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Name: 20131028_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 28, 2013
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this Monday edition.
Obviously, there is an avalanche, a deluge, an insane level of news and information coming up on the World Wide Broadcast today.
And we are going to have open phones throughout the three hours as we go over all of the incredible news.
The latest on so-called immigration reform, if you liked the abuse of Obamacare, if you like the abject mega fraud, you've got the Republican leadership
You've got the Democratic leadership, you've got the Evangelical Christians, the Catholics, and many other groups lobbying for absolutely, totally open borders and free welfare to all the groups that come in.
And if that doesn't bankrupt things fast enough or drive down your wages fast enough, don't worry, the offshoring of what's left of our jobs is accelerating.
And it is the trendy, loving, cool thing to do, so I absolutely support it and Obamacare.
I think it's all a fabulous idea.
Also support the black boxes that when you go to get gas, they will wirelessly download and then tax you by the mile.
Or some states are saying once a year they will jack into the black box and then charge you multi-thousands of dollars.
But they just say it's magic that these black boxes do this.
They promised when they were putting them in they'd never do that.
But they're just designed for that.
And to surveil you and track everything you're doing.
We've been talking a lot about this, but now they're moving ahead with it to do it.
But if you're against being taxed by the mile, you're racist.
So, I support it.
You may say, what does that have to do with being racist?
Doesn't matter.
It's racist.
But here's the article up on Infowars.com by Mike Adams.
Feds planning black box vehicle mandate to track, tax, and even remotely control all personal vehicles.
That's right.
That's in there as well.
The little radio signal they send out to kill switch your vehicle.
That was lovingly added as well.
So, sounds like freedom to me.
Just like police now when they pull you over are going to start moving to have you wear a shock collar or bracelet and they're calling for that when you fly as well.
In fact, we should dig up those videos with Homeland Security from a few years ago and dovetail it with the new shock bracelets police are getting.
Just do you mind wearing this just because you're a terrorist?
You're all suspects.
Of course the big giant out-of-control state, historically the most dangerous thing.
Oh, it's above reproach.
Don't even talk bad about it or you're an extremist.
I just think the evangelicals are doing a great job out promoting total open borders in the end of the country as we know it under globalism and then they get to also be listed in the official army training manuals as extremist and that it's illegal to be one and that you'll be court-martialed if you are or give money to them.
So there you go.
In fact there's a Washington Times article about it.
Want some torture with your peanuts?
Print that for me.
But there's also guys
Yeah, there we are breaking it back in 2012.
Coming next, TSA Electroshock bracelets.
So, let's cover that later.
We'll do that in the next hour.
Because I want you to know what's coming for you and your family.
And they'll be like, come on man, just wear the bracelet, prove you're not bad.
And then, of course, the move will be, have us wear the bracelets at all times.
You're gonna say, what, next we can't pack our kids' lunches?
Oh, that already happened.
Oh, no jogging allowed at recess?
Oh, let me guess, no going to the park if it's rained because the sidewalk's slippery.
Oh, already happened where I live.
Let me guess, next they're going to give kids inoculations and abortions without parental consent.
Oh, already going on coast to coast.
Let me guess, next they're going to have cameras in the school bathrooms.
Oops, already been happening for 10 years.
Next, public schools are going to watch your kids with government-issued laptops.
Oh, been going on for five years.
Oh, let me guess, next they'll have big offshore Google barges tied into all the Google glasses with the NSA watching everyone.
Oops, already happening.
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My friends, Alex Jones here to tell you about some of the most important information concerning you and your family's health.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
My friends, we've got a big broadcast lined up today, and I have cleared the deck of guests because I want to exclusively get into a ton of news, wide-spectrum analysis of what's going on, and I want to leave some time open to take a lot of your phone calls as well.
So after I've shot out some of the different news items and topics out there, we'll open the phones up for a free-for-all on this Worldwide Monday Transmission.
Here are the headlines up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
AP Photo!
And we've also found some video now as well.
Checkpoint cops point guns at Americans' heads.
They even had the house surrounded with the person they believe shot at two police, wounding them.
It didn't matter.
They used it as an excuse to lock things down.
And at the same time, then as people just drove through checkpoints, right with the window rolled down, actually shove
M4 .223 guns directly in your face at two inches away.
And this is what happened with Dorner.
They would shoot up multiple vehicles with white women driving them that weren't even trucks.
And then they would shoot up black people's vehicles who were women and men.
And then they would shoot up a white guy driving a sports car.
Just, oh, there's a white dude in a sports car.
We're looking for a black guy in a truck.
Here, let's go ahead and shoot it up.
There's two white women, two maids, coming out with their own car.
And let's just shoot it up.
Let's just shoot them.
And I've seen this now routinely.
Every few weeks I see a story where they're looking for somebody or whatever.
They just randomly shut down highways and you pull up and the cops walk up aiming guns at you.
Because I know that's in all the movies.
Just like they have the prisoner training going on for at least 15 years in all the public schools, where the kids, elementary, put their hands up and they march out with the cops aiming guns at them.
Look, this is all to acclimate the police, the children, the general public.
And if you're a cop listening to this and you're arguing with me, you just don't know the facts because it's on record that it's a Rand Corporation program for acclimation into martial law.
And it has nothing to do with the safety of this country.
The government runs the drugs.
The government runs and launders the money.
The government runs the major sex trade for the select corporations that get the money.
And so the whole drug war, the whole police state... In fact, look at the front page of m4wars.com.
That is from the event.
Shows the Sheriff's Department with the guy dressed in a Desert Commando outfit in some fantasy with his M4 like he is God.
And just any excuse to run around and corral the public.
And they have all these excuses, but this has never been done before in America.
In fact, it's not done really anywhere.
This is a country being conditioned.
And you see it everywhere.
I pulled in to a restaurant by Central Market in South Austin this, and I'll get into the news, this Saturday to meet my wife who was coming back from a swim meet with the kids.
I don't know.
And I'm driving up, and then I just cut across one lane of parking spaces to park up front at the restaurant.
And so I drove across an open parking lot, as everyone does, and this woman on one of those three-wheeled Segways, it's not a Segway, but it's like one, zooms up behind me and is in this, you know, gunfighter stance.
And she kind of looked like, well, she looked like
Kind of like a short Janet Reno.
And so I get out of my car.
She's bogging her eyes out.
She goes, this is private property.
I can have you thrown out of here for driving like that.
And I went, what did I do?
Well, you drove right across that arrow the wrong way.
I went, well, it's an empty parking lot.
But I said, OK.
And she said, just so you know.
And I went, whoa, that's it.
I'm turning my camera on.
So I've got the whole exchange.
I go up.
She goes in the restaurant after that to tell them I'm being a troublemaker.
Like, I guess hoping they would ask me to leave or something.
And the manager was a listener.
And he's like laughing at her.
And he goes, man, that's like crazy.
I do that all the time.
Everybody does.
And he goes, can I see the video?
And I showed it to him.
And he goes, are you going to air it?
He goes, you know, I probably would.
And I said, no.
She's so pathetic.
I'm not going to.
So I go in the restaurant, order food to go.
My kids are going to be there in 30 minutes.
I'm going to take them home to eat, order them some organic food to go.
I walk out, put my kids in the truck when my wife comes and meets me.
And Darren McBreen pulls up behind me.
I got video of this.
He goes, man, I'm getting my haircut right there.
And this woman comes in in the commando outfit, the security guard.
He goes, it looked like she was armed.
And she comes in and goes, I just had a big run-in with Alex Jones.
He keeps racing around our parking lot all the time and I keep telling him to stop and he almost ran over kids and all this stuff.
So I'm like, whoa, now I've almost run over children.
There's no one in the parking lot.
I'm driving five miles an hour.
I mean, this country is just unbelievable.
And I kept saying to her, this has never happened to me in my life.
But I'm having contact with security guards and police now almost every other day.
I had just had contact with them on the Greenbelt jogging
And they were harassing other people while I was down there.
And I'm starting to freak out.
I mean, they are on our back.
And now, I guarantee you, they now pull you over and just randomly, get your wife up against the hood.
Get your daughter right beside her.
I'm going to put on one glove and go in medically.
It's serious assault, period.
But with the same glove, four orifices.
And they do it in front of you.
And they'll have another guy sitting there with a gun in a rock-ready stance.
You try something, you're going down.
You're going to die.
It is all about their religion of dominating us.
It is so sick!
And so now I guess I gotta drive through guys aiming guns at me.
I've gotta just always be taught I'm a suspect by the criminals that run the government.
I mean, look at this photo from the Associated Press.
Scroll down a bit for TV viewers.
If you look at it, and look at how that citizen is looking at them.
He pulls up and some young cop
Has his gun right in his face.
And then there's some obese cop who looks like he weighs 400 pounds in a German Kurtzel helmet staring at him as well.
I mean, just give me a break!
Our government publicly has armed all the drug cartels in Mexico.
It's just all a big joke.
It's this whole gangster culture, all of it.
So, I'm going to be getting into that today and, you know, tying into last week, the Florida woman arrested for spraying boyfriend with a water gun to make him stop playing video games.
In America, a boyfriend would call the police because his girlfriend sprayed him with a green water gun and they would arrest her.
By the way, they now arrest you if you play tag at school.
I have articles on that.
I mean, this country is a madhouse of criminals.
I mean, it's like the guy in Florida
Released two heart balloons to his girlfriend in the parking lot.
The state police see it, and he's been charged with felonies, assaults on the environment.
They're not going to stop!
It's the spirit of the age.
It's happened everywhere else.
It's here.
So that's some of the news we're going to be breaking down on that front.
20 drills that prove the DHS's official enemy is the American people.
That article just went up on InfoWars.com.
Great research by Kim M. from PlanetInfoWars.com.
Her story is now on the front page of InfoWars.com.
I'm going to have that move to the featured news area.
And then, of course, this was on DrudgeReport.com yesterday.
I love the image of the 50's family with the dog on the open road in the drive.
I love that image they had up yesterday because they already had black boxes in until two years ago.
They could jack in and find out your miles, how fast you drove, going back over a year, how you braked, what you did.
It's a computer, saving it all.
Now they've put in mandated.
It took them a decade to get this done worldwide, but worldwide, all new cars.
This is under globalist standardization.
All of them.
Have a box where they can wirelessly grab everything off, where they can do it at the pump, they can also yearly, when you get an inspection jacket, give you some huge bill, and then they say, we're going to give you tickets for every time you went above the speed limit.
Oh, the speed limit's 70?
Well, Mr. Jones, we've got you going 100 here at least 15 times.
You're going to jail, pal!
This is the world we have allowed these criminals to build.
By the way, who's exempt in the database?
All the bureaucrats.
It has a function for that.
For their security.
The security of the criminals.
Speaking of articles on Drudge Report, I'll get back to what's on Infowars.com.
NSA, he didn't know it.
AP, Reuters, you name it.
They all are reporting that Obama knew anything about spying on the German president and others.
They knew nothing about it, but he ordered it stopped, which is also pure bull.
So where have I heard this before?
Brings it here into the background.
Oh, I see nothing!
I was not here!
I did not even get up this morning!
I know nothing!
But it's not funny, ladies and gentlemen.
These are the same people that get on CBS News and tell us, Mercury's good for your brain.
Don't listen to the conspiracy theorists.
Humanity faces its greatest test ever, because the general public is obsessed with mindless fluff, Lady Gaga, Hannah Montana, turns into a, you know, skank with a white tongue, dripping with plaque.
I mean, people are obsessed with all this stuff, engineered from birth, and they trust the mainstream media.
Not so much news, but they trust the mainstream culture and really believe it's going to fulfill them.
And then they wonder why they're so unfulfilled, because it's designed to not fulfill you.
It's designed to make you not count and be a spectator.
It's designed to make you a programmable replicant.
A programmable biological android in the globalist's own words.
That's Bertrand Russell.
Well, me, I'm alive.
I am engaging with the beauty of the universe and constantly learning.
I am not like these sad souls.
Here's the problem.
The globalists are creating giant armies of drooling, literal zombies who are programmed to destroy those of us that produce because the globalists are our enemy.
They want us out of the way before they bioweapon all their zombies.
We'll be right back.
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They need to review the secret world and its power in their government because
You run into this rat's nest of concealment and lies time and time again, then and now.
Wait a minute, that's Bob Woodward on Face the Nation.
Actual truth on Face the Nation?
I am shocked.
You know what I think we should do?
By the way, Bob Woodward's high-level naval intelligence, that was the system going after Nixon.
When he starts doing stuff like that, he represents the major elements of the intelligence community.
Just want to let folks in on the fact that Bob Woodward is a super spy.
Now, let's expand out from that point.
When you get a super spy,
He's been posing as a journalist for four decades.
It's a big deal when they come out against the establishment.
It shows you even the establishment is getting upset because it's very dangerous to have a totally unaccountable rat's nest.
And in fact, we've been trying to think of the new name of the Washington Redskins.
The Jerry Sandusky's, because so many Congress people are pedophiles.
The pirates are an obvious one, but not hardcore enough.
The tyrants, the murderers, the torturers, the scum, the filth, the deceivers.
But the rat's nest, that's a pretty good name.
I mean, it could be like a dirty rat, a mangy rat, and then that could be the symbol of the Redskins.
By the way, I did a video over the weekend.
It's on Infowars.com.
It was from Infowars Nightly News Friday night.
My official name change.
It's satire of the Washington Redskins.
And I saw some of the people in there going, listen here, Cracker.
Listen here, Honky.
Listen here, you racist against natives.
We're going to get you, you racist, and all this other stuff.
You know, my point in the video is, yes, you could say that the name is insensitive if it's taken from some perspective.
I'm not even defending it.
I can't stand the NFL as a giant gladiatorial diversion.
The list goes on and on.
You know, as Rome Burns, we're obsessed with the gladiatorial events.
My point is, I get up here and speak out against upwards of 49% of natives under a decade program in the 80s alone.
Being sterilized.
I actually stand up against the natives having their land continually stolen and not allowed to have sovereignty and have real Native American leaders on, like the late, great Russell Means.
I'm saying the whole redskin thing is a political correct football to get us all fighting with each other!
That's what I'm saying!
Whenever the establishment brings up some race issue, it's to put salt in the wound and get us all fighting with each other while all of us are having our future raped by the globalists.
We did the math.
We should actually do an official piece on this, because I forget the exact math, earlier this year.
There's 6,000 superclass.
Worldwide, out of seven and a half billion people, do the math again guys, if you can, in the big calculator, if you have seven and a half billion people roughly on the globe, and Rothkopf, head of the Kissinger Group, talks to all the top elite in his book, that came out seven years ago, and included their 6,000 superclass,
That own and run everything.
It's really less than that.
Really about a hundred families.
Really about twenty, but if you want to say a hundred big ones.
But let's just say it's six thousand people.
What is six thousand?
It's not the one percent, folks.
The point zero, zero, zero, zero, zero.
It was six zeros and I think like four two something.
The point is, is that it was...
It wasn't even a 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
The new numbers that are out in Money Magazine, and I agree with them, is about 10%.
I think I got a whole list of statistics here if I have time I'll get to.
29 incredible facts which prove poverty in America is absolutely exploding.
Oh yeah, the New York subways, the cops finally found humanity there because there's tens of thousands of homeless, mainly old people.
And I'll give one thing to New York cops.
I have repeatedly whipped out a camera to videotape homeless on the subway or on the street and cops pop out from nowhere thinking that they're protecting the homeless from being made fun of.
And then I have to explain to him, no, I'm showing the poverty here.
They're like, it doesn't matter, this person lives on the subway, this old woman, and you're not going to show this.
So I still flip the camera out and film it sideways, and it's in my film, Martial Law.
And the cops tell me I can't, but they thought they were protecting her.
They've been arresting these people, but the shelters have been full, so now the cops will not arrest or beat up the homeless people anymore, the real homeless.
So they're just flooding all the subways, and there's all these videos and newscasts I saw this morning of the trendy New Yorkers being all grossed out by, you know, the old women sitting in their own urine.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
I've covered some of the news, but I want you to call in and tell me if you can go online to Infowars.com and look at the AP photos and others.
And then of course we have all the footage from Boston of them going door to door and dragging women out of their houses by their hair and driving by pointing guns at people in their cars that didn't even look like the suspect because it's all about setting the precedent that we're nobody.
That we're little.
And the system, it's upper class, it's establishment, it has the power.
But I want to know what you think of the AP photo showing the checkpoint with cops pointing guns at Americans' heads.
And earlier this year this happened in some fugitive hunt in Colorado that I saw on the news.
Where they were just shutting down major highways and just pointing guns at families.
I've seen the, you know, countless pieces of footage from checkpoints in Iraq and unless a vehicle didn't stop or unless they didn't meet the description of something suspicious, even the Marines and the Army didn't point their guns at people at major checkpoints.
They would have them aiming, you know, down at the ground.
They could swing them up in a half second because it's extremely aggressive.
And is just absolutely one step away from Nazi Germany.
And then statistically, of course, we know that the system is not protecting the general public.
It is the citizens themselves, more than nine times out of ten, that end up protecting themselves and their property.
And now we have a standing army of trained paramilitary police who are trained to fight an enemy.
And so of course they see us as an enemy.
Kill, kill!
You know, how do you answer the Marine Corps and the Army in boot camp?
To, yes, sir.
You don't say, yes, sir, sir, no, sir.
You say, kill, kill!
Kill, kill!
Because they're trying to get normal people who aren't killers to become killers.
And so they've gone and picked through all the police and gotten their special paramilitary units, and more and more they've got them out learning how to kill, kill with the American people, and set up checkpoints where they demand your papers.
Now in Nazi Germany when they demanded your papers, they would just walk up and ask for them and have a sidearm on, or a man with a rifle behind them.
Now they come up and say, let us see your papers, pointing guns at your head.
And you're like, do I look like a suspect?
Shut the bleep up, or your brains will be all over your car, scum.
Now get his wife out and proctology exam her now.
If you don't like it, I'm gonna shove a gun in your mouth and blow your brains out.
We're only a few inches away from that level.
By the way, the video's up on InfoWars.com.
Jakari Jackson went out to cover an open carry in downtown Austin.
With black powder handguns that are totally legal and lawful.
Texas is only one of six states where you can't have handguns openly displayed.
We're trying to repeal that right now.
Trying to get that unconstitutional law overturned.
Yeah, Texas is pretty pathetic, folks.
We just think we're free.
That's why we're trying to actually become free.
And the state police ran up.
They read them the law and they said, we don't care.
And literally started assaulting the people.
They don't resist, they take the handgun away, the black powder handgun, and then they, and then the cops on video twist the guy's arm behind his back and shove it up in a torture move.
I mean, they've got to sue them.
But see, if you're torturing somebody at Abu Ghraib, that's evil.
But if it's paying compliance with a slave, with a blood bag, with food, because that's what the American people are now.
We are the food.
I mean, folks, your wife will be thrown on the front of a car and will be assaulted, will be raped with their hands.
And the head of the state police here in Texas said, we're going to do it, we're going to keep doing it, and we stand by it.
No judge, no jury, no warrant, no probable cause, no reasonable, nothing.
We're going to put our hands in your body, and you're an animal, you're a dog.
You know, when I would work on cows, doing artificial insemination, working with a large animal vet, we would change gloves with every cow that came into the chute.
You don't want to spread disease.
Those are valuable cows.
And we would sit there doing the exams and doing the things, and we would change the gloves each time a new cow came in.
And we're worse than cows.
We're there to produce money for this system, and we're there to provide children for body parts, for organ harvesting, and that's it.
And the public acts like that, so the public deserves it.
So you just get ready to drive up with your family and they're going to shove guns right in your face.
And if you don't like it, they're just going to blow your brains out.
If you don't like your wife getting a proctology exam or whatever, you just try something punk.
Even if you win a lawsuit on us, we got your tax money to pay it.
I'm gonna get all your guns too.
Take all the shots.
The government loves you.
So, I want to know what all of you out there think about all this.
Now, the Capitol Police used to be good down there at the Capitol.
Now they put a bunch of politicos in there that will run over to our camera guys and scream at them to turn their cameras off.
We have video of that.
To Aaron Dykstra and others.
So they've definitely got a new crew over there.
And they're not all bad, but they're really bad compared to what they used to be.
The average state police on the road are not as imperious, but they're trying to make them that way.
They're trying to hire a crew like that, but this is the conversion all over the country, where the police are so arrogant in some jurisdictions, they will pull over old ladies, 85-year-old ladies, in one case in Texas, with no criminal record, and grab $2,000 out of their purse and keep it, and say, that's drug money, no judge, no jury, and say,
We have an asset forfeiture law that allows us to do this.
And you know what?
The law does say that.
They had laws saying black people weren't humans too in this country.
They had laws saying they could conscript your sons and make them go fight illegal wars, called the draft.
They had all sorts of laws that are unconstitutional garbage.
So you can take your law that says you can pull me over and take the cash out of my wallet, no judge or jury, and you can shove it
But by the way, here's the good news.
The globalists are going to rob all their dumb minions as well.
So I laugh because all the people that think they're really high and mighty, all these nobodies that have never been successful in life, with their ingenuity, their ideas, their charm, their intelligence, all you people that think you found power through the system?
Oh, by the way, I didn't finish my story before I give the number out.
It's 800-259-9231.
What do you think of this photo and these videos up on the side of the cops shoving guns in people's faces?
I didn't finish the story about Darren McBrain.
So, to make a long story short, because I forgot and didn't finish the story.
I drive through a parking lot five miles an hour by a grocery store.
The grocery store is probably 200 yards away.
This parking lot's so big, it's an outdoor mall.
There's like 10 cars in this huge parking lot at a restaurant.
For some reason, nobody was at this restaurant on Saturday at like 1.15.
I'm gonna meet my wife in 30 minutes.
I pull up my truck, and this woman on like a weird three-wheeled Segway in a uniform pulls up like a bad cop, like a cop that's arrogant.
From my view, a bad cop, a corrupt, or not even corrupt, just arrogant would be the word.
Look, just like Big Sis meets Janet Reno.
And when I say bad, I don't mean doing anything illegal.
I mean bad in not the type of cop I would want.
But it's not even a cop, it's a security guard.
And she's bugging her eyes out at me.
And so I get out of the car.
And she kind of, you know, tells me how bad I am and stuff, that I was driving dangerously.
And I said, no I wasn't.
I just drove in the main entrance and then cut across right there.
So I start videotaping her, and then I go in, she goes in and talks to the manager.
He kind of laughs at her.
She goes out, and he goes, are you going to air that?
And I go, no, I'm probably not, she's so pathetic.
Then, my wife gets there with the kids 30 minutes later, I take the food that we're going home to eat, get in the car, Darren McBreen shoots up behind me.
He's in the barber shop that's like 200 yards away.
And this security guard drives up on our little thing with flashing lights, jumps out, runs in and says, I just had the most horrible experience with Alex Jones.
You know, he was recklessly driving, could have run over children.
I'm sick of him recklessly driving around here.
So bearing false witness right there.
I'm recklessly driving, not true.
I'm doing it all the time.
I almost ran over children.
None of it's true.
So it's like I've already forgiven her.
I'm thinking, man, man, that's pathetic.
Boy, we're in trouble.
Because everybody I know is having these contacts.
A guy in combat uniform with Tim Fruge.
We haven't aired this video yet.
And a Metallica shirt.
Tim never goes to Walmart, but his box fan was broken.
He likes a fan to sleep.
With he and his fiancé.
We haven't aired this video yet.
We should air this now.
I forgot about this.
We have this for months.
We need to go ahead and air this.
We forgot to air it.
And they go, let us see the receipt.
And he goes, here it is.
And they go, you're going to show it to me right now.
That's where it's going to reach for him.
And Jim goes, hey, forget it.
I'm not going to shop here.
I got my fan right here.
I just paid for it.
Go ask them.
Because they were rude to him.
It's the, it's the, it's the arrogance on top of it.
So he walks out and this guy comes out and goes, I'm calling the police on you.
He goes, go ahead.
He goes, don't ever come back to Walmart.
We've got your name.
You're in a band list.
You'll be arrested.
He goes, fine, I won't.
And then the cops show up and he's like, I got you now.
Well, Tim had called Jakari Jackson that lives right by it.
Jakari gets there in about three minutes.
She's amazing.
He always answers the phone and got footage.
Then the guy runs over and says, you can't film.
Jakari goes, I'm smart enough, buddy.
I'm on the grass on your property.
Oh, there's the footage.
You guys, we never heard this piece, did we?
Okay, well wait, because I want to air it on the nightly news and really build it up, because I'd forgotten about this.
My point is, is that everywhere I go now, people will jump out and tell me what to do, including citizens.
I mean, this is like North Korea or something.
And every week I see footage of where they'll have a checkpoint, not at the end of a neighborhood, not with people where they're looking for somebody and seeing a blue pickup truck, a white male with black mustache, no.
They randomly will just stop everyone and come up and point guns at men, women, and children.
And then in New York City, they've had three cases in the last year I know of where they shoot nine innocent people, or where a repair guy is pulled over on the Brooklyn Bridge.
They go over and shoot him and then try to cover it up.
Or a few weeks ago where they shot a bunch of people.
I mean, it's like we're there in the game Duck Hunter or something just for them to shoot for their fun or their video game.
And man, if a cop gets shot like happened in California, they go nuts and like have a police riot on the public.
And then just decide it's time to shoot up a bunch of innocent people.
And, oh, there's two women with blonde hair.
We're looking for a black Navy veteran.
Here, let's shoot up their vehicle.
Oh, there's some more white women.
Let's shoot them up.
Oh, there's a black lady.
Let's shoot her up.
And they shut down half the state in a big pity party over a couple dead people.
You signed up to be warriors.
You act like the most obsessed with safety, cowardly people I've ever seen in my life.
And it's like this upper class thing to wear camo and armor and strut around.
We're all supposed to be scared of you.
I see cops everywhere now that bug their eyes out and look at you like you're supposed to be scared of them.
Hell, I see a bully acting like that.
I want to stomp your ass into the ground.
That's what happens when I'm walking around and see some guy
Posing like he's Mr. Tough Guy and wants to get in a fight with somebody!
I won't go down to 6th Street, even though they got some good restaurants down there, for at least five years.
Because every time I'm down there, even when it's not late, they have roidhead bouncers and cops with shaved heads and tattoos all over them, starting fights with people and shoving people and getting people's faces.
I don't want to be around you.
I don't go to Mexico, because the cops act a little bit like that.
A little bit like that.
And man, I'm getting around.
When I see cops standing around in some kind of combat outfit, bugging their eyes out at the mall or wherever, trying to scare people, I go over and go, what are you doing?
They're like, what do you mean?
What do you want?
I'm like, well, you're acting like you're about to go into the ring, the octagon or something.
Well, we've had some intelligence.
You live in a fairy tale, man!
The stinking government's the threat!
It runs Al-Qaeda!
I mean, I can't imagine if I walked around acting like I was going to beat people up.
I would expect people to come over and get in a fight with me.
I mean, I grew up in Dallas, folks.
People that walked around like that, if you walked around the street for two minutes like you wanted to fight, somebody would just stop their car and get out and go, what are you looking at me like that for?
You want to get in a fight?
And there'd be people going to the hospital!
Man, you walk around like that, you better be ready!
I am sick of your crap!
Excuse me, folks.
I shouldn't even be on air right now.
I start thinking about this.
I mean, I just start thinking about how much I gotta put up with it.
I'm so sick of it, all these... I don't live in North Korea because I don't want to be around it.
I don't live in Mexico, I don't want to be around it.
And now I live in a third world country with a bunch of little boys playing soldier!
I'm sorry occasionally some of your little drug dealer pals shoot at you or something.
Because they play shoot-em-up games all day and think they're, you know, cool prisoners or whatever.
I mean, I'm so sad.
I hate those.
Let me tell you, the little gang member thugs act just like the cops.
It's the same thing.
I'll be at a gas station.
It could be white thugs, black thugs, white thugs, you know, wife beater shirts, getting out, bugging their eyes like they got a problem.
I'm going, oh, oh God.
I go, if I look down, they're going to say something and then I'm not going to be able to handle it.
I'm like, okay, I got the rifle right there in the back of my car.
I'm not going to get in a fight with them, but if they come over here, I'm going to just get in my car and drive off.
They pull a gun, and how fast can I get to that rifle?
I mean, this is the country I live in, folks, with all these little thug men, and this thug culture, and this gangster culture, and this MTV wannabe tough guy culture, and all these Hollywood movies with Arnold Schwarzenegger and, um...
And that other Royd head, Sylvester Stallone, all acting tough, running around.
And people, you go see those movies, it's full of cops and military actually believing all that's real.
But it's always the cadets.
It's not real soldiers that actually want to go see stuff like that.
Because all it does is give them flashbacks, they know it's not even real.
I know I've gone into a rant.
We're going to go to your phone calls when we come back.
I'm sorry, I didn't even mean to go off into all that.
Oh man, I just can't handle it anymore.
I just can't handle it anymore.
This country is such a joke.
I mean, it's such a joke.
And I don't say that with pleasure.
I'm sad about it.
We have to admit that we're a joke if we're ever going to turn this country around.
We've got to admit.
And again, it's not just the cops.
The cops on average, I gotta say, compared to the general public, on average are better people.
But they got thug ones and they're even more dangerous when you get a little gangster wannabe with a badge and a gun.
It's very upsetting to me.
I mean, I walk in places and you'll see like some one little thug bugging their eyes out at you or something and you try to ignore them.
You know what it is?
I don't like fake men.
I'm going to be honest with you.
I'm a very loving, sweet, caring, compassionate person.
And I'm the type of person, like a dog, if somebody bugs their eyes out at me or gets in an aggressive stance, I start getting in an aggressive stance.
And I don't like that.
There's no reason for everybody to be acting like this.
And I rue the day I pull up and cops are pointing guns at me for their egos or whatever, or because they're living in fear.
And that's why they're so upset when we have open carry rallies, because they're the only ones that are allowed to have guns!
They're the only ones that are... You know, by the way, pointing a gun at someone without probable cause, without believing you're an imminent threat, is... is...
I think?
And the good news is the military is waking up because they actually live in the real world, especially combat vets.
And they know what a third world this is now.
And they don't like what's happening.
But man, I look at all the scum and all the thugs and the gangster types that run our government and all the disconnected from reality wimps who think this gangster culture is tough.
I mean, it makes me want to throw up.
And I'm so tired of it.
This country
Is just absolutely degenerating around us.
And it makes me want to puke.
We'll be right back with your phone calls.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
The TSA, police checkpoints, all of it is prisoner training, period.
And they're getting us ready for a controlled economic collapse.
They've got the police and military drilling for martial law and teaching them, we don't want to do it, but we've got to take all the guns during a collapse, which of course makes the collapse even worse.
And that's really the big issue here.
I've got all this other news that we're going to get to after phone calls.
100 pro-abortion
Storytelling events organized across the country to be proud of it and to think of it as your special goody.
Also, Britney Spears' music is used to scare off Somali pirates.
Scare me off, man.
Listen to popular music.
Wow, not one of these people have brain problems.
Catholic University to teach students how to promote, protect, Obamacare, covered abortions.
That's right.
You go to a Catholic school or other Christian school, you learn the sacrament of the aborted baby.
Continuing, high school cheerleader Car Wash violates environmental laws.
I mentioned this yesterday.
See, this is how they're shutting down the little thousands of lemonade stands around the country.
Was a big issue of that the last few years.
And the Feds got involved and said, yes, no one's allowed to have any underground barter.
Because you don't teach your kids about barter or small retail sales now.
You teach them how to go work at a slave grid store with Chinese slave goods coming in.
And they said, yes, you're not allowed to have water with any soap suds running into the ditch improperly, even though big companies can do whatever they want.
So you're not allowed to.
You see, and this is all about, you're not allowed to do anything.
That's why everybody now is going to come into contact with government bureaucrats and citizens that feel like they're part of the establishment.
The average jellyfish citizen.
Who supports this system, thinks that by groveling to it and embracing it, it gives them power, when actually it destroys their whole future.
But they don't know that.
They don't know America had more private property, more wealth, more power, because we were the most aggressive, most individualistic.
And we still had a lot of problems, but we were the best.
Now we've completely flipped, that's how things often are in the world, to where
We are the lowest IQ, most unhealthy, dumbest people on average.
Now, we still have a huge group of people that are the hardest working, most intelligent, despite all that, but we're now the dinner.
We're now what's left.
We're now blamed for it.
We're now bad.
And the big, ultra-rich lobby and fund this idea.
You know, you've got to lose to know how to win.
The Aerosmith song says,
And I, I like some Erisvith songs, a fan of Erisvith, that song's not particularly one of my favorites, but I was listening to the words to it again this morning and pulled them up on my iPhone, and it's absolutely true about life.
And that's what we're dealing with here, is the system does not want people to ever have to go through losing, because if you lose and go through adversity, then you will learn how to win.
You've got to lose to know how to win.
It's very, very simple.
But there's no dodgeball, then there's no tag, then there's no running, and then your mama's not allowed to pack your lunch.
Your mama can't be trusted.
We're going to give you these shots whether mama likes it.
And the principal gets up there and says, the state is your parents.
That's now being announced everywhere.
And they're just taking over.
And they're telling people what to do, and Americans have been taught to do what they're told.
You now go...
To buy groceries, and you're paying with cash, they'll ask for your driver's license number.
Just say it's our policy.
And if you don't like it, leave your groceries here.
And they'll get amazed when you leave your groceries.
Or if you go to pick up tickets now, and you show your credit card, they'll go, show me your driver's license too, and then they'll swipe it to create a record.
Because it's all about getting you in the database.
One of my crew went to the Austin Film Society Festival this weekend, and they showed him his driver's license for his membership, his ticket, and they said, we want your license, we want to
We want to actually run it through the system, the database.
He said no.
And he had to argue with them to have them leave him alone.
Folks, this is about getting you under a cashless grid so they can set up a system that's impossible to ever get out of.
It's designed to make you poor.
Your call's one minute away.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, we're going to have open phones for the next two hours interspersed with total police state news, massive bombshell news on the economy.
I'm going to get to it all.
Obamacare, you name it.
But right now, folks have been holding.
Toll-free number to join us.
As you hear callers leave, that's your chance to get involved.
Folks are calling in about the police state because up on InfoWars.com,
We have the AP photo, and there's videos, other links, where it turned out they already had the fugitive at the house down the street, surrounded it, but why not just set up some checkpoints in the nearby area and point guns in the window, in people's faces?
And they did this in Boston, so this is the policy.
This is what they're trained to do now.
And then literally, they've got Jabba the Hutt over there looking in at the guy, you know, bugging his eyes out at him as well.
Right now, let's go ahead and let's talk to Jeff in North Carolina.
Jeff, you're on the air.
Yeah, thanks Alex.
Keep up the good work.
I'm just calling you in regards to that stunning picture there in the Sacramento area and, you know, what comes to my mind is Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
And some of the things that he said and he alluded to in regards to his stance against the Nazis.
And I think, of course, paraphrasing the point he made was if the people had arisen and had actually made those serving the system in terror to do their jobs, it would never have gotten to the point that it did.
And unfortunately, you know, as a twice sworn defender of the Constitution, when you see those things going across the country,
Uh, it is high time that we exercise our natural rights to self-defense and utilize deadly force if necessary to defend against such a... Let me ask you this.
I mean, if you're driving up to a checkpoint with a hundred cars and they're coming up to the window pointing guns at men, women, children, whites, blacks, Hispanics, they're looking for a white guy.
And they're aiming guns at white guys, Hispanics, black people.
It'd be one thing if it's a red truck with a black guy or a white guy that meets the description.
Yeah, you're gonna get guns aimed at you.
But I mean, just aim guns right at everyone and come over and question somebody with a gun right in your face?
I mean, I'm gonna get angry about this.
You know, I'm along Brad Pitt lines in Inglourious Bastards.
I hate Nazis.
And what Americans do with Nazis is what we should do.
Nazis should die.
That's what Americans do to Nazis.
It's really simple.
Well, it's definitely authoritarianism.
The issue is that who is training the police to do this?
Because we saw them shoot up not one, not two, but three, no, no, four vehicles.
In three cases, white people that they clearly could see were white people.
And another case, it was a black woman during the Dorner thing.
Remember that?
And then black guys that actually look like Dorner had shirts on saying, don't shoot me, I'm not Dorner.
I don't blame them!
I mean, my God, if two blonde-haired women get shot up, and then another group of, I mean, I mean, it's, what do you say that insanity is?
I mean, what is it where broad daylight, two women get in a car, doesn't even match Dorner, and then you shoot their vehicle up?
Well, unfortunately, my seven-year-old daughter has to be trained to understand and know that the police are not there to help her, and that she needs to treat them
At great arm's length and always expect the worst from them.
And that's just the place that we're at.
And you and I both know that they're recruiting the worst of the worst from Fallujah and other locations that still need that.
I've talked to them.
I've met with them.
I confront them all the time that we're looking for that same rush, that same buzz
That they got over there from kicking down doors, and kicking ass, and taking names, and using their weapons, and they have to have that rustler.
Well, I was about to say, I mean, more and more, you see like a normal cop actually sitting there at the mall or on the street looking for things, that's fine.
You say, hi, how you doing?
A lot of cops now, the big Roydhead type guys, they're bugging their eyes out, just like thug bouncers.
That's why I won't go hear live music, because I don't want to be around those type of guys.
You know?
I mean, it's, it's, look, I know thug bouncers that are now Austin cops.
And again, regular bouncers that are sitting there doing their job, that's fine.
But you know the clubs where they hire these guys that have something to prove.
And man, here's the deal.
I don't want to get in a fight with somebody.
I mean, I'm not the toughest guy around.
You get in a fight with me, though, it's a death battle.
I mean, it's serious.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, under Homeland Security Military Occupation Martial Law phase-in conditioning that's going on all over the country if there's a backfire by a school or if somebody shoots at the cops they will shut down sometimes half the city of a place like Boston and then they'll go door-to-door and aim a gun at your wife or your husband or your children that look nothing like the suspect
They'll grab you by the hair, just for a little extra fun, because they've done it in Fallujah, or they've done it in Baghdad, or they've done it in Kabul.
We just talked to a veteran who was discussing, and I've talked to some of these cops.
Yeah, it's the same deal.
They have this crazed door-kicking training, and they're doing it in America now, and they love it.
They're addicted.
They enjoy it.
That's why you don't have a paramilitary police.
You have peace officers, because a paramilitary police kill people and break things.
You know, if we had a shooting in the UT Tower like we had back in the early 60s, it wouldn't have been a citizen charging up there to shoot the guy with a cop behind him.
And I've had the cop that did it, you know, who was with him.
It was a citizen that got the first shot off and hit him with a shotgun.
And that's on record.
Nowadays, if a terrorist, aka citizen, or if a food unit, the IRS calls this inventory, or human resources, if a human resource blood bag, mosquito food, tried to go up the tower to take somebody out, they'd be shot in the back.
Just slayed with a gun!
And that's the training.
If citizens pulled guns out,
Uh, and started firing on the tower to keep the guy down.
Guaranteed the cops would kill every one of them.
The UT police would.
You'd all be dead.
And they'd say, well, they saw him pull a gun and fire at the tower, but you know someone was firing from the tower.
Does it matter?
And they'd go, here's a gold medal.
You're a drone pilot.
Here's a higher honor than a Purple Heart.
You are the greatest hero.
I mean, this is the sicko system where you've got all these video game playing kids that then go join the military.
They get the mentally ill ones that love it and put them on the police force.
And so we have the photo in Sacramento.
After a gang member shot and injured several law enforcement officials, not servants, but gods, before going into hiding in a Sacramento suburb on Friday, police responded by setting up a checkpoint and aiming guns at innocent people's heads.
Yeah, and I went and researched this this morning.
I saw the story yesterday.
Turns out they believed he was already in a house and were surrounding it.
Just while they did this, I guess, to keep him from fleeing, this happened.
But imagine everyone in the neighborhood having a gun pointed at their head.
Of course, under Dorner, they did it to half of Southern California and shot up a bunch of, again, blonde-haired women because they look like a black guy.
The photo, as an AP captioned, a California Highway Patrol officer and other emergency responder stop a vehicle at a checkpoint near the neighborhood where a federal immigration officer was shot and three local police officers were wounded during a violent confrontation with a suspect in Sacramento suburb of Roseville.
And it was after hours of local standoff, the suspect, 32-year-old gang member Samuel Nathan Duran, probably connected to MS-13 or something, I'm guessing, eventually surrendered after leaving a nearby house in which he had been holed up.
What if there's a real drug war like they have in Mexico with thousands dead per month in America?
What if the Mexican drug gangs that aren't afraid to die
Actually start shootouts with the US police?
I mean, will they just line random citizens up and shoot us?
The Nazis would do that!
If you shot a Nazi soldier, they'd kill 5 or 10 people.
In Poland, in Ukraine, other areas.
In the Balkans as well.
If you shot an officer, sometimes they would kill 100, 200 people.
I'm not kidding, you can look it up.
I told the story before, his name was... What was the blind beast's name?
I know when he got shot while driving in Eastern Europe and then they killed I think like 300 people or something in the town as punishment.
And I think that's what they ought to adopt.
They should have killed all those people in the neighborhood and burned their houses down just to show them.
And that's pretty much already how it is.
So I want to give you that idea out in Sacramento.
And maybe that's what it was with the Dorner deal.
Hey, there's some blonde-haired women.
Shoot them.
There's a white guy.
Shoot him.
There's a black lady.
Shoot her.
You know, just shoot their vehicle up.
So there you go.
We have that article.
We're going to be getting into that.
We're going to your calls.
And then at the bottom of the hour, there's some big breaking news on the Obamacare situation.
And here's Forbes, despite glitches, these are not glitches, this is all according to plan, Obamacare profit windfall to insurers well underway.
Oh, there's no glitch involved in the doubling and getting rid of the law to gang rape you financially.
And so we got a big stack on that I'm going to get to, and then we're going to get into NSA denies Obama knew of spying on German leader.
And of course, we know directly where they've learned this tactic of not knowing anything on Fast and Furious, not knowing anything on the IRS persecuting Tea Party groups.
Of course, then it turned out the White House ordered it.
Well, Obama says he knows nothing this time as well.
Simply classic to have this going on and unfolding.
All right, let's go ahead and go to your phone calls.
Let's talk to Jeremy in Toronto, Canada.
In the past, they didn't just set up checkpoints like in Boston over half the city and then sit there and air guns
Or point guns at people, point blank, and grab women by their hair?
Do you think this is a good idea?
And should they have just nuked Boston to get the bad guy?
I mean, perhaps that's the idea.
Is it good to have troops marching up and down the street aiming guns at people?
Should we do that?
I think we all know the answer to that, Alex.
I have a lot of friends that live in America, and we've been talking a lot about your politics lately.
I just had something I came across yesterday that really disturbed me.
If you can just give me a couple minutes of your time here.
I'm a first-time caller for the record, long-time listener.
Um, it was a report, now it's unconfirmed, but it's a report by a reporter in North Carolina by the name of Pamela Schofer.
I don't know if you've covered this before, but she interviewed an unnamed source, it was a staff sergeant in Fort Lewis, and some of the news, what she said was quite disturbing, that there were guillotines stored in Fort Long, Fort Bragg, Fort Hood, and across the nation, also in Germany.
Also stated in this interview were 102,000 boxcars with shackles.
Yeah, listen, brother, I appreciate your call.
I've been on the air 18 years and I've heard this for 17 years every week and it's always a truck dumped over in Houston or a truck dumped over in Albuquerque or a truck dumped over in New York and had the martial law signs and there's guillotines at all the bases.
What there are is trains
We're good to go.
And no one that I know, in media or anywhere else, ever covers the Civilian Inmate Labor Camp Program, the Emergency Centers Establishment Act Program, the Open Army Field Manuals Training for gun confiscation, quarantining of cities.
All of it is public.
But no one will ever touch it.
They will say, I heard Alex said there was a plan for martial law.
We know the COG plans.
We have the Miami Herald articles.
And for whatever reason, citizens don't communicate by actual facts.
It's like, oh, I heard Google is CIA.
No, it was founded by the CIA and NSA on record.
Look it up in Toutel, 14 years ago.
It's on record, and so I'm not mad at the caller, it's just... I could go do an interview with an unnamed source, and have them talk about how they saw the guillotines, and people would freak out.
It'd be seen 10 million times.
But if I actually show you civilian inmate labor camp program on screen right now, publicly declassified, that they have these camps already set up for slave labor around the country, primed with federal and state prison labor, no one, no one cares.
I mean, if I have footage in my police state films of Marines training to put militia members on their knees and shoot them in the back of the head, on video, and then the Marine officer running up saying, turn your camera off, doesn't get more dynamic.
You know what people say about that?
It's fake.
Even though I have the newscast, the news articles that I was in covering it, and that event is on record to have happened, people will not believe it.
They will believe nothing real, everything fake.
I don't mean to go off and rant.
I want to go to more calls here.
And I'm not mad at the caller bringing that up.
It's just that...
They already guillotine you with the hydrofluorosilicic acid in the water.
They already guillotine you with a GMO designed to kill the mammals that eat it over time.
It's called soft kill.
They already guillotine you with the aluminum dioxide.
You know the whole chemtrail program?
It's not called chemtrails.
It's called geoengineering atmospheric testing.
Giant $5 billion a year program, adding it to the jet fuel, the airline pilots, the companies don't even know.
There's only a few thousand people, but it's all public.
How they do it, where they do it, all of it's totally public, so it's the biggest mystery in the world.
Just like the Federal Reserve is totally private, owned by six foreign banks, and then everyone debates, is it really federal, when it's not federal on record, it's a hundred years old this year.
So, I'm gonna go to break and come back with Landon,
Truth Raider, Frank, and others.
And listen, I see some regular callers getting in there.
I said wide open phones today, but I almost have to do the first time caller, or then we'll have folks that are just so ready to get on.
But that's fine.
When I do go to your calls, I'll give each person a minute.
In fact, we're doing it right now.
Landon in Arizona.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
Pretty good.
Good job, bud.
Hey, I live in Phoenix, Arizona here.
And, you know, I'm an open man.
I face people, I face cops.
You're a terrorist.
Oh, yeah.
And a while back, a couple of months ago, I seen two guys, one was dressed in uniform and the other one was in plain clothes.
I stopped by and I said, Hey, man, you know, the NDAA was signed, right?
And they both looked at me and I said, you're a cop or army, aren't you?
And he says, well, I'm a police officer and this is a guy that we're training.
And I could tell he was a foreigner.
And he admitted that he was a foreign trainee.
And I couldn't believe it.
And then, I've been watching you for a couple of years now, and I just, I talk to people all the time.
I got, got truth, plant, prison, planet, and I see top strikes.
Let me ask you this, are folks waking up in your area?
Not really.
They think I'm crazy or in hell.
Let's talk about how to wake them up.
Stay there.
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I'm going right back to your calls and at the start of the next segment I will cover a massive stack of news and give you a quick breakdown of what I think.
The problem is I'll see some story and get mad about it and start ranting.
But at least I'm awake, at least I'm not in a coma going along with all this, and thank God you're waking people up.
I either hear that everybody's waking up or nobody's waking up.
It's very funny.
It's either or.
And you hear that with the callers.
I know you experience that out there.
I would... I would...
First, tell people, hey, you know they've taken folks' pension funds and raised their taxes to basically bail out foreign banks in Europe, and that's already starting here.
You know that America's losing its basic freedoms.
You have power to stop it.
You have power to make a difference.
The main reason people laugh at you is they're in a trance.
They're TV heads.
They don't believe in themselves.
And so you start telling them about bad stuff that's going on.
I mean, I used to hear 18 years ago from old-timers that they were training foreign troops.
I didn't know that it was in news articles and documents until later.
I mean, just a few years ago, they had the Winter Olympics in Canada.
And they had U.S.
troops up there patrolling the streets and vice versa here now.
And they have deals signed to, quote, use Mexican and Canadian troops here in America.
So, yes, that is a plan under the FEMA directives.
NLE-09 was one of the places where they admitted a lot of it.
National level exercise 09, where they simulated 15 nations coming in and helping stabilize America from a battle with domestic insurgents.
And I have a new article out today.
It's up on Infowars.com.
20 drills that prove the DHS's official new enemy is the American people.
That's kind of a cockamamie headline.
I actually came up with that headline.
It's probably, it's official.
DHS admits the American people are their main enemy.
But whatever.
The point is, is it's from their own website.
Everything they do is to fight the Tea Party and gun owners.
I mean, that's all they do.
So... Because what does the Tea Party want?
They don't want foreign banks to take over.
They want low taxes.
They want family rights.
They want religious rights.
They want basic America.
And so they've got to be demonized, and you notice they aren't.
Let's go ahead and go back to Landon in Arizona, then we'll go to Frank, TruthRaider, David, Robert, and others.
So most people you talk to say you're crazy.
What are you saying to them?
Like, let's say I'm your neighbor and you come over.
You say, hi Bob, how you doing?
What do you say to me?
He looks at me and he says, what, where are you getting all this stuff?
I said, I study.
I watch certain programs.
I don't watch Fox News because what I hear on the Alex Jones Show, I hear on Fox a few days later.
So what good is it watching Fox or any of them other programs?
I give out my subscription to other people so they can see it for themselves.
And I had a federal officer across the street, he was a parole officer, talking to a friend of mine.
And I went over there and I started asking him questions about the DNAA.
And he said, no, it isn't.
And I said, you got a damn computer right there.
Why don't you look at it?
Because I won't back down from anybody.
Do you dare to talk to a god?
Oh, yeah.
I said you can I this is my exact word you can arrest me right now for what I'm saying but you know y'all are a bunch of crooked you know and I said and then he looks and he says oh I guess it is and I says
You're here, a police officer?
I said, what are you going to do when shit goes down?
And he says, well, I'll probably go home to my kids.
And I said, well, that's probably a good answer.
Well, brother, I gotta let you go, but this profanity thing people are doing, you get delayed out on the radio, and that's 90% of the audience is AM and FM stations, and then you don't get heard.
I want to hear what you have to say.
I know you're upset, but let's try to keep the English clean, myself included.
I use a few little minor, you know, non-FCC violating pejoratives.
Let's all just stop it together.
Let's make a commitment, okay?
But I understand why you're scared, or concerned, or angry.
Yes, the NDAA, the government says they can secretly disappear us, torture us, and kill us.
That is the signed confession the government's rogue and illegitimate.
We don't want to be enemies with the bureaucrats, the cops, any of these people.
But there's been major psychological studies done.
In fact, here's one of them.
I'm going to carry this book and get this PhD psychologist slash psychiatrist on.
The Psychopath Next Door, national bestseller.
And this is what I've already found historically researching.
But this book, which we're not selling yet, so I'm giving it a free plug here, boils down the whole deal.
How, throughout history, why do governments always go so bad?
Because you get bad people that want the power in them.
I mean, why do you end up, you know, having perverts that like to abuse women so many times that end up running topless bars?
Because that's what they're attracted to.
I mean, why do bears climb up in trees and try to get beehives down?
Because it's got honey in it.
I mean, why do pedophiles go to schoolyards trying to pick up kids?
Because they're pedophiles, folks.
And so, that's why you keep the government on the shortest leash.
Instead, the government says, we're all secret.
You can't touch us.
You can't look into us.
You can't question us.
That's terrorism.
But we're going to do whatever we want, including
Body cavity searches of women all over the country on the side of the highway where you'll have two or three women lined up and the cop doesn't even change their glove.
Just the body cavity search is sexual assault.
Now it's a medical malpractice attack by an unlicensed raper.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
I'm going to cover a bunch of news and go right back to your calls.
The toll free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
The good news here is that whether it's Bob Woodward of the Washington Post, or whether it's Vladimir Putin of Russia, whether it is the Pope in Rome, whether it is Cy Hirsch of New Yorker Magazine, or whether it's the Wall Street Journal a few months ago, basically the LA Times, you name it, everyone
Left, right, libertarian, sinner, anyone that cares about their children, anyone who cares about stability, anyone that cares about any justice who doesn't want to live in a third world country is freaking out right now.
The government is run by criminals at every level who aren't even watching each other.
They're looting everything.
They don't care if anything works anymore.
Suddenly trains and buses are breaking down everywhere.
Highways are falling down.
I've got statistics pouring in.
Stuff's just rotting everywhere.
Because false reality has been brought in.
A false paradigm.
Communism, fascism, any of these systems end up collapsing because they're based on fraud.
Well, the globalists created an offshore globalism where they're tax-exempt, they have unlimited trillions, they control money at the issuance point, they get first use of it, tax-free, interest-free, in some cases they just get absolute free money up front in the form of derivatives.
And they're able to buy up the world while trying to restrict everyone else's capital so that they can take over the rest of the markets they don't dominate.
When they already dominate and vertically integrate almost everything, they want to shut everything down as a tool of political control.
And I know I say that every show because that's the essence, it's the heart, it's all of it.
This isn't some tyranny where they just want to run things.
This is a tyranny where they're really anti-human.
And really anti-civilization and their excuses, well humans are destructive, humans are overpopulated.
So we've got to shut things down and reduce things to control people.
But then meanwhile they make the public as decadent and dumbed down and slothful as they can.
And the globalists target the most intelligent, the most beautiful, the most hard-working as their competition and write white papers saying that.
This would be incredibly cold-blooded if it was just pure eugenics.
But instead it's eugenics to make everyone dumb slobs ahead of the culling.
But they need them all as dumb slobs first to go along with the scientific control grid going in where every appliance will have tracking, surveillance, kill switches, and taxation switches in it.
Taxing and tracking and micromanaging everything you do.
They know you're resilient.
They know once you wake up, you'll get back to being hard-working and aggressive.
And they're going to run a whole robot-drone-combat-robot war on us once this whole thing's in place.
And they're going to artificially shut everything down incrementally where there's almost no way to stop them.
I mean, it's so hellish what they're setting up.
And they say all this.
I've made films and covered it here.
This is not my opinion.
I told you Obamacare wasn't going to work.
It'd be death panels doubling in price.
The system wouldn't work up front because it's not meant to work.
It just lets them double your insurance, cut the quality of care.
The only people who are going to get health care are the illegal aliens.
I'm going to explain that in a minute.
And that's only until they get them here.
Once they fully collapse stuff, they're not going to get anything.
And the fences are there to keep them in here.
Man, you think they're going to... They want to use the West to keep the third world down so they don't have their own revolutions, use us as a steam valve which burns up the West at the same time.
It's all been stated.
It's all been planned by the gangster globalists who aren't smart enough to look ten steps down the road what this is going to do.
I'm going to your calls, but let me get the big news blitz and settle down a bit and do this right now.
Document cam, please.
Here's the Obamacare stack.
Despite glitches, Obamacare profit windfall to insurers well under way.
That's right.
Since it was passed three years ago, their average stock has doubled.
Well, it's accelerated that increase and is set to quadruple in the next two years.
So there you go.
Oh, wonder why they wrote it?
Because they wanted to help you.
Just like when they have a captive audience like Iraq or India, they go around giving people live polio vaccines that paralyze them on the spot, and then it's just in the back of the newspaper.
Oh, 60,000 here, 50,000 there, 20,000 here paralyzed now.
The rest all get cancer.
But it's okay.
Bayer put the AIDS in the factor VIII for the little chemophiliacs because they love you.
These big global, big pharma, big bank combines, they really want you to have a nice life.
They really want open borders because they care too.
Did you know it's because they care?
They do, they care a lot about you.
That's why they created Hitler and Lenin.
Our government with the British government created Hitler and Lenin on record.
Because they wanted to help everybody.
I see the general public, there's like these little
Little naive, arrested development, naive, little kind of petulant, self-righteous children that have no idea how anything works.
Oh, I love how CBS News whitewashes it.
Bayer sold HIV risky meds.
No, NBC actually got it right.
They knowingly, for 10 years, put HIV and hepatitis in all their Factor VIII and shipped it out.
It came out in court.
That's what happened.
They just put the headline on there and made me mad.
Excuse me.
I've got over 200 articles here, but I can't even get through one of them.
You know what?
I can do it.
I can do it.
Maybe I have CJ come in here and stand by me, and when I don't, just cover an article, move to the next, he punches me in the head.
Okay, now look, here it is.
I can just wear one of the new Taser bracelets, and the cop pulls you over, he goes, please wear the Taser bracelet for my safety while I do the check.
I told you that was coming.
That's now begun.
We're gonna get to that next hour.
But let me just get back to this right here.
Despite glitches, Obamacare profit windfall to insurers well underway.
Oh, but for all you folks that thought of this as a lottery ticket, where'd your deal come?
Oh, you just lost your job or got cut to part-time?
To make sure that it traded the whole economy of part-time employees?
But then the government said, just tell your employees go get supplemental welfare now.
That's the goal, go from 25 million to 50 million on food stamps in six years.
And now they're going to go to 100 mil, and then 200 mil, and then they're going to put those of us that know how to work in labor camps and pot bellies are going to strut around like security guards popping whips on us.
That's how this works.
Okay, let me, that's one article.
Just give me a document cam of all these articles.
Just give me an idea of what's here.
This morning report, policy calculations, premium increases, add to Obamacare frustration, CBS admits that Sebelius is a laughing stock.
How about we're a laughing stock and she's gonna laugh all the way to the bank and then act like she fell on her sword when she knows 90% of the population can't even pronounce her name?
Obama will just fade off into the sunset and be high-fived as, man, you really helped us scam these idiots.
Let's go to the next thing.
Florida woman's insurance rate increases 10 times under Obamacare.
So let me see, that's Weekly Standard, RealClearPolitics, Forbes.
Florida woman's insurance 10 times increase.
Well, what's wrong with that?
You're racist if you don't like it.
Obamacare pledge.
Info and applications will not be used for immigration enforcement purposes.
Well, of course it won't.
We're going to get to that in a minute.
Of course, only the illegals will now get the free health care as an incentive to bring them here.
Health and Human Services Secretary is now a laughing stock, says Senator.
More healthcare.gov woes.
Website loses connectivity.
Doesn't even work.
Can't even go to it when it went down.
Obamacare website might have to be rebuilt.
Oh, that'll be another scam to the girlfriend from college, you know, the friend from college with Michelle.
One of her friends, and now the Republicans, this is up on InfoWars.com, have come out.
It's on Breitbart.
I'm just going to copy.
This is such a good idea.
We already have our Obamacare thing where it's the wheel of death.
The apple wheel of death for the Obamacare, for the O in Obamacare.
Well, this is a get yours today.
I'm going to come up with my own variant.
GOP selling healthcare.gov 404 stickers.
But, I mean, the GOP leadership helped write this.
You now just want to blame your little snot-nosed Democratic moron followers?
Oh, 500,000 Californians lose health care policies.
It was 300,000 last week in Florida, 200,000 in California last week, 500,000 this week, it's set to be another 400,000 next week.
It'll be millions, just all of you, all of you being absolutely annihilated.
And you're gonna beg and go fix it, fix it, and they'll go, okay, and pass another law to rip you off even worse.
And then they're going to say, we've got to raise taxes even more to give you your free health care.
Then they'll raise taxes again, and then you won't get it.
And then you'll want your lottery to win again.
You'll go buy the lottery ticket.
The government, socialist, big government, crony capitalist lottery ticket.
And then you ask why you're slaves, because you want to be!
I'm talking to the ding-dongs out there, not my listeners, my regular listeners.
Okay, let's continue.
Axelrod, most people will be able to get their plans under Obamacare.
Yeah, you got a bridge I'll sell you too.
Again, I mentioned this, Michelle Obama's Princeton classmate is executive at company that built Obamacare website.
Why don't we just have one of Hillary Clinton's lesbian girlfriends build it?
That'd probably be even better.
I mean, what's the big deal?
I mean, it does pay to be a classmate and a friend, you know, just a friend, or it does pay to be one of Hillary's special friends.
That's how you get to the Justice Department now.
People say, well, don't be against lesbians.
Well, I'm not against lesbians, except that, as in Rome and other cultures,
These groups, historically, in every other culture, always are not allowed, because it causes problems in the society, and then it's allowed, and then those groups take over and say, your kids are ours, because they don't reproduce.
See, and see, that's my issue.
I'm not thinking about what you're doing in your bedroom.
And it's not all the gay or lesbian people that act like this, but it's the political folks historically that do.
And it's in the communist goals that were released to Congress that the KGB was intercepted in Europe with to do this, folks, because this is how they break down society.
And that's
What's going on?
I don't know how I went from one of her classmates to Hillary's girlfriend, because I'm not saying that's happening with his classmate.
I'm just saying, if you're friends with him, or you're girlfriends or boyfriends with him, or you're in the same gang, or the same fraternity like Skull and Bones, you get everything.
It's government by gangs, and it's disgusting.
I mean, oh boy, I tell you.
Despite glitches, Obamacare profit windfall to insurers well underway.
I already mentioned that.
So that's just some of the news on the health care news.
The LA Times reports that yes, the premiums are going up.
Of course, the Spanish language version doesn't even work.
It just goes on and on and on.
So there's some of the Obamacare news.
Let me now just give you this little juicy tidbit from Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Barack Obama's Twitter and Facebook, this is breaking right now, Barack Obama's Twitter and Facebook hacked by the Syrian Electronic Army, and you can see what they hacked and put through.
Of course, 90% of those followers are fake, so it doesn't even matter.
On Michelle's side, it's only 76% are fake, according to reports.
that have analyzed it.
But the President Obama's official Twitter and Facebook accounts, which have been a combined audience of 76 million followers, were hacked by the Syrian Electronic Army and used to promote a link to a video which highlights how U.S.-backed rebels are committing terror attacks in Syria.
This account was compromised less than a day after Obama's presidential campaign website was also hacked by the SEA.
The Syrian Electronic Army confirmed to InfoWars that they were behind the attack.
So I just might want to mention that.
And again, we are against Al-Qaeda, so we don't work with the Syrian, the Free Syrian Army, well the Free Syrian Army is the Al-Qaeda folks, we definitely don't work with them, but we don't officially work with the Syrian Electronic Army, but obviously they do tweet out some of our stuff as well, and I guess it's anti-Al-Qaeda people, these are real terrorists.
Perhaps to temporarily evade detection, the link to the video was tweeted out next to a nondescript message that read, immigration is a bipartisan issue.
And so that is what's going on right now.
So InfoWars has been given that little heads up, so we're breaking that for you right now.
But here's what's really sad.
Indiana girl hanged herself after parents banned her
Our Indian girl hanged herself at her parents, banned her from Facebook.
Police say, maybe they have the same suicide education over there that's tripled suicide here in the U.S.
Just like studies show that came out, you know, a few weeks ago, that bullying, anti-bullying has actually tripled it as well.
Yeah, they know, folks.
That's what the D.A.R.E.
program's about.
Showing kids the drugs, what it does.
I'll tell you right now, I remember my 8th grade health class, sitting there.
And they were talking about sex, and, uh, and, well, there were two cheerleaders in the class, and, well, you know, the whole point is, is that I know from experience what this stuff makes you do.
I mean, you're sitting there hearing about sex for an hour, sitting right next to, you know, people of the opposite sex that are attractive, and then you, uh, I mean, what do you think's gonna happen?
Or the cops are like, here's the marijuana, here's how you smoke it.
Of course, the cop doesn't even know that's meant to prime the kids to use drugs.
And it just goes on and on and on and on.
What was that?
About shooting?
Oh, no, no, no.
DARE teaches you how to shoot heroin.
Well, it's a fact.
The drug war has tripled narcotics use, more than doubled pill use.
I mean, it's a great success.
Government ships in the drugs.
They want the kids on the drugs.
The average cop, of course, doesn't even understand that or know that.
So, let's go ahead now and move on to the next article here.
Feds planning black box vehicle mandate to track, tax, and even remotely control all personal vehicles.
Drudge Report yesterday covered this eloquently with a whitewash article that the LA Times put out.
About, oh, some states are looking, you know, at doing this to get their budget shortfalls.
I want to say eloquently covered it with the image of a family from the 50s, you know, in the car.
You know, that sign of American freedom and liberty now being turned into the sign of Big Brother.
But then the article went on to basically, you know, tell you that this is coming.
Well, Mike Adams actually breaks down the whole thing.
And it goes over track and map all your driving trips.
This is linked directly to the federal government's own missions.
Know when you are home and away from home.
Know when you are at work.
Establish patterns of your activity, such as when you pick up kids from school or go to grocery shopping.
Know if you've attended political rallies, activist meetings, gun ranges, or also, I should add, they know who you associate with, or other destinations the government characterizes as being linked to domestic terrorism.
And it just goes on.
But the biggest one you're all going to enjoy, because it's page after page of it, is the taxing everywhere you go and everything you do.
Government can turn every road into a toll road.
And then it breaks that down.
A two-way communication allows government to control your vehicle.
Yeah, it's a wireless system that you pay for, by the way, mandated by government worldwide.
It's global government.
You pay for the spy tech in your iPhone, the spy tech in your Droid, the spy tech in your laptop, the spy tech in your smart TV, your spy tech in the smart Imperial Probe Droid smart meter.
You pay for the smart dishwasher and
And then all that, what you eat, what you do, is sent to the insurance companies to better abuse the daylights out of you.
This is a total scientific, technological war on every front, against everybody.
Okay, I'm gonna come back and continue.
Until it's done, and then I will take one call after the other.
I will come back and I will cover the news and then I will take one call after another until I've taken about 30 calls and I'll go back on the news.
But I've successfully covered three stacks.
I only have ten more stacks in front of me and I'm going to cover it.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
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And so those of you that are pre-ordering at InfoWarsStore.com or InfoWarsLife.com, it should be here in about a week or so, but it'll probably take us a week or so to get caught up and ship out all the back orders.
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I'll just leave it at that.
You know what, let's take some calls this segment in the next so I can settle down.
Because the reason I don't cover news so much real fast is I start hyperventilating.
And so I'll take some calls now in the next segment, then I'll reset, kind of calm down, because I've got to get into the immigration reform that is just the end of the country as we know it.
I've got to get into more on the GPS.
They said, oh, these special boxes that are wireless.
People are like, those are to track us.
You're already using those in Europe to tax.
Oh, no, that's a conspiracy theory.
And so they got a federal law passed to put them in there and now they're going to tax you with it.
Again, it's a criminal group.
You understand?
They lie to you.
It's your country.
They shouldn't be able to do this.
We're going to get into the latest on the economy, the latest on FEMA and gun confiscation plans, the NSA, incredible technology news with MIT and how it ties into that mysterious Google barge spying on everyone off the coast of San Francisco.
It's all coming up.
And I'll get to that.
Police now want you to wear taser bracelets when they pull you over.
We first heard of this three years ago in a Homeland Security briefing that was leaked onto YouTube.
People didn't think it was real at first.
Only the Washington Times would go pick it up and find out it was real.
Drudge carried our story, Drudge Report, DrudgeReport.com, but then Washington Times picked it up.
But now, I saw the articles last week, we're digging them up.
I haven't covered it yet.
I don't want to get to it because nobody's covered it.
Now police departments are getting these.
When they pull you over, they go, put this on just during the stop for my safety and then clap a taser bracelet on you.
I mean, this country is just... I mean, there's nothing they won't put.
I shouldn't laugh.
It's very painful.
And I'm mad at myself even staying here.
I'll be honest with you.
That's why I start that laughing.
Let's go to Frank in Texas.
Thanks for holding, Frank.
Here on the air.
Then we'll go to Truth Raider and others.
Go ahead, Frank.
Alex, how you doing?
First time caller, very avid listener and supporter of the Infowars and Prison Planet movement.
I was calling you this morning to tell you about the police state tyranny I saw downtown in the heart of Texas this morning.
I was on Congress in front of the Starbucks, waiting for my normal buses I do to attend the YMCA.
As I'm waiting, I see two gentlemen on the corner and something stuck out about them because they had on plain clothes, but they had on the military boots.
Hold on, I want to hear this.
I'm sure it's federally funded.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, Al-Qaeda shakes Iraq with surge of violence.
The U.S.
and NATO are openly training Al-Qaeda in Iraq, right up against the border with Syria, to invade.
Obama has admitted that in press conferences.
That's how evil this government is, and what a coma they think you're in.
But meanwhile, they've got secret police all over the place, I see it constantly, who treat and act like the general public are all criminals.
And these average cops run around like they're in a secret agent movie, actually believing that they're, you know, looking for drug dealers and stuff, because all they're allowed to bust is very low-level retail dealers.
You know, somebody's selling very small amounts, little wannabe thugs, because all the big dealers launder their money properly through the local big banks, and the payoffs are made, and
You know, that's how this works.
But I'm just guessing.
I don't know what Frank in downtown Austin was going to the YMCA.
Yeah, there's a great YMCA down the river.
I used to go down there when I lived closer to downtown.
And he was like an evil American, going to use the public transit to go down there from Congress.
And so you see these guys walking back and forth that are in bad plainclothes outfits.
But why not?
They could wear police uniforms.
No one would notice it nowadays.
And then a woman comes out of Starbucks playing secret agent.
Tell us what you saw.
So, as she comes out, she's just an innocent civilian that's not even, you know, coherent to what's going on.
Well, notice how you use the term they want you to, though.
We're all civilian.
They're all the military.
That means upper class.
They're all civilians, too.
Go ahead.
So, as she asks for this cigarette, she continues to light it.
Two seconds later, the paddy wagon that you see on 6th Street is in front of us.
There's three bike patrol officers, and they're arresting her in front of Starbucks.
She's crying, she's avid.
They tell her... Oh, it was a hooker?
Was it a hooker sting?
No, it wasn't even that.
So let me tell you, Alex, this blew my mind, okay?
So as this is going on, I'm not trying to be around this to be affiliated, but I'm like, wow, that's, you know, that's sad.
So I jump on the first bus I see and take it to the next street, which is in front of, uh, which is going to be 7th and in front of the CVS.
As I get out there, there's a man smoking on the bench.
I tell him, be careful, they just arrested a lady down the street for smoking.
So as he says that, he comes next to me and I start telling the story, okay?
As I'm telling him this, the same man with the same boots walks in front of me, tumbling the same pack of cigarettes.
I promise you, Alex,
This man offered the man I was standing next to a cigarette.
Alright, this is big.
This is big.
Get me John Bowner, Rob Due.
I want to send, because we'll break this nationally, I guarantee you, I can tell you.
This is a true story.
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
I believe you.
I'm actually aware of this in other parts of the country, in San Francisco.
So now they're starting it here.
They technically can arrest you for no seatbelt or whatever, and they do it now to get you enrolled, to get you in the system, to help you do something so they can hurt you and then claim, you know, resisting because they want to give everybody a record.
So what you saw is a new sting, and we'll go downtown and get them to admit it.
We'll go down to the police department and get their spokesman.
They now have a sting arresting people that smoke at the bus stops in violation of the ordinance.
It's not enough to give you a ticket and they send people up with cigarettes to try to then see you doing it.
So, so I'm guessing what happened.
Tell me what happened.
Let me finish this.
So as he offers, he offers, the man did not even ask for the cigarette, Alex.
He was smoking one of those rolled up cowboy cigarettes as I was speaking to him.
He accepts the cigarette, puts it behind his ear.
As I'm telling him, be careful, I see the patrol officers coming from Starbucks down this way.
Wait a minute, it wasn't cigarettes, were they planting weed on people?
No, no sir, you misunderstood me.
He was smoking a cowboy roll-up cigarette.
I know, what were they arresting him for?
What were they arresting him for?
Cigarette, cigarette.
We're good to go.
Hold on, I gotta hear the rest of this when we come back.
Well, it's finished?
Tell the whole story in like two minutes when we come back so it's all neatly done.
No, no, no.
Folks, they have signs now saying don't drink and walk.
Like, drink a beer and then walk, they arrest you.
They go in bars, downtown, and if you have a beer and go to your room, they arrest you.
I mean, this country is gone.
Stay there.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
I'm going to tell you a very important historical story here briefly and then go back to Frank in Texas calling from Austin, Texas.
Then back to other calls and then big news bullets coming up at the bottom of the hour of news I haven't covered yet and some important breaking news.
The first laws that Hitler
Use to get the country to do everything he said was a ban, basically, on smoking in public.
And they started it with taxes and regulations and pretty soon you couldn't smoke in your own house.
Hitler was a big vegetarian and also anti-smoking.
That's on record.
And so the first big Nazi laws were anti-smoking.
And I'm not defending smoking.
But now they're trying to even ban cigars and pipes and things that are obviously recreational.
And then next it'll be alcohol and then salt and you've already seen what they've done.
It is the nanny state.
But Aspartame's okay.
GMOs okay, radiation levels are okay.
The UN said 15 years ago, and we covered this at the time, that they were going to set the first global law would be a smoking ban.
And so when you see these campaigns and they sound reasonable, first it's restaurants, then it's bars, then it's in public.
I happen to know about cases in San Francisco where they go out with paddy wagons and arrest people smoking on the street, claiming it violates an ordinance if it's within so far of a bus stop.
And of course, they should just give them a ticket.
And we shouldn't even have this rule.
What the control freaks don't understand is next it's going to be their ox that's going to be gored.
But guys, do a search, Austin arresting smokers.
Because I don't think this is broken yet.
And I can tell the callers, tell them the truth.
But it doesn't matter.
We can blur his face if he wants or whatever.
I don't think you should be scared of him.
If they try any reprisals, that's really a serious civil rights violation right there.
But Frank, we're going to send John Bowne out right now.
Even if you're at work, we'll take you out there for 30 minutes and we can pay your boss $100 to get you off the job or whatever for 30 minutes.
I want to come pick you up wherever you're at with my camera guy and John Bowne, our reporter.
And I want to drive you to where this happened.
And then I want you to describe what you saw.
So we have that.
Then we're going to go next down to the police department.
And then we're also, of course, the police are listening to this, but we need citizens when you're on Congress and other areas, if you see this videotaping.
And again, just don't get within about 15 feet, and the cops can't say interfering with their stuff, but these are undercover cops.
You know, they're not even going to bust the whores, because it's turned out a lot the Austin Police Department runs most of those.
They've actually been arrested before doing that.
So I guess they're not busting the hookers down there and harassing them.
And again, I don't really approve of prostitution, but I mean, you know, the government is robbing and raping everyone.
The government ships in the drugs.
The government is on record doing all this corrupt stuff.
After we've arrested all the bankers and the globalists and they're not putting poison in the water supply and stuff, then I would believe a government wanted to arrest hookers because they actually care about people.
No, the truth is they want to run the hookers and they want to shut down the hookers that don't launder money with them.
And that's well known.
How many Austin police captains have been arrested running the hookers?
And that's just when higher-ups want to clean up the image.
So I'm sick of it.
And I don't even get on my high horse about the police running the hookers and stuff, but I mean, you know, you want to get us in the system.
Austin's famous, outside Austin, in Lago Vista, for the woman at her mailbox, by her house.
You know, 100 yards from her house, in the neighborhood where you drive 10 miles an hour, just like my kids, back when I lived in a neighborhood like that, go in the neighborhood, they start unbuckling, they start getting out, they start jumping around the car.
100 yards from her house, the big group mailbox area in the upscale neighborhood in Lago Vista.
But it gets worse.
Her husband went on the news and complained about it.
The Lago Vista police came in front of neighbors a week later, the day after it was on the news, and beat him up in his front yard.
We actually got her and him on the show.
I think last time I heard she was like winning a lawsuit against him.
But the point is, he was a medical doctor.
And they pulled up in his front yard and said, you don't like art?
He said, yeah, I don't like it.
And they beat him up in his front yard.
This was on the news.
So I agree, they should have lined him and his whole family up and just shot him right there.
That'll treat him, you know, with some respect.
And I love the nanny state, Austin.
I love $500 tickets if you don't, if you follow a bike rider too close, but they can cut in front of you and do whatever they want.
I'm going to shut up here because it took the end of the hour, that last segment and everything, Frank.
But first off, recap, tell the whole story where they're slamming the guy up against the window who hasn't even, you know, smoked the cigarette they gave him.
I want all, and then you know what you did.
Because see, they have to play along, like when they arrest Amish for selling milk to their neighbors.
They have to say, you know what you did, like, what we're doing's normal, what we're doing's okay.
What a joke.
So, you see one paddy wagon, you get on the bus, you go to the next stop, you warn the guy.
But before we do that, let me just play all this on the air right now.
Can we send, in 30 minutes, a car with my reporters to pick you up and do a news report on this?
Most definitely.
I'm at the Westgate Regal Cinema currently.
Okay, you're at the, well you don't need to say that on air.
I'm here to tell the truth, Alex, and like I said, you are an inspiration to all of us.
And just know that when the revolution happens, you will have the revolution behind you.
I just want to tell people in Austin simplified, if you smoke,
If you give a cigarette, if you accept a cigarette, if you're smoking by a bus stop, they are going to arrest you and tell you, you know what you did.
They are not going to read your rights like they did those two people that I saw.
And what's so sick about it is that they have on both sides of their bicycles countless number of zip ties.
So the new slogan for Austin is one cigarette, one arrest.
What do you think about that, Alex?
Go back and recap the whole story and then I'm going to get your number or tell us exactly where you're going to be and tell John Harmon.
They're getting suited up and ready right now.
They'll probably pick you up.
Let's say at about
Let's say two o'clock.
We're going to have the crew pick you up.
It'll probably end up being on the radio tomorrow, the video, audio report.
Because, you know, we've got to interview you and then go down to the Austin Police Department.
And then who knows?
We may be able to catch them still doing it right now.
We'll drive up and down Congress with you, but get you to get out and describe what you saw.
But I love the assault.
You're saying they didn't just say, OK, under this ordinance, we can arrest you, not just ticket you.
They slammed him up against the glass.
But start from the beginning of what you saw this morning.
Okay, I'm starting my normal routine to where I go to the YMCA every morning.
So I stand in front of the bus stop in front of, uh, it's Congress and, uh, 6th, which is a Starbucks.
As I'm standing there, these two men that, like you always say, the bug-eyed, the steroids-faced, they're real, they're real big.
You know, you can't mistake them.
But what threw them off with their whole outfit was their military combat boots still on.
So, of course, I'm like, wow, those are two military or police officers.
As they walk back and forth through that little strip, they keep fumbling around with their cigarette pack, and both of their packs are full.
As if they're wanting somebody to say, hey, do you mind if I have one of those?
Which I don't smoke, so I don't even, you know... This is absolute criminal entrapment, by the way.
Thank you, it is entrapment.
And I know the cases.
Literally, that's like having a cop woman who's super sexy
Sit there and go, come on baby, come on baby, just five dollars, come on baby, come on baby, come on baby.
I mean, it's total entrapment.
Please continue.
So, I'm watching them and it's weird because they're not even smoking cigarettes.
A lady comes out of Starbucks, she's maybe 18, 19.
She stands next to me and another gentleman that's on a skateboard.
They have two half-cigarettes already in their hands.
The man walks by.
She asks him, may I have a cigarette?
Which I think nothing of, because I've seen that countless times in Austin.
And by the way, they don't even know about the little ordinance.
It's not even posted in most areas.
They just have guys here, have a cigarette.
Okay, sure.
Boom, we got you.
But keep going.
See, and so,
As she accepts the cigarette, there are, all of a sudden, a paddy wagon and three bicycle cops jump out like it's Pablo Escobar or El Chapo on the corner.
You know, it's ridiculous.
And they get out and they initially turn around and arrest her.
You know what you did.
You know what you did.
I don't stick around to see that because I'm not even trying to be around them when they're in that mode, Alex.
So I don't even ride this bus.
I jumped on the next bus to take it to the next street so I don't have to be around that.
As I get off the bus, I see a man smoking a cigarette on the bus stop.
I tell him, hey, they're arresting people for smoking at the bus stop, which I thought that's what it was, for smoking.
He says, okay, and walks back to where the CVS is with me.
We're standing there, he's smoking.
All of a sudden, the same guy in the military boots comes by, and I say, wow, that's weird.
And he offers the man the cigarette this time.
Would you like one?
The man didn't even really ask, or I don't know how it went down, but it was something like that.
So he has a cigarette.
Now, the cigarette's in the back of his ear.
He's still smoking his cigarette he had, which was like a roll-up cowboy cigarette.
All of a sudden, the police are coming from the next street over, so I guess he's... Because he has his earphones on from the iPhone, so I guess you could talk into it.
Sure, so tell us what he did to him and how it ended.
Tell us what he did to him.
Okay, all that happened was, uh, they came up, I told him that you should, you should put it out.
They grabbed him, slammed him up against the grass, put the, put the zip ties on, put the zip ties on, and then, I'm sorry, Alex, I'm distracted.
Um, they put the zip ties on him, slammed him up against the grass.
He's asking, why are you arresting me?
You know what you did.
You know what you did.
You know what you did.
That's all they said to him, Alex.
You know what you did.
And then finally, after the 56th time, he says, you asked for a cigarette.
He didn't ask for a cigarette.
Well, so it's a panhandling ordinance.
That must be what it is.
Is there tricking you?
Oh, this is so abusive.
This is so evil.
You got all the people, just like in New York, the cops want to arrest the homeless that are on the subways.
They have no other choice now.
You see all the diabetics with their legs sawed off, lined up there.
Oh, so is that what it was?
It wasn't the smoking.
It was the panhandling.
No, sir.
It was, it was each, it was one of each because they can't say that she asked for a cigarette and they arrested her, okay?
And then they can't arrest somebody for giving a cigarette away, so which one is it?
No, no, I understand.
So was it cigarettes or was it panhandling?
It was cigarettes, Alex.
I'm telling you, it's so predatory.
And notice they target the absolute weakest they can.
And no one knows you come to Austin or you're jogging in D.C.
and jog on federal property, they arrest you for jogging on the sidewalk.
I mean, it's just a bunch of vampires.
Amazing story.
We're going to go interview you right now.
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Folks, that's how we digress sometimes, but it's important.
With a caller who brings up a subject, our reporters are on it right now.
And this is the nature of a tyranny.
The little people all get drug away and disappeared for no reason, get records, get kept in a bankrupt position.
But all the big establishment, you know, fat cats like John Corzine, they can steal billions of dollars and not get in trouble.
By the way, the White House has now said the NSA doesn't spy for economic info.
That's like saying vampires don't drink blood for sustenance.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've always told you, the NSA is about economic espionage, but not for American interest.
For globalist interest.
To destroy the nation-state.
This is an alien government.
Let's go to Truth Raider in Oregon, then we'll go to Robert and David and Alex and others.
Truth Raider, go ahead.
Well, now you know why I don't live in California anymore, Alex.
Well, this is in Texas, but our police chief is from California.
And it's basically a Fed who works for Obama, you know.
Well, Oregon is well behind the New World Order.
I'm so thankful to God that I made that decision a couple of years ago.
Anyway, my question pales in comparison to that, but have you heard of a site, or have you been ever emailed from a program called YouGov?
Well, when my dad gets them, I get them.
I don't really use the email I have, but I have like company emails I read.
And my phone, my wife's phone, everyone gets Obama messages now.
And then they've taken over.
It's the EAS system.
So now they're gonna be taking over TV, radio.
You'll just have your Homeland Security announcements.
They have billboards going up with Jumbotrons saying, report your neighbors.
We are living in the Running Man.
All we need is Jesse Ventura up there doing Cadre Cola ads and we've arrived.
Yeah, your opinion is important.
We're going to give you 500 points for participating.
What, 500 points of light?
Is this taken from the Bush Doctrine?
Listen, it's all about scientifically getting your data and having computers war game how to manipulate you and how to bankrupt you and suck you dry.
I appreciate your call.
I mean, the government is there to hurt you, period.
But to make it look like it's trying to help you.
And the minions of the government, they don't even know.
They're always given a cover story.
It is war against humanity.
It is eugenics.
Let's talk to Robert in New Hampshire.
You're on the air.
What do you think?
I see you're calling in about the AP photo of the checkpoints in California where they walk up and shove guns in your face in your car.
Men, women, and children.
What do you think?
Yeah, that's correct, Alex.
You know, they say a picture can speak a thousand words, and if that were ever true, it certainly is in this case.
You know, the first thing I want to do is just thank you and all your listeners for your time this afternoon.
God bless you and yours from me and mine all.
Uh, and, uh, you know, I just wanted to make the point on the Second Amendment that, you know, people seem to forget, and you've been saying this for years and years, Alex, and I've been listening to you, and just to crystallize it that much more, you know, the Second Amendment, uh, it's about states' rights, and it's about
Um, you know, the right and the duty of the people to, you know, protect the state.
I mean, when it talks about the militia, George Washington, I believe it was him, said that when we considered the soldier, we didn't forego the people.
James Madison asked him to find the word militia as written in the Second Amendment.
I believe it was him.
He said, uh, you know, the militia is the entire body of the people.
So that being said, um, the Second Amendment, all it does is it acknowledges the necessity of the well-regulated militia for the security of a free state.
And then it acknowledges the people as that malicious.
So, you know, the people have a duty to protect states' rights.
If you remember, Alex, you know, the original colonies, when the states started signing on with the Union to begin with, I don't think if the Union had said, you know, once you sign, you're not going to enjoy a First or Second Amendment right.
Well, sir, this is terrorist talk saying that states even exist.
Our country doesn't exist.
Only loving world government, bankers above the law,
And Saudi Arabian princes consuming snuff films of small children.
Only that exists.
But to be serious about this, the world is clear.
History is clear.
If you lay down, you will be usurped, you will be conquered, you will be overrun, you will be dominated.
And Americans have been taught...
That land of the free, home of the brave means having no freedoms and groveling and rolling around on your belly.
So, a nation of sheep, as Thomas Jefferson said, will be ruled by wolves.
And you're absolutely right.
God bless you, appreciate the call, Robert.
David in California, take us out to break, go ahead.
Alex Jones?
Yes, sir.
Wow, Sacramento, California, first time caller.
That makes you a first-time terrorist.
Go ahead.
Well, it does.
Believe me, I'm labeled out here.
I was the only one in my neighborhood to have a Mitt Romney sign up, only because I didn't know that it's just folks brawling because that is the right thing to do.
Hold on, I'm going to come back to you in here.
You're in the town, but it's now everywhere, where if there's any type of event going on, they set up a checkpoint, just like Boston, and as your wife and kids roll through, they come up and shove M4s right in their face.
Because that's freedom.
I mean, the Nazis didn't even do that.
But I think it's good.
I think they should just mow down everybody.
The police should.
Just to shine their boots in our blood.
Stay there.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alex Jones here, and I want to tell you about a longtime friend of the show, My Patriot Supply.
As you might remember, this is the company that stood up to the DHS and exposed FEMA's secret plan to begin hoarding emergency survival food.
It has always been my belief that it's key to stand behind companies who share the same values as their fellow Patriots.
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I always fought the globalists because I have love, and that's my main engine.
You can feel it, can't you?
Alex Jones.
I want the truth.
The whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.
You don't think we're not gonna fight you?
You rat bastards!
I'm a bleeding heart lover of humanity.
Lover of goodness.
Lover of courage.
Lover of beauty.
Lover of life.
Love it, love it, love it, love it.
Alex Jones.
I mean, I do this because I care.
Overnights on the Talk Superstation.
By the way, I like AM and FM affiliates out there to make promos for the show.
And if they air them and then send us one, we will air them here and plug your station.
I would plug stations more.
I should plug them more.
I am completely overwhelmed.
I do not do this really professionally, though I've been doing it 18 years.
By professionally, I run the whole operation, so I've been figuring it out as I go.
Though we've trailblazed in some areas, not in others, we are certainly an original.
So thank you all out there for carrying the broadcast.
The phone system does this four or five times a year.
It's computerized.
It died.
They had to reboot it.
So the same callers that were on hold, if you can get back in as soon as it reboots.
Do you guys reboot this for me in here because it says log in?
Okay, great.
So you guys log that in for me and then I'll be able to do that.
So 800-259-9231.
I don't know if the fella from Sacramento, California where they set up checkpoints and come up and shove the gun in your face now.
What's worse, having the gun shoved in your face or them pulling your wife out of the car and doing proctology exams brutally on her?
I don't know.
Maybe having the gun shoved in your face.
I don't know.
Next it'll be shoot you or have a proctology exam.
Then obviously the proctology exam will be better.
But I just, I just worship the government.
I think this is so American.
This is so good.
I think everybody should just submit to all of it.
By the way, let's shift gears over here.
You know, this is why I'm so frustrated.
I cannot go to Mexico, which I've been to probably, let's not exaggerate, 30 times in my life.
I cannot go to Mexico because I don't live there, and I will probably never go back to Mexico now.
Because even in the nicer resort areas, it's a hellhole, and they have been taught to hate folks that live in America by our media, and it's not the same place.
It is a hellish pit of evil.
Now, many cities in the U.S.
are now like this, and in some cases our police are more goonish
Then the Mexican police.
So, I can't really leave America, can I?
Plus, they're putting in restrictions so it's hard to leave.
I mean, wow!
It's like, man, if I'm gonna get out, I better do it soon!
And it's really sad that our country's turned into this, but then I look at the jellyfish public, or even public that aren't jellyfish, they don't think of it as their job
to be involved.
They just think of themselves as just these people that go through life and so it's going to allow the worst elements take over.
So we're doomed.
I mean the word is we are doomed.
If we don't turn this around.
Now the good news is Bob Woodward has come out and said that we have a secret government that needs to be dealt with and America's in trouble.
We played the clip last hour.
A lot of other prominent people are saying, man, we really are sickeningly corrupt and out of control.
And here's the thing about this, 100% historically, when it gets to this point, it either reverses itself or it gets hellishly bad.
Hellishly bad.
And I guess I've got to really come to the realization why I get so angry on air and start yelling and screaming, because I'm mad at these people.
Man, I don't want to have to fight a horrible tyranny.
I don't want to have to be dealing with all this.
I mean, I love this country.
There's a lot of good stuff in this country.
And I know there's a lot of good people that work for the system and corporations and everything else, but listen, you better do something.
I can't just sit up here and talk about this and fix it.
I'm just one little guy that reaches 15 million people a week, but that's only a big deal if you act on that information.
That's the only way that's a big deal.
What do you think the Duke would think about this?
Somebody like John Wayne, this image of Americana, who was patriotic and wasn't perfect, but he believed in free market, family, private property, Second Amendment.
I mean, think of how alien somebody like the Duke is today.
I think of the Duke because when I went out to one of the most beautiful places in the world, my second time being there last year,
To Gooling's Lodge in Monument Valley, where John Wayne used to stay, where he shot many of his movies.
It's just so beautiful.
John Wayne used to hang out there a lot of times in the year, too.
He wasn't shooting movies.
They shot like, I think it was like 40-something movies there because they liked it.
I don't know why I've digressed off into that.
Me and Paul Watson were.
Having a conversation this morning.
I'm not going to repeat it.
It's disappointing.
Anyways, the issue here is that I've got all this news and I'm procrastinating going into it and then back to your calls.
Was the caller able to get back in from California?
I guess not.
Alright, well I'll just go to these people in a minute.
Okay, sorry the phone's had a heart attack for a minute or a stroke.
Alright, let's get into the news here.
What made me think of Mexico.
One hundred pro-abortion
Storytelling events organized across the country.
I already mentioned that, but I thought that I would just remind you that's the type of stuff that is going on nationwide.
And then meanwhile, they have evangelical pastors.
This is what made me think of the Mexico situation.
Marriott CEO united on immigration.
And this is out of Bloomberg.
These are the same, the exact same
Evangelicals that have been listed as terrorists by the Pentagon.
And they're such lapdogs of the faith-based federal takeover that violates the First Amendment with federal money of religion that they're there, turn your guns in, open the borders up, they will do anything for federal taxpayer money.
Immigration reform pitch gets aggressive.
Some advocates turn to civil disobedience to press for action.
They'll be called angel cakes doing this.
Foreigners in our country
You know, I saw an article in the Austin American-Statesman this morning.
In fact, I even bought the paper so I could cover it, and I forgot and left it in my truck.
And it was all about, oh, Texas is a majority Hispanic, and now they're going to fight back against the injustice of the white people.
I mean, it's like, Texas is Hispanic.
I don't care as long as people are free market, pro-family, pro-Second Amendment, pro-liberty, but it's their making it to be Hispanic.
You've got to be a communist and not like white people, and you've got to have the struggle.
So they just assign all cultural heritage into being anti-white, anti-free market, anti-liberty, and most Hispanics that I know actually
Rebel against this and don't want to be part of it.
But people that work for the system, I don't care what color you are, you adopt this ideology.
It's a cult.
And I'm like, America is Hispanic.
Black folks get all their kids aborted because the government sits right on top of them.
Make sure it happens.
More than half the blacks get aborted.
White folks don't have kids anymore.
Most white folks I know are marrying somebody else other than who's white.
And so all you hear is, white, white, racist, white, white, white, racist, 24-7.
Don't worry!
The world's only got 7% white people.
And they're going to be gone in 100 years.
And then it'll be this group fighting that group.
But don't worry, by then the singularity's going to happen, the bioweapon's going to be released, they're going to reduce the population, they're going to wipe everybody out.
They've just got everybody fighting with each other ahead of this.
And everything is about the white devil.
Unless you're one of these casino owners who's got offshore banks and doesn't pay taxes, who's calling to nuke Iran, or whether you're one of these big mega banks or one of these big defense contractors, it's all a big joke to them.
They don't fly in the airport with a TSA.
They don't drive down the same roads as you.
The cops don't mess with people with two bodyguards in the front of their limo.
They know to mess with little people.
That's how the whole system's geared now, by globalists that are shutting down society.
And the media's up there telling the 30 million illegals who get the welfare, everything, and free in-state tuition that citizens don't get, to bring them here as an incentive to drive down wages.
And now it was in Bloomberg last week that the government is encouraging employers who are putting their people to part-time.
Most Americans that are the working poor are now going to part-time under Obamacare, because the companies just can't even stay open.
I don't think so.
That this is the new system and you need to put your employees on welfare and employers are signing them up for food stamps, which will then further allow employers to lower wages even more.
That's the opposite of free market.
That's government involved.
In a real free market, folks, wages go way up.
In a real free market, service goes way up because there's competition.
But they've told you that's the opposite.
So we have this fascist economy on top of a communist economy.
And now the country's being fully broken right now in front of us.
Obamacare is a missile blowing the country's engine of prosperity wide open.
And they've got all these snot-nosed evangelicals and Southern Baptists and the Black Baptist Convention and the liberal Catholic groups and all of it.
You know, in the major Catholic newspaper this year saying, time to abolish the Constitution.
I mean, and as long as you say it's liberal, hey, I want Nazi Germany for Obama.
Let me sign that petition right now.
Remember that from last week?
I mean, it is just a cult of morons.
An absolute cult of morons who think that by complying they're going to get some more goodies.
And then they get this tiny goody and they think that's all there is in the world.
And that's just how the globalists want you thinking.
A tiny welfare check that barely pays for you to have any type of life.
And then now you're just somebody who floats around in the system.
They've got you exactly where they want you.
And now they're going to use that horde of people
Against the tiny middle class, 10% that's left.
We're gone.
It's over.
Your prosperity, the ladders for you to get into prosperity are gone.
If you go back and look at Americans, working blue collar, working class folks from 50 years ago, they were wealthier on average than people anywhere in the world.
Our poor,
We're the upper class in third world countries.
Now our poor are just like people in third world countries.
But they don't know it!
Because they're just bathed in poisonous pop culture and decadence and mindlessness and poisoned food and water and they're under mind control.
The television, the culture, the cops are under mind control.
Everybody's under different degrees of it, including myself.
We're all susceptible.
And so I get hardcore here and tell it like it is, so people hear it put in a way they've never heard it put before.
That's what I'm trying to do here.
That's what I'm desperately trying to tell you.
You got the Republican leadership and the Democratic leadership for Obamacare.
You knew it was going to be an absolute destruction.
I went and looked at the bill and the key points.
I couldn't believe how evil it was.
I can't believe they're actually implementing it as a total screw job, but that's what it's designed to do.
I knew from past operations they'd run how bad it would be, but I mean, not this bad.
So you've got that.
And it doesn't matter if it destroys Obama.
It doesn't matter.
Because he'll just leave.
His job was to come in, be the savior, betray you as the Judas Goat, and then bring in the next group, the next puppet.
Look at this story.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
McCain thinks Hillary is a strong candidate for 2016.
You know, Kurt Nimmo writes a lot of great articles.
He actually wrote the article where that big casino owner said, Nuke Iran last week.
That finally got picked up by the Jerusalem Post Saturday.
But Nimmo's headline should probably read, McCain pushes fellow globalist Stooge.
Or Republican establishment whore pushes a globalist candidate.
But there it is.
McCain thinks Hillary is a strong candidate, which of course she isn't a strong candidate until they force-feed her down the American people's throats.
So we actually have a clip of Hillary.
She's announcing her 2016 run early.
And this is breaking here exclusively, ladies and gentlemen, right now.
We have another InfoWars.com exclusive.
This video is Hillary just released minutes ago on her YouTube channel.
This is breaking.
Hillary is announcing a 2016 run.
Ladies and gentlemen, here it is.
Uh-oh, Rand Paul.
There's some water on it.
I'll get you and your little dog too!
You'll arrest everyone!
No more language!
No more freedom!
We control everything!
I'm liberal!
And of course, the problem with Hillary Clinton being a lesbian, I mean, we knew about her 18 years ago when I first got on air that she was a lesbian, the girlfriends, all of it, how Clinton only likes to beat women and bite them with bloody chunks out of their faces while he rapes them.
That's what he does, like a pit bull, he latches onto their lip, and he beats them, and then grabs them and starts choking them.
This came out in court, and he settled, by the way.
And then he bites them while he does it, which is like a psychopathic trait.
I later learned in criminology doing research, that's what hardcore psychos do, is they bite you.
So Clinton likes to rape women, because he's liberal, and makes it okay.
And all the feminists defending him, because I mean, after all, that's what they really like, is being beaten upside the head.
They're actually anti-female, anti-family.
You know, your establishment feminist likes to be humiliated as much as possible.
That's the criminology.
Because they're not really feminist.
But the point is, they just want to wreck other, you know, healthy women.
And, you know, have Gloria Steinem out saying, I had an abortion proudly running around.
But sad issue.
I went off to that rant about Hillary.
It's not that she's a lesbian, because there's some nice lesbians out there, like there's other folks.
You know, I don't... What's going on in your bedroom?
I'm not... Don't think I'm obsessed with what you're doing.
I quite frankly aren't even thinking about it.
My problem is that, as Huffington Post says, our first lesbian president
As they celebrate on the Huffington Post that, is that she's blackmailed, folks.
I mean, Hillary doesn't just, you know, have a bunch of girlfriends in the Lincoln Bedroom.
Hillary is into all sorts of occult stuff.
Which, by the way, is well known.
She is a witch.
And I don't mean just your run-of-the-mill nature lover, you know, person that gets into it because they think it's trendy or whatever.
I'm talking about on her knees to bath-o-mat, okay?
Blood drinking.
Media Matters will have fun with that, then I can go find all the clips of her and the cultic rituals, along with Tony Blair and all the rest of it, and Skull and Bones and Bohemian Grove.
I mean, they're all into it, folks.
My goodness, I mean, I had to dodge it growing up in Dallas, Texas, because we lived in the richest county in Texas, Rockwall.
It was like Satan Central.
Ku Klux Klan was also all over the place.
Just all a bunch of gangs.
People just getting these cowardly little gangs.
Look at her with Cupcake.
By the way, we reported on her cupcake long before it was even in the news.
Her cupcakes.
And all the cupcakes get appointments.
The men get to office out of the bathrooms of the Justice Department.
But these women aren't even really lesbians.
They're dominators.
They take testosterone, you name it, and they call in these men, you know, these former special forces killers and the rest of it, and they say, get on your knees, scum!
That's what it's all about.
It's all about dominating America, dominating families, dominating wholesomeness, wrecking everything, because there's nothing with their insatiable appetite to just wreck everything.
And Camille Paglia, of course, I read her books over a decade ago, eloquently breaks down this decadent cycle.
You cannot deny it.
She's a lesbian.
So, you know, the point is that's what's going on.
That's what's happening.
And the Bible says that when men cease to be men,
The women and children will rule over you, and Nietzsche basically plagiarized it, but it's true!
And so I say, hey, and by the way, total collapse always follows this, so enjoy all the curses, enjoy collapse, enjoy death, enjoy sorrow, enjoy losing everything, because you're going to like it out there, all the trendies are.
We're going to come back and take more calls.
I better go into overdrive today, though, because I'm sworn to cover all this news.
I will cover the entire desk of news.
Stay with us.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
Well, Obama promised that you could keep your old health care, but now they admit you can't.
That's up on InfoWars.com.
And we've got... I hadn't eaten pretty much all day, so I was kind of in a manic phase here.
I finally got some food during the break, feeling a little bit better here.
Sorry if I've been ranting too much.
I've noticed if I don't eat anything, get low blood sugar, that begins to happen.
Contrary to other folks getting less energy, I kind of get more, but it's a kind of bad energy.
But we're going to be going back to your phone calls in the overdrive segment.
Some stations carry it, some don't.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
Steve Watson has an article up on Infowars.com.
Bias PolitiFact website claims Obama promises on existing health plans still half-true.
That's like saying that Pinocchio was telling the truth when his nose was growing.
So there is that report.
There's some scientific news I want to get to, but getting back to the other news that's unfolding, I wanted to talk about this.
You have the trials that are taking place in England over phone hacking for News Corp.
And the Wall Street Journal reports a Nucor News Corp founder and former employees.
I read that wrong.
News Corp former employees await trial.
Criminal case against former executive Brooks and seven others could embarrass media giant British government.
Because the police and MI5 and MI6 were involved as well.
Now again, I think it's wrong what News Corp did.
And I'm not defending News Corp.
But when you have this war on the press in England and the US, and a war on whistleblowers, and members of News Corp being arrested and indicted or harassed for stories they're breaking, and Washington Times reporters getting SWAT teamed over gun investigations, and then their files are taken, and then it turns out the gun investigation is fake, you add this to all the other stuff going on, it's a real backdrop of authoritarianism.
And so that's why this is going on.
All of the big establishment media, especially tabloids, are heavily involved in tapping phones, hacking phones, eavesdropping, listening to people.
This is how it's done.
And I'm not saying that's a good thing.
If we had all the members of the British government spying illegally and blackmailing people arrested, and the US government in trouble for Fast and Furious and the NSA and persecuting the Tea Party and all that, then I would say, okay, now arrest whoever's involved covering this up in News Corp.
But I was told by high-level sources, and years later it came out, that that's why News Corp has been promoting so much police state stuff, and really telling the line, and not messing with Obama like they should, is because the word is the Justice Department was looking at indicting Rupert Murdoch.
That came out about a month ago.
That indeed, they're using it as leverage, and may indict Rupert Murdoch.
Man, I don't want to live in a country like that, where
Basically, Al Capone is the equivalent of Obama and Eric Holder.
And then you've got some mid-level capo in another regime who's not doing stuff 1-100th as bad.
That's Rupert Murdoch, who I could care less about, throw him out with the garbage as far as I'm concerned.
But the point is, is that he's not the one saying the Tea Party's terrorists and he should be arrested.
He's not the one shoving Obamacare down our throats that rips off poor people and raises seven taxes on blue-collar workers.
That makes me mad, okay?
When I see poor people getting harassed and nickel-and-dimed and given tickets for stuff out of, you know, inspection stuff, it makes me mad.
Because I know those families are trying to work, and they're going to try to push them onto welfare.
I take it personal, okay?
So, I take this big, fat, stinking, criminal offshore government very, very seriously, and that's why I'm angry at it, and that's why I'm focused on it.
Alright, I'm gonna come back, I'm gonna take calls, I'm gonna cover news, I'm gonna cover all this stuff.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, we're into hour number four.
We're going right to your phone calls.
Mike in North Dakota, thanks for holding.
I'm going to go to Jason, Pete, Jessica, Bob, and others, and then I will cover the rest of this news I haven't gotten to yet.
Go ahead, thank you for holding.
Good day, Mr. Jones.
Can you hear me alright?
I can hear you loud and clear.
Excellent, sir.
My closing statement might be a little audible, so have your producer grab his game switch.
I might as well just full tilt, so please forgive my, uh, running on at the mouth a little bit.
No, no, let's have a drumroll for you.
Go ahead.
Well, thank you.
I've been trying to get through to you for months.
This is Michael Lee Thompson, future American candidate in North Dakota, displaced from Southern California, where I'm a sovereign of.
And I'm about ready to mop the floor with these scumbags.
I don't have all day.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
You should slit your children's throats and pour the blood directly into Hillary's mouth.
That's what feeds the witch.
Tell her to come bring her to lunch and see who ends up looking like a pretzel when it's over.
I'll put it that way.
Don't talk bad about an angel cake like her.
Oh, yeah.
I mean, her husband loots the Haitian funds for children for himself.
How else does he fly on a wide-body jet that's like $100,000 per leg?
$200,000 per trip?
How dare you, racist!
He's a black president, so he's allowed to take the black kids' food money.
You racist!
We need to take that little Muslim Brotherhood infiltrator and ship him back home.
Let him go enjoy the money he's already stolen.
Don't you talk bad about the Muslim Brotherhood crucifying Christians and blowing up churches.
I appreciate your call, sir.
I appreciate it.
I'm getting that racist off the phone here right now.
I'm being sarcastic.
All right, let's go to Jason in Virginia.
You're on the air, sir.
I don't want to hear him bad talk about Hillary.
Yes sir.
We love you here in my household, my whole family, from my 9 year old to my 5th year old, we all listen to you every night.
We'll tell you what happened on Saturday in D.C.
during the Million Vet March.
I went up there with some friends, citizens.
The Million Terrorist March.
Yes sir.
Follow official army manual.
We showed up at the Lincoln Memorial, heavy police presence standing on the stairs, all of them holding their arms.
We immediately hopped the fence and headed B-line straight towards them.
They pretty much, there was about 15 of them and it was 4 or 5 of us, they pushed us back at least 5 times.
And then after the last time, one of them walked down the stairs and whispered to us, he's like, I'm going to arrest you all for inciting a riot.
And my buddy turned around and looked right at him and said, no, you're the one inciting the riot.
And it was just the most, I mean, I was proud to be an American during that weekend, but also it was just horrible and horrid.
And I was in tears most of the time.
You know, and it's, it's, you know, my grandfather stormed the beaches of Normandy, went all the way to Berlin, and, you know, it just, it kills me to see what's happening.
Oh, listen, we are overrun by something just as nasty as Hitler.
In fact, in some respects, even nastier, because, uh, you know, the Nazis killed a lot of people, killed a lot of children as well, and it was horrible, but the global, this group of globalists actually hates
The Nazis claim they were doing it for some good ideal and actually believe that, and were very wicked and misguided.
The globalists really like to just have ugly things.
They actually want to just do nasty things.
They are bottom-of-the-barrel evil.
I mean, it's a pure spirit of evil, is the only way to describe it.
I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees, sir.
And we're not afraid here, here in Roanoke, Virginia, in your word.
And all of us, we're spreading like wildfire.
Well, beautiful, Jason, real fast.
So, you guys did finally tear up the barricades of Stormover.
I mean, when did the, uh, the feds getting paid double pay, we now learn.
Rachel Maddow said they weren't paid, it was actually double pay, so I guess it's true.
They were not paid, they were double paid.
The double paid goons, I mean, you finally just pushed them aside?
Well, they were not there the next day.
They showed up in a small presence.
We finally got to talk to a congressman from Michigan.
He was trying to tell us he was on our side.
But, you know, I don't know.
I kind of saw through him.
We need folks to get hardcore and upset that we're in deep trouble.
And that's starting to happen.
So some good news is there.
And there are a lot of good police as well.
My friends, Alex Jones here to tell you about some of the most important information concerning you and your family's health.
Radiation levels have more than doubled in the last 60 years in the Northern Hemisphere from all of the nuclear testing and radiological accidents.
Radioactive contamination is now in most of the food supply.
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Alright, folks, our phone system crashed earlier, but David in California, who was in Sacramento, where they have checkpoints pointing guns directly in the cars at families and men and women, you name it.
Just like Boston, that's the new police system.
In fact, I never got to this, and I said I'd play it.
Maybe I'll do it on the show tomorrow, or have an article down about how the police now, when they pull you over, want you to wear a shot bracelet, just in case you cause a problem, because you're a prisoner.
Under their penal code here in the occupied country.
And so I wanted to recap a Homeland Security video.
Homeland Security actually had a meeting with the company about making all travelers wear taser bracelets.
And I thought I'd just remind you of that because now they're trying to creep in with it.
And they'll get it.
They'll get it if Americans put up with it.
Hey man, put your taser bracelet on or put your taser necklace on.
Don't cause problems at the airport.
Do this to keep us safe because of Al-Qaeda when the government runs Al-Qaeda publicly.
Let's go back to David in California and then to Jessica, Bob, and others.
So tell your story, sir, about living there in that area.
Yes, sir.
Jones, I just want to thank you for what you do.
Oh, don't thank me.
Don't thank me.
I have to, because I'm the first time caller.
I'm sorry, sir.
I have to.
Now on to my story.
Frank Floride!
The government loves you!
Stop it!
Go ahead.
I probably am.
As soon as I can afford your filter, I'll be buying one.
But nonetheless, here's the story in California.
This disgusts me.
Okay, I live in Sacramento, and that's just about 17 miles from where I live in Roseville.
And to see that guy with a gun two inches from that dude's face in that picture disgusts me.
I cannot believe this.
You've got to be kidding me, man.
I mean, I'll give him the fact that he had his finger alongside, and he was at least not a liberal gun owner, and didn't have his finger on the trigger, but nonetheless, it's a loaded gun in your face, and it's an AR-15, which none of us should own.
Of course, only they should own them.
Isn't it interesting how we should not own AR-15s, but they should own them.
Because they always have them in the pictures.
They always come through your house with AR-15s.
Let's get on to the kid who's 13 years old who was just murdered by the police.
Now, I know Obama wants to save just one kid.
If I could just save one kid, I would disarm all the lawful Americans on Earth.
Well, what about the freaking, uh...
The little boy that was just killed by the policeman.
Why don't we disarm him?
Why don't we set a precedent that says when you shoot an innocent little kid for playing with a toy, then you are disarmed and locked in prison, policeman.
Well, it's worse than that.
I mean, it's worse than that is that they've got the police doing this no hesitation training.
And so they're shooting each other, they're shooting their wives when they come home.
I mean, they are just scared to death.
They do it all the time.
They had to fire a cop a few weeks ago in Austin because they told the guy to get out of the car just at a random, you know, traffic stop and the cop just shot at him because the guy had the wallet in his hand.
And it's like, man, we shouldn't have cowards as police.
I mean, I'm sorry.
Sure, your safety is important.
Have the training.
Be on the lookout.
But if you're just like Barney Fife, you should not be on the police force.
I appreciate your call.
It's like Barney Fife on steroids.
Jessica in Alaska, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, terrorist.
How are you, Alex?
I'm pretty good.
I'm a first-time listener on your live show today and first-time caller.
Very big fan, very excited to be on the show, but I am not excited about what is going on in our America right now.
And the question really is not, how did this happen?
The question is, what can I do?
I'm 30 years old.
I live in Anchorage, Alaska.
US citizens don't even look at Alaska as a state, because we're way up here.
And, you know, when I begin to talk about you and, like, all the information that I've learned on your site and following you, I, you know, I get the, oh, she's a conspiracy theorist.
People look at me like I'm crazy.
I talk about the REC 84 plan and how, like, one of the biggest facilities is outside of Fairbanks, Alaska.
And I've been noticing like strange aircraft in my area that is like, you know, of course when anybody else goes to look at it, it's not there.
They just missed it.
Then I was like the crazy person.
What can I do here in Alaska to be more proactive?
You know, I'm 30 years old.
I'm a mother of two.
I'm concerned about my children and my family's safety when all of this, when shit hits the fan, excuse my language.
I'm gonna let you go, ma'am, because we can't have that on air, and it's been happening a lot more.
It's kind of like people's token deal.
So we gotta let folks go when they do that.
That's the way you can sign off, I guess, on your call.
Ma'am, I understand your frustration about what's going on.
Look, the majority never prevails.
They sit there and suck their thumbs.
It takes a highly motivated minority to change things.
And that's why, as much as we criticize police, let me tell you what's really scary.
The most awake people after the military are actually the police.
In my experience, because they're in the middle of it, they see the baloney they're being given to do.
They see the demonization of liberty lovers, and they see how they're not allowed to go after real criminals, but are just sicced on the general public for petty stuff to raise revenue.
So when people call you a conspiracy terrorist, that's because they're intellectually lazy.
They don't think of themselves as ever being involved in anything, so why are you telling them?
That something's even going on.
Being concerned is something that weirdos do.
They want to go home and watch television.
They're under literal psychosis.
They're under mind control induced from 60 years of television.
And so you've got to warn them.
Cancer's up.
IQ's being lowered.
Our country's losing our basic liberties.
Our standard of living's going down.
And they may not even wake up then, probably won't, but down the road, they will remember.
That's how cognitive dissonance works.
To get around the learned helplessness and the normalcy bias, you've got to just plant the seeds.
That's why giving them a copy of one of my films or sending them a video link, because they're well-produced, well-documented, fast-paced,
My films are really the best work we do.
And the nightly news that's at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Share a membership with your friends and family.
Or almost everything we do there ends up getting put on YouTube.
So find whatever subject it is and give that to friends and family.
Tell them about InfoWars.com.
And if they laugh at you, move on.
These are poor victims.
It's like, you ever seen a poor mentally ill person?
He's also mentally retarded on the side of the street who's homeless and you go up and try to talk to him or help him because they're not just the normal drug addict or whatever that's you know robbing people in the parking lot.
It's like a really seriously mentally retarded person.
I don't think so.
They will laugh and giggle at you when you say, hey, do you have family?
You have someplace to stay?
Have you been to the Salvation Army?
They will genuinely, all they know to do, and you can see the pain in their eyes, because even though they're retarded,
What's the politically correct term, or am I getting in trouble?
Because they just say that word is handicapped.
They will look sad for a minute in their eyes, but then go, and start laughing at you, and then will say something rude to you, even though you've just given them $20.
And that's kind of how the general public is.
They'll go conspiracy theorist, and it's a few clicks above a phenomenon I've seen
With really seriously handicapped people that they've been treated bad and put down so many times, all they know is to be mean to you because everybody's been mean to them.
Now sometimes you try to help a mentally retarded person who's on the streets and then they start crying and thanking you and then you start crying.
You know, the best way for me to help people is to be up here on air and be nasty and do what I do.
Because you got a lot of nasty yuppies out there that think they're in charge, that think they have all this power, and that think they're on the winning team because they don't care about anybody.
And I'm here to let them know, when they have that car wreck and break their back next week, or when they go in and get diagnosed with cancer next year, I want them to remember, I warned them and I told them, so that when they beat the cancer, or when they finally grow up through the adversity they're going to go through, that they will then go out and understand that it's now time for them to help others.
Or maybe when their kid gets diagnosed with cancer next week.
I'm trying to stop your kid getting diagnosed with cancer.
I know it's a weaponized program.
I'm very upset about it.
I take it very personally.
I have a giant heart.
I'm not saying I'm some good guy, folks.
I have a very big heart.
A lot of psychology, the real psychology, not the pop psychology.
You'll learn, of course, anybody that has a big heart and is also very loving also has a very large, vicious side.
And I have that as well.
The problem with these losers is there's a lot of wimps that are into tyranny because they think darkness gives them power.
It doesn't give them power.
And I want to get off my preaching horse here because I've got to get back to calls and cover more news.
We're going to the bottom of the hour here on Overdrive.
We're going to skip this network break.
It's just that you are not going to be fulfilled being a thug out there.
And when you are talking to the general public that's wearing their sports jersey and doing whatever, they're just trying to think about how they can get more money, and how they can get a better rebate on a car, and how if they just looked cooler, or if they just lost 10 more pounds, that they would be somebody.
They laugh at you because they're not somebody.
And you're here trying to make them somebody.
You're here trying to get them to join the human race and do something.
And stand for something.
And not just have us blow this planet up and fail as a species.
And don't feel bad when they giggle and they laugh at you.
Because I'm telling you, the same response I've gotten from mentally ill people and seriously mentally handicapped
When you try to help them, and if you're mean to them, then they grovel to you.
It's when you're nice to them, they then act mean, because all they've ever been is treated like crud.
And so you're going to somebody who feels powerless, and who feels like a victim, and who watches zombie shows and the culture of death all day, fantasizing about death and murder, who's being programmed that humanity is crap.
That's what all the zombie shows are.
The Pentagon admits it, is to condition you that all humanity is ugly and gross, so you actually become what they want you to do, so you turn your survival instinct off and crawl in a hole and die.
And the problem is, if the public does become total zombies, and they become my enemy, then I've got to deal with them like they are zombies.
I'm trying to stop them from being zombies, and lift the zombie curse that the New World Order has put on them, so that you're not men, you're not women, you're zombies.
And you say, well I'm not a zombie.
All you care about is sports that don't matter, all you care about is acting cool, when all of that is great when you're 14.
You're designed to be leaving the hut, identifying what group you want to be with, kicked out of your parents' hut, you're supposed to go find a group you're going to be with, a hunting crew, what you think of as a gang, or a bandit crew you're going to be joining, or a fishing crew you're going to be joining, and then you show your skills and your success in that, and then you find a woman.
I mean, you guys have been hit with scientific technologies to think that the television is providing you with what will make you successful.
It's providing you a fake template to wreck you.
It is a scientific war machine.
And the minute you figure out that that's not just rhetoric, is the minute you start defeating the enemy.
You don't have to have it all together.
I certainly don't.
But I've got human instincts, I've got life force, I've got survival mechanism, and I've got war programming to defend my people that are the human race.
And I've activated my resistance systems.
They're not the best out there.
They're not even in the top 10%, I guarantee you.
If other people had been put under the stresses that I was put under growing up, which aren't even that heavy compared to some, you know, soldier child in Africa or something.
But the pressures I was under are 20 times, 30 times what the average child goes through.
And that was old-fashioned to let me get beat up 20, 30 times.
That was old-fashioned to let me go break bones playing sports.
That was old-fashioned to let me, you know, get hurt snow skiing.
That was old-fashioned to let me climb 100-foot trees.
That was old-fashioned to let me go do things like that because my dad was not some macho tough guy.
He didn't want a total jellyfish.
You think it's because they're liberal?
They don't want your kid playing tag or boxing?
They want your kid to be a victim!
If lions or tigers could program society, would they have gazelles with feet?
With legs?
No, they'd have gazelles that were tailor-made, like a McDonald's Happy Meal, out a window.
And that's what you're like.
The general public is wrecked!
They don't have survival instinct.
They don't have any real tribal instincts.
It's all misprogrammed into garbage.
And they're all aimlessly wandering around in circles, bumping into each other, digging deeper into the decadent society.
And folks, decadence is not liking to go out and have a good time.
That's the fake church, modern thing.
That's the Pharisees.
Christ was there to get people to totally shift their paradigm completely.
Not nitpick.
Because if you change somebody on the inside, it will then change the outside.
And so people think, oh, I don't want to be a loving person.
I want to be evil.
That's where the fun is.
All the messages say that.
But that's not really the truth.
So they want to rob you of your entire future.
They want to rob you of your destiny.
And that's their greatest crime.
You know, if we had an elite that did all sorts of bad things, it'd be one thing.
But the fact that they actively wage war against the infant, and try to hurt them with baby formula, that they've got tuned just to the point where it won't kill your kid.
In Africa, in Asia, they tune it where it does kill a large portion, because they want the brain damaging to be so heavy.
That it ends up killing a large portion of the children.
And then that's not even an issue when 100,000 kids, you know, die in China because of bad formula.
Or, you know, 50,000 kids in one African country because of bad formula.
It's just like, oh, the kids die because of formula, but we want to stick our hands down your pants because of Al-Qaeda.
I mean, come on, folks.
The system murders millions, and it's a statistic.
But then we'll take one child shot with a gun, and then collectively tell us that gun owners are to blame.
It's all pure crud, and our enemies are losers.
I look at them, and they have enough knowledge to know how humans work, and then they use it against their fellow humans, because they're not spiritually smart enough to know what that does to them and their progeny.
You wonder why these elites have such degenerate families, are so unhappy, statistically are so disease-ridden?
Believe me, I've got the intel on a lot of elite families.
I've known some of them.
I have a lot of other connections.
They are committing suicide in record numbers.
They are drug addicts.
They are Satan worshippers.
They are completely unfulfilled.
Because they don't care about anybody else.
Of course, and so they think if they kill more people, that is going to fulfill them.
That is not going to fulfill you.
It didn't fulfill Lenin.
It didn't fulfill Adolf Hitler.
It did not fulfill any of these people.
And their lust for the innocent's blood will never be quenched.
You people are of your father the devil, and that's why you're failures.
So, the only thing that will quench you, if you're too far gone and can't come back and have no goodness in you, and have totally crossed over,
into the regions of hell is to kill yourselves.
You want us to die?
That's your inward, outward expression of projecting on us that you want us to die.
No, you need to die!
You need to kill yourselves!
You want to kill us and kill our minds so you can be better than us?
Do the right thing!
Kill yourselves!
Kill yourselves!
I say to the establishment, kill yourselves!
Stop killing the innocent!
Stop killing the beautiful!
Stop killing the culture!
Stop spewing your ugly art!
Stop spewing all your corruption!
Stop doing it on purpose to make us like you!
You die!
How does that sound?
You die!
But you kill yourselves!
Isn't that a thought?
I know you're attracted to that.
I know that's a thought you have a lot.
Now I'm sad you're too far gone.
Some of you, if you have any inkling and want to repent, you can do that.
But before you want to kill the innocents, you kill yourselves.
That's self-defense for me to tell you that.
And I know you'll make a decision and I know you'll follow through on it very soon.
Let's go ahead and take a call.
Let's talk to Pete in Texas.
Pete, you're on the air during heavy overdrive.
Yes, go ahead.
When Sandy Hook happened last year, I sort of assumed it was true, so I didn't really look into it, even though there were rumors of paid actors.
Listen, they definitely had paid actors.
They like to kill real kids.
They've got gag orders.
They've torn the building down.
He was on a bunch of drugs.
Look, they kill real people.
They like that.
But they definitely had actors scripted to take advantage of it.
And Bloomberg got caught the day before putting a memo out saying, get ready to exploit the next shooting.
He was geared up months before, but they said, okay, get ready.
Show, show.
Look, all the evidence points towards it being massively staged.
But they, of course they killed some real kids.
I mean, why not?
That's enjoyable for them.
Go ahead.
So, uh, I started looking at, uh, some of those videos, uh, online, and, uh, they're not just actors, but they're really, really bad actors.
I know!
No, no, they'll be laughing, they'll watch this, and go over and start doing fake crying.
Going, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh
It's ridiculous.
And then I saw the, uh, the fake faint that happened like, uh, last week.
Totally staged, totally fake, obvious to somebody that has half a brain.
It was ridiculous.
Totally ridiculous.
I know, it is amazing.
And then again, they don't even, it's like a holy roller church where they find out what your illness is at the back and then they have the preacher say it at the front.
Once they get people collapsing and doing all that, then all the other women join in.
Just like, what's the response?
A sympathetic response is the name.
Like if I was to walk into a restaurant and vomit right next to a table,
I think I could even do that to wake people up.
They'll probably get 10 million views.
Go in, vomit right next to somebody's table.
A lot of people start vomiting as well.
So that's how they program everybody.
Do you see what I'm saying?
Yeah, it's just blatant psyops.
It's ridiculous.
Most people fall for it.
It's sad.
Yeah, but all you gotta do is realize that the globalists are the enemy.
Tell your brain this is the enemy.
Brain, tell me how to deal with them.
And your brain will start at a subconscious level giving you all the weapon programs in the info war using the truth you need.
See, that's how this works.
Your only issue will be what your one body can do against the enemy.
And then all you do is just say, God set me and my will that you created against the enemy.
I am fearless, I am a broken vessel, but energize me.
And I'm telling you, if you just say that prayer, just reach up to the heavens.
God will answer.
They're so scared of good people.
If you could see spiritually what bloated, hunchbacked maggots our enemies are, you would laugh at them.
They fear death.
They fear everything.
They are the most slimy, pathetic creatures I've ever seen.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
One more call and I gotta end this.
Bob, you're on the air.
We'll see you on 94.5.
Go ahead in Michigan.
Yes, Alex, good to hear from you.
I've been with this movement for a long time, since the mid-eighties.
I've been awake watching what's going on and trying to get my voice out.
I believe this country has gone so far in the wrong direction, there is no peaceful resolve to bring it back.
I honestly believe that we need to set up the gallows and any and all so-called elected officials that have gone against the Constitution, which they swore an oath upon.
Here's the problem.
That could turn into a French Revolution.
If you give us your number, I'll call you back tomorrow.
John will remind me.
We'll have you on and talk about it.
If you want to leave your name and number.
Here's the deal.
I don't want a French Revolution.
I want an American counter-revolution against the globalists.
What we've got, the liberals are basically like a French Revolution.
They don't want a revolution against tyranny.
They want a revolution that puts them in charge.
We try to be peaceful.
We wake up as many people as we can.
They start a fight.
We take it to them.
We don't just hang everybody.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Gotta have courts, folks.
Don't lust after the blood.
There'll be plenty of blood coming.
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