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Name: 20130920_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 20, 2013
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You're listening to GZN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The House of Representatives has repealed Obamacare, as Congressman Walter Jones said they were scheduled to do when he joined us a couple days ago.
And now they've done it 230 to 189 House votes to fund government, but to defund Obamacare.
We're going to be breaking that down today, and we have just masses of important guests coming on today.
Deborah Tavares, who is extremely well-researched on the fog of magnetic
frequency pollution.
Probably one of the most eloquent people out there on her website.
She's full of all the Pentagon public documents and declassifications.
She's going to be joining us to break down
Some of the latest developments and how the system is openly admitting that they're going to use these systems to manipulate the human mind.
And then Rocky Anderson, the former Salt Lake City mayor, it's now come out that the entire population of the city was being surveilled.
Illegally, during the Olympics, he's going to pop in for about 15 minutes.
And then we've got Mike Adams in studio in the third hour to go over SSRI drugs and their links to mass murder and mayhem.
Not even links, it's just confirmed.
They've got members of Congress now rightfully coming out.
One Republican out of Florida and saying, we need to look at these drugs that all these shooters are on.
It's basically all of them.
The few cases where you can't find out, they just seal the medical records.
Well, they're under psychiatric care, but we're not going to tell you what drugs they were on.
They're privacy.
They're medical privacy.
You don't have medical privacy after you kill a bunch of people.
Now it needs to be public knowledge to understand what caused it.
We continue to see the military killing each other, committing suicide, engaging in massacres, and every time there, every time, they are putting them back into combat on psychotropics.
Folks, if I drink too much coffee, and I'm not Mr. Tough Guy, but I'm certainly not a pushover, if I drink three or four cups of coffee and then I'm out in the street and somebody gets in my face, I'm ready to stomp their head in.
I can't imagine being on all these drugs they put them on and then actually being out in combat all the time.
I mean, it's just, it's a wonder, it's a wonder that there isn't more people blowing gaskets.
Feds admit, the Pentagon admits, seven-fold the number of suicides now that they've ever had in the U.S.
armed services.
It's the pills.
It's the too many tours.
It's the not feeling good about the mission.
All of that is in the equation.
Now, obviously there's been another mass shooting, and the police say gang-related.
One group playing basketball.
It was either the police were saying, in a gang, in Chicago, or people thought was a gang, and folks drove by and shot them in a gun-free zone.
Remember, there's no guns allowed there, so Chicago has now officially eclipsed New York.
As the murder capital, not just of the United States, but worldwide.
We're on the radio there in Chicago, and most areas of Chicago, by the way, are not crime-ridden.
It's certain sectors where there is a gang culture that MTV and groups push.
That's just a fact.
Just a fact, and no one wants to say that.
In fact, it's racist to say if you have kind of a black gangbanger culture in an area and people are killing each other.
You know, KRS-One has been exposing it for 20 years valiantly, and we talked to him in the Obama deception, but other rappers and hip-hop folks, they just go ahead and just push the whole deal.
And that's why there's the joke out there, you know, the comedians have put out,
About black bars.
One day is your opening and next week is closing because people are shooting each other.
And it's a real tragedy and didn't used to happen 30, 40 years ago.
It is the hip hop gangster culture.
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It's always a tough boat because the average person thinks raising the debt ceiling must mean that we're running up our debt.
Raising the debt ceiling, which has been done over a hundred times, does not
Increase our debt.
It does not somehow promote profligacy.
All it does is it says, you gotta pay the bills that you've already racked up, Congress.
Yeah, folks, so run up a bunch of credit cards.
That's right, folks.
Run up your credit cards.
You are listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It is Friday, the 20th day of September 2013.
Run up your credit cards.
Just increase your debts four or five times what you can pay back.
And say, hey, my debt hasn't gone up.
Take out 50 credit cards.
Max them completely out.
And then get up on a podium in front of the entire world and say,
That raising the debt of the nation, the ceiling, allowing the debt to go above that, does not increase the debt.
That's like saying, if I fill a glass full of water, it's not full of water.
And if I keep pouring and it's overflowing, I go, that glass isn't overflowing.
I mean, this is reaching biblical proportions of bull.
And they do this on every front.
Let me just stop right there and tell you who's coming up today.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is going to pop in on QE Unlimited and why all these top economists are saying it will make the economy accelerate its collapse by the middle of next year.
Is that accurate?
Does he think Mark Faber and...
Many others are accurate.
Ron Paul and others, are they accurate?
Unfortunately, I think they are probably accurate.
I'm hoping that there's some ray of sunshine.
He's going to be joining us at the bottom of the next hour.
Former Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson is going to be joining us.
It came out that the entire city of Salt Lake is under NSA surveillance without warrants.
And he's been exposing it.
Also, Deborah Taveras is going to be coming on in the next segment to break down the government documents dealing with frequency pollution and the fact that they're fully aware of the smart meters and other systems to be used to manipulate the human mind.
This is, by the way, declassified.
We're living in the 21st century, ladies and gentlemen.
And then Mike Adams in studio to cover a host of breaking health issues, the SSRIs, what's happening, and more.
Here's the deal.
I will not go to a biker bar.
I'm not a big bar person anyways, but here in Austin, every restaurant you can think of, most of them are bars as well, and I like to hear live music.
I like old-fashioned rock and roll, I like country music, classical country music, I like blues, I like basically anything good.
I like country and I like western, like they say in the Blues Brothers.
What type of music do you have?
We have all kinds, country and western.
But I will go out maybe once a month when I have time,
And listen to music.
The problem is where you can really go hear good old-fashioned rockabilly rock and roll and blues and things like that is you will have bikers in there.
And I don't mean your Sunday bikers that just like to wear leather jackets and ride cool motorcycles.
I mean real organized crime bikers.
You know, Hell's Angel type bikers.
And I don't like going places where guys shove you up against the bar and are looking for a fight.
Looking to die.
I'm not looking to die.
And I'm not looking for trouble either.
And it's the exact same thing.
Now, so many bars become unpopular when groups like the Bandidos, basically the Hells Angels of this area of the country, well, they're worldwide, come into the facility.
And they're serious.
I mean, you know, if people try to set up Hells Angels groups, you know, they get whacked.
Fact is, you're there trying to hear music, not with some guy's trip that he's a tough guy.
I say that because it's a thug culture and I think it's disgusting.
And, uh, whereas the Bandidos or groups like that were set up by, you know, former U.S.
military people.
And it accepts all groups.
You've got then other racial gangs like the Crips and the Bloods, and that's about 95% they estimate, and I've got the news articles out of the Chicago Tribune on this and the Chicago Sun-Times and others, and the police have said this.
Over 90% of the crime is gang-related, and it's black on black.
In Chicago, it's in the black areas of town, the poor black areas of town.
They're just killing each other.
And the police have been telling the truth about it, but the media does not want to touch it.
And they say, oh, it's racist if you point out that it's this whole gangbanger culture.
Same deal.
I don't want to go to some gangbanger bar where people are probably going to shoot each other.
In fact, I mean, Chris Rock's a funny guy.
He says stuff like, Obama's our God, and we've got to, you know, follow him like he's our father, and... No, excuse me, Jamie Foxx says he's our Lord and Savior, Barack Obama.
Chris Rock says he's our father, and Michelle's our mother, and we've got to do what they say.
But the reason I raise that is, it's not racist to say, I don't want to go be around, they've got white supremacist bikers that are also very horrible, and it's a thug culture.
You've got other groups, like I mentioned the Bandidos, don't want to be around it.
I just want to go hear music and hang out and laugh and joke with my friends and play pool.
I don't have anything to prove is my point.
And then it's the same thing for these urban areas.
But in Chicago, it's black on black.
And it's a scourge.
And Jesse Jackson won't talk about it.
Al Sharpton won't talk about it.
Instead, they get up and say, the NRA, you can pull up articles where they say this ad nauseum, the NRA is responsible because there's guns in America.
And that's why black people are killing each other.
No, they're killing each other because sometime in the last 30 years, it became cool to be a gangsta.
Who sings that song?
Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta.
That's the Ghetto Boys.
I actually ran into him, Bushwack Bill, at one of the bars that had the Banditos at it.
We're walking in there, and Mike Judge goes, oh no, Banditos.
Let's go to another bar.
Yeah, the 1%ers.
Anyways, ladies and gentlemen, see, now I'm getting into this, what we're talking about here.
But, this...
By the way, he got thrown out of the bar that night.
Bushwick Buildin'.
Or Bushwack Bill, or whatever his name is.
It was weird running into that guy.
Small world.
The point is, is that it's really a bummer.
That wherever you want to go to hear good music, this type of stuff's going on.
So anyways, you got folks out there who they thought were a rival gang, and very sad, out there at the basketball court.
And this is where it's always happening at basketball courts, because gangs will say, this basketball court belongs to us.
When I was a kid growing up in Dallas, I had friends that I was on a football team with or I knew who got shot.
Because they wanted to go to the basketball court in the neighborhood, even in nicer areas, because a group said, no, that's our court, we're going to deal drugs there, and you don't come out there.
Or somebody gets beat at basketball, and so somebody goes and gets their gun and shoots people.
This culture needs to be decried.
Okay, the gangster thug culture is an absolute joke, and the police get to where they're afraid of the gang culture, because they're basically in their own gang in many respects, especially in big cities.
And so I get back to gang culture, government gangs, corporate gangs, everything forms into gangs.
How about we form into a constitutional republic where the family, the Bill of Rights, due process, being honorable, that's our colors.
Respecting human dignity.
Respecting the right of self-defense.
Respecting women.
That's what builds civilizations.
That's what's honorable.
Not acting like thugs who are more than happy to go to prison, who think it's really cool that they're low down and, you know, really tough.
I mean, I got over that when I was about 16.
But a lot of people never get over that.
And that's the type of people that end up running our society that are in government.
And that's the problem.
And that's why Fox News is reporting, remember three weeks ago we published the report from Judicial Watch that the Army
said that George Washington would not be welcome, this is a quote, and the founding fathers would not be welcome in today's army.
You swear an oath to that Bill of Rights and Constitution, the greatest document in government ever, believe me, it's amazing, I've read it, I've studied it, I dare you to look it up, please.
There it is, DOD training manual, extremist founding fathers would not be welcome in today's military.
So, in California,
And I want to get these folks on.
From the newscast I saw, it looks like it's the pocket constitutions we put out.
In fact, I bet when we get these guys on, and we have some of the footage we can roll in the background for TV viewers, when we get these folks on, I bet they're listeners.
I mean, this happens all the time with activists.
We have great salt-of-the-earth activists, and they told them, you are not to hand out that document on the school campus.
Imagine this.
You don't hand anything out, slaves.
You're not allowed in the Commons area to communicate.
Because we're calling that solicitation.
It's not solicitation.
You're giving them something about freedom.
You're not there trying to tell them to come to your hamburger stand.
But it's always selectively enforced, ladies and gentlemen.
And so the Constitution guarantees the right to free speech, but don't try to pass out copies in Modesto Junior College in California.
A student at the school who tried to pass out pocket-sized pamphlets, the very document that memorializes our rights, got shut down on September 17th, a date also known as Constitution Day.
And the whole thing was caught on videotape.
Meanwhile, somebody took a photo of Hillary Clinton and she didn't like it, so she had her security guards, this is in the Miami Herald, grab the person and delete their photos.
So there you go.
That's Hillary Clinton's image control.
Security swipes man's phone, erases pic of her speech.
And you can't wear a Duck Dynasty shirt and go to school or you get kicked out.
That's CBS News.
So there you go.
Man, that's really a free country, isn't it?
And by the way, in Seattle, don't use the word brown bag or you'll get fired.
That's racist, ladies and gentlemen.
That is absolutely, totally evil and racist, my friends, to in this country say the word Brownback.
Of course, I looked it up.
Brownback never had any connotation.
It just means, you know, the cheap, inexpensive paper that we all use for 150 years.
But this is how they program everybody.
Because see, they know you're not really racist, so they've got to program it where you feel bad, and you're just watching yourself for a minute.
I better not.
People think even saying, let's go eat Mexican food is racist.
I mean, it's just everything's racist, but putting cancer viruses and vaccines and injecting everyone and having smart meters blasting you with ELF radiation in your house, that's all okay.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
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We are on the march.
The empire is on the run.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Thank you for joining us.
So again, 13 shot, including a three-year-old boy, playing basketball at a public party in Chicago.
And I thought that the city has a gun ban that would keep us all safe.
Well, the Reverend Jackson and everybody else says that if we all lost our guns,
But they're still going to have armed bodyguards.
They're going to have guns.
Dianne Feinstein's going to have guns.
Chuckie Schumer's going to have guns.
Michael Moore's going to have guns.
Michael Moore has up to six bodyguards at any one time who carry guns on record.
But you're not going to have them.
Do you understand?
This is all about elitism.
And they know it's all about elitism.
And so instead of people coming together
And saying we're not going to have this thug culture wherever you find it.
Instead of that happening, it is being promoted as the coolest thing.
In fact, it's been going on for 20 years.
There's nothing cooler than thug life.
I mean, you're out in Hollywood and all these Hollywood stars have got gangster tattoos and try to act like thugs.
It is simply amazing and simply ridiculous.
And it's all about arrested development.
And it's all about the self and all about just mindless idiocy.
And all about cheating and being cheated.
And it's truly disgusting to see this type of thing happening.
Now, shifting gears into the really serious news, speaking of thug life, Senator Lindsey Graham to seek authorization for U.S.
attack on Iran.
And I saw him say this on Huckabee last weekend.
I was watching clips of it again yesterday as he laughed talking about attacking Iran.
Watching Lindsey Graham with the sound off too is really creepy.
We're grabbing the video.
And he has now come out and said the president doesn't need authorization to hit Iran but he wants to just give it to him anyways and put it on the table and he's coming up with a resolution to attack Iran.
This is when Iran comes out and says, we want to meet with Obama.
We never want nuclear weapons.
They have elected a set of hardline people like Ahmadinejad, a lot softer folks.
When they say they want to eradicate Israel, the actual quote is, eradicate the Zionist regime and have everybody live in peace in Jerusalem, Jewish, Muslim, and other.
I'm sorry, that's just the full quotes.
And again, folks, I've never been to Iran, don't have a dog in the fight here.
But our government overthrew their country in 53.
In 1988, they launched Operation Praying Mantis, blowing up all their ships for no reason.
They funded the Iraqis for seven years, killing over a million of them.
And our government gave them nerve gas.
I mean, our government
Has been attacking Iran over and over again.
Our government in 1979, this has been declassified.
That's why they had Iran-Contra a few years later, it continued.
But it started with Jimmy Carter.
Our government helped put the Ayatollahs in power.
Oh, you didn't know that.
You didn't know that.
Oh yeah, and then they double-crossed and grabbed the hostages, but it turned out that was a deal with the CIA to then discredit another faction, just like we're seeing with Benghazi, so that they could then blame the hostage situation on Jimmy Carter, and then the day Reagan gets elected, boom, they release him.
Everybody went, wow, Reagan's really tough.
They're scared of Reagan.
Again, I'm no fan of Jimmy Carter either or Zbigniew Brzezinski.
It's just different power arms fighting with each other within the system.
Imagine what the Iranian people, who by the way on average are very pro-America, they don't like the mullahs.
Most of the polls you see are upwards of 75 to 80 percent of the people under 30 are anti-government.
But the West is trying to overthrow it again just to put something else in over there.
And was teamed up with an even more hardline group a few years ago, what, four years ago, with the Green Revolution, as they called it, to put something in even nastier.
Because here's the bottom line, just like Israel was public on Monday, Benjamin Netanyahu, they said, yes, we don't like Al-Qaeda or Assad, but we think Al-Qaeda and the rebels are better for us than Assad, because of his relationship with Iran.
That was in Reuters.
Okay, the the Likudniks that run Israel came out and said, we want to topple Assad.
We try to stay on the sideline.
Publicly, they were on the sideline.
But in reality, they were funding it just like all the other people in the region, ganging up.
It's a bunch of gangs, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, NATO.
They're all in there.
They're all in there wanting
To carve up Syria, and it's totally immoral.
And now, Iran is like, hey, let's make friends.
And they're like, nope.
Here it is.
White House, Obama willing to meet with Iran's leader at the UN.
But Reuters, Israel calls Iranian president's nuclear comments deceptive.
And Israel continues to basically push for a strike.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, the House has voted 230 to 189 to fund the government, but to defund Obamacare.
And good job to House Republicans.
Because as bad as they are, they are angels compared to Obama.
And I always am the person, you know, who coined the term left-right paradigm.
They try to keep you in a left-right paradigm to make us fight with each other, when it's we the people against the globalists.
We the people who are under attack, but there is reality within the left and right.
At the grassroots, there are different policies, different groups, different lobbying arms within that controlled paradigm.
And I would like to see more people like Rand Paul, who's pro-gun, pro-national sovereignty, low taxes, the things that made this country great.
I would like to see him president.
I would like to see Democrats and Republicans.
I would vote for Democrats right now if they acted anything like Ron Paul or Rand Paul.
I don't care what they were called.
As long as they promote the basic context of freedom.
And that's what it comes down to.
So when I say left-right paradigm, we need to get outside just my party right or wrong, or I'm a Republican or I'm a Democrat.
Well, I'm a Democrat, so I'm going to back Obama striking Syria out of loyalty.
You're supposed to be loyal to common sense, loyal to what's right.
Plus, life's so much easier.
If you just do what's right.
You know sometimes in business or life I want to do something that seems like it's wrong because it would help me get things done and I always just do the right thing and it always turns out better.
But people think cheating and stealing or cutting corners or lying is the way to get ahead and long term it's not.
Even for the elite themselves that have gotten into full control through fraud, long term, we're now here long term, 100 years of the Federal Reserve this year, it'll be 100 years starting next year.
December 23rd, 1913.
So December 23rd, we're going to be live on air for 100 years of the bankers in control of America.
They got a beachhead.
In 1913.
But since then, they have pretty much taken everything over except for a little bit of states' rights and individuals waking up.
And the minute we realize their takeover is fraudulent, the minute we realize that they took over by fraud, it's all null and void, ladies and gentlemen.
And we can begin to turn the tide.
And we are on the verge of turning the tide right now.
So we're going to open the phones up for
Callers who want to call in on any subject, as long as you're a first-time caller, the situation in Syria, the Republican leadership.
Again, the Republican leadership in the House has been, to a great extent, anti-war, except for Boehner, the Speaker.
The Republican leadership in the Senate has been diabolically warmongering.
But you've got the Republican leadership in the House
Not letting them pass gun bans, not letting them pass restrictions on free speech, trying to repeal Obamacare, and so many other things.
There is a core of good people in there.
And it is so important to get libertarian constitutionalist types elected coming up.
And I know there's election fraud as well.
But when there's overwhelming landslides, according to all the election fraud experts that we've interviewed, when there's a landslide, it's very hard for them to spin that because they know how obvious it is.
And they tend to back off when it's a landslide.
So we need to absolutely push now.
America is waking up to tyranny.
They have heard the lies of socialism.
They believed in them.
It didn't deliver.
Now they are turning towards the Constitution again.
And we have to explain to people that the globalists are in control.
And it's not capitalism that didn't deliver.
It was allowing combines, monopoly men, to get control of the system that brought us to this point.
And it's so essential
During this time of great change, that we explain it's the globalist that engineered the current civilization we're in that's so predatory.
And that it's now time for all of us
To get the word out about what made this country great versus what the establishment is trying to push.
More tyranny, more centralization that got us into this position.
But going back to the Iran situation, here's the toll free number 800-259-9231.
800-259-9231 on this Friday.
Uh, addition, Senator Lindsey Graham to seek authorization for U.S.
attack on Iran.
He's one of the strongest advocates of an American military strike, you mean a globalist military strike, against the Assad regime in Syria.
He was unhappy when President Obama decided to seek congressional authorization for an attack.
Yeah, because that's constitutional and that's anathema to him.
And then unhappy when his fellow lawmakers voice disapproval of the President's plan.
Graham believes the diplomatic path chosen by the administration will lead to a debacle.
No, the debacle is that you guys tried to push a totally illegal war and our own Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Chairman and the military in one voice said, we're not war criminals.
Enough of this fraud.
We're not buying the PSYOP.
The Russians have put 11 ships there.
They say they're going to defend.
This could lead to World War III.
We don't like siding with Al Qaeda.
We're sick of your lies.
We know you stood down in Benghazi.
By the way, there's a video on our YouTube channel that is my rant yesterday.
And the headline is, was the SWAT team ordered to stand down?
And this is an example of my whole crew.
You guys called David, haven't changed that, thanks.
I forgot to do that this morning.
It's admitted the SWAT team was ordered to stand down.
They've gone public.
It's in the BBC at the Navy Yard.
They got there five minutes after.
Turned out one team was at the Capitol, the other team was in armored trucks coming from a training ground, fully suited and loaded, back to barracks.
That's how they were there five minutes before.
Because I have inside contacts, not just what's in BBC.
I have inside contacts, and I'm just going to leave it at that, and we know exactly, they were there five minutes at the gate.
And then they were, because the police were calling them there.
And then they were told, oh, sorry, order from the Justice Department, stand down for 45 more minutes.
Very suspicious, folks, but shifting gears.
Senator Lindsey Graham to seek authorization for U.S.
attack on Iran.
White House, Obama willing to meet with Iran's new leader.
Rouhani, who is not seen as hardline compared to Ahmadinejad.
Well isn't that just terrible?
That the Iranians want peace.
Well, that's just evil.
And Obama's being forced to act like, you know, he's being diplomatic.
It's a little embarrassing.
But guaranteed, their plan is to attack because the planets are aligned politically.
They want to divert away from all the scandals that Obama has.
Saudi Arabia is a big player.
They want to go after their Shiite enemy.
Turkey wants to grab part of the area and go after their Shiite enemy.
Israel wants to do it and go after an old enemy, breaking the country up and turning it over to Al Qaeda.
Yeah, who cares about all those Christians, Israel, that have already, two million have fled.
I mean, listen, I want the Christian churches in this country.
Who send so much money to Israel and are so supportive of Israel, it's really time for you to ask yourselves, you know, if you're going to spend the time looking at what's being done to the Christians of Syria.
We've seen hardly anything out of the Pope, if you're Catholic, about the Christians being slaughtered there.
He said a war attacking them is not good.
That's a good thing.
But I mean, where's the Pope?
I mean, if the Pope came out and said, this is wrong, and you shouldn't kill Catholics especially, because they're Catholic, but Orthodox are being killed as well, you would think you'd hear that.
But instead, the Pope is saying, hey, quit worrying about abortion so much.
You know, reach out to people on other things.
That's what'll make us more popular.
That's what goes on at the Protestant churches now.
It's like, oh, we don't want to talk about issues that are serious.
We just want to be like a country club or something, and then that'll make us all popular.
Well, I mean, I can go to the country club if I want to, and nobody's going to be talking about abortion there.
They'll be talking about their golf score, their racquetball score, their squash score.
You know, what their mistress is up to.
I mean, you know, it's just, it's unbelievable, folks, how the whole world is getting behind this globalist agenda.
And everybody knows I've been widely criticized for not getting into the Palestinian-Israeli thing.
It's a tarball that's never going to get fixed.
Tribal warfare.
Thousands of years since David was fighting Goliath.
It just never ends.
And they want you to be on either side.
Instead, I'm pointing out the globalists are manipulating both sides against the middle.
But this is immoral.
Any way you slice it, for Israel to say, oh, we want to destabilize Syria, and so we want Al-Qaeda to have half the country.
I mean, that was in Reuters Monday.
And then the great part is I get to lose my liberty because of the Al-Qaeda threat that the West is, NATO, the French, disgusting French socialist leader, needs diversions as well from all his scandals.
So he's all pushing it.
And then Lindsey Graham up there acting like a tough guy on Fox News saying, listen, the President doesn't need to come to us.
I want him to strike right now.
But we're going to put it on the table just so you know you can.
What a disgusting thing.
And then here it is.
Here it is.
No time left for negotiations with Iran.
Israeli minister says, no time left.
It's time to attack them.
Israel reportedly has between 400 and 800 weapons.
There's different numbers.
Nuclear weapons, dolphins, submarines, long-range missiles, medium-range cruise missiles.
I mean, you know.
It's incredible.
And let me tell you, as all nuclear technicians, soldiers will tell you, you've heard them on the show, we've had guests, if one nuke ever goes off in a combat zone, nuclear war is about a 90% chance.
In fact, what I've been told is it's going to happen.
Everybody's going to release and then that's it.
It's all over.
So Lindsey Graham's can go to sidearm right outside D.C.
And it's got enough food and water for a decade under there, and they reportedly got swimming pools and jacuzzis in there, and just like Dr. Strangelove, they're planning on bringing, you know, large contingents of whatever the Senators are into down in there.
So, you know, they'll take a bunch of your young pages in there with them, male pages or whatever, and female pages, and it'll be a big party down there while we all die of radiation poisoning.
And, uh, you know, I don't think that's a very good idea, and I don't want to be part of that, okay?
Because I don't have a bunker.
I don't even have the time, the money, the energy to build one.
Plus, everybody laughs at me if I do, so I guess we'll all just take nation iodine and try to survive here.
But, uh, it's just amazing.
I said I'd go to your phone call, so no time left for negotiations.
Iran is on course to develop a nuclear bomb within six months, and time has run out for further negotiations, as a senior Israeli official said.
And that Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz said Iran still believed it had room for a mover in dealing with world powers, and that unless it faces a credible threat from the U.S.
military actions, it would not stop its nuclear activities.
Folks, you can't build nuclear weapons with the systems they've got.
The word I've got from my military sources is Iran already has nuclear weapons.
They got them from Russian sources over a decade ago.
Pakistan's got about 90 weapons.
That's on record.
I mean, you just, come on.
Iran's already got atomic bombs, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's just get that out of the way here.
They've already got weapons.
And Israel and the United States want to take those weapons out.
That's what's really going on.
Iran has had its refineries and equipment blocked for decades, and they've had the refineries blown up and bombed by Western saboteur teams that have been publicly operating for eight years inside the country.
Iran's suing the U.S.
over that right now.
They need nuclear power to run their electricity.
They want real reactors.
They already have nuclear weapons, from my sources.
And my sources have not been wrong yet.
That's why the Joint Chiefs do not want a war with Iran, because the word is they're going to use those nuclear weapons.
And Israel knows that.
And that Iron Dome, folks, may not stop a nuke, or it may just detonate or be the equivalent of a dirty bomb.
See, you could war game this all day.
Let me just say this to everybody.
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs, who was hired because the last three wouldn't start World War III, Dempsey was put in position because he's known as a not-too-smart
God will follow orders.
He showed up weeks ago at midnight, on record, to tell Obama, you gotta call this a strike-off that's starting in six hours.
You understand?
He showed up and said, you've got to stop the strike.
And that's even in the Washington Post yesterday.
Now why did the entire Joint Chiefs tell him don't do this?
Because there's a good chance World War III is gonna happen.
And look, no one challenges that Israel has got a lot of nerve, okay?
And that the West has a lot of nerve.
Everybody else, okay?
We don't need to show off and have World War III.
We don't need to show the Iranians how tough you are, that you're willing to go in your bunkers while we all die.
And the Iranians, you know them, they're gonna go ahead and do it.
I mean, it's just a... that's a bad situation.
And Israel comes out and calls Iranian President's nuclear comments deceptive when they said we are not seeking nuclear weapons.
Well, yeah, the reason it's deceptive is because it's a peaceful program they're developing.
They've already got them.
Israel said on Thursday, and I have that from... Well, I think I can say where I have.
I have that from high-level Special Forces Command.
And I've known that for a decade, and I've confirmed it.
They've got satellites and systems to pick it up, folks.
There's Russian nukes inside Iran.
Iran already has nukes, folks.
That's why they're talking about using tactical nukes to take out those mountain fortresses.
And they're in the news going, nukes aren't that bad.
Nukes aren't that big of a deal.
They're looking at World War II suicide-type missions for U.S.
Special Forces.
They're unable to take it out to try to send commando groups in.
That's been looked at.
That's one reason that the Joint Chiefs are so freaked out.
I mean, how did it work for Delta Force in the hostage rescue in Iran?
I mean, this is madness, ladies and gentlemen.
And yeah, there were cases where they had parachuted Special Forces, British and USN, in World War II, and they would ski 50 miles over land and go in and blow up Hitler missile silos and stuff, where they were working on nukes, blow up their heavy water facilities, blow up ships carrying heavy water.
But I mean, you know, the whole point is... I'm gonna go to break, come back and take your calls.
Then we've got the mayor, for some reason, Deborah Taveras,
She just called.
We've got some type of time zone mix-up.
We'll get her on next week.
I want to get her on for a full hour.
So we'll get that scheduled.
We've got some time zone things.
She just called in, but it's too late now.
And then the former mayor of Salt Lake on NSA spying.
They caught the whole city being surveilled.
He's coming on.
Dr. Paul McCarty-Roberts on the QE Unlimited.
Will it really cause the implosion next year like Mark Faber?
And I had that stack yesterday of economists saying that.
Will you pull that for me?
And Ron Paul.
And then we're going to get Mike Adams in studio.
Our good neighbor who lives right outside Austin, such an asset to have Mike Adams, the health ranger of naturalnews.com, so close to Austin.
So he's going to be here in studio with us.
And we are going to be breaking down so much more.
You know, I haven't wanted to add to pro-war propaganda.
That's why I never told you that my sources say that Iran has nukes and delivery systems.
Israel knows that.
Our Pentagon knows that.
And that's why this is such a serious situation.
They're trying to start World War III.
We'll be right back.
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By the way, Jim Mars has been frantically calling me since last night, and I hadn't listened to my voice messages until during the break.
He's got some big Benghazi breaking news, so we're going to get him on at 2 o'clock today into overdrive, if he can do it.
I want to go to your calls in this segment and the next and continuing throughout the broadcast.
There's some good news too, even AP, Reuters.
Are all reporting that basically the entire climate change fraud has collapsed.
All the computer models are confirmed to be fraudulent.
We already knew that.
There's been a decline over 15 years in temperature.
And we're actually going to go into a cooling period.
And they admit that the sun was taken out of the equation.
That it's all a fraud.
So that is all collapsing.
I know it collapsed for us a long time ago, okay?
But I mean this is a route.
Ladies and gentlemen.
But the problem is they don't care.
They're still just shutting down the power plants.
But at least we now know it's all based on fraud.
Now get the word out.
It's a power grab.
We've got that news.
But let's go to your phone calls right now.
Let's talk to Tron in Florida.
You're on the air, Tron.
I'll see you on the game grid.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
I'm calling from Region 4, Miami, Florida.
I'm in the slums and the ghetto down here, you know.
I grew up in the drug-infested area.
As we speak right now, I'm outside and I see, like, undercover detectives in unmarked cars riding around the neighborhood.
They do this every—almost, like, three times a week.
They ride around.
They randomly stop cars.
They stop people that's on bikes.
They stop people that's on foot, searching for drugs.
They search, you know, who wants nothing, you know.
Well, they want to find the drugs.
They need to go to the C-130's landing, uh, there at the Special Forces Command, uh, in Tampa, and they can get all the drugs right there.
You know, it's just crazy because...
They don't want the drugs off the streets, because if the drugs were off the streets, they wouldn't have this talk, but they're riding around in their unmarked cars, jumping out on people.
Well, no, no, I mean, they're all, they're skimming the top of it.
I mean, that's 100% of the other drug agents, Serpico said in New York in the 60s, were the drug dealers.
They're there just to make sure that the right people are slinging the goods.
And it's crazy too, because about a month and a half ago I got arrested for, I had a clean record, no players, no warrants out for my arrest.
This guy, I was on my way home one night from a friend's house, this cop pulls me over, I pull up over, he's in this big F-150 truck, he hops out all mad, asking me why it took so long to pull over.
I'm telling him, there's a one-way to get in my neighborhood, it's a one-way street, I'm not going to block this traffic.
I think so.
No, no, that's the new thing is you get pulled over and they go, you're going to breathalyze, you're going to give blood, and then if you don't get down and start sucking on their boots, you go to jail.
But now in Texas, that's not even enough.
They binge over the car and start ramming their hand inside your body.
And I'm sorry, I am evil.
I'm not letting the state police stick their finger up my rear end.
I mean, I'm sorry.
And you're not evil because you're not letting them put their hands on you.
No, no, no, no.
That's going to be the new salute, though.
Instead of shaking hands, the new thing just to show you're not dangerous when you see a cop is you just bend over.
I'm serious.
I'm not joking.
I mean, in America now, that's what you do.
Maybe we should do a comedy video where we walk up to cops and, like, actually they'll arrest you for flatulence.
Have you seen that where they arrest people all the time now?
You can't even spin a hundred yards away.
In fact, we should all just kill ourselves so the cops can have the earth.
Everybody should just chop their heads off.
I'm joking, folks.
Don't kill yourselves.
And most cops actually aren't bad, but it is the government culture of arrogance.
Sir, you're just lucky that you got taken to jail.
Come to Texas, and they'll give you and your wife a proctology exam with the same glove.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're in to our number two.
We've got a plethora of guests coming up.
They voted down Obamacare in the House.
The problem is the Senate is going to kill it.
At least we're moving in the right direction.
Let's go to your phone calls right now.
David in Oregon, you're on the air.
Hey Alex.
Hey brother.
A couple things to say here.
To arms!
To arms!
The globalists are coming!
Terror is evil!
You're not allowed to hand out constitutions in California.
Now they're racist, racist, racist, racist, racist!
Sir, how do we know you don't have a hand grenade hiding inside you like in Pulp Fiction?
We need to have a proctology exam.
State police are now expert proctologists.
Well, that's funny you say that.
But I got a few things to say.
If what you're saying is true, and they want to ward American people,
And they want us all dead under Agenda 21.
What's the problem with fighting fire with fire?
We know where these cowards are at.
Every year, same time of the year, they go down to Bohemian Grove, they put on their little cremation of care.
You know?
What are the cowardly American people waiting for?
A fuck, an invitation?
So what are you suggesting we do?
Yeah, well, 17-
I suggest they have the state police out there, the CHIPS that protect them.
We don't know if they're not terrorists.
They all need proctology exams.
How do we know Henry Kissinger doesn't have a hand grenade up his rear end?
I mean, they say we're all suspected terrorists.
I know he's a real terrorist.
He's a convicted war criminal.
I'm just sick of standing by watching cowards pay their taxes, go to work, feeding into the greed of America.
It's disgusting!
People are hungry, people are dying, but yet people want Mercedes-Benz and Ferraris.
Well, that is why America's put up with so much, is that Liberty created so much wealth, now we're actually debtor nation.
But for a while it was Liberty produced the wealth, now we got into debt, thinking that was the new wealth.
But I'm telling you, the ship's all about to go under.
And so we better be getting the word out about an alternative system to this tyranny.
I hear you, brother, but the globalists stage violence to make themselves look like the victim.
So we shouldn't be violent.
It's not just a right, it's a duty, defensively, to defend yourself.
So, we need to be working as hard as we can today.
Because folks are always saying, you know, what are people waiting for?
We need to go physically after people.
But it's always those folks that are saying that that aren't physically doing it.
They're telling us we need to physically do it.
And I understand you're frustrated.
You might actually have it in you to go do something physical.
Look, don't do that, okay?
Don't do that.
We already had one listener going to Bohemian Grove and set things on fire, and that didn't go too well.
Please don't do anything, folks.
That looked like a Psy-Op, though.
He went in the middle of the winter when nobody was there, dressed up in a superhero outfit.
He was a Marine, and I tell you, I don't know.
It looked pretty set up to me, but Richard McCaslin was his name.
We've got to get him on the show sometime.
I'll openly ask him.
What were you thinking?
Let's talk to Kevin in New York.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
I've been listening since August when I saw you on Conspiracy Theory with Jesse McPhara.
Saw you.
I got very interested right away.
Started listening.
And when I heard you talk about the mercury in the bird shops, I got very
Very scared because I just had a baby girl on Sunday.
Give it the shots.
It's for the earth.
Yeah, so I got really scared right away when they just took her after 10 minutes of being born and they gave her vitamin K. And, you know, so I was very skeptical about that.
So I saw it, made sure it was what they said it was.
Yeah, there's still a lot of studies that that isn't too good, but it's nothing compared to the other.
Let me ask you this question real quick.
Did they give her the hep B shot?
Uh, yeah, they gave that later at night.
I was skeptical about that too, but they said eventually she's gonna need that for school.
Well, number one, that's not true, and it's for sexually transmitted diseases, and it's a very dangerous vaccine.
You know you had a right to say no, right?
Yeah, I just, I tried calling you earlier, I didn't know what to do.
Tim, I'm gonna come back to you later, just... Why does the United States spend the largest percentage of GDP in the world on healthcare?
Why do we have the highest cancer rates on the planet?
The highest rates of diabetes, autism, and every other major disease.
It all comes down to one thing.
We are what we eat.
Our food is devoid of nutrition.
I'm good.
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It's always a tough vote because the average person thinks raising the debt ceiling must mean that we're running up our debt.
Raising the debt ceiling, which has been done over a hundred times, does not increase our debt.
It does not somehow promote profligacy.
All it does is it says, you've got to pay the bills that you've already racked up, Congress.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
If you believe that raising the debt limit does not raise the debt, you believe water isn't wet, and that the sun didn't come up this morning,
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Just give me a hundred dollars and you can have it.
We're going to talk about former Salt Lake City Mayor, NSA's 2002 Olympic spying scandal of the century.
We're getting former mayor on in here in just a few minutes, Rocky Anderson.
First off, the big news is Senator Lindsey Graham is running around trying to get a resolution passed to give Obama carte blanche power to start World War III with Iran.
And that's what the Joint Chiefs of Staff have said, don't do it, it's a very bad idea.
And Israel has come out, and at least the Israeli leadership, and said that they want a strike on Iran.
That they want pressure put on there.
The pressure of a threat of a strike.
Meanwhile, the precious Al-Qaeda rebels are killing the other rebels.
The Wall Street Journal reports, rebel on rebel violence in Syria.
What a
Terrible crisis that is, and Syria may miss first deadline in U.S.-Russia chemical arms deal to not strike because the rebels are in and around the areas where the chemical weapons are and it's hard to transport them.
And I actually believe that.
This is a serious, serious situation.
And later, we have this report.
Hateful professor says NRA members' children should be next to die in mass shooting.
Sounds like the talking points we've heard out of Michael Moore saying, you know, we need people's kids to die so they understand.
This is really creepy.
It's not our fault there's all this gang related stuff going on in Chicago where you have victim disarmament.
And we're going to have former head of policy in the Treasury for Ronald Reagan on to talk about QE's unlimited by the Fed will lead to total collapse.
That's what a lot of experts are saying.
We're going to have Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on at the bottom of the hour briefly for like 10 minutes and then continue with your calls.
But I wanted to get him on because we appreciate his courage in standing up for the Fourth Amendment and basic due process.
Rocky Anderson, the elected mayor of Salt Lake City, for two four-year terms from 2000 to 2008, and ran the city during, obviously, the Olympics, has told the public that the NSA was surveilling the entire city during that.
And, of course, the excuse as well is to protect you from terrorists, but the point is it just sets the precedent for there to be absolutely no Fourth Amendment.
Like, we're living in North Korea.
And so he joins us.
He now teaches at the University of Utah about the radical transformation of the Constitutional Republic in the U.S.
during the Bush-Obama years and about the media and mass deception.
He continues his vigorous advocacy on behalf of climate protection and cleaning up corrupt electoral system and reform of our criminal justice system, including elimination of mandatory minimum sentences and the decriminalization of drugs.
I like that part because the government runs in the drugs.
Mayor, former mayor, thank you for coming on with us.
Alex, I appreciate the opportunity, because if we don't have this dialogue, if people aren't aware of what is happening to our constitutional republic, how radically it is being transformed, we're just going to all be sitting by passively when these people have their way, and we're going to, people, finally wake up one day and see that this is no longer anything close to the United States of America.
And I want to make one thing clear.
You described the surveillance in Salt Lake City by the NSA prior to the Olympics.
This was in 2001 and 2002 for a period of up to six months before and during the Olympics.
And this wasn't just metadata, which is just getting the names and who called whom or who wrote to whom.
This was the most massive compilation.
Spying on the content of the largest number of Americans.
Without any costs, without a warrant, without any notice, they captured the contents of every single text message and every single email of everyone within the Salt Lake City area.
It was absolutely a not only clear violation of the Constitution, of course, but every instance of this was a federal felony under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
There's a videotape that I've got and it's available online.
You can just go to YouTube and find it.
President Bush saying in 2004, oh by the way, the Fourth Amendment still applies in every instance in our fight against terror.
That's right.
We're good to go.
I think?
If, as President Obama indicated, as soon as he came in as President, that, oh, we're just going to look forward and not look backwards as to people who are tortured in violation not only of international law, but in violation
You're absolutely right.
We're good to go.
That is the essence of tyranny.
Why not have a Fuhrer?
Why not have a Kaiser?
A King?
A Czar?
And again, if you just joined us, it's RockyAndersonJustice.com.
I want to get you on for a full hour in the near future if you can, Mayor, because you can hear the fire of liberty in your voice.
You can tell it's in your heart, your gut, your mind.
And people need to know we're threatened by this.
We're told give up all your liberties or let us do all this illegal stuff to keep you safe.
But the great threat historically is when governments do this, it always becomes a tyranny.
They always abuse it.
They always target their enemies.
And now it's bipartisan.
And now we learn they use the NSA on the press, on the Tea Party, the IRS on people, just like Nixon did his enemies.
And, except this time nobody's getting in trouble, so if they don't get in trouble, the precedent is set.
And I know now you tirelessly fight to warn people.
Historically, sir, what do we know is going to happen if no one is held accountable for this?
Without accountability, it's Katie by the door.
It's like with the war power.
Alex, the war power is exclusively
It's not for the president.
Madison, Jefferson, Hamilton, they all made it clear.
Hamilton made it clear in Federalist 69 that the president is merely the first general or admiral.
Madison said the greatest wisdom in the Constitution is found in that clause that leaves it for Congress and not the
We're good.
Acting illegally, acting unconstitutionally is not valid precedent.
That's like saying that he has the power to do this.
That is a tyranny.
The founders said, we're going to get away from that.
King George makes those decisions.
Well, in the United States, it's going to be Congress.
It's going to be the people's representatives.
And we're losing all of that.
We've got a president who adds U.S.
citizens to assassination lists now, no due process, and then he asks for the power and Congress gives it to him for the federal government to go out and kidnap, disappear, and we use the sterile term
I think so.
You're right, and I see America is starting to wake up, and I know you're leading a national campaign and founding a new national party, the Justice Party, to try to educate people on this, but I do see some silver lining.
I'm seeing a mass awakening across the political spectrum.
Are you starting to see that as well, Mayor?
I'm really not, because if there were a mass awakening, we would have masses out in the streets.
We would have the equivalent of the civil rights movement, the women's suffrage movement, the labor movement.
We would have people
Rising up and letting every one of our representatives know, including the two Duopolis parties, Republican and Democratic parties who have brought us to this state, because they're such total prostitutes, all they care about is the corporate interests.
That's right.
Hold on.
Stay there, Mayor.
We're going to make one more segment with you.
I want to get you on for a full hour, see if you can do it.
Very eloquent words.
There is a mass awakening, and then out of the awakening leads the mass action.
But I am seeing people really get up.
Look, 91% in Reuters polls against the Syria strike, the Joint Chiefs telling Obama no.
I mean, we're seeing some unprecedented stuff.
I want to get your take on that.
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Well, one of America's more famous mayors, because of the Olympics being there, that he successfully oversaw.
Rocky Anderson's on with us, and I knew this guy was out there on a freedom jag, you could say, trying to warn people.
But man, he's on fire.
I love it.
So we're going to invite him back on in a few weeks, if he can do it, for a full hour to really break down his ideas and take your calls.
But we've got six minutes left in this short segment.
And Dr. Paul Craig Roberts joins us on the QE Unlimited and what it really means for the economy.
Even mainline media says it's horrible news in the next year.
I hope that's not the case.
But going back to you, sir, front and center, I'm not arguing with you, but yeah, it's not like a civil rights movement or it's not like... But I mean, I am seeing people now listen to what I say.
I'm seeing most people agree with us.
I'm seeing people against the wars.
I mean, I am seeing some positive signs.
And I agree with that if people are asked to give their opinions or they'll do their mouse click activism and put their names on petitions.
But it's going to take a lot more than that because Congress can just write us all off as long as they know they've got their financial supporters, their sponsors, their people who have their way with Congress and the White House simply by writing out the checks.
We've got to all stand up against this corrupting influence of money against the military-industrial complex, against the control of health care policy by the insurance companies, by the pharmaceutical industry, and the fossil fuel industry control over our energy and climate policies.
It just goes to the heart of what's so wrong about this country, and in the meantime,
We're losing what isn't the root of our Constitution.
Whoever thought, Alex, in our lifetime, it's as if the Soviet Union invaded us and put in place the KGB, except we have far more dangerous and effective technology that the NSA is using, and I think the really dangerous part of this is we still have the pretense of being a Constitution.
Everybody knows.
Everybody knows, historically, it's the art type of tyranny to be spied on illegally.
And now it's just complete, and now Apple has suicide nets at its factories, but it's liberal, and, you know, the neocons want World War III.
It's madness.
Madness in the power structure.
This NSA stuff's getting used on them as well.
They're being blackmailed.
How do we get out of this?
What it's going to take is for us all to get beyond our other differences.
The wedge issues that, you know, the Fox News folks and a lot of the rest of the mainstream media love to stir up to make it look like we've really got two main political parties.
Because these two political parties are a duopoly that's taking control of our entire political system.
They're profiting from the corruption.
I think?
Exactly, and they will use us up.
They will use us up to build their empire.
So I think we tell that narrative the truth of why we're being sucked dry and why it's so immoral.
And I think we can turn it around.
The problem is they want to use Homeland Security against political speech to shut down their opposition.
And so then I see that leading into something even more serious.
And we have seen that in our nation's history, and we're embarrassed by it.
We look back at the Sedition Acts in this country, the Espionage Act, prosecutions, and we say, oh, how could that have ever happened in the United States?
Isn't it great that we've become so much freer?
We're not.
Obama's using it on the press?
Back to that point now, the alien and sedition hacks, more prosecutions for the disclosure of documents that are marked confidential.
More prosecutions under this administration than under every other prior administration combined.
So, these folks that have put it all on the line, like Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning, and others who aren't as well known, but who have gone to prison because of whistleblowing on the NSA and on the CIA, true heroes.
I agree.
Rocky Anderson, thank you so much for joining us.
I hope everybody visits your site.
We have it linked up on Infowars.com.
And we'll talk to you again in a few weeks to do a full hour.
Thank you.
Thank you, Alex.
You bet.
We're going to break down what's really happening with the economy, what QE Unlimited means to you.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Coming to you from the Infowars.com studios deep in the heart of Texas, Austin.
I'm your host.
We're going to talk for about 10-15 minutes to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and go back to all of you that are
Patiently holding, Kevin wants to ask about just having a baby and has a question about vaccines.
I'll tell you what I do with my family once we go to you.
We have a lot of other NSA news breaking today and some very important news dealing with the UN and others having to admit they were using fraudulent models on purpose to push global carbon taxes.
I know that's old news for us here, but this is now just breaking everywhere.
All part of the Age of Awakening that we're seeing here.
The question is, will the Age of Awakening be able to push us through the Age of Tyranny?
Because the two are happening together.
Towards the singularity, things are happening faster and faster.
We're in one of those spasmodic points in history.
We're going to talk to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on two big issues, the latest on Syria, Russia.
And then, of course, what's happening with QE Unlimited?
Are they going to taper?
Will they taper?
Why are all the people I respect, like Ron Paul and Mark Faber and others, saying curtains by the middle of next year?
I hope that's not the case.
We have a top economist, Dr. Roberts, coming up in a moment.
First off, I want to thank all of you out there, the listeners and viewers.
We have done something that no one else has been able to do, and they've had
Everything from New York Magazine, to Rolling Stone, to the New York Times, to Nightline, to Talkers Magazine, to other big trade publications, on record say, we've built something here without Fox News help or without Clear Channel, like Glenn Beck did.
And great for Glenn Beck.
I want people to be successful.
I'm not in competition with him.
I don't want to have World War III.
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It's really authoritarianism.
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You are history happening now.
Yeah, the forefathers had their fight for liberty and, you know, others had their battles.
We're now living.
We're just like them.
We have just as much potential if we take action.
America was exceptional.
Now we're exceptionally evil.
I want to be exceptionally good and be the renaissance, the light of the world again, not the darkness.
And we're also a platform for all these amazing people to be able to come on with us.
Folks like Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, who joins us, and I appreciate him spending time with us, syndicated columnist, former head of the Policy Department of the Treasury, father of economics, a top economist.
You can also go to his website.
We'll put that URL up on screen for everyone as well, where you can read his articles.
He also allows us to re-syndicate them at Infowars.com.
I wanted to get him on.
To really break this down, because Mark Faber and Ron Paul and all these other experts, here's the headlines, experts, Fed's QE Unlimited will lead to total collapse.
That's a quote.
Ron Paul came out on Fox and said, Bernanke admits economy's quote, in bad shape.
That's a quote.
Fed announcement may mean beginning of end of QE3.
Then they said, well, no, it's not.
This is very technical stuff, but most of the experts that have been right in the past say,
This spells a major correction middle of next year.
I try to study this and don't understand it all.
So that's why we bring in people like Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
We'll look at this briefly, then we'll look at the geopolitical and get an update on what he thinks is happening there.
But Doc, thanks for coming on with us.
Pleased to, Alex.
Well, you just heard my question there.
What's happening?
Why is there all this concern over the QE Unlimited?
That's a good question.
It shouldn't be.
The Fed has made it clear it's not going to stop printing money to buy the bonds until its benchmarks are met.
And those are specified in terms of the unemployment rate and the real GDP growth rate.
And the economy is nowhere near either.
So, and it's not going to be.
So, QE will continue.
I have no idea why the big banks like Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, why they put out all this propaganda about tapering.
Bernanke has made it very clear he's not going to do anything like that until he has a firm recovery.
But he can't stop because the entire financial system now is rigged based on the bond purchases by the Fed.
So if they stop purchasing the bonds, the prices will fall, the interest rates will go up, the bond market will collapse, the stock market will collapse, the balance sheets of the big banks too big to fail.
We'll turn insolvent again, and the whole system will come down.
So we can't stop.
Because in the short run, the immediate effect would be disaster.
The long run effect, of course, will also be disaster because eventually, printing all of these new dollars will scare the rest of the world away from the dollar.
And as they leave the dollar, the exchange value of the dollar
I don't remember in recent memory having
I don't really know.
It's not up to Obama what the Fed does.
And the Feds made it clear that it's going to save the big banks.
So I think what the outcome will be, the Fed puts off the collapse of the big banks for a while, but the cost of that is everyone's collapse.
The banks and everyone else's.
Only it comes later.
Now, about Syria.
I don't really think that the Israel lobby has given up on the war.
I don't think the neoconservatives have given up.
They have a strategic agent inside the Obama regime, Susan Rice, the National Security Advisor.
I don't think the neocon agent at the UN, Samantha Powers or whatever her name is, they haven't given up on their war.
They don't quite know what to do because everything was going in order until Putin and the British Parliament blocked him on Syria.
I don't know how they'll get around it, but they certainly don't want Iran left there.
They don't want Hezbollah there in Lebanon.
And so they're probably trying to figure out how can we get this going again?
I don't know if they can risk another false flag operation because there's so much skepticism of them now.
Clearly their lives don't go down as well or as easily with the rest of the world, but I don't think they've given up.
So I see this as a temporary defeat for the neoconservatives and for the Israel lobby, but they'll find
Some way, or they're certainly attempting to find some way to continue the wars and turmoil in the Middle East.
Now, sir, I want to get specifically into what we're seeing happen here with Putin and then back into what you were just discussing with Syria and Iran.
But I don't romanticize Vladimir Putin, but I do look at his policies trying to get their economy going, trying to cut taxes on poor people, trying to pay people to get married and have kids.
He put out an op-ed in the Interfax
News agency that is being criticized where he said we need family values, we need basic religion like Christianity, we need to not attack families, and our country is so evil now that our media is criticizing him for saying we don't need to be degenerate.
And I'm really wondering, because you have a lot of contacts internationally, I know, who Vladimir Putin really is and how you think they'll respond to an attack on Iran.
Because, as you know, Lindsey Graham has got a resolution to just give Obama strike power.
He said, you don't need it, but here I want to give it to you.
And Israel is saying, no time left for negotiations, says their minister.
Just really a push to start war.
And then I'm wondering,
Well, first the Putin question and then, I mean, is Israel and NATO and Saudi Arabia and Turkey, why they're so reckless?
Well, Israel has its own interests and uses Washington.
And then Washington uses its puppets like Turkey and NATO.
Look, the Russians went through many decades of tyranny in the police state and sort of a very hard attitude of government toward the people, and they've learned a lesson.
They've redeemed themselves.
And when the Soviet Union collapsed, because of the various chaos and the advice they were given by Americans, a lot of outside money managed to have most of the resources.
And they were bleeding Russia dry, just like they bleed Americans dry.
And Putin got in and more or less stopped that and reduced it.
So is he a good dictator?
I mean... He's not a dictator.
I know he's been elected three times and he's saying a fourth may run, but then they argue those elections are fixed.
But, I mean, is he the good strongman then?
He's an elected official with massive support.
And whatever the Western media says is just a lie.
What do they tell the truth about?
So why would you believe what they say about Putin?
Sure, sure.
I was being devil's advocate.
I know he's not a dictator.
So, so, what, what do you, I mean, you've got international awards, you travel all over the world.
What is your intel on Putin then?
I mean, is he really in control and what is his goal?
Because he does try to do a lot of good things for Russians.
That's what his job is.
And he's trying to
Put a country back together that was destroyed, and he's succeeding.
His main problem is the hundreds of non-governmental organizations inside Russia that pretend to be human rights groups, and they're American agents.
They're funded by Washington.
And Washington funds the so-called political opposition to Putin.
So his main problem is the American interference, Washington interference in internal Soviet politics.
And his other problem is the radicalization of the Muslims in the Middle East by the United States and Israel.
And the reason Washington does this is they hope to spread the radicalization and the strife into Russia and into China.
That's what I was about to say.
The Russian media reported that Bandar Bush, the Saudi prince, nicknamed Bandar Bush, Prince Bandar Sultan, threatened to use Al Qaeda against Russia if they don't back off.
I mean, this is amazing.
Well, we've already done that to them, you know, the check-ins.
And we support the check-ins.
I don't mean you and I, but I mean Washington.
Sure, yeah.
And so if you are determined to have world hegemony, remember now this is the driving force of American foreign policy in the 21st century is the neoconservative ideology.
All right.
...pretending to be human rights organizations and then we hope to spread more and more Muslim strife into the Muslim populations of China and India.
And then we use the Washington-funded NGOs in those countries to denounce the governments for opposing the freedom fighters.
And then the government arrests them as foreign agents and our media says they're arresting them for protesting.
That's exactly right, and so that's the American plan, and Putin is, I think, aware of that, and he's beginning to react to it and to stand up to it.
I think the Chinese have been very careless in their relations with Washington.
Maybe they were more centered on American markets and putting up with other things.
But they too will learn.
And then what if this policy from the United States continues to be aggressive?
It'll lead to nuclear war.
PaulCraigRoberts.org is where people can read your daily and weekly columns.
It's simply amazing.
The site looks great as well, very easy to use.
We're going to do one more segment with you, Doc, and then let you go by the end of the hour and come back and take calls.
I want to ask you specifically, back on the economy, what you think is going to happen to it then in a time frame with QE Unlimited.
And then hear if you're saying economists are wrong then, because I hope they're wrong,
That they see something really bad to happen next year.
So I want to find out in the final segment with him, then your phone calls and Mike Adams is coming in.
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Alright, final segment with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
You can follow us on Twitter at RealAlexJones.
Important to do that for emergency news alerts and more.
That's RealAlexJones on Twitter.
Also our Facebook, you can find that at PrisonPlanet.com.
Link's over to that.
And then of course there's the nightly news, 7 o'clock weeknights.
Big show tonight, InfoWars Nightly News, 7 o'clock central.
Dr. Roberts,
I was talking to you during the break, quantifying this.
You were telling me you agree with Faber, Ron Paul and others that next year looks bad, but that it doesn't matter either way with QE.
So I know you don't like to put dates on it, but I remember about three, four years ago, you were on the show saying, I would guess three or four years till it really collapses.
It takes longer for these things, but three or four years, that was always your answer.
And then you said two years.
Yeah, go ahead.
No, no, go ahead.
Tell us what you think's going to happen.
Oh, his Skype froze.
Alright, Skype is a great technology, but I tell you, it'll drive us crazy when we got a really important question.
So, he's accurately
I've been predicting a lot of stuff, and I just want to find out if I really need to be that worried.
And if you need to be that worried.
Because we know the economy is slowly rotting, and things are deindustrializing, it's terrible, and they're shutting down our power plants and all the rest of it.
But I want to know from Roberts, because he said during the break, he said, no, I think next year is going to be bad.
I want to find out specifically what he has to say.
Okay, it's connecting right now, and we'll get him to answer that question.
He'd like elevator music.
As soon as we get him, we'll tell you what's going on with that.
But I've just never heard Ron Paul and Mark Faber and Jim Rogers and all these really smart guys that have been proven to be very accurate getting more and more on the same page about what's happening and about what's going on.
Yeah, we're lucky we've even got power here with the thunderstorms we've got going on in Austin.
I don't even know if you can hear that lightning and thunder.
I guess you don't hear lightning, you see lightning.
Or feel it.
Feel the lightning if you get struck by it.
I guess you see and feel lightning, you listen to thunder.
Well, it looks like his Skype's down.
It is not connecting to him.
Oh, he's having power outages, too.
What, does he have storms there, too?
We'll have to find out next week.
But what he said during the break was, he said no.
He said it's bad next year.
And he said we're getting to that point.
And I'm sure he'll write an article about that.
We can email him and ask him to write us an article about that specifically.
On that subject.
Because there's a lot of speculation.
What a cliffhanger.
That we just had.
He goes, Alex, you're gone.
So we're no longer in contact with him.
OK, folks, speaking of Vladimir Putin.
Everybody's got their Vladimir Putin plush doll they sleep with at night, or your little snuggle doll for your dog or whatever.
You can have like little cutesy bobble heads of Vladimir Putin.
Girls can get him tattooed on their posteriors or whatever.
He's our new savior.
Russia has gone through such hellish corruption for eighty years, ninety years, that
The only thing that stays the same is change.
And again, I don't romanticize or glorify Vladimir Putin, but when he writes op-eds about how we need Christianity, and how we need God, and how we need family, and how we need to have children, and how the West is dying, I mean, this is just absolute truth.
It's up on InfoWars.com, an Irfaq story.
So, compared to what we have running things here, that's why people are like,
Jumping on Vladimir Putin like he's a piece of driftwood in the ocean when your ship is sunk.
I think that's it.
He's not a perfect vessel by any means and there are a lot of corrupt forces in Russia that would use any leverage they can get for their own advantage.
But I think we should try to be friends with the Russians.
We'll be right back.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, let's go back to Kevin in New York.
Kevin, I had to put him on hold earlier.
He went to the hospital.
They pressured him and gave the baby the hepatitis shot.
What really hurts him is then getting the second round, third round.
If they think you're ignorant of the facts, they'll lie to you and say it's the law.
This is all part of the criminal operation.
It's not that vaccines couldn't be good.
There's some evidence that the technology is there and works.
It's been around for 500 years.
It's that
These companies are eugenicist-based, and we know there's covert programs they've been caught over and over again, involved in through vaccines.
So, none of my three children have ever had a needle in them.
And they are bigger and smarter and happier than almost all the children they're around, unless they're other children that are eating organic food and not taking all the stuff.
Because I mess up and eat crap sometimes.
Did for a long time.
For a long time, I didn't think I'd be around very long.
So I just thought I'd, you know, eat chicken fried steaks and drink, you know, beer if I wanted to.
I've been a lot healthier the last five, six years.
But the point is, is that, is that my children have done great.
And so there's my bottom line on vaccines.
I'm not going to tell you to do stuff with your family.
Actually, print it.
That's why I wanted to get Mike Adams on last week.
Yeah, I was just really skeptical about what they were giving my kid, and I heard they put mercury in the shots.
I didn't know if that was true or not.
I just wanted to see your perspective on it, basically.
Are you asking if there's mercury in the Hep B shot?
Um, just any of them, really.
Yeah, there's mercury in all of them, and 98% of the time, they have mercury in them.
They did a hoax in the last seven, eight years, where they said there's no longer mercury in the shots.
First they said it wasn't in there.
Then they said, okay, now it's not in there.
But the government's regulatorily said, we would like you to make available non-
Uh, mercury-based thimerosal, uh, vaccines.
And so, yes, if you know where to look and work hard, you can find it without mercury.
They also have cleaner vaccines that it turns out world leaders take.
This has come out in China, in Germany, and in England.
The royal family takes specially developed vaccines that have been checked with electron microscopes and everything.
They don't take what the public takes.
See, that's a whole nother reason here.
I mean, I'm not just saying this, folks.
You can look that up if you're a new listener.
And the baby's healthy and everything.
Yeah, my wife's breastfeeding, yeah.
Okay, well that's because your wife's designed to produce the proper fat, but also colostrum vaccine, natural vaccine.
Every immunity that women in your entire female line had, every immunity is transmitted into the baby, okay?
So breastfeeding is absolutely king.
The brain mass will be much bigger.
Thank you very much, Alex.
I appreciate it.
Thank you, sir.
God bless you.
Just listen.
There is no law.
They'll lie to you and say there is no side effects.
They are dirty, rotten liars.
Now, I wanted to get him in here a week ago, but he was busy, but he's here now.
Mike Adams.
I wanted to get him in here to talk about ten incredibly shocking facts about vaccines that are admitted, but nobody knows.
We'll talk about that, but first, SSRIs because of the shootings.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
We are now into our number three.
We'll be back this Sunday live, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
We've got some big special reports and other things that David Knight is going to be premiering and airing here coming up this Sunday.
I'll be calling in on the show with a report, but I am going to be here in Austin at a wedding.
So I will not be here Sunday going to my friend's wedding, but again I will be back on Monday, Lord willing.
Let me give you a few of the headlines at InfoWars.com that are breaking and that I haven't gotten to as well.
Governments hire web trolls to sway public opinion.
And that's an important video report Watson did on all the new admissions, not just here but all over the world.
But the headlines probably be governments accelerate hiring armies of trolls because this has been going on for a long time.
Now it's going great guns.
We can even watch the IP addresses coming in and what they're doing on the site from the Department of Defense, from PR firms.
You know, in there just, they'll say racist stuff and then fight with each other.
I mean, just anything to divert people that are in there on Infowars.com.
So it's kind of interesting to watch government in action there on the site.
Less than half of Americans want stricter gun laws.
That's even in a whitewashed poll.
It's more like 70% don't want it, but Obama says 80-90%.
He also says polar bears can't swim and raising the debt limit did not raise the debt.
I can't get any more Orwellian than that.
Do I need to even describe what a lie that is to people?
And then we've got Ron Paul with Charlie Rose.
The meaning of non-interventionism.
Great video.
You're much more likely to be killed by lightning than by a terrorist.
Washington blog story.
I know you know that, folks, but get that out to friends and family.
Top climate scientist told to cover up the fact that Earth's temperature hasn't risen for 15 years and the German government has been caught begging people to cover this up.
Hide the decline!
Continuing journalism professor hopes for death of NRA members, children after Navy Yard shooting, and Russia will defend national identity based on religious values, an op-ed of the world praising Christianity by Vladimir Putin.
He's even against abortion!
I guess the Pope won't do it, so we'll make Vladimir Putin the Pope.
Anyways, this is getting crazy, ladies and gentlemen.
I don't know what Vladimir Putin's up to.
And then this is something I had to get to today, because it's so weird.
This ought to be on the nightly news.
I'm going to shoot something on the nightly news about this.
Alien bugs discovered in Earth's atmosphere.
And this did not come to us from the Planet Pop-Tart website.
This came to us from Sky News, or the Fox News of the UK.
British scientists believe they found small bugs from outer space in Earth's atmosphere.
Yeah, they found like in mine shafts and stuff too.
Things that they didn't know were of this world before.
Tiny organisms were discovered by the University of Sheffield, experts on a research balloon.
They sent 27 kilometers into the atmosphere.
I remember when the guy jumped from several miles or whatever, the highest jump in the spacesuit from a balloon.
It's just so amazing.
The microscopic bugs were detected when the balloon landed back on the ground in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.
But the scientists insist the samples could not have been carried from Earth's surface into the stratosphere, the second layer of the atmosphere which stretches 50 kilometers or 31 miles.
From the ground up into the atmosphere.
And folks, this has never been found before, whatever these things are.
So, this is a big deal.
We can punch it up on screen.
Yeah, there you go.
Really, really amazing science fiction stuff.
Look at this little creature!
The fragment of an organism was also found, scientists say.
Just amazing.
We are certainly in the middle of an amazing creation.
But the system wants to shackle us and kind of keep us in their own little artificial paradigm.
Their full spectrum dominance, their silent weapons for quiet wars.
Soft kill system and fighting that valiantly is the health ranger joining us here in studio, Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com, because I wanted to get him on last week, so he's here for that at the bottom of the hour.
This story from NaturalNews.com, 10 outrageous, and I'm going to tweet it in a minute at Real Alex Jones, 10 outrageous but true facts about vaccines, the CDC and the vaccine.
Vaccine industry don't want you to know about.
This is so useful because just like I get callers that are asking me if vaccines are bad, there are a lot of people don't know what's going on.
Just because you know that the inserts say it can kill you, just because you know it's causing an epidemic of neurological disorders, you know, mainline Harvard studies, just because you're informed, your neighbors aren't informed.
You need to inform them right now with tools like this.
So I'm going to tweet it while Mike's talking, and I want you to retweet it from real Alex Jones in just a moment when I do this.
But Mike, before we get into that, the shooting at the Navy Yard, the gangland shooting in Chicago, all these are done in gun-free zones.
As usual, psychotropic drugs are involved.
Break down from all your research exactly what we're facing.
Well, Alex, thanks for having me back on the show.
It's an honor to be here again.
I've been kind of out of the loop for a little while, working in the lab.
You know I'm doing this forensic food lab.
There's a lot of news coming out later this year.
Very exciting.
I brought this table of elements in here today to show you, obviously your radio listeners can't see it, but we'll describe what we're seeing.
This helps to explain why psychiatric drugs are so toxic to the human brain.
You know, brain chemistry is directly interfered with by SSRIs.
That's what SSRI stands for, is Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors.
And serotonin, obviously, is one of the very important brain chemicals that gives you normal balance.
And that's why in almost every case, these shooters are saying, I felt like I was in a video game.
And this shooter in the Navy Yard, he was a video game addict, right?
And they say, I felt a sense of detachment.
And the Columbine shootings in Colorado, those two shooters had the same kind of description.
They feel like they're in a video game.
They're not in their own real mind.
This element, fluorine, on the table of elements that I brought here, it helps explain why this is the case.
Fluorine is in the 7th column of the table of elements, if you break it down to just the 8-column model without the transition metals here.
Why that's important, and I'm not going to get too technical, but from a chemistry perspective, fluorine has seven electron clouds in its outer orbital, so it's lacking one electron.
It wants to steal electrons from other elements.
So if it gets near anything else, including chemicals in your brain, normal healthy brain chemicals like serotonin,
It, if it is unbound from the molecule that it's attached to in the pharmaceutical, such as the psychiatric drugs, it will start to ravage other chemicals in your brain and in your body.
This is why fluoride kills insects, and it's such an effective insecticide.
This is why fluoride causes bone cancer when it's added to water as fluo-fluosilicic acid.
Fluorine is represented in psychiatric drugs at the level of about 14% according to atomic mass.
So if you break out all the elements and weigh them, fluorine is about 14%.
And yet it is one of the most wide-ranging reactive industrial chemicals in human civilization.
And they've known this for hundreds of years.
That's what Dr. Blaylock talks about.
It also supercharges everything else they're putting in us.
It's the master chemical weapon
A supercharger!
And your term supercharging segues us into vaccines because the CDC openly admits that at least five chemicals or elements are still being used in vaccines and today we're going to talk about the aluminum that's still used in them, mercury is still used in them,
MSG, yes, monosodium glutamate, a neurotoxin that you've had Dr. Blaylock talk about.
Because it's an excitotoxin.
It's an excitotoxin.
It is used in vaccines to quote supercharge the vaccine as an adjuvant.
Now let's stop one place because I mean you talk a lot about iodine and every medical doctor I talk to.
More and more are saying this is the key to everything.
Notice in the same area of the table here, you've got iodine that your body needs, so they take that out of the food, out of the salt, what you actually need, to replace it with something that goes into the thyroid instead.
I mean, they know exactly what they're doing, and when they try to make babies drink fluoride, they are literally trying to savage their brain.
You're very observant.
You're exactly right on.
If you move down a column of the Table of Elements, and this is considered the seventh orbital column, you have fluoride, chlorine, bromine, and iodine.
These tend to interfere with each other or compete for absorption or attachment throughout human physiology.
When you're drinking fluoride, your body's not able to get the iodine that it needs in the right places, such as breast tissue, prostate tissue.
This is one of the reasons why so many women have breast cancer today, because fluoride, or even chlorine, that they're getting from tap water, both of those are in tap water, are interfering with iodine absorption.
So if you move down a column of the Table of Elements, you can actually discern a lot of interesting information.
I finally started listening to everybody about six months ago and started making myself take the nascent iodine and the southern hemisphere brown seaweed and it is like a drug!
I'm even more crazed now!
Oh no!
Oh no!
What's that world?
Well, you need to get, I think, I would recommend Dr. Brownstein, David Brownstein.
We're getting him on next week.
It's funny you said that.
He is the best expert that I know of, of iodine.
And he has studied it extensively and he recommends that the level of iodine people should take is literally, if memory serves me correctly, 100 times to 1,000 times higher than what the government recommends.
Which is not surprising because the government wants everybody nutritionally depleted.
But iodine, nascent iodine, in my opinion, I don't, you know, I don't manufacture the product.
This is a third-party opinion.
Nascent iodine is one of the most miraculous life-saving supplements that our society needs, especially landlocked Americans, because we're not getting the seafood, the... Well, that's why the Japanese live so much longer.
They tend to have much lower rates of breast cancer until they move to America.
And there have been really good clinical studies on this.
Once they move to America and start eating the American diet... They're dead.
They get the same rates of breast cancer as American women.
So what's changed?
Their foods, their diets.
But at the same time, you gotta be really careful about the sources of seaweed you're getting.
Make sure you're getting good quality sources.
So a standalone iodine supplement is ideal to give you the iodine just when you need it.
Now, you recommended the modify-only cell.
That's good, right?
That's from Southern Hemisphere, and you've tested it.
Because that's what my wife really loves.
She says it's... I guess the other co-factors in the seaweed are helping?
Yeah, there's a lot in that seaweed.
It's a brown seaweed extract.
Alright, we'll be right back to get into the vaccines with Mike Adams.
Stay with us.
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Mike, this is a short segment, long segment, coming up to get to a ton of news.
Stuff you've broken on the TED Conference.
You've got a video here we're going to play a clip of that's up on naturalnews.com.
We just posted it to infowars.com with your Organic Spy series inside Whole Foods.
But you were just mentioning, man, we're starting to win on so many fronts.
I'm seeing a giant awakening.
Ninety-one percent against the Syria war.
The mainstream media dying.
The alternative media becoming the dominant media.
But this is a big responsibility, though.
So, I mean, talk about the awakening.
You were just talking about it.
Well, I was saying to you during the break, we're winning on so many levels.
It is astonishing.
Right now, on the scientific front, we are getting the real scientific principles out there that are going to save humanity.
The precautionary principle, when we talk about GMOs for example.
We are exposing the fact that mercury, one of the most toxic elements in the table of elements, is still injected into babies and children intentionally by doctors and that should be a crime against humanity.
Every doctor that injects a child with mercury should have their license revoked and they should be arrested and charged with a crime.
In my opinion, obviously, and probably in yours as well.
We are winning on so many fronts.
We wait until October 1 comes around, Alex, because the Obamacare exchanges are a disaster, a disaster waiting to happen.
I think today Congress actually voted to defund Obamacare, which is a partial victory in the House.
It may not survive the Senate, of course.
But once it's rolled out and people realize that that IT system doesn't work,
There's going to be even more calls for Obamacare to be defunded or radically reformed or even revoked.
People all across the country are losing their jobs, losing hours, losing their... they're having full-time jobs switched to part-time jobs.
They're being kicked off health care plans from companies like Trader Joe's.
SeaWorld even did the same thing.
It's happening all across the country.
The fact is that the truth is coming out, and it's due to organizations like yours, InfoWars, and I'm contributing to it, many others.
You have some new people here who are contributing to it in very substantial ways.
We are winning because the truth cannot be hidden forever.
We're winning because the people desire the knowledge that can transform them and give them the kind of freedom that America was founded on.
So, all of these corporations that are committing these terrible evils, that are harming our children with vaccines, that are poisoning our population with drugs, all of these tyrants, like, in my opinion, Feinstein, who is an anti-constitutional traitor to the United States, traitor to the people, all of these people are being exposed.
The truth is coming out.
And it cannot be stopped.
Even if they manage to stop you or me, personally, there are many other people who are ready to continue to carry that torch forward, tell the truth, have websites, conduct activism.
This whole movement, Alex, is decentralized.
So there's not even really one place that they can go and stop the truth from coming out.
The internet is, by nature, decentralized.
And that's always been my goal, is to get as many people awake and active.
That's why I've never been in competition with all the other media people and alternative media.
So many of them think it's about shutting down their competition, not understanding it's about empowering and getting more people involved.
This is a life and death situation.
That's what's been so great about your work, Mike, is working with everybody together positively to really try to give the globalists a run for their money.
And we're doing it now.
And look at Cass Sunstein at the White House.
He said their number one goal is to get us to end fight.
That's why they're launching the armies of trolls right now.
But it's not working.
It's not working.
It's not working, but we also have very strong evidence, lots of evidence.
The trolls specifically target us.
They spread disinformation.
You know this is old news.
But what we're seeing now are more advanced linguistic patterns.
So we now believe that these systems that, for example, drug companies hire anti-PR firms that run thousands of bots that are initiated through zombie-controlled computers using a multitude of IP addresses all across the country.
And you're a top programmer.
I mean, this is all admitted though.
I'm a software developer.
This is all admitted though, Chase.
No, I develop word algorithms as part of the science.naturalnews whole system.
I wrote those algorithms, so I understand parsing language.
So what we're seeing is that
There's new language appearing by the trolls that appears to be automatically generated.
It's algorithmically generated.
So for those out there listening right now, if you see negative comments about Alex Jones or about Mike Adams or the health ranger, you should, in your mind, a red flag should go up where you say at least 50% of those negative comments are not real people.
They're algorithms.
And then it creates a snowball effect where weaker people then regurgitate it.
Right, right, because there's all these psychological forces in place, the sheeple mentality, the herd mentality, and it's very real.
People want to follow the crowd.
So what they do is they use these algorithms to try to create a fake crowd that then...
Susceptible people with weak minds.
It's internet astroturf.
Stay there.
We're going to come back and get into the 10 outrageous but true facts about vaccines the CDC and the vaccine industry doesn't want you to know about.
I just shot out the link at Real Alex Jones on Twitter.
Mike Adams, our guest, and your phone calls are coming up.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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It's Alex Jones.
By the way, there's been some new big scientific discoveries and developments.
We're going to get into those with Mike and then into vaccines here in just a moment as a real public service emergency announcement of facts.
But look at this article out of Wired Magazine since Mike mentioned that.
They've had bots for about five years, I know of, writing fake news.
Okay, that way you put out talking points, but to make it look like there's diversity, a computer then basically scrambles it, but you can't tell a computer wrote it in most cases.
We've then talked to people in the industry that write and they say they've been replaced.
They're like these Link Farm folks that just write these, you know, these jumbled articles on
Top web searches.
Well, now computers are replacing that, but the CIA invests in narrative science and its automated writers.
Again, to just create gnome-de-plumes, fake people.
Because humans might have a conscience and want to tell you the truth.
So now they actually have articles coming out where basically people are told by an editor, a talking point, here's what you write about and then a human reconstructs it, but still some truth might get out.
And so they want it to be done by robots.
So that's the future we face.
That's why they want the military to go to drones and combat robots and things.
Because they won't refuse the illegal criminal order.
This is what the technocracy is about.
Now you were just telling me about them.
We're pulling it up to show viewers.
I remember seeing this yesterday as well and meant to get to it.
Kind of like they just discovered new life forms.
37 miles up in the atmosphere.
It's just stuff's getting crazy, crazy.
I mean, it's just going to speed up towards the singularity.
Break down what you just got into dealing with DNA.
Well, I didn't bring all the documents on this, but this is so huge, and this has huge implications for forensic and police work.
Many people who've been accused of crimes may be innocent because of what I'm about to tell you.
Throughout the history of science and genetics, it has been assumed that your genetic code is identical across all of your cells.
So if they take a sample of your hair, or a sample of your skin, or a sample of your saliva, or even a sample of your liver, for that matter, that your cells are going to have the same exact genetic code.
It turns out this is false.
That you have genomic divergence across your physiology, across your phenotype.
In other words, your expression of genes is different because your genes are actually different in your own body.
So, yeah, you might have small hands and big feet.
And they may be because of different genes on one side versus the other.
This happens very early in fetus development that you can have genetic divergence.
Basically, at a very early stage, and then that gets multiplied and multiplied, so your heart organ may have a different genotype, different genetic code, than your hand.
And this has just been scientifically proven.
It is shocking.
Most scientists hearing this will say, I'm making it up, it can't be true, this is completely false.
But no, science has to be rewritten.
And this is the message here, Alex, that so much of what's coming out today means that science has to be rewritten.
We have to move forward and understand new ideas and not get stuck in the old ideas.
I just did an article about the TED conferences and TEDx, where they had posted a story that said anybody talking about GMOs has to be red flagged.
And they banned a talk by Dr. Rupert Sheldrake on consciousness.
And they banned a talk by Graham Hancock.
Oh yeah, I mean, they're total New World Order.
Absolutely, absolutely.
But they said that if you talk about foods as medicine, then you are a quote, health hoaxer.
So they're stuck in this flat earth.
Linus Pauling won the Nobel Prize for that.
Of course, yeah.
Orange peels.
Vitamin C is very, very therapeutic.
I want you to get back into that because you mentioned this genetic thing.
I want to go back before I forget to get into this.
Carried off.
They said, no, no, no.
They said that
You know, 96% of the DNA was junk.
Now they've gone in, that's why all these top geneticists that have these super high power electron microscopes are becoming religious now and saying somebody made this because there's like all these other genomes of other animals in there and there's all these other people in there and it's got like little antennas to receive info.
I mean, it is, the people are like going, whoa!
Whoa, it's all being used, it's all going on, and it's amazing.
The human genetic code, it's interesting.
Scientists, they say they think they understand the cosmos, but they don't understand the 96% which is dark matter and dark energy.
They have no clue about that.
All of this, this table of elements that I have here, of which all matter in our world and our cosmos is made of, according to the scientists, this is only 4%.
Alex, of the material universe.
The other 96% is unknown, just like in space.
That's right.
With our devices, not just our senses, we can't even detect it.
And we've only just invented devices that can detect it.
And you have scientists that are out there saying, well, the universe, there was this big bang, followed by inflation, and it became a whole universe, a cosmos, from nothing, without cause.
Therefore, there's no God.
Wait a minute.
Who started the Big Bang?
Who seeded the cosmos?
And then you've got whole issues about the multiverse, right?
That we are one universe of many multiverses, all with a creator, an engineer, you could say, from a technical perspective, who created this.
There has to be a cause to create an entire universe.
It doesn't happen from nothing.
It's obvious!
Well, exactly.
It's like saying in the middle of a Sahara Desert, a fine Swiss wristwatch would, over time, would be blown together.
Everyone knows that's impossible.
And then a cell is literally billions of times more complex.
And then we've got all these different cell groups, almost like a jellyfish is really a composite organism, a colony.
We're really a colony.
But then we're energized
By an energy force that science is now showing in all the studies, that's what you'd call a spirit.
Right, exactly.
A space-time continuum.
Presence, consciousness, and so on.
Also realizing the history of science, they said up until, I don't know the exact date, but until the era of microbiology, they said there is no such thing as bacteria, disease can't be spread by bacteria, and those scientists were crazy who said so.
But today, we have more cells in our bodies, Alex, that are bacteria than human cells.
We are a hybrid organism.
And, in fact, there's new science being done right now on the genetic expression of the bacteria in your gut being more important for your health.
And, of course, Bill Gates already knew that.
And they've been targeting us with the GMO all along.
And the antibiotics.
Hacking the brain through the stomach.
And genetically hacking your intestinal flora through GMOs, which are believed to be transgenic.
Well, it's now been admitted.
It came out this year.
It's now leaking into the DNA.
Altering the DNA of your gut bacteria.
There was a story that just came out today.
A man had his gut infected with a yeast infection and he was brewing beer in his own gut and getting drunk without drinking.
And that's what's happening with the autistic kids in many of the spectrums, is that they actually have toxic garbage growing on them.
Yes, yes, and it's all made worse by this corporate-driven or corporate-hijacked quote science, which is not real science.
It's just a way to exploit the human body, like in The Matrix, for control and for profit and to doom humanity.
That's what's the big picture here.
If we're going to save humanity, we have to move forward.
We have to get past this hijacking of
Mike, you're on fire!
Sorry, I... No, you're always on fire, but... What, did you go up on top of the mountain or something?
I just had a normal day, a normal chocolate avocado smoothie like I always have, and I'm just... I'm passionate about this.
You're seething with power, Lord Vader.
Humanity is in danger, Alex.
You know this as well as anybody.
We have to get past this, but let me get back to the vaccines, because I know... You can feel the awakening, can't you?
We are, right now, we as a society are poisoning our children with what's in vaccines.
We're going to cover the vaccines, but look, Chris Jordan's wife brought this up, their rock hounds.
It looks just like it does in your periodic table here of elements.
There is the loving fluorine, the little cube, Borg, that's what it is, microscopic cubes that the globalists are injecting into us.
This is a calcium fluoride rock, and the only reason it's safe, and the only reason we're not dead right now being in the room with this element, is because, you notice I said before that it's bound to the calcium, which is over here on the other side.
Calcium has two electron clouds in its outer orbital shell.
It binds with the fluoride.
Things on that side of the table bind with things on this side of the table, essentially.
It's a general trend.
So it is good to take calcium to bind up that?
Well, it can, but it's better to take iodine to compete with it.
Yeah, exactly.
So the nascent iodine is really the best way, but you should avoid fluoride, period.
Avoidance is a lot of the strategy here of everything we talk about.
But also notice right here in the middle of the table you have zinc, cadmium, and mercury.
Mercury, these are all in the same column.
Mercury is highly toxic, highly neurotoxic.
Cadmium is a highly toxic element, a heavy metal that's now being found in many foods, including some of the tests we're doing are showing it in brown rice, including organic brown rice is having a variety of levels of cadmium.
But zinc is a nutritive element.
So sometimes in these tables, you see something you need like zinc.
On top of something you don't need, like cadmium.
So if you take more zinc, guess what?
You're blocking, you're helping to block the absorption of cadmium and the absorption... So it's not just important to take this stuff because you need it, you need to block the other stuff.
Defensive eating.
This is something that I'm really hot on right now.
Defensive eating.
If you go out and you eat shrimp in a restaurant, most shrimp will have some level of mercury in it.
But you can eat, you can take activated charcoal capsules that will absorb the mercury from the shrimp.
So you can actually go out and you can have a meal that you enjoy.
I enjoy eating seafood too, you know.
But I take chlorella and I take activated charcoal and I know that I'm not absorbing the mercury in the shrimp.
It's defensive eating just like defensive driving.
It works.
Sounds pretty extremist.
I know, I know.
Being informed and involved?
That sounds extreme.
Pretty crazy.
I bet you even know how to read.
I bet you think women should breastfeed.
It's one of my tenets of nutrition, yes.
That's Al-Qaeda right there.
Al-Qaeda's the good guys now.
So I can't say, yeah.
Hey, what do you make of the whole war imploding and everything?
Well, I haven't covered it that much because I've been focused on these areas, but I'll say, in my opinion, when Obama said that raising the debt ceiling doesn't increase the debt, that right there, that was the final quote of the final chapter of the American empire going down in flames financially.
I think they are the ones going crazy, believe me.
And we're looking at the reason, Alex.
Again, let's go back to the table of elements.
We have lead here, we have cadmium, we have mercury, we have aluminum, which at very high levels can also alter brain physiology.
This is the reason.
One of my main theories right now of what's causing the insanity in our world.
No, it's like the Romans.
The Romans, of course, lined their clay pots with lead.
And the aqueducts.
That was towards the middle and the end.
Their decline began when that happened.
They were stark, raving mad, and lead makes you violent.
Lead makes you crazy.
It makes you violent.
Cadmium destroys kidney function.
It gives you heart disease.
You look at all of these elements.
Mercury makes you crazy.
Mercury gives you a lobotomy.
But CBS said it improves their brain, children.
Yeah, and they're victims of mercury too.
See, that's the other thing, and you've said this before, the reframing of all of this.
The people that we are trying to save in the Matrix are also victims of the Matrix.
So we have to be careful, too, and I realize this, too.
Sometimes I might go too far and attack victims of the system.
You know, sometimes I call people morons if they're scientists who don't get all this.
And sometimes I have to step back from that and realize they're victims, too.
They've been brain-damaged.
Well, remember before you were awake?
You didn't have any of the pieces, so none of it made sense.
Once you start getting a few pieces, then it accelerates.
We were once as dumb as dirt.
I was raised on a standard American diet.
I took antibiotics.
I ate, you know, all these heavy metals at one time.
And by the way, this takes a very concerted effort to get these out of your system.
Cadmium has a 27-year half-life in the body.
Lead stays in your bones.
You got a lot of elderly women who are now recycling bone mass.
They're losing bone mass.
Their bone mass is being depleted and going into the blood.
That's why they're going crazy.
They're going crazy because the lead is coming out of their bones now for the first time in their lives.
The lead is going from the bones into the blood.
Now the lead in the blood gets into the brain and makes them crazy.
That's where you get the syndrome of menile women.
This is exactly where it comes from.
And also pregnant women out there need to understand that your first child becomes really the dumping ground for a lot of the toxicity that your body has stored up.
So if you're not cleaning your body and getting rid of all these elements and heavy metals and toxic chemicals, your first child is usually the most messed up because of this.
That's right.
That's like people exposed to Agent Orange, the first kid was always just devastated and then they got better as you went.
Because the wisdom of the body, Alex, is amazing.
Mother Nature is amazing.
The woman, the mother, her body is trying to get rid of this stuff for any way possible.
Through the skin, through respiration, through feces, through urination, but also by dumping it into the fetus.
And this is something that modern scientists and modern doctors just completely deny.
They're living in a total delusion world.
They deny all of this, and as a result, our children are being poisoned everywhere.
That's right, because in a genetic evolutionary way, and we don't mean the establishment evolution, but the clear development, it's more important for the woman to survive to make a bunch of kids than even the first one.
The male can be a lot more toxic because the sperm doesn't carry the load of heavy metals into the fetus.
Not at all.
The sperm is really just digital information.
It's the woman's body that provides the nourishment, the blood supply, the actual blood.
And her eggs have to last 40 years.
And if she has a female developing inside of her, she is also creating the eggs that that female will use to create the next generation.
So it's daughter and granddaughter.
And the mitochondrial transmission as well.
The epigenetics.
All of that.
Right on.
Isn't it really true from science that a woman is actually the human and that men are just a competitive manifestation?
I've heard that description before and I think some men do exist only for the sake of their sperm.
No, but men are meant to be competitive, go out, do everything as the strength of the species.
Exactly, but that's the entire competitiveness.
Yeah, well, the male-female interaction is interesting from a physiological perspective.
Males are the protectors, are the ones to provide the safety so the female can create future life.
And the male is there to create genetic diversity as well, just from a pure genetics point of view.
But, again, we are living in a system right now, Alex, where it's already too late for grandchildren of today's pregnant women.
It's already too late.
They're already damaged.
That's right.
By third generation, in just the GMO studies of the rats, they're done.
So basically, that's why they have to get world tyranny in, because in another 20 years, you're going to have 80% of people dying.
If you cleaned up vaccines today and took all the mercury out and all the formaldehyde out, which is another neurotoxin I didn't even mention, if you took all that out today, you would still have children damaged from vaccines for two or three more generations from now.
This is a sobering thought and it's absolutely true.
We are past the point of saving humanity from this devastation.
The Holocaust is here!
And we're going to feel it for three more generations.
And that's why the globalists actually even talk about that.
They did it on purpose.
And so they just say, we're going to wipe you out.
And they think science will rebuild some new human.
Yeah, right.
Kurzweil style.
They kill your physical body, copy your brain into a machine and say you're still alive.
You're not still alive.
Your soul is long gone, man.
Even if they could copy your brain, your soul is gone.
The spirit is what makes you alive.
Well, it's been shown that in clones.
He gave me the exact genetics with no mistakes, and it just fails to operate and is not animated.
It's like nobody's home.
It's just without the spirit, you're not human.
You know?
And this idea of consciousness is so dangerous to the establishment.
This idea is the key to freeing humanity, in my opinion.
The idea that we are created from a greater consciousness, a greater power, that we have free will, that we have intelligence, that we have... Well sure, just from a...
From a scientific perspective of the studies that are coming out, it's almost like the intergalactic space wind that all this spectrum is energizing and resonating with us.
Yes, I would agree.
Even quantum physics proves that we are not separate from everything else in the universe.
Science is built on the idea of scientific experimentation, which says the observer is independent and separate from the experiment.
Quantum physics proves that that's not true.
They don't even know why that when they watch something with a telescope now, they've done the math, it's affecting it a trillion miles away.
Yes, because they now have teleportation of information faster than the speed of light, which was thought to be impossible.
Alex, all these things we're talking about here, science has to be rewritten.
There is more mystery to the universe than we're being told.
Well, the scientists, the top ones, know this.
They're there to give us a false science.
That's right.
And keep people down because they've got us in a prison.
Let's get into vaccines straight ahead.
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All right, folks.
Got calls from Germany, you name it.
I'm gonna have to go into overdrive and be able to take these, but I'll try.
Thanks for holding everybody that's on there.
Tim, Chris, Marty, I'll try to get to all of you.
Mike Adams, getting back to you, let's go into why we originally got you here.
10 outrageous but true facts about vaccines the CDC and the vaccine industry doesn't want you to know about.
So yeah, this is an article that I did that really ruffled a lot of feathers in the vaccine, the pro-vaccine, you know, movement.
Not a movement, but corporate science horrors.
The eugenics movement.
Yeah, the eugenics movement.
But people need to know the real facts about vaccines, and they are.
The CDC, on their website, they still openly admit that vaccines contain these elements.
And will kill you.
And can kill you.
And can kill you.
There was a big story that just came out recently about one of these big pharmacies that has a vaccine.
It's called a high-dose flu shot for senior citizens.
And the high-dose flu shot on their website, I'm not going to mention their name, but on their website, they say it has little to no side effects.
But if you actually look at the insert that's posted by the FDA, it says, wait a minute, this could kill you, this could cause neurological... Guillain-Barre, epilepsy... It's all mentioned in there, yes.
And 23 senior citizens died within a couple of months after taking the vaccine, but they said, well, this isn't related.
Why not just euthanize them?
I think this is a soft euthanization strategy, clearly, but it's also a lobotomization strategy.
Now, getting back to the list, though, it's important, vaccines are an important part of population control in the sense of making sure people don't get too intelligent.
If you can lobotomize or deactivate a portion of their brain, and I know you've covered this, through vaccines, then you can prevent people from asking questions.
Now, asking questions is the basis of liberty.
If you stop people from asking questions, you stop liberty.
It's the essence of evil.
Yeah, right.
So these metals that are in vaccines, that are added to vaccines, on purpose, nutrients, right, to make the vaccines have a stronger reaction, these are so toxic that they were, of course, researched by Nazi scientists.
And by the way, just as a side note, the sodium fluoride, because we talk about fluorine,
Sodium fluoride is the agent that the British press was reporting when they said the UK government authorized the sale of nerve gas chemicals to Syria.
If you look at the reports, those nerve gas chemicals were sodium fluoride.
So, sodium fluoride is the basis of nerve gas.
You mean vitamin gas?
Yeah, right.
So if you take sodium fluoride and through chemistry you can break apart the elements, you can get fluorine and then you can use fluorine to make deadly nerve gas.
So, in essence, the British press was admitting that the same chemical that's put into the Austin water supply is called a chemical weapons ingredient that was sold to Syria.
With great alarm.
So, just so that everybody knows, this is the same thing we're talking about here.
You're drinking raw materials for chemical weapons.
And these were developed by Nazi scientists.
That's where it all came from.
The IG Farben under Hitler.
These were developed by Nazi scientists.
Why are you being racist now?
Who eventually went on to be convicted of war crimes.
The chairperson of Bayer, the pharmaceutical company.
Same folks that put HIV in the vaccine on purpose.
Very loving.
Who make children's aspirin.
So just so you know, and I couldn't say this if it weren't true.
Oh no, we've got NBC reports where they got convicted in France knowingly putting it in the factor eight.
But what's wrong with that?
You're racist if you don't kill hemophiliacs.
But not only is this poisoning our children, our parents are being denied due process in courts because the so-called secret vaccine court is higher than the Supreme Court in the United States, according to the Supreme Court's own decision.
It's the eugenics court.
The eugenics court.
So there's no due process?
Just like family courts were set up a hundred years ago for eugenics.
That's how they sterilize people.
This is a whole eugenics world.
Stay there.
We're going to come back and get into the breaking news at nationalnews.com.
It's also on infowars.com.
Inside Whole Foods.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're into overdrive here.
Some stations don't carry it.
I'm going to go to Tim and Chris and Marty and Leviah.
Am I pronouncing that right?
Livia, I can't even read now anymore from 10 feet away, and then Michael, we'll get to you in the next segment.
I appreciate you holding.
Mike Adams is going to ride shotgun with us until 20 after, and then he's going to do another radio broadcast.
Mike, get into the Whole Foods investigation.
Okay, so the group called Organic Spies had released a big video last year where they showed Whole Foods employees on camera saying that Whole Foods did not sell any GMOs
At all.
And that was big news.
It was false information because Whole Foods sells all kinds of GMOs.
And it forced Whole Foods into a position where they had to actually issue public relations statements and admit, yeah, we sell lots of GMOs.
We don't even know how many GMOs we sell.
That's one of their quotes, because it's everywhere.
And then they announced that they're going to have GMO labeling requirements by 2018.
But in that, they denied that they had trained their employees to lie about GMOs.
That was their denial.
Well, today, Organic Spies has issued a new video that we posted because YouTube will censor it if you post it on YouTube, so we posted it over on Natural News.
This video features a woman who describes herself as a former Whole Foods employee, and I've seen documentation firsthand that seems to confirm that.
I did some due diligence with this witness, and she is saying that she was trained, that the actual training of new employees at Whole Foods involved them being taught that Whole Foods sells no GMOs.
You mean Whole Paycheck?
Whole Paycheck, right.
In addition to that, Organic Spies alleges that Whole Foods is a, quote, organic fraud machine because they have been certified as a, quote, certified organic grocer by CCOF.
And this is misleading people, they say, into thinking that everything the store sells is organic.
Well, they have it painted on the side of some of the stores that everything is organic.
Nothing artificial.
Yeah, yeah.
The big slogan, I think.
And that's a false slogan as well, because GMOs are, by definition, artificial.
So Whole Foods is, once again, appears to be caught in quite some big deceptions here.
And it's almost worse than the guys that openly push GMO, because they're acting like they're not.
Well, exactly.
A lot of people go to Whole Foods and they think that everything Whole Foods sells, even at the buffet, they have a nice salad bar, you know, that looks very beautiful.
But many of the ingredients in their salad bar are GMO and not organic.
So Whole Foods store sells a lot of foods grown with pesticides, herbicides, genetically modified ingredients, and yet they can mislead people into thinking that everything they sell is pure and pristine.
And this is the only way the establishment can win, because if we vote with our dollars and only buy organic and quality stuff, it will convert the market, take over, and heal us.
But if they can then camouflage it, then they win, and then it's a double rip-off.
Right, and Whole Foods is really masterful at using what I call fuzzy language to try to create this warm and fuzzy feeling, but then what they're actually saying doesn't stand up.
So we actually have, I think we have a video segment here that has this witness, this former Whole Foods employee, testifying on camera what happened.
If you've got that... Yeah, let's roll that clip.
First or second day, all the team members are given a general information guide.
And it's called the gig book.
And it's kind of like a guide for the team members if they have any questions.
When we first started, we had a, it's called a day one and a day two.
And they teach us about the core values of Whole Foods Market.
The core values of nothing artificial, everything's natural.
I think it's in their advertising, too, that nothing ever artificial.
When I first started at Whole Foods, I didn't know what a GMO was.
I had no idea what it was.
They taught us what it was and how Whole Foods markets do not carry GMOs.
There you go, that's it.
They taught us what it was, and they taught us that Whole Foods Market did not carry- And then she goes on, if a customer came over, we were telling them they didn't.
Exactly, exactly.
So this was a- We need to get somebody to go get a job there and record it all.
They're not doing it anymore, I don't think.
This happened- this stopped in 2012, I believe.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, folks, we're back.
About to go to your phone calls.
Appreciate you holding.
But finishing up with Whole Foods, I'm not trying to pick on Whole Foods here.
I've had a minority of people say, hey, at least they're trying.
Leave them alone.
If I go spend money there,
And it's so Orwellian now, that when I go there, like every few weeks with my wife, she goes a couple times a week, but I go every few weeks with her and the kids, people walk over and go, this was a wise choice, and I thought the first few times this happened earlier this year, that it was a fluke, then I went to other Whole Foods around town, depending on where we're at, we'll pull in and get some stuff, because we're trying to only feed non-GMO, organic stuff to our children.
We're really trying.
And because it's immoral if we don't, but I don't know how average families pay for this stuff.
This is like hurting us.
It costs so much.
And then you figure out there's a bunch of manipulation going on.
But what's this weird social thing when they walk over and go, good choice.
And it's like a Soviet re-education camp.
Well, from from what I've been told by former Whole Foods employees, they are trained to treat customers as if they're visiting some kind of a luxury spa.
You know, it's a positive sort of vibe you're supposed to reinforce the customer's purchasing decision there at Whole Foods.
And I don't have any problem with that.
That's whatever.
That's fine.
But my issue is that Whole Foods needs to be more transparent and more honest about
The nature of the foods that they're selling and the training that they're giving to employees.
And I'm glad Whole Foods exists.
You know, I shop there from time to time as well.
But I also know how to look for the difference between GMO and non-GMO, and a lot of people don't.
So many people can be easily deceived if these claims, like a certified organic grocer, a big sign on the wall,
With a USDA symbol!
Well, my point is, then, they ought to have sections, and I know they kind of do, where this side of the store really is, and this side isn't, but they want to overcharge you, because if they get non-GMO stuff, they have to pay more for it, but they can get the GMO, non-organic, kind of fool you mixing it together, it's about ripping you off.
It's the fuzzy language again.
They use a lot of fuzzy language.
They say they have a sign that says something like, uh, quality matters.
Uh, every product in our store is carefully considered.
And selected.
Carefully selected or evaluated.
Well, you know, the same could be said for a porn shop.
I mean, that doesn't mean anything.
We carefully select the gun we shoot you in the head with.
I mean, that claim, anybody can make that claim, you know?
It doesn't mean anything.
A pesticide retailer can say, we carefully evaluate all our pesticides.
That doesn't mean anything.
This is fuzzy language.
There are other stores that say, we don't sell
Produce grown with pesticides, like natural grocers, I think, is one of them.
And that's the kind of claim that we like to see.
We like to see, if I walk in the door, everything there, man, every produce, every vegetable, every fruit is organic.
And then I don't have to think about it.
I want to have that level of trust in a retailer so I can walk in and just shop and don't have to evaluate everything like a lab technician.
You know?
And by the way, Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton's InfoWars investigation last year really spurred a lot.
Your investigation did, because you have high-level sources.
We're going to the calls momentarily.
It's really shaken them up, and that's good.
It shows that real alternative media has an effect.
Organic spies is a very important, playing a very important role in society, just like Infowars and Natural News.
We are the organizations that force corporations to behave with the ethics that they should behave with on their own, but often do not.
Yeah, but how does YouTube and Whole Foods censor that, when you're allowed to talk to a former employee?
YouTube's censorship is highly selective and completely done without merit.
They censor, you know, they get a letter from a corporation to take something down that they don't like, and they take it down.
You know, YouTube is a vehicle of mass censorship.
And it's getting worse.
It's getting worse, and what's really worrisome is that they're censoring information that is in the public interest.
So, the reports that you put out, that I put out, that Organic Spies just did, this is in the public interest to know this.
This is what the First Amendment is based on, is the public has a right to know.
Yeah, these YouTube employees, when they get an order, and they go look at something, and it's a thing about Whole Foods lying about stuff being organic, I mean, we should get awards for these reports.
Not censored.
Yes, no.
I mean, if Whole Foods thinks we're lying, sue us!
That's what you've got to do to take something down.
Prove it in court!
Come on!
And they can't because we actually conduct a lot of due diligence, just like your reporters do.
We actually do more research.
When I say we, I mean the alternative new media, like your organization and mine.
We do more research than the mainstream media, by far.
Orders of magnitude more.
They just copy and paste.
They take a White House press release, copy, paste it, put their name on it, boom, it's out there in the press.
We do original research.
We do due diligence.
We check our facts.
We do laboratory studies.
We do hidden camera interviews.
This is real journalism, Alex.
This is why InfoWars, Natural News, many others out there who are doing this, we are the new leaders.
What do you make of Feinstein coming out and, and, and, and, oh, we're going to protect journalists and it gets rid of the First Amendment for everybody but their lapdogs.
That was her attack on Matt Drudge.
That was expressly targeting Matt Drudge.
They're trying to say he's not a journalist.
Are you kidding me?
Matt Drudge is one of the great American journalists in history.
That's why the Pentagon said they're worried about Drudge and other big sites like Infowars, because something comes out, they can't control it.
Right, exactly.
And that's exactly the basis of liberty.
We need sources of information that they can't control.
And we've got it.
And we need to fight to the... And we're not just as good as the Washington Post or New York Times.
They've all been proven to be paid off in lying.
We are better.
Qualitatively better.
Ethically better.
Instead of just saying we're as good, because I've been given that advice, it's true, we are as good.
No, we are better.
We serve a higher role in society.
We break more big news.
We've got a track record of not being paid off.
Right, exactly.
We don't take money from vaccine companies.
I know you don't.
We don't take money- They could offer me a billion dollars and I wouldn't take it.
No, because being involved in the mass poisoning of children, a chemical holocaust that's injected into children, is not something that I would- My dad is a medical manager.
God offered a job for a company in health care management where he'd made three times more money, it had vaccines involved, and he sounds so informed on this, he turned it down.
Good for him.
That's what we have to do.
But it's not even a decision!
I am not going to be involved hurting people!
Yeah, I mean, history, by the way, will prove us correct.
History will show that the mass chemical
Holocaust of our children and our population.
And I'm not talking about just vaccines, but even the things in the food, the medicine, the synthetic chemicals.
That was an era of destruction where humanity very nearly destroyed itself.
And I'm hoping humanity survives this so that we can write the history books.
You're right.
But by the way, we're going to the bottom of the hour.
If you need to do that show here too, because I know you've got to do the show, you can use our studio.
We're going to skip the network break and go to these calls now.
Tim, Chris, Marty, everybody that's patiently holding this is so historical what's happening.
And you're right.
But some people go, wow, you know, your dad got offered triple the money by a company, but a big part of it would have been pushing vaccines.
So he said, no, wow, that's most people would just take it.
Folks, right.
By the way, I know there's some evidence that you can get acquired immunity through vaccines.
It's a 500-year-old technology, going back to smallpox.
But then there's all the evidence that it gives you other immune system problems, you name it.
But it's these companies... Put them up!
People say, oh, you don't believe in science.
These companies are a bunch of eugenicists.
I mean, if they could have just the virus
That they're trying to give you immunity to just that one virus and not the 50 other hidden viruses that are in the vaccine.
And if they take the mercury out and they take these other things out, I would not necessarily... I couldn't be as animated against it.
It needs to be more studied.
There shouldn't be some secret court.
It needs to be safe.
Well, exactly.
But plus, the elites all get special vaccines no one else can get.
Clean vaccines.
They had to call them clean vaccines.
But I want those.
The masses get mercury vaccines.
And that's on purpose.
That's the ruling corrupt eugenics class, who's been caught doing all these secret murderous tests, hitting us!
I mean, they are attacking us!
And they are shooting bullets in the little children's brains with these shots, and they... I'll go further.
With a grand jury, with courts, with the evidence of the history, I think the people that are pushing this and designed it should be executed.
I don't think they should just be arrested.
I think the Bayer Pharmaceutical Executives for a decade that knowingly put HIV and Hepatitis in millions of people's factor 8, I think they should be tried, convicted and hung.
I think they should just be injected with 10,000 of their own vaccines and see what happens.
That's a good idea.
Just buy a vaccine.
Have a big machine with like 200 needles.
Yeah, exactly.
Hey, safe and effective.
You know they're gonna die.
You know they're gonna die.
Of course they'll die.
I mean, you put 40 vaccines in a kid by the time they're one.
Let's give these executives 200 shots.
I guarantee you they're gonna die.
Die right there!
You will die because if you eat mercury, you don't absorb most of it.
Digestion actually takes care of it, protects you from it.
That's a great idea.
If you inject mercury into the muscle tissue, which is where it's injected, 100% of that mercury goes into your bloodstream.
Almost all of it.
Yeah, 99 point whatever.
Into your bloodstream.
This bypasses all the protections that your body has.
This is bypassing nature's self-defense for your body.
I think that's a good idea.
How about these executives?
Piers Morgan took the flu shot and then... And he got sick!
And literally they thought he was going to die.
Yeah, he got really sick.
From one shot, man.
Imagine... I mean, we should have a... we should... I thought about doing this.
Yeah, I talked to him in private, you know, at the thing in the lab and they said, oh, you're right.
He's like, you're right about shots, by the way.
Because now he knows.
He took it and two days later almost started dying for three weeks.
We should offer a pharmaceutical executive $1,000 a shot to take 1,000 vaccine shots.
That's $1,000,000 to take 1,000 vaccine shots all at once, which they insist is perfectly safe.
They've said 1,000 shots would be safe.
They've said 100,000 would be safe.
Hey, wait, that professor, we ought to say just 1,000.
Yeah, just 1,000.
One day, you get a million bucks.
We should offer them a million bucks to take a thousand shots, but they have to be the same vials that you can go get at CVS Pharmacy.
Well, they'll say that's too much volume in the body.
Let's give them a week to take them.
You know they're going to die.
They're going to die, what, probably after 200?
If they don't die, they're going to be severely brain damaged, kidney damaged, and liver damaged from the mercury.
They're going to be damaged in so many ways.
Oh man, I know troops when they give them like 10 shots and have convulsions.
They'll kill them.
Yeah, they'll probably convulse and die.
You're right.
They'll probably go into a coma right there on the spot.
But I think that would be a great challenge to issue to say we offer a million dollars to any vaccine company executive that will take a thousand vaccine shots within, let's say, give them 72 hours to take a thousand shots and see if they live.
If they live?
I'll be amazed!
I'll be amazed!
Oh, they'll die.
I think they will go into cardiac arrest.
I mean, they'll stop it after
After they start convulsing?
I bet after like 30 shots they start dying.
I don't know, maybe they can take 100, but they're going to suffer real long-term damage.
Because also remember, children are more susceptible than adults, so we're talking about an adult here that is... But wait, if we ever defeat the eugenicists and all the documents come out, and we have big trials and everything, we could create sort of an electric chair, an injection chair, and I'm not into torture, but like, kill them with their own vaccines, that's a great idea.
It could be a very effective... Like an Iron Maiden, but like a thousand needles, and you just slam it shut, hit the button.
Oh man, yeah.
And just use off-the-shelf vials, you know, the ones that they're giving the population.
Well, that would be terrorism to give them the shots.
That's only for us.
I went to CVS and I asked to buy a vial of the flu shot.
I said, I want to buy the vaccine.
They said, great, just go back to the pharmacy.
I said, no, I want to buy a vial of the vaccine.
They said, you can't buy that.
I said, why?
They said, that's a controlled substance.
So wait a minute, wait a minute.
They don't want you putting it under an electron microscope.
You can buy an injection of it, but you can't buy the vial?
Because it's so dangerous that it's controlled?
What am I gonna do with it?
Well, they caught him.
We gotta go to calls.
I'm hogging everything.
Oh, look!
Look, there's the CVS worker.
That's the perfect vaccine website.
All right, let's go to the vaccine spokesman.
Let's talk to Tim.
Tim, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
We'll go to Chris and everybody else.
I apologize.
I'm hogging Mike here.
Go ahead, Tim.
Are you there, Alex?
Yeah, I am.
Go ahead.
Hey, man, I just got to keep it real quick.
First time caller, long time listener.
You know, we've gone a long way in the last ten years, the last decade, with marijuana and the marijuana laws.
Well, actually it's gotten worse.
They act like they're legalizing it.
They're taking people's kids everywhere when they have an MD prescribed in Colorado and California for glaucoma.
They take your child to the CPS torture chamber.
That's CBS News.
And so, I mean, that's really horrible stuff going on, right?
Everybody should know, okay?
And by the way, about a third of the time they have false positives.
They're taking a lot of kids when you go in to have a baby or surgery or whatever, false positives.
And they don't care.
They're going to take your kid.
They want to get them and they want to murder them as quickly as possible with vaccines.
There's also a lot of false positives in the AIDS world, HIV tests.
Oh yeah, that's all a giant scam.
You know, having HIV and infecting someone else, and a lot of that's totally false.
There's a lot of viruses that mimic it, sure.
Go ahead, I'm sorry sir, your point about the medical marijuana thing.
I had seen a video this morning on the news up in Michigan where a gentleman had been from the state, been given
I'm at restaurants in Barton Springs and all I hear is people going, they took my brother's kid, or they took my kid, and people have no survival instincts.
Like, well I guess that's the end of the kid.
Yeah, I went and had a blood test for insurance and they found marijuana.
Folks, you don't just go to jail now, they kidnap your kids!
The government is run by satanic pedophiles!
And when they kidnap them, what do they do?
They inject them with all the stuff?
They give them seven psychotropics until they... murdering filth of hell.
God bless you, Tim.
Let's talk to Chris in Deutschland.
You're on the air, sir.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Hello, you're on the air, sir.
My name is Chris.
I'm from Germany.
I'm listening to your show since two years.
And that we enjoy it.
Well, God bless you, sir.
Oh, yeah, they've outlawed homeschooling there, and when your people flee here, Holder grabs them and ships them back to have the children taken.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I agree with you.
I agree with you.
One of my hardest questions would be, how about you accuse the United Nations?
I mean...
What are your three reasons against the United Nations?
Well, here's the deal.
We see the UN actually doing good now with the Security Council blocking.
But that's only because it had a little power in the Security Council.
And Russia's always been corrupt and would vote along with the globalists here.
Now they're blocking, attacking it.
So they're trying to rework that and ignoring it.
But the UN was created by the Rockefellers.
And it was meant to be a vehicle of evil.
But when people are trying to start World War III, you know, sometimes even something set up to do bad stuff can end up being used for good.
Mike Adams, your comment on that?
No, I agree with you completely.
The UN is a dangerous organization because of the concentration of power in the hands of the few, the few globalists.
But as with any such organization, it can occasionally intervene in a positive way.
Broken clocks are right twice a day.
Yeah, right.
I don't think their intention is to help humanity.
I think they were forced into that position.
Well, look, when you have 91% against something, Congress was forced.
Look, look, it doesn't matter what their garbage does.
We, the people, are waking up.
But, uh, are folks starting to wake up over there in Germany?
Yes, I'm trying to wake them up, and especially with you appearing on Pete's Morgan in January this year, I'm going to show my friends, hey, come on, this is a video of a guy
Alex, let's challenge Piers Morgan to a thousand vaccine shots.
That's a good idea.
I officially offer him one million dollars.
He can broadcast from wherever he wants, but I'm going to be there, and every night he'll be given over five nights, he'll be given 200 shots a night.
Until he reaches a thousand, or something else happens.
The Piers Morgan vaccine challenge!
And I predict he will collapse in cardiac arrest after 150 shots.
You know, first of all, he's never going to accept this.
He almost died from one shot.
No, no, but this is the kind of stuff that stunts.
We should go to the UN with a complaint of human rights over fluoride in the water as a chemical weapon.
And show on the chart how it is.
Show how the Nazis and Soviets put it in the water of work camps.
And even if the U.N.
itself is corrupt, you use that stage as a publicity stunt.
And you go to city council and you just attack and attack and attack and attack and attack from every angle, just viciously never stopping.
We'll bring the enemy down.
But I want to make sure, this is official.
This is not a joke.
You're officially offering a million dollars to Piers Morgan if he takes a thousand vaccines.
Yes, I am offering Piers Morgan an advocate of it.
Or, or any other scientist that, uh, vaccine pusher he can find.
Uh, if they want to split it together.
CEO of Merck.
CEO of Merck.
Oliver, I have a million too.
To publicly take, but we have to vet it with our third party.
It's gotta be regular vaccines, not live vaccines.
Live webcam.
Hell, I'll give them two weeks to do it, because that'll kill them.
A thousand vaccines will kill them.
I believe that's true.
And of course the media will spin this.
We have all the famous quotes, Mike, where all these executives say, you could have a thousand, you could have a... Ten thousand.
One guy says a hundred thousand.
That's his quote.
That is 100,000 vaccines for children.
So let's see if he'll take just a fraction of that himself.
By the way, that's so ridiculous.
That's like barrels.
How many barrels is that?
Well, I think they mean if you combine all the viral elements, they're not talking about, you know, gallons and gallons of saline.
But I mean, there's enough mercury in
I mean, they've got studies out a decade ago where three flu shots in the elderly double Alzheimer's.
That's like CBC.
No, the flu shots are devastating.
But this is a great... I'm really glad that this happened here today because this is... How about we lower it?
A hundred flu shots.
No, no.
It'll kill him.
It'll kill him.
No, I think you gotta stick with a thousand because that's still a fraction of what they say children can take.
And a thousand shots, I mean, you're paying them a thousand dollars a shot, right?
That's a good deal, if vaccines are safe, to get $1,000.
That should offer him $1,000,000 to take $1,000.
There you go.
Let's pick a really nasty one.
The 500 are flu shot and 500 are Gardasil.
A cocktail.
I mean, one of those will kill you.
There it is.
Okay, yeah, but basically InfoWars can come up with the cocktail that's part of the offer.
Well, let's make the offer official.
100 Gardasil, 100 Hep B, 500 Flu.
Okay, so we've got 300 more here.
Hepatitis, how about meningitis?
Whooping cough and meningitis, those are both good.
Oh, polio vaccine!
Oh, yes, polio.
100 of those.
And they want to give the troops, how about 100 anthrax shots?
Oh, nice!
That is the most deadly, actually.
I like the way you're thinking.
100 smallpox.
I'm like a plastic chemist over here.
Well, it's safe and effective.
100 anthrax.
Oh, neighbor, it's so good to have you here.
They have to sign a release.
They have to sign a release because if they die, they can't come out.
100 anthrax, 100 smallpox, 100 flu, 100 Gardasil.
They're gone.
100... They're gone.
Hey, I mean it, and I got it.
One million dollars.
Here's Morgan.
One million smackers.
If you take 1,000 vaccines, I'll give you two weeks.
You'll be dead before you take 100.
Come on.
There it is.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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