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Name: 20140313_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 13, 2014
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
What's his name?
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowar.
On the face of this globe there are more than a hundred and eighty nations and less than six of them allow their citizens to keep their arms.
Places like the United States and Switzerland.
There is a planetary move by the UN and powerful corporate interest to disarm populations.
The Attorney General famously told a meeting of media executives that they need to brainwash the public against the Second Amendment and create irrational fears that guns are this incredible danger in the hands of citizens.
It's clear with young people and with adults as well is that we just have to be repetitive about this.
It's not enough to simply have a catchy ad on a Monday and then only do it every Monday.
We need to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
The LA Times even had to admit that gun crime is down 51% in the last 20 years, but that the public has the perception that there's more gun crime than ever.
But the people are starting to wake up.
All over the United States there are open carry rallies where the people are going out and retaking their liberties and openly carrying firearms that is still legal, but that the media had made taboo.
A right that is not exercised is basically destroyed.
Mayor Bloomberg, financed by the World Bank, sponsoring South by Southwest here in Austin,
...has come into town and financed multiple anti-gun events, where they're even talking about how to censor free speech on Facebook to shut down the argument.
So, over a hundred Texans marched today in an open carry march, and the good news is, out of hundreds of people that our reporters talked to,
Of attendees from California who visited Austin, only two people didn't think citizens should be able to openly carry and keep firearms.
We are winning the fight.
Congress only has a 6% approval rating.
Of course the power structure wants to disarm us, because they're scared that the public might someday, under a tyranny, defend themselves.
But what's really winning the Second Amendment fight is this.
Yesterday, I took out a bunch of Hollywood people shooting out at a friend's ranch.
And a lot of them had never shot guns and hadn't even been pro-gun previously.
And they totally got it and said, I'm a good person.
Why do the police just have guns?
I just shot all these guns, including 50 cals.
It was fun.
It was safe.
There was one actress there who was shooting bullseye at 200 yards the first time she shot.
She's like, wow, I could be a person with guns and protect myself.
True feminism.
Empowering women.
The fake feminists want men out of the picture to make the state the husband.
That's what the system admits they're doing.
And so we took these women and men out, they shot firearms, and were converted in the matter of hours over to fully understanding the spirit of 1776 and individual freedom.
And in closing, we have a clip of some young geisha girls today down in South by Southwest in downtown Austin, when they were handed an M4, M16 variant, their eyes just lit up.
I don't think so.
This is the same thing I've seen in every case.
If you can get a progressive, government, statist, slave of the system out to fire firearms, they will convert to a real liberal, Thomas Jefferson style.
Liberals become real liberals.
Join the libertarians.
Join the human empowerment movement.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones!
We reported on this last night at Infowars.com from the Ukrainian news.
It is in the New York Times today, and the U.S.
government is confirming, that is the occupied U.S.
government by the Globalist, is confirming that Russia is massing between 80,000 to 200,000, there's different reports, troops on their western border.
With Eastern Ukraine and Crimea, and our massing tank divisions, armored vehicles, and mobile missile launchers, anti-personnel, anti-tank, anti-helicopter, and attack aircraft missiles.
It's a big deal.
And I keep telling everybody, this is a big deal.
And the Russians, historically, will end up attacking anybody that gets on their border or tries to destabilize their country.
And, I mean, who knows?
Maybe the new world order is going to be able to defeat them.
We'll have a great nuclear war and Russia will be destroyed.
You know, my issue is, America's been occupied by the globalists that are destroying our country, de-industrializing us, attacking our families, attacking our culture, trying to disarm us.
The Russians are not attacking anybody.
The Russians are not expanding.
The Russians have their own problems, but they're not offensively doing anything.
And under common law, common sense, you're not supposed to sit there and mess with them.
The Ukrainians didn't go under EU control three months ago.
The Soros State Department operatives staged the overthrow of the elected government.
And sure, I'm sure it was corrupt.
Most governments are corrupt.
It certainly was corrupt.
And it was connected to Russia.
Because the other side is connected to the EU and NATO, and you are seeing a proxy war, boys and girls, on Russia's borders.
And Russia is not a red star communist system anymore.
We're more communist than they are.
They certainly are authoritarian in Russia, and becoming more so.
Because when the West messes with them, it gives them a real pretext to take liberty.
Our government stages terror attacks, finances Al-Qaeda jihadis, lets them attack us, finances mental patients jihadis.
There's all sorts as a pretext to take our liberty.
But the Russians don't need to stage anything.
They've got the State Department and the Saudi intelligence openly funding Al-Qaeda all over their borders, blowing stuff up.
Chechnya, the list goes on and on, and now the West is trying to destabilize the internal Russian government in Moscow, and they're doing it on the borders of Moscow, on the borders of Russia, and this could easily turn into a large war.
And if anybody attacks Russia with conventional weapons, there's a good chance they're going to use tactical nuclear weapons like they said they do in Georgia, and they rolled them in and NATO blinked and backed off.
And I don't know if NATO is going to blink this time.
NATO is run by Wall Street types in Europe and the US, in London, in England, who make 40-to-1 bets on MF Global and then don't get in trouble when they steal billions of dollars, like John Corzine.
They are crazy.
Crazy like a fox.
I mean, they're in control because they've been bold.
And they've been on the offensive attack, but at a certain point, Napoleon dominates all of Europe, he turns and invades Russia, gets beaten.
Hitler beats all of Europe, turns, goes into Russia, gets beaten.
And there were other cases of this before.
And the only reason you get beaten is because it's like invading the U.S.
I mean, you're invading a big, giant country of people that are willing to fight.
I mean, we can't beat the people in Afghanistan, folks, because they're willing to fight.
You can make whatever moral judgments you want about them.
But I mean, the Russians will go to nuclear war with us, ladies and gentlemen.
They'll go take a bunch of shots of vodka, turn the keys, and launch the missiles.
I mean, this is not a good situation, is all I'm telling everybody.
And we're run by Obama, who literally, the globalists do have an anti-family, anti-God, anti-sovereignty agenda.
At the top, they're more technocrats, but in the mid-level and even high levels, right up to the very top, I mean, this is kind of a
Trendy, progressive jihad into Russia because Russia is paying people to have kids, they're apologizing for eugenics in the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, their population's gone down by 30 plus percent, they're dying, and Russia's becoming more nationalistic and that threatens the New World Order.
They want their own New World Order, Russia-based.
And believe me, if Russia was trying to finance movements to take our guns, if Russia was trying to finance movements to break up our families, if Russia was trying to finance movements to do things like that, I would become very anti-Russian government, and I would speak out against them.
In fact, I saw some anti-gun reports on RT last year.
I played the reports, and I said, listen, you're a foreign-financed
Media outlet, and let's face it, our so-called mainstream media is a state-run as well, let's just be honest about it, Russia just doesn't hide it.
I said, you run anti-gun crap on RT America?
I'm going to start a campaign to have your license pulled.
Get the hell out of my country.
And by the way, they had the host come on and say it was their idea, not RT, and they apologized to me on air.
So, let's get this clear.
If the Russians try to take one of my freedoms, I'm going to become anti-Russian government.
They're not doing that, folks.
I got foreign New World Order bankers perched on top of me and my family and your family, literally shutting this country down.
What do you think Cloward and Piven Obamacare is?
I mean, even the founder, the architect of Obamacare, the main architect, Ezekiel Emanuel, said, no, the plan is to bankrupt the system.
Of course it is!
Of course there's death panels.
Of course it doubles and triples prices.
Of course I told you the website wasn't going to work.
I told you it didn't work on purpose to make that the distraction.
They now admit that.
It's all a giant screw job.
I told you that million plus idiots that thought they'd signed up were going to go into hospitals thinking they had Obamacare and then they didn't have it.
Almost no one's signed up unless you go in by hand with Health and Human Services.
That's admitted.
No one has signed up digitally properly.
They just think they have.
Then they've been data-mined so the IRS knows where to go get your bank account or where to garnish your wages.
And now that's admitted.
People say, how did you know everything they do?
Because these crooks, folks, are like a dog going back to its vomit.
It's like saying, how do I know how dogs act in a dog park?
I'm a dog fancier, folks.
I've had dogs my whole life.
I know how dogs act.
How do I know how to go out in the right weather and catch bass and know where to put my line?
Because I've done a little bit of bass fishing.
I've done a lot of studying the New World Order, folks, and they act pathologically.
It's criminology.
They do the same stuff over and over and over again with new permutations and new modern advancements in tyranny and oppression and propaganda and disinformation and brainwashing and baiting and switching and spinning.
But now, now, we cannot have this type of stuff with nuclear weapons involved!
World War I and World War II started with proxy state actions.
What Brzezinski and the Globalists think?
They can not have a nuclear war if they use proxy states?
That's how all the big wars have started in the last 300 years.
You guys aren't doing something new with proxy wars?
Using smaller countries as your battleground, like Vietnam or countless other examples, Afghanistan?
I mean, I gotta be honest with you folks, there's a real good chance this could cause a regional war, even World War III.
I mean, that's what most analysts are saying, too.
And we're just sitting here watching it happen, watching our leaders do it again.
And with Obama, there's a real ideology, too.
Obama, obviously, being bisexual, Hillary bisexual, most of... And it's nothing even against those people, folks.
It's just that the problem is they discriminate.
You don't get in the liberal higher clubs unless you are.
And so most of the White House is, and that's come out, it's on record.
And they really have a problem with Putin that he's not going to let them go over there and teach five-year-old Russian children how to have gay anal sex.
I mean, you know.
They're a bunch of pervs.
I'm not attacking them because they're bisexuals, but that's grown into a bunch of wanting to recruit children, which becomes pedophilia, and I'm against that.
You can call me, you know, a conspiracy theorist or old-fashioned.
I'm not trendy.
But I think, you know, it's illegal.
I think it's horrible and oppressive and exploits children.
And they want, and they here in America teach young children absolutely horrible stuff.
You know, Jocelyn Elders wanted to teach five-year-olds how to masturbate.
She said, reach down and show them how to do it.
I hate to bring stuff up like this, but this is what they do.
We live in a giant mind control facility, and you've got a bunch of, you know, Obama raised by his tranny nanny and the rest of it, and he's upset that they can't do that in Russia.
They're very upset about that.
You can make whatever judgments you want about the Russians.
Nobody who's, quote, gay is being oppressed in Russia, folks.
The thing is, they're not going to have state-run media promoting it.
It's a depopulation agenda.
It's on Russian TV.
Russian TV now sounds like the Alex Jones Show in many cases.
The guy that runs the big state-run media over there.
I've seen the transcript.
Sounds like, you know, he listens to my show.
And by the way, I've been invited on big national state-run Russian TV and I don't even do it.
They offered me to come on last week live and I've just declined it because I'm just not going to get in the middle of it.
The point is, is the Russians know what's going on.
And they're going, do we really want to commit suicide?
Do we really not want to have any future generation?
Do we really?
Imagine us at the Olympics.
People don't think of John Wayne or anything, or they don't think of Americana, George Washington, guns, cowboys, private property, frontier, Native Americans, all the cool stuff about America.
They didn't think about that.
It was all about men dressing up like women and stuff.
And hey man, if you want to do that, whatever.
I'm not obsessed with that.
Don't think for a minute that, you know, I'm trying to rain on your parade.
My whole issue is we don't want that to be the national anthem.
That is not what everyone wants to live like.
And we don't want to be forced to accept your culture.
We don't want to be forced to accept a bunch of women ruling over effeminate men in dresses.
We want to have kids.
We want to have families.
We like big cars.
We like beautiful, powerful women.
We like children.
We like fun.
We like .50 caliber rifles.
We like private property.
And you know, the Russians like that too.
Russians, it came out, admired Americana culture, and lusted after it.
That's the true spirit of 1776.
And that's what I represent.
That's what I want.
I represent freedom.
I represent libertarian ideas.
I think you should step into that mindset as well, if you're a so-called liberal out there, or a mainline conservative, before it's too late and we have World War III.
Because I have mainline right-wing Republicans attacking me because I don't want to have World War III with Russia.
Hey man, I love my kids.
What about you, dummy?
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Alex Jones here back live.
I think Terminator Judgment Day music is fitting here for the transmission today dealing with thermal nuclear war.
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs says U.S.
Ready for military response in Ukraine.
That is being reported by Zero Hedge with links to the website of the Atlantic Council that basically advises and runs the National Security Council of the foreign bankers that control the country.
So Wall Street and the globalist banksters are ready
For military response, the quote, U.S.
Army is ready to back up Ukraine and its allies in Europe with military actions, close quote, says Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Dempsey.
General Martin Dempsey, again, has claimed that in the case of the escalation of unrest in Crimea, the U.S.
Army is ready to back up Ukraine and its allies in Europe with military actions.
Boy, isn't that just a wonderful, wonderfully horrible announcement.
Now Russia, because I studied what happened back in 1940 with Stalin and Hitler.
Stalin and Hitler had a pact and they agreed to then invade Poland secretly but to have the Russians claim they were doing it.
uh... to make sure that the germans didn't take all of poland and with the germans claiming they took it to make sure the russians didn't take all of poland because one side of poland was more pro-german had more german rooted citizens and the other side of poland just like ukraine was more russian influenced with those two empires always influencing each other the austrian-hungarian and then of course uh... the uh... russians czarist empire so it's almost a replay
of what happened.
Then the Germans, a few years later, in Operation Barbarossa, double-crossed the Russians, and went into eastern Poland, driving the Russians out, and then right up to Leningrad slash Stalingrad, and just a few hundred miles away from Moscow.
And of course, they fought there for a year or so, and then finally failed, and then the Russians began their big drive into Berlin, and the downfall of Adolf Hitler and his bunker.
If you believe the official reports, which probably are true.
The point is, is that all of that is history.
We know it.
It was a war that killed conservatively 50 million people worldwide, 20 million of them Germans.
21 million Germans on average, if you look at the numbers, the numbers vary 18 to 25 million.
21 million Germans died.
20 plus mil.
Just remember that.
And understand that it could be that a deal has been made between Putin and the globalists to just divide Ukraine right down the middle.
That's why the Russian-backed government stood down when they were attacking police and let the protests get out of control.
That's why the West helped fund it and is now trying to escalate it.
The Russians then grabbed Crimea to secure their gas lines.
It's traditionally been part of Russia anyways.
They grabbed the gas lines and their military bases, and then now Putin says he'll stop and won't go to the rest of Crimea if the Ukrainians don't attack their bases, but then the Ukrainians are building up for an attack.
That arms buildup has been going on for over a week and a half.
The Ukrainians have one of the biggest standing armies in the world.
In their reserve, one million people in the Ukrainian reserves.
And they are now amassing more than 300,000 Ukrainian troops, 100,000 of them regular army, armored vehicles, tanks, helicopters, you name it, to attack Russian positions and are calling for a military response from NATO.
It's all public.
So, everybody's busy worrying about South by Southwest, and oh my gosh, did you hear Cheyenne West, or whatever his name was in town, or Jay-Z, or whatever their names are.
You know, Justin Bieber, while we're worried about all that, World War III could be starting.
It might not start.
It might start.
Because here's the deal, the globalist financial meltdown is happening now.
We're sitting on 1.5 quadrillion in derivatives, 1,500 billion in derivatives.
So, all of that is going on, all of that is unfolding, and they're gonna want a big war while that happens.
Now, again, maybe...
Maybe this is a backroom deal to divide Ukraine and Russia gets half the spoils and gets to take liberties and saber-rattle with the West and back their government up and the US and NATO and the EU get to have a big political fight and divert everybody from the financial meltdown and suck dry half of Ukraine as a snack, like the EU has been doing to all the other countries in the EU.
It's like opting into brain cancer to join the EU.
And I think it's opting into something not too good to try to join with Russia as well.
The point is Ukraine should be neutral.
But the Western powers and the Eastern powers are not going to let them do that.
So there's a, there's a, I don't know.
There's a chance in negotiations they're going to divide the country.
I've said day one.
I think that's how that's going to end.
If the West keeps pushing.
But if they attack the Russians, it'll just be war.
And then, I guess you'll have about 20 minutes once that starts to, uh, go see your family, give them some kisses, and then, uh, try to get into a shelter before the ICBMs come in, and the cruise missiles come in from the submarines off the coast, and before the sleeper teams, the Russian sleeper teams, start detonating nukes at major cities.
So, uh, and of course the Russians will all be basically killed as well.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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When I grow up, I want to get nicked by Russia because Wall Street's so incredibly insane.
He wants to start a world war to bring in world government because they've got to run everything.
They've got to control the Russian culture and make it like America's degenerate culture.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Out on the road for 40 days.
Last night in Little Rock, left me in a haze.
Sweet, sweet Connie was doing her act.
She had the whole show and that's a natural fact.
We're an American band, ladies and gentlemen.
I want America back, not the Hollywood, fake, globalist, overwrite, synthetic, culture of death, trash.
I want freedom!
I want people worldwide to look back at us and admire that we're the number one inventors, the number one trailblazers.
And if you start a fight with us, we're gonna smash you into the ground.
But we don't start fights, we finish them!
We don't go over there to Russia like Hitler and start a war, or Napoleon.
George Washington didn't start wars, he finished them.
I have had enough, ladies and gentlemen, of the globalists trying to screw everything up.
Their GMO, their toxic poison, their drugging of the kids, their deadly vaccines to brain damage everybody.
The new world orders the enemy, and its control of Europe, the United States, England, Australia, New Zealand, and much of the planet needs to end.
They're allied with the Chai-coms, who are about as evil as it gets.
And Russia, ladies and gentlemen, is in their crosshairs.
And they got the neocons and the controlled left and all of them wanting a big fat war to haul Obama's bacon out of the political fire so they can get their whole agenda through.
The war with Russia is the false flag, ladies and gentlemen.
It is the diversion.
Ukraine crisis.
to sell some crude oil from Strategic Petroleum Reserve in latest tit-for-tat with Russia strongman Putin.
Venezuela burns as anti-government protests continue in Caracas.
This is not Ukraine, it's Venezuela.
The News of Australia reports, while the world has been focused on a missing plane, violent clashes...
...have set the country's capital on fire.
Student protesters have clashed with soldiers in the streets of Caracas again today, as three more fatal shootings raise the death toll to 25.
As a month of demonstrations against Venezuela's socialist government intensifies, around 3,000 supporters and opponents of Venezuela's president took to the streets of the country's capital to mark the one month since the protest erupted.
And again, the top story, I just can't even get into the other news, this is so huge.
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff tells the Atlantic Council they're ready for military response to back the Ukraine coup government against the Russians.
And the Russians are massing hundreds of thousands of troops, the New York Times reports, on their border.
Isn't that just special?
And I guess, you know, Obama's on vacation again.
You know where Hitler failed and where Napoleon failed?
He said he was going to win in Afghanistan.
He got absolutely routed with the surge and everything.
That's just more targets for Al-Qaeda and Taliban to kill.
Because resistance is victory.
And you don't have the moral high ground being in Afghanistan 12 years.
You don't have the moral high ground attacking Russia.
You don't have the moral high ground doing all this stuff.
This is not our government doing this, ladies and gentlemen.
Only crazy people that do stuff like this are people that stand to gain off crises, who make money off all the different sides.
That's the globalist, that's George Soros, that dirtbag.
He was 14, 15 years old and a Nazi collaborator who would infiltrate and knew the Jews' different tactics to try to evade being picked up in Eastern Europe.
And he would go around and find them and shake them down and send them to the forced labor camps.
And he's the guy financing getting rid of free speech and the Second Amendment, and who has groups he finances, like Media Matters, calling for us to basically be shut down.
And he's over there trying to start war with Russia.
I mean, how crazy is a 15-year-old Nazi collaborator, who's now almost 90 years old, 80-something?
How old is that son of a... Oh, man, I tell you.
I mean, I am just sick of it.
I am so tired of this person who's just going to make money off the crisis.
Makes money trying to bring down England, make money trying to bring down Australia, makes money off trying to bring down the dollar.
He is a wrecker.
You know who the wreckers were?
They've had them in every culture, but England has the most famous wreckers.
Going back about 400 years ago, down by Cornwall on the southern coast, they would put up fake lighthouses during foggy weather, and they had local county rules where if a ship wrecked on the rocks, you know, a mile out, quarter mile out on the big rocks, they would go out and be able to get the goods.
And most of the sailors would die or come into shore, and then they would come out with their ships the next day when the fog cleared and clean everything out of the wrecked boats.
Kind of like buzzard
Vulture capitalism, I think's the way to describe it.
See, just because it has the word capitalism in its name, it's the opposite of real free market capitalism.
And it's our enemy.
It's our enemy.
And George Soros is our enemy.
And Al Gore is our enemy.
They are the virulent, metastasizing cancer.
And the Republican Party is like the rest of the body, going, you can go ahead and have the lungs and the brain.
We're just the guts.
Eat us last.
Because in the time frame, I guess these old 70, 80-year-old Republicans getting their payoffs and the blue bloods, they're being blackmailed and they got their daily pension of hookers and mistresses and everything else up there in D.C.
and they're just like, they openly say, hey, just leave us alone, you can have it all.
Yeah, you can teach the kids 2 plus 2 equals 5, you can teach 5-year-olds how to, you know, dress like a woman, 5-year-old boys.
Yeah, you can arrest people for drawing a picture of a gun.
Yeah, you can totally do whatever you want, just leave us alone.
And of course, if you idiots think you're going to be left alone when the globalists fully take over, you got another thing coming.
They're going to arrest and jail and set you up and ruin you.
You fools!
You idiots!
John Boehner and all the rest of you are absolutely collaborating filth.
And you have no common sense, and you don't study history, and you cannot feel the impending doom.
You cannot feel the dread.
Of the gates of the Republic fully falling?
You think the country's overrun by criminal operations right now?
We're only dealing with the vanguard scouts of the New World Order right now.
When those shields and those gates, when the hedge, which is starting to fall, when the gate goes down, folks, the New World Order literally has hated American barbarian guts.
America was founded by barbarian invasions.
And was endless barbarian wars before that with the Native Americans.
This was the Wild Wild West.
This was Conan the Barbarian for real.
This was all the swashbucklers, and criminals, and pirates, and adventurers, and runners, and real men, and the slaves, half of which would die on the ships over, and the sailors, half of which would die on every three missions out.
Just the absolute creme de la creme of humanity founded this country.
And that's why we were the apple of the world's eye.
The real swashbucklers.
And the New World Order is going to bring us down.
They hate us, the technocratic, ancient French, British, and other elites, and the Rothschild elites.
They're all the same, inbred together.
They hate human vitality.
They hate surging power.
They hate renaissance.
They hate powerful feminine women.
Man, I saw a painting one time that I want to get a print of.
If you type in cavewoman, it's a painting from like the 18th century.
And it's an artist's rendition of a cavewoman.
With her kids behind her, with a saber-toothed cat coming into the cave, and it's the sexiest looking woman I've ever seen.
I need to find that painting, and that's what I want hanging up, is a big, giant painting of that.
Because the men are going out hunting, and the big cat's coming in, and she's got like a club in her hand.
They do not want that.
They want women disarmed, totally mindless, believing the television culture, cut off from the men, the state is their husband, and they're doing it.
It is incredible.
They've turned the men into arrested development cowards that think watching football is what's manly.
I've kind of digressed, ladies and gentlemen.
The point is, is that the globalists want us domesticated so they can do whatever they want to us and use us.
And they're going after any national sovereign country that's red-blooded and aggressive that hasn't been dominated.
And the British Empire that's metastasized into the American globalist New World Order, Wall Street Empire, has been wanting to bring down the Russian system forever.
The czars were corrupt and ancient and whatever, but they weren't anti-Russian.
They had to be brought down.
Then they put the Bolsheviks in to try to destroy Russian culture and create a hellish situation.
And then now that's been rejected by Alexander Sholtsanitsyn and others.
There's a battle within the heart and soul of Russia for the Sholtsanitsyn vision of a strong, nationalistic Russia with children and a growing population moving forward and the old Bolshevik attitudes that are still there.
But the lust, and I don't mean that in a bad way, but the drive, the hunger for true liberty
...is in the Russians, it's in Americans, it's in everybody, and it unifies humanity around...
Interstellar, but also here on this planet.
An exploration of our own psyches.
An exploration of our own potential.
And it is that choice, the Agenda 21, anti-human, dehumanization, lowering IQ, glow-in-the-dark people, shuffling around from trendy event to trendy event, totally empty, totally mindless, downloading whatever new psychological, cultural template is given to them,
Or the animating contest of men and women and striving and free association and letting there be winners and losers in dodgeball and football and track and essays to build and empower competition
Which we know is like gravity.
Without gravity, your bones turn to mush, your heart disintegrates.
And the globalists are removing the cultural gravity and pressures from the population and putting chemicals into the water and food on record to sedate the public for the long slide as we slit our wrists culturally in a hot bath into exterminism.
That is the new allure plan.
I reject it!
I say no to it!
I mean, this is the ultimate evil we face.
Now, I digress.
We've looked at the big global scale.
Let's zoom in to a local scale now.
And I'm sending reporters out there right now.
In fact, I've got great reporters, but yeah, they came in and asked me this morning, you know, should we go out and report on driver runs car into South by Southwest crowd, killing two, the doctors are saying, unfortunately, looks like two more may die and injuring at least 23 people after he ran away from a cop that was trying to pull him over at a DUI, not checkpoint, but pullover.
And yes, default, if something, like if an airplane crashes at the airport, don't wait for me to tell you to go to the airport.
Go to the airport.
If some world leader just arrives and is walking around, go interview him.
Yes, go.
And I want you guys to go down there and bring up the fact that, hey, this guy runs from police.
Down the wrong way, smashes through barriers where they had 6th Street shut down for the festivals.
Tries to run over police, runs over more than 20 plus people.
There's reports of folks flying around in the air like bowling pins.
We're going to play in a moment.
And the police chief has said they're going to go for two counts of capital murder, which means you'll get executed, which it is premeditated.
You got somebody in front of God and everybody else driving around, running over people.
And they still, this happened like midnight last night, they still, at 12.30am, they still not released who he is, or who she is, we're guessing it's a man.
And they will not announce who it is, so it's either an illegal alien, or it's somebody who was on some psychotropic drug, who was completely out of their mind.
Because every time they don't release who it is, it's because they're trying to get their story together.
And I think this is a terrible situation.
I'm not blaming the police or anything here.
I'm not here coming up with a conspiracy.
I'm saying, tell us the person's name.
I don't like the fact this person has been in their hands for 11, 12 hours.
This is about 11 hours, 10 and a half hours.
I want to know the name of this person.
I want to know who they are.
I want to hear who they are.
I want to know their name.
I want to know their M.O.
I want to know it.
Release the information now.
They said an hour ago, Arne Sevedo was set to give a press conference.
Well, come out and give it then.
Now, this is what I'm sending my reporters down there for.
Oh yes, it's very tragic.
Two dead, more may die, 23 injured.
There's still shoes and blood all over the ground, reportedly, because it's a crime scene.
This goes on for blocks after blocks.
This person was driving around like it was Grand Theft Auto.
Are we gonna ban cars in Texas?
Because cars are used to kill hundreds every year.
People use hundreds.
Hundreds of people die every year when someone uses a car as a weapon.
Happens every couple days, you see it in the news.
Do we ban cars?
They're trying to ban butcher knives in England right now because their crime rate's gone up more than tenfold with knives.
They have a crime rate three times what the U.S.
has, violent crime rate.
They just use baseball bats, trudgeons, daggers, you know, weapons like that.
And are we going to ban knives?
And people are going to say, well, of course not, he's a bad guy.
Well, no, no, shouldn't you turn your car in because you might use your car to hurt somebody?
People are going to say, well, of course not.
We'll go, well, should we turn our guns in then when somebody does something bad with a gun?
That's what I want my reporters to go out, show the report, what happened, and then talk to the attendees and see if they understand that logic.
Because that's what we do here.
We hijack news stories.
So it's not just a news story where the system puts it out two-dimensionally, we've been connected to common sense and everything else.
That's what I want my reporters to go out and do.
In fact, whoever's not doing it, I think it's David Knight in the news tonight, let's send Jakari Jackson and Leon McAdoo out right now.
I know I said about an hour ago, go out, let's just go out.
Jakari already went down.
No, no, good, he already went down before I... He already went down, spoke to the mayor.
See, Jakari didn't have to be told, see?
That's right.
Okay, because this morning I was saying send him, and he was already gone.
He already went down.
Good, that's what I like to hear.
So they had already gone before I told them.
That's what I'm talking about.
That's what I like right there.
I don't have time to give my crew advice, so I just do it on the air.
It's all totally transparent, folks.
This is real.
This is teleprompter-free.
So, driver runs car into South by Southwest crowd, killing two and injuring 23.
Two people were killed and 23 others were injured on a suspected drunk driver.
I got a call about this about 2 a.m.
I got woke up and I almost got up out of bed and my back wasn't out.
I'm shooting 50 cal handheld.
I gotta quit doing that.
My spine's literally kind of bowed to the left.
But I got some chiropractor work done this morning.
It's halfway back in alignment.
Man, it hurts.
But two people were killed, 23 others were injured.
When a suspected drunk driver fleeing arrest drove his car through a temporary barricade and into a crowd of people, leaving a musical performance at the South by Southwest Festival in Austin, Texas, police said early Thursday.
Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo told a news conference that a man and a woman who were pronounced dead at the scene of the accident were hit on a moped.
It happened around 2.30 a.m.
Acevedo said the two people who died were on a moped when the motorists hit along with pedestrians who were leaving a club where a concert had been held.
Neither victim's identity has been released.
And of course, they go on to say he ran through a barricade, almost ran over some police.
Went the wrong way.
I mean, he was clearly running over people to get away from the police.
Probably on psychotropic drugs.
Or an illegal.
And I only say that because they're not releasing the name quickly.
I've just seen that in the past, where they won't do something else for days if it's an illegal.
Because they don't want to ever talk about a person's illegal.
We'll be right back.
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In 1814 we took a little trip along with Colonel Jackson down to mighty Mississippi.
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans and we caught the bloody British in a town in New Orleans.
We fired our guns and the British kept a coming.
There wasn't as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they began to run it on down to Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.
We looked down a river and we seen the British come And there must have been a hundred of them beatin' on the drum They stepped so high and they made the bugles ring We stood beside our cotton bales and didn't say a thing We fired our guns and the British kept a-comin' There wasn't as many as there was a while ago We fired once more and they began to runnin' On down to Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, the police chief has had his press conference and our reporters were down there, so they did a great job.
We're going to have that.
We also were able to ask some questions.
Our reporters are telling us that the suspect is reportedly a black male.
We're going to find out exactly what's going on.
I don't think there's much suspect about it.
The person was pulled out of the car that just ran over all these people.
But it is a serious, tragic situation to see this happening.
Jakari just came in here during the break and he says, I don't look like a jerk.
He rarely bucks me on questions I want him to go out and ask the public.
He goes, I don't look like a jerk going out to a scene with dead and dying people from last night and say, hey, what do you think of this tragedy?
Do you think we should ban cars?
Because, you know, a car was used to kill people.
But, I mean, no, they say ban guns?
And it's just as asinine because a bad person uses a gun?
In England, they want licenses for butcher knives.
That's BBC News.
That guy's put into BBC.
Forget the press conference, guys.
It doesn't matter.
It's good.
I don't want to have the whole show taken over with press conference searching and all this stuff.
We know what happened.
It's done.
We're done.
We're not doing the press conference.
We're moving on to a whole bunch of news.
We're done.
It'll all be on the nightly news.
You know, the wreck, the whole deal.
Time out.
It's kind of like THX 1138 when the robot's going up and Robert Duvall's about to go up to the surface and they go, turn back now.
You know, we're running out of time.
This project is over budget.
Shut it down.
Anyways, continuing, ladies and gentlemen, I just am directing from in here in the studio.
There's like an hour I haven't heard about this press conference that already happened and just done.
We're not doing the press conference.
Now, continuing, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to come back in the next hour and get into a whole bunch of news dealing with things that we can do something about and basic human liberty and basic human empowerment.
And we're also going to get into all the other serious news.
But as you can notice, I am extremely wound up right now as Russia is massing military forces near border with Ukraine.
Russia's defense minister announces new military operations in several regions near the Ukraine border on Thursday, even as Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany warned the Kremlin to abandon the politics of the 19th and 20th centuries or to face diplomatic and economic relations from a united Europe.
And that's what the Pentagon is saying as well.
So the West comes in, stirs this up, overthrows the government on record, and then now says, Russia, you better not put anybody on your border.
You better let us come in there.
And now the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman is saying they're prepared for military response.
That's up on Infowars.com right now.
Now, some of the stories up on InfoWars.com.
TSA agents to eyeball bus passengers during security exercise.
They've already been running illegal checkpoints, searching buses and people.
This is just the public rollout of the TSA I told you about.
Twelve years ago when they first founded it, because I saw them say on C-SPAN, you would have to go through them to get a job, to pay your taxes, then we have checkpoints at every major intersection and we'll rule your life.
And that is the domestic security force, just as big and just as strong as our military that Obama talked about.
That's it.
The rollout.
Yet another trader, big stock trader and banker, commits suicide.
Rocks financial world.
That's up on Infowars.com.
Was missing jet hijacked.
official fears MH370 was captured and flown to mystery location.
By remote control, perhaps.
What happened to Flight 370?
An analysis of what is known.
Excellent article up on InfoWars.com.
College group bans white people from diversity happy hour.
We wrote an article about that yesterday.
DrudgeReport.com picked it up and Paul's got a new article out on that today.
Unbelievable reactions from anti-gunners.
Powerful video.
And Obama threatens Congress.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today!
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I'm a little bit wound up today.
You know, because the West is trying to start a war with Russia.
Then, if you point that out, some people, a minority of folks on the controlled right and controlled left go, why do you love Vladimir Putin?
Why do you have a calendar of Vladimir Putin that you worship at night?
Actually, you have one of those as a joke somebody made around the office.
And I'm like, no, I just don't like starting wars with Russia, and clearly the West is doing that, and now the Russians are massing troops on their border with Ukraine.
They're on the eastern border of Ukraine on the western side of Russia.
I mean, this is a big situation.
I guess it's patriotic to be for war with Russia, if your country is overrun by criminals that are using your nation to carry out criminal operations.
So that's just some of what we've got coming up.
John McAfee is here again.
He was here with us, I don't know, about four or five months ago, and he was going to be coming to Shop by Southwest and said, hey, you want me to pop on the show?
He says he's got some breaking news.
You know, it came out later, he was contacted by the White House to fix their website.
Of course, that was all a hoax by them.
It was designed to be broken.
He went and said that day one here first, then it got picked up all over the national news.
That's now been confirmed.
John McAfee is quite the character.
He could literally be a body double of Captain Morgan.
And he shot the .50 cal handheld better than me or even Shane Steiner.
I shot at the worst handheld.
Shane shot at the next best, actually hitting targets at 200 yards away handheld.
And then McAfee was even better than us.
Of course, that threw my back out again.
Doesn't hurt my shoulder, but makes my spine go to the other side, my back's all swollen.
I did it again, not with McAfee, but with Mike Judge.
I said I shot over 50 rounds, but like a hundred rounds, some of it hand-held.
And so bear with me today, folks.
I'm a little bit irritable.
I feel like an ice pick has been jammed into my spine.
I'm not on painkillers either.
I don't like painkillers.
But long story short, ladies and gentlemen, I think my days of hand-shooting 50-cals are over.
One of my buddies was showing me a video this morning, I think I meant to send it to the studio, of a guy double-firing two Barrett's at the same time.
And I've done that before on tape, but it looks so ridiculous that I didn't put it out.
I could barely stand up shooting at once.
This big old mean-looking guy, looks like he's about 6'5", 300 pounds, solid muscle, holds two barrets up, goes boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, like six times, but then just has to lower them, because it's just, it's just, it's just too hard to do.
But not, not good for the spine.
You don't feel it all the time, folks.
It's the next morning.
Look at McAfee.
They're shooting a tree about 200 yards away, handheld.
They're watching us on TV.
You can see that.
So that is coming up.
I'm going to news blitz through some key top stories.
When we come back, and then pharmacist Ben Fuchs is going to be on with us.
He sent me a whole folder of breaking stuff he wanted to cover, and he hadn't been on in a while.
We're going to talk about glyphosate toxicity, which I'm really concerned about.
Major studies are out there about what it's doing to the water supply, cancer being the number one killer, and why.
He's got all the documents on that.
We're going to get into a new study shows Paxil may promote breast cancer.
That's been well known for a long time, but that's in the LA Times.
He's got like eight big points he wanted to cover.
So I said, please, please come on.
Pharmacist Ben Fuchs, who hosts the Bright Side here on GCN Radio, GCNLive.com, the network that has lovingly carried my broadcast now for 16 plus years of syndication.
I guess it's 1998 when they took over my little syndication, so that is 16 years.
I've been syndicated for 17 plus years.
Hard to believe I've been on air 19 years and got syndicated within two years.
That is, I guess, providence?
I don't know.
But we're here and we appreciate all of you out there, ladies and gentlemen.
Earlier it looked like one of those old soap operas where they all have 10 doctors around somebody.
They were in there trying to get the press conference.
And I'm like, I don't think I even want to air the police chief's press conference.
I was just wanting to see if they said the guy's name.
Have they still not said the suspect's name in the car crash at South by Southwest with the psycho driver?
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The fight against the New World Order starts with you, and you can't stand against the machine of your sick, tired, and obese.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, Russia is massing military forces to the border with Ukraine.
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs says the Pentagon is ready with NATO to back up the Ukrainians and military operations against the Russians.
And it's not even really a top story out there in mainstream news.
A car crash in Austin, Texas, where an apparent madman ran from police down the wrong way streets, running over crowds of people, killing at least two, injuring 23.
Doctors say three more, two more might die.
That is an important story, but not as important as World War III could happen.
And still the missing plane.
Everybody loves a mystery.
The tragic missing plane.
The Malaysian Airlines.
They thought there was something seen by satellite in China.
The Chinese say there's nothing there.
It's clear that they forced out an aircraft over North Korea with Congressman Larry McDonald on board in 1983.
Flight 007 can't make that stuff up.
Also, there's a new military commission saying no compelling medical reason to exclude trainees from the military.
That's right, World War III possibly happening is not important.
The global derivatives market being a fraud is not important.
The key is we've got to have tranny commandos.
See, that's the new civil right is that we have special bathrooms put in everywhere for the trannies and that we get rid of the sexes so that they can engage in depopulation.
It doesn't matter if Hillary's a liar about Benghazi and a criminal.
She has a girlfriend.
So if you're against her and her girlfriend, you're bigoted.
You have to support everything Hillary wants and let her raise your taxes or you're against her and her girlfriend.
No, I don't want to think about her and her girlfriend.
I will assure you.
I will assure you I'm sick of CNN and how she's a glamour model and how wonderful Hillary is force-feeding, you know me, this garbage.
Also, red light cameras are ticketing people seeking emergency help at the ER.
Fox News is reporting authorities have installed red light cameras near emergency room entrances at University Hospital in Tamarka to nail traffic violators, but those rushing to the facility for medical attention are getting ensnarled.
Well, of course, they've caught cities all over the country and states putting in red light cameras
And then lowering the yellow lights from four seconds down to three, down to two, so that you get caught out in the intersection and there's no way to get across.
And they'll go, and one thing I saw in Houston from years ago, from five million a year with one red light camera to 20 million with one camera.
Because basically almost everyone ends up getting tickets.
And it's just flash, flash, flash, flash, flash, flash, flash, flash, flash, flash, flash.
You come up, it turns yellow.
You stop.
Even back up, they still get you.
It doesn't matter, it massively increases wrecks.
That's on record.
Doesn't matter.
Gotta make money for the parasitic system.
Major quake threat lurks off California's northern coast, they're reporting.
That's an interesting report from the LA Times.
A potential threat of major earthquake of California's northern coast.
Risk of monster quake and tsunami of California's northern coast is greater than researchers once thought.
But I'll tell you in this new study, that is important.
The question is, do they have tranny sections on the emergency lifeboats if there's a tsunami?
That is the question, is there a tranny section?
Like if a meteorite was coming that was 20 miles long, destroy human life?
The question is, would the spaceship they launch with nuclear missiles to take out the
The comet coming in to hit the Earth, would it be piloted by trannies?
Because you've got to have diversity on the spaceship going to stop the comet.
And I agree with that.
In fact, they should all be trannies on board in the spaceships.
I'm not kidding, folks.
To prove we're not racist, okay?
Let's continue.
If a 9.0 earthquake were to strike off California's sparsely populated North Coast, it would have a catastrophic ripple effect.
A giant tsunami created by a quake would wash away coastal towns, destroy U.S.
101 and cause $70 billion in damage over a large swath of the Pacific coast.
More than 100 bridges would be lost, power lines toppled and coastal towns isolated.
Residents would have a
She was 15 minutes to flee, man, if it only hit Los Angeles, to higher ground.
I'm just joking, folks.
As many as 10,000 would perish.
Scientists last year published the grim scenario for a massive rupture along the Cascade Fault System, which runs 700 miles off the coast of Northern California to Vancouver Island.
There's a graphic on the article about what the devastating quake would look like if we click on that graphic right there.
And it just goes through it all.
But, I mean, this is what's always been happening on this planet.
Always what's been going on.
It's part of life.
The mega-volcanoes do erupt.
It's the size of... Well, it's close to the size of a third of Colorado, but it straddles four states.
It's right in the middle of four corners there, I guess they call it.
And, man, if it blows, I mean, they say it could kill all human life on Earth.
I wonder if a carbon tax would fix it.
Have I maybe paid Al Gore money?
He could build a giant temple to himself.
Uh, maybe with that he would wave a magic wand and protect me.
But the point is we can't really control any of those things we were just talking about.
What we can deal with is what's happening in our food system, what's happening in our environment, what's going on in our society.
And joining us for the next 40 minutes or so before John McAfee joins us in studio to talk about a host of issues.
...are these stories that I have that Ben Fuchs wants to go over.
Roundup and glyphosate toxically have been grossly underestimated.
That's number one.
Glyphosate toxicity is in almost all water, including well water, massively causing cancer increases.
It's worse than fluoride, folks.
You've got to get it out of your water.
By the way, product placement.
We do sell the Pro Pure Pro One Best Gravity-Fed Filter at the lowest price out there with promo code WATER.
Supports the broadcast, but more importantly, glyphosates fry your endocrine system.
Fry, and we're going to talk about that in a moment.
Massive cancer, bladder cancer, kidney cancer, liver cancer.
You've got to filter your water, folks.
Or get it from deep, deep, deep volcanic wells or the waters, you know, hundreds of thousands of years old, like out of Arkansas.
I do get bottled water out of Arkansas that I really like because it tastes so good with the natural minerals.
But, I mean, listen, you care about your kids, folks.
You've got to drink filtered water.
You've got to not drink the iced tea at the restaurant.
You've got to filter your shower water because you get more...
Through that, then you do something with drinking water.
Through your largest organ, the skin.
We're going to talk about that.
Cancer rates expected to increase 75%.
That's a new study out.
It's already gone up massively.
Some cancers up 4,000, 5,000.
Pediatric up 10,000%.
Study links BPA and breast cancer tumor growth.
It is a estrogen mimicker and grows those fast.
Pesticide turns male frogs into females.
We're going to be breaking that down.
Study ADHD linked to pesticide exposure, including fluoride.
So, we're going to be getting into probiotics.
Marketing employer, Miracle Cure, with pharmacist Ben Fuchs, who knows more about a lot of stuff than even a lot of medical doctors and scientists we have on.
And he's one of the owners of one of the biggest compounding pharmacies in Colorado.
The inventor and developer of many of the most popular supplements out there.
Works a lot with InfoWarsHealth.com, with the Beyond Tangy Tangerine, and the stuff with Dr. Corey Gold,
Polymers Plus that I promote, Infowarslife.com, just pointing out that this helps fund the operation by promoting these great products.
I didn't plug anything last hour, that's how we fund ourselves.
Pharmacist Ben Fuchs, let's dive in to something we can do something about.
This news we're talking about with the glyphosate, fluoride, and so much more.
Thanks, Alex.
You're right on, 100%.
I call it locus of control.
Locus of control is where we can control.
And where we can control is in terms of the food we're eating, the water we're drinking, what we're putting into our body via supplements.
And I want to commend you for really taking the bull by the horns in this whole issue with your supplements and really participating and diving in full force into the idea of using supplements and taking care of your body from a physical perspective so that you can fight the New World Order on a psychological and a mental
Oh, I mean what you've helped me do and what others have done, like Ben Fuchs, who I know you know, and all those folks, it is just, it is changing my life.
I had just let myself rot for 15 years.
Yeah, because there's so many things we can do.
You know, it's really easy because it's in our face all the horrible things that are going on in terms of the New World Order and our corrupt political system, our corrupt governmental system, Obamacare, etc.
It's really easy to forget that we do have a certain element of control and that is where using nutritional supplements comes in and that's where making better food choices comes in and that's we're not participating, as I've said so many times, not participating in the corporate swill
In eating the food they want us to eat, drinking the drinks they want us to eat, taking the drugs they want us to take.
But it's not enough just to say, I'm not going to eat the food and drink the water and take the drugs.
You've got to figure out a way to be proactive, and that's where water filtration comes in.
Your point is so well taken.
We are, we are, our bodies are 60 to 70 percent water, and if you're drinking toxic, trashed out, fluoride ridden, chloride, chlorine filled water, not to mention all the pesticides that go into the water.
Fish internals die in tap water.
And not only that, they're becoming feminized.
Their sexuality is disappearing.
That's a whole other topic.
Are you against tranny turtles?
Well, I try not to pick on tranny turtles, actually.
Well, exactly.
It's not even about that.
It's that it's being unnaturally done.
It's happening to the animals.
And you know, there are frogs that are being born with multiple, as you say, with multiple genders, or with no gender.
Infertility in animals is an epidemic, and infertility in the human race is an epidemic as well.
Partially because of all the estrogenic, gender-bending chemicals that are put in the water.
You know, the Roundup, the glycophos, that's a toxin for sure, that'll kill you for sure.
But even worse,
It messes up your endocrine system.
It messes up a man's ability to be a man, a woman's ability to be a woman, and the ability of the two to meet and form babies, to conceive.
This is why infertility is such a big problem.
This is why sperm counts are dropping.
This is why people just can't get pregnant.
It's like the human race is dying because of this.
What are we thinking?
What is the government thinking?
Government officials, New World Order proponents still have to drink the water.
They still gotta drink the air, breathe the air.
What is, what are these people thinking?
They're killing themselves as well as killing us.
Pharmacist Ben Fuchs, Brightside Radio Show right before mining, stay on GCNlive.com.
We're putting up on screen everything you're saying, my guys, just search it.
And throw it on screen.
USA Today.
Tap water, contaminant, castrates, frogs.
When I cover this, they have Huffington Post say I'm anti-gay.
Because this is actually confusing the sexuality of mammals across the board.
No, I'm not anti-anybody.
The point is they're artificially messing with our biology and they don't want us to know about it.
We'll be right back.
Stay there.
We'll talk about it.
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We've got some breaking Obamacare news that I'll get Pharmacist Ben Fuchs take on in the next segment.
This short segment though, I want to get right back into what he was starting to get into, what is in the food, what is in the water, what is going on, and the fact that no fish, no frogs, no turtles will live in tap water that you drink.
And they call it a cost-benefit analysis to clean the water in our mass civilization that they know in the statistics, they've known since the 50s, it's going to increase bladder cancer, kidney cancer.
And it's true, if you didn't have clean water, which is always a problem for civilization, that would cause even more deaths.
You'd live to be probably 35 on average.
And the advent of clean water and things by the 20s and 30s, the statistics are clear, made disease go way down.
Vaccines came in the 40s.
You can look at these graphs worldwide, and disease actually went back up a little bit, but not to previous levels.
But I digress with pharmacist Ben Fuchs, Alex Jones here, back live.
The big issue is the glyphosate roundup.
And this for me, the more I study, is even worse than fluoride.
And the real reason now that I will not drink anything that's had tap water, because I used to go to restaurants and still drink it and still get iced tea, I neurotically will not do it now.
I will neurotically not do it.
I'm seeing more and more restaurants, because folks won't do this, I'm seeing more and more restaurants who are saying, we have filtered water, we have fluoride-free water, because folks want it.
So I think restaurants should have a sign and just say, hey, we filter our water.
Uh, and I would go there, like Hopdoddy's Hamburgers here in town.
Farmers and Benefits, let's get into your points, because you sent me, I guess you sent me eight of them, let's, no, nine of them.
Let's run through the nine stories you want to cover.
Well, first of all, let's talk about the glyphosate, the roundup issue.
Your point is so important.
Fluoride is bad stuff, clearly, but it's an element on the periodic table and there's some fluoride in your body.
There's some role, not necessarily for the kind of fluoride they use, but at least you can make a case for the fact that the fluoride is an element in the body.
There ain't no pesticides in the body.
That is pure
100% deadly poison.
In addition, Alex, to the fact that you're killing things.
It's a pesticide.
So when it kills things, it's going to kill your probiotics, your good bacteria in your gut.
That's where the whole issues with gluten intolerance and digestive issues come in.
Digestive health issues come in when you use these kinds of pesticide-laden vegetables.
But even more importantly is the whole estrogen issue.
You know, we talk about gender bending and birth control.
This is all because estrogen
Because these pesticides, which are very similar in chemical structure to the female hormone, or the hormone, the biological hormone, estrogen, this is why they cause birth control or infertility.
Your birth control pills are estrogen, basically.
Estrogen will tell the body not to make a baby.
There's several reasons for that, but most importantly, it's because estrogen is a stress hormone.
It's a hormone that helps the body handle stresses.
So the higher your estrogen levels go, the more insomnia you're going to have, the more anxiety you're going to have, the more fear you're going to have, the more suppressed your immune system is going to be, the more your cells are going to malfunction, the more likely you're going to be to have fibroid cysts, blood clots, hypertension and cancer.
And this is where these pesticides really wreak havoc on the human biological system.
In addition to the fact that they're gender benders, in addition to the fact that they'll keep you from being able to conceive and cause infertility, they will maximize, accelerate, and amplify the body's stress response.
And you know as well as I do, we have an epidemic of anxiety and stress in this country, and it's largely because of chemicals in the water and in the food supply.
By the way, we're putting mainline studies up, mainstream news.
This is not even debated that the anxiety epidemic is glyphosate.
It's not even debated that they have these estrogen-dependent cancers in the women, and that's why we lead the world in breast cancer.
But they're expanding the use of the Monsanto Roundup.
I mean, these people are literal demons.
And on top of all of that, when a plant is given pesticides, it doesn't have to make its own natural pesticides.
Plants make their own pesticides, you know.
And these plant pesticides, we call phytonutrients.
Plant nutrients.
Flavonoids and carotenes and accessory nutrients that aren't vitamins and minerals necessarily, but are very valuable for human health.
Well, when a plant has pesticides, or is given pesticides, it doesn't have to make
These substances which function as natural pesticides and also function as nutrients for us, which means the plants that are given the Roundup will be less healthy and have less nutritional value than the plants that are grown without pesticides.
This is a hidden problem associated with the use of pesticides.
You can maybe grow plants without having to worry about pests by using Roundup, but you get less valuable plants from the
We're good to go!
I agree.
Incredible question.
Let's break it down when we come back.
Long segment with pharmacist Ben Fuchs who is on fire today.
And I'm on fire to resist this.
And I'm not perfect, but I'm slowly changing my lifestyle.
I'd probably turn the boat around 60, 70, 80 degrees and now the boat's turning faster away from the poison to health.
We can all do it together.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
We're going back to Pharmacist Ben Fuchs here in just a moment.
Just a plug here for incredible products like the Beyond Tangy Tangerine.
We have such
Over-the-top depleted soils, on record, that's not debatable for more than 50 years, but that's another reason we have so much illness in this country.
We lead the world in obesity, in cancer, in IQ dropping, in all sorts of neurological disorders, and the globalists are doing it on purpose, on record.
The federal government mandated iodine in the salt in the 20s, and IQs went up more than 10 points in the next decade.
That's federal studies.
You can go to Infowarslife.com and check out the Survival Shield and see videos there where we show the news articles, the documents, the studies.
Then in the 50s, they said, you know what?
Take it out.
Now, I'm against forced medication.
But that was government doing, forced medicating through the salt because it was all sorts of thyroid problems and IQ dropping and deformities in children from not having enough iodine in utero.
This is all well-known science.
What do they then add into the baking powder and all the rest of it?
The bromine, the bromide, which goes into the thyroid.
I mean, it's just, it is a conspiracy, folks.
It is a program.
And speaking of Beyond Tangy Tangerine, Scientific American, dirt poor,
Have fruits and vegetables become less nutritious?
And then they go into the article saying, yes, it's been depleted.
Because you see you had hundreds of different trace elements and things in the 90 essentials in the soil.
Now they, with the different fertilizers, put three different things in there that only the plants need, and then you eat that, ladies and gentlemen.
So, this is what's going on, and I'm certainly no health guru myself, but anybody can look, and we need to do this video, folks.
Show me two years ago, and then show the videos of me on air now.
Or photos of me two years ago now.
I mean, I look like Jabba the Hutt.
And I'm still not like some sex symbol or something, but I mean, I look a lot better.
People see me in public and they go, Alex Jones, man, you looked, you know, overweight and unhealthy.
You know, a few years ago when I saw you on the street, man, you looked great!
Compared to what I look like.
And I'm telling you, it's the same exercise.
I've been doing exercise again for four or five years trying to get back in shape, but still not eating right, not getting the minerals and stuff.
The Beyond Tangy Tangerine, the Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0, the incredible products like the Polymers Plus, it's a healthy energy drink, that Dr. Corey Gold developed, available at InfoWorseHealth.com, and then the products I've developed with
Folks like Dr. Edward Group with the super true nascent iodine that's glycerin-based, organic glycerin-based from Germany.
We try to get everything from America, but you can't get organic glycerin in America.
We haven't been able to do it yet.
Only glycerin from Germany.
It's the only place you get it certified.
And it turns blue on paper, not black or red, like so-called nascent iodine out there that really isn't nascent iodine from what labs have looked at it and told us.
I'm not knocking it.
You still need it.
It just tastes like rocket fuel and doesn't agree with my stomach.
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That's all I can say.
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I mean, it's double the size, the amount.
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We appreciate your support.
That's how we're expanding in the face of the tyrants.
And that's how we're getting the reporters and the films and just reaching more people all the time because of your support.
Now, Pharmacist Ben Fuchs, we got 12 minutes left in this segment.
I am not going to speak.
Alex Jones is going to shut up.
I'm very fired up this morning.
I want you to go through all your points about the glyphosates, the fluoride.
What we can do.
Marketing employer Miracle Cure.
ADHD linked to pesticide exposure.
They now admit fluoride in Time Magazine.
Lowering IQ, ADHD last month.
What is happening?
Looks like it's all coming out.
Pharmacist Ben Fuchs.
Well, let's start off with this whole idea of epigenetics.
You know, you and I have talked about this a lot.
We have this idea in science and in medicine that everything comes from the genes.
Scientists call it the central dogma.
You know, the word dogma means something that you believe without evidence.
Religions usually have a dogma, but science has dogmas too.
And one of the major dogmas in science is something called the central dogma, which says that everything comes from genetics.
This is in the interest of the pharmaceutical companies, because then they can come out with drugs that manipulate the genetics.
And indeed, if you read the pharmaceutical trade journals, you'll see that this is the great push in terms of medicine, is finding drugs that can actually affect work with changing the genes or targeting the genes to target specific disease states.
As it turns out, the central dogma is wrong.
Because there are nutritional factors and lifestyle factors that turn genes on and off.
I talked about this a couple of months back when we talked about prophylactic mastectomies.
Angelina Jolie, for example, had her breast removed because she had a gene.
That indicated that she may end up with breast cancer, completely ignoring the fact that that gene that causes breast cancer to either come on, to either occur or not occur, is turned, is itself turned on by nutritional factors and lifestyle factors.
This whole phenomena is known as epigenetics.
Epi meaning transcendent to or above.
So the key to taking care of yourself, and this is so important because what it means is the epi, the idea of epigenetics, what it means is we can take care of ourselves!
We don't have to worry about our heredity when it comes to whether you're going to get diabetes or autoimmune disease or, God forbid, cancer because epigenetics trumps genetics.
And that means that we have a locus of control.
We can control our epigenetics to an extent where we can't control our genes directly.
We can control our genes in a secondary fashion by working with nutrients, among the most powerful
Nutritional factors achieve their power via epigenetics, via turning genes on and off.
For example, one of my all-time favorite nutrients is selenium.
And selenium, as you and I have talked about in the past, is amazingly anti-cancer.
Selenium is amazingly anti-mercury, by the way, and anti-radiation as well.
And selenium has particular protection against breast cancer and estrogenic diseases as well.
So if you're concerned about roundup and
I don't
We're good to go!
The second thing I want to talk about is probiotics.
There's some literature out that's alluding to the fact that probiotics might be a scam and indeed the way probiotics are being marketed by Jamie Lee Curtis and by Dan and Yogurt and by corporate marketers and the corporate-ocracy.
They might be a scam, but a good probiotic supplement is not optional.
It is a fundamental part of life, and even though probiotics are not considered to be essential nutrients in terms of the 90 essential nutrients, their unbelievable importance for good health cannot be overestimated.
For example, probiotics are one of the key nutritional factors that are involved in detoxifying the body of estrogen and estrogen
We're good to go!
You can't use Jamie Lee Curtis and Danny Yogurt nutritional strategies and nutritional products.
You've got to use a broad spectrum probiotic, one that has multiple strains of bacteria, 12, 14, 15 different strains of bacteria, and one that has lots of different
Billions of units of bacteria, in the order of 10 or 15 or 20 billion units of bacteria, in addition to eating fermented food, things like kefir and miso, tempeh, kimchi, anything fermented is going to provide you with probiotics.
In addition to probiotics helping you process toxic estrogen, probiotics help you process cholesterol, they help you process blood fats.
Probiotics make vitamins, like the B vitamins, for example, are produced by good bacteria.
These probiotics, by the way, are supposed to be implanted in our gut as we pass through the birth canal, but we know today 30% of babies are born caesarean.
If you're born caesarean or your baby was born caesarean, it becomes extra important that you focus on getting a good probiotic supplement as well as eating fermented foods.
If a baby was not breastfed long enough, this can have a negative impact on probiotics also.
If your baby wasn't breastfed long enough, your baby wasn't breastfed at all, you may notice that your baby is colicky.
Colicky comes from the word colon.
This is why babies get colicky, is because they have colon issues.
Colon issues are almost always associated with problems with probiotics.
So if you have a baby that has eczema, if you have a baby that has pimples or breakouts, if you have a baby that's colicky or has constipation, all of these are very common in babies.
Get that, baby!
David's gonna die, to quote her, David's gonna end up getting sick and dying if you don't give him Hindu tea.
And she snuck later and admitted he got really healthy and it was basically a probiotic of boiled chicken crap.
And he basically didn't get sick after she started giving him boiled chicken crap, which is what, I mean, imagine blacks coming from slavery and all that.
They had to have their own medicine.
They knew what to do.
It's the same thing right there.
Manure has been highly prized for centuries until we got the NPK fertilizers.
Manure was incredibly prized.
A precious commodity was manure.
Manure is loaded with all kinds of important bacteria, good bacteria for growing plants.
Yeah, and she had to sneak and give it to him.
Yeah, so, you know, a lot of times the old-time remedies, they trump the new-time remedies, the pharmaceutical remedies, a lot of the times.
Alright, so anyway, I want to talk also about SSRIs, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
You know, we talked earlier about how estrogens are anxiety-promoting stress management hormones.
Well, guess what?
A lot of folks don't realize serotonin is the same way.
We have been flooded with misinformation about serotonin being a happy hormone and being a hormone that helps improve your mood, etc.
Everybody wants to make sure that their serotonin levels are high.
Serotonin is, like estrogen, a stress management hormone.
It is a vigilance hormone.
It's an alertness hormone.
And yes, it's important.
It's clearly important.
But what it's important for is helping the body handle the ups and downs, the vicissitudes, the survival threats that are part of being alive.
And you need to have a certain amount of serotonin.
However, you do not want to poison your serotonin metabolizing system to the point where you have too much serotonin.
When you have elevations in serotonin, that's what the serotonin reuptake inhibitors do, they keep serotonin levels super high, artificially high, you end up with this pro-vigilant state, with this almost paranoia state.
And what happens when people take the Prozacs and the Zolofts and the serotonin reuptake inhibitors, what can happen is that they can become paranoid.
And that's why you have almost everybody, almost all the people who are doing these school shootings, and the psychiatrists, and the Navy psychiatrist who was doing this, who shot up the Navy base, and people doing these crazy mass murder kinds of things.
Almost invariably, they're on a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, Alex.
It's like a direct link between mass murder, mass murderers, and serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
More so than a guy like a zombie that just shot a cop for no reason at Walmart.
I said he's gonna be on those drugs and you know what he was!
It's almost always, Alex, you can almost assume that when there's some ridiculous mass murder, school shooting, crazy out-of-control behavior, that resting behind it is some kind of serotonin reuptake inhibitor.
What it underscores is the craziness, the utter stupidity, the illogical nature
Of using pharmacological therapy to deal with psychological issues, to deal with physiological issues that are associated with poisons and toxins and lack of nutrition.
We've got this pharmacomedical model that does not serve us.
We've got this pharmacomedical model that enriches drug companies, that enriches the proponents of the medical model.
It enriches the insurance companies.
And speaking of the insurance companies and the drug companies being enriched, what do you think Obamacare is about?
People, do you think Obamacare is in any way, shape, or form about taking care of your health, with the exception of perhaps major medical and traumatic, uh, traumatic, uh, heroic medicine helping heal from- It's openly about turning it all to drugs rather than medicine or real diagnosis.
And it's about death panels, and it's about doubling and tripling prices for insurance companies.
It is Big Pharma taking over.
That's right, and it's a redistribution of monies.
It's a redistribution of wealth.
A classic example of taking money from the people and concentrating it into this corporatocracy, this oligarchy that's made up of elites.
And we as human beings, and we as people, and we as citizens have to do something to begin to participate in our own health care.
We're good to go.
Eating the corporate swill comes in, especially when it comes to developing minds and developing bodies like our children.
If it's important for us as adults to drive past, not drive through, it's extra important.
And while it's easy to be glib about not going to McDonald's and not eating the fast food and not drinking the soda pop, etc., it's difficult to use willpower to do it.
Because these people who create these kinds of foods, they're smart.
They're really smart.
They got PhDs in understanding how to manipulate the human brain to get it to do what it needs to, to get it to do what they want it to do.
So what you have to do is you have to protect yourself against these kinds of foods and against these kinds of messages.
And the key, the ultimate strategy to protecting yourself from these kinds of messages and these kinds of foods, to weaning yourself away from the corporate swill without using willpower, which is difficult to do, is to get
We'll change your life and it will change your life quickly.
It will allow you to withstand the sugar cravings.
It will allow you to withstand the salt cravings.
It will allow you to withstand the cravings for the snack foods and the junk foods without willpower.
And this is one of the reasons why people lose weight and they lose weight quickly when they start, when they get themselves on... This is the Key to the Revolution.
Pharmacist Ben Fugue, stay with us.
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Hi folks, Alex Jones here with some important information.
I want to tell you about Matt Redhawk and his team of patriots over at MyPatriotSupply.
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I think so.
Man, time goes fast.
Russia is massing military forces near the border with Ukraine developing.
That's up on DrudgeReport.com.
Jittery customers are now running on banks in Crimea.
That's being reported by the Associated Press.
And if you go down, lower, into DrudgeReport.com.
There is a report on there dealing with the TSA agents in the middle column to eyeball bus passengers during security exercise.
And this is a Paul Joseph Watson article.
We told you this was coming because I saw him on C-SPAN back in 2002.
Say, one day you'll have to go through us to get a job.
Any job.
We're going to run everything.
We're going to be the federal police force.
And we're going to be at bus terminals, the trains, and then the roads, and then at internal checkpoints, and they're doing it!
They've got TSA ads where it shows them at the mall, and, you know, football games, and a federal judge ruled last year that they have to have TSA at proms in New Mexico for safety, because you have a right to be surveilled and groped.
You have a right to be safe, and you have to have TSA there.
It's a right to be a slave.
Pharmacist Ben Fuchs is our guest, host of the GCN Radio Network, right before us every day, right here on GCNlive.com.
Again, I'm Alex Jones with mfallwars.com if you just joined us.
I wanted to shift gears now, Ben.
Obama admin trouts out angry mom to push Obamacare.
And it says, I'll just wait here until you get covered.
And they have these videos where it's bossy parents.
I mean, this is literally trying to intimidate us to go sign up for this massive screw job.
And then now the feminist control freaks, including Michelle Obama, say they want to ban the word bossy because it's associated with women.
What about associated with control freaks?
I mean, these people are not liberals, Ben.
I know you well.
We've hung out quite a bit.
I would consider you a liberal.
And there are a lot of people that really are liberals who are not these people.
What would you call these people?
I mean, they're a bunch of...
I call them twisted and perverted and I don't even know if they're human beings to be perfectly honest.
I don't know if they have humanity.
Because I don't know how people can do that to other people.
I don't know how anybody can live with themselves understanding that they're poisoning their fellow man.
I don't know how people can live with themselves knowing that they're using prescription drugs when people are sick and starving from lack of nutrition and lack of food.
You probably saw this article that was
All over the news about the kid who couldn't get his drugs and now all of a sudden the government or the drug companies have decided to let the child, the poor baby, have his drugs.
Have you heard about this?
Oh yes, everyone's clamoring like a Christmas toy.
Right, exactly.
There's this messaging that's put out that drugs are going to save us.
That the government and the pharmacomedical model, the government authorized pharmacomedical model is our saviors.
And I'm telling you this as a healthcare professional.
As somebody who's been studying medicine now for pushing 30 years, this is not how the body works.
And it's not that complicated.
The human body needs water, it needs food, and it needs oxygen, and it needs to have an ability to clear its poisons out.
And that's pretty much it, folks.
There's no doctors that are required.
There's no drugs that can do anything about it.
But the good news is, is we can take care of it ourselves by getting on a good nutritional supplement program.
By making sure we're eating a lot less food and we're not participating in the corporate swill, as I've been saying.
Making sure you're doing something as simple as deep breathing.
Making sure that you're doing something as simple as oxygenating and blowing carbon dioxide out.
Deep breathing, clean water, moderate exercise.
It's not that hard!
It's not that complicated and you don't need Obamacare and we don't need a nanny state infantilizing us and telling us that they know what's best for us.
I want to ask you, this is a war on women, all these estrogen mimickers, but it's really a war on men.
I want to get your take on the war on men, because it's undoubtedly going on.
They admit they're doing it.
Why are they so scared of men with pharmacist Ben Fuchs?
And then John McAvee in studio for an hour and a half.
We're doing extra overdrive today on this Thursday edition.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
The globalist social engineers are not just targeting us with propaganda.
They are manipulating our genetics.
We are being targeted at every level by estrogen mimickers that lower our testosterone and other hormones and natural compounds that the body needs.
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We're good to go.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, John McAvee says he's got big breaking news on what really happened to him down in Belize coming up.
Then we'll get his take on Obamacare, the situation with Russia, and so much more.
He's got an investigative journalist with us today that he's working with.
That is all coming up in the next segment.
But Pharmacist Ben Fuchs, the latest March issue of Infowars Magazine, that by the way we sell at cost, has John Wayne on the cover and it says the war on men.
And I mean it's just undoubted now.
They're saying just the classical male model is racist, anti-woman, being a man is bad, we've got to eradicate masculinity.
Why does the establishment want to do that?
Let me tell you why.
Testosterone, male hormones, are not just for men.
They're building hormones.
They're strength hormones.
They're vitality hormones.
They're anti-aging hormones.
They're growth and repair hormones.
We are supposed to be like lions, Alex, and testosterone is the hormone of lions.
Instead of lions, we become like puffer fish.
We become slothful.
That's what we've become.
We're not lean, mean fighting machines.
We're like big fat gorillas in the zoo that have big bellies and big breasts.
Males, I'm talking about.
The reason we have this war on men is not so much a war on men as much as it's a war on anabolism.
Anabolism is the fancy word for building and growth and repair.
It's a war on vigor!
It's a war on vigor, exactly.
We've become domesticated.
Instead of being lions in the jungle, we're like big fat tabby cats.
Well, it's like hyenas, they say, is the only animal that has testosterone in the milk.
Oh, is that right?
I didn't know that, but I can see why.
Testosterone is the hormone of vigor and strength.
So, as much as there's a war against masculinity, it's really a war on our vigor and on our strength and on, I believe, our ability to resist this new world order, to resist this globalist
It's to reduce our ability to resist the monster, the Leviathan.
So it's not so much a war on men, although that is occurring.
It's a war on our health and on our vigor.
It's a war on independence, it's a war on liberty, it's a war on common sense, consciousness, it's a war on free will.
It's a chemical war.
We are being, it's chemical warfare, literally, but it's even the most chemical warfare, the most insidious kind, because it's biochemical warfare.
It's the kind of chemical warfare that affects our biochemistry.
And this is where the whole idea of epigenetics comes from.
This is why they don't want us to know about epigenetics.
This is why you keep hearing about genetics.
They don't want you to know that you have control over how... They don't know men are supposed to be incredibly energetic and feel crazed all the time.
My grandfathers were like me.
And people think I'm a weirdo nowadays because I'm crazed.
I'm just a barbarian Texan.
I mean, we're supposed to be barbarians.
That's how we...
We built the frontier.
That's how we built the country.
You know, we didn't build the country by sitting on our butts watching TV.
We built the country by chopping wood and going out there and exploring and seeing what was on the other side of the forest.
And all of this is regulated by the hormone testosterone.
This is the hormone for men and for women.
Not just for men.
You know, we think of it as a male hormone, but it's not just a male hormone.
It's also a female hormone.
Is that why women get so crazed when they take our super male vitality?
It could be.
I don't know.
Well, it just has a bigger effect.
It's not a plug, you're at the end, but I want to get your analysis of this.
It's an awesome product.
It's awesome.
It's Tribulus.
Yeah, it's Tribulus and it's got the ashwagandha.
It has herbs that are called adaptogenic herbs.
And these are herbs that help you adapt to the environment.
There's no medicines that are adaptogenic.
Only nutrients and herbs are adaptogenic.
And an adaptogenic herb or adaptogenic nutrient is a nutrient that pulls you up when you need to be pulled up, or pulls you down when you need to be pulled down.
The same ashwagandha will pull you up if you need to be pulled up, it'll pull you down if you need to be pulled down.
Well that's what everybody I know, these guys that were real irritable, they said it smooths them out.
It smooths you out.
This is what an adaptogen does.
So, making sure you're on a nutritional supplement program.
Making sure you're taking care of the epigenetic component of genetics.
Plug your website.
Plug your website.
And let me plug Doc Wallach's new book, Epigenetics.
If you're interested in reading a good book, Epigenetics by Doc Wallach.
I want him on.
I want to carry that book.
We're going to get Wallach on with his book as soon as we're carrying it.
God bless you, Ben Fugues.
Great job.
Epigenetics is key.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, John Cassaretto is here with us in studio with John McAfee, of course, the inventor of the antivirus software and known very well for the things that happen in police and a lot of big movies getting made about it right now.
And he came out here about five or six months ago, did some 50 Cal shooting with us and did a great job.
And of course, I've interviewed him before that.
When he was on the run from the kleptocratic authorities down in Belize, but he's back in the good old U.S.
of A, and he's with the investigative reporter John Casaretto with us today, who writes for some big publications out in California.
We're going to be going over, exclusive, John McAfee's ultimate hack.
That's one of his articles from SiliconAngle.com and another report exclusive deconstructing McAfee.
And we're going to get into some big breaking news with Belize and how it ties in the United States.
It was probably six months ago or even more when John McAfee was here.
And he was in studio with us, and I was just amazed that stuff he told us six months before that about Ryerson and things that no one had talked about in the press turned out to be true, connected to the government, and I ran down in Belize.
I mean, I still aired that nightly news interview, but I was really concerned about it.
Not that I was doubting him, it's just that no one had said this but him.
And so now I'm really going to pay attention to what they get to at the bottom of the hour.
But guys, give us a sneak peek.
I want to get into Obamacare first.
Now they tried to hire you and how that later came out in the news and where you see all that's going, John.
But give us a sneak peek here and tell us about this investigative journalist of what you're going to be talking about, John McAfee.
Well, basically, I came back to the States in December of 2011.
of course.
That's great.
Your mic's not too good.
We're going to put double mics for you for a minute.
Keep going.
And went back and has serialized this entire event.
He wrote the first 2400 word segment two days ago and then the Deconstructing McAfee, which is basically his first contact with me and how startling it all was to him.
But I think John, when I first contacted him, was extremely skeptical.
After three days of pouring through evidence, telephone calls with individuals and officials in Belize, he's become a firm believer.
The evidence is there and I feel I have no other choice now but to go public with it.
And I think you're the first and I think you are the first broadcast agency that I have talked to.
We're going to get into that at the bottom of the hour.
First off, I want to get your breakdown here today on the fact that Obama did come to you, and that letter came out in the press after you reported it here first, was confirmed, they reached out to you and others to quote fixhealthcare.gov, and of course you said there's nothing to fix, it's a total fraud, it's a total joke, it's not even real, and we concur with that analysis, and other programmers have said
They want to make the debate about the site not working, not what a screwjob Obamacare is, and it still doesn't work properly, and the people who think they're signing up aren't signing up, and now the IRS is saying they're using it to just register you to go grab your bank account.
What is your take on Obamacare?
What is your take on the Russia situation?
The whole world.
People want to know what John McAfee thinks about what's happening in the world.
Okay, first of all, it wasn't Obama himself that came.
Sure, the White House.
It was a lawyer from the House Ways and Means Committee that asked if I would consider coming and giving advice, and I said no, because my advice is simply scratch it and start over.
Scrap the whole thing.
They wouldn't do that, I know that for a fact, and I didn't want to waste my time, nor theirs, and turn them down.
What do I think about the entire world?
I think Alex that we're in a very dangerous situation in terms of privacy.
The telephones that you have next to you and the telephones that each of us are carrying around with us contain applications from corporations, individuals, from the NSA, the CIA, from almost every agency.
And if you look at what these applications are doing, an overwhelming majority of them are turning on your microphone, turning on the camera, accessing your emails, accessing your SMS messages, and even making phone calls on your behalf without your knowledge.
We're in a very dangerous situation because we have accepted a technology that we do not understand yet.
We don't understand its weaknesses.
We don't understand its limitations.
The Bank of America, for example, if you use the Bank of America online banking app, you will find that you have given it permission to turn on your camera and take videos and still pictures anytime that it wants.
Well, perhaps it's because if you empty your bank account online and then say, I didn't do it, they can say, well, you know, we have photos of you.
But think about how big brother that is.
We've known they've been doing that for decades, using the webcams, but they would deny it.
Now it's just ubiquitous.
They're just doing it.
Right, and the webcams is one thing, because you don't sleep with your computer, you don't carry it with you all the time.
We carry our phones with us, our smartphones.
And there's an overwhelming percentage of these apps that are spying on you.
And big time.
So we've written an application, or I've written an application called Cognizant, which basically goes through and tells you what all of your apps are doing, and gives you the choice of getting rid of them or not.
That is awesome!
How do folks get that app?
It's coming out in five days.
It's free.
We're not charging anything for it.
It does not have any adware, and it doesn't expire after a period of time.
Man, that's awesome, and it just tells you what's going on.
It tells you what's going on, and you're going to be shocked.
Absolutely shocked.
Our first version runs on Android.
We'll be moving into other platforms later.
Android is the worst in terms of app permissions.
People have used it.
John used it, and he was kind of shocked.
My apps are doing this and it gives you the option to get rid of them.
But this is a serious problem because it's not just the US government.
We do know that NASA is putting out apps and other covert agencies but it's corporations and individuals that are using our
Innocence, basically, in accepting these permissions to do anything that they want.
Bank of America, what is Bank of America?
It is a collection of its employees.
Any employee with access to their data center can spend their lunch hour listening to what you're doing.
No matter where you are.
And it's come out that they harass girlfriends, ex-wives, husbands, that they are indeed using it to play God.
Yes, absolutely.
And we're letting them.
We're letting them through our ignorance and our innocence.
And when I say ignorance, we're unaware of what has happened.
And they don't want you to be aware.
Isn't that the big hurdle though?
They tried to deny it existed.
Now it's admitted they lied.
It's admitted it's huge.
It's totally illegal.
I think that's the beginning of the end of the system if they simply, if the people simply say no.
Well, can we say no?
Here's the issue.
We depend on these phones.
We depend on the power.
We depend on the ability to communicate and to contact our families and to voice chat and video chat.
So, what we need is we need legislation.
We need some serious, hard looking at what's actually happening and say, listen, you know, we have to stop this.
We cannot have a total loss of privacy that is occurring.
You have no concept.
Once you get this app and you run it on your Android system, you will be shocked.
Everybody who has run it in testing has been shocked.
It ranks the apps, like how much of a threat each individual app has a number associated with it that tells you, you know, this app has got a ranking of 50-something, 60-something, so you can say, you know, that app has got, you know, a high score.
I'm uncomfortable with the amount of information that's coming out of this thing, out of my phone, and, you know, it's time to remove that.
So, yeah, it's pretty neat.
Well, I can't wait till that comes out.
In fact, that's what I wanted to get you on about originally, was when you come out with these devices.
Are you still working on a device that... Absolutely, and the device, Decentral, is still coming, and the Cognizant app is going... It's called Decentral?
The Cognizant app is going to be the kernel of that.
It will morph into Decentral slowly.
So, we are still on target, we are still working on privacy.
Well, you're the guy that launched the whole anti-virus revolution.
And so, I mean, it's pretty exciting to have you doing this.
I did.
They, of course, changed my name now, or will be changing it soon.
The Intel is changing it to just Intel Security.
Not sure that's a wise move on their part, but I think my wild and crazy personality makes them nervous.
So they're going to change the name of the company you started, McAfee?
Uh, not NACA, not the company, but they're changing the name of the product.
Yeah, they're changing it to?
I think it's called Intel, Intel Security.
What do you think now of the fact that it's come out that the FBI is indeed creating a lot of the viruses and stuff to hack into people's computers?
Well, you know, I said this early on.
This is what's happening and it's going to simply get worse.
They are taking advantage of the weaknesses in our technology.
The weaknesses, the leaks, the back doors, the ease in which someone can get into a computer and look at everything that's happening, read your emails, read your text messages, listen to you, watch you.
They can even use your phone to make calls on their behalf.
Um, and without your knowledge.
And to be clear, it's not like they're targeting one guy with a warrant with some spyware.
They'll put out 10 million, you know, computers that get infected to quote, find one guy so that when he logs in, they know.
I mean, that's just an excuse to spy on everybody.
It is, absolutely.
And the only solution, I think, is public awareness.
We need to lobby our legislators to change the laws to make this illegal.
Well, it's just funny, the theory was always that the virus company, antivirus company makers were the ones putting the viruses out, but we've never really seen them caught doing that.
It's always government that's doing it.
Well, that would be like carrying coals to Newcastle or adding water to the ocean.
I mean, there are enough people out there riding viruses that antivirus companies would not need to do that.
The same thing now.
Anti-malware companies, it would be foolish to write malware.
Stay there.
John McAvee and his investigative reporter.
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I think so.
Alright, John Cassaretto is here, investigative journalist with John McAfee, who really doesn't need any introduction, and we are broadcasting worldwide on, it's already the 13th day of, hard to believe, March 2000, 2014.
Time is just flying past us right now, and I want to shift gears, we'll get into some other subjects later, into now what really happened in Belize versus all these big
Warner Brothers and Paramount, they're all making movies about John McAfee.
And I don't really see you being interviewed by those folks.
I guess they've got a story they want to put out.
But now you can give us the rest of the story.
And again, when you were telling me some of the story first, when you first had come back to the U.S.
I found it unbelievable, and I apologize.
I didn't say I thought you were lying.
I just said, man, folks, I don't know if this is true about, you know, Ryerson and all these other stuff going on and government people.
I was just shocked by it all.
And then some of that news came out about Ryerson plots and passports and Iranians.
And it sounded like a James Bond movie, John McAfee.
I know you've done a lot of secret black ops work for the government previously.
None of that's involved this time?
Okay, do you want to take it from here and explain how you fell into this?
Yeah, absolutely.
I came into the story at a point in time where I started to interview John about his application, about some of the things that were going on, about cyber security, and that's what drew me into the story, because I was there at that point in time at which
I don't
That were after him and put an attempt on his life, as John described earlier, in Portland.
He was trying to discover who these guys were.
They're organized, but they're not that smart.
So he would put out ads.
It was interesting.
He actually had an interview with one of these gentlemen in a cafe and had lunch with them.
The guy never asked for the actual job, right?
So a bunch of interesting stories.
As far as
Um, and the selling of passports and recorded all this, this information that they're after.
And that's really why they're after John in the first place, um, is that he's got this information.
Uh, he's collected this information and we have a lot of this stuff that will be coming out in this report.
That is very publicly discoverable information that we've organized and will be put into this thing.
And that will be forthcoming on SiliconANGLE.
The problem is when they raided my property on March 2nd, this was the result of my refusing to pay a bribe to the local politician.
And then the politician came back, you know, the next week saying, oh, this is what a terrible thing to happen.
I am so sorry.
You know, they shot your dog, they destroyed your property.
This is so terrible.
Have you reconsidered your donation?
Yeah, I basically threw him off my property and went to the international press.
I also donated a whole bunch of computers to the Belizean government that had keystroke logging software and software that I had put on there.
Classic Trojan horse.
Classic Trojan horse.
I was hoping just to find out
I think?
And it just went from bad to worse.
They discovered what I was doing in late September of that year and began a serious process of intimidation.
I've given John all of this evidence.
John has talked to witnesses in Belize, the people who are with me, and has verified everything that I've said.
Then when Greg Fall was murdered in November, which I firmly believe now was an act of the government, they came after me for real, but not just at night, but during the day.
For an entire month before the Greg Fall murder, they were trying to collect me at night.
I was finding out about it because I was listening to them.
I was watching them through their computers.
And they never could catch me because when they would show up, I'd be somewhere else.
And I remember in all the media stuff, didn't you record them and you've released some of that before?
I released a little bit.
Here's what I'm trying to do, Alex.
I'm trying to, number one, stay alive.
The only thing that I have to bargain with is those recordings.
The thing that I am attempting to do is to make the public aware that this is actually happening, without providing enough evidence to put everybody away.
I mean, there are a few people that need to be put away.
Alright, long segment coming up.
Let's get into as much of this as we can with John McAfee and the investigative journalist who is with us.
Is that the best website, John?
That's the best website.
We'll be right back.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
John McAvee and John Cassaretto are in studio.
He's an investigative journalist.
You know who McAvee is.
And they are breaking down what basically really happened in Belize and how it ties into things here.
But how does that tie into the Ryerson poison and the Iranians?
Because you did say that six months before.
It ended up coming out separate from you in the news there, and it has come out you really did have all these, however many computers it was, that you handed out to all the police, the federal police there.
How many computers was it total, and where's the whole Ryanson situation going?
It was a little over 80 computers total.
The Ryerson situation, I don't want to discuss it at the current moment for security reasons, and I can discuss everything else, the passports, because it all folds in.
There's a huge operation in Belize, and it's getting unraveled as we speak.
The Minister of Immigration, a guy named Penner,
It was just removed from office for selling over 150 passports, one of which was to a Korean who was in prison at the time and had never been to police.
Now Penner, when he was under oath, said that, yes, I had, I think you read the same reports from the Belizean News, said that, yeah, I had a meeting with the gentleman on this date.
And, you know, he explained everything that was happening.
Well, on that date, he was in prison in Korea.
So this is how bad it gets.
And Penner has been prosecuted.
He hasn't been investigated.
They're just letting it all slide.
You know, John McAfee, I've gotten to hang around with you quite a bit now.
I've got to say, though, behind the scenes, too, why do they have that one guy on the Dos Equis most interesting man?
We need to get you as the new Dos Equis spokesman.
Well, actually... They were talking about you as the CEO of Microsoft.
They were.
They were.
What about the spokesman for Captain Morgan Rum?
I mean, you're spitting image.
Actually, I just did a Most Interesting Man commercial for QuickFunder.
I didn't know that!
It came out on Monday.
Aren't I a good brander?
You're a great brander.
I should do that officially.
I know talent when I see it.
It's almost like you started a company that made billions of dollars.
So I did it for QuickFunder.
That's a crowdfunding outfit.
One of the new ones and one of the better ones in Atlanta.
I like their style.
I think they have, you know, probably the best security and the best approach of any of the crowdfunding outfits.
So I did the quick funder commercial where I was the most interesting man in the world.
Guys, will you pull up the quick funder commercial?
I'm going to play that later.
Yeah, it's on YouTube under... There's all this cloak and dagger.
Now look, you did do black project stuff for the government previous to McAfee.
I did, yes.
I did.
I worked for Lockheed on a black program.
But what's the secret?
Because this does sound spy-esque, CIA, defense intelligence, or corporate stuff, down in Belize.
I mean, were they using you as a double agent?
Is there a whole other story to this we don't know about?
Trust me, if I were a double agent when I'd be on your program, I mean, I would walk out the door and it would be the U.S.
government that would whack me, not the cartel.
No, no, no, no, I understand that.
But, I mean, there's also good elements of the government.
In my experience, there's no ultimate bad and ultimate good anywhere.
There's a mixture, of course.
But no, believe me, I am not affiliated.
I'm not a part of any U.S.
government covert operation.
No, what I'm saying, you're evading them, all the things you did, the Trojan horse computers, everything.
I mean, that's real James Bond stuff.
Because the real spies I've run into and FBI people and stuff, when we've been doing stories or trying to infiltrate or set us up, they are bumbling boobies.
Compared to the work you've been doing?
By and large, you're absolutely correct.
And that's because they have to adhere to the formula that the U.S.
government, or whatever agency they're working for, makes them adhere to.
You have to be completely free.
You've got to be, you know, a libertarian, so to speak.
So it's the compartmentalization ruining U.S.
I mean, for example, I'm one man.
I'm on my own.
And by hiring, you know, a few out-of-work young men and women, I was able to infiltrate every branch of the Belizean government.
Admittedly, Belize is not a country.
Well, former spy masters like Dr. Steve Pchenik, they've told me the system is scared of lone men.
Because we are unpredictable.
I have given this man internal documents, internal memos from police, which are absolutely... Well, tell us what you can tell us about your findings that are going to be rolling out and are already on your site, some of them.
I mean, give us in a nutshell what's going on.
What happened?
The group's tracking you?
Okay, the biggest thing that I discovered and the biggest thing they're trying to cover up is the selling of passports and the bringing of
Questionable people into America through a very complex route.
Let's say I'm Iranian or from Pakistan and I want a new identity.
I can come to police and pay anywhere from $150,000 to a half a million dollars.
I get a new identity, usually from someone who's died.
My name is Muhammad Allah, and suddenly my new name is George Smith.
And I have a passport proving I am George Smith.
With that passport, I am free to move throughout all of Central America.
All of Central America, unimpeded.
So they're creating fake identities on an international scale, out of Belize, and that's come out, and it's a major rat line.
And so, to get into America, if I want to do it, you know, unbeknownst to America, I wander up to the southern border and get a mule to bring me across.
And the cartels help with that.
That's public knowledge.
I mean, you've seen many reports in Belize where this is actually happening.
The Belizeans know.
But nobody else in the world is reading the reports and no one else even cares it seems.
Did you see any evidence that the U.S.
or any other major government has its own people down there jacking into their database to know who these people are or they don't even care?
Well, certainly they know who they are.
The Treasury Department keeps, for example, an organization chart of, like, the Sinaloa cartel.
All the cartels, the Medellins.
But sure, I mean, the people they're bringing across.
Because we had the head Iranian general say last month, we have sleeper cells in America, and we will attack you in asymmetrical warfare.
Yes, absolutely.
And where do you think these sleeper cells are coming from?
They don't fly in... But you said a year ago, a year ago on my show, you said Iranian sleeper cells are coming through with RIOS and now you don't want to talk about it.
Well, forget the ricin.
They are coming through and they have more than just ricin, Alex.
There's all kinds of things that they are bringing with them.
I can't talk about the ricin right now.
I'm very sorry that I can't.
I am sort of fighting for my life.
I am dancing a very delicate dance.
You've already got cartels after you.
You don't want the Iranians after you.
I don't want the Iranians after me, sir.
It's bad enough as it is.
But forget that part.
We still have the importing into America of foreigners with questionable motives on a mass scale.
We have this one man selling 150 passports in a very brief period of time.
It's like, you know, okay, if you come to us with 50 people, we'll give you a group discount.
I mean, it's astonishing.
And these 150 were just the 150 that were discovered.
You know that it's much more than this.
So this is a serious problem.
No one's talking about it.
It's public knowledge everywhere else in the world.
Public knowledge.
But here in the States, it's like, let's not talk about this.
John Casaretto, investigative journalist, you've been burrowing into this for a long time.
I looked you up, done a lot of great reports in the past.
Much of what he said has been already verified, but what else have you verified in this story?
What do you think about it?
Well, you know, I think the big thing here is, to me, there's been, you know, these passports is the big issue here, is that, you know, we're hoping by doing this report
That we can look at this evidence and start to bring this into the open so perhaps people will further report this, will further look into this and start to ask questions.
Why isn't anybody talking about this thing?
Why isn't anybody talking about, you know, the way these agencies are operating and pretty much neglecting, you know, the security of this country at the border.
And these guys are, it's very similar to the app, you know.
You have a passport, you can pretty much walk over the border and come into the country
You know, and do whatever it is that you do in this country.
And, you know, it's the same thing with the Cognizant and the app.
You know, if you allow it to happen, then it's wide open.
We're being told, give all our rights up, because terrorists are everywhere, and they leave the doors basically wide open.
And nobody wants to report it because it's hurtful.
It's hurtful to the image that we're strong and we're secure and, you know, I think that people should start talking about this thing, particularly in this case where there's evidence that shows there's a country, you know, not that far away from here that's selling passports, that, you know, there's been incidents of Chinese nationals, of people of Middle Eastern descent showing up and showing up, you know, being apprehended and it turns out that their passports are fake.
And yet it's all over Central America, but here in the States we have no reports of that.
You have to actually go in and dig into the old copies of Mexican and Belizean newspapers to find instances of Hezbollah that were actually arrested in Mexico with Belizean passports with European names.
Mike Smith and Terry Jones.
It's absurd.
And yet here in America, do you read about it?
Is it in the New York Times?
Is it in the Wall Street Journal?
Is it in the local people here in Austin?
Why do you think, because you were nodding your head earlier, John, whenever I mentioned that in Press TV, the official Iranian news, their chairman of their Joint Chiefs, their head guy said, we have sleeper cells, we have asymmetrical warfare, we can strike America inside.
That was an outrageous statement.
It didn't even get picked up in the U.S.
Our Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Dempsey, said, we have sleeper cells in Iran.
We can attack you from within.
That would be sensational.
But they're not talking about it.
It's like every time there's a real terror threat, they won't discuss it.
If it's fake and made up, it's just constant hype.
That's what I've noticed.
What do you think is going on there, John?
Well, I think that, you know, clearly there's a lot of issues right now with this NSA and this government surveillance.
You know, they want a license to continue to surveil us, to watch everything that's going on using these phones, you know, intercepting your communications, your phone communications, your GPS location and all of these things.
So, you know, we're at kind of a strange point, I believe, that where I think that, you know, there's not a lot of attention being paid to actual, you know, investigative
You know, turning, you know, ferreting out these operations that could be going on right here, right?
In different cities around the country.
You know, all these different organizations that have infiltrated us and are here to sleep ourselves, as you say.
I think that's a big issue.
We find out that the NSA is writing apps that get into our smartphones that listen to us and watch us and read our emails and it's sort of like, oh gosh, that's bad.
We don't realize what that actually means.
Do you have any privacy at all if you're carrying a telephone around that when it sleeps it's not really asleep?
The app has made it so that it's not sleeping, the app is listening and watching.
And it's not just one agency.
It's many hundreds of agencies and corporations around the world.
Even foreign governments are doing it.
Russia will go to our trade shows here in the States and just pass out thumb drives and applications.
We know for a fact that many of those are doing exactly the same thing that the NSA is doing.
We have no privacy whatsoever.
I was about to say Snowden runs over to Russia and I think it's fine and I think he's a hero overall, but at the same time Russia is pioneering spying on their people real time and they're famous with hacking and malware and stealing the Russian mafia that's basically the Russian government.
Half the time we see issues on the internet, it's the Russians.
So briefly talk about your view of Snowden and the Russians, that whole issue.
Well, you know, Snowden, it depends on how you look at Snowden, he is certainly a hero for telling me and you and everyone else what's actually happening.
Legally, he is, you know, he's a pariah.
Legally, the U.S.
wants to prosecute him.
I'm glad that he told us, quite frankly.
If he had not, we would still be in the dark about many issues.
In terms of Russia, Russia is winning the spy war.
They have organized hackers.
They even have refrigerators now that have been found that have internet connections and microphones in them that can listen to you.
This is bizarre.
Any electronic device that has a chip in it is going to be... If it has the name Smart on it, run from it.
But what are we going to do?
Throw the refrigerators out?
We need to be smarter about the situation that we're in.
It's kind of like we're being swallowed by the snake and we're fiddling and dancing.
We need to be aware of what's happening.
If we're not, then there is no hope, is there?
Well, absolutely.
Look at the Syrian Electronic Army, which we know a lot of them are Russians.
I mean, they have just been hacking everything, exposing everything.
And what's sad is Russia doesn't have the moral high ground.
They're incredibly corrupt.
But then I look at the U.S.
They're so bad now and so run by multinational corporations that are even more amoral than the Russians.
At least the Russians stick up for Russians.
You see, the multinational corporations don't even need the spy agencies anymore.
No, exactly!
Well, you're the expert.
Talk about it.
No, right.
They will willingly provide applications that make your life easier and you're glad to use and inside those apps are the same things that the NSA is trying to do.
They don't even need the government anymore.
We are allowing them to spy on ourselves by our acquiescence.
It's a revolution against privacy, and now they admit, and I want your take on this, that Google can predict mass movement futures, Amazon knows what you're going to order before.
If you know what people are doing, you know the future, and then you can manipulate people with that data to control the future.
Now, you mentioned Google, and I use Google as much as anyone.
However, you have to look at the truth here.
Google makes money by companies knowing what you're doing.
You know, by providing companies your buying habits, when you wake up, what you wear, where you work, they can sell more stuff to you, Alex.
And by selling more stuff to you, Google gets its percentage.
Google has no interest in privacy.
Privacy is the end of their growth.
So, this is another two-edged sword.
We need information.
I need information.
We all do, and we use that information.
It's a very powerful service, but it seems to be a powerful service without a heart and soul.
Continuing with your case, say if you had five minutes, John, and you were trying to explain to, say, mainstream dinosaur media the history of John McAvee, who he is, is he for real, what's happened to him, what would you say?
Well, you know, I think the world will have to decide whether I'm for real, and that's why I allowed John to come and spend three days pouring through a mountain of government internal memos and releases and conversations to find, you know, so that he could find it for himself without me having to explain it to him.
Yeah, and the first time I met John, it was in a cafe, I brought a friend with me, and John sort of floated into the room, and there he is with a trench coat, he's got the glasses, he's looking scruffy in a hat, and he kind of floats into the room and he goes, I want the chair against the wall.
He sits against the wall.
He turns off his phone.
I'll turn off our phones and we're sitting there and he starts to talk.
And at first I wasn't even sure it was him, you know, because he's like looking around the room, looking around the room.
You know, the man was on the run.
I didn't know it then.
I mean, what brought me into this whole thing was the value of decentral, the value of giving people the power back to know what's going on with their phones, to know what's going on with their information and the prospect of being decentralized so they can't track you.
So you can communicate, so you can exchange things without, you know,
You know, the third big brother watching.
You know, this was something that I wanted to write about.
And we were talking about it.
We were talking about China as well.
We were talking about all these cyber wars going on and these different governments putting these things together and, you know, attacking corporations, American corporations, spying on American citizens and these kinds of things.
It was a great conversation.
And, you know, and then we started to get a little bit more of John's story about, you know, a little bit about what's happening.
Stay there.
I want to hear that when we come back.
And by the way, we're doing a whole hour of overdrive after this.
Because I had a meeting about the new website design, but I'll have to back up to three, because I want to shift into some other subjects after we talk about this.
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Folks, Strange Days have definitely found us.
We're just going to do a whole other hour of overdrive.
Some stations leave us at the end of this hour.
A lot of them carry it because I used to do the fourth hour every day.
If you don't, we're live on PrisonPlanet.tv.
You can find the free video audio feeds at Infowars.com forward slash show or just click on the listen page.
We'll do a whole other hour and we'll open the phones up at 20 after next hour and I promise I'll go to your calls.
For you to get to talk to John McAfee and the investigative journalist that he has here with him.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
Again, 800-259-9231.
We don't screen your calls, so it'll be the good, the bad, and the ugly, John.
Total wild card grab bag.
We'll go to you at 20 after, starting in the next hour.
Briefly, please remember we're totally independent, libertarian-based radio, pro-Second Amendment, pro-family, pro-sovereignty, pro-private property, everything.
I said property twice, it's so important.
Please support us by becoming PrisonPlanet.tv members to fight the prison planet.
Please check out InfoWarsLive.com and the great supplements that we've developed.
Please buy the Molon Labe t-shirts for men and women that we have at Infowarsstore.com that are made in America.
By the way, John.
Here is a great, large is your size, right?
Large is my size.
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And for your wife, we have a ladies fit with gold foil that is extremely sexy.
So we're going to give you some of that as well.
And you, John, as well.
We've got the two Johns in here with us.
We've got John McAvee and John Casareto.
Finally getting that right?
The 50th time.
Anyways, great to have you both here.
This is a short segment, we're about to end this hour.
Finish your story about getting to know John McAvee, because strange days are definitely here.
Our government's trying to start war with Russia, the NSA's spying on everyone, Obama wants, you know, to screw everybody with Obamacare, and we're hanging out with John McAvee, the very interesting person.
Yeah, definitely.
I was telling the story about how I met him.
I was with my friend, good friend Eddie Mize, a great artist out of Denver.
So we went down there.
He's also an InfoSec guy.
We start talking about security and we make our way outside and it was everything that we expected.
I talked to John McAfee before on the phone and it was a great conversation.
So we go outside and we start to talk and he goes, hey, I've got some recordings I want to play for you.
So we sit in my friend Eddie's car.
And he starts to play these audio recordings and it was an investigator who was telling John on the phone, I've uncovered some information that says the attempt on your life that happened in Portland was a $2 million contract that was put forward.
It was put into place through the cartel, through the Sinaloa cartel.
And then there was a second contract when that attempt was not successful.
John's interlacing this with the introduction of the story at this time that all this stuff happened to him and Janice.
There was a second contract for $650,000 and John stops it and he goes, I find that insulting that my life is only worth $650,000.
Really, $2 million?
I mean, I know some of the cartels just, you know, just to be grandiose have big contracts, but that, I mean, $600,000 is a lot.
Well, I found it insulting.
You can get somebody killed for ten grand.
He found that insulting.
I'm slippery maybe.
So I understand, yeah.
That leads to the deconstructing McAfee story.
You know, everything I've ever read about John in the press, you know, it was my impression that, you know, John was this wild man.
He was a party man that, you know, preposterous if you really think about it.
Yeah, when you really get to know him, he's not really being paranoid.
He's super smart.
The question is, is he manipulating you?
Yeah, I've thought about that.
I mean, he does come off a little bit like El Diablo.
You know, if I wanted to cash somebody to play the devil, I'd get John McAfee.
Let me tell you something.
We're standing there.
I'm just joking, John.
You're a really good guy.
I'm teasing!
I'm teasing!
Actually, if I could call in, I have some questions for myself.
Alright, we're going to be right back.
We're coming back, we're coming back.
Stay there.
Alright, we're going to come back and talk about this.
No, everything John's been talking about keeps coming true.
I mean, I believe him.
I think he's a good guy.
We'll be right back.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, John Casaretto, investigative journalist, is hanging out with us here in studio with John McAvee, who is a very interesting person, especially in person when you're out hanging out with him in the hill country shooting firearms.
And he's here with us today, visiting during South by Southwest.
Long segment is coming up after this.
Then I'm going to give the number out.
We just gave it out.
And take phone calls for McAfee and John Casaretto, who's with him.
So John, finishing your story, you said it gets really interesting here.
You're in the car.
He's playing recordings of the investigator.
You know, saying, oh yes, there was the $2 million hit, the $600,000 hit on you, go ahead.
Yeah, so there were a number of calls like that that were actually naming names and things like that that would come out in the report.
So we get out of the car for some fresh air, right, and we're standing there in the parking lot.
His phone rings.
Jones has got eight phones on him.
He's reaching, you know, all his pockets, pulls one out, finds the phone.
You know, and then he goes, he decides, I'm going to put this on speakerphone, puts it on speakerphone, and it's a security guy.
And the security guy is saying, yes, we are going to put bulletproof glass all in your house.
We're going to arm the walls.
We've got armor going up all around your place.
And the machine guns, you know, will be, you know, should we move the carpet?
You know, this whole thing.
And John's going, yes, I need this stat.
I need this immediately.
You know, and my friend Eddie and I are looking at each other, we're like, is this even real?
Like, it just got really weird.
You know, we're talking about something, we're talking, and then it goes into, you know, these contracts.
And now there's a guy that's, you know, arming his house, who's building it up so that it can take on a 50 caliber weapon.
And then John hangs up, he looks at us, he goes, well,
I'm ready for anyone who comes.
And they can shoot at me all they want.
I'm going to be sitting there, and I'll be shooting back, laughing.
So we walk out of there thinking, this is really just an incredible situation.
What a personality.
How much of it is true?
I start to look into it.
There were names that were given out in those recordings.
And that's when I first started approaching John.
Hey, John, I looked at this, and I looked at these names.
Every time somebody ever talks about John, it's always these ridiculous stories about, you know, for some of these things to be true, you would have to think that one day I'm going to build a company and my ambition is to have this company, sell it for $100 million, and then I'm going to go to the third world and set up a meth lab.
It's pretty preposterous to think that this would be true, but people are accepting this, and articles that come out, this is what they say, you know.
No, he was smart down there, openly setting up a supplement lab, which is anybody that's smart, that's what it's all about.
That's how you do it.
Setting up a meth lab in Central America, by the way, is like putting a gun to your head and pulling the trigger.
You know, the cartels, that's their business.
You know, a gringo doesn't go down there and start a meth lab.
That's insane.
The bottom line is John's always gotten kind of this rap, like it's always this air of, you know, wanted for murder, wanted for murder.
Well, he's never been officially, nobody's ever said he's wanted for murder.
They want to ask him questions.
Because they want to bring him back down there.
They want him back down there so they can do what they're going to do.
And as John reports, as John states, you know, they want him gone.
So, the attack on your life, I think we should talk about.
You know, Portland.
There was an interesting coincidence that was written in that article.
A series of coincidences that happened.
His bodyguard had gotten arrested.
And he had gotten reports from his security that... Well, I'm going... You told me this six months ago when you were here.
You told me not to talk about it.
Actually, I didn't tell you.
It hadn't happened six months ago.
What was it, four months ago?
I don't know.
When was it you were last here?
Because you told me about the...
October 21st.
Oh, right, it was just after that as a matter of fact.
But I didn't say anything about it, nothing direct.
Basically, here's what happened.
A report came out in an Irish newspaper that John McAfee had died of a drug overdose in a Las Vegas hotel.
They even named the doctor.
I saw that.
Stay there.
The 12-minute segment coming up, you'll be able to really break it down, tie all the pieces together.
You bet.
No, no, but you were just telling me about the folks coming in and, you know, what happened at night and having to hide and all that.
Well, I told you off the air, I think.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's what I'm saying.
So I remember you telling me about this.
I did.
But I'm not going to tell any of the story because I don't know how much we can tell.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Man, we've got triple links on DrudgeReport.com today, the number one news aggregator in the country.
There's a new four-year document out, Homeland Security monitors Drudge Report.
The tales of DHS media monitoring capability program revealed.
And I was really interested in this because there was a lawsuit with former Congressman Bob Barr, who we're supporting for re-election, because he was anti-NSA a long time ago.
And I know he's been trying to get the information out, but this new foyer has been successful.
We confirm that we are in the other foyer from the data Bar got also being spied on by Drudge.
So that's a good thing, folks.
I like DHS, the fact that they want to spy on us.
It is illegal, but I have nothing to really hide.
The problem is, though, they can still use that data, then set me up.
People never think about that, that access to my computers, access to what I'm doing, allows them to plant stuff.
So if you ever hear something about Drudge or Alex Jones, it's pure bull, folks.
Everybody knows me.
I have nothing to hide.
I eat too much, sometimes I drink too much, and I mean what you see on the air is what's going on.
Basically a Tasmanian devil from Texas who loves freedom and loves Jesus.
Now we've got John McAvee here with us and we've also got investigative journalists.
Plug your website, tell us a little bit about yourself and then I want John to go back and have the floor here and talk about the attempted hits on he and his wife.
Yeah, I'm the security editor for SiliconANGLE and our publication is all about technology and I cover security.
We're John Casareto.
John Casareto.
And I've got, you know, our operation is some 20-25 people and growing and it's a great operation.
We do live events at this thing we call The Cube.
We've got a number of great people that do all the work, all the production.
It's like ESPN.
We call our shows kind of like the ESPN of tech.
So we'll go to like tech events.
We're number one on all these topics like crypto coins.
Oh yeah, I know who you guys are.
Number one on big data and all these great things.
So I'm following security stories all the time.
It's why I came to Mr. McAfee and you know I'm covering all the things that are coming out about you know his testimony.
And bottom line you found him to be credible and believe his story.
And have verified a lot of it.
There comes a certain point, Alex, where, you know, you've got to go with your gut.
Plus, you've been privy to a lot of stuff that hasn't been released.
There's a lot more that will be coming out about this in terms of... It's not just your gut, you've verified a lot of it.
Well, that's how I got into it, of course, yes.
But I've heard so many things.
I mean, I heard phone calls before we walked in here.
He played another recording for me that was really interesting.
There's hours of recordings.
I spent three days with Mr. McAfee at his location up in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Remote, secure, and we went through tons and tons of documents.
Shell companies, 300 some companies, guys switching seats, same three guys moving around all these different companies.
through this whole network that is requesting visas that has companies out in Belize that are connected and are connected to this attempt on Mr. McAfee's life as he reports.
Now, what can you do, John?
I mean, do you release it all so they have no reason to kill you?
Or then do they want a revenge killing because of it?
Or do you say, look, I've already tried to report this.
The government doesn't care.
I'm dropping it.
I've destroyed it all.
You'll never hear from me again.
They're not going to believe that last statement.
You'll never hear from me again.
And they will get back at me just for revenge.
Here's my strategy.
I am trying to dance on a tightrope.
I think the best thing I can do is to release just enough information to make the public and the government aware of what's happening.
Number two, there are one or two people who really do need to be arrested, all right?
I intend fully to release everything about those individuals.
Others, perhaps the more powerful people than the government, I have retained a lawyer who is going to, or already has, taken charge of the evidence, all of the evidence, all of 17,000 hours of recordings and documents and what have you.
Uh, and have given the same evidence to a number of other people.
The lawyer is in the process of writing a letter to the Belizean government saying, if I do not hear from Mr. McAfee by 2pm every day with a password, he has instructed me to release this full documentation to the press, which implicates every single person within the Belizean government.
I believe that they have enough common sense that they will let the few people that really need to be arrested, the ones that I think did the most crimes against me, to let that happen.
And I will just keep quiet for the rest of my life.
Um, and as long as nothing happens to me, nothing will happen to them.
But believe me, the information that I have will bring down the entire Belizean government.
They know this, and this is why they are so desperate to silence me.
It's too late to silence me.
The evidence is in the hands of other people now.
Well, just like I told the DC Madam, you have not told me any of what that evidence is.
You had just told me about one of the attempts, I guess you were here like a week after it happened.
Yes, right.
Now, I have full evidence on those things, which I've given to John.
What happened was, first of all, the first clue, and it should have occurred to me at that time, was there was a report of my death, okay?
John McAbee died of a drug overdose.
I got a call at 8 o'clock in the morning from a friend and they were in tears.
And I go, what?
And it just went all over the net.
It was weird.
I put out a tweet saying not true.
In fact, you know, I woke up feeling fine, or I went to bed feeling fine.
Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.
Within 12 hours, my security guards get arrested, mysteriously.
Twelve hours later, at 2.15 in the morning on the 12th of September, and I was up because I was anticipating, again I have contacts still within the government, I was anticipating, I didn't know the exact date but I knew it was coming soon, I was up and watching at 2.15.
Two police motorcycles, now this is at night, where police do not really use their motorcycles after dark.
Two police motorcycles followed by a sedan full of plainclothes people followed by a garbage truck, the compressor, the compressing variety.
They're gonna put you in that?
Maybe, I have no clue, but they pulled up right in front of my condo and there is no back exit.
There is only one exit and that is through the front.
I ran and I grabbed my wife.
We ran downstairs to the garage.
I wanted to hide in the trash bins.
The big thing is thinking maybe we'd be safe.
My wife refused.
So we climbed.
In the condo was a car stacking elevator where you drive your car in, it puts it on the second floor, and then you drive others in, up and down.
We climbed up on the second floor, hid under a car, both of us together, for five hours.
We were not under there for a minute before we heard the running up and down the stairs and excited voices and then they came into the into the garage but very stealthily.
They looked into the garbage room.
You know, I'm rumored to be armed and dangerous, and I think they didn't want to just open the thing.
They were talking.
We could hear them talking.
And they were there for about an hour before the garbage truck came into the garage.
They rolled the bins, lifted up, dumped it, compressed it, both bins, and drove off.
We waited two hours till after everybody had gone, we ran and got our things, and we left.
We haven't been back.
Why not lay in wait with an assault rifle?
Might have been cops.
But they're coming to kill you.
May have been real cops, okay?
That's what you told me right after it happened.
You said, might have been cops with a warrant.
How did you know?
Yeah, I didn't.
But cops with a warrant do not try to compress you in a garbage truck.
And you don't show up at 2.15 in the morning.
And it wasn't garbage day either.
And it was not garbage day.
They didn't get everybody else's garbage.
They didn't get it, yeah, so it was not garbage day and then... I gotta say, that does sound like how those hits work.
And that's why you'd need two million, because they wanted all official covered up, you hire the cops.
And the reason that it was... You know, you can't get the cops to take part in a hit in every city.
I know you can in Houston.
I think you can in every city.
Well, they got cops that kill people in most big cities.
But they usually work for organized crime.
It's a shame.
Not every city has the police chief being part of it.
Oh, right.
Well, I don't think the police chief was part of this, but certainly the cops were part of it.
Oh, yeah.
These were legitimate cops on legitimate motorcycles.
Sure, sure.
Well, you know that most hit men are cops.
I mean, in major cities.
That is true.
That's what I'm saying.
I think in almost all cities you find this.
Um, but the general public doesn't know.
I think the reason that they put out a report that I was dead is so that everybody's going, oh my god, McAfee died.
And everybody says, no, that's not true.
So if McAfee does disappear the next day, no big deal.
They're not going to pay much attention.
No, that's how they do it.
It just creates confusion.
It creates confusion, and therefore people don't pay much mind to it.
Because really, if I were just to disappear out of the clear blue sky, people are going to talk.
But it's the day before, there was a big article saying I had died of a drug overdose.
You're really smart!
I mean, obviously you're a smart guy.
I've been told by high-level army officers that when I see these stories that I've been killed or disappeared, that's when I've got to be careful, because they'll do that right before they disappear me.
No, you've actually heard that.
Oh yeah.
I've had family that worked in Black Ops and in the muscle end of things and they told me that.
No one told me, I just figured it out.
There's some verification.
Oh no, that's definitely true.
If I can believe you as much as you can believe me.
No, no, that's true, that's true.
I think a big thing is how did this all come together?
And one of the interesting coincidences that John has reported, you can check this out.
The country of Belize, for the first time in that country's history, traveled abroad to what city?
Portland, where John McAfee is living.
To play soccer.
To play soccer, in a soccer game.
And the team is like, you know, part-time carpenters.
Yeah, it's not even a real team.
They lost to the US 6-0.
They had no chance at all.
I think it was 6-1.
And this is the first time.
Now, why would they come to Portland, Oregon, where I'm living?
Get real!
And this was two months before the hit, or the attempted hit.
Classic double down as an investigation, but call it a soccer game.
Find out where he lives.
It's hard, but people go, no, they didn't go to Portland.
Check it on the internet.
Again, that is speculation.
Undoubtedly though, these people that came to your place, that is amazing.
Yes, absolutely.
And now you're in an armored redoubt.
I am in a location where I can guarantee you no one is going to get close to me.
So, and I am angry.
I've stopped being afraid.
I'm not afraid anymore.
I am pissed off.
I am seriously pissed off.
Yeah, last time you were here, you had a pretty serious guy with you going around with you everywhere.
Yeah, well, I've got a whole bunch of serious people around me now.
And they are serious people.
And I'm serious myself.
I swear, I am pissed off.
Just come for me.
That's the attitude I have.
I know that's nonsense.
That's my attitude.
Hell, that's the only attitude you gotta have in life.
What else can you have?
Because I am seriously pissed.
And I'm in a part of the world where anybody who comes is, they're gonna stand out.
They're gonna stand out big time.
And I am... Well, it's always safe to be with a bunch of hillbillies.
I'm a good old boy from Southwest.
Hillbillies... Hillbillies are where to be.
I was raised in the Appalachian Mountains.
Stay there, we're gonna come right back to you.
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John McAfee with us for the Balance of the Hour with the investigative journalist who's with him, who of course writes for the site SiliconAngle.com.
And we appreciate both of you gentlemen joining us here today.
As promised, we're going to phone calls.
But John, what brought you to South by Southwest?
I didn't come to South by Southwest.
I came to see you, Alex.
Well, I'm flattered.
I talked to John about what our strategy would be.
He's going to write the first two chapters of maybe a 20,000 word report.
And then we needed to go and talk to somebody live.
And I said, Alex Jones.
He said, why Alex Jones?
I said, number one, he's a friend.
And number two, he has an extraordinary, extraordinarily loyal listener base.
And what we need are people that will believe us, and we'll get this story out.
I mean, I've got to point out, you were in Belize on the run, and the two interviews you did, because your friend told you to do it, was Alex Jones and Joe Rogan.
That's it.
That's absolutely it.
And I can tell you, Joe's for real, too.
He's a good guy.
No question.
He's certainly a character.
Have you met him in person yet?
I have not.
I enjoy talking to him.
You should do his podcast.
I've known him since, like, 1998, when he finished news radio.
So, I mean, he's just an awesome guy.
You guys ready to go to phone calls?
Let's do it.
This is a short segment, 18-minute segment coming up after this.
Chris is in Massachusetts and he's retired military, wants to talk to John McAvee.
Thank you for calling in.
You're also talking to John Casaretto, who's an investigative journalist.
Go ahead.
It's a real honor and pleasure to be able to address all three of you.
I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart because the oath of loyalty was taken by myself as other military, all military take it, to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
And I've realized over time that this cutting edge
That I listened to in this show with guests like yourselves, Alex, you and your staff, are defending the true government of the Republic.
Our government of the Republic is one of the Constitution, and anything that feigns to take away our constitutional rights, which government is supposed to protect, is not our true government.
And so, I want to thank all you gentlemen for seeking to save
The true government.
And I want to thank you for your loyalty to the true government of the United States, which is one of a constitutional representative republic.
God bless you, sir.
I don't want to live under the globalist tyranny.
You're absolutely right.
These are domestic enemies that are trying to claim those of us that want to live in the republic are the enemy.
John McAfee, your comment on that?
Chris, I want to thank you for your comment, sir.
It brought tears to my eyes.
He had a lot of authority in his voice.
He did.
And you do, Chris.
I'm putting my own life on the line here because without freedom we don't have a life.
And thank you for your comments, sir.
God bless you.
Anything else, Chris?
Just briefly, I've been out on the street in Massachusetts for a year and a half with signs, placards that I make of my own.
There's well over 150 of them if you count double sides.
And a lot of horns, a lot of thumbs up, and a lot of thumbs up when I have InfoWars.com, too.
So, Massachusetts, we're still in the 50 states, and we're loyal to the true government of the United States.
Just as you men are.
And I'm very, very happy and honored to be in your company.
God bless you, brother.
Yeah, I'm loyal to George Washington.
You know, that's the type of thing I'm loyal to.
Not this New World Order, sell everybody out, dishonorable.
I'm loyal to people that are honorable and you can believe what they say.
Because that's really all there is in this world.
Like Tony Montana says, only two things in this world.
We all know what that is.
Anyways, let's take another phone call.
Another Chris.
Chris in Canada.
You're on the air with John McAvee.
Go ahead.
Yes sir, go ahead.
Quick question, John.
Is there any evidence that there might be British involvement with this police passport thing, considering that they are the former British Honduras?
I have no evidence whatsoever that links Britain in any way to the sale of passports, sir.
Okay, thank you.
Yes, sir.
Never heard any chatter about that.
I guess they left by the late 80s.
I know when I was a kid going down there, you saw jump jets and British troops.
The British troops have since left.
Yeah, when did they leave?
Maybe seven or eight years ago.
Yeah, yeah.
All right, let's go ahead.
It's just weird to see jump jets and British troops in Central America.
Go ahead, Ernie in California, you're on the air.
We're going to break in one minute, but go ahead and get your question out.
All right.
Yes sir, go ahead.
I'm really glad he's in the pissed mode, because that's going to save his back.
And I want to thank him for coming out with that software when it comes.
And one question I have for you gentlemen, the Malaysian flight that went down, four of the top chip makers were from Freestyle, Semiconductor, or something like that.
Now that they're gone, that patent goes to Carlyle.
I know that's a little tough.
Carlyle Group, really?
I wonder what you thought about that.
Yeah, there were a bunch of top tech people on that plane.
We're going to come back with John McAvee and his investigative journalists with him.
John, we'll get their take on this.
I want your take on the Malaysian flight.
Glad that caller called in.
Thank you, Ernie.
Peter, Stephanie, and others, toll-free number to ask questions unscreened.
Just make sure they're addressed to our guests.
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Hey guys, before I forget, John McAbee's here with us, ladies and gentlemen.
Any websites, Twitter accounts, Facebooks, anything you want to plug, anything you want to say that you've forgotten to say before we answer the question about the missing Malaysian flight that's the big mystery right now, and then go back to phone calls.
Alright, well, what I want to say is, everybody out there, take responsibility for the technology that you own, and realize that the risks that you're putting yourself under by not being aware of all of these risks.
So, download the Cognizant app, run it on your phone, you're going to be shocked at what you find out.
I can't wait, because I already know what's running on it, it's incredible, but I guess it's all right there, and I've seen reviews, people have seen it, it shows everything right there in real time.
So it's just like your antivirus software would show you the viruses, this shows you all the spy links.
Yeah, it's not in real time.
You run it and it will tell you which of your applications are doing what.
You get to choose at that moment.
You don't have to wait for them to actually be spying on you.
Oh, it tells you what they do.
It's like a scan.
It tells you what to do before they do it.
And then you can choose at that point.
That way you don't have to read 20 page contract and find the fine print written in Martian to explain what they're doing.
Yeah, and John's like a forefather of giving away software, and then, you know, claiming it on the back, monetizing that on the back end.
So, you know, it's a lot of things.
He invented antivirus, but he's also, you know, invented basically the way everybody does with these apps.
Yeah, what do you think of Dr. Stallman and his free software moment?
Well, you know, Dr. Solomon is a nice British gentleman, and we're talking about Dr. Solomon in England.
No, no, Solomon, we had him on the other day, you know, the Genu guy.
Yeah, Richard Solomon.
I think he's a very nice guy.
Yeah, but I mean, he's into the free software.
Go ahead.
Yes, same thing.
So yeah, so I basically invented to give the software away for free, and almost everybody does that now, although most of it's not really free.
You get to use it for months, and then they shut it down.
But I believe that once people see the value of something down the road, maybe they'll just pay for maintenance or they'll buy the next product that you come out the door with.
So, you know, I'm not out to make a fortune right now.
I never did that on purpose.
I wanted my films to be seen.
I wanted to prove the things I was saying.
Other talk shows had a coffee cup or a newsletter they had to make money and pay their bills and have a crew.
I made documentaries, which probably aren't the best in the world, production-wise, but content, it's good info.
And I would let people copy them when nobody else would.
And that built a huge listenership.
And I wasn't doing it on purpose.
Then later, like, branders and marketers went, look at his genius plan to get everybody early.
But I was just doing the right thing.
You were.
You stumbled into it.
You're following your heart.
If you follow your heart, you're going to make money.
This is a fact.
See, I want to have a conversation with you about that, because you're a really interesting guy.
I mean, what makes you tick?
British father, American mother, right?
Or was it vice versa?
No, it's American father, British mother.
My father was an American soldier during the war.
That's right, and then he came back to the Appalachians.
That's where he grew up.
That's where I grew up.
Yeah, and I'm not sure what makes me tick.
I care about people.
I care about relationships.
I love a lot, and if you love, you get hurt, and I'm willing to risk all those things.
That's right, but I feel sorry for all those cold-blooded people that are sociopaths, and they think they're so cool because they don't have any heart, but they're totally unfulfilled people.
I agree fully, and the world is full of sociopaths now, because people spend all of their time connecting with their smartphones.
I've seen people text each other at the same table.
It's insane.
You're right.
In fact, I was reading a study on that.
It's artificially making people more sociopathic.
And more isolated.
Artificially, because you're pretty much born a sociopath, they think.
This is artificially making people dehumanized.
You're a tech guy.
What do you think of that, John?
Well, yeah, I think that's one of the things.
We've had some conversations.
John was actually at this conversation.
We were talking to a guy who was pretty deep in some of these operations, government operations.
And he was talking about, you know, at some point we're going to have to come back to a nonverbal form of communication because they can intercept everything.
They're intercepting, you know, conversations.
They can pick it up in the streets when you're walking around.
You know, people are going to have to figure out a way.
To get back to basics when, as they say, S-H-T-F, right?
You know, how can people take their privacy back, take their freedom back, you know?
And that's one of the things that we talked about at that point.
And I think that, you know, we're becoming very dependent on these technology devices.
I use it, and I certainly enjoy it.
It's kind of like, you know, this balance act.
It's like the Borg are assimilating us.
They're just rolling it out, we're accepting it, and it's becoming ubiquitous.
Yeah, well, my phone tells me, hey, it's time to leave for your flight, you know.
This is when you have to leave to make it to the airport.
It's time to take protein shake.
It's assigned to make a left turn here.
It says that we're not even aware of where we are.
Well, it's all my crew that knows how to really use all this stuff, and so they're trying to get me in shape and stuff, so it's like, 7.30, time for protein shake.
8, time for workout.
And they're all feeding me data, and it's like, bing, bing, bing, bing.
It's like... I like it, and I hate it, because you become dependent on it, right?
I mean, I remember when I first, you know, would pro... I mean, I forgot... I don't even know anybody's phone number.
It's all in my Google contacts.
Oh, used to I could memorize numbers.
Used to I could do math in my brain.
Now I literally can't do math.
I'd use the calculator.
I don't even know my own phone numbers.
This is a fact.
You know, and that's how tragic it's become.
We are Borgs without the metal implants.
We carry the implant in our hands.
Well, that's coming.
I got to talk about some news breaking on DrudgeReport.com.
Kerry gives Russia Monday deadline.
And the Ukrainians are asking NATO to basically attack the Russians.
The Russians are massing troops on the border.
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs said they're prepared to military respond.
This is crazy town!
Well, war is money, Alex.
It's money.
It's how we jump ahead rapidly through war.
And then look at this under it, even creepier.
Homeland Monitor's Drudge Report.
Details of DHS media monitoring capability program revealed.
Newly obtained document revealed under the Freedom of Information Act confirms the Department of Homeland Security keeps tabs on drugs report as part of its media monitoring program.
It's worse than that, folks.
We have documents, and that's why they've sued to get them, to get the full documents, that they're spying directly.
And telling TSA, you know, to basically that this is a threat, the Drudge Report's evil, and that I'm evil.
But it shows that they're not as powerful as people think they are if they're scared of news websites.
Right, absolutely.
Information is power.
It is power.
And the more information we have, the more powerful we become.
How powerful did we become when we found out that the NSA was spying?
We became very powerful.
Very powerful.
Because we became pissed off.
We became frightened.
And no one wants that.
People want the populace to be at ease.
Sedate while they roll over.
That's it.
Basically it.
And so when we stop being sedated, they panic.
This is the fact.
That's the name of the game.
They want to sedate us.
They want to calm us so we just quietly slip off into Neverland.
Gentlemen, I want to get into that question.
What do you think is going on with this Malaysian flight?
It's like five days or whatever it's been missing.
Six days.
What's going on here?
Well, either it was picked up by a flying saucer, which I doubt very seriously, or there's something nefarious going on.
I believe we're going to find out that there is criminal activity involved, possibly a hijacking.
Remember when the Chinese forced down that AWACS to steal its technology?
A lot of top tech people on the plane, what do you think?
Yeah, what was on that plane?
Yeah, what was on that plane?
A bunch of top tech people, number one.
So either it went down and someone benefited, or maybe it's innocuous.
Maybe it just had a mechanical error.
However, why would it be changing directions?
This is the issue.
My gut tells me it's either a hijacking or a government remote control, which they admit are on those planes, and landed it as a tech heist.
Could be.
Could be.
I do believe there's criminal activity.
I think that will, you know, that's another thing we can test McAfee and his intuition or his information.
Well that's, the Chinese did that with the AWACS that time.
And this plane's flying by China and it just disappears.
There was like fake passports and stuff involved too.
I've seen a couple stories around that.
Back to fake passports.
Back to fake passports.
And you said South Korea.
South Korea?
Both South Korea and the Middle East.
That is where Belize makes most of its money off of the issuing of new identities and fake passports.
And you got those Iranians thrown in the mix?
Well, that's Middle Easterners again.
That was the same deal, but on the plane.
Meanwhile, while we're worried about that, I mean, literally, they're not crazy enough to actually start a war with Russia, are they?
Why not?
I mean, you know, why let them get more powerful?
That might be some thinking.
Again, I am an adamant opponent of war.
However, the military-industrial complex cannot survive without it.
Think about it.
But I guess they're saying Al-Qaeda is not the threat.
That's a new ally in Syria.
So they say domestic groups and the Russians are the new enemy.
And who are the domestic groups?
You and I?
Yeah, they say libertarians, returning veterans, gun owners.
Basically old-fashioned men.
And women.
I mean, just people that don't want to be total slaves.
We're bad.
Well, I guess we're... Bad John McAfee.
I'm as bad as I get.
Both of us.
He's bad.
Bad, bad, bad.
You just called me Satan earlier, I think, didn't you?
I was just joking.
No, no, no.
You do.
I literally, it just clicked earlier.
The archetypal handsome devil pops up when you look at John McAfee.
I'm sure you've heard that before.
I have, yes.
Yeah, I mean, no, no.
If I was a Hollywood central caster,
And I was going to come up with the devil.
It would be John McAfee, but he's not actually a devil.
Because, see folks, the devil doesn't really look like the devil looks in Hollywood.
The devil looks more like, uh, I don't know, Hillary Clinton?
No, I've noticed it.
More innocuous.
The devil doesn't actually show up looking like the archetypal handsome devil.
The devil shows up like a nice little old lady.
Who wants the moral high ground?
Oh, Sonny, can you help me?
Can you let me run your life?
Or you're a bad man.
The devil tells you you're a racist if you don't turn your guns in.
The devil accuses you and tells you you shouldn't have freedom.
And then all these movies twist it and say the devil wants to give you freedom, like Al Pacino, the devil's advocate.
I want to empower humanity!
I'm a fan of humanity!
The devil wants to enslave, not empower.
Well, if the devil looked like the devil, we would not get close enough to become ensnared, would we?
There you go, ladies and gentlemen.
Very, very clear.
Let's talk to Peter in New York.
Peter, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Wow, it's a thrill to participate in your discussion here.
I am a little bit... I have a problem with Mr. McCarthy's sort of demonization of Hezbollah.
I think it's far more likely that the British are up to
Shenanigans there in Belize and Hezbollah, Hezbollah!
It's a resistance movement engaged in national defense.
They do not come over to the Western Hemisphere.
Let me stop you.
Let me stop you, sir, because I want to say something.
I want John to say something.
I'm not anti-Iran.
They invite me on Iranian TV every week and I'm too busy to do it.
National television, okay?
Let me explain something.
I'm against attacking Iran.
I want Iran to be able to have power and be able to have refineries and be able to have a good culture, okay?
But the head of the Iranian
The military said we have asymmetrical warfare capability in the US sleeper cells.
So he made that threat and I have changed my stance towards Iran a lot with those type of statements coming out because I don't want to have World War 3.
The Iranian government stands to gain from conflict just like the Russians.
Putin's going to get more powerful out of the West messing with them.
I don't want war.
I'm not saying Putin's good or the US is good or Iran's good.
These governments all tend to act the same.
Okay, in terms of the, you don't believe the Hezbollah thing, there are documented reports in newspapers throughout Mexico and Belize of Hezbollah agents being arrested with Belizean passports.
What does he say about the Iranian military commander, their Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman, saying we have sleeper cells?
Are you denying that?
I'm saying Hezbollah is strictly a resistance.
No, no, I know Hezbollah is their militia armies in Lebanon and places.
I understand that.
It's engaged in a defensive, it's not an offensive force.
It's strictly defensive.
Well, when they arrested him, they had Hezbollah literature and stuff, but I mean, obviously... They were well-known Hezbollah agents, and if you want to go and Google it, simply Google Hezbollah, Belizean... Listen, if I'm going to infiltrate the US, I'm not going to send regular army.
I'm going to send...
Underground commandos.
That's the kind of people that know how to infiltrate.
The people that have been fighting and beating the Israelis in Lebanon.
I'm not going to send a regular Iranian army officer.
So, again, I'm not going to argue one way or the other.
I'm just saying, Google it yourself.
Find out the truth yourself.
I mean, I can tell you... You're not anti-Iranian, are you?
Absolutely not.
I'm not anti any generic thing.
I am anti what's happening to me.
...of Hezbollah.
It's a red flag for me.
This is not right.
Okay, well, I mean, I'm just telling you, if I was an Iranian general, that's who I would send.
I mean, the Iranian general said, we have sleeper cells in your country.
Again, just Google it, sir, and if I am wrong, I will eat my shoe on television right here.
Well, there's News 5 who helped Hezbollah terrorists get Benghazi passport not East.
There it is.
That's one of them.
Trust me, it's happening.
I've heard it.
I have documentation.
The head of their military said it!
On Iranian state TV!
Now, it may be wrong and may be hard to believe, but unfortunately, it's very hard even for me to believe what's actually happening.
That happens to me in my life.
My life is so crazy and so weird.
I don't tell people half of it because people wouldn't believe it.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
I agree.
My truth is, that's for sure.
Oh man, I tell you.
Peter, listen, we're not your enemy, buddy.
But, I mean, did you see the report where the head of the Iranian military said we have asymmetrical grips in your country?
I don't believe that.
I'm sorry.
Do you believe the photograph with the passport?
Hold on, sir, sir, sir.
This is on press TV.
Guys, put it on screen.
I want to give them the headline if you can find that.
I appreciate your call.
People call me still and go, I don't believe they have goats that are part spiders that produce armored milk.
I mean, that's been out for 15 years.
They just do not believe us.
I just do not understand it.
Stephanie in Iowa, you're on the air with John McAfee and company.
Go ahead.
Hi, thanks for doing everything that you do.
I appreciate getting on, first time caller.
I do have a question about the app.
I don't know, I got into the conversation late.
So, the app is coming out when?
It should be out in five days.
In five days, and you just get it from Google Play?
Google, absolutely, it's totally free.
Okay, perfect.
And then, exactly like
I don't have smartphones that I actually use.
They don't have service or anything.
But I'm just scared that they're still taking still pictures, or they can listen in to conversations.
It'll let me know, all that stuff.
If you don't have a smartphone, you don't have much to worry about.
If you have an Android phone, then you definitely need to run this app.
Yeah, because it's an Android phone, but no service on it, and there's an iPhone, no service on it, and tablets.
Well, that may be a blessing in disguise.
Okay, perfect.
And then I have a question on, or a comment about that, the plane.
I think that they were flying under the radar at like under 3,000 feet, or 3,000 feet, and somebody in another country is probably wanting something on that plane or something.
Oh yeah, that's right.
That's entirely possible.
Yeah, and you can see, like, I watch the news, I'm like, I can see right through their lies, and they'll never say anything like that.
Well, if they knew some government was involved, they may be diplomatically deciding what to do, like Benghazi.
Appreciate your call.
Great questions.
Great points.
Paul in Connecticut.
We're moving quick now.
Go ahead, Paul.
You're on the air.
Hi, John.
How you doing?
I'm doing good, Paul.
Look, I was told by an old OSS guy that you got your start at McAfee by actually creating the viruses.
And then having that software there to solve it.
So kind of like a Hegelian, create the problem, have the solution ready.
If that's true, and I'd love to hear, I can't believe I'm actually talking to you guys, your response to that.
But if that's true, I mean, I would be suspect to this new software that you have.
Will your code be open for everyone to look at?
Well, we're not putting out source code.
We're putting out an app.
You're free to disassemble it and look at it yourself if you wish.
But think about it.
There were, at the time, thousands of computer viruses.
Why would I spend months, or have my team spend months... Why would you build a fish hatchery when you've got plenty of fish?
You've got more fish than you can possibly deal with.
We could barely keep up with the viruses that were out there.
So we certainly had no time to build new ones.
And that would be senseless and... Hey, skip this network break.
Skip this network break.
Go ahead.
Okay, it would just be a senseless thing to do.
So I can categorically say, and you can talk to any of the McAfee employees that were there at the time, that thought never crossed my mind.
But see, that's those rumors.
I always love it like, there's rumors you're really Bill Hicks.
No proof.
You son of a bitch, I'm gonna kill you.
Or there's an old OSS guy told me you were really making the viruses.
I mean, again, we now know it's the FBI, it's the governments that are making the viruses to steal data and surveil everybody.
It's never come out that virus companies are making viruses.
Why would you ever do that?
Because you would surely get caught.
It came out the US government with the Israelis made Stuxnet.
You cannot hide this stuff.
Yeah, you'd make a lot more money writing the code to correct the real viruses that are out there.
And when it first started, it wasn't the government's doing when it first started.
It was really just hackers throughout the world that were, you know, like people just wanting to disrupt life because they had no life of their own.
Yeah, now it's cybercrime.
There's a guy named Kaspersky who has a software suite.
He's a Russian guy, former KGB dude, and this guy, he does a lot of research into all these viruses and he's been at the forefront of exposing the things like Stuxnet, breaking it down, who put it together, what does this code look like, and all the follow-ups that came out of it.
There was Flame, there's been a couple other
Versions out there and you know, there's all kinds of people riding viruses all over the world and now it's all about cybercrime and surveillance.
It's government.
It's government-sponsored, you know, a lot of these things are up.
It's now the Chinese, Russian, US government, NATO, EU.
It's an all-out exploitation war.
Brzezinski's argument is they even want to run the crime and run the money laundering so quote others don't get that market and blood supply.
That's the argument for the system to run crime openly.
And we are woefully unprepared for what's happening.
Where's it all going, John McAfee?
Well, if we don't do something, it's going into absolute devastation for this country.
Describe why.
Um, because all you have to do is destabilize the economy.
For example, if you look at what's happened just in the past few months, uh, three or four major retailers, large retailers, we've got Target, we have, um, Neiman Marcus, uh, where... It's a whole bunch of them!
Where hundreds of millions of credit cards were stolen.
What if they only manage to get $100 or $200 off of each one?
Think what that's going to do to this economy.
Think what it has done, perhaps, to this economy.
And it's getting worse and worse.
Is that a state job?
Probably Russians or something with Target?
You know, I don't think so.
I think it depends on what we call by the state.
In Russia, it's difficult to separate the states.
Well, there's Mafia Deep State.
The Mafia Deep State, I think, is what I'm saying.
You know, when they take credit information, when they take money, those things to the consumer are very
You can clean up your credit and you've got certain protections and things like that.
No doubt there's a big impact.
But what a lot of people don't realize is that when these breaches happen, where they grab your username and your information, your username, your password, your password, it's a well-known fact that something like 80-85% of people reuse their passwords everywhere.
So if I've grabbed your password for Angry Birds or whatever,
You know, there's a good chance that's part of your password, if not your actual password.
And that's the big issue, and we got guys saying, John, are you the one making the viruses?
Which I don't think is a bad question.
I'm not attacking the caller.
Is he still there?
You got any final comments?
It's a fair question.
Yeah, hi guys.
Yeah, so look, identity theft companies make money.
They want to maybe go to an RFID and to the credit cards themselves.
Another business opportunity there.
So these are all problem reaction solutions, too, in part.
So I just wanted to know... Well, that's like an arms race, yeah, where they keep releasing the new weapons.
I gotta jump to other people.
I appreciate your call.
John McAfee, you're the problem.
You just heard it.
Let's talk to Jonathan in Florida.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
How are you, Alex?
How are you, John?
We're doing pretty good.
Go ahead.
Okay, well, this is my area of expertise.
I just want to say to the previous caller that Hezbollah as well as the IRA and the Mexican cartel actually do business together to try to gain forms of obtaining a weapon of mass destruction.
So, anything you hear to the contrary is quite the lie.
You're absolutely correct.
That is absolutely correct, sir.
And I also want to say that as far as
People, have you heard about the petition going around where people are being, in here in America, or on our land, that are being obstructed with real pressure frequencies?
You should make an application to help people in your own country before you do anything else in any other country.
There's all sorts of stuff, to detect stuff like that.
Very interesting.
Thank you, Jonathan.
We're going to move quick now.
Rick in Nevada, you're on the air with John McAvee.
Yes, sir.
Paul stole my thunder, but I'd like to ask you to consider making the Cognizant open source or free software as free as in free code and free as in free beer.
We will certainly consider that, sir.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Andrew in Illinois, go ahead.
Good luck.
God be with you, John, and with you, Alex.
There's a lot of stuff coming down in our country.
And we're going to get a, hopefully we're going to get a pro-gun governor for Illinois.
That's what we're looking forward to.
I've already received a phone call.
There's a libertarian wave taking the country over.
We're about to take over the Republican Party.
That's why Obama might start a war with the Russians, to make him the hero, to get his whole agenda through.
That's why I just realized, I got a bad feeling.
And I've been having one for six months, John.
I think they may actually start a big war with Russia.
I think we're in deep crap.
What do you say?
You know, I have no information on that whatsoever.
But I'm saying, I mean... It's a believable scenario, no question about it.
I just hope cooler heads prevail.
What do you think, Andrew?
They don't want us to take the country back.
I'm all for what you're doing and I'm a strong supporter of the Second Amendment.
Speaking of planes, real quick, on the Kennedy plane downing,
There was two 9-1-1 stories in UPI and Associated Press about a mid-air explosion.
Once they found the debris filled, they killed the story.
Oh yeah, you're talking about JFK Jr.?
Oh, they killed him deader than a hammer.
He was going to probably run for the Senate and then President.
There was no way he'd end up losing down the road.
That is true.
Whether that actually happened, I do not know, but you are correct.
Oh, I remember going over all the evidence, man.
They killed him deader than a hammer.
Thanks, Andrew.
Final caller, Raymond in California.
Real fast.
Oh, hey guys, I remember you guys were talking about the software privacy issue, but I also read an article that there were 3G spy chips inside many electronics.
Yeah, what about Intel and all those guys that have chips that power up themselves?
Well, this is a serious problem.
The question is, what motivated them to do this?
I suspect that there was serious pressure from more and more agencies within the US government to do this.
Because this opens up everybody to every kind of spying.
Yeah, even if your computer's not wired in.
What do they call that?
So even if your computer's not, they can just energize it, suck the energy out.
Energize it and suck everything out.
So, again, I have no specific information on this, and I hate to comment on things I know nothing about, but it certainly, it bodes ill for all of us.
Well, it's admitted, and it's just, it's incredible.
Thank you so much, Collar.
Guys, great interview.
And, of course, you can visit the site that's doing these reports, siliconangle.com.
Gentlemen, thank you so much for coming in.
It was a great two hours of radio today.
Thank you very much, Alex.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you.
All right, folks.
Lord willing, we'll be back tonight, 7 o'clock Central, InfoWars Nightly News.
Then I'll be back tomorrow with the Friday edition of the worldwide transmission.
And then Sunday, I'll be in studio live, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central, with the Sunday transmission.
I'm gonna go have a cup of coffee with John McAfee and company.
Great job with the crew.
Until next time, if you're watching or listening to this transmission, you are the resistance.