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Name: 20131105_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 5, 2013
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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Gonzo journalism is not my goal.
But historically, long before Hunter S. Thompson coined that term, muckrakers going back a hundred years ago or more would routinely end up in the story because they would go out and try to report on corporate and government and individual corruption and have people come after them.
In many cases, being imprisoned or killed.
And when you live in an empire of lies and fraud,
When you live in a panopticon of universal deceit, telling the truth, to paraphrase George Orwell, is a revolutionary act.
And I knew Friday, when they started saying it was an anti-TSA person, I knew that I would be blamed.
By Saturday, and I was, and I've been too busy to call them back.
Plus, what's the point?
They'll write whatever they want.
AP, Reuters, you name it, they've all been calling here yesterday and today.
I mean, I guess at some point you just don't call them back anymore because you know they'll just use it to act like they engage in some type of journalistic research, and they just use you as a projection, as a screen to broadcast and project their lies onto you.
You know, we've seen, and I've got Darren McBrain getting clips of this together right now, just this year, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, ABC News, the list goes on and on, do things like have a report on sexual cyber stalking.
I don't have any history or any charges or any claims of sexual cyber stalking.
I have no criminal record.
There's no news stories about such a thing.
I don't even use email.
I'm almost a troglodyte.
And with no proof, Bill O'Reilly says we've got to stop these online sexual perverts that are attacking women.
And he cuts to an image of me ranting about the New World Order
Killing millions of people in Iraq.
Edits it out to make it sound like I'm talking about killing women.
It'd be like if you had a report about Jeffrey Dahmer.
And then you just cut to a clip of me for no reason.
Out of context.
And they said I'm behind the Boston bombing.
They said that I said Obama sent a tornado to Oklahoma City.
I didn't say any such thing.
They said I'm deeply racist.
And look, I've had state-run media attack me for 18 years.
I was being attacked by state-run media within one year of being on the air, nationally.
I was on Access Television and a local radio show, and they were so upset by it, they would come in and try to shut me down, and actually got me thrown off the radio.
The government came and threatened the station, and that ended up being in the newspapers.
I mean, I've experienced DPS intelligence on my butt, state police when I was 22 years old.
So I've already been through this a lot, but stuff people wouldn't believe.
I'm not going to... I start thinking of all the stuff I've gone through.
It's beyond any movie.
I mean, it's ridiculous how truth is stranger than fiction.
I feel like Roy Batty or something.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Fiery the angels fell, deep thunder rolled around their shores, burning with the fires of Ork.
But the point is that it is that we are so accurate and so hitting the sweet spot, the missing scales on the dragon's belly, that they're all coming after us and now say there's a shadowy subculture that influenced the shooter.
And then it cuts to me.
And then it cuts back to the reporter, Diane Sawyer, and they're like, You're not allowed to kill people, Alex.
Is basically the message.
And you know something?
This is a good thing.
It shows we're really hurting them bad.
We'll be back.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on, or you're lying.
They had a saying in World War II for fighter-bomber pilots flying in over continental Europe and North Africa.
They knew even in cloudy weather, or when the factory and military sites were putting up smoke where to attack,
Because they would place flak in rings around the main target.
And so you flew into the flak cloud, into the center of it, long before they had GPS, ladies and gentlemen, to then visually see the factories and bomb them.
And it's when you're over the target that you've got the big guns firing at you.
And I want to make something clear.
Infowars.com, myself, my whole crew, we are purposefully flying directly into the flak cloud.
And it's when we draw the heavy flak that we know we're right over the target.
Now we've got the establishment super freaked out.
Because they know that a lot of new media, alternative media, real media, and even some of the sub-level state-run media that's not fully under their control, it's more socially controlled by the types of folks they put in the positions, but they're not consciously globalist collaborators.
They know that the info this show puts out becomes a map of the mind, becomes a guidewire.
A trail of breadcrumbs for others to then go do their own research and discover more than I've discovered.
All it takes is just barely investigating.
You scratch anywhere and just tyranny pours out.
Corruption, evil just oozes out.
The whole world marvels at America's transformation in the last 20 years into this great tyranny.
But you still have vestiges of the old republic simultaneously operating.
It isn't like we're Tsarist Russia with a history of serfs and basically slaves taken over by an even greater slavery.
So the people are already prepared for it.
It isn't like Germany.
Very smart, hard-working folks, but a history of serfdom, slavery, and following orders.
Famously following orders.
The best soldiers were Germans, because they would march right into the gunfire in order to do so.
They were purchased by the British and others for use against the American people here, when we were the colonies.
America has been different, and it is because we are so evil and we are so good at the same time.
We are swashbucklers.
We come from freebooters.
We come from pirates.
We come from smugglers.
We come from preachers.
We come from slaves.
We come from warriors.
We come from inventors.
And the future destiny of the world, many historians have pointed out, rests and hangs.
Will evil succeed and take over?
And use America's might to establish a planetary world government?
Or will this be the battleground of intellectual ideas where we seize the day and reverse the criminal tide?
That is the great question.
And I've studied basic military history.
I've also studied
Not what you see in the news or on the History Channel about military maneuvers, but the secret police, the takeover arms, the purges, the way they establish these forces.
I've studied this at a very deep level, probably more than even most top generals, because they're mainly focused on current force structure and fighting the last war and maintaining political status.
I have read, no exaggeration,
500 history books, thousands of Smithsonian and other magazine articles about history from different perspectives.
I have read probably 50 books on psychological warfare operations.
I've read hundreds of public white papers and shown them to you here on air so you can read them with different secret police operations.
The better known are things like Operation Valkyrie, using a system like that to reverse engineer and try to bring down the tyrant.
And so, when I look at what's going on, I know multi-moves out what they're planning and what they're going to do.
And it's not very hard, by the way.
Once you get in this battle space, and once you study the history of it, and once you understand it, they're operating in 100%
Full view, and they're not like the flash racing back and forth.
It's in slow motion.
We don't know the hour or the time that they launch their specific operations.
We don't know which card they'll play, but we know all the cards in their hand.
And that's why I need you, the listeners, to find all this, just to show new listeners.
The last month, I probably said 20 times on air or more, they're going to stage a mass shooting in a TSA line.
They're going to stage that to then arm the TSA.
We even did reports about it.
And we need to have everybody that finds that uploaded to YouTube and just say Alex Jones predicts LAX shooting.
Because I've been asking my crew for days and they're just overwhelmed.
It hasn't been dug up.
But everyone knows I've said this.
Everyone knows I've broken this down.
I told you you're going to start seeing IED bombings around the country that will be blamed on shadowy groups so they can never exactly find out who it is or stop it.
And then that will be projected and blamed on the Tea Party, Libertarians, Conservatives, returning veterans, gun owners.
This is a classic false flag operation.
This has been done.
This is in Army manuals that WikiLeaks released.
The Army admitted it's a real manual.
How to stage false flags.
The U.S.
Army's taught this.
It's a fact, okay?
Now, a false flag is you'll blow up a market if you're overwhelmed and blame it on your political enemy to try to get the entire town to turn to your Special Forces A-Team to then lead them against the larger group that's coming in.
And the argument is, if you blow up five or six villagers and wound 20 or 30, you'll get 10,000 villagers behind you in the town.
And then your argument is you're doing this so they don't turn to the greater evil of communism.
And that is how the path of evil is basically accepted.
Good men are told we do horrible things for the greater good, but really you're just converting over to an authoritarian model as well.
So they're very upset that the military listens to me.
The power structure is absolutely tearing their hair out.
And they don't like their own high-level operatives either who are pretty compartmentalized and worldly and pretty much into their party time.
They just carry out their operations as mercenaries.
They don't like all this being openly discussed.
We told you a month and a half ago there was a major purge in the brass.
It's now all over the news today and confirmed.
We're going to be getting into that.
We told you there's missing nukes, folks.
That's a real story.
You think I like coming up here and saying that?
That's just asking to be killed.
But I have honor.
I will report the truth.
Why do you think they have all the COINTELPRO infighter operatives, with all their government connections and backgrounds, stirring up and attacking and saying I'm not real and I'm not legitimate?
It's because, ladies and gentlemen, we are totally legitimate.
Completely honorable, completely real and upfront.
And that's clear to anyone with discernment to know.
We are 1776 reborn.
You are 1776 reborn.
There are good men and women in this world.
And in the government, there are a lot of good people.
This morning, I was talking to Paul Watson before I get to our top story and why I'm discussing this.
And I said, I go, I know you realize just how real all this is that we've been absolutely spot on about the prognosis.
It was hidden in plain view.
And this is it.
This is history.
And I said, I'm glad you're committed, Watson.
He said, no, I know.
It's all real and then some.
And we were mourning together, as two men, mourning the fact that we are in a death battle with a giant globalist boa constrictor wrapped around us, squeezing the life out of this country to absolutely break this republic.
Illegal spying, secret arrests, torture teams, FEMA camps.
And folks, I don't tell you the truth about this to scare you.
I tell it to you because you gotta admit how much trouble we're in to turn this around.
And that's why they hate us.
They want, just incrementally, everybody to just go along with this.
Stage mass shootings at schools, TSA facilities to make them the victims, highway checkpoints,
I mean, I can see right into what they're going to do.
Plus, I see in the movies, the sitcoms, the dramas, and the drills they're doing.
And I said just a few weeks ago, we even had an article about it.
You heard me, listeners.
I said over and over again.
I said they keep saying they want to arm the TSA.
They're afraid of a mass shooting.
They're going to use that as the drill.
To have some informant or somebody who thinks they're part of a drill, and I've told police, they want to demonize police next, so that's coming next, so they can go after the good cops and purge them, and military.
I said, if you're in the military, if you're in domestic operations, do not be part of these drills.
Say you're sick, refuse.
Because hey, they may have a hundred drills until you go to one one day, and you're going to be in a drill, and they're going to shoot you in the back of the head, and then they're going to shoot a bunch of people and say you did it.
Looking at this first approximation, it's a false flag.
Just like with Boston bombing, there was a drill.
The police chief admitted in L.A.
that we had a drill this just last week, and two guys behind him, I showed this two days ago, on Sunday, grabbed their mouths.
Like, the two feds go, oh, oh, oh, oh, I mean, you know, oh, oh, oh.
And now, again, I'm not even saying the police themselves are involved.
You only need a couple people to do this.
And again, it's declassified they use drills to do this before.
The hijackers on 9-11 thought they were part of a hijacking drill.
Now you could say it was a triple cross, and that they were really Al-Qaeda operatives, whatever.
The point is, they were CIA officers.
The head of the Defense Language School went public, Colonel Butler.
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Alex Jones here, and I want to tell you about a longtime friend of the show, My Patriot Supply.
As you might remember, this is the company that stood up to the DHS and exposed FEMA's secret plan to begin hoarding emergency survival food.
It has always been my belief that it's key to stand behind companies who share the same values as their fellow Patriots.
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Well, ladies and gentlemen, I broke down some of the background of what's happening in this country.
There is an authoritarian takeover of the Republic taking place, a designed program to bankrupt the nation and bring us into debt bondage, and it's all on record.
And then meanwhile we have a backdrop of Fast and Furious, our government funding Al Qaeda, the Solyndra deals, all the scams, Obamacare being a giant fraud, and Obama comes out.
Yesterday, to a group of supporters, we're going to play this coming up, and says, I never said you could keep your health plan, even though we have 29 times on video, including a State of the Union.
Meanwhile, that's not the news in the controlled state-run media.
The news, it was almost like comedy last night, I was,
Here at the office, late night working, and I was watching CNN and MSNBC back and forth, and they were like breathlessly going, oh, oh, Rand Paul, the criminal, the plagiarist, he's so horrible!
So I went and looked up what it was, and it was out of over a thousand speeches, over a hundred articles he's written, he paraphrased a quote
Which is a paraphrase of something I've said and why everybody says forever.
We have the largest prison population in the world, bigger than China and Iran combined.
And then there's statistics, and then they go, oh look, that was once in a newspaper.
Apologize, or he once gave a speech that had something similar.
I mean, this is getting to be crazy land.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's not like it's Fareed Zarkaria who like has whole paragraphs of someone else's speech and says it's his and is a writer.
We're talking about giving speeches here.
You've got manifest evil going on, manifest corruption, and the reason I mention that is it just shows how they sit up there with a bunch of their own people agreeing to try to create a false consensus and they know exactly what they're doing.
Now moving to our top story up on InfoWars.com.
ABC News implicates Alex Jones in LAX shooting.
This is ABC Nightly News.
Here's the next one.
Good Morning America depicts LAX government with grenade launcher.
And they say, shouldn't we ban M16 rifles?
You can't even get an M16 rifle.
It's an M4.
They show a grenade launcher to make people think, like, oh, citizens have that.
See how this works, folks?
And all you gotta do is have a drill.
And then start shooting people.
Or if he was really mentally ill or something, because we always call for not having violence, not being offensive, they'll use that against us.
Even if statistically you've got a better chance of being killed by a honeybee than being shot by some patriot gun owner.
They're still going to wave the bloody shirt and play the part of victims.
Do not go out.
I even said if they abuse people, or if they attack you, and it's on camera and out in the public,
If you don't respond like Gandhi, they will lose.
I'm really trying to be like Gandhi or Martin Luther King or Christ-like and say there's a time to fight and a time to not fight back.
If they start mass round-ups and start killing people and sending out death squads, then obviously you've got a... the best defense is a good offense.
And this is all we've been talking about.
You can see the scripting in every movie, every TV show.
Children's cartoons.
Every week we do a report where on all these shows the gun owners kill the cops, kill the children, and are racist terrorists.
And anybody with a don't tread on me flag is a terrorist.
So now the Marines are being told get rid of it.
The Navy SEALs are being told don't use it.
When they've been using it, the Army, the Navy, and the Marine Corps
Have been using the Don't Tread on Me symbol for 230 plus years.
In fact, the Don't Tread on Me predates the American flag and was a, what was it, a Virginia and also several other states militia flag.
I mean, this is like banning the American flag.
I'm going to go to break and give you the big story when we come back, but the Navy SEALs are having to take them off, the Marines are taking them off at bases, because they have the politically correct authoritarians say, I'm offended by that flag.
The original flag is red stripes and white stripes, predates the American flag, with a rattlesnake across it.
That is one of the oldest Navy symbols in this country.
In fact, if we research it, it was John Paul Jones adopted it.
After some of his first battles, you know, where he'd fight.
Ships four times his size, and would be sinking, and they'd say, surrender, and he'd say, I've only begun to fight, and would still defeat them.
Well, the folks that have taken our country over, they say it's extremist, and they're banning it.
This was an authoritarian, communist takeover.
We'll be right back with the big news.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alex Jones here with a message to fellow freedom lovers.
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Alex Jones here, and I want to tell you about a longtime friend of the show, My Patriot Supply.
As you might remember, this is the company that stood up to the DHS and exposed FEMA's secret plan to begin hoarding emergency survival food.
It has always been my belief that it's key to stand behind companies who share the same values as their fellow Patriots.
My Patriot Supply brings us their exclusive Patriot Pantry brand, along with many other fine preparedness products.
I personally store and use their high-quality products.
It tastes great, and it's easy to store for up to 25 years.
For a limited time, you can save $50 instantly on a four-week supply of food, along with other special offers.
Visit mypatriotsupply.com forward slash Alex today, with the New World Order making rapid advances on every front.
It is essential to prepare with My Patriot Supply today.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
So, if you just joined us, here is the bottom line.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
I simply promote the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, due process, and basic liberty.
Private property, family rights, states' rights, national sovereignty, transparency in government, stable monetary system, basic freedom.
And I very clearly document
What is completely apparent to everyone now who has any brain cells, or who isn't living in Alice in Wonderland level denial, that we are going off the edge of a cliff into a tyrannical, authoritarian, kleptocratic death spiral.
I mean, just look at everything that's happening.
Look at the lies.
And look at the government with Congress with a 10% approval rating.
And the mainstream media with a, what is it, 16, 17% approval rating.
And then they still sit up there, though, and act like anyone that sees through their fraud, 80 plus percent of us, whether it's on the JFK assassination, the numbers are all the same, 85 to 90 percent of Americans do not believe the official story of anything anymore.
And you shouldn't, from known liars.
If you had a neighbor that you caught lying 50 times to you, would you still continue to associate with them and believe a word they said?
And so, they've gotten, of course, to pick me out, and we're going to put a piece together, just showing the clips, Derrick McBrain's doing it right now, maybe ready by the third hour, maybe the second, so I can show TV viewers but also radio listeners can hear it, where Bill O'Reilly this year said, we have sexual predators using online computers and Facebook and Twitter to harass women.
And it's horrible what they're doing to women.
And it cuts to me in a clip talking about the globalists and how they are killing people overseas in wars and gearing up for it domestically.
No relation!
It'd be like if they were doing a report on the NFL and then you just cut into a clip of Neil Armstrong walking on the moon or something.
I mean, it's just totally bizarro world.
Cuts to me and shows my face turn red.
And I'm seeing this in movies and TV shows and everywhere.
They'll just attack me in national comedy shows and go, well, we're not like the racist Alex Jones, and then show no proof!
And they're targeting the people that don't even really pay attention to news.
They're targeting the general dumbed-down public, and it shows what disdain they have.
Obama came out yesterday, and this is coming up, and said to his supporters in a speech, I never said you could keep your insurance.
We're going to have to, you know, get rid of insurance if it doesn't cover what the government sets the standards for, which is what the insurance companies did.
No, no, it's people with existing full coverage.
It's doubling, tripling, quadrupling.
Or more.
Humana here in Texas, 539% increases for people that never even used their insurance, families.
And so of course they can't answer that.
They're talking about having the Justice Department indict
George Zimmerman now, just to create more racial division, and to create that diversion.
They shipped guns into Mexico.
This came out, CBS News did their job, which was very strange, and you rarely see that, but the job CBS, and sometimes 60 Minutes actually does a good job, because they know that's how you get viewers.
It is a catch-22 for the system.
Do you ever tell the truth and get viewers, or do you just keep lying and have no viewers?
So, the point is that they shipped tens of thousands of guns into Mexico to then get deaths down there to trace the guns back in a deal with the Mexican government to then blame American gun owners.
So, I mean, that's another false flag, folks.
These are such criminals.
They don't care about a dead TSA worker, who I'm sad is dead.
They don't care about the six wounded.
Anymore than they care about a million-plus dead Iraqis in the Gulf War.
Goal 4-2.
That's an official, Lancet, highly respected British medical journal, accepted number.
It's like a million five last time I checked.
It was a million two four years ago.
You think they care about you?
They're working around the clock to literally not let Africa industrialize and get electricity.
Obama goes there and says you're not allowed to have electricity.
Even though it'll actually reduce their population because they'll stabilize.
They want them to live in total squalor and have ten kids, hoping three of them live.
Came out in the official UN documents, it's a plan to reduce the development of those countries, not their population.
It's the opposite of what they even say.
It's so incredible how diabolical these people are.
Obama trying to make Christian churches pay for abortions.
Trying to persecute the Tea Party and Libertarians and Conservatives and have the IRS arrest people and set them up in directives and caught lying.
Oh, but they're not bad doing all these hundreds of admitted crimes and putting our military under NATO command and funding Al-Qaeda and covering up Benghazi.
No, Rand Paul is bad!
Because he's a rising star and fought Obamacare and has been proven right, but they can't admit that.
So this would be, oh my gosh, he might have in a speech plagiarized one line.
Oh my goodness, and forgot to attribute it.
Oh my goodness, goody, goody, gun drops.
And I heard that one time he left the toothpaste cap off.
And then, you know, he only wiped his hind end three times.
One day as well.
I mean, this is just, I mean, ladies and gentlemen.
This is the dirtiest, meanest guy in the world.
I know Rand Paul.
He is literally a Boy Scout.
But smart.
They're scared of him.
Same thing with Ted Cruz, folks.
They are scared to death in all their inside documents, all their public admissions, that the Republican Party can be taken over by Libertarians.
They've got the Republican and Democratic leadership all lining up against them.
And I told you, they're going to stage mass shootings and bombings.
Folks, they could nuke a city.
And say the Tea Party did it with Al Qaeda.
You're like, that makes no sense.
The Pentagon is training across the board for a Tea Party insurrection.
Associated Press.
Forbes, Washington Times, go read it.
We broke it all.
Army documents, their main enemy.
You hear the Army call in.
All they do is train to take on gun owners.
All they do is train to break up families.
All they do is train to cordon cities.
All they do is train for treason.
And the great byproduct of that is the military is the most awake group now.
Who is it?
It's the cops!
Because the cops, most of them, have military training.
Especially, they've been on the force five, six years.
They know they're being lied to.
They know they're targeting innocent people.
They know they're told to not go after real criminals.
They know, ladies and gentlemen, and they see the training they're getting, where the founding fathers and gun owners are bad-mouthed.
And they're not stupid, compared to the general public.
There are a lot of corrupt thug cops, a lot of bad people in there, just like the general public.
But I'm telling you, as I criticize bad police behavior on the separate end, the police are the second most awake group out there.
The second most awake.
Because they're not stupid.
And they know what's being covered up.
And they know all the stuff going on.
They know about the false flags.
They know about the drills at the marathon.
They know.
They know.
And everyone respects the truth deep down.
And everyone knows it isn't like we sell out to this and it makes America better.
It's not like we're selling out as a culture to something that's better.
As a culture, we're selling out to poverty and tyranny and thug garbage.
And so this is it, and I've told you, everyone's on edge, everybody's freaked out, everybody in business is freaking out, everybody, every man, woman and child I know says something's wrong, everybody's on edge.
It's not just the economic numbers, it's not just the... everyone in their gut knows the big change is about to happen.
A giant communist takeover of America is now accelerating.
It hasn't even started, folks.
This is all just setting up the full mass attack, the full demonization, the death squads, the whole deal.
They are lining up, and here's the thing.
They are disorganized.
They are being caught wide out in the open.
We've absolutely decloaked them for 20 years, the Liberty Movement for 50 years.
The Liberty Movement in the last 20 has accelerated.
Patriots, military mainly, former military and police, who were let in on the plans with the folks that blew the whistle.
People like myself grabbed the ball.
Historically and at an instinctive level to fight here in America as warriors for liberty.
And we're ragtag but we've developed in the field and have gotten stronger by fighting back.
And we're in a strong position and the enemy knows that.
So they're afraid to not launch the full hammer because they realize if they don't drop the hammer, folks, we're going to beat them.
I can see historically all the lines converging.
We're going to beat them.
This isn't Russia, this isn't Germany, this isn't China.
We may have been chemically attacked with the GMO and the bio and the fluoride and all the rest of it and our IQs are dropping, they're hitting us hard, but let me tell you folks, the instincts are still there and there's a large portion of people that are resistant to this and it actually makes us stronger.
And the emergency transmission has gone out, ladies and gentlemen.
That's all we are is an emergency beacon.
Just like they liked the watchtowers of old when the enemy was seen a far-off landing in ships to get ready.
And we lit the watchtowers a long time ago, folks.
And people said, oh, that's a false alarm.
Now we've seen countries overrun.
We've seen our culture overrun.
We've seen everything.
Now we know, and the battle is going on around us, and the enemies have seized the media.
And they're up there saying, we are your friends, we are your friends, lay down your arms, go along with us, don't listen to the enemy.
You're a terrorist if you speak out against us.
When they are over-the-top, completely obvious enemies, open military conquest.
This is a military operation.
The whole liberal thing with all the trendy chicks with the short hair and all that, it's total cover.
Those are CIA, black-op mercenary, high-level
Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Berkshire Hathaway, in meetings.
It's come out, CIA, Defense Intel, foreign banks, in councils.
I mean, they are running major operations against us.
I mean, you're seeing America being taken down from within, and you're seeing the ghost of the Republic.
Like the phoenix begin to try to materialize, to reconstitute itself, because humans live once and die, but ideas can be reconstituted, reanimated.
And not born again like a vampire or a zombie, born again, ladies and gentlemen, like Christ rising from the dead after three days.
Or like Lazarus coming out of the tomb.
That's what this is really all about.
Because life regenerates.
We have God on our side.
The enemy pulls in fear of us.
They shake in fear of those of us that are not afraid and are committed.
And believe me, they would absolutely love to destroy me, love to dig something up.
They've got investigative reporters calling here every day, just pouring over any BS they can.
And listen, I want my enemies to know something.
If I'm destroyed, struck down, put in prison, I knew the course.
I knew I was flying in to the flat cloud.
I mean, just get that through your face.
Get that through your brain.
I'm not a coward like you, and I'm not insane enough to sit by while pure evil takes over.
I know there's a war going on.
I know exactly what I'm doing.
Do you know what side you're on?
Have you really looked in the mirror and decided forever, for eternity, do you want to sign on to this?
Better ask yourselves right now, folks, which side you're on, okay?
That's the most important decision.
Your body means nothing.
You better decide for your family, your children, and your soul which side of this equation, which side of history you're going to be on right now.
I've made my decision.
It's not a hard decision to make.
Thank God I made this decision.
Thank God!
I'm not part of the New World Order.
Thank God!
Better decide which side you're on.
Now, all the evidence points towards a drill.
We know there was a drill the week before.
Looks like a drill that day.
None of the story matches up.
A guy in a TSA uniform, other shooters, the same M.O.
Boston bombing's 100% staged.
We always get more intel down the road.
I don't know.
Regardless, it's tailor-made.
They hype this enough, there's mentally ill people that will start attacking TSA lines.
Now, I've already told you, never attack the TSA, except verbally, with the First Amendment.
Now, I'm going to play a clip from ABC News.
This is up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Now listen, they say there's a shadowy subculture that may be influencing people, and they cut to me
Saying what kind of people want to go grope men, women, and children all day.
So see, we're all being taught we're guilty until proven innocent.
They're rolling the TSA out at all proms, all events, kite festivals, highways.
It's the end of our culture.
It's beyond Nazi Germany in the scope of not what Hitler did, killing people.
When it comes to checkpoints, they didn't do stuff at this level.
I mean, this is an occupied country.
And they always... I watched C-SPAN and saw Governor Ridge say in 2002, you'll have to go to the TSA to get a job.
They're going to have highway checkpoints.
Clinton put out a plan in 98.
It's in my film, Police State 2000.
I mean, they always said they were going to set up highway checkpoints and harden points and train us to not have any rights and then start coming in our houses.
And now the Houston police chief says no warrants to go in houses randomly.
I mean, I just read what they said they would do.
I mean, I know
The military tactician here, I studied history, I know military takeovers when I see it, and it's in slow motion, thinking you can't recognize it and defeat it.
But now it's coming towards the crescendo, the flashpoint.
You can put a piece of paper next to a fire, and it browns and crinkles, and all of a sudden flashes into flame.
Historically, we're at the flashpoint.
But imagine, then they say, well, you know, even if you don't like the TSA and their thankless job, you don't have a right to kill people.
Implying that those of us that criticized and had our free speech over oppression, that see, now our speech caused death, so we're not allowed to have our speech.
Let's go to that clip.
ABC News knows the last time Ciancia traveled abroad was 2006, when he took a trip to Japan.
No kidding!
Who else wants a job groping men, women, and children all day?
Among some anti-government activists, the agency embodies a federal government that's too invasive, corrupt, and incompetent.
But today the U.S.
Attorney General took strong exception.
No feelings about this.
When we come back, I'll play the full clip with Diane Sawyer, but again, this is a guy who stays fast and furious.
Holder, and I risk my life saying this, but we've had the witnesses that were in the building, we know the names of the FBI agents, all of it, okay?
I've interviewed the cops that were death-threatened in their office by the FBI.
Like Don Browning, the head of the K-9 unit, who was there one minute after.
They told him, you and your wife are dead if you don't shut up.
The Attorney General was the Deputy Attorney General, and he bare minimum quarterbacked the cover-up that came out in federal court.
With the Trinidad lawsuits.
That's been in mainstream news.
So let me tell you, I know who I'm going up against here.
Everybody else better.
Now would they stage the LAX thing?
They stage Fast and Furious, they stage Benghazi, they fund Al Qaeda.
They staged Oklahoma City.
I've interviewed multiple witnesses, like Jane Graham, in the HUD, who would use the stairway to get some exercise going to the ninth floor.
And she was struck by how handsome the federal officers were planting the gray sticks of butter.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
We know the names.
We know the names.
You understand that?
We'll be right back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Imagine you criticize the TSA sticking their hands down your pants.
Jesse Ventura leaves the country because of it.
The Airline Pilots Association says we're not going to fly and strikes over having people grab their genitals every day when they're trusted to fly the aircraft.
It's guilty until proven slave.
It's our children being taught that the name father and mother is bad.
Brown bags are being banned because they're racist.
Children are being arrested for playing with green water guns in their backyard.
They're trying to destroy the entire language.
They're setting up secret police everywhere.
They're buying billions of rounds of ammo.
They're badmouthing the founding fathers to the U.S.
I mean, this government is totally illegitimate.
And they're so naked in their aggression that they have Diane Sawyer come out, we're going to play the clipper in a moment, and say they're shadowy subculture, acting like we're hiding.
They always say, you're paranoid.
No, I'm out in the open.
I have courage.
It's you guys.
That are so cowardly that you won't admit the government's out of control.
I mean, the media defends torture, secret arrest, warrantless wiretapping.
Is there noth... The Obamacare site doesn't work, and they have MSNBC attacking me, saying I'm attacking the precious Obamacare.
I mean, you people are like North Korean generals worshipping Kim Jong-un.
The whole world is freaked out and scared of America, and who's taking it over?
Everyone's marveling at the fall of our republic.
America's pretty much dead right now.
And we've got to admit that happened, and I'm here saying, let's get our act together.
Let's get back to a Bill of Rights and Constitution.
And they're busy saying, oh, we're not worried about Al Qaeda anymore.
They work for us.
It's the Tea Party.
Homeland Security's for you.
And I told you 11 years ago that was going to be the plan to go after patriots.
I mean, they said on Saturday in all these newspapers, Alex Jones talks about a new world order.
He made up the term, and there's no global government, and if you talk about a world government, it means you want to kill people.
While world government's being announced publicly in all the major newspapers, corporate world government, we're not allowed to say, hey, I don't want world government.
You're not going to kill anybody, are you?
Somebody's going to come in and shoot TSA agents.
We're having drills.
It's going to happen.
It's going to happen.
Oh, look, it happened.
Alex, it's your fault.
I told you it was coming.
What are we going to do?
We can't let these people like Alex Jones cause a mass shooting.
He's behind the Boston bombing too.
He's deeply racist.
This is what they're saying, folks, and why?
Because I'm not afraid to tell the truth.
Because I understand who these people are.
I'm freaked out, willing to sacrifice my life.
To try to beat these people, and all you have to do is wake up and admit this is happening and speak out, and we'll only be able to take these folks down.
I'd be willing to give the globalists amnesty if they would just leave and exile, you know, they can keep 10% of their stolen money, that's only a hundred trillion or so, just leave!
Go to some place and just vampire off each other.
I don't want a war, I don't want a civil war, but my God, you people
Teach 11-year-old girls death education.
Teach them how to commit suicide.
You're the enemy.
I mean, you've got to be opposed.
You want to be able to have 10-year-olds or 11-year-olds have abortions without parental consent and take vaccines.
I mean, you people are scum!
So, you know, I think I'm here in the final equation just so people joining Evil can't say they weren't warned and weren't told.
And I mean, that's really it.
I mean, you guys know what you're doing.
Let's go out to break with Diane Sawyer.
We're talking about a shadowy group.
Go ahead and play the clip.
And now we head out west to Los Angeles and the news on the airport shooter.
Tonight there are urgent calls for more airport security at LAX and airports across the country.
As investigators are studying a shadowy subculture which may have encouraged a disturbed young man.
We're gonna go to break.
And now they're saying if you criticize him you may have to be arrested because see now suddenly we're all the terrorists.
See now it's like a military holding pen where they're looking for tea party when you fly.
This was all planned, folks.
It's all scripted.
Prescripted, pre-programmed.
That's the proof they did it.
And the drill.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The show about a month ago, the TSA, that's rolling out as a national police force, a goon force, to shout orders at the American people, threatening everybody that we're suspects, getting ready to do process.
In the name of fighting Al Qaeda that the globalists run publicly.
They come out and they say, if you even laugh at us, we're going to arrest you.
Even though there's no statutes in that area.
It's total fraud.
This is the intimidation.
And let's shut down the Tea Party.
Let's have the IRS audit them, arrest them, whatever.
And then the White House gets caught giving the orders and doesn't get in trouble.
They're a thousand times beyond Nixon when it comes to the spying.
And then we say we don't like TSA.
They're universally unpopular.
And now they're rolling out on the streets and somebody reportedly goes and shoots some people.
And I said, watch, they're going to blame this on us.
And then indeed, they did blame it on us and said, shadowy subculture is influencing the shooter.
Because someone claims they put a note in his bag, kind of like the two passports that were found on the ground on 9-11 of the hijackers.
One of them undamaged, that fell down out of the man's jacket, out of the burning fireball, into the hundreds of millions of pieces of paper, and feet of dust, and was found by the FBI.
I mean, that'd be like cops, if I was on national TV, live at the Super Bowl, if cops walked up, shot me in the head, and then put a gun in my hand on TV.
I mean, it's just plain view talking to you like you are a total and complete moron.
Then at the airport, Mohamed Adda's bag is the one that doesn't make it on with all of his admissions on it.
I mean, it just goes on and on.
And then Mohamed Adda, of course, ABC News was forced to report back at the time.
First it was the San Jose Mercury News, then in the ABC News, AP picked it up.
The head of the Defense Language School, and I talked to him, he wouldn't come on the show, he was being threatened.
Then he got, they started a court-martial until he signed national security agreements.
Mohamed Adda and three others were trained in his classes in national security.
They were.
Being prepared to be CIA officers.
And all he said was, those men on TV, they work for the U.S.
Something happened, this is a setup.
And they declared national security on him and began the court-martial.
They didn't deny it.
I don't know what happened on 9-11, folks.
I just know that these people staged stuff, and they sure used it to take our rights, and now they flipped it from Al-Qaeda.
The whole time they would only say it was for Al Qaeda on the surface, it was always about the American people.
It's always been directed and pointed at us to absolutely incinerate all of our rights and destroy our republic.
And then the other news I haven't gotten to, Watson goes into the Fed biz website, where they continue to spend $19 million, $88 million, $25 million, depends on the state,
To hire these armed security guards with top-secret security clearances.
Folks, most people in a military base, even in secure areas, only have secret.
Top secrets like nuclear designs and stuff.
I mean, it's like super... Top secrets, just incredibly secret.
And they have above top secret.
DHS to hire top secret domestic security force.
That's a quote.
Is the Department of Homeland Security building a mercenary unit?
There's no doubt about it.
They're hiring mercenaries, XC and others, with heavy combat experience.
These are offensive units and you better believe it.
They're not guarding Benghazi.
They're gearing up with BEYOND.
Major embassy level security for the Threat Fusion Centers to run the war against the American people.
And that means they're prepared to have military units.
Obviously, they're going to be ordered at different pre-cash facilities.
That's why they've got the drones, is to send them in against any Army or Marine units that don't go along with the takeover.
The drones will be employed.
I mean, this is a plan, folks.
This is so evil.
This is a total military takeover in the back.
On the front is an economic meltdown where the system poses as the savior while shutting everything down.
I just can't believe I'm on air talking about this.
I can't believe ABC News is coming out saying I'm connected to the killing of that TSA person.
I'm involved in the Boston bombing.
You've heard it all, folks.
I mean, why is that?
Because we know what we're talking about.
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My friends, Alex Jones here to tell you about some of the most important information concerning you and your family's health.
Radiation levels have more than doubled in the last 60 years in the Northern Hemisphere from all of the nuclear testing and radiological accidents.
Radioactive contamination is now in most of the food supplies.
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Alex Jones here, and I want to tell you about a longtime friend of the show, My Patriot Supply.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now we head out west to Los Angeles and the news on the airport shooter.
Tonight there are urgent calls for more airport security at LAX and airports across the country.
As investigators are studying a shadowy subculture which may have encouraged a disturbed young man.
ABC's David Wright with the very latest on the story.
The FBI is now fairly convinced Paul Ciancia was targeting TSA agents.
What they don't know is why.
We have to get a fuller understanding of the person who we now have in custody to understand what his motives might have been.
Trouble is they can't even ask him.
Ciancia is still unconscious at UCLA Medical Center with a gunshot wound to the head.
Today, the FBI combed through his apartment for clues, and combed through his travel records to see if he ever had a run-in with airport security.
ABC News knows the last time Ciancia traveled abroad was 2006, when he took a trip to Japan.
Today, CNCS family issued their first public statement.
We, like most Americans, were shocked and numbed by the tragic events of last Friday.
But offered no clues what could have prompted his spree.
The TSA has a thankless job enforcing procedures we all tolerate through gritted teeth.
A popular target.
No kidding!
Who else wants a job groping men, women, and children all day?
Among some anti-government activists, the agency embodies a federal government that's too invasive, corrupt, and incompetent.
But today, the U.S.
Attorney General took strong exception.
No feelings about the government can possibly justify those kinds of actions.
In other words, it's no excuse for murder.
David Wright, ABC News, LAX.
So, there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, if you criticize having your genitals groped, being put in a microwave, having them scan your naked body, they've been caught lying about all of that in their denials.
They've been caught with just an army of criminals at the TSA robbing people, harassing people.
I personally have been harassed at LAX.
I've told that story many times of just politely going through, taking my shoes off,
And then two TSA people saying, Stinky Feet, look at Mr. Stinky Feet.
And then going, oh, you don't like being called Stinky Feet.
And I was, I didn't even get really mad, I was like, what's, what are you, five years old?
You're pathetic.
You don't like it, get your supervisor.
The whole point was, I'd just taken a shower and my feet didn't stink.
They were just messing with me.
I mean, who wants a job where they get to mess with people all day, but total losers.
And I know some TSA people
Are just doing it for the money.
I've run into them on the street.
They've come to my events.
I get that.
Who's really to blame is Congress and the American people allowing a domestic takeover army like this to be set up and now they're moving to arm them as we predicted and with the backdrop of billions of rounds of ammo with the backdrop taking place
Out there of the no hesitation paper targets where they train to shoot and kill small children, women, old men.
Homeland Security, the company said, requested two million dollars worth of targets of Americans in shower caps and things to be shot.
And you've got all the open drilling, all their own manuals, war with the Tea Party.
We have radical folks that quote Mao Zedong filling up the White House.
We have an Attorney General that says we want to brainwash the public against the Second Amendment who staged Fast and Furious that killed thousands in Mexico, at least hundreds in the United States.
Running around, obviously, now saying, well, Jones, you know, Jones doesn't like the TSA, other anti-government doesn't like him, but it doesn't mean you get to kill people.
Why don't you play all the clips where I said do not offensively go out and shoot cops or shoot TSA people or any of them.
They are not the enemy.
It is the globalists that have occupied this country.
The only time you shoot
Is if they start some big roundup, which they're pushing for, and they try to come take you illegally and unlawfully to one of their little politico systems.
One of their little commissar command bases, which they publicly are training for in the official Army manuals.
Type in, Army manual re-education camp, 2010, by directive of the Secretary of Defense, by directive of the President, over a hundred pages about how they're going to process those social security numbers and put political radicals, Tea Party people, in labor camps.
Civilian inmate labor camps.
Civilian Inmate Labor Camps.
There it is.
FM 3-39.40.
Internment and Resettlement Operations.
How to process your social security numbers.
How to take your guns.
How to break your family up.
They're going to turn society off, let all the welfare people riot and run around.
Folks will beg the military to come in.
Then they'll start staging terror attacks, claiming the Tea Party is shooting and killing U.S.
military personnel trying to maintain order.
If I was a globalist, this is how I would do it.
And then I see all their preparation.
This is how they'll do it.
They will attack U.S.
military forces, they will kill police, and they will do it in an obvious and horrible way.
They'll have an Emanuel Goldstein, 1984 type character, who'll be wearing a mask, and they'll have like an aide-de-camp standing right beside him.
I caught him before, that's how I was able to say Atari was going to be set up out of over a thousand known militias.
I could see the scripting.
Three months before, I saw this video, I played it, I said, that is Fed produced.
Because it's done at a cartoon level.
Again, how do I know when football season's coming up?
You see the dun-dun-dun-dun-dun NFL ads.
I mean, it's pre-scripted, folks.
When you're awake, it's all right there.
So in the last month, I've been saying they're going to stage mass shootings.
They're going to stage mass shootings, probably at the TSA, probably at an airport.
Then they're going to move security out to the end of the airport.
Then it's going to be down the road from the airport.
I know them.
I know how they operate.
It's already happening.
And now the TSA is going to be all militant after they lost their comrade and be even meaner to the public.
And when people make jokes now, I predict they're going to start beating up travelers, calling in the cops, and I predict, it's already happened before in Phoenix and other areas, they are going to start killing.
They're going to put bullies in and say, do whatever you want.
And they're going to end up beating and killing citizens in airports.
They've already done it.
One with a handcuffs behind her back.
They had a panic attack.
They broke her neck.
They've done it in Canada a bunch, too.
Now we're going into a dangerous phase.
We're going to the airport.
It's incredibly more dangerous than it was.
Because you're going to be the terrorist.
They've told now the Tea Party terrorists, the gun-owning terrorists, the folks that want the Fourth Amendment.
They're coming in.
And I predict they're going to harass people flying with guns legally, you know, where you check them with the ammo and stuff.
I predict now, and again, that's meant to then make people really hate the TSA, and they may even be able to generate real attacks on the TSA.
Folks, it was declassified partially how they had the Shiite and Sunnis all over the Middle East for the last 60 years kill each other, including in Iraq.
Ray McGovern came on, talked about the bombing of the Golden Mosque.
What was that to be blamed on?
The Sunnis to get the Sunnis and Shiites killing each other.
Just like they brought in Sunnis to start killing Shiites in Syria.
I mean, they're experts.
The globalists are experts.
They're getting black and white to kill each other, Catholic-Protestant to hate each other, gay-straight to hate each other, Hispanic-white to hate each other, when we're all under attack!
And I'm here saying, unity!
Come together!
So they, ADL, the Improperty Law Center, CNN, MSNBC, every week now, Alex Jones is racist.
They'll just randomly in a show, like Alex Jones, the racist!
And folks, I could win the lawsuits, but it's a cost-benefit analysis,
I already know how dark it is.
I already know how deep into midnight we are.
Seconds from midnight, from the chimes, folks, when all hell breaks loose, that they've now been given authorization to say things about myself and many others that they wouldn't say five years ago, folks.
They have been given full authorization to do anything ahead of my
And, I'm not like a moth to flame that wants that to happen, but if they do that, it's in God's hands, I'm not even worried about it.
I would have lived a pure, good life.
And by pure, I mean pure of heart, certainly not pure of my flesh.
And, I don't think, that's in the cards, and they may just do that because they're getting so arrogant, and to send a message, but I think it'll come once the purge starts.
And we're trying to stop that right now.
I don't want the Civil War to start.
They got provocateurs all over ready to start this, folks.
More likely they'll pull me over, throw a bag of cocaine on me or something.
Or claim I did something with a cop and shoot me in the back of the head.
They have hit squads in most major cities.
I haven't confirmed.
Austin has one.
I know Dallas has a Department of Defense-run hit squad and they have a CIA-run hit squad.
We've confirmed through our sources.
You've seen them where they pull over other CIA people.
Cops get them out.
Cops put a gun on Chopper.
Blow the guy's head off at point blank.
And then there's no investigation, it's just national security.
And they're just executing people all over the place.
And I know that, because I've had family... People act like this is like me discrediting myself.
No, no, that's how widespread this is.
I've had family in the army, sheep-dipped into CIA, who... People say you never get out.
That's another big lie, folks.
Most people get out.
Most people won't do, because it just gets worse and worse and worse and worse.
You know, killing people.
Killing people in America in the drug trade.
And this was in the 80s.
At last word, they've got 10,000-plus sheep-dipped army officers.
Well, InfraGard came out in the news about six, seven years ago, where they trained executives for orders and license to kill their employees during a takeover.
So, I mean, look, they already tried three years ago to recruit my dad and every dentist he knew.
He was talking to their dentists and other officers.
They go, no, Homeland Security came here and offered us money.
And my dad's like, well, what's the mission?
And they said, they said, well,
We want you to come to these meetings, but basically we want you to watch your patients and report to us what they're saying politically.
And he was like, is this because of who my son is?
And the Homeland Security guy literally didn't even know who my dad's son was.
And my dad thought it was a setup or something, so I said talk to their dentist.
Turned out they were all getting visits, including at their home, and most of them wet themselves with glee that they were now, you know, because everybody knows that Homeland Security's the heroes.
I mean, you know, they're like joining SHIELD and Captain America.
No, you're joining the Far End Takeover, folks.
That's what this is!
My friends, Alex Jones here to tell you about some of the most important information concerning you and your family's health.
Radiation levels have more than doubled in the last 60 years in the Northern Hemisphere from all of the nuclear testing and radiological accidents.
Radioactive contamination is now in most of the food supply.
There's only two ways to avoid this.
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Looking to protect my family, I've done deep research.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
And again, I will assure you this is not fun doing what I do on air.
It is not fun to have the White House respond to you.
It is not fun to have Piers Morgan talk about how he wants to shoot me and kill me with his guest.
It is not fun over the years to have witnessed all of the incredible evil that the globalists carry out.
And they'd love to be able to do here what they've done in third world countries, but they've got to sell us on it first.
And we're saying we are not buying what they're selling.
And they want to change the subject to some speech Rand Paul gave that has a quote that he didn't attribute right.
Oh, that's a huge sin to divert us from Benghazi and Fast and Furious and IRSgate and NSAgate and the other 15 gates and all the abject corruption and the federal government running the school lunch program telling parents they can't pack lunches and people being arrested for water guns.
I mean, this is out of control.
This government's gone mad dog.
It's stolen tens of trillions.
It knows it's going to go to prison like a bunch of birdie made-offs.
And they want to bring in tyranny as a rearguard action.
And I guess I'm the person weird enough to not have sold out to all this.
But when everybody sells out, the whole society implodes.
And man, they're getting riot troops ready, merc groups ready, with license to kill, top secret security clearances.
They've got ads everywhere recruiting CIA patsies, all these dumb college kids.
I mean, they are building up a full takeover system.
And it is going to be hellish, and we don't want to go there.
And they're going to get the war going with a bunch of staged garbage.
And you see who, up front, they say is behind all these terrorist attacks.
Yours truly.
I've got the clips coming up.
We're gathering them.
I'm behind the Boston bombing.
I'm behind the racism.
I'm behind three cops getting killed in Pittsburgh.
Turns out Richard Poplosky hated me.
Was on my website every day attacking me because I'm not racist and all this stuff.
They went in his computer.
He shot three cops because he was drunk and his mother was throwing him out of the house.
And within two hours of him being in custody,
The Southern Poverty Law Center had a newspaper article out that I forced a retraction on saying he did it for Alex Jones.
And they do this over and over again.
Every time, out of 315 million people, every year or so, some former Marine or some Libertarian does something wrong when Libertarians are probably the biggest political group in the country now.
Major polls have like 63% of Americans saying they're Libertarian now and not Republican or Democrat.
That is Libertarian ideas.
Anytime a Libertarian does anything when they're drunk,
Cause he had two pit bulls and his mother said move out and he wouldn't and he was drunk!
And the cops come and he, like a cowardly piece of trash, shoots them and kills them!
And I get blamed.
And I told that Pennsylvania paper, and I guess it works because I didn't just start suing people.
And I told five other outfits, Raw Story, Huffington Post, you name it.
I said, that's it.
I'm suing you.
We found his handle.
You knew he hated me on all the Nazi websites.
And on my own website, they found his handle in the comments.
I'm going to sue you because you're trying to manipulate police to set me up or something.
I'm not stupid.
And notice they're a little slicker now where they have a clip.
I'm going to come back and get into Obamacare and the other news.
It's just that, ladies and gentlemen, can you imagine, I need your prayers, that I be given discernment and can lead and guide and direct myself properly.
Because there's no doubt we're right in the center of resistance.
We're having a great and mighty historical effect.
And I've dealt with all the threats and all the attacks.
I've dealt with them well.
And I'm dealing with them well now.
It's just that it is... I don't think there's very many other people alive
The Pentagon came out two months ago and said, we don't control the news.
The system has lost all credibility, total implosion.
We're going to have to run PSYOPs domestically and try to buy off all the patriot media and run Cass Sunstein's cognitive infiltration program to stop these people, is what they basically said.
And then spun it and said this is our coming out to not be liars anymore.
But all the PSYOPs officers, there were hundreds of them in the audience, were just totally freaked out.
Some were crying.
Because they're in PSYOPs and they're hearing the PSYOP rollout against America openly.
It's already been going on.
And the PSYOP is to say, I, and that you out there who appreciate the Fourth Amendment and know the TSA is a takeover, they're saying we are basically terrorists because we want our Fourth Amendment when the government runs Al Qaeda publicly and is totally illegitimate.
That's the bottom line.
I'm going to go to all the other news when we come back.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alex Jones here with a very important announcement for truth seekers.
We've carried a lot of amazing films and books over the years on the online video bookstore at Infowars.com.
And out of all the titles we've carried, one stands out because it is just so chillingly convincing.
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Radioactive contamination is now in most of the food supply.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
By the way, you know, I played the ABC News clip.
It's all over the news.
It's in the Associated Press.
That the supposed killer, probably a patsy and a false flag, had InfoWars.com stickers on each end of the block.
Well, my stickers are all over the country, all over the world.
And that that is proof that I'm basically responsible.
So, you know, the AP called me last night.
They called me today.
Other papers call me.
And I send them emails saying, make up whatever you want.
So that they can't say he refused to be reached by comment.
No, I comment, I call them and I say, say, make up whatever you want.
How's that sound?
Make up whatever it is you want to make up, whatever fiction it is, whatever you want to make up, you go ahead and make it up.
You're on your side, I'm on mine.
I tell the truth, you twist.
Knock yourselves out.
But here it is.
In the Families Neighborhood in New Jersey, stop signs at either end of the street were adorned... Again, in the CNCA Families Neighborhood in New Jersey, stop signs at either end of the street were adorned with stickers advertising InfoWars.com, a website that discusses many of the same anti-government ideas.
You mean pro-Bill of Rights ideas?
Officials said CNC a mention in his handwritten note found in his bag.
Did you hear Jeffrey Dahmer would put in the tanks of dead kids Infowars.com stickers?
Doesn't matter if I was in high school when all that happened, it's still my fault.
There was no way to tell who put the stickers on the signs, so...
There you go, folks.
It's just this ongoing deal.
We're all upset about the TSA.
You roll out a national police force engaged in Nazi Germany-style checkpoints, naked body scanners, groping people's genitals, Miss USA crying.
They went inside her body.
Pulling colostomy bags off old men and laughing at them.
I mean, I don't want to get into all the stuff the TSA's done.
Remember they would lie and go, we don't, we don't stick our hands in your pants.
Then all the videos of it happening.
They are hell bent on all sorts of stuff.
I mean, folks, I had a TSA thing behind the scenes that went on that in the agreement
That I can't talk about it, they can't talk about it.
I mean, I've had them trying to shut me down and stuff.
It just goes on and on.
And now they want, well, remember it came out two years ago that DrudgeReport.com, InfoWars.com, Matt Drudge and Alex Jones are in a secret national security document given to the TSA.
And then Judicial Watch and a bunch of other groups sued
Liberty Guard, former congressman, sued to try to get that information.
I mean, this is what's going on.
And I told you, I told you they're going to roll out on the streets, they're going to be at the dog shows, they're going to be at the proms.
I can't go to the kite festival now, they're starting to search bags.
It's all pure bull.
If a real terrorist would walk up to the checkpoint and blow that up, that's the best
Area to blow somebody up.
That's where the real Taliban goes to blow people up.
There's no way to be safe.
There's no way to stop somebody that wants to kill people.
Unless you have a total prison you're living in, and that's always a hundred times worse.
So my point is, is there's just stacks of it.
And that's why InfoWars.com and what we do is so important.
Because we are the tip of the spear and we know about the takeover.
I mean, look at this headline.
Police doctors force man to undergo humiliating enemas, anal exams, and x-rays.
Look at that headline.
Feds move to pin LAX shooting on patriots.
Well, they moved to pin it on me!
DHS to hire top-secret domestic security force.
ABC News implicates Alex Jones and LAX shooting.
Has Reddit banned all alternative media?
Drudge Report, InfoWars on political blacklist.
Obama denies you can keep it, videotape promises.
We're going to get to that in a minute.
900,000 to lose health insurance in California on top of 300,000 that already did as Obamacare disaster spirals and spreads.
Island of debris the size of Texas from 2011 Japanese tsunami is headed straight for the U.S.
It's finally about to get here.
I mean, this is just a biblical disaster.
That's on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Why do you think they come after me and say I'm deeply racist, I'm behind the Boston bombing, I'm making people shoot TSA agents?
If this guy really went and shot these people and it wasn't some drill and a setup with a patsy, which they've done before,
And they have the motive and it's the same crew that did Oklahoma City and they're running this that quote want to brainwash us against liberty?
Then there is...
There's just no telling, but the preponderance of historical evidence points towards the power structure.
But if this guy really was a listener, then he wasn't listening very closely.
Because I say every day and get criticized by the provocateurs, do not offensively go out and shoot anybody.
Politically try to wake people up to the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
Wake up police and military and others and TSA.
Go to the airports, hand out flyers, engage in the First Amendment.
We've had folks doing that successfully.
The police have been supporting it.
That's how we stop a civil war.
The globalists, just like they divided black against white and all that with Trayvon Martin and all that stuff and George Zimmerman, they want us now all against each other.
I feel sorry for the TSA agents and the cancer clusters they've been covering up for eight years with the new high-powered x-rays, not just the body scanners.
It's a death sentence working around that.
And just like the atomic soldiers and the troops for the D.U.
and all the rest of it, it's all coming out now just like the poison dust on 9-11.
And they knew, they had an internal memo that day saying shut it all down for a month, it's got to be cleaned up, it's deadly poison.
And they said open the schools, send in the police, send in the firefighters, no breathers needed because it's safe.
Because they said you got to have breathers, they would have had to admit it was toxic and not open all the businesses.
This is the reality, and they try to act like they care about this one TSA agent that died, and the Attorney General, the attorney criminal, gets up there and acts like he's all upset.
When this is a guy, ladies and gentlemen, when you read the stuff that came out in the federal court, that the Salt Lake City papers have reported on with the lawsuit up there over the last five years, the group of lawsuits by the lawyer brother of a guy they tortured to death thinking he was one of their operatives, because he looked just like one of their operatives.
But the whole point is, is that it came out in court who really ran Oklahoma City.
And it's very scary when you realize that to the Attorney General blowing up that daycare center so that they could blame dead kids on Patriots and have the image of the bloody baby in the fireman's arms.
That's just collateral damage.
That's nothing to them.
It's like Obama bragging to his aides, I'm really good at killing people.
They'll bomb a whole wedding party and kill 200 plus people, 50-something of them children, and say, big deal.
Collateral damage.
Make me a hamburger.
Let's go shoot some hoops.
I'm really good at killing people.
High five.
I'm really manly.
Having robot drones.
But oh my gosh, one TSA person roasting in radiation every day, roasting in the x-rays.
Oh my goodness.
What are we gonna do?
They're so sad right now.
Madeleine Albright was asked in 1996, hey, the Iraq war has killed 500,000 children from starvation.
And she didn't even deny that.
They cut off the food, the medical care, everything.
She said, yeah, that's a good price to pay.
And I've had ABC Nightly News here and Esquire, and I tell them that, and ABC News looked at me and said, she never said that.
And I went and played the clip, and the ABC Nightly News anchor goes, she didn't mean that.
Now, Esquire guy didn't believe me, went and found it and said, oh my gosh, she later apologized and said she shouldn't have said that.
She said that on Democracy Now!, good for Alan Albright.
We have heard that a half a million children have died.
I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima.
And, you know, is the price worth it?
I think this is a very hard choice.
But the price, we think the price is worth it.
We think the price is worth it.
And that's actually her, she said it twice.
She said it on NBC and she also said it, that's the shorter clip from 60 Minutes.
And then she got asked about it again, like a year later on NBC of Memory Service, she said, Forced stability in the Gulf is the full quote.
So, so 500,000 children, eh?
Spilt milk, don't cry about it.
Water under the bridge, nothing.
And you think the globalists won't run you over?
Let's go to InfoWars.com.
We have a daily caller story up there at InfoWars.com.
It's also up on DrudgeReport.com.
I noticed the video wasn't there this morning in the Daily Caller article, so I'm going to have the video.
The guys actually were able to find it.
I'm going to have us add that to our version.
Because I saw the transcript from his meeting, and I'm like, well, then where is it?
So the whole team searched and searched and searched.
Oh, I guess they already did it.
Well, they found the one where they said you can keep your plan, but we're going to add the one to the Caller.
I'm sure I'll want to add what we had as well.
The clip that we were able to dig up from last night.
Where he did indeed say to a group of Democrats, and I have the full quotes right here, we're only able to find part of it, where he said that, I never said that you wouldn't be kicked off your insurance plan.
And then we have the clip, of course, where he says it 29 times.
In the interest of time, I can't play them all.
I'll play a few minutes of them.
State of the unions and things.
But let's go ahead and go to, he never said that.
He never said that.
He never said you could keep your plan.
Here it is.
Before the Affordable Care Act came into law.
And you really liked that plan.
What we said was, you could keep it.
If it hasn't changed since the law was passed.
These old plans to be downgraded or sold to new enrollees once the law had already passed, then we would have broken an even more important promise.
Making sure that Americans gain access to health care that doesn't leave them one illness away from financial ruin.
So the bottom line is, is that we are making the insurance market better for everybody.
And that's the right thing to do.
Bottom line, period, right thing to do.
Everybody's like, yeah, alright, yeah, I'm in the room with you, I feel important now.
While he sits there lying to you, anybody could go read the bill, anybody could read the writers, we know exactly what it was going to do.
I'm really shocked they're implementing it this hardcore.
It's one thing to know it and have it on paper, it's another thing to see it entirely.
It's one thing to eat some sausage, it's another thing to see it being made, as they say.
And, and,
You know, we are the sausage being gobbled up here.
It's just, it's just, it's just, he makes Bill Clinton look like the most honest man in history.
I mean, these lies are such mega juicy whoppers.
And even establishment media is going, whoa!
In fact, here's some of the headlines.
I've got them right here.
Obama Care Speech He Never Gave.
That's one headline by Rich Lowry.
National Journal.
Lying About Lies.
Why Credibility Matters to Obama.
The President's Trying to Reinvent the History of You Can Keep It Promises on Health Care.
Affordable Care Act.
Could Be Further Hamstrung by Shortage of Doctors.
That's some of the headlines.
Here's the big news that, before we go to his original clips, Shane, you can keep it, period, I promise.
Firm pledge.
Firm pledge, no taxes on folks more than $200,000.
$250,000 a year, then people make them $30,000 and get their taxes raised.
I mean, I will hire no lobbyists.
Hire more lobbyists than anybody else.
I will cut the deficit in half, more than double it.
I will just on and on and on and on and on and on.
I will not come after your Second Amendment, not your handguns, not your shotguns, not your rifles, none of it.
I'm a firm believer, firm pledge.
180 degrees.
And then his minions cannot admit they've been conned.
But here's the big story, because I've seen it in the news, I've read it, I'm getting the calls on it, it's all over the Huffington Post and everywhere, but none of the Libertarian or Patriot media has picked up on it other than Drudge picking up that story two days ago with Emanuel's brother, one of the main architects, Ezekiel, saying, of course we're going to erect a health care and get rid of the single market and folks being able to choose.
The insurance companies know that?
Well, yeah, because they want to be able to control
All that profit, and not let you have a choice.
So they're admitting the Cloward and Piven strategy here now, but we've got all the Democrats now, like cult members, going, oh, a genius plan!
I heard them yesterday on 590 on the nighttime show when I was driving.
Going out to get something to eat before I came back to the office and Democrats were calling in going, Obama's really smart.
He just wants socialism to give us something free and this is going to wreck that whole bad system.
It's government involvement with the corporations that wrecked the best healthcare system in the world.
Now it's going to get ten times worse.
Let's go out to break, though, with just a short snippet, because there's too many of these.
It's like an hour of these, okay?
An hour of them.
There's a few minutes of him saying, you can keep your healthcare plan, but now he said he never said that, so it's true, or you're racist.
Here it is.
We will keep this promise.
To the American people.
That's 2009.
If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor.
If you like your healthcare plan, you'll be able to keep your healthcare plan.
First of all, if you've got health insurance, you like your doctor, you like your plan, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan.
Nobody is talking about taking that away from you.
No matter what you've heard, if you like your doctor or health care plan, you can keep it.
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
If you like your private health insurance plan, you can keep... This is three years ago, folks.
If you are... ...period... ...among the hundreds of millions of Americans who already have health insurance through your job... ...just walk up to attendees and say... ...or Medicaid... ...give me your wallet... ...or Medicaid... ...period.
They would just go, uh... ...or the VA.
Nothing in this plan will require you or your employer to change the coverage of the doctor you have.
We're gonna put old...
Anti-Obama people in FEMA camp for Obama.
I want to sign that petition.
Let me... There's a new one out.
Let me repeat this.
He says Al-Qaeda bases on the moon.
Nothing in our plan requires you to change what you think.
Our approach would preserve the right of Americans who have insurance to keep their doctor in their plane.
Because the governor thinks there's moon bases.
So, there you go, and that's just a short snippet.
There are longer videos on YouTube that are literally an hour long, so that the speeches are in context, where, you know, there's like minute clips.
There's one that has him saying it 29 times, and it's like 40 minutes long.
And then there's another one I saw that's over an hour long that found even more of them.
And I can't even watch it all.
I just skip to the clip checking it.
I mean, this is insane.
And then I'm the bad guy?
I'm behind the Boston bombing?
No proof?
I'm behind the TSA shooting?
Because I play clips of you lying?
I'm bad?
That's what the Pentagon said about Drudge.
They said, we put out disinfo, it goes on Drudge showing that it's not true, we're discredited.
We've got to shut down the media, starting with Drudge.
That's what they said between the lines.
You can go watch the hour-long press conference.
Oh my gosh.
I'm gonna... Oh my gosh.
We'll just stay with this.
This is just too much.
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Alex Jones here, and I want to tell you about a longtime friend of the show, My Patriot Supply.
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By the way, folks, the Southern Poverty Law Center is promoting laws that will end free speech in America like in Europe, not let you criticize anything, not let churches even have their own views, just like churches now have to pay for abortions.
This is Obamacare.
It's all happening.
And all over Austin, the Southern Poverty Law Center is running around raising money where I live.
And Chris Jordan ran into them at the Austin Film Festival, Austin Film Society deal, trying to get some petition to restrict free speech in the name of fighting the KKK.
And then Kellen McBrain, who works in the shipping department and also does some proofreading, Darren McBrain's son works here, great guy, just out of high school and has more brains than the average, you know, 60-year-old trendy.
He ran into them this weekend and was telling me about it.
And the way you just, in the coffee room, were repeating what you said to them, Kellan, just repeat exactly what you told me about these literal authoritarians running around and what you said to them and what they said.
So yeah, me and my girlfriend were there and we went and confronted them, basically asked what they were doing there.
You were at the farmers market.
You were at the terrorist market.
Get closer to your mic, bro.
Sure, sure.
We're at the terrorist market on the east side, you know, where the trendies like to hang.
So of course they go and attack that spot.
But they know where to pick.
So we go and I confronted them on what they were there doing.
And they told me they were monitoring hate groups such as the KKK, neo-Nazis.
And I said, yeah, Alex Jones.
And they said, absolutely, yes.
And so I confronted them.
On how they felt about Corkin, the guy who went and shot the Family Research Center.
And said it was because of the Southern Barbary Law Center.
And so, they have a direct tie to a domestic terrorist attack when they make stretches to connect you to the LAX shooting and things of that nature when it's a pretty far stretch.
Well, and I say the, you know, opposite.
I say don't go out and be violent offensively.
But you went further.
Tell folks about the Catcher in the Rye thing he said.
Yeah, he told me, you know, well I think that it's like the Catcher in the Rye with John Lennon thing where they read something and they want to go make an attack, you know, something like that.
But it's ridiculous because they try to connect you with these terror attacks and people, Chuck Baldwin's the number one on their terror watch list and, you know, none of these people have been connected.
And the guy's a pussycat.
Oh, absolutely.
Listen, they hate anybody that's real and says we should be honorable, we should restore America, we should be men again, we should be honorable.
They hate anybody they know is really good.
They didn't even like the confrontation of me simply just asking him questions.
He starts flicking his pen around and getting really nervous and talking in circles and stuff.
It's pretty funny to watch.
Well, I mean, they introduce bills every year to end the free speech.
I mean, these are really creepy people.
And they're out there trying to get people to, you know, tag along with them when we've seen that they can, uh, we can go out and sign petitions and Mark Dice can go out there and get people to sign up for anything.
These people don't know what they're signing.
They don't know what they're tagging along with.
Yeah, their new one is to attack the Al-Qaeda bases on the moon.
The Californians, for Obama, they will attack the moon.
Yeah, that's, I mean, I'm down for it.
Let's do it.
By the way, these aren't like brain-damaged people we're talking to.
These are like normal folks that go, for Obama, we're gonna attack the moon.
Okay, sure.
Well, thank you, Kellan, for coming in.
Thank you.
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Alex Jones here, and I want to tell you about a longtime friend of the show, My Patriot Supply.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Jackie Mason, the legendary comedian, is going to be popping in.
He's had a lot to say about Obamacare.
As of late, and I look forward to getting him on.
Always enjoyed his comedy and his humor, and he's also bucking the system, being more of a conservative or libertarian when they try to blackball anybody that does that.
So he's going to be joining us.
In fact, guys, will you print me the Jackie Mason articles?
Here's one famous comic.
Flays Obama as lying maniac.
So we're going to be getting him on about that.
I'll tell you, Obama is a lying maniac.
I mean, Clinton was at least embarrassed when he said, I did not have sex with that woman.
How dare you?
How dare you?
And when it came out, he was lying.
He was like, I shouldn't have done that, but it's private and I'm embarrassed.
Obama's like, I never said you could keep your plan.
What kind of racist said that?
That deeply erases Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, the NSA via satellite saw Alex Jones, I can tell you right now, this morning.
I got migas that came in this giant bag.
Folks, supersize racism, ladies and gentlemen.
You know, now you can wear a brown bag over your head.
You know, as a kid, it was always fun to cut out the eyes and, you know, do it and run around the house with the one.
That'd be racist.
But there's, but I mean, you know, Planned Parenthood targeting black babies to be aborted on record.
It's not racist.
I mean, chopping black babies up is not a big deal.
Just, just, brown bags, brown bags are racist.
Of course, you know why they're, they're, they're brown bags.
It's tough paper.
And it hasn't been bleached, which costs more money, so it's inexpensive bags.
And literally, they're talking about the,
Blackhawks now.
Obama's Chicago hockey team.
That's racist as well, even though the tribe called themselves the Blackhawks.
I mean, I never make a big deal out of this.
I'm like three different Indian groups.
I always forget.
I know my dad actually as a kid would go with his grandmother.
And his grandfather, like once a year, they would actually go to the whole native ceremonies.
Oh, yeah, folks, I'm pretty wild.
I have family, like, my father has danced around real Indian fires.
That's how we... The point is, I'm actually proud of my heritage.
But the interesting thing is, like Comanche, but that's not the ones they were going to visit.
It was his grandmother was the ones that are in East Texas in the swamps.
I forget the... I can't even remember anymore.
The point is, is that
Why was I telling that story?
Oh, oh yeah!
I mean, I guess if you named a Midwestern team the Comanches or the Apaches or something, that would be racist.
It's just saying the name of the group is racist.
So I saw articles now about, should the Blackhawks change their name?
I mean, I mean, it's an Indian name, a native name.
It must be racist.
It must be racist.
It's also racist.
It just goes on and on and on and on.
Actually, I wish I would have gotten my grandpa's Comanche good looks.
My dad's dad, my grandmother on my dad's side was almost like a midget.
She was like five feet tall.
Really sweet lady.
And then my grandfather was like six foot three, had black hair, bright blue eyes, and like brown skin.
He looked like a movie star or something.
I wish I'd have got those looks.
But the point is, is that that's racist.
That I just talked about my grandfather's black raven hair.
I guess that's actually why I was reading, that's why a lot of tribes call themselves the Crows, or the Black Hawks, or the whatever, because you know, they liked birds of prey, black birds were seen as good luck by a lot of the native groups.
That's racist as well, that I'm actually giving you what's behind those names there.
Ladies and gentlemen, we'll be right back on the other side of this quick break.
I am your host, Alex Jones, and the websites are Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
And I am now racist for even saying the word Blackhawk, so I apologize.
So stay with us.
We'll be right back with all the news and a special guest joining us and a special report as well.
So stay with us.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, I've got a lot of other news I'm going to get to.
We also have a very special guest.
Jackie Mason is going to be joining us to get into Obama and Obamacare.
But I wanted to do this now.
This is a small sampling in the last year.
Of Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, you name it.
Coming out and trying to connect me to violence, and then there's a clip where O'Reilly, and I haven't seen all these that McBrain put together, I just said go out and find some of the clips.
There's one where they show my head swell up red and talk about sexual predators, in a report that I'm not even in.
They just imply I'm a sexual predator online, with the visuals.
It says sexual predators, you know, extremists, hate, and then put me up on screen.
Or I'm deeply racist, or I'm a bomber, or I'm behind the bombing, or I'm behind the shooting, and I'm not.
And again, with Richard Poplosky,
Now, three years ago, three and a half years ago in Pittsburgh, he had two pit bulls.
His mother said, move out.
They were defecating and urinating all over the ground.
He'd been thrown out of the Marines.
He was a white supremacist who spent all his time basically attacking me all over the web.
I didn't even know who he was until after it happened.
I get the call, I go, he did this for you.
Southern Poverty Law Center, within two hours, was given that by the police, that he'd visited my site, he did it for me.
So we went and searched and found the guy, and photos of himself with his tattoo, how much he wanted to come after me, how he was gonna get me, how I better watch it.
And I called the media and I said, did you know he is a huge detractor of mine and nowhere praises me?
And I went, I'm going to sue you, and they all retracted it.
But now they don't even care, folks.
They don't even care.
How would someone who's a listener of mine, because I'm mad about the TSA violating my rights, and then somebody goes haywire and goes and shoots some people, it's the fault of the system putting in things like this that create pressures that do this, if it wasn't a false flag.
But they want to blame me and free speech, just like they want to blame the Tea Party and send the IRS after them.
And try to shut them down illegally.
That's government oppression, folks.
They are the oppressors.
Now here's a report Darren McBrain put together of just a smattering of some of these.
And I'll narrate over the visuals if you're a radio listener.
But we're streaming the video at infowars.com forward slash show if folks want to also be able to watch this.
Here is the clips.
The talk show host is Alex Jones.
He's a conspiracy theorist.
He's kind of like the guru.
They always act like they're telling people who I am.
And he's been on the air since day one saying that this is a job by the FBI.
It's a false flag job.
You heard the reporter question us whether it was a false flag job, meaning, you know, they're twisting it around to make it look like it's something else, another entity, but really it's the government.
It's so sick, and this guy's an idiot.
They're just mad that we ask real questions.
I think that this internet stuff, with this access now that people have, has made more crazy people.
Because people who were borderline crazy go in there and become crazy.
And you hate the competition, don't you?
He's considered legitimate among the crazy.
These guys are mostly associated with a popular conspiracy theory talk show called Info Wars.
The host of the show is a man named Alex Jones.
Yesterday afternoon, Matt Drudge, who's the purveyor of the most influential conservative website in the country, the Drudge Report, yesterday afternoon, Matt Drudge tweeted this.
He tweeted, I've privately told friends that this will be the year of Alex Jones.
One hell of a broadcast in such a homogenized media.
Again, this is from the most influential figure in conservative media who is not named Roger Ailes at Fox News Channel.
And this is the guy he's now endorsing, saying it's this guy's year.
You know what it's like to go to sleep every night knowing you work for a bunch of psychotic killers and you bastards are probably gonna end up killing me one day!
Hate speech.
Now Facebook is apologizing for allowing it worldwide.
But can anything be done to stop the hatred?
Which is directly linked into the IRS Tea Party scandal.
We'll have a factor investigation.
If you surf the net, or listen to talk radio, you know...
There's plenty of hatred being spewed.
Facebook having a terrible problem with that, and recently hatred against women has caused a major controversy.
Postings have encouraged violence, rape, other atrocities against women.
Hate speech is not a difficult thing.
Pause right there, before he goes back to me with my head swollen up in red.
This is Fox News has been caught taking people's faces and stretching them out to make them look deformed.
Ladies and gentlemen, Bill O'Reilly talks about sexual abuse of women and then cuts to a clip of me when there's never been any allegations.
No one has ever said that I treat women very, very well.
It's on record.
I'm a family man.
Ladies and gentlemen, Bill O'Reilly is a pervert.
Bill O'Reilly is somebody that calls the police on his callers that disagree with him and actually sends people to their houses for free speech.
Bill O'Reilly is a guy that settles sexual harassment stuff, real sexual harassment, where women under him, you know, he calls up and says, you know what the tapes are, you know what he does.
And, again, I'm not in Bill O'Reilly's sexual life.
If the women want it, good for them.
Good for you, Bill.
They don't like you.
You're creepy.
You're like a big spider.
And you're going to accuse me of sex stuff when you are a known sellout who basically is blackmailed with all this?
Man, you make me sick, pal.
You really make me sick.
So let's go back to the rest of the pervert, Bill O'Reilly.
Here it is.
If you surf the net, or listen to talk radio, you know there's plenty of hatred being spewed.
Facebook having a terrible problem with that, and recently hatred against women.
Has caused a major controversy.
Postings have encouraged violence, rape, other atrocities against women.
Hate speech is not a difficult thing to identify.
It's based on personal attacks designed to injure.
That's hate speech.
And Facebook knows it.
Sad fact is, there is an audience for that.
But in a noble country, a noble country, hate speech and those who traffic in it should be rejected and shunned.
That's right.
And in a just country, the abuse of federal power to punish conservatives or anybody else
We're going to be live here for the next two hours.
Before these rumors about government tyranny reach the mainstream, they often start with an extremely popular internet radio host, Alex Jones.
So we're going to look at the type of tyrants in the Obama administration.
Jones claims he has two million listeners for his internet broadcasts and that millions more watch his YouTube broadcasts and his dozens of documentaries.
He also has several websites full of articles supporting his fears of government oppression.
In a tyrannical new world order.
Oh no, none of that's happening.
They're basically looking at the federal government now as an occupying force, basically a foreign occupying force, a tyranny.
And that justifies a lot of bad behavior.
Yes, this is the same guy who has been selling the idea that the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School and the massacre at Aurora, Colorado were actually fake.
They were faked as an excuse to take away our guns and enslave us to giant wasps who hive beneath the UN building or whatever.
Oh, I never said wasps.
Ladies and gentlemen, I never said that the Columbia disaster didn't happen.
The San Francisco Chronicle reported the FBI confiscated film video footage shot from an observatory.
of a laser as it came into orbit or came into the atmosphere, a green laser tracked it for six seconds and it blew up.
It was the San Francisco Chronicle, which, and you know that, I said it should be investigated.
That's what I said.
I didn't say it didn't happen.
I didn't say WASP were living under the UN building.
That'd be better than who is living under it.
I mean, it's just total lies.
Here, let's continue.
The Boston bombing was also fake.
It was faked for political purposes.
The same guy who says he doesn't believe the Columbia Space Shuttle disaster actually happened.
He doesn't believe there was actually an Oklahoma City bombing.
Naturally, of course, he also knows and sells the idea that 9-11 was an inside job.
So that landing gear, that must be faked too!
The conspiracy continues!
In every tragedy, the InfoWars Alex Jones world thinks they see a conspiracy.
Alex Jones should be disqualified from participating in Republican Party politics.
His crackpot theories shouldn't prompt actual hearings in Congress, and they shouldn't inspire actual legislation in Congress, and you shouldn't do a money bomb on his show when you are running for Congress.
Do not fundraise on this theater of the absurd by showing yourself to be one with this guy.
That's right.
No more Alex Jones!
The hashtag is InfoWarsPickupLines.
People are making up... It's discrediting you!
Don't, don't, don't listen to him!
The idea is that if you like info wars... If they really wanted to bring us down, they would say, have more Alex!
No, no, they're like, no, not him, no!
Alex Jones, who says we faked the moon landing, and that 9-11 was an elaborate hoax, and that it was secretly the White House.
That doesn't mean you don't need love.
Tonight there are urgent calls for more airport security at LAX and airports across the country.
As investigators are studying a shadowy subculture which may have encouraged a disturbed young man.
The TSA has a thankless job enforcing procedures we all tolerate through gritted teeth.
A popular target.
No kidding!
Who else wants a job groping men, women, and children all day?
Among some anti-government activists, the agency embodies a federal government that's too invasive, corrupt, and incompetent.
But today, the U.S.
Attorney General took strong exception.
No feelings about the government can possibly justify those kinds of actions.
Challenge Alex Jones to a boxing match, show up with a semi-automatic that you got legally, and pop him!
I'd love to see that!
In uniform!
And again, the sync was off on that video if you're watching us on television.
We're going to put out another one of those, but the key clip I really want is from about a month ago where they said, I'm behind the Boston bombing and I'm deeply racist.
That was the main... I mean, there's a bunch of others.
There's a whole bunch of others out there.
But this is what they do to the free press.
While they're engaged in tyranny across the board, this is how they act.
Jackie Mason's coming up, and then we're gonna get to a bunch of other breaking news.
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My friends, Alex Jones here to tell you about some of the most important information concerning you and your family's health.
Radiation levels have more than doubled in the last 60 years in the Northern Hemisphere from all of the nuclear testing and radiological accidents.
Radioactive contamination is now in most of the food supply.
There's only two ways to avoid this.
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Well, he's been listed as one of the top 50 comedians of all time, and he's of course been in many films, you name it.
Jackie Mason, I always have enjoyed his piercing humor, and I think we've got him on the line right now.
Jackie Mason joins us.
He made headlines when he called Obama a lying maniac, and you know what?
Mr. Mason, how dare you say that?
How dare you say that Obama lied to us and said that nobody would be kicked off of their insurance.
Obama says he never said that, sir.
I'm being sarcastic.
Earlier... Hello, hello, hello.
Yes, sir, earlier I know you weren't having good audio.
We're going to send that over to you.
Mr. Mason, can you hear me?
Yeah, earlier he couldn't hear me either.
So that's why he hung up.
Yes, Mr. Mason, can you hear me?
What's happening?
Are we having some kind of problem?
I think we may be.
Can you hear me now, Mr. Mason?
Very slightly.
Okay, well, tell us what you think of Obama and what's been happening.
Well, what's happening is that this man turned out to be the greatest liar of all time, but he's been doing it since he became president.
Everybody chose not to notice it because everybody felt a moral obligation to prove to themselves that they're accepting him, that they're enjoying him.
That they fear him, that they attribute to him like he has some kind of a connection with godliness or holiness, and it's somehow tasteless and obnoxious and disgusting to somehow recognize him for what he is.
A plain-out lout liar who has no conscience about saying whatever he pleases, no matter who he writes, no matter what kind of fraud is involved, and no matter how he persecutes his people, like with the IRS.
I don't know.
I don't remember what I said, but you misunderstood me because that's not what I meant.
He has all kinds of explanations and definitions that have nothing to do with reality because the man has no conscience and nobody chose to notice it.
Whenever you come out and criticize our dear leader, Kim Jong Un, I mean, excuse me, Obama, the media will attack you and say, how dare you talk about our gracious leader?
I don't think we've ever had a president that is this big a liar.
Do you think Obama should win the UN?
He makes Nixon look like an honest man.
He makes Clinton look like an honest man.
Clinton said I smoked, but I didn't inhale.
You put a pastrami sandwich in your mouth if you didn't want to swallow it.
This man talked the drift, that he kept pretending that they forgot to call him, that he forgot to hear it, that he forgot to remember that he was the president, that he forgot to remember he was looking for a job.
He had definitions and explanations that were ridiculous every day, but at the end, Clinton was basically harmless compared to this man.
He didn't run around persecuting innocent people like the IRS.
He didn't create definitions that have nothing to do with reality that could harm people and hurt people and destroy people.
This man has no conscience whatsoever.
And this man's words are harmful and vulgar and vicious.
Take a look at it.
He doesn't even care that he told everybody you could keep your plan.
Now he has a different definition of what a plan is.
Now he forgot that it has a different... He can't remember which country he was in when he said it.
Yes, he does.
If you're dead or alive when he's talking to you, nothing bothers this man.
Whatever he can come to his mind is what he says, whether it makes any sense or not, whether it destroys people or not.
How can a man have so little of a conscience while everybody is worried about him?
He doesn't care about hurting him.
He doesn't care about destroying anybody.
Everybody is so concerned about protecting the first black president because we have to make sure that there's such a perfect democracy that we can't hurt a man.
And he decides that every time you hurt, you say any criticism.
That is the thing.
They keep reminding you that he's black and the racism is behind it.
And while he's wiping you out, you're not allowed to notice it because he's black.
The fact that you're white has become your biggest problem.
The fact that you're white makes you a sick wildlife who's trying to persecute people.
You're not allowed to generalize about a black man, but a black man is allowed to destroy all the white people in America and nobody criticizes him for doing it because it's not nice to disturb a black man while he's wiping you out.
Well, he's definitely wiping all the middle class out, and that's the Cloward and Piven plan.
In fact, the architect of the Obamacare, as you know, came out Sunday and admitted the plan is to wreck healthcare and bring in total socialism.
Let's be honest about it.
The very first day, he was prostrating as a good guy who loves America, while behind the scenes we always notice that he basically dislikes everything about America.
This whole system of government, basically,
That's right, Jackie Mason, JackieMason.com.
We've got a few more minutes with him.
On the other side, I'm going to ask him about a couple other things that are happening.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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My friends, Alex Jones here to tell you about some of the most important information concerning you and your family's health.
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Radioactive contamination is now in most of the food supply.
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Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Comedic legend Jackie Mason is on the show, really excited to get him on.
And I admire his courage early on to criticize Obama when they were saying that he was like the second coming of the Messiah or something.
And I gotta tell you, Obama's worse than I thought he would be.
I wish he would have been a good president.
I'm not a very partisan person.
I'm a libertarian.
And I gotta admit, I was blindsided by how bad Obama's been.
He should be impeached, I believe, for persecuting the Tea Party, pro-life groups, Christian groups, so many other conservative groups, libertarian groups.
I mean, again, that makes Nixon look like an angel.
JackieMason.com is the website.
Folks can find all your tour dates that are coming up.
I want to come see you next time you're in Texas.
Jackie, getting into the Obama cult, I mean, people use Hitler analogies, I think, too much, but Mao analogies, Stalin analogies, the cult of personality, maybe a Fidel Castro analogy.
I mean, this guy is a cult leader with his followers.
I'm really concerned with how they're buying billions of bullets and
Federalizing the police, and saying they want to arrest the Tea Party, and saying George Washington's a bad guy in the new army manuals.
I mean, do you think Obama could try to become a dictator?
And what do we do to stop Obama?
The truth of the matter is that it's very easy to stop him.
The people are just too wound up with the great pleasure that they're getting out of being able to convince themselves that they're great civil rights crusaders, that they're great civil rights libertarians.
He became an excuse for people who feel guilty about the fact that a black person never got to play their head in this country that he deserves, about persecution of blacks, and rejection of blacks, and the black problem.
And the black problem multiplied in their conscience so much that they went nuts trying to prove to themselves that they're gonna love this man no matter what, and everything they claimed.
We're good to go.
I don't know.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
If it wasn't him, his popularity number right now would be down to number two.
Or he would be in jail.
But they're finally beginning to crack.
But look what it took.
They had to lose all their money from their own pockets.
And they had to see that they have no health care left.
And they had to notice that their whole family might be in trouble by Thursday.
And this finally started to affect them.
Because they couldn't run from it anymore.
People are so selfish and so unconcerned about reality when they want to protect them, that they have to find themselves being so disoriented and so thrown for such a loop, and they'd be thrown out, losing their rent, losing their job, losing their health, and lose everything before they begin to notice what a low character
Jackie Mason, the famous comedian, joins us and he speaks out when he sees things that are going on.
We see major persecution of artists, comedians, Hollywood folks who aren't complete communists.
Most of the people I talk to are actually more libertarian or conservative in Hollywood, but they're all scared because the system will persecute them and try to stop them from getting work.
We had a top national
Illustrator in here yesterday who's lost work because, uh, Anthony Frida, because he's been critical of Obama.
I mean, these people are not liberals, they're authoritarians, and you've called him out on that.
Uh, what do you think Obama's gonna do?
You're a smart guy, I've been around a while.
Now that his facade is imploding, now that we learn that he wants to bankrupt the country, to socialize it, to make people dependent, what do you think he's gonna pull now that people are seeing through him?
Because I'm really concerned right now.
I think you should be less concerned for the first time than you were before.
Because before he was getting away with any kind of crooked thing he wanted to do because he was free with impunity to destroy anything.
Now everybody is watching him very carefully.
Now everybody is really frightened.
Now they saw right to their face how they could be wiped out, literally destroyed by him.
So now they're ready for him and now as soon as he makes a crooked move the whole country even some of the zealots on his side are beginning to crack and for the first time beginning to notice that they better protect themselves.
So now they're ready for the fight now they all got a gun ready to shoot.
Before they were running like thieves and ready to pretend that they didn't know what he was even talking about.
Let me ask you this question, sir, and then get into any other final points you want to make, because you always have a lot to say.
I don't want to be the only one asking the questions.
Again, we're joined by Jackie Mason right now, live on air.
What do you think really makes Obama and his czars tick?
I think it's seven of them have praised Mao Zedong, the greatest mass murderer in history.
I mean, what's wrong with these people?
Don't they know socialism doesn't work and is a nightmare?
You could ask that about any socialist anywhere in the world.
There's still socialist parties and communist parties all over the world.
There's still these type of dictatorships all over the world.
Why do they still exist anywhere?
You could ask that same question.
The people chose not to notice when he ran for president from the first day that he was in a church where they were condemning America and cursing America and cursing white people every day.
And he made it sound like he just happened to be there.
He didn't know what they were saying.
He didn't know what they were doing.
We're good to go.
Well, I know this.
I know, it's crazy, but I mean, that'd be like if you attended a weekly Klan rally for 21 years, and then said you didn't know what the Klan was talking about.
I mean, that church was so racist.
There was a Klan meeting, and I was pretending I saw sheets of pillowcases.
I thought it was a January white sale.
I had no idea.
I know!
I mean, that's the thing, we call Clinton slick Willie.
I watch his lies, and I guess the dam is finally broken.
They're so absurd.
He goes, I'll hire no lobbyists, hires the most.
I'll cut the deficit in half, doubles it to record levels.
He says, I'm not coming after any of your guns, I promise.
Comes after all of them.
I mean, with Obama, whatever he says, it's the opposite.
There's no conscience in this man.
I don't think if a guy spoke to you and you caught him lying to you, you wouldn't talk to him again because you know he's a liar.
This guy lied to you every day for five years and you chose not to hear it.
Everybody pretended he was talking to another country, to somebody else.
As though he was the president of Uruguay.
You would never know he was the president of this country from the way people act.
Well, you know, that's what bums me out is that they've got all the statistics out that race relations have gotten the worst they've been since the 50s.
And it's just such a bummer because you look at MSNBC, they are using race to divide everybody.
They are the ones pushing race.
What do you say about that?
I mean, how do we really bring America together?
Alright, Jackie.
I know you gotta go.
You got another call coming in.
Anything else you'd like to leave us with?
Well, that's about it for me.
I think I made all my points.
Do you think America will survive a vomit?
I hope not.
I hope not to survive because already the turnaround is happening.
When a guy's popularity goes down from 52 to 39 in a week and a half, you can bet your life he's on the right trajectory all the way down to nothing.
All right.
Thank you so much, Jackie Mason.
There he goes, ladies and gentlemen.
What a character.
He kept doing that laugh.
It's making me laugh.
I laugh when I think about how ridiculous the lying is.
And I'll have like Nightline here, or AP will call me, or whatever.
I don't even talk to them anymore.
Because they'll go, you believe there's no moon landing?
And I said, I never said that.
I've had top NASA engineers on to just say, what really happened?
And they say we went to the moon.
But there was a lot of secret stuff, so they showed people some fake stuff.
No, you didn't.
You said we didn't go to the moon.
I'm like, I'm just not going to talk to you.
Or they call up and say, um, um, it just goes on and on.
I mean, they're just digging through everything, everything right now.
And the thing is, there's nothing I'm hiding.
But does it matter?
They'll just manufacture something.
And it's like, look!
Rand Paul, out of a thousand plus speeches the last four years, and out of hundreds of articles he wrote, there were two lines.
Not properly attributed in them.
Oh, and look, with his college buddy 15 years ago, Ted Cruz gave $6,000 to a company, International Brokerage.
$6,000 he forgot to put on his form.
Oh my gosh, he forgot.
I mean, he obviously missed $6,000.
The guy's worth millions of dollars in the private sector.
I mean, it's like, oh my gosh!
I mean, you see him trying to destroy Rand Paul, Ted Cruz right now, the Republican leadership, the Democrats, the Republican leadership want to prop up Obamacare because they've been paid by the big banks and the number one contributors, and the defense contractors, and then who's next?
The insurance companies that are just really the banks.
And I'm watching the galactic train wreck
And almost every Democrat I know smiles and goes, yeah, so what do the premiums go up?
That's to bankrupt and bring the whole thing down.
Then we'll have true socialism.
And I look at him and I go, do you have any idea what real socialism is going to be like run by these crooks?
I mean, I know people that live in England.
I know people that live in Canada.
Nightmare health care, folks.
You get a brain tumor that's 98% operable.
I've seen this on C-SPAN in Prime Minister's questions.
They admit this.
Tony Blair.
This is one of the most popular questions, and I've seen the next two.
Brown and then Cameron.
And they'll say, my constituents had a lung tumor that was, you know, 75% operable, they've done it in the first six months, had to wait two years and died.
Or they'll say, little Ginny McCartney, or whatever the name of the girl was, had a 98% operable tumor, a spongino, whatever they're called, and I'm watching this, and fibertoma, or whatever the name is.
And, but she had to wait 18 months and died.
And then I talked to Paul Watson, who couldn't do work for about a week.
And he's like, Alex, I'm scared.
They won't let me see a private doctor.
You have to get permission.
All they give me is a packet.
That's what they give the military.
Oh, you're feeling sick?
Here's a packet with some Tylenol, some Advil, and some tissue papers, and some hand wipes, and a little thing of cough syrup, and you go home.
And Watson was coughing blood up.
And finally, he had to start basically threatening him.
He was going to do a news article and they gave him a little letter and said, you can now go to the private health clinic.
Imagine you go in and you've got strep throat.
I mean, I've had strep throat before, folks, and literally you can't get out of bed.
It hurts so bad.
It feels like you're being stabbed in the throat.
Imagine Watson was like, I might have to come to America just to get the medicine.
The fever's been really bad.
I mean, this is what it's like.
And these idiots look at me and they go, oh, it's going to be so wonderful.
Look at our free deal.
This isn't even like Northern Europe, the only place they can actually run socialism and have it work somewhat.
And now that's all going bankrupt for 60 years.
Because the Northern Europeans are so communal and so ordered, just like the Japanese, like crime went down after the tsunami.
Crime went down when stuff was bad.
The Japanese are just like Northern Europeans when it comes to just crime rates so low that it just staggers the mind.
And yeah, they have socialism and they have doctors and they have pretty good health care.
Unless they decide you're too old and don't deserve this, they kill your butt.
They let you die.
Not if it's your choice, that's fine.
No, no, they choose to kill you and now they're going to teach your kids how to kill themselves for the earth.
See how it always becomes that?
So the best models out there are hellish at best, downright heart of Satan at worst.
And now we're going to have this kleptocrat model that isn't even socialism, it's
Total Fraudism?
I don't know the term.
Total Fraud-ism?
Biblical-level Scandism?
I mean, I don't even... I mean, you had, like, all these special interests, big insurance companies, big banks, big hospital groups in there writing a 3,000-page bill, 10,000 pages of writers,
Here's the deal.
There is truth that the government couldn't get itself together for this, because they wanted to hammer America, have a direct tax to private corporations, bring in eugenics, lower the standard of care, shut down small insurance companies and clinic groups that are running a free market system, keeping prices down.
They wanted, I mean, you're right, American healthcare is broken because big foreign banks that are tax exempt are running it.
We've gone from the cheapest, best healthcare in the world 50 years ago, in every metric, to the most expensive in the world, but still some of the best.
People all over the world come here.
Royalty, Saudi Arabia, England.
They come here.
And now they're going to gut that up one side and down the other.
And folks, when they bring in the National Health Care System and they're done, you will still have a subgroup.
Under the National Health System, though, you'll pay exorbitant prices in taxes for the insurance, and when you go to the hospital, to the insurance companies.
There is now no buffer, no special interest for people.
It is big business able to get any amount they want from you under these laws.
Now what do you think they're going to do when they wrote it?
And of course the answer by the average trendy is, well of course they were at the table!
That's how you get this done!
No, they weren't at the table.
They ran the whole show.
They set the table.
And suckling pig was on the menu.
And they see us and our future as suckling pig.
You know, suckling pig, baby pig with an apple in its mouth, cherries in its eyes.
A delicious dish, but I just can't take myself to eat it.
It's too horrific looking at it on the table.
But all the trendies in New York, all the liberals, they like suckling pig.
Saw articles about that.
They all got little eyes, little fake wannabe eyes wide shut parties.
Those are trendy.
They're really a bunch of demons, folks.
They're not liberals.
They're sitting back laughing at everyone.
It's so funny to them.
And with the Republican leadership, a bunch of bloated, degenerate scumbags.
They are all in there, just absolutely laughing and messing with stuff.
And they've got all the riot troops ready, the breakdown of society, they're slowly cutting off the welfare.
Just, we're all of us in a big laboratory with a bunch of pot-bellied pedophiles running around controlling us.
I mean, just get ready, because they're getting ready to drop the hammer with false flags.
My friends, Alex Jones here to tell you about some of the most important information concerning you and your family's health.
Radiation levels have more than doubled in the last 60 years in the Northern Hemisphere from all of the nuclear testing and radiological accidents.
Radioactive contamination is now in most of the food supply.
There's only two ways to avoid this.
Move south of the equator or properly protect your thyroid with nascent iodine.
Looking to protect my family, I've done deep research.
Nascent iodine is the purest, cleanest, absolute best form of iodine to protect yourself and your family.
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Everybody knows Obama loves you.
Everybody knows the vaccines are good.
Everybody knows that John McCain is tremendous.
Everybody knows the war is over.
Everybody knows the good guy's lost.
Everybody knows the fight was fixed.
The poor stay poor.
Nobody will tell the poor not to buy lottery tickets.
Nobody will tell them that government's not going to give them a lottery ticket and a bunch of free stuff.
The poor are only given food stamps and stuff to control them.
Because they're afraid you're going to have your own community, your own businesses.
Food stamps and welfare destroyed the black community in this country that was wealthy.
It's a fact.
And it's going to destroy every community worldwide when the globalists are done.
This article that's up on InfoWars.com, I don't have time to get to the newscast, but I should have covered this more today.
This is really what's frightening.
That you will be sexually assaulted by the police nationwide, whether it's New Mexico, whether it's Texas, whether it's Seattle, Washington.
The state police now pull you over and they don't even smell marijuana.
In the old days, if they thought you had hard drugs, they'd take you in and have a medical exam.
Now they just do it on the side of the road, and they don't even change gloves.
I mean, it's like anything to show that we're desecrated garbage.
But this new article, police doctors force man to undergo humiliating enemas, anal exams, and x-rays.
Narcotics search turned up nothing, but man was billed by hospital for eight anal probes, all because he clenched his buttocks during routine traffic stop.
What does that mean?
So, the cop gets you out of the car, and you, I mean, I might clench my, I'm gonna be honest, folks, when I drive by the state police now, I'm gonna be honest, a lot of stuff doesn't scare me, but a man coming after my hind end, I mean, let me tell you, or a woman, period, you know, just a cop, I mean, that's scary, man.
I see the state police now, and I think I actually do clench my butt.
And I'm not trying to be funny here.
When I see the state police now, I was driving home last night and saw them, had somebody pulled over, and I literally, literally thought, oh my gosh, that's a butt pirate right there.
I mean, that is, I'm not joking.
I mean, the state police now in Texas ought to be renamed.
They have a softball team.
In fact, look up the Texas State Police softball team in Austin.
They got to rename it to the Butt Pirates.
I wanted to have sex with me!
I'm sorry.
I mean, and look, I don't do this kind of stuff on air, talk about sex and stuff like that.
The police are doing this.
The TSA, we've got to say no.
It's the TSA-ification of the entire world.
How much more cuckoo does it get?
KLBI Witness 4 reports that the details of the case emerged during a federal lawsuit recently with medical records and police reports indicating that deputies used the Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office and police officers with the city to force David Ecker to undergo multiple anal cavity searches, saying that they had probable cause to search for drugs.
His crime, not making a complete stop at a stop sign.
And the judge called it an unethical process.
Or no, the judge didn't call it that.
Somebody else called it an unethical process.
Man, I don't even know what to say anymore.
I mean, this stuff is so screwed up.
And the saying, don't tase me, bro.
How about don't proctology me, bro.
And then eight times.
You know, it's like that guy they tortured with the broken broomstick.
Almost killed him.
All they had to say now is, we're just doing a medical exam.
Maybe they could shoot you with a shotgun in the high and down, and like, blow your guts out and go, we were just checking.
Officers do everything.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, back tonight, 7 o'clock Central, InfoWars Nightly News, Lord willing.
They have some big breaking news as well.
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God bless you.
We need your support and your prayers.
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