book, like a sleeper cell, he is out there with all these people.
I mean, listen, I grew up with John Birchers coming over.
When I was like 1, 2, 3 years old and there was a John Bercher living next door that would keep me when my mom was at the grocery store and stuff.
Bobby Vaughn, he's dead now and he'd crank up, you know, rock and roll music and we'd sit there and...
He was a fun guy.
I remember when I was a kid and playing with me.
But the whole point was that he would just constantly talk at night, drinking beer at my parents' house.
He was over there every night, you know, the neighbor with his girlfriend, just constantly about the New World Order, New World Order, New World Order, banks going to take over, blah, blah, blah, blah.
And I just sat there listening to that like a sleeper cell.
Later than I read the book, because I heard, so I'm handing out the books, talking to my dad, everything, because my dad was already awake.
But that's how it works, brother.
You never got to your point about the missing plane.
What do you think is going on, Bob?
Well, good thing's hijacked.
You know, there's only one power on this planet that's got the ability and the capability and the nerve and the audacity and the arrogance to steal a plane with 240 souls on it.
You know, we know who that is.
I don't think I have to come around and tell you that.
Uh, it's the United States government that took that plane and what they got up their sleeves, I have no idea.
I hear ya, probably.
Who knows?
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That's Infowarslife.com.
Alex Jones here with a message to fellow freedom lovers.
The prognosis for the entire planetary economic system runs from bad to worse.
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Will you fight?
Against that?
We will run!
And we will live!
Fight and you may die.
Run, and you'll live.
At least a while.
And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!
All right, folks, let's get into the news.
It's breaking up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Paul Watson's got a new article out dealing with the EU's stunning hypocrisy on Crimea.
Institution that ignores its own citizens' referendums declares Crimean vote as undemocratic.
TSA polices St.
Patrick's Day parade.
That's right, now we've got the TSA out at the St.
Patrick's Day parade searching people.
Just total police state takeover.
US and EU making Europeans suffer is a quote, price worth paying to punish Russia over Ukraine.
Go read who said that.
Amazing, that's open globalist talk.
A new form of GMO sneaking into food supply this year.
I'm going to be getting into that article.
That is just some of the news up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
But here is the top story this hour.
This is a report out of the Washington Post.
We're going to cover some more news and go back to your phone calls, Chris, Robert, Laura, Tom, Travis, and others that are patiently holding.
And I love an article like this because it really just illustrates everything I'm talking about.
And we're gonna give you the rest of the story on it.
What's in this article is not just the news that the Internet's being handed over to someone.
They say they don't know who.
It's that you could write an article like this where the Washington Post says we don't know who's getting control of the Internet.
That's like saying we're going to have World War III, and it's going to happen in 10 minutes, but we don't know who we're having it with.
We're going to have a Super Bowl tomorrow, but we don't know who the Super Bowl players are.
We don't know who the teams are.
I don't know if it's the Washington Post writer, Craig Timberg, is this stupid, or whether they think you're that stupid.
Actually, I know he's not stupid.
They don't want to tell you.
That's how stupid they think you are.
It's on record that under international treaties, in the last 20 years, they've already signed over most of the internet.
That's why hidden in the headline is the answer.
By the way, this is not my opinion.
I mean, I'm going to go over some evidence of this in a moment.
They know full well it's the UN getting control, and by UN, the private interests that sit on those boards.
And it's the UN that wants CISPA and SOPA style legislation to censor free speech, so don't forget that.
That's why Congress is getting behind shining over the Internet that DARPA created, that Americans paid for, the core technology.
By the way, will you guys queue up the John D. Rockefeller?
We'd be better without the Internet, because he's the guy involved in all this.
Thank you.
US to relinquish remaining control over the Internet.
That's the headline.
officials announced plans Friday to relinquish federal government control over the administration of the Internet, a move that pleased international critics but alarms some business leaders and others who rely on smooth functioning of the web.
That's code for we don't want an Internet neutrality.
We don't want to be under EU law censoring free speech.
We don't want to be under an Internet tax.
And by the way,
That's what's in there, and that's what's actually in other news publications, mainline news.
That's what Google is saying.
I'm not normally saying Google's good guys, but if they understand their interest is threatened, even though they're a large part of the new order system, this is being transferred basically to the EU that runs the UN.
Now, we're going to get to Senator Rockefeller here in a moment, but listen to this.
Pressure to let go of the final vestiges, see it's already been done, of U.S.
authority over the system of web addresses and domain names that organize the internet has been building for more than a decade and was supercharged by the backlash last year to revelations about national security agency surveillance.
See how all the other governments do it, all the big corporations do it, it's all about how America's doing it.
We've got to turn the web over to the U.N.
They'll fix it.
See how they do this?
Because it's globalist above America playing us off against others.
The change would end the long-running contract between the Commerce Department and the Internet Corporation for assigned names and numbers, ICANN, a California-based non-profit group that the contract is set to expire next year but could be extended if the transition plan is not complete.
Now, I've been covering this for 15 years, really.
Since I learned a little bit more about it.
The UN is constantly saying they want to remove most people's domains and tax the other domains and in free speech and you can look that up.
Let me just type in UN wants to tax domains or UN wants to take domains.
And that's why they've got all the names biz and gov and org and they're gonna come in and say you can't do this on that you can't do that.
I mean it's all happening it's all being announced.
Now, let's continue.
In a statement, Senate Commerce Chairman John D. Rockefeller called the move consistent with other efforts the U.S.
and other allies are making to promote free and open Internet and to preserve and advance the current multi-stakeholder model of global Internet governance.
Hear that?
Global Internet governance.
And, by the way, there's a big club, to quote George Carlin, and you ain't in it.
Because the world's owners want you dumb.
That's why education will never get better, it'll get worse.
Because it's designed to dumb you down.
Because the country's owners want you stupid!
Thank you George Carlin, rest in peace.
9-11 truther.
So, there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, now, now, he says this is going to protect the free and open internet.
He's been promoting stuff that would end freedom of the web as we know it.
CISPA, SOPA, the UN treaties.
Let's play that clip, just so I'm not just claiming he said we'd be better off without internet.
Here it is.
President Obama's Director of National Intelligence, Admiral Blair, who I greatly respect, have labeled cyber security, perpetrated through the internet, as the number one national hazard of attack on the homeland in West Virginia.
Launcher on attacks.
So, I mean, it really, it really almost makes you ask the question, would it have been better if we never invented the Internet?
And had to use paper and pencil or whatever, and that's a stupid thing to say, but it's, it has genuine consequence.
Get him off.
Because it's on the Internet that these acts of... Okay, so, there you go, these acts are so bad, let us run everything.
Turns out most of the time it's the globalists doing it all.
So, that's what's going on.
Now listen, here's the key part of the article.
See, this is why I don't cover articles a lot.
I got 300 on my desk.
This is one.
To decipher this crud.
Now let's go to the next one.
But former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, I cannot believe I'm agreeing with Newt Gingrich, Republican Georgia tweeted, What is the global internet community that Obama wants to turn the internet over to?
The risk of foreign dictatorships defining the internet.
This risks foreign dictatorships by the internet.
Well, no, Newtie.
It's not that we're going to have, you know, Zimbabwe or whatever voting on the thing.
It's the private stakeholders that already under the treaties will control it for the World Trade Organization and others and fast track.
That's the issue here.
And we know because it got leaked by hackers and they confirmed it's real.
Only one of the 30 pieces dealing with the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
We know what's in it and it makes CISPA and SOPA look tame.
It's a pay-for-play internet with about 3,000 big sites and universities and government and corporations and then you've got to have a subdomain with them and then they just phase out the old internet.
It's like turning a road into a toll road and then not letting you have access to it.
And here it is out of the New American, Joe Wolverton, excellent article.
SOPA, dead in Congress, alive in Trans-Pacific Partnership.
And this thing, they call it Trans-Pacific, it's for the whole world, folks.
It comes in with the governance over the Internet, and that's just one piece of 30 parts that I wish the hackers would release the whole thing.
But see, Google has access to this, and we know they're probably the hackers.
There's some fights in the New World Order.
And some people that don't want this to go through right now.
They want the web to be free a little bit longer while they dominate it.
And so, they want it known what's going on so it can be shot down.
So, the separation of powers is one of the main things that's still keeping us afloat.
Now, I mentioned some of this earlier, but this ties into it.
Ex-Bush administration official.
Internet giveaway weakens cybersecurity, opens door to web techs.
Well, yeah.
I mean, the web tax is being proposed across the board by the UN that's getting it.
And again, the UN's the name on the door.
It's these private boards.
Just like Codex Alimentarius is a bunch of big pharma people shutting down vitamins and minerals and nutrients worldwide.
The US is one of the few countries they haven't restricted it.
Here's another one.
Just showing where we're going.
Google wants email scanning information block.
Bloomberg, they don't want you knowing they're spying on everything you write.
See, they all do it.
Here's one.
The future of brain implants.
How soon can we expect to see brain implants for perfect memory, enhanced vision, hyper normal focus, or an expert golf swing?
See, they're rolling out brain chips like it's going to be so cool.
Only the coolest people get them.
There'd be unintended consequences and problems if
A malevolent, excuse me, I had a Freudian slip, benevolent, loving angel was running it.
But this angel's not very loving that runs this.
I will assure you.
And here's the next article.
See, they're just rolling it out everywhere.
I used to tell you the plan was for DARPA to have everybody with a brain shipped by 2025.
That's official DARPA policy.
Declassified in 1991.
Reclassified soon after.
I'm a kook.
I think they're going to put brain chips in you.
But they're promoting brain chips.
Now when we come back, cars can soon monitor our emotions.
Devices read facial expressions.
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Alright, let's do this.
Let's take some phone calls and then I'll get back in the news and then more phone calls.
But I want to tie it into the story I was just covering later.
Cars could soon monitor our emotions.
The device reads facial expressions to prevent road rage.
Or the computer sits there bossing you around and is tied back to the police department.
And that's out of the Daily Mail, RT, you name it.
And again, Toyota, about 15 years ago, had a whole online symposium where they said they were going to do this, and then they're going to show that robot cars are safer, so you're not going to be able to drive.
Or if you have a special high score and pay more insurance, then you can drive.
It'll get in your car, and it'll just shuttle you around.
I mean, this is just the end of humans being able to do anything.
And I go back to different Chinese dynasties.
I forget which one it started in.
I think like 3,000 years ago.
There's been Chinese dynasties for 6,000 years.
But around the middle period, I know from memory, I forget the name of the dynasty.
The point is, I'm obsessing over the name of that dynasty.
They said, you've got to be in the Forbidden City.
You've got to stay behind walls.
No one can look at you.
You're God.
It's the fashion.
And then we've got to bind your feet so that you can't walk.
You're so royal.
We have to feed you, we have to bathe you, we have to wipe your hind end like the Queen of England would do with a stool.
We have to have a valet that dresses you.
And pretty soon the men and the women of the royalty could hardly walk, basically.
And they were prisoners.
And that's all that's happening.
We're seen as an ugly human resource that isn't needed.
And so they want to reduce our population now.
They're on record about that.
I mean, everybody knows that.
And they've taught the average person to hate themselves and hate their fellow humans and go, yeah, there are too many people, you know, let's, let's euthanize folks, but, but not you.
But we've got to give up all our rights so that, you know, the terrorists don't kill five Americans a year or whatever it is.
I mean, that's scary, you know, because we, yeah, we got to have morals and we got to have the morals of letting women kill their babies.
That's an important moral.
You understand?
I know you understand.
It's just that it's this total anti-human system that they teach people to love.
And I said I'd go to your calls.
Let's go to the next segment.
This is a short segment.
And look, it's not like I'm even smart.
This stuff is out in the open.
Just like they're like, yeah, they're giving troops brain chips now that are depressed.
It's really open.
Wired Magazine.
Hey, they got a vaccine they give the troops after six, seven, eight tours where they're not upset anymore.
It's real good shot, real easy.
Of course, they don't tell you, a virus goes in each part of your brain, and you'll never have those high emotions when listening to music, or when you're first born's born, or you know, when you win that business deal, or kiss that girl at the door when you say bye to her at night.
Because see, if we're going to take away your bad emotions, those are all in the very same area of the brain as the good emotions.
That's why the best things in my life now, I see, were the worst things.
Leg surgeries, and car wrecks, and fights, and times I was scared and down, but came through it.
That made me who I am.
They don't want you to experience any of that.
The animated contest of life.
And again, I'll use the analogy of space travel.
If I was going to go on a Mars mission, my heart would disintegrate, my bones would turn to rubber.
By the time I got there, I'd be an invalid, even if I tried to work out six, seven, eight hours a day, unless they build a centrifugal force system like 2001 Space Odyssey to create some basic G's.
When the crew gets there, it'll take them months to get to where they can pick up a 20-pound box, basically.
And that's what the globalists have done to us.
They have put us in an artificial, soft, poisonous system to get us eased back into their control so they can create the control grid, wipe us out, and we won't get upset while we're being killed.
We're already been killed.
We're already dead.
Most people are walking dead.
They're not conscious.
They're not awake.
They're not living.
They're just machines that watch television, try to act cool.
They're not really conscious.
Because if you were conscious, you wouldn't want to act cool.
You'd want to act honorable.
You'd want to find other honorable people to commune with.
You'd want to find other people to share art and love and passion with.
And to not be betrayed.
And to not be forsaken.
And to be loved so there'd be people there to honor you when you're put in the ground.
Like your ancestors.
And that even though they don't know your name a thousand years from now, they will look back at what you did and will have a feeling of honor for you and will want to be honorable into the future with whatever unimaginably splendid missions our species is involved in in the future.
In the recruitment arm.
Big guy.
Your phone calls are coming up.
Stay with us.
We are Free Humanity!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Don't tread on me!
I better leave it, my friends.
That's what the governor of New York says.
That we should give up all of our freedoms and accept abortions and accept turning our guns in or leave the state.
How about you leave the state?
That's treading on you, ladies and gentlemen.
But I don't want to be treaded upon.
I don't want to be food for somebody that claims they have this authority and just dominates everyone.
By the way, there's a big controversy around the nation as police start wearing ultralight cameras, and I don't have any problem with that.
If we're going to be able to film them in public, which federal courts just ruled and state courts just ruled last week, two different courts, strange two rulings, one in Maryland, I think one was in Illinois, that the police can no longer arrest you for filming them in public.
Well, by the same token, then you can't stop them filming you.
And my issue is that that'll make them behave better.
I'm not against cameras out in public if we have them as well.
What I don't like is in privacy, them spying on our phones, our Twitter, our Facebook, our emails, reading everything, tracking us, and then using that data to corner financial markets.
That's the essence of illegal spying, wiretapping.
Anyone could ever go out in the public square and see what people are doing, see what they're saying.
And in my experience, the system does not like cameras pointed back at them.
Now, I don't like the fact that there is a total control grid of license plate readers.
And that there are cameras up at every street corner tracking where you go because there's no probable cause and you're being tracked as if you're a criminal.
That is wrong.
The total control grid under common law and common sense is designed to abuse people and tax people's mobility, which is an ancient form of oppression.
So I want to be clear.
They're conflating it that, oh my gosh, the police are wearing cameras.
Well, I've got a camera too.
So you've got yours and I've got mine.
And I didn't see any problems with the Austin Police when we went down for the open carry march.
Jakari and the crew did a great job Wednesday and Saturday.
Those videos are up on InfoWars.com.
And the Austin Police we talked to were like, we're pro-Second Amendment, right to keep and bear arms, you have a right to march, open march, and we also support street preachers and the First Amendment.
And people online are like, wow, man, that cop talked to you and was nice.
Yeah, that's how they're supposed to act.
And that's how I'd want to be if I was a cop or anybody else.
I want to treat people like I want to be treated.
You know, we all go overboard.
The police get emotional sometimes as well.
And, you know, I was up in Dallas and the police were being pretty nice to the fellow reserve.
And they sent this cheerleader style woman over to tell me I couldn't be out there to demonstrate.
And I started screaming at her.
So they sent the riot police, but by the time they got there, we'd left an hour later.
I really was screaming at those cops, but you know what?
I don't apologize for it, because I was real nice until this woman shows up and says, you don't have free speech in Dallas.
We have an ordinance.
Lady, your ordinance is toilet paper, just like some ordinance against wiretapping in Maryland.
Some state law saying videoing cops in public is wiretapping.
No it's not!
And you know it's not!
And you know my political speech is protected when I'm on a sidewalk, not blocking the road, bullhorning the Federal Reserve.
So see, I say I shouldn't have blown up at her like that, but that starts making me mad!
That is treading on me!
People go, oh, don't get so upset.
Folks, we've gotten the position we are because we lay down like a doormat.
A nation of sheep will be ruled by wolves.
And I physically get upset by people wanting to dominate me because I'm free, folks.
Americans were always some of the freest people compared to other nations because Americans would rather kill than be a slave.
Americans would rather kill, I'm going to say that again, than let somebody slight them.
I mean, people were very polite in the old Americana culture, not just the South.
That's where it got outlawed by the 1870s.
What do you think that is in the old westerns where two guys, and I'm going to go to Chris, I'm going to get to you Chris, I'm going to play a special report and then get to you.
What do you think that is in the old westerns, where it shows the, come on sheriff, think you're so tough?
Let's go outside.
And then they draw and shoot each other.
That's really what went on.
But it didn't happen very often, like Hollywood says, because people were real polite.
Because it didn't matter who somebody was.
If you cheated them in business, if you beat somebody's daughter up, or raped her, you're dead!
And it wasn't, they've finally done the histories and gone back on all the letters and stuff.
I like my great great great grandpas and people.
And man, reading the letters and the stuff is just, there's just like safety deposit boxes full of it.
It sounds better than any Western.
Stuff that was going on, stuff that was like, you know, had four wives, you know, three would die and you'd have a fourth and have like 30-something children and like, uh...
You know, somebody cheated him, so he went over and pistol-whipped him to death, and then they had a trial, and you know, the jury found not guilty, and you know, just like, just all sorts of just, and then this guy did this, and that guy did that, and just like, I mean, my ancestors just, I mean, you know, were really nice, gave the shrapnel to their back, but if you mess with them, they would kill you, just instantly, I mean, or you're gonna, somebody's gonna die.
Now look at what a wimp I am compared to those people.
And it wasn't they were looking for trouble.
They were the nicest, sweetest, upright people, man.
But they were gonna live.
They were gonna have kids, and they were gonna plow, and they were gonna build, and they were gonna get strong, or they were gonna die trying.
And anybody got in their way, anybody tried to keep them down, they were gonna kill you.
And if you walked into a place and said somebody's wife was a whore, you were gonna go outside and you were gonna have a duel.
Because if you talk the talk, you gotta walk the walk.
Government doesn't have to do that today.
All this scum doesn't have to do that today.
You can cheat somebody today, most of the time you don't get in trouble for it.
But let me tell you how you get in trouble.
No one will do business with you.
I love people that have cheated me over the years or done stuff.
And then years later they go, did you blackball me or something?
Nobody will give me a job.
And I go, no, no one has to blackball someone that goes around cheating people.
No one has to blackball someone that goes around lying about people.
People see that type of stuff and they don't want to associate with you.
And then people see folks that don't kiss and tell about things that are going on, good things.
People that don't cheat, people that don't steal, people that want to be honorable.
That's the real society.
And let me tell you, that society is still what's making the West run and operate, even though there's a corrupt society above it and below it.
And it's that society that's got this country still operating and still running and the professionals out there in every walk of life that are honorable because their daddy was honorable and because their mama was honorable.
And they wouldn't think about doing something bad or cheating somebody or hurting somebody because it feels bad to them but also because what would their grandma think even though she's dead?
Now the establishment boys, they call that a goody two-shoes square.
They call that an idiot.
They call that a fool.
I call that civilization.
And that doesn't mean everybody's perfect.
Doesn't mean you don't get mad and do things that are wrong.
Every one of us has got our own sins, our own problems.
But what God judges is the heart.
And that's why they say before you go into battle, better get your heart right with God.
Better get lined up with God.
And when you get lined up with God, believe me, you feel it.
You feel eternity.
You feel love.
You feel strength.
You feel honor.
But you also feel very ashamed.
That's why people call and tell me how great I am.
No, I'm not.
I can feel the presence of God.
I feel ashamed at how bad I am.
Even though people would look at the stuff I do and go, you're a pretty good guy, man.
What do you mean?
Doesn't matter, I'm still wicked, as the day is long.
I'm a wicked.
How do you think I know how the Newell Order operates?
I've got that area of my brain too.
We all do.
But see, my good side is so much bigger than my dark side, my evil side.
That's how I'm able to continue on.
Just like you're able to continue on.
Fight the good fight.
Now speaking of mind control, with the face scanners going in, car manufacturers are always looking for ways to make driving safer.
Oh, like proximity to other vehicle systems that will tax you by the mile.
And now, live cameras of the police.
And in the future, dashboard emotion detectors could search for signs of irritation and a bid to identify the first signs of road rage.
A prototype of the device is able to read a driver's facial expressions using tiny embedded camera.
And they're coming out with it, and oh, you're going to get an insurance discount if you get it.
Speaking of mind control, we're going to go to Chris in Carolina.
Is Robert in Ukraine?
No, he's in California.
Laura, Tom and Travis.
I'm gonna go to you.
I've been bad.
Little hogish with my babbling.
My inane.
In amongst the inane babbling.
They could make out two words.
Hobbit and Shire.
It's kind of like my show.
But in amongst the inane babblings.
There is some information there.
Let's go ahead and go to this report by David Knight on mind control.
Here it is.
It used to be that your privacy was invaded by people breaking into your home, listening to your phone calls, opening your mail.
But technology has made it far easier for criminals and governments to invade your privacy.
As a matter of fact, you could argue that metadata is far more dangerous than just listening to people's phone calls or opening their emails.
InfoWars has been warning you about this for a long time.
Here's just one article from four years ago where we told you about Google's cozy relationship with the CIA.
Joining with them in an internet monitoring project that would scour Twitter accounts, blogs, and websites and be used to, quote, predict the future.
Google's venture capital firm and the CIA's In-Q-Tel invested 10 million dollars into a company called Recorded Future.
Using metadata, Google and the government can predict not only societal trends, but individual action.
Knowing better than you do, where you will likely be at a certain time.
That's being done with metadata, not with your phone calls or your email.
But now the surveillance state gets far more intrusive and sinister.
Not content to invade your home, your mail, your computer, the government has been working for decades on ways to invade your mind.
Monitoring your thoughts, controlling your actions, even implanting or changing your memories.
And InfoWars has been pointing this out for a long time as well.
Look at this article from 11 years ago.
Now if you Google it, you'll easily find over 349,000 results in less than half a second.
And the government and its media have gone from ridiculing reports of their mind control research, calling you a conspiracy theorist if you report it, to taking credit for it, even putting a humanitarian spin on their demonic creation.
The mainstream media is positively giddy about the prospects of mind control and memory manipulation.
How will the IT revolution help change our minds, improve our lives?
Are we going to cure diseases like Alzheimer's, move objects just by looking at them?
DARPA wants you to see the purpose of their research as producing a medical device for Alzheimer's or PTSD.
DARPA also wants you to see their militarized robots as something that will save your life in a natural disaster.
They want you to believe that building a robot that can run faster than a human
is to save you, not to hunt you down.
Of course, DARPA's evil inventions could be used for benevolent purposes, but benevolent medical devices are not DARPA's mission.
Their mission statement says that it's to overcome multi-faceted threats, to wield cyber as a military capability, to open new operational regimes with advanced platforms and weapons, and to build a strong foundation for tomorrow's military.
DARPA weaponizes technology.
They're not looking for a cure for Alzheimer's.
They're not even looking for a cure for PTSD.
They're looking for a way to weaponize mind control.
Keep that in mind when you hear this.
We can actually connect the mind to a computer now, and actually begin to, quote, read thoughts.
You can type, you can issue commands, and we can even photograph what you're thinking about.
Meaning that, in principle, we can photograph a dream.
Homeland Security's mission isn't benevolent medical devices either.
As InfoWars reported three years ago, Homeland Security, as part of their so-called anti-terrorism mission, developed a memory transfer system at the University of Southern California.
The Pentagon and Homeland Security pretending that their mind control programs are benevolent medical devices?
It's just like the thought police and the interrogators from the novel 1984 calling themselves the Ministry of Love.
Homeland has a familiar ring to it.
And a familiar purpose.
Who knows?
Maybe we'll upload a vacation you never had.
Or maybe they'll use you as a false flag terrorist.
Kaku even referenced Total Recall.
Tell us your fantasy.
We'll give you the memory.
You want to be the crime fighter?
Or world-class athlete?
Or secret agent?
Happy trails, man.
What happens if our criminal justice system comes up against the fact that memories, eyewitness accounts, cannot be trusted anymore?
Finally, Kaku talked about another aspect of brain control besides selectively removing memories or implanting new fictional memories.
Infowars has been covering for a long time the dream of Ray Kurzweil, now Director of Engineering at Google, and of others, that they will transfer their consciousness into machines, that they will merge with machines in what they call the Singularity.
So, Professor, are we going to be able to live forever, store memories?
Well, President Barack Obama and the European Union are going to dump a billion dollars, that's a billion with a B, not an M, to the Brain Project so that we're going to create basically a disk with all your neural patterns, maybe your memories and thoughts and desires on it.
The short-term goal is to cure mental illness, one of the great scourges of the human race.
But long-term, if you die,
In some sense, your genome and your connectome will live on forever.
The real singularity is the merging of global corporations with global government in order to enslave you.
We've already seen a huge upswing in prosperity because of the IT revolution.
The kind of things that you're talking about, though, sound like they could expand our economy, improve our lives.
They see you as lab rats.
They will offer you some temporary beneficial benefits in order to get you to accept their brain and memory technology.
But it will be the instruments of your enslavement.
Excellent report by David Knight there in the newsroom, ladies and gentlemen.
And there's more of that every night, 7 o'clock Central, InfoWars Nightly News.
I'm skipping this network break to go to Chris, Robert, Laura, Tom, and Travis for the transmission in Suze.
But please understand that this could all be neutral, and then we could decide whether we wanted to change ourselves, give up our humanity, and become something different.
They are not making it voluntary.
They intend to make it mandatory and are phasing it in right now.
Just like the illegal spying, just like the forced medication with the fluoride in the water.
They think it's funny.
And they will end up being destroyed in it as well.
The funny thing about some of the top eugenicists in this country, if you go back to the 1920s and 30s, is most of them ended up being in insane asylums and ended up being mentally ill or committing suicide.
I'm not saying all those psychologists and people are eugenicists.
Sigmund Freud said that a fear of weapons shows a gross immaturity and childishness.
Give me the exact quote.
Sigmund Freud on fear of weapons.
Type that in, guys.
I want to give the exact quote because I saw that years ago and then I was doing research last night, late last night, and came back across it on an official psychology site with a bunch of other quotes.
But that's true.
I mean, it shows if you have a fear of like a butcher knife,
Oh, somebody pulls out a butcher knife and you're cutting carrots or something, or a fear of a gun or whatever, it really does show a childishness.
While we're finding that quote, please don't forget that InfoWars Nightly News is subscriber, but then we pay it forward to YouTube and everything the next day, and we're developing a lot of other avenues to get it out to folks, a lot of TV stations and people download it every day and end up playing it the next day.
You can see the Nightly News 7 o'clock every night.
Some nights it's live, a lot of times taped to air.
We do special live reports as well and so much more.
It's all my films, so much more.
If there's anywhere you'd want to subscribe to digital media.
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All right, let's go to Chris in South Carolina.
Chris, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Yes, sir.
I was wanting to go at the angle of, you know, your movie, Endgame.
Yes, sir.
You have said many times that the globalists
The two main issues are China and Russia.
All right.
What if they're occupying China?
What if they're starting this war with Russia?
The nukes are missing.
All right.
You got the commanders and everything else within the military being purged.
All at the same time, they're rolling out all of this stuff like you were saying.
They've also killed the bankers, and they have also disappeared a bunch of tech guys who have created a lot of this technology.
You tell me what you think this war is about.
Well, again, you said it.
The globalists are above the countries, not totally controlling them, but playing them off against each other, while they transfer the governmental authority to unelected private corporate boards.
And then once that's in place, Katie, bar the door.
We've already seen what they've done in third world countries.
So it's just the conflict they'll make trillions off of.
And Putin won't mind it because he'll get to become stronger and become a hero because he's challenging the West.
That's why we keep having war and keep having death and keep having our real progress destroyed because governments do the same tricks over and over again because they work.
Tom, you have these Russian sleeper people.
Then you have NATO, who Obama has given our military to.
Alright, they're saying NATO strikes, which is, would basically beat us.
Excuse me, I lost my thoughts.
I mean, it's alright.
What exactly are you getting at?
I think this is more or less
Yeah, it's a money-making thing, like you were saying.
Ukraine has a lot of... Well, it's more than just make money.
The globals have unlimited money.
They do it to transfer wealth and destroy it out of the economy.
I mean, see, Russia and the Ukraine are some of the stronger countries.
But if you can break them down, then what do you have?
No, no, that's it.
Bankrupt them.
No, I totally agree.
I appreciate your call.
That's what's going on.
Have an arms race with them that breaks them just like they have with the Soviet Union.
Except now America's totally run by globalists, so it's not America doing this to Russia.
It is literally the same people that are ruining our lives doing it.
And so the American people and the Russian people are in the same boat, is what I keep trying to get at.
Robert in California, go ahead, you're on the air.
Hey, I'm Robert, obviously from California, I live in California.
I don't know if I asked you to feed information as a producer for a TV show called Hard Copy, if you remember that one.
Yeah, anyway, um, the biggest thing that you've done since InfoWars was basically your Piers Morgan thing.
I'm going to now set the next stage for the next level of your show to progress on to TV.
We could probably get you on satellite, on direct TV.
You could use the same advertisers, um, so you'd be worldwide with your broadcast through satellite.
The information I'm giving you right now is world-breaking.
Right now they're going to test, the UN's going to test out the cyber, um, teams to shut down the internet once I tell you this information and where to locate the information on the internet.
It reveals exactly a covert operation in order to use special operators from the White House, Pentagon, and CIA, as you were saying, to take away people's guns.
Number one, people who have access.
It's like finding a diamond in the rough on the sand.
There's diamonds out there in the sand, but you gotta know where to look.
As intelligence, I actually, I retired, I left hard copy as one of the producers for the show, and now I'm a licensed private investigator.
Yeah, I've been on Hard Copy about 10 times.
That was an interesting show.
So, didn't Bill O'Reilly's be on that?
But listen, bottom line, what's the information?
Okay, the information is basically, you hit him on YouTube.
If you go to YouTube, and you have to take screenshots, because they will be removed by the White House.
You go to YouTube, you type in, Crisis Actress Menoudos.
There's a lady who works for the government, who's a witness from every single scene.
The Boston bombing?
She's a witness there.
Andy Hook, she's a witness there, and four other scenarios.
Everything you've seen is a movie, maybe it was filmed, and then released as a real fact.
Oh, I know, they got caught creating fake ATF raids of gun owners, then said, oh, it was just a drill.
I mean, look, they are doing a lot of fake stuff, but they also do real stuff, and they mix it in with real people they're bombing and killing, so that's important to add.
I believe, from my investigations, they hybridized the killings.
And again, it's not that they don't want to kill people, it's that it's easier to not kill as many people to manage it.
But I've seen all the crisis actor stuff.
What's it called again?
You go to Crisis Actor Busted on YouTube and you'll see all the government agents.
And what's really bad is Obama's crying for something he knows is fake and scripted and is made to be filmed.
No, Obama wouldn't fake cry.
I mean, you didn't build your business.
I appreciate your call.
I mean, he said, don't listen to people that said tyranny's always around the corner.
But that's not true.
It's already eaten you.
You're inside tyranny's belly.
Well, again, I don't know how much of that crisis actor stuff is real, how much of it isn't.
But they clearly, in some of these videos, it's staged.
Blue screens, all of it.
Disappearing noses.
And people acting.
Really bad actors.
All those folks that, you know, went to all the acting classes and could never get a job anywhere because the market's not big enough.
They finally got a job working for FEMA.
And they actually have real crisis actor groups they go around.
They've got all these housewives and people that wanted to be movie stars.
Now they all run around and go to the government bombings and stuff and all the little secret agent badges and stuff.
Of course, the government's going to kill all you ladies later.
You know that, right?
All the actors, men and women, you name it.
I wouldn't want to be part of any of that.
Let's do some overdrive and talk to Laura, Tom, and Travis.
Come back, Infowars.com.
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Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, let's go to Laura in Montana.
Laura, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, thanks for having me.
First time I've called.
My husband is an engineer with Exxon Mobil who is also a member of the AE911 group and I was a Bay Area as an account executive for Pacific Bell when the politicians started getting heavily involved in telecommunications and trying to learn what our capabilities were.
That's just a little bit of my background but
I just wanted to caution you or your listeners not to just always immediately believe someone who calls into the show just because they say they come from Russia.
The caller you had on earlier could have been a neo-Nazi Ukrainian who wants to run Putin down.
I wanted to say that you had also said something about... I mean, obviously everybody knows that everybody that calls in can be making stuff up.
People have to gauge the validity of what they're saying for themselves.
Yes, I mean, go ahead.
He made the allegation that Putin was a supporter of the new world order and a supporter even of homosexuality, to some extent.
But Putin supported the anti-homosexual propaganda law, and aside from that, I did want to say his approval rating, as you had mentioned a couple days ago, was at 85%, but it's not quite true that it's because directly of the Crimean situation.
I read a book called The Russian Populist that was recommended off the Lew Rockwell website, written by Matthew Johnson.
I highly recommend it.
Anyway, I learned a lot about it, and Putin's approval rating has been 80 to 85 percent for the past four years, and one of the reasons it's so high is because Russia's economic growth rate has been increasing at 8 percent per year for the last four years.
So I think that's the correlation.
And it's true, the Russians are not as wealthy as Americans, but their Latin life has improved, apparently, and it's still better than the Ukrainians.
But he also, the U.S.
and the ruling class elite that you always talk about, the CFR owners, hate Putin, as we've talked about before for several reasons, his stance against them invading Syria.
In Iran, he was against that, and his influence that he's had with Yanukovych over staying out of the EU.
He also has refused entrance to Russia of the NGOs, and we know what they do.
They try to destroy the unity within a country, and then, as you mentioned before, put up their puppet oligarchs into power if they can get away with it.
Right now, we have an independent Russia task force.
In the CFR and that was listed, all the members are listed in this book, which I'd like to send to you a copy.
Because I know you're a voracious reader.
At the end of my call, if somebody could take... I'm not as voracious as I used to be.
I mean, I listen to books on tape.
But yeah, just send me the name of it or send me the passages.
Photocopy them.
Thank you so much.
Very interesting, Laura.
I know that guy could be a fake caller.
I don't think he was a fake caller.
I mean, I think he really meant what he was saying, but I hear what you're saying.
Let's talk to Tom in New York.
I don't know if I can get to Travis.
I'm sorry, but go ahead, Tom.
You're on the air.
I've been hearing a lot of stuff about the legality of this Crimea referendum.
I've personally witnessed at least two similar referendums just North and Quebec some years back.
I can't really see any difference between the... Well that's right, it's been part of Russia previously and they voted 96 plus percent.
So I mean the fact that the Euro is promoting referendums everywhere else but then saying this one's illegal, it's pretty amazing.
Yeah, I mean, nobody made mention of the Quebec referendum in any way being illegal.
But it would have given, it was just a provincial-wide referendum, which would have given them the right to succeed from Canada.
You know, either set up their own republic or, you know, some other situation.
Yeah, that failed, though.
The Globals were behind that.
I'm out of time, brother.
Thank you so much.
Back tonight, 7 o'clock.
God bless you all.
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