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Name: 20131128_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 28, 2013
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Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
To fix Obamacare, Congress will have to stand down and allow Obama to operate outside of the courts, outside of law, outside of Congress.
And of course, this is the big test now, because the Republican leadership
You know, helped write this with foreign banks, so they wanted to go through.
That's their orders.
And so now, Obama will be like, hey, let me do what I want outside of law, and I'll give you the free health care.
And then of course, you'll let him be dictator.
It'll get even worse, as I keep telling you, for years and months, specifically.
And then it'll just get worse and worse and worse.
It's kind of like if you stuck your arm in something and something bit your finger off, you wouldn't stick your arm back in there.
So you stick your arm in the Obamacare hole,
And you pull it out and three fingers have been chewed off.
And then you hear a voice going, I love you, stick your hand back in.
I'll give you a bag of gold if you stick your hand back in.
You know, come to healthcare.gov.
Oh, I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
And you go, well, it sounds sweet.
You know, it sounds like Harry Lennox, who now has gone public to media and
Chicago, that he actually for years was there and trained Obama.
And then you watch and listen to Lennox, and you go back to videos of him years ago, he's Obama!
He's the guy, he's the American, he's the smooth-talking guy, the Shakespearean actor, who trained Obozo.
I mean, we know Obama.
I shouldn't call him a bozo, but I like to denigrate their puppets.
He's actually a viciously successful puppet who savagely stabbed America in the back a thousand times and we're bleeding out right now.
So he's actually the Great Destroyer, the most successful New World Order agent ever against the Republic.
Benedict Arnold rolls in his grave with jealousy, flopping end over end, foaming at the mouth with just absolute rapine.
Let's get into some of the Obozo care news.
They're now reporting that the fix could make it worse.
That's what McClatchy's saying, of course.
Always going to make it worse.
That's the plan.
More Navigators exposed in new video with the Veritas Project.
Where they're telling them to engage in fraud, and cheat everyone, and lie on everything, and commit felonies, and that they work for the Democratic Party, and that they're going to take over the country.
And no mainstream media is picking that up, because again, this is the age of total criminality.
GOP warns of constitutional crisis, but they're controlled at the top, so don't expect anything.
A Democratic representative says they haven't seen this much panic since 9-11.
Now that was a staged event too.
And the New York Times says there's a crisis in confidence in Obozo.
Well, it doesn't matter, he's not facing re-election.
So he's designed the abomination, the O-Vomit.
That's the best name, because they're vomiting out their hatred on us with Obama.
Like boiling oil dumped off a castle wall on our heads.
We're saying it's a crisis in confidence.
And then that will run everyone to the self-propelled Baron Harkinen, Jabba the Hutt's illegitimate son, the governor of New Jersey.
That will run everyone to him and his suspenser belts.
And then, of course, he'll come in and double down the savagery and all the neocon talk show hustle, defend him and say you're liberal if you don't like him and that I'm a commie because I don't like Christie.
All the rest of it.
I mean, this is how they operate.
This is how the game works.
And if America puts up with this again, I know there's electronic voting machines and a lot of fraud, but it doesn't matter.
We should be out in the streets by the millions, demanding the resignation of the abomination, Vomitus Maximus, Ludus Brutus, Turtus,
I mean, I'm trying to come up with names in Latin here, a little bit of pig Latin here, to describe what they're doing to us, ladies and gentlemen.
But, uh, I gotta have some gallows humor sometimes.
I'm having really trouble dealing with this.
Uh, just watching the total criminal takeover and them dancing around on the grave of America, shutting everything down.
Restaurants I used to go to are shut down or half empty.
Movie theaters are empty.
Autonomy's imploding.
I live in the best city in the country and I can see the rot setting in everywhere while globalists fly around above me going to the F1 race this weekend that taxpayers paid for.
These billionaires suck me dry, giggling at me.
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Why do we have the highest cancer rates on the planet?
The highest rates of diabetes, autism, and every other major disease.
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We're getting prepared.
Are you?
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this Friday edition.
We are now into the second hour.
We have a guest that we're getting hooked up on Skype right now who's an expert on the technotronic technocracy age, the governing system that the globalists actually describe themselves as being adherents of.
And this is the system they're trying to set up, so that's coming up here in a few minutes.
First off, Congressman McDermott is saying he hasn't seen this much panic on the floor since 9-11.
House Democrat compares congressional panic over Obamacare to worst terror attack in nation's history.
Well yeah, that manufactured globalist event killed 3,000 people and was tragic.
And then thousands more from the deadly dust the government lied about.
But this is going to kill the economy and the engine of prosperity and kill millions through death panels and rationed care on record.
I mean, we knew what was in the bill, we knew the plan, and now, get ready.
Get ready to become impoverished.
Because they want you impoverished under Cloward and Piven to give up on the free market, blame capitalism for crony fraud capitalism that they brought in, where they socialize our lives, but then transfer the wealth to themselves.
So that is just some of the news.
Also CBS is reporting that a TSA agent officer bled for 33 minutes in LAX shooting.
Airports are supposed to be the most secure places in the country, except for like military bases.
And then this guy bled for 33 minutes while they got the SWAT team all suited up and ready.
Again, it's the culture of just worrying about their safety all day.
Until the point is nobody's safe because a nanny state can do nothing but make you domesticated.
A nanny state can do nothing except basically turn you into a sheep.
It's so simple.
And then we've got the other news up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Reports out Obama is an actor trained by Harry Lennox.
This is a big deal if this goes viral.
That Harry Lennox is saying, and it's on record they were friends for about 17 years, and that they had done work together and they'd go to each other's houses and now he reportedly says Obama's horrible and is a rat.
That's another quote.
A rat.
And that Obama was trained by him to be presidential.
And then of course if you watch
Uh, Harry Lennox to an interview.
It's Obama.
The same cadence, the same voice.
Obama is copying Lennox, or Lennox is copying Obama.
It's like the same guy.
And I believe Lennox over Obama, so that article and the source on that is up on Infowars.com right now.
Also, again, the Federal Reserve is planning to accelerate money printing.
Congressman warns of Obama creating secret security force, armed security force, that's actually in the Obamacare bill.
And then the media is like, oh, he would never do that.
They've already set it up with mercenaries with top security clearances guarding federal buildings now.
And then the billions of bullets and all the training and the rest of it.
I mean, this is just simply, simply amazing.
And then some of the other news.
Countdown US hits debt ceiling in 84 days.
And again, Obama said raising the debt does not raise the debt.
Only not raising it.
That's the only thing that is financially irresponsible.
We have a bigger debt than we have yearly GDP.
We have a higher debt-to-savings ratio than Spain and Greece that are both completely bankrupt.
And their answer is, get us deeper into debt.
Why not?
The globalists want us impoverished.
And if Rand Paul wants to cut the defense budget, he's a traitor.
And if Ted Cruz wants to cut some of the corporate welfare and entitlement welfare, oh, he's a horrible person.
You can't continue to do this and have 101 million people on food assistance and 100 plus million people on government dole.
There's more people on the dole now than in the workforce.
Let me say that again.
What about the people going bankrupt everywhere?
What about the people losing their houses?
Well, the folks that have been not working for five, ten years, they go, I don't care!
Tax the rich!
It's the ultra-rich lobbying for that, against the middle class, their historic enemy, to bankrupt the country.
Once they've done that, you're all going to have your welfare taken away.
Here's an article, China to ease one-child policy.
That's because it's caused such a problem, having upwards of, what is it, 60, 70 more million men than they have women.
And it's causing all sorts of societal problems.
And India is about to outstrip them in population.
And they've ended the labor camps.
That's being reported by Reuters.
China unveils boldest reforms in decades.
Shows that the new president is in command.
Folks, they don't need labor camps anymore.
Because they call them jobs.
And you go in their suicide nets and they forced drug you and forced abortion.
And you're basically locked up at night.
And they just don't call it labor camps.
And don't worry, China is now on the UN Human Rights Board, deciding what's human rights, along with Cuba.
Along with Cuba, I hope it gets better.
Saudi Arabia is probably a bigger tyranny than China, per capita.
The only thing worse is North Korea, and I expect them to be made, you know, the head of the UN operation.
So, that's just some of the news, up on InfoWars.com, up on PrisonPlanet.com.
EPA blocks cities from installing fire hydrants.
Again, the EPA is shutting down over 500 power plants.
Bloomberg reports Philadelphia has 119 fire hydrants that cost about $2,000 each waiting in a warehouse to be installed, yet they sit there in dry dock because federal regulators say their fittings might taint drinking water with lead.
Yeah, the last lead smelting plant in the US, it's a very important metal for a lot of natural uses, it's been shut down, so you can't even get bullets, but they allow lead in the food from China, just no lead in food produced here.
And I'm talking microscopic amounts you can't have here.
You can just ship it in at thousands of times that.
Again, everything is meant to shut us down.
Shut us down.
Shut America down.
Because remember, the globalists, they're all above the law.
They're all exempt.
This is what their neo-feudalism is.
Under a technological tyranny, a technocracy.
And that leads us now to our guest who will be with us for the balance of the hour.
And then the top former Secret Service agent, he was the head of operations when the president would go overseas.
Dan Bongino is going to join us with a lot of key intel at the start of the next hour.
And then we'll take phone calls the last 30 minutes or so, I promise.
But Patrick Wood, I was familiar with his writings and work.
From newsreviews.com and other places, but I heard him for an hour on Dr. Stan Monteith a few nights ago, and I've read the Technotronic Age, I've read the Anglo-American Establishment, I've read Quigley's books, I've read Brzezinski's books, I read Council on Foreign Relations publications, and so I knew everything he was saying was accurate, but he knew stuff I didn't know and I went and looked it up and it was accurate.
So I wanted to get him on because
He is an editor of a weekly financial analysis service, Findings and Forecasts.
He has studied elite globalization policies, which you need to do to understand economics, since the late 70s when he partnered with the late Anthony C. Sutton, who was a listener and been on the show.
To co-author Trilaterals Over Washington Volumes 1 and 2.
He remains a leading expert on the elitist Trilateral Commission, their policies and achievements in creating their self-proclaimed new international economic order.
He is also a leading expert on historic and modern technocracy, which plays a prominent role in current world affairs.
That says it lightly.
An economist by education, a financial analyst and writer by profession, an American constitutionalist by choice, Wood holds a biblical worldview.
He has a deep historical insight into the modern attacks on sovereignty, property rights and personal freedom.
Such attacks are the epitome.
Uh, and, uh, by the implementation of UN policies, such as Gen 21, sustainable development, smart growth, and in education, the widespread adoption of Common Core, 2 plus 2 equals 5.
His current research builds on Trilateral Commission hegemony involving transhumanism, technocracy,
And more, and how these are co-opting economics, politics, and religion, which together represent the major pillars of society.
Yes, they're taking over all sciences, philosophies, and re-engineering them, and I appreciate them coming on.
We're going to skip this network break because I'm behind.
This is such important intelligence, so stations shouldn't be skipping this break.
It's a network break.
We're going to do this because it's time, it's important.
Augustforecast.com is his site, and he will be here frequently.
There's so many amazing minds out there that we just, you know, just tend to forget in our rush.
And Anthony Sutton, of course, advised Congress, discovered all the documents at the Ford Foundation and others, with Patrick Wood, who was a top congressional advisor, on the plan to convert America to a tyranny, how our government funded Stalin, Lenin before him.
Hitler didn't run them or control them, built them, just like Saddam and Al-Qaeda and all of it.
And to understand the scientific tyranny, the application of dehumanization, we give you probably one of the greatest living experts.
Because I went and looked into him, and I'd seen his writings, and I was like, I forgot about Patrick Wood.
Why has he never been on the show?
He might have been on, I might have forgot, but I don't believe he's ever been with us.
And it's just so important, a treasure trove.
The reason I'm building this up is, you need to understand, this is your world.
This is how it really runs.
These are the guys that in Congress got the documents and went to the Canadian archives and got the intel to put out the intel and to post the documents on their websites.
I had Sutton on about 17 years ago, and then I tried to get him on a few years later, and he said, I'm sorry, I'm too ill, but I appreciate your work.
And then he died like a week later.
I couldn't believe it.
He was like on his deathbed and was sending me emails back.
So I just really admire his work as well.
And we need to remember these men that have fought so hard.
Mr. Wood, I know it's probably annoying having me gush over you, but your intel is so vital to the preservation of human dignity.
Well, thank you, Alex.
I appreciate the opportunity to get some of this information out.
I've been trying hard, as you know, and I always enjoy doing radio and TV interviews whenever I can.
Well, let's do this.
Let's say you're talking to a new audience.
If you had five minutes on national TV, which this basically is now, three million people right now conservatively watching and listening, how would you introduce it to laymen?
Because my listeners are very smart, very informed, but they always want to give stuff to their family.
And so they want it crystallized.
Give us the basic overview and then get into the nuts and bolts of technocracy.
Well, it's really a, you know, it's a complex and a deep topic, but basically the first idea is this.
The problems we've been having in the last 35 to 40 years, especially, have been economic in nature rather than political.
And there's a lot of emphasis in the public, like in the Tea Parties, the conservative movement, and even in liberal circles as well, that the world revolves around politics.
That is, arguing in Congress and, you know, fighting with the executive branch and so on.
And my studies on the Trilateral Commission have pretty much pointed out, I think with great detail, that the takeover of America has been economic in nature.
And that was the nature originally of the Trilateral Commission.
It was formed in 1973 by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski.
They said frequently that they were going to create a new international economic order.
They used that in every one of their early publications.
We didn't really know at the time exactly what that would look like, but we had a pretty good idea for meeting the policies.
And they have managed over a period of now since 1973, some 35 plus years, to create this new international economic order.
And if we look around, this is what we see today, Alex.
This is what's important to realize.
Back then, people criticized us for being conspiracy nuts.
Today, we have the force of history behind us, which after a 25-year period, of course, becomes history.
We can now look back at history and see that what we said in the 1970s was exactly right.
This is exactly what they've done.
We know that the world system today is broken, almost beyond repair.
And we have to put the finger where the finger belongs.
And it belongs with this very small, elite group of internationalists
That were represented by the members of the Trilateral Commission back in 1973 and ever since, I might add.
And they have influenced our government, the executive branch of our government especially.
They have influenced our government to an extreme that has literally excluded the American people altogether.
We have no control over Congress anymore, it appears.
And the executive branch is just going to do what it wants to do.
So there's been a fundamental change in the political system in our country for sure.
But the political system was really just useful idiots for this elite group of economy changers, if you will.
They had to use the political system to get what they wanted to do.
Economically over these last years and so we see we see things like the North American Free Trade Agreement, DAFTA, CAFTA, we say that we see the Trans-Pacific Partnership being negotiated right now that is hopefully not going to get put through on fast track but the administration is trying to get fast track authority established again.
So you know this this hegemony has
Has continued from 1973 to today.
Hasn't let up.
Nobody has identified these people behind the scenes.
Nobody has, even politicians will not write about them or speak about them.
In fact, I think the only living politician living or dead that I know that ever talked about the Trilateral Commission was Barry Goldwater when he wrote his memoirs with no apologies back in 1979.
Um, so this group was not talked about.
These people are not talked about.
We've been writing about him since 19 well, 1977, really, and nothing has changed.
You know, they're doing the same thing today they did back then.
I don't know how else I could summarize it in a very short period of time, Alex.
Well, you've done a great job.
In fact, I'm going to pull up the Barry Goldwater quote, with no apologies, where he describes how it's an economic takeover.
We're designed to fight a Stalin, a Hitler, a Mao.
We see a foreign enemy.
But when it's corporate and regulatory and incremental, and it creates a global group of less than 100 corporations, in Rockefeller's own words,
He's written New York Times articles bragging about it.
How they want centralized control and how they divide up the world.
US-based companies get the toll roads in Spain.
Spain gets the toll roads over here.
It's where they divide up the world amongst themselves.
And then bring in a technocracy to be able to control the population scientifically where it's impossible to ever get out of it or even know what you're in, and you've dumbed down the population.
So I want to walk down, walk through what technocracy and the technotronic age is, what they're doing with it, because, I mean, as best I understand it, it is the
It is the Cecil Rhodes plan of 1900 and the British royalty and their empire that was in trouble.
They said, we'll go corporate, take down our flag, but use corporate energy to still control these holdings that we once had, like India and other places.
And at the same time we'll export this corporate plan and team up with other robber barons in the United States and Europe.
That's what Bilderberg later became.
But their philosophy comes out of eugenics and Malthus and Galton.
And so it's basically eugenics scientifically deployed through a world government corporate
System so it's very hard to fight.
I want to get your take on that in a moment.
But we did find the quote from no apologies with Barry Goldwater.
He says quote the Trilateral Commission is an international.
Again, the Trilateral Commission is international and is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interest by seizing control of the political government of the United States.
The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power, political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical, the churches, from no apologies.
Now, let me break this down for folks and give you the floor.
America was pretty much the sole superpower by the end of World War II, so the globalists had to create a fake bipolar world by giving weapons to the Soviets to then build them up to let us become a tyranny and then share in a backdoor globalist deal taking over different areas of the world in the name of fighting each other.
In full spectrum dominance.
Then, they ended that farce, and then moved on to the new Al-Qaeda threat, which they actually ran, to use that to take our liberty.
So I'm basically describing the main trait of technocracy is that it's totally amoral, except for the eugenics-based system, that it doesn't even, it uses everything, as Carol quickly said, socialism, fascism, communism, as long as it's command and control.
Go ahead, sir.
Well, the book Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, we refer to it in pretty much everywhere people talk about, oh, it's a brave new world.
That book was written in 1932, Alex, and it was written by Aldous Huxley looking straight into the face of technocracy that was a big movement back then.
I didn't discover the technocracy movement from the 1930s until a few years ago.
And when I did, it piqued my interest so much I had to investigate and just, you know, go crazy looking for information to try and find out what they're all about.
It was a huge movement back in those days, had a big popularity, a large popularity in Canada and especially in the West, although it did pretty well in the East as well.
But these technocrats specified very carefully what they would do if they could replace capitalism.
They believed in the Great Depression that capitalism was dead.
Unemployment lines were wrapping around blocks.
Soup kitchens were serving people all day long.
And they believed that they could provide an economic system that would be better than capitalism.
It didn't get very far.
It kind of died out as a movement around 1938 to 40.
But today, it's had a resurgence, if you will.
Sure, it's been adopted as the globalist management program.
It has now been adopted by the globalist management program.
And the reason I say this is important, we follow the money.
Back in the 1930s, the Rockefeller and Carnegie crowd were dumping buckets of money onto the eugenics movement.
This is well known and well documented.
They did not dump any money on the technocracy movement back then.
And so the technocracy movement kind of withered and died after a period of time.
However, when Zbigniew Brzezinski resuscitated those ideas in 1970 with his book called Between Two Ages, America's Role in the Technotronic Era, that apparently caught
Rockefeller's I. That's right, Patrick Woods.
Stay there.
We'll explain who David Rockefeller is, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and more.
These two men, you can say more than anybody now, literally govern our civilization.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
In the last 50 years, iodine has been phased out of our staple foods and replaced with the halogen bromine, a practice now banned in nations around the world.
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Alex Jones here with a very important announcement for truth seekers.
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Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
We're going back to our guest, and I'm really going to try to give him the floor to break down the history of this, but you hear me start almost hyperventilating when he's talking about it, because I've done the research, I know it's true.
I watched David Rockefeller on C-SPAN 50-something times.
I read their publications.
I know out of over 70 globalist organizations set up since the 30s, he set up almost all of them, or his dad did, and he's like the omnibudsman
of just all of the merger, the whole plan, and then he adopted technocracy, and that's the cameras, that's the systems, that's the, to apply that to eugenics.
And if you wonder why the New York Times endorses it and why all these elites endorse it, the Venus Project and its founder is part of the technocracy movement.
This is, you live in a giant plastic concentration camp, basically, with a computer programmed by the elite, the mega-opolis controlling your life.
I mean, I could not think of a more horrible fate.
But we're going to go back to our guest in a moment.
Here's an example of technocracy, okay?
Bureaucracy as a science of control.
And notice the elites, the central bankers the last few years have been calling themselves, and at Davos they go, we're technocrats.
That's a bureaucrat with 1984 Spygrids who has a eugenics philosophy.
But briefly, look at this.
Harvard study confirms fluoride reduces children's IQ.
Out of 20-plus studies conducted, excuse me, 27 studies, I always say 24 for some reason, 27 studies over 22 years, scientifically reviewed by Harvard Medical School and their top researchers,
And the National Research Council, this is not some side group, they said take fluoride out as a pesticide, take it out of the water.
It is giving us massive cancer and dumbing us down.
You might as well have a chemical weapon.
It is a chemical weapon.
The Nazis got it from the Russians to put it in the water.
That's a Nuremberg trial.
Now it's in the halogen family.
It's the bad halogen.
What is the good halogen that blocks it and removes it?
But iodine, if it's not the right type, can be toxic.
That's why we produced the nascent iodine.
The only proprietary type that's in the unbound base with the organic vegetable glycerin from Germany.
Made in America, but the corn's from Germany.
Only place you can get organic corn to make the glycerin.
Very expensive.
The point is, this is what I take.
It's incredible.
And yes, I fund my operation with this, with good products, but that's an example of technocracy.
Oh, the government before it was like this, in the 20s, said, oh, we were having all this retardation and problems.
Put it in the salt.
Oh, IQs go up 15%.
Here's that study.
Business Insider reports on it.
You see, that's technocracy.
Oh, let's take it out and put the bad thing in.
Then everybody will behave themselves well.
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And again, this is why the people perish for lack of knowledge.
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We've had medical doctors on to break it down.
They don't sell it.
I ought to be selling it because we've got to fund ourselves.
Gourmet salts have it.
Definitely, folks, gourmet salt.
Just whatever you do, please, please research this.
Infowarslife.com has videos on it and more to explain it to you.
Okay, now I'm going to shut up because we've only got him for like 25 minutes, then we've got the former top Secret Service agent coming on who made national headlines last week with our story from InfoWars.com on DrudgeReport.com, where he said, look, it's worse than you know, but he wouldn't go further than that.
I've talked to other Secret Service that say it's unbelievable, we can't tell you.
I'm going to see what I can squeeze out of him coming up.
Uh, at the start of the next hour.
But going back to Patrick Wood, publisher, he's an economist, renowned, exposed the Trilaterals, co-wrote the book Trilaterals Over Washington with the icon, Anthony C. Sutton, who blew skull and bones wide open with Charlotte Iserby.
He joins us.
Okay, so get into, we got up to Brzezinski, who he is, who David Rockefeller is, tell us, explain technocracy and then what's happening in our world.
Americans don't ought to like communism.
Well, explain what technocracy is.
Communism by the elite, by another name, with them offshore exempt from it.
Patrick Wood, break it down.
Well, when I discovered technocracy as a historical study a few years ago, it really piqued my interest and I said I had to go and research it in depth and I made several trips to secure original research on technocracy.
I found out that
It had been skipped in the history books primarily because at the time, in the thirties, Randolph Hearst got so hacked off by being used by these people that he sent a memo out to all of his newspapers around the country and told them, basically, if you ever mention the word technocracy again, you are fired.
And so there was no more articles on technocracy after that time, really.
And so it was a little difficult going back and getting this information.
But after I studied it enough,
It really occurred to me that I needed to go back and read Zbigniew Brzezinski's book again, in light of technocracy.
And what I found out, Alex, is that his writings lined up philosophically and, you know, idea for idea sort of thing, with the doctrine and dogma that was presented in the 1930s.
It was very radical back then.
In fact, one prominent technocrat wrote a book, a public book,
Suggesting that President Roosevelt should declare himself dictator after his election so that he could implement technocracy back then.
We can be thankful that he didn't take him up on that.
But life might be different today.
But when I went back and read Krasinski again,
I was shocked to realize that he was basically saying the same thing.
And here's what's kind of ironic or strange.
Brzezinski was at Columbia University at the time.
Well, in 1932, technocracy as a movement was also housed in Columbia University.
Even though the movement got kicked out, all of the professors that were part of it stayed on at Columbia.
Many of them died there in their positions, you know, retired and passed.
And so here's Brzezinski picking up the trail at the same university where it left off.
Basically spouting the same dogma.
One phrase in particular from his book, one quote, I'd like to read it just because it will just stand your hair on end, that Brzezinski understood this even back in 68-70.
And I'll have to be the first to admit, Brzezinski was a brilliant man.
I don't agree with him on anything he really did or said or wrote, but you have to give him credit for being a brilliant guy.
He foresaw the future back then.
Of course, they went and manufactured the future after that, but here's what he wrote.
The Technotronic Era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society.
Such a society would be dominated by an elite
Unrestrained by traditional values, soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen.
These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.
Now, I remember that book being on the bookshelf when I was a small child, and by the time I was 10 and was able to read good, I tried to read it, didn't understand it, but I sat around the kitchen table hearing all this from my father growing up, and that's the Internet.
That's all of it.
It was all built and designed to be this grid.
So they've built a society to control us, and that's the nanny state.
That's the
Close the Greenbelt for no reason and control people.
Set up checkpoints.
Tell your kids they can't play tag.
Say the state rules your kids.
This is putting a grid in the name of keeping us safe in that's actually a grid of tyranny and control.
Well, it's interesting that the documents from the early 1930s specified what needed to take place in order for technocracy to survive, or to be implanted.
One of the things, because technocracy was energy-based, one of the main tenets of their
Philosophy was that the price-based economic system was going to be discarded, that was capitalism of course, and it was going to be substituted by a system of energy credits or energy currency that would be used to monitor all exchange of goods and services in the economy.
And a carbon-based currency, we haven't seen that of course quite yet, but we see the push for carbon-based everything around the world.
This is what sustainable development's about.
This is what everything green is about.
This is what Agenda 21 is about.
You get the idea.
It's everywhere today.
And in fact, there are actually articles out in the last five years that are openly discussing carbon currency, but it's really kind of still in a minor mode.
And in England, they show the school kids a cartoon called Megapolis, where the computer tells you when you can go outside, it tells you when you can eat.
Everyone has their job in the technocracy.
You're only allowed to have one child.
This is the plan.
So for folks out there, it's fun to know about football and what size, you know, jockstrap your favorite sports person wears for whatever reason.
I'm being sarcastic.
But that doesn't matter.
That's a diversion.
You read these books written in the
1930s by Aldous Huxley, whose brother was a eugenicist and went on to found the transhumanist movement and head up the UN UNESCO program and Agenda 21 and all of it that came out of a meeting in 92.
You really see it's all the same control freak scientific dictatorship system under different names.
It's just that the brilliantly evil Brzezinski
Who believes in things beyond good and evil, foresaw the gestalt, and got the real world manager, David Rockefeller, behind it.
Because David Rockefeller, if you had to say one guy's king of the world, you'd have to say it was David Rockefeller.
Not so much now, but he was the prime mover working 18 hours a day to bring this world government in.
And now his people are in place everywhere, and he chose the Brzezinski model
On record.
And then he integrated it with eco-science eugenicist model.
The injections and the additives to dumb us down.
It's all White House science are on record.
And you realize this is their military battle plan assaulting us.
And they think we're so dumb.
That we wouldn't get this and warn people.
And the elite's comments to me when I've talked to some of the high-level people, and I mean head of the Kissinger Group on record and others off record, is, Alex, the public can't even understand you.
You're one of us, even if you don't know it, and you're going to grow up and see that.
I'm going to grow up and see that and block development in the third world when that would actually reduce their population.
What you claim you want, I've got to see that when you're busy funding Al Qaeda to then blow stuff up to take my rights.
The point is they claim it's all scientific for the better good.
At the bottom of it is really an authoritarian lust for dehumanization.
And I want you to continue with your presentation and all these slides you sent us for the TV viewers.
Continuing to get into their plan, studying them, and working with Sutton on their larger plan, what would you say their real philosophy was?
I mean, in just ten words or less.
I mean, what is it?
Just haters of humanity?
Control freaks?
Who are these people?
Well, they're driven by money.
They're driven by a lust for money.
They sought to create a new international economic order in 1973.
I don't really think that game plan has changed.
It's still an economic issue.
It's still about profits.
It's still about manipulation of the markets for their good.
They would press out competition, and they have pressed out competition over the decades.
Um, so it's still, they're still looking to make as much money as they can.
They have little regard for the amount of money that you and I might make.
In fact, the original model of technocracy from the 30s did away with private property altogether.
We see this theme picked up in Agenda 21 documents, by the way, that private property is out.
Well sure, they want a post-industrial world.
They want to make us poor, in their own words, as a tool of control.
Well, essentially, what they want is just all of our production, Alex.
If you go back to the feudal world, the Dark Ages, it was very dark, and you look at people back then, they were mostly farmers, agrarian, but they were productive, they were able to grow things, and the land yielded stuff.
It's just that the lords of the land took 90% of everything that they grew.
Or, you know, the animals they bred.
They were not allowed to keep anything except for just, you know, what they needed to stay alive.
And this is kind of where we're going.
They're still looking at getting the output of our hands, if you will, the output of our production.
But they want it for themselves.
They don't want to share it back with us.
So even in the end, that's still a very economic-oriented
You're right, and they used our energy to build their little castles in the sky for their power trip, so it's robbing our destiny.
Continue with your presentation.
That's exactly right.
Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote in 1970, again in Between Two Ages, and I quote this, he said, The nation-state as a fundamental unit of man's organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force.
International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concept of the nation-state.
Close quote.
That says a mouthful, but this also has not changed.
This philosophy of this elite group has not changed since Brzezinski wrote that in 1970.
And they believe that the nation-state is basically just not compatible with reality, and they are acting as if it did not exist.
So, as they move forward in the world, in China, in Europe, and of course in India and other minor countries, and especially in North America, as they have moved forward, we can see their fingerprints and their footprints all over the economic scene, and they have used or co-opted the political mechanisms to achieve their new economic order pipe dream.
Well, that's right.
Instead of an economy based on whoever has the best innovations, who's the most honorable, it becomes who is the technocrats?
Who is in control?
And then they're tax-exempt under globalism and have diplomatic immunity, and we are just crushed by total surveillance, which is their plan.
You know, you're old enough to remember some of the old green people from maybe the 60s and 70s with their long hair and so on.
If you can find one of those original green people today and talk to them about the current state of the green movement, you'll see them spitting molten nails because they believe that their movement was taken over by these people, the Rockefeller crowd and so on.
They were given a lot of money, then they were told after they had the money, well you're not managing right, we need to send in our managers to manage the organization, and basically the whole green movement got hijacked by this group and now has been turned on us, of course showered with money, but it has been turned on us to bring this green agenda to bring in an energy-based society.
And as an economic system, I can't stress that enough because that's what Smart Grid is all about, for instance.
That's what Cap-and-Trade is all about, for instance.
That's what global warming is all about, for instance.
With Al Gore being on the front of every publication, almost, that has anything to do with global warming, Al Gore is a member of the Trilateral Commission.
Still is.
That's right.
Stay there.
We're going to come back with our guest to break this down.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
You can follow us on Twitter.
You can check out Patrick Wood's site, AugustForecast.com.
Alex Jones here, and I want to tell you about a longtime friend of the show, My Patriot Supply.
As you might remember, this is the company that stood up to the DHS and exposed FEMA's secret plan to begin hoarding emergency survival food.
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Don't want no shackles.
Don't want no shackles on me.
Folks, here's an example of how the propaganda is 24-7.
I was in the coffee room this morning watching MSNBC monitoring state-run media and they were promoting the end of the earth because of the hurricane or the
Typhoon that hit the Philippines and saying Al Gore was right.
We've got to do the carbon taxes.
That will save it.
And then just now during the break on CNN, they're worshipping Ted Turner and his far-reaching impact was the headline and how he is saving the earth.
I mean, it's just never-ending.
Let us run the world.
We're saving you.
And then meanwhile, Ted Turner, David Rockefeller, all of them are on record supporting an 80 plus percent population reduction.
We're joined by Patrick Wood.
He sent us amazing documents today.
If you're a TV viewer, we've been putting these documents and documentation and quotes up on screen.
We've got until five after next hour.
Then we've got the famous Secret Service agent joining us with Inside Intel.
But Patrick, in the time we've got left in this segment and the next, I want to have you back very soon.
Get into their philosophy, eugenics, how it ties into the older globalist plans and all the other key points that people need to know about technocracy, the system that we're going under right now.
Well, we haven't really broached the subject of transhumanism, and I don't know that we have time to do that, but... Start getting into it.
The Rockefeller crowd back in the 30s, well, the 1920s and 30s, poured a lot of money into the eugenics movement.
And it was a very big movement back then.
It's kind of been buried.
Especially buried since World War II with Nazi Germany's experience with eugenics.
Kind of been a taboo topic and hasn't been discussed much.
Yeah, they call it implementation by stealth.
That's their official policy.
Well, it is now, for sure.
Back then, though, since there wasn't a lot of money poured on top of Technocracy Incorporated, eugenics was not really part of their agenda.
Not directly, in any case.
Some of their members were obviously influenced by the eugenics movement back then, but that was not really an official part of their platform, if you will.
They were very economic in nature.
They were focused on creating an economy that would be balanced, that would be free of poverty.
Exactly, but David Rockefeller wants to use it to carry out eugenics.
He wants a computerized, weaponized system to dehumanize.
Well, yes, we can see the dovetail in modern times, where eugenics is an undercurrent that's starting to come back to the surface in this.
Transhumanism really brings this out.
Transhumanism and technocracy are like Siamese twins joined at the hip, if you will.
They're both based on scientism, the philosophy of scientism.
And transhumanism basically sets up a society of the haves and the have-nots, again, based on genetic modification.
And so those who are genetically enhanced, if you will, will be the haves, and the rest of the people who are not genetically enhanced, maybe they won't be as smart, maybe they won't be as strong or athletic or whatever, they will be the have-nots.
And, you know, basically we'll end up with a eugenic system that can be controlled by a push button rather than by EDIC as it was during Nazi Germany.
And then people will beg to be enslaved by the new genetic modifications in the toxic environment when it's really a Trojan horse back door of control.
That's how they always sell it.
Absolutely on target with your research, and of course, as you said, Huxley was one of these transhumanists before it even had the term, and his brother founded that movement when eugenics was given a bad name on record.
We're gonna come back in 60 seconds, give you five more minutes to get into other tidbits.
We'll definitely have to have you back in the near future.
Third hour coming up, InfoWars.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, final segment with the man that heads up augustforecast.com, the amazing Patrick Wood.
And I tell you, next time I'm out of town, because this excites me so much I won't shut up, but I'm adding important info.
And like David Knight does the show, he's a smart engineer, knows about this stuff.
He ought to have Wood on for like two hours.
So the next time I'm out of town or the next time I'm not doing the show and I have night doing it, I want to get wood on for two hours.
Patrick, what have we not covered today that people need to know about?
I think it's important that suddenly the globalists, the new term they use is technocrat.
I mean, they're really trying to make that sexy and, you know, it's not surveillance that they watch everything we do.
They're watching it to make the economy better, but really they're just giving it to the insiders.
Well, you know, the spooky thing is, let me read you two of the official requirements from the 1932 document called Technocracy Study Course.
That was kind of their Bible of the day.
One said, quote, provide a specific registration of the type, kind, etc.
of all goods and services where produced or where used.
The next one says, provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual plus a record and description of the individual.
And Alex, this is exactly what the Total Surveillance Society is doing to us right now.
They're collecting all of the financial records, as well as any other profile or psychographic information they can get, so they can slice us and dice us economically, if you will, and put us in, you know, maybe pigeonhole us politically as well.
You know, there are threats to their system, but this is an economic movement.
To try and extract the maximum amount possible from individual consumers is very consumer-centric, but everything is focused on collecting this information to make this system work.
This is the last piece, according to the original documents of technocracy, that needs to be put in place before technocracy can actually be enforced.
And that's why I'm really concerned today about this total awareness society business because when they get this in place completely, somewhere in knowledge is power of course, there's going to come a time when they can flip the switch and basically say, we're now in control and now you will do what we say.
That's right.
It's a total military takeover.
The smart meters controlling how hot or cold our house is.
The satellites not letting us cut a tiny tree in our backyard.
Just absolute bureaucratic hell.
And then the robots get rid of the regular jobs and the farming.
So literally, like a Kurt Vonnegut book, their plan is to have a third of the population as enforcers, and they're going to hire the people they poisoned through the eugenics operation to literally rule over those of us that are informed.
So it's not even the eugenics that they've claimed they're building.
If somebody wanted really to feed the world, what we need to do is increase the CO2 content in the atmosphere by 10%.
That's right.
It would feed the world in a heartbeat.
But when you take CO2 out, plants can't grow, crops can't thrive, and people start... Well, see, I would endorse a real open market, open source technocracy
That empowered and had us go to Alpha Centauri's.
But this, this, this, this technocracy is a bunch of beam counting communists adopted by robber baron eugenicists that openly are using it as a weapon system.
And so we've got to point out technocracy is what's delivering the poverty.
It's the enemy.
It is the enemy, and the people who have brought us technocracy are the enemy as well.
I wouldn't really lay the blame necessarily at the feet of congressmen and senators, but, you know, because they've mostly been useful idiots and not really knowing what they're doing.
But if we look behind it to these people who have brought us technocracy, this is where the trouble is.
And if we don't get rid of those people and get them out of our government system and get them off our back,
They will not be stopped, and we will never be satisfied.
You know, how much water can you squeeze out of a sponge?
This is what they're doing to us.
And the only way to get more water out of the sponge is to wring it harder and harder.
That's right.
That's the plan.
Patrick Wood, Augustforecast.com.
We're going to be talking to you soon.
Folks can find your great work right there.
Thank you so much, sir.
Thank you, Alex.
Alex Jones here, and I want to tell you about a longtime friend of the show, My Patriot Supply.
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We're good to go.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up at the bottom of the hour, I'm going to go back to Roy, Jeff, John, Peter, Kat, and others that want to talk about Obamacare.
Are they still supporters of it or were they ever?
Some of them are Obama supporters calling and they want to discuss it.
Speaking of that, we're going to put up on screen for TV viewers, radio listeners can go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Former MSNBC host, health plan soars 350% thanks to Obamacare.
And he tweeted out, I bought a catastrophic health policy for $170 a month when I left MSNBC.
Obamacare cancelled the policy, new rate $600 a month, thanks Mr. President.
And he should feel good.
Some folks are having 500, 600 percent increases.
So there you go.
Affordable Care Act.
The joke is on all of us.
And I want to replay his quote meltdown where he said, we have a corrupt government.
It's evil.
They've all got to be removed.
America's in deep trouble.
And they fired him, basically forced him out of it.
Remember that?
How long ago was that?
It was like a year ago.
Time just flies.
Six months?
I don't remember.
About six months ago.
I mean, he just said what was true.
That's crazy!
There's not an out-of-control political class.
You're fired!
Doesn't matter if you had some of the highest ratings in that area for that station that has no ratings.
I mean, it's just, it's like, if you don't commit to evil, you get purged.
If you don't commit to insanity, you get removed.
Now, Michael Maloof joins us with some just amazing research.
We're so thankful he could come on.
Currently, he's a senior staff writer for WorldNetDaily.com, specializing in international political and economic analysis, former senior security policy analyst for the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
Maloof has almost 30 years of federal service, 23 years of which was with the U.S.
Defense Department.
If I go over all of his military, Defense Department history, we'll never be able to get to him.
So we're just going to tell you that he's also a best-selling author.
Malouf's recent book, A Nation Forsaken, EMP, The Escalating Threat of American Catastrophe, published by WorldNetDaily, available at WND.com.
And he joins us
He joins us right now to talk about something that we've been covering the last two years.
In fact, we've been right at the forefront, as WorldNetDaily has been, and others have been, getting into the fact that Obama is radically, as he promised to do, transforming America.
In the regulatory positions, the military positions, in the judgeships, everywhere, really putting hardcore
Marxists, worshippers of Lenin, Mao, Socialists, Eugenicists, I mean this is scary.
So it doesn't matter when Obama leaves, we've got a crew of really dangerous people in there, who fundamentally hate this country on record.
Obama went to Reverend Wright's church 21 years.
It was like a Ku Klux Klan meeting house for black folks, but he never really heard the sermons.
This is pure bull.
And of course, he's a front man for the globalists, but the point is, they're using this radical Marxist ideology as the shock troops to take over.
That the insider we have on right now, Michael Maloof, he has talked to all these major generals, you name it, brigadier generals, the list goes on and on, who've confirmed what our Navy SEAL sources have said on record and off record, what our military police sources have said, what Fort Hood PSYOPS has told us that we've confirmed.
They've given us good intel over and over again.
These are good men.
I've met them.
There is a total purge with a litmus test.
Will you confiscate guns?
Now, this is a litmus test on other issues as well, but we've got Mr. Maloof on with us right now.
His articles at worldnetdaily.com, and we link to them on infowars.com.
Here's Alan West.
Congress must probe military firings.
I agree with that.
I've been saying that for months.
General blames Night Stalker for military purge.
He's got General Boykin, all of them going public.
Congressional Medal of Honor winners going public.
Major generals, you name it.
And so he joins us.
Sir, thank you so much.
Please break down from your high-level sources as much as you can tell us.
Well, thanks for having me.
Thank you.
Number one, there seems to be something permeating not only at the high ranks, but now it's coming down to the mid-levels and even mid-level officers and even into the enlisted ranks.
If you disagree with the president's or the administration's policy, you are basically set aside and your career is basically ended.
And this seems to be catching on more and more.
Now there are, as Congressman West mentioned to me, there are some zipper issues that have occurred, even among the higher ranks.
But as General Boykin told me, this is unprecedented to have so many flag officers, so many four-star generals removed in such a short period of time.
We're talking about nine general officers just in one year.
He removed some the previous years.
Some of the other presidents, Bush and removed a few generals because they disagreed with his policy on Iraq.
But it wasn't at the scale that we're seeing in the Obama administration today.
In fact, sir, I've seen Defense Link articles, and I've seen your articles, and break it down, it's 200 or more.
This has never happened in U.S.
history, and it's not like it's a downsizing.
This is political persecution.
Can you tell us what the generals have told you the litmus tests are?
Well, some of the litmus tests include if you speak out against radical Islam, like Lieutenant Colonel Dooley.
Uh, this was, uh, and then General Dempsey, who's our, who's the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, actually ridiculed Doolittle for doing that.
But this was an instructor who was talking about radical Islam in a classroom, in an approved class, and yet he's out.
And so it's, and we've had some other, uh,
Well, that was my next point.
We have Fort Hood leaking two weeks ago, and then Fox confirmed it, and the Secretary of the Army, as you know, went public.
They were saying, if you're evangelical or give money to the Tea Party, we will court-martial you.
That is unprecedented.
And then bad-mouthing the Founding Fathers in Army manuals?
I mean, this is absurdist.
Yeah, the generals have been quite vocal that if you're not speaking the administration outlook on things, you're basically going to be railroaded out.
Generally, the generals and military personnel generally cannot speak out against the commander-in-chief while they're on active duty.
Exactly, sir.
So you're the expert on this.
From what I've read, these guys really aren't even bucking things.
They just know they're patriots, so they must be spying on them or have intelligence files on them?
Well, as I think General Vallali told me, they actually have senior officers who are acting almost like communist political commissars.
That's right.
Who are looking out for
We're good to go.
Well, yes, sir, Mr. Maloof.
If you tell somebody you can't give money to evangelicals or the Tea Party, that is a trillion times over the top.
I mean, that's like Soviet level.
Well, that's why General Velali said it was like communist commissars.
This is the way things are going.
The enlisted men and even the mid-level officers are trying to watch their six constantly now because they don't know.
If they say something that's out of line, they don't know if this is the end of their career.
Often times they're not told anything.
It's just that they just don't get promoted and they get set aside and if you don't get promoted after a certain period of time, you're out.
Now you talk about the big issue here.
The morale.
They've got to know.
Persecuting Christians, saying you can't even give money to the Tea Party, violating the First Amendment.
I mean, they've got to know that's going to kill morale.
Trying to put women in front line combat.
There are three elements here that are really sticking in the crawl of a lot of the military personnel.
That is, one would be gays in the same foxholes, women in the foxholes, as well as the rules of engagement.
Rules of engagement are really a demoralizing factor, and as a consequence, a number of our troops have actually gotten killed because we couldn't respond in a firefight, or there could be the possibility of civilians, and so our troops have had to stand down.
There have been instances of this time and again, especially in Afghanistan.
And it's actually gotten some of our troops killed.
The Special Warfare people and say, I killed you dirty Americans just five years ago in Iraq, and when I'm done with Assad, I'm going to kill you.
That has got Special Warfare literally, literally freaking out because, as you know, committing suicide because they're being told to train al Qaeda.
What can you say about that?
Well, the problem is that we're seeing increasing numbers of these guys who are our friends today but are going to turn on us tomorrow just like we trained the Mujahideen and actually helped create the Mujahideen against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan and now it's become our worst enemy.
Well, sir, I've been asking the questions.
We've had guys shot by, you know, green on blue and there have been some very recent cases of this.
Yes, sir.
You're the expert on this with your sources.
I mean, you've got Congressional Medal of Honor winners, retired major generals.
I mean, just an incredible list talking to you and really not to anybody else.
Why have they come to you, A?
And then, B, I've been asking the questions.
I want to give you the floor the next 10 minutes, sir.
Give us a presentation on what you think is most important, what people need to know, and what this is going to do
To US force structure with China and the rest of it literally turning into something like a Marxist college.
I mean, that's going to destroy the military.
A few of the generals told me, I reached out to them.
Some of them have been somewhat outspoken on this, but when you actually confront them and get them to think about it, they see a much larger problem here that's emerging and it's permeating throughout the ranks.
It's just not a few.
And they're seeing some of these firings as being politically motivated.
For example, the three generals that got canned right on the eve of, right after Benghazi.
The concern is that they were using the firings to deflect attention from this ongoing investigation on Benghazi, which is far from resolved.
And as a consequence, there seems to be the notion of trying to hide things.
We've had some CIA officers actually told, if you go up and testify, you're going to be removed from your jobs.
So the intimidation is somewhat happening in the intelligence world, but it's also much more, and it's easier in the military world, because these guys have to salute, take orders, and shut up.
But the overarching picture is that it's having a fundamental problem of emasculating the troops.
I've had General Vallali and even General Grady tell me that our readiness is being affected as a consequence of this.
Our troops, our troop structure is being cut back tremendously.
They're using age-old equipment.
Our ships, we're down to about a third of the size of what our Navy was in terms of capital ships at the time.
So there's a complete emasculation of our military forces across the board.
And this is becoming a very, very serious problem in terms of readiness.
And I think this is what is really of concern to the upper brass.
Well, again, if you just joined us, we have a gentleman who advised the Pentagon on national security at the highest levels for a long time in the office of the Secretary of Defense, Michael Maloof.
He's got his new book out.
We'll talk about that some briefly here in a minute.
Look, here's my issue, okay?
I'm known as this radical libertarian guy that, you know, is so out there.
Now I'm not known as that because it's all coming true.
I wish I'd been proven wrong.
I would love to, like,
Not work this hard, not be in this much danger with these people, with the threats and the socialist harassment and all of it.
But, I mean, it does get to a point where I can't even believe this, that we have the training manual and the threats, saying the founding fathers, quote, wouldn't be accepted into today's military.
I mean, I can't even believe it's that over the top.
We have them saying, if you were part of the Tea Party and give them money, that's aiding a terrorist.
And we're going to use stuff that's used on Al-Qaeda, if you're funding radical Islam, and we're going to arrest you.
It actually said, you may be court-martialed.
That is so over the top, and then meanwhile, there is radical Islam, and I'm not some, as they call it, Islamophobe.
But I know there are those major radical elements that Obama is totally cozying up to.
So let me ask you this question from your inside sources and overall full-spectrum analysis of this.
What is the strategy backing radical Islam, trying to overthrow the military?
I'm not a total fan of it, but they're better than Al-Qaeda, ten times better, in places like Egypt.
Getting rid of Gaddafi, putting in Al Qaeda, trying to get rid of Assad, put in the crazies.
I mean, what is the grand stratagem here?
Well, there seems to be, part of it I think has to do with a traditional type of alliance that we had basically with the Saudis.
The Saudis have been the biggest exporters of Wahhabi, Sunni Wahhabism for years and of course they were the creation of a lot of the Islamist radicals.
I mean you have Prince Bandar now who is
Well, you might not agree with the government of Bashar al-Assad, but in Syria, he is a major backer and financier of the foreign fighters that are going in there.
He's also, and also the Chechens.
He told Putin that he can turn on and off the switch.
I think a lot of this has to do with our traditional ties and the fact that Obama now has begun to show a little bit of a tilt toward Iran that has even incensed the Saudis even more and they're actually increasing a lot of the spread of the Islamist radical
We're good to go.
There is a pattern of behavior of these radical Islamists and a lot of this is actually beyond our control today and with the decimation of our own military and the fact that this radical Islamic movement are actually increasing and not diminishing because of all the work we did.
I agree.
Well, sir, I was about to say, I mean, I'm not a military man like yourself for a long time inside of the Defense Department, but I've made a study of just history.
It's so interesting.
I mean, I look at where America is right now, and if I wanted to destroy America, even mid-term, I would do what Obama's doing.
And I've got to admit, he's probably now ten times worse than I thought he would be.
I mean, this just, at a gut level, I look at all the different strategies and stratagem and gambits that are going on, and clearly,
I see U.S.
interests now turning al-Qaeda loose in the Red Crescent around Russia, threatening China.
And I'm not a fan of what China's doing.
I'm an American.
But I see almost a setup against America.
To put us into wars we can't win, with infiltration in the military to destroy it, and I've always been somebody who's more libertarian like Rand Paul, I say cut it, but now I get what you're saying is that there's... I mean, for the first time ever, I know the whole CFR elite and stuff are globalist, but...
I mean, are they really crazy enough to try to really destroy American credibility and get rid of us and maybe just sell out to the Communist Chinese or something?
I mean, I just look at it and everything points towards sell-out America, and the globalists have power through America.
And I've criticized that strategy.
I don't like being that corrupt imp, but this is really bad.
Yeah, well, we're seeing it now as we try to deploy and do that pivot to East Asia.
We just don't have the Navy to deal with that on a full-time basis and try to live up to commitments elsewhere.
And when you have a diminished naval force, it's going to make it even much more difficult.
And we're going to have people who are just going to leave the military.
Uh, the fact, to get back here to a second, to the, to the, uh, uh, of our own military, the fact that they're now, uh, easing out the captains and the majors, the people who have actually been fighting the wars, and, and they're, they're now leaving, then who do we have who has, who's had that battlefield experience as they get on up to the upper, upper ranks?
It's going to be, it's going to be very, very serious problem, uh, as, as, uh, in the, in the years to come.
In keeping a very strong military, and I think that this is what's alarming the generals to a great extent.
And this is going to have a bearing on our force structure and our ability to project power in the future.
And look out for our interests that we have all around the world.
Now these other countries that you mentioned, Russia and China, now it's intriguing that they too have a Wahhabi problem.
They have a Sunni radical Islamist problem themselves.
Within the Caucasus and the North Caucasus area, the Russians are very fearful that these Sunnis are going to be creating havoc come the time of the February 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.
And this is where Bandar came in.
He actually said, Mr. Putin, if you change your policies toward Syria and Iran, I can assure you, you will not be attacked during the Olympics.
And I saw that in the Russian news and Bandar didn't deny it.
I mean, why is Saudi Arabia so arrogant to threaten a nuclear superpower?
Well, the fact that Bandar has this capability, this outreach, I mean, he does want to become king of Saudi Arabia when King Abdullah dies.
But this is his power base.
This is his... He wants to be able to show that he is able to project this kind of capability and this power.
That's why he's basically taken a much more independent line from the United States.
And we see that now in terms of... Yeah, he sounds like Napoleon.
Michael Maloof's our guest.
Do five more minutes with us.
I want you to be able to finish up and then talk about your book.
And I want to ask you about solutions.
How do we get out of this?
On the other side with Michael Maloof.
Man, this is intriguing.
This guy really knows his geopolitics, folks, because I study it.
Constantly, and I'm learning something right now, so that says something.
We'll be right back with a final little bit with Michael Maloof, then your phone calls.
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I am sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny of the mind of man.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The republic will rise again if we rediscover American ideals.
But if we continue down this road, it is bad.
You know, as much as I don't like the American empire...
Then I realized that the American Empire in its death throes is like trying to start World War III while undermining the military with all the weird socialist anti-male stuff that goes on.
There's always been gay people in the military, folks.
They don't want anybody that's obsessed with sexual stuff running around stirring up trouble.
The military fires more people over officers with women under them.
They're trying to do a mission.
You don't want guys with all the women under them.
I run an operation with women that work here.
I don't need a bunch of stuff going on here with people.
I go, don't fraternize with people here, even though it's tempting.
And now it's like you're going to be with men?
That are like coming after you?
I mean, it's crazy.
That's why you don't put women in those combat units.
But I'm ranting, and I'll do that after he leaves.
Michael Maloof, best-selling author, is with us, former top Pentagon analyst, and the Office of the Secretary of Defense, World Net Daily, senior writer.
I asked you during the break the question,
I'll say it for the audience right now.
Give me the best answer you can get because I've not seen anybody.
I know some of these generals are public.
Some haven't been so public.
You've got quite a list you're interviewing.
So you're in there because they trust you.
My intel from some of these very people, but I won't say it on air, is that Obama is looking to use DHS as a fifth arm to take over.
Marine Corps colonels gone public and others have, but that's about as high as they've gone public.
Navy SEALs on record have gone public.
Obama may actually think about staging some crisis or letting Al Qaeda attack us and claiming the Tea Parties with him, even though that makes no sense.
The State Department has been putting stuff out like that, so has West Point.
And trying to go after the American people, they're trying to take the guns, and even though they can't succeed in the mission, the experience, the voyage, is the destination, that they want to start some civil war.
In America, and that's what I'm getting from high-level military sources, have they said anything on or off record to you like that?
A. And B. What are they saying the destination is?
What is Obama and his controllers, what are they trying to do?
Well, I think he's trying to change the fundamental approach with his very liberal approach toward trying to make the military a social experiment.
He's never been a fan of the military anyway.
I mean, he was a community organizer and then he becomes president.
I don't mean to interrupt, sir, but what about his advisors?
If you wanted to kill the military, this is what you do.
Why isn't the establishment stopping him?
Well, the establishment is scared to death because they're going to be out.
I mean, this is why one of my stories had to do with Valerie Jarrett.
She's what we call the Night Stalker, and she's one who guides and counsels him.
She's very leftist-leaning and has roots that go back to communist socialist practices at the local level in Chicago many, many years before.
And now they've just brought it up to the national level, and this is part of a plan of theirs.
And the fact that DHS is receiving so much ammunition and getting troop carriers and things like this, I've had some folks suggest to me that there is a possibility that he is planning something to not only emasculate the military, but actually create his own strong civilian force.
The question is why.
Congress should have been pursuing this as to why this is happening.
They've never gotten a straight answer.
And yet Congress is still overlooking this possibility, this problem of why DHS is arming the way it is.
DHS is part of the problem.
They've got other issues that they've got to deal with.
And not the least of which is dealing with natural catastrophes and yet they want another fighting.
Well that's another issue.
They've pivoted, talking about pivoting from the Middle East to Asia, they have pivoted like 95% from Al-Qaeda.
I get the manuals the police send them to me, we break them on the national news all the time.
95% pivot.
I mean it'll be like a hundred page training manual.
I don't publish a lot of these because it could be actually damaging the real national security, but we show the cover sheets and stuff.
95% of it will be about Tea Party gun owners, veterans, Christians, and then like one page on Al-Qaeda.
Yeah, they see the threat more from within than from without.
And I think that this is what we're seeing.
It's pretty much what happened during the Clinton years.
He never wanted to talk about, after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, that that was actually a terrorist act.
It was a criminal act by some disgruntled people.
There was a failure to want to recognize that you do have an external threat, but it's more internal with your lone wolves and what he would refer to as your right-wing militant groups.
And that's where I think the DHS is looking more as to where the threat is coming from within.
Well, I mean, here's my issue, sir.
And you're a smart guy.
I have had a lot of military in my family.
I've literally read probably 500 books on military history.
Study it.
I know I don't know the tip of the iceberg.
I look at Valerie Jarrett.
I've read her papers.
I've seen her give speeches.
She's a low-grade moron.
The woman looks mentally ill.
And I'm sorry.
Our country...
And I'm not usually the guy that goes with the theory of incompetence, but it's even more frightening that the elite running this country are a bunch of incompetent, dumb commies, and I'll use that low pejorative, it's what they are, who literally are social engineering, and that's ten times more scary than an in-control elite, because at least an in-control elite doesn't want to blow the planet up.
These mental patients, look what they've done with Obamacare.
This is a disaster.
I mean, I think Obama needs to be impeached.
I know WorldNetDaily's leading a big group up to try to get that done, coming up in a few weeks.
I mean, what do... Here's my final question.
What do we do?
Well, I mean, A, do you agree with me that these are very unstable weirdos?
And then B, what are the generals and others saying that we can do, any ideas, to try to stop this?
Well, first of all, yes, I would agree with you that these are unstable weirdos.
They have their own agenda.
They're in the position of power right now.
The argument is, well, you voted for them, but we've got to live with it.
And I've had a lot of people in comments on some of my stories saying, well,
Maybe we need to be taking back the government, and there's talk like that now that's coming through.
People are very alarmed, but there's nothing that you can do about it short of taking up arms, it seems, because we live under a nation of laws.
And uh... we voted for the man and uh... or as many many people voted for me and I know I didn't but uh... but then we have to live with it until the next election.
Well I was about to say though, I mean take the military strategy, we say they're a bunch of buffoons but they've got, they're ready, they want a civil war, they want to push us, that's what the Navy SEALs on and off record including a naval officer told me uh... who's commanded large groups of SEALs, I'll just leave it at that and then we've had the SEALs on the show, that that's their analysis.
The Navy
The Navy Special Warfare people have looked at this and they say it's exactly what you were just alluding to.
They want to push us into this, but then we have no choice, but maybe we do.
So let me ask you as a smart guy who's talked to all these other folks, what do we do?
We don't want a civil war with poor cops and military that are just following orders, but we can't go under commie control.
What do we do?
I think we have to continue publicly bringing this out.
I think people who are in the system and people who have just come out, they need to speak out.
Of course, they're still concerned, even in retirement, if they want to get contractor jobs and what have you.
But we are at a point where things could really turn south on us.
And we need to be bringing this out more and more and just keep hammering it and hammering it to really make this resonate in the people's consciousness.
And I would agree with
I agree, and for those that don't know,
You know, that's why you have the Congress Commission officers to begin with, because you just can't have a Napoleon or a Hitler run all the military themselves.
That's always the bane of any free civilization is that Julius Caesar comes along, and I think, I really think these people running things, well they talk about it, they talk about it, they want him to be a dictator, want him to declare martial law.
You know, Sheila Jackson Lee.
So I think, I mean, we need to listen to what these people are saying.
And deal with it.
In closing, and I appreciate your time, sir, tell us about your new book, A Nation Forsaken.
Boy, that says it all.
Yes, well, that was the whole idea.
The federal government has let us down in trying to protect this country against an electromagnetic pulse, either from natural, from the sun, or from man-made, which can be some little small country with a nuclear weapon and a means of delivery system that can just explode it over at a high altitude and knock out our national grid.
And all of the other critical, life-sustaining critical infrastructures which depend upon that grid, they can do it with one blast.
And we're not ready for it, and we have not equipped our, and we have not hardened our facilities, whether it's for telecommunications or pipelines.
Or even our emergency responders.
They would also be affected.
Our hospitals would be affected.
We're totally dependent.
I mean, look at the depression.
Most Americans were self-sufficient and it was devastating.
If we have something like this now, all the experts I talk to, I haven't read your book yet, I want to read it, but I mean, they say this is something we don't come back from, at least not in the way we have been.
That's right.
Well, Jim Woolsey and Newt Gingrich have recently formed an EMP coalition, and they're talking about this now.
They're trying to get a national effort underway to get Congress to pass what's called the SHIELD Act.
I don't think it's going to pass.
It might pass in the House, but certainly not in the Senate.
That's right.
Two billion dollars that they'll spend instead to put in transgender bathrooms.
I mean, it's just unbelievable.
Well, listen, I really appreciate you joining us, Mr. Malouf, and your analysis, and unfortunately I concur with all of it, and I just hope we can make it out of this.
I mean, it's good news that Obamacare is finally blowing up so bad that I think
I think this could be the end of Obama being able to get stuff done.
The problem is, he just signs executive orders like shutting down our power plant, speaking of power, and does it.
So let me ask you this, are we at the most dangerous point right now, then, because Obama's sinking like a rock, but that's when he might try something.
And what could that be to get his agenda back on track?
Well, yeah, it'll be the tail wagging the dog episode.
You know, people talk about, well, can he be impeached for this?
He lied to the American people.
Well, he also lied to Congress, and that should be a misdemeanor right there.
He lied to Congress about Obamacare, in which people would not be able to lose their doctors or their health care, and on the basis of that, they went ahead and passed
It certainly is.
We've got to send a message that we're not going to put up with this type of just rampant craziness and control freak behavior.
Thank you so much for your time.
Well, thanks for having me.
Wow, that was a scary interview.
But you know, folks, we're not trying to scare you.
I'm the type of guy that if it's flooding and I need to go to higher ground, then I go to higher ground.
It's not that I'm living in fear.
I woke up three weeks ago.
Open my back door, looking onto the property.
I have a small piece of property, there's a ranch behind me.
And there was a, no exaggeration, I was thinking 500 foot wide, no it was, I actually kind of guesstimated, measured it, about a...
Thousand feet past my property, on over the fence line, giant Barton Creek was like a torrent of white rapids blasting out of a fire hose.
And it was coming up to our property line, up to the fence, all the way up to the pillars of our house, because our house is built on stilts, because it's in an area that floods every 50 years.
And it kept rising and rising.
And it wasn't that I was living in fear that I went out and looked out the window and saw the water rising.
And I walked in and I said, oh honey, it's not raining anymore.
It's been raining for 12 hours straight.
We're up near the headwaters.
It should be okay.
I don't think it's going to be an issue.
And obviously my children and wife are freaked out.
I'm no hydrologist, but I can tell it's not raining anymore.
We're up near the headwaters.
It should be okay.
But I said, if it keeps raining,
It might knock out our porch and stuff, so we might have to leave.
But I said, and I went and looked at the weather report, it wasn't going to keep raining, so it was alright.
And then, within a few hours, it went back down to like 50 feet across, so.
I was knocking trees over, you name it.
It was like a major river blasting by my house from just a side creek that goes into Barton Creek.
The reason I tell that analogy now is, or that story,
As an analogy of what we're currently under.
I mean, I'm just watching a giant rising waters of tyranny.
And I'm sitting here going, um, we need to say no to this.
I'm getting called an extremist and a radical and I want to kill cops and I want to kill people and I don't want to kill anybody.
I just want to be a nice guy.
I just want to live in a free country.
Our government sold us out to China and others.
Undermining us at the same time, attacking anything good.
I mean, these people are just deviants.
I've now come to the realization they are deviants.
Deviant, not like they want to go have sex with somebody.
I've learned that's not even really what you call deviance.
That's like the distractionary deviance.
It's the deviance of like screwing things up.
Messing with things, and doing nasty things, and doing bad things.
We all need to be like Dylan Rattigan six months ago that got fired.
He's going, this is all corrupt, we're in trouble.
You flipped out because he's there around all the lies you're supposed to flip out.
You're supposed to say, I'm not going to be part of this anymore!
Like Howard Beale and Network.
And that's all I've done.
I mean, I win.
Because military told me about it.
And I saw Marines training to take our guns in America, and I was a mainline Libertarian Republican then, and I was like, oh my gosh.
And I found out about the whole plan.
They've been trying this forever.
They already run everything.
They don't need to be doing all this.
They literally want to go after families.
They literally want our guns.
They want to break us.
They want to dominate us.
They already run everything, folks.
They want to screw us over.
They hate us.
It's like racism against Native Americans when they've already been defeated.
Hunting everyone down and killing them.
The globalists are going to hunt us down unless we stop them.
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In 1814, we took a little trip along with Colonel Jackson down to mighty Mississippi.
In 1814, we took a little trip along with Colonel Jackson down to mighty Mississippi.
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans and we whooped the bloody British in the town of New Orleans.
We fired our guns and the British kept a coming.
There wasn't as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they began to running on down to Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.
That means 10,000 troops.
Just remember, they start a civil war, folks.
Those of us in leadership will be killed first.
And I'm not even worried about that.
I'm worried about beating these guys in the end.
There's things bigger than one person's life.
There's the children, and there's justice to be served.
I don't want this physical war to come.
And I'm doing everything I can, and on my knees every day before my Almighty Creator, asking for the guidance.
You know, sometimes in God's plan, bad things happen.
We're here so that people have a choice in their heart to make about which side they're going to be on in their heart.
And that's the most important decision.
None of us can do this alone.
We don't know what the outcome's going to be short term.
But we know that in the end, right always comes out on top.
It may take a hundred years.
It may take six months.
It may take a day.
We don't know what's in store for us.
There's a lot of twists and turns in this.
But everybody can feel the great danger we're all in.
We can tell history is already happening and is about to happen.
And I feel like every day this could be my last broadcast here.
And everybody can tell hearing me on the air that and you could feel it as well.
This is history happening right now and you need to decide who your heart's with.
It's real simple if you want to break it down to men
He certainly wasn't perfect, but if you studied him, he had amazing courage and leadership and providence.
Are you with George Washington?
Or are you with Barack Obama?
Are you with people like Martin Luther King, who wasn't perfect, but had a lot of courage and vision?
Or are you with people like Hillary Clinton?
You're gonna have to make a decision.
You gotta decide, in life, it isn't about how many baubles you got, it isn't how many people know who you are, believe me, I've got that, it means nothing.
It matters what you stand for and what you did.
It's not about the toys, folks, it's about what you did.
It's the Aaron Tippin cheesy song, but it's not cheesy.
We say it's cheesy because we feel cheesy when we feel like doing the right thing, like that's bad.
No, that's good.
You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.
You've got to be your own man, not a puppet on the string.
Never compromise what's right and uphold your family name.
You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.
Yeah, we might have had more money, been better off, live in a better house if dad had done more
Giving in a little more back and down.
But in the final equation, ladies and gentlemen, we have a civilization because people didn't bend over and bow down.
That's why the corrupt always try to attack those that are pure of heart to tell us we're impure, to tell us we're frauds, to tell us we're lies.
Because they then know that that affects us and we'll give up thinking we're not worthy to fight evil.
You understand that?
They are willfully evil.
Their hearts are evil.
That's the difference.
We are willfully good.
We have goodwill.
We have courage.
We have honor.
We have strength.
We have the future.
If we take it in our hands, now is the time to choose which side you serve.
Now is the time to give your heart to liberty or to tyranny.
Overdrive, coming up.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Alex Jones here, and I want to tell you about a longtime friend of the show, My Patriot Supply.
As you might remember, this is the company that stood up to the DHS and exposed FEMA's secret plan to begin hoarding emergency survival food.
It has always been my belief that it's key to stand behind companies who share the same values as their fellow Patriots.
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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, we're into the third hour here today.
It's one o'clock Central Standard Time.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, and John McAfee, of course, the most famous antivirus maker out there in the company.
Still one of the top companies out there that bears his name.
He's an inventor, a journalist, a really interesting fellow.
And of course, the website is whoismcoffee.com.
And he joins us here.
We're going to come back in the next segment and really get into all the things he wants to cover.
But he was here about an hour before it came out and he said, yeah, I just talked to
I just talked to NBC and they're going to be talking about how the Feds tried to hire him to come try to fix health care.
So I guess they are all hands on deck trying to hire all the tech gurus to fix stuff.
We're going to talk about that coming up in the next segment.
But John, it is great to meet you in person, buddy.
Well, it's great to meet you, Alex.
I've talked to you on the phone so many times, I felt like I knew you anyway.
Well, it's good to have you here.
What do you think of Austin so far?
I like Austin.
Very nice town.
It's small, small enough to be enjoyable and not too crowded, and yet large enough to have coffee shops.
Well, it used to be a lot smaller, like 100,000 people.
Now it's over a million, but it is spread out.
I hear you have a water problem.
We do.
We're running out of water.
Well, until it flooded last week.
Every decade or so, there's a drought.
Next, we're going to have the dams about to break.
All right.
Well, that's preferable, I think.
I think the prettiest places in Austin would be down on, say, the Colorado River.
Have you seen that yet?
I have.
I think that's the river I'm staying on at the Four Seasons.
I've got a beautiful view of some river.
There were punters out this morning.
What do you want to get into?
I mean, obviously, we'll talk about Obamacare.
That's the big breaking news.
We'll get an update on Brazil, NSA.
You say there's more than just the NSA spying on us.
Well, obviously.
I mean, if the NSA is spying on us, and they're just one covert branch of the government, then everybody has to be.
It would be ridiculous to have the NSA spying on the U.S.
population, but the CIA and the FBI and other covert arms not doing it, or the military.
So you know for a fact that we're being spied on by everyone.
You know, Edward Snowden just blew the whistle on one aspect, and so we're focused on that.
And the other branches are probably going, oh, please don't let them focus on us.
Well, that's right.
I mean, there's 15 big intelligence agencies, but it gets worse than that.
Because it came out the DEA is hooked into the NSA, tracking everybody.
I mean, so they're listening to you talk about a pot plant you've got growing in your backyard.
Well, I don't smoke pot, but... No, no, but I'm at the public out there, sure.
Of course, right.
So, all the agencies cooperate to a certain extent.
I mean, they're jealous of each other and they keep guarded secrets, but you can be guaranteed that something of interest to one agency may be of interest to another.
And so, there's nothing that we do that isn't known now.
I mean, that has to be the case.
I also want to talk about your product when it comes out, because you're already one of the most famous computer type inventors out there.
I tell you, this will be revolutionary if it's not just an off-site proxy you go through, because we know they tap the backbone before it even gets there.
They've bragged about that.
If it's a device in front of your computer, I don't know why I didn't think of that.
I guess I'm not John McAfee.
Well, you know, it's a very simple concept.
People think that it's going to be difficult to implement, but it's not.
It's a very simple idea.
It's just you step outside the box and say, OK, everyone's trying to fix the Internet.
It's too big.
It's been here too long.
There are too many pieces.
I said, well, it can't be fixed.
Why don't we just create another Internet, sort of a sub part of the real Internet, and as it grows, perhaps that will be the new Internet.
But it's very simple.
The concept rests on the principle that if they do not know, if no one knows, even yourself, the ID of the person you're sending it to or receiving information from, then how can anybody watch that information?
And if the information itself is encrypted, then even if it is intercepted, it means nothing.
And my encryption technique has not been vetted by the NSA or they were not involved in the development of it.
So, like every other technique is, so they can't look at it, nor can any other agency.
Well, John McAfee's our guest in studio.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And when we come back, we're going to dive into an in-depth interview.
I'm going to ask him about human potential, where he thinks things are going, transhumanism, Ray Kurzweil.
I've got a bunch of my questions.
We're going to cover his points first, because I asked him before we went live, what do you want to cover?
I've got a list of four things.
It's all coming up live, uncensored, straight ahead.
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Alex Jones here, and I want to tell you about a longtime friend of the show, My Patriot Supply.
As you might remember, this is the company that stood up to the DHS and exposed FEMA's secret plan to begin hoarding emergency survival food.
It has always been my belief that it's key to stand behind companies who share the same values as their fellow Patriots.
My Patriot Supply brings us their exclusive Patriot Pantry brand, along with many other fine preparedness products.
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Visit mypatriotsupply.com forward slash alex today with the new world order making rapid advances on every front.
It is essential to prepare with My Patriot Supply today.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, John McAfee is our guest.
He's come to Austin to visit with us, and this morning he did an interview
With CNBC, and it's GOP asked for tech founder, ex-fugitive McAfee, to diagnose Obamacare.
And that fits in with the Politico article, tech surge to repair Obamacare websites.
They're saying it's like the Manhattan Project, as they panic to try to fix it.
Now, of course, John McAfee is an extremely famous
Computer programmer, engineer, worked for all sorts of big corporations, NASA, you name it.
He developed McAfee, which is still the dominant antivirus system out there.
He's also been better known lately for escaping out of the kleptocratic area of beliefs and exposing connections to the communist Chinese, Muslim terrorists, you name it, Ryerson plots.
And when he broke this on our show, I said, man, that is hard to believe.
And but I still had him on and said it may be true, but then it all later came out in the news months and months later.
So he is definitely a blessed, charmed man to have been able to make it out of there into Guatemala and then back to the good old US of A. And we're going to talk about his view on the world and so many issues, the NSA, you name it.
But first, sir, let's get into Obamacare.
Wow, so you've been contacted by the government to try to come in and fix it.
What did you tell them and why did you refuse?
I was contacted by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
They're the ones that oversee the Obamacare package.
And if I would come out and basically oversee some of the changes and give them input on what needed to be done.
I said, sure.
Then they added, but we can't pay your expenses or anything.
The government is shut down.
I'm thinking, well, you pay $600 million to a completely inoperable agency to build this system.
I said, OK, well, I'll pay my own way.
And they said, okay.
And then they came back and said, well, we can't even get the committee members all together because, again, the chaos of the shutdown.
Can we do it on the phone?
And at that point I go, okay, I'm out of here.
They expect me to give them advice on a system that requires showing them charts and graphs and how this thing is put together and what's wrong with it.
And they want to do it over the phone.
They're not serious.
They just want to say, we contacted McAfee, he gave us some advice and we're going to implement it.
Which is utter nonsense, they're not.
My advice would be, throw it away and start over.
You cannot fix the system that's there, it is impossible.
The way it is architected, any good programmer will tell you, it's just not going to work.
And they can pour money into it, another $50 million, another $100 million, it will never work the way that it is.
It needs to be redone.
A friend of mine, Mike Adams, who's a successful computer programmer, he said the same thing two and a half weeks ago.
He said several things.
He said, it looks like basically chimpanzees were in there tied up to keyboards writing this.
It's gibberish.
It's not even bad code.
That came out today.
And he said that the government always throws more money at something that doesn't work when you need to scrap it.
But he said that's what all the top programmers are saying.
That is what you, John McAfee, as a well-known top programmer, are saying.
But clearly the Commerce Committee knows that too, so what do you think the real reason is?
Mike and others are saying, now it's actually coming out, that it's really an NSA front, and they're just getting data for who doesn't have insurance to fine them, and it's totally cold-blooded.
Might be.
Might be.
Because it doesn't seem like they were serious in actually implementing a Medicare system.
And you're right.
The code.
After the rollout, there were programmers that went on bulletin boards asking for help on programs that they had been working on for this system.
All of them Indian.
CGI has over 10,000 programmers in the country of India.
And they're doing very basic programming in a language that only runs on the front end, that is, your computer.
So when you log on to Obamacare, the programs are downloaded to your computer and run, and then ship the data back.
It's a very cheap and easy way of doing it.
And that's fine if you have 10 or 20 users, but if you have millions, it just isn't going to work.
And that's why the architecture can't support it.
But to have a company whose employees are asking for help from the general public on fixing their problems is absurd.
If you go through the code, there are fundamental misspellings in there.
You know, this shouldn't be happening.
This should be a professional company.
And that company CGI that worked for the government of Canada about seven years ago was fired because of incompetence and not delivering what they had wanted.
So why did we choose a Canadian company when there are plenty of American companies that are very technically competent in this area?
I have no idea.
Well that's another issue.
Consumer Reports is now saying don't go to the website because you can basically have your identity stolen on it.
And it's not just the website.
You don't even know if it's a legitimate website because there are so many examiners that can have their own websites.
And, uh, sorry, that's my telephone here.
Hey, it kind of sounds cool.
It's like Star Trek-y.
Let me turn this sucker off.
So, there's, there are so many, um, uh, examiner sites that anybody can put together.
And the, um, uh, the sites can be made by hackers.
They can steal your identity.
They can ask for your social security number.
And the following day, your bank account's going to be empty.
And, and this is going to cost consumers, in terms of lost income and identity theft, more than the entire Obamacare package costs to implement.
Unbelievable, and Obama came out today, I forget the exact quote, let me look at DrugsReport.com and find it.
He came out and called it a good deal and that it's exceeding expectations.
Well, I mean, I don't know whose expectations those would be.
Does that win the B.S.
award of all time?
Well, I think so, or unless your expectations are dramatically lower than any sane person would want to have.
So, really, that makes no sense.
What would the expectations be if, in fact, when it rolled out, you couldn't log on, you couldn't get support, there was no security, and it was crashing every three minutes?
So what expectations could you possibly have that it met?
I have no clue.
That is definitely bullshit.
And again, John McAfee is our guest in studio.
Going back here then to understand this.
The Republican committee chair calls you up and says help us fix it and they want you to just tell them over the phone how to fix something that's like many times more complex than landing probably the Mars rover on the moon.
Something this complex with all these different hundreds of millions people that are supposed to use it with all these interfaces and all these exchanges and nobody's ever made something like this work before from what I've been told.
And then they want you over the phone to tell them how to do it.
What did you say to them?
Well, first of all, it wasn't the committee chairman, it was the lawyer for the committee, Sean Hayes, who contacted me and he was very flattering.
He said, you know, I'm sure this won't be a heavy lift for you with the managerial expertise and all of this.
I said, well, okay.
And then he said, but I can't pay you expenses.
I go, well, okay.
I mean, I'm a good American.
You need help, I'll help.
Then when it got down to, you know, we can't get the committee members all together, can you do this over the phone, I realized that they're not even serious.
I never even responded.
This was an email, this last one.
They wanted you as a PR name.
As a PR name.
Say we contacted John McAfee and he's given us great advice and don't worry, everything's going to be fine.
But it's not.
And so I don't want to be involved.
Did you give him the advice you gave our listeners?
Scrap it?
Well, they know that.
I've been saying that in the press for a week now.
So yeah, they have to scrap it.
And they're not going to listen to that.
Or at least scrap the front end.
Well, how do you have a website based on a law?
It's got to follow this cockamamie law.
Well, that's the other problem here.
Technology within the government.
There are 6,000 pages of regulations for how you develop technological programs.
And it takes years to write those regulations.
Technology is an area where every year you throw yourself on the way because it's out of date and you get a new one with new features.
Technology is advancing rapidly.
The regulations are years old.
How on earth can you develop a high-tech program using regulations that take three years to write?
That's the fundamental problem.
It has to be simplified.
Throw the regulations out.
Trust the people that you're contracting with.
Get American companies to produce the thing.
And let's get real here.
Well, there are laws that most of our tech that's government-funded should come from the U.S., but they religiously ignore it because of globalism.
They want to de-industrialize this country so they can pick the winners and losers.
But given that, then you can't complain when your systems don't work.
You can't complain when... and I'm not putting down Indians, by the way, or India.
They are very intelligent people and great programmers.
But CGI takes them and puts them through a three-month training class.
Three months!
And expects them to now produce miracle code.
It doesn't work that way.
And then connect it with all the other code.
And connect it with all the other code.
It's like, sure, that's a very cheap way of doing it.
And you're going to get a lot of code.
But then how on earth do you fix it?
This is the problem.
But I've talked to programmers that say, and now it's in the news, that it's just gibberish, a lot of it.
Like people just gave up and delivered crap.
They did, because they were under the gun for time.
It has to be done, it has to be done.
I know how that works.
You're a programmer and you don't even understand what the problem is and you're trying to fix it.
And your boss says, get it done by Friday.
Well, you get it done by Friday and you hope no one ever runs that program to find out that it doesn't work.
That's like homework you do on the school bus.
That's it.
On the way, on the way.
You're scribbling as fast as you can go.
I hope the teacher doesn't read this.
But unfortunately, we do on these programs.
And we are.
They're going to get found out.
Well, yeah, I mean, it's not like Common Core where they teach the kids 2 plus 2 equals 4.
A computer's got to have it right or it won't work.
I guess the banksters... 100% right.
I guess the banksters and the globalists have finally tried to feed their con artist bull into a computer.
That's it.
And it's not working.
It's certainly not working the way this was implemented.
So what do you think is going to happen?
He's now trying to blame Republicans and people that don't like socialist health care for the website failing.
He did that in a speech today.
Well, you know, you can blame the manager of the technological program and nothing else.
CGI is responsible, period, for delivering a working program.
They did not because, really, it was unrealistic given the way that they did it.
And they did it in order to make money.
I understand that.
You've got a certain income.
You have $100 million that the government's paying you.
If you can get it done for $500,000, you have a 99.5% profit margin.
But now CGI is going to get more money to fix it.
Which they can't.
And they're going to use the same programmers because you can't use new ones to fix an existing program.
If they threw it out, grab some really decent programmers.
I mean, top-notch programmers.
Don't tell them how to fix it.
We want it to fail.
John McAfee, we're going to break.
Incredible to have this guy in studio with us.
We're going to come back and let him continue on that point in the NSA, his device he's coming up with very soon that I hope to sell here, and a lot more.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
WhoIsMcAfee.com is his site.
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John McAfee is really amazing in person.
And you saw the media hype and the demonization of it when it was out in Belize.
But we need to do a part two, maybe for the Nightly News with you, where we go back and show how all the stuff you talked about with us earlier this year, or I guess last year, all of it later turned out to come out.
It was like a James Bond movie or something.
So we'll have an update in the next segment with Mr. McAfee with us.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, if you just tuned in.
But continuing with healthcare.gov, I mean, I understand as a top programmer,
You know, reportedly genius level by the media and all the stuff you've invented over the years, that you look at this and you say, it could be fixed.
My issue is, I've talked to other programmers that are very smart as well, they say there's no way government didn't know this was a piece of crap and wasn't going to work.
What do you think's really going on here?
Well, I mean, obviously.
I mean, any sane person is going to test what they have developed at least one time.
And usually you test it for many, many months.
And if the government has any interest in this program, then they had to have people monitoring the development.
So of course they knew it wasn't going to work.
Or they didn't bother to test it at all.
This is the bizarre truth of the issue.
So, I don't know what's going on.
I do know that what happened is unthinkable if it were being managed by a true technological manager.
They would not let this happen.
You build the program, you design it, you go through an alpha test period for a few months, which is, you know, you have a few people logging in, then a beta test where you simulate
Massive amounts of input, and then you fix the problems and you roll it out.
Clearly they didn't go through any of that.
This is not the normal way of developing software.
I don't know what it is, but I've never seen it before.
I keep going back over this because it's just the whole thing is so, not Orwellian, more Twilight Zone because Obama's up there saying it's a great deal and exceeding expectations and just bizarreness.
It'd be like if my wife came home and I was in bed with seven women and I got up and said, honey, I've never cheated on you, baby.
I mean, it's just the level of BS.
Well, you know, by the way, that is the standard approach.
I mean, if your wife does catch you in bed with a woman, you deny it.
Never ever admit.
So I guess it is, like Bill Clinton said, deny, deny, deny.
So I guess it is literally, what's the term they use for that in the Pentagon?
That's it.
That's it.
So, you know, I really don't have a clue.
I am not politically connected.
I can tell you everything you need to know about computers, software, networking, security, but I don't have a clue.
I think that something's wrong and it's not going the way it should.
What do you think about the whole NSA thing being exposed?
We know that's been going on for a long time, but why now is it getting exposed and where do you think it's going?
Well, it's getting exposed because someone, Edward Snowden, said something and showed us.
Now he's hiding out in Russia now, unfortunately Russia.
However, why are we worrying about the NSA?
It's every single covert agency of the government, and there are 15 or 20 of those agencies.
And you know for a fact that if one agency is spying on us, that they're all spying on us.
This is a fact.
And they all share information, so the CIA, the FBI, Army Intelligence, they are all watching us.
I know this, I've known this for years.
If I say something, people go, oh, you're paranoid, you're crazy.
And it takes someone like Snowden to pop up and show us, and we go, oh my God, the NSA is spying on us.
Well, duh!
Of course they are.
They have been for years.
Well, talking about CGI, they do the Pentagon's most complex systems, so they obviously knew this wasn't going to work, so therefore it was done by design to put off Obamacare and only bring in the fine part.
I think clearly it's just there to fine people.
It's entirely possible.
I don't know for a fact, but something is going on that is not sensible.
Not to the minds of someone who has been developing systems like this their whole life.
So you could be absolutely right.
Let's shift gears into your device.
I can't wait till this comes out.
We were talking during the break about the government won't be your biggest problem.
Who will be your biggest problem with your device that blocks the NSA?
I think the music industry and the TV industry.
They are so paranoid about intellectual property.
That is, please don't let anybody make one copy of my music or my video.
And yet statistically, I mean if you look at the figures,
The music industry and the television industry and the movie industry has never made more money than they are today with all of the piracy that's going on.
And also statistics say that people who pirate videos are the most purchasers.
They pay them more money for the ones that they do want.
So they have no reason to be doing what they're doing.
But I guarantee you there's already been comments made that this is a dangerous product and a dangerous idea that they're going to try and block it.
I want to talk about this when we come back in the long segment, because it tortures me.
I have an old TV, not that old, like five, six years, that has a DVD player on the side that I've run in the garage on the treadmill.
It broke.
That DVD player.
So I went and got another one, plugged it in, and it gave me a message and said, you're not allowed to run another device in this anti-piracy.
And these are bought DVDs.
Right, I understand.
And then I have all this other equipment in here for TV where we're trying to put on a show, and I'll buy the equipment, it's my show!
It won't let it run over a television.
Right, and I can buy a DVD from Australia and pay for it legitimately and it will not run on my American DVD player because it's a different region.
So it's stopping technological development so that they can kleptocratically make more money and instead they're screwing up all the devices like Dr. Stallman talks about.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
We're here Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Then, of course, we come back 7 o'clock Central with InfoWars Nightly News.
John McAfee, the legendary anti-virus software engineer and mogul is here in studio, who is McAfee.com.
That is his very interesting and informative website.
So you can go there and check that out.
And it has lots of guns.
We're going to talk to John in a minute before we get back into his new device he's developing.
Sounds very interesting.
During the break he was telling me about it.
We went down with an open carry at the Alamo, over a thousand people with guns, Saturday and it made national news.
That was certainly fun to openly exercise our right to self-defense and deprogram all these people who think you shouldn't own guns.
We'll talk to him about guns as well.
Before we go any further,
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John McAfee is here with us.
And whoismcafee.com is his site.
So we got cut off by the break.
You were getting into your device.
I mean, tell the audience as much as you can tell them.
You were telling me quite a bit, but I don't know if that was in confidence, about how revolutionary but also simple this is going to be and what it's going to do.
The device is basically a hardware device that interfaces with your smartphone.
You carry it in your pocket.
It has no screen.
It has an on-off switch and a little light to show that the battery is running and that's it.
And we have an application that runs on your iPhone or your Android phone that when you want to switch from the internet to the secure network, you press a button and then you're now in our network, which is anybody else who has one of these devices within a quarter of a mile, you're communicating.
And if you're in a city or a college campus, there may be thousands of those that are close by.
It's an information sharing network.
It's a file sharing network.
So it's like a new internet or a private new internet.
And it'll start out small, of course, because everyone won't have these things.
But eventually, I mean, you switch from the current internet to the secure internet over and over and over.
And to begin with, you might not be able to communicate with someone in India.
But after a year, when we get enough of these and the information is relayed,
Then it'll be just like the internet.
But it'll be able to get on the net as the first reason, but then protect your identity.
That's... Absolutely.
It protects your identity, and when you're on the secure part of the network, no one knows who you are.
All of the data is encrypted, and it's encrypted by a technique that the NSA has not been involved in, so they can't break it, they can't get into it.
And neither the sender nor the receiver... Let me guess, does it have to deal with holograms?
It does not, no sir.
I was trying to... If it did, I wouldn't tell you, would I?
No, no, I was talking to my dad about this, and he said, I bet it's a hologram interface.
My dad's smarter than I am in some ways, but go ahead.
No, I'm not going to say for the simple reason that we don't want people to know.
So it's going to be very secure.
So neither the NSA, nor the CIA, nor the FBI, nor Army Intelligence, nor anyone can find out who you're talking to, what you're saying, and what you're exchanging, which is really what we should have that right anyway.
Now, you're a trailblazer in your own right, obviously, but other great minds are going to hear this, or they probably already thought of it.
Even if they try to stop you selling this here domestically, it's going to be a huge international market, and then other people are going to make clones, or knockoffs, and then other technologies.
They're not going to be able to stop this.
Well, they may stop me temporarily, of course.
They may say, you can't sell this.
And I'll say, fine.
Your control stops at your boundaries.
You have Canada and Mexico in the ocean.
I'll sell it everywhere else.
It will have to get here eventually.
Any technology which is beneficial will eventually get here.
We know that.
It just may take time.
The music industry is going to raise hell and complain.
The movie industry is going to complain.
You know, intellectual property has been way overplayed by them for the past 10 years.
Well, think about it.
They're trying to get world treaties that end free speech globally for them.
They are encroaching on our rights in the name of their rights.
I'm sick of it.
And so they are shutting down operations that are valid, useful things.
It's like shutting down telephones.
Because criminals are using it to covertly rob banks or whatever.
It's insane.
We can't protect ourselves to the point that we can't even use technology.
Well, folks used to hack with a telephone.
I mean, do you ban using telephones?
That's right.
In fact, the first one to do so was a gentleman named Captain Crunch, who got these little whistles from the captain, and he learned how to make tones on it for the old telephone so that he could make free long-distance calls.
That was the first telephone hacking.
Well, we didn't shut down the phones because of that.
We didn't.
We just arrested him, and that's a sensible thing to do.
But now they're wanting us to shut down technologies like file sharing which is very useful for everything.
You have files, you've got photographs that you take on vacation that you want to share with your friends.
You put it out in the cloud and they can share it.
Do you want to stop that because people can put music that they haven't paid for on the net?
That's right.
You can't have prior restraint.
I ran into anti-gun people at our Alamo open carry this Saturday and they said
You know, my daughter got shot at Aurora, and I said, I'm sorry for your daughter, but statistically, crimes using guns are down 49% because a good guy's having guns, just department numbers.
They didn't even deny that, but they still said, well, it's still gun owner's fault this happened.
And I said, if somebody stabs somebody, is it the knife maker's fault?
Or if I sell somebody a car, and they drive down the road and kill somebody, this putting the guilt on us when we didn't do it, it's just crazy.
It's an authoritarianism!
I've owned and carried guns ever since I was 12 when my father took me hunting for the first time.
And he taught me how to handle guns properly, and not to point them at people, and how to load them and unload them.
And seriously, for the past 10 years, I have never been without a gun, except when I shower.
And when I get paranoid sometimes, I don't shower, so my wife complains.
And I've never pointed a gun at anyone.
Certainly never shot at anybody.
But it is to me a deterrent if we all carry guns.
I lived in a town called Rodeo, New Mexico.
A small town of a couple hundred people.
Everybody was armed there.
I love it.
Well, they never had a problem.
They never had a robbery in the grocery store.
They never had anything.
A criminal coming through town that, you know, pulls a gun out at a cafe.
All the customers are going to pull a gun.
Criminals are on record that they don't go to small towns and rural areas because they know.
They know.
And so what's wrong with that?
And there's some violent crime there.
We all carry guns, but I never saw a gun pulled and pointed anywhere.
Well, you asked permission if you could, you know, like, hey, I'm bringing a gun.
We're like, well, you better.
Right, that's what they said.
So don't try anything here, they said.
We're all armed.
Well, no, but I mean, for us it's like having a pencil or a coffee cup.
It's a tool.
I sleep with mine.
Now, I stopped sleeping with it in my hand for obvious reasons, okay?
But I sleep... Aw, then it gets all lonely.
Yeah, you know what?
Nightmares and things like that, it's pretty scary.
My co-worker said, no more, it's not going to be in your hand anymore.
I said, if I lay it next to me, here on the bed, that's okay.
Um, but I'm always with a gun.
And why not?
I mean, the criminals have guns.
Well, off record, you've had a lot of issues, obviously.
Of course.
And I, you know, I mean, for a month and a half, the Belizean government was actively trying to shoot me.
And, um, you know, why shouldn't I carry guns?
And why shouldn't I be able to protect myself?
Well, why are they allowed to have guns, but we aren't?
Well, that's the problem, isn't it?
And here's the thing.
If you pass a law saying we can't have guns, I promise you, the criminals don't care.
They're already breaking the law.
Do you think they care if they're carrying an illegal weapon?
That's so absurd.
So we're not going to take it out of the hands of the people who are going to do damage with guns.
We're taking it out of the hands of people who protect themselves from those people who are trying to do damage.
So, I don't know.
You know, I'm going to have my gun in my hand except when I'm sleeping, or in my pocket.
I've got one here now, obviously.
And, you know, as long as I can, because it's my right.
But I mean, it goes back to rural areas where you had grizzly bears, or the immigrants were fighting with the natives.
I mean, it came down to you better have a gun on you or you could get killed.
Or you would get killed.
It's a fact of life.
I mean, you know, the world is a dangerous place, especially outside of our comfort zone.
Well, here's my issue.
We're not worried about death threats around here and stuff, because somebody ever tries to come around here with something, I mean, anybody wants to carry a gun in their briefcase, or CHL, you name it, folks are packing around here.
And that's just the way it is, and it's peaceful, it's happy, and everybody's friendly.
If someone does come in here, I'll stand with you with my gun, all right?
Ready to go.
You know, I like revolvers myself, just because they're, you know, you know.
I do too, and I prefer the hammerless.
Oh, really?
I didn't even know that's what you had.
Well, I've got all kinds of guns.
I carry different guns for different occasions.
It's loaded.
Here, I'll let you... I notice yours is not.
There you go.
All right.
There you go.
I like a .357 just because in a stressful situation.
It's loaded, I didn't see it.
Oh yeah, oh yeah.
A .357, you know, in a stressful situation is good.
It's got the best penetration for something like this.
No question, but that's a little light at carrying speed.
Oh, it's beautiful, it's beautiful.
So, and the hammerless variety, you know, so many times you pull your gun out of your pocket not to point it at someone just at the end of the day and the hammer gets caught on your pocket.
But look at our guns, they're friendly.
They're hanging out together right there.
We got a document cam shot on that.
In fact, we'll put them over here by you, and they can just have some time together.
Look at that, that's like powerful, they're like exchanging.
I have some .357s too.
I tell you what the finest little carry gun is, is the new Ruger, that little micro .380.
I know it doesn't carry a bunch of a punch, but you know.
One of my friends' wives carries that in her purse.
Yeah, well I carry one in each pocket sometimes.
Because they're so light you can't see them, you don't even know you're carrying them.
Um, you know, seven rounds, 380, 380's not a bad gun.
James Bond used the Beretta 380, remember that?
In the first James Bond movie?
They tried to give him a different gun.
You're like an adventurer, aren't you?
I don't know.
What made you go down to Belize?
I guess adventure.
Why not?
You know, I think we might live once, just once.
And if that's the case, I don't want to miss anything.
I don't want to miss anything, Alex.
Without getting into your security and things, you're traveling around the U.S.
right now?
I am.
I'm traveling with security.
And because of an incident that happened recently, I've beefed it up, and I'm traveling with some very serious security now.
I did notice that.
Well, that's a good thing.
But, I mean, going back, obviously you were a computer programmer, I think worked at NASA in places, going over your bio.
I mean, do you have any shadowy background that you think they might be after you for?
I mean, not shadowy bad, but secretive stuff.
Well, I mean, I had a top-secret security clearance for a while when I worked at NASA.
And I did work on some black programs, but nothing that anyone wanted to off me for.
I think my biggest concern is Belize.
You know, I ran afoul of the Belizean government.
And I came back and I stated some things that maybe should not have been stated.
That the Prime Minister ordered the death of Arthur Young.
That John Salivar was selling passports illegally.
And this is the Minister of National Security, he's in charge of the army and the police and of course the Prime Minister is in charge of everything.
They're not happy about that and they're afraid that if I provide more evidence the entire government will unravel.
So obviously I have to think that maybe in the back of their minds they would they would feel better if I wasn't here.
Well I know you talk... Is that paranoia?
No I don't think that's
That's paranoia.
I mean, knowing what goes on in the government of Belize, what it's used for, how famously piratical it is, I don't know about those individuals, but I know that certainly I would be concerned if I had the entire Belizean mafia-style government angry at me.
Right, and the other thing is that they have a longer reach than you might imagine.
For example, there are American businesses that would love to do business in Belize for a lot of reasons.
You can do illegal things there if you pay the right people and your profits can soar.
In fact, the Belizean soccer team came to Portland, where I live, in July.
That's kind of weird, isn't it?
To play soccer.
And with them, there was an American businessman who had a private jet, who was flying around John Salvador, and two other people, the head of the press office in Belize and a city councilman named Dean Samuels.
And, um, you know, you look at that and you think, well, you know, I don't know, why did they come to my city?
Why did the head of national security come to my town way up there, you know?
And so I'm thinking, well, I don't know, maybe I should be cautious.
And I am cautious.
I don't call that paranoia.
Well, I don't know.
You'd be stupid if you weren't concerned.
I would be stupid.
And so as a result, when I go somewhere, people arrive in advance.
They check things out.
They look to see if anything unusual is happening.
I change venues constantly.
I tell them I'm going to be staying at one hotel and check into another.
And when I arrive, I arrive with some serious security.
So, um... Well, I mean, going back to Belize, you were talking about Muslims in certain countries and riots, and it was nowhere in the press, and then it had to be four months later, exactly what you said about that came out.
And you said that's one of the reasons they were after you.
I mean, do you now know, have you figured out, out of all the reasons, why you think folks were after you?
They're asking because of what I knew.
Because, you know, when they raided my compound in Orange Walk in May, shot my dog in front of my eyes, did a half million dollars worth of damage, kept me handcuffed in the sun for 14 hours.
By the way, I don't recommend that as something to do for fun, Alex.
No, that hurts!
That does hurt, believe me.
I tried not to whimper the whole day and I didn't.
And then left, and then came back and said, you know, are you going to reconsider giving us a donation to the party?
And I go, no, I'm not.
I went to the press.
At that point, I started handing out presents, computers that I had my own software on just to monitor things, okay?
I gave them to all the government ministers and their secretaries and their aides, and that's how I found out what was happening.
You gave them a Trojan horse.
You made them think they'd won.
You started giving them goodies.
And just like the general public, they just take devices.
They take devices.
They don't think.
They don't think, well, who is this man?
Well, I'm John McAfee, for heaven's sake.
I invented computer security.
You think I can't turn on your microphone on your laptop in your office and watch what you're doing?
That's so trivial.
Anybody can do it.
Maybe, in retrospect, it may have been a mistake.
Because then you learned all the secrets.
You were like your own private NSA.
I learned all the stuff that's going on and it was scary.
And then I came back and I made the mistake of actually telling it on the blog.
And so, yeah, you know, you would be paranoid, too, if, you know, these people came up to your town and some American, some shady American businessman with a private jet flying them all over America, showing up in your town, is like, whoa!
So, you know, maybe the next time I'm on your show, we will discuss this in greater detail.
It might make a really nice show.
Yeah, absolutely.
I tell you.
Because an event did actually happen recently that caused me to more than double my security and start asking a bunch of very hard questions.
I bet they're not happy they messed with you, though.
If they wouldn't have done that to your dog and all that stuff, would everything be fine?
They didn't shot my dog.
I think we could have fixed it.
But you don't shoot my dogs.
My dogs are family.
You know, I don't know how you feel about animals, but a dog is... Oh, I love dogs.
Well, you know, they're a member of the family.
They provide protection.
I think they're maybe the best members of my family.
Well, certainly the most loyal member.
I promise you, he's never going to turn on you.
We'll be right back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Technology is rapidly increasing, to say the least.
Some people like Ray Kurzweil believe that there's going to be a singularity.
I believe you'll have a singularity in information and news first, or something approximating that, something getting close to it.
Where, no matter what the system does, they're not going to be able to hide stuff anymore.
And when they try to put out disinfo, that's going to be exposed.
That's already happening.
The Pentagon PSYOPs head came out a few months ago and said they're in deep trouble.
They're ordered to lie to the public, and the public's catching them.
And the Pentagon said, we want to stop lying.
And there were people freaking out during the Pentagon briefing that was streamed on the internet, getting up and saying, we don't want to lie anymore.
I mean, it was real.
But I think at the higher level, they told them to do it to try to get people's confidence to go, we promise we won't lie anymore.
But here is Ray Kurzweil, one of the Google execs, saying, meet the Google executive who plans to cheat death.
Ray Kurzweil takes 150 vitamins a day so he can hold out long enough for invention of robots that will keep humans alive.
Now whether this is real or not,
In my film, Endgame, that I made seven years ago, I show all the quotes.
They say humans are bad.
They're going to establish world government, forcibly reduce world population.
They're going to merge with machines and live forever.
I didn't say that, as the New York Times said.
I was quoting Kurzweil and others.
Here he is back in the news today.
This is the Daily Mail.
What do you think of these things?
Because whether it's feasible down the road or not, these people are maniacs who are anti-human.
What is your take on it?
Well, you know, in one respect, I admire Kurzweil because he developed some great musical devices.
And a copy machine or a bunch of other stuff?
I'm not sure about the copy machine.
Well, a modern one.
He's a scanner.
He's a brilliant man.
There's no question about it.
I don't want to merge with the machine, quite frankly.
I would rather become a little more human than I even am.
I think we become machines by spending our days watching the television instead of watching the world around us.
I agree.
And I think that there's so much of modern life which turns us into machines that why bother making a mechanical device to connect with us?
We're already halfway machines.
I'd like to go the other way.
And let's get a little more human, you know, let's have more personal face-to-face communication, and let's get out and shoot, or do what we like to do, or just get some fresh air, jog around the block.
How much of that is happening these days?
It's less and less and less.
And when it does happen, it's structured and it's formalized.
So, you know... Yeah, it's called quality time to take your kids out in nature.
Well, quality time should be every moment of life, as I understand it.
Every single moment.
And if you're not having quality time, 24 hours a day, do something else, Alex.
I agree.
The revolution against tyrants is having fun, having friends, and not being in the cookie-cutter system.
That's it.
You know, getting into real life.
And take some risks, because any quality time is risky.
It means you've got to get off of your comfortable sofa, out of your safe, secure house, and into a world which is unpredictable and unknown.
It's a mystery.
Well, isn't that how things were when you were a kid?
Wasn't it great to get out and explore the mystery of life, the mystery of the world?
Absolutely, going to a friend's house and going out in the woods.
You bet.
Sneaking on some farmer's ranch.
Picking strawberries in your neighbor's backyard at night without them knowing.
It's an adventure.
It's life as it should be.
We should all be children again.
They're trying to insert us into these bubbles where they bombard us with nothing but their propaganda to keep us from seeing the wider universe.
Alright, well that's how they control us, see?
If you see the wider universe, you're going to ask questions, aren't you?
Like, what the hell are you saying?
You're giving us garbage about Obamacare.
But if all we get is the news, some of us are going to believe it.
You can fool all the people some of the time.
But you're talking about singularities?
You can't fool all the people all the time.
What do you think of a singularity?
I mean, do you think that really will come?
I think it's happened in many cases.
I think this is evidence of it here.
We have something which is so obviously broken and improper that the President is saying, well, this is what I expected.
It meets expectations.
So it's a con artist singularity.
It's like a magician doing a trick.
Don't watch what the left hand is doing.
And if we don't watch what the left hand is doing, we go,
Hold on, we got a one minute break.
I gotta do five minutes overdrive.
John McAfee's our guest.
It was McAfee.com.
This guy's really interesting.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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