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Name: 20140120_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 20, 2014
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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, here we are.
Another week lays down before us.
It is Monday, the 20th day already, ladies and gentlemen.
Of January 2014, and we are going to be live here for the next three hours, Lord willing.
Wow, there is a lot to cover.
Former Governor of New Mexico, Gary Johnson, is going to be in studio with us in the next hour, and then we have open phones after that.
In fact, I intend to go to your phone calls in this hour as well.
But I tell you, where to start?
There is just so much news that needs to be gotten into.
Dealing with the economy, dealing with the Obamacare website.
Cracked in just four minutes at healthcare.gov.
There's a story up on infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
DHS gave Muslim Brotherhood VIP treatment, no TSA pat-downs.
They got to bypass TSA completely.
And this is what happens with basically all the diplomats, all the UN people.
They're now giving diplomatic immunity to a bunch of the big mega banks to operate however they want.
And that's why the ruling establishment and their minions don't care about the oppression, the police state and the rest of it, because they're exempt from all of it.
They're exempt from the taxes, the regulations.
It's incredible.
That is the essence of the New World Order.
And look, this is a clash between civilizations that Dick Cheney wrote about, where they get the West fighting with the Muslims, the Muslims fighting with the West.
I'm not here even demonizing Muslims in general, but it's undoubted that radical Islam is being funded, protected, shepherded, deployed, and green-lighted by criminal elements in the West as a pretext to take over society, and that can't be debated.
So I want to open the phones up for
Everybody, but particularly TSA-type folks, FBI people, police, you name it.
I mean, all this claim of security is to stop the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood-type folks.
But every time we turn around, like with the 9-11 hijackers, they're given national security clearances and trained at U.S.
military bases.
I mean, that came out in the Associated Press.
And our double agents, bare minimum, being protected.
And the head of the U.S.
Embassy says that they
Let them into the country.
Under orders, I've interviewed Springman, the head of the U.S.
Embassy Visa Section.
In the year before 9-11, they weren't going to let in Mohammed Adda and a bunch of the other reported hijackers who'd been in and out of the U.S.
They were listed as terrorists, and they said, oh, that's just their cover.
Let them in.
I mean, there's something going on here.
And it's called false flag.
It's called staged event.
So we're gonna be breaking down this huge story as well here on the broadcast today.
And we've also got news emanating out of China that's up on Infowars.com right now.
And the news
out of China is that they are preparing and seriously debating and saying that they are going to invade islands off the coast of the Philippines.
So the Filipino Navy is beefing up and causing an arms race and gearing up for that.
So it literally just goes on and on what's happening.
It is a totally and completely insane world that is unfolding right now.
CIA-connected terror group issues threat ahead of Russian Olympic Games.
That's InfoWars.com.
Expert China preparing to test U.S.
aircraft carriers to target them.
Warfare, welfare, and Wonder Woman, how Congress spends your money, Ron Paul.
DHS gave Muslim Brotherhood VIP treatment, no TSA pat-downs.
Well, they bypassed security entirely.
And what I just mentioned, Philippine Navy adds the regional arms buildup to China.
Words and deeds escalate.
Germany has recovered a paltry five tons of gold from New York Fed after one year demand for the entire hoard to be returned.
It's well known to have already been sold.
All this and more coming up today and former governor of New Mexico Gary Johnson in studio.
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Renewed hostile actions against United States ships on the high seas and the Gulf of Tonkin have today required me to order the military forces of the United States
Take action and reply.
Dr. Martin Luther King, the apostle of non-violence in the civil rights movement, has been shot to death in Memphis, Tennessee.
People calling themselves members of the Weather Underground last night planted bombs in federal office buildings in Washington and Oakland, California.
They took the babies out of incubators and left the children to die on the cold floor.
Survivors of the USS Liberty are demanding a congressional investigation into what happened and acknowledgment that the Israeli Air Force bombed a U.S.
intelligence Navy ship.
The death of Bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat Al Qaeda.
The Taliban is taking responsibility for shooting down a U.S.
More than 30 people were killed and there are reports this morning that most of them are U.S.
Navy SEALs.
There may be a false flag incident where a ship goes down and you use it for the excuse to accelerate the next war.
If there's one thing that has unified Democrats and Republicans, and everybody in between,
It's that we all hated the bank bailout.
The Department of Homeland Security is apparently on a huge ammo buying spree.
It comes out to like 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.
They estimated that they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these re-education centers.
And when I say eliminate, I mean kill.
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
It is Monday, the 20th day of January 2014.
I am your host, Alex Jones, and we are going to be live here for the next three hours today.
Former governor of New Mexico, Gary Johnson, is going to be in studio in the next hour.
You know, last Friday, the governor of New York, Cuomo, came out and said, quote, if you are a pro-lifer or a gun owner,
A Second Amendment activist, you are not welcome in New York State.
You are an extremist.
New Yorkers don't think like that.
We don't put up with that.
So see, that's liberal and open to say we don't want people in this state that are pro-life or that are pro-Second Amendment.
That's authoritarianism taking a moral high ground and basically trying to bully everyone
And trying to run everyone out of the state so they can fully take over.
It is simply amazing to see things like that.
And now we have a video coming up.
Watch Common Core as they instruct educators to teach all right-wing extremist groups are fascist.
Teachers discuss how Common Core curriculum is not only massively failing our youth, but teaching them the right wing is fascist.
Folks, it's pure divide and conquer.
This is fascism.
And to teach someone 2 plus 2 equals 5, or to teach six-year-olds about sexual intercourse is pedophilia.
This is the state trying to go for broke.
This is the state and the people that animate it getting away with bloody murder.
Though most people I talk to that work in state and federal government are completely freaked out and actually know what's going on.
You've got a lot of trendies and people right out of college or in college
Or in high school, that still think all this is cool and normal and they're part of some winning team.
And the polls show that.
Only people under 25 or so are still in favor of Obamacare.
And they're going and signing up, thinking they're even signing up.
All they're doing is putting themselves in a database, and then they're finding out when they go in to get healthcare that they're not in it.
So it is a plan to bankrupt the country.
And speaking of Obamacare, hacking expert David Kennedy says he cracked healthcare.gov in four minutes.
The man who appeared before Congress last week to explain the security pitfalls of the healthcare.gov took to Fox News on Sunday to explain just how easy it is to penetrate the website.
Hacking expert David Kennedy told Fox's Chris Wallace that gaining access to
70,000 personal records of Obamacare enrollees via healthcare.gov took about four minutes and required nothing more than a standard browser, the Daily Caller reported.
That's out of the Washington Times.
Now, continuing here, DHS gave Muslim Brotherhood VIP treatment, no TSA pat-downs.
And that story is on the left hand side of DrudgeReport.com if you want to find it the easiest way.
It's now scrolled down on InfoWars.com to be the fourth story in the featured news.
We should probably red link that because this is the type of story that will really wake people up to the fraud of the TSA.
They didn't just skip the naked body scanners or the genital gropers that Congressman Ron Paul wasn't even able to skip when he was in Congress.
Though I've been at the airport and seen Al Gore in Minnesota just walk right through security when he wasn't even vice president.
Oh, hello, Vice President, oh yeah, right through.
But then I go, and they go, oh, hi, Alex, heard your show yesterday.
You're not going to fly unless I do a pat down.
Yeah, I heard you talking yesterday about, as he caresses the inside of my leg, I mean, this is ridiculous.
Oh, hi, Miss USA, yeah, we're going to go in your pants.
Oh, hi, you're a TV star, we're going to go in your pants.
But oh, your government, you're above the law, and this is the,
The very heart of the discrimination of the New World Order, where the corporate and governing class are above the law with diplomatic immunity, hundreds of different flavors of that, selective enforcement, above the regulations, above the laws, above the taxes, that's the New World Order, is a bunch of megacorporations.
And lobbyists coming out with their own global strategic drawing rights, special drawing rights and other systems, derivatives, total fraud, and they've bought off the militaries, the think tanks, the universities, the media, the whole system with Ponzi scheme frauds.
Bernie Madoff burned a bunch of billionaire globalists, so he was sent to prison for going after insiders, just like the Wolf of Wall Street was.
But if you look at what's happening today, they bring in the Muslim Brotherhood that's running Al-Qaeda all over the Middle East, attacking Christians en masse all over the Middle East and Africa, burning up hundreds of churches in Syria and in Egypt.
And here's the story by Paul Joseph Watson.
DHS gave Muslim Brotherhood VIP treatment, no TSA pat-downs.
A newly released document obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request confirms that the State Department ordered the Department of Homeland Security to spare members of the Muslim Brotherhood traveling to the U.S.
in 2012 a TSA pat-down or any kind of secondary screening.
The one-page document obtained by the Investigative Project on Terrorism shows that members of the Muslim Brotherhood delegation traveling through Minneapolis Airport, New York's John F. Kennedy Airport, and Dulles Airport were handed expedited entry known as Port Courtesy, which is normally reserved for high-ranking government officials and dignitaries.
At the time, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi, later deposed, had not been elected president.
The document contains four separate entries which include a directive that the Muslim Brotherhood members not be pulled into secondary screening upon arrival at the point of entry, as well as TSA pat-downs.
Secondary screening involves carry-on luggage being inspected by hand and the use of puffer explosive detectors.
By the way, if you look this up from three years ago, Saudi Arabians, period, do not get searched or touched.
And their women don't get touched, and they don't have to take their headdresses off.
It's just amazing that you have no free speech in England to speak of, or in Europe now, unless you're a Muslim saying you want to kill Christians, Jews, and other people.
And again, folks, I've been critical of Israel.
But I mean, I sit here and I look at this, just because people don't like a lot of the stuff Israel's doing, and I don't like some of it, and I've been critical.
It doesn't mean then, just because Israel does bad stuff, that then everyone else is good, and you've got to then accept whatever they want, and they're the moral authority, and then we can't have movies come out and stuff, because Saudi Arabia says so, and Saudi Arabia is funding radicals all over the world, and then our government uses the Saudi Arabian funded threat to take our rights.
I mean, can't you see what's happening here?
A false flag!
A cultural clash of civilizations that is absolutely disgusting and out of control!
Another entry reads, M.B.
delegate departure in response to request from M.B.
the desk work with the foreign missions to arrange the TSA to escort the last member of the visiting M.B.
delegation, Abdul Maguad Dargady, through security at Minneapolis Airport and JFK Airport, April 15th.
We did not hear anything further.
The MB, so we assume the departure went smoothly.
In the coming days, we're going to write down a list of procedures for dealing with MB visits to the United States.
The delegate was given privileged access despite one of their meetings being linked to a previous child pornography investigation in the United States.
In addition, the Muslim Brotherhood, which has now been declared a terrorist organization by the Egyptian government after bombing a police headquarters last month, is closely affiliated with Al-Qaeda and has long been cited as a foundational inspiration for both Al-Qaeda and Islamic Jihad.
The IPT also highlights the fact that individuals traveling from Syria to give speaking tours in the United States, people like Sheikh Osama al-Rafi, that has openly endorsed al-Qaeda militant groups under the banner of the Islamic Front, are being handed visas by the State Department with no questions asked.
While completely innocent, Americans continue to be subjected to invasive TSA grope-down procedures and placed on no-fly lists for no reason whatsoever.
Members of a group with direct links to terrorism were given VIP treatment by the State Department, the TSA, and the Department of Homeland Security.
And don't forget what happened in the three weeks after 9-11, where more than 15 flights flying the entire Bin Laden family were allowed, a bunch of them the first two days when all air traffic was grounded.
And that was in the Miami Herald and CBS News, but I would talk about it and have neocon groups say I was a liar, and that none of this happened.
And it just goes on, and on, and on, and on.
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Pienso que un sueño parasito no volverá más Que me pintaba las manos y la cara de azul Y de proviso en el viento rapida me dejó Y me hizo volar en el cielo infinito
Again, it is Monday already, the 20th day in the new year.
I want to hear from
All the people that said that I was a liar back when I pointed out that criminal elements of our government helped found Al-Qaeda and the Taliban back in 1979, Zbigniew Brzezinski and Jimmy Carter, but it continued under Reagan.
I want to hear from those out there that said I was wrong about 15 of the 19 hijackers being given national security passes to come into the United States despite the fact they were on terror list.
That was in the Toronto newspapers, that was in the BBC.
I'd like to hear from those of you that said I was wrong about radical Islam being funded, supported, and protected by our government.
Before Barack Obama, though now in Obama you can see the priest set up and building towards this with the globalist banksters, use the Muslim threat to take our liberties domestically and to build up a police state and a military against it, while actually funding it
And protecting it the whole time, and then making trillions every decade off of no-bid contracts in Iraq, Afghanistan, the list goes on and on.
Not fighting the Al-Qaeda people, but actually fighting anyone that resists a takeover, and then they just put the Taliban and Al-Qaeda in charge after our soldiers basically take out the locals.
And I've talked to General Hamid Gul, Major General, former head of all Pakistani military who worked with the CIA.
He says that that's exactly what's going on.
And that's really mainline history now.
But it's so over the top.
How do you explain that to people that can't even find Afghanistan on a map?
I mean, how do you do that?
How do you explain that to people?
And it just doesn't matter.
The way the police are being trained, the way the TSA acts, marking orders, yelling at people, it's all about, you're a suspect, your baby's diaper's a suspect, your nail clippers are suspect, your two ounce bottle of
Shampoo is suspect.
You know, we're all bad.
We're all guilty until proven innocent.
None of us have any rights.
We're going to be naked, body scanned.
But then, anybody coming out of Saudi Arabia is above the law and nobody dares search them.
Because there is no real terrorist threat.
Folks, the underwear bomber was drugged up by the CIA.
That all came out.
That's on record.
That came out in congressional testimony.
And put on the plane with a firecracker in his pants.
And because of a firecracker in his pants, landed the free home of the brave.
We have naked body scanners and TSA and the TSA with the NSA scans your records and data mines before you even show up.
Before you even come to the airport.
When you go to
Give them your insurance.
It runs through PRISM and the NSA and into an Obamacare database.
I mean, it's a revolution against we the people.
It's a revolution against checks and balances for the establishment.
It's a revolution of where they're completely empowered to do whatever they want and have all the new technology and all the life extension and all the travel and all the perks and all the lavishment and all the
Commodious trappings of power, the red carpets, the private paid-for taxpayer jets, the diplomatic and cultural immunity, and it even extends to the Muslim Brotherhood.
You know, thousands of them in different delegations coming in above the law.
And I've been at the airport many times and you'll watch somebody in a full Muslim outfit, headdress, whole deal, they just, they never secondary screen them.
And again, I know it's all made up anyways.
I mean, the real terror threat that's there is synthetic predominantly.
Doesn't mean there isn't a woman who gets mad about being, you know, segregated and treated bad in the West Bank or something, or gets in as a maid in Israel and takes a butcher knife on a bus and stabs 15 people.
That's, and kills five of them, that's a crime of passion.
That's real.
For a woman to be angry enough and have the strength to stab 15 people, killing quite a few of them.
No, that's a real attack.
And that's tribal warfare.
It's not terrorism.
And if you're Israeli, you think it's horrible.
If you're Arab, you think it's great.
Just like when an Israeli goes and shoots up a mosque, a bunch of Israelis praise it.
And when a Muslim goes and shoots up a synagogue, a bunch of Muslims praise it.
It's all just tribal warfare.
Here's the deal.
I'm not Israeli.
I'm not Arab.
I mean, I see from the outside, like the globalists do, as they play everybody off against each other, and it's disgusting.
It's a game.
It's a game.
And so I'm begging you, begging you, to wake up to what's happening.
Toll free number to join us.
I want to talk about this specifically.
I want your take on this.
And all you neocons out there, ready to call in and apologize?
That I said radical Islam is being run by our criminal government?
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday, ladies and gentlemen.
We're here, 12 noon to 3 p.m.
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So again, thank you all for your support.
That's how we're able to do this, so I salute you.
Now, getting back into the news, in the backdrop of
What is coming out with the top story on InfoWars.com with DHS gave Muslim Brotherhood VIP treatment.
No TSA pat-downs.
Let them skip screening.
Secondary screening.
Olympic terror dragnet Russia hunts as many as four black widows.
And those are Al-Qaeda,
State Department funded, on record, groups infiltrating Russia.
The head of Saudi intelligence, as you know, three months ago threatened the Russians face-to-face in a meeting with them.
This was on Russian television, and Saudi Arabia admitted it.
They said, if you don't stop defeating our forces with advisors and weapons in the takeover of Syria, we're going to attack the Russian Winter Olympics.
And that has now already begun with all the bombings you've seen, and they're now hunting
Hunting the Black Widows.
And again, folks, you could say, oh, well, Putin's doing this as a false flag.
Putin's been re-elected.
Putin's never been more popular as a strongman, as a pro-family guy.
I mean, he's a tyrant by many yardsticks, but comparing him to Obama, he's like an angel cake or something.
I mean, I've never been a big fan of Vladimir Putin.
People know that.
Clearly, when he was vice president and unpopular to get elected as Boris Yeltsin's KGB handler,
There's evidence that they bombed apartment buildings, a suburb of Moscow.
Police caught FSB, Federal Security Bureau, police planting hexogen bombs in the fourth building, and then said it was part of a drill.
So there's a lot of evidence that Pooty Poot was involved in some false flags to get elected president.
If you look at the timing, people even got caught.
He wasn't going to get elected.
Made him look popular going in while Yeltsin was, you know,
Unable to speak drunk on drugs or whatever.
I remember how Yeltsin was.
Going down into Chechnya and routing out the real terrorists that were there.
And you can argue the Russians blew up some stuff to get Russian will behind it.
So it wasn't just some far off place in the countryside being attacked.
It was major suburbs of Moscow.
I forget the city south of Moscow.
Look up the Russian 1999 bombings and tell me what city it was.
I'm gonna give folks the name.
The point is, I made a film about it.
It's in...
My film, Masters of Terror, we break all that down, that came out in 2000, 2002.
So there is that information.
So I'd like to hear from everybody, because you look at these new cases, this is not the Russians.
Putin's popular.
He's been re-elected.
He's getting whatever he wants.
They're paying people to have more children and build families.
They've taken fluoride out of the water.
And the few cities that had it, they're on the news talking about eugenics and the Western plan for world government.
I mean, basically, the Russians are starting to really get it.
And again, the Russian apartment bombings were a series of explosions that hit four apartment blocks in the Russian cities of... How do you pronounce that?
Bynox, Moscow, and... Volodoksk.
So again, they hit Moscow as well.
The point is, that was clearly all the earmarks of government false flag.
These new ones, the situation with...
The Olympics, Russia stands to make 5, 6, 7, 8 billion.
The numbers vary, whether it's dollars or euros.
It gives them a lot of attention.
It builds them up as the idea of an international center.
It's something their economy needs, tourism.
It's the stage for Russia.
And if they can activate radical Islamic Al-Qaeda jihadis in those areas, which they've already done, it will certainly destabilize Russia further, which is the State Department plan.
In fact, the supposed Boston bomber, Tamerlan, the older brother, the one that got killed mysteriously, he was on record funded by the State Department to go into that country
And to work in Chechnya and other areas with these very groups that are now bombing them is clearly at least a double agent.
And who was protected.
So, Obama needs a political diversion?
Al-Qaeda hits.
They need to destabilize the Russians?
Al-Qaeda hits.
They want to take down Syria?
Al-Qaeda hits.
They want to take down Libya?
Al-Qaeda hits.
They want to destabilize Iraq again?
Al-Qaeda activates and starts destabilizing.
Chaos is the name of the game.
So I want to hear from you out there.
What do you think about this?
Does this anger you?
And what do you think about the Muslim Brotherhood that has attacked military bases, police stations, helicopters, hundreds of churches in Egypt?
Absolutely the worst, the worst group over there.
Caught with Obama's cousin and others, according to the Egyptian newspapers, laundering money in through the State Department into
Egypt, I mean, literally, it's like they're using Obama, Barack Hussein Obama, tailor-made to lead a Muslim jihad in the Middle East against secular and more moderate states, while using those threats as a domestic reason to take our rights.
And I know I keep restating that.
It's just so incredible to actually watch it nakedly happening.
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Saudi Arabia's real enemy is Iran.
And Iran really is a true rogue state in the globalist view who is not controlled by them.
Al Qaeda, Saudi Arabia is in deep with the globalists going back to British intelligence in 1903 on record.
That's a small conquering tribe they've used out of Saudi Arabia to take over most of the Middle East.
But in the case of Iran, Iran already has nuclear weapons.
The word is, and notice that's coming out now, from the Pakistanis, from the Russians, and others.
They really do want peaceful centrifuges.
You really can't make nuclear weapons with what they've got.
But Iran is basically in a game of brinksmanship with the West, and once they've taken out Syria on Israel's flank, they will end up trying to have a big war with Iran, and that could be the next big shoe to drop.
But they want to act like, oh, we're doing deals with you, oh, we worked with you.
So they can then turn around and make it look like it's okay when they get into a war with Iran.
And let me be clear here, whether you're Syria, Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, there is no purely good guy or bad guy in any of this.
It's a bunch of political classes trying to build their own empires.
The Iranians want their Shiite empire.
The Saudi Arabians want their Wahhabist empire.
Israel wants to play the groups off against each other, to destabilize them, so Israel can expand its interest.
And it's all just being done cold-bloodedly.
And while all these governments battle with each other, we the people, I don't care if you're Christian, Jewish, Muslim, agnostic, animist, Zolo, Astrian, whatever it is, we're stuck in the middle.
While, as the Economic Times reports,
World's 85 richest people own nearly half of global wealth, Oxfam reports.
Davos, a tiny elite comprising the richest 85 individuals, hold wealth equivalent to that owned by the bottom half of the world's population, report says.
It's much worse than that.
And folks, these are the very groups to a person, if you go research these 85, almost all of them, when you read the names, are funding socialism, big government, deindustrialization, because they've already got their wealth.
They want you poor and easy to control, politically weak and dumbed down.
DeCloud and PIVN one example of that.
And so they're all above the law.
Diplomatic corporate immunity.
They're getting the corporate bailouts.
They're getting the corporate money.
They're the ones funding socialism on the grassroots because they're exempt offshore and already stole the wealth.
They don't want new competition coming up.
That's what elites do throughout history.
That's what, quote, nobles do.
Royalty does.
Oligarchies try to cement the classes, get rid of the middle class, create a tiny upper class, which then wages war through the underclass that's swelling against the tiny merchant middle class that doesn't want to be slaves and is intelligent.
They want to own us.
This is slavery.
And they hate anybody they don't control.
It's like veterans.
They're fear veterans.
That's why they're the number one enemy in all the Homeland Security documents.
This is an open, alien, illegal, seditious group.
Let's go to...
Robert in California, what is your take on the literal Al-Qaeda light, known Al-Qaeda, Connected Affiliated Groups, it's all proven in the article, being allowed through the TSA screening over and over again at airports all over the United States.
I mean, we already knew this was going on, but, I mean, this just shows how the whole thing's a fraud.
Yes, can you hear me, Alex?
Yes, sir.
Yeah, yeah, I understand your issues on TSA and all the
Things that are going on.
And I find it really hypocritical that the TSA and Homeland Security and our no such agency, the NSA, would actually, as you were saying on your last show, that they bypass Saudis and let them get front of the line and really don't search them as much when the hijackers on 9-11 are well known to be from Saudi Arabia themselves.
And the fact that I've worked for Defense for many years, and I've been doing a lot of things, and pretty much too much to list probably on your show right now, but one of the main reasons I called up today is to let you know of a technology that's connected with Homeland Security.
I know you probably are totally unaware of this, but the YF-22 plane.
Okay, it's part of when they come due to raids on a house with Homelife Security they plan on, the YF-22 has an adapted device.
It's called a popper.
It flies over a city and it sets a radio saturation signal and it opens garage doors, opens for Homelife Security to raid houses through their garage doors.
You can see this when we're testing it out in the desert.
People in all the neighborhoods, garage doors are videotaped.
It's all the garages.
Oh yeah, I know.
That happened three years ago and then again two years ago.
We're all over the country when they test it.
It opens the garage doors.
They said that was a malfunction.
Are you saying that's what it's meant to do?
It's meant to do that for Homeland Security to enter your house through the garage door armed forces at three in the morning to confiscate weapons.
So you're telling me you worked for them and you had first-hand knowledge that that's not a malfunction?
That they're testing opening our garage doors?
That's right.
As far as Homeland Security vehicles have the same technology, but the Y-22 could fly over it at extremely high speed and open hundreds of garage doors rather than have it sent into Homeland Security.
Can you imagine what they're going to do when all the doors are digital they're going to, and all of your appliances are spying on you, and they just dial in and open up your webcam and watch you?
This is all admitted now.
I mean, where do you think this is going?
And are other people that work for big defense contractor companies, are they aware of what's happening?
Um, some are and some aren't.
Some say it's experimental technology, that they really don't want to get rumors spreaded, so a lot of the stuff they say that's just experimental, and sometimes they say it's a byproduct.
I don't think so.
And that's what they do in the Pentagon.
They just file these hypothetical situations in case you run into a certain situation, then we can break out that file and implement it.
And I like to tell the people in the Pentagon that, guess what?
That hypothetical situation of 9-11, guess what?
They put you all in one part of the building, we threw a missile into it, and we put your family members on airplanes and killed you.
Everybody who's in these hypothetical programs, when they go live, before they activate it,
Sure, sure.
That's why the Pentagon, ten years before, two years before, a year before, six months before, and a month before, had drills of the exact same thing happening, the exact same way it did, and then ran the drill that day, so NORAD stood down.
This just came out in the congressional testimony, and thought it was part of the drill.
And so they use those off-the-shelf drills and those tabletop war games.
The guys don't even know the best brains when they play the part of terrorists and infiltrators.
They're actually building a roadmap to then be given to operatives to carry out the plan.
You think you're coming up with a what-if scenario.
You're really developing a war plan.
You're absolutely right.
Great point, sir.
All right, Derek.
In FEMA Region 4, we're coming to you next.
And Paul, Mouselink, Catherine and others.
And then coming up, former governor of New Mexico, Gary Johnson, is going to be in studio to cover the waterfront with us and more.
I'm Alex Jones.
Check out that story on InfoWars.com and DrugsReport.com.
On the left-hand side, Homeland Security gives Muslim Brotherhood VIP treatment, no TSA.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Look, it's very simple.
There's an offshore corporate sophisticated takeover using every crisis they can to consolidate control.
We're being usurped.
The federal government is waging war against common law, common sense.
On every front.
And we the people have to admit that this is happening and we have any chance to turn it around.
We're talking about the fact that not just on 9-11 was the Bin Laden family allowed to fly out of the country in more than 15 flights while all other air traffic was grounded.
But now we learn the Muslim Brotherhood at airports all over the U.S.
gets to skip the TSA screening.
And actually physically get led through as VIPs.
This is a listed terror group.
But then meanwhile, when you go up to the TSA people, they treat you like you're a terrorist.
It's all about making you feel guilty and learning to be treated bad by government.
It's Pavlovian psychological warfare re-education in their own words.
You're being nudged into submission.
And it's our job to start saying no, folks.
Derek from FEMA Region 4.
What former state are you in under FEMA Region 4, sir?
It'd be Tennessee, Alex.
Alright, former state of Tennessee, go ahead.
I don't know who I'm mad at.
The TSA are the people that won't believe what's going on.
Two, three, no wait, three years ago now, I got popped going through the Nashville airport.
Cost me about $5,000 to get out of that.
And it's all for a big PSYOP.
And it's just, it's ridiculous is what it is.
You mean you got popped?
Did you forget and bring something through you weren't supposed to?
No, no.
I kind of mouthed off about there might be something in my little half-inch thick rubber sandal that I had on.
Oh yeah, they love that.
They love falsely charging you, saying you made a threat with intent to cause alarm, and then your lawyer tells you to basically plea bargain it.
When we need to just take all this to court and prove it's all a fraud and just say it was a joke.
Now they're saying criticizing them is a felony and you'll be arrested.
But it's okay, you just should have been a terrorist and it would have been okay.
This whole thing with your article about the Muslim Brotherhood getting flagged through there, that just boiled me today so I had to call in.
But hey, you had a show the other day about things we could do to thwart this tyranny.
I've handed out, there was a guy called in a couple years ago that hands out letters, he gets solicitation letters with self-addressed envelopes, and he puts a letter in and sends it back.
I put 105 of those back in the mail last year, and I've done some chemtrail picketing over here, and just telling people about your show.
Well, great job, brother.
I appreciate your call.
Paul in New Jersey.
Go ahead, sir.
You're on the air.
Good morning, or good afternoon, whatever it is.
People gotta get a film called Freedom to Fascism that tells all about the takeover a long time ago.
Oh yeah, my buddy Aaron Russo made that.
I would have been in that, and for some reason I just never returned his call, never got it done.
I was so busy making one of my own films, Endgame, that I wasn't in that incredibly good film that exposes the private IRS and the private Federal Reserve.
And of course, Homeland Security put out a report under Obama saying that film is terrorism.
Did you know that?
Well, everything's terrorism when you start to complain or protest against the government.
I found that out a long time ago, on the income tax.
But if you really are, if you really are a terrorist group like the Muslim Brotherhood, then it's okay, though.
Oh, alright.
But, see, the income tax is flawed because we're not under the Constitution anymore.
We're under the U.C.C., when it comes to financial or taxing transactions.
So you don't have to accept that.
Same way with the so-called Obamacare.
Well, I hear you.
Obamacare is a fraud being unequally administered by a dictator.
He's now acting as a dictator, so the whole thing's illegitimate, and it's just time to stop complying.
People need to do that on their own, case-by-case basis to make their own decision, but I'm having to reassess everything with this lawless government.
Good to hear from you, Paul.
And Ryan, and Peter, and Sheepdog, and many others, 800-259-9231.
Got a short segment coming up, then former governor of New Mexico is going to be in studio to talk about a bunch of issues.
Gary Johnson, straight ahead, stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, coming up at the bottom of the hour, I'll go to Catherine, Sheepdog, Ryan, Romaine, Tom and many others that are patiently holding.
But for the next 30 minutes, we have former New Mexico Governor, Libertarian, Gary Johnson in here with us to talk about the whole waterfront.
We'll get into that pretty much in the next segment.
And then I'm going to continue looking at Nigel Farage becomes popular in Greece.
After outbursts against the Prime Minister, we're going to play that clip coming up.
I've been meaning to do it since last week, but now it's in the Guardian over the weekend, that he's like a Ron Paul over there.
Anybody that, it doesn't matter, left, right, center, who speaks about liberty and not letting these big mega banks run roughshod on us and special interests be above the law is becoming incredibly popular.
And that was in the Financial Times of London.
Last Thursday, the tide is rising for American libertarians.
The new spirit is rising.
Climate of anti-politics has become an attitude rather than a movement.
And it shows how people are really starting to wake up.
And that's what I want to talk to Gary Johnson about coming up.
You know, he's got a national organization.
That he's got out there educating people.
Of course he ran for president.
I guess he's gearing back up to do that as we build these movements.
Because even though Ron Paul and people like himself didn't win right away,
We're winning the hearts and minds by creating the alternative to the one-party dictatorship that has two heads.
The two-headed monster.
Governor, it's good to have you here with us in the studio.
Alex, it's great to be with you here in the studio.
We're going to go to break, and this is kind of a short little No Man's Land segment, but what do you want to cover when we come back?
Well, I got 1,300,000 votes running for president.
Really disappointed that it wasn't a lot more.
But nonetheless, 1,300,000 votes.
But what I'd like to point out is that these libertarian ideas that we're talking about are really gaining traction in spite of the politicians.
The notion of marriage equality.
Of course, I believe that that is a constitutionally guaranteed right, but that's happening.
Legalization of marijuana.
It's happening in spite of the politicians.
These are issues that are moving forward.
And then if you look at Syria.
Look, wasn't Congress and the President just geared up to go into Syria?
And what?
80% of Americans don't want to do that?
I mean, every politician in the country had their pants down.
And people are getting more pro-gun, more private property rights.
It's happening.
Well, it's happening.
So, in spite of not holding political office, and I'm talking about myself as president, or other libertarians that have been running, or liberty-minded republicans, you know, not a great big showing, but the reality is, is that in spite of our elected officials, we're moving forward with these ideas nationally, in a big way.
And that's what you, you know, you let off by talking about that.
Well said.
I want to come back in and burrow more into Syria and where that's going and the attempts to start all these wars.
I want to talk about the Unitary Executive.
This has gotten bad for a while, but now Obama on just guns, borders.
A war, Obamacare, saying I will decide what to implement, I will decide what not to implement, the NSA.
Obama, as you know, the Congress said, well we'll let you decide what to do, President.
What's that sound like to you, Governor?
Well, I had the same experience as Governor of New Mexico.
Don't underestimate how much you can do administratively.
I mean, you can do an enormous amount
I don't know.
Without the legislation without legislation involved because they did it Administratively, but guess what I leave office, and it gets turned around completely so with Obama same phenomenon You'd like to see the legislation That goes along with with the words so Obama the other day.
I mean he he talked he talked pretty
Pretty gloriously about cutting back on the NSA, but my response is... Governor, stay there.
I want to hear that when we come back.
We gotta go to heartbreak.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson, who also ran for President in the last election cycle as a Libertarian, is here with us in studio.
And it's a perfect time to have him in studio with us.
He's been traveling around the country with Ben Swine on their Libertarian Independent Media Tour.
The tide is rising for American Libertarians.
That's the Financial Times of London last week.
Reporting on that, and that across the board, people just want more freedom.
Whether they identify themselves as Republican or Democrat, more and more they just call themselves Libertarian.
And the issue is the establishment recognizes that and is making a big move to try to co-opt it, while at the same time going after kind of the Republican Party version of it, the real Tea Party.
They tried to take it over.
That didn't work.
Now the Republican Party and Democratic Party leadership is pooling resources to go after that.
And it's not that any of these groups are perfect.
It's just that they're independent opposition that isn't part of the two-party dictatorship that's really a two-headed monster.
Now, Governor, I want to get into some of the victories of awakening we're seeing, but in that short little segment for folks that just joined us, we were starting to talk about Obama last week, the President and his speech about the NSA, saying Paul Revere would have liked this.
This is our next-door neighbor.
What is your take on, I mean, the patently illegal NSA takeover?
Well, stop spying on us.
I mean, stop with the NSA intelligence gathering altogether.
I mean, the whole notion of due process is just laughable when you have a FISA court that grants authority for NSA to tap 110 million Verizon users.
So Obama says now there's going to be oversight.
We're going to stop this.
Well, you know, that's laughable, too, because this is the guy that said when it came to health care that we're going to be able to keep our policies, that things would cost less, that we'd be able to keep our existing policies.
Well, my health insurance tripled, Alex.
It's not working out that way.
When it came to words in the NSA, not bad.
You know, no surprise.
Didn't go far enough.
But it's meant to make everybody go back to sleep.
It's meant to make everybody go back to sleep and everybody's going back to sleep.
You think they're going back to sleep?
There's no smoking gun out there when it comes to the NSA.
There really isn't a smoking gun.
In other words, most people, look, you want to spy on me?
You want to read my emails?
You want to listen to my phone conversations?
Have at it, because, you know... Yeah, they don't know that it's economically being used to control, to have algorithms, to have databases on people.
They think, oh, I'm not a terrorist.
Spy on me.
But they don't know that's not what it's about.
Actually, for me, the smoking gun is using the NSA on the press, Fox News, Associated Press, and others.
I mean, I think that's impeachment right there.
Well, you know, Hayek spoke about the fact that we're socialists.
I mean, we've been socialists for a long time, but it's getting heightened, if you will.
And the real fear is where we're headed is fascism.
And we're not talking about Nazism, not talking about white supremacy here at all.
I'm just talking about the notion of Big Brother government gaining more and more and more control in our lives.
And that's the real threat.
And that's where all this is headed.
And you can use Germany as a template for what happened, but when you talk about fascism, I'm not talking about Nazi Germany.
I'm not talking about white supremacy.
We're talking about a corporate rule through government.
Corporate in conjunction with the state government.
And that's a direct quote from Mussolini, that that was the case.
That government should be a cooperative effort with corporate.
Absolutely, that is the definition of it.
And so we're hurtling into it, and the big corporations are getting access to a lot of this data, and it's really creating a two-class system.
Those that can get money, those that can't get money.
I mean, now you're back to the Federal Reserve and the banking system and corporatization of America.
Well, that's what I was about to get into.
It's almost like rollerball with James Caan, where the corporate class is above the law.
What do you make of the big banks trying to get diplomatic immunity, the UN, the Muslim Brotherhood being able to bypass the TSA?
I mean, this really shows how, if you're part of the system, you're above the law.
What we need to understand is this is gaining traction.
This isn't losing traction.
So the liberty movement, libertarianism, is about actually trying to roll this back in a big way.
Of course, Obama had that opportunity, and no surprise, he didn't take advantage of that opportunity.
And the only way it's going to stick is if you get legislation.
I mean, whatever he does, whatever he does administratively, cutting back or heightening, whatever it is he does, the next president can change unless this gets codified.
But Congress is supposed to have the laws.
So for Congress to say, Obama, you scale them back, that's a cop out.
And then he's been caught saying, oh, I'm against the NDAA.
Turns out he helped write it.
Don't worry, I won't sign it.
He does sign it.
I mean, you know, this is serious.
Well, it is.
You could use coal right now as an example.
I mean, the EPA writes rules against carbon emission, declaring carbon as a pollutant.
And because of that, they're putting the coal business out of business, and they're doing that administratively.
This is not laws that have been passed.
And he said that.
He said, you can have a coal plant, but we're going to bankrupt you.
I'm not familiar with that quote.
Guys, pull up the quote.
Obama says he'll bankrupt coal.
It's 20 seconds.
Go ahead.
You know, you're going back a long ways, but in effect... Yeah, seven years ago.
In effect, that's exactly what they're doing.
Well, look at how he gives General Electric waivers, but then not the other companies.
They can go dirty.
The others don't have to.
I mean, that's the essence of discrimination.
That's new royalty, where the king says you can do business, but the other person can't.
And as you're well aware, that's what's happened with the healthcare rollout.
What do you make of that, where he will selectively decide what's implemented now?
Well, being done administratively, and look, the whole healthcare debacle is just that, a debacle.
Where do you think it's going?
Where do I think it's going?
Well, it's moving further and further to socialism, but now I'm back to quoting Hayek.
You know, the goal is socialism, but the reality is that it ends up being very, it ends up being fascist.
Look at the Soviet Union.
Can't the left just get it, communism and socialism doesn't work?
Well, no.
That's no.
They can't.
And socialism in and of itself as a goal, you know, that's well-meaning people.
I don't want to say that these people aren't well-meaning, but what they're missing is where it actually ends up.
And it doesn't end up as socialism, it ends up as fascism.
That's right, but as you've seen around the country with ouramericaninitiative.com, there is a huge rising tide and the establishment admits that, but as the Financial Times says, they're just getting out of politics.
People say, I don't agree with this, I'm a libertarian, but they leave the process.
The answer is,
Get involved in the process, but also start setting up alternative media, alternative currencies, alternative cultures, so you build a new system while we try to go in and self-defense and take over the old.
And that's the reality.
That is happening in conjunction.
And that's the heartening part about all this, is that, okay, libertarians haven't won office, but
Look at the issues.
Colorado legalizes marijuana.
Washington State.
I mean, we're just on the cusp of this.
But you know what?
It's the tipping point.
The world, the United States, is going to legalize marijuana here.
It's at a tipping point.
And it'll legalize marijuana
When everybody recognizes that Colorado is a better place to live because police will go out and enforce real crime as opposed to non-violent victimless crime.
And let's not forget either that citizens... Colorado's really advanced on this.
Citizens of Denver many years ago voted to decriminalize marijuana on a campaign based on marijuana being safer than alcohol.
Sure, sure.
And I always maintain that.
Sure, well, yeah.
I mean, I agree that Obama said that it's the same as alcohol.
No, it's not.
Marijuana is a lot less destructive in all the studies than alcohol.
Alcohol is very destructive.
Even though I don't like marijuana, I like alcohol.
But the whole point is that that does show a sea change.
My only problem is...
George Soros and people are for decriminalizing it because they see the business opportunities in it and plus they want everybody stoned out of their mind.
I think marijuana is massively abused, so just because I'm for decriminalization and legalization doesn't mean I endorse the extreme culture of dope-headness.
Well, and you know what, Alex?
I don't drink.
I don't drink because I think it's a lot worse having drank and smoked.
I don't begrudge the fact that you're going to have a few cocktails at all, as long as whatever your consumption does to you doesn't affect me.
Well, I don't even really have... I kind of go off and on.
I'll go years without a cocktail and then do some cocktails.
But, I mean, undoubtedly, I've looked at the studies.
Alcohol, in the aggregate, kills hundreds of thousands of people a year.
And marijuana, nobody.
Yeah, and I've always maintained that legalizing marijuana would actually lead to overall less substance abuse.
Well, yeah, because it'll get rid of the gateway.
Well, and Gateway has been refuted, I think, completely, but some people... But I mean, look, you make marijuana illegal, then you get it from the drug culture, and at least in my experience growing up, I didn't do hard drugs, but I saw it... No, see, you're right on.
You go to get your marijuana today in a black market, well, gee, we're out of marijuana today, but we got some methamphetamine... Yeah, in my experience in high school, that's exactly how it worked.
Well, right.
Because I had friends that would start smoking pot, and they'd go, oh, now we're doing this.
In that respect, it remains a gateway.
In that respect.
Yeah, only in the black market.
That's what I'm saying.
Only in the black market, exactly.
So get rid of the black market, and then it gentrifies.
Well, and in this case, like I say, I think in a legalized environment, people will find marijuana as a more viable alternative to alcohol.
Here's my issue.
I see it as a bellwether, but quite frankly, I'd like to legalize the Second Amendment.
I'd like to legalize freedom.
I'd like to legalize families.
Where in the Constitution does it say that, at least when it came to the prohibition of alcohol, they made it a constitutional amendment?
Well, I mean, my issue is we know more guns, less crime.
The places that took the guns have higher crime.
I want to ask you about the second amendment when we come back.
Syria, about your national campaign, where you're going, your website, and more.
Final segment with Gary Johnson.
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Hi folks, Alex Jones here with some important information.
I want to tell you about Matt Redhawk and his team of patriots over at My Patriot Supply.
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I consulted on a film, American Drug War One, with my friend Kevin Booth, that aired all over cable TV and was a big hit.
And of course, Governor Johnson's in there.
That was the first time I was ever, you know, able to actually sit down and watch raw footage, have him talk about things.
And I agree with a lot of what he has to say.
My bottom line is this.
I agree the libertarian movement's exploding.
Just the awakening's exploding.
Elaborate on Syria and what happened there.
Well, just that we should not be involved in Syria.
We should stop our military interventions.
I think we have tens of millions of enemies to this country that would not exist but for our military interventions.
And this was going to be an extension of that.
This was going to be a worse situation.
We oust the dictator, we replace him with the good guy, and the good guy becomes worse than the guy we replaced before.
And I'm pointing out the obvious, things that you talk about every single day.
But it's good news because, as you said, upwards of 82 percent, depending on the poll, some were 77, some 80, some 82.
Recognize that.
But I'm impressed that you averaged the two together.
That's what I do.
No, I mean, really, because I know the numbers.
It's funny, you said the exact number of all the polls was about 80% of you averaging them together.
Said no way, including conservatives that are usually big warmongers under their conditioning, you know, mainline Republicans and Democrats coming together.
That's what the establishment fears, was saying we're not going to be Al-Qaeda's air force.
No, it was terrific.
I mean, Congress, all of Congress got caught with their pants down and so did the President when they came up against Americans' actual attitude toward doing this again.
And we had to have that war, Kerry, set in days or everybody's dead.
And notice months later, four months later, we're all fine.
Gee, gee.
You know, I was in Austin yesterday for the gun rights rally.
I got to be the opening speaker at that gun rights rally.
We got some video of that.
It's coming on the news tonight.
Good job.
It's terrific.
I mean, I appreciate everybody that was out there that was openly carrying freedoms that don't get exercised, get lost.
And you know what, Alex?
When I was governor of New Mexico, I got to sign the concealed carry legislation in New Mexico.
This was 1995.
You were a leader in that.
Well, when I signed it, though, the legislature came to me and they said, hey, the only way we're going to pass this is if we have this educational program that's going to go along with it.
We pay for the permits.
And then I had the really gun rights people say,
You know, don't do this, don't do this, don't, you know, just allow us to do it, period.
Well, my final take on it was, if that's the route that we go, it'll never pass.
So I did sign it.
But after Aurora, Colorado, lengthening my story here, after Aurora, Colorado, I make a pledge to myself that I'm going to get my concealed carry permit, all right?
Because I want, if I'm ever found in a situation, if I find myself in a situation like that,
I want to be.
Good guys have a responsibility.
Good guys have a responsibility.
Exercise your freedoms.
Well, now I go looking into the concealed carry permit in New Mexico, which I signed the legislation and I haven't been able to carve out the amount of time that I have to go and attend these classes to do this.
And it's a fair amount of money.
It's not cheap to do all this, to take this class and then get the permit.
And then it has to be renewed!
So we need open carry.
Well, there is open carry that exists in New Mexico, and of course that's... We need open concealed carry.
We need a right to carry.
We need open concealed carry, but back to the whole gun rights issue, too, back to the Second Amendment, is these are freedoms that we now have to exercise.
I need to take the time and go and get this permit, because if I don't go and get it, this will be a freedom that will get taken away.
I exercise it, it'll be harder to take that away.
Exercise your muscles or lose them.
Exercise your muscles or lose them.
And that's what you're doing.
People can join you at ouramericanitiative.com.
And we got about a minute and a half left.
What do you want to close with, Governor?
Well, just the notion that, you know, keep up the vigilance.
I appreciate what you do out there.
I appreciate the things that you say.
The awareness.
I was at an event last night, Alex, where a woman was a Democrat and now she's libertarian because of Alex Jones.
Which, that was terrific!
And so, even though we're not in elected office, and don't get me wrong, I realize there are those that are leaning that attain office.
I mean, there are gains being made in that direction.
The point is, we are the future.
The issues are being addressed.
The issues are happening.
The issues that concern us are advancing.
Well, look at how many Ron Paul libertarian-type Republicans are getting elected in the Tea Party movement.
The real Tea Party, not the Republican one.
Well, I was asked that question the other night about Tea Party.
What do you think about the Tea Party?
My response was, which Tea Party?
The original Tea Party that talked about dollars and cents and the Tea Party that I identified with?
Tea party today that has two signs in their hand.
One, balance the federal budget.
And the other one, don't touch my Medicare.
Which tea party?
Absolutely, Governor.
Former Governor.
Thank you.
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Renewed hostile actions against United States ships on the high seas in the Gulf of Tonkin.
Have today required me to order the military forces of the United States to take action and reply.
Dr. Martin Luther King, the apostle of non-violence in the civil rights movement, has been shot to death in Memphis, Tennessee.
Senator Kennedy has been shot.
Is that possible?
He still has the gun.
The gun is pointed at him at this moment.
Take a hold of this bomb and break it if you have to.
People calling themselves members of the Weather Underground last night planted bombs in federal office buildings in Washington and Oakland, California.
They took the babies out of incubators and left the children to die on the cold floor.
Survivors of the USS Liberty are demanding a congressional investigation into what happened and acknowledgment that the Israeli Air Force bombed a U.S.
intelligence Navy ship.
The death of Bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat Al-Qaeda.
The Taliban is taking responsibility for shooting down a U.S.
More than 30 people were killed and there are reports this morning that most of them are U.S.
Navy SEALs.
There may be a false flag incident where a ship goes down and it could be used to accelerate the next war.
If there's one thing that has unified Democrats and Republicans, and everybody in between,
It's that we all hated the bank bailout.
The Department of Homeland Security is apparently on a huge ammo buying spree.
It comes out to like 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.
They estimated that they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these re-education centers.
And when I say eliminate, I mean kill.
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, that's a powerful piece that our great editor Darren McBreen put together for the radio show and slash TV show of your TV viewer on PrisonPlanet.tv
And Darren's working on some amazing intros for the new TV nightly news when we launch the new studio.
Could have done it weeks ago, but we're just busy tweaking a lot of other things around the office and working on some big guests and reporters and things like that.
But you just saw that piece dealing with false flags and how governments stage things.
It must have been four or five years ago.
Will you guys put it on screen so I can give folks the name?
Four or five years ago that a video was produced
I guess back in 2009, January 13, 2009, by ThoughtCrime7, 9-11 lessons from Star Trek.
And I think it's important to re-air this like I did five years ago, again today, because it's back in the news.
DHS gave Muslim Brotherhood VIP treatment, no TSA pat-downs, at airports all over the United States.
It's the same thing for globalists, the same thing with diplomatic immunity.
Obama is becoming a dictator and he clearly is supercharging.
There's always been a secret relationship and a dirty relationship and a public relationship as well with radical Islam, especially Wahhabist Sunni extremists out of Saudi Arabia.
That the Globalist uses a secret army.
That's even on PBS.
But now they're really turning them loose everywhere.
And I've been in London before, back in 2005, on the street filming a building.
I don't
The establishment is radicalizing Islam, bringing it in, protecting it, and then using it for political correctness clashes to then restrict free speech across the board while they put extremist Muslims on British television calling for the murder of Christians.
That is allowed in England.
On record.
But if you're Michael Savage and you want to come to town and speak, you're banned.
I am not what you call an Islamophobe that blames everything on Muslims.
A lot of great Muslims out there have defended Muslims being blamed completely for 9-11 and the pretext to invade Iraq on the back of what Al Qaeda was involved with, the shadowy elements of the CIA.
And the media knew that was a sophisticated statement, so they just spun it that I was saying that, you know, the government did all of 9-11.
No criminal elements working with radical Islam did to kick off this clash of civilizations that gives radical Islam power to be facing off against the American superpower.
That has tripled the size of Al-Qaeda forces and other Islamicists.
Many think tanks have said it's energized them the last 12 years.
They understand psychology.
That's why these globalists are in control.
So I'll describe this for radio listeners.
They wonder why everybody's fighting on board the ship, the Klingons and the Earthlings.
Something is turning them against them and there's this little energy field creature that feeds off conflict.
That feeds off Divide and Conquer.
So it's a good allegory.
Since you can't see the video, if you're not watching on PrisonPlanet.tv, you can hear it.
So, Captain Kirk's talking to a little energy ball that's floating around.
It's usually invisible, manipulating people's emotions to feed off of it.
Well, the globalists don't really feed off the emotions, even though psychopaths and others do, actually, at a subconscious level, a psychological level.
It actually feeds off the energy in this allegory.
The globalists just feed off the energy by directing it into getting us to do what they want to control and run society.
We're going to play this piece and then go to Catherine in Canada, who wants to talk about Saudi investments in U.S.
terror, Sheepdog, Ryan, Romaine, and Kyle.
We're going to get to everybody here today, and I've opened phones in the third hour as well.
But here is this piece, and again, if you're a radio listener, we'll put it back on screen for folks so I can tell radio listeners out there.
You can just go to YouTube, if you want to see this piece, and type in 9-11 lessons from Star Trek, and I'm gonna ask Kurt Nemo, or one of the great writer crew posters in there, to repost this right now.
Uh, you know, tying it into how false flags are used.
So, let's go ahead and go to 9-11 lessons from Star Trek.
How balkanization, divide and conquer, race pimping, you name it, works.
Captain's log, Stardate.
The Klingons were too far distant to have been the attackers.
What proof do we need?
We know what a Klingon is.
Well, I'm dead.
The controls have gone crazy!
The system's taken over!
Most interesting.
The bulk of your crew dropped.
Your ship racing from this galaxy at wild speeds.
How did I perform this sabotage, Kirk?
All my men are here.
Do you think some people in a cave, do you think some people in a cave were able to have NORAD stand down?
Do you think that people in a cave were able to have all of this happen?
A phantom colony.
The imaginary distress calls.
The creation of these weapons.
We will in fact find, uh, weapons.
Do you sense a pattern, Mr. Spock?
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
There is an alien on board which may have created this situation.
Who cares what started it, Mr. Spock?
It is apparently capable of manipulating matter and mind.
I think we should just trust our president in every decision that he makes.
This is war!
There isn't any war!
You serious?
I've got men in sickbay.
Some of them dying.
Atrocities committed on their persons.
Talk about making peace with these fiends.
The alien was the real threat.
That's the enemy we have to wipe out.
Has a war been staged for us?
Complete with weapons?
And ideology.
And patriotic drum beating.
He used gas?
But where did he get the gas?
From us!
Recent events would seem to be directed toward a magnification of the basic hostilities.
And here is that agenda.
The project for the new American century.
Much of what these men wanted is coming true.
They urged that the U.S.
abandon the anti-ballistic missile treaty.
It has.
They wanted establishment of more permanent U.S.
military bases abroad.
That is happening in the Philippines and in Georgia and will likely happen in Iraq.
They urged regime change as a goal of foreign wars, not just in Iraq.
They wanted the U.S.
as a global constabulary, their word.
Such aspirations are unlikely to be realized without a catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor.
Apparently, it is by design that we fight.
We seem to be pawns.
But what's the game?
It's known as the Bilderberg Group.
Could their objective be world domination?
We must push outward if we are to survive.
The Constitution has not given permission for us to so-called police the world.
We have always fought.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists, as you've been listening to propaganda.
Shut up!
There's another way to survive.
Mutual trust and help.
We ought to stay at home, mind our own business, trade with people, and be friends with people, and we all would be a lot better off.
There's an alien entity aboard the ship.
It's forcing us to fight.
We don't want to.
We don't know what its motive is.
We're trying to find out.
You must help us.
It is most urgent.
That we locate the alien entity immediately.
The Federal Reserve is an independent agency and that means basically that there is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take.
Now do you believe?
What do you want?
What are you doing here?
Fuel the Klyans!
It's never us, isn't it?
When the lieutenant became unconscious, the alien lost energy.
It subsists on the emotions of others.
This one appears to be strengthened by mental radiations of hostility.
Violent intentions.
It exists on the hate of others.
To put it simply,
And it has acted as a catalyst, creating this situation.
In order to satisfy that need, it has brought together opposing forces.
In an effort to promote the most violent mode of conflict.
We've got to get rid of it.
Then all hostile attitudes on board must be eliminated.
The fighting must end.
And soon.
Oh, we're a dual ship.
We've got to pool our knowledge.
We must find a way to defeat the alien force of hate.
Stop the war now or spend eternity in futile bloody violence.
It has to stop.
Gang, for the rest of our lives.
A thousand lifetimes.
Senseless violence.
While an alien has total control over us.
And it goes on and on.
The good old game of war.
Pawn against pawn.
Stopping the bad guys.
While somewhere, some thing sits back and laughs.
And starts it all over again.
He is telling the truth.
Be a pawn.
Be a toy.
Be a good soldier that never questions orders.
This is Captain Kirk.
A truce is ordered.
The fighting is over.
Lay down your weapons.
Mrs. Kang.
Cease hostilities.
The sensation of violence appears to have weakened it, Captain, and I suggest that good spirits might make an effective weapon.
Get off my ship.
You're a dead duck here.
You're powerless.
We know about you.
And we don't want to play.
Maybe... Maybe there are others like you around.
Maybe you've caused a lot of suffering.
A lot of history, but that's all over.
We'll be on guard now.
We'll be ready for you.
So ship out!
Only a fool fights in a burning house.
Ha ha ha ha!
And there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
It's very powerful when you actually see the video and the images.
And we're going to have that, again, reposted at Infowars.com right now.
When you ask him to send it out on my Twitter, thank you.
Bill Alex Jones, thank you very much.
It's very, very frustrating to see the globalists use human psychology against us, and the public's been taught there's no psychology, there's no social engineering, no one's trying to manipulate you, there's nothing happening, the government loves you, the media loves you, when we all know it's the opposite of that.
And our acquiescence to this has really gotten the system out of control, and it's rebelling against every form of goodness.
This is a Jezebel type rebellion against the family, rebellion against men, rebellion against women, rebellion against God, rebellion against common sense, rebellion against convention, rebellion against reality.
Where babies are strip searched by the TSA in front of people.
You can pull up the photos of, like, one-year-olds having their diapers taken off in public, little boys have their pants pulled off, three-year-olds in front of people, and men patting on them, pedophile training, while the Muslim Brotherhood just marches through at airports all over the country.
I mean, it's just a complete fraud!
It's obviously a power grab!
We send our reporters out to California, they go to a water treatment plant to check for radiation levels, because that's where they precipitate out.
And they're across the street wearing, you know, nice clothes with flagged microphones, even if it's just regular folks with cameras.
Nothing wrong with that First Amendment.
And the security guard comes over and says, you're not allowed to do that.
Calls the cops.
The cops come over and say, you know, why are you causing a problem?
Get out of here.
There's no law, but I'm not going to let you film.
Think about that statement.
There's no law, but I'm not going to let you film because that cop got a call and it's the wastewater plant.
It's the city.
And, well, he better do what they say.
They say run these guys off.
Well, you know what?
The big foreign bankers are going to call COP and take your pension fund.
They're going to call and take your bank account.
And they're going to make your kid eat GMO and they're going to kill all of us.
Basically, that's the game.
We just, if we don't stand up, we lose everything.
And I go back to the police all day because they're where the rubber meets the road.
And you look at China threatening to attack the Philippines now.
And to attack Japanese islands.
I mean, that's up on Infowars.com.
You look at what's happening in the world economy.
You look at what's going on.
The globalists think they're going to get away with all this.
They're going whole hog here.
We're going to go to break, come back with Catherine and others, I promise, and go through your calls quickly.
And then continue with your calls.
After we've exhausted these, I'll give the number out again.
Briefly, please remember this broadcast is Lister-supported.
You can support the nightly news and the tip of the spear in the First Amendment by becoming at InfoWarsNews.com or PrisonPlanet.tv, same site, different names.
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Stay with us, your phone calls, tons of news straight ahead.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, let's go to Catherine in Canada.
She wants to talk about the topic that I threw out there.
DHS gave Muslim Brotherhood VIP treatment.
No TSA pat-downs at airports all over America.
There you go, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
This is literal...
I honestly believe it's all about money and foreign investment.
Like the Saudis back in 2000, Muslim Brotherhood, these groups all have
Big, big dollars invested in the U.S., and it's almost like they don't want to insult these groups with our procedures, but they just let them get almost like a free pass.
Well, yeah, because it's all about breaking the American people's will and giving us prisoner training.
You wouldn't go through TSA stuff unless you'd been in a prison in your life.
This is prisoner training.
We're being turned into an institutionalized, giant prison country.
Well, exactly, and they're just letting these groups come in and out as they want so they can create more fear in the American people.
So they can pretty much say, oh look, we just let them in, these people come in, somehow we've got to strengthen more rules.
No, no, exactly.
They pray for a terrorist attack.
They open all the doors.
There's three or four different types.
Sometimes there's real terrorist attacks.
They're very rare.
They're usually badly coordinated and low-level.
Then you've got where they open the door, protect people, and block investigations, and they let them attack.
Those are still rare, but happen more often.
Then you've got somewhat staged, where you have patsies, and you shut them up, and you really carry out the attack.
Then you've got purely staged terror attacks, and the last two are most of them.
Well, exactly.
They have so much.
These Saudi groups and different Muslim Brotherhoods, they're all connected.
They have huge investments in the economy that you just never hear about.
Oh, yeah.
No, no.
America's open to be bought and sold, and the Saudis have pumped trillions, not billions, in.
And, I mean, Saudi Arabia's bought up a lot of Hollywood.
Saudi Arabia has bought up a lot... I mean, you see it all the time where you can't get a movie out or... They arrest people.
That make, you know, a film making fun of Muhammad.
In America, no First Amendment, but only for the Muslims.
Again, it's a very dangerous trend.
Yeah, that's pretty much all I want to say.
I truly, truly believe it's all about the money and about investments, and they don't want to insult certain groups.
No, no, I totally, I totally, totally agree with you.
I mean, you know, they've done documentaries on it.
You pull up in a brand new Lamborghini,
Or a Ferrari?
People let you do whatever you want.
Well, imagine when you have trillions of dollars.
They just do whatever they want.
And then meanwhile, we're just absolutely wide open to the wolves of government and corporations.
We have no special interests.
We have nobody lobbying for us.
We're just dead meat, basically, until we grow our liberty teeth again.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ryan in Delaware.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How's it going?
It's going alright.
I'm pretty freaked out about the world, quite frankly.
I'm not the truth.
Well, you know, it's funny.
Like, four years ago, I would have made fun of Ron Paul if I had known you.
I would have made fun of you.
And then I did a dangerous thing.
I heard some of the information and I thought, well, let me look into that.
He can't be completely out of left field.
Lo and behold, you're right.
And I wanted to just say to the new listeners that, you know, if you're thinking this is crazy, just do your homework.
Don't just dismiss it.
Because what Alex is saying has got a lot of merit.
Well, I wish it didn't have merit.
I mean, that's the thing, is that this stuff, most of it's hiding in plain view.
What did you begin to discover when you began to look into things?
I was actually a second-year economics major in school, and I started to ask quite a few annoying questions about the Federal Reserve.
And I stumbled on that, and then I remember finding you, and I told a buddy of mine, I was trying to convince him about the private loan for profit Fed,
And he said, oh, then you believe 9-11 was an inside job.
And I said, no, no, he gets kind of crazy about that.
And then I went ahead and thought, oh, let me just hear what he has to say.
And I heard Building 7.
And it just unraveled.
And it's, you know, there are a lot of crazies out there, absolutely.
But this stuff is legitimate.
It's not, you know.
Well, sure, sure.
I mean, the controlled dinosaur media gives kooky examples.
Or they take stuff out of context, I do, to try to discredit the movement.
And none of us are perfect.
But the point is, we don't want the New World Order to come in.
Its fruits are bad.
This isn't good for almost anybody, but 85 top globalists.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're taking your phone calls.
And then we've got the report I never aired because he was in town for several days and David Knight went back out to confront him.
So he's got two different confrontations we're going to premiere coming up at the start of the next segment after we finish with some calls.
David Knight, special report confronting and speaking with Bill Ayers.
So that is coming up.
Bill Ayers is such a monstrous person and I'm going to explain why coming up.
But right now, let's go to your phone calls.
Let's talk to Sheepdog in Iowa.
Thanks for holding your on the air.
Yes, Alex.
Thank you.
See, I have a lot of experience with Middle East hierarchy during the first Gulf War.
Right now I believe, purely my opinion, there's a thorn in the side of Western Christianity and all of Islam equally.
And it's a phony prince named Prince Bandar.
Maybe you've read the book.
He's a playboy friend of George Bush Jr.
and I think he's at the heart of a lot
of problems for the world right now.
Well, that's right, sir.
Have you read that book?
Go ahead.
Have you read the book?
No, but I'm familiar with Prince Bandar, the head of Saudi intelligence, who brags he's running al-Qaeda in Russia and staging terror attacks, and brags he's running the al-Qaeda forces attacking Syria.
And so I am aware of that, but I mean, tell us what you learned when you were in the Middle East in 1990.
I never had to go there.
I was a retainer in the United States for all our Middle East allies, hierarchy and high-ranking military.
And I know they are some fine, fine people.
And I appreciate Islam almost as much as my Catholic dogma.
Well, I mean, I want to be clear.
The whole demonization of all Muslims is definitely a diversion.
But I mean, what do you make of how Al-Qaeda is being turned loose around the world?
Well, yeah, it's pretty obvious.
The other night I was watching some news clip with the Black Mass boys and their masks fell off and it was clearly an Anglo individual behind it.
He was no more an Arab than you're a Pomeranian.
Yeah, but I wanted to make that, stress that point.
There's not near as much stress between the factions of Islam
As people would be led to believe.
It's all a political ruse, and it's very dangerous.
Tell us why it's dangerous.
Tell us why it's dangerous.
And talk about Bandar.
Because, well, let's go back to 9-11.
First of all, I believe those were RC tanker jets that hit the towers.
But afterwards, Bandar and Bush got together and
Discussed it and it's in the book and the author doesn't even cover his tracks No, no, they were meeting on the morning of 9-11 George Bush senior at the in the Carlisle group He was at the bin Laden table London Guardian Associated Press Yes Yes, sir, Alex Jones but that's not I could go on for hours, but I'd want to prep my comments because I have worked shoulder-to-shoulder
Above the Secret Service with all our Gulf War I Middle East allies hierarchy in the United States for certain specific reasons.
Admirable reasons.
Benevolent reasons.
Medical reasons.
And there's a lot of good people even in the UAE.
The Sheikh Zayed family is what holds the world together actually.
But he died, Sheikh Zayed, and his wife, Queen Fatma.
But you know what happened.
You know what Albert Spheer said about Hitler.
He said you don't know it's the devil when he's got his arm around you.
But I understand it's a diverse group over there, but Prince Bandar is bad, bad news.
We all agree on that.
Thank you so much.
Alex Jones here with a message to fellow freedom lovers.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
It seems like there's no outrage the globalists won't carry out against us.
No amount of humiliation is enough against the American people and our journey into slavery, from being land of the free and home of the brave to being land of the New World Order minions.
Where they announce that the state owns our children.
Where they announce that Christians are terrorists.
Sebelius uses MLK Day to plug Obamacare.
That's up on Infowars.com.
Video, 9-11 lessons from Star Trek.
That's now posted.
Very interesting video.
Suspension lifted for imaginary bow and arrow child.
Now playing like you have a bow and arrow.
Gets you kicked out of school as part of the thought crime.
You think we're going to have guns legal and stuff if they can ban the image of them?
Soros supporters protest turns violent in Ukraine.
Now that's CIA trying to overthrow the country because they didn't go with the euro to be destroyed by the euro.
I think Ukraine should be neutral, not part of Russia, not part of the Euro.
Video, the gadgets that snoop on you every day, very powerful.
The video getting into how gadgets tie into the NSA.
CIA connected terror group issues threat ahead of Russian Olympics.
Expert China preparing to target US aircraft carriers.
Warfare, welfare, and Wonder Woman.
How Congress Spends Your Money by Ron Paul.
That's some of the news up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We should probably have Paul Watson's article moved back into features.
At the top.
I mean, if you want, we can remove Ron Paul's and put it in a subcategory.
Because that's important, but not as important as Paul Watson's article that we're here talking about is the main story.
You can find it at DrudgeReport.com, though he's still got it up at the top on the left-hand side, third story down.
So I guess that's where you'll find that.
DHS gave Muslim Brotherhood VIP treatment.
No TSA pat-downs.
Well, yeah, and the Saudi Arabian royalty doesn't, or even the Bin Laden family, that's not royal, by the hundreds they can go as they please.
And they can fly back and forth even when all US airspace is shut down.
So that's now out that last year the Muslim
Muslim Brotherhood leaders listed as an Al-Qaeda-affiliated terror group who are allowed to fly in and out of the U.S.
over and over again, anywhere they want, skipping the security, the secondary security that other Americans are put through.
I mean, it's just ridiculous.
And now you notice they're saying on the news, oh no, no, no, Homeland Security's not for Al-Qaeda, it's for the Tea Party, returning veterans, gun owners, Christians, libertarians.
And think about how now that's just passe.
Everybody's like, everybody knows that.
Well, when I got those documents five years ago,
I guess it was six years ago now.
Obama had been in office.
It was 2010.
Or was it late 2009?
Type in Ron Paul Tea Party listed as terrorist in MYAC report, guys.
And pull up the original InfoWars.
It took Ron Paul.
Ron Paul's office called me about three days in, and they said, is this really real?
I said, I told you I called the phone number on it to the FBI, and they said we weren't supposed to have it, and we called the state police in Missouri, but it has an FBI number on it.
I said, of course it's real.
Then a state rep came out and defended it as good, and then everyone admitted it was real.
That was Thursday, August 18, 2011.
Yeah, no, that's a new article.
War on Terror targets new targets.
Veterans, Tea Partiers, Anti-Fed Activists.
That's when they went public with that.
Now, it was like 2009 or 2010.
And the exact headline, let me try to bring up the exact headline here.
Exact headline was MYAC report.
I think Watson or Nemo wrote the article.
Ron Paul
And others listen as extremists.
I love this search engine game.
Let me see if I can do it, then we'll go to your calls.
The point is, everybody knows we broke that.
Of course, when it finally broke and was confirmed, Fox News, CNN didn't give us any credit, because they don't want people knowing that there's real media out there.
Let me see, just say Tea Party.
Party listed as extremist.
The problem is there's so many of these now.
You know, thousands and thousands of articles.
Here's one.
Prison Planet, Obamacare.
There it is.
Secret State Police Report.
That's it.
Curt Nemo.
2009, March 11th.
Good job, guys.
Secret State Police Report.
Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin.
Libertarians are terrorists.
And then we got a bunch of more documents after that came out from the Feds and others saying the same thing, basically written by the Southern Poverty Law Center, slash ADL.
But again, the reason I raised that story is people didn't believe it.
Ron Paul was in Congress then, I got a call from Ron Paul, his people, and they said, Alex, you know, we believe your reports, but
So, how do you know that's real?
I said, well, I called the state police and they got upset and said, it's real, you're not supposed to have it, it's restricted.
You're not supposed to be secret police, state police.
And then I called the feds, as I've done on air before, and people can't believe it's real.
I can't believe he has the nerve to do that, like I have courage or something.
I'd have to have blind courage not to fight these people.
I'm worried about them taking over and winning.
That's the issue.
And this is a serious situation, ladies and gentlemen, very serious situation, that now is just mainline.
Because about a month after that report, DHS stands by controversial report listing Tea Party extremists.
And Big Sissy, very handsome person, came out and defended it and said, yes, the number one terror threat is now gun owners, Tea Party, returning veterans.
They defend that.
I mean, it's just so otherworldly.
The Taliban can come in.
Al Qaeda can come in and go.
In every case, they're protecting them.
Of course they're protecting them.
They're criminals that are working with other criminals in an intelligence deal to stage this stuff to take over, like the Gulf of Tonkin writ large.
I mean, this is not rocket science, and I'm tired of it.
I'm sick of it.
You know, Governor Gary Johnson, former governor, came in and he said, how are you doing?
Your head's not getting too big, is it?
And I've met him a lot in person.
He's a nice guy.
And I went, what do you mean?
He goes, well, you're just getting so big.
I hear people talk about you everywhere.
I went, man, I'm not.
No, no.
I said, I'm not feeling real good getting a big head.
In fact, I got the opposite.
I got the opposite going on.
I'm on a mission here.
And I like Gary, it's just that even people in the establishment that are more libertarian, to them I think it's a process, you know, it's history unfolding and we're gonna... No!
No, no.
They've got a hardcore authoritarian takeover grid going into place.
And they've got an official army manuals that they're gonna re-educate libertarians and conservatives and gun owners.
They're gonna stage stuff and come try to arrest us.
And when we fight back, they're gonna call us terrorists and kick off World War III domestically.
And they don't care if a million cops die and a million soldiers.
They love that!
So just remember, when it all comes down, just remember, when it all comes down, there's 85 globalist Economic Times reports.
They're the richest people in the world and almost all of them got it through bid rigging and scams and insider trading and fraudulent securities like derivatives.
I mean, you read these 85 people that have half the world's wealth, by the way, it's a lot more than that.
And then you find out they're all, almost all of them, are supporting ending the family, taking our guns, raising our taxes, because they're offshore and exempt.
This is a wonderland with high-tech criminals, with armies, and disinfo, and all the Hollywood psych warfare.
And it makes me absolutely, as we come up to the edge of this, I'm not trying to be negative here.
We have to admit this is going on.
That's the hope.
That's what's positive.
But this isn't about Alex Jones being a bigwig.
This isn't about, oh, I'm this glitter bug, you know, like one of these TV preachers up here and I'm really, my ego's really enjoying all this.
But frankly, I've gotten so much more spiritual and so much more centered that the flesh is easier to ignore now.
But it's painful because it's not that I even have to avoid fleshly stuff now.
Compared to most people I'm, you know, like a goody two-shoes, but still, even thoughts.
It's that now I remember the comfort of the flesh and ego and things.
And it's like a life raft in this, you know, I kind of need those things.
It's fun to hate your enemies and use it as a defense.
It's very warm.
It's fun to be able to harden your heart.
It's easier to be able to hate people that lie about you and do you wrong instead of feeling sorry for them and really realizing how fallen we all are.
I mean, it would be so easy for me to get into power and everything, and instead it's the opposite.
And I just see the folly of what all these people are doing, and they have no idea what they're part of.
People have no idea how hard it's going to get, how bad it's going to be.
Look, this is all real.
They really do put poison in your water and poison in your food and it's all on record.
They really are trying to hurt the children and dumb them down with 2 plus 2 equals 5.
They really are building re-education camps.
Official Army manuals.
Type in re-education camp, Army manual.
You'll be at the Army's website.
How they're going to process you and your social security.
How they're going to re-educate you in the camps.
How they're going to take your children from you and break up you and your family.
And then, of course, they're gonna roll this out in increments, just like Obamacare doubles and triples your prices.
No one's stopping it.
No one's coming to the aid.
The Republican leadership's going along with it.
They're all bought and paid for.
They're giving Obama dictatorial power.
And Gary Johnson's in here, and I'm talking to him and going... He's like, well, yes, he's using administrative, and it's not really good.
You don't want him to sound reasonable.
No, no, it's not really good.
This is, this is, this is how we got Lenin and Stalin and Hitler and Mao and Phil Castro and all the rest of it.
And we're slated for the ash heap of history.
And we're going downhill like a snowball, headed for hell.
To quote, uh, The Hag.
Stop rolling downhill like a snowball, headed for hell.
And I just, uh,
I feel everything.
I see it all.
And now my whole world's been taken over.
By understanding we're sitting right next to pure evil.
The ship of state is run by Satan.
And we're going in through and beyond.
The average person has no idea what's happening.
Your call's coming up.
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Don't call my name out your window when I'm leaving.
I won't even turn my head.
Don't tell your kinfolks.
Don't send your kinfolks to give me no talking.
I'll be gone.
I'll be gone like I said.
You'd say the same old thing that you've been saying all along.
Lay there in your bed, keep your mouth shut till I'm gone.
You know, you can get out of relationships.
You can even, I guess, kill yourself and get out of life.
But they're going to tax you for the coffin.
Government, you can't get out of your life.
And corporations that run government, you can't get out of your life.
And they are hateful, predatory people that have turned themselves over to pure evil and they love it.
They enjoy it every day.
And we are a more and more unvirtuous people.
And so unvirtuous people will be ruled by wolves, and we are now slaves.
Romaine in Florida, thanks for holding.
Then we'll go to Kyle and others.
You're on the air, go ahead.
What's going on, my brother?
This is actually Ramon.
I'm sorry, I can't read right at a distance.
No, no, they spelled it right.
Okay, well Ramon, good to have you on with us.
Thanks brother.
I never take it offensively.
You know why?
Because I know you're a good man.
I know you're out here fighting for my children, your children, and the whole humanity.
And I respect you and your whole staff for that.
And I'm out here fighting with you.
But the reason why I called today...
It's because I got a close, you know, I call him a friend that's in the military and he had the nerve to tell me that when, you know, there aren't any terrorist plots being conducted by the so-called real terrorists, they have to do it themselves and they have to perpetrate this evil because they have to keep the military, the military industrial complex rolling.
They've gotten so far down this, this trap.
And they've gotten so in debt with this mentality that they have to keep this war mind state going, this guerrilla war mind state, that there is no going back.
Even the military knows now.
It's on each individual whether they're willing to fight when the time comes against it or they're going to fight for it.
Well, that's the thing, Ramon, is that they've gone from saying, we don't fund Al-Qaeda, to okay, we do, but it's for your own good.
But we don't spy on you without warrants, okay, yes, we do.
And then they get caught targeting the press and Tea Party with it, and harassing people of the IRS, and no one gets in trouble.
I mean, they're a bunch of crooks, and there's a lot of people in the system that are gonna go, okay, I guess it's all true, the conspiracy theorists were right.
But so what?
We're still the good guys because they just don't have the moral honor to say no to all this.
And so the next evil is the next benchmark.
And then a greater evil is the benchmark.
And then soon the bottom falls out.
And that's the point we're approaching.
I absolutely agree, but I'm hoping that everybody's humanity, I'm hoping that everybody's love for their children and one another grows huge to the point that all this darkness they're trying to surround us with, all this hatred and fear for one another, whether you're Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Atheist, Black, White, it's so much division being perpetrated amongst us.
We have to look past that and realize that God created all of us.
He wants prosperity for all his children.
So we have to fight.
Those of us who are good Christians, good Muslims, good atheists, good whatever you call yourself, agnostic, please stand up and fight for one another.
If you see one person's liberties and freedoms being perpetrated, then that's everybody's liberty and freedom being perpetrated.
Once we start fighting for one another again, we'll start winning these battles.
Absolutely, and you know I've been one that wasn't for this war on Islam garbage.
I knew it was a manipulation, but it is a discrimination against everyone that they let the Muslim Brotherhood not be checked, but everybody else does.
That's discrimination.
They're all busy trying to get race baiting going on because they know the real discrimination of the UN being exempt, the big bankers being exempt from their own laws, General Electric being exempt from their own laws,
That's the real discrimination.
That's the big... All of us, the common people, are being absolutely screwed over.
We've got to come together for common law, common weights and measures, justice.
And justice is never perfect, but man, it's really getting screwed up right now.
Anything else you'd like to add?
You've been doing a great job, you and your whole staff, man.
You guys should try to take more off and some breaks, be with your family.
We know you guys are out here on the front line, but you should take time to consider, man.
Those kids that you're raising are the most important thing.
I know.
Believe me, believe me.
I want to spend more time with my family.
Now, expanding on this though, so is your friend in the Army?
Is he enlisted?
Is he an officer?
I mean, officer?
What is he?
Without saying too much, we'll just say that he's a high-ranking officer in the Navy.
We'll just say that.
We'll say because I don't want to get him in any trouble.
He's a good person, but I believe the mentality of a soldier for being in the military so long has manipulated his opinion.
So wait a minute, he admits they staged terror attacks but says that's good?
Says that without that, they wouldn't have the funding or the support to keep up this military-industrial company that they need to quote-unquote, keep us safe from the real terrorists.
So they say if there's not enough real attacks, you have to keep it going, and that's the way, you know, you keep us safe.
Sure, sure.
No, that's what false flags are.
That's what they're doing.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hi folks, Alex Jones here with some important information.
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In the last 50 years, iodine has been phased out of our staple foods and replaced with the halogen bromine, a practice now banned in nations around the world.
Guess what else is in the halogen family?
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here.
In 1924, the federal government did the right thing and encouraged salt producers to add iodine.
It's the good halogen on the periodic table.
And the results are on record.
Reports documented a 15-point IQ increase in areas that had previously been deficient in iodine.
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Live from Austin, Texas, it's Alex Jones.
This is now breaking in the mainstream media that all iPhones post-2010 have iBeacon, tracks individual locations, bombards user with ads.
That's their own hardwired system in to sell ads.
To users.
To sell ads to the big companies.
I'm gonna break down what's really behind that after we take your phone calls.
And then get to David Knight's confrontation with Bill Ayers here in Austin.
Two different confrontations.
He went to two different places where he was speaking.
I want to go through at least Kyle, Jim, Richard, Ed, and Michael's calls, and then that's going to be it for calls today, because I've got some more news I want to hit.
Briefly, this hour, don't forget, was brought to you by the best storable food company out there, Bar None, mypatriotsupply.com, forward slash Alex.
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Okay, let's now get to this story and then I'm going to go back to your calls.
Secret minority report tech in all post-2010 iPhones.
Now, they already have it built in with GPS triangulation by the Feds, and a chip in there where they can dial in with a capacitor, even when it's turned off since 1996, all cell phones, including smartphones, and turn it on and listen to you.
And I told you that many years ago, that's now public.
Told you that in 1997.
This goes in because the local media is now reporting on it.
And oh my gosh, it's breaking.
Maybe they'll get a Pulitzer Prize.
Apple recently announced that they had secretly installing minority report style tracking technology on all iPhones since the iPhone 4, which was the first one they released in 2010.
I guess the iPhone 4 wasn't their first.
It was their middle one.
The point is, that's even a lie right there.
Also, Amazon just patented shipping items before they are even ordered by the anticipation package shipping with algorithms to know what you're going to buy before you buy it.
See, this is knowing the future before it even happens.
So it's not just the government.
It's all these groups spying, folks.
They're like, well, what do I have to hide?
That's like posting where you live and what you got for Christmas on Facebook, and then you go on a trip.
I just got this new TV or this new computer.
By the way, I'm going on a seven-day cruise tomorrow.
They rob you.
The globalists are bad!
You have privacy to protect yourself from bad people!
Oh, it makes me angry.
Makes me so incredibly angry that all of this is going on.
And look, it's Pandora's box.
They have all this advanced technology.
Sure, you can use it to corner markets and dominate.
But I saw a movie, I think it was called...
What was the movie where he gets hired but they erase your memory after, selectively, after you've worked on a project because it's so secret, these tech companies don't want you selling it to somebody else, and it's based, it's paycheck based on a Philip K. Dick book.
You're right.
And in it, they learn it's a lensing technology the Defense Department was buying to see into the future, over the horizon, using quantum mechanics, but instead it's a corporation using it to know how to corner markets, but it centralizes power so quickly it causes a nuclear war on the end of the planet.
And by the way, that's Philip K. Dick in the 70s figuring this out.
This stuff is going to screw everything up.
I remember six years ago reading declassified public source stuff where Google admitted their plan was to be able to tell the future.
And back then they had 93% through your searches.
They know where you'd eat a month from now before you did.
They know all your patterns that you're not conscious of or creatures of habit.
And again, you're like, well, so what if they know I go to Billy's Sports Bar?
When they get enough data, it's fed into war game computers.
And they know how to shut down businesses in certain areas.
They know how to jack up prices on certain things and shut down their competition.
I mean, this is really cold-blooded.
And their argument is, someone's going to adopt this anyway.
You're not going to escape innovation.
We might as well innovate with a predatory angle and take over.
Because we're the good guys.
But they're not the good guys.
And that's all I'm telling you is, the brakes need to be put on this real quick, because it violates common law, it violates common sense, and it's dangerous.
Kyle, in FEMA Region 4, you're on the air, appreciate you calling in.
Alex, transmitting from FEMA Region 4, how are you, sir?
Good, brother.
Well, it's an honor, and I want to take this opportunity to eulogize Aaron Schwartz.
He's talking about privacy.
Of course, the big frontier for privacy now is on the Internet.
And, you know, we lost Aaron last year, January 11, 2013.
And Alex, this young man was a prodigy, and a titan for liberty, I believe.
We all know he founded Reddit, but he also helped invent the RSS feed system, which is an integral part of today's Internet.
He was worth a lot of money, he was a real libertarian fighting the tyrants, and he was just getting engaged.
He said, I'm gonna beat this fake charge of getting these MIT documents, and then so they came and killed him, and then spun into suicide.
Right, right, which I don't buy.
And, of course, you're right.
I mean, in 2011, right after he led the fight, helping to derail SOPA and defend Internet freedom, how the DOJ slapped a 35-year prison charge and $1 million fine on him for downloading some academic documents.
And so, tying into your point earlier, Alex, I mean, in a system where the Muslim Brotherhood can express walk-through airport TSA security, and the engineers of the OA crisis, you know, dying at the White House and
About those with members of Congress, I mean, Schwartz was facing lifetime in prison, pretty much, just for downloading some documents.
That were like three decades old, if I remember, and open source already.
He just did it as an act of civil disobedience to create a court case he thought he would win.
Right, right.
Well, even the database from which he downloaded the documents was JSTOR, popular academic
But I'm going from memory.
I mean, I followed it, but not that close.
Wasn't it, the data was old and it wasn't even, it was like publicly paid for, no big deal.
I mean, what was the whole story behind that?
Well, I mean, I'm not too familiar with the details, but I know the documents were originally from MIT.
And, of course, then what happens is these colleges and these institutions, they, of course, authorize JSTOR to house the documents.
And then once a company like JSTOR has them, they're open to the public.
Now, JSTOR charges a fee.
You have to be kind of a member to have access to their documents.
Yeah, and that's what he was angry about.
Now, you just reminded me that this was publicly paid for, but had been made for a for-profit thing.
Right, right.
So, I mean, you know, maybe they have some kind of legal angle on that, but I mean, 35 years in prison and a million dollar fine, I mean, obviously that's out of proportion.
And here you have JSTOR, the entity that should be on the prosecution side, and I mean, they didn't really care.
They didn't have a problem with it.
So it was clearly a hatchet job, a persecution job.
And the reason why I want to highlight Schwartz Alex is because he really reminds me of the spirit of the Founding Fathers.
The Founders talked about having an elite of virtue and talent lead the country.
And, you know, a lot of people are very talented, but, you know, are corruptible and aren't as virtuous.
And a lot of people, they maybe are more virtuous, but don't have the skills and talents, which I mean, not that I do.
But I mean, you know, Aaron, he was a kid, he was a very young man, he's well accomplished, obviously a prodigy, and I mean, he, instead of just basking in the riches and the fame that he had and could have had more of, I mean... Instead of selling out to the system, he just said, no, it's about being virtuous, and they took him out.
Great points.
No, I hear you.
Take a look at Mark Zuckerberg, for a parallel example, that went the other way.
I mean, he could have been the next Mark Zuckerberg, maybe not as big,
But you know, just because you won the establishment and lived on easy street for a while and he didn't do that.
So, I mean, I want to use Aaron's like, sort of the anniversary here of the persecution of Aaron is so called suicide, which I don't buy.
To sort of, I guess, call out people.
I mean, if you're someone and you're listening to this show, I know you have a lot of folks, Alex, that maybe are powerful and are people of means and kind of sit behind the scenes.
I mean, right now, we need you guys.
And I mean, we'll try to support you.
I got to jump to get to the other people, but you made some great points.
Thanks for the call.
Last week, we had the think tank Extraordinary Crisis.
Needed to preserve New World Order.
Author of Shock and Awe Doctrine says elite threatened by non-state actors like Edward Snowden.
They go on to say in their empowered individuals have to be eliminated.
They're afraid of individuals.
That means even in the elite.
See, folks, this is about the end of free will.
This is the opposite of liberalism, folks.
Political correctness.
Andrew Cuomo, the governor, saying, if you're pro-life or pro-gun, get out of the state.
That's not what New York State's about.
He defines what it's about.
And then once they've done that, they rule you.
These are dangerous people.
Let's go ahead and talk to Michael in Arizona.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
Hey, good afternoon.
First of all, I've never been a Star Trek fan, but that is an excellent video.
I have a real brief statement to make, but afterwards, before you hang up on me, I'd like to submit a bear request.
Something the governor said earlier, I don't remember the exact words, but I've been saying this for quite some time.
I don't sugarcoat things, I speak my mind.
Whether I talk to somebody face to face, on the phone, on Facebook, or whatever, they say, you shouldn't be saying things like that, they might hear you.
And my response is usually, I hope they're listening to me, because I want them to know what I've got to say.
That's my point, you know.
I hope they know what my feelings are.
Well, here's what they're doing.
They're giving the NSA secret intel to larger and larger circles of operatives.
Corporate operatives, police operatives, you name it.
Foundation operatives, where they're going to be using data, limited data, it won't be the full data, against you locally.
This is for political upper hand to take over, brother.
Go ahead and make your point.
Yeah, well, I say let them have at it.
Anyhow, the prayer request
I'd like to submit is, um, tomorrow is one year anniversary from when my daughter went to meet the Lord.
Oh my God.
I just want to reach out to yourself, all your staff, and all your listeners to say prayers for her and myself.
I've sought grief counseling, and I won't be alone tomorrow.
I'll be around.
What was her name?
How did she die?
Accidental overdose on prescription medications.
She went by Jessie Mae.
That's what she liked to be called.
Good God.
All right, brother.
Thank you so much.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I mean, you say pray for her.
I mean, what should we pray for her?
Just pray for peace.
Oh, in her name, in her name.
Yeah, for all the innocents that have gone, yeah.
I hear you.
That's why I appreciate you.
That's why I just want to be a very moral person, is because I really see how it affects people when you make un-moral decisions.
And I just, I want to make the world a better place.
And it hurts really bad to see people using the technology of lies, deceit,
I see people all the time, too.
If they want to do something bad to somebody, they will make something up about that person that they've done so that they can then say you're bad so they can do bad things to you.
And it's just... So many people that are evil don't even know they're evil.
It's very frustrating.
It's very scary.
It's important that, you know, a dad talks about his daughter.
It's important we remember people.
We don't just shovel somebody in their grave and forget about them.
I feel a connection to my ancestors, even though I don't know most their names.
Let's talk to Richard in Missouri.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I just want to thank you for the great amount of
Information you've given me, given me to research, and... Please, no more thinking, as they say, Dead House.
What kind of dog is that?
Right over here on the other... Just a second, Alex.
I got somebody at the door.
I'll keep an eye out for him.
I love this.
Somebody's at his door, wanting to know where their dog is.
The house is your way.
Right on the other side of the stairs, right by the storage unit in the corner here.
So you're the closest one to him.
I have muddy paw prints over there.
Is he friendly?
He's very friendly.
He sleeps.
There he is with a three-year-old and an 18-month-old.
Like he sleeps with her every day.
You want to tell those guys on the radio?
I'm on the radio right now.
Thank you.
Sorry about that.
Anyway, I have been aware of the problems going on since I was a teenager.
I'm 56 now.
You've been a thought criminal for a long time.
Yes, I have.
I've been treated as such, by the way, many times.
But anyway, what would happen if
We were somehow to get, turn the tools of the NSA against them and they were suddenly to see themselves on computers and on their viewers.
Them being... They would call that criminal felony hacking and invasion of privacy and throw you under the prison.
But wouldn't that be great?
Well, yeah, no, that's the essence of tyranny, again, is that they can do it to us, we can't do it to them.
I hear you and I appreciate your call, brother.
What's your neighbor want to do with the brown boxer?
Was he telling you that he had seen his dog had been on your property, or what's happening?
He's gone, I want to hear about that brown boxer.
I'll have to do a little bit of overdrive because I've got to air this David Knight piece during the main broadcast coming up in the next segment.
We'll do a little bit of overdrive and go to Jim, Tim, Kevin and Ed if I've got time.
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By the way, folks, in New York Post reporting, an old man clearly looks like he's Chinese, didn't speak English.
Didn't stop their orders to stop jaywalking, so they didn't wait till he walked to the other side and give him a ticket.
They beat him bloody and arrested him.
Because they're just waiting for someone, whether you're deaf or mentally ill or whatever, or don't speak the language, to not do what they say, because, well, you might get to kill somebody.
But, again, the establishment's above the law.
It's all about us doing what we're told.
This is a criminal takeover.
And you're going to find out, all you cops that go along with this, you're going to find out.
You're going to find out.
Here's a guy that, on record, bombed police and his organization, the Weathermen, killed people.
And then he got a get-out-of-jail-free card because Bill Ayers, on record, works for big, major foundations that Obama's and Tim Geithner's family work for and so they're above the law.
And they get to have earrings and dress all trendy and everyone thinks how great they are when they're monsters.
They work for the big offshore banks to collectivize and break this country.
And don't worry, they're winning.
They probably will destroy everything, so...
Here you go, ladies and gentlemen, here is Bill Ayers.
The accusation that to establish your society that you would put people in a re-education camp.
Say it again?
That to establish your society you put people in a re-education camp.
That's Larry Gravel.
Yeah, Larry Gravel, alright.
No, nothing like it.
That's David Knight.
Nothing like it.
But I was thinking about our conversation this morning because, you know, I realized that I didn't fully understand, I still don't fully understand where you're coming from, but
You know, the idea, I'm sure you're for certain kinds of things about government, right?
I want to be left alone.
I don't want to use government to solve anything.
So you don't want Rhodes?
So I'm not a big fan of government and I don't know why you guys would make me that way.
Pettigrew never said anything of the sort, and Larry Grathball, except in some fever swamp when she went through the rabbit hole, he has some credibility.
What credibility does he have?
He calls himself an FBI agent.
He wasn't an FBI agent.
No, no.
He never called himself that.
He has no credibility at all.
He was a paid snitch, and he made shit up.
But because of the violence, because the violence was happening at the time, because... What violence?
Bombings, that sort of thing, because... You mean the bombings in Vietnam?
You mean 6,000 people being killed?
No, I mean your bombings.
Oh, wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Because of yours, they had... Larry Grathwald was a Green Beret in Vietnam, then infiltrated these pieces of trash's organization.
Whenever Communists and Marxists take over, we have necklacing, we have mass murder, we have re-education camps.
Whenever capitalists take over, we have torture, we have re-education camps... By the way, he died last year.
This guy calls him a liar and a sack of crap.
Vietnam was a war of terror.
I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people, most of which have graduate degrees from Columbia and other well-known educational centers, and hear them
Figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people.
And they were dead serious.
6,000 people a week.
So when you talk about the violence of those days, I hope you're talking about that.
Folks, we're out of time on this video.
We're going to post this with my commentary that we just did live on air, but we're also going to post the full video without my commentary up on the YouTube channel right now.
We'll air it on the Nightly News tonight, then we'll post that tomorrow for everybody else, but it'll be at PrisonPlanet.tv at 7 o'clock tonight.
We'll air that, but I want to make some comments on Bill Ayers.
By the way, uh, the man he was talking about that exposed them and infiltrated them, Larry Rathwald, who just died last year, uh, he never said he was an FBI agent.
I mean, he just airs as a lying pig with a red star on his shirt saying he's an anarchist.
These people prey on dumb, poor people.
They are literal demons.
That's why I didn't go to the event.
I didn't go to the event, because I'd get mad.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ed in New York, thanks for holding.
You're on the air worldwide in overdrive.
Go ahead, sir.
Uh, hello, Mr. Alex Jones.
This is Ed Cole from FEMA Region 2.
All right, buddy.
What's on your mind today?
I just wanted to give a shout out that here on Long Island, we had the annual Save Long Island Forum and we had some really profound speakers, Edward Griffin, Sheriff Mack, Chris Sandhall, Miller, you know, check it out, Charlotte Isabe and even Adam Kokesh.
Man, this was great.
He came down.
That's fantastic.
What do you think of your governor saying gun owners and pro-lifers aren't welcome in the state?
Well, I think he should check out Communist China, where you're not allowed to bear arms.
Yeah, I love how they always tell us that for everybody's freedom that we should leave the country.
Now, how about you get out?
Cuomo, go ahead.
Well, yeah.
So, I just wanted to summarize the main lesson that I gathered from this convention that we had.
And that's how we actually can take on the globalists, using a system that's already in place.
And that starts at the local and county level.
And programs like, uh, from the globalists, like UN Agenda 21, they recognize that it's at the local level where they're threatened the most.
That's right.
We need to get people to run for local office and go to the meetings.
Absolutely, folks.
That's where the fight is.
And, uh, like Sheriff Max said, uh, your local sheriff, a constitutional sheriff, he can make all of Washington irrelevant.
Through, just through applying the 9th and 10th Amendments of the Constitution.
The residual, reserved powers of the states and the people.
But, um, that's what I just wanted to, that was the main, that's what I gathered from it.
Uh, before I go, I just want to say, uh, the previous caller, uh, or the one before that, uh, his daughter Jessica, my, my prayers absolutely go with you, and your father, he truly loves you, and
I hope that.
I hope that, you know.
Empathy is the key to everything.
I appreciate you calling.
By the way, I didn't get to this yesterday.
I noticed it's on Drudge.
I should have.
America's number one prescription sleep aid could trigger zombies, murder, and other disturbing behavior.
Ambien is becoming better known for triggering bizarre behavior than it is for treating insomnia.
And remember last year the guy that went into Walmart maybe two years ago now in Austin and just for no reason was walking around with a gun and then shot the cop that walked in in cold blood?
It turned out he was on Ambien and other stuff and his roommate would say that he would not know who he was.
I mean, of course!
As soon as I heard he was like a zombie and just shot the cop and didn't know who he was, I mean, how do you put that guy in jail?
It's like the Sergeant Bales that went and killed the 18 people in Afghanistan.
He was on a bunch of that stuff too.
I mean, you guys, I mean, he's just like... I mean, I'm just... They still won't say the drugs are bad.
They'll put you in jail.
And they're putting kids on stuff like this.
Let's talk to Tim in California.
Final caller I have time for.
Sorry to Jim and Jay and Truthseeker.
You can call me back tomorrow and I'll get to you.
Tim, what's your take on all this?
I'm a big supporter, Alex.
I'm a Marine for 15 years and a former cop in Los Angeles.
All I got to say is I support you, brother.
Well, I appreciate you.
What do you think about the state of the world?
I mean, are you feeling the dread and doom like I am and everybody else I talk to is?
I feel it, Alex, but I think we're going to overtake it.
I don't think it's going to overtake us, Alex.
You know, I was talking to one of my friends last night.
He said that evil people are freaking out, which they are, and that we're picking up on the fact that they're freaking out.
What do you think?
I totally agree with that analysis, Alex.
I think in the long run, we're going to overtake this.
These global elitists, President so-called Barry Sotero, I think all this is going to come out in the wash.
It's going to be nasty, but I think we're going to overtake it, Alex.
With guys like you and me, I think we can do this.
Alright, be safe.
Good to hear from you.
Again, I'm sorry to the other callers.
I'm out of time.
I've got a ton of stuff I've got to do.
Nightly News Tonight is going to be very important.
7 o'clock Central.
PrisonPlanet.tv or InfoWarsNews.com.
And the free podcast and the free video feed and all that's at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
So spread that link out to everybody.
If you're a baby boomer or senior, please listen closely to this important message.
Politicians in Washington are quietly plotting