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Name: 20131108_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 8, 2013
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this Friday worldwide edition of The Transmission.
I am your host Alex Jones and we are going to be here for the next three hours and I am going to open the phones up and take your phone calls throughout the next few hours.
In the third hour, Michael Maloof, who's got a lot of
Major connections to public brigadier and major generals who are going public about the purging of the military.
He's going to be joining us for about 30 minutes in the start of the third hour today.
Obviously, I don't have to tell you how important
That intel is, and we're going to be adding our research and source info to his info to try to brainstorm exactly what we're facing here.
You know, the times have gotten so serious and so insane that I'm actually calm right now.
That's how freaked out I am.
Beyond even being angry.
And I just have this deep feeling of not wanting this disaster to get any worse.
I don't hate any of the government bureaucrats.
I don't hate any of the police.
I don't hate any of the general public.
I do not like the globalists who are consciously manipulating all of us.
And if we would just learn how they manipulate us and become aware of the technologies of tyranny, then we could move towards a freer society.
It's simple.
Either your society is based on liberty and innovation and honor and truthfulness and insanity,
Or it's based on manipulation and gangs and corruption and fraud and betrayal.
And I just really, this morning, it hit me like a ton of bricks that that is what's going on here.
It hit me like a ton of bricks that
That we're seeing insanity in government, insanity in the media, insanity in corporations, insanity in individuals.
And most people are just freaked out and upset and don't know how to survive.
It's like the public is sinking into a sea.
And I have just gone out and read the Globalist, their own statements.
Their criminal arrogance.
It's the Criminology 101 that criminals love to brag.
It is their criminality and their arrogance that is going to end up bringing them down and maybe all of us.
But Criminology 101 is that criminals love to brag.
And they brag about their exploits in our face.
That's how we know exactly what they're doing.
And that's what, really the root of my frustration is that I live with this, I know it's real, I know I'm right.
I wish I wasn't right.
And it's like living in a Twilight Zone episode and I just, I just want people to do well, I just want to have justice, I want to be happy, I want to be able to believe in institutions, but it's buying into the fraud that has enabled it to get so bad.
I think really in the final equation, I could almost not even speak about 30 seconds ago because it hit me, understanding, on top of understanding, that we have to repent.
And even if we don't believe in God, the social engineers get God out of the equation, or a higher power out of the equation, so that they can be the higher power.
And they're madmen who are control freaks and are not the God we need to be worshipping.
That's the thing, like Bob Dylan says, you're going to serve somebody.
The God of corruption and fraud is not the God I want to follow.
I can make that summation, and I really want to say to everybody, I don't think you want to follow the God of fraud, the God of betrayal, the God of lies.
I want to follow the God of life and justice and honor and strength and purity and blessings.
We'll be right back.
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Alex Jones here, and I want to tell you about a longtime friend of the show, My Patriot Supply.
As you might remember, this is the company that stood up to the DHS and exposed FEMA's secret plan to begin hoarding emergency survival food.
It has always been my belief that it's key to stand behind companies who share the same values as their fellow Patriots.
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It is essential to prepare with My Patriot Supply today.
Alex Jones here with a very important announcement for truth seekers.
We've carried a lot of amazing films and books over the years on the online video bookstore at Infowars.com.
And out of all the titles we've carried, one stands out because it is just so chillingly convincing.
And that's Dreams from My Real Father by Joel Gilbert, available at Infowars.com.
This film exposes the fraud that Obama is like nothing I've seen.
If you want to know who Obama's real daddy is, this is the film for you.
Don't forget, your purchase supports our broadcast and our growing media network.
You'll also find it at infowarshop.com.
Don't dare call a conspiracy by Gary Allen, the book that woke me up.
We're also carrying Behind the Green Mask, UN Agenda 21, by Rosa Corey.
This book is coffin nails to the globalist takeover.
The Greater Good, the most professional and up-to-date film I've ever seen, exposing the scourge that is vaccines.
These titles and a lot more are all available at InfoWarshot.com.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
My friends, you've got front row seats to the 21st century.
You've got front row seats to a time of unparalleled change in the species and our history on this planet.
I immerse myself in news analysis and how the world really works, not how we want it to work.
And the prognosis for this country and this world is designed, controlled collapse into a
Amalgamation between post-industrial systems with high-tech reservations with global diplomatic immunity above the law.
Breakaway civilization.
And that is what we face.
It's Elysium right here on the planet.
Here's off-the-grid news.
Walmart, Safeway, others unplugging from unreliable power grid, creating their own power stations and power systems.
This has always been the model.
This has always been the plan.
And then meanwhile, they bring in systems.
And regulations to try to stop the general public from actually being off the grid, but part of a larger control grid where they can tax you and control you and do whatever they want, because there is no lobby for the individual if the individual will not stand up and resist oppression and tyranny everywhere they see it.
It's real simple.
You either act like a free person and behave like a free person to be a free person, or you act like a subservient, compliant, cowardly, decadent slave, and you will be a cowardly, dumbed-down, decadent, impoverished slave.
Here's another one out of the Wall Street Journal.
Companies unplugged from the electric grid, delivering a jolt to utilities.
So this is the model of the reservation, uh, corporate reservation.
That Glenn Beck shows what a visionary he is understanding this.
And I mean that in a serious way.
When he says he wants to build a liberty city, uh, and, and, you know, whether that would turn into a
Sinkhole or not, it's a, whatever becomes of it, it's a bold idea because that's fashioning itself off of what the elite is doing.
And they're going back to the city-state.
See, globalism is ten regions, three mega-regions.
The sub-country is destroyed and brought into larger mega-regions of impoverishment.
This is the official plan.
Within mega-cities that are controlled
But are allowed to be industrialized, and then just large swaths that are de-industrialized and post-industrial, and then very small, super high-tech, high-security reservations for the elite.
And Austin, Texas has been chosen.
I don't know.
Well, they're going to have different power rates depending on what area you live in.
The government district, I don't mean the capital, I mean certain neighborhoods and the capital as well are exempt from power outages and exempt from rate increases and things like that.
I mean, this is an absolute screw job of screw jobs.
And I've got all this news in front of me here today.
It's just unbelievable to really watch this happen.
And we know exactly how it's going to roll out, how it's going to unfold.
The FAA has announced that they're authorizing the launch of 7,000 plus drones of 30,000 that are going to be launched by
2020, but they're now authorizing and preparing and have the federal filings for 7,500 drones.
Now, you have to remember, this is in the Washington Times today, you have to remember that just last year, the Associated Press and a bunch of other publications came out and said this does not exist.
You understand that?
And of course they attacked us and said that we were liars.
Said that we were making it all up.
And you see, that's really painful because that means with all their NSA spying and their psychological algorithm,
Profiles of the general public.
They think they can launch drones publicly.
And then separately say that we're lying about it.
And almost use us like a simulated adversary.
Because they're admitting everywhere they're doing it in local papers, but selling it like it's a good idea.
I come out and say it's a bad idea.
And that it's the military industrial complex taking over, weaponizing things, to bring the police and military out of the equation where it'll all be automated, autonomous, which is the technocrats' dream of taking soldiers out of the equation that might refuse unlawful or immoral orders.
And so it was because I said it was a bad idea and pointed out what was really planned.
They didn't address that and say, no, it's good to have drones, weaponized drones surveilling you and blimps and everything else.
They just said it doesn't exist.
While simultaneously rolling it out in thousands of publications, thousands per week at that time, how great the drones were.
So we're rolling this all out to surveil you and kill you, but it doesn't exist if you don't like it.
And that's the exact same psychology of, there is no new world order, insane people believe there's a world government being set up, run by private megabanks, but you open Time Magazine of it, and it's Bank of the World, welcome to the new world government, run by banks, it's a new world order.
And I'm like, well I don't want to be under that, I don't like these banks being exempt from taxes while raising mine to destroy me, not even to transfer the money to themselves.
And they're just like, no that doesn't exist.
You're crazy.
ABC Nightly News.
There is no move for a corporate world government.
Well, here I have 20 news articles admitting it.
Financial Times.
I don't want to look at it, Alex.
It doesn't exist.
Well, yes, it does.
No, I say it doesn't exist.
And so I said to the guy right out there, I said, you're a military soldier on one side and I'm on the other.
You really know all this.
He goes, basically, let's go to dinner.
I got a family.
This is my job.
Yes, that's your job.
And at dinner, we're just like, yeah, it's a crazy world.
And I'm just sitting there going, you really?
It's just so sick!
It's just so sick!
And I've had some success just because I've gotten upset, which is a normal response, and so it kind of got people out of their doldrums.
But I really do think the broadcast, obviously I can't control myself, I'll still rant sometimes, mainly when I'm tired, it's a crutch.
But we need to move just into the real analysis, so that there's a real testament, a real chronicle of what happened in these years.
Because we'll be blessed if we don't end up destroying the whole planet and everybody dies.
I mean, if you really look at the way the establishment's acting and the things they're doing, they are completely out of control.
And they spend all day trying to dumb us down and control us when they are just completely, absolutely, totally becoming more and more megalomaniacal and narcissistic, nihilistic, destructive.
And if you've studied the criminology of elites throughout history, we know exactly where this leads next.
I just don't think even the people running the system in the final equation subconsciously understand, at a conscious level, where their subconscious is taking them.
And taking us, by the way.
Because they think they can skirt things and take risks.
Do all this and not destroy everything.
And they said, but it doesn't matter.
If they destroy everything, at least they went on willing.
That's a top globalist, futurist quote.
That they might decide to destroy the Earth.
Actually, I guess they do know, actually.
Just to do it, like that's their greatest work.
Their great, their magnum opus, their masterwork.
I guess the devil is never a maker.
The less that this system gives, it's a taker.
Now I got a bunch of news, we'll get to it when we come back, but none of us are perfect, and I'm not judging anybody, but it's time to repent.
It's time to get back to God.
It's time to try to purify ourselves.
And it's time to also challenge the corruption around us.
It's our only hope.
And it's also our only fulfillment.
We were made to do this.
There's always a struggle between good and evil.
And we were just convinced by the power structure that there is no evil.
Well, that's the devil's greatest trick.
There are no drones.
There is no health care increase.
There are no death panels.
The government's not shipping the drugs in.
On and on and on.
It's all a big lie.
And it's meant just to have you deny it.
The lie is just there for lazy people who know it's all true, just so they can say, oh no, I heard that isn't true, when they know deep down it is true.
Like if you were drinking, you know, a ton of alcohol every day, lying to yourself and saying, I can keep doing this and it's not going to hurt my liver.
It's a denial.
And we need to
Stop living in denial, all of us.
And I don't want to live in denial.
And I repent for all the bad things I've done to people.
Even though I try to be pure of heart and I'm overall a good person, I am wicked.
And I repent before God and throw myself on His mercy humbly and ask that God cleanse me.
We'll be right back.
On the other side, to cover the news, I'm Alex Jones.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alex Jones here, back live.
The reason I'm cogitating on just the overall state of the world is because I can see the breakdown of society, not just in the media, but personally and in life and in business dealings, you name it.
I just really see insanity and recklessness increasing.
And crime had been dropping for 40, I don't know, since 1992, so 20 years, and was going back towards levels that were seen in the 50s and 40s before the big crime waves that were brought on by the government importing
Massive amounts of drugs into the country in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, right through till now.
But I am genuinely, genuinely concerned because there's no way that Obama and the globalists would be engaged in the open looting
Of the American people, the way they are right now, unless they were planning something massive in the future.
It may be a huge war.
They've already tried to expand what's happening in the Middle East.
It could be a mother of all false flags.
I think, in my analysis, one failing is I haven't thought big enough.
I mean, there's no telling what these people will do.
And I just want stability in the future.
They could start a civil war, they're definitely pushing for that, so they definitely want that.
The power structure could start a large war that could lead to something along the lines of World War III.
All the top analysts concur, that's definitely in the cards.
That's why the Pentagon says, no, we're not going to attack Iran.
No, we just can't do it.
And by the way, Iran has nuclear weapons, folks.
Everybody gets mad when I say that and says, why are you promoting war with Iran?
I'm not promoting war with Iran.
I don't want to have war with Iran.
But from my high-level military sources is they've had nukes that they got from Pakistan for a decade.
And that's why there's all this double-crossing and the U.S.
trying to overthrow Pakistan with Al-Qaeda forces, knowing our public's so dumb they won't even understand it.
It just really gets into sophisticated fourth, fifth dimensional warfare, multi-level, and
The warfare is so sophisticated and nuanced that it doesn't work.
Now, it works for the contractors to make money, the big companies to make money, but that's why the dark logic of these people is that it's full-spectrum war against everybody, including themselves.
And they fool themselves that they're creators, but all they're creating is destruction.
And I don't think that's creation at all, because they're not even building something back on top of it.
It just cycles down into more and more destruction.
I'll come back and go into the nose.
It's just that I'm having a lot deeper of an understanding of all this.
And I've had these understandings for a long time.
I know a lot of you have the same understanding.
It's just fact.
It's Veritas.
It's just that I marvel at the evil.
I just marvel.
It's so anti-human.
It's so anti-woman.
It's so anti-man.
It's so anti-child.
It's so anti-beauty.
I've known this for a long time, but the CIA tried to put out ugly art that was pointless to screw people up and to degrade what was seen as virtuous art that was known to uplift people.
Until now, the general public thinks ugliness and discordia is beautiful.
And you can argue and say, how dare you say this modern art is bad?
I'm not even saying that.
I'm saying the type they tried to promote, and the reason they promoted it, was to screw people up.
And to get rid of art previously had been mainly political and very powerful.
And so people's expression was about the world and the world they wanted to build.
Well, they don't want you thinking of a world you want to build.
They want you thinking about the sitcom, the football game, and then they build the world they want, which is a hellhole.
Alright, we're gonna go to break.
I'm gonna come back.
I've got Obama just absolutely imploding in front of everyone, but this is all by design.
And then we're gonna get into the standard police procedures, now proctology exams on the side of the road.
And we're gonna get into the latest on Israel.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Like a moth to flame, throughout history, every civilization builds up, becomes great, based on strength, honor, and virtue.
Then they become fat and happy and decadent and corrupt and then more and more corruption moves into the centers of power until you have a concentration of evil.
And then the weight of the compounding fraud and arrogance and narcissism and mental illness and unaccountability builds like the pressure of a mountain on coal and forms it into a diamond of wickedness.
Pure death.
Pure fraud.
Pure betrayal.
Total evil.
And I will get to the news now and then open the phones up and take your phone calls.
I just...
The magnitude, more and more, just hits me of how real all this is.
And I don't want this to be real.
I wish I was wrong.
I've had people say, how dare you say 9-11's an inside job, you anti-American piece of garbage.
How dare you?
And now, of course, it's come out the government runs Al-Qaeda.
The evidence is overwhelming.
9-11 was a stand-down, bare minimum, with protection of the supposed hijackers, who are U.S.
government CIA officers.
They weren't just assets, folks.
They were officers.
They were operatives.
That's on record.
At least five of them.
And I've been on these radio shows and they go, you're gonna have to face God.
I was on a show on, what was it, KTSA, from New York.
It was a San Antonio station, and I was on there for about 30 minutes.
I'll never forget, I was sitting in this garden, outside this church, about an hour before a rally was going to start there for 9-11 Truth, and there was nobody around, and I was on my cell phone, and it was the Ware pair.
I think it was like a dad and a son.
And he said, well, I see that there is some evidence, like you say, but it's really hard to believe.
And if you're right, we're in deep trouble.
But he goes, you listen to me.
And it was because he was direct.
He talked to me like a human being, not like someone trying to phrase an argument to win it.
He said, you're going to have to stand before God someday for what you're doing.
And I really appreciated that because
He was saying, this is a big deal what you're saying.
This is a big deal what you're doing.
And they were on the border saying, you might be right after I went through all this evidence.
And I said, I can stand before God.
I'm standing before God right now, and so are you.
We're always standing before God.
God's always right there.
Right and wrong's always right there.
And I know why people don't want to believe 9-11 was an inside job.
That's scary.
You admit that, you admit a lot of things, but look at everything else that's happened now.
It's not the government, ladies and gentlemen.
It is criminal groups, worldwide, who share the same spirit of evil, the mystery of evil.
That's what the Bible calls it.
And how they work together to carry out acts of fraud and deceit.
And it is the takeover of our society.
It is the pulling down of all that's good because to the
To the wicked ones, they think pulling down everything that's good is a victory, is power to them, that once they've pulled it all down, that they will be on top, and that the light of truth and the light of liberty and the light of justice will no longer be there to burn their skin.
And the truth is, all there will be is the total freezing cold
Of the ninth circle of hell.
Devoid of anything good.
And that's a heavy thing to really face and to know our enemies are like moths to flame.
They are committed.
They are worshippers of that destruction.
They are creatures of fundamental failure and it is so sad.
And then I look at the good people.
I look at the children and the innocents and all the simple folks who aren't even so much dumb as they are blind to the real forms of corruption.
The real forms of wickedness.
And I watch them, in slow motion, being torn to pieces by the system.
And I watch myself, aware of it all, but born into it, immersed in it, not even able to save myself from the contamination
physically, spiritually, mentally and not even able to protect my children and not even able to free the people as we begin to circle faster and faster around the event horizon vortex and come right into line with the point of no return in the event horizon as we cross through and prepare
To go into hell on earth.
And you stare into that place from which no light escapes.
And you see the wreckage of history.
You see the bones of the civilizations and just the horror frozen and burned into their faces.
Just, just, just, just the, the knowing and, and just the, in life experience and spiritual experience, just the, the edge of knowing is horrific.
I hope all of you that serve the dark power are satisfied with yourselves.
Because everything you want, if as a culture, as a world, we don't begin to make the decision to turn away from this, and it's the decision, everything else follows after that, you are going to beg later, and throw your gold out in the street, and plead.
For God to strike you dead.
But death will be no escape for you.
And deep down, you know that.
That's why you're so upset.
And why you want to take as many people as you can into that place with you.
Now, as I said, what really hit me this morning
is they're committed in a collapse plan of Western civilization.
They've already collapsed the third world, stopped it from developing, only allowed a slave development system to dehumanize them and actually bloom population so that it's more of a destructive site while claiming you're trying to save the earth.
But when you see Obama and his cohorts moving on every front, launching every operation, they are trying to overwhelm us right now and demoralize us and break us with the TSA and the proctology exams on the highway and all of it.
And the legalizing by fiat of the illegals and all the criminals allowed to do whatever they want, the innocent people thrown in prison to build widgets and displace workers outside of the program.
When you see them engaging in this level of a full-on total assault, you know it means something ten times worse is coming.
It's very, very sad.
And I cringe.
And I know I keep pausing, folks.
It's just really hard.
It's really hard.
It's really hard for myself.
I know why you're in denial, a lot of you, because I'm in denial.
I mean, I know this stuff at a deep level, and I know it's real, but I still just am constantly now
Mourning and just weeping and just realizing what they're doing to humanity and all the innocents they're hurting right now.
And then tears come to my eyes and then I feel sad for trolls on YouTube later when they say, oh look, a tear dropped out of his eye.
I wonder how he does that.
You know, he's so fake.
And I understand that they're weak, they're sad, they've never had any success in their life.
So to see someone being real is so alien to them that they can't admit that someone's real.
It's just sad.
They've lowered the value of humanity so much that people think they get ahead by lowering other people in their eyes.
When then other people simply lower your value in their eyes, and then the value of humanity goes to zero, and then it goes negative.
When you bring in more cheap labor, when it's a collapsed society with slave labor you're competing with, that isn't free market, that's suicide economics, and it's designed to drag everyone down, not use the West to actually build up the third world.
There are economic programs with mass manufacturing, with systems, where the earth could be an Eden.
And the globalists always say they support those systems, but actually bring out counterfeit systems to block those developments.
That's what's so evil and just anti-progress about the so-called progressives.
Their name is a fraud.
The Patriot Act is the opposite of the Patriot.
The Affordable Care Act is the opposite of affordable care.
The progressive is a regressive.
The mainline conservative is not a conservative.
They are authoritarian, fascist, with Christian camouflage.
We need to just see things for what they are, not as we would like them to be.
And I see myself for what I am.
Most people couldn't handle this level of stress.
Most people could not handle this amount of power.
It's embarrassing to even say that.
It's a fact.
Most people would become extremely decadent and disconnected and narcissistic.
And I've actually become less narcissistic over the years.
You're supposed to do that as you get older anyways.
But at the same time, I've had a fundamental failure in that, as Nietzsche said, do not stare too long at the abyss unless you become the abyss.
I am like super evil now.
And I was never like this as a child or even as a young adult.
I'm not evil.
I'm very good, but I know so much about evil now.
You can't get this level of evil out of yourself.
I mean, you know this stuff and you are now
Associated with the enemy, just like I went and saw Ender's Game.
I never read the book.
I got drug out to it.
Since, went and bought it the other day, read it in one night, and written in 1977 as a short story and then expanded in 1984.
Very deep.
Because to know something enough to defeat it,
You have to then love it, because you then become it.
And I don't love all the evil and the bad, but I know their knowledge of loving it, so I know their love, if you understand what I'm saying.
And it's just like, I see the mass failure in it, I see how it destroys everything, but I see that the establishment is not going to pull back, folks.
We're going to have to stop them.
And the big cop-out is, it's the end of the world, it's the rise of the Antichrist, and all this other stuff, which obviously the Bible is being proven right right now with everything that's happening, but the real Bible, not what these glitterbug state-run megachurches are teaching you.
A lot of truth, with a bunch of deception, because they themselves are deceived.
How could you analyze something this big?
I'm not blaming them.
They were born into this.
But if you really look at what's there, and you really understand what's there, a technocracy rises, destroys the family, destroys the culture, poisons the people, poisons the ocean, kills over a third of the world population.
Absolutely tries to destroy the planet.
Then the devil is bound.
The world beast system is defeated.
Then the dead in Christ rise.
It's all written there completely clearly.
A five-year-old can understand that.
But they're telling everyone that, oh no!
You don't have to face any of this, even though Christians throughout history always had to face oppression and evil and be thrown to the lions.
Now they say, don't, don't, pray to the idols, don't be thrown to the lions.
That's on all the TV shows, the Christian shows.
Those were bad Christians, bad people.
Those weren't real Christians.
We're real Christians.
Pastor Hagee says Jesus wasn't the Messiah.
I can play that clip and people go to his church and go, he's not the Messiah now.
I mean, even if you don't believe in God or Christianity, they don't even believe what the book says, when it clearly says it, and they latch onto it.
And I know why they do.
Because, folks, they are absolutely scared to death.
of the reality.
They don't want to face this technocracy.
They don't want to go through this test.
They don't want to have the greatest revival in history because we warn people and then it all comes to fruition and then the people wake up.
They don't want
To be witnesses during this period.
That's why they have all their operas come out and say, the end of the world's next week, it's next year, so they can make fun of Christians and discredit them.
I mean, it's all very sophisticated.
And even if you don't believe in all this, the point is the globalist are Luciferians.
They believe they're going to become God.
They believe they're going to rewrite the whole planet and become co-creators.
They believe all this and it matches with the Bible from the devil's perspective.
So regardless if it's real or not in the book, it's real in what's being followed.
You could, if you're an atheist, I guess you could call it, uh, self-fulfilling prophecy.
But atheists will say, oh, none of that's gonna even happen.
That's a book.
Yeah, but it's coming true.
Then is it just a book?
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I'd like to hear from Obama supporters now.
You celebrated a few months ago when Obamacare was about to go into place, and you told me that you were going to get your free health care, or you were going to get a special.
You could have always gotten Medicare or Medicaid.
Now that system is going to implode.
Do you want to call in and admit I was right?
I mean, we were reading legislation.
It's not like we're rocket scientists.
It'd be like if you took a gun out and said, don't shoot yourself in the head with this, you shoot yourself in the head with it.
I mean, we know what a gun does.
We know what a economic bomb does.
We know what cloward and pivot is.
We have their battle plans.
That's why I get angry.
But again, Goebbels, the Nazi propagandist, was like lecturing the Nazis.
I don't know.
He said, look to the propaganda, stop denying that the Russians are gaining on us.
Stop denying that we're doing all this.
And stop denying that the party has been robbing, you know, good citizens, meaning Aryans.
And stop all this.
We've got to reform this and admit we've been lying.
The lies only work when you have their confidence.
We don't have it anymore.
Now we've got to say, we're going to face total annihilation if you don't completely fight.
So... It's the same thing.
They've now reached the point where their lies aren't working anymore because it's so obvious.
And they always do, they get into that plan.
That's what Homeland Security's for, is to stop us ever taking the government back.
But Homeland Security has to get out of their fantasy land with their heroes and these great guys and they take the West Point cadets to the, you know, to see the new Liberty Tower and learn about terrorism when those cadets will end up going and arming and running Al-Qaeda.
I mean, it's such a sick joke.
The British government's in the news going, we've got to, we've got to come out and we've got to
You know, admit now that Al-Qaeda lapped up all this intelligence and is going to be able to hit us now.
I mean, give me a break.
Al-Qaeda, that is your excuse to rape every one of their liberties and steal economic data to fix the markets.
And that's a fact.
And the Pentagon knows they've reached this point, whether they're good or bad at the top, it's a mix.
There's got to be some history of honor in the military because it won't work if there isn't honor, folks.
The Nazis, even though they were misguided and very evil, believed they were doing something good.
That's how they could fight so hard so long.
And that's why the military now realizes they're gutting the country permanently.
And they've lost the confidence of the people.
And that's why the Pentagon came out two months ago and said, we've been lying.
We're going to stop lying.
Please believe us.
And it doesn't even mean they're going to stop lying.
They can't stop lying.
It just means they're not going to lie about stuff that they can get 100% caught in.
But MSNBC hasn't gotten the memo because they're a bunch of lazy, slack-jawed, fascist, posing as communist, political mercenaries.
So they're still lying for Obama about healthcare being a great success, even though Obama came out with a half-hearted fake apology.
We're going to go on a break and come back and uh... I will uh... I'll play these Obama clips and the fake apology and analyze that and the big stuff on Israel saying this is a very very bad deal with Iran that's going on right now uh... with the uh... peace talks and we'll get into a bunch of economic news and also some good news very interesting not like they're going to let the general public have access to this fountain of youth gene is discovered and scientists say it could help heal wounds.
Gee, you think so?
But you turn off one group of uh...
Jeans, what's it do to the others, huh?
And we'll get into the proctology exams.
I mean, it really, this is what horrifies me, is that the police now, in the name of the fake drug war, which they run, the government runs, are now gonna rape us on the side of the highway?
And this is proliferating.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're into hour number two, and obviously we're going to be taking your phone calls and getting into Obama.
They're spinning it basically saying that, you know, he personally apologizes for Americans losing health coverage.
Now remember, and we've got a whole bunch of these clips, he said it first 29 times on one grouping of videos, but then now they found over 50 cases.
I don't think so.
But the good news is, is that finally people are really starting to wake up.
The establishment had known this was coming for a while, but it's just disenchanting people across the board in the system.
And the power structure has been on the news asking Obama, as if he's actually running things, well how are we going to sell stuff in the future if this is such an incredible screw job?
Because they're all getting doubled and tripled premiums.
And even though some of these reporters are making five million dollars a year, a million dollars a year, hundreds of thousands a year, you know, they've had divorces, they've got bills, they've had lawsuits, they whatever, you know, they want more money.
And it's fun to feel like you're on the winning team screwing the American people.
But they're like, hey, we want to be like Congress.
We want to be exempt from all this.
And a lot of these companies are being given exemptions.
But still they're like, yeah, but my mom, or my dad, or my cousin, or my neighbors, this is really... Well, hey, you wanted to play the part of robbers!
You wanted to play the part of the tough gangsters that are... I mean, you gotta get in there behind the cash register and beat somebody in the head with that gun!
You wanna be a real gangster?
Go ahead and shoot them when you leave!
You know, you... I mean, you're big and bad now!
I mean, you're part of a takeover!
I mean, you know, you sit here and make jokes about them putting fluoride in the water to sterilize us and dumb us down and give us cancer.
You make jokes about GMOs sterilizing and diseasing the rats on record.
You make jokes about the thimerosal and the vaccines, but hey, I know a lot of reporters.
Even reporters that still attack me have admitted, and I'm not talking about Piers Morgan, it's others.
They go get flu shots, and then their feet get paralyzed for a month, and then now they have muscle twitches in their body, and they have permanent Guillain-Barre.
And they still make fun of me and attack me.
It's like, you went and got a shot, and now you've got permanent problems.
Permanent problems.
And I don't get a thank you for trying to warn you, which I don't deserve a thank you.
I mean, it's normal to warn people, don't drink out of that well, it's poison.
I was out in the middle of the desert and, you know, I saw somebody go into a well that I knew was poisonous.
I would say, traveler, I am your friend.
There is another stream on the top of that ridge that has sweet water.
That water will make you sick and kill your camels.
It's not that I'm some goody two-shoes that just wants to get everybody's business.
I would expect someone to warn me.
I want HUMET.
See, we've gotten rid of human intelligence of, that's a good restaurant, that's a good doctor, that's a bad doctor, that guy's not good in business, he's a backstabber.
Everybody thinks it's cool to just not care and just kind of just bumble through life.
We need to get back to having human intelligence, which the internet was used to control us and track us, but it's actually creating human intelligence again, where we share with each other and like, that is a good place to fish.
You walk up to a lake and you say, hey, what are you fishing with?
I see you catching fish.
They'll say, oh, I'm using purple worms with a... It's just normal human, I want to help you, you want to help me, but people have gotten so false competitive, when we could literally build to the Alpha Centauri's and beyond, because there's unlimited wealth and power for humanity if we work together.
The problem is, is that that's really what evil is, is a diseased form of unfair competition where they build fraudulent systems so the corrupt can dominate.
My friends, Alex Jones here to tell you about some of the most important information concerning you and your family's health.
Radiation levels have more than doubled in the last 60 years in the Northern Hemisphere from all of the nuclear testing and radiological accidents.
Radioactive contamination is now in most of the food supply.
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Are you?
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to open the phones up at the bottom of the hour.
I would love to get your take on Obama coming out and saying that he apologizes for it not working as well.
We've all got to work together now.
And they waited until the point when the public basically turned on him to do this.
They tried the old, this just doesn't exist.
It's working wonderfully.
This is the best thing since sliced bread.
And because that has now failed, they are going to just put us into the process.
But look, they had to do this.
It never gave anybody free health care.
It restricted the quality of the care.
It let big insurance companies owned by foreign banks shut down their competition, shut down regional clinics, shut down small hospitals.
And it's all in the news now that the big hospitals who had a hand in this, basically owned themselves by the big banks and insurance companies, are exempt from all this.
And then you're going to have to run to them and pay whatever they demand, and then they're going to operate outside the rules.
Regulators are going to leave them alone, and it's going to extinct all their competition.
Then they'll say, oh, that was such a disaster, and the socialists will say, hurrah, let's fully nationalize it.
But it'll be nationalized with the cost being put on the public and the profits going to the globalists, who always have craved having all our medical records and deciding what type of medical care we're going to get.
All the medical doctors I've talked to, all the health care program managers, software developers, all of them, they say this is the most vicious
Inventive, multi-layered, gigantor fraud the galaxy has ever seen.
What did Bongino, the famous Secret Service agent, the top Secret Service agent on Obama's foreign trips, what did he explain in that video that Drudge linked to yesterday, or two days ago that was so viral, where he said, it's worse than you know, it's worse than you think.
He said, they put out all these scandals on purpose to overload you and break you.
To where you don't know how to differentiate anymore.
He didn't go forward to say it, but he said he has criminology.
That's a criminal tactic, folks.
That is just break an area into corruption where the society just accepts it.
And then the next thing is, well, the cops might as well manage it and get a little money on the side, because it's better than letting other criminals come in and manage it.
You know, we'll be guardians of it.
I mean, that's how this corruption works.
And people like Bongino, they know that.
And they're on the inside watching Obama plan the destruction of America for his foreign controllers.
I mean, it's a big deal.
And he said, I can't work with this guy.
I can't be in this ship.
I'm getting off this ship a couple years ago.
Because it isn't cool to walk around on red carpets, folks, and to be on Air Force One.
I will assure you, it's creepy.
You're around a bunch of evil, soulless people.
Let me tell you, I have been around a lot of Hollywood folks.
Some of them are neat people individually, but the general culture is so empty and so horrible and so fake, I couldn't want to get away from it faster.
The funnest thing in the world is to play dominoes with old men in a hunting shack.
And to tell jokes around real people.
And to go out and help build tents with folks, and pull people out of the mud, and just be real.
And that's what they don't like, is just being normal folks, straight shooters, work together, build a country.
We're the enemy, folks, because they know we're not going to just bend over absolutely with what they're bringing in.
They've got stuff planned so horrible that there's no coming back from it, ladies and gentlemen.
We've got to realize that this is a plan.
This is not a screw-up.
They don't care if Obama gets the blame and goes on off, you know, into the sunset.
Because they can create more racial division on that.
They can bring in a new puppet.
Or, you know, the next gimmick will be a woman president.
And just continue the divide and conquer, and then, yeah, it was a disaster, yeah, he was like Jimmy Carter, yeah, he was a failure.
That isn't good enough.
He's got to be impeached.
He's got to go to jail.
It's got to go way past that.
We have to scare these real master criminals again.
They have to be concerned.
They have to be looking over their shoulder.
They have to know we're coming after them politically.
I mean, if you just say, oh, do whatever you want, unlimited, they will steal everything.
They will blow the engine out, on purpose, just so they can cut us up for scrap, politically.
And then run off to Switzerland or Luxembourg.
I mean, that's the plan.
They've always hated Americans.
They've always hated our guns.
They hate the ghost of the Republic.
The ghost of men.
The ghost of masculinity.
The ghost of ruggedness and rugged individualism.
The ghost of honor.
They're afraid of the ghost of the Republic.
They know it can be reanimated.
They know it can rise again.
They know as things get more and more horrible, and as it gets darker and colder, and as things get more disgusting, and more vile, and more decadent, that all of these ancient truths of liberty are going to shine like torches on a hilltop in the deepest of the night.
And so they want to extinguish those torches before full night falls.
Right now we're in the twilight of the republic.
You can already see the torches of liberty burn so bright now as the sun sets.
That's why this show just gets bigger and bigger and more powerful by the minute, which is a great danger and a great responsibility.
I'm not even saying that with pleasure.
The fact that we are accelerating just at a total viral
That level of credibility, you name it, on every front is not a testament to Alex Jones or my crew, even though we're hard-working folks that love liberty, and I'm proud of the work we've done, and we're getting better.
It is a testament to nightfall, ladies and gentlemen.
It is a testament of the enemy's vanguard already overrunning most of our civilization, and people see the prosperity draining away like oxygen out of a space capsule if you open the portal.
We're dying right now.
The Republic has its throat slit with blood spraying out, folks.
We're going into shock.
I mean, this is it.
And so of course people are freaked out.
Of course people are starting to wake up.
That isn't enough because the false flags are going to be staged.
There's no way they're going to even have any chance of getting out of what they've done unless they stage false flags.
The political seismic shift of liberty
They can't bring down Nightfall without putting chains on us.
Because people are going to go to the light.
People are going to go to that cottage that has the light in the window with the sweet smell of stew cooking over a fire.
And the New World Order is not going to let that little cottage stand spiritually, politically, physically.
It's going to hunt down everything good and remove it.
Because do you understand that it must extinguish us?
The destination is poverty.
The destination is slavery.
The destination is dishonor.
The destination they're taking us is a horrible place and they're doing it on purpose because it's the only way they can control society.
It's the only way.
Let's start going to some of these clips.
Here's Obama.
Forced to fall on the sword.
It's not enough for Sebelius to do it.
And that's fine with the establishment.
But notice it's the insurance company saying you don't change this.
You don't back off Republicans.
You see headlines like Republican leadership says they probably can't get rid of it.
And let's have another hit piece on Rand Paul or Ted Cruz who dared to try to not gut the country.
That's why the media has to have this bizarro thing where they... Boy, Ted Cruz is discredited!
Yeah, he's having to go out and give speeches!
He's in trouble with his constituents over Obamacare!
He was against it!
He was the one!
He said it was a bad deal!
I mean, that's what MSNBC does every day and CNN.
When people like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, we should have them carrying him on our shoulders.
Not that they're perfect folks, but they're the best we've got, and they told the truth.
So their champions are leaders in our credibility to then put a wedge into the enemy's armor, crank it open, and gut the New World Order.
It's a major chink.
Whenever they come in and attack somebody, and really try to destroy them like they're doing Alex Jones, Matt Drudge, Ted Cruz,
The polls, and many others.
When they come in and attack us militarily in the Infowar, with their propaganda, why are they attacking us?
Why does Rachel Maddow say, don't go with his talking points, Republicans?
Tea Party, don't do it, it discredits you, whatever you do!
And they're actually desperate, and they think you're so dumb, a smart person would go, oh my gosh, they're, you know, they're...
They're saying that because this is effective truth.
They're scared of this information.
Instead, the average Republican leadership, because it's controlled opposition, says, yeah, don't go on that guy's show, or don't link to him, or don't promote him, because, man, he's really whacked out.
That guy is scary.
That guy is spooky.
That guy is creepy.
No, I'm not scary or creepy.
I see exactly what's going on.
An idiot!
Could see what was going on if they were truthful with themselves.
And I'm here like the five-year-old or the three-year-old.
The Emperor's walking butt-naked down the street.
No one wants to admit he's naked because they don't want to get in trouble.
And a little kid laughs says he's naked.
That's all I've done.
And everybody's standing there going, that guy's really scary.
No, what's scary is the Emperor is butt-naked walking on the middle of the street.
That's what's scary.
I'm gonna play these clips, then we're gonna go to your phone calls.
Here's the toll-free number on Obamacare.
I want to talk to Obama supporters.
Do you still support Obamacare?
I want to hear from you.
I'm gonna give the number out when we come back.
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This is the end.
My only friend.
The end.
Of our deliberate plans.
The end.
Of everything that stands.
The end.
No safety.
No safety.
No surprise.
The end.
I'll never.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Can you picture what will be under the unlimited tyranny of the globalists, where they can desperately do whatever they want to us?
It is freedom for them.
It is liberty for evil.
Desperate to attack innocents.
Desperate to pull down good things.
Desperate to wreck everyone.
Make you dependent.
Let's go ahead and go to these latest Obama activities I keep mentioning.
And then I want to hear from Obama supporters.
I am opening the phones up right now.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
And if you are someone that disagrees with me on Obamacare, or if you did disagree and now you realize it's a fraud, I'd like to hear from you, or if you've actually had your premiums lowered, everyone I know has had them at least double the yearly premium.
And, of course, they won't even say that on a lot of the forums.
It'll just show, you know, it doubled for that month, but you've got to also look at it.
Or, they're staggering it out over the year.
It gets more and more until it more than doubles.
Some plans, like Humana and others, 539% increase.
That was the Natural News story.
With the article and with the letter.
And you've seen countless others.
We published one with a woman in Austin with a 200 and something percent increase.
So, I'd like to hear from you, and of course, the argument is, well, that'll pay for my free health care.
You could already get Medicare and Medicaid.
The hospitals would criminally lie to you and not render aid to you if they did that.
And under the socialist model, that's where you statistically, you can look it up, have much higher levels of aid not being rendered.
And you're going to find all this out now, because that's in the bill as well.
I mean, it was written by insurance companies and big hospitals.
What do you think is going to happen?
So here's Obama saying that, uh, he kind of halfway apologizes.
Here it is.
I am sorry that they, uh, you know, are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me.
We've got to work hard to make sure that, uh, they know, uh, we hear them and that we're going to do everything we can, uh, to deal with folks who find themselves, uh, in a tough position as a consequence of this.
Oh, they'll deal with either iron riot police everywhere and arm into the teeth against us.
And he's an arrogant narcissist.
I enjoy saying when I'm wrong, because I want to get it out in the open and try to be better.
These people hate saying they're wrong.
They're a bunch of arrogant scums who think they're going to live forever.
Let's go ahead and go to another one here.
Here's Chuck Todd, Grills Obozo.
Here it is.
Do you feel like, considering how much this quote has been, it's late night, it's all sorts of things, that
Do you understand if people are going to be skeptical of the next promise you make?
Of the next, or are you concerned that people are going to be wondering, geez, what's the fine print that he's not telling me?
Do you get that people might be a little more skeptical?
Forget the partisans here in Washington.
Just average Americans.
You know, I'll tell you, Chuck.
I think that I've not been in national public life for seven, eight years.
I've been president for almost five.
I think for the most part people know that I speak my mind and I tell folks what I think and I've been very clear about what I'm trying to do.
Alright, so, oh, I tried to not do this to you, but I did.
And meanwhile, if you're a radio listener, there's a painting, a famous painting of George Washington between them, and he always has that look of like, you know, he's embarrassed, he's even posing for the painting.
And at that time of his life had just excruciating toothache, so it's like George Washington angrily looking down but trying to not look angry.
Basically, there's George Washington, the epitome of honor, the epitome of manhood, the epitome of will, the epitome of goodness.
With this media rat who's only attacking his lord and savior, Obama, because they're imploding right now.
And then Obama's sitting there knowing he's got to be publicly flogged as the sacrificial political goat to keep the banks and insurance companies out of hot water.
That's who did this!
They're the enemy!
They did it!
They're the head!
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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All right, we're going to go to Kyle and Alan and Matt and others here in a moment.
Ezekiel, Matt says that he actually signed up for the mythical care.
I wonder if this is going to be a Democratic Party operative.
It's like 20, they claim, that have signed up.
So this is very rare.
This is like finding an Easter bunny.
Or a leprechaun in your backyard.
I mean, this is like a unicorn, folks.
This is like a mythical flying pig or something.
I mean, this is going to be amazing.
I shouldn't be mean.
I appreciate Matt calling in.
Then we're going to go to Kyle, who was a former Obamacare supporter.
And then this just says Allen, Delaware.
This is on Obamacare.
Again, I want to put folks on the front of the line.
Everybody can call in on globalist care, banker care.
You know, it's good to call it Obamacare because you put it on the Democratic Party, but that's not enough.
It needs to be establishment care, or scam care, or fraud care, foreign bank care, or foreign tax care.
I mean, it's mainly foreign multinational offshore banks that did this.
That's... I'm just trying to think about how do we actually get out of this.
The Republican leadership is not going to get rid of all of it.
They'll end up watering it down, and it'll be even worse.
Because these special interests, again, think it's a virtue to bankrupt everybody.
So, 800-259-9231.
A couple days ago, we released this video.
I'm going to have it reposted up on InfoWars.com.
In fact, Kit Daniels already did a story this morning on that.
Some of the news up on InfoWars.com.
New Robocop movie envisions world patrolled by drones, feds subjecting innocent women to finger probe of both orifices.
This is just too insane.
This is intensifying.
Activists launch online film festival to counter TSA and NSA attacks on free speech.
That's what I'm about to play and then go to your calls.
Obama, I am sorry.
Americans will lose their existing health care plan because of Obamacare.
That video is up on the site.
Major hospitals all across the country not included under new insurance plans.
Next generation of flash mobs.
The breakdown of law and order.
World's first 3D printed metal gun.
We're going to talk about that.
And Paul Greg Roberts has the article, How America Was Lost.
And you know, it's funny.
I think the December issue is going to be, as we asked last December, will 2013 be the year America dies?
And I really think you can stick a fork in it and say that we're done.
But we're not like a person when they're dead, they're dead.
We could come back.
So I think the cover will probably be something like, I'm not sure, it might be on Fukushima, that may be even more important, a big investigative report we're doing, but 2013, the year America died?
And was reborn?
Because people really are, at every poll, really starting to go, wait a minute, it's not just mismanagement, they want to bankrupt us to make us dependent.
Poor people are getting that now.
And so, it's pretty scary, folks.
How they take one of the greatest work ethics the world's ever known,
And the healthiest, and the smartest, and the highest IQ, and the most mean in a fight, and the historians all over the world marveled about Americans.
The most inventive, the most vicious, the most evil, the best.
We were all the extremes.
Now we're just a bunch of self-propelled stomachs, because they put chemical weapons in the water and the food, folks.
I mean, it's real simple.
And weaponized cultures.
We're going to play this clip, and then go back to your calls.
You know, the false flag may be a strike on Iran,
And, you know, Netanyahu's saying it's a very, very bad deal.
I don't trust the Mullahs.
And they say they want to blow up Israel, but Israel says they want to blow up the Mullahs.
I mean, it's just a bunch of sectarian, tribal warfare garbage, and I'm sick of it.
I don't have a dog in the Israeli fight.
I don't have a dog in the Iranian fight.
And I'm telling you, this is all larger.
You've got fleets massing off China.
You've got a big stack of news about gear up for war with China, just like Joel Skousen says.
I want to get Joel Skousen on next week, guys.
Even Sunday, if he can do it.
I know we've got a guest in the studio Sunday.
The point is, I said I'd go to your calls.
I was real tired today, and...
I have real bad allergies today.
They've been a lot better as I drink more water and the proprietary niacinamide has been helping, but it's just everybody I know, my family's got bad allergies right now and I see the guzzle more water, so I thought I'll just come and take a bunch of calls, but sometimes I'm more prolifically profound, I think would be the arrogant way of putting it, when I actually feel under the weather.
Because then I'm not just so hyper with so much energy.
I'm like running around like the Tasmanian devil bouncing into things.
But I want to play this clip and then come right back to you.
Here is this announcement of a real resistance movement in the Infowar.
They want to ban talking bad about the NSA and the TSA for a reason.
Because it's effective.
Here's that report.
We're going right to Obamacare supporters after that.
America is going under classical, hardcore tyranny.
Censorship and persecution of the press and whistleblowers is at an all-time high.
Our nation is beginning to mirror the corruption and oppression and persecution that the Soviet Union ladled out against the press and activists.
It's beginning to race towards the type of suppression we witnessed under Hitler, Mao, and others.
And it's time for the American people to not cower in fear of this.
It's time for the American people to get angry, to get focused, and to get aggressive.
We see people that post on Facebook that their premiums have gone up under Obamacare, having their Facebook accounts deleted or suspended.
The same thing on Twitter.
We're seeing artists who parody the TSA or the NSA being threatened with arrest, being sued, being fined, having their websites taken down.
With speech that's clearly protected.
My friends, across the board, there is a darkness of intimidation and chilling effect settling in to the United States, but also in Europe.
And that's why here at InfoWars, we're striking back with another film contest.
We've had more than 15 of these contests.
They have reached tens of millions of people.
This contest is going to be for $10,000 and you'll have until January 7th to get your videos produced and uploaded to YouTube and two other video platforms.
We will then post the entries on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And this contest is to defend the First Amendment and let these tyrants know that any further attempts to restrict our free speech will only be met with a doubling down of resistance.
Here's the contest.
You can go to InfoWars.com where we have this video and the rules posted and examples of previous contests that we've had so that it can give you an idea of what the winning entries will be.
We're gonna have one prize for $10,000.
You can do parodies of the TSA or the NSA because the TSA has threatened to arrest anyone making jokes at the airport.
Something that's clearly unconstitutional and it's just a threat.
You are also reminded that any inappropriate remarks or jokes concerning security may result in your arrest.
We appreciate your cooperation while these measures are in effect.
The NSA has gone after people making fun of them, as we just mentioned earlier.
So it's important to also lampoon them and let them know that free speech is alive and well.
But the winning entry might be an investigative report on the TSA or the NSA.
Or you could do a report on both of them.
I will watch the videos with my team and pick the $10,000 winner.
One winner, $10,000 to be announced in January of 2014.
So get going.
You've got a little over a month and a half
To get your videos produced and to get them out there.
And regardless, we all win by promoting the First Amendment, by promoting free expression, and by standing up to these tyrants that are attacking our free speech.
Think about how far we've gone.
How far we've fallen.
What are we going to put up with next?
It's time to get past the fear and to have everybody stand up.
Sure, they may put us on a list.
They may put you on a list.
That way we know who the good guys are.
Everybody on the list.
The bad guys are the people that aren't on the list.
It's time to let these tyrants know we're not scared of them and that we are on the offense.
Because the best defense is a strong offense.
These people are attacking us and it's time to strike back and let the TSA and the NSA and all the other alphabet agencies that are raping our liberties know we are not their slaves.
Reclaim the Constitution!
Repeal the Patriot Act!
And abolish the NSA!
Be part of history.
Be part of resisting these tyrants.
Let your voice be heard.
Produce a video today to support free speech in this country before it's extinguished.
And finally, I have a message for those collaborating with these tyrants.
History is littered
With civilizations that have gone along with corruption only to fall and implode.
We do not want to let America disintegrate into abject authoritarian oppression.
Choose the side of liberty, admit you've been wrong, and support the First Amendment.
Don't be like Admiral Yamamoto, the head of the Japanese fleet that attacked Pearl Harbor, who wrote back to the Emperor saying, I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant to terrible resolve.
Admit that the road we're going down is one that leads to rack and ruin.
And let's turn this around before America completely collapses into civil war.
Because if the globalists think they're going to have some Soviet-style takeover in America, they're gravely mistaken.
So, that's the contest, and again, it's just one more salvo against the globalists in the fight for liberty.
Up on DrugsReport.com, on the left-hand side, halfway down, Food Bank CEO Welfare Cuts Causing Nightmare Ripple Effect.
And so there's a whole bunch of these different food bank heads in New York and New Jersey and California and other places saying, look, we're running out of food fast.
And, you know, I don't give money to the drugged out homeless folks you see on the side of the street, but
If I'm like at a bus stop or driving by a bus stop and see an old lady with both her legs chopped off from diabetes and looking completely freaked out and you know clear-eyed I go over and give them money and also try to give food to the food bank but we get so busy we forget I'm making a commitment.
That I am going to give a lot of food this holiday season directly to the food bank.
I'm going to go buy organic quality food and do that, and I'm going to give money to Meals on Wheels, and I'm going to give money to the Salvation Army.
And see, the reason I said it's for the Obama callers is that if we were doing our job
In charity, you wouldn't have the government there in the place of it.
See, government comes in to be the charity group, and then charity ends, and then it isn't charity, it's social engineering.
Ron Paul.
Three days a week, he worked as a medical doctor at a fancy hospital down in South Texas on the coast.
This is all on record.
But then three days a week, you know, doctors work six days a week, especially in those days, he would go work for two dollars a day.
Two dollars a day is what they paid at the charity hospital delivering babies.
By the way, he didn't do that because he was some type of hero.
That's what doctors did.
That's what men of honor did when you take on a priestly position.
And you go back to every civilization, a doctor, that is a priestly position.
That is a sacred position.
Not some pill dispensary.
My dad wrote an article about it.
And I'm not even going to get into it.
It's yesterday, but it was just about some family of mine that they, uh, they went in.
They, it was all computerized.
She said, Oh, I can't do my sugar test.
She's never had a high blood sugar.
I, um, I'll tell the story after I go to calls.
She says, I'm not going to say the family member for their privacy, but she's old, old lady and goes to them and they go, it doesn't matter.
So they take her blood.
And they said, oh, you've got some high blood sugar.
We're going to put you right now on this new pill.
And my dad went and looked at the paperwork and everything, and my other family member witnessed all this going on.
And they were supposed to do a test where they take a blood cell, and then they basically extract the data in it.
It's just like a hair follicle has a history in it.
It has a month, at least a month, in the red blood cell.
History of the sugar, so you average that together.
And you're really supposed to do that, but the computer programs now say, no, no, no, just put them on this drug, because the drug companies now control the programming.
And basically, if you're an old person and already skinny, this stuff will kill you.
It'll make you lose weight till you die, and absolutely wrecks your guts.
And one pill basically almost killed her.
And the doctor thought it was real funny.
When my dad, who is a oral surgeon and a dentist and also a chemist, tried to basically investigate it.
It's just funny, folks.
Very, very funny to these people.
There it is, HHS computers take control away from doctors.
A 90-year-old woman put on diabetics medication when she didn't have diabetes.
One pill, and it says in there,
Expect violent reactions.
These people are sick.
So there's your Obamacare.
Kyle was a former Obamacare supporter.
I'm going to go to Matt.
I'm going to go to Kyle after.
I want to hear from a supporter.
Matt, you actually signed up.
Tell us about it.
Yeah, first off, I just wanted to say thanks.
Well, I was one of those unfortunate people who was a victim of the modern medical complex.
Pre-existing condition.
And about the end of last year, I realized my job was going nowhere.
So I decided to go to school full-time and really focus on getting my own businesses up off the ground.
And so I've been paying COBRA about $500 a month, $550 a month, really, to have a good plan because of my pre-existing condition.
And starting next year, I signed up.
I mean, it did take me about six weeks
To get the first application processed.
But it finally processed yesterday, or a couple days ago, and I qualified for Medicaid.
Since I'm a student, since I've been a student this year, I haven't made much money.
But sir, you would have always been able to get Medicaid if you were a student and didn't have enough money.
No, because I'm a male over the age of 21.
You don't qualify unless you have a family or you're disabled or
Or other things like that.
I'm not saying that the Obamacare, the whole thing is good, but I think that Medicaid should have been expanded to begin with.
I was not a fan of Obamacare in general.
Well, I was about to say, if you're going to have socialism, just expand Medicare and Medicaid to everybody.
Which they claim is really the socialist plan, but that's not what this is.
And that's bad enough to make everybody dependent, and it'll give government control.
I hope folks understand, the insurance companies wrote this.
And it's like rat poison.
It's 90% good, 10% poison.
I mean, so it's interesting to hear a case where you were able to get this when you couldn't get it previously.
From the way I've read it and from what I've heard, you may have been being misled.
uh... if you could show a pre-existing condition that's basically a disability and should be listed as so and and then you can go if you've been refused insurance and then charity care kicks in you know most hospitals are quote tax-exempt but they really are profit-driven they're supposed to do at least a third of their work as charity
Did you know until about 15 years ago, when they got rid of the Hippocratic Oath, doctors and medical practitioners were taught that you are to minister to the poor for free?
And if you need devices or instruments, you are to go, just like in all the famous literature, fiction as well as non-fiction, where you go around knocking on people's doors as doctors saying, I need money for the fun, for the poor, for the medical equipment.
And, uh, it's just like on a Christmas Carol.
They come to, you know, hey, we need money for the orphanage for the kids.
That's what you're supposed to do.
And then it's all decentralized, and it works a lot better.
But, uh, very, very interesting to hear your positive story.
We'll be right back with other loving, positive stories.
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Alex Jones here, and I want to tell you about a longtime friend of the show, My Patriot Supply.
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Day after day
Alright, we're going to go back to your phone calls right now.
In this segment and the next, we have a special guest joining us dealing with military purge going on.
This is going to be some very important information with an investigative reporter coming up.
This is going to be some key intel, so I really look forward to talking to him.
He's talked to a whole bunch of top generals, brigadier generals, major generals, retired.
You name it, that are saying the purge is going on and we have our own Navy SEAL contacts you've heard on air and military police and others.
This is a big deal.
Briefly, searching out the best thing for my family with all the increased radiation background to protect my glands, my thyroid mainly that regulates so many other things, listening to all the different experts across the board, nascent iodine was the way to go and the other iodines I tried tasted like horrible rocket fuel.
And burn my throat, the alcohol-based stuff.
I'm not knocking it.
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And I want to thank you all for your support and your prayers.
We need your prayers.
I know God's looking over my shoulder and I'm trying to be the best person I can be.
I repent of things I've done.
If folks know the things I've done, it's not going to be like, that's not a big deal.
It doesn't matter.
I get out of control sometimes.
And we all do.
And I just need a higher power to help me.
And all the studies show, even if you don't believe in a higher power, if you don't believe in it, but when someone does believe in it, it helps you.
And so we just need to call on God to help us in this time of great evil.
Let's talk to who's up next here.
We've got Roy, Jeff, John, Kyle, Allen.
Allen in Delaware is up next.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, good to talk to you again.
You know, I've discussed many times on the Everyman Show about Obamacare being, in fact, a eugenics program.
You know, I'm on Medicare.
I was a millionaire eight years ago.
What I did, Alex, was I liquidated all my assets into gold and silver.
I've got this stuff buried.
I'm playing poor.
I'm living in a shack on the side of the road that I was able to get from the bank using.
I've got rid of my wealth.
I'm playing the wounded duck in the pond.
Okay, warning all the other ducks, letting them know I need to get in.
The doctors want to take my blood.
I said, no.
They want to give me pills.
I said, no.
They said, well, why do you have Medicaid?
I said, well, in case I need it.
You know, let me tell you, when you bring knowledge to these people, they get violent.
I was about to say, stay there.
This is a smart caller.
Stay there.
Folks, I had my finger chopped off, hanging by skin, and they were letting all the illegals in front of me wouldn't put it on, and my dad came and said, no, you gotta get that on, it's gonna die.
And I said, I'm Alex Jones, I'm gonna sue you, I know you have a surgeon, give me the care, and they did it.
And that's exactly right.
You gotta go in and say, you're gonna give me healthcare.
We'll be right back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're back.
We're taking your phone calls.
So, Alan, absolutely, whenever you go into a hospital or these places and they're trying to deny you care, I have the Hippocratic Oath.
I have the previous laws on record.
They're trying to phase these out.
That's what foreign bank takeover care, known as Obamacare, does.
Go ahead and make your point, Alan.
Then we're going to go to Kyle.
My point is, Alex, that I went in, I wanted to get a checkup.
I don't need their care.
I don't have any problems.
I'm 56 years old.
But I know what's been going on now, and I've been looking at this for the last 10 years.
I talk about these people as being Nazis.
But let me tell you what happened.
I told them that I said, well, you know, I got this stuff called nasoniodine.
Well, why are you taking that?
There's no reason for you to be taking that.
I can't get an American doctor.
Every last one of them is a Middle Easterner guy or some dude from India, can barely speak English, they get outraged when I talk about taking vitamins, exercising, and then I talked about the nascent iodine.
And they said, well, you know something?
I don't even think that you should be on Medicaid.
They're going to take it away.
I said, you do what you gotta do and I'm gonna do what I gotta do.
I said, but I'm on to your game.
Let me tell you something.
They were ready to strap me to a gurney and haul me off to the big house of cuckoo nuts.
You understand what I'm saying?
Brother, I hear ya, I hear ya, and nothing against foreigners, but in the caste class, they bring particular folks over from India, this is on record, the VA mainly, because over there, you know, they follow orders and everybody else is subhuman in the caste system.
I mean, I'm sorry.
Talk about racism, I see the dot in the middle of the forehead as like, whoa, I mean, that's like saying everyone else is not even human under me.
Okay, and that's how ignorant people are.
It's like folks always say Native Americans are perfect.
I'm, I've got three different groups of Native American in my background.
Very proud, smart, amazing people.
I'm proud of my Native American heritage.
In fact, I've gotten so old I've forgotten all the names of them.
Comanche, what was the other one?
My dad, I need to ask him about that.
The point is, is that it's sad because he used to actually go to the Indian things when he was a kid, you know.
I don't mean like when it was some show park, you know, for the tourists to come look at.
I mean, he would actually go to, you know, the Native American rituals.
A few times a year with his grandparents and, you know, his dad didn't go to it.
He was too busy.
The point is that stuff gets phased out.
But I mean, the Indians were all killing each other constantly.
They were always trying to get the white guys to raid with them.
And the French would be with this group.
It was all different groups angling like a big risk game or something.
Humans are humans.
People are people.
And everybody always sets themselves up in some cast saying they're better than everybody.
Let's talk to Kyle.
You're on the air from Pennsylvania.
What do you think of O-Vomit Care?
Well, I had even called your show and tried to defend it a couple weeks ago and I said that I thought it was a good first step to reforming the health care system.
But after our conversation, I did a little research of my own and followed up and
Now I've come to the conclusion that it is a step, but it's a big step in the wrong direction.
And there is a large amount of eugenics, there are death panels, there is healthcare rationing, and it's going to create that sense of, there are people who are entitled to care, and there are people who are just better off dead.
And that is completely against the American way.
And, you know, I can say I'm a big enough man to say that I was completely wrong, and it's a big, you know, this is a big CF.
It's a big mess up.
My problem is, is that everybody was, they've already wrecked the system.
They make it hard to make it in this country now.
I don't blame folks wanting some free health care if they could get it.
The problem is, is that it's meant to get control of us, and then now, do you think they're going to get rid of it, or do you think they'll just get everybody to go along with it?
No, it's gonna be like anything else the government does.
There'll be a big protest and a big to-do about it, and then...
Mainstream news, you know, CNN, MSNBC, they'll put this on the back burner and there'll be some Justin Bieber or some celebrity scandal that'll come to the forefront.
Six months later, you'll turn around and it'll just be part of life.
Exactly, exactly.
And they know it's a process.
And then it'll just be phased in and that's it.
And then the old puppet Obama goes out, the new puppet comes in.
That's why we've got to have a fundamental awakening and just say no.
And I think we're on the verge of that.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up at the bottom of the hour, I will go back to Roy, Jeff, John, Peter, Cat, and others that want to talk about Obamacare.
Are they still supporters of it or were they ever?
But some of them are Obama supporters calling and they want to discuss it.
Speaking of that, we're going to put up on screen for TV viewers, radio listeners can go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Former MSNBC host, health plan soars 350% thanks to Obamacare.
And he tweeted out, I bought a catastrophic health policy for $170 a month when I left MSNBC.
Obamacare cancelled the policy, new rate $600 a month, thanks Mr. President.
And he should feel good.
Some folks are having 500, 600 percent increases.
So there you go.
Affordable Care Act.
The joke is on all of us.
And I want to replay his quote meltdown where he said, we have a corrupt government.
It's evil.
They've all got to be removed.
America's in deep trouble.
And they fired him, basically forced him out of that.
Remember that?
How long ago was that?
It was like a year ago.
Time just flies.
Six months.
I don't remember.
About six months ago.
I mean, he just said what was true.
Like, that's crazy!
There's not an out-of-control political class.
You're fired!
Doesn't matter if you had some of the highest ratings in that area for that station that has no ratings.
I mean, it's just, it's like, if you don't commit to evil, you get purged.
If you don't commit to insanity, you get removed.
Now Michael Maloof joins us with some just amazing research.
We're so thankful you come on currently as a senior staff writer for worldnetdaily.com, specializing in international political and economic analysis, former senior security policy analyst for the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
Maloof has almost 30 years of federal service, 23 years of which was the U.S.
Defense Department.
If I go over all of his military, Defense Department history, we'll never be able to get to him.
So, we're just going to tell you that he's also a best-selling author.
Malouf's recent book, A Nation Forsaken, EMP, The Escalating Threat of an American Catastrophe, published by WorldNetDaily, available at WND.com.
And he joins us
He joins us right now to talk about something that we've been covering the last two years.
In fact, we've been right at the forefront, as WorldNetDaily has been, and others have been, getting into the fact that Obama is radically, as he promised to do, transforming America.
In the regulatory positions, the military positions, in the judgeships, everywhere, really putting hardcore
Marxists, worshippers of Lenin, Mao, Socialists, Eugenicists, I mean this is scary.
So it doesn't matter when Obama leaves, we've got a crew of really dangerous people in there, who fundamentally hate this country on record.
Obama went to Reverend Wright's church 21 years.
It was like a Ku Klux Klan meeting house for black folks, but say he never really heard the sermons.
This is pure bull.
And of course, he's a front man for the globalists, but the point is, they're using this radical Marxist ideology as the shock troops to take over.
That the insider we have on right now, Michael Maloof, he has talked to all these major generals, you name it, brigadier generals, the list goes on and on, who've confirmed what our Navy SEAL sources have said on record and off record, what our military police sources have said, what Fort Hood PSYOPS has told us that we've confirmed.
They've given us good intel over and over again.
These are good men.
I've met them.
If there is a total purge with a litmus test, will you confiscate guns?
Now, this is a litmus test on other issues as well, but we've got Mr. Maloof on with us right now.
His articles at worldnetdaily.com, and we link to them on infowars.com.
Here's Alan West.
Congress must probe military firings.
I agree with that.
I've been saying that for months.
General blames Night Stalker for military purge.
He's got General Boykin, all of them, going public.
Congressional Medal of Honor winners going public.
Major generals, you name it.
And so he joins us.
Sir, thank you so much.
Please break down from your high-level sources as much as you can tell us.
Well, thanks for having me.
Thank you.
Number one, there seems to be something permeating not only at the high ranks, but now it's coming down to the mid-levels and even mid-level officers and even into the listed ranks.
If you disagree with the president's or the administration's policy, you are basically set aside and your career is basically ended.
And this seems to be catching on more and more.
Now there are, as Congressman West mentioned to me, there are some zipper issues that have occurred, even among the higher ranks.
But as General Boykin told me, this is unprecedented to have so many flag officers, so many four-star generals removed in such a short period of time.
We're talking about nine general officers just in one year.
He removed some the previous years.
Some of the other presidents, Bush and removed a few generals because they disagreed with his policy on Iraq.
But it wasn't at the scale that we're seeing in the Obama administration today.
In fact, sir, I've seen Defense League articles, and I've seen your articles, break it down, it's 200 or more.
This has never happened in U.S.
history, and it's not like this is a downsizing.
This is political persecution.
Can you tell us what the generals have told you the litmus tests are?
Well, some of the litmus tests include if you speak out against radical Islam, like Lieutenant Colonel Dooley.
Uh, this was, uh, and then General Dempsey, who's our, who's the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, actually ridiculed Doolittle for doing that.
But this was an instructor who was talking about radical Islam in a classroom, in an approved class, and yet he's out.
And so it's, and we've had some other, uh,
Well, that was my next point.
We have Fort Hood leaking two weeks ago, and then Fox confirmed it, and the Secretary of the Army, as you know, went public.
They were saying, if you're evangelical or give money to the Tea Party, we will court-martial you.
That is unprecedented.
And then bad-mouthing the Founding Fathers in Army manuals?
I mean, this is absurdist.
Yeah, the generals have been quite vocal that if you're not speaking the administration outlook on things, you're basically going to be railroaded out.
Generally, the generals and military personnel generally cannot speak out against the commander-in-chief while they're on active duty.
Exactly, sir.
So you're the expert on this.
From what I've read, these guys really aren't even bucking things.
They just know they're patriots, so they must be spying on them or have intelligence files on them?
Well, as I think General Vallali told me, they actually have senior officers who are acting almost like communist political commissars.
That's right.
Who are looking out for
We're good to go.
Well, yes, sir, Mr. Maloof.
If you tell somebody you can't give money to evangelicals or the Tea Party, that is a trillion times over the top.
I mean, that's like Soviet level.
Well, that's why General Velali said it was like communist commissars.
This is the way things are going.
The enlisted men and even the mid-level officers are trying to watch their six constantly now because they don't know.
If they say something that's out of line, they don't know if this is the end of their career.
Oftentimes, they're not told anything.
It's just that they just don't get promoted, and they get set aside, and if you don't get promoted after a certain period of time, you're out.
Now, you talk about the big issue here.
The morale.
They've got to know.
Persecuting Christians, saying you can't even give money to the Tea Party, violating the First Amendment.
I mean, they've got to know that's going to kill morale.
Trying to put women in frontline combat.
There are three elements here that are really sticking in the crawl of a lot of the military personnel.
That is, one would be gays in the same foxholes, women in the foxholes, as well as the rules of engagement.
Rules of engagement are really a demoralizing factor, and as a consequence, a number of our troops have actually gotten killed because we couldn't respond in a firefight, or there could be the possibility of civilians, and so our troops have had to stand down.
There have been instances of this time and again, especially in Afghanistan.
And it's actually gotten some of our troops killed.
These special warfare people and say, I killed you dirty Americans just five years ago in Iraq, and when I'm done with Assad, I'm going to kill you.
That has got special warfare literally, literally freaking out because, as you know, committing suicide because they're being told to train al Qaeda.
What can you say about that?
Well, the problem is that we're seeing increasing numbers of these guys who are our friends today but are going to turn on us tomorrow.
Just like we trained the Mujahideen and actually helped create the Mujahideen against the Soviet Union and Afghanistan.
And now it's become our worst enemy.
Well, sir, I've been asking the questions.
We've had guys shot by, you know, green on blue.
And there have been some very recent cases of this.
Yes, sir.
You're the expert on this with your sources.
I mean, you've got Congressional Medal of Honor winners, retired major generals.
I mean, just an incredible list talking to you and really not to anybody else.
Why have they come to you, A?
And then, B, I've been asking the questions.
I want to give you the floor the next 10 minutes, sir.
Give us a presentation on what you think is most important, what people need to know, and what this is going to do
to U.S.
force structure with China and the rest of it literally turning into something like a Marxist college.
I mean, that's going to destroy the military.
A few of the generals told me, I reached out to them, some of them have been somewhat outspoken on this, but when you actually confront them and get them to think about it, they see a much larger problem here that's emerging and it's permeating throughout the ranks.
It's just not a few.
And they're seeing some of these firings as being politically motivated.
For example, the three generals that got canned right on the eve of, right after Benghazi, the concern is that they were using the firings to deflect attention from this ongoing investigation on Benghazi, which is far from resolved.
And as a consequence, there seems to be the notion of trying to hide things.
We've had some CIA officers actually told, if you go up and testify, you're going to be removed from your jobs.
So the intimidation is somewhat happening in the intelligence world, but it's also much more, and it's easier in the military world, because these guys have to salute, take orders, and shut up.
But the overarching picture is that it's having a fundamental problem of emasculating the troops.
I've had General Vallali and even General Brady tell me that our readiness is being affected as a consequence of this.
Our troops, our troop structure is being cut back tremendously.
They're using age-old equipment.
Our ships, we're down to about a third of the size of what our Navy was in terms of capital ships at the time.
So there's a complete emasculation of our military forces across the board.
And this is becoming a very, very serious problem in terms of readiness.
And I think this is what is really of concern to the upper brass.
Well, again, if you just joined us, we have a gentleman who advised the Pentagon on national security at the highest levels for a long time in the office of the Secretary of Defense, Michael Maloof.
He's got his new book out.
We'll talk about that some briefly here in a minute.
Look, here's my issue, okay?
I'm known as this radical libertarian guy that, you know, is so out there.
Now I'm not known as that because it's all coming true.
I wish I'd been proven wrong.
I would love to, like, not work this hard, not be in this much danger with these people, with the threats and the socialist harassment and all of it.
But, I mean, it does get to a point where I can't even believe this, that we have the training manual and the threats saying the Founding Fathers, quote, wouldn't be accepted into today's military.
I mean, I can't even believe it's that over the top.
We have them saying, if you are part of the Tea Party and give them money, that's aiding a terrorist.
And we're going to use stuff that's used on Al-Qaeda, if you're funding radical Islam, and we're going to arrest you.
It actually said, you may be court-martialed.
That is so over the top, and then meanwhile, there is radical Islam, and I'm not some, as they call it, Islamophobe.
But I know there are those major radical elements that Obama is totally cozying up to.
So let me ask you this question from your inside sources and overall full-spectrum analysis of this.
What is the strategy backing radical Islam, trying to overthrow the military?
I'm not a total fan of it, but they're better than Al-Qaeda, ten times better, in places like Egypt.
Getting rid of Gaddafi, putting in Al Qaeda, trying to get rid of Assad, put in the crazies.
I mean, what is the grand stratagem here?
Well, there seems to be, part of it I think has to do with a traditional type of alliance that we have basically with the Saudis.
The Saudis have been the biggest exporters of Wahhabi, Sunni Wahhabism for years and of course they were the creation of a lot of the Islamist radicals.
I mean you have Prince Bandar now who is
Well, you might not agree with the government of Bashar al-Assad, but in Syria he is a major backer and financier of the foreign fighters that are going in there.
He's also, and also the Chechens,
He told Putin that he can turn on and off the switch.
I think a lot of this has to do with our traditional ties and the fact that Obama now has begun to show a little bit of a tilt toward Iran that has even incensed the Saudis even more and they're actually increasing a lot of the spread of the Islamic radical
We're good to go.
There is a pattern of behavior of these radical Islamists and a lot of this is actually beyond our control today and with the decimation of our own military and the fact that we are not, that this radical Islamic movement are actually increasing and not diminishing because of all the work we did.
I agree.
Well, sir, I was about to say, I mean, I'm not a military man like yourself for a long time inside of the Defense Department, but I've made a study of just history.
It's so interesting.
I mean, I look at where America is right now, and if I wanted to destroy America, even mid-term, I would do what Obama's doing.
And I've got to admit, he's probably now ten times worse than I thought he would be.
I mean, this is just at a gut level.
I look at all the different strategies and stratagem and gambits that are going on, and clearly,
I see U.S.
interests now turning al-Qaeda loose in the Red Crescent, around Russia, threatening China.
And I'm not a fan of what China's doing.
I'm an American.
But I see almost a setup against America.
To put us into wars we can't win, with infiltration in the military to destroy it, and I've always been somebody who's more libertarian like Rand Paul, I say cut it!
But now I get what you're saying, is that there's... I mean, for the first time ever, I know the whole CFR elite and stuff are globalists, but...
I mean, are they really crazy enough to try to really destroy American credibility and get rid of us and maybe just sell out to the Communist Chinese or something?
I mean, I just look at it and everything points towards sell out America and the globalists have power through America.
And I've criticized that strategy.
I don't like being that corrupt imp, but this is really bad.
Yeah, well, we're seeing it now as we try to deploy and do that pivot to East Asia.
We just don't have the Navy to deal with that on a full-time basis and try to live up to commitments elsewhere.
And when you have a diminished naval force, it's going to make it even much more difficult.
And we're going to have people who are just going to leave the military.
Uh, the fact, to get back here to a second, to the, to the, uh, imagination of our own military, the fact that they're now, uh, easing out the captains and the majors, the people who have actually been fighting the wars, and, and they're, they're now leaving, then who do we have who has, who's had that battlefield experience as they get on up to the upper, upper ranks?
It's gonna be, it's gonna be a very, very serious problem, uh, as, as, uh, in the, in the years to come.
In keeping a very strong military, and I think that this is what's alarming the generals to a great extent.
And this is going to have a bearing on our force structure and our ability to project power in the future and look out for our interests that we have all around the world.
Now, these other countries that you mentioned, Russia and China, now, it's intriguing that they too have a Wahhabi problem.
They have a Sunni radical Islamist problem themselves.
Within the Caucasus and the North Caucasus area, the Russians are very fearful that these Sunnis are going to be creating havoc come the time of the February 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.
And this is where Bandar came in.
He actually said, Mr. Putin, if you change your policies toward Syria and Iran, I can assure you, you will not be attacked during the Olympics.
And I saw that in the Russian news and Bandar didn't deny it.
Why is Saudi Arabia so arrogant to threaten a nuclear superpower?
The fact that Bandar has this capability, this outreach, he does want to become king of Saudi Arabia when King Abdullah dies.
But this is his power base.
This is his... He wants to be able to show that he is able to project this kind of capability and this power.
That's why he's basically taking a much more independent line from the United States.
And we see that now in terms of... Yeah, he sounds like Napoleon.
Michael Maloof's our guest.
Do five more minutes with us.
I want you to be able to finish up and then talk about your book.
And I want to ask you about solutions.
How do we get out of this?
On the other side with Michael Maloof.
Man, this is intriguing.
This guy really knows his geopolitics, folks, because I study it.
Constantly, and I'm learning something right now, so that says something.
We'll be right back with a final little bit with Michael Maloof, then your phone calls.
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The Empire's on the run.
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Hitler took the guns.
Stalin took the guns.
Mao took the guns.
Fidel Castro took the guns.
Hugo Chavez took the guns.
1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!
The Republic will rise again when you attempt to take our guns.
I am sworn upon the altar of God.
Eternal hostility against every form of tyranny of the mind.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The republic will rise again if we rediscover American ideals.
But if we continue down this road, it is bad.
You know, as much as I don't like the American empire,
Then I realized that the American Empire in its death throes is like trying to start World War III while undermining the military with all the weird socialist anti-male stuff that goes on.
There's always been gay people in the military, folks.
They don't want anybody that's obsessed with sexual stuff running around stirring up trouble.
The military fires more people over officers with women under them.
They're trying to do a mission.
You don't want guys with all the women under them.
I run an operation with women that work here.
I don't need a bunch of stuff going on here with people.
I go, don't fraternize with people here, even though it's tempting.
And now it's like you're going to be with men?
That are, like, coming after you?
I mean, it's crazy.
That's why you don't put women in those combat units.
But I'm ranting, and I'll do that after he leaves.
Michael Maloof, best-selling author, is with us, former top Pentagon analyst, and the Office of the Secretary of Defense, WorldNetDaily, senior writer.
I asked you during the break the question,
I'll say it for the audience right now.
Give me the best answer you can get because I've not seen anybody.
I know some of these generals are public, some haven't been so public.
You've got quite a list you're interviewing.
So you're in there because they trust you.
My intel from some of these very people, but I won't say it on air, is that Obama is looking to use DHS as a fifth arm to take over.
I don't know.
And, and trying to go after the American people, they're trying to take the guns, and, and even though they can't succeed in the mission, the, the, the, the experience, the voyage is the destination that they want to start some civil war.
In America, and that's what I'm getting from high-level military sources, have they said anything on or off record to you like that?
A, and B, what are they saying the destination is?
What is Obama and his controllers, what are they trying to do?
Well, I think he's trying to change the fundamental approach with his very liberal approach toward trying to make the military a social experiment.
He's never been a fan of the military anyway.
I mean, he was a community organizer and then he becomes president.
I don't mean to interrupt, sir, but what about his advisors?
If you wanted to kill the military, this is what you do.
Why isn't the establishment stopping him?
Well, the establishment is scared to death because they're going to be out.
I mean, this is why one of my stories had to do with Valerie Jarrett.
She's what we call the Night Stalker, and she's one who guides and counsels him.
She's very leftist-leaning and has roots that go back to Communist Socialist practices at the local level in Chicago many, many years before.
We're good.
Not only emasculate the military, but actually create his own strong civilian force.
The question is why?
Congress should have been pursuing this as to why this is happening.
They've never gotten a straight answer, and yet Congress is still overlooking this possibility of this problem of why DHS is arming the way it is.
DHS is part of the problem.
They've got other issues that they've got to deal with.
And not the least of which is dealing with natural catastrophes and yet they want another fighting.
Well that's another issue.
They've pivoted, talking about pivoting from the Middle East to Asia, they have pivoted like 95% from Al-Qaeda.
I get the manuals the police send them to me.
We break them on the national news all the time.
95% pivot.
I mean it'll be like a hundred page training manual.
I don't publish a lot of these because it could be actually damaging the real national security, but we show the cover sheets and stuff.
95% of it will be about Tea Party gun owners, veterans, Christians, and then like one page on Al-Qaeda.
Yeah, they see the threat more from within than from without.
And I think that this is what we're seeing.
It's pretty much what happened during the Clinton years.
He never wanted to talk about, after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, that that was actually a terrorist act.
It was a criminal act by some disgruntled people.
There was a failure to want to recognize that you do have an external threat, but it's more internal with your lone wolves and what he would refer to as your right-wing militant groups.
And that's where I think the DHS is looking more as to where the threat is coming from within.
Well, I mean, here's my issue, sir.
You're a smart guy.
I have had a lot of military in my family.
I've literally read probably 500 books on military history.
Study it.
I know I don't know the tip of the iceberg.
I look at Valerie Jarrett.
I've read her papers.
I've seen her give speeches.
She's a low-grade moron.
The woman looks mentally ill.
And I'm sorry.
Our country...
And I'm not usually the guy that goes with the theory of incompetence, but that's even more frightening, that the elite running this country are a bunch of incompetent, dumb commies, and I'll use that low pejorative, it's what they are, who literally are social engineering, and that's ten times more scary than an in-control elite, because at least an in-control elite doesn't want to blow the planet up.
These mental patients, look what they've done with Obamacare.
This is a disaster.
I mean, I think Obama needs to be impeached.
I know WorldNetDaily's leading a big group up to try to get that done, coming up in a few weeks.
I mean, what do... Here's my final question.
What do we do?
Well, I mean, A, do you agree with me that these are very unstable weirdos?
And then, B, what are the generals and others saying that we can do, any ideas, to try to stop this?
Well, first of all, yes, I would agree with you that these are unstable weirdos.
They have their own agenda.
They're in the position of power right now.
The argument is, well, you voted for them, but we've got to live with it.
And I've had a lot of people in comments on some of my stories saying, well,
Maybe we need to be taking back the government, and there's talk like that now that's coming through.
People are very alarmed, but there's nothing that you can do about it short of taking up arms, it seems, because we live under a nation of laws.
And uh... we voted for the man and uh... or as many many people voted for men, I know I didn't but uh... but then we have to live with it until the next election.
Well I was about to say though, I mean take the military strategy, we say they're a bunch of buffoons but they've got, they're ready, they want a civil war, they want to push us, that's what the Navy SEALs on and off record including a naval officer told me uh... who's commanded large groups of SEALs, I'll just leave it at that and then we've had the SEALs on the show, that that's their analysis.
The Navy
The Navy Special Warfare people have looked at this and they say it's exactly what you were just alluding to.
They want to push us into this, but then we have no choice, but maybe we do.
So let me ask you as a smart guy who's talked to all these other folks, what do we do?
We don't want a civil war with poor cops and military that are just following orders, but we can't go under commie control.
What do we do?
I think we have to continue publicly bringing this out.
I think people who are in the system and people who have just come out, they need to speak out.
Of course, they're still concerned, even in retirement, if they want to get contractor jobs and what have you.
But we are at a point where things could really turn south on us.
And we need to be bringing this out more and more and just keep hammering it and hammering it to really make this resonate in the people's consciousness.
And I would agree with
I agree, and for those that don't know...
You know, that's why you have the Congress Commission officers to begin with, because you just can't have a Napoleon or a Hitler run all the military themselves.
That's always the bane of any free civilization, is that Julius Caesar comes along and I think, I really think these people running things, well they talk about it, they talk about it, they want him to be a dictator, want him to declare martial law.
You know, Sheila Jackson Lee.
So I think, I mean, we need to listen to what these people are saying.
And deal with it.
In closing, and I appreciate your time, sir, tell us about your new book, A Nation Forsaken.
Boy, that says it all.
Yes, well, that was the whole idea.
The federal government has let us down in trying to protect this country against an electromagnetic pulse, either from natural, from the sun, or from man-made, which can be some little small country with a nuclear weapon and a means of delivery system that can just explode it over at a high altitude and knock out our national grid, and all of the other critical, life-sustaining, critical
I think?
Or even our emergency responders.
They would also be affected.
Our hospitals would be affected.
We're totally dependent.
I mean, look at the depression.
Most Americans were self-sufficient and it was devastating.
If we have something like this now, all the experts I talk to, I haven't read your book yet, I want to read it, but I mean, they say this is something we don't come back from, at least not in the way we have been.
That's right.
Well, Jim Woolsey and Newt Gingrich have recently formed an EMP coalition, and they're talking about this now.
They're trying to get a national effort underway to get Congress to pass what's called the SHIELD Act.
I don't think it's going to pass.
It might pass in the House, but certainly not in the Senate.
That's right.
Two billion dollars that they'll spend instead to put in transgender bathrooms.
I mean, it's just unbelievable.
Well, listen, I really appreciate you joining us, Mr. Malouf, and your analysis, and unfortunately I concur with all of it, and I just hope we can make it out of this.
I mean, it's good news that Obamacare is finally blowing up so bad that I think
I think this could be the end of Obama being able to get stuff done.
The problem is, he just signs executive orders like shutting down our power plants, speaking of power, and does this.
Let me ask you this.
Are we at the most dangerous point right now, then, because Obama's sinking like a rock, but that's when he might try something.
And what could that be to get his agenda back on track?
Well, yeah, it'll be the tail wagging the dog episode.
You know, people talk about, well, can he be impeached for this?
He lied to the American people.
Well, he also lied to Congress, and that should be a misdemeanor right there.
He lied to Congress about Obamacare, in which people would not be able to lose their doctors or their health care, and on the basis of that, they went ahead and passed
It certainly is.
We've got to send a message that we're not going to put up with this type of just rampant craziness and control freak behavior.
Thank you so much for your time.
Well, thanks for having me.
Wow, that was a scary interview, but you know, folks, we're not trying to scare you.
I'm the type of guy that if it's flooding and I need to go to higher ground, then I go to higher ground.
It's not that I'm living in fear.
I woke up three weeks ago.
Opened my back door, looking onto the property, that was a small piece of property, there was a ranch behind me, and there was a, no exaggeration, I was thinking 500 foot wide, no it was, I actually kind of guesstimated, measured it, about a thousand feet past my property, on over the fence line, giant Barton Creek was like a torrent of white rapids blasting out of a fire hose.
And it was coming up to our property line, up to the fence, all the way up to the pillars of our house, because our house is built on stilts, because it's an area that floods every 50 years.
And it kept rising and rising.
And it wasn't that I was living in fear, that I went out and looked out the window and saw the water rising.
And I walked in and I said, oh honey, it's not raining anymore, it's been raining for 12 hours straight.
We're up near the headwaters.
It should be okay.
I don't think it's going to be an issue.
Obviously, my children and wife are freaked out.
I'm no hydrologist, but I can tell.
It's not raining anymore.
We're up near the headwaters.
It should be okay.
But I said, if it keeps raining, it might knock out our porch and stuff, so we might have to leave.
But I said, and I went and looked at the weather report.
It wasn't going to keep raining, so it was all right.
And then, within a few hours, it went back down to like 50 feet across.
I was knocking trees over, you name it.
It was like a major river blasting by my house from just a side creek that goes into Barton Creek.
The reason I tell that analogy now is, or that story, as an analogy of what we're currently under.
I mean, I'm just watching a giant rising waters of tyranny.
And I'm sitting here going, um, we need to say no to this.
I'm getting called an extremist and a radical and I want to kill cops and I want to kill people and I don't want to kill anybody.
I just want to be a nice guy.
I just want to live in a free country.
Our government sold us out to China and others.
Undermining us at the same time, attacking anything good.
I mean, these people are just deviants.
I've now come to the realization they are deviants.
Deviant, not like they want to go have sex with somebody.
I've learned that's not even really what you call deviance.
That's like the distractionary deviance.
It's the deviance of, like, screwing things up and messing with things and doing nasty things and doing bad things.
And we all need to be like Dylan Rattigan six months ago that got fired.
He's going,
We're in trouble.
You flipped out because he's there around all the lies you're supposed to flip out!
You're supposed to say, I'm not going to be part of this anymore!
Like Howard Beale and Network.
And that's all I've done.
I mean, I went because military told me about it.
And I saw Marines training to take our guns in America.
And I was a mainline Libertarian Republican then.
And I was like, oh my gosh.
And I found out about the whole plan.
They've been trying this forever.
They already run everything.
They don't need to be doing all this.
They literally want to go after families.
They literally want our guns.
They want to break us.
They want to dominate us.
They already run everything, folks.
They want to screw us over.
They hate us.
It's like racism against Native Americans when they've already been defeated.
Hunting everyone down and killing them.
The globalists are going to hunt us down unless we stop them.
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In 1814, we took a little trip along with Colonel Jackson down to mighty Mississippi.
In 1814, we took a little trip along with Colonel Jackson down to mighty Mississippi.
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans and we whooped the bloody British in the town of New Orleans.
We fired our guns and the British kept a coming.
There wasn't as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they began to running on down to Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.
That means 10,000 troops.
Just remember, they start a civil war, folks.
Those of us in leadership will be killed first.
And I'm not even worried about that.
I'm worried about beating these guys in the end.
There's things bigger than one person's life.
There's the children, and there's justice to be served.
I don't want this physical war to come.
And I'm doing everything I can, and on my knees every day before my Almighty Creator, asking for the guidance.
But you know, sometimes in God's plan, bad things happen.
We're here so that people have a choice in their heart to make about which side they're going to be on in their heart.
And that's the most important decision.
None of us can do this alone.
We don't know what the outcome's going to be short term.
But we know that in the end, right always comes out on top.
It may take a hundred years.
May take six months.
May take a day.
We don't know what's in store for us.
There's a lot of twists and turns in this.
But everybody can feel the great danger we're all in.
We can tell history is already happening and is about to happen.
And I feel like every day this could be my last broadcast here.
And everybody can tell hearing me on the air that and you could feel it as well.
This is history happening right now and you need to decide who your heart's with.
It's real simple if you want to break it down to men.
He certainly wasn't perfect, but if you've studied him, he had amazing courage and leadership in Providence.
Are you with George Washington?
Or are you with Barack Obama?
Are you with people like Martin Luther King, who wasn't perfect, but had a lot of courage and vision?
Or are you with people like Hillary Clinton?
You're gonna have to make a decision.
You gotta decide, in life, it isn't about how many baubles you got, it isn't how many people know who you are, believe me, I've got that, it means nothing.
It matters what you stand for and what you did.
It's not about the toys, folks, it's about what you did.
It's the Aaron Tippin cheesy song, but it's not cheesy.
We say it's cheesy because we feel cheesy when we feel like doing the right thing, like that's bad.
No, that's good.
You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.
You've got to be your own man, not a puppet on the string.
Never compromise what's right and uphold your family name.
You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.
Yeah, we might have had more money, been better off, live in a better house if dad had done more
Giving in a little more back and down.
But in the final equation, ladies and gentlemen, we have a civilization because people didn't bend over and bow down.
That's why the corrupt always try to attack those that are pure of heart to tell us we're impure, to tell us we're frauds, to tell us we're lies.
Because they then know that that affects us and we'll give up thinking we're not worthy to fight evil.
You understand that?
They are willfully evil.
Their hearts are evil.
That's the difference.
We are willfully good.
We have goodwill.
We have courage.
We have honor.
We have strength.
We have the future.
If we take it in our hands, now is the time to choose which side you serve.
Now is the time to give your heart to liberty or to tyranny.
Overdrive, coming up.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today!
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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I made you hold, so I'm holding here, going into the fourth hour overdrive.
Roy, John, Tater, Cat, Mike, we're gonna go to you all.
Then I've got some clips I want to play here, we haven't gotten to yet right now.
But I tell you, my spirit today is just absolutely closer to God than it's ever been.
And I can tell you that, I can tell you right now, I can politically see it, but I can feel there's some bad stuff about to happen, ladies and gentlemen.
I don't know what it's going to be, but all hell's about to break loose.
That's what my gut tells me.
Maybe it can be stopped, but I don't know.
Quote, Star Wars.
I feel a disturbance in the force.
Let's talk to Roy in Michigan.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Long-time listener.
First-time caller.
Thanks for holding, brother.
I've been trying for a month to get through to you.
I heard on the radio you needed to have Obamacare and Obama supporters call up.
I called and I got through on the first ring.
Well, you're here.
You're here, brother.
All right.
I think this purge is a little bit deeper than what we are afraid of.
Not so much afraid of, but concerned with.
I have a lot of friends in the military.
Are they brigadier generals?
No, they're not, but they are reservists.
You think the intel's at the top?
It's always at the bottom, too, because they're actually getting the missions.
So, even though they'll call it something else, you can decode what the real plan is, but go ahead and tell me your point.
My point is, is if they're purging the military, they're purging the top brass, and they're calling up the reservists to go over to Afghanistan for whatever,
That means that they're getting deeper into our military.
Do you get what I mean?
They start at the top.
They're exhausting the reserves.
And they're also sending our people over to be sitting ducks for the Taliban.
Yeah, we're talking about National Guard guys that are in the reserves.
You know, they do their weekend thing.
They do their couple times a year thing.
That's also so they can bring them back battle-hardened to be against the American people.
They're going to find out who's who, and I believe they're using Afghanistan to filter them.
Really bad.
It's so bad I'm completely calm now.
I don't know how to explain it.
It's so horrible now.
I'm like, it's here.
It's like here.
I just like, I've never felt like this.
It's horrible.
Yeah, definitely.
Alright, God bless you, brother.
Let's talk to John in Florida.
We're living history, folks.
Get ready.
John, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, welcome.
I appreciate that, buddy.
I've been praying for you, and specifically your discernment.
I don't know what you did yesterday, but you obviously came back more focused today.
And I wanted to ask you what you thought about the two senators that have asked for a federal investigation over the Florida unemployment website.
You know, I remember you calling in last week about that, and I sent it to the guys, and I just, so much is going on.
It's all sorts of computers not working and breaking, but guys, what's the latest on Florida, and is the site still not working?
Say that again, caller?
I missed it.
Florida Unemployment Department and Hot Seat Oversight Glitches.
Do a Google search.
That's awesome.
So Florida Department and Hot Seat Oversight Glitches.
Well, I'm glad it's getting in the news.
I mean, exactly.
Now they call it glitches when they don't pay you and they're like testing with EBT cards malfunctioning and with this.
I believe, and the experts I talked to believe, this is a test.
What do you think's going on?
I think it's a test.
I think it's a litmus test to see how far they can go with this.
It's amazing.
Hold on.
You're the guy that brought this to our attention.
There's the article.
I'm going to come back to you after the break.
Then Peter, Kat, Randy, and Mike.
And that's it for calls after those callers.
Because then I've got some news I want to get to.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You know, it was six, seven months ago that Dylan Rattigan had his quote, meltdown, flip out and got basically pushed out of MSNBC, CNBC.
He did stuff on both channels.
He just told it like it was and acted like a man.
A man is supposed to care about the stability of society and being fair.
Not being part of a gang.
People should hate gangs in government and anywhere else.
They should hate abusers.
They should hate frauds.
And they should instinctively do everything they can to deny aid and comfort to those people.
Real simple.
But instead we kiss up to tyranny like it's going to be nice to us.
That only intensifies it.
John in Florida, you called in, we pulled up the article, it's true.
They're not giving people unemployment benefits, saying it's a glitch in Florida.
This is clearly with the EBT things and Obamacare, we know with Obamacare they knew that this was going to happen.
Their excuse now to deny stuff is it's a glitch, because they found in psychological warfare, if they just say stuff's screwed up, you don't take it personal like it was denied.
You just go die in the ditch.
So this is undoubtedly the banksters.
And as much as I don't like dependency, because they always do this in the end, it's not that I don't want to give a domesticated animal food.
I don't want to starve an animal.
It's like you shouldn't domesticate it if you're not going to take care of it.
And it's unsustainable.
So see, it's not like, are you for welfare or are you against welfare?
No, I'm for local welfare.
But the real welfare of don't give a man fish, teach him how to fish.
If he's starving to death, cook him some fish, get him, and say, I'm gonna show you how to catch fish here.
And then if he won't catch fish and tells you to do it, well, you're not his slave.
They're just bringing slavery back here.
Now, let's go ahead.
And go back to your calls, and I got Dylan Radigan, what he did, and a lot of stuff I haven't gotten to yet.
We got Obama in Dallas trying to chill the foreign bank takeover care, because he's supposed to take the blame as Obamacare.
It's really foreign bank, Occupy America, Rape America, foreign tax, foreign banks, scam care.
But John in Florida, you brought that up, anything else?
Yeah, what people need to realize is, you know, there's two weeks that they're waiting on before this problem even happens, so they're into five and six weeks of not getting paid.
Can you imagine no paycheck for that long?
No, I can't imagine it.
I make a little bit of money, and I mean, I don't have enough money, so I can't imagine folks that are living paycheck to paycheck.
It must be horrible.
I'm smarter than average bear, and I got my claim paid, and I just want to help some people here.
If you can't get through to their number, which they shut off, okay?
Call the Governor's office at 850-488-7146.
You should be able to get directly through to somebody at the unemployment office, but last week, dude, they had four people answering those phone calls, but the girl told me specifically, she gave me some specifics, so that's why off-air I'd like you to give me an email address to send this information to you.
It'll help you out a lot with the story.
I agree, brother.
Why don't you put him off air and have him send it to Rob Do's email?
Uh, and I'll, and Rob Deale will get onto it by Monday.
And a lot of stuff falls to the cracks.
I always feel bad when we can't get it done.
My crew's working hard.
Just, it's like, we're like good batters, but it's like, they have like eight batting machines shooting balls at us.
It's like when Luke Skywalker has Darth Vader throwing all that stuff at him, he can't hit it all.
I mean, it's, it's pretty pathetic at a certain point.
Myself included.
I mean, I get in here someday so focused and there's like 500 articles and by the end of it, I'm just like,
Because each one triggers a brainstorm, you know, and it just, at a certain point, oh my goodness, oh man, this feels like a wake is what it feels like, but also like a birth.
It's like the feeling when a baby's been born, because liberty's always rising, but it's also like, you know, some loved family member's dead, and we're remembering stories about them.
We're just totally overrun by evil right now.
And we need people to get a heart again, because people think it's manly to not care.
People think it's manly to be dishonest and manipulative, and it's not.
It's pathetic.
And I'm telling you folks, the globalists are plunging right now.
They're going to stage something and I, you know, this has happened before and bad stuff happens.
I hope it gets stopped, but I feel, I feel beyond dread right now.
And I don't know what's really happening.
I don't know what's, there's so many different things in flux.
I know what the cards are in the deck.
I don't know what card's going to come out of that hand.
And just,
Pray to sweet Jesus, that's all I can tell you folks.
Let's talk to Kat in New York.
Kat, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex.
Talk about cards in the deck, how funny it is that I'm calling you exactly for that reason.
And this is one card in the deck that I haven't heard anybody mention, so I'm going to exercise my First Amendment right while we still have it.
And tell you what my theory is on what they may do.
And then I'm only going to take up like a minute of your time because I know you're on overdrive and then... That's okay, go ahead.
You can tell me what you think.
I don't think the mainstream media has had a sudden change in consciousness.
I think that they're doing exactly what they're being told to do.
As far as like Jeanine Carrow ripping into shrubs on Fox News and Glenn Beck, I don't think that these people have had a sudden change in hearts.
I think that they're still being told what to do.
I think it's all part of the agenda.
And I think with him being compared to Lincoln and them wanting to start a race riot in a civil war in America, I think it's possible that they may stage an assassination against our president and use a white taxi to start a race riot in America.
No, I know, I know.
I've always said Obama could be the false flag.
I agree, and then he gets shot in the head and miraculously lives.
I mean, it's just, you have no idea.
The last thing we want is any shooting.
I mean, if there's going to be shooting, it needs to be, they shoot at us, it's obvious, it's on record.
Who even wants to, it's just like, look, they want that, I don't want that.
It's very simple.
They want it, I don't want it.
They want it, you shouldn't want it.
There's so many military people that have, you know, done a lot of killing that are just ready to go crazy.
And I'm telling you folks, we need to hold our fire till we see the whites of their eyes.
We need to wait till they're attacking us.
People say, well, you lose the initiative.
This isn't about a regular military engagement.
It's a moral victory, folks.
Besides, I guarantee you, the people calling for a civil war on the Liberty side, I understand why they're upset, but they're going to be the first people
They're going to crap their pants when the hammer drops.
But you're going to see people that never talked about doing anything, they're going to take action.
And I would assure those working for the system, you will be destroyed.
And the globalists will sit offshore laughing the entire time.
We don't need this.
We don't need to be a joke.
We don't need to be a failure.
We don't need to dance to their tune.
We don't need to do this.
If you've got any sense in you and the establishment, you better sabotage this crap right now.
I mean, politically, economically, whatever you gotta do, you need to just not comply.
You need to just put yourself against the machine.
Against the machine.
Together we can stop this.
But I'm telling you, we're entering the vortex right now.
Anything else there, Kat?
No, I just think that it's important that we realize and remember that the mainstream media is still being controlled.
Oh, I totally agree, and they're only doing this because they're losing credibility.
But people like Dylan Rattigan, who got fired,
Removed for flipping out.
They don't want that energy.
That's why there was a defeat with Piers Morgan.
They said, oh, he failed.
He lost because we won.
I was like, you want my guns?
You're an enemy.
You'll never get them.
I'm never surrendering.
Oh, how discredited.
He'll never surrender.
That's a battle cry.
They don't want you to have any spirit.
And Rattigan did that, so they got rid of him, and now he's out with his premium.
It's up on InfoWars.com, up 350%.
God bless you, ma'am.
I appreciate your call.
I appreciate you listening to us and putting up with me.
In fact, speaking of Rattigan, I'm going to skip this network break at the bottom of the hour.
I'm going to play this clip and get to some other clips I've got.
Here is Dylan Rattigan, quote, in his meltdown earlier this year that got him brought out.
But don't worry.
So you can't have Dylan Rattigan there.
He'll actually go on MSNBC and say,
My rate went from 170 this year to 600.
That's an increase.
But Obama said when you raise the debt limit, it is an increase.
So this is magical math here.
And you're supposed to just feel powerless to go along with it.
Well, you know what?
I got my butt kicked a lot of times, but they never messed with me again, even though they were a lot tougher and meaner than I was.
Most of the time, I won the fight.
There have been a few times I've fought people like The Flash.
So strong, so quick, you couldn't even do anything to them.
Well, when they'd be leaning over me, I'd get up and punch them right in the throat.
An hour later, they'd be in the hospital with a tracheotomy.
And, you know, it doesn't matter.
It's the fighting spirit that matters.
It's the will to fight makes an enemy move on.
And we need to find that spirit again, because that's the spirit of liberty.
We don't start fights, we finish them.
We don't start wars, we finish them.
We don't look for trouble, we take out trouble.
And that's what we do, and we've got the moral authority on our side, and our enemies are freaked out.
I can look at them on television and tell you, they are scared.
And you know what?
They should be.
They have signed on to some bad stuff.
They have signed on to mucho evil.
And I said I'd go to this clip.
Let's go to the guy who's now speaking out about he was screwed with Obamacare.
This is a guy removed from television for literally just acting like a man.
Here it is.
We owe $70 trillion.
I understand that, but if you can't sit here and say... It goes to walk out a $4 trillion solution, which is basically just a way for the Democrats to avoid dealing with this until 2017.
I'm not here to talk about plans to deal with this until 2017.
I'm saying we've got a real problem, and I'm tired of Republicans and Democrats, Republicans who want to burn the place to the ground, and Democrats, with all due respect, who want to offer a plan that gets it through the end of their second term of their presidency, and then screws me and my kids when it
Damn right.
This is a fact.
I think?
We should do the $4 trillion plan that kicks the can down the road for the president for 2017, or burn the place to the ground.
Both of which are reckless, irresponsible, and stupid.
And the fact of the matter is, until we actually, and I'm sorry to lose my temper, but I'll tell you what, I've been coming on TV for three years doing this, and the fact of the matter is,
There's a refusal on both the Democratic and the Republican side of the aisle to acknowledge the mathematical problem, which is that the United States of America is being extracted.
It's being extracted through banking, it's being extracted through trade, and it's being extracted through taxation.
And there's not a single politician that has stepped forward, Susan, to deal with this.
Alright, I gotta say this.
On a scale of 1 to 10, of absolute veritas and humanity, that's a 10.
My Piers Morgan was about a 7.
Because, you know, he was messing with me and interrupting me and playing games.
But still, there's never been probably a 7 before that.
There's like a 7 and then there's Dylan Rattigan.
And I'd forgotten about that clip until I saw his thing today.
We should add that in there.
This guy's like, look, what does it matter if I make a million dollars a year and my kid's future is totally screwed?
Do you people get it?
We're crashing!
We're screwed!
New world order!
We're being strip-mined!
What in the world?
It'd be like if somebody said, I'll pay a million dollars if you let me kill your kid.
It'd be like, how about I kill you?
My kid's what matters, not your million stinking dollars.
Instead, we arrest people to steal a loaf of bread, and then we let the globalists steal trillions.
I'm sick of it, man!
I got three kids!
Three of them!
All you little fake punks that work for the system want to fight with me?
I'm trying to save your lives, you dumbasses!
You start a fight with us?
The American people are going to absolutely slaughter your ass up one side and down the other!
You think I want to pile your dead bodies up?
A fucking hundred f- Excuse me.
Hit delay on that.
I am getting sick of this crap!
I am so sick of all this stuff!
I'm so sick of people acting like idiots!
We are being strip-mined, we are being extracted, we are being harvested to never come back!
America is dying right now!
And I will not sit here and put up with this crap anymore!
And they got rid of him because he has life force, because he cares about his kids, because he's not suicidal, because he's not mentally ill, because he's got huevos hanging between his legs and common sense in his brain, folks.
There is no debate.
We're going down a sewer right now.
There is no debate.
We're going over the edge of a waterfall, folks, on a razor blade into alcohol.
There is no doubt that we are in deep, grievous, emergency trouble that the Globalists have set up that's so bad, here's the big news, they can't even turn it around now.
They did it and now, I mean, this is insane.
This is insane.
This is like a satanic art project or something that we're all living in the middle of, okay?
I want you to understand that right now.
And then he had to apologize to two scared women.
And the other little operative, because he dared go!
This is all rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic!
By the way, I've already said this a year ago, I want Dylan Radigan on the show.
I don't know where he's working, what he's doing, but...
That guy's way past being scared to go on radical shows.
Radical just means you have a pulse and aren't a moron.
Conspiracy theorist just means you don't believe known liars.
I mean, if you literally, like, have an opinion about how your soup tastes, they're saying it's a conspiracy theory now.
Well, let me tell you something.
I'm a conspiracy theorist.
I think, I'm informed, I'm learning more every day, I'm living only one time, baby, and I want to be free, and I live through my children and their children, and I don't like people screwing up children's futures.
I mean, you look at... I'll tell you what's really scary, is we've had powerful corrupt elites before and I've studied them.
I mean, you look at Obama and Michelle Obama and Joe Biden.
These people are nothing but narcissists, BS artists.
They're not even that powerful.
I mean, that's what's pathetic about this, is these people... These people are not even good villains.
We're ruled by a bunch of chicken crap,
Pieces of trash.
And I just don't like it.
I don't like them endangering our planet.
I want my ancestors, I want my progeny, just like my ancestors did, to look up at a gibbous moon, to look up at a harvest moon, to look up at the stars.
I want my progeny to survive and thrive and colonize worlds.
I just love them.
They're not even born yet.
I want them to exist.
It's like a big oak tree, or a big beautiful tree, and you see it's baby trees around it.
It's just like you admire that tree.
I admire my ancestors.
Can I just turn the whole world over to a bunch of crazy people?
Turn the whole world over to a bunch of genetic engineers trying to wreck everything and play God?
No, no, no, no, no, no!
And what you're hearing on this show is the instinctive emergency transmission of our species.
Any of you can speak like this and know this, it's truth.
You jump in that river, man, you're going to the river, you're not, you're part of the river.
That's why truth flows, ladies and gentlemen, it flows.
I couldn't imagine lying, like the lie is like, figure it out, it feels dirty when you do it.
I know I'm ranting.
It's just... I will not apologize like Rattigan did.
And of course I know that was more of a play on words.
But in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
As George Orwell said, in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
Well, I am a revolutionary against tyranny.
I am a revolutionary against gangs and corrupt groups that don't deserve to be in charge, who didn't get in charge because we want them in charge because they're the best we've got.
They're in charge because they hoodwinked us into being in charge.
And they're so screwed up, they don't have a love of humanity, they have a hate of humanity, and they are fundamental enemies of everything we were, we are, and we will be.
They will be the end of us.
I do not fear physical death.
I fear death of our species.
Because we are the species.
We live forever.
As long as the species continues.
You atheists don't believe in a spirit.
The space winds blowing right through you.
The resonance.
All of it's there.
Of course there's a spirit.
But below that is the genetic life.
We live forever just like an oak tree from 10 million years ago lives today in my yard.
It has the same love in its cells and all the butterflies and all the birds and all the squirrels that have lived in its branches.
I love that oak tree.
And I love humans, my fellow humans, a trillion times more than I love that oak tree.
We have fought and lived and loved together for so long.
So many great people sacrificed everything so we would have basic freedom, basic liberty.
And that great wealth is being squandered right now.
It's being given away.
It's being destroyed.
It's bleeding out.
It's a crime against our species.
It's a crime against everything that's good.
The real value in this world is spiritual.
I will not stand aside and let these people run over us.
And that's not a commitment.
That's not a heroic act.
That is the basic act of a free, sentient creature that chooses goodness.
That chooses life.
That chooses to stand for reality.
We have allowed groups to use manipulation and fraud to build castles made of sand.
And to quote one of the greatest guitarists of all time, Jimi Hendrix, castles of sand crumble into the sea eventually.
And when they crumble, they will bring down our world, because these aren't ancient elites, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 years ago, engaging in all sorts of self-destructive behavior.
These are elites genetically re-engineering the planet in a destructive way, with fish infusion, antimatter weapons, atomic weapons, hydrogen weapons, biological weapons, chemical weapons,
Who are not even in control of themselves.
This is the transmission.
This is the warning.
This is the final warning.
I'll probably be back Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
But I'm here to tell you, in the scheme of time, moment to moment, a thousand years is the twinkle of an eye.
Everything you're seeing is happening now.
The bombs are dropped.
The enemies have been released.
The soldiers are marching.
The battle is on.
The future is in our hands if we seize it now.
The war is now.
Decide which side you'll be on.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.