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Name: 20131112_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 12, 2013
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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live and we are broadcasting worldwide.
Well, James O'Keefe of Project Veritas has done it again.
And it's the top story up on DrudgeReport.com.
It looks like it's basically crashed.
National Review's site, at least for now.
He's done it again.
ACORN 2.0.
It is ACORN style groups.
That have been taking over the navigator jobs.
I'm proud of Kit Daniels here months ago pointing out that it is groups with felony backgrounds and fraud backgrounds that are being given the contracts to carry out the navigators that come up and basically intimidate you into your social security number and driver's license number.
Well now the shock video has just broken
Remember when he, years ago, I guess four years ago, went in and would go into multiple ACORN facilities?
And he would say, yes, I've got underage prostitutes that we basically kidnapped and brought into the country.
We're running, you know, sex slavery rings and they'd be fantastic.
We'll teach you how to cover that up.
And then that, of course, brought down ACORN.
Well, it didn't bring them down.
They just went and renamed new organizations.
But it did cut one of the big heads off, the Hydra.
But we've got to cut all the heads off.
Well, it's back.
It is back, ladies and gentlemen, and they are there to get just literally billions of health care, health and human services dollars to go out and browbeat everyone into this, and now the Navigators talk about how they lie to people on the
Consultations that they have with them to not let them know what really goes on with Obamacare.
And see, the Navigator's folks are there to identify people that think they're going to get free health care so they can be put on a list, so they can have their wages garnished if they ever get a job, or have their refund check taken, or their bank account grabbed.
It was like the homeless guy that was on charity care and he found $850 and went and turned it into police.
And so they said, well, you have money now, you don't get health care.
This is written by the insurance companies, by the big hospitals to turn people away, period.
That's what's going on.
That's what's happening.
That's what's unfolding.
And it is just over the top, incredible.
That this is going on.
Absolutely, totally, and completely over the top.
Now, that said, the other top stories on Infowars.com, and it's also one of the top stories I noticed on DrudgeReport.com, right there in the middle, right there in the middle column, DHS funds installation of white boxes that can track population.
And actually, I haven't printed that article.
Will you guys print me that?
Oh, actually, I do have it here in my stack.
There's just so much news, I'm overwhelmed.
And then that dovetails with information we got last night.
We confirmed the source.
I'm not going to say where they are in government in Seattle.
And we have an entire document we're going over right now.
We're looking at excising some of the names to protect the innocent or some people in government that are in separate departments.
But it looks like right now we can just publish the whole thing.
This is Snowden-level revelations.
Snowden-level revelations.
We published stories the last two days about the streetlights that listen to you, about the white boxes put in by DHS that admittedly track your cell phone location.
It's all to coordinate the cameras and the other surveillance systems on you.
And your cell phone ID.
You don't have a chip in your arm, you have a chip in the phone attached to your name.
You understand?
And GPS tracking you.
So these boxes triangulate down to one foot where you're at, and then they can have the cameras and everything track you as you go place to place, and then it creates a total record.
This is unbelievably huge.
It is NSA, DHS run.
This is Snowden-level revelations breaking.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live on this Tuesday.
Worldwide edition of the transmission.
It of course is now the 12th day of November 2013 and we have a total information overload of just bombshell level developments.
The company getting DHS funding...
Uh, to put in, uh, streetlights that have video cameras and microphones to secretly videotape and listen to you, admits that they have voice print analysis systems.
To be able to track you by name everywhere you go and the government already through NSA systems tied to your phone number and other systems has most people's digital photo and their biometric voice print as well as face print and thumb print or index finger print
at the DMV, to get into college, to get Library Brooks, they've been phasing it all in.
But most importantly now, off of your cell phone, they know your personal ID and that that cell phone is yours.
And so they use the tracking of the cell phone location to integrate it into a computer system to identify that John Doe is at the corner of Second and Liberty, or Second and Tyranny, I should say, and then they're able to
Scan the audio and then attach it to your cell phone ID and then create a voice print key.
To put into the database if they didn't have your biometric voice print before.
Now, I know about all this because MIT and others, 15 years ago, openly published reports saying this is what they were rolling out, what they were developing.
They also have at Walmart, Target, and other places, hidden retina scanners.
This has been going on for at least a decade.
That scan in on your iris or your retina and create a digital print of that, that now they can have, when you walk into the store,
The video camera is scanning in live time, and then as soon as you turn your head up, they have lights aimed to get a print, and then identify who you are, and then as you go to the store, you're being retina scanned or iris scanned analysis.
So, this is the information, ladies and gentlemen, that we are breaking down here today.
Last night, again, Watson published a report that's gone into the Featured News Archive that we're going to be going over, and we're going to have reposted to the front page of InfoWars.com, where the company admits this is going on, but we separately, we separately
We're good to go.
DHS came out and it got leaked in documents in court and it was confirmed that the NSA is hooked into by several thousand major companies that dump their data in in exchange to get illegal data back.
It's a big criminal pool.
But more importantly, it came out that the major NSA systems, when you talk about smoking marijuana with your friends, or you talk about
You have a pill addiction or whatever that is all categorized and put in your master file and the DEA goes through that without warrants and then if they decide they want to prosecute you they go create a fraudulent court docket with a fraudulent investigation with a fraudulent witness and an informant that swears to it
And then that is admitted into court, the judge engages in mass fraud consciously, and then you are convicted actually with NSA data illegally.
The New York Times again reported last week that they are now admitting it in court and just saying we dispense with the Bill of Rights entirely, we will now use NSA data to convict, but you're not allowed to use NSA data to prove your innocence.
They know full well that you're innocent in most cases,
They have the Williamson County prosecutor and judge just now been indicted and arrested for knowingly setting someone up, knowing who really killed the wife in a famous case.
And it's just standard.
And that's the Michael Morton case.
And this is what they do.
Now, not every city or county is run by these evil people.
But when you're run by evil, they don't want criminals in jail, they want non-violent prisoners to work as slaves.
This is how slavery has been re-legalized.
You understand?
And so, again, I'm giving you just a few data points there, because there's thousands of these data points that are there.
But the company admits that Newsmart
Lights can analyze voices and track people with the voice prints.
But again, more importantly, if they don't have your voice print, they pick it up with a voice print because they put DHS boxes in these systems and others nationwide.
We know because six years ago this first broke in England.
That they had boxes, wireless boxes that track your cell phone and then your ID so cameras can zoom in in a coordinated computer program and digitally scan your face off the cell phone knowing that that's your cell phone.
So instead of having a chip under your skin, you're carrying a computer that tracks you that is connected to your ID
So that's your chip, basically, that you're holding in your hand that surveils you, that tracks you, that you report to the NSA through Google or through Microsoft Bing when you search.
You tell it everywhere you're going, what you're doing.
So it's your nexus point.
And so off that nexus point,
Off that tracking beacon, they can then now data mine with biometric cameras your walk.
So even if you try to cover your face and don't talk, they now know who you are.
Your retina scan, your iris scan, your face scan, your voice print, these white boxes are meant to double and triple data mine this.
Two years ago, it happened to Darren Membreen.
He was able to stand with a first-generation Kinect.
This is a big sofa, and you can see the entire sofa is in the field of view of the Kinect sensor.
Now, in addition to its 3D capabilities, Kinect also has a 2D color camera.
I'm going to turn that on now.
Hi, Karim.
Now you're seeing Karim in 2D color.
We've made that color feed 1080p across that large field of view.
Great for Skype scenarios.
But one of the challenges with color camera feeds is that they're very susceptible to changes in room lighting.
So, to show this, we're going to bring down the room lights.
And, you know, gamers will often play a game in a dimly lit room.
You often want to watch a movie in the dark.
You can see that we've just lost Karim completely in the shadows here.
This is not very useful anymore.
So we've introduced a new technology we call Active IR.
We're going to turn that on now.
And there's Karim in active IR.
We have the ability to see in the dark with the new Kinect sensor.
Let me just stop right there.
We're playing you a clip of an analysis of the Kinect sensors that everyone is paying to put in their houses and they're putting them in the churches everywhere.
It can see through up to a thousand feet through multiple walls and 3D scans everything, including your face biometrically.
Imagine that!
You know like the probes in the Prometheus movie?
Where they walk in and throw the probes up in the air and they go through scanning the whole structure?
That's literally what a Kinect system is.
Is a probe that scans biometrically and with the radio waves 3D bouncing back to a sensor everything you're doing.
That's my point.
Streetlights, cell phones are listening to you even when they're off tracking everywhere you go.
All the major new video game consoles coming out.
Track everything you're doing.
Run by Microsoft.
Hooked into the NSA.
Same thing with the new Sony systems coming out.
So, so, see, see, here's my point.
We are totally immersed in this and I haven't even gotten, I haven't even gotten yet to the big breaking news here today.
You know that we have been reporting on the streetlights that listen to you and watch you and then, and then, and then capture your voice print.
And they admit that.
And again, no other media is even analyzing this.
They'll say, oh, the new streetlights watch and listen to you.
But they don't point out why they're doing it.
It's to literally understand everything you're doing for a military takeover.
These are the probe systems on record in the globalist's own words to absolutely surveil the economy and then start shutting the economy off except for globalist-controlled corporations.
So it's total war, total siege, total scientific evil, and totally illegal, and totally insane, and totally off the charts.
Okay, so we've got we've got all that information and we have this major breaking news from our source inside government in the state of
This is Snowden-level information, ladies and gentlemen.
Because remember, they first lied and said the Snowden stuff wasn't real, then they said it was real, then they said he was a traitor, and it was proving that they were listening to you and tracking everything in real time, and integrating it all together in one heads-up display, where they can just go in and watch and listen to everything you're doing, illegally, and they are capturing everything in real time.
This now shows the rollout onto the street of the white boxes in Seattle.
They put them in Austin.
They've got them hidden in Transformers in Dallas.
This has been going on multi-generations for several decades.
But now these new systems integrate and track your cell phone in live time everywhere you are to integrate all the cameras, the face scanning, the microphones, the police.
In their own private HD internet to watch and track and stalk you in live time and it gets worse.
It gets worse.
To then have shutdown codes just like they're announcing at the Olympics coming up in Russia.
The Olympic Committee has said no cell phones will work, no internet will work unless authorized by them.
They're putting up white boxes in the Russian city for the Olympics coming up that will kill everybody's cell phones.
To again control information completely.
So, understand, when they put out free wireless internet, that's really paid for by taxpayer money, under FCC and all that, it's to bring government control into the internet, and it's to shut off everything that's happening.
When you go to a demonstration or something, and the cops start beating everybody in the brain, you're not going to be able to even record anything.
Apple's already put it in all the new iPhones, all the new Droids, they literally send out a code, everything turns off.
So, it tracks you, it rapes your rights, it steals your voice,
It steals all your data and they hit one button and shut all communications down so they can carry out a Boston bombing.
This is the equivalent of high-tech aliens invading the earth and setting up a grid to enslave us.
I mean, this is absolute war against humanity.
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Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones, back live.
I want to be clear.
The document that we have received, we have confirmed, with government, is real.
And it's developing right now, developed last night.
The system's obviously upset that we have this.
We have...
Contacted the City of Seattle.
We are contacting them more coming up this afternoon and demanding that they respond to this.
This is a Department of DHS document that we're reviewing still right now, but I just made the decision to publish the entire thing at Infowars.com in the next 15 minutes or so.
We're going to put it on a third-party server.
And put it up.
We've got screenshots going up of the wireless spy grids that track everything you do and integrate it into a larger surveillance system.
In fact, guys, just go ahead and get the document.
We can start showing it on TV.
If you're a radio listener, you go to InfoWars.com forward slash show and we'll start showing the antenna grids, the white boxes, because what's in this document is more than just the white boxes.
It's photos and graphs of all the other stuff they've got to watch the American people.
Now, when a local Seattle newspaper, a weekly, yesterday said, what are these white boxes?
And they wouldn't answer their questions.
This has been going on for weeks, but they published yesterday.
And they said, oh, it's just our own private communication system.
Well, our sources
Then contacted us, and I'm just going to say that, totally confirmed, high-level source, within the state or city government.
I will just leave it at that.
I'm not going to say city or state.
I'm going to say within the government.
got us this information.
And again, it's all written very dry, just like the Snowden documents.
But right there is how they're tracking you in real time and putting you in a database and grabbing your voice and grabbing your face and just running it all through this trough into the Threat Fusion Center, into Homeland Security, into the Department of Defense.
And again, local news is reporting on these and government saying it's just a communication system.
And it is.
High-def audio and video basically
battle command system like the Marines use with a heads-up display where you can say where's Alex Jones in the city right now if I'm there to cover story
Cell phone.
Go to cell phone audio.
They go right into my cell phone.
Listen to everything I'm doing.
Or they could say, triangulate.
Right to one foot where I'm at with my ID, with that system.
And then flip on the microphone.
The microphone's already on.
But bring in the audio.
Voice print.
Voice print goes through instantly.
Just like you use your Google phone or whatever and has the voice print.
Voice print to get you into it.
Shame deal.
Voice print.
We've got him.
We're tracking him.
Okay, augment.
Cut out the other sounds.
Tune in only to Alex Jones' voice.
You hear birds honking, horns, some people talking.
They can tune right in.
This is all just instantly.
Just hit the punch of a button.
They tune right in, because I've read about this, seen this on television, but also talked to high-level sources before this stuff was even partially public.
And then, boom, they tune right in to everything I'm saying in a crowd of people.
And remember, you're paying for all of this.
While the country goes bankrupt, while everything shuts down, while the government funds Al-Qaeda, it is all pointed to get HUMET, human intelligence, through machines, on everything you're doing, to destroy you.
To shut you down, to wreck you, to not let you hide, to not let you... I mean, this is The Globalist with machines, rolling out... This is a science fiction movie.
You are living in a total science fiction takeover.
Run by crazy inbred eugenicists who hate everybody, including their own families.
And the elites that aren't evil are fleeing to rural areas around the world in armored redoubts.
So, they are preparing for a war against us.
This is huge breaking news from Anthony Gucciardi and Mikhail Thelin through StoryLeak.com and InfoWars.com.
This was brought to Infowars.com, but brought specifically to these reporters.
That's how whistleblowers and folks will operate, is they'll pick a reporter to go to in an organization.
And both these men have been writing about this with Paul Watson.
DrudgeReport.com has been carrying it.
And this is huge, okay?
This is integrated boxes with the police going, oh, it's just for us to communicate.
Just like they'd say, oh, we're putting in cameras 20 years ago for traffic.
Well, for the Department of Transportation and your city, county, state, federal.
But it has the dual use.
The dual use of the police watching and surveilling.
And again, not to solve crime, ladies and gentlemen, the government's run by big mega banks that launder the drug money, run the drug aircraft, they run Al-Qaeda, they run it all.
They're totally ruthless, totally savage, and they look at the naive public like a bunch of children.
You really thought Obama would give you some free health care?
You really think the neocons care about you?
You really think so?
When they capture a country like Iraq or somewhere else, they start killing everybody, and giving them forced inoculations, and sterilizing, and dropping DU bombs everywhere.
The New World Order is evil.
Totally wicked!
Set on death and destruction.
It's their nature.
And you either wake up to this and realize it, or you go into the long, dark night of terror.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alex Jones here, and I want to tell you about a longtime friend of the show, My Patriot Supply.
As you might remember, this is the company that stood up to the DHS and exposed FEMA's secret plan to begin hoarding emergency survival food.
It has always been my belief that it's key to stand behind companies who share the same values as their fellow Patriots.
My Patriot Supply brings us their exclusive Patriot Pantry brand, along with many other fine preparedness products.
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Alex Jones here with a very important announcement for truth seekers.
We've carried a lot of amazing films and books over the years on the online video bookstore at Infowars.com.
And out of all the titles we've carried, one stands out because it is just so chillingly convincing.
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We're also carrying Behind the Green Mask, UN Agenda 21, by Rosa Corey.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I'm just an average man with an average life.
I work from 9 to 5.
Hell, I pay the price.
All I want is to be left alone in my average home.
But why do I always feel like I'm in the twilight zone?
Ladies and gentlemen, in every case in history, if you let a government get too big and don't keep it on a short leash, the worst elements will take control of it and build the same nightmare type scenarios.
But now,
It's the year 2013, year of our Lord, and we are in the science fiction zone.
We are now in the future.
We are now living in the Buck Rogers land, but we're living in a suppressed, slowly developing technological system, whereas the real technological grid is much closer to what they call the singularity that I believe will be a group of
Sub-singularities towards a singularity, and then if humanity doesn't actually move to block the singularity, we will lose control and destroy ourselves.
But the establishment is in an arms race, politically, geopolitically, economically, physically, mentally, with each other in a power trip.
And there are no holds barred, just mega development, rushing, open air testing, chemicals, biologicals, radiologicals, electromagnetic manipulation, hundreds of thousands of different programs that have been out there, thousands of patents.
I mean, we are just living in a total war zone.
And people say, man, that's paranoid.
You're fear-mongering.
No, no, it's going on.
It's happening.
I'm not paranoid.
I am aware.
I'm informed.
I'm fighting.
What about you?
I've proven what I'm saying.
The only issue is it's so much more than words can say.
So much more than I could write in a thousand page history book about what's happened in the last ten years.
It's so over the top because they've got seven and a half billion hard-working people
And factories and biotech and we're just inventing everything and competing with each other and coming up with incredible ideas.
They harvest those ideas, move them up to the top of the pyramid for master builders to then, that's what they call themselves, and grand architects to then integrate and build this system.
And boy, you can see what they're building.
It ain't pretty.
You can take one look at it and step back and go, abomination, desolation, destruction, Armageddon, total dehumanization, blasphemy, and you step back from the technocratic bio-mutation system they're building, and you realize that they are drunk on the blood of the innocents.
All the abortions, the wars, the evil, they're drunk on death and destruction.
Evil can make you drunk, folks.
I mean, getting into evil, getting into savagery, getting into wickedness, pressing on the nerve of power is a high.
I've done it.
And I'm not particularly a wicked person, but I am a vicious person at many levels, like anybody can be.
Very primitive, very animalistic at many levels, like everybody.
But I can definitely understand what they're into.
They are drunk, ladies and gentlemen, on excess, on degeneracy, on just blood.
As the Bible says, those serving the Antichrist were drunk on the blood of the saints and martyrs.
And I am just watching this army of evil swell right now in a bloom, a bloom of just black roses.
And I don't even know what to say at this point, ladies and gentlemen, to marvel and to know they're building it to hurt us, knowing they're building it to suppress us, knowing they're building it to wage war against the individual.
You can serve them, and if you're healthy and happy, they will destroy you.
They're gonna take everything, you understand that?
They want your soul, they want your health, they want your children, and they have declared it.
Is Gucciardi ready?
As soon as you get the document, you have the document, bring him in as soon as we can and we're going to premiere the document for TV viewers.
Has it gone live on the story yet?
I know we read over it last night today and approved it.
Okay, so the PDF's going up now.
You have them doing it?
Okay, good.
We're putting screenshots up right now.
We'll go do it, then I'll bring you in.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, it is a war room in here, but exclusive Snowden-level documents reveal stealth DHS spy grid.
And part of this document is restricted, eyes only, but then it indexes other public documents that they're to give the public.
And it's always like that.
And so, again, what's going on in Seattle is just the latest rollout of stuff they put in London.
What came out in London five years ago, remember, they were tracking cell phones in live time down to IDs and using cameras to integrate with it.
See, this tracks off your cell phone.
You don't have a chip in your arm.
The phone is the chip.
It's the little imperial probe droid that you carry with you.
And it's just blowing me away.
And the only way you should have a cell phone is if you're aware of what it's doing, that it's radiating you, that it's tracking you, that you're giving it all your data, telling it all your secrets, literally giving it confessions every day of your deepest, darkest secrets.
It knows who you are more than you are.
Three years ago, Google, with 93% accuracy, could predict where you would go eat two weeks from now when you didn't even consciously know.
It knows your subconscious.
It knows your patterns that you're not aware of.
It wants your soul.
We've got to come back in the next segment with that intro, because that's what this is all about.
This is about total domination and total control freak.
The religion of the control freak will never, will never, ever, ever, ever, ever let you be free.
You're like, but I'm not going to oppose it.
Good, I love it.
This is going to be a party.
I hear the nihilist, the Satan, is saying that.
You're going to be torn limb from limb slowly.
You understand that?
You're going to wish you were torn limb from limb when they're done with you.
And the high priest of this thing, when it goes through, you are going to be the most absolutely slow-tortured, slow-roasted, not going to have to wait to go to hell when you die, folks,
It's going to all happen right here if this thing comes through.
And I'm going to tell you, it's like we're a city that's been infiltrated.
That's what the human soul, the human family, the condition's like.
That's what the country's like.
As below, so above, to use the Illuminati's term.
What you see happening at the low level is happening at the high level.
And literally, all we've been infested by so far is the vanguard, the special forces of evil.
The main army, ladies and gentlemen, is blowing down the main gates right now.
The gates are falling and we see, shining through it, Lucifer and all the hell hordes coming through the breach to literally manifest through people pure evil.
You can see it beginning.
And the gates are going down, folks, and hell is beginning to pour in right now.
The cancer rates, your families, your children, everything.
You're going to lose everything, ladies and gentlemen.
You're going to lose the prosperity, everything.
I mean, the host of hell, ladies and gentlemen, have blown big holes in the main gate, and it is pouring in.
They're attacking those of us trying to keep the gate up.
The gate is falling right now.
The gate is going down right now.
Do you understand that?
The churches are all announcing, Catholic, Protestant, turn your guns in, do whatever you want.
Abortion's good.
Open the borders up.
I mean, it's just all happening.
It's all beginning.
And again, image that gate with big blast holes in it, folks.
And just evil is reaching its arm through and just reaching at those of us that are resisting it.
Image big, fiery, degenerate arms dripping with the blood of the innocents reaching through the gates.
It's already gotten the innocent.
It's already gotten the little children.
It's already gotten the third world people.
Now it's shaking the gates.
It's shaking the gates to bring down Christendom, what's left of it.
Just because your ancestors were Christian, you're going to be destroyed.
There's no ever any quarter with this.
It's just shaking the iron gate.
Let me in!
Let me in!
Let me in!
And the gate's falling because our morals are falling.
And it's just trying to ram those iron bars off the door.
Let me in!
Let me in!
Let me in!
Don't question!
There is no evil!
I will give you freedom!
Open the gate!
Open the gate!
Open the gate!
Just ramming with big battering rams.
Satan's arms like battering rams.
Let me in!
Let me in!
That's what it is, folks.
It's a hammer!
You're under attack from every level.
You turn on Nickelodeon, they're teaching five-year-olds, you know, how to have sex.
Again, to destroy their innocence, ladies and gentlemen.
Only pure evil does that.
We have Gucciardi.
Is he ready?
Bring him in.
I may be reporting news here, ladies and gentlemen, it's just to realize the magnitude of the total panoptagonic grid designed to absolutely corner us scientifically.
And just incrementally, with actuaries and algorithms and systems of control, incinerates humanity.
You go to InfoWars.com, exclusive Snowden-level documents reveal stealth DHS spy grid, major leaked documents on how these tie into the state, the feds tracking you with face scanning cameras, audio sensors.
Data miners, just like the Google cars with the codes, so the NSA can be right there.
It even says, even if your camera is turned off, or your phone's turned off, it hammers in and steals all the data.
And then we continue here with the articles.
DHS funds installation of white boxes that can track population of entire city.
That's Paul Watson's article up on DrudgeReport.com.
Once these stories went out yesterday and today, we then got a confirmed contact.
We've separately confirmed the authenticity of the documents.
You can call the numbers.
You can talk directly to the officers over this.
They get very upset.
We have the document.
Just like when I got the DHS document five years ago that said the founders were terrorists, and Ron Paul was bad, and the Tea Party was bad, and the enemy of Homeland Security.
People didn't believe it.
I called the phone number.
They got very threatening at the FBI.
And then, of course, a week later, people had to admit it was a real document.
This is a real document.
DHS is putting in these systems that absolutely are like smart meters on your house, but more powerful.
You can go to InfoWars.com and see a photo of one of these systems.
It's also on PrisonPlanet.com.
But again,
Separately, they've got the Intellistreets going in and they admit it analyzes voices with voice prints and tracks you.
It's all part of the same grid.
You've got hundreds of big companies flooding in with lobbyists and putting former government people on their boards to just get hundreds of billions a year of your money to build this electronic prison that they also fry you with all the electromagnetic radiation with.
So there's also the health issue, you see.
Anything they give you, any device, is a Trojan horse.
It's not that technology's bad, it's that they have Trojan-horsed it.
Just like Kinect can look up to a thousand feet through more than seven walls, including brick walls, and map everything down to just microscopic measurements.
More human than human.
Its scan can see every pore on your skin through multiple walls, when the human eye couldn't see the pores at 50 feet.
It's high def, beyond your eyes, looking through your walls when you're on the toilet, when you're in bed with your wife or your girlfriend or your boyfriend or whatever.
Connect is there like a Cylon Raider watching everything you're doing and sending it back to Microsoft on record.
Beware Greeks bearing gifts.
Here's your car.
Thousands of dollars added to the price of tech to track and rape you.
And it's all being announced.
It's all coming.
It's all here.
It's all hellish.
And these boxes are going in nationwide.
That's the next big breaking news.
Those stinking things are in Austin.
And I had cops one time when they were here.
One of them shoot their mouth off to me.
Oh, you don't know half of it.
I go, what?
The boxes?
The license plate readers?
You don't think I don't know?
You quietly put all those in?
What, do you think I am an idiot?
And I love how these people think because they're part of the system, they're going to be safe.
Hey, cops that like this, eat some more GMO, drink some more fluoride.
Give your kid all the shots and you'll get to bury him early.
And I know you'll be there when your kid's dead at 15 saluting the government.
You love it!
You'll probably get off on your kid being dead.
I mean, you love death, you're going to get a biggin'.
You're going to get everything you want from your master in triplicate.
Now, Anthony Gucciardi breaking this with the amazing reporter I know you've had in the last few years at StoryLeak.com and also working with you on your Natural Society site, but just great job getting this intel, confirming it, and this is confirmed.
This has got me completely blown away because it just confirms everything.
What is your breakdown on this information and explain to people what we're dealing with here.
This will be a telling day for the media.
Because if the media chooses not to cover this, it will be once and for all, they are 100% irrelevant.
This is massive news.
This is a Snowden-level leak.
And this is 100% confirmed from a government source.
It can actually be accessed from a government site.
And we've found now that this domestic spy grid is a massive web of just a database.
Everything you're doing
As you can see with some of these images, everything you're doing is being connected to this spy system grid, sent back to the database, and then also syndicated through this wireless mesh.
And everyone in the media right now is talking about that.
Those are the boxes that are tracking where you've been.
The locations on your cell phone, the IP address, other information.
But that's nothing compared to this.
This shows what's actually happening from the government's mouth.
The media was saying, the mainstream media, yeah they're tracking everything, that's scary.
But this, this is a whole nother level.
They're sending everything you do to the County Sheriff's Office, the State Ferry, the Port of Seattle, all these headquarters, the Fusion Center, the Coast Guard, the police headquarters, it's all going there.
And then they have this little... And see, there's the illusion the feds aren't involved and the fusion centers are fed run.
So it's going right to Soran.
Go ahead.
Everything you're doing is going to the Fusion Center.
And it even has internet here, as if it's just a little big deal.
Oh, the internet goes through the city backbone.
We're talking about full implementation of all the camera systems, all the snooping software.
And guys, scroll through it, show them the photos, show them the systems, show them their own documents.
Page 9.
They already emphasized it with a box saying, you know, this is the tracking system that we're implementing into this grid.
And this is happening in pretty much every major city.
Just Seattle now is so insane.
They've published this in their documents saying that, yeah, we'll do this.
And this has been since last February.
So this isn't even new.
This has been going on.
All these cities are doing this.
But now they're implementing it.
It's a giant spider web across the entire nation.
A giant spider web.
And it's all integrated into this system.
I can show TV viewers just right off this.
Here you go folks, document cam that.
People can see that.
They had DHS cameras on the outskirts of the port and they were saying, oh we're looking for terrorists, you know, ships and everything like that.
Then they were caught turning the cameras in on the city to watch the citizens in their private homes when the DHS said it was for terrorists.
We are the terrorists.
No, this is a criminal takeover.
Again, the government runs Al Qaeda.
They staged the attacks in 99 there with Delta Force to blame the peaceful protesters.
Anywhere you call liberal is always the most tyrannical because they're not really liberals.
It's their fascist cover.
I've had the former police chief on to admit that and apologize on air.
So that's what this is really all about is a takeover by these foreign banks.
The police are now being converted to pure soldiers to go after us.
Yeah, this was initiated on February 21st, 2012, per section 39 of the contract.
This is the contract signature.
Everything's on here.
I mean, Kyle Fallon was the one who found this from StoryLeak.
One of the writers.
Well, he received it from a whistleblower.
Yeah, received it from the whistleblower, and he was the one who said, hey, you know, we gotta cover this.
Called me early this morning, and I've just been sifting through the PDF document, and I've just been trying to make... And it's called the MESH system, because it grabs all your data, and then integrates it into the database in your file.
Yeah, exactly.
So it is illegal, because if you, without somebody's authorization, grab their data, that is hacking.
This is what Google cars did, squared.
This is what the Google cars did.
It's total criminality.
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See how the establishment is using our money, our labor, and the incredible technological systems that have been developed, not to empower humanity and uplift humanity, but to build a high-tech wireless grid to poison us and fry us and wreck our DNA on record while they are building their new world.
And all the little minions.
Notice the NSA and the media play along with the fact they've been spying on us forever illegally.
Notice how the power structure, you know, denied basically everything.
And then now we learn, as a group, government's been acting criminally together to violate everyone's rights.
It's like red light cameras have been ruled illegal for about 20 years, because under common law and the constitution, state constitutions, you gotta have an officer there as a witness to write the citation.
They don't care if it's fraud.
They just do it now.
And that's a very small example.
But the government is rogue.
It's evil.
It's run by offshore interests.
It doesn't mean the people that work for it are all evil.
They're all victims too.
But when victims then join through mass Stockholm Syndrome, the globalists, you become accomplices.
And I don't hate you as Gollum-like victims of this, but you still are a minion of the New World Order.
You're still a minion, a pomp, a sycophant of Beelzebub.
And again, if you don't believe in God, whatever.
This is the devil.
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Carl Jung, this is it.
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Anthony Gucciardi, I want to continue with you into the next hour.
I've kind of settled down a bit right now with this big breaking news, but we have the contracts, we have the City of Seattle, we have DHS, we have the phone numbers, we have what they're doing, the names of who's involved.
What are you going to cover when we come back in the next hour?
Well, specifically, we're going to cover the fact that this whole contract here is open source now.
We can look at all of this.
They're paying people $60,000, $80,000, a total of $2.6 million from the DHS to set up this whole entire spider grid, this web of spy intel.
And we're talking about direct access to the headquarters of the police department, direct access for this wireless mesh system to track what you're doing.
Let me see that.
I'll show people on TV.
This is all confirming.
DHS, your money.
Here it is, right here.
Taxpayer dollars used to spy on you.
And again, they had the cameras.
They said they were for terrorists for the port.
And they were turning them in, watching people in their private homes.
I mean, this is what this has come down to.
And this isn't just happening in Seattle.
It's happening across the entire globe.
It's happening specifically in the United States.
But this is just, we found these documents for Seattle.
We're going to expose more in the future as well.
And see if the kleptocratic media will report on it.
Yeah, it just shows they won't, most likely, and they're just so irrelevant now.
They're so dead that no one even... Well, that's like the Esquire writer.
He was a real journalist, so he didn't believe Delta Force staged the attacks in Seattle and all that.
And he went and found the news and goes, wow, you actually told the truth.
And then he flipped over and woke up and wrote a positive article.
So they buried it at the back.
And he got a bunch of heat over it.
We all just want to live in a free country.
Stay in together, folks!
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, notice that the Snowden documents have brought much of the globalist takeover to a standstill.
If we can force the dinosaur media to cover this, or at least the new media to cover it, this could be one of the biggest stories.
Anthony was just saying this during the break, and I was like, yes, I agree with you.
One of the biggest stories ever.
And quite frankly, I don't care about having the biggest story ever.
If it's about breaking something that some
Hollywood star said on my show, that is like cotton candy high.
That's like a sugar high.
I want big, juicy, ribeye, finest aged beef, okay, with a fully loaded baked potato here, and a side of asparagus.
That's what we're all about here, ladies and gentlemen.
We want the real deal.
That's why we're a major news source worldwide, because folks know, we make mistakes every once in a while, but we break big bombshell stuff.
We don't put out fake documents, we report real stuff.
And even when you're trying to tell the truth all the time as a journalist, you mess up.
I am an analyst and a liberty lover who rabble-rouses for freedom.
I wear many hats, but I've got journalists like Anthony Gucciardi and Curt Nemo and Paul Watson and Adon Salazar and Kit Daniels and David Knight and Leigh-Anne McAdoo and Jakari Jackson and Gigi Ernetta and Rob Dew and Steve Watson and Paul's wife, who wishes to be unnamed because she's been harassed,
Uh, living in the free country of England over being a part of the thing.
I mean, this is serious business, ladies and gentlemen.
And all the rest of the crew, the crew back there I haven't mentioned, this is the real deal.
And you, the listeners, standing right beside us.
Not behind us, beside us.
We're making history together.
And we're redesigning InfoWars and Prison Planet.
Prison Planet will be redesigned in the next few weeks.
A little bit behind, but it's coming.
That's what InfoWars is going to look like.
We're going to beta test on Prison Planet.
We've got the studio almost done.
It's just hard to work 16 hours a day and then get everything new done.
Then to fight to get the funding to fund things, but you've been supporting us.
It's starting to happen.
And I've got to thank DrudgeReport.com.
Drudge has more courage and more instinct for what's hardcore real news than Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, WorldNetDaily, all rolled up into one.
Who I'm saying, you know, Glenn Beck's doing a pretty good job now.
WorldNetDaily does a great job and breaks a lot of big stuff.
It's just that
And Drudge helps those guys get their news out.
We're all in this together.
And people say, Rush Limbaugh, what do you mean he's a good guy?
Well, he's getting more hardcore talking about false flags now.
We need to be ready to win and take the culture over for liberty again.
Liberty's sexy.
Liberty's cool.
We don't have to lose and just think the globalists are all powerful.
We have to act like winners.
We are winners.
And I always knew this, Anthony, instinctively, that historically if you fight tyranny and have courage, you will turn the tide.
But now I see the fruit bearing.
We can kick the New World Order's butt and get a reprieve for this nation like none of us got.
We don't have to have all this come through now.
We can save another generation.
What do you think?
No, we're all on the same side with this.
We're all living in or near these cities where they're just tracking us 24-7, reporting the data to the police for stuff that's not even illegal, reporting the data to the DHS.
I mean, we've seen things time and time again, just for one example to bring up, back when we were going to the NSA in Utah.
A guy behind the counter had mentioned to us that there was some bomb threat he heard about on the plane.
And we just, you know, I was concerned about it so I said, you know, I heard that guy mention there was a bomb threat.
Because they'd had a drill.
Because they'd had a drill recently and there was also a bomb threat in Los Angeles quite a while ago in September.
And they drug him away.
Yeah, they went and they took him and they just took him away.
No questions asked, just took him away.
And the guy threatened you as well, just for reporting it.
Yeah, he said, hey, if you don't give your source up, you know, we're going to take you away.
You're going to be arrested too.
That's a felony.
And again, it was an old man running a sandwich shop.
Old guy.
And it turned out there had been some kind of drill.
He just said, hey, better ask him something was going on.
Looked like a bomb threat.
Boom, jail.
And you said the giant marshals and folks loved that he was panicked and crying.
They were getting off on dragging an old man away who just did normal free speech.
And that's what they're saying.
You laugh at us, we're going to arrest you.
They want to drag you away.
Well, yeah.
It's like in Philadelphia when the average person is seen as an enemy combatant.
Because they actually do deal with some crazy people on average.
And that has diluted them to this point where they are super troopers and we are the enemy.
That's right.
It came out that police now see the public under DHS as, quote, insurgents.
That's it.
We are the enemy, and this whole system is designed to attack and track the enemy.
Stay there.
I'm going to walk through the PDF.
Page 1, right through it.
BreakingInfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, and StoryLeak.com.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones here with a very important announcement for truth seekers.
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These titles and a lot more are all available at InfoWarshot.com.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Adam Freeland, legendary DJ, bringing us in.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
There is a scientific technological tyranny, a technocracy in their own words, being put in that tracks everything you buy, sell, do, tracks your voice, where you walk, an entire record of it.
Designed to give that advanced breakaway civilization level, omnipresent, almost godlike awareness to the criminal technocrats who run Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, and all the other big mega banks who have the high frequency trading that cheats the stock market.
It's all just a way to absolutely screw you and your family.
They write the regulations to shut down all their competition on record to where you can't operate.
You go, but how will people buy their products?
No, no, no.
The takeover is only to make you dependent to then carry out the eugenics population program and the population reduction program to say there are all these poor people.
I'm middle class.
Kill the old people.
Kill the poor.
But then later you're going to be wiped out as well.
It's all been war-gamed.
And what you're hearing here is deep, 20 years of research, 18 years on air, the absolute cutting edge of what's happening.
Most people that work for the system are compartmentalized, they just do the job, go watch a football game after that.
Or go to the topless bar, or whatever.
We literally are immersed in studying the enemy operations.
And they declare us, Free Humanity, as the enemy.
Anthony Gucciardi is here with us now, coming up at the bottom of the hour.
Robert Mazur, high-level former government investigator for the DEA, who helped bring down some of the big money laundering globalist banks, is going to be joining us for about 10-15 minutes.
Larry Klayman's popping in with big breaking news and ways to impeach Obama, which there are moves now in the House to impeach, begin the impeachment proceedings on the Attorney General.
And then James O'Keefe with bombshell breaking news, where the new acorn groups that are going to run the Obamacare navigator systems
He went in, just like he did four years ago with Akron, and said, hey, I want to run underage prostitutes.
You going to help me?
Oh, sure, we'll help you.
Well, this time he went in and they admit, oh, well, we don't tell folks what really happens under Obamacare.
So that breaking video and breaking info is at InfoWars.com.
It's also on the ProjectVeritas.com site.
It's the top link on DrugsReport.com on the left-hand, right-hand top corner.
If you go down to the middle column, there's an InfoWars report on Drudge.
Homeland funds installation of white boxes that can track population of entire city.
Now, we've confirmed that with a leak inside the government.
I won't say state or city.
That's one of the two in Seattle.
This is hooked into Homeland Security exclusive Snowden-level documents reveal stealth DHS spy grid.
And to calmly go through exactly what this does is Anthony Gucciardi who helped break this report for InfoWars.com with Mikhail Thelin.
And so he joins us now.
Explain to people why this is so big and why it's key everyone get these reports out to everyone they know that are red-linked up on InfoWars.com because this is even bigger when you look at it.
This proves it's pointed at us, the cameras point in people's houses, that's come out.
This is so huge, and it shows Homeland Security rolling something out that would be the most fabulous dream of the East German Stasi.
So just to give you a level of understanding on this, the media has absolutely been freaking out.
Because they've found in the mainstream reports that some of these IntelliStreet cameras in Seattle, some of these tracking systems, were not only just, you know, taking the IP and MAC addresses of the cell phone users, but tracking the last 1,000 places they had been through GPS data.
And that was interesting enough, and they were freaking out about it saying, you know, it's anti-constitutional and everything like that.
But now we've found an actual contract.
This is a contract, signed off, authorized, everything like that, from the government, leaked from the government, to us.
From an unnamed source.
Interlocking in with this massive database that goes to not only fusion centers, but the Coast Guard, the police headquarters, the sheriff's office.
I'm going to read an excerpt here about specifically what this is doing in this contract, again, for $2.6 million from the DHS using your taxpayer money.
And this is going on across the nation in all cities.
But this is just the one we found.
Says Internet Connectivity, we have a presence in the Westin building which enables us to provide a direct fiber internet solution for the police headquarters in the Seattle Municipal Tower.
This will allow nearly limitless, thorough potential for future expansion and can be configured in minutes should more bandwidth be needed in an emergency situation.
They're talking about real-time tracking of everything you're doing to the police at any given time.
That means you're walking down the street, and guess what?
Here's another page.
This is page 12 of the PDF.
It's called Network Management.
It says, it also collects information about every Wi-Fi client accessing the network, and that's actually misleading, because you walk by now, and it just accesses your phone.
That was even in the mainstream reports.
People just walking by with their cell phone and seeing this Wi-Fi service try to access it.
Including its MAC address, IP address, signal intensity, data rate, and traffic status.
Additional features include a fault management system for issuing alarms and logging events according to a set of customizable rules, along with centralized and version-controlled remote updating of the mesh operating system software.
That means, in certain cases, whenever they want, they can take absolutely anything they want from your cell phone at any time.
Says, according to a set of customizable filtering rules, they're also allowed to issue alarms and log events.
So you're walking by these massive tracking systems, which are also shown.
They're called the Cyclone Outdoor Mesh Mounting Arm, and the system goes in there.
It's the mesh network that tracks everything you're doing.
They're tracking your IP address.
So the mainstream media was saying, are they doing it?
This shows, yes, they're not only tracking that, where you are,
What you can do, and anything else they want, because it's completely custom, and then they're sending it to a fusion center, a police headquarters, the King County Sheriff's Office, it's just going everywhere.
And then to the feds, because that's who controls it.
Oh, that is the fusion center.
And let me just add one point to this, Anthony.
The media, only one newspaper reported this, and one TV station in the last two days.
We reported it.
Uh, and, uh, then, once we reported it, and once we broke it down, uh, Drudge picked it up so it's gone nationwide, but they are, like, halfway denying it out there.
Now this confirms it's pointed at everybody, it's tracking everything you do, it's grabbing your data, just like the Google cars did illegally.
That's the reason.
This is definitely illegal, just like the NSA spying.
This goes right back to the NSA.
The Feds paid for this.
This is the new physical NSA grid on the ground.
This is huge.
When this came out, they were trying this in England.
Five years ago, they had to remove it.
There were Parliament investigations, resignations in England that is the king of this.
So let's see if this becomes a big deal.
Or if the media attacks us and says, how dare you not like this?
I mean, look at the Austin police chief who is fed on record, I mean, absolutely, with Obama, turning your guns the whole nine yards.
He's come in just like Boston and New York did first and said, we want the businesses to wire in with your microphones and cameras into us and insurance companies are saying they'll give you discounts.
Now they're trying in New York and other areas to make you do it.
So again, nothing against cameras if you have them yourself.
The point is they're going to make you opt into their grid.
Again, this is unbelievable.
But it actually, yeah, it actually goes beyond cameras though.
They don't even need those anymore.
They use smart trash cans in Las Vegas to track everything you've done on your cell phone.
And this is saying that they could basically track...
That's right, they have new manhole covers going in in New York that are actually wireless grids and they're tracking everything.
And then all the RFID in your products, that's being scanned now in Miami, in London, it's coming to Austin.
They scan all the RFID and then give you taxes on what you threw away.
It's all for predictable programming as well.
If they can know the last 1,000 locations of 95% of the population, they can predict what they're doing.
And then they make you pay in all the products for the RFID chips that are in them.
And all the new pills are going to come out with chips in them.
And the cell phones, you also have to pay for the tracking software and technology that's embedded in those.
But what's interesting is, you know, we've always seen the mainstream reports on this.
We've always heard, you know, yeah, they're doing it, but we've never actually seen outside of a Snowden leak, the government say, yeah, we're doing this.
We're tracking everything you do with these massive new cameras that don't even... And again, they told the local TV station and stuff, oh, it's just for police to communicate.
They lied.
So it's illegal.
They lied.
This is a huge story.
Is America a dead frog that will just sit there in the boiling water and take it, or are we going to get upset about this?
That's the real question.
Are all the listeners right now going to share this article, get the word out, demand their local news cover it, demand that CNN cover this, or are we just going to sit there and say, yeah, you can track us.
They lie on record and say it was not a big deal, when here it says, yes, it's to track every single thing you do, your IP address, MAC address, signal intensity, data rate, traffic, everything.
And it's customizable to even do it.
And then of course it does double as a police high-def video audio communication grid.
And you know they can broadcast off these now, that's in all the new patents and all the new iPhones and Droids, a kill switch to turn off your phone so you can't videotape.
And it even just says internet here.
This is so broad spectrum.
And then it says wireless mesh.
It's all connected.
City backbone, it says.
So all the cameras are feeding into this.
And you can bet, I would bet a million dollars, every major city has this.
Oh no no, it's already gone in Austin.
Yeah, exactly, but this is the doc, these doc... But I've already gone out and done reports that there's the spy grid picking up all your traffic, and then you go to that, you talk to the police, they're so into the fact that they only know.
Does it matter if it's criminal?
Well, we're the good guys, it's for your own good.
Pure bull.
It's for the narcotics trafficking, child kidnapping, murdering globalists.
I want to come back and finish up with this bombshell, and we got a special guest popping in, but we need to point out in the article those points that they lied, and this is illegal.
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There's a new survey out of journalists.
And it found that the NSA cows them into silence.
And they try to cow cartoonists that criticize them from criticizing them by shutting them down.
These are authoritarian bully criminals.
Historically, the state getting big and out of control is the number one threat.
It's happened to us.
We got cancer.
And the cancer is growing, going, no!
No, I'm here to help you, neighbor.
I'm here to help you, friend.
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
Here's the articles up at Infowars.com.
Former NSA head argues government secrecy is the same as personal privacy.
NSA Stasi state cows journalists into self-censorship.
Then we've got Selena Gomez putting out videos where it's great and sexy to be groped by the TSA.
Gee, wonder if that was paid for.
I mean, just look how we're immersed in propaganda.
The big exclusive!
Snowden-level documents reveal stealth DHS spy grid.
I would add, on the streets of America.
Or on the street.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
We can't come up with headlines bad enough, is the problem.
House voted to get banksters back in derivatives business.
Yeah, gotta accelerate that fraud.
DHS funds installation of white boxes that can track population of entire city.
That's the part one that Gucciardi's article, along with Thalen, is part two.
And we'll continue to track this.
Anthony's going to be on the Nightly News tonight.
We should probably shoot right at the end of the show, an emergency boil-down of the latest on this, just so it's in a couple-minute report for folks, separately to go on this article.
But the only place this story is getting out is InfoWars.com.
DrugsReport.com is linked to our story.
God bless the great folks over there that want to live in a free society.
How dare them?
It's very extreme to not want giant spy grids stealing all your data off your phone.
It's so incredible, but Anthony gives you already other points that need to be made about the magnitude of this.
Because remember, they've lied and said, oh, it's just a police communication system.
And then we have a, what is a hundred page document with everything it's doing.
That is how we defeat them.
The fact they lied about it is we can just... Because it's illegal.
They have to lie.
We can eviscerate that.
Yeah, they have to lie about it.
This just reminds me though, I mean, this is just...
Deep in layers here.
We're already living in a Constitution-free zone, as admitted by the DHS.
They declared in 2011, anyone within 100 miles of the border, which includes the ocean, doesn't have a Fourth Amendment.
And they can take out your laptop or anything with no reason, no search warrant, and they can throw you in jail if they find anything.
And the ACLU tried to sue over that and they said, okay, we'll review it.
We'll review it.
And then years later, they said the DHS reviewed itself and said that it's okay because it's on the border.
So already, if you live in places like Houston or LA, you don't have a 4th Amendment.
You live within 100 miles of the Texas border, they just let the illegals come right by in front of you.
And the Border Patrol writes people tickets drinking beer at their campsite.
No, but by definition... Literally, I mean, if they see Americans, Hispanic, black, white, no matter, they run up and go, up against the thing!
Oh, got beer in here, I'm right!
And you take it.
There's illegals just walking by you.
Got it on video, they're just like...
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Wired covered it.
By definition, 100 miles from the border is a Constitution-free zone.
That is law.
That is federal law under the DHS.
Now you have this.
They have a global, a domestic.
How this works is they have the Constitution-free zones along the border, which is mostly every major city.
200 is something, you know, hundreds of miles.
Every time I drive one of these checkpoints that's 100 miles in, they want to search my vehicle.
And they can.
Legally, the DHS, federally, you know, not legally, actually under the Constitution, but under their own law, they can search you without a warrant or any suspicion whatsoever.
To make sure you're not shipping in drugs that they're supposed to get a cut of.
You're giving them justification.
They have no justification.
They just say, we can do it.
They don't even have a reason.
And they review themselves.
And then now we have the NSA, of course, they're coming in doing, you know, watching everything that we do on a federal level.
But this, this is the crux of it here.
If we can defeat this, we might be able to defeat the whole system.
They are now saying time is of the essence in this document.
The city has an immediate need to implement this system and software equipment for the management and operation of the city, as in tracking of the whole city.
Therefore, time is of the essence in all matters relating to this contract.
They are desperate.
They need to get this in before we defeat them.
And they are- And before they implode the economy.
Of course.
And pose as saviors.
And then when we go out and we riot, they can have all this stuff in play.
They're getting their cloward and pivot ready.
Yeah, exactly.
But this is a whole new level because it's citywide.
It's not even at a state level.
They're doing it so they have these separate layers of tracking that we just have to bust through all of them.
They have the federal... Well, that's why they admit they're putting highway dividers where there's 100 yards between the highway.
They're admitting to control flow so you can't escape.
They're building a prison around us and literally locking and loading and strutting around bugging their eyes out.
I mean, the government is a criminal group!
It's a contingency plan.
Because if the federal level fails, then they have the state level, and if the state level fails, they have the city level.
And if that fails, they've got Google Barges.
And Google Satellites.
A global level.
So they have so many levels to this, that they expect us to be able to defeat some of them.
And then they have InfraGard level, with the corporations at the heart running the whole thing.
With license to kill.
Everyone now... They have corporate heads licensed to kill.
Just ready with weapons.
We are the enemy.
They have cells everywhere.
This is a total foreign takeover.
These people are the traitors, they are the enemy, ladies and gentlemen, and they will stage terror attacks and blame it on us.
You can guarantee that.
That's their number one program they've got left, and we're here exposing it.
Thank you, Anthony Gucciardi.
The stories are at InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
And StoryLink.com.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I hear the sound of gunfire at the prison gates.
Are the liberators here?
Do I hope or do I fear?
Well, Robert Mazur is our guest for the next 10-15 minutes, then I'm gonna get into all the other news I haven't covered yet.
And he was a federal agent for 27 years during five years of his law enforcement career.
He was a long-term undercover agent operating in deep cover within the underworld as a high-level money launderer for senior members of the Columbia drug cartels.
Well, that's a dangerous job.
And it goes on, he not only dealt directly with cartel leaders, but also functioned as their conduit to corrupt international bankers around the world.
Is there any other kind of international banker?
He is a court certified in both US and Canada as an expert in money laundering.
Mr. Mazur has been a significant contributor to news media outlets, New York Times, PBS, ABC and others.
He's got a book out breaking down what really happened with the drug cartels.
He's one of the guys really credited with bringing down some of the biggest cartels and big banks that were laundering money.
And the new book is The Infiltrator.
And he joins us.
Thanks for coming on, Robert.
No, thank you very much.
It's my pleasure.
Well, you've got the floor.
Tell folks about your experience with the book covers, but currently we see a lot of the big banks caught laundering drug money and they don't even get in trouble or they get a tiny fine.
Yeah, you know, it's terribly unfortunate that the Department of Justice has taken the position that they're going to just slap the hands of international banks that are very, very aggressively involved in laundering criminal proceeds.
There's plenty of examples, but we'll take the most recent one, which is HSBC, Hong Kong Shanghai Bank Corporation.
Sounds like a far away bank, but it's not.
Second largest bank in the world, based in the UK, but they had 400 plus branches in the United States.
They profess to be the world's bank.
They are.
And they also have quite a banking network in Mexico.
And between the New York and the Mexican offices of HSBC, by their own admission,
They committed a criminal offense in connection with their movement of nearly a billion dollars in drug proceeds for the Sinaloa cartel and the Norte de Valle cartel.
Those are the largest in Mexico and in Colombia.
And they also admitted that they intentionally altered records and gave people information about how they could go about avoiding the economic sanctions.
Uh, that were imposed upon Iran and helped them to conduct business to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.
I mean, those are just a few of the offenses that were admitted to by them.
Your listeners can go to a Senate subcommittee report.
I think it's the best piece of information about
Just what HSBC did, and it's very similar to what many other banks unfortunately have done, and it's a subcommittee that's led by Senator Levin out of Michigan.
So if you just Google Senator Levin HSBC subcommittee report, you'll get it.
The first 25-30 pages is the executive summary, and if that doesn't make you sick by reading that, you can go on and read similar reports about banks like Wachovia, UPS, Credit Suisse,
We're good to go.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The Money Laundering Control Act, which was enacted in 1986, has been a very, very effective tool for law enforcement to go after people who are involved in money laundering.
What they don't do that they should be doing is something that has been the subject of articles that I've written that have been published in the New York Times and in other media outlets.
Why we don't do these things is something that I'm glad to see.
Senator Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts has taken a lot of interest in.
Another thing well worth your listeners doing if they want to get the latest information about this type of conduct within the international banking world is to go Google Elizabeth Warren HSBC YouTube and there are four or five different YouTube clips that are out there.
About her grilling the leaders of the regulatory and law enforcement agencies about just why they decided to hand slap these major banks, the Wall Street banks, and not prosecute any of the individuals at the banks.
It's a startling thing to see her so effectively attacking them about, for example, asking them point blank, tell me the last time you've taken the biggest banks on Wall Street all the way to trial.
They all looked at each other and nobody could offer an answer because they haven't.
And I thought another great question she asked was, in your opinion, how many billions of dollars do you have to launder for drug lords before somebody says, we're shutting you down?
Apparently $881 million isn't enough, so the line is somewhere else further down the road.
And I think one thing that should make this ring to all citizens is her point that if you're caught with an ounce of cocaine, the chances are you're going to go to jail.
And if it happens repeatedly, you may go to jail for the rest of your life.
But evidently, if you launder nearly a billion dollars for drug cartels and violate our international sanctions, your company pays a fine and you go home and sleep in your own bed at night.
And it's just not right.
Robert Mazur is our guest, and of course he is a best-selling author.
The new book is The Infiltrator, the-infiltrator.com.
I mean, I know that they had hearings back in the 90s about the CIA and drug trafficking.
I know Bloomberg reported a few years ago about $378 billion, not all of it drug money, but money they ran through and didn't look at on purpose, and they got like a $100 million fine, a tiny fraction
That'd be like if I robbed a bank for a million and paid $3,000 fine for it.
Most people would start robbing banks.
And the issue here is, you look at Mexico destroyed by the drug war.
I don't like drugs.
I don't like the whole culture.
But my issue is...
The drug war cannot be won because, like prohibition with alcohol, that tripled the amount of alcohol, funded the mafia, corrupted the police.
My issue though is if we get rid of the drug war now, there's such a giant criminal network, what is it going to move on to?
Because we've seen that happen in Mexico.
I mean, we, it seems like, have set something in motion here.
And also American drug users have helped, that is going to collapse the country in the end.
What's your take on the whole state of the drug war and just how these banks are above the law?
Well, first, in some of the comments that you made there, yes, I think that one of the things that this country needs to do is to take a very serious look in the mirror and admit something that I refused to admit when I was a law enforcement officer.
I heard it all the time from a lot of Colombian traffickers, and their comment was, you know, we wouldn't be bringing this stuff here if you guys weren't, if your citizens weren't demanding it.
If there's no demand, there'll be no supply.
And that's the truth.
The other thing that you made mention of is, you know, we're not going to win the war on the supply side alone.
And there's no doubt in my mind that I concur with that.
We have Colombian cartels, and people begin to think that, well, the Colombian cartels got under control and now we've got this problem in Mexico.
That's not true.
The fact is that the cocaine that's fed to the Mexican cartels comes from the Colombian, Peruvian, and the Bolivian cartels.
The Colombian cartels being at the head of the list.
They have resources that are just unbelievable.
Coming out of the Buenaventura area, there's been documented in law enforcement reports roughly 60 some semi-submersible submarines.
We're good to go.
As any, we have the same kind of problem going on through the European routes where the nations of West Africa have been corrupted.
The leadership there to work with the cartels to take drugs up into the European area where that market is.
And the scary thing about all of that is well documented, something your listeners should look at.
Um, a case, last name Juma, J-O-U-M-A-A, so just Google Juma and Drug Trafficking, and you'll come up with a copy of an indictment and charts, clearly shows, and there's been several other cases before it that show the same thing, a very, very close working relationship between the Mexican cartels, the Colombian cartels, and Hezbollah.
This has become a funding mechanism for Hezbollah.
And they are going to be involved in it as long as it exists, because it's a very easy way for them to generate.
Sure, sure.
Robert Mazur is our guest, best-selling author, former DEA agent, 27 years, 5 years, infiltrating at the highest levels.
Briefly, as I know you've got to go in a minute, what do you make of Army soldiers being caught reportedly running hit teams on both sides of the border?
I mean, here's what I'm getting at.
You've got the NSA and the DEA, as you know, is tied into the NSA stuff that's come out.
They know if you're talking on the telephone about buying a bag of marijuana or whatever.
It gets picked up by the data snips.
So all this is happening and then meanwhile I've gone on like trips before with my TV crew where I'm taking like six people for a week somewhere.
And I'll go to the bank to get $5,000 in case our credit cards sometimes get turned off when we're out of the country or something for a security alert.
I need $5,000.
The bank acts like I'm some kind of criminal.
All this stuff's going on with Know Your Customer.
And they know what's going on, everything with me, but they don't know what's going on with $500 billion a year.
It's pure bull.
The big banks run the policy, they've set it up, we're there above the law, and so, as you have exposed, so what do we do about that?
Well, one of the things that really bothers me, and I'm not suggesting that somebody's lining their pockets here, but I am suggesting that there's a clear appearance of an apparent conflict of interest by the decisions that have been made of the Department of Justice with regard to how these big banks have had their hands slapped.
If you look at the two people principally involved in making this decision, in HSBC and in other similar cases, they are Lanny Brewer, who is the Chief of the Criminal Division,
And Eric Holder, his immediate boss, who's the Attorney General.
Now, both of those guys were partners together in a law firm called Covington & Burling before they came to the Department of Justice.
Covington & Burling, a law firm based in Washington, represents the who's who of banking.
I don't quite understand how or why we wouldn't have enough common sense
Because it's so difficult for our public now to have faith in our government.
We need to make sure we go out of our way not to be involved in anything that would even look like a conflict of interest yet.
They orchestrate these decisions, and PBS did a wonderful job.
Your listener should Google Untouchables.
It's a documentary that was done this year relative to the hands-off policy of our Department of Justice on the Wall Street banks, and they had Lanny Breuer on the hot seat.
Who was unable to logically answer a lot of their questions.
Shortly after that, he resigned this year.
But what about an impeachment of the head of the Justice Department for Fast and Furious?
The word is in Forbes and other places is the House is moving to impeach the Attorney General and I think clearly foreseeing that big banks, you know, are under different rules than the average person on the street.
I mean, if I was caught laundering
$100,000, I'd go to jail for probably a decade or something.
They're laundering billions and don't get in trouble?
I mean, what do you say about the Attorney General?
I know it's scary to stand up to somebody like that, but you have a lot of courage, Mr. Mazur.
I mean, should they have impeachment investigations just for protecting the banks alone?
Well, I think that there needs to be some hearings about why certain things happen.
I was just telling you about Lanny Breuer.
He resigned, but you know what he did?
According to a New York Times article, he went back to Covington and Burling, and now he gets a salary, according to the New York Times article, of roughly $4 million a year.
Now, if that had happened in Mexico, there would be people in this country that would be claiming that this was a clear sign of corruption.
I'm not saying, again, that it's corruption, but it's certainly very, very poor judgment about a
Oh come on, absolutely.
It's a revolving door, and then he'll be back in another administration.
It just goes on and on and on.
Look, I understand that the drug culture is degenerate, the whole thing's bad, and I made the point about if you get rid of the drug war, then it's going to spread to kidnapping and stuff now, but that's kind of damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Justice be done by the heavens fall.
I don't mean decriminalize hard drugs, but they're pushing prescription stuff just as bad or worse on kids.
What about a decriminalization?
Wouldn't that make all these drug cartels and banks, the fact that they're really drug dealers, rise up like a cold sore?
Well, I'd have a hard time supporting the idea of methamphetamine, crack cocaine, some of the hard drugs being legalized.
You know, we've got a conflict just on the cannabis issue that really needs to be resolved.
The Drug Enforcement Administration and the federal government, the Department of Justice says
That marijuana is a Schedule 1 drug, meaning that it is hallucinogenic, it's highly addictive, and it has no medical purpose.
Yet, there are 20 states, plus the District of Columbia, that have now adopted medical marijuana laws.
And there are three states that have adopted personal use of marijuana as being legal.
Do you support that?
Well, you know, I support this.
I mean, I'm not sure which side is right, but I can tell you this.
We can't talk out of both sides of our mouth and put our head in the sand like ostriches.
The federal government can't say it's illegal and the states say that it is legal.
Let's get it resolved.
If the majority of the people want it to be legal, then I guess, you know, that's something that we should seriously consider.
Here's my issue.
You decriminalize it just like alcohol.
It's easier to get crack cocaine on a Sunday here in Austin, Texas.
I see the crack dealers all over East Austin than it is for me to get a bottle of Jack Daniels.
And, I mean, that's all I'm saying is that you decriminalize, it takes a lot of the money out of it.
Listen, Robert Mazur, thank you so much for coming on.
I hope we can get you back on in the future and I intend on reading your book.
The-Infiltrator.com is where you can find it.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
All right.
Look, you know, that guy comes from the inside establishment, and he is a pretty big whistleblower over the years exposing corruption.
So he has courage.
I'm not knocking him, but come on.
I mean, you've got to decriminalize this stuff.
It's wrecked Mexico.
It's wrecking our country.
And I don't use any of the illegal drugs, okay?
Any of them.
I hardly even drink anymore because I don't want to lose weight.
It is just fantastical that it's easier for me to go buy a six-pack of beer on a Tuesday afternoon, but on a Sunday it's easier to go buy hard drugs if I wanted to because the liquor stores are closed.
There is so much money in this, it's only going to get worse.
And then you've got big pharma pushing stuff that the molecules are even worse, if you just look at them side by side, what they do to the brain, than the illegal stuff.
But it's really a mess.
And then meanwhile the government's trying to block us getting high quality supplements.
You know, I looked up a case the other day where the FDA told somebody they couldn't, I think it was Nestle, they couldn't sell bottled water and say it hydrates you.
I mean, they can have drugs on TV that'll kill you dead in a hammer and deadly flu shots, that's okay, but you can't say water hydrates you.
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Waging war on corruption.
Crashing the lies and disinformation.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, I am your host, Alex Jones.
Thank you so much for joining us.
We've got two guests coming up now.
I'd like to get to calls, but there's just been so much breaking news.
We've got two other guests joining us.
Larry Klayman is going to pop in for about 10 minutes to talk about moves to get impeachment of Obama, at least the Attorney General going.
He's coordinating that with WorldNetDaily and others.
Very exciting.
He's got to repudiate this.
And then James O'Keefe has dropped Megabomb Show.
Just like when they blew up politically.
That's the info war.
It's better to blow things up politically.
The globalists want to get a physical fight going because they don't have the moral high ground.
They want to try to win it like a thug would win it.
We're going to win it with the truth and justice.
He went into one of these acorn type groups.
The Navigator groups, and they just admitted amazing things.
That video is now out today.
It's up on Infowars.com.
PrisonBlinded.com is the top story still.
Make sure it's the top story still at DrudgeReport.com.
Up in the right-hand corner.
Yeah, there it is.
Video shock!
O'Keefe reveals Obamacare corruption.
The Navigators.
And they're in there saying, yeah, we lie to people.
I mean, it's amazing.
Last time he went into Acre and this is that kind of groups.
Yeah, I want to run child sex slaves.
All right.
Let's go to the next office.
Same deal.
It's so gangster, man.
And people nowadays think being thuggish and corrupt is like so sexy.
It's like all I want to be around is people that are good and do what they say.
You can turn your back on them.
It's the best feeling in the world.
But I'm just learning how many people are rat-like.
I finally have got a pretty good crew around me of great folks.
And we're getting better.
And I'm getting better too.
But I tell you, it is creepy.
It is absolutely creepy how rat-like people are.
And man, it's just, you see it and it's like, wow!
Because they don't know how to have a real economy, I guess.
Everybody just thinks if you get something, it's got to be hoodwinked out of somebody.
Very, very frustrating.
Some of the other news up on InfoWars.com.
Obviously, Clinton has come out and said, honor thy commitment, just to act like the Democrats don't like what's happening, you know, protect the criminal franchise, and like Obama did it.
See, first Sebelius fell on her sword, but stayed in office, and she'll get some $10 million a year job, you know, ripping everybody off.
And then Obama, they'll rehabilitate him later, like, do what you said!
See, they already caught
Already got caught lying, already got caught saying they didn't lie, so now it's... Listen here, you know, I'm the paragon of honor.
Never lying.
That's why they call me Pinocchio.
Yeah, I didn't have sex with that lady.
I didn't give missile secrets to the Communist Chinese either.
But I tell you, I do like... I do like specialty cigars, a special type.
And I am a little different than the Republicans.
I like to rape women.
I like to punch them in the face and bite them and break their noses and stuff.
I've settled lawsuits about that.
That's why all the feminists like me.
They like getting punched in the face and their noses getting broken.
I like to use a lot of cocaine.
You know what my brother said?
My brother said about me that I got a nose like a vacuum cleaner.
That's why I've had all these heart attacks and look like a zombie.
I'm a total drug addict, but I'm still a sex addict as well.
I'm so honorable.
I'm the first black president, Obama.
You're the second black president, and it's racist if you don't rip everybody off.
I mean, be nice to them.
I'm so trendy right now.
I love you.
Turn your guns in.
I care about the kids.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are now into the third and final hour of this worldwide transmission.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Of course, our big top story today, Homeland Security funds installation of white boxes that can track population of entire city, but the police in the video report said we're not doing it.
Well, we got the hundred plus page
Internal directive and the internal contract, not the synopsis of the contract.
And it is in our story at PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com.
And it goes over the whole thing.
Exclusive Snowden-level documents.
Reveals stealth DHS spy grid.
Police caught in lie.
We've probably had the police have been caught in a major lie.
NSA puts
Puts out a national system.
This is going on national, not just there.
To like grab all your data and steal it.
And this is just so big.
And it's illegal.
Totally illegal.
The police, ladies and gentlemen, you've heard about courts tracking them down, grabbing your cell phone and downloading the stuff without a warrant.
Now they don't care.
They just grab it all right there while you walk down the street, track your location.
Kill your cell phone if they want.
That's been programmed into all the new droids and into all the new Foxconn slave devices.
Trinity, I mean, loving Trinity mass suicide devices.
What are they called?
Al Gore's on the board, so it makes it okay.
If you're not for Chinese folks jumping off suicide nets and having forced abortions at the death camp, you are.
Racist against Al Gore.
So again, ladies and gentlemen, all hail Al Gore.
We already had Bill Clinton join us earlier.
Now I can do it, Al Gore.
It's a good deal, Larry.
Can't do it as good as I can do Clinton.
NAFTA and Gant are a good deal.
It's almost like a Thurston Howell voice, but it's Southerner.
It's like a Thurston.
I just, you know, what did the cat look?
It's like a, I mean, I mean, if you saw Al Gore at a bar sitting next to you, you'd think, you know, you know what you'd think.
I mean, you know, it's just, it's like you think hide your wallet immediately.
He would be the type that, well, you know, he'd go hang out with him and he'd stab me in the eye with an ice pick at the end of it, you know.
So, look, the whole point is, ladies and gentlemen, Al Gore is loving, and Al Gore cares about you, and I agree with all the Hollywood people we should pay his company
Gore and Blood, not Blood and Gore, it's actually called Gore and Blood.
His partner's name is Blood.
You should pay him billions a year to drive your car, have energy.
That proves you care about things and the polar bears that can't swim.
And I apologize that I don't want to pay a global tax while ignoring all the real environmental crises going on.
I agree we should pay all our money to Al Gore.
And we should pay all our money to Obama.
He's also in the climate exchange.
He doesn't get as big a cut as a big insider like Al Gore, but he does have the Chicago mercantile
Get a slathered, slathering slice, big juicy slice of the cake.
And again, if you're against Suicide Nets, if you're against all his scams, you are racist.
Okay, I need to stop thinking about Al Gore right now, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm just thinking about him and Lindsey Graham.
And what great leaders they are and how much I care about them.
I'm jealous that I, that I'm not like Al Gore, a giant, bloated, demonic con artist of total fraud who defiles the public and lives in giant mansions while he tells you you shouldn't be able to live in anything bigger than 200 square feet so you can pay him more money.
I love parasites.
I love frauds.
I love scam artists.
I love the NSA raping me of my privacy.
And I love the cancer viruses and the vaccines.
And I love the tyranny.
Now this was the...
ManBearPig cares about everybody.
And I'm trying to hold back the progress of this loving leader who cares about us and the children.
Now see, that's part of the Fairness Doctrine coming back.
From time to time, I will balance the previous things I've said, the Veritas, with the Volonitas.
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Alex Jones here, and I want to tell you about a longtime friend of the show, My Patriot Supply.
As you might remember, this is the company that stood up to the DHS and exposed FEMA's secret plan to begin hoarding emergency survival food.
It has always been my belief that it's key to stand behind companies who share the same values as their fellow Patriots.
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Alex Jones here with a very important announcement for truth seekers.
We've carried a lot of amazing films and books over the years on the online video bookstore at Infowars.com.
And out of all the titles we've carried, one stands out because it is just so chillingly convincing.
And that's Dreams from My Real Father by Joel Gilbert, available at Infowars.com.
This film exposes the fraud that Obama is like nothing I've seen.
If you want to know who Obama's real daddy is, this is the film for you.
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We're also carrying Behind the Green Mask.
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This book is coffin nails to the globalist takeover.
The Greater Good, the most professional and up-to-date film I've ever seen, exposing the scourge that is vaccines.
These titles and a lot more are all available at InfoWarshop.com.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are roaring into the third hour on this Tuesday, the 12th day of November 2013 transmission.
The head of the Veritas Project, or Project Veritas, whose site is crashed right now.
Will be joining us.
James O'Keefe will be coming on the transmission at the bottom of the hour.
And we have the video.
He destroyed the Obama Socialist Globalist Organization, ACORN, that was getting billions a year by going into multiple locations and showing them agreeing to help him run underage prostitution rings.
And how to abscond from the law with stuff that should be illegal.
And it should be very illegal.
Keep your hands off kids.
And he's been sued, attacked, but defeated at all.
Arrested by the feds, by the states.
He's going to be joining us.
Because this new video is the new Akron-type groups, the Navigator groups.
It's come out in New York.
Felony groups that have been caught taking money.
This is another group he went into.
Saying, oh we, you know, we basically lie to people.
You know, we lie to folks about Obamacare.
So that is coming up.
We're joined right now by Larry Klayman.
Of course, who helped get the move towards impeaching Clinton going.
And he heads up reclaimamericanow.net and Freedom Watch USA.
And he also writes for WorldNet Daily.
And he just continues to break huge stories constantly.
I wanted to get him on about, just for like 10-15 minutes, about any other big breaking stories he's working on.
Is the intel correct out of Forbes and Washington Times that it's imminent impeachment hearings of the Attorney General?
For lying about Fast and Furious and protecting the money laundering at the big banks.
I want to ask him about that.
His move to get impeachment of Obama going with a lot of top speakers.
We're going to get into that with him.
And then just talk about the whole state of the craziness that everything that he and I who were informed would talk about 15, 16, 17, 18 years ago is now just mainstream.
But there's the weird paradox of it's all out in the open now, but
The establishment doesn't get in trouble, so it's that weird point of they either go ahead and start getting in trouble or the fact that it's exposed is almost worse because then it sets the precedent for all the other criminals in government to say, hey, nobody's stopping us, let's go crazy.
So it's a real paradox we're in.
Larry Klayman, thanks for coming on with us.
Thank you, Alex.
It's my pleasure.
I said a lot there in that two-minute intro.
What do you want to tackle first?
Well, what I want to tackle is the state of where we are as a country.
And we can encapsulate it.
Basically, we're sinking faster than a rock.
We've come forward, this is what I said at the Veterans Memorial three weeks ago, you know, we've declined quicker in 237 years than it took Rome over 2000 to do.
And it's happened just in the last three administrations in particular, dealing particularly with Clinton and with Obama.
We're good to go.
In 2016, we have no leadership.
We can't reduce the budget deficit.
We have people overseas that are dying because the rules of engagement favor Muslim jihadists over our own people, and the Republicans watch and they see this guy Obama, who is, in my view, a Muslim, you know, furthering his own creed over there.
And, you know, it's out of control.
So, we need to rise up, and we want to do it peacefully and non-violently.
We have put together a coalition, first time in modern history that all these conservative and libertarian groups have come together.
We realize we have to, as Benjamin Franklin said, all hang together, or separately.
We're all hanged.
And we're going to be in front of the White House.
We got a permit, believe it or not.
I think they were scared of us and gave it to us.
They didn't want the controversy thought, giving it to us.
And we're going to be in front of the White House on the 19th of this month, November, beginning at 10 a.m.
We want everybody to come.
It's not discretionary.
It's mandatory.
If you love this country, come to Washington.
Look at our website.
We need your support in every respect.
And we need to rise up.
As Jefferson said, our great third American president, founding father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, primarily.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.
People fear the government.
There's tyranny.
Well said, Larry.
And again, you guys having this rally won't save the world.
This radio show today won't save the world.
But all of us resisting, speaking out, saying no, doing the right thing, taking care of our families, being honorable, that is what is going to save civilization.
And again, I was a giant critic of George W. Bush and was called a communist in the news because I didn't like what was going on.
I've got to say,
Bush never tried to ship General Motors to China, and even the worst neocons didn't do stuff.
I mean, with Obama, it is cloward and piven, wreck the country, socialize it, and I guess the establishment really is trying to use a communist model to take over.
I'm not saying they're communists, they're offshore crony capitalists, kleptocrats on record, but the Obama gang
Really fundamentally hates America, hates freedom, and you can see what they're doing.
I mean, my gosh, the new army training manuals, I've had top officers on about it, saying George Washington wouldn't be welcome in the military and don't be a Christian.
Or it's anti-terrorism law.
Don't give money to the Tea Party.
But they won't say Major Hassan was an extremist or was terrorism.
I mean, even I, Larry, cannot believe how evil Obama and his supporters are.
No, truly.
I mean, we've got a tyrant in the White House.
We're going to be reading a kind of a declaration of independence at Reclaim America on November 19th.
Because if you read the Declaration of Independence, it's exactly identical to the situation we have today.
And, you know, we've put a few new things in there in terms of what we're demanding.
And we want his resignation, and we want Boehner's resignation, and we want McConnell's resignation.
We want them to go.
And we have to begin the process of showing the American people that we have our own fate in our own hands.
And we have to rise up.
And this is not just the beginning.
It's not the end.
And we will succeed in the end.
But we need to show force.
And, of course, it'll be televised, I'm sure, all over the place.
I invite you, Alex, to come, too, if you can, and speak.
I would love to have you.
Oh, wow!
If you will do that, and get some of your other radio talk show hosts to come as well.
You're fantastic.
We need people like you, because you say it as it is.
You don't mince words.
We don't have time to shade it right now.
And the Republican Party are the enablers of Obama, because they just roll over.
We've invited a number of people to this event.
Tea Party Republicans.
No one's coming.
You know why?
You know why?
Because no one wants to stick their neck out.
They just want to go on Fox News and pontificate and beat their chest.
When it comes down to being down there with the people, they're nowhere
Well, that's because they're intimidated by all the IRS stuff and the persecution.
That's the reason we've all got to stand together or hang separate.
You give in to the tyrant, they win.
You go past the fear, they fall.
And again, there are moves in Congress, and I want to get your take on that, to start impeaching Holder.
That could lead to Obama.
When it comes out, he gave the orders on the persecution of Tea Party, pro-life, you name it.
But this is how big, big things happen at small beginnings.
And the attitude is impeach Obama.
I mean, if we try to impeach Clinton over lying, which we should have for a lot of other reasons, we've got to go after Obama, or it sets a precedent to do anything in the future.
You know, Obama's committed umpteen scandals.
He makes Clinton look like a boy scout, okay?
But, this Obamacare thing, lying to the American people about that, out of there.
But you're never going to impeach him, you see, and that's why the American people need to rise up.
And I don't mean this in a racist sense.
Not at all.
You can't impeach a white guy.
How are you going to impeach a black guy?
It's not going to happen.
So we have to rise up.
And we have to show force here.
I understand.
So you're saying we want him to resign, then, is what you're going for?
We're going for resignation.
And look, it happened to Nixon.
He had to leave town.
And, you know, Nixon is a superhero compared to this guy.
My God, he wasn't a traitor.
George W. Bush wasn't a traitor.
This guy's a traitor.
He's anti-American.
I mean, we gotta call it what it is.
He's ready to sell Israel out.
The French had to step in to stop that with Iran.
You know, thank God for the Socialist Party in France, which has a foreign minister who happens to be Jewish, Laurent Fabius.
Otherwise, we'd have a deal with Iran that allows them to have nuclear weapons within a month.
And Obama wants to rubber stamp that?
He's anti-Christian.
He's anti-Semitic.
He doesn't care for anybody except to butter the bread.
Well, there is no doubt funding Al-Qaeda in Syria and the media covering up the mass slaughter of Christians.
I mean, that is unprecedented.
weapons and training to kill Christians.
Why would they want to put Al-Qaeda in charge of Syria?
Yeah, who knows what's in their mind.
I do believe this in my heart.
I didn't believe it at first.
You know, when Obama was elected, I was hopeful.
I was proud.
That the country could elect an African-American president.
There are people speaking at our event who are African-Americans.
They're my close colleagues and friends.
I have great admiration for them.
Which, Alan Keyes was president of the United States, for instance.
But Obama, he's someone who I believe in his heart.
And of course, under Sharia law, he is Muslim.
His father was Muslim.
He identifies with that.
Whether he practices that formally or not.
And he's done everything he can.
...to further Muslim interest throughout the world and to harm Israel.
Well, I think the issue is to help radical Islamic groups and attack moderate regimes.
So it's just unbelievable.
And you look at it, it's like whatever the worst possession is, whatever the most destabilizing position is, Obama's controllers like it.
And it's a very, very dangerous strategy they're involved in.
And Larry, I'll definitely have some camera people there.
Who knows, I might come to the rally because we do need Obama.
We'd be honored, Alex.
You'd be great.
Well, let me give folks the website.
It's reclaimamericanow.net.
And tell folks again when it is.
November 19th, beginning at 10 a.m., right across from the White House, right in the belly of the beast.
Right there.
And if Mr. O is there, he's going to hear what we have to say.
If not, he'll see it on TV.
All right, good job.
We'll get updates on it.
And maybe...
Now, dive back.
All right.
Thank you very much, Larry Klaman.
We'll be back with more news.
And then we've got the Veritas... My friends, Alex Jones here to tell you about some of the most important information concerning you and your family's health.
Radiation levels have more than doubled in the last 60 years in the Northern Hemisphere from all of the nuclear testing and radiological accidents.
Radioactive contamination is now in most of the food supply.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
By the way, I know it's next Friday, so it's about nine days away or so.
Ten days away.
But I will be up in Dallas next Thursday, Friday, and Saturday for the 50th anniversary of the murder of John F. Kennedy.
And I wasn't even going to go for the 50th anniversary.
I grew up in Dallas.
I've been to Dealey Plaza.
Hundreds of times driving by when I was a kid.
20, 30 times at events.
I mean, we've already won the war on that.
People know the government killed Kennedy.
The shadow government did.
And they try to prop the lie up.
I mean, it's a joke.
It's like a guy standing in a dam that's collapsed and he's got one brick in his hand.
Like he's holding the dam up and it's all just shooting past him.
But I am going up there because it's a First Amendment issue.
About a year ago, I pledged to go up there.
When they put out the local paper that for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and Friday's the 22nd, the anniversary, that no one is allowed into the huge Dealey Plaza Park complex overpass area, that only the school book museum that pushes the official story that a lone Easter Bunny killed John F. Kennedy with magic bullets that it was firing out of its, out of its, well, you know what Easter Bunnies do.
That ridiculous story, they have, it's like a hop, you know, where the jelly beans come from.
That's where the bullets came from.
The point is, is it's, okay a leprechaun did it.
It's totally made up, it's a fairy tale.
They said no one's allowed to be in there except people that agree with the official story and if you buy a ticket, which they selectively
gave to people.
So it's going to be our enemies, basically.
People there knowingly pushing the fraud, knowingly pushing the lie, a long line of Hollywood scum, traitors, operatives, you name it.
So, I'm calling on everyone, if you believe in the First Amendment, to be there Thursday, Friday, and Saturday if you can, but regardless, Friday, we'll put out an article in the next few days with their itinerary, their days, and we're going to do stuff like
And we'll announce it via InfoWars.com that day, probably Thursday night and then Friday again.
I'll be at the corner of X and Z, and we haven't picked it yet, and I'll be there handing out big signs, sandwich boards, thousands of page print-offs with basic JFK facts.
I will be there, you'll meet me, and we will hand out to Activist Info so you can just walk around with these signs exposing what's going on.
And believe me, it will absolutely freak out the system.
It will freak them out big time.
So we're going to use the fact that they're trying to violate the First Amendment in my hometown to do this.
And in my experience, the Dallas police, they all know Kennedy was killed by the government.
They know because they were involved in it.
They're not stupid.
I know Dallas Police by the way.
I had a family that was connected to Dallas Police growing up hearing that they killed Kennedy.
They all knew about it.
Not that they killed Kennedy, but that the police knew about it.
So by knowing about it, doing nothing, they became accessories.
I mean, it's just well known.
It's like a joke in Dallas, folks.
I've been on airplanes with like
Famous people, but off-record.
It wasn't even off-record, but it's so creepy.
They told me this stuff.
They're just like, yeah, grew up on the ranch.
They trained to kill him.
And I'm sitting there talking to, like, famous people's lawyers.
It's just like, I mean, living here, it is a complete joke.
It was like I told New York Magazine.
I decided to talk to them yesterday.
They were making jokes about me thinking the government killed Kennedy.
Because if they laugh at me, that means they're intellectual.
And I told the guy, I said, listen,
I had family that grew up in Dallas and dated one of LBJ's known hitmen.
I mean, this is the kind of stuff, I have grown up around this, and it's just so incredibly frustrating to sit here.
I mean, I've got friends that are related directly to the LBJ family, you name it.
I mean, it's just, it's a well, I've got family in Dallas and Austin.
Can you put two and two together, ladies and gentlemen?
And it is not a big secret around here, but it's not a secret to you.
90 plus percent know exactly what is going on.
And we're going to be there.
And I'm calling on thousands of people.
Come to Dallas.
They got great museums.
They got great aquariums.
I mean, that's what I do.
I may even bring my wife and kids.
The more I think about it.
Bring them up.
Maybe we'll go up Wednesday night, Thursday.
I don't know.
And then they can go, you know, to the King Tut exhibit or whatever they've got.
And they can go do this or that.
And I can go out and protest a few hours each day and do my live broadcast up there.
We'll do some special broadcast Saturday from the hotel room.
It'll just be PrisonPlanet.tv, nightly news only.
We'll do some special event for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
But it's just really important to let them know that, oh, you don't want us here?
Well, we're coming.
You see, because they're scared of the truth, and they should be.
Also, peaceful demonstrations up there.
We protest the Fed all the time up there.
And, uh, you know, my back's sore from the cops patting me on it so much.
So, Dallas police are pretty good overall.
So it's gonna be a good event.
We'll see you up there.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
My friends, Alex Jones here to tell you about some of the most important information concerning you and your family's health.
Radiation levels have more than doubled in the last 60 years in the Northern Hemisphere from all of the nuclear testing and radiological accidents.
Radioactive contamination is now in most of the food supply.
There's only two ways to avoid this.
Move south of the equator or properly protect your thyroid with nascent iodine.
Looking to protect my family, I've done deep research.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Well, my friends, you saw the horror of Akron.
Armies getting millions of dollars of taxpayer money to siphon it and launder it back into the Communist Party USA aka Democratic Party.
That is the takeover.
The gutter-level communist and socialist ally with the foreign offshore banks into the U.S.
Treasury using our military for global domination while bankrupting the nation.
And we are joined with major breaking news, one of the top stories right now on national television, like Fox News, thanks to DrudgeReport.com putting it out, and it's crashed their site.
The Project Veritas site is ProjectVeritas.com, and James O'Keefe, its founder and head, joins us.
But you can still go to InfoWars.com where we have the YouTube video posted.
It's also on the National Review.
And I have to brag, it was Kit Daniels months ago that first pointed out that these so-called navigator groups that are being pre-enrolled, many of them are known Aker and Splinter groups, and it's come out in New York newspapers.
I think?
But again, it just reconstituted itself, and there were many other groups like it.
That's what community organizing is, is basically just groups that hold on to the government funds and want to keep the locals impoverished because that's their business.
I mean, that's how they operate.
And he went in and said, I've got underage sex slaves I want to run in America.
Please help me.
And they said, oh, we're here to help you.
And so this is just an example of the type of stuff that the Veritas Project or projectveritas.com engages in and I won't go over his whole bio because most of you know who he is but you've got to clearly say that if there is a bright center to libertarian constitutional common sense
Really non-partisan, real investigative, muckraking journalism.
That's why we sell his book at infowarestore.com.
It's James O'Keefe and the Project Veritas and the work that they engage in.
In fact, there are several different sites.
I have one here, projectveritas.com, and then right here I have projectveritas.org, but we'll ask him the best sites for people to visit, and we'll also talk about his book some, but wow!
Just, just, just, just...
Looking at the work they've done is simply amazing.
So, James O'Keefe, thank you so much for coming on with us today.
Most people know who you are, but, I mean, recap this.
Am I wrong in saying this is like Acorn Part 2?
Yeah, that's exactly right, Alex.
A lot of these groups are local community groups which get federal money.
They receive a total of $67 million across the country, nationwide.
And in fact, some of the money is going right to a group run by Acorn's highly controversial founder, a guy by the name of Wade Rathke.
United Labor Unions and Southern University Networks in Texas.
So we went to Texas and we... Why did we go to Texas?
Because they have the largest number of people uninsured, so they're doing a lot of enrolling into Obamacare.
And we got these recipients, like in this case United Way,
Receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in money just for these two offices we exposed, telling us to deceive the IRS, lie to the federal government, lie about our income, and, you know, I guess it's just unbelievable what these people are saying when no one's looking.
Now, break down the latest thing that just broke today, what you were dealing with, the group that it is particularly, what Obama navigators are.
I guess Satan navigates us to hell, they navigate us to cloward and piven collapse.
Tell us what navigators are.
Navigators, according to the Department of Health and Human Services, will, quote, serve as in-person resource for Americans who want additional assistance in shopping for and enrolling in Obamacare exchanges, unquote.
So the president was in Texas a couple days ago, and he said that if you can't get into the website, which nobody can, then you're going to go in person and talk to these so-called navigators.
And they dish out
I think?
And said that we had an all-cash business, and that we were smokers, and they basically told us to lie, lie, lie, lie through our teeth, lie to the IRS, lie to the federal government, and forge information on our forms to get more Obamacare subsidies.
Because if you make less money, you get more subsidies.
So they're telling us to lie about our income so that we get more government benefits.
And this is the same story over and over again.
The illegals in Austin, Texas, Atlanta, Georgia, one house can get $89 million of fake tax refunds and no one gets in trouble because obviously there's organized criminal groups
In the democratic structure especially that are literally running mafia takeovers.
Billions of dollars in fake tax refunds and no one gets stopped and they even tell employers now enroll all your employees on food stamps on top of it.
So this really is a plan to bankrupt the country.
Yeah, I mean, in terms of the non-citizens, what we think that they're going to do, based on our research in Texas, is they're going to wait for amnesty to pass, and at that point in time, everybody will be signing up for Obamacare.
But, you know, you can commit perjury.
You know, you can say that you are a citizen when you're not.
And that's how people get registered to vote.
Well, you know, we actually have them on tape in this video that we released today.
We have them on tape telling people lie in Texas.
There's actually a statute that prohibits
There's a statute that prohibits perjury and other falsifications.
So these employees, these federally funded employees that we released today could very well face a criminal indictment under Chapter 37.
Well, I mean, look, look, everybody knows there's federal and state statutes on lying in documents for financial aid.
I mean, there's a whole bunch of laws it violates.
The federal law, but even the state law, I mean the perjury, it says remarkably, it says people think they're right-wing extremists.
No, there's nothing right-wing about this.
In fact, I mean, they're defrauding the federal government.
They're defrauding the Health and Human Services because people that need the benefits can't get them.
But, you know, I make $60,000 or $70,000 a year and they're telling me, lie about your income, say you make $15,000 a year.
It's basically Medicaid and Medicare fraud.
And by the way, for those that don't know, I want you to continue, we're going to play a clip here in a moment of this new video you released today that's in actual headlines, and we're very thankful you're here with us.
James O'Keefe joins us, projectveritas.com.
But for folks that don't know, we're already bankrupt at current expenditures.
If they bring in 30 more million illegals, if they keep having everybody be three or four welfare checks, we will go bankrupt.
So let me ask you this question before we play the clip.
What do you think the plan is?
Because Obama's double the debt, Obama... I mean, they really are trying to wreck the country.
Do you agree with that?
Based on our video in Texas, it looks like not only is the money being wasted, but the video shows that the Enroll America people, the Obamacare people, are working with political action committees to turn
They're turning Texas into a battleground state.
They're turning it into a Democratic-run state by using the data they get from enrolling people for health care.
That's illegal, that's immoral, that's wrong on so many levels.
You can't implement a federal program and then use that to change the politics of the state, but that's exactly what they say they're doing, and it's in the video.
By the way, the whole video is up on Infowars.com and DrugsReport.com right now.
Your site, unfortunately, is down.
But expanding on that, my dad, for some reason,
Got on a Democratic Party mailing list.
He's also on the Republican Party mailing list.
He's more of a Libertarian, but he gives to Republican, you know, Libertarian candidates.
But somehow he got on a Democratic list because the company he worked for had given some money to a candidate years ago.
And he was showing me this letter before he left town.
When he gets back from town in a week, I'm going to try to get him on the show if he'll do it.
And the letter said, come to our emergency training meeting.
We're going to turn Texas blue.
And we're going to use Obamacare to do it.
This is our time forward, which is a socialist slogan.
So yeah, the head of the Democratic Party, as you know, yesterday said on CNN, we're going to use that they're not getting it as the reason to keep supporting us.
So yes, they're making their move and they will bring in enough foreigners and people in Texas to literally come take my guns.
I mean, this is a group of pirates.
So what's your take on that?
Well, I think that, you know, it's illegal for a 501c3 group in rural America to give data to a political action committee.
So what my take is, is that what we're going to do is we're going to expose it.
We're going to catch it on tape.
We've already got this first video here and we're going to move on to the next.
We're good to go.
Well for those that don't know,
This is just so fundamental what's happening.
Obama promised to create a national security force just as big and just as strong as our military.
That's what he's doing with the Chicago Urban Organizer model.
They cut off the resources, cut off the jobs, put everybody on welfare, and then to get the welfare you've got to become a political action person, a literal political mercenary.
Let's play part of this exclusive breaking video.
Here it is.
Obamacare Navigators that receive millions of dollars of federal taxpayer money telling applicants to lie about their health status.
Lie, because your premiums will be higher.
Obamacare Navigators advising applicants that they always lie.
Don't tell him.
Yeah, but don't tell him.
I always tell a lie, old man.
Obamacare Navigators counseling applicants how to defraud the federal government.
Making money on a cash basis.
Don't get yourself in trouble by declaring it now.
Yeah, it didn't happen.
It was different with that other, just act as if that didn't happen.
Never report that.
Days after President Obama thanked navigators in Dallas for signing people up on the new government-run healthcare exchange... If people can't get through the website, people can apply in person if they've got committed folks
We're out there helping people to sign up.
Lie, because your pringles will be high.
Project Veritas heads to Texas to expose Obamacare navigator fraud.
I want to turn Texas into a battleground state.
Turn Texas blue.
There are few navigators here in town.
I haven't been able to get anybody locked out.
Project Veritas in Texas.
What's up, Mom?
I've got my hat.
We are Enroll America.
We are a 501c3 non-profit, non-partisan organization.
What Enroll America does is it goes, we're running a campaign called Get Covered America.
We are right now in 11 states.
Obviously with Texas being the biggest because we have the most
Alright folks, it's powerful already, but we don't have time to get to the real meat of it.
It's up on DrugsReport.com, InfoWars.com.
I'd tell you to go to Project Veritas.
But their site is down from massive traffic right now.
It's important to get this video and get it out everywhere, because they will try to take it down.
They will try to block it, but it's important to get the full video out there.
And of course, Mr. O'Keefe doesn't go where the hell he's gone through, being sued, arrested, but always defeating it later for telling the truth.
He literally is walking point for everybody.
But here's the issue.
Notice, and I said this, I said the system will not work.
I said you watch because the bill doesn't give you free health care, doesn't do all this.
And then of course that's the plan then, send you to the community organizers.
So Alex, on the rest of the video there's a
A video, a clip of these two offices, National Urban League, which get $400,000 in federal taxpayer money to sign people up for Obamacare in Texas, counseling our reporter who says he's a smoker.
He says, just lie so that your premiums can be lower.
That's a crime.
You can't lie about
Your health status
That's right.
And Texans had better stop taking it for granted that we're safe and we're going to keep our guns and stuff.
They have announced this is their target.
They will break Texas.
Go ahead.
What we're going to be looking at in part two, and navigator fraud is bad, these are the troops, these are the ground troops, if you will, the people who sign people up, so it's very important we expose all these navigators, which we will do.
But even more important than that is the leadership of Enroll America, and they have a project called Get Covered America, which is a project of Enroll America.
This organization is getting data
Your medical data, your names, your telephone numbers, maybe even your social security numbers.
And they're using that to get out the vote.
They're using that for political purposes, which is a violation of your privacy.
And it's against the law.
And that's what we're going to be doing in the coming days.
We're going to be releasing that tape.
And you just released this.
I would imagine you're getting silence from the state-run media.
But what media is picking this up?
Right now it's on the top of Drudge Report, which is very helpful.
They can try to censor me on state-sponsored media all they want, but it's viral on Facebook.
It's got 20,000 shares on Facebook.
It's going insanely viral.
Local media is on fire.
The Dallas newspaper is reporting on it.
Both U.S.
Senators in Texas are commenting on it.
The Attorney General's office in Texas is going to be issuing a statement shortly, according to one source.
So, they can try to censor me, which they've done for my whole life, but the fact of the matter is, once you get these government officials commenting, and the workers may have to resign, there might be a criminal indictment, as soon as that comes to pass, then we'll start releasing the next tape, and that's really how we infiltrate the mainstream media.
Well said.
Come back with one more segment.
James O'Keefe, ladies and gentlemen, he of course is the founder and the head director of ProjectVeritas.com.
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Alright, final segment with James O'Keefe and the transmission's over.
We're gonna have more on this tonight on the Nightly News, 7 o'clock central for viewers of InfoWarsNews.com.
We're gonna get a few final comments from James here in a moment and play a clip where they say it's our goal as a 501c3 to turn the state.
Whereas they go out and tell pro-lifers they can't even be Christian if they're 501c3.
I mean, this is amazing, but here's some of the other articles on Infowars.com right now.
Exclusive Snowden-level documents reveal stealth DHS spy grid tracking everything you do in real time.
And we have the whole PDF, all of it, has now been added to the story on Infowars.com.
Then continuing, this is linked on DrudgeReport.com, DHS funds installation of white boxes that can track population of entire city.
Former NSA head argues that the government's secrecy is the same as personal privacy.
Just outrageous what's going on.
It's a revolution of people in government allied with select corporations to just lawlessly take over.
It's like when your employees think they're the boss in Mutiny or something.
That's what tyranny is.
James O'Keefe, who heads up the Veritas Project, or Project Veritas, I always flip it around backwards, Project Truth, is with us, and I want to play this final clip and get your take on it.
This, again, is the Democrats masquerading as Obama enrollees, saying their goal is to turn the state into a Democratic stronghold.
All the better to then milk it, of course.
Here you go.
And their purpose, in simple terms, is to turn Texas blue.
So we're a grassroots organization dedicated to turning Texas blue.
Turning Texas into a battleground state.
If we can change that, we can change the course of elections.
Pretty drastically.
Battleground Texas has a long-term strategy.
They're not just going to play until 2014.
They go home.
This thing is a long-term process.
I mean, this is years coming.
Yep, it's a military operation and they are in charge and they say on MSNBC, your kids belong to them.
This is how they build an empire.
They don't build widgets or farms or jobs.
They run your life.
And they will run it.
And they're the slave masters of old, reborn as the loving trendies.
And the Republican Party is run by some of the same people, so they won't oppose it at the national level.
James O'Keefe, any other points you want to make about
What we're dealing with here, and I bet you're bracing for the repercussions.
These folks never sit back when you expose what they do secretly.
Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out if it's Kathleen Sebelius who's involved in our website being forbidden, 403, or if it's the NSA, or if it's the traffic.
In terms of repercussions, this is not my first rodeo, Alex.
Subpoenaed half a dozen times.
I've been sued.
I've been incarcerated for a crime I didn't commit.
And at this point in time, what we're looking for is we're looking for a breakthrough into the mainstream media.
And the way we think we can do that is by just continuing to release these tapes one by one.
And I think we might actually get the attention of the White House on this one.
I think if we keep releasing these Navigators,
And they launch criminal investigations into them.
Texas is not as bad as New York or California in terms of the repercussions towards me because Texas is a one-party consent state.
Sure, but what they do is they collapse California and New York and then send their vanguard as vampires to suck us dry.
So we commend what you've done.
They're going to flee the cities they already sucked dry and the states they already sucked dry.
But yes, we hope they don't try to set you up again.
But again, your book, we sell it at Infowarsstore.com.
It's breakthrough.
It's a riveting story of all your exploits, but also a roadmap, a manifesto, a battle plan for other citizen journalists to absolutely... I mean, I tell my journalists, look at this.
This is the model of investigative journalism.
Go ahead, final comments.
Yeah, Alex, I think you're right.
I think, you know, to be, as I said on last time I was on your show, you know, to be a journalist these days, you've got to go out into the wilderness.
You have to be independent.
You have to, you can't, you can't do it if you're part of the establishment.
So I encourage others to do the same.
Well, God bless you.
We want to get updates, obviously, this week and next week from you, James O'Keefe.
Godspeed, my friend.
Thank you so much.
All right, there goes James O'Keefe.
And, of course, he heads up Project Veritas.
And their site is down right now, probably because of mega traffic.
But they have tried to block these videos before.
Get them out to everybody.
This is an info war.
This is a fight going on.
This is real.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Realize what we're all doing to bring you this information.
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This is it.
Nightly News Tonight at 7.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I'm doing a little bit of overdrive here, and then we're going to get into the hyperventilating and histrionics and retransmission from the first hour today.
Because this story that broke, and it's going viral but not like it should.
I don't know if the headline's right.
It's exclusive Snowden-level documents reveal stealth DHS spy grid.
I mean, it's probably, uh, feds...
Police caught, you know, caught illegally spying on all cell phone users.
Or it's like, you know, NSA bombshell.
Feds installing systems that steal all your data.
I mean, I don't even know how to... It's like Google cars got caught driving around worldwide stealing people's data.
And they got fined in a few countries, didn't even get in trouble here.
I mean, it's just so massive.
I mean, huge new NSA scandal.
Feds pay for a system to steal all personal data, track every movement of people in Seattle.
I mean, I don't know what you'd call it.
Police, you know, caught lying.
I mean, the mystery of white boxes solved.
They tell the local media, oh, those are just police communication systems, which it doubles as.
And it grabs everything you're doing and tracks you and integrates it.
I mean, there it is.
Prisonplanet.com is the mirror.
Has all that up.
Drudge is linked to the other very important article dealing with the DHS funds installation of white boxes that can track population of the entire city because it's admitted that they can do it.
We got the documents where they're doing it.
I mean, that is big.
And it just makes me so angry.
I think I start literally having like a mini anxiety attack and I'm having trouble breathing.
It just gets me so upset.
And then it's all just coming out like it's no big deal.
It's all just, oh yeah, they got caught lying, just like they do on everything.
And it's the police, and the feds above them, and everything.
Because they hire a bunch of yes-men who are on need-to-know basis, and as you get higher level, then you learn all this stuff that's going on.
I mean, I'd tell people five years ago, ten years ago, about, more than that, fifteen years ago, but still five years ago, I'd tell people about license plate readers.
Oh, there's no way they can read all our license plates and track us and all that now that they admit they are.
They're not stopping criminals with it on average, folks.
It's all meant to create a database.
You've got boxes in your car that track you and now they're announcing they're going to tax you with it.
I mean, it's hellish and they're not going to give us a break.
They're going to bring in all these poor people from third world countries, give them free welfare, bankrupt the country, and they're going to vote to literally
Literally have national drafts to be in the new imperial global army to take out other countries.
We're going to be a fascist hellhole with a bunch of socialists dancing around on our graves politically, just smacking their lips on power trips, a bunch of scheming.
See, they don't scheme to build a better mousetrap or to be successful or be honorable.
They scheme to just, in big masses of like, rodents, literally just infest everything.
God help us.
God help us.
God help us.
God help us.
God help us.
God help us.
God help us.
God help us.
It just makes me so sick.
All I can say is pray for Infowars.com, pray for Project Veritas, pray for the other real media outlets that are telling the truth, and realize socialism is slavery, and it's a hellhole, and it takes from somebody to give to somebody else.
If you're going to have social safety nets, it needs to be locally run, and it still becomes a tyranny.
And they use good people's goodwill to create this slavery.
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Nightly News Tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
It's going to be important.
My friends, Alex Jones here to tell you about some of the most important information concerning you and your family's health.
Radiation levels have more than doubled in the last 60 years in the Northern Hemisphere from all of the nuclear testing and radiological accidents.
Radioactive contaminants