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Name: 20130812_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 12, 2013
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You're listening to GCN, the world leader in independent talk radio.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The different collections of mafia that infest the governments and corporations of the world are engaged in just a mass accelerated looting of every institution, every pension fund, every stock, every bond, every system.
It is a mad collectivist race to the bottom.
Run by kleptocrats who are above it, who are exempt,
Exempt from their own regulations and control systems.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Monday, the 12th day of August, 2013.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours.
And investigative journalist Heidi Stevenson is going to be popping in at the bottom of the next hour to talk about that story we got into last week.
Some on Gardasil and attacking women's ovaries.
And their fertility, not just causing autoimmune diseases, and killing people.
I mean, I know Governor Perry said it was the law to take it.
There was no law, it was a giant hoax.
But now in the aftermath, it's been banned in India, they're banning it in Japan, and scores of other nations.
But here, no, here they say now,
In more and more states, it's the law for your boys to take it.
There is no law, but they're an organized, giant crime syndicate.
And Americans love to do what they're told.
Land of the subservient, home of the coward.
More and more.
And so, people don't get mad when they publicly get lied to by criminals.
When they get lied to, they beg to be enslaved even more.
At least some of them do.
And they call those of us that don't want to be slaves scary, or extremist, or conspiracy theorist, or they make jokes about what we say, or they build straw men about what we have to say and take it out of context.
So that's the type of issue that we're dealing with here, ladies and gentlemen.
Well, where to start here today?
Obviously, if you go to DrudgeReport.com, up on the right-hand side, the top story...
There on the right hand column is a story by Paul Joseph Watson.
It's in the foreign press, but he brings it to us here in North America and Europe.
Official embassy attack threat had no basis in fact.
Funny, we broke last Thursday that they said there was going to be terror attacks with Al Qaeda on specific targets on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
And of course we then said that this is a real
And so now it's the same thing with this story up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Official embassy attack threat had no basis.
In fact, Paul Watson's going to be joining us.
He broke that story at the bottom of the hour.
And it dovetails with Curt Nemo and the story I worked on with Curt Nemo last Thursday night.
Well, I tell you, the trolls went crazy on this one, too, claiming that I put out a fake memo saying that there would be a terror attack.
Thinking people are really stupid on Infowars in the comments, and really stupid on YouTube, when clearly we say that this is a real memo, which it was confirmed later the next day to be, and on local TV, because they talked to the military and the police, but they now say the threat wasn't real, they put out a false memo.
But then, the fact that we break a big story isn't to our credit, it's to our discredit.
It just shows how bad we are.
That we're right again.
We told you all these embassy threats have been on their face fake and had experts on about that.
And now that's coming out.
But are we good?
No, no, no.
That makes us bad, bad men.
So we're going to come back and get into some really big news on that front, on the amnesty situation, on NSA spying and a lot more.
Big broadcast today.
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Oh, there's another one!
Another plane just hit!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is the 12th day of August 2013.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
And we have Paul Watson joining us with huge breaking news.
At the bottom of the hour, this news is online at InfoWars.com.
We sent it out on the Twitter at RealAlexJones and the other InfoWars Twitters and it is the top story in the right hand column of DrudgeReport.com.
Right under the headline that record number of Americans flee the United States.
Yeah, people fled Nazi Germany as well.
They were smart.
Then you ask, why am I staying here?
I think we can beat this, folks.
But official, embassy attack threat had no basis.
In fact, terror plot manufactured to dampen opposition to drone strikes.
Yeah, even the New York Times said that a lot of analysts were telling them that.
By the way, Watson should probably add that to his article.
He did a great job doing this story.
It's just that we should probably add even more back up.
A high-ranking Yemeni security official has told McClatchy.
Man, McClatchy's just so good.
That the Obama administration recently announced a terror threat which supposedly targeted U.S.
embassies, had no basis in fact, and was manufactured merely to dampen opposition to drone strikes.
I want to say this, I see more breaking news that turns out to be hardcore and accurate in McClatchy than I see in all other mainstream corporate media probably combined.
Isn't McClatchy like a private trust or something for journalism?
And I think it owns some big newspapers as well.
Look that up.
See if my memory serves.
The point is, is that, I mean, government drug dealing, government kidnapping rings, foreign banks stealing tens of trillions, IRS spying on Tea Party.
And it's kind of a liberal group too.
But like real liberals.
Like liberal and we need more freedom.
Not liberal like, I've got red carpets and I'm black so I can enslave everybody.
Where it's all just the surface.
McClatchy Company is the third largest newspaper company in the United States and a leading digital publisher declaring values of quality journalism, free expression, and community service.
Print it off for me, just see if I'm right or I'm going from memory.
But they may have some of their newspapers that are tax exempt, I don't remember.
The point is, I didn't mean to segway off.
It's just that it's so rare to see any journalistic integrity in anything big.
And I'm telling you, he continues to be McClatchy.
Forbes does a lot of good stuff.
Drudge, of course, carries it all.
DrugsReport.com, that's why it's so important, is that these things wouldn't even be seen.
I guarantee you, even if it was in McClatchy, if drugs didn't pick it up, no one would know about it, unless they happened to be reading their local paper that carries McClatchy.
I mean, this is a big deal, but we'll get into the issue of the fake terror alerts and how criminal that is with Paul Watson.
My issue is, thank God there's a few spotlights of truth
Out there.
There's a few little, few little spotlights of truth out there that in the deepening darkness, in the dusk of our age, on the edge of our time, if this evil is able to take over, that there is still lights in the darkness.
And again, another light in the darkness, mfallwars.com.
And I've asked Paul to add this to the bottom of the story because it's interconnected.
The official embassy attack had no basis in fact.
The fact that last Thursday, it comes in from one of our police sources.
I then talked to my military source and my state police source.
They go, yeah, everybody's getting that.
I said, well, why didn't you call me?
You have in the past.
And one of them said, well, Alex, we get this bull every day.
It's just that now we've been told to send this out.
And it was that Austin, 6th Street, 8th Street, a church, it listed the places in Austin, and it also listed the places in Pasadena, California that were going to be hit by well-trained Al-Qaeda forces the 8th, 9th, or two weeks out.
But they say the 8th and 9th are the prime times.
Those have now passed.
It's now the 12th.
And we wrote an article saying it's a real terror alert, but the terror itself isn't real.
An alert's been put out, but it itself is fake.
And the trolls tried to operate on dumbed-down people and said, look, Alex has put out a fake terror alert.
The alert itself isn't real.
No, the alert was real.
It's fake.
I mean, come on, folks.
You're really not that stupid, are you, out there, trolls?
I mean, I know a lot of you are paid on record and are what they call sock puppets and megaphones, but you can call the phone number on the J3 Protection Unit of the Army out at Camp Swift and also at Camp Mabry here in Austin, Texas.
I mean, that just shows the info war that's going on against us.
Because the next day it was in national news and local news that, okay, there was a terror threat, but first it was just going to be a drill.
And then we discover, oh no, they're telling the cops it's a real terror threat, but then I point out that it's fake.
It's a real terror alert, but the alert itself is fake.
There is no real terror threat.
It's meant to be a domestic political diversion to test federal control through the federal central nervous system down to the appendages, down to the digits, down to the federalized local bureaus.
And then the next day it comes out in KVUE and KXAN and national newspapers as well that okay there was an alert that was saying there was going to be an Al-Qaeda attack but that's not a credible threat now.
When really all it is is fear-mongering along with the fake threats on the 20-something embassies that have been shut down for the last week and a half and now that's come out in McClatchy newspapers.
And does the mainstream media pick me up on their shoulders and carry me around saying what a great guy?
No, they don't.
They have a big Esquire... I think it's a hit piece coming out on Friday.
John Richardson, you know, has done hundreds of big profiles of everybody you can imagine.
And generally does pretty fair profiles.
And he told me point blank, he said, no, they wanted it to be a lot nastier.
And I thought with the editors a lot on this.
This isn't off record, so I'm just saying it.
He's going to be on the show later in the week about a book he wrote about his dad, who was the CIA section chief in Southeast Asia when Viet Dinh got killed.
And he's on record that his dad, you know, had Viet Dinh taken out.
But the whole point is kind of the people they have writing stories on me.
The point is, is that I said, OK, I know this is probably a hit piece.
You'll say it's not a hit piece, but it will be.
So we'll see what comes out in that piece on Fridays when it's set to hit newsstands, the September issue of Esquire.
But the reason I really think it may be a big hit piece now is he calls me up this morning, well he called me yesterday and then I got a hold of him this morning, and he goes, he goes, yeah, they want me to do a fun little piece too, just another little fun piece, it's gonna be on the internet, yeah, for the TV stations, to pick up, and it's a fun piece about some of the things you believe and don't believe.
You know, like, and I know what this piece is going to be.
Do you believe in Bigfoot?
Do you believe in flying saucers?
Do you believe in the USS Liberty was staged?
You know, stuff like that.
To just make it sound all whacked out.
And I said, okay, I'll call you too when I get off the air.
He's probably listening right now.
But I'm not worried about whatever this piece comes out with.
And digging around in my past and everything.
Because I have nothing I'm really ashamed of.
And no dirt out there on me that's real.
People can find a speck of dirt and try to magnify it until it looks like the rock of Gibraltar or something, or Plymouth Rock, but this is what I expect as we have more and more of an effect, is I expect to get more and more of this heat, more and more of these attacks.
So, I'm just glad that they're politically assassinating me.
And intellectually trying to assassinate me.
That's better than getting a, you know, a bullet in my head.
Or a SWAT team at my house, you know, planting mushrooms on me like they did to Adam Kokesh.
So, but I mean, the fact that they would use this big profile writer.
I mean, he's like one of the biggest profile writers.
He's like, he's in the top three.
You can debate whether he's number one, number two, or number three of profile writers.
I mean, I looked at it, they wanted to interview me six months ago when he first contacted me, and it's just everybody.
I mean, you name it.
Presidents, top directors, Charlton Heston, rock stars, the whole nine yards, 20 plus years of it.
And I said, OK, you don't usually do hit pieces because you want access to everybody.
But I said, they're not going to let you publish this if it's not a hit piece.
So I just did it as an experiment, because I turned down most of these interviews.
But I did it.
And so we'll see what comes out of it.
It's actually kind of exciting.
A hit piece is more enjoyable than a positive piece.
I mean, people keep coming down the street going, I saw you on the Discovery Channel show.
I saw you on the History Channel show.
And like, did you like that show?
And I'm like, I haven't watched them.
I have not watched myself.
Because a couple years ago, I guess even about a year ago, I decided to do three or four of these interviews, and I've said no since then, just because I've been too busy.
I haven't even gone and watched now the stuff that has come out.
And I guess it's useful to some degree because then it makes AM and FM stations pick up the show more if you're in the news and you're on TV shows and you're on different programs about the Masons or about Bohemian Grove or about
About the New World Order, or about GMO, or about Humanzis, or about off-world colonies they're trying to set up with Google, or, you know, shows about fluoride in the water.
I mean, whatever the case is.
I mean, I guess, in a way, that's positive.
And I didn't want to digress off into myself.
It's just that more and more, analyzing the media landscape, we're way out ahead here.
And taking heavy fire.
So be aware of that.
By the way, Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs just touched down in Austin, Texas.
He's going to be in studio with us tomorrow and being interviewed as well for Obama Deception 2.
And when we come back, I'm going to get into some really important radiation news, Second Amendment news, NSA news.
Then we'll get into the fake terror alert news.
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Freedom, folks, is just another word for nothing left to lose.
And we are losing all of our major liberties and freedoms in this country.
Paul Watson's coming up, and we'll get into the latest on the NSA news that's coming out, and the fact that the government has issued domestic and foreign terror alerts on record now it's coming out.
As a pretext to say, see, we need to take your rights to keep you safe.
Because remember, their propaganda is targeted at about a nine-year-old grade level.
And the average adult I talk to does behave and talk and act like a small child.
I know you notice that as well.
It's horrifying.
But the parasites, the globalists, love the fact that the general public is as dumb as a box of rocks.
I mean, a rat has more instincts and common sense than the general public.
Raised on television, raised on GMO, raised on archetypes to psychologically, basically give them psychological viruses like a computer so that they malfunction and fall apart.
And so the globalists swim in this sea of ignorance.
We've got to drain the swamp, ladies and gentlemen.
But here's how my brain works, okay?
In this short segment.
Here's an article out of CBS News.
Suspicious substance at JFK turns out to be beauty supplies.
Every day a bag gets left on the ground or people drop a box on the side of the road.
They call it the bomb squad.
Statistically, honeybees kill double what terrorists do every year in this country.
But they don't care.
The wicked flee when none pursue.
And there it is right there.
And they had, they opened a package and had a psychosomatic response just because there was a smell to the beauty products and fell down on the ground and had to be taken to the hospital.
They thought it was nerve gas.
No, no.
See, when our troops really breathe nerve gas, because our own government orders had all blown up in 1991 and hundreds of thousands get exposed and the
Detectors go off, then they tell them there's not a problem.
But then when you fall down because you smell beauty products, well then they go along with the hysteria.
I've seen this many times in Austin, Texas, where they have the police go to the hospital and the whole area is shut down because they think they're being nerve-gassed.
They go around just all paranoid that they're being nerve-gassed by Al-Qaeda all day.
Your bosses run Al-Qaeda, dummies, okay?
Okay, there's no real terror threat.
Get that through your brain.
I want you to get that.
The terror threat is the New World Order.
Now, that's how my brain works.
I see this BS article and I get upset.
Now let's move along.
Let's talk about the real threat.
This is out of the Herald.
The Herald Business Journal, scientists, FDA, don't worry about radioactive fish.
Does it matter that they knew three months after Fukushima, now two years ago, that they had massive, hundreds of times, safe radiation levels, bioaccumulating in a large tuna?
They have fed that to the American people and covered it up.
Now this broke about a year ago, but now it's back on the news.
They're saying, look, don't worry, radiation is not bad for you.
Pre-1990, they said radiation was deadly in DU.
Now they say it's not.
See, now they just wave a magic trendy wand.
And I have another article here.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission is using obviously faulty models to pretend crumbling nuclear reactors are safe.
Yeah, why even update them?
91% of the 400 plus reactors are all leaking.
Most of them in Europe and the United States and Japan.
And their answer is, don't worry about it.
See, the elite themselves have become delusional, folks.
Let's move on to the next story.
This is how I think.
You know, I think if one story connects to the next.
Toxic water levels rise at a site near Fukushima reactor.
Number one, the News of India is reporting and the government there says that it is melting down even worse than ever and coming right towards the United States.
And then here's another one that dovetails with us.
World Health Organization knowingly pushed deadly vaccines in India that killed thousands of children.
And that's a NaturalNews.com story up on Infowars.com.
And that's just some of the news I have on those topics.
And here's the issue.
Do they tell you you should be taking nascent iodine that's in high quality stuff like monofilon, southern hemisphere seaweed?
Do they tell you that if you don't, the different radioactive isotopes and fluoride will fill your thyroid instead?
Do they tell you any of that?
No, they don't tell you any of that, because they don't want you to know.
The establishment's all taking stuff like this.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I take this deadly serious.
I believe every word I say on air.
I'm committed to this fight for human liberty and a future for our species 110%.
I've decided which side I'm on and I think it's time for everybody out there who hasn't committed to a side to choose a side.
We are back live.
We're going to go to Paul Watson here in a moment.
I want to mention some of the other news we're going to get to after he leaves us here today because it's all incredibly important and I've got to get to it.
But, you see, that's how we fund ourselves.
I don't come on air and, you know, push an establishment agenda and then get establishment advertisers or I don't get banker bailout money or stimulus money like MSNBC and CNN.
I am funded by the viewers and listeners of this radio transmission and the viewers of Infowars Nightly News.
You out there, you're not standing behind us, you're standing beside us and in front of us.
And I couldn't do it without you.
But when I read about how they get us obsessed about imaginary bag at the airport or somebody, they don't swipe somebody's travel pass.
boarding pass properly, and so they shut down the whole terminal and run around drama-queening.
Meanwhile, we've got reactors, 91% of them, look that up, leaking worldwide, and they just say, oh, that's safe now.
Oh, it's safe for the troops to use DU.
It's safe.
I saw an Army veteran at a restaurant, a walk-in barbecue place,
This weekend.
And I could look at him, he looked like he was about 50.
I could tell he had some type of neurological disorder.
He was in a wheelchair.
And he was there with his wife and he barely had enough money to get barbecue.
So he was getting like, him and his wife were getting like a half order of barbecue, and I wanted to go over and buy the guy his barbecue.
I was in line, waiting, but then I'm sick of always being a grandstander, and like Mr. Goody Two-Shoes, so I didn't do it.
But then later I went over and talked to him, and I said, let me guess, were you in Gulf War One?
He goes, yeah, I was in Kuwait.
How do you know that?
I go, well, you're wearing an Army shirt.
You look like you're about 50.
And I said, remember when the
When the detectors went off and he goes, I'm not going to imitate the guy because it would come off mean, but he was like, well, I mean, I will.
It's describing what the media will spend on making fun of somebody.
I'm not.
I'm showing how he talked.
He's like, that's what I think happened to me.
And of course, a lot of those guys are already dead.
And I physically had to go out and cry in the car as I drove home, bringing barbecue to my, to my kids.
I mean, they knew the nerve gas was being released when they blew up Kamasuya and other bunkers, because they wanted to just get rid of the evidence that our government sold Saddam all that stuff.
So they just told the troops, never mind, it's a false alarm, so they wouldn't create a news story that they got nerve gassed.
They made the conscious decision
Ram Corporation style, to play out all the scenarios, to know what would happen, to detonate it, and so what if it blew into our troops?
And so what if it killed a bunch of them within months, and debilitated many others?
Tens of thousands have died from it.
Congressional hearings.
This is not my opinion.
And I'm looking at a guy who's got a neurological disorder, clearly from the nerve gas, who was there, and doesn't even have enough money to buy a barbecue,
I hate watching the country become poor.
I hate it.
I just can't even hardly go out anymore.
Everywhere I see the victims of the New World Order.
The autistic kids, the kids with cancer, the neurological disorders off the charts.
And I just get angrier, and angrier, and angrier, and angrier, and angrier, and angrier, to the point of I can hardly even come in here and do this show.
I mean, I'm gonna be honest with you.
Because I want to do the best job I can.
I want to be focused.
I want to be strong.
But just the information I have to look at is torturing.
Because I know how evil the globalists are.
I know I'm right.
And I have to sit here and watch everybody go about their business, or even worse, people come up to me and make fun of me sometimes in public and make jokes.
I was walking in to Barton Springs last week.
There were two guys out there playing frisbee.
One of them goes, oh, it's Mr. Black Helicopter.
And I didn't turn around angry at first.
I went, what, there aren't black helicopters?
I'm just joking, Alex.
You know, what you say is pretty funny.
We think it's funny.
I had somebody come up to me yesterday and say that.
And I went, I sure wish it was funny.
And the guys come over, and we're kind of peer pressuring, like they were laughing at me.
And I wasn't upset.
Because they were making fun of me.
I was upset because of what big giant piles of steaming crap they were, excuse me.
I'm not trying to talk like that, folks.
I just get angry.
I have trouble, alright?
It's a family show, I apologize.
Because let me tell you something, this stuff isn't a joke, okay?
And I wish every day it was a joke.
I told them, I said, I'm glad you think it's funny.
Because this stuff isn't funny, and they're like, no, because as soon as they couldn't make me feel bad, this is how these childlike minds work, they went, no, actually, we know a lot of stuff's going on.
I mean, have a good swim.
They're on the back parking lot area where there's a big football field slash soccer field.
I mean, and I had some guy about a month before at the very same spot make a comment to me.
It's like, oh, there goes Alex Jones.
Let me make a comment about, and again, I always turn around to see if it's just a fun joke, because if it's a joke, I'll laugh and go, yeah, yeah, black helicopters.
But no, it's not like that.
It's to make fun of me when all I'm trying to do is have a future for my family.
You may not notice in your own little narcissistic world people in wheelchairs from Nerve Gas.
I do.
And I see the casualties all around me and I don't think it's funny!
I see giant unconstitutional power being amassed against me.
And against you.
And I see the evil growing and I'm threatened by it.
And I'm doing everything I can to try to turn this around.
And I need your help.
I don't need you to be in denial anymore.
Now, side issue, I mentioned that the Northern Hemisphere before Fukushima had roughly, and we've had nuclear physicists on and given the numbers on this, double the background radiation in the Southern Hemisphere because of all the nuclear testing in the Northern Hemisphere.
There's been some in the Southern, mainly the French in the U.S.
and the Bikini Islands and other areas.
Hydrogen bombs, you name it.
And I actually discussed with my wife, leaving, and I made the decision.
I said, well, Texas isn't being hit as bad as the West Coast, and most of the plume goes across the Midwest, that makes it past that.
But I said, we're just making kind of the sick, immoral decision.
Like humans are designed to do, to muddle through this, we're going to stay here.
Chances are our kids won't get a hot particle.
That's what really gets you.
The background radiation is bad, but nothing compared to if you actually get a particle that gets up in the higher atmosphere on a piece of, generally, it gets picked up by things like spider's web and things like that.
And you get that in your lung, you know, you die when you're 20 of a giant tumor, no one ever tells you why.
They don't know why.
And again, I had countless nuclear physicists, engineers, atomic hydrogen weapon designers, you name it, on the show to break down the threats of the MOX reactor and the rest of it.
And we made the immoral decision just, I guess, out of convenience or whatever.
Not even that.
I've got to stay here and run this operation.
And I don't think I would operate very well with my kids in the Southern Hemisphere.
But I mean, we've looked at the Southern Hemisphere.
This isn't a game, ladies and gentlemen.
They said, oh, you're tough.
Don't worry about the nerve gas.
These people are dead or in wheelchairs now.
And if you think your wife changing your diapers every day is fun, then don't listen to me.
So that's why I take this stuff real personal, ladies and gentlemen.
I realize how serious all this is.
And the government should be telling people, get on thyroid supplements, nasoniodine.
And again, I'll do a win-win as we fund ourselves trying to bring you things that help you, like Modify-Lon from the Southern Hemisphere, the best pure brown seaweed extract out there.
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Promo code 10% off water at InfoWarsStore.com or by calling 888-253-3139.
Alright, that's enough.
I just wanted to put that out there.
People say, well, what's the solution?
You can leave to the Southern Hemisphere.
Or you can fill up your glands with the healthy iodine and other things.
This is all just medical from doctors we've interviewed.
I was even talking to a doctor, a medical doctor this morning about this.
Looking at moving to the Southern Hemisphere, at least evacuating my family.
This isn't a joke.
Fukushima's melting down even more.
And I hate to have to come on air and talk about stuff like this.
But it is what it is, ladies and gentlemen.
Let me just stop right there.
Alright, I want to bring Paul Watson up on air with breaking news.
It's official.
Embassy attack threat had no basis in fact.
Terror plot manufactured to dampen opposition to drone strikes.
Now I know I told you this over and over again the last two weeks.
And even the New York Times had to admit, well, we've talked to senior analysts that say this is for political purposes.
But this is specifically high-ranking Yemeni security official saying the West told him it was not real and was for political purposes.
And that's even in McClatchy.
And then, of course, we had them saying there will be a terror attack in Austin in the next, you know, starting last week to the next two weeks.
We broke that.
They confirmed the document was real.
But what we said beforehand turned out to be true.
But it was a fake terror alert.
A real alert they put out, but the alert itself was fake.
Again, we broke it, told you exactly what it was.
I'm not bragging.
So what do we get?
We get attacked.
Just remember, folks, we're going up the hill here against the enemy in placements.
We need your support.
This is not a game.
I've got their entire playbook.
It isn't hard to know.
They think you're so stupid they bragged about it publicly.
But we're the ones willing to say it out in the open.
All right?
So, and we need you to spread this information out to everybody.
I salute McClatchy breaking this, I salute Watson giving a wide spectrum analysis of it, and InfoWars.com, and I salute DrugsReport.com for carrying the story as well, as it will now be a national news story.
Let's go to Paul Joseph Watson for the next two segments to break this down.
Paul, there's a long history of this, but it's becoming so naked, people aren't buying into it anymore.
Well, exactly Alex.
I mean, under the Bush administration, Tom Ridge basically came out and admitted that most of the major terror alerts were faked for political purposes.
Of course, ten days ago we had the announcement that they were closing twenty embassies and consulates in the Middle East and North Africa because of, quote, the most serious threat against American and other Western interests since 9-11.
Then, people like Lindsey Graham went on the Sunday Shows and said, quote, the NSA program is proving its worth yet again, along with Representative Ruppersberger who said, the good news is that we picked up the intelligence and that's what we do.
That's what the NSA does.
Because of course they used this embassy closure threat, this supposed attack that was primarily centered on Yemen, as a reason to justify the NSA snooping, because they've been losing the debate on that for weeks.
So they immediately came out and said, this is the threat Al-Qaeda is going to attack, even though we're actually arming Al-Qaeda in Syria, which came out of course out of the Benghazi attack.
But, this justifies the NSA what it has to do, because we've intercepted this conference call between the top Al-Qaeda members, and it said they were going to attack.
So, the NSA's good, it's saving your lives.
Well, of course at the time we said this was completely fake, based on history, based on motive.
Came out today, as you said, in McClatchy, a top Yemeni security official said that the whole plot had no basis in fact.
He was completely bemused.
He attributed it to a single official, a Yemeni official's comments about imminent terror strikes.
Basically, he said the agenda, and it was one of the three that I've identified, is, quote, misguided attempts at shifting public opinion in the face of increasing and unpopular American drone strikes.
Because if you recall, this terror alert threat coincided with the US bombing Yemen, eight drone strikes over the past two weeks, dozens of people killed, which also coincides with
This group, which was actually set up with the aid of the US government when Yemen had its faux Arab Spring, who met on August 2nd, or the day before, which was the day before this terror alert was announced, and they decided, and this is the National Dialogue Conference group in Yemen, which is a civil society organisation that's building up a lot of power, they voted to criminalise drone strikes in Yemen.
So then we had the sudden invention of this major threat primarily targeting Yemen, and then of course we had the drone strikes.
So we had the drone strikes that they needed to justify the NSA surveillance program they needed to justify
And, of course, this also coincided on the same day, August 2nd, with CNN's announcement, of course we'd reported it months before, that a CIA team was smuggling arms out of Benghazi in an annex to the consulate that was attacked last September to send them to rebels and al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria.
That came out August 2nd.
It was immediately followed with this
Now, apparently fake terror alert and this Benghazi scandal about smuggling the weapons to Al-Qaeda.
Nobody's heard anything about it.
It's been completely buried.
So on three different scores, very convenient that they had this terror alert.
It served to justify, it served to distract from all these different issues.
Excellent breakdown, Watson.
I want to shift gears into the NSA here briefly and play some of the disgusting clips of Obama making the rounds on the campaign trail for his agenda.
Still campaigning, making light and jokes of the greatest surveillance grid the world's ever seen that is completely illegal on record.
Here he is comparing it to washing the dishes.
The question is, how do I make the American people more comfortable?
If I tell Michelle that- He's gonna use Astro Glide.
Granted, in the White House I don't do the dishes that much, but back in the day.
And she's a little skeptical.
I'd like her to trust me, but maybe I need to bring her back and show her the dishes.
And not just have her take my word for it.
So, he likens raping our liberties to washing the dishes.
He wants to make you comfortable.
So, I guess he wants to put us to sleep before he drinks our blood, like Count Dracula.
Let's go to one more of the clips as we got a break.
This is Obama.
He'd say he'd be worried about it if he wasn't in the government.
So, trust me.
Famous last words.
Here it is.
Having said that, though, if you are outside of
The intelligence community.
If you are the ordinary person and you start seeing a bunch of headlines saying, the U.S., big brother, looking down on you, collecting telephone records, etc.
Well, understandably people would be concerned.
I would be too, if I wasn't inside the government.
And again, that was from the White House press room.
He's also been on the trail making similar statements.
We've got more clips of that.
But, I mean, this is famous last words.
You know, just trust me.
Yeah, you've lied to us on every front and stabbed us in the back.
So let's believe you now.
We'll be back with Watson's take.
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Don't call my name out your window when I'm leaving.
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Don't send your kinfolks to give me no talking.
Coming up folks, again Alex Jones back live, sudden flood of asylum requests at US-Mexico border as it looks like the Congress may be set to create the North American Union and get rid of the borders.
And if you think more cheap labor is going to help this country, when the government has a welfare state going, I got a bridge I want to sell you.
We're going to be breaking that down.
Here's the London Guardian.
The NSA is turning the internet into a total surveillance system.
I saw that headline.
On Drudge Saturday, and I went and search-engined that with Infowars.com at the end of it, and found hundreds of links with similar headlines in the last 15 years with us saying exactly that.
Not again tooting my horn, but we didn't just say the whole Internet's designed by DARPA to be a total control grid, to create the mind of God, to predict the future.
Because I have media call me and go, you think they want to be God?
You say they want to predict the future?
No, I don't say that.
They say that.
I'm just, all the stuff that they were saying in white papers is now public.
That's the, and I don't know if that's all going to happen.
I don't know if they're going to get Elysium level life extension, but that's the goal they're shooting for.
They've got one of the heads of Google and others openly saying they're going to build space colonies for the elite.
People ask, well, how will the atmosphere work?
That spacecraft in Elysium is a 1940s, 50s design of a spinning space station that would hold the atmosphere in if it was big enough for a ring-world type plant.
The problem is it'd have to be contained unless it was ultra-massive.
The spinning would give you gravity, not hold the atmosphere in.
It would have to be, I don't know, some estimates are like a thousand miles around and spinning fast enough to hold the atmosphere in.
But this side issue, the point is, this is the type of stuff they're developing.
This isn't science fiction.
We're living in the 21st century Buck Rogers, baby.
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Alright, going back to Watson.
Watson, in the 3-4 minutes we've got left, comments on the outrageous statements of Obama.
Uh, coming out and saying, you know what, we're spying on you.
It's like washing dishes.
And, you know, I'd be concerned too, but I'm in there.
I know it's for your own good.
I mean, man, this is bone-chilling when you know he's doing everything he can to shut this country down.
Well, I mean, a primary portion of that program is the Insider Threat Program, which is all about preventing insiders, whistleblowers, from revealing government malfeasance.
So it's not just about spying on the American people, it's about spying on those that would
Uh, reveal wrongdoing on behalf of the US government.
But now the new dimension to it, which has been developing over the past few days, is the former NSA chief Michael Hayden's comments a few days ago.
He basically came out and said that people who oppose NSA mass surveillance, people who support Edward Snowden,
...are either cyber-terrorists or Al-Qaeda sympathizers.
He said that if they can't create great harm to Dot Mil, who are they going to go after?
Who for them are the World Trade Centers?
The World Trade Centers as they were for Al-Qaeda.
So he's basically saying those who oppose NSA mass surveillance, those who support Edward Snowden, are akin to Al-Qaeda and they're going to carry out attacks like Al-Qaeda.
And then he's on CBS Face the Nation yesterday saying not if but when the next terror attack happens, that's when the NSA is going to be justified, that's when they're going to aggressively put into action.
Stay there, do five more minutes with us.
Stay there, I want you to finish up that thought because two plus two equals four.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, Paul Watson joins us from the UK, breaking down our top stories so far today up on Infowars.com.
Official embassy attack threat had no basis in fact, McClatchy newspaper is reporting that
As well, in fact they broke it, and then Drudge picked up our story that carries it with further analysis.
But going back to Paul Watson, you were getting into Hayden.
We have that clip actually.
Maybe we should cue that up.
Michael Hayden says that if there's any more events, they will expand more power.
They've already got the total grid in place.
They've already got the total grid in place.
And then now they're just gonna roll it out to you, each event, saying, see it's for your own good, and, oh, we stopped this attack, oh, we stopped that attack.
And they've been caught staging events or putting out fake terror alerts.
This is elementary.
We take your rights when bad things happen.
So bad things are gonna happen.
Gee, who do you think's behind it?
Who has the motive?
Who has the history?
Who's done it before?
Who has the capacity to do it?
I mean, this isn't even 2 plus 2 equals 4.
And it's just so outrageous.
And then we sent Leanne McAdoo out, one of our Infowars Nightly News reporters, twice in Austin.
And the majority of people said, I want to be spied on.
I want to be watched.
Now, it's always in trendy areas.
You go to working class areas or even wealthy areas, people are smart.
But if it's trendies, it's over, folks.
They believe, because it's Obama.
They say, just like Obama said, hey, trust me, it's me.
And he has such a history of lying, plus he's a puppet!
I mean, Watson, this is amazing!
What do these people think?
I think, like you said, they're rolling it out in the open to justify it.
Remember, they've had it since the early 90s.
They've had Echelon.
You were talking about it back in the 90s.
There's a BBC article from 1999 which says, Every international telephone call, fax, email or radio transmission can be listened to by powerful computers capable of voice recognition.
They home in on a long list of keywords or patterns of messages.
And that was Echelon Spy Network revealed November 1999.
So it's everything that they say they've got now.
It was revealed, you know, 14, 15 years ago.
And the only reason Snowden's in trouble is because he has moral authority because he's in the government, according to the sheeple.
He's in trouble for saying it's bad, not for breaking any secrets.
Exactly, and now Hayden, as I said before the break, is... I mean, this was his quote from this bipartisan policy centre speech.
He said that Snowden's followers were nihilists, anarchists, activists, lulzsec, anonymous twenty-somethings who haven't talked to the opposite sex in five or six years.
So, polls show that about half of Americans actually oppose this NSA surveillance, yet Hayden is characterizing them all as basement dwelling losers who are just messing around on the internet.
So he denigrates them in that sense, but then he goes on to equate them to terrorists in another sense.
So now we've got the whole process about anyone who opposes NSA surveillance is with Al-Qaeda, even as they send the weapons to Al-Qaeda in Syria.
And now Hayden, as you said, is all over CBS saying there's going to be an attack and when it happens, all you complained about the NSA are going to be shut up because we're going to... But Watson, Watson, let's be honest.
Neither you nor I, we don't have wives or girlfriends.
Come on, I mean, we're basement dwellers.
Well yeah, I mean, Jimmy Carter, Glenn Greenwald, Daniel Ellsberg, they're all just, you know, 16 year old basement dwelling kids on the internet, I guess.
Alright, great job Watson, we'll get more from you as it unfolds and breaks at InfoWars.com.
We're going to go out to break here with Hayden.
This is the former head of the NSA making some of his shriveling, degenerate comments.
I think he's the one that can't pick up any women.
Let's go to that clip.
It may be useful for transparency.
You think women would touch that guy?
For confidence.
But let me tell you, looking through your windscreen when you lay this on, it just looks like more thorough oversight.
When you're looking in your rearview mirror after the next successful attack,
This runs the danger of looking like bureaucratic layering.
If I saw him, I'd run.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Now we'll end our number two.
Broadcasting worldwide from the Infowars.com studios.
I am the Maniac of Liberty, your host, Alex Jones, coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, Austin.
We are here, ladies and gentlemen, hour number two.
The news websites are PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
You can follow me at Twitter at RealAlexJones and find my other reporters and great crew as well there at RealAlexJones.
You can find the free podcast, free iPhone, Android apps, and everything else in the free video feed for the daytime radio show at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
All right, here's what's going on right now.
I want to get into some of the news I haven't gotten to yet that's extremely important.
And we've got investigative journalist Heidi Stevenson on the dreaded Gardasil vaccine being banned in different countries all over the world right now.
And, well, guess what?
It reduces your fertility in a new study.
Who would have thought that?
I mean, come on, what do you think they're doing?
That's how dumb they think you are.
We're not in Kansas anymore.
And the only thing this criminal conspiracy against humanity needs to succeed is for people to be naive.
So, that's coming up.
And then we're going to have open phones.
Open phones.
I'm serious.
I think you guys ought to mount like a taser gun.
I mean, not a full power, but like a hot shot cattle prod.
In the seat in here.
It'll be the first radio show to ever do it.
Where when I take calls, if I don't get to at least 20 in an hour, I get shocked.
That'd be a good gimmick.
I could be waterboarded.
We could come in with a waterboard because it's not torture.
And then you guys could waterboard me.
I want to do that.
It's a nice gimmick as well.
We could pull more stunts out there.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this Monday Worldwide live transmission.
Let's first get into Elysium and how it segues into sudden flood of asylum seekers request at the US-Mexico border, according to KSAZ, Fox Phoenix, and Breitbart.
This is up on DrudgeReport.com.
Now, before I go there,
I got home from the funeral about seven o'clock.
My great-uncle died.
Went to his military funeral in East Texas.
Got home about seven o'clock last night.
Was dropping my parents off, and they said, oh, go ahead and come on in.
And they leave Turner Classic Movies on for their French Bulldog.
It likes television.
So we go in there, and the Grapes of Wrath is on when I walk into their foyer.
And the dog is sitting there watching television.
I'm not joking.
Well, you probably have pets that watch television as well.
French Bulldogs do it particularly.
We had TV on a few days ago and my French Bulldog was watching it.
And to make a long story short...
It's a movie about the depression and it's openly communist.
It's got an FDR character, the Workers' Committee, they're going to take over.
And it shows Okies going out to California, it's historically true, by the hundreds of thousands, and it overflowing, and people getting mad about being overrun.
Some of it was crime as well, not a lot of the Okies weren't criminals, but you get hundreds of thousands of people coming and there's going to be some crime.
Especially when folks are desperate.
So it bills the police and all the locals as exploitive demons who are ripping everybody off, but the unions get together and they defeat it.
And it makes you want to become a communist watching it.
That's why Elysium made me so mad is because I like a lot of the messages in it.
A lot of it's true.
It's powerful.
I want to help people in the third world more than anybody.
I mean, I get upset when I've been in Mexico and watched police mainly shake down the locals and not the gringos.
You know, the folks visiting from the north.
El Norte.
So I have empathy with everybody, ladies and gentlemen, but I also get that people tend to always organize in groups.
That is, people that are dumbed down.
Whether they be white, hispanic, black, it doesn't matter.
That's something that works at an animal level, at a mob rule level.
And even the smartest person, 10 days without food, will turn into a murderer.
Within 15 days, 97%, according to Pentagon studies, of people turn into cannibals.
Fifteen days, folks.
Fifteen days.
People will put your baby on a spit.
And they will suck the meat right off the bones.
So, so, let's get real here.
You've got seven and a half billion people worldwide.
You've got the United States, because it had basic liberty and private property rights, became the most wealthy country in the world.
And was exploitive as well.
Every other country was, every other tribe, every other group.
This is the bad part of humanity.
The West just did it better than everybody else, but also had a weird vein of free market in it.
That's what made the colonialism more powerful than other people's exploitation.
Because it was supercharged with free market.
And limited rights to limited groups.
But still, first it was only royalty had
Power and rights.
Then it was nobility under them.
Then it was sub-nobility.
Then it was Magna Carta expanded in to the entire population in England.
Then the colonies didn't have power.
They were treated like slaves.
They said, hey, we're going to get the same rights as an Englishman.
I don't care if you're Dutch, German, Italian, and then Native American or black.
It just went down that... I mean, some of the German city-states didn't free their slaves until the 1880s.
White slaves, folks.
White slaves.
You'll never see that on the news or in a movie because they want blacks to have an inferiority complex and think of everything as racial.
I mean, if you want to get down to North Africa, one of the richest people in the world history, like they say he was the richest, was the king of Central and Northern Africa.
I forget his name.
Guys, Google richest man in the world history was an African.
You could see, you know, paintings of the guy in the Byzantine Empire that did paintings of him and mosaics.
I mean, he was the richest guy in history because he ran the global slave trade.
But side issue, the point is, is that you go see a movie like Elysium
And it basically says the white people are the exploitive, they're the racist, they're gonna get the free health care, the life extension.
If you just flip a switch, you'll all get free health care, and, you know, the borders will come down, and we'll all be one big, global, happy family.
It's just you flip one switch, and you can all have something free.
That is not how this works, ladies and gentlemen.
And the communists in the 20s promised that.
Yeah, meet Monza Musa, the first of Mali, the richest human in all of history.
There he is.
Let's scroll down to that mosaic of him.
There he is.
So, looks like, looks like, uh, Wilt Chamberlain.
The point here is, my friends, is that real history will give you the reality of what's happening.
You're not going to get it from one history book, you're going to get it from hundreds and hundreds and hundreds.
And they're addicting, and you should read them and learn about it.
Because then everything will make sense to you.
Not all the fake culture that they spew directly at us.
And Grapes of Wrath is the 1930s version of Elysium.
Because let me tell you something.
The Communist Chinese killed between 60 and 80 plus million people in forced labor camps.
The Soviets killed probably more than 40 million.
From Lenin on to Stalin and then on through Khrushchev and Brezhnev and all of them.
I mean, you want to talk about guys with clubs like Grapes of Wrath making you work and raping your wife and torturing you to death or lining up and shooting you?
That's what commies do.
And I love how they always point and exaggerate what went on out in California about Okies being persecuted when they're just trying to get across the border into California.
By people knowing they were about to lose their standard of living.
And it's the same thing when you've got seven plus billion people that want to come here, and here's the deal.
You could build incredible technological systems and use robotics to where we could all work about two days a week, but the globalists are on record admitting they're setting up a system where the robots are going to leverage out even the poorest people in China.
So that it makes us all dependent and all poor for political assimilation into neo-technocratic feudalism.
Neo-feudalistic serfdom.
And so, they make it about white people is why the third world's doing bad.
No, the third world's doing bad because it never got out from under total corruption and never even had the few degrees of colonialist liberty that America had.
That's a fact.
And, you know, can I go to Mexico and have a baby free like they can do here?
Can I go to Poland and have a baby free, like a Polish immigrant can come here and do and get everything free?
No, no, no.
They would laugh at me, beat me up, and go throw me on an airplane after all my money had been sucked out of me.
In a dirt floor jail.
So the Globalists use all of our heartstrings as Americans, regardless of what color we are, to let's just help the people that want to come in.
But they're not going to bring these people in to raise our standards and then raise theirs.
The big sick lie of globalism is that it's going to do that.
It's designed to implode everything to a post-industrial society with only high-tech industrial reservations under globalist corporate control operating that are exempt from all the taxes and regulations they put on us without the city gates, without the fortress gates.
So they're trying to create Elysium by imploding the few middle-class habitats.
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Alright, the point I'm getting at is this.
The globalists are mega-bankers who control most of the world by creating fiat currency that they control that governments have to borrow from them.
And they get governments that they've paid off to sign these one-sided deals.
Any other third world country they can't control, they go start a revolution in, or a military coup, or they overthrow it.
That's the State Department memorandum 200.
That the official U.S.
government, which is the globalist policy, remember we're occupied and captured as well, is to de-industrialize the third world, not let them develop, and only allow industrial sectors to operate, controlled by the globalists, that don't aid the third world, but are used to leverage out competition in the West.
So they use selected energy laws, construction laws, manufacturing laws, and shipping laws under so-called free trade deals that are thousands of pages long to shut down all their competition.
So it is a total consolidation.
See, here's what's frustrating.
I've read all the memos.
I know the plan.
This is not my opinion.
It is a nightmare for all the third world.
Copenhagen four years ago, they had the meeting.
They told the third world we're going to double taxes on the West and pay you carbon money.
They got the treaty.
It was almost double the taxes on the third world, not the West.
It was the West trying to screw the third world.
And that's what these movies like Elysium are.
And I don't think Matt Damon is sophisticated enough to know it.
And that's why I don't like having to attack the film.
But the globalists want to overrun the West with hundreds of millions of people that'll work for nothing.
They can politically use them to vote as blocs, to take liberties away.
The guns to bring in socialist health care that brings government control over care.
They can bring in the groups to collectivize and bring in collectivized education.
But most importantly to drive down wages and then compete for real estate to then drive up rent prices.
As Max Keiser will tell you, the globalists are rent seekers.
They don't want you to be able to own your own property.
That's why the mega-rich always push higher property taxes, because they all get exemptions.
All the richest people, folks, have tax-free houses they live in.
And by the way, if you try to do that, they come and say you're not allowed to and the IRS arrests you.
And you're like, but the law says, my lawyer said, you're not a billionaire.
Believe me, folks, I know billionaires.
Okay, and I know, take Lake Austin.
Where Michael Dell's got houses and stuff.
He doesn't pay taxes on them.
They're tax-exempt part of foundations he's got.
Same thing with building Melinda Gates, folks.
I mean, by the way, a two-bedroom house on Lake Austin's like two million dollars, where I live, in Texas.
That's the kind of stuff that's going on in Austin.
That's all the rich moving here are driving up stuff where a farmhouse is a million dollars.
Out in the middle of nowhere.
This is the type of... Does that hurt poor people?
That's globalism.
Ladies and gentlemen, that's what this is, okay?
Because they pick the winners and losers.
That's what Elysium is.
And so the reality is complex.
We need to jack up our standard of living, demanding higher quality, demanding lower taxes, demanding a free market that will create such a giant middle class that it will lift people out of poverty to create islands or like political and economic coral reefs to create an ecosystem for more people to be able to come in.
But the way borders are being opened, the way globalism is working, the way they bring in third world populations, give them government subsidy of welfare, dad goes and works hard all day, mama has a bunch of kids and gets on welfare, that then competes with all the other wage earners in the country and causes a giant sucking sound by driving down the wages.
So that's why I get mad at grapes of wrath.
Oh my gosh, they showed fictional sheriff's deputies beating people with clubs who tried to strike break.
That's wrong, it's terrible, but actually stop that stuff with people shooting them back.
But it's one one millionth, literally, of what the Soviets did, and this was their propaganda, Grapes of Wrath and other films they made like this, there was a whole string of them.
to sell communism in America as a solution when it's literally a nightmare system created by the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers on record.
The Bolsheviks worldwide revolutionary communism was created by the robber barons to go take over countries
And then have contracts from without the country, globally, with the communist dictators.
This is all on record.
Our government put Mao Zedong in power, the greatest mass murderer in history.
So, that's why I get so upset by movies like Elysium, where Matt Damon thinks he's really helping poor people, he's helping bring everybody down.
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On the turning away
The third world populations exploited by the globalists on record are now going to be exploited by the very same technocrats to overrun the first world nations and be used to further bankrupt us to the private banking cartels.
And I've racked my brain studying economics, studying geopolitical systems, studying other systems that have existed on ways to try to develop a plan to try to empower humanity.
The problem is the globalists have already deployed their cold-blooded operation.
It's easy to take over when you're already centralized via ruthless activities over hundreds of years, and you're willing to do anything, and you've already been able to dumb down the population to a great extent.
It's a very dark future for humanity.
We're facing a dystopian nightmare.
But within rediscovering our humanity, I believe we can turn the tide.
And if we can just get people to look at the mainstream confirmation that in the polio program worldwide, they're actually giving people polio and then just calling it something else.
Oh, the vaccine paralyzes people, but we don't call it polio.
And that the Gardasil shots they knew in the trials were killing people and sterilizing them.
There's a new study out on that.
We're going to talk to an investigative journalist in a moment on that subject.
But it really comes down to just facing how hardcore the global technocrats are.
And how they really are different than the general public.
And I guess to a certain extent, folks, I'm kind of like a throwback caveman.
You know, good old boy type.
But I've had a lot of really intelligent, smart ancestors.
And I do have a high IQ and I've studied history to a certain extent.
And I'm pretty much somebody who has figured this stuff out and not made the decision to join the establishment.
Because most people figure this stuff out, or get told this stuff when they're young, growing up in the establishment.
I didn't grow up in the establishment, but on the edge of it, and decide to just be part of it.
But I've studied the establishment itself, and they're in their own compartmentalized system, and stagnant, and drifting towards destruction.
Humanity's in deep trouble, folks.
And we're not going to do things to the third world and the unborn and the rest of it and not have it come back on us.
And people say, what are you saying you're part of it?
Yeah, I'm part of this.
So are you.
So we're going to talk about that in one moment and get into Gardasil and really important public service.
They call it public service announcement.
Does your neighbor have guns?
Call the police on them.
As if guns are illegal.
What about a public service announcement of these vaccines that are guns?
You know, firing deadly attenuated viruses into people.
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By the way, speaking of that, I've got Steve Watson working on an article where they're blocking InfoWars.com more and more, calling it racist.
One of our listeners was at a transportation kiosk, you know, where you pay a dollar and use the internet, and they went to InfoWars.com, and I've seen this myself, we've confirmed this report, and you go to the site and it just pops up and says racist!
It just goes, racist!
Just like something out of a... We're talking about unity and human freedom and empowerment and not letting the elite divide and conquer us and you know, videos of where I'm bullhorning and protesting the Klan.
But they don't care!
They just put thousands and thousands of blogs and sites in a database.
I know somebody had to pay a bunch of money to a McAfee a few months ago.
To take them off a list of saying they were a dangerous site, and it wasn't even true!
You see these stories every month about, Drudge has viruses on his site!
It's links to other people's news articles!
And it comes out later, there are no viruses!
It's a lie!
They do that to us more and more.
This is the type of crap that's going on, excuse my French, so that you can't discover what's happening.
Now why are they censoring us?
Because they don't want us to read mainline studies and show you local news stories as well where people die taking the Gardasil vaccine that eight years ago killed people in trials.
And seven years ago.
And then Rick Perry came out and said it's the law to take it in Texas and ran a hoax, an authoritarian hoax.
There was no law.
He told the health department, list it as recommended, which they then lie and say is mandatory.
There is no law.
They are trying to move to make it mandatory, by the way.
India tried that.
They've said don't do it anymore.
Japan is moving to ban it.
And Heidi Stevenson is a very interesting researcher.
And I'll let her get into her bio, Gaia-Health.com, but she's been doing the stories and has been quoted in a Jonathan Benson's NaturalNews.com story.
Young women's ovaries destroyed by Gardasil Merck forgot to research effects of vaccine on female reproduction.
So again, I've been talking about this from NaturalNews.com and Infowars.com, posting it since last week.
It is so important
That you get this out to people, but all the other reports of the deaths, other governments banning it, to understand that this is so evil.
And now in Mexico they're trying to make it mandatory, actually the law, for all girls under 13.
It is definitely an anti-fertility deal.
Now, you're not going to see Matt Damon out with a movie saying, don't take the Gardasil, you know, my little Chiquitas, you know, like they call the little Hispanic girl in
Who's so cute and sweet and innocent in movies like Elysium.
No, no, no, no, no.
They're going to say, you take this shot and you get sterilized now.
Or you have an autoimmune disorder or you die.
Or you develop epilepsy or narcolepsy.
I know women, personally, that took that vaccine and have narcolepsy and can't drive themselves to work now.
I know women that have taken it now that have permanent Guillain-Barré and can't feel their hands and feet.
This is all on record.
But oh, they say it's for the women.
So I want to go to her to talk about this.
Heidi Stevenson, thank you for joining us.
Tell us a little bit about yourself, your awakening, the articles you write, and then this new study that's out.
uh... dealing with uh... uh... publishing a peer-reviewed british medical journal of what this stuff is doing to people because we need to get this out to people obviously before more victims take this shot
Well, thanks for having me on.
I appreciate it an awful lot.
I don't think I'm all that interesting and so I don't know if we need to spend time going into my history here.
But basically, I've been writing about vaccines in general and a lot of other related issues in terms because this whole medical system is crazy.
It's insane and vaccines are like the symbol of what's going on because we're just not getting the truth.
How could a Vioxx happen?
It did.
So, we now have Gardasil and Gardasil is an extremely dangerous vaccine.
It has well-known, well-documented adverse effects.
There's simply no way of getting around it.
And this particular case of one girl whose ovaries, basically they killed her ovaries.
She's not the only one.
There are others, and I've written about that recently.
It's not common, but then again, do you want to take the risk?
Because that's your future, that's your womanhood.
It's just down the tubes, just like that.
So anyway, this particular article is called Gardasil Destroys Girls' Ovaries.
It should have been predicted and basically all I do is tell about what the researchers actually found and go on and discuss it in
Well, more human terms and I talk about some of the things that they found and also I discuss separately a little more about potentially risky ingredients including two in particular that are in this vaccine and that
Polysorbate 80 is known to cause damage to female rats' reproductive systems.
It's a fact.
It's been studied.
There's no way around it.
And yet, it's in this vaccine.
So, nobody cared, apparently.
The fact is that nobody studied the effects of this vaccine on ovaries.
They studied it on male rats' testes, but they didn't bother to study it on ovaries.
And they were pushing this on girls without ever even checking it out.
It's insane.
I don't understand.
So, um, I'm not sure where you want me to go from here on this.
Well, no, it's just that, you know, you're quoted in the article, we've got this new study out, uh, British Medical Journal, but there's so many other studies in the eight years of, it's almost nine years since the studies first started all over the world.
And I differ with you on this, because I can tell you're a smart, intelligent, you know, advocate for people's health, and you're out there warning people, but folks come out and say, well, they must not have known what they're doing, or they didn't properly study it.
They studied it in the trials, it killed people, it sterilized people, it gave people autoimmune disorders, and they said, let's test seeing if we can dump something like this
I don't
At the second trimester, three and a half month mark, and it turned out that was a UN program.
So they know full well what they're doing from my educated analysis.
I mean, they certainly know it's doing it now and are pushing it harder than ever.
Well, you might be interested in knowing that there is a coming push on the HPV vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix, to not just give them to teenage girls or boys, but to move the age range down and to give it to babies.
And they're using as the example of why they should do this, the Hep B vaccine, which is in the U.S., nearly every baby born in a hospital is given this vaccine within the first 24 hours of birth.
And that's hailed as this great success, even though the Hep B vaccine doesn't protect an infant from anything that infant could possibly have.
Yeah, unless the infant is an intravenous drug user, or having unprotected sex, which is incredible.
And again, if they can give over 100 million Americans SV40 cancer viruses knowingly, and get away with it in the polio vaccine, on record, if they can give kids for now 20 years, deadly, or 15 years or so, deadly at birth, on record dangerous hepatitis shots, and then hepatitis levels only go up, because duh,
And if they can give them live polio and cover that up, and if they can do this, of course they are.
And clearly, this is a criminal eugenics operation.
You know, it just came out, and I said estrus, I meant gestation.
A second trimester, going into the second trimester of gestation.
That's when these other hormones they've added, according to the medical doctors I've had on, kick in and cause the woman to have a miscarriage.
I mean, this is so diabolical.
I think people have trouble dealing with it, Heidi.
So let's get into babies now.
It's not enough to hurt these women with these shots and little boys now.
Let's go after babies with the papillomavaccine that, as you know, doesn't even cover most of the papillomaviruses.
That's correct.
That's exactly correct.
And yet, this is actually in a journal.
The plan to do this, or the study that supposedly documents why we should do this, why we should start giving this vaccine to babies.
And the interesting thing is even though this vaccine is known to have an extremely high rate of adverse effects including death and adverse effects that destroy lives utterly like narcolepsy and others.
And they did not even once, in the entire paper, even reference safety concerns.
Not one mention of adverse effects.
It's as if there's no potential harm.
That is actually the way they've approached this.
It's not an issue.
So it seems to me that if you want to hide the effects of a vaccine, give it to a baby, a brand new baby, because they can't tell you what's going on.
You give it to a baby at birth.
And how do you know that baby was healthy to begin with?
You don't.
You can't prove it.
All you know is you've been handed this very, very sick baby.
And what does it?
Well, who knows?
Maybe it was the vaccine, but now vaccines don't do things like that.
At least that's the attitude.
And people end up sick.
So we now have a world full of sick children.
That's literally the truth.
The average child now is ill.
Well, that's why I wanted to get you on, is because you point that out in the articles you put out on your excellent news site.
And that's what's frustrating, is they want to make us ill, to make us part of the medical system.
It's another form of slavery.
And they've even written white papers on it.
And people just can't come to grips with how diabolical this is.
It is.
It's stunning.
It's hard to comprehend.
I actually came into this from an iatrogenic injury.
That means a doctor induced.
And I'm supposed to be dead.
But I finally woke up a bit and I decided, well, they told me I'm going to die.
That there's no way to treat this.
So I went to an alternative practitioner.
Heidi Stevenson, stay there.
I want to talk about this on the other side.
Folks, there's no doubt, this is a eugenics reclamation program.
Just like they now admit in California, they're still sterilizing women.
It's a huge secret program.
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You know, I wish that the Mexican supremacist Robert Rodriguez here in Austin, Texas, where I live, because I know a lot of people that know him behind the scenes.
I mean, he's basically like a Hispanic version of the Ku Klux Klan.
I wish he would come out and make a movie about how the UN has got a program in Mexico to make all the little girls in Mexico take Gardasil shots that on record are going to screw them up and reduce their fertility and sterilize them.
Oh, but he's not going to do that.
He's just going to make movies about how white people are all racist and have to be dealt with.
And so is Matt Damon.
Because that's what the establishment wants.
They want us all fighting with each other while the globalists are basically killing us.
It's unbelievable, the reality of this.
Heidi Stevenson, you were damaged by your doctor.
That's the number one cause of death now in this country.
Unnatural deaths, over 300,000 a year.
Doctors killing people one way or another.
And the system just is pushing this.
Expand and tell folks your story of what happened to you.
As my crew was pointing out, as Nico was pointing out, you don't know if they were okay when they were born, so you can mess them up and claim it was a problem throughout life.
They can't tell you when they're sick.
They can't tell you when it's hurting.
They're the perfect victim to pump the ligardicill and hepatitis and all these other shots.
I'd like to take one step back.
You said that the medical system is the number one cause of death.
Agreed completely.
And you said that it's about 300,000.
Well, I agree with that, except that that's only the tip of the iceberg.
That's only what's recognized and acknowledged.
But what isn't recognized?
What's not accepted as medically induced death?
Are the people who end up with cancer because of antibiotics which do lead to cancer in many cases because they mess up the gut bacteria and all kinds of adverse effects that end up causing horrific damage like all these kids with diabetes who are going to die ultimately of diabetes.
Because that is a deadly disease.
But they won't be counted as iatrogenic deaths.
So the number of people who die that way is massively understated by 300,000.
That's right, that's right.
There are so many studies that the vaccines are causing some type of autoimmune response in the pancreas and burning it out.
I mean, they're just killing everybody.
Well, I can't argue with that at all.
I wouldn't even begin to try to argue with it.
Yeah, it's the autoimmune disorders and that's mostly what we're seeing in these girls who don't die immediately.
We're seeing autoimmune disorders and vaccines, that's my big thing about vaccines because they cause autoimmune disorders and autoimmune disorders
Lupus, all of it is off the chart.
And here's the deal, Heidi.
You've got all the studies up on your site.
We've got them.
This is not debatable.
They knew Gardasil was killing a bunch of people in the trials.
Other governments are banning it.
But not America.
Not Mexico.
Because we're under the control of Goldman Sachs and other groups that have the actuaries set up.
They want us out of the way.
And in the process of our dying, they want to suck all the money out of us.
I'm not going to argue with you about it.
It's unbelievable.
I'm not going to go into the political end of it right now because that's not what I know as much about.
I just know what's happening here and there's just no way of looking at it with open eyes and not realize that something's going on.
Something is going on.
Yeah, well they're gonna put shots in me or my family over my dead body.
But the problem is they're coming out with it in the food, in the water, vaccines, in pharmacological crops, where you can't escape it.
Back in 60 seconds, I want to come back to you and Heidi, have you tell your story.
We didn't get to that yet.
And the website is Gaia-Health.com.
I just wanted to get you on because you're out there, you know, collating all these studies, helping warn people.
God bless you.
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Waging war on corruption.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're back live.
We're going to cover a bunch of breaking news at the start of the next segment, and then open the phones up to take your phone calls.
I'm going to give the number out at the start of the next segment.
We're talking to Heidi Stevenson.
She's a journalist and researcher, and I saw her quoted an article on Natural News by Jonathan Benson that has the British medical journal, Info, Young Woman's Ovaries Destroyed by Gardasil.
But I wanted her to finish up her story of a doctor-induced or system-induced illness
And other points she thinks are important to add for people out there.
And of course her website for folks that want to visit is Gaia-Health.com.
So go ahead Heidi Stephenson, make any other points that you think are important.
Okay, well basically I had a neatrogenic disease.
It was killing me.
I was really literally close to death and I ended up going to a gasp homeopath and I actually didn't even believe in homeopathy.
I thought it was pure nonsense and that's actually even the first thing I said to the homeopath who said, well, I don't care.
And that was over ten years ago.
And I'm here.
And I've taken what I've learned and gotten into it.
And found that what happened to me is not rare.
It's common.
It's actually very, very common.
It's easy to do because the medical system, the doctors, they all circle the wagons and none of them speak out.
If one does, well, you know, they ruin their careers.
And apparently careers are more important than people's lives.
At least that seems to be the impression that we get when we're on the opposite side of that system.
And in the process of my learning, I found out more and more and more and discovered that vaccines, these wonderful miracle things that I always believed in, because, well, doesn't everybody?
Discovered the truth, and that everything we've been told about them has been a lie.
That they're not harmless, they're extremely dangerous, that they kill people, that they destroy lives, and they don't even do what they claim they're going to do.
That's what's amazing!
Almost all of the inserts say, doesn't even protect you from hepatitis, doesn't protect you from papilloma, doesn't, and you're like, but they're saying it does on the news!
It's so incredible!
Absolutely true.
I mean, there is some truth to it.
There's some limited truth.
But it's limited.
That's right.
There's some limit.
There's evidence that the 500-year-old technology of immunization does have some validity.
The problem is these companies are so corrupt and have such a hidden agenda and such a horrible history that you can't trust them.
Amen to that.
I have to agree 100%.
And the fact is, you have to consider and be honest about the harm.
And you have to be honest about what they have accomplished and what they haven't.
And the fact of the matter is that the claims that vaccines have made us safe from smallpox, safe from polio, and all of these other so-called horrible childhood illnesses, most of which I remember, I had them.
I don't
You know, by the grace of God, because of good nutrition, everything, they just got some little red bumps on them, and it was gone in two days.
In fact, you know, you hear about the groups where the neighbor kid has it, so you bring the kids over to get it from them, so that it's all over with and you control the situation.
My mother was very, very upset because she tried to help me get the mumps, and unfortunately, I just plain didn't get it.
You don't want to get it when... Those little parties really happened.
People really did do it because it was the safest thing.
Everybody knew that.
Well, mom always knew best until the government became our mommy.
Heidi Stevenson, thank you so much.
We'll talk to you again soon.
Great job.
Thank you.
We'll be back with a ton of news.
Stay with us.
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It's Alex Jones.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, we're gonna go through a ton of really important news and some...
Audio and video clips and then we're going to be taking your phone calls on any subject or news item you wish to raise.
I am your host Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us on this 12th day of August 2013 on this Monday as we kick off broadcast week officially.
800-259-9231 800-259-9231 is the number to join us 800-259-9231.
Whitey Bulger has been found guilty just minutes ago of racketeering and conspiracy.
But the truth is the guy was left alone forever because he was doing hits for the FBI and running organized crime for them.
And that's come out in the trial with the informants.
Over 5,000 hardcore crimes committed.
Show it, it shows SWAT teams and like guys in commando outfits walking him around.
That's the new dress up.
When have you arrived when you're wearing a SWAT team commando outfit here in our third world country?
I mean, it's just ridiculous.
By the way, the government loading him in the vehicle right now, he was their guy on record for decades.
On the East Coast.
I mean, it's just, it's sycophantic, ladies and gentlemen.
If you're a radio listener, I had Fox News up showing the helicopter shot of him being put in the vehicle.
And, yeah, yeah, where's his body armor?
You've got the cops dressed up like they're Darth Vader.
And I guess they should be dressed up like Darth Vader.
They're running worldwide narcotics operations, murder for hire, and child kidnapping.
You know, the average cop down the beat isn't doing that, but I mean, I'm just so sick of the naivety of the population.
Every time I see all the special units and all the stuff, I just go, there's the guys.
And everybody just sycophantically drools all over it.
It makes me want to throw up at how naive the population is.
I guess you're not naive.
Most people are just desperate and don't know what they're going to do.
As our economy converts over to a pure mafia insider crony picking the winners and losers.
Let me hit this article out of News 2 Houston.
Woman opens fire on group of robbers at Denny's.
Police say the group of suspects fled the scene with stolen jewelry.
And then it goes on to show how the, uh, a man who does not want to be identified said his brother was robbed by six men with guns at the Denny's restaurant off the Gulf Freeway in Southeast Houston.
I don't know if it was random or someone set him up because he got...
His own label said the victim's brother, whatever that means.
His brother's wife was in the restroom at the time, but when she got out, she saw the group of robbers.
Police said that when she pulled out her handgun, or her gun, and shot at them, she said she came out of the restroom and saw my brother on the floor.
That's when she started doing what she gotta do.
She got a license and she'll do anything to protect her kids and her brother.
Love it.
And they're not even sure if she shot any of them because they ran off.
But let me tell you, I come out of a restroom and I'm packing and I see that, you're going to get hit.
So easy.
I'm not shooting fish in a barrel.
And I don't want to kill people, but it's like a healthy thing.
It's like catching a rattlesnake under your kid's playscape in the backyard.
I've actually done that.
Don't tell my wife.
She only knows about water moccasins, copperheads, and
Coral snake, which I felt bad killing that coral snake.
My dad didn't believe that he could get over three feet, because the Wikipedia said only three feet.
And this thing was over three feet long, and it was, again, in the backyard.
And even though it's a nice snake in the cobra family, they're not really aggressive like a rattlesnake or a water moccasin.
Water moccasins are really aggressive, compared to even a rattler.
I had to kill it.
And he came over, and even though it was blood out and shrunk a little bit, we put it together and it was three and a half feet.
That'll be a record coral snake I hacked up with a hoe.
I don't want to upset my wife and do it with a shotgun, but the point is I've already digressed off, ladies and gentlemen.
You gotta do what you gotta do.
Let's give some facts.
Great article by Michael Snyder at American Dream Blog.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
I think everybody should get this out to everybody they know.
It's also up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Eighteen little-known gun facts that prove that guns make us safer.
And then he goes over a breakdown of it, links to the Harvard crime studies, all the rest of it.
I love these articles he writes like we do, where it just gives absolute backing up of everything we say.
Over the past 20 years, gun sales have absolutely exploded, but homicides with firearms are down 39% during that time, and other crimes with firearms are down 69%.
That's right.
A study published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy discovered that
Nations that have more guns tend to have less crime.
Number three, the nine European nations with the lowest rate of gun ownership rate have the combined murder rate that is three times greater than that of nine European nations with the highest rate of gun ownership.
Yeah, and it's cultural that, like, Japan doesn't have guns but doesn't have orderly any crime, because the average Japanese person, you know, won't steal from you.
In fact, they've done studies.
They're the only group that if their kids are starving, they will not rob you, on average.
They will sit there and starve to death before they rob you.
That's why they had Fukushima and all that stuff and millions evacuating and almost no crime.
All the crimes committed by the government, by the way.
Almost every mass shooting that has occurred in the United States since 1950 has taken place in a state with strict gun control laws.
We link to those statistics.
With just one exception, every public mass shooting in the USA since the 1950s has taken place where citizens are banned from carrying guns, despite strict gun regulations.
Europe has had three of the six worst school shootings.
Number five, the United States is number one in the world in gun ownership, yet is only 28th in the world in gun murders per 100,000 people.
That's the Department of Justice's own numbers.
Number six, the violent crime rate in the United States actually fell 757.7 per 100,092 to 386,000 per 100,000 in 2011.
Except in the black community, because that's because they took all their guns.
The only areas with total gun bans are black cities.
That's racist.
The liberals are there to euthanize you, suck money out of you, and kill you.
You're not going to have guns while they kill your ass.
Excuse me, I'm sorry.
I'm just out of control, folks, being myself here.
I'm going to stop.
I apologize.
God, exercise the demons.
Continuing here, the violent crime rate in the United States actually fell and it goes on.
Approximately 200,000 women in the United States use guns to protect themselves against sexual crime every year.
Number 8, overall guns in the United States are used 80 times more often to prevent crime than they are to take lives.
Number 9, the number of unintentional fatalities due to firearms declined 58% between 1991 and 2011.
Number 10, despite the very strict ban on guns,
In the U.K., the overall rate of violent crime in the U.K.
is about four times higher than it was in the United States.
In one recent year, there were 2,034 violent crimes per 100,000 people in the U.K.
In the United States, there were 466 violent crimes per 100,000 people in that same year.
Do we really want to be more like the U.K.?
Yeah, they have less gun crime there, but they have more overall crime.
What is that, like eight, nine times?
Let's continue here.
No, that'd be five times.
The UK was approximately 125% more rape victims per 100,000 people each year than the United States does.
The UK has approximately 133% more assault victims per 100,000 people every year than the United States does.
The UK has the fourth largest burglary rate in the EU.
The UK has the second highest overall crime rate in the EU.
Number 15, down under in Australia, gun murders increased 19% and armed robberies increased 69% after the gun ban was instituted.
I'm not going to read the rest of these.
They go on and on.
They're up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I want to send this out on Twitter.
I know it's Twitter.
I just like to talk like Rick Perry.
Everybody's got real bad allergies right now.
They're not making me feel bad.
It's literally all the longevity stuff I take.
I don't know.
I'm going to tweet this out during the break at Real Alex Jones.
So please, whatever you do, folks, retweet this because the fight for the Second Amendment continues.
Let's go to your phone calls right now and then after break I'll get into all the rest of the news.
Let's talk to Sarah in Kentucky.
Sarah, you're on the air worldwide.
I just wanted to say that I really appreciate everything you guys do and everything you do personally, but I wanted to call and kind of speak to the
A young girl in my hometown died about two or three years ago.
She was only 16 at the time and her mother to this day says it's because she got the Gardasil vaccine.
And think about the devastating victory they've had.
Every, even small towns have had multiple deaths.
And even local doctors have been on the news, never makes national news, saying, you know, she took it, a week later, blood coming out of every one of us, and then organs failed.
And that's what it does.
And the victory they've had, they can do this and get away with it.
I mean, what else will we put up with?
Well, now it's going to be babies.
They'll give the baby the shot.
They'll have an autoimmune thing.
They'll be brain damaged.
They'll die.
And they'll get away with it.
Tell us about the story of what happened with the Gardasil.
Well, the girl got the round of vaccines when she was about 14.
And then all of a sudden started having all these gynecological problems.
Oh yeah.
And they ran test after test until they found out, you know, that she had a pretty advanced case of ovarian cancer.
And, you know, that's rare in any teenager.
Not gonna be there now.
Tell you what, stay there.
I'm going to come back to you and if you can get her name and stuff, I want to look it up and show people to personalize this.
Folks, every gas station I walk in, everywhere, people are like, raise money, my son's dying of cancer.
And the numbers, 10,000 plus percent increase on average in pediatric cancers.
And it's going to be 20,000, 30,000, 50,000 until everybody dies.
And we all thank the government for murdering us.
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Day after day, alone on a hill,
Yeah, I want to explain something to people about Gardasil.
And I've had medical doctors on for eight years.
I cover it every few months.
It killed a bunch of people on the trials.
They got cancer very quickly or they died in a day with blood coming out of every orifice.
Or they would get like lupus-like diseases or they would be paralyzed.
And there's been no exaggeration.
I've probably seen 20 different newscasts.
of course.
But for most women, that's when it just over-effects, in my research view.
Kind of an over-roasting of your ovaries and other sexual organs, like your uterus.
It's just meant to reduce fertility.
And all these globalist programs.
They've been caught doing it before with hepatitis vaccines.
They've been caught doing it for women in tetanus shots.
UN programs only for women, and then they add a hormone to it.
I want to go to other callers, but finishing up with Sarah.
Sarah, so you heard about this locally in your town.
All I'm saying is if you see young women, or you see people with young girls, and now they're trying to do it to boys.
They're trying to make it mandatory.
You gotta go up and warn them.
Hey, by the way, Gardasil's killing people.
Read the insert.
Because most people go, my doctor said, we should all be picketing outside doctor's offices if we find out they give Gardasil shots.
I mean, they're murdering everybody.
And of course, the average doctor doesn't know they're compartmentalized.
Because if you admit this is going on, then you, that's how the Nazis did it.
Is once you go, oh, they're okay, and then even though bad things start happening, you've got to go along with it, because you don't want to admit you're part of something evil.
And this is a life or death situation.
I mean, they're trying to pass laws worldwide, and they're doing it in some cases, to actually make it mandatory.
And then when you don't, they will send the police.
And if you barricade yourself in that house, an armored vehicle pulls up with trained killers.
And there's been cases where they take the kid, give them the shot, and they have convulsions.
A lot of times mothers, their kid already gets sick from shots, says, no, no, no.
I've seen the cases in Detroit, you name it.
They SWAT team and put the mother in prison!
They might as well line your family up and shoot them right there!
But see, they're smart.
People fought when the Nazis lined you up and shot you.
If they give you a soft kill, we're here to help you.
The doctor doesn't even know.
He, oh, whatever, the person's having convulsions, that's not me.
The SWAT team doesn't know, it's just some mother won't give her kids up, and it's all compartmentalized.
You're living, folks, in a sci-fi Nazi Germany.
I'm sorry, Sarah, for ranting.
Go ahead and finish up with what happened after she took the Gardasil shot.
Well, like I said, she ended up being diagnosed with an advanced stage of ovarian cancer and died, and I know that people hear you say this about vaccines and think you're exaggerating, but I was a public health nurse until last December, and you're supposed to push these vaccines on anybody.
And we were giving boys the Gardasil shot, or some nurses were.
I didn't.
And a lot of times I would refuse to give it when I knew that the parents hadn't read anything about it.
Oh wow, you're a nurse on top of it.
I didn't know that.
How many of the nurses know this that you talk to?
I talk to any nurse and anybody in healthcare that I can reach about it.
You know, I quit my job there.
I stay at home with my kids now.
But basically I knew that it was only a matter of time before I ended up in trouble at work.
Thank you.
Or what their child was getting, and just give the vaccination.
And I wouldn't do it.
You know, I said, you know, I would encourage people, if you really want it, make another appointment and come back.
But read about it first.
I don't know how much trouble I got into for doing those little things right there.
And I would just tell my supervisor, look, I swore an oath to the patient, not to you, or not to Merck,
Or the pharmaceutical company that was to the patient.
And I really feel like if a parent has never heard of this before, I shouldn't push it on them that day.
And by the way, that's the bare minimum morally you could do.
Instead, the nurses all need to band together and start handing out literature and news articles.
I mean, I would go to the head of the hospital and say, here are 50 news articles about Gardasil killing people and foreign governments banning it.
And then there'll be an uproar, and then it'll get reversed like India and Japan, where they'd outlawed it.
But see, we just won't do it.
It's like, oh, you're wearing a blue uniform?
I'll do what you say, no matter if it's illegal.
Oh, you're wearing a white uniform?
I'll kill my kid.
I mean, it's unbelievable.
God bless you, ma'am.
How many more have to die, folks?
They're injecting you with live cancer viruses.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Alright, I just tweeted it out.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
I'm going to go back to your phone calls here and it's some other very important news I haven't gotten to after we take more calls but I want to encourage people to be citizen journalist but also citizen satirist
citizen, town criers, rabble-rousers.
There's a war going on.
I'm completely freaked out that Big Pharma is on record being eugenics-based since it was founded, and that they're carrying out debilitating, soft-kill operations against everyone.
And that's a fact.
And again, it's compartmentalized.
The average doctor, the average hospital, they just follow the orders of the bioethics boards that are eugenicists.
It's illegal to take a teenage girl and cut her ovaries out.
They're like, well, why don't they just tie her tubes?
They want to do whatever's the most brutal and can't be reversed out in California.
But they've been caught doing it by the tens of thousands a year again.
No one will get in trouble because it was sanctioned.
You can go, well there are too many poor people.
Folks, they've dumbed everybody down.
We all look poisoned and quasi-debilitated because we've been under soft kill.
They've got to dumb us down, cut off our resources, make us dependent, get us on the grid before they roll out with the next phase of their eugenics operation.
And again, I've not just reverse-engineered their program.
I know all this because they're on record saying it's the plan.
And that's why I'm here warning you.
Well, we did this first a few months ago, and then the LifeSite people did it, and the student activist groups did it, and now Mark Dice has done it, and he always seems to do it best, because he's a smart guy, but also because...
He's out in L.A.
where they have got some of the dumbest, most evil, government-loving people I've ever seen in my life.
And Obama supporters signed petition calling for killing of newborn babies under Obamacare.
And Mark wisely blurred their faces out of these people.
Not that he has any liability, they did at his news gathering, you know, you do it, you're on.
You've only got to get permission if you're in a public place, if it's for entertainment purposes.
But if people, if you're in a public place and, you know, that's it, no perception of privacy.
That's how the cops can videotape you, and that's how, you know, that's why they're in the wrong when they come up to you and say you can't videotape them.
As long as you're not interfering with what they're doing, getting in the middle of lawful duties.
It's official oppression and criminal when they try to stop you, but the point is, is that Obama supporters, so this has been done on the East Coast, Austin, and in California, and here in Austin, more than half the people said, yeah, kill babies after they're born for Obama.
If they'll get some more welfare.
You'll get more welfare if we kill babies.
Oh, well, let's kill them immediately.
Like Bill Gates, if we kill Granny, we can hire ten teachers.
They're like, KILL HER!
As if they're gonna kill Granny and give you something, moron!
As if a government like that isn't pure evil!
And this video is up on Infowars.com.
The guy's got a kid on his shoulders as he signs a petition.
To kill babies after they're born.
This all started last year, when Paul Watson dug up the Journal of Bioethics, calling for killing babies up to age three.
Even healthy ones.
And now they're saying, yeah, old people, you don't really have a good life.
Your knees are bad, you can't see good.
We're gonna deny care.
And they get you into a socialist system so they can deny you the care and make the, well, we're gonna give it to the young people.
And the young people are like, yeah!
Yeah, old lady!
I'll warehouse my parents, I'm gonna warehouse you and get your goods.
And that, you fools, that's only gonna work for a certain period of time.
My mother yesterday, driving back from the funeral, she says, why do you do that evil laugh?
And I said, well, it's painful.
These things are painful to me.
And so I basically note it as this is the spirit of what they're doing.
It's like a sick laugh back at the devil.
It's like, yeah, I know what you are.
And I'm laughing at everybody out there so they get the fact they're being laughed at.
I'm laughing at you as the new law is laughing at you, hoping somebody's got some pride.
Somebody's got some dignity.
Somebody's got some survival instincts out there.
I mean, I look at these... I can even see somebody who's into themself.
The walk they'll have is this little satisfied walk and the satisfied look, and they'll go, so what?
They're not killing me.
So what if Obama's spying on me?
I like him.
I'm in the winning club, yeah.
It's disgusting.
So that story's up on Infowars.com.
I'm gonna tweet that out.
I guess Watson just did, actually.
Just unbelievable.
Let me show you the articles if you're a TV viewer.
Not go there.
You can see it all.
By the way, these are weapons.
The enemy's showing their evil.
We need to exploit all this, folks.
Go out and show the scum.
Go out and show how they're begging to be destroyed.
By the way, these people, in their ignorance, they all deserve to be destroyed.
I don't deserve to be destroyed.
And you don't deserve to be destroyed.
And I don't like the New World Order running all this.
They really deserve to be destroyed.
Inhuman scum that are building a giant predatory civilization.
It's easier to build a predatory civilization.
It's easier to break things and then call yourself the hero.
It's easier to stage terror attacks and then strut around in your stupid combat outfits.
But it's only easier short term.
Long term it creates hell on earth.
So Obama supporters signed petition calling for killing newborn babies under Obamacare.
DHS trooper who performed roadside cavity search gets her job back.
State police announced they're gonna, one glove, two women, four orifices.
They're going in.
And if you don't like it, they'll murder you.
So there you go.
You don't like it, they'll taser you.
Next they'll gun you down and high five and go back to the base and go, it's manly to kill these people.
And the New World Order is going to get your bank accounts too, and your kids are going to die of cancer.
So get ready to be murdered by your devil that you love so much.
Let's continue here.
Former NSA boss.
Government will continue surveillance, so get used to it.
That's right, just slapping us upside the head, letting the slaves know it's their country now.
So go to Walmart, eat some GMO, and weigh 500 pounds and get ready for death so we can harvest your organs.
Man says off-duty cops beat him up, left him for dead.
Official embassy attack threat had no basis in fact.
You tell them to put that back to the top of the site in Red Lake at least, that's a big deal.
IRS refuses to answer congressmen on AR-15s for standoff capability of the American people.
Well, every criminal agency wants to be a tough guy warrior and fight the enemy of the American people.
They all want to be part of the great bring down of America.
They're having a great success, too.
10,000 plus percent increase in pediatric cancer.
The victories are good!
The victories are strong!
You're not just tasting man flesh, you're killing younglings!
Why, your satanic power is growing, isn't it?
Yeah, you can feel the demonic fire you fly into, like a moth into the incinerator.
All of you begging to die, begging to be slaves, begging to revel in evil, begging to be part of it, begging to join with it, and you will!
You will!
You will have your destruction!
Let's go ahead and talk to Russ in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
I'm alright, I'm freaked out right now actually.
I understand that, I understand that.
Hey, uh, I just wanted to say, uh, long time listener, uh, first time caller.
I've been listening since I was, like, 14.
But, um, yesterday I was at a music festival and, uh, I saw an illegal arrest.
Like, it happened, uh, five feet, five feet, like, in front of me.
Uh, they, you know, acting like Gestapos, asking for the guy's, uh, ID, and he just wanted to know what he did.
And they threatened him with arrest if he didn't show the money.
Yeah, so what if it's illegal in the Bill of Rights and Constitution and thousands of court rulings it's illegal?
So what?
They're doing it for your own good.
Take some shots!
Have a convulsion!
Come on!
You scum!
What do you think this is, America?
You scum!
You're lucky he didn't beat your brains out, you filth!
I know, it was crazy.
So, I called the police department this morning.
The Bethlehem Police Department.
Oh, I'll have to put you on a list and show you some respect, punk!
Called them, and I talked to them, told them the situation.
He goes,
And the two questions they kept on asking me, are you a lawyer?
Because they know, I know, they know you.
I know the law.
No, no, no, no, the idea is no one's allowed to talk to us but a lawyer.
Again, the ether is ignorance.
They swim in an ocean of their own ignorance as well.
Exactly, and I just wanted to get that word out, you know, that I asked for the desk sergeant badge number.
He told me he wasn't going to give it to me and he hung up.
That's ridiculous.
I think those officers are good, and since they support the system, they should take all the vaccines and get ready to have their hands and feet go numb and have health problems and have their kidneys fail and get diabetes and die!
Do it for the government!
Show us how good you are, heroes!
Time to die!
Thank you, Rush.
It's time to love your government.
Prove how good you are.
Let's talk to Truth Raider in Oregon.
What is that, FEMA Region 9?
You're on the air, slave.
FEMA Region 10, sir.
Truth shall make you free.
And healthy and alive, too.
Have you taken extra shots?
No, sir.
Drink your fluoride, kook!
Take your shots!
Eat your GMO!
Worship the government!
And Obama said his spying on you illegally is like washing the dishes.
Come on, you know he loves you.
I refuse.
What's wrong with killing babies up to age three now?
It's trendy.
Good afternoon, brother.
Hey, I attended a LaRouche PAC satellite meeting a few days ago, and they want to reinstitute the Glass-Steagall firewall.
It's a good idea, but it's a bad idea.
We should let foreign banks run everything and money launder and do whatever they want.
How dare you, scum!
You even know the name of laws!
You must be a terrorist!
Terrorists for freedom!
And liberty!
And the pursuit of happiness!
Go ahead terrorists, what else is on your mind?
Oh, well, you know, I looked at it and said, you know, that's wonderful, but you guys are not looking at the total big picture on a global scale.
I mean, look at this.
I mean, it's like, take, for example, it's like a figure of speech.
It's like a one-legged mountain climber trying to climb Mount Everest in a snowstorm, and at night, for good measure.
I mean, it's a difficult task.
Yeah, but if you get, listen, if you got Glass-Steagall back in, where the investment banks couldn't infect everything else with what they're doing, it would really put the kibosh on their system.
Yeah, I'm all for it, but it's going to be tough, you know, trying to limp along.
I know, that's why I recommend we just drink more fluoride.
There won't be any pain.
Those coffins are mighty warm down there.
I hear you.
I appreciate your call, Truth Raider.
Yeah, no, I mean, I don't agree with some of the stuff the LaRouche PAC people are into and all that, but in the final equation, getting the Glass-Steagall back in is really a good solution.
But the big solution is realizing we have a predatory, occupied government.
And that isn't just rhetoric.
And they're trying to mop up what's left.
And they're announcing, yeah, there'll be army checkpoints.
Yeah, we're going to disappear bloggers now.
Yeah, we're spying on you.
What's the big deal?
We run Al Qaeda.
Of course we do.
The TSA is going to be at the mall.
And I saw footage in San Antonio.
Everybody's like, what's wrong with him searching everybody at the mall?
I like it.
How dare you not like it?
You've got a bunch of dumbed-down people who want to be destroyed, and they will be.
Let's go ahead and talk to Howie in Washington.
I guess FEMA Region 10 again.
Howie, how are you doing up there with Bill Gates?
All right.
Have you had your shots, hmm?
I don't take shots.
Well, Bill Gates is coming out with it where it's sprayed over your city and put in your food to make sure you're a good boy and go to sleep forever.
Well, I understand that, sir, but my questions are, what's with this
Fetal baby parts and my Pepsi and all my food.
Well, that's all part of the bizarreness, but two years ago I first heard that, didn't believe it, confirmed it was true, confirmed they had a shareholder meeting where the shareholders said get it out, and Obama signed an order saying no, they're allowed to keep it in.
And so you will drink baby essence.
I'm telling you, it's all cuckoo land, man.
It's like the golden child or something, and they want us to all be defiled or something.
I mean, I don't know.
I mean, I go in stores now and I see a Pepsi deal, and I get freaked out by it.
I live in a country, in a world, where there's flavoring made out of baby cells, and there's people, you know, with, oh, you want your Pepsi?
Ah, ice cold and delicious.
And then I'm a weirdo if I go, baby bards!
See, I'm the bad one!
I'm supposed to just go, can I have some baby-flavored drink?
And they'll be like, sure.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Defending the public.
The republic is, uh, I'm a new listener, and I live with a guy that's been a follower of yours for years, and I've been listening to, you know, the Infowars from third party, and I moved into this guy after a
You know, being divorced after a 30 year relationship, and this guy's opened me up to all the Alex Jones.
He sounds like a bad man.
I mean, he told you about baby, baby, baby flavoring and the, uh, what's wrong with melting babies down into flavoring?
You got to do something with the dead bodies.
What kind of freak do you live with that's upset about that?
I want, call the police and get a tracer on these guys.
You gotta be putting a database.
You mean you don't like baby flavoring in Pepsi?
You don't think that's freaking people out and bad?
I mean, that's a good thing, sir.
It's wrong to be making me eat shit that's not right.
You know what, we gotta let you go.
He said a cuss word and we delayed it.
It's bad to say a cuss word, but it's not bad to kill babies and put them in Pepsi.
Just like you can't write cuss words on your airplane, but you can drop napalm on villages.
I want that guy off the air.
How dare you be upset by the over-the-chart, hell-raiser-level, nightmare science fiction of baby bodies being used for flavoring and vaccines grown on dead fetal tissue?
How dare you?
How dare you?
I apologize to the listeners that we had an extremist call in who thinks it's bad to kill babies and use them as flavoring in drinks.
By the way, I want to send my crew out.
Doing that, going out with Pepsi saying, you know they use fetal flavoring, but you've got to add, Obama supports it.
You know, Pepsi did get behind him, that's all part of the sick joke, too.
The head of Pepsi is a big Bilderberg person.
And so you go out and you go, hey, you know, they're just recycling the fetal tissue.
You know, people sued over it, but Obama blocked it.
You know, they have a right, and it's for Obama, and they will, I guarantee you,
You could probably give them a dead baby and they would go, it's for Obama, and they'd just go, rawr, and start eating it.
I mean, it's just like, so, I mean, that's it.
That's the plan here, is we need some fetal tissue.
Why not start selling it at the grocery store?
Locally here, you get a baby, well I mean actually they get upwards of over a thousand dollars on average, sometimes about ten grand for a baby.
All the stuff they render down out of it, cause see, Pepsi said look, technically, we just take baby cells and then grow the flavor enhancement in their cells.
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All right, take some final calls here and I want to cover...
Swift's modest proposal here in just a moment, tying it into eating the babies.
This isn't the first time that every culture ends up sacrificing and killing and eating babies.
I guess it's, we joke around about it, but to the New World Order, it's very important to eat the babies.
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Okay, document cam please for TV viewers, but a modest proposal for preventing children of poor people from being a burden to their parents or country and making them beneficial to the public by Dr. Swift and This is the famous Modest proposal put out by Jonathan Swift a modest proposal is a
A satirical essay written and published anonymously by Jonathan Swift in 1729.
Swift suggests that the impoverished Irish might ease their economic troubles by selling their children as food for rich gentlemen and ladies.
The satirical hyperbole mocks heartless attitudes towards the poor as well as the Irish policy in general.
In English, writing the phrase, a modest proposal is now can...
Conventional as an allusion to the style of straight-faced satire.
But it's not satire that we eat our dead children now.
How about a nice cold Pepsi?
I went and told McAdoo about this, I guess she didn't know about it, because I ran into her and I said, she goes, what?
There's baby?
Baby parts are using Pepsi additives?
She thought I was joking and I went, no McAdoo, I'm not joking!
So we need to give her all those articles and everything.
I mean, this is... You know what?
I don't blame her for thinking I was joking.
When I first saw this two and a half years ago, I thought it was a joke.
And then when callers call up, then I thought, well, surely the shareholders are suing over this.
Surely this will stop.
And it didn't.
Yeah, there it is.
Obama Agency Rules Pepsis Use of Aborted Fetal Cells in Soft Drinks Constitutes Ordinary Business Operations.
Ha ha!
I'm just so sick, man.
Hey, why didn't Matt Damon, Matt Damon, make a movie about that?
About all the little Chinese kids getting melted down to be added to Pepsi.
Oh no, oh, oh no no.
He's gonna make a movie about a bunch of whites being the cause of all the problems in the world.
How about evil, self-serving people that don't care about humanity?
How about, how about them being the problem?
How about the general public being lazy and not informed and not aggressive about their liberty?
How about you're the problem?
I'll tell you, when I'm walking down the street and somebody makes a smart-mouth comment to me, usually I try to ignore it, but sometimes I start talking to them, and then fans will walk by and shake my hand, and that always makes them real angry.
That, oh, this guy's got supporters, that makes me feel bad.
Because in their whole world, I notice losers will say, oh, that guy's doing real bad, oh, he, you know, he's over, he failed.
They'll imagine their competition is failing.
We were having a business meeting a few weeks ago at a local restaurant bar and saw some guy bugging his eyes out at me, laughing at me.
And he walked over and was talking crap about me right next to me on the table.
And then he watched, like, all these people come over and shake my hand.
He got real mad and left.
It was like, oh my gosh, freedom's popular!
It's horrible!
What am I going to do?
What am I going to do?
What am I going to do?
Nightly News Tonight 7.
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Wake up!
Why does the United States spend the largest percentage of GDP in the world on health care?
Why do we have the highest cancer rates on the planet, the highest rates of diabetes, autism, and every other major disease?
It all comes down to one thing.
We are what we eat.
Our food is devoid of nutrition and processed with poisonous