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Name: 20130906_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 6, 2013
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The American paid for, fought for,
and taken the blame for empire the empire that the globalists have built that we have basically provided the blood sweat and tears to construct the empire that's called the american empire but it's not the american empire it is in deep trouble mainly through its controllers greed but also their instinct to impoverish
They're slaves.
Through those activities and through the general population's own decadence, we have seen the manifestation of cartoonishly ridiculous levels of Byzantine-style corruption.
And it's now all coming to a head.
And from here on out, it is my historical analysis and summation that it's just going to get wilder and wilder and wilder.
That's the bottom line.
We have a top story that I will cover when we start the next segment.
I'm almost tempted just to air the special report that's linked on red up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com because we say it so concisely and focused.
But I will just break it down live on air.
The report is titled, Senator Graham warns of a nuke strike after missing warheads report.
And if any video report ever got 50 million views on YouTube, this is it.
A news video that gets a half million views is seen as viral.
Some of the most viral news videos maybe have 10 million.
Some of them are our videos.
But you could have some fake sex tape, you know, have 30, 40, 50, 100 million, or a hippopotamus with diarrhea, you know, with 150 million.
And, I mean, stuff like that, okay, it's funny to show your five-year-old, but at a certain point, this is really important information, and if this stuff gets out of hand, it could be the end of human civilization as we know it, maybe the end of life as we know it, on this planet.
CBS News reports that Senator Graham, the little neocon war monger-in-chief, the war whore, the war nelly, says that nukes in hands of terrorists could result in bomb coming to Charleston Harbor.
Now, why is that so important?
That's important
Because on Tuesday, the same day he came out and gave this speech that we didn't learn about until yesterday via Showtips email from a listener, a viewer in South Carolina, thank you for that tip, that it was in all the local news that he said, it's not a question of if, but when a bomb, a nuke, is going to go off in Charleston, in South Carolina.
Now this is on the heels of our report the same day about missing warheads at the base out in West Texas.
In fact, will you guys print me Tuesday's report about that?
Or I can do it.
It's actually linked up right at the top of the story.
And we are going to be going over that report.
Coming up on the other side of this break, and then all the big new Syria developments.
Lo and behold, they're now admitting it's a full-on bombardment and invasion preparation, and the forces lining up are for war with Russia, potentially, and China, not for Syria.
So the globalists are eyeballing using the Syria conflict as the detonator for some type of war with Russia.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
My friends, it is Friday, the sixth day of September.
2013 will be here for the next three hours live.
Then we'll be back tonight with all the latest developments.
7 o'clock central, InfoWars Nightly News.
Find out details at InfoWarsNews.com.
And then I'll be back this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
central, live with the Sunday show.
That's why we have two different shows a day, the nightly news and the radio show.
That's why I do the Sunday show.
Because the news is moving faster and faster.
More and more is happening.
In fact, I'm tempted to start a Saturday show.
I don't think my wife would be too happy about that.
I got home at midnight again last night.
And the reason I'm doing this, even though there's nothing more I love hanging out with my children and playing Yahtzee with them, or board games, or painting, or hiking around in the woods, or fishing, and there's nothing I love more than hanging out with the French Bulldogs on my lap and my wife, and, you know, cooking supper.
I love that.
In fact, I'm almost scared to take a vacation.
I may never come back.
But I realize they have no future if I'm not here covering this information and trying to get the population, not just of the U.S., but worldwide to understand how much danger we're in.
And InfoWars.com is hitting massive pay dirt politically.
All across the world, people are understanding that our analysis is as close to the truth as you're going to get.
We're not infallible, we don't have all the answers, but we do our homework, we study, we research, and we've got our finger on the pulse of what's happening worldwide.
We know the globalists, we know the other power blocs, we understand what all their agendas are, we've studied the criminology, and we're aware of what's happening.
I've been telling you for two and a half years, because the Pentagon's public about this, and Brzezinski's public about this, these guys all write books and white papers communicating with each other.
But they treat us like we're dumb animals and lie to us on television every night, but then talk to each other in white papers and tell the truth.
What you're seeing in Syria is all about encircling Russia.
When they're done taking out Syria and Iran and Pakistan,
They're going to activate all the jihadi forces encircling Russia, backed up with paramilitary forces of the West, to basically slice up Russia in pieces.
So when you hear Lindsey Graham saying that there are, you know, Al Qaeda jihadis in Mexico infiltrating the U.S., it's true!
And they hate America as well, but they're financed up the chain by the globalists.
And of course the drooling jihadis aren't even aware of that themselves.
You see, when Lindsey Graham says a nuke is going to go off in South Carolina,
We're going to cover that from CBS News in a moment.
He is in the same league as Al Qaeda.
They get power and stand to gain out of fear.
Graham gets the national security state and no-bid weapons contracts and gets to destroy our liberties and poses our savior via the terror threat.
It's elementary, ladies and gentlemen.
So these scum, the Wahhabist Jihadis, and then the military industrial complex itself run by globalist, transhumanist banksters, they are all together as a legion of doom, a legion of psychopathic, sociopathic, control freak world domination, and they've offered the Jihadis the entire Middle East, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, North Africa, if they will attack the West,
And then allow other targets to be bombed so the jihadis can then move in and take over.
See, the jihadis attack, and then the West is then able to then actually come in and invade those areas because Americans can't tell the difference between Shiite and Sunni.
But I'm not going to digress off into all that.
Then you've got Iran that runs Hezbollah that really is dangerous and it really does have all sorts of sleeper cell brigades all over the world.
And it was threatening to kidnap all the top military brass families and kill them.
And it's threatening to attack every U.S.
embassy in the Middle East and Europe.
And it's threatening to then torture everyone to death that they basically get.
And that is coming out
I don't know.
Attack Syria, we're going to activate sleeper cells.
And believe me, Lindsey Graham and the New World Order, they love that.
They'll get to pose as saviors when real terror attacks are happening and say, see, that's why we have the NSA.
See, that's why all this is going on.
And oh, by the way, we've got a deal with domestic extremists.
who are working with the Muslims.
They'll just say Muslims, not Shiite, not Sunni.
And by the way, they're having drills in Florida today of taking on Tea Partiers who have merged with Al-Qaeda or who have merged with other groups.
I mean, this is the fantasy they put out.
The Army War College earlier this year came out and said they believe the Tea Party.
Is going to merge with Muslim extremists to attack the federal government.
Now of course that's not true.
That's ridiculous.
But they're going to tell the paramilitary police that.
And try to have them start a civil war with us.
The globalists aren't building armored fortresses everywhere.
Because they're not planning something.
They want to start a civil war.
They believe they're going to make it through the civil war.
That's really the cover for once and for all breaking the American Republic, stealing all the pension funds, and confiscating our firearms.
And they've got the police and military trained on record.
On record.
For war with the American people.
I saw a raw story
Video taking my friend Joe Rogan out of context with a guest he had saying that I had said that the plastic coffins weren't coffin liners and that they were for the American people.
Guys, pull up Army Manual for re-education camps in America.
I want to give people the FM number at army.mil so you can read about this.
I mean, the Stars and Stripes, the Pentagon, all the major publications.
All the major publications are saying, oh, the Army's going to deal with domestic extremists and their gun owners, veterans, conservatives, libertarians.
It's FM3-39.40.
Internment resettlement operations.
How to process your social security numbers.
How to take your kids from you.
How to then brainwash you.
It's all there, go read it.
Let's see, the mainstream media has done straw men where they say, oh Alex claims that regular coffin liners are actually mass graves.
No, I said FEMA was stockpiling coffin liners that are used in standard burial.
As part of a CDC plan to actually use them for plastic coffins to put up to four bodies a piece in it.
And we got the Bureau of Cemeteries in New York State, Texas, and Arizona.
Remember this years ago?
It's an Aaron Dykes article?
Showing they were being prepared for mass graves and to put people in coffin liners.
And it all started when we had an emergency manager on from Indiana that borders Illinois.
And they said, prepare for a million dead out of Chicago to be buried in your county.
And we had them on the show.
They were part of a drill.
And so we began an investigation and found out they were cashing plastic grave liners all over the country.
And then the media's like, how dare you say the people whose land was leased to put these on are part of a plan to kill everybody?
We never said that.
So they always build a straw man, put the straw man out there, and then say that we said it.
By the way, I'm not predicting that an atomic or hydrogen bomb is going to go off off the coast of South Carolina.
Lindsey Graham, the creature from South Carolina,
You've heard of the creature from the Black Lagoon?
He's the creature from South Carolina.
They're trying to do a recall on him right now with all the Tea Party folks.
He's freaking out.
The word's out on Mr. Open Borders, Mr. Anti-Gun, Mr. Scumbag.
There's the CBS News headline.
Nukes in hands of terrorists could result in bomb coming to Charleston Harbor.
Now, I don't know if that's really going to happen.
I'm saying if we don't cover this, it could be a real threat that they're planning to stage.
You know, a real event, but they're going to stage it.
And so we better talk about it.
Kind of like a month ago, I get a call from one of my law enforcement sources at 9 o'clock at night while I'm at a Mexican food restaurant about to go see the new Matt Damon movie at the time.
I'll walk out in the parking lot, make two phone calls to my state police and military source, confirm the document, call the phone number, have them pick up at the army base in Bastrop and ask how I got it, the restricted document, and then I went and shot a video about how there was a terror alert telling police that there would be terror attacks
On the 8th, 9th, or the two weeks after that, in Austin, naming the targets.
As well as Pasadena, California.
Now, the next day, the Pentagon comes out and says it's a real terror alert we put out.
But it was wrong, there isn't a real Al-Qaeda threat.
They just put that out to create fear-mongering.
Then my detractors take that and claim I put out a fake report.
Look, nobody blew up Austin.
No, we broke hardcore inside info with fake alerts they were putting out to fear-monger and practice federalization of police.
Now, when we come back, our top story, before I get into all the huge news, Putin warns Russia could get involved militarily if they strike Syria.
That's escalating rapidly.
Aircraft carriers, missile cruisers from both sides are showing up.
Russian troop carriers are right alongside Marine Corps troop carriers that are fully loaded, ready for the start of World War III.
But meanwhile, we got missing nukes from a military base in West Texas that are reportedly going to South Carolina, right as Graham says, brace for nuclear attack.
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Alright, let me just recap what happened Tuesday, and then what broke last night, and that is the top story on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Then we'll get into all the latest Syria news and take your phone calls.
Ahead of Gerald Cilente joining us, and Professor Francis Boyle who wrote the U.S.
Chemical Weapons Treaties to break down exactly what he sees happening with the situation in Syria.
But before we go any further here, I want to be very clear about this.
I don't know exactly what's going on here.
I have racked my brain over this.
I can't believe that we're in the middle of this story and that we broke this.
I don't like breaking this story.
It's kind of like if you walked out in a parking lot and some giant gorilla guy, you know, was beating up a woman.
You're not really happy you're going to have to stand up to him, but you know, you just do it.
And this stuff falls in our lap and we confirm it.
I mean, I take my licks, ladies and gentlemen, because this is dangerous.
You don't need to be a rocket scientist to know this, okay?
When they had nukes come up missing in 2007, stealth cruise missiles, they loaded on B-52s and then secretly shipped from Minot, North Dakota, down to
People blew the whistle on the base and six of them committed suicide or got murdered in the next few weeks before investigators could talk to them.
It was a major congressional and Pentagon investigation and they said it was a bizarre accident.
They weren't scheduled to have drills.
They weren't supposed to load the stealth cruise missiles.
Guys, we pull up the famous Minot missing nuke.
Wikipedia's actually got a good page on it with links to the congressional report.
And they've got a Pentagon Air Force report that actually shows the stealth cruise missiles.
They look like little stealth bombers.
I mean, they killed the people.
They killed the people.
Let me explain something.
They killed the people that were witnesses to what really happened here.
So that'll give you an idea of the courage it took for the individual to contact us through another individual.
Because they know about the NSA stuff.
And I'm sure they probably even know who the folks are.
And if you kill these people, we're going to expose it.
And if something happens to us, it's all going to come out.
We don't really know more.
It'll just bring attention onto what's going on.
Nuclear warheads that weren't supposed to be at the Air Force Base, Dyess Air Force Base in West Texas, the B-1B Bomber Base, and the B-1Bs, by the way, most of them, left a few weeks ago.
The word is they're in Diego Garcia, that island off the coast of Africa, in striking distance of the Persian Gulf.
They're a first-strike nuclear below-the-radar weapon, an incredible, probably the greatest bomber ever made, that's declassified.
According to most of the pilots I talk to, it just blows away the B-2 bombers, I'm told.
You know, the whole swept-wing aircraft.
And to make a long story short, this comes in from this source,
They're high level on the base, I'll just leave it at that.
Everyone's standing there with their mouths hanging open.
And the police, there's civilian police on the base, my person witnessed this.
They're the ones that ask questions.
There's no paperwork.
They're like, hey, the base commander's here.
These are going off.
And as it went off the base, the police went to the truck drivers and said, where are you going?
And then there was some type of big fracas over that, because they weren't supposed to ask him.
Truck drivers said, South Carolina, but we don't know where it's going from there.
Now, you're not supposed to talk to me.
Leave me alone.
Everybody knew you're not supposed to just have nuclear weapons that aren't even supposed to be on the base.
And maybe it was a drill or something.
I've tried to wrack my brain.
Maybe they were dummy warheads.
Maybe it was a drill, a test.
They do lots of stuff like this.
I don't know.
See, when I say I don't know what's going on, this is way above my pay grade.
Way above.
I'm in way over my head.
But you know what?
Everybody's in over their head.
Who knows what's really going on?
That's why I'm going to open the phones up.
We have a lot of people that were nuclear launch technicians that retired that have called in with accurate info, because I study this a bit myself.
I can tell they're accurate callers.
I know there's a lot of people that have driven nuclear convoys.
I know they move them around in 18-wheelers and on trains.
That's on record.
Have you ever heard of something like this?
Have you ever... I mean, I know Special Forces usually takes these around, and that's who showed up, reportedly, in plain clothes with Special Forces out of Florida.
To be driving behind and in front of these trucks.
We know that the U.S.
doesn't really just have 8,000 warheads.
Used to be something like 30-something thousand.
The Russians had 40-something thousand.
They claim we've got only 3,000 operational, 8,000 total.
Look, the point is there's a lot more nukes.
But the rest of the story...
The crew came in when these articles came in yesterday from CBS News about Graham saying South Carolina will be hit by a nuke if we don't attack Syria, basically.
And people had turned white, folks.
With, oh my gosh.
And I don't know if it's connected.
It looks bad.
We're going to tell you about what Lindsey Graham is saying about this when we come back.
And I'm going to give the number out because I want to hear what you have to say.
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If you go to PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com or follow us on Twitter at RealAlexJones or on one of our many Facebook pages you can read the headline
Senator Graham warns of nuke strike after missing warheads report.
And here is the CBS News headline.
Graham, nukes in hands of terrorists could result in bomb coming to Charleston Harbor.
This got almost no national attention until today after we broke this last night.
This was in CBS Local and the other TV stations quoting him saying, look I'm telling you in the next six months there will probably be a bombing in Charleston Harbor by Iran or Syria with a nuke if we don't go in there.
You can go read his quotes right there.
And it's linked in our article at Infowars.com that is red-linked in the Featured News area.
Like, I'm gonna have that move back to the top.
You asked the crew to move it back to the top of Featured News.
It's now moved to the bottom.
Now, again, by itself having Lindsey Graham saying, I have intel, they are gonna get an atomic weapon, or already have one, and they're going to bomb the harbor and kill you!
They're trying to basically recall him right now.
They're organizing that and he's up there going, do what I say or you're gonna get blown up!
I mean, he's a terrorist.
That's what terrorists do.
Give me political power or you're dead.
That's the definition of terrorism.
Threatening violence or carrying out violence for a political or economic advantage.
Go read the classical definition of terrorism.
Now they call it, you know, filming the police.
Now they call it liking George Washington.
Well, that's the terrorists.
Of course the terrorists would talk like that.
I mean, this is 2 plus 2 equals 4, and I think they've jumped the shark here.
So, by itself, what is Lindsey Graham doing, running around, saying, we gotta go into Syria or we're gonna get nuked?
That's like, we gotta go into Iraq or he's gonna nuke us.
Tony Blair said he could launch missiles in 45 minutes.
We've got to attack right now.
Oh, these are the mobile trucks that have the anthrax in them when they knew they were British hydrogen trucks to pump up surveillance blimps to direct artillery that the US recommended they buy from
England, so that the CIA commandos could direct artillery in the Iran-Iraq war.
So they knew exactly what the trucks were, premeditatedly, and said that Iraq had done that.
But I'm digressing.
That's the problem with having knowledge, folks, is it's all interconnected.
You just know what a wall of bullet is.
So how are they now saying, we're going to get nuked if we don't do this?
And what did we say?
You can go watch it in the video that's in the article from Tuesday.
We said, you know, this may not just be to covertly ship these overseas because they would have had an official transfer of the weapons.
This is only done by a presidential order to a commander to not have a record of the weapons, and that's very nefarious.
And the word is it was Dick Cheney back in 2007 that had the cruise missiles transferred out of Minot.
So that's a scandal.
Graham's saying that they're going to get hit in Charleston, South Carolina by a nuke.
Or, he said, Charleston or New York.
New York Harbor or Charleston if they don't do this.
I mean, do what I say.
Start World War III.
Do all this or we're going to get nuked.
And the question is,
You got Putin now saying they're going to militarily back up Syria.
I mean, just a bombshell Fox News report linked up on DrudgeReport.com and Infowars.com.
That just changed the last four hours.
You've got Russian troop-carrying ships arriving, and the word is they're loaded, folks.
They're loaded with Spetsnaz marines.
Spetsnaz just means special forces in Russian, so you got Army Spetsnaz, Marine Spetsnaz.
Air Force Spetsnaz, just like in the U.S., you've got different branches of Special Forces.
And they've got Specialized Spetsnaz, Commando Spetsnaz, FSB, you know, Spetsnaz, above that.
Just like, it's the same setup here.
They just call it Delta Force.
And other groups, there's stuff above Delta Force, folks, I will assure you.
They don't even have names.
Men formerly associated with Special Forces is what they're called.
And, I mean, it's on, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's not America versus Russia.
It's global banksters that Russia kicked out in the last decade and arrested.
And I'm not in love with Russia.
They're corrupt and out of control.
But they're not eugenicists now.
They pay you to have kids.
Russia's now saying, don't take all the vaccines.
They're dangerous.
I mean, I think Putin actually likes Russians.
I think that's what this company says.
Get married.
Have children.
Don't take a lot of vaccines.
Don't drink fluoride.
You know, radiation's not good for you.
Over here, it's all the opposite.
Kids, go out and play sports, don't watch television.
The opposite of what our system... And I'm not romanticizing Putin.
I mean, he works for a whole underground KGB echelon.
That really just want to be the robber barons themselves and kick the Rothschilds and Rockefellers out.
That's come out in court, they kicked them out.
That most of the Russian stuff was owned, going back even to 1920 or so, by the globalists, like Armand Hammer and Al Gorshdad and all that.
They made all the money off the Soviet Union.
Kleptocratic globalists ran the commies, ladies and gentlemen.
Oh, it's for the people!
You're in a forced labor camp, Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
How's that sound?
So we've got all this going on, and so we put this, this intel came in about 9am on Tuesday.
For some reason I wasn't told about it until after the show, which I guess I told them don't interrupt me, but then stuff like that they shouldn't interrupt me.
And then we confirm it, make some calls after the show.
We put our story out about 4.
This came out about 5 o'clock on CBS News and others, right after we'd already started putting our report out.
Simultaneously, Graham, we learned about this the last night, yesterday afternoon, is saying, brace for nuke attack.
So, we're told the nukes are going there, and then now he says, Charlton, South Carolina or New York Harbor, those are the targets of the Muslim extremist
If we don't go into Syria and Iran, and then now Iran chimes in saying, we are going to run black ops on you.
Give you a tax.
So, I mean, this is just a complete disaster, ladies and gentlemen.
And I don't know exactly what's going on here.
And this may all be unrelated.
Okay, my source, who I doubt is wrong, didn't tell me this.
I'm trying to come up with excuses.
Other possibilities.
Maybe it was dummy warheads.
Maybe it was part of a drill.
Maybe they wanted to see how people would respond.
But my gut tells me this is really scary and really dangerous.
To the point of I'm not even freaked out really.
It's so horrible.
And my gut tells me things are so serious now I'm even more focused.
I'm just resigned to whatever happens.
And you look at all the rest of the stuff going on in the world, and I said Tuesday, I said,
Anthony Gucciardi, in the interview he did, he said, this could be a false flag.
And I said, yes.
They could hold the East Coast hostage.
They could detonate it and say Syria or Iran did it.
And then little did I know, as I was taping that for the nightly news, at like 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and it aired at 7.
As I was taping that emergency alert for the InfoWars Nightly News, Graham was giving a town hall meeting saying that.
And the media didn't pick up on it nationally.
You'd think they would, saying, we're gonna get by nukes.
It's gonna happen.
Go read his quotes.
I'm not telling you it's a possibility.
I'm saying it's probably gonna happen.
If you don't get behind this war, and you've got them caught lying about no boots on the ground, and now they need boots on the ground, and lying and saying they never said red line when he clearly said red line, and you've got
The fact that they are running Al-Qaeda, and Al-Qaeda is the main force, and the image of the Al-Qaeda bums, you know, with military lined up shooting them, is really freaking people out.
And then throwing them in wells so the villagers have to fish the rotten bodies out, you know, so it ruins the water for five years.
That's an old tactic to throw dead bodies in wells, folks.
Those deep desert wells that are hundreds of feet, even if they're able to fish them out, they've ruined those wells for years.
If they're unable to immediately fish out all the dead bodies.
And that's what they're doing.
Scorched earth.
They tell the Christians, come out, it'll be okay.
They come out, they rape them, kill them.
And there's al-Qaeda videos where they say, you are a infidel, so I'm gonna rape and kill you.
And there's all these, there's a video on the official jihadi sites that Drudge Report linked to last night from InfoWars.com.
Where an Al-Qaeda operative says, we do as Bin Laden told us.
We kill women and children.
We're going to kill every Christian in Syria.
Oh, son of Bin Laden, oh!
I mean, you have to hear this stuff.
It's disgusting!
And you realize our military is training these people in Jordan.
And it's disgusting!
Put that back on screen, guys, and take the bug down so folks can read it.
Thank you.
Yeah, those are trying to take out the chemicals which produce a lethal and deadly gas that I possess.
And yeah, he's bragging that he's been given the chemical weapons and that of course they're using chemical weapons.
And you can look at that guy.
That's not an actor.
That's the real deal, folks.
When you look at
Adam Gadon, the grandson of the former head of the ADL, that's an operative from Estudios in D.C.
On-record Pentagon operative.
Just like Ammar al-Awlaki.
But that guy right there, that guy is a real Wahhabist jihadi right there.
We kill the kids and women, as Osama bin Laden said, until they cease killing our women.
And who are they killing?
Other Muslims.
Who want to send their daughters to college, and who want to have freedom in their country, and who is the last pouring in, like a poison, from the Caucuses, and from Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan, and Qatar, and Libya.
They are injecting the jihadis in, who wear Bin Laden insignias, and he is their God.
He is their George Washington.
And they are 60% of the force.
The Council on Foreign Relations admitted a year ago and said we need them.
Now they're more than 60%.
And folks, they are absolute worst of the worst.
Torturers, rapers, make fathers go do suicide bombing or they kill their whole families.
You know most suicide bombers, they come and say, alright Christian, alright Alawite, you're gonna go blow up that police checkpoint, or we're gonna kill your three daughters and your two sons and your wife.
And they go, please don't make me do it, please, there's videos of this.
They go, okay, walk over to the three-year-old, blow their head off.
The guy cries, now, I will kill the rest, unless you suicide bomb.
Is that clear?
And the father gets in the truck, loads it up, drives it in, blows it up, and usually they just line the family up anyways, shoot them up against the wall, you know, watch videos online, splatter their guts all over the wall, and go, la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la, when they do it.
I mean, this, this is the type of stuff that's going on, and I'm supposed to sit here, and watch all this going on,
We're in the middle of a Shiite-Sunni civil war, folks.
And the Iranians, a million-plus Iranians, a million-one, a million-five, a little less than a million-one, died in the seven-year war with Iraq, folks.
A million of them.
A million of them.
They will fight.
You understand that?
And the globalists, that's their false flag, I'm beginning to understand.
They're going to start a war with Iran.
And again, I'm not living over there, I'm not a fan of the Mullahs, but they're not attacking us.
They say, you keep pushing, fine, we're going to go completely crazy with asymmetrical warfare everywhere, and the government's like, good, we're going to totally take over when they attack us.
You understand?
So the globalists run Al Qaeda to start the war with the Shiites.
The Shiites are going to go completely ape.
And it's going to be jihad everywhere, and the New World Order is going to swoop in and take over during the crisis.
You got what the EAS takeover systems are for in the media?
You got what the checkpoints are set up for?
You got what everything's primed for?
It's a coup d'etat.
How do you take down America, create and finance a foreign enemy, get giant wars going, and then use the big war, maybe even with Russia, as a pretext to say, you better get in line with what the government wants, or
It's going to be the end of the world, basically.
We're being held hostage by the crazy globalists.
Yeah, let's go chant USA for Al Qaeda, ladies and gentlemen.
So here it is out of Fox News.
Putin warns Russia.
Could come to serious aid.
As he touched down in St.
Petersburg yesterday, President Obama greeted him.
And you guys printed me this.
It cut it off again.
I want to put a new printer driver in there.
So we don't relive this Groundhog Day.
It's not a big deal.
You have to get IT over with a new printer.
I don't care what we have to do.
I just need this where I can read it.
But there's the article as he touched down.
He cordially greeted Bilal's the tender box the two leaders are sitting on as they posture and deliberate over the potential U.S.
strike on Syria, one of Russia's closest Mideast allies.
Putin escalated concerns about the fallout from a strike when he indicated in an interview published Wednesday that his country would send Syria and its neighbors in the region the components of missile shield if the U.S.
General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testified this week that the Russians might even replace any military assets the U.S.
destroy in the strikes.
And it goes on from there.
This is all going on.
This is all happening.
And meanwhile, I'm going to explain this to you again.
I'm just going to say it this way.
It appears secret nuclear weapons cash was disappeared out of Dyess Air Force Base.
And we were told from our source it was going to South Carolina.
I don't know if that's true.
But obviously everyone was freaking out because this was completely legal from what I know about law in the last investigation of this happening in 2007.
So again, I'm going to open the phones up to former
Special forces that handled Davy Crockett type systems, frog systems, you name it.
My sources weren't even sure what type of warheads they were.
They looked like warheads that would go inside.
I'm not even sure of what they said.
They look like the type that would go on an ICBM, because the MIRV pops open, and then it's got warheads inside of it.
Rocket-loaded warheads that come back into the atmosphere, the top pops off, the nose cone pops off, you'll have a bunch of dummies as well, and then those will fire out in different directions to stop anti-missile systems, and then you'll have say half of them that are actually
Hydrogen bombs.
But from what I know, I'm just going to leave it at that, they look like just the warheads.
The smaller warheads.
But not tactical types that a three or five man team would carry.
I don't know.
I don't know.
Again, most people who even worked in nuclear forces wouldn't know all this stuff.
It's all extremely classified.
I've tried to study it.
I've tried to understand it.
Dr. Bob Bowman, our big nuclear expert, died last week.
We can't get the former head of the Star Wars program on about that anymore.
I'd love to be getting his take on what happened here and his knowledge.
So it's really terrible when people like that die.
You lose all that knowledge.
Not just a good man.
So I need to open the phones up to nuclear strike forces, former people that worked in this, security folks in the Marines, the Army, the Air Force that would give security on convoys of nukes.
What do you think?
Because I don't know.
I don't know.
I mean, I know, real source, freaked out, said this is going on.
Going to South Carolina, the same day Graham comes out and says, look for South Carolina to be hit by nukes.
If you don't give up all your rights.
I mean, literally a terrorist, you know.
Bombs will go off, you don't do what I say!
I mean, that's a terrorist.
That's the definition.
Do what I say or bombs go off.
Increase Homeland Security's funding or we'll be nuked.
I mean, this is what they all do.
Big Sis, all of them.
And we'll go 20 minutes to the next hour before Gerald Cilente joins us.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live and I'm giving the phone number out for any active duty or retired military personnel that want to give their take, and I know it's speculation, on any other reason they could say that they were releasing without paperwork
Multiple truckloads of secret warhead caches at Dyess Air Force Base in Texas to be sent to South Carolina.
And then we have Lindsey Graham, one of the chief warmongering neocon monsters, just total authoritarian, who's been financing Al Qaeda against the Syrian people.
But he has the nerve to say, if you're even in contact with Al-Qaeda, you don't get a lawyer if you're a U.S.
citizen, and that we're going to torture you and kill you.
Don't forget those quotes.
I have it in the upcoming Obama deception, too.
He said that on C-SPAN.
Meanwhile, he's funding Al-Qaeda.
What do you think's going on?
You don't have to be part of the retired nuclear forces.
I know we've had those calls here.
I know enough to know that people are real and know what they're talking about.
I just want your angle, your perspective, because I'm not a talk show host that will just tell you, I know what's going on, if I don't know what's going on.
Most of the time I do know what's going on, or I've got a good idea of it, but, I mean, is it coincidence he's saying, South Carolina, brace to be nuked if you don't attack Syria and Iran?
And that they're going to, you know, Iran or Syria is going to bring a bomb in here and blow it up.
Meanwhile, nukes are being sent there.
Or maybe, and who knows, it may not just be nukes being delivered out of DAIS.
Maybe this is happening on another basis.
I don't know.
And by the way, before I go to your calls and all this craziness,
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All right, John says he's a chemical nuclear schooled ex-military.
We've got about two minutes before we go to break.
What is your take on what I've laid out here, sir?
Well, quickly, Alex, I just wanted to talk about that chemical attack that happened in Syria.
There was a guy on CNN, they were interviewing, and it said that he survived that chemical attack by making a homemade gas mask.
He punched holes in the bottom of a paper cup and stuffed it with cotton batting and held it over his mouth.
Well, that kind of mask is no good against nerve agents.
A drop the size of a pinhead on your skin will kill you.
It's no good against blister agents, mustard gas, lewis-bright phosgene.
Oh, obviously that's pure bull, of course.
Yeah, I've seen him saying that, yeah.
The only thing that massive help would stop was chlorine gas.
That's the first gas the Germans used in World War I. And as an emergency measure, the French and British troops had to urinate on a cotton pad and hold it over their mouth.
That was the only thing.
It would stop chlorine gas.
Anybody can make chlorine gas.
Yeah, one reason Hitler was so mentally ill is he got reverse gas three times when the gas would blow back on the German lines.
Real quick, and I'll hold you over and then go to others, but what's your take on these missing nukes?
I don't know, Alex.
They've gotten away with so much, with killing Kennedy, the Oklahoma City, with 9-1-1.
I mean, they figured they can get away with anything, and it may be a false flag.
Stay there, I'm going to come back to you.
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Waging war on corruption.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're into hour number two.
Unbelievably serious.
That word pales in significance.
Incredibly dire developments are unfolding.
We're going to cover it in the next segment.
Gerald Salente is coming up.
We're going to your phone calls right now.
Loaded phones with a former and current military to give their take on our source on the military base.
Known to us for a very long time.
I'll just leave it at that.
A senior.
I don't want to give away too much.
Having to take the risk knowing to tell us that nuclear warheads were pretty much illegally transferred, from what I know, off the base of South Carolina from Dyess Air Force Base in Texas.
We've called the base multiple times.
They freak out when we call.
They won't respond.
No one from the base has called us to deny this.
That's another development there.
We should do another report on that.
We have videos of us calling the base online at InfoWars.com.
Well, I'll recap this in the next segment.
The point is, if you just joined us, Lindsey Graham, the Senator from South Carolina, we now learn is giving speeches saying that South Carolina must brace for a nuclear attack brought in by ship from Syria if we don't attack Syria.
We may have caught him directly in a false flag.
I don't know.
But believe me, this is bizarre.
I mean, him saying that it's not a question of if, but when they get nuked,
In Charleston, of all places.
I mean, how do you know all this, Graham?
I mean, this is really suspicious.
John, what's your take on this?
Well, like I said, Alex, they've gotten away with so much.
They figure they're invincible.
Nobody's paid for anything that's been done before.
Nobody went to prison or got hung over or anything.
And so they figured they could pull anything.
And it could be a false flag.
But it's hard saying.
But another thing I want to talk about is that with this upcoming war, it may be involve Russia and China, is that Russia and China has had a civil defense program for centuries.
I mean for their people, not just for the globalists, for the people.
Now where's our fallout shelters, where's all of our chemical suits, gas masks, you know?
They don't have nothing, nothing for anybody here.
I mean, I got the stuff here.
I know how to survive a nuclear attack, at least the initial stages of it.
I've been trained numerous times, in the Army and the National Guard, both.
But the average person, they don't know what to do.
Well, I'm just sick of these establishment people on power trips endangering us.
And if folks don't think they won't start a nuclear war, elites throughout history do suicidal stuff.
In fact, that's the norm, not the exception.
And everybody better be concerned.
And I think people are concerned.
You've got a 9% approval rating in Reuters for this.
They're getting 500 to 4 phone calls in Congress.
That's mainstream news reporting that.
All these Congress people are saying they're turning against the war because their constituents are saying no.
So people better care about their kids.
Thank you for the call, John.
Stephen Ohio, former military, worked in nuclear.
What do you think about what we've said here?
Because I don't know what's going on.
Well, I'll tell you something, Alex.
It does sound like, from what you described, it does sound like they are nukes that have been moved.
The big question is, did they also move the lower stages with the solid rocket propellant in it?
No, it was just the warheads, and now the person won't talk to us.
Okay, well I can understand why.
See, because when I was a missile team chief in the Minuteman II weapons system, I had anywhere from four to seven different silos that I had to take care of, me and my team.
And I can understand why he's not talking about it, because it
It's an under penalty, a death thing, man.
I mean, would you die to disclose that information?
No, I know.
No, I understand this.
Well, we were already told it went on, but then that was it, and then it just cut off.
And again, I don't want to give out too much info so they can figure it out, but the point is, is that...
No, no.
I mean, the person knew how much danger they were in doing this.
But, you know, you start caring about your kids, I'll tell you right now, and you see nukes going off the base.
I don't even want to be reporting this.
It's so dangerous.
Stay there.
I want to come back to you, Steve.
Don't hang up.
I want to let you talk a few minutes and give your take on this, okay?
Hey, stay there.
Then we're going to go to Don, Chris, and Ben after Steve.
Then Gerald Celente is coming up.
Some stations join us at the start of the next segment on Recap News.
Go back to Steve.
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iPhone app droid apps everything at InfoWars.com on the listen page or InfoWars.com Forward slash show we're now into the second hour going back to your phone calls and Gerald Salente is coming up I Want to be clear about something here intellectually
But also in my gut.
I know I am in the greatest danger I've ever been in.
I'm not stupid.
They killed at least six people that reported the illegal transfer of stealth high-tech cruise missiles in 2007.
And I've got the entire Air Force investigation right here.
It was a national news story.
And when that first came out, people were saying it wasn't true for about a week.
Then the witnesses all died, but then it came out that somebody was trying to steal nuclear weapons.
That, by the way, could fly, like, 4,000 miles.
I mean, these things look like little stealth bombers that they drop out of the bottom of B-52s.
There it is.
Headquarters, U.S.
Air Force.
Unauthorized transfer of nuclear warheads.
Major General Doug Rehberg, investigating officer.
And there's the two different types of cruise missiles that were stolen.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, no one knows who stole them.
Everybody involved fell down and hit their heads.
But it was ordered.
And people on the base spoke out.
And then they died.
I didn't ask the people to give us this info, by the way, that gave us this info.
And now I've got some report there's some kind of alert going on at the base and then the commander said that it was just a joke.
You cannot make this up.
I'm going back to your calls.
This is today.
Abilene Air Base commander has zombie defense plan.
So now they're putting out all sorts of weird stories about zombies.
I'm not joking.
This is KTXS Channel 12 News.
By the way, they use that as a drill to practice mowing down citizens.
They call those zombie defense drills now.
People go, you're practicing to kill guys in John Deere hats.
Literally, they always dress in overalls, John Deere hats, they wave signs, this is America, and they practice killing them.
We have video of it.
Well, now they're doing that at the base.
I'm just going to shut up at this point, because this is getting too bizarre.
If you just joined us, Lindsey Graham said, the day we said, we didn't even know this until yesterday, that Charleston, South Carolina or New York Harbor are both nuke targets, and we don't attack Syria, and an attack could happen in the next six months, and that he has intel.
And then we learned from our source, because of the police and others, that my source witnessed.
We're like, well, what do you mean you got nukes and it's not signed for?
What's going on?
Where is this going?
They're like, hey, base commander, we're going to South Carolina, and leave us, you know, get out of your business, slam the door.
I mean, that's the kind of stuff going on, folks.
Because people know you're not supposed to just have nuclear weapons drive down the road without authorization.
It obviously came from Obama.
But let's think about this fact.
What is Obama doing in control of our nuclear weapons?
This is an anti-family, anti-gun, New World Order guy that says you didn't build your business and he's got the nukes.
I don't know.
Maybe it was just some drill, and my source didn't understand it.
Maybe it's something else.
Well, maybe it's a coincidence Lindsey Graham's saying this.
Because I don't want this to be true, even though my source is good, and what he saw is true.
It's kind of like when the police gave me the document a month ago, how they were told imminent terror attack.
A day later, the Pentagon said that's a real alert, but it's not a real threat.
So, maybe this is something else.
What do you think about what I just said?
Well, I, number one, let me put your mind at ease just a little bit, okay?
The only way, it's not like that they can pop those things out of a nose cone and throw them up in the air and shoot them with a gun and have them go off.
It doesn't work that way.
There's several things that need to happen in order for those to go boom.
What those are?
I'm not telling you.
Um, number two... But I mean, it's known, it's special, special keys that, you know, turn on the warhead itself, special codes that have to be sent to it.
Yeah, that's the launch, okay?
But when they're up in the air and, you know, and they're on their target, there's just, there's a series of circumstances that have to go on before the warhead can actually go boom.
Sure, I mean, isn't that an ultra-low frequency transmission?
It's one of the systems.
Yeah, that's a different system.
What you're talking about is, this is not an exercise.
They don't take those no cones and nukes and say, oh wow, okay, we have an exercise today.
Take all the nukes off of there, put them on a truck, and take them to South Carolina.
Which they would more than likely end up in Myrtle Beach.
Because if he's talking about Charleston, Myrtle Beach is exactly where they need to be.
I don't believe for one second that this... Obama can't say, move those.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff has to say, move those.
If he would call me at my site and say, move that weapon, I'd tell him to go where he has to go because it ain't happening unless I get direct orders from the Pentagon.
And that's where those orders came from if they were moved.
They came from the Pentagon.
No place else.
Let me ask you this.
Why not put them on a plane and fly them there?
I know they use trucks to transport nuclear weapons.
That's come out in Congress.
But, I mean, again, I was only given limited info.
People were freaked out.
It was done through intermediaries because of the danger, obviously.
And they just said it was all completely irregular.
Well, it would be completely irregular because you just don't do stuff like that.
It's not an everyday occurrence.
Okay, then what is the point then?
I don't, I mean, I don't, I mean, I'm sure Obama and the globalists or whoever can already get a hold of warheads if they want.
I mean, why take them out of some secret mothball at the Air Force Global Strike Command or whatever?
Well, it could very well possibly be a false flag attack, Alex.
I wouldn't rule that out for a second and a half.
Okay, but I'm going to tell you this.
You're worried about your kids?
I'm definitely worried about mine.
I got them all over the country.
What I don't want to see is I don't want to see more kids go in there, get blowed up for an absolutely no reason.
And then, uh, you know, you're telling these, you're telling these kids they're heroes.
Yeah, under a false pretense.
You know, I agree.
But not, not, not this way.
This is wrong.
Well, I mean, Russia, Russia is lining up.
Sir, God bless you.
Make your final point.
I'm sorry.
You know, I mean, come on, Alex.
This is, if I was to do this and take these, I would be a terrorist.
Graham says that, you know, Charleston, South Carolina is going to get hit by a nuke.
Everybody needs to ask him, how do you know?
Everybody needs to ask him,
Okay, if it happens, we're coming for you.
Because evidently, you're the one behind it.
Because you told us.
How obvious is this?
God bless you, sir.
And I've got all these Air Force people.
They can really talk.
This is an Air Force base.
Who do I go to?
Do I go?
They're all former Air Force nuclear.
They're all lined up.
Don in Indiana, you're up next.
And Bill, Chris, and Ben, thank you for calling in, gentlemen.
Don, what do you think?
I don't understand all this stuff.
Well, I guarded nuclear weapons on two bases in the 70s.
Fort Smith Air Force Base in Michigan, Plattsburgh Air Force Base in upstate New York.
And I can tell you this, nuclear weapons are very tightly controlled to the point where, in our case, if there was any deviation or any threat to those weapons at all, we were actually trained
And we would have done it to kill one another on the spot.
So, the fact that they were taken out of that base without, with any kind of suspicious circumstances, that kind of amazes me because the redundancy and strictness of which they're controlled,
You're not going to be able to just walk out of the security system.
It had to be ordered from the top.
It had to be ordered from the top.
And remember, this happened in 2007.
This has happened before.
But even at the violation, even if it is ordered from the top, I mean, there's going to be a compensation.
It felt like maybe there was.
Now they got out of that base.
Let's see, they were convoyed out.
I know the NRC runs a SWAT team, but convoy is real covert, where nukes are going down the road all the time, and you don't know about it.
And, you know, no one does.
You're very fortunate to get the information that you got, and the man that gave that to you, his life is in danger for sure.
Well, I mean, all I was told is there was a circus.
And now they've told the media, oh, there was a circus because we had a drill, basically.
Yeah, you know what I think?
I'm assuming those are the big ones that you were talking about, the weapons.
I don't know.
From what I was given, it was warheads.
They've been in storage for like the 80s on that base, right?
On that depot.
They didn't know there was nukes there.
That was the big freakout.
It's like these nukes are being taken off the base.
They're like, nukes?
They're not supposed to be nukes here!
Well, they can be detonated on the ground.
They have, uh, those large ones, the ones I guarded, they have six safeties.
The last one's a drogue chute that has to, uh, float in the center of the weapon before it's fully armed, just like that, uh, missile, uh, tech was telling you, but...
They can, those safeties can be removed on the ground, including the drogue chute.
I know that for sure because of an incident that we had on the Wurtschmerz Air Force Base.
I won't get into that, but they can be detonated on the ground, but my gut feeling is those weapons are being taken to some type of Air Force base that can be picked up by B-52s or B-1 bombers
Taken overseas and dropped on Russia.
Exactly, exactly.
That's what we're hoping.
That it's at least just for putting them on planes for contingency.
But why wouldn't you just... Why would you make it all secret then?
I mean, why would there not be paperwork?
Again, oh man.
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Alright, Gerald Salente is with us for the balance of the hour.
And I will, at 45 aperture, get back to Chris.
Ben and Bill and Justin and Ken, we've got all these retired U.S.
Navy and U.S.
Air Force folks that handle nuclear weapons calling in because, believe me folks, just like when I got that terror alert in Austin, we broke it first.
Turned out they had put out a terror alert saying terror attack was imminent to fear monger.
It was real.
We told you the Navy SEALs were saying that their families had been murdered, or their families were saying that they'd been murdered, and then now all that's come out from SEAL Team 6.
I mean, we told you that within weeks of it happening.
It came out years later.
I mean, I have real sources, and I'll be honest with you, it's starting to really freak me out to have people calling me freaked out that are risking their lives
To say, listen, here's the word.
These nukes just rolled out.
It was highly irregular.
This is where they said they're going.
Special forces with them.
I mean, this is really scary.
And Gerald Talente has written a lot about how he thinks nuclear war could start in the last decade.
And they're trying to have war with Russia.
He said, you know, when they lose it, the bankers do, they launch war.
That's what his last Trends Journal was about.
And you've got all this craziness going on.
This is a short segment, long segment coming up.
Gerald Talente, one of the top trends forecasters in the world, TrendsJournal.com.
Gerald, what do you make of just Putin now saying he'll give military aid to Syria?
Coming out, it's a false flag.
9% approval rating for the war.
Seems like the best of time, worst of time.
People are waking up, but the tyrants don't care.
They're full steam ahead.
What are you thinking about what's happening currently, and what do you predict?
Well, and it's not only Putin.
Let's listen to Iran as well.
Iran is promising revenge if there's an attack on Syria.
And again, this isn't warmongering or screaming wolf.
This is coming out of their own mouths and being reported by the mainstream press such as Reuters and AFP and others.
So, they're making it very clear that if either Israel or the United States attacks Syria, there's going to be high-level payback.
You go, Alex, to the top trends for 2013, this trends journal right here, you go to the first story, and my top trend for 2013 was war.
And we've been writing now for over two years about how they were setting up the Syrian conflict as the flashpoint for this war.
And throughout our writing, we kept showing what they were saying, you know, that Syria was loading nuclear, uh, excuse me, uh, chemical weapons on planes and on and on, and how one thing was followed by another lie, and that there was absolutely no proof.
But in the public's mind, they're getting the news that Syria is using gas or chemical weapons.
So they're setting the public up, have been setting the public up, and all anyone has to do that has a half a mind or really cares, and now you could of course get it over the internet,
Is the Senate hearings, where Kerry and Hagel, our Secretary of Defense, were playing a replay of Colin Powell and Donald Rumsfeld.
Another cheap act of a Secretary of State and a Secretary of Defense selling the people our lives.
And then, with anyone with a half a brain, or that really cares,
If you could listen to these senators, one after another, babbling on about what we have to do, there wasn't a man or woman among them.
Rand Paul made a, you know, some kind of an effort to stand up and say something, but he was knocked down really quickly.
And he folded quickly.
But when you listen to the stupidity coming out of Clown Corker, the guy from Tennessee's mouth, and here's something else, Alex, I am sick and tired of hearing.
If only women were in charge, there'd be peace on earth, goodwill toward men.
All you had to do was listen to Barbara Boxer.
Boy, no wonder why Hollywood is going down.
Because the senator from California over there, you want to see another bad Hollywood act, all you had to do was listen to her and listen to the phony script.
It was bad as the rest of the movies.
And then you have the other one over there from New Hampshire.
Same bad act, all war.
Well, you got three women at the UN warmongering as well.
It's unbelievable.
We're going to come back and break down where you think this is going.
And then we're going to take a few calls for Gerald Cilente, a very interesting gentleman that are holding like Chris, Mike, Bill, Justin, and Ken.
And I'll try to get to them for quick answers as well.
Gerald Cilente is our guest.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the Resistance.
Well, I'll tell you, I'm in a real dilemma.
I've got all these folks that transported nuclear weapons wanting to give us their take on the missing nukes out of Texas.
And Graham Singh, South Carolina, is bracing for attack.
And I've got Gerald Cilente on as one of my favorite guests.
He's so informative to get his take on things.
He's got his new Trends Journal coming out with an incredible cover.
Showing the TSA patrolling a train station that says it all.
We're going to be breaking that down in just a moment.
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Okay, going back to Gerald Cilente.
And guys, let's put up on the screen his new Trends Journal so I can read folks the headline on that.
It's the new Trends Journal.
History before it happens.
The surveillance state has arrived, and they're in the news today admitting that the NSA does break into your computer without warrants, and has backdoors to everything.
Oh boy, Greenwald dropped a bombshell on us, let's arrest Snowden.
This is all old news, folks.
The news is, though, they've been lying to us, and now the NRA finds out they're spying on gun owners.
Who would have thought that?
They're spying on everybody.
Okay, and Gerald Cilente, I want to get into where you see all this going.
Putin calling Kerry a liar, openly.
Matt Drudge coming out and saying that the Republicans are a bunch of trash as well.
I mean, that's a big shift right there.
500 to 4 phone calls to Congress being reported against the war.
I see a mass awakening.
Can you speak to that and where we are geopolitically and where we are psychologically worldwide and where you see things going, Gerald Cilente?
What I'm most concerned about, Alex, is there's going to be something that they will use, either false flag or real, to unite the American people in an attack against our freedom and liberty.
And they'll use some kind of something to get the people riled up.
And here's the hypocrisy, by the way.
Where are all of these liberals out there?
You know, the Hollywood liberals, the liberals on the MSNBCs and the other stations, the broadcast and print media, and all of those others, that if Bush was pulling the stunt that Obama's pulling now, they would be screaming bloody murder.
So here's the deal.
When you have that group already sold and they don't have the courage or the respect to speak out and admit they've been conned by the commander-in-chief, he already has that group.
Now he brings in the other group, speaking about Obama, if there is something that is alleged to have been done.
Look how well they're still selling the propaganda.
So if there's a false flag or some other kind of attack to rally the people, they'll do it like that.
That's my fear.
And as I've been writing for a decade now,
And it's not my original thinking.
It comes from Einstein, who said, I don't know how the Third World War will be fought, but I know the Fourth will be fought with sticks and stones.
When I mentioned about watching these hearings, you can see what a bunch of imbeciles that we have that we call our congressmen and senators.
And if anybody doubts me for one moment,
Just go look at that clip by Nancy Pelosi talking about what her five-year-old grandson had to say about whether or not, me, me, should we go, yes, should we go, no, against Syria.
What do I care what a five-year-old kid is talking about?
Well, what about Alyssa Milano putting on a fake sex tape using sex to sell a war?
I mean, I have had it with these authoritarian scumbags.
So what I'm saying is, when you see the level of stupidity coming from our psychopaths and sociopaths, they are going to take us to war, in some fashion or another.
I agree with you.
Unless the people continue doing what they're doing, standing up and taking a stand, and showing the fraud that this is.
And by the way, you mentioned Snowden, and Greenwald, and remember the IRS scandal.
And how about, oh, Alex, why should we talk about those crappy unemployment numbers that came out, that were way below expectations?
They expected over 180,000 crappy jobs to be reported, because as a fact, 97% of all the jobs that were created in the last year of part-time work
They expected 180,000, it came in around 169,000, and then they revised downward.
Those June and July... And now there's 90,473,000 people out of the workforce, 10 million permanent jobs lost under Obama.
I mean, we're in a depression.
And let's talk about Syria.
You see what I'm saying?
They're just, as I've been saying over and over, when all else is lost, they take you to war.
So they have the people's minds off what matters most.
And that's their livelihood and a future.
So they're using this, and very effectively, to change the subject.
Now, look what's going on with interest rates.
As interest rates go up, this is an interest rate recovery, they are setting in our minds now that the tapering is going to have to stop in a couple of weeks.
Matter of fact, what's the vote coming up?
September 9th?
The Fed meets around the middle of the month.
So if they decide to do something, Congress bends over and bows down to El Presidente, and they decide some kind of a military action, the Fed can then get away with this tapering, because here's the other end of the deal.
The only reason the emerging markets emerged at all is because all of the cheap money that the Fed has been pumping into the system.
And again, you don't have to believe me.
Pick up the Financial Times and read it for yourself.
Yeah, when they stop doing it, it's going to make the world economy go in the toilet.
So it's already going into the toilet.
Look what's happening to the Indian rupee.
The rupee's down.
It's at all-time lows.
And now they're putting on restraints so the money doesn't keep flowing out of the country.
They're doing the same thing in Brazil with the Reales.
That's crashing.
And then you tie in the other element of the big lies and the big psychopaths.
That cat over there over in Turkey.
Oh, you know, Erdogan.
Yeah, the one that people were rebelling about just a couple of months ago and holding these mass demonstrations?
The Turkish Aliyah is crashing.
The stock market has lost a third from its high in May.
Put it in layman terms for folks.
Historically, when empires and countries start failing, the crooks will take you to war.
Now we've got nuclear weapons.
Let me ask you this question.
When I watched Tuesday and Wednesday, those hearings, of the scum, especially in the Senate, and how arrogant and obviously narcissistic
And it's not fair to say feminine, because that's mean to women.
I mean, the men weren't a bunch of candy asses.
I'm sorry to use that word.
You could just see they weren't men.
You wouldn't want to drink a beer with them.
You wouldn't want to go hang out.
We wouldn't want to go fishing with them.
They just all look like repugnant, slimy, pervert creeps.
I mean, we really are ruled by slop.
I agree.
But I just want to make that point with Turkey.
Now this guy Erdogan, he's screaming for more war against Syria.
As a distraction.
And that's their neighbor.
They have a 900 mile border that they share.
And so he's beating the war drums and the Turkish are one of the biggest armies in NATO.
So, this is what I'm saying, and I agree, by the way, what you said.
Any of those guys, we can use that term loosely, at that Senate hearing, you know, I wouldn't want to be around them if a fight broke out, man, and I needed some help.
And did you see the way how Kerry folded so quickly when he asked the Joint Chief of Staff over there to come and defend him when Rand Paul was asking him a question, and the guy said, well I have nothing to say, and under his breath,
Kerry said words to the effect, well, you just threw me under the bus.
That's what kind of cheap act this is.
And I illustrate that so that the people listening could understand.
That we don't have a lot to fight against.
If we stand up as individuals with courage, they will fold like deck chairs.
They're setting up Homeland Security and all this intimidation because they're all a bunch of corrupt
Twerps, who are so delusional they think it's manly to dominate the few final countries they don't control.
They are absolutely the plague to our society.
I want to jam in some quick calls and come back and get your ideas on how to turn this around.
But just briefly looking at this then, if you've got 500 to 4 on average, you know, the calls into Congress, they're all reporting this.
A different Congress, some say it's 500-4, 100-1, 249-2, but it's over 99% of the calls are against it.
And they're still saying we've got to have war, and McCain goes on CNN and goes, well I did get yelled at at all the town halls, but I think they're starting to turn around and, you know, want to help the people.
When the West started the war, and I want to play this Putin clip of him.
Debate in Congress.
I've watched debates in Congress.
The Congressman asks Mr. Kerry, is there Al-Qaeda?
People say they've gotten stronger.
He says, no, I say officially, they aren't there.
The main combat unit, the so-called Al-Nursa, is a unit of Al-Qaeda.
They know about this.
It's not pleasant for me to see this.
Well, we communicate with them and assume that they are decent people.
He lies openly and he knows that he lies.
This is sad.
And then they start laughing, but almost in a freaked out way, and I look at the Russians and I talk to some high-level media I know, as I know you know, they're actually genuinely freaked out, and our government media isn't!
They think it's all fun to have nuclear war!
And again, what Putin said about Kerry lying about who our so-called allies are?
Do you need any more proof than this?
That was in yesterday's toilet paper of record?
Of Al-Qaeda assassinating these guys that are kneeled down?
Look at this brutality!
Look at the Christian villages that they are attacking!
And it's hardly making the news at all!
So, Putin is 100% right.
They're lying.
But the other part of the story, Alex, is also, again, what's going to happen if they go to war.
And here's something from a Trends Journal, Top Ten Trends 1998.
As reported this past September, Russia has lost track of more than 100 suitcase-sized nuclear bombs, each capable of killing up to 100,000 people.
And I go on to say about all the other weapons of mass destruction that had been on the black market, people forget this, when the former Soviet Union broke up.
So what's going to happen here, by the way, I was brought down to VMI, Virginia Military Institute, in 2000 to speak about new millennium warfare and what it would look like.
Actually, I had lunch with General Anthony Zinni, a fine gentleman, by the way, who was opposed to a lot of what's going on then and what's going on now.
And you know how they say the generals are always fighting the last war?
So they brought me down to give them a trendside view of what new millennium warfare would look like.
So now let's put this into perspective.
If there's an attack against the United States,
Let's suppose a biological warfare, biological warfare breaks out in San Francisco.
Let's say a dirty bomb goes off in Atlanta, or a suitcase-sized nuke, even in Paris or London.
Now, we'll put this into perspective.
When they had the Boston Marathon bombing back in April, they closed down 100 square miles of Boston to hunt for a 19-year-old kid.
Business stopped.
Do you realize what this will do to the global economy if there is a retaliatory attack?
Against a United States invasion or attack in Syria of a magnitude 9-11 or plus, this whole economy crashes.
We have a, as anyone can see by watching that Senate hearing, we have incompetent people with no plans at all in place that are going to lead us to disaster.
If they had to close down a hundred square miles to hunt for a 19-year-old kid hiding in a boat, could you imagine what's going to happen if there's real warfare?
It's incredible.
Let's jam in a call.
Speaking of nukes, ex-military transferred weapons, Mike in Texas, then Chris and Bill and others.
Going to Chris next.
Mike, what's your take on the report I've got of missing nukes out of West Texas going to South Carolina?
Well, Mike, I currently work for the government that transports these weapons, and I believe... I've never been to Dias Air Force Base, so I believe that is kind of a hoax.
Well, no, sir, we said, point one, that there weren't supposed to be nukes there.
These are nukes that came out of mothballs.
I mean, you know there's a whole program of hidden nukes.
You know they didn't really get rid of them in the START Treaty, right?
Right, I understand that, but each of these weapons, they need to be upgraded, so even though they are retired, they still need to be maintained and make sure inspected, I should say.
Well, and I'm aware of that, so, and I hope everything's okay, but I mean, I have a real source that's, I don't want to say how high level, they're at the base, pretty freaked out about this.
So I said, was it a drill?
Are they lying to him?
Because I'm telling you, we got this report.
Let me ask you this, Mike.
How many times have we told you we have a report, and then later it comes out it's true?
I mean, how many times have you heard that, say, in the last month?
A couple.
I mean, so I'm just telling you, I mean, this happened.
It might have been some fake drill or something.
In fact, I'm hoping that's the case.
We'll be back with more calls from Gerald Cilente.
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Gerald's going to stay 20 minutes into the next hour with us, ahead of Professor Francis Boyle joining us.
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We're going to keep Gerald 20 minutes to the next hour so I get to these calls now.
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Going back to calls, Chris... Oh, by the way, back to the last guy.
I hope you're right.
But I know this... I'm not gonna give any details out.
They can figure out who it is.
They probably already have.
This is a known person, okay?
And senior.
And they were freaked out, saying they're not supposed to be nukes here.
So, this went on, okay, and then suddenly we were told it was going to South Carolina, now Lindsey Graham is saying South Carolina is going to be bombed if you don't give up your rights.
I mean, that's terrorism, whether it's true or not.
Let's go to Chris in Texas, ex-Air Force, worked in nuclear.
We got Gerald Cilente with us to chime in.
What is your take on what you heard?
Hey Alex, great to talk to you.
Yeah, I'm former U.S.
Air Force Security Specialist.
Uh, prior to getting, uh, recruited into special operations in the U.S.
Uh, what I will say is the fact that the base commander or the base came out soon afterwards and said there was some sort of, you know, uh, I guess you could say drill going on with zombies to me definitely confirms that they're trying to cover up some, some sort of activity or event that did take place.
What I will say, though, since I've been involved with nuclear weapons convoys, I'm very familiar with launch control facilities and the silos and all the security procedures.
The people that will know where weapons are and would be in charge of protecting them would be the security specialists.
They're the Blue Berets, the guys trained in Air Force or Base Defense, Air Ground Defense, or Air Force Base Defense, and those are the guys that
If there was any transfer taking place, they would be the ones in a sense handing off any activities on the base to a contracting agency that would be loading up the weapons.
And again, I don't want to say too much here.
I mean, obviously the government knows all this or knows how to figure out.
Yeah, yeah.
But all I'm told is that all went on and people were freaked out and then they won't give any more details and I'm getting no more info.
So that's why I'm opening the phones up here.
I think a solution would be for everybody to start contacting Brigadier General Glenn Bannerk of the 7th Bomb Wing, the commander of the base, especially if it's media personnel, and the congressman of that area of Texas, and challenge them and say, what took place near base?
We've heard these reports.
You know, confirm, deny it.
What do you have to say?
Get some of these higher-end base officials to have to make statements either denying or backing up so they're on record.
Sir, sir, you're an absolute, you're an absolute genius.
Thank you for your call.
Yes, we said that at the start of the show, but you're absolutely right.
This has been out since Tuesday.
We've called over and over again.
My reporters are calling now, again, and videotaping it.
They will not respond to us.
They will not deny it.
Gerald Celente, what does that sound like to you?
Well, it's what you were talking about also with Lindsey Graham as a follow-up on your other question.
You know, what will they do?
And my response was, they'll use something, false flag or real, to start getting the people really riled up and fearful again.
Between the break, I was reading what I had written again.
This is Top Trends for 1998.
Wars on a global scale or wars between mismatched adversaries will no longer require big armies, navies, or air forces.
Stay there.
Back in 60 seconds.
Finish up that quote.
I know that quote well when we come back.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, Gerald Salinde of Trends Research is with us.
Gerald, of course, you can also go to his site, TrendsJournal.com.
He's riding shotgun with us.
Until 20 after, interspersed with your phone calls, Bill, and then Justin, and then Ken, and then Jerry, and then Bill.
We will get to all of you with your take on the frantic info I got from people on the base.
I'll just leave it at that.
With the nuclear weapons that were not known to exist popping out and then being loaded on trucks, and then no paperwork.
I'm going to stop talking about that now until we go back to your calls.
Gerald, you got cut off by the break.
This is a short segment, long segment coming up.
You were getting into a quote from a Trends Journal you did 13 years ago about the new nature of warfare, and then you also went to the U.S.
military and gave them a presentation on 21st century warfare.
Please continue.
Yeah, this is what I wrote, continuing it.
Rather than, you know, I said, wars on a global scale or wars between mismatched adversaries will no longer require big armies, navies or air forces.
Instead, a new era of, quote, briefcase warfare will be ushered in, eliminating the traditional battlefields and pitched battles between
Clearly delineated enemies.
Unable to face off against the unchallengeable and vastly superior military might of the United States, enemies within and outside the U.S.
borders will rewrite the rules of engagement.
It's going to be this kind of briefcase warfare if the United States continues its policy of engaging us in foreign entanglements.
Today, Alex, September 6th,
1777, not more than a few hundred feet away from me, is the Senate House, where New York State formally became a state.
And this was the first capital of New York State.
And every one of the founding fathers, and this area of course has its roots in the revolution, warned us about becoming involved in foreign entanglements.
And now we have all of these little girls and boys that are selling out our country and threatening our future to take us into a war for what?
I agree with you.
Why do you think our elite is so creepy and weird and Kerry looked like he was about to collapse the whole time and then they're not worried as Russian and Chinese ships show up and as everything gears up and as Iran threatens to rape Obama's daughters?
I mean, this is really getting bad.
Why did Jeffrey Dahmer like to eat little kids?
They're sick!
And nobody wants to call it what it is!
Look at their behavior!
Who among us would associate with these people on a social level?
As I said before, you know, these are the same people you couldn't stand in high school and college that wanted to become class president and head of the student council.
And now they follow their career path.
You know, you know how they give drug tests for everybody, you know, if you get a government job?
I'd like to see drug tests for John and St.
McCain, Lindsey out of his mind Graham, John Ketchup King Kerry, and all of the rest.
I wonder what psychotropic drugs these people are on.
No, they're obviously on something.
I mean, they all look and act completely insane.
I mean, I wouldn't, if I came into a church or something, sitting down to pee, I wouldn't sit next to guys that act and look like them.
They're obviously power-mad, mentally ill perverts.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to come back with your phone call straight ahead with Gerald Cilente, and I'm not going to get into any other top trends he's got straight ahead, but I mean, this is just insane what's going on.
And by the way, Obama refuses to rule out striking Syria without approval of Congress.
As it's revealed, he faces a huge loss in the White House.
I want to get Gerald's prediction on the future of O-vomit.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
That's right.
Powered by history, truth, justice, liberty.
Trying to be accurate and honorable.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And we are coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, Austin.
Gerald Cilente joins us from one of the birthplaces of the revolution in 1775.
1776, Kingston, New York.
I feel like I hang out with Gerald every day because he's a big part of Obama Deception 2.
I'm up here until 10, 11 o'clock at night most nights working on.
It's going to come out, I keep saying I'm going to announce when it's coming out, December 2nd, December 3rd or so folks.
It'll premiere on PrisonPlanet.tv and the DVDs will all ship out.
But I'm not going to, it wasn't going to come out in November.
I'm just behind on it with all this stuff going on.
I won't put out crud.
This will be my best film by the way.
It's very powerful.
Covers basically everything.
But Gerald Cilente is our guest.
I promised to go to your calls.
If you just joined us some stations, just joined us some listeners.
The top story on InfoWars.com right now deals with Senator Graham Warren's of nuke strike after missing warheads report.
And if you don't know about that, our intel is nukes that weren't supposed to be since 86 or so under the START Treaty, or I guess 87, at the Dyess Air Force Base, the big Air Force global command for nuclear strikes,
wasn't supposed to be there anymore but out of mothballs they appear and uh... there were base head to head base uh... officers out there police local police security people special forces there to get the special forces out of florida army uh... there to get warheads and ship them to south carolina and no paperwork was signed and uh... the person we talked to was very freaked out by the way i didn't even ask for this leak
I want to make that clear.
This just came into my office.
We called the base.
They won't deny it.
We're three days into this.
We're making more phone calls.
Can you bring my reporters in here?
I know they've been calling and stuff.
Get me Jackson and Gucciardi, because I know they're making the calls.
They were making those calls three hours ago.
I didn't know what happened.
I know they're videotaping and everything, but I need to know.
Gerald Salente is on with us at TrendsJournal.com, giving us his take on all this.
We're going to a few phone calls real quick and then final comments from Gerald Cilente on other key trends he's watching and where he thinks the future of Obama's going.
But let's go real fast.
Caller, make your point.
I'll move to the next person.
Thanks for holding.
We'll go Bill, John, Bill, Justin, and Ken.
That'll be it for calls.
Bill in Georgia, thanks for holding.
Retired U.S.
Navy with info on nukes.
You've heard the story.
What's going on?
Graham now saying South Carolina is a nuke target if we don't attack Syria.
Do you think there's nothing to worry about?
Do you think I'm connecting things that aren't connected?
Do you think this is important?
I think you're making the right connections.
I think we might be pushing it a little further than necessary.
The nuclear weapons are controlled by the Department of Energy.
They don't actually belong to the military.
Every one of them is serialized and every one of them has a chemicals slash elementary marker.
So if one was detonated, it would be possible to forensically find out where they came from and what plant they were actually developed on.
I understand they're jacketed by certain things that'll then put off an isotope that fingers it, but it's easy to rejacket them and set somebody up.
Look, all I'm telling you is, you saw the Minot missing cruise missiles five or six years ago, so we know that was a big setup.
I mean, the issue was is they were transferred improperly is why the people were freaked out.
Right, and that's a great point, because the minute that something like that comes out into the public, the Department of Energy is going to require that every military nuke known on record to be immediately inventoried within a matter of days, if not a week.
And they'll trace down whether or not something's missing, and if they don't trace it down, then we've got a problem.
It sounds like to me that maybe an information false flag to try to push Congress
to point to Syria to try to have a reason to get Congress to vote to bomb Syria.
Sure, so you're saying it could be a false flag or just the idea that nukes are floating around?
What, have helicopters fly over?
They'll pick up the radiation then they move them to freak out other members of the military?
Well, I think it's more to freak out the Congress to get Congress to vote to bomb Syria by saying that, hey, we got missing nukes and it may have been stolen by Syrians that are going to use it to frickin' hit South Carolina.
And I was stationed in Charleston, South Carolina.
I don't know if they still got it, but once upon a time they used to store nuclear weapons north of Charleston, South Carolina.
And the Savannah Nuclear River Power Plant's not far from there either.
Now that's what the caller said earlier.
No, no.
In fact, that's what we were also told as well.
It's just that this was all done in an irregular fashion.
But this source is known to us.
I'll just leave it at that for a long time.
So they saw this happen.
This isn't somebody planning a story on us to get us to fearmonger.
Because I've already thought about that.
Wow, thank you so much.
What an informative caller there, Gerald.
What's your take on that, Gerald Cilente?
Well, you know, as I said, you know, they're going to use something.
And the caller made a point about, you know, more fear and hysteria.
But I have to say this.
You can say anything you want about the American people, but look how many of them are hip to what's going on.
And as you had pointed out, we're hearing that calls going into Congress are riding up, 500 to 1 against.
And then you're looking at the polls that are showing, as I think you said, 9% of the people only support an attack.
So, I think all of this is very encouraging, even with the fearmongering going on, the people are saying, no more to war.
And I believe that that, to me, is what should be being pushed a lot more now.
Let the people vote.
You want to go to war?
Let us decide.
Not a bunch of politicians who are getting paid off by the defense industry, as we're seeing from all of these reports that are coming out about all of those people in the so-called foreign intelligence... That's right, the Foreign Intelligence Committee, those that voted for it, got 83%, according to Reuters, more money from the defense establishment than the other senators.
So my rules for peace are, anybody that wants to take a sod out, man, go do your work.
You know, keep me out of your psycho trip.
You want to take, call them out, take them out.
And number two, let the people vote.
We don't have a representative form of government.
That's only for little kids.
They represent the people that give them the most amount of money.
In white shoe boy talk, they call it campaign contribution.
How do you think it's going to end for Obama?
Because he was their great front man, meant to sell all this.
It seems everybody's turning against him right now.
I think Obama's gonna pull a fast one.
You know, this guy's somewhere between a snake and a weasel.
And he'll come out with something, and he really knows how to put on a good show.
I watched the body language, by the way, of him when he came out of that car walking over to Putin.
You and I have met each other a couple- you know, we don't come out with our arms extended out to here to shake hands.
There's a lot going on behind the scenes over here.
You know, people say this guy's from Kenya.
Well, I think he's from another planet, you know?
And so I don't think that, you know, and I say that in jest, but I also say it with, there's something else going on here, and psychopaths and sociopaths don't go down easy.
Also notice Obama would not look Putin in the eye.
Putin was trying to talk to him, and Obama turned away, and I saw multiple videos where Putin would try to go over and talk to him.
And Obama now will not even really talk to him.
Pick up the Trends Journal that you have that we just sent you.
And I wrote about how Obama cancelled the meeting that was supposed to... I remember you got that, you know, about two weeks ago.
Obama cancelled the meeting
That was scheduled with Putin, a summit between them, using the Snowden thing because Russia wouldn't deport him back to the United States.
So Obama had already cancelled the meeting long before the G20 meeting began.
They were supposed to hold a private meeting.
It's right there in the Trends Journal.
No, it's on record.
He did that, yes.
And the reason they canceled, it had nothing to do with Putin.
It had everything to do, in my belief, with the setup for a war with Syria.
Absolutely, they don't want diplomacy.
Real quick, let's talk to Bill in Maine, ex-Marine with access to info.
Bill, what's your quick take on this missing nuke story?
And Lindsey Graham is in the news saying
That South Carolina will be hit by nukes if we don't invade Syria.
I mean, that's big news, but it's not making big news.
It's big news to me.
What's your take on this, Bill?
Well, I fully believe, and by the way, I have 30 years.
I'm a retired Marine.
I worked in black ops, and I did a lot of secure work.
I have access to secure information.
I also have some information that might interest you.
I fully believe that it's a very good possibility, because if those are in there, we receive secure
We've intercepted radio from China.
We've intercepted radio signals.
And they're saying that Washington, D.C.
is being targeted for a possible strike.
We don't know if it's nuke or what it is.
And it's set up for 9-11.
Now, that makes no sense to me because none of the politicians are going to be there that day.
They're all going to be gone.
All the patriots are going to be there.
I can assure you there's not going to be a single politician anywhere in Washington that day.
Which means the targeting would probably be the patriots.
Basically what we're looking at here, like I said, the intercepts with the DoD computers going nuts, everything is just, it's very easily possible that's what they're going to use and blame it on Syria.
And say Syria nuked the U.S.
and start World War III?
All right, I appreciate your call, sir.
We're going to go to break here and let Gerald go.
Gerald, thank you so much for your time.
I think everybody better call Congress.
They better call the media.
They better say, hey, we don't want World War III, and tell the yuppies to stop laughing.
Is that good advice, you think, Gerald?
That's great advice, and also the point that was just made.
They're gonna do a show on 9-11 to freak people out like you won't believe.
Nothing has to happen.
Something may happen.
I don't know.
Something may not.
But they will use it as a terrorist scare day.
And you're gonna see the change take place.
Yeah, absolutely.
They gotta pull a rabbit out of a hat.
Everybody's waking up to them.
Folks, have your eyes and ears open.
Your video camera's loaded.
Everybody's gotta be eyes and ears.
Thank you, Gerald.
Thank you.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We had the roster loaded up with very informative guests today like Gerald Cilente and obviously a professor, Dr. Francis Boyle.
But we will pepper the rest of this hour with your calls.
John in Wyoming, Ken and Justin.
Those will be the three calls I have time for.
We've got more military sources actually calling in.
And I've done a lot of research on this.
These are very accurate callers that are calling in, giving us info.
Because obviously I haven't told everything I know.
Not all of it.
Because I don't want to give away the source of the missing nuke story.
If I get one more email or comment though about, there aren't nukes at Dias under the treaty.
That's the whole point.
They pulled nukes out that weren't supposed to be there.
And the base security was freaking out about it, the other officers were.
And they had to have the base commander come out and say, no, this is authorized.
And they went on the trucks, and the police went as far to go, where are these going?
And they said, South Carolina is what we're told.
To the special forces security people from Florida that were there picking them up.
And then we find out Lindsey Graham is running around saying South Carolina is going to be nuked by Syria if we don't attack them.
CBS News.
The story's up on InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
And I hope the two things aren't connected.
But you had the Minot situation with the cruise missiles that came up missing a few years ago and then no one would say who gave the order and everybody involved loading them got killed, committed suicide or died.
So this is a big deal, okay?
And I don't like having to report this.
It's very dangerous, I'll be honest with you.
The fact that I'm talking about it being dangerous may protect us a little bit, but my gut tells me this is a really dangerous area to be involved in.
But you know what?
I am not going to play games.
And it's going to take that attitude from everybody that's going to change things.
Like the folks that let us know about this going on.
Now, Dr. Francis Boyle is obviously a guest every few months on the show.
Very informative.
And I'm not going to go over his old bios, we'll take up all the time, but he has a PhD in political science from Harvard University.
Top of his class there, and he's a best-selling author as well.
His most recent book, Destroying Libya and the New World Order.
The three decades U.S.
campaign to terminate the Qaddafi revolution.
He's an expert on Syria, traveled the whole world.
He went to the special PhD, only give one of a year, people like Brzezinski and Kissinger.
He was being ruined, one of their top guys, but has been exposing them when he found out the whole plan.
And that's why he's on a no-fly list and is harassed and demonized.
He also helped write U.S.
chemical biological weapons treaties.
He doesn't like having his horn tooted, but he's a top expert.
And he joins us here today.
We've only got like three minutes.
We've got a break.
Long segment coming up, Dr. Boyle.
But you've heard me mention what's happening with these missing nukes.
Putin's saying he'll now arm Syria more.
Russian, Chinese troops ships showing up.
Battle cruisers, missile cruisers, you look at the scary neocons with Obama, really creepy people.
I mean, my gut tells me we're in the most dangerous place historically since the Cuban Missile Crisis, but instead of having John F. Kennedy as president, we've got something like Jack T. Ripper in charge.
What is your gut and your intel telling you, Dr. Boyle?
Yes, it is extremely dangerous, Alex, as you were pointing out.
As you know, just earlier this week, Israel launched a ballistic missile in the general direction of Russia with the support of the Pentagon, forcing the Russians to put their nuclear forces on alert.
My understanding is they're still on alert.
Yeah, they're in bonkers.
That's correct.
And this is shaping up like the Cuban Missile Crisis, which I lived through.
You have the five Russian ships that have interposed themselves off the coast of Syria.
The Chinese ship is now joining them.
So it appears that Russia and China have decided to draw a red line at Syria.
They did sacrifice Libya, but it does appear they decided to make a stand here.
Obama got nowhere with Putin in St.
So I'm afraid that if we don't stop Obama
Right away, we could be seeing a regional war here that evolves into World War III.
If you look at the resolution that Obama sent to Congress, it clearly calls for the authorization to use military force against Iran and Russia.
So that... Well, it says anywhere in the world, yeah.
Basically, but it's clear, it says anyone that supports Syria, and that means Iran, that means Russia, it now means China, Hezbollah, the Palestinians in Gaza.
So basically, anyone Obama decides he wants to take out, he can take out.
Also, US, our report, the Wall Street Journal is saying, oh well, those Russian ships are sending intel back to Syria.
Which, of course, means they'll take those Russian ships out.
Stay there, doctor.
We'll come right back out at that point.
Then we'll talk about Iran, one of their top members of their expert council that elects the Ayatollah.
He's talking about how they're going to rape Obama's daughter and stuff.
I mean, this is really escalating quickly.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Let's get one thing straight here.
The people running our government.
Are illegitimate and they hate America and they hate our freedom.
Everything they say about the terrorists who they now publicly run in Libya, in Syria, in Egypt.
And I look at the strategy of tension, the Brzezinski type plan, and of course our guest knows all these people intimately, and it is madness.
It's like Hitler turning east into Russia or Napoleon.
This is what they do when they're at the end of their power, and all their crimes are coming in, you know, to basically bring them down.
They will flee forward and start some giant event.
And you've got all of these scandals, seven big scandals, NSA, Fast and Furious, IRSgate, persecuting the media, the whistleblowers, all of it.
And I see these Democratic Congress people in the news saying, well, we've got to be loyal to Obama.
It's so immoral that they, Chris Matthews, all these people say on TV, we played the clips this week.
Well, we got to do this for Obama.
It's all about their club and their little, their little almost like Hitlerian group and the neocons with them and all these weirdos who think war is cool and global domination and showing Assad and then Iran has got a bunch of unstable lunatics as well running it.
I mean, and they're saying, good, let the World War III begin.
We will kill you.
We're going to kidnap all your families and murder you.
By the way, this happened back during the 80s.
They were grabbing CIA section chiefs, killing them, torturing them.
I mean, look, they may not have to stage terror attacks if they attack Syria and Iran.
They do have sleeper cells.
And see, that's the false flag.
Start a fight, then the asymmetrical warfare comes back by groups that have no other way to fight back but like that.
You get them in a wild killing frenzy.
You know, a homicidal death commando mood that the Persians will certainly get into.
Over a million of them died in that Iran-Iraq war in the West Stage.
They're sick of it.
And they're going to take all our rights under this conflagration.
Now I'm ranting here.
Dr. Francis Boyle, who's helped write chemical and biological weapons treaties, you know, was basically trained by all these guys, knows them well.
You know their psychology.
But this is bigger than just a few cruise missiles.
to divert off the scandals.
I mean, they're massing B-1 and B-2s in Diego Garcia out in the ocean there south of the Persian Gulf.
They're moving nukes around.
They've got troop ships loaded with Marines.
That's confirmed.
They've got plans for 75,000 troops.
They were massing troops months ago in Jordan and Gaza.
I mean, they're lined up, it looks like, not just for a regional war, but a war with Russia
And is that what Homeland Security was for?
Was to get ready for COG?
For a survivable nuke war?
Are these people completely certifiably insane?
You know them.
You've worked with them.
Tell us, doctor, what we're facing.
Well, Alex, what we're seeing now is the unfolding of a very elaborate war plan by the Pentagon, the CIA, the so-called power ministries, as we used to say in the Soviet Union.
They know exactly what they're doing.
This is a chess game as they see it.
They hit Syria, Syria responds, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, culminating in Iran, and then Russia, whenever we take out those ships, will have to decide, Putin will have to decide, do we fight?
Or do we let the five ships go?
Not only is this a war plan, but on all war plans, before they execute them, and you've been pointing out the stages here, these are all stages, it's a war plan, it has also been war ganked.
So they already know what these steps are and will be.
And from my perspective here, having been through the same PhD program that produced Kissinger and Brzezinski, that gave me Kissinger's old office, I think this is it.
That all this talk about, you know, hitting Iran down the line,
They're going to take Iran out now.
And then it will be up to Putin to decide when they take out his five ships there off the coast of Syria, will he fight or he won't.
And I don't know what Putin will do, except that you recall during the war, during the
I don't
Earlier, he did mention a Cuban Missile Crisis in reverse, and he did say this could set off World War III.
Remember, Putin is KGB.
He's a very tough man, a lot tougher than Obama, who's basically a front man, pretty much like Bush Jr.
or Reagan before him.
They put him in there, they give him the lines to read, he's very good
Well, doctor, doctor, let me just throw this out again.
I want you to continue on that point I'm interrupting.
Look, I understand it's all war-gamed out with computers and geopolitical, they admit that.
Wesley Clark blew the whistle on its seven-nation plan.
But still, Hitler had plans, too.
I'm saying, fundamentally, these are insane people.
I can look at them.
And the way they act, that group of Senators and people, and the National Security Council, these people all have psychopathic looking eyes.
These are all people, this is like their fun is doing this, and they've all got bunkers, their grandkids have got bunkers, and, you know, I think they all need to be arrested.
I mean, I'm willing to risk my life saying that on air.
I've had enough of these people.
I've had enough of their crap.
Now I'm asking you about their mindset, Doctor, because you know them.
Yeah, I went through the same program at Harvard and then at the University of Chicago with all the neocons there.
These people are psychopathic.
There's no question about it.
And they are brainwashed at these elite institutions like Chicago and Harvard to do this type of work.
But we have to understand you can be a psychopath and yet still be extremely rational and calculating.
Highly functioning psychopath.
That is correct.
The same was true with Bush Jr.
So, with all due respect, Alex, I don't know exactly how far it gets us to say they're insane, but I think the correct term is psychopathic or sociopathic.
Either one, I think, is correct.
But isn't it insane risking thermal nuclear war just because they will have a score to settle with Assad?
I think their calculation is that Putin will back down.
That they can take Syria, and if necessary Iran, and that Putin will back down because we, and the Chinese at the end of the day, will back down because we have an offensive first strike strategic nuclear weapons capability.
That can take out the Russian nuclear forces and the Chinese forces in a first strike.
You're talking about cruise missiles?
I'm talking about the whole complex of everything we have, including ICBMs, SLBMs, the B-2s, B-1s, B-52s.
And don't forget the secret projects.
We, that is correct.
But I, this has already been written about in Foreign Affairs and things of that, that we do have the case, and I've written an article about it if you want to see on the internet, and Obama has approved a first strike strategic nuclear war plan against Russia.
Yeah, I saw that article.
Give us the name, we'll pull it up on screen for TV viewers.
Dr. Boyle.
Well, it's just Obama plans a first-strike nuclear war.
If you hit my name, it should come up.
Yeah, Dr. Francis Boyle, Obama plans first-strike nuclear war.
Yeah, I mean, they've admitted that first strike a few years ago, and that's, I mean, it's just, it's crazy, because it's certain, at a certain point, it's gotta give.
You've got all these control freaks building giant NSA bases, setting up domestic takeover groups.
How do the American people play in when you've got 99% Congress is now saying in phone calls,
It's actually 520 something to 4 is what's coming in on the phone calls on average.
So that's more than 99 percent.
I think it's like 99.5 or something.
If you do the math, we did it last night in an article.
I mean, I see the facade, though, on government falling.
Everyone I know now is apologizing to me and saying it's all true.
I'm not just saying that.
I mean, it's like everyone I know now, it's like a mass, is that a survival instinct do you think?
And how big do you think the awakening is?
And does that matter?
Or is that even more of a reason to get a big war going to try to shut down the awakening?
Well, you know, I started an impeachment campaign against Obama, and last week I launched it, and it's really taking off, and I've heard from a lot of people, and I think the scales are falling from their eyes on Obama.
That's correct.
Our members of Congress will respond to public pressure.
Notice Senator McCain, the tongue lashing he got there at a town forum, and now he's saying if Obama puts boots on the ground in Syria, he'll be impeached.
The New York Times today said Obama fears impeachment.
So I think what we have to do
Well, what about the people advising him?
They're the people that once this all flushes out, I want hearings.
I want to start arresting these people.
Because what Wesley Clark talks about, a plan to hit seven nations that didn't do anything, that's a war crime.
That's correct.
And in my Libya book, I point out, I cite General Clark's memoirs, and I compare it to the Nuremberg judgment, where Nuremberg condemned the Nazis
for waging offensive war against twelve states and Obama, the Clark plan had seven and then you have to have in there Yemen and Pakistan.
So the Obama people are already at nine or ten depending on how you want to count it.
That's correct.
And by the way folks, I don't like getting up here saying, I don't usually talk like this, saying arrest these people.
I love my kids and I love the future of humanity.
And I'm telling you, I've studied history.
Even if Russia backs down this time or later, the type of world they're building will end up being in some giant chemical or biological or nuclear war.
And these guys think they're going to survive it.
The whole infrastructure they're building is so they can have global domination.
We shouldn't give in to the mental illness of global domination of these megalomaniacs.
Let's play one of the clips of Wesley Clark, the former head general of NATO, who was brought into the Pentagon with the plan to invade seven countries.
Here it is.
I went through the Pentagon ten days after 9-11 and an officer from the Joint Staff called me into his office and said, I want you to know, he said, sir, we're going to attack Iraq.
And I said, why?
He said, we don't know.
And then I came back to the Pentagon about six weeks later, I saw the same officer, I said, why haven't we attacked Iraq?
Are we still going to attack Iraq?
He said, oh, sir, it's worse than that.
I just got this memo from the Secretary of Defense's office that says we're going to attack
And destroy the governments in seven countries in five years.
We're going to start with Iraq and then we're going to move to Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran.
This is not a video game, Dr. Boyle.
That's correct.
As a matter of fact, right after 9-11, Deputy Secretary of Defense Wolfowitz came out and said that the United States government was going to get in the business of destroying states.
That was his exact words, destroying states.
And that plan that General Clark discussed was drawn up pursuant to this diktat by Wolfowitz.
And I went through the same neocon program at Chicago that produced Wolfowitz.
He got his PhD in International Relations there, while I got my bachelor's degree in International Relations.
It's neocon heaven up there.
And they teach you that being more evil than evil is actually virtuous, that command destruction, that you are the enlightened one, everyone else is dogs, basically, correct?
Well, it's even worse than that, in that the godfather for the neocons was Carl Schmitt.
That's right.
But Wolfowitz had arrived to study with Strauss and the whole neocon cabal there at Chicago.
So I have to understand, certainly in the neocons, this is neo-nazism.
They do publish it, which is good.
You can read about the plans.
Sunstein is a closet neocon.
Spent most of his career at the University of Chicago.
He's a student at Harvard.
He taught at Chicago.
There he met Obama and Elena Kagan, now the Supreme Court.
To make a long story short, Kagan licked the boots of Larry Summers to become Dean of Harvard Law School, and then she hired Sunstein.
We know for a fact, as I'm sure you documented, Sunstein was in charge of Obama's internet infiltration policy.
Cognitive infiltration.
That's right.
And his wife is Samantha Power at the Security Council.
She's a war whore.
These people are, they're incalculably evil is what I hope listeners understand.
We're going to go back to calls here in a moment, but sir, and I want your take on what these callers have to say.
Have you heard about my report about missing nukes from an Air Force base and then now
Lindsey Graham says support war on the West Coast is going to be nuked?
Well, yes, it does remind me of the point Cheney made as Vice President that the next major terrorist act that goes off, we're going to blame it on Iran and go to Iran.
So, yes, there is a potential of a false flag here, sure.
I just can't believe it's all happening.
But I guess for every generation that goes through a real tyranny, it's like people always say, we couldn't believe it was happening.
And I feel like I'm in slow motion here, like when you're in a car wreck right before the other car hits you.
Is there any way to stop these people?
Well, two points.
One, you know, September 9, Congress reconvenes.
And we need a member of the House to immediately put in a bill of impeachment against Obama.
The House is controlled by the Republicans.
They impeach Clinton over fellatio and lying about fellatio.
They can certainly impeach Obama immediately without hearings.
In fact, it can all be done orally and on a voice vote.
That would then send it off to a Senate for a trial that would bottle up, hopefully, Obama.
Indeed, today's New York Times says Obama does not want to get impeached because it would bottle him up in the Senate.
And then second, we all still have our First Amendment rights, freedom of speech, freedom of association.
Well, I mean, as a top constitutional lawyer, I should have added that to your long repertoire.
If the Justice Department's run by him, does the Congress then also impeach his Attorney General?
And then, or do we have a state grand jury indict him?
I mean, how do we arrest these people?
Well, I've already taken a position a year ago that Holder should have been impeached for publicly advocating and approving the murder of United States citizens in violation of the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Sure, sure.
Backing NDAA.
Stay there and explain to us the constitutional path to clap these people on irons.
We'll be right back.
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See folks, what they do is, these global criminals, is they get these big councils going, they create false pretenses, and then launch wars by committee so one person can't get in trouble and be blamed.
Obama got cold feet.
And then went to Congress to get them to certify it, but now that's blowing up in his face.
I don't get up here on air with a sizable audience of three million and say they should be arrested for nothing.
I mean, they could kill me or arrest me or set me up very easily.
If they do, that's a price I pay because I don't want nuclear war to happen, okay?
I'm a serious person.
And I know Dr. Boyle is a serious person.
We're not trying to sit here and like hype this up.
There's no way to hype how serious this is with Vladimir Putin talking about nuclear war.
And if you study criminology in the past elites, you know, I'm surprised we haven't killed ourselves so far.
And Dr. Boyle, just briefly, then we're going to let you go and go to calls.
I appreciate all your time.
What is the path?
Obviously, I think impeachment threats are important.
The Congress is backing off.
They're getting scared.
Obama came out today and said, I'll go ahead anyway.
So he's obviously being told to do this.
What do we do then when these people are trying to start aggressive, illegal, Hitlerian war?
Well, first, on Obama, you know, on all these people we have to impeach.
Certainly Obama and Holder would be good, too, and get them out of office, and then we can worry about prosecuting them.
There are also citizen's arrests.
You could check with a local attorney in your jurisdiction
About the common law doctrine of citizen arrest.
To see if that is available and what the circumstances might be.
Now I know that's in law, but they make a joke out of it.
I mean then they just call you a terrorist, but I guess it would be a good PR stunt at least.
Why under the circumstances it might be something to consider but I'm not advocating anyone to do this unless you seek advice and counsel from a local attorney familiar with either the common law or statutory law
In your jurisdiction.
And then third, we need massive numbers of American citizens to take to the streets, peaceful, nonviolent protests against the war.
We need Democrats, Republicans, liberals, libertarians, conservatives.
I agree.
Why do you think we have such an incredible unification of even Glenn Beck saying we should demonstrate and Rush Limbaugh saying it looks like a false flag and Pat Buchanan and Matt Drudge and Ron Paul.
I mean it's across the spectrum people understand this is really dangerous.
That's correct.
I lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis, and that's what spurred me to study international relations.
I had grown up to believe Kennedy was a good president, and when the crisis swell over, I thought, you know, he's insane, and I could do a better job than this, but I better study it.
So, I think we're now seeing the Obama Emperor wears no clothes, and all of his associates, and how dangerous and sociopathic these people really are to the entire world, and especially here in America, to our Constitution, our Republic.
Indeed, Obama is worse than Bush.
Not only did he do all the police state practices, but as you were mentioning before, the NDAA, Senator Levin told us that it was Obama himself insisted that it apply to... Dr. Boyle, briefly, what's your assessment of Putin?
Putin's a very tough man.
He is KGB to the core.
He's a lot tougher than Obama.
So I don't know if he's going to back down.
If we take out those Russian ships, I don't know if he's going to back down.
I can't say.
I think it's a mistake.
I'm a part of these Obama people to believe he does.
But remember, Obama's top advisor on this is Brzezinski, and he's a certified sociopath.
I went to the same program at Harvard that produced him.
I know.
Dr. Boyle, we'll talk to you again soon.
Next week, if you can do it, I'll be back Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m., coming up with more phone calls straight ahead.
Thank you, Dr. Boyle.
Folks, pray for peace.
Thank you, sir.
Folks, now's the time to pray.
I'm telling you.
Now is the time to pray.
And call Congress, folks.
It's just, man.
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Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I appreciate the callers holding.
I'm trying to get to as many of you as I can.
No disrespect in having somebody on hold for over an hour.
I'll do as much overdrive as it takes before we go to Ken, Justin, Tyler, John, JC and others.
Let's go to John and then it's Ken up next.
John is in Wyoming, retired, nuke sub, individual in the Navy.
What is your take on the report I have that is accurate?
This is a real source.
That the nukes that you know were on the base were brought out, put on trucks by Special Forces Army and Air Force Base Dyess and shipped out to South Carolina.
What's your take on that?
And then Graham saying, race for nuclear attack in South Carolina.
Well, Alex, first of all, having served in the submarine service during the Vietnam War, I can tell you that Charleston, for about a half a century, has been a major home port for our East Coast Fleet Ballistic Missile submarines.
That's where they're home ported for the Atlantic Fleet is Charleston, South Carolina.
And just remember, too, you go back to the comments that, well, there weren't supposed to be nukes at Dyess.
Well, we weren't supposed to have nukes on our boat.
I was on the Greenfish SS351, which was an old diesel electric fast attack submarine that was built in 1946.
And we had a Mark 45 nuclear warhead torpedo in the after torpedo room just below my bunk that was supposed to be used only on orders from the President to take out not an enemy ship, but an enemy fleet.
You hit the uh the main ship there in the fleet like a let's say a battleship or a an aircraft carrier and you take out that and all of the surrounding escort vessels around it.
So they have since replaced those with Mark 48 nuclear warhead torpedoes which many of our submarines carry.
Now our newer submarines since the Thresher class
We're sent out to sea!
We're sent out to sea south of Pearl Harbor, away from the oncoming Japanese fleet.
And so, bingo!
That's what happened.
So, they're being set up now at Charleston, and like you said earlier in the show, if Lindsey Graham knows we're gonna get nuked at Charleston, you need to ask him, how the heck do you know, fella?
Where did you get that information?
Because you didn't find it in the local comics in the Sunday paper.
So where did you get that information?
Well, sir, John, you're an amazing asset to give us info, because everything you're saying is checking out.
I mean, we know they still have covert nukes there.
That's come out.
You've heard the callers.
But absolutely, that's an old base.
Still a lot of stuff going on there.
Imagine, though, I have this source who is freaked out, didn't know nukes were there, sees this go on.
There's no paperwork.
They remember the North Dakota debacle from six years ago.
And they call us, we talk about it.
And then Graham, it turns out, the same day, saying we're going to be nuked.
CBS News, but then it doesn't get any coverage.
I mean, this is bizarre, and I hope the two aren't connected, but what would be the strategy to bomb?
Why would the Globalists bomb their own Navy base?
And then try to blame it on Syria.
You'd think they'd hit a target that didn't matter.
Unless maybe they're double-crossing and the globalists are really Chinese agents or something.
And they've got some plan to take America out.
You know, that could be a plan too.
I'm telling you, this is some complex stuff.
There are two reasons why they want to take out Charleston.
Number one, to inflict maximum damage, because it is a major naval base there, not just for the FBMs, but also fast-attack nuclear submarines.
Also, fleet ballistic missile submarines are what we need in the event that we do go into a full-scale World War III, because they're the best
Uh, nuclear retaliatory capability that we have because unlike fixed missile sites, which can be targeted by GPS by the Russians or the Chinese or the North Koreans, these things are, the fleet ballistic missiles... Stay there, sir.
I'm gonna come back and give you a final comment.
Don't hang up, John.
Then we're gonna go to Ken, Justin, Tyler, and JC.
Get to all of you.
I want you to finish your point about what you think's going on, uh, here.
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Dr. Bob Bowman, the former head of the Star Wars program, Vietnam fighter-bomber pilot, flew over 100 missions, nuclear physicist, chemical engineer, you name it.
Just a real genius, top of his engineering class.
He was the head of the Star Wars program when it was still secret, and he said behind closed doors, he could only tell me this because it had been leaked by accident on C-SPAN in a debate he'd had in the 80s about how SDI was really offensive, that by 78, they had squadrons of basically what's known as Black Manta radio-controlled drones
With DU SABOs in them.
Meteor guns.
I mean, there's no atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb in there.
No neutron bomb.
The plane's going already 25,000 miles an hour around the Earth.
And as it comes in with a trajectory, it drops the DU that has the little rocket on the back that angles it in, and then it goes up to 38,000 miles an hour.
It has the effect of a multi-megaton nuke on whatever it hits.
Just from the kinetic energy.
Now folks, that's the 1970s.
And that's why these people are so arrogant.
But they're not Americans, they're globalists.
They're UN, world government.
They're God, they're the technocrats, they've got all the answers.
And now they want to start a war with Russia.
And I don't romanticize Russia.
Never been to Russia.
Here it's incredibly corrupt.
Here it has beautiful women, beautiful art, but super corrupt.
I don't want to go over there.
I'm not with Russia.
But it's not Russia doing all this to me.
It's not Syria.
It's the globalists.
And I'm sick of them and their shadow government.
I'm going to get to everybody now fast.
Bottom line, you were in diesel fast attack subs that had nukes in them.
That's admitted that they've got probably five times the nukes they say they've got.
There's all sorts of secret missile silos all over the place that are always getting found by hikers and people.
I mean, we know the Russians are the same, the Chinese are the same, all these treaties mean absolutely nothing.
Bottom line, why would they want to sneak nuke warheads out of West Texas into the Carolinas
And why wouldn't they have proper paperwork?
What do you think the missing cruise missiles in 2007 from Minot were about?
I mean, what does your gut tell you is going on here?
It tells me that this is a false flag operation, a major false flag that's about to occur.
Because remember too, if they take out our naval base in Charleston, they will cripple about one-third of our Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine Force, which is the best retaliatory force that we have in case of a first strike nuclear attack against the U.S.
And that's what they want to do.
The globalists want to inflict a maximum amount of damage to ourselves and to our ability to retaliate against any kind of an attack.
And then they've given the Panama Canal to the Chinese communists and that's why they want America to look so bad.
That's what I've been thinking is that everything they're doing is like trying to set America up.
The Chinese are now building a new canal through Nicaragua that's going to be much, much larger than the Panama Canal.
But also, I've known four different men in the submarine service who, in the 60s, were in international waters when their subs were depth-charged by Russian destroyers in international waters.
And yet, the Navy never talks about it, but I shredded a number of documents, too, that had all kinds of fascinating information.
For instance, the Scorpion, by the way, when it went down, SSN-589, on May 28th of 1968, went down because of a Russian torpedo launched by a Ka-25 attack helicopter.
That's available in the book, All Hands Down, by Kenneth Sewell.
Which was published in 2008 and now I've heard it's already been discontinued because it revealed too much information.
But Sewell interviewed a number of retired Russian admirals and generals and they deliberately attacked and killed the 99 men aboard the Scorpion in May 28th of 68.
Because of a perceived incident that happened to them in the Sea of Japan.
Let me ask you this question then.
So you think maybe Obama is like a triple agent of the globalists, we know that.
And that they're maneuvering America towards a setup to destroy us.
And that Homeland Security would then detonate nukes at all our bases as an inside sneak attack.
Not even for Russia, but for the banksters.
Well, that's exactly what's happening because, again, they're creating the problem, the crisis problem, just like Hitler when he set fire to the Reichstag on February 27th of 1933, and then five days later on March 4th, he told the Reichstag when it reconvened in the Kroll Opera Theater, look, you've gotta help me fight this terrorism, but my hands are bound by the Constitution.
You need to loosen these binds so I can give you law and order.
So March 23rd of 33, the Reichstag passed the Enabling Act,
Which then gave Hitler dictatorial power by decree.
So that was the birth of the modern day police state.
But you have to remember too, the Russians do not back down.
If anyone thinks that Putin is going to wimp out on this, they are in for a very rude awakening.
Because Putin is not going to monkey around on this.
He's not going to allow his soldiers and his sailors to be eviscerated without any kind of a serious retaliation on his part.
Hey, has anybody ever told you you can do audio book voiceovers?
This guy's got a great voice, doesn't he?
Well, I've worked in broadcasting before, Alex, but the problem is, in a little hick town like Sheridan, Wyoming, where I'm living, you've got one of those knucklehead rhinos who owns all the radio stations.
Hey, hey, hey, give us your name and number.
I want you to do some voiceover work for us.
Because John Bowne pointed out during the break, he said,
I'm listening to James Wesley Rawls' audiobook on how to survive a nuclear war and he says it sounds just like this guy.
Hey, give us your name and number, man.
I'd like to use you down the road to do some voiceovers for us.
God bless you.
Stay there, John.
Give us your name and number if you want to kind of be put in a computer for somebody we might use down the road if we need some voiceover talent.
Okay, buddy?
Thank you.
You bet.
I can tell that guy's got a great radio voice, doesn't he?
Sounds like a John Wayne narrator or something.
I can't quit listening to it.
Anyways, let's go back to calls here.
Ken says he's not military, but says he has info on the nukes.
Give us your breakdown, Ken.
Thanks for holding.
I'm the Christian minister in Georgetown, South Carolina.
They called a while back.
Yes, sir.
Go ahead.
And I wanted to follow up.
I want them to know, I want the public to know that if Lindsey Graham makes good on his threat,
To New Charleston, South Carolina, it is full-fledged, because Charleston, South Carolina is not a viable terrorist.
The Russians and the Chinese benefit from attacking.
I was so glad that John called in and shared all that technical information on the sub-bases here.
We don't have surface fleet bases in Charleston.
They were decommissioned.
My friends that work in construction that work there claim to this day that there are still nukes at the decommissioned base that's considered a possible FEMA camp or internment camp in Charleston.
We have, as he pointed out, the sub-fleet, the naval weapon station north of Charleston, but both of those facilities are well guarded.
If we had a viable threat on South Carolina right now, why have we in the State Guard not been activated?
Why is the Coast Guard and the Navy bases put on high alert and in a defensive mode?
And how in the world would that benefit Syria?
Alex, this thing, the dots are getting so close on this,
It looks more like a paint-by-color than a Connect the Dots book.
I know, I know, and you know, we had one guy call in and go, I think it's a hoax.
They're not supposed to have nukes at that base.
That's the whole point, is that there weren't supposed to be nukes, and they pulled them out, and I know this is real.
I know this went on.
I'm freaked out.
I don't just make stuff up.
People know that.
Time and time again when I talk about it, it comes out later.
And then Graham's running around saying South Carolina's going to be nuked or New York.
Don't forget, or New York he says in the CBS piece that quotes him.
And it's just super creepy, and maybe it's not connected.
But you've got all this stuff going on, and I just wish to God that this wasn't happening.
I mean, I appreciate your call, sir.
God bless you, Ken.
Let's go ahead and talk to... Let's talk to Justin, who just got out of the Air Force and has some points on this.
What do you think from hearing about this mystery?
Because I don't know what's going on.
What is your more informed take on this?
Well, Alex, thanks for taking my phone call.
I have a real unique insight in reference to the nuclear incident that happened in 2007 with minots at Barksdale.
I am an air traffic controller in the Air Force at the time.
I was working at Tower when the aircraft landed.
We were unaware there was any warheads aboard the aircraft at that time.
So, the way things work when aircraft land, you know, they attach it in, they had W warheads on there.
Aircraft, when they fly with weapons of that nature, have to be documented, and we have to have certain security protocols in place.
We have to sterilize the airspace, which is called a TFR, or a Terminal Flight Restriction.
Sure, you gotta put the commandos out there with the weapons in case somebody tries to steal it.
So you have these kind of protocols in place all the time when we do this kind of operation.
Here's the scary thing.
Yeah, for those that don't know, when nukes land on aircraft carriers, they don't even let the regular seamen around it.
They've got Navy SEALs and stuff guarding them.
Go ahead.
Yeah, absolutely.
It's straight military convoy.
It is serious stuff.
So what makes this so unique is the aircraft lands, taxis, no problem, right?
A regular airman who's a part of the, uh, the, the ammo troop, uh, comes up, inspects the, uh, uh, the enemy warheads, finds out they're real, but not documented.
And here's the wei- here's the thing that makes it so unique, that makes me really worry about the dice thing you're talking about right now, is this right here.
So later that night, I go, I go, I leave work, I go hang out with some friends who are ammo guys, a buddy of mine tells me
That that incident happened today, and I'm like, are you kidding me?
They're supposed to be all hush-hush in-house?
A few days later, it gets leaked by whistleblower on part of the aircrew, leaks into the media that these missiles, or these warheads, get flown on a B-52 bomber all the way down to Barksdale Air Force Base, and nobody knows anything about it.
And then you talk about Dias, which is supposed to be non-nuclear, and then the same incident happening right now with no paper trail, and what's going on in the Middle East, and Syria, and Graham talking about a possibility of Charleston being attacked.
This just gets my goosebumps off the back of my ear.
Oh, I hear you, buddy.
Believe me, I'm...
Very, very scary stuff, because I got first-hand knowledge of this happening in 2007, and now I'm seeing it happen again six years later, and I'm a little bit afraid.
I'm afraid for the country right now.
So were you in the Dakotas, or were you in Louisiana?
I was one of the controllers in Barksdale working the tower, the control tower, the day that aircraft flew in.
We were unaware that thing was loaded with anything, because in the past, and even after that, when we do any type of mission where we move nuclear warheads around, it is serious security stuff.
And to have this happen and nobody know anything about it except for, you know, the air crew.
Uh, I mean, it's some scary stuff.
So I just think they got their hand caught in the cookie jar the first time because some Patriot, somebody else... Okay, so you were outside Shreveport at the airbase when the nukes came in.
By the way, if you're a new listener, this is on record.
And the word was they were trying... Cheney gave the order.
Uh, and wanted these to be disappeared, but people learned what happened, and they couldn't be offloaded, uh, you know, when it got down, uh, you know, closer to, uh, where the aircraft were kept.
Uh, and then, um, I'm sure you know, if you know the story, then do you know what happened up in North Dakota at the other base?
You know a bunch of people got killed, uh, who were witnesses.
I know that the entire wing force, the higher-ups, the command section, all fired.
All removed from position and they brought in new people to replace them.
Sure, sure, sure.
But I remember covering at the time, people going, they were like people that loaded them and were there and who were witnesses to what really happened.
They all committed suicide or died in car wrecks.
Actually, the friend of mine who told me what happened with Mr. Scurvy in Barksdale, we haven't spoke lately, but I know that he's still alive and well, but it's just one of those things where...
I never really thought about it at first, Alex, until the Dyess thing came up the other day, and you talked about it this morning, and I was like, you know what?
I have first-hand knowledge of this going on, and I talked to the aircraft.
I landed them.
I mean, it's one of those things... Well, the word is, everybody was freaking out at Dyess, going, why are there nukes here?
They're not supposed to be here.
And then, why is it they're paperwork, and why are there Army Special Forces here getting warheads?
And there was reportedly a bunch of arguments and things, but that was the end of it, and they rolled down the road with him, so I don't know.
That's why I opened the phones up about this today.
This is a big deal, and I don't know what's going on.
And again, I wish I wouldn't have been given this info.
But in a way, I mean, it's my duty to put it out here.
But I guess who else are they going to come to?
I guess it comes down to that.
Well, absolutely.
You know, it's one of those things where, when you think about the larger picture of what's happening globally, and the fact that I've done three combat tours over there and come back alive without a scratch on me, thank God, and I see what's going to happen in the future here, and all I do is worry about the men and women of our armed services, because in order to incite the next war, do you have to have a tragic event, which might be a false flag, to get the true patriots of this country to step up and fight a war that's
Sure, sure.
Well, I want to be clear.
I want to be clear here.
Don't just think if this was some type of false flag setup, which I don't know, it might have been, might be.
I opened the phones up to hear other reasons.
I want to find out why this doesn't look so bad.
Why my gut tells me this is the most horrible thing in my life.
I mean, worse than deaths in the family.
I feel completely just beyond freaked out, just completely awake.
I just feel totally shocked at every level.
My gut tells me this is super horrible.
And I've opened the phones up for the military to call in and tell me how I'm wrong today.
You know, a guy called in saying maybe this is a hoax and he thought I would be mad at him.
I was hoping, like he was a life raft, that, you know, I was wrong about this.
But don't think that if we put this out and this was a false flag plan that they're going to, they'll just go to another plan.
They've always got a bunch of plans going.
So we need everybody to have their eyeballs open and carrying video cameras or their iPhones or droids
And we need the citizens to see something, say something.
We need to be watching everything.
And here's the good news.
Underwear bombing.
Boston bombing.
So many other events.
Our people are now everywhere.
Awake, liberty-loving, conscious, smart people.
Not even Americans.
Just humans that want justice.
But good Americans.
And police.
And FBI.
And Secret Service.
And federal marshals.
I can't believe I'm still alive.
Because folks, we've got real whistleblowers.
And notice you're not hearing any news about this because it's so big.
Notice you're not hearing anything about this because it's so huge.
Because the system is freaking out.
We've called Graham's office.
They've got video of it.
We've called the base.
The base is like, we can't talk about the weapons transfer.
I mean, so this is a big deal.
And we need to get the word out.
But also the establishment needs to know if they try to carry something out now, it's not like we're
Blind to what's going on.
Do you see what I'm saying, Justin?
Oh, absolutely, Alex.
And one of those things where you just gotta...
Uh, just be aware of what's going on, do as much as you can, call your congressmen, call your senators and tell them, you know, that we don't agree with it because the American voice is not behind it.
The only way to get behind it is to have a false flag, or to get hit, or to allow to get hit.
Because I'll tell you what, we strike Syria, Russia's not going to back down, and then if, uh, Hezbollah attacks Israel, then we got to step in and protect our ally, or Turkey gets hit, and this is just
This is not checkers anymore, this is chess, and this is getting way out of hand here, and people need to wake up because we're so in tune to our Facebook and to our TVs, it's like, wake up and smell the coffee, everybody.
Exactly, there are Chinese and Russian ships lining up, the Wall Street Journal's talking about, let's just blow them up!
I mean, and it's some little idiot reporter that's never probably been in a fistfight, much less combat, just shooting their mouths off.
It's General Dempsey, who's known as a hawk, saying, don't do it, don't do it.
But all these Harvard lawyers are going ahead to play, play warrior because they've got more advanced weapons than the Russians.
So they just think they can have this war because they've all got bunkers.
They're the threat.
And they run Al Qaeda, and it's all out in the open.
And so, look, as negative as all this news is, the positive news is people are waking up, and I think cooler heads are going to prevail.
God bless you.
Good to hear from you, Justin.
What an amazing call.
By the way, I've seen comments on YouTube and comments on my site saying I'm making up the North Dakota missing nuke stuff.
That's on record, okay?
Believe me, little boys out there, some of you who want to say I'm making this stuff up, believe me, I wish this was made up.
I wish my duty was not to sit here and tell you the truth, okay?
But my guts cannot let me lie.
My guts cannot let me do the wrong thing, even though it's bad probably for me, okay?
I care more about my family and your family than I do about my own safety.
And that's just common instinct, folks.
We've lost common sense out there.
We wouldn't be slaves right now if other men wouldn't put up with this type of bull.
Instead, men think it's fun to go watch football all day.
You're not gonna have your stinkin' football if we have World War III!
Your kids are gonna be dead!
While John Kerry and all those bastards are in bunkers two miles under mountains!
Had enough of this crap, excuse me.
Excuse me, I'm gonna try not to get angry.
Let's talk to JC in Montana.
JC, what's your take on all this?
Hey Alex, former recon marine.
I've got a buddy that's in the DOE.
He tried to get me to go in there with him.
We're both in the Marines together.
And what's got me concerned is if the DOE wasn't there to pick this up, any transported nuke on the ground, DOE is there.
And the DOE, the people that transport this are like him.
They're former recon, they're rangers, they're all special forces.
Yeah, it's Department of Energy's over it.
Yes, but they're in the government, but they're not in the military anymore.
They're former military that they use to transport this stuff, and they roll heavy.
They roll armored Humvees, and their orders are, anyone breaches the line on a transported nuke, orders are to shoot to kill.
And they got more toys than most military, any military convoy that rolls.
And I mean, their orders are anyone that breaches the line when they're going down the interstate are to shoot to kill.
And they're loaded and hot as we're going down the road.
What got me concerned is if the DOE wasn't there to pick this up, that's kind of spooky to me.
Well, and then a caller said he drives these convoys as a former special ops guy and he thinks it's a hoax.
I hope he's right, because here's the deal.
This really happened, but maybe they weren't nukes.
Maybe my source is wrong.
If people knew who the source was, they wouldn't think that.
And it's just super creepy, because then you've got the South Carolina situation.
And all I know is, I don't know all the particulars, I know the people there were freaked out about it.
Okay, whatever went on.
No, it was special forces out of, it was Army.
Out of Florida was there picking it up.
That's the word.
That doesn't make any sense.
The DOE with their guys should be there.
They got their own unit.
They got their own armored Humvees.
They got 50s.
They're loaded hot.
They're ready to roll.
Here's my issue.
That guy's saying this can't happen.
How did mine not happen?
How did that happen six years ago?
No, and I understand that.
That's what I'm saying.
I mean, that's what scared me is if this was a nuclear device and picked up.
What scared me is that the DOE was not there.
That's what scared me.
You see what I'm saying?
No, I understand.
It wasn't standard.
That's why...
That's why the... I'm not gonna tell more of the stories, it'll give it away.
I'm not allowed to talk anymore.
The point is, is that... It's not that I'm not allowed to, it'll give away some of the info.
There was a big deal over this, okay?
People said, this is not right, what's going on?
And it was a big deal.
That's why people were freaked out enough to call me.
I'll see you back tonight and back this weekend, Lord willing, if we're still here.
Sorry to other callers.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Why does the United States spend the largest percentage of GDP in the world on healthcare?
Why do we have the highest cancer rates on the planet?
The highest rates of diabetes, autism, and every other major disease.
It all comes down to one