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Name: 20140122_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 22, 2014
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The 22nd day of January, 2014.
Here we are, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We'll be here for the next three hours.
And we'll have open phones in the first and second hour on any subject you wish to discuss.
And of course, interspersed with a ton of vital news and information on the economy, the world, the ongoing move towards the singularity that is taking place, that is all coming up here today.
The giant cold front with the Arctic vortex of global warming descending upon us.
If we would have paid Al Gore money, he would have saved us from all this global warming.
Of course, we did pay him carbon taxes and did pay the Clintons carbon taxes and did pay the Rothschilds carbon taxes.
But you notice that it's still the global warming is annihilating us right now because if we would have paid more indulgences, they could have waved a magic wand and made the sun not go into a cooling cycle as it has now causing the global warming.
Of course, you'd think the sun cooling and putting off less heat radiation would actually make the Earth get colder, which it is getting colder, but that's actually realities.
But I need to be politically correct, and I need to be honest with everybody and just say that we're weathering some of the worst heat waves the world's ever seen right now.
And, you know, it's no longer global warming anyways, it's climate change.
And so if the weather ever changes,
Well, the answer, again, is to pay the government more money and pay private interest more money, and then that will fix it.
Because really, it's about having guilt, feeling like you're guilty, so they can run your life.
You know, I've talked a lot about dehumanization the last few days, especially on yesterday's broadcast, which is the 41st anniversary of 55 million dead babies just here in America.
I wonder what the estimated total of worldwide abortions have been in the last 50 years.
You guys look up the estimate on worldwide, because it's actual humans being killed, they just have estimates, it's not very important.
You know, they can tell you exactly how many bits of information you transferred over your computer or over your smartphone the last three years.
And they can tell you how many bombs the army produced.
And they can tell you, you know, basically what your insurance actuary was in 1942.
But they cannot tell you how many abortions there has been.
Earth Day!
Abortion has killed
1-2 billion people worldwide in 50 years.
What does that mean, 1-2 billion people?
Exactly, just no one knows exactly.
It's like a billion or two, give or take.
It was Stalin that said, one man dies, it's a tragedy, 10,000 die, it is a statistic.
And that is certainly the truth.
We're going to go to break here.
We have this little first segment, and then I'm going to come back and hit some of the top stories and then throw the phone numbers out.
But I do want to hear from callers.
You can call them about whatever you want, but I'd really like to hear from callers.
I'll try to go to you as quickly as possible.
That probably means I'll go to you very, very slowly.
But I'd like to hear from callers out there dealing with the situation of the culture of death and your view on abortion and where you think it's going.
And if we just bypass the debate about it being a woman's right, and just point out that the Eugenicist and the Rockefeller Foundation got it legalized, they push it.
I mean, Bill Gates is in the news saying government spying isn't always bad.
This is from one of the biggest spies out there.
And then we've got the fact that he's funding a better, thinner condom.
And by the way, I'm obviously, I'm not against birth control if it's your choice.
The problem is they usually piggyback in the birth control something very damaging to the woman.
Or the man.
And it's just part of a larger depopulation agenda.
So we should have a discussion about that today as well.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
Plaguing war on corruption, crashing to the lies and disinformation.
Thank you for joining us on this worldwide live original Wednesday edition, already the 22nd day of 2014.
Coming up for about 30 minutes in the third hour, Adam Kokesh.
Who was recently sentenced to probation for daring to load a shotgun inside the District of Columbia as a political protest.
Will be joining us to talk about that and a lot more.
It's been a while since he was on with us and I was in contact with him when he was in jail.
And now he can basically tell all about how he was set up on the drug charges.
All of it.
He's a very honest guy about smoking marijuana, but he says he was set up with the mushrooms.
They were trying to get him with a felony.
And the witnesses that were there, so the police walked in with all these big bags they had with them, federal police.
They sent the Park Service to his house for saying that he'd committed the crime of racking a shotgun in a square that was controlled by a Park Service.
So it's just, imagine now, you know, the Park Service comes to your house and then comes into it with a SWAT team.
And then did stuff like kick Kokesh while he was in handcuffs, sitting in the bathroom.
Witnesses saw that.
Imagine just kicking someone for no reason in the belly because they dare engage in political protest for the Second Amendment.
I mean, yeah.
I mean, I'll be honest with you.
I was a cop and I busted a child pornographer.
That had been abusing children.
I would want to beat their brains out.
The problem is, A, you can't turn into what you're fighting.
B, they'll end up getting off if you beat them up.
So you want to make sure that you don't do that, obviously.
But that's not what they did.
Dishonorably kicking somebody in the stomach when they're in handcuffs for no reason.
It's the height of cowardly activity.
And I'm not lionizing Kokesh, but here's somebody who is a Marine in Fallujah, comes back, is anti-war, has a lot of political courage, gets a little wild at times, you know, might have PTSD, who knows.
But the point is, is that at least he's not a coward.
And people can sit there Monday morning, Tuesday morning, quarterback all day long.
Are you racking shotguns in D.C.? ?
And doing it to point out that for five years they violated the Supreme Court ruling that they have to let people be armed, specifically in that case, with a shotgun?
Heller vs. D.C.
or D.C.
vs. Heller?
What was the Heller case?
It was an off-duty cop couldn't have a shotgun in his house?
I mean, just give me a break, folks.
Just give me a break.
That's like saying Rosa Parks, aha, she should have sat at the back of the bus.
It's so easy to say people should do things and get involved and take action.
But then when they do, everybody sits there and second guesses them.
And I really think when somebody's in the arena and they're trying to do the right thing, it's easy to sit back and say, hey, they should do better here, they should do better there.
But what matters is who is in the arena.
And it doesn't matter if their face is marred and they're sweaty and they're bleeding.
They know the animating contest of liberty and they're not the timid people that are sitting up in the bleachers that are just basically...
Imagining in their minds that they could do a better job.
Well, some of you probably could do a better job.
Why don't you come get on the field?
And I was paraphrasing Teddy Roosevelt.
You guys pull up a Teddy Roosevelt quote in the arena.
Put that on screen for me, thank you.
And I will read that on air because I think that's really what it all comes down to.
There is so much to cover today, obviously.
Romanian police claim they've caught Guccifer.
I've actually had national media call me and call people I know.
Repeatedly trying to find out if we were Guccifer.
And Gucciardi's been called by press and they ask questions about Guccifer.
And I guess that's because there's some reference before Guccifer showed up where we're talking about Ducifer.
In some text articles that were up mentioning Rob Doo, there was some transcript of a show online talking about Rob Doo that some of the crew used to call Doocifer, because he'd get mad if they didn't do stuff.
And so the media thought that maybe we were Goocifer.
Listen, I wish I was Goocifer.
I wish I was good at all this tech stuff, believe me.
But they're claiming that, again, there's just so much crazy stuff going on right now
Wall Street Advisors says actual unemployment is actually 37.2.
I agree with those numbers.
Record 20% of households on food stamps.
We've got really some huge news that I'm going to get to here in just a moment that is really earth-shaking in its import for humanity and ties into abortion, ties into the whole culture of death.
ties into this entire larger system.
And then we're also going to get into former Virginia Governor McDonnell, wife indicted on federal corruption charges.
So he and his wife have been indicted on that.
And of course, he's a Republican.
And of course, it is a federal indictment.
And it's the chef in there, money on it, a Democrat.
And here's my issue.
I'm nonpartisan when it comes down to what politicians really do, and I go after them.
And when Karl Rove went after what was the governor of Alabama and clearly set him up on stuff that wasn't corruptions by any benchmark, I spoke out against that.
Because clearly he was being railroaded.
Even more clearly than this case.
This has a lot of evidence of baseline standard corruption, standard fraud.
That's how it works.
People give you gifts.
People give you real estate deals and buy real estate from you that is not really valued at what they buy it for.
That's a lot of standard old line fraud that goes on.
And I don't endorse it, I don't apologize for it, I don't like it.
The issue here is though, taking a hundred and forty something thousand dollars, is what they're alleging, over multi years, from a donor, a hundred and forty thousand in loans,
And gifts in exchange for promoting the businesses of a political patron who was seeking special favors from the state government.
It's a 14-count indictment filed by a U.S.
state attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, including charges of fraud and soliciting loans and gifts from Johnny R. Williams Sr., the chief executive of Star Scientific, a maker of dietary supplements who hoped to use the governor to promote his products.
Can a governor not have an endorsement deal?
I guess you can't while you're a sitting governor.
Look what Schwarzenegger did, though.
He did movies and ads and everything he wasn't supposed to.
He didn't get in trouble because he was working for the big boys, selling everybody out.
On energy price gouging with Enron before he was governor and after, on going after guns, open borders, all these regulations, giving waivers to biotech, nanotech, and waivers to genetic engineering labs out there in Silicon Valley, but then harassing small businesses.
I mean, you just look at this and you see it's selective enforcement.
You go, but wait a minute, Schwarzenegger's a Republican too.
Yeah, I'm a Republican in name only.
And this is the same way they went after Republicans in Texas.
The Democrats used Travis County, where Austin's based, as kind of a command base to project false indictments out on different people that, you know, end up getting overturned and defeated after five, six, seven, eight year battles.
So my only issue here is clearly the Democratic Party, just watching them over the years,
Fundamentally uses dirty tricks and uses kind of a white glove inspection of their political rivals and uses the justice system as a political tool.
And Republicans do that to a certain extent.
It's just not their specialty.
And then here, of course, is the big giant elephant in the room.
Or I should say donkey in the room.
And that's that this Justice Department
That is running around indicting Republicans all over the country.
Republican sheriffs, Republican legislators.
You really never hear about it.
It'll be in the paper once.
But I read local national news.
I read a wide spectrum of stuff that most people wouldn't look at.
And I see it every few days.
But there is a purge going on.
via the judicial system against Republicans and conservatives and libertarians and conservative sheriffs that, you know, won't put somebody in jail when the statute says they shouldn't be put in jail for having a gun in their car when they're not a felon.
You know, from Liberty County we had him on.
That was all a witch hunt set up with the Democrats.
It's the same thing over and over again.
And it's very, very dangerous because this is the same Justice Department that's covering up Solyndra
Cylindra, potato patata, 500 million missing money or more.
All the different bid rigging, all the selective enforcement of Obamacare that is total racketeering where all of his buddies and big corporations are exempt but little guys and Republicans aren't.
Total racketeering.
Remember when they did the General Motors bailout?
And then people that had dealerships in some cases for 70 years who are not Democratic donors would have their Chevy dealership taken.
You know, they could still own the property and sell the cars they had, but they were no longer a Chevy dealership.
It was given to the local Democratic Party operatives, a lot of them who weren't even in the car business.
Then they would sell it back to them.
I mean, that came out in Congress.
Nobody got in trouble.
And the problem is the corruption, the mafia behavior is so off the chart with the Democrats, and they don't get in trouble.
Fast and Furious, the list goes on and on.
The fact that the Attorney General sits on the board of a law firm that gets all the big payoffs on securities.
The trillions missing to foreign banks.
All of this going on under Obama's watch and the Republican leadership's watch as they persecute Republicans for crooked toenails around the country.
This is political purges.
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Coming up at the start of the next segment, I'm going to give the phone number out for your take on 55 million aborted babies.
Over a billion aborted worldwide, but 55 million aborted since 1973 in Roe v. Wade.
This week is the anniversary of that ruling.
And I want to tie it into the future of humanity and tell you where humanity's going.
Where our species is being guided and directed to at the start of the next segment.
The most important information we can possibly cover will be discussed at the start of the next segment.
But getting back to the former Virginia governor, Republican, McDonnell, and his wife being indicted on federal corruption charges.
He was a sports guy in good shape, and he was talking about making extra money endorsing someone's supplements.
And they're claiming that violates ethics.
And it probably does, but a federal indictment over that?
I mean, why not a fine or making pay the money back?
That's what they do if a Democrat gets caught.
I mean, they had Congress, remember, with their own congressional bank, and none of them would, you know, ever put money in it.
They would just bounce checks until it was millions of dollars apiece.
But that was Democrats running that, so they didn't get in trouble there.
And I'm just sick of them being above the law.
And I watch Travis County, and the district attorneys here, and the grand juries here, famously indicting Republicans in government all over the state
And creating big national cases out of it over and over and over again, where they'll go, you know, indict Republican congressmen repeatedly.
For taking PAC money that's totally legal.
And if you don't like that PAC money, you know, go change the law.
The point is, is it scary to see them go after people who haven't even broken the law, clearly, by every benchmark.
And legal scholars around the country say, no, this is political persecution.
Hands down.
And to know they're getting worse and worse and worse about it, that's a political purge, ladies and gentlemen.
Meanwhile, the Republicans nationwide never do stuff like this.
I mean, I can't think of cases, actually, where they're using grand juries at the state level to indict Democrats
Who hold federal office or state office.
I mean, it's very rare.
And it's so common with Democrats.
I try to think about cases of it and my head spins because there's so many.
I mean, all of you listening at no cases in your area.
And this is what they do.
And I was told when I ran for a Republican as a state rep for about two weeks till I talked to lawyers, looked at the laws, and I was really serious.
I was going to raise money to the whole deal.
I was starting to raise money.
And the lawyers told me, listen, with the ethics commissions and all this, there's no way to do all this properly.
There's no way to comply with everything.
And even if you do, you are going to run against somebody in Travis County.
They are going to try to indict you.
And I was young and been talked into this by pro-life people and stuff to run.
And I was already popular then.
What was that, like the year 2000 or something?
Was it?
To be able to do this, and it's the same thing with Obamacare.
With doctors and clinics and dentists, there's no way they can follow it and not break laws.
It's impossible.
It's written so they can selectively enforce who they want to go after.
So my father was in medical management.
Managed 22 dental offices and also managed medical centers.
And Obamacare came in and he's been offered even more money to stay in than he ever was.
In fact, he's been offered double.
Stay in medical management and he just said, no, I'm not doing it.
I'm not doing it.
And he semi-retired us and work for us on vetting supplements and things like that.
But this is the type of issue that is really destroying this country as we convert from a free market system.
We were never perfect to a tyranny.
Why don't Republicans not go out and do dirty tricks and indict people that are innocent?
Why don't grand juries at the state level, and we saw grand juries go after Clinton for perjuring himself.
I guess that's a case where folks got upset enough in Arkansas just by his corruption they went after him.
I guess that's a case where you could say Republicans went after him.
Kind of ragtag, you know, real conservatives that went after him and almost brought him down for lying in court depositions.
Why not?
Have some grand juries go after Obama and go after Holder.
Because just the indictments of even state grand juries will absolutely bring down these criminals by throwing a spotlight onto it.
Of course, it's also very dangerous.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance, rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Folks, I'd like to hear from you out there on 41 years of abortion in this country.
There are 5 million people aborted a year, roughly, worldwide.
55 million of them here in the United States since 1973.
And what we're seeing is an abortion of the human species itself by the ruling class, by the establishment.
They have made the decision to abort humanity as we know it.
And I'm going to be breaking that down coming up here in just a moment.
And I'd like to hear from you on that subject.
On the subject of the technocracy, the toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
Will you guys bring me in the print-off of Teddy Roosevelt's The Man in the Arena?
Thank you.
Because I'm going to read that on air here in just a moment.
But again, according to the WHO, every year in the world there are an estimated 40 to 50 million abortions.
Excuse me, I was saying 5 million from a factoid mess up there.
This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day.
And this should certainly be discussed.
This is something that even if you're for it, we should have a societal discussion about the future of humanity and where everything is going.
Simply, simply incredible.
And it ties into a whole host of other
Other issues that I'm going to be covering here in just a moment, but I wanted to give you the quote by Teddy Roosevelt, the man in the arena speech at the Paris, France, April 23rd, 1910.
It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errors, who comes short again and again because
There is no effort without error and shortcoming.
But who does actually strive to do the deeds, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement.
And at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
And that certainly, certainly says it all.
Now, I want to talk about this subject.
It's a subject we discuss a lot, but I really want to focus in on it before we go to your phone calls at 800-259-9231 today.
And I want to just go over a stack of news that I have here.
Today, going through the stacks of news, here's a constellation of articles that all tie together.
One of them is from CNS News.
Record 20% of households on food stamps in 2013.
And of course, you've really got 37 plus percent unemployment.
That's in the news today.
That's what economists are saying and breaking down.
And some will be like, Spain, 50 plus percent, that's the globalist goal.
And I'm going to tie this together here in a moment, because this is what they've all said in their own books, publications, white papers.
We've read the quotes here.
But you've really got to grasp, this isn't a pipe dream.
They're doing this on purpose.
And they believe they're going to build a better world on the other side of it.
And I think you should know about this.
And I think you should research it and discover it's true for yourself.
And that it's now not some far away situation that things are going to start rolling out faster and faster and faster.
Now this article ties into this next one right here.
This is out of the London Telegraph.
Army considers replacing thousands of troops with robots.
That itself is done in total psyop.
They decided decades ago that by this time they would be getting to phase out ground troops and phase out piloted, even by remote access by humans, drones.
And the reports vary, but by 2020 they want all aircraft, except for troop carriers,
To be autonomous, drone-operated, pre-programmed, with a battle algorithm and run by a supercomputer that will direct it and make decisions.
So this is beyond Skynet.
And if you go back to the 70s, this was in my book, 9-11, Descent into Tyranny, we actually show declassified Pentagon documents from 1991, calling it Skynet.
See, the Terminator movie, folks, that's not, this isn't,
Life imitating art in the Terminator franchise from 1986?
1982, whatever year it came out?
I think it was 84.
Let's look up James Cameron's when that came out, just as a factoid.
This is art imitating life.
And I told you I talked to a Marine Corps colonel and others off record years ago, and they said, look, they're going to phase out humans entirely.
My third guess was correct.
I mean, I knew it was 84.
I just had to place the memory.
The point is, is that this is real.
This is real.
By 2020, no aircraft piloted by humans.
All the new aircraft being made will be autonomous.
You'll still have some of the old aircraft and still have humans on some of them, but all the new aircraft
Will not be involved with humans at all.
And they will have, basically, I told you, because after I was given this info and it was still classified, I went and looked it up and found a lot of it, pieces here, pieces there.
Basically, you're going to have in cities just 18 wheelers waiting everywhere, full of spy robots, crowd control robots, killer robots.
I mean, stuff that's got big spider legs, Gatling guns, nerve gas, tear gas.
It'll pull up, it'll deploy a hundred little drones that are all super inexpensive, but they can be weaponized as well.
They'll fly into your house.
This isn't Minority Report.
This is here now.
And they're going to milk all the cities and counties for millions and millions of dollars for these robots in the name of the Bomb Disposal Squad and other just made-up stuff.
I mean, even if bombings were real, statistically, you know, it's thousands of times less dangerous than your car.
I mean, it's just all an excuse to take over society.
The bomb disposal teams are a front for the total martial law rollout, and we got secret documents on video on the side of the highway from an FBI agent, because he gave us the wrong documents, at a checkpoint in 1998 in Belton, Texas, south of Waco.
Mike Hanson was driving back from visiting family and saw an army checkpoint and pulled over and the police came over and just couldn't believe what was going on and said how dare you even try to videotape this and then the FBI showed up and the FBI agent said here's what's going on you've got your press release now get out of here and it said restricted on it and was the whole takeover plan.
We're good to go.
It was done pre-911.
And I've interviewed Marine Corps captains who went on in the private sector and owned companies, computer companies, who we've interviewed and gave us a lot of intel that turned out to all be accurate, and photos as well, where they were in the 80s, SWAT teaming gun shops, Marines in plain clothes, in basically unmarked police uniforms.
Raid jackets.
So it's a long-term program.
The country's already gone.
I mean, let's just be honest about that.
We've already been overrun by criminals.
And they've got a takeover plan.
And it doesn't include us in it.
So let me just try to go over these headlines again.
Record 20% of households on food stamps in 2013.
Real unemployment's over 37%.
Let's go to the next one.
The U.S.
Army considers replacing thousands of troops with robots.
The U.S.
Army is studying whether robots could take the place of thousands of soldiers.
And they say, starting in just a couple years, that's why they're legalizing Google cars everywhere, this is an overwrite, a wiping of the disk, getting rid of humans.
This is an abortion of humanity.
That, oh, at first the convoys now will be led by humans in the front and back.
Just like I told you, in the future you'll go on a 777 or an Airbus or whatever the aircraft is.
You go on a Boeing 777 or go on a big Airbus and you'll have a captain that's ceremonial and is there, but it's all remote control.
It basically already is.
And then they will then go in and basically say hi to the passengers and make you feel important.
So the captain's going to be completely ceremonial.
That's why pilots went public a month ago and said, we're having more crashes because pilots don't know how to fly anymore because they're letting the preset remote control run everything.
So it's kind of like, you know, people didn't know how to add and subtract 20 years ago.
I know I did.
I didn't carry a calculator around with me, so I'd do it in my head or on paper.
But now with an iPhone?
I mean, it's literally made me stupid.
And they admit it does.
And the way I use it to look up data, it's made me smarter in some ways.
The general public's not looking up factoids and info and tracking news with a handheld computer.
They're being completely sucked into it.
And it's directing their lives.
How's all this tied together?
Record 20% of households on food stamps in 2013.
Army considers replacing thousands of troops.
And they go on and have quotes in here where the generals are saying they're going to have automated, automated, autonomous,
Robots driving the cars and fighting the wars, and that they're phasing it in.
And there's no discussion even of, well, this allows centralized groups to have total control of a technocracy that ties into all the smart meters, all the smartphones.
Imagine if Skynet wanted to take over.
It wouldn't do it with big Terminator robots that come marching down the road.
It would get rid of your jobs first.
It would put computers in charge of all the mining, all the manufacturing first.
It would dumb the public down.
It would put chemicals in the water.
Chemicals in the food, biologicals in the food.
It would slowly reduce humans down, isolate them, make it where humans are dependent on the centralized automated system that can then social engineer because humans won't even know how to take care of themselves and humans will accept the orderly extermination of the majority.
Because it's going to be done in, again, a concentric ring, incrementalism out from the third world into the first world with stage crises, biological releases, wars, you name it, with people giving up more liberty in the name of security, when actually it's a rope tightening around our collective necks.
With the goal of reducing us down absolutely and top globalists, the public numbers are going to kill 80% incrementally.
We're good to go.
Orthodox doctrine of the globalists.
There's different doctrines, but that's the main church.
And that's their canon.
That's their canons of law and systems.
And I mean, that's it.
This is not my opinion.
You're hearing absolute, watered-down truth here.
Because by watered-down, I cannot describe to you the evil of this studying.
You've got to go research this yourself.
I mean, you've got to go look into this yourself, because I can hardly talk when I start really thinking about the fact that I'm living in all this.
And I'm a man.
I want to live.
I want to go out and eat a steak.
I want to go out and see a movie and laugh.
I want to go fishing.
I want love.
I want passion.
I want to have more kids.
I want to be prosperous.
But truly, the world as we know it is not going to exist and they're going to kill everybody.
Almost everyone listening to this, if they have their way, you're dead.
Just like the 55 million babies and the
40 to 50 million abortions.
This is just humans.
Don't even have the number down.
And we know all the baseball scores.
We know all the soccer scores worldwide.
But we don't know that it was 47,298,000 humans or whatever.
Now we just yell, give or take 10 million.
And yeah, it's one and a half to two billion.
You know, we're not sure how many have been killed in the last 50 years.
It's billions.
Yeah, it's just billions.
And you got an attitude, yeah, there's people everywhere, there's too many of us.
It's billions, you know, who cares?
And the point is, they're setting up a world where we don't exist, and there's a revolution.
If you could punch up my computer, here's the Daily Mail.
And they've got RoboCop ads, monster ads is what they call them, on both sides of the computer.
About Robocop and how cool it is.
But then right in front of it, it says, it's 2014, the year your job will be taken by a robot.
Job apocalypse.
Set to strike as droids are trained to flip burgers or drinks and even look after our children.
And here's the deal, you as a decision, you're going to figure this out later when it's probably too late, but you don't want to go in a bar where a robot's serving you.
You don't want to go into a restaurant where there's no humans and you pick what you want and there's not even a waitress.
You don't want to give support to any of this.
Do you understand?
In fact, I've envisioned the symbol of the resistance is like a caution sign with a human with a club.
A man with a club, with his wife and his children behind him, smashing a robot in.
That is the symbol of the future.
If we even have a chance against this, with God's help, okay?
It's not that I'm against technology.
It's that it's being developed and deployed, weaponized and autonomous against us.
With Skynet, in the Pentagon's own words, it's from the 70s, folks.
The year I was born was when this report was written, 1974.
Another report in 77.
Skynet wired into everything with smart dust and RFID and everything, with all your appliances, your cars, everything run by it, everything actuaried.
Agenda 21 to shut down all parts of the economy they don't control, people totally under globalist control, and you will take all the inoculations, you will take the sterilization, you will... so half your neighbors are dying of cancer, all you know is if you don't take, you know, the vaccine food rations they give you, that you won't get any more food, and then if you resist, they'll send by a robot SWAT team to kill you.
And your neighbors aren't going to say anything, folks, because if you say anything about this in the future, it's going to be called sedition, thought crime.
And oh, the system's breaking down because all these people are fighting it.
And look, you know, Megacity 9 just went down with the humans rioting.
You know, we're sending in the Liberator Force to defend.
You know, autonomous forces are taking out the humans.
And I'm telling you, it's all coming.
Man against machine.
Total war.
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By the way, they only say that this job apocalypse is going to happen over the next few decades.
No, it's going to happen in the next five years.
The first big phases of it.
Because they've learned psychologically, they always put it off into the future.
Oh, in 2050, the military is going to have autonomous drones.
They had autonomous drones 15, 20 years ago.
Now they've got completely autonomous ones.
With names like Tyranus.
The British have got them, they've all got them.
And so all these countries are racing to build it.
But it's all been standardized.
It all has back doors built by the technocrats.
Whether it's made in China, whether it's made in Thailand, whether it's made in Singapore, whether it's made in Austin, Texas, or whether it's made in the areas of the central areas of California.
It's all globally standardized.
And it's the ring of Shoron.
All these lesser rings are given to everyone.
The iPhones, the smart washing machines that you can turn on when you're away.
And everybody thinks, oh, it's great, the smart meter.
I can control my house from a distance.
Yeah, and it can control what you do, and track what you do, and double charge you, and all this other stuff.
Bad people animate this.
So there's the one ring that controls all the others.
And we're all taking our own personal rings.
Soran is giving out billions of rings.
And it's an incredible system, and there's good in the system as well.
But that can be turned off at any time.
This broadcast.
All of it is to be actuaried out, phased out, assimilated.
I mean, the system doesn't care if you don't sell out.
They just keep coming at you, and coming at you, and coming at you so nicely, so lovingly, wanting to be your friend, wanting to help you, wanting to give you everything you need.
Make it so easy, because they've already, already sold out.
They've already given into the spirit.
It's a spirit.
It's an idea.
It's a mindset.
And it is the end of humanity.
And it is an abortion of humanity.
And before they fully abort us,
They're going to mutate us and make us ugly, so it's a self-fulfilling prophecy so that we accept our destruction.
We have to accept our destruction and give up the life force, give up the animating contest, so that we don't have the will to fight.
When we raise our children, when we do the right thing, when we stay out of the system, we don't have the will
And we just give up, and then spiritually they have the right then to come in and destroy us.
Just saying, I resist, I see you, I know you, I know who you are, I don't accept you, you are death, you are a fraud, you are a liar, you are a dehumanizer, you are the author of everything ugly, you are a betrayer.
That, just that decision in your heart sends shockwaves through the enemy spiderweb.
But you have to decide what your prime directive is, what your main function is.
Is it having a good time?
Is it playing along with the system?
Is it believing all this hype about fashion and the rest of it?
Which is human, but they've twisted it into a false matrix, while the real world around you is a prison being built.
They're building the matrix around us.
They say, oh, the Pentagon said in the 70s in that same report that I put in my book that the final goal is we will live in hive mind sensory deprivation pods from birth to death and there'll be no more pain, no more violence, no more war.
We'll all just live in pods.
The Matrix.
You think the Wachowski brothers just came up with all that?
I don't know if that's theoretically possible, but that's what the Pentagon said the goal is.
Total peace.
They're not going to put you in a pod.
If they succeed and there's a couple million humans left and you've all done this and worked with the machine takeover, they're not gonna stick you in a pod to live forever, okay?
They're gonna kill you.
But it'll be painless.
When they jack you in, and that's what the Wachowski brothers put in their last movie, where the clones think they're going to, you know, become free and they're really just killing them.
I mean, I'm telling you folks, I choose to not be a clone, I choose to not be a biological android, I choose free will, and I choose to resist this genetic overwrite of humanity by the devil himself.
I resist it.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I said I'd take your calls and I got into the technocracy in the last hour.
I'll cover it more and I've got a lot of other really important news.
But we're talking about 41 years of Roe v. Wade.
Over a billion plus people aborted worldwide.
40 to 50 million a year.
And this is just part of the culture to death.
And this is going to be done so scientifically, this total takeover of society.
To where it is a anesthetized, lobotomized killing field that we live in.
Where first your mind is destroyed, your intellect is destroyed and hampered, your individualism is destroyed and you're absorbed into the collective before being annihilated and then your ashes and carbon dioxide spewed out of a funnel, spewed out of a smokestack and that's all the world will ever know of you existing.
Literature destroyed.
Art destroyed.
Poetry destroyed.
Innocence destroyed.
Everything good pulled down.
Everything good having its eyeballs gouged out spiritually.
Its eardrums rammed out.
Everything drugged through the mud, piled on by wickedness and cowardice.
That's the world.
That's what Satan is building.
And I don't want any part of it.
Let's talk to Jim in Georgia.
We're talking about abortion, people's take on it, their stories about it, the technocracy, how it all ties together.
Thanks for calling and holding, Jim.
I'm going to go to John, Julie, Dale, and Ken, and others.
Go ahead, Jim.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
I'm doing alright, buddy.
That's good to hear.
I wanted to tell you, first of all, I don't see how anybody could ever, ever sign on to, you know, doing an abortion on a child of any kind, no matter how, you know, it was conceived, because
Me and my wife have been trying for a very long time to conceive a child.
We keep losing them around the 2, 3, 6 month period and it's not a very fun feeling at all.
I can only imagine signing up to do it willingly.
But that's today's culture, I guess.
They want everybody on the same payroll there.
I hear you, brother.
I hear you.
Have you talked to any naturopaths and folks?
Because they put so many hormones in the food.
There's particular hormones you can take.
If you're deficient in them, you'll lose them at the start of the second trimester.
I've heard the People's Pharmacy compounding pharmacist on 590 AM describe this phenomenon.
I don't know the technicals of it.
We should get pharmacist Ben Fuchs on about that.
That's a good subject.
Because they're already aborting us with all the chemicals in the food.
Of course, that can happen naturally, too, as a woman's older.
How old's your wife?
Uh, she's only 25.
Oh, man.
Did she take vaccines earlier in life?
Well, that's the thing, that she took the Gardasil, unfortunately, you know, early in life, not knowing anything about it, and she ended up getting PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and they talked her into having a surgery to get rid of that, and it's just been a whole bunch of stuff.
Yeah, yeah, say that again, because you should probably sue them, and not that we're litigious, but we gotta stop them.
You know Gardasil's been proven to attack the female reproductive system, and is a sterilant program.
That's why they're forcing it on all girls in Mexico.
But you're not going to hear La Raza or Mecha speak up for the sterilization of Mexican girls.
And of course, it's going to torture them.
They're going to have all sorts of health problems.
What's happened to your wife after the Gardasil shot?
She ended up getting what they call PCOS.
It's a polyovascular... How do you say it?
I'm not sure exactly how to pronounce it, but it's polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome, yes.
That is exactly what Gardasil has been proven to be linked to.
Guys, type in Gardasil ovaries and it was in the news two months ago.
Yeah, I know, it's totally cold-blooded.
Man, that really upsets me, I tell you.
And that's the issue.
People want to have abortions, you can debate that if your head's not screwed on straight.
But how do you debate the fact that they're quietly trying to sterilize people?
There's just no way to describe it, man.
I can't even explain how it makes a person feel to lose a child, much less willingly to go lose a child.
You know what I mean?
God bless you, brother.
Anything else, Jim?
Uh, no, just keep up the good fight, man, and my dream job will someday work for you.
Oh, well, someday when we get our act together, which we're starting to do, maybe we'll be able to expand and maybe do that.
Thank you.
By the way, that fight, the good fight, did we ever... Maybe we should come back with that, if we have fight the good fight.
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Hi folks, Alex Jones here with some important information.
I want to tell you about Matt Redhawk.
I don't know.
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Are you?
It's Alex Jones!
I'm gonna go back to your phone calls, but you know, I heard this song a few weeks ago and I like it.
But I really like the words to it by Triumph.
It's fight the good fight.
And when you realize that you can either give up to evil, give up to corruption, or you can fight it, there is a animating liberty in standing up against it.
But it's also very painful
To sit there and see the general public unaware of how serious things are, or to see the public think that, oh, you're just trying to be a goody two-shoes, because there's so many people that claim they're out there trying to do good, really just so they can have the moral authority to actually do whatever they want.
But I am a libertarian constitutionalist pro-human who loves God and loves innocence and wants to try to value life and wants to have an open, free society.
And we are going scientifically in the opposite direction.
The entire military will be autonomous killer robots, land, sea, and air.
Submarines, ships.
It's going to be the Navy first.
It's completely automated.
In fact, the Air Force and others in the London Telegraph say that today.
They say, you know, we're going to go to robot vehicles, robot troops as soon as possible.
We're going to cut the troop strength down to one quarter and replace them with robots.
But don't worry, we'll have two humans for every group of robots that will oversee them.
But the robots will be autonomous, and then that will even be faded out.
And again, you notice exactly what I told you is now happening.
Because I didn't just imagine all of this.
I have read, I have shown you, I have written a book on the subject, Descent into Tyranny.
It's out of print, but the e-book's on PrisonPlanet.tv.
When you're a member, you can read it there.
And it's free online, too.
I put it out as a PDF years ago, just so people could see it.
And I've got copies of that Pentagon document.
That the National Academy of Scientists republished when it was declassified, and then it was reclassified.
But the point is, is that that's just one document.
And when you read stuff written in the 70s, and it's now all being done exactly as they said, you realize how serious the situation is, okay?
The smart meters, the smart phones, the grids, the smart homes, the Amazon.com being able to predict what you're going to order before you order it.
And now they're getting test trials of mailing people things before they order it, knowing they're still going to order it and complete the contract.
And with almost 100% accuracy, it's working in their test.
I'll say that again.
They can tell the future.
That's what all this is about.
God-like power.
In the hands of people that don't even have enough spiritual smarts to not want to serve evil.
So they're going to be given near omnipresent type power.
Temporal, limited, limited scope, God with a little g power, giving it to usurping animals.
Who see humanity as a disgusting thing that they want to abort, in their own words.
And that's what we're taking your calls about right now, John in Arizona and Julie and Dale and Ken and Anthony.
We're going to get to all of you.
We're going to get to all of you.
We're going to go to your phone calls.
But this is the big issue.
I mean there's really nothing else but this.
We can talk about all the political corruption and all the attempts to disarm us and all the attempts to shut down family farms and make us dependent because it's a military globalist siege in slow motion incremental attack that you can't respond to because it's going in slow motion.
But notice now it's starting to speed up.
And because people have gotten in a comfort zone, they're upset biologically.
People are on edge.
And that's because we're now going into the beginning of what they call the march into the singularity.
And folks, if you're a new listener and don't know what that is, you better learn real quick.
Because this is real.
Whether it's going to be achieved or not.
And Ray Kurzweil and Google believe they're going to become God.
I would call it the God race.
You've heard of arms races and peace races and
No, no, this is the God Race!
That'd be a good book, you know, to write.
Or a film.
The God Race.
And show how all these corporations are in a race with the genetic engineering and with the nanotech and admitting it's all super dangerous and could destroy us at any time.
And the bioweapons race and all of it.
It's all part of twisted competition as they try to dumb us down and keep us out of the game and keep anybody who's good or sensible from being part of this debate telling us, oh, none of this is even going on.
While they all are setting it up.
And then the globalists go, well look at the public.
I mean, you tell them it doesn't exist even though it does exist and they believe it.
These people don't deserve to go to the next level of the enlightened new age man that is going to ascend to godhood.
And everything the devil does is a counterfeit.
Christ is bringing in the new age.
The real new age.
But so they call it the new age.
They call themselves illuminated when they try to bring darkness to the world, but only they have light so they can do whatever they want because everyone else is blind.
See how it's all twisted?
We are headed into the technological singularity, ladies and gentlemen.
They're at least 30 to 40 years ahead of us.
And then it's going to start jumping to 100 years, 200 years, 300 years on these government reservations and corporate reservations.
We don't know what they've already discovered.
We don't know what they're already up to.
That's why they act like we don't even exist now.
They're just on total power trips, out in the open robbing, you know, tens of trillions a year from us, shutting up total tyranny, militarizing police, while they build the robots that are going to replace the police.
By the way, my grandfather, William Hammond, was an inventor.
From the time he was a teenager, because he lives next door to a German-American who was a famous holder of patents on refrigeration and air conditioning.
So that's how he got the bug to build.
And he had a lot of inventions that were semi-successful, but they would always get bought by the government and then mothballed.
He could never get private industry to buy him, and it was, I mean, he was concerned about the 60s and the burning cities, so he built with some other guys a taser robot, basically, that was remote control and had extending arms out that would go to the ends of the street that you could remote control
And it had serious voltage going through it, enough to really knock people out.
And then he would roll that down the street at people.
That was in late 1960s.
And they bought the robot.
They bought the robot from my grandfather's.
I'm just explaining to you folks, that's what's been going on.
Can you imagine that was in the late 1960s?
And my grandfather, you know, would talk about this kind of stuff in the future and what was going to happen.
And he wouldn't really get into it.
He was so freaked out.
And I realize that now that the stuff he got into, you know, then he just basically went in his house and closed the door and became a recluse.
All the stuff he saw.
And I never learned most of it before he died because he wouldn't talk about it.
And who knows what it was?
It's just, you know, he just, you know, it's incredible.
And, you know, I'm just watching humanity be aborted right now.
And it really hurts me.
And I just wish humanity would stand up and wake up and realize what's going on and uplift ourselves and realize that we could shrug this off anytime we wanted to.
If we realize what evil predators we've got in charge.
And I apologize, I haven't gone to your calls.
I'm going to go to them right now.
I really apologize.
Let's go to one right now before we go to break.
John Arizona on the subject of abortion.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, good afternoon.
First of all, I'm not for abortion at all.
But it seems like here in Arizona we have more Planned Parenthood than clinics that will offer up abortion ideas than there are childhood candy stores.
It's quite sad.
And the other thing is, is that... Alright, appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dale in Texas.
Dale, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey now, brother.
What's going on, Alex?
Worldwide broadcast.
Go ahead.
Hey, brother.
Hey, to your worldwide audience, hey, listen, this is the new center of the media universe.
I don't know if you caught a little conversation on the Stern Show today earlier about GMOs, but listen, you're dead on with abortion.
It's a direct attack against humanity.
Everything, like, even these kind of things are kind of common sense, and the gun controls, and the scannings, and all these kind of things.
Now, of course, if you're
Kind of not awake yet, and kind of one of these programmed, indoctrinated, kind of zombies, kind of sheep out there, then that's fine.
So we're getting a little distracted here on whether, of course, you're your callers, your supporters even, and people who get it, then yeah, they're against it.
You know, and they get it.
And whether or not we do with it, if you want a gun, you got one.
If you don't, you don't.
Well, it's an artificial system being deployed against us where humanity is disempowered, and then the technocracy and government and the robots are empowered.
This is, in their own words, a military takeover of eugenics against us.
And speaking of Howard Stern, you know, I've been on a lot of shows, and I've never had the response I've had on the Howard Stern Show culturally.
I mean, that is really a giant show.
And I'm on Lieberman's show tomorrow, because, you know, they have that whole show, Lieberman Live, tomorrow, I think at like 1030 Central or 1015 Central for 30 minutes.
And I think they are going to start having me on occasionally on the Howard Stern Show.
People say, oh, I don't like Howard Stern, he does this or that.
Whatever, the point is,
You know, I like the fact that they have a lot of open ideas on there, so I want to get to that audience and talk about what's happening in the world.
And as you said, I didn't hear it today, they were talking about GMOs, so I'm going to come back so you can tell me what they were discussing, because that's how we're going to win.
And the fact that a show like the Howard Stern Show is intrigued with what I do, they've told me that, I want to start including me in the show more, reaching out to us, and that Oxford's doing it, and a bunch of other groups, really shows we're having an effect.
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Again, ladies and gentlemen, I want to reach out to the world.
I don't want to just stay in my own bubble and only talk to the choir.
And that's why... Well, number one, I'm not bragging, because I want to hurry up and get to your calls.
People have been holding, like, Anthony and Julie and Scott and Ken.
I will get to all of you.
But these callers bring up important points that need to be covered.
This broadcast, because the globalists have all their data mining, and they know how big this broadcast is.
I don't know how big it is.
I don't have access to all that.
I just know it's huge.
I just know we send reporters anywhere in the world now, and if ten people walk by, two or three of them are listeners.
I mean, they're not even going out to where we're at in most cases.
We're on deserted beaches, you know, that five people walk by and one of them's a listener, wearing an InfoWars shirt.
We've hit the zeitgeist.
I'm not bragging, by the way.
This freaks me out.
The keynote, which is a big deal, for the end of the winter quarter, I guess they call it, in March in England, and I'm going to go do that, and that's presidents have spoke there, Mahatma Gandhi, Malcolm X, the whole... I mean, it's a big deal to be the keynote speaker.
It's a big deal to be at Oxford.
And I've had other people reach out to me across the board
Just lately, at the highest levels of government, former and current, and I mean, it's just because they know, for whatever reason, they can tell the future to a certain extent.
The trajectory we're on, if I can't be co-opted,
He's going to, really, it's like a black arrow to smog.
We've got a black arrow in this broadcast.
I don't know if the black arrow that I'm going to fire and we're going to fire is going to take out smog, okay?
That's up to God to guide our hands.
The point is, they don't want us to be there, because it's not Alex Jones, it's all of us together, to fire that black arrow.
And there's a lot of other Black Arrows out there.
But they can see, for whatever reason, that what we're doing is going into the zeitgeist and helping turn the zeitgeist.
And the issue is they could just kill me, but that would make me bigger.
Or they could try to co-opt me, but it's beyond that.
A lot of these people that I've talked to, beyond Hollywood,
Really get now that, wow, this new order isn't going to be the empowerment of man and all this great stuff and it is going to be dystopic and they don't like it.
So I want to be clear, folks, there's a real struggle now.
Humanity's going, whoa, we're in danger.
We're going to, this is bad.
You're feeling it beyond your own body and your children.
You're feeling it as a cultural
Death of the species.
The species is really being hurt right now because they're putting stuff in the vaccines and the food and things that are beyond anything we've seen.
Free will is being destroyed in a lot of people right now.
People are being biologically, chemically lobotomized and basically murdered.
For their non-persons.
And everyone subconsciously, spiritually, is picking up that we're under attack.
That's why people are listening right now.
And I've been chasing, and you notice a little bit more focus lately, because the evil is entering a major expansion phase right now.
And at a very primitive gut level, at the seat of my soul, I am beyond freaked out now.
And I know you are as well.
But this is it.
And I don't know what it is going to be exactly.
I got a good idea.
And things may start happening a lot quicker than even I thought.
But you better get yourself right with God.
That's all I can tell anybody.
You better get right with God right now.
Right now.
That includes me.
And the problem is, you have this at a spiritual level, but biologically, when things get bad, you want to fight, you want to have sex, you want to get drunk, you want to... But believe me, I'm a human too.
So you're seeing the best of people and the worst of people all at the same time, ladies and gentlemen.
This is a war.
No wonder people are acting crazy when they're on R&R.
No wonder there's shootings happening and people freaking out and divorces at record levels and all these bad things happening.
Because folks, people know, despite all the propaganda and the bull they've tried to paper over with, we're in a depression.
But more importantly than an economic depression, we're in a spiritual depression.
Finish up your point in one minute because this is a long segment coming up and I promise I'll get to all the callers after that.
Dale in Texas, make your point about Howard Stern talking about GMOs.
Yeah, well earlier this morning you got on the conversation, Howard was talking about Froot Loops, the different colors, they all taste the same.
And so Gary comes running in, hey boss, hey boss, you do hear that they're changing my Cheerios that I've been eating for 40 years, they're taking out the GMs.
Sure, but let's see, at least it's being discussed.
Okay, at least it's being discussed.
And that's what matters.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The Empire... Stay there, callers.
Julie, you're up next.
Alex Jones.
Coming to you, hon.
Thank you for holding.
Ken, Scott, Anthony.
Everybody, batter up.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I think a night on Bald Mountains is a proper way to bring us into this dark discussion.
Look, they're building the entire internet, technological, technocratic structure as a control grid.
Not even a control grid to protect everyone as good stewards, which of course it would always be taken over and used for bad, even if the government was good and the system was good.
But it's a global, private, corporate governance that loves abortion, unified across the board, that loves dehumanization, that is trying to dumb humanity down to steal the future.
To prepare us for extermination.
And that's their own words.
And I've, you know, been covering this today while the crew searches everything I say and puts mainstream news articles and documents up on screen.
You can take what I say here on air, type it into a computer and get the enemy saying it.
Do you understand that?
That's the surrealness of this.
And why it's bizarre when people call up and say you're doing a good job.
I like it.
I'm bailing water in a sinking boat in the middle of the frozen Atlantic.
We're going to die if it goes under.
We've got to get to shore.
It's two miles away.
Keep bailing.
Keep bailing.
Thank you for bailing.
Thank you for bailing.
And I'm not saying you're bad thanking me.
I appreciate that.
You need to start bailing.
And I know you're bailing.
But I mean, we need to bail like our lives depend on it.
And we bail by waking people up.
We bail by standing up.
None of us are perfect, but we have Dr. Stallman on.
We try to run Linux system and Gen 2 or whatever you call it.
I don't know all the tech stuff.
We try.
We have some other systems here as well.
We're not purists.
We try.
Because there's hackers out there to protect our systems and government and the rest of it.
But, you know, we try to be out of the system as much as we can, but we have to be in it as well.
Because you have to go into the Matrix to fight the Matrix, but be aware you're in it.
If you've got any hope, ladies and gentlemen.
And that's what I'm telling you.
There's this breakaway civilization technocracy that runs Hollywood, runs the whole system, that is involved in social engineering.
And I talked to the public who isn't awake, and they'll be watching social engineering if I'm in a hotel in the lobby and there's a TV on.
And then I go, do you see that conditioning?
Do you just see that?
They're like, no, I didn't catch that.
And if you mention, you notice they just did this.
They go, oh yeah, yeah, they do that.
Well, don't be comfortable with people that are trying to sneakily manipulate you.
And then if you knew who they were, you'd really do that.
Let's go to Julie here.
Julie in California, thanks for holding your on the air worldwide.
Hi Alex, how are you?
I want to approach the abortion issue both from a personal and professional side.
I've been a nurse for 30 years.
When I was 20, I was engaged.
I got pregnant.
I went and told my fiancé at the time, you know, that
I was pregnant and I wound up getting beaten for about four and a half to five hours.
He did everything he possibly could to get me to lose that baby.
Um, I crawled into a closet that was beneath his stairs.
I stayed there for about another hour until I heard him go upstairs.
I grabbed my purse, ran out of the house, got to my closet.
Well, I mean, I'll tell you the response to a man beating a pregnant woman.
That's what I'm gonna teach my daughters.
They get some boyfriend or husband, comes in trying to make a miscarriage, you pull your gun out and you kill him.
And because it's better to be tried by nine than carried by six.
And that's a normal response, by the way.
Because, see, you know, notice the feminists would never tell a woman to do that.
Mecho and the Raza won't tell, you know, Hispanics that they're targeting Hispanic women with a Gardasil to sterilize them, because they're just there to destroy them and turn them into racists so they're never empowered.
And so I'm sorry to interrupt you.
That's just incredible.
You've been holding to tell the story.
I just want to say that someone beating a woman in the stomach, trying to make them have a miscarriage, is trying to murder the baby.
It's assault with a deadly weapon.
Kill them!
Now, I just don't get how women put up with men that abuse them, but then women are mean to guys that are nice to them.
I'm not judging you.
I'm just saying in a general sense.
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
Anyway, you know, Ray, he followed me through the streets of Belmar.
In New Jersey, I finally found a police station.
I went in, the death sergeant took one look at me and says, oh my gosh, I passed out on the floor at that point.
They took me to the hospital.
My OB kept telling me, you know, all for my pregnancy, you know, you really, you really should maybe think about terminating the pregnancy and whatnot.
I said, no, I said, you know, I don't care what happens.
If this baby has a problem because of what's happened, I will deal with that, but I'm going to have this child.
She's 32 years old and she has no issues.
None whatsoever.
Not one.
Can you imagine the world without her?
Absolutely couldn't.
You know, and now on the professional side, being a nurse, you know, I see women that come in, um, I've probably had, you know, eight to 10 women through 30 years of nursing that have come in that have had anything from torn cervixes, torn cervix on the uterus.
I've had them come in with,
Well, listen, in a super fancy hospital with top doctors, and most good doctors obviously as you know won't do it, it's dangerous.
But it's one of the most dangerous procedures you can get, especially in second or third trimester.
It doubles your chances of cancer in the
A reproductive tract, as you know, the uterus and other areas, it's unnatural, it causes incredible depression, and a lot of times, as you just said, it ends up hurting the woman's fertility.
Go ahead.
Tell us as a nurse that's seen it, what it does.
I mean, I've had, you know, I've had women come in, I mean, and they wind up, you know, with the hemorrhaging, they'll have blood clots.
So, they'll actually have to go through with, you know, an OB, GYN, to have those clots
Take a look at this.
And I said, and I said, what vaccine she take?
Gardasil, which is designed, it's overwhelming, they can sue me if it's not true.
It's out there.
Gardasil's designed to do a soft kill sterilization, where it doesn't sterilize you every time, it just causes incredible cyst and degeneration in the ovaries, and that's come out.
And are they going to get in trouble?
Because that's a program.
They're protected.
Rick Perry, who said it was the law to take it when it wasn't, to create this hoax to give 11-year-old girls, it's the law that all 11 and 12-year-olds have this.
It's the law in Mexico.
All Mexican girls have this.
It's not even a law.
It's the same PR fraud.
And you're like, well, there are a lot of Mexicans, Alex, and I thought you don't want open borders.
I don't want open borders.
Not because I don't like Mexicans, but because they're bringing them up here and socializing them and getting them to become voters to make me a slave.
If I could turn the Mexicans into libertarians, I will adopt the culture completely.
I like Mexicans!
I love their food, I like Mexicans' culture, I like the whole nine yards.
I don't like their corrupt government.
And I don't like their kids getting sterilized either.
But that's why I'm a racist.
It's because I don't want to sterilize all the Mexican girls.
And that's why Mecho and La Raza say I'm a racist.
It's because I don't want to kill Mexicans!
I'm sorry, go ahead ma'am.
I hear you, but you know the best thing is I've been married for 25 years.
And my husband adopted my daughter.
And we have a 23-year-old son.
And he is as responsible as a day is long.
He's going to Fire Academy, going to be a fireman.
So, you know, I mean, I hit the lottery.
Well, that's awesome.
God bless you.
And you didn't have that abortion.
You know, most young people I talk to, unless it's like really poor inner city or Appalachian type folks, you know, a girl's 14, she gets pregnant and
Then, I mean, I had cheerleader girlfriends and stuff that I didn't get pregnant with, you know, that later went out with their guys and got pregnant.
And it'd be like a big deal at the school.
And then I'd see them years later with their handsome son or daughter at the shopping mall or wherever and say, hi, you know, my old girlfriend.
Oh, this is my son.
This is my daughter.
I ran into multiple girlfriends I had, you know, who had kids later.
And I mean, they were grown up.
They were beautiful.
They were cool.
They had kids.
It accelerated their growth development.
They were empowered by it.
And they always said, thank God I didn't have an abortion.
Thank God I didn't have an abortion.
Thank God I didn't have an abortion.
Thank God I didn't have an abortion.
Over and over and over again.
You know, I'd meet those women when they were 20, 22 years old.
I'd been dating them when I was 16, 17, you name it.
And it was just, it's so fulfilling.
So I appreciate your testimony.
Thank you for calling, Julie.
Amazing testimony.
I appreciate her holding to tell that story.
Ken in Virginia, you're on the air, go ahead.
I'm actually amazed on how many people still fail to realize, even if you take a religion out of the whole abortion deal, that they don't even stop and think, well, you know, where are the majority of these Planned Parenthood sites where all these abortions are taking place?
They're in the run-of-the-mill type part of the city.
And it's just like, it absolutely gobsmacked me that, in addition to that,
They're now putting these clinics in the schools.
And then, you know, we already know that the schools fail the children because a lot of them don't even know how to read or write properly.
And then yet, they're like, okay, well, we're just going to go ahead and allow our students or our children to be, you know, educated on how, you know, to, you know, use contraception and stuff like that.
But what they're doing is they're teaching abortion in the schools right now.
And what I don't understand is why don't these parents, who apparently just don't get a clue about what's going on, stop advocating your role as a parent and start taking control of your kids?
Well, that's it.
I mean, we've got to look at the language.
Public schools are not schools.
They are indoctrination brainwashing centers.
And then the private Christian schools all want to be accredited?
Believe me, my kids have been in them.
You know, the schools where they go two, three days a week to Christian Academy, which are great places, but...
You get sent home Michelle Obama literature they've got to fill out about what a healthy meal is, and it's not that GMOs are bad, it's not that fluoride's bad, it's just fats bad period, and eat Lunchables.
You know, it's basically government, it's just, it's ridiculous.
It's like, what has Michelle Obama got to do with my children?
And I appreciate your call, great points.
Let's talk to Scott in Washington, you're on the air.
Yeah, Alex, it's very funny that you mentioned social engineering in Hollywood earlier, a few moments ago, because I want to bring up the fact that at the time that that decision came out about Roe v. Wade, and as much as I like watching the Norman Lear comedies and stuff, going back and looking at it in retrospect, there was an episode of Maude that aired, I believe, either November or October of 72, just two or three months
Prior to that decision about Maude's dilemma about her wanting or her having an abortion and I think the way that they played that off was she was 47 or 48 or something about that she was middle-aged and that she was too old to be raising a baby and you know and I had to look at that and I just had to wonder had that been planned or you know it just seemed like that it was just too convenient it was just too close to the time that that decision came out.
Well, look, I mean, they push abortion in the hospitals, they push it in the cultures, they push it everywhere.
I appreciate your call.
I can't answer your question on that, I don't know.
By the way, shifting gears, before I go back to your calls, another subject.
Here's an article up on InfoWars.com from Chavez411.
NFL Commission makes 29.5 mil a year, 15 times more than tax-free organization gives to charity, more than the CEOs of Ford, Heinz, and FedEx combined, and the NFL is tax-exempt, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, the individual owners and people end up paying some private and corporate tax, but they get out of almost all of it.
You understand that?
I mean, it is just a total government-run propaganda.
And they let them do that, show they'll have Obama in Monday Night Football intro, show they'll push anti-gun messages, show they'll say a gun ad that doesn't even show a gun, but just talks about a father having a right to protect his home, Second Amendment.
No, we find that offensive.
You can't air that.
I mean, they are, they are like the running man.
You see how the Justice Department calls up in The Running Man, written by Stephen King?
Great movie.
He wrote the short story.
And literally tells them what to do.
That's how it really is.
I mean, I off-record, when I was 23 years old, had been on the air a couple years, on AXS TV and local radio, had high-level Democrats.
Call me and actually show up at events I was at to say, look, we can give you a lot of money.
And it wasn't even a payoff.
It was just like, join us.
You're going to be successful.
That's how powerful these people are, folks.
They are everywhere getting all the talent, buying everything up.
I mean, you think they run the NFL?
I mean, look at the message.
They run the NFL on record.
Of course they run the NFL.
I was 22, 23 years old.
And having
High-level Democrats from the legislature personally come down in their fancy $3,000 suits and put their cards in my hand and say, son, you need to join the big leagues.
What does that tell you about this world?
It tells you it's rigged and that we're an anomaly that we've gotten to this point.
We are a total and complete anomaly.
And I, listen, I just want to say this.
I need your prayers.
And I'm not saying that to say, oh, we're big shots.
I can handle stuff.
I don't get stage fright.
I don't get fright going out and speaking to a big crowd of people.
I've never had that.
You know, they had a, at the daycare center that I stayed when my mom was working at the Dallas Morning News and my dad was finishing up at medical school.
And I'd stay a few days a week, you know, for like 10 hours at that daycare center.
Well, I'm telling that story, but I don't even have this memory, but they had the Christmas play they put on, and none of the kids, it was a big daycare center in Dallas, probably 50 kids in it or more, none of the children would do the parts when it came time.
And I stood up, and I said, I am Moo the Cow, and I bring milk to the baby Jesus.
I said, like, I am Moo the Cow, I bring milk to the baby Jesus to all these parents, you know, there at the daycare place.
But I'll tell you folks, I've got stage fright now, because I'm not on a stage.
I'm in the real world just like you are.
And I have just come to grips with the fact that we're absolutely right, and we're facing the devil.
And when you're facing the devil, and you realize your best works are dirty rags, it's like, why me?
It's just like, why am I in this position?
And it's beyond fear of crowds is not the way to describe it.
It's more of it's just like, what?
I mean, I don't have this high view of myself and I...
I know you don't have a big view of yourself.
Good people are not arrogant.
Good people are humble.
But you're going to have to get past that.
And you're going to have to get in the enemy's face.
And I know you're not even afraid.
It's more like you don't want to cause a stir.
You just want to live your quiet life and be a good person.
And fight the good fight every day.
But the fight in the good fight means we got to get really aggressive is what I'm saying.
We got to step out of our comfort zones, myself included, and recommit to going against the enemy 110%.
Because this is it, folks.
This isn't a game.
It isn't a joke.
And I've come to the realization that the worst case scenarios are all real.
And we are in a real fight with these people.
It's the opportunity.
It's the thought of, I can't make a mistake in this and I've just got to be like a surgeon.
Or, you know what?
Stop worrying about making mistakes.
Do the best job you can.
Get in the zone.
Flip the switch.
Get the job done.
And that's what we got to do.
So I tell you about my personal experiences and what I'm going through.
So that I know you're going through similar things.
We can all collectively share this knowledge and move forward together.
Because evil people don't worry how they look or what they do.
They have no remorse.
They love what they're doing.
They're having a great time hurting us.
We have to get in gear and engage them and get in the fight at every level.
And through the fight, we will find our center.
We will, we will, we will dig in and we will overcome.
But you gotta get in the arena.
And you're gonna lose a lot, but you're gonna get stronger.
We'll be right back with your calls.
Stay with us.
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We can find our humanity.
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We've got to find our spirit first.
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And blood is just pumping out of us.
And that's what we're all feeling is the death of the hedge.
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And into it floods
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The plastic fake culture.
The aborted culture.
The culture that the elite decided to dumb down, overtake, and destroy.
I mean, think about the magnitude of that statement, and it's real!
It's real!
In their own words!
Replacing everything with autonomous robots, no jobs for anybody.
We have to decide to have a culture for jobs.
Oh, we're going to have napkin gas, you'll be a service economy.
Now we're getting rid of that.
We're going to tax you to the point where you live in a 200 square foot coffin condo and the state runs your kids.
I mean, it's just unbelievable.
And submit
And we'll give you some money and give you a job.
Don't submit, we'll taser you or we'll kill you.
And we're going to take old ladies' houses so we can give illegal aliens food stamps.
I mean, it's just, it's incredible.
Let's go back to your calls.
Actually, I got Adam Kokesh coming up, but we've got a short segment coming on before he joins us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The system can lie to itself, but the technocrats sitting on top of the pyramid have built the technological modern society for more than 60 years in the West to take over the world, destroy national governments, establish a corporate world dictatorship, the social engineer depopulation programs.
And the average yuppie goes, there are too many people.
Have you ever been out in the Caribbean and you can drive in a boat for 20 minutes and not see any coral reefs or fish, but then when you get to a coral reef it's just teeming with fish?
It's the same thing with cities.
You see all these people that brings commerce and brings life and you're like, look at these people, look at these lines, look at the... You can have a movie theater because there's a bunch of people.
You can have a big supermarket because there's a bunch of people.
It takes people to build a civilization.
If we don't have 2.1 kids, our civilization collapses.
And by the way, we aborted 55 million people?
We gotta get 55 million people from Latin America.
And they're good stock to build this country if they weren't being turned into imperial probe droids when they get here by the New World Order.
They've already turned the American people, black, white, hispanic, into TV head droids.
They get these people up here so they can do stuff as biological androids before their next generation gets brainwashed by the televisions like Americans and soft-killed.
That's what we're talking about here.
We killed 55 million Americans and that's why they admit in the big government congressional budget offices they got to legalize 33 million illegals.
They want to bring more up here because we killed everybody.
And by the way, don't worry, there'll be a shortage of Mexicans soon, because most of their women are going to be sterilized with a Gardasil.
It's already happening.
The forced inoculation started last year.
We are under attack.
And you can argue all day long about are there too many people or aren't there?
Hey, there's a covert and overt program to kill us going on.
So let's have a discussion about what's going on.
Like I told you, the NSA was tracking everything you do.
Oh no, they're not.
You're a conspiracy theorist.
I told you all how they do it with the whistleblowers 16, 17 years ago.
I mean, I know what I'm talking about and I'm not on a power trip about that.
It's like I came to your house and it's on fire and you're laying in your front room watching TV with flames and I go, get out of there, Bob, your house on fire.
You're like, shut up, conspiracy theorist.
And you're like, I mean,
If you got kids, I'm going to bust the door in and I'm going to get your kids out of there.
And if you give me a problem, I'm going to punch you right in the nose, Bob!
I mean, it is getting down to that point where we just cannot continue to put up with this forever.
Let's go to Truthseeker on abortion.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I just wanted to call and let you know my opinion on abortion.
I agree with you.
It defiles the innocent and gives credence to just how ignorant the public is and easily deceived.
And I just wondered if you have ever heard of a filmmaker called Bill Maloney?
He did a movie called Nightmare on Elm Street, and it shows the link between the blackmailing, extortion, and political corruption that's going on in Britain.
And Ted Gunderson also actually touched on this with the smart schools down in Mexico in a group called the Finders.
It's a pedophile ring.
I know I interviewed Ted Gunderson, bless his heart he's dead now, many years ago on that.
And I actually aired a documentary that Discovery Channel wouldn't air.
I aired it 15 years after they wouldn't air it.
I was given it by Ted Gunderson and I aired it on AXS television and got it out there and it's online now.
People call me and say, have you seen this before?
And yes, I've seen it.
And now that was the CIA and DC and child kidnapping rings all over the country with a CPS confirmed.
And actually, the D.C.
police actually busted it, and we're gonna stop it, and the national security was declared.
I mean, it's unbelievable.
Look, look, look, your children are like a T-bone steak to these people.
And that's what I'm saying.
If they can't kill them in the womb, they're going to torture and kill them outside the womb.
By the way, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny's husband, reportedly, she said on her Facebook, has passed on to be with the Lord.
And we send our condolences to her, and we're going to send her some flowers.
But I thought I should mention that, pray for her, that she has peace.
But that's that information.
Thank you, ma'am.
Adam Kokesh, coming up.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We've got Adam Kokesh with us and I'm going to talk about his case.
I don't want to throw a curveball at him.
I was just thinking about this during the break.
Looking at him getting punched up on Skype.
Libertarian patriot activist Adam Kokesh, Second Amendment activist, human empowerment activist, he's a good guy, about the dehumanization depopulation program.
Because, you know, Adam over the years, whether it was on 9-11 or a few other issues, and I don't blame him, those are controversial issues and, you know, can't be 100% proven one way or the other, you know, we kind of say Alex is a little bit far out there.
And I think it's good to have a more spirited debate about that.
But, I mean, this stuff is all just right here.
They're replacing the military with robots.
They're designing the whole grid to go after individuals.
They're trying to disarm and dehumanize and make the public sick, on record.
Lighthouse science, czar eco-science, they put fluoride in the water to give you cancer and dumb you down.
And people go, oh, that's a little extreme, because you've got to admit, we're under total positronic attack, you name it.
If you look at all their admissions, and that's the thing, then it's not fun anymore to just kind of halfway fight this.
And I'm not talking about Adam Kokesh, I'm talking about the general public.
Believe me, I wish you guys were right.
So I want to ask Adam Kokesh what he thinks of basically the world view I'm putting out.
Not about what he thinks about me, but, you know, what does he really think?
What does he think the world system's based on?
Where does he think it's going?
What does he think about the New World Order, global governance?
But I first want to talk about the fact that he has so much courage.
in a land of cowards to go and rack a shotgun, which is the D.C.
Heller case.
An off-duty cop couldn't even have a shotgun in his house for his own safety.
Security guards that, you know, guarded places where they had enemies couldn't have guns.
And five years ago, plus the Supreme Court said you gotta let them have guns.
Still no guns.
Same thing there in Chicago.
Not just in the District of Criminals, there between Maryland and Virginia, on the East Coast, but also in the middle of the country, up there on the Great Lakes, you got Chicago.
That still doesn't let anybody have guns, unless you're an insider government person and you get some special permit nobody else can get.
You give $20,000 to the mayor's re-election campaign, suddenly you get one.
And that's, by the way, how you get gun permits in New York, is you give the going prices, $20,000 to the mayoral campaign for the re-election campaign, and then you get one.
If you don't, you can be a cop, and you're going to have trouble getting one, or a retired cop.
So, this is the way this works now.
Okay, and they're going to get rid of the police and the warrior class and guns soon with a whole robotic takeover that's being reported on today.
So I want to get into the futurist mind of Adam Kokesh and get into some topics I haven't heard him talk a lot about.
I know he's talked about a lot of subjects, but I've missed it if he has.
Of course, he's hosted shows on national television and radio host.
And of course, he got arrested and then set up and a lot of stuff happened.
And I kind of want the long and short of that to then move forward.
He just got sentenced with probation where he's going now.
I hope he doesn't just disappear into Hollywood movies because he's starring in some pretty big movies that are coming out.
I could have gone that route as well.
That's pretty much how they get you to join the system.
Or if you're talented, they just need good actors.
But he's got some of that stuff coming up as well.
And he joins us right now.
So, Adam, I threw a lot of stuff out there as I usually do.
Let's talk about your case.
That's a great introduction, Alex.
I'm so grateful.
And before we get into it, let me just say, Human Empowerment Activist is the greatest title you could give me, and I'm so grateful for that and your appreciation of my work.
And I gotta say, you know, I got thousands of letters when I was in jail.
A lot of them were from fans of InfoWars.com and your show, and I know you had my back while I was in there.
When, you know, when I was getting betrayed by a lot of people that I thought had my back.
And I'm really, really grateful for that.
So I can't thank you enough for having me on today when I'm, you know, just trying to put my life back together and get back on my feet.
As you mentioned, you know, I'm dealing with probation right now.
And actually just today, before I did our sound check for this, I was on the phone with my probation officer.
I'm banned from D.C.
from two years.
So I got to get a transfer to California.
You don't have to worry about me going Hollywood.
I'm not talented enough.
We've tried that.
But I am looking to relaunch AVTM as Adam vs. the Man 4.0.
And I learned a lot of lessons the hard way, but we're going to come back better and stronger with the product that the fans deserve.
So for people who want to support that still, adamvstheman.com.
And Alex, really, you know, your support of activists like me is incredible.
That's one of the things that I really look forward to doing again is getting forward to being a part of the Liberty Movement media community.
And supporting independent activists who do take the risks and put themselves in harm's way.
Well, people are always calling for armed marches, and they're always calling for get tough, do this and that, and then you do it.
You've got a lot of support, but also a lot of criticism, especially from backbiting so-called libertarians and other people who don't really want to, you know, take the full society back.
And I'm not mad at anybody.
My point is, when people are down, that's when I'm really in their corner.
Uh, and I mean, I want more activists.
I want more leaders.
I want to win this thing.
I know we can win it if we stop thinking like losers and realize we have the good ideas.
We have the product that sells.
Legalized freedom, as Ron Paul says, and I just admired, you know, you were first to tell me I was sitting
I think it was a Saturday morning, I just swam two miles at Barton Springs, and I was sitting there just deliciously exhausted in my truck, about to go home and make my kids lunch, and you sent me a text and said, you know, this YouTube link just went live five seconds ago, and I was like, when I went to it, it said two views.
And boom, of course they get views in seconds, and I saw you rack that shotgun down there.
Recap for folks what you did, the thought crime, and now,
Where all that went, and reportedly you said they tried to set you up with drugs, and then talk about what happened to you in jail, and where all that's going.
Sure, well it started with the proposal of an armed march, and then when I got disappeared in Philadelphia for a week, and I was really lucky with how that played out.
I mean, if you get set up on false felony assault of a federal officer charges, you know, there's only one good way that turns out, and that was that they did drop the charges, but I had to play hardball, and I was in solitary there for a week.
But the feds came back, and this time planted stuff.
See, that's the issue.
They never stop once they come after you.
Right, well I realized that at that point that the Armed March was irresponsible.
Not because of the concept, not because of the ideals behind it, not because of Kathy Linear, Chief of Police in DC, promising violence, but because I was not properly set up for it.
And I was not capable of organizing this from a jail cell.
If they were going to be able to just disappear me, then it would be irresponsible of me to say, go on, here's an event that's going to be organized and well put together, because I couldn't guarantee it at that point.
So I canceled it.
But I thought that I really wanted us to continue the purpose of the march, which is to raise awareness on a much broader scale, not just about how the government treats people's individual rights, but that
Self-defense is a civil right.
It is a fundamental human right to be able to defend yourself how you see fit.
And, in a sense, I succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.
We had incredible, you know, wall-to-wall media coverage when that happened, especially local TV.
Every time there was anything going on, any time I went to court, well, when I was in jail, every time I was on TV, all the other inmates would be cheering, at least once I got the general population out of solitary confinement, which I was in for two months.
They responded with a SWAT team raid, and I feel kind of naive.
I really do feel silly in the sense that I radically underestimated the personal cost that this would entail.
Listen, I'm not tooting my horn, and I said I admired your courage, but I said they were going to come after you and maybe even kill you, and I told you.
Because they fear an armed march because it's not at their time.
I've seen their provocateurs do it before.
I know you're not a provocateur.
So they could then demonize a movement under Clinton.
But now they don't want that because they know the public would be behind that.
If they crush you, it would probably start a new 1776 shot heard around the world.
And I told you, I said, get ready for shot heard around the world.
We're starting to win in the info war, Adam.
I don't know if this is a good move, but you have a right as a free man.
You know, it's like this article here.
This was part of the info war, Alex.
This was part of raising awareness, and in that part I feel extremely successful.
No, I agree, but they have a guy running for office in Florida, you know, who said that he agreed with someone saying that, you know, I'm past impeachment, it's time to hang him high, talking about Obama.
And the Secret Service went to him, and I never called for violence on Obama.
He's a puppet.
But at a certain point, when we're being attacked, as Professor Turley said before Congress a month ago, when there is a unitary executive and dictatorship coming in, and the government's lawless, I mean, our founders, you know, did start resisting.
And my only point is, I want to fix this peacefully.
But they are marching against us with violence.
They are gearing up for war with us.
The war has already begun, as Patrick Henry said.
So where do you see all this going?
Because, I mean, what do you say about treason?
I mean, by all yardsticks, Obama has committed treason on hundreds of fronts.
And so they're going to go and say, why are you saying he should be hanged?
Obviously, he's saying he should be hanged because he's politically a traitor.
I don't think the guy's saying he wants to hang Obama.
But my issue is we get to the point of
You know, it's like what this guy said, you know, that it's high noon when it's high noon.
I mean, you know, he called it what it is.
I mean, is the truth a criminal act?
Go ahead.
Well, Alex, the only people who call you paranoid are the ones who are ignorant about how much we have to be afraid of.
And you're absolutely right, and I gotta hand it to you.
You were a better estimate
I think I'm a little more optimistic and I believe that people are waking up.
I believe there's a paradigm shift happening.
You're right that we're coming to a dangerous point, especially with the NSA where it is and the administration being completely unrepentant about all the violations of privacy and all the incredible hypocrisy coming out of the Obama administration.
You're absolutely right that such
You know, things would be justified and that we'd be much better off if we could have Obama impeached.
But that in and of itself isn't going to do it.
You know, you need the foundation of the change in the thinking of the people.
And that's why, you know, your work as an info warrior, that is so much more important than any particular manifestation of it.
But as you know, I'm running for president in 2020 on the platform of an orderly disillusion of the federal government.
And as libertarians, we get accused of being heartless, often, or not compassionate enough to the less fortunate in society.
And we know, those of us who believe in libertarianism, because we believe that liberty is inherent to self-ownership as human beings, anything less is some form of slavery.
We understand that that's about the non-aggression principle, that a free society is one where universal non-violence is embraced.
This is the most compassionate philosophy possible.
But we really do fail ourselves, and we fail to represent ourselves well, when we fail to acknowledge the reality of the current situation, how many people are dependent.
And it seems often that a lot of libertarians are kind of hoping for a collapse, when we should be working towards a smooth transition.
Oh, I agree.
I do not want a collapse.
The system wants a collapse so they can reorganize on record Cloward and Piven.
Of course, I use that as an example because it's well known.
Cloward and Piven didn't invent imploding something to control and re-engineer our society.
The Romans did that.
The Babylonians did that.
You know, the Egyptians did that.
The Israelites.
I mean, this is how governments do this.
And they say, oh, the Constitution's old.
No, it's the new idea.
They're taking us back to feudalism because they're threatened by a real renaissance of human empowerment.
They're selling the fake transhumanist movement.
As an idea of human empowerment, when they're actually jacking into it, they're fraudulent systems of control.
They're not real transhumanists.
I mean, it's all counterfeit frauds.
The system's scared.
But I don't think the system can manage all the things they're creating and running.
And so, undoubtedly, it's going to come down.
The question is, can it be a soft landing?
Right, and nobody can really predict what's going to happen in the midterm.
You know, we can look at the short-term trends, but in the long-term, what's clear is that government is being rendered obsolete, because we know that relationships based on voluntary, cooperative interactions, rather than coercive, forceful, violent reactions, are always going to be more positive, are always going to be better for humanity.
Technology is empowering us to do this, and it is giving us the way forward.
And I'm really hopeful that people will embrace this idea, this message of localization, that we dissolve governments from the top down.
And you're absolutely right, that the elite would rather have a collapse, because that gives them just another opportunity to institute a new racket, a new form of government, and possibly even consolidate power.
But if we do this in an orderly manner,
We what we need to do is fill the power vacuum that would be there with self-government and localization provides the mechanism of doing this.
Now, the last time we spoke, Alex, you know, we had a wonderful, vibrant debate about, you know, how we get to this point.
And I don't know if your perspective has changed with some of the recent news and, you know, looking at the federal government as a concept, but
You only, as far as I'm concerned, you only have one extreme viewpoint, and that is that we can salvage the federal government at all, or that if we have such a paradigm shift, that we should try to reform it, or institute... No, no, it's just that we could sell to the public...
Truthfully, a re-upload of the Bill of Rights Constitution, because you're not going to understand, because it isn't a revolution.
They've had a revolution of tyranny against the American system.
We could re-upload the old republic, and that would be a hell of a lot better than the collapse and the Agenda 21 takeover.
And then, through that system that allows freedom, we could then phase out the government within the republic system.
Well, I absolutely agree with you that that would be a huge step forward, and if it happens that way, Alex, I will support it and enthusiastically reap all of the benefits for society that would come from such a reorganization.
However, I do believe that we're much more likely, not just, as you say, to sell this to the broader public, but really to make steps forward much more immediately by dissolving federal government, restoring state governments as sovereigns.
The structure that we have in the United States provides us that framework.
And if we're able to do that, that also restores the idea of self-government.
Sure, sure.
Here's the problem.
The federal government's already been transferred to the globalists.
They've already infected all the private and public pension funds, universities, everything.
They're not stupid.
By design, they're fraudulent derivatives.
76% plus of Western money goes into Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, double set of books.
We've already been totally taken over, Adam, and so they're doing a circumnavigation in run, trying to take over the libertarian movement at Bilderberg and at other levels.
And I mean, I've been contacted by multiple ultra high level sources in the last month.
I mean, just ultra, just the very, like, right below the actual owners.
I don't know.
No, you're serious, man.
I need respect.
At a certain point, though, it does show that we have power, that the establishment would even be reaching out to people like myself, and I'm sure reaching out to many others, because they know that Liberty's popular, that Liberty's rising, that the zeitgeist is rising, the financial
The Financial Times of London said that last week.
They understand that.
They can't beat us.
They can't even co-opt us.
But they're trying to then blame government that was used as a sieve to suck money to corporations that are bigger than governments and act like governments, corporate cronyism, to then implode everything and then bring in corporate governance on top of it that's even worse because it's so much more predatory and coordinated than government.
Sometimes that government is screwed up.
is actually a buffer to their corporate centralization that is so much more even deadly and it becomes maybe a fourth branch of government separation of powers is what I'm saying so that you don't get that one Soran level controller system worldwide.
You see what I'm saying?
I'm talking about real, real political science, real geopolitical integration, real, real politic.
Go ahead.
Absolutely, but one of the appeals of localization is that it doesn't matter if you're a liberal or a conservative or a mainstream statist, it appeals to everybody because it means that everybody will have more local government.
That's what I want.
Yeah, I want that.
And it also allows for the reclamation of property that has been unjustly acquired by all these mega corporations.
But one way or another,
This is the future of humanity, Alex, and it's amazing to be in the fight with someone like you and to be a part of this, to see this evolutionary process, to be on the verge of this paradigm shift.
I mean, you can see, as you said, liberty, I don't know if it's popular yet, but it's certainly a lot more than it was.
Well, the growth curve shows it going to the stratosphere.
And exactly, exactly.
And sooner or later it's going to be the status quo.
We just have to keep doing what we're doing.
And it's a beautiful time to be alive.
You mentioned the technology.
I think the technology is so key to human empowerment.
Just what we're able to do with the internet.
Kids with smartphones in high school classrooms being able to fact check their teachers, their paid government propagandist indoctrinators, and being able to go, wait a second, you can lie to us but you can't get away with it anymore.
The fact that even production, industrialization as a concept that leads to centralization and some form of corporatism, 3D printing is going to kill that.
The idea of government being able to do things in the dark and not have accountability when we all have contact lenses that are video cameras that upload to the cloud.
I mean, what we're coming to, and I know it might sound far-fetched, but I know to your audience who's attuned to these trends, you see these things as right around the corner and you go, wow, you know, can you even imagine?
The kind of government we have today existing in a world where people have this kind of access to information and that kind of empowerment?
No, it's not going to happen.
Because what I'm telling you, Adam, is they foresaw this a long time ago and made the decision to hardwire into the grid an anti-human suppression system.
It's something we have to watch out for.
And the term that I use, or the way that I describe it is, you know, we can hope that government spares us in its death throes as it violently clings to power.
Well, you take away the enforcement mechanism and through localization you reclaim unjustly acquired property.
And it's not a perfect solution, Alex.
You know, because you're someone who cares about this.
You're incredibly compassionate and you see these problems and you want to avoid the collapse.
There's no fun, easy way to untangle this knot, but we can make it as smooth as possible by really grabbing onto these issues.
Well I know this, what you're saying and what Ron Paul and the others are saying is a lot better planned.
Then what they want is total collectivization, total control, and basically slavery, overseen by robots and tech.
I mean, you know, anything's better than that.
And in fact, a collapse of this evil system is better than them winning.
Well, you mentioned my experience with the Marines in civil affairs in Fallujah in 2004.
Stay there, I'm coming right back to you.
We're going to cover that, get into more, and then take phone calls.
Stay with us.
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My love is in league with the highway.
Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
My love, my love is in league with the highway and the coming of the night time.
We love ya!
Robert Plant?
I think the guy that wrote this music and sings this song has a soul.
How dare the establishment say we don't have a soul.
Turn it up for a minute.
I just want to hear a little bit of this song.
My love... My love is a plea to the freeway.
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But if you continue to purchase it...
If you continue to purchase it, you're going to hear less advertising here on air, because I got more important stuff to do, folks.
I'm only going to bring in high quality water filters at the lowest prices.
I'm only going to bring in high quality Patriot apparel to spread the word.
I mean, I'm just, I'm going to sell you what I'd want to buy.
And so what you get is my taste.
What you get is what I think is good.
Does it mean everything I do is the best in the world?
No, because I probably haven't discovered stuff even better.
But I try to give you the best I got.
Like, you come to my house for dinner, I'm going to try to make you the best dinner I can make you.
You know, because I like being nice to people.
I like people being nice to me.
I like hospitality.
I like taking my steak when I'm done and giving little chunks of it to my French Bulldog and hand-feeding it.
And I like it cuddling me at night, giving it kisses.
I'm a nice person.
And it's that type of idea that's going to change things.
And it's not because I'm a wimp.
We need to get back to men being loving and caring, but also vicious when it comes to defending their liberties.
These evil people aren't tough, folks.
They're not strong.
They're weak.
The only reason they're in power is because we let them run things.
And it's time we let them know we're not intimidated, we're not backing down.
We're here as a platform for Ron Paul and Adam Kokesh and countless others.
Dr. Sherry Tenpenny and Joel Skousen and all of them.
And this is a precious platform and I appreciate you
Allowing us to bring you this platform.
We couldn't do it without you, so thank you for the support.
Adam, briefly, I want to give you five, six minutes to cover other topics, and then we're going to go to some folks' calls.
You're welcome to ride shotgun for that and have a debate about it if you want.
We're talking about abortion, but other points you'd like to make while you've been holding, hearing me babble?
Oh sure, I'd love to.
And there's two things I really want to cover before we get to that.
One is the epiphany that I had when I was in jail.
But first, to get back to what we were talking about,
When I was in Fallujah in 2004 with the Marines, a lot of the mentality of the troops was based on a dehumanization of the enemy that is really beat into us through propaganda.
And it's done in subtle ways so that most people don't even realize it.
And I think this is the most important part of the paradigm shift that's happening right now.
You know, how are you going to convince people to go and kill others on the other side of the planet
When, you know, you can connect with them on Skype.
How are you going to convince cops to go shoot at protesters when the cops can look on their smartphones?
Wait, these guys are protesting for a reason that I agree with.
You know, how are you going to convince all of the enforcers of various government policies to do their thing?
In a world that is so much more connected and so much more humanized.
And the technology is really providing us the ability to come together in that way.
And I think it's important that we embrace this.
And to hear you talk about, you know, your bulldog and all like, you know, it's beautiful.
I love that.
I think that's incredible.
You know, we really need to embrace that kind of mentality of seeing the universality of the human experience.
And this is something that I appreciated from my experience in Iraq that I think
was unique as a result of my particular experience in civil affairs and that is that you realize everybody, you know, lives in the same headspace.
We all want to love and be loved and respected and we all want to connect with each other.
We all want to be able to thrive and those are the kinds of things that are going to render government obsolete because government is based on that disconnectedness.
Government requires people to feel that they are separate from each other.
Same thing about the international corporations that you mentioned, that use government as enforcers.
And again, the incredible profusion of human productivity and wealth that's coming, that's in a way already here, is going to go a long way to rendering those organizations completely irrelevant.
The second thing is, when I was in jail, I spent two months in solitary confinement.
I can say that I enjoyed my government-induced, taxpayer-funded spiritual retreat, and I learned a lot from it.
It certainly was less of a challenge than I experienced in combat.
The real challenge for me was
Yeah, I think so.
There is a thing that a lot of us have backwards in the way we think about the relationship between liberty and happiness.
And we're all familiar with the words life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
And we think of that as a progression.
Because if you're not alive, you can't, you know, have liberty.
And if you, you know, then if you don't have liberty, you can't have happiness.
But I think that second part is backwards.
And if you understand, you know, what I learned from my experience in Iraq, of being able to, you know, be happy in a combat environment, and be able to put a smile on your face every morning, and really just be able to enjoy life regardless of your situation, well,
I guess the jail experience took that to a new level for me where I really internalized it and it's a choice.
Happiness isn't something that you go out and beat over the head with a club and drag home to enjoy forever and ever.
It's a state of mind.
Freedom does not allow you to pursue happiness.
It allows you to pursue certain physical things that statism prevents you from pursuing, certain material, immediate things.
But what really causes liberty is internal liberty, is choosing to be happy.
No, I agree.
I said that at the start of the show today.
We've got to make a break with them, with the parasites.
The vast majority of people are good and want freedom.
They have just been programmed and made to be mentally ill and screwed up so the system can control them with outside stimuli and buttons they push, the race baiting, the religious division, all of it so that they can rule us.
And then you realize that for every action there's an opposite and equal reaction.
Just as they want to use the web to track, control and become God and dominate us, we're going to use it to humanize.
That's why they're in a race to replace people with autonomous robots and drones on record is because they know
There is a human singularity coming together of basic human value and it's being rediscovered and as bad as things are getting, I'm also seeing a lot of really good things out of people as well.
As folks find out, the TV, the culture, you know, bling, status, none of that's going to deliver happiness.
Being honorable and feeling good in your spirit.
Is really the secret.
And so as this great evil rises up, there is a goodness rising up to counter it.
And that's just a mathematical law of quantum mechanics.
It's even simpler.
You know, what's the point of being happy if you don't know how to, or what's the point of being free if you don't know how to be happy?
And happiness is something that you don't have to wait to be free in order to choose.
It's something you choose right now.
And a lot of people will say, but Adam, it's not that easy.
And that's the thing, it really is that easy.
Well, let me ask you this question, because you've been through a lot in combat and then being in solitary confinement, and historically, that either breaks people or makes them have epiphanies and get much, much stronger.
But it's a choice.
It's always a choice.
And what we are doing, Alex, and you know this, we choose emotional servitude.
We choose, as a society, we have chosen to live in fear of government.
We have chosen to allow these things to affect us, and all you have to do is choose to be happy.
But I was going to expand on that.
How do you deal, though, with all the evil going on?
Because I try to be positive in my fight against it, but at the same time, I don't want to say it gets me down.
It's more, the Bible says, you know, the beginning of wisdom is sorrow.
Because then you really see how fallen much of society is, but then you want to uplift it.
It's kind of like sticking your hand in a fire.
It hurts, you pull it back.
You know, we need to have that legitimate suffering, though, at the same time, for what's going on.
Because I'm sure it was you seeing, you know, the death and the pain and the humanity in people on both sides that showed you that it was really a fraud, right?
Because, I mean, there has to be legitimate suffering as well.
How does suffering enter into that?
Because it was your suffering in the solitary confinement that makes you find that quiet place the most high, right?
I decided it wasn't suffering anymore.
I decided I didn't want to suffer.
I decided that I want to be happy and I chose to do it.
And it's not automatic.
It's a discipline.
But we will never control what the world does to us.
We will never control our circumstances as much as we would like to.
And we will also never control our animalistic reactions and responses to these stimuli.
Our conscientious response, as long as we remember this, is always our choice.
Our attitude is always our choice.
And when you internalize that, and you decide that you are going to live by the discipline of happiness, or the discipline of living well, of living deliberately, of being internally, psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually free, then everything falls into place.
It's a discipline, but it's a choice.
And if you're saying no, if you're saying, oh no, I can't do that, I haven't suffered enough.
No, I mean it's just like exercise or sports or in a fight with somebody.
If somebody starts a fight and they get you down and they're kicking your butt, it's like flipping a switch.
You go, I'm going to stomp this guy on the ground.
You flip the switch.
And it's the same thing politically.
We've got to flip the switch, get out of the fear and get aggressive because we've got those animalistic drives as well to drive us with an intellectual cerebral cortex on the front to direct it.
And government wants to keep us as dumb, stupid animals to be pawns in their foreign policy, to be pawns in their domestic policy, to be good little slave citizens to continue to be exploited.
And as soon as you realize that you don't have to live that way, that it is a choice, that it is just essential.
To the human experience that every human mind has.
No, it does empower you.
I can't tell you how many unhappy people that had wealth, you name it, find God, find prayer, find resistance, find admitting the world's run by evil people.
It's not a scary experience at many levels.
It's empowering to just be honest and just step up.
And that's what's empowering people, Adam.
Absolutely, and for me, meditation was an important part of that, and it gave me a sort of rebirth of spirituality.
It was a very important epiphany, but you know, I'm living it now, and there's nothing that can slow me down, there's nothing that can stop me.
You know, I'm absolutely loving life like never before, and I take it now as part of my mission to be able to share this with people.
And for all the people that see those emotional responses of their own and go, well, you know, what do we do?
What do we do?
Well, you know, before you can ever be a warrior for truth in any way, you have to master a certain amount of self-discipline and be able to take charge of your own psyche.
You know, to be internally free, and it is a discipline, and it is a practice, but every time you can think about exactly what I'm saying in the moment, is all you have to do is decide to be happy.
All you have to do is make that choice, and you can take charge of your own mind, and your own attitude, and your own outlook, and when you're able to do that, you're able to be truly free.
All right, I want to close on this.
I'm going to come back in the next segment, the segment after that, and finish with the callers.
Michael, and David, and Anthony, and Peachy, and Jason, I promise I'll get to all of you.
But Adam, what about this?
Some libertarian free people say, oh, have an abortion, it's your choice, even though it's a bad form of birth control, but the social engineers want that.
But then if you really realize...
That is a baby.
Separate heartbeat, separate human.
When you start killing, and we've done the math now from the UN's own side, it's 2 billion, 250 million they estimate in the last 50 years.
50 million a year.
And now it's kill old people.
Now it's babies aren't human until age 3.
So, I mean, people, there's really no debate.
You can argue you have a right to kill your baby.
But, you know, in the final equation, it's saying they have a right to kill us and that we're all garbage and they're going to abort humanity.
What is your view on abortion?
Well, human life certainly starts in conception and abortion is ending a human life.
And I think once you establish that, you know, there are, you know, different circumstances that dictate different things.
And the more we get the government involved in it, you know, the more death we're going to have, the more... Oh yeah, government's pushing it.
Well, I like that response because no one can deny
That they're pushing abortion, no one can deny that this is a human, and if you really are into individuals, and you're really into defending the weak, we've lost 55 million Americans, we'll never meet or know here.
And they could empower people when you industrialize, give people wealth, they stop having kids anyways.
So it's pure bull, empower humanity now, go ahead.
Absolutely, and there's a great temptation to, you know, deal with the difficult situations where abortion may be medically necessary, and when you entrust those decisions instead of to mothers and doctors... But that's not abortion!
If it's going to kill the mother and the baby, it's not abortion.
Okay, well actually I really appreciate that.
I've never heard that concept as redefining it that way, but as soon as you get government... But they don't even really call it an emergency procedure to save the mother, and sorry the baby didn't make it in the procedure.
Because you're both going to die anyways.
Oh, no, and that's a very good point.
You could redefine it and say that's not abortion.
In that case, you're absolutely right.
Then abortion would be never called for.
No, I mean, you go in and they try to keep the baby alive.
It doesn't live.
I mean, that's another issue.
As soon as you allow government to dictate when that's okay and when it's not, then everything is okay, and government is the ultimate excuse for immorality.
Yeah, and the pro-killers use the example of that as a worst case to win the fake argument.
And the whole point is, if we kill 55 million Americans, I mean, this is saying we're trash and we're not trash.
Adam Kokesh, thank you so much.
And the market!
There's more people wanting to adopt each year than there are abortions!
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And they want to do it soon.
In fact, despite rising prices at the gas pump, grocery store and doctor's office, retirees have received a mere 1.3% annual increase to their Social Security checks.
Meanwhile, food stamp recipients have seen their payouts increase over 30% under the Obama administration.
That's shocking.
So when we stumbled upon a weird trick that could add up to $1,000 to your monthly Social Security checks, we knew we had to share it with you.
To get started, simply go to MyBenefits311.com.
Yes, it's true.
You can take simple steps that could add up to $1,000 to your monthly Social Security payouts.
Newsmax says MyBenefits311.com is a critical resource for anyone over 50.
Go to MyBenefits311.com now.
That's MyBenefits311.com.
Alex Jones here to tell you about how you can help spread liberty worldwide while also enjoying what I have found to be the best tasting, 100% organic coffee on the planet.
For more than a decade, my favorite coffee has come from the high mountains of southern Mexico, where the Chiapas farmers grow their unique shade-grown Arabica beans.
We have now managed to secure the sought-after beans in a highly customized blend.
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This coffee gives you a long, smooth pick-me-up for hours without the headaches and heartburn that so many other coffees give me personally.
Hands down, this is my favorite coffee, and it's taken us years to secure connections directly to the Chiapas Mexican farmers.
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You will be supporting a free press, all the while enjoying a truly great tasting cup of my favorite coffee.
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The reason they're not groping devout religious Muslims wearing ceremonial classic garb is because the Muslims won't put up with it.
Just like illegal aliens just run when CPS tries to take their kids, so CPS doesn't feed on them very much from the numbers I've seen.
And we act like slaves, so we are slaves.
I mean, Land of the Free and Home of the Brave?
What a joke!
I'm going to your calls, but State Department silent on VIP treatment for Muslim Brotherhood.
More Americans dissatisfied with government than at any time since 9-11.
LAPD cops shoot down or stood down minutes before TSA shootings.
That thing is very suspicious, folks.
Airport security worried about reporters, not Muslim Brotherhood.
That's powerful video.
Top 1% has 65 times more wealth than the bottom half of the global elite.
And they like it that way?
Shows how there's absolute centralization of wealth through fraud.
And then there's a chart that really scares the government.
I'm out of time.
I've got to go to your phone calls, as promised.
There's the nightly news coming up tonight, 7 o'clock central.
And again, we've got some articles up on InfoWars about the robot takeover, but Drudge really has them.
I'm going to ask Watson to do a story on this.
We've done a lot of stories, but it's all there.
70% of jobs can be automated.
Army considers replacing thousands of troops with robots, robot cars, robot combat mechs, everything.
That's really important right there.
Let's go to your calls.
Let's go to Michael in North Dakota.
Thanks for holding.
I'm sorry I got to you late.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex.
Long time listener here.
First time caller.
Um, I just wanted to offer you a different angle on the abortion issue.
Um, I'm 25 years old.
I, uh, come from a Native American heritage.
Uh, when I was younger, growing up, my grandma, she played a large part in my upbringing, and she is a traditional medicine woman.
So, as a child, she would always offer me, uh, little gems of wisdom here and there, just growing up, just different things from our heritage.
And one of them, being on the abortion issue, was, uh,
Whenever you get an abortion, the spirit of the child doesn't pass out of the spirit world.
It kind of just stays with you and follows you around all your life and just wonders why you abandoned them, why you rejected them.
Well, that's what most women say.
They get haunted.
And they don't tell you that at Planned Parenthood.
Whether it's psychological or not, either way you cut it, it's not a good deal.
Me, myself, I'm not clairvoyant.
I'm only human.
I don't know what's after this.
You know, that little piece of wisdom always stuck with me all my life, and I was young, probably, I don't know, I can't remember, but I was young.
And, uh, you know, she always told me that a child is a blessing that the Creator bestows upon us, you know, and when it comes to abortion, like, I'm against it, you know, it's not only murder, but I don't want to go the rest of my life with that karma following me.
Well, that's right, and either way you look at it, it's bad mojo, and
We as this world have billions of dead babies that we've killed and said didn't have value.
And so the world says we don't have value.
I mean, it's real simple.
We start treating children like dog droppings.
We're dog droppings.
I appreciate your fine points.
Great call.
Thank you for holding to tell us that.
David in Arkansas, you're on the air worldwide.
Thank you for calling.
All right.
Thank you.
On the abortion issue, as far as me and the wife, we're against it.
I have a
My wife, she gave up a baby, excuse me, for adoption when she was 16.
And me and my wife got married two years after she gave that baby up for adoption.
We wound up with five beautiful daughters and a son.
And 21 years later, was reunited with the daughter that she gave up for adoption.
Who in turn found out that she had
I'm sorry.
She had five brothers or five sisters and a brother.
You know, she could have, you know, she could have done different things, but her choice right off the bat,
Choose life.
Stay there.
I want to hear more about this.
We'll come right back to you briefly to David, then we'll go to Jason and others.
So touching.
Just a bet on life.
Double down against the evil.
Don't listen to all the Pharisee churches trying to make you feel bad.
Just commit to good.
In the last 50 years, iodine has been phased out of our staple foods and replaced with the halogen bromine, a practice now banned in nations around the world.
Guess what else is in the halogen family?
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here.
In 1924, the federal government did the right thing and encouraged salt producers to add iodine.
It's the good halogen on the periodic table, and the results are on record.
Reports documented a 15-point IQ increase.
We're good.
Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, again, in overdrive.
David, very touching.
I should have gone to callers earlier, but we had a guest on.
Finishing up any points you wanted to make about being reunited.
You know, even though this daughter that's half your wife and this other man, but now you have five children with her.
She didn't get rid of the baby.
I would imagine that daughter means as much to you, even though you're not genetically her father, as the other children.
Is that right?
That's right.
I mean, she just, she's one of my own now.
I mean, it's, it's a
You know, I drive a truck for a living and she lives in Texas and has two beautiful daughters.
I get to go down and see them frequently.
And we just always get to go out, eat dinner, and have a great time.
I know her, you know, adopted dad.
She had two adopted brothers.
So, I mean, she, you know, she had a wonderful life.
I mean... And chose family, and now community, and now the brotherhood of humanity, the sisterhood of humanity, the togetherness, choosing life.
God bless you, wonderful story.
Jason in Missouri, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing, man?
I'm alright, brother.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I'll be quick.
I got two quick stories and a plug.
First one is when my mom and dad first got together when they were teenagers in the 70s.
She got pregnant.
My grandpa forced her to get an abortion.
A year later, she got pregnant again and had me, and all these years later, every time her or him would talk about it, they'd just start breaking down crying, and she's all messed up, and she finally, when she forgave herself and realized she was forgiven, she goes to the abortion clinic and stands outside and gives her testimonies to the girls that go in there, or on their way in there, hoping to stop them.
Well, that's what you've got to do.
You've got to, for people that have been involved in it, it's key to get God to forgive you, forgive yourself, but then you've got to fight it.
And that's why they're going to lose this dehumanization fight.
Because so many people, after they do it, almost all of them turn against it later.
Or they become hardcore Satanists, hardcore feminists.
Uh, who are anti-woman, anti-human.
I mean, it's just incredible.
Gloria Steinem, all these pigs, who have all these kids and everything, and are just, they just want everything for themselves.
They think more humans means less for them.
They're just scum.
And I really appreciate your testimony.
Anything else?
Yeah, um, and then we, I have five kids of my own, and my last two, the doctors kept trying to tell me, um, first one said she didn't have no arms and was going to have kidney problems, so we should get rid of her.
And we were like, well, we'll just see what happens, and she's healthy.
And the second one, they tried to tell us she didn't have arms or legs.
And we had her, and she was healthy.
Yeah, no, that's something they do a lot now, if you go into evil doctors or evil facilities, is they'll lie to you, hoping you'll kill the kid.
Yeah, there's a lot of deception going on.
Right quick, we have a group on Facebook.
It's an Infowars kind of group called United Space Militia.
And what you do, you can get on there and
Get linked up through the files to your individual states and meet like-minded patriots to get together to support your local political leaders.
If you don't have any, find some.
Very, very exciting.
People should check that out.
I'm going to do more Overdrive the 20 after.
So I'm going to give everybody, thank you, thank you, Jason.
Because I've got to get to Anthony, Peachy, and James.
And then that'll be it.
But they've been holding, so I'm going to stay here.
Talk to them and maybe a few others 800-259-9231 to briefly tell us your take on abortion or your experience.
Very touching, very powerful to talk about these human stories.
We should open the phones up about people on SSRIs.
We should open the phones for CPS stories.
Though I just can't handle it because I empathize and I know how it works and I just can't handle it.
Uh, so I just, I've got to have some of my own selfishness involved.
That's the thing, man.
I do this so much, folks.
It really does get to me at a fundamental level.
Uh, and I'm not whining about it.
I just, you know, I start thinking about it.
I've done those shows before and I just...
We're going to come back after this break, and I got some other news.
There's a story FastCompany.com, it's up on DrudgeReport.com, that ties into the robots, how they're turning humans into robots with the video games, making it the ultimate killing machine.
And the Pentagon admits this.
We're going to talk about it on the other side as well.
They're selling us a culture of death.
If you're a baby boomer or senior, please listen closely to this important message.
Politicians in Washington are quietly plotting to decrease your Social Security payments drastically.
And they want to do it soon.
In fact, despite rising prices at the gas pump, grocery store and doctor's office, retirees have received a mere 1.3% annual increase to their Social Security checks.
Meanwhile, food stamp recipients have seen their payouts increase over 30% under the Obama administration.
That's shocking.
So when we stumbled upon a weird trick that could add up to $1,000 to your monthly Social Security checks, we knew we had to share it with you.
To get started, simply go to mybenefits311.com.
Yes, it's true.
You can take simple steps that could add up to $1,000 to your monthly Social Security payouts.
Newsmax says MyBenefits311.com is a critical resource for anyone over 50.
Go to MyBenefits311.com now.
That's MyBenefits311.com.
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Alex Jones here to tell you about how you can help spread liberty worldwide, also enjoying what I have found to be the best tasting 100% organic coffee on the planet.
For more than a decade, my favorite coffee has come from the high mountains of southern Mexico, where the Chiapas farmers grow their unique shade-grown Arabica beans.
We have now managed to secure the sought-after beans in a highly customized blend.
Discover and try a bag of the Patriot Blend 100% Organic Coffee at Infowarslife.com.
This coffee gives you a long, smooth pick-me-up for hours without the headaches and heartburn that so many other coffees give me personally.
Hands down, this is my favorite coffee.
And it's taken us years to secure connections directly to the Chiapas Mexican farmers.
Drop by the site today, order a bag or two, and I don't think you're going to be disappointed.
Available in original or with our immune support infusion blend.
You will be supporting a free press, all the while enjoying a truly great tasting cup of my favorite coffee.
Available at Infowarslife.com.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
If you don't love humanity, if you don't love the innocents, if you can demonize and dehumanize children, little babies, and say kill kids up to age three, kill all the handicapped,
Notice it's the same state that says it loves the handicapped and is politically correct and don't call them disabled, don't call them handicapped and oh, you know, you know, don't talk about black issues because you're not black or don't talk about white.
It's all about shutting up and being afraid and information is bad and keep your mouth shut.
We're being dominated.
We're being beat over the head.
And they've redefined everything.
I forget the name of the medical procedure in cows.
I did it quite a few times off and on, probably all total about a year plus I worked for a large animal vet.
I'd do it on some summers and then one time I got sent down there for about nine months.
I basically didn't go to school for a year because I was getting fights like every three days and it was insane.
Because, you know, I beat this guy to start a fight, and I beat them up, and then their older brother would come and find me, and they'd pull into a Sonic, and two guys jump out of a car.
Like, kind of gang stuff, and I didn't even realize it.
When I was a kid, I was too stupid.
But I don't know why, I just went off into that story.
You know, I tell stories, and actually how the memory comes up, I tell it.
But there was procedures.
I guess I could call Jess Adkins and ask him the name of that, when you'd try to save the calf,
When it was breech birth or whatever going in, but you didn't call it an abortion if it died during the procedure.
And then sometimes, uh, with people's dogs that were sick, they'd come in that were pregnant and, uh, you know, they'd say, sorry, you know, uh, you know, the puppies are going to die or they're sick or they're, they're malformed or, you know, whatever.
And, um, it wasn't even called an abortion.
You just went in and removed them.
So, again, in that case, yes, this birth is growing outside your uterus and is going to kill you.
It's not an abortion.
But I get the pro-life thing of don't even give into that.
But my heart tells me that's okay.
The issue, and I go with my heart, my conscience.
God put it there.
God says no.
You know, with medical science, woman's gonna die, baby's outside the uterus.
I forget the name of that as well.
I'm not a doctor.
What's it called?
A tubal pregnancy?
And there's another one too where it's not just in the tubes, it actually gets it.
But the point is,
The problem is then they lie, though.
It's a Planned Parenthood, city-affiliated deal, and they'll tell you your kid's a tubal or whatever when it's not.
So there's also that problem.
You need to get second opinions on things like that.
But if it's an emergency, and there's hemorrhaging or whatever, and I forget the name of that medical procedure on mammals, but particularly humans, because you don't usually know or do the... I don't want to digress.
I said I'd go to your calls.
I'm just kind of wargaming this out in my head, that if a woman's got hemorrhaging at four months or five months, and they go in,
You know, obviously the woman's gonna die.
You gotta remove the baby.
And then it's just a miscarriage, basically.
The baby's unviable.
At four or five months, it dies.
Nobody's guilty.
The doctor's a hero, and the nurses are heroes, having to look at that.
Let me tell you something, folks.
I've looked at dead puppies and kittens with rich people that can bring them in and have emergency surgeries, and I've looked at dead horses, baby horses, and I've looked at dead baby cows, and I don't like that.
I could not sit there, even though you're saving lives, and be around dead babies.
I mean, I'm just, I'm telling you, I'm a wimp.
And then those doctors and people have got, they die young, 55, 56, because it's stressful on the heart, folks, to be that type of professional.
And I admire people like that, quite frankly.
It's just that it's all a big cop-out, folks.
If the woman's hemorrhaging, the baby's going to die anyways.
It's not an abortion.
It's not an abortion.
But they've defined, it's all deception.
They look at each issue and decide, how do we manipulate this situation for what, to make it not look reasonable?
And then they go, oh, you know, you can't ever have, you know, even for the woman's life, just both of you are supposed to die.
Like you're out in a covered wagon out west or something.
I'm done talking about it.
Let's go to Anthony in Florida on abortion.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey Alex, what's going on?
Great topic today.
I work with kids at a hospital, a children's hospital, and I've been there for three years now.
And there's a lot of things that you see when you work with kids.
Um, that you don't see outside.
You know, if you don't, if you're not working with these sick kids, if you're not working, uh, you know, with the kids with, uh, you know, cerebral palsy or, you know, uh, physic fibrosis, um, all these horrible diseases, um, and how they're fighting for their life.
Um, you know, growing up, uh, some of them are 14, 12 years old, 14, 15 years old.
And they're on all these, you know, painkillers and all these medications and they're just fighting for their lives.
And I listen to the show and, you know, it's just... All these kids that were most likely just regular kids were going to have a regular life growing up, have families, you know.
They're all gone.
You know, how many?
How many have died?
Well that's right, we fight to keep disabled children alive, and the eugenicists say get rid of them.
But the old-timers said, once you start getting rid of even the most, you know, deformed, hurt, painful kids, then it's going to be everybody.
And that's now what it's leading to, because once you open Pandora's box, once you let the genie out of the bottle, it doesn't get put back in without hell on earth and World War II type stuff.
Absolutely, when they're taking healthy, beautiful babies, that in a hundred percent of the time, unless the woman's a psychopath, and the dad's a psychopath, if they could see their child at birth, or at one year old, that parent would kill you.
Imagine someone who's had an abortion, and then you show up five years later, they've had another kid, and the kid's two years old now.
Okay, let's say they have an abortion, three years later they have another kid, and then a few years later, you know, whatever, the kid's three, four, five, whatever, you show up and you say, I'm here to chop your child up with a butcher knife.
Or I brought a sickle and I'm gonna cut him up.
I guarantee you, even a little wimpy dad would give you one hell of a fight trying to kill their kid.
But it's the procedure.
It's the government.
It's Planned Parenthood.
It's no big deal.
It's safe and effective.
There's no side effects.
It's going to be no big deal.
It's like going to the dentist.
You know, it's not a human.
It's a blob of tissue.
On and on.
And now they're like, yeah, kids up to three are a blob of tissue.
You know, kill even healthy kids if you want them.
The state's going to decide, though, a bioethics board, not a jury.
Not a jury deciding on a murderer.
No, no.
A jury of brainwashed, anti-human, hospital bioethicists.
And again, some hospitals have a good bioethicist board, but a lot of them have really evil ones.
And there's a revolution by these people to take over.
God bless you.
Very touching.
And I think people that work with disabled children, again, talk about painful.
And talk about a struggle, but there's some of the most enlightened, informed, spiritually high people you'll be around who truly serve, serve desperately ill children.
But you see, I've seen children before they die, and you know, their eyes burn like ten times brighter in the weeks or days before they die of cancer and things.
Man, you see that soul burning fiery and hot.
And it wanted a whole future.
And as you think about those little kids they're killing, before they're even born, what about all the kids they're killing with the vaccines?
Claiming they're trying to kill them with the GMO.
All the pain.
They're never going to get to go to school.
They're never going to have a girlfriend or a boyfriend.
They're never going to get to have that joy of getting married and having kids and being honorable.
They're just dead.
They're soft killed by a bunch of globalists that enjoy hurting people.
And that's why we've got to fight the New World Order.
We've got to dig deep in our souls and throw every weapon we've got against them in the Infowar.
And I'm telling you, when it comes down to the final equation and we beat these people with God's help, we've got to be very judicious about it.
We've got to really make sure there's due process, but we've got to route these people out and bring them to justice.
And it's not a job, I'll probably never live to see it, but it's not a job that I think fondly of.
It'd be like if I was, you know, stepping on cockroaches all day long.
I don't enjoy that.
But I see one in the house, I step on it.
How are you doing, Alex?
All right, I just wanted to touch on something.
You and Adam Kokesh, I got a cell phone, a smartphone, and you guys really woke me up.
I always known something was wrong in life, but until I started seeing about like the fluoridation of water and like what you're talking about, the abortions, it really woke me up.
I have three beautiful children, I got a beautiful wife, and it's not a regret.
Times are tough, but what I wanted to tell you about was, you know, because of you guys, your inspiration, I decided to get my gun license.
And, uh, as I was going to do this at the police station, I have to see the firearms officer and the officer right away.
They make you feel like a criminal.
I'm a law abiding citizen.
And, uh, you know, right away they want to know exactly where you live, you know, before you even get the application.
So I just wanted to, to let you know, we really thank you because we have to stand strong against these people.
The establishment is making us feel like we're criminals.
Like you've been saying, wanting us to, you know, with the children,
Get rid of them?
I mean... No, the government is run by able people.
I mean, let's just admit it, we're not going to fix it.
We can do rear-guard actions with Rand Paul and Ted Cruz and people, but you're not going to just paper over it in the regular political process.
It's going to take a cultural shunning and revulsion for the system, and a pulling out of support of everything you can.
And again, it was the head cop over the whole four-county area that converged in the city of
North of London, it's a big city.
The point is the head cop came to dinner and he said, I listen to your show.
And he goes, and I disrespect the fact that you're at an establishment hotel owned by such and such, such and such.
He goes, I'm not trying to make you feel guilty.
I'm just saying you really want to change this.
What are you doing?
At this thing owned by a big, you know, evil globalist company he listed who it was owned by.
I went and looked it up, he was right.
I said, you're right.
I just didn't really think about it.
We were just, I didn't micromanage the folks.
He goes, if you want to be free and do what you're talking about and have local systems and a community, you better start acting like it.
You better start making decisions and being disciplined.
And look, none of us are perfect, but I needed that rebuking.
And I'm still not perfect.
You know, we just gotta make a break with the system.
We gotta make a break with the system.
We gotta break with these people.
We gotta break with them!
We gotta break with them!
We gotta make a break with them!
And let them know it!
The facts are in.
The studies are legion.
Sodium fluoride and other toxic members of the fluoride family are devastating the health and cognitive ability of the American people.
So why are the social engineers adding it to the water?
Dumb down the host population.