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Name: 20130826_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 26, 2013
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You're listening to GCN, the world leader in independent talk radio.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, Russia says there's no proof Syrian government behind chemical weapons attack.
The word is bombing within days.
Forces without...
blatant violation of international law.
Again, if they don't have U.N.
authorization, Assad, American military will fail like in Vietnam.
Strikes would trigger chaos, threaten world security.
Chemical attacks evidence may have been destroyed, the U.N.
and others are now saying.
That is just some of the news.
on that front.
It of course is Monday, the 26th day.
of August 2013, and we are going to have several informative guests joining us today.
Dr. Jerome Corsi will be with us for about 45 minutes of the next hour, interspersed with news and your phone calls, and then Greg Palast is going to be popping in with some big financial banking news that's going to be breaking here on the transmission, dealing with Larry Summers, who Obama wants to head up
The Treasury Department.
You could not find one person who you could say is more of an architect of the derivatives fraud, the mortgage fraud, the too-big-to-fail scams that took place with the end of Glass-Steagall and the planning of this caper.
So he's the perfect person to oversee the continued controlled demolition of our economy.
So that is coming up as well today.
Obviously, when we come back in the next big segment, I'm going to get into the huge developments on the Syria front.
I'm going to get more into the document itself and the story we covered yesterday.
DOD training manual, extremist founding fathers would not be welcome in today's military.
And actually I'm going to show you on screen the document itself that Judicial Watch sued.
And I was able to get, just to illustrate how dangerous and illegal and illegitimate the criminals are that run our government.
That on record, they prepare for war with veterans, gun owners, libertarians, constitutionalists, basically anyone who is not a globalist collaborator.
And if you click on that first blue link right there, it will pull up the big PDF file, 130-something pages, so you can read what military officers are being taught officially by the Department of Defense.
Again, I covered this some yesterday, but I want to get more into it today and open the phones up.
I'm going to bring this up to Corsi.
I'm going to bring it up to Powell and Steven on their own about other issues.
And I want to talk specifically, when I give the phone number out in the next segment, to active serving military to get your take on what's being taught.
And then if you get the FBI manuals that they're giving the local police that have been on record for five years, reported on by the Washington Post, you name it.
We broke it, but my point is, it's mainstream news.
They say the veterans are the main enemy.
And that private property groups, I mean, it's just incredible treason.
And we have to have the wake-up call that we really do have vicious authoritarians
Well, of course.
I mean, they're taking over.
They control the economy.
The select corporations do.
They can get unlimited trillions.
Of course they hate any of us that want due process and freedom and don't want a criminal system.
The criminals aren't going to just let us keep living in a free country.
They're not going to let you have private property.
They want to make you poor so that you can't challenge them.
They want to bankrupt you.
It isn't that they just don't care about prosperity.
They actively wage war on it.
That is so essential.
That as things get worse and worse, we get to word out and illustrate what Agenda 21 is.
It's the act of consolidation of wealth to make us destitute for social engineering.
Not to just make us a permanent peasant class, to make us peasants to then phase in the dehumanization after the deindustrialization.
Hello, I'm Alex.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
Coming in with some seasons of the abyss, because that's what we'll end up having if the globalists get their way and kick off a wider war with Syria, which will bring in Russia and possibly China.
But that's what they want.
Ladies and gentlemen, just minutes ago, we're going to play the clip here in a moment, we were taping it, the Communist News Network had McCain live on there saying, we don't want just cruise missile bombardments from our missile cruisers and aircraft carriers.
I want full bombardment.
Against Assad.
For the children, of course.
I mean, absolutely incredible to see this type of stuff going on, and the evidence is mounting that it was staged by the rebels, who've been caught three separate times, caught on record, staging chemical attacks, where it came out that it was their chemicals, not Russian, not Syrian chemicals, and was done for PR.
And they've been blowing up whole markets full of men, women, and children.
They have outdoor markets there, some of the most ancient markets in the world, some of the most ancient continually operated markets in the world, over 3,000 years old.
They have been bombing mosques, killing hundreds at a time.
They have been bombing, you name it.
And Obama comes out a year ago
And says, a year ago to the date of last week's chemical attack in Damascus, in the middle of a crowded city, who knows who did it?
Well, they know that.
It's hard to figure out.
He comes out and he says, if you have a chemical attack, I will bombard you.
I am the man of peace.
I am the prince of peace.
I am the Nobel Peace Prize winner.
What a sick joke.
And then, a year later,
There had already been one chemical attack, there were two more after that, and then now you have this big, spectacular event targeting civilians.
And within hours, the Assad regime, the government says, yes, send in the UN inspectors, and they say, no, it's too late.
Then UN inspectors show up and get shot at by snipers.
Because this is in a war zone, ladies and gentlemen.
This is in a zone there in Syria where there has been over a year of fighting going back with both sides in a proxy war.
And in the last six months, U.S.
troops have been massing in Turkey, massing in Jordan, and infiltrating hundreds of thousands of jihadis with CIA and other NATO and MI6-S Special Air Services people behind them.
With all sorts of tow missiles, stinger-type missiles, heat-seeking anti-aircraft, I mean, it is on against Russian spitsnats that are there advising them.
So it's a proxy war with NATO against Russia.
This is all part of the encircling of Russia.
And it's not America against Russia.
It's America run by NATO, on record, the biggest world narcotics traffickers, white slavery traffickers, that's kidnapped children, folks, on record.
I mean, they run the drugs into Europe, they run them into the US, the whole nine yards against the Russians, who again, the Russians aren't perfect either.
I don't live in Russia, ever been to Russia.
Russia has a terrible gangster government culture, but they can't even get their act together to be the high-tech tyranny that the New World Order is.
And so you've got a hijacked America, a hijacked Republic, and our military
Being used to back up hardcore, even the Council on Foreign Relations admits around 60% of the jihadi fighters that have been injected in by the West the last two and a half plus years are Al-Qaeda.
And we've got videos that we've aired of them with captured tanks flying, Al-Qaeda flags, just absolutely murdering, blowing up churches, chopping Christians' heads off, blowing up synagogues, blowing up mosques, blowing up churches.
There are confirmed reports where they stop truck drivers on the road, and if you're not a Wahhabist Sunni, they just kill you right there on the spot.
The West is funding the most radical, nasty people in the world to go into there and butcher the place, just like Lawrence of Arabia and British intelligence were funded to go into Damascus previously and burn the place down.
And what year did the British go into Damascus and torch it?
What year was that with Lawrence of Arabia?
The whole point is that this is amazing!
What is going on?
And they're saying it's for children.
Oh look!
They're nerve-gassed and they put it all over the television.
Whenever Western forces kill children, you try to put it on your YouTube channel?
Or you try to put it on your website?
They try to shut your site down.
But whenever they want a war, they parade the dead children all over TV.
And let me tell you folks, it really freaks me out to know the evidence is overwhelming that our supposed government, run by globalists, undoubtedly the evidence is overwhelming.
Because they've been caught doing it before, they have the motive, they stand to gain.
So many pieces of evidence.
That the timing, the US troops massing, the Qatari troops massing, the Saudi troops massing, the French troops massing, the British troops massing, saying they're getting ready to go in, and then right on time they say, if you use nerve gas, chemical weapons, we will bombard you and invade you.
And Assad goes, chemical weapons aren't even good against other militaries in civilian areas.
I have these legally and lawfully.
I'm not about to use them.
The Russians are at the bases guarding them.
Just in case you try to blow it up, you'll kill Russian soldiers, which has already happened when they cruise-missiled, Israel cruise-missiled, about a month and a half ago, some of the surface-to-ship missiles that they had there on their coast.
This is a big deal.
So back in 1918, a bunch of Saudi Arabians on camels, funded by the British government, went in and basically took over Syria and murdered tens of thousands as well.
And it's just a replay of that.
Go in, wreck the place, because nobody's allowed to have a country but the New World Order, and those are countries that they've already captured, and that they're sucking dry.
We're all occupied by Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, the Bank of England, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Sachs-Coburg-Gothas, the House of Orange.
They're all intermarried.
It's all a disgusting joke to these people.
And the average American just hears, oh, that's that bad guy that used chemical weapons on those kids.
Oh, good.
We're the good guys.
Go in there.
And they're going to wreck the place and turn it over to Al-Qaeda.
And they're also selling the idea of if anybody has chemical weapons or nuclear weapons other than the New World Order, you're going to be bombarded, you're going to be attacked, you're going to be invaded.
This is global governance.
That sovereign countries sitting there will have the West, like Libya, Syria, Egypt, you name it, go stage riots, fund the opposition with weapons, our media will call them demonstrators and activists when they blow up police stations.
I mean, you'll be watching CNN when they kill 25 cops in Egypt, the Al-Qaeda people, and they'll call them activists, and they'll show them with machine guns shooting people on their activists.
I mean, this is so sick!
It is so sick.
Egypt was doing nothing to America.
Libya was doing nothing to America.
Had apologized, given billions in reparations, signed over the whole country to the big banks.
They're like, that's not enough, buddy.
We're going to take you down now.
But in the case of Egypt, that was a Western-installed group they removed to put in the destabilizing Muslim Brotherhood and their Al-Qaeda.
By the way, it's Al-Qaeda.
We see the videos, we post them, we've played them here, of them burning down the churches, crucifying people, beheading people, throwing them off roofs, killing hundreds of Christians a day for the last two years straight, burning down churches every day.
There's not really a church left.
In Egypt, the army's promising to rebuild it, so Obama cut off the funds.
And I'm not even for foreign aid, because it's only used to put evil people in.
See, as soon as there's non-evil in charge, then they hold back the money.
So don't let them have the money for foreign aid, because they're only going to use it to put evil people in.
Because the globalists want to bring things down so they can buy it up cheap.
They're at war with humanity and progress.
They're the opposite of a renaissance.
They are a post-industrial, neo-Dark Ages.
They are neo-feudalistic, scientific, militarized corporists who are the absolute enemy of all good.
They are a spirit of evil.
That's why they dominate.
It takes a spirit of liberty to challenge them.
People ask, what's the solution?
It's having a spirit of resistance and a spirit of justice.
It's becoming virtuous people again.
It's becoming honorable again.
If you had the spirit of God in you, the spirit of liberty, you would be outraged by the Homeland Security coming out and saying gun owners are terrorists and DOD documents that are public with judicial watch openly saying George Washington would not be welcome in today's army.
He was bad.
I'm going to cover this and show the document for people watching on TV.
But the fact that you're not outraged by that, if you're a new listener, you just think it's all funny.
You have a spirit of being dominated.
A spirit of not being able to man up and be threatened by tyranny and then automatically spring into action to resist it.
Because you're insecure about yourself.
I'm not talking to our main listeners.
I'm talking to folks that live in denial.
You don't believe in yourself.
You are nothing but a hedonist, at best.
Most people aren't even living, they're like jellyfish.
And so they hear all this talk and feel so overpowered by it, they just think, well, I can't do anything, I'll just stand down.
If you had the spirit of liberty in you, you would automatically be resisting in different ways, and you would get better and better at resisting, and then we would defeat this system very, very quickly.
But you've got to have a fire in the gut, a fire in the mind.
That's what Thomas Jefferson talked about.
That's what George Washington talked about.
I have a fire in my mind.
Literally, I burn with liberty in my mind.
It's burning.
It's animated.
The word's not possession.
I'm overtaken by it.
I burn in my mind, and then my belly just is satisfied saying, yes, resist them.
You're doing good.
You're honorable.
My belly is satisfied, giving me strength.
You're doing the right thing.
And my mind is on fire saying, all of your faculties here, this is the brain God gave you.
This is what it's designed to do.
You want to be awake?
You want to have discernment?
You are given discernment!
And it's a fire!
It's a fire!
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Alright folks, I am your host Alex Jones.
We're back live here.
Let me just read some of the headlines about what's happening in Syria.
And then I'm going to contrast it with the globalist master plan for the globe.
That's why they want you dumbed down, drugged through the GMO, the fluoride, the aspartame, is because if you're really awake and conscious, you're going to want to control your own destiny, and then that gets in the way of the technocrats dominating and controlling the future development of the planet.
The oligarchs just believe they're entitled to rule and run everything and are completely cold-blooded and all compete with each other on who can be the nastiest and the most evil.
And when you get rid of checks and balances, you turn all of them loose and all of their minions loose to build their own little sub-empires of tyranny and mismanagement.
Assad says accusations that Syria used chemical weapons against logic.
And he went on to say, why on earth when they say they're going to invade us and are looking for an excuse, why on earth would I use something against civilians that isn't even good militarily?
Absolutely, chemical weapons are only good if thousands of troops are pouring across a line and you can see them and you fly over and spray them.
And then they're going to have gas masks and stuff.
It's purely... I mean, all the motives are for the globalists.
The globalists have a history of staging things, a history of lying.
I have a Frederick Nietzsche quote here.
You know, he said, that which does not kill you only makes you stronger.
He also said, a history of false flags or staged terror attacks used to manipulate the minds of the people and individuals.
Insanity is rare, but in groups, parties, nations, and
In larger thoughts, it is the rule epochs.
Frederick Nietzsche.
Absolutely, that is so true what he said.
Because it's mass psychology, and you're just, well, everybody else says Assad must die!
And the average American literally can't even find Syria on a map, on record.
Much less name their state capital.
But there's a guy, he wears a suit and tie, but he's a little brown, so even brown people are like, let's kill him because he's different than us.
And let's get behind, hurt those kids!
Really, can you find Damascus?
Do you know about Damascus?
Do you know where it is?
Do you know about the two and a half year proxy war?
The war crime being committed?
Do you know about the rebels being caught?
Senators bombing Syria
Responsibility of civilized nations everywhere.
That's a Curt Nimmo article up on Infowars.com.
And that's a quote by one of the Senators, that it's the responsibility of civilized nations everywhere to bomb them immediately.
Here's another one.
Syria's Assad says U.S.
military will fail if it intervenes.
I'm going to go through some of these quotes.
The statements made by the politicians in the U.S.
and other Western countries represent an insult to common sense and neglect to the public opinion of citizens in those countries.
It's nonsense.
First, they bring charges, and then they collect evidence.
And it's one of the most powerful countries that does it.
The U.S.
They accuse us on Wednesday and only two days the American leadership announces they've started to collect the evidence.
They accuse our army of using chemical weapons in the area that's reportedly controlled by the terrorists.
Yes, it's on record that area is held by the Al-Qaeda forces.
In fact, there is no precise front line between the army and the insurgents in that area.
And how can a government use chemical weapons or any other weapons of mass destruction in the area where government troops are concentrated?
This is against elementary logic.
Well, buddy, Assad, don't use logic.
By the way, I misspoke Friday.
I said...
Assad's father, it came out on Telegraph and BBC, would send him info on war stories, his father-in-law, in England.
And it came out that the regime, you know, reads our site and passes it around and says, this is the truth.
Listen, info, I don't just go along with, oh Assad thinks I'm telling the truth, he must be a good guy.
I don't think Assad's a good guy.
He's a lot better than his father, he was democratizing the country.
But that's what allowed the West to infiltrate.
And I guess his dad did do brutal stuff, but I guess it was that or let Saudi Arabia send in jihadis to kill everybody and be about a thousand times worse.
So does it become a lesser of two evils?
I'm not going to endorse that idea.
My point here is that this was a stabilizing force in the region, but it's not run by the New World Order, so it's being taken down.
And he goes on with very well... I mean, all I know is I find no fault with what they're doing and what they're saying.
It's the truth.
From our research, our evidence, our sources.
And it continues to turn out that they're telling the truth.
But it's just common sense.
I don't take Assad's word for it.
It's an area where battles are going on, and then civilians get nerve-gassed, and the West is like, when they nerve-gas, we're gonna invade.
They've already invaded with proxy soldiers.
When we come back, I'm going to play you a clip of McCain.
Then I'm going to give the phone number out.
I want to talk to active duty military personnel, or people that recently got out of the military, about the DOD training manual saying extremist founding fathers would not be welcome in today's military.
It's unbelievable.
It's a 130-something page document.
We're going to go over some of that as well, but I'm going to get back with McCain after this break.
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Oh, there's another one!
Another plane just hit!
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption from 12 noon to 3 p.m.
Eastern here.
Weekdays back 7 o'clock every night with InfoWars.
Nightly news from my great news team and back Sundays 4 to 6 p.m.
Central live as well.
I want to give the number out here for military personnel to give your take.
If you're current or just recently got out your take on the chemical attack, what you think about it, where you think all this is going, and then it'll be another country.
They'll say, oh, they did a chemical attack.
And then, oh, the patriots in America, the gun owners, they did bombings.
They've all got to be arrested.
See, we told you they're the terrorists.
That's how this false flag stuff works.
As Nietzsche said, a history of false flag attacks used to manipulate the minds of the people.
In individuals, insanity is rare, but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs, it is the rule.
Frederick Nietzsche.
I guess an epoch's a mass thought or awakening of thought.
And I guess you blow up your own battleship, attack Spain, 1898.
Attack Spanish holdings.
You say the ships are attacked in 64, you go to war with Vietnam.
I mean, it's just over and over and over and over.
And sometimes they don't even attack the ships.
They just said they were attacked, like in the case of Gulf of Tonkin.
In this case, clearly they killed some kids, but then BBC ran photos
Of dead Iraqis from 2003 saying it was the dead Syrians.
And got caught doing it.
And said, oh that was an accident.
So they could show a big warehouse with hundreds of dead, not dozens of dead.
And then now we don't even know.
It looks like it wasn't thousands that were killed.
It looks like it was hundreds.
And it happened in an area that was held by the rebels.
And it just doesn't matter.
It's, well, we gotta do something.
We gotta do something.
Assad's killing his own people!
Obama, you know, we gotta get behind the Muslim Brotherhood who's blowing up churches.
And our media won't tell anybody they're the ones attacking.
And the American people are so dumbed down, so lazy, that I've seen national polls out where upwards of 70% said they don't want to attack Syria.
So I guess in a way, actually, the public isn't dumbed down.
But it's still kind of like, yeah, I'm against it, but that's over there, you know, 7,000 miles away or whatever.
6,000, 7,000 miles away.
I mean, what's the big deal?
And this is, imagine turning a country over where Jews, Christians, Muslims of all types live in peace.
For hundreds of years, over to Al-Qaeda, so they could just run around.
And I watch the videos of these guys with their shaved heads and their Al-Qaeda beards, just murdering men, women, and children, and just getting away with it.
And our media covers it up, and it makes me very angry.
This morning, I went down to the hike and bike trail.
To jog, and driving in I saw little kids getting on school buses at like 7.45 in the morning.
And they were so innocent, they were so sweet.
I saw group after group lined up with their parents, being put on the bus for the first time.
Groups of what looked like kindergartners and first graders, and how innocent they were, and how innocent the parents were.
They all look like children.
We really are a nation of naive children, that's what it is, who've had it so good so long, we have no idea what's done in our name.
And what our taxes fund worldwide, pure evil.
Pure, crystalline evil.
And I get angry every time I see groups of innocent children.
As a warrior, as any man's supposed to be, as a defender, I fundamentally just seethe with energy to resist tyranny.
To the point of I go in a hundred different directions.
Like the Tasmanian devil, you know, out of Warner Brothers.
I just cannot understand how people are not fundamentally wounded by what's going on and then spurred to take action.
They could have a gun to my head and say, shut up or you're dead.
I couldn't shut up about tyranny.
And I just don't get people that don't even care.
And they laugh at those of us that care.
We're weak.
They're strong that they don't care.
While everything good about America is being dismantled right now, the prosperity, the future, the individualism, collectivism is being brought in.
I want to hear from military, active military, Army, Marines, Navy, you name it.
And we will get you up and on the air.
I want to tell you about a couple of sponsors and I'll finish up with the Assad News.
Mentioned the DOD training manual and extremist founding fathers would not be welcome in today's military.
I want to ask active duty or people that just got out so they can currently talk about the situation and their view on it.
What is it like?
Because I ran into so many special forces people.
Ran into one last night.
Who said, oh yeah, the Special Forces community, you can always tell when these guys are real versus somebody saying they are.
Really, I don't ever run anybody who's being a fake Special Forces person.
They just say, oh, it's horrible that we fund Al-Qaeda.
We've known for decades and hate it.
And it's just absolutely destroyed morale and is a terrible thing.
And yeah, I know everything he says, you know, pretty much accurate.
We're just trying to think, what do we do?
How do we change this?
America is so immoral, the general public can't even understand basic logic.
It's just what Assad said.
He's like, you're saying if we use chemical weapons, you're going to invade us.
Why would I use it?
In a civilian area anyways, it defies logic!
That's what the Special Forces guys always say to me.
Because you gotta be smart to be involved in all that.
And be able to run all those codes, and have all those missions, and work 18 hours a day, 7 days a week sometimes.
Sometimes work 3 days in a row.
I mean, it's just, they know, they know, that's why they're our biggest group of listeners.
Because they hear this show, they know I'm not baloney pushing here.
I mean, we're in trouble, ladies and gentlemen.
The entire federal government's been taken over and spends all their time hiring bizarre weirdo radicals in the billion-round weapons procurement who want race war in America.
That came out in mainstream news last week in the Atlantic Wire.
That's who they're hiring is weirdo communists and black nationalists and just weird Muslim radicals that run Homeland Security.
I used to hear this stuff and think that's crazy.
No, that's actually who they're getting.
I'm living in the twilight zone here, ladies and gentlemen.
And then the government spends all day demonizing the founding fathers and private property and homeschooling.
And they go into state police all over the country with straight faces going, the Christians are your enemy, we expect them to attack, the homeschoolers are evil, and they don't care that a bunch of the state police then end up resigning or leaving or getting demoted, because they're going to build their army against us, and they are!
I mean, do you understand?
This is real!
This is not a game!
I've got an hour-long Army PSYOPs video from 1962 that we've posted on InfoWars before, that they declassified about six, seven years ago,
And you look at how they take over a third world country, that's what they're doing here.
Except in the training video, the training film, it's how to fight communists.
They're using all those systems to bring in communism, but only in the grassroots.
Offshore bankers control it and are exempt from the taxes and the law, sucking everything out as a tool to...
Absolutely bankrupt us to make us slaves and I'm sitting here watching the U.S.
with basically vampires sucking the blood out and the United States is in a coma right now and the vampires are slurping as hard as they can to get the last bits of blood and the heart's barely beating and the trendies are dancing in the streets begging to fully bring it down, folks.
They have no idea the manifest hell that they're gonna bring in.
And let me tell you, we will pay for 53 million abortions.
We will pay for turning all these countries over to Al-Qaeda.
We will pay.
And it will all be visited upon us.
And the globalists even know that.
That's why they've set up a system where they'll get us next, and then they play the part of God doing all this.
It's unbelievable.
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Okay, I kind of go off on a jag.
I don't mean to just get up here and start ranting about all the things that are happening.
It's just, how do you not get excited?
About the globalists clearly staging a chemical attack in Syria.
And now Assad's saying we're going to fight.
There's Russians there.
It's all part of encircling Russia.
The Pentagon plans public.
It's not America attacking Russia through proxies.
It's the bankers who don't fully run Russia.
And the thing is, Russia could turn itself over to the New World Order.
They're not going to back off.
They're going after the family.
They're going after the churches.
This is a corporate takeover, a corporate hack of reality, a hack of the environment, a hack of the global genome, not just the Homo sapiens sapien genome, a corporate rewrite, a group playing God, hyper-intelligent, cold-blooded sociopaths slash genetic psychopaths inbreeding elite families of every major culture, fusing into the fist of Satan.
I mean, that's really the only way I can describe them.
And they have an absolute drive to hammer humanity and irrevocably damage us.
That is their spirit.
You go, why?
Why did every inbred elite do the same thing on a smaller scale in history?
Every culture had psycho devil kings with huge human sacrifices, burning pits full of children, skull devil worship, burning cities, mass murder, rape, death.
I mean, that's what they do.
And we always let them take over and run things and bow to them.
And they always rip our guts out.
You must not submit to them.
You must resist them.
You must stand against them.
We're under attack.
I don't know how else I'm supposed to explain this to you.
Drums, drums, drums in the deep.
They are coming.
This is not a game, ladies and gentlemen.
You're in a war.
You turn the television on, you're under attack.
You put your kids in public school, you're under attack.
You go into Walmart, you're under attack.
You breathe the air, you're under attack.
Eat the GMO, you're under attack.
You drink the water, you're under attack.
It's total attack!
And if you're in the military and the New World Order and these corporate systems, you're under even greater attack.
You're even more closely watched.
There's no winning!
Even the top ten New World Order servants will be destroyed by their master.
If you don't believe in the devil, it doesn't matter!
A mass psychology, a mob psychology, a mass meme, a cognitive mass brain effect, a hive mind, all the terms the globalists use, they're aware of all that and they're programming the subconscious.
Programming the dark, wicked archetypes so they control the world because they resonate with it.
It's who they are.
You've got to just understand they're evil.
Why do good people always get abused by con artists and criminals?
Because they expect other people to be good.
They expect other people to be like them.
Why do women get in the car with a serial killer?
Because he's sharp-dressed.
Because he looks nice.
He's well-spoken.
He's sharp-dressed.
It's the same thing.
We're in a crisis.
We're going to go to your calls.
Corey is Active Army.
Dave is Retired Police, U.S.
Capitol Security.
David's Active Army in Hawaii.
Joe, Mike's ex-Army Ranger, Chemical Warfare, Iraq.
We're going to go to all of you.
Briefly, here's McCain on CNN just about an hour ago.
This is McCain saying, hey, we don't need just cruise missiles.
We need to bomb that place up one side and down the other.
Here it is.
The President of the United States over a year ago said that if Bashar Assad used chemical weapons, it crosses a red line.
We know for sure that he's used them at least once.
Now here's the second time.
Total lie!
And if the United States stands by and doesn't take very serious action, not just launching some cruise missiles, then again our credibility
What is it about CNN like most of their broadcasters are British?
It'd be like if I went to England and everybody was American.
It'd be weird.
I guess we should just go back to the Queen running America?
I guess that's what we do here now.
They think it makes you sound smarter.
I mean, I could talk in that voice if you like.
The point is, is that
Let's go to your phone calls.
And they show before that all the U.S.
ships massing and the Russian ships massing.
I mean, this is biblical.
Let's go to Corey in Connecticut, who's active Army.
Then we'll go to everybody else.
Corey, thanks for calling in.
You're on the air.
What's your take on all this?
What's going on, Alex?
The big take here, you got me fired up, especially with that McCain message.
I'd just love to even call out McCain right out on the air now and say that he's a liar, because even back in 06 and 07, for our deployments, especially with 10th Group Special Forces and the chemical warfare guys, they were noticing that Mosul, being 45 minutes from each section of the border of Syria and Iran, was going to be the choke point and the funnel point after they got everybody out of Baghdad.
So I'm going to just call that out and say that's complete garbage, because they were funneling the weapons
We're good to go.
You have to have a contract before you enter into a country and or start sending in companies like Halliburton, like with Dick Cheney, what he was doing with Iraq.
But there's a huge issue with that is that those are pretty much the warning signals.
What companies are already contracted to go into Syria?
I mean, three, six months in advance, they have to have the contracts up.
To get these guys on the ground.
And even still, and currently, with Afghanistan and Iraq, here you have John McCain stating, oh, chemical weapons, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, were used by Assad.
Well, I'm again calling BS on that, because if you look today, there was another, uh, I believe a Twitter account on NSNBC or something like that.
Well that's what I was about to say is that it's actually come out in the back of the paper
Quite a bit that in Jordan and over on the Iraq border and in Turkey that they have U.S.
military bases there training the Al Qaeda and jihadis to inject them.
But as you said, the main area is out of Iraq and that Israel it came out has ambulances
Uh, and, and, and other gear, and they're, uh, they're on the go line, uh, and are actually helping them as well.
I mean, this, they've got Syria surrounded, uh, and, and it's, it's so incredible.
What do people you know in the military, what are they saying about this?
Right now, Alex, even here in the state, I know people are going to get angry at me, but even the O6 levels and above now are starting to really grasp what DHS is doing here right in the state.
And they're pretty much stating that the National Guard is going to have a secondary portion access to any operations that they're doing, that they're going to be running full-scale stuff through DHS here in the state of Connecticut.
And the reason that they held back on that through here in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, obviously we have a liberal state up here.
But the issue that I see coming up with this is that the fact that DHS is going to take full information and control of domestic civil unrest if it comes to be, which these are the operations that they are currently working on here, and I've already outspoken about that.
It's actually starting to bother myself and other individuals because they're seeing this now happen, even up to the 06 level.
Do you think it'll help that myself and others for 18 years since I learned of this covert program, now that it's coming to a head, does it help that we told everybody over and over again and made all these viral films that this was coming, that now it's coming, that they would use an outside threat, they would flip it to domestic groups?
For those that don't know, the military parlance you're using, or nomenclature, they're openly merging the military now with Homeland Security and the public training target
Is gun owners, veterans, conservatives, libertarians, not jihadis?
And the fact is, what you're saying is the military is now beginning to really get concerned and realize that this is a treasonous action.
Absolutely, Alex.
And heart to heart, everything you're doing, I have to say, is on point.
It is on key.
You're not over the top when you're speaking about this.
And I really appreciate the way that you present your information.
And it is true.
It is working.
It is helping out people here.
I'm captioning, like I said, Facebook links, anything we can add on to basically help get this message forward that this inaction is being, basically taking over our state here and even in New England and all across the country.
You're absolutely right when you hit that point.
Well, God bless you, sir.
I appreciate your call, Corey.
I don't know what the globalists are going to do because it's now more than half of the people I walk by in uniform are there across the street.
They could be officers, enlisted, non-commissioned officers.
They just run over.
They say almost everybody we know is awake.
But then I run into other pockets who are not awake.
It's always veterans, people that have been in a while that are awake.
The only ones I run into that don't know what's going on are people that just got in.
And then they're all on a power trip or whatever half the time.
That's what they've got running.
Checkpoints and stuff.
But even they start to wake up.
Look, here's what's going to happen.
They're taking over Syria with false flags.
They've launched every major war with false flags.
Hitler started World War II with false flags.
Every indicator is they're going to stage big false flags and blame it on the American resistance.
Okay, I mean they're saying that gun owners, veterans groups are going to start killing police and bombing things.
They're either going to provocateur mentally ill people to do it, but that won't be a big enough body count.
They'll probably have some of that as well, simultaneously.
Some wind-up toys.
Maybe even mind control type folks.
That's an old technology, but it's probably going to be big.
Nerve gas, bioweapon, low-yield nuke, and it'll be, hey, Alex Jones supporter.
You already see him getting ready, saying the Boston Bombers were because of me.
And you already see him saying I'm behind everything else, because I know the program, and they know the military's listening to me.
So there's a good chance when they nuke a city, I'm not joking here, this is what I really think they may do, just studying them 24-7, eat, drinking and sleeping this, they'll nuke a city and then say Alex Jones was taken into custody, you know, the person that we believe nuked it, you know, John Brown or whatever it is, Tom Brown or whatever, they'll make up some name, you know, was getting info to Jones, it'll be Jones died in custody, he resisted.
And I guess that's a merciful fate in a way.
I just feel sorry for everybody that has to be left behind and all this stuff.
And that may not happen either.
They may not even care.
Nuke something, say I'm supporting it.
I mean, I know these people and they know I know them.
That's why they're so freaked out by us.
And it's not hard to figure this stuff out once you've studied it, folks.
We just happen to have a platform.
Let's talk to David in Hawaii Active Arming.
Then we'll go to Mike and Joe and Dave.
Please, everybody stay there.
I'm going to get to all of you.
Let's go to David.
David, you're on the air.
Welcome, sir.
Hi Dave.
Hi Alex.
Thanks for having me on.
23 years in the military.
Army officer.
I just want to echo what you last guy said.
You're spot on with a lot of this analysis that you're doing.
And I just wanted to call and talk about Syria if that's okay.
Yes sir, go ahead.
You're exactly right when you make the conclusion that there's absolutely no logical reason for Assad to use chemicals against his own people.
Knowing that he could bring the U.S.
possibly to come invade his country.
It just does not make sense.
It's not logical.
And it's not something that he would consider unless someone was trying to do what you said, which is set this up for an opportunity to bring us in to try and legitimize us invading Syria.
It just doesn't make sense.
But what do you think about that?
No, I mean, absolutely.
But so here's my question.
All the military people I talk to see right through this, but the public doesn't know what planet they're on, on average.
So what do you expect to happen here?
Because the word I've got is the reason they haven't already invaded is the average officer does know this is pure evil.
But they've already replaced a lot of top brass to go along with this.
I mean, Hosni Mubarak was brought in on this plan four years ago.
It wouldn't do it, so they cooed him.
He's like, I'm not going to destabilize the whole thing and commit these evils.
And he was a dictator, but not, you know, an overly evil guy.
This is, like, really bad.
So is there a debate going on in the military about this?
There is, and I think a lot of people are really having the discussion back and forth about it.
And I think what they didn't calculate was that Russia was going to take its position.
And I would also like to throw in here, I think it's a crime.
It is an absolute crime
That we would, the United States, would be supporting the terrorists that we were fighting and killing in Iraq and Afghanistan, who are now supporting the resistance against Assad.
That's just a crime, and I can't believe our government would do that, and it just pisses me off, and excuse my grandma on TV, on the radio, and it just frustrates me and my friends that we would now turn around and be funneling money and resources to support the very people that are killing.
Absolutely, and it's outrageous.
God bless you, sir.
We're going to go to break and come back with
Who's up next?
Dave and then Joe and Mike and Max and everybody else.
Folks, this is really evil.
And it's super dangerous.
Here's the problem.
John Corzine was the head of Goldman Sachs.
Then he became the governor of New Jersey.
He made 40 to 1 bets with other people's money at MF Global and lost.
You're like, what does that have to do with Assad and this?
That's the type of crazies we're dealing with here.
They're reckless.
They may start a war with Russia.
I mean, many analysts I've talked to say we're in more danger of nuclear war than we were back in the so-called Cold War.
Because we've got real crazies running our government right now.
I mean, they're nuts, ladies and gentlemen.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, they're beating the war drums up to ramming speed right now and saying that they're gonna, they start bombing within days.
McCain is literally licking his lips right now.
The evidence is overwhelming.
This is a false flag.
No logic that Assad would, in a crowded area, attack an area partially held by his forces, partially held by the Al-Qaeda rebels.
The Russians are putting a larger fleet in the United States under globalist control as well.
And you know why the globalists do stuff like this.
They know once a war officially starts,
Not declared by Congress, but once they call it a war, people will just get behind the President.
And that will get Obama's approval rating up.
We'll give him another Peace Prize, probably.
And they'll put Al-Qaeda in charge and our media won't cover the mass murder they engage in.
Let's go back to your phone calls.
Coming up in about 15 minutes, we got Dr. Jerome Corsi joining us to talk about all this and more, but let's get back to your calls.
The great Alex Jones.
How are you doing, Alex Jones?
Well, yes, sir.
I remember John McCain, John Sidney McCain III, and Lindsey Graham had a visit on the 4th of July.
They visited the troops in Afghanistan.
And then they conveniently made a trip to Syria.
I was just wondering, how convenient is this?
And right after that, less than a month, we have this chemical attack.
And this visit was actually with the rebels.
And we all know that the rebels are Al-Qaeda.
Um, so this smells fishy from the beginning, and I'm just trying to figure out, does anybody remember this?
Because American people have a short-term memory.
So if you can, uh...
Maybe shed some light on that.
And also John McCain is a communist.
I don't know if people realize that or not.
When he was captured by the Vietnamese, there's a whole big story about that whole capture thing.
You did a big piece on that.
He turned against the other guys pretty much immediately.
He said, listen, I'm with you.
And he lived out his days in a palatial mansion with prostitutes.
While all the other guys were tortured, some of them to death.
And he's an anti-gun, anti-American, total piece of trash!
Sorry, go ahead.
Yes, the Patriot Summit.
This is what I would love to see, Alex.
I would love to see a Patriot Summit with the restoration of the Constitution being the topic.
What would our Founding Fathers be doing right now?
Well, you know, they're terrorists.
What do you make of the 135-page DOD document Judicial Watch got where they say, and I actually have the quote here, that the Founding Fathers would not be welcome in today's military because they were extremists.
And it goes on to say, nowadays, the manual explains, instead of dressing in sheets or publicly espousing hate messages, many extremists will talk of individual liberty, states' rights, and how to make the world a better place.
So making the world a better place, that's pretty terrorist, isn't it?
That would be a terrorist when you're a communist country, and when your country has been taken over by communists.
This would be assertion, and this would be the declaration that they have made.
So, you know, this is the question that I ask myself all the time.
What would our founding fathers be doing right now at this moment?
I mean, they're actually having to be turning over in their grave.
They died and shed blood for this country.
They'll see what's going on right now.
It's just unbelievable.
Every time I see something, it just makes my skin crawl because I'm like, wow, like the spirit inside of me is screaming out, what can we do?
And they thumbed down the American people.
The American people have received so much disinformation and low information
That they can't do anything and it's not their fault.
Wow, that's it.
It's the spirit in you screaming out.
That's the best way to describe when you get outraged by this stuff and have a conscience and have discernment.
It's outrageous to watch the wicked just commit all these atrocities against innocents and then blame their enemies for the atrocities they've done and then we think about how they're...
See, we see all this propaganda and we go, man, that's incredible.
That discredits them.
But they've got a dumbed-down constituency that buys it all.
And so that's why they're doing that.
Very well said, sir.
Thank you, Dave.
Let's talk to, when we come back, to Joe, and then Mike, and then Max, and others.
We're talking to current or former military or police about your take on the Founding Fathers' official Army Training Manual.
Our bad.
I mean, that sounds like a Monty Python skit or something.
I mean, it's just so over the top.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
By the way, back in January, we had an article on Infowars.com that hacked emails show that Washington planned to stage a chemical attack in Syria.
And I remember when that came out, it turned out it was a real group, but then they tried to spin it.
And John Harmon just reminded me about that in my ear literally 30 seconds ago.
That's why I was almost late coming back there.
There it is.
Hacked emails reveal Washington approved plan to stage chemical weapons attack in Syria.
Obama administration complicit in war crime.
Oh my gosh, that was eight months ago and I'd forgotten about that.
And our article ended up getting picked up by like the Daily Mail and the Telegraph in England and stuff.
See, I mean, we just fire and forget, folks.
We break all this huge news and then just forget what we even covered in the past and move on.
But as Assad has said, why would I stage an attack in a crowded city on civilians when the West says they're going to come bomb us and take over when we're winning the war against Al-Qaeda that you've been putting into the country for two and a half years?
And that are killing the Christians.
And I took a bunch of active duty calls, three or four of them last hour, really eloquently breaking down that they've been bringing troops into Al-Qaeda for two and a half years, out of Iraq, into Syria.
And that's all come out.
And the main force is Al-Qaeda.
And our government's backing it all over, but we're talking to Mike, Joe, Jeremy, Max, and others.
A lot of these folks are former.
We're going to go to Joe and Mike and Jeremy here in a minute.
But Max is in Wisconsin.
We're going to go to him first.
He's active military.
He wants to talk about Syria, because I want to get active military's take on this.
This looks like a false flag to me, but the Russians are massing their ships.
They've got troops there.
I'm no fan of Assad, but he's like Mubarak, not a bad guy compared to al-Qaeda.
What is your take on what's happening, and what are other military people you're talking to, what are they saying about this?
Hi, Defender of Mankind.
I'm part of Conaganda Distribution, and I'll get right to it.
Syria is not only a military op, but also a psy-op aimed towards the U.S.
and the world at large.
And everything you're saying is pretty much on the money.
But I'd like to ask if you are aware of satanic psy-ops aimed towards young adults slash children here stateside?
Man, all I know is almost every one of these singers that targets tweenies, like eight, nine, ten-year-old girls, it's open Satanism, open orgies.
I mean, they know, whether you believe in the devil or not, folks, that if they can make you immoral, and when you're young, destroy your innocence, that you'll probably not develop into a strong spiritual person that's good.
They want to destroy you while you're young.
And yeah, I mean, the whole New World Order is a satanic system.
So, I mean, I'm aware of a lot of it, but I mean, what specifically?
Well, I don't know if you've heard of it, but all over the country or in the U.S.
in the past, let's say about ten years more often, there's been these festivals, music festivals, and they're kind of held in rural, highly religious areas, and pretty much they have security to restrict
Um, normal people bringing in normal drugs.
Drugs are part of a festival.
And then, like how you often said, the, uh, federal people will bring the drugs themselves.
Drugs like 25I, LSD, DMT, and so on and so forth.
And, um, it's very timed out, very coordinated.
You can see the, um, skulls on the hats, the 666 on the shirts.
They're pretty overt, like you said, with the sunglasses, the buffed up guys.
And black SUVs, helicopters, the whole nine yards.
Yes, I am.
I am actually aware that this has been declassified that in the 50s they rolled out the LSD raw at all the major universities the CIA did and then they rolled out the way to design it.
The ingredients list, the formula, and then yes, I am aware that a lot of the hardcore hallucinogens are being brought in because they think they've already got the youth so brain scrambled that then by putting them on this stuff, it'll make them get more scrambled.
In fact, these drugs are used in mind control.
There's some studies showing that if you're actually aware and awake, limited use could actually boost IQ, depending on the studies you read, but for the average dumbed-down person,
Well, I mean, we exposed, and it became national news with our sources in Minnesota, the police bringing hard drugs to Occupy to get them, all the young kids on drugs, to then make them dealers of the state police in Minnesota.
So, yes, amazing.
God bless you, sir.
I appreciate your call.
Let's talk to Jeremy in Indiana, then Joe and Mike.
No, no, no, no.
Mike's been holding along.
It's Mike in California, former Army.
He wants to talk about chemical warfare.
Go ahead, sir.
How you doing, Alex?
I served in the National Guard for four years and I was the NBC guy for my unit, the Nuclear Biological Chemical Warfare Specialist.
One thing that kind of raises eyebrows with me is they haven't disclosed what chemical agent was used, which nerve gas was used.
A lot of times that'll give away the signature of who used it because everybody likes their own little flavor if you go with the nerve gas.
Exactly, and the last three times they did the same thing.
Yeah, exactly.
And prior to, you know, me going to the advanced part of the training, there was a clip back in 2002 that was shown on CNN where an undisclosed terrorist group was using nerve gas and they showed what it did to a dog and it was all over the place.
So it does smell kind of fishy, especially since
Russia is beefing up everything and then you have the Snowden thing still playing around in the background.
It's all a setup.
Well sir, I mean here's the issue.
Three times in the last two years
The rebels have been caught later when the signature comes out.
Even the UN had to admit earlier this year, oh, that is the signature of the gas the jihadis have.
Okay, yeah, they did shoot some videos in Syria showing them training with it.
Separate from the older dog video, I've seen that terrible video as well with the yellow little mutt dog they kill.
And I mean the timing of the massing forces, the contracts, the foreign troops massing in Jordan, in other areas.
I mean, this is the big war push to get this invasion going.
Do we have Dr. Corsi?
Okay, fantastic.
We're going to go to him then.
We're just getting him on Skype right now.
Anything else you'd like to add, Mike?
No, Alex, I've been listening to you for almost seven months now.
This is the first time calling in.
You just make a lot of sense, man, especially my dad was very active with the military.
He was a Special Forces and Marine Corps veteran on his fourth recon.
So he was privy to a lot of stuff during Vietnam.
On top of that, he still kept close to what was going on.
He actually had paperwork from the Pentagon two months before Oklahoma City happened saying it was going to happen.
Well, yeah, the Pentagon was definitely involved.
The Army was.
He was a captain by then, Captain McVeigh in Special Forces.
They set him up bad.
And, yeah, I've talked to the police, the ones they haven't killed.
I mean, they even know who bombed it.
And McVeigh thought it was a drill, and then really freaked out when they were actually going to bomb the daycare center, and that's why they decided to set him up.
Earlier, they were probably going to blame some local Iraqis, but they just went with that.
Very complex situation.
Thank you so much.
I appreciate your call.
You ought to get those documents out.
Do a YouTube with those.
That's very important.
All right.
I wanted to get, for the balance of the hour, Dr. Jerome Corcion, because I saw an article he did for WND.com, WorldNetDaily, last Friday.
About Obama's connections to his cousins in the Muslim Brotherhood.
Well, Odinga was made to be the Prime Minister after they rioted and killed people all over the country, and Obama's senatorial emails are public, where he advised him how to do it.
So yes, Obama is Muslim Brotherhood, from my research, but that's another cover.
They're just manipulating that group.
So I want to segue into that briefly, then get Dr. Corsi, because he's worked in security in the Middle East.
Uh, as a contractor to the State Department and other things, get his take on where all this is going.
And, uh, the chemical attack that I think all the evidence shows was a false flag.
Dr. Corsi has a PhD from Harvard University in political science, and he's currently a senior writer for WorldNetDaily.
And he's got a whole bunch of number one New York Times bestsellers and we'll tell you about those as well.
But Dr. Corsi, we're going to break in about two minutes.
Briefly, what is your take on the situation with all this Muslim Brotherhood news coming out and Obama's family?
Well, I think the bottom line is that the Egyptian government, the current government, the military, have decided to out the Muslim Brotherhood.
They're prosecuting the Muslim Brotherhood.
In the process, they want the world to know that the Obama administration is very tightly tied to the Muslim Brotherhood, including in financial ties to the Obama family.
So, the news we're going to talk about is news that WND got
When it was released by the Egyptian government asking for the United States press to pick up the story.
Wow, and you've written quite a few articles on this.
The latest I saw was on Friday.
We should check WorldNetDaily.
Is there a new article out?
And give us the headline.
We'll put that on screen.
Well, I have a new article out right now today that argues from some sources in the Middle East that the intention of the Egyptian government when these trials began for the Muslim Brotherhood is to implicate President Obama directly.
That's bombshell.
In a series of financial transactions with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
Oh my gosh, and that just broke a World Net Daily?
Guys, let's put that up on screen.
Is it going to break?
This is huge.
We have an article that appeared over the weekend, and then a second article is appearing today.
We're going to be right back with Dr. Corsi to break this down.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, Obama is backing the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda in not just Syria and Libya, but in Egypt to murder all the Christians.
The word I've got is he has been Muslim Brotherhood and they're blackmailing him, basically.
We'll get Dr. Corsi's take on this.
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All right, Dr. Jerome Corsi is our guest till the end of the hour, and I knew that he was exposing the whole Muslim Brotherhood situation, and that's all coming out, but I separately read a whole bunch of books and documents and went and looked it up when Obama was running for president.
And, you know, the media says, oh, there's a theory he's a Muslim.
It's not that if he was just a Muslim, he went to a madrasa in Indonesia, was listed as a Muslim, gives speeches in Egypt saying, you know, I am of your faith, speaks Arabic so good that the Muslims freak out.
We don't even really know who he is.
He's definitely not who he says he is.
The point is, is that they're using this info and he is citing
With Al-Qaeda, with the Muslim Brotherhood, to a level that's even beyond the CIA, playing both sides.
I mean, this is getting really weird, folks.
Dr. Corsi, you've got the floor, you documented, we just lost him.
His Skype's coming back.
Skype's a great thing, it sounds great, and it's great for TV viewers, but it has problems.
This is so amazing.
to see this going on and I'm wondering geopolitically, all the big banks and the elites funding Obama, what do they think is going to come out of all this?
What is their, what is their endgame?
It's, it's amazing.
That this type of stuff is going on.
And when we get Dr. Corsi back on the Skype, we will get him to break all that down for us.
We're going to get him on the phone line.
But when you're sitting here looking at all this, it just makes the head spin.
Because not only is our government funding Al Qaeda publicly to start wars, stage false flags, you name it.
They are also using the Al Qaeda threat to set up a giant domestic military force that openly trains for war with us and doesn't even hide that fact.
And I just watched the general public go blindly about their business.
In every case in history, if a political group
All right, Doc, we got you.
Break down this incredible news that you've got on the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt about to fully expose Obama.
This is huge.
Well, let's start out with the story that broke last week.
The Egyptian government sent out the head of the, it was the vice president of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt, her name was Tahani al-Jibali, and she gave a speech and then several interviews
In Egyptian television, in which she said she wanted the American people to know that President Obama's brother was managing the money of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
And that brother we've identified as Malik Obama, who is in Kenya.
But what Jabali said was very important.
He said, we want to inform the American people that their president's brother Obama is one of the architects of the major investments of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
We will carry out the law.
The Americans will not stop us.
We need to open the files and begin court sessions.
She said further that the Obama administration knows they've supported terrorism.
We're going to open these files so the nations know the truth and the Obama administration is exposed and that they have collaborated with terrorists.
And it's this reason that the administration fights us.
So this is a clear attempt by the Egyptian government to out and embarrass the Obama administration for supporting the Egyptian Brotherhood in Egypt.
You know, I'm speechless here.
We have a long 18-minute segment coming up.
I want to give you the floor as best we can to lay all this out, but I don't just believe what they say.
I've done so much research like you have.
I know his cousin Odinga was the treasurer for the Brotherhood.
They burned half the country down.
Obama advised him in emails, as you know.
I want you to give people some history.
So this all fits.
He and his family would become like the offshore dictators of the Middle East, with the Muslim Brotherhood funneling them all the money.
My gosh!
Now it makes sense!
And also, Alex, there's a couple more things about this Malik Obama.
One is, he is also running money for the Sudanese terrorists.
We have him attending a meeting with the President of Sudan, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court for genocide.
Sudan is a terrorist nation, according to the State Department, and Malik is running the money for this organization in Sudan.
Also, Malik Obama has a foundation in the United States, 1C3, that has operated illegally for two years until Lois Lerner retroactively made it all okay at the IRS.
Sir, when we come back, we're going to give out both the headlines on the articles at worldnetdaily.com.
I'm going to put snippets up on infowars.com right now for direct traffic over there for the full articles.
We need to mirror this information.
This is so huge, folks, because the guy we've got on has been to Kenya.
He's been detained there.
He knows the players.
We're going to find out how big this is.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Folks, I'm going to be honest with you right now.
I wanted to get Dr. Jerome Corsi on to talk about his article about Obama's
Cousin being Muslim Brotherhood and being connected to the things happening in North Africa.
Because when you look at it, Kenya is right beside Egypt.
And I know that that's the politics they're running.
But when he brought up the two new articles that I hadn't seen yet that I now have scanned over while he was talking, Obama's brother linked to Muslim Brotherhood evidence, U.S.
government bribed Muslim Brotherhood, now Egypt looks to expose Obama
Everything just clicks because I've read Corsi's book.
I've read Tarpley's book on it.
I've interviewed other people that have been there.
I know the history of it.
I don't just get Corsi on and believe him, though I know that he's an honorable guy who tells the truth and has broken a lot of big international stories.
But I just literally had an adrenaline rush, not in a positive way, like being punched in the stomach, when all this clicked together like the tumblers on a safe.
And I immediately feared for Dr. Corsi's life, who I know has been threatened before.
Because they're scared of him.
And I immediately then saw Syria, Libya in context, and everything kind of clicked.
I don't know if he agrees with me, but he's an international crisis manager, political science PhD, Harvard, worked for the big banks, you name it.
He's a really smart guy who has all the connections.
But it all kind of came into view here.
Is he a Muslim extremist?
Isn't he?
He's just a profiteer pirate!
Working for big banks and people that want to make money, that's why they fund him, to put the jihadis in to loot the Middle East and give all the money and property to them.
Because these aren't just allegations from Egypt.
When I was reading your article, I'm like, wait, this has come out before in this country.
This has come out before in Sudan.
It's come out before in Kenya.
And then it all clicked.
They're going to burn down the Middle East and hand it all over to themselves as a mafia.
This is unbelievable.
And then the magnitude
Of the Egyptian military turning against it, defending the Christians, CNN calling them when they killed 25 cops, calling them activists, that CNN's involved in this.
Am I right in saying that if this all comes out, Dr. Corsi, this could bring down this criminal faction of the New World Order?
You've got the floor, give us the history, all of it, how big this is, do you agree with what I just said?
Well, I think you're right, Alex.
Let me just detail some of it.
I mean, the article I published over the weekend, which shows a document in it, an Egyptian government document that we got out of the Middle East, WND.
And what this is, is it's a government document listing from the Minister of Foreign Affairs the names of Muslim Brotherhood leaders in Egypt.
And the amount in bribes that they were paid in U.S.
dollars by the Obama administration with the money sent through the U.S.
Embassy in Cairo, the money paid over the Morsi government to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and then handed out
to this list of Muslim Brotherhood leaders.
And they came in, the Muslim Brotherhood leaders, and signed for the money.
It's a receipt.
The amounts of money paid are up to $850,000 a year.
And this is an authenticated document.
It's going to be presented at the trials of the Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo, alleging that these Muslim Brotherhood leaders are spies
Working for Obama, being paid by the Obama administration, and here's the documentary evidence of it, which we have in advance of the trial through our sources in Cairo.
It's incredible.
I mean, it's a list of the Muslim Brotherhood bad guys being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars off the books by the United States government, the Obama administration, through our embassy in Cairo, paid via the Morsi government.
This document was obtained when the Morsi government was deposed and the military went in and occupied the offices.
This is unbelievable.
Is this why they're trying to ratchet up the Syria thing right now as a distraction?
And what do you expect them to do to try to cover this up?
And how are things going for the Democratic, Socialist, Communist wing of the New World Order in their takeover of the Middle East?
Well, this is going to be explosive because the Egyptian government has announced in the newspapers, and we even cite the newspapers in the Middle East, this newspaper Al-e Sarun, which published in Egypt over the weekend, that this document existed and was going to be introduced at the trials of the Muslim Brotherhood.
And the Egyptian government has come out and said that they want to expose the Obama administration's ties
We're good to go.
Brought in the Muslim Brotherhood.
Obama celebrated it.
He said this was a positive development.
Now it turns out that Obama had been paying, the administration had been paying Muslim Brotherhood under the table.
Through our embassy in Cairo with the cooperation, we have the receipt with the signed signatures on it of the Muslim Brotherhood members that got paid these hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes.
Now this document is going to be an explosive document all through the Middle East.
Because it puts the Obama administration on the side of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists under the table.
I mean, this makes things like Iran-Contra pale in significance compared to the magnitude of this behavior, which, when fully documented, I think is going to lead to treason charges.
I mean, I think it's of that magnitude.
And by the way, I mean, you wrote Unfit for Command.
You've done so many things that have ended up deciding presidential elections.
You don't toot your own horn.
You don't make idle statements like this.
In fact, I think in the decade I've been interviewing you, Dr. Corsi, I don't think I've ever heard you make bold statements like this, but I agree.
I mean, I was blindsided.
I was getting you on about the Muslim Brotherhood stuff and some funding of it.
But what you brought out now, what's in the Egyptian news,
is sensational, but I'm concerned about what they'll do to distract us from all of this.
And I also want to know, how does this tie into Benghazi?
Because we know there was a cover up there of the missiles being transferred.
We know elements of the government did not want to back Al-Qaeda.
It looks like that Obama and his controllers may be running a rogue operation, and if so, who is behind it?
I mean, it's not just Obama.
Well, let's first deal with Benghazi because we reported, WND reported, and we've been working with Waleed Chobat, who is also published alongside WND.
Waleed is one of our sources.
He's former PLO, Arabic speaking.
And you remember in Benghazi, when we ran WND, those clips.
of the latecomers, the second wave of the attack of the terrorists on the Benghazi compound.
And when they entered, they said, don't shoot at us.
We are on your side.
We're from Egypt.
Morsi sent us.
And in fact, even if you can't speak Arabic, you can hear them say Morsi, because Morsi was the guy.
Now this is Egyptian terrorists in Libya attacking our embassy in Benghazi.
Now, we at that time had put it together with the idea that the Muslim Brotherhood, which was behind the attacks from Egypt on Benghazi, were angling to try to, with the Morsi government, get Obama to release the blind sheik.
And we have not ruled out yet that one of the theories behind the Benghazi attack was to kidnap Ambassador Stevens and exchange him for the blind sheik.
And it seems like this was kind of a behind-the-scenes, back-room deal between the Obama administration, perhaps the CIA, and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, operating with full sanction of the Egyptian government under Morsi.
But it would mean that, in a sense, we ourselves through the CIA may have been responsible for the attack and that we were supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt that sent terrorists to Benghazi in Libya to attack the embassy.
That's pretty incredible stuff.
Well, exactly.
I mean, I had one of those moments, that's why I brought up Benghazi, where it all crystallized and I saw that triangle from Kenya and what's already been on record and what your book exposed with the documents, with Odinga and Obama and emails.
We'll just have riots and they'll make you part of the government.
And then you see worldwide what's going on.
This is what I want to ask you.
We know the big banks are behind Obama, the globalist, but geopolitically, I look at what's going on, there's something else there.
Who do you think Obama really works for?
Well, I mean, I think it's hard to say, but I mean, first, your idea about money motives, that there's money motives here, I think is quite right.
Because, you know, you've got Obama's brother now managing the money of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Don't forget that terrorism is big business, that there's a lot of money involved here.
A lot of money being stolen.
Look at that list of bribes.
The bribes are being paid $850,000 a year, $750,000 a year.
Individually, yeah.
That's a lot of money in the Middle East to get $850,000.
It's a lot of money anywhere to get $850,000.
Income tax-free, unrecorded, just here's the cash in your pocket.
Which is the way the Muslim Brotherhood was being paid the cash through the Morsi government after it received the cash from the State Department.
But I want to go to one of your other points also here, Alex, because what it looks like is that the Obama administration is trying to pin these nerve gas attacks on Assad.
Now, Russia has said increasingly that there's no evidence that the Assad government is behind these nerve gas attacks.
And I think the truth is that the evidence is very, very thin.
That the Assad government can be blamed for these attacks.
I know there's a drum roll.
Obama's now got the UN in inspecting.
But it's equal probability, and I think it's pretty good evidence, that maybe it's the rebels that we're backing.
Who may have launched the nerve attacks.
And again, that question's not yet, but if you ask what's the false flag, I mean clearly if we can have an invasion of Syria with the U.S.
military forces involved, or cruise missile attacks, it takes the headlines away from the Obama administration paying the Muslim Brotherhood under the carpet through the embassy in Cairo.
But I mean, look, I know there's corrupt forces in the government.
It's an empire and it wants to take over and all the rest of this, but there's a lot of evidence Israel's working with these rebels as well.
You've got France really cheerleading when they're usually on the sidelines.
I want to get your take on why that is.
And I've had a bunch of special forces and military call in last hour.
And they said, yes, what you're saying is exactly what we see going on.
But it's been on record.
You've got these extremists being staged at bases in Iraq and in Turkey.
You've had Turkey bombarding them with artillery.
And this is a two and a half year attempt to cut that country up.
And look, if they took Assad out and put some real Republican, I'd say, okay, whatever, but that's unconstitutional.
This is so immoral.
How does Washington and NATO think they're going to get away with turning that country or half of it over to Al-Qaeda when they're pulling over truck drivers who aren't Wahhabis and shooting them in the head on video, cutting Christians' heads off, blowing up every church?
I mean, I really take it personal that the churches, the media, even conservative media, are not standing up for one of the oldest Christian communities in the world, and that CNN's helping cover it up.
It makes me realize, man, there's really some weird hatred of Christians, not just by the Wahhabist, but by the so-called liberals, who really are more criminal than I thought.
These are sick freaks!
I mean, who are these people?
Why do they want to do this?
And remember, one of the early purposes, we've been reporting on this at WND all along, that what Ambassador Stevens was doing in Benghazi, and now it appears clear, that was a CIA compound, there were CIA operatives on the ground that night.
The last meeting that Stevens had was dinner with one of the diplomatic representatives from Turkey.
It looks like the whole purpose of that compound was to run weapons
out of Libya via Turkey to get them into the hand.
Sure, we both had that info a week after it happened and now it's been confirmed, which just shows how this is all an open secret.
That's my point.
No one seems to care to hide it anymore.
And also, you know, there are no good guys in this story.
I mean, if we, the rebels that Obama wants to support are fundamentally Al Qaeda and many of them come from Libya after having attacked our embassy.
Remember, Alex, no one has ever been
Identified by the Obama administration as responsible for the Benghazi attack.
Oh yeah, they say it's a protest over our First Amendment and then they arrest the guy that put out the video that's protected.
He's the only guy in jail.
There's nobody, none of the attackers after all these months are in jail in any country in Northern Africa for the Benghazi attack.
Alright, well listen, I agree with you that if this gets out, this is bigger than Benghazi altogether, and Benghazi's part of it.
But the media is so controlled, they call people rocket launchers and tanks, activists and protesters, and then criticize the Egyptian military, which I'm not in some love-fest with them either, but compared to the radical Muslim Brotherhood running around blowing up churches every day, I mean, what do you expect the military to do?
Well, that's the problem.
You see, the point is here,
When you've got Obama lining up on the side of Assad, Obama also lined up on the side of Morsi, and he funded the Muslim Brotherhood.
That's the evidence we've been reporting in WND.
It's direct funding of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Now when that's going on, that puts Obama on the side of the bad guys.
Puts him on the side of the terrorists.
Now, okay, so Obama says, well, Assad's the real terrorist, but we're supporting... There's no side in this battle in Syria that is any way... Exactly, but Assad didn't start it, so under common law and common sense, it is a serious war crime to start this proxy war with Syria.
What we're trying to do, I think, here is to prop up the Syrian rebels as if they were freedom fighters.
That's what the Obama administration is trying to do.
As if they were Contras.
Well, in fact, this whole thing makes Iran-Contra pale in significance.
Oh, yeah.
None of this has been through Congress.
None of this has been approved.
None of the money that's going under the table through our embassy to the Muslim Brotherhood.
That information is so damaging.
I think it alone is the centerpiece of an impeachment trial.
It's really treasonous.
Let me ask you this then.
Everything's mounting against Obama.
His approval rating's plunging.
He's got all his advisors saying we need a false flag in the Financial Times of London, Washington Post.
They go, gee, a terror attack would sure help.
Like, almost encouraging him.
It's so thinly veiled.
I expect him to pull some big, big staged event.
Well, that's what I think, you know, the whole, the concern about it's only hours before we attack Syria.
As soon as U.S.
military are involved in attack on Syria.
Well then, you've got a situation where, you know, that becomes the news.
The U.S.
has gone to war with Syria.
And there might actually be real stuff.
Iran has come out saying they're going to fire scuds at Israel if this starts.
So, and then Russia comes in.
This could be World War III.
How about Russia?
Russia's not going to let Assad go down without a fight.
And neither is Iran.
You know, this is Obama taking on Russia directly.
Or indirectly through Assad.
But I mean, it's clearly a direct confrontation.
Well, the Russians are there.
It is a direct, yeah.
But remember, at the core of this is evidence the Egyptian government is going to use in the trials of the Muslim Brotherhood that the Obama administration has been paying under the table.
Alright, explain what that's going to mean when we come back.
I'm going to take a few phone calls.
Mark and Joe have been holding.
Wanted to talk to you and I. This is Bombshell Info with Dr. Jerome Corsi.
I'm Alex Jones.
Our sites are Infowars.com.
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Well, we've only got six minutes left with Dr. Jerome Corsi, and when you're informed on these subjects and you know he doesn't make stuff up, plus I already separately have confirmed everything he's saying, it really shakes me up.
You know, you'd think I'd be like, oh, we got Obama.
They wouldn't be doing this unless they thought they could get away with it.
And I want to take two quick calls for you, Dr. Corsi, but as the Egyptians play hardball, getting their money cut off,
See, I'm against foreign aid like Rand Paul, because I know they're only going to give it to evil people.
But now that it's people trying to fight, you know, a massacre of Christians, 30 million hit the streets, demanding the military do this.
They didn't have a choice.
It is the will of the people.
Crucifying Christians at the presidential palace.
I mean, people hear this, they're like, really?
Yeah, this all's going on.
And our government's behind it.
But it's not our government.
So my question is, what do you expect them to try to do?
Well, the easiest solution to this from the point of view of the Obama administration is to focus news on attacking Syria.
I mean, having a war, U.S.
military against Syria.
Of course, that escalates almost to a remarkably dangerous level, the violence going on in the Middle East.
It's unpredictable.
But I want to go back to, I mean, people really got to get their minds around.
We have documentary evidence here, the Egyptians are releasing, that's completely outside the Constitution.
Much worse than Iran-Contra.
The Obama administration sending bribes to Muslim Brotherhood officials in Egypt under the Morsi government through our embassy.
And remember the Muslim Brotherhood under Mubarak had been outlawed as a criminal organization, a criminal terrorist organization.
It was only after Morsi and Obama supporting Morsi, Obama welcoming the Muslim Brotherhood back into play in Egypt.
This has been a unconstitutional, unauthorized by Congress, beneath the table, supported terrorist by the White House.
And it's remarkable to find a document that the Egyptians are going to use in criminal trials.
With Muslim Brotherhood perhaps being executed for having taken these bribes from the Obama administration.
That's treason to take money from a foreign government to go around and shoot police.
They're going to be tried as spies.
The Muslim Brotherhood will be tried as spies in Egypt for taking money from the Obama Administration.
And the Obama Administration has not admitted to the American people that it was paying these bribes.
Well, I mean, I think Obama is going to then, they're going to probably go into Syria now, like you said, as a distraction.
And Lord knows what else.
A new Oklahoma City, a new who knows.
We are all in grave danger.
Dr. Jerome Corsi is our guest.
We're linked through at InfoWars.com to all of the WorldNet Daily Stories, WND.com.
This is unbelievable.
Real fast, Joe, thanks for holding.
What's your take on all this?
What's your comment or question on Syria, the Muslim Brotherhood, all of it?
Then we'll go to Mark.
Hey Alex, Dr. Corsi, thank you so much.
You know what I wanted to say was Army Field Manual 3-3940 is real.
They are actually preparing internment camps.
I see federal dollars, federal equipment being used to take over municipalities, police departments, fire departments.
Yeah, they've suspended posse comitatus.
You know what?
They take over these municipalities with their dollars and with their equipment, and then the municipalities in turn have to follow the operations that get dictated from the federal government.
You know what?
All of this is being turned internally against us.
What I wanted to ask you guys really was, do you think that this is just going to be the excuse?
This is going to be the excuse on the Syrian... Oh yeah, I mean a proxy war with Russia, that's an excuse to bring in Marshall Law and then bring in their socialist agenda.
Dr. Corsi.
Well, it's a very frightening scenario.
I mean, it's one that has to be taken seriously.
Clearly, there's federalizing of the state and local police going on.
There's no doubt about it.
And it's not happening for no reason.
It's got to be happening for some reason.
And this scenario is a very frightening one.
Wow, thank you so much, caller.
Dr. Corsi, you probably got to leave, or can you do five more minutes to take a few more calls?
I'll do five more minutes with you, but I do have to leave.
I'm getting calls already.
No, believe me, I can hear them.
I can hear them bleeping.
Talk to them.
We'll be back in one minute.
Take a few final calls.
Get a final comment from you.
The third hour coming up.
We'll be right back.
Mark, stay there.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I'm going to continue with geopolitical news and take calls.
We've got Greg Palast popping in for about 20-30 minutes as well with big breaking banking news.
But Dr. Jerome Corsi held over with the massive news he was covering to take your calls.
Mark, former military, former police, listening on XM channel 244, what's your take on all this and any questions for Dr. Corsi?
Well, I have a couple of questions for Dr. Corsi, Alex, but one thing I would like to make clear is, first of all, let's talk a little bit about history with the Muslim Brotherhood.
Remember the first World Trade Fair bombing?
Okay, a lot of people don't understand that the, not the Iron Sheik, the Blind Sheikh and others, and Ramzi Yousaf and a bunch of others,
We're actually wanted by the Egyptian authorities but actually sought political asylum in the United States.
These are criminals, these are terrorists that we were actually at the time giving asylum in the United States to and their thanks of course was to commit terrorist acts in our country.
The other thing is
I have my own theory, Alex and Dr. Corsi.
I believe that what is happening right now is you have three forces of globalism cooperating with each other.
One are the international bankster corporate types.
I'm gonna get Dr. Corsi's take on that.
Thank you so much.
But that's what I've finally learned studying this.
Most old-timers already knew it, but now I really get it.
The communists want a big government because they think they're going to get control.
The bankers want a big government because it can loot everything they want.
And the Muslim Brotherhood types, they want a big government and an open system because they want to take it over.
They all want to have the tyranny so they can run it.
Dr. Corsi?
Well, I want to make sure we, in the time we've got, I want to stress that your caller is absolutely right.
You've got to understand the tie here with this Blind Sheik.
This Blind Sheik was Muslim Brotherhood.
He was a criminal in our own country, a terrorist in our own country.
He's the one who led to the bombing, the original bombing of the World Trade Center.
Not the bombing that took it down, not the airplanes, but the original attack.
And in fact, the Morsi government wanted him released.
But of course Clinton wanted to keep him because it was helpful to take our liberties.
But it looks to me like Obama administration was willing to cooperate with Morsi and we've got to go back and revisit the Benghazi attack to see if in fact one of the purposes was to try to capture Ambassador Stevens and hold him as a hostage for exchange with the blind Sheikh.
These things that we're talking about today are
Treasonous in nature.
They've been withheld from the American people.
They've been withheld from Congress.
Everybody's been lied to.
But the truth is beginning to come out.
And the Egyptian government, the point I'm stressing in the reports I'm doing since the end of last week on WND, is that the Egyptian government is bringing this out.
Has decided to expose Obama.
Listen, they're not going to be able to block this, because this issue is in the Egyptian newspapers, it's on WorldNetDaily, it's on Infowars.com.
In the last 30 seconds we've got, what do you expect them to do then to try to block this?
That's where I think you're concerned about this whole issue of the nerve gas, which now is being taken seriously.
It was not before being blamed on the Assad government, which there's not proof yet that's definitive that Assad used the nerve gas.
The rebels have been caught staging stuff before.
And, you know, but yet to hurt us into the idea of an attack, a U.S.
military attack on Syria, putting us at war with Syria, that would take the headlines off of these issues the Obama administration does not want to have investigated.
Well, I hope cooler heads prevail inside the system, because this could turn into war with Russia, as many analysts and you have said.
And this is escalating very quickly, and Russia says they're going to stand with Assad.
Do you think that's talk, or do you think they'll do it?
I think Russia's going to stand with Assad, just like they say they will.
Just like on the 888 with Georgia.
I think we're on the verge of a World War III and people don't realize it.
There's the headline.
Dr. Corsi, we're on the verge of World War III and people don't, don't, don't know it.
God bless you, sir.
Thank you.
Okay, thanks, Alex.
We'll be right back with more of your phone calls with Ton of News and Greg Ballast.
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It's Alex Jones.
Okay, we're here at the Infowars.com radio studios, and one of our reporters just called over here, the 100 yards, not even 100 yards, 60, 70 yards, to tell the studio that John Kerry was just on CNN, we had the TV out there on Fox, that they're going to send tanks into Syria.
That is not confirmed, because I need her to walk over here.
And tell us she saw that on there?
We have CNN on in the coffee room, too.
Somebody could just walk over there.
These cell phones, man, I expect people soon won't even breathe anymore.
Your cell phone, you'll just have your consciousness downloaded into one, and the cell phone will do it all.
But they said yesterday, the Senate did, bombing within two days.
So this is unprecedented.
Clearly, this is a false flag.
The rebels have been caught doing it before, even Yahoo News has reported on that.
I'm not a fan of Assad, but compared to the Al-Qaeda people they're putting in, I mean, it breaks all the rules of war, everything.
Now, I wanted to get Greg Pallast on, who works with ABC News, BBC, you name it.
There's also a best-selling author and filmmaker who helped bring down Enron.
I wanted to get Greg Pallast on to talk about, I think I'm going to start having a headset I can just wear, just walk around the office, like a reality show with a camera on it too, and the audio.
And then when stuff's breaking like this, I can just walk around and like go to the other side.
In fact, we've got a video report here that John Bowne did that we're going to play.
A video report he did, because we played this yesterday, but then he pointed out, oh, I had a World War II vet when I was out in California, almost getting a fight with me when I said we should ban guns and arrest people.
It was a piece he did to illustrate exactly what's going on with mainly Democratic trendies in California, but even in Texas, in Austin, every one of them said, yes, I'm going to sign a petition to disarm
They're going to start arming the TSA.
In malls and airports and bus stations, train stations and so a lot of those guns could go to law-abiding TSA agents that need them.
We'd also like to see those guns go to the TSA agents that need them.
In the airports and in sporting events that they're unarmed right now and they could be in a lot of danger if there's any terrorist activity.
And I agree with all that.
Do you support Lee Leffingwell?
Because we've even made the joke with him
Uh, that we would melt the guns down and make him a Robocop uniform to go door to door to confiscate those guns.
I am totally against people having guns.
Some of these people actually have firearms and some of them have a good amount of firearms.
So they're actually safely going door to door and getting those firearms.
Yeah, in California.
So that's what we want to support here.
Making sure that people are safe because of that.
Right, absolutely.
It's all about safety.
Ma'am, do you have a second to sign a petition?
It's for peace on the streets.
It's an initiative here in Austin, Texas-wide.
It's to reduce firearms.
And that we'd also like to support Obama's foreign policy by getting those guns and getting them into the hands of people that actually can use them and have professional experience like Syrian rebels or the TSA.
And just keep our agents safe because the TSA is now going into a program where they're going to be armed.
I was shooting in my town in Georgia just yesterday.
Oh, is that right?
Yeah, that's right.
Outside of Atlanta.
Well, you're helping.
So, thank you.
You guys interested in signing an initiative for peace on the streets?
Here in Texas.
And what we'd like to do is get those guns and get them in the hands of the TSA or the, you know, in order for Obama's Syrian rebel policy over there in Syria to get those in the hands of the Syrian rebels.
And rather than in the hands of lunatics, you know, that have their Second Amendment rights.
I'm glad to help out.
Thank you.
Take care.
Excuse me, do you have a second to sign a petition to keep peace on the streets?
Basically an initiative similar to the one in California where they're going door-to-door getting guns from people with suspicious backgrounds as far as mental evaluations and so on.
What we'd like to do is... Right here is fine.
What we'd like to do is support Obama's foreign policy initiative in Syria.
Yeah, and get those weapons either into the hands of American agents like the TSA or into the hands of the Syrian rebels that we support, or into the hands of some other unmentionables such as Al Qaeda.
But we do support them, we support our enemy, so it's good to get those
To our men and people who need them.
Who need them, yeah absolutely.
The TSA who they're now arming in the airports and so on just to keep us safer.
Thank you so much.
Of course!
Take care.
A few months ago I was in California with Mark Dice asking the Obama zombies a similar question regarding shutting down gun shows, and I had the honor of running into a true patriot, which so far has been a hard person to find.
Just to sign a petition.
We're from Oregon.
This is a national petition.
For what?
Basically, we want to close the loophole for the gun shows here locally and nationally.
We want to do something about the Second Amendment to help Congress know that the American people will stand by them.
I have to disagree with it 100%.
The Second Amendment was put in there for a reason.
Are you sure, sir?
Yes, sir, Ray.
I'm absolutely sure.
These guys... The rights of beer... You don't have... That's right.
I got my permit with me.
I packed.
I have no way in hell I want anybody telling me I can't.
And don't say that they won't because we got a lying son of a bitch that will tell you that right in office.
As president and as governor both of the state of California.
Well, sir, we're trying to get people to sign away the Second Amendment today.
You sure you don't want to do that?
Just sign right here?
Here's the First Amendment.
We can knock that one off.
First Amendment's great.
Second Amendment's great.
They put them in there for a reason.
And it's not for you or nor me to sit back and second guess our forefathers who put it in there.
What about Prohibition?
You sign that one?
I'm glad they kicked that one out.
But that there was put in, again, not by... It was put in there later.
There was an add-on.
They add on a lot of bull****.
And they can do the same thing here.
They can come in and say, hey, we're going to outlaw it.
It can't happen.
Well, hopefully I can get the people of the community to sign away all of their rights.
You probably will.
And put them all in re-education camps, is what we're going for.
And we have, this has been proposed.
Yes, sir.
It has been proposed.
Well, hopefully we'll be victorious.
Well, I hope we hope.
In our liberal... Hey, you're a damn liberal.
I've got to watch my feet.
I think I stepped in something.
John Bowne, InfoWars Nightly News.
OK, that's a good report Bowne put out.
You can see the full thing if you're a radio listener up on InfoWars.com.
You heard a little bit of technical difficulties as they were feeding CNN over the board earlier is what you heard if you're a radio listener.
I ran over and checked all this.
Kerry's going to make an announcement in the next few hours, the Secretary of State.
Obama's going to be at some event handing out medals.
I thought he was on vacation.
But the point is, is that they're definitely going to hand out the medals.
And then, oh, we're patriotic, it's for the troops.
From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli.
We will attack your nation after false flags and hand it over to Al-Qaeda-E.
So I shouldn't even be joking around about this.
This is very, very sick.
Greg Pallas is with us for the next 40 minutes or so.
And we're getting him on a bit late.
I'm sorry about that.
We had some technical difficulties.
But he joins us.
He is, of course, a syndicated columnist.
Documentary filmmaker, best-selling author, Greg Pallis.com.
He's worked for BBC, ABC News, you name it.
He broke some of the big banking scandals back in 2002 with the documents that are planning a global meltdown by design to consolidate power.
And he exposes the left, the right, all the kleptocratic bankers that are in control of this.
But we're going to break in two minutes, Greg, and we're going to come back and get into the banking big breaking news you've got.
But what is your take on lining up against Russia with Syria
And, I mean, these rebels have been caught staging false flags before.
Why are we supposed to believe them now?
Why would Assad nerve gas right in front of the UN so he can be blown up?
Well, I don't, you know, to me it looks like these people were gassed.
The question is, of course, who?
I think it's Assad.
He's not exactly a genius.
But don't forget... No, no, but I believe people were gassed, Greg.
I'm saying I don't think he did it.
Well, I don't know.
I mean, but what we do know is that, you know, we, look, let's remember just like Saddam Hussein, Assad, Saddam Hussein, they all come from the same Frankenstein factory.
You got to go back to the years of Carter and Bush, Democrats and Republicans, putting these guys into positions of power in the Mideast.
And then, you know, like, it often happens when you create Frankensteins, they get up off the table and try to kill you or kill someone else.
They're out of control.
You know, the remote control button doesn't always work.
And I think that's what we're seeing here, is that in a lot of the states, you put in Mubarak, that didn't work.
We started playing footsie with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
Now we're back with the military.
We have a big problem with a lot of the Frankensteins that came out of the Frankenstein factory.
And I can't tell whether Assad did this or not, but you have to go back to where did this stuff start?
And who put him in office?
Who kept him there?
And don't forget that Obama said he really wanted to cuddle up and talk to Assad when he was running in the Democratic primaries.
And here we are now.
Alright, we're going to come back and we are going to get into the big financial bombshell dealing with Larry Summers.
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By the way, John Kerry, a.k.a.
Frankenstein himself, with all that Botox, he used to be a halfway, you know, handsome man.
Distinguished looking.
Now, look on him, he looks like a rubber face, like a fake face on Halloween.
He's got so much Botox, or whatever happened to him.
Maybe he had a stroke, I don't know, but, man, it's bad.
He's gonna get up there, supposedly in like five minutes, it was gonna be an hour ago, then 20 minutes ago, then two hours from now.
But, uh, yeah, there's this new rubber face, the new face of John Kerry.
Uh, going back to Greg Pallas.
Uh, I mean, I understand you not taking sides on the whole, you know, Assad thing, because he's obviously a bad guy, but putting al-Qaeda in's even worse.
I-I-I mean, uh...
Yeah, I mean, look, we did this, we, we, don't forget!
Who put in the Mujahideen in, uh, in Afghanistan that we're now, that we have, uh, how many kids, 2,000 kids have died there?
Fighting the guys that we armed in the first place?
And a couple thousand from suicide.
Well, shifting gears out of that, we'll cover it as it unfolds.
You've got a big story out now!
Uh, on Larry Summers, our new special treasury secretary.
I mean, I think he's the man for the job.
If he helped engineer the too-big-to-fail Ponzi scheme derivatives deal since, uh, you know, the credit default swaps, why not make him emperor of the earth?
Well, I, uh, because he's not, uh, in my opinion, actually human.
My information is that Larry Summers, uh, who is Obama's first choice for, uh, the Federal Reserve Board to take Ben Bernanke's place.
Is Lemmy Winks from, um, from South Park?
Well, I think that he's actually a colony of aliens sent here to turn the human race into a cheap source of protein.
In all seriousness, Larry Summers is Obama's first choice for the head of the Federal Reserve Board, take Bernanke's place.
He was Secretary of Treasury under Clinton, where he, with Robert Rubin, pushed and created the whole deregulation of the banking system, turning your bank vaults into roulette wheels.
And he's the guy that personally, personally body-blocked all regulation
Of the derivatives market, all these financial toxic assets like synthetic collateralized debt obligations, which we lived without, by the way, for several thousand years, and suddenly we had to have these things, which brought our planet financially to its knees.
So this is Larry Summers, he's kind of the typhoid Mary of economics, and now he's back as Obama's first choice for the Fed.
The key thing is,
And of course he was Obama's economics czar.
That worked out really well.
We have fewer jobs, fewer people working today than we did when Obama took the oath of office.
So unemployment's down because employment is way down.
People just don't have jobs.
I was just in Detroit.
No one's looking for jobs.
So they're not in the, technically, auto workers out of work are not in the workforce, okay?
So understand what's going on here.
This is Obama's economics czar, Mr. Deregulation.
Now my story
Which I did for... that I was doing for BBC Television Guardian.
My story is that I found inside documents, confidential documents, which were so unbelievable that I had to fly to Geneva, Switzerland, speak to the head of the WTO himself to get confirmation that these things are real.
It was documents in which Timothy Geithner, later to become Secretary of Treasury under Obama, was writing to his boss at the time, Larry Summers of Treasury.
We're good to go.
Regulation of the banking system worldwide.
Now, he called it the endgame memo, as we reach the endgame.
Well, we're the endgame.
I don't like the game at all, but the end of it was not too pretty.
It was extraordinary, because you have to understand, it's illegal.
He's not allowed to meet.
Larry Summers is not allowed to have private phone calls.
With billionaire bankers to determine what the financial policies of the United States should be.
Now he can have meetings with bankers, that's legal.
You can't have secret meetings with bankers to get their approval and veto and determination of what our policies should be.
And in this case it was deadly because it was a plan to blow apart the regulations of banking in 156 nations.
And they did it in 155 nations.
They did it by abusing the World Trade Organization's trade rules.
156 nations were told by Larry Summers and his coterie that unless they opened up their banking sectors to Citibank, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, and the rest of the boys,
That any nation would have their markets closed to the United States and they'd go bankrupt.
And then the rest of the plan was to then have all of their investments in those countries pooled, like Greece has done, into the toxic derivatives so they could then hijack them and hold them hostage to then pay reparations to the people that sold them the crud to begin with, correct?
Yeah, this is the art since they started the fire and then they make money on the fire to save.
This is how it works.
Wow, this is off the charts.
The news today on this show is just unbelievable.
Stay there, break this down technically for us.
The article's at gregpalast.com, vice.com, and we're posting it right now at infowars.com.
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By the way, tomorrow on the broadcast, I will interrupt my liners.
No scripting around here, ladies and gentlemen.
You know, I'm on the air so much, it's like I live on the radio.
I'm more self-conscious when I'm walking around the streets of Austin, Texas or New York City than I am on the radio or giving a speech to thousands.
That's when you know you're a veteran of broadcast.
18 years on the air, doing as much as 10 hours of broadcast a day at some times, only about four hours a day right now.
But there is just so much going on in the world, so much happening.
We're gonna go back to Greg Palast here in just a moment with his big breaking news.
But just briefly, getting back to what I was saying before the liner came in, and we are live from the Infowars.com studios here in Austin, Texas.
Yes, that is accurate.
Tomorrow, I'm going to go ahead and announce, in a video press release, but also here live on the radio, the particulars of the Obama Deception 2.
When it will go on pre-sale, and when it will premiere on PrisonPlanet.tv,
And when the DVDs will actually ship out to everybody.
And my problem is I'm always so busy doing the radio show, so busy doing the nightly news, running the crew, doing research, the business end of things, to fund this operation that I make these viral films that get seen 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 plus million times.
The average film gets seen about 5 million times on YouTube.
Just on one platform, but we've done the math.
Obama deception, the first one, you could say well over 40 million.
Well over 40 million.
It had over 20 million views on its Google account before they stopped letting people use Google and then see the numbers and then shot us out, but it's still up on Google Video.
Remember Google Video?
And that's my point.
It's got like 13 million on one, and 5 million on another, and 3 million on another, and 2 million on another, and 1 million on another, and a half million on another, and a million on another.
40 million people, conservatively, saw that film for free.
But it's the seed money of the people that buy the books, the videos, the t-shirts that support our sponsors, that allows us to make films like this.
I've been up here 7 days a week.
7 days a week, the last.
Few weeks at least.
Six days a week to a few months before that.
And I'm going to be up here, except for a few days, I'm going to take off with my children pretty much continually to get this film done.
The problem is I'll have it done and then I'll have like two, three weeks to promote it.
But I need to line up doing radio interviews, TV, and everybody's help to get it out there to people.
I need everybody to buy the DVD to have good, high-quality, high-def showings.
We're having them on Blu-ray, too, in your area.
I want to try to set up some impromptu deal where we can mail out copies to people and authorize them to put it in local theaters.
It's very easy, and I'm going back to Greg in a minute.
I just want to plug this.
It's very easy.
The problem is just the logistics of telling people how to do it and telling them how to not get ripped off, too, because some theaters will rip you off.
Yeah, you can rent a theater that seats 500 for $3,000.
No, no, no, folks.
You can go to theaters now.
And then you have the letter authorizing you to play a film on DVD with the big projectors, where you can have 500 people there, and they sign you up, and as soon as a third of the tickets are sold, it pays for itself, and then you make all the money after it.
That's how it's supposed to work.
And they know with popular films, that's how that works.
That's actually what happened with Obama 2016.
But I'm already kind of making the announcement today.
I'll make it tomorrow, officially.
It's just that I really want to expose the globalists.
And it's not that Obama's anything but a puppet.
But through people waking up to Obama being a fraud, they can wake up to all the rest of the fraud.
And this is going to be three times more powerful than the first Obama deception.
Speaking of funding, and we're going to Greg Palast, we are a launchpad for all these journalists, all these
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All right, now going back to Greg Pallast, who, again, with The Guardian, BBC, does stuff for Vice, you name it, he's all over the place, and we're always honored to have him here with us, and he's pointed out, by the way, I'm not bragging, I'm just pointing this out, that sometimes he can't get a story out, InfoWars will cover it, here in the U.S.
There's not many of those places out there, but Greg's another truly independent, formerly a top federal fraud investigator,
And now he just does that as a freelance guy.
Get into this memo.
Break it down.
What it means and other things that are happening geopolitically in the financial markets.
What's happening with interest rates.
What your big sources are saying is really going to happen with the economy.
And then, is this the end of Obama?
Will the establishment flush him?
Go ahead.
I don't know if they're going to be done with Obama.
They haven't wiped yet, so I don't know if they're going to flush him.
He puts in Larry Summers.
He's done their job.
Again, I want to go back and just tuned in.
Larry Summers is the first choice, Obama's made it clear, to replace Ben Bernanke as head of the Federal Reserve Board.
Again, Larry Summers was Secretary of Treasury under Clinton.
He was Robert Rubin's assistant.
He was the guy that pushed hard for the elimination of all banking protections and regulations.
It was like eliminating the cops on the beats on the banks.
So that we ended up with investment bank casinos mixed with your piggy bank commercial banks and we saw the disaster.
It was Summers who stopped any regulation of the derivatives trade and of course Obama made him our economic czar and that worked out very wonderfully.
Now, Obama had also picked Robert Rubin's protege, Tim Geithner, to be his Secretary of Treasury.
I got my hands on a memo.
It was so explosive, I literally had to fly to Geneva, Switzerland to confirm that it was the real thing, that someone wasn't putting me on.
I didn't have to worry about that.
And what it is, it's called the Endgame Memo.
Tim Geithner, who would become Secretary of the Treasury, writes to Larry Summers, Secretary of the Treasury.
And says, OK, it's the end game.
Now you got to remember to call the boys, the boys being the five biggest bankers in America.
Citibank, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Merrill.
We had so the five big bankers.
Now, what were they?
Why do you have to call them?
And first of all, by the way, their phone numbers are in there.
And Alex, you would love this.
I actually called Reid, the CEO of Citibank.
Later became chairman, and got him directly.
No secretary, nothing.
These are the private phone numbers.
Now, by my rules at BBC, I had to say who I was, and as soon as he found out I wasn't Larry Summers or Robert Rubin, click, he hung up and all the phone numbers were changed.
By the way, it included the private phone, the personal phone of John Corzine, who is now facing criminal charges for felony financial fraud.
You know, you are like the original WikiLeaker, but you do it out in the open.
In fact, I want to shift gears before we go back into this.
I've got to ask this before I forget.
If they are trying to put Assange in jail and saying killing with drones on Fox News now, if they're getting away with all this stuff...
And they tried, what, six years ago when you were investigating chemical plants to actually have you put in jail as a terrorist for filming critical infrastructure when you were working for ABC News, so.
But, I mean, this whole attack on the press, you're kind of like one of the original WikiLeakers.
How have you survived?
That's a good question.
I was charged under the anti-terrorism rules by Homeland Security for investigating Exxon chemical plants.
This is an internal document of the Treasury Department which is confidential.
Under the rules by which they are attacking Snowden and Manning, I guess I'm liable too.
And now, I work with the same organization, The Guardian, that produced WikiLeaks and The Snowden Report.
I'm facing, you know, we'll see what happens.
You've got gigantic huevos.
Well, let's put it this way.
I didn't know what else I was going to do with it except make it public.
My main concern, of course, is always, what does it mean?
The reason I get these documents is that they're often highly technical.
And in this case, what it was, was how can the big boys, the five bankers,
Working with Larry Summers and Tim Geithner and Robert Rubin, how could they possibly eliminate banking regulations in 156 nations at one time, in one moment?
So they could come in and get governments to invest all the pension funds and things in their garbage to then hold everyone hostage.
That's clearly, from my research, what they've done.
And can you elaborate on that?
Yes, and what's happened is, in this memo, the first step was to make that practice legal.
Remember, that was illegal!
Derivatives, first of all, transferring capital between borders, instant manipulation of currencies, that type of thing was completely illegal.
Banks weren't allowed to bet on the movements of interest rates.
So this is LIBOR Guess Part 2.
So this was this completely illegal activity.
So how do you legalize what was previously criminal?
What you do is you change the international law, which is the World Trade Organization's General Agreement on Tariff and Trade.
And they use something called the Financial Services Agreement, an abstruse, weird document that was previously
About simple things like trading, like if you had someone fix an airplane, a Boeing airplane in another country, that's international trade.
Suddenly they decide, okay, we're going to put in derivatives into this.
That if you want to sell us your bananas, this they told to Ecuador, for example.
I spoke to the President of Ecuador, by the way, about this.
They said, if you want to sell us your bananas,
Then you're going to have to agree to open your banking sector to JP Morgan and its derivatives.
Because we're going to buy your bananas with derivatives!
And they say, well, what do we do?
We can't eat derivatives.
They say, well, try to eat all your bananas, baby!
So Ecuador signed, and then they went bankrupt and the streets erupted into violence.
Argentina signed, they blew up into riots.
Greece signed, and Greece ended up working currency swap deals.
With Goldman Sachs as a way to hide their deficit.
When that came out, Greece ended up in flames.
25% unemployment.
JP Morgan did the same derivatives trick with Spain.
26.3% official unemployment.
Can you imagine?
26% official unemployment, Alex?
So this is all coming out of this massive decriminalization
Of banking shenanigans involving derivatives trade, currency manipulation, and all being done through this document called the Financial Services Agreement.
Basically, if you want to sell anything to the United States, the biggest market in the world, then you better open up your bank vaults and your treasuries to Goldman Sachs and the rest of the boys.
And there was one nation, Alex, that resisted.
Out of 156 nations,
One nation refused.
Oh, unfortunately, Iceland melted, as you know.
No, Brazil.
A guy named Lula took over.
He was... Oh, absolutely.
They refused after the deal had been set up.
But in the case of Brazil, they said no up front.
That's right.
They said, Brazil said, was the only one out of 156 nations to say, no, no derivatives here, you can't move capital in and out of our country like, you know, in two seconds on a push of a button.
And what happened was that Brazil, Brazil ended up being the only nation in the Western Hemisphere to not go under during the financial crisis.
I mean, the U.S.
obviously suffered enormously, but you know, you went from Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Ecuador, you name it.
And again, this is their design.
They come in, they take over, they flood everything with their counterfeit stuff, implode your economy using it, and then come in and buy everything up for pennies on the dollar with the derivatives that your country's just gone bankrupt guaranteeing.
Well, in fact, just so you know that, in the case of Brazil, I got another note from the European Union threatening them, saying, you don't sign this thing, baby.
And you can suck your own orange juice.
You know, most of the orange juice comes from Brazil.
And so they were going to try to bring Brazil to its knees.
But later, they had to let Brazil go, because the only nation, basically because Brazil is huge, and it survived the crash, because it didn't sign on to this crap.
They let it go for a while, because it's the only thing holding us up.
Absolutely, that's why I've got a Brazil soccer t-shirt, so good for them.
I want to expand on something here with you though.
This is globalism, where they're above the law, they're tax-exempt, they write the regulations.
Obama raised the cost of carbon a few weeks ago, that's paid partially into his own mercantile holdings in Al Gore's, in a...
Microwave regulation subsection on microwave ovens.
That's an example of how, under the WTO and all this obscure stuff, they're already governing us by getting our countries to sign on to this.
So that's what the New World Order is, is a bunch of kleptocratic, above-the-law megacorporations that are totally lawless, looting everyone, and they now brag world government of and for Goldman Sachs.
So my question to you is, how are they doing?
Because this is coming out
But, but, I mean, they still don't get in trouble.
Well, this is a very good point.
I mean, as I said on a recent show, who's going to, who's going to, you know, tell Goldman Sachs and who's going to tell Larry Summers, spread them and read them their rights?
Who's going to bust them?
Eric Holder?
I mean, this is one of the problems is that, remember, this is the Federal Reserve, which is what Larry Summers is being set up to take over.
Is part of our police force over the financial community.
So you're talking about turning the mob over to, you know, giving the mob the status of chief of police.
The problem is these are supposed to be our regulators.
This is scary stuff.
These are the regulators.
And they're having secret meetings with the people they're supposed to be regulating.
It's against the law.
I don't know what to do.
Scream, holler, turn purple?
I mean, all I can do is put these documents up.
In fact, it was so evil and so weird that Summers would be making these illegal phone calls that I had it, you know, that, like I said, it flew to Europe.
By the way, I talked to a member of the Cabinet.
Joe Stiglitz was at the time
The chairman of the President's Council of Economists.
So he was invited to the cabinet meetings, where Summers would turn to Rubin, and they were talking about deregulating the financial markets, and he said, well, what would Goldman think of this?
And he said at every meeting he went to the cabinet, it was Summers saying to Rubin, what would Goldman think?
What would Goldman Sachs think?
And finally, Stiglitz said, don't you think it's improper to be
Asking what Goldman Sachs thinks of a U.S.
Isn't it important to find out what the facts are?
What's the best for the American public?
And they looked at him.
I mean, Summers and Rubin looked at him like, what did you do?
Seen too many episodes of the West Wing or just fallen off a watermelon truck?
So Stiglitz was disinvited from the cabinet of the United States because he didn't care what Goldman thought of the policies.
He was just wondering what the American people would think of the policies.
Let me ask you this question.
Isn't it their hubris, though?
Because at a certain point, you've got Corzine making 40-to-1 bets for other people's money.
These guys are so arrogant, so chutzpah-filled, they have such bravado.
I guess hubris would be the best word I'm looking for.
It's like Hitler invading Russia or something.
I mean, at a certain point, won't they bring themselves down?
Well, unfortunately, I wish that that were true.
Sometimes, individually, guys like Corzine, who was on the list for the secret contacts, he's, I think, going to end up in prison because he broke a rule of the game.
He started stealing money from his fellows in the club.
He started taking their money.
Oh, just like Madoff broke the rules.
You break the code.
You break the code.
And then forget it.
They're going to throw away the key.
So Corzine broke their code.
But what he didn't do is, you know, he never exposed their big game.
So for example... I tell you what, stay there.
I'm going to come back.
Let's hear about the big game with Greg Palast straight ahead.
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Okay, folks.
About a minute ago, John Kerry started giving his speech.
We've got it DVR'd in there.
It's going live right now, but we're gonna back it up to the start.
Do you have it backed up yet, guys?
Do you have it backed up, guys?
Okay, we're going to go back to Greg Palast here in just a moment.
In fact, Greg, I'm going to be talking to you again, taping some stuff for Obama Deception 2.
We're going to be reconnecting with you, but finishing up with the point while we queue up this carry.
Finishing up with the point, I just saw he said it's unequivocal, total evidence they nerve gassed.
This is WMD, this is anthrax at the UN with Colin Powell.
This is horrible.
Another war, ladies and gentlemen.
But going back to finishing the point that you were going to make when we came back from break about how big a situation this is and how Corzine broke the rule, finish up with that for us and other key points.
Well, so what's happened is that, yes, as I said, Larry Summers, Obama's choice for Federal Reserve Board Chief to take Bernanke's place, was constantly saying in cabinet meetings what would Goldman think.
In other words, policy should be determined based on what Goldman Sachs wants.
That's the game.
That's how you play the game.
So the question, and by the way, I got that from a member of the cabinet, Joe Stiglitz, who was horrified.
He said, what do you mean?
Why are we asking about Goldman Sachs?
The American people, Joe America, right?
No, can't do that.
So, you know, the problem is once they decriminalized under this scheme, under the endgame memo, the end of the game was to decriminalize activities such as selling and operating, using currency derivatives to move capital across countries to hide capital and to manipulate currencies and interest rates.
And the problem is, of course, it blows up.
Now, in the case of Greece, Goldman Sachs
I worked a deal secretly with the Greek government to hide, to use Euro swaps, it's a complex transaction, to use Euro derivatives to hide their government deficits.
When this fraud was uncovered, the Greek economy exploded and imploded.
Goldman Sachs received a fee of $400 million for what, you know, I used to be, like I said, I was a fraud investigator.
In the good old days, we used to handcuff people for doing that.
A fraud upon the market of that order, billions of dollars with all these, with massive unemployment.
That's usually, you know... And now they're going to reward Summers with making him the head of the Treasury.
Do you think that's going to happen?
Head of the Fed?
Head of the Fed, yeah.
It's 50-50.
Obviously Obama's dying to do this for his bank.
I meant head of the Fed.
I always flip stuff around in my head.
But you know, it's like, I think that there's going to be a lot of, all this crap of mine is coming.
They know that there are a lot of senators who are going to stick this thing on his face at his appointment, at his confirmation hearings.
Remember, Obama named him Economic Czar as opposed to Secretary of the Treasury.
You're very welcome.
Good luck.
Thank you, Greg Palace dot com.
Folks, I can hardly talk right now.
I'm going to come back from break and play what I just saw during the break.
Kerry out there saying unquestionably they launched the chemical attack with no evidence.
And I haven't even seen the rest of the speech.
They're all in there watching it live right now.
I'm about to throw up.
Because they've already just blown up all those churches and put Al-Qaeda in there.
And they're trying to overthrow Egypt.
They've overthrown Libya.
And they're taking our rights away using these Al-Qaeda people they run.
They've given them heat-seeking missiles.
And just when I saw two minutes of it, they're going to start bombing the daylights out of Syria.
And Russia's there with ships.
And I know why I feel so sick.
These bankers are crazy.
This could turn into World War III with the Russians.
The Russian ships are there up against the U.S.
But they're not U.S.
They might as well have an all-seeing-eye pyramid on them.
I mean, we're a captured country and it makes me so sick.
So, I'm going to do a little bit of overdrive.
I'm going to come back and play part of the carry speech.
Truly, truly disgusted.
If your station doesn't carry it, InfoWars.com forward slash show for the audio and video feeds right now.
Pray for peace, folks.
Pray for justice and pray for the little children of Syria having their heads chopped off by Al Qaeda.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, folks, I just watched more of it.
He's... John Kerry.
We're gonna get articles out.
We'll have it all analyzed tonight on the Nightly News.
I want my news crew... Paul Watson's in the news tonight.
I'll probably go in there with special comments tonight on the news.
I am...
I'm physically just so tired of... I mean, I feel this.
It's painful.
The globalist abuse of innocence, their lies.
He said it doesn't matter who used the chemical weapons.
It's Assad's fault because he's a bad guy.
It's inconsequential.
We're going to go in there.
We're working with Congress right now.
Let's go to the beginning of the speech here.
Let's just play it from the start.
Here is Kerry just minutes ago.
He's still going right now.
Alright, the Secretary of State is now at the State Department.
What we saw in Syria last week should shock the conscience of the world.
It defies any code of morality.
Let me be clear.
The indiscriminate slaughter of civilians, the killing of women and children, and innocent bystanders by chemical weapons is a moral obscenity.
By any standard, it is inexcusable, and despite the excuses and equivocations that some have manufactured,
It is undeniable.
Oh, manufactured.
The meaning of this attack goes beyond the conflict in Syria itself.
And that conflict has already brought so much terrible suffering.
This is about the large-scale indiscriminate use of weapons that the civilized world long ago decided must never be used at all.
By the way... A conviction shared even by countries... In a few minutes he says it doesn't matter who used them.
There is a clear reason.
That the world has banned entirely the use of chemical weapons.
Oh, really?
What's fluoride in our water?
There's a reason the international community has set a clear standard.
What was Agent Orange?
You gotta round it with that.
Why many countries have taken major steps to eradicate these weapons.
There is a reason why President Obama has made it such a priority to stop the proliferation of these weapons and lock them down where they do exist.
There is a reason why President Obama has made clear to the Assad regime that this international norm cannot be violated without consequences.
And there's a reason why no matter what you believe about Syria, all peoples and all nations who believe in the cause of our common humanity must stand up to assure that there is accountability for the use of chemical weapons so that it never happens again.
Last night, after speaking with foreign ministers from around the world about the gravity of this situation, I went back and I watched the videos.
Gosh, such a vampire.
The videos that anybody can watch in the social media.
And I watched them one more gut-wrenching time.
He's invoking the dead children.
It is really hard to express in words the human suffering that they lay out before us.
Just like the baby incubators.
Alpha Tonkin!
As a father, I can't get the image out of my head... Well, your people probably get it, you murderer!
...of a man in the heart of his dead child... We know you're a New World Order!
...wailing, while chaos swirled around him.
The images of entire families, dead in their beds, without a drop of blood, a million dead Iraqis... ...leaving a visible wound.
Bodies, spasms, human suffering that we can never ignore or forget.
Anyone who could claim that an attack of this staggering scale could be contrived or fabricated needs to check their conscience and their own moral compass.
What is before us today is real and it is compelling.
So I also want to underscore that while investigators are gathering additional evidence on the ground, our understanding of what has already happened in Syria is grounded in facts, informed by conscience, and guided by common sense.
Empowered by pure BS.
The reported number of victims
The reported symptoms of those... I'm going to analyze this all in a special report tonight.
I'm going to analyze the whole stinking speech tonight in Four Wars Nightly News after Paul Watson does the main news portion of the transmission.
I will analyze the entire steaming pile.
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