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Name: 20130531_Fri_Alex
Air Date: May 31, 2013
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Friday the 20th.
The 31st day of May 2013.
We are going to be live here for the next three hours, Lord willing, and take your phone calls.
No guests today, though we're going to have Christy Hightower in here with some of the PlanetInfoWars.com Ask Alex questions that we're going to do live on air instead of taping for the nightly news.
So that's coming up at the bottom of the next hour.
We're working on a breaking story at Infowars.com that is hiding in plain view at the Justice Department and their own website.
And so later in the transmission, we will premiere a special report and a news article
That when they came to me yesterday, they said, hey, we just want to run this report by you before we put it on air.
And I said, well, why?
I usually, you know, don't do the editorial reviewing around here.
You know, fact checking.
We have other crew that do that.
They said, well, this is, you know, this is talking about how they want to, the Justice Department is saying don't use the words husband or wife because it's offensive if you work in the federal government.
And, you know, is it too extreme to point out they're doing this?
And I said, absolutely.
We're so politically correct, you know, we think men are bad, women are bad, and heterosexuals are evil.
And so we're not going to air this report.
Of course, I'm being sarcastic.
I said the report isn't hardcore enough.
I was reading this Justice Department manual, and it basically says the words husband and wife are hate speech.
You know, it's hurtful, and so don't use it.
And what is hate speech?
Something that's hurtful.
And of course, I am the king of hate speech, as you know.
And you know, I'm really offended by this because...
I personally don't dislike people for what color they are or who they're attracted to.
Unless they're attracted to children, and of course the government is always attracted to children, to make them slaves of the system or to abuse them.
Every authoritarian system has been attracted to them.
Now the state says it's the parents and that's happening worldwide.
So it's very offensive on that front.
And it is an attack on the human institution itself.
The state wants to create a brave new world where parenthood is ended for the general public.
And they're setting up an economy, basically, where your child's going to be in a government training center, you know, 16, 17, 18 hours a day, 12 months out of the year.
Parents are there just to reproduce, for now, to produce more minions for the state.
But, you know, humans really aren't needed anymore because of the computers and robots.
So, that's what's really happening here.
It's not about equality.
It's not about
It's not about, you know, being nice to people.
It's about a globalist dehumanization population reduction program where 4% of the population that's reportedly gay or lesbian is used as a pawn and a set piece for an anti-human eugenics agenda.
And let me tell you, they're telling people, by the way, if you think we're joking, this report's coming to be posted on InfoWars.com in about an hour.
We'll play the report coming up in the next hour.
And France set to ban the words mother and father from official documents.
That was the London Telegraph.
Remember that a few months ago?
And we found in England where they're doing the same thing.
This is a global program, but federal employees, this is on the DOJ website, and our tipsters sent it to us.
No one's picked this up.
It turns out for about a year they've been saying, you are to tell everybody that works for the federal government not to say I'm going to pick my husband up or I'm going to pick my wife up.
Those are hate words.
See, this is how this works, folks.
It's a system where anything, you know, see being quote normal is now abnormal.
And then you're not allowed to be a parent.
You're not allowed as a man to be attracted to a woman.
You're not, because that creates children.
You're not allowed to do that as a woman to be attracted to a man.
You will.
I mean, that's what the children's shows all teach the kids.
They teach five-year-olds how to masturbate in public schools.
This is a pervert guild on a low level.
They're the cannon fodder.
The social engineer's on top.
It's about population reduction.
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He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
My love is in league with the freeway.
It's a fashion war ride as the cities fly by.
It is the 31st day of May 2013.
We're about to pass the meridian into the second half of 2013 as we accelerate into the future.
I was looking at headlines on InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, DrudgeReport.com and they just make my head spin.
Coming up, I'm going to get into this report that came out at the end of the broadcast yesterday.
Police imposed security lockdown for Bilderberg 2013.
And they are saying that basically all around the entire multi-thousand acre compound
It was a former royal palace that's a luxury hotel that no pedestrians are allowed and that people that live in the area must show IDs to be able to walk down the street.
So it's North Korean martial law and they're saying there'll be a small area inside the grounds where you'll be allowed to be at and that this is a great luxury.
And then you have to have a permit to be able to have a event in the town and rural area of Watford.
Northwest of London, because it's such a free country, and those permits are being denied.
Well, let me tell you what's happening.
David Icke's put out a statement.
Whether you love David Icke or hate him, he's a very interesting guy, and he can get six, seven thousand people out to see him in London.
I can get six or seven thousand people out, as well, in any major city in the Western world.
And we've not really promoted it.
I've not really promoted it because the group is trying to set up an event.
I said I'm going to be there as press covering this.
There'll be demonstrators there.
But I'm coming to try to document which globalists are going in.
And the fact that Bilderberg Group that they've said for 50 years or more didn't exist.
And if you talked about it, you were insane, and the New York Times has said it doesn't exist, and I'm insane, and Nightline has said it doesn't exist, and I'm insane, and there's no global government, there's no mega bankers, and there's no global price fixing or stock market manipulation, and there's no interest rate fixing.
All of that's now come out.
And there's no NSA spying, all of that's come out.
And there's no secret arrest or government hit squads, all of that's come out.
And there's no government drug dealing, and all of that's come out.
It's basically all come out.
And then I want to go cover it.
And I've got different police agencies emailing us, calling us, asking what we're planning to do.
They all know full well.
And if anybody stirs up trouble, it's them.
And the mayor of Watford, this woman, is in the news going, I just want to say I'm honored Bilderberg has chosen us, that we are fancy enough, prestigious enough was the word, and I just think it's terrible there's going to be media and protesters, and I think they'll be violent.
She said that three weeks ago, prejudicing everybody.
And if they have to provocateur something, they will.
So great!
Regardless, you know, they claim they're going to let me into England and all this other stuff.
Regardless of what they do, it doesn't matter.
I want everybody in the UK and in the British Isles to get to Watford all next week through the weekend and to cover this event and to exercise your Magna Carta rights, paid for in blood, against the criminal Bilderberg Group.
Their members have been indicted for war crimes.
They've been arrested for war crimes.
Lockheed Martin bid rigging, ripping off taxpayers.
I mean, this is a criminal horde that they said didn't exist with British royalty and Dutch royalty and all these people sneaking in and Secret Service driving by five years ago in Virginia and aiming MP5s at us.
I was talking to an Esquire writer and he goes, well, you were protesting.
They wanted to let you know that they were going to protect themselves.
If I pointed a gun at them, I would have been arrested, folks.
But the Esquire writer
You know, he's like, Alex, you know, they needed to point the gun at you, you know, they needed to point the gun at you to let you know.
That's right, I'm a, I mean, I'm a commoner.
I mean, you know, drive by, point a, you know, Secret Service, I'm there bullhorning them.
How about we just lift up and show me an MP5 like I'm going to soil myself and fall down on the ground.
In fact, I didn't even want to go to England, but listeners and my wife and so many others said, you gotta go, Jim Tucker just died, you gotta go, it's important, you know, you've exposed it, we forced it out in the open, you gotta go.
And I said, okay, I thought I would just send reporters.
And now I really want to go.
So I'm going to talk about this at the bottom of the hour.
But it is your duty if you live in the UK to go to Watford.
It is your duty if you live in France.
Or Deutschland.
Or the Netherlands.
Or anywhere in Western Europe.
You can just fly over for, you know, 50, 100 Euros, depending on where you're at.
You can go under the channel.
You can drive in.
It is your duty now.
To go to Bilderberg 2013 and they're erecting a steel fence around just thousands and thousands and you can go to the maps the police have released.
Thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands.
It looks like miles of steel barricades for a group that doesn't matter.
And we've had national British TV respond to us and go
We're not sending reporters because this isn't important.
Yeah, 150 royals and billionaires and the head of Google and the head of Facebook and all these people meeting in secret with prime ministers and presidents.
We stayed in the hotel.
Now they make you get out like a day and a half before, but we stayed in.
They kick you out at noon, people start arriving at 3 or 4.
We stayed in the hotel and videotaped the President of Spain arriving before they bang on the door and threw us out five years ago.
And he gets out of the limousine and they play the Spanish National Anthem and he goes in and then
You know they, then we drive out of the parking lot, they got guys in black sedans following us and green sedans following us and I pull in a parking lot, get out, the guys have shaved heads, sunglasses, I go over to them, they drive off scared like, I'm supposed to be scared of you!
Like I did something wrong!
I don't ship in the opium!
I don't love the three-year-old kids on the C-130s in the Balkans to be flown into Russia or Italy to be raped and then snuff filmed.
I'm not working for the people that do all that.
I have nothing to worry about.
I'm not scared of you.
Torture me!
Set me up!
They just killed Malcolm X's grandson down in Mexico.
You know, now it's mainstream news that they shot this guy multiple times, who was a witness to the fact that these guys were patsies.
Two of the FBI guys investigating it, they fell out of a helicopter.
They're killing everybody, just like Pat Tillman.
Just like 30-something of SEAL Team 6.
23 in the helicopter, then like 5 more, 3 more, 2 more.
They're gonna kill everybody in SEAL Team 6.
Don't you just think you guys are the only ones out killing people?
You're totally expendable.
In fact, they want you dead.
After you've served them.
You are an obsolete weapon system to be spiked like a cannon.
To be leaded like a barrel.
There is no honor amongst these New World Order scumbags.
Speaking of New World Order scumbags, I'm going to go to this, kind of refocus, come back and get into a bunch of the news.
Here is a little Don Henley piece of dirty laundry that our own Darrell McBrain put together with some clips of just some of the recent mainstream media, dinosaur media, kleptocrat media, Decepticon media, sewer stream media, narcissist, pimp, dying media attacking yours truly.
And we will go to this clip, and then go to break and come back, and I will get into all the off-the-chart world news.
What you just saw there was a Cambridge, Massachusetts native attacking one of the reporters, and I use the term loosely for info wars.
What a ridiculous argument.
Don't try what your ancestors did before.
Why don't you come to America?
I'll take you out shooting.
You can become an American and join the Republic.
You finished?
1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!
That sounds like the ravings of a fascist.
Challenge Alex Jones to a boxing match, show up with a semi-automatic that you got legally, and pop him.
I'd love to see that.
In uniform.
I live my living off the evening news.
Just give me something, something I can use.
Alex Jones is using this so he can be more popular and more people will talk about him.
Hate speech.
Now Facebook is apologizing for allowing it worldwide.
But can anything be done to stop the hatred?
And yes, the conspiracy theory about the government having too many bullets is nuts.
But it's not out of nowhere.
That conspiracy theory comes from the mother of all conspiracy theories that can seduce Republicans.
It's an internet talk show called InfoWars.
We're on over 150 stations, Witch and XM.
As if being internet's bad.
Yeah, we were sponsored by the people, not by scum globalists like your offshore banker masters, Matt Ow.
I'm proud of the fact that came from nowhere.
In every tragedy, the InfoWars Alex Jones world thinks they see a conspiracy.
Monday's devastating, record-breaking tornado in Moore, Oklahoma killed two dozen people and flattened a community.
You're a liar.
I never said the government did that.
But now, I'm not kidding, these same conspiracy theory folks are peddling the idea that the Tornado was a conspiracy as well.
You're not kidding, you're lying.
Seriously, the Tornado was a conspiracy.
I've seen these InfoWars people on and off, and I kind of have been ignoring them doing a good job doing that.
To me, the InfoWars, whatever that show is, has become the Westboro Baptist Church of journalism.
Totally scared of independent media.
These people are un-American.
Because they're dying!
They're hysterics.
False flag.
And by false flag, he means a cloak and dagger, super extra, double top secret, black ops operation that the government carries out in such a way as to make it look like the operation was done by somebody else.
He means the U.S.
government bombed Boston.
I think it's an overreaction, but also you're making some very serious allegations against the U.S.
government, saying that they stage attacks, they allow them to occur in the United States against U.S.
Must be classified.
No, what evidence do you have to support any of that?
Well, Gulf of Tonkin is very, very well documented.
Somebody came up to me just two days ago and said, uh, we just bought like 1.5 billion rounds of Homeland Security.
And I said, I don't know, might be.
Um, well I got it from InfoWars, and I'm like, okay, no.
Then I can tell you right now, it's most likely not true.
That's right, there's no new world order.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
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For the man who stole your water
By the way, in my little stack of news here, the announcement has been made that starting next week, you will be getting notices in your mail, your snail mail, from the federal government that your insurance has been cancelled, and that you've got to go renegotiate it under their terms, and that's why Forbes, Reuters, all of them have reported that the major insurance commission
Made up of the lobbyists, of the big foreign-owned, banking-owned insurance companies, that this year the rates are doubling on average.
This is meant to bankrupt the country, but hey, don't worry, yours is only going to double on average, and then government will say what treatment you can get, so you'll pay more and get less.
Because foreign banks run Obama.
But he is a Peace Prize winner.
Obamacare, 146% rate hike in California.
Isn't that nice?
So that's what we have to look forward to.
That's out of Forbes.
But the Marines, though, who are busy growing the opium over in Afghanistan, and fighting the Al-Qaeda and Taliban, the globalists created, they don't get hot meals anymore.
And they're complaining about that.
And they shouldn't complain about that, because Obama needs to have, you know, a million-dollar-a-day vacations, and the Vice President half-million-dollar-a-day vacations.
But Marines angry at loss of hot meals in Afghanistan.
Well, you don't get hot meals ever.
Now, they were only getting them, you know, every couple days.
You don't get those now.
The drawdown diet marines esteemed by loss of hot meals at Afghanistan base.
Now, you should ought to be seeing about the GMO aspartame stuff and all the deadly shots you're given, but hey, you'll get back and have health problems soon enough they won't give you aid for.
And then just get ready to die!
And to have mentally retarded and deformed children.
I'm sad that's happening, but I need to warn you, they give you a soft kill injection
When you're in the military, a whole bunch of stuff, and they test stuff on you and everything else because the globalists run America and their number one enemy is veterans.
That's why they say the number one terror threat is veterans.
Oh, in fact, they just popped up the article.
Let's put up that InfoWars.com article.
And then it's got a link there to the Obama announcement.
Obamacare to begin automatically canceling private health insurance policies.
Remember how Obama said if you liked your health care plan you could keep your health care plan?
He also said he wouldn't hire any lobbyists or was going to not sign the NDAA and about 100 other lies.
Yeah, well, never mind.
He didn't really mean it.
Start watching your email or your snail mail because in the next few weeks and months, Obamacare is going to start automatically canceling private health care policies.
There's a federal minimum health care insurance requirement.
So now you're made to buy exactly what they say, so it's going to double.
But hey, that's not the good news.
The really good news is, you can pull this up, by 2015 it's set, just two years away, to triple.
That's some good free health care, isn't it?
Obamacare to trigger health insurance cancellation notices.
There's Fox News reporting on it, the Associated Press as well.
So you can keep your health plan.
And of course, there's no death panels, but then after they passed it, Newsweek came out and said, yeah, we're going to kill Granny.
And then Bill Gates came out and said, yeah, we're going to kill Grandma.
And coming, Tom Daschle.
Wrote a book saying you're above 65, no eye surgery, no knee surgery.
You can't shake a stick and not hit a doctor in Cuba.
Of course, you can't actually get any health care unless you're an inter-party communist.
I mean, if you have a knee problem, you get a cane.
Or if you're going blind, you get a cane.
Kind of like, here's a cane.
I mean, they actually say that.
Daschle said, get a cane!
So, because again, they want all your money through the Socialist Healthcare to go to foreign banks.
And then they will give the illegal aliens free healthcare though, and have their babies free and stuff, only to bring in a group to vote to take the guns and then further collapse the country.
And again, you can't blame the illegal aliens.
Their countries have been ruined by the globalists as well.
So they're just fleeing somewhere better, you know.
Of course, it's meant to make the lifeboat go under.
The lifeboat could, say, hold 20 people.
It's got about 50 in it right now.
It's right at the waterline.
People are bailing.
And if you bail, you're called a traitor or a terrorist.
I'm not exaggerating.
We're going to break a report in the next few hours where the Justice Department actually says that husband and wife
Husband and wife.
You can't use that if you work for the federal government.
That's hate speech.
Just those words are hate speech.
It's hurtful.
And of course France has already done that, so it's a good thing.
Oh, here's the great news.
Obama is set to sign the International Gun Control Treaty.
They've announced, the UN General Assembly has released the vote on that.
And Obama has signaled he's set to sign it and implement it outside of Congress.
Who needs a stinking Congress?
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You remember Ibragim Totoships?
He was questioned by the FBI.
He was friends with Tamerlan, the supposed leader of the Boston bombing, who was on CIA payroll.
This is mainstream news being sent to infiltrate southern Russia and was in CIA training programs in Georgia.
Well, two of the FBI agents that were investigating this fell out of a helicopter and they were involved investigating and on the ground and in the arrest and talked to the surviving brother before he had his throat cut out.
You know, he climbed out not bleeding.
And then minutes later, you know, oh, he may die because news cameras were on the boat.
They tried to shoot it up and kill him.
But it's miraculously he didn't get hit or didn't die.
And so they had to cut his throat out and then announced that he'd confessed with his throat cut out.
Because that's how you do it.
Now, you just go directly to a hospital bed with your throat cut out and then he confesses.
They could do that to me because it's such a free country.
Well, Ibragim Todeshev was killed, this has now been admitted, by FBI during a questioning, was shot six times and once in the crown of the head.
Photos shown at a press conference in Moscow reveal his father suspects it could have been a kill shot.
Kind of like Terence Yakey, cop of the year, that responded first to the Oklahoma City bombing about a minute after it happened and carried people out on his back and asked the ATF, why are you in bomb squad gear?
Why are there, you know, people from
You know, the federal office here, and they said, shut up or we'll kill you.
I've talked to his family, we've made films with him, we did interviews, I've talked to cops that knew him.
I've talked to Don Browning, who was head of the K-9 unit, the second to respond.
And he asked questions, and they came to his office and said, the FBI did.
He said this on the show, and said, you and your wife are dead if you don't shut up.
And he went to the police chief, and the chief said, yeah, shut up!
You heard him.
Take your check and go have a good day, buddy boy!
We're playing hero right now!
Don't get in the way of that!
The daycare got bombed!
You and your wife of poo know what to do, don't ya?
Because America's run by the good guys.
America's run by the folks that run Fast and Furious, who was the Deputy Attorney General in 1995, and now he's the big honcho!
He's now the big man!
He's now the King Daddy in charge!
Why, he's Eric Holder.
People say, why have they killed you yet?
Because I'm on the air, they're trying to kill my name, they're trying to destroy me, perhaps before setting me up or doing something like that.
They pull me over with drugs, I don't use drugs.
They find me dead in a hotel room with a hooker, I don't do that.
They've found dead with a heroin injector, I've never used heroin, would never take any hard drugs.
It's pure bull.
Shoot me in the top of the head.
You know Terence Yankee, cop of the year?
He was tortured.
Cuts all over his body.
It looked like electric shocks out in the field.
Blood everywhere.
And then a shot in the back of the head.
Because that's how you commit suicide, you know, from the back and down.
Kind of like this friend of Tamerlan who, you know, said the FBI's coming to talk to me.
You know, told people it's a setup.
My friends were set up.
And he told his friends they're going to kill me.
That's on record.
And they said, don't worry, the FBI's the good guys.
I saw it on TV.
And it turned out the FBI first we heard had been attacked and stabbed.
Turned out he wasn't stabbed.
That's why there's no hospital record.
They're now saying, well, he jumped up out of his chair.
Well, everybody knows you go in for questioning and then you jump out of your chair and it's like that woman with the TSA who choked herself, but she was handcuffed behind her back.
See, what happens is the cops too like to jump on your head now.
It's like fun to like, you know, jump on and then you suffocate.
Every day I see an article about they go to the asthmatics house, there's no guns, no drugs, no nothing.
They jump on them.
The person begs for 20 minutes and dies.
And it's like hi-fi all around her.
You know, I think it's great.
I think it's all wonderful.
And I say, I think it's great they've already taken all the corporate pension funds, almost all of them.
The federal pension funds have already been taken.
You're still being paid with fiat dollars, but the money's gone.
I think it's all great, too.
I support the government.
I support them growing the opium in Afghanistan and shipping it in.
I support them persecuting journalists and arresting media people that just report mainstream news.
I support secret arrest under NDAA and Obama saying they'll kill Americans inside the U.S.
and authorizing NATO countries to kill whoever they want inside the U.S.
outside of law.
Because he's the president and when he does it, it's okay.
When he does it, it's not illegal.
I mean, it is, but you know what?
I think I'm going to join the team and stop being such a hate monger.
In fact, maybe I should just apologize, you know, because I'm reading all this news.
Oh, look at this!
Japan is banning importations of corn GMO that kills the insects.
The Japanese government's like, it kills insects, but humans can eat it.
We have these studies of organ failure.
No thank you.
But they still try to ship it in, like it was a bioweapon or something, like it was a military operation from Monsanto and others.
Oh, it was a military operation, sorry.
Japan halts imports of U.S.
wheat after, it was corn, now it's wheat this week, after USDA shock finding of genetic pollution from GMOs.
Yes, it does change your DNA when they add plant and animal and pharmacological traits to this.
And of course that's USA, USDA even now admits that.
But you know what?
It's okay.
It's alright.
I think everybody should just...
Go with the flow, ladies and gentlemen.
And again, I mentioned this yesterday, but now there's been a PrisonPlanet.com article written about it.
It was in the Illinois newspapers.
Illinois AG department illegally seizes privately owned bees resistant to GMO poison.
Now they claim that bees don't even, that the poison isn't expressed in the pollen of these different plants like corn.
But, it does kill the bees, and there's been big studies out on that.
Well now, they're very upset that a beekeeper pointed out that his bees were not dying from it, and they did a study on it, and you don't want to find out what's going on.
Including studies that are linked in this article to killing human kidney cells.
Well, what's wrong with killing your kidneys?
I mean, come on, man.
Don't be extreme.
It's fun.
And Terence Ingram, a world-renowned naturalist who once saved the bald eagle.
Well, that's a crime.
Get rid of those.
Well, yeah, we can't have the bees surviving.
I mean, if they mutate to survive, that's not good.
And when your kid's getting sick from this stuff, you supposedly can't get the genetic test to prove it, because, well, that's patented.
Those poisons in your child are patented.
The court said something.
Good people.
Ingram had been researching the effects of Roundup, the Monsanto frankenfood best-selling herbicide meant to make crops more resistant to pests.
Roundup itself has a long list of negative effects, again, killing human kidney cells and stuff like that.
Much of the ill effects of Roundup are produced by the active ingredient.
And then it goes through all that.
Ingram has been raising the bees 58 years.
Well, those aren't yours anymore.
I mean, we're going to seize them because Monsanto said so.
And researching Roundup's effects on bees 15 years.
Well, we can't have that.
That's why Monsanto's buying up all the bee study companies.
They ruined 15 years of my research.
Well, that's the point, but...
Roll over and die!
Let's get him on, guys.
Let's get this guy on.
He told Prairie Advocate, by stealing most of my stock, you can surmise that the results of my research were not likely a glowing report on the benefits of GMO pesticides.
The AG department allegedly seized Ingram's bees because they were stricken with a disease known as American Foulbrood.
However, Ingram said he could prove that that is simply not true and intended to do so in an April hearing.
And it just goes on from there.
So that's the kind of stuff that goes on.
And here's another article from the LRC blog.
I was already mentioning this.
I just can't get over it.
So why did the FBI shoot the friend of Tamerlan?
But the best part is he confessed verbally to the agents about being involved in a triple murder.
Before he shot himself in the top of the head.
Yes, we came and questioned Alex Jones and, or maybe Ron Paul, maybe Rand Paul.
We questioned the senator and then he confessed to, who knows, arming Kim Jong-un.
I mean, who knows what they'll make up.
And then he jumped up and we felt threatened and shot him six times.
You're like, oh, no, no, this is only, you know, this other guy they did to.
It'll never happen to anybody big.
If they get away with it, it will.
Oh, they'll never arrest reporters, you know, that talk to mainline sources just about their views on the administration.
That's completely protected by the First Amendment.
Oh, they are.
And then I guess we're all supposed to just get scared by all of this.
And then roll over in frothing, shaking,
Jibbering, uncontrolled fear, because that will make the bad guys leave us alone, right?
If we lay down, bend over, grease the skids, on our back, that will stop the bullies, right?
That will fix everything.
I mean, if the FBI comes into the cop's office and says, you know, you and your wife are dead if you don't shut up, you're supposed to shut up, Don Browning, in Oklahoma City.
And you saw what happened to Terence Yankee, shot in the top of the head, tortured all over his body, knife wounds all over his body, electrical wounds, all this other stuff, to find out, you know, where his documents were at.
And see, the FBI, the hit team they sent, because he called his partner and he said, I'm getting, you know, it looks like I'm being followed by some feds.
And all the witnesses of the Feds planting the bombs and everything else.
You're supposed to understand Terrence Yakey was the bad guy, folks.
He was the bad guy saving people out of the wreckage.
He was the bad guy seeing the ATF on the scene, dozens of them, and the FBI a minute after it happened in bomb gear and telling him to shut up.
And he was supposed to just go with the flow, feel good, get a commendation, and that's the end of it.
Because blowing up that nursery was loving to bring in the collective.
We have to blame the libertarians and the conservatives and the gun owners for the bombing.
We've got to create a collective guilt to create an omnibus crime bill and then a Homeland Security Bureau to persecute the Tea Party and the pro-lifers and the veterans and the gun owners.
How else are we going to fully take over America?
And fully break down the family, and fully take your private property, and fully have offshore banks that are exempt from all of this transfer all our wealth.
How are they going to destroy a free country without doing that?
Don Browning, head of the K-9 unit in Oklahoma City?
You are the bad man.
I, Alex Jones, am the bad man.
Ron Paul is the bad man.
Rand Paul is the bad man.
He came out last week and again this week and said in the Senate, why are we funding Al-Qaeda and the Bin Laden Brigade, the main leadership?
It's like 60% of the rebels now, they estimate.
Even Reuters does, are Al-Qaeda.
They have Al-Qaeda flags, they march, and they say, after Assad, we destroy America.
And they're going to let them attack America as soon as they've done that job, and they'll all be paid in gold as usual.
They flew out 30,000 to 40,000 Taliban and Al Qaeda leaders.
Just googled Airlift of Evil, Newsweek, Daily Mail, Sunday Times of London, where the special forces colonels and generals were like, we are loading them on C-130s with chests of gold, and we're flying them over the mountains into Pakistan, and then of course that's the group they fight today.
They don't really fight them, they bomb other people.
See, they move their Al-Qaeda simulant into an area, and they stage some terror attacks and things when it's needed, you know, to take liberties and things, but then you say, oh, we may have to attack and take over Pakistan because they're harboring Al-Qaeda, and then the Pakistani presidents come out and go, you're running these people!
And it's on record they are!
And see, Rand Paul should understand it's part of the greater game to overthrow Libya and Egypt and Syria and put Al-Qaeda in.
How else is Al-Qaeda going to shoot down European and Western airliners with heat-seeking missiles the Pentagon gave them?
How else are we going to do that show?
We can have highway checkpoints to look for missiles.
I mean, how else are we going to overthrow America and the rest of the world?
Because America can't stand.
America can't exist.
America can't be there as a free country with private property and guns and families and marriages and children and prosperity.
When, you know, the average African country's got 40% HIV infection, UN caught adding steroids to the vaccines, GMO being shipped in to kill everybody.
You know, the rest of Latin America, forced sterilizations, all this stuff.
I mean, you can't have them all under this and then we're not under it.
We've got to eat all the GMO.
We've got to have the organ failure.
We've got to have the 3,000% increase in breast cancer, 10,000% increase in pediatric cancer.
We've got to do it.
We've got to be part of it.
We've got to show everybody, look, we're eating it, it's safe.
We're drinking it, it's safe.
We're taking all the vaccines, it's safe.
We're assigning social workers to every family and saying, parents, the children don't belong to you, they belong to the state.
It's safe!
It's America!
Land of the free, home of the brave!
Look at that drone!
Look at that black helicopter!
You know what?
The people who talk about black helicopters, they were actually being truthful, but they're here to save you now.
You saw that army checkpoint in your town.
FEMA came door-to-door in Chicago.
We've got a reporter coming on later.
The general manager of our 1530 affiliate in Chicago.
He's got video of it.
He put out the famous video of his son in a wheelchair being accosted by the TSA.
And they're coming and asking questions about you and your family.
It's just a... We're just dropping by because some stuff's coming to America that we're going to be in your life every day.
Because it's in the civilian inmate labor camp program, and again, this doesn't have to happen if we wake up.
But see, if Rachel Maddow can say there aren't two billion bullets, there aren't FEMA camps, we can never have a debate about it and say we don't want that.
As they roll it out, they go, doesn't exist, doesn't exist, doesn't exist, doesn't exist, doesn't exist, doesn't exist, so we can never have a debate about it.
It's that offensive.
They would bullhorn in Vietnamese and English, this is not an assault.
And they learned that, of course, from the German military.
And our military learned that.
Did you know, if you're actually in good old-fashioned
Infantry warfare with groups moving against each other.
Some of the last times this happened was really in Vietnam, but they did some of it in the 1990 invasion of Iraq.
You broadcast in radio, TV, but also with loudspeakers that we're not attacking.
We're not attacking.
I mean, you shove bayonets.
I'm not attacking you.
Oh, there's no New World Order.
There's no Bilderberg Group either.
And everybody loves it.
Because the average person doesn't want to fight.
When a bank robber comes in, they say, put your hands up and nothing bad's going to happen.
A lot of times, because I read crime reports, I'm sure you do too, you'll hear about these usually multi-time losers out of prison.
They come to a house, they tie everybody up.
People don't resist.
They pull a knife.
They pull a gun.
People don't try to get away from them.
And then they get tied up.
And then one of the guys goes, let's go ahead and rape them.
And then they go ahead and rape them.
They go, let's kill them.
All right?
You first.
They start shooting you.
And see, I don't act like that.
I don't go here and tie me up.
I'm gonna gouge your eyeballs out, or die trying if I can't get to a gun.
But see, I'm a bad man.
We're supposed to be with the government.
Here, put the handcuffs on as Homeland Security.
You know, we're supposed to take me in the basement.
I know you're gonna be nice to me, New World Order.
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You know, I said I would get to the Build-A-Bert News, but I'll do that later in the next hour after I take some phone calls.
And we'll move the Ask Alex thing with Christy Hightower into the third hour.
Also in the third hour, up on InfoWars.com, we're going to post an article with links.
And a video here on the radio show slash TV show today, as I've been announcing from the start of the broadcast today.
We are going to get into this story right here.
Document cam, please.
Remember this story?
France set to ban the words mother and father from official documents.
Now, we have that going on in England, I have articles of this, because it's intolerant to say mother and father.
We have the Justice Department, this is on their own website, about how to be inclusive, it says, do not use the words like
We're good to go.
Your husband or your wife.
And again, it's sold as if it's being inclusive.
But all it does is actually charge everyone up, obsessing over some type of identity, where the fact that you're head of a sexual is a bad thing.
And that's actually what's taught in the universities, that all male and female sex is rape, that men are inherently bad, blah, blah, blah.
Meanwhile, the government has got super militarized men, robots, drones, all of it to enforce.
They just don't want you to be a man.
And they want women to think it's cool if men are weak.
It's like I was telling a pregnant woman, you know, with her husband and some people on the hike and bike trail, I was saying, be careful of vaccines.
You know, you got a 17% reduction in women's IQ, 20-something in men, that's about a 20 average.
You know, the autism's way up in boys because they have a thinner blood-brain barrier.
And the woman goes, that's because girls are better.
And I went, listen, it's not about boys and girls, it's hurting people.
But it's almost kind of like exciting, like you mean we're hurting men?
We get ahead when we do that.
Yeah, there it is.
Washington State Gender Neutral Vocabulary Law signed by Jay Inslee, the governor.
See, we need to add all that to our article.
People won't even believe us.
That's Reuters.
Let me have that article.
I mean, it's like... And again, people are not in any politics.
It's like a cult or something.
Where it's just that's all there is 24-7.
We're going to go to break and start the next hour and get into the news in your phone calls.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
It's open on Friday.
First-time callers 800-259-9231 on any of the issues I've raised.
A ton of other news, video clips, guests.
It's all coming up.
We've got some breaking stories on FEMA that we're working on right now, and this whole gender thing.
But 800-259-9231.
They want to divide us between religion, sex, region, and then, and then, oh, saying you're ahead of a sexual is hurtful.
This is already done in Europe.
We know the model here.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, here's the deal.
We're going to have open phones in this hour and I have got a ton of other news I haven't even gotten to.
And we're going to be breaking in the next hour.
You heard over in France where they're saying
Don't use the term mother or father.
Don't use the term husband or wife.
Well, that's now going on in England and the U.S.
and they're passing laws in different states doing it and it's just, it's just, see, political correctness is meant to put you in a box and make it smaller and smaller and smaller where they say in the U.S.
and Europe, you've seen it, we need to arrest people that don't believe in man-made global warming and who don't want to pay their carbon tax.
Not agreeing with us, because every scientist agrees with us, which of course was a total hoax.
Those scientists knew it was a fraud.
Everyone agrees with us, it used to be arrested.
We're liberals.
When we drop bombs on countries, it's for peace.
And you're like, no you're not, you're a bunch of criminal control freaks trying to take over.
So I'm going to be getting into that.
Obamacare to cause a 146% rate hike in California.
What's wrong with that?
The insurance companies wrote the bill, and they wrote it to absolutely rob the daylights out of you.
And insurance is then regulated by the state, and they're fully adopting Obamacare, so it'll be tripled by the time they're done in 2015 nationwide.
What's wrong with that?
It will make you poor, and it will make you only be able to get a government job, or a contract job through the government, and I think that's a great thing.
Bankrupt everything.
People will be so stupid they won't even know why it's happening.
I'm being a little bit cynical here today, folks, because I'm just completely blown away.
Completely, completely blown away at just how they, they use almost like a sick form of hospitality.
That be hospitable, the government is going to send bureaucrats to your house without even a fake reason, you know, with some stool pigeon dropping a dime on you for some made-up thing, yelling at your kids or whatever.
And now we're going to send a government that couldn't run a
Lemonade stand to your house with a weirdo that wants a job going to people's houses and getting involved in their life to take your kid away from you under federal law globally to go ask what mommy and daddy are up to every week.
I mean, the total body snatcher, 1984, over the top Creepville, your Xbox watching you, your Kinect watching you, your computer watching you, and they admit it's watching you, without warrants, illegally.
Just wall-to-wall corruption, police militarized, marching around everywhere, buying weapons, gearing up for war with us, and I'm just saying, holy Toledo, we better wake up and turn this around.
I remember one time, this happened a couple times actually, I was telling a story about this,
Eating some food, thought it was bad, spit it out, everybody else got sick.
I forgot when I was a little kid, we were at the beach.
They're like, come on, eat the shrimp.
I was like four years old, five years old, it's a very early memory.
And they're going, come on, eat it.
It's good, we bought it at the, you know, down at the wharf, right off the boat.
And I tasted it, it tasted weird, I didn't eat it, and everybody got sick from it.
And I mean, I've just learned if you bite into something that tastes, has a weird taste, don't eat it, you know.
And I guess I'm an extremist, because that's discriminatory.
Being able to discriminate.
Like, if you go to a store and you like a blue dress instead of a green dress, that's racist.
The TSA now, if you don't want to be groped, they go, oh, you're a conspiracy theorist.
Not wanting to be groped.
Having an opinion.
Having a view.
Not just being a blank slate.
That's evil.
That's illegal.
That's bad.
Your phone calls.
A ton of news.
Coming up and I'll get into Bilderberg.
I haven't even, I was thinking this morning how big a deal this is and the fact that I haven't properly broken it all down.
So we're going to be, we're going to be getting into all of that today as well.
I'm trying to find my Bilderberg group article printout, but we're going to be getting into that as well.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're now into our number two on this Friday edition.
Thank you so much for joining us.
We are also on the radio Sundays live, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time as well and InfoWars Nightly News, 7 o'clock in the evening Central Standard Time, five nights a week.
Coming up, Obama to sign international gun control treaty on June 3rd.
That's being reported by Senator James Inhofe and by Breitbart.
We're going to be getting into that.
Coming up in the next hour, we're going to be premiering a report and text and video where you've heard about France and England saying don't use the word mother or father, don't use the term spouse, or use the term spouse, don't say husband or wife, because those are hateful.
Well, now the Justice Department's saying that as well.
So, I guess I am guilty of hate speech when Bill O'Reilly says so, and Rachel Maddow saying I'm full of hate speech.
I mean, I hate their tyranny.
I guess it's true.
I do talk about my wife.
And I guess that will land me, if they have their way, in a re-education center.
Because it's all about making us criminals, so we all better do what they say.
We all better, you know, comply with all the political correctness right now, ladies and gentlemen.
Right now is the time.
And we've got more of the scandals on the IRS front, government funding Al-Qaeda and Taliban front.
That's just some of the news.
We now have liberal activists admitting to bugging Mitch McConnell's office, which Mitch McConnell has been exposing.
The Justice Department is actually doing that.
Vet charged.
Rivals confiscated for firing warning shots at a burglar.
We're becoming England.
The greatest crime is to fight a government criminal or a street criminal.
They're all in it together.
California bill, one ammo.
We first reported on this a month ago.
Submit personal info and pay $50.
The power to tax is the power to destroy, by the way.
Detroit citizens protect themselves after police force decimated.
That's another crime.
How dare you protect yourself?
And that is just some of the news that we're going to be breaking down on that front.
There's a claim that a Russian missile shipment has reached Syria.
Israel doubts it, but has warned the Kremlin not to ship missiles in.
The Kremlin says they're defensive missiles, and they're to sell 10 MiG fighters to Syria.
Assad forces are regaining momentum against the Al-Qaeda forces, and I am unpatriotic for not supporting Al-Qaeda.
Judge rules Google must comply with FBI's warrantless request for user data.
Yeah, I mean, who needs warrants these days?
And continuing here with the news, Rand Paul is challenging Google to stand up to the Feds.
And I should add that Drudge is also linked, DrudgeReport.com is also linked to
Our story on Bilderberg, security, lockdown, and that ties into the Daily Mail and others have now become schizophrenic as well, like me, they're very evil.
Royalty and statesmen to descend on Watford Hotel for secret Bilderberg summit amid fears of violent anti-capitalist protest.
So I'm sure they're going to try to send in their federal provocateurs and we'll be there with video cameras to expose it and show them put on a foundation-funded bus and where they're staying and there'll be cops, you know, in amongst them and we'll, we'll, because that's the kind of stuff I'll be doing there.
I'll be catching them and provocateuring and exposing them and they think we're dumb and we'll just expose them.
You know, there's no doubt they'll send in MI5 types to do that.
Uh, and we're going to be breaking that down after I take some phone calls.
Uh, but our article that's linked on Drudge, uh, the police imposed security lockdown for Bilderberg 2013, ring of steel will stifle, uh, protests, freedom of the press.
We have the city council and the police department and all of them with Bilderberg security with a press release.
So this is bizarre.
I mean, the police departments and the city and the hotel and G4S security are reporting on things that do not exist.
You understand, folks, that this is a full-blown hallucination right now.
There is no weather modification.
You heard Rachel Maddow say that.
Even though it's all over the news, they do weather modification.
All I said was, they probably didn't make this tornado, but they are messing with the weather.
Who knows what that's doing?
Oh my gosh!
I said Obama had a joystick controlling the tornado!
And I'm crazy and said a thing called Bilderberg Group exists where they're setting up world government and I've even had people get the National Archives and give us restricted information and publish it.
And you'd think mainstream media would want to pick that up, you know, their plan to establish world government and turn off the resources and enslave us, but you know what?
Everybody's going to kind of keep their jobs in mainstream media as they're all phased out.
I can't tell you how many IBM and
Apple and, but especially IBM, Advanced Micro Devices, Microsoft engineers I've known, who, you know, had two degrees, three degrees, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, you name it, software engineering degrees, that I've lived around and known over the years.
And they would tell me, yeah, no, I'm training my replacements from India who work for 10% of what we do.
And then when they're done, they'll go to India, and then they won't even build an economy for the Indians.
It'll just implode ours.
And they go, but what choice do I have?
I am working to train my replacements.
And then I see the guy and his wife, I've seen a lot of people, you know, years later, and, you know, they're bankrupt.
These are 30, 40, 50-year-old people who run the gamut, who are 50-something years old in some cases, and still haven't paid back their student loans.
I mean, it's not like they were making a lot as a top-of-their-class, you know, engineer.
Maybe $150,000 a year.
Then it was $60,000 a year to turn a replacement, and then it's... How about no job?
But your daughter... Your daughter can go to California and get paid $500 to be in porn.
Used to be millions to be in porn, but see, everybody got into it, so there's no... It's the same thing with the whole economy.
There is no economy.
That's the goal.
Shut everything off.
Create dystopia.
On purpose.
And the public has all been raised in, like, this brainwave stare of not being conscious, not being awake.
And we're all in it to different degrees.
But let me tell you, being actually conscious is incredible.
Not that I have all the answers.
Not that I'm perfect.
But let me tell you, I'm conscious.
And sometimes I wish I could just go into the glaze of not listening to anybody, not hearing, not caring, just kind of flippering through life like some type of quad-pedal ostrich.
Monsters just buy people, that's the whole stupid joke.
I don't even know what to say anymore at this point.
I mean, it is just madness where the government publicly runs Al-Qaeda, publicly ships in all the major narcotics, the big banks publicly launder hundreds of billions a year publicly in drug money.
They run the aircraft, they ship the full-auto machine guns, armored vehicles, grenade launchers to the cartels.
It comes out in Bloomberg, AP, Reuters.
Nobody gets in trouble.
The government is is grabbing over a million innocent kids a year and then putting them on drugs to get federal funds but by them being disabled.
They're doing medical experiments on kids all over the country.
The entire nation is under medical experimentation with the GMO and the hydrofluorosilic acid and the aspartame that's in all the major candies and gums now and the diseases are exploding and they're just killing us and the general public can't get upset, can't get focused because they're already dead!
Raised on television, raised on entertainment, raised on fantasy.
I guess we've got to triage things.
And that means triage.
If you've got a thousand people dead and dying, you've got twenty doctors, you've got to go to the ones you think you can save.
And I don't take some pleasure out of the public being a bunch of ruling morons.
It actually freaks me out.
Completely and totally.
That I can't get through to the average person.
That they don't know the peril they're in.
That they value their ignorance.
They wear it like armor.
Instead, people I run into, most of them are actually awake and really know everything works and go, haven't you looked at it from this perspective?
And actually understand this.
They're usually billionaires.
They're usually super high-powered.
And they go, you can't help them, Alex, even if you wanted to.
All you can do is join with the system and try to make it better from the inside.
The public would make an even greater evil than we would if they were in control.
And I know people that are in the power structure hearing this are going, wow, Alex has got the same speech I've gotten.
Yeah, it's the same script.
This whole thing is centralized.
I've been told that speech probably 50 times different ways.
It's always by high-powered people.
And I mean, what am I supposed to do?
Just like, sit there and walk around while all these zombies are everywhere and like, prey on them?
I mean, what?
And the whole point is, you better prey on them, they're gonna prey on you.
But it's the globalists organizing the zombies, trying to make the zombies more zombie-like.
Instead of trying to make them more human, to use them as a weapon against smart people that aren't into evil.
Plus, there's not that many places at the table in the New World Order.
I didn't psychoanalyze this, you know, 18 years ago, but I'll tell you, not selling out the system has gotten me more success, because just like porn, when everybody's doing it, when everybody's selling out, there's no money, there's no power, there's no nothing in it.
And that's the whole curse of this.
Because it's a spirit of evil that has deluded everyone who's serving it that you're somehow a winner because you know about it but you don't resist it.
You're in the FBI and you're sent to cut the rope and kill two FBI agents that found out it's a false flag.
You're sent to shoot the young man in the head, in the back of the head, to cover up he knows it's an inside job.
And you're scared.
You're giving the order.
You think you're a tough guy.
You got a shaved head, devil tattoos.
You know, you act real tough at the bar.
That's kind of gotten old.
Okay, you killed five or six people after you got out of the military.
And you're kind of figuring out they're going to kill you.
And yeah, you're first when they take over.
All you hit teams and people, you're dead.
You're all dead.
I'm not the one that's going to be killing you.
And by the way, I wouldn't fear those that can kill your body.
You got a soul, brother.
I can see your soul.
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Alright, I'm going to quit ranting here.
I just want society to not be destroyed.
I don't want to have a world government that makes Stalin, Hitler, and Mao seem like dreams compared to what's going to happen.
Because I look at what they're setting up and the dehumanization of it, and how it's a covert war to the food and the water and the air, and then I go and find all their source documents where they admit they're doing it, and the public can't get out of that and says, your show's too scary.
Too scary, they're doing it!
I'm up here risking my life because there's no future if I don't.
That's why I don't want people saying, oh, you're doing such a great job, or, oh, you're such a hero.
A raccoon will chew its leg off.
to get out of a trap.
Bear trap, basically, but they're not that big.
And it's where a raccoon has chewed their leg off to get out of it.
And man, I mean, does it have courage?
I don't even think a raccoon has courage.
That's not even what you call it.
Of course they have courage.
I mean, you can be out coon hunting and they will climb up on the back of a bloodhound or a dog, a coonhound, and grab their ears and drown them.
A large coon will.
Pound for pound, probably the meanest animal out there.
Makes a Tasmanian devil or a wolverine look tame in comparison.
You've seen video of wolverines beating up, jumping on the heads of grizzly bears and holding them, biting on their nose?
You ever seen footage of wolverines beating up cougars and start fights with them?
Well, a raccoon's even meaner pound for pound.
But the point is, it just wants to live.
It knows it's in a trap.
It knows it smells like humans.
Doesn't matter if you've dipped the traps in wax before you take them out to plant them.
It can still smell it.
And its leg is caught in there.
And it will chew through its leg every time.
Baby raccoons will do it.
And you know why?
Because they're extremist.
They're bad.
They're conspiracy theorists.
That trap's not hurting its leg.
There's not somebody coming to kill it.
It should stay there with its leg in the trap and watch MSNBC.
And that's what I'm telling you, folks.
I'm not a hero.
My leg is stuck in the trap.
Our leg is stuck in the trap collectively.
And I just want to get out of this.
And to get out of it, you're going to have to wake up.
And so yeah, I'm freaked out on air.
I'm freaked out around here in the office because I realize how real all of this is.
My mother was at the house last night with my dad when I got home at about 8 o'clock.
And she gave me three Bibles.
She knows I have Bibles.
And she said, I'm praying for you.
I'm worried about you going to Bilderberg.
And I had the realization after she left that I don't even have any fear.
And it's not because I'm a tough guy, folks.
A, there's not really much to worry about.
If you act afraid, that's when they come after you.
Because that's what they sense.
But there's no future if we don't go do things like this.
I mean, is that how much tyranny we live under?
That if we go to England and cover a globalist criminal conference, that that's heroic?
When all that is, is survival.
That's all that is.
And the police are going to be there, and they're going to act like we're criminal.
And they're going to act like we're bad.
And they're going to act like we're wrong.
But it's all a sight game.
Like, we're bad.
Now, the Bilderberg meeting officially begins in five days.
Next Thursday.
And that's the countdown we have at InfoWars.com forward slash Bilderberg.
But, and it's a great site the guys have built, but I've told them Bilderberg's already going on right now.
They already have Google there having a conference before and after.
They're now putting up iron fences all around it.
This is where they planned a bunch of World War II stuff.
This is where they planned the Arab Spring.
That's on record mainstream news.
This is pretty much a full-time globalist command center now.
They're basically moving in there.
About half the time.
But this is where they meet the government, the corporate people, to have the payoffs, to coordinate the scams, to coordinate their mafia operations.
And because they control the British government, I mean, England's becoming a total police state, famously, beyond 1984.
Because of that, they've got all these cops and all these bureaucrats out there to convince themselves and us that somehow it's bad to protest the parasite globalists.
But now we've got members of the UK Parliament, the EU Parliament coming, David Icke's coming, I'm coming, and I'm sort of realizing this is going to be huge.
And the fact that they're going to act like thugs will only illustrate everything for us.
You understand that?
They're falling right into our hands.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, here's what I'm going to do.
I'm going to go to five or six phone calls that are on the board right now.
Genesis has a small phone system, only like six phone lines.
They've had it like that for 16 years.
They might want to expand it.
I guess with my show it doesn't matter because I don't go to a lot of calls, usually.
But after I've taken those calls, I'm going to open the phones up specifically for people in Europe who are planning to go to Bilderberg this year, or folks that are in the UK itself.
And what do you think of the police saying, we deny a permit,
For you to have any type of event in the square or at a park or any other public event for that matter.
We deny it and the mayor said protesting is bad and I'm sure will be violent and we just are glad that we're prestigious enough to be hosting this and how dare there be people
They're coming, and the Daily Mail, royalty and statesmen to descend on Watford Hotel for secret Bilderberg Summit.
Oh, I thought it didn't exist.
Well, why is it secret?
Amid fears of violent anti-capitalist protest.
And we've gotten the minutes out of Bilderberg before.
We know it's authoritarian.
We know they want to get rid of the nation state.
We know they want to bankrupt people and get a hundred
Trillion dollars over the next decade in carbon taxes paid to them.
So I'm going to get into that after we take your phone calls.
We're going to premiere this report going up on Infowars.com as we speak.
We have the report dealing with the Justice Department saying do not use the term husband and wife.
It is insensitive and that is hate speech.
Husbands and wives are a bad thing, ladies and gentlemen, and you're not being inclusive if you don't do it.
That's like the Justice Department told the pro-life groups, they said, you may have your demonstration if half the time you promote abortion.
How is that free speech?
That's the fake fairness doctrine they had on talk radio and the media saying, you gotta show both sides.
Maybe there's 15 sides.
Maybe there's 20 sides.
They use an equality issue of gay straight stuff to create a fake civil rights movement to then persecute and attack having children.
And it's in the major university documents.
We've covered it on air.
It's about population reduction and further dividing culture.
Never against the corrupt elite.
Never against the insiders.
Never against the monopoly men.
Never against the warmongers.
Oh, they're good.
Anybody that protests them is a terrorist.
But everybody else, black, white, Hispanic, let's fight.
Male, female, gay, straight, fight, fight, fight.
North, south, east, west.
Fight, fight, fight.
And the government's going to be the referee.
And I've got Axelrod documents, it's in one of Tarpley's books, where he talks about we've got to accentuate and use racial division as a control valve.
You don't want government-run health care?
You're a racist!
Don't want Jocelyn Elder teaching your five-year-old how to master base?
You don't like gay people?
What is the... it's unbelievable!
This is a bunch of social engineers on top doing this with a bunch of pervs on the bottom who want to do whatever they want.
Where the state is the parent, as NBC's told you.
The state is your mommy.
The state is your daddy.
We've got to get past this ridiculous idea that kids belong to their parents.
They belong to the state.
They belong to us.
MSNBC says, we run your life because we're liberals.
No, you're authoritarian, sicko, control freaks.
So after I take these calls, real fast, I have your point and question ready.
I'm going to open the phones up for anybody who wants to call in from England.
And we have a direct line for people that want to call here, in case you can't call an 800 in some places in Europe.
It's 651-695-7755.
Okay, without further ado, then I'm getting into the U.N.
gun-grab treaty that Obama says he doesn't care what Congress does.
NATO commands our military.
Foreign governments command America now.
And only terrorists are against it.
Hail world government.
Hail million-dollar-a-day vacations for E.U.
bureaucrats who are tax-exempt.
Arrest the homeschoolers in Europe!
It's freedom!
It's freedom!
Hail it!
Men and women together is bad!
You're hateful, hateful!
Prove yourself!
If you're white, you're attracted to a white woman!
That's racist!
If you're black and you're attracted to a black woman, it's racist!
If you're a white guy with three mixed-race white kids at Walmart, we're gonna arrest you!
Everybody's a criminal but the government!
Everybody's suspect but the real terrorist!
I mean, it's so obvious!
This is the high-tech, authoritarian, psych-warfare crud they've come up with!
And if you just wake up to it, it's over for them!
They're all going to jail!
Thousands of studies that hydrofluorosilicic acid's eating your brain!
Game over!
Eric in Colorado, you're up first.
This'll be a grab bag of stuff.
Go ahead, Eric.
Yeah, uh, Alex, I had called in to
Adam Kokash, but I just can't help myself.
I'm going to have to comment on the political correctness thing that you're just going on and on about.
And I just, I have a really simple question, really.
Do you think life was better for most Americans in the 1950s?
Well, you see, what they do is they phrase
Put hydrofluorosilicic acid and hundreds of other poisons in your water, and they put sterilants in vaccines for people in Latin America, Africa, Eastern Europe, you name it, and then none of the liberal trendies want to talk about that.
They'll go, well, there are too many people.
So, see, you're trendy by having a black friend, but then you go, well, there are too many Africans.
You know, when I confront so-called liberals, well, they're sterilizing them.
So, I mean, which is it?
It's all just a load of crud.
Now, you want to say something about Adam Kokesh.
That's why you called in.
Yeah, I feel like Adam Kokesh, he just strikes me as a dangerous individual, and I don't quite know what you're doing by promoting him, by having him on your show over and over again.
He just seems a little unstable, frankly, and this whole
You know, armed march on every single Capitol.
The armed march to D.C.
itself was a really bad plan, but the armed march on every single Capitol... Well, I know it's always easy to sit back when you don't do anything and tell everybody else's plans a bad idea.
Here's the deal.
I think Adam Kokesh is smart and aggressive and not a globalist agent, okay?
That's what my gut tells me.
I didn't like his plan, and I've said day one I didn't like his plan.
I said day one that there's weather weapons, but this was probably a real tornado.
But you want to probably project that I said that Obama sent the tornado.
It's the same thing.
I'm endorsing what Adam Kokesh did.
I said I wouldn't go with guns.
I'd go with cameras so they can't do a false flag.
And it isn't an armed march on all 50 capitals.
It's a July 4th march to say we want, in his words, to dissolve this corrupt federal government.
I'm saying I just want our federal government back.
This is a globalist, occupied government.
And my words are clear.
So you can project whatever you want, Eric.
I appreciate your call onto that.
Because that's what authoritarianism of the liberal psych-warfare stripe is.
It's fellow travelers who really don't even get power from the system.
They believe they're being empowered by it.
And so they sit around in an NPR voice going, uh, I just don't think your plan's very good.
I don't know why you're promoting Adam Kukash.
He comes off as a dangerous individual.
I think Obama persecuting the press like no one's ever done in this country's history is scary.
I think the globalists with NDAA are scary.
I think all the brigade homelands are scary.
I think the FBI hit teams that routinely go around and shoot people in the back of the head now during interrogations are scary.
I think the billions of rounds of bullets are scary, and the media trying to cover it up is scary.
I think Obama saying our military is under NATO command is scary.
I think the civilian inmate labor camp program is scary.
The Model States Emergency Health Powers Act, forced inoculation, clergy response teams are scary.
I think the Emergency Centers Establishment Act is scary.
I think the Army field manual on re-education camps.
Just type that in, you'll be at army.mil.
How they're going to process us.
They're planning to collapse stuff.
They're planning, I don't know what it is, for total collapse.
Nuclear war?
I don't know!
They're running around the last 20 years gearing up for a total takeover.
And basically, I think they're going to start a revolution.
They're going to go out and blow stuff up, come persecute people, start a revolution, and they think they're going to use all this high-tech and spy bases they built in every town to come get everybody, and I don't think that's what's going to happen.
And by the way, all the secret... I mean, folks, I just talked to the station manager in 1530 AM.
And he's got video of this.
FEMA is going door-to-door asking about flood damage.
One guy looks like a hippie.
That's the cover.
And the other looks like military.
There's been no emergencies recently and no reason for them to be in the area.
Matt goes on to say he looked for the vehicle but couldn't find one, and his wife called the county, and at first they didn't seem to know, but eventually said they got an email about FEMA being in the area.
The county was aware of their presence, but it seems very out of the ordinary.
I mean, it's just, it's just total Google cars driving around, breaking into your passcode, stealing everything.
CIA director goes, we're watching you.
Now there it is, FEMA Corps.
That is the FEMA Corps.
Oh my gosh, we now have the video.
Take care.
We're going to show more.
I didn't even know we had that yet.
I knew he was sending it.
And they send guys in FEMA Corps outfits, and again, it's the military.
I've been to these drills, now it's going live, where there'll be a military guy, and he's there, and then he's got the little local citizen spy.
I've shown you the footage, you've seen my police state films, where they've got the Marines with the Boy Scouts.
Now, what's in your parents' cupboard?
What's in the medicine cabinet?
How many guns do they have?
I'm with FEMA.
We're just checking the area to see if anyone had blood damages and encouraging anyone that does to register for assistance.
Do you have any kind of blood damage?
From this last rain?
Yeah, this last month.
I mean, not that I'm... This is just the Feds establishing a relationship.
And again, innocuous at first.
Next it'll be... you know what I think.
All right.
Take care.
And I think he says he has video, too, of the military guy.
And again, this is FEMA Corps that I have national TV saying does not exist.
And in the documents on their own FEMA site, it says they're going to assist in warrant service and surveillance of extremists.
But the first contact is, hi, I'm just here to see if there's any flooding.
And we've confirmed in some of these cases it's only people they know are gun owners.
They've already got databases.
It's just a first contact.
Hi, how you doing?
I'm here with FEMA Corps.
Guys, type in, excuse me, I almost had a Freudian slip, said Hitler.
Type in Obama's National Security Force and click Google and show them the images.
The armored vehicles, the citizen spies.
Heaven help us, man, they are gonna, they got their whole, all their linebackers, their whole deal lined up to just attack us, man.
I mean, God help us.
God help this country.
Robert in West Virginia, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, thanks for having me on today.
I do appreciate the efforts of you and your team.
You are waking people up, Alex.
Well, thank you, brother.
A little bit about what some claim to be the next false flag staged event, which was supposed to take place here in West Virginia the middle of July around the National Boy Scout Jamboree.
And I know you placed links on InfoWars, especially regarding David Rory Vanderbeek's concern, and I'd kind of like to get your take on that.
I know if we put more precedence on it and this information gets out there, these kids, these 50,000 Boy Scouts that are going to be attending this year, hopefully have a safe event.
Well, I did see articles about that governor candidate out there, you know, saying he thinks they're doing this drill, there could be a false flag against them.
They have thousands of drills to create the illusion of real terrorists and to create fear and to re-engineer the society, kind of like duck and cover.
You know, the government's going to protect you from the Russian A-bombs.
It's a more sophisticated model of mind control and trauma-based mind control, so they can get you into a shock state to then do the psychic driving, you know, general programming of the day in the government training facility.
I don't
Training to confiscate guns and kill veterans.
It actually says that.
Their main enemy is veterans.
And I've been telling you this forever, but there they are, training.
People say, I'll take on those 14-year-old punks.
Really, there's nothing more ignorant than a 14-year-old.
And by ignorant, I mean they're fearless, they make some of the best soldiers, and they've been trained like it's a game.
They will go in and die all day long.
We're seeing the same drills taking place now.
Just last month, they're actually doing announced drills at local hospitals regarding the same possible biological attack.
No, I know.
They're getting ready for total civil war.
And again, they may do a bio-attack as the excuse for the martial law, a nuke, any of it.
God help us.
I mean, this is a criminal, long-term program.
And they're going to probably try to arrest everybody that's been speaking out against them when they go for it.
We're hoping to stop them.
That's why they don't want to have a debate about the bullets and the armored vehicles and all of it until they've done whatever trigger event it is.
That's why we've got to work like our lives depend on it now to expose these people.
Yes, there's two killing aspects of this too.
A lot of people are not aware that our governor, Earl Ray Tomlin, signed an executive order last year that gave DHS, FEMA, and the National Guard martial law police power over this event.
So I want to get this message out, and I know you do a great job.
Sir, I can't go to a kite festival now without National Guard trying to search me.
I know, it's just they're everywhere, except the border.
And it's just all an acclamation for what?
What do you think they're going to do?
What are they gearing up for?
I mean, we know the manuals say it's for veterans, gun owners, conservatives.
The Army manual says we'll be sent to re-education camps where then the potbellies will have their way with us, all the dumb commies that have just been thinking about how much they want to torture us.
I mean, what do you think?
And the evidence is already there.
The FEMA camps are there.
People are documenting this.
Just 20 miles south of Mount Hope, where this jamboree is going to take place, there is a FEMA camp being built right now as we speak.
So the evidence is there.
People just need to wake up and stay away from the mainstream media.
Well it's FM 3-39.40 is internment and resettlement operations and again they probably won't do anything to this Boy Scout Jamboree event with tens of thousands of Boy Scouts.
They're there immersing them with the Pentagon and the CIA I was reading is going to be there recruiting.
This is the new FEMA Corps Army.
And the Boy Scouts that are more athletic are going to lead the Ugan crews.
They've been training them for at least four years.
Now they're like 18.
And now they're coming to everybody's door.
We're just here to let you know we're in the area of FEMA Corps.
We're here to assist you.
To acclimate her.
I mean, do you realize we're living in a science fiction movie?
How crazy this is?
We're watching it play out.
We've seen this played out on a grand stage in front of us and we're just now entering the final act, the grand finale.
I just can't believe this has to happen.
I mean, this is so incredible.
And most cowards in the police force and military, even if they're physically not cowards, intellectually it's so scary to go against the grain.
Even people that know the truth, a lot of them are going to go along with this, because they're so scared.
But, you know, the issue is going to be, though, if just 5% of us don't go along, we'll beat them.
And we're not trying to start a fight.
They're going to start it.
And, alright, I guess that's the way it is.
Notice FEMA Corps in the blue, U.N.
Punch this up, U.N.
But see, it won't come as U.N.
It'll come as Homeland Security Dudley do-rights.
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The police have been trained as a special weapons and tactics paramilitary force to take you and your family on along with the military.
They have been developing, with all the ROTCs, the Boy Scouts, you name it, on record, spy forces.
You can type in brownies and Girl Scouts trained to report on terror, you'll get NBC News.
We've got the former White House Chief of Staff, now the Chicago mob boss, Rahm Emanuel.
Uh, you know, who tells the President to shut up in meetings and stuff.
Uh, who's jabbed steak knives to the table, frothing, you know, total insane asylum gangster nutcase.
Who you'll follow his orders.
People followed Hitler's orders, why not?
He's our God, you know, he said all over TV, he goes, we're going to have a national security force.
And your kids will serve every year, at least three months, in military training.
And again, we're going to have a domestic security force just as big and just as strong as our military.
And guess who they train to fight?
Gun owners, conservatives, libertarians.
But watch, if Obama ever leaves office, all these units will stay in place and when conservatives get in, they're going to love them.
And I want to explain to you, what really woke me up is I'd go to urban warfare events in cities
And I'd get videoed by listeners as well, like Heber and Marilyn, where it showed Boy Scouts training to take their parents' guns under the Marines in plainclothes.
And then they would send out real Marines to confiscate the guns after.
First, it'd be plainclothes Marines with the Boy Scouts, 12 to 14.
They were wearing uniforms.
White shirt and blue pants to be identifiable.
And they ran around with the local police and the Marines to confiscate guns.
And they've had countless drills since then.
It'll be like, Alex is a kook.
He says the Arcadia, Iowa drill is for gun confiscation.
And then I was quoting the local newspaper, how they were doing.
Every house had agreed 600 plus households to be searched for guns.
And then I read the headline and I had the colonel on.
He goes, well, we are doing gun confiscation, but you're still kooky for not liking it.
I mean, they're training for illegal, unconstitutional, all-out war with us.
The government's foreign-run by foreign banks.
They put fluoride in the water.
It's killing us on record.
They're a bunch of scum!
But they've gotten so far into it that it's Homeland Security.
While all the movies are where terrorists attack the White House.
Those movies aren't real, new listeners, that the terrorists work for the White House.
And I sit here.
This isn't fun being on air.
This isn't fun covering all this.
This is about survival now.
We're gonna go to Stephanie in London on Bilderberg when we come back.
I got some other callers calling in from London.
And it's not a big deal.
It's no big deal, as Bill Murray says.
But you guys wanted me to give out our number, and that's great.
I just don't have it on a screen in here, so.
It's like these callers are in the forbidden zone or something.
Or do they shoot General Zod?
What's that called?
I mean, I don't know.
I guess that's how it is to call it on my show anyways.
So whatever, I don't care.
Anyways, uh, I do care, but I just, it's futile.
Uh, anyways, uh, the whole issue here is, uh, we are Lister-supported.
You want to put gas in the locomotive here as we can try to run over the enemy politically, I'll do as best I can.
Um, we got Pro-Pure water filters, 15% off whenever we do the special, they sell out.
We're very close to selling out the Traveler and the others, so I don't know how long the special will go.
I'm trying to run to the 9th if supplies last.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're taking phone calls right now.
Let's talk to Stephanie in London.
The police are saying that...
Basically, protesting isn't allowed unless you go into the Grove property so you're under private property control, so you have no rights, so that private security can have their way with you.
And that's the favor they're doing us.
I think it's a great favor.
Almost as big a favor as the fluoride in the water, and the mercury in the shots, and all the cancer rates going up.
Stephanie, what are you planning to do?
What do you make of all this?
I mean, there's going to be thousands of people descending on it, and we're going to be covering it at Infowars.com forward slash Bilderberg.
I'll start putting battle plans out on there, you know, politically, of how we're going to get around this, how we're going to exercise free speech, and how we're going to exercise the Magna Carta, which I know is really, really scary to these ghouls, but what's your take on this, Stephanie?
Yeah, hi Alex, it's good to talk to you.
I just wanted to, first off, I just wanted to say I just think you're a genuine folk hero and I'm very surprised at the way that you're being treated by the press and if it was up to me,
You'd be on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine.
Well, I don't, ma'am, I appreciate it.
All I want is for them to not put stuff in the water and be setting this up.
And I hear you.
But of course they demonize me because they tap my phone and stuff.
They know I'm for real.
They're scared of the fact that I don't care what they do to me and I'm committed to fighting them.
But I only care, uh, you know, about doing the right thing because there's no future if we don't take action against them.
I think the problem here, I've talked to a lot of police kind of over the Olympics time, and they're scared.
I think they're being privatized.
And, you know, they had said to me regarding the Windsor Review, which is this thing that came out that is hoping to privatize the police.
They've already started in certain parts of the country.
That, you know, they're scared of G4S.
You know, they're frightened of G4S.
They're frightened of the privatization of their police force.
And I think it's really, you know, it's terrible that they're kind of pitching G4S against the police.
You know, with this, uh, at Bilderberg, you know?
Well, I mean, look, look, look, the Bilderberg commands their police department through the criminal government.
And so, yes, I've talked to the police off record, and they say they don't like what's going on.
And then they're ordered to say, the only place you can protest in the entire rural area is in the Grove property where you then have no rights.
And I don't know if the police are even smart enough to get what's going on there.
And then the police are ordered to violate everybody's rights outside, driving us into the hands of G4S and this globalist group, and we're just going to do whatever we want.
And so I call on everybody in mass to go there and exercise freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and to document the provocateurs MI5 is guaranteed to send in.
It'll be another victory.
We're going to show up, we're going to expose their whole thing, and we're going to win.
And if they block me from flying to England, we win, it becomes an international story.
They block me from going to an imaginary meeting.
Again, they don't even want this meeting to be known.
By doing this, we make them act like these complete scum!
You see what I'm saying?
Yeah, absolutely.
The other thing I would say is that, you know, there's a really beautiful canal that goes right through there, and I would really recommend, let's just, you know, we need to get a boat.
We need to get you on a boat.
Well, ma'am, let's not give away great minds think alike, but I like to swim.
And I mean, I don't know if you're, I mean, I'm going to tell you, I should take a mask and snorkel.
In fact, I don't want to carry that in my luggage.
You get Watson to get me a mask.
Well, I got my pet mask and snorkel.
I just love it.
That's how I escaped from Bohemian Grove last time, was via the waterway.
Whatever the issue is, they don't get in the water.
They got frogmen out there?
I saw the local Austin police frogmen.
They didn't even know how to swim.
Can't even rappel out of helicopters.
Ma'am, God bless you.
And what's your name?
Am I going to meet you there, Stephanie?
I know your name.
I'm going to come up and shake your hand, my sweetheart.
I'm sorry, I'm married.
No, no, no.
I know, you're awesome.
Why is my wife sending me to this?
Hey Stephanie, God bless you.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
If you go up to Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now, Justice Department says use of husband and wife is considered hate speech.
Because they say it's insensitive and should not be used by Justice Department employees and other federal employees.
And what is insensitive is hate speech.
So see, here's the issue.
This is not about inclusion.
This is not about not discriminating.
This is about pushing an agenda on the population.
And I'm going to go to this report.
That one of our reporters filed and put together.
And then I'm going to go over some of the articles to show you Europe that's about three to five years ahead of us on this front.
And of course, we covered just a few days ago, children's cartoons targeting people five to 10 are showing children how to be homosexual.
They're showing them how to be crossdressers.
I mean, this is called pedophilia.
I mean, if a heterosexual was trying to do that to children, it would be called pedophilia.
But it's like, oh, let's be inclusive.
See, how do they sell the sexualization of children?
You know, I go out now and I see little girls dressed like whores.
Like six, seven-year-old girls dressed like whores.
And, uh, shaking their rear ends, all of it.
And that's not how little girls are really supposed to be.
This is the...
Destruction of their innocence.
And it's a sick culture.
And it came out a few years ago that MTV admitted they were targeting children.
And sexualizing them.
MTV now is targeting people 11 and under.
That's its main demographic.
Look it up!
And you've got Viacom and all these outfits pushing this to screw up children because they don't want real relationships being formed where you have an allegiance to your husband, to your wife, to your children, where you have that fealty, that human system.
Aldous Huxley wrote in Brave New World in 1932, his brother was the top eugenicist in the world at the time,
Julian Huxley became the head of the United Nations UNESCO program when it was founded in 1946, the year after the UN was set up.
And he wrote in the book, where there's no families, everyone's basically grown in laboratories for the lower and middle classes, there's only... there's only...
Normal sex and normal behavior in these rural scientific command bases by the elites.
And then he gave a speech in 62, months before his death, at Berkeley.
You can pull it up online.
It's over an hour long saying, what I wrote in 32 is coming true because it's a real plan and the public is already caught in it so I will tell you it's real and laughed at everyone.
And he also wrote it in Brave New World Revisited.
Punch that article back up.
I want to show TV viewers this and talk about it for radio listeners.
So they're saying, gender-bending action hero, She-Zo, to debut on Children's Network.
And then they demonize Breitbart News, lashes out at television executives for promoting transgender themes to kids.
How about trying to confuse kids?
See, because on top of it, it's not enough to have the gay bomb.
The last time we talked about the gay bomb, I think it was Rachel Maddow a year ago, came on air and said it wasn't real.
But will you guys type in, plan to use gay bomb on Iraqis?
And they've got chemicals they can spray on men to, at a pheromone level, make a man smell another man and trick them that it's the smell of a woman.
The scent of a woman.
Again, even if you can't consciously smell a woman, you can smell them.
And your brain's scanning, are they fertile?
You know, do they have cancer markers?
It's like, oh, it's a computer.
They're scanning you as well.
Well, they just jacked, there it is, U.S.
Military Pondered Love Not War, BBC, a gay bomb.
Now, I get up here and say, don't drink out of the Bisphenol A line juice boxes and milk boxes and the microwavable boxes that are lined in Bisphenol A. It cooks it in to the food.
And is directly linked in major studies, I've been saying this for over a decade because the studies have been out for 15 years, to breast cancer increasing.
This is a big part of it.
It hyper... Women are going into puberty at 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 years.
A few decades ago it was, well, girls are going into puberty at 11 or 10 now.
Now girls are going into puberty at age 3.
They're having babies at age 8.
And there's no discussion of why is this happening.
It's the bisphenol A. It's all of it.
And what do they say in Brave New World?
We will bring you to puberty at age 8.
You will die at age 25.
If we even decide to use humanoid biomechanical robots.
See, I'm crazy because I know too much.
I'm crazy because I've read hundreds of white papers and hundreds, hundreds, hundreds of books written by these people.
And listen, I'll hand it to them on this front.
I'll hand it to the globalist on this front.
The British and Dutch royalty about 160 years ago funded a plan to scientifically dumb down the population and bring in Malthus's, uh, Malthusian plan to reduce population that was 100 years older than that.
Or about 70 years older than that.
And then they funded the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, but not before the Rockefeller Foundation, the Cold Springs Harbor.
And then Hitler set up everything they'd been planning, but he went after general groups, certain groups instead of everyone.
So they set him up.
He believed it was his plan to do all this.
He had a treaty with England.
The King of England was a Nazi.
Lived in Germany most of the year.
They double-crossed all them, double-crossed the Dutch royalty, had them flip back to the British, run across the channel, bring down Germany, bring down Europe, and then bring in the soft-kill plan.
And I was reminded by my guest about this yesterday, and I went and looked it back up last night, I want to do a piece on this, that the Germans were saying, we're going to go into these third-world countries worldwide, and then through food and water and vaccines, we're going to sterilize people
With systems they don't really notice and know how to deal with, and that's how we're going to get rid of everybody but the Aryans.
Well, the Rothschilds and others said, no, that's not what's going to happen.
We're going to get rid of everybody.
And that is the program.
They just, why not get rid of like 99% of everybody?
And this is the global program, this is the global plan, and then you're like, hey,
The juice box lining is making boys not go into puberty, it's making their sperm counts lower, it is shrinking the genitals of males, just like it does in studies on rats, and they go, oh, you don't like gay people, you bigot!
Hey man, I know the names of super gas nebulas, okay?
That's what I'm thinking about.
I'm not impressed with two guys having sex with each other.
It doesn't shock me.
It's not some big deal to me.
So don't try your little obsession, your perseveration over two men having sex with each other.
I'm worried about breast cancer exploding.
I'm worried about them changing the human condition and coming out with vaccines that go in and eat areas of the brain to remove your emotion and remove cerebral cortex connections to areas deeper in the brain associated with empathy.
And creativity.
I want you to have a future.
I want to have a future.
I want us to have a future together.
We are under total eugenics warfare.
And even my InfoWars crew that are great people said we better review this, you know, if we get backlash for saying, hey, don't criticize having a man and woman, father and mother.
Let's go ahead and go to this InfoWars Notly News report that we're premiering here on the radio.
Here it is.
The New World Order seems to be trampling over our rights yet again.
Between the latest DOJ memo that is telling managers they should support LGBT functions, to the Russians being approached by the European Council and being told that they should support gay pride parades, there seems to be a worldwide bullying campaign against our core family values.
All of that in the guise of gay rights.
Pushing the LGBT agenda is a New World Order global attack that has gone from tolerance to coercion.
Starting right here in the United States, the LGBT community makes up only 4% of the population.
Keeping that in perspective, the latest directive from the DOJ reveals how out of balance our society has become.
According to the DOJ Pride Directive, silence means disapproval.
And you shouldn't say husband or wife because it could offend the homosexuals in your office.
It says please use partner or significant other.
So now husband and wife are offensive?
Isn't this hate speech against heterosexuals?
In London they passed a law to remove husband and wife from official British documents.
So don't be surprised if it happens in the United States.
In France, they plan on removing mother and father from forms.
Au revoir to mommy and daddy!
It soon will be parent.
What happened to the First Amendment liberties of the people who are straight and Christian?
Now, not that I'm agreeing with Putin, but he does say, quote, how can they demand that we introduce their standards, or maybe we should demand they introduce our standards in their country.
He's sticking to what 90% of the people want, which is to keep core family values.
The hypocritical DOJ directive, LGBT inclusion at work, the seven habits of highly effective managers, needs a directive of inclusion for whistleblowers.
Since the DOJ is so hot and heavy to make sure everybody feels included, we need a directive for whistleblowers.
How about this?
If an employee comes into your office, shuts the door, and says, I've been meaning to tell you this for a while, I'm a whistleblower.
Be supportive and thankful that they trusted you.
Ask them if they had been made to feel safe in the workplace.
Let them know about DOJ Whistleblower Pride.
Go to PrisonPlanet.tv and sign up.
You can share your username and password with up to 10 people.
I'm Gigi Ornette with an InfoWars Nightly News Alert.
Alright, Gigi Ornette with that, and there's more in the article by Gigi Ornette at InfoWars.com right now, and the video if you want to see all the articles and documents.
Justice Department says use of husband and wife is considered hate speech.
Because they say it's inconsiderate, and that itself is hate speech.
So, and we're a few years behind Europe, but this is where this is going.
They want to end the family and assign a government guardian that is called the parent.
And that's just for the phase out of humans entirely.
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We the people grow cotton, weave fabric, engrave ink, embed strips and fibers to protect from counterfeit, then carting to a private bank, having it led back at interest, forcing taxes to service debt.
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You know, I think what's been happening to me lately is I'm just really realizing that I've been right about everything.
I mean, I knew I was right a long time ago, but now it's just all happening.
And I just keep having that moment where I can't believe it because it's so historically dangerous, so horrible, so wretched, so fraudulent, so unfair, and it targets good people.
And I can't even look at the helpless public anymore without almost wanting to break down and cry because I just have human empathy.
In fact, somebody give me my cell phone.
I can't reach it over there.
There was a Bible verse I wanted to read that I came across last night.
My mother gave me three Bibles last night.
Yeah, my cell phone's just right over there on the table.
I just can't get across the table to get it.
Thank you, sir.
I got some callers from England and a bunch of other people.
I'm going to get to y'all.
And I opened up, she gave me a King James Version, complete Bible, and then the New Testament, and one other little Bible.
And I was sitting there at about midnight last night after everybody had gone to bed, and I opened it up, and I meant to bring it in today, but then I forgot.
And so I found it online this morning.
And it's 2 Timothy 3, 1 through 4.
In the last days there will be very difficult times where people will love only themselves and their money.
They will be boastful and proud.
I guess we all are in ways.
I try to be arrogant back to the Globalist, but really that's because I'm in pain.
Scoffing at God, disobedient of their parents, and ungrateful.
They will consider nothing sacred.
They will be unloving and unforgiving.
They will slander others and have no self-control.
They will be cruel and hate what is good.
They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God.
And people say, yeah, let's be evil, it's fun.
It's only fun for a little while.
And then all hell gets released.
And that's the point I've gotten to, is that
Watching secret armies be built against the American people and then now watching them be rolled out?
The government coming out and saying, parents aren't the parents anymore.
And we're going to have a government-assigned parent.
And then, I mean, of course if they're going to have for TV shows for five and six-year-olds, teaching them to have sex, period, is pedophilia.
Totally perverted.
And now that's all over TV.
Four kids on mainline cartoons.
Of course they're putting stuff in the water to change your gender.
And it's not meant so there'll be a great gay cult in the sky, folks.
That's all like the covering, that it's all friendly and, hey, you know, all of this stuff.
It is meant so humans are ended.
So everyone's alone when the state, government-run healthcare, euthanizes your butt.
And that's the stated goal in one of the Endgame extras.
We have Dr. Michael Kaufman breaking down university studies and psych warfare stuff from the 60s of how they would end the family by promoting homosexuality.
People go, hey, it's always been around since Rome, Alex, you know.
You people change the debate instead of having the debate I'm having.
They're teaching kids about sex at age 5.
On purpose to destroy their innocence.
They are putting stuff in the water to change our gender and to sterilize us.
You understand that?
That's not a funny thing.
Let's go to Mark in Birmingham, England.
Thanks for holding, Mark.
Do you plan to be at Bilderberg this year in Watford?
Well, to be honest with you, mate, I was just trying to find out exactly where it was.
I've tried to get through on the lines, but you're that popular, you're that busy, it's kind of hard to get through.
I was wondering if you could give my number to your British correspondent, so he can give me the details.
Well, brother, I mean, do you have an internet?
I mean, just go to infowars.com forward slash Bilderberg, and it's the Grove Hotel in Watford, England.
Well basically Alex, I just wanted to say that a friend of mine, a good friend of mine, I lived in the States in Detroit and Michigan from 92 to 96 and I had a friend of mine, Frank, and Frank switched me on to you way back and basically he said to me, which is kind of mad, they will create a crisis to which they have the solution.
And we know the name of them!
They're called terrorists.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
It's Alex Jones.
Into my little world.
Cause right through me.
Oh my little girl.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've got Christy Hightower in here.
I'm going to start goofing off with her.
She's got the Ask Alex segment.
We're going to go to her in just a minute.
Instead of doing this tape for the Nightly News tonight, we'll just do it live on air.
And I promise, thanks for the calls from England, we're going to go to Nathan.
We're going to go to Mike.
We're going to go to Steve in Arizona.
They've been holding a while.
People that are calling into the broadcast.
I haven't even gotten into Obama to sign an international gun control treaty on June 3rd.
Times admits our military is training with the Communist Chinese.
Even the L.A.
Times says it's not a good idea.
The globalists are double-crossing us, folks.
They've decided to move their main base to China.
That's what Henry Kissinger set up.
That's what they've been doing.
America is not going to exist, basically, under this plan.
And I just can't believe how traitorous this is.
And the media is demonizing the patriots of this country.
Now, if you type into the search engine, scouts trained to fight terrorists and more, you'll get a three-year-old LA Times, no, New York Times article that shows the Boy Scouts, there it is, scouts trained to fight terrorists and more, to take on disgruntled veterans and confiscate their guns.
Now those kids are like 17 years old now.
They're 14 then.
Look like they're 12.
But that's what authoritarian systems do.
They always get younger and younger because they'll do unconstitutional stuff.
Anybody heard of the Soviet Youth League?
Heard of the Nazi Ugin?
Hitler Ugin?
That's the type of stuff.
And I remember reading 10 years ago in the Philadelphia Inquirer
Where it was saying that they had the youth brigades in a thing called Secure Corps, part of FEMA, a subsection of AmeriCorps, training for gun confiscation, warrant service during civil emergency.
And I read that article on air over and over again.
And then Rahm Emanuel came in four or five years ago and said, on C-SPAN, yeah, everybody's going to have national service.
We're going to have a domestic security force just as big, just as strong as our military.
Then Obama said that.
I've played it ad nauseam probably 200 times since then.
Then they have Rachel Maddow go on and go, he's crazy, there's no bullets, there's no FEMA Corps, there's no armored vehicles.
It's like, here's the purchase order, 7,000 anti-mine tanks.
And all the training manuals, the veterans will fight a civil war.
Our plan is to re-educate them before we have to execute them.
We're going to take them to the FEMA centers and it's in the army manual and everybody I know in the family and the army's like, no we're training to kill everybody, yeah we're training, it's horrible.
And it's woke up most of the military but still they don't even know what to do.
It's like a...
I mean, the globalist takeover, they should all be in jail, folks.
I mean, this plan is so diabolical, so evil, so public, so over-the-top, so textbook tyranny, that, I mean, I just, I'm not even the one that should be doing this!
It should be all the top lawyers and people and talk show hosts.
I mean, I don't want to be the only one that gets it.
I know you get it as listeners.
I mean, they brag the TSA going down your pants doesn't train you to put up with anything.
This is all domination!
And then Matt Dubiel, who I've met, he's been down here in Austin, Texas.
Had us on for about a year on WCKG.
He's been all over the Chicago papers, got a lot of press being on there, a lot of listeners.
He put out a viral video that was on drudge and Infowars a few years ago of his handicapped son, disabled son, in a wheelchair and they were harassing him and everything.
I think so.
To literally be your spies.
And then they have the UGAN and the police that come in and get you after they're there.
And of course, they're just priming the public.
The first time they come to your door, it's not going to be, hey, we're here to get your guns.
It's here to, hi, we're here to talk about flooding and look in your house.
And then he said it looked like a military guy that was with him.
And that's how I've seen it at Urban Drills.
They'll have the Boy Scouts with Marine, you know, Spec Ops, Force Recon, that's Marine Special Forces, with them.
And on walkie-talkies and stuff.
And, I mean, it's Creepville, ladies and gentlemen.
Because I've learned to recognize these guys.
I've probably, six or seven times, I've had them come up to me in a parking lot.
Yeah, there's his son, Matt Dubier's son, Dubiel's son, and if you're a TV viewer, radio listeners hear me narrating video, you can't see it, go to PrisonPlanet.tv and you can watch it all right there.
The point here, ladies and gentlemen, is that this is a slow motion total takedown of the society.
They're shipping General Motors to China, they're turning the power plants off, three of them a week at least, China builds three new ones a week.
They are poisoning the water, they are dumbing everybody down.
This is a globalist occupation.
If Hitler would have been smart, he'd have paid for foundations, waited 20 years, had them take over the major universities with money, they would have rolled in and right now we'd all be dead.
There'd be, you know, a couple thousand Nazis running around.
Instead, the globalists who had come up with a plan, Hitler took it, changed it, they took Hitler's plan for the CIA, for the NASA.
America is a Nazi plant.
All of it.
But it came, it was born in England, and America, and went to Nazi Germany to be perfected, and then they shut him down.
Oh no, you don't get to do this, we're doing it, and brought it back.
And that's the whole plan.
And so, but they've learned, do it incrementally.
Do it incrementally.
Demonize your opponents.
And again, it's not a Nazi conspiracy.
It's their soft kill program.
Because Hitler was looking at once they conquered the world, they were going to poison the food slowly and kill people slowly.
So that's the plan.
I mean, we're under a Kaiser Wilhelm Institute attack program.
Everything is Nazi.
The spy grid is Stasi, though.
East German.
It came after that.
And they hired the former head of Stasi.
So, just briefly joining us.
Matt, we're going to ask Chrissy and then take your calls.
Come hell or high water here today.
And I've got to get into the UN Treaty.
So, what happened with the loving FEMA Corps individual?
We'll be rolling the video behind you while you talk.
Oh, Alex, they're so nice.
I mean, they were very nice.
They were very unassuming.
The guy that came to the door, um, you know, he looked... Here, let me tell you first off why I was home.
Ironically, the rest of the stuff you're talking about today, I was home writing letters to the school board because I found out this week that my fifth grader and the other three classes of fifth graders were brought into a room and talked to about pole dancing by their principal.
In an organized, sort of disciplinary... Oh, no, no, no, no, this is pervs!
They're gonna teach that they can do anything they want.
If you teach your kid about this, they take them from you.
But they're gonna do it.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
How old were the children being taught pole dancing?
Well, they weren't being taught.
It was a topic of discussion from the principal as, like, don't do this at recess.
Meanwhile, 90% of children aren't doing it and don't know what it is.
Oh, that's the excuse, yeah.
You're the evil general manager of a Chicago radio station.
No, I'm a lunatic.
I'm an extremist.
I'm a psycho.
I've got an American flag in the yard also.
You know, look out.
So, I'm writing letters to the school board, so that's why I was home.
And now we're calling parents, because that's what we do.
We talk to each other to find out what's going on, how do you feel about it.
Oh yeah, no, no.
They've sent, because that's what I've been told by others, you only get the FEMA Corps visit if you've been politically active and they've got databases.
So this is just a snooper.
Well, and you know how it works.
If there's one person like me that speaks up, nine out of ten everyone else, they don't want to rock the boat, and I don't blame them.
I understand.
No, drink the fluoride.
It's time to die.
They just want to keep quiet and do their day-to-day.
They don't want to get the stink eye.
They want to roll over and die.
I went around to find out what happened with this disciplining and the pole dancing, and as my wife is talking to a neighbor, another stay-at-home mother down the street, she says, oh, by the way, did FEMA come to your house?
And my wife says, you know, blah, blah, blah, FEMA?
What do you mean, FEMA?
Well, she says, well, I'm not sure if it's FEMA, but there was a creepy guy that came knocking on my door that said he was from FEMA, and he wanted to know if we had flood damage.
So, sure enough, I'm sitting there and I'm kind of giving my wife a look and she's giving me the look like, uh-oh.
So, and literally, as we're looking at each other, the doorbell rings and I'm glad that we had this sort of pre-warning because I grabbed my iPhone and just put record on and I videotaped the whole thing and the guy was at the door and sure enough, he looks like the guy, Alex, that like, if you, I've never been to a dead show, but if you went to like the Stone Show or the Sea of Dead, like, he's the guy that you buy mushrooms from, I'm guessing.
We don't know he does that.
We've got him on screen right now for radio listeners.
I mean, very nice guy, but he doesn't look like a government representative for sure.
By the way, can I have his number?
I need some mushrooms.
Anyways, I'm joking.
He definitely has a badge on and whatnot, but you know, I've never had somebody come door to door to offer me a tax refund or offer me money.
And you said he had a military looking guy.
I see him there in the video.
Well, and if you watch the end of the video, after, you know, I just took a flyer and I said okay.
Oh yeah, he's wearing a, he's wearing a, like an FBI jacket style that says FEMA.
Yes, not only that Alex, but watch the end.
Watch Captain Grateful Dead.
He walks over to the military-looking guy on the sidewalk and stands next to him and seemingly, I couldn't hear him, but it looked like he gave him like, you know, like the blow-by-blow.
Like, all right, yeah, there was a dude home.
Here's what, you know, here's the way to land there.
And then they mark something off on the clipboard and then they walk down the street like Laverne and Shirley down the sidewalk.
No, no, no.
What they're doing is casing everything, and they're even compartmentalized and don't know.
It's on record that FEMA Corps is training for, quote, warrant service and gun confiscation.
This is just first contact, which is a standard military operation when you've infiltrated, is you just show yourself and, you know, oh, give the children candies.
You know, I'm surprised you didn't go, I'm here from FEMA, here's your candy.
You know, but I tell you, this country's in a lot of trouble, man.
And of course, there's been no flooding, as you said.
Well, no, there's been no flooding of any significance.
I mean, if you weren't to canvass areas that had significant damage, they wouldn't be in our neighborhood.
Yeah, there's been storms coming through.
Yes, it's been bad for us FUFU suburbanites with our finished basements.
Why is the federal government involved in floods?
Again, they make you buy insurance now.
It's all part of the takeover.
And it's like, big deal!
For years the FEMA guys come by.
They're nice.
They offer me free goodies.
Meanwhile, they're trying to confiscate your guns.
And I don't know if...
Well, I think the Piers Morgan thing helped.
Good job with that.
That was legendary.
I saw it on the cover of the newspaper whenever Chicago's favorite son was on the show.
Are you talking about our friend with the goatee?
No, no.
Billy Corrigan.
Oh, the other guy.
He's been a great guest.
I really enjoyed seeing him on.
I watched the video.
He's a sharp guy.
I guess Mancow is the favorite son of Chicago, isn't he?
For sure.
But listen, we'll have to get you out here.
In fact, I'm going to come see you hopefully next month.
I think we've got to kick it up a notch here and get some billboards up and really blow it out.
Sounds exciting, Matt.
God bless you.
We'll talk to you soon, Thought Criminal.
Take care, Matt.
There he goes.
Very extreme, ladies and gentlemen.
Didn't like TSA yelling at a three-year-old in a wheelchair.
That's extreme.
Let's get to the Ask Alex.
We're going to come back and go to Nathan in England, and Steven in Arizona, and a few others that have been patiently holding Mike in Missouri.
And I haven't even gotten to the gun stuff yet.
I'm pretty much kind of shell-shocked at this point.
What are the Ask Alex questions from the Prison Planet... From PlanetInfoWars.com.
PlanetInfoWars.com's questionnaire.
I know, your brain is fried.
I can see it on your face.
It's a long day.
It's Friday though.
My brain is not well.
My brain gets fried when I get mad in the morning around here.
I don't blame you.
I don't blame you.
I can't get mad anymore.
I have to stop getting mad.
Anger is not a friend.
Take your yoga.
Anyway, oh yeah.
Anyways, go ahead.
Alright, so we actually sent out for people to use the hashtag AskAlexJones for asking questions from Planet M4s as well.
So some of these are taken from the Ask Alex group as well as from Twitter.
I don't like your, what is your name?
Alex is a male gender name.
You just committed hate speech.
Of course, isn't that in France?
Christy, your name denotes femininity.
Oh no.
That's not allowed.
You're a hate criminal.
What should I do?
Of course.
What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here?
Okay, well, without further ado, we'll just skip to it.
I've been doing this for 20 years and ain't nobody got the go code yet.
I'm sorry.
While we're quoting Slim Piggins.
Ah, no.
Shoot, gotta get a pretty good time in Vegas with all that.
We should do some more of this, Shaq.
Alright, so you were actually showing the Martial Law pictures just on screen just a second ago, but the first question I have for you right out the gate is from Garrett on Planet InfoWars and he says, do you believe Martial Law is justified for specific situations?
Well, we're being basted into it.
It's kind of a soft Martial Law, the frog in the pot.
But yeah, a meteorite hits, a nuclear power plant melts down, a tornado tears up 20 square miles of stuff.
It's Martial Law when they set up checkpoints to want to see your papers.
And you can probably justify it for that to stop looting.
The problem is they permanently do it now all over the country.
Like, let me just see your papers.
Let me just put you in a database.
Let me just treat you like you're bad.
That is martial law.
When they're spying on us without warrants, that's martial law.
But it's not a civil emergency because a meteorite hit New York City.
It's a martial law because criminal banks took over and are using the national security state to replace the checks and balances of the government.
But they're doing it so slowly that the sheep don't understand.
The people that watch the mainstream media... Well, the sheep literally have Swiss cheese holes in their cerebral cortex.
And all the poisons in their food.
No, but they've cut Americans' brains open now.
They're like shriveled.
That's so scary.
People are walking dead.
I mean, they got us.
I can't even get mad at the sheep, actually.
I want to apologize the other day for talking bad about people saying they're dangerous sheep.
They are dangerous, but these are victims.
Drooling, you know, poor, poor souls who may never, never be ignited psychologically or spiritually.
I believe God will still take them to heaven.
They were basically aborted as children, put in front of TV, put on fluoride, put on high fructose corn syrup.
They weren't given a chance.
They're dead.
They are dead, though.
It's not that they're animals.
They're dead.
And they like being dead.
And the dead don't like the living.
I mean, they have enough to go.
It's the metaphor of the zombie wants the brains.
They want what they don't have.
No, I'm serious.
No, I know you're serious.
The globalists, all this stuff are jokes on us.
Yeah, no, it is.
It's sick jokes.
They live, we sleep.
Well, let me tell all of the globalists, I live, okay, and I see what you are, and you're not really alive either.
You're dead.
I mean, you're like, reanimated dead.
Go ahead.
Well, no, that's great.
Feebler elves?
Those exist along with the Easter Bunny.
But, um, alright, so Alex, do you have a... You just always gotta throw an Easter Bunny.
I know, always, of course.
Do you have an official list of the guests for Build-A-Burg yet?
No, the group that doesn't exist, usually about a week before, releases it on their Bilderberg Meetings org or something, and we're watching that right now.
Okay, so we'll release that soon.
I guess, is the music transitioning?
Yeah, but the music doesn't exist.
Are you being extreme?
I'm making it up.
Oh my gosh, I mean, she's like, she's dressed like a woman!
That puts people down!
I mean, don't say father or mother, male or female, that's racist!
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Hey, they just pulled up in there a Hartford University study on the IQ, how it's dropped around 20 points in the last 30 years in the Western world, where we all get the special fluoride water and the GMO and more, and all the shots for the children!
And look where it projects out to the IQ by, what is that, blow that up for me, 2040.
I mean, pretty soon, people with the highest IQ
By 2095, I guess the highest IQs will be like 84 points.
I mean, I think it's already happened.
It's like... The average is 88 now.
And the average used to be 100.
I mean, I laugh at this.
Because every time I'm on a show and I say IQs have dropped, people like comment, you know, later when I see it on YouTube, like, IQ's going up!
And people go, or they go, well doesn't that argue for eugenics?
And I go, this isn't even the eugenics they said.
That's for the general public, where you kill the dumb people and then breed the smart people.
They're actually trying to kill and dumb down the smart people.
And in the next phase, they're going to use the horde of dumb people to help take us out.
And then they're going to kill them.
And they go, I like money.
He's talking like a... I mean, they just don't even get it.
That's scary.
Christy, real fast, go through your questions.
I'm going to go to overdrive, and I promise I'm going to Nathan, Mike, and Stephen, or I'm going to just get really angry at myself right now.
Go ahead, Christy.
All right, Alex.
Okay, so this one came from Twitter.
It says, hi, Alex.
Will there be Liberty drones at Bilderberg Conference?
You know, we thought about it.
Everybody's like, hey, there's a canal you can use to swim in.
We thought of that.
We just want to get photos and video.
It's not like we want to sneak in to stare at all the old, rotting, devil-worshipping men.
Yeah, no kidding.
You know, and then expand it.
With food all over his face.
Yeah, get down to it, you coward.
You're the coward.
Absolutely, and yeah, I mean drones are an idea, but see, that would be terrorism.
Drones are for us, not for them.
They've stolen all the money, so it's for them.
Well, it would be cool if we got a 3D-printed drone in there, wouldn't that be cool?
Cody Wilson, get on that, right?
Alright, is Bilderberg Group merging with machines, and will they merge their DNA with this terrestrial DNA?
We've discussed the whole merge of machines before now, I think the merging DNA is kind of a... Well, no, I mean, they think they're going to live forever.
It doesn't look like it's happening yet to me.
Right, no.
I mean, or maybe it is, because it looks like a reanimated dog turd.
Oh, God.
Alright, that's wrong.
That's wrong, and you're a lady, and I'm doing that here in front of you.
No, I think you're giving too much credit, actually.
By the way, that's at the Bilderberg Hotel.
That's video.
Paul Watson shot.
It is a human having its flesh eaten away as a machine grows over it.
A transhumanist nightmare.
And it's bending over, inviting Kissinger to.
Okay, Alex, have you ever thought about doing your own press conference at the same time the quote-unquote authorities do?
To psy-op it, if you will?
Not to psy-op it, but to... What do you mean, do my own press conference?
You know, like, when they did the... I don't know, just a big press conference.
This is just the question, really.
If they do a big press conference... Well, I mean, I've done press conferences before and had some media show up, but you want to crash their press conferences because the so-called media is a bunch of repeaters.
They only do what they're told, and so they show up when the government snaps its fingers.
Like that clip, I don't know if you guys have it, but they had 20 different news things and it says, all of them, according to Economic Crisis, the Easter Bunny won't have a spring in his step, something like that.
And 20 people, just different stations, over and over and over and over.
The Easter Bunny is a coward.
We're back to Easter Bunny is a coward.
Hey, hold on, I remember that.
Who's that group that goes in and poses as corporate guys?
It's like on HBO.
I don't know.
I just thought of Economic Crisis.
What's that called?
It's called the...
Something men.
Yeah, I know, I've seen that, yeah.
And you're not joking about Easter bunnies.
They'll call a press conference, have mainstream media show up and go, the Easter bunny is your friend today.
They go, headline, Easter bunny, because they're trained.
See, so much of the media is not even a conspiracy.
They're dumb.
Yeah, repetitive.
By the way, get the magazine.
It'll sell out.
Most of our issues do.
The Bilderberg double cover issue.
Thank you so much, Christy.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.
All right, we're going to come back in overdrive and go to your phone calls.
And if your station doesn't carry it, InfoWars.com forward slash show.
And the next time you hear me, I'll be in England.
Bilderberg coverage starts now.
No, don't squeeze, only gently.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're into overdrive, ladies and gentlemen, on this Friday transmission.
I, uh...
I don't usually smack my lips like that on air.
Let's go to your phone calls right now, and I got some Bilderberg announcements I gotta make that I didn't make, and a UN story I didn't cover, and... I got a long way to go and a short time to get there, so I'll be sure and perseverate as long as possible.
Uh, let's talk to Nathan, then we'll go to Mike and Steven.
Uh, Nathan in Britannia.
I'll be on.
Uh, you say you're going to Bilderberg, or are you going to Bilderberg?
Yeah, of course I'm going to Bilderberg.
Well done, Lord Vader.
Uh, hello there.
You have been serving me well, sir.
Uh, you know, the largest religion in England now is Jedi.
Yeah, I know, like, some internet partition went around years ago, and everyone signed it, and it was a big thing around here a few years ago.
Um, but anyway, about this Bilderberg, with the, uh, council,
With the local council making a faff around about all this festival, do you think they're actually intentionally trying to cause trouble?
As in, causing issues with everyone going to be there.
Do you think that's part of the plan as well?
And if you consider the Woolwich thing as well, that just seems a bit too close to comfort for this Bilderberg.
So it seems like they're almost trying to set the scene up
Sure, sure, here's the deal, here's the deal.
They don't want attention on this, but they also love to control everything.
So those two things are conflicting.
I don't think they're doing this on purpose, trying to make it blow up in their face politically, but you've got me showing up, David Icke, members of UKIP,
They're going to do whatever they can to stop parking, stop anybody getting into it, but there will be volunteers out there that are shuttling people back and forth.
They're not going to stop anybody.
Everybody's just got to converge on this hotel as Citizen Press and Twitter and Facebook and expose the globalists and shoot your own YouTube videos and show the police!
You know, acting like you've done something wrong, walking down the street.
Excuse me, may I put you in a database?
And I go, can I put you in a database?
You know, in your extremist database?
I'm here to cover these criminals that I'm paying for, for tax money, for you to surround and act like we're planning something.
And they're not going to be able to stop everybody.
And I can't wait for the cops when I get there to come up and say, excuse me, did you see the license information?
I'll go, you know full well I'm Alex Jones.
And then I'm here.
Needless to say, I need to see the ID.
And I'll have it all on video.
So, this is all about you dominating.
And as soon as I do this, it'll be the continuum of domination, just like TSA's taking the hands down the pants.
Maybe that's the new submission.
Not tipping the hat, but you get to do a proctology exam on me.
And I'm just going to sit there and illustrate how out of control they are.
And again, if they would have just played it safe, had private security up front, kept people out, it wouldn't have been a big event.
But now, they'll have such a need to demonize protesters that they'll probably provocateur something.
But they don't do it in a vacuum.
We'll expose it.
I mean, everybody knows the FBI went and executed this witness to the government bombing.
Everybody knows they killed these FBI agents that were witnesses.
I mean, they're just killing everybody in public.
It's not working anymore.
And so they'll just keep doing what they're doing.
This is how the Soviet Union fell.
So, I mean, they're going to continue waddling around, you know, with psychological and psychic snot dripping out of their noses.
Speaking of snot dripping out of the noses, God bless you sir, hope to meet you when I'm there.
We have Henry Kissinger here with us.
Henry Kissinger, will you please... I was delayed.
You were delayed?
Why were you delayed, sir?
I was dealing with a coward.
Let me ask you a question, Henry.
You know, you didn't ten years ago when they arrested Pinochet in London, you cancelled going to a globalist conference then, because you're a wanted war criminal all over the world.
Are you planning to go to this event?
I'll be there.
I'll be on it, like a hobo on a ham sandwich.
Ha ha ha!
Alright, that's not Emmy Kressinger, ladies and gentlemen.
That's someone far more wicked.
Alright, we'll be back with the conclusion of the Worldwide Transmission with Mike in Missouri and Steven in Arizona.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Yeah, it's been approved in the Senate.
Looks like it's going to pass the House.
Background checks for ammo in the Soviet collective of California.
I'm sure that'll stop the criminals from having any ammo.
The power to track is the power to ban.
The power to tax is the power to destroy.
That's exactly what they're doing with Obamacare and selective taxation.
More and more I realize it is the patriotic duty of Americans to...
Not pay as many taxes as you can, fight every ticket, everything.
Because none of it is designed to ever pay for the government.
It's all designed to bankrupt the country.
There's no amount of tickets you can write, cops.
No amount of revenue that'll ever pay for any of it.
You notice as the revenue goes up, everything implodes.
Because it's all siphoned out of the country.
Oh man, that's a bummer.
I'm going to be out of town in England.
Somebody who I really like is coming to town and wants to hang out.
All work and no play makes Jack insane.
Let's go to your phone calls you've been holding long enough.
Mark in Missouri, you're on the air.
Go ahead, sir.
Mike, you're on the air.
I'm sorry, Mike.
Okay, well that's okay.
Thanks a lot for having me, Alex.
I just want to thank God for opening my eyes.
That's the first thing I would like to say.
You don't want to thank fluoride for all it's done for you?
No, but I recently woke up and I can understand the frustration that you have with people.
You know, just when you wake up, it's kind of hard when you have people around you who are still asleep.
It's kind of frustrating.
It drives you crazy.
And I just had a question.
I mean, with my eyes open, I'm seeing everything progress, and I'm seeing everything taking form, taking shape.
I've just started reading the Bible, thank God, and I'm seeing all this laid on the table.
When do you think the actual collapse will happen?
Well, son, you're not going to have to worry about that because they're coming out with an anti-stress vaccine that evidence shows they put in some of the H1N1 as a test that actually eats the area of the brain that makes you have concern.
You're not going to feel any more pain, son, very soon.
How's that sound?
No, no, I'm not even being sarcastic.
I'm trying to just point out we're under chemical biological attack.
I don't know the hour of the day of this madness.
I almost wish they'd just accelerate it, because then we could really try to do something.
They're just creepily, creeping along, slicing us all up, and packaging all the evil things they do as if it's the best thing since, you know, mother's milk.
And it's just a general madness.
And what it is, is evil, corrupt people always make excuses for what they're doing, or claim there's some Machiavellian in justifies the means, and that's not the case.
And I just cannot believe the fantastic phantasm of a system I am just flabbergasted and flummoxed by the fiery frustration of the frivolous frivolity frothing forth.
And I just want to try to get people to wake up and get out of their coma.
That's all I'm really trying to do.
I don't have all the answers.
I don't know what to do.
I just know...
So there's your answer, sir.
I'm not going to be sarcastic.
You're a very touching caller and I don't know.
What do you think about what's happening?
Here's the deal.
Either things get crazy corrupt and people wake up and say no, as an organic awakening at a spiritual level,
Or, and this has happened a lot in history, and the system knows that, or they screw up everybody's compass so bad that we just kind of accept the craziness, and at the point we've reached in history, in the decadence, if it goes any further without being reversed, it will fall into Night on Bald Mountain, where every evil is released.
I mean, what do you think?
I personally think, because I was considered a person, I was supposed to be incarcerated somewhere.
I was supposed to be trapped in some ghetto somewhere, but I managed to get out of that.
I actually walked around with anger, but didn't even know why until I found out about my heritage.
I didn't know anything about my culture because of when I was taught at school, and my mom never really gave me the information.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, sir!
The Justice Department says saying mother, father, male or female is a hate crime.
We don't want to get shut down by the FCC.
Bill O'Reilly's already been talking bad about us.
And I'm not joking.
The article's on InfoWars.com.
The Justice Department says use of husband and wife is considered hate speech.
Well, you know, when you said mother, that's hateful as well.
Okay, so do you want to apologize for that right now?
I will not, and I will not participate in the psycho games, the psychology 101 basic.
You don't even have to have a college degree to understand it.
Once you see through that, all the psych warfare, then you get down to the meat and bones of it, which is devil, God, there's a war.
Oh my gosh, this is so extreme right now.
Sir, what is wrong with the Justice Department threatening to arrest pro-lifers if they don't tell them their prayers?
I mean, the government is supposed to know your prayers.
I don't agree.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
I was a bad parent, let's say.
But I didn't know any better until I woke up.
Good job.
And I changed everything in my life.
I changed everything.
Now, I expected everybody to change with me, but now I'm coming to the conclusion and the understanding that everybody won't change.
I've just come to understanding that since I progressed,
It doesn't mean necessarily that everybody around me will, but I can only lead by example, but sometimes it drives you crazy because you'll see that 1 plus 1 equals 2, but to them it's 4, 5, 6, maybe 2, maybe 3.
And that is the realistic, the real reality of what we're living in.
And I truly, truly think this is basically a war against evil and good.
I agree with you, and then evil will call good bad, and it's amazing what they've done to us.
God bless you, Mike, and I'm sorry I was being sarcastic.
I do that sometimes when I'm particularly, not even so much exhausted.
I think it is exhaustion.
Because I get in here and I read like a hundred different articles, and when I'm at home and I get here and there's stacks of all this news, and I'm just like, what?
I mean, it's like, how much worse does it have to get before it gets better?
And I think it comes down to the fact that, thank God, you know, you were being led astray by corruption and all the brainwashing, but then you still had enough spirit and soul and intellect in you to get out of it.
And it's like if there's any little peak of light, we can find our way out of this thing.
And so that's why it's important for all of us that are out there to wake up others.
And it doesn't mean we've got all the answers or we're perfect either.
But man, we know we're going in the wrong direction.
And that's the bottom line there.
Great point.
Steven in Arizona, you're on the air.
Yes, Alex Jones?
Hey, how you doing?
Can I tell you something?
I'm concerned about, like, you know how you said the Justice Department was targeting conservative groups?
Guess who else is being targeted by the Justice Department?
Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
Oh, I know.
They're trying to put him in jail because he enforces the law in his area.
I don't think Joe's perfect, but I mean, I think he's a little bit...
A little bit of a goofball, but I mean, sometimes that's good compared to... Yes, the gun-running Justice Department is going after Sheriff Opaio because he arrests the illegals when they commit crimes.
And everywhere else, the illegals are basically let go or slapped on the wrist because they are illegal.
Well, then why don't I just stop complying with everything?
See, only the criminals in the government, the UN, and the illegals... Everybody that's a lawbreaker can do whatever they want, basically.
And then anybody that actually tries to follow the law, we're all penalized.
Well, when there's tyranny, rebellion is absolutely what is needed.
It is duty.
When the law is tyranny, rebellion is duty.
And I'm rebelling by resisting and speaking out.
But go ahead and talk about Arpaio.
You're calling from Arizona.
You're saying you will be at Bilderberg?
I see that on the screen.
Yes, I will be at Bilderberg.
I'll try to get there.
Good job.
I love you, Alex.
You're my friend.
You're my friend as well.
Now let's drink some fluoride together.
No way!
I kind of appreciate your call.
I keep doing this fluoride thing.
I keep overdoing it.
What happens is... What happens is... I'm just coming to grips with the fact that Obama actually cares about me.
Uh-oh, we have Henry Kissinger back.
I'm your new band leader, Henry Kissinger.
What do you want to hear?
No, do not squeeze, only tickle!
Hold on, let me read this here.
Obama to sign international gun control treaty on June 3rd.
By the way, that's a rip-off of a Joe Rogan bit he does on Schwarzenegger.
Continuing on, June 3rd, President Barack Obama will sign the U.N.
Arms Treaty, ATT.
The ATT passed in the U.N.'
's General Assembly to a 153 to 4 vote April 2nd.
The treaty is ostensibly aimed at putting an end to gun trafficking across international boundaries.
And both Breitbart News and the NRA have argued that it will eventually require an international gun registry in order to be enforceable.
The AT&T also provides, and it goes through Obama making the announcement, that he's planning to sign that.
So there you go.
Congress says they won't ratify it.
They failed in the Senate.
But it's like, who needs a stinking Senate?
I mean, who does?
All right, listen, Bilderberg, next time you hear from me on the radio, I would have either made it on the airplane to go to England or I wouldn't have.
But regardless, people are going to be there.
I'm going unless they stop me.
Bilderberg is covered at Infowars.com.
Hello, I'm Alex Jones.
Myself, my family, the InfoWars.com team want to relay to you and your families that we are intensifying our efforts against the globalists on every front.
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