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Name: 20131217_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 17, 2013
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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, coming up later in the broadcast, this live Tuesday, the 17th of December, 2013 edition, Larry Klayman, the legendary constitutional lawyer that's waged war on tyrants everywhere, he is going to be joining us.
He got the big ruling yesterday.
By a judge that the NSA is clearly violating the Constitution.
He said from his research and perspective it appeared they were, and ruled in claimant's favor.
But obviously the higher court will say, oh no, unreasonable search, spying on everything you do and stealing your data with no probable cause, that is reasonable.
So judge deals blow to NSA phone data program, and we're going to be obviously going over that ruling that broke yesterday during the third hour.
And we've got Larry Klayman coming up.
William F. Jasper, the editor-in-chief over at the New American Magazine, is going to be looking at these global partnerships that are bigger and more dangerous, in his view, and I agree with him, than even Obamacare.
So, that huge tyrannical power grab that even the Huffington Post calls a tyrannical authoritarian transference of power, where foreign corporations will have more authority than the Congress on trade.
This is what globalism is.
Global bodies with traders in government and the executive that transfer your sovereignty.
We're being conquered.
We're being usurped.
That's how the heavy players have always operated at the top historically.
Somehow they taught the public that, oh, government trying to power grab or outside groups trying to take over.
That doesn't exist.
That's never happened in history, even though that's all that happened in history.
And never mind the 20th century or the 21st century.
Just ignore it all.
So that's coming up as well today.
Here on the broadcast and we'll have open phones and we've got the station manager of 1530 AM up in Chicago popping in for about 20 minutes to give us his take on life under the dawn under the mayor Rahm Emanuel whose brother
You know, admits they're trying to wreck the health care system publicly.
He is going to be coming on the transmission with us to give us his take on all things Chicagoland, which is a great city in many respects, but it's a big problem is being absolutely infested by the New World Order.
So he's going to be popping in and joining us coming up.
And of course, as I said, open phones.
And I'll open the phones up again today.
But I think it's going to be on specific topics.
Because I really want to get your take on some of these issues we're going to be breaking down after the break.
Now, where to begin when we come back?
There is so much to cover here.
So much to go over here.
How about corporate socialism?
General Motors says no way it will pay back $10 billion bailout money it used to move to China and Brazil.
You don't just pay to bail it out, you pay to have it leave the country.
Only in America!
And if you don't like it, you're a conspiracy theorist and a racist.
Obama is meeting with tech giants over surveillance Obamacare.
We're going to break that down.
Multivitamin researchers say case is closed after studies find no health benefits.
We're going to break down this giant hoax.
We also have other similar government-sponsored studies and incorporate big pharma-sponsored studies where they say mercury is good for your children's brains.
So remember that.
We're going to break down.
I instantly
I knew the fraud in this and looked it up.
We're going to break that fraud down.
Anthony Gucciardi is going to be popping in, but I'm going to get to that right after the break.
We'll also get into Pennsylvania is now, under federal guidelines, coercing people into giving cheek swabs at checkpoints.
You know that's happening in Texas, Florida, Georgia, California.
But in this case, the people are told, you're going to give it, Mac.
So that's coming up.
And neighbors call cops on man for watering car in his own driveway.
That's part of Agenda 21.
The rest of the story when we come back straight ahead.
In the last 50 years, iodine has been phased out of our staple foods and replaced with the halogen bromine, a practice now banned in nations around the world.
Guess what else is in the halogen family?
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here.
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The facts are in.
The studies are legion.
Sodium fluoride and other toxic members of the fluoride family are devastating the health and cognitive ability of the American people.
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For 50 years, we've told them what to eat, what to drink, what to wear.
For Christ's sake, Ben, don't you understand?
Americans love television.
They wean their kids on it.
Listen, they love game shows, they love wrestling, they love sports and violence.
So what do we do?
We give them what they want!
We're number one, Ben.
That's all that counts.
Believe me, I've been in the business 30 years.
Well, I haven't been in show business as long as you have, Killian.
But I'm a quick learner.
So I'm going to give the audience what I think they want.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the Resistance.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, even mainstream media is calling it the rise of Google's robot army.
The rise of the machines.
Google search and destroy rise of the robot animals as they've now bought four in the last week and now four more so eight robot companies in the last week as Google makes the executive decision to literally buy up almost all serious humanoid or animal type combat capable in the future robot systems.
And we told you that was coming.
The French socialists have announced they're going to phase out humans in factories and the government's going to direct tax incentives to move to robots.
The Chinese at Foxconn factories building the Apple products with the lowest pay in the nation on average for industrial workers, factory workers.
With forced abortions, forced drugging, 18-hour workdays, suicide nets, beyond a dystopic novel, beyond 1984, ladies and gentlemen, they are racing to replace humans and make us obsolete, using our tax money and our energy to build the structure to remove us from the equation.
They are consciously making the decision
To corner the market, to shut down farming and ranching, to make us dependent as a tool of absolute siege and control.
And they are racing, racing to try to entertain and dumb down the general population so that they think it's cool and acceptable.
And so they go along with it.
And now at Foxconn in China,
They are replacing the humans, factory by factory.
Last time I checked, there's 15 million robots on order, 5 million got delivered earlier this year, and they are replacing the humans with the robots.
And I don't mean programmed welding robots that weld a certain design of car or vehicle.
I mean robots that replace humans to then ship the iPads, the iPhones, the children's toys, the melamine-covered
Cutlery, the pharmaceuticals, all of it to then be shipped to the U.S.
where we ourselves are being de-industrialized, where we ourselves are being removed from jobs and being given welfare to live in government-financed hovels that are actually owned by private interest and administered by JPMorgan Chase.
Towards the final equation, total social engineering control under Agenda 21 and the release of superbugs, both man-made and also allowed to develop to wipe out large portions of the population.
And on every front there are thousands of points every single day.
Out there in front of everyone that show where this is happening, how everything is done to shut us down.
Everything is done to shut down our industry and only allow select corporate Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 and Fortune 20.
Allied, connected, interlocking corporations to operate.
They are totally exempt from regulations and taxes on almost every front.
They write the regulations, they implement the system, and it is designed in an economic takeover program to absolutely leave you destitute.
And when they're done, they'll change the actuaries.
When they're done bankrupting poor people, moving on the middle class now, then they're going to bankrupt the nouveau riche, the independent wealthy.
And then they're going to dial up taxes and regulations to bankrupt that next group.
There is no way, mathematically, to escape them.
Unless you take them out politically.
There is no way to beat their supercomputers.
There is no way to beat their surveillance system.
There's no way to beat their dark geniuses with their dark logic.
There is no way to beat them but having a break with them and literally at a spiritual, physical, financial level declaring them from a trumpet to be our enemies.
You either admit it, or you succumb to it.
Let me give you the next report.
This is just one out of over 150 articles, all that point at the same thing.
Look at this.
This is a report put out by CNBC.
Should GM repay $10 billion rescue costs?
CEO says no.
Here's Kurt Nemo's article up on InfoWars.com.
Corporate Socialism.
GM says no way it will pay back $10 billion.
But wait, it gets better.
They're not just shutting down now upwards of 500 coal-powered plants and thousands more they're going to shut down that are totally clean but aren't owned by the Globalist, General Electric, tax-exempt, total regulation waivers that can pump out any amount of toxic waste out of coal-powered plants they want.
Not only is their competition shut down, they can run dirty and build plants in Mexico when they shut down the Texas plant supplying five states and ship it in.
That's just one example of literal Godzilla-level attack.
If you had the hypothetical Godzilla come out and attack San Francisco or Tokyo, it could not do as much damage as they do in one month to our infrastructure that was the giant jewel of the world.
They are literally, image it, just swinging their tails and firing their heat rays right into everything we've got.
The country is blowing up and melting down in front of us.
They shut down over 500 plants of new design, hundreds of other old plants.
They're buying up city plants, county plants, state-owned plants.
They're shutting them down.
Power prices are redlining.
People are going bankrupt.
We're getting hit hard by a military attack.
It gets worse.
The $20-plus billion, it's actually $22 billion last time I checked.
This is a $10 billion payment that's come due by General Motors.
Do you know what they spent almost all the money on?
They spent it on shipping General Motors to China, Brazil, and Eastern Europe.
I'm gonna say that again.
Look it up.
Kurt Nemo's got it in his article.
They shipped your jobs.
You paid tax money to ship your jobs.
They don't just ship your jobs overseas, boys and girls.
You paid for it.
And you know why?
Because the average person doesn't know how politics or geopolitics works.
It's literally like a green beret fighting a three-year-old boy.
That's what it's like when these scientific technocrats with the greatest minds in the world attack and the public won't admit they're under attack.
It is like a three-year-old boy fighting a top green beret or Navy SEAL.
And listen, you could grow up and be an adult and get ready for what's happening, but you won't do it.
You stay in a child-like, arrested development, three-year-old level.
I'm talking to new listeners, saying this isn't happening.
Oh, it's happening.
While you're busy watching the NFL, while you're busy into your favorite music star, while you're busy watching your favorite sitcom,
We're under total siege because the globalists are taking the planet over towards their goal to then bring in planetary rule to then drop the hammer.
They can't do it until planetary rule's in because a nuclear war might happen.
If they release these bioweapons, they've done the war games, they know it's going to result in a nuclear war and they don't probably want that.
So they've got to get the police state in place first, and a global standardization before they do this.
And the minute they get a real world government in, they're going to up the taxes, bankrupt everybody, ten times worse, and then they're going to drop the hammer.
And listen, folks, how much have you seen me talk about over the years that's already come true?
They're banned lemonade stands nationwide.
They're arresting people or threatening to arrest them that wash their car in their own yard.
They're taking blood and other samples at checkpoints without warrants.
I've got more news today.
We're under the beginnings of real martial law.
Let me tell you, when the TSA is playing ping pong with your huevos, you're in tyranny.
Let me tell you, when the IRS goes to Congress and says, don't let people leave the country if we say we have a tax investigation, you're in a police state.
When the NSA spies on everything you do illegally and gets away with it, you're in a police state.
Every day I see where police go to the wrong house
And shoot someone and don't even get in trouble.
I've got two reports today in the stack of that.
And Anthony Gucciardi last night woke up to tanks, armored vehicles, you name it, at the wrong house and big giant fat goblin commander cop with a SWAT team literally dragging some woman out who was innocent.
It was the wrong house.
In a fake drug war where they ship all the drugs in to begin with.
So that they can then have an excuse to set up a tyranny.
This is the reality.
And see how?
Shut down your jobs.
Ship them to the slave camps in China.
It's okay because Al Gore owns part of Apple, so have suicide nets.
It's trendy.
If you're against suicide nets, you're racist.
Shut down the power plant.
Shut down everything.
And then this.
This piece of news.
Here it is.
Pennsylvanians coerced into giving cheek swabs at checkpoints.
That's the kind of news we have here.
Neighbors call cops on man for washing car in his own driveway.
This is happening everywhere.
It's all is in a 21.
And then when we come back, I'm gonna break this down.
I told you this was coming.
They cannot have you supplementing with even things like vitamin C. In Europe under Codex Alimentarius, I've watched the UN meetings.
They've made it where it's basically a hundred euros to get a bottle of vitamin C that would actually do any good for you.
And now they're bringing in GMO and pesticide-fed oranges, where you can't even get the nutrients you need.
And now they have a big hoax nationwide on every news channel last night, saying there is no nutrients.
There are no nutrients that you need outside of the food you eat.
When we come back, we're going to debunk all this.
I remember I had Dr. DiNadello on years ago.
He says you don't need vitamins.
But I said, what if you aren't getting it in depleted soil?
Oh, then you need it.
He started laughing because I'd caught him.
So we're going to break all this down.
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Livin' on the road, my friend, was gonna keep you free and clean.
Livin' on the road, my friend, was gonna keep you free and clean.
And now you wear your skin like iron, and your breath as hard as kerosene.
He's gotta be one of my favorite Willie Nelson, Merle Haggard duets.
Sink into your dreams.
Sink into your dreams.
Alright folks, we are back live on this Tuesday edition.
It is the 15th day.
17th day.
Of December 2013 and coming up in the next segment I am going to detail all of the facts here on earth and here on this planet dealing with our soils.
Because when you see a story out there I knew yesterday when I saw this on the news at about three o'clock what they would put in a study and then I looked at it last night and then I looked at it again
This morning, and as soon as I read their statements, I knew what they were going to say, because it's a playbook put out by Big Pharma.
And I've debated Dr. Dina Dell, who pushes this.
I've debated others over the years.
I challenge them to debate now.
They will not come on, because they know I will clean their clock.
In about 60 seconds before the show,
I told the guys to print just a couple articles that I'm going to show you now, and then the next segment I'm going to go into in detail with a report for you.
Here is the article out of CBS News, one of literally thousands right now, in every media outlet pushing the hoax.
Multivitamin researchers say cases closed after studies find no health benefits.
And what did I highlight right there?
We believe, notice they said we believe, that the case is closed.
You also believe that leprechauns are real, probably.
We believe that the case is closed, and he goes on to add, supplementing the diet of well-nourished adults with most mineral or vitamin supplements has no clear benefit, listen to all these provisos, and might even be harmful.
Now, we're gonna break down the fraud when we come back, but let me explain something here.
This is premeditated.
See, I've dealt with this for so long, I know what they say and what they do.
If you go on and do research, you learn that the FDA has continued to lower the minimum daily allowance of what they say you need of vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K. I'm gonna get Dr. Mercola on about this later this week, if we can get him on.
Or Dr. Blaylock, all these medical doctors.
I could get nutritionists on all day long.
They have lowered the level of vitamin C down to near scurvy-inducing levels, where you just start having rotholes in your skin, and your skin basically falls apart and you prematurely age.
How many people do you see who you talk to?
A 50-year-old woman, looks like there are a hundred.
You go, let me guess, do you read Fruits and Vegetables?
No, I don't!
I eat at McDonald's!
I mean, that's why.
They literally all have rotholes in their arms.
They have scurvy!
I've talked to the nutritionist.
They get on vitamin C in a month.
The holes in their arms are all healed!
We've had medical doctors tell people that we know, like Ted Anderson's dad, get off vitamin C. And then his Alzheimer's and scurvy comes back.
Of course your brain shuts down with no vitamin C. They knew this 400 years ago in England.
That's why they called British sailors limeysh.
Because they carry big bags of key limes with them and nobody else did.
And when a British ship pulled up,
One of their best-kept secrets, when a British ship pulled up, they had all had vitamin C, and the people that were fighting hadn't, and whether it was Spanish, or Portuguese, or French, or whoever, around the world, they couldn't even lift a sword to fight them.
And of course, the British sailors didn't like the taste of it either, so they put it in their rum, one part rum, two parts water, their grog, as it was called, to make them drink it.
So yeah, you don't need more limes, more vitamin C, if you're getting a good dose of it.
But the problem is they've lowered it down to nothing!
I'm gonna break it all down and recap it, because I got so mad during the break, I could hardly talk when I came in, I was bumbling around.
I'm gonna come back in a focused, laser-beam fashion.
And break down this hoax for you.
Now, obviously they want to ship your jobs to China.
They want to shut down your power plants.
They want to break down the family.
They want to say 2 plus 2 equals 5 to kids.
They want to say parents aren't parents anymore.
Everything they do is meant to debilitate you so they can dominate.
Now they say you don't need vitamins and minerals.
And we have the clip where they say Mercury's good for children's brains.
They are lying scum.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
I remember two years ago they had national news stories, literally thousands of newspapers carrying the articles debunking the fact that there was a plan to roll out drones to surveil the American people and they said that we were liars
And that it wasn't real.
And that's because they didn't want a national movement forming against surveillance drones before they rolled out officially.
We, of course, were covering the FAA, preparing to authorize 30,000 drones in the sky by 2020, 10,000 or more drones by 2015.
We were just covering a government policy, and that they were already using them for surveillance and showing examples, and so they came out and said it did not exist.
Now, two years later, they admit it's been going on and are throwing it in your face.
Just like they said they didn't buy 1.6 billion bullets, now 2.2 billion, now 2.5 billion.
Now they suddenly admit, oh, we did do that, and we are buying armored vehicles from the Army, and we are deploying them against you, and oh, we are spying on you with NSA, and oh, we are funding Al-Qaeda overseas, and oh, we are shipping General Motors to China with your tax money, and we are getting ready to take your private bank accounts and take your public and private pension funds, and we are devaluing the dollar, and the Federal Reserve is private.
And that's because Congress has a 6% approval rating and they know the lies aren't working anymore.
So in a lot of areas they admit what they're doing but try to hide it in plain view and act like it's no big deal.
It'd be like someone passing gas on you with particularly nauseous odor and telling you that, oh, do you like the new air freshener?
That's what they're doing, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, yesterday they roll out with a huge PR blitz.
That vitamins and minerals do nothing and basically the case is closed.
And on CNN, CBS, ABC, Fox, MSNBC, everything.
My local paper has it in there.
National papers, just everywhere.
Case closed.
You don't need any vitamins, any minerals, any supplements because Big Pharma is mad and has already basically banned them in Europe.
Or you've got to pay upwards of $100 to get vitamin C in the same strength here.
They've lowered the daily allowance of what you need, the government says, of things like vitamin C, and things like oil of oregano, down to a level that literally is at starvation, according to medical doctors we've interviewed here.
And they keep lowering them, and lowering them, and lowering them, and dumping the deadly halogen fluoride into the water that is bug poison.
Now, before I get to this article, I want to show you McCormick salt you can buy at any grocery store in the country.
And if you're watching on TV, you can look at this or just go to the local supermarket and go look at any major salt that isn't naturally occurring.
The natural ones have good iodine and other trace minerals and elements in them.
It says, this salt does not supply iodine a necessary nutrient.
And why is that?
Because the feds pressured them in the 20s to put iodine in the salt.
Because of literally millions of people being born mentally retarded from not having iodine in the womb, which is on record will cause all sorts of problems, and lower IQs after birth, and goiter, that's people that look like their job of the hut with just huge things hanging under their necks.
Where you look like a human worm.
Africa's devastated by this.
China's devastated by it.
China, in many areas, puts iodine in the water so this doesn't happen.
Because it's just a plague of diseases and degenerative problems.
Now, that's a fact!
The Feds by the 70s basically said, remove it or we'll come after you.
Remove iodine out of the salt.
Isn't that loving of them?
Because this is the good halogen.
That said, they have to tell you.
I guess McCormick cares and wants to say, hey, by the way, we don't have something you really need in here.
Used to be put in the bread.
Now they put bromine in there.
Totally deadly.
All the bad halogens are pushed.
They give you cancer.
Mentally retarded.
You don't need them.
They're bad for you.
The good ones are removed across the board.
Now, let's move to the big announcement.
Multivitamin researchers say cases closed after studies find no health benefits.
The message from doctors behind three new studies and an editorial notice that all came out together that
Tacked an oft-debated question in medicine.
Do daily multivitamins make you healthier?
After reviewing the available evidence and conducting new trials, the authors have come to a conclusion of no.
We believe the case is closed.
Supplementing the diet of well-nourished adults with most, that's the key word, mineral and vitamin supplements has no clear benefit and might even be harmful.
So see, that's the same line that Dr. Dean O'Dell, who I've debated, puts out.
But then I would have him on and I'd go, doctor!
Medical doctor!
What if you're not getting enough of the trace elements and minerals and vitamins you need?
Oh, then you do need it.
I went, oh, and how many diseases and disorders in the womb and after are linked to nutrition?
Well, a lot of them, but we don't really look at that.
That's right.
Medical doctors don't deal with that now.
If you come in with your skin rotting off and holes all over your body, they don't say, oh my God, that's scurvy.
You need more vitamin C. And they're like, I don't eat no vegetables or I don't like them.
They don't tell you that.
They just saw your arm off.
That's what they do.
The worst nutrition in major studies is in hospitals.
Now, let's shift gears.
Before I go any further, let's play a clip from the Journal of Pediatrics, the big prestigious Journal of Pediatrics.
They put out two new studies eight years ago on the same day and the same way it rolled out saying, guess what?
Mercury is actually good for you.
And again, we're gonna put it on screen, the Journal of Pediatrics for folks, so they can go to the website and see what it is and actually read these studies.
Where they said that mercury is good for your brain.
Now let's go ahead and go to this clip that aired, not just on CBS, but nationwide at the time, saying mercury is good for you.
Folks, mercury is the most destructive chemical, the most destructive metal in the brain, electrochemically.
It's incredible.
Here's the clip.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatrics.
There have been widespread concerns that mercury-based preservatives in vaccines might impair the neurological development of children.
These new studies suggest that the opposite, that the preservatives may actually be associated with improved behavior and mental performance.
Okay, so there you go.
They have these studies that mercury is good for your child's brain, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, and for them, being brain damaged and slobbering and doing whatever you're told, that is improved mental performance.
Because they teach in public schools 2 plus 2 equals 5 worldwide.
The literal benchmark of 1984 is, if you can say 2 plus 2 equals 4, you are free.
And that seemed like satire at the time.
Now I understand he was a deep globalist on record.
Eric Blair was, aka George Orwell.
And it just hits me of the magnitude of this, that they teach 2 plus 2 equals 5, and they put brain-damaging fluoride in the water, mercury in the vaccines, and tell you it's good for you, even though the Harvard study says lowers IQ.
So let me show you some of the articles.
Let me show you the facts.
Number one, dirt poor.
This is the scientific American, because you get some good studies out there.
Dirt poor.
Have fruits and vegetables become less nutritious?
And they go on to break down major studies going back in the last hundred years from the University of Texas at Austin Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition.
Nutrient-based system for the plants in the fertilizers when there really needs to be more than 80 in there.
90 is the mighty 90 is what a lot of the doctors break down.
So you're getting three things out of a plant when you need 90.
I'm going to say that again.
You're getting three things out of a plant when you need 90.
But mainline medical science says you need 60 something.
Okay, so let's go over this now.
That's Scientific American.
So they're saying, oh, if you've got a nutritious diet, you don't need anything.
And absolutely right.
If you're eating a really diverse thing in the jungle of, say, Brazil or something, and had all these wide spectrum fruits, vegetables, plants, animals, you name it, and fish, you would not need vitamins and minerals.
And absolutely fresh is the way to get things.
Let's move on to the next one.
Here's another one.
1936 U.S.
Senate report.
Soil depleted, 99% of America's nutrient deficient.
That's a 1936 U.S.
Senate report, and they recommended putting vitamins and minerals compulsorily in bread and in salt because of the brain damaging of the American people.
The reason people aren't as smart as they used to be, folks, physically, is we're brain damaged from this, okay?
And they don't want you... Now, back then, the government said, put this in salt.
Give them vitamins, minerals.
And then the globalists got control by the 40s and 50s, and they took it all out, folks.
Okay, and now they're telling you, don't go out and get it on your own, because if you get it on your own, that's it for them.
Now, let's continue here.
Mike Adams has a great report from naturalnews.com, up on infowars.com.
MSM attacks multivitamins, yet another example of quack science.
He breaks down a bunch of other angles I haven't even gotten to.
Here's another one.
Glaxo says it will stop paying doctors to promote drugs.
They do that every year.
They pay medical doctors across the board to push drugs and not nutrition.
They're even getting rid of surgery now, when you might need it, and just saying drugs.
Now, let's continue here.
Financial times.
Exercise to tackle bad posture can avert back surgery.
But the hospitals won't tell you there's exercises that would cost you nothing to not have to have the surgery for the disc about to be fused or herniated.
They won't tell you because they want the surgery.
Same deal.
Oh, here's another one.
How adding iodine to salt resulted in a decade's worth of IQ gains for the United States.
Links to the major university studies dealing with it.
Okay, so, I've gone over some of that for you.
Anthony Gucciardi is coming in now just to cover a few of the angles.
And obviously, I promote and sell vitamins and minerals that I've used, that I believe in, that have done wonders in my life.
And everybody that's used them, you've heard the calls.
Not one negative call on our proprietary nascent iodine.
It's blowing people away.
Of course it is.
The coffee.
My favorite coffee.
People are going, wow, this is really incredibly good coffee at a low price.
Alex, you didn't BS us.
Yeah, I'm not going to.
If I was a wine producer, which is really hard to do, obviously.
Say I lived in Northern California, in Sonoma County or something.
Some of the best wine in the country.
I think it's as good as French wine.
I wouldn't put wine out unless it was really good.
I'd throw it away.
Same deal.
I'm going to promote what I use, what I think is bombshell.
And that's how we fund ourselves, not taxpayer-funded or government-protected like Big Pharma or NPR or MSNBC.
But the point here is, folks, it's a fact that you can't get the nutrients you need from almost all the food on the store shelves.
It's a fact.
That it's been life-changing for me taking high-density minerals and vitamins, and then the iodine was just the turbocharger.
And I told you, don't buy our iodine.
Get the gourmet sea salts, Himalayans, double-check.
Make sure they have the iodine in it.
It's not unbound, but it's better than nothing.
It'll do wonders for you.
Bottom line, they don't want you knowing this, folks.
They don't want you understanding this.
That's why people are zombies.
Anthony Gucciardi, this has really gotten me angry.
They say mercury's good for kids' brains.
And then now they say we don't need vitamins and minerals, but notice, if we don't have malnutrition, we don't need it.
Well, no what, Sherlock?
No kidding!
Obviously, if you had a perfect diet, you wouldn't need this, but the diet we have is crap!
So they're playing a semantical mind game, and they use synthetic garbage stuff in the study.
That's the key.
This goes beyond a hoax.
This meta-analysis and these studies are beyond hoax.
100% deceptive.
In fact, I'm going to prove on air right now how they actually demonstrate everything that we're saying is right.
And that GMOs are bad.
Synthetics are bad.
And that overall an organic approach is the best and the only way.
Now specifically,
To understand this, around this time, every year, they attack supplements, specifically vitamins, and they also attack... Because the New Year's coming up.
They don't want it to keep growing, people getting healthy and learning how to fight back.
The organic food industry and the supplement industry, the natural products industry, are the only two things right now that are really going up.
And Big Pharma absolutely hates this.
Now, I wrote an article on... Only part of American economy left.
Yes, exactly.
It's actually, a lot of it's made in the United States, almost all of it, 99%.
Besides the Chinese crap ones, which are the ones they're studying, coincidentally.
Now in 2011, on December 27th, I wrote this article because every single time in December and January, they attack natural products.
And I wrote this article, Why Many Vitamin Studies Are Absolutely Worthless.
This was on Natural Society, my natural health website.
And I talked about specifically how they were going to come about this and attack natural products using synthetics and then claim it's the same as the other ones.
So for example, it reads, the synthetic version of vitamin E is a petrochemically derived analog of natural vitamin E, which it is, that is capable of disrupting the endocrine system where the natural form of vitamin D is effective against aging, oxidative stress, and hundreds of other conditions.
So you have vitamin D.
You have the synthetic form that's actually destroying your body and is linked to birth defects, and then the organic form from the food, which is actually linked to preventing aging and... So it's a total hoax.
They bring in the chemical-produced petrochemical vitamins and minerals, blame it on us, and then put out a hoax.
They literally ship in the petrochemical synthetic vitamins from China, and give it to people, and then they say, oh, nothing happened, or actually, oh, it actually damaged the lungs.
And then they say, vitamin E is bad.
It's kind of like, if I were to have an organic banana, but then I was to get an organic, or just a regular banana shipped in from Fukushima, and ate the banana, and it gave me radiation poisoning, and said, bananas are bad, they kill people.
Well, they do the same thing saying aspartame is safe because it's similar to what's in an orange with that type of sugar, but it's not.
It's actually completely different, just similar in the molecule, and then they hoax people.
Well, it's funny you say that.
The leading children's vitamin contains aspartame, cupric acid, zinc oxide, sorbitol, hydrogenate oil, and GMO corn on record.
Let me see those articles.
I'll show folks with document cam.
Here we go.
Here's the first page.
All of these vitamins are containing GMOs, they're containing hydrogenated oils, corn starches, zinc oxide, citric oxide, aspartame on record that's linked to peer-reviewed research says at least 40 adverse health effects.
You know, brain tumors across the board.
And that's what's in these vitamins.
And the GMOs especially.
So I'll tell you what this study proves.
It proves that aspartame, GMO, and synthetic chemicals are bad.
And we've known that forever.
We've got to shoot a special report on this and have it go mega-viral.
Because folks don't even know how to respond to this.
They're just going, that's not true, why do you lie?
It's beyond lying.
It's a giant fraud hoax using Fred Flintstone garbage.
You know, stuff from China.
Let me see your other article so we can flip the camera and show document cam over there.
I mean, there's tons of things, but that's not even getting to the real bottom line.
Here's the bottom line.
Beyond all the fact that these vitamins contain aspartame, GMOs and everything like that, every single time, let's go back to 2012, again around this time of September, late to early September, I wrote an article with Mike Adams of Natural News.
It was posted on Natural Society and Natural News.
It was a major article.
We found, because I woke up in the morning and they were saying... You had up the third largest health site out there.
Yeah, they were saying organic food is the same as GMO food.
And this guy from Stanford, a highly prestigious... I remember that!
Yeah, it turns out this was the guy.
He's called the father of statistical lies.
He worked for Big Tobacco and helped this company, the Council of Tobacco Research Firm.
They paid off journalists $3 million in today's money after adjusting for inflation to promote all this stuff that he did.
And he said, there's a document from 1976 that we found that shows financial ties between him and the guy that worked for Big Tobacco, and he proved, quote-unquote proved, through statistical lying, that cigarettes were perfectly safe, and that tobacco was fine, and that it didn't cause heart disease.
This is absolutely bombshell.
Stay there, we gotta go to break.
We gotta do a special report on this.
This is sensational, folks.
The facts are in.
The studies are legion.
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You know, there's one reason I tend to get madder and madder as the three-hour show goes on each day.
And that's because I'm looking at the federal, state, and university studies on the soils being 99% debilitated.
I'm looking at the brain damage numbers in utero of the humans developing and then after.
I'm waiting in the documentation.
They're taking the good stuff out of the food and putting the bad stuff in it.
Don't have iodine in the bread.
Put bromine in.
I mean, bromide.
I mean, this is homicidal evil.
It's not our opinion.
It's a fact.
And then you've got people connected to Big Tobacco out saying, don't eat organic.
It's the same as regular.
They make the milk producers put on the thing when they say, we don't have any growth hormone in here.
This hasn't been proven to cause a problem by the FDA.
When you wonder why women are taller than men now, and going into puberty when they're like seven years old.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, we are all in a giant Petri dish being experimented on.
And then I've got the major journals here.
The Senate report, 1936, 99% of Americans nutrient deficient.
Scientific America, dirt poor.
Fruits and vegetables become less nutritious.
Then it breaks down.
University of Texas, total plunging.
And it just keeps dropping, and dropping, and dropping.
And then they put this report out.
And it's pushed everywhere.
That's what tells you it's a pure BS report.
I mean, automatically, you're hearing about it everywhere.
Oh Jerry, you didn't need vitamins and minerals.
They're actually bad for ya!
And then you find out it's a bunch of GMO, synthetic garbage they shipped in.
You know, Searle that got bought by Monsanto that created aspartame, that's, you know, in so many thousands of products.
A large portion of the rhesus monkeys in the 70s in one study died that had it added to their mother's milk.
And so they just removed the ones that died from the study and said no monkeys got sick.
They just removed the sick and dead monkeys.
I mean, this is the out-of-control bunker land.
I was psychoanalyzing myself during the break.
I was very angry during the break.
I saw the crew looking at me thinking, is he mad at us?
And no, I am physically want to throw up.
Anthony, they've got a document cam over there.
We're going to do a special report on the nightly news tonight.
Everybody's got to get out and have it go viral.
But this one as well.
This is going to be a concise like three minute report.
We laser beam it.
Again, get into that article where they have the big tobacco people saying you don't need organic now.
I mean, go over that.
I mean, this is outrageous!
So, all of these are connected.
This is a study back from 2012 where Dr. Ingram Olkin from Stanford University, his team of researchers,
It turns out they were saying GMO is great, it's the same as organic, you know, everything's fine, you don't even need vitamins.
And it turns out this guy was working with Big Tobacco, the council for the tobacco research industry, the Council of Tobacco Research, CTR.
They were paying off journalists after ingesting for inflation.
It's three million dollars in today's dollars.
And they were paying them saying, yeah, everything's fine, just use Dr. Ingram's statistical lie.
He's actually been called the chief statistical liar for Big Tobacco, the father of statistical lies, and he created a statistical algorithm which made anything he wanted happen.
So if he did a study where 50 people out of 51, you know, got lung cancer from smoking cigarettes, he could make it so that, you know, there was no correlation.
He would just remove the 50?
Exactly, but it was very detailed and people couldn't crack it.
And this is the same guy that says organic food's bad, based on his statistics.
So he's been at it, and it gets deeper though.
These guys, this whole wing of Stanford has deep ties to Cargill, which was the major, major food manufacturer that was supporting Monsanto and was against GMO labeling for Prop 37 in California.
So they're getting money from these GMO juggernauts to say that organic food's bad.
And then this all ties in, because this time of year they always attack organic foods and supplements.
And if we dig deep on these three studies, the meta-analysis that came out today, I guarantee we'll find ties to GMO, cargill, and everything.
Oh, we've already found them.
You go dig, get ready for the nightly news.
Great job, Anthony Gucciardi.
But this is just completely and totally outrageous that this is going on.
We're going to be right back with the second hour.
Tell your friends and family to tune in.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
The facts are in.
The studies are legion.
Sodium fluoride and other toxic members of the fluoride family are devastating the health and cognitive ability of the American people.
So why are the social engineers adding it to the water?
Dumb down the host population that the parasitic technocracy is feeding on.
We may not have been able to get fluoride out of the water supply yet, but we can help to get it out of our bodies.
I am extremely excited to announce the exclusive InfoWars Live Fluoride Shield Formulation, fusing six of the best documented ingredients from around the world to help the body remove not just toxic fluoride residues from the body, but a whole host of toxic substances.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Man, if you just joined us, I went from being in a really good mood again to being in a really nasty mood.
Because we went over probably, I don't know, 15 different studies and articles looking at this big hoax study that's out saying that if you're getting proper nutrition, you don't need vitamins and minerals.
That's like saying if you've gotten enough to eat, you don't need to eat more.
Or it's like saying if you're getting oxygen already, you don't need oxygen.
And then they use synthetic vitamins from China in the study
It's the same crude, you know, that was telling us cigarettes are good for us.
The same scientists that are putting that out are now saying organic food's the same as regular.
It's like, ooh, grass-fed beef, how rare.
Cows aren't supposed to eat awful.
That's what they call it, awful.
The ground-up dead cows, dogs, stuff from the pet.
You know, you know, vets, a lot of vets sell, sell your dead animals.
They get shipped off and rendered down and fed back to your animals.
Look it up, you don't believe me.
And what you will discover upon looking at that is they feed cows meat.
Ground up meat.
They call it protein.
And they also feed them blood.
Blood meal.
Baby calves are not supposed to drink blood.
They mix it up and turn it into a liquid or put it in their feed.
And I know that's a big conspiracy theory.
Maybe they have a study out.
Baby cows that eat blood are just as good for you to eat or later to get milk from when they're females than if they ate grass.
It's like, man, listen to that weirdo.
He says cows eat grass and don't drink blood.
Remember Mad Cow in England when they were taking rotten sheep?
And goats and cows and horses and grinding them all up and feeding it to cows.
And I've got to sit here and explain to people the madness of this.
It makes my blood boil.
Matt Dubiel, the breakdown of Chicagoland, is going to be popping in with us at the bottom of the hour.
He heads up our great affiliate in Chicago, 1530.
And then we're going to have Larry Klayman coming on, who got the big win against the NSA, pointing out that it is illegal what they're doing, obviously.
A great constitutional lawyer will be joining us.
And then, of course, we also have the head of the New American Magazine coming on to talk about the Trans-Pacific Partnership that
Literally, is global government being established?
I mean, they've been building with these partnerships towards this, but this is definitely getting up close to the capstone.
So, that's coming up as well.
I need to settle down, though.
I need to settle down.
Maintain calm.
Maintain calm.
And just move forward.
But there is a total assault on every form of liberty, ladies and gentlemen.
The globalists are coming in when states and cities and counties pass laws to not fluoridate their water.
The feds are coming in and lobbying to get laws passed to make it mandatory as they put bug poison on our water supplies.
And that just makes me very, very angry.
Now, when we come back in the next long segment, I have a plethora of absolutely vital
News that we are going to be getting to in great detail.
We're going to look at what's happening with the NSA.
Look at what's happening in the economy.
We're going to look at the police state.
A big stack of news on that front.
Some other audio clips we're going to be playing.
And we're going to look at the head of the NSA.
Being questioned on 60 Minutes, having to get permission from someone else to be able to answer a question just to show how this shadow government operates.
And then we're going to go over a bunch of other news articles that have just broken on InfoWars.com.
BitTorrent Torture.
Denmark sets example with Pirate Bay co-founder.
Also, Pennsylvania coerced into giving cheek swab at voluntary checkpoints, which aren't really voluntary.
Corporate socialism, GM says no way it will pay back $10 billion.
They're moving to China anyways.
Your money paid to do it, suckers, as they say.
We're gonna break it all down.
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In the last 50 years, iodine has been phased out of our staple foods and replaced with the halogen bromine, a practice now banned in nations around the world.
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Alex Jones here with a message to fellow freedom lovers.
The prognosis for the entire planetary economic system runs from bad to worse.
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We're getting prepared.
Are you?
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Google and the rise of the robots buying scores of companies.
The last few years they've now purchased four and then eight this week.
Major robot manufacturers worldwide.
Four of them right here in the United States.
We're going to break down what's really behind that.
The latest on the NSA right now.
And then we're going to have the editor of the New American Magazine coming on to talk about the secretive
Partnership with Asia that waves national sovereignty to a level never before seen.
And William F. Jasper calls it worse than Obamacare.
And I agree with his analysis.
Then Larry Klayman will be joining us.
The constitutional lawyer who has wreaked havoc on the establishment in the last two decades.
He got the win.
In court yesterday, in federal court, with a judge saying, well clearly this violates the Constitution.
To have just total warrantless dragnet spying on everybody.
I mean if we don't have a fourth amendment there, then we don't have any fourth amendment.
So Larry Klayman will be joining us and Politico makes fun of him and says, Larry Klayman crows on NSA.
We hit the mother load.
And they make it sound like, you know, it's a joke or something when he's saying the motherlode of exposing this criminal activity and having one of the biggest constitutional decisions in our lifetimes.
And I agree with him, so that's coming up.
Judge, NSA, domestic phone data mining, unconstitutional.
And the media is debating, is it?
Is it right?
Will the judge get struck down?
I mean, my goodness.
Folks, they're spying on everything on record and got caught lying about it.
They are impeached.
They are liars.
They have no credibility.
And it's being used against the press, against political enemies, against the Tea Party, against the Associated Press.
Not Al-Qaeda!
So Larry Klayman will join us today at two o'clock going into overdrive.
Some stations carry the fourth hour, some don't.
Everyone can watch and listen at PrisonPlanet.tv or InfoWarsNews.com or InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Now continuing here...
A federal judge said yesterday that he believes the government wants secret coalition of domestic phone records is unconstitutional, setting up likely appeals and further challenges to the data mining revealed by classified leaker Edward Snowden.
Snowden is a hero, folks, not a zero.
He exposed illegal criminal mass spying by private corporations in league with private defense contractors and government for political and economic control.
Just like the big banks use NSA data to beat their competition and stuff, folks.
That's all coming out.
This is about insiders ruling over us.
They're all secretive about their info, but they want to know all of your info.
So the worm is turning.
This is a big, big deal.
They're going to try to spin this.
They're going to try to...
Change people's minds and say, oh well, let's be adult about it like Hayden, the former NSA director, was saying this weekend on the news.
We've got to do this to keep you safe.
Who keeps us safe from you?
We've seen what you've done.
They've got federal grants for warrantless checkpoints threatening people into giving DNA all over the country.
New news on that is at InfoWars.com.
They're telling people they can't have lemonade stands nationwide.
They're arresting people or threatening to arrest them who wash their car in their own yard.
Police are coming in houses constantly without warrants now.
They've got drones in the skies.
They're buying billions of bullets.
They're training for warfare with us.
The government is acting totally arrogant.
America has gotten a case of tyranny yet again.
Now, I want to go to this article that's on PrisonPlanet.com by Paul Watson.
NSA Director Alexander has to ask permission to answer a question.
And that's because himself and Clapper, the head of cyber security and the rest of it, go to Congress and say, we don't spy on you without warrants, there is no dragnet, and it's clearly a lie and clearly illegal.
And so he's got to literally lean back to the shadow government, to the bureaucrats that never leave, and say, can I answer that question?
But then it dovetails with the founder of PayPal saying that we should just do whatever the government says.
We should just trust them.
Remember, they weren't spying on us, they said.
They didn't have hubs and all the telecommunications companies grabbing everything like I told you they did in 1996, 18 years ago.
They weren't doing any of this.
You're crazy if you say they are.
Bush gave press conferences seven years ago.
I'll never forget, I was in Los Angeles working on the distribution of Loose Change Final Cut.
I'll never forget sitting there in Charlie Sheen's house of all places, watching Bush's live press conference during the day.
Because I was off that day, they were working on that.
And it was on a big screen TV that covered the whole wall.
And it was Bush going, eh, I promise we don't do anything without warrants.
It's only for Al Qaeda, I promise, I promise.
And of course, it came out a month later, it was all total lies.
Then they go, oh, we don't have hubs and all the telecommunications, that's all lies.
Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie.
They're using it for political persecution.
And the founder of PayPal, on Charlie Rose's show, literally says,
That we need to just trust the government.
This isn't a government.
It's private interests that have hijacked us, that paid $10 billion of taxpayer money to move General Motors to China, that are shutting down our power plants, that are getting rid of our Bill of Rights, that teach the kids nationwide 2 plus 2 equals 5, obey the state, the name father and mother is abusive.
They are screwing our country over.
They are an enemy.
Of course they're saying trust us.
It's like in Mars Attacks where the aliens are running around shooting people in Las Vegas with ray guns.
We used to have that as a liner going out to break.
They go, don't run!
We are your friends!
And the people stop and get shot.
That's a joke about psych warfare in history.
In World War One, they found with loudspeakers, they would say, lay down your guns, we're helping, we're coming to help, we're not firing, even as the Germans would fire and fire their mortars and their cannons and their machine guns and go after everybody.
As all of that happened, as all of that went on, they found, the Germans did it first, the French and Allies were doing it later in German, that people would actually lay down their guns.
We don't have to fight, they want to be friends, as they jump over and bayonet you.
We're your friends!
We want to help you!
Drink your fluoride water, take your GMO.
You know, organic food's not good for you.
National study.
Vitamins aren't good for you.
Mercury is good for you, though.
How do you pronounce his name from the Ukraine, the founder of it?
Lavchin is the guy on here, the founder of PayPal, a year younger than I am, clearly chosen to be able to deploy this by the powers that be on record working with the NSA.
Here he is after the NSA director talks, saying we should just trust them and do whatever they say.
Here it is.
Did the NSA actually find a foreign power that had identified this capability and discussed using it offensively?
I need time out on that.
I am probably uncharacteristically pro-national security agencies writ large, and NSA in particular, despite the fact that they would not hire me at some point.
I actually wanted to work for the NSA, and I was not a US citizen.
I just fundamentally trust the national security establishment to care about the citizens.
It's a trade I would be willing to make.
Security and liberty.
Security and privacy.
Anytime you trade liberty for security, you get neither.
That's Benjamin Franklin.
Do you feel secure with this government?
I love how they ask Alexander, the head of the NSA, they ask him, foreign powers?
Yeah, because the Snowden know what we're doing, as if the foreign powers don't know.
You're looking at an officer of the Globalist, the corporate foreign power.
They are the foreign power.
We are occupied.
Now, where else have we heard we should just fundamentally trust them, even though they're caught lying and abusing us and doing insider deals constantly?
We should fundamentally trust people who are debasing the currency, devaluing the currency, wrecking our industrial base, teaching our kids 2 plus 2 equals 5, teaching them fatherhood and motherhood is bad,
Open, weaponized culture, teaching kids death education, how to commit suicide, putting 20% of the kids on psychotropics, their goal is 50%, an open criminal group.
I mean, you look at Charlie Rose and all of them, just total slime bags.
I'd walk to the other side of the street not to walk by them.
Openly disingenuous.
Openly evil.
They don't even hide it well.
All a bunch of hunchbacked demons.
Literal armies of slimy golems marching forward, and they have all the pop icons saying, do whatever they say, submit to them, just like Britney Spears.
Honestly, I think we should just trust our president in every decision that he makes, and we should just support that, you know?
And be faithful in what happens.
Do you trust this president?
Yes, I do.
And of course, almost every time I watch Miss America or Miss Teen USA, the clips online, they say the same thing.
Like, how do you be a good American?
USA such as South America, South Africa, I just want to go to the United States.
In fact, here is that same spirit.
This is who they think we all are.
They think we're all Britney Spears, ready to be run over by the New World Order, and they tell us mercury, I'm going to play this later, journal of pediatrics is good for your brain, but vitamins aren't.
Vitamins and minerals bad, mercury good, here it is.
I personally believe that U.S.
Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have that, and I believe that our education, such as
South Africa and Iraq everywhere like such us and I believe that they should Our education over here in the US should help the US or should help South Africa It should help the Iraq in the Asian countries.
So we will be able to build up our future for our children
Thank you very much.
And listen, I'm going to tell you the deal.
She's a very beautiful young lady.
I don't find her attractive.
A beautiful woman that is smart, very attractive.
That is, that woman is so ugly.
I mean, and you know she'll end up being a trophy wife for some globalist executive who stole all their money.
That's what he wants.
A wife that is literally nothing but a biological android sex bot who can't tie her shoelaces.
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I already covered this in detail in the last hour, but I want to mention it again ahead of a guest joining us.
Then we've got the lawyer who brought the case and won it at the federal court on the NSA domestic phone data mining unconstitutional.
Larry Klayman is going to be joining us coming up.
But before I go any further,
It makes me very, very angry to every year, but this time it's a mega-push in the media to hear them say, you don't need vitamins and minerals, in fact, that they could be bad for you.
And then they put out these big pharma-funded studies, and then have the mainstream media push it.
Because they know full well our soils are depleted, so that's why they say here, supplementing the diet of a well-nourished adult with most mineral and vitamin supplements has no clear benefit and might be harmful.
That's out of CBS News with this ridiculous study.
In fact, will you guys queue up where they say mercury is good for you again in the Journal of Pediatrics?
I'm not joking when I say they say that.
They said cigarettes were good for you, too, using some of the same companies and groups.
And we're going to cover that tonight on the Nightly News.
We already covered it last hour, but we're going to show you the documents.
So, GMO is good for you, cigarettes are good for you, but vitamins and minerals aren't good.
And then in the study, they used GMO, Chinese-produced
Synthetic vitamins.
Which, we've pointed out, can hurt you.
But the key here is, they say, the diet of a well-nourished adult.
See, if you don't have enough nourishment, you're in trouble.
So see, that's the game.
It's like saying, you don't need water if you've already had plenty of water.
You don't need air if you've already breathed plenty of air.
It's like, somebody who's, you know, living at
Ground Zero, somebody who's living at, you know, not in a high altitude, somebody that's living at sea level, doesn't need oxygen assistance!
But if you're 25,000 feet up in the Himalayas, you do!
You see, that's how they play these games.
Yes, I don't need oxygen assistance, but if I was in the Himalayas, I would, ladies and gentlemen.
You understand the game they're playing?
We live in the Himalayas of depleted.
Vitamins and minerals.
Here it is, right here, 1936.
Senate report.
Soil depleted 99%.
And 99% of Americans nutrient deficient.
Scientific American, University of Texas major study.
Journal of the American College of Nutrition study.
A 50-year study studying vegetables and fruits in the U.S.
found a massive reduction in vitamins, minerals, and most important, trace elements.
Scientific American.
So see, it's true.
It's true.
It's like saying, you don't need oxygen if you're getting plenty of oxygen.
But do you need an oxygen tank 500 feet under the ocean?
Yeah, you do.
The government used to put iodine in the salt and the bread.
Now they said, we want it out.
And then you see the lowering IQ, the BERT effects, everything that's on record to come with it.
Let me show you some of that.
Let me show you some of those headlines.
How adding iodine to salt resulted in a decades worth of IQ gains for the United States.
15 point IQ increase within two years.
government study.
But then later they said take it out of there.
Because they want you dumb.
It wasn't as evil a federal government before that.
Oh, but there it is, co-author of flawed Stanford organic studies saying organic isn't good, has deep ties to big tobacco, anti-science propaganda.
Folks, I'm going to tell you, tobacco will give you lung cancer if you live long enough, okay?
It's highly addictive, it's not good for you, especially with all the additives, okay?
That's not a conspiracy theory, it's fact.
Mercury's bad for you.
Even though they come out and say Mercury's good for you.
It's a load of bull.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help, not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatrics.
There have been widespread concerns that mercury-based preservatives... Exactly.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We have discovered Cargill connections to Stanford and this study that we're going to be breaking tonight on the nightly news.
Now, I knew I'd already found these connections, but we've now confirmed them.
This is Bombshell.
And of course, we're talking about
The new study that's out that the media is pushing everywhere saying you don't need vitamins and minerals if you have a nutritious diet.
That's like saying you don't need air if you already have it.
You don't need water if you've already had your eight glasses or whatever.
But if you haven't had water, you do need it.
Unbelievable deception.
And we're going to hit it from every angle, but of course we knew who'd be behind this.
Big Pharma and the government.
The same people that had the journal Pediatrics put out a report saying mercury is good for your child's brain.
Folks, do you have any idea what mercury does to the brain in an electron microscope?
It literally shows the mercury frying it.
And I want to get some of the American delegates of Codex Alimentarius on.
I was on vacation at the beach for about three days a few months ago and just got hooked on actually watching hours of feeds.
I just walked down the beach for like two hours and two hours back.
My wife's like, where have you been?
And I need to hang out with the kids.
You're like, you're right.
I would just walk listening to YouTube videos, not really watching them, of Codex Alimentarius debates.
Over three days, I probably watched six, seven hours of it or listened to it.
And they were admitting that they'd already lowered the standards where they say, you don't really need vitamin C, so we're going to lower the standard to a level where it would cost you a hundred euros to get the amount that Linus Pauling recommended you have every day.
You won the Nobel Prize for that, Dr. Linus Pauling.
And they just keep lowering and lowering it where you can't get it, and the soils are debased in Europe as they are here.
Especially because they use the chemical fertilizers now that make the plants grow, who need three nutrients.
You need, the government says, close to 70.
Many scientists say 90.
So you're getting three vitamins or minerals, ladies and gentlemen, in many cases.
Or you're getting synthetic forms that they add to all these processed foods that are, whose molecules are similar but not the same and are very toxic.
And when you learn this, it makes you very, very angry, because when they put iodine in the salt, it made IQs go up and made birth defects go down.
I've shown you the studies.
Then the government basically ordered it taken out, and then bad halogens put in.
That is so cold-blooded, folks.
The public is in a fog for so many reasons, but the biggest one is the iodine conspiracy.
And that's why I think everybody for Christmas should go to Infowarslife.com.
We've already tried it and are blown away by it.
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And yes, that then ends up funding the radio show and the news division.
But I take this stuff.
At first, I can only take the recommended dose.
I recommend you talk to your physician.
Now, I take about three times, me personally, what is recommended.
Because we gotta follow FDA stuff.
And I can personally do whatever I want.
What it's done for my skin, what it's done for my, it's just, it's everything Dr. Group and others said.
And again, the government used to order this put in the food supply.
Well, you know, the garbage bound stuff, but it's still good, your body can break it down.
This is the proprietary pure.
You put this on paper, it turns bright purple blue, is what the real crystals of
I don't
Tell them to see what it does for them, and see if it has the same effect it had for you, if you think it's some type of, oh, what's that effect where a placebo, where people are psychosomatic, you think, or whatever.
Because I've tried all these vitamins and minerals and stuff, and I mean, I only go with the stuff that blew my socks off.
And this blew my socks off.
All right, we're joined for the balance of the hour by Matt Dubiel, a guy I've had a chance to meet a couple times in Austin.
He's had us on for a couple years now on his fine station.
He manages WCKG in Chicago, 1530 WCKG.com.
They've got a power-packed lineup there.
On the station.
And he's been asking me to come out to Vegas and speak at an event.
And I've had a lot of family issues and a lot of stuff going on.
I've told George Norrie I'll go to be on his TV show, but I just can't do it in January.
Too much is going on.
But I do plan to come out to one of his events in the future.
But that's not why Matt Dubiel's on with us today, though he'll tell you about that with a bunch of talk show hosts that's coming up.
I wanted to get him on to pick his brain about Chicago, because I've been to Chicago many times.
My cousin lives in Chicago.
Beautiful city.
Amazing views, a lot of great theaters, a lot of great culture, a million things to do.
I like the people in Chicago.
Like I said, I got family lives up there.
Great place to visit.
And only certain areas obviously have the high crime rates.
But what is it like to live under the mayor, whose brother of course wrote Obamacare?
And admits they're trying to bankrupt the country, basically, and bring in socialism.
What is it like with them?
I heard doubling property taxes when you sell your property.
What are they thinking in Chicago in their push to ignore federal rulings that they've got to give people gun rights?
What is it like, Matt Dubiel, as an American patriot, to be living right in the epicenter of the New World Order?
And what's the feedback you get from your listeners?
No, Alex, not only did his brother write the bill, but his other brother is Ari, the super agent that the character in Entourage is based out of.
And these guys know how to negotiate, they know how to rule, and they know how to make sweeping changes and influence people.
I don't know anybody that lives in downtown Chicago.
Our mutual friend, Mancow, used to live in the city.
He recently moved out to the suburbs.
I mean, there was a time, Alex, when you could go down there and you could park for a quarter, 50 cents, a dollar.
Now the parking is outsourced to another company, which it might be owned by a German company.
Our Chicago parking.
You've got taxes, you've got gunshots, you've got just an outrageous area, and it's dripping out to the suburbs.
So you have folks like me that live out in the suburbs and have lived here for a long time, and all we hear about is ROM this and the Chicago schools.
My kids don't go to Chicago schools.
But it's like you said, there's a lot of good things about Chicago.
I went to the Bears game the other
Monday Night Football and Ditka's number was retired and it was a big deal and I had free tickets so we went.
There was nobody there.
No one.
Now it was cold.
It gets cold here in Chicago.
But that doesn't typically stop Chicago Bear fans from going to Chicago games.
I saw the same thing happen at the Cleveland-Pittsburgh game the other day.
Where the Pittsburgh Stadium was darn near empty.
Well, why is that?
Why is it that all of the storefronts that are for lease, the retail spaces are empty?
Something is going on and it's not by accident, I don't think.
Chicago's starting to feel a lot like Detroit these days.
Well, that's the plan, and after they've imploded it, they'll buy it for pennies on the dollar, then make it an economic development zone and give themselves tax exemption.
They know what they're doing as gangsters, and I know there's pushback.
Everybody I talk to from Illinois, which is a great state with great people, looks at the actual city of Chicago, that's small compared to the suburbs, as a cancer.
How do you finally kick the gangsters
How do you finally deal with that cancer?
Because just like New York City tries to dominate the rest of the country, Chicago politicians are trying to tell everybody else what to do.
They're always calling for troops on the streets, martial law, to fix the problem they created by not letting citizens have guns.
Well, I tell you, I don't know what you do, but I know what you don't do.
And what you don't do is tell citizens in the Chicago, in the actual city.
I mean, I live in the suburbs, so you can have firearms in the suburbs.
It's not ruled under Chicago ordinances and so on.
But in Chicago,
People that abide by the rules, people that have legal guns can have legal guns.
Even in some of the suburbs on the outskirts that are very close to the city, same thing, like Oak Park and other areas.
So what you don't do is take guns away from the good people.
You know, it breaks my heart to see people on television, you see these poor mothers and their child was hit by stray gunfire in a bad neighborhood.
And maybe they can't leave, but I'll tell you what I would do.
I would leave.
I wouldn't stick around to try and fight for my neighborhood.
I would leave, because if they're not going to let you protect yourself, you know how long it takes for 911 to get to your home in Chicago?
Oh, well, they've also all the videos in Chicago where folks beat each other to death.
Are they going to cut our hands off to make sure that doesn't happen anymore?
Well, yeah, I mean...
You have flash mobs going through Chicago stores, organizing on the internet, you have gangbangers, you have drug cartels.
I mean, it's no secret there are huge drug cartels operating in Chicago.
And I think they have a lot of resources.
I think with the resources of the local government, the state government, the Chicago government, and all the other entities, they should be able to figure out where those guys are, cut off their supply, and get busy.
But they don't do that.
What they're doing is, they're coming after guys like me, that live in the city, and saying, well, you can't have a gun.
We can't let you have a gun in the city of Chicago.
Guns don't work.
That's because the government wants the monopoly of power and force over the people.
But I see the average American, the average person up in Illinois really getting it now, that big government has caused the problems, it's not the solution.
Matt Dubiel, again, great manager of our fine affiliate up there in Chicago, 1530, where do you expect short-term, mid-term, long-term, where does your gut tell you this country's going?
You know, it's scary because every year I have four little kids I'm married.
I've got kids ranging from 11.
My youngest is going to be 2 in February.
And every year we take a summer road trip.
We drive around the country, the great United States of America.
And the last two years, we did a loop-de-loop.
We went through Ohio and we went down to Nashville.
And this last summer, we went up to New Jersey and back.
And as we drove through, I saw firsthand the America that most of us don't see.
Most of the people in Austin don't see it.
Uh, we live in very privileged areas.
The rest of the country looks like a bomb fell on it.
The rest of the country looks like it's third world.
The rest of the country is decap- it's completely destroyed.
You got billboards where, you know, companies just stopped advertising on them.
Because nobody's driving down that highway, the paper's blowing in the wind, and I'm driving through there and I'm thinking to myself, my gosh, boy, when my grandparents took my father and his brothers and sisters around the country to the Grand Canyon and stuff, there was the majesty and the wonderment of traveling down Route 66 and seeing these great little shops and these great little restaurants and these great diners.
Where is it?
I don't know where it is, but I'll tell you what I saw in downtown Indianapolis.
80% vacancies.
Stores that are closed.
Stores that aren't even open on a Saturday at 5 o'clock.
Ice cream shops that have nobody there.
I'm seeing it here.
You know, we live in a very affluent suburb, okay?
And DuPage County is pretty well off in general.
Lots of business.
Ace and McDonald's and all these big companies are based here.
And you drive around and you go to some of these stores.
You go to some of the grocery stores and the big box stores.
There's more managers than there are customers.
There's more employees than there are customers.
And you can't get any help.
So I look back and I think to myself, like, well, what would my grandfather say if he saw this?
You can't have a store.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out.
You can't have a huge store with huge property and huge overhead and huge heating bills and have nobody buying in the store.
Something's got to change and I'll tell you the fast track to ruining that is raising minimum wage and having them pay the employees more because I'll tell you what, they're going to cut those employees back.
All those guys standing around at that store waiting for customers, they're going to cut those guys back.
Look at Obamacare making everybody go like a third of the population from 40 hours or more down to 29, 20.
It's happening.
Listen, Austin is per capita the wealthiest area, the fastest growing, the best place in America.
And I've lived here since high school and I grew up in Dallas.
I go back to Dallas.
It looks like a bomb hit it.
It looks like when I've been in bad cities in Mexico, it is falling apart.
The people are freaked out.
The affluent areas have wear and tear on them.
It's not the wealthy town I grew up in.
Most of the restaurants I know of have shut down.
Even the trendy places aren't busy most nights.
Movie theaters are empty when you go to them.
They have literally gutted this country.
We're in a decade into a depression with them telling us that we've never even been in a recession.
And their answer is more taxes.
In fact, Mancow was telling me, and I read about this on the news, they double property taxes when you sell your house?
I mean, is that accurate, Matt Dubio?
Well, I live in the suburbs, so Chicago property taxes, I can't speak to from... Yeah, but he said, I mean, I looked it up, they said they did it, but the point is, is that he had to sell his place.
I mean, this is insane!
Well, you know what it comes down to?
The other part of Chicago is, is the schools.
Are deplorable.
God bless some of those teachers that are going in there.
I know that there's great teachers.
And this is the downside of talking about a problem that's this big.
It's the big elephant in the room.
And the minute you start to talk about it, great teachers feel slighted.
There's tons of great teachers in there.
But I got to tell you, the Chicago schools are and have been in trouble.
Because the curriculum is 2 plus 2 equals 5 and the name father and mother is abusive.
I mean, they're given curriculum that is meant to screw the kids up.
Common Core and New Math.
New Math was the first problem, Common Core was the second problem, and then you have to start asking yourself, well, okay, am I going to send my kids to private school?
Well, okay, let's... They're under the same curriculum now, they're accredited.
Exactly, except you have to pay a premium for it, so then what are you going to do?
I sent my children to home school academy two days a week, and they were nice Christian folks that ran it, hundreds of kids, but they said to be accredited, they had workbooks from Michelle Obama.
And then we went to another homeschool group, same deal.
They've taken over, folks!
I mean, we're in a cult.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Well, you know, it's one of these things where you go out and you go to the movies, and if it's a popular movie here, the movie theater is packed.
And then you come out of the movie theater, and you look at the five stores next to the movie theater, there's nothing there.
There used to be maybe a Jamba Juice.
Exact same thing here.
It's everywhere.
And Alex, you call in, and I run a business, so I'm looking for space from time to time, and I know you guys have too.
You call these places, and they don't want to negotiate.
They want to tell you, well, here's what the price is.
Well, typically, you know, call me crazy, but when supply goes up,
No, no, listen, listen.
We finally find good places to get vitamins and minerals.
We call up and go, we want to buy a thousand bottles of that a month.
They just go, nah, we don't feel like it.
We don't want to... And people don't have... I think you're hitting on it, Matt.
People now don't even have the drive to be successful.
And I think it's a spiritual thing.
It's not just economic.
Have you found that?
I think it's... Gosh, you know, and I just kind of got chills.
Yes, I think there's a combination of a spiritual thing.
I read an article, might have been at InfoWars, about people getting anxiety from, you know, being on their smartphones all the time and becoming connected to the web or to devices.
It's causing anxiety attacks.
Can the computer screen flicker, especially the new screens?
Anxiety disorders are way up.
Well, and it used to be we'd sit around the table, have a cup of coffee and talk to each other.
And, you know, I'm not a hundred years old.
I'm not here to tell you that it was so much better in the thirties and... No, but you just hit what it is.
It's the last decade and the smartphones are rewiring everybody's brains, mine included, and people now don't want to talk.
They want to live in La La Land looking at their little baby computer.
And those of us that are somewhat resistant or immune to it, we're going to end up inheriting the earth.
Because I'm telling you, the general public doesn't have interpersonal skills, they don't have work ethic, they don't have anything.
I've got to hire like ten people now to find two or three good folks, and I've got a great crew now.
I know exactly what you mean.
You do have a great crew, but it's a full-time job to find those great people that you have.
It's like panhandling for gold.
Every business owner and executive I talk to tells me they've never seen anything like it.
It's like Day of the Dead.
It is.
Folks, it's the vaccines, it's the GMO, it's everything.
I mean, look, I'm not on some high horse either.
I work out hard, and I've gotten a little bit healthier, but I still look like a slob.
I mean, they are soft killing us.
Matt Dubiel, stay there, my friend.
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Folks, we're doing overdrive today.
A lot of stations carry it, some don't.
Fourth hour, it's always optional.
And we've got Larry Klayman, the lawyer that won against the NSA, pointing out that it's unconstitutional.
It's going to be a very important interview coming up at the start of the fourth hour.
We've got William F. Jasper breaking down the Pacific Partnership.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership that dwarfs any global government move we've ever seen at 8 after till 5 after.
Matt Dubiel joins us from 1530wckg.com.
And by the way, if you're listening to us in Chicago, it is so important on our AM and FM affiliates all over the United States that you tell people about the station.
It is such a blessing to be on AM and FM.
That is still the vast majority of our listenership.
And that's where you can really tell people, hey, tune in.
And a lot of their lineup, with Peter Schiff and others, really exposes what's happening.
And we're in an info war, so it's precious to have stations in big cities around the United States.
And I intend to try to get more station managers and owners on, because they're always so interesting.
You've heard some of them on the show.
In fact, if you're a station manager or owner, and you've got an idea coming on, we'd like to see you run it past us.
Send that to showtipsatinfowars.com or contact GCN, because we always like to get your perspective.
And once a week or so, we ought to have a station owner or manager on.
Talk about what's happening in your area.
But I cannot tell you how important it is to be supportive of their sponsors or to become sponsors.
Talk about helping fund the info war.
The most essential thing to do is to be a sponsor or a supporter of the sponsors of our AM and FM affiliates.
Now, going back to Matt Dubiel, you were making the point that
Something's wrong with people.
And I have the statistics, the numbers here.
Toddlers obsessed with iPads, and it's hurting their development.
ABC News.
I've got another one right here.
Adults ending at 25.
Well, actually, you go into puberty earlier, but then act like a baby until you're older.
We are screwed up.
And it's not all by design.
A lot of it is this decadent society that we all contribute to.
I'm gonna be honest with you, Matt.
I more and more like wake up in the middle of the night thinking, get my family, sell everything, run to a deserted island somewhere in the South Pacific.
But then I realized we're not gonna beat this plague by running.
No, and I've been the same way.
I have four kids.
I've lived in the Midwest my whole life.
Everything I have is here.
My grandparents, God bless them, are both 95 years old.
And they're here.
Everyone is here.
I've never entertained the idea.
In fact, I didn't even want to travel much.
You don't want to give up the fort!
Well, and what being an American is supposed to be is what I'm for.
I'm not necessarily going to stand here and blindly salute a flag that is being run by people that have no idea what they're doing.
Sure, exactly.
I've got to stop you right there.
Do five more minutes with us and finish your point about what it means to be an American and where you see this going.
Matt Dubiel.
But briefly, tell folks about the Las Vegas event, and you've got some free tickets available for R-listers only.
Yeah, so we're having an event.
It's called Passport to Freedom.
I've learned that people are pretty much in two camps.
They're either in the camp that we're in, the stay and fight, or they're in the flight camp and they want to get out of Dodge and they want to go live somewhere else.
So we got a three-day event.
It's called Passport to Freedom.
We're going to give away some tickets to Alex Jones listeners.
I got six tickets to give away and it's going to be in January in Las Vegas off the strip.
It's not super expensive and usually these events are in Panama or someplace out of the country.
And we've lined Peter Schiff up to be our keynote.
He does afternoons on the same station here on WCKG.
Jeff Berwick, we got a Bitcoin expert.
We got second passport experts.
And it's split.
So it's for guys like me and you that want to stay here and kind of shore things up while we're staying here.
Or there's also some content there for people... You know, I said I can't go, but I'm telling you, I'm tempted to go.
Just because I want to look at this stuff myself.
It's funny, I brought that up because
Because that's what this is about, but also how to survive it if you stay or if you go.
I just... I'm afraid if I go, I'm gonna end up leaving the country.
I'm just gonna be honest with everybody.
We'll be right back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, I was looking at InfoWars.com and I suddenly saw an article that had like a hundred comments that just went up a few hours ago, go to 570.
I didn't even have to ask.
I said, is that linked on DrudgeReport.com?
And I went and looked.
Red-linked under Duck Dynasty, Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvanians coerced into giving cheek swab at voluntary checkpoint.
And now Sebelius says you will pay more.
45 states still haven't hit 10% of enrollment goals.
It's all total fraud.
It turns out most of those that still think that they've been enrolled haven't been enrolled.
So it's just fraud on top of fraud on top of fraud.
Obama has the worst approval rating since Nixon.
And people are abandoning their puppet.
Matt Dubiel, again, tell me more about this event and the date of it, because you know I really like Peter Schiff, and I've been trying to get him back on as a guest lately, so maybe the only way I can make him be a guest is if I go out there and grab him by the arm and, like a caveman, throw him over my shoulder and march him over to the radio booth.
I'm joking, but tell folks about what's going to happen at this event coming up.
So there's two kinds of people.
There's the people that are ready to go move to Belize, and then there's guys like me that are sick of dealing with the TSA.
We got Peter Schiff coming, Jeff Berwick, a Bitcoin expert, a second passport expert, and then there's people that are going to come to this event in Vegas.
It's called Passport to Freedom, and they're going to help guys like you and I, Alex, who just want to get through with the TSA without
Maybe that's not you or I. I've definitely given them some problems and I know you have too.
But there's people that just want to get through.
They just want to squeak through.
They don't want to have trouble.
So there's going to be guys that teach people how to kind of stay put and just deal with less of the BS.
And then there's going to be guys that teach people how to start making plans to maybe get rid of some things, scale back, and maybe move to greener pastures, wherever those might be.
So we're going to give away six tickets to Alex Jones fans, people that go to InfoWars.com, at Freedom1530.com.
Everybody that goes there, I'm going to send you a discount code, because we want to have... it's a very small event.
And you talked about supporting sponsors and stuff.
I don't have a lot of advertisers here on this radio station.
There's not a lot of retail locations, period.
Then you go to those retail locations and you try and tell them, Mr. Baker, you bake great bread.
I want to have you advertise on Peter Schiff and Alex Jones.
And they look at you like, whoa, I don't know.
It takes them a while to get to that point where they're ready to support this kind of programming.
So this event is another way to do that, and I want to pass along this discount code to everyone that's listening at Infowars.com and across your network.
So Freedom1530.com is where you can go.
I'm also going to pick six winners just to get free tickets on us, and it's going to be a small event.
Peter's going to be keynoting, Jeff Berwick, Bitcoin, second passports,
Uh, business opportunities offshore, other things that a lot of us don't ever hear about.
You know how it is when you're here.
Uh, it's just like vitamins.
By the way, this beard and this hair are powered by vitamins.
I take lots of vitamins and I eat lots of nutrient-dense food, and that's... Oh, people listening can't see it, but that's how my grandparents lived to be... I've gone out to dinner with you and folks a couple times.
You're a really healthy guy.
And I wish, I mean I was rolling healthy for about 10 years, it's been a fight to get back, but without the vitamins and minerals and things, I couldn't be doing this now.
What do you make of them coming out and saying, now if you have all the nutrients you need, you don't need vitamins and minerals.
That's like saying if you have an oxygen tank at 200 feet under the water, you don't need oxygen.
But if you don't have it, you've got to absolutely have it.
It's a total semantical mind game, laughing at everyone, weaponized media.
It's, you know, Alex, I have my four kids, my youngest, hasn't been vaccinated, hasn't had any, just, no surgeries, no nothing.
She's the healthiest out of all four of them.
My kids all get vitamin D and vitamin C every day, but now another part of that is, you know, typically when you try and take vitamins, they're giving you niacin and other knockoffs of the vitamin.
That's right, there's all the synthetic crud you gotta get the real thing, which they use in these studies as well.
Alright, give us the website one more time for folks that want to be part of this event in Vegas.
Thanks again, Alex, for having us on.
And we want to hook everyone up with the discount code.
All the fans of the Alex Jones Show.
And maybe we'll see you there.
All right.
Who knows?
I tell you.
Maybe if I go, I'll never come back.
All right.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones here to tell you about how you can help spread liberty worldwide, while also enjoying what I have found to be the best tasting, 100% organic coffee on the planet.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Yeah, that's what Obama and the globalists are doing.
They are de-industrializing the country under Agenda 21.
Cloward and Piven was a plan by some sociologists adopted by the Democrats back in the 60s, but it's a much older plan.
The Romans and others had it, where you make people dependent, you enslave them.
Feudalist systems, you keep them at a subsistence level as a mode of control.
It's like putting a prison out in the middle of West Texas.
If you try to escape, you know, good luck, no chains are needed, because there's desert for 300 miles in all directions.
They actually have prisons in places like West Texas and Nevada, where no chains are needed on the chain gangs.
Because there's nowhere to go, it's 100 miles or more to any town.
In some cases, 300 miles.
And that's what they're doing, where you don't know how to farm, you don't know how to ranch, there's no culture.
The kids are taught 2 plus 2 equals 5, in the Common Core, in the new math.
They are literally creating a group of people that can be remolded into their collectivist dream.
And the big mega-banks, they want a relationship like that.
Now coming up, at the bottom of the hour, we'll shift gears with our guest and get his take on some of the other news issues, like neighbors call cops on man for washing car in his own driveway.
That's global zoning, they got the city to pass, saying you can't wash your car in your own yard.
That's the essence of tyranny.
Or you can't have a lemonade stand.
We're going to get William F. Jaspers' take on that.
Then we're going to get to this story that's on DrudgeReport.com.
Pennsylvanians coerced into giving cheek swab at voluntary checkpoints.
But in some cases, they don't even tell you it's voluntary.
Remember up in Fort Worth a few weeks ago, it made national news, where the woman said they didn't even give her a chance.
She said, you're going to give it.
For a DNA database, federally funded.
And speaking of globalism and deindustrialization and how these trade deals work and operate...
Corporate socialism!
General Motors says no way it'll pay back $10 billion.
Well, General Motors got $20-something billion, but $10 billion from one of the payments is due.
They've used the money on record to move to Brazil, China, and Eastern Europe.
So under globalism, you don't just pay $10 billion to select corporations so they can give part of it to the unions or whatever.
At least that would go back into the economy.
But it's bad enough socialism.
But at least it's like inflation where the money goes to the people.
Under QE, it goes to the elite and not to the people.
And it's the same thing here, where you pay to have your job moved with authoritarian China, where their wages in many areas are going down, not up.
And they have cities for the rich communist.
That's an oxymoron, but that's what it is.
And then they have the cities for all the poor, where you live in coffin-sized apartments, have forced abortions, and are drugged with suicide nets around the Apple Foxconn factories.
But that's okay, because Al Gore's on the board, and it's liberal.
When Obama drops bombs or backs Al-Qaeda, it's liberal.
In fact, I have mainstream news articles, we'll get to later, where they admit, oh, U.S.
getting closer to extremists.
They put the extremists in in the Middle East.
They've been protecting them.
Now they know we know about it, so they're like, oh, maybe we'll be friends with Al-Qaeda.
Now, homeland security is for the Tea Party.
Now, I wanted to get
William F. Jasper, Senior Editor at the New American Magazine on to talk about this new partnership with Asia.
Just like NAFTA and GATT, they have the Atlantic Trade Partnership, but they have this Trans-Pacific Partnership
That almost all of it's secret.
Parts of it have been released by Moles via WikiLeaks.
And it's exactly what we expected to see, like we saw in the Banff Canada documents that were released in 2007, that are in my film Endgame.
Where you have the top 100 corporations or so there, and the leaders of all the executive branches there, and a bunch of lawyers, and the governments literally take orders there, and they write it up where power is transferred to these corporate boards.
And that's what globalism is, is private corporations exempting themselves from the regulations, the taxes, lobbying for higher taxes on their competition.
And then consolidating the economy.
In fact, we'll put his article up on screen for TV viewers if you want to go check it out.
They also produced a video that we linked to on Infowars.com yesterday, where William F. Jasper breaks it down.
Great video, great article to send out to folks.
Trans-Pacific Partnership, TPP, bigger and more dangerous than Obamacare.
And I agree with him.
And even the Huffington Post said it's authoritarianism by Obama.
Because it's a total power grab on free speech, on markets, on taxes, on every front, and there's not even any news coverage except for Ron Paul talks about it, we talk about it, William F. Jasper talks about it, Drudge Report talks about it, World Net Daily talks about it, the Libertarian Constitutional Media talks about it, but no one else is discussing it.
Until the last few weeks, finally, we're getting some coverage because
Man, I tell you, you talk about hidden in plain view and sneaking it through on us.
Now let me tell you who William F. Jasper is as he joins us.
He's a graduate of the University of Idaho and joined the staff of the John Birch Society in 1976 as a researcher and current senior editor of the New American.
And again, his parents, back in the 70s, were getting into the anti-New World Order movement, and were anti-Vietnam War, and he was like, man, that's like Tommy or something, to kind of boil down what he said before an hour interview.
Then he went and researched, as a smart, you know, graduate student, everything they were saying, and found that it was true, and said, well, I better join the fight against it.
And so that's his story.
And he's an author, filmmaker, he's the author of United Nations Exposed, Global Tyranny Step-by-Step, United Nations, The Emerging New World Order, and he joins us to break down the de facto world corporate government.
First time I learned about it was in 21, in 1992, from William F. Jasper.
First time I learned about the UN and these biospheres.
William F. Jasper.
And so he joins us now to talk about... Am I wrong in saying, William, the mother of all globalist power grabs so far?
This trans partnership with Asia?
Well, you know, there's so many of them.
When you look at the TPP, Alex, it's a subset of the World Trade Organization.
So I guess you could say that the World Trade Organization is the mother.
And of course, it is really a progeny of the United Nations.
So the United Nations ends up really being the mother of all power grabs.
And all of these things, the IMF, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization flow from it.
But the TPP, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which, as you pointed out, Americans are just learning about now.
We've been writing about it and talking about it for the last couple of years.
But it has now reached the point where
President Obama, in his State of the Union address earlier this year, said that he wanted it passed by the end of the year, and that's what they were pushing for.
So we've had a victory of sorts, in that it looks like they're not going to be able to even sneak it through during a Christmas sneak attack, which is when many really bad pieces of legislation have gone through.
However, they may try by the end of the year to push through trade promotion authority.
And people who remember the NAFTA fight, the CAFTA fight, all of the other, the SPP, the Security and Prosperity Partnership... Fast track!
Right, that's the fast track.
They want to have it pushed through Congress without debate, without any amendments, without any kind of conditions, and that's how a lot of the congressmen
Who are really trying to be Weasley on this will say, well, I voted for the fast track, but I voted I'm against the against the trade agreement.
Well, if they push through the fast track, it almost then becomes a sure thing that it's going to be.
That's right, and when I say the mother of all, obviously David Rockefeller and Cecil Rhodes are the mother of it all, but when I see what's in these documents, and that's only one part of the larger plan, it's the biggest grab I've seen and the biggest transfer directly to private corporate interest towards corporate global government.
Right, this is an incredible grab for power, an unconstitutional transfer of power, if we allow this to go through, of international and international multinational corporate
Takeover of government functions legislative executive and judicial at the federal state and local levels and it let me tell you it will affect all of those as we are seeing these previous trade agreements NAFTA CAFTA
Dozens of these agreements that have gone through.
In one of my, I did a series of video commentaries, you referred to one of them there, which are going to be coming out on the TPP all week and next week, breaking down different parts of them.
But you'll recall that when we were fighting NAFTA, I think it was almost 30 years ago,
We were saying, hey, this is going to be a transfer of power.
It's an attack on our sovereignty.
We are going to be having international legal tribunals, courts, deciding on American law, on state law, on our national law, on our local laws.
And we were laughed at.
We were scorned.
All of the people, Republicans and Democrats.
This is a bipartisan treason.
Al Gore made all his jokes.
The Bushes made jokes.
It was all very funny.
Oh, this is all about prosperity, this is about trade, about opening up new jobs, etc.
It has nothing to do with anything that's going to sacrifice any of our sovereignty.
Ten years later, in 1992, when the, or excuse me, ten years after it passed, then we had cases brought against American companies, and they were being decided by NAFTA courts.
In fact,
NAFTA courts were overriding American courts.
That's right, and now we're going to break, and now look at how we've been de-industrialized, because the globalists could just put regulations on us that China wasn't following, and then transfer the jobs.
William F. Jaspers, our guest, we're going to come back to him, and I haven't gotten to the big issue yet.
The big enchilada in this whole deal is, remember, this agreement's been negotiated for years, it's totally secret, and Obama will not release it to anybody what's in it.
So understand that.
It's not just a power grab.
We don't get to know about it.
So we're going to get William F. Jasper, the expert on this, to break it down.
We'll also tell you how to go to the New American Magazine online and get it and how to subscribe.
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Now, William F. Jasper, this is a short segment, long segment coming up, but I wanted to, you know, get into this with you.
It's the secretness of it.
It's not just the power transfer.
Talk about that.
I mean, we had to get WikiLeaks to leak just one little part of the agreement, and it was a draconian power grab the likes of which I've never seen.
Well, Alex, this is the most disturbing and should be the most infuriating part of the whole process that we see going on here with the TPP.
It's a replay of what we've seen at past trade agreements.
But this has been even worse.
The secrecy from our transparent president.
Remember, he promised over and over again this was going to be the administration of transparency.
This has been conducted in total secrecy.
Even your elected representatives, the American people, forget that.
They're not going to release the text.
This has been going on for a couple of years.
They have these negotiation meetings going on with hundreds of representatives of corporate America and foreign corporations, big labor unions, NGOs, the big Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, all the big approved representatives.
So these are the NGOs who are going to go along with all of this and so they are given the text.
Consider this.
Senators and Congressmen, people we elect to represent us, have requested copies of the text.
And they're told, no, you and your staff cannot look at them.
However, you cannot have them.
However, we'll let you come over here and look at them, but you can't take any notes or can't make any copies.
However, representatives of corporations and labor unions, they're given a secure website and a passcode.
They can log on and go through the documents at any time.
This is outrageous.
It shouldn't be tolerated here in our country.
And when your congressman says, yes, he's very upset about this, well then ask him, what are you doing about this?
It's one thing for them just to give lip service.
And issue utterances that kind of give them cover so that they can show the folks back home that they're doing something about it.
But they really aren't if they don't force this out into the open.
They need to subpoena those things.
Here's where the real breakdown is, and this is with the media.
And of course, this is no surprise to you, Alex, but we're seeing the same thing here that we did during NAFTA, CAFTA, and all the WTO
Uh, battle all of these things.
The major media have jumped on board with this.
They'll offer some occasional criticism of the process or of the actual product.
But overall, they give over complete support to it and or they just simply covered up.
They don't report on it.
And this is true with most of the so-called conservative talk radio.
If they're not outright in support of the so-called trade agreements, they simply ignore it and allow it to pass unopposed.
So, right now, we can get into some of the actual details that they're not telling us about.
One of the things that came out, you mentioned the WikiLeaks.
So here we have to rely on a whistleblower releasing some of the text to WikiLeaks to find out about it.
None of our congressmen or senators have gotten anything and none of them have been gutsy enough to subpoena
And go to war over this.
And what is their ultimate endgame goal?
How do we stop them?
With William F. Jasper.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
And William F. Jasper.
We're going right back to him in just a moment.
And I'm going into the fourth hour today, overdrive, with Larry Klayman, who sued and successfully has had a federal judge say, you know what?
It's true.
This is violating the Constitution, the whole NSA.
And I want to get William F. Jaspers' take on the waterfront, other things that are happening, where the state of the battle is, and things, briefly.
But remember, things like the New American Magazine, things like Campaign for Liberty, things like InfoWars, are supported by viewers like you.
We're all about free will, free association.
We're not like MSNBC, whose parent company got billions in bailouts and hundreds of millions in stimulus money, directly to give Rachel Maddow a pay increase.
We're not like NPR in some years getting 400 plus million, sometimes more, of taxpayer money, sometimes as low as 200 million.
And then we're still running around begging for money all day when it's literally underwritten by David Rockefeller.
Pushing anti-family, anti-liberty, anti-self-defense.
These people are enemies.
They're not well-meaning liberals.
They're authoritarian dirtbags.
And the Republican leadership is bought off by them.
That's why we got George P. Bush saying he's a Tea Partier now.
They want to absorb the Tea Party that comes out of the JBS, and the New American, and Ron Paul, and then Alex Jones, and everybody else after that.
We're not radicals.
They say we're radicals all day.
They're the radicals usurping our republic.
We sound crazy because we're covering their crazy authoritarian agenda.
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But I'm not Hitler.
I'm telling you about Hitler.
If I told you all the crazy stuff about Nero, I'd sound crazy.
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Marrying his horse, everything else.
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And this is the best little booklet, I think, to wake people up.
It's available at InfoWarsTore.com.
And then Tragedy and Hope, that's, I don't know, 1,100 pages or so, that I see on William F. Jaspers' bookshelf on Skype, if you're watching us on TV, where the Georgetown political science professor, Bill Clinton's mentor, who he thanked in a State of the Union,
Admits they control liberalism, fake conservatism, fascism, and the Trilateral Commission and all of it is meant to bring in world corporate government.
And that it's only meant to look like there's the illusion of choice in politics.
I'm paraphrasing quotes.
This book, and I've actually read almost the whole thing.
When I say that, I've probably read 800 pages of it over the years.
Because, I mean, I skip over some of the more little factoid inside baseball stuff.
But I've read Cecil Rhodes' writings.
I mean, I've read H.G.
Wells' writings from them.
The White House science czar talking about putting stuff in the water to sterilize you.
Written in 74.
That's John P. Holdren's eco-science.
I mean, I've got that over there on the bookshelf.
I mean, I know what they've really said, okay?
This isn't a game.
So I wanted William F. Jasper to get into what's in
The Trans-Pacific Partnership, TPP.
How we beat it and then how it nexuses in to Agenda 21 and all the things that are happening right now.
And so please segue into what's at the center of the spider web, how things are going.
I mean, I know that's a whole waterfront.
I'll remind you of the questions, but more on TPP.
How do we beat that battle?
How does that web tie back to the center?
What's at the center?
What's the endgame?
How's the fight going?
William F. Jasper.
Well, Alex, first of all, the TPP, we have to realize, as bad as it is, is just a stepping stone.
And we have that in that same phrase, stepping stone, a transition, by one of the architects of it, C. Fred Bergsten.
C. Fred Bergsten is one of the big men in the Council on Foreign Relations who is the
We're good to go.
But it is just a stepping stone to the FTAAP, the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific, which will include dozens of countries all around the Pacific Rim.
So, again, it's important to remember that even what we have learned as bad and as frightening as it is, and as it should be to Americans who treasure freedom,
It's just the tip of the iceberg.
It is a process.
They intend for it to keep evolving.
And if you read the literature regularly of the Peterson Institute, of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Brookings Institution, you see that they plan on having this continually evolve with increasing structures of governance.
Governance is a big thing for them.
Global governance.
And that is just kind of a euphemistic way of saying global government, world government.
And they say this quite openly in some of their publications.
So they're talking about transferring economic power and global political power, legislative, executive, and judicial, to global institutions, eventually all to the United Nations.
The World Trade Organization plays a very important transition role in all of this, overseeing trade, but as we've pointed out, and as you were hinting at there, this so-called trade agreement deals, as the U.S.
Trade Representative Office even admits on its website, only deals about 20% of the whole agreement deals with trade issues.
So, if it's a trade agreement, what are all the other issues that it's dealing with?
Well, it goes on their website, says that it deals with, I'll just read you some of the things there.
It deals with customs, it deals with intellectual trade, it deals with taxation.
It goes through a whole list of things that they deal with.
Virtually everything that is outside of trade in that
State, local, and federal laws.
It is governance with NATO as the UN army.
So what's at the center of the spider and what is their endgame if they get planetary rule?
Well, power corrupts, absolute power corrupts, absolutely, and when you have people who are already absolutely corrupt and they get absolute power, you know the endgame is really absolute corruption and as
Professor R.J.
Rummel said in his death by government is that power corrupts and power kills.
So once you have a total control in government, in this case a world government, we could...
Expect nothing else except for tyranny on a global scale, and with that, genocide, which we've always seen whenever you have total absolute government, on a global scale.
And so this is a very dangerous thing.
People will think we're exaggerating when we say that, but look, our Founding Fathers recognized that.
They said, guard with jealous
With jealousy, the public safety and the public liberty.
So we're supposed to be jealous about these things.
We're supposed to be prudent and recognize whenever government is taking steps to expand its power, that we better slam it back down if we're going to remain the masters instead of the slaves or the servants.
So this is a very dangerous thing and whenever they operate in secrecy, they do not want us to know what they're doing.
Is what you call a clue that this is not something that is going to be... Sure, sure.
I mean, you guys are trailblazers who pointed out the Vietnam War was meant to create artificial dissension, bankrupt the country.
You guys got attacked by the left and the right and demonized when your parents were part of the John Birch Society because you were so effective and so on target.
And I've noticed the John Birch Society since then has been ultra conservative about the info you cover.
And I'm not criticizing your trailblazers, but now you guys are always on the cutting edge of exposing the new attack, but very calmly, very focused, but at the same time, you know, almost not even hammering it as bad as it is, because the system came after you back when they had media superiority and dominance.
Media superiority and dominance anymore.
They're losing it.
And I wanted to ask you, where do you think the world is today?
Because there's an example.
It's on DrugsReport.com.
He's coming up in about 20 minutes.
Clayman, the man who took on Obama and won with the NSA.
Stunning revelations.
Dirty tricks.
NSA sent out emails that he never wrote.
Guys, will you print me that?
This is the kind of stuff they do to me.
I get calls and then we track it back to government sources and corporate.
People send out threatening emails, faxes, attacks, say things I never said, edit what I say, lie about what I say.
But the thing is, it doesn't work anymore.
When they would attack me like this 10 years ago, it would hurt me.
Now, even the unintellectual and uninformed go, wait, if the system is attacking you, you must be good.
So what I'm saying is, like I told Politico a few years ago, I said if you want to hurt Rand Paul,
Start agreeing with him and endorsing him.
That will destroy him.
Because people aren't sophisticated enough that have just woken up.
They're awake, but not to exactly what's happening.
It's like you wake up, you're half asleep, you're figuring out what's going on.
I said the only way to destroy us would be to endorse us, but you don't do that because you're so arrogant.
And so what I'm saying here is you guys were right.
You were right about it all.
And then you're almost, not you, but some other folks, almost apologetic when you break down the diabolic nature of this when you guys were always aware of it.
So what is the state of the world?
And what is the center of this?
And you said corrupts absolutely.
Well, sure, it's forced world population reduction.
But where do you, you know, fighting these guys for several decades and standing on the shoulders of folks who have been fighting it, you know, really the first to analyze the enemy attack profile, along with Cleon Skousen and others.
What, really, William F. Jaspers, the editor of that magazine, what do you really think about the fight?
What do you really think is at the bottom of the rat hole?
Well, in reference to the TPP, it's very clear that one of the things that came out in the WikiLeaks thing is that they're trying to shut down all independent media, such as yourself, such as our
thing by implementing SOPA and ACTA under different names.
SOPA, the Stop Online Piracy Act, ACTA, the whatever one that was.
Both of those were aimed at legislation.
These were legislation in Congress to shut down the internet and to shut down independent
And thanks to an outpouring of citizen effort, that legislation and others like it was defeated in Congress.
And then Aaron Swartz got hung.
Right, and so now they're trying to implement it in this trade agreement, sneaking it in.
And that's just one example of many of the different things that they're going to try to push through here, and they are going to have, unfortunately at this point, lots of liberal Democrats and so-called conservative Republicans hopping on board, because as they've done in the past, they've been able to convince enough people that, hey, this is good for trade, it's going to be good for our economy.
They're going to have a harder time doing it this time.
You know, that's a good point though.
They couldn't get it done at the national level, so they just go to this secret global level.
Congress can't see it.
I mean, this is espionage.
This is a foreign takeover.
Instead of just criticizing it, I think we start talking about treason trials.
Well, it is getting to that point.
I mean, here they are, dismantling our constitutional system.
Now, before we went to the break, I was going to go to a point that's really important about the judicial fiat that they're trying to give to the WTO and to the regional
Globalist courts.
Back when NAFTA was passed, and we said this was an attack on sovereignty, we were ridiculed, as I said.
However, then after the lawsuits came down and the courts started ruling against us, very interesting.
Secretary of State, our current Secretary of State, John Kerry, was then a senator from Massachusetts.
And he started getting pummeled by constituents saying, hey, what's going on with this?
This court is overruling our Massachusetts state court.
And here's what he said.
He said, well,
Back when we debated NAFTA, nobody was saying anything about Chapter 13.
That was the chapter that dealt with these regional tribunals.
He said nobody talked about that.
Nobody said anything about the possibility of losing our sovereignty.
Well, that was a lie.
We had said a lot of things about it.
We'd written about that constantly.
We'd peppered him with that.
Well, Ross Perot did that too.
He said, listen, you're going to have foreign bodies, foreign tribunals, rolling on American trade deals.
And Representative Abner Mikva said the same thing.
He said, if we had known back when NAFTA was being debated that something like this could happen, nobody in Congress would have voted for it.
Well, again, this is after the fact, trying to cover themselves.
They knew.
They had been apprised of this.
It was actually in the writing.
They could tell.
We pointed it out.
It's in Chapter 13.
Read it.
Now all of a sudden they pretend like, well, gee, we never saw that.
So now they just keep it secret, the next phase of it.
But I don't know how even if they ran this through and had people sign on to it at the executive level.
Well, that's my next issue.
What do you make of Obama?
And I know he's a puppet, but he's setting the precedent.
He really, for all intents and purposes, on open borders, on legalizing people, on military, putting NATO over our military, over selectively enforcing 30 plus areas of Obamacare.
On so many fronts, on guns, he's acting as a dictator and saying that.
What do we do about that?
Because now the precedent's being set for the executive to be dictatorial.
Well, unfortunately, Obama's push in all of these areas and all of his very frightening executive orders.
I mean, any time a president issues executive orders, and this is one of the first things when I first came into the movement I had never heard about before, was really executive orders, and I didn't realize the whole unconstitutional nature of
The executive branch issuing executive orders like they've been doing for decades now.
President Obama has taken this to a whole new level and unfortunately a very dangerous level.
But he could not have accomplished what he has done.
Nobody would have stood for all of his
Executive orders that he's issued so far, if he had already not had the ground laid for him by... Exactly!
They've laid the foundation, now he's building the House, and now whoever moves in after him is going to be even worse.
I mean, this is... And here's the problem that we have is that too many Republicans say nothing and object very little, if at all, when a President Bush
I don't think so.
Executive orders have been very... That's right, that's right.
It's total partisan gangster politics instead of being principled and living in reality.
But I think that's starting to change.
Final segment with William F. Jasper straight ahead.
Then, the man who just won in court against the NSA, Larry Klayman.
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Hey folks, we have great news.
The White House names Microsoft exec to run healthcare.gov.
They'll fix everything for you when they're not spying on everything you do.
In your updates, sending the data back to the NSA.
Microsoft, folks, is the top of the pyramid when it comes to these corporations that work with the globalists.
Canadian River artificially sweetened.
Researchers find elevated levels of sugar substitute compounds in waterways and drinking water.
That, of course, is the NutraSweep, as its brand name is known.
William F. Jaspers with us for five minutes to the next hour.
Then Larry Klayman with breaking news is coming on.
You know, it's not just that my
Quote, smartphone, my spy phone has gone crazy before.
I've had it hacked before with someone in there typing and sending people emails in front of me.
And I've had to get rid of the phone multiple times.
And then it takes the government a while to dial into the new one and jack it and mess with it.
This happened to Clayman, we'll talk to him about it.
This is what it's like when you deal with these globalist criminals.
This is living in the real world.
And it just shows how they targeted the Associated Press and conservative and libertarian groups.
William F. Jasper, isn't the biggest reason to impeach Obama and the Attorney General and to start having arrests?
Is it they use the IRS to target pro-life groups?
I mean, this is oppression like what Hitler did to the Jews and people in the lead up to arresting them.
There isn't much more they can do after this, and then they're domestically gearing up with Homeland Security for quote the, you know, the Patriot threat.
What do you see coming in the future of this fight?
Well, the IRS is a big part of it, but then of course, and I'm sure you've reported on it as well, it has gone beyond that.
The President has issued assassination orders and has carried them out with drone attacks on American citizens, on foreign citizens, and this is happening on a regular basis.
Just happened last week.
So, that is
One of the most really outrageous acts that he has been carrying out is actually making Americans used to accepting that the president can name enemies and then use our military and police assets to have them killed without any judicial proceedings and no due process.
That is a very
Uh, frightening development and that's gone further again.
Then George Bush was able to go with his executive orders.
So, uh, and that is a very definitely an impeachable area for him impeachable offenses, and there are multiple offenses.
And so we have some of the foreign
Uh, organizations and human rights groups that are calling for him to be prosecuted for human rights violations.
But unfortunately, we haven't had many of the liberals who were all over George Bush for all of his, and rightfully so, for all of his warmongering and criminal acts in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
Nothing of the same response from the liberals there.
Same, as you probably noticed, just recently when the Obama administration announced that, hey, we're going to stay in Afghanistan for another 10 years.
They just keep lying.
We promised 2012.
We promised 2014.
Now it's another 10 years and they always intended to stay.
I mean, I've got to say this though.
The so-called mainline liberals are the vanguard of the authoritarian takeover, Cloward and Piven.
Mainline conservatives are good folks, they're just ignorant.
But it's only been the libertarian constitutional patriot Ron Paul, William F. Jasper type wing, you know, McManus wing, that has told the truth and been real.
And so when we come back briefly in a final five minutes with you, I want to ask you, what is our responsibility?
Because we're not tooting our horns saying we're the smartest guys in the room.
It's just a fact.
What do we do then with our responsibility?
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Final little segment with William F. Jasper of the New American, newamerican.com.
The newamerican.com.
I gotta mention this.
Chinese rover diorama shows Europe being nuked.
Official state run display has a painting behind the rover that shows a nuke going off, a giant mushroom cloud over, over Europe.
If you scroll down, there's an even bigger image of it below.
There you go for viewers.
So that's up on infowars.com right now.
That just shows the craziness.
And I want you to answer that question, William F. Jasper.
The toll-free number for folks that want to call and subscribe to New American Magazine is 800-727-TRUE.
And they didn't ask me to plug that, but it really has been an invaluable tool to wake myself and others up.
So give the gift of reality in this new year 800-727-TRUE or get Infowars magazine or both at 888-253-3139 but we've only got five minutes left or three minutes left or so now.
A minute on China and its role in the new world order and what you really think is going on and then two or three minutes on that question, what do we do as people that aren't sellouts that know what's happening?
We're not the only ones that know what's going on.
Most people join with Soron.
They join with the dark side.
So how does China play in and then what do we do
As the real leadership that did accurately analyze this, I think we should be a little more, not arrogant, but assertive about the fact that we know what we're talking about.
Well, China is a big part of what we see happening in the whole area that falls under the label of convergence.
And you'll have to have me back on sometime just to talk about convergence.
Convergence is the planned operation, incremental merging of the United States and other what used to be called the free world, the West,
With Russia, China, and the rest of the communist world.
And you may recall that back when the Reese Committee, back in the 1950s, in Congress, investigated the tax exempt foundations, the Rockefeller-Ford foundations, Carnegie foundations, because they were promoting left-wing socialist and communist programs.
That the chief investigator, Norman Dodd, went to the Ford Foundation and he had one of those moments that you see on movies where the bad guy just can't resist chortling to the hero about what they plan to do and how you can't do anything about it.
Rowan Gaither, member of the Council on Foreign Relations, head of the Ford Foundation, told
This Congressional Investigator, Norman Don, we are operating under instructions to so change the fabric of the United States that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.
And at that time, that included, of course, Communist China.
And how is that going to be done?
Well, it's going to be done by changing the economics and political structure of the United States, transferring all of our economic industrial base to China, to Russia, and to other countries so that
And that's what they've done.
I'll get you on in the new year, guys.
Book him in the first or second week to do a whole hour on convergence and to go over those committees and those documents.
This is on record.
In the next minute and a half, what do we do, and the listeners do that are informed, because we really do have the answers to this, what do we do?
Well, first of all, we expose them, which is what you are doing, what we're doing at The New American.
First, let people know what they should be already aware of, but the mainstream media is not telling them.
So, yeah, we have to get this out to all of our friends and neighbors.
And one of the ways to do this is to go to thenewamerican.com and right there on the top of our menu bar of our website, you will see a menu item called Voting Index.
And we put this out quarterly, and it shows all the votes of members of the House of Representatives and Senate on all the key issues, such as we're talking about here, so that people will actually be able to know how their congressman, their senator, is voting, not rely on what they are telling them at election time.
This is a critical year, 2013.
2014 is critical.
That's what Drudge has said.
Everything happens this year.
William F. Jasper, thank you.
We'll talk to you again in the new year.
In fact, right now, or we'll call you later today and then book you for the second week or so of January when we have a huge audience.
God bless you.
Thank you so much.
We're going to come back with Larry Klayman.
Thank you.
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The facts are in.
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So why are the social engineers adding it to the water?
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Freedom Watch USA, Don O.R.G., Larry Klayman was the founder of Judicial Watch.
I remember interviewing him back in the mid-90s, right to 2000.
Then when Bush got in, he criticized and sued over unconstitutional activities there.
And now he has really turned up the heat with Obama because it's just the orgy of constitution violations has become dictator level.
And even Mainline News is having to admit that.
So he's a real trailblazer and I'm very thankful that he was able to give us 10 minutes today.
He joins us live.
Here's the headline.
CNN judge NSA domestic phone data mining unconstitutional.
Who brought the case?
Who won it?
When everybody else has been failing, Larry Klayman.
And then if you continue, Politicos, as Larry Klayman crows on NSA when we hit the motherlode.
I'm glad he's proud of defending the Republic.
And then a stunning revelation from man who sued NSA, Dr. Corsi writes about it.
And we also learned that they sent out emails that he didn't actually send out to let him know they were watching him.
That's the good old boys at the National Security Agency that we know are spying on the Tea Party, the Associated Press, Pro-Life Cribs,
Giving the data to the Justice Department and the DEA and others to harass the Liberty Movement.
Those of us that aren't authoritarians.
We don't like fascism.
We don't like socialism.
We don't like communism.
Everybody else can live under that horrible tyranny.
Like North Korea.
We want to live in America.
And we're not terrorists and we're not the bad guys for being right about the NSA spying.
So joining us is Larry Klayman.
To break down his stunning victory in the federal court.
Please tell us about the case, the ruling, what happened, the harassment you've been under, and where this is going.
Larry, thank you.
Alex, thank you for those kind words, fellow patriot.
You bet, we'll break it down.
Yeah, let me tell you about the case.
Just within a day or so, when Soden made his revelation, we filed two class action lawsuits.
I'm a plaintiff, I made myself a guinea pig, put myself on the chopping block.
As both lawyer and plaintiff.
With our client, Charlie Strange, who you know about.
I think you've had him on the show.
Who is the father of Michael Strange.
An NSA, not coincidentally, cryptologist.
Larry, your phone's a little low.
Speak up for me, thank you.
The Navy SEAL Team 6.
And Michael Strange, uh, you know, died in very suspicious circumstances.
There's a congressional investigation underway.
Charlie has been very critical of the NSA, the Obama administration, and the military.
So we brought lawsuits, and it made us that we brought these lawsuits against Verizon and all the other cell phone companies, and the internet providers like Google and Yahoo, you name it.
We started to receive these text messages that we never sent.
And, you know, we're in fact harassing.
And it was clear that the NSA and the government, the Obama administration, was trying to scare us from going forward.
But that being said, and that's what Jerome Corsi, my friend and client, wrote about at Wilbeth Dailing, where I'm also a columnist, we went forward with the case.
We filed motions for preliminary injunction.
We argued them in front of the court on November 18th.
You can see the transcript and all the pleadings at freedomwatchusa.org.
And we told the judge that our government has broken away from the people, that it no longer represents us,
That the executive and legislative branches of government have become tyrannical under Obama, and frankly under the Republicans as well, because they've gone along with this outrage.
This is the biggest violation of constitutional rights in American history.
Our founding fathers would be turning in the graves to see this.
And that he was the last hope of the American people to step in to stop this outrage, to stop this criminal violation of law.
And the judge obviously accepted our argument, and we take our hat off to him.
There aren't many judges in this country, Alex, that would have done what he did because most of them play it safe politically because they want to get a higher appointment.
Well, let's give you some brief credit, then I want you to get back into what happened, when the ruling came down, where it goes from here, and the harassment you went under.
But I read your suit, or looked over it, and then read your comments in the press and what the judge said.
Clearly, you spelled out the truth.
These other lawsuits are real mealy-mouthed, and we want the judge to tell us if they think it's bad.
As you know, in law, we need to declare the facts and stand on the Constitution, common law, common sense.
And the moral high ground.
So, I think that's why your suit was all so successful.
Please go ahead.
Well, and you and I are a lot alike.
We tell it as it is, right?
Yes, sir.
I mean, we don't have time to start mincing words.
This country's headed down the drain.
And we live in a police state where no one can send an email, a text message, a telephone call without thinking that they're being surveyed.
And that has a coercive effect.
It enslaves the American people.
And keeps us down, so we can't criticize the ruling establishment.
And that's what I told the judge.
And they obviously agreed with me.
And if people want to read that decision, it's at freedomwatchusa.org.
So, Alex, we don't have time here.
And if there are more judges like this that will step in, that will protect the American people from the Obama administration, or whoever occupies the White House, and Congress, Democrats and Republicans.
We've seen people like Peter King running in interference for Obama on this.
Unless that happens, we're in a state of revolution.
The country's going to explode.
I don't want to see that happen.
So I challenge the judge.
I challenge other judges to be courageous and protect the American people.
And I'm going to do my part by filing lawsuits, by engaging in civil disobedience, Gandhi-style, whatever it takes to save this country.
And you're doing your part.
And you're doing the country a great service because you've talked clearly
And you're taking action.
You just had a rally there in D.C.
saying Obama needs to step down.
I mean, now is the time.
And, you know, I've seen some of the so-called left, like at the Guardian, saying, oh, the gadfly Larry Klayman, you know, took on the NSA.
Hey, you've got the courage.
You did it.
You're the one getting your emails broken into.
And then the left
Can't even say good job for all our rights.
They've got to make a sniveling joke.
The only reason I bring that up is that we have to come together as human beings, as Americans and people, and say, come on, this is spying beyond 1984, and we need to support everybody.
I've supported liberals that have been against the NSA spying.
It's time to come together.
Tell me about what the judge said in the ruling, where it goes from here, and what happened to your emails.
Well, the judge, first of all, ordered that all of our metadata of Larry Klayman and Charles Strange be destroyed.
And we want that same order for all of the Americans.
300 million have had their homes broken into.
You know, Richard Nixon, he only broke into the Watergate office complex.
He had to resign.
Obama and his Republican and Democrat enablers have broken in 300 homes.
So the judge said, destroy all that data.
And he said, you know, let's just go up and appeal government.
But if you don't toe the line and follow my order, and my order is upheld,
And it comes back, there's going to be hell to pay, and you're going to be sanctioned.
And I'll tell you something, we'll assist that because if they, now they're on notice that what they're doing is criminal, it's illegal, it's a violation of our Constitution.
And if they continue to do this, if we catch them doing it, and our orders are upheld and we're confident that they will be, I will file motions to have them held in criminal contempt and thrown in jail.
And whether the courts will do that is another question, but if the courts don't do that, then the American people are in the streets.
Because we can't live under a George Orwell, 1984, Atlas-shrugged world.
That's not the United States.
That's the Soviet Union.
That's China.
That's not the United States.
As a top constitutional lawyer who's had probably more victories than anybody I know against tyranny in the last 20 plus years, I followed you and had the honor to talk to you, Larry.
And again, if you just tuned in, the man who just got the only federal ruling out there against the NSA, the only sanity in years, Larry Klaman joins us right now.
I had him on a month ago.
Saying, join his organization, donate, this guy files real lawsuits for real results.
So if people don't go there and donate, which he's not asking you to do here on air, I'm bringing it up, you're crazy.
I mean, Larry Klayman just continues to be the real deal and to really get the word across.
I need to ask you though, looking at this,
Where do you expect it to go now?
And talk about precedent as a constitutional lawyer, because if we don't stop Obama acting like a dictator, it sets a precedent.
If the NSA stuff comes out now and they don't get reversed, it sets a precedent.
What's coming next?
That's what I'm concerned about.
Can you explain to people this principle, historically, that it doesn't stay in one place?
Things get better or worse and if we don't reverse it, we're going to hell in a handbasket?
We've already gone to hell in a handbasket, Alex.
We're hanging by a thread.
And it's time for people who are knowledgeable to take action.
And this one judge stepped forward, but he's the only judge I've seen in recent years.
Judge Royce Lamberth was like that during the Clinton years.
He hasn't got one of my cases lately.
I pray that he will.
He's a great judge, too.
He's a colleague of Leon.
But there aren't many like that.
And we really have to educate, and we really have to show the American people what's at issue.
What's ironic, you mentioned the left.
I've been getting more calls from the left in the last few days than from the right.
And, you know, they're two-faced.
Behind our back, they criticize us.
But to our face, they're praising us.
Because there's nobody on the left that is doing what I'm doing.
What Freedom Watch is doing.
And they appreciate that, but they won't give us any credit.
So they have to take shots at us, like in The Guardian or Politico or whatever.
And I'm used to that.
Rolls off my back.
I could care less.
The point is that we want results.
And I'm not equating myself with Jesus Christ.
I'm not in his league, obviously.
No, but I'm holding you up as somebody that took action and won.
And this is all of us having our rights robbed.
They've come in our houses.
They've come in our businesses.
Absolutely, Alex.
And what I'm saying is that they took shots at Jesus, too, right?
He was the son of God.
So they can take it and stick it.
And we're going to do what we have to do.
And we're not going to be deterred.
And I hope the judges will follow the lead of Judge Leone, because he is an American hero.
And you're an American hero, and anybody who speaks clearly is an American hero, and I don't care if you're right, left, or center.
We're all in it together.
Anybody that challenges the attempt to chill political speech in the five minutes we've got left, I know you've got to go, Larry Klayman.
There'll be something you wish you would have added after you leave, so you've got the floor.
Tell us about your emails getting messed with, according to Corsi, if that's accurate.
I'm sure it is.
And then, where all this goes, and what we can do, and other points about this case.
Well, we know, Alex, you know, that when the government wants to get you to back off, they send people to follow you home, to photograph your house, to do whatever they can do to make calls, you know, clicks on it.
I mean, I've gone through that for decades.
This is just the latest gambit by the government.
They sent text messages that I'd never sent to people that I'm close with, that I work with.
And they did the same thing with regard to Charlie Strange, getting him to believe that he was getting emails from his dead son.
And the poor guy breaks down in tears at the mention of Michael being killed.
They're cruel people.
They're evil.
And frankly, they're criminals.
And they should be thrown in prison.
That's where they belong.
This guy Clapper, who lied in front of Congress, if it had been you or me, we'd already be gone.
I mean, they got to go after, you know, baseball pitchers and others for lying to Congress, but this guy subjugating the rights of the American people and enslaving us with
But I don't want to glaze over that.
The father of the dead Navy SEAL, clearly a cover up there.
They're messing with him?
That's incredible, Larry.
And we gave it to the court.
That's what they do, Alex, you know that.
Oh, I know, yeah.
I talked to a national... They were tapping our windows.
I brought somebody in to confirm that.
People were in front of our office, white guys in aviator glasses in an African-American neighborhood following my people home.
You know, this is what they do.
You can't be deterred.
You can't be scared of them.
If you walk down the street and think the dog's gonna bite you, he will bite you.
Yeah, they don't do that to me anymore because it's something that happened many years ago.
I can't help it.
I go completely age.
No, and that's what the American people are subjected to.
We live in a gulag-type society.
It is little different in this regard than the former Soviet Union or China today.
And we can't tolerate that.
The judge made reference to that.
This is a complete violation of the founding fathers' principles upon which this nation
Well, I know even prominent Democrats have been coming out saying Clapper should be indicted because he clearly lied to Congress and said we don't grab any data of Americans.
It's just a total fraud.
Larry Klaman, let me ask you this specifically.
What do you expect now to happen in this court case?
Do you think the rogue elements of the government that are stealing all our data illegally with our tax money, do you think they'll start backing off because of this judge?
Or will the judge, you know, have a kayak accident?
I'm not that trained on it.
But, you know, the government will be the government.
And we've told, we've asked the court to set up a very strong monitoring mechanism where we can take discovery.
I'll be filing for a security clearance that I had when I was a Justice Department prosecutor.
So we can get into discovery and find out what's going on.
And hopefully we'll learn even more than what's said and does at this point.
But this is just the beginning.
This case is going to trial now.
The judge found a likelihood of success.
The government can get rid of it, only if they do a Hail Mary and tell it to the court, and that's not going to happen.
Briefly, tell us about the case, for those that don't know me.
What is it?
Encapsulate it.
The case is very simple.
It's a violation of the Fourth Amendment against unreasonable searches and seizures.
The First Amendment for channeling free speech and rights of association, because if you think the government's watching you, you're not going to want to express yourself freely.
And due process, because Tier 2-4
Use the legal phrase.
Companies like Verizon and the government went in front of the Fisk Court, the Fire and Intelligence Surveillance Court, and we had no right to even know what was going on.
And that's why this judge, in exercising his legitimate powers, is so important, because he has checked the Fisk Court.
He's checked his fellow justices.
He's been extremely brave, and yeah, I pray that nothing happens.
Well, I talked to a national talk show host last week who didn't want to go public with it because, you know, it sounds crazy, but now it's not because it's so mainstream.
He gets threatened, but also the fake texts, the fake emails.
Years ago, when I would go cover Bilderberg or go cover a DNC or RNC event, my wife would get phone calls, but there'd be no number on the caller ID, just no number.
And then they would, you know,
Women saying, oh hi, I'm calling for my boyfriend.
He got me pregnant.
My wife said, I know that's not true.
You've done this before.
A guy would come on and say, you know, I hope your whole family dies.
I saw you walking the dog this morning.
And then you realize, wow, it's really the government or someone in our phone system because the number's not showing up.
Or you'll have family in the hospital.
They'll wait until something bad happens.
And they'll call up and say, I hope your dad dies.
It didn't get to me over the years, so it hasn't happened in a while.
But still, unless you've experienced it, people don't realize that's the final proof that evil has taken over the government, Larry.
And I notice you've gotten more stalwart and hardcore over the years as you've been persecuted.
Because if you're not a coward, this stuff only makes you mad.
But I guess they want us to talk about it then and scare everybody.
What do you think the intimidation tactic is, guys in aviator sunglasses?
To get people to be scared and back off.
You remember Vince Foster when he died in Fort Marcy Park?
Years ago during the Clinton administration and it was, some people said it was a suicide, other people said he was murdered.
He was the boyfriend of Hillary Clinton at the time.
And many people thought that Hillary, you know, put a hit out on him because he was about ready to tell the truth about what they all were doing.
He was actually thought to be an ethical guy, as opposed to another number of people in the White House.
Well, the people who were witnesses,
What happened at Fort Marcy Park, found the body.
They were followed around Washington by FBI agents and other agents to scare them, to keep them quiet.
And there are a lot of good people at the FBI, and I've represented some of them, but not those people that were following him around.
And this is a government tactic, and it works.
Whether they stick the IRS on you, whether they do this or they do that.
And, you know, the American people have had enough.
As Popeye used to say, enough is enough and enough is too much.
It's done.
It's over.
Case closed.
This government does not represent the people.
And that's why I've gotten hardened over the years.
Because, you know, I believe in a government that functions.
It isn't on the back of the American people.
It isn't persecuting us.
It protects us from foreign enemies.
It leaves us alone otherwise.
And our government has become dominant of every aspect of our life.
You know, in some states you can't even have somebody pet your dog or brush him at a dog hotel unless they've got a license.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
Oh no, they're now all over the country telling people they can't have lemonade stands, you can't wash your car in your own yard, you can't have a garden.
I mean, this is a martial law.
A nanny state, a six-year-old kisses another girl, she likes it.
It's puppy love.
They charge, you know, they try to charge him with sexual abuse as a sex offender.
A kid plays with a Nerf gun in their backyard, they get kicked out of school.
I mean, this government... You can't spank your kid or you'll get a prison.
You know?
I mean, that's where we are today.
It's out of control.
It's out of control.
Obama's a socialist, borderline communist.
He's sympathetic to Muslim interests.
He does everything he can to destroy Israel.
And frankly, we have somebody in the White House who is evil, plain and simple.
And we've got rough republics in Congress that are just cashing in on the money.
They're happy that people are losing their insurance.
They're happy that
Uh, people in cancer patients are dying because, hey, this is going to help us win the next election.
But you know what?
You knew about this the whole time.
You have experts.
You let this happen.
You let Obama do it.
And they're all in league together.
They're just dividing up the riches in Washington.
And that's where our country is today.
That's right.
And, and, you know, they've had it.
They're going to have it because we're going to educate them.
And I want to do it peacefully and nonviolently.
And we can do it.
If Gandhi can do it in India, we can do
Alright, well Larry Klayman, FreedomWatchUSA.org.
Folks, read it all there.
Get the actual lawsuit, the documents, not what the establishment regurgitates or tries to twist.
Larry Klayman, thank you so much for the time.
We'll talk to you soon.
God bless, Alex.
Thank you.
Alright, have a great New Year coming up.
We don't talk again before the New Year.
Wow, ladies and gentlemen, I tell you, you can say what you want about that guy, but the harassment he's been through...
Uh, the takeover of Judicial Watch away from him.
Everything they've done to stop him.
They don't like him because he really believes in what he's doing.
And none of us are perfect, but he really believes in what he's doing and he's a good guy.
Has a lot of courage.
As I end this three and a half hour transmission, because we go into overdrive some days, we're still live.
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