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Name: 20140131_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 31, 2014
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Thanks for joining us on this Worldwide Friday Edition.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to be here for the next three hours.
David Knight is going to take over for most of the third hour to do an in-depth breakdown on the NSA grid tied into the TSA and how they're using it to persecute libertarians, constitutionalists, conservatives, and constitutional peace officers.
And we had a big break in the investigation yesterday.
He interviewed Richard Mack,
And the local police chief in New Mexico that was under the county.
Some states have that.
New Mexico is one of them.
A lot of areas it's backwards where the police chief of a major city will be over the county.
And the feds came in and basically had him removed because he signed a pledge to uphold the Constitution.
What do you think your oath of office is?
Ten years ago, this would be a huge story.
Nowadays, it's, oh, well, that's just how the tyranny works.
So he's going to be in here airing those exclusive interviews.
One of them didn't air last night because they got the interview late.
But they're going to have those two interviews with both those gentlemen taped, but then
David Knight, traffic copping that and breaking it all down and more in the third hour today.
I'll obviously be here in the first and second hour.
Joel Skousen of World Affairs Brief is going to join us to break down the geopolitical banking meltdown, the Al Qaeda terror threat against the Olympics, what's happening at the Super Bowl.
The entire police state that is unfolding and just a whole host of other issues.
Woodjoel Skousen, always informative, joining us in the second hour.
We are just completely jam-packed with news.
I mean, that's par for the course, but today, today is just really crazy with how much of it there is.
I'm going to try my best to come back from break and kick off the transmission really officially when a lot of stations join us.
And go over what's happening.
But very interesting article that I saw up on DredgeReport.com that I'm going to have cloned over at InfoWars.com just for posterity in case they take it down because sometimes Politico does.
Politico, dear Americans, I saw you naked, and yes, we were laughing, confessions of an ex-TSA agent.
We broke all this four years ago in 2010.
We told you all of it.
We told you they were lying, that they were saving the images.
We talked to TSA people on and off record.
We showed the video of them looking at your naked body, shot by patriots through the security windows into areas where they even had jokes up on screen about pedo bear
A pedo-bear graphic.
A pedo-bear is like a TSA agent, you know, a little bear about how they're teaching the kids how to be pedophiles.
And that photo and video of that through their screening area has been confirmed.
Now, was that TSA agents pointing out what they're doing is wrong?
Because in this article, it has them saying, most TSA officers I talked to told me they felt the agency's day-to-day operations represented an abuse of public trust and funds.
See, they know.
In fact, most of them, even though I attacked the TSA, it's the system and the Congress and the President, they almost always ask for my autograph.
And just, you know, wave me through.
But then it'll be some manager comes over, who's a thug, and gets in my face.
And they've had countless cases of Hollywood stars where they come over with the printout, in England and here, the same systems, and say, can I have a, you sign the naked printout of yourself?
Or these men, sometimes, it was a case in Texas they settled, it was a really good looking woman,
They said, man, you're really hot.
I made her take her top off down to the bra and they actually asked her out for dates.
Because, you know, some guys think if they have the authority, that's their right to then basically push it on a woman.
I mean, this stuff really happens.
And, uh, you know, it's getting crazier and crazier where they're patting down Eric Baldwin's, Alec Baldwin's, you know, baby daughter.
Five-month-old daughter.
Uh, that's all coming up.
Uh, House leaders sell immigration blueprint.
Zuckerberg, who says his users are dumb affers, said, uh,
Anybody who is against open borders is a shocking extremist, and they're going to use Facebook to try to organize all the illegals and everybody else to break the back of the country.
That's all coming up.
Sick kids denied care due to Obamacare.
It's all coming up.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Hey, you White House!
Ha ha!
We know what authoritarianism looks like.
We know what an autocratic, oppressive, unfair system, where the elite are exempt from the laws and the people are enslaved by them.
We know what it looks like.
And a very high-tech, disgusting form of it is being established right now.
It's so incredibly cynical.
You know, when George W. Bush was doing unconstitutional things and was violating the Bill of Rights and Constitution and launching illegal wars, I was a staunch critic.
And I was attacked by the establishment right wing and I was attacked by the establishment left wing.
Because the establishment left was not actually really against those wars.
And they helped to continue them.
And now that we've seen six-plus years of Obama, and the nightmare's been, I don't know, three times worse than Bush on most fronts, ten times on others.
I mean, I'm not exaggerating.
It's so insane.
I'm totally shocked.
And then I see Democratic Party run-and-controlled groups out there that make jokes about everything we talk about.
You know who the usual suspects are.
Raw Story, Media Matters, Huffington Post.
And they sit there knowing that we're telling the truth, knowing that we're in a societal crisis, but lying to their readers and viewers going, ha ha, look at Alex Jones, look at Rand Paul, look at Ted Cruz.
They're discredited.
They're insane.
No one listens to them.
Everyone's laughing at them.
There is no tyranny.
Obamacare is wonderful.
The wars are wonderful.
Funding Al Qaeda is wonderful.
Crushing Assad is wonderful.
And I sit there and I look at it and I know that they know that's all a lie and they're just trying to create a con artist facade that everything's okay.
Well, everything's not okay for you guys.
All of your readership and trust levels are plunging.
Look at MSNBC, CNN, literally imploded.
Libertarianism worldwide is taking over.
The fact that the state is nothing but a corrupt tool of corrupt institutions, both private
Corporate and public is a fact.
The truth is we're rising, you're falling.
And NBC, MSNBC are sinking to the bottom of who the public trusts.
That's the facts.
I'm not in a war with you people.
You're a very sad Benedict Arnold.
You are very sad trendies that try to come up with the best lies and disinformation so that George Soros and people will throw you a bone.
I mean, you could put a gun to my head and say, lie for the establishment, and I would say, go to hell.
And it's because I'm free, and I'm honorable, and I'm real.
And it just freaks me out that out of all the news I'm going to cover here in a moment, it's incredible.
I read what was in the multi-thousand page Obamacare legislation because Senators and others put out cheat sheets of what subsections to go to and I read hundreds of pages every week or so when different versions came out of the 3,000 pages.
I scanned over the 13,000 pages, first 10,000, then 3,000 more of addendums and changes.
And basically it was a blank check to do whatever they want.
Share all your data, NSA the medical records, federalize it, give it to all these corporate interests, kick people off their existing plans, kick people off that had pre-existing conditions, not cover children, lower the quality of care, double, triple, quadruple prices, shut down small health care divisions and providers, small insurance companies and HMOs, small clinic chains that help the poor,
I come from a family of physicians and healthcare management.
I mean, I know about this stuff.
And I had doctors on.
I had researchers on.
The insurance companies bragged that they wrote it.
They lobbied to get it passed.
The Republican leadership helped write it.
And I said, this is a bipartisan screwjob and it's really going to hurt people.
And they said, you're a liar.
There's no death panels.
You're a liar.
It'll cut it in half.
You're a liar.
You can keep your doctor.
And I just sit there.
And they're still defending it, saying we're discredited and Ted Cruz is discredited.
And they're literally just catering to the most mindless trendies out there.
And that hurts me, that my fellow countrymen could be such evil mercenaries.
I don't even hate these people.
I'm very, very sad for them.
Because their future is going to be sold out as well.
I want prosperity.
And I know about British health care, I know about UK health care, I know about European health care.
I have crew members that live in Europe and in England.
I know when you go in with a cold or the flu, they just give you a pack of aspirin and wipeys, like they do in the military.
I know how government treats foster children in military and anybody under their control, like absolute trash, while telling them how much they love them.
How they treat police and others that are in the deadly dust of 9-11.
How they treat sailors that are in the radiation off of Fukushima.
Won't even give them potassium iodide.
Or potassium iodine at the time.
But the officers were taking it.
On the Ronald Reagan.
And I just see this anti-human, anti-liberty, anti-liberal movement.
I mean, I'm a liberal.
Thomas Jefferson style.
Private property, local control, guns, do what you want as long as you don't hurt somebody else.
That's liberal.
I'm liberal, folks.
But that doesn't mean that I have to accept your lifestyle.
You know, if you like guys and that's your issue, I'm not sitting here going after you, attacking you, just don't try to push it on my children.
That's what Vladimir Putin said, and they go, oh my god, he's a Nazi, he's a blah blah blah.
This is what we're talking about.
We're being dominated.
Our liberalness, America's true liberalism, has been taken by fascist control freaks, turned around to where the governor of New York says, if you are pro-life or own guns, you're not welcome in New York.
What a fascist statement!
Get out of the state!
I thought you're for equality.
I thought you're for live and let live.
I thought you're for diversity.
I thought you're for tolerance.
No, it's the opposite.
And until we realize that these are actual seditious evil people taking over, we have no hope.
I mean, they really are bad.
They really do want to run our lives.
They really are like that bad neighbor control freak.
They really are that neighbor that calls the cops on you because your kids are screaming, shooting water guns at each other.
Or because, what's the town passing an ordinance where you can't be over 50 decibels?
I guess that's like regular talking level.
And then you're arrested if you talk in a voice about this loud.
What was the town?
I forgot.
I never covered that last week.
I saw the article.
This is the type of control freak society that we live under.
And so before I hit all the news, and we joined Jakari Jackson from New York, he's across from New Jersey talking to the morons in Times Square about the Super Bowl 48.
I'm going to have a special report tonight on the nightly news about that.
Then I'm going to be live Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
covering it all with the Sunday transmission.
This is an article up on InfoWars.com.
Sick kids denied specialty care due to Obamacare in Washington.
In Washington State, some sick kids have been denied specialty care due to Obamacare.
As we told you, it restricts a whole bunch of procedures.
A local news outlet reports.
That's King Washington.
Administrators at Seattle's Children's today said that they predicted this would happen and it's even worse than they expected, said a local news anchor.
Parents being denied specialty treatment at the hospital by insurance providers on the Washington Health Benefit Exchange.
Children's filed requests on behalf of 125 of their parents and it just goes on.
And this is stuff, they've got to have these procedures or they'll die.
Folks, I watch C-SPAN and they have Prime Minister's questions under Gordon Brown and then before him it was
At one of those moments, who's the guy with the demon eyes?
Yeah, Tony Blair.
And they would get up there and say, you gotta have the brain surgery in one month, but you make them wait 18, they're dying.
Yes, it's unacceptable, we're sorry, but it continues.
This is the plan.
This is the plan, and
It's like they're denying kids care, they're kicking people off the coverage, they're getting ready to euthanize old people, and then they have the cover of Newsweek saying, yeah, it's the case for killing granny, and they just laugh at us and go, yes, we're liberal, give us another peace prize.
And it's all done so these big mega-banks can reap trillions in profits that own the insurance companies, and then all these so-called liberal groups that say they have the moral high ground.
It's all this game where they tell you they have the moral high ground and then you respond to them and go, I promise I'm not racist because I don't want Obamacare.
It's a really bad bill.
And they go, sure, racist.
I mean, these are really evil people.
And you have to come to grips with that.
And they're not going to address little kids not getting health care now.
And then it's getting rid of the free health care that was always there for the poor.
Charity care is being gotten rid of under this.
This is the dream of big insurance companies.
Now let's go to this clip of another great accomplishment of the fascist, criminal, kleptocratic cult that is the Democratic Party with the Republican leadership that is basically the same group.
Here it is.
Children filed requests on behalf of 125 of their patients.
Of those, they say they got only 20 responses, 8 of which were denials.
Dr. Sandy Meltzer said all this comes after reassurances that certain unique specialty cases would still be covered.
Some of the patients who were denied are ones who clearly would fall into that unique category.
A two-year-old with a new significant neck mass that was being evaluated for infection or malignancy.
An older child with a chronic of severe medical condition requiring multidisciplinary care here.
A baby that had a skull abnormality.
Children's went ahead and treated those cases anyway, but dr. Meltzer said they can't afford to keep doing it that way a spokesman for Yeah, so what's happening is the doctors and the hospitals are still doing the treatments under the Hippocratic Oath Which they officially got rid of 25 years ago worldwide but
It's going to bankrupt healthcare.
And that's the plan, as the architect of it, Ezekiel Emanuel, said on Fox.
Well, of course we're going to bankrupt it.
But it's going to be socialist, fascist, but the profit's going to go to banks.
So you're going to pay a lot more for nothing.
And you people don't care.
You Democrats don't care.
As long as you feel like you're on a winning team, you know, you're on like a bandwagon, like idiot sports fans.
You're the same type of people.
So good job.
Good job.
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You fool me with your kisses
We've got the new cover of the new February magazine that just came in today and is on sale in bulk at cost right now on InfoWarsStore.com and it is a riot police officer with my face on him with a halo over his head but the shadow is of a devil.
And you learn what this cover that I came up with, Molly Rogers actually created it, great graphics person, you learn what it means inside.
It means we're all angels and devils inside.
We can be an angel, we can be a devil.
Same thing with the police.
They are a reflection of society and of the governing class.
And we the people have to take the police back by taking back our communities and by humanizing them so that they will humanize us and so that they become aware of the federalization and the globalization and how they're being turned against the population.
It is essential that we engage the military and police.
Now the military is almost completely awake.
The police on average are more awake
Than even the general public.
So the police are one of our greatest hopes and also one of our greatest dangers.
That's always the way it is in history.
Whatever is the hope is also the danger.
And so it is essential that we understand that the move to demonize police that become constitutionalist or oath keepers is because the system is desperate.
But they've already backed off claiming they were going to fire that police chief.
Now they're going to reprimand him, but now they're investigating because of the huge backlash that he signed an oath to uphold the Constitution at a meeting with Richard Mack, a famous sheriff, who's won at the Supreme Court and defeated the Brady Bill.
I mean, a police chief is... I mean, all these police chiefs can go stand on stage with Obama and call for banning guns.
So police chiefs can't say they're going to uphold the Constitution?
You swore an oath to it!
But they're already backing off.
We've got that police chief coming on with David Knight in the third hour along with Richard Mack today.
The police chief from out in New Mexico.
But he got pulled by TSA and then by someone calling himself a fed who wouldn't even identify himself saying, where are you going?
What are you doing?
They had it in the database, folks, with data mining, with the NSA.
This is admitted with the TSA.
They had it in the data mine that he was going to that meeting.
A big public meeting in Las Vegas.
See, they don't want us to act official and big.
They want us to wear camo and hide in the woods like we've done something wrong and have code words so the feds can infiltrate our movements and set us up.
No, no.
We wear suits and ties.
We're taking America back.
We're the good guys.
Statistically, libertarian conservatives have the lowest crime rate, highest level of being middle class, highest level of charity,
Highest level of heroism, of saving people.
Go look at the crime statistics.
We're the good guys.
We're the good guys.
Go look at the crime statistics.
We are.
We're the good guys.
We're the good guys.
Conservative, libertarian Americans.
We're the good guys.
We're where Audie Murphy came from.
The whole nine yards, ladies and gentlemen.
John Wayne, true grit.
That's who we are.
We don't like screwing people over.
We don't like cheating people.
We're honorable.
And all you corrupt people call us chumps.
No, you're the chumps!
We don't want to live in a country overrun with corruption!
We want our kids to be safe!
We want to be treated like we're going to treat others.
Alright, I'm starting to rant here.
The point is, that's coming up.
Speaking of TSA, we broke this with Drudge back in 2010 when Drudge would carry our articles every three or four days showing the naked body scanner images leaking, showing the TSA admitting that they were keeping the images, showing them grope people when they said they weren't, and then here it is Politico.
You guys will punch this up.
Punch up the Politico article so I can show viewers and scroll through it.
The naked body scanning shows the genitals, the breast, everything.
And then they... Dear Americans, I saw you naked, and yes, we are laughing.
Confessions of an ex-TSA agent.
Remember when they said, oh, we can't see you naked, or then we don't save the images?
It's all bull!
We and others were able to go up to the glass, put our cameras up to the glass, zoom in on them, looking at people naked.
Next to, we gotta find that photo from the screenshot of them looking at a pedo bear deal in the control room.
Like making a joke about it, about, hey kids, learn how to learn about pedo bear.
That's what they have on their screens.
It's all a joke to them.
Now the lower level ones though, not the ones behind the glass, they said most TSA officers, you're not officers, you're not sworn folks.
I talked to, told me they felt the agency's day-to-day operations represented an abuse of public trust and funds.
You see that?
Of course the majority of them don't like doing it.
It's one of the highest turnovers.
It's like a 35% turnover a year.
The only thing higher is CPS at 52%.
Because most social workers get into it for a good reason.
They find out it's a scam and get out.
The problem is they just get a bucket of scum that's left.
We'll be right back with Jakari Jackson from Times Square and Super Bowl XLVIII.
He's got some big news and a lot more on the economy.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hi folks, Alex Jones here with some important information.
I want to tell you about Matt Redhawk and his team of Patriots over at MyPatriotSupply.
Several years ago, Matt was sitting in his two-bedroom apartment, frustrated with the direction this country was headed and the Charlatans willing to sell us out for a quick buck.
Deciding to take action, a company run by Patriots for Patriots was born.
MyPatriotSupply has never taken a loan or accepted outside funding.
They now operate two distribution facilities and employ over 50 hard-working American men and women.
It is rare to find companies who practice what they preach.
And that's why I stock my pantry with high-quality, storable foods from My Patriot Supply.
Go to mypatriotsupply.com forward slash alex today for special offers on emergency food storage or call their preparedness specialist at 866-229-0927.
That's 866-229-0927.
Alex Jones here with a message to fellow freedom lovers.
The prognosis for the entire planetary economic system runs from bad to worse.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
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MyPatriotsSupply.com forward slash Alex, ladies and gentlemen.
And lastly, before we go to Jakari Jackson with an update on the Hunger Games, excuse me, I mean the gladiatorial Roman events, I mean, excuse me, the arena battles going on here in the imploding empire, I mean Super Bowl
Forty-eight between the, uh, donkeys, uh, and the, uh, flying rats.
That's the teams, right?
The donkeys and the flying rats?
Or is it... Or is it the dead horses of the stud of the devil, uh, and, uh, the, uh, flying, uh, wombats?
I don't know.
We're going to be talking to Jakari Jackson, who's been in Times Square.
A bunch of reports they're filing live directly to PrisonPlanet.tv, reports to YouTube, to InfoWars.com, to PrisonPlanet.com, to the Nightly News.
This Sunday I'll be live, 4 to 6 p.m., but we're going to have them on for about 10 minutes, then we'll get back into all the really important news.
And Joel Skousen is joining us.
Because the economy, stock markets are going down big time worldwide, especially in Europe, and it's all on currency devaluations.
That's what's happening.
Turkey's in a lot of trouble right now, and that affects the rest of Europe and us here.
A lot of big economic news.
The latest on trying to completely get rid of national sovereignty and complete the journey into the North American Union, that's coming up.
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That'd be like 80 bucks in most stores.
You know why?
Because the shirt cost me like 20 bucks.
So it's $49.95.
And you end up really supporting the broadcast with that super high-quality golf shirt.
Okay, so there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
That supports the transmission.
So we can send Jakari Jackson to the West Coast to get the radiation readings 10 times normal.
And confirm that others got them at 14 times normal.
And radioactive fish.
So we can send Jakari Jackson to the Super Bowl.
With Josh Owens.
We can send Josh Owens and Anthony Gucciardi and Weldon Henson to the NSA to draw attention to that and make national news.
That they don't like us outside their building pointing cameras at them while they illegally surveil us.
I will hire even more great reporters and I will have reporters somewhere everywhere.
Every week we'll go somewhere, if we have the funds.
We don't have the funds right now, but we're getting there.
So thank you all for your support.
That's why it's so essential to also support our local AM and FM affiliates, to become sponsors, to spread the word about those broadcasts, or to support the local sponsors and let them know why you're supporting them.
I mean, we're in a war here.
If you hear us on AM or FM over 160 around the country, you gotta stop on the side of the street.
You gotta go into business and tell people, tune into this show.
That's how we're reaching people.
And despite a media blackout over the years, we've risen from obscurity to very high profile.
Which is extremely dangerous, but I'm gonna go for it all, folks.
I'm not looking for treasure.
I'm not looking for money.
I'm looking for freedom.
I would give my life right now to bring down the New World Order.
I want to be clear about that.
It's not even a question.
If I had to hit a button that would defeat the New World Order but kill me at the same time, I would hit that button instantly.
As fast as I could.
I wouldn't sit there and wait one second.
I'd hit that button.
Because I want a future for our children.
Now, I don't want to die at the same time.
And I'm not planning anything violent.
Because I don't believe that's the most effective thing to do.
I know it's not.
That's not a cop-out, it's InfoWars.
They want us to get violent.
We're winning the hearts and minds right now.
Now, Jakari Jackson is there in Times Square.
Jakari, first off, what have you experienced in New Jersey last night?
You're going back there today.
You're going to be at the Super Bowl covering it live.
You're going to be inside, so after you can cover it, give us your take on the radio on Monday.
I'm going to be on Sunday, 4 to 6.
But tell me about all the experiences you've had so far, the great video reports you've been filing to PrisonPlanet.tv that are up on InfoWars right now.
Well, you got pretty fired up last night and some of the questions you're going to be out there asking coming up.
Jakari Jackson from New York City.
Hey Alex, we're out here exposing the police state and the distraction that is the Super Bowl.
And you're talking about I got fired up last night.
I blew up my voice two minutes into my first report.
I came out here and pulled an Alamo.
But we continued on.
We're out here trying to talk to the people, wake some people up.
We talked to people about a very important topic.
We'll talk about the police state here in a second, Alex, but we just, a moment ago, shot a man on the street talking about a very important topic, that being global warming.
As you can see, Alex, maybe you can't see on the iPhone, but it's snowing out here.
Yeah, pan around.
Have Josh pan around.
Give them a little look there, Josh.
So it's snowing out here in New York.
You see all these people in their hats and scarves.
And we've heard about the icebreakers getting stuck in ice.
Art Acevedo, the Austin police chief, is warning people not to drive in the city of Austin because of black ice on the road.
But I'll thank you, sir, if you would just walk by.
But they're saying that you need to pay your carbon taxes.
So I want everybody out there to pay your carbon taxes to Al Gore, because I'm hearing my scars from my Under Armour.
And Josh has on some Under Armour as well.
So pay your carbon taxes to Al Gore.
Let's talk about the police tape.
There's a huge, huge police presence out here.
We've seen guys walking around with canines.
We've seen the temporary
Viewing devices all the screens and stuff their helicopters flying above I don't know if we can see any right now But there's a huge police presence right here in Times Square And we're out here in Times Square because they won't allow people to congregate outside of the Super Bowl They don't want you to be out there because the befty has to build another giant shrine to themselves out there So the fans are out here, but when we get to the Super Bowl Alex That's when the real tyranny is going to come in because we're out here in New York And there's a lot of talk about stopping for us people being stopped and frisked and pretty much molested here on the streets in New York
I don't know.
Well that's right, being sarcastic there, you actually ran into people that would accept a proctology exam or a cavity search for their safety last night.
That video is up on InfoWars.com.
And I know they have stop-and-frisk violating the Fourth Amendment 300, 400,000 times a year in New York.
Have you been stopped and frisked yet?
Because I know they're reporting in Georgia, there's a new video out where the police actually now pull people's pants down randomly and are doing that.
Have you seen any of that there, Jakari?
No, I have not personally been stopped and frisked.
The police are in pretty good behavior out here.
We even encountered a police officer who was a viewer.
We didn't have a chance to speak to him.
He just said, hey guys, and he walked on about his business.
So the police are out here.
I'll give them that much that they're pretty good, at least today.
I don't know how they are in other areas.
And I don't believe it's the Times Square area where most of these stop and frisks take place.
They're kind of out in the other boroughs.
So, you know, I haven't been stopped and frisked and hopefully I won't, but I definitely will be TSA style molested.
When I go to the Super Bowl.
How about flying up to New York and New Jersey?
Where'd you fly into?
I forget.
I believe it was Newark.
Josh, it was Newark, yeah.
We flew into Newark Airport.
Newark Liberty?
And then we came down here.
We moved to our hotel, which is just a few miles from the Super Bowl.
And now we're out here in Times Square, about 30 minutes from our hotel.
Alright, now expanding on that.
What happened with the security when you flew in?
What'd they do?
Well, when we came in, you know, of course we opted out when we were at the airport.
We got patted down.
Another lady who was awake and quite frankly aware of what was going on in the police state of our country, she opted out as well.
I was very encouraged that she did that.
I didn't have time to interview her because we had to get on the plane.
So now we're out here.
We went to the stadium, the MetLife Stadium.
We approached the security guard.
We asked him where the tailgate was.
He said, man, there's no tailgate out here.
I mean, what's wrong with you?
Why would you ask where the tailgate is?
You can't have tailgates.
You can't have people congregating because it's not safe.
I'm like, well, bro, it's the Super Bowl.
Everybody congregates.
They don't do that anymore.
You can't do that in America.
Land of the free, home of the brave is so afraid of Al Qaeda that the government publicly funds and the Muslim Brotherhood who gets to go through TSA without screening.
I mean we're so scared no one can congregate.
No, they're getting ready for a controlled implosion and a controlled depression and they're banning free assembly and free speech and that's what's going on is the authoritarian clampdown over America.
That's exactly right, Alex, that's exactly right.
And so we're out here, we're going to do some more reports, we're going to talk to people, see how awake these people are, see how distracted they are by the Super Bowl.
You know, when you willfully submit to being patted down, I mean, you're paying thousands of dollars, you're paying for plane tickets, hotel tickets, the tickets to the Super Bowl themselves, even the nosebleed seats are around $1,700.
So you're going to pay all this money to sit in the cold and be molested and have your Fourth Amendment violated.
You know, I heard they almost moved it to another week because of the Arctic blast, because of the global cooling.
Yeah, that's another reason.
Alex, I'm blaming you on this, because I know you don't pay your carbon credits.
They have so much snow at the Super Bowl.
There are guys right now digging out the Super Bowl.
There's so much snow in there.
So they're digging out the stadium.
But if everybody pays their carbon taxes, Al Gore,
Sure, you know he teaches kids penguins can't swim and neither can polar bears, and that the northern ice cap completely melted.
Of course, it's record thick right now, Jakari, but that doesn't matter because Al Gore controls reality, and Obamacare is kicking poor kids off their coverage now, but it doesn't matter.
The Democrats aren't going to apologize, because they have the moral high ground, Jakari.
That's exactly right, and also Obama said that if you live in Africa, you should not have air conditioning.
Or a car, or ever have any appliances.
That's exactly right, Alex.
Because, I mean, he's got to have, you know, millions of dollars a day on vacation and jumbo jets and red carpets.
But people in Africa, Americans have to learn how to be poor.
Jakari, we've got to pay our carbon taxes.
I'm sorry, I lost you there.
Well, no, I mean, I just think it's really bad that you don't want to pay Al Gore carbon taxes to save the polar bears that are five times their number they were in the fifties.
Well, you know, Alex, we encountered some wicked thought criminals who actually use cognitive functions here.
And they said, you know, sir, I'm asking these questions about the carbon credits and the carbon taxes.
They say, sir, well, if we have record low temperatures and icebreakers are being stopped in ice and police chiefs are telling people not to drive in Austin, Texas because there's so much ice on the ground, I don't think that's cause for global warming.
I don't think that's proof of global warming.
So we quickly distanced ourselves from those thought criminals.
Now we're out here to talk to more people about more important issues like the Super Bowl.
Well, that's right, Jakari.
Now, getting serious here for a moment, tell me what you're planning to do, because I think you should go out and, you know, bring up the fact to people that, hey, did you know that the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood is allowed to go through TSA screening?
Did you know our government's funding Al-Qaeda in Syria?
Well, then why do we have to take our rights away?
I think you should go and get a lot of their zombie comments and have, you know, one video about the NFL zombies on the loose.
I think you should go out and
You know, also discuss, I mean, what are some of the ideas that you've got to cover?
Obviously, you're going to look at the fake security.
They've got snipers.
They're saying they plan for attacks on mass transit, seen as top Super Bowl security risk.
I would go talk to people getting on the subway, you know, and ask them, are they afraid because they've been told it's a big risk?
Or do they understand this is all about a climate of fear so the power structure can take over?
Yeah, we'll try to get those done.
But we'll talk about, be serious here for a moment, we'll talk to people about a very serious issue.
That's being human trafficking and the prostitution that surrounds the Super Bowl.
We were watching TV last night, the local news, and it wasn't too far from here they busted a prostitution ring.
So we'll go out to that location, film there and ask people, or at least do a good report.
Well that must have been one that wasn't paying its cut.
You know, my big issue is, is just the underage prostitution.
It's really bad.
But Acorn didn't get in trouble for trying to run deals doing that, remember?
That's exactly right.
James O'Keefe of Project Veritas went and talked to Project Acorn.
He said, yeah, I'm bringing child prostitutes.
I believe he said he's even bringing them from out the country.
And the ladies responded, that's fine, just make sure they go to school.
And it's that kind of mentality, Alex.
It's so-so.
Well, you know, it sucks for them.
That's just the way it is.
That's the moral high ground.
That's why they're allowed to do that, because they're liberal.
Now, expanding on this, Chakar, because I'm wargaming here, the questions, I would go out there and ask people, who do you think's going to, you know, I know who's going to win the Super Bowl.
And they'll come over and debate, and I'll say, no, I'll tell you.
This is what I want you to do, man, on the street.
It's the tax-exempt, multi-billion dollar stadium, some of them a billion and a half dollars, like Jerry Jones's.
Paid for by a guy worth billions and billions of dollars, and they're tax-exempt, but they'll take old ladies' houses if they don't pay their property taxes, or if you don't pay your Obamacare tax.
I want you to get in these people's faces and say, shame on you, after they say they don't care and they only care about the NFL.
I want you to bring that up and say, hey, I know who's going to win the Super Bowl.
Do you want to know?
It's fixed.
And they'll go, it's not fixed.
You know, I like the sea hags, or, you know, I like the, you know, evil donkey.
Or whatever it is, you know, the two different teams.
And then you go, no, I'll tell you who's going to win.
It's the fact that they're tax-exempt.
Do you think they should be tax-exempt?
Should you pay for their stadiums?
And they'll say, well, no, I don't.
We'll go, well then, chump.
You know, realize that's why they're passing Obamacare and open borders and everything is because we're known as chumps in this country.
Jakari, that's what I want you to go ask them is about the tax exemption.
What do you say?
Yeah, we can do that.
We're out here, got plenty of people so we can get that done.
I have to check.
They're talking about moving the time because of weather issues, so I don't think we have official time yet.
Well, we're going to be on 4 to 6 p.m.
covering the Idiot Bowl, and I know there's a lot of men out there going, hey, you know, Alex, I like your show, but don't knock my football.
The country's going down, and everybody's acting like it's some actual war between these two quarterbacks.
It's meant to take your manhood away, folks.
Thank you, Sha'Carri.
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All right, folks, we are back live.
Thank you so much for joining us.
We're going to have Joel Skousen joining us in the next hour.
And I think we'll open the phones up for Joel as well on your questions on the world economy, on what's happening geopolitically.
There is a lot of news on the economy front.
That we're going to be breaking down in the next hour as well.
Huge issues with QE Unlimited being tapered.
Huge issues on what's happening with stock markets and energy.
It looks like what all the experts were saying, middle of 2014, the economy is going to get really bad.
It's already been a depression at many levels.
It's such a controlled economy.
Certain globalist combines are operating and people that are around those groups are not in a depression.
There's even booms in certain areas.
But in the general economies, worldwide, it is not denied that we're seeing a very serious depressionary situation unfold.
And it's because special interests are picking winners and losers and shutting down competition.
And in many cases, now globalists choose to not even supply a service or a commodity
Because they've already knocked out their competition through government regulation and combine operations, and so they choose politically as a tool of control, as they've done in the third world, to not allow development or to remove development.
And this is the essence of the modern 21st century warfare model that is cloured and piven via UNESCO implementation of Agenda 21.
And it is the understanding of this and of how the world really works that once you shift people out of not seeing how things work into the globalist paradigm where they're running things and they're bragging they're running things, people go, you mean I never knew this?
And trust in the system is plunging.
Trust in the so-called left is gone.
The problem is the Republican leadership has circled the wagons with the Democrats to go after a libertarian takeover worldwide of any political party we can to try to put the brakes on bankrupting humanity.
We are being conquered via economic takeover.
We're being signed on to 1,500 trillion plus, 1.5 quadrillion of globalist derivatives debts.
That's USA Today.
And 90 plus percent, on average about 91 percent, 93 percent of the country, of those debts are not actually owed by the country, the corporations, the people.
It is literal toxic Bernie Madoff.
It's not even...
Bernie made off hot air.
There's something in hot air.
There is nothing there but fraud.
And our ignorance fills the sails.
You know what?
There is something there.
Our ignorance is what animates this.
People's absolute lack of understanding about basic economics is the only way.
Notice there's these articles out today.
84% of doctors in New Major Poll, The Herald Tribune, don't know how Obamacare works and say they think it's broken.
It's just like the website's broken.
Oh, sorry!
It would work, but the website doesn't work, and then it never works.
And then a bunch of idiots think they sign up, and it turns out none of them signed up.
We're talking a few percentage points.
And then when they do, it's a bad deal, but they go, well, I got it.
So it's like, I got it.
I got this brass ring.
It's how they build up things.
Like you wait in line for 10 hours for a cup of soup, and then it tastes like chalk, but you eat it because you stood in line.
It's pure psychological warfare.
And people are absolutely getting screwed seven ways to Sunday by this right now.
And I'm just sick of it.
I mean, they're kicking sick kids off their health care plans and not letting hospitals give them treatments now.
All over the country.
And there's no apologies from the so-called left.
Because they're not the left.
They are craven, disgusting, social engineer criminals.
Understand that?
Bill Scott.
Thank you for listening to EZN.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, Joel Skousen, Marine Corps fighter pilot, aviator from the Vietnam era.
Best-selling author, researcher.
His uncle, of course, Cleon Skousen, wrote The Naked Communist.
Really one of the seminal works exposing how the ultra-rich use communism and socialism as a political tool of slavery.
And of course, he's the editor-in-chief of World Affairs Brief.
You know, four or five days ago, I said, I want to get him on.
And it was about Russia, and it was about the economy, and it was about China threatening to nuke the U.S., and the sellout of our technology.
And I can't remember why I wanted to get him on now.
I mean, there was one particular reason.
It'll pop in my head in a moment.
But the point is, he can speak to all the stuff that's going on in the world.
And then I can go over the news with him about what's happening in the world, how the entire neocon slash liberal combine wants open borders, what the plan is with that, and where he thinks we are societally.
So again, we have him via Skype, and we'll also be going back and forth with phone when his Skype drops.
Joel Skousen, thank you for coming on with us.
Oh, Skype dropped as well.
I tell you, Joel's just awesome, but sometimes he's got technical issues.
But hey, it's the wonder of technology that we can even talk to somebody at a distance.
So that's always good.
I'm sure we want to get the message across to him to be on phone and Skype at the same time.
That's the key.
But I'll talk to him during the break.
But we'll be discussing that with Joel Skousen.
By the way, I should mention this to everybody.
The subscription side of InfoWars Magazine has been very, very successful.
But it's really a tool just to get bulk magazines out.
That was so much more successful.
If you didn't subscribe last month, you will never get a subscription to this.
We're not going to get rid of it in 12 months.
We're going to continue with the bulk making of it.
I love the magazine.
It's very successful.
You know, having 12 shipping, shipping at 12 times, that was like more than half the cost paying for the shipping each time, because you can't get media mail in a newspaper or a magazine.
And so, you know, even at $39.95, 12 issues delivered, it's just so much more inexpensive to sell these in bulk.
I mean, we can ship you 10 of these at cost for a little bit more than it would be to have the subscription each month.
So that's what we're doing.
Get it.
It's a big glossy color magazine.
The February issue is out.
And then you've got a big double cover glossy magazine full of the most important articles of the month and original articles.
This one deals with the heart and soul of the police and the battle by the globalists to turn them into third world enforcer thugs in our battle to try to wake them up.
How the police can be devils or angels.
And how the globalists are trying to turn them to the dark side, how we need to fight to take back control of our police from the feds themselves that have been captured by the globalists.
And there's a bunch of other key articles and letters to the editors and so much more in the magazine.
But this is, again, a very important issue dealing with the police throughout it that I'm really, really, really
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
Absolutely sure to.
It's Murica, not America, Murica.
Got the bald eagle landing there.
This is just pure Americana.
If you show a trendy this, or a socialist this, or a so-called feminist this, we're torturing feminists, fake feminists, since 1995.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I wanted to get Joel Skousen on last week because I was rereading over The Naked Communist on Wikipedia that has the goals of communism.
And when a lot of the Soviet archives got declassified in the 90s, indeed these were official communist goals that Klyan Skalzin, his uncle, was able to get.
So I wanted to get him on about this because when you see the Grammys with multiple satanic rituals going on, and I know some of the people involved, they're very serious,
Lady Gaga, all of them actually believe they're being attacked by demons.
I mean, these people, whether you believe it's real or psychological, it's still an archetype.
They're manifesting this mental illness.
And other authoritarian regimes are always occult-driven.
Hitler was into the occult, the Babylonians, the Egyptians, the Romans.
They serve the same archetype.
Even if we don't believe in God, they are manifesting the same spirit.
So it's real one way or the other, and of course, I know it's spiritual.
Now we've got his nephew on who's an author and of course a former Marine Corps fighter pilot in the Vietnam era.
Heads up worldaffairsbrief.com.
Joel Skousen via Skype and phone, in case either one cuts out you'll hear different audio quality back and forth today.
He joins us because I wanted to get him on in the first half of the hour.
About the communist goals, and how mega-rich fund communism and socialism as a tool of control, because people get confused by that.
Why does George Soros fund socialism and communism?
Why did the New York banks fund the Bolshevik Revolution?
On record, that was in congressional testimonies, and came out in documents, in multiple committees.
What are the big foundations up to?
Capture both of the political parties of the United States.
Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil laws.
Use fake civil rights to trump basic human rights and God-given rights.
Get control of the schools.
Use them as the transmission belts for socialism and current communist propaganda.
Soften the curriculum.
Use student riots to foment public protest.
Infiltrate the press.
Get control of book reviews.
Continue discrediting American culture.
And now it's been declassified.
The CIA would put out decadent art to then basically then discredit beautiful art.
And again, now you turn on any children's show, any movie, it's meant to sell you on ugliness, to where now anything good and pure, it's not enough to accept gays now.
No, no, being straight is bad, we're told in the news.
You see it everywhere.
And again, this is done as the subversion program.
First they want to subvert, then they want to basically undermine the society.
They want to collapse the society and then reorganize it.
So we are literally seeing saboteur operations going on.
And then you understand these are not liberals, folks.
They knew Obamacare would hurt poor people.
They knew it would bankrupt the country.
They want full control.
They hate the masses.
Communists at the top are never really communists.
They are banker technicians conning the unwashed masses.
So I wanted him to break down
The program that came out that they've now discredited the American Founding Fathers, that's number 30, present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the common man when it was the opposite.
They hadn't fully realized these dreams, but they were the first to really put it in paper and move it forward.
And so he joins us now to talk about that.
Then at the bottom of the hour, I want to get into the geopolitical outlook, the economy, the Russians, the Chinese, what's happening in the Middle East, the major buildup for, you know, continued authoritarianism, but the huge awakening we see unfolding with Joel Skousen.
And when I told him I wanted you on a few days ago, I hope they relayed that it was about this, but I know you're an expert on it, so you can speak to it.
But now, who can deny they're trying to undermine culture and any good institutions so they can collapse them and bring in a total takeover?
Joel Skousen.
Well, thanks, Alex.
It's good to be with you.
It's good to be with you.
One of the things that I want to point out at the inception here, as I've gone through the 45 goals that Cleon extracted from Communist writings, it's important to realize that you won't find this listed anywhere in Communist literature.
In other words, this was in bits and pieces from various different Communist writers at the time, and actually only about half of them have come true.
And what's most interesting, and you've mentioned some of those especially, and I might mention, you know, getting UN recognition for Red China, replacing Taiwan was a communist goal, doing away with all loyalty oaths, resisting any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party, all those have been done, Russia continued access to the U.S.
Patent Office.
They did not, however, able to capture both political parties, that is, for the Communist Party.
They were not able to get control of the schools, per se.
But the schools have been under the control of what we would call globalists.
And this is the most interesting thing about what's happened is that when I look at the list of what they were able to accomplish out of these 45 goals, the half that approximately that were able to be achieved were not achieved by communists.
But they were achieved by non-communists, globalists, and socialists, and leftists and liberals in the United States, who all share the same, you know, philosophy.
That's the key, is that the Carnegie Endowment and the Ford Endowment, as you know, had helped fund the Bolshevik Revolution and all the rest of it, so it wasn't that they were imitating the communists.
It was that they had been the progenitors of that movement going back even to the 1850s as a way to control rebellions by serfs against one form of slavery.
They were now going to bring in another.
And so the Russians and the KGB and others were actually working for some of the same goals as the Western establishment, as Carol Quigley wrote.
And for example, on the infiltration of the press, I mean, you know, in the 40s there were quite a few communists in the press.
But even some of the major communists that the Whitaker Chamber exposed, like Alger Hiss, turned out to be a globalist who only joined the Communist Party to facilitate bringing them into the State Department and to make the communists feel like they had one of their people at the top levels of the Roosevelt administration and Truman administration.
But in fact, he was a globalist facilitating these things.
And that's what people have to understand, is that this has brought support among anyone who's basically on the receiving end of satanic inspiration.
And it, you know, it includes conspiracies, it includes blues, unthinking liberals, it includes, you know, the gay community.
That's what you're getting at, is there's an energizing spirit throughout history that weaves the same web.
That's right, and you know, I know a lot of people don't believe in God, and a lot of people don't believe in Satan, but they're both very, very real, and they both speak to people's minds.
It comes in our own voice, comes in your own grammar, so it sounds like you're talking to yourself, but people know.
People recognize when, you know, temptation comes in, and when good inspiration and good reminders come.
And this is the battle of civilization, the test that's going on in each people's mind of what voice are we listening to?
And they don't have to be full communists to be listening to a voice that will denigrate culture, denigrate society, and rail against... Even Ayn Rand, who was a libertarian, railed against God.
She hated God.
She hated that voice of conscience, which spoke out against her immorality and her lust and other things.
And other people who get involved in sin have the same problem.
And that's why there is a relationship between bad judgment and sin and the kind of hateful philosophies that end up being created in the minds of men by listening to the wrong sources.
And so it's very interesting that this could be a list equally as useful to globalists, as liberals, as communists, even though they aren't members of the Communist Party.
And now every other public event, they're having open satanic ceremonies and gay marriages.
I mean, there is an agenda there.
I mean, since when is that what America is known for, is satanic ceremonies and gay marriages?
Well, you know, one of the things that you brought to the public's attention was the Bohemian Grove and the satanic rituals that are there.
And you have top politicians and leaders in the United States being invited and participating in that.
So it's hard to separate the satanic element that's driving this force and the various superficial organizations that are created.
And there are many of them, whether it's the Bilderberg Group, whether it's the Communist Party, whether it's Fabian Socialism.
Council on Foreign Relations.
Exactly, and when I was in Bohemian Grove, you know, you could say it was a joke, a bunch of guys reenacting an ancient Babylonian ritual mixed in with some druidic rituals, but the old men in the crowd, I talked to said, oh, this is interesting, and they literally growled at me.
They were in focused, hateful, religious rapture, and some of them had tears coming out of their eyes, Joel.
I mean, what does that sound like to you?
Well, I can believe that, but I mean, these people, we have to remember what drives so many people to get involved in this control system is the promise of immunity.
You know, this is a powerful system that controls courts, it controls congressmen, it controls the president.
Man, you're smart!
The whole ritual was about immunity.
They thought they were getting immunity in that ritual.
That's what they were doing.
In fact, I believe that there's, you know, not only immunity on this earth, and we see that happen all the time.
I mean, Bill Clinton in the presidency acted as if, hey, nobody can touch me, and he was right!
Nobody could touch him, because he was on the rights, on this, you know, the control side.
But I think in terms of the satanic ritual, I think there's also part of the Faustian pact, is the promise of immunity from God's judgment, and
You know, that's what I think Isaiah 14 is all about, when all the rich men and high men of the world are sitting in chains in hell, waiting for Him that was going to thrash the world to come down and save them.
And then they see Him descend in chains, and they say, art thou become one of us.
Meaning, Satan descends and they realize, oh, the immunity pact is broken.
He isn't going to be able to save us.
I think that's what Isaiah was talking about.
Unbelievably powerful.
Let's come back and discuss that.
I bring up communism, he brings up the devil.
Because Lenin said he worshipped the devil.
I mean, that's what is at the bottom of the rabbit hole, folks.
Whether you believe in the devil or not, these people believe in him, they worship him, and they are given power by him.
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Alright, Joel Scouser, this is a short segment, long segment coming up to get into geopolitics.
Everyone that I know has a serious feeling in their gut of concern.
It's increasing.
I've never had so much concern.
And I think of the globalists, what fools they are.
I instinctively, at a spiritual level...
Know that the big sin is leading people astray, trying to get people into evil, trying to take advantage of childlike minds, as Christ said, suffer the little children.
We're not just talking about children, we're talking about young people, folks that are looking up to you.
And you talk about God-fearing.
I just feel it in my spirit if something's bad.
I don't even want to do it.
Thinking about it, even to study it, makes me have fear of separation from God.
Not that I'm some great goody two-shoe or anything, but I don't do conscious evil, and I have a drive to stand up against evil, and that's why I don't have fear of it.
I have fear of letting it take over.
But I think about what fools the worldly are.
They either hate God because they feel the judgment, even though they say God isn't real, or they do, literally at Bohemian Grove, conduct all these rituals and say to absolve them from the care and what they've done in the last year, and they take it very seriously, as if some satanic ritual is going to get them out of what they've done.
I mean, even in the real world,
When they allow radiation out of Fukushima, it hits their kids and them as well.
I mean, they may get a few get-out-of-jail-free cards, but this is the height of delusion.
But you're right, it's the heart of the world is about escaping judgment.
But that just seems so mindless.
I mean, a five-year-old should know you can't escape judgment forever.
Well, you have to remember that these people have a great motivation to escape judgment.
They've got a mountain of sin.
And they've got a mountain of evil intent as well.
And what keeps them going is the fact that someone is promising immunity, and they really do act as if... I mean, let me point out from another point of view, I often get this question, how is it that the globalists, the most wealthy men in the world with all the ownership of factories and major inroads into big corporations, why would they bring upon the nation
And the answer is that no man, no evil person, would simply conjure up that kind of scenario, that kind of a plan on his own.
The only way a human being
Looking out for his best interest would do that if someone more powerful than him had said, you do what I say and I grant you immunity.
You will come out unscathed.
Now, he won't be able to fulfill those promises.
But that's the only thing that gets smart, evil people to go along with an agenda that does threaten their existence.
They've been promised immunity.
They've been promised that they'll escape.
Now, that's one of the reasons why people in our government, even retired CIA, DEA, FBI, they built
Major bunker safe room systems in homes in Colorado, Utah, and other safe places.
I mean, these people are not dumb.
They know what's coming, and they are preparing to defend themselves.
The government, of course, and its continuity of government program has huge new underground bunkers, a major system in the West Utah desert to replace Cheyenne Mountain, which they know is a known target.
They're doing a lot of secret bunker systems because they know the Soviets and the Chinese know where the original ones were, and they want protection.
But as I say, ultimately, Christ is going to have the last say.
His second coming, I believe, comes because Satan has near total control over the entire world, except for a remnant of good people which won't be allowed to be destroyed.
I mean, we've got a real battle royal on our hands, Alex, and you're doing a great job in terms of alerting people to what's
What's coming, but the big thing is, people need to know, it's not necessarily economic collapse that's the major problem, it is this war with Russia and China, and they are both building for it.
And we are disarming, proposing in the next few months another disarmament treaty with Russia, even though they have been violating every single one.
Can you imagine the irony of that, is that we have three nuclear powers, major nuclear powers, and we're negotiating with one, disarming as if the third, China, doesn't make any difference.
I mean, talk about a fool's paradise.
You know that's not sane disarmament, when you aren't even suggesting a disarmament treaty with the third, which is going to slowly outstrip even Russia in terms of ability to put nuclear throw away.
Stay there.
I want to cover the waterfront with what's happening on the planet right now with the economy, Obama, the attempt by the neocons to completely destroy the Republican Party so there's no opposition, the open borders, and a lot of other breaking news with Joel Skousen.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
His site's WorldAffairsBrief.com.
We'll be right back on the other side.
Tell your friends and family to tune in.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Sooner or later gotta cut you down.
Sooner or later gotta cut you down.
Alright, I want to throw out a whole bunch of topics at Joel Skousen of World Affairs Brief to get his take on them.
First off, how are things going for Obama in your view?
They're trying to put autocratic elected presidents, but also appointed Goldman Sachs dictators over places like Italy and Greece.
Obama is openly taking on dictatorial powers more and more.
The Republican leadership's not even really criticizing it, or they are mildly.
Obviously, you know, that's part of a longer precedent to concentrate power.
But Obamacare was designed, as we know, to implode health care, but it's extremely unpopular.
But they don't seem to care.
They just go forward with every program, even if it's unpopular, like they're trying to catch up.
What's going on domestically
Well, first of all, the State of the Union address by Obama was very telling.
The biggest thing that he announced really was a minimum wage increase to $10.10.
And everything else was downplayed.
Now this is very telling, Alex, because it means instead of broadcasting what his agenda is going to be in the next year,
He was downplaying it.
Oh, he mentioned amnesty and that we need to pass it.
He mentioned disarmament.
He mentioned some of these other things.
But were he to come out and make a major presentation, we're going to have this, I'm presenting this amnesty bill and I'm presenting this major, there is a crescendo, a wave of opposition to Obama.
And I feel that the downplaying of these issues in the State of the Union was specifically meant not to raise up the opposition, not to get everything stirred up.
They want to slip these in either through executive orders or through, you know, their compromised Republicans, like John Boehner, getting him to go.
He's preparing to go along with the amnesty.
So that's how I view the Obama administration.
They're very much aware he's under fire.
He's very unpopular.
And that's why, as I mentioned in today's World Affairs Brief, he threw a bone to Marco Rubio, Senator Rubio.
It's very rare that a Democratic president would say something positive about a Republican who's going to run against Hillary Clinton in the next election.
But he did.
And that can only mean, number one, that they're
The typical corrupt politician, Chris Christie, that they wanted to throw at conservatives, he was just like Rudolph Giuliani in 2008, wasn't going to fly with conservatives.
Neither is Chris Christie.
And so he threw a bone, threw a major kudu to Senator Rubio, and that means he's the backup man the establishment's going to promote, probably, for president.
There's several others in the offing, but that was the telling incident, and it shows the establishment is probably going to allow the Republicans to have a controlled president.
They get certain things done under a radical Democrat like Obama, and they get certain things done under a person, a controlled Republican like George W. Bush, and they'll have, I guarantee you, a very controlled Republican in 2016 for us.
Now, in terms of the economy,
The economy is still struggling.
A lot of figures are down, only a few figures are up, and a lot of those are manipulated.
But there is a comeback coming in the housing market, mostly because demand is so high.
Rentals are hot.
They're running out of rentals.
All of the millions of people that are coming online, getting married, joining the workforce, have no place.
They're pushing the rental market.
There is going to be a continued rise in the housing market.
It won't be a major bubble, in my opinion, but it looks like they're trying their best to inflate in a moderate way in order to keep this thing going.
One of the things I want to say, though, about the economy is that, you know, this recession that we're still in, they're calling it a recovery, but we're still in a recession, and this really is what's real, Alex.
This is where people ought to get used to the level of business.
Walmart's got to get used to lower sales because that reflects what people are still selling enough to make a profit.
Nobody's going bankrupt in this thing, but they are having to get used to lower sales.
And so rather than call it
A depression or a recovery, what it really is, is a stagnant economy that is sorting out over time.
The longer you allow it to go over time without collapsing, the more it tends to sort itself out.
And I am of the strong belief that
In contrast to what Lindsey Williams keeps saying that his insiders think is bogus, that they are not trying to collapse the economy.
If they wanted to collapse the economy, all they'd have to do is pull the money supply.
And it would happen overnight.
All the Ponzi schemes, the paper gold contracts, the naked shorts,
Well sure, what they're doing is they're pumping up their controlled economy while regulating out of existence all of their economy systems they don't control.
They're consolidating things right now.
Well, it is true that most of the new money that is created, first of all, goes through the speculative economy.
It goes through the major banks that control the Federal Reserve, the J.P.
Morgan Chase and the Goldman Sachs, gets into the stock market, and that's why the stock market is due for a major correction.
I think it could come down in this year as much as 20%, but that won't collapse the economy.
Economies really don't collapse unless war comes along.
They do go down, there are depressions, but all of those things are caused by pulling the money supply, just like the depression of 1929-30.
And they're not showing any signs right now of pulling the money supply, they're showing all the signs of continuing to bail things out.
Now, I'm not predicting that things are good.
They aren't good.
Uh, but I see every sign that the powers that be don't want to pull the plug, don't want to cause problems.
Sure, they want a long cold depression against everybody but the sectors and combines they control.
Let's expand out from that point.
What do you make of the reports by the head of Saudi intelligence four months ago that he would launch al Qaeda attacks inside Russia?
We now see those unfolding.
Do those look like those are real terror attacks, meaning to destabilize the Olympics for Russia helping Syria?
I see a motive there.
Or does Putin have any type of motive for a false flag?
It's complex and hard to answer, Alex, because there's a lot that we can't prove.
There have been reports of the Saudis threatening Putin.
I personally don't believe it.
I don't believe Saudi Arabia would ever get in the position of threatening Russia, who could squash them like a bug, if they wanted to.
There is legitimate... As I pointed out in a couple of World Affairs Briefs back,
The U.S.
and Russia have both used false flag terrorism to gin up the war against terror so that they can use that to clamp down on opposition.
But in doing so, both the U.S.
and Russia have created real terror in response to their occupation, in response to their using false flag terror to justify clamping down on peoples.
They have produced real terror, and so
In my estimation, there is real terror that happened in Bolhadovgrad, which is about 100 kilometers from Sochi.
I'll tell you, the reports I've got from Sochi is that the KGB and the Secret Service of Russia is out in force.
They've got anti-missile batteries on their camouflage nets.
They have got
Hundreds and hundreds of special forces roaming the streets in plainclothes.
It could still happen, but boy, I tell you, Putin knows that the real terrorists want to embarrass him, and he's determined not to be embarrassed.
But I'm frankly not buying the rumor or the propaganda that the Saudis are trying to take out or take on Russia directly.
Well, regardless, we know that the globalists have been funding radical Islam in that area, and so why are the radical Islamists activating ahead of the Olympics?
Do you think the West is behind that?
Well, not really.
You've got to remember the West is
And vice versa.
What about Ukraine?
I mean, is that because they wouldn't join the EU?
This is a big issue, Alex.
The Ukraine is going to be an ongoing thing.
Now, Gorbachev came out and asked Putin to intervene militarily in Ukraine, and suggested he do so.
Putin visited Ukraine, said no military intervention.
But he did want to set down the guidelines.
Here's what I think happening.
Just like Hitler used attacks on Germans in the Sudetenland and Poland to justify an eventual invasion, Russia has put millions of Russians, immigrants, into Ukraine, into Georgia, into Belarus, into the Baltic States, and they're still there today as a minority.
It would be very easy to get those people to, you know,
They have an attack mentality or get a false flag attack on them to justify Russian troop intervention.
It's too early for that, however.
And I don't think that Russia wants to move too soon.
They're not ready to take on the United States in a major third world war.
That's why I don't think they're going to end up supporting Syria or Iran if they go down, just like they let Iraq go down.
In other words, all of the major new weapon systems that both Russia and China are putting online are not supposed to come online or be operational until at least 2020.
So this is clearly too early to be creating a false flag excuse to go in militarily into Ukraine.
That said,
It's my analysis that this is going to be a festering thing that's going to go on for several years and will build into a crescendo that will spread into Georgia and Belarus and other countries that will eventually justify a Russian intervention.
In the same sense, over in the Far East, China is really getting some hot rhetoric at the Davos International Economic Conference.
They really went head-to-head with Japanese Prime Minister Abe
And, uh, you know, threats and counter-threats.
And the trouble is, the Eastern mentality is one of saving face, and they get up there and pound the pulpit and make threats to one another, and it's very difficult for Orientals to back down and save face, especially the Chinese.
Nevertheless, they too aren't ready to take on the world.
We are going to see them continue to test the waters.
But you agree that at any time with China saying they might invade and take Philippine islands, they might take Japanese disputed islands.
I mean, if that happens, if Japan or the U.S.
doesn't stand down, it will be a confrontation.
Or is China really that willing to saber-rattle?
Because, you know, as you said, the whole Asian cultural, historical, military mindset, they don't usually threaten something unless they're
You're planning to carry it out, right?
That's right.
And as I say, they don't want to lose face.
And I think they're going to catch the waters by taking control militarily of some of these islands.
And I think the U.S.
is going to let them get away with it.
And I think that's going to be a big sign to China.
Yep, we're on a roll.
Just like we did with the Japanese in the 30s.
We let them get away.
We let them invade China.
We didn't stop them.
And it only gave them more, you know, enthusiasm for the fight.
And so I think that's what you're going to see.
I think you're going to see them take the Philippine islands first, or they might take the ones down by
Uh, Vietnam, uh, which are disputed as well.
Uh, they'll probably leave the Senkakus to last because Japan does have a fairly formidable, uh, defense force that could put up, uh, a fight.
But I think you're going to see a little domino effect going on here and you're going to see the, the U.S.
show its, uh, conciliatory paper tiger, uh, nature.
And we know what they're up to.
The globalists like, uh, Admiral Locklear, uh, in charge of, uh, Sink Compact, uh,
It's clearly out to pacify the Chinese.
They know it.
The Obama administration put him in that position to pacify.
And it's going to create war someday.
These people are playing soft in order to, you know, invite this attack.
I mean, China and Russia know that the West is a formidable enemy and that's why they're
They are rushing things, though.
You know, Alex, they talk about the four new aircraft carrier groups that are trying to
They're actually in construction.
The keels are being laid.
They're not supposed to, according to a report six months ago, be ready and operational until 2022 to 2024.
And the latest report coming out, the Chinese said they want them operational by 2020.
That indicates that they're accelerating their timeline or attempting to.
And as I pointed out in my World Affairs Brief last week, the closer they get to operational readiness for war with the West, the easier it is for them to go early
By taking advantage of an opportunity that may present itself.
We are, but only after I think we absorb a nuclear first strike.
Here's how I think it's going to come down, Alex.
It has to be North Korea.
North Korea is the most rogue element in the world, and yet it's being given a pass by the U.S.
We don't do anything to stop its nuclear progress, unlike Iran.
And Iran is being set up, by the way, for a failure of this current agreement so that the U.S.
can attack.
That was put out in a Brookings Institution piece in 2009, where they said, you know what the U.S.
needs to do is bend over backwards and give them a peace deal, have them violate it so that it appears as if we didn't want this war, but Iran really slapped us in the face over this.
I think that's what Iran's being set up for.
And that will not turn into World War III.
Because Russia and China, it's too early, they aren't ready to go to the third world war over Iran.
That will be done to consolidate Israel's hegemony over the Middle East and the hatred of both the US and Israel will increase dramatically, which feeds the excuse that Russia and China need eventually to take down the bully of the world.
But the trigger event, I believe, will be North Korea.
When you see a North Korean launch against the South and they have
They do some minor military attack every year, so you've got to be careful not to confuse those with the major artillery barrage on Seoul.
If that ever starts, you know you're days away from nuclear war.
People ought to get out of the cities.
There are major nuclear targets like Seattle, Washington, D.C.
When we come back, tell us how the war games, it's not just your analysis, this is what a lot of the big think tanks admit, that's why the main force is to Asia, how it will play out within two days, how big the nuclear attack will be, and of course the film, Strategic Relocation, that we produced together, I should add, is available exclusively at InfowarsStore.com on DVD for your archives, or it can be seen at PrisonPlanet.tv, and then the big color book,
This coffee table book, there's no other research out there like it outside of government systems that nobody has access to.
And Joel Skousen's World Affairs Brief, his book, Strategic Relocation, available at InfowarsStore.com.
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David Knight's coming up in the next hour in studio with breaking NSA news that's really bombshell.
I mean, we already knew it was happening, but it gives you an idea of the secret police networks, the airports, other areas to be internal checkpoints.
To target constitutional peace officers and things like that.
I mean, we know how this takeover is going to look.
And, you know, the government could do a false flag to go after the Liberty Movement at any time, or they could wait.
The point is, is that we know this is being geared up, but we shouldn't even be afraid of it.
We should be afraid of not speaking out against it and stopping it and exposing it.
I get frustrated.
People ask why I get mad at football.
Well, they just obsess over the family of one quarterback and the other quarterback's family and what they eat for dinner and what they're into.
It's all the military mind of man being projected onto something that doesn't matter.
Like, we're studying thermonuclear war, we're studying geopolitics, we're studying the stock market, we're studying the mindset of the elite, we're studying what's in the vaccines, we're studying
People think that's weird, like studying real things, even though in the real world you can make a lot of money just in business knowing this stuff.
This is how the elite think, except it's from their perspective.
And then we try to spend time learning how the real world works and it's weird.
That's why I get very upset about the things of a child.
It'd be one thing if you went to a ball game because your kid's in it, or you liked a sports team, but when it becomes God, it becomes a Romanesque, gladiatorial evil, and that's what makes me sick.
We've got four minutes left, Joel Skousen.
Thank you so much for the time.
You've got the floor.
Break down why you say Korea's the trigger.
Most other big analysts agree with that, by the way.
If it ever kicks off with China, how that would unfold, and why we've pivoted to the Pacific, and where that's going.
Well, in the first place, the pivot to the Pacific is really only about a 10% increase in assets.
It's not enough to deter China.
It's just a mere facade.
It's a little bit of political theater.
There has to be a reason why North Korea has been preserved.
That's why I say it's got to be the trigger.
In other words, Iran, they've fumed, they've threatened, they have the military options on the table, they want regime change, we infiltrate, we use corporate operations.
We do none of that with North Korea.
In fact, we've guaranteed them no regime change and no military options on the table.
They're the most awful, god-awful regime in the world!
And yet we do nothing.
And that's only because, it could only be because the globalists know that they are the puppet of China and that they will be the trigger.
Here's how I think it's going down.
I think there will be an attack against South Korea.
The North Koreans have over 2 million troops.
20,000 artillery troops.
They can level Seoul in a matter of 3 or 4 days.
The only way the U.S.
can stop that attack from taking over the South is using tactical nuclear weapons.
And that would give China the excuse, then, to nuke the United States.
is guilty of first use.
is the bully of the world.
Russian-Chinese unite to launch against U.S.
military targets.
Not civilian targets, per se.
There will be about 12 to 15 cities that are inextricably connected with the military that we're going to get hit, like I've mentioned in strategic relocation.
You don't want to be in those cities when this attack comes.
You may have two days notice when that attack in Korea starts before China launches on the United States.
And if you ever see everything black out, because both Russia and China will use a preemptive nuclear or EMP strike, electromagnetic pulse strike, to take down the grid before the nukes actually fall.
Anytime you see all electricity out and no news, nothing at all, that's the time you need to be getting out of those cities before the panic hits.
Now, I think our globalists come out of their bunkers then.
They'll survive the attack.
They'll say the Russians and Chinese deceive us.
We need to establish a global military, because our military's been taken down.
No one to protect us.
We need a global military force.
And that's when the big World War III starts.
That's right.
That's when it starts.
Only then, Alex, does the U.S.
bring out the space-based weapons to stop Russia and China from hitting any more targets.
I want to do five more on this than David Knight's coming in.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
By the way, they've been purging the military, trying to put more globalists in right now.
And now a third banker, top banker this week, commits suicide.
They had a whole bunch commit suicide last week, week before that.
That's up on InfoWars.com.
Frothing panic on school bus over Power Ranger toy gun.
Amnesty will cause illegal immigration to explode.
Department of Homeland Security censors report on deadly force.
Google Patent seeks to transmit your cell phone video to law enforcement.
That is so out of control.
I'm not kidding.
That's all up on InfoWars.com.
I should have covered that earlier.
Joel, we got about five minutes left here.
I want you to finish up with
The scenario, we cover it in the film, Strategic Relocation.
It's in your book.
They're both available.
The film exclusively at InfowarsStore.com.
And it's just invaluable film to watch, invaluable book to have.
And when you've studied the country and the world, it's incredible how much you've traveled.
This is something everybody should be thinking about in this insane world.
But finishing up with a scenario of the superweapons then being rolled out.
That's right.
In other words, there are secret black budget weapons that the U.S.
has been developing for years and they have not revealed to the American people and will not be used to defend us against this nuclear first strike.
PDD-60 was signed by President Clinton, which instructed our nuclear forces to be prepared to retaliate only after absorbing a nuclear first strike.
General Butch Neal of the Marine Corps said retaliate with what?
After you've absorbed it.
And that's exactly what the globalists want.
Now our missile forces still intend, and still think, they're going to get the orders to launch on warning.
And launch on warning is a very important tactic.
It means that the one who launches first, actually his missiles, because they're ballistic, end up attacking silos that are empty.
If we've launched before their missiles arrive,
On our soil, we launch our missiles, then the one who launches second is the one who gets the most damage done to the other side.
But if we absorb that nuclear first strike, all of our missiles in the silos will be hit.
We won't have anything to retaliate with except half of our nuclear submarines, which are being downgraded from 20 missiles now to 14.
They are
Dismantling, disarming, even as the Russians are building new submarines.
You can see the total setup taking place on every front.
And what do you make of 36 of the silo commanders fired, almost all the top brass over the missiles?
I mean, I was told by a high-level source about missing nukes at Dyess.
That's a real story.
I mean, what does all that mean?
Well, this stuff has actually been going on for a long time.
The nuclear missile force has been in disarray, and there's been a lot of disgruntled officers that stand watch for days at a time.
I mean, it's not a decent assignment anymore.
So there has been cheating on their exams, there has been some drug use and other things.
It's only being brought out now because the press is getting ready to make a major push against, we don't need all these nuclear missiles to degrade and to, you know, sell more disarmament.
As I say, it's disingenuous when you don't include Red China.
If you only have deals with Russia and Red China's still out there, I mean, this shows that it's a sham.
Well, obviously, we're almost down to nothing now.
We don't need to give them anymore any weapons.
But meanwhile, the government wants to obsess on veterans and gun owners all day.
Homeland Security says we're the main threat while they fund Al-Qaeda.
And then Russia and China are arming to the teeth, and the West is doing every provocation to give them the moral high ground.
It's the same old British intel model that we saw with Pearl Harbor and the rest of it.
Get your enemy to attack you so you have the moral high ground.
Well, let me finish with my scenario of how I think this war is going to play out.
I think, you know, there's going to be a major destruction of these 12 to 15 cities.
The Russians and Chinese will try to blackmail the U.S.
and Western Europe into submission.
Our leaders will not succumb to the blackmail.
They'll come out and create a new holy war against Russia and China and bring out those space-based and other secret weapon systems to stop Russia and China from any more damage while we regroup.
And it'll be based upon NATO, which probably won't be hit at the initial strike.
And they'll go ahead and start to attack Russia primarily.
We'll have to have you back about this.
We're out of time.
Great job.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I'm going to be finishing out the show today, and I'm going to have, at the bottom of the hour, the police chief who was fired because he went to a Constitutional Sheriffs and Police and Peace Officers Association meeting.
He was singled out by the TSA.
We interviewed him on Prison Planet TV last night on the nightly news, and if you didn't see that interview, we're going to have excerpts from that.
We're going to have an update from him live at the bottom of the hour as to what his current status is.
But what they did
Was they shut down an entire police force, small-town police force, but they shut down the entire force because of a TSA agent who had a vendetta with him.
Now, this is something that is much wider than that, but what we're seeing here is the arbitrary exercise of power.
This is something that we see happening with the President, with his executive orders, and it permeates the entire government.
It's systemic.
It goes all the way down to local law enforcement, in many cases, as we've seen, with the police, but certainly the TSA is a large part of it.
And it's not just that.
It's not just their petty vindictiveness.
This is part of a total surveillance grid with the NSA.
We've interviewed William Binney before.
Not too long ago we interviewed him on this radio program.
And he was a former Global Technical Director of the NSA.
So, unlike a lot of these billionaire critics of critics who are opposing the NSA, they say there's nothing to worry about.
Why is everybody getting so upset?
People like Mark Andreessen, who founded Netscape, they're pushing back on this and say, we just don't understand the technical issues.
Well, you know who does understand the technical issues?
The guy who worked for them for over three decades, who was the Technical Director of the NSA, globally.
He resigned, became a whistleblower, because he saw the criminal actions that were taking place.
And he knows fully well what their capabilities are.
And when I talked to him, one of the things that he told me was that he had monitored for years the Soviet Union as well as East Germany.
He knows how this tyranny rolls out.
He's seeing exactly the same things happening now, only much more sophisticated, much more technologically sophisticated.
He knows exactly how that's playing out.
And he had said not too long ago that we are this far from a police state, holding his fingers very close to each other.
And then recently, just before the interview, he said, we now have a police state.
Well, how does this police state work?
Well, guess what?
It turns on the police themselves.
In many cases, just like this police chief here in a small town in New Mexico,
They've been pretty much insulated against the police state effects that many of us feel as citizens.
And he had purposely avoided flying, just for that type of reason.
He knew what was there.
He wasn't totally naive.
He was going to a Constitutional Sheriff's and Peace Officers Association, so he knew what was going on.
This is a guy of integrity, but his first instinct, as you'll hear in this interview, was to cooperate, as all of our instincts are.
But after a while you realize that the government is so far over the edge, they keep pushing, pushing, pushing, that at one point you assert your constitutional rights.
Listen to this interview.
This is how he laid it out last night on the nightly news.
Myself and retired sheriff Rene Rivera, who was at that time serving as the deputy chief for my agency, we were en route to attend this conference in Las Vegas and
Um, due to former investigations that I've been involved in, um, very high profile case, my name was changed legally through the courts and it was sealed under record.
And so I have two different names.
Uh, I haven't flown in years by choice because of the conduct of TSA.
But for this particular event, I really had no choice.
And so I told Sheriff Rivera, let's go talk to a TSA supervisor, explain, you know, our circumstances because my biggest concern was regarding my driver's license.
The expiration date had just expired.
So we go upstairs and we speak to a supervisor.
She was very cordial.
We explained our circumstances and she said, not a problem.
It's within one year of expiration, so you can fly.
There's no issue.
I said, you know, thank you so much.
We go downstairs, we go to the ticket counter, present identification again, we're provided with our tickets and our boarding passes, we book in our luggage, and then here comes a young officer from the Albuquerque Aviation Police, and he's being quite stern in his demeanor and so forth.
He says, I need to speak with you guys.
So myself and Sheriff Rivera go off to the side with this individual and another officer and we speak with him.
He demands to see identification.
We provide him with identification.
And, uh, he starts questioning us.
I said, you know, what's going on?
And he says, well, you were, you were named as a suspicious person.
I said, really?
I said, you know, what is so suspicious about me?
He said, did you go upstairs?
And I said, yeah, I did.
I spoke with the TSA person up there.
But what were you discussing with them?
I said, I had a question about my, my flight itinerary and any problems that may arise from an expiration date and so forth.
I don't recall the exact verbiage I used, but that was the gist of the conversation.
And so ultimately, um, I finally said, you know, I'm not being charged with something.
Am I free to go?
He gave us our information back and we were sent on our way.
And, um, we, we go upstairs through the TSA screening.
Uh, Sheriff Rivera was allowed right, right through.
When I approached, uh, the lady asked me where I was going.
I told her that I was going to Las Vegas.
And she then asks, what was my business there?
I made the statement that that's private.
And I kept walking.
So then I get up to the scanner, and I put all my stuff in the scanner.
I went through the metal detector, and I was forced to go through it three times.
I didn't have any metal on me that I was aware of, but it kept going off.
Nonetheless, I get through the thing, get all my stuff back, and I start walking towards the turnstile, and I'm approached by a man in a dark suit who flaps open a wallet and shuts it and puts it back in his pocket.
I don't know who he was with.
He didn't never showed me a card or nothing like that.
I don't have anything from him.
He was not wearing a uniform, but he claimed to be a federal investigator.
Those were his words.
And so he won't demand to see identification.
And I'm telling you, we've already been through this.
I've already presented my identification at least three times to various officials.
What's going on?
He told me that I was a person of interest, that I was listed as being suspicious.
So I comply, I give him my credentials, and he really just sort of belabored the point, and I finally just asserted my First Amendment rights, my Fourth Amendment rights, and it really upset him.
You could see it in his demeanor.
Ultimately, I gave him a scenario.
I said, you know, sir, the way you're treating me, I said, how would you like it if I were to treat you that way?
And I said, just for example, you come through my jurisdiction.
I don't have probable cause.
I don't have reasonable suspicion.
There's nothing suspicious about you, but I just pull you over and say, I stopped you because you're suspicious.
And you asked me, well, what's suspicious about me?
And I went through this whole scenario and I said, you wouldn't appreciate that very much, would you?
He said, I'm paid to be suspicious.
I said, really?
You're paid to be suspicious of law enforcement officers?
I said, I will remember that.
The next time I pull over a TSA agent, that they are paid to be suspicious of me, a cop.
In other words, I was pointing out the idiosyncrasy of what you're saying.
They're paid to treat everyone as if we are guilty.
They're trained to treat us all as terrorists, even though, as we just reported, they allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to get a VIP pass when they came here.
So, you're al-Qaeda, you're suspicious, just because you're an American.
But go ahead, tell us what happened then after you... Did anything happen?
At that point, you were allowed to get onto the plane?
Well, he starts closing distance on me, becoming increasingly more hostile, making statements that, you don't cop an attitude with me, do you understand?
He's speaking to the chief of police.
As though I'm a convicted felon on the street who's in the process of committing some crime.
And ultimately the aviation police sort of got between us and allowed us to be on our way.
And we did.
We stopped off at our gate.
We got a jug of orange juice.
We were just getting some refreshments.
And a person in plainclothes walks up and takes our picture and walks off.
That is just so odd.
So we get on our plane.
I had no carry-on.
Once we land, we get our baggage.
My baggage had been searched.
They turned on my laptop computer, attempted to access my laptop computer.
And, you know, I thought that was suspicious.
And so we go to this thing.
I didn't know what I was getting into when I went to this Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association meeting.
I knew very little about it.
But once I got there, my eyes were opened.
I saw a group of men and women, law enforcement, decorated law enforcement officers from all over the country, painstakingly constructing documents to help preserve our American way of life.
Men, grown men, with tears rolling down their face, grieving over what was happening to our country.
And I realized I'm onto something here.
This is bigger than all of us.
This is about our God-given rights.
And so I signed on.
I got on board wholeheartedly.
The moment I got on the ground and turned on my cell phone, my department-issued cell phone, I had a message from the Sandoval County Sheriff's Department.
I made contact with Lt.
Bonelli, who stated that my law enforcement credentials with the Sheriff's Department were being revoked.
So I'm cross-commissioned.
I have dual authority.
So that dual authority was being revoked by the Sheriff, and there was really no reason as to why.
Now, if I didn't already state this, I'm going to restate it if I did, while in the airport in Albuquerque.
And having this confrontation with this unethical, unconstitutional TSA agent, he made the statement to me, I know people in your district, and I'm going to make some phone calls.
Well, he lived up to his word.
He contacted Sheriff Doug Wood of the Sandoval County Sheriff's Department, made his allegations.
Now, the key thing to remember is Sandoval County has nothing to do with Barnaleo County, which is where the airport is housed.
So he had no jurisdiction over this issue, it was unethical for a lot of reasons, but
Sheriff Wood then made a complaint to my agency, and I was called in on my day off, placed on administrative leave, ordered to collect all handguns, badges, commission cards, uniforms, equipment from my officers, and then to report for a town hall meeting tonight at six o'clock.
Now we're going to have him at the bottom of the hour with an update at what happened at that town hall meeting.
This is really amazing.
This is a man of integrity who just one week, less than a week earlier,
Prior to this happening, he'd received a meritorious commendation from the mayor.
Now, he was fired by a combination of the mayor and the sheriff of the county, where he is a police chief, and he told me when I spoke to him last night that in this small town, there was only about 150 people, 125 of them had signed a petition to keep him.
So we're going to find out what happened about that, but I want you to pay attention to what was in the article and what he said, that he was approached by a federal agent who told him that he was a person of interest.
And when he was fired, the sheriff of Sandoval County said that he was being
His entire police department was being disbanded because of political affiliations.
And we're going to talk about what those dangerous political affiliations are right after the break.
We're going to have an excerpt from our interview with Sheriff Mack over this very issue.
Stay tuned.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight, and we were just playing a clip from our interview last night with Police Chief Harger.
He's the New Mexico Police Chief who was suspended, is actually the correct term, he's placed on leave, but his entire police force was disbanded.
Now there was a meeting last night to see whether his employment would be continued and what the conditions of that are going to be.
We're going to have him at the bottom of the hour live to give us an update.
I might have said that he was fired earlier.
That's not true.
He was not fired.
He was placed on leave.
But his entire police department was disbanded.
They had to turn in their badges, turn in their guns.
Understand how dangerous this is.
This is politically motivated.
The reason that the sheriff who took this action gave was he had to disband his entire police department due to his, quote, political affiliations.
He was approached at the airport by a man identifying himself as a federal agent and said that he was a person of interest.
What had he done?
Well, he was on his way to a Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association meeting.
These are law enforcement officers who swear to uphold the Constitution.
Unlike the people that we met in San Antonio who went down there for the open carry rally.
We talked to the San Antonio police chief and others with him.
They would not verify that they would refuse an order to confiscate guns if given that order.
They would not say that they were going to obey the Constitution that they swore to take an oath to.
These peace officers and sheriffs would.
It's a very important scenario.
It is not a hypothetical scenario, as he said.
Well, of course, all scenarios are hypothetical, but whether you're going to obey the Constitution or not is not a hypothetical.
It's fundamental.
We talked to Sheriff Mack last night.
Let's hear what he had to say about this specific incident in New Mexico.
The TSA getting hold of a sheriff, a buddy, going behind his back, a backroom, backdoor deal, firing a good, honest, Christian, constitutional chief of police, who the only thing he did wrong during the time he left town to the time he got back was to attend a constitutional convention with the CSTOA.
And this is the reason we had this meeting, was one, to establish a resolution.
To put the federal government on notice that they're not going to do anything like this in our areas.
We now have a resolution.
You've got to post this on Infowars.com.
We have it.
We have eight things that these sheriffs... We have 41 public officials, now 42, and it's counting.
We get more every day.
But after this conference, the sheriffs and chiefs of police and peace officers and county commissioners and everybody who attended this, there's about 75 people, all agreed
So that these sheriffs and this kind of chief of police would stand for principles of freedom, stand for their oath of office.
We now have this happening.
It's starting and this is a peaceful revolution.
It's a peaceful solution and we've got to have everybody on board or we're not going to make it.
Sheriff Mack said this is a peaceful revolution.
It is something that you can be a part of.
You can support this action just as people supported the sheriff in Florida who was fired because he would not enforce unconstitutional gun regulations on someone there.
He was reinstated.
We have to fight this.
We have to fight this collectively.
And this is something that Alex has been saying for a long time.
That the police are not going to be immune from these kind of power tripping illegal actions that we see the TSA and other federal agencies doing.
This is something that is going to be a pervasive systemic corruption and oppression.
And we're starting to see this now.
If they can disband
Whether it's because they had identified that he's going to this convention, or whether it's because he said at one point, I'm going to stand on my First Amendment and my Fourth Amendment rights, that's all I'm going to give you.
Whether that annoyed them and they disbanded the police department, this is the kind of power they should not have.
We look at this situation with the Super Bowl.
They're going to have to go two hours early in arctic weather to go through security.
I mean, people that are going to the Super Bowl, like Jakari Jackson and Josh, they're going to be sitting out there in this arctic weather for six and a half hours just because of, well, two hours of it is going to be because of these useless procedures.
Any security expert will tell you that what they're doing is creating a very dangerous situation by bunching everybody up outside of a security zone.
And even if it were effective, are you willing to give up your freedom and your liberty, your God-given rights for the promise of that security?
There is no trade-off.
You cannot trade it off.
You're either free or you're a slave.
You're not partially free.
Remember that what they call a maximum security area is a prison.
And if they can't stop drug abuse, if they can't stop drugs in federal prisons, because we have a lot of people who are dying in federal prisons of drug overdoses every year.
If they can't stop it inside of a prison, they can't stop drugs inside of a prison.
And they cannot stop terrorist attacks by these kind of nonsensical, oppressive measures.
Now, stay tuned.
We're going to be talking to this police chief.
We're going to get an update on what happened.
So stay tuned.
It's going to be live in just a couple of seconds.
We're going to find out whether they fired him or what his current status is.
Stay tuned.
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We have on the phone with us Police Chief Shane Harger of New Mexico.
And we've been talking about the events that led up to this and we covered it last night on the Nightly News and that's something if you're not a Prison Planet TV subscriber, you need to get a subscription.
Support the organization as well as get the subscription that you can hand out to 10 other people at the same time they can watch the broadcast.
We try to make it as widely available as possible.
We're just trying to help pay for the broadcast here as well as the bandwidth of putting it out there.
And last night we had Police Chief Harger as well as Sheriff Mack.
We interviewed them, talked about this amazing situation where the police chief was placed on leave and his police force was disbanded after he was singled out on his way to go to a Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association meeting.
He was singled out by the TSA.
He was told he was a person of interest and he was also told by the sheriff that disbanded them.
That he was, it was because of his political affiliations.
Police Chief Harger, thank you for joining us.
Dave, thanks for having me.
Now, last night you had a meeting to find out what the status, your status, is going to be.
Can you give us an update on what it is right now?
Well, I'm, as a result of last night's meeting, I was placed on probation.
The disciplinary action taken against me was not instructed as to
Why this reaction was taken against me.
This was an open forum.
They said there would be a 14-day probationary period with conditions and they did not state what those conditions were.
They being the town council.
The people of our village were somewhat set back by that and it was very vocal about it.
You know, what conditions are you talking about and probation for what?
Well, they say very closed-mouthed about everything.
We've had situations with a fellow who had been just cleared by the TSA to work on shipping areas, and he was traveling to Japan, stopped in Hawaii.
It was a military flight.
His wife was in the military.
They took him off the plane in Hawaii, said he was on the no-fly list, and he was stranded in Hawaii for quite some time.
Could never get any information about why he was put on the no-fly list.
Through pressure inside the military, we believe.
We don't know for sure because they're so closed-mouthed and secretive about everything.
He was allowed to fly again, but he still was never able to get any information from the government as to why he was put on the list or if he was still on the list.
This is what's really concerning to everyone, is that we now have these secret FISA courts that are meeting in secret, claiming that they are having these, and they're not even courts, they don't have anybody arguing on the other side, there's no jury, there's just a single judge, who basically rubber stamps whatever the government wants to do.
These court decisions are secretive, we're never allowed to see them, the public isn't, and yet they maintain that they are modifying our Constitution.
It's a very dangerous thing when the government is turning to these kind of star chamber procedures, isn't it?
It is, and the Constitution is not subject to interpretation.
It's a document that is a living document and no one can change it.
Yes, we had a discussion as I mentioned earlier.
We went to San Antonio, we pointedly, Alex Jones and Anthony Gucciardi pointedly asked the police chief if he would confiscate guns if told to do so.
And he says, well I'm not going to give you an answer, that's a hypothetical.
Anthony said,
Your oath to the Constitution is not a hypothetical, and they train for these scenarios all the time.
That was the very first thing, as a matter of fact, on this list that everybody signed at the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association.
The very first thing that was on the list was that, well, the first thing was registration of personal firearms under any circumstances, and then, of course, the number two thing was confiscation of firearms without probable cause and due process, that you would not support that because, of course, registration always precedes confiscation.
It's something we're very concerned about and we've been talking about this quite some time and I guess maybe for you, your initial response was to be cooperative, just like our response is typically to be cooperative, but you were surprised at how intrusive this was and how they kept at you and eventually you pushed back on this, right?
Well, absolutely.
I mean, for example, I pull over a vehicle for a minor speeding offense.
There are plenty of times that when I make contact with the driver, they're not pleased that I have them pulled over, but they're still compliant.
They do what I ask, but they're not happy about the circumstances.
And you know what?
That's okay.
This is America.
There's nothing wrong with expressing yourself.
If you have displeasure in a particular situation, you feel you've been wronged, there's due process.
And that's all this was.
I was being harassed in my opinion, and I think the facts support that.
Also, I made the point that I didn't appreciate it.
I wanted to be allowed to travel freely, and I was not allowed to do that.
Time and time again, I was stopped and harassed and annoyed and questioned like this is Nazi Germany.
I'm a U.S.
I'm obviously not of foreign national descent.
You know, blonde hair, blue eyes.
And a country accent.
I mean, I'm from here.
I was born and raised here.
My grandfather fought in Korea.
My father fought in Vietnam.
He was a military police officer.
He served as a municipal police officer.
And here I have served on and off since 1998 in some law enforcement capacity or another, currently serving as chief of police.
And they knew this, that I was serving as chief of police, and treated me as though my name was Osama bin Laden.
I didn't appreciate it, and there was dramatic repercussions for vocalizing the fact that I didn't appreciate being treated that way.
Well, if you'd been a member of the Bin Laden family, they would have given you the VIP treatment just like they gave the Muslim Brotherhood, just like they did give the Bin Laden family right after September 11th.
They're really coming after American citizens.
That's the target.
And it's constitutional sheriffs, it's American citizens who haven't done anything.
They have declared us as the enemy in their internal documents.
And I think that that is the thing that I find
Most interesting about this is the political affiliations.
That's what the sheriff told you that it was because of political affiliations.
Whether it's because of political affiliations or whether it's because this TSA agent got annoyed that you stood on your rights, either way, we're looking at a very corrupt situation like that where a police department can be disbanded.
Can you tell us what they did to your police department?
Well, you know, let me clarify something real quickly.
As far as the sheriff was concerned, he did not tell me specifically, directly, that this was because of my political affiliation.
But based upon statements that he made that were certainly of a political nature, one could only derive that conclusion.
But that having been said,
When I get back from my trip to the Constitutional Sheriff's and Peace Officer's Association, I'm immediately told that I'm being placed on this administrative duty, administrative leave, whatever.
I'm relieved of my chief's position, basically, in essence.
I'm stuck behind a desk.
And I was ordered to take all equipment and uniforms, badges, etc.
from all of my officers, and they claim it's only an inventory.
When you tell an officer, turn in your badge and gun, as a law enforcement officer, it's not just what you do, it's who you are.
You know, I want to make something abundantly clear.
I am a public servant.
Yes, I have the title of Chief of Police, but I'm a public servant.
I am a servant.
And my officers shared in that mythology, we're here to serve the people.
And we treat our people with dignity and respect.
But we didn't get that same dignity and respect from our own village government.
No explanation to my officers as to what was going on, just turn in your stuff.
As a result, regardless of what decisions the village makes from here on out, they refuse to come back.
And so we have no police department.
And, you know,
It's very discouraging.
It hurts my feelings.
It's wrong on a lot of levels.
People are backpedaling on some situations, you know, when you try to hold people's feet to the fire for their actions and hold them accountable.
That's truly what we're talking about here.
It's transparency and accountability.
If someone messed up, let's just admit to it.
Hey, this was a mistake.
This was handled inappropriately.
What can we do better next time?
And let's just move forward.
But they're not doing that.
Well, we're all very concerned because I tell you what I see here, from our perspective, because we're covering this day after day after day, this is a very deliberate
Countrywide experiment in behavior modification.
My wife, when she was taking her master's degree, she had a book from B.F.
It was called Beyond Freedom and Dignity.
And when I saw it, I said, well, it's about time somebody complained about the schools.
She said, no, no, you don't understand.
I had not been introduced to the work of B.F.
Skinner before.
Basically, he's a behaviorist.
And when they do things like put their hands on you and then if you are a good person and you do everything that they say, you let them touch you any way that they want, do anything to you that they want, they will reward you with letting you get into the Super Bowl or letting you travel on a plane.
This is positive operant conditioning straight out of B.F.
They were training teachers to do this to their pupils.
This is a massive experiment that we're all a part of.
The Constitution is being pushed aside.
The law is being pushed aside.
We have a massive behavioral experiment going on here.
And what we need to do is just tell them, uh, so long and thanks for all the fish.
I'm not going to be your dolphin anymore.
We have basic rights and we need to stand up for these rights.
And I really appreciate you standing up for those rights.
I really appreciate you standing up for our rights as a constitutional sheriff and going to this.
You had some very moving words about that meeting that you went to.
I had the pleasure, the distinct pleasure of sitting in a room full of people, dignitaries if you would, that don't view themselves as such.
They view themselves as servants and they were dedicating their time and resources and energy into constructing a resolution that would reaffirm the inevitable.
The pre-existing document, the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights,
And all they were doing is coming together in a unified effort to say, we're public servants.
We have a flock to protect.
We're going to protect our sheep.
We're going to protect our people and our citizens, our fellow Americans.
And we're not going to allow the federal government, any entity, foreign or domestic, to trample the rights of our people.
People have the right to travel freely, the right to be left alone.
And so I looked into the eyes of each and every one of these people in this room.
And I saw the sincerity.
I believe the eyes are the window to the soul.
And they're in there, you know, working away at this.
And they're bouncing ideas off of one another.
And one after the next, they're sharing their thoughts on this.
And ultimately, a document was reached.
And it occurred to me at that point, this is a rerun.
You know, almost, in my mind's eye, I could almost see the old uniforms that our forefathers were wearing at the time when they were constructing the Constitution of the United States.
That's very moving.
You know, this is the only opportunity, I think, that we have to roll this back peacefully.
We can look at what happened in East Germany.
And again, I mentioned at the beginning of this hour how William Binney, who was the global technical head of the NSA before he resigned because of the illegal activity, he said he didn't want to be an accessory to criminal acts.
He knew that it was against the law to spy on Americans, to do this kind of blanket surveillance.
He knew they were recording everything.
And he resigned rather than be a part of that.
And he drew parallels to East Germany.
And you know, it was in East Germany, after decades of oppression from the police, they're shooting people who would try to climb over the fence to freedom.
There was a pushback.
People got together at a church, they had a peaceful march, and the police refused to enforce these criminal acts anymore.
They stood down.
They refused to be a part of that.
And that's what needs to happen.
Oath keepers, constitutional sheriffs, and Peace Officer Association,
Police chiefs and sheriffs, like you Chief Barger, this is what we need to see happen.
We need to see those who have the legitimate authority use it legitimately.
We don't see our congressman standing up and impeaching Obama for his criminal actions or holding Eric Holder to the fire for his criminal actions.
We need to see people in legitimate authority stand up and exercise that illegitimate authority
I concur wholeheartedly.
You know, it's the only way I think that we're going to roll this back.
Well, you mentioned that one of the key things that people could do for you would be to pray for you, and you certainly do have our prayers.
If people want to support you, they can go to the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association.
It's cspoa.org.
There's a legal defense that's being set up for you there.
And is there anything else that we can do for you?
You know, I would say, again, just to reiterate to each and every person that's listening, that it's our individual responsibility to stand up and support and defend the Constitution as a citizen of the United States.
It's our individual responsibility, and so I would encourage each and every listener to do exactly that.
Yes, yes, absolutely.
Well, thank you so much for talking to us.
Keep us informed.
We would like to know what happens if this police department is going to be put back together again.
We'd like to know exactly what they do to you since you're kind of on some kind of animal house, double secret probation.
They won't tell you what the charges are.
They're acting exactly like
The TSA, with their no-fly lists, they know that they don't really have any reason to do this to you, so they're making all of the actions secretive and not giving any explanations.
That's a real key.
This is true.
And I plan on flying out to the next PSPOA meeting, so we'll see if I'm on a no-fly list.
Well, thank you very much.
Thank you.
Thank you for standing on the Constitution.
Police Chief Shane Harger.
Thank you.
Well, you know, there's also some... We never know how this is going to really turn out.
You know, he's going through an ordeal here and I just want him to know that he's not alone.
You know, we don't really know how these types of things are going to turn out.
We don't know why many times God puts us, whether it's an individual or puts us as a country, into these kind of situations.
I'm reminded of the old hymn, God moves in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform.
He plants his footsteps in the sea and he rides upon the storm.
You know, we go through some tough times sometimes, and we don't really know what's behind it.
But this is something that... We just had a Christian film that was nominated in the Academy Awards for Best Song.
And they promptly removed it.
This is a very unusual thing to see this happen.
But we're going to play you a little bit of an excerpt from that when we come back.
When they talked about this, this was something that was on the Drudge Report, the fellow who wrote the song said that he indulged in the simplest grassroots campaign and he said, it went against me when the song started getting attention.
I got taken down by a competition that had months of promotion and advertising behind them.
I simply asked people to find the song and to consider it.
Now, what really happened here is that first his competition complained to the Motion Picture Academy.
They complained that it wasn't advertised enough.
And they said, no, it played in LA, and they advertised that it wasn't playing in LA, so that's sufficient to give notice.
So first they advertised that it wasn't promoted enough, and then they complained that he promoted it too much.
When the large studios will rent entire pages in Variety magazine promoting their Oscar nominations, all he did was send around a few emails to tell people, hey, I got nominated, I'd like for you to listen to it and consider it.
He did a grassroots email campaign.
So is this a pushback against Christian films?
You know, it would be kind of a... We're going to play it right after we come back.
We're going to play a little bit of this song for you.
I don't really think that it would go very well with the kind of award ceremonies that we've been seeing at the Grammys, at the Super Bowl.
You know, if they've got some kind of satanic Illuminati service going on, this might be a real wet blanket.
So stay tuned.
Right after the break, we're going to play a little bit of that for you.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm David Knight and as we were going to commercial break I was telling you about the song that was nominated for as one of the best song entries in the Academy Awards, the Oscars.
It was from an independent Christian film.
It has now been removed because first it was not promoted enough and then it was promoted too much.
It's from a film called Alone Yet Not Alone.
Now I want you to hear this song and there's a little prelude to the beginning of it.
This is, the person singing it is Joni Erikson-Totta.
She's a quadriplegic.
She had to have her husband press on her abdomen in order to get the high notes.
And so she starts this out with a prayer.
I want you to hear this because this is something we all need to look at and we all need to consider that we are alone yet we are not alone as we fight this tyranny.
I want you to hear this song.
We are the ones who run to you when we are weak.
And you know this body.
You formed this body.
This is a quadriplegic body that is broken.
My lungs are limited.
But there's this fine balance between presenting to you all of my weakness and thinking that it can't be done.
I don't want to think that it can't be done.
And so, Father, I pray that you will mitigate any crackiness in my voice, any age in my voice, any tiredness in my voice, and please give me your strength.
These words talk about, in your strength, I find my own.
And so, make that my prayer.
Make that my prayer, Lord God.
God's the light that will guide me home With his love and tenderness Leading through the wilderness And wherever I may roam
This is a song that was nominated for the Academy Awards as Best Song and has now been taken down.
By His faithfulness He shone That so mighty is His shield For His love is now revealed When my steps are lost and desperate fall
I can feel his touch, a soothing presence by my side.
Alone, yet not alone, not forsaken.
Well, I can see how this song would be a real downer for any kind of Illuminati satanic worship service that the award services have routinely become now.
This was removed and they're not even going to replace it with another song.
It's a Christian independent film.
This is Alone Yet Not Alone.
Now we're going to be covering the Super Bowl this weekend.
Jakari Jackson is going to be live at the Super Bowl.
He's going to be on at Sunday at 4 p.m.
He's also going to be filing reports in the interim.
He's going to be on the Nightly News tonight at 7 Central, 8 p.m.
Tune in for that.
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Ground zero of the police state is the Super Bowl and so we're going to have reports there from Jakari Jackson tonight and Sunday with Alex Jones.
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