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Name: 20130719_Fri_Alex
Air Date: July 19, 2013
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex.
Now Alex is going to be with us in the second hour and we've got a lot to talk about, especially about the TSA.
You know, it was really the TSA is where I found Alex, believe it or not.
It was his tireless pursuit of what they're doing, which is...
Something that he's basically followed by himself and so we're going to be talking about now the latest territorial overreach of the TSA when Alex joins us in the second hour.
In the third hour we're going to be joined by Lord Monckton and we're going to talk about global warming and we're going to talk about junk science.
And if that's not a topic that interests you, let me talk to you about how much that's going to cost you.
If these carbon taxes that are being proposed go through,
It's estimated to be $25,000 a year per person.
That's a year.
Each year.
That's the size of the TARP bailout.
But that's being done every year if that goes through.
And who's that money going to be paid to?
Well, it's going to be paid to some private corporations that Al Gore and other elitists have created.
You're going to pay an indulgence to them for every kind of activity that you do, because every kind of activity that you engage in is going to have some kind of a carbon print.
And so you're going to have to pay them to do that.
Why should you pay them?
Well, it's the same logic that exists with the Federal Reserve that was created about a hundred years ago.
Its anniversary is coming up this December.
Why should we have to pay the Federal Reserve for them printing money?
But we do pay that private corporation, and now with this carbon tax scheme, this is something that is far greater than any bankster scheme has ever been before.
They're putting this on steroids, they're going global with it, and they're going to put a TARP bailout every year on you if you don't stop it.
And it also has implications in terms of not just money that you directly pay,
But things that you don't necessarily see right away.
You wonder why your utility bill is going up, doubling, tripling in many cases?
Well, it's because they're shutting down power plants.
Why are they shutting down power plants?
Because of the junk science of global warming.
So we're going to talk to Lord Monckton about that in the third hour.
Now the breaking news today, of course, that everybody is talking about is Detroit going bankrupt.
Now this is something that has been there for quite some time.
This has been on the horizon.
But actually, it just came out yesterday, officially, that they're going bankrupt.
Now this is something that we were told would never happen.
We've got a clip ready.
I want you to hear it from the horse's mouth.
But we refuse to throw in the towel and do nothing.
We refuse to let Detroit go bankrupt.
I bet on American workers and American ingenuity, and three years later, that bet is paying off in a big way.
Another success.
Another pledge.
Of course, they also pledged to uphold and respect the Constitution, right?
We haven't seen much done about that either.
But what is happening to Detroit is something that's been going on for a long time.
Here's from PrisonPlanet.com, here's 11 depressing stats about Detroit.
Their population has plunged 63% since 1950, down 26% just since 2000.
Even as the population fell that 63% since 1950, however, the city workforce only went down by 40% because you can't fire union workers.
Detroit now has the highest violent crime rate of any large city.
So, you look at these problems, just the fact that you've got an over-heavy city government.
Look at what's happening with the federal government.
Even as the rest of the country is suffering under an economic malaise, under a recession, under a depression, we have federal government employees exploding.
Same thing that's happening with Detroit, although, you know, this major imbalance between federal employees, between government workers and the people who support them.
And then look at what happens with violent crime.
If we see the same kind of gun control that they have in the northern states, in Detroit and elsewhere, we're going to see that kind of crime rate explode to the rest of the country.
Detroit is a weather vane for the rest of the country.
Well, stay tuned.
We'll be right back.
We've got some exciting news.
We've got Alex Jones coming up and Lord Monckton.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex.
Now Alex is going to be joining us in the second hour.
We're going to be talking about some new encroachments from the TSA.
Just unbelievable.
It never stops, and it will never stop, until we stand up en masse and oppose it.
But Alex has talked quite a bit about the Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman case.
We have black leaders who are now standing up and speaking out.
We've had Bill Cosby say, this is not about race.
And we have this from Charles Barkley.
There are very few people who have a pure heart when it comes to race.
Racism is wrong in any shape or form.
There are a lot of black people who are racist, too.
I think sometimes when people talk about racism, they act like only white people are racist.
There are a lot of black people who are racist.
And I don't like when it gets out there in the media.
Because I don't think the media has clean hands.
I think you're right.
I'm glad you made that point.
I don't think the media has clean hands.
And, like I said, I feel sorry that young kid got killed.
But just judging by the evidence, I don't think that guy should have went to jail for the rest of his life.
But something happened bad that night, obviously.
Yeah, I like what one of the jurors said.
They said they both should have walked away.
Yeah, that's good.
And if there's a shadow of a doubt... Yeah, let's pull to that.
He goes on to say, he says Zimmerman was wrong to pursue.
He was racial profiling.
And he said, I think Trayvon Martin, God rest his soul, I think he dead flipped the switch and started beating the H out of Mr. Zimmerman.
It was just a bad situation.
Like I said, the main thing I feel bad for, it gives every black and white person who is a racist a platform to vent their ignorance.
He said he watched the trial closely.
He said a lot of people have an agenda.
And I think that's a key point.
I think he was right.
I think there was some profiling going on there.
But it's very much like you have a, let's say you have a husband and wife, and the wife is being passive aggressive with the husband.
Really pushing all of his buttons.
And at some point, he turns around and starts to attack her.
At that point, she has a right to defend herself.
So even though Zimmerman may have been doing something that we all despise, that was racial profiling, once he is attacked by Trayvon Martin,
As wrong as he may have been to attack him on that, he has a right to defend himself.
That's why you needed a jury.
That's why a jury needed to make that kind of nuanced decision.
That's why it's wrong for the media to convict people.
Just like they're doing with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
You know, they're convicting him.
All of the...
Complaints now about this Rolling Stones magazine cover are just amazing because they're focusing on the fact that he looks too nice.
Not about the fact that the Rolling Stones has identified him as the bomber.
He's not had a trial yet.
They just had the first arraignment, and he said he was not guilty.
Let's call him the alleged bomber at the very most.
But getting back to this Zimmerman thing, we've got, like I said, black leaders that are speaking out, and Alex is going to be talking to some of them.
Coming up on Sunday, he's got Pastor Manning, and then on Monday, he has Larry Elder.
And of course, we've also talked to Larry Pinckney, what I believe is behind this.
And I think it's very easy to see that the government has an agenda.
They don't want you talking about Benghazi, they don't want people talking about the IRS, or they don't want people talking about the NSA spying on everybody.
It's much easier to pick one case and divide people against each other.
Get people all worked up so they're talking about that only.
It's really COINTELPRO.
It's what we were talking about with Larry Pinckney, who used to be with the Black Panthers.
He's very well aware of how the government infiltrates groups, how they divide and conquer.
You know, the Black Panthers, the original Black Panthers,
Didn't really get to be dangerous until they started pulling in people from all different racial groups.
At that point, the FBI shut them down.
But of course now we have the new Black Panthers who put out a $10,000 bounty on the head of Zimmerman.
And nothing is being done about that.
Just as nothing was done by the Eric Holder Justice Department when the new Black Panthers were using intimidation to keep people away from polling places.
Clearly it's a COINTELPRO operation.
Clearly it suits the agenda of the government and we see now also
That this is what it's perhaps about, as well as distracting people.
It's about the Second Amendment again, trying to get that back into the spotlight.
The Justice Department has now placed a hold on George Zimmerman's gun, even though he's been found not guilty.
And let's understand, too, this is something we talked about with Larry Pinckney.
Not guilty doesn't mean that Zimmerman is innocent.
Nobody is really innocent, and he may have had very impure motives of what happened, but he was not guilty of murder is what the jury found, and as Obama said, the only thing I've agreed with that he said is that we have to stand by what the jury found, but they're using this.
Nevertheless, the Obama administration is using this to go after guns, to go after the Second Amendment, to go after Zimmerman's gun specifically.
So here you have a situation where even though people are putting a $10,000 bounty on his head, even though you've got t-shirts being sold with that, even though you've got a Facebook page sold with that,
Not only does the government not go after these people, not even talk to these people, but now they withhold his gun, Zimmerman's gun, which he is not guilty.
He is allowed to have that back by Florida law, but don't expect the Florida local officials to give that back to him to stand up for his rights because
They've been working on this, basically, this kind of a subversion of justice for quite some time.
If you look at what happened with the prosecutor's office...
They actually fired the director of IT this last Saturday after the verdict was announced.
They actually fired him and said that it was for withholding evidence.
Well, actually he wasn't the one withholding evidence.
He noticed that they had released about 2,900 pieces of evidence and there was over 4,000 pieces of evidence.
He started going through the chain of command.
And as he got the cold shoulder, nobody wanted to talk about this, he went public with it.
They suspended him back in May, and then when the verdict was announced this last Saturday, they fired him.
And incredibly, the person from the Attorney General's office said that he was the one holding back evidence.
I don't find that at all to be credible.
Not if he's going up through the chain of command saying all the evidence hasn't been turned over.
And then we had this revelation from the defense team.
They said,
That they had gotten pictures, some of the pictures that they got were black and white pictures.
Now why would they be black and white pictures?
Well, they don't want the blood on Zimmerman's head to show, right?
They saw these black and white pictures and they thought, wait, these are cell phone pictures.
Cell phones don't take black and white pictures.
So they asked the Attorney General's office to release the original pictures.
And that was back in January.
And they did not get those pictures until the beginning of June.
And when they did, they still were not full-color pictures.
They were kind of some pastel pictures.
So the prosecution team has an evidence-tampering history here.
And then they not only fire the whistleblower, but they say, he's not a whistleblower, he's the one who is actually holding back evidence.
Not credible at all, but I don't believe that the local attorney is going to be standing up for Zimmerman's rights.
They didn't stand up for his right to a due process.
I don't think they're going to stand up for his right to the Second Amendment as well.
Now, some new revelations have come out in the IRS scandal.
There are some congressional hearings that are still going on about that.
You haven't heard anything about it because everybody's been talking about the Zimmerman case.
But this is from Peggy Noonan, and she said that when the scandal broke two months ago in May, the IRS leadership in Washington claimed that this is all about local Cincinnati people that are off the rails, that were going out.
But now we have some testimony from some of those lower people who are saying that they were actually getting orders from higher up.
Now this is very significant because if you remember, the articles of impeachment against Richard Nixon were originally, one of the articles was about using the IRS against political enemies.
And that's exactly the same thing that the Obama administration is doing, except for one difference.
The breadth and the scope and the depth of it is far greater than anything Nixon ever did.
But it's going to be interesting as you see these people pitted against each other.
Now, you know, these people who were thrown under the bus by the higher-ups are now saying, are now testifying to Congress.
Michael Seto, head of the investigation unit, spoke to investigators and told them that Lois Lerner,
made an unusual decision.
She's the one in Washington.
She's the one who basically threw these other people under the bus, the higher-up.
She said Tea Party applications would undergo additional scrutiny, a multi-layered review.
So they're specifically targeting their political enemies.
They were very concerned because people moved en masse against the tarp, against the bailouts, and they started forming these Tea Party organizations.
The government was very concerned about that.
They knew they had to nip that in the bud.
And one of the ways that they use to stifle political dissent has always been to attack people with the IRS.
And I find it interesting, this article from Russia, where even the Russians are afraid of the masses when they get together and demonstrate.
They had a Russian opposition leader has now been freed on bail as protests rattled the Kremlin.
This is from Reuters.
And as we talked about yesterday,
When the East Germans took back their freedoms from the Stasi, they did it by marching in mass.
They started in the churches and then they moved to the fences where the guards were shooting people who tried to cross over from East Germany to West Germany.
And finally, when they came in masses, when they moved in the churches, from inside the churches to the wall, the guards stood down.
They would not fire on the masses.
Even the Stasi fears people.
That's why it's important for us to do something.
It's why it's important for us to not take these encroachments on our freedoms that we see from the NSA, from the IRS, from others.
It's important for us to not to take those things lying down.
And I think there's been a real sea change in the last 20 years.
I know when I was involved heavily with the Libertarian Party in the early 90s, and we would talk about ending the IRS.
And everybody, the journalists would just laugh at us.
Of course they probably would still laugh at you.
But now we have Senator Ted Cruz talking about that.
And people aren't laughing.
People are getting behind him.
We need to get behind him in that effort.
You know, if we can't impeach Obama,
Maybe we can get rid of the IRS.
Maybe we can offer that to him as kind of a plea bargain.
Okay, we won't throw you out.
You throw out the IRS, we'll let you stay for a little while longer until the next scandal comes along.
But even in Russia, even in Russia, when they get an opposition leader and they arrest him, if enough people show up, they get scared.
And so they've released this fellow from jail.
Now the CIA is back in the news.
Something very similar to Operation Gladio.
And we're going to talk about that right after the break, so stay tuned.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex Jones.
Alex will be joining us at the beginning of the next hour.
We're going to be talking about the TSA and its new outreach, we should say.
But it's not actually an outreach, it's an overreach.
They continue to defy the Fourth Amendment in new and innovative ways, and we're going to be talking about that when Alex joins us.
Now, just before the break, I said we're going to have some news about the CIA.
This is actually a very interesting story.
This is Robert Selden Lady.
This is reported by the Huffington Post.
Ex-CIA station chief has been arrested in Panama.
A former CIA base chief convicted in the 2003 abduction of a terrorist suspect from an Italian street has been detained in Panama after Italy requested his arrest in one of the most notorious episodes of the U.S.
program known as Extraordinary Rendition.
Isn't that a nice euphemism?
What that actually means is kidnapping and torture.
That's what everybody else besides the CIA calls it.
And you know, Italy has a history of standing up to the CIA.
If you're not familiar with the history of Operation Gladio, you should look it up.
You should Google that.
You should read what the CIA and NATO did in Italy.
I remember back in the 1970s, all the news about communist
Terrorists and all these attacks that the Red Brigade was conducting, that they kidnapped Aldo Moro and all these other things.
Those were basically done by NATO as a false flag.
Because the Communist Party and the leftist political parties were gaining power in Italy.
So they didn't want that to happen, so they started creating false flag terrorist events.
And they got these, they just went on a reign of murder throughout Italy.
And the Italians called them on it.
The Italians have had trials, they have exposed the information.
But I want you to also think about this.
This isn't just something that happens in Italy.
If the CIA does it in Italy, if the American government does it in Italy, they will do it to Americans.
Understand that the Declaration of Independence says that all men,
...are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights.
Among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
It doesn't say American citizens alone enjoy those rights.
It says all men.
And when you have a government that is destructive of those rights...
Then that government needs to be altered or abolished.
Because it is going to destroy those rights of American citizens as well as Italian citizens, as well as people who are citizens of other countries.
If they'll do it in a Western democracy like Italy, they'll do it here.
And that's exactly what the NDAA is about.
The government has declared its intention to openly violate the Constitution, which guarantees those God-given rights that are spoken of in the Declaration of Independence.
Those are rights, again, that are not just for American citizens.
And if you have a government that is openly contemptuous of the rights of individuals, of other people, then it is going to eventually do the same thing to Americans.
We are not going to have any protection because they've already shown
That they don't have any respect whatsoever for the Constitution or for the rule of law.
One last quote here from this article from the Huffington Post.
It says, U.S.
officials who have thus far evaded any accountability for their role in a global torture program should take today's developments as a warning sign.
And I would also add, so should the CIA minions who support this criminal, illegitimate government.
And I'm not the only one who's saying that it is criminal and illegitimate.
Former President Jimmy Carter said it yesterday.
We also had former Senator from New Hampshire, Gordon Humphreys, say it about the NSA.
And what Gordon Humphreys said is exactly right.
The government is now concerned about how do they control these leaks.
They're not really concerned about how they're going to, who they're going to punish for violating the Constitution, who they're going to punish for spying on every American.
This is from an article today in Reuters.
The U.S.
government is overhauling procedures to tighten access to top-secret intelligence in a bid to prevent another mega-leak like the one carried out by former spy agency contractor Edward Snowden.
See, they're concerned about these leaks.
We've got to stop these leaks.
They're not concerned about stopping the criminal activity.
And that's precisely what former Senator Gordon Humphreys said.
And again, we've got people just the previous generation
of power brokers and politicians in Washington are calling, like Jimmy Carter, like Gordon Humphries, like Paul Craig Roberts, are pointing out that this is a criminal government that has destroyed democracy, that has violated their oath of office, that is actually illegitimate.
And these episodes with the CIA just underscore that.
We're going to be right back.
We're going to take some of your calls in the next half hour.
Give us a call at 800-259-9231.
We'll be right back.
Stay tuned.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're good to go.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Hey, you White House!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex.
And if you remember at the beginning of the show, we were talking about the news that a lot of people are talking about today, and that is the official declaration of bankruptcy from Detroit.
Now, one of the things I thought was interesting about that, and we played the clip of Obama saying that he was so proud that he was not going to let Detroit go bankrupt.
Now, of course, he was not talking necessarily about the city.
He was talking about the large corporations that he was going to bail out, that he did, in fact, bail out.
Those same large corporations like General Motors that then subsequently moved their plants offshore to China and other places.
Great job there.
That's exactly what happens.
But one of the things that I thought was interesting about it that hasn't been widely talked about is the fact that Standard & Poor's today has now rated their municipal bonds as junk.
Just today, the day after they declared bankruptcy.
Didn't see it coming!
I guess Standard & Poor's is about the only people on the planet that didn't see this coming.
But as our article on InfoWars from Anthony Gucciardi points out, this is a harbinger of things to come at a national level as the economy descends into a debt collapse.
And that is absolutely true.
And as we also point out, another Present Planet article
The population of Detroit fell by 63 percent at the same time the workforce, the city workforce, only fell by 40 percent.
And we've been seeing exactly the same sort of thing happening at the federal government level as the economy is going down.
We're seeing the government increase the number of employees.
That is not something that is sustainable.
We also see that violent crime in Detroit has soared.
As you would expect when the residents are not allowed to defend themselves with guns.
And you know, one of the things, if we have the liberals have their way and we go into more extensive gun control, or Obama has his way, Eric Holder has his way, you're going to need something besides a gun.
You're going to need something to protect you.
You know, there's a lot of drive-by shootings in Chicago and in Detroit.
A lot of people are shot in their homes by the rampant war on drugs.
Another thing that has been put on us by the federal government, more correctly described as the war of drugs.
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Now we've got some calls on the line.
We're gonna take some calls here.
We've got the Punisher.
What do you want to tell us, Punisher?
You got a question?
Yes, David.
First of all, I'd like to start out by saying I'd like to give a shout out to all my brothers and sisters listening to us in the NSA.
Thank you for keeping us safe from ourselves.
I would just like to say David, thank you for what you do, sir.
I just have a small story.
I'm one of the reasons why I'm kind of anonymous on the phone right now is because I'm the part of the United States Marine Corps.
I went through
I don't know.
Now, mind you, we were in a room with the three families.
All three families had sons.
How old is your son?
So, we were all selected for additional screening, all the families.
It was one father and three children, one of his boys.
It was another family of a couple and two sons and one of their son was selected.
After we went through the screening process, we didn't think we had anything in common.
However, when we were all at the flight, obviously our flight left without us.
So we were held back at least four hours in that same terminal.
So we all got to talking and we just all realized that in one way or another, we were all in the military.
Some were retired.
The person who was the father of the three children was retired, and they held us all back.
They went through our luggage.
I actually took the opportunity to ask the officer, U.S.
Border Patrol and Customs, I said, you know, why are you stopping my son?
What's going on?
I'm just here, you know, to make sure that you don't violate any of our rights.
And he said, well, I hate to break it to you, but outside the United States, the U.S.
Constitution does not apply.
Well, you know, it doesn't apply inside the United States either, right?
According to them.
And it doesn't apply within 100 miles of the border either, according to them.
I mean, they have their arbitrary stuff.
It's just absolutely amazing how they openly now refute the Constitution, refute the rule of law.
And one of the things that we were talking about yesterday was the Stasi.
We talked about a pastor who had lived under the Stasi.
And one of the things that he was talking about was how the total surveillance of everybody and the fact that they knew they were under surveillance was a thing that intimidated everyone.
It was an oppressive thing.
But we hear people today who are saying that they have nothing to hide.
They don't care if the government is listening to them.
They have nothing to hide.
They don't realize just how oppressive
A Stasi-like government can be, and we have the potential to have something that is far worse than mankind has ever seen, because you can meld the surveillance state of the Stasi with modern technology, and it is going to be one terrible thing to live under if we don't stop it, if we don't make them obey the law.
We've got a caller here, Cletus, in California.
Cletus, you have a question?
Hi, I actually wanted to comment on what the last caller said.
You made a great point to say that if you talk to people, you'll learn a lot and you'll find out that you have a lot of things in common.
What I've been doing, I live down in Southern California, Soviet Southern California.
And I've been finding that a lot of the military that I talk to are asleep.
And if you just give them little tidbits of information, they wake up immediately.
They've seen what's going on.
Yeah, absolutely.
So I have a short story to let me tell it.
I spoke to a Marine here in Huntington Beach, California.
And he told me about a British SAS soldier that tried to recruit him for false flag terrorism here in America.
What type of, what was the nature of what they were going to have him do?
Did he tell you?
They tried to lure him in with a little, I guess, they tried to tell him that they could train him to pass lie detector tests and do all these elite things and that before he
Well, it's not like they haven't done that before, just as we were talking about in the last segment.
They did that all throughout Italy with Operation Gladio.
And that's one of the reasons why the Italians are so angry about these CIA people who kidnapped and sent to Egypt for torture this fellow right off the Italian streets.
They're talking about false flag attacks.
There's an excellent article from Kurt Nimmo on today's InfoWars.
Zokar Zarnaev's throat wound, yet another government lie, bites the dust.
Now, if you remember yesterday we talked about the picture on the Rolling Stones cover that everybody's getting upset about, the fact that he looked too nice on the cover.
What I was upset about was the fact that he's no longer even the alleged bomber, but he is THE bomber.
Tried and convicted in the media.
But nobody seemed to have a problem with that.
But in response to that, we had a police sergeant, I believe was his rank, actually went public with some pictures that he had taken because he was upset about the appearance of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
So he actually put some pictures out, now faced in a fit of anger.
Now these pictures have pointed out, as Kurt Nemo writes, that the government was lying to us all along about Dzokhar.
He said, we were told by the Massachusetts governor initially that Tsarnaev was in, quote, serious but stable condition and not yet able to communicate.
And then we were told that he had been trapped in a boat.
It was thought that the teenager placed a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger in a desperate bid to avoid capture and possible death penalty, claimed the British version of the National Enquirer, The Mirror.
Reports say the bullet passed through his throat, just missing his spinal cord and came out the back of his neck.
And it says in the article from Kurt Nemo, the Hollywood-esque version dovetailed nicely with the story that the evil brothers Tsarnaev were in a running gun battle with the cops flinging homemade pressure cooker bombs at their brave pursuers as the pair attempted to escape the long arm of the law.
Then the blaze kicked in.
That's Glenn Beck's publication.
And they said later that Tsarnaev is in stable condition, but because of wounds to his throat, he may never be able to speak again.
Then in May, the story changed again.
It was said that Tsarnaev didn't have a bullet wound in his throat, but was cut by a knife.
I did see a throat injury.
To me, it looked more like a knife wound, said Officer Jeff Campbell of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Transit Police SWAT Unit.
Now we have a photo because of this dust up about the Rolling Stones cover.
Now we have a photo of Tsarnaev allegedly surrendering taken by a Massachusetts State Police photographer.
And the CBS Boston reported on Thursday that the photographer Sergeant Sean Murphy gave the photos to Boston Magazine because he was upset about the Rolling Stones' glamorous cover.
Note the absence of the throat wound in the photo.
I mean, the whole thing has been manufactured and strung along by the press, by the media, and
Yeah, it's just shameful what has been done.
But talking about false flag attacks, that we just had to cover not only the false flag but the false narrative that continually evolves and changes.
And I think it's also interesting to note that
Some people, when he made his first appearance, of course there's no photography taken at the trial, but several people who knew him said that it didn't look very much like him, they said that he didn't act like him, but most importantly, the local, I think it was the Boston Herald reporter that was on video, said that he had a very strong accent when he gave his not guilty plea.
Now somebody put that report out along with a home movie showing Zocar talking to a little child not having an accent.
So the story gets much stranger.
And we were also talking with one of the callers about the NSA.
This story just came out.
The NSA admits it analyzes more people's data than previously revealed.
How about that?
We've been telling you that for years and years at InfoWars.
And we told you when it came out, it was not just about metadata.
It was about storing everything.
That's why they're building the Utah Data Center that's going online, if it's not already online.
We can't trust anything they tell us, not even the dates that the spy storage areas are going online.
Chris Inglis, the agency's deputy director, was one of several government representatives, including those from the FBI and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, who testified before the House Judiciary Committee yesterday.
And his statement was new.
He said that analysts are now taking two or three hops from terror suspects when evaluating terror activity.
So they're maintaining that they have the right to start monitoring you without really getting a court order.
Now they can also monitor people who are not just a friend of the person that is the quote-unquote suspect, but they can monitor two or three levels and direct from that.
Remember the seven degrees of Kevin Bacon?
You know, the game where you can
Take a movie that Kevin Bacon's in and you can relate it to all the different stars and you can pretty much find anybody in Hollywood.
It turns out that back in 2011, the University of Milan found that everyone on the internet was on average 4.74 steps away from anyone else.
Now the NSA has now said that they've gone three of those steps.
The bottom line is they're just grasping for any kind of justification, no matter how shallow, to spy on everybody, to do a dragnet, to avoid the fact that they need to have a reasonable cause before they search us, according to the Constitution.
Let's go to another caller.
Let's go to Keith in Indiana.
Keith, how are you doing today?
What's your question or comment?
Thank you very much.
I just wanted to comment about the Snowden situation, because four years ago, I lived in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
And it had more cameras per population than any city in the United States to have the local government be able to watch what you were doing and I went to some town meetings about it and it struck me about the Snowden situation was that if people
Got used to the idea of being spied on in their own towns by their own government officials that by the time the federal government gets around to telling them they're doing it, I just don't think a lot of people anymore have any particular anger about any of it.
It's conditioning.
When I lived in Lancaster, I attended three or four meetings of community meetings about the cameras.
And the only people who went to the meetings were either Ron Paulers, from what we would call the more conservative side, or die-hard leftists.
I mean, some of them were literally like members of the Communist Party, and they were only upset about the cameras because they thought the cameras were there to spy on them.
Yeah, they're just fine on everybody.
But understand that it only takes a dedicated minority, as we've been told time and again, and as we saw in the American Revolution, it only takes a knowledgeable, dedicated minority, because you're always going to have the vast majority of people be sheep.
But it really is about desensitizing people.
It really is about conditioning.
That is what the TSA is about.
The TSA is about going after our freedom and dignity.
I remember, I've told the story before about my wife.
She has a master's degree in education.
She brought home a book called Beyond Freedom and Dignity.
And I said, it's about time somebody complained about the way we're treated in the government schools.
She said, no, no, no, this isn't a protest book.
This is a blueprint.
And, you know, this fellow B.F.
Skinner, of course, if you're familiar with his work, you know that it has become essentially the Bible for government schools, for the way the government treats us.
It is to the way the government operates, the way the American government operates, is the same as the Communist Manifesto is to the Marxists, same as Mein Kampf is to the Nazis.
It's essentially a call to action.
It's a plan.
And if they can remove your dignity and your freedom, they can do anything to you.
They can treat you and condition you like animals.
And that's exactly what the TSA is doing.
If you let them put their hands on you, they immediately give you a very positive reward.
You're allowed to go fly.
See, that's called positive operant conditioning.
That's Skinner's technique.
So you come in and you let them do whatever they want to to you because you're their slave and you immediately get a little reward.
The only thing they don't do is click something and give you a treat, you know.
But you know, you're intelligent enough that you know beforehand what's going on.
So it essentially works the same way as you train a dog or a horse or a dolphin.
And people are being trained like that all over the United States.
Let's go to George in Connecticut.
George, how you doing?
Hi, Mr. Knight.
Yeah, I got a chance to get on one of the largest radio stations, WOR, in the tri-state area, 50,000 watts.
They were trying to vilify the brothers for this Rolling Stones article, and I brought up the fact that why are we believing, why are we trying to basically, you know,
Thank you for speaking out George.
We're coming up to a hard break.
We're going to be right back and Alex Jones is going to be joining us so stay tuned.
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And feeling good was easy love when they sang the blues.
You know, feeling good was good enough for me.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and we've got Alex Jones on the line.
He's going to be joining us.
Now, I don't know if you saw it a couple of nights ago, if you're a Prison Planet TV subscriber, you did.
We had the world premiere on Prison Planet TV for our subscribers of State of Mind.
But if you're like my family back in North Carolina, you've got very slow internet access.
You might want to get it on DVD.
There's a lot of people in that situation.
A lot of people would rather watch something on DVD than stream it anyway.
So that is still available at InfoWars.com, even in Blu-ray.
So pick that up.
It's StateOfMind.com.
And of course as we talk to
The Fully Informed Jury Association activists yesterday, every time you order something from Infowars.com, you also get a little pocket constitution and jury handbook and it tells you what your rights are.
Judges, power over you is your ignorance.
So understand what your rights are and what your duties are as a juror.
You have to watch each other's backs.
It's very important that we re-establish jury trials in this country.
We've got Alex joining us on the line.
How you doing Alex?
Or maybe we don't.
Is he?
Okay, he's not on the line just yet.
Okay, we just lost him.
He's out on the road.
Now, this information just came in from the Long War Journal.
Former bin Laden doctor is reportedly heading Al-Qaeda in the Sinai Peninsula.
Now, that's kind of interesting that he's there, that Al-Qaeda is in the Sinai Peninsula, but I find it even more interesting that
This guy, we really need to find this guy because he's going to be like the best doctor in the world.
He kept Bin Laden, who needed a dialysis machine, he kept him alive for over a decade until it was convenient for Obama to kill him.
You know, that's not a small trick.
You know, when you need a dialysis machine, you can only go a couple of days without that, typically.
So, somebody needs to look up this Ramzi Muafi, and they need to actually find out what he knows to keep people who need dialysis alive for decades without it.
I mean, that would be a real groundbreaking piece of information to know.
We really need to know that.
Now, we've also got some information breaking.
If you remember, we talked yesterday about
Yahoo coming in and trying to clear their name.
Now even Microsoft is trying to do that.
These are companies that were exposed as part of the Snowden leaks.
They were exposed to be part of the PRISM program, essentially turning people's data over without people knowing it, doing it in violation of their agreements with people, but just flat-out turning it over to the government having, in many cases,
The government had equipment put into their servers so they could directly tap into it.
Now Microsoft is saying that they want to stand for the Constitution.
Kind of a sunshine patriot attitude, in my opinion, because Microsoft was the very first company to sign on to PRISM.
According to the documents, they did it back in 2007.
And these documents show that Microsoft helped the NSA circumvent its encryption to address concerns that the agency would be unable to intercept web chats.
The agency already had pre-encryption stage access to email on Outlook, including Hotmail.
The company also worked with the FBI this year to allow the NSA easier access via PRISM to its cloud storage service, SkyDrive, which now has more than 250 million users online.
Microsoft also worked with the FBI's Data Center Intercept Unit to understand potential issues with a feature that Outlook.com allowed users to create email aliases.
In July last year, nine months after Microsoft bought Skype, the NSA boasted that they could now triple the amount of Skype calls.
But now Microsoft is talking about the Constitution.
Because the alternative media and Ed Snowden have exposed this and because people are starting to get upset.
We need to keep the heat on them and we need to turn it up.
We'll be right back with Alex Jones, so stay tuned.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we were just talking about the NSA and the things that are coming to light about their PRISM program.
Yahoo has sued and effectively won the release of some documents that are, even though perhaps Yahoo was complicit in this, they maintained that they were fighting it all along, but I believe it's going to be important because I think it's going to shed some light on this secretive court, the FISA court, that essentially has no opposition, has no, we can't even see what the
Secretive findings are, and yet they maintain that they are altering our Constitution with their secretive court decisions.
That's not happening.
As we mentioned just before the break, you may want to see stateofmind.com.
It is available at infowarsstore.com.
It's a great documentary.
It's a great way to wake up people to the many ways that the government
Is using the information that they collect on us as well as the mass media and the education system to brainwash us.
It's not just an MKUltra program.
It's not just the state-of-the-art kind of strange CIA things that they're doing, but it's very mundane, broad-based things that are happening.
And you can pick that up at InfoWarsStore.com.
It premiered
This week on Wednesday on PrisonPlanet.tv for our subscribers, but you can get the DVD and pass that around.
Even get that in Blu-ray at InfowarsStore.com.
Now we have a article here that is on Infowars.com.
Is America's social contract broken?
As Voltaire observed, no snowflake in avalanche ever feels responsible and this is entirely and precisely how empires collapse.
You know, when I see the term social contract, I always think about a quote from Lysander Spooner, I think.
I don't know if he said that about the social contract or if he said it about the Constitution as a document on which he could not find his signature.
He's an interesting guy to look up sometime.
He's somebody, one of the few people at the time of the Civil War that had it exactly right.
He was an ardent abolitionist in opposition to slavery and yet at the same time he opposed the illegal unconstitutional invasion of the South by the Union as well as the egregious
dictatorial things that Abraham Lincoln was doing.
Arresting opposition people, declaring martial law, instituting a draft, instituting a fiat currency.
He opposed all those things.
And he also went into business against the U.S.
Post Office.
He knew the Post Office was charging people way too much money.
He went into competition with them and it took an act of Congress essentially to stop Lysander Spooner.
So that's an interesting thing.
It talks about the social contract in this article, binding the citizens and the states and how they have destroyed that.
I'm also reminded of a quote from Russell Means, who said that the Constitution is the white man's treaty with the government.
And he said, just like the government broke every treaty with the Indians, they are now breaking their treaty with you.
And that is really true.
That's never been more true and it's accelerating every day as we have been talking about.
The Natural News reports that many welfare recipients now have higher incomes than the actual workers that are subsidizing their handouts.
That's pretty amazing.
It's one of the ways that this country is going bankrupt in a handbasket, just like Detroit.
Detroit is not an aberration.
Detroit is a pattern that we see developing.
For the first time in history, the number of people in the U.S.
receiving assistance from the federal government to pay for food has exceeded the number of full-time private sector workers.
Do you understand that?
The people who are actually supporting the welfare system are in the minority.
This is far worse than the demographics even of Social Security, which also is going to be unsustainable.
We're going to be right back.
Stay tuned.
Alex is going to be adjoining us as soon as we get a good connection on him.
Stay tuned.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I've been filling in for Alex, but we now have Alex on the line and he really wants to talk about this breaking news about Dzokhar Tsarnaev.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
I'm fantastic, absolutely.
I actually planned all week since I was going to take my son and daughter fishing that I would be doing an hour here on Friday covering the news.
But now we have so much, so much breaking news
That we're going to be covering.
We're just so blessed that we have a radio broadcast to be able to talk about this information on air.
Unfortunately, earlier they thought because I had phone backup, that's why we had a reverb echo, but I can't do the interview because it's doing a total reverb feedback loop.
So you go ahead and cover some of the news and then as soon as I'm able to, I'm gonna get on a phone line and just go directly to the old-fashioned tech and get on the air here with you.
But we got big developments on the Boston bombing that absolutely bring the entire thing down.
There is no doubt now that this was not a staged event.
Oh, looks like we got things fixed, but you go ahead and cover some news and I'll be back at the 24 after break.
To reset and cover all the news and information here on the worldwide broadcast I'd also just like to add to all the listeners.
We did a lot of work With the filmmakers of state of mind to help them get their film finished And to be the distributor of it and it is a very important film exposing the mind control programming system
That is going on worldwide and is now available on Blu-ray and DVD and has been shipping since Monday at InfoWarsStore.com and it is your purchases of the books, the films, the videos and the materials that makes this broadcast possible.
So again, that is InfoWarsStore.com.
If you want to get it on DVD or Blu-Ray or we have the PrisonPlanet.TV version that is archived in HD for all of the members at PrisonPlanet.TV and of course we also up on the front page of InfoWars.com
Up on the front page of InfoWars.com.
We have right up there for everybody absolutely free the entire film with extras and commentary by the filmmakers on the front page of InfoWars.com.
So I'm going to come back in the next segment.
I will host the rest of the hour.
Thank you, David.
And thank you to all the listeners that make this broadcast possible.
Thanks Alex, we look forward to talking to you.
You know, one of the things that's breaking as well as the news about Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is the news about fluoride.
It just keeps building because you know the truth is not going to go away.
And we've got a lot of former water fluoridation advocates now calling for an end to what is an outmoded and unsafe practice according to Natural News.
So there's this brief history to the original campaign to instigate water fluoridation policy going back to the mid-20th century.
The work of Edwin Bernays.
Now you want to talk about mind control?
That fits in.
You know, that's the guy who invented propaganda.
And that's something that is in the documentary, State of Mind, as well as the way people are being controlled by the educational system.
He was Sigmund Freud's nephew.
But actually, they began a program of propaganda to get people to believe that fluoridation actually was necessary for reducing tooth decay.
And that's not really the truth.
Actually, before officials from the aluminum industry got in charge of what eventually became the FDA, fluoride was recognized for what it is, and that is a poison.
I was just recently looking at a home here in Austin to buy, and this home had termites in it.
And they were talking about how well it needed to be fumigated, and I asked them what they're fumigating it with.
And it was basically a fluoride gas.
You know, fluoride is used as a pesticide.
It's labeled that in China.
It is a byproduct of the aluminum and nuclear industries.
And instead of having to dispose of this toxic waste and pay for that disposal, what they do is they charge municipalities to put it in our water.
And you know, when you put poison in the water, there's not really a safe, minimal amount.
And we've got activists who are organizing on Planet Info Wars and other places to try to talk to their local municipalities, in the case of Raleigh, North Carolina, when they did that.
The officials there laughed at them and drank a toast of fluoridated tap water to their honor.
You know, even though there was a local news report that covered the issue of fluoridation.
So a lot of times you just have to do it on your own.
And that's why we sell the ProPure filter here at InfoWarsStore.com.
And you can get it for 10% off.
It's the most effective gravity feed filter you can find out there.
It gets rid of all the variant forms of fluoride.
Which other gravity feed filters do not do.
You have to get a very complicated filter to get some of those forms out.
But it is the only one that does it as a gravity feed filter.
So, you know, try to try to get involved with activism.
Try to change the laws for your health and for the health of your neighbors.
But if you can't do it, you ultimately need to take responsibility for your life and do it yourself if you can't find somebody to help you.
Now we have the Trayvon death has been creating riots throughout LA and other places and yet is anyone talking about the kids that have been killed by Obama with drone strikes?
No, not really.
In an article from Prison Planet TV by Anthony Gucciardi, he points out that we have a 16-year-old citizen that was killed without any form of trial, but instead of actually giving due process to people, Obama is doing the same thing all over the world.
As a matter of fact, if you remember, the very first time it kind of created a precedent
When he killed an American citizen abroad in Yemen, and then later killed his son, who was about the same age as Trayvon.
And we're going to go to some of your calls here.
We've had some people calling in.
Let's go to Mark in Oregon.
Mark, how are you?
Morning, David.
Morning, how are you doing?
I'm doing all right, David.
I just want to thank you briefly for, you know, the excellent work that you and the crew do.
Well, thank you.
What, do you have a comment or a question?
Actually, what you do takes courage.
And when it comes to actually, as you've mentioned earlier in the program today, demonstrating en masse will actually create what I think your phrase was, en masse, it was around that, which means most all of the people who see what's going on and know the wrongness of it and the harm that it does and the death that it causes,
In this country and around the world, but for this country, David, I've mentioned this to Alex before, and it seems to me like a tremendously strong muscle car of publicity and information for people.
Many things come out of a mass demonstration.
And you have this vehicle there which is ready to go, and I call it the same thing you call it, Planet Info Wars, because
The show, Alex, all of you guys, what you put together is actually, for years now, gained international attention.
And it's the only show that does this.
And Alex is a born natural leader.
People look up to him as that.
And that's what people need these days because they're feeling, especially in this country and other countries, intimidated.
And they intimidate us intentionally to keep us quiet.
Now take the Planet Info Wars and run with it.
Organize people.
Organize mass demonstrations all across the country on the same days.
And you have a whole menu of grievances.
And that's really the meat of my call, David.
I'd just like your comment if you have a moment.
Well, that's a great idea.
You know, you said it takes courage to do this.
It takes an understanding of the fact that there isn't any place to hide.
You know, what we're trying to get people to understand is that they're not just watching Alex.
They're not just watching me or the people who work here.
They're watching you.
People don't realize that.
You know, we had the comedian do the skit where he's walking around with a boom mic and putting it over people's heads and that annoys them because they realize what's happening.
If people understood
What the government is doing to them through this NSA spying, they would be rightfully outraged, I believe.
And yet, because it's done in a secretive manner and not too many news outlets are really talking about it, instead they want to talk about Ed Snowden.
They don't want to talk about what the NSA did.
They want to talk about how they can increase the effectiveness.
There we go, there's the comedian.
What was his name again?
I'm sorry, what?
Tom Mabe.
Alex interviewed him.
It was a great interview, a great comedy skit, but it really makes an important point that when people realize, you can see it up there on the monitor, he's holding this boom mic over people's heads as they're having a private conversation.
That's what the government is doing.
All the time with this NSA stuff.
And they're ignoring the Constitution.
So, yes, I believe it's a great idea to get people to organize.
We have Planet Info Wars as a means for people to hook up with each other and do it.
Maybe we should do something that's a little bit more formal to try to organize that.
Now, certainly we have tried to organize people to speak out, to produce movies and films.
We have Operation Paul Revere, which is approaching its final stages.
Next week, on Monday, we're going to have the finalists announced.
It's going to be like the top 5% of the entries that we've had.
And then later in the week, on Thursday and Friday, we're going to have the third place and second place winners announced.
And the following Monday will be the grand prize winner.
Now these are big contest amounts.
The third place prize is $5,000, second place is $10,000, and the grand prize winner is $100,000.
We have a lot of really good entries and this has been a very difficult task to sort through these things.
We've got a lot of people.
Here at the crew that are looking at these so that we get more than one person looking at them.
We've got multiple people looking at each entry.
It has been a lot of work.
We had more than 600 entries come in.
And you're going to really like what you see, I think.
What's there right now is a couple hundred entries and we're going to be having the finalists on Monday.
So stay tuned and we'll be right back.
And Alex will be joining us to talk about Dzokhar Tsarnaev.
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Myself, my family, the InfoWars.com team want to relay to you and your families that we are intensifying our efforts against the globalists on every front.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex, but we have Alex on the line, and he wants to talk to us about what's just been revealed about Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
Yes, when I saw this this morning by Kurt Nemo, it's red-linked up on InfoWars.com.
Did he just drop out on us?
Well, looks like we just lost that.
Yeah, it's a very important story.
This is the article that we covered a little bit earlier, just a little bit.
I wanted to hear what Alex had to say about it.
This is the picture that was released.
Now, this is a picture that was not supposed to come out, and the sergeant was fired because he put it out.
But, you know, he released this because he was angry that the Rolling Stones picture looked too glamorous.
So what he did was he actually showed the picture of Zocar, and you can see that his throat wasn't cut.
And we were told, as Kurt points out in the article, we were told that at various stages that he had been, he had shot himself in the throat.
We had been told that his throat had been cut.
We'd been told that he wasn't going to be able to talk to us, not be able to communicate.
We were told for the longest time they maintained this story.
And now we see no evidence of that.
Just another piece of the false flag that we've been fed there.
Now we also have some news that we covered just briefly yesterday about the TSA.
The TSA is now going through cars that are parked in valet parking.
This was a local news story out of Albany and the woman called to complain to the television station.
Let's take a look at that for people who are watching the broadcast.
This is what they actually put in the car.
Can you guys pull that up on the screen?
That's what she showed.
Under the TSA regulations.
Your vehicle has been inspected.
Under the TSA regulations.
There you go.
Thank you for your patronage.
Your vehicle has been inspected under TSA regulations.
Now what she said was she was never told that her car was going to be checked by the TSA.
After they went ahead and did this story, they went back and after it became an issue, they did put up a sign and they said, and she said she was so happy, unfortunately, she said she was so happy that she felt safer when they were doing it.
She was just concerned they hadn't told her beforehand.
Interestingly enough, they weren't checking all the cars.
They were only checking the cars that were in valet parking.
And I think this has something to do with what's going on with CISPA, what's going on with the PRISM program, and that is this whole idea that they think that they can violate the Fourth Amendment if they get the permission of some third party.
But we've got Alex back on the line, and I really want to hear what he has to say about Dzokhar Tsarnaev.
Yeah, I just want the listeners to know I've not been intentionally for 30 minutes trying to build this up here on air.
Just bizarre.
We do these digital tests and they work fine.
As soon as I get on air, all hell breaks loose.
But when we come back in the next segment, we're going to tell you why we keep talking about Zohar, Zarnev,
And the big news associated with that.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
It's a story by Kurt Nemo.
And it's just buried in the back of the Boston Globe.
It's buried in the back of the papers on the East Coast.
And when I see something like this totally proving everything we've said in quadruplicate, it doesn't make me feel good.
It makes me physically ill.
It's not like
Oh, we've caught them now!
Isn't this great?
It is a hundred percent fact that the CIA and Homeland Security were involved at every level of the bombing in Boston on April 15, 2013.
And there is no doubt that InfoWars.com, my radio show, everything, the listeners,
Damadanda, you name it, absolutely got in the middle of their official story and blew it wide open.
And that's also super creepy.
This is not fun.
This is not a game.
This is not a joke.
I wish every day that Oklahoma City would have been a real event.
I wish it wouldn't have happened, A, but B, if it's going to happen, a lone wolf is a lot less scary.
To discover how the Feds ran the attack, to know the names of the Feds that were there with McVeigh, to have the police officer witnesses, the HUD witness, Jane Graham, to have all the witnesses on this bombing, to have the witnesses on 7-7, to know it was run by MI6, the London bombings, to know all of this is disgusting, ladies and gentlemen, because we sit here and we see them get away with it.
So we go to break.
I'm going to come back in as calmly as I can.
I'm going to come back and host for the rest of the hour.
And then David's going to come back and give you a lot of important news.
And Lord Monckton's going to be joining him on a host of issues on the environmental takeover and the rest of it.
Good old Monk, it'll tend to explain to our audience that global warming isn't man-made, but we kind of know that.
But he's really an expert on the global treaty and the global governments.
Maybe we can get him to talk a little bit about that.
So that's coming up in the third hour on this Friday edition.
But the reason I get so angry is that I'm sitting here watching
All this unfold, and it's just making me sicker and sicker.
So when we come back, we'll let David take a break, and I will, from the road, host the transmission as planned.
But we're going to have the most important news ever.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's Friday, and we are broadcasting worldwide.
It is July 19, 2013, and we've got Lord Monckton coming up with David Knight posting in the next hour.
And David Knight of InfoWars Nightly News is riding shotgun.
I am joining you via phone from the Texas coast.
I've promised for a year to take my son to go fishing for alligator gar.
We're good to go.
Because, like any parent, I look at my innocent children, my two daughters and my son, and I see how innocent and good and wholesome they are.
And I see just how unbelievably wicked the world is, and how it's getting wickeder by the moment.
You know, it's almost a curse to have a good memory and to be informed and to know history and to be involved.
It's almost a curse.
Because when you're aware of history and you know what's happening, you're not just blissfully ignorant, you sit back and you watch just the incredible fraud and corruption.
You watch your country taken over by foreign offshore banks.
You watch the media turn into a total brainwashing system to demonize the family, to try to dumb children down, to try to destroy children's innocence.
You see medicalized tyranny with children being given abortions by schools without parental consent, vaccines without consent.
California, and of course every state, but they got caught two weeks ago, is still engaging in forced sterilization illegally and not getting in trouble.
And that's the point I keep getting back to over and over again, is that a criminal guild
Globally has almost gotten in control.
They're in control of most of the U.S., most of Europe, most of the U.K., and they're persecuting and running a purge against people in corporate systems and in government and in academia and in religion.
Who are just normal humans.
This is a cultural, spiritual, genetic rewrite being carried out by the eugenicist.
And so, this morning when I saw the story up on InfoWars.com, that Kurt Nemo did, it made me physically angry.
Uh, to where I am just beside myself with controlled, focused anger right now.
Because it confirms everything we've seen and everything that happened.
Ladies and gentlemen, I followed the Boston bombing from the minutes after it happened.
And I had a guest on the air, an author, talking about false flags.
When it actually happened, when it actually was unfolding,
And I said on that April 15th radio show, I mean it happened while I was on the radio, I said look for a drill, look for a stand down, look for Patsy's.
They're going to have Arab Patsy's and right wing Patsy's.
I don't know what plan they're going to go with, but it's probably going to be right wing Patsy's because I've been seeing the conditioning that there'd be IED's.
Or improvised explosive device attacks that were imminent on crowds in America, and that's why Homeland Security had to roll out and basically set up martial law nationwide.
So I saw the pre-programming, and I said in the days before, get ready, false flag is imminent.
Because, I mean, I live this stuff.
And then, boom, it happened.
And we saw the drill that happened two months before a bombing marathon.
We found out there was a drill that day.
We had witnesses there was a drill.
It later came out that there was a drill.
And then they were going to burn a right winger a few days later, but then dropped all of that, evacuated the courthouse, disappeared whoever the person was they had.
And moved on to the Czarnev brothers.
Zohar Czarnev and Tamerlan Czarnev.
And then sure enough, I said, let's see.
We know there was a drill.
We know there was a standout.
We know there were contractors out there.
They use that as the cover.
Most people involved in it in the government aren't involved.
Let's see if Tamerlan or the younger brother are ending up working for a foundation group, sending in people to form al-Qaeda groups against the Russians, which is a stated Pentagon globalist 30-year-plus program.
Sure enough, it came out in the British, in the Russian news.
State Department responded.
The Tamerlan had aliases that Homeland Security allowed him to use.
He was funded by the Georgetown Society, founded by Zbigniew Brzezinski and others, directly to form radical Wahhabist sects in the area.
I'm just giving you background before I give you the new bombshell, ladies and gentlemen.
And it just went on and on.
Then, two FBI agents that were involved in the investigation in Boston fall out of a helicopter.
Then, the friend of the older Czarnev brother, they go to his house, he says, they're coming to kill me.
They strap him down in a chair, shoot him in the top of the head, and they've declared national security on the autopsy.
Just like they've done with Michael Hastings.
I mean, folks, they're doing this in the open now.
And it just goes on and on and on.
And then Rolling Stone comes out saying the bomber.
Everybody says it's glorifying the bomber.
Which that's only one sub-level.
That's a smaller level of it.
25% of it.
75% of the outrage is that they're saying he's the bomber.
This magazine came out, was printed.
Four or five days after he pled not guilty, and they knew he was going to plead not guilty.
We've talked to the lawyers.
We've talked to family members.
I'm not at liberty to give all this out, but they've been threatened.
And they know it's an inside job, and it turns out a bunch of the family is hooked in to the Central Intelligence Agency.
So understand, ladies and gentlemen, I've psychoanalyzed why I get so viciously angry when I see stuff like this.
Because I'm risking my life, okay?
This is not a game.
This is not a joke.
This is literally a death struggle for this country.
And that's why I get physically angry.
When I saw the leak, and you watch, they're going to prosecute this guy.
With the state police.
This guy leaked it, saying he was angry, and that may be spin, that this guy was being shown as some type of icon by the news media.
I don't believe that's what it is.
That's the news spinning it.
Why would the state police photographer say he was angry so he released it?
That's not even his statement.
I believe they're saying that.
Again, this is InfoWars.com right now.
What am I getting at?
The latest big piece of news.
It goes on to say, Zohar's throat wound, another government lie bites the dust.
And it goes on to say and show high-def photos of him with the lasers on him.
No cut, no blood on the neck.
This is now at the same level, not from above, from a news camera.
This is at the same level, nothing wrong with his throat.
Folks, I was watching a Ustream feed that had 1,200,000 viewers on it of the live police scanner when he was in that vote.
And they opened fire with more than 15 full-auto M16s and
We're good to go.
The brothers yelled on the news camera, it's not us, we didn't do it, we didn't do it, as they tried to kill them.
Witnesses all said that Tamerlan was alive when they put him on the ground and then ran over him.
They wanted to get rid of the witnesses.
They're killing FBI agents, they're killing their friends that were clearly CIA assets going overseas with them.
This is unbelievable.
Then, we are about to go live on the news that night.
It's 645 Central, 745 Eastern.
I'm in the news office by the TV studio.
We have Ustream up.
This is back on the night this happened.
The night they captured him, a few days after the 15th of April.
And I am watching.
I am watching Ustream.
And they've shot up the boat a few hours before.
They're sending in armored vehicles, checking to see that he's dead.
And I hear the police, and there's a recording of this, but anybody can go look this up on the Ustream Archive.
And they're like, oh no, media got in a building across the water there, there was some little body of water, and they've got a live feed.
Well, we go turn the TV on, or the TV was actually on, we could see
Sure enough, about a minute later, it goes on TV, the boat and the flapping tarp, and now the cops couldn't kill him.
Now there's a news camera right on it, in high def, so they tell him, come out.
He comes out.
I see his throat.
He comes out with energy.
There's no blood on his throat, because it was down and from an angle, but I could clearly see there was no blood.
We blew up the video.
Minutes later, he's on the ground, barely alive, with them chopping his throat open.
And you can go to all the news articles that demonized me.
Bloomberg, AP, you name it, and say, look at crazy Alex Jones.
Shame they did a throat surgery.
They did.
They cut into his throat so that he couldn't talk.
There's the photos and videos of that of him cutting into his throat.
He gets up, crawls out, no blood out of his neck.
They cut into his throat.
God knows how hard they're torturing him for him to be able to still come to trial and say not guilty.
They're probably in there right now electro-shocking this guy.
I mean, I'm telling you, ladies and gentlemen, this guy has got incredible will.
The level of torture he's been going through, they tried to send him to Gitmo, they couldn't do that because people are awake and the courts are somewhat awake.
And so they've got him in there right now, torturing him, hammer and tongs, up one side and down the other.
You can be guaranteed.
So here's the big story.
Because National Review, you know, wrote a hit piece saying I'm incoherent.
No, I'm not incoherent.
Reality is complex.
Details are complex.
I don't sit here and talk to people like they're two years old.
I've just given the listeners a briefing, reminding them on everything that happened in this continuum, everything that happened in this space and time, everything that unfolded, everything that went on.
Just the basics.
It goes on and on and on and on and on.
The whole story is a lie on its face.
The FBI and Secret Service threatening Dan Bodondi saying we're going to get you if you don't shut up.
This is on the news when they come over.
What is the Secret Service doing at press conferences that have nothing to do with the Secret Service?
They were sent there to shut Bodondi, our reporter down, who was there to hand out images of the drills and there to hand out info to the media so they could understand how this really works.
This is what InfoWars is doing.
This is how Farm
We're going.
So, we have Zohar Zarnev.
We've got him in high def images if you're a radio listener.
Go to mfolewars.com.
You remember, you were told he was shot in the throat, he climbed out,
And then suddenly he was on the edge of dying.
There were other cops there who were not part of the inside job, who were not part of the corrupt federal teams.
And so they were unable to kill him.
Then he goes to the hospital.
They know they're being watched.
Then they announce in the news he said he did it.
Now imagine, you can't talk.
You're chained down in a hospital.
Your brother was in the CIA as an asset.
That's on record.
They've killed your brother.
They're killing other people.
You're in there, and they put on the news, the Boston Globe, the Boston Herald, that sources say you confessed.
Folks, they could disappear Alex Jones.
They could disappear anybody.
They could disappear anybody who's prominent, and then just say, from his hospital bed, he admits he did it.
Oh, and then put it on the cover of Rolling Stone that you're the bomber.
See, this is a complete attack on justice, on due process.
And we now have high-def photos.
...of him with laser beam lights on him, climbing out of the boat by the grace of God.
The bullets all missed him, but some that reportedly hit him in the foot and grazed his back.
So by the grace of God, they sit there in concerted fire with a line of machine guns, firing, and they said he fired at them with a gun.
Oh, another problem.
There was no gun.
Lies, lies, lies, lies.
He had a gun in there.
They, they, they robbed a 7-Eleven.
They killed cops.
None of it's true.
It's all been admitted to be a fraud.
And now we have a high-def photo leaked by the state police to the Boston newspapers showing him, not a bullet wound, not a cut, not a drop of blood on his neck in blaring light.
Of course, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, are we going to get a gold star for being vindicated in the first to say they chopped into his neck?
No, we're not.
Well, I might get a hit team sent down here to kill me.
That's the prize I'll probably get.
Because you need to understand, folks, they have to take down the press and take down the courts and take down due process before they take the country completely down.
This is a globalist
Takeover of America.
So I'm telling listeners right now, again, Alex Jones here, joining you via phone, David Knight riding shotgun from the InfoWars Center.
Zohar Zarnev's throat wound, another government lie bites the dust, and he goes over that particular lie.
And I think we need to add to this all the articles we wrote with previous lies.
Perhaps on the nightly news tonight, we need to go over all the lies that I just mentioned.
And there's even more!
Didn't rob the 7-Eleven.
Didn't shoot the cops.
Yelled and said they were innocent.
Ran over the brother.
Brother was working for the CIA, on record.
Had aliases that he was allowed to travel back and forth in the U.S.
The friend gets executed.
They said he attacked the police.
They admit he didn't.
They declare national security.
On the autopsy this week, Monday, won't release it.
On and on and on.
Didn't have guns in the boat.
Didn't shoot at cops.
No, he's hiding in there.
They figure out he's in there.
They send up an armored vehicle, look and see he's in there, and they open fire to kill the witness.
Kill the witness.
Kill the witness.
Kill him.
Kill him.
Kill him.
Kill him.
Kill him.
Just like Lee Harvey Oswald.
They had to have Jack Ruby go up and shoot him.
And as he's walked out to be shot, he goes, I'm a patsy.
I'm a patsy.
Help me.
You're not going to get help.
Jack Ruby, Dallas.
Right in the stomach.
Right in front of everybody, ladies and gentlemen.
He tried to jack Ruby, him, and it didn't work.
So they had to cut his throat open.
And there's the video, and there's the photos of those cops ramming knives into his throat with scalpels.
God knows the hell he's going through.
This young man did nothing.
He believed he was fighting for America as a CIA asset.
They were playboys with girls, and wearing fancy clothes, and partying.
They were set up just like the people on 7-7.
These guys were
We're good to go.
Let me tell the young people something.
If you ever get hired as an asset of the CIA or any other federal agency or group or contractor and they want you to carry a simulated bomb into an airport, don't do it.
If they want you to be part of a drill that we know they were having, don't do it.
Because let me tell you something.
We're good to go.
of the fact that his throat's not hurt.
It's only, oh, why'd the state police leak these photos?
They must be mad about something.
So they're in front of everybody.
There's no gun.
There's no throat wound.
No nothing.
It's all lies.
We'll be right back with David Nye on AlexJonesInfoWars.com
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We're good to go.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight in the studio.
We've got Alex Jones on the phone.
And if you just heard that last segment, that was a massive expose of this false flag Boston bombing from the very beginning.
And I tell you, it was really amazing to be here and to see all this unfold.
I mean, to see CNN responding to our reports, basically, in real time.
You know, we were pointing things out that didn't really fit.
And then they would trump out some former FBI agent and go through a dog and pony show to cover up for the government's obvious and glaring inconsistencies and lies in their stories.
And Alex has been talking about the latest one that just broke today, these pictures of Dzhokhar Zarnaev.
Alex, do you want to continue?
That's right, Zocar, Tsarnaev, and again, the reason I start hyperventilating is this is like being buried alive, ladies and gentlemen.
When you know how real this is, when you know that we're actually contending with these devils,
At an international level and they're responding and demonizing us and saying we should be, you know, gone after by the government.
This isn't a game.
This isn't my opinion, folks.
The globalist criminal element staged the Boston bombing.
We caught them with their pants down around their ankles, their hand in the cookie jar.
The whole thing is a verified lie.
And here's the big trillion pound enchilada.
No mainstream media
We're good to go.
Had the news articles about the drill, the Boston Globe, that no one wanted to look at.
He had the photos of the drill, the bomb-sniffing dogs, and all the black backpacks.
And I'm not even saying those guys in the drill were involved.
They were all standing around looking around when the bomb went off like, what in the world just happened?
That's how they do it!
And then they tell them, don't talk about the drill.
It'll confuse the public.
Folks, they're pathological.
The globalists run the same play
Why not?
It works.
I mean, if a Hail Mary worked every time, if I was a football coach and I had a quarterback and a wide receiver that never missed and never dropped the ball, what would I run?
Hail Marys all day long.
And folks, they run these Hail Marys.
My life is like living around other people, like in those movies where the other people don't move, and then you can just move and walk around everybody, and they won't listen to you, and you can't even communicate with them.
I mean, this is a hundred percent, folks.
They told you, oh, oh, he's bleeding out of the neck.
He can't talk.
They got him and went and cut his freaking throat out on TV!
And I said, I said, folks, pull up the articles.
I want to put this on the nightly news tonight, not to toot my horn, but to show folks that we're right.
You can go back and find articles everywhere from Salon to AP to Reuters going, Alex Jones says he didn't have a throat wound and wasn't shot.
Alex Jones says they cut into his larynx.
Well, let me see.
You get out.
You're not bleeding out of your neck.
I mean, I worked for the large animal vet, folks.
I've done cesarean sections.
I've helped cut through things with scalpels.
I wasn't born yesterday.
I'm a firearms person, too.
I mean, that's part of the torture of this, is being informed.
They grabbed this poor young man who believed he was an American patriot.
These guys believed they were infiltrating Muslim groups for America, and this is what they did to him.
I had the aunt coming on.
David, you talked to her.
We have a recording part of it.
She's ready to come on.
They called up and threatened her.
She said, my children, and started, broke down.
They threatened her minutes after she agreed to come on.
They're listening to the phone lines, ladies and gentlemen.
This is not a game, is what I'm trying to say.
I feel like the guy in Terminator, the first Terminator, when he's in the police station, and he's telling them what's happening, and they're not listening, and they go, this guy's crazy.
He's got a great story.
But you know what?
As soon as the Terminator comes to the front door, then they know how real it is.
And it's the same thing with the New World Order folks.
This is not a game!
I'm begging everybody, listen to me!
They took that young man and tried to kill him, and when they couldn't, they cut his throat out.
And when they brought him into jail, he had injuries all over him that were not there in these high-def photos.
They have been torturing him.
They probably cut his fingers off.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm David Knight and we have Alex on the line here and he's talking about this news that just broke today about Dzokhar Tsarnaev and the pictures showing him as he's being taken out of the boat without his throat cut.
And Alex has been laying that out and talking about how this has been a pattern of an evolving lie ever since the story first broke.
And even before that, he was on the phone with, he was doing an interview that day with Richard Belzer, and they were talking about the conspiracies behind the JFK assassination as this thing happened.
And so Alex took it all the way back to that point, said the thing to look out for is a drill going on at the same time, and of course that was there, and it was just one thing after the other.
And again, I'm not acting when I start hyperventilating and stuff, but I am acting.
I'm letting myself get upset like I really am, as almost therapy, because I can't handle not being honest with people.
And I think the reason I'm effective is I reach back into human instinct to get people upset like they should be.
Folks, there's definitely a giant
A racketeering operation colluding to lie about every stage of this deal.
And they're killing people to cover it up.
And they're declaring national security.
But it shows how leakers can bring them down.
That the state police photographer leaked this.
They're trying to spin why he did it.
Showing that Czarnev was set up, and they're keeping us from talking to SWAT team members that we have contact with, that are friends with our reporters from the Marines.
They're trying to block us at every level, so that's on top of it.
So I need Kurt Nemo, who's done a great job covering this today, to add the other smoking guns to the bottom of his article, and then I want to put this in the
August issue of the magazine that is about to come out because we're going to press next week.
I want to have a big article and add into Kurt's article today the fact that they didn't rob the 7-Eleven.
They were connected to the CIA.
Kurt first broke that in the U.S.
Just basically, let's not even overdo it.
Let's just go over, you know, the smoking gun lies.
I love this thing and how it's a lie from start to finish.
He didn't have a gun inside the boat.
I mean, they tried to kill him.
They killed the other brother.
They're killing the other witnesses.
Because, ladies and gentlemen, they're not invincible.
This can bring them down.
They ran fast and furious.
They killed thousands of people.
Hundreds on this side of the border to try to blame the Second Amendment.
Of course they did this.
And it's not fun to have to confront these killers.
I'm doing this.
Because we don't have any future if we don't.
Where is the media?
We need our listeners.
We're going to tweet this, real Alex Jones, right now.
I'm going to tweet the story right now.
We need everybody to go to InfoWars.com and get this, and retweet it, and post it on Facebook, and send it to a local talk show host, and say, wait, he climbed out of the thing and his throat wasn't hurt, and then they told us he was shot in the throat so he couldn't talk to the media, so they could put out a fake confession, and he's now pled not guilty.
And who knows if the guy in court's even him?
There's some evidence it may not be.
Our country is under criminal takeover, and folks, they wouldn't be going this balls out all the way if they weren't planning to completely bring this country down.
This is not a game, and hiding and cowering to this is going to destroy us, ladies and gentlemen.
So I'm calling on real media, alternative, mainstream, whatever it is, this case has completely
We're good to go.
This government is.
And we need more people in the police, in the military, to leak like they've done now.
This is what got Hastings killed.
Michael Hastings said, it's time to expose this.
The government's evil.
It's taken over.
It's illegitimate.
It's destroying America.
This is a call to political arms.
And they killed him.
I'm gonna hand things over to you, David Knight.
Great job.
Please spread the word about the broadcast.
Please get the YouTube version of State of Mind that's on Imperial Wars and get it out to everybody and get this article out to everyone.
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We are on the march.
The empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex and Alex was just joining us on the road going over the latest developments in the Boston bombing false flag attack.
Now he's going to be back Sunday 4 to 6 live.
He's going to be covering that as well as other breaking news stories.
We have on the phone line right now, Lord Christopher Monckton.
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Now it's a real pleasure to talk to Lord Christopher Martin.
I'm looking forward to it.
He's a true renaissance man.
He's not only a businessman, he's been a newspaper editor, an inventor, a classical architect, and he has been a special advisor to Margaret Thatcher as Prime Minister.
One of the things that is not usually talked about about Lord Mocton is that in 1999, as part of his businessman aspect, I guess, he created and published the Eternity Puzzle, which is a geometric puzzle that involved tilting a dodecahedron with 209 irregularly shaped polygons called polydrafters.
He offered a million dollar prize.
And after a year and a half, it was won by a couple of Cambridge mathematicians, but by that time he had sold a half million puzzles.
He did it again in 2007, but after four years, nobody had solved his puzzle.
Well, you know, he's a real puzzle solver, and he's going to help us solve this puzzle, this false narrative of global warming, which is something of a scam.
And you know, kind of like people have said of Las Vegas, just a city that's been built on the backs of people who don't understand math,
Well, you know, global warming and carbon taxes are a burden that are going to be put on the backs of people that don't understand what's going on, don't understand how to look at a chart and see a trend, don't understand how to honestly analyze a trend analysis.
Lord Martin, how are you doing?
Pleasure to talk to you.
It's very good to hear you.
I'm in Feinfettel.
I've just been watching with great amusement the hearing the Senate has just held on the subject of whether global warming is really happening.
And the truth is, of course, it hasn't now been happening for
Somewhere between 15 and 17 years there hasn't been any global warming, and that is beginning to give the usual suspects something to worry about.
They've been very arrogant until now.
They've said there's a consensus, and of course they've fiddled the consensus as well.
A paper came out in
A journal which I suspect was created just so that they could publish this paper because no proper peer-reviewed journal would ever have published it.
And the paper claimed that 97% of nearly 12,000 extracts from scientific papers supported the consensus that more than half the warming of the last
I think?
They're still fiddling everything they can fiddle.
But the temperature is not rising as fast as they wanted it to.
In fact, it's not really rising at all.
Sea level, for the last eight years, has been rising at a rate equivalent to less than two inches a century.
So, frankly, the scare is now over.
Will somebody please tell the Democrats?
Absolutely, you know, we went to the American Meteorological Society had their meeting here in Austin this year and we covered it for InfoWars and it was pretty amazing to see just as you talked about they love to do things like appeal to authority or appeal to the fact that they have this many scientists from this prestigious university who sign on to their theory and it's like
Show me the data!
Show me the facts!
And you've got a great presentation where you basically go through and you look at it.
We just had that up on the screen there.
If you look at temperatures, it's quite a noisy graph.
And you have to draw a trend line through that to take a sample of it.
I mean, we have the temperature variation is all over the place.
But when you honestly draw the trend line through it, you see that there is no global warming going on.
You do a great job of pointing that out in your presentations.
Well, that's very kind of you.
In fact, I'm now doing a monthly graph which shows the predictions which the UN's climate panel, for which I'm an expert reviewer, is about to make.
It's just, in a couple of months' time, they'll be producing their fifth of their five-yearly, multi-thousand-page collections of scientific rubbish about global warming.
And in that particular document that's just about to come out, which of course I've read because I reviewed it for them,
They have made predictions about how fast the world should be warming at the moment.
And it should be warming at a rate equivalent to about two and a third Celsius degrees, or kind of five to six Fahrenheit degrees every century.
But in fact, it's not doing that.
It's not warming at all.
They've got a big problem, and what I'm doing every month now is publishing the latest monthly temperature record from the satellites of the University of Alabama at Huntsville and remote sensing systems.
I take the average of those and plot the graph, then I calculate the trend line.
There's a standard statistical formula that I use for doing that, and it is at the moment declining very slightly.
It's not really a significant decline, but it is declining.
Whereas the forecast temperatures, of course, are heading upwards because they've just predicted that adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere will have about twice as much effect on the temperatures as, in fact, it has been having over the last 50 years.
And with the sun now going into something of a hissy fit, it's gone into decline, really, it's beginning to look as though the real worry is going to be about whether we're going to get global cooling.
In the next couple of years, certainly, and possibly even for the next couple of decades.
That's right.
As many meteorologists and other scientists have pointed out, and as common sense would dictate, the thing that really drives the weather and global warming is solar activity.
You know, that's the thing that really correlates to it.
One of the things we noticed at the Meteorological Society's meeting was that meteorologists are very much interested in doing exactly what you're doing, and that is taking a lot of measurements.
And they were distinguished from the climatologists because, you know, the meteorologists, they're looking at short-term predictions.
So they're going out and they're taking measurements here, measurements there, and then they're testing that against their models.
Climatologists, on the other hand, they're looking at such long-term scale that they can go out and they can create these open-ended models which, of course, they can't really test or verify, right?
We can't really test or verify.
They would like you to think that, wouldn't they?
But they do also make medium-term predictions over the next 30 or 40 years, and it's those medium-term predictions that I'm testing.
They're saying that over those 40 years there'll be a more or less straight line increase in global temperatures.
At a rate equivalent, if it carried on for a hundred years, to 2.33 Celsius degrees.
That's their central estimate.
Now, that we can test.
Is it or is it not rising at a rate equivalent to 2.33 Celsius per century?
Now, the answer is that it never has done that, ever since we've been taking records back since 1850.
We've been doing it in the UK, compiling a global temperature record.
And the fastest rate of warming since 1850 occurred between roughly 1974 and 2006, if you take the trend on that period.
Then the rate is about 2 Celsius per century equivalent.
But of course, if you take the period from, shall we say, 1996 until the present,
Then, in fact, you've got either a flat line or you've got, if anything, a slight decline in temperature.
The truth is that it is no longer warming as they had predicted, and they do not know why.
But, of course, anyone who has done what you have done, and what the meteorologists at the American Meteorological Society have done, and you look at the changes in the activity of the sun,
Over the last hundreds of years or tens of years, it doesn't matter what period, it's the sun that's the major influence.
And very interestingly, in Hamburg just a few months ago, Dr. Murray Salby, who's the professor of climate sciences at Macquarie University in Sydney, or rather he was, until his results became so inconvenient that they fired him.
Uh, for no good reason that anyone can see.
Um, he came out with a very interesting finding, that if you take not just the day-to-day fluctuations of the sun, but you take what's called the time integral of the sun, that means you kind of add up
How much extra heat the sun is pouring in, or how much extra heat it isn't pouring in.
And you look at it as a kind of bucket, if you like, where you're pouring in heat at the top and then heat's going back out to outer space or into the sea at the other direction.
And he said, if you take that time integral, as it's called, then...
Solar activity really explains just about all of the warming and cooling that we've seen over various periods going back 10,000 years or just going back over the last few dozens of years.
It doesn't matter what period you take.
Yeah, absolutely.
And he's used a real rocket science mathematical technique called Fourier analysis to do this.
And interestingly, there are others in Australia and elsewhere now doing the same analysis without realising that he's already working on it as well.
And I think what you're going to find is a series of papers coming out in the peer-reviewed literature over the next few years, really more or less proving that it is the sun that's chiefly responsible for fluctuations in global temperature, and that CO2 at best is a bitpark player.
Now, we've talked a lot about the science, but when we come back from the break, I want to go over the economic consequences for people because, you know, this is not just an academic or scientific debate.
We could have that debate and it would be very interesting, but this is something that has real-world consequences.
We're talking about something, as you've pointed out, that's a third of the global GDP that's being proposed for these carbon taxes.
It's amazing transfer of wealth, the largest transfer of wealth to private individuals that we've ever seen.
This is something, a scam that is very similar, in my opinion, to the Federal Reserve scam that we have here with our central bank, but on a far larger scale, on a global scale, that affects everyone on the planet, especially those of us in the western countries from which they want to transfer the wealth.
So we want to cover that in the very next segment.
I want to talk about the real dollars and cents effect of this and how it's going to affect everyone and why you should be concerned about this global warming debate.
Why you should also be armed with the science as Lord Monckton has pointed out so you can have this debate so they can form politicians and your neighbors about what this scam is really about.
We'll be right back.
Stay tuned.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, here filling in for Alex Jones, and we have live on the phone Lord Christopher Monckton.
And no, this is not the end.
In spite of what the climate alarmists want to tell us, this is not the end.
And we've been talking about the bad science.
I think so.
Everything is going to melt and all the cities are going to be overrun with water and so this is a matter of life and death.
Well you know it really is a matter of life and death when you can't have access to cheap power.
It is the access to energy, available affordable access to energy, is the best predictor of life expectancy as well as just creature comforts.
Lord Mocton, can you lay this out for the audience, exactly what's at stake here in terms of global governance, in terms of this massive transfer of wealth that is being proposed with these carbon taxes?
Yes, this is the biggest transfer of wealth in human history.
From the poor to the rich, from the little guy to the big guy, from the governed to those who govern them.
And it's a kind of Robin Hood in reverse.
There is no scientific basis for it, and there's no economic basis for it either.
And what I'd like to do is just take, as an example, the Saunders-Boxer proposed carbon tax.
They failed to get cap-and-trade through.
They couldn't get that through the Congress.
Now they're trying to flog this dead horse by rebranding it as a carbon tax, rather like the one in Australia.
But here are the figures on this, and if you've got a pencil and paper handy, you might like to write these down, because they are all mainstream science, mainstream figures, straight from the UN's climate panel, straight from Sanders and Boxer themselves.
I am not making any of these figures up.
I am just drawing from these figures the conclusions that they should have drawn if they had known enough climatology and economics to understand how daft their proposal is.
So here goes.
They're going to cut...
Carbon dioxide emissions in the United States, with this tax, if they get away with it, which they won't, but let's pretend, by 11% over 10 years.
That's over and above the amount at which it's falling anyway, because more and more people are burning cheap gas to deliver their power, and gas emits half the amount of CO2 per BTU delivered as coal.
So that's why in the US, in fact,
Carbon dioxide emissions, almost uniquely in the Western world, have been falling more or less throughout the last decade or so.
But anyway, they're saying they're going to increase that rate of fall by 10.9%.
But the point is that the US only accounts for 17.5% of all global carbon emissions.
So even if the Sanders-Boxer tax were to succeed as they want it to, and they really have no scientific or economic basis for assuming that it will, then less than 2% of global CO2 emissions would be remitted over that 10-year period.
That, in turn, would reduce the CO2 concentration, which the UN's climate panel would expect to be 422 parts per million by volume.
That would reduce it from 422 to 421.5.
So, not much of a change there.
That, in turn, means that the CO2 radiative forcing, which is the effect which eventually causes warming, would fall by 0.006 watts per square meter.
We wouldn't be able to measure it.
That, in turn, means that the projected business-as-usual anthropogenic forcing
Which would have been 0.467 watts per square meter, will come down by only 1.3%.
So you can hardly measure any of this.
And that means that the cost of abating all of the radiative forcing that would happen worldwide...
Over the 10-year period of the tax, from now until 2023, if everyone worldwide adopted the Sanders Boxer Tax and you used that to try to stop global warming, that would mean it would cost 11.5% of global GDP.
So, 11.5% of everything we make and sell just to reduce the amount of warming that would otherwise happen over the next 10 years.
Well, we're not going to feel that change in climate, but we certainly are going to feel that change in our lifestyle in terms of the amount of money that we have.
That is going to be massive.
Here's the full absurdity of it.
Well, we're going to cover that.
We've got a break coming up.
We'll get right back to that.
We're going to talk about that.
We're going to talk about methane levels, the Trans-Russian Pipeline, and as you put it, Lord Monckton, gas Putin.
We'll talk about all that coming up in the next segment.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Watch me!
Watch me!
I got it!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex, and we have on the line Lord Christopher Monckton.
And we're talking about global warming.
Now, the global warming people who advocate that this is being caused by man-made CO2 and not by changes in solar activity...
Those people call us skeptics.
We call them alarmists.
And you know, a skeptic is someone who is going to say, prove it to me.
And that's basically the way science has always worked.
Show me the data.
And that's exactly what we're talking about.
The data that they're showing us is data that has been cooked, that has been fudged, that has been cherry-picked.
Well, you know, they're joining that with a compliant media.
And that's one of the things that you should check out.
State of Mind.
The documentary is at Infowars.com.
You can also buy it at InfowarsStore.com.
And that will explain to you exactly how the schools are a large part of
Bringing the population along line of whatever catastrophe the government is pushing at any given moment to try to expand its power, to expand its reach.
And this global warming alarmism is actually a way of expanding global governance and transferring wealth.
And we were just talking to Lord Monckton about that transfer of wealth.
Lord Monckton,
Can we put a dollar figure on this?
What's this going to cost per person?
I saw you covered that on one of your presentations.
Well, that's right.
It is very, very expensive indeed.
I mean, if we just take this carbon tax, I mean, that's going to cost, even if the warming happens at the rate they predict, and even if it costs as much to make it go away as they predict, it's going to cost
$13,000 per head.
But, you see, you have to multiply that by about 3, because the warming isn't happening at the rate they predict.
So you're really looking at getting on for $40,000 per head, just over the next 10 years.
And that's per head of the entire global population.
Now, where is a starving person in Africa, or Asia, or South America going to find $40,000 from?
Where's an American going to find that?
That's for a family of four, you know?
The streets of Austin, Texas are paved with gold.
Everybody in Austin, Texas can afford $4,000 over the next 10 years, but nobody else can.
And so, of course, this is the extravagant absurdity of all this.
And the figures I've just run through with you, which show that even if the warming were going to happen at the rate that
They say.
And even if that would do as much damage as they say, and even if it would cost as much to make that damage go away, as they say, or just to adapt to it, as they say, then it would be eight times more expensive to try to stop the global warming today with measures of equivalent cost-effectiveness to the Sanders-Boxer proposed tax.
As it would be, simply to let it happen, sit back, enjoy the sunshine, and pay the later and far lesser cost of adapting to such of its consequences as might be adverse.
Now, the government always tries to do a crisis, you know, they're always looking for crises to do things, and as you pointed out...
If there is a crisis, the fact is that by the time you've allowed for the fact that it isn't happening at the rate they say, it's happening at about one-third of the rate they say in the last 15 years, not even at all.
If you allow for that, then it's 20 times, and I'm not talking about 20%, it's 20 times more expensive to have Sanders boxes taxes worldwide to stop the global warming happening
Then it is just to let it happen and pay the cost of letting it happen and adapting to its adverse consequences, even if it's going to happen, if the consequences are as expensive to deal with as they're trying to say they are.
That's how absurd these numbers are.
This is mainstream economics.
It's mainstream calculations.
Mainstream climatology.
None of this is acting on assumptions other than the assumptions that they themselves are using.
And they just haven't bothered to do the math because, as you rightly said earlier, this is another Federal Reserve scam.
It's not about addressing global warming.
It is about making the rich even richer while the poor get even poorer.
And you and I are against that.
That's right.
You know, it's like I said, they always like to use a crisis to move things along.
That's what they did with the TARP bailout.
They pulled in a lot of congressmen and senators and said, look, you need to give this massive amount of money to the banks right away or there's going to be rioting in the streets.
We've got a lot of mortgages that are underwater.
We need to help these people.
That money never left the banks.
I know that stuff happens.
So they're basically trying to create a crisis.
They want to, if they don't have a crisis that they can use for their purposes, they'll manufacture a crisis.
And that's what we see happening here.
Talk a little bit about ClimateGate.
You know, I'm sure you're aware of what happened there at East Anglia University.
We had a revelation of some data, I believe it was in 2009.
We had a thousand emails leaked.
And basically they were talking about hiding the data.
And then it was repeated again a couple years later.
We had, I think it was 2011, we had
5,000 emails leaked.
I was part of a team that was trying to get access to Michael Mann's emails at the University of Virginia because a lot of those emails were back and forth to Michael Mann, but so far that we've not been able to get access to that.
They've hidden those.
Why are they hiding that data?
Well, they're hiding the data and they're hiding the emails because the emails that have become public show that a small, malevolent clique of bad scientists on the very far left politically, such as Michael Mann,
...were deliberately tampering with the data, destroying data, fiddling their results, so as to pretend that it was a whole lot warmer today than it was a thousand years ago.
When very nearly all the papers in the scientific literature that have done this by reference to actual measurement, which you were talking of earlier, rather than playing around with models as Michael Mann did, those papers that do it by measurement show that it was very likely a great deal warmer a thousand years ago, two thousand years ago, four thousand years ago, and also between six thousand and ten thousand years ago than it is today.
So today's temperatures are not exceptional.
And they had
To, uh, change that.
In fact, in 1995, Ken Overpeck, one of the people who features in these emails, and one of the bad scientists who've been bending the data.
Uh, wrote to a good scientist, from whom I got the story, and he said, we have to abolish the medieval warm period.
Not, we have to check whether it was there or how big it was, or whether it was global.
No, we have to abolish it.
And so they did.
That was the significance of Michael Mann's graph.
And then...
Somebody at the University of East Anglia was so horrified by this that they released all the emails going back 10 years between the University of East Anglia and these other scientists all over the world to the BBC.
But of course the BBC is in the tank for this garbage.
Its pension fund is heavily invested in so-called green so-called investments.
And so it wasn't going to release these.
And the person in the BBC who sent this data, these emails, who was one of their environment correspondents, didn't do anything with it.
He sat on it.
And so eventually, the emails were released via a Russian website.
And then, the police went round bullying, they didn't dare try to bully me, but they did bully some of my friends here in the UK, to find out whether we had anything to do with what they were calling the theft of these emails.
But hang on!
This wasn't theft.
These were paid scientists at public institutions, chiefly in the United States and Britain.
We are the taxpayers.
We pay for them to do this research and talk to each other about it.
And so these emails, along with all their results and their data and their models, ought to be public property.
That's our point.
I was at the American Tradition Institute and the people there, Ken Cuccinelli, the Attorney General in Virginia and others, were saying,
These are emails that were conducted by Michael Mann as he was employed by the University of Virginia at taxpayer expense, producing information and so-called science that is now forming the basis of policy.
So we need to be able to have full transparency, full disclosure, and yet what we see coming out of that is the same thing we're seeing with the Snowden leaks.
Rather than going after it and looking at it and saying, okay, what is this leaked data showing us?
You know, is there something dishonest, criminal going on here?
Is there a conspiracy going on here?
Instead of looking at that, they attack Snowden.
They say, how did these leaks come up?
And as you mentioned, instead of looking at the actual data and saying, these people are conspiring to craft a story to suit themselves, they're cherry picking the data.
Rather than do that, they want to know, where did that leak come from?
That's the extraordinary thing.
I mean, I've written to the police a couple of times about this and said, look, there's fraud going on here, and it's going on on an enormous scale, and it's not a matter of scientific debate.
They are tampering with the evidence.
I've given them a couple of very clear examples of where the evidence has been deliberately bent.
And Ken Cuccinelli is being very slow off the mark here.
He is still faffing around trying to get emails which man is never going to deliver and the university won't either because once this fraud comes out in public they're all going to go down.
The University of Virginia is going to get closed down as is Penn State.
They'll close the whole university down because they've tried to cover up this fraud but that's what it is.
That's right.
Simply bogus science.
That's right.
Ken Cuccinelli has, if he did but understand it, enough evidence already to convict those who were responsible for, and I'm going to use this word bluntly, fabricating that bogus hockey stick graph.
That graph is a fraud, and it is relatively easy to prove that it's a fraud.
And I've often done this in front of audiences to see how they react, and these are just lay audiences, and you say, right, here's the evidence, here is what they did.
Now, if you were a jury, and they did this, would you convict them of fraud?
And the answer is yes, a jury would convict them of fraud.
And so could you tell me if he wanted...
Because he is a State's Attorney General, he has a certain amount of credibility.
If he were simply to bring a prosecution against those who fabricated that graph, then I can put him in touch with scientists who have done detailed analyses far beyond anything that I would be capable of doing.
Expert scientists in this field, who will be able to demonstrate to him exactly how this was done, by whom it was done, and why it is fraudulent.
And so,
I just hope that he will do the sensible thing and just go in front of a grand jury, put these scientists I can put him in touch with on the witness stand and say to them, right, tell us what's been going on.
The grand jury will be as horrified as I was when I sat down with the experts concerned and they told me how it had been done.
It was and is a standing outrage.
And it is, I think, only a matter of time.
And if Ken Cuccinelli hasn't got the, what in English we should call the cojones, to do this, then I think we're going to have to find another State's Attorney General who is willing to bring these people to book.
But one shouldn't home in only on them.
This is a widespread and connected series of major frauds, and the Climategate emails are the index to who is involved and what they've been up to.
And frankly, if I were a wealthier man and had more time to devote to this, I would have a lot of these people in court and just say, right, this is a fraud, the police will not do anything, our serious fraud office, I've written to them,
They don't even write back, they just get an automated acknowledgement saying they're not interested in investigating serious fraud if it's the government that's doing it.
It's just another measurement of the widespread corruption in government that people can get caught red-handed, you know, with these conspiring to deceive the public.
We're good to go.
Which is what this ClimateGate stuff was all about.
Emails back and forth to each other to hide the decline.
If you look at the text just from the very first one, and Alex was on this from the very beginning, but he's kind of, as we showed this, these old articles with Alex standing in front of a blackboard of the video, he was on it from the very beginning, but the mainstream media was, like I said, compliant with this story, because why?
Because it grows the government, and because any fraud, as you pointed out, that's done by the government,
It's something that we really shouldn't look at.
We need to just move along.
There's no story here.
That's right.
I mean, in fact, when I worked at 10 Downing Street, I found this kind of corruption going on.
And I made sure that because it was where I could do something about it, people who tried that on did not get away with it.
I investigated several scientific frauds that were going on at that time and had them stopped because the lies didn't work.
They tried lying even to Downing Street, but it didn't work.
And the trouble is that in government now, there are too few people who have any understanding of elementary mathematics or science.
That's true.
There were the senators having this big inquiry, but none of those senators, I've spoken to some of them, they're all good people, but none of them simply has enough of a scientific background to realize just what a monstrosity this global warming story is on three major fronts.
First of all, even in theory we wouldn't expect to see all that much in the way of global warming.
Secondly, actually it hasn't been occurring at anything like the rate that they've been predicting.
And thirdly, even if it did,
It's economically ten to a hundred times cheaper to let it happen and adapt to its adverse consequences than it is to do anything about it.
Those are the hard, simple, central facts of this debate.
And it's just regrettable that there are too few politicians who really understand enough science and enough economics to be able to put the two together and realise just what a fantasy and an absurdity all of this is.
But, here's the exciting bit, and I've said this to Alex, I'll say it to you.
The Left, which now controls governments worldwide, it controls civil services, it controls the Supreme Court, it controls, of course, the media virtually wall-to-wall.
They have made what is going to have proven to be a heroic, strategic mistake by nailing their red flag to the mast of the sinking ship Global Warming.
And that rising sea level that they are seeing is not the sea rising, it's the good ship global warming sinking beneath them.
Because the science, in the end, cannot be controverted.
Either it is going to warm at the rate that they predicted, or it is not.
Those of us who have done the sums properly know that it isn't happening.
We know that it isn't going to happen.
We know why it isn't going to happen.
And we know that even if it did happen, you'd be better off not doing anything about it, and spending the money more usefully somewhere else.
So, we will not be surprised, but a lot of the fellow travellers on the left, who once they are told the party line, will parrot it without ever questioning whether it was right or wrong, are suddenly going to get a shock.
Because you see, in most matters of politics, what happens is, you can argue it one way or the other.
But on matters of science, it's not like that.
There is truth, and there is everything else.
And in truth, this global warming scare is a lie.
It's the greatest lie ever told, as Professor Niklas Moerner calls it.
It's a very big, very costly lie, which is hugely beneficial to the governing class in most parts of the world.
It's hugely damaging to the working class and the poorer classes in all parts of the world, particularly in the very poorest countries, who are not being allowed to develop the cheap fossil-fueled electricity, which is the fastest way of lifting them out of poverty.
And that's the fastest way of stabilizing their populations.
And it's a propaganda, it's an information war, it's a propaganda war.
Because even though they know this, and even though we can tell people this, it's really who can repeat a lie the most times can actually deceive the public.
So we're going to talk a little bit more about this.
We've got one more segment with Lord Christopher Monckton, so stay tuned.
We're going to talk a little bit more about the massive impact of this proposed legislation.
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Day after day
Alone on a hill The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex Jones, and we have Lord Christopher Monckton on the phone from England, and he's been talking to us about this fraud being perpetrated on the public, on the world, called global warming, and the supposed solution, carbon taxes, or cap-and-trade, or whatever they come up with at the moment to transfer wealth from us to a few people.
Now we were just, Lord Mocton, we were, as I was pointing out, we went to the American Meteorological Society.
One of the things that really struck me was the information war that's being conducted there.
There was one group that was Soros funded and they were there and they were trying to convince meteorologists that
They had, first of all, they had graphs up and it's like, you know, who do you believe on global warming?
And of course they believe meteorologists.
So they were trying to convince meteorologists to be propagandists for their point of view.
And what they were doing was appealing to the authority of people with degrees at prestigious institutes or to the number of scientists that agreed with their position.
But of course,
We've had countless instances throughout history where the majority of prestigious scientists agreed about something and were totally wrong.
Yes, there was one that I mentioned in the U.S.
Congress when I was giving testimony there a few years ago.
And I think it was Henry Waxman said to me, he said at the end of the hearing, he said, I really prefer to follow Isaac Newton.
And I said, but he got it wrong at the margin.
And Einstein corrected him.
So you shouldn't just believe in a consensus, however eminent.
In fact, the argument from consensus was condemned 2,350 years ago by Aristotle.
As being a bogus argument, a logical fallacy.
And it was condemned again by the founder of the scientific method, Abu Ali ibn al-Hassan ibn al-Husayn ibn al-Husayn ibn al-Haytham.
He was as proud of his lineage as I am of mine.
We're good to go.
And just looking up to see who's got a PhD doesn't actually tell you whether that PhD is telling the truth, because that's another logical fallacy.
It's the fallacy of argument from reputation, the argumentum ad vecundiam, as the medieval schoolmen were later to call it.
So all of these arguments they're using are logical fallacies.
Now why, then, are they getting away with it?
The answer is because they very carefully destroyed the education system first.
From the Middle Ages until my own generation and I was the last.
We were taught not only grammar but also logic.
We were taught to recognize bogus arguments like those the left now trot out routinely.
To recognize them five miles off.
All of the major arguments in favor of the global warming scare.
Are logical fallacies condemned as such and listed as such by Aristotle 2,350 years ago.
But, most people don't know this.
Most of the left don't know it.
They have so destroyed the education system, they themselves are not properly educated.
Exactly, along those lines you're talking about how most of the congressmen can't understand how to look at a chart that's pretty noisy and draw a trend line through it, honestly.
So if they're, you know, they've taken that down and at the same time they have created this kind of Edward Bernays propaganda, this B.F.
Skinner propaganda in the schools so that people follow whatever the authorities tell them.
What is interesting is that the school kids, who are always by nature rebellious, at least I assume they are because I always was, I think that they are beginning to break away from this.
They are beginning to smell that the propaganda is just too hysterical, too one-sided.
And that doesn't work with kids.
If you want to propagandize them, you have to be more subtle than that.
And these people are now so desperate
That they're just telling lie upon lie upon lie on top of lie upon lie upon lie.
And it isn't working.
We're out of time, Lord Monk, and thank you for pointing out the truth and keep it up.
We will hear as well.
Thank you very much.
Well, God bless you.
I'll be in touch with Alex not too long from now because I have a very interesting idea for you.
Thank you very much.
Thank you so much.
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