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Name: 20130918_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 18, 2013
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You're listening to GCN, the world leader in independent talk radio.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this live, worldwide transmission.
It is Wednesday, the 18th day of September, 2013, and Congressman Walter Jones
We'll be joining us coming up in the middle of the second hour to talk about impeachment proceedings against Barack Hussein Obama for signing an executive order claiming that he can circumnavigate federal law and arm Al Qaeda terrorists.
You heard me right.
Obama waives ban on arming terrorists to allow aid to Syrian opposition.
That is some of the news we're going to be breaking down on that front.
Also, Syria hands Russia proof on Russian...
For Russian inspectors on rebel use of chemical weapons.
We're going to be getting into that as well today.
And obviously the latest developments on the supposed shooter there at the Naval Yard several days ago that killed 13 people including himself.
He died when police shot him.
It's now coming out via CNS News and indeed the Marines had weapons but that they were not allowed to have ammo.
Or they could have taken him out.
So it's like most bases where the general population of the base is disarmed, making it a disarmed...
Fish in a barrel, victim disarmament zone like the public schools, colleges and other facilities.
And now they're saying it didn't matter that he heard voices and had called the police saying that the government was after him.
Either he's schizophrenic or he was under mind control.
Mind control is real, it's happened before, so this could be mind control, but most likely is schizophrenia.
That's more common than mind control in the body of research we've done.
But the issue here is he still kept a top-secret security clearance to work for the Marines in clandestine weapon systems.
He still kept that even though he'd shot up tires on a vehicle, shot through the wall of his neighbor threatening them, reportedly called police repeatedly in hotels saying microwaves were being used on him.
I mean, he was either under some kind of MKUltra program or he was stark raving mad.
And now the media is like, oh no, he was under government psychiatric care and taking drugs.
We won't say which ones, but it doesn't matter.
And he played, now it's 18 hours a day of Call of Duty, but oh, that has nothing to do with it.
No, no, it's gun owners.
And Obama has come out saying he's pressuring Congress to pass bans on private sales of guns and registries and harassment and all the rest of it.
An expansion of the ATF, because a double layer of security was penetrated, legally, in a gun-free zone, and one of their people went haywired and killed folks, so now we're guilty.
In fact, I have an article here in my stack where a famous preacher, Rick Warren, we're going to play this clip coming up, and David Knight's doing a special report on it, Rick Warren came out, and on Piers Morgan, the red coat,
It was all for government having guns that we shouldn't be able to, and said he forgives whoever sold his son a gun.
That his son killed himself with.
So I guess if somebody goes to the store and buys razor blades and splits their wrist, the store should apologize.
Maybe Rick Warren will forgive them.
Or if somebody goes in the garage with a Ford car and gasses themselves with carbon monoxide, does Ford need to apologize for that?
Or if somebody runs over your family member with a car, should Chevy apologize if, say, somebody runs over you with a Corvette in a parking lot?
Or if someone goes into a Sears Roebuck store and buys a butcher knife and walks out in the parking lot and stabs someone in the throat, does Sears need to apologize?
Or how about the manufacturer, the smelter of the blade?
Well, I mean, we know they punished all the rodeo clowns without having to take sensitivity training and pay for it.
Because one guy made fun of our Lord and Savior, Barack Obama!
To quote Jamie Foxx, and he quoted it again, Barack Obama!
In fact, if anybody criticizes him, we all need to be executed!
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen,
President Obama has come out in a press conference and blamed the American gun owners for the tragedy two days ago at the highly secure, gun-free Navy yard in Washington, D.C.
What our callers at military bases first reported has been confirmed.
That base and others only allowed MPs to have bullets in their firearms.
Yeah, there were large Marine Corps facilities at the base with full armories, but no one was allowed to have bullets on the base with the firearms.
No one was allowed to have the cartridges.
And so this was allowed to continue on for some time until the police finally got there 45 minutes later and finally took this guy out, which is actually a quick response compared
To a lot of other mass shootings we've seen, like Columbine, it was over four hours.
And we've seen other events where it's been over two and a half hours, while everybody puts on their black uniforms, their armor, stands around, and generally the shooter's already committed suicide.
But that reportedly is not the case here, and there's been a lot of new developments on this front.
We're gonna go over it, and then I'm going to open the phones up today,
For victims of Zoloft and Luvox and the, I don't know, 50-plus popular serotonin reuptake inhibitors and other psychotropics that people are taking.
Because this morning I was reading on InfoWars.com in a story that's linked up on Drudge Report.
We're good to go.
Despite with Harrison Kleibold under psychiatric care, obsessed with violent video games.
Adam Lanza under psychiatric care, on drugs, obsessed with violent video games.
On and on and on and on and on in over 90% of the cases.
On psychotropic drugs, obsessed with shoot-em-up violent video games.
And we're not saying if you play shoot-em-up video games, I play them sometimes when I go out somewhere.
I'm not saying I play the hunting games with my kids.
You know, we're hunting elk and stuff just because it is good for them to learn how to shoot outside of going out and actually shooting, which they do as well.
The five-year-old's not shooting yet, but she plays the hunting game.
Obviously that's not going to make my five-year-old want to go out and murder people.
But when you're already unstable, you're already on drugs that the insert says, says may cause psychotic breaks, suicide, megalomania, mass murder, uh, nymphomania.
There's a bunch of them with women that just, I mean that's well known, that's on the books.
They give them to women that aren't, who are married reportedly and aren't sexually excited or whatever, getting their menopause.
That's one of the treatments, is they give them these drugs.
It absolutely kills inhibition.
In shrimp,
We're good to go.
Marine animals are committing suicide everywhere.
And by suicide, they'll just swim right up and be run over by boats.
It's happening to larger fish.
The side effects are absolutely mind-blowing.
And this is a fact.
So, I want to open the phones to hear your take.
I mean I read about people that will wake up and kill their wife or kill their husband or kill their kids or people will wake up and see the Grim Reaper in front of their bed and they'll have full-on hallucinations or they'll think they're a superhero or I was talking to a Houston cop years ago they pull up to the upscale neighborhood there's a
Beautiful woman, up on top of the roof, cutting herself with a butcher knife.
And they knew right away, once they got her down, that when they went inside, they'd find some type of serotonin reuptake inhibitor.
Some type of Prozac-type drug.
And sure enough, she was on those.
Every time they pull up to a house and the woman's chopped the baby's arms off, they know they're on it.
Every time the woman grounds their four kids in the bathtub.
These are all Texas cases I'm mentioning.
They know what they're on.
And the grand juries will still indict the woman.
Obviously whacked out of their gourd, given to them by a doctor.
It's one thing if you take LSD and have a bad trip, or PCP and go out and kill people.
Then you can say, well you took it, it's your fault.
But still, it wasn't premeditated murder.
It's not murder one.
So you only get 25 years in prison instead of the death penalty.
These people though, these military troops like Sergeant Bales, who went out and killed, you know, the 16, 17 people and would burn their bodies for hours and go house to house doing it and no one knew he was doing it.
Snuck out of the facility to go out and kill people in the neighborhood.
He begged not to go back.
He'd been arrested repeatedly.
He'd been found in the woods with a gun in Oregon.
He'd been beating people up.
He'd had his part of his foot blown off.
Had a prosthesis on it.
Was begging not to go back.
Flipping out on a whole bunch of psychotropics on record now.
And last time I heard he was in trial facing life in prison.
What happened with his court-martial?
His army trial?
Look up Sgt.
I remember a few months ago he was facing trial.
And his lawyers...
Didn't even argue from what I saw in the news that he was under psychiatric care.
And I'm not saying it's okay he killed 16 people, but you take a killing machine, four tours of combat, he saw his buddies blown up in an armored vehicle that day, and one of his buddies killed, and he flipped out, ladies and gentlemen.
He blacked out.
Robert Bales, born 1973, one year older than me.
What ended up happening in his trial?
A six-person jury sentenced him to life in prison without parole.
I mean, you can't sentence him to life in prison.
The crime was putting him on those drugs.
He was on paroxetine.
And that's the same stuff that they've been giving most of the troops.
That's the new drug.
That's what the Navy shooter, who we know is under care and on drugs, was probably on.
And what does it say it does?
Paranoid reaction.
Antisocial reaction.
Drug dependence.
Manic depression reaction.
Psychotic depression.
And psychosis.
And you add all this up and 5% of it, they have the depression, 2%, lack of emotion.
You add all these up, though, it's a good 15% chance you're going to have one of these, quote, side effects of mania, psychotic depression, psychotic breaks, euphoria.
I mean, let me tell you, folks, I had a few girls I dated who were on this stuff, and it wasn't any fun.
Because they were like crazy maniacs, but they weren't real.
It was like, well, I want a real person.
I don't want... I mean, maybe some guys are into that, but I mean, they were not alive, folks.
They were like robots.
You know, crazy robots.
Who one minute would be, you know, taking their clothes off in public, and the next minute would be telling you they want to kill you.
And I found out real quick, man, what is this stuff you're taking?
What is this stuff?
And it was always those type of drugs.
And again, if a woman chops her baby's arms off and she's been put on two or three of these drugs in some cases, because what happens is they put you on one drug and then, oh my gosh, I'm having delusions, I want to kill people.
Oh, that's because you need a second drug.
Well, now I just don't want to go out of the house.
I'm really paranoid.
Well, you know what?
They've got this new one you stack on top and then pretty, you know, the average foster child in America.
69% of them, look up national numbers, are on psychotropics.
If you cry for mommy, that's mental illness.
They put two-year-olds on these now.
You cry for mommy, that's mental illness.
That'll make you shut up.
On average, the 69% that are on them, look it up, 69% on it in foster care are on an average of seven psychotropics.
Well, then they gotta go on antipsychotics, then they start having convulsions from all the drugs, and so then they put them on anti-convulsion drugs.
By the way, this is a Dallas Morning News, Texas Monthly wrote about it, for some reason Texas reported it and I found the national numbers were pretty much the same.
Because medical doctors that work for CPS went public first to WOAI TV and radio out of San Antonio.
It's a twin group.
And they said, look, we watch healthy five-year-olds that come to us and take care of their parents are dead a year later.
And we won't be there.
They give them so many drugs, folks, it kills them.
It kills them.
double hockey sticks.
Now, Obama is out blaming the Second Amendment right now.
And again, people in national studies that LA Times reported on believe that there's double the shootings in America in national surveys when there's actually a 49% drop in overall crime with guns, people being shot, wounded, you name it.
Mass shootings are actually less than 2% of overall shootings, obviously.
And of those, of overall gun crime, the M4 Type 223 is only used again in 2% of the crime.
These are all real numbers, look them up.
But none of that matters, because Piers Morgan says you are collectively guilty, and now they have Rick Warren the preacher.
We're going to play this when we come back, going on Piers Morgan and saying he forgives whoever sold a gun to his son that committed suicide.
Hey buddy, don't blame us.
We're sad your son committed suicide.
But how dare you?
If somebody goes in a store and buys razor blades, the store's not their fault, they slipped their wrist.
If somebody buys a car and goes and parks it in the garage and puts a water hose on it and pumps it into the car with carbon monoxide and kills themselves, it's not Ford's fault, it's not Chevy's fault, it's not Mercedes' fault.
If somebody buys a car and runs through a crowd of people and it's a Porsche, it's not Porsche, it's not Porsche's fault.
Now, I know that's hard for you to understand, but you want to guilt us all into this.
Enough of your authoritarianism, where somebody does something wrong or bad, and then we collectively are blamed for it.
When it's you pushing mass murder, suicide pills on everybody, here's Morgan.
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On Infowars.com, in the article titled, Media Buries Psychiatric Drug Connection to Navy Shooter, you can read some of the comments from people about the horrible experiences they've had on Paxil, the horrible experiences they've had on Zoloft, and I have personally, you know, seen the countless news stories in the press.
Every time you hear about some senseless killing, they're on these drugs.
And folks, it's because they're in the psychotropic hallucinogen family.
And again, no one wants to blame the billions and billions and billions of dollars spent each year for advertising to push these drugs on people.
Prozac even did a thing back in the 80s and 90s repeatedly where they would mail free samples in the mail to people of a Schedule 3 hallucinogen.
These are hallucinogens that put people in a dream state.
So if you have the compulsion to kill people, just go ahead and do it!
It's a fact, and I know I'm not going to rant anymore.
It's just that you continue to see all these people that are on this imprisoned when they kill people because the courts and everybody else knows you do not blame the mass murder-suicide pills.
And I've coined that term, and it's now gone viral.
It was actually in a bunch of newscasts yesterday.
National Newscast had a guest talking about it.
Ben Schwann talked about it in an article and video he did.
So that's good.
There is Piers Morgan blaming, blaming gun owners collectively for Sandy Hook, a gun-free zone, a guy who tried to get guns illegally five times and finally succeeded, breaking in after he killed mommy to get her guns.
Another video game head, and then I'm to blame?
If anybody wants to have blame here, it's CNN with sponsors spending billions of dollars a year promoting pills that the insert says it makes people commit suicide or mass murder.
You promote suicide mass murder pills!
How dare you sit here and blame my rights and my liberties, you little piece of trash!
That's common sense, folks, and that's why I got mad that he was there accusing gun owners collectively.
That's what they do.
That's what Kerry said.
If you don't back the Syria war while you're anti-American, you love Vladimir Putin, and you will be to blame for the next killings.
When the Obama administration and NATO, headed up by France of all groups, and Saudi Arabia, and now Israel admits they're involved in it, finally yesterday,
And said, yes, we back Assad was in Reuters.
We think he's worse than Al-Qaeda.
They didn't even deny it.
They owned it and said, yes, we're going to back the Al-Qaeda groups.
I mean, it was so shocking to see that.
That now, OK, OK, it's out in the open.
OK, we're just Israel was smart to just own it.
Yeah, OK, sure.
What's the big deal?
Let's move along.
And now the big mega church preacher.
Rick Warren, who I'm sad lost your son, but I didn't do that.
I didn't make your son go out and get a gun and kill himself.
And then, oh, they don't know where he got the gun, but whoever sold it to him, you forgive them.
Like the person knew.
I mean, if you walk in a store and say, you know, give me Drano, and then tell me I'm going to kill myself with it, I'd be, no way am I going to sell that to you.
You walk in with Drano, did he get checked out?
That's it.
His son, you know,
You're blaming us?
Here's the clip from the red coat slime bag in chief who promotes, ads are on his show every night for psychotropic drugs.
It's all over the news.
Sometimes I watch the news and half the newscast is Big Pharma with all these different Paxil and Zoloft and you know the rest of it on there.
And then it's not their fault though.
It's not their fault.
It's my fault.
It's your fault as a gun owner.
Let's go to the clip.
I have to say Pierce, one of the hard things
It was forgiving the person who sold him the gun.
Because I prayed.
Because I didn't want to forgive him.
Well, when you pray on a desperate person.
Do you know who that person is, Rick?
I have no idea.
No, I don't.
The police have never been able to find out?
Because they couldn't trace the gun.
So absolutely no idea.
And it was so encrypted.
And yeah, they couldn't find it.
And Rick, have you been able to forgive this person?
Oh yeah.
Yeah, I have to forgive.
Alright, that's enough.
Let's stop right there.
I could forgive Rick Warren, but that's not ignorance.
That's all scripted with him and his wife.
A little glitterbug preacher and his wife.
Up there demonizing our civil rights, our God-given rights to self-defense.
Crime's down 49% violent crime because of the upswing in gun ownership.
The criminals are scared to rob houses and rape women.
Carjackings are a thing of the past, except in Chicago, New York, and D.C.
Liberty is actually reigning.
The criminals are scared, and the criminals in government don't like the fact that they
They can't basically have their way with us.
And she says someone preyed on her son knowingly.
She's saying, oh, you're going to commit suicide here.
And they go, well, do you know who did it then?
Oh, no, I have no idea.
As if the person, whoever, however, he got this gun.
We have no idea how he got it.
And then you blame us and the gun owner, but you forgive us.
Aren't you taking the high road for all you've done?
Rick Warren, you're such a big, big man.
Thanks for trying to blame the death of your son on gun owners, pal.
Thanks a lot, scumbag.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Sooner or later gotta cut you down.
Sooner or later gotta cut you down.
You know, when I talk about Rick Warren, I'm certainly not somebody that judges people or tries to, you know, criticize other fellow Christians for their views.
I'm not somebody that's here to balkanize people, but Rick Warren is definitely one of these government-run preachers.
He says the Bible needs to be amended, it's hateful.
I mean, these are basically quotes that he's put out, and so he's definitely a globalist operative.
Up there with his wife,
Going, we forgive whoever preyed on our son, selling him his guns so he could kill himself.
When obviously, hey, I'm gonna kill myself.
You got a gun I can buy?
And they go, oh really?
Who sold it?
Oh, we have no idea where he got it.
Lying to everyone.
You can just look at him up there.
And you've got all these mainline Baptists that just worship the ground he walks on.
And led by him, the Southern Baptist Convention and others have come out and said, it's time to repeal the Second Amendment.
They said that this year.
They've had the biggest Catholic newspaper in the U.S.
come out and say it's time to repeal the Second Amendment.
This is what we're talking about, and folks, they're going to SWAT team us.
They're going to take our guns.
They're already taking our bank accounts, our pensions, our future, our dollar, our children.
On MSNBC, they say our children belong to the state.
These are authoritarians, and so scumbag isn't strong enough of a term.
Using the death of his son to collectively put guilt on us and blame us as gun owners.
I have had enough.
When it's always victim disarmament zones where these mass shooters decide to go out and kill people.
And it doesn't matter if shootings overall are down 49%.
They are at war with reality.
CNN, by the way, I saw it again last night.
We've written multiple articles on this.
It's still saying he killed the people with an AR-15.
Piers Morgan has been on notice for two days.
For two days.
Really about a day and a half.
It hasn't been an AR-15.
CNN claims Navy Yard Shooter had an AR-15 shotgun, by the way.
Now, of course, shotguns aren't .223, they're .50 caliber, if you want to get technical, with the dynamiter of the barrel, but they shoot multiple projectiles in each burst.
But let's not get technical.
They're still saying it was an AR-15, folks, because they say polar bears can't swim on CNN.
And that there's less of them, even though their numbers are five-fold.
They say that there's no northern ice cap, even though it's the record size ever recorded.
They literally prey on you.
Viciously, and savagely, and consciously, and have Luvox, and Vioxx, and all these ads.
You notice they're always moving to, there's more than 50 of these now.
Every couple years now, there's new ones, because, oh, the other ones are making everybody kill themselves or suicide.
This new one's even better, and what they do is get worse, and worse, and worse.
But despite the fact they've got 20% of the population on this, so many gun owners are out there shooting home invaders and criminals.
That the overall regular criminal attacks are way down.
Because they're scared to death and they should be.
Two weeks after concealed carry went in in Texas and the first people graduated with it and got their license, there were carjackers in Houston, Dallas and San Antonio killed.
We've done articles on that.
They would be carjacking one group in standstill traffic, and then somebody would get out and shoot them.
I mean, it's beautiful.
It's beautiful to see the criminals on the run.
And the big criminals that run D.C., they inherently want us to be their slaves.
They've already stolen our future, private fellow reserve.
They've robbed us of our jobs, robbed us of everything.
They know we've got God and guns and family.
And so they're doing everything they can to attack whatever's left.
Now let's go over some of these articles.
Navy Yard Shooter.
Well, first off, tell us your experience with serotonin reuptake inhibitors and psychiatric drugs.
And if you think they're great, call in and tell us.
If you think they're horrible, call in and tell us.
Tell us your bad reactions.
We want to hear from you.
Now, let's go over these headlines here.
This is NBC News.
Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis was not happy with America, friends say.
And, of course, confirming he was also upset about race relations.
That's code word for, well, you know, well, you know.
White girl bleed a lot as the new book breaks down.
Look at that author on.
And I don't know if that's the case in this, but it looks like it.
In amongst all the other craziness.
Washington gunman recently told cops he was being bombarded by microwave signals that kept him awake at night.
Here's the problem.
A lot of people are actually bombarded and have bad effects from microwave radiation from
There's a lot of studies showing it's increasing mental illness and actually making people artificially go schizophrenic with the high load of heavy metals in the environment that have been connected to it for a hundred years, lead, arsenic, mercury, things like that.
And then you also get electromagnetic wireless radiation that's been shown to actually increase brainwaves and irritability.
That's mainline studies.
Now, he's probably a schizophrenic.
Or was made schizophrenic, as the psychotropics say, can make you an artificial schizophrenic.
Psychotic breaks, mania, paranoid, schizophrenia artificially.
So we don't know if he was chemically a schizophrenic, genetically a schizophrenic, with some type of brain problem or disorder, or whether the drugs did it.
But we know he's under psychiatric care.
The cops called over and over again, believing the government was after him.
And here's the problem.
If the government's really after you,
Which we know Theodore Kaczynski, L.A.
Times, you can pull this up, Alexander Cockburn broke it, it was declassified in what, 2000?
Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber, was a high-level MKUltra volunteer.
And it showed connections to the CIA for more than 15 years.
And Kaczynski was led into high-level programs at the CIA.
It was very intelligent, like 160 IQ it was reported, or around there.
The point is, is that Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber, was led into high-level meetings where they basically said they were going to exterminate everybody.
And that's why he wrote about the machines taking over and how we had to stop it.
The media just thought he was some crazy environmentalist.
He was a guy who saw too much.
Now, he was either undermined control or flipped out because of what he learned in the MKUltra program.
But he was definitely an academic with the CIA.
That's declassified.
Tim McVeigh, definitely sheep-dipped Army Intelligence CIA.
That came out in federal court.
It was declared national security.
Look it up.
We know so many of these guys.
It's right out of the movie, the remake of The Manchurian Candidate.
So, Denzel Washington, excellent movie, you should watch it.
That is exactly the kind of stuff and exactly how they do it.
And they can brainwash and program with drugs and chemicals and electroshock in about a week.
And then they've got chips in the brain basically as control mechanisms to program
Basically make you ill, make you sick, bring you back to the trauma-based mind control.
They're not that sophisticated from the technology we know is out there.
They can do mind control without that.
They can hypnotize you over and over again, put you on amnesiacs like Halcyon, Sodium Pentothal, and then put you back on it like Sirhan Sirhan to wind you up just to be the patsy.
Just like they drugged Marinus van der Lubbe, who supposedly did the Reichstag fire, just so they could blame him so he wouldn't remember anything.
They don't necessarily even do the shooting, they're just there drugged out of their mind, thinking it's a video game, shooting the gun.
Now I'm not saying this was staged.
But it's starting to move into that quadrant.
My gut tells me there's more than meets the eye here.
I don't know.
But my gut told me it looks suspicious.
The timing, Obama coming out for gun control the night before, needing a diversion, saying, I predict mass shootings.
But I just said, you know, they're real schizophrenics.
They're real people.
Go postal.
He's probably on drugs.
See, that's natural mass mind control.
20% of America, including children, we crossed that Rubicon two years ago.
Look it up.
In fact, search 20% of America now on psychotropics.
Or antidepressants is what they call them.
They actually are the opposite.
If you've got 20% out there that are on this, again, overall crime going down because of gun ownership.
And private security cameras, that's a big part of it, let's just be honest.
You've got crime going way down because of that, but you do have... Craziness is up a little bit.
Because out of a giant... swath of people...
You're going to end up having unstable folks.
But let's continue with these headlines.
So imagine, he's telling the police, they're coming after me and calling 9-1-1, in hotel rooms, shooting out people's tires, shooting through walls of people, and he still has a top-secret security clearance.
Folks, let me give you a little newsflash.
You don't get a top-secret security clearance now, unless they want you to, if you have bad credit.
You don't get security clearances if you have bad credit.
Just search that term, it's on record.
Unless they want to hire a criminal for something.
There's a lot of felons they hire and just waive it, like TSA.
They waived this guy for some reason.
They waived this guy.
And they can do psychological metrics where they can just let, out of hundreds of thousands working for the Department of Defense, actually millions as contractors and others, if they just let schizophrenics keep working and leave them there,
They know with the scientific breakdowns they have with the supercomputers, there's going to end up being these events on their own.
So see, any way you slice it, this is a government operation because of the drugs, the culture, the whole deal.
We're all under mind control bombardment.
Mind control light compared to what intense mind control is when they actually have you in their clutches.
So I want to hear what you have to say about this 800-259-9231.
Let's go to the rest of the headlines here.
Breaking down all of this news, not a diagnosis, voices in head, more common than thought.
And we've got NBC News and others saying, oh no, it was no big deal, he had a security clearance, nothing to see here.
It's quite normal to hear voices in your head now.
It's quite normal for that to be going on.
Of course, that is the number one sign of being schizophrenic.
Continuing, Washington Navy Yard gunman Aaron Alexis heard voices in head after playing violent video games up to 18 hours a day.
Uh, we're now learning.
Buddhist community ponders apparent link between their faith and Navy Yard shooter.
I mean, if the guy liked to eat at P.F.
Chang's, is it the fault of Chinese food restaurants?
I mean, again, this is, oh, one of the bombers visited Alex's website.
Alex is to blame!
MSNBC actually said, I'm to blame, and so are all libertarians.
This is outrageous propaganda!
Now the Buddhists, a non-violent group, they're not offensively violent.
The Buddhists are actually historically trained to fight, and are good fighters, defensively.
Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Zen Buddhist.
Alright, let's continue.
If we had the ammunition, we could have cleared that building.
Son at Navy Yard told Dad, CNS News has the video interview, very important that, oh yeah, they have guns, they're not allowed to have bullets.
We'll play that video later, we have time.
Media buries psychiatric drug connection to Navy shooter.
Paul Watson's article, InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, and it's also up on DrugsReport.com on the left-hand side.
Here it comes!
Obama calls for gun control again in aftermath of shipyard shootings.
We have the quote.
He calls on Congress.
You know, it's their fault for not restricting guns that this happened.
This guy was openly out of his mind with a security clearance and legally owning guns.
This is who they should have taken to the psychiatric facility.
But instead, people that had PTSD in Vietnam, they claim, are having their guns taken.
No criminal record.
Retired police are having their guns taken, saying they had PTSD.
Here it goes.
Likely nearly all other mass shooters, or like all others, Alexis was also being treated with psychiatric drugs.
Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com up on InfoWars.com.
Very important article.
Rick Warren, we already covered this, says he forgives person who sold gun to son.
I mean, just...
And of course, here's our DrudgeLink story here, folks.
That's what the crew calls those.
We're giving away trade secrets.
That's called a succulent plump because that's about the biggest news link you can get in the world.
And we appreciate Drudge helping fight for the Second Amendment with the truth of the fact that media buries psychiatric drug connection.
It is only Drudge covering the psychiatric drug connection.
Only Drudge and Infowars.com.
And folks like Natural News.
So we salute people that live in reality and want to defend the Second Amendment.
If people just defend the Second Amendment, it's all over for the globalists.
Continuing, Navy Yard Shooter Liberal Supported Obama.
That's right, that's from Breitbart.
CNN Claims Navy Yard Shooter Had AR-15 Shotgun.
And they're still reporting that even though it's admitted not true.
So that's just some
of the information on that front.
We're going to go to break here in a few minutes and go to your calls on what you've seen in family or yourselves with the bad reactions.
And again, we call them bad reactions.
The inserts of every vaccine out there says it can cause death, autoimmune diseases, blood on the brain, convulsions, narcolepsy.
Dionne Baret, just hundreds.
Cancer, AIDS-like autoimmune diseases, and then every year, I had to see it again in August, headlines and TV reports going, hey, don't listen to conspiracy theorists and quacks.
You know, they believe in space aliens.
There are no side effects other than a sore shoulder from a vaccine.
I've read you those headlines, and they just sit there like con men, like Obama going, 80-90% of Americans support gun control.
He said that Sunday on Meet the Press with Snotalophilus.
And Stalinopoulos, you know, sat up there and said, that's right.
89% want their guns taken.
Doesn't matter, the poll shows the opposite.
70% or more.
Doesn't matter.
Just like polar bears can't swim.
Just like it's your fault Rick Warren's son blew his head off.
It is all our fault.
These people are a joke.
Now before we go to break, I want to tell you we got a lot of new items going into the InfoWars store today.
I'm not ready to mention those yet because they're being posted right now, but watch that sign.
Some great new tools to really wake people up in the activist area.
I'll just leave that surprise till later.
It should be up the next hour, I'll tell you about it.
We've got ProPure water filters and other great water systems at the lowest prices that we're allowed to sell them.
I go to my spot, I go find the lowest price, and I sell the lowest price.
10% off promo code WATER on the whole line of ProPure water filtration, gravity-fed stainless steel.
The number one thing you can do for your family, folks, is filter their water.
Send your kids to school with a glass water bottle.
They got them in case in plastic now, so they're safe.
So they don't have all the Prozac runoff and the glyphosates, Roundup, and the sodium fluoride, and all the rest of it.
And they've got, the other Gravity Fed systems have this where like two filters do it, they don't cut it all out.
This is the Pro One folks that does it all.
It is the name.
I went out and found the best two years ago.
I did a year of research trying to find one that was up to snuff.
We noticed we didn't sell filters for about a year.
Well, this is it.
Pro One, Pro Pure Systems.
They've got the big ones, they've got the little ones.
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We were playing this music basically during the break.
We had three minutes.
You know, I didn't used to eat like a pig.
I'll be eating at my parents' house sometimes.
My mother goes, I didn't raise you to eat like a swab.
What happened to you?
18 years of radio happened.
When you do a three-hour radio show, I haven't eaten breakfast.
I've been up since 6 a.m.
I went and jogged this morning, and they went out for lunch.
I got an egg sandwich, over easy.
They walk in, I bite into it, and it shoots egg all over my shirt.
And let me tell you, we were eastbound and down, getting me one of the Info Wars Liberty or Death t-shirts on.
Hey, it looks better than that shirt I was wearing.
Why not?
So here I am, sporting our colors proud, if you're watching us on television.
Hey, you want to see the egg sandwich, ladies and gentlemen?
I can eat pretty fast during a break.
There is the culprit right there.
Not usually part of my healthy diet, but I tell ya.
Absolutely delicious right there, ladies and gentlemen.
That, that is like mother's milk.
Unfortunately, half of the mother's milk sprayed out on me.
The blood of the egg, I'm not gonna get to imbibe in that delicious ambrosia at this current date.
At this current date, as a fine southern gentleman, as a Yankee,
All right, I'm now digressing off into mania.
Maybe I need Prozac.
Something's wrong with me.
I'm high on life!
I'm bad!
I need drugs!
The government loves me!
By the way, speaking of drugs, I have an article where people on medical marijuana, they use the medical marijuana card from their medical doctor to take their baby.
Everyone needs to know, folks, in every major city they're taking kids every day
In the old days, you just went to jail for pot.
Now they're like, no, no, you can smoke pot, we're just going to kidnap your kids.
No judge, no jury, we're the CPS.
All right, we're taking calls starting now and into the next hour, interspersed with amazing news.
And Congressman Walter Jones is joining us from North Carolina.
He's got a bill to impeach Obama.
You want it, you got it.
We are moving forward in the info war here.
But I said call in on the drug topic of have you had bad side effects ever taking serotonin reuptake inhibitors and others known as antidepressants that say on the insert they can make you murder your whole church or chop your kid's arms off.
But hey, why not give it to somebody who's depressed?
Here's a pill that'll make you kill people.
And then, oh my gosh, there's more suicide in America.
That is way up.
Well, we better have anti-suicide training and put kids on drugs.
And, oh, we're giving them suicide pills.
More are killing themselves.
Well, hell, the answer to that is more suicide pills.
Suicides in this country have doubled in the last 20 years, if you look up the numbers.
And, of course, it's more than that.
Yeah, in the youth, it's more than double.
Because we now have suicide education.
In all these suicide education programs, they started in 1990 under federal training, it's the little girls that are the most easy to influence because they want to help and be friendly.
Everybody knows that pre-adolescent girls, you know, are generally the most pliable and friendly and good in school and they teach them how to hang themselves and how to shoot themselves and whatever you do, don't tie the shoelaces around your neck and do this.
And then the little girl goes and does it and just tries it out and they find them dead all the time in the stall.
That's okay!
Because then everybody has to be tested because of the scare, and they call everyone in, run by the drug company reps, the file, into the sports arena or into the...
Into the school auditorium and they have the local psychiatrist there.
We're going to do screening.
We're going to teach all your 10 or 11 year olds how to not commit suicide and then they do the screening and everybody goes on drugs and then there's a whole bunch of people commit suicide and girls start learning about cutting themselves and suddenly all that's happening and then there's just suicide everywhere then there's more drugs and then more suicide and then more drugs and then more suicide and then more drugs and then more suicide and then more drugs.
In death education, they put you in a coffin in the school.
I'm sure they have this at Littleton, Colorado, Columbine.
And then they get in a coffin and talk about death.
And they have you, they wrap kids up in blankets and teach them how to die.
It's all fun to learn how to die, and then... Oh, jeepers creepers!
Everybody's killing themselves!
Oh, we didn't know!
Mass mind control!
Mass mind control!
With your kids, captive inside the schools, teaching them how to kill themselves, and putting them on deadly drugs!
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, this guy was reportedly completely bonkers, hearing voices, running around calling the police, shooting up people's vehicles and houses.
So they gave him a top-secret security clearance.
And then he went on a secure base where everybody's disarmed in a victim disarmament area and shot everybody.
So now we've got to give our guns up.
And Rick Warren basically says he forgives American gun owners for killing his son.
More of this, you know what, you keep your guilt, okay, and
You rewrite the Bible like you say you need to, amend it and everything, and keep your guilt to yourself, you psychological warfare parasite.
And I said I want to open the phones up for people that have had good effects, bad effects, hallucinations, psychotic breaks on the antidepressants as they're Orwellianly named.
And I see Valerie called in, saying she had a positive effect.
So we'll go to her first, and then Bert, Michael, Travis, Eric, and others.
Valerie, tell us about your positive effect and what you're taking.
Well, I am taking three antidepressants, and they have absolutely saved my life.
I was so disabled.
I was in bed all the time.
I was crying all the time.
And they finally hospitalized me, because no one knew what was wrong with me.
And as a last resort, put me on some antidepressants.
And it was like a miracle.
I got my life back after being a zombie.
And within days, I was able to sit up in a chair, which I hadn't been able to do for months, within weeks.
I was able to drive a car again, and within months, I was painting the kitchen.
So, I'm very thankful.
What are you on, Mallory?
Okay, Rembrandt, which I take at night.
I was on Lexapro, which I love.
I will admit, there is a side effect.
It's a cardiac side effect, so I had to go off of Lexapro.
Now I'm on Cymbalta, and I also take Wellbutrin.
You know, they even have one that uses the term where they drug people in Brave New World.
They even use the same name, SOPA.
Soma, Soma, Soma.
Soma, yes, I read that.
But I have to say, though, I mean, I was totally disabled.
I was in bed all the time.
I could not walk from one room to another without
Exhausting myself, I couldn't drive a car, I couldn't sit up in a chair.
Sure, sure.
I've actually talked to medical doctors about this.
Let's say 15% of the time you have the side effects of wanting to kill your children, or commit suicide, or think you're God, or become a nymphomaniac.
I mean, there's all sorts of things that they admit these drugs do.
But let's say for 85% of people it helps them.
My issue is, because of the GMO, the hydrofluorosilicic acid, the lack of good nascent iodine in the population, the studies show, a lot of people are already chemically unbalanced.
And so, it's true, but you know, St.
John's wort in double-blind studies did better than Prozac.
Cumeric and other things have been shown to have better effects than psychotropics.
So it's true for some people, because you're already chemically imbalanced, it now brings you into a better balance.
So, undoubtedly, these drugs can do that, and that's why I wanted to open the phones up for people that have had a good effect as well.
So we're going to go to break and come back with Bert, Michael, Aaron, and Eric, and many, many others.
But we appreciate your testimony on this.
Were you eating any GMOs or fluoride water or things like the different artificial salts, like MSG, before you got in this depressed mode?
Or what happened to get you depressed?
Well, it was actually the perfect storm of several things.
A combination of menopause, hypothyroidism, and extreme stress.
There you go.
But I did want to add that it's very important to be constantly under the advice of a good psychiatrist.
You can't just take these and just go on by yourself.
You know, you have to... Sure.
Alright, well thank you ma'am.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's being dubbed the Wrong-a-NATO, or a Tornado of Disinformation Lies in Bravo Sierra.
That article's up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Pierce, Turgan, and other mainstream media hacks have been slammed over Wrong-a-NATO of Navy Yard shooting coverage.
And we're going to go over the Wrong-a-NATO after we take some calls and Congressman Walter Jones
I just combined the name Walter Jones joins us to Walter Joins.
Walter Joins will be joining us coming up at the bottom of the hour to talk about how to impeach O'Vomit.
Hey, you can't blame me for conflating Walter Jones's name with Walter Jones Will Join Us to Walter Joins when I'm already looking at other conflated names like Wrong Tornado, Wrongnado, Oh Vomit, Piers Turgan, or Turden.
And so, I don't know, it's my own stress therapy to make fun of these tyrants instead of just absolutely hating them because then that gives me an ulcer and we can't have that, can we?
Thank you for joining us.
We're now into the second hour today.
Well, you had a gun-free zone.
And you had a guy with a national security clearance, top secret, who had been calling the police over and over again, staying in hotels, saying that the government was microwave-beaming and mind-controlling him.
He's either schizophrenic or under mind-control.
There's real mind-control programs, so that could be it.
MKUltra, MKNaomi, MK-you-name-it.
Theodore Kaczynski was MKUltra.
That's declassified.
Yeah, the Unabomber was MKUltra, didn't know that?
Times, look it up.
But I said it could be somebody going postal, probably on a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, so-called antidepressant.
So I thought we'd open the phones up.
We just took one of them.
We're going right back to them right now.
From people that have taken it and liked what happened or not liked what happened, because you read about in any of the inserts from Prozac 32 years ago to the
New stuff that's out today.
How do you pronounce this?
The lady that just called said she was on Simbalta, but had to get off of it because of heart problems.
So we thought we would look it up.
She said it was great.
She was totally depressed, couldn't get out of bed, was crying all the time.
And I said to her, I think you probably needed iodine, nascent iodine.
And I was thinking, I bet this lady was hitting menopause.
Just like the old wives' tales, they knew the herbs to give women when they got near menopause to either put menopause off a while or to make it smoother.
And all the big studies I was mentioning to her, you can look them up, I'm not a doctor, I'm not an MD, and I'm not a naturopath, just, I've done the research, go look it up.
John's Wort, double-blind studies, better than Prozac, on and on and on.
You know, different roots, ginseng, you name it.
It's all on record.
Incredible stuff that plants do.
Mary Jane has a lot of great effects for people that are having problems of her stomach aches, menopause, you name it.
Go look it up.
And sure enough, she goes, yeah, I had hyperthyroidism and I was going into menopause.
And this is standard now.
They tell women, after you have a child, you're going to be depressed a little bit.
Because you've lost your placenta and the high of all those hormones.
They don't tell you that's normal.
Go out and get some exercise, whatever.
No, they say, oh my gosh, we want to put you on a bunch of drugs.
She's on three of them.
You heard her.
So, going into menopause?
Hey, take some psychotropics.
Hey, had a car wreck.
Your back's hurt.
You're depressed.
And then you have all these problems and they sit there and tweak them.
And for some people, it works okay.
Except for the side effects.
I want to read to you
From the drug that she said that she was on, spelled C-Y-M-B-A-L-T-A, one of the newer popular ones here.
Cymbalta Oral!
And they have Cymbalta Pill.
Here it is.
Sleep disorders.
Let me read these to folks.
This is from their site.
A heart attack.
Having a rapid heart action.
Hemorrhaging of blood under the skin.
That's always fun.
Just eat your liver.
What's wrong with you?
You don't need your liver.
No need to be alive.
Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
Abnormal liver function test.
Life-threatening allergic reactions.
Mood changes.
Suicidal thoughts.
Having thoughts of suicide.
Aggressive behavior.
Discharge of milk in men.
Oh, that's...
That's always good.
Open your own Borden's Dairy or something.
Or women when not breastfeeding.
Not feeling well.
Easily angered or annoyed.
Extreme discomfort in the calves.
High cholesterol.
You may keep going.
That's only a fraction of them there.
So, meanwhile the media ignores and buries the fact that he's under psychiatric care on reported drugs.
They won't say which ones.
Just like the Batman shooter took us nine months to learn when he was on.
Harris, Kleibold, Adam Lanza, Kip Kinkle, on and on and on and on and on.
It says it can make you cause psychotic breaks and mass murder.
It says it can make you a maniac.
You know the cool part about it?
I don't take any of this and I feel like a maniac constantly.
I feel really good right now.
I'm crazed and there's never any really valleys except maybe at like 10 o'clock at night if I've overworked myself.
They would say, well, that's a mania.
No, no, it's called being red-blooded and alive.
That's what it's called.
It's called loving beauty and innocence and things that are good.
That's what it's called.
That's what it's called, ladies and gentlemen, and they would call it insane because you can't be happy without drugs.
You can't be happy without the Prozac tree.
By the river of
Other psychotropic and pharmacological drugs that flows by as the suicide rates.
Last time I heard it was triple in under-20s and double in the general public, and then all-time records in the military because they're putting them on the drugs.
The drugs make a small percentage of people commit suicide!
And they make a small percentage of people go out and murder people if they admit it!
You're like, well, what's the big deal?
What's 20% of the population?
We crossed that Rubicon a couple years ago of 320 million people.
Let's do the math.
20, 40, 60.
62 million people.
62 million people are on psychotropic hallucinogen drugs.
Now you know the rest of the story.
And so, if you get 15% of people having side effects, 5% mania, 2% suicide, 3% psychotic break.
Let's have 62 million people having... What's 3% of... That was just one drug we were looking at.
What's 3% of 62 million?
How many psychotic breaks is that?
3% of 62 million.
That's a lot of people running around doing stuff.
And so their answer is, blame us!
So let's go to your calls now.
Burt in Texas, what is your take on this?
Have you had good side effects, bad side effects?
I mean, I guess if you're Jeffrey Dahmer, it's a good side effect to kill people.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
They were real bad.
I took Zimbalta and Wellbutrin, and when I took those two medications, they put me on one first, and it did cause suicidal thoughts.
And I was driving there.
I live in San Antonio and I was driving on this highway where they're building a new bridge and the thought just came into my head to drive off the bridge.
And I was like, I need to stop taking this.
And I went back to the doctor and he tried to pump me with another one with the Welbutrin.
He was like, well, that one does cause that to happen.
He admitted it to me.
And after I looked it up and saw the side effects, I was like, wow, I can't believe I was taking this.
And so he prescribed Welbutrin to me and I threw it in the trash.
And I said, you know what, I'm just going to go to church and I'm not taking these drugs.
Well, let me say this, and I'm no medical doctor, but you should look it up.
We've had medical doctors on, as well as psychologists and psychiatrists.
I guess they're medical doctors as well as psychiatrists.
Let me explain something.
If you go off these, you better go off them very slow.
Over several months is what I've read and doctors have said.
And you need to supplement it as you go off of them with natural herbs that will help you naturally.
But, I mean, most people, I'm telling you, you're designed to help others.
If you're depressed, go to the Salvation Army.
Help homeless people, old men, you name it.
See how bad off they are.
It's not the goody-two-shoes that will suddenly make you feel good.
It's that helping people just automatically makes your brain go, I'm a good person.
I need to not die for the tribe.
You're just sitting around watching TV all day, unhappy, going into menopause, you're eating GMO, your thyroid's fried, of course you feel like killing yourself!
But if you go out and help homeless people, or you go out and visit old people at the nursing home with your dog, and the old people are like, you care about me?
You want to talk to me?
And it's nothing like hanging out with old people, folks.
It just makes the spirit just soar.
I can't explain what it is.
It's about being with the elders.
That will help you.
Go help people in nursing homes.
Go help homeless people.
Go pick up tin cans on the side of the road and sell them.
Start a garden.
They've shown psychologically starting a garden will help you.
But whatever you do, go off it slowly.
God bless you, Bert.
Thank you for telling your testimony.
Let's talk to Eric in Tennessee.
Eric, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
I'm here.
Welcome, my friend.
Yes, sir.
Kudos to you, Alex.
God bless you and the Republic of America.
We do respect you, sir.
Well, thank you.
Sir, would you like to tell us your take on this?
Absolutely, absolutely.
Now, basically, I had a brain abnormality that showed up.
They thought it was an aneurysm.
It hit me like a shot in the dark.
It dropped me on my knees one day, and from there on, I had pain on the left side of my head like a brain freeze that never goes away.
That led me to some deep depression just due to the fact that I was in pain all the time.
Stay there, I'm going to come back to you.
But that's Obamacare, what they've done with the VA, is that you don't get your knee worked on, you don't get your brain fixed, they just put you on the drugs.
That's the thing.
I know people that have been in car wrecks.
And they're in the hospital.
Well, you cracked your spine.
We recommend you go on some antidepressants.
I mean, they're putting everybody on them.
Stay there.
I'm going to come back to you.
I want folks to hear this.
Then we're going to go to everybody else is patiently holding Michael.
And then we'll go to Pauline and Aaron and others.
And Walter Jones is going to be joining us.
Congressman Walter Jones from North Carolina is going to be joining us coming up for just one segment.
And we'll continue with your calls, open phones today.
And I've got a bunch of news I haven't gotten to yet on Benghazi, the IRS persecution.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
We've done the math.
Out of 60 plus million Americans on psychotropic mass murder, suicide pills known as antidepressants, properly Orwellianly named, that is 1,860,000 people.
If with just one drug alone as an average of 3% have psychotic breaks, that's 1,860,000 paranoid schizophrenic mass murder machines in America just waiting to kill everybody.
And that's all the reason for us to be armed to protect ourselves.
But going back to Eric in Tennessee, so you had some type of aneurysm or something, you had a lot of pain on one side of your face, and tell us what happened.
Well, basically after 5 years of dealing with this, at the beginning they put me on Prozac with a lithium chaser.
So, that was pretty intense in itself.
I ended up going to 15 separate doctors before they finally found out it was a twisted artery as opposed to an aneurysm and it was inoperable.
Now, the lithium chaser with the Prozac caused crazy intense dreams, suicidal thoughts, I was more depressed than ever because I was getting less sleep, felt crazy, and knew that that's what was causing it.
So I quit it all slowly, I drank vitamin drinks, and felt better within days.
And more research that I did into it said that basically your genes are the main trigger and there's a doctor, a Morya Dolan MD, that along with the chemicals that we take in daily, you know, can interact with it and make it the perfect cocktail to cure you or kill everyone in your family or in this case on Navy Base.
After everything that I've been through, I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.
I mean, there are better ways.
They never let me sit down and talk to anybody about what was causing my problem.
Well now, I mean, I talked to Active Duty and they're ordering them on psychotropics and painkillers when there's not anything wrong with them.
To get them primed and addicted and liking them, this is pharmakia as a tool of social control, something the Nazis and the Soviets pioneered, but something that now is extremely mainstream.
In fact, the ninja
We're drugged at a young age to addict them to opiates so that they would be ready to follow their orders.
They use sex and opiates in the ninja death cult, assassin's death cult, to control the ninja, or some sex of the ninja.
And so this is how long they've been doing this.
It's unbelievable.
Thank you so much, Eric.
And glad they found out it was a twisted artery.
Yeah, now you go into the VA and say, man, I got really, my shoulder really hurts.
And they go, well, here's some serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
You're like, but I want to get an x-ray.
Buddy, you don't talk back around here.
I'll have the security remove you.
No, you take this and then maybe we'll look at doing surgery.
Is that clear?
Let's talk to Michael in Washington.
You're on the air.
What's your story?
Alex, how you doing?
Pretty good.
I just wanted to call in because I am actually currently taking medication.
I've been on 15 different types over about a four-year period.
And I'm slowly trying to get off of them.
I can't find a doctor that will actually let me get off.
He just keeps prescribing me more and more.
But I've taken Cymbalta like the lady and the guy before.
Zyprexa, Lexapro, right now I'm on Lamotrigine, and I've had bad effects with every single one of them.
With the lithium and the Seroquel that I was taking at the same time, I was having hallucinations.
I would see people, like, die in front of me.
Yeah, that's the common one I see is that you see demons, grim reapers, dead people.
That's what I see in the news articles.
What kind of drug makes you see demons?
I mean, it doesn't sound like I want to be taking that.
So what would you see?
Like, how would the people look?
Well, like if I was standing in line at a checkout line at the grocery store, I would watch people just drop in mass quantities and be dead laying on the floor.
Well, it is in the hallucinogen class, so... Well, you know, I'm not going to give you medical advice because it's the going off of it instantly that'll wipe you out, but I've heard most doctors say, no, no, you need more, and they'll put you on as many as seven drugs at a time until you start having convulsions.
But if I was you, personally, I would start incrementally sawing the pills.
You know, basically measuring them, crushing them into a powder, however.
Measuring it to reverse titrate the dose downward over two months.
And then I would just take it easy and see what goes.
I'm not telling you to do that, that's what I'd do.
But man, that sounds like hell.
Hallucinations of people dying.
That's pretty much standard.
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It's Alex Jones.
Alright, Congressman Walter Jones of North Carolina is scheduled to be calling in the next five minutes or so to give us his breakdown on how we can potentially move forward and impeach Barack Obama.
So the Congressman is going to be joining us.
If you just tuned in, we're taking phone calls
We'll do this after Jones leaves us as well, of people that have been on so-called antidepressants and just the nightmare situations they're having.
The hallucinations, the going in for a twisted artery and they say, we're not going to give you surgery, here's this drug.
I mean, there's so many angles to this, but I recommend everyone read the inserts.
And when you have the side effects, their answer is more drugs to zombify you.
And they're doing this to foster children in this country.
And I have another CBS News article of people that get medical marijuana cards for glaucoma, you name it, the CPS comes and takes their kids.
It is unbelievable, and here's what's scary.
They're saying, well, if it's known you smoke marijuana or take the pills, you might be the victim of armed robbery.
And so because you smoke pot, we're going to take your kids for your safety, saying your house is more likely to be robbed.
That's saying take your kids because you live in a poor area, or take your kids because you live in a rich area.
This is what CPS breaking up families is doing across the country.
And it is truly, truly insane to watch this level of garbage unfolding.
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We bought a few thousand of them.
And the Congressman was called to a vote at the House that was not scheduled until next hour.
So it's now been flipped.
He'll be with us at the start of the next hour.
So Congressman Jones' office just called us.
He was called to a unscheduled vote.
And will be joining us on the impeachment situation.
I remember when Ron Paul used to be in the House.
That happened a lot.
I think Ron Paul's on next week, isn't he?
So that should be informative to get his take on impeachment as well.
But the North Carolina Congressman, always a trooper, should be joining us sometime in the next hour.
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Okay, let me just recap.
If you joined us, I want to go back to calls now and then into some geopolitical news.
I've got ahead.
Some Benghazi news and some other world news that I really want to hit as well as some NSA news and some photos showed up on InfoWars.com today and dealing with the Rothschilds and one of their castle palaces over in
France and I knew I'd seen these photos before but the article didn't say where they were from so I've got I've got a Don Salazar writing an article to tell you where it came from and then to tie it into some of the background on it so you can see why this mirrors eyes eyes wide shut and why it's now now been released so we're going to be
Breaking that down, coming up, I'm trying to find the actual article.
It's now scrolled off into the Featured News archives.
Vigilant Citizen put it out, revealing pictures from 1972, Rothschild, Illuminati ball, all satanic, with the imitations written in reverse, and pretty much the same uniforms they wore in Eyes Wide Shut.
We know Kubrick went to these type of events.
He shot it at a Rothschild Palace in London, or outside of London, and they have them all over the world.
And of course there's like tables with piles of what appears to be feces on it that they would eat around and other stuff.
And we have modern photos of these same Rothschilds wearing Diablo pentagrams around their necks and things in public.
So I just thought I'd let you know about the Rothschilds a little bit.
We're going to break that down and tie it into Bohemian Grove.
And some of the operations that I've infiltrated at the bottom of the next hour.
I was going to do it at the bottom of the next hour, but who knows if Walter Jones is there.
But I've got Leanne McAdoo doing a report on this tonight as well.
But I wanted to go back to where this was released by the author and the photographer herself.
Show that folks because some people are in the comments going this isn't real.
Of course I instantly when I saw it a month ago knew they were real because I recognized the head of the French Rothschild family as well.
So we're going to give you that URL in a 46 page article that Don Salazar is going to mirror and post and it's got even more more stuff on it with what they're doing.
That'll be up in the next couple hours on InfoWars.com and Prison
Okay, talk about the Illuminati, the Rothschilds, boogie down to it.
Now, I said I wanted to open the phones up for people that have taken so-called antidepressants.
The real name is mass-murder-suicide pills, now being adopted widely.
Orwellianly, again, they call the Patriot Act patriotic, they call the Federal Reserve federal, they call drugging half the school children as the plan, under New Freedom Initiative, New Freedom.
This is it.
You know, a woman's going into menopause, they don't say,
Maybe you want hormone replacement.
There's some risk, but you'll still basically stay young.
Might make you get cancer later, but you'll be young until that happens, basically.
How about these herbs that make going into menopause a lot less bad?
How about your thyroid?
You have bad hyperthyroidism?
How about we get you the iodine you need?
No, no, no, no, no, sir.
We're gonna put you on a bunch of psychotropics.
Oh, you almost had a heart attack?
Oh, you're bleeding?
Oh, let's put you on a different one.
And then they tweak it.
And I'm sure that, you know, these type of things might help somebody.
The problem is they attack the liver, the body, they're very toxic, they're all in the fluoride family.
There's a reason they put hydrofluorosilicic water systems in the water.
It's because it also acts as an adjuvant the medical doctors have broken down.
Nothing acts as an adjuvant better than hydrofluorosilicic acid, or basically sodium fluoride with the electrons manipulated to make it highly acidic.
It takes things, in some cases, and boosts it thousands of times the effect it would have.
So they can then put micro amounts of drugs and hormones and things into the water, and when you drink it with the hydrofluorosilicic acid, that's why they don't want to take it out.
That's why the feds will spend, I think they spent like eight million dollars over a two-year period beating the groups that wanted to stop fluoride going in the water in San Antonio about 15 years ago.
And it is just amazing the adjutant effect that this has to turbocharge all the other goodies.
Because, you know, they can't put a chemical, you know, in the water separate from that meant to brain damage you, make you depressed, whatever the case is, which we've caught them doing.
There's hundreds of things in the water.
Just hundreds and hundreds they're adding.
I mean, it gets really expensive, but loving hydrofluorosilicic acid
Supercharges everything it ties into.
So it's a loving attack by the Satanists that run the planet.
And they care about you, so remember to get all your shots for your children and drink more fluoride!
They love you!
Let's go ahead and talk to Aaron.
Aaron in Montana, tell us your story.
Yes, I grew up in foster care.
Okay, yes sir, you're on the air.
Yeah, I grew up in foster care and took just, uh, I was on Seroquel, Zoloft, Vanix, Epico, Lithium, Ritalin, Lobutrin, Klonopin, Ambien, Trazodone, Prozac.
I was on a ton of stuff.
They would do blood tests on me every other week while I was in my treatment center in foster care, and yeah.
And boy, I bet those foster parents and people, when they had an at-risk child, you get double or triple cash.
Would they take you on the lavish trips and stuff, or do they basically lock you up in your room and give you maybe a hamburger a day?
First foster home, I was locked up in a basement room.
The second foster home, same thing.
Got into a couple good ones, but honestly, yeah, for the most part, it was
Oh yeah, they can hold like six, seven kids, and then they'll have other foster parents keep them when they go on trips to Rome, trips to Haiti, and they just eat filet mignon while you literally get fed the worst stuff.
They beat you, they sexually abuse you.
I mean, it's all on record.
It's the most dangerous place to be, but hey, what's wrong with that?
The government cares about us.
Yeah, right.
So what was your experience on these drugs?
Well, I was in a treatment center.
I was around 11 years old to like 14.
I'm about 30 now, but I basically ran away from the treatment center and within four days my body was shutting down.
I couldn't really function, think.
I eventually got
Picked up by the police and then they took me to DT where my body just shut down completely and I went to the hospital where they had to bring me back.
And then I went back to the treatment center after everything happened and then they, the Dr. Ferry tried to put me back on all the medicine that I was on again.
Oh, how loving.
Well that makes it easier on him if all the warehouse kids are drugged out of their minds.
He's a good dungeon keeper.
Well, it sounds like, by the grace of God, you defeated it.
You doing better now?
Well, yeah.
I joined the military.
I was asleep, you know.
I went to Iraq and I started doing insane things.
I didn't, you know, my... I don't know.
I don't have as bad a dream as other people do, but, you know, I...
I was, I was, I was woken up.
You know.
I now have nightmares from watching the battle footage and the Al Qaeda people killing kids.
Darren McBrain's in there putting a big compilation together and I just can't even look at it.
The chopping up toddlers with swords and raping women and eating hearts and everything and then you know our government's right there funding them.
It's unbelievable.
It pisses me off.
Some of our brothers... Well, that's because you're a bad man.
You should thank the government for what they're doing.
It's good that they do all this, sir.
Yeah, right.
Well, I'm a combat vet and I didn't sign up for that.
I hear you.
It's very, very sick and very, very painful.
But when you realize that these people are a bunch of Satanists that run things, then it all makes sense.
God bless you, sir, and I'm glad to hear you're doing okay.
What a rough country to grow up in, folks.
The most obese, the most diseased, the most mentally ill, the highest cancer rates.
The highest autism rates.
I mean, we are just, we are just last in everything.
We were an exceptional nation in first and everything, but the globalists came in and used high-tech warfare on us.
We've been occupied by the globalists pretty much completely since about 1963.
Partially before that, since 1913.
And man, they are using scientific warfare on us.
This is scientifically developed, deployed systems of control.
And knowing is the key.
Being aware of the enemy and facing how much trouble we're in is the only way to turn this around.
If you become aware of the enemy, you'll start seeing it all around you.
Warn others.
Withdraw all consent from the New World Order.
They are a dehumanizing, eugenicist, scientific dictatorship, brave new world enemy.
They even named the drugs they put women and kids on, Soma, the direct mind control drug from the book, 1932.
I mean, this is a plan.
Let's go ahead and talk to Pauline in Colorado.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey Alex, how's it going?
It's pretty painful hearing these stories, people seeing dead people when they take these drugs, but go ahead.
Yeah, so, uh, 11 years ago, um, my son, uh, you know, he was 15 years old, he was just being a boy, boys are boys, uh, tried to set the back deck on fire with, uh, just a cigarette lighter, you know, a Bic lighter, and so I thought I'd be a hard-ass mom, like, you know, my dad raised me, he was in the military, and, you know, my parents were very strict, and I thought he'd get
Call the cops, you know, they took him away.
I thought he just stood in the, you know, the jail for a couple hours or whatever, and I'd take him home.
Well, they ended up putting him in some psychiatric hospital, and they wouldn't let him go until he was on like Depakote, Prozac, and some other drug.
And yeah, he stayed a week in the hospital, so that was like a big weird thing.
And the other thing is, I have, you know, also a stepson,
He was five years old when he was diagnosed with...
You know, ADD and some other things.
Deficit or something.
And he's on two medications, too.
Yeah, now let me explain how this works.
This was all actuaried out by John P. Holder and others.
This is all public, by the way.
They all write books about it.
They're very proud of it.
They put the fluoride in the water, the GMOs, the high fructose corn syrup.
I mean, if you put an animal on that... I had my dog give it a few scoops of... bites of ice cream the other day, and it ran around crazy for an hour.
It was actually hilarious.
But the point is, we put them on all these chemicals, then they do act out.
They do have problems.
And the same system that did this then comes in with something 50 times worse.
And it's diabolical.
And it's all a plan, and it's working quite well.
The interesting thing is with my son, they said he was bipolar.
You know, as I understand it, bipolar people have that for life, right?
Yes, ma'am.
Well, he's 26 years old now and he's never, he hasn't been on medication for probably, I don't know, you know, eight years?
Yeah, no, I mean, here's the deal, ma'am.
God bless you and I appreciate your testimony.
It's almost all pure bull.
According to all the literature I've read, from all angles, most schizophrenia and things like that is heavy metals and toxicity.
They used to have plants in England and they called it mad as a hatter because the chemicals they were around, they all went crazy.
It's the toxic environment, folks.
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It makes my blood boil to know this is a scientific takeover program to domesticate the people of the world and that they are targeting and drug pushing.
I was an honor student at Anderson High School.
I was in high school five years.
One year I was sent away to work on the ranch because I was in so much trouble.
My parents moved to Austin to get me out of fighting and stuff like that.
I wasn't really bad, but I was in a lot of fights and stuff like that.
And when we moved down here to Austin, I remember by my second year there when I was graduating, I was an honor student.
I didn't really need to be there my fifth year, but I hadn't quite finished.
My studies, so two periods out of the day, I was in the teacher's office, I was in the principal's office, I was, you know, helping them run errands.
I was an office boy, or whatever you call it.
And they would tell me, you know, hey, we're on Ritalin, we like it, it's like speed, you like drugs, don't you?
And I was a completely clean-cut jock, and I was like, do I look like I use drugs?
And then it moved from that to, well, you're getting out of school soon, you are pretty handsome, you wanna, you know, go out on a date?
I mean, this is the type of stuff that goes on at public schools, folks.
And the little kids they can target.
I remember there were kids who had been flunked two or three grades when I was in the sixth grade that I'd get in fights with, and then I would end up fighting back.
And my dad would be called to school, and they'd say, well, your son didn't start it.
But he did ram that kid's head into the ground, and he's at the hospital now.
And, you know, for a six-year-old, that's pretty mean.
And, you know, we'd like your son to go to this doctor and we think he should be put on drugs.
And my dad said, no way!
It's on, it doesn't matter he's been in here ten times this year, you need to keep those bully kids from attacking him.
The problem is I'd beat up one and their cousins would want to fight me and then, that kid's little, I can beat, you know, kids with mustaches in the sixth grade, folks.
I mean, that's what I grew up around, in Dallas, Texas.
And they would just, you know, they weren't bad.
I was bad.
And so they tried to put me on drugs in sixth grade.
And then they tried to do it again when I was a senior.
That was in Dallas.
A senior in Anderson High.
And it happened repeatedly.
Like, I was arguing in American history class with somebody once.
And they had a substitute teacher from the school there that just did substituting at that school.
And she was like, you know, I'm going to recommend that you go see a psychologist.
I'm going to have the school write a note to your parents.
Just because I was arguing with her and people.
And I made like a 99 in that class when I graduated.
Remember my report card would be 99, 99, 100, 100, 98.
And here I am, clean-cut, working out every day, friends, having a super great time.
Friends with Shane Steiner, he was in the same grade as me.
We went to high school together.
And going out, having a great time, just working out twice a day, totally clean-cut.
Turned my life around, and they wanted to drug me, folks.
Can you imagine the foster kids, what they're doing to them, the little kids, the two-year-olds that are putting on drugs when they cry for mommy?
This is child abuse, this is sick, and it's a crime.
And now I have a CBS News report where the parents, this is happening in Texas, if they catch you with marijuana or you go in to get a blood test or something for insurance and then they come take your kids because you smoked it.
But in other states like Colorado and 16 other states, California, all over, I see this in the news every day and I know people it's happening to.
You go and you get a medical marijuana card for your nausea, your fibromyalgia, your glaucoma.
You have a legal from an MD state law
They come and they take your kids.
That's in the news today.
And they have taken their child and they're not giving her back.
Because they're going to put the child on a bunch of drugs.
They're going to brain damage the child.
And that child's lucky if it doesn't end up... Well, you know where they end up.
In the dungeons.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, folks, we're taking calls because it's turned out the
Video game head, shoot him up, call of duty, top secret security clearance, reported shooter, was under psychiatric care on a bunch of drugs.
And he went to a gun-free zone to kill a bunch of people, so now Piers Morgan and everybody says it's our fault.
We should give up all our guns so that the Prozac heads can come kill us.
We're taking phone calls here from people.
About what happened to them on psychotropic drugs, or their loved ones.
We're going to go to Sarah.
We're going to go to Sergeant Seattle.
Ryan Nelson, Truth Raider.
We're going to get to everybody.
Sarah in New York, tell us your story.
Oh, wow, this is weird.
I've been, I was on the drug Seroquo years ago, before.
And what's funny with that circle, I think it masked a lot of problems I had from my problems with Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease.
Which itself is, again, a biological weapon program within the vaccines.
That's been documented, it appeared, and has been connected to measles antibodies in the gut.
And exactly, you go in for a broken leg now, they try to give you Prozac, or Prozac-type drugs.
And so, oh, they said you were mentally ill because you had stomachaches?
No, I had what was called a mental ill, when I became a little suicidal after I got that.
I was on Nasacol when I was like 16 years old.
Well, you're supposed to love the bioweapons.
You're supposed to love the bioweapons that have hurt you.
Do you want to thank David Rockefeller right now for the bioweapon program and Bill Gates who has a bioweapon gut program going?
Do you want to thank them for all the gifts they've given everybody?
No, I don't think so.
That's mean.
But it's funny that I, before I was on Seroquel, I was on Thorazine, and that didn't help any either.
I mean, I was on... Oh, they gave you the anti-psychotic Thorazine?
Yeah, for, I lied about hearing voices, because I felt a little nuts, and I had little nuts in my head, so I'm like, I'm hearing voices, I want to shut up now.
Well, listen, why don't you just become an artist, and put all, and let the voices tell you what to paint.
And I'm sure everything will turn out okay.
Of course, now you get real voices where Obama breaks in on your phone with text messages and videos and breaks in on the radio.
And we all are hearing government voices tell us that George Washington is bad.
God bless you.
Good to hear from you, Sarah.
Let's talk to Ryan, a state hospital worker.
Input on the topic.
Okay, Ryan, welcome.
How you doing, Alex?
Thanks for taking my call.
I'm doing pretty good, buddy.
I just want to let you know that you're absolutely right about everything you're saying, and it's insane the way they prescribe these medications.
Upon admission, it's a 10-minute interview with a doctor before they know exactly what they want to put you on, and you're on it, and there's no refusing it.
Once you're on it, they will strap you down and shoot you up with it if you won't take it by mouth.
Also, we take some people that are withdrawn from just substance abuse, and they check themselves into a regular hospital, and they're railroaded into a mental facility, and everyone's put on psychotropic medication.
Well, you know the story.
You know where heroin came from, right?
At the end of the Civil War, everybody's addicted to opium.
You know, hundreds of thousands with arms and legs sawed off.
We've got something that gets them off of it.
It's like 10 times stronger.
It's a derivative of it.
It's called heroin.
So that's what they do now.
It's like, oh, you have a cocaine problem?
Here, let's put you on five psychotropics that are 20 times more deadly, you know, immediately.
So that's what you're saying?
Yeah, and it's like a revolving door after that.
They're in and out of it.
There's altercations every day because of these medications and forcing the meds.
It's just ridiculous.
But then the answer is more meds though because it causes problems.
Right, and they're always changing them up after they get in there.
They might start off with like three medications and by the time they leave they might be on five to seven.
And of course, let me guess, because I've seen the statistics, how many of the inmates running the asylum are on drugs themselves?
Um, probably 60%.
Stay there.
I want to hear more from you.
Stay there.
And then Congressman Jones is coming up.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Well, he warned Obama last year and introduced the legislation that if the president
launched any more military operations in foreign countries without congressional approval that they were going to start impeachment.
And of course, he's Representative Walter B. Jones, who we're very honored to have joining us here on the broadcast.
And he is the Congressman hailing from North Carolina.
And he's been all over the national news the last month or so, as citizens have called for Obama's impeachment over saying that he is going to launch a war in Syria without congressional approval.
Now, he backed off a couple weeks ago, as you know.
And now the media is trying to spin it like, oh, don't let the Russians tell us what to do.
No, it's the Constitution that's telling us what to do.
And if we don't impeach Obama for trying to launch the war without approval, and Kerry's saying they didn't need it, what about the Associated Press reporting Obama waives ban on arming terrorists to allow aid to Syrian opposition?
And here's the New American article.
President breaks arms export laws to send shipments to Syria rebels.
Joe Wolverton,
Got it right, because how can the president say he has a presidential order, not even an executive order, blocking federal law on arming al-Nusra, which is commanded by the head of Al-Qaeda, who called to attack the U.S.
last week?
So I've thrown out a few points here of why I think Obama, we should start impeachment now, so that
They're unable to start a war that some analysts say could lead to a larger regional war, or even World War III with 11 Russian ships massing.
I'm no fan of Assad, but compared to Al-Qaeda, he's pretty much an angel.
Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Senator Cruz as well have all said it looks like a false flag.
Pat Buchanan said that, Rush Limbaugh said that.
I see an awakening happening.
So I want to ask the Congressman that as well.
Jones.house.gov is his website to see his updates.
And sir, we thank you for your leadership and courage.
It seems as Mark Twain said, in the beginning a patriot's a scarce man, hated and feared and scorned.
But in time, when his cause succeeds, the timid join him, because then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
I think we're seeing an awakening, and I want you to have the floor and talk about whatever you think is most important, but what do you think's happened with this Syria situation, and do you think this is a sign that people are starting to wake up, sir?
Alex, thank you very much for the opportunity and the introduction, and your reciting your position and history as well.
So, let me start by saying I started my feelings about going overseas, sending our young men and women to die.
In the unnecessary war known as Iraq.
Okay, when Mr. Obama became the President of the United States, he indicated he wanted to bring the troops out of Iraq.
I supported that personally and secondly, but then he decided to stay in Afghanistan
Uh, for the length of 12 years to 2014, and possibly you know, but not maybe all your listeners know, we're in the process of signing a bilateral strategic agreement with Karzai to be there for 10 more years after 2014.
And yes, you will reduce the number of troops, but God help those that are staying there.
Now let me go back to the issue of why I feel like impeachment of any president, not just Obama, I want to be fair about it, any president that bypasses Congress and the Constitution
We're good to go.
And when he bombed Libya, if you remember this, Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, myself, and three other Democrats and Republicans, it's three and three, we went to the federal courts with Jonathan Turley, being our attorney, because we felt that there was a distinct violation of the Constitution.
And the courts, as they always do, they threw it out because they said, well, you can stop a war by voting no to fund a war.
That's the pipe dream to say the least.
So when I looked at what was happening after Libya, Gaddafi was an evil man, but for God's sakes, we got evil people all around the world.
Are we supposed to police the world?
We can't pay our own bills.
We can't police our own borders.
There's got to be some sanity to these foreign policies of any administration, and in particular this one now.
So I was ready and still ready to file articles of impeachment, but I was basing mine on the issue of bypassing the Constitution and bypassing Congress to bomb another country.
And in the short term, the Russians have helped the President by putting a stall on where we are.
But there are many in both parties, and I want to be fair about that, Alex, both parties that are very concerned
That as this moves forward that we might wake up one day and we've been dropping missiles in Syria.
And you're absolutely right that you cannot fully decide about the rebels.
They're so mixed up with different groups within the rebel cause that we don't know who's our friend and our enemy and Al Qaeda is definitely our enemy.
Undoubtedly, there's a new Jane's Weapons quarterly report out saying that at least half of them are hardcore jihadis and basically Al-Qaeda, because Al-Qaeda basically will end up killing anybody that doesn't convert to their radical form of Islam.
Well, Alex, this is the whole thing where I think sincerely that with this, we had testimony.
I'm on the Armed Services Committee.
We had testimony from the service chiefs, the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force.
If sequestration continues for another year, we're just about going to put the military in a situation where they're going to be limited in being able to fight to protect America.
But I go back to the issue that you had me on today.
I believe in the Constitution.
I'm a Ron Paul type person when it comes to foreign aid.
I'm just sick and tired of America thinking that we can borrow money from foreign governments and pump up other... I mean, look at Karzai.
I mean, his family's in the drug business and we're spending him roughly six to seven million dollars a month to prop him up.
And Neil, we're going to have a vote tomorrow to cut food stamps for the American people, particularly those that need it.
I know there's abuse in a lot of federal programs, but there's no abuse in funding Karzai, and he's a crook.
You're right.
I mean, the country is going into a depression by every metric.
We've got economic numbers out today.
Obamacare is coming in.
Now, I want to give you a chance to talk about some of the things you think are most important, sir.
But what about specifically, I mean, Obama did blink.
And you talk about bipartisan.
I do see a big awakening.
Happening right now, we're bipartisan.
91% of Americans in a Reuters poll are against the strike.
75% in a Army Times poll of active duty say they're against it.
I can't find any military I know that are active duty that are for it.
What are your constituents, what are the military people you're talking to, what are they saying about
The popularity of this war, and how big a deal is it that we saw the President finally have to back off and admit that Congress has to be consulted, but then flip back and say, but if you don't vote for what I want, I can still strike.
What will you do if he strikes without congressional authority?
I will tell you this, that if he strikes without a vote of the Congress, you will see both parties, I mean this sincerely, both parties file articles of impeachment.
Because we are sick and tired of a president, be Republican or Democrat, to bypass the Constitution and the members of Congress who swear to uphold the Constitution to bomb a foreign country.
We are a debtor nation.
We cannot even pay our bills without raising the debt ceiling of America so we can borrow money to pay last year's bills.
This whole place up here is out of control and when you come to foreign policy, as Ron Paul would say, let's wake up, let's rebuild America and to hell with the rest of the world.
I agree with that.
So if Obama or any other president tries to launch these preemptive wars, these offensive criminal wars, you're going to move for impeachment.
And again, for the folks that don't know, the media spins it and says the president's allowed to respond under war powers.
Yeah, if Russians have fired missiles, then Congress is given the authority to defend against it or fire back.
Or if we are attacked, we know who does it, then he has the automatic default.
But not to go attack a country
That's done nothing to us.
I mean, that's a war crime.
Alex, thank you.
You took the words right out of my mouth.
The international courts, in my humble opinion, would be encouraged to go to the court system because a nation, the America of someone else who is not threatened, let's make that clear to your listeners, not threatened to involve itself in a civil war.
And it's like I said recently in an interview, yes, I think it's horrible when people are gassed, but I think it's horrible when they're hit by a fragment of a bomb because it kills them just as dead as the gas does.
Well said, absolutely.
Well, listen, we've only got about eight, nine minutes left with you.
We're going to skip this network break.
Congressman Walter Jones of North Carolina joins us now that Ron Paul's gone.
More and more in the House, he has taken his place.
He's been there for many years, but really, really, Snow,
You've been stepping up, we see you a lot, really turning up the heat on these tyrants.
So much more is happening as we learn that Obamacare, even the Wall Street Journal admits, and even ABC News has admitted, eight taxes on the poor.
The Supreme Court rules it is a tax on the poor.
I have family that Obamacare is going to bankrupt.
A lot of them are veterans that, you know, work at $12 an hour jobs and things.
What are your constituents saying about Obamacare?
And what about the move we're seeing, House to vote on defunding Obamacare?
What can we do to shut this down?
And what was the power structure thinking?
Because I knew what this bill was three years ago.
You knew what it was.
It is a America healthcare system killing America, bankrupting system in my view.
What is your view, Congressman?
Well, I'm with you 100%.
No Republican voted for the Obamacare that came through the House when Ms.
Pelosi was the Speaker.
We've had 39 or 40 votes already in the House to defund, to change certain aspects of Obamacare.
We will probably tomorrow, the next day, vote on a continuing resolution that will defund Obamacare.
We will probably pass that bill in the House, and you probably have a few Democrats to vote for it.
What we need to, if we could win, real quickly, if we could win the Senate,
The best I've ever seen the American people to have the best government, believe this or not, was Bill Clinton was the President.
We had the House was Republican and the Senate was Republican and knew could get things done for the American people.
Because look at it this way, Alex.
The President wanted to get things done, but he could not get it through the House and the Senate unless they agreed to help.
The House and Senate wanted things done, but they needed the President to sign the bill.
We got things done for the American people.
And that's the frustration up here now.
If we could win the Senate in the next election and have the House and the Senate, we could do a lot of major changes to Obamacare for the good of the American people.
Well, you know, I've been critical of the establishment Republicans like Karl Rove, but you see him on Fox News every week criticizing Ron Paul, Rand Paul, yourself, Ted Cruz.
They're upset that real constitutional libertarian, just American types, who are real men.
I mean, I know Ron Paul.
I know Rand Paul well.
We've interviewed Metcruz.
I feel like I know you interviewing you a dozen times or so.
You're real people.
And I think the power structure is scared that there is a revolution happening in the Republican Party, and as Matt Drudge has said, 2014 is everything.
That's why they're going after the media, the free speech.
They're trying to break this country and collectivize it now, and get rid of the borders and everything else, because the collectivists know their time is short.
Well, Alex, if we could win the Senate, and it's only four or five seats, and hold the House, and we should be able to hold the House, I promise you we would be in the strongest position we've been in in a number of years.
And Mr. Obama would have to deal with the House, and that in itself puts us on even playing field.
Instead of having a President who's a Democrat, the Senate who's a Democrat,
That would put the American people on an even keel to make some changes to what I think is probably the worst legislation I've ever seen.
I thought Leave No Child Behind was one of the worst bills I'd ever seen, but I can tell you Obamacare, in my opinion, would just bankrupt America.
Well, my dad is a physician and he's quitting next month.
He's quitting over it.
About half the people he knows are retiring early.
In fact, it's been in the Texas News.
If you make one mistake on a chart, you go to jail automatically.
There's no judge, no jury.
I mean, this is designed to destroy American health care.
So some say, well, let them implement it.
That'll destroy collectivism forever.
No, no, no.
They plan to implode the country and then pose as saviors.
We've got to stop the implementation, because even though it would show how bad they are, it's immoral to let this thing go in.
You're right, Alex.
You're exactly right.
This should be about doing what is right for the country and not politics.
And what we do is right for the country is restore the constitutional right of the American people.
What are your constituents most upset about right now?
Because again, I'm a radio host and I've got my finger on the pulse.
This country is
Ten times more elect than they were in, say, 1993-94.
I mean, this is beyond anger.
This is eye of the tiger, focused... I'm here to tell the establishment, people are not going to put up with it anymore.
Well, Alex, I have said many times, and I think there are two or three senators you've named, one or two, in your conversation the last couple of minutes, we need a Ron Paul, Ross Perot-type leader for this country.
We need somebody to get in there and to say, listen,
You want to attack America, you're going to get the big bombers coming over and they're going to blow you to kingdom come.
We need somebody to start fixing the problems here in America and to hell with the rest of the world.
Why are we sending this money to Karzai, who's a crook, and we can't even account for half the money we're sending him?
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have already cost this country over $1.5 trillion.
That averages out to about $11 million an hour.
Well said, Congressman.
So, what do you expect, because you've got your ear to the ground on the Armed Services Committee, where Obama says, OK, I've got to go to Congress on the Constitution, doing a 180 thanks to your pressure and others, but you spearheading it.
We've got to give credit where it's due, not to give credit, but to show that doing the right thing...
You know, you were pretty lonely a year ago.
Now you've got the majority of Republicans and Democrats nationally, openly supporting you and are being recognized for that.
Now, what do you expect him to do when he doesn't get the authorization and Kerry says, we're still going to attack?
Is that a bluff or are they going to back off?
Well, I hope it would be a bluff because, truthfully, there are just as many Democrats that are more liberal against the war for other reasons than maybe you and I are opposed to it.
I was just based on the Constitution, but I can tell you if by chance that did happen, what you just described, there would be a number of articles of impeachment introduced by both sides in the House.
Any idea on when they're going to try to... I mean, they've backed off a vote, obviously, to not embarrass the Führer, I mean, the President.
Any idea on... because you're on the Service Committee, obviously, sir, and no more than anybody, when they're going to try to creep back in and try to get a vote?
Or where is the war right now?
Well, I'm afraid our leadership in the House is not going to bring a vote on Syria to the floor until
We find out over the next two to three weeks what is maybe going to happen with the negotiations.
I think we should have last week, the House should have brought the bill to the floor to be debated and a vote up or down just to show that the will of the House is no to bombing Syria.
Sir, we've only got three minutes left.
I appreciate your time.
I wanted to ask you about the Navy Yard shooting two and a half days ago in a double secure area.
They got hearing voices, playing 18 hours of video games on drugs, under psychiatric care, and now Obama says, I need to give my guns up, and Piers Morgan, because in a gun-free zone, this mentally ill person went haywire when overall gun crime's down 49%.
What is your take on that, sir, and any other points you think are important on other subjects that are front and center on your radar?
Well, Alex, if a person is going to commit mayhem, they will get whatever they need.
I hate to say that, but it is true.
So you cannot punish the law-abiding citizen who is following his constitutional rights because it's not going to stop those who want to commit crime.
It's just not going to stop it.
I think we need to do more in the area of mental health, but that's really a state issue with some assistance from the national government.
But we need to start doing more in the states to help people with mental problems.
We've got men and women coming back from Afghanistan and Iraq with PTSD and TBI.
But you cannot violate the Second Amendment right of law-abiding citizens.
It just won't fix the problem.
I agree with you.
Other important issues, like trying to open the borders up, other things that are going on.
What else is on your radar, sir?
You've got three minutes.
I'd like to get some closing comments.
Well, the House is moving very slow on the Senate bill.
It's not really the Senate bill.
The House will have its own version.
Alex, we've raised the debt ceiling 18 times since 1993.
All that does to, for your listeners, all it does is allow America to go to foreign governments and borrow more money to pay last year's bills.
We don't ever say no.
We always are saying we will
We'll find some way to spend more money.
We need to stop it.
It is not fair to our children and grandchildren.
What does the Washington elite think they're going to do when every economist says we're already destroyed?
These people are crazy!
Well, I agree with them.
I mean, I am glad to say that the Syrian issue brought people making phone calls.
We had over 435 phone calls to my office.
We had over 1,000 emails.
Ninety-seven percent of those contacted in our office by email or by telephone said no to Syria.
Let the voices of the people be heard because that's the only way the American people can take back their government is let their voices be heard.
What is wrong with the political elite that just think everything is going to be fine forever?
Are they disconnected from reality, Congressman Jones?
Well, Ron Paul said it better than anything that we can continue to dream, but at some point we're going to see a nightmare because the dream is not real.
Well, sir, I want to say this in closing to you from my family.
Thank you for taking the leadership the last two years when Obama was more popular, when it was harder to do it, and put impeachment on the line.
Because, you know, look at Libya a couple years ago.
They just did it and told you guys to go to hell, and now they're having to listen.
And I'm telling you, what you've done is historic, and I want to thank everybody else who called Congress and the media, and everybody that found sanity, but you were right there at the heart of it, so thank you for your leadership, Congressman Walter Jones, and have a great week coming up, sir.
Thank you, Alex.
God bless America.
Thank you.
All right, thank you so much.
Wow, what a gentleman right there.
A real Southern gentleman.
They're joining us on the broadcast here today, ladies and gentlemen.
We're going to come back, go to more of your phone calls.
Truth Raider, Sherry, Allison, Carrie, and Nelson.
We had one guy calling, they were talking about drugging people in the military, but he's gone.
Sorry, I made you hold too long.
I'm going to go right to your calls.
And then I'm going to hit the news I haven't hit yet.
Believe me, there's a lot of it.
So we're going to take five or six calls, and then on people, tell them their antidepressant story.
You know, if you translate antidepressant, it's mass murder-suicide pill.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We've got it.
We're good.
We're going to your calls here in a moment, and then a ton of news I haven't hit yet.
I've got to cover it.
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All right.
I'm literally looking at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
12 stacks of news I haven't gotten to.
All of them, I've gotten to some of it just mentioning stuff that I wanted to cover, but I've covered like 30% of it.
I need to cover this.
But let's go to your calls right now.
Maybe I'll have to do overdrive to cover the Rothschild devil worship stuff.
Maybe I'll cover that tomorrow.
Because I've got a Don Salazar doing a whole story on it right now, just to give people background, because we posted a great article about it, and I knew it was real because I'd seen it before.
When it first got published by the people who took the photos about a month ago, but people were like, oh, this isn't real.
So I said, you know what?
Go to the original author, give him the whole background, do a story on it.
So we're going to be doing that.
Here's some of the news up on InfoWars.com.
Fox News demonizes Second Amendment activists.
That's right.
With friends like that, who needs commie liberals?
A video shows Syrian rebels firing chemical weapons.
A new video?
Unbelievable that coincided with the August 21st attack.
Yeah, the U.N.
says chemical weapons abuse 14 times.
I knew about three times.
I mean, it's just unbelievable, these rebels.
Talk about scary, man.
Watching these videos, they've got these kids lined up.
McGreen was showing me, like, 10-year-old kids.
And one of them is begging, Uncle, Uncle, no, Uncle!
And... They've got translated from Arabic, and they shoot him.
And they go, Don't F with Al-Qaeda!
And another one's begging, and they go, we told you we're Al-Qaeda!
You don't mess with us!
And just shooting.
And I mean, chopping up little girls, and the weird eyes these people have.
I mean, I've seen a lot of Arab fighters, and some of them look, you know, quite handsome or smart, depending on what group they're with.
You look at these fighters, you know, just like you can see a cop and say, that guy looks like a thug.
They look crazy, their eyes look demonic, but not even powerful.
It's like they're sunk in and possessed, is what I've got.
I mean, the Al-Qaeda guys really look sick.
And I'll tell you why.
They're criminals from all over the Middle East and Central Asia and the Caucasus that just like to rape and kill.
And they get authorization from Saudi Arabia to go do it.
I don't mean to go off of this.
I said I'd take your calls.
I was watching them kill women and children last night.
Because we've really gone deep into their videos.
Stuff you've never... I mean, you don't want to see this.
I asked McBreen, I said, why are you doing this?
This is not going in Obama deception 2.
I want some of them killing people with Al Qaeda flags, chanting death to America, so people understand our government's funding them.
And he's like, well, I think it's important this be seen.
And I'm like, and then they'll have some other kid bleeding to death on the, and I just go, turn it off!
I can't look at it anymore.
But in a way, and I know it makes McBreen sick, he's got children.
He's working at hospitals who says he knows how to turn it off.
But I guess we all do need to see this.
Because people that are supporting this need to know what war looks like.
And war is bad enough if you've been attacked and got to fight back.
But man, when you go out and you fund Al Qaeda, who've got to be the most sickening, disgusting, filthy scum.
I got to be honest with you.
I'm going to be honest right here.
My instincts as a man,
Is to go to Syria and fight these people.
I just, when I see him chopping up an 8-year-old girl with a machete, as she screams for her mama, it makes me hate their guts.
It's like those cops that torture for 20 minutes the schizophrenic man as he begs for daddy.
I have real feelings there.
Hearing the guy go, Daddy!
And they know they're killing him.
And then I look at these, but at least with the cops, it's black and white night footage.
I can't see their eyes.
When you see the Al-Qaeda getting off on this, it just freaks me out.
It really gets to me.
There, I'm almost having flashbacks watching that footage.
Because see, you watch some violence in a movie, it's kind of, oh yeah.
I mean, when I was a kid, I could watch violent movies and it was okay.
Now that I know more about it, I thought Evil Dead, the remake, was a comedy like the original that I was a fan of.
It was not a comedy.
And I could handle them chopping people's arms off with electric knives and stuff, but I've seen enough real stuff like that in car wrecks, but also in film, that it was making me almost threw up.
Because we ate a hamburger.
I ordered a big greasy hamburger at Alamo Draft House.
Me and my dad went and saw it.
He goes, oh, I remember that comedy.
Yeah, I'd see that with you.
And I'm sitting there.
It was a well-done movie, by the way.
But it was just like, ugh.
Now that I know what evil is, I literally almost threw up when I left.
People are like, oh, don't be a wimp, you can handle that.
No, I mean, I've seen too many arms and legs blown off, and little kids with their lower mandible blown off, and they've got a Colombian necktie with the tongue flapping around as they, as they go, ma-ma, ma-ma, ma-ma, you're saying mama.
Ma-ma, ma-ma, ma-ma, or whatever, you can tell it's mama, whatever it sounds like, mama.
And it's like, they're looking like, why did this happen to me?
And, and, and, and I'll tell you a brief story, then go to your phone calls.
Rob New and I, with his kids and my children, my 10-year-old, my 9-year-old, my 5-year-old, we go down to San Marcos to go tubing before it gets too cold, beautiful river, amazing wildlife, saw hawks, a hawk 10 feet away in a tree, never seen one of red-tail that close, wasn't in captivity, saw a big blue heron, it was just a magic day.
We get down there about 10 a.m., we were there until about 2, then I came back Sunday into the radio show.
30 minutes away from Austin.
And I've been there before, and I knew when you got to the end, when we were stopping these big cypress trees, there's three little chutes.
They're not waterfalls, they're just barely even have any degree to them.
But, my five-year-old was in my lap, she wanted to get in the, you know, with me in my tube.
My tube wasn't completely inflated.
I think Dufault hole in it later, and so she's on my lap, so it's kind of bogged down.
And we go down it, and I mean, it's no big deal.
And then the next two are just so small.
It's like three feet deep there.
It's no big deal.
Literally no danger.
She was in a life jacket.
And we go over, and as we hit where the water's coming down, she bobs out and flies out of my lap.
Because I told her, hold on to the handle.
She didn't.
She lets go, pops out.
Goes about two feet in the water.
She's a great swimmer, but I still had her in a life jacket, obviously.
She bobs under, bobs back up, and she's the baby of them all.
Of all the kids I've had, she's the sweetest and the most innocent.
And I grab her, and I'm about three feet, but I'm grabbing her, and we go over to a rock, and she was so scared and crying, but not even crying loud, like really genuinely scared.
And I talked her into going over the next two little rapids so she'd get over her fear.
She didn't laugh, and then did it again and got over it.
But I thought about how I don't have any real fear myself.
I've gotten to the point where I don't even just have any fear.
It's almost like a handicap, except for my children.
And it was imagining the innocence of a five-year-old and people that could hurt little children.
And then I think about the CPS and the government and the system and how they hurt them through the drugs and everything.
These criminals camouflage their abuse, but they know what they're doing.
And I thought about then the rebels killing little kids.
I saw, like, where a four-year-old girl, they tied her up in wire before they tortured her to death.
And all the stuff I've watched, and it's just like, man!
It's just, you cannot believe how evil this world is!
And how, in Fallujah, they leveled almost the whole city and killed tens of thousands of women and children.
And the Marines, I've seen videos of them making jokes, or shooting up vehicles full of men, women, and children, and laughing about dead kids.
Versus other videos of Marines and Army saving kids and stuff.
But I don't know how you'd be in the military and watch somebody joke about killing a kid.
I mean, I'd want to attack them.
I just... No wonder these people come home and freak out and commit suicide and all the rest of it.
I just...
Just watching this war footage is starting to really get to me.
I mean, it is just unbelievable.
But I gotta say, I've seen a lot of footage of the worst of our troops.
It is not one-tenth of Al-Qaeda.
I mean, Al-Qaeda, I just cannot, I gotta be honest, I never really watched the jihadi videos.
I've never really watched them over the years, and I've been watching hundreds of them, and I mean, it's unbelievable, these people.
It is unbelievable the stuff they do, and to know our government is funding the whole stinking thing.
It's just, you ever wonder if the government's bad, folks?
Here's the proof, okay?
The government is bad.
They're attacking our families, they're attacking our country, our sovereignty, everything!
We have psychopathic dirtbags running things, and they've got to be dealt with, folks.
Let's go to your calls.
Truth Raider in Oregon, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hi, Alex.
I have a unique testimony about the pharmaceuticals, but before I get to that, let me tell you about what happened.
I haven't had a chance to tell you about this.
Back in December, we had the Clackamas Town Shopping Mall shooting that occurred.
I remember that.
I went there within 48 hours to investigate it myself.
Not any shred of any kind of evidence that anything happened there.
There was no media
No heightened security.
No police.
No boarded up windows.
Full parking lot.
Plenty of shoppers.
Everyone is happy.
Singing carols and doing their shopping.
Men, women, and children.
Nothing at all.
Now, let me get on to the psychotropics.
My testimony about what occurred.
My father was a psychiatrist.
And this is over 30 years ago.
My dad had samplers.
He kept them in his drawer in his office.
And we had an open residence where the living room and his office blended into the kitchen and the dining room.
So I went in.
I was having some anxiety issues.
I was about ready to go to college, so I was nervous about that.
So, I took a sampler.
Yeah, I think we've all dug through our parents' medicine cabinet.
One time, when I was about 14, my parents had some Valium or something, and it was the first time I ever saw it in their medicine cabinet.
You always dig through all their stuff.
I remember taking a couple of those, and then they took me out to El Chico after church.
I took them at church.
I mean, literally thought I was going to fall asleep at the El Chico.
My dad's like, what's wrong with you?
I go, I took two of those Valium.
He goes, you idiot.
But I'm sorry, go ahead.
Well, I wish that's all it was, Alex.
I mean, for a week, I thought I was going to die.
I took a tablet called Haldol, which is about the size of a BB.
I mean, just an itty bitty tiny little pill, maybe two milligrams of Haldol.
And let me tell you, I mean, you wish you had the flu, you wish you had anything but that kind of an experience.
I couldn't keep my eyes open.
I mean, I couldn't sleep.
I couldn't do anything.
And I felt every kaleidoscope of every kind of illness you could ever feel all at one time.
I mean, totally poison.
Can you imagine when a two-year-old or three-year-old cries for mommy, that's called mental illness, and they start putting them on psychotropics.
Can you imagine the abuse?
Meanwhile, you get a medical marijuana card, they now take your kids.
Yeah, that's totally insane.
Totally bogus.
There's a whole structure of the medical system needs to be overhauled.
It's a Rockefeller-dominated, you know... It is!
It is!
No, no, no, no.
They set it up.
God bless you.
They set it up.
You're absolutely on target.
People that don't know.
Nelson in Georgia.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
Hey, man.
I'm a guitar teacher here in North Georgia, and I teach underprivileged kids.
And one side of my school has black kids and white kids, and the other side, Spanish kids.
And, uh, the Spanish kids, they don't take any of those drugs.
And they can learn 7, 8 chords in 20 minutes, when I have to 7 weeks to teach them 3 chords on the other side.
It's horrible what they're doing.
They got them on their attention.
Yep, it's the black kids and the white kids are the ones that are being CPS, that are being drugged.
Hispanics, whether they're legal or citizens or not, they just run with their kids.
And they have these ads going, it's terrible.
The Hispanics won't go on the welfare.
The Hispanics don't trust the government.
Yeah, because they're not idiots.
Yeah, and also my mother got on Prozac about eight years ago, lost her business.
Does not want to deal with society at all, and if I bring up the fact, hey, it's the drugs that's, you know, making you feel this way, she kicks me out of her house every single time and hangs up on me when we're on the phone.
And there's one more point I'd like to make.
I'm up here in North Georgia, in Calhoun, Georgia, and I'm a solo acoustic musician, and I play out all the time.
And I'm looking for other people in my area to start a group because I try to get, I meet with my city hall to start an aquaponic farming due to the fact that I want to get clean food to our kids at the schools and to the people because that's where all the problems lies in our health.
And so if anybody wants to feel as strongly as I do about this, my name is Nelson Williams and I'm- Hey bro, bro, bro, here's the deal.
You sound like a real guy and a nice guy and I appreciate your call.
No talk show in the country is gonna let you call in and say your name and contact you.
Do you know why and I appreciate your call?
Because you'll get prank callers that'll say, you know, I'm-
Carol Johnson.
And I'm, you know, here's where I live, come see me, and it's a prank call.
I know you're not that person, but there's rules in talk radio.
You can't give out your full name unless you're a guest on the show.
It's not good to do stuff like that.
You should go to planetinfowars.com.
The social network, that's great.
We never promote, we should.
What we do on the site, we post their articles on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and people's videos that are produced there, but you can go to PlanetInfoWars.com.
We always have the newest groups that join at the top, but you have the most viewed groups in a lot of it.
Hundreds of thousands of people are on there, and there it is, PlanetInfoWars.com for you in your area to try to meet like-minded people.
All right, stay with us.
We'll be back with news.
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We will be victorious!
Love it, ladies and gentlemen.
Taking the Republic back, just now breaking up on Infowars.com.
DHS detains Oath Keepers heading to gun rally in Texas.
Liberty Lovers gathered at the Texas Capitol building to show appreciation for the Constitution.
This is brand new video just now premiering up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and there is more up on the site as well, ladies and gentlemen.
Muslim Brotherhood official, former Clinton Foundation employee has been arrested.
Lots of interesting news on that front.
A Hill story, Republicans slam pathetic decision not to fire anyone over Benghazi.
No, they'll probably promote them for helping Al Qaeda.
IRS list reveals concerns over Tea Party propaganda.
See, it's all come out that they
The other headline is, they thought Obama wanted them to crack down.
Our leader, well, they're saying bad things about you, my dear one.
Shouldn't we shut them down illegally and persecute them?
Because we're liberal?
Because it's cool?
You're authoritarian dirt bags, is what you are.
Move to North Korea.
This is out of USA Today spinning it like, oh jeepers creepers, they did persecute him, but it was only because they were trying to stop propaganda by those nasty meanies over at the Tea Party.
Here's another one of the Washington Times.
IRS officials, you mean collection agency for the private Federal Reserve, thought Obama wanted crackdown on Tea Party groups.
Worried about negative press.
Well, if you're worried about somebody talking bad about you,
Just go file fake tax charges on them and arrest them!
I mean, that'll work real good.
But there's no tyranny.
There's no tyranny around the corner, Obama said.
Government's inherently good.
Wow, a big government's persecuting people it doesn't agree with.
Homeland Security is pointed directly at anybody that is not an authoritarian dirtbag.
And by the way, once it all collapses, they're all going to eat each other as well.
I mean, what a disaster.
What a nightmare.
What a situation we're in.
Look at this.
News out of France.
Syria gives Russia evidence rebels behind Kim attack.
And the UN comes out and says it looks like the Syrian government didn't do it.
But you're not going to see that on the nightly news.
All you're going to hear about is the shooting and how it's gun owners fault.
Oh, but families that had people that were lost, they forgive gun owners.
And they forgive us.
We did Sandy Hook.
Doesn't matter if we're making the crime rate drop 49%.
Violent crime with guns.
It doesn't matter.
The facts don't matter.
There's no polar bears.
They all drown.
There's no North Pole.
It doesn't matter.
The North Pole's the biggest ever recorded from satellites.
Since the 50s.
The facts don't matter.
Doesn't matter if Obama's a fascist piece of trash.
He's liberal.
He's liberal.
It's okay.
It's racist if you talk bad.
Oh, let me give you some more here.
House to vote on defunding Obamacare.
The problem is they're going to kill it in the Senate.
And we've got 23,116,000 plus households on food stamps now outnumber all households in the Northeast United States.
I don't get that number, because it says households on food stamps.
I guess that's households.
If you count the number of people, it's 49,101,000 on some farm of food assistance, or one-third of the country.
So that number, out of CNS News, I mean, I'm not knocking CNS, they're a great site, but that's just much worse than that.
But I mean, I guess they're talking about households, average households, three people.
Let's continue here.
Median household income has fallen for five years in a row, lower than it was in 1989.
Oh, here's the article, W-L-I-X-10, marijuana, medical marijuana users fight to keep infant daughter who was taken, and they say, well, it doesn't matter if you have a legal marijuana card, your daughter is ours, said the spider.
And that's just some of the news.
I've got more coming up.
We're going to Overdrive, InfoWars.com, forward slash show to find the free video and audio and podcast feeds.
And back tonight, resisting with key reports, 7 o'clock central, PrisonPlanet.tv!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
You know, I realize why I blew up there at the end of the hour.
I started re-reading that TV news piece about CPS.
I want that family on.
And the CPS says, well, if you have a medical marijuana card, we're going to take all your children now.
And there's not even a law.
They go, well, we feel like you might be at a higher risk of someone robbing you to get your marijuana.
So now we're taking your child because of that.
We feel like your house is in a bad area, we're taking your kids.
We feel like you're in a rich area, they might rob you.
We feel like, and this is all the spy grid system, where there's just no due process, and it's like, oh, I mean, if they just took your kid, it'd be tyranny and a big news story, but if they give an excuse, oh, the wind blew one way, so I'm taking your kid, then it's like, oh, well, of course, then, if you have some actuary showing something.
Seven times more likely to be abused in CPS custody.
Used to be five times, now it's seven times.
And they will take your child now.
That just makes me want to absolutely go ape.
I mean, I am sick of these people.
And half of them just want to rape your kids.
I mean, that's well known.
I mean, these are just the buckets of maggot pus.
I've never seen such filth in my life.
Allison in Canada, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Welcome, yes ma'am.
Hi Alex.
I had an experience about seven years ago, kind of a nervous breakdown, some would call it.
Why don't you have a nervous break up into energized, crazed, luscious life?
How about that?
How's that sound?
Yeah, that's happened now, seven years later.
Good, good.
Seven years ago, I had sort of a revelation experience.
You know, like my mother said that I sounded like a southern preacher.
You were born again hard?
It was very traumatic actually, but once I...
Just found God, I guess.
I felt really safe and secure, but I was rounded up and brought into a hospital where they put me on a bunch of different drugs.
Risperidone, Carazepam.
So you had a religious experience and said you loved God, and they thought that was mentally ill?
Yes, absolutely.
Well, cultural context plays a part in diagnosis too, you know, and there's no one around... By the way, spiritual experiences have been recorded for all of human history and are associated with higher brainwaves and creativity.
So it's where you want to be.
And so I just completely trusted them and let them do all this stuff to me and give me all these drugs and slowly but surely my mental capacities just sort of vanished and I felt pretty much lobotomized.
And they really need to cut, break your dignity.
Like, that seems like a process.
Since seven years ago... No, no, no.
These are drug-pushing cults.
Again, in some rare cases where somebody already has a chemical imbalance, the drugs save them.
But most of the time it's because of something you're already eating or doing or hormonal that's medical that they need to work on, not just, here, take some chemical weapon, that'll fix you.
Totally true.
I did have two other episodes since then.
My last one was almost three years ago now.
But I would call those sort of spiritual crises.
And because they were sort of interrupted... Well, life is supposed to be a crisis.
People are supposed to freak out sometimes.
You're on a planet.
It's weird.
I mean, look at all the crazy stuff around us.
It's wild.
Go with it.
Have a good time.
Don't let it freak you out.
Believe me, you ought to see me off there.
We're good to go.
Crazy what it did to my health, physically.
And so, the last time it happened, I just, as soon as I got out of the hospital, away from them, forcing them down your throat.
Otherwise, they'll just tackle you and stab you with needles.
Well, that's loving.
I mean, why not?
Well, they don't mind traumatizing me.
I mean, what, are you against arming Al-Qaeda with taxpayer-paid war weapons?
And people do this as a job, you know, and they go crazy just tackling people all day for years on end.
Well, they like the power, though.
Ma'am, I'm out of time.
Thank you so much for your testimony.
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