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Name: 20130822_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 22, 2013
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Man, it's hard to believe it's already Thursday, the 22nd day of August 2013.
I'm going to open the phones up at the bottom of the hour, maybe even earlier, I'm going to give the number out in the next segment, to ask specifically, if you've been following as listeners, what's happening in Syria and your perspective on it.
I also want to get Syrian Girl on tomorrow, guys, if we can do that.
If we've got a slot for her, maybe on the Sunday show, 4 to 6, get her on for 30 minutes.
Because everything she's been saying for over a year on this broadcast, I guess now longer than that, has unfortunately turned out to be accurate.
A real tragedy over there.
We have seen a lot of examples of babies being thrown out of incubators, lies, WMD lies,
Seeking of the main lie to get us into the Spanish-American War.
It's just replete with false flags.
Gulf of Tonkin.
Operation Ajax.
I mean, the list goes on and on.
But here looking at what's happening and listening to Neocon Radio this morning, they're calling for, well, I don't like Obama and what he's doing, but we gotta get behind him and hit Syria.
We gotta have a no-fly zone and start the bombing campaign.
And then I looked.
I did a lot of studying yesterday.
Yesterday morning, the nerve gas attack came out.
I did a first approximation, but after the broadcast last night, this morning, I did a lot of painful research.
I watched the nerve gas video.
It's real.
That's not role players.
That's not actors.
That's dead kids.
Can't fake that.
And the kids that got a whiff of it, they're paralyzed and look completely in terror, but are still alive, wide awake.
Tears my guts out.
In fact, I was sitting there reading it.
At about 6.15 this morning, I was up.
And then about 6.30, my five-year-old daughter comes in and climbs in my lap.
And I, of course, stopped looking at the images of dead children.
And she sits there and kisses me on the cheek and tells me how much she loves me.
And then the French bulldog comes over and she hauls it up in her lap, and we're all sitting there as I read that news.
And, uh, this makes me sick.
And that's exactly what the globalists are doing.
They are punching the buttons, pulling the heartstrings of the people of the West to attack Syria.
When our criminal governments, run by the globalists, started this whole thing regardless, two plus years ago, over two and a half years ago,
And have been caught three times staging other smaller chemical attacks.
The U.N.
inspectors land two days before they get in the field.
A day later, one day later, a bunch of gas gets dropped in the middle of a battle zone in a civilian area.
And you've got the Saudi Arabian-run television networks right there.
And it's being put out by the rebel opposition, who's been caught committing every atrocity under the sun.
And then some under the ground.
I mean, I've just never seen anything like it.
So, this is from certified liars.
And knowing them, they probably... My guesstimation, because I don't know what the truth is, but this is the way they operate.
They probably picked
A school yard, just like the feds picked a federal building that had a daycare for Oklahoma City bombing, and, you know, launched a few mortars into it.
And, you know, there's Russians guarding the Syrian chemical weapons.
They're totally legal and lawful under international law.
And this is just unprecedented.
I mean, it's just perfect that it's a bunch of dead kids, isn't it?
In fact, why don't they just go to a real hospital with incubators?
They can dress up like Syrian troops and actually club their brains out instead of just making it up about Saddam.
You know, that would probably be a better, quicker way to get all that done.
We've got Chelsea Manning now wants taxpayers to pay for a sex change.
I don't know.
I think Chelsea's a hero.
I say pay for it.
No, I'm serious.
Well, pay for your sex changes, Army, if you expose the criminality.
You can all have sex changes.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live and broadcasting worldwide.
We are here Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
And then, of course, we return weeknight, 7 o'clock Central Standard Time with the InfoWars Nightly News.
Thank you.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
Coming up for about 45 minutes of the next hour...
We're going to have one of the top constitutional lawyers, when it comes to traffic stops, joining us in studio.
And then we're going to get another newsman's take on the world and what's happening and take your phone calls when Dr. Corey Gold joins us coming up in the third hour as well today.
But what I want to do is just throw out some of the headlines here and then open the phones up and get your take specifically.
Now, I don't screen calls.
Everybody knows that.
But sometimes I say, hey, I want to talk about this topic.
And I want to get your take on Syria.
I want to get your take on Syria and what's unfolding there.
And I'm going to go over that stack of news.
I'm also going to get into the latest on Obamacare and the fact that now analysts are going, wait a minute, this encourages people to make their employees part-time, that's known, but also to hire
Immigrants are illegals.
Yeah, no kidding.
It's meant to bankrupt the middle class, create a permanent peasant class.
That's what the multi-nationals want.
They want to get rid of our good health care.
They want to get rid of everything, folks.
That's the instinct of a robber baron of a kleptocratic oligarch.
So we're going to be breaking all that down.
Big developments on the Michael Hastings case.
One of his girlfriends, and I don't mean, you know, friends like that, but one of his female friends, the day before his crash, one of his best friends, he came to her house.
This is in the LA Weekly.
This is with Jordan Thingpen.
He went over there and said that, hey, can I borrow your car, your Volvo?
They're coming after me.
They've done something to my car.
Can I hide out here?
And they said, well, my car's got technical problems, you can't have it, and a day later his car blows up.
Really amazing stuff like that going on.
Bombshell info up on PrisonPlanet.com.
This story's not on Infowars.com for some reason.
Lead developer for HPV vaccine admits it's useless and likely dangerous.
What an amazing admission.
And tax benefits could soon be withheld from parents who don't vaccinate children.
Yeah, they're going to use the tax system for social engineering.
The power to tax is the power to destroy.
And on the immigration bill, big evangelical group to back immigration bill.
Yeah, they get federal
Faith-based initiative money, violating the First Amendment now, and you've got the big Billy Graham group saying, turn your guns in, or you're of the devil.
Worship the black uniform.
Worship it, worship it.
So, we're going to be breaking all of that down, as well today.
Also, declassified documents, Wired Magazine reports, prove NSA is tapping the entire Internet.
Ladies and gentlemen, you know what's frustrating is that when people call me a conspiracy theorist, when over 95% of what we cover is open source admitted.
That's just their cop-out to not go research what I've said.
Or they know it's true and it's their cop-out to just say morally, I'm bad.
You know, not just admit, hey I'm lazy, hey I've given up hope, hey I just want to be a slave, hey I'm a pathetic person rolling over to tyranny, hey I don't have a spirit of liberty in me, I've got a spirit of being a slave, hey I'm a chump.
No, they just say, you are a nutball.
You are anti-American.
You are a traitor.
You are bad for telling everybody that information.
Meanwhile, a judge has ruled spying on your neighbors, even through their windows, is okay if it's art.
Again, this is what the courts are doing.
They're turning everything around backwards.
Ladies and gentlemen, if you have an eight-foot fence under common law, under most state laws and federal, and someone gets up above it to take photos of your wife laying out naked by the pool, that's a violation of privacy and is a serious crime.
Okay, let me just give folks the facts here.
If you are filming through someone's window at night,
And then put that information out, that's a violation of somebody's privacy.
I don't want to digress off into common law here for folks, but the point is if a woman is in a high-rise apartment dancing around naked...
In front of her window, then if the video is released, you still, she's probably able to still block it, and have it removed from the internet, but the person wouldn't get in trouble who did it, because it was obviously an exhibition.
But if you draw your blinds, then it becomes a felony.
If you were to say, break into the house and plant a camera.
So when the Feds do it, our multinational corporations do it, when Google does it,
It is a serious felony.
When their Google cars drive around, hacking into your computer with government passcodes, you know, backdoor codes, stealing your passcode, stealing all your info.
That's a felony.
Every piece of data they grab.
But oh, they didn't get in trouble because they were doing it for the NSA and all that came out.
It's just so ridiculous to read Wire Magazine, New York Times, going, hey, we're going to get the Pulitzer Prize.
We expose that everything's being recorded.
Telecommunications Act 1996.
And I'm not here wanting to get a bunch of credit and wanting to have people tell me how great I am and how wonderful I am.
I want you, when I get up here and I cover something, to listen to me and to know that I'm not making something up.
So we're going to be getting into that.
Also, I kind of tongue-in-cheek said we should all pay for Bradley Manning's sex change.
You have to understand that Bradley Manning, who wants to be known as Chelsea Manning now,
Has been in custody for several years, been made to wear underwear in below 65 degree temperature, which over time is an extreme form of torture.
You're like, oh, I can handle that.
How about for months on end?
That's why he lost something like 35 pounds or something to leave a concentration camp victim.
There's no telling what they've done to him.
And this has Psyop written all over it, ladies and gentlemen.
You know, he may have been a transgendered person or whatever before he got in the military.
He may have felt like he was a woman, especially when there's all the hormones in the water that actually affect that area of the brain, especially in neurological development.
And again, again, the reason you're seeing such an upsurge of all this is they're biologically hyper-feminizing women.
They're going into puberty at 7, 6, 5.
Girls are having babies at age six and seven now?
Used to the average puberty for women was fourteen.
Fourteen across the board historically.
Now the average puberty is ten.
Look it up.
Ten years old!
Okay, and it's hyperfeminizing women, the breast cancer, all of it, ovarian, uterine, you know, a thirty-five-year-old woman, depending on what her diet's been, what she's been around, may have the ovaries of an eighty-year-old woman.
The DNA in your breast of a 75-year-old woman.
That's why you get breast cancer.
That's why it's up 3,000%.
And then the media goes, oh, Alex is a homophobe.
He's saying boys are feminine and women are hyper-feminine because he's just against women being in charge.
Hey, have you liked being on two, three, four times the female hormones you're supposed to be?
You think that's cool?
Go ahead.
Ten-year-old girls now run around and dress like hookers everywhere because they're equivalent of fourteen-year-old girls.
They're gone into puberty.
Their brains turned on.
The issue is little boys now.
You can look up the medical syndrome.
I forget the exact.
Guys, look up testicles not dropping.
The scientific name of that.
That syndrome, as well as deformities of the male genitalia, that was in the news yesterday, is off the chart right now.
Because of all the female hormones.
In uterine, deforming the baby, the male parts, and afterwards.
As well.
And that's because of all the hormones, but I don't mean to digress.
Bradley Manning is a hero, whatever you want to say about him, but I'll guarantee he's got good lawyers.
They're having him come out and say, I'm a woman, I want a sex change, I apologize for what I did, I'm bad, I didn't mean to hurt America, he means the globalists that run America, you know, please give me a sex change.
They're telling him, discredit yourself, we'll get you out in ten years.
If you don't, just because... And again, I'm not saying it's discrediting he wants a sex change, because the media will spend that.
What I'm saying is,
Is it's meant for men in the military and people in government to think it's dishonorable to associate it with a guy that's not manly, like Bradley Manning, pun intended, to release data.
Of course, it took a lot of courage.
And he may have done it because he psychologically screwed up.
He's basically saying, I'm confused, I've got problems, I've got whatever, please let me go.
And I think if that gets him out of there, great.
But they're not going to let him get out right away until everybody's forgotten about him because they don't want other people to release data that exposes the criminal system.
He's not in trouble, and Edward Snowden's not in trouble, for damaging national security of the U.S.
They're in trouble for exposing the rampant evil that's taken over our military and federal government that's committing torture, secret arrest, war crimes in our names.
And Henry Kissinger talking about, I love being a criminal.
We'll get rid of the Constitution soon enough, but let's carry it out illegally right now.
Ah ha ha!
They're mad that their criminality is exposed because if good men stand up and speak out, it's over for their system.
Man, I think Bradley Manning is a hero and had courage, even if he's a mixed up guy.
Brought up on a diet of three to four to five times the level of estrogen.
Well, men don't even have estrogen, folks.
We have estrogen-like hormones.
I mean, he was so jacked up on that stuff, it's unbelievable.
I'll guarantee if I'd been on that much stuff, I'd be running around thinking I was a woman.
That's what it does to your brain.
If you're on enough of this stuff when you're young, your brain develops and grows before age 5 to be more female.
That's why it's happening to frogs, it's happening to fish.
It's a side issue.
I'm gonna get into Syria, the big top story.
Open the phones up for your take on it.
And they're getting ready for war, getting ready for bombardment.
It'll be called peace bombs, peace bombardment.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
The toll-free number to join us to give us your take on Syria, and the fact that they're getting ready to invade another country on more lies, 800-259-9231, 800-259-9231, and we'll get you up and on the air.
Let's go ahead and go through
The headlines on this, France warns Syria of forceful response over chemical weapons claims.
So it's, they did it, Syrian government did it.
Calls for a UN investigative team to be allowed immediate access to site of attack, but French Foreign Minister rules out ground troops, that's right.
To make it sound reasonable, we're just going to move to start bombing you, as we've already tried to do, to help the Al-Qaeda forces take over.
that we injected into your country two and a half years ago.
Chemical weapons expert says uh... chemical weapons victim footage appears set up
Yeah, but it looks like it's real people.
And that article's up on Infowars.com.
Another report, a Syrian gas attack story has whiff of Saudi war propaganda.
William F. Engdahl, great researcher, breaks down Al-Arabia, run by Saudi Arabia, the groups that announced it, how it was all run, has all the evidence of a false flag by groups that have been caught doing false flags before.
So that's just some of what is unfolding on that front.
Zero Hedge has the headline.
has strong indications Assad used chemical weapons.
Russia says rebel false flag.
That's what they're saying, and saying that the evidence is the rebels staged it.
And again, the rebels have been caught before doing that.
Here's another report.
Turkish foreign minister says, red line crossed in Syria, so now is the time.
Now is the time for that military operation to begin.
Of course, Turkey's already been bombarding areas so that more rebels can invade off and on with heavy artillery in the last two and a half years.
So there's been, Israel's been bombing Syria, Turkey's been sending in weapons, NATO's been sending in weapons, hundreds of thousands of Al-Qaeda burning up, blowing up churches everywhere, and it's called protesters blow up churches.
Kind of like when the protesters attack and kill 25 police at a pop.
In Egypt, our media goes, well, demonstrators killed police today.
And again, the West is starting all this to destabilize the entire region.
UN action urged in Syria, chemical weapons use is proven.
The United Nations is coming under growing international pressure to active Syrian activist claims.
Again, they're not rebels, they're activists, notice CNN says.
Activists, see?
I was just telling you, they call the rebels activists and protesters.
With tow missiles and all sorts of heat-seeking missiles and line-of-sight missiles, Stinger missiles, you name it, it's so loving.
Imagine if somebody went out with a TOW missile and maybe shot it at the Capitol, hypothetically, of D.C.
And then when the police came, they said, I'm just an activist.
I'm just an activist.
I'm a protester.
Somebody shot 25 cops, God forbid.
You said what?
I mean, I'm an activist.
They're just activists.
It's freedom.
UN action urge of Syrian chemical weapons use is proven.
The CNN says the United Nations is coming under growing international pressure to act if Syrian activists claims that the government
Has used chemical weapons in a horrific attack on civilians are confirmed.
Anti-regime activists, they're activist groups in Syria, say more than 1,300 people were killed in the attack outside Damascus Wednesday.
Well, those poor little activists that invaded the country doing that years ago and are blowing up every church they can find and throwing Christians off roofs every day and, you know, slitting the throats of small children and eating people's hearts on foreign TV.
None of that's ever here.
They're on TV going, I kill you for Osama Bin Laden!
I will kill every Christian and Jew and every Alawite and every Shiite!
Hail Osama Bin Laden!
They start eating our heart on TV.
Oh, kill Americans next!
I mean, I can play these videos.
I've played them before.
I'm not joking about that.
But I'm supposed to go, you know, they're activists.
It's non-lethal lethal bombs, Carney said, last month when they bombed Syria.
It's non-lethal lethal!
So again, you're mad at your wife, chop her up with a hatchet, cops get there and go, it's non-lethal!
You're like, he murdered your wife, you chopped her up.
There's like a hundred wounds here.
You've cut her arms or legs off, her head off.
It's unbelievable, the walls are smeared with blood everywhere.
What is going on?
Why are you dressed up in a clown outfit?
And your answer is, hey, at least I'm not a rodeo clown, and I'm an activist.
And the cops go, you know, you're right, you're an activist.
All right, we'll be right back with your phone calls, 800-259-9231.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, I want to get your take.
On the protesters from Al-Qaeda that are murdering Christians from Libya to Syria to Iran for that matter.
They've got commando teams and they're blowing up churches and things as well.
Funded by the CIA.
But the main attacks are also going on of course in places like Egypt.
I want to get your take
On what's happening with the protesters, the activists as they're called.
I tend to agree with Obama and Hollande of France and Glenn Beck and the neocons.
I think that the country should be carpet bombed, Syria, and that it should be turned over to Al Qaeda.
Because Syria wasn't attacking anybody two and a half years ago.
It was trying to work with the West and trying to do peace deals with Israel.
And that is extremist.
And I think that we should stand with Al-Qaeda.
Who has publicly given 10,000 missiles to attack Syria now, and who have giant public meetings in the squares they've captured, after murdering Christians and Muslim minorities, chanting, ooh Osama Bin Laden, we love you, we're going to blow up America next, oh, we blew up 9-11, we're going to do it again, oh it's so great, oh it's so wonderful.
By the way, that's a literal translation.
Because I'm putting clips of that in Obama Deception 2, so I've been hearing it and watching it quite a bit.
I mean, there's been a bunch of these videos come out where they sing, I'm not trying to do it in an Italian voice, but that's kind of what it sounds like in the Arabic, but it's got the words under it.
And I just think that absolutely, it makes total sense our government is publicly funding Al Qaeda.
Now, I'm being sarcastic.
They are funding Al-Qaeda.
Al-Qaeda is murdering Christians, but I'm being sarcastic about we should support Obama and NATO supporting Al-Qaeda.
It is outrageous!
That neocons are now on the radio as well, I heard it this morning, saying we've got to invade Syria because of the dead children from the nerve gas.
When these very rebels that put this news out, that the media calls activist, that these very activists have been caught lying about before.
Now, they were smaller chemical attacks before.
And granted, I mean, in this world, in this universe,
Syrian forces might have used chemical weapons.
I'm not ruling that out.
That is a very low probability.
Unlike Michael Hastings, not being murdered is a low probability.
Now, one of his best friends says he came to his house the day before and said, I need your car.
I think they've planted something in my car.
I think there's a bomb in my car.
That's in the LA Weekly, did the interview with one of his best friends that asked to borrow his car.
And the friend said, sorry, my Volvo
is basically broken down.
And so Hastings ran off saying they're after me.
Now sometimes people get paranoid and and and and get so scared they kinda run off the edge of a cliff themselves.
And that's the only way they didn't kill him.
But all the evidence is pointing at that now.
And it just piles up.
That story's up on up on InfoWars.com and I'm gonna call the LA Weekly reporter and invite them on along with the
Good friend of Hastings at the interview, but that full story and the link to the LA Weekly article is up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Now before I go to your calls, and I'm going to them, to get your take as listeners on what's happening in Syria,
Even if Syria really did this, which I believe maybe, maybe again, maybe a 6, 7, 8 percent chance out of 100, I mean maybe a 10 percent chance.
I'm being very liberal there with that number.
I mean my gut tells me Syria didn't do this.
All the evidence points towards it being the opposite.
The timing of the inspectors showing up right when it happens.
Where it happened, on and on and on.
Because they know the West isn't paying attention, especially Americans.
And they'll just put the images, as they've done, of dead kids up.
If I put images of dead kids up, that U.S.
military killed, they try to shut our websites down, they take our YouTube channels down, our Facebook, our Twitters down.
If I show the real face of war, or even photos of coffins, Bush tried to block that.
If a bunch of kids get nerve gassed, it's on every news channel.
So it's all there.
And they staged the Gulf of Tonkin to get us into Vietnam.
They staged the USS Maine incident to blame it on the Spanish Empire and launch that war in 1898.
That's all come out.
They staged the incubator case in 1990 to be able to launch that war against Saddam, who'd been a CIA asset, who was set up and told to invade Kuwait.
And was like, what do you mean?
You told me to do this.
You told me I could.
And they go, listen, Saddam Hussein, which means one basically who has sex with camels, basically is what it means in Arabic.
One that has sex with animals, you name it.
And that's what Bush called him, Bush Senior, and so he couldn't back down.
His military was already all bought off.
They'd already been told to stand down.
They were all paid off.
That's on record.
They did the same thing in 2003.
It's a fake, simulated war.
Once you get there, the Iranian Shiites wanting control started fighting U.S.
So the U.S.
forces just blew up Sunni mosques to get them to go kill the Shiites.
I mean, it was false flags.
That even came out.
So, that's how this stuff works.
In the real world, folks.
Not in the delusional, fake world.
So, the United States and the globalist forces were fighting Iranians to a certain extent in Iran.
That's why they caught British special forces dressed up like Sunnis attacking Shiites in Basra.
Same story.
Just to keep them fighting with each other.
Now, this is the famous testimony
The NIREA testimony refers to the testimony given before the non-governmental Congressional Human Rights Caucus of October 10th, 1990, congressional testimony, and put out as truth.
And when you watch this video now, for TV viewers watching on PrisonPlanet.tv, if you're a subscriber, or everybody can watch the daytime radio show at InfoWars.com forward slash show, all the free iPhone, Droid apps, video feeds, audio feeds are there to get the word out.
When you watch it, it's clear how fake it is.
They're all lying.
They say, we're not going to say the name of this girl for her protection.
Turned out, had never been to Kuwait.
Her dad was the Kuwaiti ambassador, but obviously didn't want to go to Kuwait.
Lived in New York.
This has all been admitted now.
Never been to Kuwait.
There were no incubators.
There were no babies thrown out.
It was all a lie.
As in, I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky.
Or as in, you know they got WMDs?
Yeah, yeah.
So, that's my bad George W. Bush imitation.
This is all a lie, folks.
All of it.
The yellow cake, the aluminum tubes, the centrifuges, on and on and on and on and on.
Now it is true that Iran's trying to develop a nuclear weapon.
That's actually true.
Saddam was not, folks.
They'd had UN inspectors all over that country wrecking and pulling down everything.
They wouldn't even let them have chemical plants in that country to run their nation, saying it could be used to turn into chemical weapons.
That's why over a million Iraqis, it was an industrialized nation with oil money whose population had tripled since 1900.
And now they've lost over 5 million Iraqis one way or another since 1991.
And over a million of those, Lancet Journal, war-related.
Now, we're gonna go to your calls in a moment, but I wanna play a few minutes of the famous baby incubator testimony.
It's powerful on radio, but downright unbelievable when you watch it 13 years later.
No, 20 years later.
Man, my brain cannot wrap around that 1990 seems like yesterday to me.
And so I think it was like 2000, so it's, you know,
No, it's twenty-three years later.
Twenty-three years later.
Man, I'm getting old.
Twenty-three years later, you watch this, and it is unbelievable.
In fact, I'm going to have the guys repost this to mfallwars.com.
You know, just a blurb, you know, remember the fake incubator testimony, now with this nerve gas stuff.
Now, here they really killed some people.
But it has false flag written all over it.
If these rebels will kill Christians and Jews and Muslim minorities en masse, if they'll blow up every church and mosque they don't control, if they'll blow up markets, if they'll blow up, you name it, if they'll do that, will they gas random people in Syria?
You bet your bottom dollar they will.
And a few months ago, the last time this happened, it got tested.
It was NATO gas.
They don't even try to get Russian gas, folks.
They don't even care they think you're so stupid.
Let's go to the fake baby testimony and then your calls.
Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, my name is Nayyirah and I just came out of Kuwait.
My mother and I were in Kuwait on August 2nd for a peaceful summer.
You know what?
I'm going to back this up.
Because I want people to hear them introduce her and say we're not going to give you her name.
I mean, how obvious is this?
We're not going to give you her name.
Here she is.
Let's go back to the start of the testimony.
Here it is.
Thank you very much.
Our final witness is also using an assumed name, and again we ask our friends in the media to respect the needs for her to protect her family.
This is C-SPAN.
October 10th, 1990.
And we finally call on Nayyirah to testify.
And the fake crying is unbelievable.
Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, my name is Nayyirah, and I just came out of Kuwait.
My mother and I were in Kuwait on August 2nd for a peaceful summer holiday.
My older sister had a baby on July 29th.
And we wanted to spend some time in Kuwait with her.
I only pray that none of my 10th grade classmates had a summer vacation like I did.
I may have wished sometime that I could be an adult.
That I could grow up quickly.
What I saw happen to the children of Kuwait
Going to my country has changed my life forever.
She could probably get a show on Nickelodeon.
It has changed the life of all Kuwaitis.
It's not good acting, but it's pretty good.
We are children no more.
I'm a child.
I suffer.
This is now admitted to be fake.
It's all fake.
Everybody bought it.
Traveled across the desert to safety.
There is no milk available for the baby in Kuwait.
No milk for baby.
They barely escaped when their car was stuck in the desert.
Meanwhile, carbon taxes will kill 15 million people a year, conservatively.
I stayed behind and wanted to do something for my country.
Oh, you did, you hero!
The second week after the invasion, I volunteered at the Al-Adhan Hospital with 12 other women who wanted to help as well.
I was the youngest volunteer.
The other women were from 20 to 30 years old.
While I was there, I saw the Iraqi soldiers coming to the hospital with guns.
There's no lying, it's really bad.
They took the babies out of incubators.
Took the incubators and left the children to die on the cold floor.
See, people don't buy this now, see, they actually have to nerve gas them now.
It was horrifying.
Please attack Syria!
Please help the babies!
Who, if born premature, might have died that day as well.
Oh, I love the fake crying.
After I left the hospital, some of my friends and I distributed flyers condemning the Iraqi invasion.
My five-year-old was doing fake crying last night.
Until they were warned I might be killed if the Iraqis saw us.
If the Iraqis saw us.
The Iraqis have destroyed everything in Kuwait.
They stripped the supermarkets of food, the pharmacies of medicine, the factories of medical supplies, ransacked our houses, and tortured neighbors and friends.
Alright, that's enough.
I saw and talked to a friend of mine after his torture and release.
After his torture?
Well, maybe Saddam was a good guy then, because the good guy is tortured nowadays at Abu Ghraib.
Ladies and gentlemen, now you've got over 5 million dead Iraqis, over a million dead from the war, the sanctions 4 million, over 500,000 dead children as of 19...
I think it was Madeleine Albright said $500,000 was a good price to pay for the dead kids.
So how's it feel now?
You got to feel good though and go, I remember, that's Saddam!
Blew him up!
I can't believe he threw them babies out of them incubators.
And they get off into the soldiers stomping the babies.
None of it happened.
It wasn't true.
It wasn't true.
Saddam's people did come in and loot the country though.
Rob the banks, steal the gold, take the oil, because they've been slant drilling.
And he was told, you get the money, you still owe billions to the International Monetary Fund, the IMF, the World Bank, and the U.S.
You get that money.
He was told to invade and attack Iran for seven years in the same way.
So they basically came and said, you get this done.
So he even asked the U.S.
ambassador, he said, so I'm going to invade Kuwait.
That's all right.
She goes, we don't get involved in inter-Arab affairs.
And he looks at the camera.
All right.
Because he'd already been ordered privately.
This has now come out.
As a CIA commander to do this, he'd kind of broken off, was doing his own thing.
So he said, all right, load him up, hit him up, move him out.
We're going in.
And the globalist said he took the bait.
Shut that country down.
Begin extermination operations.
And you do it all on the basis of one girl with fake crying.
Last night, my older daughter and my younger daughter had built a tent in the living room, and were taking the French Bulldogs in there and feeding them treats and things.
That's what they do.
And that's basically all that goes on, is playing with the French Bulldogs, more like worshipping them.
But the point is, is that that goes on hour after hour.
And then one of my daughters moved the chair from the tent, and then the younger one got mad and did the fake crying.
And I said, stop the fake crying!
She started laughing when she did it.
She was doing the sniffling and trying to cry.
You know, but my daughter is a fake crying kid that hasn't killed 5 million people.
That's the difference.
So, hey, the fake cry that killed 5 mil.
But now they've nerve gassed some real kids.
So, everybody that likes to see war, get ready to go buy pizza, get your liquor, and sit back and privately watch cruise missiles go down chimneys and go, yeah, we took out that Assad, hurt them kids.
Yeah, I'm feeling pretty good right now.
He's with Al Qaeda, you know.
Alright, let's go to David in Spain.
You're on the air, what's your take on all this, extremist?
Hi Alex, yeah, I'm an extremist.
I'm in the south coast of Spain and when I look out my window I can see Morocco.
Now as you know, North Africa, you've got Morocco, I think it's Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Saudi Arabia,
I'm assuming that the globalists want to surround around that's what I'm reading I think that's what you and others say
They want to take out Iran and just control that whole sector.
And I was sitting down, I hadn't seen a girlfriend of mine from South Africa for many years, and we were just chatting, having lunch, fish by the sea, you know, in a Spanish churinguito, and this came up, this conversation.
I'm a musician and she asked me what I was doing, and I said, well, you know, I'm trying to write more political
And so what does the Senorita say to you?
She just started laughing.
She literally just looked at me and laughed.
As if you were school kids and you laughed at someone who's completely insane in the corner.
You know, the guy who's wet his trousers.
It was a bit like that and I just felt really uncomfortable and we left it and I just said, listen.
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So, I've asked callers to call in and give us their take on Spain and what's going on over there, actually on Syria, but he's called in about Spain and how he was telling a lady about the Federal Reserve's really private...
But it's called federal.
And I get why people even 15 years ago or even 10 years ago would laugh at me about that.
Because if they were lied to and it's not federal, that means the whole world's a fraud.
And of course it is private.
And it just shows what a joke it is.
So they can't believe how much tyranny we're under.
And of course Spain is run by private central banks.
It's the same thing in England.
It's the same thing worldwide.
That's the New World Order model.
So briefly, you told her about this and she laughed at you.
That is a preconditioned response from television and the culture all over the world to laugh if someone says government might be corrupt.
That's why FEMA teaches that George Washington was a bad guy.
I have video of this, not just their training manuals, in my film Road to Tyranny.
But I want to get to people about Syria, specifically, now and into the next hour.
We have a special guest joining us as well.
But finish your point.
So, she just started laughing uncontrollably because you told her the sky was blue?
Well, that's right.
And we were going to go sit on the beach in the afternoon, but she made her excuses and she left.
Now, this is about the Federal Reserve.
Okay, so talking bad about the Federal Reserve, you didn't get to have a fun day.
Well, that's right.
She said, okay, this guy is a loon.
Okay, so we weren't even discussing people being killed, babies being butchered.
You know, I'm like you, I've got two children, okay?
What I relate to you is your love for humanity.
I believe that you've got integrity, okay?
That's why I tune into your show.
End of story.
I've got two children.
One of them's 12, one of them's 10, okay?
My daughter,
You know, for my kids, I will put my heart on the ground, and I will sacrifice myself for those children, without a shadow of a doubt.
And if I've got to go to war, I go to war, without a shadow of a doubt.
And that's why they're incrementally destroying the family, is because they don't want that allegiance between the father and the mother and the children.
They want you to only love the loving state.
That, I mean, Plato even wanted to take people's kids away from him, and have them raised by the state.
This is a 3,000 or almost 3,000 year old plan.
And you look at what's going on in Syria, okay?
And you look at how the people are being butchered there, and here I am in Europe, and no one gives a monkey's, okay?
They all talk about it, oh it's terrible in Syria, but until the tyranny knocks on our door, it seems no one is willing to stand up and say, hang on, there's something that's terribly wrong.
Sure, David in Spain, let me ask you this question quickly.
Does anyone over there understand the West is starting all these wars and bringing in rebels and calling them activists and protesters with tanks and rocket launchers?
They don't believe it, Alex.
They don't believe it.
They think that the West are in the... You know, I spoke to a friend of mine, a singer, and she said about Saddam Hussein, she said, well, Saddam Hussein was a terrible man.
He had to go.
And the same about Gaddafi in Libya.
You know, he had to go.
But what has taken over from these dictators?
It's even worse.
And of course, no one knows that it was the West who put them in charge anyway.
You know, so it's so... Oh, yeah, exactly.
I mean, with the case of Saddam Hussein,
It's on record he was CIA trained in Egypt.
It's on record he committed assassinations in the 60s in Iraq for the CIA.
It's on record they put him in in 1979.
It's on record they gave him 40 billion bucks on record and I'm sure obviously more to attack Iran.
It's on record they wink wink told him to go into Kuwait and then set him up.
And again, I'm not saying he was a great guy, but my goodness!
That is evil!
And now to have Al-Qaeda attacking Syria is amazing.
Thank you for the call.
I'm glad it got around to Syria, because I want to get listeners' take on that.
We just did.
Very eloquent caller from the United Kingdom.
God bless you, sir.
Yes, I do love humanity.
And I know you love humanity as well.
And we are the majority.
We just have to stand up against the haters.
We're the lovers.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Folks, we're now into the second hour today.
We're going to continue to take calls on the Syria situation.
What appears to be a false flag to blame Syria, so they can invade just like babies in the incubators was fake and WMDs in Iraq and Gulf of Tonkin to get us into Vietnam.
The nerve gassing of the children appears to be real, but probably carried out by the rebels.
They've been caught doing this three times previous.
Our controlled media will not point that out.
We're taking phone calls right now.
Let's talk to Kevin in California.
What's your take on all this Kevin?
Well, hi Alex.
How you doing?
Listen, you know, I think I'm with you, you know, this is a false flag and you know, I mean we're so far out over here, you know, everybody's so busy working and and everybody's so busy, you know compiling things and
That's going to come back on us, too, and it's evil to put Al-Qaeda in, to especially murder all those Christians.
I'd care if it was Muslims or anybody, but don't even the churches here take that personal?
Is there not any type of solidarity?
People all the time say, I don't care if that company goes under.
I don't care if something bad happens to somebody.
It's not me.
Don't they inherently get that what you allow to happen to others injustice-wise will come back on you?
Don't they have that?
I'm more and more realizing civilization is based on being informed and having empathy and little people sticking together.
But little people think it's cool to not stick together.
They think it's cool to see somebody else's horrible life like it makes theirs better.
They're idiots.
Sorry, go ahead.
They are.
They're ignorant.
They're ignorant.
It's not their fault.
We're being lied to by a usurped communist regime.
It's ridiculous and, you know, everything that they're perpetrating is for, by design, for them, not for those people.
I talked to some Syrian people here and, you know, they own a little, you know, tobacco shop and, you know, I may go over there a couple days a week to get a cigar.
That's my vice.
I have a cigar every now and then.
So, I go and talk to these guys and these guys are good Christian people.
And they can't believe what's being perpetrated for them by the United States.
Let me guess.
They probably go, we don't understand Obama.
He thinks he's helping us, but the Al Qaeda is bad.
And see, that's how simple even good people are.
They're not dumb.
They know it's evil.
They know it's wrong.
But they are so naive, because they're good people, that they probably, I'm guessing, imagine that Obama and NATO are misguided.
Is that correct?
That's correct.
You know, because they get together, they get together with their societies, their Christian societies, and they know, they don't think, Alex, they know.
They know Obama's crooked.
They know this is crooked.
Okay, so they're not naive then.
So they know it's a setup to kill Christians.
Because I gotta say this, it's like Obama and the globalists are the devil.
I guess he's the god of this world.
They go after Christians anywhere they can and will go out of their way to murder any group of Christians they can in the world.
And that should give all of us pause when they can get control who they want to kill Christians.
Why would they want to fund in Syria and in Libya and in Egypt the extermination of Christians and why would our media cover it up?
Just little poor Christians living in the Middle East.
Why do you think that is?
Well, what I guess we'd have to do is we gotta go back and look at these field manuals and all this...
You know, all of these documents that don't have anything to do with the good of the people.
You know what I mean?
It's all... Sure, sure, sure.
All the FBI and Homeland Security public training manuals where it says Christians, returning veterans, gun owners, libertarians, real peace activists, anyone who isn't... Look, if you like freedom, you're a terrorist.
If you love America, you're a terrorist.
If you're informed, you're a terrorist.
If you know your rights, you're a terrorist.
If you're a good person, you're a terrorist.
If you love God, you're a terrorist.
If you're an evil, demonic scumbag, New World Order loves you.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, I'm going to continue with your phone calls after our guest leaves us here in about 45 minutes on the subject of Syria.
Just like they lied about babies in incubators being thrown out to invade Iraq, they lied about WMDs, Gulf of Tonkin, to get us into Vietnam.
They've caught these Al-Qaeda characters that CNN calls activists, that have tanks and rocket launchers NATO gave them.
They call them
You know, protesters, so they can pull the wool over the American people's eyes.
They've been caught three times.
Look it up in the last year.
Staging nerve gas attacks, and it turns out they've done it.
The UN's found that, the Russians have found that, and the criminal interests that are running our country, it's beyond Obama.
It's beyond the Congress.
It's these multinational defense contractors, you name it.
They want to go wreck Syria.
They want a big war.
And now they're calling for it.
France is calling for it.
The right-wing neocon talk shows are calling for it.
The Democrats are calling for it.
This is a big deal because there's Russian troops there.
And here's my rule.
Syria didn't attack anybody.
Syria has not been going after anybody.
It is a war crime what's going on.
And our government for two and a half years, through surrogates, just like in Egypt and Libya, has been funding the overthrow of those governments to make it worse!
I mean, even if they're trying to make it better, that's unconstitutional, as George Washington said, to be running around doing that.
They're trying to make it worse, and then they'll be bombing Al-Qaeda in two years.
They want to just keep business going.
Here, it'd be like if they arrested a bunch of crack dealers, going to put new ones out on the street, which they actually do.
So we're going to be getting into that.
Also, Bradley Manning wants a pardon from Obama, and he now wants to be known as
Brandy Manning, or Chelsea Manning, excuse me.
I mean, come on folks, that guy obviously needs to be let out of jail.
Something's really going on there.
Something's wrong with him.
So we're going to be getting into that report, but they want to terrorize everybody so there's no whistleblowing.
When you report on illegal torture like he did,
You're covered.
The only reason they might have been able to convict him, which they did 35 years, is that he did release stuff that was not criminal that was going on.
He released probably too much.
And they want to use him as a chilling effect against all whistleblowers.
So we're going to look at that as well.
Also, you've seen every week now, whites mainly being killed after the Trayvon Martin thing because the media's hyped up that basically all whites are racist.
and deserve to be killed.
To create racial division in this country is a divide and conquer political distraction.
Well, now, the black teen who allegedly murdered Australian jogger up in Oklahoma
The Australian baseball player posted racist tweets.
CNN and others are trying to say, oh, it was a gang initiation.
Yeah, the gang initiation in your racist black club.
It's like they have racist white clubs, Hispanic clubs.
Those things are all racially based, folks.
Look at the prisons.
Is go out and kill a cracker.
And the fact that the media
It's trying to cover that up, but it's in the local newspapers, is a very, very big deal.
That story's up on DrudgeReport.com and up on InfoWars.com.
It's from the Daily Caller.
And my issue is, if the Klan goes out and drags somebody to death, I say give them the death penalty.
And if you go out and you kill a white guy because he's white and you're racist, death penalty.
I mean, this is the reality of what we're talking about.
Now, that gets off on a separate subject when the government's so corrupt.
How do you trust them to prosecute a death penalty?
Well, when it's open and shut and the people admit to it.
And then you've got the death penalty, but that's a complex issue for the courts and the juries to decide.
We've got a very special guest, speaking of courts and juries, one of the top constitutional lawyers, in my humble opinion, in the country, and for common people, constitutional lawyer, to know your basic rights.
We're going to be talking to him here in just a moment.
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Shifting gears, I interviewed this gentleman last year via video Skype for radio listeners and for TV viewers, and I've seen what he's done in the courts in Texas.
I've seen how he's advised people nationally.
I've heard him talk about the Constitutional Bill of Rights, ways to effectively know your rights.
If you don't know your rights, it's like you're blind walking around the middle of the jungle or something.
And I said to him, I said, you need to put this in a book.
You need to put this in a book because the laws are similar in all 50 states.
This is important.
If you're in England, it's similar because it's common law in Magna Carta.
You need to know this.
So he did it.
He did it, and dropped a case of these off, or one of his guys did two weeks ago, and he's been out of town.
Finally got back.
Jamie Balasia is here.
Texas DWI Survival Guide, a citizen's protection manual.
And of course, he was a police officer for 13 years, and has now been a lawyer for quite a few years after that.
And he's also brought with him one of his former, I guess, Austin detectives as his investigator on this.
And folks, they've got illegal checkpoints now.
In Austin, pulling people over for quote DWI, even though texting's five times more dangerous.
And my issue is this.
Under common law, if someone is recklessly driving, I want to get this straight here.
That is a felony, folks, if you endanger people.
Whether you're drunk, whether you're on pills, whether you're beating your wife while you're driving, whatever it is, the old law was you're recklessly driving 100 miles an hour in the wrong lane, the jury calls you in, you're going to get a couple years in jail, folks.
You kill somebody, you're going to go to jail for 20 years.
Now, that's my common law understanding.
I'm not a lawyer like him.
I want to see if he says I'm right.
But the point is, is that I get pulled over randomly all the time.
And I know I'm not speeding.
Just to see, and they smell, and I go over the Congress Bridge on some business or something.
You know, it's 8 at night.
Oh, okay, uh, uh.
You can go even though you were speeding.
I'm like, I wasn't speeding.
You're part of the DWI squad.
Yeah, Alex, so what?
So, and those guys get paid a lot more than the regular cops, and why do you have bars all over the country and the world, and then they let those operate, but then they're going to arrest you if you've had two beers, which most people that weigh 250 pounds like I do don't even feel it, folks.
So, it's a way to enslave the American people, in my humble opinion.
To bring in incredible tyranny and give us all a record.
And I, thank God, don't drink and drive, and thank God back in college a few times I was coming from parties or whatever, because obviously I wouldn't drive, I was impaired, I never, you know, got pulled over and went to jail.
But the issue is almost everyone I know has a DWI or is getting one.
I mean, this is an epidemic and it's about money.
But his book isn't just about that, it's about your rights, under the Bill of Rights, and how even if they arrest you, they're going to throw it out.
And I know people that have him as a lawyer, follow what he says, he puts big ads in the paper, telling people their rights, he's done it in our magazine, and just those basic facts does it.
So the book is so important.
We're selling it.
And the stuff in here would cost you thousands of dollars if you got it from a lawyer.
He's putting out the trade secrets here for you as a public service.
That's why it's $39.95, because he'll lose money putting this out in the final equation.
Law books are usually hundreds of dollars, if not thousands, folks.
So this is a very important law book.
Jamie, we're going to go to break in a minute.
That's a long intro, but I just admire the work you're doing.
And the ads you put, and the ads you put in the bars, the restaurants, because now they're starting to pull people over and say, oh, we're going to dab your cheek.
You smoked marijuana yesterday.
You're going to lose your right to drive, or we're going to suck you dry.
How bad is this, and why did you write the book?
Well, partially because you're prompting, and I appreciate that.
It is a citizen's guide.
It's not meant for lawyers.
It's not meant for judges or police officers.
Not that they'll learn anything anyway.
But it's for the people, because I'm so alarmed by the fear factor that they're putting out across this nation now.
You know, the hardcore media, everything's to be feared.
The drunk driver's gonna kill you.
The marijuana's gonna kill you.
We can protect you.
We can run your life better than you can.
Don't listen to what built this country.
Listen to us.
I don't like it.
So we're trying to send a message out.
Know your rights and stand up for them.
I so admire you and your listeners because they're not part of the sheeple of this country.
They just baa along while they're being run down into the slaughterhouse.
You know, when are they going to wake up and realize, just like in Nazi Germany, everything was fine until they turned those showers on and it wasn't hot water and soap.
And, you know, are we being alarmist?
Well, if you don't scream out alarm, the fire, you know, burns down the house while you're in it.
So the call has to go out.
We're going to break in a moment, but you've been 35 years in the system, as you say it.
13 as a police officer.
I mean, is that what woke you up, was seeing the change?
I refer to it as the machine.
It just crushes people.
It crushes our rights.
Everyone wants you to focus on the bad guy, the criminal.
But you know what?
Nowadays, the criminal is your brother.
It's your neighbor.
It's you.
And we have to stop this.
We have to stop it now.
I'm amazed at with all the information that's out here on the internet and great shows like this one, we still have the majority of our people, the vast majority, are just deaf, blind, and dumb.
They refuse to get away from the video games and pay attention to real news like you have and speak out.
Stand up to your government and tell them we run this country, you don't.
But as well as you and I both know right now, they run us.
The book's available at Infowarsstore.com.
We're going to go over your basic rights, powerful weapons, that if you use them, you're basically invincible.
Stay with us.
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By the way, I was talking to Jamie Valasia, a constitutional lawyer, decades before that, 13 years as a police officer, 12 of it as an Austin police officer, and I could have this guy on every five hours.
We need to get going with this interview, covering all the facets.
But the book, Texas DWI Survival Guide, is available at InfowarsStore.com, but it's applicable all over the country, with the basic Bill of Rights and Constitution.
We're going to talk about that, but the reason I wanted to get him in,
Was that, uh, through his intermediary, when he dropped the books off, he was saying, you know, Jamie's mad about the NSA.
He wants to talk about that.
He wants to talk about these federal laws.
And here it is.
directs agents to cover a program used to investigate Americans, where the NSA's given everything to the DEA and then to local police.
Folks, of course they're using it all illegally.
It's unbelievable.
Yes, sir.
Comments on that?
NSA is not going to target American citizens.
That's exactly who they're targeting.
American citizens.
Every phone call, every email, every text, they keep it all.
And now we find out because of, by accident, a case up in New York, a judge finds out that the NSA is actually telling the DEA, the FBI, lie in your affidavits for search warrants.
Lie in your arrest warrant affidavits.
Don't tell them you got this from us.
Uh, that is a crime.
Yeah, they told him, go manufacture a fake investigation, create fake evidence to get the warrant.
And only when fake evidence comes and knocks on your door and drags you out of your house do you get concerned.
We need to get concerned now.
Uh, the Salinas- Fake evidence is- I mean, that's like, that's like kryptonite to Superman.
That's the worst thing for a country.
Planning dope on you, or, or, uh, the Salinas v. Texas case just came out.
Unless you actively and-
In your own words, state, I am invoking my Fifth Amendment right to remain silent.
You have basically, if you just become silent and don't answer their questions, that is now allowed into court as evidence of guilt.
That's insane.
For 30, 40 years, we've all been told on TV and the movies by your lawyer.
It's like North Korea.
Remain silent.
Call a lawyer.
Now you remain silent, you're guilty.
Unless you use the legal term, I'm invoking my right to remain silent.
And you better remain silent, especially with the feds.
They always convict people for lying to them, when you don't even really lie.
They just say you lied, and you go to jail for that.
I'm proud of you.
Feds come around here, what do you do?
Keep your mouth shut.
Keep your mouth shut.
Tell them you want to talk to your lawyer, and you don't want to talk to them.
I mean, I always ask the police officers, if you get brought into IRS because they're looking at your tax return and it's a criminal investigation, are you going by yourself or are you taking a lawyer?
Every one of them says, I'm not going by myself.
I'm not answering their questions, not IRS.
I said, well, then why do you get offended when I tell my clients not to answer your questions?
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Don't answer their questions.
Don't cooperate.
They twist it into... I had a state police guy last year try to say that my top of Chico was beer.
And I said, man, you know that's water.
He's looking right at it.
That's water.
That's a clear bottle.
And he was like, are you on drugs, Alex?
And I went, man, I got really mad.
Because now when you get pulled over, it's like secret police questioning.
It just goes on and on.
If they smell alcohol in your breath, or if they think they do, the odds are you're going to jail.
If you were foolish enough to blow into the breathalyzer and it shows you're under an 08, then they'll say, oh, you can't handle your liquor, or, oh, you're on drugs as well.
There's never a, oh, we made a mistake.
Let us get your car out of pound.
Let us apologize.
Let us get you back where you need to be.
It's not the way it works anymore.
It wasn't like that when I started in law enforcement.
I want to talk about how it started out when you were first in law enforcement as a peace officer and where it's going now, but what about the other stuff happening in the country and the illegal checkpoints the feds are paying for?
I mean, it's crazy.
I don't like the fact that the Border Patrol, when I go hunting in South Texas, stops me and wants to know where I'm from, where I'm going, what I'm doing.
If you can't look at me and tell I'm an American citizen and buy my car the way I dress, the way I act, then you shouldn't be at this job.
Listen, the Border Patrol, every time I go down there, and I want to go to Big Bend, I want to go to South Padre, every time they know who I am by name and still want to search the vehicle.
They sure do.
I mean, they know who I am and they still want to.
Their dogs will scratch up your car.
Oh yeah.
The dogs will hit on a car because what's a hit by a dog?
A biscuit.
Because a flea bites him?
Well that's the old joke like Roscoe Picotrain with Flash would always say he smelled drugs, you know, to get a biscuit.
That's right.
He wants the biscuit.
That's how they train him.
A dog knows I want to get petted, not told to sit.
So it works all the way around.
Now, nationally, on DWI, it's just getting worse and worse.
The surcharges from a DWI conviction, if you have the bad luck of hiring an attorney who doesn't know what he's doing, it never goes away.
It stays on your back forever.
Your insurance rates... I've had three tickets in like the last five years.
I looked it up.
I don't know how they told me one more ticket, I get the surcharge.
Well, you also need to find out about how many taxes they're putting on each ticket.
In Texas, every traffic ticket that's written that you pay, 50 cents goes to Prairie View A&M University.
Why is my traffic ticket supporting a state university?
And whatever goes over their cutoff point goes back into the general fund.
They're taxing us without telling us.
They're lying to us again, using the criminal justice system and the local police to step on you.
Constitutional lawyer Jamie Bellagio is here with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
We'll get deep into it straight ahead.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Folks, it's the Texas DWI Survival Guide to Citizens Protection Manual.
And, you know, Jamie, it's got your name there at the top, but tell me about these other guys that are in here and why people should get this book and what to learn in the book, and then I want to get into all the subjects you want to talk about as a constitutional lawyer.
Bruce Edge is a regent of the National DUI College, and John Hunsucker...
There's a very close friend and colleague of his there up in Oklahoma.
John's in Oklahoma City and Bruce is in Tulsa.
Terrific guys, very knowledgeable.
They've headed up the DWI fight in Oklahoma and nationally as well.
If you don't have the scientific knowledge to fight the state's power in a DWI case, you're going to lose.
These breathalyzers are unreliable.
The credibility of the officers, if you don't know how to take them on in a cross-examination, they can just run over you like a bull.
These guys are tremendous.
They've helped spearhead a nationwide series of books on DWI and how to, for the people to understand, you know, you can pick this book up and read through it quickly in a day, two days, keep it on the toilet.
This is the criminalization of the whole country, basically.
Well, you know, they wanted to go down to 05 here recently.
They're going to keep pressing that.
They're going to keep pressing it further and further.
A commercial truck driver, if he goes out on a Friday night with his wife or girlfriend or whatever, and on the way home gets pulled over in a DWI, right away his commercial license is taken away.
His right to have a living is taken away.
The surcharges start slamming them.
You take your driver's license away.
How are you going to get to work?
Will you drive?
How do you get your kids to school?
Will you drive?
And it's just like they used
You know, the dead babies in the incubators Saddam thing to invade and kill millions of Iraqis wasn't true.
They hype up the bad drunk drivers that have had 20 drinks and run somebody down.
But now they're going to move on to the people that are texting that are five times more dangerous and take them to jail.
I mean, at a certain point, am I right or wrong to say it should just be reckless driving?
If somebody's driving recklessly, it's a serious charge.
But if they're not being reckless, then I mean, whoa.
What did we do before this police state?
Before we started multiplying the laws every year exponentially, it's incredible.
I knew how to spot a drunk driver when I was a police officer, a rookie.
Just like you and your listeners do.
If someone's drunk and they're a danger, then they need to be arrested.
And they need to be taken off the streets so they don't hurt somebody.
But you know, do we give them rehabilitation if they're an alcoholic or a repeat offender?
Or do we just throw them in jail and keep that money churning, make them go to classes, make them pay surcharges?
We had laws in the books, just like you're talking about, reckless driving.
There's criminally negligent homicide for someone who's texting or fatigued, shouldn't be driving, drunk driving.
But that's a small percentage, you know, of fatality cases.
What they like to do is expand it all over all of us and bring in the money.
Well now we see cases like in Phoenix where the woman had one glass of wine but the people called the police on her and then the CPS came and took her kids.
Or then another lady had gone to the dentist and had come out her mouth was numb so people thought she was drunk and they took her to jail.
I mean there's all these little secret police now too.
In Arizona, if you are a citizen of Colorado and smoke some marijuana before you go to bed because you've got backache and don't want to take prescription medication and get hooked on that garbage, then you go to Arizona and they pull you over 20 days later and they find the metabolite, the dead THC in your body.
The breakdown!
They charge you with the DWI and they'll put you in jail.
They'll take your blood there on the hood of the patrol car if they have to.
They don't even get search warrants.
Yeah, that's where I first, like, must have been almost 18 years ago, saw the first articles people would fax me at the radio station of warrantless checkpoints taking blood in Phoenix.
And people didn't believe me back then.
They thought, no way in America!
The DWI checkpoints, in Texas we have driver's license checkpoints because DWI checkpoints aren't allowed at this point.
So they have a driver's license checkpoint, but what do they make you do?
Roll down your window and speak to them so they can smell your breath.
If you crack your window a half an inch and hand them your driver's license and insurance paperwork, they're going to start demanding that you roll that window down.
The police don't have a right to do that.
Then they pull you over, search your vehicle, but then even if you end up going to jail for something, now they violated the Fourth Amendment, right?
You're going to get out of it.
Well, you better have a good lawyer, and those of us who know how to follow these motions and argue them.
And also, though, police officers know how to testify.
Sometimes we refer to it as test a lie.
They know how to leave stuff out, bring stuff in, so they can pass muster.
In San Antonio, we have videos in about a third to a half of the cases.
So in the other half of the cases, it's his word against yours.
Well, who does the judge believe?
The decorated police officer or the citizen?
And what's disturbing, though, is when it's the fourth, fifth, sixth citizen who's saying that particular police officer is lying, these judges have to wake up and go, you know, all these people aren't making this up.
Why would a police officer lie to make a misdemeanor arrest?
You brought up money earlier.
They're Austin police officers.
Their base pay may be around $50,000.
On the DWI task force, they're making another $50,000, $60,000, $70,000, $80,000 in overtime.
You're talking $130,000.
$140,000 I think is what the top one brought in.
And if they've got alimony or child support or a new boat payment or a girlfriend on the side, they need money.
Now, do I let you go or do I arrest you if I'm going to make that kind of money on the side?
Too many of these guys are arresting people that should never be arrested.
That's why you've got to know your rights.
You've got to.
You know, my website, DWID.com, will tell you what to do and what not to do.
What to say, what not to say.
You know, that's what I love, is most of these good DWI lawyers and constitutional lawyers, I know you cover other cases as well, they don't give you any info.
You put big ads in the paper that give people basically the info free.
I mean, it's just so important that people visit your site.
I have a lot of people that I meet around town, they'll say, it's almost like you don't want us to be your client.
I said, I don't.
I don't want to meet you when you're getting out of jail.
You got more business you can handle sometimes.
Yes, but stay out of jail, you know.
Now if somebody gets busted, I want their business.
And I'm not cheap.
Cheap lawyers aren't good.
Good and great lawyers aren't cheap.
That's another little saying we have over there.
Believe me, I know.
I've got a good lawyer as well.
It's someone, I think Red Adair was talking about oil field fires.
He said, if you think I'm expensive, try hiring an amateur.
You're in real trouble for many years.
Absolutely, yeah.
But so many people, college graduates, if you ask them just some rudimentary questions or some simple questions about their constitutional rights, they almost all fail.
Now, a pre-law graduate will do pretty well, but your basic college student doesn't know his rights.
Well, give us the bottom line.
Give out your website again so people can go see that all over the country.
That's the basic facts, but also the books at InfoWarsStore.com where you can really get details.
But specifically, this is how it usually is.
I go to a meeting downtown at 8 o'clock at night, I get out of the meeting, I'm driving home, and obviously I know, don't drink, because it's like piranhas down there.
Sure is.
Boom, cop pulls me over, they immediately come, oh, you're going 5 miles on the speed limit?
And then they see I'm not drinking, so they go, OK, you can go.
And I go, hey, I know, you know, that you were just DWI checkpoint, really.
And or sometimes they say, hey, I want you to get out.
I'm going to search the car.
I say, no, violates my rights.
What do you have to hide?
I'm go, come on, knock it off, man.
But but I mean, what should I do?
What should somebody do when they get pulled over?
The police like to say, I want to make sure you're safe to drive.
Well, all of a sudden, the burden's on you, instead of the burden on them to prove you're unsafe to drive.
Well, always be polite.
You know, the first thing I tell people, don't drive drunk.
If there's any question in your mind, tell yourself, I'm going to be stopped.
And if I'm going to be stopped, I really feel like I should drive home.
Call a cab.
It's a lot cheaper than my law firm.
But, be polite, but be firm.
You don't have to answer the questions about where you've been and what you've been doing.
You don't have to take the failed sobriety test.
Most people will fail that test.
Some officers say, well, it's not a pass or fail.
What they're trying to do is to glean evidence that you're not normal, when they don't even know what your normal is.
They don't know if your speech is slurred or if you're tired.
They don't know how you normally speak, so limit what you say.
I always tell people have your driver's license and insurance card in a place where you can give it to the policeman quickly and without dropping it.
Don't hand them your Montgomery Ward card instead of your driver's license.
Although you're scared, you have anxiety, you're thinking drink, drive, go to jail.
I drank.
I'm going to jail.
What am I going to tell my wife?
I'm going to lose my job.
A busted mugshot is going to put me on the internet and in their magazine and humiliate me in front of the public.
All these things are going through your mind, so you have to have a game plan ahead of time.
The book tells you what to do, but to simplify it, be polite.
Don't give the officer a reason to arrest you.
Decline any physical agility tests that they want you to do.
Don't answer questions about where you've been drinking, how much you've been drinking, because that can mislead them to make an improper decision that you're intoxicated.
Or they'll just say, you know, he admitted he was drinking.
Well, if you smelled it on my breath, and I'm telling you that I had something to drink, doesn't that mean I'm an honest citizen?
No, it means I'm an intoxicated driver to them.
But it's also hypocritical.
You have all these restaurants with all the wine, all the beer, all the everything.
You go out, you're in a business meeting, and you're just like, I better not even have one glass.
Because even if it's one glass, they're going to still say driving under the influence, right?
They sure are.
There's a federal program and all the major cities have them.
It's the STEP program.
And it's federally funded throughout both while the officers are out working it and for all their overtime.
If you don't make an arrest while you're working that shift, the next time your name comes up, you get passed.
So there's actually a bounty on making a DWI arrest.
In Austin, in San Antonio, in Houston, in Dallas.
It's very disturbing.
And when jurors find this out, that that's why this guy got arrested, who looks sober on the videotape, we're getting not guilty jury verdicts.
It's just so annoying.
I've had him pull me over, too, and ask, are you on... And I started laughing, and he goes, oh, are you drunk?
And I was like, I got out and laughed at him and said, no.
The cop says, are you on PCP?
And he said, are you on any drugs or anything like PCP?
And I went, I started laughing, and he goes, what, are you drunk?
And I went, no, do I look like I'm on PCP?
I actually got out of the car and started laughing at him.
He's like, you can go, but the point was, I just couldn't believe he said that.
Have you heard of that?
What they're gonna say in court is you had a delayed response.
And that's something about PCP, there is a slight delay before you go crazy and rip the door off the hinges.
But the matter,
Oh, so I probably paused when he said something and was thinking.
You were deliberate.
You were using your mental faculties.
You were actually thinking like a well-thought-out person, a sober person would do.
They turned that into, oh, he's confused.
He's obviously intoxicated on drugs or alcohol.
I've never seen PCP.
Well, I tell you what, you don't want to see anybody who's on it.
I have.
I've had to fight with them in the past.
Oh, really?
And it's bad stuff, but I can guarantee you there's no mistaking you and anyone on PCP.
So it's just a way to make you feel guilty.
Look at this article.
Drinking and walking is the new crime.
I shot this video just down the streets of Austin.
They now have the signs saying
Don't, don't drink and walk.
But it's all downtown culture now, all those high-rises.
How do you go eat dinner and then walk home having a few drinks?
And now I've learned they're actually not arresting guys that are stumbling around.
They're now doing breathalyzers of just couples walking down the street.
So I can't even go rent a room with my wife for the weekend, leave my kids with my parents, go see a movie, go have a few drinks.
I can't even do that now.
That's insane.
Have you heard about this?
Yes, I have.
They have flashing billboards saying, don't drink and walk, we will arrest you.
And I asked a cop about it.
Yeah, there it is.
It says, drink, walk, don't drink, then walk, bike or drive.
And I asked Austin cops and they go, yeah, we're told now to look for people that look drunk when they're walking.
Well, there's two ways to read that.
Don't drink and walk.
Bike or drive, instead.
Yeah, I mean it's insane.
So you just saw the sign, what do you make of that?
Well, it's just more of the controlling of our behavior.
And, what happens to you on 6th Street, ask any of the college kids, if you try to argue with a police officer?
They instantly say, public intoxication, put you in handcuffs.
And jack you up.
And you know, when I was a police officer, I didn't shoot anybody.
I could have shot a lot of people.
I didn't beat a lot of people.
I had to beat some.
But, because you can talk your way into reason with people.
Talking, you know, drunk people into submitting and going peaceably.
You know, spend 30 more seconds, three more minutes with somebody instead of collar snatching and pimp slapping them.
If we treated people like the police sometimes treat us, we would be placed under arrest and charged with a crime.
And that needs to stop.
What do you make of all the Austin police suddenly that are just shooting people everywhere?
Or they pull somebody over and start shooting.
It's that instinctive training thing?
Because, I mean, it's crazy.
It's who they're hiring.
You know, my family was a police family, and my brother just retired recently as a sergeant with APD.
I understand the dangers of being a police officer.
You know, I've been in the fight.
But, they're hiring a lot of people who, number one, shouldn't be police officers.
Well, just said, they're hiring wimps.
And wimps are going to be scared, and they're going to kill people.
Or, little bullies, who, you know, this is their chance to get back at somebody.
And they should never be hired as police officers.
The one good thing that Austin has is the videotaping program.
And so that, you know, at least there's a videotape.
In so many of our other cities, the videotapes are turned off.
What do you think of Acevedo?
Because he does some good things, but some bad things.
Well, I hate the fact that they videotape us.
No, I don't like that.
I do want to be protected when a police officer pulls me over, though.
And a police officer ought to believe
If I'm being videotaped, then you can't make up an allegation against me.
Number one.
Number two, if I have to do something, you know, that involves deadly force, I'm supported by a videotape to prove that.
But the idea that the government snoops on us like they do just blows me away.
You know, I read the lyrics to Gimme Shelter on the way here by the Rolling Stones.
Great song.
I like the Grand Funk Railroad's version.
But, you know, we are just...
It goes back to what you were talking about earlier.
We are one gunshot away from war in this world at all times.
In our community, we shouldn't be one gunshot away from death by our public servants.
They tase people.
Look how many dogs they've killed around here.
I don't know about you.
My dog is like a little family member.
I've seen some of the videos too where the dog is wagging its tail.
Well... I mean, if you don't know, a dog's wagging its tail like they shoot labs and stuff.
Well, they taught us when you approach a fenced-in yard and there's a bad dog, stop.
Don't go in there and then shoot the dog.
I don't understand this.
Something's got to be done.
Yeah, where is... but it's like they've got something to prove, like Missouri State Police.
People had impeach Obama signs out of national campaign.
And the cops all show up, like 12 of them, and they're bowed up and run up and start choking people.
I mean, that's like classic bad guys.
They're taught that command, take control, intimidate, and it shuts down what?
Your average everyday citizen?
Obama to me is nothing but a carpetbagger.
He's ruining our country.
The police are becoming the revenuers.
It's like we're going back to the 20s and 30s.
And most people that want to be police officers, when I came into the field, wanted to help, wanted to serve, wanted to protect.
And I'm starting to question that nowadays.
It's troublesome.
I want to come back and get to all the other points.
You've got a bunch of files there, things you want to talk about.
Jamie Balazs is our guest.
He's a great guy.
I want to get you in there every few months, man.
You're awesome.
I'd love it.
Maybe sometimes you can come in and co-host or something.
That'd be great.
Or do the whole show one day.
The book's available at InfoWars.com.
It's written for Texas, but it's applicable in many ways around the country.
Good, common-sense, constitutional info.
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All the leaves are brown, all the leaves are brown, and the sky is grey, and the sky is grey.
I tell you, Jamie Valasia is a great guy, especially in person.
And I'm serious, down the road, I know you're very busy in court and stuff, we ought to look for a slot for you to come in and if you want to host the whole three hours, now that comes out to about two hours and fifteen minutes of air time.
And you can really come in and go through everything and not be interrupted by me.
You know, one thing I always forget to tell people is I am pro local law enforcement.
I love the police officers.
I hate what they're being forced to do.
Tell me about your partner.
He got shot, stabbed, everything.
Steve Montague is a hero.
Yes, he's doing investigations here in the Austin area for us.
Montague, his whole family is law enforcement.
They're true American patriots.
And I can tell you this.
We have discussions.
He's sickened by what he and I both see.
The local
That's what law enforcement officers have to do, and I believe it's a dictate from above.
It's the federal government that's controlling it.
Oh yeah, it's all that money.
And also, who's going to come and knock on our doors when it's time to come drag us out?
It's not going to be the National Guard.
It's going to be the local cops.
Obama and Holder and those ruffians, they're not going to come to our doors.
They don't have the balls.
Well, we know in the FEMA training, they're going to use local police as, you know, almost like their Indian guides, you know, in the old West Wars.
So the local cops will lead them as the guide.
And then it's going to fall back on the old, well, when they came for you, I didn't speak out because I wasn't like you.
But what's going to happen when they come for you?
You know, we have to stop.
Well, talk about police.
They already have looted the pensions.
They're funding them on IOUs and leverage money, but they're going to end up taking everything.
I mean, that's the thing about tyranny, it destroys everything.
This country is in such a state of near shambles right now and people don't recognize it.
It's, you know, you look at how votes are being paid for and bought right now, it's sickening.
What's some of the other points you wanted to get at?
Because I keep directing the conversation.
You know, one of the things I wanted to talk about was this deal about mug shots.
And you got arrested.
Now, what if you got arrested and you're not guilty?
What if you got arrested and they can't make your case?
What if you got arrested by mistake?
Well, there are these groups out here now, and they put your picture in this flimsy little rag.
And sell them.
And sell it.
And they put it on the internet.
And you know, once that stuff's on the internet,
It's always there.
No, I understood that this is somebody trying to make a buck.
I didn't like it because I think until you're found guilty, you shouldn't be branded a criminal.
But now I find out that if you contact these companies, because hey, I don't want my picture
In the news.
I may not get hired.
It's a shakedown.
We'll pay us some money and we'll take your picture off of our website.
It'll take about 10 days.
Unless you want to pay even more money, then we can take your picture down quicker.
And of course they're not telling you that within a couple days it's going to go on the digital Google archives and they can never get rid of it.
That's also an angle for your action.
Is the angle that they're telling you we'll take it down.
It's already out.
It's already out there, and just the fact that they're strong-arming you to take it down.
There's a Facebook page that just came up called Blackmailed by Busted.
Blackmailed, because that's what you're already being blackmailed, by Busted.
And that's busted.com, bustedmugshots, whatever you want to call it.
There's a number of companies now that do it, and they do it all over the country.
We're going to try to find some people who have been abused, who've lost their jobs.
I wonder how many people have killed themselves across our country.
Folks that have been damaged need to call you.
Well, I want them to go to that Blackmailed by Busted on Facebook, because we want to get an idea of, you know, we want to make sure this is the problem we think it is.
And if it is, I'm going to contact lawyers all over the country, and we're going to file some class action lawsuits.
We're going to do our best to shut this down.
This isn't freedom of press here.
This is freedom to extort money from good American citizens who have not been convicted of a crime.
It's making money off the police state.
That's right.
And you know what?
I know you've tried to get information from the police before, and they stonewall us.
They give these mug shots away, like the Five and Dime store.
So this guy, or these various businesses... Absolutely.
We'll be right back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well folks, it's our final segment with Jamie Balasia, and I hope you get his book, Texas DWI Survival Guide.
I've read it, it's excellent, it's the first edition.
And it's a great way to just think about your basic rights and think about how the machine works.
And if you've got family members out there, they need to read this as well.
Not just for, you know, for alcohol.
Now, now they're trying to say we're going to take swabs of your tissue from your cheek.
That's easier than blood.
And if we find, as you said, the metabolite of drugs, the metabolite, well, they can pull your hair out and find stuff back 20 years or whatever.
I mean, this is insane.
I spent a ton of money, I went up to Chicago to a solid drug gas chromatograph course.
And I spent a week up there with the top scientist on drug analysis in the nation.
And when I left that class, what little faith I had in drug testing and substance testing went completely out the window.
There are so many substances that can mask a marijuana, or a cocaine, or a heroin.
It's over 200 with methamphetamine, right?
False positives.
What about all the kids being taken where mom's going to have their baby and they go, methamphetamine, because the woman took clarinin.
And they don't care, they take your kid!
Right now, if they've, some people are being charged with possession, simple possession of marijuana.
CPS is starting a case and threatening to take your children away because you smoke marijuana.
What about the girl who got her brains bashed out out there because the dad smoked pot in Williamson County?
The little Alexandria Hill?
That's another part of the big government that's going to run your family.
You know, one thing that gives me a great sense of hope for the future, which sometimes is hard to grasp hold of, outside of my religion, because I believe the Lord is going to come and he's going to come hard one day.
But Wade and Ethan Olsen, I want to do a shout out to them.
They listen to your show.
They love you.
They're ones in high school, ones in college.
They're young guys who are interested in rights to bear arms.
The ability to say no to a police officer when he's overstepping his bounds.
But you know, they've taken that extra step of getting the knowledge.
You know, if you're not going to read my book, some of these videos you have, they're just... American drug war too, yeah.
The American drug war nauseates me.
And I was an undercover, you know, vice officer, did narcotics investigations, got caught up in it myself and had to go to rehab.
But there were people that wanted me in a federal prison.
And one day I was telling a judge during the sentencing, because the prosecutors were arguing to send the kid to prison.
I said, Judge, they wanted to send me to prison.
But instead, you know, got through the rehab, have a family, wonderful, beautiful kids that are doing great, both on scholarship and college, a beautiful wife, a great business employee.
Yeah, we want to help people, not wreck their lives.
Well, we do.
But what's going on with our government?
You know, what are they actually doing nowadays?
It's confusing, and none of the answers I seem to get make sense.
I used to sit on the outside and go, what are these conspiracy buffs talking about?
Then I started actually listening and doing my own research, and then I stepped off the out-of-bounds and kind of stepped in-bounds, and people who discount what is being said on your program are fools.
And if they don't, you know,
People that have a lot of experience in life, and in jobs, and in professions, and retired law enforcement people.
What is this retirement garbage?
Get off your butt and contribute, and speak out, and protest, and make some noise, and say enough is enough.
You know, where are my tax dollars going?
What are you doing with these public servants that are supposed to be working for me, and now they're harassing me?
And I think that's starting to happen, because people now get things are deteriorating fast now.
It's taken decades to get here, but now the end's gonna run out real fast.
We're in deep trouble if good men do nothing.
As many of the founders said, all that evil men and tyrants need to flourish is that good men do nothing.
Jamie Balasia, the book available at InfoWarsTore.com.
Fire out your website one more time.
Both DWIDUDE.COM and 420DUDE.COM for those of the 420 persuasion.
Look forward to having you back in studio soon.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
Thank you.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, for the rest of the hour, we're joined to be co-hosting with us by Dr. Corey Gold, syndicated talk show host in his own right out on big stations in California, some of the same stations we're on there in San Francisco and surrounding areas.
He is Dr. Corey Gold, received his doctorate in dental surgery, just like my dad, from the University of California, San Francisco.
Prior to that, he received a bachelor's in biology with a minor in chemistry from California State University, Fullerton.
He received a bachelor's degree in dental sciences from the University of California, San Francisco.
He's the co-founder and president of ProJava International, a noted product formulator.
He's developed some of the best-selling products in the world in vitamins and minerals.
But that's not why he's here today.
Sure, we'll do some longevity plugging that funds the operation and they're simply amazing products at Infowarshealth.com.
The reason he's on today, and I've got the points,
I don't think so.
To this country and then take calls from Joe and Joe and Brian and Andy and Charles and others that are patiently holding the toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231 on this live Thursday edition.
But man!
I tell you, Dr. Corey Gold, my job's getting easier and easier now because almost everybody I talk to now isn't laughing at me anymore like they were 10, 15 years ago.
They're saying, yeah, it is horrible.
Did you know about this?
Did you know about that?
And even with the left, look at the exodus with all these rock stars and movie stars and Oliver Stone saying Obama's a snake.
He's the worst ever.
We've got to turn on him.
But that makes it even scarier because Obama doesn't care.
He's just, and the people that run him are just rampaging forward.
You're a smart guy, that's why I wanted to get you on last week, but you can come on this week.
Where do you see things going right now in kind of a play-by-play?
If this was halftime, Team Liberty, Team Common Sense versus Team Tyranny, what's the score?
What's the lay of the land here?
Well, the people that are winning right now are the press.
I mean, the press who would have vilified George Bush like crazy for all of this.
You've got Uber Bush in Obama.
It's absolutely amazing to me that the press went so far after George Bush and that Obama takes his policies and makes them look like they were nothing.
He puts them on steroids and that's quiet.
I mean, look what's happening in the Middle East right now.
Look what's happening around the world, and nobody's saying anything.
I mean, we have a guy who went over Snowden, who basically told us the government is listening to every one of your phone calls.
Every time you text something, everything you put on the internet, and people just fall asleep.
I can't believe that we're not paying more attention to this.
And I wake up this morning and I see that there's this gigantic Syrian weapons of mass destruction using chemical weapons, and we're saying on our side here in America that it is Assad.
It's the Syrian government using it, which doesn't make any sense to me at all.
And if you read Interfax over at the Russians, they're saying it's the rebels doing it.
And when two sides are saying exactly the opposite thing, I'm very worried about what's going to happen next over in the Middle East.
It's a powder keg.
Egypt's on fire.
Syria's on fire.
Lebanon's on fire.
Libya's on fire.
The whole thing is a crazy mess over there.
And I thought things were supposed to get more calm and better and peaceful under Barack Obama.
Things have gotten simply worse.
Well, if you look at his cousin, Odinga, who had riots and they slaughtered Christians all over Kenya to give him the prime ministership.
And Obama, as senator, advised in letters to riot.
That's on record.
He's got Muslim Brotherhood family.
That's all coming out.
I always heard this, oh, he's a Muslim.
So I said, oh, yeah, right.
Or he's an extremist.
But regardless,
They are putting Al-Qaeda type groups in everywhere.
What do you think the geopolitical strategy is of in Egypt calling people killing 25 cops in one day, throwing Christians off roofs, blowing up 60 churches in the last week, and CNN calls them demonstrators.
They're calling the rebels activists that have rocket launchers and tanks in Syria.
What is the West doing and NATO doing and Obama doing trying to turn the Middle East over to Al-Qaeda?
You know, it's hard to follow what's going on without a scorecard.
Because when you think about it, we are fighting Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.
We're fighting Al-Qaeda in a large portion of the world.
But we're giving Al-Qaeda weapons in Syria!
So, it's hard to really understand, and the average person just falls asleep to all of it because they just can't follow it.
And it's so confusing to them.
How is Al-Qaeda our enemy here?
And people are coming home in body bags from America from fighting them in Afghanistan, yet we're giving them guns in Syria.
It makes no sense.
You can't follow what's happening.
They basically seem like we use them as either a boogeyman, we don't like you, or they're our proxy army in Syria.
Where do you think this is going?
I'm very concerned that we get into a shooting match over there in Syria fairly soon.
France today says if they can confirm that it was actually chemical weapons, and it probably was chemical weapons, who used them?
That's the other question.
That there should be no-fly zones, that there should be boots on the ground, that there should be physical, mechanical military intervention.
So I'm worried that all of a sudden we walk into the Middle East again.
is just a hornet's nest of problems.
There's no winning there.
We should have learned our lesson from Iraq.
There is no winning in Iraq.
There is no winning in Iran.
The conservative magazine, The Conservative, came out yesterday with a great article pointing out that it's the leftist nationalism and leftist militarism, now that they're in control, they just absolutely love
Overthrowing regions, destabilizing things, and using military power.
But it's so immoral, because then once the radical jihadis are in control of Syria, they're going to have to have another war with them later.
And I think that's the strategy for the bomb makers and people, is just stir it all up so you have a place to go have a war.
Well, we're doing a very good job of that because it seems like we're using one enemy to take out another enemy to install that first enemy as your new government.
Then you have to take them out later.
I mean, look at Jimmy Carter.
We threw out the Shah of Iran.
Look what we got by doing that.
We've done that in South America.
And what's happening is since World War II, America was the darling of the world.
America was the protector of the world.
And if you ask most of the people around the world how they feel about America today, it's not good.
I want to shift gears into Obama himself and Obamacare.
Most analysts believe the reason that he's lost 17 points with young people, under 30, even more with older folks, that he's in free fall right now, mainly because people are now finding out Obamacare is taking money out of their paycheck, even if they just make $25,000 a year, that they're being cut to part-time because of it.
That illegal aliens are exempt from their requirements.
They're finding out it is a royal screw job.
But then how do you expect Obama and his controllers to try to respond to that?
And so where do you see Obama's administration going?
Their usual playbook.
Anybody who's against Obamacare hates senior citizens, hates minorities, hates children, and wants to see people die in the streets.
And if you question the logic of what they're trying to do, you like to see death of poor people.
And they paint you as being a person who is a rich elitist, white supremacist, whatever it might be.
And they villainize the person who brings up the question like, how is nationalizing healthcare making it better?
How is nationalizing healthcare going to make it more effective?
How is nationalizing healthcare going to make you have better care and your family safer from problems?
It's not!
The liberal mindset is the more that government can do for stupid people, the better.
And they believe that people left to their own devices will make stupid, stupid, stupid choices.
You'll eat too much, you'll become fat.
You'll drive too fast, you'll get into accidents.
You won't be able to handle firearms.
But then taking over people's lives makes them dependent, and then they do turn into dumb, ignorant slobs that can't even make a sandwich.
Well, if you depend upon the government to get a loan, if you depend upon the government to get a student loan to go to school, if you depend upon the government to have healthcare, if you're like one-fifth of the Americans are on food stamps, how can you protest your government when you're
You're absolutely dependent upon them for every aspect of your life.
From electricity, to food, to education, to transportation, to getting on an airplane.
You're absolutely dependent upon them.
So in that case, you're an absolute dictatorship because no one can question you.
So what do thinking people do?
We're right.
History shows it.
Dependency's a nightmare.
Things are falling apart.
They're sucking more and more off the producers.
They've got the dumbed-down people on the government mammary gland.
You know, voting to take our guns because they're told they'll be given more goodies if they do.
It's like two runaway trains that are going to run into each other.
How long do you think we had a breaking point?
You know, if the media wasn't so complicit with Obama, I think we'd be there now.
If this would be George Bush's fourth term, whatever it would have been, and he was doing these things, I think we would have crossed that tipping point.
Because I don't think the media would have let it go this long.
But the media seems to want to cover it up because this was their chosen provider of, you know, to make things beautiful for America.
And they don't want to admit yet.
This was the Messiah!
I mean, they actually said that he was like Jesus or something.
Right, you know, telecasters were saying they're getting, you know, shivers listening to him speak, and that maybe we should even suspend only allowing two terms for the president, because when you have somebody this good... Remember, he won the Nobel Peace Prize before he was in office for about a month or two, and look what's happened since he's been in office.
Syria's on fire, Egypt's on fire, the Middle East is on fire.
I don't see any place that's more peaceful.
Yeah, exactly.
By this yardstick, we should give Napoleon a posthumous, um...
Peace Prize.
In fact, I'm going to nominate Napoleon.
Who would you like to nominate for a Peace Prize now that it means you're a warmonger?
Oh, you know, Pol Pot would be great.
Adolf Hitler would be good.
You know, he'd be right up there.
I mean, Mao.
We'll be right back with Dr. Corey Gold, your phone calls, and more.
We're going to get into some of the takeover of food, too.
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When the man comes around.
Nations throughout history always go into judgment.
Even if you don't believe in God, when countries become decadent, when people don't care about each other, when they don't have virtue, when they don't care about finding the truth, when being honorable isn't the most valuable thing, everything degenerates and falls apart.
What builds human societies that are worthwhile, unfortunately most of them are in total squalor.
Folks, you've been around the world, it's bad.
Because even though the people are smart, they never at some point had a great honor for the truth.
In fact, I've studied wickedness.
They get off many people, and it happens in every culture, on being corrupt, like it's fun, or they're cheating and getting ahead somehow.
And you see that with Gibbs on TV going, yeah, we lie to people about the drone program, and they all laugh together.
And it's disgusting.
Do you want to live in a world like that?
You think you're going to be insulated when you work for the system?
Dr. Corey Gould's our guest.
Your calls are coming up in the next segment.
But, you know, when I talked to you last week and wanted to get you on, I said, what's hot?
What are you covering on your show that comes on right after ours every day?
And you were saying that, well, they're using food and water as a weapon of control by government.
And I'm glad you brought that up.
Let's get some into that.
Well, sure, and this is not anything new.
I mean, look at during World War I or World War II, the government during times of stress controls what we can buy and how much of it we can have.
But it's gone beyond times of stress.
I mean, look right now, we're using the water supply to put fluoride in.
There's large swaths of people who don't believe in fluoride for their children or their family.
But the government says we know better.
There are parents right now who are giving their kids lunches to take to school and the schools are taking them and throwing them away because they say we know better than you.
With Obamacare coming in, under the guise of we have to do right for this country, they're gonna tell you that you must take certain medications, and if you don't take the medications, I would not be surprised if they're in your water or your food, because we have to take care of people, and you're not doing the things you need to do, and since you're part of the collective of national health care, you must do the things we ask you to do to keep health care clean.
No, they're already admitting the death panels are real.
They're already calling for lithium in the water on Fox News and CNN.
They're already coming out saying, under Obamacare, if you don't vaccinate your kids, I have that article today, we may withhold care.
It's the ultimate social engineering by these control freaks.
Right, and when you have 1 out of 7 Americans on food stamps, you can't turn down things that then limit your food, so they say, you must do.
You can't eat this, you will eat this.
I'm telling you, under Obamacare, take it out 20 years, you will have programmed food.
You'll have programmed eating.
You'll have refrigerators that will tell them if you're eating the foods they want you to eat or not eat.
Well, again, you're giving a gestalt there, but they're already coming out with these and saying it.
And in all the Agenda 21 documents that are public, they say you're not going to get meat.
I mean, they're saying they're going to run our lives under the collective, because after all, we're already in a health care pool and it's bankrupt.
So, you know, we've got to tell you how much to exercise because, you know, the state owns you.
Yeah, and the whole concept of being a parent, you're secondary right now to the government a thousand percent.
I believe that the government has a role if a parent's abusing a child, and I'm talking abusing with a capital A. But they're coming in and saying, we really have parental rights, and you're basically just taking care of them at our direction.
That's what's happening right now with parents and their children.
But it's going to get to the point right now where you're not going to have the option of not taking a medication.
It's to get to the point where you do not have the options of what foods or quantities of foods you want to eat.
I'm not for obesity.
I'm a thin guy.
I like to work out.
But it's none of my business what you do.
But they're going to tell you, under the collective, since we have to pay for your health care, you can't get heavy.
You can't do this.
You can't do that.
Because we're paying for it as a society, so you must fit into the collective.
I think that's where we're going and you're going to have refrigerators and weigh-ins and they're going to check to make sure you took the food that you're supposed to have and the medicine you're supposed to have and if you don't take it you're outside that circle and there are consequences to that.
Actually I saw in the Washington Post last year where they have these old folk retirement homes that are the act of living for like 75 and up or whatever.
And they go, oh, the federal government's going to pay half your bill to live here in this test city.
It was thousands of apartments in the article.
And the refrigerator tracks you.
There's cameras watching you.
It tells you when to take medication.
It calls social services if you're not eating enough.
I mean, they've got one of these mock cities out by the old airport, giving people incentives to live under this grid who aren't elderly.
I mean, so you're showing your knowledge, Dr. Gold.
Gold's saying, watch, you're going to live like this.
He knows full well they're already rolling it out.
He's just being conservative.
Stay there, bud.
We're going to come back and get more into some of the other big news.
In hospitals, deaths from medicine errors are off the chart.
I want to give you those statistics.
He's going to break those down straight ahead.
Dr. Corey Gold's our guest, and your calls.
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It's Alex Jones.
We've had kind of a private notion of children.
Your kid is yours and totally your responsibility.
We haven't had a very collective notion of these are our children.
So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
Once it's everybody's responsibility and not just the households, then we start making better investments.
And then it says lean forward, which is the famous socialist communist saying from about 1910 or so, where you get in everybody's face, you tell them what to do.
We're going to go back to Dr. Corey Gold here in just a moment.
Briefly wanted to tell listeners about InfoWarsHealth.com.
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By the way, folks, Dr. Corey Gold is on to cover news today and take your calls.
We're going to him in a moment.
But he, of course, has been involved with Young's Gravity for 16, 17 years, since it's been around, and has developed many of their best-selling products.
You know I never got into supplements and things, because I know they're good and important, but I didn't have time to figure them all out.
I saw what the Longevity products were doing for friends and family, and thank God friends and family pushed me to look into it, even though I'd already been told about it years ago.
I mean, everybody knows about Dead Doctors Don't Lie and, you know, all that stuff for a couple decades and all the great work they've done, exposing that doctors have the lowest lifespan of any profession, that the hospital's the most dangerous place to go.
Because of the centralized control in there, not the good doctors themselves on average.
And Dr. Gold can tell you that.
He's a medical doctor in his own right.
But just briefly, you're not here to plug stuff today, but how important is it for people to go and check out the products at InfoWarsHealth.com, Dr. Gold?
Oh, very important.
And it's not because I represent the company.
I do.
I've been there for five years.
By the way, I'm a dentist.
I don't want to misrepresent.
I totally believe that the best thing we can do for us and our family is to prevent things from going wrong to begin with.
And we know that we're not getting a good amount of nutrients from the foods that we eat.
Even if you're trying to eat organic, if you're trying to eat healthy, you're missing a lot of things.
You're not getting the 60 essential minerals, you're not getting the 16 essential vitamins, you're not getting those amino acids, you're not getting those omega oils.
So people like us work with people like you to get this message out.
And you mentioned the Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 and that was a large point, your people pushing to have us take the product that we had for those years and move it to the next level where it's certified non-GMO, where it's pesticide certified, pesticide free, where it's a complete whole food product.
Where it has the pre and prebiotics and probiotics.
That was largely your audience, the listeners of this show, saying, can you take Tangy Tangerine, which is like a 99% product, and can you make it 100%?
And because of that, we went forward with 2.0, and we're very proud of what you've done.
And by the way, it is a hellish Herculean task from what I've heard.
Took you guys a couple years.
When something's got all these ingredients to give you everything you need, trace elements, the minerals, the vitamins, the cofactors, all of it, into one thing, very hard to go find all that organic, non-GMO, certified, you've got all those certifications.
And to be clear, because sometimes I get so hyped up on the show, a dentist is a doctor, it's not an MD, but I mean it's from the whole mainline thing, and then of course you're also, what is it, a biologist or whatever.
So my whole point is you're mainly a developer of these products as well.
My whole point, so I see that as in the same class as a doctor from the whole MD style school, not in the other disciplines of doctorates that are out there.
Because a dentist is a doctor.
You're a doctor of dental surgery, right?
I am.
I think your father's had a good chance to talk to your dad.
Absolutely, yeah.
He's a great guy.
And not only that, but we went to the trouble of getting major universities to look at our products and test them to first show they do no harm, and then the second thing, to show they have benefit.
And even on Infowarshealth.com, you'll see the Clemson University studies that show they check these products to make sure first they did no harm and then they did benefit.
And now we're doing other universities testing our products as well.
So not only do we know they do well because... That's right, I saw on Yahoo Finance another big study.
Tell us about the Clemson from six months ago and tell us about the new study.
Well, the new study hasn't been released yet, but Clemson University, a major university, checked the Beyond Tangy Tangerine and it said, first off, when it looked at live cells, and it gave it to live cells in heavy concentrations, that those cells were not degraded.
They were not damaged.
And that's the first thing you always hear from people.
Oh, you're going to take too much vitamins, you're going to get sick, things bad are going to happen to you.
And they tested it at high levels to say,
Will the cells in any way be damaged?
And the cells were just fine.
And then they check to say, how will these cells do if they're damaged cells?
And I don't want to make claims because people get crazy, but if you go to the website, you can see the Clemson University studies, and they actually say these products are beneficial in a lot of categories to help people.
What does it say?
Killed 97% of colon cancer cells.
That's amazing from Clemson.
But it's so bonk, Clemson said it, but you won't even say it.
You know, because people want to come and get you.
And I know it's in writing on our website, and I'm proud of what Clemson said.
I don't want to absolutely misquote them in any way at all.
So we use the exact wording that they use on our website.
In fact, people should do that.
Go to Infowarshealth.com.
Big red link right there to read that study.
The point is, I go out and do research.
I promote what I believe is best.
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It costs incredible amounts of money to do this, and I hate having to spend time trying to raise capital.
So if I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it with things I believe help you.
From my research, we sell the best products at InfoWarsHealth.com, InfoWarsStore.com.
And shifting gears now, because I want to go to phone calls with Dr. Corey Gold here with us today.
Let's talk about the numbers here.
And what, I mean, if you think they've wrecked Western medicine so far, which has a lot of great attributes, with government getting involved, just like in education, and jacking up the prices while lowering the quality, people need to understand when you put all this free money into something, it's not free, it degrades it and drives up the price.
Same thing with Obamacare, and dovetail that with these incredible statistics that are even on the FDA's own website.
Of the number three cause of death, they say, but you add numbers together, it's the number one cause of death, according to many analysts, is the mistakes and drugs and doctor mistakes in MD medicine.
Break that down.
Well what's amazing is there's a study done 2000 to 2003 so I'm going back a few years I'm looking at government numbers so it's not like Cory's making up crazy numbers and they said on average 200,000 people, 195,000 people per year die to preventable medical
I don't think so.
We'd be shut down, yellow tape would be all around our building, we'd be done.
If 10 people went to a fast food restaurant and had a major problem, that place would be all over the nightly news and it'd be crazy time.
200,000 people!
Think about that, that's like almost a thousand, that's like what, 700 people a day.
Dying, not just being injured, dying from medical preventable errors.
And where is it on the nightly news?
It's crazy we don't see it.
And who's going to jail from all this?
No one's going to jail.
But we just trust blindly that everything's going to be fine.
1.5 million Americans, not worldwide, just Americans, have injuries every year from problems with drugs.
I mean, these are pharmaceutical drugs.
We're not talking about street drugs.
We're not talking about vitamins.
We're not talking about other things.
We're talking about prescription drugs.
So you have 200,000 people dying a year from the year 2000 to 2004.
You have 1.5 million people having major problems with drug-related injuries every year.
So just depending upon drugs and doctors, that should be the last resort.
So when people tell you're crazy to worry about the water that you drink and whether it's clear or not and clean or not, they're nuts.
When people tell you it doesn't matter where the food comes from, what kind of nutrients they have in them, they're crazy.
And when people tell you you shouldn't be supplementing and people shouldn't be taking preventative
Alternative things to be well, they're crazy and they're not thinking after your best interest.
The best thing that I can do, whether it's good times or gosh forbid bad times, is have my immune system and my body be strong and that of my children's be strong as well.
That's the best thing I can be doing to protect myself and we do have, I've talked to Steve Shank, he's one of your advertisers, we have the water systems in our home.
We have the preparedness food and we have vitamins and minerals to help make us feel good.
The reality is most of the food that you get in your grocery stores, no matter how nice it looks on the shelf, doesn't have a lot of nutrient content in it.
Think about all the times you've gone and had a big meal and you're still hungry afterwards.
That's because your body is searching out nutrients.
It says, yeah, you ate a lot, you eat a lot of cardboard, but you didn't eat a lot of nutrients.
We need nutrients.
If people want to look to lose some weight,
You know, the Beyond Tangy Tangerine, you try that, your body starts getting neutrified.
It's not as hungry!
Not because it's a weight loss product, but because your body has nutrition and it's not seeking nutrients.
You're not stuffing your body with calories seeking nutrients.
Now, I want to go to Kohl's, but I want to hit one more topic, because when I emailed you and talked to you via email, you were saying, you know, this is stuff I'd like to talk about, and this is exactly, you know, the areas I wanted to get into.
Fukushima was what, six reactors, five got damaged, a couple of them went critical and blew up, and it was, you know, 2,000, 3,000 foot mushroom clouds ejected
Reactor rods, two miles away, the New York Times later confirmed my analysis.
I went and looked up the design of the reactor and knew it looked like the inside of the reactor and rods.
It was blown out the top and turned out that is what it was.
Now they're saying it's still melting down and that it may even blow up bigger.
That's TEPCO saying that.
But have you seen the Japanese government in these videos saying, if you smile, radiation won't kill you?
We actually have a video of this.
And I saw articles a few years ago when it happened, they were saying this.
Now they're on TV saying, smile, we have studies with animals, which is totally made up, and that will protect you.
I mean, that sounds like beyond the Hale-Bopp, Heaven's Gate cult, beyond Jim Jones, beyond Charlie Manson, but it's the government saying, smile, and you'll be okay from radiation.
Well, what's funny about that is we have the U.S.
government telling us getting too much sun is dangerous.
That the sun itself, which is a radiation source, is dangerous.
Don't go outside, because just being in the sun is dangerous.
Yet we have this nuclear reactor meltdown, and that's just great for you.
Right now, they say, what, 300 tons of radioactive water is leaking into the ground at Fukushima right now.
300 tons of highly reactive radioactive water is leaking into the ground right now.
And that was from 2011.
I think it was March of 2011.
We still have problems going on with that.
There have been studies done by really reputable groups of people that fish here off the coast of California.
Oh, no, the yellowfin tuna.
The FDA admitted it, but covered it up.
Yeah, that they have high levels of like cesium-70 or whatever that number is of the really dangerous cesium that comes from radioactive plants such as like San Onofre or from Fukushima.
And so we have fish here off the coast of California, which is a long way away, showing high levels of radiation that's abnormally high.
Our government's even telling us that it's high, and yet we're supposed to think that nothing's happening?
If it's here in California, what's it like off the coast of Japan?
I can't even imagine the cancer rates there.
Well, as you know, in World War II, they sent hundreds of the balloons with the firebombs from Japan, and they'd blow up over California, and sometimes would drift to the Midwest and burn things down, because the wind is so fast and so continual, and that's what's unfortunate.
You know, the currents coming to the West Coast, the water, the trade winds, the jet stream,
This is really bad, and actually, yeah, it came out last year, and they covered it up.
Three months after, the FDA tested the elephant tuna and found just incredible different types of cesium, a whole bunch of them, and then covered it up.
And then like months later it came out, okay we covered it up because we say it's not bad.
Speaking of that, here's part of a report from Infowars Nightly News last night with our own Jakari Jackson with the actual clip of the government and others putting out on television that smile you will be protected.
Here it is.
Now we have this brainwashing campaign.
Radiation doesn't affect people who are smiling.
If you are smiling, you will not have any radiation effect.
This is what they're trying to convince you of.
If you are not smiling, you will have radiation effect.
And they proved this theory by testing it on animals.
And the guy asked, what's the difference between safe and feeling safe?
And he says, safe can be recognized by anyone.
Feeling or recognition of safe, meaning the feeling of safe, is really narrow, but safe is safe for everyone.
And if you're like me, you're like, how does that possibly make sense, even if you did test it on somebody's dog, which I think is pretty horrific, and PETA needs to go over there and yell at some people.
But if you feel safe, you are safe.
So, this next article has nothing to do with anything.
West Coast of North America to be hit hard by Fukushima radiation.
Alright, that's enough.
Folks, as if a dog could be conscious to say, now you're scared of radiation, right dog?
Here's the radiation.
Oh, it kills you.
Now you're smiling, dog, so you're not scared of the radiation.
And there's actual articles in the newspapers in Japan saying this.
I mean, this is crazy!
Well, I'm smiling right now, so I guess I'm good.
I was crying, it was so funny.
I mean, Saturday Night Live can't do skits that good.
Smiling protects you from radiation.
Well, I guess we should tell Cass Sunstein that we should just run outside on the beach and smile.
We're all protected.
As long as you're happy on the beach, you're good.
For those that don't know, Cass Sunstein said we might want to look at outlawing or fining people that say we need the sun when there's been, what, Nobel Prizes for what the sun does.
Dr. Gold, explain what the sun does and how important it is, just briefly.
Well, besides providing all the energy which creates all plant life which we need to live, aside from providing all the heat which our planet needs to survive, aside from providing all the energetic force that you use to eat and live and breathe, it also provides directly to you sunlight, provides vitamin D that you create through your skin.
Cultures that are away from the sun, like up in the Arctic area, they actually become depressed because sun is essential to being happy, which according to that newscaster would make you immune from radiation, so they should get more sun.
Sun radiation is actually beneficial.
I mean, you look into areas where people live in the sun, like in the desert, those people don't have higher cancer rates.
People in Africa do not have higher cancer rates.
Oh, this is all crazy.
Yeah, in fact, all the atheists, I mean, they ought to worship the sun at least.
I mean, it's giving them everything.
I mean, I got to be honest, I don't blame the angels worshipping the sun.
They had it figured out.
I mean, they knew one thing.
Without that, we're dead.
Sub-zero, folks.
We'll be right back with The Extremist.
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In front of my front porch, you can see the sun, but the UN voted four years ago that it, quote, does not affect climate.
They want to blame humans and taxes for breathing.
So George Triton will rewrite another song about, if you buy that, I'll throw the cold sun in free, because we don't need it.
UN said so, baby.
Girl, your memory will never haunt me.
Man, I gotta load up some George Strait on my iPhone.
We're gonna go to your calls this segment and the next.
I appreciate everybody holding.
Dr. Cory Gold's our guest, Seneca Talk Show host.
Great guy.
Always enjoy getting him on.
He was laughing when I got off the air during the break and I said, what's funny?
And he said, well, repeat what you said.
You were really turning red in there as we went to break just with the absurdness of this hitting you.
The whole concept of having to explain that the sun is good for you.
It is, I mean, you go to any kindergarten class, it's like the first thing they teach you first day of school.
The sun is good for you, it brings life.
Go get some fresh air, get some sun, you know?
I saw a new report that they want to stop aggressive behavior by boys on the playground because they're afraid that that will make them over-aggressive as when they get older.
So no more tag, no more tetherball because of course... I already banned that.
It's making us all prisoners.
I mean, just having a heartbeat is going to be evil now.
Unbelievable, unbelievable.
Hey, what do you think about Bradley Manning?
He's now going to be
Uh, Chelsea.
Oh, man.
What would my name be if I became a woman?
Oh, man.
Uh, Alexandra, I guess.
I guess you'd have to go with something similar to that.
What would you like to share?
I'm not sure what you'd like to go with on that.
My name would be Candy.
I can't even imagine that.
Let's not go there.
What would your name be?
I don't even know why.
Obama was raised by an Indonesian transvestite.
I think the same one that's in The Act of Killing.
I'm not kidding about that.
They were in the same city.
What would Obama's female front first name be?
I don't know.
It's hard to say what Obama would be like.
Let's go with Oprah.
Yeah, Oprah Obama.
We could have a brain transplant, or graft his head onto Oprah's body.
And you'd like to co-host?
Alright, I'm sorry, let's go to some no attempted humor here, it's just the absurdity of it.
Joe in Arizona, you're on the air, extremist, probably think the sun's good, go ahead.
Yeah man, how you guys doing today?
We're doing alright there sir, go ahead.
How may I serve you, double whopper with cheese?
Actually, I'm over here smiling like Fire Marshal Bill.
What would your name be?
Josephine from Arizona?
No, it would be, um, I don't know, Susie.
I think I'd go with Susie.
She's like, hi, I'm Candy.
And he's like, of course you are.
Anyways, just go ahead and make your point.
No, I was just, I just wanted to bring up a couple of points about, uh,
Syria and just how I think, how ridiculous I think John McCain is and how he was over there supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, which has actually been linked to Obama's half-brother now.
And just over on the Fukushima, it's actually three reactors that fully melted down in here.
I know, I'm trying to be conservative.
It's five that were damaged.
Two of them blew up.
And yeah, three of them melted down.
Whatever, it's good for you.
You heard Ann Coulter.
She said the Japanese should be thankful.
See, I say this stuff and it sounds like a lie.
She actually said they should be thankful for it blowing up.
A whole bunch of them now died, including the rescue workers.
What do you make of Ann Coulter there?
I think it's pretty ridiculous.
I just think it's a huge cover-up completely.
No, government never covers anything up.
I appreciate your call.
Hey, briefly, Dr. Goldberger, come back, take more calls.
What do you think of Obama and all his Muslim Brotherhood ties coming out?
And all his cousins and people.
I mean, could he actually be a Muslim extremist?
I'm not sure what Obama is.
I'm not even sure if he's really in charge anymore.
Because all the things he says he's going to do, he doesn't do.
So who's really in charge?
Who is in charge?
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Alexander Haig is in charge.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Bottom line, folks, we have to decide as a people that we want to live in a free society and we want to build a better world.
It really comes down to that decision.
And try to reverse the criminal tide.
By the way, I was joking around about Bradley Manning.
It's actually very sad.
I think what he did overall was good.
Uh, and exposing torture and the rest of it.
He's coming out singing his name's Chelsea Manning.
So I made the joke and said, well, my name will be Candy.
This is a joke.
So I search engine Candy Jones.
Turns out it was a film noir supermodel.
Very lovely there.
And, uh, so there you have it.
Uh, I don't think I'd look as good as, uh,
Hey, how's it going?
Uh, you know, it's kind of convenient how, uh, you know, this news about, uh, Obama's brother, uh, being linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and we have a chemical weapons attack over in Syria, you know, a little too convenient there.
You know, typical false flag.
You know, try to get people, you know, to look at the right hand while the left hand's doing something different.
Oh, well they've been doing this over and over again.
This is three times they've had chemical attacks that weren't this big and tried to blame them and it's turned out it was the rebels were the main suspect.
I mean, and again, I don't like Assad, but I really don't like Al-Qaeda.
Dr. Gold, comment on what he just said.
I don't know if it's connected to that thing.
I don't think people are paying too much attention to Barack Obama's brother, but I do think they're escalating the chemical attacks because the first ones, people just didn't pay attention to.
So, yeah, somebody's trying to get our attention.
A thousand people, they say, maybe more dead.
Yeah, it's hard to look at those photos of those dead kids for any father or mother.
Anything else there, Brian?
Well, yeah, you know, they're, you know, wheeling the women and children out, you know, they gotta play that card, you know, get people's heartstrings pulled, you know, to get the rest of the world, you know, banding together to, you know, try to take out Assad, which, I agree, he's not a good guy, but, you know, look at the trail, if it leads back, if it's not Assad, it leads back to the White House, it leads back to the CIA, you know, it basically makes, you know, us with the blood of, you know, murderers on our hands as a country.
Well said, sir.
I appreciate your call.
Some final news.
It's up on Infowars.com.
I've really plugged the site today.
It's so important.
Obama, former information czar on panel to review NSA.
That's funny.
War propaganda, bogus infant incubator testimony used to justify Gulf War.
Yeah, yeah, my point was to say, remember the fake baby incubators when you look at the chemical stuff.
Expert chemical weapons says that victim footage appears set up.
Michael Hasings feared his Mercedes had been tampered with.
That's now confirmed.
Not just us saying that from our sources that are too scared to speak.
That's now in the LA newspapers, boys and girls.
And a lot of other key news up on InfoWars.com.
I tell you, we're out of time.
I'm sorry to the other...
Folks that are on hold, but I'll try to get back to you tomorrow.
I'll be back live, of course, tomorrow 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
We have the InfoWorks Nightly News, 7 o'clock tonight with a lot of key stuff.
Dr. Corey Gold, thank you so much for spending time with us.
Thank you for having me here, Alex, and I look forward to talking to you again soon.
But I want to say this, be ready for Cass Sunstein wants to make it illegal to say the sun might be good for you to get some sunlight, even though there's hundreds of studies saying it's good.
So I want to give you this last chance to apologize on air.
I definitely apologize and I'm smiling so I'm protected as I say it.
You can walk out in front of an 18-wheeler going 100 miles an hour, just smile.
You're protected.
I appreciate you joining us.
Take care.
Thank you.
Folks, by the way, if you're not a PrisonPlanet.tv member, number one, it's a great service.
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PrisonBlinded.tv want to thank all the members and subscribers as well.
Great job to all our affiliates and of course the crew and you the listeners.
We'll see you back tomorrow.
Hello, I'm Alex Jones.
Myself, my family, the InfoWars.com team want to relay to you and your families that we are intensifying our efforts against the globalists on every front.
InfoWars.com is leading the fight against the technocrats, but we can't do that without your help.