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Name: 20130809_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 9, 2013
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is going to be another incredibly important radio broadcast today.
It is the ninth day of August 2013.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours.
Coming up in studio we're going to have former Dallas Cowboy and most valuable player Drew Pearson in studio.
And of course I grew up watching the Dallas Cowboys and I like football.
I just see it as a political distraction and a new religion.
But at the same time it's important to talk to people from those environs of society because we can get their perspective on the world and also glean some of the secrets of success from them and get his take on things that are happening currently in the world.
He is a renowned public speaker all over the planet and of course has a show on ESPN and Fox Sports both.
So he's going to be
Joining us in studio.
In fact, Richard's over at the airport picking him up right now.
Flew down to Austin from Big D to be on the broadcast.
The news we have is just ultra massive important.
Obviously the big news is that we're going to have Charles Strange, father of one of the Navy SEALs, that died in the mysterious crash.
From SEAL Team 6, months after the stage, Bin Laden raid.
We're going to have him on with his lawyer, Larry Klayman, who's no stranger to this radio broadcast.
So, Drew Pearson of NFL fame, and then of course, Charles Strange, father of one of the Navy SEALs, who's saying that they believe there was foul play going on.
Of course, you were first to hear that here, right after it happened from my Navy SEAL source, who's in another SEAL team currently serving.
And that basically all of them believed it was a setup.
And they're like, well, who got the bomb on the helicopter?
Maybe Al Qaeda.
And they're like, no, no, we were all sardined on there.
It wasn't a real mission.
Looks like Obama.
Looks like the Pentagon did this to us.
And then they tried to cover up what really happened.
And I told you, ladies and gentlemen, I don't just get up here and say, hey, I got told by an active-duty Navy SEAL who's friends with a SEAL Team 6 person that they think it was a setup.
And I don't just get up here on air and just say things.
So many other talk show hosts do that.
I don't do that.
It's hard enough even when you've got good sources to get stuff right, much less make stuff up.
Speaking of that, ladies and gentlemen,
When we come back, I was sent by a military source, and then confirmed it through a state police source, this document up on InfoWars.com, that KXAN News has now confirmed, this morning.
They said terror attacks in Austin, Texas, and then they named several other
Pasadena, California.
And that the terror attack could come any time after the end of Ramadan that ended yesterday.
And that's why they announced in the news, in fact, will you guys print me this from yesterday so I can show viewers?
I forgot to pull it, or pull it from yesterday.
Oh, you heard there's gonna be, you know, troops and feds and checkpoints in Austin, but it's all just a drill.
Well, turns out it's for this specific terror threat.
And then when they got caught doing it, when we put this out last night at about 11 p.m., and I shot a video at 1 a.m.
on this, they've now come out and said, oh, that was a mistake, we shouldn't have released that.
I'm going to explain what's behind that.
And also, we're going to get into, they say the House Republicans are going to vote to gut the border entirely and take us fully into the North American Union.
And I saw Elysium last night.
It is literally the most anti-white racist BS I've ever seen.
It was unbelievable.
Stay with us.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
I am your host Alex Jones.
It is Friday, the ninth day of August 2013.
We have an incredibly important broadcast lined up for you today.
I normally do the Sunday show live, 4 to 6 p.m.
as well.
I will not be here live this Sunday, though I do intend to call into the show.
I'm going to get David Knight to do it live, if he can do it.
If not, there's so much important news, I'll end up taping something tomorrow.
My great-uncle, the Army officer fellow that I've talked about on air, died yesterday, so I'm going to go to that funeral.
I wish I would have gone and talked to him on his deathbed.
They weren't sure when he was going to die, but he's been real sick.
Having trouble breathing.
That's what cigarettes will do to you.
And my dad has spent a lot of time with him, but I hadn't.
I should have gotten down there last week, but he didn't want family to come bug him, so I kind of followed those wishes.
But that's a side issue, which his life is certainly very, very short.
So I'm going to go to his military funeral on Sunday, and then I'll be back Sunday night and back live Monday, Lord willing.
Out, out, brief candle.
We never know how long we'll be here.
Today is an absolute, total, just overload of information.
And I've got to do my best to try to cover it all.
Heard the police announcing they had a search warrant.
One of our reporters heard banging, flashbangs going off.
About 15-20 minutes after, when they had people in handcuffs, he opens his door up of his apartment.
They scream at him like he's the lowest scum on earth.
I mean, beyond an enemy.
Come over, tell him, get back in his apartment.
He is in his apartment.
Slam the door on him with hatred.
And it just shows how the mindset of the police has changed.
in this country to something beyond what I've witnessed in third world nations even.
I mean, they treat us worse than I've seen troops treating Iraqis on videos.
And one time I saw state police on a side road a few years ago.
I talked about this and my iPhone was dead.
You know, I hadn't charged it so it was plugged in but hadn't booted up yet.
And I'm driving by and see like 10 state police with a little tent set up, you know, a little structure.
Not really a tent, you know, it's where they, a canopy.
And they're standing around, and it's just a side street.
So I pull over, knowing how uppity and weird the police are getting, I pull down about 50 yards to another side street, turned off, parked, was dressed nice, walked over and said, hi, how's it going?
As they all turned and looked at me, I was like, hi, how's it going?
I'm walking up.
And wouldn't want a trench coat, no excuse to act like I was some threat to them.
And I know I'm an insurgent, all citizens, police are taught are basically insurgents now, enemies.
And there's terrorists under every rock.
And I said, hey, what's going on?
And the head DPS goes, you get in your car and you get out of here.
And I went, oh, what, I'm a citizen, I can't talk to you?
And he said, I told you, get in there and get out of here.
That's right, and he starts putting his hand on his gun.
And I went, wow, this is really a screwed up country.
And some of the other state police were looking at him like he was crazy.
But it doesn't matter.
The worst of the bunch always end up running things.
He was in charge.
I just went, you know, I had a feeling you'd act like that.
He said, I said!
And I think he had a Napoleonic complex.
Looked like he was about 5'1".
Nothing against short people.
I mean, I'm only 5'10".
But the whole point is, is that
I just see this everywhere.
I sent a reporter, a film crew, up to D.C.
to get more shots of landmarks, and they'd be 500 yards in the grass filming the White House or filming the Washington Monument.
This is yesterday.
And the police would come over and say, you're not allowed to film, you're not allowed to have a tripod.
And they're like, well, can you tell me the law, please?
Sir, listen, I'm going to take you to jail.
That's the law.
And folks, they do it.
So we're going to make a documentary to little kids taking pictures.
They want you to know, buddy, you're occupied.
This is Fallujah.
Now, of course, they couldn't stay in Fallujah.
They got their butt ran out of there.
They couldn't stay in Afghanistan.
They got their butt ran out of there.
But they're all going to be here kicking us and stomping us forever.
And it doesn't matter if 90% of the police are changing people's tires and dealing with real bank robberies or robberies or problems.
It doesn't matter.
Because it's the worst ones that they put to mind the general public and boss us around.
And I personally am not putting up with it anymore.
I mean, I saw all this footage of people all over the country trying to just hold up signs saying, Peach Obama.
And you see the footage, the cops walk up to them.
This is the last few days.
We played some of it yesterday, if you're a TV viewer.
And they would just shove down.
People start talking to him, going, hey, I even checked the local law, I'm allowed to do this.
I said, get out of here, boom!
And the person's head hits the concrete, and then the cops all, I mean, you're assaulting us, you're criminals.
I don't care if you got corrupt judges and a corrupt system and a corrupt media backing you up.
And I'm telling you folks, from the top, they're promoting and protecting bad police everywhere.
Austin has had a model police department.
I know my grandparents are from here, my mom's from here.
I've lived here since high school, visited it during the summers.
Compared to other cities, and statistically it's been a model department.
As the city's gotten bigger, and as they do all the modern training, they're killing innocent people every couple weeks now.
Because they're so scared that they're going to get killed or shot at.
Somebody gets out and has a cell phone in their hand.
Boom, you're dead.
Looked like a gun.
Ah, justifiable homicider.
Some guy runs from the cops and they shoot him in the neck.
And they're like, justifiable.
I mean, it's scary, folks.
And the state police are all over the place now.
They're pulling you over.
They're taking blood.
They'll bend your wife over the cars.
They're ramming their hands into their bodies.
I mean, it is just a total and complete bizarro nightmare.
And it really freaks me out.
Now that said, that Jakari video and audio is coming up to your radio listener.
It's posted up at InfoWars.com or you can go to InfoWars.com forward slash show.
During the daytime show, we put out a free video feed.
I don't know how long I can.
It's costing us a lot of money, hundreds of thousands.
We're watching it in a day now.
And we haven't even got video ads up on it yet to pay for it.
But the point is, we do have free video streams up at InfoWars.com.
I don't know.
Of the globalists that run this country, they want them, a paramilitary force that sees us as the enemy, and that's the bottom line training.
And the mayors and everybody call us civilians.
When they say it, they get all sycophantic and smack their lips like they're the new royalty.
You're all civilians too.
And the military's not supposed to be operating domestically, if it's real military, and they're servants as well.
And by the way, it's honorable to be a real servant of the Republic and the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
I would not want to be called an official or an authority.
People call and tell me how great I am.
And it's like dumping coals on me, folks, because I'm not a narcissist.
I'm into ideas and a mission of freedom, not to sit up here like some type of peacock putting my feathers out in front of you.
I've transcended that by the time I was about 12 years old.
We are going into classical charity and it hurts really bad to see this happening to our poor country.
We have the father of one of the Navy SEALs who was killed in SEAL Team 6 joining us.
He's obviously coming out saying the evidence is foul play and a cover-up.
And most of the families are now coming out saying that, that had people that died by the way.
So they're going to be joining us coming up for about 45 minutes the next hour with his lawyer Larry Klayman.
And then we're going to have Drew Pearson in studio, motivational speaker and patriot, and have a chance to talk to that famous football player, Dallas Cowboy.
You know, I grew up watching Drew Pearson.
I was probably about a year and a half old.
I guarantee you they were watching the Dallas Cowboys game.
Some of my earliest memories are that.
I don't remember that when I was a year and a half old when he did one of the most famous Hail Marys ever.
But that's not really why he's going to be joining us today.
You'll find out why when he's here in the studio.
In the third hour today.
He's flying down from Dallas.
If his plane's not delayed, he should be here in the next hour.
Now, all of that said, ladies and gentlemen, when we come back from break, I'm gonna really focus and try to get to our top story.
Our top stories that all tie together.
This right here.
Up on Infowars.com.
We're official use only, law enforcement sensitive.
The PDF is up on InfoWars.com.
And the story by Curt Nemo that's a red link, so anybody can go to the site and click on it and read the document themselves.
And it goes on to say the Department of Homeland Security has raised the possibility of random terrorist attacks taking place in Austin, Texas, on or about the 8th or 9th of August, according to a reporting, anonymous reporting, I mean, yeah, the Fed's calling that in.
A group of trained terrorists are planning to conduct attacks in Austin, Texas, and Pasadena, California, at the conclusion of the Ramadan period.
That's in the next few days.
The Ramadan period lasts from about July 9th to August 8th.
The Austin group plans backpack style bombs on 6th Street or 8th or 9th.
They even had part of the street shut down yesterday.
Additionally, the group plans to attack a school with theological seminary in the downtown Austin area and complete the attack with operations at the Austin Bergstrom International Airport.
And it just goes on from there.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, I've seen these before from one of my military sources.
I'm just going to leave
Leave that at that point.
From Camp Mabry, Camp Swift, I've seen these documents.
And this is fake.
I mean the government put it out, but it is fake.
As we said last night, this is pure brainwashing of the police.
To get them caught up in the corruption and the lying.
They told everybody, oh this is just a drill.
But they told the cops, don't tell the public.
It's not a drill.
I'm going to explain what's really going on.
This is a massive psychological warfare operation.
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Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time, coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, Austin.
Back Sundays, 4 to 6 p.m.
on the radio transmission, weeknights, 7 o'clock Central, InfoWars Nightly News.
I am your host, Alex Jones, coming to you from the InfoWars.com News Studios.
My friends, I've studied globalist operations.
I've studied military operations.
I've studied the Pentagon's secret activities now for 16 plus years.
I wasn't aware of this stuff for a year or two when I first got on air, but I fell into it because they would have military drills, paying off police chiefs, shipping drugs in, killing people.
And I would talk to police chiefs, emergency managers, military people.
I would get video of it.
And then people would say, oh, that's not real.
They would have national TV shows saying Alex Jones made up black helicopters, you know, tonight on hard copy.
Actually, on one of those shows, they were pretty fair.
Was it hard copy or extra?
Still, they made it into a whole tabloid deal.
So, you have to understand, most people go to the military, they're compartmentalized.
I know more about this than the military and police do, because they live in the most propagandized, brainwashed world.
They don't.
CIA people, Pentagon people, even colonels and folks, do not know what's really going on.
They live in an ocean of bull, of Bravo Sierra.
I have reverse engineered it.
I have studied the congressional hearings where the stuff's come out.
And I've had the whistleblowers by the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds on.
Just like I'm going to have one of the fathers of one of the dead SEAL Team 6 people coming on.
Another whistleblower.
That's what I do.
So I want you to know, this is not my opinion if you're in the police or the military, because I'm talking to you more than I'm talking to the public.
The public, on average, unfortunately, will have no idea what I'm even talking about.
You will, because you live in this stuff.
So if you want the straight dope, here's what's going on.
And I'm sure most of you already probably know this, okay?
I have seen these many, many times, and I've been sent them by my sources, and I know one of the sources that sent this to me.
I got it from a separate source as well.
Through another source.
For official use only, law enforcement sensitive, Texas Military Forces, J3 Protection Branch, Force Protection Alert.
By the way, these guys are in plain clothes, generic police uniforms, they're involved in all forms of law enforcement.
Warrant service, you name it, and I got those documents at a highway checkpoint.
In 1998, on Thanksgiving Day.
Mike Hanson did, technically, my cameraman.
But this one is from two days ago.
And there's the phone number.
LTC Rob Easton, AT Officer.
There's the phone number.
Threat Analyst with the Police Department.
And the Army.
For official use only law enforcement.
Now, I put this out last night.
I was having dinner with friends before I went and saw Elysium.
It's the 10-15 showing.
You know, it opens like a day early.
As long as the film ends after midnight, they can play it.
So we're eating dinner at a Mexican food restaurant at about 9 o'clock.
And my source sends me info.
I call another source.
And then also confirmed through a separate, it's actually three, but one of them not known to me.
I checked with somebody else and they said, yeah, we had that come through.
The point is that triple confirmed.
Now it's confirmed in the news.
It came out in the news today and then the morning we put this out.
And of course the trolls are like, it's not real.
It's not, you know, yesterday they announced, oh my gosh, there's going to be drills all over the city.
Don't worry if you see the FBI, the army checkpoints, it's just a drill.
Meanwhile, lying to the public, the enemy.
Meanwhile, they told the Austin police and others that we specifically think they're going to attack 6th Street, 7th Street, 8th Street, and then even named a church, they thought, that was going to be blown up.
And then they were going to attack the Austin-Bergstrom Airport, that I guess Drew Pearson's flying into right now to come see us.
So, absolutely ridiculous.
Let me explain what this is.
They send these out constantly.
If Obama got caught with a dead hooker, there would be terror alerts all over the country and probably real bombs would go off as a diversion.
It came out that Clinton, that got declassified to Congress, launched attacks, remember, on Sudan on an aspirin factory.
When it came out, he did have sex with Monica Lewinsky.
Governor Ridge wrote a book two years ago admitting they put out fake terror alerts to divert the public when stuff came out under Bush.
That's what this is.
But there's more to it, and I'll explain that.
You got all the NSA news, all the Obama corruption news, all the Navy SEAL death news.
That's what this is.
But they may stage a false flag.
That could be in the mix.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
By the way, I'm going to get into their set to try to gut the country completely and bring in total globalism and bankrupt everything with the immigration reform bill that has thousands of nightmare pages connected into NAFTA and GATT.
You think that was good?
We'll get ready for every major city to go.
Detroit Rock City.
We're gonna be looking at that and tying it into Elysium.
You know, I tried to give the film the benefit of the doubt beforehand.
Was a big fan of District 9 even though it had its own political messages.
This film was incredibly well done.
This director is a master and he is a total globalist pawn.
This was a piece of anti-white, race war,
Anti-American, anti-free market, anti-capitalist propaganda.
And again, I mean the way it sells it, you want to be a communist.
It's not that I side with the bad guys in the movie, it's that it is a projected fraud.
And the fact that Matt Damon and the director would come out and say there's nothing political about this, insulting, insulting,
But then Kurt Nemo found earlier statements where of course they admitted it was a open borders immigration reform propaganda.
They admitted that weeks ago.
So Drudge had it up there where they were denying it.
Kurt found where they had already said it.
And then Drudge posted that under there yesterday at DrudgeReport.com showing how they were lying.
I'll get to that.
But, folks, you know I'm all about unity and stuff, but the so-called left is not going to allow that, okay?
And they are the racist.
It's beyond that.
They're the technocrats.
But this was unbelievable.
The only good white guy in the movie is Matt Damon.
Every other white person is an inhuman devil that has to be killed.
Afrikaners, Dutch whites, are just demons.
I mean, it is just... I mean, imagine you made a movie where all the bad guys are black people.
I mean, that basically is what this is.
So, I'm going to give you a breakdown of Elysium and the propaganda there as well.
Now, let's continue here.
They started announcing yesterday morning that you're going to see some army, FBI, you're going to see police, you're going to see some checkpoints.
They had some roads shut down, traffic backed up in the morning yesterday.
That was in KXAN News, and we had it up on InfoWars.com yesterday.
But there were drills in Austin, which are just a condition, everybody.
Then, I get this document last night, make some phone calls, and they're like, yeah, no, we got that and more.
And of course I was told it's the normal absolute bull.
Just pure federal fear-mongering to divert and sell the idea of the NSA spying on everyone.
I mean, that is what both my army and state police source immediately concurred and said, oh yeah, no one is buying it.
This is absolute bull.
Now that's people that are in the know who get fed this stuff every day.
Not all of it gets fed down to the junior police or even standard police.
This did.
Now they're buying it, of course, because they only get fed this stuff a few times a year, not every ten minutes.
This is going out all over the country, by the way.
They tell every city, every big city, you're the main target, and they'll have some sister city, and you're the only one to ever have these drills, and you're the only one to ever have this threat.
It's like this specialness, and you're really a secret federal agent now.
You'll even get some extra money.
We need you to spy on the other police force, by the way.
You're now part of the club.
By the way, here's some cash.
Just don't tell anybody we gave you this.
It's all to compromise you.
If you're a police chief, it could be $200,000 a year.
You're a captain?
It could be $50,000 a year.
You're a sergeant who plays ball?
Well, we're going to give you some free hookers.
I mean, this is how you corrupt people.
Ancient Rome were experts at doing this.
You can watch the series, Rome, where they use people to corrupt folks.
That's actually true stories.
It's actually historical.
The point is, is that what is behind all of this?
You have these J3 protection branch.
That's just the local one.
Operating in every county in the country.
This is just one in Texas.
We got these documents.
Because the FBI showed up at a checkpoint that we were filming and said, here's the press release.
And then the guy drove off.
And we never knew if it was on purpose or an accident.
He gave us classified.
These are on Infowars.com from 1998.
They're in my film, Police State 2 The Takeover, or is it Police State 1?
I forget.
You know, showing the checkpoint, showing the FBI getting out, going, now get out of here.
And it's like classified and says, you know, we do law enforcement raids, warrant service, bomb disposal, checkpoints, helicopter surveillance, uh, you know, NSA intercepts.
I mean, it's all there.
Then I went to family that was involved in it, in between doing special forces stuff overseas, setting stuff up a decade ago.
And they're like, don't ask me about that.
That's classified.
I'm not going to get promoted because of you talking to me.
And then, alright, well, it doesn't even matter.
The point is, folks, this stuff is all going on all over the place.
There are troops in plain clothes all over the place.
It has nothing to do with 9-11.
They train to take on gun owners, tea party people, and veterans.
And I told you that over a decade ago, it's now in all the training manuals.
So, what is behind this in the final equation?
It is about a clear distraction and diversion but also a way to test federal compliance with local police and to see if they'll get into the mode of believing there's terrorists under every rock when the globalists actually run the real Al-Qaeda and Taliban.
There are some real rogue groups out there as well.
But most of the time, it's mind-controlled, you know, culturally, religiously, jihadis, whose boss is really a globalist double agent, who then orders them to carry out an attack.
So, so they really think they're attacking the West.
All they're doing is allowing a simulant of a threat, so there's a pretext to have those wars, which are bottomless pits and trillions of no-bid contracts, opium, money laundering, you name it.
And that's what Mohammed Karzai has come out and said.
That's what Hamid Gul on this show, the former head of Pakistani intelligence.
Nobody can get him on, folks.
He comes on our show.
Ran Osama Bin Laden for the CIA.
Beat the Russians.
The whole point is, he goes, absolutely, that's what it is.
And it's not we're just agreeing on our worldview.
That's veritas, ladies and gentlemen.
That's the truth.
It stands on its own, okay?
So there's foreign corporations funding Al-Qaeda to attack us so they can take our liberties.
It's elementary.
It is elementary.
And what I'm saying here now is passé.
Everyone pretty much knows this.
But remember when it was wild to say this type of stuff.
Because when I talk about other incredible things, you have to understand, ladies and gentlemen, I know what I'm talking about.
And it's not because I'm even that smart.
I have embedded myself in reality.
I have dug into the real reality of what's going on.
Just by dumb luck, I happen to have family that's been involved in black ops.
And I've told you about that.
And different activities.
So it's just, I didn't grow up as naive as some of the general public.
I natively understood a lot of this, and it's time we realize what's going on.
I mean, the police in the SWAT team outfits just dress up, and they go fight drug dealers who are dealing drugs for the globalists, who obviously didn't pay their cut or who are skimming.
That's all you are is a government enforcer over the monopoly that private interests have over narcotics.
That's why it's all such a joke.
The war on drugs, all of it was a pretext to take over our country.
We put this out last night with phone numbers.
It's now on ABC News, NBC News, you name it.
KXAN is reporting it.
And they come out this morning and go, oh my goodness.
It's true, there was a threat put out, we were going to be hit by terrorists, but it was a mistake.
No, it wasn't a mistake.
Of course, they don't give us credit.
It wasn't a mistake.
They lied to everyone.
They lied to the police.
They lied to the military about this threat.
And then they lied to the public and told them that they weren't setting up checkpoints and things because of a threat.
When really all it was was a political diversion and a distraction from the things they were doing, and a system to condition the public to accept martial law by increment.
So, threat letter was sent out by mistake.
Reported potential attack Thursday and Friday.
Texas Military Forces has a memo.
Its command received about a potential terror threat in Austin was sent out by mistake.
You mean it was sent out secretly and I got a hold of it so now you've got to admit it's pure bull?
And of course, we published an article last night saying it was a real memo, but pure bull, and now they admit it's a real memo and pure bull.
See, for all the idiots in the comments going, this isn't real, what's he doing shooting videos at 1am?
Working for your freedom, dummy!
That's what I'm doing.
We don't make stuff up.
People are like, there's no way that Homeland Security says the number one threat's veterans.
Alex put out a fake memo, came out five days later it was real, got no credit nationally.
It's just over and over and over again, ladies and gentlemen.
And I just hope if they take me out, somebody steps into our place who understands all this.
That's why I'm trying to lay out these basic stuff.
I mean, this is not hard to figure out, ladies and gentlemen.
So, that's just some of the news on that front, and here's some of the news that ties in with it.
Anthony Gucciari, he's going to be on the nightly news tonight.
military caught manipulating social media, running mass propaganda accounts, InfoWars.com.
Mobile propaganda, California government blast out text messages to all mobile phone users.
Yeah, anti-gun messages, terror attack messages, kidnapping messages to create fear, to psychologically hijack your property
And beyond 1984, Big Brother takes over your TV, your smartphone, bureaucrats at your door wanting to look around your house.
This is it.
We're under psych warfare attack.
Gotta push back!
Don't become acclimated and go along with this, folks, because it's all about taking your bank accounts and imploding the country and getting rid of the middle class.
So, that's the news on that front.
It's all about a political diversion and getting us ready for when real events hit martial law.
And when they have these drills all the time, they can get everybody out, tell the public it's a drill, then when something real detonates, it's a drill they're funding in case the government terrorist or contractors get caught with a bomb, oh I was part of the drill.
But then when there's a real attack, the cops all go, oh,
It really was real, see, but we're not supposed to tell the public.
That's why we were out here.
Look at Alex Jones saying it was a drill.
We know it was real.
No, they cover it with a drill for the public, or if anybody gets caught, they tell the cops it's not really a drill, and then they have a real terror attack, like Boston.
Then I said it'll come out the Patsy's are CIA and it'll come out that and they'll probably kill them and they'll kill their friends and family to cover it up.
And all that, by the way, of course, happened because it's standard operating pro-cedure.
That's how this works.
I know it's fun to have dressed up and pretend you're warriors in the homeland and there's terrorists behind everything.
You know that's all bull.
You know that's all baloney.
It's a pretext to destroy the Republic and with it all of our freedoms and then that will mean our prosperity.
Now I want to do an Elysium review.
And then we're also going to get to the SWAT team raid that Jakari Jackson caught on tape.
And a lot more.
But briefly, you know, we're distributing two new films exclusively right now.
One of them is State of Mind on mind control, the history of the CIA.
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Be rated number three talk show host on the internet after Glenn Beck and somebody else by Talkers.
Really folks, we're number one or number two.
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So, uh, support those local stations.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we'll be back with my review of the most racist film I have ever seen since birth of a nation.
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All right, folks.
Again, I want to explain something.
They sell everything in this culture like it's Cowboys, Redskins, Steelers versus the 49ers.
It's all us against them.
It is very simple.
People buy into it.
And that's what basically Elysium does.
It is a very powerful film, very entertaining and very deep on multiple levels.
That said, it is globalist propaganda to have people identify basically racially with socialism and collectivism as the Latin American population doubles to take over North America politically as part of the North American Union that is in the SPP plan.
But not to bring freedom to Latin America
To bring down the entire system and make sure there's no middle class, only a tiny ultra-elite like you have in Latin America.
Over the rest.
But it sells it like every white person is a murderous, evil robot that feeds on the angel Hispanics and angel black people.
And the only good white person is really Hispanic himself.
He just looks, you know, what you'd call, you know, like pure quote Anglo.
And that's Matt Damon.
And he sacrifices himself as the Christ figure because of the evil white people.
I mean, it is unbelievable.
And it's anti-European, it's anti-Dutch, it's anti-French.
America is basically Elysium and Germany and France and England.
And it has subliminals in it.
I gotta go see it again.
And take notes, and not when it's midnight.
You know, the first showing.
Because I was also tired.
It was unbelievably evil.
It has Mark of the Beast, that's a genetic tattoo that everybody wants to get, so it sells that idea.
It sells transhumanism as the way to go.
It is incredible.
But it is a masterpiece.
Beyond District 9.
That was his first big film.
This guy is certainly an amazing artist.
And of course, he's a white guy as well.
Neil Blomkamp.
And Kurt Nemo's article is accurate, because they admitted about a month ago, yeah, it's about immigration, about open borders worldwide.
Hey, can I have open borders to Mexico?
Oh no, I can't go there.
Oh, hey, can I go to, uh, you know, can I go move into Japan and immigrate there?
Not if I don't have millions of dollars.
I mean, it's just, they have homeland defense robots.
So it also has a message saying homeland security is a tyranny.
And it also admits that there's an elite that's going to have live extension technologies and you're not going to have it.
So it has a lot of truths in it.
But it says communism will give you all the free goodies, when it all deploys as a nightmare, and that it's racial, and that white people are bad.
So the film is incredibly dangerous.
I gotta go see it again and just take notes.
I mean, it is the new level of propaganda.
Blomkamp, Neil Blomkamp, makes Joseph Goebbels look like a lobotomized rat.
I mean, this was just propaganda hammer.
And also the black ops teams, when they're in live satellite stuff, they're blurred out, even as they're killing people.
Just like Google blurs out.
I mean, it had a lot of subtle stuff in it.
Jakari Jackson, who went with us, he picked up the Mark of the Beast stuff.
It was truly amazing, and it also sells, you know, kind of like a scum, gangster, Latino culture, as if that's the Hispanic culture.
It tries to brand that, that that's the cool thing.
Doing drugs, partying, you know, that's really tough and wonderful.
So, like, MS-13's really sexy.
So, it was also meaning to brand a gang culture for Hispanics as a psychological warfare weapon to hurt them.
It was, uh, this guy made me the front guy.
I mean, this had armies of psychiatrists and people working on it.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
If you just joined us, I'm gonna finish up with my Elysium review.
And then we're gonna get Larry Klayman
The lawyer, who I know well, on with the father of one of the heroic Navy SEALs who died in SEAL Team 6.
The father of Michael Strange, Charles Strange, is going to be joining us.
By the way, I went to the film with Darren McBreen, Marcos Morales, Kit Daniels, Shane Steiner, myself.
I don't think so.
And the only good white guy is Matt Damon, because he kills himself for the Latin Americans that basically are living down here in the United States.
And my whole question is, if Mexico and stuff's so bad, and America is basically Elysium, that's the analogy, well then, I mean, why is Mexico so bad?
Why is Brazil so bad?
Because they've been under globalist-type operations, and the globalists are trying to duplicate that here.
And the globalists see the numbers.
The world's, what you'd call 7% white, was just 9% just a decade ago.
It'll be like 3% within another 30, 50 years.
In fact, it's predicted that, quote, white Caucasians will be extinct within 100 years.
There will be no white people.
And they teach in college, that's good, get rid of them, we're bad.
You know, whatever you do.
And my whole issue is, is that I'm sitting here as a white guy,
Being told I'm just inherently evil.
But the only reason that's happening is the globalists are trying to play our countries off against each other.
They're trying to play our religions off, race off, all that in the name of fighting racism.
They're selling it and pushing it.
And this is hardcore branding for all Latin Americans that all the whites are out to get you and they don't want to share the stuff they've got with you.
So let's say we kill all the white people.
Get rid of all those business owners.
I mean, just... What if I wasn't here?
And I got people of all, quote, races, they're all just human beings, working here.
I mean, will that help them if I was gone?
Would it help somebody if I didn't go to, say, a Hispanic-owned restaurant?
Would that help him if the gringo's dead?
I mean, this is unbelievable, ladies and gentlemen.
This has killed all the gringos, and then 20 billion people can go live on a space station that 100,000 can live on.
And then it makes getting a life extension technology, getting real technological equity, it makes it a communist Latin American thing.
They sell communism and collectivism based on liberation theology racism as the way to get ahead.
And so if we take billions of people into the U.S.
and give them all free welfare, because the archetype is just a machine, just heals you.
Just, hey, we'll take your business, like in Cuba, and then it'll be a paradise.
Well, no, that doesn't happen.
And this is all financed by ultra-rich that are exempt and are offshore, and Google funds all this open border stuff, while they're building floating cities and space stations, that they say they're actually building Elysium, and they're using our money to build it, and they're gonna all have us fight with each other.
You don't fix the world with new science, new inventions, new technology coming together around a culture of liberty.
No, no, no.
You fix it by with gang tattoos and drinking and smoking pot and killing white people.
And just, you know, there's religion in it with the nun, speaking to them, you're going to change the world.
I mean, it is pure liberation theology, probably foundation written.
This is unbelievable.
Just how, I mean, I'm against Birth of a Nation, the famous Ku Klux Klan film.
I protested the Ku Klux Klan, but they have nothing, I mean, Ku Klux Klan can't tie their shoelaces, ladies and gentlemen.
This is an anti-white movie, but it's okay, because as long as it's, you can be anything you want, as long as it's anti-white.
But you can't criticize anybody else for what they're doing.
The only racism is whites, and the message is, you kill them, you save the world.
This is a racist, degenerate movie.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we're into the second hour on this Friday.
Addition, and we're going to cover a really serious issue here for the balance of the hour.
You know about SEAL Team 6 and the Bin Laden raid, and you know that 20-plus Navy SEALs and other personnel were crammed on a helicopter under very mysterious circumstances, and that clearly the record of that has been covered up by the Obama administration.
And they've had a lot of high-level military people come out and speak out.
Early on, my father's friends of the gentleman whose son we've known for over a decade is in another SEAL team and is friends with people in SEAL Team 6, his best friends in that, and I told you just about a few weeks after it happened that they thought it was very suspicious.
I'm on record.
We wrote articles about it, but he wouldn't come on air and his friend in SEAL Team 6 said they're under orders.
They obviously can't even give us info.
Just that they thought that they were set up was the words.
And that did get out there.
That was pretty big news, and we even said that because folks know we don't make things up.
Well, since then, you've seen this stuff start to come out as the families have had the courage to talk about it, because this is very dangerous.
You're going to end up like Michael Hastings, covering stuff like this.
Larry Klayman has been coming on the show for, I don't know, 15 years, the founder of Judicial Watch, has just broken some of the most important stories out there dealing with government corruption.
uh... is in those rough fifteen minutes he's got to go and then for the rest of the hour in a riding shotgun with a gentleman is also there charles strange and the father of a michael strange one of the twenty two navy seals killed in the august six two thousand eleven when the chinook helicopter uh... mysteriously went down and uh... there's the michael strange foundation dot org and facebook it's a forward slash michael strange foundation everybody be sure and get behind that by the way we've had our accounts suspended
And other people, hundreds of people we documented a few months ago or even last year when this first started getting attention.
If you put a meme out or an article about this, they block it.
And it turned out the White House is involved in that.
So they don't want these families being hurt.
But we're on over 160 AM and FM stations, XM, Global Shortwave WWCR, 600,000 downloads of the podcast today, so like it or not, this is about to get out.
Larry Klayman, I want you to open this up and bring Mr. Strange in here and set the table, but I'd like to just recap what we know happened versus what we're being told and why I was told right after it happened by a member of SEAL Team 3.
I'll just say it.
That most of the seals he talked to said, quote, we know it was a setup.
What is the setup then and what is the cover-up?
Larry Kleiman, thank you for coming on today with Charles Strange.
You bet.
Well, here's the scenario, Alex.
Shortly after bin Laden was killed, the administration obviously wanted to crow about it for political purposes and claim credit and give information to make them sound credible like they would know what they were talking about.
So as Vice President Biden,
And Defense Secretary Leanne Panetta at the time that revealed SEAL Team 6 was the group that killed Bin Laden.
That was like putting a target on their back.
And we represent several of the families.
They can tell you that after that happened, their sons were very scared, not just for themselves over there in Afghanistan, but for the families, that there would be retaliation.
Now fast forward to August 6, 2011.
We just went by that date, that anniversary date, and the flag was flown over the Capitol in honor
Thanks to Congressman Trent Banks for the seals and other special ops that died.
But what happened is that they knew.
We have a report, and Charlie will tell you more about that, that the Taliban was laying in wait to shoot down an American helicopter, presumably special ops forces, in the Tangier Valley, over 100.
And they sent this mission in there without adequate preparation, without pre-assault fire,
Which ordinarily you'd have to prevent, you know, a response.
They went in there to fight a battle.
You have seven Afghanis, because we share these missions with the Afghans for some unknown reason, because we want to reach out to the Muslims over there.
They're on the missions.
They substitute them out, seven of them, right before the flight.
No one knows who's inserted.
There's no listing of it on the manifest.
So the possibility exists that
These Afghanis are the ones that assisted in breaching security.
Yeah, that's what I was told a few weeks after, is they thought somebody got a bomb on board.
But I mean, how obvious is that?
They want to get rid of these SEALs, they know the truth about the Bin Laden raid, they send them out where the Taliban's lying in wait, and from what I heard, from the people on SEAL Team 6, but obviously Charles is going to know more about this than anybody, that they thought there was something on board the aircraft.
Is that true, Mr. Strange?
Um, that's why we're looking for this special investigation.
To find out, you know, uh, was it a bomber on there?
A suicide bomb?
Or was it a man pad?
Um, they told us, you know, they used the term lucky shot.
I, uh, told them if it was lucky shot, they would have missed.
Um, with an RPG.
With a man pad, it's a heat-seeking missile.
So, uh, I've heard that from the teams, too.
Okay, go ahead, Larry.
After the crash occurs, they can't find the so-called black box that would tell us how it happened.
They claim there was a flash flood that washed it away.
Well, you know, there hasn't been a flood over there since Noah's Ark.
How is there a flash flood?
I'm being a little facetious.
They do have them every now and then, but not very often.
You have the body of Michael Strange, which was intact.
We have the photographs.
It was cremated without getting Charlie's permission.
Charlie's a Christian.
You know, Christians don't cremate fallen heroes like Michael.
Why did they have to do that?
They brought the seven Afghani bodies back to Dover Air Force Base.
They were on that chopper.
Why bringing the Afghans back to the United States?
To our Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, what is potentially being covered up?
And, last but not least, in terms of just summarizing this, at the ramp ceremony for Michael and the other fallen SEALs and Special Ops forces, a Muslim cleric, and you can find this on our website, it's freedomwatchusa.org, I'm now running Freedom Watch, a Muslim cleric damns anyone who doesn't believe in Allah,
To hell, as infidels.
They're giving a prayer over our special ops forces.
And, you know, these are all questions that need to be answered.
We've succeeded in triggering a congressional inquiry into this in the Government Oversight and Reform Committee.
We have a lawsuit pending as well.
So we want to get to the bottom of it.
But this is a scandal, I think, which will ultimately prove to be bigger than Benghazi because, God forbid, I mean, you had four
Larry Kleiman is our guest.
He's the lawyer working with Charles Strange.
You know, Charles, I have one son and he's 10 years old and I have two daughters.
I just cannot imagine, I almost feel even disrespectful even talking about this, but I know we've got to talk about it so the truth comes out.
To just sit here and casually talk about your son's death while you're sitting here, but I know you've been living with this now.
For a year and a half or so, it just tears my guts out with empathy to imagine it.
And then to clearly look at this, and there's clearly foul play, clearly a cover-up, and then they've got an imam basically cursing over them at the... Everything Obama does is really to defile Christianity.
They've turned Syria over to Al-Qaeda, and Libya, and they're targeting Christians, and that's being covered up by the media.
I mean, I used to hear this stuff about Obama, maybe some radical Muslim, like, oh, give me a break.
But I tell you, these people act like the worst villains I've ever heard of.
Where do... I mean, how are you dealing with this, sir?
I know you're fighting back.
And what would your son want to say right now if he was here with us?
Michael would say, don't stop, Dad.
Find out, Dad.
Michael was home in June 2011 for his birthday.
And, uh, for the first time in eight years that he was with Special Ops, he talked about a will.
He grabbed me by the bicep three times and he said that, I said, what's going on?
He said, Dad, I'm not effing around.
And he stopped at my sister's house, Aunt Maggie's.
We'd love to talk to her about a will.
And, uh, some, somebody was leaking something.
One of these higher ups, does it go up to Obama?
I'm not sure, but he was just, Obama was just watching my, you know, watching them guys 93 days ago, right?
When they killed Ben Lylat.
So all of a sudden, 93 days later, my son killed, he's home in June, telling me about a will, and then all the other men, a lot of the other men, one guy used to kiss his mom on top of the head, then he kissed her on the lips.
One guy used to tell his dad, keep all the beer cold.
This time he grabs him by the shoulders and tells him how much he loves him and the way he raised him.
So there was leaks going on.
It goes all the way up to the top.
It was definitely a set-up ambush.
You know, when they were flying in there, there was a tower 50 foot high.
And they called up and they asked, you know, what's with the tower with these two guys on there?
And the Afghan administration answers, they're hanging crops.
Two o'clock in the morning.
And supposedly, if there was a shot, it was coming from there.
They were surrounded.
There were so many cowboys in there.
That, uh...
It was over a hundred thousand.
Well that's exactly what I was told a few weeks after and then now it's all come out that they they even knew they're like we're being sent in this is obviously looking at the mission they knew it wasn't a real mission they knew it was a setup and that and that it was a trap because that's what they do is plan missions and and the way they were sardined on on a piece of junk helicopter as well that I mean nothing was following standard procedure is that what you basically have gleaned sir?
Yes, sir.
And I have to, uh, you know, August 2011, August 6th, and then October of 2011, General Cole brought all the families down to Little Creek for the investigation report.
And, uh, I was raising my hand.
You know, you talked about your son.
If somebody murdered your son, you'd be raising, well, you want to know who?
And questions?
And they said it went through a chain of command for the Landis' son.
I raised my hand.
I said, Goddamn names?
And his neck snapped and he paced back and forth and all the bigwigs were up there, all the four stars.
And, uh, he said, it's in the book, sir.
I said, how about an interaction report?
It's in the book, sir.
He talks a little bit.
I said, what happened to the black box, which is really orange?
And General Colt raises both hands.
A black club came and washed it away.
I said, you gotta be kidding me.
But anyway, they give me this book.
You don't look at it because you just hear about your son getting murdered.
And they give me a disc.
And I come home, I open the book up, there's no ink.
Mr. Jones, there's no ink, no toner, you can't read it.
I call up Commander Admiral Sean Tybus, I said, Sean, I can't read this.
He said, well, we got a lot of complaints about that.
I said, alright, send me another one.
He said, we can't, we burned it.
Absolutely, that's how you do it.
You give them the fake book, so that, oh, we didn't know, so you wouldn't make a scene, the other families wouldn't make scenes.
This is incredible.
This is organized.
Well, I took the disc in, and you can barely read that.
And I said to my wife, Michael's stepmom, I said, we gotta do something with this.
We gotta do something with this disc.
And there's like a hundred little blocks on there.
And you click it, and then you click it again, and then you click it a third time.
And she said, let's print it out.
And we printed it out, Mr. Jones.
1,300 and some pages.
And it tells you everything about the ambush, about Quarry Tahir, Lefty Grove, the name of the object, how he moved it.
He moved, Mr. Jones, the day before.
With all of his Taliban buddies to another village.
It tells you everything.
The one guy, General Quote asked the guy, uh, he asked the fire control officer,
Uh, what went on with this op and the guy answers and I'm dictating right from my paperwork.
It was not kind of, not a normal op for us to lock both of our sensors down at two different locations because it's kind of asking us to be learnable.
I mean that was hard for us to swallow because we haven't had eyes on.
Our eyes were somewhere else and that came from
Up above, our hands were tied from up above.
Who was the guy, commander, that tied their hands?
Well, we're talking to the father of slain Navy SEAL hero Michael Strange, Charles Strange, and we've got Larry Klayman on the line with us.
Larry's got to go in about six, seven minutes, but Charles Strange is going to be able to stay with us for the rest of the hour and even perhaps take some of your phone calls and questions you've got, especially if you're a former Navy SEAL or somebody from the Navy or Special Ops, Delta Force, Green Berets, Army Rangers on down the line, because you can probably ask better questions than I can
Well, the big question, Alex, is was this payback.
for Osama Bin Laden being killed.
Did Helmut Karzai, the president of Afghanistan, of course he's only the president of Kabul, Taliban rules the rest of the country, did he offer them up to pay homage to the Taliban?
That's a possibility.
So it's a deal.
So it's a deal.
Okay, we kill your guy now, we get to kill your guys back, it's that whole tribal blood debt thing.
Absolutely, and I hate to say this, and it is speculative, it's extremely speculative, but did our own people offer them up?
That's another question too.
And all of these questions need to be investigated and found out and acted upon.
There's a lot of money that's going in different directions over there.
As a drug trade, people can get very rich.
There are other motivations perhaps as well.
And again, without making any kind of accusation, when we're rolling over,
To these jihadists, when we're more concerned about the lives of Muslims than we are the lives of Christians and Jews and others, when we bow down to the King of Saudi Arabia, in effect, bow down to the Taliban and can't fire unless we're fired upon first as a general rule.
You know, there are some serious questions here.
So Charlie and others are coming forward, not just to pay respect and honor to their great sons who died for us,
But for those servicemen who are now being sent into harm's way, and who are frightened to death, and these are brave people, only because they can't defend themselves, and they're dropping like flies, and more people that have been killed per capita in Afghanistan than even in Iraq or in Vietnam, the casualty rate is huge, because we want to make nicey-nice with the Muslims over there.
That's the bottom line.
Let me ask you this question to Charles Strange, the father.
Sir, what does your gut tell you?
Having all the facts, but then your gut... I remember when I heard about this, my gut said, I bet they're getting rid of people that know too much, and then it all came out.
I mean, what does your gut tell you?
My gut tells me that Karzai, somebody from the Afghan administration,
Set this up with someone very high in our government.
That's what my gut's telling me.
And for Michael, Michael was a cryptologist.
He's from the Dev Group.
He was Special Ops.
And how they made SEAL Team 6 was guys from the Dev Group, Special Ops, combined with the Navy SEALs to make the most elite team in the world, SEAL Team 6, the best.
And he was SEAL Team 6 and
For four years.
And he could, Michael as a cryptologist, he just got an award.
He got the National Intelligence Medal of Valor.
There's only been 19 of them.
Him and Jared Day.
He was number 19 to ever receive that.
For what he knew, and what he could do, and physically he was 2% body fat.
Michael could run from here to Canada, from Philly to Canada.
With a bottle of Jameis' in his hand.
You know, he was remarkable.
But he knew, he trusted them guys.
And for me to download these papers with Michael's step-mom, and then to read that May 10th, 100 Taliban are coming to the Tangier Valley to kill him, and then nobody says nothing?
For this guy, Qari Tayyib, to move the day before?
It's all in the paperwork!
This was his setup!
And you're going to tell me, they're going to tell me it was a lucky shot?
You know, they're gonna tell me, uh, they were gonna ask for that piss back, Mr. Jones.
One of the parents told me.
The next day, they were gonna ask all the parents for the piss back.
And, uh, my wife figured out how to print it out.
And we read all this information.
That's all I've been doing.
It's been, Tuesday was two years.
It just eats you up.
That's right.
It's been two years.
I was saying a year and a half.
Wow, we just had the anniversary.
Time just, time just flies.
Larry, we're going to come back and let Mr. Charles Strange lay all this out, but I wanted, and also talk about the michaelstrangefoundation.org.
People should support that, but in the few minutes we've got left, what else is important for people to know about where this investigation is going and how they can support the families to get justice?
Thanks Alex.
Follow us on FreedomWatchUSA.org.
FreedomWatchUSA.org in addition to Charlie's Foundation.
Because we're very active in this matter.
And things are growing.
More families are coming to us.
Congress is sincere.
I gotta take my hat off.
And I'm not just saying this because, you know, I'm a skeptic.
But we spent two and a half hours with Darrell Issa.
Yeah, this has got to make Obama worry.
What do you think happened in Benghazi?
That looks like the same deal.
Getting rid of people that know too much because you're giving heat-seeking missiles to Al-Qaeda.
I knew that right when it happened from my military sources.
Now that's actually come out.
Well, it's possible that some of those heat-seeking missiles found their way into Afghanistan.
That's something that needs to be investigated, but it's bigger than Benghazi, ultimately.
Because we're fighting more wars in the Middle East, and we need to be able to change the rules of engagement.
That's one of our primary objectives, so our military can defend themselves.
Do you think Obama's concerned?
I mean, I'm sure you've seen the censorship of these stories on Facebook.
Are you aware of that, Larry, that they're trying to shut down articles about this being passed around on Facebook?
Well, they're trying to shut everything down, Alex.
I have two lawsuits against Obama and the NSA.
In fact, Charlie's a plaintiff in both of them.
You know, we're living in a world where the government wants to either spy upon us or have us believe that to intimidate us, to keep us down.
And it's a serious situation in my lifetime and yours as well, and the American people, and this is quite beyond this, but it didn't matter.
It is crazy.
Larry Klayman.
Larry, thank you so much for the time, and I look forward to getting you back on on other issues soon.
Thank you.
It's been too long.
We're going to come back.
I look forward to it, Alex.
Thank you, sir.
We're going to come back with Charles Strange and give him the floor to really talk when we come back, and also open the phones up for respectful phone calls if he wants to do it.
I'm going to talk to him off air right now.
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Oh, there's another one!
Another plane just hit!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
This is a hard subject to cover and go over.
But we're discussing two years now that's passed.
Recently, just the anniversary of the SEAL Team 6 folks crammed on a helicopter, flown out into a clear ambush.
And, sir, I know it's hard to talk about, but it's important to get the true story from what you've...
I've been able to dig up from sources and it's even come out in the news as well now that indeed there's been a cover-up of what happened to your son Michael Strange and those other men.
So walk through what we know about the mission.
What unfolded?
I want to try to give you the floor here to tell me what you were telling me during the last break about what happened to your son and others.
Well, there was 30 brave Americans on there.
We don't want to forget the Army National Guard and the three P.J.'
's and the 22 SEAL team.
And Bart the Dog, John Dugandaro, they called him Jet Li.
You know, just everything, the way Michael was home in June and the way the other men left, you know, that there was leaks going on, that something was going on with the top brass.
Then to find out that, um, in December 2011, I called Dover and I asked for an autopsy report.
And, uh, with that, they sent us a disc.
And, uh, Michael's stepmom looked at the disc and, uh, she said, no, don't look at it before Christmas.
I'm like, is it that bad?
And, uh, she's like, well, I mean, when she hesitated, I said, let me see that.
And she let me look and Michael was laying
Like he had a gun in his hand and he was intact.
It was like no air burn.
Like they said, the Pentagon spokeswoman, Navy Jane Campbell, said that all bodies were burnt beyond recognition.
So when this first happened, August 6th, the people from the Navy that were at the house kept saying, everybody has to be cremated.
Everybody has to be cremated.
And, uh, so everybody didn't get cremated.
You know, but I was told everybody had to be cremated.
And then when I looked at the desk, I said, my son didn't need to be cremated.
And I said, my son's holding a gun.
And then who gave the command after the snook gets shot down or whatever happens, not for the, for the, uh, rangers to go in and help him.
Like somebody gave a stand down order for them not to, uh, to wait until daylight to go in.
So, uh, I showed Jason Chavez these, Jake Chavis, and I've been to Washington probably about, uh, me and my wife probably about 12 times, and they've been really, uh, I bought 30 of the pages, the most highlighted pages, and I gave them to these, uh, congressmen and congresswomen, and, uh, they would look at them, and they start reading, and they look at me, and they say, hey, where'd you get this?
And I told them how we downloaded the div in the papers.
And their jaw dropped and they would give me a hug and they said, oh my god.
I said, yeah, it was all set up.
They knew.
They knew May 10th, 9 days after Kilimanjaro.
That's everybody shoot down until team 6.
You know?
Why would they want to do it?
I mean, you say a vendetta or a trade with the Taliban so they wouldn't have reprisals, but here's my issue.
I know your son was incredibly brave and involved in hundreds and hundreds of amazing missions.
From my national security sources and others that have proven very accurate,
They say in that raid that there was basically a body double of Bin Laden, and that's why they said they had the barrel on the ship.
Turns out nobody saw that.
They've court-martialed over 30 people, making them basically stay quiet, drumming them out of the Navy because they were speaking out.
There's been mysterious deaths on the ship.
I'm sure you know that.
I don't believe a word Obama puts out.
He said they were watching live feeds.
Situation room photos they released were fake.
That's all been admitted and from my sources they were sent in there and they did go in there and get in a firefight and the helicopter did crash and did get blown up so that the Chinese or the Russians wouldn't get it, the stealth helicopter, but that the SEALs themselves were asking questions about the raid and that that's why they had to be gotten rid of.
I'm sure you've heard that theory.
I mean, we know they set him up.
That much has come out.
We know they lied to you about the cremation, everything.
Lied to you about his body, the condition.
So, none of it's true.
Why would the bin Laden story be true?
And again, I'm not taking away from, wow, something very heroic, you know, killing Osama bin Laden, but everything Obama puts out is a lie.
So, what's your information on that, Mr. Strange?
My information on that, Mr. Jones, is, uh, you're talking about, now it's a Muslim name, Mashia al-Dajjal.
He's an evil figure in the Islamic, uh, community there.
And you know what, Mr. Jones?
He is also blind in the left eye.
Does that sound familiar?
Bin Laden's body was dumped into the water of the Northern Arabian Sea after an Islamic ritual that included the ceremonial washing of his body and wrapping in white sheets.
They conducted a 50-minute ceremony.
I know I'm speechless too, Mr. Jones.
I know.
I know.
That's why we need this special investigation.
We gotta bring, you know, I was told Joe Biden will get pardoned, but Leon Panetta
Leon the Snake Bonetta.
All of a sudden he's gone.
But with a special investigation, whether you're still in the military or you're out of the military, like Petraeus.
Petraeus left 10 days after my son got killed.
David, I never stepped foot on a battlefield.
Petraeus, who always had a girlfriend, called Broadwell.
He's going to come in.
I want to talk to him.
Because 8 months later Benghazi happened.
He leaves 10 days after my son gets killed.
They promote him to the CIA and then Benghazi.
Admiral Eric Olsen, two days after my son gets killed, he's gone.
Admiral McRaven gets promoted.
General Votel, that, all this is in August 2011.
He gets moved, General Votel.
Like, you know, come on man, like you said, you don't have to be a rocket scientist here.
And, uh, and then he gave me a bullshit book with no ink.
If your son was killed, Mr. Jones, and they gave you a book with no ink,
I was with my mom yesterday.
She said, you're lucky.
They're lucky.
Grandpa ain't alive.
He'd be going right through the front doors of that White House, said to Obama.
You know?
We need some answers here.
Somebody has to be held accountable.
I just don't want to hear it was a bad plan, lucky shot, all that bullshit.
I need somebody to go to jail.
This is murder.
This is murder, Mr. Jones.
My son knew in June somebody was setting him up.
But he didn't think somebody on his own side.
And whether Karzai
I don't want to, you know... I understand, I understand, but I mean Karzai doesn't have the power to order special operations to do things does he?
I think we all know who did the setting up here.
And he's in Pennsylvania Avenue right now.
And they wanted to get rid of the ambassador, too, because he didn't want to transfer missiles to Al Qaeda.
And I tell you, then you've got Obama handing not just Libya, but Egypt, and now he's trying to hand Syria over to Al Qaeda.
I mean, my goodness, it makes you wonder sometimes if the president isn't actually some kind of Al Qaeda mole.
I don't know.
I don't want to speculate on that.
You know my feelings in my heart, but I'm not going to say it until we get to the courts.
I understand.
I understand.
We just appreciate your steadfastness, sir, fighting for your son and fighting for the 29 other people that died on board the aircraft from the Army.
The others.
Now, you were saying some things to me off-air about specifically your son being thrown out of the helicopter.
I know you don't want to speculate too much, but they tell you he's burned beyond recognition, then they give you the disc, and he's not burned.
Obviously, folks leaking this stuff to you that care about what's happening, the whole military, from what I've been told, not just the Navy, is completely freaked out right now, knowing what really happened.
What do you think, from your sources, really went on here?
Well, I believe, you know, uh, the whole, they said, this is how General Cole explained it in October, and he says, uh, the schnook was coming in, you know, I asked a few questions, and he's saying that, um, an RPG hit it 6 to 700 meters away.
Now, 6 to 700 meters away is about, uh, 1,900 feet to 2,200 feet.
You know?
In the pitch dark.
It was pitch dark.
And he said it hit the rotary.
And he had night vision goggles on.
And it spun.
Then it blew up again.
It blew up.
And then when it hit the ground, he said, it blew up a third time.
So this was, I flew over 2011, Brigadier General Jeffrey Colt, who got promoted too.
And um, yeah.
So this is his thing.
So I raised my hand.
I said, sir, you're telling me that this guy, plus I yelled about the lucky shot.
It would have been lucky if they missed.
And I'm out of my mind, you know what I mean?
Like I am still, but you know, missing my son.
And, uh, I said, that's like somebody standing on top of the Empire State Building with a quarter and dropping it in a coffee cup.
Is that what you're saying this is?
And he put his head down and said, yes.
Yeah, they fired an unguided missile, uh, out to about its effective range and just magically hit.
I mean, Luke Skywalker and that got a shot.
Right, right.
That's why in our paperwork, it mentions MANPADS.
It says Route 1 in Kabul, about where to get MANPADS.
And they also talk in our paperwork, General Cook went over with 30 guys for this investigation after it happened.
And what I do not know, because I'm not military, some of the abbreviations, but I have some retired Navy SEALs working on that for me.
Like, you know, they would say,
Uh, M-I-R-C, and what I found out means Mission Interpreter Reporter.
And different, different logos like that.
But, uh, the MANPADS was also being, the Taliban are being trained by the Iraq soldiers on how to use MANPADS.
It's in the paperwork.
Anything I tell you right now, Mr. Jones, is fact.
Black and white.
I sent you over some of the, uh,
We'll show some of that on screen.
We'll get you on to next week on the Nightly News TV show and have all these professionally laid out.
You've got a lot of it up on your foundation site.
I want to give the number out.
For active duty or former special operations people only, ladies and gentlemen, if they want to call in and give their take on the situation and the documented cover-up, 800-259-9231.
How is the rest of your family handling this?
Again, the number, 800-259-9231.
Charles, how's the rest of your family handling this?
Um, his brother, his brother Chaz, is, uh, um, very upset.
You know, he thinks about him every day, and he's, uh, you know, and his sister Caitlin, um, she was going to move down to Virginia with him, and, uh, them three got tighter as the, as older they got.
You know, I mean, Michael, uh, we all spent time with him when he was with, uh,
Over in Hawaii, he was with, uh, Hawaii, I think he was helping out SEAL Team 2 then.
He was, that's when he was with the Devereux.
He was with them for like a year and a half.
I spent 15 days with him in Hawaii.
And, uh, that was pretty neat.
And some Secrets of Squirrels stuff going on over there.
And, uh, then he got, you know, he was with, uh, SEAL Team 6 the last four years.
He bought a house down in Virginia.
He was so proud of his house.
He said, Dad, I got a house before you did.
Well, I mean, you know, he was 21 when he bought a house down there.
And I said, ah, you beat me by a year.
And I went down and did some yard work for him and all.
And I mean,
All the young men and women that serve this country, God bless them.
God bless them, you know?
And, uh, Michael really took off in the military with, you know, we knew Michael was smart.
We didn't know he was that smart.
Uh, you know, they would give him newspapers from New York, Texas, Chicago.
And, uh, he would sign for different codes that were coming in from terrorists.
Uh, you know?
And, uh, then with the training they gave him and, uh,
So it sounds like your son was actually a savant then, if he was able to do that.
That's like a photographic memory.
Simply amazing.
I want to take a phone call here sir.
It's just amazing having you on with us to hear about this.
Delta, Alpha Teams, Green Berets, Navy SEAL people, folks that have worked with them, helicopter pilots, night stalkers, 800-259-9231.
Jay in Florida, ex-Navy, worked with the SEALs.
What's your question or comment for Mr. Strange, the father of the deceased Navy SEAL?
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
And God bless you, Mr. Strange.
I feel for you.
I lost a lot of buddies in the Navy myself.
I was a CH-46 crew chief back in the 80s, and I used to drop SEAL teams off and pick them up all across the world.
And when I heard they got on a 47, I went, what in the world are they getting on a CH-47 for?
That's what kind of got me.
That's what the Navy SEAL told me, the first one that I talked to, a friend of the family, was they never got on those, plus they wouldn't put that many on one target, and they knew getting on something was going on.
Those are like 40-year-old pieces of crud.
They were so cheap, they wouldn't even put them on a new helicopter.
They were so cheap, they... I'm sorry to cut in, but yeah, that's another big point.
See, this H-46 has been phased out of the Navy, and now they have H-60s.
And they can't take as many people aboard the H-60s, but they're a lot newer aircraft.
And, uh, that's what I, that's, when I heard that, I just went, what in the world?
You know, of course, if there was...
Big bad things going on and they're trying to get him out of there, but then when I heard that they were going into another mission, that wouldn't have happened when I was in the Navy.
Matter of fact, when I was in Hawaii, just on one of my cruises aboard, you know, ships, we were at
From Navy SEALs, Michael...
Team did, uh, I believe, they never did 22 guys.
Four guys, eight guys, six guys.
And they never, ever, ever went into a battle zone in a CH-47.
And I'd like to say one more thing.
The next day when they went in to get Michael and them, they had 30 plans, and they had Blackhawks, and Camp Finders, and 140 guys.
Stay there, sir.
Explain what that means when we come back.
Charles Strange is with us for about 10-15 more minutes, then we've got Drew Pearson in studio.
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Alright folks, we've got two short segments left with our guests.
And then Drew Peterson.
Famous wide receiver and tied into the info war.
Was going to be in studio.
This flew down from Dallas.
What a heavy subject we're talking about here.
And as a father, I can't even imagine, just imagining it tears my guts out.
Charles Strange joins us, the father of Michael Strange.
You were making a point about how they had all the nice equipment sitting right there.
But they sent them off all packed in there that they'd never done before in a clunker that had been, you know, basically for almost everybody decommissioned except for hauling ammunition.
I mean, is that the point you're getting at here with the last comment you made, sir?
Yes, sir.
For the rescue team, they had, first of all, they didn't know what helicopter got shot down for 10 minutes.
They didn't know.
It was in our paperwork.
General Cole asked the guy that, you know, there's four sensors, four eyes in the sky.
And he says, well, sir, actually, we didn't know what helicopter got shot down for 10 minutes.
And then he goes, well, how about the rescue mission?
Somebody gave a stand down command.
They didn't go right in.
They waited for the sunlight to come up.
He goes, we have 30 plans for the rescue mission.
We have 140 men.
We have Blackhawks.
We have Pathfinders.
So they knew.
Somebody knew, Mr. Jones.
Somebody set this up.
I mean, you could go, what did Michael and them guys know?
They knew something because in June, the way Michael left, you know, talking about a will.
Absolutely, or Obama will tell more lies than get rid of any witnesses he needs to.
Let's talk to John, who's former Army.
What's your take on what you're hearing, or what's the points you'd like to add, or questions?
Yes sir, I have a question about the official report that was in the media.
They said that the helicopter that went down was a CH-47 Chinook.
I've been on those many times on many missions, and they're actually great helicopters, but
My take on it is that the official report said that it was a National Guard helicopter.
Now, as soon as they said that, me and my team and my buddies raised our eyebrows because that was a red flag right there.
Because no special forces unit, whether it be Army, Navy, Marine Corps, will ever fly a National Guard bird.
They always fly a special unit regiment, like 160th SOAR Special Operations Aviation Regiment.
Um, so that was a red flag right there.
And another one I noticed another caller brought up was that you'll never put all your birds in one basket.
You'll separate a team.
So there's a couple of points right there that I wanted to ask.
Maybe someone else could, if they know the answer, could talk about.
But those are the two big red flags that I noticed.
Well, what does your gut tell you here?
I mean, it's clear there's a cover-up.
It's clear they... Unfortunately, I have to agree.
I believe that, you know, basically what you believe, you know, same thing, false flags, homegrown terrorism, CIA, it's all unfortunately done, you know, by our own government and shadows of it.
I guess, you know, you can go in depth on that.
Criminal elements.
Criminal elements, you know, it's all been taken over.
I just hope that we weed them out.
You know, I hope that... Yeah, before they weed us out.
They're trying to weed us out right now.
God bless you, sir.
Yeah, yeah.
They're going after the good people, folks.
This is a criminal takeover.
And folks better decide what side they're on.
This isn't a game.
This isn't a joke.
Five more minutes with our guests.
Take a final call or so and get some final comments.
Then Mr. Strange will join us next week on the Nightly News.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, I've heard during the break a woman's voice in the background, and I said, is that your wife?
To the father of SEAL Team 6 hero Michael Strange, Charles said, yeah.
That's Mary.
Mary Strange.
Maiden name Jones, she was telling me.
She's been a listener for years, she was telling me, during the break.
So it's great to talk to Mary.
Introduce me to Mary briefly here, Charles.
I'm here.
You've been sitting back listening to this.
I know it's painful to open these wounds up over and over again, but to get justice, you've got to do it.
Anything you'd like to say to the audience out there about justice?
Well, you know, this is... These guys were very, very intelligent men.
All 30 were brave Americans.
And they knew something, okay?
And they trusted.
They knew going over to Afghanistan,
But there's a possibility, hey, we're at war.
But they never thought it would come from the people they trusted the most.
My God!
You know what blows my mind, Alex?
How these sick, twisted, evil SOBs can lay their head down at nighttime and sleep.
Like, they're just evil people that have done this.
And watching my husband go through this for the past two years has been so
Unbelievably painful.
Um... And he's... My husband's a great guy.
You know?
He's a wonderful man.
You know?
And... And... It's just... It's sickening.
I can't believe these guys were murdered by our own.
It's sickening.
But so many people walk around, you know, with the blinders on and don't want to believe that, you know, our government could do that.
We're not in 1930s or 40s anymore, people.
We have...
You know?
Somebody in the White House that hates America.
That's right.
In the past, and I've studied history, even corrupt individuals in the past knew to not do really bad stuff like this because it's so dishonorable.
It is such bad luck, even for the elites that do it.
They are out of their minds.
And I hope, Mary, you sound like a very intelligent and passionate lady that we can get you on next week on the nightly news with your husband, Charles.
And just thank God you guys have been really leading.
And now so many other Navy SEAL families are coming out.
I know that your son
Michael, looking down from heaven, is very, very proud of you, Mary.
Michael was my son, Alex, and thank you.
I know that he's very proud of his dad, and I believe that if Michael was here and the roles were reversed, he wouldn't stop until he found out the truth.
And you know what?
We're going to find out.
Like, whatever the truth is, Alex, we can handle it.
We can.
Just tell us the truth.
I want to jam in these calls quick, real fast.
Michael in Wisconsin, Army, Afghanistan.
Just real quick question.
I just would like to say about, I was a 101st Airborne, the first that we got into country back in 102.
And all the different operation units there, unfortunately, they just didn't throw you on to a CH-47 Chinook.
You know, it's just because of lack of assets.
Well, I don't think that would generally be with the Navy SEALs from what I was told, but I can see what you're saying.
And you heard the earlier guy say that was actually... I know they were overall in the past reliable aircraft.
The point is they never put them on together like that from what I was told.
And I guess you were in the Army.
Maybe it was different there.
Well, you'd go in, there's all the different coalitions, special ops, let's say I'm sitting there on a QRF, Quick Reactionary Force, Lane and Bagram, boom, the bird turns up.
Well listen, we're going to talk more about this next week when they're back on with us.
Mary, Charles, thank you both.
It's the michaelstrangefoundation.org or Facebook, Michael Strange Foundation.
Follow them there.
God bless you guys.
We've got about 20 seconds left.
Anything else you'd like to add?
I'd like to just thank you for everything.
Thank you, Alex.
We really appreciate helping us, and I'll be looking forward to coming on your program again, and I can't thank Larry Klayman again, and pray for all the... We lost a little over 7,000 in the Iraq-Afghan war.
Yes, sir.
Let me say this to you.
Don't thank me, Charles, and don't thank me, Mary.
We're all in this together, brother.
I mean, if they can do this to your son, they can do it to anybody.
God bless you.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, I tell you folks, anybody who's a football fan knows who Drew Pearson is with all the famous Hail Marys and all the big
Super Bowls and playoffs and all of it.
I grew up in Dallas, born in Dallas, so some of my earliest memories were Sunday parties with all the friends and family over and watching Roger Stalbach and Drew Pearson.
So I tell you, and my dad's saying, get out from in front of the television!
Absolutely amazing.
And so he's with us for the balance of the hour.
And I'm kind of glad we just went from that super heavy issue of the Navy SEALs being killed and their helicopter being taken out into something a little more happy here.
But, you know, we had Mary Lou Henner on a few weeks ago of taxi and all those big movies because she's involved with longevity.
And then I was looking, Drew Pearson's involved.
Not just all these NBA and famous NFL people because of how really good these products are, and this isn't an infomercial today, but we'll talk some about it because it's such great products and also funds the broadcast and the news organization.
But I thought, wow, let me get him on the phone or let me get Drew Pearson on via Skype.
And Drew Pearson said, no, I'll come down there when I get a chance in a few months.
And I'm like, really?
So he flew down here from Big D, and it is awesome.
And man, I tell you, you look like you're 20 years old in shape.
Don't beat me up.
Well, thank you.
If I'd known you'd get a compliment like that, I would have been here a long time ago.
No, and I tell you, that's a sharp-looking suit, too, man.
Thank you.
No, but I mean, I talk to so many NFL guys, especially people that have taken all the knocks you have.
They can hardly walk.
Man, in person, you look like you're ready to, you know, take on the special forces.
I mean, how have you done it?
And you're doing Fox TV shows, ESPN, you're doing public speaking worldwide.
I mean, it's amazing.
You're doing all these charities for people.
I mean, you're a busy guy.
Yeah I am and I'm blessed because as Coach Landry used to say, if we're fortunate there's going to be a lot of life after football.
So he tried to get us to prepare for life after football.
I played 11 years for the Cowboys and the first couple years I've learned all I can learn about the X's and O's, the strategies of the game.
Implementing that and getting better at that.
But then, what do you do with the rest of your time?
You know, what I did was watch and observe how that cowboy organization did business.
How Landry carried himself.
How he was the CEO of the team.
And Tex Tram and Gil Brandt.
Even though all these guys had totally different personalities, they all came together for the good of the Dallas Cowboys.
And so, I took that information, that knowledge, and parlayed it into a life after football.
But at the same time, we knew we weren't going to make enough money to last for life after football.
So while we're playing for the Dallas Cowboys, we're developing contacts.
I worked every offseason that I played for the Dallas Cowboys.
I worked for an attorney, I sold shoes, I worked sporting goods, I was in oil and gas business, just trying to get ready for life after football.
So all that preparation got me ready for life after football.
And because of that and then the association with the Dallas Cowboys, having success winning, you know, 11 years that I played, I played in seven championship games, one game away from seven Super Bowls in 11 years.
We didn't win it every time, but because of that consistent level of winning, people recognize and know the name Drew Pearson.
My tenure with the Cowboys is when we became known as America's Team.
So we were always on TV.
Also known for being clean, too, and good.
Tom Landry, your head coach, that image of him on the sideline with the suit and tie, that's why I'm wearing a tie right now.
By the way, I should be doing that.
My grandfather was in track and field, played football at the University of Texas, and for three years he was roommates with Tom Landry.
And I remember, you know, he's gone now, but I asked him, he said, no, that was Tom Landry.
He said the nicest, like, beyond John Wayne.
He was the real deal and would do anything for you.
Oh, yeah, without a doubt.
And the thing about it is, you know, he made you good football players, but he's trying to make men of you as well.
When we traveled the games, we were suit and ties.
We didn't carry gym bags.
We carry briefcases.
We were studying computer printouts, the tendencies of our opponents way back in the early 70s.
So he was preparing us for life after football and then you add all that to the success of winning consistently.
So now, in your life after football, people know you, they recognize you.
When you throw your name out there to try to get in a door for a business meeting or an opportunity or something, man, people recognize that name right away and right away you'll get that opportunity to meet or at least present whatever product you're trying to sell.
So I've been able to parlay that into a life after football and created great opportunities for me, whether it be in broadcasting or business.
And I just feel very fortunate.
And, you know, when you're hanging around guys like Roger Staubach, Bob Lilly, Leroy Jordan, Mel Renfro, Bob Hayes and guys like that, you know, sooner or later, you know, people are going to look at you as they look at them.
And if you're smart, you'll live your life like they kind of live their lives as well.
We've got some of your famous plays up there on the screen right now and I tell you it's flashbacks to childhood.
Flashbacks to childhood.
Big time sitting there looking at that.
Drew Pearson's here if you just joined us and that's the reason I wanted to get you on because I went and of course I've seen you off and on on national television and followed your career after football but going to doing research for the interview
I'm like, my gosh, there's too much to cover here.
There's nothing this guy isn't involved in.
And that's so exciting.
You know, I don't want to stereotype young people today because every older generation does that to the next.
But I know what my grandfather was like, what my dad was like, and I don't even and I'm a workaholic.
I don't work like my dad has done.
Just because they enjoy it, they get into it.
They don't want to sit around unless it's Sunday watching football or something or camping.
And now I look at young people and stuff and people out of college and we have to go through a lot of them until we find good people.
We've now got a great crew.
They literally think the whole world is just going to be handed to them and they don't want that job, that entry-level job.
They immediately just want to have it all handed to them.
And I guess that's why we've got 101 million Americans now on food assistance of one type or another.
I don't want to be negative here, but I think we should talk about Drew Pearson as the positive versus the negative.
What would you say to young people out there that feel like entry-level stuff isn't good enough for them?
Well, I would say you gotta start somewhere.
You know, no one ever, unless you, it's not, sometimes you heard, it's not what you know, it's who you know.
And if you know somebody, maybe you can start at the top, but still, that doesn't make you qualified to do the job.
It's usually short-lived.
It's usually short-lived.
Right, so I, you know, entry-level, hey, you gotta start somewhere.
I joined the Dallas Cowboys as an undrafted free agent.
There was 100 other rookies there, you know.
Don't look at Drew Pierce.
That's why I raised that, yeah.
Don't look at Drew Pearson now as one of the all-time great cowboys, ring of honor guy, and that type of thing.
Look at the distance I traveled to get to that honor.
You know, as I said, undrafted free agent, 100 rookies, 165 pounds as a rookie, running 4'6", 40.
Never lifted any weights in high school or college.
Didn't lift any weights until I got to the pros and made the Cowboys.
So that's what people love.
I got to get in the door.
If you get in your door, then you can create opportunities for yourself.
So how do you get in the door?
Entry level is the way to get in the door.
And then when I got into business, I'm selling hats for Drew Pearson Marketing.
That's what I did.
I started that in 85, two years after I retired from the NFL.
Yeah, sharp hats.
Thank you.
Capable of doing they're not by might not be servicing the way it should be service So we got in the door with people like the NFL and behave major league baseball And that created opportunities for us to get in the door in a retail side with with retailers like Walmart Kmart and people like that But it's all about getting in the door and then increasing your footprint once you get in the door Everybody wants to start at the top, but it doesn't work that way sometimes
Well, plus, if you started at the top, you wouldn't know how to run everything.
You've got to start low-level to learn all the skills.
Even some of my worst jobs I had in high school and college, I look back now and learn little pieces of things that now I can bring together in other areas.
Well, that's important.
And part of those pieces of things that you've got to learn is from the people you surround yourself with.
You know, a blessing for me when I played football was the people I'm playing with.
Landry, Staubach, all those other great players.
It made me better.
Then when I got in the business, I took that lesson.
You know, they say you surround yourself, if you want to be successful, surround yourself with success.
And when I got in the business, I surrounded myself with people that were smarter than me on the business side.
Because while I'm playing football for 11 years trying to develop that career, I knew they were out there developing their business careers.
I don't claim I'm some super athlete guy and exercise enough that I have over the years, but I'm telling you, I saw friends and family with this have dramatic results.
People with joint problems, people with weight problems, people with their hair falling out, whatever.
It's just so good for them that I finally got into it.
I've never promoted.
of vitamins and minerals and things like this, but then I got to know Dr. Wallach and everybody, and I know you only endorse stuff.
Best part about being a salesman is you find the great products.
It sells itself.
What can you say in a minute and a half as we go to break about longevity and about the particular products that you're promoting for them?
Well, Longevity, first of all, is a great company.
You know, it's great to be associated.
The reason I'm associated with it is because my former business partner in the headwear industry is now the CFO of Longevity, and he introduced me to the company.
Then he introduced me to some products that he thought could help me.
He saw me dragging my right leg around from knee surgery I had for my playing days, and now it's taking a negative effect.
I don't know.
And I tried it, and I couldn't believe the immediate results.
And it took away the pain, first of all, then it increased my flexibility, second of all, and it reduced the swelling, third of all, and now I'm almost pain-free with the knee.
Now it doesn't heal it, but it makes it a little more comfortable to deal with it.
Now you gotta do other things to try to fix it.
Let's talk about that when we come back.
It makes you a lot more comfortable.
Ted Anderson was gonna have to have a knee surgery.
The owner of this radio network?
You know, the show that syndicates it?
And he did all the different products and didn't have to have the surgery.
That's what we're talking about.
We'll be right back.
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Wow, ladies and gentlemen, Drew Pearson, the famous Dallas Cowboy, one of the most famous Hail Mary catches ever and many other famous plays in studio with us right now, talking about excellence in life.
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What I like about the Longevity products is I've tried other stuff that didn't really do anything.
Beyond Tangy Tangerine is a meal replacement.
They don't even advertise it as that, but I was telling you during the break.
That's what I've lost 30 pounds with it.
I need another...
30 to go, but specifically, because Ted Anderson talked about the CM tablets and the cream, he was going to have to have the surgery and the pain just went away.
Obviously you tackled so many times, well not too many, you usually got away from them.
What did it do for you?
Because this isn't a game.
I only promote, folks, what I believe works and what has had a great effect.
I promote things I believe in.
You were telling me during the break, same thing with you.
Yeah, what it did for me is gave me some relief.
You know, like I said, I had that knee surgery on my right knee back in 1980, and then with the wear and tear, running past routes, and playing 11 years in the NFL, you know, sooner or later in your life after football, that's going to come back and affect you.
It's going to bother you.
And it was bothering me and you know being an active guy it kind of slowed me down and set me down and I was trying all different kind of things and all of a sudden Dave Briskey who's the CFO with Young Jevity a former business partner comes to me and introduces me to the to the CM cream says just try because he saw me dragging my leg around
And so I did try it, and first thing I noticed, it wasn't smelly like most analgesics are, balms are.
It wasn't oily or greasy or anything like that.
And then after I put it on, it just felt a coolness effect.
And what that was, was a penetration of the ingredients here in the CM cream automatically, instantly hitting my knee where it needs to be hit.
And right away, I could feel the difference.
The flexibility increased.
Well, first of all, the swelling decreased, which increased the flexibility.
And because of that flexibility increase, the pain started to subside as well.
So now I use it on a regular basis, and if you take the CM Plus Pill, now that's going to heal you from the inside out.
So you have the cream working from the outside in, and the pill working from the inside out.
Now if I had this stuff back in the day, Alex Jones, I'd still be playing for the Dallas Cowboys probably.
Well, exactly, that's what Theo Radcliffe said, and so many other top NBA people.
Right, he promotes the rebound.
No one explains that the food has had the minerals dissipated out of it because they use these chemical fertilizers.
And the body needs 90 things, not 3 like a plant.
It's just, it's so elementary, but the hospitals, none of them will teach nutrition.
And you know, I don't really care what's in it.
You know, I'll leave that to Dr. Wallach and the experts over there at Longevity.
All I know is it works.
And that's all I care about.
I get results.
We've got listeners for 18 years that know until three years ago they never heard me promote vitamins, minerals and stuff because I try stuff and I'm like, well, I don't feel anything here.
I can't take Beyond Tangy Tangerine in the evening because it'll keep me up.
There's no caffeine in it.
No, but there's B12 and that kind of thing.
And that'll give you the energy and keep you... Exactly.
And this is good, the Beyond Tangy Tangerine, because everybody, we know we need to take vitamins and nobody wants to be taking pills, 30, 40 pills.
So it's all right here, the tab, you open it up, put in a bottle of water, some juice, you drink that down, you got the... What does it do for you?
You like it?
Yeah, it gives me the energy.
It keeps me up with my vitamin, mineral intake that I need to take.
Because like I was saying you know nobody that's drew.
How old are you?
Do I have to give that up?
You know you just look really really.
I'm 62.
Oh, man.
I'll be 63 I need to look like him right now.
No, I'm sorry NFL pension, so I really feel old but Now I've been blessed in my life after football a lot of it is because I take care of my body and a lot of the reasons is with the CM cream and tablet and beyond tangy tangerine
We only promote the best, ladies and gentlemen.
Tell us about your website.
I want to come back and talk about the NFL and the culture in it now versus where it was.
Has it cleaned up its image?
Is it going to clean it up more?
Sports in general just gets bigger and bigger.
Give us some of your websites that people should visit.
Well, I'm with DrewPearsonShow.com.
I have a show that I stream on web, through the website, through internet, excuse me, and YouTube.
And we do some shows periodically during the off-season, but we hit it every week, once a week during the season.
And we have great following through YouTube with the show.
But you're also on Fox Sports and ESPN.
I do.
Well, we can the show.
We do it live.
Hold on, we gotta go to break.
But see, he loves his own show the most.
That's awesome.
He wants to talk about his YouTube show, not his big Fox Sports Show.
We'll be right back, folks.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
We're back ladies and gentlemen and we've got Drew Pearson in studio with us.
We'll be back this Sunday with a Sunday broadcast 4 to 6 p.m.
Central on many of these same stations.
I will not be here because my great-uncle died yesterday and I got to go to his military funeral in East Texas.
But David Knight's gonna be doing the Sunday show in here and I will be calling in.
There's the funerals at like 2 o'clock and it'll be over about 3 and I'll probably go to you know an after deal but I'll be calling in with any any breaking news on the Sunday show 4 to 6 p.m.
as well.
We've had a bunch of special reports this week from the nightly news that we haven't gotten to on the radio.
We'll be airing some of those incredibly important reports
On the Sunday broadcast as well, 4 to 6 p.m.
The news websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And we have a big story Kurt Nemo wrote up on DrudgeReport.com.
The last two days in a row Nemo's had stories on the Drudge Report, so good job to Kurt Nemo over there.
Covering Dianne Feinstein saying you aren't press unless you're getting an official salary from an official news agency.
And people better watch out about that because they want to start restricting people's access as the press to cover things and press freedom, like not giving up sources.
They want to be able to say that you don't have those rights.
She's also saying talk radio shouldn't have press freedom and that they should have the fairness doctrine again that's totally unfair and controls what we can say.
Did you know before the mid-1980s, folks, you couldn't get political and say what your view is?
Drew Pearson, let me put you on the hot seat here, because I was joking about, hey, look, you have all these big shows, but you love to promote your own, but I'm the same way.
I mean, it's like when I do some YouTube at home, and it's just me, I almost like it more than when I'm on the official show, because it's like a hobby or something.
It makes it more fun.
Talking about politics in this world, I know you're nothing but a positive guy, but what is there that you think is positive about what's happening in America versus what's negative about what's happening in America?
And then related to the Cowboys, what's positive about the Cowboys development right now or other football teams versus negative?
And is the NFL going to get less gangster now or more gangster?
I think it's going to get less gangster to take that on first, but because the NFL powers that be have always been trying to police the NFL as far as the players are concerned.
Now the players haven't lately been following that policy because you see more arrests from NFL football players, but that doesn't mean the NFL is not going to stop.
Uh, or is going to stop beating on these players to try to get them to do the right thing.
But a lot of times these players get in this position where they're going to make this type of money and they feel this certain level of power now that they have because they are in NFL and they're playing under the shield of the NFL.
Uh, they think they're invincible and they can go out and do things that they normally wouldn't do.
But they quickly learned that, you know, once you cross that line and commit a crime or something of that nature, you're just like anybody else and you're going to be prosecuted just like anybody else.
But I think what's positive in this country, I think our leadership is positive.
I think, you know, despite, you know, still having a lot of issues, unemployment, educational, dealing with the war and all that kind of stuff that we deal with,
I think the right leadership is in place for us to deal with that.
So I think that's good.
What's wrong is some of the things I mentioned.
The unemployment, the poverty, and things like that.
You go in Dallas, you look in certain areas, it looks like everything is great.
But there's pockets of communities in Dallas where things aren't so great.
Oh I know, I grew up in Dallas, yeah.
We need to go in there and try to clean up those areas.
Remember during the 80's when Dallas was the murder capital?
Oh yeah, well it's 50 years now since the assassination of JFK.
Wow, yeah.
And so now that comes back to light and now Dallas is again cast as that city, you know, where JFK died and all that negativity that came along with that.
But Alex, I've always been of the belief that we should take care of what's wrong with our country and our citizens first before we step overseas to help.
I agree!
That's why we need to help them too.
Because they need that assistance.
But we've got to take care of our own.
How can we leave our people suffering here and in such dire, straight-type situations and then go help somebody else over there?
Well, that's what Jay Leno said to Obama.
And we'll have more here to help them over there.
So do you agree with what Jay Leno said to Obama a few nights ago?
He said, look, we need to quit worrying about Egypt and get over here because so much of our money, whether it's Republican or Democrat, is spent, they call it helping, but it's really to help grease the skids for special interest.
A lot of times it aren't even American companies overseas.
I mean, if they were actually sometimes greasing the skids overseas for companies that actually had jobs here, then it might not be... I mean, it's not even paying off, is my point.
You're right.
It's not.
And so I've always believed that we should take care of our own first before we step out and help others.
And we can do both, you know, but... Well, charity starts at home.
Yeah exactly and that's what we got to do because there's so many things that people deal with on a daily basis in their lives whether it be physical or mental or you know unemployment or some issues and you know we can paint that picture that America is so great and
You know, everybody's living great and all that, but we know that's not the true picture.
You know, if you're going to paint the picture, paint the total picture and show, you know, poverty, the slums and so many areas.
How about Detroit right now?
Oh my gosh!
The city's going down, you know?
How come we can't...
Put some influx of capital or whatever is needed to bring that city back and get them out of it.
Well, if it wasn't to ship General Motors to China, take the bailout money and pay to ship it to China.
Gee, I'm no rocket scientist, but I think you'd actually pay to keep it in Detroit.
That's right.
Pre-agents in the NFL, baseball, NBA are looking, you know, beating their doors down to try to go to Detroit because of the quality of living there.
Sure, sure.
You talked about life after football, and I grew up watching football, you know, play a little football in my own haphazard way, a family all big football fans, and I liked good old-fashioned healthy football where it was a game, and the people were interesting, and it was something though that was for football time.
Everything is sports related.
It just gets bigger and bigger and it almost makes it hollow when the people really aren't even excited about it.
It's just the only thing they even know to talk about to where there's not anything else but that.
And I know you make your living still out of football and love it and played it and you know like it and are a master of it, but at the same time do you ever sit there and see the news leading with a sports story when something incredibly important
Mm-hmm isn't even on the news and like ask yourself I mean is there ever a point for Drew Pearson where it's too much sports.
Yeah right now yeah and it's too much investigative sports you know they're making sports sound like the news you know.
There you go you know investigative sports yeah.
Yeah, and it's crazy, you know?
I mean, like the incident with the kid from A&M, Johnny Manziel.
I mean, they're the ones blowing this up until it's become news, not only on the sports page, but on the front pages of newspapers, and as you say, leading newscasts and things like that.
And it's the media that does it.
The media kind of lumps themselves in one category, one group, and they feel that their purpose is necessary, and it is.
But I think in the world of sports, we look at that for enjoyment more so than finding out if a kid signed autographs for $7,500 or whatever, you know.
And there's nothing more crooked
In my opinion, than the NCAA, you know, for the double standards that they set, you know.
Oh yeah, it's a mafia.
Those guys on the suit side are making big money associated with the NCAA, but the ones that are getting, you know, screwed, so to speak, are the athletes, what they label as student athletes, you know.
And then you're a criminal if somebody gives you a car, but the fat cats can make hundreds of millions of dollars out of it.
Well, the kid plays a game on national TV.
There's millions and millions watching on TV.
There's a hundred thousand people sitting in that stands.
After the game, where does he go?
You can't even go buy him a meal.
You know, he's got to be careful who pats him on the back even.
He goes back to that dorm, gets in those books and starts studying to try to stay eligible to play the next game.
And where does that coach go?
He's making three million dollars a year.
He gets in his paid car, you know.
Or he's making ten million if it's Mac Brown.
Or, yeah, Nick Saban.
And he, you know, he drives his family.
He's got his family.
They go to their big luxury home.
They sit down at a dinner table, have a meal together while the kid's eating in a dorm with other, you know, student-athletes.
There's a word for it.
It's parasitic.
It's parasitic.
That's an even better word, yeah, for sure.
And, you know, I have, that's one of my biggest pet peeves is how the NCAA is overlooking the product.
You know, it was that way for a long time in the NFL.
When I came into the league, the owners could do anything they want with the players.
Bob Lilly, all pro, was making $50,000 back then, you know, after 13 years in the league.
And he's holding out my rookie year to get $80,000.
You know, we had no leverage as players to fight the NFL owners and the powers that be.
But once we started getting together as a union, I went on strike four times in my 11 year career with the Dallas Cowboys.
One time in 82, we had a work stoppage where I missed six NFL games.
Well, what that did is gave us credibility as a union.
So now the NFL owners has to deal with us.
And in dealing with us, you see where these salaries are now in the NFL.
And that's where the divide... Sooner or later it's going to happen with college football.
I don't know how you're going to pay these kids, but sooner or later they're going to have to get some of that money that's being generated by them, the product.
Or it could almost go into like a college pension forum or something.
You know, where the money gets put into a pension.
If they get injured or if they can't get a job after, then there's a college pension.
But then you wouldn't be paying the UT football coach.
It's like eight million?
What is it a year?
Yeah and look at his record lately.
Do what?
Look at his record, one loss record lately.
He's not living up to the expectations of that salary because of the one loss record.
But, you know, that's the way the NFL is right now and hopefully...
NCAA is right now, excuse me, and hopefully that'll change over time.
But it's a great suggestion.
What I suggest is, when you sign that kid, now he's eligible for a fund.
If he graduates after four years, there should be enough money in that fund where he can take that now and start to deal with his life after college football, getting a job, making that transition, and all that.
But he doesn't get that money until he graduates.
And that graduation might come ten years after, you know, he played the game.
But at the same time, that money's accruing.
And, you know, whenever he takes that money, he'll get whatever's there.
But that's one way to do it.
But then you get into the situation where you've got the football team generating most of the income for the university and for the NCAA.
So how do you
Make it fair and equitable for the swimming team, the golf team... But again, that's communism!
Because they're not bringing the draw, they don't deserve it.
And that's what's wrong... You say they don't deserve it, and then the other... But that's what's wrong with communism, is that you take who produces and give it to somebody else...
But getting back to the union issue, I support unions in this country 100 years ago, even 50 years ago.
But then they won't even stand up against NAFTA or GATT when it's obviously against them.
Then they just become some group that's out for hire.
But exactly what if Americans got together as a union for liberty?
We're good to go.
Because it's not on the news, and they don't want it on the news.
They want you worried about some college quarterback who might have got $5,000, you know, to pay for his, you know, tuition or whatever, you know, behind-the-scenes or whatever happened, instead of foreign banks stealing trillions.
Yeah, well, there's no question about that, and that's called a media brainwashing, and that's what they want us to talk about, think about, and
Not the other things that are most important.
Right there, folks, and so much more.
Okay, I've been asking all the questions so far.
We've got a little short segment after this.
We've got a few minutes for a break.
Drew, you are a very popular public speaker.
What is the essence of what you try to impart to people in two minutes?
Well, I try to impart that if you want to be successful, you've got to surround yourself with successful people.
And it's about building relationships with those people that you're associated with.
You know, I've had some success in business because I surrounded myself with people that were smarter than me.
You know, I think I know it all, but I neuter.
There's people that have the accounting, administrative, selling expertise that I might not have, but I'm smart enough to surround myself with those people to learn from them.
But one thing, you're not going to be successful in anything unless you have the passion for success.
That's what longevity is all about.
That's why they're a successful company.
Because they lead everything with passion.
And that passion leads to flexibility.
And that leads to efficiency.
And that's why they're a great company.
But you gotta have the passion.
Drew Pearson would have never made the Dallas Cowboys if I didn't love football.
If I didn't love what everything about football, the running, the laps, all the up-down drills, the throwing up, and all that that comes with the game.
You were in it to win it!
Yeah, that passion for the game.
The adrenaline.
The adrenaline that you feel.
So therefore, I was ready to do anything to be successful.
Anything that's right within the rules to be successful, because nowadays you say that.
You know, players are taken to all these... Well, it's like Roger Stalbach said, it was war though when you guys would go out and play.
Yeah, and we, you know, we came together and, you know, at that time.
So anyway, if you bring passion to what you're trying to do and you surround that with yourself, with the right people, then you have a great chance to be a success.
But I think what you said historically is what every great person has said.
You've got to have passion.
You've got to like what you're doing.
You've got to be on a mission.
Instead of like, oh, I've got to get up today.
My problem is I want to work too much.
You've got a lot of passion, huh?
Well, you need to transfuse some of that to the Cowboy players because hopefully that's what they're missing because we see talent there.
But do they love the game enough to make the sacrifices, do all the small things, pay attention to the details?
That lead to the big things.
Are they committed to doing that?
And we're going to find out this season for the Cowboys.
Let's talk about the Cowboys in the final segment straight ahead folks.
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Well, folks, it's our final segment with Drew Pearson.
And I'm really flattered that he flew down to Austin, Texas.
And he's a busy guy.
He's going to do a little bit of nightly news with us.
And then he's going to jump back on an airplane and go back.
And the Cowboys play, I guess, in Oakland tonight, don't they?
Yes, they did a second exhibition game.
They played five this year because they played the Hall of Fame.
Nothing but rookies played last week, or was it Sunday night, in the Hall of Fame game against Miami, but tonight you'll see more veterans out there.
Tony Romo will be starting.
The rest of the veterans will get at least one or two series of action because, you know, in the NFL, you can get physical
In shape, but you got a part of your physical conditioning has got to be the contact part of it And you got to play the game to get that you sometimes can get that in practice But you real get the true feel the speed of the game for that contact and the type of blows you're going to receive And get prepared for that only in game situations So Jason Garrett's got to play his starters some tonight and you just knock on wood and hope none of them gets hurt or out with injuries
What happened to the Cowboys overall?
Did they just get to where they weren't hungry anymore?
I just think they lost sight of what it takes to be successful.
Jerry Jones came out maybe a few years ago before the stadium was built and said the Dallas Cowboys do not have to win another football game for the Dallas Cowboys to make money.
And that's true.
But that's a bad thing to say.
Pathetic thing to say.
Because your business is about winning.
You know, it's your product.
You win.
You might be making money now, but you want to make more money?
You know?
Well, it's not even that though.
Why play a game if you're not going to try to win?
Because that translates to life.
Like, it's almost like too big to fail.
Well, the big banks can rip everybody off, but we're taxpayer backed.
Just like Jerry Jones.
Hey, you paid for my stadium and screw everybody.
Right, and you got a nice place to come sit and watch us lose.
Who wants to do that?
So anyway, they have to get a different mindset, a mindset of winning, and they got talent.
Everybody says they got talent, but they still...
It's potential talent meaning they haven't proved it yet.
So hopefully this year they can prove it.
They've made some changes I think all the changes they made in the offseason are positive Jason Garrett is now a head coach They call it a walk around head coach where he can deal with Every aspect of the football team instead of being just that head coach offensive coordinator where now he's just concentrating mostly on offense and letting other aspects of the the team and issues with the team slip through the cracks and
It's like a manager!
Yeah, and that's what you need as a head coach.
Now Landry was different.
He could handle it.
He was not only the manager, but he put the offensive game plan together, he put the defensive game plan together, and on Sundays he called the offensive plays.
But at the same time, he was still good enough that he could manage the situation.
Because he was experienced, you know?
He coached 29 years for the Dallas Cowboys.
But Jason Garrett is not there yet so he needs to focus on just being the head coach.
So now Bill Callahan is calling plays and this is going to be good for Romo because he's been hearing from Jason Garrett for the last nine years.
Now he gets to hear from another voice and somebody else in his ear and that person hopefully will tell him not only what he's doing well but what he's doing wrong as well.
And folks can find out more at www.drewpearsonshow.com.
And I saw several other sites, I guess those are fan sites?
Yes, also www.drewpearsoncompany.com.
Drew Pearson is coming out with a new line of sports performance wear called Drew Pearson Motion.
Yeah, there you are on screen right there.
You got an old Fox Sports, ESPN, everything.
Yeah, I got a lot of things going with the Drew Pearson Show.
That big tall guy there is Mark Columbo.
He's a former cowboy.
Played nine years in the NFL.
See, you've done a great job, but you're not just giving up on life.
And I'm talking about America and liberty.
We can't just give up on it because there's all this tyranny.
We've got to get charged up, or I guess roll over and die.
Yeah, you know, life is different now.
60 is like 40 to me, man.
You know, I feel good.
And if you take care of yourself, you know, use some of these longevity products to have a better life and good well-being within your life, you'll be all right.
But, you know... Absolutely.
Of course, you get older.
We don't go away.
We just get more energy.
Infowarshealth.com to get it all.
Drew Pearson, it's been amazing having you.
Been watching you since I was a little kid in Dallas.
Hey, let me tell you, it's been amazing being on your show.
You're a hero of mine as well.
Well, you're awesome, sir.
God bless you.
Thank you, sir.
All right.
All right, that's it, folks.
Back this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m., Nightly News at 9, 7.
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