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Name: 20131031_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 31, 2013
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Have you been wondering how frightening the future is going to be post-singularity?
Well, a new pro-transhumanism TV show hopes to sell you on the idea of a world filled with robots.
Almost Human takes place in 2048 LA, where detectives are forced to partner with synthetic, combat-ready androids.
The droids have a strictly rule-based sense of reason, which is of course a trait that's perfect for
We're good to go.
And since Dorian is such a likable robot, it forces the audience to consider what does it really mean to be human?
I can't say that I was born, but I was made to feel.
And I do.
As much as you.
Don't think a robot with human-like qualities is possible?
Well, Google futurist Ray Kurzweil says this is probably going to happen before the end of the century.
We're going to become increasingly non-biological to the point where the non-biological part predominates and the biological part is not that important anymore.
In fact, the non-biological part, the machine part, will be so powerful it can completely model and understand
The biological part.
So even if that biological part went away, it wouldn't make any difference because it
The non-biological part already understood it completely.
Kurzweil also predicts that humans will be uploading their brains to computers by 2045.
However, when Kurzweil talks about we, he's not talking about you or I. He's talking about the 1%.
He admits in his book such technology will not be available to the general public and instead will be controlled by a technocratic elite who will attempt to become super beings by merging with machines.
This dystopic future will see the mass of humanity trapped in their limited organic bodies, while the elite will become vastly more intelligent due to cybernetic brain interface upgrades.
People involved in unskilled labor will become unnecessary when their jobs are replaced by machines, inevitably leading to the mass of humanity being seen as worthless parasites by the elite, who will either prevent them from reproducing via mass sterilization programs, or simply slaughter them outright.
You think your job is safe?
Well, they're even replacing your everyday sign spinner with robotic mannequins.
But you still don't think the elite are planning to cull the useless herd?
Well, in addition to forced vaccinations and GMOs destroying second and third generations, schools are now teaching population reduction as a way to save the planet!
We reported in March on the Chinese eugenics factory that collects genius DNA to breed enhanced people.
While Americans show some reservations with playing God, according to one of the geniuses selected for the program, the Chinese are all about breeding superior humans.
And Google just announced Calico, a new company whose ultimate purpose is to radically extend the human lifespan.
For those who can afford it, of course.
Reporting for the InfoWars Nightly News, I'm Leanne McAdoo.
And ladies and gentlemen, it is October 31st.
It is, of course, the year 2013, and trick-or-treat, the globalists think they're God.
Ray Kurzweil, the heads-up, the Futurist Development Programs for Google, of course, is a globalist exterminist as well, openly telling you their plan.
And when I made a film eight years ago, in-game, documenting it, they had the New York Times and others come out and say that I was a liar for quoting his best-selling book.
That's how dumb they think their readers are.
That's how dumb.
I've been attacked by MSNBC, you name it, for just quoting what all of the top elites say the plan is.
This is a public plan.
The reason I mention this at the start of the broadcast, big transmission lined up today, a lot of important breaking news, is this story from Michael Schneider of the American Dream blog.
It's up on DrugsReport.com on the right hand side, it's very important.
A chip in the head, brain implants will be connecting people to the internet very, very soon.
We're going to look at that and Google denying they are connected to the NSA.
That's actually true.
They're above the NSA.
They are the shadow eugenics technocratic system.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
Or you're mine.
Hallmark are good little authoritarians on this Halloween.
They're removing the word gay from famous Christmas carols.
Because it's faithful.
Even though the word was expropriated from the term meaning happy.
And there's moves to arrest anyone in England who uses the word faggot because, well, that's what they call a burning ember or what they call barbecue.
I myself was in a barbecue place in England.
That was the name of roasted meat, a very homophobic and hateful.
I'm just thankful parents can't pack their children their own lunches and then under federal control we have abortions going on nationwide where babies spend more than 24 hours crying on shelves because legally they're not allowed to kill them once they're outside the womb unless they kill them by exposure.
But none of that's upsetting.
Life is very cheap unless the globalists decide it has value.
They're very concerned about terrorists killing a couple of us every year.
That's why they're taking all our liberties away.
It's not about enslaving us.
It's not about controlling us.
Well, Happy All Saints Eve, ladies and gentlemen.
Or, of course, the holiday overriding the Sam Haines showering rituals going on all over Europe right now.
And again, there's a lot of pagans out there who I understand are not dark practitioners and worshippers of death and destruction and child sacrifice, but you have to understand that this holiday historically is a fact in Europe, a time when noblemen, the wealthy, shopkeepers, folks that owned large herds,
had to pay homage to the priesthood to show that they had domination over everyone including local kings and sometimes they would demand that the king
Have his brains be beaten out, and then his throat slit and poured over altars, or his brains beat out and thrown into a peat bog, or his throat slit and thrown into a large bonfire, the term we get bonfire, from that, on record.
Many different ways of doing things, or of course putting you in a large wicker burning man and setting you alight.
It was a time for the priesthood to show they were in control of everything.
And so, by the 1950s, they overwrote All Saints Day, a time of hiding in your house, fearing the satanic rituals still being conducted to this day on Devil's Night, as is known in Detroit when they burn down the buildings.
They overwrote it as fun with pumpkins and everything, and your children go out in a druidic simulation, and they come as druids would come to the door and demand offerings.
Demand offerings, and you show that you're submitting to it and going along with it by lighting a gourd and putting it in front of your door.
They might demand your horse to be roasted, one of the delicacies at that time.
Or they might demand some of your cattle.
Or sometimes they will demand your child.
But again, I'm being close-minded about all this.
I think it's good that we've reintroduced human sacrifice, and 53 million babies have been given to the fires of Moloch, as Leviticus warned.
Same stuff was going on in the Middle East, of course.
In the Mediterranean.
Same stuff was going on in Asia.
Same stuff was going on in Latin America.
What is Latin America today?
It's just the same thing!
And now we have all these different top BBC presenters caught with dead bodies of children and necrophilia and satanism, Jimmy Savelle, and then when they start to have trials, the people that work for him all start dying.
It all continues on.
It all goes on.
It all continues.
But during the Middle Ages, if you wanted to have satanic rituals, you would just say you were going after witches, while you yourself, this is actually in the deep history, would actually burn women, and men, and even children, having your satanic ritual, while claiming you were a Christian.
Which made it even more delicious.
Just like our government says they're fighting Al-Qaeda, while they created it, fund it, protect it, run it.
Full spectrum dominance.
So, that's how this stuff works.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, we are going to break down how the globalists operate.
You notice, in Latin, I forget the term, but there was the denial that witchcraft existed, when obviously witchcraft existed.
All that meant was secret old knowledge.
Some of it dark, some of it not dark.
The point is it all had roots in pre-Christian, so it's occultic or hidden by its very nature.
But just as they deny there's a UN takeover or deny that there's mercury in the shots, we prove there's mercury, they say, okay, it's good for you.
The devil's greatest trick is convincing you that it doesn't exist, but we all know it exists.
And just as the desire to kill innocents can manifest through Christianity or anything else, we have the famous Salem Witch Trials, where you just had a bunch of control freaks wanting to carry out torture, so they went out and went after innocent people who were doing nothing wrong, so they could carry out their deep human need to engage in human sacrifice, in this case crushing women and men with giant boulders, lowered onto them by oxen.
But I now digress.
I just thought I would give you a little bit of Halloween... Halloween... knowledge.
And I'm not saying you're satanic, and I'm not judging you.
If your children go around to strangers' doors, knock on them, or are given candy, but they are following in the footsteps of thousands of years of druidic priest.
That is exactly what they're doing.
And see, if you didn't offer them up whatever they wanted, people rebelled against it.
Because they weren't trendy pagans.
No, they were sick of giving their cows to the priesthood, running around, taking hemlock and nightshade and mistletoe, flipping out.
Running around in the countryside, drinking blood, murdering people.
And if you rebelled, well then your whole family would be burned.
And I think that's good.
It's not good to rebel against any tyranny, any gang.
I think it's good to submit to it.
I'm trendy.
And just as they came out yesterday and announced they're going to bring back the Fairness Doctrine and persecute and prosecute all the different media, including the internet, with these new secret police that go out with these mandatory, that aren't really mandatory, it's all fraud, questionnaires about what's your politics, what are you doing, ahead of the open announcements they want to bring back restrictions on free speech.
That is why now, more and more, I'm going to implement Fairness Doctrine here ahead of time.
I will tell you what I really think about tyranny, and then I will add the view of the establishment.
I think Obamacare is working great.
I think 539% Humana increases in Texas, on record, is an affordable care and is a lower price.
And I think increasing the national debt limit does not increase the debt.
I agree with Obama's quote on that.
And I agree with him last week saying that it's been an incredible success and is outperforming what they thought.
And I don't agree with the facts that it was designed to never work and make it a distraction about the healthcare site.
You know, the NSA flawlessly, as Snowden broke down, can spy on everything everybody's doing in real time because they've been developing the system for 50 years and integrating all software and all devices to seamlessly integrate through world standardization to be spied on and to track everything in their own words.
But they can't make a website for you to be able to go and look at a bunch of different health plans.
Which a lot of tech people say is a hard job, but nothing compared to the giant spy grid.
Of course, and I told you it wasn't going to work.
I told you it was just going to be a process where, oh sorry, it's not free, the website didn't work, but your rates are going to go up, and we're going to lower your standard of care.
That's what the insurance companies wrote.
That's why their profits doubled, the Big Ten, in the last three years since it passed, and are now set to double or more this year alone.
That's mainstream news.
But don't worry, Obama came out today, and I've got the quote here, and said, it's a few bad apples.
The entire top ten insurance companies have all hammered up their rates.
And even though Obamacare tries to take over the states, still the states are fighting.
That's why some states, you know, you're getting higher increases than others.
But this is the greatest profit in banker bailout and direct tax to foreign institutions the world has ever seen.
It is a biblical level fraud.
Just like when the bankers take over Argentina or Brazil or a hundred plus of the third world countries on record, they will come in and say, we've signed you onto our debt.
We'll loan you a billion dollars.
You now own us 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 billion, depending on which loan it is.
You're going to hand over all the water districts, all the public power plants, all the infrastructure, and then they double them.
And then they double them again over a few years until everything breaks down.
And then they have a plan.
I think it's part 111 in the World Bank plan that got leaked a few years ago, 2002.
Yeah, time went by like dusk till dawn.
I tell you, life is short, folks.
I guess that was 11 years ago.
They said, and the best part is when things finally collapse, there's rioting, the longer it goes the better, several years is wonderful, total destruction of society.
And then they come in and everyone begs them for anything, they accept police, state, anything, to have the society set back up and you're totally broken.
And now we're going to go through this.
And Homeland Security is standing by as the handcuffs on us, as we're strapped down to the gurney, and the Jeffrey Dahmer-like government has now finally got us chained down and has opened up its bag of tricks and is just laying out the implements of our total dismemberment.
And just lovingly sharpening each one and standing over us and you know we're going to ban Christianity.
You know we're going to take your kids.
You know we're going to make you take all these inoculations.
You're hopefully going to be paralyzed just like folks in India.
Won't matter if 60,000 of you get paralyzed in one day.
No one's going to stop us.
The kids are all just going to be paralyzed and then be euthanized and we're going to kill you very slowly.
Does that sound trendy?
And they're just sitting there, just getting all their torture implements ready.
I mean, they're already torturing the troops with deadly vaccines.
They've already got more than two-thirds of the foster kids on deadly psychotropics and drugs.
They're already... Any captured group they've got, the Iraqis killing millions of them, anybody they've got in their clutches, I mean, you can see them sucking them dry, torturing them as hard as you can imagine.
I mean, really just beating the living soul out of people.
But now, they're going to really want to take their time with America.
They got us hung up by our ankles right now.
They're walking around, circling around us, laughing.
And America is passing its test.
Democrats are saying, we still love Obamacare.
Republicans messed it up.
We're going to get free stuff.
And the bankruptcy is accelerating.
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Folks, Google is getting incredibly partisan now for the Democratic Party.
They have an image of Hillary Clinton up on their front page today.
Just up there reading a book.
And, I mean, what does that mean to have Hillary Clinton up on the front page of Google reading a book?
Alright, I'm being sarcastic.
It's a little too beautiful to be Hillary.
It's actually a green witch reading a book.
Oh, boy.
I'll get your guns and your children, too.
My pretties.
The good news is we are having victories against the scum and they admit there's a stalemate and that the Tea Party, that's Constitutional Libertarians, is blocking totally open borders, total restrictions on guns, total bankruptcy of the country.
Obama said we can never challenge a debt increase again.
That's just the worst thing to do because that makes our debt go up.
So just having any common sense, any basic Americana ideas that's anti-authoritarian and tyranny is just the ultimate anathema.
They failed to take over the Tea Party the last six years, the Republicans and the Democrats, and now they're all coming after it.
And I know I diatribed on that yesterday, it's just that's so central that we get behind
Every true libertarian constitutional Tea Party type candidate we can.
And I think we should have something called the Democratic Party Tea Party and have libertarian type folks run
Because if you look at libertarian ideas, when you even pull Democrats, a lot of them, those that aren't total socialists, they actually click with it.
We should take over the independent groups, the Republicans, the Democrats.
Even if you run for office, you're there injecting real ideas.
And yeah, there's a lot of election fraud, but it's not total.
They don't have total control.
It's all mixed mass because they're having to hide it.
And you can get into office, and then you can have an effect.
The media, the controlled state-run media tries to act like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.
Yeah, they're trying to... I see the headlines every day.
Yeah, they're trying to explain to the American people why they opposed Obamacare.
It's like, yeah, they're trying to explain to the American people why they were opposed to brain cancer.
Like, oh boy, they're having some explaining to do instead of like, oh, they were completely right.
Wow, they're heroes now.
No, they have to go against the obvious and hide it in plain view and go, ooh, Ted Cruz is in trouble.
Ted Cruz is in big trouble.
He said Obamacare wasn't going to work and was a big scam and was really to enrich insurance companies and other special interests.
Man, was he right!
I mean, wrong!
I mean, he's bad man!
And so now they're raising hundreds of millions to go after him and Rand Paul coming up in I guess three or four years when Rand's up.
The point is they're totally worried, panicking.
Every time they release a Joe Biden audio from some millionaire meeting he's having with millionaire contributors, or billionaire contributors, every time they have a high-level RNC leak, you see them every few weeks, they are literally freaking out over Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.
Because even if they're not perfect, they are light years better than Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and Dianne Feinstein.
And the idea
Of, we shouldn't have a seven trillion dollar debt.
We should probably actually cut some spending, including defense, and we're going to go bankrupt.
The bankers want to maneuver us into that.
They've done that to hundreds of countries.
That's the plan.
That's the program.
And they get up there and say, oh, that's a terrible idea to not want to raise the debt.
Raising the debt doesn't raise the debt.
Did you forget Obama said that?
Can we find that and play that in the next segment?
This is the type of craziness.
See, they need to blame us when they wreck everything.
And then they'll pose as saviors again.
But if we're here pointing out they're the authors of this, and pointing out how they did this, and pointing out that Obamacare was written by the most corrupt insurance companies to shut down the other smaller regional good folks, and health clinics that are outside of the health insurance system that you buy a program with that do a great job, they're shutting those down right now.
They're getting rid of all the real affordable care.
See, anything they say, it's the opposite.
The Patriot Act is the end of the Bill of Rights.
Is that patriotic?
No, it's the opposite.
It's a guillotine for liberty.
But it's called Patriot.
Patriot Act.
New freedom.
Forcibly wants to put half the kids in America on drugs in the next phase for big pharma to control people in their own documents.
Is that a new freedom?
No, it's new slavery.
They say mercury improves the behavior of children.
Well, yeah, they want you brain damaged.
So, of course, they use that lawyer trick.
And it's the same thing with this.
It's Affordable Care Act.
It's the opposite.
It's the Unaffordable Care Act.
It's the Death Panel Act.
It's the Shut Down the Regional Clinics Act.
It's the Shut Down the Good Insurance Companies and Regional HMOs.
It's all being shut down.
The prices are exploding everywhere.
My family is in medical management.
And they're not getting out of it because the profit's gone.
If they go join the Democratic Party mafia, they will be given incredible power to be commissars over inoculation, pill-pushing, death panels.
And of course, my dad's not going to be part of it.
We'll be back with all the big news.
I haven't even gotten to it yet.
Stay with us.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
It's good that there's hundreds of new vaccines that we're trying to push on you.
We promise you that we want to take care of you.
Sure, there's been thousands of declassified lethal tests murdering men, women, and children by the shadow government.
But we promise we don't do that anymore.
Never mind the IQs dropping and cancer and every other disease off the chart in the countries we control.
I mean, the countries we help.
It's for your own good.
The nanny state wants to help you and your family, and we are.
Don't listen to Alex Jones or Ron Paul or any of those vicious people like, well, the founders of that pig pen America that we're pulling down and de-industrializing right now.
No, listen to great sage leaders like Mao Zedong.
Adolf Hitler and others who told you the state is God and will deliver you to Valhalla.
Alright folks, that is part of our continuing introduction of the Fairness Doctrine that they're set to phase in under new names.
It's being announced by the FCC over the internet, you name it.
No law is needed, they're just going to do it by bullying and criminal activity.
Oh, Fairness Doctrine, loving government help.
So we're just always now going to say what I believe, but then add their propaganda.
I mean their truth.
See, just double-sided right there.
So we just had a little announcement by Homeland Security about how much they love you.
Please go out and get all the shots.
I recommend if you want to see pretty colors, go to your local Walgreens or Walmart and get everything they've got.
You might have a convulsions and die on the way home.
How fun is that on Halloween?
I mean, the insert says may kill you!
Or, hey, they put you on serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and then you want to go shoot up a bunch of people?
Happy Halloween!
I mean, you know, we've got this culture of death with the fascination with zombies and vampires and everything, and the sociologists say it's because people feel desperate and panicked and unhappy, and they just hate everyone around them, and the Pentagon trains the Army and the Marines to kill masses of U.S.
citizens, but when myself and others
videotaped it and documented it.
They started five years ago calling it zombie drills, where they practice mowing down people in farmer outfits that look like your grandpa and Uncle Jesse from Dukes of Hazzard.
That's their main enemy.
Folks, they've already got control of the cities.
But it's okay because they put zombie paint on them.
So the troops are training to mow Americans down in mass and saying, but it's okay because it's zombies.
That isn't mind control or anything.
Everything's fine on this Halloween.
It's our special Halloween broadcast, brought to you by, well, I guess the FCC and the New World Order.
So, like I said, folks, trust the government.
Don't read the inserts.
They tell you in the news that there is absolutely no complications from flu shots.
Now, of course, that's a total lie.
If you read the insert, you'll find out it can cause hundreds of neurological disorders and death and autoimmune diseases, but don't listen to that.
They say you will live longer if you take flu shots.
Actually, studies show the opposite, and it doubles your chances of Alzheimer's if you had just three flu shots, but it's okay.
Ignore all the overall data that were being killed, and just eat GMO, drink fluoride, take shots, worship government!
Come on!
Do it!
Everything's fine!
Sure, the Nazis had a eugenics plan that they were going to take over the entire world and threw poisoned food and water, dumb everybody down and reduce their fertility until they got so poisoned incrementally, over a three-decade plan, they would then develop bioweapons to kill the people in the weakened state with the elites having the antidotes.
It doesn't matter if it came out in the Nuremberg trial and was actually adopted as U.S.
and British policy.
It doesn't matter if it's in State Department Random 200.
No one's going to look it up, because it's not true!
They love me!
They love you!
They love everyone!
Ha ha!
I apologize!
Everything's fine!
Google's not connected to the NSA, even though they are on record.
Why, Eric Schmidt came out and said they weren't!
And they wouldn't lie to you, my little pretties!
They wouldn't lie to you, just take a bite of the apple, you know it looks delicious.
Doesn't matter if the government isn't even cloaked anymore, and is a 5,000 foot witch eating babies as it walks through our society, and like leaving huge steaming piles of wreckage behind it.
It doesn't matter if they're just openly criminal following every authoritarian playbook in a giant crescendo of just an orgy of government growth like a metastasization of a super mutagen cancer.
Does it matter?
It's freedom!
On Halloween, it loves us!
Alright, folks, I'm telling you, once Fairness Doctrine comes in, it's gonna be fine.
This show will be one of the only ones on air.
Because they actually, I think, like hearing this.
They know it's true.
I'm told the elite listen for entertainment.
They're like, absolutely, this guy gets it.
We're gonna kill everybody!
Ha ha ha!
And they love it!
Let me settle down a little bit here and get into the news, ladies and gentlemen.
Before I get to the news, this just arrived on the truck minutes ago.
In fact, during the last break it arrived and we ran out there and tore into the pallets of the hundred plus thousand magazines that just rolled into the Infowars Center.
And this is the, drumroll please, November 2013 edition, another double cover.
It says, is this the next big crash or is the next big crash coming?
And then on the front cover it has a tower of cards that are Federal Reserve notes on one side and regular cards on the other.
A great way to wake up friends and family.
And this special issue covers a plethora
Of key information.
You can buy the magazines at cost in bulk or get subscription.
We have a special going on subscriptions right now.
It's like 30% off or more.
I forget the exact math and we can go to the website and show the specials on the magazines, but you can get a
You can get a 50-pack at cost, 10-packs, 100-packs, 25-packs, but the subscription is $39.95.
That includes the 12 magazines shipped out.
So almost all the cost is the shipping because we can't send it out media mail because it's seen as news information.
So, we pay an arm and a leg to ship it out to you.
But there you go, that is at cost.
Nothing wrong with making money.
The magazine, though, is purely to wake folks up, so it is at cost, at cost, at cost.
In fact, I'm told at $39.95 we might even be losing money, but I just get a big thrill.
Out of you having a big, glossy, beautiful color magazine as print goes the way of the Goonie Bird, or as it goes the way of the dinosaurs and the dinosaur media.
People now more than ever, you can leave this in dental offices, leave it at daycares, leave it at work, give it to people.
Absolutely a great way.
And believe me, we put these out in restaurants and stuff.
We should do a time lapse of this.
We've done it before actually.
And people just grab them up compared to everything else because almost everyone's heard of InfoWars.
And then they see a great cover like a stack of cards that says, is the next crash coming?
And then it explains who's doing it.
Absolutely essential to know who is behind all of this.
And it gets into a big boil down to the founding fathers and Christians being demonized on military bases.
A new big composite article on that.
And we get into the attack on the media and the press.
Then we get into the banksters trying to implode society.
And we have a big spread on the open carry that happened a week and a half ago in San Antonio that is so, so historical.
Really a very impressive magazine.
Absolutely guaranteed to get people thinking.
We break down 10 ways the Obamacare train wreck is screwing the American people.
Just really concise info to deprogram your friends and family.
Great news, expanding on that article about the Interpol chief saying arm the citizens to stop terrorists and lower crime.
Major, major piece there.
Sixth grade assignment, we've mentioned this but it expands on it, destroy the Bill of Rights.
That is just some of the information in the 64-page magazine that is available at InfoWarsStore.com.
That's InfoWarsStore.com.
And then, of course, we've got the big poster spread at the Alamo, with yours truly up there giving a speech.
It says, The Texas Revolution was a continuation of human beings fighting against bullies and tyrants in every civilization throughout history.
And this is the struggle of the individual.
And then, of course, you've got all of the political correctness and the rest of it that all the attacks they're involved in and the banking scams and just so much more.
Very, very proud of this issue.
It just gets better and better with the great crew that we've got.
And it's a very pro-Second Amendment issue as well.
So I'm done plugging it.
I hope that everybody gives gift subscriptions.
Don't wait.
I'd say, here's your Christmas present a month early.
Twelve issues of this are going to be coming in the mail.
39.95, 12 issues delivered to your door of hardcore information warfare truth.
And then separately, you can buy them in bulk and hand them out to friends and family.
Do not wait.
I want this issue to sell out just like the last issue sold out.
And I want you to wake folks up with it today.
And lastly, we did just get a giant shipment in last night.
So it's back in, but we're filling back orders now.
Uh, and so there'll be a couple weeks till we can get everything shipped out because we ship it out here ourselves.
But the nascent, atomic, one-of-a-kind, patented, super iodine.
Infowarslife.com to see the videos, the breakdown of it.
Uh, you hear the rave reviews by listeners.
I'm going to ask them to call in.
They just do it.
I've gone out and found the very best stuff out there that nobody even knew about.
I mean, the other nascent iodine, I'm sorry, isn't the same thing.
I mean, it just can't even taste like rocket fuel.
This is completely different because of the patented system they use that I'm not supposed to get into.
The point is, is that it's why the National Academy of Sciences has it listed as just a one-of-a-kind deal.
And I've asked Dr. Group and others, like, what is the number 110?
They're like, well, it's iodine, and then it's this iodine.
And, again, they weren't even really selling it or promoting it because people were like, oh, iodine.
Well, folks have listened to us, they've gotten it, and now there's a run on it, basically.
We're the only ones that have it.
And you can get it at MFulwhoreStore.com or MFulwhoresLife.com.
Now, the Modifilin Clean Seaweed, the cleanest seaweed out there from the Southern Hemisphere, it has it as well, it's just not as concentrated.
We have that discounted as well as MFulwhore's.
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888-253-3139 and your purchase funds.
Everything we're doing.
Magazines, the films, the news division.
Everything we're doing.
So you just don't have yours truly up here going wild on the radio and doing serious reports as well.
You've got the great reporters we've developed and the other folks and the writers and the researchers.
Thank you all for your support.
And I want to thank our AM and FM affiliates for their support.
As well, we couldn't have done this without you, and if you're a listener listening to local AM and FM affiliates, you need to support their sponsors, tell them you're supporting them, and spread the word about the stations, and if you're a local business, even if you're a small sponsor, go do advertising on our local stations.
That's how we go from the weekend to so many daytime slots, is people listen, they get ratings, but that isn't enough.
We've been number one in many cities.
Number one, even on small stations.
And after a few years, and then ESPN almost always comes in and buys it out.
Because, well, it's too much money.
And it doesn't matter if the show had number one ratings.
They just buy it.
Because the folks can't make money with talk radio.
And it's very, very sad.
So if you hear this, and you want more people to hear it, you need to not be tithing at the local church that says, hand in your guns, Romans 13, worship world government.
You're tithed, folks.
If you really study history, it's to change things and to help folks.
And it is supporting our local AM and FM affiliates.
So spread the word about them.
Support their sponsors.
Go in, buy from their sponsors, eat in their restaurants, go to their stores, go to their businesses, go to their auto repair shops, go to their bookstores, go to their companies, go to their print shops, go to their nightclubs, go to the places that support this show.
And listen, if a station carries my show and has a bunch of crud on it, support the station.
Let me tell you, it's a big deal.
They're coming after the media.
They're coming after free speech.
They've been trying to shut down a bankrupt radio forever.
And folks have hung in there and we have expanded and we're reaching millions of people.
Thank God for our AM and FM affiliates.
And the FCC attack, we've got to defeat their move for the Fairness Doctrine over the Internet as well.
We've got to hang together or hang separate.
We've got to stand against Dianne Feinstein saying that the government will decide what's media now.
And that's what the FCC is moving forward to do now.
Now, more than ever, is the time.
Alright, I'm just really angry today seeing Obama saying it's bad apples that are, you know, increasing the price of the insurance and kicking people off their plans.
It was written to do this, the bill was there, and they are going to just keep dangling the hope that, oh, the site doesn't work, that's why you can't get the free stuff.
It's like having a contest, and then you tell folks to show up to hear who the winner is, you know, it's some lottery or some
You know, type deal where you buy a ticket, and then you show up and nobody's there.
And they say, oh sorry, there was a fire.
The business is burned down.
And the guys really moved to Costa Rica.
I mean, I've seen how they work so many times, folks.
We knew the bill did this.
But I was like, how are they going to get away with it more than doubling in the first year everybody's premiums?
And that was a conservative estimate, by the way.
Now it's much worse than that.
And I said, I don't think it's going to work.
I think they're going to claim there's glitches, problems.
And then we saw Obama start saying, get ready for some glitches.
It may go on for months, until people just get used to getting a big bill in the mail.
And then folks that could already get Medicare, Medicaid, and other free health care.
Or taxpayer-subsidized, means-tested healthcare?
Now you're going to get lower quality.
And you're going to find out.
But you're going to be all by yourself, see, when you're complaining.
And when you go to your Democratic Party and complain to them, they're going to say, that's right-wing propaganda.
And when the Tea Party tries to take over the Republican Party, who wrote the legislation, the blue-blood rhinos, with the Democratic leadership, but the Republicans honchoed it.
They are going after the Libertarians.
And you've got Karl Rove lecturing everyone on Fox News every week about how bad Rand Paul and Ted Cruz is and how bad any other Libertarian media is because they're establishment and they want to control things.
And they want to destroy any opposition to them.
So if you're a Democrat out there and you care about having a balance of power, you care about not just having the corporate government that runs the two-headed
Monster of the Republican Democratic Party.
You should admit you've been conned.
You should admit historically collectivism ends up always exploding and being taken over by corrupt individuals.
And you should admit we're bankrupt beyond belief and that you should run as a... What is the lady that wrote Beyond the Green Mask that we saw on 1021?
Rosa Corey.
What does she call herself?
She calls herself, I think, Democratic Tea Party person.
I think that's the term, and that's what we need.
We need to not be fighting with each other.
We need to admit we've been conned.
Republicans have been conned by the establishment Republicans.
Democrats have been conned by the establishment.
And they're all in there promising free goodies to people.
They did that to get us under their control.
Now the goodies are going away.
Now they're cutting the welfare.
They're cutting the food stamps.
For citizens, not for illegals.
That's the new crop.
They already got you.
They need the new crop to come in.
For more slaves, you understand?
To drive things down even worse.
That's on record.
Why do you think the Fortune 500 are all lobbying for totally open borders right now?
Republican leadership, Democratic leadership, all the big Christian groups, from the Catholics to the Evangelicals, on government payroll now?
With the faith-based initiative pushing it?
The whole establishment that screws everybody, up one side and down the other, is telling you what a great thing amnesty is.
I've got the report here.
They've never had a lower level of deportations.
They have show deportations once a week.
It's totally staged.
They've already gotten rid of our borders.
We're imploding.
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're back live.
You know, you heard last week that CU Boulder told students not to wear offensive Halloween costumes, including cowboy outfits or geisha girls, because it's all racist.
You do what they say.
As authoritarians, you're racist.
Hallmark has now removed from its ornaments and clothing, Deck the Halls.
Without the gay apparel.
Happy apparel.
The word gay means happy.
It was a gay day.
Well, now you can't use that.
It's hateful.
I agree with that.
I love the authoritarianism.
And the California Sheriff's deputies, of course, shot and killed a 13-year-old with a toy gun.
They blame it on the Second Amendment.
So I thought we would engage in some political incorrectness.
Come on in here.
Leanne McAdoo, right over here, folks, is an absolute, total, and complete thought criminal.
And there she is, folks.
I don't know if we are feeling lucky here, but she's here, and folks, this is a... Take a seat there.
She is a serious thought criminal, and I'll tell you what I'm really worried about here, is that you actually have guns there, and people are kicked out of school now, they're arrested for toy guns, even in their own backyard, of their orange.
Those are silver, and of course, they're little mini-guns that aren't real, but they kind of look real.
Maybe you should be arrested.
I'm definitely going to go out and see if I can get shot.
I took off the caps just to scare people.
That's what I do.
But listen, you not only have toy guns and you're obviously in a Halloween costume, you're also wearing a cowboy outfit, which is racist.
That's actually racist that you would suggest that this is a costume and that this isn't my everyday attire.
I am a cowboy.
Well, I guess we've got to only then go to the people that run the universities and the government and do what they say to make sure we're in compliance.
They just run our lives.
You don't know what is going to offend people.
Everyone is so sensitive now.
And no one wants to get sued and run around and... Well, the answer to this tyranny, it's not political correctness, is to be politically incorrect.
Because you notice now brown bags are, you know, you're kicked out of government if you have those in Seattle.
And then now they're expanding it on to cowboy hats.
So we need to just understand that this is a cult of control freaks.
Yeah, that's probably the most offensive thing about my outfit is that I'm not actually wearing a cowboy hat.
Well listen, if you stand up I want to show people some more insensitivity.
The first cowboys are actually from Mexico and so that's why the classical western dress people think is from Texas.
They actually, there's that light right there, it's also racist, it's black.
I mean we chose not so it would blend in because we're racist.
And of course the light back there is white so that's racist as well.
Very much so.
But the whole issue is
That's Spanish style, those holsters and the engraving on the gun, so you're actually putting down people from Mexico.
I mean, it's not that you think that's a cool style and adopted it, like Westerners did, it's that you hate Mexicans.
Right, exactly.
In fact, your hat, your cowboy hat has some Mexican Spanish, which is really Spanish styling, so that's also anti-Spain.
Well, I'm going more for like a bandita.
So, I just want to appropriate all culture.
Do you want to apologize?
Do you want to apologize to everybody out there?
What about prisoners?
Your shirt is striped.
That's been used for prisoners occasionally.
I'm a burglar, yes.
So now you're making fun of inmates.
I am.
I just want to offend everyone this holiday.
But that's what it's about.
Because, you know, the globalists work for foreign banks that are destroying the country.
They want to change the subject and teach us we're bad so they can actually take all of our liberties collectively.
They don't want us to get together, McAdoo.
Speaking of that, let's talk about how difficult it was to find these toy guns.
I had to go to like seven different stores and they were all like, oh no, after Sandy Hook, we don't have toy guns in stores anymore.
And I was like, what?
All of the toys have guns, you know, they're little toys, they carry guns, but kids cannot have these little fake... And you can get video games for kids where you kill people all day.
Designed by the Pentagon to condition them to be killers, but you, you as an adult, you're bad.
Toy guns.
Well, they are arresting people for water guns.
Did you know if you shoot your boyfriend with a water gun, he'll be arrested?
Oh yeah, like the girl in Florida.
Stay there, criminal.
Stay there.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Folks, it's pretty amazing.
Google has come out and claimed that they don't work with the NSA.
When it's on record, they do.
But strangely enough, they've put Hillary Clinton on the front page of Google, at least here in the U.S.
I know it's different around the world.
And they actually have Hillary Clinton at the NSA reading her political enemy's emails and handing it over to the IRS to politically persecute folks.
So I don't get why they've put Hillary Clinton reading NSA files.
This is really weird, folks.
And if you go there, you'll see what I'm talking about right now.
Leanne McAdoo, I got serious news coming up in the next segment.
Sheriff Nick Finch down in Florida, where they have state laws that are obviously unconstitutional to arrest people that legally have firearms under some parts of the law, but not under others, where it's the cop's discretion.
He said, release this guy with no criminal record that was carrying a gun in his car.
And they indicted him.
The judge said, we're going to try to convict him.
The jury
Did not convict him.
That's jury nullification.
You don't just have the ballot box.
You have the grand jury box and the jury box, folks.
Then you've got the cartridge box we're trying to avoid.
1776 box.
And you've got the soap box.
There's a bunch of boxes here.
You know, the most important is the soul box in your heart, and the brain box, which is called the terrorist box.
Because they don't want you thinking, they want to tell you everything.
Deck the halls, la la la la, gay apparel, blah blah blah, just commit a thought crime.
Hallmark's banning all that.
Don't be a cowboy.
Universities all over are saying this.
Don't be a geisha girl.
Because when you dress up like a geisha girl, you do it to be racist.
Well no, we say it's insensitive for you to go out and do that and have fun.
Or to be an astronaut.
You do that to be mean to the astronauts.
It's total psychological tyranny.
Like, beyond the dystopic novels that have been written.
But, but, McAdoo, tell folks about your experience trying to get this, uh...
This gunfighter outfit, obviously a children's toy.
In fact, I think at Christmas there's photos of me getting that set.
Stand up and show the terrorists out there that are watching.
Again, right there ladies and gentlemen, you could not find this.
And they told you that it's dangerous?
Tell folks what they said.
Well, the guy at the store, I was like, looking all over, I'm like, don't you have, uh, cowboy stuff here?
Oh, racist?
Yeah, very racist.
He was like, we don't have a racist section.
But he said, you know, after Sandy Hook, we had to take all the guns out of the store.
This was at, can I say the name?
Yeah, of course.
Toys R Us.
And he was like, you know, we take, we don't sell that here anymore.
And because parents were complaining that we don't want to push that gun culture on children.
Yeah, probably two or three calls from Bloomberg's office.
I mean, we... I was like, this is Texas!
You don't have... We need to tell, we need to tell Toys R Us we're not ever coming to you.
Who wants to go there anyways?
Go to the little toy shops.
But, you said you went all over and couldn't find the terrorist weapons.
I did.
I went to several different toy stores.
I went to the Halloween store.
The only thing they had at the Halloween store was like this big, ugly, clearly fake looking... And, because that's, that's what they have to be bright or see-through, transparent in order to be
And then the cops shoot a kid and now say we have to basically get rid of all toy guns.
When we've always had toy guns, it didn't have this happening as often.
We had cops shoot at a guy in Austin who got out of his car at a routine traffic stop with his wallet.
I mean, now we gotta ban wallets because the cops are playing all these executioner games and think we're target practice?
Why isn't it the police and the cop that shot the 13-year-old boy, he was a firearms instructor.
He trained all of his colleagues in how to not use excessive force.
So here he shoots a 13-year-old kid after 10 seconds, seven times.
And the gun that the kid had, had a transparent center.
So it was following the protocol for a toy gun on the street.
So, why isn't he in any trouble?
It's just, it's insane.
Like, why can't we hold these people accountable?
No, no, no.
But, exactly.
But see, government and controlled media, it's all about how we're bad.
We're causing problems.
We need to give our rights up, but then... Toy guns are the problem.
But then ignore what they're up to, what they're doing, and then point out that guns have made crime go down massively.
The FBI's own statistics.
So I guess you're going to be out in Austin tonight in that racist outfit.
I have several racist outfits to choose from.
I'm going for the most racially insensitive.
Well, more power to you.
We've got to counter these people that want to control our thoughts.
They are the thought criminals trying to restrict our free speech.
Thank you, Leanne McAdoo.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Down in Florida, Sheriff Nick Finch, who was arrested for refusing to arrest people under unconstitutional state gun laws that were conflicting with other laws saying that people could be driving around in their car or having a gun in their house for their own protection.
He was arrested.
Kicked out of office by the kleptocrats down in Florida.
The judge said he wanted him convicted, wanted to make an example of him.
We broke the news, but it's now come out on a local affiliate, confirming what our reporter, he's been on the reporting for us, Sheriff Richard Mack, told us.
And we're working on getting Sheriff Finch to pop in sometime in the next hour, found not guilty of letting someone out of jail who was falsely arrested by one of his deputies.
And you ask how they do this?
They arrest people all the time for legal and lawful guns and interpret it the way they want to.
That's how you see people arrested in downtown Austin all the time, open carrying rifles.
The police say, we think that's threatening.
We think that you're rudely displaying, that's how the law is written.
The jury finds a suspected Liberty County Sheriff Nick Finch not guilty on both counts.
It says the jury finds suspended Liberty County Sheriff Nick Finch not guilty on both counts.
Thank God for that, for justice.
Finch was accused of releasing a man who was arrested for carrying a concealed weapon without a permit and then destroying the arrest records.
No, he didn't.
He just said, you shouldn't have arrested him.
This isn't illegal the way I read the code.
Get rid of this.
Finch was accused of releasing a man who was arrested for carrying a concealed weapon without a permit and then destroying the arrest record.
See, that's why they want to get rid of juries, folks, because we're going to inform them that their vote is more important than the ballot box.
It's the jury box, the grand jury box.
That's why they've turned them into these kept things run by the system.
Continuing with the article, it took the jury less than 90 minutes to reach the verdict.
Closing arguments were held Friday morning following two days of testimony.
Now the question becomes,
When will Finch get his badge and gun back?
We have calls into Governor Rick Scott's office to find out when the governor plans to reinstate him.
Yeah, the Republican establishment came out against him in the state, by the way, along with the Democrats.
News Channel 7 Bergen Buchem is covering the trial, and we'll have a complete wrap of it tonight.
So there you go.
Now that's that article.
If you hit refresh on Infowars.com, I don't care, but it's just a little fact.
We actually broke it.
He called us about 20 minutes ago, Sheriff Richard Mack, and he's going to give us the details.
He was in the courtroom when it happened, so we're lining up Sheriff Mack right now on that.
So there's the headline on Infowars.com, Sheriff Arrested, Charged After Defending Second Amendment, Found Not Guilty.
And that's a good headline, but really this is jury nullification.
Is what it is.
Patriot sheriff or pro-gun sheriff found not guilty.
And then sub-headline, jury nullifies false arrest, false charges.
And folks, they're so scared if we actually get good police elected and actually take our cities over and actually get good lawmen back in and get good peace officers back in, then the police won't be feared anymore.
They'll be appreciated and honored.
That's what we need.
And we need people that defend law-abiding citizens and don't see them as the enemy.
We need police that aggressively, like bloodhounds, go after criminals.
But I've talked to so many police.
We've done it in Minnesota when their state police were caught handing out drugs to occupy Wall Street.
And then right across the street was the Federal Reserve, and we pointed out, and so was at Wells Fargo.
We had our reporters go up there, and we pointed out to the police, hey, they've been caught laundering hundreds of billions of dollars and don't even get in trouble.
They go, well, we're not allowed to even look at them.
That's how it works.
You don't look at the big banks openly running the aircraft, the drugs, all of it on record.
The police all the time will SWAT team some insurance salesman and shoot him because he gets out of bed with a TV remote in his hand and then, oh, wrong house.
It's always like an... I've seen multiple times it's always 72-year-old retired insurance salesman in the upscale neighborhood.
It's always an insurance salesman.
I've probably seen him kill insurance salesmen five times.
I don't know why it's always insurance salesmen.
The 52-year-old doctor was shot in bed in front of his wife when the no-knock warrant came in.
And the police aren't even corrupt.
They're just crazy.
They won't even lie.
They'll go, well, they actually thought it was a firearm.
It was, uh, he was reaching for his glasses.
And then it's like, and it's always a wrong house too, because whatever meth head, crack head, you know, informant, I mean, they can get confidential informants folks to say, puff the magic dragon that they saw it in your house.
They've never been in your house, nothing.
And that's why I can't stand it when you get repair people in your house.
A lot of them end up being listeners nowadays, but sometimes they're looking around, or they know who I am, and they're asking, so what do you do around here?
Why aren't your kids in school?
And you can see them looking around for something, because most repairmen
Nowadays, especially in major cities, they make more money off the 25% kickback they get on average of anything that comes out of the arrest, prosecution, conviction.
And so if they're in your house, computer repair people are digging through your computer, and why shouldn't they just plant something on your computer?
That's happened a lot, where you take your computer to be repaired, and some meth-head, it's always meth-head, just the scum of the planet, will plant something on your computer so that they can then announce it and get some money off your arrest.
And a lot of times the police aren't total criminals, so they'll actually forensically check it.
You've seen these cases and go, you planted that to get the reward money, didn't you?
That's alright, I don't get in trouble for that, do I?
I mean, this is the type of ridiculous society that we have created, and I personally am totally and completely sick of it.
At every level.
But Sheriff arrested charge after defending Second Amendment found not guilty.
And we're going to get again some breakdown on that from Sheriff Richard Mack and Sheriff Finch probably coming up sometime today if not the nightly news tonight.
Seven o'clock Central Standard Time.
Let's go over some news right now.
I haven't gotten to a lot of that yet.
Let's move right into this article here out of the Wall Street Journal.
Google denies NSA cooperation while expanding encryption.
Ladies and gentlemen, they're on record founded by the NSA with NSA technology and funding from the CIA and QTEL.
But they're counting on your ignorance here.
So they're now denying all that.
Here's another one.
NSA bombshell shocks
Former spooks, why in the world would we burn Google?
The actual quote is, burn our relationship with Google.
So, they're in the foreign affairs section of the Washington Post admitting this.
And so there's this whole fight going on now where they all try to deny their criminal activities.
Google has the NSA backdoor codes on record they get from all the software makers.
Three years ago, remember it was in the news, they drive around with those Google cars.
You know, they're pink and green and non-threatening colors.
Folks, if a Mack truck is pink, it'll still run over you and kill you.
But it's all non-threatening, driving around as Imperial Probe Droids, not just taking video of everything, that's just the cover story for Street View, but breaking into everything as it drives along.
Continuing, very nice people though, but of course they didn't get in trouble for that worldwide, you noticed.
Because it's all sanctioned.
Google is the corporate front because then they can have payoffs to all the government people and give them revolving door jobs while they absolutely, well the word is rape again, us of our privacy.
And use the data to game the markets and rig everything against us.
Let's continue here.
Coast Guard comments on mysterious Google barge and says they have nothing to say about it basically.
CBS News is reporting now there's three loving Google barges, big black cubes being built out there under the Pentagon's loving, loving gaze and there are some connections to Google but it's definitely multifaceted spy hub platforms.
I was in Corpus Christi
About five years ago.
I even took photos of it in some old iPhone I've got somewhere.
And I saw a giant, the biggest oil rig platform I've ever seen with four big oil rigs stabilizing and going out.
It was giant NSA bubble pods.
And I think I even actually did show that on the website somewhere.
The point is, about a year later, they had it National Geographic after it had been authorized and stuff, saying the NSA launches a global spy system for Asia.
Guys, will you search National Geographic, Corpus Christi, Texas,
Surveillance is just National Geographic, Corpus Christi, even though it was really Port Aransas, Corpus Christi, Texas, NSA.
That should bring it up.
And it was just this gigantic floating city of spy grids.
Let's go ahead and go to the next piece of news here dealing with the whole NSA situation.
Snowden's now got a tech support job at a news site over in Russia.
And there's another one, NSA out of National Security, Washington Post, infiltrates links to Yahoo, Google data centers, worldwide Snowden documents say.
Well, I mean, there's no doubt about it.
And then they have a top secret breakdown of how it works.
Folks, they had
Executives and tech managers, the head engineer in San Francisco, a few years ago, was it five, six years ago, went public and said, we have whole floors where everything you do is run through it.
Well, that's in the Telecommunications Act of 96.
That's what's so frustrating about this.
They've released new Snowden documents, or more have been doled out, and it is top secret, S.I.
You know, foreign NSA documents, and it shows how everything is piped through the Gmail, all the user systems.
Of course, everything is run through it.
I mean, that's a fact.
And then they're in the news denying it to you.
Just like they're now denying that Obamacare is increasing your premiums.
Of course, you know it is, but it doesn't matter.
They meet you with lies and disdain.
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By the way, after I cover some economic news and the latest on Obamacare and some other important info, I am going to open the phones up and get into an article that's really a study in media manipulation and ignorance.
And folks having a normalcy bias, really cognitive dissonance, because there's a headline up on Infowars.com, United Nations to destroy property rights of thousands around Alamo.
That's how Kit Daniels took the high road and countered about five TV stations, more than a dozen major newspapers in the state, and the Texas Land Commissioner coming out and saying basically our report, without naming it, was horse pucky.
That the UN is to get UNESCO World Heritage Site biosphere designation over the Alamo.
Now they admit they're trying to get that designation so it's designated by tourists and people so they can go there.
I get that, but I'm an expert on this.
I made a film about it 16 years ago.
They've had congressional testimonies.
They've had legislative testimonies.
We have it all linked in this article.
We had it linked in the other article.
We have the UN plat demanding San Antonio not let anybody build in the corridor.
It takes control of the other areas and it does let them dictate.
That's a fact.
That's a fact.
And I understand San Antonio wants this UN designation.
It puts it on maps all over the world.
It will bring money to San Antonio.
No doubt about it.
No doubt about it.
The point is, we're right.
And again, we've got all the documents, and I am a leading expert on this.
We ought to get William F. McManus on, or even better, the editor of the New American, William F. Jasper.
John F. McManus, I've conflated their names, because he's the real expert.
That's where I found out about all this in the mid-90s from him, and couldn't believe it, and went and checked it myself.
The issue is, I'm just covering it now, I'll just cover it now.
The issue here, if you go to the article, and we'll punch it up on Infowars.com, United Nations to destroy property rights of thousands around Alamo, and you look at the UN documents that we have linked in it, showing the buffer zone, showing how you can't build.
They're on record not letting a gold mine 48 miles away from Yellowstone that had been open for decades expand.
They're on record shutting down businesses around wherever they set up.
This is U.N.
munialization, Agenda 21.
I like Jerry Patterson.
I'm supporting him for Lieutenant Governor.
He's been a pro-Second Amendment guy.
I remember going and fighting anti-gun bills down there, and he'd be there when he was first a state senator.
And nobody even knows who Jerry Patterson is outside of Texas, but he could go on to be the state lieutenant governor in Texas.
That's really the governor.
That's more powerful than the governor.
And he could go on to be a national figure.
But it's just that these guys think it's politically incorrect to admit that there's global government going on.
To admit there's U.N.
takeover going on.
To admit that we're going under internationalism.
I mean, Obama says we don't operate, we operate under the U.N.
In fact, I have an article today that's up on InfoWars.com by Kurt Nimmo.
Where the State Department and Obama are saying that all of the UN treaties trump the Constitution.
That's a quote they told Congress last year and this year.
We're under NATO command.
Congress doesn't have any power over our military.
Now, we've known that's coming for a long time.
We're going into global governance here.
They're signing the Asia-Pacific Union with the North American Union and the EU right now.
That's always been the Trilateral Commission plan.
I remember 10 years ago they would still say the Trilateral Commission didn't exist.
Remember that?
The CFR didn't exist.
There wasn't a global cabal.
There wasn't a plan to bankrupt the world.
Derivatives weren't going to hurt us.
They didn't want to bankrupt us.
Everything we said came true because the globalist plan is public.
That is what is so incredibly frustrating about all of this, is that it's all on record.
I come out and quote Ray Kurzweil...
Had a bunch of other Google executives saying, we're gonna take over, become the mind of God, shut down society, use the technology to make man obsolete, reduce the world population to save the earth, merge with computers, blast off to form a new colonies with the new computer silicon super race.
I mean, I'm giving you paraphrase quotes, earlier we actually played Ray Kurzweil saying this.
And then they've had CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, they've all attacked me on this saying I said all that.
I didn't say that!
Ted Turner said reduce the world population by 90%.
I didn't say that!
I'm reporting on what's going on.
I'm sorry it's hard to deal with Jerry Patterson.
I'm sorry.
But I'm right, you're wrong, period!
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
William Peter Blatty, writer of the Exorcist, slips back into the light for its 40th anniversary.
And he says that things going on at Health and Human Services, well, to quote him on Sebelius, are demonic acts.
Yes, I'd say massively raising taxes on poor people while telling them they were going to get something free is pretty much akin to telling a kid to get in the car you got candy and you actually put a bullet in their head.
That's up on DrudgeReport.com.
What else is up on DrudgeReport.com?
I was just looking.
Not only is Hillary Clinton in a witch's outfit on the front page of Google right now, strangely enough, on Drudge.
We have Hillary up there, actually in a real witchy-poo outfit.
Isn't that just interesting?
Goldman Sachs is Hillary.
Goldman Sachs pays Hillary nearly half a million for two speeches.
That's right.
That's how they pay people off for doing consulting, selling them out, is million-dollar speeches, quarter-million-dollar speeches.
One other big scam you'll see is you'll buy property.
This is kind of a local scam that's done in cities.
You'll buy a piece of property for a half-million, and then whoever you've sold the city out to, whoever you've given deals will suddenly buy it for a million.
And you make $500,000.
That's how all these little scams work.
Kind of like the Hillary Cattle Futures, but she bought a couple thousand dollars of them, and then they magically all hit the equivalent, I think they said at the time, of seven Royal Flushes in a row, was the Newsmax headline.
I remember back in the 90s when that came out.
They did the math.
It was like totally impossible.
It'd be like going to Las Vegas and going down the row of 50 slot machines and pulling the lever and getting the highest payout on every one in a row.
Oh yeah, she went and invested $2,000 or whatever it was and made a million.
Yeah, there it is.
Hillary Clinton futures trades to tailed the Washington whitewash.
I mean, sorry, the Washington pooper.
Well, I'm sorry, the Washington witch.
The Washington Post.
The Washington Post!
There you go.
You know, after deep thought, I think they should change the name of the Washington Redskins.
And I've thought about the tyrants, the Sanduskis, the molesters.
Why not just the Washington criminals?
I mean, that really would be just the, describes it all, the whole rainbow of criminal control freak activity.
Or the Washington Satans.
Man, I'm really having a problem here.
Alright, let me get into all the news.
By the way, you know, the whole Jerry Patterson thing.
The Texas Land Commissioner, who is a great patriot, who, you know, defied the state trying to block anybody being able to have a rally politically ever at the Alamo.
The first one since the Alamo happened, because after that it was just a ruin, and then it was a warehouse until the 50s, and then, you know, or the 40s, and then they turned it into a shrine, and it became popular when John Wayne did a movie about it.
Nobody cared.
Horse stables at one time.
And he went down there, the first speech ever.
I didn't know that.
We were the first to ever speak since 1836 in the Alamo a few weeks ago, a week and a half ago there, and Patterson did it.
It took a lot of heat for having an open carry there.
They claimed we were all going to kill each other.
No one got hurt.
Nothing happened.
It was great.
Total success.
It just makes me mad then when I have all the UN documents and the UN plat saying you can't build hotels or have businesses around the Alamo if the UN gives you this UN designation.
And the UN heritage site is not as bad as the biosphere.
When they give you that, it's really under UN control.
I mean, that is a big deal.
The heritage site, not as bad.
And I get that they've got Independence Hall, they've got all of our sacred shrines of liberty under UN control.
And I don't like that.
If you want to have it on a U.N.
map and send tourists there, that's fine.
And I get that people want that designation, because then it goes on all the maps, all the major maps, and the online maps, and it sends a lot of money there.
But at the expense of letting the U.N.
come in and get control, and it does!
And what's horsepucky is the fact that people don't want to admit stuff like this is happening.
And I'm not ranting and raving about it.
It's not that important in the final equation, individually.
But the point is, is that the denial of it...
So go read Kit Daniel's article, United Nations to destroy property rights of thousands around the Alamo, UNESCO won't grant Alamo World Heritage status without property restrictions and buffer zone, and we have a direct link to the city plat and the agreements with the UN, a map of the over seven square mile buffer zone surrounding the Alamo for no more construction, basically.
And then it goes into the international treaty, what it agrees to when you agree to it, all of it.
Okay, I mean, I made a film about this 16 years ago, okay?
Believe me, I went through major battles on this when I started talking about this in 1996, because they were designating all the national parks, all the major sites, and shutting down cattle ranches that bordered parks, saying that, well, the UN says you can't have this.
And then, what was it, 48 miles away, if memory serves, a gold mine that had been up there for decades.
It's very annoying to be informed and constantly be lectured by all these mainline Republicans, who I agree with a lot of stuff on, but they go, there's no U.N.
doing anything.
Come on, that's that crazy Alex.
Hey man, I'm right.
I know what I'm talking about, and it's the denial of what's going on.
If you want to do a cost-benefit analysis and say, well this heritage site
It will put up a U.N.
flag, it will put up a U.N.
plaque inside and outside, and it's going to be put up there, and we're going to go back, and Patterson says there's not going to be any U.N.
stuff there.
And again, I'm not in a you-know-what contest, a piss-em contest here.
My issue is that it's the wider issue.
Like you tell people, hey, there's 24 Harvard studies alone conducted over the last decade showing one part per million hydrofluorosilicic acid or sodium fluoride in the water reduces IQ by more than 10 points after just three years of use in a child.
And it increases bone cancer sevenfold in males, threefold in females in index studies and blah blah blah.
And then here's over a thousand other studies, one of the most studied things.
They knew a hundred years ago it did this and dumbed people down and made them lethargic.
And they just laugh at you and go, sure, they wouldn't hurt us, they love us.
And then I say, but what about all the secret testing?
Oh, that was a long time ago.
So then I'm the bad guy because I've got a team of reporters with documents and history and congressional testimony and legislative testimony in Kentucky and California.
I mean, I am a expert on this.
And I'm sick
This morning I ran into a famous race car driver, I'm not going to say whose name, at a low water crossing, and we were talking about our trucks, that were the same truck, before we decided to go ahead and go across the water crossing, nobody else would go across, and it would be, and this person before I've run into has told me about, you know, stuff about cars and what I ought to do to my car, I want to soup it up, which I haven't done.
It'd be like me at the end of it laughing and going, oh really?
You think you know about cars, huh?
I mean, instead of having knowledge, these people just laugh at everyone.
It's like, I don't need knowledge.
I don't need to be informed.
Here, I can just lavish you.
Oh, the NSA has whole floors of buildings of all telecommunications nationwide?
Alex, you're a kook for saying that, the first person to say it in 1996 because of a whistleblower that came to you from a big telecom in Austin.
And you were a bigger kook when you said in 1998 that all the digital cable boxes were tracking everything you watched and had hidden microphones.
Doesn't matter, it all came out years later, you were absolutely right.
You know, you don't get admired, you don't get supported, you don't get listened to.
No, no, we laugh at you more because you were right.
You see?
You see, that's how this works.
And I'm so sick of it.
It's like a year and a half ago, Kurt Nimmo wrote an article about drones nationwide.
And he linked to congressional and FBI reports where they were having hundreds of drone missions with the Predator drones run by the Pentagon for local police all over the country and he cited local news articles and then they had a major disinfo campaign come out in over a thousand newspapers attacking InfoWars.com, DrudgeReport.com and saying we were complete loon liars, there were no drones.
Now, you know, since then they've announced, oh, actually the drones are everywhere, and blimps, and we're watching you.
But see, they were getting the contracts then, and buying more, and rolling them out.
They didn't want it stopped.
So they just came out and said, there are no drones.
Don't listen to Kurt Nimmo, the filthy liar.
Remember that?
And I had people, talk show hosts calling, people going, man, you're really getting hit hard, discredited.
Are you sure there's drones?
And I went, did you read our articles?
It was linked to scores of local news and even Wired Magazine.
But see...
The UN's not taking over stuff when they get these designations.
Doesn't matter, they are.
Obama's come out again and said it's only a few bad apples.
First, no one's going to raise your premiums, no one's going to get kicked off.
Turns out they knew, had the meetings.
He's ordered the insurance companies in secret meetings that's come out to shut up.
That's even the Washington Post.
And they're all circling the wagons, and he's getting more donations than ever the Democrats are, and so are the Republicans, to keep Obamacare in place.
As a total, complete, absolute robbery.
Was I right?
Did it raise the premiums across the board?
Did it cut people off who had pre-existing conditions instead of guaranteeing them?
Did it lower the standard of care?
And it's just getting started.
Everything I said, worse than I said, but exactly as I said.
To a point, it was exactly as I said, and then it went past that.
Absolutely, as I said.
They are absolutely putting fluoride in the water to give you cancer and dumb you down.
They are murdering criminals.
I mean, can people get their mind around that?
I understand why you want to be in denial.
Because you have to admit, we're really in a lot of trouble.
Well, I got to get wound up every day and come in here and try to warn people, okay?
I've got to sit here knowing I'm right every day.
It doesn't hurt my feelings when I get laughed at.
It freaks me out.
Because I know I'm right.
And I'm desperate to try to get out of this.
And I've used this analogy a thousand times.
I'll use it again.
It's like in all those old movies.
There's actually been real cases of stuff like this where the ocean liner or the boat, the fishing boat, whatever, flips over, people are trapped in an air pocket, and you're going to have to swim out 50 yards, 100 yards.
And so many times, one person has the will to swim out and get out.
Everybody else just breaks down, panic, cries, can't do it.
The boat's sinking.
You can see it's bubbling.
You can tell any minute now.
It's going to fully sink.
The air pocket's going to disappear.
The boat's going to go down too deep.
You're not going to get alive.
There have been hundreds of cases of this recorded in the last few hundred years.
And most of the time, the majority of people say, I can't do it.
You're like, listen, in some cases, it's just fishing boats.
It's only 20, 30 feet you got to go.
They die.
They cannot get out.
They cannot get out of the little bit of oxygen they think safe.
And the globalists know that.
I was talking to a top banking executive off-record, one of the top heads of one of the big six banks.
He's the number two guy at one of the big six banks.
He laughed at me and he said, they will put up with, by increment with anything, it's humans' power to adapt that we're using.
And you're like, why would somebody like this tell you that?
Because I said, okay, this is off-record.
Unless it was like, you know, killing kids or something, I have to now not say who it was.
On a first-class flight to New York, he was coming down here to visit his dad, a retired general, and I mean, he was perfect shape, looked good for like 65 or whatever he was, perfect suit, got this perfect black jacket.
How do these guys fly in a suit and look perfect when they get off?
And he had the whole thing together and he turned and he just said, look, the people are done.
They want to be slaves, basically.
And he said, you don't understand, he really taught me something.
He said, it's their adaptability we use.
And his eyes were sparkling with evil intelligence.
He said, it's their adaptability we use.
And I go, what do you mean?
He goes, people adapt to whatever pressures are put on them, and so they adapt in and accept the new reality.
And he just said, you're not going to help them.
I've been told this over and over again by elite.
And I look at it and they're actually right though.
The public doesn't want to be helped.
They act like a bunch of rats just like the elite.
But at least the elite get together and don't do this to everybody.
But I morally cannot sign on and do this to people.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, the headline is up on Infowars.com right now, and it's also now being picked up by national media.
Pro-gun sheriff found not guilty.
Jury nullifies false arrest of Nick Finch, who is a national hero.
He needs to be the next governor, I'm telling you right now, of Florida.
It's these type of men that stand up for the Constitution that are going to save this country, and jury's doing the right thing.
Pro-Gun Sheriff found not guilty, and Sheriff Finch joins us.
Nick Finch, the Florida Sheriff, arrested in June after he defended the Second Amendment, has been declared not guilty on the charges brought against him, according to Richard Mack, reporting for InfoWars.com.
It's now confirmed by local news as well.
The former Liberty County Sheriff is now about to be reinstated.
So he still is the Sheriff, we should probably add.
Sheriff Finch, thank you so much, sir.
This is a real honor for me.
I don't get excited having Hollywood folks on.
I get excited having you on.
I got some butterflies.
We salute you and we salute that jury.
Tell folks what happened to you.
Tell us what it was like in there with that jury, sir.
Well first Alex, let me say thanks for having me on.
I know that we've been trying to get up with each other for a long time and we've kind of slipped through the cracks and that's fine.
But it's fine.
It's good to finally meet you and get to talk to you.
You know what?
Yesterday afternoon when we put on our defense, my attorney and I talked and we kind of said, here's what I said to my attorney.
I said, you think we'd shock the whole world if we didn't put on any defense at all?
I said, I think the prosecutions are improved.
Our case is worse.
And he smiled at me and he said, it's up to you, Sheriff.
What are you going to do?
And I said, well, I definitely need to go on a stand.
I said, these jurors want me to look them in the eye and tell them that I did not commit any crimes and that's what I did.
And when I took the stand, I had direct eye contact with each juror and each juror was looking at me and they were paying attention to what I said and they knew when I got done testifying.
That I was telling the truth, and they verified that.
Yesterday, after I got off the stand, I was convinced that I was going to be found not guilty.
Now, sir, tell us about the false charges.
Testify to the worldwide audience of 3 million people right now.
In a nutshell, you've got the floor, Sheriff.
What happened to you, what they did for those that didn't really follow the case or only saw state-run media demonizing you, and the entire political system coming after you because they're so afraid of lawmen.
Well, I appreciate that, Alex, and when I got elected, Sheriff, you know, my deep, dark desire was not to become a national figure, but I know that I have, in some aspect, became a national figure.
And that's okay.
I'm big enough to handle that.
But in a nutshell, what happened was one of my deputies made a traffic stop about 30 miles south of the capital of Liberty County, or the county seat of Liberty County, found a firearm in a fellow's right front pocket.
Guy's out there not bothering anybody.
You know, he's on his way home.
Hell, he's five miles from the house.
And so my deputy arrested him for carrying a concealed firearm.
And, um, so I got a call and, you know, my wife was with me at the time, actually, and I told my wife, I said, ma'am, I said, I wish you wouldn't have done that.
I said, you know, I've got Second Amendment issues here that really bother me about that.
Now, everybody knows in the state of Florida, the state law says that you, if you're going to carry a concealed firearm, you've got to have a permit.
You know, I joined the military in 1981, Alex, and I swore the very same oath to support, protect, and defend the Constitution.
And, obviously, I agreed with that oath so much that I went to war for this country.
So, you know, to me, the Constitution still means something.
So, I made the decision not to, you know, not to go through with the arrest.
I went to the jail.
Me, personally, I personally went to jail.
Now, you've got to understand, Liberty County is the smallest county in the state of Florida.
8,800 residents.
These people want their sheriff to be personally involved, and that's what I am, is personally involved.
And so, I go and I release the guy, I tell the jailer we're not charging him, and I walk out and go home.
But hell, that was on June... No, that was on March the 8th.
Didn't hear another word about it until May 24th when the Florida Department of Law Enforcement served a search warrant on my jail at 11 o'clock at night with... Now listen, I told you, I'm the smallest county in the state.
We've got 8,300 residents.
And they sent four FDLE agents to serve a search warrant on my jail.
Like you were a criminal.
Like I was a criminal.
Until the very next morning, actually, that was Friday, Saturday morning, I woke up.
I had the, um...
The Commissioner of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
I had his cell phone number as the Sheriff of Liberty County.
You know, I've got a lot of cell phone numbers.
And I called him and I said, you know what?
I said, all you really had to do was ask me what happened and I would have told you.
But now that you've started a criminal investigation, my lips are sealed, my friend.
I have nothing to say.
And so, you know, I have known all along, Alex, everybody who has paid attention has known all along that I violated no law, and what I did, I did based on my belief in the Second Amendment.
Of course, the state tried to make it like I did a favor for a good old boy kind of thing, and they got up there yesterday and put on their dog and pony show, and they really had no case to begin with.
Well, Sheriff, I mean, I'm not a...
And having a felony hanging over my head, it had an effect on me.
I'm more concerned for my wife and my two daughters.
They didn't sign up for this.
They didn't deserve this.
I'm a big boy.
I can handle anything they want to throw at me.
But it was really hard on them.
And being hard on them made it hard on me.
Well, Sheriff Nick Finch joining us via cell phone right now.
I'm not obviously an expert on the Florida Constitution, but I've read over the laws, had some lawyers on about your case.
The way I read it, correct me if I'm wrong, that's out in the open.
You're not supposed to have a gun concealed without the permit.
But isn't it different in your house or your car under a lot of the rulings, and especially if you're traveling to or from your home?
Well, there are some different conditions.
And quite honestly, Florida Statute 792.51, the title of that statute is possession of a firearm in a motor vehicle for self-defense and other purposes.
And it goes on and on.
The state law is so contradicting because in one part of the statute it says yeah you have the absolute right and the legislator agrees you have the right to keep it and then another part says you gotta have this and then another part says well hell if you're going fishing you're okay and so there's just so many different
Exactly, so you're elected and you're following it, so you make your determination, and then they try to put you in prison for that, for a law-abiding citizen out there who's trying to protect himself, and your deputy took him to jail.
Do we know who inside your department did this and went to the establishment to bear false witness?
Yeah, the deputy that actually made the arrest on March the 8th, I guess when after he decided that he didn't like that I was going to start looking into his financial situation, he decided to get a new job.
And when he left and he went forward two months, two and a half months later to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement complained about it.
Isn't that how it always is?
So he didn't do this right away.
He waited till you started trying to run a good shop.
In fact, here's what happened.
I hired two guys, made them captains, and I really was relying on those boys to help me out.
I always thought they were good boys.
I'm not saying they're not good boys, but what I'm saying is I was letting them do the hiring and firing.
I'm the sheriff.
I've got bigger fish to fry.
We were really put in a bind to begin with.
When I took office, the top seven leadership positions,
I don't want that to sound bad, but I mean, we only have like 14, so the top 7 walk out the door.
So immediately, I'm tasked with trying to find 7 people to come in and pick up the pieces and move on.
So, you know, it's pretty hasty.
I was told this guy was a good guy, he'd be a great deputy, and it just didn't turn out the way that I had hoped that it would.
But yes, to answer your question, they charged me with a third-degree felony, and
Sheriff, let's talk about this briefly.
I saw a lot of the Republican establishment line up against you, which I thought was particularly disgusting, but I think it's a litmus test now.
Clearly, you weren't breaking any laws.
Then they tried to say you destroyed the report, when obviously, from your perspective, it was a false arrest, so you were simply just getting rid of something that was a false arrest.
But I mean, specifically, what do you make of some of the people in the state who claim that they're conservatives or patriots coming after you with such vengeance?
Well, in my opinion, you know, they took the same oath that I took, Alex, to support, protect, and defend the Constitution.
And I don't believe that, you know, that was really what they were doing in this case.
And, you know, am I mad?
I'm mad, but I'm going to try to get over being mad.
And, you know,
I'm not going to say I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt, but what I'm saying is, at this point, you know, right now I'm going to let bygones be bygones.
I've got to get back to work for the people.
No, I hear you, but here's the bottom line.
Just like they've gone after Arpaio and others who stand up to them, they're going to come after you now.
You seem like a smart guy.
I mean, you know to really watch your back now.
Oh yes sir, yes sir.
And we've got that.
I've got a plan to protect myself now, and I will not make myself vulnerable again, and they're going to have a hard time ever coming after me.
You're right, I believe they will try.
What was it like when the jury...
Hopefully it won't be successful.
People need to stand behind you here.
We're all hanging together.
What was it like, sir, when the jury said not guilty?
What did the prosecution and the judge that I've seen say some pretty prejudiced things against the case?
How did they behave?
You know what?
I'm going to tell you something.
I think the judge and the prosecution knew what the verdict was going to be before it ever came out, just like everybody else did.
They weren't shocked.
They weren't shocked.
Because they knew that they had no case.
The state presented no evidence against me at all.
Stay there, Sheriff.
This is so incredible.
Hero Sheriff from Florida with us back in one minute.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, the sheriff there in Florida
...of Liberty County, stood up for liberty.
And I remember having lawyers on about it.
I remember reading the statute.
It's written both ways, so they can do whatever they want.
But clearly, you're in your car, you're in your house, you can have a gun, you know, concealed, unconcealed, whatever.
And he said, look, you're not supposed to do this.
And then they tried to persecute him.
The last thing they want is sheriffs being Americans.
Everything is about getting rid of the sheriffs, federalizing them.
Sheriff, we're going to get you on after this whirlwind of you being found not guilty by the jury today, next week for 30 minutes or so.
Thank you for the time.
In the three or four minutes we've got left, A, what are your political aspirations now?
I know you probably never had any.
The folks are going to want you to run for higher office.
Where do you go from here?
And what do you want to say to the jury and the American people?
I said I never ever had any political aspirations.
I wanted to be the sheriff of Liberty County, not a politician.
If I have to run for governor, if I have to run for state senator, if I have to run for a federal office, to try to stem the tide of what I believe is going on in this country, then I'm game as long as the people will support me.
Hell, I'll go to the White House if they'll put me in there.
Well, exactly.
That's the attitude we have to have.
In the old days, back when Thomas Jefferson and people, they didn't want to go.
George Washington, they were going to make him king.
And he said, no, I don't want to go back to my farm.
We want to have a free country.
We don't want to go be around all these politicians, but we've got to serve.
Just like you did in the army, just like you're doing as sheriff, and we need leaders like you.
But getting back to the jury, you got cut off.
What was it like after they said not guilty?
What was the look on the judge and the prosecutor's face?
And did you get a chance to talk to the jurors?
No, I did not get a chance to talk to jurors.
I did hold a press conference right after and I thank each and every one of the jurors for coming to the only logical conclusion that they could come to.
I think, listen, I think this jury was fair and impartial.
They were very attentive through the whole trial process and I couldn't have had a better jury if somebody else, you know, if I'd have been able to handpick them myself, I couldn't have had a better jury.
To answer the question about the prosecutor and the judge, you know what, I really believe they knew in their heart that I was going to be not guilty and there was really very little reaction from any of them.
I just saw a report yesterday where they were saying the judge wanted to make an example of you.
I guess he didn't get what he wanted.
I guess not.
Well, the prosecutor, Willie Meggs, when this all started, he told my... they offered me a deal and the deal was, Sheriff, you resign and we'll drop the charges and we'll hold a special election in two years and you can run for office again.
And you know what?
I said to that.
And then they called back about a week later and said, if you don't decide by Friday, the offer's off the table and we'll go to war.
And I looked at my attorney and I said,
You tell that prosecutor I know that at least one of us has been divorced or if that's what he wants, that's what he's going to get.
Well that's what these bullies don't get is that they've been pushing too long and good people are standing up.
The sleeping giant is awakening and closing.
After you leave, any other points you think are important to make, Sheriff, about the fight we're in in this country and what you've gone through?
Well, I just think that it's important more now than ever that these politicians start remembering the oath that they took to the Constitution and start standing up and fighting for the people that they swore that oath for.
I find it absolutely disturbing the direction that this country is going in and I'm concerned, Alex.
I really am.
So where do you go from here?
Just trying to get back to protecting and serving in your community?
Yeah, for now, the first step is I have had contact with the governor today.
They're working on a reinstatement order that should come this afternoon, so I'm ready to get back to work for the people of Liberty County.
Get things settled down, get our agency running back the way it needs to be running, and then, you know, maybe in a couple years from now we can look into maybe moving to a different position.
Sheriff Nick Finch, we're going to break.
I'll say bye to you and let you get back to the other press conferences.
Stay there.
Thank you so much.
Put him on hold, guys.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is history happening.
He went through the fire and now he's going to be more successful in the fight of liberty with name recognition.
By not backing down, he now is a national figure.
We should all learn from that.
This is how we become a free country again.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, I tell you, if you just joined us, folks, on the December... October 31st,
2013 Worldwide Broadcast.
We just had Sheriff Nick Finch on, and that was a simply groundbreaking interview.
The fact that he followed the law, because it's written both ways in Florida, didn't arrest a law-abiding citizen that doesn't have a criminal record, driving to and from his business and his home with a pistol in his front pocket.
They want to take you to jail.
They wanted to charge that guy with a felony.
And Finch said, no, we're not going to do this.
This is unconstitutional, plus the law is written both ways.
We've had lawyers on about the Florida law in a lot of states.
Texas had a law like this until a few years ago.
We got it changed, where we can carry guns in our car.
I can't tell you how many people I know.
In fact, the Supreme Court case that
Sheriff Mack and others were involved in about challenging Brady and the waiting period and all that.
They would do stuff like, famous case in Texas, pull a doctor over and he had a handgun in his vehicle and took him to jail for it.
And that's what they want to do.
Happens all the time.
And that's why if you have a carpet cleaner in your house, like I had happen to me 15 years ago or something else, and they see a gun case, they call the cops.
A lot of people I know in Texas, folks moving in from New York and California, from big cities, they come in your house to do plumbing, to do air conditioner repair, to clean the carpets, or people come over for a party.
My parents, multiple times, have had friends over that they knew from college that are liberals who would see a gun case through the living room into the bedroom.
You could see my dad's walk-in closet and see rifles there.
You can see them there right now.
That's, I mean, big deal.
My dad's bedroom is in the closet.
There it is.
Glass doors.
Doesn't have kids at home anymore, no need to lock them up.
He's got a few guns in there.
Shotgun, deer rifles, handguns.
Stuff like that.
My dad's a concealed carry holder as well, but that's a side issue.
And repeatedly, they've gone, one time when I was there, because I went over there in college to get some of my guns that I was keeping there.
And I came walking through when he had some friends over, the editor of a major newspaper, I'll just leave it at that, and through
The kitchen in the living room saw me walk into the living room to go out the front door into the foyer with a deer rifle.
And I literally heard a, and then I went and walked in with a gun.
He's like, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun.
And I was like, I met this guy probably eight, nine times in my life.
He met on a vacation once with him to the beach a couple times.
The guy was like totally normal and nice any other time.
Actually a pretty smart guy, but a big liberal.
A lot of liberals are funny, neat people at the same time.
I mean, he's not like a cult member.
He's not like an actual evil liberal.
He's like a real, you know, liberal in certain areas.
And he literally began hyperventilating, and I went, like, it's okay, touch it.
And my dad said, it's okay.
And then he said, no, just please get it out.
And was almost in tears.
Had watery eyes.
I went and put it up, came back out, and he was mad at me.
He was mad at me.
But I mean, I'm walking through with a rifle, he sees it.
I mean, it'd be like if you saw a zombie walk through and it wasn't Halloween.
It was like... But then he sees military, police, all this stuff and feels totally safe.
One of those guys would see a black armored vehicle roll by with guys in black uniforms and would feel totally safe.
I mean, if you don't want to live in a third world country, you should be concerned by that.
See, that's what gets me concerned.
But instead, they're only scared of other slaves having guns.
And this is the essence of conditioning.
And this is why they went after that sheriff.
Because so many of the laws are written by legislatures, where they can go after guys they think are criminals, but can't prove it, to then selectively say, okay, we're going to put you in jail for this gun.
That's what the law's written, where you can either say it's criminal or not say it's criminal.
It's ambiguous.
You need to change that.
And quite frankly, those are racist laws as well.
After the Civil War, some of the South areas could not ban the Second Amendment for black folks, so they wrote selective laws.
And so the NRA was formed to train black folks how to use guns.
So they now get called the Ku Klux Klan by Fox Sports and by CNN because they were formed to fight the Klan, so they're now the Klan.
See, and if you say that Obamacare will raise the premiums and does not cover pre-existing conditions and gets rid of real charity care and waters down Medicare and Medicaid, you are a racist.
Everything is racist.
Brown bags, white lines on asphalt is racist.
I've actually, literally the term is, well there's a bunch of terms in video, but one of them is crush the blacks.
And that's the term digitally for, and there's another term for doing stuff with different colors and contrasts and all that.
And so now there's talk in the industry, we better not say that.
Because we don't want to crush black people.
I mean this is like mental illness they're trying to instill in us.
Don't wear a cowboy outfit because it's stereotypical against cowboys.
Don't be a geisha girl.
But, but,
If you want to forcibly sterilize people in Africa under a UN program, oh, that's fine.
Because, see, they're the ultimate racist, the globalists are, against basically everybody who isn't them.
They're the elitist.
And elitism is against everybody who isn't in the club.
It's tribalism.
It's gangsterism.
It's beyond racism.
And that's why they want to divert you from all the real stuff they're doing.
Every American who isn't a globalist offshore is going to have to pay the thousands of trillions of fake derivatives we've been signed on to.
Just like Greece, just like Spain.
It's the same deal.
And notice when they have a few parties that are right-wing, criticizing the austerity, so is the left in Greece.
Our media makes it.
The racists don't want to pay the bailout in Greece.
See, it's racist if you don't want to have seven-day work weeks and pay off foreign banks' debts that aren't yours.
It's racist.
So that's just a mindless tool to use against people, and the answer is to laugh at these people.
The answer is to say shut up, control freak!
Shut up, race obsessor!
Shut up!
Shut up!
You want to keep your whole game going.
I want a culture where we are gangs, because humans are designed to be in gangs, and tribes, and groups, who are obsessed with liberty, and freedom, and private property, and family, and prosperity, and being honorable.
You do that, you go to the stars.
We buy into this New World Order culture of death, it's over.
Because it's designed to be a culture of death, to screw us up, to stand down, and to think corruption's cool.
I can't tell you how many losers I run into that think
That it's fun to cheat somebody.
My dad used to always tell me this.
There's people that would rather steal a dollar from you than make a million dollars with you.
It's like winning to them if they can manipulate and cheat you.
They think that that makes them like a winner and that they're advanced, or if they can make stuff up, or if they can say that you're not pure, or you're not virtuous, that that makes them virtuous.
It's amazing.
The more I learn about mob psychology, and clearly the public is degenerating right now.
People are either getting more pure, more informed, more uplifted, or they're getting worse.
There is no lukewarm, folks.
There is no middle of the road.
You're either going to degenerate and go straight to hell in a handbasket, or you're going to become more enlightened, more informed, more pure, better.
And it doesn't mean I'm on some...
You know, high horse about how moral and great I am.
I choose to be moral.
I choose to be good.
I choose to be loving because it's so much more empowering and fulfilling.
I'm not up here judging people that do things that are destructive or bad to themselves.
We're all weak.
We all do stuff.
We all have desires that probably aren't healthy.
I'm not here judging you.
I judge those that are consciously evil though and like to hurt people.
That's where I become your enemy.
That's where I don't like you.
That's where I think about how to beat you all day long.
Because that's the animating contest of liberty and life.
I'm going to take some phone calls ahead of our guest joining us on any subject you wish.
First-time callers, 800-259-9231.
What'd you think of Sheriff Finch?
They were going to put him in jail for four or five years for reading the penal code and going, he's not concealed carry out on the street.
I'd have to arrest you if he did that.
I don't agree with the Florida law, but, man, he's in his car and it says for self-defense or, you know, in your car.
I just, you shouldn't have arrested him.
What are you doing?
When I hired you here, you said you'd follow the Constitution.
We're going to release him.
And this is bogus.
We're going to expunge this.
Any other time a sheriff wanted to do that, they could.
No, not this time.
They wanted to throw him under the bus.
What do you want about that deputy?
He ran out of there.
That's why he went and tattled on him.
And I love what tattletales think.
Just the act of tattling means you're guilty.
It's like when your neighbor calls the police because they see you putting a gun in your car to go shooting.
This is a plague, even in Austin where I live.
You can be out in a rural area and a Californian liberal moves in next to you and they see you putting your gun in and they're going to call the cops.
And a lot of the cops show up and say, they felt threatened.
I'm going to go ahead and put you in handcuffs right now.
My chief has told me.
You're like, is this America?
Listen, we'll let the grand jury sort this out.
They felt threatened.
They said you kind of pointed the rifle at them.
Leanne McAdoo was out on the street this morning wearing fake guns, toy guns, obviously little kid guns on her side to do that piece where she's dressed up like the racist cowboy, you know, the Colorado school says racist.
Dressed like a cowboy and she had the guns that she couldn't find any stores because they're hateful after.
And she had a taxi driver pull by staring and then was like, he was freaked out, he pulled over and said, are those real guns?
And she had to say,
No, no, no.
These aren't real guns to them.
She didn't get that part out on air because I was talking over her half the time.
I mean, in Austin, Texas, folks, if you've got green guns, they call the police on you.
If you've got Nerf guns.
If it's Halloween and a woman's got toy guns, they call the police on you.
I mean, they... And then you have a sane sheriff say, we're not going to arrest people.
And interpret the penal code improperly and throw some guy with no criminal record in jail, releasing.
And they try to put the sheriff in jail, and the jury said, we nullify this fraudulent garbage.
That's how we take America back.
That's the power of the informed jury.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
I've been around for forty days.
Last night in Little Rock put me in a haze.
Sweet, sweet Connie was doing her act.
She had the whole show and that's a natural fact.
Alright, folks, let's go to your phone calls right now.
Ben in Idaho.
You are on the air, sir.
Thank you for holding.
Oh, I'm honored to speak with you, Mr. Jones.
Good to have you, sir.
Go ahead.
So I'm a long time listener and I've always heard you talking about hidden messages in the video games and social media and stuff like that and the Grand Theft Auto stuff where they talk about the Illuminati all the time and a new game just came out Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag and in the game you're sent to look for a
Isn't Assassin's Creed, or at least some of its versions, based in the 1770s?
Yeah, and there was the last one that happened during the Revolutionary War.
A lot of it happened.
Well, I mean, it's just everywhere, but I see two different things happening in video games.
Maybe 20-30% you're fighting the Illuminati in the New World Order.
Sixty, seventy percent, the militias are the enemy, you have to torture them, you have to rip their eyeballs out, they're the terrorists.
So, I mean, yeah, it's just all got messaging in it.
But also, the Illuminati and covering it is also very popular.
You know, there are stories out there that came out a few weeks ago where one of the biggest pickup lines for young girls, high school and college, is, you know, I'm a member of the Illuminati.
And most Golden Dawn groups, most so-called Illuminati groups, they're just con artist groups promising some secret knowledge if you become part of their organization.
I mean, that's just classic, you know, stuff that's going on.
Really, they just want a bunch of minions to work for them as slaves.
That's what cults are all about.
The only type of cults that'll really give you any power is stuff like Skull and Bones or, you know, groups like that that are really doorways into the real Illuminati.
And of course, it's a fact.
Skull and Bones own internal documents that have been leaked as they are a chapter of the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati.
Itself, an order that went back to Egypt.
And so, again, this is all public.
It's in George Washington's letters, National Archives.
It's all a fact.
People just hear it and they go, oh, that's a rumor.
You know, that's one of these movies with...
Oh, who's the guy coming out with the films that, you know, JFK was killed by a lone gunman, the comedian Tom Hanks, whatever that stupid movie is where he's battling the Illuminati or whatever, and then of course the Illuminati isn't really real in the movie.
This is what they do.
So, they come out with all their disinfo, but all the Illuminati is is a system of they're enlightened, you're not.
It's not actually to bring light to the world, it's to bring light they can see in the dark, just like night vision.
The owl is their symbol.
It sees you can't, you're dead.
That's the Illuminati comes to bring hell and death.
Appreciate your call.
Lori in California, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yes, hi.
Thank you for taking my call.
This is an honor.
There's one thing I found out yesterday when I renewed my homeowner's insurance that nobody in the media is talking about.
The Insurance Commissioner of California passed a whole bunch of new laws or whatever you want to call them.
It has doubled our homeowner's insurance.
We live in a rural area in Northern California and it says right on the paperwork that it's to pay for
The payouts the insurance companies had to do last year for the fires in Southern California.
And nobody's covering it.
No, no, that's right.
And of course they tell you that.
It's ten times worse.
They're giving the insurance companies that are the big six banks fronts on record.
The power to shut down all competition in the market, restrict the quality of payouts you get, whether it's medical or damage to your home or business, and it allows them now flood insurance across the board.
They are going to rob us seven ways to Sunday, and it's just God help us.
It's so horrible.
I mean, they've got all over Austin shrines to Obama.
We were just at a restaurant yesterday where they have him next to Gandhi painted on the wall as Christ, basically.
And, uh, there's just no helping these people.
Anything else, ma'am?
Um, that'll do it.
I just want people to be aware of it, because they're in for a huge shock.
I'll tell you what, b-b-b-block out, I don't want to say blackout, that's racist, block out with, uh, pink ink so it's not racist, uh, the, uh, document, send it to showtips at infowars.com, and we'll do a story on it.
Use whiteout.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I just saw Hillary fly by.
I was a witch, literally.
And again, on Google's main page, they have an image of Hillary Clinton reading at a computer screen all the live feeds through the NSA as she surveils you.
No, I'm actually joking.
It's something else.
You have to go see it to know what I'm talking about.
Well, hey, the good news is, is the NSA told us that they're not spying on us without warrants and that Google is not part of the NSA in any way, even though government documents leaked by Snowden clearly show that.
And we've had AT&T executives go public and say all the big telecoms have NSA buildings in them, our whole floor is wired through.
I mean, we know this.
They just keep acting like.
It's not going on.
So there can never be a debate about it.
So we just debate whether it exists or not and kind of stay in that limbo.
It's almost like a slow loris attack.
The way you attack a computer server is you just keep asking the same question over and over again and then never receiving the info.
So instead they just use this little process game where they just keep denying, oh there's no problem with the healthcare website, oh there's no NSA spying on you.
Snowden says they can spy with 100% certainty with almost no glitches on everything you do, but they can't have a website that works.
This is amazing.
Now, Derek Khanna has written for the Washington Post, The Atlantic, National Review, Diverse Guy, Human Events, and Politics.
He is also an advisor and board member of several technology startups, and you can follow him at Derek Khanna.
on Twitter and he joins us to discuss a organization that he's speaking for, one of the groups that has been out there protesting and also drawing attention to with Oliver Stone and many others and had that rally over the weekend also in DC and other areas to draw attention to this.
So Derek, thank you so much for your reporting and what you're doing.
I know you're wearing both hats here as somebody that doesn't want to be
Spied on illegally.
That's pretty extreme.
You may want to apologize on air for that.
But also, as a journalist, what do you make of what's happening with this end of childhood, end of naivete, as we learn that we are a bigger Big Brother system than the Stasi ever imagined?
So much to talk about.
Where do you want to start with what's been happening?
Wherever you'd like to jump right in.
Well, let's get into the demonstrations against the NSA and then now the latest revelations by Snowden as a reporter.
Well, you know, just this weekend we had a mass protest in Washington, D.C.
with a real diverse array.
Our coalition had, you know, hundreds of different organizations.
It was, you know, conservative groups, it was Tea Party groups, it was libertarian groups, and there were progressive groups.
It was really a wide swath of Americans who came out to protest.
And, you know, right in front of the Capitol we presented 570,000 signatures from the American people.
So that was a great success.
uh... and uh... you know just uh... you know yesterday with the new sort of disclosures we learned that uh... apparently our own government is happening to american technology companies uh... which is uh... quite incredible uh... that you can say with a straight face that uh... this is somehow acceptable behavior to be uh... hacking into you know google and yahoo and uh... who knows what other companies they've hacked into as well
And that's just to make sure they're already complying with all the spying and feeds and all these companies being paid billions, it turns out, a year, one way or another, when they go spy on their customers and basically give the data without warrants to the feds.
Yeah, it seems a little bit duplicated.
Duplicitous, yeah.
A whole bunch of this data, why do they need to gain access to it again?
But the real impact here is if you're a foreign entity, why would you do business with these companies?
They already know that there's these backdoors built in the system, that the standards of encryption have been watered down.
There's a real impact upon American business abroad that shouldn't be discounted here, in addition to the real concerns for civil liberties.
Well, that's right.
I mean, companies always spy on each other.
People always try to steal ideas.
That's one of the biggest problems in companies is you hire people and they always try to go take your customers, your operation and go do it themselves and then act like it's no big deal when it's theft.
And now people need to know that when they come to business here or even abroad with these U.S.
based companies, they are being spied on and it's being given to insiders.
This is this is bank robbery.
This is fraud, and they're trying to hide it in plain view.
What do you make of Feinstein coming out and saying that when they surveil somebody without a warrant, it's not surveillance?
Well, first of all, I don't know if we have any evidence to say the NSA has turned over data to private companies in the way that you're saying, so I'd be interested in the report that you're mentioning.
But Feinstein, it's pretty incredible, actually, because people in Congress are starting to get the memo that the American people actually care about the Fourth Amendment, they actually care about civil liberties, they actually don't think the NSA should be spying on everybody.
Except for Dianne Feinstein and Sharon Rogers, the intelligence committee.
But Feinstein somehow doesn't have a problem with the NSA spying on American citizens, but she does have a really big problem with the NSA spying on other citizens.
It's very confusing.
And that's what's come out this week.
She's saying Obama is spying on foreign leaders.
What's going on with that?
We need to deal with that.
I wasn't aware of that.
But why does she have no issue with spying on American citizens?
She seems to have not read the Constitution, has no real concern for civil liberties and unrestricted searches of American citizens, which the Intelligence Committee has known has been ongoing for a long time.
And part of the irony was that there was a world before the Intelligence Committees.
And then, you know, in the 60s and 70s, we find out about mass surveillance on American citizens.
At the time, what we thought was mass.
Being used to really stifle political dissent.
Being used against Martin Luther King and other people of the time.
And, you know, Congress was fed up with it.
The American people were fed up with it.
The Church and Pike Committee said, we're going to create a whole new entity within Congress, specifically with the purpose of protecting civil liberties for American citizens to ensure that the NSA in particular does not wiretap Americans.
And then the intelligence committees, 30 years later, 40 years later, those same entities that were created for this very purpose of overseeing the intelligence branches running around telling members of Congress, there's nothing to see here, move along.
It's pretty ironic.
Well, that's a great point.
Derek, let me ask you this, because you're obviously also worked for the House Republican Study Committee, where you manage technology, defense, and government oversight policy issues.
You've got a wide-ranging understanding at this, also as a fellow with Yale Laws Information Society Project.
With the political establishment,
Are they getting the fact that the jig is up, and that we're not just going to be lectured, that it's no big deal to be spied on, and it's no big deal to have privacy, and it's no big deal to have more surveillance than the Soviet Union?
Or are they digging in?
I mean, what's the sense?
If this was a football game, pro-liberty folks are coming together, that's got to scare the establishment across the political spectrum.
What's happening in the establishment itself, though?
It's interesting, in the Amash Amendment, there was real chaos when they started to realize that the Amash Amendment was actually going to pass.
And they scrounged together enough votes to secure it from passing.
The Amash Amendment would have essentially defunded some of the spying on American citizens.
It failed by seven members of Congress because of an 11th hour push by leadership and by the establishment to really stop it.
But without that, it probably would have passed.
And the Amash Amendment, there was only seven minutes on the floor to argue in favor of it.
And it really showed that real backlash, that real scare.
In this situation, the momentum has continued to grow since the Amash Amendment.
And now we're seeing members of the establishment actually endorse the legislation that came out by Sensenbrenner.
He's on board that legislation.
He was one of the members who voted against the Emasha Amendment, and now is now supporting this bill, which shows that the establishment is starting to be on board.
Not saying that Daryl Isis is per se the establishment, but he is part of the structure of the House.
So this is a very different dynamic.
Now, I think this legislation is going to pass, but the real question is, once this legislation passes, and the air is kind of out of the balloon, is Congress going to sit back and say, we took care of that problem,
Or are they going to realize, wait a second, this doesn't actually solve all the issues at hand.
Even if, let's say for example, that the NSA legislation actually solves the problem of the NSA spying on American citizens directly.
And that they actually follow that legislation.
Two big F's.
Even if so, there's no restriction on them obtaining data from British intelligence, or Israeli intelligence, or Canadian intelligence, or New Zealand intelligence.
And we know there's a whole kind of consortium between these entities, about 14 different intelligence blocks.
And so if the NSA is not legally allowed to do it, but they are, then you just trade the data.
This isn't rocket science.
In fact, that's what they've done for the past 30 years.
So if you're not actually addressing that issue, you're not actually getting to, you know, the kind of back doors that we've already seen them use.
I mean, essentially, so far, if you close the front door, they go in through the back door, the side door.
You need a real comprehensive solution here.
And part of the end problem is not just going after terrorism.
We know that it's being turned over to the DEA, turned over to the DOJ.
How is this information going to be used in prosecutions in the future?
That can actually be dealt with through affirmative law.
Now Derek Akana again writes for Forbes, you name it, he joins us.
There's a bit of delay on his Skype.
There's a few awkward moments there, that's what's happening.
But he is joining us, making a lot of great points here.
I want to ask you this question, because you brought up the fact that, well, you don't know if there's evidence that the NSA itself is giving data to private corporations.
And I know you've been up there on Capitol Hill, so you're informed.
What they do is they fence it.
Through the 100-plus, 800-plus thousand, but 100-plus companies, private companies they admit, and some of the NSA public briefings to Congress, and the 800-plus thousand top security clearance data miners and people that work in these companies, government and private companies, they then fence it as data, kind of through groups like Stratfor, that's based here in Austin, Texas, and then attend groups like Bilderberg and things,
They are getting that data from what we've seen in leaks and info, and it is being pilfered out, and it's the opposite of security.
Having thousands of companies with partial access to NSA data, over a hundred with heavy access, and then all these Stratford-type groups that are then used as the diaphragm, almost like reverse osmosis, to then transmit this data out, but also
If you have data to that effect, I would like to see it.
I think that would be even more of a scandal because what they're being told on Capitol Hill is that this is all for terrorism purposes.
So if the data is actually being sold or being given to commercial entities for commercial reasons, I think that's another level of a scandal.
Well that's the, I mean for me that's the real scandal.
Do you know who Wayne Madsen is?
A former NSA individual?
I don't know.
I will get you in contact with Wayne Madsen.
He can give you a lot of the info on it.
I guess we need to write more articles about this and just show how this works, what these private companies are doing.
I mean, you know about the Total Information Awareness Network of Admiral Poindexter that then went private in 2002, and then you've got all these private groups with their own intelligence agencies.
They then kiddie in to the overall intelligence troll.
And really it's just a bunch of propaganda, really.
So it's not even really info.
It just turns into a bunch of bull, basically.
You see what I'm talking about?
I just need to see more data on the commercial aspect.
I was unaware.
You bet.
Well, I will dig through some of that and send it to you.
And I'm not even specifically saying that, you know, Stratford itself is involved in all this.
I'm saying that's an example of a group that we know gets, quote, HUMAT and other sources and then sends it back and forth between all the groups.
I mean, you know, I mean, you're certainly aware on Capitol Hill about all the different agencies and then private groups that have access to intelligence.
In some cases, yes, I mean there are a number of companies where they have members of intelligence clearances to allegedly to deal with cyber threats in particular.
Sure, well listen, other points you think are important to make that are on your radar screen as a journalist that's researching this.
We had Wayne Madsen on a few days ago and he said it will break that they're spying on the Pope and then two days later it happened.
So we always love to have journalists on who have their ear to the ground.
What should we be looking for?
As far as the ground game in Congress?
I mean, just as a reporter, all the stuff you're working on.
What else is hot?
Well, I'm really focusing on kind of the dynamic in Congress.
You know, I'm more of an activist than I am a journalist.
I'm trying to get members of Congress up to speed on some of these issues.
But I think we're going to see some really heated congressional hearings.
I think a perfectly legitimate question for any member of Congress to ask is, has the NSA ever spied on me and what data do you have?
I would love to see someone like Alexander address that question in an open hearing, and be forced to provide every member of Congress with their file if the NSA has data on that person.
I think that would really change the minds of a number of these members.
I think there's going to be more presentation of what the term metadata actually means, because that's kind of been a, you know, something that the Intelligence Committee keeps on telling people, it's just metadata.
They're definition of metadata is quite broad and metadata can really be almost anything.
I mean the subject of an email is metadata.
The websites you visited are metadata and within metadata you can determine quite a lot.
So it's really an information campaign.
Now, I don't think the Intelligence Committee bills, the Rodgers bill or the Feinstein bill is really going to gather steam.
I think the real game in town is going to be the Sensenbrenner bill, which just from a political coalition aspect, you know, Sensenbrenner and Patrick Leahy, who introduced this bill, amazingly enough, wrote the Patriot Act.
It's just an incredible thing because both of them wrote the Patriot Act, said the Patriot Act couldn't be used for mass surveillance, the NSA used it for mass surveillance, and now they're trying to write a bill to essentially say almost for exactly what they had already intended the Patriot Act to be, but yet somehow people are wondering if that thing's going to actually pass.
Um, you know, only in the crazy world of Washington, D.C.
is that the case.
Well, undoubtedly people are waking up and there's major resistance building and I think Team Liberty, Team Privacy is starting to win.
Do you agree with that?
All right.
For civil liberties.
All right.
Well, Derek Cona, thank you so much for joining us and keep up the good work.
Thanks for having me on.
God bless.
Alright folks, very exciting to see that there's real movement in Congress to start defunding it.
And the surest way to deal with people that are violating your rights is to defund them.
The problem is Homeland Security's basically said there'll be more terror attacks if you don't let us do this.
And then meanwhile they're running Al-Qaeda in Libya and Syria and everywhere else.
You know, I'm always amazed with journalists and activists though, the fact that still there's such a wide
Swath of this stuff that even activists and experts don't really know how bad it really is.
I'm going to ask Wayne Madsen to write us an article about examples of data that's being culled, being used.
I mean, here's an example.
If Google's getting mass data off indexed corporations and what they're surfing and what they're doing and what they're selling and their reports and reading Gmail, imagine all that intelligence that's been put into the aggregate and dumped.
I mean, there's so many examples.
And they do it via contracts people sign to use those systems.
So it's not even really illegal.
See, they've just kind of mainlined this, so while we're busy worrying about the NSA, they're doing this through the corporate systems to everybody.
That's the point I'm getting at.
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Folks, we're going to do at least 20 minutes of overdrive into the next hour.
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All right.
Now, you heard this call Tuesday.
I guess Monday.
Now it's Thursday.
It's Halloween.
We spent three days on this, John Bowne did, because the police wouldn't give them answers.
We finally confirmed, they will arrest you for pulling a cigarette out, but not lighting it.
15 feet from any quote, city or public property.
And so they're arresting homeless, women walking out of Starbucks, with cops saying, want a cigarette?
You take the cigarette, put it behind your ear, they arrest you.
And this just shows how the police state works.
You're a foreign bank, want to rob everybody?
That's fine.
Want to put fluoride in the water and give people cancer?
That's great.
You want to put a bad drug on the market, you're not going to get in trouble.
But you live in places like Austin or San Francisco, we're going to put you in jail and take blood at checkpoints without warrants.
Here is John Bowne's investigation.
According to eyewitness reports, there are citizens being snatched off the streets of Austin, Texas in broad daylight.
The culprits offer them a cigarette within 10 feet of the city ordinance
As I was sitting there waiting, I noticed two plainclothes gentlemen that struck me as odd.
Not from their demeanor, but simply from their footwear, which was military combat boots.
Um, I initially knew something was wrong whenever they paced back and forth countless numbers of times, fumbling with their cigarette packs, in which they never pulled one out to smoke.
As if they wanted me to ask them, or if it's their offering, without even saying the words.
A young lady came out of the Starbucks location behind us, and she simply stood next to me.
These men did the same exact thing that they did to me, but to her, in which she, you know, fell victim and asked for one.
May I have a cigarette?
He obliged, gave it to her, and as soon as she walked away, two or three seconds later, the paddy wagon is pulling up.
There's three bicycle policemen there arresting her.
When she asked them, what am I being arrested for?
They tell her, you know what you did.
You know what you did.
And in both instances, when I saw this happen twice, there was never a single Miranda Wright red, period.
And when asked both times why they were being detained, they were given no clear answers of why they were being arrested whatsoever.
As far as the packs of cigarettes, a lot of undercover officers here downtown and the person will go in and hold open the back cigarettes or hold the top open, then hold them out.
And when the person comes over to get one, if they
All repeated efforts to speak with a public information officer regarding these eyewitness reports of blatant entrapment were delayed.
I was finally given this cryptic explanation of the violations via email.
So as we get poorer and the rich get richer and they Manhattanize our urban dwellings into their own little playpen, the banks go unnoticed.
Every major outlet is reporting that they are funneling drug money through their pesky little hands.
So why is it that humanity is on trial?
Why is it that sitting down is a crime and funneling billions of dollars of drug money for Mexican cartels only gets you a slap on the wrist?
People get tired so they sit down.
I mean,
Yeah, we panhandle out here, but this is Austin.
You go to jail for every little thing, throw you in the back of the paddy wagon, take you in.
As I scrutinized the APD's monotonous sting on humanity, I noticed two officers standing in front of one of their master's houses and decided to educate them.
You know you're standing in front of a bank right now, Bank of America?
Folks, we're going to have to come back and play this after your calls.
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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're in overdrive.
I didn't air all the report.
There's some left and I want to comment on it.
So we're going to take calls.
Then I'm going to play a San Antonio report demonizing me.
For saying that they're trying to make it a World Heritage Site under the UN and claiming that doesn't make it UN property.
No, it just contractually, just like if you sign a land wildlife easement, you then waive your rights and can't ever use the property again.
That's what it is.
It's a land use agreement.
And San Antonio wants it to happen, so they want to act like that these UN agreements don't do that.
That's coming up.
But first, your calls.
Appreciate folks holding patiently.
Kevin in California, you're on the air.
Welcome, sir.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, brother.
Hey, um, I wanted to apologize for being from California first of all.
Hey, we got a lot of affiliates in California and a lot of great people.
I mean the authoritarian liberals that have hurt the state and are now like vampires coming here to suck our blood.
I love Californians that are awake.
You know the Californians I'm talking about in the Mark Dice videos?
Oh yeah, oh yeah, I know them type.
Definitely know them type.
But I will tell you this, I do have a sign in front of my house that says for sale and I'm moving to San Antonio.
Well that's awesome, we'll try to keep San Antonio free, go ahead.
Okay, yeah, actually it's about the second amendment and brainwashing.
I actually talked to my brother and tried to get him to go to the rally and he says Texas is not open carry.
So people everywhere, they just don't know what's going on and they just believe all of the lies.
Well, that's how every day, without looking, I see news articles, local news articles, because gun sites post them, where it's always the same.
It's always like some 75-year-old man is going to take their gun to the gunsmith.
It happens a lot during deer season.
And the neighbors call the cops, and they arrest them and take their gun.
And the gun's totally legal.
And juries convict them.
Well, it seems like we're going to have to make our stand in maybe Texas and Arizona.
It's just getting so crazy.
I feel like I have a
A bullseye.
I got a neighbor next door that's got a don't tread on me flag and an American flag and across the street and I got one and I got an InfoWars sticker on my my mailbox and you just feel like you know that just
Every other person out here is asleep and they have no idea about anything that we talk about.
I was about to say that after California fully collapses, then it'll probably be a pretty good state.
They'll all come to Texas.
That's how it works historically.
Then we're going to have to run to California.
And then when we go there, that work, all the parasites, government and others are going to move there.
And then, it's basically, history is about running from vampires.
So a bunch of people ran from Europe, away from vampires.
They came over, the vampires ran over, enslaved them, the blacks and the Indians, but also regular citizens were enslaved, you know, British citizens.
White folks, you name it, indentured servitude, press gangs, you name it, and then you just have to run, run, run, because anywhere you go build anything, the parasites show up and say, that's theirs.
When they first show up and say, be nice to me, I want to be friends, the minute you turn your, they go, turn the weapon and I'll feel safer.
The minute they get the weapon, you know, it's, it's, you know what happens.
It's, it's forced labor camps and they're in pot-bellied black uniforms raping your wife.
I mean, that's, that's how this works historically.
It's, it's ruled by PBP.
And you know what a PBP is.
All right, sir, God bless you, and we'll welcome you here in San Antonio.
No, no, I want to quantify that California's a beautiful state, other than Los Angeles, and I like it.
I mean, if it was like Texas, I would live in Northern California.
I love it.
Love it, love it, love the climate, love the sunsets, love the ocean, love the whales.
Love it, love it, love it.
The people?
The zombos?
Hate it.
Hate it, hate it, hate it.
But today is their day, so we won't be mean to the zombies today.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
You know what that means?
Rising from the dead.
More Obamacare supporters marching around to worship their dear leader.
It is Planet Chump!
And we are the cure.
We're going back to your phone calls very quickly.
And I've got a special report that I only heard part of last hour.
I want to finish up and have some comments on.
Here's some of the headlines up on InfoWars.com.
Austin Mann faces 290% premium hike to avoid Obamacare fines.
And we have the documents.
Well, he's lucky.
It's only 290.
Humana families are being told it's a 539.
And the official letter says that.
NSA script advised officials to inject 9-11 as a talking point to justify mass surveillance.
Yeah, we know why you guys did 9-11.
It was to kill the Republic and you run Al-Qaeda.
You're a foreign globalist operation.
Pro-gun sheriff found not guilty.
Good news on that front of defending the Second Amendment.
United Nations destroyed property rights of thousands around the Alamo.
And I want to get to that first before your calls because there's no exaggeration.
I haven't had time to watch them all but it looks like there's 10 TV reports or more.
It's like six or seven this morning and now there's a bunch of others saying I'm a complete liar and Kit Daniels is full of baloney or full of Obama.
Full of lies.
And just on and on and on.
Just like they say they're not buying bullets or that they don't get rid of pre-existing conditions.
Of course they kick you off if you have those under Obamacare.
Or they wouldn't increase your premiums or you wouldn't be kicked off.
Well, now they're saying I'm a liar again.
And we actually have the headline.
In fact, where is that news article?
I just had it here in front of me.
But it's basically, Alex Jones is wrong, and Alex Jones is bad, and Alex Jones is incorrect.
It was a shocking headline.
Maybe we can have one of the guys pull it up.
I just had it here in my stack like 20 minutes ago and never got to it from the local
TV station down in San Antonio, but let's just go ahead and go to the news report.
There it is.
Alex Jones Alamo rumor is not true.
And they go on to say it's true that the UN is going to give it the World Heritage Site designation and we have the documents on our site showing that it's not going to let you build around the area and control things.
Just like if you go sign an agreement to have your land turned into a wildlife preserve,
They have Nature Conservancy and others will pay you in zones next to Rockefeller and other property to increase the value of their property.
They tell you it's for the earth and all the rest of it to turn your land into, say, a nature preserve.
But then you don't have the rights to your property anymore.
And that's what this is in a giant
Seven square mile area, officially from the U.N.
agreement with the city of San Antonio.
And they don't want this screwed up.
So their answer is to say, I'm full of horse pucky.
Well, go to InfoWars.com and read the article, United Nations to Destroy Property Rights of Thousands Around the Alamo, part two of the story they say went viral due to my evil.
Oh, it's so horrible.
Congress looked into the two billion bullets in the paper targets of children, Homeland Security, and found that it was true.
So see, it's all true, but I'm discredited.
So let's go ahead and go to this piece and analyze it.
Here it is.
Tonight I want to follow up briefly on that rumor we reported earlier about the Alamo being taken over by the United Nations.
Again, it is not true, but it also happened to blow up on the web after a couple of things that involve a certain internet talk radio host.
These globalists, they are the usurpers that have come into our country and taken it over.
They are the occupiers.
They have captured our nation.
That is Alex Jones at that pro-gun rally at the Alamo recently.
He is a conspiracy theorist who has said he believes the U.S.
government is responsible for both the Oklahoma City bombing and the 9-11 attacks.
He posted video of his speech here on his InfoWars.com site and today he talked about a story on that site.
Kate Daniels, I was told about this by the Texas Land Commissioner, Jerry Patterson.
I heard him talking about it at the Alamo a few weeks ago at an open carry rally.
We looked into it and it's worse than what we were first told.
The city of San Antonio is looking to turn most of the city over to United Nations, Agenda 21, World Heritage Site management.
All right, he apparently believes there that the city would have to turn over control because it's close to the Alamo, which would be under the control.
Patterson again today, the Land Commissioner, said it's all horse hockey.
And my point here isn't about Jones or the rumor, but it's one I made here last week after that first ever rally that was allowed on the Alamo grounds.
The Land Commission has no specific policy on who can and can't hold rallies there, and right now
The man in charge of deciding is a politician, Patterson.
That is the issue.
Whether you think that should be the case or not, let me know what you think on Facebook.
We'll air some of your thoughts tomorrow.
And by the way, Alex Jones, if you are looking for more publicity for your website, you're welcome.
Talk about delusional.
I mean, these guys, San Antonio, and that channel I'm sure does have hundreds of thousands that watch it, but I mean,
If I'm looking for publicity, I'm welcome.
Like, I'm pathetic.
The whole thing is meant to impeach our credibility.
You can go to Infowars.com and see the treaty, the congressional hearings, the Kentucky legislative hearings, where they banned it, saying, no, it does waive our sovereignty and does control land.
Because it's not just the land that it's on, it's buffer zones.
Now, this one's only seven square miles.
In one agreement.
It's the whole city.
Oh, here's the thing.
There's buffer zones around each one of the zones.
That's the point.
It's not just the Alamo, which was a mission.
It's the other four missions that are beautiful, by the way.
They're active Catholic churches.
I'm not even Catholic, but I go down there and check them out and go see them.
They're so beautiful.
I recommend that people do it.
This is all going under UN control.
So notice he doesn't deny that it's a World Heritage Site agreement with the city.
And on screen we have the UNESCO treaty ratified by Congress back in the 70s.
And by the way, you know who the first Director General of UNESCO was?
I'm not even going to tell you.
It's Aldous Huxley's brother, folks.
He was a transhumanist eugenicist.
We have literally
How many links?
1, 2, punch this article up for TV viewers, guys.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 14 links documenting what this does when you sign it over that the UN has control.
And I heard people asking Jerry Patterson, he says, well it will be a UN designation, it will bring tourism, but they won't have control, the state will still have the property.
That's true!
But he said there is some concerns, but we think it's good for tourism.
I said that!
They took it out of context.
Then they run to Jerry Patterson and go, look, he says you said this, he's like horse pocky, he's not a bad guy, but this is what this does.
And they have to agree.
Let me show people.
On InfoWars.com, if you're a TV, if you're a radio listener, just go to the article, United Nations to Destroy Property Rights of Thousands Around Alamo.
And we have a link to it.
There is the map of the seven square miles, in their words, around the Alamo, where they can't do new building and can restrict everything.
And then it goes through and shows all the other areas.
And this is so... we have links to the official deal with the city and the 1972 treaty.
And by the way, it says no arms, no armed citizens are allowed in the area.
We just dug that up.
And look, it finally launched.
Here's the San Antonio missions page.
I actually found that, where they admit they're going under UNESCO.
Here it is right here.
Yeah, I've been in that little church right there.
My grandfather
My mother's father, who was a guy that hardly talked about personal stuff, told my dad he had one of the only mystical experiences ever at that particular mission.
I forget the name of it.
He was just down there working one day and decided to go over there and have his lunch.
Anyway, side issue.
The whole point is that
Is that I live here, I have family that fought in the Texas Revolution, I know all about UNESCO, all about the UN, I've been to these missions over and over again, I know what the treaty does, I have the agreement with the state of Texas and the Daughters of the Republic of Texas and it does make it under UN auspices just like a land deal with any other group or organization.
We're going to skip this network break coming up.
And then they have to have both the host of the show laugh at me and imply that I want publicity so I'm making stuff up.
Listen, you guys are the people that work for the mainstream media.
And you pick up those national news feeds that are state-run media and regurgitate them off your teleprompter with those news packages.
And last time I checked, you can go to Alexa.com and check Infowars.com versus your local news station.
I'm guessing my website, let me just wild guess here, is probably 5,000 times bigger than yours?
So, it's you hoping that I talk about you, and you're just one media outlet.
I've chosen to do that.
All the others, together, the 10 plus TV stations in Dallas and Austin and San Antonio attacking me in the newspapers, together you guys do send me some new listeners.
It's true, very small compared to what we do in other ways, but it's true.
And so I will give you a treat out of the whole group and give you what you actually did.
And then they'll beg and take this piece and play it begging for more, but I'm not sure if you'll get any more.
So, the truth is that you're doing what you're accusing me of doing, Dumbo.
I have been offered repeatedly more money than you'll make in your whole life in one year to join the establishment, dumb-butt.
And so, for you to sit there and imply that I come up with outrageous headlines and information because I want to make money is absolute, total bull.
And is on record.
And I've been successful doing it my way.
Trailblazing, creating my own media system with the support of other liberty lovers worldwide, like viewers and listeners out there like you, and countless others that have researched our info,
And who know we're telling the truth.
World Heritage Site designation.
By the way, back when I would cover World Heritage Site and biological diversity zones and biosphere agreements, the biospheres are the really bad ones where you totally waive everything.
This is the lesser of the three evils that are in there under UN designations.
There's two big ones, one sub one.
It's still bad, but it is the lesser of them and I said that.
But you guys just want to bluff everybody that nothing's going on, and then you run a hoax telling people that nothing has transpired, that nothing has taken place.
We're going to go to John Bowne's report here in just a moment.
But this is how they work, folks.
They tell you it's a hoax that Obamacare is going to double your premiums.
Is that a hoax now?
It's a hoax, they're gonna have drones over in America.
Even when they had them, they said it wasn't real, I was hoaxing.
Everything real is a hoax.
You understand that?
To these liars.
Notice they never even said, yeah, they're designating it a heritage site, but that's no big deal.
Notice that.
That they never even admitted that there was something going on with the U.N.
It was just, let's cut to a speech about foreign banks.
I was talking about Goldman Sachs and J.P.
Morgan financing anti-gun grips.
And then they cut up the thing saying I was talking about the Alamo right there, and then cut it to a couple other stuff.
You guys, oh there you are, you're rated 243,000.
Globally, news for San Antonio, and 43,000 in the United States.
I said I would be thousands of times bigger than you, just off the top of my head.
Now let's go to InfoWars.com, Alexa.com.
We are ranked 1,032 globally.
Just one of my many websites.
Okay, 1,032 globally, 264 jackass.
Now who wants publicity, snot nose?
You know, snot nose, that you want publicity from me.
And I don't get mad at you, snot-nose, because you sit there and are a petty, worldly punk who gets up there and lies to your viewers.
I'm mad because you're destroying your own future, and you're pathetic!
All of you little people are, that work for the system and think you're winners, because you've hooked your wagon up to be LZBob.
So there you go!
There's the facts!
Stick it in your pipe!
Smoke it!
Know it!
I'm sick of you people!
It is your spirit of denial and lies that is wrecking this society.
This isn't about the Alamo.
It isn't about UN stuff.
We're already run by foreign banks.
We're already so overrun, they're telling troops they can't worship Jesus at Fort Hood or they'll be arrested.
And that sounds totally insane as mainstream news.
I mean, we're living in cuckoo land here, and I'm freaking out just a normal American who's red-blooded, and who's angry about it, and who's trying to fight as hard as I can to have some sovereignty, and all I see is a bunch of glitter bugs up there on television, a bunch of narcissistic cowards.
You know, if you told the truth about the Alamo, fat ass, you know you wouldn't have that job anymore.
This is why I shouldn't be on into a fourth hour.
It's why I quit doing a fourth hour years ago.
I start really acting like I really act.
And I am like a goblin-like pirate or something sometimes.
I'm gonna stop right now.
I just... You know, I don't like some punk up on TV.
Because I'm a news guy.
I know when they're trying to manipulate something.
We don't do that here.
We try to take the truth of what it is, the essence, and show it.
And be nuanced and show you both sides when there are two sides.
Or three sides.
It's so frustrating to see a piece written to deceive their audience.
It just makes me want to absolutely... You know what it makes me want to do?
I mean, I've had enough, man.
I've had enough of fake men strutting around trying to act like they've bettered better men when they're cowardly pieces of trash.
Benedict Arnold.
Okay, excuse me.
I'm going to stop right there.
By the way, I'm going to deliver Jerry Patterson all the documents, and then if he doesn't come out and admit that this does put it under partial U.N.
control and land use, I'm not going to support Jerry Patterson anymore, Texas Land Commissioner.
Because I've had enough of this baloney.
For all I know, though, there's no video of Patterson saying that.
There's a press release by his staff.
Maybe he didn't even put it out.
If Patterson came out and said,
This is very low restriction to get the UN designation, and I think it will bring Texas culture to more people about the great fight for liberty and the right to self-defense.
So I think it's a good cost-benefit trade-off.
If they don't try to expand the UN control in the future, I'd say
Put it to a referendum of the people of San Antonio.
I respect Jerry Patterson.
That's the real statesman response.
Not, well, we want this designation.
It's going to probably bring $20 million to $30 million, you know, as the report says, into San Antonio a year.
And we need the tourism.
This guy's telling people this is going on because his losers are concerned.
So he did a report on it.
Let's just say the guy's a liar.
Let's just, let's just, you know, in the old days, you'd come tell somebody they're a liar and they're not a liar.
You're going to have to back it up.
You call me a throwback all day long, but I don't lie, folks.
I do my best.
Only time I lie is if my wife asks if something looks good.
If it doesn't look good, I've learned she doesn't really, you know, all women are like this, she doesn't really want to know if it looks good.
She just wants me to say it looks good.
So I guess I do go, honey, that looks great.
If my wife looks great, anything she's in, but you know what I mean, some things look better than others.
Now, let us go to John Bowne's report.
That he filed where it is now illegal to take a cigarette from someone in Austin, Texas, and the police say that they will not give us any details on exactly what is going on here.
Talk about a police state.
Here it is.
According to eyewitness reports, there are citizens being snatched off the streets of Austin, Texas in broad daylight.
The culprits offer them a cigarette within 10 feet of the city ordinance
Business Zone, once that cigarette is lit or they at least put it in their mouth, they're zip-tied and thrown into the back of a van.
Who are these culprits?
These kidnappers?
They are the Austin Police Department, and it's called entrapment.
As I was sitting there waiting, I noticed two plainclothes gentlemen that struck me as odd.
Not from their demeanor, but simply from their footwear, which was military combat boots.
Um, I initially knew something was wrong whenever they paced back and forth countless numbers of times, fumbling with their cigarette packs, in which they never pulled one out to smoke, as if they wanted me to ask them, or if it's their offering, without even saying the words.
A young lady came out of the Starbucks location behind us, and she simply stood next to me.
These men did the same exact thing that they did to me, but to her, in which she fell victim and asked for one.
May I have a cigarette?
He obliged, gave it to her, and as soon as he walked away, two or three seconds later, the paddy wagon is pulling up.
There's three bicycle policemen there arresting her.
When she asked them, what am I being arrested for?
They tell her, you know what you did, you know what you did.
And in both instances, when I saw this happen twice, there was never a single Miranda Wright red
And when asked both times why they were being detained, they were given no clear answers of why they were being arrested whatsoever.
As far as the packs of cigarettes, a lot of undercover officers here downtown, and the person will go and hold open the back cigarettes, or hold the top open, then hold them out.
And when the person comes over to get one, if they, uh...
All repeated efforts to speak with a public information officer regarding these eyewitness reports of blatant entrapment were delayed.
I was finally given this cryptic explanation of the violations via email.
So as we get poorer and the rich get richer and they Manhattanize our urban dwellings into their own little playpen, the banks go unnoticed.
Every major outlet is reporting that they are funneling drug money through their pesky little hands.
So why is it that humanity is on trial?
Why is it that sitting down is a crime and funneling billions of dollars of drug money for Mexican cartels only gets you a slap on the wrist?
People get tired so they sit down.
I mean,
Yeah, we pay a handle out here, but this is Austin.
You go to jail for every little thing, throw you in the back of the fatty wagon and take you in.
As I scrutinized the APD's monotonous sting on humanity, I noticed two officers standing in front of one of their master's houses and decided to educate them.
You know you're standing in front of a bank right now, Bank of America?
The Bank of America is on record for laundering billions of dollars of drug money from Mexican cartels.
I did not know that.
As the police state's power continues to grow, you better believe that InfoWars.com will be there to report on it.
For InfoWars.com and the Nightly News, I'm John Bowne.
And folks, I want to be clear.
They've got drag rats that are young people.
Some of them are abusive.
Sometimes they mug people.
If the cops want to do a sting on these type of folks that are known to be aggressive and criminal, great, more power to you.
But not for something that's not illegal, like taking a cigarette twice.
We talked to witnesses and were able to even videotape, if you're a radio listener, the police out on the street where someone takes a cigarette.
They walk over and, you know, stick it in your face.
Non-verbal communication is 90% of communication.
You take it, including women walking out of Starbucks.
Sure, I'll take a cigarette from a man.
Maybe she thought he wanted a date or something.
A woman walks out of Starbucks, clean-cut everything, walks up with a coffee.
You know, a military-style guy says, hey, want a cigarette?
She's like, sure.
And that's a pickup deal.
Hey, baby, here's a cigarette.
And by the way, it's for the Austin Film Festival is why they're doing this.
They're having a film society deal.
And so they don't want, they do this all over the world, they clean up the poor people off the streets.
It's not illegal to be poor.
When the homeless do illegal stuff, put them in jail.
But this is nitpicking entrapment.
This is tyranny.
We're on the march.
And Nazi Germany went after the homeless first.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
And smoking.
Arrested you for smoking.
My friends, Alex Jones here to tell you about some of the most important information concerning you and your family's health.
Radiation levels have more than doubled in the last 16 years.
And the threat of bioterrorism.