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Name: 20131127_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 27, 2013
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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex on this Wednesday, November 27, 2013, the busiest travel day of the year.
And if you're traveling in the car, or perhaps even if you're at the airport...
We hope that you'll tune in and listen because we've got a busy day today on our schedule.
At the bottom of this hour, we're going to be joined, hopefully, by Dr. Noel Sharkey.
Now, he is a robotics expert.
He's an artificial intelligence expert.
He's very concerned about killer robots and the direction that technology is taking robotics.
And the lack of ethical control, the dangers of autonomous killing robots.
So we hope that he's going to be with us at the bottom of the hour.
We've been trying to get him for a couple of weeks and he's been traveling first throughout North America.
Now he's traveling throughout Europe.
We contacted him a few days ago.
He said that
He would be in Italy today in Pisa.
I guess he's looking at the Leaning Tower and he said he'd be staying at a monastery and he hoped that he had Wi-Fi.
So we hope that he does too.
And if he does, we'll be talking to him.
But we've got some robotics issues.
Nevertheless, we have the lead story today.
It has actually been picked up by Drudge on InfoWars.
Drones with face detection cameras obey visual and vocal commands.
This is pretty amazing.
A huge breakthrough, technology-wise, and it shows the direction that things are taking here.
This says that the project was presented during the annual IEEE-RS International Conference on Robotics and Systems.
Now, that's the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Japan, and they said that they use a facial scoring system.
Each drone's camera determines which direction a user is focused towards.
So, what they can do, and we're going to show this video in the next segment.
This is a very short segment.
But what these drones can do is they can give them hand signals, they can tell them to take off, they can tell them, uh, I want you two or you three to do such and such a thing, and they obey those commands.
They use vision-mediated gestural interface, so it's just hand signals.
They can understand these commands, they can group them together, they can turn them off.
It's pretty amazing what they can do with this.
Now, of course, what we're concerned about is seeing this kind of power focused in the hands of simply the government.
When I was watching this protest in Dallas last week unfold, and I'm looking, even before it happened, I'm looking at the arrogance of the police officers who would not even make eye contact, let alone
Respond to any questions, any legitimate questions that people had, like, where should I go?
Who can I talk to about this?
They would just stare straight ahead, would not give any answers.
And it was really, kind of, you could see a real contempt.
And this video up here, if you're looking at it now, that heavy set guy, you could see real hatred in this guy, going around sucker punching people, this big heavy guy.
When I looked at that, and afterwards as they were lined up and the camera panned down that line, I saw just hatred and contempt on the faces of these people.
And I'm thinking, do we want to give them a monopoly on the use of force?
Are they the only people in society who should have weapons?
That's a very serious thing.
We do not want to have a few, perhaps criminal people,
Have such a monopoly on force and that's what the robotics thing is heading towards.
A very few people who can kill from a distance.
We see that already happening with drones.
We see them working more and more towards refining and increasing this and technology is moving at a very rapid pace.
This article finishes up.
This is from Michael Thelen.
On InfoWars, he says, as technology extends its lightning growth towards autonomous robotics, world-famous thinkers have begun to take notice, prompting the likes of physicist Stephen Hawking to warn of its dangerous and uncontrolled march.
As technology grows exponentially.
And that's exactly what Dr. Noel Sharkey is doing.
He's traveling around the world trying to wake up people to the dangers of this and trying to get people to stop.
But I think the key thing is not going to be the analysis from the government, trying to get the government to stop, trying to get the UN to impose something.
The key thing is going to be getting engineers and scientists to take an ethical look at how what they're producing is going to be used.
We're also going to be joined in the third hour with Gerald Cilenti and we're going to talk about rising trends in China.
So join us and come back.
We're also going to be talking about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, another piece of Asia that's coming up in the trends.
Stay tuned.
Strategic relocation is a systematic way to think strategically in the future about how do I safeguard.
Renowned author and expert, Joel Skousen.
The U.S.
isn't building huge underground bases and bunkers because of some terrorist threat.
They know that a massive nuclear attack is coming.
They want that attack to come.
Joel Skousen is renowned as one of the world's foremost experts in strategic relocation and the securing of your home.
What I tell people is that you do have time.
We talk about natural disasters, the health environment, we talk about pollution, the water quality.
My personal experience about being in every one of these states, most people won't even be ready, won't be able to get out of town, because there'll be absolute panic.
There is no preparedness without strategy.
This Christmas, give the gift of preparedness.
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Alex Jones here, and I want to tell you about a longtime friend of the show, My Patriot Supply.
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It has always been my belief that it's key to stand behind companies who share the same values as their fellow Patriots.
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In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial commons.
In Dallas, Texas, three shots were fired at President Kennedy's motorcade in downtown Dallas.
The first reports say that President Kennedy has been seriously wounded by the shooting.
It is a big idea.
A new
It was almost as if it were a planned employment.
It's just pancakes.
Either you're with us, or you're with the terrorists.
I also believe that a lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals.
Guns will be taken.
No one will be able to be off.
We're going to take all guns.
For many of the police and guard troops, it is an uncomfortable job to do this in an American city.
Global governance at last.
Is it one world the central bank is in charge?
But aren't we all just living and dying for what the central banks do?
As for me, give me liberty or give me death!
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex on this Wednesday, November 27th, the day before Thanksgiving 2013.
The busiest travel day of the year, and as I was saying in the last segment, we have a busy schedule today.
We've got Dr. Noel Sharkey at the bottom of this hour, hopefully.
He's traveling, he's in Pisa, Italy, and he's staying in a monastery.
He thinks he's got Wi-Fi, but we're not sure at this point.
We haven't heard from him, but
He would be talking about the advance in technology.
We've also got in the third hour Dr. Gerald Salenti.
Dr. Gerald Salenti.
He is a doctor, actually.
He's a doctor of information.
Trends Journal.
He has a lot of information.
Enough information that he should have a PhD, even though he doesn't.
He'll be talking to us about the recent developments with Iran and the White House.
We're also going to be talking about what's going on with China.
China's making a lot of moves, building a deepwater navy, asserting their territory over a lot of areas in the Asian Pacific.
The U.S.
is pushing back.
What's going to happen with this?
Is this a build-up to war?
What's going to go on with that?
As well as looking at the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the implications that that has in terms of completely rearranging our economy and attacking many of our fundamental rights.
So we're going to be talking to Gerald Salenti in the third hour.
We're also going to be joined by Leanne McAdoo in the second hour.
But I want to go back to this article that we were just talking about in the first segment.
This is on the Drudge Report, at least it was this morning.
Drones with face detection cameras obey visual and vocal commands.
Now this is a situation where they've got multiple drones, they can look at the human and they can determine which, they communicate, handshake amongst themselves to see
Which one the human is looking at the most.
So it's kind of like, I've got it guys.
He's looking at me.
And then he can communicate with voice as well as with hand commands.
Let's take a look at that video here.
I'll kind of describe it.
It's pretty much visual, but for our listeners, I'll describe what's going on with this.
This guy's got three drones in front of him.
He's kneeling.
He's giving him voice commands.
We're activating.
Coming off the ground.
Oh, he just told the first, he just told the center one to come up and go off the ground.
The other two stayed down.
You two.
Alright, it's a female.
Couldn't tell.
He's got his back to us.
Her back to us.
Well, it's something you really need to see.
The link is up on the article.
It's at InfoWars.
Link from the Drudge Report.
And this is something that illustrates, let's pull that off guys, that's something that illustrates just how quickly technology is advancing.
So many of these things, people, that we've been talking about for a while, we've been giving you the documents, we've been giving you the plans that we've seen.
And people say, oh, I don't believe that, even when we link to the documents.
I mean, even when we linked to the documents of the billions of bullets being bought by Homeland Security, mainstream media called us wild-eyed conspiracy theorists for a year, until some of the sites like Breitbart started linking to it.
Then we had Republican congressmen get in on this.
But even after that, in an effort to attack Alex Jones, National Review, through Republican congressmen, under the bus, in an effort to attack Alex Jones on the billion-bullet ammunition purchases from DHS, even though they're very well documented, they just claimed it was a conspiracy theory.
And that was a year and a half after we had
Talk about it!
Attacking Alex as a conspiracy theorist, as a liar, without addressing anything that he had an issue with.
Simply a personal attack.
Well, as Alex pointed out, we're talking about this, he said Sherlock Holmes was a conspiracy theorist.
Columbo was a conspiracy theorist.
If you're going to look at the information that the government is coming out with and not be skeptical, you're not a journalist.
You're not a detective.
You're not doing your job.
Every investigation is a conspiracy theory.
You put a bunch of conspiracy theories, you look at the people who have the motive, the opportunity, and the ability to do this, and then you also start to look at, of those people who are doing this, if one of those people has the motive, the ability, even a past history of doing this type of stuff, if that suspect in a murder
was caught lying to you was caught destroying evidence was caught hiding evidence don't you think you would be interested in that that's exactly what happened with the JFK conspiracy the CIA came up with a weaponized term of conspiracy theorist and they've been using it ever since to dismiss anybody who's skeptical but there's something else going on about this now Jeremy Scahill when he was on uh... it was uh...
What was the program that he was on?
It was C-SPAN.
And he was talking about Alex Jones, that was the caller who called in, and that's when he really dumped on Alex.
We know what's going on with Jeremy Scalehill, though.
There is a billionaire, Pierre
Ahmed Diar, I think is the way you pronounce his name.
He's one of the eBay billionaires.
And he's creating a new journalism venture.
He's going to have Glenn Greenwald, who I have a lot of respect for.
And he's also going to have Jeremy Scahill.
Those two are two of the three biggest names in this venture.
And there's an interesting article from NSFW Corp.
What they did was they analyzed this new venture.
And they pointed out that the Columbia Journalism Review, which, by the way, gets a lot of money from this eBay billionaire, was just gushing over his new project.
They said that it's an adversarial muckraker plus a civic-minded billionaire.
A civic-minded billionaire, as they point out.
Billionaires don't tend to use the kind of authority questioning journalism that upsets the status quo.
Billionaires tend to have a finger in every pie.
Powerful friends that they don't want annoyed, business interests that they don't want looked at.
Is he different from all these other billionaires?
I remember when this first came out, I remember seeing even NPR was just gushing over this new venture.
And that seems to be what's happening with all the journalists, because if they say enough nice things about this billionaire, perhaps he'll hire them to work in his new news venture.
As a matter of fact, he's got billions of dollars, right?
And all of the journalism outfits, especially the print journalism outfits, are starving for money, starving for funding.
So everybody's kind of hanging by a thread, and then this billionaire comes in,
And everyone in journalism is falling at his feet and praising him.
And this is the point that they make here.
What all these orgasmic accounts of his idealism have in common is a total absence of any skepticism.
That's right, skepticism.
Isn't that what journalism is about?
Isn't that what science is about?
Isn't it about questioning what people put out there, investigating it, holding up their assertions, their bald assertions, to see if there really is any evidence?
To see if they're really lying?
To test what they're saying?
But if you do that, you're called a conspiracy theorist, if you exhibit any skepticism.
So there's this herd mentality.
And if you say the right things, you get patted on the head, you get a gold award, maybe you get hired by a billionaire to work in a news organization.
That's not the way we do it here.
You know, it made me really angry when we went down, Jakari and I, to the Austin Airport to talk to the public information officer for the TSA.
And they didn't want to talk to us.
They put us off, they wouldn't answer our emails, they wouldn't answer our phone calls, so we went down there to talk to them in person.
Well, the public information officer wasn't in on that weekday, so they sent us around on a wild goose chase, and finally we got somebody who was down a couple levels from the top person at the information office for the Austin Airport, and he was absolutely incensed that we would show up and ask to speak to a public information officer.
The same kind of contempt that we saw in Dallas from these sheriff's deputies
And other officials, when they were being asked simple questions.
This guy didn't want to tell us.
He would tell us that they were not going to do these security pods.
That's what we were asking about.
What are the plans of the Austin Airport?
Are they going to have security pods?
Well, no, there's no plans for that.
But he would not say that on camera.
Because maybe he was just telling us what we wanted to hear.
Who knows?
He didn't want to go on record.
So they don't want to, they understand now that people can go back and they can look at YouTube and say, well you know six months ago you guys said you had no plans to put these security pods in.
Now you've got them in.
What's going on with this?
They don't want to be caught in a lie.
They don't want to say anything that's going to get them in trouble with their masters.
Oh, just like the journalists.
They don't want to say anything that's going to get them in trouble with their masters either, do they?
They don't want to say anything controversial.
They don't want to get caught in a lie that they're carrying for the
Editor who's been told to put this story out there by somebody who's politically connected.
We've just seen that with these Iranian talks, didn't we?
We just saw that the AP and the leading Iranian agency sat on this news story for quite some time.
Because their respective governments told them to do that.
We saw that with Amber Lyon.
She was told to sit on her report when she was talking about this horrific oppression in Bahrain.
CNN didn't want that out.
CNN told her to shut up about it.
She ran the report.
She had to leave.
This is what we call journalism.
It's called reporting on what you see.
We really do believe in see something, say something.
But we don't tell it secretly to the government.
We tell it to everyone.
That's the point of authentic media.
And we're going to be right back.
Stay tuned.
We've got some great interviews coming on.
Hopefully, Professor Sharkey at the bottom of the hour.
We'll see.
Alex Jones here, and I want to tell you about a longtime friend of the show, My Patriot Supply.
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Alright, you want to go?
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex on this Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
Now a lot of you are traveling and I want to take a look at this new app called Fly Rights 2.0.
Now there was a press release put out by Congresswoman Judy Chu from California.
Now, I don't know everything about this application, but I was kind of concerned about the way she sold it.
Now, certainly, we do want to have privacy.
We do want to know when the government is abusing its, let's say, privileges.
They don't have privileges to inspect us, to put their hands down our pants.
We want to know when they're abusing the Constitution.
We want to know when they've escaped the limits that the Constitution has put on them.
But this is what she says in her press release.
She wants, uh, this application enables travelers to report airport profiling and screening discrimination directly to the TSA.
So, I don't know if this is something that the TSA created, but this is what she says.
Airport safety measures based on someone's race, gender, or faith are not safety measures at all.
And then she points out how the Sikh community, because of where Turbans is being
Appropriately singled out.
You know, this is really sad because this approach really ignores the fact that the TSA is destroying the freedom and dignity of everybody.
And they take this, and again, they always want to spin this into some kind of a racial thing, some kind of a tribalism thing, and that's exactly what they're trying to do here.
Let's talk about respecting everybody's freedom and dignity.
Let's talk about turning off those machines that x-ray you.
There are health issues with that.
Let's talk about them not sticking their hands down the pants of children.
The first Thanksgiving after they put in the naked body scanners and said, well, you're either going to go through the naked body scanners or we're going to pat you down.
And we're going to touch your genitals or children.
They're doing it to everybody.
So you had an option, right?
A great option.
Otherwise, you didn't travel on an airplane.
Well, you remember that first Thanksgiving after they put these machines in, a lot of people organized an opt-out campaign.
A lot of people were very angry about it that first year.
And that's a couple of years ago.
It was 2010, so three years ago.
Look at how things have changed.
Look at how people have been pacified.
And remember what they did that Thanksgiving?
A lot of people were going to opt out.
There was a lot of buzz in the social networks about that.
So the TSA just simply turned off the machines and stopped the pat-downs on the busiest travel day of the year.
Three years ago.
They knew there was no threat.
As a matter of fact, it was just a few months later, in mid-2011, that the TSA put out that they knew that there was no terrorist threat against airports or airplanes.
This is their internal document.
This was mistakenly leaked by the federal government itself when they published excerpts from an unredacted lawsuit that was filed.
So there was a file put out by John Corbett, a lawsuit that was filed by John Corbett, and
He was allowed to look at TSA internal documents.
He summarized some of those documents.
He quoted some of those documents.
And they tried to put up the redacted version of that on Pacer.gov.
They made a mistake and they put up the unredacted version.
So we can see exactly what they didn't want us to see.
One of the things they did not want us to see was that they said in mid-2011,
That the TSA, that Homeland Security, believed that there was no terrorist threat against airports or airplanes, just, and this is their words, propagandizing, recruiting, and fundraising.
Exactly what the TSA does.
Propagandizes, recruits, and fundraising.
And at the same time this was happening in 2011, mid-2011, the same time they wrote this in their internal memo that there was no threat
against airports or airplanes, no credible threat by terrorists.
They were also threatening to shut down all air traffic in Texas.
Because the Texas legislature, the House, had just passed a bill that would stop this groping.
Especially against children.
And it looked like it was going to pass in the Senate.
So, they came in with Lieutenant Governor Dewhurst, who has long ties to the CIA, and they basically shut that down.
And one of the things that they did was to say, we're going to shut down all air traffic control in and out of Texas if you don't do this.
They knew.
There was no threat.
They knew there was no threat from terrorists against airplanes or airports.
At the time they were doing that, according to their own internal memos.
I can't stress this enough.
And yet, they were threatening to shut down all traffic.
So that's what the TSA is about.
It's not about singling out individuals of Sikhs or race or gender or faith.
They're spinning that now.
To try to turn us into a kind of tribalism.
It's about destroying your freedom and dignity.
Skinner understood that was the key.
Your freedom and dignity.
Now we're going to be right back in the next segment.
We're going to have Dr. Noel Sharkey.
And he's going to be talking to us about the dangers of killer robots.
And the way that technology is rapidly advancing.
He's going to be joining us live from Europe.
So stay tuned.
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Strategic relocation is a systematic way to think strategically in the future about how do I safeguard.
Renowned author and expert, Joel Skousen.
The U.S.
isn't building huge underground bases and bunkers because of some terrorist threat.
They know that a massive nuclear attack is coming.
They want that attack to come.
Joel Skousen is renowned as one of the world's foremost experts in strategic relocation and the securing of your home.
What I tell people is that you do have time.
We talk about natural disasters, the health environment, we talk about pollution, the water quality.
My personal experience about being in every one of these states, most people won't even be ready, won't be able to get out of town, because there'll be absolute panic.
There is no preparedness without strategy.
This Christmas, give the gift of preparedness.
Strategic Relocation the Film with Joel Skousen and Alex Jones.
Available only at InfoWarsShop.com or by calling 888-253-3139.
I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex.
We're going to be joined in just a minute by Dr. Noel Sharkey.
He's going to talk to us about his campaign to stop killer robots.
Tell you why you should be concerned about this rapid advance in technology and how it could be potentially abused into a very destructive weapon.
But before we do, I want to talk to you a little bit about Thanksgiving.
About the original Thanksgiving.
Remember the Pilgrims when they came to this country?
They thought they were going to Virginia.
They thought they were going to kind of a warm climate.
I don't know how prepared they were to be farmers.
They were really coming from an urban environment.
But they certainly weren't expecting the harsh winter that they got when they landed in Massachusetts.
That kind of unexpected circumstance is something that could hit your family, could hit you.
You never know when the infrastructure is going to be taken down.
We have a very fragile infrastructure.
It's highly interconnected.
Very complicated.
And the more interconnected and complicated that infrastructure is, the easier it is for something to malfunction at some point.
You can find yourself on your own.
But beyond that, just for your family's health, just for your independence, you might even enjoy growing your own food.
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And we're joined right now with Dr. Noel Sharkey.
We were concerned that we might not be able to get him.
He is traveling the globe, trying to wake people up to the dangers and the abuses of robotics technology.
He's actually a professor of artificial intelligence and robotics, and he has now, after he had kind of an epiphany, we're going to let him tell you about it, I won't try to describe it, his core research interest is now in the ethical applications of robotics and artificial intelligence.
Dr. Sharkey, can you hear me?
I can hear you very clearly, David.
Great, great.
So you found Wi-Fi in that monastery?
Yes, I did.
That's great.
Tell us a little bit about your epiphany.
When you went from, you were working in robotics, you were very much interested in the technology of it, but like so many of us who work in engineering or technology, you didn't realize exactly some of the dark ways it was being used.
No, I didn't.
I had my head in the bag.
Just getting on with my research.
I was at a press conference in London about a government report on talking about robots worrying about housing benefits for robots of the future.
It was kind of a nutty report and it was the first report our government had put out about robotics.
And at the press conference some journalist said to me, well can you tell us a little bit about military robots?
And of course I knew nothing about it, apart from a little bit about bomb disposal, because I'm from Northern Ireland and we know about bomb disposal.
So I thought I'd go off for the evening and just have a quick look at the internet, you know, an hour or so, so that I could answer questions.
Seven months later I finished that little look at the internet.
Having read, you know, through all the US plans from 2001 right up to the present at the time, which was five years, six years of plans,
All the US forces, the roadmaps, and they were all talking about the application of autonomous robots and for killing people and I just thought this is ridiculous the way they were talking about it.
It was like science fiction.
They didn't seem to have an idea about the limitations.
And so I wrote an article for the Guardian newspaper in the UK then 2007 and it started there and it's been a whirlwind since.
I find it very alarming because I look at every week we see some kind of new robotic technology.
They're spinning it
in the media as saying that these are the Pentagon's rescue robots.
I don't think that DARPA is really funding rescue operations.
I don't think the Pentagon's really funding that.
If anybody thinks that, after looking at the way they're using drones to assassinate people all over the world, they need to have their head examined.
That's some of the most obvious propaganda I've ever seen.
The media should be ashamed of itself for putting out these killer robots, these potential, these robotic projects that are being put out by
The Defense Advanced Research Projects, DARPA.
DARPA has a research budget that is higher than they've got for the entire budget of North Korea.
We're supposed to be concerned about North Korea, yet North Korea's entire economy is about the same size as the DARPA research budget.
And DARPA is constantly, this seems to be their primary focus.
Well, DARPA aren't accountable, so their thing, and it's a good research agenda, their agenda is you just keep funding everything that's even slightly crazy, and as long as one of them comes up and, you know, comes up trumps, then you're okay.
But I was laughing there because one of the
There's reports I read from DARPA about these humanoid robots that are going to carry wrenches and they talk about them going ahead of the forces.
Well why would you have a pile of humanoid robots going ahead of the forces with wrenches?
Are they going to undo people's water pipes?
You're going to fix the broken tanks.
Yeah, here's the headline.
This 6-foot, 330-pound robot may one day save your life.
That's talking about the Atlas robot.
And the troubling thing is, is that when the Atlas robot came out, I looked at it, I thought it was very frightening the way that this thing is able to move around.
And the fact that it has these two long arms that essentially look like cylinders, where I could imagine them being guns of some sort.
And Ray Kurzweil comes out and says, that's great, now all he needs is a brain so he can act autonomously.
Oh God, yeah, that's bad.
I think you're right though, I can see it.
The cylinders are going to become machine guns.
I would say it's no doubt about that at all.
Maybe not for a while, but that would be the general plan, I would think.
Why would DARPA be spending money on rescuing people when they've been in the business of rescue ever?
Yes, and then we have these articles that are coming out.
This is about a year ago.
This is from Wired's Danger Room.
It says, the Pentagon doesn't trust its own robots.
They say that there's a cloud of distrust and misunderstanding hovering over robots that the Pentagon already has.
So they're looking at this and they're evaluating this and they don't really like it.
So we've got to conduct a media campaign.
Yes, I mean, you're right about the profit.
I mean, just in terms of the drone.
I mean, Israel made 4.8 billion in the last five years profit on those.
And this competition is so stiff.
So the idea is that you've got all the drones.
How do you compete in that big market?
And the way you compete is let's add autonomy to it.
Let's make them work on their own.
And then we can make a lot more money.
And what we're trying to do is we're trying to preemptively ban them.
That means ban them before they get out and before there's too much investment.
Because once billions of dollars have been spent on it, it's going to be very difficult.
Very difficult.
We're making very good headway at the UN actually.
Well, that's good.
I'm glad that you're going around and you're addressing the press, you're addressing governments, you're pointing out to them where this could head.
I see this.
You know, when we're talking about nuclear war, if some government presses the button and launches a bunch of nuclear weapons on someone,
There's going to be literally hell to pay for that.
There's going to be accountability for that.
But if they take a bunch of killer robots, as we've already seen with drones, we've seen how they can go in with drones, they can destroy a village, and there's no accountability.
Nobody is held responsible for that.
And it'll even be easier for them once these robots have
They can basically say that they've got plausible deniability.
They can say, well, the software went wrong on it or it was a hardware bug.
It wasn't me.
It wasn't the president.
It wasn't the general.
It wasn't the lieutenant.
It was just these, this crazy technology.
So we'll fix it.
Meanwhile, they've killed a lot of people and I can see them using this domestically as well as abroad.
So if you think that this is something
Historically, governments have killed more of their own people than they've killed in other countries.
It's called democide.
So if you think this is something that is simply going to be used against these people on the other side of the world that you don't like, you need to wake up about that as well.
I think we really do.
And the thing is, what the United States and the high-tech nations like the UK, they have a problem understanding that this stuff will proliferate, and everyone will have it.
And then where are we going to be?
And that's my biggest worry, is this idea that we'll keep ahead of the technology, we'll be the ones who'll use it, without thinking at all that everybody else is going to have it, and they will all interact together, and then it's going to be a real mess.
We've already seen countries like Iran setting up their own drones.
They're not that technologically advanced.
It didn't take them that long to get drones.
It's not going to take them long to get robots.
This is something... And what we're concerned about here, I have to say, Dr. Sharkey, we have a little bit different situation in the U.S.
is unique in the sense that now we have this massive program of bringing home weapons that have been used in Iraq,
And putting them in police departments here in America.
And we're already concerned about the fact that humans themselves are not being held accountable for their actions when they fire on a child with a toy gun.
What's going to happen when a robot does that?
Do you think there's going to be accountability for that?
You really think the United States police will start?
I mean, they certainly talk about arming robots with tasers.
That would be the start for it.
But tasers are kind of deadly.
I mean, 150 people died in the US within a period of two years from taser abuse.
So if you start arming robots with tasers, then I think...
It's only a short step to arming them with weapons, really.
Yes, yes.
And they're very horrible, quote-unquote, non-lethal weapons.
Very horrible ones.
It's not just tasers.
They have all kinds of things that they can beam at you to make you sick, to blind you, that sort of thing.
We just had, you talked about how they kill people.
We've got a teenager right here just south of Austin that was tasered by a cop in a school who was standing there, standing around a fight, and didn't get out of the way in time.
The cop tasered him, fell down and cracked his head.
He's now in a coma.
They believe he may die.
That happens all the time with tasers.
So when you talk about non-lethal force, you talk about shooting people with rubber bullets, you talk about using these gases on people, that's not something that we're looking forward to seeing happen in terms of crowd control.
That can be very, very oppressive.
Yes, but you don't have to worry too much because we're going to stop it.
Good, good.
So tell us about your campaign.
You're going around and you're talking to different governments.
I guess you're having public speeches where you're trying to inform the public.
How is your press coverage?
Well, press coverage has been very good, but we had a breakthrough recently at the United Nations.
There's a committee at the United Nations called the CCW, and that's the place where poisonous gases got banned, biological weapons got banned, chemical weapons, so that's the place for prohibiting new weapons.
And we spoke to the, the French have just taken up the presidency,
And we spoke to the French ambassador, then we spoke to the US delegation, and they've agreed with us that they would put this forward as a mandate for discussion in the UN.
And last Friday, two weeks ago,
They had 117 nations from the CCW met and one of those nations could be to it.
Russia were there, China were there.
There was a massive discussion and they accepted the mandate.
So next year the CCW committee are setting up an expert workshop to take this on board and discuss it.
Well that's great.
And your campaign is stopkillerrobots.org.
They can learn about that on the internet.
It's a campaign to stop killer robots.
Now you've taken this to the UN, you've taken it to other countries.
I'm a little bit more skeptical of the UN and these other countries.
Hopefully they will ban this and hopefully these other countries won't secretly develop this.
On their own, worried that they're going to have some kind of a robot gap or something like that, like they've had weapons defensively do it because they're afraid the other guy might do it.
My big concern, and I think your campaign will be very effective at this as well, and that is to address the engineers and the scientists, to try to get them to understand, because that, I believe, is where we really need to go.
As long as there's an engineer or a scientist who will develop this kind of stuff for pay, who doesn't look at the ethics of their work, you're going to find some kind of a politician or a dictator somewhere who will do it, who will use those people, who will pay them large amounts of money, and who will break any treaty that comes up, won't you?
Well, the problem is, it's mainly the U.S.
because they're a bit more cautious in Europe.
In the U.S., it's very difficult to not get funded by the military.
Most of the robotics labs are run by the military, are funded by the military, and the people aren't necessarily making weapons and things, but when you're funded by the military, it stops you speaking up.
Yes, yes.
There's hope.
There's a professional magazine in the US called The Engineer and they ran a poll of the readership
Asking how many people would go for a complete ban, or how many people would just go for trying to make the weapons more perfect over time.
Only 3% of the readership said they would make the weapons go more perfect over time, and 73% said there should be a total ban.
Oh, that's very helpful.
Consciousness suffering.
That's very helpful because so many times we'll talk to directly, Alex will talk to soldiers and policemen over the radio and say, understand that the kind of society that you allow to happen, if you allow and are part of this kind of abuse that we see happening in the streets, that's going to be the society that you live.
That could be your family that is brought under that and historically we've seen that always does happen.
It can't be contained and only limited to people who don't work for the government.
But we need to have that kind of awareness with engineers.
And as you pointed out, it's very difficult in America to get a job, if you're an engineer, that doesn't involve the military-industrial complex.
I know when I got out, it took me a while to find a job where I wasn't working for the military.
That was my degree initially.
I understand that, and it's good that people privately say that, and I think, I really applaud you for what you're doing, because getting the information out there, people don't even believe that this could happen in so many cases.
They don't believe that the technology is there.
They think it's just the science fiction fantasy of the Terminator, and we've been criticized for that here.
That we're talking about some wild thing.
Talk about the absolute, talk about how the technology is approaching rapidly.
Well, we've had 44 nations at the UN now speak up with concern, so people better believe me now.
It's not science fiction anymore when you have major countries like the US, Germany, Pakistan even, you know, all speaking up against killer robots or about them.
So it's definitely on course to happen.
There's no question of that unless we stop it.
But you have to be very worried in the US as well about your private
I mean, you've got the NSA there really doing a lot of nasty things, surveying people, but you're starting to get a lot of drones, and once the drones become autonomous, not even armed, they can be everywhere.
They're getting very small, and what worries me is not the current government you have, but these are legacy systems, so what does the next government do with them?
What does the next
You hit the nail on the head.
What we are building in the United States right now is a perfect infrastructure for tyranny.
And whether our current leadership uses it, or it's the next, or second administration down, that's what we're concerned about.
We're going to continue this discussion with Dr. Sharkey and we're going to talk to him about what the current state of the art is.
Stay tuned.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex and I have on the phone with us Dr. Noel Sharkey.
He is a professor of artificial intelligence and robotics and his focus now is on the ethical application of those technologies.
We have him just for one more segment only about four minutes and Dr. Sharkey what I would like for you to talk about in this segment
...is the state of the art in robotics.
People don't understand how imminent this problem is, how rapidly it's coming upon us.
Could you address that?
Yes, certainly.
Well, we've got lots of armed robots on the ground and in the air, as you know, that are remote controlled.
But what's happening now is a very rapid development of platforms that will carry the weapons.
The more we talk in the campaign about banning these weapon systems, the more we're driving them underground, it seems.
There's less talk about it now.
But, for instance, in the United States, you've got three devices I'd like to mention to you.
One is called the X47B.
And that can land on there.
It's a fighter jet, a combat, unmanned combat aircraft, fast subsonic just beneath the speed of sound.
It can land on an aircraft carrier.
It can take off from an aircraft carrier.
And it's going to be used in the Pacific.
It's got ten times the range of one of your F-35 fighter jets, so that's really productive for them.
And it's just been tested two weeks ago in very windy conditions, and that's working very well.
That will be weaponized and used.
So it's like a super drone, but you don't need people involved at all in controlling it.
You've also got a prototype system called the Crusher, and that's developed by Carnegie Mellon and DARPA again, of course.
And the Crusher is a seven and a half ton truck.
And you can see it on, if anybody wants to go on YouTube and just do Crusher CMU, they will find it and they'll see it crushing Cadillacs and it's got a big gun up there on top of it.
Now the other device that you're making in the United States is on the HTV-2 program, again DARPA, and they've got an aircraft called the Falcon, and the idea is to be able to get an unmanned combat aircraft anywhere on the planet
Within a one-hour window.
So this thing has been tested at 13,000 miles an hour.
So that's just the United States.
In the UK, we have the Taranis, which is actually supersonic, so it's even faster.
That's an intercontinental unmanned combat aircraft, fully autonomous, means that there's no human controlling it.
And that's been tested in Australia just in the last couple of months.
So these are progressing very quickly.
The Chinese have the invisible sword as the engine and that's been designed and built for air-to-air combat again.
No human controlling it.
The Russians have the SCAT.
The Israelis are using one called the Guardian.
And at the beginning when they developed it, they talked a lot about it being fully autonomous to do routes and to fire on people at the borders between Palestine and Israel.
But now I spoke to an Israeli colleague the other day who was very excited because I actually
...an early picture of it with guns on it, and now they can't find any pictures of them with guns.
So I'm afraid we're driving these people underground a bit, but they're still doing it.
Well, you know, we can understand very quickly the implications of something like the Crusher that's going to crush vehicles domestically, but even when it comes to these supersonic jet transports that are taking off from aircraft carriers that are unmanned aerial vehicles that are remotely controlled,
That has a lot of danger in the sense that that's going to make our already aggressive government starting wars everywhere for very little justification, and without congressional authorization, that's going to make them even more likely to get involved in these wars, and there's this thing called blowback.
You know, once you start a war somewhere else, it will come home to you one way or the other eventually.
It may be asymmetric warfare.
It may be terrorism with people coming to your country and blowing people up in shopping malls, which will then be used to send out the crusher robots.
But thank you so much, Professor Sharkey, for joining us.
We're out of time.
Good luck on your campaign.
Keep trying to educate people about these dangers.
It's a very important thing you're doing.
Thank you for having me on, spreading the word for us.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
That's stopkillerrobots.org.
We're going to be right back after the break with Leanne McAdoo, so stay tuned.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
In the last 50 years, iodine has been phased out of our staple foods and replaced with the halogen bromine, a practice now banned in nations around the world.
Guess what else is in the halogen family?
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here.
In 1924, the federal government did the right thing and encouraged salt producers to add iodine.
It's the good halogen on the periodic table, and the results are on record.
Reports documented a 15-point IQ increase.
We're good.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex on this Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
You know, as I was driving into work, I heard them talk on the radio about how they were going to pardon a turkey.
Obama has a turkey he's going to pardon, and I thought, which turkey would that be?
Would that be the turkey that smuggled arms to drug cartels in Mexico in Fast and Furious in order to blame the Second Amendment and enact something like the U.N.
Arms Trade Treaty to restrict
Our Second Amendment here home?
Would that be the turkey that told the soldiers to stand down in Benghazi so the ambassador and other people with him died?
Would that be the turkey that targeted political enemies with the IRS like Richard Nixon did and got impeached for?
Maybe it was a turkey that did the $600 million website healthcare.gov which doesn't work.
No, I thought, you know, he pardoned all those turkeys, didn't he?
But you know, the people who don't get pardoned are the people who he sends his assassination drones against, all over the world.
And that's what we were just talking about with Professor Sharkey.
The abuse of technology and power, the concentration of power, with men who are unethical, men who are assassins, like our own president.
You know, it used to be, 50 years ago, we were appalled when we saw our president shot down in the street.
Now we have a president who shoots people down in the street and brags about how he's really good at killing people.
That's what we have 50 years after the Kennedy assassination.
Now today we just had a breaking news story in Longview, Texas.
We have a 22-year-old who was charged in a fatal Longview hospital stabbing.
Now this happened yesterday.
It's alleged that a 22-year-old went into the hospital and stabbed five people.
One of those people, a nurse, Gail Sandage, has now died.
We have another person who is in critical condition, and three more are said to be in good condition.
This took place in a gun-free zone.
This guy only had a knife.
But one of the things we need to understand, especially in the case of women, for example, like this nurse who died, guns are an equalizer in that particular case.
If you're going to try to defend yourself,
With a knife, a knife against a knife, or you're going to try to defend yourself in hand-to-hand combat.
If you're a woman especially, we see all these moms demanding action, but it's the women and the helpless who are most at risk when they are not allowed to adequately defend themselves.
If the attacker had a gun, the women would at least be equal to them, and they would at least have an equal chance.
But if you've got a guy coming in, a strong guy with a knife, and you're a woman, you don't have as much of a chance as you would with a firearm.
But of course, they're not allowed in these gun-free zones.
We also have some information.
We talked yesterday about juries, and we talked about the importance of jury nullification.
And we talked about how angry a judge was that a jury nullified, essentially, he said you're nullifying the law and of course you have a right to do that.
He was very angry because the jury believed they weren't necessarily nullifying the laws against drunk driving.
They just felt that the penalties and the way it was being applied was somewhat abusive.
The amount that he was considered, the blood test level that he had was just slightly over the legal limit and of course they've moved the legal limit down year after year after year and the jury let him go.
They didn't believe it was worth destroying his life because that is the case in many cases.
It's so expensive if you get a DUI.
As a matter of fact, in Texas they threaten people.
They say you can't afford a DUI and that is absolutely true.
If you're a working class person, working for a living, working at minimum wage or close to it,
That could be the initial domino that absolutely destroys your life financially.
And so the jury said, no, we're not going to convict him.
And the judge was absolutely outraged.
But that is an important thing for us to remember.
But look at some of this other news.
We just had this breaking story from Breitbart.
A juror form lists slave as occupation.
This is in Decatur, Georgia.
They actually said, the person typed in S for sales and it came up as slave.
I said, what's going on with that?
And so the question is, when they say that your occupation is slave, is that historical?
Or are they actually predicting the future?
I guess we could all say that we're slaves in many senses to the government.
Economically, and if they can put their hands down your pants at the airport when you're traveling, I think you're a slave as well.
We'll be right back with Leanne McAdoo.
Stay tuned.
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Heavily armored vehicles are rolling into town and don't be alarmed if you see those over the next seven days rolling through your neighborhood.
If you see military helicopters flying low over Minneapolis, do not be alarmed.
Guns will be taken.
No one will be able to be armed.
We will take all weapons.
Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in.
Just really brainwashed people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
The Department of Homeland Security is apparently on a huge ammo buying spree.
It comes out to like 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
NSKS Late News 12's Jeff Ferrell discovered that clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem, us.
So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, or recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
If you've got a business, you didn't build that.
Somebody else made that happen.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatrics.
Blackhawk choppers soaring through the night sky, but this is only a drill.
Heavily armed officers in Watertown search for the suspect, house to house.
It's a joint military training exercise involving local police, also military.
I am in my apartment, sir.
You're back inside right now?
I am inside.
I have two words for you.
Predator clones.
You will never see it coming.
The dramatic scene played out in front of our cameras.
Parents grabbing their children and running after spending the night hunkering in their houses and then finding themselves face-to-face with the muzzle of a SWAT officer's rifle.
They let them in the area, they told them they could come in, and now they're coming in like they're trespassers, punching and shoving people.
We're not turning our guns in, and we're not running, and we're not backing down!
If you want them, come and take them!
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
This is the heart of 1776!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex and I'm joined in studio with Leanne McAdoo and I was just looking at that great...
intro that Alex put together with the crew.
That's a sample of what this next documentary is going to look like.
It's going to be pretty awesome.
The production values, the editing that we've got.
They've been working on this quite a while.
They've got a lot of amazing clips.
You're going to want to see this documentary.
I want to see this documentary when it comes out.
And it started out with gun control.
And I just mentioned in the last break, a lot of people are joining us just now because maybe they have news at the top of the hour.
I was just talking about this local story in Longview, Texas, where five people were stabbed in a hospital.
Because it's a gun-free zone.
Nobody had a gun to defend themselves, especially the women.
So, you've got women, you've got nurses who are going up against a guy with a knife.
One of them is dead, another one is in critical condition, and three are in good condition.
A very difficult thing, Leanne.
You know, I was just looking at a new design for a Derringer, and I'm thinking, you know, Christmas is coming up.
Maybe I should get that for my wife.
It shoots four times, and it's meant to be fired from inside of a purse.
I don't know.
I think that might be a good thing to get.
Very nice present.
Actually, we'll probably get them while we still can, right?
I hope she's not listening.
Oh, you're not listening, are you?
She's always listening.
Just promise me that you will not give in to the consumerism of the Black Thursday now.
Promise me you'll wait.
Yeah, it's moved from Friday to Thursday now.
It's such an important thing for all the businesses.
That's why they call it Black Friday.
It's a difference whether they're going to finish the year in the black or whether it's going to be finished up in the red.
And so they keep pushing more and more aggressively, opening their online... Walmart actually started their online Christmas sales back in November.
Right, yeah, everything is just moving up, moving up, so the one day of the year that we're all supposed to, you know, be thankful for what we have, what we already have, and we're supposed to spend that day with our families, and the irony is not lost, and that now we're going to leave our families and leave everything we've just blessed around the table.
Thank you so much for all that I have, and now I'm going to rush out the door and go buy more crap that I absolutely do not need.
Well, and part of it, too, is that a lot of it is just consumerism, and a lot of it is needless.
But, you know, a lot of people are looking at this stuff, they're feeling a lot of economic pressure.
This is a day when there's a lot of sales, and so this is not just a critical time for the retailers who are trying to
To make sure they're going to end the year profitably, but it's also a critical time for people who may be going out and looking for specials because they don't really have that much disposable income anymore.
We see the economy crashing as Wall Street is growing by leaps and bounds and having record years.
It's not working out too well for the people who are working.
Jobs are still in the pits.
Exactly, and that's who they're kind of depending on to boost the economy and to support the economy.
It's not the wealthy people that are going out there standing in line at 7 o'clock trying to get a deal.
I don't think there's going to be too many people from Wall Street.
I don't think the Goldman Sachs bankers are going to be down in front of Walmart trying to get in.
Absolutely not!
That's not who is going to be boosting the economy and everyone's saying, oh well the stock market's great and the housing prices, the economy must be... No, the people that are benefiting from that are the wealthy.
So why are the people who are, you know,
Having, struggling with their finances, struggling to, you know, pay off their debt.
Why are we the ones that are buying into this, this lie of that we need to go out, consume, consume, consume things that we don't need?
Why aren't we teaching our children about a wealth accumulation, rather than how to, you know, go out there and buy the latest technological device that's gonna now spy on you?
Like, give me my old analog TV, it doesn't spy on me.
Or teaching your children about self-sufficiency.
Like I mentioned when I was plugging the seed store, that when the Pilgrims came over here, they nearly died because they were so dependent on a society that they got over there and the conditions weren't what they were expecting.
They were not really farmers.
They had done other things.
People really need to be concerned about what's going to happen in this country when not just the economy tanks, but when maybe you've got an infrastructure tanking.
So maybe we ought to try to focus a little bit on a little bit more self-sufficiency, educating our kids and take that lesson from Thanksgiving and say, look, many, many of these people died before someone came along and taught them.
We've got this little bit of time here before something
Very grave could could happen and there's so many different things that could happen There's so many different things that we're at risk for when I take this time to learn how to do these things when you still got the internet and you can Access the products you can access the information to learn how to become self-sufficient
Yeah, that's actually a very astute observation there.
We might actually experience that again where we can't even feed ourselves and so we're going to have to have people who do know how to grow crops and everything to come in and help feed us on Thanksgiving and keep us alive because
You know, GMOs and everything are destroying what we've got.
I mentioned this on the news last night about ways that we can change this society that we live in.
If we're so upset with our leaders and representatives, to vote them out, right?
Another way is to vote with your dollars.
And so people, if you're upset about this Walmart economy, and the race to the bottom, and how it's basically slave labor, and people here at Walmart, they can't even pay their bills or make ends meet, and now their employer, who's one of the biggest companies, they make the most profit, they're not even paying their employees, but now they're making them come in and work on the one day that they should have off.
Yeah, there was an article a couple of, I guess it was about a week ago, we covered it on the Nightly News.
And by the way, Leanne and I are both on the Nightly News, so if you want to tune in and become a member of Prison Planet TV, it's a great way to keep up with what's going on, it's a great way to pass the information on to your friends and family, because ten of you can watch simultaneously, so that's our little commercial that helps to fund us.
And this is a good time of the year to get that and give it as a gift.
But we were talking about that on the Nightly News,
How in one of these Walmarts it came out that they were actually in the back employee room they were taking up a collection for fellow Walmart employees so they could have a Thanksgiving dinner.
That's how these mega corporations are essentially starving this entire country.
They're transferring our jobs, even our retail jobs, even people who thought
That they were going to be safe because they had, let's say, an engineering job.
Those are being outsourced to India.
Those are being outsourced to China.
It's not just the manufacturing people.
We were told 40 years ago that, don't worry, manufacturing jobs are going to the third world, but we're going to have the nice white-collar jobs.
We're going to have a service economy.
A lot of people pointed out at the time that you can't make a living doing each other's laundry.
And now, even the service type of jobs, they're not only
Taking them down, but there's no manufacturing essentially going on in the U.S.
It's all being moved abroad and it's going to accelerate with the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
That's exactly one of the big things in the TPP is this Walmart economy.
It's going to spread.
That's what they're going to, you know, now with...
Giant container ships coming to the U.S.
all the time, going back completely empty to China because it's a one-way flow of goods from China to us and a one-way flow of money from us to them.
Yeah, it's amazing to see this happening.
And we've got, there's an article that just came out on Breitbart.
And this is going to be interesting to see if this happens around here.
You know, Austin is one of the fastest growing cities in the nation.
As a matter of fact, Forbes said it was the fastest growing city in the nation for the five year period from 2011.
They projected 2016.
But they're saying that there's going to be picketing from Santa's slaves at Walmart.
Looks like a lot of protesters are going to be picketing Walmart.
I think part of this is a union organization.
I see this from a perspective of somebody who's had a small business in the past.
I see these large corporations coming in and shutting down the mom-and-pop stores.
Right, and that's the thing.
They say, well, we're creating all of these jobs.
But you're creating jobs that are not helping anyone at all.
They have to get two and three jobs just to make ends meet.
Yes, yes.
And then you're shutting everything down.
It was Napoleon that said when he was going against England, it was a nation of shopkeepers.
That made them vital.
It's what made America vital.
And that's being shut down.
We'll be right back with Leanne McAdoo.
Stay tuned.
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In the last 50 years, iodine has been phased out of our staple foods and replaced with the halogen bromine, a practice now banned in nations around the world.
Guess what else is in the halogen family?
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here.
In 1924, the federal government did the right thing and encouraged salt producers to add iodine.
It's the good halogen on the periodic table, and the results are on record.
Reports documented a 15-point IQ
We're good.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex.
I'm joined in studio here with Leanne McAdoo, and Alex is going to be calling in at the bottom of the hour, so stay tuned.
Leanne, we were just talking about Black Friday and what's happening to the economy.
And the materialism associated with it, but it's also kind of an issue of what people are buying.
They might want to kind of think about some of these new electronic devices that they're getting, right?
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, that's the newest, the latest technology has the newest spy chips in it.
It has all the the iPhone 5S with the biometric fingerprint scanning.
And so everything is just moving toward, hey, you need the new Xbox Kinect because it spies on you and it can see right into your bedroom when you're
Doing yoga or whatever.
We got an article that came out today on InfoWars from Paul Joseph Watson.
Microsoft denies monitoring Skype calls after banning users for bad language.
And this is an article from Gizmodo, that he's quoting from, that says Kinect, that's the name of their part of the subsystem of the Xbox One, Kinect likes to listen to you.
It's a big part of the console's appeal, but it doesn't like to hear you swearing.
So if you've got a dirty mouth, you can run into trouble.
Xbox, Microsoft came back and said, to be clear, they denied it, they said, the Xbox Live policy and enforcement team does not monitor direct peer-to-peer communications like Skype chats and calls.
And yet, Gizmodo pointed out to the fact that this happened solely on Skype for some users.
They said, yes, they are listening, and someone complained about the person's behavior internally in Microsoft.
Oh my goodness.
But I guess we can believe them, right?
They're denying that they had anything to do with the NSA spying.
And there's this amazing cover story on the Washington Post today about Microsoft.
Microsoft suspecting NSA spying is going to ramp up efforts to encrypt its internet traffic.
They're suspecting that the NSA is spying?
I mean, come on!
You know, when these Snowden documents came out, they were the very first company that went in in 2007 and participated with PRISM.
They suspect the NSA?
Come on.
Yeah, it's all a way to protect themselves and now it just was revealed that the NSA is also spying on on porn habits that people are doing on their computers.
This way they can use it to blackmail any radicalizers, anyone that might want to, you know, radicalize Muslims or something to go against the government or whatever.
They say, well, we noticed that you were looking at some questionable things on the Internet.
But meanwhile,
But, you know, those radicalizers are not going to be limited to Muslims.
Oh, no.
It's going to be any radical, in their opinion, anybody that doesn't toe the government line.
There was a lot of speculation when Chief Justice Roberts did an abrupt 180.
There was a lot of speculation.
We certainly don't know that he had been blackmailed somehow, right?
But we subsequently see Petraeus, director of the CIA,
Made to step down because of personal information they've got.
We subsequently learned that they're looking at everybody's email, everybody's metadata.
So it's not much of a leap to say that when Roberts went in and wrote both sides of the opinion on Obamacare, first he said, yeah, that's right, we need to strike it down, it's not constitutional.
Then abruptly came back and said, no, that's all right, it's a tax, we're going to do it.
It's not a great leap to think that he might have been
Blackmailed by this.
I mean, these are people who are bragging about being assassins.
We know they're liars.
We know they're oath breakers, violating their oath to the Constitution.
Would it be, we know they're burglars, breaking everybody's private stuff.
Would it be that much of a leap to say that they're going to be blackmailers of everybody?
We know that they do it, and even if you don't have any skeletons in your closet, they're going to tempt you and taunt you and create skeletons in your closet.
I mean, going way back to the Franklin scandal where they would provide, you know, young children, young boys, escorts and everything to tempt these politicians and then have the cameras set up everywhere so that they could then later blackmail them.
Meanwhile, the CIA is actually creating these double agents and creating, they're taking Al Qaeda members and people out of the Gitmo prison.
We just learned that they're creating them there in their Penny Lane compound.
Yeah, isn't that amazing?
They call it Penny Lane because it's such a nice little area there.
They would take them out of these horrific conditions in Gitmo.
So you've got this carrot and stick approach, right?
So good cop, bad cop.
Terrorized them, tortured them in Gitmo, and then it's like, oh, you want to play ball with us?
You want to become a double agent?
You want to get involved in COINTELPRO and infiltrate these organizations?
We'll put you in this, they described it in the article, as a Marriott-like environment.
So they go straight from Gitmo to this nice hotel environment.
They call that Penny Lane.
Right, exactly.
Well, and then the Huffington Post reported that they used the Beatles songs because Strawberry Fields, it's that they're going to be in Gitmo forever.
So that's where that comes from.
But, you know, they're not taking these Gitmo prisoners that are like the nice ones.
You know, the people that are going to be able to infiltrate Al Qaeda and get up in the mountains and get them good intel are the really dangerous ones that have ties to the terrorists.
Well, and of course, Al Qaeda was created by the U.S.
It was Brzezinski back in the Carter administration.
We're going to be joined by Alex in the next break.
Thank you so much, Leanne, for coming in and talking to us.
Have a great Thanksgiving.
I shall.
You too.
Stay tuned.
We'll be right back with Alex Jones.
He's going to be calling into the show.
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In the last 50 years, iodine has been phased out of our staple foods and replaced with the halogen bromine, a practice now banned in nations around the world.
Guess what else is in the halogen family?
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here.
In 1924, the federal government did the right thing and encouraged salt producers to add iodine.
It's the good halogen on the periodic table, and the results are on record.
Reports documented a 15-point IQ
We're good to go.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex.
Now Alex is going to be joining us in just a few minutes via telephone.
He's got some important information for us.
But before we join him, I want you to think about the fact that you're going to be putting, if you're like a typical American, a lot of food in your body tomorrow.
A lot of things that maybe aren't so good for you.
Think about doing something good for your body.
Think about something that's actually going to help your health.
Think about Survival Shield's nascent iodine.
You know, we used to get about 726 micrograms a day just from bakery products.
We don't get that in bakery products anymore.
Now they put bromide, a harmful halogen, in.
So we get zero iodine from there.
And you know, you see it in salt.
They promote the fact that you have iodine in salt.
But even there, it's only 10% bioavailable.
Iodine is very important for your thyroid health.
It's very important for many areas of your health.
To regulate what your hormones are doing.
It's also something that helps to prevent against harmful heavy metals.
You can find that at Infowarslife.com.
That's survival shield nascent iodine.
The government tells us that we just need the bare minimum.
Just like they do for vitamin C. They tell you just need enough to get by without getting rickets.
But that's not true.
You actually need more vitamin C and you need more iodine than the RDA.
That's just the bare minimum.
And this is the purest form of iodine that you can get.
So do your body a favor this weekend.
Do something healthy for it.
Get nascent iodine.
Survival Shield.
That's InfoWarsLife.com.
You can also get that from InfoWarsStore.com.
Alex, are you on the line now?
Absolutely, and as everybody knows, even when I'm off, I always end up calling in with commentaries.
Even if I'm in Mexico or Canada, or this time out in the hill country hiking and camping with my children, I've been able to listen to you guys via the free iPhone app that we have at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
We also have a Droid app there, and I'm able to listen to you guys up on top of Enchanted Rock.
And that's where I come to you from right now.
You'll see up on the top of this thing.
I'll be able to communicate with people.
But here I am, beaming to you from the Texas Hill Country right now.
And I just wanted to call in today.
I was intending each day that I'm off this week.
We'll be live Friday as well with David Knight and the rest of the great crew.
I was intending to call in and have some commentary on the escalation with Israel, Saudi Arabia versus Iran, the big air defense drills they're doing, the threats, the transfer of nuclear weapons to Saudi Arabia and use them on Iran, but people know about that.
I want to talk about philosophy for a few minutes here, and then I'm going to throw it back to you and Leanne McAdoo to comment on it and take phone calls and cover the news.
Again, hiking around in the woods and stuff, listening to you guys, you're doing a great job.
It comes down to this.
I have so many people that approach me last night, this morning, wherever I am, and they say, man, I really appreciate your show, but the hopelessness of it.
And I want to make something clear here.
If there is a 20-foot pit, a sinkhole, that appeared in your backyard, and I was your neighbor and warned you about it, watch out if you step out your back door, there's a sinkhole, that would not be fear-mongering and that would not be doom.
That would be talking about something that's there and that's happening.
And that's what I want to get across to people.
Thank God patriots 50, 60 years ago knew about this level of takeover.
Thank God, after decades of research, we know exactly what their plans are, specifically.
All we knew 50 years ago, 60 years ago, was it was ultra-rich, funding communism and socialism, but they were social engineers.
Now we know they're eugenicists.
Now we know they're transhumanists who believe they're God and they're going to merge with machines.
Now we know
Just how serious all of this is and we can get that message out to people and I know that there is a shock by some with cognitive dissonance and learned helplessness and the normalcy bias to just think oh well you know it's not that bad or oh what can I do and I get it that if you're helpless or you feel like you're helpless hearing all this only makes it worse but I know you're not helpless.
And there's seven and a half billion of us on this planet.
If we all just do a little bit of something, each and every day, to promote liberty, to resist tyranny, and not just lay down, it will be impossible for the globalists and the technocrats to carry out social engineering.
They need your compliance.
That's why they're so scared of us handing out flyers in Dallas.
That's why they're so scared of us, a few hundred people, demonstrating.
Because if anybody ever learns to stand up, just like in the Hunter games, they're scared.
Of the lady being the leader and people standing up because the power structure is not powerful.
It's actually a fraud based on people being deceived.
But we're now entering the prime quadrant where there will be revolution worldwide.
The globalists know that.
They want to trigger it like the Arab Spring and control it and use it to put in Al Qaeda, put in radical people.
Same thing here.
They want to use it to basically put in communism.
They want to use it to basically bring in
We're good to go.
This is a broadcast about turning the tide and becoming aware and people becoming as informed about liberty and how the world really works as they are about football or cosmetics or acting cool or music or whatever the case is.
And I'm not saying there's not a place for all those other things, but we've gotten to this bad stage by being unbalanced, by being sucked into the television, sucked into the false cults.
And the great message here is that we're aware that all the programming, all the TV, all the culture, all the video games, all the TVs, all the smartphones are literally Trojan horse to control us, enslave us, dominate us.
Then we can begin to reverse the tide as consumers voting with our dollars to demand change.
That's why they denied that NSA even existed back in the 80s and 90s.
Then they said we're not spying on you illegally.
Now, you know, they said we're not spying on people massively.
Turns out that's a lie.
We know specifically exactly what they're up to.
And it's on that front.
It's on the GMOs, on the vaccines, it's on the fluoride in the water.
It's on the Halligan conspiracy.
It's on the attack on the family.
Now we're having a real debate.
Now we've gotten past the stage.
Or they could just call us conspiracy theorists.
Conspiracy theorists are questioning known liars.
Sherlock Holmes was a conspiracy theorist.
The fictional character, the real character, George Washington was a conspiracy theorist.
Jesus Christ was a conspiracy theorist.
He rebuked the Pharisees and said they had a conspiracy.
It goes on and on.
We literally have broken through.
We've been proven right.
Not just us.
But liberty lovers and people that question heretics worldwide, heretics against the status quo, the dogma of the state, the religion of the collectivist, we're winning.
And in closing, I wanted to say this via my scratchy cell phone tracker system out here in the Hill Country.
There is so many positive things about technology, so many positive things about genetic engineering.
If we don't do it like we're God, if we don't do it like we're invincible, if it's done properly and with choice and true education, the eye is not seen, the ear is not heard, but God has this door for us.
There's a lot of great things happening.
It's that the bad guys are in control of the centralized planning.
And then they tell the public centralized planning doesn't even exist.
There's no organization in government.
Lay down, go to sleep, do what you're told, while they literally roll out armored vehicles, checkpoints, and the rest of it.
They're doing that because they're in a revolution against a renaissance and progress for the general public.
Because if you progress, if I progress, as true progressives of liberty,
And if they're counter-progressiveness, which is actually a degeneration in slavery, it will fail if we succeed.
It's that simple.
They're slave masters versus those that are fans of humanity and want to empower humanity.
So I just wanted to call in today.
I'll be calling in on Friday as well.
I may even come in and do a little commentary or shoot some special reports.
The point is,
That this is the cutting edge.
And InfoWars.com isn't perfect.
I'm not perfect.
David Knight's not perfect.
Leanne McAdoo's not perfect.
Darren McBrain's not perfect.
Kurt Demo's not perfect.
Anthony Gucciardi isn't perfect.
Hikari Jackson isn't perfect.
Arnett isn't perfect.
Paul Watson isn't perfect.
Steve Watson isn't perfect.
All the rest of the crew aren't perfect.
Rob Dew isn't perfect.
But the difference is we care about humanity and our kids and your kids have goodwill towards humanity.
And so it's easy for folks to point at us sometimes and say, you should do this, you should do that, you should have done a better job here, a better job there.
And we are slowly getting better.
But it's up to all of you out there.
We're good to go.
And I just want to thank all of you, the great crew.
I am just so humbled, especially when I take even a day off and get away from work for a while.
So humbled by the effect we've already had and the incredible treasure that the InfoWars operation is.
And we're just one testament to the power of liberty and our supporters that stand right beside us, in front of us, and behind us.
We are together.
We're the people that care about liberty.
There's more of us than there are of the bad guys.
We must take control of the system.
We must restore the republic.
You know, they talk about democracy now.
How about republic now?
How about individualism now?
How about family now?
This is what it's all about.
And the hoax is collapsing, so the velvet glove is coming off.
And they are going to come after all of us that have stood against the tyranny, because they don't want us to become a leader.
They don't want us to become a figurehead.
They don't want us to become an image to others that we can stand up.
Just like the Dallas police that first night showed up after I'd left again the Fed demonstration for a bunch of riot police.
And Rob Dew and others heard them say,
We've been told to grab him.
We can't let him stand up to us like that and show people that the people have power.
They actually said that.
Understanding the system is so authoritarian, they're scared that if the people are even allowed to assemble, oh my gosh, we might do something.
We might take America back.
That's because on top, the system is authoritarian.
It has stolen its position.
It has stolen its place and it's committed unbelievable crimes and wants to bring in even more oppression to secure their ill-gotten gain.
So we're under attack.
We are in a defensive posture.
And as haphazard as I've been, and as helter-skelter, being dedicated and trying to follow the Bill of Rights and Constitution, we've had devastating effects against the globalists.
And they are our enemy.
So make no mistake, folks, whether you admit it or not, there is a war going on, declared on you and your family, chemical, biological, radiological, spiritual, economic,
It is across the board.
All right, I'm going to throw it back to you, David, and Leigh Ann, and others that are there in studio.
I know you've got Gerald Filente coming up as well.
I'll be listening to that.
God bless you all.
I want to wish everyone a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving.
I'm thankful that our forebears left us the Second Amendment and the First Amendment, and I'm not about to let those heirlooms be stolen.
God bless you all.
Thank you, Alex, and we are going to be joined by Gerald Cilenti in the next hour, and we're going to be talking about what's happening with China.
We're going to be talking about what's going on with Iran and the White House.
What's that agreement about?
What are the long-term trends?
I can think of nobody better to go over and discuss what the trends are in Asia as well as what's happening in Iran than Gerald Cilenti.
People have looked to him for trends analysis for a long time, but what Alex was talking about is absolutely true.
In the previous hour, we were talking to Dr. Sharkey about the campaign to stop killer robots.
When you look at what's going on with killer robots, that's a very depressing topic.
It's very depressing to think about the fact that we have technology growing exponentially to the extent that a few corrupt individuals with access to advanced technology can control most of mankind.
We can't allow that to happen.
One way to make sure that that would happen
Would be to be totally ignorant about what's going on.
We've been talking about this for a very long time.
It's now getting very imminent.
The state of the art and the technology is getting very close to allowing them to do that.
So we try to expose that.
That's what Dr. Sharkey is doing with his campaign to stop killer robots.
He's going across the globe.
He was in North America a couple of weeks ago.
Now he's in Italy.
It's the same thing that we're doing here at Infowars.
Sometimes the truth is depressing.
When you expose evil deeds, when you expose the fact that our president is now not under threat of assassination so much as he is the assassinator.
He's the assassinator-in-chief.
And they openly brag about the people that they kill.
They don't even try to hide it up.
The CIA was killing people back in the 60s.
The CIA was murder incorporated in the Caribbean at the time of Kennedy, but
They were ashamed of it.
They knew it was a crime.
Today they are no longer ashamed.
They're no longer accountable.
We have to hold them accountable.
One of the reasons they got away with this was because they had a compliant media that would not talk about the bad news.
They had a compliant media that would distract people with the bread and circuses of Dancing with the Stars and the NFL.
There's nothing wrong with entertainment.
But when that's all you look at is the happy news, when all you look at is the official government story, when you're never skeptical about what the government says, when you never investigate the official story that the government gives you, that is a very dangerous situation.
That is what you need to have for the end of a civilization where we're going to enter into some kind of a neo-feudalism, where only a few people own everything and we live at the
...whims of these landlords, these global landlords.
We don't want that to happen.
We're pointing this out to people.
We're telling people, wake up, look at what's happening, and you can take action.
Even if it's something just as simple as what we harped on this jury nullification yesterday.
One person and a jury can stop the tyranny in one case.
Well, we have to learn that we can count on each other.
We have to be able to trust each other.
We have to believe that there's enough people out there who really understand the truth about what juries are about, that they can't be railroaded by a judge who lies to them, who tells them that they're not allowed to look at the
They can only look at the facts of the case.
That they cannot judge whether or not this law is a just law.
That they cannot take into consideration the kind of penalties, like mandatory minimums, that this person may face if they're convicted of a victimless crime.
Things that they don't believe should be crimes or that the penalties are too harsh.
We need to be able to stand up for each other.
We need to be able to stand up to the TSA.
It's not just in airports.
You can avoid the TSA this weekend if you don't fly.
If you do have to fly, opt out.
Even opt out and film them.
Don't make yourself subordinate to their tyranny.
Don't lose your dignity along with your freedom.
If they're going to take your First Amendment rights or they're going to take your Fourth Amendment rights, at least stand up to them.
At least protest it.
At least film it.
At least tell people that this is happening to you.
You can do something.
And it's not a depressing thing when you do something about it.
When you actually take action on the knowledge that you've received, it's a very empowering thing.
You're going to get addicted to it.
You're going to like to do that.
That's what we're here for.
We want you to be informed.
We don't want to let them pull the wool over your eyes.
We don't want you to blindly accept everything that the government tells you just because it's coming from a source of authority.
We want you to question this and be skeptical about it, to tell your friends and neighbors.
You can see that with Obamacare, as well as on many other issues, when the public is informed, they do something about it.
It doesn't just die.
We can see that things are happening.
If you look at the Obamacare debacle, look at how his popularity is plunging, look at the fact that we've been telling you for a long time that this is a massive transfer of wealth, not from the middle class to the lower class, this is a massive transfer of wealth from the middle class to the giant corporations, the insurance companies that wrote this law.
People are seeing that now.
Now they understand it.
It would be good if they understood that beforehand and had headed it off.
But now we're seeing that being pushed back.
The news today is that online shop enrollment is now going to be delayed by one year.
The dictator-in-chief has now said that he is going to just arbitrarily, even though they passed it into a law, he can now suspend that law for a year.
So he even violates his own law.
He doesn't care about the Constitution.
He doesn't care about the Bill of Rights.
He doesn't even care about the laws that he passes.
He can just waive them away.
Well, did you ever think that you were going to see the day when he could come in and dictate to a company like Hobby Lobby and say, you're going to carry this type of insurance or I will destroy your company and your employees will be jobless.
It's happening.
We'll be right back, right after the break.
Stay tuned.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, standing in for Alex Jones, and we're going to be joined in the next hour with Gerald Cilenti, and he's going to analyze the trends that are building in China and talk to us about what he sees happening between the US and Iran.
Nobody does trends analysis better than Gerald Cilenti, and he's going to be with us in the next hour, so don't miss that.
Now there's some breaking news about Common Core.
This is on Breitbart.
Common Core, Obama's mean to fundamentally transform America's educational system.
How about that?
He's going to fundamentally transform our educational system.
Have we heard that term, fundamentally transform, before from Obama?
I think he's set on fundamentally transforming everything in America to something that we don't recognize and something that is really not even allowed in the Constitution, but that never gets in his way, does it?
Listen to this article here.
It says, there's not so much about nationalization of education as it is a worldwide initiative that will ultimately serve to make American values and practices secondary to global sharing.
They're joining in with the UN and with UNESCO, and this is funded with $150 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
It says that the Common Core is nothing less than the latest attempt by the UN to impose on the US a global perspective with the utopian goals of worldwide peace, environmental sustainability, and economic fairness.
Well, who could object to that?
Except that's not really what it's about.
Neither is your school really about teaching Johnny to read.
It's had a different agenda since the ideas were formulated by Dewey and Horace Mann back in the middle of the 1800s.
You need to look that up, understand what the real purpose of schools are.
And now the purpose of school has always been about pushing a government agenda.
But now that government agenda is one of a globalist agenda.
Now they're moving to a global government agenda.
So they're partnering, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as Microsoft Corporation is partnering with UNESCO.
They signed an agreement in 2004 to develop a master curriculum.
And listen to this, our masters are going to graciously allow us, UNESCO and Microsoft that is, they're going to graciously allow, say that a nation is permitted, a nation is permitted.
See, Microsoft and UNESCO are going to permit a nation to keep its surface culture, whatever they mean by that.
Oh, that's things like language, music, cuisine.
We can have our own cuisine.
Isn't that nice?
That is, of course, unless Bloomberg doesn't like what you eat, and then I guess he'll stomp on that as well, but they're going to allow us to keep our surface culture, like language, music, and cuisine, but patriotism, religion, ah, religion, that's always a thing, right?
They don't want anybody competing with them.
They're God.
And they don't.
They're a jealous God.
And they say, you shall have no other gods above me, the state.
So they're going to take patriotism, religion, and individualism, our anathema, as each of them competes with a globalist vision of world harmony.
That's from Crisis Magazine, as reported in the article.
Truly amazing.
But like I said just before the break, who would ever think that you would have an American president
Who would say that you will have this kind of health care coverage or I will put you out of business as a business.
You will have this kind of health care coverage or I will punish you as an individual.
Economically punish you as an individual.
Who is this guy?
Where does he get this authority?
I don't care if the Supreme Court did say it's a tax.
It's not a tax.
It's a mandate.
He has no right to tell you you have to buy something from someone else.
And fortunately this is going to be
I don't
Government is looking at everyone's private information.
They are.
They have stuff on people.
We know that now they're blackmailing quote-unquote terrorists.
They're blackmailing radicalizers.
You think they wouldn't blackmail a Supreme Court justice who is against their agenda of dictating everybody that they have to buy insurance that is up to five times what they had before so they can get coverage on things that they'll never use?
We're gonna be right back and we're gonna talk to Gerald Cilenti about the trends that he sees coming.
So stay tuned.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Alex Jones here, and I want to tell you about a longtime friend of the show, My Patriot Supply.
As you might remember, this is the company that stood up to the DHS and exposed FEMA's secret plan to begin hoarding emergency survival food.
It has always been my belief that it's key to stand behind companies who share the same values as their fellow Patriots.
My Patriot Supply brings us their exclusive Patriot Pantry brand, along with many other fine preparedness products.
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Visit mypatriotsupply.com forward slash alex today with the new world order making rapid advances on every front.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, standing in for Alex on this Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
We're going to be joined in the next segment by Gerald Salenti, Trends Journal, and he's going to analyze for us what he sees happening in China.
We're going to talk a little bit about the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
The rise of Chinese hegemony, what they're doing with their navy.
And we're also going to talk about what's going on in Iran.
So don't miss that.
Stay tuned for this.
Now we've had a lot of information, like I mentioned just before the break, about how Obama and company are dictating to the American public exactly what they can and cannot do.
And we had a caller, or actually somebody wasn't a caller, somebody who talked to Alex and made him want to call in and talk to us about how they were concerned that we were very negative about things, made them feel bad because we pointed out what was really happening in the world.
And we've had Dr. Sharkion just talking about killer robots.
Do you not want to know what's happening in the world?
Do you just want to go whistling through the graveyard?
Or do you want to be informed so you can actually do something about it?
We talked yesterday and today about juries.
Listen to this particular case here.
We've got a 16-year-old who was jailed at Rikers Island in New York for three years without a trial.
This is why the legal system is important.
This is a teen who spent three years, 400 days of it, in solitary confinement.
Now, he is now filing a lawsuit in New York City, and he was just mysteriously let go.
He said that they brought him into case.
First of all, he was arrested because they suspected him of being involved in a robbery as he was walking home from a party in the Bronx.
So he was arrested, taken to Rikers Island, which is a pretty rough prison in New York.
And he was held because he couldn't pay the $10,000 bail.
He went to court on several occasions, but he was never scheduled for trial.
And after 33 months in jail, he said a judge offered him freedom in exchange for a guilty plea, threatening that if he didn't take the plea bargain, that he could face 15 years in jail if convicted.
But he refused.
And then one day, they came in, they never gave him a trial, they never even charged him with anything, they held him for three years.
One day they came in and just released him with no explanation.
He said they dismissed the case and they think it's alright.
No apology, no nothing.
Well, good for him, he's suing them, but we need to hold these people accountable.
When we see things happening with police abuse, at the very least, that police department needs to have fines that are taken out in lawsuits.
That needs to come out of their budget.
As it is right now, it's the taxpayers who are being penalized, who are having to pay for these lawsuits because of abuses of the police.
The police are not getting any personal fines as they should, and the police department itself is not even getting any fines.
But this guy, this 16-year-old hung tough.
He did not take the plea bargain.
People need to do that.
They need to stand up for their rights.
They need to demand a jury trial.
They need to not take a plea bargain.
They realized at this point, I think, after 33 months of holding this guy in jail, they realized that, hey, this is really going to blow up in our face.
We need to get this guy to sign a paper, we'll let him go, and it'll just disappear.
Because they didn't, they never charged him with anything and he never got his jury trial.
And so many people, when faced with, they're telling him, you're going to stay in jail for another 15 years because we're going to find you guilty.
He knew they couldn't find him guilty.
He had that kind of confidence, that enough confidence in the system of jurors.
Do you think he would have thought that he would be found guilty if he was just going to be standing before a single judge?
And yet, that's what we see increasingly happening in America, in all levels.
We see that it's just a single judge, it's not a jury trial, as the Constitution demands.
We have single judges in tax court, or in traffic court, or whatever.
You need to demand a jury trial.
But the most frightening thing is not just that they're intimidating people into waiving their jury rights and taking a plea bargain, but the most frightening thing to me is that we have this secretive FISA court.
Which meets in secret, which creates edicts in secret that they pretend alter the Constitution, and the public is never even allowed to see it, and there's no one arguing the other side of the case, and there's no jury, and yet what's on trial are basic fundamental constitutional rights.
We'll be right back with Gerald Cilenti.
Stay tuned.
Alex Jones here with a very important announcement for truth seekers.
We've carried a lot of amazing films and books over the years on the online video bookstore at Infowars.com.
And out of all the titles we've carried, one stands out because it is just so chillingly convincing.
And that's Dreams from My Real Father by Joel Gilbert, available at Infowars.com.
This film exposes the fraud that Obama is like nothing I've seen.
If you want to know who Obama's real daddy is, this is the film for you.
Don't forget, your purchase supports our broadcast and our growing media network.
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We're also carrying Behind the Green Mask.
UN Agenda 21 by Rosa Kory.
This book is coffin nails to the globalist takeover.
The Greater Good, the most professional and up-to-date film I've ever seen exposing the scourge that is vaccines.
These titles and a lot more are all available at InfoWarshop.com
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
Live from Austin, Texas, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex on this Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
And today we have Gerald Salenti, who has graciously agreed to come on our show on this busy holiday weekend.
He's an American trends forecaster, no stranger to you if you're a listener of the show.
He publishes Trends Journal.
You can find that at TrendsResearch.com.
Gerald is somebody that you want to talk to if you want to know what's going on in the world.
I interviewed him about a week or so ago, and we were talking about his experiences with Governor Connally, who was, as you remember, involved in the shooting of the JFK assassination.
But one of the things I thought was most interesting about that was the reason that he met Governor Connally.
And that was because he had written a book three years prior to that time, saying that Ross Perot was likely to be the person who would run, saying that there was a lot of dissatisfaction with the two-party system.
And that he thought that Ross Perot would be the guy that would step up into that gap and at that time that he met with Governor Connally, Governor Connally wanted to know how he knew that.
Gerald is very astute, and he really does see the trends.
He describes himself as a political atheist.
I guess, Gerald, that would mean that you don't necessarily buy into something just because it's put out by one political party or the other.
You're a little bit skeptical, right?
I guess you could be called a... You've got to be careful.
You could be called a conspiracy theorist if you're skeptical of the two main parties, right?
Yeah, well, first of all, thank you for having me on, David, and happy Thanksgiving to you and everyone.
Always a pleasure.
The, um, I'm a political atheist.
I don't believe in the political system.
Just like, you know, I don't believe in, uh, just like someone would not believe in a religion, I don't believe in the bloods in the crypts.
And that, to me, is who they are.
And I don't say that in jest.
By their deeds, you shall know them.
Look at the people that they murder because they want to go to war.
That's, I mean, that really is way beyond what the Bloods and Crips could pull off.
How about, you know, the official half million people that were killed in Iraq by the United States in a war that was fought over lives?
And as far as, you know, of course there's murder and there's thievery.
Look at the money they steal from us every day.
Whether it's giving it to their buddies in the banks, or stealing it in the name of taxes and giving it to their friends in the military or the cyber-industrial complex, and I could go on and on.
So I do not believe in murder or criminality, so why should I believe in their corrupt system?
So I am a political atheist.
I have nothing to do with them.
I want to get your take on what's going on with this UN-Iran deal that's being talked about so much in the press.
I guess the first two things that stick out to me, as we're looking at it kind of from a journalistic perspective, is the fact that the Iranians are coming out and claiming that the White House has put out a different version of the deal than they agreed to.
Doesn't that sound like the way that Obama always operates?
He tells one group one thing, he tells another group something completely different, and he thinks that he's not going to get caught in it.
Well, that's what they all do.
Again, it's been going on forever.
Like I just talked about, you know, the Iraq War.
You know, Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction.
It ties to Al-Qaeda, I tell you.
You know, it's one lie after another.
So, as far as I see this, this could, to me, this is the most positive thing that Obama has ever done, if we could have peace with Iran.
And I want to put this into perspective.
What has Iran done to us, other than the incident, of course, that happened with the takeover of the U.S.
That most people don't remember the facts of, and don't know the details behind it, or what happened before.
That's the key thing, it's not understanding what happened before.
There was a long history.
That's when most people in America began to first start thinking about Iran, was when they saw the Embassy taken over.
But go ahead, you were just going to talk about the long history of that.
Well, as you well know, the United States and the UK, the CIA and the, what is it, the MI6 or MI5, they overthrew the democratically elected government of Mosaddegh in 1953.
And you know why?
He had the nerve, could you imagine this, to nationalize the oil fields.
That's right.
To call the Iranian oil their oil and not Anglo-Iranian.
Better known, boys and girls, as BP.
Those wonderful people that pollute the planet.
Hey, had any shrimp lately from the Gulf?
That's right.
And then of course the other company that was in there that was monopolizing the fields, Standard Oil.
Those wonderful people, better known today as ExxonMobil.
So, they overthrew him and put in this dictator, the Shah.
And if you read about what was going on during those times, as I did, this guy, you know, a guy like me, I'd be tortured and probably dead by now if I lived in Iran and spoke out against them.
So when the overthrow happened,
The they kept telling America to leave to get out.
You're not going to tell us to get out, though.
You know, we are, says Jimmy Carter, who came back from spending New Year's Eve with the wife with with his wife and the show on his wife.
And comes back to America, trots up against, in those days it was a big deal when the president went overseas.
Kind of like when George Bush left the country, you know, it was a big deal.
And he goes up to the microphones and he announces to the American people that the Shah is the island of stability in the Middle East.
By the way, that's when I became a political atheist.
Because I was in Washington.
I was between Washington and Chicago in those days.
I was working as a government affairs specialist for the chemical industry.
As a young guy, I'm staying at the Willard Hotel, putting my meetings on at the Hay-Adams.
So I was there in the middle of it, at a pretty good level.
So anyway...
I began buying gold and silver, excuse me, gold and oil, trading gold and oil, because I knew that Carter was full of baloney, to make it clear.
So, that was the only incident.
We're still holding this over, you know, come on, let's get over this.
This is back in 1978-79.
I want to interject something there, too, out of my personal experience, Gerald.
I was in university at the time.
I was studying engineering, and we had a lot of Iranian students that were in engineering.
And before the Shah was taken out, they used to regularly demonstrate against the Shah.
And it was the first time I'd ever seen people walking around wearing head covering.
And so many of them were in engineering.
I asked some of these guys afterwards, I said, why are you guys covering your face?
And they educated me about the SAVAK that the CIA had trained in Iran.
They said, we're worried that they're going to see who we are.
This is before we have all the facial recognition and biometrics that we have now today.
They were very busy even back then.
They were there at every demonstration they had against the brutality of the Shah of Iran, and they were taking pictures of people's faces, and these students were afraid that they were going to take recriminations on their families back home because they were protesting the brutality of the Shah in America.
That's the kind of person that the CIA put into office.
That's the kind of person that Carter and Brzezinski were supporting in office.
So go ahead.
Well, you know the facts.
I forgot all about the CIVAC, the secret police.
They were second to the SS.
So now here we are, all these years later, and what's going on here?
I'll tell you as I see it.
The reason they're making a deal with Iran, it's all about money.
The American economy is in the crapper.
Everybody knows it.
As you look at, for example, median household income is 8.3%, 2007 levels.
I mean, we could go on with the data forever about how the, you know, 1% has, you know, got all the gains and the rest of us are stagnant or declining.
And how many young people can't get jobs, and 95% of the jobs that are created don't pay a living wage or a part-time.
So, the economy's in trouble.
Here we are now, 70% of our GDP is based on consumer spending.
We used to be a manufacturing country, but that's another story.
All the dough that's going into the gas tank and going to heating your homes is not going into retailers' cash registers.
There's a glut of oil on the market, particularly when Iran gets back in the game.
You're already seeing oil prices going lower.
This could be a good temporary boost for the economy.
It could also be the kind of thing where the Fed could use it as an excuse for tapering, because they're saying the economy is boosting.
David, it's always about money.
And this is a bottom-line deal as I see it.
And look at the way now the United States is pulling away from Saudi Arabia.
Because they're not going to rely on them that much because Iran is sitting on all of the soil.
You go back to several years ago, they're putting out, what, about 4.5 million barrels a day.
And now Iran's putting out about 1.2.
So they need the dough.
America needs to bring oil prices down.
I see this nothing more than a deal for oil, a deal for the economy.
It has nothing to do, as none of it ever does have to do, with real
Democracy or geopolitical needs.
Bringing oil down, of course, Saudi Arabia would not want that to happen.
You would think if this was simply ideologically and religiously based that the Saudis would be siding with Iran instead of siding with the Israelis.
But Saudi Arabia wants to keep oil high.
They don't want to see the price go low if the Iranian supplies are brought onto the market.
And they want to control the market as they have.
You know, they're the number one player there and they're calling the shots.
That wonderful kingdom of Saudi Arabia, yeah, where they chop your head off in public really slowly.
That's right, our favorite theocracy.
We're going to be right back with Gerald Salenti right after the break, so stay tuned.
We're going to talk about China and about the Trans-Pacific Partnership as well.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we're joined on the phone with Gerald Salenti.
We were just talking about Iran and what Gerald analyzes that to be.
He's the publisher of Trends Journal and that's at TrendsResearch.com.
I was just looking during the break at this article that Kurt Nimmo put up on Infowars about Obama telling his Hollywood allies to cut movie violence.
He says they need to think long and hard about what they're going to do.
So here we have the dictator-in-chief telling them what kind of movies they're going to make.
We got Bloomberg telling you what kind of food to eat.
We got Obama telling you what kind of insurance you're going to buy, what kind of movies you're going to watch.
We got the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation determining
How your children are going to be educated.
What they're going to be taught.
And of course they don't care much for religion.
But we have these people whose religion seems to be that of the omnipotent state.
And he's joined along with Senator Lieberman who has proposed a bill that would allow the government to find companies that advertise violent movies to children.
Because always it's about the children.
Well, you're not going to be able to distinguish whether they're advertising it to children or to adults, and so that's the way the tyranny always creeps in.
But I bring that up because one of the things about this Iranian deal, Gerald, is that...
From my standpoint, I thought what was interesting was that both the Associated Press and the Iranian press, the Al-Monitor, were working with their respective governments to do exactly what the governments wanted to.
They kept this secret since March.
They've known about this.
Now, the AP says that they didn't know about it.
Al-Monitor says, well, we weren't really sure of the details and so forth, but there's a reporter
Laura Rosen who says that both her journal and the AP had the story and kept quiet about it for months to help the Obama administration.
It's pretty amazing the censorship, the dictatorship, and how the mainstream media plays ball with these people.
Well, that's why I call them prostitutes.
That's what they do.
And they send us to war.
You know, you're talking about the gun violence, by the way, as you're going, reading, as you're mentioning all these things.
Hey, it's no good for the kids, but a couple of drones, you know, wiping out some Yemeni kids, the Pakistanis or Afghan kids, they don't count.
Oh, and all those kids that were slaughtered in Iraq?
Oh, you want to talk about gun violence?
Let's talk about real gun violence.
Hey, how about a little depleted uranium?
Does that count as gun violence?
How about those guys up there in the helicopter that Bradley Manning is in jail for shooting innocent people and joking about it?
Is that gun violence?
The irony is just amazing, isn't it?
That he would do all of these things and then complain about these fictional characters.
But one of the things about that, Gerald, is that they're depicting in movies individuals having guns.
He wants a world where only the government has the guns, right?
Yeah, exactly, is what I'm saying.
And you were talking about all these, you know, how they're watching over everything that they're doing about us.
I gotta tell you, I'm fed up with the cops, man.
I've had it.
You know, the other night I went up to, well, I'm in Kingston, Colonial Kingston, and about 20 minutes from here is Woodstock.
And they had the, uh, New Orleans Preservation Hall Jazz Band at Bearsville Theater.
So I go up with my friend to go see.
I'm a real jazz fan.
Everywhere you look, man, there's the cops.
There's the cops.
If you don't have that little light on under your license plate, yeah, they're pulling you over.
If you don't have your signal light on, your seatbelt on, they're busting everybody's chops, man.
Then you want to talk about the militarization of this country?
How about all of these vehicles that the Defense Department isn't using anymore that we pay an arm and a leg for from these military contractors that are now going to rural police departments?
You want to talk about the loss of our rights?
I've had it with this crap.
You know, I remember going out at night on a Friday and Saturday night, and you sound old enough to remember too, when the roads used to be packed with people.
And now they're empty.
Because they're out there, they're watching everything.
Hey, but boy,
Where are all these tough cops going after the Jamie Dimons?
Or the Lloyd Blankfeins?
Or the other big criminals?
Oh, you know why they don't go after them?
Because they only commit misdeeds!
Yeah, that's right!
Or they miss sold!
No, it's never grand larceny.
It's never robbery or burglary.
You know, we need the cops to go after the slime, whether it's John the Slime Corzine or these gangbangers.
And leave us alone!
We were told by the Justice Department these guys are too big to jail.
HSBC, UBS, they were too big to jail.
We couldn't do anything to those companies.
We had to give them a pass.
We're going to be right back with Gerald Salenti.
We're going to talk about China.
We're going to talk about the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Things are heating up between the U.S.
and China.
China's trying to build a navy.
The U.S.
is trying to push back against them in Asia.
We're going to see what happens with that, but Gerald's got some ideas on that.
We'll join him right after the break.
Stay tuned.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight filling in for Alex, and I have Gerald Salenti on the line with us.
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Now, I was just handed an article from Kit Daniels.
This is breaking new news going up on the website.
Proof that gun registration leads to confiscation.
We were just talking in the previous segment, Gerald and I, about the amazing hypocrisy of Obama lecturing Hollywood about violent movies when he's killing people with drones around the world.
This is a case in New York where they've had people register their guns and now they're sending out these
These notifications, it appears that you are in possession of a rifle and or shotgun listed below.
Immediately surrender your rifle and or shotgun to your local police precinct immediately and notify this office of the invoice number.
There you go.
Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in, just like Dianne Feinstein said.
How about that?
Gerald, that's right there in New York.
Well, you are.
Just as I was saying, you know, it's... They screw the little people.
They're taking all our rights away from us.
They're watching everything... Who could have ever would have imagined that this would have happened to our nation?
Oh, absolutely.
Let's turn back to international...
uh... trends here and what do you see happening in china they're building a massive navy and at the same time the u s is asserting its control trying to assert its control by putting surface to water missiles at choke points around the asian pacific
At the same time that China is building up a massive deep-water navy and asserting that they own certain Japanese islands, certain islands around Korea, and yesterday the US flew B-52s in defiance of what the
Chinese had just said the U.S.
sends two B-52 bombers into the air zone, claimed by China, according to the New York Times, defying China.
Two long-range American bombers flew through contested airspace in the East China Sea.
Now, of course, the American officials said, oh, no, we were not being provocative.
They were being provocative.
And maybe that's true.
You know, when somebody puts something in your face, maybe you stand up to them.
I don't know.
How do you read this buildup between China and the U.S.? ?
Well, it's part of that Pivot Asia that's part of the Obama program.
And I think we really should need, we need to step back from all of it.
And what are we doing over there?
What's the United States doing anyplace other than, how come that we're not at home?
We don't need a military, we need a defense force.
This is insanity.
The country is going down in every level.
What is the latest numbers out now?
Our infrastructure is going to take $4 trillion just to repair.
And now, of course, what is about a week ago, Reuters reported that they can't find $8.5 trillion
That the Pentagon spent since 1996?
What are we doing over there?
Well, imagine if this was a role reversal and there was a disputed island between, let's say, United States and Mexico, and the Chinese came over and flew over it.
You know, what are we doing over there?
Enough of this.
Oh, the military, they're really brilliant in this country.
Hey, that's a great war they won over there in Iraq, wasn't it?
Hey, David, how about that winner in Afghanistan?
You know, the longest war in American history?
Longer than World War I and World War II put together?
And we're going to be there another 10 years.
They just came out this week and said, and perhaps beyond.
And it was back in 2006, a British commander said, we're going to be there for 20 years.
Yeah, and didn't El Presidente say during the presidential campaign that we were going to be out of there by 2014?
And now the date is ostensibly 2024.
So what I'm saying is whether it's Vietnam, whether it's Korean War, whether it's
What are they doing here?
You know, it's a provocation.
It's none of our business.
And if anybody does think it's their business, pack up your gear and go over there and fight it.
I would also send your money, because I don't want to send my money for this stuff.
That's right.
Of course, it's all set up to enrich the military-industrial complex.
And now there are these same globalist corporations that have been robbing us blind so that we could have continuous war ever since World War II.
There's an article now that came out on, let's see, what was this?
This was The Telegraph, and this is from Ambrose Evans Pritchard.
And here's the title.
He says, China-Japan Rearmament
It is a Keynesian stimulus, if it doesn't go horribly wrong.
So there you go.
Now, not only should the U.S.
build up because we're threatened by the Chinese, but the Chinese are threatened by the U.S., so now we can sell weapons to both of those sides, and it's a good thing because it's a Keynesian stimulus.
Yeah, this is a sickle for you.
Here, I want to read a quote.
This is from Monday.
The U.S.
military will continue conducting flight operations in the region, including with our allies and partners, and will not in any way change how we conduct our operations as a result of this policy, said Colonel Stephen C. Warren of the Pentagon.
Now, let me get this straight.
We were talking before about Iran and the problems the United States had with it, with the hostage takeover.
Of course, no one was really killed in that thing.
But when you go back to World War II, let me get this straight.
These are the Japanese.
Remember Pearl Harbor?
Oh, they're our good buddies now.
Like the Vietnamese, right?
Hey, and the Germans.
That's right, just like 1984 where they keep changing sides.
Play this song.
Listen to this.
What's that?
I can't hear it.
Can you guys hear that?
We'll skin the streak of yellow from this sneaky little fellow and you'll think a cyclone hit him when he's through it.
Well that's politically incorrect.
There we go.
If we could be allies with Japan, not to mention Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a side thing, but we have a big issue here with Iran, I don't get it.
Yeah, that's right.
I mean, look at what was going on back then, the hatred between the two countries.
And this was a war.
This is when, you know, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people, hundreds of thousands of the United States, millions around the world were killed.
There was nothing like this with Iran and the United States.
But anyway, now we're their allies, and this is what they said after they sent the B-2s over.
The B-52s.
Pentagon spokesman Colonel Stephen Warren told the media, quote,
We've conducted operations in the area.
We have continued to follow our normal procedures, which include not filing flight plans, not radioing ahead, and not registering our frequencies.
Of course that's not provocative.
And of course the Chinese are provocative as well.
But this isn't our fight!
And that's what is so upsetting, is that, again, here we are, the United States of America, built on a foundation from the Founding Fathers, a Constitution and a Bill of Rights, that is totally against this kind of behavior.
And yet, it's being broadcast and talked about in the major media as though we have every right to be doing this.
How about minding your own business?
How about taking care of America?
I got an idea.
Fix Detroit.
After you do that, then get involved over there in China.
And yet, what we see happening is, of course, this is an opportunity for the military-industrial complex to make money with China can build up their giant navy, and then we can have a new defense project where we come up with new surface-to-sea missiles, and the military-industrial complex is going to be very, very happy about that.
We can even
China might even loan us the money to go into these new defense projects, right?
You got a good one there, that's a good point.
And again, when we really talk about the Chinese Navy, they have one aircraft carrier, and it's a retrofitted Ukrainian ship.
Gerald, you should be very, very afraid of that.
See, that's what the press is telling you.
They're just learning how to fly the planes on me, you know?
I mean, it's a joke.
But if they're going to do this, just as they, look, just as they used communism during the Cold War, now it's terrorism during the War on Terror to keep us in fear.
And the next charge is going to be the Chinese.
Because here's the deal.
Japan is in a lot of trouble.
Their economy stinks.
Abenomics isn't working.
They've devalued the yen.
They're trying everything they can to boost their economy up.
When all else fails, they take you to war.
Go over to China, same thing there.
They're running a massive deficit to GDP.
They have real problems.
Their lending rates are going up.
Let me interject something right there.
We just had an article yesterday that was on Infowars.com, and it pointed out that China is on a debt binge and a buying spree unlike anything the world has ever seen.
What you just said there, in terms of talking about the massive debt that they're incurring, they said they've had an unprecedented explosion of debt.
They've added $15 trillion.
So, they've added more in just a couple of years, in the past five years, they've added more debt than any country in history has.
So, the Chinese are going into debt to the bankers as well, aren't they?
So, they're all in... You know what China's biggest fear is, Bill?
It's not Japan or the United States.
It's the Chinese people!
And they've got, you know, 1.2 billion of them.
A lot of them start going nuts.
They can't handle the deal.
And that's what you're going to start seeing happening.
And there's a demographic component of that too as well.
There's a massive imbalance between men and women in China because of their one-child policy.
So many families, when they kept a child, so many American families have adopted young girls from China because the families are giving up girls.
If they're the first child, they're waiting for a boy.
So you've got this massive imbalance.
Of male to female.
And if they don't give them up, they have an abortion, a selective abortion.
So you have a tremendous imbalance between male and female.
That always is a demographic pressure for war.
And that's also going on in China as well.
And also, 25% of the college grads in China can't find jobs.
Yes, yes.
So they have real problems going on over there.
Kind of like here.
Like here.
And that's what I'm saying.
And by the way, the numbers that you just mentioned about the Chinese Central Bank.
dumping all this dough into the system.
This is unprecedented, not only there but worldwide.
This is the only thing that's keeping the global economies going.
Whether it's the QE coming out of the United States, the tens of trillions of dollars that the Federal Reserve has pumped into the system since 2008, plus what's going on with the central banks, the ECB,
Keeping interest rates, now what they're doing with it, they're going to have minus interest rates?
To boost the economy?
This is unprecedented.
Which goes, again it all ties together, but to divert just a little bit, that's why I'm still bullish on gold.
That this Ponzi scheme is going to have to end at some point.
And when it does, you're going to see gold again start, as I believe it, as a trend forecaster.
I'm not a financial advisor.
I'm not telling people what to do.
But when you start putting all of this together, this is unprecedented in world history, where so many major countries are printing all of this paper money back by nothing.
So it goes back to the wars again.
Because the best way you get the people's minds off the terrible economy is you take them to war.
Oh, absolutely.
And that's what we've had.
We've had continuous war since we ended World War II.
And of course, the military-industrial complex doesn't just want to build arms, they actually want to use them.
Because when those bombs are blown up, they get to sell more bombs.
Yeah, and what they can't sell, they give to the local police department.
That's really scary.
You can't make this up.
Who would have ever thought?
Who would have ever thought that you have these rural and city police departments with these huge trucks and armored vehicles?
I mean, this is disgusting.
How about protect and serve?
Could you handle that one?
I remember when I was a kid watching, you know, watching TV.
You know, Officer Joe Bolton, the friendly guy on the corner, you know?
My God, how it's digressed.
Yeah, it's become a lot more Barney Fife and a lot less Sheriff Andy Taylor, hasn't it, too?
And it's kind of pretty scary to see these guys going out there.
I mean, you imagine an army full of Barney Fifes with the latest state-of-the-art military equipment, and they've got this kind of bullying mentality that we see over and over again in police brutality cases.
Nobody is held accountable to this.
Again, I'm a trend forecaster.
And my work is to stay on top of the current events that are forming future trends.
I could go back to 2003.
When these soldiers started coming back from Afghanistan, and in 2005, when they started coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan, after doing repeated tours of duty, which was new by the way, they used to send you once and that was it, and they didn't keep sending you back.
That's right.
And they're coming back with a lot of mental problems, whacked out on a lot of drugs, and the warning was that they were going to go into corrections and the police force.
Oh, we lost the audio there.
Okay, we lost the audio there.
Yeah, he's exactly right, and that's what's very scary, is to see that these guys coming back, stressed out, PTSD, drugged up by the VA, that they're now going into corrections in the military.
It's exactly what we showed from Clockwork Orange, if you're familiar with that movie.
That came up because of the interview that Alex had with Vivian Kubrick, daughter of Stanley Kubrick.
It's a great interview, if you haven't seen it, look for that.
I don't know.
You had this gang of thugs that went around creating violence, rape, murder, beating people up.
One of them goes to prison.
His other friends, his droogs as he calls them, they become police officers and continue the same thing.
And that's exactly what Gerald was talking about.
We're going to get him back on the line.
He's going to join us in the next segment.
We're going to talk about the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
This is the new comprehensive treaty that's being negotiated, negotiating away our rights.
We'll be right back.
Stay tuned.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex today, this Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
And Gerald Salenti has been joining us in this last hour.
We've got one more segment and we want to talk about the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Now in the last segment we were talking about the buildup and forces between the US and China and Japan and how Ambrose Evans Pritchard of the
This is the Telegraph, said that the Chinese-Japanese rearmament is just simply Keynesian stimulus.
That's pretty amazing.
I mean, I've heard many people say that, you know, the World War II brought us out of the Great Depression.
Well, if that's the case, then somebody needs to re-evaluate their definition of depression, because once we got into the war,
I remember that there was rationing.
I mean, I wasn't there live at that time, but I know my history well enough to know that there was severe rationing.
So, to me, depression means... ending a depression means that you start to end the economic privation of people, and that's not what happened.
It actually got worse.
All it did was build a giant military-industrial complex that's been preying on people since then.
But, Gerald, I want to talk to you about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, this agreement that's being negotiated in secret with
Hundreds, over 600 corporate lawyers are going in and negotiating this and our lawmakers are not allowed to even see what's in the agreement because it's now on the fast-track trade agreement.
What do you think about this?
Well, first of all, I love the name.
That's a great, that's a lovely little name, isn't it?
Yeah, yeah.
You feel like you've got a piece of the action, right?
Except we're not stakeholders in this.
No, that's a partnership.
You and I. Well, you're not a partner.
But, I mean, it's just, you know, it's... I mean, you said it all.
600 corporate negotiators.
Congress being kept in secret.
Obama fast-tracking it.
It's another day in what's happened to this country.
Again, I always say it, four words prove that this is not capitalism.
It's fascism.
Too big to fail.
And this is a perfect fascist program.
Because under this new fascist partnership with Asia,
The United States will not have any power in government regulations over these multinationals, or transnationals, whatever you'd like to call them.
And that's what this really is.
They use the term globalization
This isn't globalization, it's multinationalism.
It's a multinational takeover.
It's elevating these corporations to the level of the government, because they have these tribunals, these state corporation tribunals, where one of the arbiters is picked by the corporation, one by the government, and one by them mutually.
So they elevate them to the same level, and then we, the taxpayers, have to pay if the government
...does something to affect the profits of these multinational corporations.
It's absolutely amazing.
You pointed it out exactly.
It is exactly fascism.
It's not socialism.
And that's what we've been seeing from Obama all the way along through this administration.
Yes, and again, I wouldn't say that it's the government and the multinationals making the decisions.
They're one.
They're the same thing.
The politicians are only wise guys for the multinational mafia.
They're just little spokespeople.
You buy them off with campaign contributions and a little of this, a little of that, give them a free ride here, give them a vacation there, and they're happy.
I mean, so it's only the multinationals that are in charge, whether it's in the manufacturing or the banking, whether it's in agriculture or pharmaceutical.
Whether it's in... It's going to give the bankers exactly what they want.
Big Pharma exactly what they want.
It's Obamacare extended to all aspects of our life.
Thank you so much for joining us today, Gerald Cilenti.
Have a great Thanksgiving.
I know you've got a very busy schedule.
Thanks for doing it on the day before Thanksgiving.
Thank you.
Thank you.
That's TrendsResearch.com.
Gerald Cilenti will be back on Friday live.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex on this Wednesday, November 27, 2013, the busiest travel day of the year.
And if you're traveling in the car, or perhaps even if you're at the airport, we hope that you'll tune in and listen because we've got a busy day today on our schedule.
At the bottom of this hour, we're going to be joined, hopefully, by Dr. Noel Sharkey.