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Name: 20130816_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 16, 2013
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You're listening to GCN.
Great Talk Radio starts here.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I was almost, almost late getting on air a moment ago because I had this impromptu idea about three or four minutes ago to do a skit.
To do a skit in the next week, a comedy skit.
But the more I think about it, it is probably not a good idea because the media takes it out of context.
But I want to have some fun.
At the same time, I don't want to all just be gloom and doom, and I want to illustrate the absurdity of political correctness by being absurd.
Obviously Egypt is melting down by globalist design.
We predicted it three years ago when they kicked Hosni Mubarak out because it's part of a Pentagon plan that has been on paper for decades.
We're going to be breaking that down.
We're going to get into more of the fake terror alerts that are coming out and just the incredible police state that we have in this country.
Mother threatened for feeding baby goats milk instead of GMO soy formula.
By the way, in Western and also Eastern medicine for thousands of years, if a mother cannot produce milk or the baby is allergic to her milk, you give them goat is about the best you can get, unless you can get donkey, jackass milk.
I guess it wouldn't be a jackass, it'd be a genny.
That's what they call a female donkey, right?
A female mule is a genny.
What is a female donkey?
We'll figure out that in a minute.
The point is, I've just read that in medical literature, that a female donkey is reportedly, in some cases, better than human milk for a human.
I mean, obviously, original human milk has all the immunities that the woman has in her colostrum the first few months, especially the first few weeks, passed on to the baby.
I know that's a conspiracy theory, that women have mammary glands to feed their young.
You know, that all mammals have hair and feed their young through mammary glands.
I know scientific terms are racist.
I get it.
Knowledge is racist.
Not agreeing with the corrupt government is racist.
Not agreeing with the flavor of ice cream is racist.
Having any opinion is racist.
I'm just going to get this out of the way right now and then come back into the serious news.
I saw these articles last few days and hadn't mentioned it, but I noticed that some of the White House manipulated groups out there have been bashing me because in the past I've mentioned that I think it's wrong that they are trying to put men
In women's sports, because they say they're transgendered, and that it's obviously a way to cheat sports, and the Olympic Committee says the same thing.
But they say that I'm against transgendered people.
No, I really could care less.
I understand it's about a big pity party, and you're supposed to get all this attention, and I'm supposed to hate you, and then that makes what you do more fun.
No, that's not what's going on here.
But I just thought about it, should I get a big polka-dotted muumuu, put a blonde wig on, a fake mustache to make it funnier, smoke a big cigar, and call Leanne McAdoo in here, and say, look, I'm transgendered, I'm going to arm-wrestle you and have a big betting around the office, and if people don't bet for her, they're against women, because that's bigoted to say that a man's going to beat a woman, and then I'm going to arm-wrestle her as a woman and beat her.
Like Andy Kaufman who would do those stunts wrestling women and people hated him for it.
Why didn't Andy Kaufman just wear a wig and say he was transgender?
Then it would have been okay.
Hey, Mike Tyson could go into women's boxing and he could put a wig on and smoke a cigar and that's the end of it.
I mean, you know, why?
I mean, you know what?
I think I'm going to go out for the Olympic
I don't know.
How about curling or something?
And I'm going to go out and go against a weight division lower than me, too, of women, and then just, that's it.
As long as I wear a wig, say I'm a woman, that's the end of it.
People go, oh, you're being mean.
People say they think they're women.
The point is, ladies and gentlemen, this famous African runner that was beating all the women, it turned out he had huevos.
He had testosterone.
He was obvious.
Everybody said, that's a man.
They said, how dare you, bigot.
The guy's got six packs and looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Either that or he's juicing!
And of course it turned out it was a man!
Okay, I mean, that's all I'm saying here.
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Oh, there's another one!
Another plane just hit!
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is already Friday, the 16th day of August.
We're here Monday through Friday 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Back Sundays with a live transmission.
I'll be live this Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time as well.
Websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Well, let me just get into the news right now, at least the headlines, as best I can.
And then we're going to break down who's coming up.
We're popping in at the bottom of the hour.
We have James Nabors and Dallas Thurman.
They're launching again a national program to have people show up on overpasses across the nation calling for the impeachment of Obama for his violations of the Second Amendment and the Fourth Amendment with the NSA.
Kevin Booth, who is exclusively allowing us to distribute on DVD.
It's about to air on cable next month.
His new film, American Drug War II, that's even better than the first, that's award-winning.
Wall Street Journal calls it a game changer.
I mean, it's an amazingly powerful film.
It gets into the CPS, the drugging of kids, big pharma, how they're persecuting people taking their kids if they smoke marijuana.
That is all coming up in the second hour with my old friend Kevin Booth.
And then I'm going to see if I can get Mike Adams on.
He's broken some big news about more Gellin-style fibers, in his words, in a food lab they've basically set up.
You know, they've done a lot of testing in the past through other companies, but they're doing it now, of bizarre hair-like fibers in the
McImaginary Chicken.
So, the McWienus Chicken or whatever you want to call it.
So, uh, I guess that's the...
Never mind.
The point is, is that, we'll see when we get him to pop in as well, that news is up on InfoWars.com, right now on the nuggets from NaturalNews.com.
Wow, where to start here?
This is the type of videos and news articles I have.
SWAT team ties up students, blows out tires during bus hijacking drill.
And like many of the drills, many of the children were not warned of what was going to happen.
So just absolute terrorizing.
Again, Chicken McNuggets contains strange fibers.
Microscopic forensic investigation by the Health Ranger.
Ron Paul says the drug companies and insurance companies are the ones who hate and who write the laws, like the health care law.
I had a Freudian slip, I was going to say, who hate us.
I have Freudian slips all the time.
It's like, I'll call Obama Hitler and then I'll do it.
Again, Ron Paul, the drug companies and the insurance companies are the ones who write these laws.
He breaks down the truth.
I mean, that's not a joke.
I mean, that's not even our opinion.
I know it sounds crazy.
Because Obama's like, we're going to get the insurance companies and the rich guys and the rich people with this health care law.
Socialist soldiers!
Using terms like forward.
MSNBC, your kids belong to the state.
No, your kids belong to the foreign corporations that are above the law and tax exempt.
95-year-old vet died after resisting medical treatment.
I think?
Some other very important news, obviously, geopolitically dealing with what's happening over in Egypt in just a moment.
Some of the big news up on
Infowars.com right now.
Army buys nearly 600,000 Soviet AK-47 magazines.
Now, this is one of the least expensive, most readily available, well-functioning guns that the American Patriot has gotten.
Because the AK-47 and its variants are made in over a hundred countries.
It's a 1940s design, based off a German design partially, but perfected by the Russians by Kalashnikov.
It is the most famous gun probably in history.
And I own like five of them myself.
I've shot deer, wild hogs with them at hundreds of yards, open sights.
They're just amazing little firearms.
They've really been perfecting the M4.
I didn't used to like the M4, but now I like it.
It works pretty good.
I don't know which rifle's my favorite, but for the cost, an AK-47 is the gun, in my humble opinion.
And the 7.6239 round that it fires.
You could buy these 20 years ago from Norinco for $100, and I've got a couple that I bought still that are great.
You could buy Bulgarian for a couple hundred dollars, even better.
You could buy Russian for a couple hundred dollars.
They're now $500, $600, $700, over $1,000 in some cases because of Clinton's import ban that then expired under Bush.
Now they've brought it back by fiat.
Chinese regulations outside of law to block them coming in, but we reported on the Pentagon buying millions of the guns last month.
Just about 18 days ago, right at the end of July, millions, what it was almost 4 million AK-47s and SKSs, like 3,100,000 AK-47s and almost another 900,000 SKSs.
Kit Daniels wrote about that.
Well, Kit Daniels, who just weekly goes and looks at the Federal Registrar and to see where on the Fed.biz site the bids are being put out,
They have bought now 600,000 on top of the millions they just bought of the mags with the guns.
More mags to dry those up.
So this is every few weeks this is going on.
They're buying tens of millions of rounds of the 7.6239 and we found purchases last year.
And by the way, he looked into this about a month ago.
When we're getting tips from gun manufacturers and ammo depots, and then I made some phone calls and confirmed that indeed they're not getting the 7.6239 ammo, just like they're not getting all the other NATO rounds, because the Pentagon and Homeland Security will buy whatever anybody can make.
Basically, if you can make it, they'll put an order in so big that you can only sell them for a year, two, three years.
If you up the size of your factory, they'll go four years out.
So this is unbelievable, ladies and gentlemen, that they are stockpiling millions and millions and millions and millions of rounds of ammo that, here's the key, the Pentagon, Homeland Security, all these domestic armies now, have never used and do not use.
And it was hitting me last night,
It hit me last night that, wow, I need to sit back and really think about the extremeness of all of this.
7,000 plus giant war wagons, or it's like 2,300 a year in the last five years, I don't know, I guess that, I keep using a number a couple years old, I guess it's probably, I don't know, it's 2,300 for five years.
It's over 10,000.
The point is, is that they're buying thousands and thousands of giant new armored vehicles.
They have used Iraq and other wars
Like Afghanistan, on record, MIT and the Pentagon admit this, to battle-harden the military for domestic operations against the American people.
Some years they buy 2,300 of these vehicles, other years it's 2,700.
The point is, is that the Bradley fighting vehicles are being pre-deployed all over the country.
Abrams are being pre-deployed around the country.
Warrior fighting vehicles are being pre-deployed around the country.
And then I read yesterday, out of the New Hampshire newspapers, where the police chiefs are getting Homeland Security grants, and in the grants it says, for combat with sovereign citizens, militia, and the Tea Party.
And the Army War College came out last year, we reported on it, Washington Times, to their credit, picked up on it.
They had the image of a flag with a teapot on it with bullet holes in it.
And the headline that Pentagon prepares for war with Tea Party.
Let's show TV viewers that.
Radio listeners can just look it up.
And I know I harp on this.
It's just wow.
It's unconstitutional.
It's illegal.
It's historically incredibly dangerous.
It's incredibly obvious.
And they're trying to train the cops to have this arrogant bearing towards the public.
They've got face scanning and license plate scanning cameras going up everywhere.
All the official training manuals for police say it's for gun owners, returning veterans, conservatives, libertarians, in the fetters.
I mean, this is open treason!
And now they're saying every rodeo clown in Missouri has got to take $300 to $500 to $1,000, depending on who you go to, mandated federal classes and sensitivity or you'll be fined through the state by the feds.
I mean, it's just authoritarianism because one guy wore an Obama mask.
I mean, it's like North Korea or something.
Talk bad about Kim Jong-un or his stupid daddy or his...
His stupid father, you know, grandpa, the hereditary dictator, and you disappear.
I mean, that's what we're getting close to here.
They run TV ads.
Put out by the police in Missouri.
We've played these here.
Going, if you talk bad about Obama, we're going to arrest you.
Is that clear?
We decide what isn't true, or we decide what's not respectful.
You will respect your dictator.
I mean, even the Russian newspapers.
I've got articles here and there going, man, America is like the old Soviet Union.
What is going on here?
And I'll tell you what's going on, ladies and gentlemen.
We've got authoritarians trying to take over, and most of the Republican leadership, like Lindsey Graham and Karl Rove and all the rest of them, are lined up behind it because they're part of the very same foreign banking takeover.
They're just going to use leftist ideology as the cutting-edge front of this takeover.
And that's why they get up on MSNBC and say, Alex Jones, but not just him, he's the prophet of the libertarians that carried out the Boston bombing.
Think about that.
Now the Czarnev brothers, Zohar and Tamerlan, are
Not only are they convicted, even though they're obvious patsies.
Killed one, killed their friends, shot up the other.
He's pled not guilty.
On the news they say he did it.
But now we did it.
See, we're the enemy, folks.
And that's why they're on the news saying it should be illegal to criticize this government.
Because this government is illegitimate and is occupied.
And this is not a game.
It's not a joke.
And they want to start a civil war in this country.
Stage false flags and blame it on us.
And they're preparing for war.
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Hello, I'm Alex Jones.
Myself, my family, the InfoWars.com team want to relay to you and your families that we are intensifying our efforts against the globalists on every front.
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Alright folks, Alex Jones here back live.
Thank you for joining us on this Friday Worldwide Broadcast.
I think what I'm trying to get across to everybody is that I have a sense of urgency like I've never had, a sense of foreboding, but also an optimistic sense of human potential and destiny in all of us to really shine in these dark times that we've entered.
Because this is a great awakening that's happening right now.
And just because the globalists have control of the central banks, just because they have control of the corrupt federal government, just because they have control of the centralized military, does not mean they have control of the hearts and the minds of the people.
Congress has a 10% approval rating.
Obama, with his supporters, has what, like a 45% approval rating.
On many fronts, and is hemorrhaging out, and it doesn't matter.
Most of Obama's supporters are literally jellyfish that can't even tie their shoelaces, or fake intellectuals that think they know everything because they're part of the Democratic Party.
You've got a lot of useful idiot Republicans as well, but at least the Republicans put out some common sense, anti-collectivist rhetoric.
But it is a fact, on record, that the Pentagon is training 24-7 with PSYOP divisions in every major city to take over America.
And this is what I want to say right now before I get into what's happening in Egypt and how that ties into America and what's happening with the stock market and the world economy and how this isn't a preparation for a collapse and so they're gearing up with the police state.
They have engineered the collapse but will behave like they're trying to stop it.
But I want to get to a point here.
We were up here at about 10.30 last night working on Obama Deception 2.
And Darren McBrain said, man, I just watched a documentary, a British documentary that came out decades ago on BBC about how Hitler, six, seven years before the Battle of Britain started, before World War II even started,
And he said, it's incredible.
They went in, they invited the police chiefs and members of parliament, you name it, over to Germany.
They wined and dined them, gave them incredible gifts, hired them prostitutes, got them drunk.
And then it later came out that the Nazis were planning to
Once they've taken over England, come to all the police chiefs and people and say, hey, we like you.
We want to keep you in place.
And we're going to double your salary.
But here's a list of people we want you to go pick up and bring to us to kill.
And some of them, by the way, we want you to kill in their homes.
And by the way, kill their families.
Now, this is, by the way, a standard takeover operation.
And the Germans actually did this, and I've talked about this at nauseam because it's so important, with the French.
For the, again, seven years before World War II started, when Hitler got into power, they were full tilt, bringing in the French that agreed with some of their policies and ideas, buying them off, giving them massive payoffs.
The best, you know, the cream of German women were told, you must go be sex servants to these people for the Reich.
These weren't women that were prostitutes, folks.
These were, you know, members of some of the most powerful families were told, we need you to do this to go infiltrate.
The Kennedy brothers, two of the Kennedy brothers were under the control of a German sex operative.
That's been declassified.
They had them over here as well.
They've taken over a lot of the general staff over here doing that.
And we're going to have the coup d'etat.
But then, Smedley Butler, they tried to hire him.
He turned around and stopped it.
See, people just don't know all this.
So, the reason I raise the whole Nazi issue is, our government, that's been occupied by the globalists for decades, completely, went and paid off the Iraqi generals before the 1991 attack.
And they totally paid them off to stand down in the 2003 attack, and that's been admitted.
They paid off 9 out of 10 of their generals, and they stood down.
And then it was just Iranian and other groups fighting for control of Iraq that actually resisted.
And that's on record as well.
So you have to understand, ladies and gentlemen, that what you see with the troops on the streets, and the checkpoints, and the Army PSYOPs is here in Indiana, or Army PSYOPs is here in Austin, you know, for a drill, behind the scenes, they walk in, the police chiefs, in the case of San Antonio, I broke this in 1998, look it up in Associated Press,
And they brought in $200,000 and said, we just want you to take this to work with Northcom.
Before Northcom was even officially set up.
And the police chief told me, and it came out in the news, they bought off everybody.
Except the police chief took the money.
And then after that, they just corrupt them even more.
So, what the Nazis did to the French, tried to do to the Brits,
And what the Pentagon did to Iraq has now been done here.
Do you understand that?
And the Pentagon is controlled by foreign banks.
Now that's the big secret.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not trying to creep you out when I
I want to point out that the federal government itself was taken over by foreign corporate, above the law, diplomatically immune, globalist combines run by JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs and others.
British Royal Family are big shareholders in the global combine.
Dutch Royal Family, Rothschilds, Rockefellers.
If you go look up the International Carbon Exchange, it's owned by the Rothschilds.
If you look up the new plan for a hundred trillion dollars in new taxes in the next decade from Davos,
snorted like a pig.
It's called the Rothschild Plan.
I mean, this is the reality.
They say dog owners turn into their dogs.
One of my French Bulldogs snorts like that all the time.
I was having a Freudian slip thinking about the Rothschilds.
Oh, man.
And we sit here and we watch all this unfold.
The good news is we know about the program.
The good news is we are aware of it.
And it's totally illegal.
It's totally illegitimate.
And people keep saying, but I'm not a bad person.
I just go work hard.
I'm not going to worry about that.
Look, they're going to take your bank account, your pension fund.
Things will finally collapse and they will put you in a forced labor camp.
Okay, the globalists will not stop.
They have an instinct to drive you into poverty, in their own words, to establish feudalism to control you.
They will disarm you if they have their way.
They will break up your family.
I am at total peace.
Knowing how much danger I'm in.
And I don't just say that for theatrical reasons.
Folks, I get death threats, serious ones, where they let me know that they know about my travel habits, what I do, and what I just talked about with my wife on the phone.
I have been through all sorts of stuff I won't even get into here on air.
Believe me, this stuff's real.
And you don't have to believe me anymore, it's coming out in the news.
The persecution of pro-life groups, the persecutions of libertarians and conservatives.
Because the Republican Party may be bad and globalist, but the ideas that libertarians and real tea partiers carry in their hearts
is the antidote to the New World Order.
We are antithetical to their program.
And I am at total peace.
You know, I talked to my dad this morning, who's a smart guy, and he said, no, undoubtedly, you know, they know that half the military listens to you, undoubtedly.
Uh, they know that, I mean, that the Esquire rider was there and would see troops walking down the street and see me and run over.
And then it would be the next group would run over.
And then, I mean, you know, they actually saw what I see every day.
That's in Esquire.
I'm not bragging, oh, I'm in Esquire.
The point is, is that I'm not making that up, how popular this show is.
One way or another, we reach massive numbers of people, but I may walk by 20 people before somebody stops and talks to me.
On average, it's about every five now.
I was on a hiking bike trail this morning.
It was about every five people stopped and were listeners.
But when it's military, it's 50% or more now.
And that's got to scare the New World Order.
And I keep going back to this.
Why does it scare them?
Then we're going to our guest.
Because I have, and I keep saying this every show because I realize this is the message that's got to get out.
This is why they hate me so much.
And this is what people need to listen to and understand.
We've reverse engineered their plan.
We know their plan.
The average military person doesn't know why they're told that George Washington's a bad guy, even though he's on the Purple Heart.
They don't know why they're taught that families are bad.
They don't know why they're told women are going to be in frontline combat.
They don't know why they're told that tea partiers are going to be their enemy.
They don't know why they're told that gun owners are their enemy and they've got to train to take their guns.
They don't know, but they're starting to get it.
And I'll say this again, it's because they tune into the show and they hear things that they've already been through and they go, that guy knows what he's talking about, and then they're uncompartmentalized.
They're not, they're not tuning in and hearing something new.
They're tuning in and hearing something they already knew, but I'm simply shaking them going, look at this!
Look at it!
Our collective house is on fire.
They're intending for you to do some really bad stuff.
What are we going to do about this?
And people say, well, what is your answer?
Well, states' rights, saying no, people blowing the whistle.
I mean, here's a microcosm example, okay?
2001, they give the troops the experimental deadly anthrax shot that doesn't even protect you from the anthrax and was known to kill people in trials, and it killed thousands of troops.
Tens of thousands of convulsions.
Finally, the Army doctors and Air Force doctors and Marine Corps doctors refused
to give the shots anymore.
They started court-martialing.
It was like 10 doctors in Denver alone at one of the air bases, if memory serves.
You can look this up.
I had one of them on.
And they went and stood before the man and said, this is telling people I won't be part of it.
And the whole thing imploded and they had to stop giving the shots.
Now that's what I'm talking about right there!
Is you've got to start saying no, no matter what.
What are they scared of?
They're scared of whistleblowers.
I had Staff Sergeant Biggs on.
I showed Wired Magazine, I showed AP, where they admit they're putting the troops who aren't even injured on psychotropics, on amnesiacs, on antipsychotics, and on opiates to addict them to then say that they're mentally ill at the end of their tour and to have that in their medical file.
They order them to take it.
And then take their rights away trying to screw them up because they hate the veterans.
They want to use you now before they get their drones and robots in, their autonomous system, but you're their number one enemy.
This is a foreign globalist takeover.
First thing a foreign globalist takeover does, or any other takeover in history, is after the brown shirts help bring them in, they're going to wipe you out, or at least take your rights away.
And the military's now figuring that out.
And I saw comments, it was a minority of comments, but I took a screenshot of it actually this morning.
Let me pull it up and I'll even show TV viewers, and we'll go to our guests, if you can give me a document cam, document cam shot on this.
Okay, I've got it right there.
But Hakesville, Masters Hakesville says, congrats Sergeant Biggs, you got your 15 minutes of fame at the cost of your honor.
You are an NCO, the backbone of the Army.
You're a disgrace to your service and your country.
You go follow this guy's background and history, it's obviously another non-commissioned officer.
Now, that's the kind of stuff that you see.
He comes on and talks about a public program to drug the troops.
Order them to take drugs and deadly vaccines to screw them up.
He talked about how the officers don't have to take the shots and admit they don't, but say you're going to take all these shots and to see all his men get sick.
This is what woke him up.
He wasn't a listener.
And then to see the government drug dealing and all this and somebody says he's a traitor for admitting the torture, the government drug dealing, the DEA there running the drugs in Afghanistan.
He was also in Iraq.
Who is Staff Sergeant Bix?
He's a traitor!
Not the globalist, treating our troops like absolute dog doo.
No, no, no, no.
He's a traitor for talking about it!
And see, this is the stuff that tyranny's made of.
Oh, you're the backbone.
Yeah, you're the people that keep everybody in line under this tyranny.
And how dare you have bullet wounds?
I mean, you know, I was out water skiing with a guy, or water surfing with him.
Wakesurfing to be technical, and you know, just shrapnel wounds, bullet holes, you can see the bullet holes in his feet.
You know, he's got like shrapnel in the back of his head and his hair is turning grey and like blast points where the shrapnel is.
Never seen anything like that.
It's like, boy, that's got to be good for you.
He hasn't done enough for the New World Order.
He's supposed to let them try to turn him into a drug addict and give him all these deadly vaccines because that's what a patriot does.
This is the mind control.
Ladies and gentlemen, and the PSYOPs, and the system knows that we've broken through into the inner sanctums of the CIA, the Defense Department, all of it.
We are the number one show worldwide.
Foreign governments listen to the show.
That's come out in the London Telegraph.
British government, Syrian government, all of it.
I mean, I'm not even that smart.
I've reverse engineered what they've done, though, and read their own white papers.
Anybody could do this.
I know the plan.
Government people, tune in here to find out what the master plan is, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's so simple if you've just studied history.
I read over a hundred books on the Nazis, mainline history books, their own declassified Nuremberg stuff, their own manuals, and I go, oh my gosh, Delta Force is buying off police nationwide in a federal covert takeover of local governments.
Discovered that, broke that, the AP had to cover it, 16 years ago, 15 years ago.
I'm not bragging.
It's that history repeats itself.
Those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
Who said that?
Was it Lord Acton?
When he said power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
He said power tends to corrupt, is the actual quote.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
We have an absolutely corrupt system.
I'm going to go to our guest now, who I appreciate joining us via Skype, and then I'm going to come back in the final segment of this hour and get into mother threatened for feeding babies goat's milk instead of GMO soy formula to have children taken by CPS.
That's on the news.
When all medical doctors in every history book I've read until just a few decades ago said, give them goat's milk if you can't produce milk.
Do you have any idea what's in the regular formula, 70 plus percent high fructose corn syrup?
Do you know about the studies about CC size of the brain?
If you don't abuse your child and give him a shriveled zombie brain to serve the new world order, if you give them goat's milk or genny milk from a jackass, from a female donkey,
You are going to have your children taken, ladies and gentlemen.
One thing that's also good is camel's milk.
That wasn't usually available.
I mean, this is something I just read in history.
But let's go to jamesneighborsoverpass.org.
And the next rally is this Saturday, August 17th.
They had thousands out around the country.
And we need tens of thousands out this Saturday on overpasses, or even on the street corner, or at your state capitol, wherever, you get out there and speak out.
And now they're saying, you know, arrest rodeo clowns if they criticize Obama.
Use our First Amendment or lose it.
Thank you for coming on, sir.
It's good to have you with us.
Tell folks about what's coming up and any new developments.
Well, here on the 17th, that's Saturday, from 10 a.m.
until 4 p.m., we'll be out on the streets, every major metro area across the country.
I mean, thousands of us will be out there.
We're up to 40,000 people in the movement altogether.
We need that to be ten times that.
We need to make the Vietnam War protests look like a Girl Scout camp out in comparison.
The fact is, you know, you're right, if we don't stand up now,
We're very close.
We're teetering on the edge of irreversible tyranny in this country without there being an extreme amount of bloodshed.
And that's what we're out there for.
We need to wake Congress up so that they'll see what's going on, those that can do something, those that want to do something about it to stop it.
And, you know, just like you said, go to overpasses.org.
You can find us on Facebook.
I'm sorry.
And all over the place, really.
But we have got to speak out.
We absolutely have got to speak out and get something done.
You know, the fact is this movement's growing and it's getting bigger and bigger every single day.
And it's people, just, you know, ordinary people.
Nobody in the movement is anybody special except for the fact we've all woke up.
And that's all we want everybody else to do is just wake up
And speak out before it's too late, before we can't speak out anymore.
You're absolutely right, Alex.
History is just replete with times of what's going on right now.
The slow stomping out of our rights until eventually anybody that dares speak out is quite simply just killed.
And if we don't do something about it now, it's just going, it will get nothing but worse.
And how could we live with ourselves knowing that our children, our grandchildren, and who knows how many generations of people will have to live under conditions what I believe will be worse than what the Soviet Union had to put, you know.
Oh, absolutely.
It's the very same people running this today.
Expanding on this historically, for those that aren't aware of this,
The reason Homeland Security, which is the takeover arm of America, we have Marine Corps colonels going public and saying this is the illegal army to absorb and kill the Republic.
It's the opposite of Homeland Security, properly Orwellian.
They're pre-positioning and getting ready for war because the system is going to push people until you don't have a choice but to physically fight back.
So we're trying to stop
That from happening peacefully, but as Churchill said, there may come a time when you've got to stand up against an enemy when you have a good chance of winning.
But if you wait too long, to paraphrase, it may come when it's a 50-50 chance.
And then may come when it's really tough odds.
Or it may finally come to where you know you're going to be defeated, but it's better to die on your feet than to be enslaved and basically killed slowly.
And so people need to understand, there is no choice in this.
And I'll tell you something really sad from all the videos.
And photos I've seen, and it's not overpasses.org, it's what MSNBC and the White House has done.
They have said that Tea Party and any resistance to Obama and his agenda is racist, and so I see in the photos it's almost all white people, and I know there have been some black folks and Hispanics and Asians out there, but we need to invite all races, religions, and creeds that are upset about the evil of this government and their frontman Obama to come out
Everywhere for whatever your beef is with this system and to be seen and to be heard.
Do you agree, sir?
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, you know, race is absolutely, we don't even consider it.
It's absolutely the last thing.
I mean, we don't care if you're Democrat, Libertarian, Independent, you know, just whatever.
It absolutely does not matter.
If you love America and you want your children to grow up in a world that you would want to grow up in, or better, you know, we're always supposed to try to leave our children with a better environment than what we lived in.
If that's what you want, then you've got to step up now.
I mean, the fact is,
This government is not looking out for the minorities.
It's doing the exact opposite.
They're doing everything they can to create a permanent peasant class in this nation.
You can just look at Obamacare, and that's exactly what it'll do.
I mean, the fact that nobody could work more than 29 hours a week, if you think it's hard finding a job now... It's incredible.
Yeah, what will it be like?
And if you look at unemployment, especially in the black community right now, Obama has not done them any favors whatsoever, and he has no intention of doing any favors whatsoever.
Oh no, like you said, the Cloud of Heaven plan is bankrupting them.
Permanent peasant class where there's no reason to work because you'll get more money if you go on welfare.
This is so diabolical.
This is slavery.
Sir, we're going to get you back up next week with an update on what's happened over the weekend.
I personally
I'm going to go out with my children in Austin and I'll show up at one of the events listed on the site.
Not sure where yet, but I will join you sometime this Saturday as well in Austin, Texas.
Everybody be there, be part of this.
Overpasses.org will link to it and your latest press releases up at Infowars.com and all humans
Who bleed red blood and don't want to be slaves.
Now is the time to hit the streets.
Now is the time to come out and come together so that the race baiters at the White House and MSNBC and Media Matters and CNN will pull their stinking hair out.
James Nabors, thank you sir.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
We'll be right back.
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That's right, ladies and gentlemen.
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And that means that our time is short as well.
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I'm going to get into some really important news here in a moment.
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Look at these articles.
95-year-old World War II vet murdered by police, refusing medical attention.
It now comes out.
Houston deputy sues woman who dialed 9-1-1.
Gotta love that.
Mother threatened for feeding babies goat milk instead of GMO soy formula.
Folks, it's child abuse to feed kids formula.
They've had massive deaths all over the world from formula, where their brains just shrivel up and they die.
The Glover's like, oh, we overdid it, it's too obvious.
Add a little protein in there, a little bit of fat.
Most formulas over 75% on record sugar or high fructose corn syrup.
I mean, these kids are fried.
And every medical doctor for hundreds of years on record, look it up, said take goat's milk if your child won't take your milk.
And the baby was growing like a weed and they're coming to take it.
Here's part of the newscast right here.
Allura Jellerson loves her three-month-old son.
He's a really good baby.
He's always happy.
He likes to eat.
But what baby Carson eats has caused a lot of trouble for the 17-year-old mother from Brooklyn.
When the baby didn't take to breastfeeding, Jellerson started feeding him homemade goat milk for
Oh my gosh.
I loved it.
We put celery juice in it and he just loves that.
And it worked really well.
That's enough.
We're going to break.
I'm going to play the whole thing later, but it's up on InfoWars.com.
If you don't brain damage your child and give them, on average, a massively smaller CC-sized brain size, if you don't savage them so they're a drooling zombie for us, and you give them a close mammal milk that they can take, that cultures have done for thousands of years, we're gonna take them, because we're terrorists!
We're the filthy, murdering, scumbag, eugenics government!
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, you've known for a decade, even CNN reported it, that Chicken McNuggets had silicone in it.
Look how good it is for women when it leaks out of breast implants.
What's wrong with autoimmune disorders?
Kidney problems?
Well, the health ranger has gone out and had labs test it, and now it's got some type of weird fibers in it they can't even identify.
So, we're going to be getting him on to talk about that.
Remember the whole pink slime situation?
I think it's all good for you, actually.
I think he's an extremist.
He's giving fair and balanced coverage here.
He's going to be popping in at the bottom of the next hour.
Coming up after I cover some of the news, we're going to get Kevin Booth on, the amazing filmmaker.
If you go to InfoWars.com, you can see monster banners on the sides advertising the fact that we are the exclusive distributor of American Drug War 2.
We're going to be playing some video clips.
Did Kevin send you the exclusive clips to play?
So that's coming up as well.
I haven't gotten into our big news yet.
And I really need to get into our top stories here today.
FBI admits it had documents on Michael Hastings.
I knew this a few days ago, but wasn't allowed to report it till now.
They've got the four-year documents coming out today.
Watson has the exclusive on that.
Also, of course, they lied and said they weren't.
Of course, I mean, they visited his house, but then lied and said they didn't.
But if you talk bad about it, your car will blow up, too.
Or they'll just come to your house and interrogate you and shoot you in the top of the head.
Army buys nearly 600,000 Soviet AK-47 magazines to try to drop the supply.
Houston deputy sues a woman who dialed 911.
Ron Paul dismantles corporate boondoggle known as Obamacare.
Very important report I really need to get to.
Assange says Rand Paul libertarians only hope for future of America.
He also says Matt Drudge is essential for breaking media censorship and is the model of a non-state-run media.
Didn't say it any better.
That is veritas spoken.
You say it, Assange.
It's true.
NSA funds new top-secret $60 million data lab.
Egypt is attending a civil war but don't expect Obama.
to cancel his golf vacation and that's just some of the reports up on InfoWars.com and don't forget PrisonPlanet.com and you can follow us at RealAlexJones on Twitter on Twitter as well but the first thing I want to get to when we come back is the whole divide and conquer situation because I've only I barely mentioned this
And they had a lot of publications that I won't mention to some of them.
We mention them, they get more traffic than they get in a week if we don't.
You know, saying, I'm anti-transgender.
No, that's not on my radar screen.
I'm not anti-anybody that doesn't hurt innocent people.
You understand that?
I'm not anti-anybody that minds their own business and doesn't try to run my life.
See, they call it bigoted and hateful if you don't adopt the lifestyles and ideas and
You know, lollipop guild weirdnesses of the authoritarian mentally ill left that really, by and large, are just a bunch of crazy control freaks that know that if they can get away with wild things, they can get away with anything.
So I'm going to explain that when we come back.
Because California passed this a few days ago.
Jerry Brown, Moonbeam signed it, and I read the bill finally yesterday.
I'd seen articles, and I was like, excuse me?
On a day-to-day basis, I can decide what gender I am?
Back when I was in high school, I wouldn't have gone in a girl's bathroom, but I knew guys that would have.
I mean, I was like Pepe Le Pew, though, when I was in high school.
I mean, God love women.
God's greatest creation, I'll tell you.
Can you imagine the perverts, what they're going to do?
But the point is, is that's not even half of it.
They're going to let boys go on the girls' baseball teams, everything, and compete against them.
It's like Andy Kaufman is going to be beating the girls up.
These people are crazy.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this live, Friday, worldwide broadcast.
America, but the rest of the Western world, is in a death struggle against anti-free market, crony capitalist interests that use socialism to collectivize.
The general population creating a peasant class.
This is the official policy of the Department of Health and Human Services, with the head of it and others calling for malice policies.
They want a permanent peasant class in America.
And they want to replace basic rights of privacy, rights to not be killed in an illegal war.
All the basic war crimes that are being committed, all that is ignored now.
The right to not have $85 billion a month stolen from you and given to foreign offshore banks, and Congress is told that they're not even allowed to know where the money's going, violating the Constitution, common sense, and law.
Just thousands of examples we all know of, of the out-of-control system.
And the fact that it's illegitimate, and they're rolling the Pentagon out against the people, and setting up all this face scanning surveillance, and listening to our phone calls, and saying the biggest terror threat is the Tea Party, and the Pentagon is preparing for war, and taking the children of casual marijuana smokers, or taking the children of people who give goat's milk to their baby, because
That's known as the best milk if your child refuses your milk.
On and on and on.
Just a manifest, predatory, tyrannical government in our face.
And instead, the new rights are, if you're transgendered, the taxpayers should pay so that you can have your genitals removed.
Or if you are a beach rat, as you call yourself, you should have a Escalade and eat lobster every day off of people that do work.
And it doesn't matter what you do as long as you're a good little collectivist.
But we're going to SWAT team people who can't pay their property taxes and take their home.
And if they resist, we're going to kill them.
To make sure that 101 million people can be on welfare, food assistance in this country.
Right at 50 million on federal food stamps alone.
This is a public plan.
They've done it with the American Indians.
They've done it with other groups that have been enslaved.
Making them dependent, it's how you domesticate animals.
And it's the Cloward and Piven plan from 1966, officially adopted by Barack Obama.
is to have Obamacare come in, bankrupt all the smaller hospitals and HMOs and insurance companies that are creating competition for the big insurance companies, and shut down all the little clinics, make 61% of the doctors are now announcing they're going to retire early, that's Associated Press a few weeks ago, international poll, bankrupt that, and basically make the entire system fall apart.
And then make everyone in the country who was lower middle class go to less than 30 hours a week, 29 hours a week, creating again a permanent peasant class under Obamacare that doubles the premiums by 2015, already a 50 plus percent increase just in one year of semi-implementation.
Written by the insurance companies.
We have a video of Ron Paul breaking that down.
That's a fact.
Written by mainly foreign insurance companies to gang-rape the economy.
If you don't think shutting
Thousands of power plants down in the last five years and doubling power prices in many areas of the country isn't shutting things down.
If you don't think paying to ship General Motors to China isn't shutting things down quick enough, if you don't think all the regulations and red tape selectively put on small businesses isn't enough to shut things down, if you don't think the federal government violating federal law and not giving contracts to small businesses,
isn't going to shut things down.
If you don't think bringing in 30 million illegals to get welfare so they can subsidize and work for below minimum wage isn't going to bankrupt things and bring you to your knees and collectivize you, then nothing will wake you up!
Obama, according to the LA Times, has tripled federal raids on marijuana legal medical doctor dispensaries.
Has tripled the number of raids taking people's children.
It was on CNN today where they give them hemp oil, proven in major studies to have massive anti-cancer properties.
Just savaging everyone, but it's okay because he's black.
And if you don't like it, you're a racist.
What did Sebelius say three days ago?
The head of Health and Human Services?
He said, if you don't like Obamacare, you're a racist.
If you don't like foreign banks literally shaking you down, you're a racist.
And if you want to be a rodeo clown and make fun of Obama, you're a racist.
And they said on MSNBC the other day, I'm insane.
Fluoride is not put in the water.
Now it's not just that, now it's not just that fluoride's good for you with the Princeton and Harvard and UT studies and 20 IQ point reductions on average and seven-fold bone cancer increases and leaky gut syndrome and irritable bowel syndrome and hundreds of other cancers increase, on and on and on, thousands of pages, thousands of research documents, 24 of them looked at in the Harvard study, their answer is to come on there and say Alex Jones is a liar!
There isn't even fluoride in your water.
Now drink it and shut up!
Shut up and drink it!
Uh, gee, Colonel, none of the officers are taking the flu vaccine.
I'm the Staff Sergeant.
The guys are asking why we all get sick when we take it.
We don't have to take it.
Now, do you understand that, Staff Sergeant?
Get out of my face right now!
You understand how that works, boy?
We're gonna soft kill you, Staff Sergeant, and the rest of your men.
So when you get out of here, we've actuaried it all out in the battle plan.
You're gonna be so brain damaged and screwed up, you're gonna need medical help.
And then we're gonna take your rights away in that process and declare you mentally ill.
Because you're the enemy.
Because you're a weapon being spiked, Staff Sergeant!
We don't need you anymore!
The robots and combat droids and autonomous drones, land, sea and air and under the water are all going online!
And we've been let in on the winning team, Sergeant!
You don't come from West Point!
We've been let in on the kill grid plan!
Now you understand the real program!
Now you understand the soft kill, Sergeant!
So you go get in a hole with the rest of your family, and you die!
You die for the New World Order!
Ask what you can do for the New World Order!
You can work while we finish building the technocracy, and then you can die!
And we're gonna enjoy watching you die!
You're gonna love it too!
Getting a little bit excited here, ladies and gentlemen.
We're gonna go to Kevin at the next break coming up.
Keep him a little bit in the next hour so he can take some phone calls.
He really is the preeminent anti-drug war filmmaker.
You can get the new film exclusively, American Drug War 2.
I'm very honored he came to me so he could have the exclusive DVD release.
This is stuff's airing on cable.
And he's very popular.
He's letting us put the DVD out to support us and support the movement.
But, you know, I illustrate absurdity by really channeling for you, from my understanding, who the globalists really are.
So I hope that you will listen to me, because I'm in pain watching humanity attacked by these scumbag scientific technocrats, spiking the food, the water, the air with all of their anthropogenic garbage.
And their soft kills, their binary weapons, all of it, it's all a big joke to them to mess with our endocrine system, to mess with our endocrine receptors.
They are playing God, ladies and gentlemen.
And I'm not going to sit here and put up with it anymore.
And then meanwhile, oh look, Israel!
This is Live Science, Washington's blog, links through to the Supreme Court of Israel and the Health Minister's press release and the Israeli newspapers.
Israel has outlawed water fluoridation, saying that it is forced medication and linked to cancer and lower IQ.
So Israel will not be fluoridated.
I guess they're bad too, MSNBC, I guess.
But what do you want to bet, just like Europe won't fluoridate and Israel's getting it out?
I thought Israel, everybody says runs everything, why were they being fluoridated before?
Because the same elites over there want their people dumbed down in a haze as well.
Or obsessed with things like this.
California becomes first to pass historic transgender law.
CBS News, California law lets transgender students choose restrooms and sports teams.
And it's going to let girls be on the boys team and boys get to be on the girls team.
That's right.
So you're a guy with a mustache that weighs 250 pounds that can bench press 300?
You're going to get to go be on the girls softball team or the wrestling team.
And you know who all the winners are going to be.
Can't beat the boys?
Well, become Andy Kaufman.
Let's go out to break with an Andy Kaufman clip.
You can beat the girls and if you don't like it, you're a homophobe, ladies and gentlemen.
No, this is all about throwing anything and everything in your face to get rid of any gender.
It's not about being tolerant.
It's about being intolerant to the original genders.
Let's go out with Andy Kaufman.
Yeah, I just want to say that I'm very disappointed about the challenges that I received last week.
As some of you might have seen last week, I polished off four women in a row, all in 30 seconds each!
30 seconds each!
I challenge Gigi Arnetta and McAdoo to arm wrestling.
I'm going to come back in about a month, and I'm not going to offer $500.
I have so much confidence in myself, I will offer $1,000 to any woman that can beat me in this race in a month.
And see, he was hated.
Because he did this, but if he just said he was transgender, it'd be okay.
You just wore a blonde wig and a polka-dotted dress?
Shut up!
I'm talking right now!
You shut up, Kaufman!
I'm talking right now!
I want silence when I speak!
I'm transgender!
Get in here, I'm another woman!
Get in here and fight me!
By the way, the Olympics they're now saying is racist.
Okay, now just be quiet!
Because they found the South African runner is really hermaphrodite.
Yeah, she has testicles.
Is a man, folks.
But hey, gets to compete!
So now all the champions and the women's will be hermaphrodites.
There's a huge and hushed up conspiracy going on that's about to turn your lives upside down in the coming few months.
Unbelievably, the media are keeping quiet about this.
I'm sure they know it, but they probably know that revealing it on TV will generate mass hysteria and chaos.
But I believe you should be informed about it, because when the sinister agenda is finally accomplished and everything unravels, only those who know this secret info will survive and thrive.
Go to 123conspiracy.com right now to see the truth.
The video at 123conspiracy.com reveals the real, secret reason why Obama is after your guns and ammo.
And it's not just in response to mass murders of preparing for war.
It's something much darker.
Go watch the video now at 123conspiracy.com before they shut it down.
Again, that's 123conspiracy.com.
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Alright ladies and gentlemen, I apologize that I give you Harvard studies that fluoride is brain damaging you and your family by design.
And I apologize as MSNBC says I'm deeply racist with no evidence that I reported that the Israeli Supreme Court has ruled that they must take the fluoride out because it is a carcinogen and brain damages people.
And the source is the Israeli Health Minister's office press release and Haratz in Jerusalem Post.
So I apologize for that racism.
I'm not being sarcastic.
According to MSNBC, that is racism.
And it's homophobic that to say that Andy Kaufman should not have been transgender and allowed to wrestle women.
I mean, you know, it's the same deal.
I mean, it's just madness, folks.
They've got us all talking about, you know, can
That one day a guy can come into the girls' bathroom, the next day he can go to the boys' bathroom, or vice versa.
It's all just the craziness of the globalists to get us obsessed with all these other side fights while we're all being annihilated by the New World Order.
But I want to go to Kevin Booth for the balance of the hour, and we are exclusively the distributor of the DVD, American Drug War II, that gets into it.
Kevin, in a nutshell, this is such an important film.
I've got a copy of it right here.
Wall Street Journal calls it, this film is a game-changing moment for both the film and entertainment industry, as well as the cannabis industry.
And it just exposes what a fraud all this is.
But my biggest reason to decriminalize is that I know people all over the place having their kids taken.
If they get caught with half a marijuana cigarette, they come take their kids and hand them over to, you know, literal pot-bellied pedophiles.
Uh, who are being convicted coke dealers and stuff.
I mean, they are really coming after people that smoke marijuana and the feds seem to be driving the train.
But I guess, I guess it is good to take people's kids that smoke pot because Obama's a black president and you got to do what he says or that's racist.
So I guess you support Obama crippling the raids on cannabis dispensaries, right?
Because you're not a racist, right, Kevin?
Uh, that's correct.
How's it going Alex?
I'm from Hollywood baby.
I don't talk like this.
I'm from Tennessee.
I don't talk like this from Tennessee.
I would marry anybody who could beat me.
Why don't we take a 400 pound kid and then put him in the ring with some girls, let them wrestle him in the high school.
I think that's a good idea.
Because we want to be tolerant here.
We can put a wig on him and a dress.
How about the boxing club?
We can let the boys beat the girls up because they're really girls too, Kevin.
Now come on Alex, I live in West Hollywood now, don't go crazy.
Kevin, there you go, so you agree with it, there you go.
What about putting a wig on Mike Tyson and letting him get in the women's boxing league?
Uh, if I could bet on it, sure.
So, that might actually be the way he could come back.
Yeah, yeah.
Exhibition fights, Mike Tyson versus women.
You'd have to muzzle him though, because he might bite him.
But that's okay, women get the same rights as Evander Holyfield now.
Why don't we put them both in wigs?
Say they're both transgender.
Oh, man.
That's funny.
Is that what American Drug Wars are really about?
You always throw me for a loop.
I'm always ready to come on here, and I'm never ready.
It's funny.
It's funny, man.
So you are endorsing Mike Tyson entering the heavyweight women's league as a transgender athlete?
I hadn't thought about it until now, but yeah, I'll endorse that, sure.
I think I endorse it as well.
Next I'm going to be a guest on MSNBC.
They'll go, now you're talking, Alex.
Bring me in?
I could... I've always been curious by those women bodybuilders.
I don't know, it's kind of creepy and yet it's kind of erotic.
I don't know.
Well, Kevin, let's not get into your sexual fantasies here on air, okay?
You're a major filmmaker, we're here to talk about that.
The point is, is that those women are obviously taking a bunch of male hormones.
So they are men, basically.
Yeah, that's pretty creepy.
Did you know when the women take enough of those hormones, they actually grow an appendage?
Okay, so I'm not allowed to talk about it, but you can talk about it.
I did not know about this appendage, Alex.
Tell me about the appendage.
I'm not going to do it.
No, I'm just giving medical facts here on air, buddy.
All right, let's reset, go to break.
Me and Kevin are old friends.
This is not good here on air.
Hey, we're going to come back and get serious about the film, because this really is serious how they're trying to block the non-THC attributes of hemp.
Stuff that doesn't even get you high, folks.
You can smoke 50 pounds of it.
Blocking that is medical treatments.
We're going to talk about that.
You can't even grow it in America, but everywhere else in the world.
We're going to talk to the cannabis hemp expert, though he himself abstains from it, Kevin Booth.
All right, let's just reset and get serious.
Because, you know, like with Gary Webb, the hit teams are on the way.
A little bit of gallows humor here straight ahead.
I'm Bill Hicks, your host.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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In the beginning, there was light.
And it was very bright.
It warmed the whole planet.
And there were thousands of billions and billions of people born.
And all of them lived and flourished.
And a lot of them had to leave the inner city to find sanctuary in the outlying areas known as the suburbs.
One such boy who grew up in this area was a very bright boy, but suffered from an addiction, a terrible affliction.
And the only way he could find a balance to his harmonious inner yin and yang, dark and light, positive, negative polarities, was an ancient Chinese method known as karate, or ninja warriorship.
And his name was, uh, hmm, what was his... Clance!
Clance, your mush is runny and cold to the touch.
Now come on!
Bear right there, Bob!
Ninja Bachelor Party, 1991.
Bill Hicks and Kevin Booth.
Let's play some more of it.
Where he sits around with his parents.
It's not his new film.
Here they are having breakfast.
I knew Kevin's parents, they were great folks.
Morning, Dad.
Morning, Mom.
Clarence, what's that bandage on your hand?
What'd you do to your hand, baby?
Um, I think I just slept on it wrong.
Oh, that's a bunch of flueys up there, patching that karate.
Well, uh, speaking of karate, I have real high hopes upon becoming a ninja warrior.
Sweet lamb.
No, really.
I think it would be a fine career for him.
I wish I was never born to hear the words that are spewing out of my son's mouth at this breakfast table this morning.
Good one.
First of all, son, there is no market for being a ninja.
Look at the index.
They're down .10 and 20% this year.
Down 2% from last year.
How's it going, Buzz?
You tell him the truth and you tell him loud and clear.
First of all, son, I am so disappointed in you and I'm hurting, hurting bad.
If my ilk could bleed, they would bleed blood!
And I'll be there to swab them up and blame you, my son.
Blood would spout out of my ears like a plasma sprinkler and I would water the earth with my own dissatisfaction.
That is not his new film.
His last big film aired all over the big cable channels in his award-winning American Drug War One that I consulted on.
I did not consult on this one.
I think it's even better.
The Wall Street Journal called the film a game-changing moment for both the film and entertainment industry, as well as the cannabis industry.
And folks, I'm a serious person, but when I get with old friends and start joking around with comedians, I tend to
Shift into another mode.
And by the way, this is a very serious film, American Drug War 2.
That's something Kevin made with Bill Hicks, back before Bill Hicks was even known as a comedian, obviously an icon of comedy today.
But I was shifting gears out of that into American Drug War 2, Cannabis Destiny, and I just saw the guys in there watching a clip from Ninja, Ninja, Ninja, Ninja Bachelor Party, while we're talking about Andy Kaufman.
I'm not only Bill Hicks, folks, I'm actually Andy Kaufman as well.
And we are back live.
Folks, if you're a new listener and you're going, what are you talking about?
It's an online thing, the I'm Bill Hicks.
And it's comical to us, but also painful to the Hicks family, so we shouldn't joke about it.
But very, very interesting.
Kevin, we need to get serious and get into the new film, which I think I'm psychologically avoiding because it is so hardcore.
And the persecution of people that even use marijuana that doesn't have THC medicinally.
But what is the new wrinkle in the I'm Bill Hicks saga?
Okay, well this guy took our last interview and he claims that we're doing damage control now for him discovering that you're really Bill Hicks.
And he took our last interview and he plays parts of it backwards and so it's like a back masking thing.
And so when you play our last interview backwards, we're really like admitting all these secret truths about who we really are.
And it's funny too, it's ironic because maybe he is a Bill Hicks fan obviously, because Bill actually had a joke about backmasking and the joke was about if you play New Kids on the Block backwards it actually sounds good.
And I actually did a lot of backmasking.
Just because I was into Jimmy Page and Led Zeppelin and I was reading a book called Hammer of the Gods when I was producing Marblehead Johnson and Relentless album and so I was always I always put little little like back masking moments in little places and little secret hidden things so it's funny that he did that it's kind of ironic he's obviously a Bill Hicks fan if he's out there doing this but I've actually also discovered something new which would be ultimately ironic and that was
Who was born only days after Bill died who would be, in fact if anybody can guess this during the duration of the show, who was born just a matter of days after Bill died who would be the actual ironic thing if Bill was to have been reincarnated as somebody?
Okay, they can send their answers to Real Alex Jones on our Twitter and guys bring in at the end of the hour the answers and I'll go over that.
Alright Kevin, let's get serious here.
In a nutshell, tell people why American Drug War II is so powerful and quite frankly,
Hard to watch.
I mean, because it makes me mad, it makes me angry.
I know it's all true because I've researched the stuff that's in it.
You know, the CPS, all of it, denying the medical treatment, the harassment.
I mean, this is really a powerful film.
As the Wall Street Journal called it, it's a game-changing moment for film.
Well, you know, the whole time they've been selling the drug war agenda on everybody, it's all been about trying to protect the children, protect the children, protect the children.
And so I thought, like, the best place to take the sequel to the original movie would be to, how is the drug war really affecting the children?
How is American drug policy, the so-called drug policy, really affecting American children and children all over the world?
And, you know, what we see, just like that story that just happened recently in Round Rock, where that two-year-old girl was taken away from the parents because they smoked marijuana.
And now the little girl was actually murdered by the foster mother.
And it just goes on and on from people being denied to use the best medicine.
And by the way, the foster parent dad was a two-time convicted drug dealer.
Yeah, no, it's, you know, they do do a, you know, and my wife and I, we became foster parents not as some sort of, like, a stunt for a movie and all that, and people have accused us for that.
That's fine.
We actually became... No, I mean, I've known you, I've known you 18 years.
You've been trying to have a kid.
Yeah, exactly.
And so we decided to become fathers.
35,000 children... Yeah, but you shouldn't even bring up what trolls do.
I don't want to give out your private medical info, but you and Trey have gone through hell to try to have a biological baby.
Yeah, we went through the... That makes me very angry that people would say that, but go ahead.
You know, it's okay.
I mean, but, you know, it's expected.
So we decided, there's 35,000 children here in the foster system in Los Angeles, so we decided to become foster parents.
And, you know, we were thinking, like, you know what, we won't get a baby.
We'll start with somebody older.
We're older.
We're ready to, you know, have it.
And so our first child that came to us was an 11-year-old girl who had been taken away from her mother.
Her mother was in prison, various charges.
I won't go into that because we're friends with her.
She's back with her mom.
Good, really good person.
And this little girl is a completely normal little girl and then all of a sudden they hand us all these prescription drugs and we find out that we have to give her Adderall in the morning and we have to give her a powerful barbiturate at night and she just came directly from a foster home where they did this to all the children and we're finding out that almost every child, in fact, finding children in the foster system that aren't put on powerful psych meds
ADD medication is, that's hard to find.
Almost all the children in the foster system are put on powerful pharmaceuticals.
And the ironic part, obviously, is that a lot of these children are being removed from their parents because they did drugs, including marijuana.
Go figure.
I mean, I've been, I've sat there in child protective meetings with these people that I'm friends with, and you hear, like, the thinking that they're going through, where we were inside these people's house, and, oh, we saw the bong on the coffee table, child's coming with us.
It's like, wow, okay.
Yeah, I mean, you lose your children because you smoke marijuana that's, in every research and statistic, a lot less worse than things like alcohol.
And then over 68% nationally of foster kids are on an average of seven psychotropic drugs.
And medical doctors have said, we take healthy kids and they're dead two years later.
They are killing them.
But Kevin, it's THX 1138.
It's Brave New World.
They're making all the troops take drugs as well.
They want to wreck people's minds.
And the really sad part about it, I mean, the little girl in the movie, we were able to get her off the medication.
We had to go through a long process because the thing is, if you just yank the medication, well, first of all, you could be playing with fire on a medical level to just stop the medication or to like mess with the cocktail that they give them, much less
You could get in trouble and the child would just be taken away from you if you monkey with anything and they're checking on you constantly.
But we've since the movie gotten another foster daughter who is 16 and here comes like another tricky factor that you have to deal with in all this and that she doesn't want to stop doing the drugs.
She actually likes the drugs, you know, and so sometimes she seems like she's speeding out of her mind and she's like spun as much as like anybody I've ever hung out with that's doing speed.
Um, and you try to, like, explain it.
She understands the movie.
She loves the movies.
Watched the movie a hundred times, living with us.
And yet, when it comes to, like, well, maybe we should back off of your medication, she's like, no, no, no, no, no.
I love this stuff.
You know, it's like, hey, you know, that's, uh, you know, how is this going to turn out 10 years from now?
Well, we caught researchers up in Minnesota, caught the police, it became national news, going and finding young kids on the streets and putting them by the hundreds in just one research case on hard drugs to then have them become dealers for them.
So the truth is, the whole system knows this.
The government deals the drugs, they run it all.
And they run the kids.
They take the kids because your child broke their finger at the playground, doesn't matter, you have witnesses.
Or you go to have a baby and they go, oh, we found marijuana in your system.
And then they're going to take your kid and put them on deadly antipsychotics that eat their brain, and they love it.
They know exactly what they're doing.
You're saying the average social worker just doesn't understand it.
Well, that's because they were probably brought up the same way.
Yeah, I mean, that's just it.
It's such a huge, crazy system that you can't, when you get into this system, you find, you know, a lot of people are going, how did you get away with making this movie?
You know, I'm surrounded by all these people.
It's like such a big, crazy, broken system.
There's nobody really to point the finger at.
I mean, I'm surrounded by these people.
And I could, you know, I could do whatever I wanted.
It's not going to stop anything, change anything, or, you know, it's just so big and broken.
People ask how, that'd be a good time to film Big and Broken.
People, you're like too big to fix.
Not too big to fail, too big to fix.
I already trademarked it.
Okay, good.
But I mean seriously, Kevin, that's it.
People ask how am I still alive.
At a certain point, stuff is so screwed up, and it's been done by design, but it's like a perpetual motion machine though.
Once they set this thing going, it's just going to eat society.
Yeah, I mean, you can sit there and be the whistleblower and all these people are like, yeah, good point.
I mean, I've sat in there in meetings with these doctors and these are intelligent, you know, these are like cool, intelligent people, young, hip, you know, they're not old bureaucratic dummies.
And, you know, look, I'm this guy, I do these lectures, and here's my films, and here's my message, and all these things, and oh, that's really interesting, and then it'll be like, okay, here's her refill for her medication, see you in two months.
See, that's what's so invincible about this spirit of not caring.
It's beyond evil.
It's like, they'll even recognize what you're saying, but keep going on with it.
It's like when I flew back in from England, they said, do you have any drugs on you, blah, blah, blah.
I said, no.
And I go, and you know the government brings most of them in.
And the guy went, yeah, I know that, so what?
And I'm like, so it's only bad if I've got them, right?
And then I went to the next lady, and she said, your passport's up in a year and a half.
Why haven't you redone it?
I said, is there anything wrong with me doing that?
She goes, I go, you just want to act powerful, don't you?
And she just looked at me and went, well, yeah, kind of.
I was like, what?
I mean, seriously, that conversation happened.
I believe it.
Love those airports.
I miss going to airports with you, Alex.
It's always a treat to go through an airport with Alex Jones.
I guess we have flown together before.
You ought to fly with Ventura.
I think I flew with him like the last time he flew.
I mean, it was literally like South Park meets Ventura.
Women exactly like that.
Same voice, same deal.
Rubbing in between, you know, grabbing on him.
And it went on and on.
They were giggling, taking shots.
And Ventura, you know, I mean, literally was beyond anger.
On the flight over there, once we got to New Orleans, I mean, he was fuming.
And he apologized three days later, because we almost got into it.
He almost got into it with other people, and I got why he was mad.
I mean, he was totally violated.
But see, it's bad that he felt violated, isn't it?
He should just give in to it.
To women and men knowing full well who he is, rubbing all over him and laughing.
I think the funniest story always was the Joe Rogan story, and people are going to think I'm racist maybe for saying this.
It goes along with your theme today.
Oh, am I telling the story?
Absolutely, you're racist.
But the Joe Rogan story when he was like sitting there at the airport and the guy's like talking to him about fear factor.
Do people really eat cockroaches to meet all the fear factor questions while they're searching him?
And then a guy with a giant turban.
Oh yeah, exactly.
I've seen that exact type of stuff going on.
Well you know the Saudi Arabians don't have to get searched when they come into the U.S.
because they complained.
Yeah, well... And again, that's some of the real terror group is from there being funded by the government to kill Christians, but that's okay.
I guess it pays to own olive oil.
You know what, I think it's more than that.
They're working with the globalists to be able to take over the West.
It's all part of a dog and pony show.
It's crazy, man.
And what's interesting, too, is that a lot of this top marijuana research now is actually coming out of Israel.
It's kind of a crazy, ironic twist.
Well, that was racist to say the word Israel.
Oh, sorry.
You can bleep it out on the road.
I'm not joking.
I was at Martin Springs.
There were two Hispanics and a white guy.
And they're sitting there in the water.
And two of them get out.
One white guy, a Hispanic guy.
I just say this so people know.
They felt politically like they'd done something wrong as well.
So I just...white people.
And the Hispanic guy goes,
And they were obviously been smoking pot until they were stoned.
They go, man, let's go up to Sons of Sons and get that great Chinese food!
Yelling like 20 yards to them.
And they go, shh, don't say Chinese.
And they were looking around serious.
They think, people now think the word, like if you say black, it's racist, or white, it's racist.
I mean, this is, what do you call this, Kevin?
Or Mexican.
I've always been taught the word Mexican is the bad word.
Oh yeah.
That's the evil word, right?
That's the word you're not allowed to use.
Everything's bad.
Although Mexico is a giant country just right over there.
Practically see it from here.
That's racist, racist, racist.
I don't know what you're talking about.
But the film's not just about that.
You get into a child with cancer.
You follow that.
I mean, it's incredible.
I mean, a big part of this, we're trying to tie in, the running theme of the film is children are the ultimate victims of all this.
And a huge part of the film is this incredible saga about a little boy named Cash Hyde who's diagnosed when he was two years old with a peanut-sized brain tumor.
And after having, like, huge radiation and chemo and surgery and all the, like, horrible Western things, he's in a coma for 40 days, hasn't eaten for 40 days, the doctors are telling the parents to make funeral arrangements, and that's when the mother and father start sneaking in this cannabis oil, this highly controversial cannabis oil that's reportedly curing cancer all over the world.
And the mother, who's a nurse, she's a registered nurse, so she knows what she's doing, they start putting this stuff into the little boy's feeding tube, and the little boy pops out of the coma.
And the doctors and everybody at the hospital are like, it's a miracle, it's a miracle, it's Christmas, they're calling it the Christmas miracle.
And in the story, he's like, well yeah, it's a miracle.
It was a miracle of cannabis.
And when the hospital staff finds out what they did, that's kind of where our story starts.
And one of my favorite clips in there is when they're on Dr. Drew, and Dr. Drew is kind of like giving him a stern lecture for going against hospital.
Just, I know you're trying to save your child's life, but you should never go against hospital.
Well, you know the CPS now takes kids if you ask for a second opinion.
That's crazy, man.
It's crazy.
There's no end to it.
You know, we're in the middle of it right now.
I mean, Trey and I, we have another foster daughter right now.
It's a tough road, because once these kids get in the system, for them to be able to adjust.
I mean, another problem too that we don't even go into in the movie is that once these kids are in the system, they become so dependent on everything.
I mean, we had some foster girls with us a long time ago.
Um, they didn't even know how to make a sandwich.
They didn't know how to, they didn't know how to use a microwave oven.
Stay there.
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Alright, we got Kevin Boothlis a little bit in the next hour.
Then I'm going to get into a bunch of news that I've got to get to on the economy, on the Middle East.
I will get to it.
Not all the distractions.
And then, of course, we will talk to Mike Adams.
And I haven't been taking calls the last few days because we've just been so incredibly jam-packed with news.
But this Sunday, I pledge to try to take two hours of calls.
I want to come in, cover a few news items, two hours of calls, Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central find station listings at InfoWars.com or free audio feeds and the free podcast and the free iPhone app and Droid apps at InfoWars.com forward slash show or on the front page of sites like PrisonPlanet.com and you can get American Drug War 2 the Wall Street Journal calls a game-changing moment for both film and entertainment industry as well as the cannabis industry and I gotta be honest with you I watched this about a month ago
And almost had to turn it off because it's so sad.
And I'm telling you, folks, because it's real and I have empathy.
Anybody who has any humanity has empathy.
This needs to be given to police and CPS workers.
This is a powerful truth weapon, folks.
And Kevin, I'm very excited.
By the way, just briefly, coming up in the next hour, Saudi King calls on Arabs to stand with Egypt and to stand with the military because they say there's foreign attempts to destabilize and bring down the nation.
That's Saudi Arabia breaking with the West.
That's the truth, by the way.
And I'm not defending the disgusting Saudi establishment, but they're not one-tenth as evil as the globalists, even though they're part of it.
Uh, that shows really that Saudi Arabia understands the West did this to try to bring down the whole region into chaos, even, quote, allies.
Yeah, they kicked Hosni Mubarak out three years ago, so I'm gonna be breaking that down.
This is a big deal.
This could lead to just...
Mega massive geopolitical events.
Kevin, going back to American Drug War 2, available at Infowarsstore.com or folks can call 888-253-3139 to get it exclusively out of the gates discounted $14.95.
But ladies and gentlemen,
This is exciting, because I've read the reviews.
Your last film was great, aired on, what was it, Showtime and a bunch of others.
But this one's got even better reviews from what I've seen.
I think it is even a more hard hitting.
And even groups that normally you'd think would attack you, big magazines, conservative groups, Wall Street Journal, have come out and said this really changed their mind.
I mean, I think you've hit it out of the park on this one.
Uh, yeah, I appreciate that.
I mean, you know, there's just not a lot you could say when you watch the story.
And I don't want to, you know, give a spoiler alert to the people out there that haven't seen it yet.
And because, you know, I think the first time that you see it is when it really hits you the hardest.
And, uh, having to edit such a, such a sad, powerful film was, uh, was an experience all, all of itself.
You know, I mean, after, after working on this film, I, I needed like a break.
I needed to go work on some silly stuff.
You know, I needed to do another Ninja Bachelor party or something.
Um, but,
Yeah, I mean, there's just not a lot you can say when you watch how the things turn out for the children in this movie and what happens to the children.
There's no way you can disprove what happens in this movie.
It's not some conspiracy.
It's not something that anybody can doubt.
There's no room for doubt when you watch this film.
It's kind of interesting too that Sanjay Gupta just came out with this.
Special on CNN the other night called Weed.
Well, stay there, we're gonna come back.
But, I mean, in the InfoWars magazine, we've had, like, hemp oil advertisers.
No THC, different plant.
And I get calls from, like, good old boy family going, what are you doing promoting marijuana?
I mean, the level, the level of ignorance about this is astounding.
Stay there, we'll come right back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are now into hour number three, finishing up with my old friend Kevin Booth.
That's how I got to meet Joe Rogan back in, like, 1998.
And he's a filmmaker, best-selling author, and he's made the new American Drug War 2 that really shows, from all different angles, how it's hurting children.
The drug war.
And it's available at Infowarsstore.com.
You support his work, my work, when you get it there.
But most importantly, you get a powerful tool to wake up, folks.
Because, you know, whenever I talked about that little girl,
Who got her, uh, Alexandra, or Alexandria Hill, who got her head bashed in, reportedly by her foster mother, who was, whose husband was a two-time convicted drug dealer, because the neighbors smelled marijuana and they came and asked him, do you smoke pot?
And he said, yeah.
So, Williamson County took their kids and the family lined up and said, yeah, shouldn't have kids if you smoke pot.
And I heard people in the YouTube comments and saw the comments, people made videos saying they, she deserves it.
You served you right, dopers!
And I don't even smoke pot, as you know, Kevin.
I mean, I've been at your house many times and you're having a movie showing or a party.
We used to live in Austin and, you know, I'd drink one beer and wouldn't smoke pot when people were smoking it.
I mean, I don't smoke pot very often and because I don't really like it particularly.
But my whole issue is there's all these other medical things involved in it, and the demonization of pot smokers.
This is how slavery works.
Well, they're black, so they deserve to be slaves, so they're bad.
Or they're pot smokers, they deserve to be slaves.
This is just modern slavery that criminal groups want to feed on.
And then you learn the government's pushing deadly psychotropics on little kids.
They really are sick.
And anybody that gets arrested or ticketed or takes somebody's kids for smoking marijuana, you're the criminals.
You're as bad as the Nazis.
You're dirtbag scum.
I wanted to say that.
I agree.
Well, closing comments, Kevin, and the whole point about people don't even get that hemp is something totally separate that's outlawed, too.
Well, there's a lot of different aspects.
I mean, hemp has basically been allowed.
You can grow hemp in every industrialized nation except for the United States.
Now, I think that's just recently changed in Kentucky.
But American companies are allowed to make hemp-based products.
You know, there's hemp cereal and different grains and food and clothing and different fibers.
But they have to chip it in so they control it.
Uh, they've discovered some little village in China recently where everybody living there is, uh, been eating this one type of hemp and there's, that grows the size of trees and they use the hemp in their soups and their, and everything.
Oh yeah, I read about that.
I read about that.
And the average death age is like 110.
Like, supposedly there's somebody that's like 130-something years old there, and the average death age is like over 100 years old.
And these people never touch Western medicine, nothing.
And so, it's pretty incredible.
So, yeah, the government's done an amazing job at demonizing a plant and calling it some, like, horrific, addictive substance, when really, in reality, just back,
Like a hundred years ago, it was derivatives of cannabis and hemp were in every single doctor's little black bag until David Rockefeller came in, basically created all the American medical societies and switched over the entire thinking of Western medicine from plant-based to chemical-based.
You know what?
Stop there.
I'm going to hold you over five more minutes and give you the floor to give the history stuff that you break down as well.
And really give us the cannabis news and how this is cannabis destiny.
The film available at Infowarsstore.com exclusively.
But what's amazing, folks, is it's always the Rockefellers.
They created Hitler.
They created Margaret Sanger.
They created the fake left movement to disenfranchise minorities and bragged how they do it.
I mean, and you read the books they wrote.
It's not like...
You know, Kevin's saying the same thing I say, because that's what he went and researched and found.
I mean, it's just these pieces of garbage.
It's like the devil.
They are the devil.
We'll be right back with Kevin Booth straight ahead to give us a cannabis news update and other incredible tidbits.
But recap what you just said when we come back and get back into that history.
And then I'll hit the big news in the Middle East.
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Hello, this is Hank Hill, and I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones.
Yeah, yeah.
InfoWorth.com, yeah.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Yeah, old Mike judges me back in Austin soon.
Not name-dropping, I'm just actually looking forward to it.
Going out and hearing some live music.
He'll just jump right up there and play as good as anybody.
My buddy Jimmy Vaughn, he's a famous blues singer, brother Stevie Ray Vaughn, and he talks about the fact that only a really good musician knows this stuff.
I just know Mike Judge is an incredible musician that you just heard lead us in.
But he said, no, no, he used to be in big bands.
He's as good as it gets.
And this is from somebody that's got a whole bunch of Grammys.
So, just amazing, multi-talented patriot, Mike Judge.
I don't know why I just said that, why I brought that up.
I just need to call him and text him back and go hang out with Mike Judge.
You know, that's the good news here, is that so many cool, smart people are awake to the New World Order.
And people like, of course, our guests have been awake to it for a very long time.
Kevin Booth, award-winning filmmaker, his new film, American Drug War 2, available at the Wall Street Journal, calls the film a game-changing moment for both the film and entertainment industry, as well as the cannabis industry, the Wall Street Journal.
That's just some of the
Incredible headlines.
I mean, this is a powerful film.
Infowarsstore.com, a powerful tool to wake people up.
I'm going to get into the big geopolitical news and have some breaking food news coming up.
But speaking about this...
When I've had, say, a hundred copies of my magazine, I drop them off on a visiting family in East Texas.
They give it to other family, and the other family who loves me goes, we're worried about Alex.
He's pushing dope in his magazine.
And it was hemp oil that's a different version of the plant
Hundreds of studies, conservatively, about how incredible it is for lowering cholesterol, the heart, the brain.
I mean, it's like coconut oil.
I mean, it's just really got a lot of the same attributes.
I guess it's cannabinoids or what, you know, but it's a subsection of those.
And then it doesn't have the THC or whatever.
And it's just the ignorance.
And here's another one.
Infowars.com has a link to the ABC news piece.
Mother threatened for feeding baby goats milk instead of GMO soy formula.
It's on record the soy makes women hyperfeminine and boys feminine and leads to breast cancer.
On major studies.
It's on record their brains don't grow as much.
It's on record the formula on average is 75% sugar and stuff like high fructose corn syrup.
We've done reports on it.
I mean, they've had cases where the formula's killing kids worldwide.
Guys, Google a formula that causes thousands to die in China, you know, where they even get more sugar and less protein and fat.
So, they're persecuting people that give their babies things that they need, but then they're persecuting... This shows how predatory the system is.
So, Kevin, you've got the floor.
You were getting into your research about the Rockefellers and the medicine system.
Recap all that and then give us a five-minute overall cannabis news report.
Okay, well once again back just about a hundred years ago Most of all of our medicine was plant-based and in almost every back and back in the day doctors used to carry the little black bag And in every doctor's black bag was all types of different cannabis oils and hemp oil and it correct you slightly there The hemp plant is the non psychoactive cousin to the cannabis plant now There's cannabis plants now that that they've bred to have just CBDs instead of THC THC is what gets you high
Look, I know you're the expert.
All I'm saying for laymen out there is, regular hemp will not do anything to you.
Yeah, it's just for fiber.
Yeah, it's just for food and fiber and fuel, basically.
You can't, you could smoke 20 pounds of hemp.
And it's a wonder product, better than DuPont.
They lobbied to get rid of it because it would be better than polyester, but go ahead.
And yeah, and they were able to lump it together into one classification called marijuana, and that's how they got rid of it, and that ties back into William Randolph Hearst and the logging industry and all that.
I mean, so it's like the Hearsts and the Rockefellers that have like a huge history of promoting the drug war agenda.
And so when the Rockefellers took over all the medical foundations around 1913, starting in that period,
Uh, they switched the whole thinking of Western medicine from plant-based, which before then there wasn't, like, this huge cancer rate, into chemical-based.
And it just so happened that they owned all the chemical plants.
They owned all the processing.
And it turns out that David Rockefeller didn't even take his own medicine, that David Rockefeller lived to be over 100, and he stuck with plant-based medicine.
Uh, which just goes to show that he wasn't even taking what he was prescribed.
He had a full-time, old-fashioned, plant-based MD that was biased all the time.
That's on record, yeah.
Yeah, so it's very interesting.
Now, another aspect of this that we haven't covered today that's in the movie is that, and for any doubters out there, in 2003, look this up, our very own Department of Health and Human Services obtained the patent for cannabinoids to be used as
We're good to go.
Out of England, to basically how to tear the marijuana plant down and to turn it into a bunch of different pharmaceutical things that they can patent.
And because you can't patent the entire marijuana plant because it's made out of over 60 cannabinoids and so many compounds, it's unpatentable.
And that's why you can't just get the marijuana plant as is through the FDA process.
But the way the FDA is set up, it's a catch-22 where they go round and round.
So a lot of these companies, the one company in our film,
Is Cannabis Science out of Denver, Dr. Bob, a really cool, amazing guy who I've been friends with for a long time.
They're trying to get the natural derivative of marijuana through the FDA process.
And that in itself has been, you know, just an incredible feat.
And so basically it's a race against time, but you've got these more evil-minded pharmaceutical companies that are basically, their goal in all this
Cannabinoid for menstrual cramps.
This one's a spray.
This is a pill.
This is a syrup.
This is a salve.
They want to break it down like that.
They don't want you to be able to grow the one single plant that's the end all.
And they've tried to brainwash the public into thinking that only a crazy person would believe that you could have one answer to all these different problems.
They want you to believe that you have to have a separate medication for every little teeny tiny ailment that you have.
But George Washington did smoke it.
You can look it up.
They called it Stomachache Hemp, Toothache Hemp.
He grew hemp.
He grew a bunch of other stuff.
But he grew what they called the Toothache Hemp and the Stomachache Hemp.
And that was the kind that, you know, you got a toothache or whatever.
You got a stomachache.
You get your pipe out.
You don't smoke tobacco, which you also grew.
You know, George Washington smoked marijuana.
He needs to be arrested right now.
Well, and I guess they say the Declaration of Independence was actually drafted on hemp paper.
I mean, like, you know, our wars have been fought with hemp, using hemp for the sales of the ships.
Hemp sales, hemp rows, hemp uniforms.
It just goes on.
Yeah, I mean, we went through, I mean, there's the whole hemp for victory period where they actually, there's actually a period in our history where you had to grow hemp.
You know, so it's a very crazy history with the hemp plant.
And there's a little chapter in our film about that, about a guy named Dr. Bronner, who
That's the other secret!
It grows anywhere!
Yeah, Chinese people.
People in China now are having a hemp renaissance.
China is getting way ahead of America now on all this hemp R&D.
The whole thing because all of us Americans have our hands tied with these ridiculous laws.
Well, China and other countries are out there racing ahead of us on this deal.
And it's just another way for us to be left behind and we're going to have to buy all our products and get our research from other countries because of these laws.
Well, that's because the globalists are all invested in China.
We're not allowed to have anything.
Everything's being shut down.
And I tell you, cops pull me over sometimes, usually it's state police, and they go, got any drugs in there?
I'm like, no, I don't have the drugs the government brings in.
And I don't have marijuana.
You know, it just makes me so sick.
I mean, I'm just so sick of it.
Yeah, man, it's a sad situation, you know, but it's also crazy.
I mean, there is some good news on the horizon.
I mean, it's interesting to go to Denver right now.
I just got back from Denver again since I was on your show again, and I'm filming a thing out there.
All I can say is that Denver is probably a lot like Chicago was when they ended prohibition.
I mean, it is basically people in the streets smoking and, you know, I mean, everybody's, you know, I mean, everybody's got a joint in their pipe in their hands.
It's kind of crazy and funny to see what happens when prohibition ends.
I hope they don't ruin it by kind of going overboard and becoming a bad example for the rest of the country.
But, you know, it just got completely legalized for recreational in Colorado.
And Washington State, so it's an interesting time to keep your eyes on that.
So, you know, where there is a lot of stuff, there is also a lot of forward movement in ending the drug war.
So it's a battle.
We're still at a tipping point.
Well, great job, Kevin.
People can get the film at InfoWarsTore.com.
Very important to wake up friends and family.
I'll say this, though, as a proviso, and you've said this on air last time you were on, and we've said it privately.
There's extremes in everything.
The drug war is one of the biggest evils ever to kill our Constitution.
It has to end.
When you have drug prohibition, it makes more drug use happen, makes it avant-garde, makes criminal groups make money off of it, so it's evil up one side and down the other.
But the total pothead movement, where they get it so strong now, and just, I mean, you can abuse marijuana, you can abuse aspirin, you can abuse coconut oil,
I mean, there are a lot of people abusing marijuana.
Now, I don't think they should have their kids taken away, unless they're actually hurting their kids, but, I mean, you've admitted to me there's some really people getting screwed up on pot.
I mean, pot is not God, and it's not perfect.
Well, I mean, but this is kind of like what happens with Prohibition, right?
This is the reaction.
That's why it's interesting to go to Denver and see what's happening in Denver right now, because this is what happens when Prohibition gets lifted in one little area and that people jump to these extremes.
It's also very interesting to note, and this is in the film as well, you know, that you hear the same thing about, like, well, the marijuana today is no longer your parents' woodstock pot.
It's way stronger.
But because of Prohibition, they've made the pot stronger.
Well done, Kevin!
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Alright folks, I've got my reporters on it.
And quite frankly, Kevin's a great guy.
I probably should have just cancelled him today, but I cancelled him yesterday because of such big news on the attack on the First Amendment in this country across the board.
And then I got him on again today, and it's important news about the drug war, but it just pales in significance.
But I'm just kind of apologizing on air, not for Kevin, he's a great guest, an intelligent guy, that we should have been covering.
More what's happening in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Libya, you name it.
Because this could lead to World War III.
And a lot of analysts are saying that.
But let me tell you who is covering it.
Let's put them up on screen.
Video shows urban warfare in central Cairo.
That's the capital of Egypt, folks.
I know most of you know that, but in case you have new listeners.
Guns don't scare us anymore.
Hundreds and hundreds dead.
The last few days.
Some jump off bridges to avoid gunfire.
At least 27 dead more in new clashes today.
Tourism faces meltdown.
Yeah, that's the only thing propping up the economy.
Reuters has a live feed.
Dozens of phone calls from Obama, Hagel, Kerry ignored by top general.
Yeah, well, Obama's gone to Martha's Vineyard to vacation again and go boating some.
Saudi King calls on Arabs to stand with Egypt.
Egyptian military.
Promises to rebuild Christian churches.
Good job for them.
Now, over on the left hand or right hand side of Drudge, he has the real key intel.
The Nile runs red.
Incoherent Obama policy under fire as violence spreads.
Speak softly and carry no stick.
credibility in tatters.
Peace, killer of U.S.
Marine released.
POTUS, party time on Martha's Vineyard, I just mentioned that.
Rand slams Congress for funding.
How does your conscience feel now?
That's funding Morrissey, which Rand warned against.
Congressional Stafford, and it just goes on from there.
Now, here's why you need to go read all those articles on redreport.com so you have the facts about what I'm about to tell you.
To explain things, I don't have time to get into the whole geopolitical breakdown, but basically there's this.
You watch the movie Lawrence of Arabia, that's based on the true story of almost a hundred years ago, a little under a hundred years ago, how the British went in, founded the Bedouins to basically take over much of what is Saudi Arabia today, and Syria, and surrounding countries.
And they carved out the most radical sect of Wahhabists, like the super enforcers, holy rollers of the Muslims, basically.
Of the Sunnis, of the majority group, the Brits are always smart with their empire.
They want me to deal with the biggest group, 80% of Islam, and the most radical sect of that, which was like 1%, but now is the majority basically in control of Saudi Arabia.
And projecting their empire worldwide, and they've got to deal with the globalists, okay?
And you go back three years ago with Hosni Mubarak, who was a 31-year dictator, trained in the West.
But was a stabilizer, just like Saddam.
Folks, he said, I'm not giving Libya to Al-Qaeda and the radicals.
They're too dangerous, you want to destabilize things.
They had him house-arrest, drugged up, you never heard from him again.
And they carried out this program that's in the PENAC documents, and that Wesley Clark also talked about, a plan to bring down eight countries, to de-industrialize them and create absolute squalor, put in radicals, so the Pentagon's got somebody to bomb.
And could have no-bid weapons contracts, black hole.
Not a US interest, as has been pointed out by many, many top analysts we've had on.
An interest of defense contractors.
...themselves owned and run by hedge fund hyenas that just look at bottom lines.
These people are going to cause World War III, according to every top analyst out there.
Left, right, center, conservative, libertarian.
But Rand Paul and Ron Paul have had the nerve to come out and say it and be attacked by all the neocons and all the authoritarian left people.
And you've got the authoritarian left, the neocons, circling the wagons together, trying to put Al-Qaeda in all over the Middle East, raising unholy hell, okay?
And Saudi Arabia, we've heard rumblings of this from our NSA sources, Wayne Madsen and others that have proven to be very accurate in the past, Tarpley, others.
That there's a shift, and that's why Bandar Bush was his nickname, Prince Bandar, has disappeared the last few years, because he was part of a coup, counter-coup, not wanting to be, or a coup, not wanting to be part of this, reportedly.
And that Saudi Arabia, and it's a horrible corrupt elite, any corrupt elite become sick, but I mean, they're nothing compared to the New World Order.
The point is that Saudi Arabia is not going to go along with all of this.
That they understand that this is a destabilization that will finally even bring them down.
Which, by the way, is part of the plan, finally.
Saudi Arabia will be the last to fall.
And then, by the way, the UN plans to make Israel fall next.
As the final deal for world government.
This has all been charted out.
So, Saudi Arabia, then Israel.
Now, that's down the road.
But look, Saudi King calls on Arabs to stand with Egypt.
He said the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its people and government stood and stand today with the brothers in Egypt against terrorism and against the attempts by, as they said in the past, outsiders to destabilize Egypt with radical Islam.
Now, this is their own people.
We're going to explain this when we come back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
We've got a story up on Infowars.com where WikiLeaks Julian Assange says that the only hope for America is a libertarian movement led by Rand Paul and Matt Drudge.
And I think that that's really true.
All he's been doing is pointing out that putting the radical Muslim Brotherhood and Morrissey in and increasing their funding was to destabilize.
And because he's up there, he knows what's going on.
And now that's happened.
And now even Saudi Arabia has come out and said, you know, Arabs must not side with the Muslim Brotherhood and must not side with the Al Qaeda groups.
Which have been their little proxy army, because now Saudi Arabia is getting what's happening here.
And of course, they've always known.
It's all a balancing act with these different empires.
But, bottom line, the globalists want to bring down every country.
They want squalor, they want collapse that allows them to buy things up.
And I'm telling you, for three years, we've been breaking down what's going to happen in the Middle East, and it's now happening.
And this is a big, big, big deal.
Out of Reuters, Saudi King calls on Arabs to stand with Egypt.
Saudi King Abdullah called on Arabs to stand together against attempts to destabilize Egypt in a strong message of support.
Yeah, the full quote is outside destabilization.
In a strong message of support for the country's military leadership read out on Saudi television on Friday.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, its people and government stood and stands today with the brothers in Egypt against terrorism, he said.
I call on the honest men of Egypt and the Arabs of all Muslim nations to stand as one man with one heart in the face of attempts to destabilize a country that is the forefront of Arab and Muslim history, he added.
Saudi Arabia was close ally with former President Hazem Mubarak.
Historically had a different relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood.
It pledged five billion to aid Egypt after Mohammed Morsi, the Brotherhood, was ousted from the presidency last month.
And that just further proves their siding
against Obama.
And let me tell you, there's big splits in the Pentagon, big splits in even the CFR.
I mean, you see them out there saying, this is crazy.
I mean, we do crazy stuff, but I mean, we're going to put basically Al-Qaeda in charge and the Egyptian military.
I never support military mowing down people, but when our news says... I saw this last time on CNN.
I was walking through the coffee room about nine at night.
They were like,
Yes, protesters firebombed and shot the military.
That isn't protesters firebombing and shooting.
They call them protesters in Libya and Syria when they're burning down churches.
And now the Egyptian military promises to rebuild Christian churches.
They have been protecting Christians that are being ethically cleansed and they're attacking the military bases.
And you know who's given them weapons and training.
I mean, folks, they want to take every stable pro-America country and bring them down over there.
Why is that?
Or a country that's third-party and neutral, because they want total chaos.
They're globalists.
They are playing all our countries off against each other.
It's called full-spectrum dominance, where the globalists fund the al-Qaeda and the Taliban, who then fund subgroups that don't even know they're funded by the central banks, who then fight U.S.
So the U.S.
soldiers have an excuse to be there, so the opium can be grown, so the no-bid contracts can be given by the trillions.
This is the plan!
Remember the guy 15 years ago in New York got caught?
Hundreds of windshields for years got knocked out every night with a ball-peen hammer, and the police detective finally noticed.
He looked this up.
Billboards everywhere for inexpensive windshield repair that just happened to be the perfect type for what was happening with the ball-peen.
The spot windshield crack repair and they staked out and they caught the guy knocking windows out.
The owner at night would go out in just an hour and bust windshields.
That's the new world order.
Busting windshields.
La la la la la la la la.
Totally amoral.
Playing all sides scientifically.
Might as well be Borg landing from the planet Snoopy or something doing this.
I mean the hypothetical folks for the New York Times says I believe there's a planet Snoopy in the border going to land.
Alright, now shifting gears to give you an example of how the establishment has turned food into something entirely different.
I want to show you just so you know the history of this.
What's in fast food?
What's in the non-chicken half of the McNugget oven compost?
Here's a London Guardian.
Ten gross ingredients you didn't know were in your food.
Chicken McNuggets from McDonald's have a breakdown of silicone, or flat-out silicone, silly putty, and breast implant filler in it.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, you cannot make this up.
Well, Mike Adams of the Health Ranger Report, of course, at NaturalNews.com, right here in Central Texas with us,
He always is hiring outside labs to do tests.
Well, they've now set up their own labs, and they've brought in their own people.
And he's got a factory outside town, puts out his great products and everything.
And we've got a video up on InfoWars.com that shows what's in it.
And folks, this makes the pink slime look nutritious.
And he joins us now to give us the first big interview breaking this down.
Mike Adams, you described this in your text to me this morning as more Gellons-like materials.
What is going on, sir?
Hi Alex, thanks for having me on.
Yeah, we just launched the Natural News Forensic Food Laboratory and this is our first research project.
You may have noticed that I haven't been covering politics as much lately because I've been in the lab and we are taking a really close look at foods.
We started with chicken McNuggets and
So we have a really high-end, it's like a $100,000 microscope that we have access to now as part of this lab.
It's a 3D modeling digital microscope and we're able to look very closely at chicken McNuggets.
And if you do that, you find some shocking things.
We found mysterious fibers that resemble Morgellons or resemble some kind of hairs.
Or resemble even algae, or one thing looks like an egg-shaped structure with a tail.
I don't know exactly what these are that someone else who's maybe an expert in this realm would be able to tell us.
Maybe proteins forming ring structures, because they reconstituted them.
I'm telling you, but the thing is, Alex, I did not find anything that, to me, looked like chicken.
So, it's a chicken McNugget, and you would expect to find things that look like chicken meat fibers or strands of meat tissue.
I personally, after hours and hours of looking at multiple chicken McNuggets, I did not find anything that looked like chicken.
I found weird alien shapes.
I found like transparent, it looks like silicone to me.
I found gel-like structures.
I found, you know, these weird fibers and things that look like hair of some kind.
It freaked me out.
I literally almost puked on the microscope.
It was that bizarre.
And Alex, we're just getting started.
I also bought a Big Mac.
I'm going to look at the beef patty under the microscope.
I'm going to go
I'm not going to give out the names of where I'm going, but I'm going to other fast food chains and we're going to put these foods under the microscope and report forensically, scientifically, exactly what we're finding there.
And by the way, I'm showing folks the London Guardian here from several years ago pointing out that it has silicone.
Uh, in it from silly putty and breast implants.
Now, by the way, just a little bit of that leaking into women, everyone knows, caused lupus and autoimmune disorders and even deaths in some of the confirmed cases, but it's okay for you to eat it.
And just as a layman, Mike, I've done research, I know you've gone to all the medical experts, but doesn't silicone actually clog up the kidneys and attack the intestines and everything else?
I mean, I don't mean to be an extremist, but we probably shouldn't be eating silicone, especially fried silicone.
Or is that extreme to say?
Well, it's a compound form of silicone.
It's not the same thing exactly that's used in breast implants.
It's a variation of it, but I agree with you.
These elements, these compounds, are not food, okay?
They don't belong in the human body, and across the board, I'm not talking about just chicken McNuggets, but across the board, when you have all of these additives in foods that are not foods themselves,
You begin to see patterns of kidney function problems.
You begin to see digestive problems.
You begin to see Crohn's disease, which is inflammation of the digestive tract.
All kinds of disorders come out of this, and I got to tell you, this is my new focus, Alex, is to run this forensic food laboratory throughout the year.
I'm going to be bringing you, as time allows, if you're interested... Oh, absolutely!
Really amazing reports of what we're finding, not just with microscopy, but also some other tests.
I'm not going to give out what we're doing yet, but it is stuff that's going to shock the world.
I think today the FDA needs to take a look at this.
You know, the FDA jumps on raw milk because of what's supposed to be, what's in the milk.
Oh, they take people's children and try to take their children if they feed them goat's milk.
I think the entire family should be executed.
And then they say, well, this is okay to have these weird fibers and hairs in chicken McNuggets because it's all dead food, so therefore it's not harmful.
Look, I'm not saying these structures are harmful, but we need to investigate.
And people have brought to my attention today the topic that you have covered a lot, Morgellons.
This mysterious disease that the CDC says doesn't even exist, and yet people keep finding all this evidence of weird fibers.
Well, they do have medical doctors that say it is real, yeah.
Yes, yes.
But the establishment says, you know, they're not acknowledging it yet.
Well, we found things in these chicken McNuggets that resemble Morgellons.
I'm not saying it is Morgellons.
We can't say that yet, but it resembles them and that alone is pretty frightening to me.
Well, let me expand on this because according to the medical reports even CNN's done, this dimethypolysiloxane, how do you say the
So how do you pronounce it correctly?
The stuff that's in silicone that they fry in, not just McDonald's.
Let's not single them out.
I was reading that this is used in hundreds of not just fast foods, but products that have a quote, any type of breading for the fluffing in the frying process.
It's an anti-foaming agent is what it's used for.
And you find, throughout the food supply, some of the research that we're doing, for example, you'll find polypropylene glycol very commonly used in, like, fake blueberries, used in blueberry muffins and breads.
And polypropylene glycol is an antifreeze that's used to winterize RVs.
And it's listed by the... I saw that in the mainstream news.
Well, what's wrong with that?
I mean, shouldn't we give our dogs and cats little bowls of it?
Well, I think the big picture of all this, Alex, why are the globalists able to pull off what they're doing right now in Egypt and with America trying to destroy the real constitutional roots of our nation?
It's because they can dumb people down through the food supply.
They can poison you with the food.
It's not just the chemicals, it's also the heavy metals.
We know that lead and cadmium and so on in large quantities.
I'm not talking about just trace amounts like parts per billion.
I'm talking about big amounts.
Yeah, I was reading a Washington Post that 40 plus percent of all sugared processed foods have high levels of lead in them.
Why is that?
Where is all this coming from?
That has bio-accumulated all the big pharma drugs, everything.
Yes, the metals are accumulated there.
You can get a lot of metals from eating, let's say, shrimp from China, for example.
Loaded with, well, some of it is loaded with mercury.
And even if you don't eat a lot of bad stuff, it doesn't matter.
The plants you're eating are having the, that most of the big sewage places are producing, they're having the human,
I think.
Of a mind control weapon of sorts.
And it's very effective at keeping people dumbed down to the point where they will buy any other agenda out there.
Look at this article out of Live Science.
It's also out of Haratz.
It's also from the Israeli government on George Washington's blog.
Link's right through to it.
Israel's Supreme Court has outlawed water fluoridation, saying it reduces IQ and gives you cancer.
Sounds like they're pretty extremist there.
They've said, quote, Israel's Supreme Court has ruled that water fluoridation in the country must end next year.
According to news reports, the landmark decision goes even further than legislation by the health minister.
Yield German, good for them, wish we had him as a health minister, earlier in the year that would have ended mandatory fluoridation nationwide, reports the Irish publication, Hot Press.
And then in Washington's blog, it links through to the Israeli government doing that.
So, wow, I wonder what's happening also.
They're ending the practice in Portland, Oregon.
They're ending it in most of New Zealand, many cities like Calgary in Canada.
Tampa ended it, but then they reversed the law.
Boy, I tell ya, there are a lot of crazy people that read the Harvard study that it brain damages us.
Well, the big news on fluoride, which is going to come out in more detail, and in fact, your team did an excellent video report on this, I think, last year in Austin.
An undercover hidden camera report, remember that?
The big story on fluoride is that the fluoride powder that is bought to dump into the water supply is absolutely loaded with heavy metals.
Oh yeah, that's from China mainly.
They admit it.
It's hundreds of things, yeah.
Yes, chemical compounds, industrial waste, heavy metals.
If the truth gets out on what's in fluoride, it's going to be the largest public health scandal in human history.
It is an extremely toxic substance, toxic not only to neurology but also to the kidneys.
And Alex, if you damage your kidneys, you can't process vitamin D.
Meaning you can be in the sun and you can take vitamin D supplements, but you can't turn it into blood-soluble, blood-circulating vitamin D. How extreme?
You know, how dare you?
Because we've got news reports where they admit up to 350 chemicals in the Chinese fluoride.
That's the majority of fluoride here.
It's all their toxic waste.
Lead, mercury, arsenic, cobalt, uranium, plutonium, strontium.
What is wrong with that?
China is using the United States water municipalities as its toxic waste disposal
Well, but that's good!
It's good to have your child die, isn't it?
I guess, but it's certainly effective at keeping people dumbed down.
Well, thank God Homeland Security is keeping us safe from Al-Qaeda right now.
Right, but they'll let China ship in toxic metals to be put right into the mouths of babies.
It's absolutely incredible.
The crimes against humanity that are taking place through food and water and medicine right now are just absolutely astonishing.
But we are going to be working on this now with a whole new level of laboratory equipment and training that I've gone through to be a certified lab technician on a lot of different pieces of equipment.
We're going to blow the lid on this stuff, Alex, and that's my new focus.
So I appreciate you
Sure, I know you've been hiring a lot of firms to do that in the past, but now you're doing it.
Very exciting.
Mike Adams, NaturalNews.com.
But you know, none of it matters.
MSNBC says that this is a hate-filled show connected to the Boston bombing and that I'm deeply racist, Mike.
I don't believe that.
I actually started writing an article in your defense to say publicly, I've been around you in person, I've never seen you act in any kind of racist way.
In fact, you've always gone out of your way to protect African American babies against the abortions.
That's racist.
The Holocaust.
You've gone out of your way to talk about vitamin D needed among people with dark skin because of how they can't generate it from sunlight as much.
You've gone out of your way, actually, to help free all Americans, for them to call you racist or anything.
It just discredits them.
Well, then they didn't show where I was racist either.
It's like, it's so over the top, I don't know whether to sue them or... Sue them!
I would sue them.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, we'll see.
Thank you, Mike.
Good to talk to you.
The Health Ranger.
Big news on the McDougals.
Thank you, sir.
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Imagine a crime drama, let's say, fictitiously on ABC, just for the sake of argument, where they catch a villain who works at the water treatment plant, adding, let's be conservative, 10 different radioactive isotopes in high levels, known to give you pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, intestinal cancer, to hurt eyesight, to destroy your kidneys.
It would be, oh my gosh, the investigators would find them, they'd get the death penalty.
But they ship in from Florida where they do some of the mining for uranium, Colorado, but mainly China.
Whatever's left from it.
But then they have all the other toxic waste plants, the aluminum purification smelting, the fertilizer production where they're not allowed under law because there's old regulations to put toxic waste on the crops.
Unless it's from human waste, that's how they get around that.
So they take all that, put it in a bag, and have cities pay for it and put it in the water.
So we're not even debating fluoride here!
And in one newscast they did a study and found over 300, this is years ago, I'm glad Mike's gonna do it and get all the numbers and show what he finds.
We've shown this newscast before, it was a local newscast, they got it like Wisconsin.
350 plus deadly chemicals in it, I mean high levels.
And when this all came out, because I was talking about it, Rick Perry signed an order, you can look this up, in Texas blocking the release that every municipal water supply
In the state of Texas, it fluoridates.
It just so happened.
It's about 75% of them at the time.
That was about four years ago.
Had high levels of radiation.
So the local news heard me talk about this.
Austin's done it.
Outside cities have done it.
We ought to find those newscasts.
Play them again.
I've played them many times.
They went over the Geiger counters and it's like, you know, 10, 12, 15 times what it should be.
High radiation.
And then the state all acted dumb and said, we don't know what, gee, we don't have... And Rick Perry then signed an order, because he loves you, he's so conservative, to block all of that.
So, I'm going to explain this to you again.
Lobbyists on record would have to store all this toxic waste, but they get paid to come pay off your city.
Austin pays over a million dollars a year to put what they call fluoride in the water.
And it's totally secret what brand they buy.
They won't release it.
They're about to get sued.
That's some inside baseball over all this.
It's finally going to happen.
But just where I live.
So, you need to filter your water.
And this is a plug at the end of the show.
Go get a Pro-Pure water filter with Pro-1 that has the special filtration system to massively reduce fluoride.
Fluoride is so hard to get out.
It's so small.
One of the smallest little molecules out there.
You can look it up.
Or elements, I guess.
But the point is, it massively reduces it all with the Pro-1 all-in-one filter.
They have some other filter systems as well.
The Coptic Glyphosates, all that kind of stuff.
The Roundup Ready that's just absolutely devastating people on record.
And it's a win-win-win.
You fund the operation, our news division, the radio show, the films.
We need your support.
We're spending every dime coming in right now.
So I just sell stuff that I believe in and I use myself, and hopefully we can fund ourselves.
And thanks to everybody that supports us, everybody that sends out our links on Twitter, everybody that passes them on on their email, their Facebook, everybody that supports our sponsors, supports our local affiliates, but really get your Pro-1 water filter system, Pro-Pure, with promo code WATER, 10% off.
at InfoWarsStore.com or call right now and use the promo code WATER to get 10% off all the ProPure water systems, 888-253-3139.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 888-253-3139.
And you know we're under attack for a reason.
We know what we're talking about.
If we were lying about this stuff, we'd be sued into the ground in days.
Okay, I wish this stuff wasn't true every day.
I wish somebody could prove this stuff wrong.
Triple 8.
With the far far left, they're talking about the conspiracy to put fluoride in the water.
And who did 9-11?
Oh yeah.
Fluoride, it's good for you folks.
China shipping his toxic waste here for you and your family and I'm the bad man.
Get the... I'll see you this Sunday.
See you this Sunday.
4 to 6.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
We'll continue to follow what's happening in Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
This is big.
And it's globalist planned.
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