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Name: 20140115_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 15, 2014
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Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I've got to get in here earlier.
There is no doubt about that.
I do research at night, obviously, and early in the morning, reading over the news.
I got in here about an hour before broadcast time and began trying to go through the several hundred news articles that we've printed off and scanning the different state-run media propaganda organs.
Literally, I become shell-shocked sometimes right as I begin to go on air.
Because there is so much to cover, so many different angles and things to get into, but I'm going to try my best today to go over all of this information.
And we do have the crew popping in for a final report from California, as Schwarzenegger likes to call it.
At the bottom of the hour, then Dr. Nick Begich is going to be coming on, because I want to talk about the war on reality with electromagnetic radiation, chemical biological manipulation, and the attempt to suppress human consciousness, and how it ties into an article that we've got up on InfoWars.com today, dealing with how the virtual society, or the virtual prison as I call it, is being built around all of us right now.
So that is coming up today.
Obama says that we should just trust me is the quote on the NSA.
He will handle everything after the Congress came out yesterday and said, we're going to let you handle the reform of the criminal operation, which he's helped to expand.
This is the Foxes guarding the hen house.
We're gonna also look at Forex.
Confidence in the dollar wavering.
That's out of Forbes.
Spain's youth unemployment now at unbelievably high levels.
We've got more news coming out about Sarah Palin's brother reporting that his dad was harassed by the IRS.
Oh yeah, they go after your family.
But they're liberals, so... It's okay.
And you're like, yeah, but Bush was in power.
In 2008, when Obama was just coming into power as president-elect, the bureaucracy is anti-conservative.
It doesn't mean Sarah Palin's actually a viable presidential candidate in the terms of the establishment of the population.
I don't think she's an evil person.
I think she's somebody that's pretty smart in a lot of ways, but also manipulatable.
And so they use her as kind of a pawn.
But because Sarah Palin is not consciously a globalist or consciously evil, she would never be president.
And obviously a Sarah Palin would be a lot better than a Barack Obama.
But that's a side issue.
I don't care if she was a Democrat, a Republican.
I don't care if she was a Ku Klux Klan member or a New Black Panther Party member.
She shouldn't be targeted politically by the Infernal Revenue Service.
The collection agency for the private Federal Reserve set up the same year in 1913.
Okay, that said, we've got the really big news coming up.
Remember a few months ago, JPMorgan Chase sent out letters saying that they were going to start charging people
Uh, that made deposits, businesses that made cash deposits.
Can you guys print me a flashback of that?
It's just too hard for me to jump around the windows here online.
I don't have windows on these machines.
I mean, you know, the little block windows that are at the top.
Dealing with JP Morgan to charge for cash, for cash deposits.
That article that went so viral.
Because it's extremely important.
Well now, Wells Fargo to begin charging customers for deposits.
And Watson has a question mark there.
There's no question mark.
Their letter says that.
And we've since confirmed it from others.
So that's coming up.
And also, low-flying Homeland Security helicopter to test for radiation.
But despite dangerously high radiation levels, no caution signs at Surfers Beach.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones here with a message to fellow freedom lovers.
The prognosis for the entire planetary economic system runs from bad to worse.
The globalist model is to shut down societies and starve patriots out until they acquiesce to the global takeover.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
I've got so much incredibly important news to break down today.
And live reports from California on the increasing radiation levels.
The final report by our crew that's done a great job the last week out there.
We've got Dr. Nick Begich joining us to break down not just the chemicals in the water and the biologicals in the GMO that are meant to manipulate human consciousness and control us on record, but the electromagnetic that he believes
And he documents is really their main focus compared to those other systems of control.
He'll be joining us in the second hour, not with rumors, but with patents, documents, and facts.
And we'll also look at the state of the world with one of my favorite guests, Dr. Nick Baggage.
You know his brother is a U.S.
Senator, and of course his father was a famous Congressman, and he has testified to the EU courts, the EU Parliament, the Congress, you name it.
He is one of the top experts in the world on the breakaway civilization.
So we're going to look at that with him today.
This first hour, I've got to be disciplined to go over all this.
There is so much news.
It seems like every day it just gets more insane.
Because the New World Order is making its move on every front.
A global, private, corporate takeover.
Now, you notice that Robert Gates, the former Secretary of Defense, came out and endorsed Bloomberg to be a future Secretary of Defense.
And the way they've been bringing them in and out like musical chairs, that could happen any time.
And that shows you, here's this Republican, George Herbert Walker Bush protege,
Republican blue-blood God, and he wants the Secretary of Defense to be someone who has 15 bodyguards as the former mayor, billions of dollars out of Wall Street very smelly operations, and who's sworn to disarm the American people, and who runs clearly unconstitutional, seditious, illegal, on-record operations out of New York using taxpayer-leveraged funds.
To try to shut down gun manufacturers in an act of espionage.
And that's what it is.
He represents the foreign powers of the Globalist, of the offshore banks that run the Federal Reserve, basically everything else.
And imagine having that Globalist operative as the Secretary of Defense.
There is no telling what Bloomberg would pull.
What Bloomberg would do.
And that just gives you an idea of what they'll pull if they get away with it.
And Katie Bar-The-Door, this guy is a total technocrat control freak who wants full Agenda 21 implemented through the NSA bureaucracy tracking everything you do, taxing you for salt, alcohol, fat.
But letting you eat GMO, letting you eat all the garbage, just calling all fat bad, all salt bad, just absolutely micromanaging your life.
I've read statements by him in a profile that was out last year.
We read the quotes on there where he said, I do want to control your life.
I do know best.
I am super smart.
I love data.
I've got access to all this corporate and government data and I want to help you.
And you can just look at Bloomberg, a sinisterly wicked person.
Very, very dangerous.
And so I wanted to open the show up today just reminding you that here's a top Republican appointed by Obama to be Secretary of Defense for five years, first five years.
And here he is.
Endorsing Bloomberg, who they call an independent.
Bloomberg, because they know Democrats are unpopular, Bloomberg is literally left of Joseph Stalin.
If you want to use the left-right paradigm gauge.
Of course a fat cat insider, Ponzi scheme maven, is going to be for tyranny.
These people are thug gangsters like Chris Christie.
And like Bill Clinton, all of them, they are predators.
And the sooner people wake up to that, the better.
It's that simple.
And they are going to activate their agents in the new media, as they've said they'll do with Cass Sunstein and others.
They are going to activate the era on Huffington, a takeover of alternative media and the funding of infighting.
You're going to see all hell break loose in made-up stories and attacks and sabotage and demonization campaigns of any real media
that opposes the takeover and that goes for mainline conservative talk radio because it's calling out Chris Christie and others because their listeners won't put up with it.
Their listeners are awake and so even sellout establishment Republican hosts are becoming libertarians because as the Financial Times of London reported two days ago, libertarianism, constitutionalism, freedom
Is taking over.
Real liberalism is taking over.
Not the counterfeit, authoritarian, progressive cancer.
And the Republican Party establishment, the Democratic Party establishment, are on record at every one of their meetings, and in their private meetings that leak, over and over again, it's in the news every week, panicking saying, we've got to shut down the Tea Party.
And so the National Association of Manufacturers, the National Association of Business Associations, all the Republican front groups are pouring more money into smashing the Tea Party than they are into Democrats.
The Democrats are pouring their money in.
The Republican groups are pouring their money in.
Because they are the criminal groups that have taken over.
They will loot everything to the ground.
They will not stop.
They cannot stop.
It's like once you cut yourself in a Brazilian river,
And the piranhas smell blood.
You can swim with piranhas.
But if you cut yourself on a rock or a piece of glass, one of them is going to bite you, and then they're all going to bite you.
And folks, we're being chewed to death by piranhas right now.
They're not going to stop until they eat us down to the bones.
They will eat us down to the bones.
And societally, a 10-year period is like the blink of an eye.
So right now, the piranhas have already basically chewed giant holes in us.
We're reaching terminal level.
They're about to get into the organs.
And we better jump to the shore if we've got any chance of living.
And the shore is common sense, Bill of Rights, Constitution, getting right with God.
And look, even if you're an atheist, whatever, just decide that you don't want to go along with this and decide you're going to resist it.
Me personally, I couldn't handle all the stuff that's going on if it wasn't for my relationship with Christ.
Now, let me just get into the top story right now.
We've been talking a lot about this in the last, really, six years, but now it's open.
And it's the point where the dictatorship becomes open, that if they get away with it, Obama could become a dictator and stay in office.
But the bureaucracy wants the office to be dictatorial.
And every constitutional lawyer, left, right, and center, worth their salt.
We'll tell you, this is the most dangerous period in U.S.
history, and Obama is effectively a dictator right now.
We are not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we're providing Americans the kind of help that they need.
I've got a pen, and I've got a palm.
And I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions that move the ball forward.
Okay, now, he said that two days ago.
Now here is the Sacramento Bee today, endorsing this like it's completely normal.
But also showing some criticism.
Obama is using executive power to affect immigration law.
It should say Obama
is using executive orders to circumvent the law in Congress.
Historically, this is considered to be the beginnings of a serious dictatorship.
That should be the real headline.
President Barack Obama didn't wait for Congress to rewrite the nation's immigration laws to help, see it was to help, to help millions who are in the United States illegally stay in the country.
And again, they're just telling you now
What's been going on for a year?
They've legalized most of the people that were going to be deported.
And they started with the kids to make it look like, well, it's for the children.
Now it's moved on.
Under the bills they've introduced the last eight years in a row, even under Bush, felons are legalized.
Aggravated felons, rapists, are legalized.
So, and again, I wouldn't be against a large immigration group coming in if they would vote for guns and vote for liberty.
They are clients of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
The Republican Party is lobbying for this.
Because they're part of the same globalist program.
The entire establishment is for open borders.
Do you think that's a good idea?
Let me tell you, we've had open borders so far.
You like your standard of living?
You like the folks pulling free welfare?
It's designed to bankrupt the nation?
So there's just one of the executive actions.
But it's been ongoing with guns and power plants and wars and circumventing Congress and Obamacare.
And so he got away with that, and what has Congress done?
They came out yesterday, and here's the big bad news, and I hate to have to give this to you.
We told you the big test would be would Congress try to block this and assert their authority under law.
Congress said, you handle the NSA, you decide unilaterally what to do.
It's already operating illegally.
Congress is into it up to their eyeballs.
They've passed the buck to Obama.
That's how dictatorship works.
People give in to it.
Because they're cowards, and because they're paid off, and now he can do anything, folks.
This is it.
This is it.
They're going to continue persecuting people with the IRS.
They're going to continue.
He says he's coming after the guns with executive orders, going to outright start banning bullets, registration, going after gun owners that don't have criminal records.
It's on!
He wants to push us into a violent response.
And I would say keep your powder dry, but wait until you see the whites of their eyes.
Really try to not get into this unless you're cornered, and have to.
But, I mean, they're gonna start it.
They're gonna blow stuff up and blame it on us.
I mean, you can be assured of that.
That's their major playbook.
That's what I would do if I was them.
The only reason they haven't done it yet is because we're exposing them, our people are there every time they stage something, like the Boston Marathon event, and I just can't believe my incredible responsibility to be here on the air doing this.
I'm completely blown away that we've gotten to this place in history collectively, and that I and our crew is one of the main centers of resistance against this.
And you, the listeners, are the center of resistance against this.
Totally unprecedented.
We broke last year that microchips in new computers hook into the NSA wirelessly.
That's in the New York Times today.
We're going to tell you about that.
Wells Fargo to begin charging customers for deposits.
That's up on DrugsReport.com.
We'll be right back.
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These are two stories that are up on InfoWars.com.
Low-flying Homeland Security helicopter to test for radiation.
And then a second story that's up on DrudgeReport.com on the left-hand side.
Despite dangerously high radiation levels, no caution signs at Surfers Beach, no action taken to protect the public at Radioactive Hotspot.
We're going to be talking to our reporters who've been up and down the West Coast and their final report from the road before they fly back to Austin today, coming up after this break that we are approaching.
And we're also going to get to another story that originated from InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, but the easiest place to find it is DrugsReport.com.
Wells Fargo to begin charging customers for deposits, and we always are careful.
We put a question mark behind it.
We have found a whole bunch of these letters that people are talking about, where they're basically saying the same thing that
JPMorgan Chase said three months ago that they're going to start charging you, if you're a small business, massive amounts of money to be able to deposit cash or outright, in some cases, not even let you do it.
Just like they won't let you if you have a gun shop or you're a gun company, you can't have business with them.
The big banks are the ones running the country.
They don't want small farms operating, they're not giving loans on record.
They got the banking reform stuff passed a few years ago openly to shut down small regional banks that give loans.
The big banks aren't giving loans.
They're on record.
Their emails have been released.
Timberwolf and others.
How they want to bankrupt you.
How they want to make you poor to control you.
How they're going to get your guns, you bitter clingers.
I mean, they're enemies!
I don't know how, and I don't mean the people that work for these banks are all enemies.
These banks all have legitimate divisions that do real things.
But the people at the top of them, it's like, it's like police departments.
The average cop, on average, and I'm not kissing the police's rear end on this, the average cop I've met or known in life has been better than the average Joe.
Come over and help you work on your house, you know, great to go hang out with, good, trustworthy people.
It doesn't matter though, they got so much power that when you run into a bad one, you're in a lot of trouble.
And the people that are on top are bad folks.
So all these bureaucracies and things may not have super evil people at the bottom, but they got super evil people at the top and that's why they want the technocracy where there's zero wiggle room for teachers, police, you name it.
To be able to make their own determination, everything is basically robotically commanded.
That's why they want to go to robots and drones in the military.
But until then, they're going to basically make you act like a robot and surveil everything you do.
And then selectively use it against you.
Sure, it'd be great for troops to have cameras on the battlefield and be able to integrate all this information into satellites and everything, but
Everything they're doing, every mistake they make, is being put in a database.
You're not going to have any rights when you get out.
They're going to threaten you with court-martials.
That's already the plan.
It's the same thing for everybody else in society, folks.
This is a nightmare situation.
Now our other big story before I plow back into all of these after we cover the final report, the roundup report from the West Coast with Jakari Jackson and the rest of the crew.
We're going to talk to the rest of the crew when we come back, we haven't heard from yet.
Adon Salazar's article is again up on DrudgeReport.com about the increased radiation at Surfers Beach.
Seven times what it is at a local nuclear power plant, but again no warning signs, almost no media coverage.
This is the big story, though, that I'm going to cover when Dr. Bagich is on with us in the next hour.
NSA Unleashed, that's out of the National Journal, it's also in the New York Times, NSA devises radio pathway into computers.
Now, I've told you this since the Telecommunications Act of 96, because I had insiders at telecoms tell me how to understand the documents they gave me.
And then they had the government show up at the radio station and threaten people and I was removed off the air.
I was told, don't cover this stuff anymore.
This is all on record.
Or you're going to be removed off the air.
I mean, it was all sorts of stuff happened.
State agencies, federal, you name it.
I later learned, I didn't learn until I was fired later.
I was told shut up about it, but I mean they were mad because there were all these good people in the system, in government and in corporate areas, that this was back when they were denying all this was going on.
Now, they're saying that with hundreds of thousands of computers, the NSA working with the computer manufacturers, the chip makers, puts chips in them,
That are radio transmitter receivers.
So the NSA can get into it.
We wrote articles a decade ago and then again last year on this.
And here's the headline.
Secret 3G Intel chip gives spooks and snoops backdoor PC access.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Hi folks, Alex Jones here with some important information.
I want to tell you about Matt Redhawk and his team of patriots.
Over at My Patriot Supply.
Several years ago, Matt was sitting in his two-bedroom apartment, frustrated with the direction this country was headed and the charlatans willing to sell us out for a quick buck.
Deciding to take action, a company run by Patriots for Patriots was born.
My Patriot Supply has never taken a loan or accepted outside funding.
They now operate two distribution facilities and employ over 50 hard-working American men and women.
It is rare to find companies who practice what they preach.
And that's why I stock my pantry with high-quality storable foods from My Patriot Supply.
Go to mypatriotsupply.com forward slash alex today for special offers on emergency food storage or call their preparedness specialist at 866-229-0927.
That's 866-229-0927.
Alex Jones here with a message to fellow freedom lovers.
The prognosis for the entire planetary economic system runs from bad to worse.
The globalist model is to shut down societies and starve patriots out until they acquiesce to the global takeover.
That's why we've assembled the most vital and important preparedness items at InfoWarsShop.com.
These are items that I did research on, that I personally use.
You've got the LifeStraw, so you can turn fetid water into safe water anywhere you go.
The KTOR Hand Crank Generator, to charge up key equipment during power outages or out in the field.
Strategic Relocation 3rd Edition by Joel Skousen.
When Disaster Strikes by Matthew Stein.
Therosafe used by Homeland Security to protect yourself during any radiological event.
Hand-cranked shortwave AM FM radios.
Everything that we've researched and found to be the best is available at Infowarshop.com and your purchase makes our Infowar possible.
We're getting prepared.
Are you?
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Folks, I'm not bragging.
In fact, I'm freaked out.
I just want to telegraph that to you.
I wish none of this was coming true.
By the minute, everything we've documented, because it was already on record, is now unfolding exactly as we connected the dots and said it would.
So we didn't predict any of this, we just connected dots.
Remember the first connect-the-dots for like two-year-olds, where the dots are right by each other and you can look at it and tell it's a dinosaur, or tell it's a car, or tell it's a man on a horse?
There's really no dots to connect.
I mean, that's how this is.
There are no dots even to connect.
There are so many dots.
And then the globalists brag they're setting up an unescapable, inescapable, in their words, technocracy, a digital skin, a false virtual reality to enslave us.
You realize that and it's crazy.
And then I remember having meetings in parking lots or people would come down to the radio station, and back then I had no security, I'd just walk out there every night.
And they'd say, I work for this telecom, here's this information.
Look in the telecommunications act of last year.
There's chips in the cable boxes and in the new chips in the computers that are really two-way transmitters that are picking up the data and actually sending it through a simple encryption system and then using advanced classified
Um, compression to, to send it on to gathering stations in every city.
And it'd be a, you know, 65 year old engineer with a pocket protector getting in a brand new Mercedes Benz and driving off.
And sweating when they would give it to me.
Or I'd go to the rodeo to do a remote and it'd be, listen, I'm a nurse from the Air Force of San Antonio.
The blood goes into a secret database worldwide.
They've been doing it since 1973.
Listen, here's the information, but you know,
Just be safe.
Be safe.
That's all I can tell you.
It's biological warfare testing.
They're tracking everyone individually.
I go, what are you talking about?
The research is into how to create a bioweapon to kill only one person.
That's all I can tell you.
That's all I know.
Just everything you're saying is true, but worse.
I mean, I would go, huh?
Because I was one of the only people on air talking about this.
Military, Delta Force, Navy SEALs.
Not because I was something special, but because no one else had a venue, no one else was willing to say it.
And that's how we'd have articles in World Net Daily back in like 1997, 98 about, you know, 15 black helicopters would show up and blow up the police station a day after the police secretly pulled out as a psych warfare test to see how the public would respond.
In Kingsville.
And then I go down there and they admit, yeah, there were foreign troops there.
Yeah, we're practicing to confiscate the guns.
What's the big deal?
All on tape.
And of course I knew about it because the head of emergency management for Kingsville, Thomas Sanchez, who was an army intelligence veteran of Vietnam, he was a patriot and blew the whistle and contacted us and came on and then got death threats and I never heard from him again.
I only knew that they'd been hit because Thomas Sanchez called and they said, there's a Thomas Sanchez, the head of emergency management in Kingsville on the phone, the secretary said.
Not my secretary, the radio station's secretary, and I went and got on, I went online, looked up who he was, called the office back, got him on through their phone line, and he's like, listen, Mr. Jones, you know, we just got hit, and I've got some footage, and all this is going on, and it's part of a PDD 51, and you need to know what's happening.
And then I went and covered it, and they had news articles saying it didn't exist later in the local paper.
And then they had the state police basically start investigating me, all because I cared about secret programs to test martial law in America.
And now we're there, and here it is.
Secret 3D, 3G Intel chip gives snoops backdoor PC access.
All the new cars have 4G hardwired in.
Black Box is tracking everywhere.
The head spokesman of Ford goes, oh, we're tracking you, and so are the police.
Ha ha!
Dumb effers, you know, to paraphrase Zuckerberg.
And then everybody freaked out and went, no we're not, no we're not!
Conspiracy theory, conspiracy theory!
You see how they operate, how they act?
This is all done on purpose.
So it's all in the New York Times.
Oh, big breaking news.
I've told you since 1997 that there were hardwired chips in the phones, many of the cars at that time, everything, tracking what you do.
And they had government advanced networks.
Five, six, seven, eight years before you get it, before they sell it to you as service, 3G, 4G, 5G, they already have it, tracking everything and they can energize
The chips, I was told, and I'm not an engineer, this is what I was told years ago, they can power the chip, even though it's hooked into the power on your computer.
These engineers told me that the radio waves, or the transmission waves, the microwave waves, different systems, charge the chips.
Let me say that again, charge the chips.
Or they have capacitors built in that save power.
Guess what's in the New York Times today?
Exactly that.
What'd they tell you?
It's 100,000 computers.
Oh, that they worked with Apple and Microsoft and all these companies to put it in select computers to intercept your delivery.
Oh, they intercept it when you order the computer and then they add it in.
Because they don't want you to know all the computers have this.
They want you, they don't want you to know that even when the computer's off, did I mention that part?
And that's in Paul Joseph Watson's article, vPro processors allow remote access even when the computer is turned off.
It's not just vPro.
Okay, I'm done talking about that for now.
We'll talk about it with Dr. Baggage.
For the balance of the hour, we're going to be talking to Jakari Jackson.
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Now, let me hit these two articles before we go to Jakari Jackson.
Low-flying Homeland Security helicopter to test for radiation.
Chopper will fly at altitude of just 10 stories for years to come.
The Department of Homeland Security has announced that it will begin periodically flying a large helicopter at extremely low altitudes over Baltimore for years to come to detect background radiation in preparation for a nuclear attack.
They already have these in trucks that are more effective.
This is all part of a psychological operation.
They can drive trucks around that have these
Spectrometer type machines that pick it up.
They know full well there's been hydrogen bombs inside the Russian embassy for decades.
That was declassified a few years ago.
This is all just pure cover for helicopters militarily conditioning you.
And of course the military flying these things are doing a good job.
They fly over Austin all the time.
You can see the devices hanging off the bottom.
My whole issue is that
We have a rogue government doing all sorts of stuff with the nuclear weapons, so all of this is just show like they're trying to protect us.
They gave our missile secrets to the Communist Chinese, they've sold us out on every front, they're arming Al-Qaeda, it's all smoke and mirrors.
Now shifting gears, despite dangerously high radiation levels, no caution signs at Surfers Beach, no action taken to protect the public at Radioactive Hotspot,
This story is on the left-hand side again of DrudgeReport.com.
It is a Don Salazar's article that he posted last night with high-def photos and video of the crew out there with the Geiger counters.
A rounding out report from Southern California, before they fly back to Austin this evening, is Jakari Jackson.
They've got another video up there where radiation levels are found on the beach seven times higher than near reactor.
And we haven't talked to Jakari in two days, so we've got a lot of breaking info, a recap, and then we'll get some comments until about five, ten minutes into the next hour from the rest of the crew.
Jakari, great job.
Break down your latest information.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
I'm out here dressed in my all black because I feel a little bit like Johnny Cash.
We've pretty much been everywhere on this tour.
We've been to Portland, Oregon.
We've been to Los Angeles.
We've been to Long Beach.
We've been to Orange County.
Just going all the way up and down the coast.
And as you pointed out, we're here in our final destination, San Diego, California, right in front of the Coast Guard, the U.S.
Coast Guard out here.
And Alex, this has been a very interesting trip.
As you know, we started our trip
At Surfers Beach in Half Moon Bay, where we found radiation levels in excess of 10 times of what's considered normal.
Not just us, but various health professionals, people who make Geiger counters have gone out there and found similar things as well.
Going north of Half Moon Bay, we found radiation levels to be probably around double of what's considered normal about the double, excuse me,
The normal is around 30 CPMs.
We found CPMs in excess around 60 or so.
Going north, south of Half Moon Bay, we found the CPMs to be about triple.
Just coming down here, going through Orange County and so forth, we saw radiation levels probably around 90 CPMs or counts per minute.
And so what's that, about three times the normal background radiation?
That's right, Alex.
About three times the normal background radiation, but definitely the highest concentration we found was in Half Moon Bay.
It is way excessive, just like Adan said in his articles, that there is no warning sign out there.
I mean, it's ridiculously high radiation out there, but nobody even wants to inform the public.
Luckily, the people in Half Moon Bay at Surfers Beach are pretty informed, pretty enlightened people when we talked to them just a few days ago.
So luckily, they're abreast of the situation, but other than that, you wouldn't know that there's radiation going on out there.
Well, I've seen a lot of people comment and send us links to articles from 20 years ago where they reported on dumping decades before that in the 60s and 70s, where the Navy and others dumped literally thousands of barrels of radioactive waste off the coast.
I mean, why not bury it in the desert?
It just shows how the government is completely mentally ill, completely suicidal, and are the last people that should be running our society.
And so a lot of folks think that's why the radiation's there, but undoubtedly they've picked up isotopes, as you know, in the whales and dolphins and other marine life and the tuna.
Bluefin tuna and others that has been three, four times what it's supposed to be and does have the different cesium isotopes that are from Fukushima.
Also Alex, when we were out here we found out that sardines are dying off.
I believe Don's going to have an article out shortly about that.
We stopped right outside Devil's Canyon and the guy's got a screen cap of a local news article saying that sardines are disappearing.
Well, that's the major university report that came out, as you know, a few months ago.
98% die off in major species in the Pacific Ocean.
And, again, it's a minor footnote in the media.
Bottom line, Jakari, do you think people are waking up out there?
Uh, for the most part, I'd say it's 50-50.
When we went to Half Moon Bay, like I said, the people there were very awake.
They were very receptive of the information.
We shot a report at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.
We met a lot of trendies who didn't care about anything but themselves.
People said that what we were telling them was false.
I said, sir, you know, we have experts and other people who've gone out there, people like Steve Weiss.
Who makes Geiger counters and he found these excessive levels and guys like, oh, that's a conspiracy theory.
Everybody says I don't want to talk on camera.
I just want to talk about the San Francisco 49ers.
I just want to talk about A-Rod.
I want to talk about Bieber fever.
Alex, I cannot believe since we've been out here how many times we've heard reports about Justin Bieber.
It's ridiculous about him throwing eggs about A-Rod and his suspension.
Nobody wants to talk about Kelly Thomas, the man who was beaten to death by police.
It's pretty ridiculous what they're doing out here as far as the media is concerned.
Well, you hit the nail on the head, and I wish we'd had more time.
You've gone out and covered that verdict.
You guys wanted to, but I wanted to finish up with the radiation coverage, but we'll be covering it more as it unfolds.
And, you know, now we've got a new article in Oklahoma where a deaf man did not hear the police commands over the bullhorn to get out of his vehicle, so they beat him almost to death.
Oh my God.
I mean, it's just getting crazier and crazier and crazier.
Because they want the police to attack us if we don't follow their orders so that we're intimidated and will follow illegal, unlawful orders.
That's exactly right, Alex.
You know, I'm from Oklahoma.
That's very disheartening to hear.
We encountered some police yesterday.
We went to the Hyperion Waste Treatment Facility.
This is just outside the city of Los Angeles.
And, you know, it was so bizarre.
Alex, we're out there filming.
A public building, we're standing on a public sidewalk, not even on their sidewalk.
Some guy in a, you know, I thought he was a real police officer.
He approached us and then I found out once I got closer that he was just a security guy.
I was like, I don't even want to talk to you.
Then the real police roll up and say, sir, it's a policy that you can't film this building.
I say, sir, is it a policy or is it a law?
He's like, no, no, there is no law.
It's just our policy that we don't want you to do that.
I want to see that video.
That's huge.
Police tell reporters they can't film nuclear power plant.
They could go on Google Earth, any of it.
It's an attack on the First Amendment.
They're trying to make photography illegal by fiat.
What ended up happening with that, Jakari?
I can't wait to see that footage.
Well, I believe the guys who are working on that will have that out pretty soon.
I believe it's okay.
It's already out.
The guy's already uploaded it.
You can probably check it out pretty soon.
Okay, we'll get an article blurbed right now by Kit Daniels up on InfoWars.com.
I know you guys have been shooting and running, getting a lot done, but this is incredible, Jakari.
So, how did it end with the police?
Well, the police officer... Well, first, Alex, let me backtrack.
The security guard said, you know, you guys need to get permission, you know, and we didn't really want to fight with the guy.
We still had our shots anyway.
I was like, well, who's your public rep so we can just get our permission real quick?
And I called the rep, and the rep didn't call us back in a timely fashion.
But in the meantime, the police arrived, and he gave us the same spiel that the security guard did.
He said, you can't film this building.
I said, sir, this is not... I mean, this is... You can see this from the street.
You can see it from Google Earth.
You can see it anywhere.
It's freedom of the press.
Stay there.
We're going to talk about this.
This is a police state, ladies and gentlemen.
This is North Korea, okay?
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Here's a Washington Post headline.
Border Patrol drones being borrowed by other agencies to be used against American citizens on the northern, southern, western, eastern borders more often than previously known.
Big drones, little drones, predator drones, all sorts of drones.
So they're going to watch us with Google cars.
They're going to watch us with the NSA illegally.
They're going to watch everything we do.
Real terrorists actually work for the government.
Al-Qaeda is run by the globalists.
And meanwhile,
If you try to film anything now, the police come over and say, what are you filming?
Or don't film us, because they want to set the precedent that citizen journalism is illegal.
No wonder the media won't cover radiation or nuclear power plants.
Because if you're across the street from one on public streets, I mean, I wish the cops would come over to me.
I mean, man, come on.
You know that's illegal, what you're saying.
You know we're just a media agency out here with a flag on our microphone.
We're not
Suspicious-looking people videotaping and casing it, creeping around.
We're a four-man reporter team standing in front of this, doing a report on nuclear power plants.
But you see the reports now, we're mainline satellite trucks.
We'll be 200 yards from cops, and they'll come over and say, get out of here.
And they'll say, no, we're the media, and the cops will beat them down.
In Chicago, in Phoenix, you name it.
The government is crazy!
The government wants to dominate us!
Jokari, we have the video.
It's going up on InfoWars.com in mere minutes.
What else are you going to be breaking?
Because I know you've shot so much you haven't been able to get it all out.
Sardines are dying, they're reporting.
The police are telling you you can't film nuclear power plants.
There's no First Amendment.
What else is going on?
Then we're going to go to Don Salazar.
Well, another thing we saw outside the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Facility is a gentleman caught a fresh fish right there in front of us, so we pulled out our Geiger counter and we measured it, and the fish itself hit about 60 CPMs counts per minute, double of what is supposed to be in Half Moon Bay.
Wow, so, so, um, radioactive fish caught
That's right, Alex.
It was very surprising to us to see that because we've been testing seafood up and down the coast.
We've gone to many fish shops and seafood places and all that.
And the fish we found were at least around 40 or so CPM.
So I guess you'd say higher than average, but not, you know, abnormally high.
Well, you know the issue, those fish are caught in deep water.
Up at the coast is where it's precipitating out.
Did you ever get near a water treatment plant?
Because that's where it really precipitates out.
Yes, we went to one a little bit north of the city of Los Angeles and we have some footage of that as well.
We'll try to get out here.
What did you find?
Higher radiation?
We found radiation levels to be around 50 or so, 56 CPMs.
But you were unable to get inside and put it up to the water itself and the pipes?
Yeah, we couldn't get inside.
We went up to the guard shack because we already had the situation at the Hyperion plant.
So we said, okay, we'll try to be, you know, civil with the guy.
We approached him with our cameras running and the guy at the guard shack.
And I said, sir, you know, we're just here.
We're a media organization.
We just want to take some levels.
He said, no, you have to call our press office and talk to them.
I was like, well, you know, it's pretty much what we expected them to say.
But we took the level at the guard shack and that was sitting around 50, 56 CPMs.
Guaranteed if you approach further because I got Texas reporters to do that a few years ago.
They actually let him into the water treatment plants.
We've got to get a tour.
They won't let us in as media.
We could sue and make Austin do it, but we still infiltrated as a tour, secretly shot video.
Yeah, that's a great video.
Yeah, we're going to get back in because I want to show folks that because the Chinese
Fertilizer they get it out of the limestone that also has the uranium in it and radon and so much more All right.
Well Jakari stay there I'm gonna push dr. Nick baggage.
I'm sure he's good for this about 15 minutes back Let's call him as we're connected via video Skype And then come back and finish up with Jakari and then a Don Salazar to get his take on everything that's happening Because this is so important and then we'll carry dr. Nick baggage 15 minutes in the next hour I'm sure he's good with that, but call him and confirm.
We'll be right back stay with us ladies and gentlemen
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Dr. Nick Baggage is coming up in about 15 minutes to talk about breakaway civilization and what that means.
Couldn't be a more important topic.
We're joined by Jakari Jackson and Adon Salazar.
Jakari, when you get back, we'll obviously debrief you here in studio tomorrow or Friday.
And for the nightly news, but other points you'd like to add before we go to Adan Salazar, who's part of your team, but he's there at the hotel, just filed another story.
You're out there at the Pacific Ocean on the beach.
A scientist baffled by mass sardine die-off on the west.
That just broke.
But where are you right now, Jakari?
We're in San Diego, Alex.
We're actually right across the street from the airport and right in front of the U.S.
Coast Guard back here.
So, I think probably the most interesting things to me were definitely Half Moon Bay at Surfers Beach and the good awake people there.
Some of the negative aspects of it were the trendies pretty much in San Francisco who didn't care about anything at all.
Also, when we were driving up and down the coast, we saw some beautiful coastlines up in Oregon.
I think probably the most
I think so.
Well, absolutely.
Scientists have confirmed that radiation has been linked to some die-offs of tuna and other things.
There was an article out yesterday that radiation in fish is 24 times what's normal.
They're also testing the kelp.
And they're testing the kelp now, but...
We've got a Don's headline.
Scientists baffled by mass sardine die off on West Coast.
Mystery fuels concerns that radiation already made its way across the Pacific Ocean.
That's a great headline.
We're going to go to a Don, but two years ago, a year after they admitted that they caught fish with high radiation off the San Diego coast.
So the radiation's been making its way.
Increased radiation is now making its way across.
I want to be clear with everybody.
Fukushima radiation has been hitting three months after Fukushima.
It was hitting the West Coast weeks after it hit via the air and was picked up in the atmosphere.
So it's a great article by Adan Salazar.
We're going to go to now, but we're going to add some links in there about where it has already reached there.
But we're trying to draw attention to this.
Thank you so much, Shikari Jackson.
Thanks, Alex.
All right, and stay there.
I'm going to come back in the next segment.
Think of anything else you want to cover, because I know you'll think of things you didn't get to.
So much has happened.
We haven't talked to you in two days.
After I finish in this segment, a little bit of the next with Adon.
Adon, you're getting a lot of articles out.
Your story's up on Drudge.
It makes a lot of sense that if you're going to have, you know, signs out about jellyfish or riptides, why not tell people that it's been recorded 1,400 percent higher radiation by San Francisco than it's supposed to be.
Um, but shifting gears into, uh, what we've seen in the last week of you guys being out there, what's your bottom line?
I guess the bottom line really is Alex, that, uh, there is a concern out here.
There should be at least that something is going on, you know, maybe not so much up the coast from surfers beach, but further downwards, we found at least a hundred CPM.
A hundred miles away from Surfers Beach, like further down the coast.
So definitely there is a concern if radiation levels should typically hover around 30 CPM, I think.
Scientists should be and then news media should be covering this.
I don't understand why they're not well I know you're following these reports quickly and doing a great job And I understand we want to be careful about this, but as your editor I guess here on air The article says mystery fuels concerns that radiation has already made its way across the Pacific Ocean You know the issue is is that?
It fuels concern that increased radiation after three years of Fukushima buildup is killing the sea life.
I think the concern is that radiation is killing them and causing the mass die-offs.
We know radiation has made its way across and the new wave is hitting.
I mean, I'm proud of the fact that our reporters don't sensationalize this, but I want to talk about that with you when we come back, and also get your take on the fact that the mainstream media still isn't covering this.
What was it like when the police said you couldn't be outside a nuclear power plant?
All this and more with Adan Salazar.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, scientists are reporting massive die-off of sardines, part of the 98% die-off in the northern Pacific Ocean being reported by major universities.
Don Salazar has just posted an article up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com detailing that.
Jakari Jackson and the crew, who I want to talk to as soon as some of the other crew get back with Jakari, they are out there in San Diego.
Uh, right now.
Despite dangerously high radiation levels, no caution signs at Surfers Beach, where they found 1,400% higher radiation levels.
Now that's up by San Francisco.
They're now down in Southern California picking up between 50 micro-RIMs and 90 micro-RIMs.
It's a big deal when it's 90 micro-RIMs.
That means there's some heavily radioactive stuff out there.
And they're picking up, the universities are, man-made isotopes.
That is isotopes from man-made reactions they're picking up.
Regular background radiation being up, I guess from earthquakes, what a lot of scientists think.
But we are here to draw attention to this.
They finally had two or three newspapers cover the fact that we're forcing coverage of this.
And that's why we're there.
But Adon, you've now been up and down the West Coast, up to Portland, back down to Southern California.
What are the most important points up there as an Infowars reporter and writer that you'd like to relay to folks?
What is it like having the police come and say on public property, on a sidewalk, you can't film a nuclear reactor, you know, that's behind fences?
I mean, this is what you see in a third world, third world dictatorship.
And what are some of the other highlights of your reporting that you think you'd like to tell folks?
I wasn't really there when Jakari got confronted by the police, but as soon as they got into the car and told me about that, I asked if we were living in North Korea.
It was definitely a violation of the First Amendment.
If I would have been there, I would have definitely kept the camera rolling since we were on a public sidewalk.
Some important points I wanted to impart to the viewers is that there's not so much
Radiation going up from Surfers Beach, but it's still double the amount that should be allowed.
However, further south from Surfers Beach, it is going up.
Almost, we found like 112 CPM, which CPM is the counts per minute.
The Geiger counter kind of picks up ionizing radiation, which in my article from yesterday, I pointed out that the EPA says causes cancer.
So, we're not concerned with this radiation that's causing cancer.
I don't get it.
That's why I wrote the article about no radiation.
Sure, sure.
Well, that's why you're there is that I want to know for my family.
I want to discover what's going on.
I want to understand this and it's part of a larger culture again of, hey, are you concerned about increased radiation at the Golden Gate Bridge?
No, I like Justin Bieber.
And they don't understand Justin Bieber, a guy that literally
Looks like he's got a diaper on.
Just a nobody idiot.
They have force-fed people.
When I'm out in California, it's like you're in a bubble.
All the media culture, all the dumbing down is like intensified four or five times.
And people...
really care about celebrities to a point of mental illness, and then meanwhile, you know, they'll sign a petition to arrest all gun owners and put them in FEMA camps.
They'll sign a petition to make Obama a dictator.
And then, yeah, we're going to make him dictator and arrest the Tea Party.
I hear you.
Let's arrest them.
I mean, what do you call... There's a lot of good Californians, but they're a minority.
What would you call these people?
They're beyond trendies.
I mean, what are these creatures?
I don't know.
I was thinking we could film a zombie movie here if we wanted to, actually.
Now, Don, I've been asking some of the questions.
What are key points you want to report to folks?
Well, basically, you should be aware that there's radiation spewing.
You're surrounded by it.
You've got to, I would say, get some Geiger counters if you can invest in that.
Just start making sure all your food is safe because
What we found, everything was about above 30 CPM, which is the normal level.
One banana we tested was like at 28, so that's a little bit below the normal level, but everything like those fish that Jukari said we saw some fishermen catch off a Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant, that was 60, and that kind of startled us, you know?
It's like, why is the fish so high?
But yeah, definitely people need to start checking
The radiation levels and if they could buy a Geiger counter, I guess it's kind of like impractical, but I was thinking I kind of want one now after doing all this.
Well, you folks can all borrow the office ones.
We've bought three field meters, as they call them, and one Geiger counter.
As you said, they both pick up radiation, but different ways to gauge it.
But both are scientific.
And again, just by drawing attention to this, we can begin to turn things around.
Even if you have a doubling of the background radiation, or a tripling, not a seven times or ten times like you guys found, the issue is with sardines or fish, they keep eating other little fish and plankton and little single-cell organisms that are picking up the radiation, and then it builds up in them, just like mercury builds up in a fish.
And this is a big deal that we have the sardine die off and then scientists are baffled and then meanwhile you guys are at the beach, see a guy catch a fish, you walk over and it has high radiation levels.
Where was that?
Where did that happen?
That was in Avila Beach, California off
Off of like Hartford Pier near the Diablo Cannon nuclear power plant.
Wow, amazing.
Well thank you so much Don Salazar.
We'll continue to watch and read your reports, video reports and text reports coming up.
And thank you for going out there to cover this.
Anything else you'd like to add?
I want to thank the viewers for supporting us.
It's not a plug, but you know.
Maybe you might want to think about investing in Nation Iodine.
I take it every day and I feel a lot safer being out here being, you know, knowing that I've taken it.
By the way, I didn't tell you to plug that, but that's a good idea.
Why be ashamed of the fact that we have the best Nation Iodine out there, I believe.
I've done the research.
I take it.
Almost all the crew that's taken it says they felt dramatic.
I've been taking it since we got it in shipping in the shipping department and the
Some of the first few days after taking it, I really felt like I was detoxing.
It felt almost immediate.
I could feel weird, like, you know, like you say, it is like a mental clarity.
But yeah, like,
It makes you feel like you are detoxing at first, but after that, you know, I guess it's your thyroid absorbing all the iodine.
Well, sure.
I mean, we've got the recommended dose on the back.
I'm not going to tell folks what I do, but the fact is when you take enough of it, you feel, you actually feel the thyroid puff up.
And actually detox.
It's just amazing.
Well, Adon Salazar, thank you so much.
Finishing that point, you say, I mean, we're doing a plug now, I guess, why not?
You brought it up.
So at first you detox, that's what happened to me the first month.
Then what happened?
I haven't even given it to my roommates and they just keep on taking it.
It's just, I think, it's a peace of mind because, you know, iodine's been removed from most of the foods and the only way you're getting it is through
You know, salt now.
And if you're not eating salt, you're not getting the proper amount of iodine you need.
And then that's the bound chemical type.
This is the real elemental nascent atomic type that just goes right into the blood.
That's why it's so amazing.
Thank you very much, Don.
Look forward to seeing you back tomorrow.
Look forward to seeing you too.
Yes, and also, Alex, we have a viewer.
Come on in here, sir.
He just walked up spontaneously.
Sir, what's your name?
What brought you out here?
You guys, because I had to come and say hi to Jakari, the man, and the crew and everything, and I live five miles from here, and I'm really worried about all this.
Well, sir, you're the man because you support our broadcast.
You have the t-shirts on.
You're the one out there spreading this information.
So you live five miles from here, and when you first heard about the news at Half Moon Bay at Surface Beach, what was your response?
I wasn't surprised, because I knew it's all coming here.
I'm just glad you guys are there, because I don't have my own Geiger counter right now, but I got a couple things at home that register some radiation, but I don't think it's strong enough right now to register on those.
Yeah, well, I'll tell you, sir, the strongest radiation we found was definitely at Half Moon Bay.
It is a little bit stronger down here.
It's probably about triple of what it's supposed to be, but thus far you don't have as much to worry about as those people up there, but you should still try to protect yourself.
And what will you do to try to keep yourself safe?
Well, I'm obviously on that nascent iodine.
I got a couple ten more bottles coming.
See, Alex, this is what happens.
You know, you come out and you meet real, awake people, and this man's going to protect himself.
So this isn't going to be one of those guys, you know, begging for Obamacare to come and save him.
He's going to take care of himself.
Big, sturdy gentleman right here.
But by the way, I mean, we're doing reports out there, and every time you're out there doing a live event, even if there's only ten people walking by, one of them's a listener.
But we did not plan this.
People are going to say this fella's a conspiracy, and we had him pop up out there.
Look at this shirt.
This is a worn shirt.
This is an old shirt.
I bought this a while ago and it's been around.
And the last guy who saw me in CBS, he came up and he's like, I like that shirt.
Well, I mean, the illustration here is he got too worked up.
What's amazing is is that is that's how big the show is.
We are the new media.
We are the real media.
Get a comment from this fellow about his take on the New World Order.
OK, sir, what are your thoughts on the New World Order?
It's just terrible.
I mean, they're just pulling the wool over all of our eyes.
Well, not all of ours, but most of us.
And it's going to take a lot of us to wake up, and it's happening, though.
But at least you're awake.
And now you can go and you can wake up other people, just like we saw the people in Half Moon Bay.
There's one lady, then it was two guys, and then it was three guys.
And the lady said, my friend's hair is falling out, so I'm going to get on this.
And that's how it starts.
Just one guy can make a difference.
And it was one guy, Alex, that went out to Half Moon Bay at Surfers Beach with his Geiger counter, and now look at the people that are coming awake of this.
Ask this fella in closing, we're out of time, Jakari.
I'll get all the crew in studio tomorrow, the next day, and debrief everybody, so, uh, you know, we're not thousands of miles apart, but ask him, did he see you on a live feed and come out there, or did he see you in person?
Alright, sir, final question.
Did you see us on a live feed and come out here, or did you just come out here spontaneously?
No, I knew you guys were gonna be out here all week, and then I was just listening to you, and Jakari's like, hey, I'm in front of the airport.
And I said, alright, I'm in my car.
I was here five minutes later.
I'm so happy.
This is the best day in a long time.
You guys are the man.
Man, our listeners are so good.
It's so humbling.
It makes me feel bad seeing how cool that guy is and how nice he is and how much he likes us.
I mean, I just... It's very humbling, actually.
Alright, Dr. Baggett's coming up.
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Well, Dr. Nick Begich is going to be with us 20 minutes to the next hour, and I really appreciate him giving us his time.
He's in Hawaii right now doing research.
He's the eldest son of the late U.S.
Congressman from Alaska, Nick Begich Sr., and political activist Peggy Begich.
He is well known for leading Native groups in Alaska.
He's also known for leading states' rights.
He's really a populist.
He's also known for being a best-selling author and filmmaker.
And I'm not going to go over all the rest of his letters because he's no stranger to the informed population out there.
He received his Doctor of Medicine for Independent Work in Health and Political Science from the Open International University of complimentary
And he's got a bunch of other degrees.
I'm not going to get into all of that.
But what he's really known for is exposing the breakaway civilization, the technocracy that is engineering the entire world with backdoors, Trojan horses, and systems of control to then merge humans with machines, create a new species, forcibly reduce world population.
And he documents with the patents and the actual government documents and has testified to Congress and the EU Parliament and you name it, on these issues.
NSA, you name it.
And I'm not building him up here, I'm just giving you the facts because we've got so much breaking news here dealing with all this and all these attempts to control human consciousness and dumb us down.
Vaccines in the food, nanotech,
I don't think so.
Fourteen hundred percent higher radiation off San Francisco, confirmed by the Health Department, saying it's no big deal.
And then I want to get his take again on the fact that he says electromagnetic mind manipulation is their main focus, not chemical and biological, even though that's what we know a lot about.
So he joins us to talk about the technocracy
That's gone from being in the shadows when he was covering it 20 years ago to being now much of it out in the open because it's now absorbing the old system and at that point it has to reveal itself.
EarthPulse.com is the website.
You can find his books and films on that site.
Dr. Begich, thank you so much for coming on with us.
Hey, thanks for having me, Alex.
It's always good, and it's been a little while since we've been on with you.
Just a quick rundown.
I've been in Hawaii the last week or so, and I've been using a RadAlert 100, which does the Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and X-ray radiation detection.
It's really good.
Device, but I'm not seeing any big changes in the background radiation here at the moment.
That's good.
That is not happening, but we're running about 6 to 11 counts per minute, which for here is pretty normal over the last few years I've been watching that.
In Alaska, I'm a little bit interior, not so much on the coast, but our coastline is really huge.
In fact, it's bigger than the west, east, and gulf coast combined, the Alaska coastline.
So, very, very little of it has been looked at, at least by anybody independent.
And so, just the south-central portions around Anchorage.
And that background is around 20 rads.
What is the normal, because I've read between 15 and 20, and I know you're more of an expert on this, but the average reading we're getting in California is around a 90.
Yeah, that's high compared to the background.
But something else that people don't realize is that at higher elevations, you actually get a higher count per minute.
In fact, coming over here, just as you know, I tested the device at 31,000 feet, you know, getting up to the cruise levels of airliners.
And there you get between 380 and 420
Counts per minute, which is huge.
But that's normal.
You know, years ago, back in the 90s, I also did this in some trips going across to Europe.
I got as high as 600 counts per minute using one generation back from the current device that I'm using now.
But this is a military spec detection device.
And what people don't realize is if you travel a lot, your pilot, your steward, a steward, stewardess on an airplane,
You're getting hit with a lot of radiation day in day out for hours on end.
And most people are pretty unaware of that.
All right, well, Dr. Begich, we're going to go to break, a long 18-minute segment.
I'm going to give you the floor to talk about whatever you think is most important front and center right now.
The NSA scandal, all the news breaking.
But then I want to get into the breakaway civilization.
That's what I call it.
I've heard other people call it that.
I want to get your take on that, because I would say your work, if I had to crystallize it and condense it, is exposing the shadow breakaway corporate governmental
Uh, technocratic, uh, system.
I mean, basically they're creating a new system.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Dr. Nick Begich is our guest.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And we're becoming passé to a great extent.
And by that, everything he talked about, I talked about, from the documents, in the last 20 years, myself 18 and more than 25 years really, is now out in the open.
Maybe 50% of it, exactly as we detailed it, has now come out, but the other 50% that we've told you about or more has not come out yet.
But they are transferring dictatorial power, the Republicans are, to Obama on the NSA, on Obamacare, on borders, and of course it's not about Obama, folks, it's that the power structure wants this.
And this is happening in Japan, this is happening in Germany, this is happening in Europe.
Dictatorial movements
An arms race technologically to dominate domestic populations.
Siphoning off more than three quarters of our resources to put it into secret projects.
And then jacking all the telecommunications, all the phones, all the computers into systems to surveil and control and tax us.
People say, well I don't care if you surveil me, I've got nothing to hide.
Again, it's like a gazelle saying, I don't care if a lion surveils me.
I have nothing to hide.
Well, the lion wants to eat you.
It doesn't care that you're not bad.
The gazelle's like, I'm not robbing banks.
I'm not kidnapping children.
Why should I worry if that lion's looking at me and surveilling me and stalking me?
We're being stalked by predators.
And here's some of the headlines.
Shooting for the moon, Google hopes to own the future.
That's Obama's slogan, by the way.
And that's what they want.
They are engineering the future, and then having us just accept it.
And I want Dr. Begich to chronicle, with his expertise, how that battle's going.
Google's reach expands into your home more via $3.2 billion Nest acquisition.
They're buying everything up.
It's not just Google.
Identity thieves gear up to steal your tax refund.
Or Obamacare.
What secrets your iPhone is sharing about you.
Wall Street Journal, how companies are attracting you with it.
Yeah, they all have a stake at the table.
They're all given a stake at the table, like the Ringwraiths, given the sub-rings by the One Ring to be bound to the Ring.
This technocracy is taking them all together and in the darkness binding them.
And again, we broke this last year.
I really broke this 15 years ago.
16 years ago with sources.
It's longer.
1997, talking to telecommunications whistleblowers about how, no, no, no, the cable boxes, the cell phones, they have chips in them with capacitors or chips that pick up microwaves and then they transmit info even when your phone's not on.
And then we broke last year's secret 3G Intel chip gives snoops backdoor PC access even when your computer's off.
It's energized by the microwave radiation.
Well, what's in the New York Times today?
NSA devises radio pathway into computers.
And guess what is accessing your computers with these chips?
But this article is a whitewash, claiming they put it at the factory with pre-orders to 100,000 people they wanted to watch.
Oh, it's just for them.
See how they're doling out the lies, titrating the dose of poison?
This is total criminal, organized crime rebellion by the ruling technocratic elite.
This is a thousand times bigger than the Manhattan Project.
It's system-wide, trying to create an artificial reality to forcibly insert us into it.
Now, Dr. Nick Begich, I want A. Do you agree with that analysis?
B. Give us the state of the world, who these people are, just your professor as well, obviously.
Give us the large view, then break down what's happening.
And where you see this battle for humanity and how serious this is?
Well, it really is.
I think most of it's driven by fear from the elite of people really waking up to what we're potentially capable of.
This is something that most of the world
Fails to recognize.
We followed it, as you say, 20-25 years.
We followed the change in technology and sort of the shift to technology.
And so much of what was supposed to happen in this particular period in our history has not happened.
You know, the promises of the 1960s to working people that would work less hours in a work week, live a much higher standard of
All that is myth.
There's a very small percentage of the population that have achieved that, and usually and ultimately on the backs of the masses.
And even in the United States where the happy talk about an improving economy escapes most Americans, because most Americans are sitting at a level of income that was much less than they were years ago in terms of real dollars.
When you look at the bigger picture from the standpoint of controls,
That's what we've been reporting on for years.
How technology can either serve us or work against us and unfortunately it has really worked against us.
When you think about massive data collection, the books we've published in the past, Angels Don't Play This Harp, that people got a lot of information from, but one of the more important books that people kind of ignored and maybe it was the title, It's Earth Rising, The Revolution, but it's on all of these technologies that are coming out now.
We wrote it in 1999 and in 2000.
But the surveillance society, the idea of using not just to monitor activity, but then to utilize these very same electronic systems to modify behavior over large populations, utilizing the very mediums that we depend on as sort of the vehicle for accomplishing that.
And, you know, when we get into the whole mind effects issues, what's modern propaganda really mean, it's way more than just the information provided and the way it's framed.
There's a lot more going on.
Just when you watch a television broadcast, on most television broadcasts, kind of commercial viewing, the kinds of propaganda that's obvious, what isn't so obvious is just the manipulation of the light signal can put someone in a very...
I don't
Look at the average person's viewing time, the time in which we're entertained, and it's a significant amount of diversion from what is really important.
Like you said, in California, people are more interested in Justin Bieber than they are about what's going on in their own coastline.
All of that, I think, is by design.
And at the same time, when you look back historically at some of the things that were discovered, particularly about our potential as human beings,
This became the greatest threat, I think, to government organizations.
But just kind of looking at the broader picture from the standpoint of resources, energy, the big issues in the news all the time, the idea of scarcity on the planet, I don't agree with that.
I think this planet is abundant in what it has to offer humanity and what humanity has to offer this planet.
We're stewards.
We're not applying that very well.
And I think the elite is afraid.
I mean, these greater systems of control are a reflection of fear of the average person within a population.
I agree with you.
What about Big Picture?
Because they brag, Ray Kurzweil, all of them, that the head of Google Technology Development, that they're going to be merging with machines, that we'll be like bugs compared to them in the future, and then you see that they are using our money when we buy a car, buy a phone, whatever, to make us pay for hijacking technology to tax and
Tracas and traces if we have a cultural awakening to this and a backlash They'll have to remove it, but we have to admit It's going on first to be able to do that right and when you think about a controlled and directed society You know the idea of microcircuits in computers, and you'll remember this Alex.
You know 10 15 years ago There was a big concern about the V chip.
You know what they were going to put in computers.
They did
It's in all of them.
There's a back door in every electronic system on the planet.
If you can transmit it electromagnetically, I don't care whether it's power grids, the internet, television, radio, you can piggyback signals on and you can monitor signals.
And that's the old signal intelligence regime really emerging in the early part of the last century with the very invention of radio.
But the fact is, all electronic communications have been tracked and monitored and cataloged.
The problem has always been, once you have all this data, how do you sort it?
So now they're giving it to supercomputers that they believe can actually tell the future.
And I've said that for over a decade now.
They admit that that's actually what they're able to do in mass movements.
So we have to get outside of our routines.
We have to, not just so they can't track us, to change the paradigm.
They're trying to model the paradigm, then add stimuli into it to manipulate the paradigm.
That's why they want to be able to gauge us,
Uh, to hypnotize somebody.
I pointed that out, people said it wasn't real.
Or data over power lines, where now I've confirmed with engineers, the government can have power into your house, interface with chips that are in the new appliances to track what you're doing.
And people go, oh, Alex, the electricity isn't spying on us.
They are so ignorant.
It's like people, when I first covered spider goats 15 years ago, would come up to me on the street and say, you're a liar, even when it was in CBS News, part spider, part goat.
I mean, people really need to realize we're not in 1955.
Right, you know, the idea of technology is way ahead of where we really think it is.
When you think about supercomputers, which I believe the intelligence agencies actually have some versions of these, but the difference, let me tell you the difference when you think about computing power.
If you look at a modern supercomputer as we think about them, not the quantum computers that are coming, but a supercomputer by comparison,
A quantum computer, which is the direction which NSA and others are headed, may be already there.
This will increase computing time.
What all the people on the planet working with hand calculators for making a calculation every five seconds for 60 hours.
You know, that's a lot.
That's what a modern supercomputer can do in a second.
A quantum computer can do what that supercomputer can do in a trillion years.
Now think about this from a standpoint of scale.
What that means is that every encryption system on the planet with quantum computers are gone.
The idea of cataloging and organizing all of the information that's been cataloged and stored.
So think about
A supercomputer of this size, a quantum computer, just rolling out in a few seconds, grabbing every bit of information on the planet that's been stored in any system and collating it in a way that gives you absolute resolution and transparency over every human being that's ever made an electronic footprint.
And the Pentagon calls that their map of the world.
Yeah, now think about it from this perspective, and there was a PBS special on it.
When you look at the internet as kind of the worldwide mind of the 21st century, at least the beginning of it, the predictions as we go forward is that we'll have a wireless worldwide mind that'll connect every conscious, intelligent human being together.
Without the networks, without the hardware that we're familiar with.
This is something I think already occurs by nature, by the way we're created as human beings.
But here's man looking to override that system.
And I think that's been really the root of a lot of the work that's been done in discovering sort of what human consciousness is and how to manipulate and control it.
Yeah, let's talk about epigenetics and things for people that don't know, where they take ten generations of chickens that have never been outside, inside a building, then they start projecting clouds, a plane, a kite, the chickens don't run, they've never seen a hawk, but when they see a hawk, ten generations down they run, that's epigenetics, or what they think is 96% junk isn't.
It's actually coding of all the race memories of the humans before us.
That's now been proven.
I think this is going to backfire.
When they jack everybody into this, that group collective is going to overpower no matter what these computers do.
And that's why I think that's just one of the wild cards in this whole situation.
Right, well, you know, I mean, I know, you know, from a philosophical background, I believe absolutely that we're created in the image of a creator, which, you know, when you think about that, when you contemplate that, what suppresses our ability to function that way then?
You know, and it's this idea of creating a constant environment of fear and worry, which the elite have done sufficiently, so that people's higher states of awareness, higher states of consciousness, your rational thinking, cannot occur in a state of constant fear.
You can look at an EEG that measures brainwaves, and you can look at that brainwave activity over any of the negative emotions.
Thank you.
Function at your creative level.
When you look at what happens in states of love, compassion, empathy, you get very rhythmic patterns that are associated with higher order thinking.
Both hemispheres, both sides of the brain begin to work together, which stimulate the analytical and the creative, which starts to create solutions and observations and perceptions of the world that are quite different when you're really being pressed, programmed.
You're not watching the television,
You're part of that programming and the way this whole system evolves.
I was about to say, I mean, look at all the studies coming out where the television makes other areas of the brain smaller and less gray matter, but the cerebral cortex becomes thicker, but actually a lot dumber because it's designed now to just respond.
It gets bigger while everything else gets smaller.
When it's supposed to actually get smaller, everything else gets thicker.
To then have the brain communicate together, that's the opposite of what we would want to, you know, do, is what they're actually creating.
And as you know, they knew in the 50s in studies what the television was doing.
That's why these people grown up in front of televisions, they don't have brains that can ever really do anything but be spectators.
They are really kind of zombies.
Is there any way to reverse that?
These people are brain damaged.
Yeah, absolutely.
First of all, I know it's difficult for people to do it.
I did it three and a half years ago.
I just turned it off, you know, and accept programming on a really limited basis, which is more initiated by me rather than thrown at me.
But the other thing is, there's a lot of things you can do to enhance your human performance at Earth Pulse.
Thank you.
I call it intellectual pollution, you know, really it is.
But you can do things.
You can enhance human performance in ways that are quite profound.
In fact, I think when I look back on the mind effects programs of the CIA and others going back into the 1950s, the real discovery wasn't about sort of how to create the Manchurian candidate, although they figured that out too.
There's a lot of work on that that you've talked about, I've talked about in the past.
But more importantly, and more fearfully for government agencies doing the research, was that every human being, every single soul on the planet, had this unique capability that if it could be harnessed, if it could be triggered, it makes us all very, very powerful.
That's why they dropped the LSD and hallucinogens, because it wasn't controlling people, it was brain boosting them.
And when you look at all of it, you know, the research that was done, what they discovered were these anomalous human capabilities that would squirt out or pop out in some unexplained way.
And then what was realized is that every human being could reach these states of awareness.
Remember or recognize this hidden capability that each of us have.
Is that, is that the, the, the, not the lust or even the seduction, because those are the wrong words, but the wondrousness of embracing goodness is such a draw, especially in such a dark culture, that there's an inner rebellion by the brain and the soul itself and a hundredth monkey syndrome, for those that don't know, you might tell them what that is.
Yeah, you know, you reach a certain level of things and they sort of collapse.
I mean, think about the revolution in Eastern Europe in the 90s.
You know, you couldn't really pin down leadership, although there was some leadership around.
It was a spontaneous recognition of change and it occurred very rapidly and very swiftly.
I think the same thing can happen in terms of how people become more aware.
Scientists from within the programs, many of them do have these
And what happens is people change their mind, they change their view of reality, and good people are throughout all of these organizations come into some state of awareness and begin to turn that knowledge a different direction.
I think that's the fifth column of the next revolution, the revolution of consciousness, where we step into who we are, begin to take control of our governments in the way our founding fathers intended.
As self-actualizing human beings that recognize our connection to one another in a profound way, in a way that only when we recognize our role in this world as stewards can we truly evolve.
And I think that's what's going on.
We've got to let go of the fear, we've got to recognize what we are, begin to look at the technologies that can help us advance, but at the same time recognize skeptically the direction we're headed.
Well, there's no doubt if you watch movies like V for Vendetta, they kind of create archetypal images of how authoritarianism really works, where the government's surveilling the public and knows that they're incredibly unpopular, and, you know, they say, more fear, turn up the fear, you see all this scary news, but the government will save you, don't worry.
I've never been a fear monger, but some people that are in fear misunderstand what I'm doing.
I'm saying, look at the danger of the tyrants, look at what they do, look at what they create.
We should not be afraid of letting them run things.
You shouldn't be afraid of standing up to them.
You should be afraid of not standing up.
And then once people get empowered, they realize how much power they have, then they're through the fear.
And I think that's why I've been unintentionally very effective.
Is that in my kind of mania or hysteria sometimes, because I am concerned, I'm able to shake people out of their comfort zone.
What do you say to that?
I think that's exactly right.
You know, people are, all of us, fall into a stupor.
You know, we fall into our routines and it does take that.
That's why we have this spread of emotions, you know, from one end of the spectrum to the other.
It is what we are as human beings, how we express ourselves, how we rise to our own energy, and you can't do it in a neutral position.
I've always appreciated the fact that this is the kind of information that stimulates people to think again.
The first step in
Thank you.
That's all up.
Everyone that's got a little bit of hair remembers this.
You know, it's in the tough times that you become the strongest human that you are.
And that's where we are as a country, where we are as a world right now.
At that doorway.
That's right.
Let me raise this point.
It's an Elizabeth Rentner article on InfoWars.com.
Paradigm change.
British docs turn to prescribing books for depression.
Boston Globes reporting on it.
Raw Stories reporting on it.
Uh, Natural Society, uh, first reported on it, but the issue here is that I talk to the doctors, the scientists, you name it, and they're like, look, yeah, no, Big Pharma runs things, they want to suppress humanity, uh, we know that the prescription psychotropics are really bad for most people, we know reading a book or St.
John's Wort is better, and they're just starting to rebel everywhere.
And learning that Big Pharma and the regulators don't have all the power.
They want to fully take over medicine because they know MD medicine is starting to wake up.
The fact that all this tyranny is coming in is a desperate action by the jail guards to keep us chained to the oars.
Well, and this is important, because when you think about socialized medicine, friends of mine in Europe, you know, talk to me about it all the time.
Recently, a friend lost a father to cancer.
Well, because she might genetically be predisposed, she's required to keep her insurance.
To go ahead and get screened for cancer.
Now, you know, it's kind of an invasive thing, but government has your whole record, all of your family's record.
They can't even protect that record, incidentally, which no one's talking much about right now.
But the reality is, they then dictate what becomes the PDR, what is the physician's desk reference of cures, and nothing else is permitted.
It's really, it's again a Trojan horse.
It gets you sucked into a system that's a system of death when you compare what's happening in the United States in medical issues compared to the amount of money we spend.
You know, this is a death trap in this country.
The reality is the kind of accountability that needs to happen in medicine didn't happen and the big issue should have been that no pharmaceutical should be sold in the United States for more than it sells in
I think so.
Shouldn't be allowed any more than alcohol on television is allowed in most venues.
The reality is that the industry spends 60% of the money is on those prescription drugs when you look at pharma across the United States from all forms of healthcare.
That's the problem.
When you look at centralized billing and collections, no one wants to share the data.
If you shared the data, you could simplify the insurance claims and actually share it in a way that you could utilize it for your own health protection.
The fact is, we've done this upside down.
Instead, we've given more power to insurance companies.
We've given more power to pharma.
We've given more power to the so-called Western system of medicine.
Which, in my view, is greatly flawed, unless you're breaking bones.
The reality is, we need more individual control of our healthcare, not more government control of our healthcare.
We need more individual control of every aspect of our lives, and we have exactly the opposite happening.
All right, Dr. Begich, we've got 20 more minutes with you.
I want to get into who the globalists are from your deep research, what their endgame plan is, if we don't stop them, and what in your gut you really think is going to happen in the future.
Because we're living in a fantastic science fiction movie.
The establishment wants to make it dystopic.
We want to make it liberty-empowered.
We're going to be right back in the third hour.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Dr. Begich, we've got a long segment coming up after this quick one, but I wanted in this short segment to get your take on the NSA revelations, but also federal court, the Supreme Court,
Cutting net neutrality rules and the FCC is actually being the good guy here.
Saying, look, everybody pays for their web.
These companies are making money hand over fist.
These companies are going to try to charge you to get to sites they don't want you to get to.
This is going to be a great way to censor things.
This is really outrageous because the very nature of the web has been designed to be open and free flowing.
And we already saw the NSA and Cyber Command try to take over the web last year, as Wired Magazine reported, and basically end it.
This is the internet kill switch
Selectively by stealth.
In fact, we should do an article on that, breaking that down.
But it really shows how they proposed last year, Chinese-style net censorship, net IDs, to track, trace, and tax it, and ultimately gut it.
I just don't see them succeeding in this now that the genie's out of the bottle.
Well, it's more difficult.
Certainly, you can't do it in an overt way, but I would say this, is that if anyone ever expects that the system's going to be free of surveillance,
Unless there's a total revolution in this country, the answer is going to be it's not.
The reality is all of these systems for decades have been targeted as a way to control populations.
The only thing that's changed is the resolution, our ability to do this at a finer and finer and finer screen.
And every time they get caught,
What happens, and you know this, they change the name of the program, they shift it to another agency, or maybe they offload it to another third country that does the work for us, you know, or some third party.
A lot of it's then pushed down into the corporate world, which is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act.
You can't get the information if you shove it down deep enough into corporations.
This is what's going on.
When you look at it as a fragmented system, it doesn't make a lot of sense, but
Connecting the dots, as you say, is really the heart of it.
Nobody does that.
I mean, the big media, the mainstream media, don't have an interest in it because it's not about keeping an informed public.
It's about keeping a controlled public.
You know, and this is the difference between sort of the drift and the First Amendment rights in the way people perceive them.
And this, again, is subtle.
You know, people think freedom of speech is saying whatever you want, whenever you want.
Well, that's a big part of it.
The most important part of freedom of speech from our founding fathers was an informed public.
So that we can make the kind of decisions collectively to drive our democratic republic in a way that was quite unique in the world.
We've lost that sense of media and what's important to us.
And these are the programs, Alex's and others, that at least give us a fighting chance.
Unfortunately, a large segment of the population still plugs in and listens.
But those are the activists.
All of those listening to this broadcast tend to be activist populations.
Do something.
Do a little something.
Don't just listen to the program.
Send a postcard to someone.
Get other people involved in what you're learning.
And that's the way change happens.
It's through first-step education.
Once people are aware, it will happen.
And this is where the right and the left will come around full circle and shake hands.
Because without a basic sense of freedom and liberty, I don't care where you come from.
And that's why they try to divide and conquer all day long.
The truth is, everybody agrees on basic freedom except for maybe one-tenth of one percent.
The Globalists say there's only 6,000 in the superclass, according to Rothkopf, the head of the Kissinger Group at the time, and I agree with that number.
We're talking about maybe 6,000 people that have decided to be selfish, horrible creatures and try to create a new Dark Age so they can control the new Age of Light as they see it, only for themselves.
Well, someone bringing in an Age of Enlightenment by shutting off the mass of humanity, that shows fundamentally that they're the opposite of enlightened.
Yeah, exactly right.
And they're driven by fear, quite frankly.
If you think about it, if you really listen to the messaging that's coming out, it's totally fear-driven.
The most hampered people tend to be the ones driving the truck.
I mean, you're accused, I'm accused often of being a conspiratorial thinker, but when you really look at it, military planners and planners within government are the conspiratorialists, because their view is to look at the scariest thing and then build a plan to combat it.
Exactly, and then project that fake scary thing on innocent people to make them the enemy as an excuse to run their lives.
I want to expand on that and ask you where it's all going.
On the other side, Dr. Nick Begich is our guest.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, final segment with Dr. Nick Begich, expert on the breakaway civilization the globalists are trying to build.
They want to wall us off, give us limited technology, bring in eugenics, population reduction, a new dark age, freezing the technology we get, reversing a lot of it, shutting down family farms, shutting down real sustainability.
For the Agena 21 straitjacket takeover.
And you now see them rushing ahead with all this because they're behind.
Because they're in trouble.
Zbigniew Brzezinski and many other top globalists admit that.
So this is a major, major animating contest of liberty right now.
And folks have to decide, do they want to remain zombies in a trance-like state?
Or do they want to become aware of the fact that, hey,
Those guys, Alex Jones and Nick Begich and countless others, Ron Paul, the list goes on and on, were dead on.
Well, of course we were dead on.
We're reading their own documents.
That's what's so frustrating, and Dr. Begich, you've really been at the tip of the spear on getting government documents, the thousands of documents, the thousands of patents, and the admitted mind control, and now it's all out in the open.
Yeah, the Congress is pressuring Hollywood to put more climate change and carbon tax messages in.
They don't even hide it.
Oh, illegal spying?
We'll just move it to another agency.
Or, Congress, we're going to spy on you, we're not stopping.
It's so naked now, Obama becoming a dictator,
It doesn't mean he'll stay in office, it just means he is dictatorially acting now.
That's hiding in plain view?
I mean, Alex, the President's not going to become dictatorial.
Come on, stop the fear-mongering.
It's all out in the open.
So my concern, Dr. Begich, is this.
We've reached that point where, the tipping point where, okay, people know we're in trouble, we know it's bad, but if no one gets reversed, if no one gets in trouble, and Congress says, Obama, you decide what to do on the NSA, you decide what to do on Obamacare outside of law, you decide to do what on the borders, then
We go over the edge of the cliff and it doesn't matter if we're awake when we're falling over the edge of the cliff or asleep.
So we need to really say no now to start the reversal.
Being awake isn't enough.
Right, I absolutely agree with you.
In fact, there was a book written years and years ago called The Unreality Industry.
It was by Mitroff and Bennison.
It was about the entertainment industry and about how much of our technology would be headed into that.
When you look at Zbigniew Brzezinski's book at Columbia University, Between Two Ages,
We're good.
They did it all, and here's what people need to realize, is I can go back to the 1970s, the early 70s, when that was being written, when my dad was in Congress, just before Watergate was breaking, and the issue of a surveillance society was an issue then.
Only the technology was nowhere near as advanced.
In fact, it was in 1976 in the President's report on the CIA, where it came out, that they were intercepting our mail.
They were infiltrating domestic groups.
They were getting involved in local politics and swaying it and manipulating it.
They were opening people's mail.
I mean...
Every bit of your mail, we've reported on this for decades, has been monitored.
Everyone you send mail to, receive mail from, they keep track of it.
All your bank data, all of your information, your digital doorway, it's no longer your privacy in your home, it's your digital doorway that's so important.
That's what we should individually own.
No company should own our information, it's about us.
We should own that information, have control of it,
These are the fundamental changes to restore freedom in the country.
We need changes in the law and strict criminal penalties for those that violate the law.
And no exemptions for government employees.
No way to escape prosecution.
Put people in jail.
That's what needs to happen to preserve American freedom.
I agree.
The public needs to start asking for it.
Whistleblowers need to be encouraged to the right channels to get information to the public.
It's too bad that so much has to be revealed.
We need to get angry at people.
I mean, if you caught a guy in a black suit with black sunglasses in your closet, you would probably, without a warrant, blow up and kick their butt.
And you should.
Now, they're just doing it.
Again, it's a revolution of control freaks and criminals.
They are just trying to get us used to it right now.
And the response is to shut these crooks down and take the moral authority away from them.
That's exactly it.
And the fact is, a lot of effort is spent discrediting and stabbing at people that are trying to bring information forward.
But over time, history shows itself.
And I think that's what's been important in keeping these issues alive.
We can't let it go.
None of us can.
And approaching it from the standpoint of an informed public becomes an empowered public.
The first step to change.
I hope it's a peaceful revolution in the United States, but I know one is coming.
Because the average American in this country is fed up.
The word incumbent attached to anybody's name next election cycle is probably the kiss of death for most of them, as it should be.
But where's the new leadership going to emerge from?
It's going to emerge from all of us taking steps in a direction that's much different by recognizing our power and stepping into it.
Yeah, when you look at the elite and what they've done, there was a great article, and I know you've talked about this one before, it was produced by the U.S.
Army War College called the
I think?
Again, going back to the 70s, there were initiatives to do this using psychoactive drugs that were struck down then, and then resurrected in the 1980s.
And it was Dr. Bregan in Maryland that began to object to that and killed the early Bush administration initiatives in that effort.
But they came back again.
And you look across the population now, in Kentucky, 18% of the kids are considered hyperactive or attention deficit disorder, according to reports I read in the last week.
When you look at that segment of the population being diagnosed this way and then numbed down and dumbed down by our public systems, there's a problem.
ADHD, ADD... All fraud!
All related to drugs.
All diet-based, all based on kids watching television.
The studies show that.
And instead of the doctor saying, hey, don't let your kid watch all this TV, give him healthy food, oh, your kid's screwed up, let's screw him up even more.
Let me shift gears in the time we have left.
Quantify it.
Studying the globalists, the technocrats, the Anglo-American establishment, the technotronic era, who in the final equation are they, and what will the world look like in 20 years if they have their way?
If they have their way, it's a slave class.
We're already halfway there, maybe more.
You know, when you look at the elite, they want to keep what they have, and they want to get more.
And they live in an environment of fear.
And I think if we continue to allow things to go the way they are, we will be in that, a deeper level of Orwellian society than the one we see right now.
That's not what I want
That's what has to change.
Let me throw one more thing at you.
People can find the books, the films, all of it.
They're invaluable information to wake up others, to have viewing parties, you name it.
I'm not putting you on the spot about this, but, I mean, really, we've got to put our chips, you know, on the table, our cards on the table about all this.
And I know he's done some good things, some other things I didn't like too much.
I'm interested, and I know in family there's a code, not to talk about your family, but you've talked about your dad and all the great things he did and his mysterious plane crash death, and maybe that has something to do with it, but your brother, the U.S.
Senator from Alaska, Mark Baggage, I mean, talking to him about stuff you can say on record, obviously he knows about all this stuff, he's your brother, and obviously you had a lot of hopes when he went to the Senate
What is your view about your brother and what do you say to him about the state of the world?
It'd be great if he'd come out like Rand Paul or other people from the Democratic Party angle, because we need this to be bipartisan.
It'd be great if people like your brother, or is he just controlled by party politics?
You know, he's not a party guy.
I tell you, there's a few things I strongly disagree with him.
The Obamacare vote he made is not one that I support at all.
But, look at some of Mark's issues on gun control.
Mark is a Second Amendment rights person.
That's good, yeah.
You know, and I can tell you the day that he voted right on April 17th, I went and bought myself a new titanium .44 Magnum to celebrate today.
Oh yeah, let me say this, let me say this.
As Democrats go,
And I know he's not really a Democrat, but that's how he ran.
Kind of like Ron Paul ran as a Republican, but he's a Libertarian.
I mean, I'm pleased with some of what he's done.
I'm just, you just wish, man, you're so great.
I just wish we had like a Nick baggage in the U.S.
Maybe you can run for Senate.
We'll have two U.S.
Senators that are baggages.
You never know, but you know, I'll tell you what, is I contemplated politics for a long time.
I even ran a couple of times for local office.
I really feel the role I'm in now.
Public education is more important.
I don't want to be one of the babies thrown out with the bathwater.
I'd like to be there after the revolution and really build a country that's based on what we all believe is right and true.
What would you do, first thing, in the minute we've got left, what would you do if you were a U.S.
I would be attacking the surveillance society.
I'd be looking for creating more whistleblower mechanisms that allow people to come forward with the truth.
Things that people can trust in and not necessarily run by government.
That was an issue we intended to push in Europe when we gained a certain amount of momentum and the politicians that work with us were taken out by the elite.
And I can tell you this.
The opportunity for people to speak the truth and say the truth needs to be enhanced in this country and not suppressed.
We need a way to do that in an orderly way that give people confidence and security within a country that has dissolved it with the sense of a security state.
The reality is for true liberty to exist, we've got to have disclosure, and that means a little bit of risk.
And that little bit of risk, we just have to have.
That's the price of a democratic republic in the 21st century.
We can do a lot to ensure it and preserve it, but the real preservation of democracies and republics
Are the citizens.
You and I. The elite doesn't like the idea that we can step in to the kind of power that every... Exactly!
They want control.
They want us to think that they're invincible.
They're not.
And so the answer is realizing that.
The answer is 1776.
Thank you, Dr. Baggage.
Thank you so much, buddy.
Hey, thanks for being there and keep the revolution alive.
We're gonna change the state.
We are.
We are.
We'll be right back with more news.
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By the way,
Dr. Begich's brother, Senator Begich, does support net neutrality and is battling with the Supreme Court via Congress to not let them basically censor the web.
So he does some good things.
For a Democrat, he's a pretty good guy.
I'm not trying to get somebody on there and talk bad about their brother.
I just know that Nick had a lot of big hopes for his brother.
And I know his brother's aware of all this stuff as well.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
And, but I guess, you know, you heard Nick Begich, he said they killed a lot of people in the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s.
Last time I saw numbers, I think it's your 11 or 12 times more likely if you are a congressperson to die in a plane accident per capita.
That doesn't mean they fly more, so they die more.
No, no, no, no.
Compared to other people that fly as much or more, they are more than 10 times more likely to die in a plane crash.
And I've interviewed the people.
I mean, I've interviewed St.
John Hunt.
His dad was a famous guy that overthrew a bunch of governments, E. Howard Hunt, who gave the deathbed confession for running the operation to kill Kennedy.
That had been known for a long time.
He was photographed that day and other things.
And, you know, he started demanding more money whenever he was keeping his mouth shut here in Watergate.
And his wife was flying, E. Howard Hunt's wife, was flying to pick up the money in Chicago.
And they blew the airplane up as it came in for a landing with explosives.
And then they sent him a message that said, now you want to arrest your family?
I mean, that's how they work, ladies and gentlemen.
So, I mean, that's what I'm telling you.
With Ted Cruz and Rand Paul up there saying, we got a tyrant and the government's dangerous and it's evil and we got to get rid of the NSA.
Let me tell you, I can look in those guys eyeballs and tell they have got the look of men that are just putting their face down and going, I'm doing this.
And they're the type of people whose airplanes they'll blow up.
I'm going to tell you right now, I expect all the time to hear about a Ted Cruz or Rand Paul airplane blowing up.
I'm just going to be honest with you.
Now, one reason they haven't done that is they know we're not stupid nowadays.
They don't want martyrs, and they're also trying to co-opt them, and seeing if they'll work with them.
And Rand a little bit, Cruz a little bit, will work with them on some issues.
They also know the libertarian tide, as the Financial Times wrote two days ago, is taking over.
And so the globalists want to kind of hijack that at Bilderberg now.
They'll have a bunch of top libertarians.
Peter Thiel and others.
Thiel, Thiel, potato, patata.
And so, the establishment also realizes it can't keep this going.
So, that's the only reason those two are still alive.
I can tell you right now.
The only reason I'm still alive is that they realize I've already said basically so much that if they do kill me, it'll make me a martyr.
It'll highlight with a big indelible marker and put 50 exclamation points behind everything I've ever said.
It will make me a super cult icon.
And believe me, I don't want that to happen.
And I don't do risky stuff.
I don't mountain climb.
I don't use drugs.
I don't do really anything they can come after me for.
I don't even speed anymore.
In fact, I catch myself now in the slow lane all the time.
Just listening to music or talking on my hands free, getting work done on the phone.
So, I mean, it's just, I'm really becoming an old man, which I actually like doing, in that I just, I just care about the work.
And when bad things happen in my personal life, it's almost like the work is there and the mission is there.
It's very comforting, actually.
The more I get attacked, the more I get demonized, the more all these horrible things happen to me behind the scenes, just the stronger I get by the grace of God.
And I'm very, very, very thankful for that.
And I've been blessed.
And we're gonna make it through this together.
But we're going to go to break, come back, long segment.
I'm going to do a ton of news that I haven't, and believe me, it's a heavy news day.
I've got to get to the rest of this and recap some of the top stories.
On the other side, and I try to talk about myself all the time, I'm just explaining to you my journey.
Because, you know, sometimes I'm out of breath on air.
Sometimes I'm exhausted.
Sometimes my head spins looking at all the news that I've already looked at, and I almost don't even want to get into it.
And so I'm just kind of telling you where I'm at in all of this.
It's creepy.
It's also, uh, it's crushing.
Very stoic at a certain level.
I mean, people would think having all this attention, having this responsibility, being in the spotlight, it's like the more I get in the spotlight, I know it's a mission and it's satisfying.
And 10 years ago, it was more ego driven, even though my heart was good.
It was fun to be successful and get bigger.
Now it's entered a territory of just
With great power comes great responsibility, as Spider-Man's uncle tells him.
And now, I just freak out on my crew.
Not bad, but... And writers and researchers, I want to get it all right.
I want to, you know... I mean, I'm killing myself to try to be accurate.
Whereas the mainstream whores just spew lies cynically, bunch of corrupt narcissists, and they make me sick!
Make me sick!
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Police tell reporters that they cannot film wastewater plant from public street.
They don't have any law behind them, just billy clubs, tasers and guns.
How can you defend this, police?
You're ordered to do this with reporters with flagged microphones in sports jackets?
You couldn't stop some guy wearing a Muslim headdress from filming it, but you could come over and see if there was any evidence for probable cause search.
But you cannot sit there and walk up to clear reporters
And say you can't film this and well there is no law but we're gonna arrest you if you don't leave.
And man, we've had that happen so many times and I get really mad.
Not that I'm being dominated by somebody.
I get mad that I'm being robbed of my freedom.
And I'm on tape over and over again with police.
Come on, go ahead and arrest me.
But I don't want to sue them.
I don't want to mess with them.
I want them to have enough honor and dignity to not sit there and try to racketeer my rights and violate them.
It's the same thing as telling black people you can't go vote back in the 50s and 60s in some bad areas of the South.
They'd have cops walk up and say, I don't care who says you can vote.
I don't care if you're on the voting rolls.
You turn around.
Saying we can't film a wastewater plant from a sidewalk to do a news report on it is pure bull.
Here's another one.
Discovery Channel.
Stop worrying about Fukushima radiation.
Paul Watson did a report on that.
It's pretty amazing.
Congressman looking to introduce a bill to stop TSA barking orders at public.
That is very, very exciting.
And again, they are so rude to people.
When I was flying back from England into Dallas last year from covering Bilderberg, they were literally just yelling at families and kids for no reason.
Oh, and they're even ruder down in Houston coming back into the country.
I mean they have like big lines of people, people on walkers and stuff yelling at them.
They yelled at my grandmother.
I didn't see this.
They went to a wedding years ago and my cousin Verna got married in Mexico at a beautiful resort.
I didn't go because of the TSA.
If it's not business, I don't do it.
I just can't handle it.
My grandmother had polio in the 50s and it's tough.
She's 89 years old and she walks on with crutches.
Now she's gone to the wheelchair, finally, but she wanted to do that to try to keep mobility.
That was about five years ago, and my dad said he actually turned red and almost, you know, blew up.
My dad's a nice guy.
He's the opposite of me.
He's real calm compared to a hothead.
But he will get mad, and then if he gets mad, look out.
And he said he was, because these people were screaming at my grandmother to hurry up.
I mean, you know, 84-year-old woman at the time on crutches?
I mean, you know, I'm sorry.
At a point, there's enough is enough, man.
A cop had died in a car wreck, not even chasing anybody, coming to work out on 290 and I was driving in a few months ago and didn't know it was a funeral.
And they had motorcycle cops up and down the road and traffic slowed down.
It took me an hour to get to work instead of 35 minutes.
And I happened to wait until I rolled right to a stop with cars in front of me, right by a motorcycle cop.
And I was like, hi, how you doing?
What's going on?
Trying to see, I knew he'd be rude.
Because that's what you treat a peasant like.
But I was hoping.
I said, hey, how's it going?
What's going on?
He looks at me like he couldn't believe I asked a question.
He goes, don't worry about it!
And of course I couldn't, there was a car five feet in front of me.
So I waited, and another cop was standing there, just looking at me like, can you believe that scum?
And then I rolled to another stop, this time didn't, the car was ten feet ahead of me, I could have kept going, but I stopped right where the cop was, and I was like, what's going on?
It was the other two of them, they were like, of course they knew who I was, that group was like, just don't worry about it, they weren't as hateful, just get on, you know, just don't worry about it.
But I can't imagine if I was just walking down the street and somebody
He said to me, hey, sir, do you know where, you know, we're here from New Jersey or California, do you know where the Capitol is?
Yeah, it's down on Congress Street at the end of it.
Just, just, just go down two streets here, take a look, you'll see it down there.
You know, I learned going to New York quite a bit that either people are super nice from New York, super helpful, or they're the thug culture that are incredibly rude.
And I'll tell you, most New Yorkers I've found to be some of the nicest people ever if they're real New Yorkers and not trendies that have moved there.
They're too cool to talk to you.
We've got those here.
They can come from anywhere.
I met a lot of New Yorkers.
There's just firemen, police, construction workers, people that have been at 9-11 events about the dust.
There is just neat as you can get.
But New York police, and I'm told a lot of them are listeners, they've given us a lot of info over the years, but a lot, you'll see like the thug young cop with the hat sideways, with a cigar, their belly hanging out.
And it's like the image of a moron.
I mean, if this guy came to your house wanting to sell you vacuum cleaners, you wouldn't open the door because they look like a thug.
Tattoos all over him, and I'm not knocking if he's got tattoos.
I know it's the dominant culture now.
It's weird when I go to the swimming pool and don't have them, okay?
I get it.
But I'm saying there's the image of the guys that get them to be thugs.
A cop with a cigar, with their hat, cocked to the side.
I've seen, I saw a video of that ABC reporter doing an interview on the street and the cops come and go, you can't interview, get out of here.
And the ABC guy goes, man, I've got First Amendment.
And the cop goes, you want me to hurt you?
And he's smoking a cigarette with his hat sideways.
And I've seen this.
I saw the Puerto Rican Day Parade when I happened to be there a few years ago for the Talker's Magazine keynote deal.
And before we had to go catch the plane, we went out and got some footage of the Puerto Rican Day Parade.
And the cops
I got to look at the New York police, and man, let me tell you, that is, that is, I thought Mexican police years ago when I'd go visit Mexico as a kid looked like pot-bellied thugs with gold teeth, you know, the stereotypical, no, they looked honorable compared to the New York police that I saw, and what I'm saying is that's the essence of what we're dealing with here, is that
I'm like, excuse me, officer, how you doing?
You know, well, can you tell me where the sausage is?
Do I look like a phone book?
And then if you grovel, I've done the psychological test, Rob Jacobson's done this too, and he's from New York, trying to set up a camera and film down there.
You go, sorry, sir, and they'll go, oh, hey, I'll tell you all about it.
It's all about you bowing down to them.
I mean, do you want your kids to grow up in a society where everyone grovels in fear to uniforms?
I mean, is that really what you want?
Because the cops all have it in their heads that they're these heroes and they're saving the world and all this stuff.
And I do see more and more police, quite frankly, changing tires and doing what I saw when I was a kid, at least around Austin.
But I mean, that's what you're supposed to act like as a servant.
That's a very honorable position.
And then you are the person to be honored, who is a peace officer who also wears the hat of a warrior fighting bad guys.
But when you become revenue generators and secret police and intimidators of the press,
I mean, come on.
There's not much further to fall when outside of law, we have a policy you can't film.
We're going to arrest you if you don't leave.
And then his failure to follow a police officer's order.
And our Austin Police Chief, I want to get him back in there.
He certainly has courage to come on.
I heard him on 590 AM with Sergeant Sam Cox, former police officer, who is a patriot, friend of mine, and knows what's going on.
A lot more than he lets on air, let me tell you.
He's basically just like me.
He knows as much as I do.
And the whole issue is, he's on there and he's like, I just think you should follow any order a police officer gives you, even if it's wrong or illegal, and you won't get hurt.
No, if I'm in my own front yard, and there's not a dead person in the street right there, and I'm interfering with it, if a cop just walks up and says, turn your camera off, I'm not doing it!
I mean, I'm really, listen, we had Rob Jacobson and Aaron Dice a few years ago, this video's online.
Have Homeland Security security guards, more, I don't know, four-tenths of a mile away, getting a wide shot of the Federal Reserve building.
They're driving by, they see the Federal Reserve, they pull over, get some footage of that, drive down the street.
Hey, what's that?
A World War I memorial?
They had a taxi guy giving them a turb.
They'd been there to interview Professor Black for the Obama film of Fall of the Republic, the professor that brought down the SNLs and stuff and investigated, and was a federal regulator at the time, William K. Black.
And so they're like, oh, that's the sports stadium, let's get some footage of that.
Oh, that's the Federal Reserve.
Oh, that's a World War I memorial?
Wow, the National World War I memorial?
We didn't know that was in, you know, Kansas City.
Let's go over there.
And they pull up in a car and get out with guns, a male and female, and they walk over and go, give us your IDs.
And I've told the guys, don't get in confrontation.
So in the interest of whatever, they go, well, you're federal security guards.
All right, but you're off jurisdiction.
It's a city park, not federal.
And they go, okay, now leave.
Well, no, we're still getting footage.
No, leave, and they put their hands on their guns.
I mean, that's the same thing, folks, as if I go into a store and say, give me the money out of the cash register and put my hand on a gun.
Federal courts and state courts have ruled, you go in and say, I got something in my pocket, give me the money, that's felony robbery.
That's aggravated felony.
Even if you don't have a weapon, you implied you did.
They had guns, a man and a woman, who acted familiar in their body language, very bizarre.
Literally, and I'm telling you, I'm telling you, they followed my directive and didn't have a confrontation.
I would have said, hey, pull your gun, man!
I'm done, okay?
I am done with being menaced by some criminal.
And I'm saying it, that guy, and by the way, the Federal Reserve then denied their officers, their agents, because they were law enforcement, you know, graded security guards, armed security guards.
They first denied they'd done it and said we were lying until the Kansas City Star brought them the video off YouTube and they said, uh, that's still not our people.
Because it was so illegal, a federal reserve that's private with a fraudulent name, a literal offshore banking mafia, with two armed goons, 600, 700, I don't know, I mean, it's down the road, 800 yards, I don't know.
The buildings, you know, little in the distance.
Followed them!
Ran their plates.
Didn't call police.
At least in my case, if the Kansas City Police would have shown up, they'd be like, we're in a city park.
Officers, you know, they're just acting like thugs.
I would imagine cops would say, you know, you're right.
You security guards are out of it.
Get out of here.
Not nowadays, folks.
They'd say, well, you know, you could be terrorists.
Oh yeah, we could be terrorists.
No, no.
Your government runs Al-Qaeda.
Your government put the underwear bomber drugged up on that plane.
We broke that.
Your government isn't your government.
It's an international crime cartel that runs everything from child kidnapping and snuff films to narcotics to weapons.
And the minute people start realizing that is the minute we realize we can turn this around.
I mean, we're all in danger, folks.
All you cops, all of you are in danger.
You realize what tyrannies like this do?
They get worse.
And this is premeditated.
And you're not going to cover your butt going along with this.
You are going to bring down destruction on everybody.
And I harp on the police and the bureaucrats and the enforcers all day.
Because you're in there and you're getting the training to do illegal stuff, and you're being told to do whatever you want, and you know you're gearing up for a civil war, and you know what I'm saying is true, even the dumbest stuff you do, and you know it's a fraud and a takedown, an illegal takeover, you are literally helping collaborators.
Now, you're like, well, I'm just out here helping people all day and get cats out of trees.
Doesn't matter.
You are now federalized.
You are now under a federal government seized by foreign enemies.
And so that's why I'm talking to you all the time, because let me tell you, I know what I'm talking about.
This stuff's all coming down.
And you better decide what side you're on right now.
And I know most of you have.
And believe me, I know the public, a large portion of them, are demonic, slovenly, degenerate people that don't care about anybody but themselves.
And you're like, well, why should I even care?
The public's such scum.
It doesn't matter.
If the public is a bunch of lazy scum on average.
There are a lot of good people in this country, and a lot of innocents.
And it doesn't matter if the public's bad, they don't deserve what's happening to them.
It's very simple.
And by the way, all of us need to look in the mirror and realize we need to do more.
But all over this country, including in Austin, Texas, I've had police over and over again come over and say, turn your camera off.
I've had state police, when we're 200 yards away from them, come over and say, turn it off.
And the minute you start thinking you're going to be nice, they're going to say, I'm going to arrest you.
I just say, look, man, you're violating the First Amendment.
You want to live in a country like this, go ahead and do whatever you're going to do.
Then they back off.
Everybody else starts going, sir, sir, I'm good, I'm good.
Look, they know you're good.
They know they're following illegal orders.
I haven't even gotten all this news.
I mean, look at this propaganda.
Democrats plan to pressure TV networks into covering climate change, National Journal.
And they're openly having signatures basically pushing the entertainment agency to do this.
I mean, this is how controlled the media is, okay?
Let's continue.
Federal court guts net neutrality rules.
That's horrible news.
The Supreme Court is just a disaster zone.
Continuing, FCC says May appeals court ruling against its net neutrality rule.
FCC's doing good there.
Paradigm change!
British docs turn to prescribing books for depression.
Very good news!
Because reading and exercising will help people that are depressed.
Having an imagination.
Not watching establishment non-reactive television.
And I don't defend interactive television because it's good for you.
It's bad for you, but a lot less bad for you than mainline TV that doesn't have all the destructive messages.
Radio and reading
So good for the brain.
I'm not going to go into why.
I've talked about it a billion times.
Okay, continuing with the other news.
Border Patrol drones being borrowed by other agencies more often than previously known.
Washington Post.
Oh, turns out there's drones all over America surveilling you.
North Dakota man sentenced to jail in controversial drone arrest case.
The cows kept going on his property, eating his plants.
Common law is the third time you can keep them.
They used Homeland Security, Pentagon, Air Force drone on him.
And remember, a year after this even happened, the mainstream media said I was lying and Drudge was lying, there were no drones domestically.
That's how dumb they think you are.
That's weaponized media in your face.
But everything's okay, because Obama, NSA unleashed, Obama tells public, trust me,
He, secretly, with a secret court, that's the headline today, they will decide, that's why his report said, oh, this is bad, oh, they're giving it to select industry over others, oh, oh, I'll, I'll, I'll deal with it, I'm gonna beat the NDAA, don't worry, then ends up, he wrote it and signed it.
So this is this mind control, there are no drones, but there are drones.
I'm gonna get rid of the NSA, but I'm expanding it.
So everybody's like, oh no, George Herbert Walker Bush wasn't for gun control and George W. wasn't even though they all tried to get bills passed.
And then I can show people the bills and they finally go, oh really?
Again, they count on you not knowing the facts.
Remember two years ago when they had over a thousand articles?
They had an AP article that was in thousands of newspapers and all over the news that Alex Jones is a liar and Curt Nemo and Infowars.com are liars and that kook Drudge carries their articles claiming drones are spying on farmers.
It's a lie.
And our article had all the links.
It was all true.
Didn't matter.
They just said we're liars.
Just like when they get up on the news and tell you there's no radiation in Fukushima, don't worry.
A sink of the Young Turks is now blowing the whistle.
And MSNBC, they said, do not talk about the increased radiation.
Tell folks there's no problem.
But don't go to Japan, and we're not reporting from there.
I mean, are you insulted by that type of savage lying?
Savage lying to the public.
This is who we're dealing with.
This is who we're dealing with.
I've got a bunch of news I haven't gotten to on Iran, Kerry, oh boy, there's so much of it here.
And I should have spent more time on the Bank Deposits article that's up on InfoWars.com.
Wells Fargo to begin charging customers for deposits.
That ties into the Bank of America moves, the JPMorgan Chase moves.
That's all coming up.
I'm going to get into that and so much more.
And do you remember what happened to Hillary Clinton?
I'm going to remind you.
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That's why I was laughing when we had just a guy show up when we were at the beach in San Diego and go, I got the Survival Shield!
I mean, it just looked completely staged, even though it was completely real.
What a great guy out there wearing an Infowars, come and take a t-shirt.
But that's what this all comes down to is that we're able to reach this many people because folks are voting with their dollars and supporting the InfoWars operation and have made us strong so we can stand against the attacks and stand against so much more.
So I salute you all.
We have more of it in at InfoWarsLife.com and check out the fluoride shield as well, not just the survival shield and how it supercharges the iodine.
And then you can also check out the Super Metal Vitality as well.
Now, let me get into some news and I'll do some overdrive because I've got to get to all this.
I mentioned Hillary Clinton.
Just remember who she is.
She got caught forging stuff against Richard Nixon and covering stuff up about dirty tricks by the Democratic Party.
And I'm nonpartisan.
Nixon was a bad guy.
Compared to Obama, he literally is like the second coming of little baby Jesus.
I mean, that's how bad Obama and these people are.
Here it is on a WorldNet Daily, 2008 this came out.
We're just reminding you of this.
Details of Hillary Clinton's firing from the House Judiciary Committee staff for unethical behavior as she helped prepare articles of impeachment against Richard Nixon have been confirmed by the panel's Chief Republican Counsel.
Counsel confirms Hillary's fraudulent Watergate brief.
Zeifman, a lifelong Democrat, called Clinton a liar and an unethical, dishonest lawyer.
He contends Clinton was collaborating with allies of the Kennedys to block revelations of Kennedy administration activities that made Watergate look like a day at the beach.
Her brief, Zeifman said, was so fraudulent and ridiculous she would have been disbarred if she had submitted it to the judge.
And then she got kicked out in 1974 and that happened.
This is the type of stuff that's going on with these people.
And that's back then.
She was in the CIA with Bill Clinton from the beginning.
They're a total cut-out family.
That's actually come out in the congressional record.
They were in London in the 70s after this, running operations over there under the CIA section chief.
And again, it's criminals in the CIA that have hijacked the government.
And I personally have had enough of it.
I mean, you want to shut off all the family farms with regulations and stuff?
You people are sick!
You want to push abortion?
You want to do all this?
It's our duty to stand against this type of garbage.
I talked about this yesterday in Washington's blog up on Infowars.com.
Did a great job boiling it down.
Big banks launder hundreds of billions of illegal drug cartel money.
That's now been confirmed by federal court documents that the DEA actually runs the Sinaloa drug cartel.
That's right.
The whole Mexican War is about cutting off Mexican cartels that don't want their money with the government of the United States, which is a criminal hijack group.
We'll be right back in Overdrive.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
By the way, Watson updated his headline.
Wells Fargo now denies plan to charge customers for domestic deposits.
That's what JPMorgan Chase did.
It turned out that was a lie.
So we're going to post more copies and more people's letters.
$5 fee for every paycheck deposited in checking your savings account, claims Florida woman.
And that's what her letter with phone numbers on it says.
And that's what other banks are moving to do as well.
So this is just the classic backtracking by these people.
But speaking of that, let me just show you in our little file some of the past articles on this subject.
Wells Fargo to begin charging customers for deposits.
That's InfoWars.
Here's the Financial Times.
banks warn Fed interest cut could force them to charge depositors.
I mean, it's just... Hey, they're launching drones.
No, we're not, but we are.
Hey, your letters are going out saying you're going to charge for deposits.
No, we're not, but we are.
I mean, it's just... I'm going to have Watson add all this in there and point out that it's an update.
bank customers to pay for deposits if easy money fades away, RT.
Bank warns Fed they will have to start charging depositors.
That's Tyler Durden over at Zero Hedge.
Could banks charge fees for deposits?
CNBC, getting you ready.
Banks could charge fees for deposits.
Guys, pull up the article about JP Morgan Chase to charge for cash deposits.
I mean, that was confirmed.
At first they denied it, and then they go, oh, actually...
We are!
This is the games that they play.
Always the default denial, denial, denial.
What did Bill Clinton famously say when he'd be caught raping women, using cocaine, all this stuff?
He'd say, it's been recorded, all you do is deny, deny, deny.
That's all you do, you just keep lying.
I don't care.
Listen, if I was Sylvester, and I was caught in 20 Bird's cage, with 20 Bird in my mouth, with feathers falling out, I don't know about any 20 Bird here.
Sucker and succotash.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky.
I did not, I did not sell missile secrets to the Communist Chinese.
I did not for 10 years allow blood shipped out of the prisons.
We knew had HIV in it to be given to children and blood transfusions even though I did.
You know that doctor blew the whistle.
We firebombed him.
I didn't kill all these people that got in my way.
I don't do nothing.
Unbelievable garbage.
Look at this.
Police monitoring social media for death threats over Kelly Thomas' verdict.
And there are total cops in the comments.
I even had them look at some of their IP addresses.
We're looking at a story on that.
They're so lazy, they're not even protecting their IPs.
Because, you know, we can go into there.
It's on that DISCUS thing, so we don't have as much control as when it used to be on our system, but because of liability.
Uh, you know, we do it over there now.
So it's not our issue.
It's in the comments.
That's who's, you know, doing some of the, uh, you know, threatening to kill people.
Discus takes you down.
I mean, it does it on its own, automated with computer bots.
But I mean, there's cops and they're going, come on, say what you really mean, patriots.
Let's talk about how these cops need to be taken out, trying to get people.
And I've been in famous cases.
You know, where the FBI shows up with a subpoena, a gag order.
I go, well the FBI was here but I can't tell you why.
People go, that's a fear-mongering hype.
He's lying.
Later comes out in the Associated Press.
Our listeners on our comment board say he wanted to kill the cop that shot the black guy who was handcuffed in the back and then lied about it.
All the cops lied with him.
Just for no reason.
The guy hadn't even done anything.
They went and arrested that guy and he's still in prison for that.
And I can talk about it once it was in the news.
I have the FBI here going, if you break this gag order, you'll probably be indicted.
Or you'll be held in contempt.
Don't tell people what we came here with a subpoena to get.
And by the way, that's happened about five times, I can remember, with Secret Service and FBI.
Don't go on the message boards and talk about how you're going to kill people.
Now, everybody can talk about killing me all day and nobody cares, but don't talk about killing one of the enforcers or they're coming after you.
I mean, I just, and I'm telling you, they're on there right now trying to get people to do this.
Here's another one.
They got away with murdering my son, mother of police beating victim, NBC.
Look, I'm out of time.
I got to most of it.
We'll be back tomorrow, Lord willing, 11 a.m.
Central, InfoWars.com.
You can watch the video feeds at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Tonight, 7 o'clock, PrisonPlanet.tv.
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