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Name: 20140303_Mon_Alex
Air Date: March 3, 2014
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex.
We have an exciting program today.
We're going to be talking to Paul Joseph Watson at the bottom of the hour.
We're going to be talking to him about the Ukraine and also about parental rights again in the UK.
They are rolling out what we talked about last week when Paul was on with us.
We talked about a bill in Scotland that was introduced about a year ago, but it was just passed within the last week.
Or so, and what they did was they assigned a government minder to every child at birth.
And the government is going to stay there and monitor those children from birth through 18 years of age, always looking over the shoulder of the parents.
But what's really troubling about this, of course, is that the assumption is that the government has the interests of the child at heart better than the parents do.
That some stranger can do this with several different children better than the parents can.
That they should be making the decisions.
And of course we see this happening not just in the UK, but we see this happening in America in court decisions.
Just the case that happened last week or so in Connecticut where the parents were given two different diagnoses by two different hospitals.
One of them said that her child was sick with a physical problem, the other one said that it was psychological, and they were two very well-known, respected institutions.
One was Tufts, the other was Boston's Children's Hospital, and instead of allowing the parents to make the decision, the judge made the decision, took the children away.
Well, we see that's happening again now, but in London, the story that Paul Joseph Watson just had today in London,
We see the mayor saying that if the children are being radicalized, if maybe they have a philosophy of hate that's being taught to them, then maybe the government should step in and take these children away.
Now, who defines what radical is?
Who defines what hate is?
You might think that these are kind of keywords that he's throwing out there, that this is being aimed at the Muslim community.
at some radical Muslims in the community.
But just remember that in the United States we've had mainstream Christian groups accused of being hate groups because they support traditional marriage.
We've seen the military training against patriots, people who talk about limited government, people who are conservatives, people who are libertarians, identifying them
As dangerous.
And we see people singled out in the United States by the military when they have their scenarios because they're gun owners or because they belong to a political party or voted for someone.
We see that the fusion centers, the Mayak fusion center targeted people who had voted for Ron Paul or people who had voted for Chuck Baldwin.
These are people, if they've got a bumper sticker on their car like that, watch out for them.
They're dangerous people.
So how long is it going to be before they start coming after children of people like that?
So that's one of the stories we're going to be covering.
But, you know, we're going to be talking to Kathleen Willey in the third hour.
And if you don't remember her name, she was one of the women that Bill Clinton came after.
And it was a very interesting time 20 years ago when this was breaking down.
Maybe it was about 15 years ago.
It still matters.
And it doesn't just matter because Hillary Clinton is going to be running for president, most likely.
It matters because character matters.
If we don't want character, if we don't want integrity, if we don't care if our chief executive breaks the law, lies under oath, then what we wind up with is we wind up with a situation where we get a president who lies about weapons of mass destruction next.
Connections with Obama.
Jeffrey Immelt is perhaps his favorite CEO.
The guy that he continually goes to to talk about jobs and the way things should be run.
He gets a pass on taxes and he seems to get a pass on dangerous devices from the FDA.
And when somebody who is a respected radiologist complains about this, the FDA uses NSA type of tactics to come after him.
So we're going to be talking to Kathleen Willey, live on the phone.
We're going to also be taking your calls.
Stay tuned, we've got an interesting show.
The Ukraine, the FDA, the Clintons, all coming up.
Stay tuned.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex, and we've got an exciting show today.
We're going to be joined by Paul Joseph Watson, talking about what's going on in the Ukraine, as well as parental rights that are being challenged in the UK.
We've also got Anthony Gucciardi that's going to be coming on and talking to us about different things that are happening with the FDA.
We see a power grab going on with not just the FDA, but also with the FCC.
We're going to be talking about that as well.
And we have Kathleen Willey.
Now, she was one of the ladies who accused Bill Clinton of sexual harassment, and she and the rest of them were vilified by the feminists, by the supporters of Bill Clinton, and by Hillary Clinton.
One of the things that Kathleen Willey said about Hillary Clinton is, she's orchestrated a terror campaign against every one of these women, including me.
Well, we're going to have her in the third hour.
She's going to be talking to us about what she's experienced, what she thinks about the Clintons.
I think we kind of know, but we're going to fill in some details there.
But look at what is happening in the Ukraine.
We've got Kerry telling Russia, you can't just invade a country on false pretenses.
This is a story that's up on Infowars.com right now.
This is from Lew Rockwell's blog.
Does he see the irony in that?
You can't just invade a country on false pretenses.
Wasn't that the major policy thrust of the Obama administration all last year, trying to invade Syria on a false pretense?
And this article points out that in Kiev, the demonstrators are called people power.
But in other cities, like Donetsk and Sebastopol, they're called armed gunmen.
Do you see how that works?
If they're fighting for the American government in Syria, Al-Qaeda is called freedom fighters and liberators, but then of course they use that to scare us into giving up our liberties that are guaranteed in the Constitution, and many Americans go along with it.
A lot of people are waking up to that.
Even Rachel Maddow last week was talking about how the FBI's had 150 shooting incidents and they have investigated them themselves and found that in every one of these they were absolutely innocent of any wrongdoing.
That's a pretty good record, isn't it?
Even Rachel Maddow found that hard to believe, just as she also found it hard to believe that Ibrahim Tordashev, someone who knew the Tsarnaev brothers, was picked up by the FBI for questioning, shot six times, and then once in the back of the head for good measure.
You know, that's not unrelated to what's going on in the Ukraine right now.
We told you at the time that there was a lot of red flags back and forth about the Tsarnaev brothers, their involvement in Chechnyan terrorists that had historically been run by the CIA and were possibly being still run by them at the time that the Tsarnaev brothers were going back and forth.
Russia noticed that this was happening and sent some inquiries to the U.S.
saying, do you guys know that these guys are affiliated with terrorists here in Chechnya?
As a way, I think, really more than anything of letting them know, we know that you're sending these guys back and forth.
And of course, Uncle Ruslan, who helped to forward the narrative of the false flag that was going with the Boston bombing, Uncle Ruslan was married to the daughter of the CIA head in that region.
So there was a lot of going back and forth with Chechen terrorists and we even see now people in the West are calling on the Chechen Osama Bin Laden to get involved in the Ukraine to do something.
They're inciting him to try to riot.
I think it's interesting that when all of this stuff started happening
That Russia leaked to the press here in the U.S.
the fact that these Sarnia brothers had been going back and forth and that they were linked to CIA-supported terrorists in the Russian area.
I think that was a way of essentially throwing a shot across the bow of the CIA as well as also criticizing the CIA.
You know, Russia's got its own agenda.
Outlets like RT have their own agenda.
You can trust them to tell the truth about what's going on in the US.
You can't necessarily trust them to tell you the truth about what's going on in Russia.
They're going to sugarcoat it, just like CNN sugarcoats what Obama does, but they might point out the corruption that's going on in the Ukraine.
We try to point out both sides of that.
We don't have a dog in this pony.
We don't work for either one of these governments.
We're not like CNN.
We're not like RT.
And so we're going to try to tell you what we see as honestly as we can, but it's very difficult to understand what's going on there.
Putin is saying that he's not going to stop at the Crimea.
This is another article that's up on Infowars today.
It's from CNS News.
You know, he was threatened when he didn't play along with our agenda, I should say, the Obama regime's agenda in Syria.
He was threatened that something might happen during the Olympics that Prince Bandar said he might not be able to control.
He could guarantee that nothing would happen with terrorists, according to a Muslim news agency that reported this.
That's the only source we have for that story, but supposedly he was threatened about that.
Well, what actually happened was we saw this revolution going on right at the doorstep of Russia.
Many would argue that Ukraine is really actually a part of Russia.
They see themselves differently.
We have to remember that
That the UK has been fighting against even old imperial czarist Russia.
Remember the Crimean War?
Remember the charge of the light brigades, half a league, half a league onward, you know, into the Valley of Death Road, the, what was it, 500?
I don't remember the poem exactly.
That was the Crimean War.
We had a lot of metaphors that came out of that.
That was the British Empire attacking the Russian czars over the Crimea.
The Crimea is very important to Russia strategically, militarily, economically,
It's not something that NATO and the US can just come in and make demands about without expecting to see something happening there.
So what we're seeing is a brinksmanship that really kind of borders on what we saw with the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Very troubling to see what's happening with this.
This is a very dangerous game that John Kerry and Obama are playing.
We're going to be talking to Paul Joseph Watson about this in more detail at the bottom of the hour.
I just want to run through some of the news stories that have come out over the weekend.
Had a real personal effect for me.
At least 28 dead, 109 injured after a gang of knife-wielding men attack a train station in China.
This is one that was picked up from the Daily Mail in the UK.
We had it on InfoWars this weekend.
When I went to China with my family to adopt my daughter, we made the mistake of trying to travel internally in the country on a train.
We were concerned about the, we'd heard a lot of tales about the very small planes, the puddle jumpers that went internally between the different cities.
And although the train service going between Guangzhou and Hong Kong is the finest that you'll see in the world, it's the equivalent of the best trains in Europe, the trains going within the country is a very different story.
And when we decided that we wanted to take the train, they tried everything they could at the adoption agency to talk us out of it.
But we were dead set that we really didn't want to fly.
So we took this train
They actually bought tickets so they could escort us physically onto the train.
They bought tickets to go where we were going.
They were so concerned about safety at the train station.
And when we got there...
There was this large loudspeaker that was broadcasting stuff in Chinese.
A mass of people.
You just cannot imagine how many people you see on the streets, especially someplace like a train station in China.
And they were broadcasting on this loudspeaker.
It was a blue and white thing.
We could tell it was the police.
And we asked our translator what they were saying.
And they said, well, they're telling us how many people were killed here last week.
And I said, wow.
I said, I don't see any police.
They go, oh, no, no, no.
The police are too afraid to come here.
They just broadcast messages warning you how dangerous this place is.
So they escorted us onto the train.
But this is an example of how government fails.
When government is no longer concerned to protect the people, it just continues to get worse and worse and worse.
We've seen this for a very long time in America, where the police make it very clear
Courts have made it very clear that they're not there to provide security to you, or protection.
They're there to enforce policies.
This is the logical end of where this all happens.
And of course, the people there in China are disarmed, and so if you've got a bunch of knife-wielding thugs coming through, it's a question of strength.
It's a question of who's got the knives.
Guns are an equalizing factor for the population.
We've seen some police chiefs, like this one police chief who is now the police chief in Detroit.
He came to this conclusion.
He was a police officer in California.
He was all for gun control.
He got converted when he went to Maine and saw that he had a lot of farmers that were licensed to carry guns, that had guns.
They were widely used, very low crime.
He saw the sense of that and now he sees the sense of it in Detroit.
And then we had this case just a week or two ago where a lady whose house is broken into many times fought off some attackers who were trying to do a home invasion into her house.
She fought them off with a gun.
It's the equalizer.
The gun is an equalizer for someone who is a female, someone who is weaker than someone else, someone who doesn't know martial arts.
It's a way that you can equalize it.
It's a very important thing.
It's one of the reasons we need to have it.
Another reason we need to have it is so that we don't have a tyrannical government.
I don't know if you're a Prison Planet TV subscriber.
If you aren't, you ought to be.
Last week, I talked to the Ukraine
Right to Keep and Bear Arms Foundation, actually it's a Ukrainian Gun Owners Association.
I talked to him and the quote that stuck out the most for me from that interview was he said, if you lose your guns in America, you will wind up like the Ukraine.
That's right, you're going to be
Stuck between oligarchs and globalist bankers.
And you're not going to know who the players are.
You're just going to have endless corruption.
Nothing will happen.
The government will not be afraid of you.
That's the situation that's in the Ukraine.
The people took to the streets about the corruption.
Of course, there's other elements that are being involved there, and we know that there's a Western influence there that's trying to undermine and trying to create tension, and of course there's a lot of things that the military-industrial complex would like to see come out of this.
Maybe they don't want a war.
Maybe they just want another
Cold War, where they can ramp up the military spending like they had before the Soviet Union lost its credibility as a threat in 1989.
Here's some other articles that we're coming to.
One third of Americans say that Obamacare had negative personal impact.
Nearly 60% say that they view the law unfavorably.
Everybody is seeing their rates go up.
People cannot afford it.
Because we're having to buy insurance for things that we don't even need.
Insurance, in the first place, is not health care.
Insurance can help you pay for your health care, but you can't pay for your health care if you've got to buy insurance as a single man if they force you to buy maternity insurance as a single man.
And your insurance rates double, triple, sometimes go up by a factor of five.
That's not affordable care.
That's simply a lie.
Stay tuned.
We're going to be talking to Kathleen Willey.
We're going to talk about how America fell into this moral decline by excusing the lies of their presidents.
It all began with Bill Clinton.
Stay tuned.
We're going to talk to her.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex.
We're going to be joined in just a few minutes with Paul Joseph Watson from the UK.
We're going to be talking about the Ukraine.
We're also going to be talking about some changes in the way parents are viewed in the UK.
And that's the UK, not the Ukraine.
So in England, we see that they're now going to have in Scotland, minders assigned to children at birth following them through 18 years of age.
Very, very troubling assumption there that the state
Not that parents has the best interest of the child at heart, that the state will make vital decisions about the child's life.
We already see that happening in the United States.
There's something underneath this, which is called the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, that is actually calling for this.
Now, the United States has not become a signatory to that treaty yet, but most other countries have, and we can see that in the UK, as the mayor of London is now talking about removing children if they think that their education is too radical.
That's a very troubling thing.
I can tell you as someone who homeschooled that my children got a radically different education than they would have gotten.
They got a very different version of history, as you can imagine, than they would have gotten in the schools.
Very different political perspective.
That's okay.
We ought to be able to have diversity in America.
We ought to be able to discuss ideas openly.
We shouldn't have a situation where the government shuts that down.
So we're going to be talking to Paul Joseph Watson.
We're also going to have Anthony Gucciardi on in the show and Kathleen Willey, one of the women that was sexually assaulted or attacked by Bill Clinton.
She wants to give us her perspective on Hillary Clinton.
This is all brought up again because Hillary Clinton looks like she's going to be running in 2016, looks very much like the frontrunner.
There's a question of character.
Does character matter anymore?
I think if we look at what's happened in America under the Bush regime, if somebody can lie under oath, as Bill Clinton did, and people give him a pass, his popularity goes up,
I think that that tells us something.
It tells the leadership something, doesn't it?
It tells them they can get away with lying.
And then after that we saw a president lie about weapons of mass destruction and get us into a major war.
Now we see a president who lies about indefinite detention without trial by the military.
He says, oh, I don't want to do that.
I'm not going to sign that.
Signs it on midnight at New Year's Eve, late at night.
Says, don't worry, I'm not going to use it.
So I guess
We can trust him after he's lied to us twice already on that.
We see him using the IRS and the FBI against his political enemies and doing it openly, continually to do it after it's been exposed.
See, Nixon and other presidents have done it, but they've done it covertly.
When they did it and got caught, they got impeached.
They got thrown out of office.
Actually, Nixon resigned because the handwriting was on the wall.
He was going to get thrown out.
Now we have presidents who do that same sort of thing openly, continue to do it even after it's brought to light, because they know that the American people are so divided along this left-right spectrum, this Democrat-Republican spectrum, that they no longer care about
The criminal actions of their guy, the guy that's on their team.
As long as it's not the other side, they're going to excuse it.
Let's take a look at some of the other articles that are up on Infowars.com.
We've got Obama now brandishing his phone at Putin.
This is pretty funny.
There was a White House photo that was tweeted out where he looks like the man in charge.
He's wearing a denim shirt and denim pants.
He looks very Reagan-esque.
People were having a lot of fun with it.
One of them says that this picture of him on the phone for 90 minutes with Putin, but what he didn't tell us was that he was on hold for the first 87 minutes.
Another one says, okay, he's got his phone, but did he threaten Putin with his pen?
This is brinkmanship.
This is very dangerous brinksmanship.
This is like
What Khrushchev did when he went to the UN and took off his shoe and pounded the podium saying, we will bury you.
These types of things and then moving missiles right to the doorstep of Florida.
These types of provocative movements that we see the Obama administration engaged in right now, that we see John Kerry engaged in right now.
It's very difficult to understand what's going on in the Ukraine.
As I mentioned on the
Prison Planet TV, the nightly news last week, I spoke to someone from the Ukraine Gun Owners Association.
There are people there who think just like we do, who want their independence, who want their freedom, who are fed up with corruption and government.
And they want to be left alone.
But there are also
These groups that are coming in from international bankers as well as Putin's oligarchs, the corruption that's there is rampant.
And we're seeing both sides of that.
These people are caught in the middle.
It's very difficult for us to know who the players are.
It's difficult for the Ukrainians to know who the players are.
What we do know is that we should not be going abroad seeking monsters to destroy and we should not be engaging in this kind of brinksmanship that could very well start World War III.
Now stay tuned, we're going to be right back with Paul Joseph Watson, and we're going to talk about the Ukraine, we're going to talk about what's happening in the UK, the war against families, that's something that governments have always engaged in.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Hi folks, Alex Jones here with some important information.
I want to tell you about Matt Redhawk and his team of Patriots over at MyPatriotSupply.
Several years ago, Matt was sitting in his two-bedroom apartment, frustrated with the direction this country was headed and the Charlatans willing to sell us out for a quick buck.
Deciding to take action, a company run by Patriots for Patriots was born.
MyPatriotSupply has never taken a loan or accepted outside funding.
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Go to mypatriotsupply.com forward slash alex today for special offers on emergency food storage or call their preparedness specialist at 866-229-0927.
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I think?
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So we have Ethan right there.
What's his name?
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowar.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex on this Monday, March 3rd, 2014.
And I have Paul Joseph Watson on the phone from the UK.
You know, there's a lot of different kinds of wars going on right now.
We've got Obama conducting a war on the economy with Obamacare.
We also have a war on children that is developing, a war on family, and we're going to be talking to Paul Joseph Watson about that.
We're also going to be talking to him about the real war that is on the brink, that's going on in the Ukraine, that is building up as a civil war in the Ukraine and the Crimea.
Is that going to expand into a wider war?
Is that going to get NATO and the U.S.
They're playing a very dangerous game of brinksmanship.
And later on in the program, we're going to be talking to Kathleen Willey, one of the women that Bill Clinton, that accused Bill Clinton of sexually assaulting her.
And she's going to be talking about what she perceives as the real war on women.
So stay tuned for that, but right now let's talk to Paul Joseph Watson about what he thinks about this war that is actually a real war.
We have all these metaphorical wars, Paul, but we got a war that is coming up right to the edge.
NATO is warning that Russia is risking Europe's peace and security.
I don't know, I think NATO has some involvement in that too, don't you?
Well, now we've got over the past hour or so, David, this deadline that Russia has imposed on Ukrainian forces in Crimea.
They're basically saying that by 3am UK time, which is 9am where you are,
Ukrainian army in Crimea have to basically surrender and give up all their military bases so that Russian troops can take them over.
Otherwise, they're going to take them by force.
So this is really the biggest escalation we've seen so far in this conflict.
Now that Putin has slapped a time deadline on Ukrainian forces in Crimea to surrender, which suggests that this could indeed go hot within the next 12 hours or so if those forces in Crimea don't surrender.
Well, you know, clearly it's taken them by surprise, taken the Obama administration and John Kerry and others by surprise.
We talked to Joel Skousen, I thought he made a very good point
Last week he expected that Putin would wait a while.
He thought that because of the publicity in the press, in the western press that's being used, he thought that Putin would wait, let some things happen in Crimea, try to make a case that he had to come in to protect the minorities in the Crimea.
And that he basically would kind of wait so that he would have a PR game to play.
But Putin is not waiting for that.
He basically doesn't really care what Clinton or what Kerry or what Obama or what the West or NATO thinks.
He's going to act in what he perceives to be his best interest apparently.
Well, I mean, that's right, he's calling their bluff, isn't he?
We saw a lot of criticism for Obama over his weak statements.
Kerry came out with some stronger statements about economic sanctions, but again, Ukraine is not a member of NATO, so Putin knows there's going to be no military backlash.
Even if he does go ahead most likely with this attempt to seize the Ukrainian bases that haven't already been given up or surrendered because of course we had reports a couple of days ago about how many of the Ukrainian forces were already surrendering because of course Crimea
Is now almost exclusively run by pro-Russian forces or in fact Russian troops occupying the entire region.
But the interview with Skousen was interesting because of course he posited the notion that this entire revolution from the very beginning was started by Putin himself was a kind of
A long game that he was playing.
I tend to disagree with that still because further revelations have emerged about who funded the initial protests that led to this overthrow of the democratically elected government of Ukraine back in November.
And these emerged just a couple of days ago and the documents which have been released
Quite clearly reveal that the U.S.
State Department, under U.S.
aid, provided more than half of the budget for one of the main protest groups, the NGOs that was involved right at the beginning of this uprising, and it was called Center UA, which under the umbrella of that NGO has numerous other organizations including
Chesno and stop censorship.
So these governments have emerged confirming that the State Department under USAID provided the majority of their budget for 2012 and that the goal, according to this character called Ole Rybachuk, who's kind of the leader of that umbrella group of NGOs, said was to, well he said, we want to do the Orange Revolution again and we think we will.
Now he was involved in the 2004 Orange Revolution.
He said we now have 150 NGOs in all the major cities.
This was a few months ago right when the protests started.
So he's the head of that umbrella organization that was provably funded by the State Department right at the inception of the protests.
So this is bombshell
Revelation, evidence that it was completely contrived from the very beginning again at around the same time that Victoria Nuland went to Ukraine and said the US has invested five billion for the same goal.
And she makes this phone call on an unsecured line to the Ukrainian ambassador and pretends that she's astonished when it's heard and commented on by the Russians.
I just feel sorry for the Ukrainian people.
One of the things that Skousen said was
That he believed that there was a genuine pushback on the people of the street.
I think they're being used.
They see the corruption of both sides.
And of course, after the Orange Revolution, the guy that got put in charge was a former central banker.
And there's an article from the New American today says the Ukraine is the new interim government has too many familiar faces.
I'm reminded of the song by The Who.
We won't be fooled again.
You know, meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
They're talking about how these guys are being put in are a lot of the same old oligarchs.
And these are people who were related to Yanukovych and others who are now getting, you know, 50% of the state contracts.
They're some of the richest billionaires in the world.
These are the people that they're seeing on both sides.
It doesn't seem to matter.
Whether it's the Russian puppets or the Western bank puppets that get put in, the bottom line is the poor people of the Ukraine are seeing nothing but despotism and corruption in the government no matter which way it goes.
And so, yeah, part of what Skousen said, and I agreed with this part of it definitely, was that
They were, the Russians saw a very real reaction, frustration.
Obviously you can't get that many people to show up in the streets unless they're truly frustrated about something.
But I do believe that they're being used by both of these groups.
They're being used by people who are corrupt oligarchs that have taken the place of the Russians.
And that's what we see happening now.
Same people coming back into the new government.
Well, of course, the Prime Minister Yatsenyuk was hand-selected by Newland in that leaked phone conversation, so he's been put into power already.
But an aspect of it that's not being focused on, not just by the mainstream media, but by anyone, is the energy aspect of this.
Because you had Chevron and Exxon, who were deeply involved in fracking, natural gas drilling, over the last couple of years in Eastern Europe and Ukraine.
Now, Gazprom, which of course is the Russian-controlled monopoly corporation, the Russian government owns a majority share in it, basically has a monopoly on natural gas provided to Europe.
So, as I document in the article, Trade War Gazprom Threatens to Disrupt Gas Supplies to Europe, which today they've come out and threatened that the political turmoil could cause gas supply shortages to Europe, which of course
Means higher prices, as I warned last week when I said with the IMF taking over, you're going to see a Greece-style ratcheting up of austerity fascism.
Now that's admitted that gas prices are going to go up for Ukrainian citizens.
So, as you said, they're not going to benefit at all from this.
Frontier of the energy aspect of this is looking like it could blow up into a trade war because Gazprom fears that NATO and the US through corporations like Chevron and Exxon could take over their monopoly in Europe over that natural gas.
So that's a major aspect of it that's being ignored.
Well, you know, exactly.
You've got a possibility of a trade war erupting, and that would benefit some economic interests that are very well connected with the American government.
You've also got the possibility of a new Cold War, which everybody is talking about right now, if we cement revolution right at the doorstep of Russia.
Some people would say within Russia, depending on your perspective.
If we foment that, that's going to lead to a new Cold War and of course that's going to benefit the military-industrial complex.
They lost that huge profit center back in 1989 when no one could
See, the Soviet Union or the Russian Federation, they couldn't see them as a credible threat to us anymore.
They had to invent the threat of terrorism.
And now, of course, they've got a whole new profit center, and that is the police state industrial complex that they're gearing up for here domestically.
But they still want these foreign wars, and they would just dearly love to have another Cold War with Russia, because that would bring in a whole new spectrum of weapons that they could sell to the U.S.
So from both a new Cold War as well as a new trade war, there's a lot of justification from their perspective, something that they would benefit from if the
Corporations and the State Department get their way, but it's a very, very dangerous brinksmanship because this could very easily get out of their control and become a real war, couldn't it?
Well, that's the fear, definitely.
But I would argue that we've already been in a kind of proxy Cold War since the Obama administration announced that it would pivot towards Asia.
And since that point, both China and Russia have been building up militarily on a massive scale, coming out with aggressive war rhetoric.
And as you said,
Because of the threat of terrorism is seemingly fading in their ability to sell it to the American people as a genuine threat.
You will notice that in China when they had a knife attack over the weekend the state media downplayed it as opposed to the US media after every single terror attack they hype it beyond all reasonable expectation because they profit from it.
Through the military-industrial complex.
But I think we're already in that Cold War phase and that the US is now going to seek justification to build up their military-industrial complex once again, just as China and Russia have been doing.
But another one of these revelations that you may find interesting, David, because I think you've talked about this in the past,
Is that another one of the characters linked to funding these protest groups, these NGOs that started the Ukrainian revolution, is eBay founder Pierre Omidyar.
Who basically covered the rest of the budget for this main umbrella protest group, Centre UA.
So, 54% of it was paid for by the US State Department, the rest of it was paid for by this Pierre Omidyar.
And he, of course, is also the billionaire owner of Glenn Greenwald and Jeremy Scahill's First Look media project.
Which of course controls all the Edward Snowden files.
So I actually asked Greenwald about this on the weekend because he got some flack for this and to some extent I feel sorry for Greenwald because he gets a lot of flack about why don't you release all the Snowden files at once which I think is a stupid move because that would ensure that it wouldn't stay in the media spotlight for an elongated amount of time which it is at the moment because they're doling them out.
But I think this was a genuine criticism
Because Greenwald wrote an article for his First Look website funded by this billionaire who is also funding the Ukrainian protesters and he basically admitted that he did no research whatsoever on the political background of Pierre Omidyar.
That seems very strange to me that you would have someone handing you 250 million dollars to start a media project and that you wouldn't even research their political background.
Now, he denied that
You know, it would interfere with his journalistic independence.
He tweeted that back at me.
But what if this individual was linked, for example, to neo-Nazis?
I mean, that would impugn his work.
That would smear his work.
And it's very troubling to see this because, you know, we see that
He's actually, Pierre Midiar, is actually one of the largest globalist bankers with his involvement with PayPal.
I mean, he is one of the major up-and-coming power bases here, along with people like Jeff Bezos, who paid $250 million for the Washington Post.
Because he wants to be a player in Washington.
That's why, obviously.
If you own the Washington Post, you've got a lot of clout in Washington.
And so, Pierre Midiar, I think kind of defensively, started up this
Network that he put Glenn Greenwald and others in charge of and and said I'm gonna spend 250 million dollars You know, I'm tit-for-tat type of thing.
I'm I'm not gonna be left out of this.
There's a there's a competition between these Silicon Valley billionaires and they understand the political importance of controlling the media and that really is a bid that they're going for and we see not only in the Ukraine, but Pierre Midiar has got a
A terrible track record with micro-financing in India.
The terrible things that happened to people there.
I would encourage people to look that up.
Look up micro-financing in India and see what happened with the Omidyar network in that area.
That's very, very disturbing.
It doesn't portray a picture of an altruistic, philanthropic billionaire like they like to portray Pierre Omidyar.
Well, that's right, David, and what confuses me is the fact that Greenwald said that he basically had no involvement in the political direction of this First Look media project, which controls all the Snowden files.
But then Scahill admitted separately, quote, Pierre writes more on our internal messaging than anyone else.
So he has a direct and consistent hand in the direction of that media organization.
So while Scahill constantly talks about, you know, being an adversarial role against the state,
They're being funded by somebody who works with the US government to fund these regime change operations around the world, so that was very disconcerting for me.
I did invite Greenwald on the show, which I previously believed he'd been reluctant to appear on the Alex Jones Show in the past.
He indicated that he would be willing to appear on the show.
So we're trying to set that in motion.
I said we'd get our guys to contact him.
So the, you know, the floor is open for him to respond on that.
And even aside from that, I said it would be a great idea because he could reach a whole new audience anyway.
So hopefully that can happen.
Well, it'd be very interesting to have him on because I know he was singled out and attacked by Palantir and others.
There were WikiLeaks put out the documents where they were plotting to do dirty tricks against him to assassinate his character.
And then we see that in response to that,
They tried to shut down WikiLeaks and so forth.
All that stuff was happening.
He mentioned Peter Thiel and his involvement with PayPal, but he didn't talk about Pierre Omidyar's involvement with the PayPal 14, you know, as a protest against the actions of Bank of America and PayPal and others.
You had a lot of independent activists known as the PayPal 14 who did what they consider to be just a digital sit-in.
They didn't affect any of the transactions that were going on in PayPal.
They just basically took over PayPal's homepage that talked about the institution, which people don't typically go to.
And they saw that, and their lawyer saw that, as the equivalent of a digital protest of somebody going into someone's
I don't know.
With Wikileaks, with Julian Assange.
It'll be interesting to see that happens.
Hang on Paul, we're going to be right back.
We're going to have Paul Joseph Watson in one more segment.
And Paul, I want to talk to you about this article you had today in InfoWars about London Mayor calling for the state to take children based on political beliefs of the parents.
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Yes, that's exactly what I've been talking to Paul Joseph Watson about.
Fighting in the street with the children at our feet and it looks like the shotgun is going to sing the song in the Ukraine.
Very sad for those people there.
Looks like
The new boss is going to be the same as the old boss, but it's also something that affects us because we've got a state department and an administration.
I should call them a regime as a more accurate expression, but they are on the verge of creating a much larger war than just an internal conflict.
This is very dangerous brinksmanship.
We've been talking about that with Paul Joseph Watson.
We still have him on the phone.
But Paul, I would like to go over and I'd like to change subjects now and talk about this article that's up on InfoWars today.
The London mayor calls for the state to take children based on the parents' political beliefs.
Now, you and I spoke last week and we talked about how
After a year, Scotland passed this bill that would assign a government minder to children at birth and they would have someone from the government assigned to each child through the age of 18.
And what an outrageous thing that was, the presumption.
That the state cared more about the children and knew better than the parents what that individual child needed.
But you pointed out at the time that they had already done this, where they have gone after the political beliefs, taken a child away because of the parents' political beliefs, and it was something that was for the UK Independence Party, which is really a mainstream party.
Now they're doubling down with these comments from the London Mayor.
Well that's right.
First, to finish off on the previous subject, the Russian Defence Ministry is now actually denying the reports which were put out by Sky News and others that there's this 3am deadline on Russian forces seizing Ukrainian military bases in Crimea.
So if true, that's good news that they haven't imposed that deadline, but we'll get that article up.
But the London Mayor, Boris Johnson, wrote in his weekly column that the law should obviously treat radicalisation as a form of child abuse.
And he's talking about using social services to target parents with quote, extremist, radical political beliefs.
And the example that he cited, of course, because it's the most justifiable, reasonable example, was extremist Muslims who might teach their children to become suicide bombers.
But then if you read further down into the article, he also says that it could be applied under more vague circumstances, such as if the child is taught to be, quote, full of hate.
And he actually linked that with the BNP, which is a right-wing British National Party that vehemently opposes immigration, is linked with neo-Nazis.
But you can see the slippery slope, because as you mentioned, in 2012, up in Rotherham, the local government council there removed two children from the care of foster parents who had an exemplary record.
Due to the fact that they were members of UKIP, which is the third largest political party in Britain, expected to win the European Parliamentary elections later this year.
And the reason they gave for removing these kids from their care was the fact that they belonged to a, quote, racist party.
And how they judged the fact that the party was racist was because its platform
Opposes the quote active promotion of multiculturalism.
So if you put if you oppose mass immigration and the imposition of multiculturalism, which even people like the German Chancellor Angela Merkel have denounced, that means you're a racist.
So you can see how easily this could be applied to seize children from parents with
Extremist radical beliefs, of course, according to the government and the establishment, a radical belief is something that differs from the PC orthodoxy, which, as you've seen in America with the Department of Homeland Security characterising, quote, liberty lovers as extremists, you can see the slippery slope that this could well lead to.
Yes, we've seen that here in America the Southern Poverty Law Pimps have labeled mainstream evangelical groups as hate groups because they stand for traditional marriage.
We'll be right back.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex and I have on the phone with us on this Monday, March 3rd, 2014, we've got Paul Joseph Watson.
We've been talking about the Ukraine and just before the break we were talking about what's going on in the UK.
We have the Mayor of London now saying that he's going to perhaps look at the
Religious beliefs of people that he labels as radical.
And maybe the government ought to take those children from them.
And of course, this is all relative term here, isn't it, Paul?
When they start talking about people being racist, we're reminded that they've also talked about people being racist if they oppose even any kind of immigration.
But we also see that when they start talking about hate, we've seen that applied to mainstream evangelical groups.
As I mentioned just before the break, we had the Southern Poverty Law Center
I'd like to call them the Southern Poverty Law Pimps because they always are pimping this narrative and we see that the US military in many scenarios is repeating what they say and linking mainstream evangelical Christian organizations like the Family Research Council, linking them with the Ku Klux Klan and other groups that have been identified as racist hate groups just so that people start to think of Christianity that way.
It's a very troubling thing and now we see the Mayor of London calling
Coming out for that as at the same time that we see the government is assigning a minder to children in Scotland from birth until the age of 18.
So anything else you want to do to address about that, Paul?
Yeah, I mean the SPLC and the ADL, there was actually a gunman who attacked a Family Research Council facility and tried to massacre a bunch of people because he believed the SPLC propaganda about them being evangelical extremists.
They talk about violence and use it to demonize conservative groups when the gunman was violent or attempted to be violent.
He was neutralized by a security guard based on their propaganda.
So they were the ones instigating the violence.
But yeah, it's part of the state.
Uh, getting its tentacles into every aspect of people's lives.
I did an article a couple of years ago about a case in America where a father of two was harassed by CPS workers because he refused to make his children drink tap water and he fed them organic food.
So that was reason enough for the CPS to conduct an investigation, a warrantless search of his home and the contents of his refrigerator.
So you can see how easily this can slide into absolute tyranny.
And it's, yeah, the Scottish law has been passed.
Children up to the age of 18 have a guardian state minder interfering in family lives, trying to find any reason to prosecute child abuse, which of course will reduce
The possibility of finding actual child abuse because now it's such a target-rich environment because every parent is treated as a potential child abuser.
That's right, and I guess if you, you're okay if you give your children bread that's made with a chemical they use to make rubber mats, but if you're really concerned about their food... That's extremist!
If you're concerned about their food, then basically you're paranoid and you're dangerous.
Maybe you're a conspiracy theorist if you're concerned about genetic modification, transgenetic modification of our food.
They can use that for anything, and that's the really troubling thing.
We see that happening within the schools, we see it happening over and over again.
The government really wants control of everything.
We see that happening with the FDA, and we're going to be talking to Anthony Gucciardi about the overreach of the FDA.
We've seen it happening with the FCC.
They're now trying to extend their tentacles into the internet.
You know, this is an organization that was started initially just to allocate bandwidth between different radio stations, and now they're trying to move themselves into content.
So there's this kind of creeping intrusion from all these different bureaucracies.
They never seem to get enough control of our lives.
Well, yeah, and they sell it all on, you know, cracking down on extremism and radicalism.
Then you actually look at what the government defines as extremism and radicalism, and it's basically protest any political viewpoint that's not the orthodoxy, feeding your kids organic food, being a member of UKIP.
It's basically anything.
Thank you, Paul.
We're going to be right back.
We're going to have some more news.
That was Paul Joseph Watson from the UK.
Stay tuned.
We've got Kathleen Willey as well as Anthony Gucciardi coming up.
Stay tuned.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex on this Monday, March 3rd, 2014.
We were just talking to Paul Joseph Watson from the UK about the Ukraine, as well as moves within the UK, within Scotland and other places to assert
The government's control over children and take that away from parents.
Very disturbing news there.
But we did hear that Russia has backed down from its self-imposed deadline in the Crimea.
Hopefully things will start to de-escalate in spite of the fact that the Obama administration and John Kerry's State Department have been doing everything they can to inflame these tensions here.
We hope that is going to tone down and not evolve into a larger war with NATO and Europe.
Now we're also going to have on the show coming up at the bottom of the hour Anthony Gucciardi.
We're going to be talking about the FDA, one of our favorite alphabet industries.
Kathleen Willey is going to be joining us in the third hour.
She's going to be talking about how the Clintons responded to her claims, as well as other allegations from ladies that there was sexual misconduct by Bill Clinton with a lot of different women, and how they attacked them personally.
We can see the FDA doing that now.
The FDA is doing that.
We've got an article here from Washington's blog, The FDA Spies on Whistleblowers to Protect Big Pharma.
This came up over the weekend.
This story is about a former head of radiology at Yale University.
And this guy was looking at, he was working for the FDA, looking at the amount of radiation coming out of certain devices, and he found that it was extremely high.
And this one particular device from General Electric
And the FDA was not going to do anything about that because you know what might be because General Electric is so well connected within the current administration.
Jeffrey Immelt is one of Obama's favorite CEOs and so they were going to allow these very dangerous levels of radiation to continue on this GE device and approve it and that's a very dangerous thing because you know when people look at the FDA
They want a binary decision.
They don't really want to read the insert.
They don't really want to read the risk of this.
They just know that, hey, this is a legal drug.
The FDA has approved it.
Therefore, it must be safe.
People want a simple yes or no decision like that.
And that's really a lot of what is going on at the FDA.
The FDA is providing
Legal cover for companies and drug companies so that if they get sued by someone who has an adverse reaction to a drug or to a device, then they can always say in court, this was approved by the FDA.
The FDA looked at this and approved it.
There's a very incestuous relationship going on with the FDA and the pharmaceutical companies, as well as medical device companies, as well as with Big Agra.
And it only gets worse.
And this is a very disturbing case.
This was picked up when it happened by Democracy Now.
It's now been picked up by Fox News.
Washington Blog is talking about it.
It's starting to gain traction.
What they did with this guy, after he came to the FDA and they didn't want this to come out, he became a whistleblower.
Then they went after him personally, just like the Clintons went after the women who accused Bill Clinton.
They installed spyware to record his private emails and his surfing activity.
They put cameras...
They installed cameras to snap pictures of his screen and then they use this information to smear him and other whistleblowers.
See, this is the 21st century version of what Hillary and Bill Clinton did.
It's gotten very much more sophisticated.
They now have all of this spyware and now you see that the FDA is acting like the NSA.
Isn't that interesting?
Even more so, look at this article that came out over the weekend.
We've got the FDA wants to monitor social media chatter
About product risks.
And yet, there's grave health concerns about it.
It's banned in many other countries, but it was in Subway bread.
And so she came on, introduced a petition, it went viral, and within a couple of days, Subway backed out and said, we're not going to include it anymore.
Turns out, though, that it's in over 500 different types of food, the same additive from other companies.
So it isn't just one company is doing it, it's all these different companies.
And the FDA approves those sorts of things, but they want to know when we have a problem
So they want to monitor the chatter on the internet and they put out an RFP.
They put out a request for somebody to monitor social chatter.
Listen to this.
It says the agency is looking for a contractor that can provide historical information about the sorts of conversations that consumers are having on blogs, message boards, social media sites about product classes that FDA regulates like drugs and medical devices and also food and tobacco.
And then track the sentiment and the volume of those conversation shifts.
Now this is the kind of stuff that they want them to record.
They want to, whenever these conversations spike, or rise slowly, or trend downward, they want that to be, that information to be gathered.
They want to know the popular forums of online discussion.
They want the most cited news sources.
They want major themes of discussion.
They want sentiment analysis, word clouds, message maps, and a sample of verbatim consumer complaints.
That's right.
They want to know what you're talking about, whether you're leaving a message on the InfoWars, down in the comments section, talking about an article.
They want that logged.
They want that reported.
They want that categorized.
If we're running stories and people are picking up our stories and putting them out on Facebook about additives and dangerous additives in food, they want to know the source is that.
Now why would they want to know that?
Because our government is involved in manufacturing consent.
It's an information war.
It's a psy-op war.
And this is social engineering.
If you're an engineer, you've got a device and you want to be able to monitor what the output is.
You don't want an open system.
You want a closed-loop system.
You don't want to just put something into your black box, and then if it comes out, you don't really know whether it's working or not, and if the system starts to drift, maybe you're not getting the output that you originally had.
So, in an engineering world, you have a closed-loop system, where you put something in, you've got a known system, the black box that's operating on this, and you get an output.
And if things start to change, you want to monitor that output and make adjustments back into the input.
Or you want to make adjustments into your black box system.
That's what the government is doing.
That's why privacy matters.
People say, I don't care if the NSA is watching me.
I don't have anything that I'm hiding.
Maybe all you're doing is talking about the Oscars or your favorite television program.
But let me tell you something.
They're looking at what you're reading and they want to know if their propaganda is working.
That's why the FDA is putting out this
Request for somebody to do this for them.
That's why they've got this request for proposal.
They want people to say, to tell them if their propaganda is working.
They want people, they want to know what you're thinking.
Are you buying their mindless propaganda?
Are they winning the Infowar?
Are they winning the PSYOP?
And then the other reason you need to be concerned about privacy is because it isn't just the NSA or the CIA or the FBI that is watching everything that you're doing.
It is also
People like the FDA are monitoring the actions of whistleblowers, and they can use it to blackmail, to destroy the character of people who are honest individuals who say, this device from General Electric is leaking dangerous amounts of radiation.
Well, they want to destroy that guy because they want to help General Electric.
And the really dangerous thing, as I see it coming down the road,
Is that the government, once everybody is attuned to the fact that the government is watching what everybody says and knows everything about everybody and the public says we're fine with that, at that point then the government can make up anything that it wants to about anyone.
If you don't have any skeletons in your closet, they can make up those skeletons and they can tell the public and the public will believe it.
The public believed that the Tsarnaev brothers set down those backpacks.
Now, we supposedly had video footage, and we were told that the government has cameras everywhere.
The government sees everything.
The government knows everything.
And the government knows that those are the guys that we're looking for.
Now, we never saw them setting the backpack down.
We didn't have to see video of an explosion.
We didn't have to see video of people dying, being torn apart by a bomb.
But I would have liked to have seen this video that they supposedly have of the Sarnia brothers setting down the backpacks, especially when the backpacks were supposedly a different color than the backpack of one of the brothers.
I would like to see that they set them down in the places where the explosion actually occurred.
And of course, the FBI said, we've seen those pictures, we have those pictures.
And the governor of Massachusetts said,
Yes, we have those pictures.
And finally, when somebody asks him the obvious question, have you seen those pictures?
Well, actually, no.
No, I haven't seen those pictures, but the FBI told me that they've got them.
See, that's the really dangerous thing.
The really dangerous thing is when we become so dependent on the government
And we're so intimidated by the government that we think that they know everything, that they see everything, and that they are going to be honest with us, that they're honest actors, that they don't have any ulterior motives, that the FDA is really not trying to cover for their crony capitalists at General Electric, that the FDA is really watching out for your health.
With the food and the drugs.
I just talked on the Nightly News last week to Mark Baker, Baker's Green Acres in Michigan.
He's one of the farmers where the state of Michigan came in and said you're no longer going to be allowed to
Have these types of pigs.
We're only going to allow the types of pigs that are grown in big agri-factories.
Now your pigs, because you're letting them free-range feed on your farm, you've got pigs that they've got some hair on them, so they look like feral pigs.
We're going to declare them to be invasive species.
And that's what they did.
They came after him and all the farmers who had been raising these types of pigs for decades and on all the other farms except for two.
Mark Baker and one other person who stood up to them.
They came on the farms and they shot the pigs.
Now Mark fought them for almost three years, and he just won a decision last week saying that they are no longer going to come after him, but they wouldn't give a definition of what an invasive species is.
So they're still going to threaten and intimidate the other farmers who don't stand up to their tyranny.
They're going to still intimidate and threaten everyone who goes with their bluff, just like the TSA.
Remember when we had John Corbett stand up to the TSA and show that they couldn't see the devices if it's on your side?
What did they do?
They gave John Corbett a lifetime pass.
Don't worry about it.
Don't complain.
Just go along and you know what?
If you stand up, we'll let you go.
But everybody else...
We're gonna enforce tyranny.
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We're good.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex.
We'll be joined in the next segment with Anthony Gucciardi.
We're going to be talking about the long history of the FDA, just as I was talking about in the last segment.
We're talking about how the FDA now has a request out to monitor social media chatter about product risks.
That's right.
They want people to bid on that function.
They want to know what people are talking about.
They want the public's sentiment to be analyzed.
They want a sample of verbatim consumer comments.
They want to know where they're getting their information.
That's very troubling.
We've seen that same kind of activity by the FCC.
You know, they had this news media survey that they were going to do where they were going to embed
And as part of a study they were going to embed people from the FCC in newsrooms and they were going to ask questions.
How do you decide which stories you're going to cover?
Who makes these decisions?
How are women and minorities represented?
A whole slew of things like that they were going to look at.
But everybody was concerned that they were getting involved with the content, not just with
The radio frequencies, which is what the FCC was originally set up to do.
They don't have any authority to get involved in the content.
That's protected under the First Amendment.
They only were set up to help manage the kind of conflict that you could have if two local radio stations are broadcasting over the same frequency.
So they were set up to auction off those frequencies and to control them.
They have gradually exercised more and more control over content.
Under the guise that this is something that is being put out there on the public airwaves, since they give you permission to use this radio frequency, then they could control certain content like the words that you use.
They could say you can't have profanity or you can't show nudity or whatever.
But as you had cable come in and people started paying for that and getting that directly into their home, the FCC was not allowed to exercise control over that.
That's beginning to change.
And that's something we should all be concerned about.
Remember that this FCC study was also going to go into newspapers.
The FCC has no reason to get involved in newspapers.
The FCC has no reason to get involved in cable allocations or bandwidth.
That is something that they should not be involved in.
They should not be involved in content.
And yet we see that Google is very concerned that the FCC is going to start getting involved in Internet content.
A lot of people that are saying that they believe that they're going to essentially enact CISPA in a backdoor.
Remember Obama said, you know, if he can't get things through in the legislature, he's just going to do it anyway in this year of action.
Well, one of the ways that he does that is with these regulatory agencies like the FDA, like the FCC.
So what they're asserting that they're going to do is start to look at content and that the FCC might take down content based on copyright claims.
Again, we're back to CISPA, SOPA, ACTA, all of these different
I think?
That you have a copyright issue and take down your entire website over one issue.
And you are not innocent until proven guilty.
You don't get your chance in court.
They just make the assertion and take it down.
And of course we've seen that happen over and over again.
That was the way they've been operating the war of drugs.
The war against American citizens for a very long time.
It wasn't really about stopping drug use.
It was about establishing
I don't
The specter, the boogeyman of drugs used to scare people into giving up on our legal system that it is taking us, taking us centuries to enact.
A blockade against government tyranny and people are just giving up on that because they are scared about the boogeyman of drugs or because they're scared later on about the boogeyman of Osama bin Laden.
They just abandon it, most of the people do.
So we have to not allow them to continually expand into these areas because we're afraid of something.
And we can't allow companies or organizations like the FDA to stand up for companies like General Electric, and if there's a harmful device that they're putting out because they like General Electric, they go after a whistleblower?
And they attack him personally because they have looked at all of his personal information on his computer.
They put spyware on his computer.
They took pictures of him.
We were telling you that would happen.
Alex has been telling you about that for years.
And people say, oh, that's crazy.
They can't monitor your cameras.
It's not only been done, it's very passe at this point.
Everybody knows that.
The question is, what are we going to do about it?
What are you going to do about your health?
Take control of your health.
We're also going to be talking to Kathleen Willey in the next hour about what the Clintons did to her.
So stay tuned.
Anthony Gucciardi is coming right up.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Monday, March 3rd, 2014.
I'm David Knight.
I'm filling in for Alex Jones, and I'm joined here in the studio with Anthony Gucciardi.
And we've been talking about the FDA, this amazing request for a proposal that they put out for a company to monitor social media to see what people are saying about the FDA, about the FDA's rulings.
Absolutely amazing.
We're talking about the implications of that.
But I want to tell you first that this hour is brought to you by
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Well, Anthony, this is pretty amazing, isn't it?
To see the level of detail that they're doing.
But I think it's really... We see all these different government agencies doing it, but, you know, just as people are starting to maybe even get passe about the NSA monitoring everything, they now find out that the FDA is doing that.
They're assassinating people's characters who are whistleblowers.
They're monitoring what people are saying about the FDA rulings.
Well, isn't it interesting?
We see all these dying government organizations and these corporations like Bank of America, for example, spying and desperately trying to make sure there are no whistleblowers to reveal anything about the company because they know if the truth came out, they would ultimately meet their downfall.
Now, specifically, we can go back to Bank of America with the leaked emails.
One of the biggest stories in recent times that we managed to break through InfoWars, through StoryLeak, my website, is the Bank of America emails revealing that Bank of America has only spying teams that go out on social networking and they look for so-called occupied protesters or anti-government people.
Basically, anyone that questions the establishment
And then they work with the feds directly in coordinating these people into certain groups and profiling them.
And the FDA is just doing that now.
And they're also desperately afraid of the whistleblowers inside.
Before we get away from that, I was just talking earlier in the show to Paul Joseph Watson, and he was talking about Glenn Greenwald.
And his experiences with Wikileaks and with Julian Assange and everything.
And we have the slides that were leaked.
Actually, Wikileaks got a hold of the slides where they were plotting to Bank of America and others were plotting to freeze their accounts and they were plotting to
Go after Glenn Greenwald and other leaders personally, just like we see the FDA doing with this Yale radiology expert that worked for them that was blowing the whistle on the GE radiation device.
We see that it's a method of personal attack and in the next hour we're going to be talking to Kathleen Willey.
How did the Clintons come after her?
How did the Clintons come after all these women who accused him of sexual misconduct?
They went after them with personal assassination attacks.
That's what so
Very, very dangerous about the surveillance state that we have.
You see this in every single sector, from the new commanders getting fired in the military, all the Air Force commanders being pushed off, Obama firing all the generals, to, you know, ultimately the spy sector, where they're now desperately afraid of whistleblowers.
You talk to any federal government worker, Obama is going down on anything that's related to whistleblowing.
It is the number one enemy of the state.
Oh yeah.
That's why the FDA is doing this.
Most of the people that have been prosecuted under the Espionage Act that was put back in I think 1917, almost all of them have been under the Obama administration.
I think he's done like six or seven and prior to that and all the other administrations combined there were three.
And he's like triple what, uh, double to triple what these other people have done.
Well, you know he has Bank of America helping him.
He's got the FDA.
He's got multiple wings of this looking into it.
And there's actually two key things.
Napolitano, Judge Napolitano, says this is against the Fourth Amendment.
He's already speaking out against it.
It's already making news, which is good.
But I want to talk about, in a little bit, how years ago we already exposed all of this.
And years ago, we've already exposed how the medical establishment is dying.
The FDA and all of its cronies are losing, and they're imploding, and this is the result.
Because first you ignore it, then you try and fight it a little bit.
They're at the boiling point where they're melting down, and this is their response.
They have nothing but physical action.
They have nothing but overload, meltdown levels of red alert scenarios to where they're trying to squash the whistleblower so it doesn't get any worse.
But the FDA knows full well what's going on.
They know key things we're going to get into.
I don't
Anti-GMO labeling bills.
Organic is still 31 billion dollars as of just a couple years ago.
I mean, it's exploding.
They can't stop it.
You're winning the battle.
And that's why they want to look at social media.
They want to know what they can do.
It's now an info war.
It's an Info War and a PSYOP War and the FDA is saying essentially the same thing with this RFP.
They're saying essentially the same thing the Pentagon said a while back.
Remember that televised news conference that they had with people who were information officers for the Pentagon and this one lady officer gets up and says,
Nobody believes what we're saying.
They just dismiss it as mindless propaganda, because we're not telling them the truth, essentially.
And so the FDA is looking at this as well.
They're trying to manufacture consent for their agenda, and a vital part of that is to know whether or not their propaganda is working.
So they want to have a company that's going to do it.
This is the sort of stuff that used to be done secretly.
Now they're just out in the open.
No, exactly, and that's the craziest part about it is they're out in the open.
And we're able to, you know, push the headlines in such a way that we can get this to the mainstream media and ultimately win.
But this reminds me of a key article that I was on, actually with Alex, I think in September or eight months ago or something, the GMO activists being targeted specifically by the government, by criminal government organizations, you know, actually looking for criminals, saying that GMO activists were concerning and, you know,
Anything to do with GMOs was radical and right-wing extremism and things like that.
This is what we're talking about.
This is what Bank of America sees us as.
These people that are not following the establishment agenda and should therefore be reported to the Feds.
And this expands into everything.
And specifically, we can get into the fact that even though they're trying to squash the whistleblowing,
Even though they're trying to use disinformation campaigns and go into the comments of major news websites like InfoWars and just spam garbage all day long.
Even though they're doing all that, it doesn't even matter.
People are talking about it.
And specifically, one way they're really trying to dominate this field for their own victory is by making it very challenging for supplement manufacturers or food manufacturers to even get good high-quality organic ingredients.
You know, whether we're talking about food that's been highly irradiated, such as if you get organic ingredients, sometimes you have to actually, by law, put them through mass irradiation.
You know, or you have to use pesticides that are actually worse than some of the, you know, Roundup pesticides from Monsanto.
All this craziness is happening and they're putting these laws and bureaucratic limitations on all of this so that you can't even get real food anymore.
That's right.
It's such a challenge to get organic, real ingredients, and I'm amazed that we've done it.
I'm so glad to work with Alex on InfoWars Life with Supermail Vitality and everything, because it's so hard to get real organic ingredients.
Well, you've got this, it was the FDA themselves that has just floated new regulations that are going to be taking place in the next couple of years.
And there was a story that came out last week in California where the FDA went to an organic farmer's farm and said, here's my badge, here are these new regulations, I just want you to know what's going to happen.
You're no longer going to be able to make your fertilizer on the farm.
You're no longer going to be able to till your ground with animals.
We're going to have you buy all this stuff from big pharmaceutical, you know, the big fertilizer companies.
You're going to buy synthetic
Petrochemicals and pesticides and this sort of thing because we're going to outlaw the natural ways that people have farmed for millennia.
And that's just yet another place where they're coming after the family farmer, the organic farmer, and putting this burden of regulation on them until they drive them out of business.
Regulations on the... That's the way the government has always been used is to put for the large companies to come in and use
Bureaucracies like the FDA to put burdensome regulations on their competitors, which in this case are the small independent organic family farms, put them out of business so they've got a monopoly.
No, exactly.
The FDA acts as a mafia corporation to impose its laws and regulations on the other corporations that aren't paying their dues, essentially.
And what we've seen now is manufacturers that are actually using high quality, super good organic ingredients get visited by military people.
People in military uniforms that say they work for the FDA.
It turns out they do.
They're lieutenants and everything.
They now use military terminology to designate the FDA officials.
They come out to these factories with weapons and tell them, yes, we're going to have to check out what's going on.
You know, as if they're criminals.
As if the organic manufacturers out literally in the middle of farmlands with like the best possible stuff out there for anything.
The cultivation, all the best regulations, all the best stuff.
They're out there saying, yeah, we're gonna have to take a look around.
We're gonna have to look at all your proprietary stuff, take some pictures, you know, all this stuff.
Total harassment.
Meanwhile, you have drug companies that are killing people, and they pay a few million dollars, which is like .001% of their actual annual profits, and they get slapped on the wrist.
Because the FDA is really there to provide legal immunity for these companies.
They look at something like SSRI drugs, or Paxil, which just recently came out, and they said, look at how
We're good to go.
For treatment of depression, and in the information there in the fine print, it says that it can make you even more depressed, it can make you suicidal, it can make you homicidal, it can exacerbate the very condition that you're taking it for, but nobody reads those.
They just know, this is FDA approved.
And if somebody sues them in court, it's like, hey, I got an FDA approval, so I'm okay, it's my legal immunity.
No, exactly, and it costs $12 million to pay the FDA to go through even these simple processes, and then you have something and they look at it over and over again.
And, you know, let's be clear.
It's just like everything else establishment.
There are some good functions of an organization that's meant to keep people safe, except they've gone beyond that in a roguelike element where these corrupt bureaucratic
Maniacs have taken over and are targeting now small farms, small organic manufacturers, giving them the same regulations as they would Merck, a multi-billion dollar company.
Here's a company that makes $20,000 a year making small tinctures or something like that.
And they give them the same infrastructure requirements as Merck.
Or Pfizer or something.
But then at the same time, you look, and it would be one thing if we just had this medicine.
Okay, you know, sometimes it's killing, you know, 20% of the patients.
You know, sometimes these vaccines are causing cancer or whatever.
Okay, but how about the fact that, you know, in some studies, turmeric is killing 80% of the cancer cells or ginger.
Or, you know, just adding lemon to water is amazing.
Or, hey, how about drinking purified water is curing things?
It's like the FDA is literally ignoring all the real stuff in many of these cases while targeting the real stuff at the same time as Pfizer and Mark and everything just make billions of these death pills.
And you can look over and over again.
I mean, look, years and years ago, we were telling the FDA, the judge was telling the FDA, remove super bug breeding antibiotics from the animal feed.
It's going to kill us.
It's going to cause superbugs.
80% of the antibiotics are in livestock.
Remove superbug.
Look at this title.
Remove superbug breeding antibiotics from the animal feed.
That was from 2012.
And the people who do it, they try to shut them down.
No, exactly.
Because they're organic or they're free-range chickens or they've got
Hogs that they let just graze and their immunity to disease is naturally increased because they get out of this little tiny box inside of a factory.
They get sunlight.
They get to walk on the grass.
They get to eat natural food.
No, no, it can't have that.
It's not even about animal rights, which is a great thing in some ways, in many ways.
But it's about the fact that, hey, if we don't stop breeding superbugs, it will kill us.
You know, it's not a nice little happy thing like, oh, we want to care for the animals.
That's great and everything.
You don't want to eat sick animals.
Well, hey, no, actually, yeah, they've been caught selling animals with cancer now.
In China, they pump sewage into the meat.
I mean, this is totally out of control, and obviously China isn't FDA regulated.
But the point is, what's going on is the FDA is ignoring all this stuff, ignoring the fact that here we have in a medical news today, which is super mainline, super mainstream, garlic kills hospital superbug MRSA.
That's pretty plain and simple, huh?
That's pretty amazing.
An ingredient in garlic may offer one of the best defenses against hospital superbugs, research shows.
The compound is said to be effective even against highly resistant strains of the notorious MRSA bug, which has claimed many lives.
And it has, because they try to use these antibiotics, these garbage antibiotics, over and over again on these superbugs, and then they complain, and Obama has to issue executive orders to create more antibiotics, stronger antibiotics.
Gee, you know, which contractors are going to make billions on that?
So the problem with using garlic, though, Anthony, there's a big problem with using garlic, and that is... It's not profitable.
It can't be patented by some big pharmaceutical company.
It's gotta go.
It can't be effective.
David, don't worry.
Pharmaceutical companies are already taking the sulfuric
I don't know.
That we were putting and pouring billions into these antibiotics, pouring billions into this cancer research that's never going to tell us anything, pouring all these billions of dollars.
If we're going to take one one-hundredth of that and put it into research on how to take this garlic extract in a perfect way, in a perfect capsule, in a perfect organic wholesome form, we could literally be wiping out superbugs like MRSA.
We're wiping out all of it and not have to take antibiotics which just deplete our gut flora.
Then gut flora has been linked with the depletion of gut flora has been linked with mental illness like schizophrenia and depression and then that causes even more insanity.
The whole body is being systematically destroyed when you look at something like a pharmaceutical drug coming in.
And that's why more pharmaceutical drugs are given to address the side effects.
If we were actually going to put a little bit of cash into the garlic
To replace some of these antibiotics, we would have better gut flora.
We wouldn't have as much mental illness.
We wouldn't have as many killings and murders and violent crime.
It would be a complete domino effect in the good sense if we just were to put a little bit of money into garlic.
That's just one thing.
You have turmeric, you have iodine.
They introduced iodine into the salt and they saw a 10-point IQ increase over a shorter period of time.
I mean, all of this is happening.
The hormonal attack on our bodies, the estrogen, estrogen mimickers, BPA, attacking us on a daily, daily, daily basis.
If we were just going to take that out of the water, out of the water bottles, the plastic, which they knowingly put in, they chose only one with BPA, they knowingly put that in.
We would see a world of difference.
But guess what?
The FDA decided not to ban BPA.
And then the next day, all the shareholders rejoiced and made billions upon billions over and over and over again, because it would mean that they'd have to use different plastics.
Same story over and over again.
Why do you think they're monitoring us?
Because we're talking about this, and if some insider came out and talked about it, it would be game over.
That's what we need is a call to arms, really.
That's right.
They want to know where people are getting their information.
So they can either crack down on that source of information, or get some other agency like the FCC, which is metastasizing way out of its original function.
I mean, you talk about the FDA, and you rightfully point out that there are some needs that we need to have government inspectors on the quality of food.
I mean, we can have dirty food enter the food supply from corporate farmers, we can have it enter from small farmers, and we've had that happen in the past.
But they metastasize way, way, way far beyond that.
I'm with Anthony Gucciardi.
We're talking about the FDA.
We're talking about your life, actually.
The food that you eat, the drugs that you take, or what you do to help yourself.
We're going to be right back with more information, so stay tuned.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex and I have with me in the studio Anthony Gucciardi.
And we've been talking about the latest revelation about the FDA wanting to monitor social media chatter about product risk.
Now this is just amazing.
They put out an RFP.
They want
Someone that they're going to hire to keep track of things like the most cited news stories, the major themes of discussion, sentiment analysis, word clouds, message maps, and samples of verbatim consumer comments.
They want to know what you think about what the FDA is doing so they can then more effectively propagandize you using PSYOPs and the information war.
When I talked to William Binney he said he was very concerned about the police state that we have entered and he said we're not we're no longer close to a police state we are in a police state.
For years he monitored East Germany and the Soviet Union and he knows exactly how this comes down and now we see it happening even with the FDA.
Once they know where you're getting your news
They send in the trolls, or they shut down that source using the power grab from the FCC.
The FCC is now asserting that they are going to be able to shut down websites based on copyright assertions.
Couldn't get that passed in Congress with CISPA, SOPA, or ACTA.
They tried twice with CISPA.
Couldn't get it passed, so let's just have a year of action and allow Obama and his bureaucracies to do that.
Well, the ultimate dream of all these organizations, whether it's a corrupt corporation or a taken over establishment rogue organization within the government, is not to just track everything you're doing, but to shut down the opposition they've already lost.
In the beginning, that wasn't the goal.
The goal was to ignore it or refute it in some ways.
And that's why they try to have key icons
No, like Alex and others on the news to try and make him look dumb, but ultimately that ends up of course being a major victory and more people tune in and more people realize what's going on.
They're not just creepy voyeurs.
They're not just going to sit there.
They're not just watching us just for the fun of watching us.
They really do have an agenda and we're seeing that come out now with the FDA, the FCC, other organizations.
They're planning the blitzkrieg.
Yeah, it's just a matter if we can have a scout go out on the hill with an old-fashioned telescope and tell us what's coming, then we can prepare ourselves.
Because they do want to, through things like CISPA on steroids, which is what's coming, shut down websites that, they would call it, endanger consumer health.
So for example, if I were to go ahead and publish, as I have multiple times, the fact that garlic is the answer to many superbugs,
That we should put real money into that instead of these antibiotics that are killing people, then that would be threatening consumer health.
You know, because the FDA hasn't approved garlic.
The FDA hasn't approved that.
The EU says water doesn't hydrate people.
It's not even been proven.
You know?
That's quackery!
That's right.
So it would be endangering consumer health, and that's how they're going to do it.
And they're going to issue something and say, please take this down.
The FDA has decided this is against consumer health, just like selling real organic products, as we do with Supermail Vitality on Infowarslife.com.
And I plug it because I believe in it, and everyone should get a hold of it.
This is resisting and funding everything that we're talking about, because we're going to be the ones pioneering all this.
We're going to be the ones pioneering
You know, just as we said, they're not just doing this just for the information.
They're actually going to take action.
You have to take action.
You have to take responsibility for your life.
You have to be self-reliant about not only inform yourself about what the real risks are to you,
Well, you might not even get a chance to know if they managed to shut all this down.
And just getting into GMO, Monsanto has so much pull, they can shut everything down.
They've falsified FDA quotes in California to defeat GMO, labeling bills.
It's total insanity.
We have to fight for our right to actually be able to speak.
Hang on.
We're coming up to a break, but I want you to stay here.
We're going to talk about this one more segment, Anthony.
And then in the next hour, we're going to be talking to Kathleen Willey.
You know, they want to know where you're getting your source of information.
They want to be able to attack people.
We've seen this happen over and over again.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Monday, March 3rd, 2014.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex, and I have Anthony Gucciardi in studio with me.
We've been talking about the amazing revelations of the FDA wanting to monitor social media chatter so they can more effectively propagandize you, and we've also talked about the FDA spying on whistleblowers.
Pointing out dangerous devices.
So what does the FDA do?
Well, they do things like record everything that they're doing on the internet, taking pictures of them with their computer, then using that to destroy the person's character.
And we've got coming up in the next segment, Kathleen Willey.
Someone who blew the whistle on Bill Clinton's sexual misconduct.
Same things happened to her.
They went after her as well as all the other women who made allegations, tried to destroy them.
She's going to be talking about that.
She's very concerned about that as we see Hillary Clinton apparently the frontrunner for the Democrats in 2016.
But getting back to the FDA,
We were just talking about garlic and the efficacy and the safety of that.
It doesn't come with a long flyer talking about all these amazing side effects.
Maybe if they had a flyer, the only side effect I can think of with garlic might be a possible bad breath or something.
That's easily corrected.
The average of side effects for pharmaceutical drugs is about 70.
It can go up to about 500.
Now, the thing is, I'm not against entirely Western medicine.
I mean, it has its powerful implications.
If you go and get in a car accident, you don't want to go to India and have someone, you know, administer tinctures to you.
You want someone to immediately give you surgery.
So there's many, many benefits.
And I have MD friends.
In fact, I was just speaking to one yesterday, or a couple days ago.
And he was telling me, you know, we're so pressured to give antibiotics to everyone that comes in the door with a cold, which is a virus, or a flu from a virus.
The antibiotics obviously don't do anything against viruses.
But he was saying we're told from the higher-ups in the medical establishment to just give them antibiotics so they feel better mentally and they feel like we've done something.
He said some people, in fact, will insist for antibiotics when they know they have a cold or they'll leave.
It's total chaos.
And he was telling me
One of the things he likes to do is take elderberry.
But when he tells people that, they think it's quack science.
This is a guy with an MD that studied this.
You know, this is a guy that really knows what he's talking about in many ways, looking at this, saying, hey, you know, I was checking out Natural Society, I was checking out InfoWars, all the stuff, he's a huge fan, saying, you know, vitamin C seems like really to be the answer.
And it's funny, because we're not even pushing garlic.
I just was reading one study where garlic trumped antibiotics.
I mean, we could talk for six hours about anything.
We could talk about turmeric, iodine, garlic, any of it.
All of it's great.
All of this is magnificent in many ways.
It's killing cancer cells, destroying viruses.
It's all there.
You know what I mean?
It just happens to be garlic.
And one of the radio producers was telling me this awesome story about how he took garlic for a serious tooth infection.
In fact, if he wants to get on the mic, he could share that with everyone.
Yeah, absolutely.
CJ here.
I had actually taken garlic for a bad toothache that was related to a root infection.
Because I'd read about the Army using garlic as a antibiotic substitute in the field when penicillin wasn't available.
And I'd take a couple of cloves a day.
Within about three days, the swelling went down, pain went away, and the only side effect was garlic breath.
Wow, exactly.
Well, you know, we're going to be on our own because they have announced quite publicly and repeatedly, especially last fall, that they're no longer going to do any more antibiotic research.
They've put out these antibiotics, they've given them, so broadly given them, giving them to cattle, to the animals in the food chain, that
Now there's a large immunity to the existing antibiotics, and they are radically cutting down the supply.
I know my wife had a prescription that she wanted to get renewed for antibiotics, and the price had skyrocketed.
It was what had been about a $5 prescription was now $200 or $300, and you couldn't even get it.
Even if you wanted to pay that kind of money, you couldn't get it, and it was a generic.
They were cutting it back.
Just amazing.
Instead of fixing it and looking into garlic, looking into all of this, looking into real things that kill the bad bacteria, they're going to instead just push executive orders to do more antibiotics, more wide-spectrum antibiotics that push superbugs and all of it.
It's total chaos, but we are winning.
We can achieve this.
Push the information out.
Thank you.
Anthony Gucciardi, thank you for the information.
Very important information.
We're going to be right back with Kathleen Willey.
She's going to tell us about the personal attacks about what she thinks is a war on women.
Stay tuned.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
He's going the distance.
He's going for speed.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
And as I announced in the last segment, we were going to be joined by Kathleen Willey.
It turns out that there are some technical difficulties on her end of the line.
So we're very anxious to talk to her.
We want to have her later on.
We'd like to schedule her for another day.
What she was experiencing is exactly what we've been talking about.
I was just talking to Anthony Gucciardi about the FDA and how they went after whistleblowers.
What's their method of attack?
Well, they go after them personally.
That's exactly what Kathleen Willey experienced.
That's what other women experienced when they went after Bill Clinton, charging him with sexual misconduct.
As she pointed out in another interview, she said that when this happened to me, when they came after her personally, I called feminists and I couldn't find one person who called me back.
They never supported me.
That's the way they always work.
And that's why it is so dangerous now in the 21st century when they have this capability of listening and watching everything we do.
They can blackmail people.
They can even make things up about people because, of course, it's the government and the government's media coming out there and people are inclined to believe that the government knows everything because, of course, they're watching everything.
So if the government says that you did X, they believe it.
Just as I said in the last hour, many people are inclined to believe that the government has video footage of the Sarnia brothers setting down the backpacks of the Boston bombing, even though they have declined to show them setting down those backpacks.
I'm going to be taking your calls.
We're going to go over some more news here.
Here's the number.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
We've been talking about the FDA.
We've been talking about how the government attacks whistleblowers.
We've been talking about what's going on in the Ukraine.
The possibility of a third world war.
There's a lot going on right now.
Weyan, give us your feeling on that, especially if you're calling from the Ukraine.
It's a very complex situation.
I understand the corruption, the oppression, the tyranny of the Ukrainian people have experienced for decades.
We talked last week to someone from the Ukraine Gun Owners Association, and he warned us that if we allow them to take the guns here, we will end up like the Ukraine.
They have suffered from oppression, they've suffered from corruption, but as we pointed out when I was talking to Paul Joseph Watson,
We now see many of the same oligarchs that prospered under the corrupt Yanukovych regime being put back in with the new Ukrainian government.
It's kind of like meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Now one of the stories that's been breaking over the last few days, we really haven't talked about that much because
We don't talk that much about Bitcoin.
Alex has pointed out that he thought that it wasn't flying anywhere.
We talked about how risky it was, and now that is coming to fruition.
You know, it was over the price of gold at one point per ounce.
Now it's fallen to less than half of that.
And we see the largest bitcoin exchange has now gone belly up and lost almost half a billion dollars worth of bitcoins.
470 million dollars worth of virtual currency has just vanished.
It's gone.
They don't know where it is.
750,000 coins that belong to customers, 100,000 coins that supposedly belong to Mt.
And this is what the guy said.
There were some weaknesses in the system and the bitcoins have disappeared.
I apologize for causing trouble.
I don't know how that's going to work because, you know, some of these bitcoins, I would imagine, belong to drug dealers like we saw at SilkCoin.
Some of them, some of this money is belonging to people who are involved in illegal activity.
They might want to have words with the fellow who said that.
I don't know really how that's going to wash.
The amazing thing about it is that this represents nearly 7% of all the bitcoins in circulation.
This is huge.
There was a lot of concern from a lot of people.
I was concerned.
Personally, I looked at it and I thought, well, I would love to see a cryptocurrency.
And there are other cryptocurrencies that are out there that are trying to get a start.
We're good to go.
It'd be very easy just for an individual to do it.
Look at George Soros.
That's how he made his money.
Was by manipulating the Bank of England.
He made a lot of money at the expense of the Bank of England.
And it's very easy, or look at the Bunker, was it the Hunt Brothers?
With silver, they cornered the silver market temporarily.
I mean, just a single billionaire can do a lot.
What do you think a central bank can do if they perceive a cryptocurrency to not be in their interest?
Do you think they might be able to manipulate the market value of that?
They very well might be.
Let's take a look at the calls here.
We've got John in Michigan.
Hello, are you there?
Hey, David.
Hey, John.
What's on your mind?
Oh, it's about Ukraine.
I had a call yesterday, and I brought up a good point with Alex, but he didn't have enough time yesterday, so it was quick, you know?
I just wanted to mention that I was talking about how, geographically speaking, Ukraine is far inside Russia.
And in this whole process of these Nazis basically taking over the country, Russia sees it as a threat.
They're going to cut off access from their Black Sea fleet and deny access to the Mediterranean.
And at that point, many Western think tanks have acknowledged that they've become indefensible.
Um, and so I mean, one has to take an event in the context that the U.S.
has been putting the missile defense system in Poland and Romania, and they try to say it's meant for the Iranian missiles, but, you know, I mean, who knows what it's truly meant for, you know?
The Russians take it as a doctrine against them, like a first strike doctrine, you know, to take out their second strike capabilities of the Russian nuclear forces, you know?
Two years ago there was a conference in Moscow with a Russian, I forgot his name, but he was the General Chief of Staff.
He said the Poland and the Romania missile defense systems are first strike efforts against Russia and they will not allow them to be built.
He stated that clearly.
It's a real question, isn't it?
When do defense preparations
Not really serve our best interests.
When do they provoke counter reactions from other people?
When do they provoke instability from other people?
When do they undermine our security?
And certainly, I think at this point, when the American government is openly fomenting revolution in the Ukraine, in the Crimea, attacking Russia's vital
Strategic, military, economic interest there.
That is a very dangerous, very provocative thing.
I think it is very much akin to Russia trying to put missiles in Cuba.
I think that's what's happening.
And I think that's probably the way they view it.
It's a very, very dangerous game that Victoria Nuland, the State Department, John Kerry, and Obama are playing right now.
It is, it is.
You know, you go back to 90 and 91, when the Soviet Union disintegrated, you know, we may have had a chance for world peace, but you had the emergence of the neocons in the Bush administration.
Bush Sr., you know, adopted the New American Century Doctrine, which is, I think, the whole thing comes back to that, you know?
Where, you know, the idea to create the world empire based on special relationships between Great Britain and the U.S.
Like, if you didn't have that special relationship, you weren't going to be included, you know?
And, you know, Bush Sr., he
I think he kind of proceeded with regime change.
If you're not going to submit to the idea of world empire, they're going to change your regime.
You can see it happened in Iraq, Libya, Syria.
They wanted to do it in Iran.
And it's just an encroachment on Russia and China and the eastern expansion of the EU and NATO's forces, which we see now, you know, happening in Ukraine, basically.
You're right.
Thank you very much, John.
I appreciate it.
It's a very dangerous game they're playing.
Like I said before, I know that there are people in the Ukraine, they want an honest government, they're tired of the corruption, they're tired of the puppets, but we also see that the American government is playing a very dangerous game of escalation.
Let's go to Bob in Michigan.
Bob, you wanted to talk about the Ukraine?
Yeah, thanks for taking my call.
This is pretty obvious.
I just wanted to add to the other comments on this Ukraine situation.
I just hope we have enough...
People left in the flag officer department that have their head on straight, and the rest of them, I think, are dealing with some kind of alternate reality of what they're doing.
We really want cool heads to prevail, and I think the thing in Syria, I think that was the case.
I just don't know how many people we have left at the top that can have the, not just the cool heads, but the idea that
We really don't want to stir this pot up.
This has a potential of getting really ugly.
Oh yeah, yeah.
It's a very dangerous game they're playing.
Thank you.
Let's go to Ronald in California.
Ronald, you had a comment about Ukraine?
Yes, hi.
I just want to reiterate, people who may have been listening later, that you actually revealed you have documents saying the State Department and eBay's Pierre
They funded, let's get it right, the Center UA in Ukraine.
That's the exact organization they funded to get the revolutionaries steered up.
The Center UA, you said?
I believe that's what Paul said, yeah.
I'm not sure of the exact organization.
I'll go with that, but yeah, go ahead.
And so I want to talk about the FDA also, but I want to finish on Ukraine.
So I think this is a case like when Nixon, I don't know if you're old enough to remember Nixon.
Yeah, I'm afraid so.
When Nixon went mad, and he was about to, let's just say Obama's going mad, I think we need, as in Nixon's case, we need people like Senators Boxer and Senator McCaskill and Senators Gillibrand, because the women Senators are supposedly strong nowadays.
We need some liberal women Democrat Senators to go to Obama and say, look, you are going mad, sir.
And we are women, democratic, liberal senators.
We can't have this militarism.
They have to literally go into his office and say, sir, you're going mad.
Yeah, you would hope that somebody in his party, whether it's male or female, would call him on the glaring contradictions between being a transparent candidate, between having the rule of law and the lawless, violent regime that the Obama administration has come to be.
But unfortunately, there's this
Spectrum between the two different teams.
We're going to be right back with more of your calls.
Stay tuned.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex Jones.
We're taking your calls and the number is 800-259-9231.
We've been talking about a wide variety of topics.
We've been talking about the Ukraine, what's going on there, the dangerous game that's being played by the State Department and the Obama regime.
The brinksmanship that could bring us into a third world war.
We've talked about the corruption of the FDA, the concern that they are losing the information war, the fact that they want to spy on all social networks, your comments, your observations.
They want to close that loop of control.
They want to know if the lines that they're feeding you, if you're really buying that.
Are you really accepting that?
So they put out a RFP, they want someone to
Come up with a business model that they're going to pay them to do that, to try to move your opinion.
That's right, it really is an information war.
Now, we've talked about the Internet of Things, we've now got the Internet of Cops coming.
Now, the Internet of Things, in case you don't remember, or in case you don't know, that's the sorts of things that General Petraeus talked about, how he said your refrigerator, your appliances in your kitchen are going to be listening to you.
That's where they have the
Competition that's going on between Cisco and IBM about creating the Internet of Things on the actual physical highway.
Actually turning your roads, the actual physical roads, into an information highway.
You know, they came out with yet another one of these requests for proposals where they wanted a license plate database.
That was the Department of Homeland Security.
We reported on that and a few days later they said, oh, never mind, we're not going to do that anymore.
But at the same time, we see these articles about the competition between Cisco and IBM to actually embed the Internet on the highway, along with license plate readers, cameras that they can send to each other, and of course they want to monitor, guess what?
Your social media.
Content they want to know what you're talking about just like the FDA the government is very interested in you You know they just want a little bit to know a little bit about you for their files remember the song from Simon and Garfunkel now they've got the internet of cops coming and this is an article from a company called motherboard and
That was their article.
They said it's called FirstNet.
It's pitched as a state-of-the-art communications network for paramedics, firemen, and law enforcement at the federal, state, and local level.
It's going to give cops on the street unprecedented technological powers, possibly hand over even more intimate data, you can bet, about our lives to the highest ends of government and its intelligence agencies.
And while the system has already been tested in a handful of states, 2014 will likely see it rolled out farther.
First net is what they're calling it.
You know this is We we see them doing this we see them getting their own highly secure internet at the same time They're talking about having the power to turn off our phones because they want to watch you They think that they have the right to watch you whether you're in public or whether you're in private, but if we videotape them
Or if we talk about what they are in the middle of doing, if they're committing a crime, if they're acting illegally, they want the power to basically shut off your phone, shut off an entire area.
They want to be able to see if there's a lot of traffic being uploaded from a particular area, because maybe there's a demonstration, maybe there's some kind of illegal activity going on there by the government.
They want to be able to selectively shut down
Cell phone service to that area, Wi-Fi service to that area because they don't want you to know.
That's the information war that we're in.
That's a very, very powerful thing.
We see videos over and over again about the police overreacting, shooting people, beating people, killing people.
It's happening on a regular basis.
Because people have the ability to record this now.
So they want to shut that down.
Let's go to one of our callers.
We've got someone on the line.
Jerome in Texas.
You want to talk about a demonstration in D.C.?
Can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
Go ahead.
All right.
Yeah, I've been watching for a long time InfoWars and Alex Jones since I lived in Los Angeles years ago.
I recently retired from Universal Studios in Hollywood, moved to Austin, Texas, because it's the only place left that I consider the true America, and I recently came upon Colonel O'Reilly's website called Operation American Spring.
Have you heard of it?
Bigly, yeah.
Well, he's trying to get millions of people to come to Washington to protest the
The NSA and the unfair treatment of veterans and the restoration of the Constitution of the United States to what it used to be.
Well, I think that's a very healthy thing.
You know, it had a big effect.
It was actually the origin of the Tea Parties when they had that demonstration in Washington on September 12th protesting the bailout, the crony capitalism that was TARP.
I think our government leaders need to hear from us.
They need to see us
exercising our constitutional rights to petition them for redress of grievances and we've got a lot to be aggrieved about.
We're going to be right back taking more of your calls, going over some more news.
Stay tuned.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex.
We're taking your calls now.
Early in the show, we were talking about what's happening to Bitcoin, specifically to Mt.
Gox, the largest Bitcoin exchange, and how we now see that there's $470 million missing at the current valuation of Bitcoin, just disappeared.
750,000 Bitcoins of customers and 100,000 of their coins they claim they have lost.
The largest exchange has now declared bankruptcy.
And of course it's a question as to is this a Bitcoin issue or is this simply a Mt.
Gox issue?
Now of course Mt.
Gox grew out of an exchange of game cards.
There's a game called Magic the Gathering and of course they grew out of that and started trading Bitcoins and became the largest Bitcoin seller and a lot of people have said this isn't a Bitcoin issue, this is a Mt.
Gox issue.
It's affecting about 7% of the bitcoins out there.
And as I said before, I have real concern personally about staying out of this because I'm not really sure how I can reliably get in and of it, get out of it.
And I'm also concerned about central banks who view it as competition.
Maybe because this is openly, they can manipulate the value of this.
Would they do it?
Of course they would.
They've manipulated the value of gold.
They manipulate the value of everything that competes with them.
I love the idea of a digital currency.
I'm just
Not really sure about the actual details of it yet.
We've got someone who's called in on this.
Eric in Massachusetts, you wanted to weigh in on Bitcoin?
What's your take on what's going on Bitcoin and Mt.
Hey David, thanks for taking my call.
Great job you're doing there.
Thank you.
I just wanted to, I guess, I know Alex has had an issue with Bitcoin to the beginning as well.
And, you know, years ago I put a video out with some issues I had about Bitcoin.
But I think that it has so many opponents out there.
You mentioned some there, the banks, the central banks, corporations, and definitely the mainstream media is kind of attacking Bitcoin.
And I feel that InfoWars is kind of just reading off the headlines in a sense, rather than really looking at the issue.
And I think right then on the
I'm good.
We're good to go.
This is where they're getting bit, because people were realizing that they had already received their Bitcoin, and without confirmations, they could rewrite the script number, change it, and that basically would be their receipt to say, hey, I never got my Bitcoins.
What happened?
That's right.
If you don't give a certain amount, it takes a certain amount of time to let that percolate through, to verify it essentially.
And a lot of people had pointed out that Bitcoin, that Mt.
Gox was processing these things too quickly, allowing for something to be double charged essentially.
And so maybe what this is, is an accumulation of that.
It's hard to tell.
Whether it's that, whether it's an attack on them, I mean the attack, even a cyber type of attack could be coming from governments who view it as competition.
I've seen a lot of people say that this is really a Mt.
Gox program, that Bitcoin is basically solid.
It'll be interesting to hear what Max Keiser has to say about this because he's been on the show a lot of times.
He's a very big supporter of Bitcoin.
I know Alex is very
It doesn't feel good about it.
I know that Mike Adams doesn't feel good about it.
I looked at it.
I really want it to work.
I was just very concerned about a lot of the nuts and bolts.
Did I understand it enough that I wouldn't get burned by this?
How do I keep my bitcoins locally as opposed to keeping them in an exchange that could go belly up like Mt.
Gox did?
Do you have any advice for anybody on that?
Oh, absolutely.
There's a few ways.
I mean, with Bitcoin being, you know, having such a big digital wallet, it can be cumbersome right now to have it on your computer, but you could put it on a small little hard drive, you know, a pocket drive.
You can have it printed on a paper wallet that's, you know, hacker-free.
It's not even in the system, and that can be your cold storage.
Yeah, I would feel foolish if I had, you know, my Bitcoin and that amount of Bitcoin in an exchange thinking that it was safe.
Even on your own computer, they say, I mean, there is a potential for hacking and the NSA can do whatever they want with our computers.
Of course, they could, you know, probably encrypt anything they wanted in it.
But you could have it offline.
You know, you don't even keep it stored in any one way.
And it's funny, it's like people wanting a digital currency.
And you mentioned Max Keiser.
I understand that everyone says, like, I don't know if Bitcoin's the answer, but I want a digital currency.
But what's happening now in the past year,
A hundred ton of new digital currency.
And Max Keiser joins the boat with MaxCoin.
Kind of comes in and says, well here's my cryptocurrency, you know, check this out.
That's right, he's got his own now, yeah.
That's right.
I've heard him talk very favorably about Bitcoin, but that's right, he's introduced his own one, his own digital currency, hasn't he?
He has, it's called MaxCoin.
And honestly, Max lost a lot of credibility with me because of that.
Because, you know, he
Honestly, he's a smart man.
He made a lot of money on Bitcoin.
And then he started to push one by one some different Bitcoins which he bought into and then he would dump them.
And then he decided to make his own coin.
And when you have a hundred plus, you know, new coins trying to fight to be who's the next digital currency, it just makes it look like a clown show.
And we need to kind of like come together and say, we want to decentralize peer-to-peer currency.
We got to like minimize it, you know, let's find the top 10.
Yeah, I think so.
I think so.
Many different places where you can actually use the bitcoins and I think that's really the key as long as you've got to move in and out of currencies like the US dollar and as long as you've got to move in and out of the British pound or whatever it's still going to be a bit of a problem if you can
Keep your money in bitcoins and buy goods and services with it.
Get paid with it.
If you've got a whole ecosystem, that would be a very valuable thing.
So we're going to keep looking at it.
I mean, we're not throwing it under the bus yet.
It's just simply amazing.
And it is something that people need to be very careful about.
I mean, that's really what we're talking about when we look at these issues.
It's complicated.
People don't understand the ins and outs of it, literally.
And so it's something people have to be very careful about.
But we do hope that something, whether it's Bitcoin or something else, that we see some digital currency that's going to come up and actually drive out the fiat currencies of the central banks.
Thank you, Eric in Massachusetts.
Let's go to Rod in France.
You wanted to talk about another banking issue, the World Bank.
Go ahead, Rod.
Hi, David.
Always a pleasure.
In fact, you were speaking earlier with Anthony about all of these bureaucratic organizations.
You know, taking their toll on people, the EPA, the FDA, and all that.
And also you got into a little bit about the World Bank.
And I was wondering if anybody ever followed up on the story, you had a large part in that story of Karen Hudes, who actually got shut down by Eric Holder when she went to work.
You know, she was exposed, she was a whistleblower, and she exposed some corruption at the World Bank.
They just threw her in handcuffs and put her in jail and that was some pretty big news and I just wondered, has anybody followed up on that?
We haven't followed up on, we haven't interviewed her again since that interview.
It's an amazing story.
I mean, there's just so many different things that are happening.
I want to do a follow-up with Mark Baker, Baker's Green Acres.
He was the hog farmer that they just declared after decades that his pigs and other species of pigs that people were raising were now invasive species.
They were feral hogs.
We're good.
He showed up last week and they caved.
They said, all right, we're going to declare your pigs legal.
We're going to give you a pass.
It's kind of the same thing they did with John Corbett.
Same thing the TSA did with John Corbett.
They just out of the clear blue sky, here's somebody who has sued the TSA.
He's exposed that their naked scanners don't work, that they're easily defeated.
And in his lawsuit,
His most recent lawsuit, he was able to look at documents, and he quoted some of these documents, and of course they redacted them out, but when they published them on Pacer.gov, they forgot to redact out, they didn't put the redacted version up, they put the unredacted version up.
So you can see both of them, and you can see that in one of the documents he was able to look at, the FDA admitted back in 2011 that there was no, I'm sorry, not the FDA, the TSA.
I get these alphabet agencies confused.
The TSA admitted that there was no threat.
On either airplanes or airports.
And this was at the same time they were threatening to make Texas a no-fly zone because we had some state legislators who had passed a law that would stop the illegal, unconstitutional handling of women, children, and men at the airport that the TSA is doing.
So, they knew there was no threat, and yet they threatened to shut down the entire
All the air traffic in and out of Texas.
That's the real threat to our freedoms.
So I'm not really sure what happened with Karen Hudez and the trial that she had with them.
We have so many whistleblowers that we're looking at and of course there's this whistleblower at the FDA that is now coming back into the news that he was targeted by the FDA.
They smeared and slandered him based on information that they found on his computer after he blew the whistle on
Yes, sir.
I went online first thing this morning, checked out the stock market.
Seems everything was down, so I went and checked my bank account, and I couldn't log in.
What's your bank?
What bank are you banking with that you couldn't log in?
It's Aberdeen Proving Grounds.
It's a credit union.
Oh, okay.
Credit union.
And then I tried the telephone, the automated teller, and put in my code and whatnot to try to get through there, and it still didn't work.
And, of course, the banks are closed today because of the weather here.
Yeah, it brings up an important point, which, you know, it's not just Bitcoin where you can have technical issues.
You can have those kind of issues with any bank, with any credit unions, even with the big ones.
And it's something that everybody's very concerned about, especially when we look at them constantly pushing us into a digital currency.
And that, I think, is one of the weakest points
It's good that it's not controlled by the central banks, but it is still a digital currency.
What happens when the internet goes down?
When they take the internet down?
I mean, you have the problem then that you have with this online banking with a cashless society.
You have that in spades.
So yeah, eventually we're going to be back to precious metals, I think, like lead and brass and food.
You want to make sure that you can
Grow your own food that you've got a real skill because all this other stuff could just be flushed down the toilet down the memory hole at any point and it's not just bitcoins, it's the Federal Reserve notes that you've got in your bank.
Let's go to Wayne in Arizona.
Wayne, you had a comment about a sheriff there?
Yeah, sometime back I was up on my farm or branch up in northern Arizona and
Sheriff came onto my property illegally and accused me of horse wrestling.
I'm a cowboy.
And I told him, I said, I have no idea.
And he told me that he had tracked my footprints and my horse from a place where a horse was stolen.
And I informed him that I had nothing to do with it.
And I didn't believe he tracked me to my property.
And I told him that he couldn't track a deer on a deer farm, I told him.
He proceeded to search my horse, search my horse's shoes.
He picked up all four feet and searched my horse trailer for stolen saddles and started to accuse me of stealing this horse and that he could hang me.
He told me about 10 times that it was a hanging offense and I could be hanged for horse stealing.
And I argued with him for a few minutes and pretty soon I just walked over to my front gate and
And, uh, escorted him off the property.
Well, another time, sometime back, there was a cow that was, uh, a cow and calf that was, uh, shot by a hunter, I imagine, or some kid.
Was this related to the other event?
Is that why you think the two of them are connected somehow?
The sheriff, the sheriff, uh, uh, told this rancher that they believed I shot this cow and calf.
And, uh, they're trying to turn my neighbors against me.
And I had to talk to this neighbor who was a pretty dangerous character.
Detention Act and the idea that with the war on drugs or even what the FCC is is hoping that they can do now to enact CISPA and that is somebody accuses you of a copyright violation or they accuse you of being a drug dealer or they accuse you of this or that.
Increasingly what we're seeing is is that the government is maintaining that if you're just merely accused by a neighbor or by someone else they can take action as if you had had your full due process and been found guilty.
And that's been going on, that type of thing has been happening going all the way back to the war on drugs, where they would go in and confiscate people's property before they had their day in court, before they were found guilty, merely based on the accusations of law enforcement or based on the accusations of someone who may have had a grudge?
We even saw that in Washington, where we had an ex-wife accuse a man who lived in Washington of having firearms.
It turns out that he just had like a spent shell, I believe, a spent shotgun shell, and now they're coming after him in Washington, D.C.
because of that.
Even though it's a shell that was misfired, he kept it as a souvenir.
They're saying that he had a dangerous contraband weapon.
This is why we all have to be concerned that the government honors
What they said they would do in the Constitution, that is, give us full due process.
Thank you, Wayne.
Let's go to someone else in Arizona.
Damien in Arizona.
Damien, what did you want to talk about?
Yeah, hi.
First, I wanted to, I don't know if you guys are aware, Officer Jack McWham passed away recently.
I don't know if Alex talked about that.
No, I'm not sure that he did.
I didn't know that.
But you're aware of Officer Jack McWham, though, right?
Yeah, he just passed away.
Anyway, yeah, I was listening to Ernie Hancock, another libertarian activist in Phoenix, and he was talking about it, and he attended his funeral.
Yeah, I didn't know that.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, I just thought in case Alex wasn't aware that he did.
Beyond that, since you guys were talking about Bitcoin,
Is InfoWars dedicating some resources to covering a Texas Bitcoin conference?
It's going to be pretty big and it's pretty much who's in who of everyone in the Liberty Movement.
It's going to be in Austin.
When is that coming up?
Is that in Austin?
Yeah, it's actually in Austin.
It's March 6th.
Alright, we'll look into that.
Hang on, we're coming up to a hard break.
We'll be right back with more of your phone calls.
Hang on, we'll get that information.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex in this last segment.
We're taking your phone calls now.
Just before we went to break, we were talking to Damien in Arizona about an upcoming Bitcoin conference that's happening here in Austin.
And as we were on the break, the fellows in the studio told me that Ben Swan is going to be at that conference and he is going to be in studio with Alex on Thursday.
So don't miss that.
That'll be an interesting interview between Ben Swan and Alex Jones Thursday on this radio show.
Now Damien,
When is that conference?
I guess, is it running more than Thursday?
Is it a couple of days?
Yeah, actually, even I just found out about it.
It's called TexasBitcoinConference.com.
It's the list of speakers and listeners.
Yeah, it starts actually on Thursday when Ben Swan is going to be in your studio.
It should be a very interesting conference because this is a very interesting time for people as far as Bitcoin goes.
And it really is.
You know, your money and how you store your value, the value of your labor, can you honestly store that?
That is vital to anybody's liberty.
So we all want an honest currency.
We want anonymity.
We want transportability.
Those are things that we see disappearing from the fiat currency.
So everybody is looking for something that is going to be more honest, more trustworthy than the American dollar.
And of course, that's not really that high a standard.
You know, we might be able to find something out there.
Let's go to, thank you Damien, let's go to Sean in Australia.
Sean, you want to talk about medical tests?
Hello, how are you?
I'm good.
Yeah, here we got the new World Order in full strike mode.
We got Abbott here.
I don't know if you've seen this guy, but he's like straight out of the Matrix and they have a swab where they set up roadblocks and it tests for 80 different substances.
So you think they're doing a, it's 80 different substances?
Are they recording it into a DNA database?
Yes, and it's a trial.
They're just trialing it here in Newcastle.
I'm sure if enough people go with it, they'll just, you know, put it all through Australia.
And it's just, just out of line.
You don't sound, you don't sound Australian.
Are you an American living in Australia?
Yes, sir.
I'm from Las Vegas, Nevada, and I just wanted to tell Alex if he tries to run out of the country, it won't work, because they'll follow him.
Yeah, that's the problem.
It is a global New World Order.
It is everywhere, and that is the problem, as he's pointed out.
You know, there's really nowhere to go.
We have to push this back.
We have to get control of this.
And right now it's an information war.
And we hope that it's not going to turn into a hot war like we see in the Ukraine.
But it is something that we're going to have to fight here.
And they understand that they're losing.
That's why the FDA is putting out contracts to try to monitor social networks.
To try to see what people are saying about their rulings on medical devices, on drugs, on food.
They understand that people
...are being informed about the harmful things that they're approving and essentially giving legal immunity to, and also using this to help the crony capitalists who are in bed with the Obama regime to drive out their competitors, to cover up their misdeeds.
So that's something we all need to be concerned about.
But you're in Australia now, and you don't think it's any better there than it is here, right?
Well, there is one thing I have to say.
It's just such a beautiful country and the people here.
It's Mayberry.
I live in a little suburb called Walt Wall's End and there's not even police here.
Not even Andy and Barney with one bullet.
And it is...
I just, and this is the way they're doing it, and I got my first speeding ticket in the mail.
What it is, is there's not a lot of police force, but they do have this, you know, new technology online, and they're gonna, you know, will target the people they want to target.
Yeah, yeah.
Wow, that's amazing.
Well, thanks for calling.
Let's go to Nathan in Wisconsin.
He's next up on the line.
Nathan, what did you want to talk about?
Oh, I just thought it was a coincidence you brought up.
Mike Baker of Baker's Green Acres and he were thinking about doing a follow up.
I think I heard him in an interview maybe about a year ago and I thought I'd put in a suggestion maybe you might want to get
I don't know, a production crew up there, and kind of... It's an important test, and we really appreciate him standing up for freedom, for everybody's freedom.
Well, that's it for today.
Check out the nightly news tonight at 7 Central, 8 p.m.
InfoWars Radio, tomorrow at 11 Central, noon.
Stay tuned, come back.
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