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Name: 20130710_Wed_Alex
Air Date: July 10, 2013
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You're listening to GZN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, it's already Wednesday, the 10th day of July 2013, and McClatchy, I saw this a few days ago, but it's finally broken big today, and we mentioned it yesterday.
McClatchy uncovers Obama's insider threat program.
And the manual is all public.
It says, is someone having trouble at home?
Is someone asking questions?
Is someone taking vacations?
Basically, everyone is an inside threat but the global offshore banks that have hijacked the entire government and are overthrowing the entire Bill of Rights and Constitution.
Everyone is a threat but the actual threat.
And this is what the NSA basically spends most of its time doing, is making sure that people in government, but also in private industry, aren't able to stop government narcotics trafficking operations, murder teams, you name it, they're running it.
The NSA is there to protect the criminal globalists that have hijacked America and the world, period.
I mean, I told you two years ago that the Stuxnet virus was launched by the people that run the US and Israel, and then now Snowden has leaked those documents.
Of course it was launched by the West against Iran.
And of course they're trying to use Stuxnet to pass cybersecurity that's already in place.
Kind of like there's already FEMA camps, but they've reintroduced this year the Emergency Centers Establishment Act that just expands it all and has it go public.
This is how they operate.
So we're going to be breaking all of that down here today on the main broadcast.
And going over it, because even though this is old news to our audience, now people are finally ready to hear about it.
And I've told my researchers and writers, go back to all the FBI bulletins of the last decade where they say, talking on a cell phone, having a baby carriage, being a priest, wearing blue jeans, being rude to police, being nice to police, taking photos of anything, being a vegetarian.
There are hundreds of these bulletins put out a year where everyone's a terrorist.
Work for offshore, above-the-law banks that are diplomatic immunity, that are looting country and offshoring jobs, and paying $21 million to ship General Motors to China.
How about spies on the people illegally?
How about as federalized police and turn them into a paramilitary force with hundreds of taser deaths a year, now with the police doing proctology exams without warrants on the side of the highway?
What about
Takes a page from every dictatorship in history and integrates it into a high-tech takeover.
How about see that say something?
How about tries to overthrow the Bill of Rights Constitution?
How about some manuals on that?
No, the manuals instead say, makes frequent references to the U.S.
That's a FBI training manual from 15 years ago.
And they have more modern ones that say is sweating.
He's sweating.
Can you imagine sweating?
My goodness.
Oh, by the way, it was in the New York Daily News and New York Post a few days ago.
The police came and they said, look, it doesn't matter if we let you into the country club and you were outside quietly on a patio breastfeeding with a napkin over your kid's head, your six-month-old baby.
You could be a terrorist.
Oh yes, breastfeeding is terrorism.
Everything's terrorism, but black armored vehicles, black helicopters, any excuse to lock down whole cities, confiscate firearms, mega banks caught laundering hundreds of billions of dollars of drug money publicly, nobody gets in trouble, our government in our name killing over a million Iraqis, lying about WMDs, funding Al-Qaeda in Libya and Syria, engaging every known crime there is.
None of that's a threat though.
No, no, no.
It's whistleblowers who might expose the rampant, criminal, hardcore, pervert, sicko, filthy, degenerate crew of murderous scum that run the federal government.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live.
It is Wednesday, already the 10th day of July, 2013.
And a lot of what we're going to cover today, I have been covering over and over again ad nauseum for a very long time.
But now because it's mainstream news and we have more details, finally people may actually listen and understand what we're facing as a society.
But coming up in the second hour today, I'm going to get into not the big stories
that are out there about how the feds are spying on each other.
But the hundreds of Communities Against Terrorism, Department of Justice, FBI flyers that are put out each year where they list pregnant women wearing blue jeans, having a cell phone, saying hi to the police, paying for anything including coffee with cash as a reason to call the FBI.
And we're going to be going over this.
In detail.
So that you understand, they want you to trust no one, everyone is suspect, everyone is guilty until proven slave.
Never innocent.
Except for the occupied federal government.
Who is openly run by really four, but you can count two sub-banks, but six global private banks that openly brag they've captured Europe and the United States completely and are going to end the free market and bankrupt everyone but themselves as a tool of political control.
The only economy will be the megastate and the select corporations that control it.
This is the open
Statement, the open plan of the New World Order.
And again, how did I know all this was coming?
Ladies and gentlemen, I've studied history.
I could see the common sense.
Most of this was public when I first got on air 18 years ago.
I then got, as the FBI would call, radicalized very quickly by actually going and watching federal drills and military drills where the enemy was the proto-Tea Party
Role players wearing overalls and John Deere caps, simply saying we'd like freedom, we don't want to have our farms taken, we don't want to turn our guns in, and they practice mowing you down.
The Army and the Marines, I've made four police tape films, it's all on tape, they practice mowing you down, murdering you and your family.
24-7 they're training for absolute criminal evil takeover in this country.
And it's built and built and built.
You know, in the old days, if they had U.N.
troops in Louisiana to do a drill with people saying, I'm an American, you can't come to my house and take the guns, the military people videotaping that, the U.S.
Army and Marines being trained would freak out and leak the video.
They leaked it to the militia, in 93, 94, 95, and the top general, you know, that footage is out there.
Cooperative Nugget, just search it, it's out there.
Clips of it are in my films.
And the generals are, you are the forces of the new world order!
We are bringing in global government!
And you're just like, whoa!
And then you come and warn people, and they're like, that video couldn't be real!
Our military isn't doing that!
Russian troops, Chinese troops, Israeli troops, French troops, Dutch troops, UK troops, Australian troops, Canadian troops, Mexican troops, all on video, official operations.
And let me tell you, you show up to these, even though there's supposedly press can be there, because, well, at first they were secret, but the videos would leak.
Then they would put on kind of public ones.
But then,
I would go with the citizen tour instead of the media tour and then they would find me and throw me out and that's on tape in places like Oakland where they would let me film an interrogation of like, where'd you get the helmet?
Where'd you get the gun?
In San Francisco.
And okay, and what militia are you with?
And then all of a sudden they'd have the marine civilian PR guy, who was really a sheep-dept marine, you know, jump out and go, Jones, get out of here!
Ooh, ooh, just turning red at me!
You ain't supposed to see this!
Oh, I know I'm not!
Training for illegal open war with the American people!
Now it's all out in the open.
Now it's in Army times.
Now it's in Stars and Stripes.
Yeah, the Army and Marines will be armed and they're going to be on streets near you to keep you safe from the terror threat.
And it's not Al Qaeda anymore.
They're the good guys, we're told.
They're on active duty under the Pentagon, under NATO, all over the world.
Just in giant mass murder operations.
They publicly got caught in one of the cities filming how they were going to release chemical weapons a year ago.
And so now it's come out in mainstream news that indeed they launched the chemical attacks and it was a false flag to blame the Syrians.
Of course it was!
They don't even hide this stuff.
CNN, you know, will have a feed and actually go to the cut where the guy's going, are you ready for me to stage the shooting?
And they're like, oh, hold on, we'll go back to you in a moment.
I mean, this is the stuff they do.
This is how dumb they think you are.
They do Sandy Hook feeds on blue screens.
They did that back in the first Gulf War, claiming they were in Kuwait on rooftops, in Jerusalem on rooftops, and didn't even change the set.
One day they're in Kuwait, same set.
Next day they're in Jerusalem, same set, with a fake palm tree and a blue screen behind them.
And then it's admitted it's fake.
It's all a big joke on you by an occupation force.
So I'm going to get into all of these flyers and some of the past articles we've written about it because...
Now the public's ready to hear.
It isn't just the federal government that's got 500 page documents out we're going to be going over today and 230 page documents saying everything's suspicious, trust no one, and anyone that even tries to report corruption is a terrorist.
How do you think they're going to have this takeover?
They arrest people that report illegal torturing and don't arrest the torturers.
They arrest people that report white slavery operations.
That's sex slavery, including children.
They arrest people that report millions missing here, millions missing there, in different federal bureaucracies.
It was 2.3 trillion missing.
The day before September 11th, the Associated Press ran a report on that.
Two trill plus missing over a decade.
Gee, you think there might be a little bit of corruption going on?
And just as our amazing
Insider, Wayne Madsen said on this show five years ago, the NSA is there to spy on the NSA and the rest of the government.
And all that we're seeing is the mainlining of the Stasi society.
And I've got to hear talk show hosts everywhere.
I monitored three different shows this morning.
Actually, four different shows, technically.
I monitored four different shows this morning.
When I went for a jog, and then when I did an errand, and when I drove into work.
San Antonio, Dallas, and then two shows in Austin.
And the host were trying on all the shows to defend the government spying, and almost all the callers were calling in saying, this is a witch hunt, they're persecuting people that blow the whistle.
Snowden's a hero.
This is because the government's been taken over by criminal interest.
This is like Soviet Russia.
This is like Nazi Germany.
Why was it bad in those countries, but why are we saying it's good?
We've never had cops, even with warrants, stick their hands inside women on the side of the road.
We've never
Had them do it on top of it without warrants, but they just say, it's what we do now, it's what we do now.
We've never had them with rubber stamp fake warrants or no warrants take blood on the side of the road, but they do it now.
They're in our business.
They're in our lives.
I mean, I see no exaggeration.
I was thinking about it probably five times the cops driving down the road that I saw when I was in college.
Twice what I saw just a few years ago.
And man, they're writing tickets.
They're pulling over the truck drivers.
Because they're told, you get this money in, and now cops are paid like $100,000 in most cities?
I mean, there's not going to be factory jobs.
There's not going to be jobs.
There's going to be jobs running the takedown of America, and they're going to find people that want the power trip and who want the money.
And they're coming for us, and they're not going to stop!
You understand, they've been training to kick in our doors and take our guns and take us to FEMA camps for a long, long, long time.
And now you're just seeing the main lining of it.
But the good news is, the people are waking up to this nightmare.
And we've got to awaken to just how horrible we've gotten.
And repent as a nation for all the whitewashing and rationalizing and excuses
That we've put up with.
Oh, that's not really a baby.
Well, why was it a baby before 1973 and Roe v. Wade?
Why was it always considered evil before?
Why was eugenics considered evil before, but now it's back in style with the trendies?
Why was warrantless spying known to be evil?
Why was all this known as the bad?
Because it's always horrible.
Once it starts, it gets worse and worse.
Of course it's being used.
This is now coming out to blackmail members of Congress and members of Parliament in the UK.
Of course it's being used.
Of course the cloakroom is spied on by the Justice Department.
Totally illegally.
They spy on the Congress.
They use that dirt.
Of course now it's going to be a reign of terror with the mail delivery people and the bureaucrats all being spied on by political operatives above them and you're all going to have to wear GPS on your belt and you're all going to be called in and asked if you're loyal and that you can't be trusted.
We're all going into bondage.
It's going to be a living hell.
They're putting this grid in place because they are on record saying they're going to artificially bankrupt everybody so that you have to go on the dole.
You'll work for the government, you'll work for government contracts, or you'll be like the 101 million Americans on food assistance.
101 plus million.
It's 101,500-something thousand.
And in five years, it'll be 200 mil.
They're not gonna stop.
They are shutting everything down.
They are shutting the factories, the coal mines, the industries.
Everything will be shut down.
They will shut it all down till it all goes bankrupt and they'll buy it all up for nothing and you'll lick their boots thanking them for whatever crumbs you get.
Unless you fully awaken and admit this country's been taken over.
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I think now listeners understand, who've been tuning in for 10, 15 years, many of you, why I get so upset.
I've got children.
I've decided to take on people that I know are carrying out all different forms of violence, economic, cultural, physical, against us, and who enjoy it.
And who, everywhere they get full control, generally kill about half the population.
When they get control in Latin America, they get control in Africa, the globalists do.
When they get control of the Middle Eastern country, they will.
Even when they take control non-militarily, they will shut off the electricity and shut the water off.
And I just don't think the public is ready to come to grips with what you're facing here.
I mean, I see them.
I see the bars of the cage being built.
I know who the globalists are.
I've read their books.
I've read their publications.
I've shown them to you.
I've made award-winning films warning you.
And I mean, I'm here telling you folks, these are the people that wound up Hitler.
These people make Adolf A. Lois Hitler look like a choir boy, and I mean it when I say that.
And I get chills when I say that.
You know, if someone kills you and takes 50 years of your life, let's say if you were 25, or someone kills you a year before you were going to die when you were 76 years old,
It's still murder, isn't it?
And they know what the bisphenol A does.
They know what the hydrofluorosilicic acid does.
They know what all of it does to you.
On record, they brag about it.
And it's taking
In many of the numbers that are out there, we've had medical doctors on, broke down, the Harvard studies, you name it.
There's a cocktail of things.
15, 20, 30 years.
DU, they estimate, takes about 30 years off your life if you have moderate exposure, light exposure, 15, 20 years.
But you're going to have debilitating lung problems, kidney problems, bladder problems.
It precipitates out in those areas.
Got the former head of the Army, Pentagon DU program, physicist and doctor on.
Dr. Doug Roeke, over and over again about it.
And I just think about how they're murdering us.
And how it's real funny to them.
And the childlike public just toddles around as the evil is just rolled out, and is just publicly announced, and we're all under a eugenics program that's incremental, and it's so hard to resist something that's incremental.
I mean, I sit here intellectually, calmly knowing and studying this, as they spray barium salts, aluminum dioxide, and radioactive isotopes on us, and the Department of Energy geoengineering program is admitted, is admitted, but the details are classified.
And then you realize why I'm upset.
And that's why they want to be able to imprison an Air Force whistleblower we have on,
Who comes on and says, I was over toxic materials at this Air Force Base, and they list the Air Force Base, and there was tons of the different radioactive isotopes and other things brought in, exactly as the scientists have warned, to be mixed with the jet fuel to be aerosolized and sprayed.
Let's pull up surprise winning level stuff on the show, with the documents, and it's not even a news issue.
Because, I mean, how is the mainstream media going to cover something like that?
How are they going to cover that most of the GMO food crops grow their own pesticide that kills lab animals that eat it, and is designed to kill insects?
For the insects, most insects won't even eat the BT corn and the BT other varieties.
And I know I've got stacks of news and I go right back to that because that's what's at the heart of all of this.
That's where all of this goes.
Is this classically authoritarian society run by criminal offshore banks that are robbing all of us publicly and now grabbing private accounts and not even getting in trouble all over the world.
MF Global here in the US and Europe.
Cyprus and it's going to get worse.
When we come back, Adam Kokesh, hours after he was on the Nightly News last night, in fact, he was rated right after his interview aired on the Nightly News.
I guess they were watching and waiting.
Adam Kokesh, his last interview is up on Infowars.com.
It's up on DrugsReport.com, left-hand side, under the Washington Post article.
It has photos that they tweeted out.
They sent in two helicopters, several armored vehicles, and reportedly now over a hundred federal police, including part police, over one slave, daring to go into the imperial capital and loading a shotgun, while a bunch of foreign banks with nuclear weapons are in control of the country.
The image of one man with a shotgun sent them into convulsions of a tyrannical hate.
They reportedly also brutalized him.
They want to show him what a little slave he is.
They reportedly knocked him upside the head as well to show them this country's theirs.
So roll your sleeves up and get ready for some cancer virus!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Oklahoma reminds us there are many kinds of storms in our lives.
Nature regularly sends us destructive storms.
24 hours before a storm strikes, people panic.
It would be wise to prepare ahead of the panic curve.
The food price storm from drought and livestock problems is forecast to hit ridiculous heights by the end of the summer.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
We're following breaking news now out of Virginia.
Park Police along with Herndon Police served a former Marine with a search warrant.
Investigators want to know if Adam Kokash broke D.C.
law when he filmed this video of himself loading a shotgun in Freedom Plaza in Northwest.
Kokash released the video July 4th.
Fox 5's Lauren DeMarco is live in Herndon, Virginia tonight with the late breaking details.
Well, Sean, Herndon Police working with U.S.
Park Police this evening here in this community.
It is still an active scene.
It's along Winterhaven Place at Snowflake Court and officials are here to serve a search warrant at the home of Adam Kokish, a political activist who made big headlines on the 4th of July.
He planned a gun rights rally and had been encouraging others to join him in a march.
An American slave.
Acting like this.
He deserves the death penalty.
The point is, we have the right to bear arms in all states.
We shouldn't set standards of laws by imagining lines called borders.
Because in the state of Virginia is an open carry state where you can legally open carry, but in a district of criminals, the only people allowed to walk with firearms are the criminals themselves.
Alright, folks.
So there is the foaming at the mouth media.
We actually have all the details up at Infowars.com.
The photos, the videos, everything sent to us by his crew.
We're going to have pop in later in the next hour.
In fact, the gentleman you saw, that's one of his producers right there, who was on the local news.
They're charging him, they're saying, with having a firearm with drugs, being the devilish marijuana.
One of the few products the government does not ship in.
They ship in the heroin, the cocaine, they push the Ritalin class drugs, the Prozac class drugs, the Adderall, Speed.
You know, the deadly synthetic speed and hallucinogens on your children 24-7 at the government brainwashing camps.
In between the days, they have the kids come and learn how to cross-dress at age 5 and learn how to perform oral sex at age 7 at the public schools there at the pedophile training centers.
On record!
And then you have the pedophile training TV shows teaching the kids how to be sexual at age 5 as well.
But the pedophile forces are very, very upset that you would have a slave in the District of Evil dare to load a shotgun.
This is an abomination in land of the abortion home of the low IQ.
Uh, in the land of the surveilled, uh, home of the coward.
Uh, it is, it is just blasphemy, uh, that, uh, he would dare do this.
So they reportedly had, uh, now more numbers are coming out.
First, it was two helicopters, uh, and two armored vehicles.
Now it's five armored vehicles, over a hundred armed police, uh, two different federal agencies with their local minions following behind them, worshiping them, uh, and, uh, kicking down the door, throwing flashbangs on them, then beating up Kokesh.
Uh, and stomping around ransacking things.
Because they all watch Hollywood movies, and that's how the tough guys are.
In the new Hollywood movies, CIA comes to your house and kills your kids.
And that's good!
So see, they're normalizing it, and every show is nothing but SWAT teams constantly raiding everyone, so that you just expect that.
Like, you don't go outside and see birds on the power line, you go out and see SWAT teams.
And so it's just what we do in America.
And we have the biggest prison population and all the rest of it.
So just imagine, in the country where they abort a couple million babies a year, including nine-month-old babies that, you know, they have trouble holding down when they chop them up with meat cleavers.
Sorry if you don't want to hear that.
I mean, that's what goes on.
Cram them down toilets, and sometimes they keep them alive and sell them for medical experiments.
By the way, I told you a long time ago that when you go into the hospital in a car wreck, and you go into the major hospitals, especially big city-run charity hospitals that are actually Rockefeller-controlled, most of them aren't, by tax-free foundations, they're actually profit hospitals, but they call themselves charities, you're dead.
The healthier you are, they're going to do a blood test, you're dead.
You're dead.
ABC News.
Patient wakes up as doctors get ready to remove organs.
The nurses all said she's alive.
She's got response.
Her brain waves.
Everything's fine.
She's got a drug overdose of prescription pills.
We need to administer charcoal.
But the heads of the hospital said no.
They said get them in there and get those organs.
My dad told me when I was 15 years old, going and doing driver safety, he said, you don't sign that organ donor card.
And I said, why dad?
My dad was an oral surgeon and dentist, and back then he would volunteer.
He got paid to do it, but he would volunteer to be the guy to call the wire jaws at, you know, 3 a.m.
after car wrecks and things, and he worked in the biggest hospitals.
He just said, I'm gonna tell you this, and I'm gonna leave it at this.
Don't sign it.
You're healthy, you're young, if you go in there with any kind of trauma,
A lot of these hospitals will put you under and take your organs.
I told this story for 18 years on air.
And then it was probably, I don't know, five years later.
Because we moved to Austin by then, and I was visiting my grandparents.
I used to go there and eat dinner with them on Sunday.
I'd go to church with them sometimes, too.
My grandmother would make me dinner every Sunday evening.
I'm that type of nerd, you know, terrorist, square.
You know, I'd go eat with Grandma.
And we watched 60 Minutes, where they admitted hospitals in Dallas and Chicago were killing people in assembly lines to get their organs.
And here's just another one.
And of course, this is a whitewash, too.
It's like,
The feds are investigating, and it's all because the nurse, nurses threw fits and blew the whistle.
So now the feds are going, we're just going to check the bioethics procedures and why the mistake was made.
They're there, wink wink, good job doctors.
Wink wink, we're here to find out why this happened.
I don't
And just like most the food's fake, most the meat isn't beef, most the fish isn't even fish, it's all fake, it's all fraud, it's all lies.
We've decided to go into a criminal culture.
And so we're gonna collapse.
That's how it works.
When the radiation clouds that are still raining down on us from Japan, the trade winds blow right across.
As well as the jet stream above it.
They just raised the level of the isotopes between 25 and 20 plus thousand times, depending on the isotope.
Look it up at the Environmental Protection Agency.
Oh, by the way, speaking of that, Fukushima boss hailed as hero dies.
Maso Yoshida, who led the 50-man suicide team, as they were called, in to try to jump concrete and other things in on top of the gas clouds so that it wouldn't rain down on us.
Well, he never got thanks here in America because they wouldn't even admit radiation clouds were coming down.
He and most of his team have now died two years later.
And he died yesterday.
But hey, you know what, Ann Coulter said the Japanese that radiation's good for you, they should be thankful.
I told Ann, hey honey, why don't you go over there and volunteer?
You know, to go in there and wallow around in the plutonium reactor.
The most deadly type there is.
The most nauseous.
And of course, all over Japan, children are dropping dead because it'll cause a cardiac response.
Basically, where children go around first, their gums bleed, they bleed out of their intestines, and then they go to the doctors and they keep it quiet and say, yeah, it's probably radiation poisoning.
The butterflies are dying, the bees are dying, the birds are dying, all over the country in many areas.
And the children are dropping dead all over the country.
Because they've got youth on their side, but they finally just dropped dead of heart attacks.
And so what if your teeth are falling out and blood's coming out?
I mean, it's loving!
You ought to be thankful!
Ha ha ha ha!
Like Ann Coulter said, that's the New World Order spirit right there.
The Japanese ought to pay General Electric.
Billions of dollars for the gift of the Fountain of Youth, the five reactors that blew up or partially blew up, and that are still smoking deadly plutonium-uranium particles into the atmosphere that are being picked up by other particula and brought over here as little, little hot particle gifts.
Because the background radiation was already doubled in the Northern Hemisphere from all the nuclear testing.
Now they say it's doubled again.
You can look that up.
It's doubled again since Fukushima.
That is by some comparisons between 70 and 100.
It varies.
But top nuclear physicists we've had on.
70, 100 times what happened at Chernobyl.
Why not?
I mean, the radiation of DU is good for the troops.
The Army wouldn't allow it to be used prior to 1990, but see, a magic trendy wand was waived.
Fluoride's good for you.
DU's good for you.
Uranium's good for you.
Plutonium's good for you.
That's why they add it to the water supplies in most water districts.
You don't just get fluoride, you get hundreds of other things like lead, mercury, arsenic, radon scale, all these other uranium, all these other goodies.
And these are goodies.
It's fun to start bleeding in your urine and go in and learn you've got a big tumor in your kidney or in your
in your bladder and to go and have it chopped out and go through two years of chemotherapy and surgeries and then die and go into a coffin!
It's fun!
Party time!
It's fun to have the NSA spying on us!
Party time!
It's fun to have over a hundred federal troops and four or five armored vehicles and two helicopters go in and Kokesh was reportedly sitting on the couch after an hour of them tearing it apart and asked to be able to urinate so they punched him in the face and then kicked him to the floor.
I mean, that's what you do in Fallujah!
That's what Kokesh witnessed in Fallujah, was killing civilians, is what made him wake up.
How dare him!
Line him up like an Iraqi and splatter his guts all over the wall!
This is the time of evil!
Abort babies!
Partial birth!
Bless us with radiation!
Bless us!
Bless us, New World Order!
We love the curses!
Thank you!
What, they chant?
Hundreds of Democrats?
Down at the Capitol from different angles, as pro-lifers had their designated time in the open rotunda to pray, they chanted, Hail Satan!
And ran around in circles with their tongues hanging out.
Go watch the video.
Just tongues hanging out, saying, Hail Satan!
And let me tell you something, Satan hears your prayers and is going to rip your guts out and just torture you and drag you through the dirt a hundred times worse than you've done the innocent.
Because God will just step back and go, okay, you want Satan?
Here, have your devil!
Have your devil!
Enjoy it!
I hope you like it!
Because God says, vengeance is mine.
And the wicked beg to be torn limb from limb.
They beg to die slowly.
And you will.
You will die miserable, horrible, painful deaths in your deceit.
Yeah, give me some USA!
Or is that some of their Hail Satan chanting?
You're gonna trust the system and go to it as they kill you slowly and suck everything out of you.
Do you hear that?
That's not even one of the really good ones.
We've got like five in there.
You've got them where they run right up to the camera and say, Hail Satan.
You've got to listen carefully and watch their mouths as they ring around the Christians saying, Hail Satan.
We'll cue that up there in a break and get the wine.
What happens is we loaded it with a bunch of bad ones, and then I went out yesterday and we found the good one.
But continuing here... Oh, you do have some of the more audible ones?
Well sure, let's play that little jewel then for people.
Look at those evil Christians praying lovingly and compassionately for children.
And they're ringed by people saying, Hail Satan!
And then she runs into the camera through the police with her tongue hanging out.
Hear them, Hail Satan!
Hail Satan!
Hail Satan.
Oh man, I tell ya.
Don't wanna be her.
That's all I can say.
These people talk about it too.
I see them on YouTube and everywhere going, I love it, I love the evil that's gonna happen.
Okay, well, guess you have it coming then.
And you know, what I'm here to do is to try to shock you with the reality.
Of what we're going through here.
Because this is how evil works.
People get into a normalcy bias, where they will put up with anything.
And I'm here, desperately trying to awaken the sleeping giant.
Going, wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up!
This is not good!
Do the D.C.
police go and gang bangers every day, rob and shoot people?
They have one of the highest crime rates in the world.
Are people safe in Mexico where they've taken all the guns?
The answer is no.
It has the highest crime rate for a country in the world.
We have a few cities that beat them per capita.
Chicago, D.C.
Where you have the police dressed up like Latin American dictators, you know, in these fancy military outfits.
They look like North Korean dictator outfits, all with their weapons, their helicopters, their tanks, freaking out if a slave dare load a shotgun.
I mean, just think about what these people are doing to all of us.
Think about how pathetic as a culture we've gotten and admit that it's wrong.
Oh, Adam Kokesh has been charged with possessing hallucinogenic mushrooms.
Oh, how horrible.
How evil.
And who knows if it's even true.
And then that's how they're getting the gun charge on Adam Kokesh.
Hallucinogenic mushrooms and marijuana.
But if you want to give little kids age 2 Prozac-type drugs and antipsychotics that are, according to every medical doctor we've talked to, much more serious than even mushrooms.
Well then, that's a good humanitarian thing to do, because that's something controlled by the big pharmaceutical companies, the same ones that put HIV and hepatitis in the blood products for you and your family.
Again, just look at the legions of examples of secret testing, all the rest of it.
When we come back though...
When we come back, you know, as I promised, I'm going to get into the government openly announcing the spy state, telling the feds to all spy on each other.
Does somebody take vacations?
Does somebody volunteer for jobs?
Oh, yeah, that's a sure time.
I thought that's a sign for promotion.
Well, the federal government, that's not.
That's a sign you're an extremist.
But then, why is everybody upset?
The big next national news story, people finally had their conscience shot by this.
is the hundreds of FBI training flyers that we've written about where they say paying for coffee with cash is an act of suspicious pro-terrorism behavior or wearing blue jeans.
So we're going to put those articles back out and hopefully wake some people up and show them to you.
Time and time again.
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Where is our conscience?
What won't we put up with?
Everything the government's doing is illegitimate and illegal.
They're robbing 85 billion a month in QE3 and giving it to foreign banks.
They've already looted most of the federal pension funds on record.
They're already telling federal workers you're going to get an IOU.
Do you idiots understand they want to bring the tyranny in so they can implode everything?
Liberty created the prosperity!
But they've got so many people scared in the federal government.
That's what all this announcement is.
They've had this for decades, this spying on federal employees and going after whistleblowers.
But Obama has persecuted, not prosecuted, persecuted with his prosecutions more legitimate whistleblowers, Mainline News even admits, than all presidents before him combined.
They wouldn't arrest somebody that blew the whistle on illegal money laundering or torture in the past.
You'd get a medal.
If your supervisors, you know, were doing something, you blow the whistle.
They're going after law-abiding citizens that do their duty.
If you know a crime's being committed and you don't blow the whistle on it, you are now an accomplice.
So I want to be clear.
In the federal government, there's a huge awakening.
That's what this is about.
In the police, there's a giant awakening.
In the military, there's the biggest.
We're going to start the next hour and we do have Adam Kokesh's producer coming on to give you an exclusive on what happened to him.
Then I'll get into the details on the spy grid and how it affects you and what this means as a culture.
The latest on the Trayvon Martin case and the police now confirming what we told you.
There is organized plans for rioting.
They're trying to stop it.
At least locally, the Justice Department's been caught behind the scenes trying to stir it up.
Also, we're going to get into Russia says Syrian mercenaries behind chemical attacks, jetliner crash, other experts are now saying, according to Natural News, and that's a good bibliography, because the flights are so computerized that when there is a computer problem, the pilots don't even know how to fly anymore.
We're going to be getting into that.
We're going to be covering all of it today.
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This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are now into hour number two for one segment.
We're going to have one of the producers of Adam Kokesh's show, who was a witness to the raid and the things that happened in the aftermath, joining us.
Lucas Jewell, Adam Kokesh's business manager, one of his producers, number one eyewitness to federal shakedown.
So he's going to be joining us in the next segment.
I got to settle down.
It gets me so upset when I see the feds come out.
...and started reading the training manuals today.
I saw the article yesterday in McClatchy and barely mentioned it, and then now it's a big story today all over the place, that they're saying we're looking for the threat within.
The threat within is the New World Order!
The threat within is the offshore banks that have wrecked
The entire world, Africa, Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America, they're the ones on record that will assassinate leaders if they don't bankrupt the country and impoverish the people so the globalists can buy everything up cheap.
And they use poverty as a political tool.
This is an anti-Renaissance, anti-Enlightenment, anti-human abomination of neo-feudalistic bull!
And it just absolutely drives me crazy to watch a bunch of technocrats running scientific criminal operations that are still pretty simple, though.
And to know I'm right, to know what's happening, that everything we've said confirmed in quadruplicate, triplicate, quintuplicate,
And to just realize the pattern of history and to be locked into it, knowing we're all on a runaway express train into political hell.
Hades, Mordor,
Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Maoist China, man, this is a conscious plan.
There's a reason in all those countries they did what they did.
The Globalists funded the New World Order, Rothschild, Rockefeller Banks, on record.
There's been congressional hearings on this.
Look them up.
The church committees, I just named them for you, that's selling books by Anthony Sutton who was there working in the committees.
They tried it here.
The McCormick-Dickstein committee exposed that.
They want a fascist takeover.
They do not like you living wealthily.
They don't like you living at all.
And look, you're either going to get this or we're done.
The way they sell going under carbon taxes is some great right, and people are getting off on the austerity.
The way they sell abortion as it's some great right, and women have had them and men have paid for them, so people rationalize to themselves.
I'm not even judging you.
You were lied to.
You grew up in a culture of evil.
You were told it was okay to take your kid to the top of the pyramid and sacrifice him or take him to the top of the altar and throw him into Baal, throw him before Moloch.
You were told to take your child to the bonfire in front of the stone obelisk and throw your kid into a fire believing it would make fertility come back and the fields because your other three kids are starving.
I'm speaking to people's ancestors out there.
All of us are connected to them.
All of our ancestors murdered their own children under state orders.
And this is a sacrament.
I've always told you the abortion for the inner adherence
For the adepts is a holy sacrament of evil.
And it's come out in a lot of abortion clinics.
Just type in abortion clinic was site of satanic rituals or abortionist, you know, was a satanist.
Of course they are.
Not all of them.
The ones that are doing it, you know, when it's in the first trimester.
That's a whole other issue, folks, to second and third trimester.
And people get mad and say, I don't want to hear this.
Well, listen, that's because your conscience doesn't want to hear it.
And then you have them standing, chanting, Hail Satan, around pro-lifers at the Capitol, licking their demonic lips.
Because that's how evil works.
Deep down they know it's wrong, they've had abortions.
And so now they're just gonna go to the only spirit that tells them it's okay.
And at least they're being honest.
At least they now have embraced their father.
At least they love their father.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have come here in an attempt to shake you out of your apathy.
And to shake myself out of my own apathy.
We are putting up with stuff that is at least five times more egregious, more, I think about it, ten times, twenty times, a hundred times more egregious than the founders revolted against with the British.
Our military allows our troops to use DU, that is a death sentence, in the Army's own pre-1990 manual.
We've aborted 53 million babies plus.
We allow partial birth abortion of babies that are nine months old, ready for adoption.
We buy Pepsi products that have fetal tissue in them.
I mean, there's just thousands of insane things.
Our government orders torture worldwide.
Illegally, it is a felony.
And then when a whistleblower at the CIA talks about it, he's serving a jail sentence right now?
And the people that tortured are given medals?
The crimes are legion upon legion upon legion.
And in the federal government, there are a lot of good people that are waking up.
The military's waking up.
Local police are waking up.
The numbers all show that.
New polls out today saying the vast majority of Americans believe Snowden's a hero.
In a scientific poll, despite the demonization.
That's what I'm hearing on talk radio everywhere.
As the hosts say, oh no, he's, whoa, he's put us open to terrorists.
People are like, our government runs the terrorists in Libya and Syria.
And people see through this announcement of the Threat Within program.
That McClatchy exposed yesterday is now the biggest story out there.
Because people are reading the 400 plus page manual, there's a 200 plus page manual, and I've been reading through this, and it's, do they go on vacation?
Do they volunteer happily to courier stuff?
It's the same thing.
And then I have these FBI training manuals that I'm going to get to after we cover what happened to Adam Kokesh.
Where it shows that buying a coffee with cash, they say call the FBI on you.
So it's not just the feds saying spy on each other, it's a witch hunt against citizens where everybody's a suspect with no evidence and nobody has any rights but the higher level feds who work for offshore banks that are looting us.
This is the takeover.
And again, I'll say this and then go to our guest.
Research France.
Hitler did not really take over France.
But it was a big embarrassing thing for the French, so the media kind of played along with limited British resistance and the expeditionary force that fled to the sea at Dunkirk.
There was no French occupation.
That's why a week after the invasion, Hitler was in Paris and could drive past
But imagine if Hitler took over America in a week, and then he paraded down New York with the streets lined with half the public, hailing Hitler.
Did you know that?
Go watch the film footage of Hitler.
Because there was a criminal group in the French government, the police and military, that had already made a deal for him to act like he invaded.
They stood down, and then he took over, and de Gaulle fled with the British.
Now that's what this is, is a corporate takeover through Homeland Security, through DHS, through these grids, saying people that are against the New World Order and say that foreign banks run us are terrorists and that we're going to blow stuff up.
No, the banks are going to blow stuff up, the same ones that run the narcotics and launder the drug money on record, and then blame it on us.
America has been hijacked and now they're ready for the crackdown, the night of the long knives, the purge in the federal government that authoritarians, Nazis, Soviets, it doesn't matter, always do once they've first taken over.
Then they go after everybody in the government.
And you can be somebody that goes along but they know isn't a criminal.
They're gonna burn you.
Your only chance is to start speaking out.
These are to stop whistleblowers of criminal activity.
Now I'm done talking about that.
Until we talk to our guests and I'm gonna get back into it and open the phones up and take your phone calls and we got Chuck D, a public enemy, coming on to talk about the most powerful force in the world and a lot more today.
But we do have Lucas Jewell outside the courthouse, he had to come out of the courthouse to do this.
Adam Kokesh is manager of their media operation and involved in production, the number one eyewitness to what happened.
Literally, literally, we aired this interview that was taped right before showtime.
Some nights InfoWars Not Only News is live, some nights it's taped right before.
We did the interview, got it edited, you know, into the main news show that had already been taped.
He streamed it out to everybody on PrisonPlanet.tv.
While it was streaming, he was being raided.
And so it's the last interview.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
It's up on DrudgeReport.com.
We're thankful to Drudge for carrying real media on this with the photos that Lucas and his associates at AdamVsTheMan.com took.
And so to tell you what really happened, this is unprecedented.
Multiple armored vehicles.
I reported like a hundred feds and locals, two helicopters shutting down the neighborhood.
Any excuse to bring in micro-martial law, just like Boston, which you now saw nationwide exercise on July 4th.
Helicopter fly-o's, fly-overs, you name it.
This is amazing.
And regardless of what you think of Adam Kokesh, on some of his political views or ideas, he had courage, like Rosa Parks.
And I admire courage.
I think Adam's cocky, and he's a combat veteran of Fallujah.
You know, I think, you know, a lot of things, but it doesn't matter.
I think sometimes he talks down to me.
It doesn't matter, folks.
He's got guts and guts is enough.
And that, that thing has been thrown out by the Supreme Court four and a half years ago, D.C.
versus Heller.
It's unconstitutional, and if a citizen can't load a shotgun in the middle of D.C., it's such a joke.
Now would they send for a regular criminal, helicopters and armored vehicles and a hundred armed storm troopers?
It's the act of defiance of a citizen doing what he did, like Rosa Parks sitting at the front of the bus.
You have got to admire it.
Does it mean I agree with all his ideas?
But that's done now, folks.
You've got to stand with Adam.
You've got to stand with people that have this type of courage.
Does it mean that I would have done this?
Probably not.
I picked my battles, but he picked his.
He knew what was going to happen to him.
To make a big issue out of this, that this is an overthrown law, but those criminals are saying he doesn't have a right to protect himself, but the criminals in government are armed to the teeth!
Lucas Jewell, outside the federal courthouse, break down exactly what happened.
You were there.
Talk about what happened.
You've got the floor.
Thank you for joining us.
Yes Alex, can you hear me?
Yes Alex, I was actually present during the raid.
My room is right by the front door.
I heard some loud bangs on the door and I grabbed my girlfriend and started to run to the back door because
Anyone banging like that on the door can't be friendly.
So, went to the back door and by then we had SWAT team members decked out in full armor, battle helmets, everything surrounding us.
So then we were placed in plexi-cuffs, still at gunpoint.
The entire time, we're in cuffs, we've been searched, we've been petted down, we're still at gunpoint.
It was really unnecessary.
One of the officers kicked Adam after he asked to use the bathroom.
They wouldn't present the warrant before the... Now again, that's a major civil rights violation.
Describe what happened to Adam.
Well, Adam was originally with us.
We were all in this front room.
Adam was originally with us.
They drug him into the room, and we have audio of that.
Unfortunately, my phone battery was too low to get video, but we have audio of us in that room.
And then they pull Adam out of the room and have him to the side, but we could still see him, like, through the side of the door.
And Adam asked the officer to use the bathroom, and the officer kicked him.
Adam's girlfriend was actually in the shower at the time, and it was her time of the month.
So, uh, she was asking, you know, hey, can I go handle this?
And the officer said no.
She's like, hey, I'm bleeding all over myself.
Can I please use the bathroom?
So she sat in a pool of her own blood for about three hours.
Well, see, the dehumanization of the slave is key, and they like this being broadcast here to teach you you're dog meat.
You're nobody.
You're their food.
They're coming.
Oh, they were really getting off on it.
It was so weird to me that the detective who was running the show
Well no, these are guys that want to be soldiers but now get to pick on women at checkpoints.
I mean, we were held in detention for five hours.
Now, describe how they kicked him.
I mean, how hard did they kick him?
What happened?
Well, originally, the cop that kicked him was darting everyone else.
And then, I guess he got tired of hearing us talk trash to him.
So, he went to go guard Adam.
And Adam asked him to use the bathroom.
It was sort of a soccer kick.
Oh, kicked him in the stomach?
What a tough guy!
Kicking somebody in the stomach who's in handcuffs.
What a man!
What a big, tough man!
Ooh, he's so tough!
By the way, when we take this country back, anybody that served the New World Order willingly, you're gonna have to run to other countries just like Nazis did.
Keep going.
Oh yeah, we'll hang him high in the street.
But, you know, before in your...
In your introduction, you were calling Adam cocky and everything like that.
But, name a combat marine that isn't cocky.
No, no, I hear you.
I'm saying, I'm saying it's easy.
Hold on.
Sure, sure.
I gotta go to break.
Stay there.
I'll come back and tell us more.
No, no, I get it.
I'm just saying, it isn't about personalities.
It isn't about things.
The point is, he had a lot of courage to do this.
And, this is the point we've gotten to.
When you look into the eyes of these goons, you just know how pathetic they are.
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All the leaves are brown.
All the leaves are brown.
And the sky is gray.
Alex Jones here.
We're back live.
Adam Kokesh is forcing the issue with the authoritarian government.
Not only can we just say that what they've done in D.C.
is unconstitutional and in Chicago.
For almost five years, Chicago and D.C.
have been ordered by the federal courts to get rid of their unconstitutional laws.
They're never going to.
Unless we make them.
And so Adam has forced this, and Lucas Jewell, head of his media operation, who was there during all of this, is out front of the courthouse during the break.
He was talking to NBC News National, and with a bunch of other local stations.
Let's see if we can go back to him, so we can hear it over the cell phone.
Lucas, can we get back with you, or are you still talking to the media?
He's still talking to the media.
This is another representative for him.
Okay, great.
Who is... No, that's fine.
Who is this?
My name's Elizabeth Kelly.
I'm an attorney and I happen to have been present when it occurred.
Oh, you were present when it occurred.
Were you... I'm told people were put in handcuffs and they continued to point their guns at your heads?
Yeah, three people were handcuffed outside and the rest of us were put in zip ties, I guess you could call them.
That's handcuffed too, yeah, sure.
Yeah, yeah.
And yeah, we were stormed by a SWAT team.
And then Adam's girlfriend, we're told, was left naked and bleeding on the ground for three hours.
Well, she was able to put some clothing on before she came down the stairs, but it was really like a skirt that she was able to pull up over herself, and had just gotten out of the shower, but was able to secure the dog.
Well, that's a good thing they didn't kill the dogs.
We see varying reports.
Two helicopters, two vehicles, four armored vehicles, a hundred police.
How much force did the Imperial New World Order bring to bear?
It was all forced.
I mean, there was a bang bang at the door and then followed by breaking the door down with a flash grenade.
I'd never seen that before, so that was new for me.
Was that almost instantaneous?
Yeah, it was.
It absolutely was.
It absolutely was.
So that didn't give you a chance to open the door.
It's bang bang and then the flashbang comes in.
Yeah, we didn't get a chance to open the door.
I mean, the post in the home is between, everyone feels it's between 15 and 30 seconds.
I felt like it was much quicker than that, but this is a real new situation for myself, so, you know, it's kind of hard to... Did they do all the guerrilla behavior, saying, get on the ground and then jumping on people with their knees?
Oh, yeah.
I mean, we were in the room closest to the door, myself and Lucas Shule, and we ran.
I don't know.
So that they could see that we had no weapons on us.
I had a cell phone in my pocket, so I let them know that, so that if they were going to pat me down, they wouldn't assume it was a weapon.
How long did this go on?
Oh, it was five hours at a minimum.
I mean, they came in between 7.45 and 8.10.
I tried to look at my phone, but here's Lucas.
Hang on.
Thank you very much.
Alright, so I guess you had a lawyer there with you.
That was a nice lady who went through all this.
Were you guys expecting this that night?
Because it turns out that... Oh no, she's actually a personal friend of mine.
And she was just over visiting.
Listen, we've only got a few minutes in this segment.
What is it you need to impart to people about what's happened?
Where is Adam now?
And it's very ridiculous that they would try to trump up something like this for a victim of crime.
And notice that the charges have nothing to do with what happened in D.C., but yet partially are who raided us.
You know, so we're raided outside of the District of Criminals in Herndon, but yet partially raids us, and then none of the charges have anything to do with the video.
And when the video was allegedly filmed on Parks Police.
No, not for the marijuana.
Just for possession of a Schedule 1 or 2.
They're going to charge for the mushrooms and then they're going to charge for possession of a firearm.
Uh, Schedule 1 or Schedule 2.
All right, that was a short segment.
I know you got media there.
Three minutes.
I want to come back, got a few more questions for you.
Lucas Jules, stay there.
And again, this is a big civil rights issue that's happening here.
Uh, the Imperials get very angry over a slave with a weapon.
The great crime is a slave defending themselves.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Sooner or later gonna cut you down.
Imagine park police SWAT teams out of their jurisdiction.
With armored vehicles, helicopters, the news media shows up right before it happens.
They gotta get an American that dares in Washington, D.C., named after George Washington, he would dare load a shotgun when for five years, four and a half years, they have illegally, it's almost five actually, they have illegally
The Supreme Court said, okay, you've got to let people have shotguns and rifles and handguns.
They've got to be able to have them to defend themselves.
They've got to be able to have them loaded.
Because in those cases, people not being able to have a firearm to defend themselves.
And they said, we're going to go after him.
We're going to make an example of him.
And I've got David Knighton here to give us an update on the Paul Revere contest in a moment.
People have been asking about that.
But first off, going back to Lucas Jewell, who was there during this.
I want to get into this jurisdictional issue with you.
And again, how many armored vehicles?
How many helicopters?
Because the media is varying.
Two vehicles.
Five armored vehicles.
Two helicopters.
Three helicopters.
A hundred police.
You've been at the courthouse.
You've been there.
What's happening with that?
You've got the floor for five minutes.
Tell people what's happening.
You know, Alex, I did think it was kind of weird how the media knew about it before we did.
Uh, well, I guess they're going with the tactic of surprise.
But, um... Yeah, so, that was weird.
There were helicopters... Well, the media is embedded in the domestic anti-liberty army.
This is an occupying army on record to convert America to total sovietism.
Uh, you know, there was, you know, black helicopters circling overhead.
Uh, you know, which, the whole thing was way unnecessary and...
That's why they'll do a year and a half undercover and spend a million plus bucks on an Amish guy they begged to sell him some milk and cheese and move in as fake neighbors.
So, I mean, I don't know if...
Zip-tying someone's hands to the point where they both turn purple is considered cruel and unusual, but that definitely happened to the woman you spoke to earlier.
So they did that to the lawyer, they made the other woman sit there and bleed on the floor, they kicked him in the stomach with pleasure, they put the zip ties on too tight, well they'll probably get peace prizes for that.
Oh yeah, you know, maybe they could drone bomb a couple babies, you know, murder one and a half million Iraqis, you know, actual real crime instead of peaceful noncompliance.
Well you know when you have a tyranny, being good is a crime.
Yeah, that's the issue, and right now I think we're in the middle of a paradigm shift, where people are reevaluating their relationships with government.
People are starting to actually look at government for what it is, which, you know, as Adam actually said on your show yesterday, the group of individuals with a pseudo-society-granted monopoly on the initiation of force.
Without that initiation of force, government is nothing.
Lucas, you're right.
They have set up a new class structure and they know it.
I was on the grass by Barton Springs after I went for a jog this weekend.
It was actually 4th of July.
And I was sitting there, felt like the weekend, listening to
Two cops, their wives that work for the government, and their girlfriend, whose husband is going to work for the NSA, and they were bragging and on power trips, just getting off.
This is their time.
This is their takeover.
Oh no, they were groveling in it.
One guy had headphones in and was sitting there, like, bouncing his head around like he was really having a good time.
I'm just not a fan of
People trying to bully me.
Oh, I know.
Imagine the cowardliness of being a guy in body armor with a gun, trying to stare down people and kick them in the stomach, hoping they do something.
It's like, look, imagine how disgraceful his family is and the line of scum he comes from.
Or if they weren't scum, imagine what his ancestors would think of him now.
Oh, it's disgusting.
And I actually mentioned that because, I mean, we had five hours with nothing to do but sit there and
I talked to everyone except for Adam, who was in that room, and talked to these police officers that were guarding us.
And I told them, I was like, you know, what would Rosa Parks think about what you're doing?
You know, what would Martin Luther King think about what you're doing?
What would Malcolm X think about what you're doing?
And of course, no response to something like that.
But, you know, then again, these people have been given the government version of, you know, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.
Oh, don't worry.
The government grants rights.
And the government can grant rights to black people.
No, the government can only take away rights.
The government can only... Oh, I know.
The police now think that... They now think owning guns is a privilege.
They think traveling's a privilege.
They just have no idea, just like the general public, what a free country is.
Now, some police I talk to are waking up.
I've got my reporter, David Knight, here.
He wants to ask you some questions, Lucas.
Hey Lucas, did they show you a search warrant, or did they have anything about a search warrant?
They gave us an incomplete search warrant after everything happened, and there was no probable cause statement.
Yeah, because they're spending five hours looking for something.
I mean, it reminds me of the old saying from Stalinist Russia, bring me the man and I'll find the crime.
You know, if you spend five hours in somebody's house, you can probably find, with all the laws we've got, you can probably find something that they violated.
Yeah, well... It doesn't matter.
Every one of those cops will die 30 years young from all the vaccines they've taken.
I mean, they want it, they got it, they're dead already.
Their God already killed them.
Hail Satan.
Well, it also seems like you've got this jurisdictional issue where they're coming after him.
The way the Washington Post reported it, gun activist arrested for, you know, the D.C.
But then in the body of the article, they talk just about the mushrooms that they found.
That's all they talk about.
I mean, the reason they came there, right, is because he loaded that gun in Washington.
And it's not... he's not the one... The warrant said nothing about drugs.
Right, right.
He's not the one that's violating the law here.
It's Kathy Lanier in the District of Columbia that's violating the law, the Constitution, as well as ignoring the Supreme Court decision.
And of course there's a lot of precedent in that, where if they come for one reason, but use it as a fishing expedition, it's not admissible.
But expanding on this whole issue,
Look at how Bloomberg's trying to shut gun sales down all over the country.
They use these globalist crime bases, Chicago, D.C., New York, to try to rob all of us of our rights.
Yeah, and I don't know if you heard about this.
It actually might be today.
There's a pro-stop-and-frisk rally in New York City.
This is the state of current affairs.
People are saying, yes, we are so pro-stop-and-frisk that we are willing to rally in support of the government.
Oh, no, no, no, no, Turdberg, Bloomberg passed a law, got his corrupt government to pass a law, they're all a bunch of mafia, to say there's no Fourth Amendment.
But I mean, look at Texas!
They pull your wife over here and... I mean, but just...
Absolutely rape him with her hand.
Bloomberg also went into different jurisdictions in other states and entrapped people and then said that they would, you know, for illegal gun violations, you know, technicalities on gun sales, and then said they'd let him off if they'd accept a special master from him.
Well, Scumburg or Filthburg or Fraudburg or Un-Americanburg, whatever you want to call him, I mean, yeah, no, he's involved in all sorts of crimes.
Pervburg, yeah.
Well, it reminds me also of Waco, you know.
You're talking about the media also knew about all this and they were all set up to take pictures of this.
It's exactly what they did with Waco, you know.
They had all the media there as they had the initial raid.
That's why we got pictures of it.
And they even had the code word, Showtime.
Well, they now even use SWAT teams from Texas to California at roadside checkpoints.
Where they'll ask for blood, but the people are so scared they do it.
It'd be like robbers going, give me your watch!
I'm your friend, you don't mind, do ya?
I mean, it's color law robbery.
Oh yeah, absolutely.
Anything else you want to add about, because again, the number of helicopters, armored vehicles, and so it was particularly described, the Park Service SWAT team.
Yeah, it was by far the most scary experience of my life.
You know, they threw the flashbang grenade in the house upon entry.
We're running through the entire house with a drug dog whenever the warrant said nothing about drugs.
And the entire time, you know, even while handcuffed, we were being muzzle flashed and everything like that.
So, really,
It's really a bad situation.
The federal family though.
Remember last year, Janet's internal document?
You're all part of the federal family now.
We call it La Cosa Fedestra.
Yeah, but also, Rob Dew had an interesting point.
He said, look at the difference in the way they treated this football player that they just arrested, Hernandez, right?
Here's a guy that they've got surveillance tape of him basically committing a murder, and they handle him with kid gloves, or basically what you would expect.
Well, they admire that.
They admire the tats and death.
They like it.
They want to grease our families, yeah.
They sure took care of Hastings, didn't they?
It's funny that Aaron Hernandez was taken by many to very calm and cool after he committed a murder and he's suspected of another murder
Well, let's be honest, those are just really real police, police detectives who want to be able to get him, I mean, to be honest.
So they were doing it all by the book.
You were dealing with the federal family.
So the... Ah, the family.
Yes, the federal family.
So maybe a better analogy is the David Gregory thing, where he holds up an illegal gun, you know, on NBC News.
Well, exactly.
I think that's how Adam beats this in court, is going, well, why is he allowed to have a gun?
Oh, but he's part of the federal family.
Yeah, well, if you're not a part of the dinosaur corporate media, then, uh, you know, you're not allowed to bring guns on TV, and you're not allowed to, uh, make videos of you having illegal, supposedly illegal things in D.C.
You know, if you're not part of the dinosaur mainstream media, you're not allowed to do these things, Alex.
You're not a free human being.
Well, I mean, here's the thing.
The dinosaur media is only good now to kind of put out an official story and hope we pick it up, but all we do now is dissect it.
I mean, they literally are hemorrhaging to death.
So, in a way, I see this more as their death throes that are going on.
So, Adam, has he been arraigned yet?
Were you in the courtroom?
Any other tidbits?
It's kind of wishy-washy, but we believe he was arraigned today.
Reports are that he refused to leave his cell and everything like that.
So, I can't confirm that report.
I've just heard these from multiple people now that he refused to leave his cell.
It doesn't really seem like
It wouldn't surprise me if Adam did refuse to leave his cell.
He's a big fan of peaceful non-compliance.
Yeah, and he did that on the last fake charges and they had to drop him because usually people just comply.
The cops go, you know you did this.
Well, I did.
And then they get you to plea bargain and you have no rights.
They can't stand it when you actually create a court case out of it.
Yeah, he needs a jury trial too if they press charges.
Well, they'll bring in all the wives of the SWAT team, but they can all sit there and smack their lips on power trips.
But they're all going to get it.
Did you know, I was reading, almost all the federal pension funds have already been taken.
They're not going to get them.
These idiots have no idea what they're a part of.
They're bringing this tyranny in.
I heard today they're not even going to pay the troops now.
They're saying, well, we may not pay troops anymore.
It's like, oh, who cares?
It's all right.
SWAT teams will kill you if you don't like it.
No, they were threatening that when I was there.
So that was a scary experience when you're obligated by law to serve and they threaten not to pay you.
But Alex, it's been a pleasure as always and I wish you a very wonderful day and God bless.
Alright, well thank you so much and we'll get updates from you in the future Lucas.
Thank you.
All right, have a great day.
All right, there goes Lucas Jewell.
Give us an update on... I mean, this is obviously a very serious case, and he has a lot of courage, and he will draw attention to the fact that's an unconstitutional law.
They knew that, too.
That's why they did the drug stuff.
I mean, who knows if those mushrooms were even his.
That's right.
If they're there for five hours, they can plant evidence.
You know, I mean, it's just... But see, Adam's the type who would have those, probably, and then just do it in their face, not caring.
Well, I mean, they know that he is against the unconstitutional war on drugs, so they know that it's believable that they could put anything that they want to in there, and people would believe it.
So, it could be either way?
Yeah, it could be either way.
I mean, my whole deal is, victimless crime of mushrooms.
I'll tell you, this is insane.
Briefly, we got totally overwhelmed, over 600 good entries to Operation Paul Revere, the $120,000 in prizes.
What is it, 100,000 1st place, 15,000 2nd place, 5,000 3rd place?
10,000 2nd, 5,000 3rd.
Okay, good.
I'm getting my own contest wrong here.
Okay, and so that's very, very exciting and we've got a lot of really good entries.
That's what's making it really hard.
You know, we're trying to get something posted up so people can see each other's work, but there's just, there's a lot of good entries to choose from.
This turned out better than we thought.
We're victims of our own success.
Great job to everybody.
We've had multiple people, including myself,
Watch the 600 videos.
I've probably watched 200 myself.
We're down to about 50 or 60 that are incredible.
Some of these are just so good I can't believe it.
And so it'll be by the end of July we should be able to announce first place?
Oh yeah.
We just get more and more behind because it's just it's so amazing.
And we want to be able to trot out the top 50 and the top 30, the top 20, the top 10.
We want to be able to give them all attention too.
So just great job everybody.
When should we be ready to announce the site where people can see all 600 or so?
Well, we're hoping that it'll be ready by the beginning of next week.
So, yeah.
And that's a Herculean effort just to try to put them in categories.
That's right.
I mean, again, 600 videos, folks.
And when I say 600, I think it's more than that, isn't it?
I mean, it's... Yeah, it was a little bit over 600.
We're gonna select a subset of that, and so we'll probably have up about half of them as selections, but we'll have all of them listed at Planet InfoWars, so people can take a look at everything there.
But we wanted to kind of pull out
Kind of the best half of them and put it there and then start pulling it down from from that.
Yeah, again, that way attention gets given to all the filmmakers.
It's about resisting tyranny.
That's the real win.
That's right.
And but it's a big prize, you know, bring in some heavy hitters.
And then we're going to probably talk to the top 20 people and say, what are your ideas?
What would you like to do?
We're overwhelmed economically, staff wise.
There's all these films I want to make.
Uh, and I've got to not see my children and work seven days a week to be able to do it.
I'm about to go into an intense work phase again, and I'm just praying God give me the strength to do it to finish Obama Deception 2, do a bunch of other stuff we got planned.
The studio's almost done.
I mean, we're in our maximum effort here, so please pray for us.
Uh, you've been here now how long, David?
Probably about nine months.
What do you make of the effort you've seen here?
It's amazing.
It's amazing.
You're really pouring everything into this.
It really is amazing to see it grow, and I know how committed you are to this.
And I think this contest, this idea you had, is really a great thing.
I mean, there's a lot of people out there, obviously some of them first-time filmmakers, so the production values aren't real high, but the content is really good on that.
We've got everything, but we do have a lot that have some really good production values as well.
But regardless, they're all winners.
They've taken their first step into a wider world.
That's right.
That's right.
And just amazing.
We want to help that community grow.
So by next Monday, we'll try to put 300 of them up.
And again, it doesn't mean the other 300 aren't great.
It's just we've got to start dividing down it.
But all of them at planetinfowars.com.
We salute you all.
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Alright, here's what I'm gonna do.
I wanted to show you some of the FBI training manuals, but also the flyers they put out.
Hundreds of different types of businesses.
There's hundreds of these a year.
Where it says, a woman with a baby stroller, a man with blue jeans, talking on the cell phone, taking photos of anything, paying for cash with anything, you know, mark down who they are, call the FBI.
And this is done on purpose to just flood fake chatter and to make people think it's okay to spy on everyone, to normalize spying in the federal government on their own systems.
To get rid of the Fourth Amendment, but to also flood the NSA databases with so many fake reports, the globalists can get away with all the other stuff they're doing.
Because they're getting caught all the time shipping narcotics in, and shipping little kids out, and just every crime you can imagine.
Then they've got to shut down the investigation.
Then it's embarrassing.
Texas Youth Commission gets caught running big pedophile rings in Texas.
They gotta shut that down.
It's embarrassing.
They get away with it, of course, but it's still embarrassing.
You know, two trillion missing at the Pentagon.
It's embarrassing.
So now that's just all gonna end.
They're gonna spy on everybody, and if you report what they're doing to somebody's kid, you're gonna go to federal prison.
If you report torturing people, you're gonna go to federal prison.
You're gonna let the criminals take over.
And that's what's happening in America.
So I want to take your calls on this and go over it.
It's like watching children, the public debate.
Well, is it suspicious if someone takes a vacation or volunteers for work?
And again, everyone's a suspect now.
Be paranoid of spies and terrorists everywhere when we have a corporate spy group that is moving everything we've got to China.
Openly bragging they've established a corporate world government with diplomatic immunity.
There's the enemy.
And they've got you going, you know, well the Rooskies may get it.
The Rooskies are scared to death.
They've never faced any evil like this.
And of course they're corrupt and pathetic.
That's why...
That's why they can't beat the New World Order.
I'm apathetic.
The Russians are tough.
They're smart.
They're just not this organized and scientifically evil.
They are just not as evil as the New World Order.
They're very upset.
They're very greedy about it.
Stalin admired Hitler and couldn't get his forces to be as professional, even though when it got down to a fight, his forces beat Hitler with Western weapons.
The Russians would fight just as hard as a Nazi, or anybody else for that matter, or harder.
The thing is they just, they just, they're more thuggish.
Their government mafia is more just old-fashioned thug.
They want to just run stuff.
They don't want to poison everybody's water and, you know, rape everybody's wives and, you know, and, and, and, and, you know, chant Hail Satan.
You know, the current Russians aren't chanting Hail Satan down at the Texas Capitol and being praised by MSNBC for it.
If you're a new listener, there's more than 50 videos, literally, of the Democrats in circles for hours chanting, hell, Satan, and running around with their tongues hanging out to make sure that the sacrament of killing the babies can continue.
I mean, you're like, that sounds crazy.
Look at all the other cultures killing babies in history.
I mean, the whole Old Testament's God saying to the Israelites, don't kill your babies like all the other groups.
Don't burn them up.
It's the same deal.
Humans always... Moses was up the mountain for a little while, comes down there, devil-worshipping and human-sacrificing.
Within a matter of days, he comes down and goes, what's going on here?
There's orgies and devil-worship and people running around saying, hail shaitan, with their tongues hanging out.
And now it's the same thing up here at the Texas Capitol.
They're running around, ah, hail shaitan, with their tongues hanging out.
Speaking of Shaitan, Shaitan wants to just hit you with soft kill weapons and kill you and your family because he loves you.
Being sarcastic there.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
There is one word that describes the form of government that our nation is quickly devolving to, and it's called predatory.
The total free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
We have a lot of breaking news I'm going to get to briefly at the start of the next segment, then start going to your phone calls.
The total free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
And right now, let's go to Michael in New York.
He wants to talk about Russian troops to oversee mass events in the U.S.
and disaster drills.
Michael, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, how's it going?
Good, sir.
I'm with the United States Army.
And, you know, I've been reading up on this whole Russian troop nonsense, and it kind of upsets me because there's a lot of us that sit around and don't do anything.
And you can ask anybody here, they don't ever want to have to kill our own people.
But killing our own people is loving and liberal.
I guess.
Aborting babies is liberal.
What's wrong with that?
Everything's wrong with that.
I mean, it's... The government is trying to do all these sorts of things that don't make sense.
Like right now they got Operation Domblins going on down in Camp Pendleton where there's 7,000 troops from different countries training with the U.S.
Marine Corps right now.
That's right.
And it doesn't make sense to me why we're reaching out to all these other countries
When, you know, we're not really in a state right now because right now people need to step up and, you know, protect their families because apparently there's a disaster drill going down in Section 3, which is the Washington, D.C., Maryland, Baltimore area, and it's some pretty scary and heavy stuff, I mean, because
We've been doing drills here with NBC and everything lately and... Yeah, well they do that as trauma-based mind control.
Let me explain from my own research and you have your own inside insight.
They do the...
Kim drills, the NBC drills, nuclear, chemical, biological, to make it sound legitimate why the Army and Marines are there.
They do the constant foreign troop drills to get everybody used to foreign troops being around.
Then they segue into, by the way, we're going to use these domestically during a civil war or civil unrest.
We always said that, now that's official.
Well, I'm infantry and we've been taught how to clear rooms a certain way.
They actually just taught us a new way how to clear rooms and shit.
Basically it's to kick down the door and go in and just kill everything.
There's no niceness anymore.
It's all aggressive and with momentum.
Yeah, it's a death squad.
Well, yeah, no, no, that's been going for a while.
No, it's a death squad.
And so that's what they're doing.
I mean, they blew up Hastings' car and basically want it known they did it.
And they've got death squads.
The guys think it's real tough to do that.
And in the future, they will come to your house and not even claim you fought back.
They'll just kill everybody.
And so, I suggest people line up out front with their kids, kneel, and say, USA, USA, USA, when they get shot in the head.
I mean, like, you know, they had Private Gruckheimer, ten years ago, say, oh, in Afghanistan, we go in and kill even babies in these villages.
And the media said that was a good thing.
So, I mean, don't you want to chant, USA, USA?
I think it's patriotic to take your child to them, and then help put the rifle to their head, and then say, I worship Obama, and have them pull the trigger.
So you're saying, yeah, that's the training you're getting for domestic operations in America?
Is to go in and kill everybody?
Apparently, that's what they're saying, but like... Hold on, I want to hear more about this.
I think this is a great idea.
Stay with us.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, Monday through Friday, we are here.
12 noon to 3 p.m.
Eastern, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
And I gotta be honest with you, even watching the Libertarian Patriot sites not know the nature of the spying and the grid and what's happening because they haven't studied Rome's spy grids, they haven't studied the British spy grids, they haven't studied the French spy grids, they haven't studied the Nazi
Or Soviet spy grids.
It's just watching everyone fall headlong into this is so frustrating.
Ladies and gentlemen, they don't just have the Obama program of the enemy within, when the enemy is obviously the globalists.
They, for over 15 years, but it's intensified, have these training manuals I'm going to get to after I take some calls, that are put out publicly, where it says, buying coffee with cash, call the FBI.
Wearing blue jeans, call the FBI.
I'm not joking.
Breastfeeding, call the FBI.
Getting an American flag tattoo, call the FBI.
Someone is in your hardware store with a burn on their hand, call the FBI.
And it's meant to make everyone a suspect but the occupational government we have that has hijacked and taken control.
of our nation.
There's the Ethan Huff article for InfoWars.com.
FBI says paying for your coffee with cash, a potential terrorist activity.
We ought to just repost all our old articles and it'll be big breaking news.
This has been going on as they brand the public as the terrorist.
The police admit they're told Al Qaeda is not even on the radar now.
It's Tea Partiers that are going to blow stuff up any moment.
Now, of course, the globalists are going to blow stuff up and blame it on us because we're the opposition.
We're the people that know about the takeover.
That's why they're coming after us.
But, I mean, look at this.
McClatchy Bureau.
I mean, I saw this.
A couple days ago, I don't know why this is so big now.
Because I saw where it said, Obama instructing employees, all federal employees, to watch each other.
And they're like, well, we've always done this.
Yeah, if an employee is raping someone in the broom closet or stealing computers out the back door, you don't need to be told to say something about that.
You know.
What is an insider threat?
No, the insider threat is people that report on criminal activity, torture, illegal spying, thieving.
That's who they've been putting in jail.
We all saw, or at least most of you probably heard, we played it on the radio a few months ago, the ATF video, where the director of ATF, the interim director, is like,
Really threatening in the videos.
You have a responsibility and you will not talk to the media or anybody else about what's going on.
You will talk to your superior and that's it.
And blah blah blah.
Because they're all in there doing whatever they want.
The government is
So corrupt, folks.
They're stealing so much money out of the Pentagon right now.
The private contractors, the 840-something thousand private contractors that have above-top-secret clearances to be able to get into everybody's data.
They're using it on their ex-wives, ex-husbands, neighbors, competition.
Cops are using it, you know, their databases that aren't as big as that but are close on everybody.
I mean, it is just totally insane.
And yes, police, I know you have databases that are LexisNexis.
Thompson Reuters.
I am fully and completely, absolutely.
I'm aware of all that.
You all think you're secret police and, oh, you're part of special event security, or you're part of, you know, InfraGard, or you're part of clergy response, and everyone's a secret agent now, and all the shows on TV, and these people think they've arrived.
They think they're part of a club.
The oldest scam in the world is to say, you know, join our club, and, you know, you get this certificate that you're part of it.
Instead of really going out and training people to be something, then you say, oh, you're part of the club now, and people think they've arrived in the club.
You've arrived in the club of un-American, drooling, sycophantic, boot-licking, tyranny-enabling, Dudley Do-Right pieces of garbage.
That's, that's the club, that's the club that you've entered.
That's the club that you're part of.
That's the club.
And let me explain to everybody out there in alternative media some basic things.
We always report on what the mainstream reports.
Instead of going, look, McClatchy is reporting on this, and they do some good reporting by the way, that's actually a truly journalistic outfit in many respects.
I'm amazed over and over again.
Hey, here's all this other places where this has already been going on much worse.
And then you use a big story that's finally got the sheeple attention to show them everything else that's happened.
And McClatchy goes on with their analysis to say, the pre-crime plan... Experts!
Obama's plan to predict future leakers unproven, unlikely to work.
It's meant to create a culture of spies.
So that they can frame whoever they want.
They're gonna be arresting a lot of innocent people who haven't even reported on stuff the government's doing, just to scare everyone.
This is called a reign of terror.
And a reign of terror always begins within the government.
In the
Night of the Long Knives against the SA and Ernst Röhm and just purge after purge after purge after purge.
This is the fruits of tyranny.
This is the fruits of cliques and gangs and the worship of domestic uniforms and the worship of the black mask and the worship of the black helicopter and the worship of the gangsterism.
And men who don't succumb to the metrosexualism, they're sold to be trendy in the media, then kind of then succumb to gangsterism, where they then try to act gangsterous and strut around puffing themselves up as if that's what a man is supposed to act like.
And it just runs from bad to worse.
And we know exactly where this cesspit goes.
Straight to hell.
And I sit here with horror watching it unfold.
It is a scientific despotism, a scientific evil.
It is predatory government enshrined in a systematic, corporately planned operation of six global megabanks on record, destroying the world economy and consolidating it into their hands, manipulating every market up one side and down the other, and creating more chaos, more death, more destruction.
Until it folds into highly compact technocratic governmental and corporate command bases that are above the law with diplomatic immunity and the rest of us living in absolute Brazilian-style squalor to then have controlled bioweapons released against us to reduce our numbers down to zero outside of the command bases.
And of course, within the phasing in of this, over the next 20 years, the robots will be brought in, and all the meathead thugs that serve the system, who the New World Order hates more than anyone, you are all slated for special fates.
So remember, anyone serving this is the most pathetic, sickening chump you can imagine, and deserves our pity.
Now, do we still have that last caller I was talking to?
Yeah, he was calling in.
I don't need to know if the caller was telling the truth or not.
Because I already know that.
The way they clear a building in Baghdad, or in Fallujah, or in the outskirts of Kabul, this is the big military secret and why so many of them commit suicide, or one of the factors, is that they're ordered, just to see if they'll do it, to go into villages and whole neighborhoods and kill everyone.
Now, if a member of the unit
It gets really broke up over the fact that before they kill the little girls, they rape them, and it gets out in the press, then they'll send the sergeant to prison.
But only when it leaks.
And in the future, there'll be no leaking.
If they have their way.
So, the troops are there.
I mean, you see all these suicide notes.
They go, we raped, we killed, we tortured.
And you're like, well it must have been Al-Qaeda.
No, no.
Al-Qaeda are the darling preciouses.
They're all perfumed and lavished and paid in gold.
They're the Saudi Arabian darlings.
No, no, no.
These are innocent families.
And the guys that like it are brought back, psychologically profiled, and they're going to be pulling you and your family over.
And to them, you're a dirty, ugly animal.
And they don't even like having to pull you over and write the tickets and make the money for the system.
They disdain you as an enemy.
That is the new type.
And so he was talking about how the new army training for domestic operations is to go door-to-door, kick the door in, you know, basically throw a hand grenade in and then go in and kill everybody.
And that is the training.
And these guys get off on this.
Either they go, you know, freak out and go commit suicide, which they shouldn't do.
They should go blow the whistle.
But no, they can't not follow the order.
There's the obsession with following the order.
So, instead of going, no, this is a crime,
I'm gonna speak out against it, I'm gonna challenge it.
No, they go and they blow their head off.
And then all the sickos in the unit sit there and laugh.
Look at that, he was weak!
See, because in an evil world, it's the more vicious you are, the more hardcore you are.
You're admired.
When Brzezinski gets up at the CFR or a club of rum meeting, it's been reported they just get tears in their eyes and admire him.
Because this is a man who funded, with Pol Pot and other operations, millions and millions of dead, including children, and that's seen as a demonic power.
That's a great victory against humanity.
And that's why they admire Kissinger for what he's done.
And that's why whenever John P. Holdren gives testimony, the entire C-SPAN database is searchable.
You can go watch these.
When he's before Senator Rockefeller's Committee on Health and Human Services and others, they look, they spend ten minutes with tears in their eyes going, sir, your plan is incredible, what you've done.
And they gulp and they smack and they have a, they don't see what they're talking about.
His plan from 1973 was adopted with the Bisphenol A and all of it.
And it's been wildly successful.
This guy is a rock star to them.
His plan got accepted.
It's been devastatingly victorious.
This is a general of dark satanic power to be worshipped.
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We the people grow cotton, weave fabric, engrave ink, embed strips and fibers to protect from counterfeit, then carting to a private bank, having it led back at interest, forcing taxes to service debt.
This capitalism?
Or was Jefferson correct when stating a central bank issuing the public currency is a greater menace to the liberties of the people than a standing army?
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That's 800-686-2237.
Bonuses were given to Bank of America employees for home foreclosures.
The more houses they took, to any surprise they take houses they never had a deed for that were paid for a decade before.
And the courts ruled, doesn't matter, you're a mega bank, you can keep a house you never had claim to.
And if you don't like it, SWAT team's standing by.
It's ruled by the government gun.
Adam Kokesh raided by stormtrooper.
Polls show massive swing in public view of terror.
Liberty trade-off.
Majority of Americans see Snowden as a hero despite relentless government and media attacks.
It should just be government-run media attacks.
Feds expose subway riders to chemical gas, admit ignorance to health effects.
They always say that.
They've done lethal tests in the New York subway in 68.
Deaths resulted.
Details remain classified.
But when government kills you, it's a gift.
Nobody gets in trouble.
It's a gift.
They love you.
Obama-backed rebels starve Syrians, kill protesters.
Russia says Syrian mercenaries behind chemical attacks.
Of course, the Al-Qaeda people filmed themselves doing it a year ago, testing it on dogs there.
Obama orders government workers to spy on one another.
Again, this broke a few days ago, but it's now gotten big attention.
We're going to put out some articles showing the angle of they're telling the citizens to spy on each other, and it's asinine.
Because that's the bigger story here.
Let's go to Kurt in Michigan.
Kurt, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Just the way this country is going today is just terrible.
I was listening to you earlier talking about Charlie Rangel and
It infuriated me.
I had to call him up and basically tell him basically that, you know, what they're doing is criminal.
You don't abide by the Constitution of the United States anymore.
And as for most of those politicians in Washington, D.C., they should be brought up in criminal charges and arrested and imprisoned for the rest of their lives.
And I said, and the thing is, um, I was talking to a staff member.
I said, the thing is, is between me and you, I said, we both know that CIA brings in the drugs.
I said, you know, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna play around here anymore.
And, and, and, you know, I've called, that's just one of the representatives, many of that I've called, you know, like, uh, I heard you talking yesterday about the, uh, you know, uh, hail Satan, you know,
Nancy Pelosi.
You know, she's supposedly a professed Catholic.
Well, I called her and told her, well, these are your people.
I guess you must be a Satanist.
Well, they are Satanists, whether they're practicing Satanists or not.
They follow the tenets that Satan wouldn't be proud of.
But yeah, Rangel's trying to stir up stuff on the Trayvon Martin deal.
You've got all these... But here's the problem.
The bureaucracy is now the economy.
They're succeeding in making the economy the corruption.
To where it's hard to dig them out because they want to win against good.
I mean, that's why they're so evil is that it's conscious.
And I appreciate your call, Kurt.
Great points.
Mitch in Wisconsin, you're on the air.
Yes, sir.
Hey, great to talk to you today.
Good to talk to you, sir.
Um, well, uh, today I just want to say a happy 7-10 to all my oil dabbers out there.
And then I wanted to talk to you about Colcash.
But since I called, I wanted, or since I got on, I wanted to ask you something.
Yeah, we're not screening calls on air, bro.
This isn't, you're on air right now.
No, I mean, you're on air right now.
Yeah, uh, I wanted to ask you about Colcash and then something that you talked about in our earlier talk show.
Oh, we're not on air?
Uh, uh... Hey, uh...
Today, when Kokesh got raided, I just was thinking, are they going to do anything after this?
Because it kind of seems like they're not stopping him.
Everything they do to him, it's just like one on top of another.
I don't ever see any rest for this guy.
Well, I mean, Kokesh, some people say, oh, he must be a provocateur operative.
I don't think that's the case.
I think that he is wound up, wants to be part of history, doesn't like the New World Order.
They call it mentally ill.
I mean, I call it wanting to be free, but they talk about opposition to authoritarianism is mental illness, according to the federal government.
Worshipping tyranny is good, so they should love Stalin.
And yeah, no, he's committing himself to make cases out of their unconstitutional activity
I don't think so.
Because I think people want us to screen their calls.
I appreciate your call.
Just like, half the calls get on, and they say, I'd like to talk about this, and I'd like to talk about that, and I'd like to discuss, and I'm like, man, you're on air.
Or they'll call in and say, I want to talk about this, just because they think we're already screening their calls, and then they go to something else once they get on air.
It's just, man, whoa, whoa, whoa!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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But all we really are is livestock.
Our impulses are being redirected.
We are living in an artificially induced state of consciousness that resembles
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here, back live.
We are taking your phone calls right now and just watching America flounder around.
Europe came out a few weeks ago and said, how dare the US spy on us with England.
And then Snowden, of course, came out and said they're all completely involved in it, all sharing data.
They use Europe to spy on American citizens.
Well, that was in a best-selling book, Body of Secrets, with James Bamford in 2001.
That was declassified.
I mean, it came out two years ago that the Department of Defense people listened to Americans having phone sex
I mean, it's just insane!
Who do you think wants the job doing that?
A bunch of perverts!
And then they use the NSA to go around...
One time it was 40,000, I think it was 20-something thousand Department of Defense computers putting child porn on them, and then it came out that it had been put on the computers, yeah, to go, everybody better do what you say, and not complain about missing money and stuff, or the child porn was on your computer.
I mean, it's just, we have a total mafia government at the top.
We're in deep trouble.
And I'm up here risking my life to tell you all this, that's why I'm just cutting right to the chase with everybody.
I don't even know what to say anymore.
And I shouldn't let it get to me.
And there it is, Pentagon reopens investigation into child porn purchases.
Among its ranks, over 250 military personnel, civilian employees and contractors had been linked to potential child porn purchases.
That's some whitewash article.
What they did was go through and like plant it on thousands and thousands of people's computers.
This is ridiculous.
It's probably the people that don't like the fact that the Pentagon's involved with the UN in the actual trafficking of kids.
By the way, you never hear about investigations of that, or snuff film investigations, which are in Europe, comes out.
No, it's all, who had the child porn?
Oh, and by the way, a bunch of media people, some of which don't want their names on air,
are getting this thing.
Hey, I'm a Bilderberg leaker.
Here's the documents that you're looking for.
They'll even send their private emails and then it's child porn.
We haven't run across any of that here yet in my operation, but I hope my staff is listening.
You know, don't, don't, don't download stuff that you don't know what it is.
Because the feds don't care.
They're the ones sending it.
And if they can't put a bomb under your car, because they're too busy killing other people, they will send you child porn.
Because that's why they were hired.
Because they like that kind of stuff.
They got a big collection of it.
They got into their line of work so they could get their hands on kids.
Not just pass around the... Look at the CPS.
Highest rate of child raping.
Why do you think?
Have you ever been to a family court and looked at the people bringing the kids in?
I mean, if those aren't disgusting scumbag pedos, I don't know what is.
And they run this country.
And they're going to get into the Boy Scouts?
And they're going to get into everything else?
And they're teaching five-year-olds how to do stuff I didn't even ever heard of until I was 20.
And you're going to sit there and send them to the government school to do it.
To learn how to have an abortion.
To take vaccines without your consent.
And to learn that your little boys are going to learn how to put a dress on.
And your little girls are going to learn how to like little girls.
And you're going to sit there and you're going to take it!
You're gonna take your shots, you're gonna drink your fluoride, and you're gonna roll over and die.
You got that, America?
And America says, USA!
As they burn America down, as they burn freedom down, as they shut the jobs down, shut the power plants down, shut the whole country off, people just celebrate it.
Let's go ahead and talk to Robert in Florida.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, good to be with you.
Can you hear me okay?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
I'm sorry, go ahead, sir.
Let me run a red light and let's see if I get swat team, you know?
You deserve it!
I know, I'm just a filthy, extremist, constitutionalist, liberally loving patient.
You're a hardworking, good person that isn't a degenerate pedophile!
How dare you!
I'm degenerate, I listen to the Constitution on audiobook, man, I'm just a terrorist.
I bet you go to church, I bet you work hard, I bet you got a long line of hardworking, good family people that are God-fearing and decent, and that's why you're the enemy!
That's right.
I'm the worst of the worst, by golly gee.
You are, you are.
It's like those cops in Tennessee when they didn't know a camera was on them making fun of them.
Oh, he says he's got a constitution.
He says he knows his rights.
Sorry, go ahead.
I have two questions for you, real quick.
Number one, last night in Georgia, I ran across a TSA agent in uniform at a Walmart, and I had my camera on my phone, and I entered, and I sort of did a non-prompt interview.
How do I send that to you?
Because this agent says she's totally comfortable with what she's doing, she doesn't care about the Fourth Amendment, she doesn't see anything wrong with it, and then when she found out I had the camera on her,
She got all bent out of shape, and I'm like, oh, so you don't like it, do you?
You know, what's the matter?
You know, how do I send this to you?
Because I know phone audio, I mean, phone video clips, when I try to put them on my computer, it doesn't, you know, download in the format.
Brother, go sign up for YouTube and upload that video straight to YouTube.
That's how you send it to me.
When you send it to me, you send it to the world.
I don't even care about having something exclusive.
I wallow in resistance.
I absolutely hate the New World Order, Satan, and all of the works, and I just want to defeat these scum.
So it was the same deal.
It's like, I don't, oh yeah, all the cop movies now, the good guys violate the Constitution.
I'm telling you, I saw, what's that new movie out?
It's been out a while.
It's called Numbers or something?
Where like there's this thing counting down numbers.
No, no, there's a new movie out.
I watched it with my wife when I was... I went to sleep towards the end, but... And then she was watching something else the next day, and it had the same theme, basically.
It's where there's like a computer program where they put out the numbers for the CIA hit teams to kill people, and then it gets hijacked, and...
I think it's got, like, John Cusack in it or something.
But the whole point is, is the guy kills this, like, 11-year-old girl, the CIA boss, and it's good, and he's the good guy.
Because she's just collateral damage.
They go to kill some other CIA guy that just wanted out.
And so they go kill him, and then the good guy kills his daughter, and at the end, he's the good guy!
It's like, our daughters are collateral damage!
Well, let me tell you something, all you tough guys that work for the New World Order, you're collateral damage too, you idiots!
Your masters hate your guts!
I'm sorry, caller, go ahead.
One last thought, okay, yeah, because I thought you had like a showtips line or something, but okay, I'll try to get on YouTube.
Number two, in instances like this with Adam Philkesh, okay,
Now, I wonder, and I ask this question both on the forums and maybe through your site, I mean, what are we supposed to do?
You know, we all say, okay, they're not going to get my guns, they're not going to get my guns, but when they overwhelm us like this, I mean, what exactly are we supposed to do?
I mean, we can't call a congressman, we can't write nobody, so when are we going to stand up?
I mean, I know you're against
You know, like, I don't know if that's the word again, but I know you don't, you know, don't support a standing up armed thing, but when it's enough, it's enough.
I mean, what are we supposed to do?
It's never enough.
Turn all your guns in, drink the fluoride, take the shots, and kneel to the New World Order.
Never resist them physically.
Worship them only.
Okay, well they're going to come for my guns, they're going to get the bullets.
That's all I have to say.
No, no, I hear you.
Listen, listen.
You fight them, you hear me on air, this is how I'm talking, and I'm talking about how they really are.
I'm like channeling who these people really are.
Okay, I'm showing people to hopefully wake them up because they already plan on a full-out war with us.
They love it.
They, listen, a lot of their minions are willing to die for evil.
They hate us.
It's what you've got to understand.
These are actually demon-possessed people a lot of them are dealing with.
These are like, you know, talk about, you know, the globalists have drones, the devil has drones.
And this is what we face.
And the forces of hell are being, are just beginning to be poured out on us.
And as a nation and as a world, we can repent and get a reprieve like Nineveh.
The problem is, all the churches basically, the big ones are New World Order run, teaching and praise God things are bad.
It means the end of the world's about to happen.
We're all going to be teleported out of here.
I appreciate your call, sir.
And I got all this, what happens is I read all this news, I get upset by it, then I go crazy on air.
But I mean, it is illegal when they're spying on us.
It is illegal, the stuff they're doing everywhere.
But it's the government.
Who's going to enforce against them?
And that's called tyranny.
And then you find out they've been jacking the food and the water, and it just gets worse from there.
And that's why I don't have any fear of them.
I'm already living in a crazy land.
And it drives me crazy that it just gets worse and worse.
Where are the good people to start saying no?
Well, I'm hearing them.
I'm hearing them all over talk radio, even though the hosts are trying to manage their audience.
I'm going to skip this network break because I got behind here and I shouldn't skip so many of these breaks, but whatever.
Here's our interview with Chuck D that the guys went down and got last week.
We're premiering it here on the radio right now from Public Enemy.
People say, oh, why do you care about that?
They have a lot of fans.
We wake their fans up.
That's how we do this, having country music on, hip-hop icons on.
We're reviewing movies.
We reach people that are in the Matrix.
That's what this is.
But it's an interesting interview as well, and here it is.
How you doing?
What's going on?
You've been educating people for years on the power, fighting the power.
What do you think is the biggest source of power in the world today?
The biggest source of power, and I think, you know, Griff could probably attest, is knowledge of self and knowledge of your surroundings.
But if you have knowledge of self but you don't know your surroundings, you're kind of like getting in the same old boat again.
The enemy is always three steps ahead.
We're trying to gravitate our people to at least be a step behind.
Because the enemy is treacherous.
And they come in all shapes, forms, alien spirits.
Right, and I think we're just doing our part through the medium of music.
And we just chose hip-hop as the medium in which to fight that particular battle.
That's all.
And we knew that.
We knew that once we were able to do that in hip-hop, they would see it as fertile ground to go back into it now.
To use it to flip the beat.
But you know, that wears off.
That wears off, man.
You have to have the perseverance to keep going on.
Not to say that you'll win the game, but you gotta make sure that people don't lose.
Do you have a comment on some of the current big acts out there that kind of look like they've sold their soul and they've even admitted it in certain interviews?
The big acts have never been attached to the people in the first place.
That's why you don't see tours.
If you did see a tour, you would never see them interact with their public anyway.
It's almost like a ghost.
So one thing I think I learned from Griff is that you always got to be aware of ghosting.
There's a lot of ghost images where people were believing ghosts in the sky, the ground, some book.
You gotta try to get to the physicality of something, even an enemy, and break them down to where they're at as a being.
They might not be a human being, but they are being, and their whole goal is to be inside you.
Tell them about that recent going overseas playing right across the way from the Rolling Stones and then looking at the press the next day and you know
Well, we played right in the shadow of the Rolling Stones and many people.
This was at Glastonbury, biggest festival in the world.
And, you know, I mean, this country's got all kinds of games.
My crew had to go half.
Half the crew could go because we couldn't get out of the states.
We played it and we made an impact.
Everywhere else, of course, they acknowledged it back in the United States.
Not that they didn't acknowledge, but they acknowledge everything else except for what we try to put down.
I mean, simple things like, don't be a dumb mother****** with a smart-ass phone.
It's a simple thing.
Don't have your phone smarter than you.
It's a simple thing.
So if they're looking at that as being
What would you call it?
Cultural contraband that lets you know where we're at in our society.
You know, I mean, the whole thing was the New World Order was to blanket the world in a philosophy that makes everybody sheepish.
How do you think Obama's going to fare in this?
Obama, on his way out.
Obama was on the way out on the way in.
But it was something for those that had some kind of level of consciousness to use that time, if he's in there, to buy some time before a real enemy really comes down.
Or I should say a thorough enemy that don't give a f**k, like basically sending people to gas chambers legally.
You know, Obama was enough of a facade to be able to say, I got my senses, let me get my cipher together, my surroundings together, not fall into the hype.
When he's out of there, then the next one that comes in, the question is, are we ready for the next person to come in?
Whether he pretends to be an ally or whether he's a straight out adversary like the Bush one.
When Bush was in, he was a straight out adversary and told you.
Yeah, that was some Bush **** right there.
So, we have to look around at our people.
That's one thing we try to do in the music.
I mean, look, it's real simple.
We want to use our music and culture to unite the human spirit.
We believe that culture brings us together as human beings and defies all governments.
We feel all governments are wicked.
So governments like to split people up.
We categorize human beings, divide so they can conquer them.
There's people that don't even think that they can see the world because they need permission to see the planet Earth.
A visitor to the planet Earth, right?
Music allows you to be a visitor to the planet Earth, way before the internet.
That's why, you know, where we're at, just culturally, just being able to put the good seed in.
So a lot of times when they say, well, public enemy is anti this, anti that, we're just anti-ignorant.
We've always been about the good seed.
So somebody has to clearly define themselves as the bearer of the bad seed and the bad fruit that go against propaganda.
And there hasn't been anybody out there, musically or even in a country that has a clear definition for why we're the bad seed and they're the good seed.
You know, we're a bunch of musicians just playing harmonica.
People that have less acknowledgement are getting some credit, like my man Professor Griff.
He instituted a lot of things in rap music and hip-hop that were unprecedented and still not duplicated to this day.
You know, it's good to see people that have worked all these years, whether it's production like Hank Shockley, Gary G. Wiz, the S1Ws, everybody to be acknowledged in it and to keep it going on.
You know, people want to be
We appreciate it for their effort.
Not that everybody was looking for it.
We wasn't looking for it.
We came.
We felt appreciative.
We move on.
Like I said, if we could take that one, if it was one trophy, and we could break it in 10,000 pieces, you best believe we'd be still handing them out.
Now you can watch the Alex Jones Show live as it happens at InfoWars.com slash show.
You'll find links to all of our content there and a free 15 day trial for Prison Planet TV.
More than 60 movies and documentaries all in one place at InfoWars.com slash show.
Alright folks, we are again here live today, take some final calls here at the end of this hour's transmission.
But if you go up to DrudgeReport.com today, you can see upstream, U.S.
taps under sea cables.
Now in a world where folks were informed, obviously Drudge is informed, but the readers of the general public may not be, it would be foreign banking cartel that has hijacked America taps undersea cables.
Everything's done in our name by these globalists.
But that's out of the Washington Post.
We had NSA whistleblower Wayne Madsen on two weeks ago to say this in specifics.
That all this was going on.
But again, we're not credible media according to Google, so we're delisted from Google News.
That's right.
That's right.
They can tell you what they're doing.
They can tell you.
I think I'm going to shoot a video on this, actually a special report, to go over some of the more egregious examples of it.
But Communities Against Terrorism.
Just go to the FBI's own website.
Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Go to the Mafia's, America's Most Powerful Mafia website, fbi.gov, and you can read hundreds of these, calling it public intelligence, where just, just, just, just everything.
uh... is is uh... is bad and and that's why it was for renting cars are getting a tattoo or people are just coffee shops paying with cash uh... using cash to pay for rental fees uh... honor on everything's terrorism everything's bad in rural areas may be missing a finger have burns now that's terrorism
What about robbing the country?
What about working for offshore banks?
What about torturing people?
What about being engaged in all these different crimes?
Again, this is the big news.
Everybody's like, wow, the government has spun its own employees for all these wide reasons.
And that's in all these reports.
What about this?
What about these reports?
We're going to do some flashbacks after the show.
I'm going to get some of our articles the last five years on these reposted up on InfoWars.com.
I'll guarantee you, within an hour of this show being over, I'll have that up on InfoWars.com and up on PrisonPlanet.com.
I'm just so sick of how stupid the mainstream media is and how dumb and servile and moronic and pathetic they are.
And all into themselves on power trips because they're in the media.
Some kind of stupid social status.
All these scum that only care about what they look like or what kind of car they've got or how cool people think they are.
While what really matters is basic human liberty, basic human dignity is being thrown out the window.
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So it's all up there on InfoWarsHealth.com.
That's how we finance this operation as well.
I go out and find the very best products when I do it.
I got a new product out.
Some people don't like the liquid beyond Osteo FX that Ted Anderson didn't have to have knee surgery he believes because of.
He was having to go in and get it.
Well, they now have it in powder form, and it's more concentrated and easier to take.
That's now available at InfoWarsHealth.com.
And look, some days I shouldn't even be up here on air.
It's just, I see the bars of the cage.
I know the global star.
When I call them a collection of murdering terrorists and pedophiles and scum and killers,
That's who they are.
I mean, I'm like talking to the friends and family of Hastings, and they're all scared to come on, except for Staff Sergeant Biggs.
And now the cops have been told, you know, not to release the police report.
I mean, they blew that car up.
That gets to me.
That freaks me out.
And I want to get people awakened.
And I tend to throw temper tantrums here on air, folks.
Because when I see the Democrats down there, I heard day after day they were chanting, uh, Hail Satan.
And I should have sent a crew down there.
I'm like, yeah, they're not chanting Hail Satan in the gallery and around.
And then there's all these videos day after day.
They're probably down there right now chanting Hail Satan.
Let's send reporters down there.
Anywhere Christians are at and pro-lifers are these freaks saying Hail Satan.
They're just a bunch of scum.
And why do good people turn everything over to evil?
You know, it's the old joke of like, you know, the best-looking girl in school goes out with the drug-dealing thug guy that's flunked four grades because they, you know, they misjudge thuggism and gangsterism and corruption as manly, when it's the opposite.
And I guess at some primitive level, maybe somebody like that might protect you 10,000 years ago.
I don't know.
But man, I'm just so sick of the men of this country.
They're like, well, what do we do?
Or then I see the professional class, who are all just real self-centered.
They're all into what they're doing.
They're eating healthy food.
They're exercising.
They know about the new world order, but they'll say, what are you going to do about it?
Public scum.
They'll never wake up.
So we just give up to all the evil so it takes over?
Let me tell all you yuppies and people that know what's going on but sit there on the bench.
You're gonna lose everything by not standing up against this.
You think you're safe by not speaking out and being involved?
You're wrong.
You're mistaken.
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As we've moved through history, every great leader has had to understand the potential of information.
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