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Name: 20131227_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 27, 2013
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Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show on this Friday, December 27, 2013.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex, although Alex is going to be joining us in the second hour.
He's going to be breaking down a lot of important news that's coming out, a wide range of news.
We've also got some other interesting things that happened just the last couple of days.
On December the 23rd, on Monday, we posted a video about the Federal Reserve, actually comparing it to It's a Wonderful Life.
Now, in spite of the fact that the entire movie is up on YouTube, and that it's been up there for nearly two years, two years come February, and that it's had over 700,000 views of the entire film,
Our film was singled out and shut down for quote-unquote copyright reasons.
Even though the entire film is up there and has been there for two years, it was shut down.
And the interesting thing about it is, is that as people echoed and mirrored that report on YouTube and as we linked to it on our page on InfoWars,
As we linked on that report page talking about the video itself, the videos that we would link to would be taken down.
But only those videos.
So it's not something that's happening with a bot.
And of course, what we did was fair use anyway, but they have the entire movie up there and have left it up there for two years.
What we did was report that was essentially a commentary on the similarities between what the banker Potter did and what the Federal Reserve did.
Essentially, similarities between JP Morgan and other issues, other commentaries about the movie.
And most of it was covered with a voiceover.
There were pictures that were taken out selectively.
That is all fair use.
That's political commentary.
But again,
Understand that the entire movie is up and only the videos that we link to from InfoWars are being taken down.
So we're going to have that report later on at the bottom of the hour.
We're going to break that down for you in a little bit more detail.
We're also going to air the entire video for you.
So if you're watching this on the website or on Prison Planet TV broadcast, you can see the entire report.
And we have the report up on Prison Planet TV for those of you who are subscribers.
Now we're also going to be talking
In this program, we're going to have William Binney, the highest-ranking NSA whistleblower ever.
Now, he was the technical director of the geopolitical world, as they called it.
It was essentially the rank of a general in the NSA.
And after the September 11th attacks, he came out and
It basically blew the whistle on what the NSA was doing.
They changed their approach at that time, he believed.
Now we know that it was earlier than that, they were also doing this.
But he came out protesting what he learned at that time, that they were doing a full surveillance of everything.
A dragnet surveillance, if you will.
Of course, he said later on, he said they don't need a dragnet because they're getting every fish in the sea already.
And so he came out and protested that along with several other NSA high-ranking officials, although he was the highest.
He's going to be joining us to talk about that.
You know, about a year ago, he said, we're this close to a police state.
Held his two fingers just a little bit apart.
And just recently he came out and said, we do have a police state.
So we're going to have him break that down for us.
He was a cryptographer, so we're going to talk to him about some of those issues as well.
We want to get his take on what he thinks needs to happen to roll this back, to get the NSA under control.
This is somebody who worked there for 30 years and knows it from the inside out.
So stay tuned.
That's going to be a really important interview.
Now, it's the end of the year, so of course the government has their wish list.
And what is always at the top of the government's wish list under Obama?
It's gun control.
Yes, gun control and new taxes.
That's what they're looking at for you for the new year.
They're eagerly anticipating getting rid of ammunition and also registering a lot more guns in a lot of other places like Connecticut.
We've got people lining up in Connecticut to buy guns before new laws go into effect.
The EPA is also coming out and coming after ammunition.
And we're going to have that story right after the break.
It's one of these things where isn't ammunition part of the right to keep and bear arms?
Is it just having an empty rifle?
Is that what the Second Amendment is about?
No, it's not.
It's about arms.
It's about having bullets as well as guns.
Stay tuned, we're going to talk about that right after the break.
Alex Jones here to tell you about how you can help spread liberty worldwide, also enjoying what I have found to be the best tasting, 100% organic coffee on the planet.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex on this Friday, December 27, 2013.
We've got a lot of breaking news today.
Alex is going to be joining us in the second hour.
He's going to be talking about a lot of different breaking news that's coming out.
He'll be live in studio.
We're also going to be joined by the highest ranking NSA whistleblower ever, and that's William Binney.
Now, he resigned over the dragnet collection of information that we all have learned about through the Snowden docs, although we were covering it for quite some time here at InfoWars, and there were occasional articles from the mainstream media.
But this went all the way back to 2001, that William Binney and others left the NSA.
And they left not just because of the unconstitutional illegal collection, although they were very clear about that being unconstitutional.
They also said that what the government was doing was actually ineffective.
It wasn't as effective as what they were doing constitutionally.
In other words, instead of looking for a needle in a haystack, they were trying to take the entire haystack and go through it.
And that's what he's been talking about quite a bit, about how the government is storing every single thing, and it's making them actually less effective with the flood of data.
But he was also concerned about crony capitalism.
And we did a report on crony capitalism.
We did a report on the Federal Reserve on Monday, the 100th anniversary of the Federal Reserve.
It was called It's a Wonderful Lie.
It was based on It's a Wonderful Life, pointing out the similarities between the way the Federal Reserve acts, the way it was created, the methods used to create the Federal Reserve.
You know, J.P.
Morgan was involved in the 1907 panic.
And he was also the arbiter of the bailout that came after that.
They used that to establish in the public mind the idea they manufactured a public panic and then they manufactured public consent for the Federal Reserve.
And so we point that out in the video.
We point out several different things about the Federal Reserve.
We also talk about
We also point out that they saw prayer as a very effective way to approach the problems, that God hates oppression, and so we can confidently pray that God is going to do something to stop it.
Evidently, that was something that Paramount didn't like, because every time we linked to the video, they took it down, claiming a copyright violation.
However, understand this, the entire video, the full video, the full movie, has been up for nearly two years on YouTube, has gotten over 700,000 views, without any copyright claims made on it by Paramount.
But our videos, that were political commentary, that's protected by fair use,
We're taking down over and over again.
So we're going to talk a little bit more about that.
We're going to play the video for you later in the program.
And we're going to have William Binney from the NSA and Alex Jones will be here breaking down a wide range of news.
Now, as I said, the government is coming at us with their wish list and their wish list, of course, the top of the Obama administration's wish list is always gun control.
And so they're coming at us now through the EPA.
Because if they can't get something passed through the Congress, then what's the Obama administration's tactic to use this?
Well, they'll just do executive orders, or they'll use the various agencies to regulate something as if it were law.
And so now the EPA is pushing for gun control by pushing for green ammunition mandates.
Now, we reported earlier this year that the last remaining lead smelter was shutting down at the end of the year here in America.
If you consider that, we're only going to have lead sources just from recycled batteries and that sort of thing because we're not going to be allowed to produce lead anymore in this country.
Of course, the Chinese will be allowed to produce lead in this country.
Remember that about six years ago, 2007, the EPA came out and decided that they were going to eliminate all lead
that could possibly touch a child.
Uh, recreational vehicles that would have lead, possibly, and some of the engine parts, because, you know, the kid might put his mouth all over the hot engine or something.
That was all driven by a child who swallowed a bracelet and died.
I don't know how big the bracelet was.
They blamed it on the lead poisoning.
They said that it was 90% lead, what they had swallowed.
The interesting thing is that that bracelet was made in China.
China is still going to be allowed to make lead.
But we can't have lead in anything.
And the tactic that they're taking in terms of coming after ammunition is exactly the thing that is most scary about this to me.
Because if you look back at the assassinations of the two Kennedys and Martin Luther King
They used that to push through the Gun Control Act of 1968, basically putting a lot of restrictions on handguns.
Ironically, two of the three of the people who were killed were killed, according to the official story, by sniper rifles.
And of course they were killed by sniper rifles.
Only one of the three was killed with a handgun.
That would be Robert Kennedy.
And then they banned handguns.
They didn't ban long rifles.
But now we see that they're coming after ammunition.
And that's quite a bit smarter approach, because your guns don't really do you any good, obviously, if you don't have any ammunition.
The Second Amendment is not about having empty rifles.
It's about having arms.
And part of having arms is having ammunition.
Now, at the very beginning of the Obama administration,
They stopped recycling brass into the market from the military.
That's something that had always been done and the Obama administration stopped that.
Now what did that do?
What kind of an effect did that have?
Well that was going to raise the price of ammunition quite a bit because there wasn't going to be any used brass coming back in to make bullets.
The same thing that will happen with this lead prohibition from the EPA.
They went in, had a couple of senators who got very upset about that.
They wrote letters, they got that turned around, but we learned at the end of last year that at least one fort in New York is still crushing their brass and selling it very cheaply to the Chinese as scrap rather than selling it back into the market as they are supposed to do, as they've been ordered to do.
So the concern is, is that they're coming after ammunition.
It's not just bullets, but they're going after the number of, the size of the magazines, and that's happening in Connecticut.
We see that people are waiting in line here, just before the end of the year, they're waiting in line to register their assault weapons and their quote-unquote high-capacity magazines.
And here's what one of the persons said who was waiting in line.
He says, if they're trying to make them illegal, I would have a real issue.
But if they want to know just where they are, that's fine with me.
Well, maybe he ought to talk to our guest that's going to be on in the last hour, William Binney, because out of all the whistleblowers who resigned, and they came after all of them, and they tried to prosecute them with charges, but William Binney was the only one, when they executed a search warrant, they came into his house, he was taking a shower, and they pointed guns in his face while he was in the shower.
Now, he's the only one of the NSA whistleblowers who had registered guns.
And that's what they did to him.
Having a registered gun, having to register your gun is basically taking a fundamental right and turning it into a government-granted privilege.
And that's what they're doing with this.
It's a precursor to confiscation.
And one of the things we have to be concerned about with this EPA
I think?
It's always about the government turning things into privileges.
It's always about them gradually infringing upon our rights.
One of the stories that really amazed me that came out of Popular Science, and it was kind of a joke story, but it's not really a joke.
The USDA issued a livestock permit for magical reindeer to enter the United States.
No joke.
They actually inserted themselves into the fantasy life of children to get them to understand at an early age that they don't have
The right to do anything.
Everything is a government-granted privilege.
This is absolutely amazing.
When you look at the declaration, it says that the reindeer are going to be cleared to come in as long as they get microchips on their ear and so forth and so on.
It's absolutely insane that the government would make everything a privilege, that they would actually come in and glorify themselves.
By saying that we're going to graciously allow these magical reindeers to come in for just a 24-hour period.
We're going to let them continue their journey across the country, around the world, spreading holiday cheer as they go.
Isn't that nice that the government bureaucrats will move out of the way for Santa's reindeer?
We also have a breaking piece of news here that's on the Drudge Report.
The Chinese state media is touting that a new bomber can nuke U.S.
This is more of the bellicose chest beating that we're seeing coming out on a regular basis from the Chinese military, the Chinese government.
Very concerning for us.
Hopefully this is something that is just for internal consumption, but it does look like tensions are building up.
We've seen them extending their territorial lines, of course.
That's one of the big stories that's happened in the last couple of months, how we've got now overlapping territorial claims between the Japanese, the South Koreans, as well as the North Koreans and the Chinese.
They're all claiming these same little islands there.
And we see this happening over and over again.
We see China saying that they're going to, that they can reach with nuclear weapons.
They already released a map showing that they could reach several cities in the United States with their nuclear bombs.
Now they're saying that they've got a bomber that can nuke U.S.
military bases.
Something to be very concerned about.
And it's something that, as you've heard before, Joel Skousen believes that
Our greatest threat from nuclear contamination is not a nuclear reactor that's going to blow up, although these things are like ticking time bombs.
They're getting older and older.
Many of them have already lived past their designed, useful life, and they just arbitrarily extend the license to them.
But he's very concerned that it's essentially going to be a stand-down situation, as he's told Alex, that the U.S.
government will stand down, allow the Chinese to do an initial strike, and then use that as justification to enact martial law.
They're always looking for some kind of a justification to increase their power.
So we're going to be keeping an eye on that.
We'll be right back with more news.
Stay tuned.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex Jones and he's going to be joining us in the studio in the next hour.
We're also going to be joined in the third hour with the highest ranking NSA whistleblower William Binney.
That's an interview you won't want to miss.
Now we were just talking in the last segment about how the government is using gun control or ammo control to shut down bullets.
Actually it's the EPA that they're trying to put regulations on.
This is a common tactic.
We have congressmen who, instead of legislating, they give wide open powers to bureaucracies, and these bureaucracies then interpret the law as they see fit.
I think in large respect that was what Nancy Pelosi was talking about when she said, well we have to pass a law to see what's in it.
They do that with the Obamacare law, they did that with
The Dodd-Frank bill.
They allow these regulatory agencies to put in all of the details.
So they just give them these broad sweeping powers.
And then when they do awful things, the congressmen can present themselves as heroes to come back in and roll that back.
But they've delegated, they've abdicated actually, their legislative authority.
And that's one of the things that Rand Paul pointed out when he came up with these three reforms that he suggested.
One of them is, read the bill.
right the bill is what he did his second reform and the third reform was one thing at a time that really kinda hits the main ways that the government the congress has advocated their responsibility they put these gigantic bills out there without reading them
They put a whole bunch of different things in it.
They usually have a title that has nothing to do with what it is.
If it is a title that has something to do with it, it's exactly the opposite.
So you have like the Patriot Act or you have the Affordable Care Act and of course the Affordable Care Act is anything but affordable.
And you know there's new Obamacare fees that are coming in 2014.
This is an article from
The New York Post, and they're pointing out that there's some hidden taxes there that maybe you don't understand.
There's a 2% levy that's going to be put on every health care plan.
That's something coming out of your pocket.
Insurers are going to pay an additional 3.5%.
You won't see that on your bill, but of course that will be hidden in the cost.
You won't see that as an itemized portion of your bill.
But just like Social Security, you may think when you look at your pay stub that you're only getting like a 7.65%.
I think?
You're going to see 2% levy on your insurance bill, but then of course there's going to be a 3.5% fee that's going to be embedded in the insurance rates that you're not even going to see.
And then of course there's the 2.3% medical device tax that's also going to go on things like pacemakers and stents and prosthetic limbs.
So there's all these multiple taxes that are hidden from your view.
And these taxes come on as very small taxes.
And they're hiding some of the stuff.
Some of the stuff is out there.
It's kind of like the very initial income tax.
That was only put on the richest people, and it was only about a 1% tax initially.
So a lot of people said, hey, I don't care.
That's going to be affecting the other person.
Then they found that the rate kept going up, and then it turned into a wage tax.
It wasn't just a tax on investment income, which is what it was initially.
And so they grow these things.
You see this kind of creep that is happening, and that's what we're seeing happening with Obamacare.
Of course, Chief Justice Roberts...
He said that it was a tax.
Of course he was... I kind of wonder if he was being blackmailed with that or not after all the information that we've seen coming out about the dragnet collections of the NSA.
And of course he wrote both decisions.
The dissenting decision and the decision that the Supreme Court went with.
And he did an abrupt 180.
And many people at the time suggested that maybe he was being blackmailed with some information there.
And we subsequently learned that they got information on the director of the CIA.
Betray us.
So it's not beyond the realm of possibility that another powerful man would be blackmailed with information.
As a matter of fact, that's what makes that kind of information so powerful.
And it's one of the reasons that we don't want to give that kind of power to the NSA.
They should not have that kind of broad sweeping power.
And so we've got
William Binney is going to be talking to us at the end of the program, in the third hour.
Here's some other news, too.
If you remember, there was a 60 Minutes story just a couple of weeks ago, and everybody was criticizing them for what a puff piece they had done on General Keith Alexander, and that, of course, was done by John Miller.
And everybody was pointing out that John Miller was someone who had worked for the NSA, he had worked for the Defense Department, he had worked for the New York Police Department in public relations.
And they were saying he's still doing public relations, and he was, and guess what?
It is now official.
He is returning to the New York Police Department.
He's just changing the label.
He's been doing nothing but public relations for the government the entire time.
But of course, the interesting take on that, that nobody else seemed to get except Paul Joseph Watson, was that he was getting permission, Keith.
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Alex Jones here to tell you about how you can help spread liberty worldwide, also enjoying what I have found to be the best tasting, 100% organic coffee on the planet.
For more than a decade, my favorite coffee has come from the high mountains of southern Mexico, where the Chiapas farmers grow their unique shade-grown Arabica beans.
We have now managed to secure the sought-after beans in a highly customized blend.
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This coffee gives you a long, smooth pick-me-up for hours without the headaches and heartburn that so many other coffees give me personally.
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You will be supporting a free press, all the while enjoying a truly great tasting cup of my favorite coffee.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex on this Friday, December 27th, 2013.
And as I mentioned earlier, we're going to have William Binney joining us in the third hour.
He's an NSA whistleblower, the highest ranking NSA whistleblower.
And it's going to be interesting to talk to him about this new case that just came out.
If you remember, there was a case last week that, I think it was last week, it was in the last two weeks.
Where a judge held that the dragnet surveillance that the NSA is doing is unconstitutional.
I believe that's correct.
Now we've had another judge say that this kind of dragnet surveillance, collecting metadata, is lawful.
So this is creating a conflict among the courts.
It's going to go definitely to the Supreme Court.
This judge, Judge Polley, out of New York, said that this blunt tool only works because it collects everything.
I think William Binney is going to tell us just the opposite.
As a matter of fact, he's been saying just the opposite.
He says, by collecting everything, they are flooding themselves with data.
They're missing important information because they're not following the procedures to go out and get a search warrant.
And identify who it is that they're going to go for.
So when they look at everybody's information, they're not able to really see the important things.
So they're missing a lot of important stuff.
So it's going to be interesting to hear someone who was the Global Technical Director for the NSA, worked there for over 30 years.
It's going to be interesting to see what he thinks.
And whether or not metadata is somehow different from data.
The Constitution didn't say anything about metadata.
It didn't give an exclusion to metadata.
It said your personal property, your papers,
That's what it's about.
It's about your information.
And metadata is your information.
Whatever, however they want to spin it, whatever kind of semantic games they want to play with it, the metadata is being collected because it's a valuable insight for them.
It's a way for them to track you.
It's a way for them to track everyone.
And so there's a lot of information in that metadata.
It's not just trivial stuff.
And calling it metadata, which a lot of people don't understand, doesn't change anything.
It's just a game that they're playing.
So he's going to be breaking that down for us in the third hour.
Now, we were talking earlier about the censorship of the report that we did, comparing what happened in Pottersville and its wonderful life to what happened in the creation of the Fed.
Because this, of course, was the 100th anniversary of the creation of the Fed on Monday, December the 23rd.
And that was has been taken down several times every time we link to the well the original one was taken down and then we linked to some mirrored versions of it that other people have put up as soon as we would link to it it would be taken down and yet there are other
Fair use commentaries out there about It's a Wonderful Life that have not been taken down.
And as a matter of fact, the entire movie has been up for nearly two years with over 700,000 views and yet Paramount keeps filing claims on ours.
So what is it that they're concerned about?
And what we did was I changed the title from It's a Wonderful Life to It's a Wonderful Lie because there's just so many lies that are at the heart of this 100th anniversary of the Federal Reserve.
You know, the first one is the name itself.
It's not federal and there's no reserves.
And so they use that basically as a cover for what they're doing.
It's a private organization.
One of the things in the movie that I didn't even put in was, at one point, Potter's having a meeting with someone.
He gets a telephone call and he says, tell the congressman to wait.
Well, you know, congressmen have been waiting on the Federal Reserve.
We've been waiting to get an audit of the Federal Reserve.
Basically, they tell Ron Paul to just get lost.
They're not going to give him any information at all about what they're doing.
We can't, we're not allowed to see what this private cartel of bankers are doing with our money.
We're not allowed to audit them.
So that's one of the lies.
And of course there's the lie that John Maynard Keynes pushed around in Keynesian Economics, saying that money that we owe to ourselves is a national debt.
Is it really a debt?
It's not really a problem, you know?
People like Keynes, economists like Keynes are nothing but court jesters for the authoritarian government that wants to use Keynesian economics to write themselves a blank check so they can do anything they want to.
But of course, that money is not money that is owed by the government to the government.
That money is owed to the Federal Reserve and to private investors who buy those notes every time they print
A piece of paper is a Federal Reserve note.
It's a loan and they get to charge interest to us.
That is the most amazing lie and rip-off of all this.
That we should have to pay private individuals every time they print money.
Now that's essentially the same sort of thing that Al Gore tried to get put in with this carbon tax.
Al Gore and others.
And that is that we should have to pay them every time this group of private investors who are giving out carbon credits
We should have to pay them some kind of an indulgence every time we use energy.
And that's something that the globalists have been looking at for quite some time.
Changing from money to energy as a means of exchange, as a means of controlling the people, as a means of gaining wealth and power.
And so we see that reflected.
They're trying to get in a global tax because that would allow them, with a carbon tax, to essentially do what the Federal Reserve has done to us
With the printing of money, charging us interest on every dollar that they print, and of course they get to decide what the interest rate is, and they get to decide how many of these dollars they're going to print up.
You know, there's also the lie about the money itself.
Money is not just a medium of exchange.
It's also a way that you store value.
Is the value of the money being saved?
Is it being stored?
You know, in the movie you look at it and they're throwing around figures that are pretty funny.
He's saying that he's making $45 a week.
They've got $8,000 that's stolen at the bank that's going to ruin them.
Well, those dollars
are not the same spending power, of course, in 1947 as they are today.
As a matter of fact, look at it this way.
Since the dollar, according to the very, very conservative figures of the American government, the dollar has lost 96% of its purchasing power since the Federal Reserve was created through inflation.
But to make it a little bit easier to get a handle around it, just think of it in these rough terms.
What you could buy with a $1 bill in 1913 would take a $20 bill today.
What you could buy with a $1 bill in 1947 would take a $10 bill today.
And just going back to 1973,
You would have
Most people would say that it's more like 99, or if you compare it to the value of gold, it's like 99.9% of the purchasing power has been lost in this fiat currency that we have.
That's a huge, huge tax on working people, on small businessmen, on anybody who's got a job and is trying to save to accumulate capital to put things aside for their retirement.
Anybody who has a pension plan is devastated by inflation.
That's another horrible lie of the Federal Reserve.
And then, of course, there's the lie of the bailout.
A lot of people have made comments, and it's something that always bothered me, too, and that was that the banker in the movie gets away with the $8,000.
He never gets turned in by anybody else.
The guy that's pushing him around, standing behind him all the time in the wheelchair, never blows the whistle on the theft, even though he sees it happening.
He knows everything that's going on.
Nobody figures this out.
There's not a detective that figures this out.
And that's the way that things are in life many times.
Many times we have to just pick ourselves up, go on and transcend this.
And we see that this, that the bankers got away with the giant bailout that happened in 2008.
And of course that was many times the magnitude of the theft that Potter
And it was many times the magnitude of what JP Morgan had to dole out after the panic of 1907.
He went to the White House, and of course you've got this president in who makes his name by saying that he's going to bust all of the monopoly trusts, and yet what he does is he hands over $500 million in today's money.
It was $25 million at that time.
He hands that over to
JPMorgan to dole out to the businesses that JPMorgan thinks should survive and of course the other ones fail and that's exactly what we saw with the bailout in 2008.
We now have the lowest number of savings and loans and banks and credit unions that we've ever had in this country.
Since they've been keeping records.
We've never had this few number of banks.
And that was a key thing in the comparison of the movie because, of course, the monopolist bankers want to drive everybody out of business.
It was criticized by J. Edgar Hoover.
The movie, when it originally came out, he said, well, this has communist overtones in it because they're trying to make the bankers look like evil capitalists.
And there was an article that was done on the Daily Mail that came out on Christmas Eve talking about that very thing.
But actually, if you stop and think about it, George Bailey was a banker.
So it's not about...
Us versus the bankers.
It's about bankers who are monopolist capitalists.
Of course, Potter wanted to own everything.
And that's what we see from the global elite.
That's what we see happening in the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
We see them asserting ownership over everything.
And that's the key thing that's happening with this censorship.
Understand that the Trans-Pacific Partnership is another way for them to try to enact CISPA, SOPA, ACTA, PIPA, all these different
Pieces of legislation that were going to be attacking internet freedom, that were going to allow them to shut down your website, just like they shut down this video, on the mere accusation of somebody.
And of course, to get it back is going to be a very long process, if you can get it back.
And if these copyright bills go through, if you get three strikes against you, you are banned from the internet.
Just as if you get multiple strikes against you and Google, you're banned from Google if you've got multiple copyright violations that are found there.
They will ban you from the internet if they get CISPA through, if they get the Trans-Pacific Partnership through, because they couldn't get these things pushed through in legislation either in Europe or in America.
Now they're trying to embed it into a secret trade agreement, just like the Federal Reserve Act was negotiated and created in secret, and many people didn't know what was in it.
They're trying to do the same thing with the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
They're trying to
Make everything so that they've got total control and so that they assume ownership of everything because now in the 21st century it's not like it was with the banker and it's a wonderful life.
They're not content with just ownership of everything that's physical.
They want ownership of all intellectual property as well.
We had an article just this week about how they had asserted intellectual ownership of Silent Night.
We've seen the Warner
Corporation come back and assert ownership of Happy Birthday, and we see them aggressively push these things through.
We see actually even with It's a Wonderful Life, the copyright had expired on it, and the interesting thing about that is that once it passed in the public domain, that was when it became a classic.
It was a failure at the box office, but once it passed into the public domain, people saw it, they loved it, they passed it around, it got a lot of airplay, and then
The company that had lost their copyright because they didn't reinforce it, they didn't file the paperwork properly, they reasserted their copyright.
Based on the script.
And said, well, since it was based on the script, we can reinforce that with the entire movie.
And, of course, when they do this sort of thing, there's nobody on the opposite end that has a big economic interest to oppose them, so they basically go to court unopposed and, I believe, unlawfully asserted that copyright.
And, of course, they want to extend the copyrights out forever.
But that's not what we're seeing here with our video.
What we're seeing here with our video is the selective takedown
of political commentary on their movie when they allow the entire movie to be to remain on YouTube for two years.
They take ours down in less than 24 hours and every time we link to it it goes down in less than 24 hours.
When somebody else mirrors it and we link to it on our website it goes down within another 24 hours.
So we're going to be taking a look at that and we're going to actually play that for you in the next hour.
We've got it at Prison Planet TV.
You can watch it there if you're a subscriber.
We're probably going to make that available in the next 24 hours or so for everybody to look at it for free there on Prison Planet TV.
YouTube of course is where we like to go because that's where the eyeballs are, but we have our own site where we archive all of our videos and if you're a Prison Planet TV subscriber...
You can see all of the documentaries that Alex Jones has ever produced are available there for you, as well as all of our special reports, all of our news broadcasts.
It's something that you can share with ten other people simultaneously, can log in and take a look at this, so it's something that you can pass around and you can use that to wake people up.
Now one of the other aspects I want to talk about with It's a Wonderful Life is when you look at the alternative future, when George Bailey doesn't exist, he gets his wish and he says, I wish I was never born, and he gets to see what it was like if he had never been born, to see what it was like if nobody opposed Potter, and he had a monopoly on everything.
And we get to look at Pottersville.
And this is something that I'd never noticed before, and that was the attitude of everybody in Pottersville.
When you're looking at Bedford Falls, the real city, there's not all these prohibitions and signs everywhere.
When you go to Pottersville, there are prohibitions and signs about everything, everywhere.
They've got signs, keep moving, no dogs allowed, no left turn, no parking.
It is filled with prohibitions.
But of course, the one thing that's not prohibited is vice.
And so the place is filled with vice.
Because that's an effective control technique for the elite.
They take people down morally.
It's a form of control.
It's a form of slavery.
It gives them control over people.
It keeps them dumbed down and submissive.
That and the fact that nobody owned anything.
And that's a clear
Sign that this is not a movie about communism.
In Frank Capra's world, the solution to the potters of this world, the greedy people who wanted to own everything, like JP Morgan, like Al Gore, was to allow everyone to own private property.
To allow everyone to be stakeholders.
But you're not a stakeholder in the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
You're not considered to be a stakeholder in Agenda 21.
They don't consider you to be somebody who's going to have a stake in the future.
You're going to simply be a renter.
You're going to simply be a serf.
And there's one other thing that was in the movie that I thought was interesting, and that was the way the police acted.
You had Bert the Cop, who was in the original Bedfordville.
He was very, very
Kind, helpful.
He was connected to the community.
He knew everybody by name.
He's walking a beat.
When he comes back into Pottersville...
Instead of Bedford Falls, he is now belligerent.
And he even takes pot shots at George as he's running away and not a threat to anybody.
You know, if you shoot somebody who's fleeing from the scene and is not a threat to you, if you're an individual, that's grounds for murder.
Because now your life is not endangered.
It's no different if you're wearing a uniform.
It's still murder.
And let's take a look if you guys get that clip that we've got of the police officer who sticks the dog on somebody.
We've got a short clip here where a police officer pulls over someone for a traffic violation or for a drug.
I don't even know what it was, but basically pulls this person over.
It's up on the video right now.
Can you play the audio?
Can you get the audio on this?
Look at that.
He had lacerations all over his face.
Yeah, take that down.
Yeah, the dog just tore this guy up.
So this guy stops, he's pulled by the cops.
They've got him, looks like right here in the video, they're ramming his car, so I don't know what the violation was, whether he was running from them, but they stop the car, he's got his hands up, the window is rolled down, this cop goes up and very calmly lifts his dog in, into the car, and the dog just rips this guy to pieces.
And the cop is not getting indicted for anything.
He's getting away with that.
That's what we see when you've got an out-of-touch global elite who have absolutely nothing but contempt for the people that they're ruling over.
That's what we saw in Pottersville.
That's where we're living now.
We've got the friendly cops who are now taking pot shots at people.
We'll be right back.
Stay tuned.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight.
We were just talking in the last segment about the report that we did about the Federal Reserve and it's a wonderful life and the similarities between those.
We're going to play that for you at the beginning of the next hour, actually about 8 after because we don't have enough time in this segment to play the report.
But we're also going to be joined by William Binney at the end of the show.
And there was just a new court ruling that came out today saying that the NSA phone surveillance is lawful.
Now this is a New York federal judge.
We just had a judge elsewhere say that it was not lawful, that it was unconstitutional.
And so now we have this is probably going to be resolved by the Supreme Court because it's created a conflict amongst the lower courts.
And of course, I'm sure that our rights will be dutifully upheld by the Supreme Court
You remember that when this information came out, when we started looking at things in detail with the Snowden documents earlier this summer, that Chief Justice Roberts briefed the Senate on what the FISA court actually was.
And he was surprised, Chief Justice Roberts told the Senate, he was surprised to find out
That it was his responsibility to appoint the FISA judges.
And that's a big responsibility because of course the FISA court is not a court in any sense of the word and that's exactly what Chief Justice Roberts said.
He said he was really surprised to find out about this court because it didn't look anything at all like a court that he was familiar with.
It didn't have
Opposing sides being argued.
There was only one side being argued.
There was only one judge.
There was no jury.
And, of course, the decisions were kept classified.
Nobody was allowed to see these.
And, of course, that is nothing at all like a court.
And, of course, he was surprised to see that because courts are defined in the Constitution.
We know what a court looks like.
We have very clear guidelines and rules in the Constitution.
And at that point, Chief Justice Roberts should have said, I'm not participating in this because I took an oath to the Constitution.
But he kind of like, oh yeah, this is interesting, so I'll just play along with this game.
And so he appointed judges individually to these courts.
These courts, these secretive FISA courts, are pretending that they are
Modifying the Constitution with their court decisions.
Now, I don't even believe that the Supreme Court is able to amend the Constitution with a decision.
The Constitution says what the Constitution says.
But they're saying that their secretive decisions can amend the Constitution.
And he's playing along with that.
So, I'm not really sure what we're going to see from the Supreme Court when it comes before them.
And it looks like it most definitely will because it's going to be
Two different courts have said two very contradictory things.
Now this judge in New York is making a pragmatic argument saying that this is a blunt tool that only works because it collects everything.
And William Binney, who was the technical director, the global technical director at the NSA before he resigned over its unconstitutional actions, says exactly the opposite.
He says that not only is it against the law, not only is it breaking the law, but it is also ineffective.
It's not practical.
It's not a pragmatic solution.
So, I'm anxious to talk to him when he comes back.
Now, one of the other things that came out
Over the holidays, over the Christmas break, was that local courts are now reviving debtor's prison.
And this is, civil courts are reviving this.
So this is debtor's prison if you owe money to the government, if you owe money for tickets, if you owe money for fines that they put on you, they're putting you in debtor's prison.
And as I point out, it's just like a Charles Dickens novel, right?
Ebenezer Scrooge is both Potter and now also as the local courts are putting people in debtors prison.
And they point out very accurately here that this isn't even cost effective for the municipalities.
It doesn't even make sense for them to lock people up.
It costs them more than if they lost the fine.
But, it's part of a power trip.
And that's what's most important to them.
That you live your life as a privilege to them.
That they control everything.
That they own everything.
Including all intellectual property.
So stay tuned right after we come back.
We're going to be playing the censored report on the Federal Reserve.
It's a wonderful lie.
Stay tuned.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex.
Alex is going to be joining us in this hour.
He's going to be live here in studio.
And we're also going to be joined in the third hour by William Binney, the highest ranking NSA whistleblower.
And he's going to have a lot to tell us about this new court decision that just came out today.
He was concerned about both the constitutionality and the effectiveness.
And of course, as I pointed out in the last segment,
That's what the judge is trying to explain this away with, saying that because it's effective, they're going to collect metadata.
Well, you know what?
Metadata is your personal data.
It's still your personal data.
No matter what kind of semantic games they want to play with it, they need to have a search warrant according to the Constitution before they do that, and that's why William Binney and others resigned from the NSA, and they paid a price for that.
We're going to talk to him about that.
We're going to talk to him about what he thinks about some of the
Cryptology aspects that are coming out.
We've got Dark Mail that's coming out and they're trying to encrypt email.
I want to ask him what he thinks about the effectiveness of that.
He's also had a lot to say about the Utah Data Center.
So we're going to be asking him about that.
And of course we have a article that's come out.
That's called Government Conspiracies on Business Insider and they have nine huge government conspiracies that actually happened.
This is an interesting article because one of these, the very first one, is one that I didn't know and that is the U.S.
Department of Treasury actually poisoned alcohol during prohibition and people died.
Now we know that during alcohol prohibition
We had a lot of people who were dying because they were making bathtub gin or wood alcohol.
They were going blind.
And that always happens when you have prohibition.
You get more virulent strains of whatever it is that you're trying to prohibit.
We've seen that in the drug prohibition war.
Interesting thing, of course, about alcohol prohibition is that we've got two constitutional amendments
about alcohol prohibition, one that gave them the authority to prohibit alcohol.
You've got to ask yourself, if they needed a constitutional amendment to prohibit alcohol, then how can they prohibit everything else today without a constitutional amendment?
What changed?
Nothing changed except that the Congress no longer has any respect, any respect at all for the Constitution.
So we've got a constitutional amendment that prohibited alcohol, another one that made it legal, but there was no constitutional amendment that said that you can prohibit everything
Unless you permit it.
And that's what we see happens even with the FDA, even with medical drugs.
Everything is prohibited.
Alternative treatments can be prohibited unless they say that it's okay.
We see that there's constant fear that they're going to do that with vitamins.
So they've basically taken it upon themselves to make everything a privilege.
Nothing is a right because you're simply a serf.
You live your life as they see fit to allow you to do it.
But let's go down these other ones that are conspiracies.
So they poisoned alcohol during Prohibition.
The U.S.
Public Health Service also lied about treating black men with syphilis for more than 40 years.
That's one that's pretty well known.
They also have, number three, more than 100 million Americans received a polio vaccine contaminated with a potentially cancer-causing virus.
They're still putting stuff in the vaccines.
We tell you about that virtually every day here.
They're still putting thimerosal and mercury and other things in the vaccinations.
Number four, parts of the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which led to the U.S.
intervention in Vietnam, never happened.
There's an excellent documentary that is called The Fog of War, where Robert McNamara confesses that it was a crock, confesses that there was no threat, there was no domino theory.
He actually went back to Vietnam and talked to the people there and they said, we weren't trying to become serfs of the Chinese, we had fought them for thousands of years, don't you know anything about history?
And he talked about it in that documentary.
It was an excellent documentary where it really broke down the barriers and he opened up and made a lot of confessions just before he died.
That's something we know quite a bit about and of course there are people who were scientists for the CIA that died.
Ken Olsen jumped out of a window and
His family has been trying to get justice for him ever since.
Number seven.
In 1974, the CIA secretly resurfaced a sunken Soviet submarine with three nuclear-armed ballistic missiles.
There are a lot more of these true conspiracies than are just these nine.
But that's an interesting nine that have come out.
And there's a lot of financial conspiracies that are coming out.
And right after the break, we're going to have our censored report.
So stay tuned.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, putting in for Alex.
Alex is going to be joining us live in the studio at the bottom of the hour.
But coming up, we're going to play for you this report that keeps getting censored from YouTube.
You know, It's a Wonderful Life has been one of my favorite films.
It's been a lot of people's favorite films.
AFI, the American Film Institute, ranked it as the number one most inspiring film.
Of course, it was the favorite film of director Frank Capra and of the star Jimmy Stewart.
It's something that was a very uplifting, very hopeful film.
It showed the value of a man, showed the value of a life well lived.
It showed...
The value of helping other people instead of just trying to help yourself to everybody.
But it also showed us things about politics, not just things about an individual's life.
It also showed us what the Federal Reserve has done in terms of the kinds of tricks that were used to get the Federal Reserve law enacted.
And of course, we ran that report on the 100th anniversary of the Federal Reserve Act being put into legislation.
But it was actually, the stage was set for that in 1907 with a bank panic that looked pretty much like the bank panic that you see in the movie that was started by Potter.
And people believe that J.P.
Morgan was the one behind the 1907 crash and he used that to not only put himself in power, but he also used it to get around antitrust regulations.
He presented himself as the savior.
And so we want to go to that clip right now so we can get that to fit in this segment here.
This is the report that has been taken down multiple times about It's a Wonderful Life.
Over the last 100 years, the Federal Reserve has created bubbles and burst them, enslaved us with debt, and destroyed our purchasing power through inflation.
Yes, it's been a wonderful lie for the bankers.
There are striking parallels in Frank Capra's It's a Wonderful Life to the lies and tricks that real bankers use to create the Federal Reserve.
Human nature doesn't change, and the greedy elite of 1913 and 2013 look and act a lot like Potter, the banker in the movie.
And many Americans are left like George Bailey, staring into the abyss as their dreams collapse and they face financial ruin.
Do we live in a country that looks a lot more like Pottersville than Bedford Falls?
What does Frank Capra's film show us about how we got here and how we can get out?
When the Federal Reserve was created two days before Christmas a hundred years ago, it was a culmination of six years of fraud, fear, and manipulation.
I've never really seen one, but that's got all the earmarks of being a run.
The panic of 1907 was used to shape public support for the Fed.
The panic was triggered by rumors that two major banks were about to become insolvent, just as we see in the movie.
George, there is a rumor around town that you've closed your doors.
Is that true?
I am going all out to help in this crisis.
I have just guaranteed the banks sufficient funds to meet their needs.
They'll close up for a week and then reopen.
Just took over the bank?
I may lose a fortune, but I am willing to guarantee your people, too.
Just tell them to bring their shares over here, and I will pay 50 cents on the dollar.
Oh, you never miss a trick, do you, Potter?
Unfortunately, J.P.
Morgan got away with the deception, and was able to shut down competitors and snapped up assets at fire sale prices.
Now, take during the Depression, for instance.
You and I were the only ones that kept our heads.
You saved the building in loans,
I saved all the rest.
Yes, well, most people say you stole all the rest.
The envious ones say that, George.
The suckers!
Charles Lindbergh Sr.
warned people at the time of the creation of the Federal Reserve that it would not stop boom and bust cycles, but would actually create them in order to benefit its private owners.
Here's what he said.
To cause high prices, all the Federal Reserve Board will do will be to lower the re-discount rate, producing an expansion of credit and a rising stock market.
Then, when businessmen are adjusted to these conditions, it can check prosperity in mid-career by arbitrarily raising the rate of interest.
It can cause a pendulum of a rising and falling market to swing gently back and forth, or cause violent fluctuations by greater rate variation.
And in either case, it will possess inside information as to the financial conditions and advanced knowledge of the coming change, either up or down.
This is the strangest, most dangerous advantage ever placed in the hands of a special privileged class by any government that ever existed.
The system is private, conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people's money.
They know in advance when to create panics to their advantage, and they know when to stop panic.
Inflation and deflation work equally well for them when they control the finance.
As we see in the movie, not all lending institutions have the same motivation.
Now, you take this loan here to Ernie Bishop.
You know, that fellow that sits around all day on his brains in his taxi, you know.
I happen to know the bank turned down this loan.
But he comes here, and we're building him a house worth $5,000!
Well, I handled that, Mr. Potter.
You have all the papers there, his salary, insurance.
I can personally vouch for his character.
Friend of yours?
Yes, sir.
You see, if you shoot pool with some employee here, you can come and borrow money.
What does that get us?
A discontented lawyer?
A lazy rabble instead of a thrifty working class.
As a former FDIC chair said, all too often the large banks use their models and their algorithms and if you don't fit in their boxes, you don't get the loan.
And Dodd-Frank legislation is tying the hands of small lenders, shutting out buyers and shutting down lenders.
Today there are fewer lenders than at any time the government has kept record.
10,000 banks disappeared between 1984 and 2011.
This town needs this measly one-horse institution if only to have some place where people can come without crawling the potter.
In the movie, George gets to see what happens to the small town if Potter didn't have competition from credit unions and smaller lenders.
If it hadn't been for you... Yeah, if it hadn't been for me, everybody would be a lot better off.
My wife and my kids and my friends and my... Look, little fella, I want you to go off and haunt somebody else.
Yeah, so you still think killing yourself would make everyone feel happier, eh?
Well, I don't know.
I guess you're right.
It would have been better if I'd never been born at all.
Pottersville, the only businesses thriving are vice.
People are angry.
The town is filled with signs like, keep moving, keep off the grass.
Bert the cop actually shoots at George when he's running away and is no threat to anyone.
Stand back!
Everyone is a renter, no one has a stake.
Now, you're Arnie Bishop, and you live in Bailey Park with your wife and kid.
Look, bud, what's the idea?
I live in a shack in Pottersville.
My wife ran away three years ago and took the kid, and I ain't never seen you before in my life, see?
Private property and everyone having a stake is the antidote to Pottersville.
Here, you're all businessmen here.
Don't it make them better citizens?
Doesn't it make them better customers?
But whether it's the Trans-Pacific Partnership or a global carbon tax, the global elite don't see you as a stakeholder.
They want to turn us all into serfs and treat us like cattle.
Just remember this, Mr. Potter, that this rabble you're talking about, they do most of the working and paying and living and dying in this community.
Well, is it too much to have them work and pay and live and die in a couple of decent rooms and a bath?
Anyway, my father didn't think so.
People were human beings to him, but to you, a warped, frustrated old man, they're cattle.
Well, in my book, he died a much richer man than you'll ever be.
I'm not interested in your book.
I'm talking about the building and loan.
I know very well what you're talking about.
You're talking about something you can't get your fingers on.
Speaking of riches, do you find the salary amounts amusing when Potter tries to buy George off?
Let's look at your side.
Young man, 27, 28, married.
Make me say 40 a week.
George, I'll start you out at $20,000 a year.
$20,000 a year?
You wouldn't mind living in the nicest house in town?
Buying your wife a lot of fine clothes?
A couple of business trips to New York a year?
Maybe once in a while Europe?
You wouldn't mind that, would you, John?
Would I?
Even if George had saved a lot of his $20,000 salary, would it have bought much a couple of decades later?
By even the government's very conservative estimate of inflation, the dollar has lost 90% of its value since 1947, when the movie was made.
The Fed's deliberate inflation is devastating to anyone trying to accumulate wealth through hard work and saving.
So what is the answer to all the George Baileys out there a hundred years after the government gave control of our money supply to private bankers like Potter?
Well, Potter had more money than he could spend.
But would any of you want to be Potter?
You sit around here and you spin your little webs and you think the whole world revolves around you and your money.
Well, it doesn't, Mr. Potter.
In the whole vast configuration of things, I'd say you were nothing but a scurvy little spider.
George Bailey finally sees how rich his own life is, as he sees the fruits of relationship, honesty, and compassion.
Happy New Year to you!
In jail!
Go on home, they're waiting for you!
And if the public can awaken to the lies of the Federal Reserve, if it could even be audited... Well, hello, Mr. Bank Examiner!
It would be a huge step to breaking the chains that enslave all of us.
But ultimately, it is God that changes minds and changes hearts.
God hates oppression.
And we can, and should, confidently pray that he will stop it.
I owe everything to George Bailey.
Help him, dear father.
Joseph, Jesus, and Mary.
Help my friend, Mr. Bailey.
Help my son, George, tonight.
He never thinks about himself, God.
That's why he's in trouble.
George is a good guy.
Give him a break, God.
I love him, dear Lord.
Watch over him tonight.
Please, God.
Something's the matter with Daddy.
Please bring Daddy back.
Dear Father in Heaven, I'm not a praying man, but if you're up there and you can hear me, show me the way.
For the InfoWars Nightly News, I'm David Knight.
And reposted on Infowars.com with a new mirrored version of that, so go there and check it out before they take it down, because it's not going to last very long.
Of course, they can leave the full movie up for two years, but they take it down in just a few minutes every time we put a mirrored version up, so check it out at Infowars.com.
We'll be right back.
Alex Jones will be joining us in studio.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex.
Alex will be joining us live in studio in the next segment.
But if you were just listening, you heard the report about It's a Wonderful Life and the 100th anniversary of the creation of the Federal Reserve.
And as that movie points out to us the dangers of monopolies, and as we've seen the danger of having a private group control our entire money supply,
Take a look at this article from yesterday on InfoWars from Kurt Nimmo.
Snail Nail Monopoly forces through a rate increase on Christmas Eve.
Yes, a 4.3% rate increase on postal rates took effect on Christmas Eve.
As he points out, delivering a lump of coal to magazines, newspapers and direct mailers, the Postal Regulatory Commission voted for the increase on top of the annual postal rate that is capped by the Consumer Price Index, making this the largest postal hike in more than a decade.
If you look at the chart that he's got there, that's up for people who can see it right now, there's a hockey stick, isn't it?
I mean, that's not global warming, because that isn't happening.
We've seen that global warming did not reach the phony hockey stick that man created for us, that Al Gore pushed.
But there are some real hockey sticks.
This is the kind of hockey stick you get with a monopoly.
And of course all monopolies are government monopolies because you can't effectively have a monopoly unless the government is being used to keep new people or new competing products off of the market.
There's no such thing really as a natural monopoly unless the government helps the person who's doing that.
There's another article about the economic situation today that came out from Michael Schneider of Economic Collapse.
It's on Infowars.com.
The stock market has officially entered crazy town territory.
This is something that was predicted by Charles Lindbergh Sr.
He was very concerned about, as I mentioned in the report, about how the Federal Reserve could pump up the economy.
They could pump up the stock market.
That's exactly what we're seeing happening here.
And of course, the private Federal Reserve knows when they're going to pump things up.
They know when they're going to pull it down.
Greenspan raised, lowered interest rates over and over and over again, and then raised them over and over again.
A classic pump and dump strategy, but now we see that this is happening on Christmas, the Dow.
Day after Christmas, the Dow went up another 122 points to another all-time record high.
And he points out the evaluation of Twitter, a company that's seven years old and has never made any money, is worth $40.7 billion.
And here's some other troubling facts he had.
He said the median price to earning ratio is at a record all-time high.
Margin debt
Margin debt, remember that was the big killer just before the 1929 stock market crash, has reached a level that we have never seen before.
And he said during the last full week before Christmas, U.S.
store visits were 21% lower than a year earlier.
Retail sales were 3.1% lower than a year earlier.
As far as mortgages, is anybody taking out new mortgages?
Well, there are still some mortgages available with the kind of down payments that we've seen in the past, but of course with the Dodd-Frank legislation, if you want to do new construction, you need to take out 20%.
You have to have a down payment of like 20% or in some cases 30%, but I believe 20% is what they're requiring in most cases to start a new construction home loan.
That is strangling the home market.
It is shutting down the small lenders.
As we pointed out in the report, we've now got the lowest amount of competition for the giant banks than we have ever had since they've been keeping records.
So the economic crash and the Dodd-Frank bill, which they both passed and then conveniently
We're good to go.
What it has done is it's strangled loan applications for homes for especially the small lenders.
And it's increased the amount of paperwork so that many small lenders have just gone out of the home mortgage business because they can't afford to do it effectively.
And that's what I meant before when I said there's not going to be any monopolies unless they have the cooperation and the assistance of the government.
Because when the government comes in and creates an oppressive amount of paperwork,
The largest companies can survive with that.
They can bring that into their overhead.
But for a small lender, it becomes so oppressive, so expensive, that they have to get out of the business.
And then he mentions this last thing from the article.
He says, most Americans don't realize this.
But the U.S.
financial system and the overall U.S.
economy are now in a much weaker condition than they were the last time we had a major financial crash back in 2008.
So we're in an even worse situation than we were when we had the last crash.
We're going to be right back after the break.
We're going to have Alex Jones joining us here in the studio.
He's going to be breaking down a wide range of news, so stay tuned.
You don't want to miss this.
We'll be right back.
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Live from Austin, Texas, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight here in studio and this segment and being joined with Alex Jones.
And what do you see coming up in the next year, Alex?
What's on your mind?
David, great to be here with you doing a great job on this Live Friday Worldwide edition.
I know you have the big NSA whistleblower coming on, the highest level ever from any of these intelligence agencies to go public and blow the whistle.
He's going to be joining us coming up in the next hour.
You know, there's so much I could have come on air today and talked about with folks, but the larger issue here is that we are being de-industrialized by design.
And there is a takeover that's happening.
And the fact is that those of us in the worldwide liberty movement who have accurately gotten past the left-right arguments, gotten past all the black-white arguments, all the gay-straight arguments, all the issues that may have some validity at some point but are meant as football distractions, diversions from the larger issues of a global corporate anti-liberty takeover that's happening right now.
And if you look at all the converging lines and all the different developments,
2014 is the most important year ever in modern history and civilization going into the lead-up to the singularities that we're seeing in media and culture.
I believe there's going to be many smaller singularities or quasi-singularities ahead of what you call the main singularity event, which more and more scientifically is being proven to be real.
Doesn't mean it'll ever be a pure singularity, but for all intents and purposes, it will be a singularity.
And we are living in just incredibly epic times.
There is chemical, biological, radiological.
There is frequency pollution.
There is so much going on right now.
The human species has never been under greater stress.
And we can either adapt in a bad way to the stress and give into it, and just adapt to dying, adapt to being dumbed down, adapt to being extincted as Homo sapiens sapien, or the thinking human.
Or we can use the attacks on us and the awareness of it and that war.
We're designed to survive.
War against the animals, war against the elements, war against bad people in our own midst.
We can tie into all those genetics, those instincts, the spirit God gave us and actually use this attack like a weight we're lifting to get even stronger.
But we have to decide that we have the will to fight in the year 2014.
We have to commit and realize that the enemy is going to create infighting, lies, disinformation, to destroy the liberty movement, as Cass Sunstein talked about.
They have the Chamber of Commerce, the Republican Party, as I said, coming out full bore.
Kurt Nemo has an article on Infowars.com to destroy the true libertarian elements of the Tea Party that are the only challenge, not meaning they're perfect, but they're not Republican establishment bluebloods.
They're not Democratic globalist operatives.
They are the only real opposition, and they're popular, and the people know they're the opposition.
And it could grow, it could reverse things, we could have victory.
Doesn't mean it'll be a total victory, doesn't mean we'll save the world.
But it's one of our best shots politically.
Then culturally, we've got to start pulling out of the system and only supporting real media, only supporting local commodities and local institutions.
We've got to take over local institutions.
And instead of seeing it as a giant, insurmountable work or something we've got to do, we have to take joy in that we historically are in a magic moment, a key crossroads, and that we've taken the challenge on the animating contest of liberty.
Because the alternative is total dehumanization and enslavement.
And so that we're going to take the challenge of all the bad things that are happening.
We're going to take the challenge of the globalists coming after us and demonizing us as the fight and go into this fight cheerfully.
And to pray that God literally sanctify us, purify us, lead God and direct us in what we have to do.
Because the enemy is good at targeting liberty lovers and good people of good hearts who love God, who love justice, saying, well look you're not perfect, you did this, you did that, you could have done a better job here, or oh you lied about that, and of course lying that we lied.
This is how the system, and this happens to people locally who are listening,
Get persecuted by the spirit of this world.
This is how it tries to put us off balance.
What matters is our hearts right.
We want justice.
We want true liberty and equality for all.
And we are standing firm on that moving forward against the New World Order.
We know the New World Order is real.
It's out in the open now.
We've been proven right.
We've been proven correct.
And so our credibility, not just InfoWars.com, not just Alex Jones or Ron Paul or DrudgeReport.com or WorldNetDaily, but the Liberty Movement as a whole, the John Byrd Society, you name it, has been proven to have been dead on.
And we always had the documents and the globalist on statements.
We knew we were right.
It wasn't like we were
We're looking at tea leaves and we're psychic or reading the runes here.
We knew history, we knew who the Globalists were, what their game plan was, what their philosophy was, and where they said they wanted to take us.
Now it was so fantastical where they wanted to take us.
That a lot of people would hear us report it, and it sounded crazy, and they wouldn't go look it up.
Oh, come on, our government didn't attack its own ships or lie about them being attacked in Gulf of Tonkin to get us into Vietnam, now declassified.
Of course, it actually came out at the time.
Congress even talked about it.
See, our knowledge that was facts to others who were ignorant was rumor, because they don't know what's up or down, the average person.
They just believe whoever has the fanciest suit.
They believe whoever can speak the best.
And people need to start really realizing we're all in grave peril denying what's going on.
We're all in grave peril facing this system.
But we're in even more peril if we give in to it.
And so we didn't ask for this, but we don't have a choice.
And now it's very naked what they're doing, ruling by executive fiat.
It's very naked how they want to impoverish people.
And our main mission is putting out the alternative of liberty, equality, freedom, open, transparent systems, basic common sense that all cultures have followed, which is the opposite of what the establishment is promoting.
And the establishment is promoting all this as a selfish act.
of total domination over the human species in a lust to control and to have power over literally everything.
And so this is the great challenge.
I just want everyone to pray for discernment, not just for this show, not just for you, David, or myself or the crew, but for everyone out there who loves goodness.
Everyone out there who's upset about the culture we see, the degeneration of the economy, the degeneration of the family, the degeneration of our health, the degeneration of our sovereignty, the degeneration of our environment, the degeneration of our future.
Everything, because we're under siege, and it is our responsibility, it is our duty, in 2014, and with this new year coming up, to reaffirm and commit and decide which side we're on, because life will pass us by in an instant.
Life will go by so quickly.
It's how we lived, what we stood for, what we built, and how we resisted evil.
I mean, it's just more and more I realize that this old adage of common sense is what it's all about.
And that we are facing
Just the incredible decadence and degeneration of society, where we have all the baubles and we have the GMO food and we have the trappings of success, but even that's now receding.
Whereas the real base liberties and freedoms and honor and culture has been robbed from us, where we no longer have any honor and don't resist oppression and don't resist being treated like slaves.
That is in essence what slavery is, is that we do not
Respond to classical forms of oppression the way we should.
And so now we've gotten down into a very, very deep, dark point.
You know, you talked about the left-right division and transcending that and understanding that the bigger issue is liberty.
When you were interviewing Jedward Griffin on Monday,
The two of you were talking about the difference, how so many of us who value individual liberty fail to organize and act collectively.
And G. Edward Griffin pointed out that acting collectively is not collectivism.
Collectivism is when that's forced on you, when you don't have any choices about things, but it's if we work together to achieve individual liberty.
And that's a difficult thing for people to see.
That's something I think that's very difficult to see, just like it's difficult to see
Beyond this phony left-right spectrum to really see that the real issue is liberty versus slavery.
We keep seeing over and over again that they keep offering us security in exchange for our liberty or security... Which is terrorism!
They're saying give up your rights to us, let us rule you, be our slaves and we'll protect you.
And that's what a pimp says to the prostitute.
I mean, this is the creed of bondage.
You're absolutely right.
And all the ancient forms of tyranny are now upon us.
All the curses of not having a just nation and being a decadent people are now here.
And, you know, it's sad to say that we're going to have to go through this together.
The drug-resistant bacteria.
The super viruses.
But more than that, just the craven degeneration of all that's good.
And just a real spirit of evil now that you can see intensifying out there in the people.
Either people are getting closer to God, closer to justice, closer to being focused on what's important, or they're getting more and more lost in just an ocean of globalist baloney.
It is so sad to see the people culturally, politically, spiritually blind and given over to total delusion.
And then you see the professionals like nurses, and like farmers, and auto mechanics, and janitors, and just people that actually do work and who do have to get a job done.
And they're either incredibly grounded, like an island of sanity,
Or you can see in the people's eyes, those that aren't, who bought into television, who bought into the culture.
I mean, the brainwaves show it, the studies show it.
People's IQs are dropping, they're not communicating with each other, the language is shrinking.
Just like Ingsoc in 1984.
We see people being turned into beefed animals.
Right in front of us, David.
It is a... Well, you know, one of the things that bothers me is this report that we played earlier.
Well, this officer had pulled over somebody, they had stopped the car, the window was down, the guy had his hands up, and he lifts a dog, an attack dog, and puts him into the car, and the dog just mauls this guy.
And we look at this, yes, there is a legal framework that they're creating with arguments and everything to create an infrastructure for tyranny.
When we look at the things that are happening with the NSA...
Look at how they shoot up minivans full of kids.
But it's a spiritual infrastructure that's being set up with these people.
I mean, what kind of person would do that to somebody else when they're no threat to them?
I cannot, I look at that video and it's just, it just blows me away.
Well, let's talk about what's in the NSA parking lot.
And there's the gate and the fence of the NSA and our reporters walk up because we'd called there before and they would never return our call.
So we're in Salt Lake City and Anthony Gucciardi and Weldon Henson and Josh Owens walk up very politely in suits and say, hi, we're here from the media.
We'd like to talk to public information officer.
And they're all freaked out and panic and screech off in cars.
And then come back, and then they walk over and say, I've got an attack dog that if I release it is going to eat you.
Literally trying to use fear to terrorize them, and the guys laughed at them.
And they didn't know what to do.
Then more cops showed up, grabbed their cameras away, didn't even know how to delete the data, and then said, get out of here.
So they were just totally incompetent in their, not even wickedness, just moronicness.
And it's the same thing when I went to the, sent Rob Dew and others to the G20.
We had footage of this.
We called for days to the Army National Guard that had the big command base with the police.
We said, we'd like to talk to your public information officer about the troops on the street.
And so the guys pull up, they have the camera, and they say, hi, we'd like to talk to, here's his name.
He said, come talk to him here.
They freak out and say, why are you talking to us?
It's like, how dare you?
You're supposed to be scared of us.
And so they never come out.
The guys go back to the hotel.
The police come, and they put him on the phone with me.
This all happened on the radio.
I came in that night to a special report.
This was happening.
This is all on TV.
It's on YouTube.
And the police captain gets on the phone.
And he goes, yeah, we're gonna arrest him for threatening to blow up the army base.
And I said, be careful.
I said, my guys had this all on tape.
They were all on the radio when this happened, just because I was doing live coverage and wanted to interview the guy.
We're on record.
This is a media organization.
We're not the general public.
You're going to be able to arrest and intimidate to waive their rights and say, OK, you won't get 20 years if you admit you were going to blow something up.
I said, you're going to really be part of a national news story here and get in a lot of trouble.
You better look into who I am.
He goes, all right, let me call you back.
Call me back about three minutes.
He goes, yeah, yeah, no.
Actually, the troops just got scared and thought maybe they had a bomb.
And I said, and this cop was, he was actually on the air at one point, I got him on the air, that's right, was literally ready to frame my crew with the army for daring to drive up to the National Guard base.
Ordu was later arrested days later at the end of the G20, peacefully at the university the day it ended, videotaping
Kids out there at a demonstration for free speech, the riot police come and we have them knocking girls off bikes, beating them, all this.
It was literally wanting to dominate us, wanting to commit crimes against us, wanting to hurt us, and thinking they had the general public, where if the cops come over to the average person now and say, you were planning to bomb the army base.
The average person says, no, no, please, I promise, and then they end up waiving their rights and, you know, signing on to probation or something.
That's like one of our listeners, it was in Fox News a couple years ago, had heard about FEMA camps and Emergency Centers Establishment Act and stuff in Congress, so she went to the base that said they had this area.
She walked up, asked about it.
They completely freaked out, arrested her for asking the question.
She had an unloaded M4 in her back of her trunk.
And it was on the news, you know, school teacher with no criminal record buried in the article, arrested for terrorism.
And they said, well, she wasn't planning to attack the base, but still she could have.
And we never followed up what happened to her.
I mean, this is the mental illness now where you see, it's kind of like you demonize your enemy because you want to enslave them.
You see, all those black people aren't humans.
You know, they banned slavery in Europe 500 years ago.
Germany hadn't yet.
The other countries had.
The church says we can't do it.
Let's just go to Africa and say they're not human.
That's the same thing.
They're just saying we're not human.
The government, the corporations, they have just done this now.
And now they're just gonna basically feed on us politically.
And now that elitism has filtered down to the lower-level minions, like the cops on the street, like we saw with this guy who sticks the dog in the car.
When you go to the NSA, and even though you're recording this live in your news media organization, they threaten to stick a dog on you.
But in this particular case, he's got his camera going in his police car, and he does it right in front of the camera.
And nothing happens to them.
So that's what I'm saying.
We've got this infrastructure that they're trying to create to say that they're allowed to do anything that they want to to set up this full spectrum police state.
And there's also a spiritual level where they are fine about actually executing the police state because they no longer see the general public as the same level of human as they are.
They're somehow subhuman to them.
The people who work for the government.
Don't you believe that?
I mean, that's what we're seeing over and over again.
No, no, you're absolutely right.
And that's why I just came in today.
I'll be back on Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
live here.
It's just that justice and those that love liberty and love God is what it all comes down to.
And who just want a future and who want an economy based on
Free will and free association, not one based on combines, inside groups, and gangs.
We're going into that.
Rule of the thug, rule of the gang, there's no doubt.
Infowars is at the tip of the spear.
The world knows that now.
We're going to come under unprecedented attack.
Economic, physical, spiritual, you name it.
We need everyone's prayers.
I want to thank everyone for praying for my uncle as well.
Patriot, uh, Biff Hammond.
And when we come back in this final segment before your guest comes on, I'll give people an update on that and just some points that I want to make about discovering that indeed it was a drug-resistant bacteria.
We'll be right back, but he's still alive.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight in studio today and joining me at the moment is Alex Jones and we're just talking about the state of the nation, the spiritual state, the legal state and what we have to look forward to in 2014.
We've got a lot before us, don't we Alex?
We have to look forward to all these powerful combines above the law with diplomatic and corporate immunity under InfraGard literally extracting everything out of us.
With paramilitary police, and again, not all police are bad, but we know in authoritarian countries, they're very bad.
They are converting them to classical authoritarian police in front of us.
Militarized black uniforms, kill anyone that asks a question.
And it's gonna be disastrous because this is not a disarmed population.
It's gonna get really nasty.
And as people fall down in society,
It is not going to go well for the minions where the rubber meets the road, so I would advise everyone out there in the system, if you value your future, your livelihood, and any of the due process we've all enjoyed, you better fight for it right now, folks, and you better decide what side you're on right now.
And I just got chills when I said that, because I feel like I could vomit, David, over how fast everything's moving.
And shifting gears, you know, mystery illness has been killing people all over the country.
And it keeps people sick for months until it kills them in some cases.
And I knew from early cases in the news and family that's died from this, that they found that it was a very bad acting staff.
And I even have the name.
My cousin sent it to me.
I was there at the hospital just a few days ago.
And this stuff killed my cousin.
My uncle was taking care of my cousin.
And he is on a ventilator but conscious.
You can imagine that's not fun.
The doctor basically said that he's heavily sedated because it's like being waterboarded for two weeks.
And they're getting him off the drugs and are going to try to take him off the ventilator.
And they think he may live in the next two days.
So that big test for my uncle, William Forrest Hammond,
Uh, is, uh, going on right now.
And again, I'm not being selfish with my own family.
This is affecting everybody.
Because I, early on, said I believe it's going to be a powerful bacteria, and that indeed is what it is.
That's what we're getting from areas in the country and the actual local reports.
The feds are calling it flu.
So what they've, and they've done this before, they call killer bug outbreaks, uh, flu now.
And that's a catch-all.
And again, I would take the vaccine if it would really protect me from the flu.
But the issue is, is that it's the superbugs and the flu shot has never protected you from the flu.
People don't even know that.
They don't even know they've never guessed the proper mutation and all it does is lower your immune system in their own studies.
So thanks for all the prayers for my uncle.
His kidneys have completely failed.
They've come back a tiny bit.
He was somebody who always said he didn't want to be on dialysis, but they are doing that.
But they say because the kidneys may come back.
He's turned the corner a bit thanks to the prayers, but he could have a catastrophic plunge at any time.
They did look at his organs.
He's never been a smoker or a drinker.
But he does have classical lesions on the heart and other things associated with Agent Orange that they've seen in other helicopter pilots from Vietnam.
So there's that whole thing.
But he's a tough guy and we love him and we hope he lives.
Well, you know, you're talking about the superbug and I remember it was just a few weeks ago that there were all these reports about how big pharmaceutical companies were no longer doing any antibiotic research.
They were focusing all their money
On viruses.
They said that the viruses had gotten so resistant to their antibiotics that it was taking them too long to do, and it was too expensive to do, this drug research for new antibiotics.
So they were just gonna... By the way, of course, you know, I saw that.
Antibiotics don't even go after viruses.
Right, right.
But they're just going to focus on anti-viral vaccines.
So they're just going to leave us to these new superbugs, and they're not going to do any research.
And when I looked at that, I thought, boy, they're really preparing the ground for something they're going to let go.
They're really setting the public's... Absolutely.
There's a lot of false flags.
Economic stage terror war.
But in my gut, the whole infrastructure is being set up.
And you look at the setup of Homeland Security, they admit this.
It's for containing us.
And, you know, the cops are going to be dying.
Their families are going to be dying.
And all that black body armor is not going to protect them.
That's right.
Of course, in the future, they'll have designer medical stuff for the insiders.
I mean, this is so devilish, only from the mind of Satan, David.
This is GCN, the Genesis... We'll be back, folks, with David Knight, 3rd Hour, and the Big Whistle Blower.
Love y'all.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex.
We're going to be joined in this hour with William Binney.
He's the highest-ranking NSA whistleblower and he left about 12 years ago when he saw the government violating the Constitution using crony capitalist
Military industrial complex contracts to buy something that was very expensive, that was totally ineffective, and it's very appropriate that we have him on today because we just had another Supreme Court decision, not a Supreme Court decision, a district court decision, this one in New York, where this judge, this federal judge says that
After all my struggles with these folks, I just couldn't believe they went 180 degrees against the law.
That's exactly what we're seeing.
It was not long ago that William Benny said that we are this close, holding his two fingers very close together, this close to a police state.
He's now modified that and said that we are in a police state.
So we want to talk to him.
We want to talk to him about the capabilities that he's known about for quite some time.
These are things that people now give credence to after the Snowden documents were leaked, but that he's been talking about
For at least 12 years, and people were talking about this even before the NSA whistleblowers like Mr. Binney went public with it.
There were other people who were talking about this, but we've known about this now, and we've been reporting on this for over a decade.
But now that the Snowden documents are out there, people believe it.
So we're going to ask him what he sees as far as moving forward.
We're going to ask him a few things because his specialty is mathematics and cryptography.
So I've got a few questions
for him about darkmail and some of the other methods that people are using to protect themselves.
If they can't get the government to obey the law, then you take matters into your own hand.
That's the same thing that we're doing with things like fluoride.
We have fluoride filters that we sell people because it's difficult to get the government to stop dumping poison into the water supply.
So you can take action yourself.
You need to work collectively together
We're good to go.
Not only fluoride, but other things like glyphosate that comes in.
That's actually Monsanto's Roundup.
That's a present from them.
And all these other things that are making their way into the water supply.
We have a lot of pharmaceutical drugs, a lot of SSRIs that are persisting in the water supply because the water treatment facilities do not remove those things.
So you have to take some control of your life yourself.
Now, one of the things that we're going to talk to Mr. Binney in the next, right after we come back after the break, we're going to talk to him about one of the things that he was doing was advocating what's called a two-hop method.
And they're trying to extend that.
Now, to understand what that is, think about the six degrees of separation of Kevin Bacon.
You've heard that game, right?
And you've seen that.
Well, you know, when you do that with Kevin Bacon, they've found, actually, people started playing with this, and they found that you can pretty much relate everybody in Hollywood to Kevin Bacon, not with six degrees of separation, but typically with just two.
Listen to some of the people that you can, if you just go two levels indirect.
Take Ben Affleck, for example.
He's in one movie called The Town with
Rebecca Hall, and then Rebecca Hall is in a movie with Kevin Bacon.
So there's a whole list of people that you can go, even people like Charlie Chaplin, they can make a connection to him.
So we're going to talk to Mr. Binney right after the break, and we're going to talk to him about how extensive this is, and how large this dragnet is, and the legal justification for the police state infrastructure.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight here in studio for Alex and we have on the phone with us now William Binney.
Now Mr. Binney worked for the NSA for over 30 years and he resigned shortly after September 11th because of concerns about the way data was being collected.
Mr. Binney, can you hear me?
Yes, yes.
You worked for quite some time with the NSA.
You were very high-ranking.
You were a technical director, a global technical director for them.
Tell us why you were concerned 12 years ago about what the NSA was doing.
Well, I mean, the basic problem I had with what they were doing was they were pulling in all the data that would reconstruct the social networks of everybody in the United States, whoever used the telephone or sent an email.
That, basically, was my concern, because that's exactly what the East German Stasi, the KGB, the SS, and all the totalitarian states have done all along.
I mean, my primary job there was against the Soviet Union, so I knew exactly what the procedures were that set up that country and how it operated.
And this is exactly what we were adopting by doing this.
You've seen that movie before and you know how it ends.
Now we just had a court decision today from a federal judge in New York.
This is a Judge Pauly who has ruled against the judge that said that this was unconstitutional.
We just had a district judge say that it was unconstitutional.
Now we've got a conflicting ruling.
This judge, and I wanted to get you to respond to this, he said
This is a blunt tool talking about metadata and he says it only works because it collects everything, but you've pointed out just the opposite.
You said that collecting everything is basically flooding the NSA with data so that they can't find real criminals or real terrorists.
Yeah, that's why they failed at detecting the Fort Hood bomber, the Fort Hood shooter, or the Boston bomber, or the New York Times bomber, or the underwear bomber on the airplane.
I mean, you know, those whole series of real attacks, what they're good at is getting people to entice them into trying something, and then they arrest them.
Yes, yes.
And that's what they're good at.
Instead of really stopping the real terrorists,
That's right.
We see that over and over again.
We see that the FBI creates a terrorist plot, they pull people in, they supply them, they train them, and then they bust them at the last minute and say, look, we caught somebody.
And it had nothing to do with this pulling in.
See, the real problem is they call this one program.
Well, it's not one program, it's one process.
It's the contact chaining process that they talked about on the 60 Minutes program the other day.
That program simply does
Contact chaining of any data that you feed in.
The problem I had was they were feeding U.S.
communications with U.S.
In other words, communication like your phone call to your mother or anybody in your family.
That's what the Constitution, First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments are all about, were to guarantee us the right to free association.
Well, we don't have that under this program because this program simply lays out everybody you associate with.
And the reverse lookup process is pretty simple.
If you want to take a phone number and do a reverse lookup on the web, you can find out who's involved.
So it's not a question of just the number.
The number really associates you with a name and an address and gives you also other kinds of information in a telephone book that you can get fairly easily.
This is not simply a number.
The Congress is trying to dupe you into thinking that's all it is, and that's not true.
Yeah, it seems to me like they like to use semantics to call it metadata.
To say that somehow metadata isn't really your own personal data, that they're really not
They're really not looking at you very carefully because it's metadata.
Most people's eyes just kind of glaze over when they use a term, a technical term like metadata.
They don't really understand what it is.
But if it had no value, they wouldn't be collecting it, would they?
Well, exactly.
But the value isn't for terrorists.
It's for the law enforcement.
The law enforcement is using it.
I mean, they're using it to arrest people.
Yes, yes, exactly.
That's the real issue that I had with them all along.
In fact, we addressed this, well, Diane Roark did, she used to be the House Intelligence Senior Staffer running the NSA account on the House Intelligence Committee, and we had discussed this, what they were doing early on in early 2002, and said if they use this to do that with law enforcement, then all those cases are potentially going to be thrown out in the future when it's discovered that they found, they used this data from NSA to do the original arrest.
And now we learned...
That's right, and now what they're doing is they're handing this information over to the Fusion Centers, to the FBI, and they're telling them to go back and saying, well, you're not going to be able to use this information because we obtained it without a search warrant, so go back and recreate this so that you can then use that in court.
They're actually instructing them about how to get around the Constitution.
You said not too long ago that we are this close, holding your thumb and your forefinger pretty close together, we're this close to a police state.
Now you've said we are in a police state.
Yeah, that's because of what they're doing with this data.
I mean, they're doing what's called a parallel construction so that they can introduce evidence into the court and use it to convict people.
But it's evidence that's constructed after they originally arrest people based on the NSA-collected information.
Yes, yes.
And that's the real problem.
I mean, we're destroying what we used to have as a constitutional democracy.
We're destroying this.
Let me talk to you about that, too.
When you're talking about the Dragnet, you were very much concerned about the fact that they were going more than two hops out.
And when we talk about that, I mentioned just before the break the whole idea of the six degrees of separation between different people in Hollywood and Kevin Bacon.
A lot of people have seen that game where you take a movie that Kevin Bacon was in with somebody and then you take a movie that that second person was in and you relate it to somebody else.
And using that kind of game, they can actually relate Kevin Bacon with just two hops
They can take him all the way back to Charlie Chaplin, or they can take him over to Barack Obama.
You know, so when they want to go beyond two hops, they're essentially saying we want to get everybody, right?
Well, yes.
If you just take, for example, if you have a hundred people that you call, and each of those in turn has another hundred, and then each of those in turn has another hundred, then it's a hundred times a hundred times a hundred numbers of nodes you're looking at are people.
That's a million.
If you go three hops.
So it goes up exponentially.
So I mean the point was that it doesn't get meaningful after the second hop.
The second hop gives you front companies and things like that.
So you can see those front companies that way.
Now talking about what they store, you have said that you also believe that they're storing everyone's emails as well.
Is that correct?
Yes, well the evidence for that is what Director Muir of the FBI testified to in the Senate Judiciary Committee on the 30th of March of 2011.
He said that he got together with the Department of Defense and put together this technology database where he could go into it and with one query get all past and all future emails as they come in on a person.
His response there was he was giving one of the ways they were going to help prevent a future Fort Hood.
Well, that means a U.S.
person becoming radicalized, committing a terrorist act inside the United States, and killing people.
So he's talking about the U.S.
population and getting the emails on that.
Yes, yes.
The same was true with Tim Clemente when he talked about the phone calls between one of the Tsarnaev brothers and his wife before the bombing in Boston, and how they could get back to that.
That the intelligence community and the FBI have ways of getting back to it.
Well, that's because it's recorded.
He also said that no digital data is secure.
And the reason, of course, is because they're recording it all.
And they're building bluff dales and storage facilities like that.
One more over here at Fort Meade.
And the large one down in San Antonio and other large storage they have around the country to hold all this data.
Yeah, they don't have the capability to necessarily data mine everything right now, but of course they're building that, and if they can keep and store everything, then at some point in the future they're going to be able to retroactively go back.
And that creates, I guess, not only civil liberties problems, but it even creates issues in terms of them putting this all together with AI or whatever, fingering the wrong person.
I've seen reports where they're looking at somebody with a camera and trying to identify suspicious behavior and when somebody's like, let's say they're changing their tire, they're kind of lingering around a car and then they disappear.
They're down out of the side of the camera.
The AI computer is going to identify that as suspicious behavior, might report that as a car theft in progress and the police show up and start shooting.
That's a real concern, isn't it?
Yes, that's basically false positives from bad logic in any automated code they would develop.
That's the thing they're going to be facing when they have... The White House Big Data Initiative that was issued about a year and a half ago is actually soliciting private industry to come up with algorithms that would go through large data sets and figure out what was important in that.
We're good to go.
You know, we look at this, and you've seen how this ends, because as you pointed out, you were not only a mathematician and a cryptographer, but you also had an area of specialization of Russia.
You saw how these totalitarian countries operated.
You know how this ends.
We know how this ends.
Everybody knows how this ends, and yet they continue to offer to us this idea that we can somehow exchange our privacy, exchange our liberty for security.
Do you see that as an acceptable trade-off?
Do you see that as a trade-off?
I don't see that as a trade-off.
No, there's no reason to do a trade-off like that.
For example, if you listen to General Alexander in his 60 Minutes interview that he did about a week ago, I guess, or a few days ago, where he said he was reflecting back on the 9-11 attack where two of the terrorists that came into the West Coast called back to their facility in Yemen.
And he said, we couldn't tell that the phone call was coming from California.
And, you know, my daughter uses the phone system and the terrorist uses, so we have to collect it all and then sort it out later.
That's all a what I call a false syllogism.
I mean, he's arguing that you don't know what the number is when they make the call.
And that's simply false.
Hang on, Mr. Binney.
We're going to be right back.
We've got to take a commercial break.
We'll be right back with William Binney, NSA whistleblower.
We're going to talk to him about PRISM and about some other issues.
Stay tuned.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex and I have on the line with us William Binney.
He's a mathematician, cryptographer, one of the highest ranking, I think the highest ranking NSA whistleblower.
He worked for over 30 years with the NSA and
Mr. Binney, when you left, you were concerned not just with the unconstitutional spying, but you were also concerned about the fact that they were using a piece of software that was not only not working very well, but fantastically expensive compared to what had already been developed internally at the NSA.
Is that correct?
Yes, except that that fantastically expensive piece of hardware never came into being and never really functioned.
So it's kind of vaporware.
Yeah, it was a good PowerPoint.
Yeah, yeah, okay.
But there's a lot of the military-industrial complex that's really kind of driving this, isn't there?
I mean, we've had nothing but eternal war since Eisenhower warned us about this.
We've had continuous warfare to feed this military-industrial complex.
But that's very much a part of this new police state, isn't it?
You bet it is.
I mean, what it turned out was after 9-11, some of the management at NSA said that this was a gift to NSA.
That meant that their budget would be open-ended.
Now they could ask for any amount of money they wanted and they could begin to have so many contracts and grow and become so much bigger.
And that's exactly what's happened.
I mean, they've more than doubled their budget more than almost three times.
The budget's almost tripled.
So they've gotten all that money, and as a result of the contracts that have been let out to all those contractors, which I refer to as bloodsuckers on the different agencies of the government,
They basically need to have a problem to continue to justify getting more data.
So when they have all these contracts left, they never really want to solve the problem, because once they bulk up and build buildings, they have to sustain it, and they have to get follow-on contracts to keep that going.
So that means more and more money.
So if they solve the problem, their view is they won't be able to justify more money.
I think it's very very important for people to understand this massive massive profit motive that these giant corporations have got to keep this thing going.
They've had wars all over the world for the last 60 years and now they've got the ideal profit center and that is the war on terror because they can keep morphing whoever the terrorist is.
It's a war that will
That's really what this is all about.
It's not about protecting us from terrorists.
We're good to go.
With other law enforcement around the world, they simply don't tell them the source of it.
Yes, yes.
And it's the same inside the courts here.
I call this a planned, programmed perjury policy.
Because it's an organized, structured plan as to how you use data from NSA and then how you in turn perjure yourself in court by not telling and not allowing the defendant discovery on the original information that was used to arrest them.
That's amazing.
Now, they play games, they play semantic games, so they get this data from third parties.
We see them doing this when they go to your internet service provider.
They just ask them, and it's like instead of getting a search warrant to search your house, they just go to your neighbor that you've left the keys with and say, we'd like to go into his house, and they say, well sure, here it is.
So they use that
Legal fiction to get around search warrants, but they use other semantics to do that even internally with the NSA.
You've pointed out that they don't consider that the information has been collected until somebody at the NSA actually looks at it.
So that means that they could collect that, what we would think of as collecting that information, and pass it on to the FBI and the CIA and then the NSA would say that information never been collected.
That's exactly right.
And everybody's focusing on how the NSA analysts are using this data, when in fact that's one issue.
But the more important issue is how the law enforcement is using it.
And according to Director Mueller, he can make the query directly into the databases.
That's really much more of a concern than what NSA does with it, because they can't send people with guns to arrest you and incarcerate you.
Yes, yes.
As you were just saying, the FBI director has said that he could basically do what's essentially what you would do on the internet as an individual.
You would go to Google and search things up.
The FBI director says that he has that capability.
That's a frightening thing to imagine in a country where we have the highest number of prisoners of any country in the world.
People need to think about this.
We have more people in prison than Communist China did, or has.
And that's a much, much higher percentage of the population.
We're going to continue talking to Mr. Binney.
He's graciously consented to come on for the next segment.
And we're going to talk to him about what happened to him as a whistleblower.
You know, it's been said that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
Well, this is a good man who did something, and they came after him, and I wanted you to hear the story about how he stood up to them and how he is still speaking out.
We really appreciate what he's doing.
We'll be right back with William Binney.
Stay tuned.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex today, and I have on the line William Binney from the NSA.
With over 30 years of experience, William Binney saw what the government was doing immediately after September 11th, and he became a whistleblower.
He resigned, and we want to talk to him right now about what happened in the aftermath of that.
Mr. Binney, when you resigned as your position at the NSA, you were in a very high position.
You were technical director with global responsibilities.
And when you resigned and started going through the procedures, what happened?
Uh, well, first of all, I, uh, I was going to leave there because of all the corruption and fraud and waste internally in NSA.
Uh, and, uh, what I, uh, after 9-11, I was thinking about sticking around there and to try to get the bad guys, of course.
But, uh, then when I found out they were starting to do the, uh,
If I was relying on everybody in the United States, I felt I had to get out of there because I couldn't be a party to that.
I would be an accessory to subverting the Constitution, which incidentally, in my view, that's what everybody's doing, including the judge who just ruled that it's lawful.
He isn't ruling that it's constitutional, he's just ruling that it's lawful.
He should at least think about what he's ruling there.
At any rate... Good point.
That's simply my view of that.
So I had to get out of there as quickly as I could, and when I did, we were trying to get jobs throughout the community to try to get the right thing done, and also to go to the committees and the inspector generals at different agencies, like the Department of Defense and the Department of Justice.
Plus, we attempted to see Chief Justice Rehnquist about that, and in the process, what we did was raise the government knowledge that we were, in fact, doing this, which they didn't want to do.
They didn't want anybody to know about this.
They were trying to keep it secret.
Because it was all illegal, and they all knew it, and that's why the telecoms had to get retroactive immunity for all the crimes they were committing.
Yes, yes.
And let me stop you right there.
I think that's a large part of what CISPA is about.
Because they're already spying on people.
CISPA is really just about giving them immunity from lawsuits from citizens, right?
Yes, there's a number of lawsuits now against the internet service providers, and they've got to give them retroactive immunity, like the telecoms.
If they don't, they're going to be in court with the lawsuits.
And that they don't want to happen.
So if it's all been illegal from the beginning, that's why they've been hiding it.
So what happened after you started, that now you get their attention, they see that you were complaining about what they're doing, and you're exposing that they're acting unlawfully, unconstitutionally, then what happens?
Well, the FBI, they sent the FBI to raid us on the 26th of July of 2007.
And the reason they did it then was it was the morning of the second day after Attorney General Gonzalez's testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee on the terrorist surveillance program that the President had.
And he only talked about the warrantless wiretapping.
He didn't talk about the data mining or the internet or any of the other programs that were running.
And they were afraid, since we had a record of going down and talking to committees, they were afraid that we would go down there and tell the Judiciary Committee all of the things that Attorney General Gonzalez never talked about.
And so they didn't want that coming out, principally the program Stellar Wind, that's what the hospital visit was all about with Ashcroft.
So that's one of the main reasons they raided us, and they basically wanted to intimidate us and keep us quiet.
But in the process after that, they attempted three different times to indict us all.
That is, all the whistleblowers who signed the DOD IG complaint back in 2002.
That was Ed Loomis, Kirk Wiebe, me, and also Diane Rourke, who used to be the House Intelligence Committee senior staffer with the NSA account.
Tom Drake was an inside man that was going to assist the DOJ, DOD investigators in their investigation so that he could make sure they got copies of the real data, which they would compare then to the official version that the NSA gave them and see how they were corrupting it or changing it to make it look better for them.
So, but as a part of that process, what that really meant to me was, here is my, here is
My government attempting to frame me.
Yes, yes.
And so, you know, when they did that, fortunately I was able to pull together the evidence that would show that they were maliciously attempting to prosecute us.
Which would mean a counter charge against them.
You know, they could lose their licenses and be charged with a felony and things like that.
So, they dropped it all.
But that was only because I was able to pull together that evidence.
I mean, if I hadn't done that, I could be in jail now.
And that illustrates the importance of why we don't want to have a police state.
I mean, we cannot trust people.
That's what the founders of this country said, is that we cannot trust individual men.
We need to bind them down with the law, with the Constitution.
That has always been the whole purpose of the rule of law.
That's why we have search warrants, so that we don't let people have this absolute totalitarian power over others.
When they came after you at one point in the raid, tell people what happened when they went to your house.
Well, about 12 of the agents came in and they came in with their guns drawn and pushed my son out of the way at gunpoint.
I came upstairs.
We were just getting up.
It was 9 o'clock in the morning.
I was taking a shower and they came in and pointed guns at my wife and then came into the shower and pointed the gun at me.
So, you know, and then the other people they raided, they didn't do that.
Why do you think they pointed guns at you?
They probably figured I knew something and they wanted to intimidate me into telling them what I knew.
Which I did, by the way.
They asked me to tell them about a crime, and I said, well, okay, here's the crime I know of, and that's that George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Hayden and Tenet conspired to subvert the Constitution and violate any number of the laws in the United States, and here's what, here's the program they're doing, here's the data they're taking in, I explained it all to all these agents on my back porch.
When I told him that, all he was doing, all he could do was look at the floor.
Now all these other agents didn't know about this program, and now after I told them, they did.
And so he had to have a meeting outside my house of all those agents before they scattered to the wind, making sure that they didn't talk about anything that I told them on my back porch.
Yeah, compartmentalization.
I'd heard people speculate, I think it was Weirbeed, speculated that perhaps they drew guns at your house because you had formally had guns registered to you personally.
Do you believe that's the case?
No, because Ed Loomis also had guns registered and they asked him to go get them and he went and got them.
So he personally brought them into the room with the agents there.
So they let him even handle his guns on that raid.
I don't buy that as a reason at all.
Okay, okay.
Well I really appreciate you standing up.
I mean, that's the sort of thing, you know, we talk about sunshine patriots and there's so many partisan patriots.
You know, we see a lot of people now on the Republican side who are now criticizing the NSA, and I'm glad they are.
But I hope that that doesn't disappear once we get a Republican in office continuing these same programs.
We saw Democrats who criticized these programs under George Bush and now they're giving Obama a pass.
Are you seeing that?
Yes, and I've been totally disgusted.
I mean, I've been a registered Republican for almost 50 years.
I am totally disgusted with the Republican Party and what they've been doing or not doing.
I mean, this is disgusting.
They should be standing up.
They're all violating their oath of office, which is to protect and defend the Constitution.
And none of them are doing it.
What do you see as the solution to this?
Where do we go from here?
What is the best case scenario that you see working out in this NSA?
How do we get control of this again?
Well, I believe we have to elect people who will ensure and make every effort to defend the Constitution against all of these wrongdoings that people have been perpetuating over the last 12 years.
I mean, we have to hold these people accountable in court.
We can't let them, they have to go to court and explain what they've done and why they did it.
Yes, yes.
But we kind of see that as a bipartisan thing.
I mean, we just saw that Obama came out and said that he's, yeah, these NSA collections were going on under Bush and basically giving him a pass for that, just like he gave him a pass for Gitmo and other issues.
He shouldn't be getting a pass for anything.
He should be in court.
Yeah, absolutely.
And I would assume that you would also think that James Clapper should be in court for lying to Congress.
Well, among other things, sure.
Now, we've seen with the Snowden documents that, according to Glenn Greenwald, we've seen about 1% of those coming out, and he says that the most shocking ones have not been revealed yet.
What do you think is still in the pipeline to come out?
Well, I don't know.
He may be talking about, and I would not, if I were him, I would not do this.
If he's talking, I'm not sure what he's talking about, so I'm just guessing here.
So he could be simply saying things like they've got all this knowledge of what what NSA really does know about everybody in the world and that may be something he shouldn't release.
In other words, it's one thing to talk about programs that are running and the source of information they're using, it's another thing to talk about how successful they've been at doing that.
That's where you're getting into the information that shouldn't really necessarily be public.
Let me ask you what you think in terms of, now you haven't been there for 12 years and of course Homeland Security wasn't there when you started, when you left.
They were just starting to create that, George Bush was.
Was it a sense of yours that they were looking at things like laptop cameras when you were there, that they were storing that?
Was that anything that you were involved in or were you just involved primarily with data analysis?
You mean looking at the... Being able to remotely turn on laptop cameras and things like that.
We see a lot of talk about that and of course McAfee has come on and said that that was something that was pretty trivial.
He did that to the police in Belize.
He turned on their laptop cameras himself using software to hack into their computers and to see what they were doing essentially to spy on them.
Yes, I mean, that technology has been under development or in use for quite some time.
That's nothing really that new.
That's interesting, yeah.
We keep hearing that, and we keep telling people that, but you know, when we'll tell people, been telling people for a long time, and Alex especially, is that, you know, they can watch you on your laptop computer, they can listen to you, they can turn that thing on remotely, and people think we're being paranoid, but I guess you're not really paranoid if they really are watching you.
What about cell phones?
They were doing that as well with that, right?
Oh yes, yes.
I mean, that started with the technology.
I mean, they've always been... It's like encryption.
It's like you improve your encryption process and others try to counter it.
It's like defense office.
Point, counterpoint.
You know, it's the way wars have been fought down through the ages, basically.
These are struggles that go on and on, and that's the way
That's the way it's always been.
So, I mean, it's nothing really new.
It's something that's been ongoing for quite some time.
That's true.
We believe that as well.
I just wanted to get your verification as the person at the NSA who was the highest-ranking technical director there.
I just wanted to get your verification that, yes, they have been looking at this for quite some time.
This isn't anything that's new or novel, even though now the press is picking it up as if we just learned this yesterday.
Let me ask you about the Utah Data Center.
You've had a lot to say about that.
You're concerned, as we all are, about the Dragnet collection and about the storage as well.
Yes, because what it is, it gets back to what Alexander's argument was.
If you can't figure out what it is when you're intercepting it, that is the phone call from a terrorist in California back to Yemen, which by the way is absolutely false, these are machines routing this and if you don't give it the information to and from, it won't be able to route the communication to a point in the world and then back from it to you.
That's how caller ID works.
I mean, so I've said evidently, Alexander didn't have his caller ID on.
So I mean, it's just ridiculous.
I mean, it's just, it's just a false argument.
That's what he's hoping on that everybody will buy into that false argument.
So I mean, you know, we shouldn't buy this because it's just a big lie.
All right.
What was the other question?
I think I've lost track of that.
Well, I wanted to ask you, since you're a cryptographer, how do you feel, we were talking about laptops and they're able to hack your laptops, they're able to hack your phone, they can turn them on remotely, they can record you remotely without your knowledge of it.
What do you see in terms of like email, for example?
We've had PGP for quite some time, it's been very cumbersome to use.
Do you even think that was effective?
I don't think anything that's been in any way connected or shown to or shared with the government is in any way safe.
I mean, everything seems to be hackable, you know, the Bull Run program set up weaknesses in different systems and things like that, so I don't see any of that that's safe.
So as far as the new program, I think it's Ladar Levinson who had LavaBit, and that was Ed Snowden's email service.
And of course he wasn't encrypting the data as it was being emailed, he was only encrypting it as it was being stored.
Now he's trying to come up with something called DarkMail, which would
Well, it's primarily because, you know, half the problem is actually having the algorithm, you know, and knowing how it operates.
Then it becomes a question of getting the key.
Got a dog there in the background.
That's not a raid, is it?
You're okay, right?
I'm not here to let my dog out.
Okay, just want to make sure you're okay there.
Because we did have a news article earlier on the program where they actually stuck a dog in a guy's car.
The police actually came in and just stuck the guard dog in there and just let them attack the guy after he was stopped.
Oh, really?
I mean, it's very frightening to see what we've all been talking about, which is a complete infrastructure of tyranny in place, and then see the kind of brutality that we saw in that particular incident.
But we've seen it in other things, with the police officer or the local campus security guy.
Spraying pepper spray in the faces of people who are sitting on the ground with their hands behind their back I mean, you know, we just we we see that kind of brutality and that's the thing that we need to understand how important this is to Get a hold of this and to stop this kind of tyranny infrastructure that you're seeing.
Yes, and that's what I see That's what I've been seeing from the beginning only because I had all that experience
Working the old Soviet Union.
I mean, you know, having that experience made it very clear what a totalitarian state does and how it operates.
I mean, it's...
Yes, yes.
Well, thank you so much for joining us, Mr. Binney.
We're out of time, and I really appreciate you doing the integrity that you approached this with and the personal price that you paid for it.
I know you paid a lot to get this information out to people, to alert people to the criminal actions of the government, and we all owe you a debt of gratitude.
Thank you so much for what you've done.
Well, thank you.
Thank you.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex and we were just talking to William Binney, the highest ranking NSA whistleblower to have come forward.
There were other whistleblowers who came forward about 12 years ago.
One of them was Thomas Drake.
Now, as William Binney said, they came after him with some malicious prosecution.
They essentially, in his words, tried to frame him and he's absolutely right.
They also tried to frame Thomas Drake and they actually brought charges against Thomas Drake
This is what he has to say about General Keith Alexander.
This is Thomas Drake that they actually did bring charges against him, but of course he was exonerated.
And all charges were dropped against him.
It was a case of malicious prosecution.
But he says about General Keith Alexander, he said he's absolutely obsessed.
And completely driven to take it all, take all information, whenever possible.
And he says the continuation of Alexander's policies would result in, quote, the complete evisceration of our civil liberties.
That's what we're seeing right now.
And it was very important...
To understand what Mr. Binney just said, and that is the real danger of what he sees as someone who has watched this.
He was not only a cryptologist and a mathematician, but he also, of course, carefully watched Russia.
That's what the NSA used to do.
They used to watch other countries.
Now they have turned their gaze inward, and they're watching us.
And that's where he sees the great danger.
That's where he sees the police state.
Because this information is being turned over to the FBI, or to the DEA, or to Homeland Security, and they're using that.
If you think that they're going to maliciously prosecute whistleblowers who oppose their agenda or who expose their crimes, do you think they might oppose us?
Do you think they might oppose people in the press?
Yes, of course we've seen that.
Of course we've seen that they're going to come after people in the press.
Of course they're going to come after bloggers and say, you're not a journalist, you don't have free speech, you don't have the First Amendment.
Of course they're going to do that sort of thing.
That's exactly what they're going to do.
That's why you cannot give up your liberty or your privacy for security.
When you give up your liberty, you're going to get slavery.
You're not going to get any security.
People who are not free are never secure.
People who have no privacy are never secure.
That's by definition.
Now one of the things that we see happening, and of course I really appreciate, one of the things I appreciate so much about Mr. Binney is that he said he was a lifelong Republican, and yet he came out against the Bush administration when they were violating the Constitution.
And he's consistently stood against this, whether it's Republican or whether it's Democrat, and we've got a lot of
I think perhaps sunshine partisan patriots now that are screaming loud and longingly about Obama, but we'll see at the test of time if they will continue to complain about this once the Republican is in control.
And of course we've got a lot of Republicans like Peter King who just say, or Mike Rogers, they want it.
They want it fast.
They want it deep.
They want the police state.
And they're doing everything they can to bring that about.
So we need to be very, very wise about the choices that we need to make.
We need to not be fooled by this left-right spectrum.
We need to not be fooled by the Democrats and Republicans.
We need to look at what these people stand for and who they stand with.
Are they being bought out by the military-industrial complex that is financing this stuff, that's running it?
Are they participating in corporate espionage for these American corporations?
That's another accusation of the NSA, that they are turning this information over, that they're spying.
On other countries and other companies and they're using the NSA to get corporate information, corporate espionage.
There's a lot of money involved in this and we need to be aware of what the motivations of the global elite are.
We need to be aware of what's going on with the Trans-Pacific Partnership and these things that are being done in secret as we come up into this new year.
And just look at this, they're going to come after not only the Fourth Amendment, they're going to come after the First Amendment, attacking journalists, and of course we know that within the end of the year they're going to come up with things after the Second Amendment.
And we see a panic buying going on in California as people are trying to get their long rifles before they have to start turning in their names to the government.
That's a very serious thing, that the government has to know everything about you, especially knowing whether or not you've got firearms.
That puts you in a different category.
We're going to follow this story.
We'll see you on Monday.
Actually, on Sunday, Alex will be here.
Usual time.
Stay tuned.
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