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Name: 20130923_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 23, 2013
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
If they found me, I'm white so I'm dead.
Survivors reveal how gunmen executed non-Muslims after asking them to name the Prophet Muhammad's mother.
That's out of the Daily Mail.
68 dead, over 250 wounded.
And the police say that they've stormed most of the mall complex and believe that they have rounded out the Al Qaeda forces.
And we have Dr. Jerome Corsi joining us at the bottom of the hour.
Before he even wrote an article this morning, I knew to call him to set him up for the show last night, because I knew what his analysis on this would be, because he's been following it.
Obama, through different family members, cousins and half-brothers, is running the jihadi invasion and takeover of North Africa and the Middle East out of Kenya.
This came out a month ago on our broadcast.
WorldNetDaily's been covering it.
And we now are getting a very clear picture of exactly the plan they've got.
Separately, and this is up on Infowars.com right now, two stories.
Saudi Arabia threatens to end career of AP reporter over chemical weapons story.
Remember, it was that report that we then magnified that went international.
Days before the strike that was happening on that Saturday a few weeks ago, that was the straw that broke the camel's back and made them back off from not doing the bombardment to back the Al Qaeda forces attacking Syria.
And the report was that Bandar bin Sultan, Saudi Prince, former ambassador to the U.S., head of Saudi Arabian intelligence,
The intel was, and this has now come out in the Russian news as well, that he was behind the chemical weapons transfers.
Now, you can imagine he's pretty mad.
We've had reporters before in D.C.
filming, and a limo will drive by and people will stop and jump out and run over and say, this is a Saudi Arabian vehicle, you don't aim cameras at us, and the police will follow their orders and take your footage.
I've never seen our country roll over more than they do to the Saudi Arabian royalty that just throws their billions around everywhere.
And this is the new article also up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
CIA-linked vet who fought with Al-Qaeda released from jail on a $100 fine.
I'm going to explain who Al-Qaeda really is and what Saudi Arabia is up to, because they are... People like to say it's Israel.
I'm not defending what Israel's doing.
I've been critical of it.
But really, it's Saudi Arabia that's got the Shiite-Sunni thing going, and they are quarterbacking the deal.
They're quarterbacking it.
They've got the forces, just like they quarterbacked 9-11 for the Globalist.
And you keep seeing, whether it's Amber Lyon of CNN with Qatar and all these other governments paying off CNN so her reports don't air.
I'm telling you, folks.
I'm telling you.
They've had local Muslim groups that are moderate pointing out what Saudi Arabia is up to, and people are found dead floating in the river down on Lake Austin.
Lady Bird Lake is the new name of it.
And one of my reporters, I'm not going to say their name, but it's one of our long-term reporters, was out with his girlfriend, and obviously he didn't have his phone or we have video of this.
Because folks like to leave their phones behind and go out and have a fun time without worrying about it.
And these guys get out of their car, sharp dress, Saudi Arabian intelligence type, this happened yesterday, walk right over to him and keep filming him, saying, nice dog, nice, you know, nice wife, nice family, like right out of the movie.
He described it as right out of the movies, The Untouchables, where the mafia comes up to Kevin Costner, who plays the part of a G-man.
He goes, nice family, and they just kept saying that.
And by the way, they followed them in there when they pulled up to park at the park to take their dogs out.
And that's the exact type of stuff that goes on.
They are very, very upset with us.
So I'll just put that out there.
We have the license plate number, though.
And we're going to get that checked out through the proper sources and everything.
So I'm going to have to find the nearest Saudi Arabian government facility, and I'm going to have to go knock on their door, I think, is what's going to have to happen here.
We're going to have to really get on their back now.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Monday, the 23rd day of September 2013.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours, Lord willing.
And we do need you to pray for this operation now more than ever.
Dr. Jerome Corsi.
is uh... reporting uh... the headline did americans help plot kenyan terror attack al-qaeda affiliate claiming responsibility actively recruits in the u.s.
and is backed by all bomber i would add uh... bob fletcher uh... involved exposing iran contra is going to pop in about thirty minutes with his take on the world and then deborah travera is that we're gonna have on friday we got a scheduling issue with time zones shall be joining us coming up in the
In the third hour today.
Let me just stop right here because I got hit like a ton of bricks this morning driving into work.
With exactly how incredibly serious the global situation is and how InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and my news organization and what we do is right dead center in the middle of world events.
Now I don't say that from a position of, oh I'm on a power trip and oh look how important we are.
It's the opposite.
I don't like it but it's my duty.
It is incredibly dangerous, and it just really clicked in to my mind a whole bunch of facts, a whole bunch of pieces, and wasn't fear so much as it was bracing concern.
Almost like you're about to go over a wall in World War I at Gallipoli in Turkey, and there's a machine gun nest on the other side about to open fire on you.
And you're going over the wall, and you're going to face it.
And it was the realization that we're all going over the wall together as well and that the world is aligning for history to be made on so many fronts.
And it's going to be the good and the bad and the people in the middle that are going to decide the future of humanity right now.
But it was clicking.
Dan Bodondi, our reporter on the East Coast, has now uploaded us the videos.
He went and investigated the Navy Yard shooting and has eyewitnesses of incredibly over-the-top, hardcore stuff.
And so we've got that information that I've got simmering and getting ready to break.
You've got Dan Bodondi at three separate press conferences bringing up false flag, the drill, and photos of the security contractors out there.
There was a drill.
That's been confirmed.
They don't want it discussed.
They sent Secret Service over.
The President was nowhere around.
They had him there to threaten him at the second and third press conferences and get in his face.
This was on video in national news, threatening him, grabbing on him, and he stood his ground.
And then later he was threatening a lot of other stuff.
Then I realized we broke the AP reporter who was reporting for a news site out of Minnesota.
They reported for BBC, you name it.
But reporting for the news site Mint Press out of Minnesota that Saudi Arabian intelligence
And this was witnessed by other reporters as well that also reported it, that Saudi Arabian intelligence gave the chemical weapons to the rebels, and that they launched them to obviously then be able to blame Assad, so that they could get the red line crossed, so a NATO bombardment could start.
And I realized it was InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, because I don't like to give ourselves credit.
It's everybody together.
This is not the type of credit you want, by the way.
This is like being a lead bomber flying in over, you know, a major industrial site in World War II.
You're going to be getting shot at, ladies and gentlemen.
You're who they all train their sights on.
And it clicked.
I mean, I already knew this, but it all clicked.
Wait a minute.
We're the ones that took that and magnified that.
And that probably stopped, in fact it's credited by many sites and sources and governments, at derailing the imminent attack and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs going to Obama's House, the White House, at midnight saying, don't do this, the entire military's against you.
Doing this and everybody knows we're funding Al Qaeda and this is a PR disaster, you gotta go to Congress.
All of that was clicking and the fact that
We are magnifying Dr. Jerome Corsi and others who are saying, get ready for staged Islamic terror in Kenya.
That's where Obama is running the operations out of.
And then the head of Al Qaeda came out two weeks ago and said, attack shopping malls, attack people on the street, all over the world, attack Christians.
It's happening in Kenya, Pakistan now, wait for it in Europe, the U.S.
Then Obama will use that as a diversion and a reason to take our liberties.
We broke all that and I just had the realization we actually get what's going on and we haven't been arrogant about the fact that we've got our ear to the ground and really know what we're talking about and have specialized for myself for 18 years tracking how this stuff really works.
And it's really creepy and scary.
And by scary, scary just to have the knowledge.
And scary to be so alone that other people don't understand the paradigm like we do.
And that we've got all these governments and all these institutions and all these systems listening to us.
And then we've got Saudi Arabian intelligence undoubtedly is hopping mad.
That they're the ones quarterbacking the forces out of Turkey and Israel and Jordan and Iraq.
It's Saudi Arabia funding, on record, I mean that's what Kerry said but we already knew that, the entire operation basically against
against Syria, and they see it when you're against an illegal war funding Al-Qaeda to attack and take that country over.
They see it as you're at war with them when you're not going along with their program.
And that's why one of my reporters, he has a little consternation about me putting his name in it because it's just so weird, but he's happy to actually go public.
He probably will, but he didn't have his phone with him.
His girlfriend didn't.
And they go out to walk their dogs at the lake, and these guys follow them in, get out, you know, fancy-dressed Arab guys, sounds just like Saudi Arabian intelligence, and start saying, nice family, nice dog, you know, just videotaping them for like five minutes, looking at them, obvious threat, like right out of a movie with the mafia.
And then he was so mad that he didn't have, you know, a way to tape it, but he did get their license plate number.
And then they left when they left.
And this happened to me years ago with U.S.
military type guys.
You know, like in a Target parking lot or the TV station parking lot would come over and basically tell me, don't plan anything violent.
We'll take you out.
Our team's watching you.
It was the same.
And I was like, what are you talking about?
Were you guys told I'm planning something violent?
Because whoever told you that's a liar.
And if you're trying to intimidate me,
I'm not going to get into what I told him, you can imagine.
The point is, is that, then it was, oh, we're just friends.
Now the military listens, they're awake, they know what's going on, they're our listeners.
That doesn't happen anymore.
But the point, I had an FBI agent show up one time, I've had him here many times, and Secret Service and ATF and State Police and, you know, sending provocateurs in to try to give us documents that are illegal to have, and just, it's ongoing.
We don't really talk a lot about this, folks, but I mean, I live in the middle of a spy movie.
But I instantly, when he identified what they were driving, how they acted, because we've run into them before, Saudi Arabian intelligence, because they're the ones that are authorized to operate here domestically.
Or they may have been Arabic Israelis, but from what I heard, from the way it was described, Saudi Arabian type.
And they're the ones most angry right now, threatening this AP reporter, this has now been confirmed, they've gone public, telling him, you better retract this or your career is over and more.
Pretty much a threat.
Other reporters, I mean, do you think they're happy that we exposed that they're given chemical weapons, the evidence is overwhelming?
Do you think they're happy that now everybody from Rand Paul to Ron Paul to Rush Limbaugh to Pat Buchanan is saying false flag?
But that's the good news, and that's what I want to say to the Saudi Arabian intelligence, the Turks, the Israelis, the French, NATO, everybody.
What you're doing is evil.
It's wrong to put al-Qaeda in there to kill all the Christians and everybody.
I get your enemies with them in Iran.
I'm not part of this.
I'm a moral person that doesn't like what you're doing and doesn't like Al-Qaeda being used to take my liberties as well.
And I don't want to be part of this clash of civilizations that PNAC wrote up that you guys think you're going to ride to heaven, you know, ride to Valhalla, ride to paradise, where you're going to play everybody off against each other.
The Wahhabis are giving the Middle East, North Africa, and Eastern Europe
And Central Asia, and then they do the deal to menace the West with their operatives so the West can take everybody's liberties here.
I mean, we know your plan, we're aware of it, and you've already failed.
So you can do to us whatever you want, and you obviously know not to come messing with me because it's not going to do anything.
And thank God you don't pull that with me.
Because I'm sure you have access to intelligence files.
You know what I've done to people before that have come and gotten my face and actually put a hand on me.
And that's fine.
I'm not afraid of you.
You need to get that through your head.
And if I do get killed or any of my family gets killed, Saudi Arabian intelligence is number one suspect and I want it looked into.
And I've already been on the phone this morning.
And it's all getting picked up by the NSA, CIA, and everybody else.
And by the way, there are a lot of good people in the government, a lot of people in the military, that know what I'm talking about is real.
And I'm on the front line here for this republic.
I am on THE front line trying to defend all of our freedoms.
And we are getting the story out that our government runs Al Qaeda.
And they are hopping mad.
So pray for us right now, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm telling you right now, this is the real deal, and we're only going to turn the heat up.
This is what life's all about, doing the right thing, and we wouldn't have the enemy coming after us if we weren't absolutely beating them.
And here's the good news.
Paradigm's already out.
I've already done my mission.
I intend to continue on.
But we have already gotten the transmission out.
They're really upset knowing they pull new stuff.
We're going to be there properly analyzing it and giving people what really happened, the intel.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we all need to come to the realization that our nation is being de-industrialized.
They are trying to make the American people a domesticated, permanent peasant class.
This process is accelerating.
And I want to be clear, too, that I've known a lot of Saudi Arabians that I've interviewed and from college and things.
I'm not demonizing Saudi Arabia, the country.
Just like when I criticize things that Israel's up to, I'm not criticizing people in Israel.
Or if I criticize the British government, I'm not criticizing the people of England.
I'm criticizing the out-of-control
Security services of this country that are on record now threatening members of the press.
Saudi Arabian government threatens to end career of AP reporter over chemical weapons story.
That's up on InfoWars.com.
Journalist who exposed how rebels were behind August 21st attack faces intimidation.
Yeah, Amber Lyon got forced out of CNN.
She'd won what, three?
Emmys for news, and then she's over there in the Middle East showing the Wahhabist and showing the corrupt Sunni governments murdering their own Muslim population en masse that dare criticize their corruption.
And then she learns that hundreds of thousands of dollars per episode were being paid, $400,000 in one case, to shut down her reports.
This isn't our own government paying for fake news.
This is foreign governments doing it.
So it fits the entire MO.
And imagine you're out there with your girlfriend and your dogs, and they just keep videotaping you.
Nice family, nice dog.
What do you mean?
You know what I mean!
Nice, nice family.
Yeah, well, the nice family's packing heat, so whatever, buddy.
It's a two-way street in this world.
And here's how it works, just like the Alamo.
You strike me down, everybody knows, okay?
And that's how it works.
And that's fine.
Because you know what waters the Tree of Liberty?
The blood of patriots and tyrants.
Not all Americans have rolled over to the New World Order.
Not all Americans are afraid of every gang that's out there.
That's all these governments are, the UN and corporations and countries.
They're gangs.
And Saudi Arabia has had trillions of dollars of oil money to do whatever it wants and to go around pushing everybody around.
And I'm sick of it!
I'm tired of it!
I'm telling you folks, I learned this a decade ago.
You criticize Saudi Arabia, instant problems.
You put something on YouTube about Saudi Arabia, your sites take, I mean, bam, bam, bam, bam.
Worse than the communist Chinese that are censoring our movies, everything.
It's big time, ladies and gentlemen.
Our government is a whorehouse wide open for any foreign group to come in and do whatever it wants.
And I'm sick of it!
I'm tired of it, and I will not sit here and watch our government openly fund Al Qaeda to murder Christians and Muslim minorities en masse.
Here's the headline out of the Daily Mail.
Today, ladies and gentlemen, about Christians being lined up and killed in that mall, asked if they were Christians.
And people would say, oh no, I'm a Muslim!
And they'd say, okay, who's the Prophet Muhammad's mother?
And if they didn't know, men, women, and children, 68 of them, they blew their heads off, shot over 250 people.
This is the type of garbage we're talking about, and Dr. Jerome Corsi is going to be joining us to break this down.
And clearly, the White House is involved, running the radical groups,
Out of Kenya, all over the Saudi Arabia.
Dr. Korsi broke all this a month ago on this very broadcast.
How they're running the entire jihad operation out of Kenya.
With his half-brother and Odinga and others, ladies and gentlemen.
This is a plan carving up the world and they think Americans are going to roll over.
And they hate the fact that we still got guns.
All these foreign governments, the UN, all these mafias, they hate the fact that we're not scared and we're all armed to the teeth and we're getting more guns and we know how to use them better than they do.
They absolutely hate the fact we're now identifying them.
This is a war, ladies and gentlemen, and no more does it creep around in the shadows.
It all comes out in the open now.
It all comes out in the open.
All these special interests, from Goldman Sachs to J.P.
Morgan, to the British government, to the Israeli government, the Saudi Arabian government, the German government, the U.N., all these third world dictatorships want our guns, our freedom, because they want our military to do their bidding.
All these special interests.
What about the American people having a special interest?
What about the middle class having a special interest?
What about us demanding our Bill of Rights and our Constitution back, and then we know about the mafia that seized our country, and we're done playing games with it!
And we're not backing off, ever!
And we're committed to the fight, no matter what comes!
That's what it takes to stand against tyrants.
That's what our forebears had in them.
And that's why we had so much freedom compared to other countries.
And we weren't perfect by a long shot.
But they spent all day in the corporate-controlled press demonizing this republic.
Going after it.
Telling you how bad it is.
Because it's a threat to them.
When it's ten times better than all these other countries.
We were once exceptional.
Now we're unexceptional.
Or we're exceptional in tyranny because we've been occupied.
We've been captured by globalists.
By a collection of mafias and scum.
And then we're done.
We're done.
We're not your slaves.
Get off our back!
Get out of our face, America!
Work towards peace.
Pray for peace, but... We're on the march.
Prepare for war!
Prepare to defend yourself!
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network
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You are either with the Republic or against it.
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here.
I want to break down briefly, geopolitically, what's happening.
You have a lot of special interest.
Like the oil companies that are deeply in bed with Saudi Arabia and the jihadists, using them as proxy armies to overthrow areas in the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, and into Eastern Europe.
The corporations are using them as a new form of colonialism to create a new caliphate.
And I wasn't sophisticated enough in the last decade when people said this.
I thought, oh, that's just propaganda for all these wars.
I knew the government was working with Al Qaeda, letting them attack us so they could take liberties.
But now I realize, reading the Project for a New American Century again, that I didn't understand it.
When they say clash of civilizations, they're going to divide the world up with the jihadist, wahhabist,
Muslims out of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other countries.
They're going to bring down every other nation over there.
That's why Mubarak had to be sacrificed.
They tried to turn Egypt over to them.
Saudi Arabia acts like they're for their brothers.
They're going to give money to prop up Egypt.
It's the opposite.
You've got Israel thinking they're taking out their enemy, Iran by going after Syria.
They're involved.
You've got Turkey, you've got NATO, you've got France.
This is pure evil.
And you've got the defense contractors and companies that just want more war zones to dump more money into no-bid contracts.
You've got a whole bunch of special interests that want this, except the British governments could see where this goes in the future.
And losing all credibility, losing all moral high ground, and the fact that the public has woken up that Al-Qaeda is now almost completely run by the West and funded and controlled.
All this is now coming out.
And the Joint Chiefs and the Chairman, who was known for being pretty hawkish, went to Obama and said, you've got to stop.
The military's going to mutiny over the fact that we're funding Al-Qaeda and we're training them at these bases in Jordan that's been going on for two and a half years.
So Obama had to come out and give a speech to hide in plain view what was already happening, hoping the military, once it was public, would think, well, it must be OK because they're publicly admitting it.
See, just like they inoculated publicly saying torture's good.
You understand that?
So people will think, well it's okay, we're ordered to torture, they're admitting it on TV.
This is a tactic.
Now, Dr. Jerome Corsi was with us last month from WorldNetDaily.com, best-selling author, former consultant to the State Department, Harvard, a graduate in economics, political science, you name it.
Very smart guy, has his ear to the ground inside the DC power structure.
He knows what he's talking about.
I want to get his take to concur if I'm wrong or right or to add to this, but I knew last night to call him to get him on briefly today because I instantly saw what this was.
He said a month ago, they're running the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda groups, money laundering out of Kenya.
The documents were coming out in the Arab press.
They were translating it at World Net Daily over.
We were covering it at Infowars as well, Infowars.com.
WND.com had all the news and sure enough here is his article from yesterday.
Did Americans help plot Kenyan terror attack?
Al-Qaeda affiliate claiming responsibility actively recruits in US.
Here's our InfoWars.com article.
Saudi Arabia threatens to end career of AP reporter over chemical weapons story.
And there's all these other reporters saying the same thing and the videos being uploaded by the jihadis and the UN finding that it was the jihadis.
None of that's in the news right now.
Because the head of Al Qaeda two weeks ago called for soft targets to be hit, Christian targets, Pakistan, Kenya, places they can hit, they're hitting.
Doesn't mean our government's giving them the orders.
Our government has criminals in it that help fund these groups.
The jihadis on the ground are real, folks.
But now it becomes a political diversion.
To quantify this, this is so big.
Zen, one of my top reporters, is out with his girlfriend.
And he's been here years and nothing like this ever happened to him.
And I've had this happen to me before in D.C.
Saudi Arabian type intelligence folks in the fancy car pull up in the sports jackets walk over with cameras going, nice family.
His family wasn't with him.
Just his girlfriend.
He's divorced and has kids, has a girlfriend for many years.
Videotaping them going, nice family, nice dog, obviously threatening for five minutes.
He hadn't brought his phone with him because they were just down at the park with the dogs.
This is the kind of stuff like right out of a movie.
And we've talked to reporters who don't want to go on air.
We have some here in this new article today who have gone on record.
A lot of people are getting threatened.
We have sources in Syria, Christians, that won't come on now.
I don't
Ford Hood shooting on American gun owners, saying that's not terror.
Two years, it turned out, for two years they were in intelligence briefings.
The CIA was tracking Major Hassan, getting orders from Al-Qaeda, and the same head of Al-Qaeda that said attacked the U.S.
two weeks ago were Christian targets.
So it appears Obama is activating his jihad, not just in the Middle East or North Africa, but getting ready to activate it in other areas.
And again, they know the public can't differentiate Sunni from Shiite, and so in this war, they're going to use this to bring in domestic martial law.
That's my big concern.
And now we know the larger story.
Dr. Jerome Corsi, best-selling author, joins us.
We're going to have him back up for a full hour soon on his new book that's already becoming a best-seller, Who Really Killed Kennedy?
A very powerful book.
I've already read half of it.
Just got it last week.
Doc, you heard me go over those points.
And then I realized, other than us at InfoWars, you at WorldNetDaily and others, I know, have been the ones breaking this, and as fantastical as it appears,
Is it as bad as it looks to me, sir?
I think you're correct, Alex.
I think you're right on.
I mean, let's go, let's just dissect a little bit of this Kenya violence.
First of all, you've got to understand that the Somalis, which, remember the Somalis are the warlord kind of
Unlawful, unruled country that we invaded when the Black Hawk downed during the Clinton.
That's Somalia.
Somalia has been having Muslim terrorists pour into Kenya since Obama took office.
I mean, I reported going back into 2007 when Obama was running for office, you remember that Odinga, who was the tribal Klansman, and of course we've got tribal relations in Kenya that are very important.
The tribal Kinsmen, Odinga, signed an agreement
With the Muslims in Kenya, the National Muslim Leaders Forum, NAMLEF, in 2007, that if Odinga, who was then running for president, were supported by the Muslims, when Odinga got in, he would do everything he could, including revising the constitution, to favor Islam.
And Obama advised him, as your book broke down, with the emails on how to stage riots so they'd give him a prime ministership instead of the presidency when he lost.
So, bottom line, I should have quantified this.
This is basically Obama behind jihadis, connected to this attack.
This is unbelievable.
And it was Obama's plan that when Odinga lost the presidential election at the end of 2007, these riots, which were against the majority tribe in Kikuyu in Kenya, which Odinga, on behalf of the Luo, which is Obama's tribe,
This was also fueling the open avenue for jihadists to pour into Kenya, because Odinga was the Islam-supported candidate in that election.
And if you recall, remember they burned Christians in churches, the Luo did?
Yeah, on behalf of Odinga.
So they're using Al Qaeda worldwide as the proxy war to take over all these countries in North Africa and now into Kenya, as you predicted six years ago, as Dr. Tarpley predicted in the Obama deception.
This has been a plan.
You have all the documents.
How do they think they're going to get away with this?
And I want to get one more point on the record, too, because after, remember,
Odinga lost the election in 2007 but he became co-head of state.
Remember he became prime minister and that was arranged by Obama together with Kofi Annan and the UN.
They intervened and they got Odinga made to be prime minister.
Odinga then went and engineered this new Kenyan constitution.
Which again, I reported on.
Obama supported this with money.
We're using U.S.
foreign aid money to support the Constitution being passed in Kenya.
And the new Constitution included additional rights for Islam, including rights to be ruled under Sharia law.
The whole constitutional revision in Kenya was an open door to Somali terrorists to pour into the country and it was engineered by Obama working with Odinga to re-engineer the constitution of Kenya.
What is the master plan?
Because you said a month ago here and you showed the court documents and the articles out of Egypt and now it's happening that they're running the whole operation, the whole takeover, the money laundering out of Kenya.
That's right.
Obama's brother, his half-brother Malik, and this has now come out, verified by the Egyptian government, one of the heads of the Constitutional Court, that Malik Obama was running money for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and also running money for a terrorist organization out in northern Sudan, another terrorist state.
Now, I've also reported and can confirm that criminal charges have been filed in Kenya, in Egypt, under Malik Obama in Kenya.
There's a subpoena out for him right now.
Criminal authorities are seeking Malik to bring him, the brother of Obama, to bring him to justice in Kenya for working with terrorists to manage money, the Muslim Brotherhood, in Egypt and the Sudan, Northern Sudan terrorists, this Islamic Dawah organization that Malik also runs the money for.
People have got to understand about Kenya that Kenya has been predominantly a Christian country.
I've been personally in the mall that's under attack in Kenya.
I was there.
It's a very beautiful open-air mall and it's very vulnerable to a terrorist attack.
The jihadis who are in Kenya today were invited in, open door, Obama Odinga inviting them in from Somalia.
They're known to be terrorists and some of them are also recruited from the United States.
Doctor, let me stop you there because this is a selfish question.
I'm breaking this, you're breaking this, Drudge has been breaking some of it.
Some talk radio, Glenn Beck, to his credit, has been covering it some.
We're all in this together now.
That's when I really figured this out.
I mean, this is not about being writers or being on TV or radio.
This is about survival for this country at this point.
I'm beginning to think this is a double-cross.
They're going to turn everything over to radical Muslims.
And I've got reporters, not just my crew, but we're talking reporters who are actually being threatened by Saudi Arabian intelligence in Europe and the Middle East.
And now I've got reporters, stuff out of movies, where guys get around them and start saying, you know, video of them saying, nice family.
And I just think God didn't happen to me because I would have got really mad.
Have you been threatened?
What is your security like?
I mean, what do you think of our reports of
I think it's accurate.
I think what you're reporting is correct.
I also think you're ahead of the curve and correct.
We've reported it on WND as well, but the Saudis
Are behind the Islamic Jihadists.
The Saudis are funding and are supporting Al Qaeda.
These are wars that are met largely over oil.
They're over the price of oil.
I agree with you there too, Alex.
Well, why are they so mad at us then?
Well, because, see, Obama has carried the water for the Al-Qaeda, and it started in Kenya before Obama was elected, when Obama and Odinga made this pact with the radical Islamicists in Kenya that was going to allow Al-Qaeda to come in the door through Somalia into Kenya, a predominantly Christian country.
And when the violence occurred in Kenya, they called it
Tribal violence which Odinga was using to gain power without reporting the Islamic nature of terrorism of this violence.
So Obama is lowering the drawbridge from Egypt to Syria to Kenya to Libya to Central Asia to everywhere to bring in Al Qaeda.
This is high treason.
What do we do?
Well, and we also, and Alex, you can connect the dots, you also reported, we've reported, this is what Ambassador Stevens was doing coming into Benghazi before he was ambassador.
He was running guns to Al-Qaeda and Islamic jihadists backed by Saudi Arabia to destabilize Gaddafi.
The same way Obama welcomed in Morsi, who was elected president after the so-called Arab Spring, which was nothing about destabilizing northern Africa in favor of al-Qaeda and Saudi Arabia.
The Saudi Arabian forces are behind this because Saudi Arabia wants to control the price of oil.
Saudi Arabia does not want any challenge on that, including, you know, a pipeline in the United States, which Obama is against, including a war on coal, which Obama is running.
You've got to understand, the Saudis have managed to get the price of oil under Obama to over $100.
That's right.
For those that don't know this, the Saudis are the biggest funders of shutting off the fact that we're coal rich.
Well, of course, they don't want us having access to our own power, and I'm sick of being like, America is colonized by all these corrupt special interests.
It's disgusting.
And they want to limit, the Saudis want to limit the amount of petroleum on the world market.
They also want to eliminate
of the Shiites in Iran and would be happy to force us into a false flag war, CIA supported war in Syria in order to go after Assad who the United Nations has not said was the cause of the chemical weapons attack.
Sir, how big is it, how big is it that the military is listening to you and I and others and that the Joint Chiefs went and told Obama no?
How big is that?
I think it's huge.
I think the military is listening to you, Alex.
They're reading WND.
The military is realizing that their lives have been put in harm's way again on lies.
There were no weapons of mass destruction that we found with Saddam Hussein.
You know, even going back to Gulf 91, fighting for Kuwait.
Yes, Kuwait was very important to the Saudis, but Kuwait was not of national security significance.
Kuwait was never going to attack the United States, or Saddam Hussein was never going to attack the United States with taking over Kuwait, but it was very important to the Saudis.
And it proposed the need for false flags in wars which are going on today in Syria.
And this is because, again, it would be in the interest of the Saudis to see Assad gone because Assad is an ally of Iran.
So of all these interests that want to bring down Syria and carve it up, is Saudi Arabia?
They admit they're the ones paying for it.
They're paying for it.
They're just paying for it the same way they're paying for Al-Qaeda.
They're paying for Al-Qaeda to destabilize Libya, Egypt, and now Kenya.
They want Al-Qaeda to destabilize the entire world in the Middle East and in Africa.
This is so unbelievable.
This is so incredible.
Dr. Jerome Corsi is our guest.
We're going to come back and I'm going to give him the floor in the final segment to ask him, how are things going for Obama?
Where is this fight going?
What does he expect next?
I feel a false flag.
I see that as their trick.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You know, I've been clear since day one.
I'm not on the side of Assad.
I don't like dictatorships.
But compared to what's being put in, he's obviously better.
Just like Hosni Mubarak of Egypt.
And I was just talking to Dr. Korsi during the break about all the Saudi Arabian intelligence crawling all over D.C.
They've threatened our reporters before just filming in public.
Come over and turn that off and the cops follow their orders.
And Saudi Arabia, again, is somebody you never hear about because they're right in the middle of it.
And Dr. Jerome Corsi, I've got you in this segment, the next, another guest is coming up.
I appreciate your time.
You've got the floor.
Where is this going?
How is Obama doing?
How crippled is he?
What do you expect to see come next?
And how do we stop these people?
How do we get back on a course to sanity?
Well, you've got to remember, Alex, Obama's just their current agent in place.
Obama's just doing the bidding for the Saudis.
He's following his orders.
Remember, collect the dots between the Saudis.
Remember that John Brennan, who heads our CIA,
As far as I'm concerned, Obama has quietly and secretly converted to Islam.
I've believed that about Brennan for a long time.
Remember, Brennan was the guy whose security firm helped sanitize Obama's passport records before the 2008 election.
The two guys who broke into the passport office to seize Obama's passport records worked for Brennan.
And they never got picked up, they never got apprehended, and Brennan advances himself to head of the CIA, National Security Advisor in the White House, and Brennan is on the record many times as supporting jihadists, as supporting radical Islam.
As far as I can tell, you know, Brennan speaks fluent Arabic, he's spent time excessively in the region.
As far as I can tell, he's converted and might as well be considered to be heading our CIA as a pro-Wahhabist supporting, quietly, friend-ally-promoter-puppet
of the Saudis.
And the false flag in Syria has already occurred.
It was the chemical attack.
And we've published, I've published on WND the films of the rebels launching the attack of the chemicals, not the government.
The U.N.
has been over there twice now.
The U.N.
has never said or attributed responsibility to Assad.
Yet you've got John Kerry out there promoting that Assad is guilty and pumping this false flag.
It's the intent to send U.S.
military into harm's way for a cause that is not in U.S.
interest, but will support al-Qaeda, jihadists, and other criminals that are funded by Saudi Arabia.
That's the truth.
That's how the dots connect.
Unfortunately, that's the only way they connect.
I think Americans are getting the point, Alex.
I think you broadcast, we're working in WND diligently to get the information to the American people that we are Al-Qaeda.
We've always been Al Qaeda.
Go back to the roots of the Bush family and the Bin Laden family tied together.
I mean, even Michael Moore in his film was documenting the Bin Laden family connections with the Bush family connections.
Well, I've noticed this, Dr. Corsi.
You can criticize anybody, but you go after Saudi Arabia, all hell breaks loose.
Go back to World War II when FDR met with the head of the Saudi family on a boat in the Mediterranean on his way to one of the early summits in World War II.
And the deal was made that we were going to use our oil in World War II and the Saudis were going to back us up.
We had Saudi Arabia oil connections going back to pre-World War II era.
And if you trace it far enough, you'll find British Petroleum and Winston Churchill right in the middle of it with Iranian oil going back, you know, to the conversion of the British Navy from coal to oil.
This, you know, so much of our
Our new world order is based upon the politics of oil to benefit those few families.
Stay there!
Stay there!
Back in 60!
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Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're now into our number two, Bob Fletcher, who is a Iran-Contra whistleblower.
He's going to be joining us for a couple segments.
I wanted to get his take on things.
Dr. Jerome Corsi, best-selling author.
We're at the highest levels of international finance and also for the State Department as a consultant, really an expert of experts on what's happening in the Middle East.
And think of America now as a castle that doesn't have walls anymore.
We're wide open to any special interest.
The American people aren't organized except around football.
And all these special interests are just running wild to the point of they have such disrespect for us.
Obama signs an order two weeks ago to legalize what he's already doing, but I've read the code.
It doesn't legalize it to be able to arm Al Qaeda.
And you've got this plan to turn basically half the world over to Al Qaeda while using the Al Qaeda threat to take our liberties.
Here domestically.
Dr. Corsi, you were getting into the power of Saudi Arabia earlier, but in the 3-4 minutes we have left, you've got the floor here finishing up.
How do we stop this?
What are you worried about coming down the road?
What do we do?
Well, I want people to first understand that it was Obama and Odinga.
Obama's little cousin.
After violence and losing the election, prompted by agreements and discussions between Obama and Odinga, Odinga got to be co-head of state and opened the door with the new constitution to Al-Qaeda coming into Kenya through Somalia.
Kenya used to be a 90% Christian country.
It was very stable.
But between Obama and Odinga, Kenya's been destabilized.
You now see massive Somalian terrorist al-Qaeda linked groups
Operative in Kenya and this attack on the mall is a shocking indication of how powerful these Al-Qaeda groups have come.
They're killing Christians in the mall who can't give answers as to who the Muslim, Muhammad's mother was and other questions with regards to Islam.
This is the Saudis backing Al-Qaeda joined by Obama backing Al-Qaeda.
And in terms of false flags, the false flags have already occurred.
This entire chemical attack, Bruce, in Syria, which is a ploy to get our military to go along again and put their lives at risk for oil.
For the interests of the Saudis to combat Iran.
And Obama is in the process right now of funding Al-Qaeda throughout Northern Africa.
Including from Libya with the worst terrorists armed with weapons that we provided in part.
Being brought into Syria for these Al-Qaeda and other jihadists through Turkey.
And this is what Ambassador Stevens was at the center.
It's why Benghazi is still alive.
It's why Obama won't tell us what he was doing that night when we let these guys die in Benghazi without bringing military to try to save them.
So people gotta wake up!
And understand that the lies here have been going on since before World War II.
And this new world order crowd that thinks that they can, you know, create international structures, international finance, and push everybody around on lies of Al-Qaeda, when in fact we are Al-Qaeda, the Saudis are Al-Qaeda, and people have got to get that point through their heads.
That's very powerful stuff, Alex, but I can back it all up.
No, I know, I know.
It's all there publicly, and it's so frustrating, and I have this sense of dread for our society on one hand, but the other hand, I see a big awakening.
The power structure better not be worried about us.
They better be worried about the military waking up.
Well, if the military wakes up and realizes how many men and women have been killed in Maine over, you know, lies.
I mean, the lie was to get into Iraq in the first place in 1991 over Kuwait, which is insignificant to U.S.
national security interests.
And George H.W.
Bush proclaiming during that war in a speech to Congress, New World Order.
That was the... We're going to have to get you back up in the next few days.
This is too important.
Thank you, Dr. Corsi.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, this is a quick interview, the next 30 minutes or so.
We're going to get back up for a full hour in the near future, but I wanted to get Bob Fletcher's take on why government is running around like a chicken with its head cut off, trying to gear up for war with people, not just here, but in every other country.
Is it the world economic meltdown?
Is it the derivatives overhang?
Is it QE unlimited?
But I wanted to get Bob's take as well, if you just joined us.
Dr. Jerome Corsi was just on, going over all the documents, all the admissions that our government, through Obama and Saudi Arabia and others, is funding al-Qaeda, jihadists, to turn basically the entire Middle East, North Africa, and even Kenya over to them.
And clearly these are the groups brought in by Odinga and others in the last six, seven years.
And Obama advised them on all this.
And I know the government winds up Al Qaeda and helps them and then uses them as a threat to take our liberties.
And they use them to attack the Serbs and attack the Russians.
But now it's just moving headlong forward.
Reporters are getting harassed.
All this stuff's going on.
This article's up on Infowars.com.
Saudi Arabia threatens to end career of AP reporter over chemical weapons story.
That's up on Infowars.com.
What's happened here is we're such open societies that mafias have come in.
They've taken over Europe.
They've taken over the US.
And Saudi Arabia is only one small part of this mafia, but very central, obviously, in the Middle East.
And Bandar Bush, as he's known, because he was such good friends with the Bush family, came out a few weeks ago and threatened the Russians with Al-Qaeda attacking the Olympics if they didn't back off in Syria.
And then now the Foreign Minister of Russia is in the news saying, we're being pressured by Saudi Arabia and the United States, that's who he says, to back off and let them have Syria or we're going to regret it.
I mean, this is wild.
And you've got the U.S.
aggressively with NATO for almost three years attacking Syria.
And it's so immoral and it's so naked!
And the average person is either waking up or getting more dumbed down.
I mean, I was near downtown a few days ago doing a video shoot last week, and it was on like Wednesday, and there were already people
Parking their RVs and cars to tailgate for a football game.
Was UT here this weekend?
They were?
I mean, I didn't even check or know.
I just could tell it was UT people.
All their UT stuff.
And there's these adult males who'll run up to you and basically, you know, I'm really depressed.
UT lost and stuff.
And I'm just like, man, we're worried about nuclear war here.
Collapse of society.
And it's because
The men in this country, and I'm not knocking you if you're a sports fan, but if you spend 15 hours a day playing video games or 10 hours a day watching sports, could you spend one hour a week for freedom or getting informed?
I'm just really freaked out right now.
I mean, I'm getting really freaked out because it's all out in the open now.
It's out in the open that the rebels launched the chemical attack.
Bob Fletcher, businessman, inventor, film producer, speaker, and author.
After years of business as a professional career, Bob became involved in the U.S.
government top-secret covert arms sales.
He's testified as a top witness to Iran-Contra.
His company basically got infiltrated by the CIA, taken over as a front company.
And bobfletcherinvestigations.com is his site.
And we've told your story, Bob.
I just wanted to get your take today, and then we'll get into why you think they're gearing up for all this.
I wanted to get your take on the state of the world, what's happening, how crazy it is.
91% Reuters poll against the war, so that's good news.
I see an awakening happening on one end, but the crazies run things, and then the rest of the public are zombies.
And I just have a feeling of dread, and everybody else I talk to that's a business person or successful or informed, they have the same sense that we're about to witness biblical things, basically.
Bob Fletcher.
Right, well, that part I absolutely agree with.
And you know, last night I was watching with my wife, we were watching the introductions on a whole slew of the new television programs.
Completely garbage.
I mean, it embarrasses me.
It embarrasses me that my fellow Americans would even watch the garbage that they're producing to infiltrate their brain and fill it with trash so that they don't even recognize what's going on.
Like what you're talking about, the excess to the sports and all of that ridiculous, you know, again, you know, God bless you if you're supporting your team, you know, but don't spend five days leading up to a football game.
You know, what happened to your kids?
What happened that week to your family and what happened to the world while you were out there trying to buy the extra couple of six packs of beer to throw into your RV to go to the football game five days down the road?
I mean, it's absolutely insane.
I can't understand how successful the bad guys in government have been in the last 35 years in turning our entire American culture into sponge brains.
It's unbelievable.
It's embarrassing, personally shocking, and embarrassing.
Now, as you know, I have been chasing bad guys in government for 35 years or something like that at this point in time, the entire second to last half of my life.
And after being involved with a multitude of investigations out of the Senate and the Congress and being a federal witness a couple of times and a whistleblower on a multitude of times,
Unfortunately, not having anybody of sufficient strength to listen to any of us.
You know, being a whistleblower is fine, but if nobody hears the whistle, it doesn't matter, I guess.
But I've been doing that for years and years.
And it became a regular recognized thing that people were stealing multiple millions of dollars
If you had a foot or a finger in the pie in Washington, D.C., somehow you and your buddy could get away with a few million bucks.
You could always get an extra couple of, uh, a few thousand bucks for this and that, a couple of million bucks for an extra, uh, whatever, a project maybe your family wanted to do and things of that sort, if you had your finger in the pie and had a friend inside.
All right?
And that became regular.
The theft of a few million here and a few million there didn't mean very much.
But then I recognized a while back that we were talking billions of dollars disappearing.
And then, believe it or not, it became recognized that it was trillions of dollars.
2.2 trillion missing from the Pentagon alone as of 2001.
That's correct.
But to put the icing on the cake, how about the $9 trillion from the Federal Reserve that just vanished?
And it vanished apparently, now wait a minute, I'm going to say that again, $9 trillion.
The Senate and the Congress investigated and asked directly the investigative branch, the lady that was in charge of theoretically maintaining audits.
And maintaining oversight on the Federal Reserve.
And she was asked directly, what about $9 trillion on off-the-books indicated money with the Federal Reserve that vanished someplace into European banks?
I remember that.
We've played that clip.
In fact, that clip is in Fall of the Republic.
So if they can steal trillions, why not arm Al-Qaeda publicly?
Why not have Obama sign an order that he can arm Al-Qaeda like he did two weeks ago?
They just do whatever they want.
It's mind-boggling, and this lady now, she was one, and she was the, what do they call it?
The Auditor!
So bottom line, what's going to happen?
The gold is going from Fort Knox, trillions disappearing from major financial institutions, and it would be, so you have to say, where can it go?
Because you can't steal that much and hide it.
You cannot launder a trillion dollars.
That's a physical impossibility.
Now, if you are the government and you are building hundreds of underground facilities
Which is going on.
And you are assisting the Russians to build 5,000 of them underground.
And the other nations of the world, you're assisting with our tax dollars to build underground facilities.
And they are putting multi-millions of dollars into weapons to shoot rioters on the street.
They're spending all this money cutting deals with Russia to bring over extra people to assist in the time of need.
They're training 24-7 for open war against us.
It's high treason.
Okay, now, here's... So I had to sit back and I said, well, wait a minute.
What's going on?
So of course then with just a little more...
A little more snooping and a few more people coming to you from under the table.
The bottom line is simply this.
They are fully anticipating a catastrophic celestial impact.
That's the terminology they used when they were cutting the deal with the Russians to bring assistance over here when needed for FEMA, for the federal emergency.
They are anticipating a celestial impact.
We, I happen to know, and by the way, all of this is on a new video that I'm trying to get out.
I've never had so much trouble in my life.
I've had entire computers burn up on me in the last two, last seven months on this thing.
They're doing a number on me to stop me.
It's funny you mention that, because they admit that's the plan to set up rural government is for a defense system against asteroids.
So I want to get your inside take on that.
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Bob Fletcher for folks that don't know who he is.
I've had people ask me, who's Chuck Yeager when I'm talking about him?
He was a big part of the Iran-Contra hearings, a key person, just because they came in and wanted to be partners with his toy company.
It was very successful.
And then it was a CIA front, and they said, this is the way it is.
And generals and CIA would come traipsing in, like in a movie, like Spies Like Us, when it's the, you know, fruit company or whatever.
That's exactly how it works, ladies and gentlemen.
I've had family
Where the CIA's come and said, well, you know, you got some other family in the CIA and you're a good family.
We want your business to be a front for us.
And obviously the family said no, but this is huge.
And we'll have him with us till about 45 after that.
I'll get to all the other news.
There's a lot of it.
But Bob, this is a short segment.
I want to ask you right now.
Is your gut telling you something's wrong?
Because, I mean, they don't care if nuclear reactors are melting down now.
They used to care.
They used to care and not let troops use DU.
Now they don't care.
I mean, it's like the devil runs things, and they're persecuting all forms of goodness.
I mean, I know they've got an underground base program that's for nuclear war, and they say it's for asteroids, and I mean, I know all that's going on, and you have sources on it, but it seems like there's something else going on.
Well, you know, no, primarily that's it.
What it is, they had all of a sudden discovered and it was prime, let's put it this way, it was a vague possibility a while back that there was going to be, that this 10th planet, the Nibiru, Planet X, whatever you want to call it, was potentially way out there and it's going to come back and make a circle through.
Alright, well that was kind of, and close to Earth.
That was kind of a maybe, possibility kind of a thing.
But someplace around 1983, and it was verified by a Central Intelligence person, friend of mine out of Washington, at such a high level that this particular agent used to write speeches for Reagan and Bill Casey, with Bill Casey for a long time, head of the CIA.
Anyhow, the bottom line was that about 83 sometime in that period of time, they had some kind of a confirmation that, hey, this thing is coming back.
And it's going to take a few years.
It might take 20 years or so, but it absolutely will be coming back.
And they started, at that point in time, expanding the underground facilities and all of that.
And it's got nothing to do with nuclear or anything.
What it has to do, in reality, all of this... And what irritates me more than anything is they have kept all this totally secret from the general public.
They've lied and covered up about it and said, oh, no, it was this, that, and the other thing.
We're good to go.
And by the way, it's been coming out in the news.
What are these giant concrete fortresses in the Ozarks and other areas?
And then it turns out there's bases under them and they're really like an underground train station above ground terminal.
That's what I've been told by people involved in the construction.
That particular construction you're talking about, by 72,000 square feet, it's registered as a private party home.
The guy's a central intelligent operative and a genius that has put together many of the spy electronic operations that are used by our military.
That's the fellow, his name's Stephen Huff.
He's the fellow that owns this particular large construct.
It is the fourth largest house in the United States.
It makes Bill Gates' place look like an outhouse.
Well the truth is he was given the NSA satellite patents on a bunch of stuff to be given tens of billions, but he's really just the front for a government operations, my information.
Most likely that's exactly the situation.
Now where his home is located, which is over top of this multi
I don't know.
With these connecting things, it's like a spiderweb of tunnels beneath the ground.
Now, here's the bottom line.
They've taken all of this money, every cent that belongs to the United States taxpayers.
They've totally kept it secret.
They are absolutely awaiting the incoming of this out...
And it's in the Kuiper Belt.
Well then what about all the false starts where they said it was going to come a decade ago and all that?
Well, and I can't account for all of that.
I know some of it's misinterpretation of different things.
But watching the way the budgeting has been going with them all of a sudden rushing bullets and weapons, buying that up by, gee, billions of dollars of weapons to control riots.
Stay there.
Let's come back, Bob Fletcher.
This is important information.
Then I'm going to shift gears into some other areas with you.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
You know, Bob Fletcher is a really smart guy.
And I know that it was Lyndon LaRouche that went and met with Reagan and others.
That's when George Bush Sr.
got really, really jealous.
This all came out.
You can pull this up in the Washington Post.
None of the media has discredited Lyndon LaRouche.
So you hear that name, like, Lyndon LaRouche, isn't that the guy that's a right-winger or a left-winger or the guy that paints Hitler mustaches on Obama?
And you can say what you want about the LaRouche movement.
I don't agree with some of their aims, but their analysis is spot on.
He was in meetings with the head of the CIA in the 80s over and over again, and with Reagan, which made the whole power structure very jealous, and they said put SDI up for an anti-meteor program.
And I know then, because LaRouche has said it on air, they were very concerned about comets, other things that we know, especially since Shoemaker-Levy, when they discovered that comet, and then predicted accurately that it would hit one of the super gas giants,
Was it Jupiter or Saturn?
Yeah, it hit Jupiter.
I always get that factoid backwards and it blew like giant holes bigger than the Earth and the gas giant.
The point is, is that I have seen their concern about that, but that really they were going to use space-based weapon systems.
The cover would be a defensive system.
I know the US and Russia have had meetings at the UN.
I'm just backing up what Fletcher's saying, and they claim they're building underground bases and COG, that's Continuity of Government Systems, for comets, asteroids.
I think the term Planet X has become more of an archetype of all this debris.
We know there's hundreds of planetoid-sized spheres.
Moon size and smaller out in the Kuiper belt that they've now picked up with radio telescopes.
And a lot of them supposedly have these elliptical orbits and do come through.
And the ancients all recorded these things coming close and you know, then you get mountains shooting up a thousand feet in the air and lava spraying out.
Previously they thought every 10 million years or something a big asteroid hit the earth.
We now know they're thinking it's every couple hundred.
And so they think they're on time to have this.
I think Planet X, because I heard about it in 99, 2003, I always thought it was baloney, that it was going to hit us.
And of course Bob didn't say it was going to hit us then.
My point is, is kind of an excuse for COG.
I'm not disagreeing with you that they're concerned about it, Bob.
I just think the CIA guy, high level, that was telling you this,
Might have been putting a false story on you, partially false, or he may have been fed it himself.
Do you get my point I'm making?
Yeah, but that's not, but you don't even have the very, we just scratched surface.
You can't imagine how much real statistics are on this.
First off, the solar flare situation, it's been acknowledged by NASA, not that this is an 11 year cycle, the solar flares have been the most outrageous they have been in a thousand years.
That's being affected already by Nibiru, by Planet X. Planet X is estimated to be five times the size of Earth.
Uh, Woolsey, James Woolsey, head of the CIA, been out a couple of years.
A few months ago he said, there is no question in our mind that we will have a solar flare with the potential, or several of them, the potential to shut down all electronics on either the Earth or half the globe.
That's right.
Nibiru's supposed to be bigger than Jupiter, correct?
It's five times the size of Earth.
It's probably the size of Jupiter.
No, I think Jupiter's like 300 times.
The point is, it will pass around, it will come close, go around the sun, and we will run through the tail of this thing, which has like 4,000 miles of garbage.
So we have so many meteorites and potential small pieces of junk hitting us.
Why have we had, we have already had more meteorites than we usually do in five years in the world in the last two years.
That's also already being affected by Nibiru coming back in.
Wait a minute, I gotta stop you right now and my wife is a witness to this and I just entered twilight zone.
I was down at the beach at just some funky condominiums we go and rent for two or three days to go fishing down in Port Aransas and a guy comes and knocks on my door and he said he was going to email a to-do.
Go see if he emailed a to-do.
Because I gave him his email because I always miss stuff.
I never check mine.
The point is, I might as well not even have email.
He comes and knocks on my door and says, I want to send you these photos that I took
And he was bringing up Planet X to me and he was saying, look at this.
This was taken in Austin a week ago.
It's funny I ran into you here.
I thought it was really weird.
And he was showing me photos of in broad daylight and it wasn't a sun flare because he showed me video and I could see it from behind the tree.
So it wasn't, it wasn't a sun flare, but that could be anything.
I mean, that could be a satellite.
Who knows?
But we have, I have, uh, uh, and, and most of them are, are on my, my new, uh,
Uh, my new video, I'm hoping to get the darn thing out.
I don't even know if it'll get out.
That's how much trouble we've had.
The bottom line is we have pictures of it, uh, particularly stuff taken from the, uh, the southern Antarctic, uh, uh, the weather center down there.
They've got pictures from down there.
There's pictures from all over the world.
Progressively, et cetera, et cetera.
There's no question about that.
Google Space, about one year ago, when it was posted out by somebody that was an astronomer, said, go to this on Google, Google Space, and you can find it.
The following day, they literally blacked it out the size of a postcard so that you couldn't even see it.
They actually intentionally eliminated it from people being able to see it.
No, it exists, period.
I have to go on with this.
The lady that's been in charge of the Homeland Security for so long, alright?
She just quit a little while back.
What's her name?
Janet Napoleano.
She said the same thing that Woolsey said, that it is absolutely positive we are going to get solar flares.
That will potentially shut down every single electronic device on either the entire Earth or half of the Earth.
The other gentleman that used to be in charge of what they call that psychic thing,
With the CIA for so long, the viewers, his name was Major Ed Dames, he came out and said the same thing, that they had projected that in fact we were going to get these solar flares.
Now, the flares are ahead of the possibility of Nibiru coming close.
If the solar flares hit us, I want everybody to understand this, if we get a solar flare equal to one that we already got in 1895, when we didn't have a lot of electricity, if we get a solar flare today, it'll put every single mechanism on Earth
Null and void.
We will not have any communication.
We will have no lights.
We will have no food sources.
We'll have no fuel.
No method of delivery.
Well, let me say this.
It may not be, it may not be this giant gas giant or this imploded sun as people have surmised this planet X or Nubiru is, that the ancients called it, but here's how we can post science.
Comet ISON
2013 may be among brightest ever seen, astronomers say.
And they go on to say that its tail may hit us, but it's nothing to worry about.
I do know they've been in the news saying they believe there's a hundred-plus year cycle and that it will fry all our communications.
Now, I don't know if that's government fear-mongering, but you're right.
Napolitano has come out and said that.
Are you saying they're trying to get people ready for something?
Well, here's the bottom line.
Again, they've set themselves up, like I said, they've taken every single dollar they could humanly take.
They are either hiding some of the gold for later potential use underground, they're building the undergrounds to hide out for the limited few.
Now, what they're going to do is they have to have a martial law before this hits the fan.
Before it looks like we're going to be completely electronically shut down, and also before, if the possibility of this huge planet swinging close by once more, which it theoretically does every 3,000 years.
Now, they have to have
Some excuse.
So some of the junk that we're seeing going on, the crazy, radical, challenging Syria and pushing North Korea and all these other things that potentially any one of which they can cultivate
Far enough along to where they can declare martial law, and it has to be done before the planet hits the fan.
It has to be done.
Now, they would not be doing all of this.
They've interrupted an awful lot of what we would call the New World Order movement.
They've interrupted an awful lot.
All right.
Absolutely positive that the planet was going to hit the fan.
Now, I have unbelievable scientific backup on this Planet X. Not only do we have great photographs of it now, now that we have the equipment to do it pretty good, which even includes some what we would call amateur astronomers,
But we have statements, etc., and going way, way back, and corresponding information.
But here's one, again, that's something that I discovered just because I got into this thing and was wondering if this was really possible.
The planets in our entire solar system have started heating up, temperature increases, and their orbits are wiggling.
They are being affected from Pluto out.
In other words, excuse me, from Pluto coming inwards, but they're heating up from Pluto coming inwards.
They are not being heated up by the Sun.
And this is a scientific fact that's been going on.
All of the surface atmosphere, the chemical structure, and the heat, the temperature of all of our planets started a year or so ago going up and started being affected.
By somebody out there beyond Pluto.
And that is exactly what we're talking about.
We're talking about Nibiru.
And we're talking about something that swings through here every 3,600 years.
And when it comes close to the Earth, it's going to clean it off like Noah's flood.
Because that was one of the passes of Nibiru.
That was Noah's flood.
And it's going to do a number, and it'll do a number on us ahead of actually being close enough to physically do it with its gravity.
And when do you think this is going to happen?
Sometime beginning yesterday.
And probably the first of next year.
I don't think, according to the ancient writings from the Himalayas, from the monks up on the top of the hills in the Himalayas, they talked about 2015.
I'm saying sometime between and a reason I say yesterday because five days ago was the some of the contracts that the government had put out for example for 2700 riot control trucks
Very interesting.
We'll have to talk to you when that film comes out.
We'll talk again soon.
Bob Pleasure, Investigations.com.
Thank you, Bob.
Folks, I like Bob, and he put out a lot of good info on Iran-Contra.
Everything he's talking about.
We pulled up the article where 9 trillion missing from the Federal Reserve.
Newsmax with their testimony.
In fact, I was reminded of that by him.
99% of what he's saying I can document.
Then he goes off into this stuff, and I believe him.
I believe he was told this is coming.
A lot of what he said I've separately seen even in mainline news that the CIA's been worried about this and I believe this is used as a cover though for the whole COG program and they use the threat of solar flares that's real and the threat of comets hitting us that are real
You've got all these cases in Russia a hundred years ago and others where thousands of square miles of stuff gets devastated.
Thank God nobody was up there in Siberia when it happened.
Or very few people.
I don't discount these things happen.
All the time asteroids come close to the Earth.
All the time comets come close.
It's been proven now that they have telescopes that stuff's getting hit all the time.
Look at the moon!
Yeah, they said, oh, that happened over four million years!
And now they're like, actually, we think the whole face of it might change every hundred million.
The truth is, they don't know.
They don't know.
We don't know.
And it is sensational.
I could write a book on Planet X, probably sell a million copies of it.
Then all my problems would be solved.
I could fund my news operation.
But that's not how I'm going to do it.
I spent so much time trying to fund the radio show, the filmmaking, the writers, the research.
Trying to be credible and then there's just, it's so fantastical what's going on, who knows what to believe anymore?
But we'll get Bob back up to talk more about that.
I wanted to get Bob up about his take on what's happening in the Middle East, Syria, all that.
But, you know, Bob's now gone off into this.
And he was the first guy I ever heard talk about specifics of HAARP and weather manipulation and chemtrails.
In like 1993, he was putting out videos on it.
And then I thought, this guy's crazy.
I remember the first time I saw Bob on like Access Television in like 1993.
I was right out of high school.
I think so.
I know how many amateur astronomers there are, folks, because I've been one myself.
It's mainly amateur astronomers that end up finding things.
It is amateur astronomers that find most of the new comets, that find most of the new asteroids.
So, if there was some big gas giant,
That was going to be coming out from an elliptical orbit to hit the Earth or come close to the Earth.
You would see it.
You would know about it.
They cannot hide this stuff anymore.
So I've got to say that I disagree with Bob overall in the final equation that Planet X is real.
And people have got really mad at me the last three times it was supposed to kill us.
And I get if there's ancient
You know, stories of this in all cultures.
I know things hit the earth.
I'm not debating that.
I know there's a bunch of planetoids out there.
Red dwarfs, black dwarfs, you know, imploded suns.
I'm not debating that that could exist.
I'm saying this whole COG is about worldwide financial meltdown and World War III with Russia.
Those 11 Russian ships, missile cruisers, in the Mediterranean are real.
Our ships, masked, are real.
The Joint Chiefs blocking Obama from trying to start a big war, that's real.
Saudi Arabia funding al-Qaeda all over the world.
Israel supporting it.
Just unbelievable.
That's real.
This is all real.
And I'm gonna stick to what's real.
I don't blame people speculating.
And I hope Bob turns out being wrong, too.
I think he's a good guy, though.
We'll be right back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Here's what the Huffington Post has to say on comment Aysen
They quote astronomers from the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observation Board that integrates all these different governmental and institutional telescopes saying that this will be grazingly close, meaning it's coming very close, and dazzling bright.
And then it has the question mark.
They debate whether it'll be the brightest ever or among the brightest ever.
And it gets into when it is going to be arriving.
And I hope there's no hail-bop people that go and commit suicide over this.
I mean, the ancients were fascinated with the heavens.
I don't blame them.
But again, I don't think that we can put a date on when something's going to slam into the earth.
And government is digging in, that's true.
And the training is, they're saying the American people are their enemy.
So it looks like governments are gearing in for a depopulation event.
Perhaps a bioweapon will be released.
I mean, you've got all these top globalists in the news every day saying, call the human population down to almost nothing.
We're a plague.
We're horrible.
We're bad.
Attenborough came out a few days ago and said the same thing.
So that's the real threat, is the crazy humans on the planet that have the superweapons.
We know they're real.
We know their views.
We know what they're planning.
The question is when.
And if they've got enough underground bases and enough COG, they may actually try it.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to come back and get into magnetic pollution.
We're going to get into frequency pollution.
Here in the United States, that's on record.
And boy, I tell you, today is just when we get into all the hardcore subjects.
But this stuff's real, dealing with ultra-low frequency and mind control.
So we're going to be talking to our special guest, Deborah Tavares, coming up.
But first, when we come back, I'm going to cover some other news that's very, very important on a host of issues.
There's a lot of it here.
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All right, we're gonna go to break.
Come back, cover more news, and then be joined by a guest dealing with what are these cell towers doing, what is the cell phone radiation doing, smart meters as well.
You are listening to GCN.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Man, I've got to cover more of what's on InfoWars.com.
I mean, look at this.
Rand Paul introduced amendment outlawing Obamacare exemptions for government employees.
How could anybody vote against that?
I think Congress should never exempt themselves from a law.
Beautiful, devastating common sense up on InfoWars.com.
Just came out by Paul Watson and Steve Watson.
Also, Huffington Post, Paul shows support for Second Amendment.
Kurt Nimmo,
That just went live.
Terrorists behind mall siege threaten bigger attacks.
Paul Watson just published that minutes ago.
Insider reveals armed deals behind recent major events.
That's a big Jim Mars investigative report.
We're going to have that former CIA contractor and whistleblower on the show with Jim later in the week.
Fox News Detroit is open.
Carry good.
Should we ban it?
Also, McCain and Graham traitors who should shut up and return to the dark shadows.
Curt Nemo, CIA-linked vet who fought with Al-Qaeda, released from jail.
Saudi Arabia threatens to end career of AP reporter over chemical weapons story.
That's just some of the news up on InfoWars.com and mirrored over at PrisonPlanet.com.
And then I have news stories like this one right here.
DPS detained then released illegal immigrants.
And this is just standard.
This is out of the Brownsville Herald.
When you trespass on somebody's property, if you're an American citizen, regardless of what color you are, and if they catch you and call the police and it shows you're doing something on their property they shouldn't be, you get charged with trespassing, even if you're not proven to be doing something.
But when it's illegal aliens, and this has happened all over the country,
On your property, even moving into your barn, whatever, the police will not arrest them in most cases because the feds will not pick them up.
And the illegals are smart.
They'll just sit in jail and never post bond, so they just let them go.
But Americans grovel to the system, work with it.
We think it's a thing of pride to bend over and grab our ankles.
I mean, literally, for the DPS.
I mean, the DPS, the illegals are drunk.
They're allowed to go free here in Texas.
That's on record.
It's come out in the news.
And again, it just shows the illegal aliens.
We can actually learn a lot from them.
I mean, it's time to just stop complying with basically everything.
Because the government's already stolen everything.
They've already stolen all the pensions.
It's all gone, folks.
You just need to get ready and get yourself prepared.
You go get a college degree, you're probably never going to be able to use it for anything.
I mean, this is serious.
I'll tell you the real end of civilization, folks, is the end of the industrial civilization under a 1021.
That's the real end, is this slow, creeping death that is just destroying our society.
I'm going to briefly talk about that when we come back from break and then go to our guests, but Texas Department of Public Safety troopers briefly detained and then released about 20 people.
Suspected of being in the country illegally Saturday, but it doesn't matter.
They don't have to show their IDs, only citizens do.
Mourning on a farmer's land 24 miles north of Central Mission.
That's way inside the U.S.
The landowner said.
About 8 a.m.
Saturday, Lee Adams said he noticed a lot of activity in the brush on his large rural property.
He called DPS trooper who called for backup.
Group of troopers, which included five cars and two helicopters, eventually rounded up a large group of people who appeared to be possibly in the country illegally, Adams said.
But in less than an hour, the cars and helicopters scattered, allowing the people they detained to do the same.
Yeah, and this has really happened in Arizona, where the illegals will actually move into your property, then into your barn, and then if you give them problems, they'll burn everything down.
That's been a big problem.
So, it's just, it's unbelievable.
The DPS, I'm surprised, didn't arrest the landowner, or do a proctology exam on him to make sure there wasn't a hand grenade up there.
That's what they do to your wife.
So, get ready.
We'll be right back.
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We're good to go.
He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Chaos is hanging around.
Put your ear to the ground.
And shut up from the sound.
The death machine ain't slowing down.
It's gaining power.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're now into the third hour.
Don't forget we have InfoWars Nightly News coming up tonight, seven o'clock central for people that are watching at PrisonPlanet.tv.
We are fighting the construction of the prison planet with InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
I wanted to hit a couple pieces of news here.
Everyone's freaking out over Obamacare.
As Forbes reports, Obamacare will increase health spending by $7,450 for a family of four.
That's conservative numbers.
New York Times probe finds new law may limit choices after all.
Yeah, that's what they said the plan was.
Movement grows to repeal Obamacare exemption for Congress.
We have the article up on Infowars.com of Rand Paul saying he's going to introduce the legislation to do it.
You know, saying, could they be that out of touch?
Those stories are up at DrudgeReport.com and up on InfoWars.com.
So, this is the type of garbage that we are dealing with.
Doctors are bracing for surge of ailing patients.
Frustration is mounting.
And again, the plan is bankrupt the country, make you dependent, or even if you have money, you can't get real health care.
That's how it is in other countries.
And when you see how gullible people are, when they find out what a screw job this is, they're going to get very, very angry.
But don't worry, they'll have us in a major war by then as a political distraction.
This is a very, very serious situation.
Now, before we go any further and go to our guest, we mentioned this earlier, so I thought why not show you.
Elizabeth Coleman is the Inspector General
Of the supposed Federal Reserve, and whenever she was talking last year to Congressman Grayson, he wanted to know where $9 trillion went.
And she said, oh, I don't know about that Bloomberg article.
But then later, you know, it came out, they said, well, we don't know where it went, and then later it was in subsequent hearings.
Well, we do know, but we can't tell you and won't tell you.
See, Congress isn't even allowed to know.
We're being robbed, folks.
That's what Homeland Security's there to do, to make sure we never try to get control of our government again.
They're the bank robber that comes in and aims the gun at the people, while the other bank robbers go in the back and unload the vault.
And that isn't some analogy or allegory or parable.
The globalists have decided to go all out, ladies and gentlemen.
They decided to go all out.
So we did dig up the clip.
Here is that clip since we mentioned it because I know it sounds unbelievable.
Just like AP reported on 2.2 trillion missing.
And that was over a decade ago.
Now it's over 4 trillion missing.
The pension funds, everything.
Now you're still being paid out, but it's IOUs.
It's just digital.
All the real wealth was taken and leveraged out.
It's all gone.
And I don't know what the establishment thinks they're going to do.
Are they going to release a bioweapon that wipes out the majority of the Earth's population while they hide in armored bunkers?
Because they've sure been building them.
And I think that's what the bunkers are for, not for some comet hitting the Earth.
Everybody always speculates.
We know the tyrants are training for war against the people.
We know that they're eugenicists.
Folks, here's the thing.
The singularity is going to hit information first.
Google has said they want to be the mind of God.
Talk about a power trip.
Google is the NSA, it's come out.
Google is getting all the data on you to find out who you are to manipulate you.
And so is Microsoft.
They're all part of the same combine.
These people are not Germans, they're not Jewish, they're not Chinese, they're not Mexican, they're not African.
They're all those groups.
What they are is eugenicists.
You don't get into their club unless you believe everybody's scum and the population needs to be reduced.
And I was thinking this morning, I had this epiphany.
We're going to play the clip and go to our guest and do overdrive if need be.
She's got a lot of key information.
I want to get this out here because I had this epiphany and I was thinking, why do they fund making people dumbed down and lazy?
While at the same time setting up eugenics and telling the wealthy and the hard-working, see the lazy public, the lazy people, we need to get rid of them.
We need to sterilize them.
Well, I knew that it was a dichotomy and a dialectic of controlling both sides.
That's the master plan and everything the globalists do, that's their wavelength, their signature.
But it hit me.
They're going to suck everything out of the middle class and everything out of the wealthy that aren't part of the elite.
And transfer it to destroy any political opposition to the unwashed masses, who they have helped dumb down and grease the skids.
And people don't need help being dumbed down and becoming decadent.
The humans do it every time we become prosperous.
But the globalists are trying to supercharge it, like hurrying it up, so that a large core
Of the sub elite, maybe 5-10% of the population, will actually aid the globalists when it comes time to kill everybody.
I mean, I already talked to intelligentsia and they go, well, there aren't too many poor people.
I mean, I've been in multiple meetings before, out in Wimberley and out at the lake, at wealthy people's houses, at parties, speculating they have time to go to things like that, and it's always the cocktail talk.
Well, yes, you know, that is true, and I'm a microbiologist, and we are discussing, it's well known, when do we get rid of the disease that's humanity?
And I don't want to be part of this, but I know if I don't go along with it, my family will be next.
Plus, we've not even been given entree into how to get into the elite, but this is just admitted by the higher-ups.
And this is academics, this is people at companies, and of course they make these statements publicly, too.
And then other people are just dug in out in the countryside, former weapons biologists, you name it, you know, just working at local clinics and stuff because they know what's going on.
From the inside, folks, this is not a game.
This is not a game.
And is it nuclear war they're planning to have?
Is it going to be a bioweapons release they're always calling for?
Most of you out there, I don't care if you're worth a hundred million dollars.
I don't care if you're worth a billion dollars.
Last night I was having dinner with a very famous
Brand, producer, food manufacturing owner, household names if I said them, and he was completely freaked out.
He said, yeah, no, the whole system is imploding and the elite on top are robbing everything.
He said, you're absolutely right, that's what's going on, as if there's not going to be any future.
I mean, when you're sitting around with a guy that's worth, you know, $500 million, $1 billion, $100 million, and they're all going, you're exactly right, and that's the plan, and that's what they're saying, and these people are freaked out, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm telling you, it's like the devil runs things or something.
And nobody's safe!
Not cops, not military, not CIA, not people with a billion dollars, folks.
This is madness that's being set up.
Let's go to this clip, then we'll go to our guest, Melissa Moverdrive.
She's almost a full hour.
This is very important.
She's one of the best speakers I've heard.
And when I hear her get into these facts, it scares me because everything she's saying, I've already got government documents on and know she's accurate and it's just mind-blowing.
We're going to talk to Debra here in just a moment.
Debra Tavares.
But first, here's this clip with the Inspector General.
Here it is.
I've never heard that do that before.
Alright, well, let's hit pause.
Let's hit pause.
When I saw it played on the computer out there, it worked great.
So, let's just, let's download the clip again.
We know where to play it from.
We can go through check sequencing, and then we can play it on air, because we're going to go to this.
One way or the other, or I'll have the guys repost it up on InfoWars.com.
That sounded like Cylon Raiders, or something, going on there.
But we're going to get you that clip, and we're going to play it on air.
In fact, you can have the guys download it over there and send it to you if you want, if there's an issue.
Do we have any idea what's going on with it?
It can't be in the Congress audio.
I went out there and I listened to it.
This is kind of fun.
Let's just troubleshoot this on air.
Like we visited, uh, you're saying it is in the clip?
Because something's amplifying it then, because, uh, because, uh,
Well, when I heard it out there, guys, it didn't sound like that.
So that may just be some kind of amplifying going through our system.
No, it's fine.
Let's search the headline and try to find it from another.
Or give it to the audio guys and try to clean it up.
Because that's what I want to do.
Very important clip.
You can just search it and find it.
The Federal Reserve cannot account for $9 trillion in off-balance sheet transactions.
Zero hedge reported on it.
So did Bloomberg.
We reported on it as well.
This is old news, but I just don't like to mention something like that without actually
We're playing you the clip on air.
We're going to go to break and come back with our guest, Deborah Tavares, and you can go to her website, StopTheCrime.net, where she breaks down, has the government documents, silent weapons for quiet wars, info on soft kill weapons, you name it, it is all right there on that site.
So when we come back, we will go to her on that front.
But again, if you go to InfoWars.com, very important article to get out to everybody you know, to point out the hypocrisy.
All of us have to fight Obamacare, eugenics care, globalist care, everywhere we are.
Rand Paul to introduce amendment outlawing Obamacare exemptions for government employees.
And that's how you counter this.
See, we all think of civil rights as black people and white people fighting with each other.
That's what civil rights means now, is hyping racial division on MSNBC.
The truth is, we're all being cheated, and the elite UN globalist types, and the congressional and parliamentary types, they're all above the law, they're all exempt from everything.
They're exempt from
Most taxes.
Most regulations.
The police are exempt from license plate reading cameras and public records requests.
This is government becoming God.
Titles of nobility.
Above the law groups.
We're reverting to the old Stone Age systems.
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Alright, Debra Tavares is our guest.
She's one of the leading...
Anti smart meter individuals out there period and she's extremely articulate We're gonna do a little bit of overdrive with her into the next hour to make sure she has time to break everything down today And I again appreciate her coming on every time I hear her on the radio
It's just amazing to listen to.
I heard her on Joyce Riley's show last week here locally on the local FM that also carries our show.
And I thought, man, I've had her on before.
I've got to get her back on.
With the latest shooting and the guy saying he was under ELF, whether he was under it or not, it exists.
It's been declassified.
They've got microwave systems, you know, in Times Square that broadcast sound into your head.
In fact, the headline on that from Huffington Post, I think, was Schizophrenia, the new advertising campaign.
And the point is, is that separate from all that, the smart meters, the spy grids, the cell phones spying on you, what the studies show this microwave radiation is doing to plants and animals, she joins us.
So give us an overview of your research, the history of this.
And what these globalists are up to that have captured our government.
And then in the next long segment, I want to get into the whole raft of issues that you sent us.
Smart meters, hidden implementation tactics, silent weapons, NASA warfare, and all the documents that are at stopthecrime.net.
Deborah, thank you for coming on with us.
Well, Alex, thank you so much for having me on.
I want to get started by giving everyone the opportunity to print, get, if they cannot download copies of the documents they're going to hear me speak about, I want them to be able to get them and they can call our print shop at area code 707-586-9558.
We will print those at print cost and shipping and get these out to you because it's absolutely imperative, Alex, that everybody gets this information in their hands immediately.
And most importantly, I think, to start as a bit of a foundation is the Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars document.
That's only a 44-page document.
We have it on our website both in a free download or also up where you can listen to it as well.
And I'm going to start here a bit, Alex, because in order to connect the dots of all of the documents that we found on the government website, I think we'll start here first.
Understand that the Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars was a document that was put together in the late 40s.
And the groups that were involved in that document at that time were the U.S.
Air Force, the Rockefeller, international bankers, and Harvard University.
And this is an operational technical manual to subvert history and law, total global manipulation, enslavement and genocide.
And we are the enemy.
And this is the thinking of the international bankers.
And it's important to understand what they think.
Because this is what they're doing and we can see it.
We all know we're under a massive war.
And it is.
It's a silent weapons war.
We're being subdued and we don't even realize it.
It is fingerprintless.
And they are using chemicals, and biologicals, and bacteriologicals, and viruses, and parasites, and fungi, carcinogens.
This we found when we found the NASA war plan on the NASA website.
And this document is on our website, Alex.
It is unbelievable.
It tells us, now this was a PowerPoint presentation back in 2001.
given by Dennis Bushnell, the chief NASA scientist, who, by the way, is a transhumanist.
So, this PowerPoint, the topic is about robots, cyborgs, and humans.
And they talk about, on page 93, for example, how they will torture, capture Americans in living color on prime time, and how they will use chemicals and biologicals on the continental United States.
They will attack critical infrastructure, and they will use an EMP.
Electromagnetic pulse, which we're hearing a lot in the news right now.
They'll do this to us, and they'll use radiation microwave frequencies against our brains.
And this they say multiple times throughout this document.
I would suggest everyone go to stopthecrime.net immediately and understand what is happening and then go to our solutions page because they're going to hear a lot of horrific things but you've got to take action because what you've got to understand is in the silent weapons for quiet wars document they tell us the bankers tell us their primary victory is our consent
And I can tell you, we are consenting by lack of knowledge.
You can look this up on page 37 of the Quiet Weapons document, but you've got to understand, this isn't artificial consent.
We're being poisoned.
We're being coerced.
Stay there, Deborah Tavares.
Stay there.
Absolutely on target.
We're going to explain what soft kill weapons are and quiet weapons when we come back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Are we choosing our own destiny or has it been pre-selected for us?
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Now, folks, while Debra is talking in a moment, we're going to be showing you the government documents.
And when she's talking, not just what's saved on her site, to show TV viewers that we're not making this up, I will search it on the NSA interface.
That's what it is, the two-way interface.
on purpose and show you as TV viewers, radio listeners, when you hear the name of these documents, you can just type them in, go to her site, but also type them in, check them.
You'll be at army.mil.
You'll be at DARPA.
This is all on record.
And that's what's so crazy about this.
I'm going to explain it in a moment.
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And please remember us at InfoWarsNews.com to become PrisonPlanet.tv members to see the higher quality archives of the show and the show each night, 7 o'clock central at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Debra Tavares will be with us 20 minutes to the next hour.
Some stations will leave us in about 35 minutes from now, but some stay with us into the overdrive.
For a long time I did four hours and quit doing it, so some stations don't carry it, but I'm back to doing it just because I can't help it.
There's so much to cover.
But Debra, I want to get into silent weapons for quiet wars, but I first want to define this myself.
If Hitler, you know, had his troops in Barbarossa marching to Russia and line up people by the hundreds of thousands monthly and shoot them and push them into pits, sand pits, the next village would get word and organize a defense and even if they lost over time with attrition, it defeated the Nazis.
But if the Nazis would have figured out how to come in and be friends and put a slow kill weapon in the water,
That killed himself for five years and nobody would have known what hit him.
And by the time that happened, it had been over and only the Nazis would have known.
Well, it turns out silent weapons for quiet wars that you're talking about, and we're going to show viewers the document here.
I hold it in my little hand from 1954 to understand all of this and then understand Colonel Alexander and his soft kill weapons and all of it.
It is key to understand this is how they're dominating us.
We're seen as a scourge.
We're seen as a plague.
We must be removed.
But they've learned how to incrementally go after us so that we never understand where the threat's coming from.
This is covert silent war, basically.
And that's what you're getting at.
And it's paramount, the sodium fluoride, the GMOs,
The ultralow frequency, all of this, DARPA admits is being deployed against the rebellious Western nations that have always given the globalists their biggest problem.
That's why the military says their number one enemy is the veterans.
Because these are people that have been trained by the system who need to be decommissioned after it's all over.
Get into your awakening, if you can, for folks, and then get into Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, and lead into the smart meters, the grid, the new documents you've discovered, and people, again, can find all those.
We're going to mirror them as well at InfoWars.com, at StopTheCrime.net, so get into it.
Well, yes, Alex, I'm a researcher, and I come from a 30-plus year land development self-employment business with my family, and so I've been used to a lot of hard work and lots of government documents.
In the process of our construction business.
But more importantly is what I discovered when I read the Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars document.
And what I discovered is that it was always to have been kept from public scrutiny.
And I thought, oh boy.
And so they talk about how in the interest of future world order and peace and tranquility.
Now this is for the elite world peace and tranquility.
It was decided to privately wage a quiet war against the American public with the ultimate objective to permanently shift the natural and social energy, or the wealth, from the undisciplined, irresponsible many into the hands of the self-disciplined, responsible, worthy few.
And it's extremely important to understand how they said in order to implement this objective it was necessary to create, secure, and apply new weapons, which as it turned out were a class of weapons so subtle and sophisticated that in the principle of their operation, the public's appearance
Uh, to earn themselves the name Silent Weapons.
Now, what is the Silent Weapons System?
It is what is happening right now in our country.
We're being hit with fluoride, they're poisoning our air, water, land, food, you name it.
We're under massive weaponization attack with the overhead, chemtrailing, as well as the horrible, horrific storms.
This is all part of the Silent Weapons System, and they say
That the public won't be able to comprehend this weapon, and therefore they won't even believe that they're being attacked or subdued by any weapon at all.
But we all instinctively know they say that something is wrong.
We just don't know how to cry out and ask for help.
Well, now you do.
You can go to stopthecrime.net and you can download this most important document, only 44 pages.
And they say that when this silent weapon is applied gradually, the public adjusts and adapts to its presence and learns to tolerate its encroachment on their lives until the pressure, both psychologically and economically, becomes too great and we crack up.
They say it's a type of biological weapon.
It attacks our vitality, our options, and mobility of individuals of a society by knowing.
That's an essay.
That's the knowing.
Understanding, manipulating, and attacking our sources of natural social energy and our physical, mental, emotional strengths and weaknesses.
Now, it's extremely important to understand that what they talk about
Rothschild said back during the time that this was put together that he discovered a basic principle of power and influence and control over the people as it was applied to economics.
That the principle is when you assume the appearance of power, people soon give it to you.
So the bottom line here is that we can no longer consent.
We have to read these documents.
We have to understand what we're agreeing to and we're not.
But what is the most concerning aspect in this document?
Well, there are many, of course.
But one thing that I'm going to get into right now, Alex, because this is horrifying to me.
It says the final key to economic control had to wait until there was sufficient data and high-speed computing and equipment.
And then they go on to talk about how energy is the key to all activity on the face of the earth.
It follows that in first order to attain monopoly over the energy, raw materials, goods and services, and to establish a world system of slave labor, it is necessary to have first strike capability in the field of economics.
In order to maintain our position, it is necessary that we have absolute
First knowledge of science of control over all economic factors and first experience at engineering the world economy.
And they go on to say that this must be achieved so that the public will make not either a logical or mathematical connection between economics and the other energy sciences or learn to apply such knowledge.
Now why this is so horrifying?
This supersedes all the prior conversation about UN Agenda 21 and the massive land grab that we see happening all over the world and in the United States with farms and ranches.
Because they want it all.
All energy.
What does that mean?
We are energy.
Every single thing is energy.
Our body is 70% water.
Our brain is 87% water.
What holds them together?
Everything is energy.
It's vibrating frequencies.
So that's going to lead me into this document that we found on the White House website that everybody needs to go to stopthecrime.net and take a look at.
We've had a number of experts from all over the world weigh in on this.
And this is horrifying.
The name of the document, again you can go to stopthecrime.net and flashing at the very top of the homepage is where you'll find that document.
And it says, uh, electronic harassment, stalking, mind control, new leaked documents here.
Go there.
Uh, you'll see the document entitled, Realizing the Full Potential of Government Health Spectrum to Spur Economic Growth.
Economic growth is not our growth.
We're the enemies of the state.
Now keep in mind, we're a corporate structure.
We're no longer under a constitution.
We've been hijacked.
We've been seized.
The 1933 bankruptcy tells us
That we were collateralized against the debt, the gold that was stolen.
Everything about us has been collateralized.
We were not taught that in school.
We are enemies of the state according to the bankruptcy.
So go to StopTheCrime.net to learn about that.
And they're going to have to go there later because we're crashing your website right now, just so you know.
So if you want, we'll mirror some of that over on InfoWars.com.
I can ask Curt Nemo to do that.
Yes, this is critical, and as people are able to get to our website, you've got to understand what is happening right now is they're targeting the United States, the military industrial complex with increased frequencies and radar, and it is a silent systems deployment.
And what this is, what this 13-page document represents, and we've got the map right next to it on our website, Alex.
It's psychotronic weapons for mass mind control.
And this is the use of quantum computers.
Now, for people that need to understand what quantum computers are, you need to watch Eagle Eye by Spielberg.
That'll give you some kind of an idea.
But this is absolute total mind theft.
This is invasion of the human brain with artificial intelligence.
What this means is what we're seeing now in these mass shootings, where they're controlling our specific thoughts, our emotions, and able to direct our physical actions and energy, and our physical actions, into unsuspecting people.
So this is going to increase.
This is the new weaponized warfare.
And it's extremely important to understand
We're good to go.
All of the other areas above the water, you'll see this frequency fence.
And this is a map that shows the end of free will as we have known it.
There's absolutely no question about it, Alex.
And when I was researching the smart meters, of course, I came across continually
Uh, the, uh, the, uh, corporations.
We're run by corporations.
And this is also fascinating.
It's something that everybody needs to understand.
We are run by corporate contracts.
They're behind everything that doesn't make sense.
Everything is on the Delphi program, through the RAM technique, so when we go to meetings, everything has predetermined outcomes and consensus.
They're not listening to us.
It's all been predetermined.
You can understand.
This is all subtle mind control.
We leave meetings scratching our heads.
No one listens to the fact that we bring doctors and documents.
We don't want fluoride in our water supply.
They're fluoridating us.
Because this is the plan.
This is a silent weapons attack.
And in this document, you will see the White House Spectrum Management Team.
It consists of Google, Microsoft, Stanford, and Harvard University.
Harvard was involved in the silent weapons for quiet wars document.
Virginia Tech, UC Berkeley, who denies geoengineering programs, even exist.
The National Telecommunications Information, the FCC and NSA, just to name a few.
So I can only tell you that this is an attack.
This is to take our minds.
And what they're planning to do, which they've been doing for many years, and I know last week, Alex, you had someone on the program talking about targeted individuals with electronic harassment and government gang-stalking and private gang-stalking as well.
This is real.
Everyone needs to do some homework on this.
You're going to have many people within your communities that are targeted with frequencies.
They say in the NASA war document on page 45 that beam weapons will become increasingly prevalent.
They talk about how they will use a micron sized dust as an aerosol and when it's inhaled into the lungs it will bore into our lung tissues and execute various pathological missions.
Well let me tell you something about that dust.
That dust is also involved in mind control.
So we are being hit massively by a silent weapon system.
And so in order to understand it, you've got to read the silent weapons document.
You've also got to read the New World Order Exposed 1969, as well as understand the Iron Mountain Report and understand that the underpinning of all of this is the false and fake and phony science.
We're good to go.
I think?
We're good to go.
And they say the average cost of replacement of appliances in a household is between $2,000 and $5,000.
And we are in a recession.
They're going to force the replacement to Energy Star appliances.
What is even more horrific is the fact that they want to stop using gas appliances.
Gas appliances and equipment are to be transitioned into electric only.
And I can tell you that this, you can find this on our website.
I've done an article on this.
It's called Exposed, Smart Meters, Hidden Implementation, Tactics, and Breaking News.
By the way, just to add, again, the former CIA Director Petraeus, last year, Wired Magazine reported at a conference, he said, all the new appliances are surveilling you, we're watching you, this is not debatable.
What's insane is, I'm not even against technology, but the smart meters are imperial probe droids attached to the side of your house, dialing into everything, watching and listening to you, data over power line.
And DARPA, I mean, I've read DARPA in the Baltimore Sun admit 14 years ago that they were testing ultra-low frequency over cell towers to quote, calm the public.
I have Fox News, we're going to break, we're going to come back to your take on this.
Fox News saying, we're looking at putting lithium in the water to make you calm and happy.
So they're just admittedly rolling all this out.
And pushing GMO on people that, on record, sterilizes and kills the rats that it's fed to.
So, it's just insane, because they are insane.
And I want to ask you, Deborah, what you think their endgame is from reading all their documents.
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Before you slip into unconsciousness,
Shouldn't be butchering a great song.
Folks, I've read so many declassified government documents, mainstream news articles,
Fifteen years ago, they had coke machines that projected sound into your inner ear.
In Tokyo and LA, I had the CEO on.
Now in Times Square, they've got a system.
In fact, I have the article right here in my stack with the headline that Schizophrenia Becomes the New Advertising Campaign.
And there are certainly crazy people out there that think they're being messed with, but there's a lot of studies out there that show television watching, video games, all this electromagnetic radiation is really making people become very agitated, mentally ill.
They show that just using a cell phone for a few minutes heats the brain one degree.
That's BBC.
In fact, they found the headline.
Let's punch that back up.
Good job, guys.
I couldn't find the article, so the other guys found it.
Schizophrenia is the new ad gimmick.
I don't know how the crew finds stuff so fast now.
Especially Chris Jordan.
Literally like a lightning bolt of speed and precision.
But, uh, there it is.
Schizophrenia is the new ad gimmick.
And then, oh, little projectors up there that project it into your middle ear.
Now, you have to understand, folks, I was telling people about this 15 years ago with the patents, and people would walk up to me on the street and say I was a liar.
And then I found law enforcement publications where they were admittedly buying them to torture people.
And I showed you that.
Showmertech advertises, shut down free speech with a supersonic nauseator.
I mean, this is the stuff that's going on.
You can't even hear it, but it makes you sick.
It's ultra low frequency.
And it's so frustrating to see the public not aware of all this.
And then here's a new video up on InfoWars.com, just breaking at InfoWars.com.
Dad charged with second degree assault on cop after he questioned Common Core curriculum.
That's where they teach you 2 plus 2 might equal 5.
That's an actual quote of it.
And he got up and said, no, this is wrong.
They said, no, you're not allowed to speak at PTA.
The cop comes over and shoves him and grabs him.
The guy pulls his arm away.
Cop arrests him.
He's charged.
And this is how the secret police work, ladies and gentlemen, in America.
They put their hands on you.
You pull away.
That's terrorism.
And they're coming.
They're coming.
They're trained that government is God.
And they're hiring all these people out there to become the new enforcers, and we're in deep trouble.
So how dare a parent go warn other sheep?
That's not Delphi technique.
He's going to be shut down.
We've only got a few minutes left before we go to break and go into overdrive, but the big picture from reading these documents, it's obviously get us incapacitated.
Get us dumbed down, Debra Tavares, so they can accelerate the use of the weapons until we're just outright dying in mass, as we already are statistically, but where it's open to where no one can resist.
Is that what you've found, or is that incorrect?
That's absolutely.
They're stealing all of our wealth.
They're absolutely hollowing out the middle class in the United States.
I recently listened to Al Gore talk at an event, and he said all the jobs have been shipped off to China and offshore.
They won't be coming back.
What they're doing is, this is transhumanism.
They're transitioning us.
They're changing our species.
This is their plan.
And when you look at the NASA war plan on page 9, they say, humans have taken over and vastly shortened evolution.
And they will direct a new evolution.
I can't recommend any more highly for people to watch The Island of Dr. Moreau.
And get an idea of what is happening.
We're under transformation right now with all of the chemtrailing.
We all have nanofibers in us.
My grandchildren, my pets, my whole family.
Everybody has nanofibers.
Well, that's like Mike Adams said.
Stay there.
We're going to come back and let you get into this.
Amazing information.
Like Mike Adams said, they've already irrevocably damaged us.
We're already walking dead.
I mean, we're under military attack, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Coast to coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, if you go to a PTA meeting and question why your kids are being taught 2 plus 2 equals 5, or being taught how to be gangster hoes and run game, they actually teach Ebonics now in the schools, you will be arrested.
The video's up on InfoWars.com.
Now, if that isn't mind control, where they're teaching kids how to not be able to read and write, how to not be able to add,
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the system of total control.
And you talk about diabolical, this is how they are trying to wreck society.
We are joined right now here on air by a very informed lady, Deborah Tavares, and we're going to give you some of her websites.
Her main site is having some problems because of so much traffic, but we'll list some of those other sites as well coming up in the next segment.
Now, this is only a five-minute segment, so start getting back into all the systems rolling out.
What they're doing, what the plan is.
Society will now start breaking down even faster because of all the electronic manipulation.
Then their answer will be more police state.
They've really figured this out.
Yes, they have, Alex.
As a matter of fact, at this point, I've got to just tell everybody what they can do.
They must eliminate as much wireless communication devices that they are able to.
Go and buy corded phones.
Do not use the deck phones or the hand-free phones.
Do not ever use your cell phone in your car.
It's like being inside a Faraday cage.
We're in that.
It bounces off many times from the inside of your car and bounces through, dices and slices your DNA.
It's making you sick.
We can't afford any wireless technology now because of all of the chemicals and biologicals that they're dumping on us.
If you want to survive longer,
You've got to eliminate all Wi-Fi, etc.
In fact, that is why they want Wi-Fi in the schools for our young children.
Not only will it eliminate and prevent and increase infertility, but it will also cause deformity for as many generations as little girls have.
57% of little girls' eggs are going to be affected by this.
They know this.
This is no accident.
So go to our website.
You've got to get this out in mass distribution.
It's warning to all police, fire and first responders about their wireless communication devices and how those are used to affect their brains with the pulse microwave radiation.
You've got to get this out to them because you'll understand why increased anger is happening on the streets.
Why we're seeing an overuse and overreach of anger.
We're good to go.
I'm good.
We're good to go.
So that you can print this off and you can help other people know.
I just had a situation where just last week, someone actually had a seizure in a parking lot.
And no one understood why.
Well, they had their cell phone.
Seizures are going to become much, much more common.
Understand, these are frequencies.
These people are likely living in a polluted EMF, microwave frequency, polluted area.
We're under mass mind control.
That is the key to control all energy on the planet by the elite.
Make no mistake about it.
And so print off the flyer.
Understand you're going to have increased confusion, short-term
Stay there.
We're going to come back in the next long segment and talk about... I mean, I can pull up the articles where they admit it causes irritability, heats up the brain, damages DNA.
In fact, we'll pull up some of those during the break and have them when we come back.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, Debra's going to leave us here in about 10-12 minutes.
I'm going to continue on, as I didn't get to this earlier in the broadcast.
Obama at the memorial yesterday, at the Naval Yard, saying that we've had five massacres, time to take the guns.
I want to just point out that some of these are admitted Al-Qaeda attacks that he's now blaming on American gun owners.
Like the Fort Hood massacre, which they will not call a terrorist attack.
Now listen folks, when you look at how diabolical the globalists are,
And you read their own reports, like Attenborough, you know, the big scientist in England came out and said, we're a disease, time to starve and kill the third world.
When you realize Ted Turner says the same thing, and then does this weird feminist thing where he says, you know, only women should be able to be in government for 100 years as if men did it.
As if men, period, are bad.
It's total division, black against white.
Man against woman.
It's all about divide and conquer, divide and conquer, and tell you the problems out there are because of a black person, or a white person, or a woman, or a man, or a northerner, or a southerner, or a... Meanwhile, the globalists are manipulating these clash of civilizations.
And they know
They know what these frequencies are doing.
They knew 30 years ago they were testing microwaves.
You can just type in all the studies, there's thousands of them, on cell phones and cancer.
Why did they approve it?
Why did they do it?
Because it's a total control system, your personal little computer you carry around with you that is surveilling you and microwaving you even when you're not using it.
Now there's a wired headline, your cell phone may be more hazardous to your health than cigarettes.
Warning, your cell phone may be hazardous to your health.
There's no may about it.
Now they're telling you because they want you to get ready for all the brain tumors.
And I've seen studies with it connected to heart problems because the heart is electrochemical even more than the brain.
And that's what pacemakers, people are having to get more and more of them.
And we're just being bombarded with this stuff.
Okay, going back to Deborah Tavares here with us, going over this, from your research and going off the government documents and the thousands of articles, I mean, this is admitted, we're seeing
Studies of how irritable people are around wireless.
How many medical problems it's causing and now they're saturating it with public Wi-Fi where you have no way to get away from it.
To come in and work in a technological environment here, I have to step into a literal chamber of it.
It just feels so good to get out in the woods and away from it.
I go out to the desert where there's no cell phones and I feel 20 years younger.
What's going on here, Debra?
I know, as you said, exactly what they are doing.
I want to just make a comment very quickly because we posted Kaiser Permanente, of course, which is Rockefeller founded, has a very interesting article about limiting screen time for healthier kids.
They say too much screen time is associated with, and that's behind a computer.
Violent behavior, poor school performance, lower reading scores, sleep pattern disturbances, being overweight, consumption of junk food, bad habits later in life.
We have that posted on StopTheCrime.net.
So they admit to us, they tell us what we should be doing, and then they also tell us in the documents, Alex, that if we make decisions that kill ourselves, then we deserve to die.
But what I want to tell you, in the 1996 Telecommunications Act,
They suspended forever our right to freely discuss health effects from cell towers and where they were located in our cities, because buried deep in that landmark bill in Section 704, a Wisconsin senator inserted a little-known clause that prevents local governments from hearing objections or challenges to cell phone towers placed or based
We're good to go.
They are lining our freeways throughout the United States.
They're creating a dog fence.
This is Agenda 21.
Reducing our ability to travel.
People are not going to feel well.
They will not know why.
That's why you must print off the symptoms list on our website and let people understand.
Because doctors will not know.
They'll give everybody
I think?
I'm good.
Yeah, that's what's frustrating.
If you look at the U.S.
Code, Title 50, Chapter 32, Subsection 1528, Paragraph B, it says, oh, it's illegal to do secret testing unless it's for scientific or law enforcement purposes, including lethal.
This criminal government says they can kill us with secret testing because they love us so much, just like Obama signed an order two weeks ago to arm al-Qaeda publicly.
Well, Alex, I want to tell you what it says on page 38 of the silent weapons document.
It says this.
It says, a nation becomes divided into two very distinct parts.
A docile sub-nation, that is the great silent majority, that they claim is us, and a political sub-nation, the elite.
The political sub-nation remains attached to the docile sub-nation, tolerates us, leeches us,
It unleashes all our subsistence until it grows strong enough to detach itself and then devour us.
So this is what we're seeing right now.
And they also say in the silent weapons document that politicians hold many quasi-military jobs, the lowest being the police, which are the soldiers, the attorneys and CPAs next to that who are spies and saboteurs and are licensed, and the judges who shout orders and run the closed union military shop for whatever the market will bear.
The generals are the industrialists, and the presidential level of commander-in-chief is shared by the international bankers.
So I can only tell you what they say in this document about our military.
Well, you know what's incredible?
This is written back in the seventies and it sources stuff in the forties.
But I know it sources stuff in the forties, but this particular one, 1979, 74-1120.
But my whole point is everything in here is in separate other government documents that are on record.
That's what's so frustrating is their total, total declaration of war against the people, as you were stating.
You can read this and see it as prophecy.
They've done it.
Go ahead.
Absolutely right.
In fact, if you research the Brookings Institute, this entire silent weapon system is the foundation of what they're doing to us as well.
We also found on the website about smart meters and the industry plot to manipulate public acceptance.
And what I mean by that is they are analyzing us at the Vanderbilt University in the sociology department.
They're analyzing us
We're good.
Fish and Game, the forestry, they're all corporations getting paychecks from the mother corporation.
This is a corporate structure.
You've got to get in and get the contracts.
Get the contracts.
This is not an elusive monster standing on a stage behind a curtain.
There are contracts running this.
They tell us in the silent weapons document that they must maintain bookkeeping practices that they do not tell us about.
Understand, this is all in this 44-page document, and again, I can't emphasize that people read this.
It's vital.
What they say about the military draft is heartbreaking, because they say war is a balancing system by killing the true creditors, the public, which the elite have taught to exchange true value for inflated currency.
This is what they tell us.
And when you look at the last few pages of the Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars document, you will see exactly why they started the military.
It is a depopulation mechanism.
It is a way in which they say that few efforts of human behavior modification are more remarkable or more effective than that of the socio-military institution known as the draft.
A primary purpose for the draft or such other institutions is to instill by intimidation in the young male
of a society the uncritical conviction that the government is omnipotent.
He soon is taught that prayer is too slow to cause any changes and a bullet can make changes in an instant.
Thus a man trained in a religious environment for 18 years of his life by this instrument of government can be broken down and be purged of his fantasies and delusions in a matter of a few months.
They go even more interesting is the process by which a young man's parents, who reportedly love him, can be induced to send him off to war to his death.
It goes on.
I can only tell you that this is 44 page document says it all.
It tells you exactly who we are as far as they are concerned.
But we are more of them.
We must stop consenting.
We've got to get these smart meters off our homes.
You've got to keep these wireless microwave communication devices away from you.
Definitely print off the warning and hand it out to all first responders.
They're putting cell phone towers, as you may notice, on Police Department properties and Fire Department properties.
The recession.
And they make money.
The cell phone towers.
Industry is paying huge monthly amounts of money for people to have these towers.
They're also putting them in rural land, way out in the boondocks.
And of course, people are getting sick, they're dying.
This is not only land theft, this is mine control.
This has multiple levers.
And by the way, I've talked to the engineers 15 years ago, and I'd roll my eyes.
These people that work for big companies, they'd say, look, they're running more power into the cell phones by an order of 5, 10 times than we need.
They're pulsing it, they're testing it.
And then DARPA would just hide it in plain view, as I mentioned in the Baltimore Sun like 14 years ago, and admit, oh, we're just practicing calming everybody.
But for anybody that just tuned in, I have PBS.org here, an article getting into a secret testing in the United States, including lethal on U.S.
citizens, military troops, you know, injecting black people with syphilis.
I mean, it's all on record.
But it's currently all going on.
It comes out, oh, they secretly sterilize people in California.
Oh, but it's needed.
They're just doing all this and then they're actually then funding the poorest people to have more kids to then get the middle class to think this is all okay.
It's a very, very sick synthesis of where they're trying to run both ends of the equation in their own documents to target anyone independently intelligent and smart who might challenge them controlling the future because they believe they're going to merge with machines and become God.
Now, I've been telling people this for over a decade.
Google came out and said, we're going to help you live forever.
But the issue is, under Obamacare, death care, the general public's not going to get access to all these advanced technologies.
That's why they've got to implode civilization now, so only they get it and select government reservations.
Well, that's absolutely true.
In fact, in the future of the definition for special needs children, it will include children whose parents will not allow their children to be artificially enhanced.
The transhumanists, all of them say, we're going to take your kids from you if you won't let us put chips in them and stuff.
And you're abusing them, not letting them have it.
And this is what all these movies you're getting people ready for.
The Federation of American Scientists, you ought to pull this document up.
It's in my book.
It's hard to find online now.
My book's out of print, but it's on PrisonPlanet.tv, but it has the footnotes.
But in the 1970s, they met, and it was a big Pentagon meeting, and then it was declassified in 2000 by the Federation of American Scientists, but the Pentagon then had it reclassified.
That happens all the time.
And they pulled all the stuff down from online.
And in it, it actually said that the supremacy of the technocracy is we wipe everybody out except for the elite, and we all plug into machines
And are actually in biotanks, and our own heat powers the system, and there'll be no more war.
And it sounds like total lunacy.
Plus, it's from the Matrix, folks.
You heard of that.
That's actually a Pentagon plan.
And again, I'm saying this on air.
It sounds insane.
This is what they say.
But so your body doesn't die, you upload into the tank.
Guys, search from two days ago.
Google says they're going to help you live forever.
You're going to upload into a machine, but not at the point of death.
You upload before death to learn an interface and then live in this tank.
And again, these people are insane.
You could write a science fiction book.
Where they were really aliens sent here to take over and kill us, covertly, but that's not what they're doing.
It's our own species.
There it is, Daily Mail.
We'll be uploading our entire minds to computers and our bodies will be replaced by machines.
And of course they tell you this will happen by 2025 or 2045.
The truth is it's already, they're 20, 30 years advanced.
These people are completely out of their minds.
We're good.
This is exactly what they say in the NASA war plan.
And this is what they say, when you build up from the silent weapons and from the New World Order exposed and then from the Iron Mountain, then you look at the NASA war plan, you really get it all lined up.
And then you look at that document we found on the White House website.
Now another huge concern that we have is when you do AntennaSearch.com,
You'll find where all the cell phone towers are, and generally it will give you a four-mile radius.
Download those, because those... Well, first of all, they don't include every single one, but most of them.
Now, we did a search around the D.C., the White House, and the number of cell phone towers and antennas around the White House on a half-a-mile radius are in the hundreds and hundreds.
And, of course, this is all mind control.
So, right now, we're researching the likely possibility that we have a government that is already under mind control.
Because there's just too many things that are not lining up, are not making sense.
And in all the documents that I read, Alex, it says we simply are not asking the right questions.
And we know their intention is to control everything.
All energy.
Energy is our mind.
Oh, well clearly this was a perfect diversion.
Now it turns out that it's being reported Navy Yard service, Obama urges gun law change.
We're going to cover that in a moment.
But Navy Yard SWAT team stood down BBC and here is Officer.com.
ATF kept out of loop after Navy Yard shooting.
And he had ELF on his gun and work there in an ELF area with the submarines.
This is really looking like mind control now and a perfect distraction.
Listen, great job.
Thank you so much.
I look forward to having you back up on the broadcast soon, Debra.
And we'll talk to you again soon.
Thank you so much.
What an amazing lady.
You can tell she's on fire on her website.
She has all these flyers you can download.
We need to do more of that, too, on simple issues like the Federal Reserve, vaccines, GMOs.
We've done it before, but I want to make one page where we have everything in one spot so you can go download flyers and give them to friends and family.
These videos are like digital flyers you can send to friends and family, but folks, unfortunately, it's worse than she can even say.
It's worse than I can even say.
Loris Lerner,
We're good to go.
Yet, the IRS leaves after her political persecution.
And you look at these globalists, they all have that sick criminal look in their eyes.
These are such sickening, vicious, predatory people, folks.
These are authoritarians.
It's happened everywhere else, it's happening here, and they've got high-tech weaponry.
I mean, but being aware now is half the battle.
And then realizing what they're doing, and warning everyone you know.
Separately, I thought it was really disgusting when Obama yesterday...
There at the Naval Yard memorial service, talked about five times since he's been in office.
We've had these massacres and mentioned the Fort Hood shooting, which they won't allow to call it a terrorist event.
He was under the command of the Al Qaeda leader.
That was declared national security.
They knew he was going to do it and let him do it.
And then here they are using stuff they clearly have engineered, bare minimum, allowed to happen.
And then they're posing as saviors.
It's disgusting.
A controlled area where you can't have guns, where you go through all these checkpoints with guns, it happens there, and their answer is, blame us and take our guns.
This guy probably wasn't even part of it.
It's probably just some person they killed because he knew too much, then shot some people.
I'm telling you, I didn't say it was a false flag the first four or five days.
Now we're a week later.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
Let's go ahead and go to this clip of Obama, like a vampire, trying to use these dead people to take all of our rights.
What troubles us so deeply, as we gather here today, is how this senseless violence that took place in the Navy Yard echoes other recent tragedies.
Meanwhile, they're funding violence worldwide against Christians and innocent people.
He's so shocked by it.
They see themselves as technocrats dealing with an infection.
Fort Hood.
Sandy Hook.
And now the Washington Navy Yard.
And these mass shootings occur against a backdrop of daily tragedies.
It's an epidemic of gun violence and terrorism among communities across America.
The streets of Chicago.
To neighborhoods not far from here.
These are social engineers.
They know how the world works, so they manipulate everybody, and they think we're all a big joke.
We remember our fellow Americans, who were just going about their day.
Going about their day, you know.
Doing their jobs.
Doing their jobs.
Doing what they loved.
When al-Qaeda went into Syria and blew up more churches.
That keeps our country strong, and our Navy, the finest fleet in the world.
Our Navy.
These patriots.
That's enough of him.
Using American pride to get everybody behind the tyranny.
America's been captured.
America's been taken over.
America's been bamboozled.
And only admitting this will wake everybody up.
This is not about entertainment.
This is not a game, folks.
We're living in a Twilight Zone episode.
And you can't give in to it and go watch nothing but football and get drunk all day and fix everything.
You've got to become aware of what's happening.
I'm only plugged into the Matrix so I can fight the globalists.
on their own turf.
I'm fully cognizant of the surveillance and the poisoning and everything I'm going through.
I'm fully cognizant of what I'm doing and how much danger I'm in, but I'm more worried about the human species letting these crazed, disgusting globalists run everything.
Now, we got a break.
We're going to come back with retransmission with Dr. Jerome Corsi and our government
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Why do we have the highest cancer rates on the planet?
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